#commiting war crimes in heaven now
heyoitsangelo · 6 months
nobody talk to me, i'm mourning. (i mean it)
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thestargayzingheroine · 3 months
Why A Better World is my favourite "Evil Superman" Story
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So in the last two decades or so, there's been a notable amount of dark and edgy stories around superheroes turning evil and whatnot and most of them really love to do their own expies of Superman. I've never been the biggest fans of these kinds of stories.
And then there's the actual stories of Superman and other heroes being outright villains or at least just massive assholes. In recent years, this has been largely thanks to the influence of media like the Injustice Games or the Synderverse DC movies. It's... honestly become a trope I am tired of.
Because you know the damnest thing? There is a story that does all these ideas really damn well and arguably better. It is the two-parter from the Justice League cartoon "A Better World".
Now, I am aware how most people favouring the DCAU has become a bit of toxic nostalgia at times and it's something I myself am trying to work through a bit. But in this case, I do think it's the best idea of doing an evil DC story, much better and more interesting than the Crime Syndicate, who if you ask me are not very interesting, though I do remember liking the Crisis On Two Earths movie a lot, which funny enough, was originally going to be this two parter before various things led to it being canned and then later repurposed as a direct to DVD movie.
Anyway, my main crux of why I love this story is simple... The entire Justice League turns evil... and the reasons are very much in-character for all of them. You look at the scene with Justice Lord Batman for example.
As fucking evil as the Justice Lords are... Batman can't quite fully hate his alternate self for his reason for taking part in all this being basically one-step further than his own mission, that no child should ever go through what he did. Hell, I recall reading that the reason the writers had Batman drop his batarang at the end of this scene... was because he genuinely wouldn't be able to come up with an argument to that.
Superman likewise kills Lex Luthor because yeah, Luthor literally exploited the flaws in Democracy and became president of the US, threatening to kinda basically start world war 3. It's obviously horrible... but Superman is a character whose main motivation is making the world a better place. And if people who abuse the systems of power of the world are hurting people, why shouldn't Superman put a stop to that?
And yeah, Superman should obviously never kill, he's the most paragon of paragons of the DC universe, a man committed to always being better than the villains he fights... but this is him pushed to his most logical extreme. Hell, the main Superman knows this and its why Lex used his knowledge of this alternate universe as part of his plan in the season after this, to goad our Superman into crossing the line because yeah, there's a part of him that could go this far.
But right as Superman is about to apparently finish him, the big guy says this.
"I'm not the man who killed President Luthor. I wish to heaven that I were but I'm not."
Because Superman like everyone else, obviously would have those same thoughts and same urges. He's human.
I've kinda gone off Injustice a bit because to be honest... the injustice games were kinda just this but a bit too edgelordy. Hell, in A Better World, Lois Lane still lives and the whole genesis of it doesn't revolve around her getting fridged.
So yeah, A Better World is probably one of my favourite mirror universe stories because of the fact that well... it really is like looking in a mirror and seeing just how easy the greatest heroes can become evil and how they wouldn't be massively out of character doing so. But also it reminds us that as much as this darkness can tempt some of our finest, the ones who don't go down this dark path are stronger in heart than anyone else. Because when the world becomes a dark and horrible place, it becomes very easy to be just as dark. But even though it can be hard to still try and be a good person even in dark times, it's ultimately worth it. Because good always triumphs over evil.
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
The devil
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Simon is a damned man. He's gone through hell and Tartarus all together. He's blood and screams, bullets and explosions now. He's lonely. He stays on base every time off the rest of the team has as they go back to their loving homes and families. He's nightmares and sleepless nights. He's cold.
He walks amongst the empty halls of the team's barracks on a moonless nights. He's off to the kitchen area to get coffee, bourbon, or both. Doesn't matter at this point. But there's a soft song. Music. A dim light.
Heaven help me the devil wears lace and she can't be tamed.
He frowns, stepping into view. A young lady, spinning and skipping to the sound of the seductive beat. He stares. Too long. Something about her movements, in a simple t-shirt, nothing under, makes him hard. And he stares. Until you notice him. Slightly jumping from the surprise.
"l.. lieutenant.."
Such a sweet voice. The sound of his rank on your lips, dripping like burning honey in his mind. And he didn't know exactly how it happened.
It was a blur. Maybe because at the moment he was in between your legs, his cock burried deep inside, thrusting a restless place.
Let me see the good girl you wanted to be.
I can be the one to set you free.
And he went for it. Twice. Three times that night. He had drowned in your mewls, your moans, the scratches on his back a perfect reminder of a scorching heat.
He had walked back to his room in the middle of the night. A last glance at your frame before vanishing. He hadn't slept so good in years. Shit. He had slept in. Fuck it felt good. When the team arrived in the afternoon, they teased him on his good mood. His well rested frame. Shit if they knew.
And the week had passed. The days numbered. What he thought was a simple night of sin and pour of darkness turned to something else. He saw you in the hallways, swaying your hips as you walked. Finding himself twitching at the thought of burying himself inside you again.
The sleepless night were back. The nightmares now tangling in a memory of your body squirming underneath him.
Fall from your grace, turn up the heat.
He had enough. After the 9th night of frustration and waking up in sweat. He needed rest. He needed it. He had walked back there.
The dim light. No music this time. You sat, not nearly as naked as he wished this time. He had walked in. Eyes meeting each other. There was a long moment where he walked around the room, like a predator prowling. It took one special glance, one whisper of his rank. Finding the comfort of your sheets, body tangling and roughly, bruisingly, achingly fucking.
Light me in flames. As hot as you need.
He lost himself again. In your scent, the warmth of your skin, your lips. The mask stays on. Of course. Willingly abandoning yourself to him.
To drag me to the depths where I belong.
Now it was recurring. Every week. At some point. One would find the other, waiting, hoping, in the dim light of the kitchen area. Always your room. Yours. The boys couldn't know. No one. It was a secret linking the two of you. It was an addiction that became more than a necessity. He never stayed. Never. You'd wake up alone. His smell, yours, the smell of sex.
He had started to finally rest. Only dreaming of you. And shit, he didn't know if it was better or worse than the nightmares but fuck it.
The devil tricks. She sent a spawn.
Perhaps she was just that. The devil. Coming to punish him for the crimes he's committed, and is still committing. Well fuck. If this was his eternal punishment. You. Haunting his mind, drowning him in need and craving, you being his only sunlight, then so be it. Let. Him. Sin. Let him be the worst war criminal of them all.
Now honey I've been thinking about this, all day long.
And he had tried to stop. It wasn't fair. For you, for him. He didn't come. For days. Turning into weeks. He had expressively asked for a solo mission to get away. It was ok. For the first days. until he found himself needing to pump his fist at the thought of you. In the middle of the fucking field. Hidden, like a madman. Because this is what you have tirned him into. You were his escape, his coping mechanism.
Have proud in my will, but the devil is strong.
Going back home he hadn't gone back to you. No. He had his will. But fuck. Seeing you in the hallways. It killed him. Until he had enough. You had given up of course. To you he was done, therefore you should be as well. A knock at your door in the middle of the night, his mask and dark eyes watching you, asking exactly for what you craved as well.
I get my fix, when she gets home.
You had crossed your arms and he had panicked for a second. You didn't want this anymore? FUCK. Fuck god no. He had pushed past you, closing the door on the way. You had frowned in confusion, before watching him fall to his knees in front of you. Begging. And you folded. Fucking folded. You had knelt, kissing him, ridding him right there on the floor. Moaning and whimpering his name because fuck that Ghost bullshit, not with you, not like this.
