#dear dr leo
Asmi my dear, have you ever folded a fitted bedsheet?
I... I have tried to. We do not talk about about my level of success or lack thereof.
What--why is this a question? Is this your suggestion for Patreon content that I make? Just me losing my mind over trying to fold a fitted bedsheet? Because if so, while I don't doubt this sadistic fandom will find it amusing, the Patreon thing sounds like even more of a terrible idea.
Realistic image of what would happen:
I hate how vividly I pictured that. And yeah. My internal monologues do actually sound like that.
@howmanyholesinswisscheese maybe if you'd been less vanilla mum wouldn't have left you and then I'd know how to fold a fitted sheet. @arkytiorlecter you failed me too. @obsessed-sketches Dear Dr Leo, my family did not teach me to fold fitted sheets. What do I do?
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somerandomdudelmao · 10 months
Okay okay hear me out.
We all know that Donnie was devastated to discover what happened to his brothers. But in light of the most recent update, new meaning has been added to the panels of him watching their deaths' play out.
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Look at him here. At first glance, it simply seemed that Donnie was grieving the loss of his brothers. "We lost. They're all gone. My dumb dumb brothers sacrificed themselves. I'm alone."
BUT after today's update, we realize that NOOO he's not just regretting that they're gone, he's BLAMING HIMSELF. Not only is he sad, he feels GUILT.
Looking back, his face clearly says, "I could have stopped it. I could have saved them. I failed. This is my fault."
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"If I had been with you, the outcome might have been better." What hurts is that Don is RIGHT. He WAS the keystone of the resistance. Everything does indeed fall apart soon after he's gone (hence the episode name). It's a cruel, ironic twist on Survivor's Guilt-- because in that timeline he didn't survive. He was gone. And he blames himself for being gone.
We often talk about Future Leo's guilt over the apocalypse, but Future Donnie's guilt is not to be taken lightly. It actually makes a LOT of sense for him to blame himself for his family's deaths. We know that all dear Donton has ever wanted is validation for his tech, and his tech is his way of expressing to his family that he loves them. Ergo, all Donnie wants is to make tech to protect his family to Show Them That He Loves Them.
This is probably why he opened up to Raph, all but admitting his guilt over the less-than-perfect security system: it was like saying he and his love failed to protect them for long.
The character analysis deepens~
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Here (and throughout all of The Little Things, really) we see him taking steps to make sure his brothers (and the resistance) will be taken care of. Delegating everything, even The Little Things (ah HA) all to ensure that all he does for them (to prove his love, of course) continues to happen.
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Even here, when Donnie has been hanging onto life for so long that the Kraang are shocked he's still alive, Donnie wants to help. He could not "sit here and listen to them get killed," because he is Donatello, and he loves his family. Cass, you said it yourself: Violence is his love language. Rushing into battle, decimating the Kraang, saving his family. Because he may be dying, he may be clinging to life by a few threads, but he is Hamato Donatello and he loves his family.
But in the end, that's what he does. In the end, he DOES sit there and watch them get killed. Watches with his very own tech. One. By. One. They. Die. And deep down, Donnie thinks that if he would have been there, he could have found a way to make a generator NOT from Raph's heart. That he could have supported Mikey enough to keep him from disintegrating. That he could have protected Leo in those final, self sacrificial moments.
Donatello blames himself for not being there for his brothers. He blames himself for his tech not being flawless enough. He blames himself for dying on them.
Which is why he won't rest until they're ALL back home.
He is Mr. "I Can Fix This", so of COURSE he's going to fix this.
And afterwards, when his family is SAFE and HOME and TOGETHER he's going to apologize for "letting them die" and he's FINALLY going to get some SENSE knocked into his OWN dumb dumb brain (probably by Dr. Delicate Touch). His brothers love him because he's DONNIE. I cannot WAIT for the moment when they make him realize that they didn't miss his tech, they missed HIM. He's gonna realize just how utterly loved he is and I'm so excited for you, Cass, to show us that moment.
(I apologize; this got out of hand quickly, but the analysis has been bouncing around my head all day and I NEEDED to share it)
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freakadr0id · 2 years
ROTTMNT Character Fighting Style Analysis - Part 4: Donatello
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Hey! I’m back with my fight-style analysis! Sorry it took so long but we’re back in business!
This is a continuation of my first post about analyzing each of the Turtles' (+April's) fighting style, their strengths and weaknesses in a fight, and how Rise uses that to highlight different aspects of their character. I highly encourage you read that first before hopping into this one for full context. There is a bit of a TL;DR at the end.
[Part 1: Leo] [Part 2: Raph] [Part 3: Mikey] [...] [Part 5: April]
[Addendum] (Small addition to this analysis)
Next up on the stand is our dear Othello von Ryan aka Bootyyyshaker9000, aka...
Donatello: Striker/Support
Fighting Styles:
Categorizing Donnie's fighting style in Rise was surprisingly difficult as Donnie doesn't appear to have an easily identifiable pattern the way his brothers do. However, after I watched all the fights he's in several times over I've come to quite an interesting conclusion:
Unlike his brothers, Donnie doesn't have a specific fighting style - he has two.
Parry and Counterattack
Donnie's primary fight style in the show utilizes a more traditional combat approach (or as traditional as Donnie can get), utilizing his bo in combination with his tech to battle the enemy at close range. This fighting style is an interesting fusion of offensive and defensive techniques to create a style that caters to Donnie's strengths. It involves Donnie goading the enemy into attacking him with a series of swipes and jabs, then using a number of blocks and parry techniques to defend himself until he can find or create an opportune moment to create an opening and hit his foe with a devastating counterattack. While Donnie might not be the strongest turtle physically, his tech and proficiency with his bo make him a force to be reckoned with in his own right.
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Glass Cannon
Donnie's secondary method of fighting is one I would best describe as a "glass cannon" fight style. For those of you unfamiliar with it, the term 'glass cannon' comes from video games and TTRPGs and is used to describe a character that can deal a lot of damage, but has very little health and defense in return (think of wizard or ranged classes). "But wait, ‘Glass Cannon’ describes the attributes of a character, not their fighting style,” and yes, it does. However, in Donnie’s case, his fighting style changes in such a way that he becomes a glass cannon With this fighting style, Donnie tends to forgo the close-range, technical combat, instead more ranged attacks that rely solely on his tech. This is Donnie when he is fighting at his most offensive as these attacks can be VERY powerful and can deal a significant amount of damage, but they also leave him rather vulnerable. Donnie puts all his focus on dealing strong singular attacks, but if those fail, he ends up being more exposed to the enemy as his tech has very few defensive capabilities.
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Strengths and Roles in a Fight:
Donnie is the team's striker. His role in a fight is to deal powerful, precise hits against the enemy that are intended to quickly and efficiently defeat a foe. Both of his fight styles play into this role and both his Parry-and-Counterattack and Glass Cannon method are built to deliver strong, finalizing attacks. He is often seen entering a battle after his allies instead of charging right in (although he does sometimes do that - especially early on), choosing to be a bit more precise in who he fights, or joining an ally in order to provide that finishing blow if need be. His battleshell gives Donnie an aerial advantage, allowing him to swoop in unexpectedly and strike an enemy, or boost his speed and increase the strength of his attacks. While he is seen, on occasion, fighting outside of this role, he is at his strongest when filling the Striker position.
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Donnie also fills the role of the team's Support and assists his brothers, April, and other members in a fight with the use of his tech (ha, get it - he's tech support). This is different than how Mikey supports the team as Mikey directly affects the enemy by disabling them, while Donnie supports the team by directly affecting those he's fighting alongside. Donnie provides numerous helpful gadgets with his tech that has a seemingly infinite number of configurations and uses in battle. His tech-bo had almost every tool under the sun and his goggles can give tactical information in a fight by pointing out weaknesses or additional information about an opponent. He also helps in moving allies around the battlefield using his hammer/tech-bo and battleshell, giving them a stronger advantage in the air and providing aerial assistance if needed. There are times when Donnie supports his allies by inhibiting the enemy, but more often than not his support is provided directly to his team.
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Donnie's Parry and Counterattack style is, arguably, his best fighting style as he can utilize his tech while fighting without being overly reliant on it. When used properly he can go up against many types of enemies and it allows him to be a bit more adaptable in a fight than he is when he is using just his tech or just traditional fighting techniques.
His Glass Cannon fighting style should not be discredited, however, as it is incredibly strong, but it is more situational than the Parry-and-Counterattack method. There are times when it is useful to have that one powerful attack that can be used to finish off an enemy to deliver an immense amount of damage, but it needs to be done in tandem with his team. When Donnie fights as a Glass Cannon by himself, he becomes incredibly vulnerable and, without anyone to back him up, puts himself at huge risk when his attack fails. Having the others nearby help weaken the enemy, making his attack more effective, or can help defend Donnie should he need it.
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Donnie's fighting styles are best suited for short battles against a small number of enemies while he tends to have a hard time in long, drawn-out fights or against a large number of opponents. Donnie's strengths lie in his ability to deliver strong individual attacks, which work best when he is fighting against just a couple of enemies where he can properly focus his energy. However, the longer the fight goes on, the more Donnie begins to struggle - the longer the battle drags on, the more likely Donnie is to get hit. Despite the fact that he does very well on the defensive when using his Parry and Counterattack style, once Donnie gets hit it becomes very hard for him to recover.
