#canon divergent fix-it fic
wangxianficrecs · 2 months
💙 Caught in 4k by KizuKatana
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🔒💙 Caught in 4k
by KizuKatana (@kizukatana)
E, Series, WIP, 184k, Wangxian
Summary: A night-hunt goes wrong, and Wei Wuxian is scapegoated for the death of the Jiang Sect Leader and the destroyed core of the Jiang Sect Heir. As punishment, his core is taken and given to Jiang Cheng, and he is stripped of his cultivation credentials and expelled from the sect. What everyone forgot was that Wei Wuxian was wearing the standard issue body camera that each cultivator wore on training missions and high-risk night-hunts. Struggling to make ends meet, Wei Wuxian finds his way to Caiyi Town with the doctor who performed the surgery, a partial core still secretly in place. His application to work at Cloud Recesses is summarily rejected by the hard-edged Second Jade of Lan after an unfortunate initial encounter. But things change when someone hacks into the Jiang systems and releases the footage of what happened. Kay's comments: The series is still a WIP, but the main story is complete! I am so weak for Kizu's modern AUs with cultivation, they are great. Especially the world building and how the cultivation society might function in a modern AU shines in this story. Definitely not a story for fans of the Jiang family, but a story for everyone who wants to see some retribution for the things Wei Wuxian went through. Here, Jiang Fengmian dies during a night-hunt accident where Jiang Cheng's golden core gets destroyed and Madam Yu makes Wei Wuxian give his golden core to him, unfortunately for her, his body-cam is still filming everything. Wei Wuxian finds himself taken in by Wen Qing and her family and we get the sweetest found family and Dadxian vibes here and then meets Lan Wangji as well, who's highly judgemental at first but soon finds himself drawn to Wei Wuxian as well. This story really got it all, the drama, the horny, the softness, the restitution & humor. Excerpt: Still Wei Wuxian forced himself to at least try one last time. “You could also interview me. Have me talk to your best talisman experts,” Wei Wuxian said, forcing himself to keep the desperation out of his voice. “Interviews are scheduled based on receipt of proper credentials and references.” “I don’t have any, at least not right now. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be a great teacher.” “No references, no interview.” “Come on. Look, ask me anything about talismans. You’re an experienced cultivator, right? So you must know enough to at least interview me to see if I know what I’m talking about.” “Simply ‘knowing about something’ is not sufficient. Our lecturers are renown cultivators, and masters in their fields. No references, no interview.” Wei Wuxian felt frustration well up in him, especially at the reminder that Lan Wangji didn’t see him as a cultivator. No one would, in his current condition. Why would they? He didn’t have a functional core, which was the main scale against which all cultivation efforts were measured. He thought he had done a good job of not getting his hopes up about the teaching position, but the suffocating feeling constricting his chest was calling him out for being a liar. He should have known better. Why did he never learn? Some people had luck on their said, but Wei Wuxian had never been one of them. “Right. Of course. Because it would be impossible for someone who wasn’t born to the fucking clan nobility to ever actually be good at something, and the cost of taking the mastery test makes sure that other people can’t do it!” Lan Wangji’s lips parted slightly, like he might say something, but his expression was as opaque and emotionless as before. Wei Wuxian didn’t need to sit around and listen to him defend the clan system. “Good to know that the Lan are just the same as all the other sects,” Wei Wuxian continued, his lips twisting into a sarcastic smile. “Thanks for making that clear.”
pov alternating, modern setting, modern with magic, yu ziyuan being an asshole, dysfunctional jiang family, jiang family bashing, canon divergence, golden core reveal, burial mounds ensemble as family, golden core transfer, golden core transfer fix-it, top lan wangji/bottom wei wuxian, dual cultivation, strangers to lovers, misunderstandings, meet ugly, families of choice, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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1. “You think you’re the only one who can find a date?” Geto paused his inspection of himself to meet Gojo's gaze in the mirror. “Ah, no, sorry. You don't go on dates. You have to know the other person's name for it to count as a date.”
Behind the near black of his sunglasses, Gojo’s eyes widened with exaggerated offense.
“You can’t slut shame anymore, Suguru. It’s 2010,” Gojo teased, as he flopped back on Geto’s bed.
“I’m not slut shaming you. I’m saying you’re not in a position to act like me going on a first date is a scandal."
Gojo tipped his head backwards and leveled Geto with an over-dramatic eye roll. 
