shu-porang-porang · 3 months
Told You So
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Another fluff rant inspired by Minho’s photos but there are no names mentioned so you can imagine whoever you want.
Pairs: (your bias name) / reader (gender not specified)
Theme: Tooth rotting fluff
Warnings: I don't think there's any, but let me know if I should include sth
Word count: 0.9 k
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You warned him that it was really cold outside, but your cocky boyfriend believed too much in his invincibility that he shrugged it off with a “I’ll be fine babe” as he closed the door behind him.
Not long after the consequences of his action caught up with him and now he’s mewling in fever. You really wanna tease him with a “told you so” but he already knew he deserves that phrase and it was evident as he obediently accepted to visit a doctor, of course as long as you accompanied him.
You come back from the doctor’s office with medicine and groceries you picked up on the way home. He sits down on the edge of your shared bed, reluctant to change his clothes. You can’t see his lips behind the mask but the rest of his face tells you he’s pouting. He’s such a baby when he gets sick, so you offer to help him change. You take his hat off and unwrap the scarf from around his neck, then unzip his jacket and pull the sleeves off his arms. You bring him a warm comfy set of pajamas and help him into it. You reach to take his mask off too but he stops you.
“No, leave it be. Don’t wanna get you sick.”
“Oh it’s fine, you had the germs before the symptoms showed up. I either already got them or am immune to them.”
You tell him half-jokingly, trying to make him feel less guilty but he wouldn’t budge. You shrug and turn to go cook him some soup. He tugs at your sleeve, preventing you to leave.
“Don’t leave me, please.” He whines.
“Honey, I’m not going anywhere, just wanna cook you some soup so you’ll get healthy faster!”
You internally laugh at how you’re talking to him as if he’s a child, and how he is acting like a child.
“Then I’ll come with you.”
“Okay? Suit yourself.”
He follows you to the kitchen. All the while you’re cooking, he’s lifelessly sitting on a chair, with his head on the table, following your actions silently with his eyes. You occasionally ask him how he’s feeling, or if he wants some juice to which he replies with barely audible hums. His throat is sore so he’s trying to use it as little as possible. When you’re done with preparing the ingredients and now you just gotta wait till it's ready, you sit beside him, holding his hand in yours. He seems so fragile and feeble in this state.
“Jagya, why won’t you take a lil’ nap till the soup is ready? I can see your eyes are pretty tired.” You say as you place soft kisses on his knuckles. You reach with your free hand to brush through his locks, he closes his eyes as it soothes him.
“Only if you come with me to bed.” His voice already sounds sleepy.
“Okay baby, let’s go.” you can't help but comply with your needy boyfriend.
He gets up and immediately holds onto you for balance, his head is so fuzzy with fever his movements are uncoordinated. You’re starting to worry about his condition. At first you thought he was acting too sick to get pampered by you, but now you’re realizing he is indeed fatigued and helpless. You help him to the bed and tuck him in, then lie beside him on your side, your eyes fixed on his face in search of any sign of discomfort.
“Why you staring like that? I’m just sick, not dying.”
And that’s the first time in your relationship with him that you think of losing him to death. Your eyes are quickly welled up by stinging tears. You don’t want to stress him so you slide down and press your forehead to the side of his arm, so he can’t see your eyes, while trying to blink the tears away.
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing, just thought you might fall asleep easier if I get closer to you…” you say as you entangle your fingers with his.
“I’d love that, but you get sick, move.”
“I’d love that, but I’m only moving closer.”
You lift your head up, catching his baffled expression. He watches you as you plant kisses on his clothed chest, going up to his collar bone and then neck. He tries to push you away but you easily overcome his weak resistance. He holds his hand up before his face, but that doesn’t stop you either. You kiss his palm, then the soft pads of his fingers and he finally gives up. You kiss his forehead and you sense his fever has lowered compared to a few hours ago.
“Close your eyes.”
“I wanna kiss them too.”
“Don’t be weird!” he chuckles lightly.
“I’m not being weird; it’s called showing affection silly! Has no one ever loved you before?”
“Not like this…”
He closes his eyes as requested and you can eventually kiss them. You move on to kiss his cheeks next and when the annoying mask gets in your way, you don’t hesitate to finally remove it. He knows he can’t win with you, so he just lets you do as you wish. You kiss his soft cheeks; his skin feels more tender and you treat it like it’s made of glass. You can’t resist to kiss his lips, why would you, whatever he has, you have, you can’t care. Worst case scenario, he’ll later tell you “told you so”.
