#cat owners also struggle to make sure their cat does not eat anything that they really shouldn't
trashyvanillabean · 4 months
So far we've seen Dan Feng in these (at least most likely unreliable) narratives as this imposing, stoic and regal figure.
What if he was just as unhinged, possibly even more unhinged, than even the Trailblazer?
Everybody has their quirks, from the wild to the mundane. What's Dan Feng's quirk?
Voluntarily poisoning himself (for experiments).
When he was just a young'un, one of the first things he did when he visited the Alchemy Commission was deliberately let a snake bite him just so he could experience the effects of the venom. He was forbidden from being left alone in the medicine cabinets without a supervisor.
When Baiheng first visited Dan Feng for a lunch between actual friends, the sheer volume of her panicked screams would make you think she happened across a dead body. And of course she would scream at the sight of the nearly dead body of the Luofu's High Elder, keeled over on the floor just barely breathing from the poison in his lunch because he refused a food tester. And then she finds out Dan Feng knew his lunch was poisoned, and wanted to guess what kind of poison it was.
When it happened in front of Jingliu, she punched Dan Feng in the stomach hard enough to make him puke it all back up and carried him all the way to the Alchemy Commission.
Yingxing once went on a peaceful walk with Dan Feng in Fyxestroll Garden and listened to Dan Feng talk about botany and plants he recognized. (Haha, he's nerdy~)
He turns his head just for a moment to really appreciate some water lilies and lotuses; and when he returns his attention, Dan Feng is chewing on something.
Neither of them brought food.
Yingxing: "What are you eating?"
Dan Feng freezes like a cat caught in 4K.
Yingxing looks behind him and notices another brightly (and quite dangerously) colored flower bushes.
Not too long ago, Dan Feng was quite excitedly rambling about those specific flowers being poisonous:
Nausea and vomiting
Respiratory issues
High temperature
Rapid and irregular pulse
Possibly hallucinations
Dan Feng: 👀
Dan Feng flees at 15 meters per second so Yingxing can't catch him.
And despite his best efforts, including stationing a Cloud Knight in every nook and cranny hidden somewhere on the Luofu, Jing Yuan failed to account for the random potted plants in the Seat of Divine Foresight.
Not a single one of them is medicinal, let alone edible.
Oh dear.
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angxlofvenus · 10 months
hihi could i request something with the obey me characters with a mc that has a cat/their reactions to meeting their cat or just their pets in general?
Hi, Thank you so much for the request! As an owner to two cats myself, This was so much fun for me to write, I hope you have a great rest of your day/night :) Genre: Fluff ! Ship: The brothers/Side characters x reader (platonic Luke!) TW: cussing, Mentions of catnip, Eating catfood (Beel's section),
When You Own A Cat
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Well, this won’t do.
He has a very strict pet policy in the HoL but for you…He may twist his words a little
Will act cordial with your cat just because he doesn’t want to upset you but like
Luci is a dog person through and through so this may be a bit of an inner struggle
Here's the thing though, I don’t think he has ever really been around a cat before
So when he starts to warm up to your furry friend…He kind of relates to the cat 😭
Listen, I think Lucifer acts a lot like a cat, Hard to get close to, Will act better than you, etc, etc
Once he and your cat get close though? They are two peas in a pod- He’ll let the cat snuggle up to him when he isn’t busy. 
Ehhh, He isn’t too crazy either way about it, You got a cat, so what?
If y’all are dating, He’s gonna be a little clingy because he thinks the cat takes up too much of your attention in his opinion! 
Will definitely play with you’re cat though, no matter if he likes the animal or not, He finds your pet running after a laser/string hilarious!
May blame the cat for breaking things so that Lucifer doesn’t hang him from the ceiling…
Once he’s warmed up to your kitty though, They are thick as thieves
He will buy them any toy he thinks they’ll like, Will definitely buy some catnip (If you’re okay with it!) just for shits and giggles
A little skeptical at first,,, Of course you have such a normie pet!
In the beginning, He’s gonna be jealous (shocker, I know)
Can almost feel the envy coming off of him when your cat settles down in your lap
But when your cat starts to do the same things with him? Total 180°
He’s in Love! Will start watching cat-related animes and playing cat-related games
Will try to introduce them to Henry, Just don’t let them get too close…
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un-HOLLLYYY SHHHIITTTT, Y’all, the moment you have been waiting for-
Minds running a mile a minute, Looks just excited on the outside, but on the inside? Oh, He.is.SCREAMING
Will ask every question there is to ask, Name, Age, birthday, breed, personality
He may just kind of…Pick the cat up and leave with them after their first interaction
Your cat will become the most spoiled being in the Devildom, Your cat shall never want anything ever again, Satan will get them everything they want, no matter how hard it is to obtain
Your kitty will kind of get roped into a bond with Satan whether they want to or not, But let’s be honest, Your cat’s gonna love him seeing as he would kill for them
Awwwww, How cute!
As long as your cat doesn’t get into his stuff, They’ll also be instant besties
His camera roll really consists of 4 categories
Your cat
All three of y’all together
Will probably try to put your cat into some dumbass costume
Will buy your cat so many accessories, What do you mean they don’t need a bedazzled collar?! >:0
Snuggle buddies when you aren’t around, Yes, This does look as adorable as it sounds- 
Overall, He will love and pamper your cat all the time
Oh? You have a cat? That’s cool :) 
Loves to see how much joy they bring you, He loves seeing you happy no matter what
He has tried cat food before, both wet and dry and ain’t afraid to try it again…You should probably lock up the cat food just in case.
Will also play with your cat with like just some string, He thinks it’s cute :) 
Is honestly fascinated by your pet lowkey, He never knew how sleek most were! Is bamboozled by the whole, Landing-on-their-feet thing
They become friends pretty quickly I’d say, He makes sure to always be super gentle with them because he knows how much bigger he is than them (I am so mentally ill about him istg)
If your cat becomes interested in something he’s eating, He’ll give them a lil nibble (If it’s safe for that cat to consume ofc)
Buys a lil cat bed for his and Belphie's room, It stays at the foot of his bed 
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A cat? Ew, That sounds like responsibility
Indifferent at first, As long as he doesn’t have to really mess with it, He’s chill
But one day, He awakens abruptly (Unheard of) To your cat making biscuits on his cheek
Kiss your cat goodbye, It’s his now
Cuddle buddies, every day, all-day
Will put on those bird videos to play with your cat
The second brother I’m gonna say acts like a cat, He will literally catch himself mimicking the cat sometimes
They would so judge people together, Lucifer just entered the room their in? Side eye…
How sweet! He has zero qualms about your little friend
Another one that will buy pretty much everything for your cat, Y’all don’t even have to be close for him to do this, He just thinks of your cat as an extension of the exchange program, Therefor he buys them anything he thinks they need
Best of buddies when they get close to each other
Will some just walk around RAD with your kitty, Just showing them things, Will also ask for your cat's thoughts on laws in a kind of joking way, But he 100% will listen seriously if they decide to answer him with a meow
Doesn’t have a very strong opinion of your cat at first, He isn’t exactly a pet type of person seeing as he rarely has time for such things but in my humble opinion, I think most animals flock to this man like Snow White
Listen, This man is the definition altruistic person so I think Smaller creatures would find comfort in his presence, This is also why the Little D’s love him so much
Your cat will always look their best, Barb will trim their nails, take them to the vet, brush their fur and other things without you even having to ask
Once they become more acquainted, I can see him making some cat-safe baked treats for the kitty
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He thinks your cat is precious! Though at first will be worried about the small thing being in a place like the Devildom 
Him being an angel does change a few things, I think animals naturally flock to him as well just because of his angelic background so he and your cat are kind of just automatically BFF's 
He will always be up for loving on your cat, No matter how busy he is- He won’t ever turn down your kitty
Probably the first person you should ask to catsit, a close second being Barbatos
They will be partners in crime even if your cat doesn’t want that
Don’t be surprised if he starts to refer to your cat as his ‘Furry apprentice’ instead of their actual name
Takes photos of your cat, but only when he finds them in a stupid position
Another contender to buy them some catnip and just watch them go crazy
Once they have warmed up to eachother, He is gonna torment this cat 24/7 almost
A cat and a chihuahua, Natural enemies!
Jkjk but not really…
He doesn’t like how stuck up a lot of cats are but he thinks your’s is pretty cute
Will ask Simeon how to pet them correctly and treat them well because he cares!
After the first few weeks he actually really warms up to your kitty
Will always ask how their doing like they are a person, no matter what.
Doesn’t admit it but he really adores your cat :(
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changingplumbob · 5 months
New Goth Household: Chapter 3, Part 1
In this part Milton struggles with nightmares, the household discuss their Winterfest plans and there are cats eating on the table... Sorry if there are typos in here, I'm setting it up while watching a livestream of a cat birth way past when I'm normally awake.
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Back to Willow Creek for the holidays! I love how beautiful this lot looks when it snows. The Halloween decorations have been exchanged for some light up snowmen and inside some Winterfest wreaths have been hung. How awesome is it that this household (which includes a toddler) got spun for Winterfest! I’m not sure how much story will actually go on this chapter as my brain has trouble handling so many sims at once but I’ll give it my best shot.
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Joey is still here for now. He finished his computer science degree last rotation. Well, technically he failed the last course due to a bug that stops my sims progressing with their uni coursework but luckily for me cheats helped me get him his deserved grade. He took the time to do homework, did an excellent presentation and took notes every class so there’s no way he did not deserve to pass.
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Keira is in her final year of university, that biology degree will be complete in no time. Her girlfriend Marta works as a barista and spends time practicing on the piano outside their room. I have doubled the delay in skill building as it doesn’t make sense to me how some of my YA’s can have level 10 anything so we will see how that goes. Also, against my better judgement, I have increased how hard it is to build and maintain relationships as some of my sims maintain a full relationship bar by calling each other once a week. It’s helpful but probably not too realistic.
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And in the newly renovated third floor we have Gertrude and Hamlet. Hamlet is no longer a kitten but a young cat. Also I swear I’m a responsible pet owner and Gertrude is spayed, I don’t know why she’s still making calls of love to the universe…
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Newlyweds Alexander and James are adjusting to Alexander’s youngest brother Milton living with them. They tried offering him his own room but it didn’t take. After the death of his father and the disappearance of his mother Milton wanted to sleep where he could see Alexander. He is understandably having a few nightmares. It might make it difficult for the couple to have any kind of woohoo life but both Alexander and James are determined to put Milton first.
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Sure enough Milton wakes up early and distressed. Climbing out of bed he bursts into tears, waking the slumbering couple.
Milton: Father dead! Mummy is dead! I’m dead! *wails*
James: It’s alright Milton, you’re safe now
Milton: I a flat pancake *wails*
Alexander: I’m coming buddy. Tell me what happened
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Milton: Rock that killed daddy fell again and killed mummy
Alexander: It was just a dream Milton, we don’t know that she’s dead
Milton: Then rock roll to me and I try run but I not fast and rock squish me flat. I dead!
James: That sounds rather terrifying
Alexander: You’re awake now Milton. You’re alive, you’re safe. How about some breakfast huh
Milton: I... I can has cereal?
Alexander: Of course
Alexander scoops up his brother to carry him down the two flights of stairs.
Milton: Silas at daycare say he best brother but you best brother
Alexander: *laughs* You’re pretty good to buddy
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Joey: So glad the watcher decided to give us a thermostat
James: I’m pretty sure I decided that
Joey: Sure. And you decided to rip out all your fireplaces for fun
Keira: I don’t mind, I’m still afraid of fire
Joey: Because now, we live in a green neighbourhood, go us!
Marta: A what
Alexander: He means it’s clean
Marta: Why not just say clean then. You simlish speakers
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Alexander: I’m so hungry. I can’t wait to-
Hamlet: *meows* what’s this
James: Hamlet you really shouldn’t be on the table
Hamlet: *meows* bite me dad
Alexander: Okay I’m starving, why does he have to rub eating in my face
Marta: Why is he eating human food? Do you not feed him. As if it wasn’t bad enough that he wakes us up through walls
James: We have several bowls and litter trays all over the place
Alexander: Hamlet, leave some for me!
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Milton tucks into his cereal happily eating the nightmares away. Keira begins her homework while Alexander manages to wrestle a plate of fruit salad from Hamlet.
James: Hamlet you really should not eat human food. It’ll mess up your insides
Hamlet: *hisses* Fight me
Marta: Any Winterfest plans
Joey: I’ll probably head to Tartosa, spend time with my parents
Marta: Keira was thinking we would visit her family too, spend some time in the sun
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Milton: We have guests and presents
Alexander: That’s right. Cassandra and Rahul are going to visit with their kids
Milton: Savannah meanine
Alexander: She’s spirited Milton, just remember you’re older
Marta: I might see if there’s any odd jobs I can swing today. I told them I could cover weekends but that hasn’t worked out
Keira: Their loss
Marta: Thanks carino, good luck with the homework. Remember, almost done
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Alexander: I need to start on mine but I have to get rid of this awful goatee first
Keira: Oh it is you. I thought it was a sasquatch using your voice
Milton: Sass- sass… sass catch
Gertrude jumps on the table and begins to eat.
Alexander: What the heck. Gertrude, you’re meant to be the older responsible one
Gertrude looks at him and pats the fruit salad questioningly
Alexander: Food is not a toy
Milton: *babbles to self about toys*
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James: You all finished eating
Milton: Cereal good and Joey snuck me juice
James: Of course he did
Milton: What we do today uncle James
James: Well we need to get ready for Winterfest but you’re a bit small to help with that. How about a nice hot bath
Milton: With… bubbles?
James: *laughs* bubble bath it is. Up we go mate
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It was here that I completely gave up battling the action queue cancelling and had my run of testing mods. Bjorn was super excited to help (not). But back to the actual stars of this story. Alexander began to shave off the goatee while Marta did daily yoga. Joey heard back from the job agency and he scored a role as an Ace Engineer in the Tech Guru path. Since he wants to be a start-up genius rolling in simoleons when not rolling in the ladies he gets to work polishing off his mobile app.
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Milton has a wonderful time splashing in the bath. I can’t really see the bubbles but the moodlets assure me they are there. When he’s chucked a decent amount of water from the tub James gets him out and into his day clothes. Milton uses the potty since he’s near it while James works on cleaning up all the bathtub overflow.
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Milton: Good kitty cat, good kitty
James: Hey Milton, do you want to go play? I need to do more cleaning
Milton: By Alexander please
James: I think he’s in the library working on his project
Milton: Can I have lift uncle James
James: I suppose your legs are still very short. Okay, hold on tight
Milton: *giggles*
James: Special delivery, one prince of the bubble bath
Alexander: You do make a great parent sweets
Milton: Alexander play?
Alexander: I’m a bit busy now buddy, maybe later. I’m sure someone will have time though
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Gertrude takes the time to sharpen her claws on an especially plump ottoman while Milton decides to have a play with the toy cars.
James: And what do you think you’re doing
Gertrude: *meows* who me? Being a cat
James: There is a lot of old furniture in this house Gerty, we can’t just tear it all to shreds
Gertrude: *meows* pretty sure I can actually
James: Now where has Hamlet run off to
James finds Hamlet in the downstairs bathroom and negotiates him leaving the room so he can vacuum up the puddles from the broken sink. Hamlet begrudgingly agrees.
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Marta: Hey tesorito, you doing okay
Milton: Want to learn more before birthday
Marta: Oh, I can help with that. Shall we go over your numbers
Milton: Flashcards? Flashcards!
Marta: I can see you’re excited. Okay, what’s this one
Milton thinks and tries to peer around to the back of the card
Marta: Hey, no peeking
Milton: Mummy let me
Marta: Oh I doubt that very much
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Alexander tends to his homework after doing a draft of his presentation. Following a workout Keira goes to find Marta.
Keira: What do we have here
Marta: Cheating
Milton: I not cheat
Gertrude: *meows* he would if he could
Keira: You can’t learn if you cheat and peek buddy
Milton: Oh, I want to learn... so maybe I not peek
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Having enough of flashcards for now Milton heads to the dollhouse but he doesn’t want to play alone. Keira joins him and the two make up a life for the doll characters. Milton can’t old back his love of books forever though and soon asks Keira for a story. She gets one and begins to read but Milton is so excited to hear it that he won’t even sit down.
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Previous Part (York) ... Next Part
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blankenshipmclamb09 · 5 months
Assisting You Determine Pet Cats With These Easy Tips
cat litter mat Cats can make absolutely wonderful pet dogs. You must, however, recognize just how to properly look after them. It is not as straightforward as you may believe. This post is packed with useful pet cat care info and recommendations. Keep reading to learn several cat care ideas you can put on make certain that your sweet kitty takes pleasure in a healthy life. Create a cozy bed for an outdoor or feral pet cat by lining a banana box with a thick layer of newspaper. Cut a piece of Mylar to fit all-time low of the box. Put one more layer of newspaper on the top. Include a cozy covering. Place the whole box inside a pet dog home or under a patio where it can not get wet. Felines enjoy discovering little spaces to fit into. If they have a collar on, this can be harmful. The advantage to a breakaway type collar is that if sufficient stress is placed on it, it will just allow go as opposed to strangle the feline. A collar similar to this can save your pet cat's life. If you have outdoor cats, be sure to inhibit parasites such as coyotes, possums and raccoons by bringing pet cat food inside in the evening. Feed your pet cats very first thing in the early morning, as well as make certain there is no food left at nightfall. This will certainly keep your pet cats safe from attack and illness. If you locate you feline is hurting furniture or other items, it may be burnt out. Keep a few safe toys around for your feline to play with. Scratching blog posts can also prevent your cat from the ground up your furnishings. Or, construct a small pet cat residence out of cardboard. Your feline will like having a location to hide, and the cardboard can likewise be utilized to scratch on! Spraying the electrical cables in your home with a bitter apple solution assists maintain the felines from eating on them. If the cat likes to eat on cables, its finest to cover them as ideal you can. You can do this by packing them and tucking them in the cardboard rolls that are utilized for paper towels. Whenever you aren't making use of any type of slim, electronic cords, you should store them away. Make certain you have a good family pet carrier or basket for moving your cats from one place to the next. A proper carrier or basket ought to have sufficient room for them to turn about in pleasantly. It ought to additionally be simple to tidy. Make sure that it is lined with a blanket, padding, or towel to assist it stay comfy and comfortable for them when taking a trip. Use petting to examine your cat's wellness. Petting isn't just a means for you as well as your feline to spend time together, however it's a wonderful method to locate anything uncommon on their body. You can pet them to feel for bumps, lumps, or sores. This is likewise a blast for you to examine their ears. If your pet cat often tends to be antisocial and also nervous with firm, attempt giving it a catnip toy a couple of hours before company shows up. Numerous pet cats come to be very smooth when exposed to catnip. Also if your feline does not wish to socialize after catnip exposure, it will possibly be better as well as much less distressed. Do not allow your feline to stay tired all of the time. Similar to dogs, pet cats require play and exercise, also. In some cases, feline owners don't realize this. Bored cats can struggle with anxiety, extreme compulsive disorders, as well as other damaging concerns that can adversely affect their overall wellness and also wellness. Provide lots of space to exercise and also a large choices of toys. If your pet cat is an indoor pet cat, a feline tower or damaging post makes a perfect source of fun as well as workout. The can for your cat requires to be in a great place. The clutter box ought to not be maintained in a location with a great deal of website traffic. On top of that, it does not require to be near the feline's food. Additionally, do not make the blunder of placing it in a poorly-ventilated location, or the smell will certainly end up being overpowering. Your cat will certainly thank you. Comprehend your pet cat's noises. Meowing is a type of interaction, commonly for food or to obtain your interest. There are other noises, though. Hissing usually suggests fear or rage, so you should keep away. Felines likewise ensure sounds when they see prey. This commonly seems like a chirp. Purring may suggest contentment, yet sometimes it means nervousness. As discussed in the opening of this article, gave that you know just how to correctly look after them, cats make terrific animals. Research study every one of the details included in this article, as well as apply what you discover to guarantee that your favorite kitty enjoys a wonderful life. With a little effort you can be a purr-fect pet cat proprietor.
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bishiglomper · 7 months
Cannot sleeeeeep. Have to w h i i i i n e
Woke up to stabbies. Been getting these electrical stabs the last couple weeks. Figure its fibro. I dont see why it would be my new pill. But my body picks a spot and then it feels like im being STUNG. REPEATEDLY. Tonight its the opposite spot of my scar's location.
And i hear beeping. I think its bro's alarm. He does not wake up easily. If i tell him to turn it off, he will and go back to sleep.
And the nephew keeps turning on the hallway light.
And I'm obsessing over a niece issue.
Bong water has not been using a litterbox. They're upstairs, i think she just isn't going upstairs anymore.
Conversation with niece went like:
"I picked up 2 piles of poop from bong water last night."
"You can take her back to my apartment whenever you want"
"Are you going to be there?"
"If i bring a litterbox down, will you help me clean it?"
"I dont do the litterbox at MY house."
Bitch. You do not deserve a fucking cat. Or any pet. She killed her rats from neglect.
If i wasnt so against returning poor helpless furbabies to the shelter for insignificant reasons...........
But also we already have FOUR CATS. We were supposed to stop at Cinderbelle. But then Pantera, Pooka and Reno happened....
We cannot own another cat. It's already been a month. If the landlord notices... 😣 We've babysat other animals before but like i said its been a month. Niece doesnt seem to have plans for leaving either. I guess shes fine paying rent for an empty house and just sleeping on our couch forever. If we kick her out, she'll just couch surf. At least her boyfriend is in jail.....ffs
I barely have the executive function to clean MY cats litterboxes, and they're right outside my door. For just this purpose. I'm not gonna be able to do a downstairs one. I cannot tote the container of litter between flights. Just. No.
I dont think i can tell her friend (original owner of bw) to take her because she lives with a toxic af mother and i dont think the situation is safe.
Also the house is so bad. Made worse by now cat shit all over the place. But everyone is really struggling physically, and between the house and our own bodies, our mental health is fucked up too.
Moms stomach is fucked. She does not want to eat. She does. She resorts to junk food when she gets hungry but i cant complain because she wont let us feed her otherwise.
And sissy fucked up her back. I dont know what all shes doing for it but shes done muscle relaxants, back brace and tens unit occassionally. She refuses a heating pad for some reason.
Lately my symptoms are fibro shit, stomach pain, asthma, a strained/tired back, and tachycardia. The tachicardia is the worst because it kicks up when I get up. And eat. It settles down when i rest. Also the asthma. Just going up/down the stairs makes me do this dry throat clearing kind of cough for the next 10 minutes after the tiniest pinch of exertion. And I've woken up gasping a few nights.
Those two need to see some fuckin doctors. Mine can't do anything for me, but at least I jump through those fuckin hoops. I see everyone. All the specialists. I'm trying my best here. I have some major flaws that im sure frustrate the family, but this irritates me that they won't see people.
Mom especially. The only appointments she has are for literal surgical consults and she flaked on ONE situation already. Next one is for somethig else. No idea if she'll ever do anything about her previous issue she needs fixed 🙄😤
And also my sister is going blind and has high blood pressure but won't take her medicine. Her reasoning is because then she'll have to order more and go through setting it up and shit. Executive function issues i guess. Mom has been setting it up and giving it to her but i never remember and sometimes she forgets too.