Donnie's role as the Striker can conflict with his role as the Support, resulting in him often having to prioritize one over the other. If Donnie plays a more aggressive role in the fight, both his fighting styles don't give much opportunity for him to use his tech for anything but his own attacks. When Donnie needs to fall into his Support role, this means he has to significantly "back off," so to speak, so he can fully deploy and utilize his tech to help his team.
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How it plays into his character:
Donnie’s fight style and roles reveal a surprising amount of information about his character, including the complexities of his personality and how his strengths and flaws are demonstrated in the way he fights.
Donnie's Glass Cannon style is the direct result of his arrogance and overconfidence in his tech. Donnie takes pride in his tech and inventions, which isn't inherently a bad thing, however, this tends to feed into Donnie's arrogance, causing him to assume that his inventions could never fail. When he does this in battle, he puts so much emphasis on his tech and his confidence in its success that he doesn't consider the possibility that the attack may not work. However, there are times when the Glass Cannon fighting style is needed, which is when Donnie has to find a balance between relying on his tech for a powerful attack and having the humility to recognize when it may not be the best option.
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Donnie's Parry-and-Counterattack fighting style exemplifies how skilled Donnie can be when the best parts of his character come together. This fighting method requires Donnie to be skilled, patient, and tactical; while also demonstrating how Donnie can use his intelligence and engineering in battle without being overly reliant on it. Donnie can be rash and overeager in a fight, especially when it comes to using his tech, but when he uses his Parry-and-Counterattack style he is forced to address that in order to succeed. When Donnie uses his greatest strength, his intelligence, all of these pieces fall into place, making him a very strong fighter.
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Donnie's role as a Support may not be very obvious since he tends to fight more offensively, but the way he supports his team in a fight aligns very well with how Donnie expresses his care and affection for his family. Throughout the show, Donnie repeatedly tells us that emotion and affectionate gestures are difficult for him, which could make it seem that he has little care for his family. However, this is far from the case, Rise demonstrates time and time again that Donnie deeply cares about his family, but instead of expressing it outwardly, Donnie's affection comes through in his inventions. We see several instances in the show where Donnie makes upgrades to his tech to cater to his family's needs and interests - and he does the same thing in battle. He has several gadgets specifically designed to keep his family safe, and we see how he modifies his tech to accommodate the needs of others in a fight. The love Donnie has for his family translates into every part of their lives, including battle, even when it isn't immediately obvious to anyone else.
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In a Team Fight:
In a combined team effort, Donnie is the best option to go last in a team attack. Given Donnie's role as the Striker and his fighting style that is heavily geared towards singular heavy strikes, it makes sense for him to be the one to deliver that finishing blow. This is where his Glass Cannon style works best as his allies have already worn the enemy down enough to make his final, tech-heavy particularly devastating.
With the mobility and the assistance he can provide with his tech, Donnie can help set up a follow-up attack, but this means he has to take a more passive role in the fight and he doesn't get much of a chance to attack. This can be beneficial when going against weaker opponents, but less so when fighting stronger enemies.
Donnie doesn't work as well as an attacker in the early positions in a team attack as his skills as a fighter are not suited to properly set up a coordinated effort. Even though his Parry-and-Counterattack style can create an opening in the opponent's defense, it also needs a very quick attack to follow up on that, which is difficult to execute without another person nearby. Attacking first or second may also require Donnie to fight his foe for a longer period of time, which increases the chance that Donnie will get hit and won't give him the time needed to recover from it.
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Donnie's analysis was definitely the most difficult one of the bunch. Whereas Leo, Raph, and Mikey all have instantly recognizable roles and fighting styles, Donnie's was much more complex. You know he's the tech guy in and out of a fight, but trying to find where he fits into battle beyond that was challenging. Interestingly enough, it mirrors how his own character is presented, where you know Donnie's general shtick early on, but it can be difficult to understand his character beyond the surface level if you don't pay attention.
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[TL;DR: Donnie has two distinct fighting styles in the show - one that prioritizes close-range Parrying and Counterattack techniques and one where he prioritizes his tech and becomes a Glass Cannon. These both feed into his role as the team's Striker, where he functions best as the final attack in a team battle - while also acting as the team's Support by assisting his allies with less combative tech. His roles and fighting style are all very indicative of Donnie's overall personality and the complexities of his character.]
Oh it’s good to be back doing these again. Sorry again for taking so long, but college be college and college be a bi- well, you know. Next up is our girl April O’Neil. I really will try to get it out tomorrow but I won’t make any guarantees.
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biographydivider · 1 year
Donatello’s Big Book of Contingency Plans In Case His Family Turns Evil;
April: The only thing that will halt April if she decides to turn to the dark side is a reminder of the pure, innocent love there is in the world. Show her pictures of Mayhem. If he is to hand, hold him up under the shoulders, so his legs are dangling impotently in the air. This is the only thing I have ever discovered that can stop April mid-sentence, reducing her to a puddle of high-pitched noises and googly eyes - see Video Evidence, File 21. If this does not work, I am not so proud as to turn down a position as Right-Hand Turtle/Head Scientist in the O’Neil World Order.
Mikey: If Michael goes rogue, it will most likely be a manifestation of his loving/nurturing instincts combined with his latent hot tempter; see Dr. Delicate Touch, page 54, paragraph 23b, see The Lou Mike Tony’s Incident, page 64, paragraph 82c. Isolate and psychoanalyse – let Mikey talk himself out of his own homicidal tendencies by prompting him on why this need to lash out is actually a representation of being the youngest sibling of four, and therefore an all-consuming desire to find someone to protect in much the way he has been protected and babied all his life. Then, hugs. Regrettably.
Raph: Raph needs people, and Raph needs comfort – see Raph Alone, page 90, paragraph 2e, see Raph’s Experience With The Krang...the whole chapter, essentially. The Mental Reprogrammulater/Pizza Fun Box has already been turned into an impregnatable holding cell for just this situation; lined with soft, padded foam (so our dear Spiky Leader cannot harm himself thrashing against his restraints), filled with weighted blankets and stuffed animals. The MR/PFB is also kitted out with speakers, out of reach, playing pre-recorded loops of the entire family saying comforting, soothing phrases. These speakers can also communicate with a microphone outside the MR/PFB, if it is safe enough for us to be close. Then, we can slowly and gently remind our oldest brother that we are here for him – that everyone is safe, that he is not alone, and that whatever he is going through, it can be fixed.
Leo: Frying pan to the face.
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pianocat939 · 1 year
Celina, I had the most random thought about a yandere rottmnt isekai au.
I was rewatching some rottmnt earlier and I noticed how I barely commented on anything, aside from a smile and a small chuckle here and there. It got me thinking…
What if m/c was like that? What if m/c never really commented at all aside from a few chuckles and small comments sprinkled throughout an episode? Maybe they are a bit of an introvert too? How would yandere rottmnt turtles react to this?
I think they would go insane trying to find any information at all about m/c, and at first it isn’t even because of their yandere-ness! They just want to know who the heck is watching them!
I think that they may try to do things to make m/c speak, but they wouldn’t outright reveal themselves as able to hear m/c (let’s be real here, if you found out an entity beyond your realm was watching you, would you instantly let them know you are aware of them or would you at least try to make sure they are safe first?).
Soon, m/c’s voice becomes… addicting. The boys constantly crave m/c’s voice and comments, doing anything to know more about them and just hear them again! This is amped up if m/c gives them small compliments here and there… especially with Donnie and Leo… (The turtles would probably develop the belief that the only reason they can hear m/c and no one else from m/c’s realm is because m/c belongs in their realm…)
Then they try to break into m/c’s realm…
Donnie would most likely be able to connect with the tech first with his nimpo, then he would hack into any device near m/c. Cameras, laptops, phones, everything! It isn’t long before the turtles learn more about m/c than they would’ve ever known beforehand, maybe even more than m/c themself…
It isn’t long before Donnie hacks into m/c’s phone and establishes a connection between the turtles and m/c’s devices…
Poor m/c would have no idea who these random people who sound-er, text?- a lot like their favorite characters from ROTTMNT. I doubt the turtles would give themselves away immediately, they would most likely bide their time and gain more information on m/c (This could also be translated into your sentient AI thing you have going on).
They would only reveal themselves in person, once the portal is ready and they can take what rightfully belongs in their world. M/c wouldn’t have the chance to run before they are dragged away, kicking, screaming, and crying, out of their own reality…
“Why are you fighting us, dear? Don’t you love us? Our reality is- No, stop fighting us- our reality is much better than this bitter and cold world, you won’t have to worry about anything ever again!”
(Bonus if Donnie hacks into m/c’s friends and families phones so Dr. Delicate Touch can have a few words with them…)
(I’m sorry, It’s almost midnight for me and I HAD to share this idea with someone :,/)
Me at 3 AM 3 hours later-
Someone send help I cried because of an angst story but now I'm dehydrated but I'm too scared to go get liquid bcs I'm pretty sure someone is on the couch and I'm far too paranoid for that shit-
Tw: Raph gets a little- too dependent on MC speaking, Mikey glorifies his position, mentions of manipulation + anxiety
First of all, delicious idea you got here- as always I'll just add a little tidbit.