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hyunsvngs · 5 months
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that bottom right pictgure of chagnbin makes em foam at the MOUTH btw
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For skzpack : Changbin how does it make you feel when minho call you his princess
"Considering we just talked about this-" Minho smirks, glancing to Changbin, who rolls his eyes good naturedly.
"Yeah, yeah." He waves Minho off and then sighs. "I definitely hated it at first."
Jisung cackles. "I seriously thought you were going to combust the moment he called you that in front of us for the first time."
"It was demeaning at the time, okay?" Changbin defends, glaring halfheartedly at the still giggling beta. "We were more enemies than lovers at that point, you know."
"Oh my god." Jeongin gasps, putting his hands to his mouth to cover the surprised oh as he stares at Changbin with wide eyes. "Who taught hyung fanfiction lingo? He's so knowledgeable now!"
Changbin rolls his eyes again. "Anyway." He clears his throat and starts again, shooting Jeongin a 'keep quiet or else' look. "Hyung started calling me that at the cabin the weekend we were snowed in and (Y/N) got her surprise rut. And I literally loathed it, and him."
Minho raises a brow. "Did you though?"
"Yes." Chagnbin bites back, but then his expression softens slightly. "I wasn't in a place to be open to the possibility of liking it-or you-at the time."
"That's fair." Minho remarks, nodding now.
Changbin rakes a hand through his thick dark curls. "But, after things got settled and you and Jisung started to hang around more, and I wasn't so on edge, I guess I could see the-appeal."
"And what's the appeal?" Felix repeats softly, affectionately giving Changbin a little moral support to keep talking with a soft smile.
The alpha shrugs a little helplessly. "I don't really know how to put it into words? But like-" He lets out a long breath through his teeth, and bites his bottom lip in thought. "-my whole life, I've been seen as a stereotypical alpha type right? Gym bro, meathead, big and strong and scary. A top, in all senses of the word-both primary and secondary. And the moment I let Minho in-really in-for the first time, I felt-I dunno-small? And cared for and like I didn't need to be the one in charge for once. Like he would take care of me, because he saw me as something different-someone worthy of being dominated and then put back together again."
You nod, giving him a small smile. "I totally get that. Kink is awesome, for a lot of reasons, but mainly for the fact that you can be anyone and anything you want. I'm a badass bitch, I'm an alpha, I'm independent and stubborn in my every day life, but in the bedroom, I'm able to submit and obey and have the choices and thinking taken away from me, and I need that, I crave it. It's the only place I feel completely safe to let someone else do it all for me."
Changbin clears his throat. "Exactly. Anyway." He glances to Minho, the corner of his mouth pulling upward now. "I guess what I'm saying is I don't totally hate the nickname anymore."
Minho grins, sharp and dangerous. "That's what I like to hear, princess, that's what I like to hear."
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flawlessminho · 5 years
Woojin: hey are you two fighting or flirting?
Changjin: yes.
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vicwantstreats · 5 years
You may not know, but you need a Changbin in your life.
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mangocovid · 3 years
my soulmate knows their place, and it’s second to seo changbin.
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spearbin · 5 years
changbin is so sexy evetytning he does is sexy hes fgenuineyl. the onyk man i would fuck
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chrisbangchuu-blog · 6 years
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Can we just talk about how close Bin is in these pictures liKE EXCUSE YOU-
source: @yourdailychangbin
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changbin-ah · 6 years
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uMMmm ruuudee™️
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multyeverything · 3 years
Ciega Devoción
Capitulo #1: Tomará menos de lo que esperaba
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Autor: multyeverything
TW: Amor no correspondido,Objetivación de la mujer, Groserías e insultos leves, temas relacionados a brujerí*, mención de s*t*n*s, temas paranormales.
Rating: 18+
Sinopsis: El primer día va mejor de lo esperado. Tal vez no t/n no tenga que pasar tanto tiempo lejos.
Au: Paranormal
Emparejando: Seo Chagnbin X t/n X Yang Jeongin
Tras una noche de sueño inducido por medicamentos debido al insomnio de algún tiempo ya, me sentía preparada para dar inicio a mi nueva vida.