Like do you know how many pills i take to have some semblance of function and not die? This is also frustrating to see.
I don't know what to do about any of this.
If we got rid of the cat, the niece would disown us. Which honestly, if she werent already riding a fine line of unsafe i wouldn't mind so much, she'd get over it eventually. Once she had the maturity to. 🙄 Because it's not like it would be out of spite. But sissy is on eggshells making sure we dont push her away. Probably into the arms of another halfway house resident. 😒
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ejacutastic · 2 years
Tips for Medicating Cats!!
Medicating cats can be a lot especially with lifetime medications that have to be maintained for years. I threw this together because I really believe it's vitally important to make medicating as easy as possible for everyone. Difficulty medicating can strain the human/animal bond, increase stress for cats and owners, and decrease medication compliance. If you're in vet med, this can be a good list of things to discuss with clients when they're struggling. A lot of these tips can apply to dogs too, but I know cats are often a particular pain.
To be clear, this is NOT a substitute for advice from your DVM and is just intended to be general tips that may or may not be helpful for your individual pet. I've tried my best to discuss any potential risks/considerations where applicable, but I am not a DVM and your personal vet needs to be the ultimate authority here for your pet's own safety.
Compounded medications are a LIFE SAVER. I don't know about anyone else, but I HATE pilling cats and, frankly, I'm no good at it. It's also doubly hell for owners at home who have to do towel wraps/get assistance/etc especially when meds are every single day for the rest of their pet's life.
The most frequent compounding I've seen is just making pills into liquid. This can be required sometimes in order to get smaller doses (say you need a 10mg dose and the tablets only come in 100mg), but it can also be done just to make administration easier. If you use a pharmacy that often does pet Rx, they'll have beef and chicken and fish and chicken marshmallow, etc flavoring that can use to make things taste better. I always like to ask the pharmacist/pharm techs what they recommend as some of the medications have major bitter tastes (looking at you metronidazole) and can benefit from the sweetness of chicken marshmallow over just chicken, for instance.
I see it less commonly used in cats, but a lot of pharmacies also offer flavored chew tabs and other "treat" style formulations that may work.
There's also transdermal medications. These go on the inner, hairless part of the ear and are applied with gloves as they'll absorb into your skin too. Some medications have a more "proven" track record than others with absorption/symptom resolution given they're aftermarket formulations that haven't gone through the same absorption/dose testing as, say, mirataz (a transdermal med sold by a manufacturer), and it's usually not a 1:1 ratio dose wise if, say, you've got your cat's hyperthyroidism well controlled on oral meds (meaning you may need to retest bloodwork and adjust if you want to switch to transdermal), but in really aggressive or otherwise difficult to medicate cats, transdermal meds rock.
Mail order compounding pharmacies are usually cheapest (I've seen Wedgewood and Roadrunner used often), but you may have a local brick and mortar compounding pharmacy in your area if time is of the essence (and yes, they ARE different than regular pharmacies, though some may do both).
Hiding Meds
Considerations with crushed/mixed in meds:
Avoid mixing your cat's meds in with their regular food ESPECIALLY if they're on a Rx diet or if it will otherwise be difficult to find another food they'll eat. There is a nonzero chance they'll taste the meds and decide they absolutely HATE their regular food now because of the association.
Make sure the medication is okay to crush/mix into things with your DVM as some are not (especially extended release meds).
Avoid crushing/mixing for anything where exact dose is really important (ie thyroid meds, heart meds) as any leftover food in the bowl could contain part of the dose.
Always use a smaller amount of things if you're going to crush/mix to make sure there's not a huge bowl of food they have to finish in order to get the whole dose.
Considerations with pill coating style options:
If using a really bitter pill, try your best not to touch the outside of the pocket/holder with the same fingers that touched the pill.
If your cat is on a Rx diet, there's usually Rx pill pockets that won't mess with their diets through either the same company or a comparable one
it can be helpful to desensitize your cat to having a hard pill-like object hidden in the middle of whatever you're using by using hard treats or pieces of hard treats so they're less likely to hunt down the offending pill and reject it. It's best to do this BEFORE they develop a sensitivity to it (and ideally before you even have to medicate them), but you can try to do it after. You can also do like 2 treats and a pill every time you have to administer meds to make it less likely they'll figure it out.
Be mindful of what you can and can't use of the list below if your cat is on a Rx diet (ie urinary, kidney, allergy/limited protein, etc), is diabetic, or has other conditions. PLEASE talk to your vet if your cat has any special needs!!
Things you can hide meds in:
gravy treats (churu, other "lickable" treats)
tuna/chicken juice (with no added salt)
canned food (like mentioned above, avoid their core diet staples or ones that may need to become diet staples in the future ie Rx options)
pill pockets and other similar things: just break off a piece and wrap it around if they're dog sized. I had good luck with tomlyn pill masker for a while with my cat
moist treats as pill pockets (I had good luck with chicken flavored bandit ferret treats, oddly enough). sometimes getting them wet can help make them more moldable.
Other tips/thoughts
If you have multiple medications to administer, try doing one in the morning, one at night to see if they tolerate it better. Sometimes rapid fire medicating can be worse for them.
There's lots of youtube videos out there (look for ones from vet staff. bonus points if they mention fear free/reducing stress) about cat restraint/medication administration, but you can also always ask your vet office for a demo/help. Be advised, they may charge a small fee for their time in training.
Towels can definitely be your friend in restraint, but be aware your cat WILL associate the towel/blanket with medications and it can create some aversion/running away scenarios which can increase stress for everyone.
In terminal pets that are truly just a nightmare to medicate or where it's just making them miserable, it may be worthwhile to discuss quality of life with your vet. It's okay to make that call.
Most of all, be patient. You may have to try multiple things and/or change them regularly. Some pets are easier to medicate than others (and some are a bit more clever than others). At the end of they day, they don't understand. They just think you tried to give them some bitter garbage that tastes like crap for some reason and they decided they don't want that and really, wouldn't you do the same?
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dreamerstreamer · 3 years
Slip Up
Pairing: Dream / Clay x f!reader
Summary: One literal slip up leads to another and, well—it isn’t pretty.
Warning: includes depictions of anxiety as a result of exposure
Word Count: 5.0k
A/N: requested by an anon who wanted something about a secret relationship! i hope you enjoy! on a more serious note though, don’t harass your creators and the people they care about. seriously, don’t.
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With one last click, Clay let out a sigh, grabbing his headphones and setting them down on his desk. He leaned back in his chair, staring at the still clip on his monitor with a hint of a frown tugging at his lips.
After two long hours, he was officially tired of listening to George’s screams ringing through his ears. Sure, they were funny in the heat of the moment when he was recording, but having to listen to the same screams on loop while editing?
He shivered.
No thanks. He needed a break.
Grabbing his phone, he pushed open the door to his studio and headed for the stairs. I wonder where [Y/N] is, he thought to himself as he climbed the basement stairs two at a time. It’s been a while since I last caught a glimpse of her.
Surfacing on the first floor, he stuck his head into the living room, glancing around for a brief moment only to deduce that you weren’t there. With a huff, he spun on his heel. If she’s not there, he thought, his strides confident and full of purpose, then she’s definitely in—
He stepped into the kitchen, his gaze landing on your figure half-tucked behind the open fridge door almost instantaneously. He smiled. Bingo.
Slowly, he crept forward, slipping around the kitchen island to silently walk up to you. Before you even noticed he was there, he leaned down next to your ear and whispered.
Letting out a sharp yell, you whirled, your wide eyes practically drowning in the amusement filling Clay’s emerald gaze as he let out a long wheezing laugh. “Clay!” you gasped, holding a hand over your heart. “You scared me, oh my god.”
His wheezing only grew louder in volume as he slapped his knee, still cackling at your distraught expression. Puffing your cheeks in a pout, you turned your back to him, staring back into the fridge. “Meanie.”
Struggling to regain his breath, Clay leaned in to wrap his arms around your waist in a hug from behind. You could feel his chest shaking against your back with laughter, beginning to slowly die down with each passing second. A moment later, he dipped his head down to press a kiss to your cheek. “Sorry,” he hummed. “I just thought it’d be funny to make you jump.” His eyes glinted with mischief. “I was right. It was.”
“Not for me,” you grumbled, and he let out the tiniest of wheezes next to your ear. 
“Alright, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he said, kissing your neck. “How are you doing? I haven’t seen you all morning.”
You relaxed into his warm touch, melting into the feeling of his soft lips on your skin. Sending him a tired smile, you closed the fridge door and focused your attention onto him. “I’m alright, but I’m feeling kind of tired,” you admitted. “You get kind of sick of working on an assignment after the third, you know?”
He snuggled closer to you, smiling into your neck. “Well, I mean, I wouldn’t know, but I understand your point.”
You rolled your eyes at him, leaning back into his figure. “Right, I forgot that you didn’t go to college, Mr. Streamer.”
Clay laughed at your words. “You’re just that much smarter than me, then.” He poked at your cheek affectionately. as he cooed, “Look at you, my super smart college student girlfriend.”
You turned in his arms to face him, frowning at him. “Clay, you say that like you aren’t considered to be one of the best, if not the best Minecraft player in the world. Give yourself some more credit.”
He brushed a stray hair away from your face, his gaze fond as he held you a little closer. “Okay, but only because you told me to.”
You snorted, sinking deeper into his arms. “If your followers could see you now, I’m sure they’d be spamming ‘simp’ in chat.”
He chuckled. “They already do that whenever I hang out with George—I can’t even imagine to what extent it would increase if they knew about you.”
You offered him a smile, but it felt forced. The question had been swirling in the back of your mind for a little while now, and it was just sitting on the tip of your tongue, now. You had to ask now, or it would devour you alive.
“Hey, um, Clay,” you said, your tone shifting as you fidgeted slightly in his embrace. “Do you—do you think we’ll ever tell people and your fans about, well—” You gestured to the space between the two of you. “—about us?”
He paused for a moment, then let out a soft breath. “I want to,” he said. “Oh man, you don’t know just how badly I want to share you with the whole world and show them you’re mine.” You felt your cheeks grow warm, your lips instinctively curling up at his words.
“But I don’t think they’re ready for that just yet,” he added in a wistful tone. He pulled back, sending you a crooked smile. “How about we cross that bridge when we get there? I know that when we do get around to it, they’re gonna love you as much as I do, I promise.”
You bobbed your head, feeling the anxiety in your gut disintegrate. “Okay. Thanks, Clay.”
He reached up to ruffle your hair, cooing at the small whine you let out. “Anything for you.”
Knocking his hand off your head, you grinned at him. “On another note, what have you been up to? Instead of sleeping in late, of course, you lucky butt.”
He swayed back and forth, bringing you along with him. “I spent a lot of time editing some videos that are still in the works. I’m gonna be streaming for a few hours in a bit, though. If you need anything, you know where you can find me.” He grabbed your hand in his, fiddling with your fingers with a slight squeeze. “Are you still gonna be working on your assignment later, or will I be allowed to bother you?”
Your mouth twitched at his pouty tone, and you squeezed his hand back. “I actually might go out to the grocery store. Patches’s cat food is on sale, so I might stock up on that, and I kind of wanted some snacks for studying. Was there anything you wanted while I was gone?”
He hummed, thinking for a moment. “Not really, to be honest.” Slipping his hand into yours, he began leading you to the front of the house. “Here, let me see you off.”
You felt your heart swell with love as he handed you your bag from where it hung on the coat rack while you laced up your shoes. Clay was always so attentive to you and your needs, never failing to make sure you had everything you needed at the drop of a hat. You were really too lucky to have him.
“Do you have your mask?” he asked when you stood up.
With a nod, you fished it out from your pocket, waving it in your hands. “Mhm.”
He smiled. “Awesome.” Opening his arms, he pulled you in for one last hug, inhaling the scent of your flowery shampoo before swinging the door open and watching you step outside, car keys in hand.
“I’ll be back soon!” you cried, waving to him from the driveway.
He waved back, leaning against the doorframe. “See you!” he called back. “Take care out there.”
“I will!”
His viridian gaze trailed after you and your car as you sped off down the road, knowing all too well exactly which radio station you had inevitably turned on. Well, no matter. He supposed it was time to stream, now. Locking the door behind him, Clay strode down to the basement, sliding into his desk chair with his hand on his mouse. Slipping his headphones over his head, he rolled his shoulders and opened up Twitch. 
Taking one last deep breath, he grinned and pressed the ‘start streaming’ button. 
“Hey, guys!”
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You grunted as you pushed the front door open, sliding your shoes off as you heaved the last sack of cat food onto the ground with a loud thud. 
And that’s all three. Finally.
Pushing the door closed using your foot, you placed your hands on your hood in determination.
Now, to get them downstairs.
You grimaced, glaring down at the offending bags. This was going to sooo much fun.
Some things never ceased to amaze you. Like how smart Clay was, even as dorky as he could be. Like how fast he blown up. Like how much you loved him.
And like how much cat food Patches managed to eat without getting fat.
Seriously, you thought to yourself with a grumble, how does she still look the same even though she goes through a whole bag of cat food in like... two weeks? It’s just not fair.
“I wish I had your metabolism,” you muttered, shooting a glare at the feline in question.  “You suck.”
Patches was perched on the stair railings a few feet away from you, grooming her paws. The moment you spoke her name, she lifted her head to look at you, her ears flicking. You stared at each other for a few seconds before she let out a soft meow, jumping down to rub against your leg.
“Oh, who am I kidding?” you murmured to yourself, your heart swelling in your chest at the feeling of her nuzzling her small head against your calf. “I could never hate you. You’re too cute.”
You turned your attention back to the three sacks of cat food you now had in your possession. Patches’s domain mostly consisted of the basement, where you kept her toys and costumes. Consequently, that’s where the cat food was also stored, albeit out of sight so that Patches wouldn’t get any ideas. Like her owner, she had a penchant for mischief, but you loved them both anyways.
The main problem here was getting the cat food down the stairs. 
I’m a strong independent woman, you thought to yourself with a small smile. Also, Clay is streaming, so I can’t ask him for help even if I wanted to. Bending over, you hoisted the first sack into your arms. That’s okay, though. A few stairs can’t stop me.
Taking a deep breath, you trudged toward the basement, carefully taking the stairs one step at a time down. The last thing you wanted was to trip while carrying the cat food of all things.
Unfortunately, it seemed that you jinxed yourself.
Everything went fine for the first two bags, each sack having safely made their way onto their proper spot on their designated cabinet shelf. Each time you tread down the stairs, you would take a quick peek over at Clay’s recording studio, smiling to see him amicably chatting with his viewers while completing another speedrun. With a smile on your face, you climbed the stairs once more to come face to face with your final obstacle.
You grinned despite your arms aching from having done so much heavy lifting. Last bag. Let’s go.
Rolling up your sleeves, you began the same process you had been running with for the past two trips: pick up the bag and head down the stairs, making sure to step carefully. 
What you hadn’t accounted for, though, was Patches’s presence.
You were just about halfway down the stairs when Patches darted in front of you. With a soft yelp, you stepped back to avoid her, letting her bounce down the stairs ahead of you. A brief breath of relief escaped your lips, but it was short lived. 
Just then, your sock’s grip on the floor gave out, and you felt gravity wrap a hand around your ankle.
Oh, crap.
A shout tore its way out of your throat as as you tumbled forward, landing on the ground with a resounding crash. Beside you, the bag of cat food smacked into the wall and landed with a loud crunch. 
That can’t be good, you vaguely thought, your mind fogged up by a cloud of pain.
Just a few rooms over, Clay froze mid-stream, his mouse coming to a halt as his entire body went stiff. Without even thinking to mute himself, he tore his headphones off his head, your name flying from his lips in a flurry of worry as he rushed out the room.
“[Y/N]! [Y/N], are you okay?”
On the ground, you winced, pain shooting up your side as you pulled yourself forward. In an instant, Clay was on the ground by your side—one hand on the small of your back helping you sit up, the other brushing your hair away from your face.
“[Y/N],” he breathed, panic seeping into his face as his eyes scanned every inch of your face for harm, “are you good?” You nodded, but it did nothing to ease the worry in his expression. “Tell—tell me.” He held three fingers in front of your face. “How many fi—”
“Three,” you replied immediately. You offered a pained smile, stifling another wince as you did so. 
He leaned in closer to your face, brushing his thumb over your cheek. “How badly are you hurt?”
You shifted your spine, trying to gauge the pain. The ache was dull at most, minimal at best. “Only a little.”
He pressed his forehead to yours, his breathing ragged. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
You let out a small sigh, sending him a reassuring smile. You appreciated his protectiveness, you really did, but sometimes he really did go the extra mile. “Clay,” you said softly, “I’m okay, really. I promise I’m okay. I just tripped and fell.” Then you glanced behind him, letting out a deeper sigh. “The cat food, on the other hand? Not so much.”
The bag must have ripped open when it fell, its own weight having collapsed on itself and tearing a hole right through the bottom. The individual pellets of cat food where strewn all across the floor, littering the ground like pebbles. And of course, Patches was already starting to nibble away. Pesky girl.
Clay stood up, reaching a hand out toward you. “Here, I’ll help you clean up.”
You took his hand, shaking your head as he pulled you to your feet. “No, no. You should get back to your stream.” Your brows knit together. “I interrupted it, didn’t it? Your followers will be waiting for you. You should go back.”
He shook his head, his expression resolute. “Contrary to popular belief, [Y/N],” he said, “you’re more important to me than just one stream. I’ll probably just end it when I’m done here, anyway.” He squeezed your hand, his gaze kind. “Let me help you. Please.”
With your heart fluttering in your chest, you squeezed it back. 
Clay grabbed the two of you a dustpan as you began to clean up the mess of cat food you had made on the floor. You whined about how you just wasted a sale by tripping down the stairs while he poked fun at your frustration, passing you Patches with the request of keeping her away from the food as he swept. In practically no time, you had nearly forgotten what had transpired at all, just happy to spend some time with your wonderful boyfriend next to you.
If only you knew just how much your little fall was going to blow up in your face.
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You ran your tongue over your chapped lips, your gaze focused on your laptop screen as your mouse finally hit the submit button. Letting out a sigh, you finally let the stress seep out of your body as a small smile overtook your features.
Finally handed it in. Now, you didn’t have to worry about it anymore.
With a groan, you stretched your arms out above you, cracking your back. You’d been working away for a couple of hours now, but at long last, you were free for the weekend. Humming to yourself, you picked up your phone. You had set it to ‘do not disturb’ a while back, since it hadn’t stopped vibrating at one point. You hadn’t bothered to check why at the time, but you supposed you could spare some time for yourself before dinner.
Swiping your phone open, your thumb instinctively tapped on Twitter, a blue glow enveloping your screen before fading to dark. You hummed as you opened up the trending page, curiosity pawing at your backside. You had your bets on some trend going viral, but knowing the internet, it was probably some weird, random crap.
There were a handful of political memes topping the charts, as well as a #TGIF. You stifled a laugh as you scrolled a bit lower. Twitter sure was a weird place.
That was when a tag caught your eye.
Your thumb stopped, hovering over the screen. What? Explain what, exactly?
Then there—just few lines below that.
Your heart came to a screeching halt in your chest.
That was your name. 
Trending. On Twitter.
Panic shot through your veins.
What the actual hell happened?
With a heavy feeling of disbelief sinking its claws into you, you tapped on your name, watching as hundreds of tweets shot past your eyes.
Who’s [Y/N] and how can I be her
dream explain?! oh mygood what was that !!!!
is [Y/N] Dream’s girlfriend or something
um ??? dream said the name [Y/N] on stream today then went afk for like 20 mins ??? then the stream just ended ???wtf ???
what’s @georgenotfound gonna do omggg nooo!!! his boyfriend!!!!!!
You felt sick to your stomach.
Oh god.
They knew who you were.
You wanted to throw up.
Stumbling to your feet, you made your way toward the kitchen where you knew you would find Clay, your phone clutched in a death grip between your fingers. 
He turned from where he was leaning against the counter, a smile lighting up his face at the sound of your voice. “Hey!” The moment his eyes landed on your face, his smile vanished. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”
“Have—” You swallowed, your palms beginning to sweat. “Have you checked Twitter recently?”
“Nope,” he hummed, pulling his phone out from his pocket. “What’s trending this time? Did some politician say something or—”
“I am,” you said ever so softly.
He froze, his phone going slack in his hand. “What?”
You glanced up from your feet. “I’m trending, Clay.”
A beat of silence. “What?!” he repeated, louder this time.
You felt an odd sense of weightlessness sinking onto your shoulders, and you felt yourself begin to ramble. “Crazy, right? Little old me, trending? Wild. Insane. Like, just wow.” 
With each new phrase that leapt from your lips, Clay’s brows furrowed further. You could see the wheels in his head turning at full speed. Then, they stopped, and realization set in. Then came the horror.
Oh, dear god.
“[Y/N],” he whispered, taking a step toward you, “oh my god.”
“You’re also trending, by the way,” you continued, barreling ahead as your hands began wildly gesturing. You swallowed down the panic rising up your throat at full throttle. “It’s a shame that I’m not higher than you, but I guess we can’t win them all.”
“[Y/N],” he said again, “this is serious.”
You nodded, your expression still blank. “Oh, I know. I’m—”
Something in you snapped.
You sucked in a ragged breath. “Yeah, I’m—”
And out came the waterworks.
You collapsed to the ground, the sobs escaping your throat in uneven bursts. Clay’s arms were around you before you knew it, his hand cradling your head for the second time that day.
“Clay, Clay, Clay,” you choked out, your entire being dissolving into him. “Clay, they know who I am. They heard you.”
His grip tightened on you, murmuring sweet nothings in your ear. You sobbed harder, your tears soaking into his hoodie.
There was nowhere left to hide.
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You hadn’t touched your phone in days. It hardly took more than a few minutes for your Twitter feed to have absolutely blown up with messages about you. Some positive, some negative, some neutral. While you appreciated the kind ones, you only had to read a handful of the not-so-kind ones for you to turn off your phone and hide it in a drawer. It wasn’t like you were going to even use it properly, what with its cracked screen.
The more time passed, the more acutely aware of the public’s knowledge of you became.
Your name was everywhere, supposed drawings of you were everywhere, you—you were everywhere.
You felt like you were suffocating in your own skin.
Clay knew that the slip up had been rough on you, and he didn’t blame you one bit. He had asked you what you needed, if you wanted him to take a few days off to spend more time with you. You had declined, sending him a tired smile.
“I... I think I just need some time to myself to think things over.”
He didn’t push you anymore than that, instead holding you close and pressing his lips to your cheek. For the next couple days, he vanished off of social media—no tweets, no streams, no videos. Nothing. While you busied yourself with class work, he focused on editing and planning ahead for the future. You both knew you were stalling, but right now, you just needed time.
A knock came from your door, a soft voice following just after.
You rolled over on the bed you shared, your eyes flickering up to see Clay standing in the doorway. The book you had brought in with you laid untouched on the nightstand next to you. You haven’t been able to properly bring yourself to enjoy something without thoughts of doubt seeping into your head.
What do they think of me? Do they like me? Will they approve of our relationship? 
You were terrified out of your mind.