Imagine occasionally they accidentally whisper or mumble when they hear you speak in the rare moments that you do. Like with me, I either talk to myself about somewhat off-topic things or just say the most basic compliments that are more or less for my self-indulgence in expressing my true feelings. (We'll go with compliment bcs that makes more sense in terms of yan development)
"Donnie is so skrunkly when he's feral I love it-"
*Donnie who was just having a typical "who's better" debate with Leo* "Oh won't you look at that...I'm loved even in times of undomesticated behaviours~" *he's very smug, and definitely is bouncing with joy internally*
I think for the most part Donnie, Leo, and Raph react pretty similarly. They kinda just have an odd pull to the weird ass voice they occasionally hear sometimes, wanting to find out more about it. So they can cling to it as emotional support.
But Mikey?
He is legit going to think he's some prophet of this mysterious voice which he believes is a superior being. Like even the smallest comment will literally make him whisper to himself- "Oh my divinity, I am a follower of your every word.." Wouldn't be surprised if he has heart eyes istg-
But if his bros say they can hear it too, he will literally be so pissed. He'll accuse they're lying and basically manipulating him into thinking he's not special. I wouldn't be surprised if he busts out Dr. Delicate Touch to start accusing them of any crime that fits with the situation. And in the end, he'll always conclude with "I'm the only one who gets to be the chosen one of my divinity~ so stop lying alright?"
Also there's one thing I want to point out with Raph, I feel he would get attached to the voice so bad over time that he either A. cannot make any rational decisions without it or B. he gets super anxious if he doesn't hear it in his head 24/7. I feel he would nickname it like, "my secret voice" or "my mind plushie".
Leo and Donnie definitely fight the most about the voice, but they also plan together the most when it comes to finding out more about the owner of the voice. But their intentions with each other are never mentioned.
(this was such a half-assed rant but surely it should be a little insight on my thoughts).
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Hey can you do platonic tmnt 2012 x child reader who is like Nezuko
Child reader is a experiment subject,they wear a mask because they don't want to lose control.They eat fruit instead of blood and gore.
Welcome to the Family
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author’s note: okay so I went off script a little dear anon, I hope you don’t mind I only watched a few episodes of demon slayer hehe, also what do you guys think of the color coded dialogue? or do you rather it all white? this got to be verryyyy long it’s 4 am >.< i just couldn’t stop oml
warnings: child abuse, cursing, violence, angst, comfort ending, fluff
“Alright guys, we are doing this quick: in and out, got it?” Leonardo said drawing his swords as he nodded to Raph, he knew he would enjoy kicking the door down. “Yeah yeah yeah let’s do this already!” Raph said impatiently. “Remember Dr. Falcon was the one who-“ Donnie was cut off by Raph kicking the door down and Mikey pushed his way past his older brothers. “Booyakashaaa!” He hollered twirling his nunchucks ready for anything.
“Stick to the plan!” Leo seethed as all eyes landed on the doctor who had a large syringe in his hand. A big metal chair sat in the middle of the room, tiny arms were the only thing visible to the turtles, they were strapped down tightly. “He’s got mutangen!” Donnie yelled recognizing the color immediately. Falcon gritted his teeth, “don’t move, or else she gets it.” It only took a second of hesitation on the turtles part for Dr. Falcon to stab the needle into the patients arm, the chair was turned away from the turtles so they couldn’t see who was on the receiving end of such brutal treatment but that was all it took for Raph to lunge forward sais ready to take down the enemy. Leo flanked his red brother, only sidestepping to go on the right side of the room while Raph took the left. Donnie went to the chair, spinning it to face him and he almost dropped his bo. Mikey went to give his older brothers back up but it was pretty unnecessary, the fight was over in five minutes flat, the doctor cowering to the floor in surrender.
“Donnie what’s wrong??” Leo asked, leaving Mikey and Raph to watch over Dr. Falcon to make sure he didn’t try anything else like escaping. “It’s a child…” Donnie said softly watching as the little girl struggled underneath her binds, eyes completely red, her fingers elongated into sharpened claws, and fangs could be seen behind the contraption she wore. The muzzle was muffling her raging screams as she lashed around as much as she could. Needle marks were littered on her arms, and it became obvious she had been under the doctor’s control for a while. Leo’s eyes hardened, turning back to face the doctor with disgust. “What were you doing to her?” He spat as Raph couldn’t help himself leaving Falcon to go see the child, Mikey followed suit his eyes saddening.
“Enhancing her, you’d never understand, she’s special, she was born special.” Raph came back eyes a-blazing “enhancing her?! you keep kids strapped into chairs stickin’ them with ooze? fuckin’-“ Raph’s foot launched forward kicking the doctor in the stomach, “-psychopath!” He finished breathing hard and fast, he was flexing his fingers around his weapons he wanted to hurt this guy bad. Wanted to keep kicking until he heard bones crunch, but held himself back. The doctor was heaving and coughing up blood and Donnie watched as the child reacted to the smell of the copper, her eyes growing a darker red and becoming more ferocious. His hands went forward slowly and the girl started to tremble, “it’s alright, I’m not gonna hurt you,” Donnie said softly as Mikey watched clenching his nunchucks silently. It was a first for him he usually had lots to say.
Donnie pushed back the long black hair that draped over her ears and sure enough he had guessed correctly. She had large protruding ears resembling those of a bat. It all tied in and he drew his hand back, noticing how she had stilled completely not even breathing until his hand was a safe distance away. “She’s a bat mutant, distinguishing features are ears, teeth, eyes, and nails.” The rest of her looked very much human, she was thin, frail, and paler than a ghost. “Donnie is she gonna be okay?” Mikey spoke up beside his genius brother. Donnie didn’t answer because he didn’t know what to say. “We’ve gotta save her!” Mikey said going for the straps trying to release her.
“Wait!” Leo said and Mikey frowned, “We can’t leave her here Leo,” Mikey said shaking his head not letting that even be an option. “I know but we don’t know if she’s dangerous what if she attacks us?” Leo said looking at each of his brothers. “He must have a sedative here,” Donnie said muttering to himself as Dr. Falcon started crawling to the window. “And where do ya think you’re goin’” Raph said smiling sadistically, sais clinking together as he stepped down on the doctor’s ankle to keep him from moving further away. “The cops will be here soon, we gotta be quick Donnie,” Leo said as he looked back at Raph, “just knock him out,” and once Raph had the go ahead he reveled, “with pleasure!” Stowing his weapons away he cracked his knuckles and watched as the doctor cowered. “fuckin’ pussy” he snarled not holding back his punches until the man was slumped.
Donnie got another needle ready and he hated how the girl’s eyes widened in horror. He winced, “I’m sorry I promise this is the last one you’ll ever have to endure, it’s for your safety and ours,” he spoke quickly and held her forearm still to prevent her from thrashing and making it worse. As soon as her eyes rolled back everyone was helping with her binds. “I’ll carry her,” Mikey announced as the sirens could be heard approaching. “Alright let’s move.” Leo said as they cleared out to the rooftops. Raph shook his head, “Splinter’s gonna have our shells,” he muttered under his breath wondering how the rat would take Mikey’s new friend. He didn’t want to leave the girl there either he thought maybe she’d be better in police hands but remembered she was part mutant. They’d cast her out as a freak as soon as she woke up.
“You did what?!” Splinter brought down his cane to the floor in a thump and everyone flinched. “She’s like us Sensei, we couldn’t just leave her!” Leo spoke up for his brothers as Mikey held her close to his plastron. “And I suppose you four are going to care for her?” Splinter narrowed his eyes, wanting it to be clear that they were not some rescue that took in every poor soul. He had himself and his sons to think about, the more people who knew of their secret home/hideout the worse it would be for them. And the easier it would be for Shredder to find them all and take the new family that Splinter was willing to die for. He wouldn’t lose his boys to anyone.
“I’ll take full responsibility!” Mikey quipped up, eyes serious as he met Splinters. “I hope you all know what you’re doing.” He said turning away, going to his room to meditate and think the whole thing over. Hopefully with a clearer head he could talk to his boys without it becoming an argument. All four turtles sighed in relief. Mikey felt you stir in his arms and he squeaked with surprise, “she’s coming to!!!” He didn’t know what to do or what to expect and quickly handed you off to Donnie. Who quickly handed you off to Leo. He held you awkwardly and decided it was best to leave the dojo, “c’mon let’s go to my room,” he said quickly and they all followed suit. He placed you gently on his bed and they all surrounded you, heads coming in close as they watched you blink drowsily awakening.
You blinked once, twice, three times, your eyes were big as they slowly widened, Donnie noted how clear they were now, not red at all. You peered up at all of them silently as they stared down at you, Mikey broke the silence, “Awwww she’s so cute~!” He gushed hands reaching out to scoop you in his arms and you backed away, kicking your feet out underneath you until your back hit the wall. “Quit it Mikey you’re scarin’ her” Raph said annoyed as he reached out and grabbed Mikey’s face pushing his brother back. “Geez Raph!” Mikey groaned as he rubbed his face, frowning, he hadn’t meant to scare you. “It’s okay,” Leo spoke softly to you, “Falcon’s gone, and you’re with us now,”
You had to be at least 7 or 8 years old. But Donnie really couldn’t guess too accurately because your malnutrition played a big factor in this. The doctor hadn’t seemed to be feeding you properly because Donnie didn’t think it was healthy to look that pale or skinny for a human. “Do you know where your parents are?” Leo asked and they all waited silently for your answer. You blinked. “You think she speaks English?” Mikey asked worriedly and Donnie smacked his palm to his face, “she may not be able to speak at all Mikey, or perhaps she was never taught..” Donnie listed some possibilities and Raph grimaced. “Can you understand us or not?” Raph asked and you nodded slowly. Still looking very wary and on guard.