El departamento que me había sido asignado era muy lindo, todo lo que esta chica había preparado lo era en general era lindo. Ropa femenina y cómoda, muebles vintage en perfecto estado, cuentas bancarias que aliviarían los problemas de cualquiera, comodidades y una vida en general que envidiarían la mayoría de las personas. Tengo que admitir que no es mi estilo del todo pero salirme de mi papel podría levantar sospechas. Quejarse tampoco me quedaría, acostumbrarme sería muy fácil.
Mis horarios eran de lo más cómodos: inicio de clases a las 8:30 am hasta medio día para tomar un descanso y regresar a mis clases de idiomas a las 4:00 pm (ya que es una universidad con mucha diversidad cultural e internacional, se busca que sus alumnos aumenten sus capacidades). Así que con calma pude realizar una rutina de ejercicios y desayuno.
Mi camino a la universidad era breve, ya que vivía a solo dos calles de el plantel de artes plásticas. Los 10 minutos requeridos transcurrían rápido mientras me ocupaba en recitar unas palabras útiles en detección de seres -digamos- fuera de lo normal. Entre estos, mis objetivos. Palabras utiles aprendidas de un gran libro que es otorgado por una sacerdotiza encargada de iniciarte une vez unida al servicio de la oscuridad. Es  de esta forma que las brujas aprendemos a protegernos, conjurar, controlar a otros, etc. en beneficio propio.
La oportunidad que se nos había dado consistía en la pronta detención y sacrificio de un conjunto de insubordinados que se negaban a seguir su naturaleza, la de consumir vida humana para supervivencia. Peor aún, habían iniciado una revolución contra nuestro creador para que las demás criaturas abandonaran las crueldades a las que habían sido acostumbradas. La mayoría de quienes se habían revelado ya habían perecido, pero este grupo de ocho era imosible de traer a la “justicia”; eran el objetivo principal ya que ellos habían iniciado todo el conflicto demoníaco con sus ideales de equidad entre seres poderosos y mortales. La poca información que me había proporcionado Ashur del encuentro que tuvo con el padre de la oscuridad -lo prefiero así entre sus muchos nombres- era que gozaban de una juventud eterna y poderes casi ilimitados, entre ellos dos eran demonios de categoría alta y los demás ex-bebedores de sangre humana. Nada más. Lo último que supieron de ellos era que llevaban una vida de apariencias en la que fingían ser jóvenes estudiantes de la universidad a la que asistiré, huían sin dejar rastro al sospechar que fueron encontrados y casi nunca dejaban pruebas de haber estado ahí.
- Quieren mezclarse con la especie humana para poder sobrevivir como ellos, su estilo de vida les atrae. Son repugnantemente empáticos a sus necesidades y harán lo que sea por protegerlos. No trates de amenazarlos con rehenes, será peor para ti. -
Volviendo a mi actual conjuro... Había fortalecido mi sentido del olfato para distinguir su aroma entre el de los humanos rápidamente. Todo en vano hasta esa última hora de clases. 
El momento en que tuve que atravesar esa puerta pude distinguir que entre los treinta alumnos presentes, al menos dos eran a quienes buscaba. No puedo confiar de mis inexpertos sentidos, así que es una buena estimación de mi parte. Es frustrante poder distinguir el aroma a podrido pero no reconocer la fuente, así es como mi don funciona, tengo una olfato aumentado pero sin la precisión del sabueso para cazar. Es como si estuviera distante pero cerca a la vez. Al menos reduce el número de sospechosos.
- Muy bien, tomará menos de lo que esperaba. -
- ¿Perdón? -
- Disculpa, pensaba en voz alta. -
- Aveces lo hago también. Descuida. -
Al demostrar superioridad en mi examen diagnóstico de conocimiento de idiomas extranjeros, el profesor me designó a ser tutora de aquellos con en menor resultado. Así es como terminé de compañera de un chico, casi olvidó su nombre... Jeongin! Y algunos otros no tan efusivos. 
Es un chico muy amigable que tras terminar la sesión a las 7:30, se ofreció a acompañarme a casa. Se presentó y en 60 minutos que pasamos sentados el cesped frente a mi edificio ya conocía la mitad de su vida, su familia y a sus amigos. Sus aspiraciones son la pedagogía y viajar por el mundo, por eso es que debía aprender más idiomas para poder comunicarse con sus futuros alumnos. Muy agradable en verdad, jamás intentó sobrepasarse o ser muy coqueto, lo cual aprecio. No me gustaría tenerlo que herirlo.