Clay approached the bed when he saw you move, gently sitting down next to you. “Are you doing any better?” 
He patted the space on his leg, and you twisted your body to settle your head on his lap. “Sort of,” you murmured.
A moment passed as he took in your words. “Have you eaten?”
You nodded, your head just barely moving. “Yeah. Ate some leftover pasta.”
You fell quiet once more, simply listening to the sound of his breaths next to yours. Despite having been hearing next to nothing but silence for days now, you felt better knowing he was next to you.
“Hey,” he said softly, grabbing your attention once more. You turned your head towards him, his hand stroking your hair. His emerald eyes bore into yours, focused and sad. “Tell me what’s on your mind. You seem so distant, right now.”
Your gaze trailed up to the ceiling as you opened your mouth, trying to connect the mess of thoughts in your head into coherent sentences. “It’s just all so overwhelming,” you admitted. “All they know about me is my name and that I fell down the stairs, but it already feels like it’s way too much. I didn’t even spend that much time scrolling online, and I already know that there are more than just a few people freaking out.”
You looked up at him, your sad gaze mirroring his. “I can’t even imagine what it must feel like to have everyone begging you for a face reveal.” 
The sadness in his eyes only seemed to grow deeper, and you felt something warm and watery wrap around your heart. “It’s my fault,” he whispered, pressing a hand over his eyes. “I should have muted myself. I shouldn’t have been so reckless. I just moved without thinking and—”
You pulled yourself upwards, turning to sit face to face with him. “Clay, don’t say that.” You reached out to grab him arm, pulling it away from his face. His gaze was watery, and you wished you never had to see him with that expression. “It’s not your fault, not at all. When you heard me fall, you thought of me right away, and I appreciate that.” You held his big hand in between your smaller ones, interlocking your fingers. “That just shows you care for me. Please don’t beat yourself up over what happened.” You offered him a timid smile. “I know that I’m not taking this all too well either, but we’re in this together, right?”
His lips twitched to mirror yours, but his tone was still tinged with a low sadness. “I know, it’s just... I hate seeing you like this, like you can’t live your life normally anymore because of me.”
Your hand reached up to stroke his cheek. “Hey, it’s alright,” you crooned. “Remember, they only know my first name—not even my last name—and that I tripped. They don’t know what I look like.” Your lips twitched. “Heck, they don’t even know what I sound like. I think I’ll be able to live my life just fine. It’s just a little bit... much to begin with.” You shot him a goofy smile. “I might have to use Twitter less, but you know my screen time usage is way too high anyway.”
A chuckle slipped from his lips, his eyes curving into two crescent moons. You felt your expression shift to mirror his almost naturally, but then the smile slowly crept off your face. “And, um, Clay,” you added, fidgeting slightly.
“These past two days, I gave what happened some more thought,” you began, “and I think...” You gulped. I think I want to introduce myself.”
His eyes widened, and suddenly his hands were on your face, his gaze focused intently on your face. “Are you positive?” he breathed. “You know you don’t have to do this, [Y/N].”
You nodded, feeling your resolve harden like a stone in your heart. “I know.” You offered him a bold smile. “It’s scary and kind of hard to think about, but I don’t want to leave everyone in the dark. I want to be by your side through thick and thin, no matter what.”
He paused, then pulled his hands away from your face. That sadness in his eyes had returned, and you felt your heart crack at the sight. “I just don’t want you to get hurt,” he said quietly, almost remorsefully. “I know that being with me is already a huge commitment, and this is just taking another huge step...”
You leaned forward, pressing your forehead to his shoulder. “Clay,” you said, staring down at your knee. “I’ve been here with you from the beginning, and I’ll be here until the end. I’m here with you for the long haul, okay?” You raised your head, shooting him a wicked grin. “You won’t be getting rid of me too easily.”
Just like that, his smile was back. “Oh, alright. Only because I love you so much, though.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair with a weary grin. “Well, if there’s anything that I’m sure is going to happen,” he said, “it’s that my fans are definitely going to call me a ‘simp’ even more than they already do.”
You flashed him a teasing smile. “Are they wrong, though?”
His eyes crinkled at the corners.
“No, they’re not.”
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Swallowing, you stared long and hard at the microphone sitting in front of you.
You can do this.
“Are you ready?”
You sucked in a deep breath, feeling your hands shake in your lap.
“I—I think so.”
Clay pressed a kiss to the back of your neck, his left arm wrapping itself around your waist to pull you closer on his lap. With his right, he reached for the mouse. On his screen, he had his stream loaded up, with only a single mouse click standing between you and tens of thousands of viewers.
Feeling his eyes on you, you turned to look at him. With a small smile, he dipped his head down to press his lips to yours in a soft kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling back. Pulling back, he leaned his forehead against yours lovingly.
“You know, this is only about half as stressful as when I met your family,” you joked.
He snorted, the rumbling of his chest running along your back and into your thumping heart. “And they loved you just as much as I do. Once the rest of the world meets you,” he murmured just for you to hear, “they’re going to love you just the same. I swear it.”
You let your eyelids flutter shut, breathing in his scent of fresh linen and citrus. “I hope so.”
He shot you a cheeky wink. “Oh, I know so.”
You rolled your eyes at him, turning around to look at his monitor once more. “Cheese ball.” You didn’t have to turn to know that he was still grinning. Snuggling further back into his chest, you said, “Let’s start the stream, yeah?”
With a nod, he clicked the ‘start streaming’ button. Almost instantaneously, thousands of people joined the stream. You briefly glanced at the chat and felt yourself stiffen when you caught a brief glimpse of your name. Almost immediately, Clay’s hand was on yours, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb while you relaxed once more.
Sending you one last loving glance, he leaned towards his mic and began to speak. “Hey, guys! I know it’s been a little while since I last did a stream, and I know you guys have some questions. But first, there’s someone I want you guys to meet.”
His gaze flickered to you, and he gestured toward the mic. Taking a deep breath, you mustered up your courage and leaned forward. 
“Hi there. My name is [Y/N].”
You felt his hand squeeze yours. 
With a smile and a deep breath, you squeezed back.
“And I’m Dream’s girlfriend.”
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shutteredislands · 3 years
Hi!! I spent my entire winter break reading reylo fics and I feel like I’ve found some gems! I’m boring and don’t like angst, so most of these are pretty fluffy, however, always read the tags before reading. Anyways, happy reading!
Already Home -  College, Roommates, A/B/O, Soulmates AU - Complete - Rated E - 79k
“Oh stop being all Alpha-y.” She flexes her foot, rolling her ankle as if to prove a point, and he doesn’t miss the wince that crosses her expression. “You aren’t my Alpha, and you definitely aren't my soulmate,” she mutters.
He can’t help but let out a dry laugh. “Thank god for small mercies.”
Okay so this is a trope fest but it was so good! I’m not gonna explain the plot in depth because I think going in blind is best for this!
Baby, It's Just Biology - Professor/Student, A/B/O AU - Complete - Rated E - 113k
For Rey Jackson, trying to finish your degree in Biomedical Science at Harvard is difficult enough when you're one of the few Omegas on campus.
It's made even more difficult when your Professor is the one to trigger your heat. You can't help it, it's just your biology.
An Alpha Omega love story.
This is the perfect balance of angst, fluff and pure smut. This one Is a lot angstier than anything else on this list, but you can see every stage of this relationship and I loved it so much! Please read the tags on this one!
I’ve got you (under my skin) - Nanny/Single Parent AU - On Hiatus - Rated E - 81k
“Hi, I’m Rey. I’m here for the—”
“Nanny,” Ben blurts out dazedly, still trying to remember how to form coherent thoughts. “You’re the nanny.”
Her smile hitches up a little wider. “Well, I might be.”
Suddenly, Ben thinks he might be in for a whole new world of problems.
Because Rey Johnson is still most likely the only thing standing between him and disaster, that much hasn’t changed, not by a long shot.
And Ben can’t seem to stop staring at her mouth.
In which Ben hires Rey to watch his son... but he can’t seem to stop watching her.
Okay so I almost never read WIPs, but this one was left off in a pretty good place so don’t worry about cliffhangers or anything. I am a sucker for single dad!Ben so expect more of these. I loved this fic so much and get ready for a SMUTFEST.
Light My Fire - Rivals to Lovers, College, A/B/O AU - Complete - Rated E - 20k
When rivals Ben and Rey break into a professor's office together, it comes out that Rey might not be the Beta she thinks she is.
I’ve never been the biggest reader of enemies to lovers, until this. This was so so so good! I loved their banter so much, and this is another smutfest lol.
Peacock - Fake Dating, Enemies to Lovers, Neighbors AU - Complete - Rated E - 72k
Thanks to a series of misunderstandings, failed attempts at flirting, and loud Katy Perry music, Ben grows to hate his new neighbor.
Proposing to her wasn't the best solution to his problems.
This is, hands down, one of the funniest fics I have ever read. I cried actual tears because of how funny this is. Slowish burn, but their banter will keep you engaged the whole time. I love this so much!!
An Unexpected Vacation - Scientist, A/B/O AU - Complete - Rated E - 62k 
“You don’t care that someone, that people will watch you fuck?” He looks two seconds away from puking. “Like multiple, multiple people will be able to describe your vagina. They’ll probably analyze it in a boardroom. Someone will feel proud about a shitty PowerPoint full of annotated pictures. They will use words like ‘arousal fluid’ and consult charts and these things will never not be digitally saved. That doesn’t bother you?”
“Are you suggesting my vagina is unworthy of analysis?”
In which Rey attempts to bolster her bank account by volunteering to fuck an Alpha in a scientific study. Plans go pear-shaped when she accidentally triggers scientist!Ben’s first Rut.
This was a really funny smutfest and I loved that. I loved Rey and Ben so much, and Ben was the perfect “I hate everyone but you” boyfriend! I love this!
She Doesn’t Normally Bite - Single Parent/Teacher AU - WIP - Rated E - 37k
Ben Solo is a single dad to 6-year old Ellis. Her teacher isn't the old-cat lady that he expects and naturally, sparks fly when they meet. Rey helps show Ben that he is allowed to be happy and the romance is DELICIOUS. There will be the happy ending we all deserve.
Both Ben and Rey have a lot to navigate, and of course - things are never straight forward.
Tw: Bens wife died when their daughter was born - whilst it is mentioned periodically, it does not form a significant part of the story. There'll also be warnings in the notes for the particular chapters it'll be mentioned in.
Down an Inch, Up an Inch - A/B/O, Soulmates, Gym Rats AU - Complete - Rated E - 60k
Omega instructor Rey has always been the master of her domain at Rebel Belle Barre and wouldn't dream of dating an Alpha.
When her new neighbors at Supremacy Bootcamp start ruining her classes with their terrible music, she storms over to give them a piece of her mind. She challenges the beefy ex-Marine owner Ben Solo to a plank-off and the loser has to take the other's class. When they spark an unusual connection, can Rey stay away for long?
Has she bitten off more than she can chew with the gentle giant Alpha with the warm, sad eyes?
SMUT FREAKING FESTTTTT. Okay but I loved these two so much, even though I am opposed to working out in any shape or form! I love the non-traditional soulmate part, and I really loved Rey in this. 
Tea for Two - Enemies to Lovers, University Setting AU - Complete - Rated E - 67k 
'"This is a tea house, you know." The plummy, ultra-posh voice startled Rey Kenobi from her day-dreaming, almost spilling the scalding hot coffee over her chest.'
Rey, an American former hacker, turned cyber security expert, has been commissioned by Oxford University to protect their systems from hackers. Unfortunately, she has to work closely with Professor Ben Solo, Merton Professor of English Literature who also happens to be Lord Ben Solo, member of the English peerage. And an unmitigated snob.
She drinks coffee. He drinks tea. He only reads classic literature. She reads Marvel comics. He is nobility. She is a nobody.
Things should go swimmingly, shouldn't it?
SO. MUCH. UNRESOLVED. SEXUAL. TENSION. I loved the slow burn aspect because I sat in bed because I was waiting for them to bone for so long. And after they bone its a smut and fluff-fest I loved this so much!
And They Were Roommates - Roommates, A/B/O AU - Complete - Rated E - 49k
“This isn’t going to work.” He points a finger between the two of them. “This arrangement.”
Her eyes narrow. “You didn’t put any specifications on who could apply.”
“Yeah…” He rubs the back of his neck then, the action making it look longer, making her wonder what it might feel like under her fingers. “You have to know that this isn’t a good idea.”
She knows what he means, she does—but she’s so tired of being brushed aside for her designation that she challenges him anyway. “And why not?”
His eyes bore into hers, his expression blank as he says, “Because I can tell how much scent-block you put on—and I can still smell you.”
In which Rey’s new roommate turns out to be a lot more than she bargained for.
EVEN. MORE. UNRESOLVED. SEXUAL. TENSION. Like these two would be eating cereal and I would be chanting, “bone! bone! bone!” the whole time. I loved these two, and the family aspect of this one was so good.
Imprints - A/B/O, Boss/Employee AU - Complete - Rated E - 74k
“I was happy you’ll be working with someone you know. He’ll take good care of you.”
Take good care of you.
The words send a shiver down her spine, sparking memories that flood her with embarrassment. She feels a strange itch just below her ear, her gland giving a phantom pulse as if her body remembers the incident even still.
Suddenly her triumph fades into dread, the idea of working here leaving a hollow pit in her stomach. Poe is still talking, but she doesn’t hear most of it. Her mind is firmly trapped in the vivid memories of six years ago— in a moment she wishes she could forget.
By the time she hangs up the phone— she isn’t sure anymore if she can do this.
Okay so this is pretty popular so I wont say too much, but it lives up to the hype. Smutfest, fluff and angst rolled into one beautiful fic! 
Bespoke - Enemies to Lovers, Boss/Employee (?) AU - Complete - Rated E - 38k 
When new stylist Rey Jackson receives a request to dress the hottest (and most unfashionable) new actor in Hollywood, she gets a lot more than she bargained for.
Mentally AND physically.
Because Ben Solo is freaking massive.
THIS WAS SO HOT OMG! Smutfest but also super cute. Another “I hate everyone but you” version of Ben I fell in love with. Loved this!
Incognito - Coworkers AU - Complete - Rated E - 30k
“Somehow Rey’s coworkers find out about her Daddy kink. They all kink shame her for it, except her coworker Ben. He has something else in mind.”
This was so funny! Ben and Rey were so cute, and I love Finn and Rose in this too! This was great!
A Home For Christmas - Single Parent, Sugar Daddy AU - Complete - Rated E - 109k
Rey is a struggling single mother who needs to do right by her daughter, even if it means she needs to steal. Ben is sad and lonely, recently divorced for the second time. When Rey's daughter picks him to help her find her mom, their paths cross and their Christmas becomes a little more bright.
This was so freaking cute OMG!! I know I say that a lot, but this was so adorable! I loved Ben and Rey so much, but Nova was obviously the star of the show. I cannot recommend this enough!
Unsuppressed - Office, A/B/O AU - Complete - Rated E - 49k
Rey had only ever encountered two Alphas in her entire life that had been unsuppressed. And now this third one that stunk up the entire building. Not that it stunk, his scent. In fact, it was the most delicious thing Rey had ever smelled. ///////////////////////////////////// Ben Solo closed his eyes as he rode down the elevator from the 40th floor to the lobby, trying not to reach up to his glands to scratch them. Somehow, it felt like he always caught the elevator that was dripping in the Omega’s scent. The one that wandered around the building without any suppressants. The one that smelled better than any Omega he had ever smelled before.
STRAIGHT FLUFF AND SMUT OMFG!!! I loved this so freaking much! This was whatever the opposite of unresolved sexual tension and slow burn. Like Ben and Rey tried to make this a slow burn but they could not keep their hands off of each other. I loved this!
Sunshine and Gunpowder - Hitman, Surprise Parents AU - Complete - Rated E - 48k
She’s a teacher who would do anything to protect her student. He’s a glorified hitman with a heart of black gold.
Together, they make up odd halves of a beautiful whole.
THIS WAS SO CUTE!! Like, yes, I know Ben is a hitman, but when I tell you he was the softest hit man I have ever read, Temiri was so cute in this! I loved Ben and Rey, and their UST made me love them even more. Han and Leia are also hilarious in this! 
It Takes a Village - A/B/O, Surprise Parents AU - Complete - Rated E - 40k 
Who knew that all it would take for Rey Johnson to interact with her enigmatic Alpha neighbor without wanting to melt into a puddle of hormones was a baby being abandoned at her doorstep?
Not her. That was for sure.
Sensual Storytime - Office AU - Complete - Rated E - 23k
When Rey Johnson starts a new job, her initially antagonistic relationship with Ben Solo from IT turns into friendship... and maybe something more.
Little does she know he also moonlights as Kylo Ren, the creator of her favorite audio erotica. One day at the office, worlds collide, and she realizes the sweater vest-wearing nerd of her dreams is also the tattooed fantasy man she listens to while getting off every night...
That is all I have time for right now, but I’ll make another list later if anyone would like that! Please take care of yourself and have a great day! 
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whyhellosims · 3 years
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I was tagged by @theageofsims​! Thank you so much!
1. Pick a sim of your choice 2. Tell us about them 3. Tag someone else (if you want to!)
Name: Felix Aldrich -- in this lifetime, anyway! When is your sim’s birthday?  May 11th What is your sim’s zodiac sign? Taurus Martial Status: Never married (that he knows of). Does your sim have any nicknames? Felicia calls him “Memo”, while Morgyn (and sometimes Vlad) calls him “Phoenix Eldritch”.
Do they have a job? Currently co-owner of a research facility, FFA Limited, with Felicia. Where does your sim live? Newcrest. Who does your sim live with? Felicia, his clone, and Garrett, his son, along with Garrett’s wife, Lilith, and their cat, Minnie. What environment did your sims grow up in? Spoilers 👀 What are your sim’s favorite food? Felix loves sweets of every kind, and is quite the foodie, so he doesn’t really have a favorite. What is your sim’s favorite drink? Beer If they have one, what is your sim’s favorite color? Black and gray. Is your sim introverted or extroverted? Felix is extraordinarily extroverted, so much so that he will motor off to talk to anyone or anything, including plants, if he gets half a chance. If he’s awake and not eating, he’s chatterboxing at someone.  What is your sims favorite woohoo position? Felix is adventurous in that department, and pretty much all positions are favorites! Is your sim a pet person? Yes! Felix had a dog named Banjo once upon a time, and he’s very fond of his son’s cat, Minnie! Does your sim have a best friend? Felicia is his best friend. What is / was your sim’s favorite school subject? Biology, with chemistry a close second. Are they planning to go or have they already been to college? Felix has several degrees and became a doctor at a very young age as he’s a bit of a prodigy. Does your sim have a favorite TV show: No, he doesn’t watch much. Does your sim like books? Oh yes, he reads everything he can get his hands on! He does love a good romance, though, and regularly reads his son’s contributions to The Journal of Cosmology. But his favorite books are by Ingrid, and might be a little bit responsible for the name he carries now :D What is your sim’s personal style? I’m not really sure it’s a specific style. He likes rolled jeans or cropped pants, booty shorts, and if he’s wearing sneakers they’re his Converse. He also has a fondness for sassy t-shirts. He tends to be very meticulous in his grooming and Felicia teases him sometimes about how long it takes him to get ready XD Is your sim religious? No, he isn’t religious and isn’t interested in becoming beholden to any deities. It’s a violation of his No Hassle Policy. What kind of music does your sim listen to? Rock, metal, classical, but his favorite is “Ain’t Too Proud to Beg” by the Temptations. What is your sim’s favorite type of weather? Clear, warm, sunny days or clear, warm, starry nights! Does your sim have a dream job? Felix is pretty much living his best life. Does your sim have any siblings? None that he is aware of. Does your sim get along with their family? He gets along incredibly well with his family and is very close with them! He has great-great-great grandkids at this point and still finds time to stop by and catch up. What is your sims favorite hobby? Researching things, all sorts of things. He has an insatiable curiosity and studies everything he can get his hands on. What does your sim look for in a romantic partner? Someone with patience who will take him as he is with all the chaos that brings. What is a flaw your sim has? He tends to rashly make promises he can’t keep. He really and truly wants to, but circumstances are rarely in his favor. Does your sim have a greatest achievement? If so what is it? Felix’s children are his greatest achievement, although a close follow is the cloning process he created to bring Felicia into his life. If they have one, what is your sim’s greatest regret? How he treated his daughter, Khloe. She came along at a time when Felix was still muddled and struggling to be in the present, and for most of her life he simply didn’t know her or want to know her. Felicia wound up raising Khloe, because most days he couldn’t even remember her name. She died of old age before he could return and make up with her, and that remains, to date, his biggest regret.
I’m tagging…
@micrathene-w, @dynastiasimss, @simcatcher, @oversimplify-it, @zosa95, and anyone else who would like to do this!
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whereisten · 4 years
Gentle Monsters
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 Intro | Part 6 (End)
Summary: After a night of running from a wild animal, you meet Johnny, the owner of the conservatory greenhouse you accidentally broke into. Johnny is kind and sweet—a little too sweet.
Pairing: Werewolf!Johnny X female reader
Warnings: horror, violence, blood and gore, mentions of scars and bruises, angst, supernatural powers, death, profanity, smut (fingering, penetration, breast fondling, dry humping), manipulation, obsession, possessiveness, yandere themes.
Word count: 12.1K
(A/n: wow wow wowwww this is it you guys! I hope you enjoy the last installment of this fic 🥺 it’s my personal favorite fic that I’ve written so I’m kinda sad to finish it, but thank you all for your continuous support that keeps me going, it’s almost been a year!! Wow! Pls read until the very enddd❤️)
Yuta was ruthless. He never gave you time to breathe once he attacked you. He’d grab your wrist and kick your chest, sending you into the rough cement in his backyard.
“Do you like being best friends with the floor. Get up and fight. If you can’t take a hit from me, a human, how on Earth do you think you’ll survive a werewolf’s attack?” Yuta looked up at the bright sun while you panted on all fours.
“Human? I’m not so sure about that. I mean..you don’t have to go easy on me..but..fuck..please..can we go slower? This is just..a lot.” You pleaded, not realizing that Yuta was walking up to you quickly.
He kicked you in your rib, making you groan in pain and collapse over onto your back. You laid there and struggled to move as Yuta planted his right foot on your chest.
On top of never being the best at physical things, you were still healing from the effects of the killer pregnancy. Your body was fragile.
“Go easy? You’re pathetic, you don’t stand a chance.”
You hugged yourself as you tried to pull his heavy foot off of you. Tears started to run down the sides of your face while you cried and grew hot with anger. It was the second day of training and Yuta expected you fight like Bruce Lee.
“We haven’t even touched the katana’s yet..do you want to die, huh? Because if I don’t kill you by the end of this, I’m sure Johnny will.”
“Fuck you!” You screamed.
Yuta lifted his foot off of your chest and stepped back. “Get up, show me how angry you are.”
You picked yourself up and looked down at your bruised knuckles. Yuta made you spend hours boxing bags of sand until your hands bled, yet you couldn’t fight him, you could never land a punch.
“Johnny was right to choose you.. he knew you were weak, he knew you didn’t stand a chance against him..” Yuta was pushing your buttons now. Would you cry? Would you become furious? He didn’t know, but he hoped it would be the latter. He hoped that you would use that anger to fuel your attacks. The fact that Johnny had put you through so much shit was the the only thing that gave Yuta hope for you.