“Do you have parents?” Leo tried again. But you didn’t respond and Leo looked over to Raph. “Uh, do you have a family?” Raph tried and you tilted your head to the side. Mikey would’ve found this adorable if not for the reason of your confusion. Did you not know the word family? Had you been alone in that room with just Falcon for as long as you could remember? Mikey tried to shake the thoughts away, “we’re your family now,” Mikey said smiling at you as he pressed his hand to his plastron and then waved his hand towards his brothers. “I’m Mikey, I’m the raddest,” he introduced himself and nudged Donnie for him to do the same. “Uh I’m Donatello but you can call me Donnie,” he said formally, “I’m Leo,” he spoke with a soft smile, and Raph said gruffly, “Raph,” he pointed a finger to his plastron and then he pointed at you.
They all waited in silence again, your hands came up and touched the muzzle you wore. Donnie’s eyes immediately widened, how could he forget! He wondered if it had hindered you from speaking in the first place. Or worse if it had been causing you pain, “I can get that off for you, but it’ll be easier in my lab..” he muttered the last part as Leo and Raph shot their purple brother a glare. “Alright alright I’ll be back,” he said holding up a finger to you indicating one moment. “Ohhh the metal stuff won’t let you speak?” Mikey said after a few moments catching up with the rest of his brothers. “Obviously numb nuts,” Raph said rolling his eyes.
“Sorrrry, kinda hard to pick that up it’s my first time seeing something like this!” Mikey said putting his hands on his hips. Leo sat down on the floor, hands going up to stretch. They had all been bent over for some time, watching your every move with great interest. You did the same, your eyes flitting around the room quickly before going back to look at the turtle brothers. Raph sat on the edge of the bed, Leo raised an eyebrow at him in question but Raph wasn’t looking at Leo. “I just want you to know, no one’s gonna hurt you here. You’re safe.” You looked into the red turtle’s eyes for a long time, Mikey almost thought it was a staring contest until you nodded, tears forming in your eyes. All the brothers inched forward, “shi-“
“Raph.” Leo cut off his brother from cursing, “I mean shoot.” He grumped as he looked worriedly at the tears that threatened to fall. “Great going Raph!” Mikey said as tears formed in his eyes too unable to help it. He sniffed trying to hold them back. “I didn’t mean to!” Raph said defensively. “It’s okay to cry, you’ve been through a lot,” Leo said, heart hurting that what he said was sadly true. He wished it wasn’t and you nodded again tears falling as you sniffed. Donnie walked back in, arms full of tools and he almost dropped it all when he noticed the crying fest going on. “What happened?!” He said rushing forward. “Raph made her cry!” Mikey wailed as he cried too, and Raph took a deep breath trying to not punch his orange brother in front of you. “All I said was, we ain’t gonna hurt her and that she’s safe!” Raph again said defensively crossing his arms. Donnie breathed out relieved that you weren’t in any physical pain though his heart ached to know you were going through some emotional turmoil. “You ready to get that thing off?” Donnie asked you and you nodded again wiping your tears with the back of your hands.
“Alright just tap me if it hurts,” Donnie said placing all the tools on Leo’s bed as he leaned forward, motioning for you to do the same. You did so hesitantly. With careful hands, Donnie was able to remove the contraption, it had been cruelly made to tighten at any movements, and hindered your speech. You opened and closed your mouth, the feeling so foreign to you. You basically had a bar in your mouth for however long you had been confined with Falcon, it reminded Donnie of a horse bit mouthpiece. It was inhumane. Mikey hadn’t been able to watch for long and offered to go get pizza. Which left three brothers, Donnie was surprised Raph hadn’t wandered off as well, but he stayed sitting next to you on the bed while Leo watched from the floor. “How do you feel now?” Donnie asked picking up his tools to go return to the lab, “b-better,” a soft whisper of a voice could be heard and all the turtles stilled. “I’ll be back,” Donnie said chewing on the inside of his cheek as he motioned his head to the tools in his arm.
“So do ya have a name?” Raph asked and Leo stood from the floor, going to sit on your other side. You shook your head. “Well you’re in luck, Mikey’s the best when it comes to names,” Leo spoke up smiling to himself as Raph chuckled. You were looking back and forth between the red and blue turtle. “R-red” you pointed to Raph and then you turned, “B-blue” you said pointing this time at Leo. “Close enough,” Raph grinned and clenched his hands to keep from ruffling your hair. “Do you have a favorite color?” Leo asked and he watched as you slowly crawled out of his bed, legs dangling off the edge before you pushed off. They watched as you landed shakily, both holding themselves back from going forward to help. No one wanted to scare you.
“Black,” it was your first word you hadn’t tumbled with. As you touched your hair, it was the color of the night sky, and long going down your back curling towards the ends. “Not pink?” Leo teased and you promptly shook your head. Your stomach growled and this had both brothers up and moving, you immediately moved backwards quickly, reacting to their movements. They moved slower, “c’mon Mikey’s got pizza,” Raph said nodding his head to the doorway as Leo went first leading the way. You followed and Raph walked leisurely behind you, keeping his distance. You hardly came up to his hip! He still couldn’t believe how young you were and he tried to push the thought away, it only made him angry and anger made him violent.
He’d rather not have an episode while you were here. Hopefully they’d find your parents soon. Mikey entered the abandoned subway, pizza boxes in hand. “Who’s hungry?!” He hollered as Donnie entered the room from his lab. You raised your hand in response, and Donnie held back a laugh. Everything you did was adorable! “Alrightttt” Mikey said beaming at you as he carried the pizzas to the kitchen table. They all waited for you to climb into a seat first before they all rushed to sit in the chairs next to you. Mikey and Donnie winning out this time. “I’ve got pepperoni and classic cheese!” Mikey said grabbing you a slice of each.
The smell of bread and cheese wafted in your face and you licked your lips hungrily. But as you took a bite and the brothers watched as your eyes turned red and fingernails elongated, fangs coming out to pierce the pizza. Their mouths dropped open. “I don’t think she’s gonna be satisfied with pizza,” Donnie said and it was as if a switch had flipped. With your mouth piece off and your hunger at the forefront of your mind you stood on your chair. “Kid, sit back down,” Raph warned and you hissed and glared at him, your eyes painfully red now. Donnie pushed his chair out, “Don’t let them take off,” he said as he went to the cabinets and pantries as he reminded himself what exactly did bats eat other than blood and bugs.
Your fangs were abnormally long, jutting out past your mouth and digging into your lower lip. You whimpered as your stomach grumbled, and your eyes started darting towards the kitchen door. Leonardo was moving before you could have a second thought. “Sorry, can’t let you escape that easy,” he was in front of the kitchen door, blocking it with his body. You stomped your foot into the chair and it creaked under the force. “Temper temper,” Raph couldn’t help himself, using the words that were usually thrown in his face. “Everyone just calm down,” Mikey said hands going up, “man I can’t believe you don’t like pizza!” he frowned.
You had enough, jumping down and running to Leo, his eyes widened not wanting to touch you but he couldn’t exactly let you get past him. His hands went out to scoop you but you ducked and stomped your foot down again this time on Leo’s toes. He howled in pain immediately reacting and leaving an opening for you to dart past him. “Raph!” Leo called out wondering why he was the only one stopping you as Mikey ditched his pizza and Raph clambered up quickly chasing after you. Donnie entered the room holding up an apple, “fruit! Bats eat fruit!” He said triumphantly only to see Leo hopping on one foot holding onto his toes the kitchen table empty. “Great.” Donnie said sarcastically as Leo shot him a glare and Donnie ran for the door.
“Y/n!” Mikey called out as you jumped over one of the subway turnpikes. You hesitated, and that was all Donnie needed for him to come into view and wave the apple frantically. Your mouth drooled as you ran back to them, Donnie bent down letting you swipe the fruit from his hand as you greedily sank your fangs into the apple. “Yay! Food accomplished!” Mikey cheered as everyone waited for you to finish, by the time you were done the apple was shriveled to its core. Your eyes faded back to normal clear whites, and your fangs weren’t as long anymore either. You looked at Donnie shyly, and he knew what that look meant, “we’ve got more if you’re still hungry,” he smiled and you nodded quickly. Going back into the kitchen holding onto the core. “So cool!” Mikey gushed as he followed you and Donnie, Raph behind everyone else.
When you pushed the door open and noticed Leo back in his chair you ran forward. Cheeks dusting with embarrassment, as you patted his knee in apology. At that Leo couldn’t help himself, he ruffled your hair without a second thought, “all’s forgiven hungry-pants,” Leo teased. Then you followed Donnie as he led you to the pantry where he found two more apples. You gave him the apple core in favor of the new apples. He threw it away for you and watched as you walked back to your chair. It seemed you weren’t as famished to quickly drain those two.