Got me by the belt, heart skippin a beat
More than an obsession now. You were his. No one knew unfortunately. That dumbass recruit flirting with you didn't know. And it was enraging him. Fucking crazy. He had met you that night, dim lighted kitchen, fury in him. Had questionned you. Asked you if you wanted someone else? Needed someone else. You had batted your pretty lashes, confused. Jealous? You had asked. The fucking nerve. Yes. Yes he was. So did you? Did you want that guy? No. Of course not. So he took what was his. Right there on the fucking counter. Railed you to tears to make you remember who you belonged to. What if someone hears you? Let them hear. He saw Price and his disapproving look in the doorway, but he didn't stop, he made sure you didn't see, not until he was done with you. And Price left. He knew he was going to get an earful, but right now, he needed to fill you up.
All of my praise, Only from me
So the team knew. Shit everyone knew. By the way he glanced menacingly at every guy who stepped too close. The way Gaz or Soap would be nicer during training because they suspected you were sore. Apart from that. Ghost was the best he's ever been in almost a decade. He was relaxed, one would say happy. Sometimes in whispers you'd get thanks from other recruits because the lieutenant was in a good mood and merciful during trainings. You couldn't stop blushing, they were thanking you for being absolutely failed into oblivion by their lieutenant. But fuck did it make you happy to know you were the cause of this.
They're closin up, Heavens gates
Something seemed to bother you though, as time passed. You fucked. He'd sleep in your bed sometimes. He'd steal a kiss or two or more in the hallways. He'd spend time in your room, you'd laugh together, whatched movies. But it was it. And your heart ached. Burnt, embers glowing and parching. And you avoid him. For days. And he had hated it. He engulfed himself again in your room at night, watching you look away from him, refusing his touch. What was going on? Tell me. You looked pained. Do you want me..? Of course I do. No. Do you want me? He understood. What could he say? What could he say... He hadn't said anything. You had told him to leave, tears in your eyes. It was over. He had lost his blessed curse.
It must've been right cause she can't be wrong
You had kept him away. Taking other routes to avoid him in hallways. Never going to the kitchen at night. He was going insane. He was menacing, horrible, harsh. Price had to keep him in check and it was hard. Sleep? No more of it. Exhaustion was the only thing giving him peace. You had fully turned into the only thing in his mind. He wanted to fuck you. Yes. But he wanted to hold you. To laugh with you. Look at you slightly frown as you read a report. And another possibility hit his mind. That not only you weren't his anymore, it meant that others would try to make you theirs. He would go training at night, passing his nerves on training gear.
I feel I'm going down hands gripping the sheets
He couldn't take it anymore. He had to be honest with himself. He wanted you. All of you. You were his. No going back, you were all he needed. So he knocked on your door. You opened, frowning. Do you want me? He asked. Wh..what? Yes. Than be mine. I want, I crave you. Be mine. Take this fucked up man and make it yours. And it was exactly what you did. It was more than love, in the sheets. It was abandon. Your hands intertwining and scratching, mouth kissing and biting. Nothing else mattered. Because now, you were his.
Don't even ask... Song his:
I literally couldn't work correctly all morning cuz this is all I had in mind.
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2af-afterdark · 3 months
Lucifer said what I've been saying for a while now!
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God was there when the angels started committing atrocities. At best, He was willfully ignorant/ignoring it, but He cannot claim that He knew nothing of what the angels were doing. God is complacent in the war, experiments, dragon genocide, and all other tragedies carried out by the angels before He vanished. He tried to run to Solomon and act as if He was burdened by their actions, but we have never heard or seen Him trying to stop the angels.
He is culpable in the crimes of Heaven
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Now that submissions are closed, we can talk stats. There were 881 valid, unique submissions for 474 characters! Woof, women have it rough out there!
The most submitted characters, with a relevant propaganda snippet included, are:
1. Sakura Haruno (Naruto): 28 [where do i even fucking begin]
2. Cordelia Chase (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel): 21 [OH SO MANY THINGS]
3. Misa Amane (Death Note): 20 [The author of Death Note invented new forms of misogyny just to apply them to Misa.]
4. Kaede Akamatsu (Danganronpa V3): 15 [Oh, you thought we would have a female main character in one of our mainline games? With a cool defining talent, no less? That's stupid of you]
5. TIE: Kairi (Kingdom Hearts): 14 [I'm so mad. I think she deserves a gun.]
5. TIE: Stephanie Brown (DC Comics): 14 [She does eventually get retconned as surviving the event and hiding out in Africa (don't ask, it does not make more sense in context)]
The canons with the most submissions, with a relevant propaganda snippet included, are:
1. DC Comics: 61 [DC has SO MUCH sexism it's laughable]
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: 35 [Fuck Joss Whedon, man.]
3. Naruto: 33 [because Kishimoto hates women]
4. Warrior Cats: 26 [Warriors is one of the most misogynistic children's series I've ever seen]
5. Danganronpa: 25 [I honestly had to think about it just to decide which woman is treated the worst because this series hates them so much]
The canons with the most characters submitted, with a relevant propaganda snippet for a specific character included, are:
1. DC Comics: 21 [Free her from the huge tits back breaking pose.]
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: 12 [Anyways she was so hot and for what. 10/10 my lesbian awakening.]
3. Supernatural: 11 [Yeah, she got randomly killed off-screen for shock value and manpain, but she sent an email right before she died so at least her death wasn't in vain, right?]
4. TIE: Star Trek: 9 [She literally gets teleported out of her clothes in one episode.]
4. TIE: Yu-Gi-Oh!: 9 [One loss is particularly brutal as she falls from a large height directly onto her head and goes into a coma (again. yes this was the second time).]
5. TIE: Warrior Cats: 8 [I'm sure she'll get submitted again just ask any reasonable fan they'll tell you about her and her sister]
5. TIE: Attack on Titan: 8 [As a child soldier, she does commit some war crimes]
And here are some charts to show how some of these entries fucked the scale on my charts:
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Look at Sakura, fucking up my chart with her numbers.
On a similar note...
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Good god, DC, I know what you did, but add fucking up my charts to your list of crimes.
And now, enjoy some rankings of my favorite things:
My favorite universal sentiment quotes from propaganda are:
She lived she served cunt and then she got killed off super early so that the male characters could experience man pain and also because I guess she would have been too powerful if left alive. [Wen Qing (Mo Dao Zu Shi)]
That design. Dear god. I don't want to live on this planet anymore. [Mitzi (The Queen's Corgi)]
In the end she may have girlbossed too close to the sun, but I support her anger. [Ling Wen (Heaven Official's Blessing)]
the victim of “writer doesn’t understand women and also hates them” disease. [Naomi Misora (Death Note)]
She could 100% kill somebody but nobody ever effing lets her. Rip queen. [Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)]
My favorite raging at a writer quotes from propaganda are:
1. You took every single protagonist to weird lion heaven, Clive, but suddenly Susan isn't good enough. [Susan Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)]
2. Being a woman written by Joss Whedon should automatically entitle her to financial compensation tbh. [River Tam (Firefly)]
3. A lot can be summed up in a couple words, namely, "Furman, why?" [Arcee (Transformers)]
4. Can you tell respect women juice ran in Tolstoy's veins. [Lise Bolkonskaya (War and Peace)]
5. TIE: (specifically a guy called Dan Didio, who we all hate) [Stephanie Brown (DC Comics)]
5. TIE: until Geoff motherfucking Johns comes into the picture [Pantha (DC Comics)]
My favorite quotes from propaganda that have nothing to do with misogyny, y'all are just funny:
I wish I could use bold here, because there's no such thing as uppercase numbers. [Arcee (Transformers)]
the most convoluted and lore dense piece of media this side of the afton criticality. [Jane Crocker (Homestuck)]
ended up starting a gang war by accident [Stephanie Brown (DC Comics)]
Ashfur, who later turns out to be a murderous incel [Squirrelflight (Warrior Cats)]
Hawkfrost is actively seeing Brambleclaw and his evil father in cat hell. [Squirrelflight (Warrior Cats)]
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obey-moi · 4 months
A good fight from such a small army, only for those seven to lose. As the final traces of their brothers and sister fell from the light, the angels looked at their hands, stained with the colour of pain. These hands. These horribly unclean hands holding spears and bows, swords and cudgels, used to cut down their own friends and collegues because Father had commanded them to, the bloody hands of hundreds of angels burned.