Yuta stepped closer to you.
“You didn’t put up a fight, you ignored all the signs, and then what? You ran away..oh, and let’s not forget.. you needed the help of another werewolf to get away from him. You couldn’t do it on your own.. and why’s that, y/n? Hm?”
Yuta tilted his head. He took your chin in his hand and watched as your eyes grew watery and your face lose color.
“Answer me, sweetheart.” His voice was sweet even when he was being condescending.
You shook your head, too caught up in his words to know how to respond. So many emotions ran through your mind. You were upset, sad, heartbroken, confused. Everything all at once.
“What’s wrong? Wolf got your tongue?” He chuckled.
And at that moment, you decided you couldn’t take it anymore. You quickly swat his hand away and lay a punch to his jaw. But he recovers fast and grabs your hair, pulling your head back while you cry out in pain.
But you don’t let this pain distract you, you kneel him in the rib and punch him again while he doubles over.
Yuta is caught off guard by your swift actions and doesn’t know how to respond. So you take this opportunity to swipe a leg through his, making him fall onto the ground hard as he loses balance.
He tried to get up but you swing your foot into his side just like he did to you a few minutes ago. You realize that your foot won’t apply as much pressure as his, so you decide to put your entire body weight on himself sit on his chest.
You’re about to lay another punch to his beautiful face, but he grabs your wrist and swings his body over yours so you are under him now.
You grunt and throw your fist with your free hand into the side that you had previously kicked. Yuta groans in pain once more, but his grip on your wrist doesn’t loosen.
Instead, he grabs both flailing wrists and holds them above your head. He’s tightening his fingers around them so tight, you can almost feel and hear your bones start to break. You scream.
“Tell me what you are! Tell me why Johnny did this to you!” Yuta growled as your cried out in indescribable pain. Your hits didn’t seem to phase or impress him.
“Fuck you, Yuta! Get off of me!”
Yuta only smirked. His dark eyes widening, he takes pleasure in seeing you suffer like this, especially after you dared to hit him.
He dug his thumb into your rib, the same place he had kicked earlier. Your scream grows louder.
“Weak! I’m weak!!” Tears escape as you struggle to ignore the pains in all parts of your body.
Yuta lets you go and lifts himself off of you.
He rolls his neck as he looks down at you condescendingly.
You roll over onto your side and hug yourself while you cry.
“You’re weak, you’re soft, but worst of all, you’re wasting my time.” He says lowly as he steps into his house and closes the sliding door, locking you out to make you sleep outside in the cold once again.
You looked up when you heard the clicking of the door. Was he opening it up for you? Would he finally let you sleep inside?
“Tako!” He clicked his tongue to get his cat’s attention. You didn’t even notice that Tako had been watching you cry quietly.
He quickly ran inside and you heard the door slide and lock again.
Yuta was half-hoping that this treatment would make you give up and leave. A part of him didn’t care about this drama you were in. But another part of him wanted you to grow stronger. He could see the hurt in your eyes and he doesn’t know why he’s decided to care. He hates that he feels sympathy for someone he just met. You needed to be tougher, but he wasn’t sure how much time you had before Johnny would find you and put you to the test. Yuta couldn’t help but be worried for you.
[A Month Later]
Your training with Yuta got better steadily. You were slow at first, but with practice you started to trust yourself and your body more.
Yuta helped you develop your physical as well as mental well-being. You had grown to be more spiritual, seeing yourself as a being with infinite talents.
“You have to feel every movement in your heart first, then you have to visualize it. But you must do it quickly. Werewolves get off on fear, they smell it, they anticipate it. And if Johnny is as powerful as you say, he’ll smell your fear from a mile away. He’ll know what you plan to do before you do. So you have to be unpredictable.”
Yuta sat across from you with his arms over his crossed legs. His gaze was intense as he spoke. His black hair tied out of his face and his expression stern.
The two of you had gotten to know each other over the weeks, you weren’t best friends or anything, but you felt safe around him.
He still spoke harsh words to make you angry, but you had gotten used to his method of teaching and learned not to take it personally.
Apart from having to eat alone, sleep outside on cold gravel, and adorn bruises in new spots on the daily..living with Yuta wasn’t that bad.
“Johnny has super strength and speed, but he’s not like Jaehyun, he can’t read minds.” You said quietly.
“Doesn’t matter. He’ll still get to you before you even draw the string on your crossbow or pull out your katana.”
Yuta sighed and looked at the ground before continuing.
“We can only be thankful that we do know his one weakness.”
Your brows furrowed. “What’s that?”
He looked up at you and chuckled. “You. It’s you. If he’s this intent on finding you..you were more than just the carrier of his baby..you have a piece of his heart. He clearly can’t let you go.”
You shook your head. “I doubt it, he doesn’t care about me and even if he did, how does that give me the upper hand?”
“Y/n...you really are naive..” Yuta shook his head.
“Johnny has a lust for power..but he also has a lust for you.”
Yuta stands up and draws out his sword.
“Stand up.”
You stand up quickly and grab your katana. The two of you had done this before. You’d fight for what felt like hours with your katana, and you always ended up with cuts on your neck and arms.
But you thought about what Yuta said today. You really thought about your movement. You visualized your attack before actually making it.
You went back and forth, clinking the swords together, making sure to block each other’s attacks so you wouldn’t be sliced open like fresh pieces of meat. It was difficult and scary, you could die at any moment. But what did you have to lose?
Yuta was shocked by your determination. At the end of the day, you always ended up with multiple cuts along your perfect skin, yet you kept going.
He could see the passion in your eyes, you were growing and becoming a fighter, you were no longer filled with immense sadness. You were filled with a beautiful fire that he wanted to nurture and grow even more.
Your robe had come loose slightly as you spun around with the katana after blocking his attack. The move revealed the soft skin of your chest and cleavage, causing him to become distracted for a split second.
You were able to swipe the blade across his abdomen. He cried out and fell to the ground on his knees.
“Shit! Yuta!” You dropped your katana and kneeled down in front of him.
Yuta only chuckled. “It’s okay, that was good.”
“I’m so sorry!” You apologized and took his hand away from his center so you could see how bad the cut was.
“Don’t worry, it’s not that deep, but it sure as hell hurts.” Yuta looked up at you and adored your face. Your eyes wide with worry, your lips parted, your delicate face decorated by sweat and straggly hairs that escaped your ponytail.
Your eyes drifted upwards to his and you caught his stare. You didn’t notice that you had been holding his hand even as you examined the wound.
You also didn’t notice that your robe was lose until he glanced down.
“Oh.” You became frazzled and quickly tied your robe.
Yuta smirked at how nervous you got and stood up. “That’s it for today. We’ll start with the crossbow tomorrow.” He groaned and headed back inside his house.
“Yuta..” you looked to the ground as you called his name, still embarrassed by your exposed skin.
He turned and winced at the pain.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” You were still worried.
Yuta smiled for the first time, and it was amazing. It was like the sun had personally come down to greet you. It was beautiful and brought about a ridiculously handsome look to the already gorgeous man.
You wished he would smile more. Would it take him getting hurt more for you to see this daily?
“I’m fine, I’ve stitched myself up more times that I can remember.” He started to close the door, but stopped.
“Actually, you said you were a bartender, right?”
You ran into Yuta’s kitchen and gathered all the ingredients you needed.
Yuta was getting his first aid kit together while you whipped up a delicious alcoholic beverage.
“Make it strong, I don’t want to feel this shit.” He yelled out from the bathroom.
You smiled to yourself as you watched the vodka fill his glass and disperse the cocktail or lemon juice, sparkling water and berries you collected from his garden. It has been a while since you did what you do best, so you were happy to mix a drink for him.
A voice suddenly entered your ear. It was a soft whisper, but you swore the person was right behind you. You turned around quickly, but saw nothing.
Yuta was still in the bathroom, you could hear the water running.
The voice said again and your heart started to race when you recognized the voice.
“Johnny?” You called out, your grip around the glass grew weak, your eyes became watery, your breathing became shallow. A chill in the air made you shiver.
Time stood still for a moment and you didn’t know what to do. Johnny was nowhere to be found. Were you just imagining things?
“What’s wrong?” Yuta said once he walked into the kitchen and saw the look on your face.
You looked back at him and shook your head. “It’s nothing.. here.” You gave a small smile and handed him the glass from your trembling hands.
He took the glass but stepped close to you, locking you in between him and the counter.
“Don’t lie to me, what happened?” He knew something was wrong when you started crying suddenly.
You shivered. “I-I don’t know, Yuta..I thought I heard him..but I..”
Yuta’s eyes grew and he looked to the floor. “He’s trying to find you..”
“How does he still do this to me, Yuta? I feel like..I can’t breathe..my heart, it wants me to go to him.”
“Don’t...” Yuta turned away from you and headed to the dining room.
He groaned as he sat down slowly.
“You have to remember what he put you through, always remember your pain first and foremost. It’s difficult to remember the pain our loved ones brought us, but we have to in order to be stronger.” Yuta gulped the strong drink down.
You nodded and wiped your eyes. “How’s your wound?”
Yuta closed his eyes tightly as the bitter taste of the alcohol settled in.
He lifted up his shirt to show you a wound almost completely healed.
Your eyes grew. “W-Wait, how-“
“We have witches and herbs here too, you know.” He winked.
You nodded and turned to leave.
But before you did, you turned to him to ask one last question.
“What happened to you, Yuta? How did you become this..a hunter? And why did you stop?”
“What is this? Twenty questions?” Yuta rolled his eyes.
“The truth always comes out when you’re drunk.” You have him a playful wink and smile.
You just wanted a distraction, something to lighten the mood and make you forget about the monster that was so close to finding you. The monster that still made you tremble.
And Yuta knew this. He knew you were shaken up by it, so he caved. He had a painful past too, but he didn’t mind sharing it with you for some reason.
“I was in love once..I was happy..” Yuta looked on the centerpiece that sat on the dining table. It was a small sculpture of a beautiful ballerina.
You sat down across from him and waited for him to continue. He swallowed hard.
“But my younger brother..he grew jealous of me, he had a young love that passed away suddenly of an incurable illness. And when he passed, my brother grew heartless, he hated happiness. He hated anyone that lived happily, because he couldn’t. His lover never got the chance to be happy.. death had snatched him away, but why? Why couldn’t death take someone else? Why him?”
You felt sadness wash over you as you thought of the pain Yuta’s brother endured.
“A year passed and he barely spoke to me, he lived alone and stayed away from us, his family. But once I got married to Hina..my dear Hina..” Yuta’s frowned turned into a small smile as he started to think of the wonderful memories he shared with Hina.
He cleared his throat. “Once I got married..I started to see my brother more often..and I thought he was getting over his lover’s death, I thought he was moving on and finally deciding to spend more time with me...but I was wrong.” Yuta looked up at you and gritted his teeth.
“He betrayed me..he gained my trust, he gained Hina’s trust and one day, he said they were going to the market to pick up vegetables for the family dinner we had planned that evening. At the time, we lived in the city, so I had to clean up our apartment and get things ready while they headed out to the countryside.”
He looked down and blinked slowly. “My brother..took Hina to the werewolves...he was one himself, but at the time I had no idea they even existed. They turned her into one..they manipulated and tricked her so she turned on me. She was no longer my bright Hina that loved cherry pie and Pikachu. She became...a monster, something I couldn’t recognize.” 
“I tried to hold onto her when my brother brought her to me to boast about what he’d done. He laughed as I cried and felt pain, telling me that the alpha had rewarded him greatly for bringing a woman that he could turn and impregnate. The alpha was growing an army of werewolves in the woods and needed more women. I tried to make her stay, tried to tell her that I’d love her regardless of what she was..but..” Yuta choked up. He had never shown this much emotion to you before.
“You don’t have to continue, Yuta..I’m sorry.”
But he swallowed hard and continued, wiping away his tears and staring at the table. “She called me a fool and left me, she said she never loved me and that she belonged to her alpha. I didn’t fight hard enough.. I didn’t try. They would taunt me some nights. I would have dreams of being with her. Dreams of walking under cherry blossom trees, holding hands as we feed birds and swimming in crystal blues lakes. Sweet dreams that I wanted to live in forever, then they’d turn into nightmares. I’d wake up after feeling like I’ve been scratched or bitten.” 
“Then one day she appeared in my apartment with her alpha. She was happy and pregnant, her alpha was always holding her close, kissing her cheek in front of me. And I couldn’t do anything, I was powerless. My brother got what he wanted. He wanted someone else to feel the pain of losing someone they loved, someone they’d cross the Earth for.”
“I still loved her.. I only wanted the best for her..but they started to hunt and kill people in our town as their pack grew. I knew I had to stop them. I trained. I told myself I was doing it so I could stop them, but really..I thought becoming a hunter would give me the chance to get her back..”
Your eyes widened. You wondered what happened next.
“I..killed them..all of them..I saved her for last because she was merciless. She was incredibly strong, and fought me like she didn’t know who I was. At the last moment, she grabbed a child from a nearby village as I chased her through the woods. She was going to eat her so I had to shoot an arrow into her chest.. I tried to save her..but I couldn’t. Ever since then, I’ve tried to save innocent people from those terrible beasts. I’ve made a name for myself as a werewolf hunter and fought the worst of the worst. Jaehyun hates me so much, he got me put on the no-fly list so I can’t leave this place. But I don’t care...I don’t regret anything. The only thing I regret is ever having the nerve to trust someone.”
He paused.
His eyes started to tear up again as he looked on the smiling ballerina.
“She was a dancer..the best..”
“Yuta..” you reached out to hold his hand but he pulled away and stood up.
“Now you know why I’m like this..it’s time for you to leave.”
Your mouth fell open, you didn’t know what to say, but Yuta didn’t want to hear it anyway.
He knew you pitied him, and a part of him was embarrassed to get this personal with someone that he had no future with.
You nodded and got up.
“I’m sorry.” You say and you’re about to open the sliding door but he stops you.
“Y/n..where are you going? It’s raining.” Yuta runs a hand through his hair once he realizes that his tone was unnecessarily harsh towards you.
You shrugged your shoulders. “It wouldn’t be the first time that I’ve slept in the rain, Yuta.”
Yuta walks up to you and places a hand on the door to keep you from opening it.
You look up into his eyes and furrow your brows.
He licks his lips and breathed heavily. “Sleep here..in my bed..”
Your eyes widen.
“I mean, not with me in it..” Yuta rolls his eyes. “If you get sick, it’ll only slow down your training and I can’t have that, so sleep in here after you shower.”
Yuta walks away as your mouth falls open.
You never would’ve thought he’d let you sleep in the house let alone his bed.
Maybe he was a nice man.
“W-where will you sleep?” You ask.
“Lucky for you, I’ve got a sweet hammock with my name on it.”
Yuta plops down into the hammock in his living room. You never noticed it, but it did look comfortable.
“Pspspsps..” he calls over Tako who happily jumps into his lap as the hammock swings back and forth gently.
Tako curls into his lap while Yuta’s head falls back. He closes his eyes and rests his hands on the back of his head.
You laugh to yourself quietly and turn the lights off before heading to the bathroom.
You wake upon a plush bed for the first time in months . It feels heavenly so as the daylight pours in through the blinds, you smile to yourself and hug the blanket over you.
But then, everything clicks, you jump up in the bed and realize that it’s not yours. You stand up and quickly fix the pillows and smooth the sheets.
You leave the room and walk around the house quietly, trying not to wake Yuta up.
Yuta, however, is nowhere to be found, you look over to the hammock and see that he’s not in it anymore, nor is he in the kitchen.
Tako is still eating his breakfast from his bowl in the kitchen.
“Your father just fed you, so where is he?”
You open the sliding door to the backyard and hear water splashing. When you walk around the bushes and go deeper into it, you see Yuta is taking a bath in a large stone that was placed in the ground and shaped like a tub. You always bathed in it, but never thought he used it since he always used the shower in his bathroom.
It was hidden in the center of shrubs and flowers, but you peeked through a small opening and looked on him.
This is wrong, isn’t it? Hmmm a peak won’t hurt.
You look onto Yuta radiant skin, created and graced by the gods themselves. His waist slender but his arms were quite brawny.
His skin was littered in scars. He had been through so much in his life as a hunter, and his scars showed that it wasn’t easy. It took a toll on him physically and mentally as well. You understood why he no longer hunted.
Yuta turns to rinse his chest and stomach now and you bite your lips at the site of the water running down him. His abs and pecs are strong and sculpted, his wet hair is slicked back, revealing his dark, long lashes and high cheekbones. He so perfect it almost seems like he’s moving in slow motion. It’s like he’s shooting a commercial for some expensive cologne.
Just when your mind starts to run wild with lustful thoughts, you feel a light scratch on your ankle.
You yelp and look down at the source.
It’s Tako, gazing up at you with those big green eyes. He’s clearly not amused by you watching his father bathe.
But your sound of shock gives your location away. You look back up at Yuta and see that he is still rinsing himself off. Maybe he didn’t hear you.
You hurriedly tip toe away and back into the house.
Yuta smirks to himself and thinks about how cute you are, peeping through bushes to watch him bathe.
[A Week Later]
You continue to improve and become familiar with the crossbow. Yuta tells you all about it and how the arrows must be covered in silver to make any sort of impact.
Your aim becomes better, but you have to be faster.
“If a werewolf is coming at you full speed, you can’t hesitate.” Yuta looks into your eyes. He stands to your side and places his hand over yours on the arrow.
He has to step closer to you so that you can draw the arrow back together. You feel his hot breath on you, you smell his fresh scent and feel the warmth of his body on yours. His hands are rough, but he touches you ever so lightly.
Sweat formulates on your forehead as you breathe heavily.
“And just like that..” his voice comes out in a low whisper.
When you both let the arrow go, it shoots straight through the center of the  mannequin’s chest.
Yuta still stands close to you. You turn to look up at him as he stares into your eyes.
“What’s wrong?” You ask him.
“That was weak, what were you thinking about?” Yuta is intimidating. It’s like he always knows when you’re not focused.
“Nothing, Yuta. I just..” you stumbled over your words.
“Just what? Thinking about last week when you watched me bathe?”
You blink fast. “I..wasn’t watching you..what are you talking about?”
“I’m a werewolf hunter, you can’t hide from me, y/n.” Yuta smirked.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You walk towards the mannequin to remove the arrow.
Yuta stepped back and chuckled. “Suuuure.”
You rolled your eyes, but silently curse yourself.
There’s a growing tension between you and Yuta and you can’t explain it, but the more familiar the two of you got with each other, the more you wanted from him. Yeah, maybe the two of you were emotionally unstable, but that didn’t stop you from wanting a physical connection with someone. Yuta would touch you more, he’d let you sleep in his bed while he slept on the hammock, and now, he started to cook for you.
He was doing the bare minimum, but it meant so much to you and you couldn’t help but look on him fondly.
Later that evening, you’re taking your usual evening bath. You lay back and enjoy the warm water that soothes your aching body, your arms laid out along the sides. The soft breeze and gentle, dimming sunset makes you feel euphoric. You close your eyes and try to clear your head, unaware of the peeping eyes that now watched you.
Yuta watched the way your head fell back and you neck elongated. Your hair shiny and long lashes darkened by the water.
You looked incredibly beautiful in the sunset, he had to watch you. He had been watching you since you washed your back and revealed the large scars on it. He wondered how you had gotten them since Johnny never seemed to have hurt you.
You hear the bushes shuffle a little bit as Yuta makes noise on purpose to scare you.
Your eyes flicker open and you look to the side that you heard the noise from.
“Hello?” You call out and sit up straight in the large tub.
Yuta steps out from the bushes, he looks into your eyes and doesn’t hide his stare even when you cover your chest with your arms. It looks like he’s just left the shower as he stands in front of you in only a silk robe and his long, wet hair.
“Yuta...” you call out his name in a sweet, but low tone. He steps closer and you relax, removing your arms from your chest and sinking back down.
“What happened to your back?” Yuta’s gaze is hungry and you want him to come closer.
“Tell me about your battle wounds..and I’ll tell you about mine..” you tilt your head to tell him to come inside the tub with you.
Yuta drapes his robe off and steps into the tub. He steps closer to you, your back hitting the edge as you can’t back away any more.
“It’s not so nice being watched, is it?” Yuta smirks.
“Well..I don’t mind it, as long as it’s you.” You whisper but you look at his lips as you speak, ready to feel them on yours.
Yuta leans forward and kisses you, his tongue instantly darting across the plump surface for entrance. You hold onto his back and press his  body closer to yours. You kissed with a sense of urgency, like you had both been longing for this moment for some time.
Your heart beat fast as he bit your bottom lip lightly then kisses your jawline. His steamy breath decorates it while his hand runs through your hair.
The warm water feels amazing on your two bodies joined together like intertwined fingers.
Yuta cups your breast, massaging the nipple in between his thumb and index finger while he watched your mouth fall open.
He kisses your mouth once again, kissing it sloppily and with haste as your whines push him along.
Yuta continues to mark the delicate skin of your neck while massaging your scalp.
You take his face into your hands and look into his eyes deeply. You bite your lips.
“Touch me.”
Yuta kisses you again, never letting go this time while you wrap your arms around his neck and let your body float upwards in the water.
Your legs wrap around his waist. You feel Yuta run his hands up and down your thighs before running his fingers along your slit.
You shiver at the light touch on your sensitive skin, but whimper quietly.
He pushes his fingers into you, letting go of your lips once more so he can watch you shudder at the feeling of his fingers inside you.
You reach down and stroke his member as he continued to push his long fingers into you, his thumb drawing circles on your bud while you cry out his name.
He groans as he feels your soft hand pumping him and rubbing along his tip.
He can’t seem to focus now as the feeling begins to take over, he stares at your naked body, your breasts rising up and down in the water as you ride his fingers, the way your mouth stays open as he stretches you out.
You let go of his member and place your legs down. You turn around and push your butt out as you hold onto the edge of the tub.
“Fuck me, Yuta.”
Yuta gently places your hair to the right side of your neck so he can see your beautiful face as he takes you from behind. He places small kisses on the exposed side before holding your waist and pulling you back towards him. Pushing into you slowly while you gasp.
He takes both wrists in his hand and places them above your head before pushing in and out of you, taking his time so he can feel your walls tighten around his veiny member.
His thrusts are slow but hard, hitting your sweet spot once he finally pushes in all the way.He groans when you clench around him, throwing his head back to keep his hair from falling in his face.
The water splashes onto the ground as he moves faster. Your whimpers grow louder and your satiny walls start to clench around him without control, driving him crazy. He kisses your lips while he makes sultry, hot love to you during the sunset. His chest covers your back and you feel safe. The love Yuta makes to you feels sincere, he kisses you like he can’t let go, like he needs your love to breathe.
And when he isn’t kissing you, his touch is gentle. He gazed at you like you’re a precious gift.
His hips snap into you and you cry out his name. He grunts and starts to rub your clit again with his other hand.
You can feel the bruise start to form on your neck as Yuta sucks on it harder.
Yuta kisses your lips then looks into your eyes as he rubs and pushes in faster. “Cum for me, baby.” he leans into your ear and whispers lowly.