- Tal vez deberías entrar a tu departamento. He robado mucho de tu tiempo, debes estar cansada de oírme hablar todo el momento. -
- No te preocupes por eso, disfruté oírte hablar. Eres interesante. -
- Creo que también lo eres. Aunque no te haya dejado hablar mucho. -
- Soy de pocas palabras. Rompiste el hielo fácilmente, eso me agrada. -
Se le escapa una sonrisa de lado con una risa baja, atractivo debo admitir.
- Me gustaría conocerte, además así podemos practicar para la clase. ¿Te gustaría salir a cenar y luego beber un café conmigo?-
Guardo silencio unos segundos ya que no sé que responderle. Eso es una cita, ¿No? ¿Podría eso molestar a mi actual pareja? Salir con humanos podría ser más una ofensa que infidelidad. Tal vez no sea lo correcto, pero no puedo negarme. Ninguna chica normal rechazaría a alguien tan atractivo como Jeongin a una cita, menos a una amistad.
- No tienes que decir que sí, creo que me adelanté a la situación. No pregunté si tienes novio antes de invitarte. Lo siento. -
- No! No, no tengo novio. Me encantaría salir contigo, solo estoy un poco nerviosa.-
- ¿Por qué? -
- Por ti. No he salido en citas por algún tiempo. -
- Así como yo! Jamás había hablado con una chica tan linda como tú, menos salido. ¡Es una cita entonces! Descansa t/n, nos veremos en clases. Bienvenida a la ciudad, por cierto. -
- Hey! Tu hoodie, toma. -
Me había pasado su hoodie al ve que comenzaba a tener un poco de frío en las piernas por mi elección de vestimenta y los escaso que cubría mi piel bajo mis rodillas.
- Conservala, tengo más similares en mi lugar. Además así tendré la excusa de buscarte en la universidad. -
Los "jóvenes" se distribuyeron en dos complejos departamentales diferentes para así ser más difíciles de encontrar; si todos estuvieran juntos sería más fácil capturarlos de una. Más cercanos a el edificio principal de la escuela se acomodaron los cuatro menores del clan y por su cuenta en un edificio que rentaban, los otros cuatro mayores. Aunque se reunían diariamente tanto en la universidad como fuera.
Eran las nueve en punto cuando desbloqueó la cerradura de entrada. Jeongin abre la puerta de su hogar compartido con sus otros tres amigos, y es bienvenido con un silencio total. Pensó para si mismo que tal vez salieron a cenar sin avisar, así que se dirigió directo al baño a tomar una ducha. Perdido en sus pensamientos no se dio cuenta que ya lo esperaban en su habitación para tenderle una broma y arrojarlo a la ducha de agua helada con su ropa aún puesta.
Hj: Una ducha para bajar la temperatura de el pequeño. Debe venir muy acalorado de pasar todo el día con esa chica bonita.
Sm: No pudo ni despedirse de nosotros para ir tras ella, así que dinos ¿Ya conseguiste su número?
I.N: No es su asunto chicos. Es mi amiga.
Hj: Claro que lo es, se robó a mi mejor amigo y regresó a una versión descerebrada. Las amigas no hacen eso.
Cb: Así que una chica, ¿Tenía buen trasero? ¿Era alta?
Hj: Debiste verlo, el pequeño no podía despegar su vista cuando ella se levantó para presentarse y humillarnos a todos en la clase con su conocimiento de idiomas. Desde el otro lado del salón de clases pude ver su mandíbula caer.
I.N: ¡No hables de su trasero! Solo me sorprendió su inteligencia.
Dos pares de manos hacían fuerza en él para mantenerlo de rodillas en la tina helada. 
Cb: No te pertenece hasta que no sea tu novia... O al menos tengas su número. Así que podemos hablar de ella si queremos.
Flx: No sean así con él, puede que se trate de su primera novia. Debemos alegrarnos por él y no tratar de robarla Changbin.
Cb: Aburrido.
El líder, quién hasta el momento se había mantenido atrás riendo del espectáculo sin intervenir, por fin hizo acto de presencia. Con una voz territorial sin ser aguafiestas dijo
Bc: Ya paren el juego, traiganle una toalla los que organizaron esto. ¿Estás bien amigo?
I.N: Gracias Hyung, estoy bien.
Bc: ¿Seguro? ¿No necesitas algo más? ¿Necesitas consejos de como tratarla correctamente?
I.N: oh no, tu no Chan. De los demás me lo esperaría, pero de ti me lastima.
Bc: Lo siento, pero tienes que pasar por esto, es una tradición...