Crisis averted everyone ate, making small talk, trying to get you to speak every now and again but let it go when you only answered with a nod or a shake of your head. “So Y/n,” Mikey started, pizzas devoured and your apples diminished to cores. “You named her already??” Leo said surprised and Raph nodded, “Yeah while you were bouncing around in here,” Leo’s mouth went into a straight line as you covered your eyes in embarrassment. “Can’t wait to see your reaction when your toes get crushed,” Leo muttered and Raph’s eyebrows went up, “oh I’ll tell you what’s gonna happen, ain’t gonna be a big pansy about it that’s for sure!”
“Oh really?” Leo said and Raph responded immediately “Really.” They were both having a stare off when Mikey interrupted, “Just ignore them Y/n that’s what I do,” he whispered to you as you peeked at the orange brother through your fingers. “Anyways, it’s getting late, I was wondering where you wanted to sleep?” He asked and that quickly got everyone’s attention. It was like Mikey had asked who was your favorite turtle. You shrugged and Mikey said it was high time for a lair tour. All brothers got up talking at once trying to show you their rooms first, all except for Leo. He went to crouch beside you, “wanna just sleep in the living room? We can make a pillow fort or pile up the bean bags,” he whispered into your ear. He hadn’t needed to get that close, in fact he could’ve whispered from across the table and you would’ve heard him but your eyes sparkled at his idea.
You still let each brother drag you around the lair, showing off their respective rooms and why theirs were better than the others. When it came time to choose and the group was back in the living room you pointed straight down to your feet. “Here?” Raph said disappointed as you nodded. He groaned but left to get his pillows and blankets. You flashed Leo a smile as he smiled too going do the same. All the brothers did and it was the first time they had left you alone. And at that same moment Splinter came entering the room quietly, but you heard him immediately and your breathing quickened, scared of the newcomer. He was taller than the turtles. “Red!” You wailed and Raph had been on his way back when he dashed forward, worrying why you sounded so frightened. “What’s the matt-,”
Splinter was watching you quietly, thinking as he looked down at what you wore. It seemed his sons hadn’t given you a change of clothes yet. You wore a patients gown, which couldn’t be warm he noted. “Raphael,” Splinter spoke as the turtle came to your side and your hand reached up to hold onto one of his fingers tightly. “Yes Sensei?” Raph wasn’t worried now that he knew why you had called for him, but his heart was still racing, the fear in your voice, he hadn’t been expecting it. “Get her into new clothes before you all go to sleep,” and his head bowed to you slightly as he turned to leave. Raph’s eyes went down to your clothes, it was like he hadn’t noticed the tattered gown until now. He cursed under his breath, not knowing you could hear what he said quite clearly.
“Hmm, we’ll have to go get you something better tomorrow but do you wanna wear one of my shirts for now?” He asked wiggling his finger that was still in your grip, you were still staring after Master Splinter in wonder, “that’s our dad,” Raph noted as you looked up at him. “Yeah he’s a rat not a turtle,” he said scratching his chin with his free hand. You tugged on his finger and he took that as a yes to his earlier question. He led you to his room again, letting you put on his shirt as he stood outside of his room, shell leaning against the doorway as he watched Mikey emerge from his room. “No fair!!” Mikey gasped as he saw you come out of Raph’s room dressed in a big red t-shirt that basically looked like another gown on you.
Your patient gown in your hands, you didn’t know what to do with it. Raph held out his hand, “want me to chunk it?” He asked and you nodded, placing the fabric in his hands. Everyone had their pillows and blankets in the middle of the living room, Leo had the tv on playing an episode of Space Heroes. “Not this again!” Raph groaned as Donnie helped you and Mikey build the pillow fort. “It’s the structure that’s the most important part, without that the foundation will just~” Donnie droned on and you peered over at Mikey who was making silly faces. You giggled and the sound rang out to all the turtles ears. They all looked at one another smiling, “that was all me bros,” Mikey said proudly. With the fort finished and large enough for everyone to fit in, it was one big slumber party. “Goodnight Y/n,” Mikey said happily and everyone else followed suit wishing you a goodnight and to have good dreams. “night night,” you yawned quietly turning underneath the blankets getting comfortable. “We totally have a little sister!” Mikey whispered excitedly once your breathing had deepened. Donnie rolled over, “she might have parents Mikey,” he didn’t want to be the bearer of bad news but he knew Leo was thinking the same thing. “Well I think she’d like it here.” Mikey whispered again this time quieter and more unsure of himself. “Get some sleep,” Raph mumbled. “We’ll talk to Y/n about it tomorrow,” Leo said softly, trying to reassure his younger brother. It got quiet and Leo was the last to fall asleep, looking at all his brothers under a pillow fort with you in the center. It had a been a while since they had last done something like this. He smiled, silently hoping for the same thing Mikey was wishing for, he knew all his brothers probably felt the same way after today. You were a part of their family, even if you did have folks waiting for you.
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tvb0y · 7 days
It's No secret i'm a theater kid, I'm a annoying, weird, queer theater kid. And as a theater kid, I love to sing every musical song in my tiny little bean brain. And in honor of my end-of-the-year theater showcase tonight, I give you; The Rise Boys Musical Headcannons! ( Because in my world they are all theater nerds )
Gay Kid ( Leo )
Ride The Cyclone: There is no way My guy has NOT Listened or watched this Musical ( If you haven't; Go watch it on youtube. ) He Is A Noel kinnie ( Probably? Idk. ) And His Favorite Songs are Noel's Lament and What The World Needs ( To Which He has choreographed both.)
Mean Girls: Not only does he LOVE The Og Mean Girls; He Loves The Musical As Well. He Jams to the whole playlist at 2:AM. His Favorite songs are Sexy, Revenge Party, And Stupid With Love. And He always blasts Stupid With Love Whenever he gets a little gay crush on a guy he saw for 5 seconds.
Dear Evan Hansen: The Musical My guy listens to whenever he gets depressed :( . His Favorite Songs Are obviously Sincerely, Me. And Waving Through A Window.
A.U.T.I.S.M. ( Donnie. )
Hamilton: The Ultimate Nerd Musical, For The Ultimate Nerd. This Guy Has Been singing this soundtrack 'Non-Stop' ( Get It? ) Ever Since it went on Broadway. Favorite song's are pretty basic though. ( Non-Stop And Satisfied.) But Still Good.
Beetlejuice: HFIJBNHJJNJKFJN BEST MUSICAL EVER!!- Anyways, This Is the Ultimate Musical For Me And Donnie. He Is a Beetlejuice Kinnie. Favorite songs are Say My Name And That Beautiful Sound.
Heathers: I'm Saying it right here; Donnie Is a JD Stan. Favorite Songs are Freeze Your Brain and Lifeboat.
Teddy Bear. ( Raph. )
Anastasia: He Loves The Book, The Movie, And the Musical. Favorite song is Paris Holds the Key ( To Your Heart.) He Be Working Out To this Shit.
The Greatest Showman ( Yes It's A Musical ): I Used to LOVE This Movie, Raph Secretly watches this movie every night before he goes to bed. Favorite Songs are Obviously A Million Dreams and The Other Side.
DR FEELINGS!! ( Mikey )
Six: Katherine Howard Stan!!! This Is How Donnie got him to learn history Lol. Favorite Song Is All You Wanna Do
Percy Jackson Musical: He Loves The Books, And The Series, So Of course He loves the Musical! D.O.A And The Campfire Song are his top picks <3
Matilda: I actually watched a off-broadway Version Of This- Again, He Read the book so He likes The Musical. He says all the songs are his favorite.
That's all I got Lol, Sorry That It looks Rushed, It Is. I didn't have enough time to go into depth for all of them, enjoy!
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radio-isnot-dead · 1 month
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson decide to go on a camping trip. After dinner and a bottle of wine, they lay down for the night, and go to sleep.
Some hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful friend.
"Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see."
Watson replied, "I see millions of stars."
"What does that tell you?"
Watson pondered for a minute.
"Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets."
"Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo."
"Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three."
"Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are small and insignificant."
"Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow."
"What does it tell you, Holmes?"
Holmes was silent for a minute, then spoke: "Watson, you idiot. Someone has stolen our tent!"
"That's a nice joke you have dear!"
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we need family therapy
@obsessed-sketches Dear Dr Leo (do you even have a medical doctorate? are you really a therapist?)
Asmi won't let me have vanilla extract soup cake and I'm honestly really offended.
The issue is really putting a strain on our family dynamic, and it's not just that; I can't have a heart to heart with him anymore, he never plays catch with me, and tonight he ate dinner in his room because, quote unquote, "You don't understand me, dad."
Do you think it's because of his deep seated resentment to me because of my heterosexuality? I was a teenager once, I hated my dad, but this is different. I just want to get my farmbro son back, please tell me if you have any ideas.
He also continues to suggest that my wife leaving me had adverse effects on me and my supposedly sexual relationship to punishment and humiliation which, no, it did not, I don't need her, I don't think about her every night when I fall asleep, he has no idea what he's talking about. I think we should talk about the way he projects his own qualities onto me in our next session, though he may be averse to it.
I await your your thoughts.
Kind regards,
p.s @weirdly-specific-but-ok worried for you, champ. come play golf with me? @arkytiorlecter we still on for macaroni art?
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taizi · 1 year
find another guiding light
rise of the tmnt pairing: don & leo, don & raph, don & mikey word count: 4k title borrowed from dear reader by t swift pre&post-movie
read on ao3
“What the hell are we gonna do about Leon?” Donnie says one day when both his older brother and his twin are gone from the lair on a two-man training run that is almost certainly going to end in disaster.