You quiver around him as you climax, a loud moan leaving your mouth as you become dizzy and your eyes close tightly.
Yuta climaxes after, still kissing your lips as he comes. His movement slows and you both breathe heavily once your done kissing.
He pulls out and steps away to the opposite side of the tub while you turn around.
Yuta brushes his hair back with his fingers, his face looking stressed as he looks into the water.
“What’s wrong?” You ask him.
“Nothing.” Yuta says sternly, his tone and mood is the complete opposite of what it was just minutes ago.
Did he regret doing this? Was he thinking about Hina?
“Yuta-“ you start but he gets up and walks out of the tub. He swiftly throws his robe on and heads back to the house.
When you dry yourself and head in, you see that he’s already fallen asleep on his hammock.
[Later That Night]
You’re sleeping when you hear an airy voice call your name. You shift on your side and ignore it, thinking it was something from your dream.
But then, you hear it calling you again. You open your eyes lazily and look around for Yuta.
You squint and see that no one is there in the darkness. So you lean over to the bedside lamp and turn it on.
When you look back at the end of the bed, you’re startled to see Jaehyun..
“Jaehyun?” You whisper his name then jump on the bed and crawl towards him.
“What happened?”
Your eyes widen when you see that Jaehyun’s chest has been ripped open. The bones of his ribcage stick out into the air. He is covered in blood and his face is covered in scars. His chest is hollow and when you look closer, you see that it’s empty, no heart rests in the cavity.
Your eyes start to tear up. “J-Jaehyun..”
Jaehyun looked away from your eyes. He exhales then sits on the foot of your bed. You rush to sit beside him and look at him questioningly.
“He won, y/n. I tried..but..I wasn’t strong enough.” His voice was somber, his eyes low as he stared at the floor. This was unlike him, he was quiet, sad, defeated.
You reach out to hold his hand, but your hand falls onto the bed and that’s when you realize what else is different with Jaehyun. He doesn’t have a glow about him because you’re dreaming, no, he glows because he’s a ghost.
Jaehyun looks at you while your mouth falls open.
“He..he did this to you?”
“Yes..and he’ll do the same to you. You have to stay away from him. When you ran away, father died shortly after. Johnny lost it. He started killing anyone that would challenge or disagree with him..”
Jaehyun looks to the floor again.
“I couldn’t stop him..I don’t think anyone can. Don’t go back, y/n, you can’t go back.”
You swallowed hard. “I have to stop him. I have to-“
“You don’t understand! He’s powerful, by killing me he’s attained my abilities. He’s still trying to harness them, but in no time he’ll be unstoppable once he controls them. He told me that he will find you and kill you since he can’t have you, y/n. He’s furious that you ran away.”
Jaehyun’s voice got louder. He furrowed his brows and looked at you with anger.
You drew in a sharp breath. “So it was him..”
You thought about the afternoon when you were in the kitchen and heard his voice. Johnny was using telepathy he attained from Jaehyun and was trying to find you.
“He spoke to me the other day, Jaehyun. What if he already knows where I am.”
“He is still in the learning phase. It takes much energy to find someone that is thousands of miles away. He won’t be able to find you for now, for sight and touch are the most difficult senses to develop when trying to contact people telepathically.” Jaehyun’s face relaxes.
“I’m going to kill him, Jaehyun..” tears run down your cheeks as you look at the final state of Jaehyun before his death. You could tell he put up a fight.
Jaehyun closes his eyes and sighs. “I had a feeling you’d say that...it seems I can’t stop you either.”
“I can’t run away forever, he’ll think I’m afraid and he doesn’t deserve that satisfaction.” You shake your head.
“If you do decide to fight him, you have to do it soon. He’ll kill more people to get stronger. He’ll destroy towns until he gets to you. He has broken the laws of nature because he knows no one can stop him. There is an imbalance that can only be corrected if he is stopped.”
Jaehyun looks around and down at his hands as he starts to fade.
Your eyes widen. “W-what’s happening? Don’t leave me, please.” You beg but Jaehyun only smiles.
“I don’t have much time, I transferred all of my funds to the credit card I gave you. I had a feeling that everything would go to shit fast, so I forged a marriage license between us. Everything from my life insurance policy will go to that card, because I listed you as the beneficiary. I told my some guys I know not to look for you, but to make sure everything runs smoothly in case I’m gone..”
“W-Wait, Wait..we’re married? How-“
Your brows furrow.
“I have connections, baby.” He gives a wink, but his tone turns more serious when he glances down to your lips.
“We could’ve been great, you and me...” Jaehyun says softly. “I’m sorry I was greedy, I’m sorry I couldn’t stop him in time. This is the least I can do to help you.”
“Jaehyun..” you tried to touch him again, but felt nothing but cool air at your finger tips.
“Live as I would live, y/n. Take care of yourself. I hope you can forgive me.” Jaehyun leans forward and kisses your forehead. You barely feel it as he starts to disappear completely.
You burst into tears. “No..no, don’t leave.”
But Jaehyun is no longer there. It’s just you now on the bed, you hold your face in your hands and sob quietly.
[A Week Later]
Doyoung is gathering medicine from trees in the woods behind his house, he places them into his basket and heads back to his house.
Once he enters it, he notices that something isn’t right. The air is different, the smell is putrid. Something smells of death.
When he looks down, he sees that the trail of wolf’s bane he placed on the floor has been disturbed, it’s no longer straight and has been broken in the middle.
Doyoung’s eyes grow, he looks around and listens closely.
“You dare to enter the house of a witch without permission?”
Doyoung sees Johnny with his all-Seeing eye, he’s looking around his bedroom while Doyoung stands still at the doorway waiting for him to appear.
Johnny turns the corner and walks slowly towards Doyoung.
“It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, Doyoung.” Johnny’s voice comes out gravelly.
Doyoung looks sternly at Johnny, he already knows why he is there. He knows that Johnny has gone on a killing spree since you ran away. He’s dangerous and from the look on his grim face, his red eyes and messy hair, he can tell that he hasn’t slept for days. Doyoung can also smell the blood on his hands, he can hear the screams of both innocent people and other werewolves, he can see the fear in their eyes as Johnny took their lives away.
It’s too much for Doyoung, it makes him sick. He knows Johnny has broken the laws of nature and deserves to die for it, but he didn’t want to challenge him alone. He would need multiple witches to take him down with him and they were nowhere to be found.
“You must leave.” Doyoung turns to his kitchen and starts to take his herbs from his basket.
Meanwhile, Johnny tried to read Doyoung’s mind, he tries to access his thoughts and previous conversations in an effort to find out where you are.
But Doyoung has protected his mind with a spell, no one can read it.
Johnny curses to himself and feels the fury in his chest start to build. The desire to kill grows strong. He’s so angry he can’t control it, every time he thinks he gets closer to finding you, he gets blocked and ends up with nothing. But not this time, he would see to it that he’d get information.
He looks around Doyoung’s place, sniffing so that he can pick up your scent. If you did get rid of his baby, Doyoung was the closest witch to town. Jaehyun would’ve surely taken you here.
“Where is she, Doyoung?” Johnny walks around calmly, and right then, he picks up a subtle scent of your hair from the corner of the center room.
He walks over to it. And closes his eyes, tapping into his telepathic ability to hear and see what exactly happened in that corner.
But he has no luck. He only smells you, so he knows for sure that you were there.
“I don’t know who ‘she’ is, I’ve been alone for quite some time now.” Doyoung responds, still tending to his herbs.
“You’re lying to me and I don’t like being lied to..” Johnny chuckles. “I can smell her.”
Doyoung sighs. “You’re a fool, even if I did know where she is, I have no obligation to answer to you. You’re pathetic and a coward, killing everyone to find her. She ran away from you for a reason, Johnny. Just let her go.”
Johnny’s expression grows serious. “Tell me where she is, and you won’t get hurt like the others.”
Doyoung scoffs and turns to him. He places his herbs down then walks over to Johnny.
He swings his hand and the front door to his house flies open.
“Are you threatening me? Do I need to remind you of what will happen if you kill a witch? There’s the door, get out.”
And Doyoung was right. Johnny was breaking many rules, but the one rule he couldn’t break was to kill a witch. Centuries ago, supernatural creatures made an agreement that they would all be bound to. And in that agreement, a law states that a werewolf’s supernatural abilities would only remain in tact if they agreed to never kill a witch. Furthermore, they would be instantly beheaded by the High Priestess, the oldest witch on Earth.
Johnny knew he couldn’t break this rule, but he also knew that he wanted to send a message to all supernatural creatures.
“Who said anything about killing you?” Johnny gives a devilish smile, his eyes grow into a stronger, deeper shade of red. Doyoung’s brows furrowed and he backs away.
Johnny uses his elongating claws and grabs Doyoung’s neck. He raises him until Doyoung’s feet dangle two feet above the floor.
Doyoung tightens his hand around Johnny’s wrist as he struggles to breathe.
With his other hand, Doyoung motions for a wooden chair to fly into Johnny’s back, but Johnny uses telekinesis to stop it from colliding into him, causing it to shatter into one hundred pieces.
His hand tightens around Doyoung’s throat as his face turns red.
The Johnny you knew wouldn’t have done this, but that Johnny was gone. He was now a tiny voice in the back of the head of a monster.
“Since you won’t tell me, I’ll make sure you never speak to anyone else again.” Johnny smirks, his eyes grow and he uses his other hand to force Doyoung’s mouth open.
Doyoung screams when Johnny pierces the center of his tongue with his big, sharp nail.
He then uses it as a hook and tugs it, ripping Doyoung’s tongue out of his wide open mouth.
Blood gushes out from Doyoung’s mouth, he starts to choke on it. He’s in so much pain, he doesn’t know what to do. If he should attack Johnny or think of a spell to reattach it.
His tongue flies onto the floor as Johnny drops his body. Doyoung cries, holding his bleeding mouth with one hand. He reaches out to his tongue with the other hand and attempts to pull it towards him, but Johnny picks it up and tosses it into his mouth, his fangs tearing through the tough and thick organ before swallowing it.
Johnny laughs loudly and licks his lips.
Doyoung tries to cry out “No,” but he can’t, he can no longer make any sound.
In a fit of rage, Doyoung motions to a glass of hogweed sitting on his counter.
He tries to throw it at Johnny, in an effort to blind him, but Johnny quickly reverses Doyoung’s telekinetic action, forcing it back to Doyoung. The glass shatters and the powdered hogweed enters Doyoung’s eyes.
Doyoung now rubs his eyes as the sharp, stabbing pain rubs throughout his entire body.
He flops on the floor, unable to think of what to do to ease the pain. Johnny looks down on him and tilts his head.
“You can’t see, cant talk..what good are you now as a witch?” Johnny chuckles and steps over him before heading out the door.
[The Next Day]
Johnny uses his acquired senses from killing Jaehyun to reach out to you in your dreams.
He thinks that he is able to finally harness the ability. He wants to see your surroundings, but even more, he wants to see you, touch you, feel you again.
He sits up in the center or his dark room and crosses his legs. He is surrounded by the old silk robe you left, a hair tie you used to use, and your silver ring that he had to pick up with tongs. Having your things around him would allow him to bring about your image in his mind.
His eyes close, his eyes roll in the back of his head and he breathes slowly, he drifts into his dark mind, gradually forgetting about everything else and only focusing on his memory of you. 
After a few minutes, he finds you.
He sees that you’re sleeping in a bed, but he can’t figure out exactly where you are.
Your room is pretty plain, you cover yourself tightly with white sheets.
He looks down on you as you sleep quietly. He makes note that it’s nighttime where you are but daytime where he is, you’re no longer in the same country as him.
He looks out of the window in your room, and sees a few bushes but nothing that stands out.
So he turns back to you, adoring the way you’re curled up and you’re lips are pouted. He hasn’t seen you in so long, his human heart jumps in happiness for the first time in weeks.
He felt a tinge of hope when he had called out to you a few weeks ago and you said his name. He knew he was getting close. But now, he needed to know if he could finally touch you.
He gently rubs his finger across your face, his breath hitching in his throat and eyes widening when he feels the soft, cool skin of your cheek.
He starts to smile and sits down on the edge of the bed, waiting for you to wake up.
“Oh, my love, where are you?”
He says lowly.
Your eyes open slowly, you rub them with your small fists and squint.
“Hello? Who’s there?” You ask, but as your eyes focus, you see a pair of glowing red eyes and jump up in your bed.
You turn on the light and start to pant.
“J-Johnny? How did you-“
You’re shocked to see Johnny, he’s stronger and still handsome but his eyes are darker, they’re no longer doe eyes of kindness, they’re eyes of horror. He’s nothing like how he was when you were together.
He smiles as he looks at you and takes in your features.
You look around nervously when you realize that he might know where you are, but then you remember that he doesn’t know you’re with Yuta because Yuta sleeps on the hammock in the next room. If he’s contacting you telepathically, then he can only see your room.
You sit up straight and calm yourself.
“I know why you’re here, Johnny, I know your plan, I know that you lied to me!”
“I’m sorry..y/n..” he reaches out and places his large hand on yours.
“You were gonna kill me! You got me pregnant just so you could be the alpha! You told me..you loved me.” You couldn’t help but cry as you watched the monster in front of you, what did he do with man you once loved?
Johnny wipes away your tears, his face full of regret and sadness once he sees you cry.
His human side had taken over now, it always did when he thought about you, you made him weak, you calmed him down, made him remember he had a heart. It made him...human.
“Shhh don’t cry..I was going to save you, y/n.” The werewolf within him chuckles as he hears himself lie.
You know you couldn’t save her.
“Come back to me please..I miss you.” Johnny swallows hard and scoots closer to you.
You know that Johnny is trying to lure you in, but with each touch you remember all the moments you had together. The summer days you spent laughing and talking, the winter nights you spent cuddled up and watching horror movies. The days at the conservatory when you would walk around and listen to him talk about the beautiful shrubs and flowers in it. You would watch him speak with such passion because he clearly loved his job.
You remembered waking up to him cooking breakfast for you, the wonderful omelettes he made. You heard the sounds of the fair you guys went to and his glorious laugh, you saw his smile and felt his lips on yours, it all felt so real, like you were experiencing everything all over again. Johnny was manipulating your emotions, making you see these memories so it could break you.
And it seemed to work.
Johnny holds your face in his hand, he looks into your large eyes and leans down to kiss you. You kiss him back, closing your eyes and allowing yourself to fall weak into his arms like putty. It feels like the first time you kissed, slow and magical, his tongue playfully dancing with yours.
Everything feels so real, his soft lips on yours, his gentle touch.
He lays down beside you while your lips are still attached to his.
You caress his arms as he leans over you and fixes himself between your legs.
He draws the strap of your nightgown down and kisses along your collar bone.
You moan when you feel his broad chest on yours. His fingers prance along the skin of your inner thigh, moving dangerously close to the apex.
He lowers his lips to your chest, bringing the trim of the gown down to reveal your perky nipples. He licks around them while you whimper. You can feel your legs start to waver, you can feel his growing member push against the fabric of your panties.
You push your body upwards and grind against him to increase the friction. Your head falls back and Johnny moans as he continues to rub his covered member along your growing heat.
He sucks hard on your collar bone to decorate it with a bruise. His mind becomes giddy, he smells your beautiful womanhood, he can’t taste your sweet skin, your lovely mewls enter his ears and he silently goes crazy. He finally gets to feel you again. He finally has you under him and in his hands.
You lock eyes for a moment when he pulls away and looks down at you. You cherish his beautiful face, his hair wavy and dangling in front of his forehead. His eyes were softer now, you no longer saw red and he smelled like flowers, the ones he always brought home from his conservatory for you.
He licks his swollen lips then goes back to kissing you. Your kisses become hastier, he pushes into you harder, making sure to feel your covered slit.
“More..more please..” you’re tired of his teasing.
“I can give you more...just tell me where you are..and I’ll be right there..” Johnny sucks your nipple again and listens to you moan.
And you’re so needy and hot that you almost fall for it, you throw your head back once you feel his fingers push into your panties, and trace up and down your needy bud.
“I-“ you start but stop when you hear Jaehyun’s voice echo in the back of your mind.
Or was it more than that?
You quickly glance over to the side while Johnny still kisses your neck and see the ghost of Jaehyun actually in your room again.
You see his bloody chest and it all comes back to you.
“He’s lying. He wants to kill you, y/n. Don’t forget why you’re here.” Jaehyun looks on you sternly.
Your eyes become teary, but Johnny places his lips onto yours again. Your eyes flutter shut and when you open them once again, Jaehyun is gone.
You stop kissing Johnny and holds his face away from yours. He furrows his brows and looks at your lips while breathing heavily.
“I don’t..love you anymore, Johnny.”
Johnny blinks slowly and lifts himself off of you. His eyes become watery as your words echo in his head. He lost you.
You fix your gown and look up at him before swallowing hard.
“I’d like you to leave.”
Johnny’s eyes once filled with regret and yearning are now full of fire. They return to the glowing red color you had seen before.
“You can’t run away from me forever.” He says huskily and holds up his claw with scary, elongated nails. He’s about to gash into your chest, but you stop him.
“I know..I’ll be seeing you soon, Johnny.” You say before grabbing a small knife under your pillow and slicing Johnny’s throat, his apparition disappearing right before your eyes.
Johnny is abruptly transported back to his dull room, he holds his throat and takes in a sharp breath, shocked by how real the attack felt.
You lay back down in your bed and gaze at the ceiling. Johnny almost had you, he almost made you his again. You were weak and you shouldn’t have been.
You had to remember who he really was, what he had done to you.Your mind runs wild with thoughts, you know you can’t go back to sleep, so you decide to practice shooting with your crossbow until the sun rises and another day begins.
[A Month Later]
“Do you think you’re ready?” Yuta asks while wrapping your arms with tape.
“Do you think I am?” You wait for him to look up at you. Ever since you made love, Yuta was hesitant to look into your eyes. He felt something he couldn’t explain.
He does look up at you as he tightens the tape. “I’m worried for you.”
He finally lets out and it’s true, he doesn’t want to get closer to you because he’s not sure if you’ll make it out alive. And he can’t help you because he is forbidden from being involved in supernatural affairs. Not to mention the fact that he’s also on the no-fly list.
He can’t lose another person he cares for.
You purse your lips and look away. “Don’t be. I’m ready.”
You want to get it over with so you can finally be free of Johnny. You want to live your life. What he did to you was unforgivable and he had to pay for it.
You’ve been training for a while and can finally keep up with Yuta’s attacks.
Yuta walks away from you and holds his head low.
“Yuta..will you come with me? We can find someone that can make you a passport, change your identity..”
Yuta shakes his head. “No, I haven’t been involved in werewolf issues for some time, I don’t plan on getting involved now..not even for you.” His tone was cold.
You huff and walk towards the sack of sand you used to practice kick boxing with.
“This so your battle. I will only complicate things” Yuta continues but you stop him.
“That’s not true, Yuta. You’re just scared to lose me. You’re scared that you’ll be the one to blame if I don’t survive.”
Yuta turns to you, his mouth falling open but no words come out, he doesn’t respond.
“I’m not Hina and I’m not your brother, I’ll kill this bastard with or without you.” You can feel the anger in your tone.
“Y/n..I’m sorry.” Yuta says quietly but you’ve already left to gather your things.
Yuta is unsure of how he feels about you, you have a place in his heart and as you spent more time together, that’s peace grew bigger. He’d watch you and fall in love with everything you did, from the way you played with Tako to the way you mixed drinks, the way you washed your hair to your determination. For the first time in a long time, he didn’t think of Hina. 
He only thought of you. And the truth was that that one evening he spent making love to you stayed in his mind. He couldn’t stop thinking about you. So he decided to distance himself, in fear of the inevitable pain he would experience when you were gone like everyone else.
He knew he was a coward for not saying goodbye to you.
[The Next Day]
You’ve arrived back in your hometown alone. You’re nervous and scared, but you know that you must face Johnny, even if you’re on your own.
The town is dark and sad, the streets are empty, the bar you once worked at was permanently closed. Your old apartment was abandoned.
The city had been turned upside down since you left and it was all because of him.
He had killed so many people that residents got scared and fled. The police couldn’t explain or help, and officials in higher levels refused to get involved because even though they knew the source of the madness, they knew better than to challenge it. So instead, they let a small town suffer and ignored the issue.
It’s a cold night, the moon shines brightly above you. At first, you thought it was naive to challenge a werewolf at the time when he’d be strongest, but Yuta taught you that this would be the best time, for his werewolf heart would be more exposed, switching places with his human heart, and thus, making the werewolf side more vulnerable.
Johnny knows you’re in town, he can feel a shift in the air. He knows you’ve come to fight him. All this time he was trying to find you, only to realize that you would come to him and fall right in his trap.
You push the doors to the conservatory open and walk inside it. You can see that the flowers and shrubs have wilted. It’s not like it was before, it was dark and sad, the waterfall in the center no longer poured out crystal water. Everything seemed to be dead or in the process of dying. Everything except the brilliantly green water lilies that looked magical as they floated on the surface of the pond.
The vines drooped down from the glass ceiling and fell into your face as you walked through it.
The once colorful and happy flowers hung low as if to represent the own feeling of defeat and grimness in your heart.
You hold your crossbow by your side, ready to use it at the slightest sound.
“Welcome home, my sweet strawberry shortcake.” Johnny’s voice echoed out, bouncing off of the high ceilings.
You looked around, but couldn’t find him.
“Enough with the games, Johnny.”
You looked to the side carefully, he sounded close but you couldn’t tell which direction he was coming from.
“But I like playing with you..” Johnny says lowly, you can almost hear his pout, but his voice tells you that he’s getting closer.
You listen closely and hear movement above you. You quickly aim your crossbow above you and shoot an arrow towards him. He hangs from the ceiling upside down and lets out a loud road as he dodges the arrow.
He’s fast and disappears from your sight when he drops down to the ground behind a group of ferns.
You quickly reload and hold your crossbow up again. Turning slowly until you get a glimpse of him.
Johnny is caught off guard by your swiftness. The human in him calls out to the werewolf in an attempt to stop himself. He just wants to hold you and love you again. He doesn’t want to fight, but the other part knows that he has to. He knows that there is no hope for the two of you. But you’re making him weak nonetheless. Unlike his other opponents, he still has feelings for you. A part of him doesn’t want to kill you.
While Johnny is in his thoughts, he doesn’t realize that you’ve spotted him.
You quickly pull back the arrow and release it, this time, landing a successful shot into his abdomen.
His wolf form is huge and unlike anything you’ve ever seen before, but you try not to be frightened by it. You thought of the very first night you dealt with one of these creatures and reminded yourself that you’re not that scared girl anymore.
You loaded another arrow while Johnny lets out another howl.
Johnny runs around the ferns with his super speed, knocking the crossbow from your hands. But before he does, you’re able to pull back and release another arrow into his shoulder. The contact of the silver and his skin causes a sizzling sound to emit.
Johnny towers over you and swings his claw into your side, scratching you so hard, you’re thrown to the floor twenty feet away.
You’re hoping the two shots make him weaker so you can attack his heart and finish him.
You wince in pain and hold your side as blood gushes out of it.
You start to stand up slowly, but Johnny grabs you by the throat and holds you up high.
“Let’s not fight. Make this easy for me, baby.” he growls.