I.N: ... Que debería terminarse!
Bc: Aún así, tradición. Solo espera a que la conozcamos, ahí desearás permanecer soltero por el resto de tus días. Esto es solo el inicio.
I.N: ¿Dónde está Han y Minho?
Bc: Les pedí quedarse en nuestra casa, además van a ponerse al corriente con sus estudios. El ciclo lunar los obligó a desaparecer un tiempo como recordarás.
Unas manos suaves se posan sobre los hombros de Chan, que ahora estaba inclinado hacia el menor apoyándolo a sacarse.
Flx: Dejémoslo solo para que pueda descansar, terminaron por agotarlo con su show de hace rato.
Hj: Buenas noches cariño.
Sm: Adiós Romeo.
Cb: Dulces sueños... mejor aún, sueña conmigo, mientras me robo a tu chica y consigo una cita antes que tú.
I.N: ¡Solo para que sepas que ya accedió a salir conmigo! Es imposible que salga contigo, le gustan los hombres más altos que ella.
Cb: Pequeño insolente, ¿No te das cuenta que ofendes a la mayoría de nosotros con tus palabras?
Sm: Tampoco eres muy alto que digamos.
Hj: Hablen por ustedes.
Bc: Ya ya ya, andando. Discutiremos por nuestras alturas después.
Flx: Adiós I.N. Dejé tu cena en el horno.
Bc: Saldremos por unos tragos, otro día será tu turno de salir.
I.N: Adiós Felix. Gracias.
Refunfuñando se fue a la cama, aún un poco molesto por ser empapado y no invitado a celebrar. Pero emocionado a la vez por lo ocurrido con la nueva alumna de la clase.
No podía decir que estaba enamorado, aún, sin embargo sentía una emoción diferente a cualquiera que haya sentido antes. Nervios, timidez, emoción, admiración, mariposas... Humano. Que podía encajar en este estilo de vida y pasar el tiempo como alguien normal, alguien sin un pasado que pesara en sus hombros.
Temblorosamente buscó el nombre de la extraña en las redes sociales para agregarla. “Debe ser alguien  muy concentrada en sus estudios, no puedo econtrarla por ningún lado”
Aferrado a la sensación que experimentaba por primera vez cerró sus ojos y se dejó llevar por el cansancio. Cediendo al sueño en pocos minutos.
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shu-porang-porang · 26 days
Bunny In Heat
(Cat In Heat sequel)
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Read Cat In Heat and you’ll know what to expect 😊
Pairs: Lee Minho (Lee Know) / fem!reader
Rating: Very Explicit!
Theme: Smut, 18+ NO MINORS.
Warnings: It's just pure filth, I have no shame, sorry! soft dom reader, sub minho, toys, butt plug, spanking, edging, overstimulation, pet names, unprotected sex (do not try at home!), (and as usual, I keep some elements of surprise!), not proofread
Word count: 3 k
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“OMG!! What’s this?!” you scream.
“What’s what?” he turns his head towards your direction.
You show him the vid from the fan meeting where Chan, Hyunjin and Changbin are dancing with tails attached to their coats.
“Oh that! Yea it turned out to be such a popular clip among fans, you saw it just now?”
“If you ain’t on it I’m not watching, I’m that loyal!” you bat your lashes looking at him with a fake smile.
“You mean I won’t find any pics or clips of other members in your gallery?” He called your bluff.
“uhmm that’s irrelevant! Now tell me more about this clip!! Is there a longer version? Maybe one with you in it?”
“No, I’m not in it, but the idea was mine, thanks to you!” he says with a smirk.
“You didn’t… tell me you didn’t talk about our sex life with your members!”
“What if I did?”
You freeze, just stare at him with your jaw dropped on the floor. When his words sink in, you hide your face in your hands and shout: “MIN-FUCKING-HOE, WHY?”
He laughs at your reaction: “I can’t help it that you’re so mind-blowingly awesome that I wanna brag about you all the time.”
“It’s so embarrassing! How am I ever supposed to look them in the eyes again?” you shake your head as if you could shake the embarrassment off too.
 “Oh calm down, it’s okay. They’ve known for a while; you’ve already looked them in the eyes plenty of times.”
“Oh fuck! You’re so shameless, I’m done with you.” you cry out, punching him in the chest.
He grabs your wrists with one hand and with the other puts the hair messily covering your face from all the attempt of shaking off the embarrassment, behind your ears.