No one dared speak, or even think. The only noise that crushed the silence was the first cry. One angel had begun weeping uncontrollably. Another followed, as did more, grief pealing from Father’s children in waves.
In the human world, parents tell their children that it rains when angels cry. If that were true, then their world would have flooded tenfold that day.
Lilith, whose heart was so filled with love, she dared to save a single human. She faced obliteration by Father’s hand, to be so unmade that she could no longer live other lives.
Lucifer, the Morning Star, had led the rebellion in order to protect her. Before he fell out of their lines of sight, they watched him rip out two of his six beautiful wings, and all could hear his curses directed at Father, curses so shocking and unheard of it left them all shellshocked. Those who witnessed never knew nightmares before then.
It seemed like just yesterday, Mammon had become a Throne under Lucifer’s wing. Many younger angels had been brought up by him, and those same angels wondered if his blood now touched them. Had their blind devotion dressed them in his feathers and viscera? That red slick now permeated their pores and sunk so deep, it sickened the marrow of their bones with dread.
General Leviathan fought respectfully well, many would later look at the scars he had given them, only to remember him fondly, bittersweetly. He was a shy angel in what was once a time of peace, no one had an ill word on his reputation.
Future parties would no longer be the same without the Shining Jewel of Heaven. Many of Asmodeus’ former friends hid gifts of his away, feeling shame and fear should Father know the beautiful memories of him would be pulled out in quick moments of need, to wash away self-doubt and remember all the good things he had to say about everyone.
The ever-stoic and soft-spoken cherub Beelzebub had fought so viciously, destroying so much in his path. Near the end of the battle, they watched him dive desperately towards Lilith and Belphegor, who had both been struck down midflight. The two had been so close and beloved by him that he dropped everything to attempt to save his brother and sister. All three disappeared into the clouds, so no one knew if Beel saved either of them.
And poor Belphegor... Everyone knew how much he loved the humans. How many times had one of these angels covered for him and Lilith when they would sneak down to the realm of mortals, to watch and admire? How many stories had they brought back and excitedly whispered to them? How could they ever forget the way his eyes sparkled and crinkled with giddiness?
How could they? How could they have done this to them? Their brothers’ fight was with Father, why did they need to get so involved? How did this turn into a war? Was it fear of Father's retaliation? Was facing obliteration truly that much worse than losing such beloved, exemplary siblings?
Their eyes turned to Father.
And Father only stared back.
Who else would challenge Him now? Why should they? Did they forget how much... Father loved them? Molded their little clay bodies with His own hands? Breathed souls into that clay? Gave them names? Could they even comprehend becoming so ungrateful, without fear of becoming undone? Who dared doubt Him? Who should be so bold as to commit thought crimes under His omniscient watch?
Nothing was ever going to be the same.
My hands burn for you
My hands learn for you
As I lift them empty to the sky
And ask the good Lord why oh why
We must fill our smiles
With these broken bones
And hold our breath for you
Even when it was whispered that all but Lilith survived, they still mourned all seven just the same. The black sheep Simeon would bring back updates whenever he came home on his trips to the Devildom, risking further demotion. He didn’t have to do all that for them, but then again, all of those who missed the brothers craved anything he had to offer. After a particular scolding from Michael, Simeon began bringing home those books from the human realm, the series called “The Seven Lords” by Christopher Peugeot.
The young prodigy Luke was only so lucky to get to accompany Simeon on these trips. The young angels who grew up not knowing Mammon had to ask him what the former Throne was like, now that he was not just a demon, but an avatar of sin. However, Luke’s attention would always be elsewhere, uninterested in gossiping about demons in favour of handling whatever tasks a certain Archangel gave him.
Michael was forever altered. Without the Morning Star by his side, the leader of these angels now handled his and Lucifer’s workloads on his own. Now he seemed bossier, more rude, reclusive. His proverbial duet partner was gone, now Michael’s lone harmony sounded strangely off-key. So he rebelled in a safe and cowardly way, asking Simeon to retrieve little tokens and treats from the Devildom, just to get little ideas and tastes of what Lucifer and his brothers must be experiencing. Did they now like these kinds of things? Did his beautiful Lucifer also pass by these knick-knacks at the market? Did Lucifer think of Michael like this too? Did he...? Does his back still hurt...? It must.. It must...
The Seraphim Raphael could be seen being his usual stoic self, unreadable and silent, strict with the lower angels as usual. However, some would overhear the moments when Raphael thought he was alone, free to sniffle and paw at his dewy eyes. Despite his annoyance with some of the brothers, it seems that even some of the strongest angels had trouble accepting the empty seats at empty tables, the spaces they loved and shared that now felt so liminal, dusty, and disquieting, and the eerie silence where Mammon’s jokes, Asmodeus’ singing, and Belphegor’s stories should have been.
And no one thought to ask Father how He felt. A mile radius around Him was covered in eggshells and landmines. Everyone had the privilege of being divine and radiant, as long as no one questioned or betrayed Him. No one wanted to fall from grace, no one wanted obliteration, and so it was that everyone was... happy, fine, okay, content, satisfied. A moment spent pretending that Father wasn’t to be feared was a moment to rejoice in his unconditional love, as long as they never broke a rule. For if you betrayed Him, He would betray you.
So do not move
And do not think
Just let it be
Later on we’ll see
And if you asked any particularly brave or stupid angel, everyone living in the Celestial Realm was living in hell.
[Lyrics: Nataly Dawn, “My Hands Burn” X]
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Alright I'm making a universe list to organize everything, because this stuff gets complicated.
Note: These are just MY characters, but if you want your characters to be ADD to the list, DM about it please or reblog as well.
(All events in role plays happen in universe 1)
Universe 1 (everything is good + MAIN UNIVERSE)
Levi- was drafted into war at 10, for the Nimone war, had a snapping moment and comment many war crimes. Got arrested and became depressed before escaping and coming to Yokohama. He now walks freely and is living a better life.
Cooper: Levi's best friend, a mischievous boy who was chaotic and never took no for a answer. He was drafted at 18 before dying in Levi's arms after getting shot through the head. Now Cooper rests peacefully in heaven.
Ross- Joined the Nimone military at 18, became Captain and help lead troops in the war. Thought he lost his sister and hated Levi after Levi's snapping moment for almost ruining his entire reputation. Ross came to Yokohama in search for Levi. Now he has became a better man, found his sister, got a boyfriend and a few kids. He doesn't hate Levi anymore.
Ikari- Lonely 16 year old highschool student got drafted into being a medic for the war. Had no friends or family until he was assigned to Ross group after the war. Now he's adopted by Issac, found his long lost cousin, his friends are his family now, and life isn't so dull for him away more.