You grunt and grab your katana that’s attached to your back, swiping it through his chest. Your sword cut deep, causing him to curse and toss you to the side as he bent over. Your sword was also coated in a special silver so the cut was unlike anything else. It burnt through the hairy flesh all the way to his lungs and other organs.
He coughed up blood and held himself up off the ground with one claw.
You yell and run towards him while he’s down and swing your sword again, but miss. He disappeared before your eyes and ends up behind you. He claws at your back over and over with ridiculous speed while you cry out in pain.
You fall onto your back and cry out in pain. He moves to kneel over you, but your cries distract him for a second. His facial expression changes to worry when his human side sees that you are hurt badly.
You look into his eyes and plead. “Please Johnny, don’t do this. I love you.”
You’re not lying when you say this, a part of you still does love him, but you only say it out loud to make him weaker.
He leans forward and his red eyes dissipate for a moment. Right then, you grab your katana and aim it at his chest. You put pressure on it so that it starts to pierce his skin but he quickly shifts back into full werewolf mode and grabs it with both hands.
You fight hard against his grip and push it in further while he starts to cough up more blood.
Before it can go in all the way, he grips the sword tightly, ignoring the sounds of his burning flesh on the blade and forces it out of your hands before tossing it to the side.
He picks you up angrily and bites into your shoulder. You cry out a blood-hurdling scream as the feeling of his sharp teeth breaks your skin, tears through muscles and shatters your bones. You can hear the cracking and feel your nervous system become overwhelmed with antagonizing pain. He tosses you to the center of the conservatory, then walks over to you while shifting back into human form.
“I didn’t want this..I didn’t want to turn you..”
He says softly.
“But you left me no choice...”
Your back rests against the same bench that you slept on the first night you entered this place. You breathe heavily and wince in pain, grasping onto as a much air as possible as you feel yourself start to fade.
You shakily take your gun out of your harness and hold it behind you while Johnny is distracted.
He’s too caught up in his own emotions and thinking he’s finally become victorious to read your mind and realize that you have yet another weapon that you plan to wield against him.
He kneels down to you and wipes your tears from your cheeks with his thumb. You’ve got him right where you want him.
“I can’t live without you..” he looks into your eyes, his own brimming with water.
You chuckle and he watches as blood stains your beautiful lips.
“Then die.” you let out.
Johnny’s brows furrowed and looks at you in confusion. He reads your mind a moment too late. You’ve already drawn out your gun and shot two silver bullets into his heart.
Johnny falls to the floor on his knees and winces in pain. He’s still confused as he looks back up at you. His mouth opens once he stands up and backs away from you. He feels his body start to shut down. On impulse, he tries to heal himself, but it seems as though the bullets have pierced through both hearts.
He can’t seem to heal fast enough, his vision becoming blurry. He coughs up blood and can’t back away anymore, his ankles being met with with short wall of the waterfall in the center of his beloved conservatory.
He trips and falls into the pond filled with water lilies. His body becoming limp as he can no longer feel or control his arms or legs.
You struggle to stand up on your feet, but eventually, you slowly stumble over to the pond and see his eyes are closed and his chest is no longer moving.
It’s over, it’s really over. You start to cry when you realize that he’s gone, feeling a mixture of both relief, pain and sadness wash over you.
You sit on the edge of the pond beside his body and look up at the sky. You cry out loud and uncontrollably, you can feel your body start to change, a vibrating sensation runs through it at the sight of the bright moon. But you’ve lost so much blood, your vision becomes blurry and you pass out.
You don’t feel the gentle fingers that cover your own as your body slouches over. Johnny uses the last of his energy to heal you just enough so you survive. He holds your hand tightly, giving you all that he has left as he cries quietly, waiting for death to finally consume him.
[6 Hours Later]
Someone picks you up and takes you out of the conservatory. You can hear the person’s heartbeat and breathing, it’s strange. Your senses are heightened and you can feel the presence of another person beside the one carrying you.
The person places you onto a soft bed.
Your heavy eyes struggle to open, but when they do, you’re shocked to see that it was Yuta carrying you.
“Y-Yuta?” You ask quietly. As the sensation of sleeping dissipates from your body, you start to feel all the pain and memories of what happened flood your mind.
Yuta looks at you and sighs. “I’m sorry.”
He gets up and leaves the room before you can ask why he’s apologizing.
Doyoung then enters and you’re frightened.
Doyoung has a scarf around his eyes, but walks straight towards you with a bowl of liquid.
“Doyoung..what..what happened?” You start to sit up straight and wince at the radiating pain in your shoulder.
“He can’t talk..” Yuta comes back in.
You look up at him then back to Doyoung.
“Johnny ripped out his tongue when he wouldn’t tell him where you are.”
Yuta sits beside you on the bed and take a cloth out of the bowl of liquid.
You hiss in pain as he tends to your wounds.
“He’s dead right? Please tell me he’s dead.”
Yuta nodded. “Yes, it seems as though you did what you set out to do, you got a clean shot. Or perhaps you just got lucky.” He gives you a small smile and a wink.
You swallow hard and look to the ceiling.
“Why did you come?”
“I felt bad. I figured you’d need my help..and..” Yuta stumbles over his words.
“I was a dick to you back there..”
You smiled, but it quickly faded as you remembered your reality. You knew that you were a werewolf now. Even if Yuta did like you, there was no way you could be together.
You held his hand and stopped his movement.
“You have to kill me, Yuta. I can’t live like this..I can’t become him or..” you stopped before you said her name, but he finished it.
“Hina...” Yuta looks into your eyes somberly.
You nod as you cry.
“I know, but you won’t..not with me around..I’ll take care of you.” Yuta continues to cleanse your wounds.
“Why? I’m not your responsibility, you’ve helped me get this far, you don’t have to-“ you plead. You’re worried that you will bring him pain like the others did, you can’t bare to see his heart break when you become the monster he hates.
“I know..” he says strongly and puts the cloth back in the bowl. “I know..y/n..” he brushes your hair back with your hand.
“But we’re in this together, you’ve made my life exciting and worth living again. I won’t run away like a coward this time, I’ll fight for you.”
Your heart is warm, you start to smile and finally feel at peace. You were scared to see what would become of you now that you were a werewolf, but you were glad to see that you didn’t have to endure the pain alone.
[The Next Day]
Johnny’s omega, Donghyuk goes to the Johnny’s house to look for Johnny. He discovers that the place has been destroyed. Broken glass is everywhere.
When he calls on police to tell them that someone has broken into Johnny’s house and that he can’t make contact with him, so they arrive and check out the house.
They see that all of Johnny’s belongings are still in the house so it couldn’t have been a robbery. So they head over to the conservatory to see if there are any clues there.
When they enter it, they see that the pond in the center is full of blood. And upon closer examination, they see that despite it being filled with crimson liquid, there is no body.
Johnny is nowhere to be found.
A/N: YOU GUYSSS THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!! i hope you liked the ending...mayhaps there will be a book 2??????
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morfinwen · 3 years
OC Name: Ian, Lauren, Q, Niner, and Ash.
Wow, this one's old! But answered at last.
Something really awesome he can do: His coworkers are certainly amazed by his ability to remain in Lauren’s presence when she’s in a temper, let alone how he can talk to her without getting murdered, or even -- sometimes -- calm her down.
A person, creature, or thing he adores: Squirrels. Growing up, he named all the ones he saw in his backyard, and would watch them for hours. He’d love to do the same now, but as an adult with bills he doesn’t have the time. He does have a bird feeder out in his yard specifically for the squirrels.
A secret he’s hiding: No secrets -- Ian wouldn’t be able to keep one if he had it.
Something he truly fears: Something bad happening to his parents.
A fond memory of his: The first time his parents drove to visit his mom’s parents on the Tennessee/Kentucky border. It’s a cozy memory of scenery passing in a blur, what seemed like a continuous stream of snacks and juice boxes, switching between CDs of his and his parents’ favorite music, and listening to his mom and dad tease and flirt with each other (subtle enough to fly over the head of a seven-year-old who still thought kissing was icky).
A place or item which gives him strong feelings: The sanctuary of the church where he grew up. It’s where he was baptized, and where he played guitar during some very moving services.
A dream or ambition for the future: Perform on live TV.
An angsty fact about him: He and Lauren had a falling out in their second year of college. I hesitate to say it was over Protestantism and Catholicism; it was, at least to some degree, but it was also about worldview, the nature of God, the role of tradition and conscience, and perhaps most of all it was about what we owe to people we disagree with. They’d argued about religion before, but it wasn’t until then that they actually understood enough to do more than rebut “Pastor Andrews says” with “Father Vernon says”, and for it to matter enough to them to blow up as much as it did. It took months for them to reconcile, partially because of stubbornness and uncertainty of how to fix things, but also because schoolwork and practice meant they didn’t have the time to figure it all out.
A domestic fact about him: Ian almost always keeps most, if not all, of his windows open. Even when it’s cold (for Tennessee) or raining. It can make things cold, and the smell isn’t always great, but he insists it’s too stuffy otherwise. Lauren is pretty sure it’s a psychosomatic thing.
A random other fact: He once had a dream where he was a dog, Lauren was a cat, and they escaped from their owners to travel the world together. It would’ve made a good movie.
Something really awesome she can do: Play Chopin’s Fantaisie-Impromptu (Op. 66) completely from memory.
A person, creature, or thing she adores: Not sure if “adore” is quite the right word, but one of the most important people to Lauren, outside of Ian and her immediate family, is Father Vernon from her family’s parish. He’s known her family since before she was born, listened to their confessions, counseled her parents, baptized her and her siblings. Every weekend she drives the couple hours it takes to her hometown so she can attend Mass at Father Vernon’s church.
A secret she’s hiding: She’s written songs … about fictional characters. She even composed a suite of music for a pair of fictional characters’ wedding.
Something she truly fears: Permanent damage to her hands. Her music teacher once mentioned a friend of hers who couldn’t play the piano anymore after something heavy fell on his hands. If Lauren was the type of person to have nightmares based on things she heard, that certainly would have given her nightmares.
A fond memory of hers: Her grandparents would have a picnic sometime in June, every year. It wasn’t always enjoyable, between the long car drive there with all of her siblings jammed into a cramped place, and the potential for bugs, sunburn, and bad weather, but the park was beautiful, there were so many other kids around that there was always someone to play with even if everyone else had annoyed you, and when it got to be evening they would all gather around, play music, and sing.
A place or item which gives her strong feelings: Mrs. G’s music classroom at the elementary school. In addition to band during school weeks, it was also where Lauren had her piano lessons with Mrs. G on the weekends.
A dream or ambition for the future: She doesn’t think winning a Grammy award is out of the question someday.
An angsty fact about her: From first grade until she graduated college, she believed herself to be her parents’ least favorite child. Even now, it’s not so much that she doesn’t believe it as she doesn’t think it’s worth it to spend time and energy thinking about it.
A domestic fact about her: In order to have room for a keyboard in her apartment, she gave up on having a dining table, so she eats all over the place. She’s good about taking bowls and plates back to the kitchen, but there’s constantly cups and silverware lying around the living areas.
A random other fact: She hates her middle name. “Eleanor” sounds like an old lady name, not least because she’s named after one of her mother’s great-aunts, who is quite old, and has the kind of personality that suggests she was born gray-haired, wrinkled, and talking about “in the old days”.
Something really awesome he can do: He is trained in the use of multiple types of swords. It was a quid pro quo with his aunt and uncle: Q spoke to his politically-connected buddy from boarding school and got the ball rolling on an exemption from some nasty tariffs, they arranged for sword fighting lessons for a year. He never participated in any tournaments or anything (too much publicity), but he can say without undue pride that he got to be pretty good.
A person, creature, or thing he adores: “Adore” doesn’t really describe how Q feels about anything.
A secret he’s hiding: He’s not exactly hiding it, but he isn’t open about precisely how rich and powerful his aunt and uncle are, or how many famous (or in the case of some of his cousin’s criminal friends, infamous) people he knows through them.
Something he truly fears: Just the idea of being buried alive freaks him out.
A fond memory of his: He’s got some good memories of some summer holidays during his time at boarding school. Occasionally Q got invited to tag along with someone, a friend of his cousin or a fellow classmate, on their vacation to some super rich resort in some beautiful, exotic location. He’d still hear from his aunt and uncle regularly, and he always had to be well-behaved, but it was less than when he was at school -- at his age, just hanging out with rich and influential people counted as “networking” to his aunt and uncle, so they’d call in to check on him regularly but otherwise left him alone, and in a less formal setting than school “well-behaved” was an easier standard to meet. While parts of those summers were genuinely enjoyable for him, years of living hand to mouth a hairsbreadth away from sleeping on a street corner has added a much rosier shine to those days sleeping in five-star hotels and eating haute cuisine.
A place or item which gives him strong feelings: The family pile. It was where his dad spent his summers, so spending his own summers there growing up was one of the few times he felt connected to his parents. He’s also spent a significant number of holidays and family parties there, so it’s also associated with the exacting standards of his aunt and uncle and the strain of Keeping Up Appearances.
A dream or ambition for the future: He likes to imagine his aunt and uncle getting taken down a peg (or two, if he's particularly angry with them; sometimes he dares indulge the thought of three), though he struggles to imagine a scenario where that happens without notable repercussions.
An angsty fact about him: Virtually all of his t-shirts are band t-shirts, including bands he doesn’t listen to, bands he’s never heard of, foreign bands, fictional bands, and bands with potentially offensive names or symbols (though he usually only wears those at home or when he can be pretty sure he can keep his jacket closed all day). During his time in LA, one of his roommates asked if he wore them because, as an orphan who grew up in boarding schools, it was the closest he got to feeling like he belonged to something. The precise wording was kinder than that, but it still kickstarted a realization that rocked Q’s world for a couple days.
A domestic fact about him: He’s kind of weird about household chores in general. Despite his best efforts not to be as dismissive as his aunt and uncle, he still grew up in an atmosphere of "The Help does that," and it led to a steep learning curve when he moved out after graduation. He’s on top of dishes now and has a good handle on laundry, but sweeping and vacuuming require active thought, he barely registers that mopping is an actual thing, and unless "swipe hand over surface then brush hand off on pants" counts, he has never dusted.
A random other fact: Thanks to growing up outside the occult community, Q is unaware of the various taboos and 'bad words' within the community, and more than once says something offensive. Fortunately, this never creates any real issues for him, as everyone he does it to or in front of is aware he's not doing it maliciously. In fact, to most of them it's more like a small child 'swearing' because they misunderstood or mispronounced something, or saying something offensive out of innocent ignorance. Q is not best pleased when he finds out: being unintentionally offensive is one thing, being unintentionally adorable is worse.
Something really awesome she can do: She’s very good at mental math -- basic arithmetic, conversion from metric to imperial or types of currency, multiplying large numbers. Most people are more impressed with this ability than Niner herself is: she’s never had to work at it, and for most of her life it hasn’t been terribly relevant.
A person, creature, or thing she adores: Niner has a lot of younger siblings. She adores them all. Around them, she will drop the pretense of caring about nothing, and show full enthusiasm for anything they like.
A secret she’s hiding: She hasn't told anyone about the abusive relationship in her past.
Something she truly fears: For werecats, the threat of getting caught by animal control and getting euthanized or ending up as somebody’s housecat is about as probable as your average person getting struck by lightning, but few werecats are completely immune to fearing it. Niner in particular finds it horrifying.
A fond memory of hers: Her last year hanging with her parents and immediate siblings was a pretty good one. Since their kids were all on the verge of striking out on their own, her parents allowed them more independence than they ever had before, but there was still the safety net and companionship of family. They also made a point of visiting some places that they’d talked about visiting for years but hadn’t gotten to. It was basically a year-long vacation, and made Niner more aware of her independent spirit.
A place or item which gives her strong feelings: An alley behind a bar in Atlanta, Georgia. It’s where her relationship with Marrow ended. It’s also where one of her recurring nightmares, on the rare occasions she has one, takes place.
A dream or ambition for the future: Werecats travel a lot, but they tend to remain in the same country, and after their roaming days as young adults, they tend to remain in the same geographic area. Niner’s roaming days might be over, but she wants to visit another country. It won’t be easy, considering that she lacks money, a birth certificate, and a general idea of what other countries there are out there, but Niner can be dedicated when she really wants something.
An angsty fact about her: Tied in with her desire for independence is a belief that she needs to rely solely on herself, that other people can’t be trusted or that asking them to bear even part of one of her problems is infringing on them.
A domestic fact about her: Niner’s favorite place to sleep is Q’s windowsill. It gets a good amount of sunlight, and the size is just perfect.
A random other fact: She once worked as a cashier. It was just for a single shift, she got paid under the table, and frankly she was terrible at it, but the hot dog stand guy was desperate, and Niner really needed the money.
Something really awesome he can do: Ash can make a vegetarian version of just about anything. He considers it a gift. To others in the household (particularly Connie) … it’s amazing, but not in a good way.
A person, creature, or thing he adores: A crocheted frog that ‘lives’ on a shelf in the kitchen. It was a gift to his great-aunt who owned the house before him. It’s not what most people would consider cute, it’s probably older than he is so it’s got some noticeable wear and tear to it, but to little bitty Ash it was a benevolent spirit watching over the kitchen, smiling kindly to everyone who entered, and never telling on the small boy sneaking cookies before dinner.
A secret he’s hiding: It’s not quite a secret, more a deeply personal family matter that Ash is aware of but doesn’t share with anyone. His aunt Lily isn’t technically his aunt. She’s a half-dryad who, because of complications tied to her conception and birth, is bound to a tree on his grandmother’s property and traveling too far from it is painful for her. Obviously this isn’t something they can share with normal people, but it’s a sensitive enough situation that no one outside of Ash, his mother, grandmother, and aunts knows the details.
Something they truly fear: Ash is a naturally patient person, but he is not inherently non-confrontational or easy-going. And he is not the kind of person to just stand by when something makes him angry. He’s not exactly scared of losing his temper and doing something he regrets, but he is concerned about someday ending up on a slippery slope and reaching a point where he wouldn’t regret it.
A fond memory of his: He and Danae took a lot of walks in the country when they were in high school, usually by themselves, but sometimes with one of his aunts or one of her siblings. One especially beautiful summer evening, they sat by a lake for a couple hours and talked about their dreams for the future -- not just what they were likely to do, but what they really wanted to do with their lives.
A place or item which gives him strong feelings: The abovementioned lake. He spent a lot of time there growing up, and there’s good and bad memories tied to it. Mostly good.
A dream or ambition for the future: He has a lot of plans for the house. He’s not sure yet whether he wants to try to turn it into a school for enchanting, or turn it back into a bed-and-breakfast type place for occult people. The former is more appealing to him personally, but the latter works better considering that there’s already a bunch of different occult types staying there.
An angsty fact about him: Ash is the least angsty person in the household, honestly. He’s very grateful for that.
A domestic fact about him: He hates dust. Dishes can stack up for a meal or two, laundry gets done mainly because otherwise he’d have no clothes, mopping only happens if the floor is sticky, the fridge is cleaned out on a schedule, but dusting happens every day.
A random other fact: He’s watched several YouTube videos trying to learn how to yodel. It’s gotten put on the back burner, now that there’s people in the house who could hear him no matter how tightly he shuts the door or how quietly he tries to do it, but he still hopes to learn how someday.
Thanks for asking!
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Day 4: Bonds
Featuring Lyra Nguyen and Asra Alnazar; Canon Timeline
(Close Friendship, Before Start of Game)
Six years ago . . .
“Walt’s planning on signing the magic shop over to me.”
Asra looks up from his slice of pumpkin bread. “Really? She’s not signing it over to Neha?”
“You know Neha doesn’t have an interest in magic.” Lyra drinks her tea. In the rising sunlight, her dark black hair is set ablaze with orange. “Plus, you know my uncle’s been doing renovations on the upper floor of his shop. They’re all gonna be moving in there pretty soon.”
“They’re kicking you out?” Asra’s eyebrows are raised in concern.
“No no!” Lyra shakes her head, waving her arms around to calm him. “If I’m going to be the one running the shop, she thinks it’d be better if I’m living in the upstairs area. Better to keep an eye on the place, you know?”
“Mmm,” Asra nods, taking a bite out of the pumpkin bread. He soon swallows, looking on at her.
He has to ask.
“ . . . What does that mean for me?”
Lyra blinks, soon giving him a reassuring smile. “I’m not banning you from the shop or anything like that!” Lyra chuckles, shaking her head in disbelief. “You can still stop by, get a meal or three like usual. You’ve been a part of that place as much as my family and I have been. It’d be cruel to force you out.”
Asra releases the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. “Thank you . . .”
“It’s no trouble,” she nods. “And during the Masquerade—or whenever I guess—you can set up shop with your stall in front like usual too.”
“Even when I’m dancing around and kicking up dust?” Asra raises an eyebrow at her.
“Even when you’re dancing around,” Lyra replies, nodding. “Don’t sell yourself short, Asra. You’re a wonderful dancer.”
Asra rests his cheek against the heel of his hand, looking on at her. “You should see my box of coins on the bad days,” he murmurs softly.
“I have seen it; I think the masses can be blind to skill at times.” They both laugh.
"Mm, so am I a better magician, or am I a better dancer?"
"Why not both? You do them both pretty well. And I'm pretty sure I haven't seen all of what you can do."
Asra smiles at that, taking a sip of his tea. "If I didn't know you any better, I’d say you're flattering me for something."
Lyra blinks, her shoulders rising to meet her ears. Her eyes look elsewhere, sheepish.
Asra slowly lowers his cup of tea to the table. "Lyra, what is it?"
"It's nothing bad!"
"Oh? Why are you so worried then?"
"Well . . ."
"Just tell me."
Lyra shifts a bit, unsure of how to say it. Asra continues to eat, starting to eat into her portion of the loaf. She sees this and doesn’t comment on it.
It’s fine; she’s already eaten her fill.
“I have a small proposal for you.”
Asra sharply inhales as he bites into the pumpkin bread. Crumbs fly into places they shouldn’t; he’s left choking. It’s hard to tell if his face reddening was due to  distress, or from being flustered. Perhaps both?
“Not that kind of proposal!” Lyra huffs, shaking her head. Still, she pats her friend’s upper back as he coughs. She hands him his tea, squinting as he drinks it.
“Th-thanks . . .” Asra rasps. He finishes his tea, rubbing his neck. “W-what’s your proposal?”
“Come and work the shop with me,” Lyra says. “You know your way around every single thing in there!”
“So do you,” Asra points out.
“Yeah, but you know which words that get people to buy things. And, you know how to read cards with that deck of yours!”
Asra laughs softly. That much was true: Walterine specialized in protection wards and sigils, and Lyra had yet to settle on anything with her ink magic.
“Are you offering me a job?”
“Yeah, I am. I can’t do it on my own. Once everything is finalized, Walt’s going to be more in the background with the shop. Barring emergencies, she won’t step in. Not to mention that I don’t know any other magicians that know as much as you do.”
“I feel like there’s a ‘but’ or an ‘and’ in there somewhere.”
“No buts, I promise,” Lyra smiles. She rubs circles into the side of her empty cup of tea with her thumb. Her gaze shifts to the side for a moment.
“There is an ‘and’, though.”