“Awe cute! Look how red your ears got.” He’s not taking it seriously, it’s obviously not a big deal to him, but you’re still pretty mad and don’t even look him in the eyes.
“Come on princess, I promise you they don’t even care.”
“Well, with that clip I’m sure they at least have a very solid reminder.”
“How does it feel to be the reason of a key moment in skz history?” he jokes but you’re not having it.
“Oh, fuck off! Just know that you owe me one.”
“I owe you as much as you say, no arguing that.” He cups your face and seals his words with a kiss.
“Then wear a tail for me.” You demand.
He looks confused but plays along: “Okay? Do you want me to sneak one from the company?”
“No, I don’t want those crappy ones, and is there like a room full of furry accessories at the company or sth?!!”
“I don’t think there is; I shouldn’t’ve offered that!”
“I’ll take care of it then.” Poor thing doesn’t know what’s gonna hit him. You already forgot about the unveiling of your sex life, if anything, now it’s just an excuse to get what you want from him.
Two weeks later, when you finally gathered all the items you needed, you present him his little outfit. A bunny head piece and a matching tail, choker and cuffs, all adorned with frilly fabrics and little jewels. You didn’t wanna cover his beautiful body, so you kept the items to a minimum. He gulps as he eyes the shiny plug poking at the end of the tail.
“You asked me to wear a tail, not a plug” He complains.
“But the plug is attached to the tail, how else did you expect to wear the tail?”
“Attach it to my shorts or sth?”
“But that would look off and ugly” you reason. “Come on baby! I promise it’s not that bad, and you would look so delicious. Pretty please?” you pout and wait for his answer, as much as you wanna do unspeakable things to him, you wouldn’t lay as much as a finger on him if he wasn’t okay with it. Same goes with wearing the plug.
“Okay I’ll do it” he finally gives in. “but why is it so girly?” he points to the cute decorations.
“Says the guy who wears red bows and tiaras for a living!!” you raise and eyebrow giving him a “you’re full of shit” look.
“fair point” once again, he surrenders. “So is that it? I’m just gonna fuck you wearing these?”
“Why don’t you go change and wait for me on the bed, I’ll tell you how it’s gonna be” you give him a smack on the ass sending him towards your bedroom.
“Ouch!” the smack caught him off guard.
“Oooh baby, you gotta toughen up if you wanna survive tonight” he roles his eyes at you words and disappears into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.
After a few minutes, you tiptoe and press your ear to the door, you can hear him still shuffling around, and when you hear him curse you realize he must be trying the plug. Arousal is pooling between your legs already. You wanna barge in and give him a hand but you think it’s better for the sake of his dignity if he gets through this part on his own, considering the rest of the events you’ve planned.
“I’m ready” he calls out.
Your heart is pounding in your chest with excitement. You open the door and peek in. He’s kneeling near the edge of the bed, back facing you so you can see the tail, neck craning to see the expression on your face. “You look so pretty baby boy” you say as you approach him in awe. You notice the blush creeping up to his cheeks at the compliment and he turns his around to hide it but you can still see his crimson ears.
Standing behind him, your fingers dance on his toned back and travel down to pet the fluffy tail. You don’t even touch the plug but playing with the extension of the tail alone earns you a few airy whimpers.
“Aweeee! Is my bunny’s tail sensitive?” you ask, twirling the tail around your hand. He doesn’t answer, probably too ashamed to admit.
“Baby if you don’t answer me, I can’t make you feel good” you coo at him lovingly “what if you don’t get to cum at all?” you give the tail an experimental tug and he winces. “So, tell me baby, does it feel good when I play with your cute tail?”
“Yea… it feels good…" he admits in a low tone.
“Now turn around baby, I wanna see that pretty face”
He complies and shifts around on the bed while you rid yourself of your clothes and reveal the lingerie you’d bought for this special occasion.  
“God, you’re breathtaking!” he exclaims. You crawl on the bed and he watches you with blown pupils. You straddle him and his arms are quick to circle around you and pull you closer. He starts nibbling at your collarbone but you push him back. He looks at you confused, trying to figure out what he did wrong.
“Do you trust me baby?” you ask, giving him a quick peck on his lips.
“I do” he answers, nuzzling his nose to your neck.
“Then no touching or kissing without my permission, okay?”
“But..” you put a finger on his lips to shush him. “If you can’t keep your hands to yourself, I might have to tie them up” you bend down over the edge of the bed to take a box you put under the bed earlier, giving him a good view of your folds barely covered by the piece of lingerie in the process.