He does that to make people notice how pretty his eyes are. 
“It’s not a scandal. It’s…”
Whatever Gojo thought it was was a mystery, because he was uncharacteristically lost for words. 
Despite what Gojo might accuse him of, Geto was not a sex negative person or a prude. 
He was just madly in love with his best-friend-slash-roommate, and every time Satoru stumbled home with his clothes rumpled and his hair fingered through, Geto felt like burning Tokyo to the ground.
It was all the unhinged, unrealistic pining that led Geto to make this plan in the first place.
The Plan: Geto was going to get over his straight, no-strings-sex-only, relationship-phobic best friend.
Step One of The Plan: Find literally anyone else in the entire world that he could think about kissing without wanting to die.
- - - - Read more cut - - - -
A month earlier, he’d gone so far as to get a guy’s phone number. He’d popped into a café after a particularly foul curse he’d absorbed – hoping to wash the taste out of his mouth with tea and a pastry – and the barista had such a stark white shock of messy hair that Geto had done a doubletake to make sure Gojo wasn’t fucking around in a coffee shop on some bizarre mission objective.
The barista had been, admittedly, extremely attractive. His hair was bleached, but it suited him, and he had pleasing, well-proportioned features. Working on pure adrenaline and determination, Geto had asked him for his number. The guy had turned beet red but managed to stutter out his info to Geto.
Almost as soon as Geto left the café, though, the little nits and snags started to pop up in his mind.
Obviously, the eyes were all wrong. The shyness wasn’t right. The smile. His voice. He wasn’t tall enough, and his hands didn’t have that same graceful strength.
It was a laundry list of how fake-Satoru was emphatically not Satoru.
Geto wasn’t even all the way down the block before he deleted the barista’s info from his phone.
Now Geto was on attempt number two: a first date with a man who in absolutely no way resembled Satoru Gojo.
His non-Gojo-ness was exactly what prompted Geto to ask the man at the train station for his number. Shota was short, burly, square-faced, and serious. Geto had only clocked the man’s interest by the overly long looks he’d shot him.
At least I'm good at reading people…
“Hey, you should bring her back here,” Gojo said – pulling Geto’s attention back to the present. “We can watch that new horror movie. Human Earthworm.”
…unlike my oblivious best friend.
“Are you seriously asking to be the third wheel on my date?”
Gojo’s face was upside down - his head practically hanging off the end of Geto’s bed. The odd angle must have been what made Gojo’s smile look off.
“You worried she’ll be more interested in your hot roommate?”
Geto shot him an unamused look.
“I don’t know why anyone agrees to sleep with you,” Geto lied. “Your head’s so big, it seems like a crush risk.”
“They can tell I’m killer in bed,” Gojo smirked. “The risk is worth the reward.”
Geto turned away and pulled at the shirt he was wearing. He didn’t totally love it, but he also didn’t care as much as he should about impressing Shota.
It wasn’t as if Geto was about to fall in love with this train station stranger, but if he at least went through the motions, maybe his brain would get with the program and start considering non-Satoru people as potential romantic interests.
“But, seriously, Suguru,” Gojo said as he folded his hands under his head – making the hem of his shirt ride up. “What’s up with this date? I thought you weren’t into that sort of thing.”
Geto’s eyes drew immediately to the sliver of skin above the waistband of Gojo’s slim-fit black joggers. 
The peek of skin couldn’t have been more than an inch wide, but Geto could see twin ridges of definition. The visual set Geto’s mind racing, thinking about the rest of Gojo’s skin.
Damn him for having a nice body.
“I’m trying to make myself get into it,” Geto said, wholly distracted by seeing Gojo’s abs and trying to not let his body get worked up, as if he were still a horny highschooler.
“Ohhh,” Gojo replied, his tone brightening. “I get it.”
Geto’s stomach flopped over as Satoru sprang up.
Did I just out myself?
“What do you get?”
“Nothing,” Geto said with a toothy grin that implied otherwise. “But - just so you know - I like you the way you are, Suguru.”
The idiot part of Geto’s heart – i.e., the whole of it – thumped hopefully.
“If you don’t want to date anyone, don’t date anyone,” Gojo added, cheerily. “I won’t let anyone talk shit about my best friend. I mean, who cares if you’re a virgin?”
Geto’s idiot heart plopped down into his stomach.