Dorothy: Help runs a orphanage, she used to take care of Ikari when he wasn't adopted. She stays in Nimone and sells great candy apples for events. Most of her time she stays helping the orphanage or the church. Now she's a sweet old lady.
Universe 2 (things could be better)
DNA- Same things happened to Levi except he never had his snapped moment. Therefore he never committed any of those war crimes and never got arrested. He became a cold captain after Ross died. DNA doesn't remind his actual name as Levi and he's emotionally numb. Now he's in universe 1 after a portal for quick transportation was made by a group of scientists ended them up here.
Cooper- Same type of Cooper from universe 1. Died the same as well.
Ross- He was the same like the universe 1 Ross. But unfortunately this Ross went to take a flight mission and ended up dying in a explosion after his fighter jet was shot down. The doctors couldn't save him.
Ikari- Same Ikari as universe 1, except less depressed and more mean. This Ikari is more athletically fit as well and lost a eye. For now he's left in universe 2 doing boring medic work.
Dorothy- same old sweet old nun.
Universe 3 (oh crap half of the world has been taken over)
Levi- Unknown right now
Cooper- Most likely dead
Ross- Scarlett killed Ross
Ikari: Same Ikari, committed sewer slide.
Dorothy: She's just Dorothy. Same old sweet nun.
Universe 4 (unknown)
Cooper- He didn't die in the war, but he was captured and brainwashed into being a submissive servant. Now he lives with Shibusawa after waking up in a field of flowers with no memory.
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girlactionfigure · 7 months
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The deepest question any of us can ask is: Who am I? To answer it we have to go deeper than, Where do I live? or What do I do? The most fateful moment in my life came when I asked myself that question and knew the answer had to be: I am a Jew. This is why.
I am a Jew not because I believe that Judaism contains all there is of the human story. I admire other traditions and their contributions to the world. Nor am I a Jew because of anti-Semitism or anti-Zionism. What happens to me does not define who I am: ours is a people of faith, not fate. Nor is it because I think that Jews are better than others, more intelligent, creative, generous or successful. It’s not Jews who are different, but Judaism. It’s not so much what we are but what we are called on to be.
I am a Jew because, being a child of my people, I have heard the call to add my chapter to its unfinished story. I am a stage on its journey, a connecting link between the generations. The dreams and hopes of my ancestors live on in me, and I am the guardian of their trust, now and for the future.
I am a Jew because our ancestors were the first to see that the world is driven by a moral purpose, that reality is not a ceaseless war of the elements, to be worshipped as gods, nor history a battle in which might is right and power is to be appeased. The Judaic tradition shaped the moral civilisation of the West, teaching for the first time that human life is sacred, that the individual may never be sacrificed for the mass, and that rich and poor, great and small, are all equal before God.
I am a Jew because I am the moral heir of those who stood at the foot of Mount Sinai and pledged themselves to live by these truths for all time. I am the descendant of countless generations of ancestors who, though sorely tested and bitterly tried, remained faithful to that covenant when they might so easily have defected.
I am a Jew because of Shabbat, the world’s greatest religious institution, a time in which there is no manipulation of nature or our fellow human beings, in which we come together in freedom and equality to create, every week, an anticipation of the messianic age.
I am a Jew because our nation, though at times it suffered the deepest poverty, never gave up on its commitment to helping the poor, or rescuing Jews from other lands, or fighting for justice for the oppressed, and did so without self-congratulation, because it was a mitzvah, because a Jew could do no less.
I am a Jew because I cherish the Torah, knowing that God is to be found not just in natural forces but in moral meanings, in words, texts, teachings and commands, and because Jews, though they lacked all else, never ceased to value education as a sacred task, endowing the individual with dignity and depth.
I am a Jew because of our people’s passionate faith in freedom, holding that each of us is a moral agent, and that in this lies our unique dignity as human beings; and because Judaism never left its ideals at the level of lofty aspirations, but instead translated them into deeds which we call mitzvot, and a way, which we call the halakhah, and thus brought heaven down to earth.
I am proud, simply, to be a Jew.
I am proud to be part of a people who, though scarred and traumatised, never lost their humour or their faith, their ability to laugh at present troubles and still believe in ultimate redemption; who saw human history as a journey, and never stopped traveling and searching.
I am proud to be part of an age in which my people, ravaged by the worst crime ever to be committed against a people, responded by reviving a land, recovering their sovereignty rescuing threatened Jews throughout the world, rebuilding Jerusalem, and proving themselves to be as courageous in the pursuit of peace as in defending themselves in war.
I am proud that our ancestors refused to be satisfied with premature consolations, and in answer to the question, “Has the Messiah come?” always answered, “Not yet.”
I am proud to belong to the people Israel, whose name means “one who wrestles with God and with man and prevails.” For though we have loved humanity, we have never stopped wrestling with it, challenging the idols of every age. And though we have loved God with an everlasting love, we have never stopped wrestling with Him nor He with us.
I admire other civilizations and traditions, and believe each has brought something special into the world, Aval zeh shelanu, “but this is ours.” This is my people, my heritage, my faith. In our uniqueness lies our universality. Through being what we alone are, we give to humanity what only we can give.
This, then, is our story, our gift to the next generation. I received it from my parents and they from theirs across great expanses of space and time. There is nothing quite like it. It changed and still challenges the moral imagination of mankind.
I want to say to Jews around the world: Take it, cherish it, learn to understand and to love it. Carry it and it will carry you. And may you in turn pass it on to future generations. For you are a member of an eternal people, a letter in their scroll. Let their eternity live on in you.
(Thank you The Rabbi Sacks Legacy this is incredible!)
Rabbi Yisroel Bernath 
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saanphoenix · 9 months
Can you elaborate on what you mean by VII runs on Eastern mentality? I'm curious on your thought process on that :)
I will preface this answer by first asking folks to acknowledge that FFVII takes a lot of inspiration from a bunch of cultures and religions and throws it all into one big pot and stirs it up into a nice stew. Therefore, any likeness to any existing culture/religion is just that--a likeness. Not a carbon copy.
Now, Sephiroth is named for the Sefirot which is Kabbalistic which is Jewish which is connected with Christianity which has the angels and fallen angels and Heaven and Hell. You got the Ten Commandments and a whole buncha rules about what you can and can't do or else your soul has a bad time in Hell. Due to Christianization, I feel a lot of people know this and thus I shan't dwell on the specifics too long.
...There is no Heaven or Hell or God in FFVII. That's not a thing. There is the Lifestream. And one could argue that Minerva is a goddess because she is the face and mouthpiece of the Will of the Planet...but she's modeled after a Roman goddess, so like. Eh.
And everyone and everything that dies goes to the Lifestream. It doesn't matter if you're a war criminal or a saint, you all go into the fucking spirit soup. And, ultimately, your memories are absorbed, and your spirit energy gets recycled to birth new things.
So, like...without a heaven or hell, redemption and forgiveness doesn't quite work the same on a cosmic level. If at all. For all intents and purposes, the Lifestream doesn't give a shit. Unless you're Negative.
Now, y'see, in VII land, there is Lifestream and Negative Lifestream, and the latter is a little bit newer to the planet on account of it being tied to Jenova. And Sephioth. And despair. And Geostigma.
All the negativity, all the people who died in misery, start to join this darker flow of Lifestream that the planet cannot cleanse on its own and the only way to help those poor, unfortunate souls is for Aerith and her long-dead Cetran relatives to give the freshly deceased some gentle therapy sessions.
And there's also Stagnant Lifestream, which is a slightly different beast, brought up in Dirge of Cerberus. It is the Stagnant Lifestream that births Chaos.