You show him your hidden inventory, with handcuffs and satin ribbons and a few other unfamiliar stuffs. You notice his semi-hard cock twitching. You grab an item from the box “do you remember our safe word?” you ask as you stroke his cock slowly.
“Ye… yes..”
“Good boy, now remember, you can end up cumming inside, or not cumming at all, so behave” you warn him one last time as you message his balls before putting them inside the loop of a pink cock ring and then roll the other loop to his base. He watches in disbelief; he did not see it coming. You reach for your phone on the nightstand, open an app and set the vibration to the lowest setting. He closes his eyes and throws his head back, enjoying the excruciatingly slow buildup of the pleasure. He leans back on his hands, slightly arching his back, his chest heaves up and down, bringing the pointy dusky nipples to your attention. As much as you enjoy the view, you still need to ravish him.
“Get on fours baby” your voice snaps him out of his trance. He complies and you position yourself behind him. If he could he would wag the tail at your face, showing you what a good boy he is for you.
You kiss his thighs, marking him here and there, then give his cheek a little squeeze, his ass goes higher in the air, needing more attention from you. You twist the plug around and his face goes further down to the mattress, muffling his moans.
“You know what we never tried? Milking your prostate” without a warning you yank the plug out and replace it with your fingers. He hisses at the sudden action.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll make you feel good” your fingers message his walls in search of the bundle of nerves and you know you found it when he suddenly goes: “Aaaaah…”
“What happened?” you decide to mess around a bit.
“Where? Did I find it?” you miss it on purpose just to press harder the next time you “accidentally” brush over it. He fists the sheets and lets out another high-pitched moan.
“Right... there”
“Oh! Here?” you rub it again and he squirms. You pick a steady pace thrusting your fingers in and out, hitting his sweet spot with every thrust. His little “ah… ah… ah…” makes your own core throb. You land a spank on his ass that ripples through it beautifully, jolting his body forward a bit.
“More what bunny?”
“Sla …. Aaaah…” you give it to him before he can even say the word. You give him a few more till your hand print is burning bright red on his cheek.
“Cum…. Hurts…” he’s such a mess he can’t even form sentences anymore.
“But don’t you wanna fuck me?” you say as you brutally press harder on his prostate and set the vibration to a higher speed.
“I do…. Please…. Hurts” he cries out.
You stop your ministrations on his prostate and guide his hips to roll him on his back. He whines at the loss. He’s such a sight to see. Hair sticking out in all directions, tears spilling from his closed eyes, his aching shaft rock hard, the tip red and swollen, begging for release. Your mouth waters, you kiss his erection from base to tip, lick the head and wrap your lips around it. He jerks his hips as your tongue pokes under the slit.
“Pleeeeeease…” he arches his back off the bed, his toes curling at the climax that just won’t hit.   
You release his cock with a pop:“Open your eyes bunny” you hover above him; he looks at you with glossy eyes.
“I’ve been ...good … please…”
“Okay sweet baby,” you kiss his teary eyes “but you should get it up again, okay?” he nods his head “yes”.
You kiss him and reach your hand down and fumble with the ring to pull it off. He lets out a guttural moan as he shoots up, his load getting everywhere. You pump him till the last drop is spilled and his cock starts to go limp in your hand. You tug at it a few more times just to tease and hear his tiny annoyed voice asking you to stop.
“We can’t stop now baby, not after you got me so turned on by your needy pleas and all” you grind down on his sticky member, mixing his seeds with the arousal leaking through the thin fabric covering your soppy pussy.
You reach for the box and feed him the last piece of the aphrodisiac chocolate: “Here’s a little treat for a good bunny”.
“Can I touch you now? Please” he asks, still being a good boy even though had had his release. You look at his hands, the lacy cuffs around his wrists make his dainty fingers a thousand times more delicious looking. You grab one hand and bring it to your lips, kissing its knuckles, then guide it to your pussy. “See what you made of me?” his fingers slip through the gap in the fabric and get sticky with your arousal. You bring the hand back up to lick the fingers clean.
“You can touch me love, and kiss too” hearing this, he sits up to properly hold you and kiss you, his hands rubbing the smooth skin on your sides, running up and down your back, squeezing your breasts, suddenly they’re everywhere. He’s kissing you like a man starved, pulling at your bottom lip, sucking on your tongue, you pick up the faint taste of chocolate still lingering in his mouth. You let him have his feast, kissing you and marking you everywhere, your fingers pulling at his damp hair encourage him to leave darker marks you know will last for at least a week.