Gojo thought he was a crotchety prude who’d rather spend his whole life celibate than have any fun, and he still definitely had Geto squarely in the friend zone.
Obviously you’re in the friendzone, you idiot. He’s straight.
(Complete fic on AO3)
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aziraphales-library · 1 month
Hello! Ever since finishing season 2 of GO I have not been able to recover from THAT scene…any fics where the kiss scene is rewritten? Thank you!!!
Hi! Here are some fix-its for the kiss scene...
Do It Again by NudgeYourHeart (G)
A hand pressed into Crowley’s back before be could stop himself, pressing deeper into the kiss, wishing and hoping and begging this wouldn’t end, this couldn’t end- And Crowley pulled away. A fleeting touch. One Aziraphale already missed with such deepness that he felt words creeping up his throat, words he didn’t think he should say but knew he had to. Maybe he did have a choice. “Do it again.” — In which Aziraphale says what he wanted to say
please, let this last forever by actualchangeling (G)
Crowley should most definitely leave. But. There's always a but with him, with them, and he wouldn't have it any other way, no matter how badly it hurts. For six thousand years, Crowley has admitted defeat time after time, facing desperation and disappointment alike, and even if it ends like this, he would do it all over again. - (or: Crowley turns around and doesn't walk away after their kiss)
And I Know I've Kissed You Before, But I didn't Do It RIght (Can I Try Again?) by sat_rn (T)
“We've known each other a long time. We've been on this planet for a long time. I mean, you and me. I could always rely on you. You could always rely on me. We're a team, a group. Group of the two of us. And we've spent our existence pretending that we aren't. And I…” He grunted, fighting against his own resistance. “I would like… I would love to spend the rest of my existence with you.” --- Season 2 Finale Fix-It because it made me so distressed I cannot stop thinking about it i am SICK over these gaybos.
A Version Where He Doesn't Go Back to Heaven by Terraific (G)
“Crowley…I…” The words still weren’t coming, and a sob poured forth. “I…I can’t…” ‘Can’t what…can’t WHAT?’ Crowley thought, squeezing him closer, fisting at his coat.
It has always been US by MetalMiez (G)
What if Crowley stopped time during the Confession Scene in the final fifteen, to say what he really wanted to say?
Sober Thoughts by Pink_October_Bones (G)
Aziraphale and Crowley are complete when they're together. Everything's right, and fine, and it doesn't have to be anything else for it to be perfect. Now that they can express that in more ways than just friendly affections, they discuss the reasons they fell in love with one another. And why they'll keep on falling, for the rest of their eternities. OR “When did’jou first fall in love with me?” Crowley asked.
- Mod D
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steddieunderdogfics · 1 month
For the time travel/time loop fic recs: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54162271/chapters/137139502
It’s a WIP so hopefully that’s okay, but it is a universe/time jumping AU that is SOOOO good. @thisapplepielife never misses!
All Across The Universe by thisapplepielife
Rating: Explicit
77,898 words, 8/16 chapters
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Tags: Post-Season/Series 04, Post-Stranger Things 4 Vol. 2, Canon Divergence, Steve Harrington-centric, Steve Harrington Needs a Hug, Eddie Munson Lives, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Tripping through history, Using real History but fictitiously, Tripping Through Time, Temporary Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, Wishes, Time Travel Fix-It, Time Travel, Time slip, Blundering Through History, Time Keeps On Slipping Slipping Slipping Into The Future, Or Into The Past, Time Isn't Picky, Historical References, Historical Inaccuracy, Platonic Soulmates Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Gareth & Eddie Munson Are Best Friends, Minor Canonical Character(s), Revolving Door of Characters, Mixed Media
Steve Harrington knows this world isn't permanent. They never are. He blinks into existence, brand new and disoriented. He might not know where he is, or when, but he knows he's searching for something, for someone, as he's called on and on, all across the universe. He always finds him. Eddie.
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Theme Weekend. The theme this weekend is Time Loops & Time Travel.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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ficfinder-general · 6 months
Heyo I have a very broad ask that I, myself cannot properly find
Just Ahsoka being Obi-wans padawan with codywan on the side
Cody and Ahsoka being besties is also greatly appreciated
I'm so so sorry about the late reply, I totally forgot about this ask, it was buried in my drafts. I can't recall many fics like this, but I've been trying to put together a tiny list.