He doesn’t know why he says it. He certainly isn’t expecting any answer that isn’t just an annoyed groaning sound, because what other answer even is there?
But Mikey replies, “You mean how self-destructive he’s been lately?” and it puts Donnie fully on the back foot.
“What?” Donnie says blankly.
“Is that not what we’re talking about?”
“I mean—I guess—I wouldn’t have called it that,” Donnie says, but now that he’s saying it he’s not sure.
Mikey snorts. The sound is humorless. “What else would you call it? Running around throwing himself face-first at every bad guy we find without waiting for back-up, refusing to hang back and come up with a plan even though it used to be his favorite part of a mission, not listening to anybody about anything—it’s like he forgot what self-preservation even is.”
Donnie is thinking really hard and really fast, looking at the last few months through this new lens.
Leo’s their self-proclaimed face-man, but he’s also the idea guy. Donnie is an outright genius when it comes to science and engineering and everything in between, but his twin isn’t stupid. Leo is as clever and Machiavellian as any storybook trickster, and tactics come as easily to him as breathing.
He’s always been the one to suggest a plan, to guide his brothers back on track, to keep them from getting in over their heads. The only times he and Raph ever used to butt heads was when Leo had an idea more stealth than smash.
Donnie would never admit it out loud but Leo’s had those qualities since they were kids. He’s charismatic and charming, a theater kid at heart with the modified genetics of a super soldier and a mind every bit as bright as Donatello’s, even as it twists and turns down other avenues. It made sense that he’d be shoehorned into a leadership role as he got a little older. Leo is the type of person who would be thrilled to captain the crew.
So then why did Leo do a complete 180?
And Mikey made another point, too, whether or not he knows it. If Leo was just being a huge jerk outright, Dr. Delicate Touch would have made an appearance by now and shut that shit down hard. But the fact is, Dr. Feelings has taken point on this one—and if there’s one thing Donnie’s learned the hard way, it’s that Mikey in feelings mode is usually the right one to listen to.
Mikey is watching his pastries rise in the oven. Donnie can see his expression reflected in the glass door. It’s flattened out into plain worry.
“He never tells us any of the important stuff,” the youngest Hamato says, tone uncharacteristically bitter. “He just goes on and on about things that don’t matter until we’re distracted, and it works every stupid time.”
“Leo’s always been that way,” Donnie interjects half-heartedly. “You can’t come at him head-on about stuff or he clams up. You gotta go in a series of annoying, convoluted circles to get to the heart of the thing. He’s literally the creature in the middle of the labyrinth.”
Mikey points at Donnie, as if to say ‘you got me there.’ “And that’s exactly why I don’t think Raphie’s method is helping.”
It’s obviously something he doesn’t want to admit. Mikey is his brothers’ number one fan and cheerleader first, person second. He bites the inside of his lip and starts twisting his fingers in a manner that promises to be painful. Donnie digs into the pocket of his hoodie and shoves one of his own mesh and marble fidget toys across the table at him. It’s an obnoxious lime green color and it makes Mikey smile involuntarily. He twists the toy instead and Donnie falls back into his train of thought running at roughly mach ten.
Raph’s method of confronting anything is head-on. That’s just the type of guy he is—steady and solid and unflinching. And they all depend on him the way most other people probably depend on the sun to rise every morning. Donnie literally does not know how they would make it a single day without Raphael, and prefers not to think about it.
But that also means that Raph and Leo can be like oil and water. And suddenly, the ‘A Team’’s constant bickering and late-night shouting matches and cold shoulders makes more sense.
“I don’t know what to do,” Mikey admits, this empathetic powerhouse with more emotional intelligence in one finger than Donnie has in his whole body. It’s incredibly disheartening to hear. “So for now I just want Leo to know that someone’s on his team.”
Whatever else he might have said is cut off by the familiar electric snap of a portal opening near the turnstiles, and then a second later Raph and Leo materialize in the lair, mid-roof-raising-argument.
Raph is carrying Leo carefully through the living room. There’s blood on his hands, enough to make Mikey suck in a breath from his station in front of the oven. Right away, the facts come together in Donnie’s brain: Leo got hurt.
What looks like all the bandages from the medkit on his waist are wrapped around his arm. Whatever happened, it was bad enough to push out those stress lines around Raph’s eyes and mouth, bad enough that he still hasn’t set Leo on his own two feet, like he might be able to undo all the pain if he just keeps holding him. But Leo is doing what Leo always does, hiding whatever he’s actually feeling behind a smarmy grin and a smart-ass attitude, and Raph’s fear and worry and love have coalesced into something huge and ferocious that sounds a lot like anger.
Now Donnie knows what to look for.
“—what happens when you don’t listen!” Raph snaps furiously. “God, Leo, it’s like you don’t even care!”
“Why should I? Look where it’s gotten you!”
Something darts through Mikey’s eyes that makes Don want to snap at something.
“Leo,” he says, his flat tone cutting through the fight like a souped-up soldering iron through the cheap components of a certain rat’s ancient CRT TV (not that he would know), “you’re still bleeding.”
There’s a beat of silence, and then Raph and Leo both look down at the slider’s arm. Red is blooming across the crisp white gauze. Mikey makes a wounded noise. Right away, Leo clambers out of Raph’s arms with a joke to make their youngest feel better—“It’s okay, Miguel, you should see the other guy!”—and Raph’s getting heated again at the apparent flippancy, and god, it never fucking ends, does it?
Leo is retreating further and further into this new character that doesn’t care about himself or anybody else, and it’s happening right before Donnie’s eyes. He’s already slinking away, out of the warmth and light of the kitchen, away from his family
Donnie realizes abruptly that there is a non-zero chance he might lose his twin brother. That one day he might wake up and not know Leo anymore.
He stands up, chair screeching behind him.
“Lesser twin, with me.”
Leo opens his mouth to try to get out of it, but that’s not going to happen. Donnie’s not having it. With the way their bodies work—ninpo and genetic modifications and yokai-isms, oh my—if it’s still bleeding, it needs stitches. And Leo, self-made team medic, ought to know that.
He gives Leo a look that says Remember when Taylor Swift’s Folklore album came out and you performed the entire thing in my lab and I swore I didn’t record you? I one-thousand-percent recorded you.
Leo’s look back succinctly says You motherfucker.
But he falls in next to Donnie without another word, a move that probably bewilders their brothers into next year. He definitely isn’t happy about it. He’s still prickly and defensive. It seems like he’s waiting to get ganged up on.
Raph starts to follow them and Donnie says, “I got it.” He shoves Leo a step ahead of him, putting his own body between him and Raph like a wall. It doesn’t feel good to do it. He chooses cowardice and doesn’t look back at whatever Raph’s expression looks like as a result.
Behind them, ever-reliable Mikey jumps in immediately with a bright, “You can help me with the cupcakes, Raph! We’re doing cream-filled red velvet!”
In the infirmary, Donnie points Leo toward a cot. Leo rolls his eyes and hops up to sit on the edge of it. He starts unwinding the gauze from around his arm agreeably enough, wincing a bit when the final layer sticks and comes away with a painful pull.
Don’s stomach swoops unpleasantly at the sight of the torn skin. It’s definitely not the worst he’s seen—they’ve taken worse damage flubbing skateboarding moves on the half-pipe—but it’s still not nice to look at. He takes a moment to swallow hard, then asks, “What happened?”
“Typical oozesquito shenanigans,” Leo says off-handedly. “Alley cat? Adorable. Mutated yokai alley cat? Not as much.”
Donnie grimaces sympathetically. “Claws or teeth?”
“Teeth. Hey, do you think we can get rabies?”
“I can’t wait to find out.” Putting rabies vaccinations at the top of his mental to-do list, Donnie gestures with a sweep of his arm at the infirmary. “This is your domain, Nerdo. Where’s the stuff I need?”
“You know I don’t actually need an assist. Like you said, my domain.”
“Wow that’s a super interesting non-answer to my question.”
With a dramatic, put-upon sigh, Donnie’s little brother points him in the right direction and says, “Steri-strips are in the top left cabinet.”
Immensely grateful he wasn’t directed towards the suture needles or the skin stapler, because as willing as he is to help it really doesn’t take much for Vomitello to make a guest appearance, the softshell rummages through Leo’s meticulously organized industrial-tool-chest-turned-medical-supply-cabinet, triumphantly coming up with a pack of adhesive bandages and some antiseptic wipes after a moment.
He pushes the wheeled stool over with his foot and it bounces gently off Leo’s knee, shuddering to a stop just in front of him. Leo tries to kick it as Donnie sits down and nearly succeeds, giggling like a menace when Donnie staggers and almost eats it face-first on the floor.
“Okay,” Don says loudly, not actually as annoyed as he’s trying to sound. “Arm.”
“Donald, seriously, I got it.”
“Leonard, seriously, I will upload that T Swift footage today.”
Leo mimics him with all the maturity of a three-year-old but ultimately surrenders his arm. He looks tense and uncomfortable the whole time, like he’s forgotten how to let someone this close.
And Donnie thinks about what Mikey said in the kitchen, about wanting Leo to know he had someone on his team. He thinks about how things were a year ago, when that would have gone without saying.
It doesn’t take long to wipe down Leo’s arm and press the steri-strips over the wound. Then Donnie sits next to him on the cot. Neither of them speak up right away. They can both tell this is going to be a Moment, and Donnie, for one, is bracing himself. He gets the feeling that he really, truly, can’t fuck this one up.