“Is that right?”
“Hear me out! On top of being co-owners with me in the shop . . . the upstairs area can also be a place for you to stay, if you want.”
Asra blinks, staring at her. “Are you asking me to move in with you?”
“Well, yeah!” Lyra rubs her neck as well, offering him a small smile. “If you’re going to be working in the shop and all, maybe it’d be better if you had a place to come back to? Closer to Center City, and therefore literally in the shop? I know you’re a wanderer by nature. No one, least of all me, is forcing you to stay there forever.”
“I’ll need to think about it . . ." A faraway look overcomes Asra's expression.
“I understand,” Lyra nods, sympathetic. “Can you tell me by the end of the month, though? That's when Walt's planning on signing it over to me with the landlord witnessing the exchange.”
“All right.”
⁂ ⁂ ⁂
Despite the offer, Asra didn’t show up for the signing of the documents. That didn’t stop Lyra from assigning him as the person to receive The Shop in case anything happened to her.
“Do they even have an alternative address?” the landlord snorts.
“We’re going to be using my partner’s address in the Temple District for that purpose,” Walterine replies.
“Mrs. Aster, I understand you have a bleeding heart for the kid, but—”
“What my niece says goes.” Walt levels the landlord with a withering look. “She’s the owner of the building now.” She shifts in her stance, lowering her glasses to look at the man. As Walterine looks over the rim of her glasses, one would be able to see that her magenta eyes are . . . intense.
"You aren’t going to go back on your word now, are you?”
The landlord, remembering how Walterine got this very building in the first place—through persistence, along with a very, very clever relative of hers that warned him of the repercussions in not honoring his word—decides to shut up.
Lyra looks on at her aunt with a smile. She is, however, struggling to prevent said smile from turning into a shit-eating grin.
Before the ink of his signature even begins to dry, the landlord leaves. Lyra looks on at the documentation admiringly, making Walterine chuckle.
“You okay?” the taller woman asks.
“Yeah . . .” Lyra exhales, rubbing her neck. “I’m feeling the weight of . . . all the responsibility, now.”
Walterine laughs, drawing Lyra into a hug. “Aww, you’ll be okay. I’m planning on being around for as long as possible. I’ll help whenever you need it, Ly.”
Before Lyra can respond, The Shop’s door opens again.
“We’re not open until—oh!” Walterine beams. “Good morning, Asra.”
Lyra wiggles out from her aunt’s hold, grabbing the paperwork. She holds it up in front of her friend, exclaiming, “Read it and weep!”
“Why would I weep?” Asra blinks, still rubbing sleep from his eyes. “You’re the one that’s going to be a lot busier now.”
Asra just looks on at her. His lips are pressed into a lighter version of his usual smug, cat-like countenance.
Lyra shakes her head. Instead of getting exasperated at her friend, she starts explaining what she plans to do with The Shop.
Walterine take this as her cue to get breakfast for the three of them. As she turns for the kitchenette upstairs, she glimpses Asra contemplatively reading over the papers Lyra had thrust into his hands.
A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you guys are having fun in this event! (^w^)
P.S.: The moment where Walterine first got The Shop is detailed [HERE].
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
For the prompt fill, number 3 for Indruck seems pretty fitting!
Here you go! Prompt 3 was “sweet” , Indrid’s design is based on a barracuda and I went with SFW on this one.
“Duck, can you do me a favor when you lock up?” Leo dumps orange taffy into a glass jar. 
“Sure, what d’you need?”
“Got some locks for the garbage cans; put ‘em on after you set the alarm out back. Somethin’s been getting into our trash every damn night for the last week. It makes a god-awful mess and I’m worried we’re gonna get a fine for littering.”
Duck nods, turns his attention back to the flock of tourists approaching the window. The afternoon is swallowed up in a pit of sugar-sticky air and blasts of welcome cold from the freezer. There are worse places for a summer job than Tarkesian’s Sweets--he’s right by the water, can watch the wildlife on his lunch break, and Leo is low-maintenance boss--but after eight hours on his feet getting splashed with soda or burned on the popcorn machine, he’s ready to head home. The trash locks have other ideas.
It takes ten minutes of cursing and fumbling to get the first bin secured. He doesn’t even know how the damn things are getting overturned; they seem too heavy for a raccoon or seagull to knock to the ground. 
A tiny splash behind him, probably a fish jumping. 
Then a crooked, shiny pole slowly enters his periphery. In dim yellow of the streetlight, he can tell the end of it is curved. It pokes inelegantly at the wall, then the locked can, then the wall once again, and then Duck’s leg.
The hook pulls back, pauses, then pokes him again.
“The fuck?” He grabs it when it goes for another jab, pulls up only for his arms to be wrenched towards the water. Not to be outdone, he tugs harder. His opponent retaliates with enough force that he almost tumbles off the pier. He growls, braces his foot on the railing, and hauls the hook and its owner up onto worn wood with him. 
It’s a guy about his age, angular face framed by a mess of silver hair and pierced ears. Figures it’s some sort of artsy punk swimming around poking people in the leg. That explains why he’s shirtless too. 
It does not, however, explain why he has a tail. 
“Rude.” The guy sits up on his hands, silver and black tail flicking droplets of saltwater everywhere, “I don’t go around stopping you from eating.”
“Look man, I just wanted you to stop jabbin me and knockin the trash over.” Maybe if he doesn’t mention the tail it will go away. 
“How else am I supposed to get at those odd, pulpy tubs full of ‘cookies and cream’ or ‘bubblegum’?”
“The fuck--wait, you were tryin’ to get the ice cream containers out of the trash?”
“Yes? I also want more of the caramel apples” he pronounces the last word “applees” causing Duck to giggle in spite of himself. 
“Look, I have to piece words together from the signs on your store. And you obviously know what I meant or you would not be laughing, so do you have any in the cans or not?”
“Nope” Duck gets his laughter under control, “sold out of caramel apples today.” 
“Drat” the visitor starts scooting across the pier towards the unlocked trashcan, “I’ll see what else I can find.”
“Wait don’t fuckin knock that over, Leo’ll be pissed at me if he comes back to a mess, and I don’t feel like pickin up trash because you want a snack!”
“But I’m starving!” The merman, because at this point there’s no way he can deny that’s what’s been rooting through the garbage, whacks at Duck with his tail.
“I know for a damn fact there’s food down there.” He points at the bay. 
“Only if you can catch it, and only if it is not in another mer’s territory. Which much of this area is; I am new here, young, and thus have no claim to any patch of sea.”
“You ain’t got any family?” Something pings in his chest. It’s the part of his heart that made him pick out the runt of litter when his mom let him get a cat on his thirteenth birthday, that means he always splits his lunch with Juno because she’s running track and needs it more than he does, that makes him tear up when he thinks about everything a sapling has to survive to become a tree.
“Merfolk leave home at sixteen.” The merman shrugs.
Duck sighs, grabbing his keys, “If I bring you somethin to eat, will you leave the trash alone?”
He shuts off the alarm, grabs a cone and fills it with bright blue ice cream. The merman is back in the water when he returns, arms resting on the pier.
“Oooh, my favorite!” He takes the ice cream, biting huge chunks out of it as Duck re-arms the door. 
“...The container is edible!!”
He sits next to the merman’s arms, “Guess you wouldn’t have had an ice cream cone before, huh.”
“No, but it is lovely. I wish humans threw these away more often.” He polishes off the treat, licks his fingers clean with moans Duck hears in his dreams later, and smiles, “thank you for the meal. Goodnight.” 
There’s a final flash of silvery tail, and then Duck’s alone in the breezy night air.
“That’s a sandwich, correct?”
“AHfuck” Duck knocks over his water bottle in surprise. He’s eating behind the candy store like usual and not expecting an aquatic dining companion. 
“Apologies. I have seen you eating here before and thought you may like some company.” He sets a sea urchin on the ground and proceeds to bang on it with a rock. 
“Found some lunch?”
“I followed some otters; I was mainly trying to draw them, but they led me to a kelp bed no one else was in.”
“...Wait how do you draw underwater?”
“Let me finish cracking this open and I will show you.”
Duck spends the rest of his lunch break on his belly, the merman showing him a sketchbook and enchanted pen that conjures whatever colors the illustrator envisions. The mer is genuinely excited to talk to him. He assumes the nuzzling is due to him smelling like cotton candy; he doesn’t mind, the mer’s skin is cool and he makes cute little noises whenever he touches Duck. 
Before the stands, Duck asks, “You got a name?”
Indrid’s eyes flick to the nearby estuary.
“Yeah, like the bird. It’s a nickname.”
“I like it.” Indrid smiles, dives, and flaps his tail once in farewell.
“Cutting school again?” Indrid’s voice bubbles up by his feet. 
“Yep.” Duck watches the spring clouds roll by from his favorite spot on the beach. It’s secluded and far from town, meaning no one will give him shit for skipping class and nobody will see Indrid.
He worked at Leo’s until this past summer, only quitting at the start of his senior year of high school when Indrid pointed out that much of Kepler was surrounded by water and that, if Duck wanted to see him, he did not have to keep working at the candy store in order to do so. 
“Not that I mind the free food.” Indrid winks. 
“Just gonna bring you bulk ice cream from Safeway; no way am I missin out on that chirpin you do when you eat it.”
Duck slides the grocery bag towards the surf, “not like KCC is gonna rescind my offer. Ain’t a fuckin Ivy League or some shit.”
“And you will be happy there?”
“Yeah. They got a decent work-study program with the park, so I can still get a job as a ranger if I want to.”
“Oh. Good.” 
Indrid sounds sad, and Duck sits up on his elbows. His friend’s torso is fully on land, his tail fidgeting in the foam. 
“What’s up?
“I...Barclay told me his human is going to a school further inland, and I know there are many places you could got to learn. You...you did not choose to stay in Kepler because you feel the need to look after me, did you?”
“Course not.” Duck is sitting up now, aching to stroke Indrid’s hair, “I mean, I’m glad we’re still gonna be able to see each other, and I really hopin I can get a room near the beach so it’s easy to come talk. But this is the right choice for me; if I really want to, I can transfer to a different school in a few years, and I can learn a lot here without takin on a shit-ton of debt. Besides, ain’t like I think you’re helpless; I love bringin you stuff and rubbin your fin when it’s sore, but that’s because you’re my friend. Don’t think you’re helpless. I never have.”
“Not even when I was stealing trash?”
“Thought you were a fuckin nuisance, not helpless.” He playfully nudges his shoulder with his toes. 
Indrid turns his head and nips his calf, “How’s that for a nuisance?”
“Not much, felt kinda nice. Uh, I mean, uh, fuck, so, where’d that worry about my stayin come from?”
The mer crawls and wiggles until they’re shoulder to shoulder, “I think my future sight is finally developing; my fathers arrived around the time he turned eighteen, so it makes sense mine would arrive at a similar point. The trouble is, I am having a hard time telling the futures from my own imaginings and worries.”
“That fuckin sucks.”
“I’ll manage. All seers struggle at the beginning. I just wish I was quicker at learning whether certain timelines are really more likely or if they are just ones that I want to be likely.”
“Like what?”
Indrid glances at him, opens his mouth, then shuts it and faces the sea.
Duck smirks, “‘Drid, there somethin you wanna ask me?”
“No. Yes. Maybe? I, I just don’t want to pressure youOOOHhhh that’s not fair” he flops on his back with a groan as Duck scritches his upper tail, “you know I’ll do anything when you touch me like this.”
“Damn right I do. And what I want is for you to tell me the truth.”
Indrid whines, covers his face with his hands.
“Do it or I’ll stop.”
“Rude” Indrid lowers his hands enough that his red eyes peer over the top, “is that any way to treat a mer who wants to kiss you?”
Duck gives his answer by pouncing on his friend, pinning narrow shoulders into the sand as he devours his mouth in kisses. 
“You like that treatment better?”
“Goodness, yes.” Indrid pulls him back down, slipping his tongue between his lips and nibbling his neck when he finally stops to breathe. Then his hand flails sideways, grabbing the plastic bag and chucking it further up the beach.
“The, the tide is coming in and I, ah, foresee us working up quite the appetite.” He tugs Duck’s collar down with his teeth, nuzzling and licking across his skin with little hums of pleasure, “so I want to save those for afterwards. Who knows” he grins, “maybe we’ll need energy for round two as well.”
Duck cups his cheek, inhales the scent of the sea and the sight of his future, “I like the way you think, sweet thing.”
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vex-bittys · 4 years
Imagine the Possum-bilities: An Underfell Story (part 1)
Note: This story is based on this artwork commissioned by @melodyrider.
Red went dumpster diving for leftovers, but instead he found a friend. Good thing his brother is so open-minded and accepting, otherwise things could go hilariously wrong!
Doom and Gloom
"WHAT," squawked Edge, jabbing one long phalanx at the narrow white face poking out of Red’s jacket, “IS THAT?” Unblinking beady black eyes met glowing red eyelights. A tiny pink nose, bristling with whiskers, twitched.
“it’s mine is what it is,” said Red with a cooler-than-thou attitude. The creature added a hiss of agreement. Red and his jacket passenger brushed past Edge and walked into the house. Doomfanger, Edge’s large white cat, eyed both of them skeptically from her palatial cat tree.
“YOU CAN’T BRING THAT THING INTO OUR HOUSE,” protested Edge. Ignoring him, Red bent down and unzipped his jacket. His passenger waddled out onto the floor, long hairless tail raised as if it owned the place. Doomfanger and Edge emitted nearly identical huffs of indignation.
“you have Doomfanger,” Red pointed out. “and now I have-” Red paused for only a fraction of second to contemplate “- Gloomfanger.” Gloomfanger chirped in a very un-gloomy manner, much to Red's delight. 
While his brother sputtered his outrage from the front door, Red crouched, fishing what had once been a piece of gourmet burger from Grillby's out of his pocket. Unlike a fine cheese or wine, the meat did not age well in its lint-lined improvised cellar.  Red tossed the morsel to Gloomfanger, who gobbled it down happily.
"SANS! SANS, ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?" Red was, in fact, far too fascinated by Gloomfanger's precious little hand paws to do anything more than half listen to his brother's tirade, but he could tell that proverbial steam must be shooting out of Edge's ear canals. "YOU CAN'T JUST BRING THAT… THAT THING INTO OUR HOUSE!"
In addition to the perceived ear steam, Red could hear his brother's characteristic foot stomping behind him. He ignored Edge’s antics, choosing to focus on Gloomfanger's needle-sharp teeth as the hairy creature open-mouth chewed more pocket offerings, and threw his answer over his shoulder in an officious voice. "he's an opossum, Boss. and his name's Gloomfanger."
“WHERE DID YOU EVEN FIND SOMETHING LIKE THAT?” Edge gestured at Gloomfanger. The possum, not overly fond of the conversation’s tone or the wild gesturing, scurried under the couch to hide. Curious and equally done with the drama, Doomfanger followed.
“in the dumpster behind Grillby’s,” explained Red as if it should be obvious that one found pets by dumpster diving.
“the second i walked in, Grillby was all like ‘pay your tab’ and ‘stop butt scooting across the floor’ like he owns the place.”
“yeah, well, he also throws out perfectly good leftovers as soon as monsters stop eating ‘em! i didn’t want to deal with Grillbs, so i headed out back for some chow. when i looked in the dumpster, i saw Gloomy laying on a plate of fries that were still warm! i thought he was dead, and he smelled terrible…”
“SO YOU DECIDED TO RESUSCITATE IT?” Edge interrupted incredulously. 
“what? no. i picked him up to move him so i could get the fries, and he resuscitated himself! he climbed right into my jacket and made himself at home, so i snagged the fries and we shared them.”
Edge just sighed, at a complete loss for words. His disgusting brother deserved an equally disreputable and unkempt pet to share his garbage-eating tendencies with. Gloomfanger would feel right at home in Red’s disaster of a bedroom. Speaking (or rather thinking) of Gloomfanger…
“where’d Gloomfanger go?”
Eyelights bulging, Edge leapt onto the coffee table, grabbed the couch with both hands and upturned it, flinging it into the back wall of their living room. Doomfanger and Gloomfanger blinked up at him, then Doomfanger resumed grooming the possum’s round, hairless ears and purring. The possum made a grumbling sound that resembled the purr in the same way that the possum itself resembled the primped and preened Doomfanger.
Edge narrowed his sockets at Gloomfanger. “I’M WATCHING YOU,” he warned, using two slender phalanges to point to his sockets then to Gloomfanger. Gloomfanger regarded him coolly and burped.
Snorting, Red started up the stairs to prepare a spot in his aforementioned disaster of a room for his new pet to sleep. He stopped halfway up to call for Gloomfanger. “my bro’s watchin’ you,” he reminded the possum in a stage whisper, “so don’t go knockin’ her up or anything.”
The garbage-gobbling pair darted the rest of the way up the stairs with Edge’s outraged screeches chasing behind them.
Red spent the next hour sifting through piles of unwashed clothing, sorting them into new configurations until he had some passably clean blankets, sheets, and a few towels crammed haphazardly into his closet as a private nesting place for Gloomfanger. Gloomy climbed onto the pile, stomped it down to a serviceable height, and chirped in satisfaction. Red watched proudly as the possum pulled itself into a possum-loaf shape- yet another rough-around-the-edges mimicry of one of Doomfanger’s common behaviors.
As he crawled into bed (a mattress on the floor with a nest similar to Gloomfanger’s strewn across it), Red smiled to himself. His brother had Doomfanger, and now he had a pet too. Red didn’t dislike the spoiled feline, but he sometimes resented her, which was much different than being jealous of her, at least in his mind. Before Doomy arrived on their doorstep in the middle of a blizzard one night, it had just been him and his bro, two skeleton brothers against the dangerous world.
From babybones to stripes, Red had been a protective older brother, making sure that Edge never lacked anything despite the struggles that they both faced. Edge grew into a powerful and capable adult monster, but he still leaned on his big brother when he needed someone to confide in. Red cherished his position in Edge’s life. Very few monsters in their universe could boast having any sort of close bond with another monster… and then the little white ball of fluff showed up like a snow poff sprung to life and changed things.
If he were being completely honest and not at all in denial, Red would admit that he now needed Edge much more than his brother needed him. Instead, he half-heartedly blamed Doomfanger for replacing him. Edge would stroke her silky fur whenever he felt upset or pressured by his position in the Royal Guard. Edge also gave her an abundance of his doting, doting that had once exclusively fallen onto Red. Red shared all of these hidden thoughts (and a few of his favorite jokes) with his new companion, Gloomfanger. 
Now Red wouldn’t rely on Edge as much, just the same way that Edge no longer relied on him. It served his brother right, in his opinion.
Meanwhile, Edge busied himself tidying up the living room. The coffee table drooped a bit, but the couch had survived its assault remarkably well. While her owner righted the furniture he had displaced, Doomfanger made an admirable bound back onto her cat tree throne to oversee the work from an appropriately lofty elevation.
Edge brushed himself off to remove the nonexistent dirt of a job well done and surveyed the living room. His eyelights came to rest on Doomfanger, and he found himself comparing her to Red’s unsightly new pet. Doomfanger oozed grace and majesty. The pure white feline was perfectly groomed, perfectly regal, and perfectly ferocious, just like a certain tall, dark, and handsome skeleton. Gloomfanger reeked, looked perpetually much worse for wear, and probably had no idea what the word grooming even meant. The gears in Edge’s mind turned, and a deep meaning floated around just past the reach of clear conscious thought.
Edge ignored the potential epiphany. He went into the kitchen and dug around under the sink until he found an old bowl of Doomfanger’s, a simple shiny metal dish that Edge had quickly replaced with something more elegant for his pampered cat. It would do nicely for what he had in mind though. 
Red stumbled tiredly into the kitchen the next morning, scratching his tailbone and squinting against the bright light. Gloomfanger waddled contentedly at his heels making a variety of grunting sounds that proved to be indiscernible from Red’s own. Red pulled up short when he saw the gleaming metal dish next to Doomfanger’s… full to the brim with the same expensive food that Edge gave his beloved pet. Gloomfanger bumped into the back of Red’s legs and gave an irritated squeak.
“what’s with the extra food there, Boss?” Edge ignored Red’s use of his babybones nickname, a name Red only used to annoy him or disguise those pesky affectionate emotions.
“IT’S NOTHING,” Edge snapped, using a very similar tactic to distract his brother from the act of kindness and acceptance. “I JUST DON’T WANT THAT DIRTY ANIMAL STEALING ANY OF DOOMFANGER’S FOOD IS ALL.”
Gloomfanger’s nose twitched, and the possum shuffled forward to investigate the gourmet chow. Doomfanger stepped up to her dish, and together, the two animals began to eat. Edge and Red both took seats at their kitchen table. Soon two creatures that embodied class sat side-by-side with two unsavory but lovable creatures to dine in companionable silence.
Instead of widening the rift between the skeleton brothers, Gloomfanger’s presence laid the foundation for a bridge to be built over it.
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dreaminpeaches · 3 years
Humble Pie Concept: Give the boy a cat
Anyways, I got this idea from an interview video featuring Darce (the dude who plays Billy in Stranger Things) and he was talking about how one time he and the actress who plays Max were walking somewhere and came across a cat, Darce started to gush about how cute the cat looked and I just imagine him being a total dork over this cat and like following it or whatever while still being dressed as BILLY ( I would freaking pay to see that OOC moment)
(TW: injuried animal, mention of eating habits)
So that got me this me thinking to give Beau a cat, I was going to have him have a dog at the start was like "nah". Beau's dad was the type of dad that thought his son was too dumb to take care of anything, that and his dad didn't want another mouth to feed.
Anyways how he gets this cat starts when his step dad notices that Beau seems to be struggling with something because Beau's around the house alot and not hanging out with his friends like he used to. His step dad advise Beau maybe he should take up another hobby (beside reading, and fixing cars), and suggests fishing. Fishing was an activity Beau wanted to try but his "friends" would always say something like "dude, that's old people s@#$", and they always made it seem lame.
But now having nothing else better to do, he might as well give it a try. His step dad tells Beau about a fishing spot that one of his buddies set up a tackle shop nearby.
The fishing spot is nestled in an area on the outskirts of town, it's kind of hidden. There's a bunch of greenery, so much so that the Tackle shop is kind of engulfed by it, but the owner is not bother by it he welcomes it, so the shop as kind of mystic ghibli vibe to it (if you know what I mean)
The fishing area has a handful of cats roaming about, they mostly hang around the tackle shop since the owner takes pretty good care of them. Also the owner sells grilled fish and other seafood dishes on the side.
When Beau visits the fishing spot for the first time, The owner (who's an old man) tells Beau that his step dad told him he was coming, The owner refers to Beau as "Mr. James Dean" as a nickname because his good looks
Beau has a hard time fishing at first since the owner explains why he likes fishing is because it gives you time to slow down and think, until the moment you catch something it's just you and your thoughts. Fishing doesn't only teaches patience but how you can quiet your mind and how to focus on what's really important.
After Beau understands that fishing gets much easier for him and its actual relaxing. (This is after a few visits)
During his fishing trips the owner teaches Beau a few life lessons and also how to cook fish. A skill that Beau didn't really find important because he didnt really like fish as a food. The owner tells Beau fish tastes 100x better when you fish it and cook it yourself, during this visit the owner teaches Beau how to clean fish, and de bone fish, and Beau ends up really liking fish, and even starts taking fish home for his mom to cook.