...... The Lifestream and all its machinations are so very, very Shinto.
Running water? Pure. Stagnant water? Unpure. You commit certain acts that taint you? Go get purified, idiot.
I'm grossly simplifying it, but I ain't got the time to expound, what with four minutes remaining on my lunch break.
Sephiroth may have committed terrible crimes that a Western ideology can never forgive, but VII ain't running on that ideology, it's running on the concept of the Lifestream is the most non-judgmental blender of human souls imaginable and the end goal is to shed your burdens, your memories, be purified in that wonderful flow, and let Life happen.
Thus redemption in the form of purification for Sephiroth is possible, regardless of what he's done, if he chooses to allow himself to join the flow and be purified. If he gets that spiritual therapy he needs, no amount of, "But he killed Cloud's mother!" is gonna stop him from being 'redeemed' in the planet's eyes.
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 23 !!!
I'm back batchers rip my sleep schedule lmao but nothing can stop me from watching tbb
I've got my skittles and my tumblr and disney+ and I'm ready to go 🤟
The Bad Batch 2x03
this entire planet looks like it's made of spice
nervous imperial you're not fooling anyone my dude
Tawni Ames 👑 shoutout to the queen herself Tasia Valenza 💕
CROSSHAIR 🥺🥲😭💕❤ I missed you sm (I watched s1 hours ago 🤫)
another Kallus parallel 👀
regs will always hate tbb lololol
Rampart 🔫😁(me, I hate his guts)
32 rotations... 32 ROTATIONS I- 😫
the empire are bitches and we don't negotiate with terrorists
the memorial wall 🥲 (we're gonna pretend it isn't a bunch of random letters hehe)
a few behind Crosshair literally say: sdflkphi, dkniihqaz, aweututn, qqhgouer ~ anyone know more aurebesh than me who can explain this pls ??
he called him by his name !!!
Cody's face when Crosshair mentions the jedi 😭
the only two without their helmets on !!!
"mmhmmmm" ~ battle droid, bro 💀
"Dooku was right in the end" real
"We always get shot down when we travel with regs" 👀
"How unfortunate... for you" ~ someone else said this and now I can't find it 🙃 anyway I'm pretty sure it was Crosshair idk
the droid high five lmaooo
clever boys 👑
Crosshair and Cody team up will never fail to make me happy 👌
"I've beaten clankers with far less" tbb mention 🥲💕
Cody trusting Crosshair 🥰 "you do make things interesting" I'd love to see early Cody + tbb missions pretty pretty please 🥺
my mans doesn't even flinch !!!!!
I can feel his smirk when he blows up the tank hehe
Cody has a jetpack and still went nah Ican make that jump 😂 I mean he did but still
Cody complimenting Crosshair 💕
droidekas !!!
Wyler r.i.p my love 💔
There is just something about clones vs droids ya know
Crosshair and Nova silent communication I love it 👌
Cody screaming for Nova and Crosshair pulling him away 😭😭😭😭
r.i.p Nova my beloved 💔
Crosshair's discs !!!!
backflip !!!!
knife knife knife knife knife- 👀
Crosshair calling for Cody to help 🙃
Crosshair putting the puck in Cody's hand - bro at first I thought mans was too injured to move the way he was like 'throw it for me I can do it from laying down in this spiral staircase' and he makes the shot and stands up 2 seconds later and is back to committing war crimes ?? Crosshair you dramatic bitch 💀
"nice throw" "nice shot" 🥰🥰🥰🥰
notice how the tk troopers got captured so they send clones to get them out.... 🙃
Mina Bonteri 💔
"peace was never an option" devastating
the clone music when Cody reasons with Tawni 😫🤧
Crosshair following orders but also saving Cody from having to kill Tawni
the Crosshair music 🥲
"so much for peace" 💔
"put her body in the square" but I can imagine how gentle he would have been with her body... do you think he left his helmet off so the people could see his face or did he cover his face for that
Ok I want to go full english teacher for a moment I'll do it in a few eps watch this space 👀
Crossy and his lil toothpick 💕 (he just murdered someone)
the clones did the dirty work now more tk troopers arrive 😡
Cody's whole speech 💔😭 "we make our own choices and we have to live with them too" knowing he's thinking about everything he's done and thinking he killed Obi-Wan... what if I screamed into the abyss ???
Crosshair not being able to sleep 😫
Rampart doesn't even know their names 😡
OKAY do we think "gone awol" means Cody has actually left or is he awol the same way Wilco is??
hehe thank you for coming to my 2am tbb rewatch (again hehe) 💕 sorry it's late again if you saw any spelling miatakes no you didn't 🤟
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gotstabbedbyapen · 16 days
THE QUEEN IS HERE!!! (and the others too, I guess)
Spoiler Alert!!!!!
(but if you ignore the warning you might have a little treat 😉)
Let me scream right off the bat because Queen Demeter is slaying in episode 6. I love my queen <333
Also, Demeter and Hades teaming up for Persephone and revenging the gods who wronged them? It's unexpected but understandable. They both love Persephone and cannot share her in peace, so they will rule together and all have their time with her. The scene tries to make Demeter look like a pestering mother-in-law but I'm all rooting for her. Her voice and sinisterness is sooooo good like YES MOMMY PLEASE BURY ME 😍😍😍
Okay, now let's talk about Heron. I love that he doesn't forgive the villagers who mistreated his mother but still have sympathy for the innocent women and children. If they made him forgive them easily I would scream but turns out no, BOZ did good with this one.
Heron powering up last minute to beat the Keres is cliche but I'll let it slide because I have other matters to nitpick (also Alexia snapping Heron out of his lightning intoxication reminds me of Katara calming Aang down from his Avatar state). And Heron threatening the last Keres? Gary Stu but still badass AF. Home boy is not letting people stepping on him anymore but he still cares for the people.
I know everyone finds him boring but I feel really bad for Heron in here. The pain of losing your dear mother drives you to want to die and join her again.
And Heron - Seraphim's reunion? Heart-warming and hear-breaking. They are similar and shared more pain than they would think.
"Only three things can cause the pain in his eyes. Love, war, and the gods. And he looks like he's had his fair share of all three."
This applies to both brothers actually. They lost their loved ones, they'd been through the war between the gods and the titans, and they were like the pawns of the gods.
The short moment Heron and Seraphim had together was golden. I love it.
Also why did they design Iris like one of the Christian angels???
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No!!! Iris is one of the messengers of the Olympians, not the Primordials! She served as Hera's handmaiden!!!! WHY DIDN'T THEY LET HER BE HERA'S RIGHT-HAND WOMAN IN SEASON 1????
They kinda ruin my sister trio :( Persephone and Athena, to be exact.
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Why do they have to make Persephone on bad blood with Athena??? They are childhood friends (in the myths) why do they talk like they have always been at each other's throat? Seriously, Persephone has a good relationship with most other gods, why does people always think she hates them???
I get that Athena always put Olympus first like Persephone loves the Underworld so they are tensed but it would have interesting if they were torn between their duty and their friendship. But it's a me thing.
Ah, I'm getting a bit ahead of myself there. We haven't talked about Demeter trying to poison the earth yet.
I know TOO WELL the producer is trying to make Demeter the bigger bad so Hades will look better in comparison. Hades even tries to protest her evil scheme (but that will only shows his hypocrisy in the last episode, we'll get there later)
I'm mad that BOZ paints Demeter in a bad light. But you know what?
At this point, fuck it.