Ahsoka as Obi-Wan's padawan
Handle with care by K_R_Closson - Qui-Gon survives & Stewjoni have wings in this AU, which makes for some interesting worldbuilding. BUT to be fair, this is more codywan with taking Ahsoka as a padawan on the side but it does happen this also happens later on, so minor spoiler alert Rated M (mostly for language, though, if I recall correctly), 75k, completed, fix-it
Bitter Dregs by Livsy - AU in which Anakin goes undercover during the Rako Hardeen arc. Ahsoka and Obi-Wan grieve and try to move on. Bonus small moment between Ahsoka and Cody, 5.6k long one shot
Alpha-17 Would Like A Fucking Break by BitterChocolateStars (@bitter-chocolate-stars) another AU in which Qui-Gon survived. It's told from Alpha-17's POV which makes it h i l a r i o u s but also both codywan and Ahsoka-as-Obi-Wan's-padawan are on the side. 15k long one shot, fix-it.
Careless to let it fall by Artemisdesari - This one is ongoing and pretty long already (140k atm!), and to be perfectly honest, I haven't read all of it yet, but I like it so far, and Ahsoka does become Obi-Wan's padawan :)
Cody & Ahsoka
At cuyir payt nor'be by onepageatatime715 - a ficlet, Ahsoka is looking for Obi-Wan but finds Cody, very sweet :)
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A digital piece from 2021 done for a DCBB season 15 fix it fic. This is Cas pulling Dean’s ass off that damn rebar 🥲🥲🥲🥲 Lots I would change about this now, but I still love the highlight of Cas’ face.
Wish I had more patience for digital works — my setup sucks 😂
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The problem with big fandoms (using "problem" in a very loose sense here) is that it's really hard to stumble across the weird niche undertagged stuff when its being buried in five million coffee shop/royalty/high school/soulmate aus. If there are 150 works in the tag total you can look through very quickly and find anything that appeals to you. When there are over a million it is much harder to do that.
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youchangedmedestiel · 2 months
Chapters: 3/3
Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 5,187
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jack Kline
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Post-Canon Fix-It, Everybody Lives, Jack Kline is Not God, Saileen Mentioned, Domesticity in the Men of Letters Bunker (Supernatural), Castiel in the Men of Letters Bunker (Supernatural), Established Relationship, Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Kissing, Boys Kissing, Neck Kissing, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Attempt at Humor, Deansturbation, Masturbation, Teasing, they are so gone for each other, They try to resist it though, because of that silly game they are playing, Smut, Two Endings, Don't be afraid to tell which one you prefer
Dean and Cas waited 12 years to finally be together. So, they think they can resist each other, but do they? (Please, read the notes at the beginning for better understanding)
I got this idea from this pic (coming from this post on x): 
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the-acid-pear · 3 months
Honestly something I'd love to see in a fanfic is exploring the what if Dave had actually found Henry's tapes. I saw only one fic tap on the possibility and it was just a one-shot mostly focused on Dave being comforted (for the record: it was good, I liked it) but I'd love to read or hell even see a more in depth exploration of the concept.
I want to see purps world be torn apart brick by brick in real time I want to see him go thru the stages of grief I want to see the anger the denial the bargain until he reaches the acceptance and is faced with the fact that he lost his main driving force, since this whole Freddy's thing he was doing for Henry, so what now?
I'd love to see him find a new reason to keep going and I'd love to see him getting the opportunity to heal 👍👍👍
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wangxianficrecs · 2 months
as it should be by Sienne
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as it should be
by Sienne (@sienne-k)
T, <1k, Wangxian
Part of Exploring Tropes: Time Travel
Summary: Post-canon Lan Qiren time travels to before the Cloud Recesses lectures. The Cloud Recesses are quiet and peaceful, something his home hasn't been in years. ...In fact, it is too quiet and peaceful. Kay's comments: This story made me cackle. Just. The thought of Lan Qiren taking off to Lotus Pier randomly and just straight-up kidnapping Wei Wuxian so that he can get his nephew-in-law as soon as possible. The added fanart was also really well-done! Super funny! Excerpt: He decides to do his lonely younger nephew a favor (and himself, but that part he won't admit to) and gift him his future husband early. It does not matter that they have not met yet - he knows how their story goes, and if he can save Wangji over a decade of suffering, then by gods he will do it. If Lan Qiren himself gets a very inventive, engaging and intelligent research partner cum nephew-in-law earlier, all the better. If he gets a grandchild early, or - heavens, what joy it would be! - a few grandchildren, then he will not complain, certainly. So he informs those who need to know that he will be unavailable for a day or two - he does not foresee any complications that would warrant a longer absence - and leaves for Lotus Pier.