He sucks at the exposed skin of your breasts while cupping and kneading the clothed part. You stop him and lift his chin up to look him in the eye. God, he looks like such a mess! Saliva smearing on his mouth, his eyes a bit red and still glossy, his cheeks flushed. You kiss the tip of his nose: “do you wanna suck on my tits?” you ask and he nods. “Then take this like the good boy you are” you instruct him to get on fours again. You circle his rim with a finger and he shivers with excitement, You insert a finger in, it’s still somewhat loose, then unbeknownst to him, you insert a small vibrator and turn it on. You see his dick twitch between his thighs, followed by a series of muffled moans.
“Aweeee! Look you’re getting hard again! What a slut!” you tease and then enter the plug so it’s pressing the vibrator harder against his prostate.
“Turn around bunny, I wanna ride you.” he does as ordered. Meanwhile you take your lingerie off, and straddle him as soon as he finds a somewhat comfortable position with the vibrator and the plug still invading his hole. You rub your core on his semi-hard dick: “what got you hard again my little slut? Was it the chocolate or the vibrator?” you ask as you brush his hair away from his eyes.
“You, you did it” he says before pulling you in for a kiss. You smile against his lips, he’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever tasted. You kiss some more till you feel his erection poking at you, so you line it with your entrance and slide down. He rests his head on your shoulder as you take him in, huffs of hot breath tickle your bare skin. As you start to move your hips, his lips travel down to take the reward you promised him. He sucks on your tits like his life depends on it. The wet noises he makes mixed with his moans and groans every time you drop on his cock a bit too hard, get your juices flowing even more. Your thighs are burning and from the way they shake, he notices you can’t go like this for much longer.
He stops your hips: “let me fuck you”.
“Please do” you let go, you don’t wanna be in control anymore, you just need a good fuck and he’ll make sure you’ll get it.
He flips you around and enters you from behind. Holding back all night practically made him feral. He pulls the vibrator out but keeps the plug in, that was the main point after all, fucking you while looking like a bunny! His hips snap into you, firm and strong. Your moans hiccup with every thrust of his hips.
“So good…. So tight…” he picks up his pace yet he never fails to hit the spot that makes you see stars.
“Minho-ya….” his name falls off your lips as you clench around his cock, one of the telltales of your nearing orgasm.
“Fuck baby…. cum for me” and you fall apart. He gives you a few slow thrusts to help you ride your climax before He goes back to grabbing your hips tighter and pounding into you despite your squirming. The over stimulation makes you whimper and whine.
“You’re doing great…. Just a bit more…. It’s okay….” He encourages you till he finally shoots his load up your pussy. “Fuck…. so good…” he collapses next to you panting. You roll on your side to face him, he’s still recovering his breath, eyes closed, mouth slightly open, sweat shining on his face. You kiss the hair stuck to his temple. He opens his eyes, giving you a crooked smile.
“You were such a good bunny” you pat his hair and take the headpiece off that somehow managed to stay there the entire night. Your hand travels down his back to gently take the plug out. You massage over the rim, trying to soothe any discomfort that might be there.
“I almost can’t believe all we did tonight” he says in a low tone, his voice is evidently sleep weary.
“Well, now you have another unbelievable story to tell your friends” you joke.
“I wonder what punishment that would earn me”.
“I’m afraid next time I won’t be so nice!”
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simplykpopaus · 5 years
[2:30 p.m] You feel Chagnbin’s arms wrap around your waist, a small kiss being placed on your temple as you're mixing the cookie dough. Resting his chin against your shoulder while slightly swaying you both side to side.
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baejacob · 6 years
hello!!! pls msg me if u want any of these urls!!! :-)
ptghongseok yeochangu esf9 lm-sejun lovelyjuyeon theboyz-hyunjae jaehyunjae qolcha hvuniae hyojinlights e-tioned chang-yoon chagnbin
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chrisbangchuu-blog · 6 years
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chrisbangchuu-blog · 6 years
I can’t believe Stray Kids debuted already . . .
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I’m honestly so grateful I was able to support them and watch them grow since predebut. LETS ALL CONTINUE TO LOVE AND SUPPORT THEM. LETS ALL MAKE MEMORIES THAT’LL STAY WITH US FOREVER. LETS START THEIR DEBUTING THE RIGHT WAY
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