I will root for her even as a big bad villain. I will support Queen Demeter's right and wrong. If Hera and Seraphim almost destroys the world and y'all still love them, I will love my queen even when she tries to poison the world.
Now let me show you why the Olympian sisters are ✨ MAJESTIC ✨ when they commit crimes so ooh la la~~~
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Yes, my queen. Please poison me with your plants :333
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I love you too, my destructive queen of the Heavens ❤️
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And I love you three, my fire queen 🔥 Please keep burning your enemy to ash 🥰🥰🥰
Still hungry for more women?
The Amazonians are hereeeeeee!!!
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Yeah, Heron and the gang meet them when fighting Talos. Nice nod to the mythical robot and the hydra, though the latter serves little purpose other than a little inconvenience.
But at least we have some back story of Alexia! Her moment with her aunt is brief but very touching :DDD
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And it's really nice to show how the world is going upside down when Zeus the god of order is now gone. Though I really wish they would display his role as keeper of order more in SS1.
Oh, you made it this far?
Have an additional treat!
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Yummy 😋
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What am I doing with lilith never in the hazbins fallen au?
Charlie: so like.....do you know where mom and momma went??
Lucifer: oh! Yeah their off committing war crimes against heaven, oooo was that??
Charlie eyes dart back and forth:....what??
Charlie:.....dad?? Dad what- what does that- what????
Lucifer has forgotten: what?
Yeah so, basically Eve is posing as Lilith so heaven doesn't get alarmed at her sudden disappearance, while Lilith plans.....something against heaven
Why they aren't worried about eve? Well, she's not as powerful as Lilith, therefore, less of a threat
They only really worry about Lilith for some reason; probably cause all the fear heaven has of hell is via Adam and so...well, bias
Now, why are they, well, tehcnically only Lilith, planning war crimes? I don't know. I haven't figured that out yet!!
One idea I had is that they threatened Charlie in some way, out of fear, so lilith/eve/lucifer didn't try anything on heaven ground hence why lilith only left once Charlie was an adult
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oldwebmlp · 10 months
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From: http://web.archive.org/web/20020224000007/http://members.tripod.com/mlpflipside/flipside.html
Text from page below the cut:
In every world, there is an anti-world. Every planet has its cosmos, as Heaven has Hell, each world, each galaxy, has its darker matter. There is no purity without poisen, there is no good without the reflections of evil. As with every smile, there are tears. For every act of good, a crime is committed. For every child born, some unfortunate person dies. And this, my friends, is the flipside.
In a world identical to our Earth, a war takes place. Human lives are of no importance anymore. Only one thing seems to matter now. Death.
Defeated, the old wizard fell numbly to the ground, his chest heaving in an attempt to grab at air his lungs could not reach. He turned his eyes to the sky, to the clouds that had rolled overhead, to the threatening storm. His limbs were weak now; his time was drawing to an end, as were the lives of every other creature who had the misfortune to have made their homes in this cruel, evil land. He had tried with all his might, power and heart to overcome the evil, but science and human technology had overcome magic long, long before. Selfish humans had wanted it all....and they all knew that the planet would not be able to sustain a third world war, yet fight they did. The results had been disastrous, yet foreseen. Weakly, the wizard stood to his feet. I have not been able to save the planet, he thought to himself, but I shall try to help it grow again. His eyes were growing heavy. He glanced around at the few animals who were still alive. Many were weak like himself, fighting for life, fighting a death that man had inflicted on them. But, to the old Wizard's astonishment, one creature ran through the haze, head high, mane flowing in the wind. It whinnied, laughing in the face of death.Why! It was a mere horse! One of the fallen warrior's trusty steeds, no doubt!....it had tricked man's machines of death like no other had. As the wizard felt life sipping away,  the image of the pony remained...and he made one final spell. The world would be reborn. It would grow beautiful and strong. But humans will not enter it's realms. They will not hate and destroy as they had done so before. They would be only a myth, a figment of imagination, a flicker in a wise creatures eye, a distant memory of a history that should never have been. The creatures to rule this world would be caring yet strong, loving yet powerful. Equines. Horses and Ponies, Pegasi, Unicorns, creatures of myth alongside those of reality, side by side, together...in peace. The wizard lost his battle with life the second the spell was finalised.
This world shall be known as Equin.
Welcome to a land that is not all it may seem, Welcome to a world in which reality is dream, Welcome to a dreamscape where mysteries unfold, Open your heart and listen to the stories that are told. This place may seem so far away, far in another time, But if you close your eyes, and listen, you'll hear a music that's so fine, It will appear, if you believe it, in the blinking of the eye, Ponyland will be with me until the day I die. ~ Selena Thomas
Warning!! This site isn't your average My Little Pony fansite. Or at least, I sure hope it isn't. I enjoy writing stories and drawing pictures, but have a rather dark nature at times and sometimes what I write may not be everybody's cup of tea. While there is obviously no pornography or anything of that nature here, I view Ponyland, er, I mean "Equin" (all shall be revealed), as a magical and rather gothic place. While they live now in 'peace' and 'harmony', the foundings of Equin were not always so tranquil. My webpage focuses around my version of Ponyland, and the personalities of the ponies within it are all my own ideas. There is very little 'official' fandom here. I found the 'real' Ponyland too....unrealistic.
"Why do you insist on wearing that ghastly thing?" Trojan asked her, his eyes on the thick, coarse rope that knotted crudely around her dainty neck. She turned away, her eyes focused on the ground. "It reminds me." She said, her voice soft as the winter breeze that enveloped them. "Reminds you of what?" Trojan frowned, nuzzling her, feeling her sad emotion. She turned towards him, then. Her eyes burned into his own, eyes that had seen galaxies explode from mere stardust; eyes that had seen the world before time began. Unicorn eyes. Sad eyes. "It reminds me that I managed to escape."
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kamisatomay018 · 1 month
Was it worth it?
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Zhongli x fem! Reader
Warnings: angst with no comfort, mentions of character death, reader has guizhong’s power and title
Look who’s back after ages with some heartbreaking angst-
Such a beautiful place, Dihua Marsh was..a place where you had so many wonderful memories. A place that contained the most beautiful and pure glaze lillies which were born from your power, from your happiness. Dihua Marsh, the very place you had met your beloved, your mate for life, your eternal lover Rex Lapis. Oh how you both spent countless nights walking hand in hand amongst fireflies that illuminated the dark sky. You can never once forget how serene the times were when he would lay his head on your lap while you sang for him in your melodious voice, watching the glaze ilies bloom and shimmer due to how pure your love was for the man in your embrace. And of course, the happiest day of your life when he knelt down on one knee, holding a beautiful cor lapis ring that he crafted for you himself, shimmering brighter than any star as he asked you to be his wife, making tears of how spill from your eyes as the only answer to this question was Yes, Yes in every world.
But oh how time plays her cruel game, snatching away everything we hold dear in just the blink of an eye. Now here you were, the ethereal and beloved Goddess of Dust, kneeling down on her knees, being punished for a crime she never committed. Blood trickled down from your chest to the ground, staining the glaze lilies and turning them to dust. The serenity of Dihua Marsh had now turned into horrors of war and blood, and most of all- betrayal.
There you were, the ethereal and beloved Goddess of Dust, kneeling in front of her very lover, her very mate, and her very executioner. Those golden eyes that once shone with pure and never ending love when they gazed into your very own were now filled with anger and hatred, blinded by the lies that he had been fed. His mighty spear that had slain so much evil and defeated so many monsters now pierced through your heart, taking away your life second after second while you struggled to breathe. Not even an ounce of pity was visible on his face, never once did his weapon hesitate or tremble as it tore through your skin, never once did his words falter or stutter as they accused you of betraying the people you loved so dearly, of betraying the man to whom you had pledged your heart and soul, the man whom you loved more than you loved anything else in this world.