pov lan qiren, canon divergence, time travel, time travel fix-it, crack, humor, kidnapping, lotus pier, drabble, fanart
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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Good Omens Fic Rec: Such Devotion of the Heart
After Aziraphale returns from Edinburgh (end of S2 Ep4), a mysterious downpour from above sends Crowley back into the shelter of the bookshop, forcing him to look into his angel's eyes and attempt to admit that they are made for each other. But, the course of true love never did run smooth. Hijinks and vavoom-ing and angst ensue through the Season 2 canon and beyond. ... Aziraphale turns around. Crowley’s glasses are off and his eyes are blown wide with something like an answering craving to Aziraphale’s own. And also fear. Definitely fear. “Right. Ok. Mmmm. I think it’s now or never, angel.” Aziraphale can only stare. But Crowley seems to be waiting for an answer, for permission to proceed. They stand there together, their gazes locked, on the edge of the precipice they’ve been dancing along for 6,000 years. Water still drips from the hems of Crowley’s clothes and onto the floor in a quiet, hypnotic rhythm. Aziraphale manages to take a shaky breath. And then he nods.
Length: 42,109 words
AO3 Rating: Explicit / Spice Level 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Best for: Mostly Safe in Public, After Dark, Post S2, Pick-me-up
Triggers: None
Read it here, fic by Zin_Lynn
*Minor Spoilers* This story imagines that Season 2 is not an angst-filled emotional rollercoaster, but instead has our entities confessing their love at the end of episode 4. I had a lot of fun with this one! It is the ultimate "fix-it" fic filled with tenderness and humor.
Muriel and Gabriel decide to conduct their own va-voom experiment, aiming to make Aziraphale and Crowley fall in love. They might have already beaten the experiment to the punch, but it does pave the way for them to talk. Which of course paves the way for oh so many kisses. Their coming together is soft, romantic, full of laughter and love. Like full on warm and fuzzies
But here's the thing, they still have an amnesiac archangel, a horde of demons sent from Hell, and the voice of God to deal with. I had a lot of fun seeing how this story handled those events. Particularly with how Aziraphale finally stands up for himself and takes a stand against Heaven. I love that bastard! At the end of the day, the group of the two of them is stronger than anything that wishes to harm them.
Borders between mostly safe in public and after dark. There's a handful of sex scenes, but they aren't extremely explicit so this will be up to your comfort level with explicit scenes in public. This was quite a heartwarming and feel good post season 2 story! Very low on angst, practically none, so this is a good pick me up. Sure to unbreak your heart (for a little while anyway)
Read it here, fic by Zin_Lynn
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ghostdrinkssoup · 1 year
it’s crazy how much hannibal suits canon compliant fics that either change one key detail or diverge in some minor way between seasons and how that deviation radically changes everything while also maintaining echoes of canon scenes, only now they exist within a new context. I’ve seen so many fics like that and they’re all so cool because they honour canon while also using our knowledge of the story to rework certain moments and change whole plot arcs. it’s amazing what people come up with
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steddieunderdogfics · 1 month
For the time travel/time loops challenge I'd like to submit the anniversary edition of Times Like These by Hbyrde!
FANTASTIC fic and I've been in love with it since I first read the summary. Only one chapter left! 🥰
Times Like These (The Anniversary Edition) by Hbyrde
Rating: Explicit
70,686 words, 12/13 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Time Loop, POV Eddie Munson, Temporary Character Death, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Gay Eddie Munson, Bisexual Steve Harrington, First Kiss, Feelings Realization, Love Confessions, Sharing a Bed, Mutual Pining, Minor Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham, Idiots in Love, Misunderstandings, Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson Lives, Chrissy Cunningham Lives, Eventual Smut, Happy Ending
When Eddie finds himself back in his living room, staring down a very alive Chrissy Cunningham, after just having bled to death himself in the middle of a nightmare world, he was rightfully very, very fucking confused. Or What happens when the new guy, who only just got inducted into the fucked up world of monsters and mayhem, gets stuck in a time loop and finds himself responsible for saving everyone?