“I know something’s percolating in that abstruse brain of yours,” he finally says. “So talk. But do me a favor and skip over all the posturing and trying to convince me nothing’s going on and lying right to my face, okay? I don’t know how much time we have before Mikey kicks the door in and drags us to a TED talk.”
It’s as much of a threat as it needs to be. Grudgingly, like he’s prying each word up out of the mud, Leo mutters, “I want dad to take it back.”
Donnie wants more than anything to shake Leo until all of his secrets fall out of his mouth and Donnie can sweep them away to a safer place. Like an encrypted folder on his computer. But he can’t do that, so he has to settle for—ughh, patience.
It pays off. Leo admits, in the safe, familiar space of his infirmary, that he doesn’t want to be team leader. He doesn’t want things to change. His crooked, cooked-up scheme is to just—fuck up over and over again until papa decides Leo can’t be trusted with that mantle that rightfully belongs to Raph.
Donnie understands him. Of course he does. He hates change, too. It makes him feel itchy and restless. He likes knowing what to expect. He likes when everything is in the same place he left it.
If Leo wanted to be the leader, he’d be good at it. As long as he doesn’t want to, he won’t be. So it’s a scheme—Donnie can get behind that. He knows whose side he’s on. It’s the side he’s always been on, since the day he read the definition of “twin” out of a water-logged dictionary. It’s his job to be here. Leo’s kind of an idiot for expecting him to be anywhere else.  
“Not a bad hypothesis,” Donnie says, pressing their shoulders together. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Leo’s face split in an honest smile. “It’d probably work a lot better for you if you’d let Raph in on it, you know.”
“Please, are you kidding?” Leo scoffs. “As if he’d ever play along. Half the time I think he must hate me. I stole his job and now I’m not even doing it right.”
Are we talking about the same person? Donnie wants to demand. Raphael, the guy who carried you home not even twenty minutes ago? The guy who’s always carried you?
He doesn’t say that. Instead, he says, “Let me handle Raph.”
Back in the kitchen, the cupcakes are filled and in the process of being frosted. Mikey’s going all out, piping bag in hand, an assortment of edible decorations spread across the counter. Raph is gamely assisting to the best of his ability, even though his big fingers make it more of a task than it rightly should be. They both glance up when Donnie and Leo come in.
“Hey, your timing is as suspiciously convenient as always,” Mikey says cheerfully. “I need to take some pics for my Insta but after that you better come eat some of these.”
“Everything good?” Raph asks gruffly.
“Todo esta bien, hermano,” Leo says, breezing inside like he hadn’t just spent the last ten minutes unloading his fear of failure and inadequacy, as well as his certainty that the big brother he admires so much doesn’t like him anymore. “It smells like magic in here! Michael, we gotta get you a sponsor or something. The world needs to experience this.”
Mikey laughs and passes Leo a piping bag. “Raphie’s working on a rainbow sprinkle unicorn cupcake over there, and you’ll never guess who that one’s for.”
The surprise that darts across Leo’s face hurts to look at. His eyes drop down to the lopsided multi-colored creation taking shape under Raph’s clumsy hands. He looks more vulnerable in that moment than he has since the day dad unceremoniously turned everything they knew upside down.
“Raph, I need to talk to you,” Donnie says loudly because he’s about to get mad and do something he’ll probably regret, like put his fist through the projector in the TV room. “Chop-chop. The sprinkles can wait.”
“The sprinkles cannot,” Mikey and Leo chorus at the same time in exactly the same tone like the freaks of nature they are. Raph makes the right choice and escapes their company, following Don down the tunnel toward his corner of the lair.
“Okay, focus up,” Donnie says the second the reinforced door is closed behind them.  “We’re getting your old job back.”
He understands why the infirmary gave Leo the courage to talk. His lab does the same for him. It’s like Mikey’s kitchen, Raph’s dojo—they each have a place that makes them feel their best.
“Wait, what?” Raph looks bewildered. “What are you talking about?”
“The leader schtick, Raphala, keep up please. Leo’s going to keep sabotaging himself at full-speed until papa sees the light and demotes him. I’d like to see that happen before he breaks all of the bones in his body.”
Raph’s brow furrows beneath his mask. “Hang on, is that what he’s doing? I thought he just—didn’t care.”
Donnie gives that remark the deeply unimpressed look it deserves. “Right. Leonardo Hamato, the guy who started teaching himself field medicine when he was eight years old after you sprained your ankle and he cried for two hours because he didn’t know how to fix it, doesn’t care.”
He kind of feels bad for dumping this on Raph the way he has, but honestly. They’ve been stuck in place for months now, and Mikey’s been on edge constantly with all the fighting, and Leo’s going to get himself killed trying to prove something no one else believes, and Donnie can feel something toothed and tender coming alive inside his chest, trying to bite and claw and fight its way out.
Leo’s afraid you hate him, he doesn’t say, but he wants to. Leo’s scared all the time now. Of course he’s been acting like an asshole, when’s the last time he actually told somebody he was scared?
Donnie’s the fixer. He wants to fix this. If Raph would just get on board, maybe he’ll be able to.
“If Leo wanted to be the leader, we would have heard about it one million times every single day since he was four, ” Donnie says plainly. “The fact is, we haven’t. Draw your own conclusion.”
“But he’d be good at it,” Raph says, his tone blank with surprise and a total lack of comprehension. “That’s why dad gave him that role in the first place. I was always supposed to be the placeholder while Leo grew up. And now if he’d just put in the effort—if he’d try—he’d be amazing.”
“Okay, and I’d be good at domestic terrorism, but somehow I think you’d frown upon me reaching my full potential there.”
“Donnie!” Raph looks scandalized, like the NSA might be listening in. Puh-lease.
“Look,” Donnie says. He has no idea why he’s the one fielding these feelings talks, but he gives it his best shot. It’s probably not fair to shovel it onto Mikey’s shoulders all the time anyway. “You’re not a placeholder anything. Don’t say that. You’re our leader. We’ve always followed you. If we didn’t want to, we wouldn’t. Especially Leo. He’s a nightmare person. He’s never done a single thing he didn’t want to do. He was happy being your right-hand man.”
The snapper stares at him. His eyes are all dewy, and Donatello prays to any imaginary higher power that might be listening that he won’t cry, because Donnie becomes absolutely useless in all directions the second his siblings cry.
Miraculously, Raph smiles instead.
“Okay,” he says. “Raph’s listening. Loop me in.”
Actually talking about stuff changes everything—who knew?
It’s like they’ve been stuck in a boarded up room for weeks and someone finally wrestled a window open and let in a fresh breeze. All the stagnant air got swept out and they could finally breathe again.
They’re all playing along now. There are multiple levels to this deception happening all at the same time. Raph and Leo still bicker where papa can hear it, but they’re as thick as thieves at all other times. Raph is the one who makes the final call on a mission, but he makes it a point to hash things out with Leo first, so it’s really their final call. Donnie watches as Leo learns the ropes without realizing he’s learning the ropes. As Raph teaches the way he probably would have liked for someone to teach him. They meet in the middle, on each other’s team, where they belong.
If Raph is the foundation they build their lives on, Leo is the sky they reach for. Gravity was all out of whack with the two of them at odds. Donnie never wants them to fall out of orbit ever again.
They still lost the key, but it wasn’t anybody’s fault in particular. They were all playing keep-away with it to tick off Hypno and what’s-his-name, and Mikey shouted, “Go long!” and Donnie flubbed the catch. Raph called out, “I got it, I got it!” and Leo took that as a challenge because of course he did and neither of them got it. They were all laughing about it. They had no idea what that stupid key was, how were they supposed to know it was going to end the world?
Casey Jones still came back from a broken future, and Raph still got captured by the Krang, and Leo still stepped up in a big way, accepting the responsibility he never wanted and leading his family forward into certain danger because he had nowhere else to lead them.
And Leo, who knew how to stack the deck in his favor, who had never done a single thing in his life that he didn’t want to do, looked death right in the eye and told it, “I missed on purpose.”
It’s a good thing Mikey came up with that Hail Mary pass in the form of a sunlight-golden portal, because Donnie’s mind went cold. Donnie’s mind went straight back to the plans for a particle accelerator that he’d abandoned when he was thirteen years old. Donnie was fully ready to rip this goddamn universe apart to get his twin brother back.
In the infirmary Leo is happy to see everyone crammed into the room and camped around his bed, and distressingly honest, though that part is largely thanks to the morphine. Donnie puts a firm kibosh on personal questions, as tempting as it is to grill him when he’s all loopy and his constant guard is non-existent.
“I love this song,” Leo mumbles out of nowhere at two o’clock in the morning, two days after the almost-end of the world.
Mikey’s dead to the world and sprawled on Leo’s plastron, because they’ve discovered through trial and error that the immediate weight and warmth of a sibling nearby keeps the panic at bay when Leo wakes up in the dark and doesn’t know where he is right away. Casey is asleep on the other side of the bed, his head pillowed on his arms. Raph and April are in a pile on the other bed, dozing fitfully.
Donnie’s tablet is in his lap but the screen went dark with inactivity an hour ago. He’s been watching his twin sleep, deep in thought. After dinner, he’d asked S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. to play one of Leo’s favorite albums through the speakers, low enough not to wake anyone in the infirmary on its own.