Okay here's where the cat comes in, At first Beau just try to ignored the cats around the pond and the shack, not because he didn't like cats, he was just trying to focus (and part of him felt like the cats were judging him), once he becomes more comfortable with fishing, he start to be comfortable with the cats as well. When he would make grilled fish at tackle shop, he would give some to the cats that would hang around. One cat in particular took a liking to Beau, it was a cat the owner rescued after finding it nearby in the more woodsy area of lake, the cat looked like it was attacked by a bigger animal leaving the kitten with a few scars on its back and face. Despite this, the little kitten seem to be the most feisty of the bunch being the first one to grab for grilled fish and always was pawing at the bucket of fish Beau would catch.
Other fishing, Beau would spend time with this cat, playing with it and petting it when he thought no one was looking.
Also just wanted to add that Beau becomes so comfortable with being at tackle shop that he kind of starts working there as a secondary job (other that working at the gas station), he's a bit more comfortable working at the tackle shop because there more outsiders than locals since it's so far out. The owner does pay Beau for his time there, he even Beau feels like he doesn't need to be, but the owner insists...
Anyways back to the cat there's comes a point where Carrie wants to go with Beau to the fishing spot despite Beau telling her it will be super boring, Carrie says she really wants to go because likes looking at the fishies in the aquarium at preschool and the dentist office.
Giving into Carrie's cute nativity, Beau let's her join, like Beau predicts Carrie gets bored pretty quick, she asks Beau when the fish is gonna show up, Beau says he doesn't know, you just gotta wait. Carrie tries to lean lower on the deck towards the pond to get a better look at the fish but Beau tell her to stop because its making him nervous and worried that she'll fall into the deep pond water.
Just when Carrie is reaching maximum boredom, the feisty kitty shows up and manages to entertain Carrie for the whole time Beau is fishing and he able to catch a few.
Beau returns the tackle shop and gives some of the fish he caught to the owner. Carrie ask the owner what he's gonna do with the fish, the owner response with that he's gonna cook the fish for him and some of the cat to eat. Carrie thinks it's weird that owner likes to eat fish, Carrie doesn't really like fish. Just at that moment, Carrie notices a stray tray of what looks like "chicken" and fries, Carrie ask whose food is that, the owner says it was a customer's order but they left suddenly before they could eat it, since the person has come back, Carrie was free to have it.
Carrie: "Mr. Fisher man who's chicken is that?"
Beau: " Um, Carrie that's not--"
Owner:" Oh, it's a customer's order but they left in a hurry before I could give it to them. Don't think they're coming back for it, you can have it, if you like "
Carrie: " Really? Thank you"
Carrie's more than happy to have something to eat since she was pretty hungry. Carrie seemed to really like the "chicken" since she didn't even do her usual eating habit of giving every other bit to Beau, kind of leaving his mouth opened both in waiting for food and being surprised that his little sister finish a whole meal by herself.
Owner: "Why is your mouth opened like that?"
Beau: " I-It's just this thing we do, w-where we like--um--nevermind"
The owner tells Carrie that wasn't chicken, it was fish and chips, Carrie is shocked by this fact (in the most adorable way possible), but quickly ask for seconds, which the owner gladly makes.
Carrie and Beau walk back to the car with a bag of fish and chips and a half a buck of fish, unbeknownst to them they're being followed by the kitten from earlier.
Beau buckles Carrie into the backseat, but he suddenly realizes he forgot something at the shop, while Beau goes back to get whatever he forgot leaving the car door open, the kitten hops in the backseat with Carrie, who's more than happy to see them.
Beau returns quickly closes the back door (without looking) and Beau apologizes for leaving the door open and turns back to make sure Carrie is okay, Carrie nods as she tries to hide the small kitten behind the large bucket of fish.
Beau relieved heads home, the kitten stays quiet for the whole ride, Carrie pets the kitten most of the way home, the kitten's purring being muffled by the car's noises.
It wasn't until they got back home, Beau was aware of the little stowaway. Carrie begs that they keep the kitty, not wanting to be the one to tells his little sister "no" he just still her to ask mom and Dav-- I mean dad.
Their parents actually accepts the new kitten into their home, and Beau's mother said that she always wanted her kids to have a pet, but Beau's bio dad always shot down the idea.
The kitty ends up sleeping in Carrie's room, in the kitty own bed and the kitten if not out and about around the neighborhood would play with Carrie the most. When Beau was home alone the kitty would sometimes chill in his room, and snuggle with him when he was reading or having one of his episodes, the kitty seem to always know when Beau was in a bad mood and would try to distract him by doing something cute.
The kitty would also seem to know when Beau was going to the fishing spot and would follow him to the car and hopped in the backseat, and basically being Beau's fishing buddy.
Bonnie likes to play with the kitten too when she comes over and gushes every time she sees Beau interacting with the kitten.
She may or may not have photos of him sleeping with the kitten snuggled up next to him
TL;DR: Beau's new favorite hobby is fishing and he has an yet-to be named kitten as a pet now because cute, thank you for coming to my ted talk...
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daraanna · 3 years
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto nor Boruto, Masashi Kishimoto does. Also I don’t own Dziady part II written by Adam Mickiewicz. Fic is strongly inspired by this drama, it includes some quotes from it clumsily translated into English, written in this fic in Italic type.
Rate: T I guess... but it get a little bit gore.
Ciemno wszędzie, głucho wszędzie, co to będzie? co to będzie?
She knew she shouldn't have agreed to do it. When Boruto suggested they spend the Halloween as a team together a week ago, she declined. She did not like this holiday. She didn’t like sweets as well as the spooky atmosphere. Unfortunately he was so annoying that in the end he convinced her, also he promised that they would spend the whole evening in Mitsuki's apartment. She had no other plans for the day, Cho-cho was on a mission, Mom was on shift in hospital all night, and Dad wasn't in the village either.
She agreed, now she regretted it. Forced to bargain with an old woman selling food from all over the world, because to apparently Mistuki she can't imagine a party without some dumplings from the Land of Fields.
....................... Darkness everywhere, silent everywhere, what will happen? What will it happen?
Boruto couldn't contain his excitement. He had been planning this evening for a long time.
Mitsuki showed him a scroll a month ago, he found it while visiting his parent in Oto. This scroll allows its owner to summon the souls of dead. The text was in a strange language, but his blue-haired teammate claimed he could decode it. The young Uzumaki immediately got the idea to use it at the Halloween party, they planned with Inojin and Shikadai. Unfortunately Team 10 received a long mission just before the end of October. Therefore, from the boys party, they decided to turn it into an evening of deepening the ties in their team. The problem was that Sarada hated horrors. He was really surprised when she finally agreed to come.
He and Mitsuki prepared the room. All furniture was pushed against the wall, making as much space as possible on the floor. They placed a large stone in the centre of the room. (The blonde had no idea where his friend got it from, but he preferred not to ask.) Sitting down next to him, he took the items needed for the ritual out of his pocket. Linen yarn, a wreath that Himawari helped him to make from herbs and flowers from their garden, and food that Hinata prepared for them. 
"Um ... You got ..." He began to ask a question when the golden-eyed boy put a bottle of vodka next to him. Boruto almost jumped in nervousness, if his mother found out he would kill them. “How did you get it?”
“Hn? It was not difficult ...”replied the snake boy with creepy smile.
They heard a knock on the door. The blond was the first to open. Sarada stood in the corridor irritated with the box in her hand. The boy smiled letting her inside.
"I knew you would get them," he sighed, scratching his head
“I hope it would be worth it” she replied, setting the box with food on the counter in the small kitchen. She was dressed in civilian clothes, a red dress that slightly resembled her disguise during their mission in Hozuki's castle. He couldn't help but think she looked cute. Uchiha went to the living room to greet the host. Her gaze scanned the room.
“Don't say you're planning a horror marathon?” She asked, trying to hide her anxiety.
"We have much better ideas," replied Mitsuki, pulling out the scroll. However, at that moment the eyes of the black-haired girl stopped at the bottle of alcohol.
“You must be kidding !? There's no way we're having a libation here! Where did you get it from !?”she shouted, moving towards the exit.
“It's not like that!”blue-eyed grabbed her wrist. “We will not drink it is for something else ...”
“ Sure, for what? Are we going to wash the oven?”
“No, we will summon ghosts “ blue-haired joined the discussion. Sarada looked at him in shock.
"It's part of the ritual that Mitsuki found while his visit in Oto, we want to try it out," said the blond. She looked at them in shock as if they were crazy. Finally, she took her hand away from her friend's grip as she walked towards the door.
“I'm coming home. You two do whatever you want!” her hand touched the door handle when she heard Uzumaki’s voice.
“I told you that she will get scared” he said to their friend, but loud enough for her to hear it. She froze, because although it was true that she was afraid, she could not give him that satisfaction and admit it.
“I'm not afraid”a few steps she was again by his side “I will stay”
"Are you sure?" Orochimaru's son asked in a serious tone.”Once the ritual begin, it cannot be interrupted, nor can anyone leave the room.”
She swallowed involuntarily.
"I'm sure," she replied, trying to sound confident.
.................... Darkness everywhere, silent everywhere, what will happen? What will happen? .................. As they sat down around the stone, Mitsuki unfolded the scroll and began to read.
"Close the door to the room, turn off the lights and cover the windows, don’t let the moonlight get here," he said in a sublime tone.
“You could have said that before we sat down ...” Boruto sighed heading towards the door.
"It's part of the ritual," the boy replied.
“ What to do with the cat?“ asked Uchiha, who, while covering the curtains, found him sleeping on the radiator.
“I think it will be safer to move him to the kitchen” she did as he said. Cat struggled a bit, but at the sight of his food, he forgot about his warm lair.
When the room was completely dark and catless, playing the role of a sorcerer, Mitsuki spoke again.
“Darkness everywhere, silent everywhere, what will happen? What will  happen?” “You told us to cover everything ...”
"That's part of the ritual you have to repeat after me ..." he sighed, but the other two obediently repeated.
In the darkness, Sarada could hardly refrain from activating her sharingan, convinced that her friend was about to do something to scare her. She clenched her hands into fists to stop them from trembling, at this point Uzumaki moved closer to her and leaning slightly towards her, he whispered with a mocking smile “Do not worry I will save you from ghosts.”
She answered him with a "Tch". Still she feeling a bit more confident in having him closer. Of course, she couldn't admit it.
“The soul on the other side, with unfinished matters, wanting to contact the living, we conjure you, invite you to the Forefathers' Eve! - shouted Mitsuki - Put the yarn on a stone and set it on fire” he instructed his friends.
They did so, the flame swept over the yarn quickly and went out. It was dark again in the room. They were sitting in silence when suddenly two beams of light appeared at the ceiling. Sarada let out a small sigh, but as the lights landed on the stones, they turned into two children. The scream rip through the room. Before she had time to realize what was going on, she was in the grip of the scared blonde.
“They are real ghosts!” He stumbled, looking away from them.
"Well, that's what we do, we summon the spirits ..." she replied, trying not to laugh. Despite the fact that she was scared herself, she felt a growing curiosity in her.
“I wasn't expecting this to work!”
“I do not believe that my grandson is such a coward” said red-haired girl.
“Oh Kushina, we surprised them. You also did not expect that we would visit today the world of the living ... - replied the blue-eyed boy who looked very similar to Boruto. “It is a really interesting justu, we can’t get physical contact with anything except food , and it also took us here in a compact version ...
“I can’t be eleven, who saw it, be younger than your own grandson” Uzumaki sighed.
“It will pass with the first cock crowing, in order to return to the afterlife you must eat mustard seed- said Mitsuki.
“Don't talk to them so calmly, who are you anyway?” Asked the son of the Hokage, still clutching to Sarada, who tried to soothe him by gently stroking his head.
“Isn't it obvious? Though you probably won't guess, just like my Naruto. I am your grandmother Kushina Uzumaki, and this is your grandfather Minato Namikaze ...” explained the ghost girl.
The boy looked at them in shock.
“ Fourth? “ asked the surprised brunette.
The former Hokage ghost smiled at her.
“Who are you? Are my grandson's girlfriend?”he asked.
“No way!” both of them shouted in response, quickly pushing themselves away from each other.
“Heh? Last time I didn’t guessed right too” gost sighed.
“No no. This time there is something in it ...” the red-haired girl joined in.
“So what were you planning on getting into our world?” Mitsuki interrupted them.
“Actually, the only thing I wanted is to see is my grandchildren and daughter-in-law, maybe we can visit the village too?” Kushina exchanged look with her husband.
“I think we will have enough time for it ...“ he replied “We only have to leave immediately” he added, looking at his grandson “I believe that our son raised you well, but if I could give you some advice, it will be that it is worth fighting for love.”
“It's also worth not to be too stubborn, you don't need kidnapping to notice that you love someone!” his grandmother added before they both turned into beams of light and disappeared from the room.
"Hn ... I didn't even have to talk them out," the blue-haired man was surprised.
“Uh ... What was this advice supposed to be?” Uzumaki asked strongly flushed.
However, no one answered him. Mitsuki was busy with another spell, and black-haired was too blushed to even looked in his direction.
“Souls of purgation, who for their sins end up chained to this world, if we can shorten the torture a bit to of any of you! “ said the boy pouring alcohol into the bowl which he put on the stone, then threw a match into it. Goblet was immediately caught in the fire which quickly spread. A hand emerged from inside, looking like a zombie from a horror films. Moments later, a grown man appeared from the flame. His body was in a state of partial decomposition, his clothes was torn. Both Boruto and Sarada moved as far away from him as possible, even Mitsuki backed away a few steps.
“Who are you?” Asked the summoner.
“You don't know me !? I was once the second most important person in this village, I was to be appointed the sixth Hokage! My name is Danzô Shimura” at the sound of his name, Uchicha felt a chill. She was terrified, and yet she felt a disgust towards the man and a strong rage that she could not explain. Suddenly, crows, owls, and eagles and other birds emerged from the flame. The animals pounced on the spirit, tearing his clothes and rip his flesh with their claws.
“What do you need to get to the afterlife? We have food, drink, herbs! ”Orochimaru's son shouted, trying to continue the ritual.
The man just laughed, a dry laugh.
“The only thing that can save me is the mercy shown me by someone against whom I have sinned. You can't do anything for me ...” his eyes fell on Uchiha, who  unintentionally activated hers sharingan.
“ YOU! Give me something to eat!” He shouted pointing his finger at her. Another wave of emotions rolled through her body. Fear, despair, hatred all so intense as if it did not come from her, but from thousands of people. She felt breathless.
Danzo took a step towards her, but then Boruto stood between them with a kunai in his hand.
"Mitsuki, we have to break it somehow!", He shouted at his friend who was nervously searching through the text on the scroll.
"The only thing we can do to send back is to fulfil his demands," the boy replied reluctantly.
" Why is it supposed to be Sarada??" The blonde snarled, covering his friend with his body.
"I must be forgiven ..." the impatient spectre replied, and then birds surrounding him began to attack it even more intensely.
“F-for what? What have you done?” Black-haired girl asked, still trying to calm down.
“If you don't know that, then you shouldn't ask ... Do you really think I deserves such a fate? Eternal hunger and flesh tearing !?”
The girl stiffened, no one seemed to deserve such a fate after all and how could she judge a man she didn't know. She stood up carefully, taking the bowl of rice. Slowly she stretched her hand toward the wraith, trying to stop her from trembling. But as soon as she got close to the man, one of the crows, turned into a boy who gripped her wrist tightly enough to stop her but not that hard that it would hurt her. He was not much older than them, he had curly black hair with black feathers tangled between them, and his fingernails resembled the claws of a bird of prey. His eye sockets were empty, but even so, she felt as if he was looking into her soul. Surprisingly, she was not afraid of him.
"He doesn't deserve your mercy" he said in a calm voice. All she could do was nod. She her knees feel weak. The crow-man carefully helped her sid in her place next to Boruto, before turning to the former ANBU leader. His aura immediately became sinister.
“You don't like starving? But do you remember how hungry for power and honors of the Hokage title, by deception you took my sight away to condemn my relatives and me to death? How did you took away the only chance to resolve the conflict without bloodshed? How did you use the child of our clan and sentence him for the fate of a murderer and traitor? You knew no mercy! ”He moved closer to Danzo with every word he spoke. Then a scream came out of the birds' throats in sync with the boy's voice.
“Hey owls, eagles and crows, we also have no mercy! Let us tear the food into pieces, and if the food won’ be enough, let's tear the body into pieces. Let the naked bones shine!”
Another bird turned into a human. A boy with gray hair wearing an owl ANBU mask. He grabbed the former Hokage candidate’s arm with his claws, tearing his skin and muscles apart.
“You don't like starving? And do you remember how you trained the Konoha orphans for your own use? How did you condemn them to fratricidal duels in the name of creating obedient and emotionless soldiers? You knew no mercy!
“Hey owls, eagles and crows, we also have no mercy! Let us tear the food into pieces, and if the food won’ be enough, let's tear the body into pieces. Let the naked bones shine!”
Echoed the rest of the herd, throwing herself at the ghost. They pecked and scratched his body. His screams of pain spread across the room. Team Seven stared in shock at the cruel scene that lasted until it was only a skeleton than left from his body. Then all the ghosts disappeared in the fire they came from. It was completely dark again in the room. The blond looked shocked at the empty cup. A soft sob fill the silence. His gaze shifted to his friend, he instinctively embraced her and pulled her into his arms.
"Mitsuki, what the hell was that?" He turned to the blue-haired boy.
“I did not foresee this ...” he explained, preparing the wreath for the next ritual.
“What are you doing!? Do you want to continue after something like this?“ Uzumaki growled.
“If we don't finish now, we can hit the afterlife too ...”
“ I said when we start, there will be no turning back ...”
"No way! You see what it led to?" He asked, hugging the black-haired girl tighter.
"It's alright," Sarada sighed, wiping her tears and sitting down in her seat. "Let's continue ...”
Boruto pouted slightly as the girl moved away from him, but he was glad that he was feeling better now. Still, he still didn't release her right hand, just in case she was scared again ... not that he liked her or something ...
Mitsuki lit the wreath and, stretching his hand over it, began to recite: “ Oh holy weed...”
Uchiha rebuked the blonde with her eyes. The boy scratched the back of his head silently swearing that they had not brought any illegal substances with them.
“With your power I invoke a soul that is stuck between two worlds, that have raised too high for the world of men, but sill too low for the world of gods!”
The flame above the flowers turn blue, which spread around the room as moonlike aura. A beautiful woman with long white hair and horns resembling rabbit ears appeared on the stone.
“Is that ... “- blue-eyed began, but the spirit interrupted him.
"My name is Kaguya ... The princess of this planet. You should know me," she said as she surveyed the three genins with her Byakugan.
“Well, this time, I actually exaggerated, the last time she was summoned, the world almost ended ...”
"Mitsuki?!" His teammates spoke simultaneously
“Do not be afraid, in this form I cannot hurt you ...“ the goddess replied, staring at the right hand of Uzumaki “Bloody Momoshiki ... I guess, this is not the last time we meet... Who knows, maybe my children will call me back from with all my strength ...”
“Why would we do this? You wanted to destroy our planet! ”Sarada replied.
The rabbit princess looked at the still folded hands of Uchiha and Uzumaki.
"I loved this planet and its inhabitants ... Unfortunately, they betrayed me and I had to punish them, but nevertheless I hate my clan even more than you humans ... My scrolls are still on the moon. The children of Ashura and Idrra should be able to handle it ... " she said and disappeared the same way she appeared, leaving Team 7 in consternation.
The ritual leader looked at the scroll again.
"Basically it's the end ... we just have to put the rest of the food out the door for the lesser spirits," said Orochimaru's son and throwed the contents of the bento prepared for them by Hinata through the window.
"Mitsuki!" moaned pitifully blonde, and a lonely tear ran down his cheek. If only his mom found out about it, she would kill him! “That’s the end of Forefathers' Eve” The boy replied opening the curtains. The first rays of sun broke into the room. The other two genins get busy cleaning up the rest of the food when the figure of a young man with long black hair gathered in a ponytail appeared on the stone altar.
Noticing him, the Boruto let out a scream.
“Strange this should not happen ... Certainly not during the day ...” blue-haired boy sighed, grabbing his chin ”What do you need spirit?”
However, the ghost said nothing, just stood looking straight at Sarada. Despite the strangeness of the scene, she felt no fear. On the contrary, the presence of this soul filled her with peace and warmth combined with longing.
“You said it was over!“ the blue-eyed snarled to his friend.
“It should be ... What do you need? Food? Drink? Answer, or get be lost!”
However, the spirit absolutely ignored them, taking a step towards the young Uchiha.
In desperation, Orochimaru's son grabbed one of the dumplings and threw it at the ghost. Food bounced off his cloak, but juts look irritated at them and continued his walk.
“Impossible ... He resisted the pieróg ... This soul is too powerful!”
“What? What is that supposed to mean? We have to do something! Sarada, why aren't you running away from him?“ young Uzumaki started to panic.
"I think ... I think I know him ..." she replied, and the ghost smiled slightly at her. His eyes reminds her of her father's, although the ghost was perhaps a meter away, she did not move away from him. She didn't flinch as he reached out and gently tapped her forehead and disappeared. Moments after that, she felt someone grab her tightly by the arms.
“Sarada? Hey can you hear me? What did he done to you ?!” Boruto's face get too close to her as he pulled her into his arms, but she could see how worried he was.
“Everything is okay” she replied embracing his face so that he looked at her and stopped panicking.”I'm fine ...” she added yawning.
"It's 5 in the morning what you say for a little nap, before you get back home I have a lot of space on the couch, the carpet is also quite comfortable," suggested Mitsuki.
“It's a good idea ... after all, it was supposed to be a sleepover...” Uchiha replied, because the blonde was still too busy being nervous to answer.
The host left the room to get the blankets from the wardrobe in the hall. However, pulling them out turned be more difficult than he expected. While the shelves with the scrolls from his parent, was kept a spotless order, the closet was in a complete mess. When he finally managed to pull them out, Mikazuki's rubbed against his legs, and started to scratch the door of the apartment. The boy sighed and putting down what he had in his hands opened them for him. The cat looked at him and then at the door, again at him without moving a bit. The blue-haired rolled his eyes and wanted to close the door when the kitten decided to get out. When he finally returned to the room, he found his friends on the couch. Boruto was leaning against the back of the furniture with one hand wrapped around Uchiha’s waist. Sarada was leaning against his shoulder, hugging his torso. They both slept soundly. Mitsuki covered them with a blanket and took a photo with the camera his parent had given him for the second anniversary of the living outside the incubator. He looked at the photo smiling wide.
“Maybe they are not canon yet, but they are definitely my OTP...”
So... I missed Halloween, but writing this turned to be much harder that I thought it, will be.
Also writing this  I based the description of rite on drama, and didn’t do a lot of research about the actual ceremony... I’m sorry If I write something wrong way. Naprawdę nie chciałam obrażać  rodzimowierców słowiańskich, przepraszam jeśli to zrobiłam.
Also I want to apologie to high school lecture teacher, I know she won’t read it, but I know she would kill me, if she did XD
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