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Theme Weekend. The theme this weekend is Time Loops & Time Travel.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 2 months
do you know of any fics that exist in an au we’re the s4 breakup never happened? like blaine hanging out in the loft with rachel santana and kurt while he was still at mckinley in s4.
From a previous ask, where Blaine didn't cheat in season 4, we have these three below. However, most writers tend to follow canon that they broke up for some reason in season 4. ~Jen
The Secret About Blaine’s Cheating byMadPie
After reading everything I could possibly find, this is what I think actually think Blaine did that night with Eli, and this is how I believe how Kurt will find out.
Loneliness Found Me by  CoffeeAddict80
Instead of cheating on Kurt, Blaine finds himself singing about his feelings to what he thinks is an empty auditorium.
Exhibit McKinley by @tonks42
AU Season 4. Living so far apart from NYADA student Kurt, Blaine decides to send his boyfriend a series of letters and objects to chronicle his senior year.
The Air in My Lungs By JButler
Kurt wasn't trying to be perfect, just honest.
Check the Season 4 tag for fix it fics.
Scenes During the Break Upby misqueue
A collection of vignettes set in season 4 across the time in which Kurt and Blaine are broken up. Not in chronological order. For the Klaine Advent 2013 challenge. Stories are consistent with my The Architects of Life canon ‘verse.
Note: Many of the stories have the friends-with-benefits tag.
There are lots of season 4 fics where Blaine hangs out with the newbies, Sam, Tina and Artie when they are split - Killerqueen80 on AOS writes some great stories.
Glee Gen Fictlet #2 Graduation Party By Killerqueen80
The remaining four seniors plan a graduation party, all of new ND and some of the graduates who have helped them at competitions and such are invited to attend. it ends up being biota 2.0. basically just shenanigans with former grads witnessing the drama free family dynamic the current seniors helped create.
If you want Blaine hanging with Kurt, Rachel and Santana, here are some that are set in season 5.
Drunk on You by flaming_muse
It takes Kurt three times to fit his key in the lock of the apartment’s door, partly because Blaine is swaying heavily against his side, a warm, drunk weight keeping him off-balance, and partly because the alcohol in his own system is making the lock swim just enough in the plane of the door that he can’t quite catch it.
Bushwick futurefic, set within the next year or so, after Blaine’s graduation, no spoilers past 5x03
Bushwick Game Night by flaming_muse
Pictionary in the Bushwick loft is serious business.
Bushwick futurefic, set sometime in fall 2013, spoilers assumed through but not past 5x07 (“Puppet Master”)
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bingqiu-fanfics · 3 days
Words: 74,783 Summary: Standing on the edge of the Endless Abyss, Shen Yuan chooses to take the point deduction and die rather than shove Luo Binghe over the edge. What can the System do except engage the failsafe mode and restore the account of the original user? (or, Shen Yuan and Shen Jiu become trapped in the same body and are forced to cooperate in order to survive the plot and achieve their happy endings)
I really love the way that Shen Jiu is in this, his friendship with Shen Yuan and his character development in general are really well written and interesting without sweeping his shortcomings under the rug
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spearsndragons · 5 months
spearsndragons ao3 master list
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Elia dies and awakes on the day of her wedding. Armed with the memories of her previous life, she is determined not to let them come to pass. She will make the Seven Kingdoms regret they ever underestimated her.
In another part of the Red Keep, the Gods of Old Valyria send Rhaegar back in time to fix his wrongs and ensure the survival of House Targaryen. Rhaegar knows his madness and hubris led to the destruction of everything he loves and cares for. Never again.
— Hourglass
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Five years into King Rhaegar I's reign, the realm prospers under his progressive leadership. However, the same cannot be said for the king's family. Behind the walls of the Red Keep, Rhaegar grapples with his inner demons, and House Targaryen continues to be haunted by the war's tragic end.
Water magic resurfaces across the sea in the Golden Empire of Yi Ti for the first time in centuries with the arrival of the Emperor's new wife. She works to uncover the forgotten history of the world, only to realize that her own past refuses to be buried.
— Sunset Embers
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Everyone believes that Crown Princess Elia and her two young babes perished in the Mad King’s wildfire plot.
Fifteen years after the war, yet another mystery knight changes the course of history.
— Clean series
tumblr extras:
(clean au) Rhaegar’s Children
(clean au) Visenya’s support system
(clean au) the king & the matriach
you’re losing me rhaelia drabble
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