Gasping through the excruciating pain, you looked up at him, eyes full of tears when you realised that the man in front of you was indeed Rex Lapis, but he was not your husband, he was not the man who swore to destroy the heavens for you. How pitiful, you thought, that the God Of Contracts had lied, for it didn’t even take the heavens but a few mere mortals to make him betray you and take the very life he swore to always protect.
But even as he tore through your heart and soul, taking your life away from you, you could not hate him. After all, your love was selfless. If taking your life would satiate him and bring him victory, then so be it. If he chose to believe his people over you, then you would not resist, your life was his to take. But as your life now almost slipped away from your grasp, you suddenly felt so afraid, afraid of death, afraid of suddenly ceasing to exist. And even though he was standing here in front of you, his eyes emotionless and devoid of any sort of pity as he watched you bleed and die so slowly, your hand still clad with the golden ring of your union weakly reached out to him..
“My love…will you hold my hand? I- I feel afraid..”
Perhaps you thought that he would show some mercy to you, not as your husband but at least as your god, but to your disbelief and anguish, he only scoffed, pushing the spear deeper within your heart making you cry out in agony and fall completely on the ground. Oh those beautiful golden eyes that once would show so much concern if you would get the slightest injury now did not even blink as you lay there, bleeding and dying because of him.
“Your audacity knows no bounds Goddess of Dust. First, you betray My people, and now you beg for My pity? Unbelievable. You ought to know that those who break the contract, shall face the wrath of the rock. You…shall never be forgiven for your betrayal.”
Even more tears escaped from your eyes at his words, but you looked up at him, your body screaming in agony but your eyes defiant, your once beautiful face now adorned with a sad smile.
“So you still believe that I betrayed..you? Then my beloved Deus Auri, heed my words…”
“You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.”
And as you spoke these words, you breathed your last, welcoming the darkness of the abyss of death, letting it consume your soul. There he stood, watching as the the woman whom he would embrace every night dissipated into dust, the once ethereal Dihua Marsh dying with her. Every single glaze lily wilted and faded away along with its creator. The land turned barren, the glorious green trees withered away. All that remained was Rex Lapis, standing at the very place where he had met his mate, and now killed her.
As every speck of dust now surrounded the God, he fell onto the ground, not understanding why his soul ached in pain, even though he had done as he was supposed to as the God of Geo. Didn’t he do the right thing? Wasn’t..Killing his beloved his duty to his people?
Dihua Marsh..a place that held so many memories for Zhongli, memories that tormented every fibre of his being as he too eroded away, piece by piece with time. How long had it been? 2000 years…since the very moment he committed the biggest sin of all; taking the life of his mate, refusing to believe her and letting those foolish mortals achieve their goal. Zhongli fell to the ground on his knees, just like how you had, tears escaping his eyes. How could he be so cruel? How could he not believe the woman who had been with him all his life? How could he break the pledge he had made with his very soul, and kill her instead of protecting her?
He still remembers her cries of pain, her melodious voice that once sang for him begging him to stop and just hear her out. But he did not do that; blinded by anger and betrayal, he committed the most heinous crime. He had been the one to break their contract, not her. Those who break the contract, shall face the wrath of the rock. These had been the words that he spoke ever so eloquently that day, and now look at the irony, here he was, paying the price. His eternal punishment was to learn the truth, to learn of just how wrong he had been, and how his mistake can never be fixed. His punishment was to spend every single day of his long and endless life alone and in misery, watching every night in his nightmares how he killed you with his own hands.
There zhongli sat, now having given away his godhood and pretending to live as a mortal, amongst the barren lands of Dihua Marsh where he had so many cherished memories, but all of them were overshadowed by his greatest mistake.
As he sat there kneeling on the ground, crying in agony, he heard that melodious voice once more, the voice that lived forever in his heart. “Was it worth it, Rex Lapis?” He looked up in horror, watching as no one was around. But he knew he heard your voice, he was sure of it. “What..my love..”
He heard your voice scoff cruelly, just as he had all those millennia ago. “Your love? No Morax, I am not your love. I am gone, gone for good. What you hear now is the last piece of my consciousness that has remained trapped in this place, waiting for the day you would find the truth and come back here.”
“No please..forgive me my heart..I should have believed you..I should have never hurt you..Please, I am so sorry.” He spoke, head lowered in remorse as he himself realised how pathetic he sounded.
“Your apology is meaningless to me. Oh Morax..I loved you so dearly, even now, I cannot bring myself to hate you. But now, you must face your punishment. And perhaps, one day when your soul erodes into nothingness, you will get the chance to see me again. Farewell Morax, I will pray that you never see me again.”
And just like that, you were gone. But this time, not even your consciousness remained. And all Zhongli could do was sit there, broken and eroding, living the fate he had now carved out for himself.
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thegenvyisreal · 10 months
Good Omens Season 2 Episode 6 Thoughts (for real this time)
Let's just take this chronologically so I can lose my mind at the end.
Crowley in heaven! What a dork! He looks lovely I hope SO MANY PPL cosplay him.
He's so powerful! Someone on here pointed out that when Gabriel in the recording said he was the only supreme (or level 1 or something?) archangel in heaven it panned immediately to Crowley. MY MAN. MY GIRL. CROWLEY IS SO IMPORTANT!!
Throwing encyclopedias at the demons and Aziraphale wincing, boy I feel you.
And shax made fun of Zira for liking food?? Okay fat shamer! Get fucked!
Wartime Halo Demon Bomb?? Great band name.
Crowley defusing a war with just saying "no, bad, do NOT"? The power he has!!
First of all, I THOUGHT the fly was a Beelzebub thing! I just didn't think it had Gabriel's memories in it.
Their little love story was cute, but explain to me HOW we were supposed to deduce why the jukebox is the way it is or WHY Gabe lost his memories without the Bureaucracy exposition??? NEIL YOU WANTED US TO FIGURE IT OUT BUT HOW???
Good for them for going off together but it's just so SILLY how THEY get to have that and our duo DON'T. I do not like it.
Okay. Let's get on with it.
So I DON'T get my angsty finale, but I do get something INFINITELY WORSE.
Maggie and Nina coming to Crowley to tell him what's up. Good for them!
Nina calling Maggie Angel I ALMOST FELL OUT OF MY CHAIR
Hell yes Derek Jacobi you're so lovely but I want to punch the Metatron in the FACE.
Why on earth would you get Zira THAT coffee?? He doesn't drink coffee!! Is this some power trip?? Is there SOMETHING IN THE COFFEE???
Aziraphale. Sweetie. Darling. Dear boy. You're so STUPID.
Crowley being like, I need to tell you this right now or I may never be able to say it. And Zira like, hold that thought! YOU RUDE LITTLE BITCH LET HIM SPEAK.
Crowley confessing. Begging Aziraphale not to do this. Aziraphale not understanding why Crowley WOULDN'T want to do this. ZIRA AFTER EVERYTHING CROWLEY'S BEEN THRU YOU WANT HIM TO GO BACK TO HIS ABUSIVE FAMILY???
The kiss.
My heart shattered.
I've been waiting for this moment for over a month, and I got it in the WORST POSSIBLE WAY. Crowley's desperation, Aziraphale not knowing how to react. Not reacting at all. Crowley kissed him and he just stood there.
Sidebar: I KNOW that Aziraphale KNOWS that he's in love with Crowley. He KNEW in 1941. You dumbass. You imbecile. You fucker. Why.
"I forgive you".
I want to understand him. I am Aziraphale-coded for sure. But I guess I'm also Crowley-coded?? Idk what to do with my feelings.
Excuse me Zira I have one question:
I'm gonna commit multiple crimes.
And he just walks out. And Aziraphale looks just as broken. I hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it.
And after EVERYTHING. Crowley still waits by his car. Waits to see if Aziraphale will come to his senses and come back for him. But he doesn't. Zira even LOOKS BACK AT HIM before going into the elevator. How DARE you. How FUCKING DARE YOU YOU COWARD.
And you know??? You know what really gets to me?? You know what really cooks my noodle?? Besides the "I forgive you"???
Aziraphale's face journey in the elevator. How it lands, at the end, on a horrific smile. Bless Michael's acting skills cuz that is a horrible smile.
And Crowley just feels nothing. Completely broken. Like all of us.
I get it. I GET THE PRIDE AND PREJUDICE PARALLELS. @sycophantastic pointed it out, that it's a 3-act structure, and I know this is the "dark night of the soul" portion of the hero's journey. I GET. IT. I still hate it.
It took me forever to get to sleep last night. Like an hour and a half. Cuz my brain wouldn't shut up. And I dreamt about them. And it was awful and sad. And NOW we're going to a friend's house to watch the whole thing with her for the first time. Again. I have to endure this again.
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chemicalarospec · 7 months
My Death Note Playlists (prt 1 of my fav lyrics)
They're basically all "emo" btw.
I have two: the full playlist
and the "canon compliant" version -- which does NOT mean the songs support a canon-compliant interpretation, but that they were released before 2010. Canon timeline, you see, ignoring the 9/11 thing. (I'm a little more picky with this one in general.)
Okay now I'm just going to highlight my favorite lyrics that I blorbo brain all over (predominantly Light, and lots of Lawlight ranging from platonic murder to romantic lovers to romantic murder). It will be long, so here's a cut!
I'll pick out songs going down "full playlist" in order.
"Liar (It Takes One to Know One)" by Taking Back Sunday
Obvious, but "we're all choir boys at best" deserves attention. "It takes one to know one" shouted at the end -- all of Light and L knowing each other better than anyone.
"Juneau" by Funeral for a Friend
"I'm nothing more than a line in your book." Hey, I didn't say all these connections were good.
"Spin" by Taking Back Sunday
The whole thing is very Light to L.
"Looking for a Tornado" by Chiodos
Maybe I got a little lost while searching for my faith stuck to your cross You set fire to everything around [...] Do I believe in love; do I believe in heaven? (At the sound of church bells, they come running) All my clocks stuck on eleven; afraid if I hit my knees, I might get nothing
^ Lawlight /romantic intent /sexual intent
This is the sound of your savior running in need of anything to save you from nothing
^ bonus God/savior complex Light
"Always and Never" by Silverstein - "Don't have a heart attack"
"War Crimes" by Waterparks
kinda Light and Misa. "I wear a smile that's about a mile wide" lol. and "My death will be the fandom [sic]" for L.
"The Words 'Best Friend' Become Redefined" by Chiodos
The title as their fake-friendship-with-murderous-intent. Lyrics as romantic dying Lawlight. +"To hide from our twisted ways/I've been hiding in this bed"
"Fist Wrapped in Blood" by Silverstein
I love toxic couples. Cannibalism couples. Violence couples. (Some tntduo vibes in this one too, xoxo tntduo, still kinda my OTP.) "A Midwestern State Of Emergency" for similar reasons (we got the wild line "Bound and gagged but I enjoy it") + "Your saving grace, my final rites"
"One Day All Women Will Become Monsters" by Chiodos <3
That title but also "Always being the blind villain" -> Blind Lady Justice Light Yagami!!! + "Rip the haunting smirk from his face"
"Thank You for the Venom" by My Chemical Romance
Now I want to listen to Three Cheers looking for Death Note songs. (If I wasn't still finishing tntduo demolition lovers, Death Note demolition lovers would be sooo in.) Anyways: "I keep a gun on the book you gave me."
"Hard to Breathe" by Hawthorne Heights
"I spent my whole life lying/I just got caught." This one gets a big heading b/c that line is still the working title for my Light fic (yeah, it'll get posted. one day).
"There's no Penguins in Alaska" by Chiodos is a rare Misa moment on the playlist.
"Timberwolves at New Jersey" by Taking Back Sunday
"Literate and stylish/kissable and quiet/that's what girls' dreams are made of" and "This is you trying hard to make sure that you're seen/With a girl on your arm and your heart on your sleeve" = Light. Plus, the "me at my worst (committing murder)" theme of second half of the song
"Where Can I Stab Myself in the Ears" by Hawthorn Heights - "This is the ending, here's my surrender" & the complementing each other bridge theme. and lying.
"Why the Munsters Matter" by Chiodos
"I don't want to fit into your world/your heart/I hope I scare you"!!!!! It's NOT what happens in Death Note but it IS what Light and L are about IN MY HEAD.
"Ole Fishlips is Dead Now" is another rare Misa song. The "she's in love with herself" line but the subject is Light.
"Goldmine" by Paper Tigers
(link leads to song b/c the band is pretty indie)
Maybe that's something I admire Maybe you've made another enemy of me ... You goldmine Every little thing that you say It blows away my mind ... They say that pride proceeds the fall And that the sword is weaker than the pen
rare L to Light song on the playlist
"Your Sword Versus My Dagger" by Silverstein
Another Discovering the Waterfront track. "I'm cutting through, you're bleeding out/And I would tell the truth, but I can't help myself" + "I wasn't asking for the world" as another Light inverse/lying line (or kinda Misa) + "And I can see your face, and I can hear your name" in reference to Death Note rules lol.
"Is it Progression If A Cannibal Uses A Fork?" by Chiodos
"Listen up, sweetie!/We all know that you're a beautiful girl in this horrible world." - Light lol
"The solemn tolling of the funeral bells. I want to know what's going on in that pretty little head of yours where everyday's a Bone Palace Ballet."
"Divine Intervention" by Taking Back Sunday
rare soft song -- cutesy by Lawlight standards
Despondent, distracted You're vicious and romantic These are a few of my favorite things ... Something real, make it timeless An act of God and nothing less will be accepted ... We're stubborn and melodramatic A real class act
~a little skipping ahead to songs I wrote up out of order... part two will probably come next week!~
"The Brothers Karamazov" by The Used
all of it. but especially "I'm more than just my father's son" as an inverse of Light who is so little more than the son of a cop, "I see myself in everything I hate about you/I shut my mouth to stop myself from sounding like you" as him and L, and "Take me away from who I could become" as the conflict between Light and the influence of the Death Note.
"Chemicals" by Armor for Sleep
Lyrics about "you" dying ("I can picture your coffin"!!!) and the general vibe and:
And I’m on my back, on your floor. Tell me how you fooled the world again, I like how you laugh when you tell it
^ both L and Misa work. Light's evil laugh.
Play dead, cause I’ll be playing dead with you. I’ll play you when you’re dead in a year or two.
^ Light pretending to be L after he's dead.
"Three Simple Words" by Finch
"My hand's around your throat/who will stop me now?" !!! throwback to "Until the Day I Die", which I didn't highlight but also has "hands at your throat". I like the aggressive & repetitive usage in this song better. Light to L, of course.
Tune in next week for more of the same! (btw I had a lot going on so it's still not up but will edit this when I do it)
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