Now, he says, “Yeah, I know, Nardo. I’m going to end up on the DJ blacklist right next to you with all the Taylor Swift music I’ve been forcing everyone else to endure for your benefit.”
Leo smiles. With the deep bruising on his face and neck, it looks more daring than it should, here in his little corner of the world. “Admit it, Tello. You’re a Swiftie.”
“No one will ever believe you,” Donnie says, some weight in his heart beginning to lift the longer Leo looks back at him and sounds like his old self. “How are you feeling?”
“Like hell,” Leo replies frankly. “Physical therapy is gonna be a B-word.”
“Thank you for unnecessarily censoring a word we’ve both heard a million times, I appreciate that.” Donnie leans forward, placing his tablet out of the way on a nearby overbed table, and says, “I have a question for you, now that you’re no longer lost in the sauce.”
“I bet it’s gonna suck,” Leo mutters.
“Do you still not want to lead us?” Donnie asks bluntly. “You saved the world, you know. I think it’s fair to say you’ve earned your stripes.”
Leo doesn’t answer right away. He’s drawing idle patterns on Mikey’s carapace with his good hand, staring up at the ceiling with hooded eyes.
“I learned my lesson,” he finally says. “I’ll do whatever I have to.”
Whatever he has to. Donnie relives the moment that portal closed, the moment Leo took his own life in his hands to protect his family, the moment everything that Donnie knew was ripped apart in front of his eyes, and thinks, That’s a dangerous precedent.
“Not what I asked,” Don tells him.
“It’s not about me,” Leo replies tiredly. He’s Donnie’s little brother and he sounds ancient, like he’s lived too much life already.
“I don’t know what the hell that means, but fine,” Donnie snaps. “Then it’s about me. It’s about Raph and Mikey and April and Papa. Junior, even. Everyone who loves you more than life itself. It’s about us.” He stares Leo down, daring him to break eye contact, to make light or make a joke. Donnie will climb into that bed and strangle him and no jury on earth would convict him for it. “And you’re one of us. You’re our family. So it’s about you.”
For once in his life, Leonardo is speechless. He swallows a few times, tightens his grip around Mikey, and darts a guilty look toward Raph.
“I don’t want to do it alone,” Leo admits quietly. “I don’t know if I can.”
“You’re my other half, dumb-dumb,” Donnie tells him in no uncertain terms. “You could do any crazy, stupid, impossible thing you put your mind to. But,” he adds, because this is important, and it’s something all of his siblings could stand to hear at least a dozen more times until it’s successfully been drilled into their stubborn brains, “you don’t have to. You don’t have to do anything. You’re a kid, Leo. We all are. This never should have been our problem to solve.”
Then, because he can’t bear the way his younger twin’s eyes get full and wet, he adds, “Next time a warmongering alien race tries to take over the world, I’ll just do it first.”
Leo laughs out loud, like it was surprised out of him. Raph is stirred awake by the sound, and when he sees Leo’s up, he tries to lunge out of bed so fast that April ends up on the floor. Within minutes, everyone in the room is wide awake and talking over each other and the music is drowned out by all the noise. Not even a full forty-eight hours ago, Leo was trapped in a cold, dark place, where a monster held him down and hurt him—but now he’s here and he’s safe and he can still laugh. It’s a hoarse, wheezy sound, and it’s the best thing Donnie’s heard in days.
He’s got a good feeling about tomorrow.
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seraphic-saturn · 6 months
Good evening dear! Your blog is absolutely amazing and it’s so interesting to read your posts ☺️💓 I wanted to kindly ask, if you will be interested of course, can you please make a post about zodiac signs and books from classic literature? It would be great 🥰💓 Thank you love!
I'm so glad that you find my posts interesting! Most definitely! You're very welcome!
Zodiac Signs As Classic Literature
Aries - "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville: A story of adventure, ambition, and the relentless pursuit of a goal, much like the determined nature of Aries.
Taurus - "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen: A tale of enduring love and societal expectations, appealing to Taurus' appreciation for stability and romance.
Gemini - "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson: A narrative exploring the duality of human nature, akin to the curious and adaptable traits of Gemini.
Cancer - "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee: A heartwarming and poignant novel that delves into themes of empathy, family, and justice, resonating with Cancer's nurturing and compassionate spirit.
Leo - "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald: A story of glamour, ambition, and the allure of the American Dream, capturing the dramatic essence and desire for recognition often associated with Leo.
Virgo - "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Brontë: A tale of self-discovery, resilience, and the pursuit of independence, reflecting the practicality and inner strength of Virgo.
Libra - "Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy: A narrative exploring complex relationships, love, and societal norms, echoing Libra's appreciation for balance, harmony, and interpersonal connections.
Scorpio - "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Brontë: A passionate and intense tale of love, revenge, and the darker aspects of human nature, resonating with Scorpio's depth and emotional intensity.
Sagittarius - "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain: A story of freedom, adventure, and self-discovery, reflecting the adventurous and philosophical nature of Sagittarius.
Capricorn - "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens: A narrative of ambition, self-improvement, and societal advancement, reflecting the perseverance and determination often associated with Capricorn.
Aquarius - "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley: A thought-provoking novel that delves into futuristic societal norms and individuality, mirroring Aquarius' unconventional and forward-thinking perspective.
Pisces - "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde: A tale of beauty, art, and the complexities of the human soul, resonating with Pisces' imaginative and introspective nature.
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lackablazeical · 6 months
okay okay, i have two things to say, and the first one’s kinda ramble-y so i’m sorry if this might be long.
1. there’s something about the way you draw Usagi that makes me always look at your drawings of him. like, always
like, he looks so elegant, and almost graceful — kinda like a swan? if that makes sense?? — but at the same time i can just see the pure hopelessness in his face.
i can just tell he’s given up — or he’s on the verge of.
i guess tl;dr, Addams! Usagi is pretty and i can’t stop looking at your drawings of him djidhsuiwjzj
2. we all know how Leo would feel if Usagi died, but what i’m now interested in is — how would Mikey feel if Kenichi died? how would he react? would Mikey miss him?
i love their dynamic, it’s so funny to me, and i love their friendship so this questions been bugging me a bit jzjsjjs
2. Mikey would absolutely be destroyed, 100%. Depending on cause of death, the reaction would change a bit. If it was out of Mikey's control/natural/accidental, he would be super depressed and upset. He wouldn't want to connect with anyone else or be 'pitied', but he'd be looking through his phone at pictures of Ken and switching between anger/denial/depression.
If Kenichi was killed in some way, Mikey would absolutely want to get slow, painful revenge (but it likely wouldn't make him feel better.)
If one of Mikey's family killed Ken, while he wouldn't lash out in the same way, he would never want to be around them again and would keep his distance and avoid as much as humanly possible. It would take him years to forgive them, and even then, it wouldn't be full forgiveness.
Mikey wouldn't be capable of making a new friendship w/ someone else after Ken died, he wouldn't want to risk losing someone so dear to him again, and he'd also believe no one would he as good a friend as Ken was.
Mikey would pick his family over Ken any day, but thats if he gets a choice. Ken dying isn't Mikey's choice.
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lokidokieokie · 2 years
My Recommendations
Last Updated: 10th September, 2022 
Key: Smut/Implied Smut = 🔥 | Personal Favourite = 💚 | Angst = 😧 | 🤏 = little bit
Loki Laufeyson
Trip [oneshot] by @wheredafandomat 💚
Newsflash [series] by @spilledkauffie
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The Hollow Vows [series] @brunchable 💚😧
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Sherlock Holmes
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Soulmates Melody [oneshot] by @themanwithekeyistheking 💚
Flirting, My Dear Watson [oneshot] by @fandoms-are-my-friends-1321
The Bet [oneshot] by @belleinhell
Of Service [oneshot] by @daydreamtofiction 🔥
Official Police Work [oneshots] | Part 1 | Part 2 | by @aephereal 🔥💚
Strangers Like Me [oneshot] by @high-functioning-lokipath 
Setting The World On Fire [oneshot] by @gone-to-fight-the-fairies 💚
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FanFic Rulz
So, you just found this blog and you wanna request for me to write somethin, eh? well,of course, you'd need to now the rules first, right? of course you would! so, here they are!
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TMNT (2012)
JOHN DOE(who else is there??)
RAD RIDDLY (vine boom here)
ELIOT MOTH MAN (bbg lul)
(i added the lorax just for Oncie lmao)
ALL OF THEM. (i cannot list them here, there are at least 107 cookies I will write for, as I do not write for FUCKING GINGRR BREAVE RAGH)
FINN (The adult Ver from Fiona and Cake, canonically in his 20's)
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feel free to request!
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todaysdocument · 1 year
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Rabbi Stephen Wise, President of the American Jewish Congress, sent this letter to President Roosevelt, appealing to him to publicly acknowledge the massacre of two million Jewish people under Hitler. 12/2/1942. 
Collection FDR-FDRPOF: President's Official Files (Roosevelt Administration)
Series: Franklin D. Roosevelt President's Official Files
File Unit: OF 76-c: Jewish 1942 - July 1943 (Church Matters)
Office of Dr. Wise
40 West 68 Street,
December 2, 1942.
The President
The White House
Washington, D. C.
Dear Boss:
I do not wish to add an atom to the awful burden which you are bearing with magic, and, as I believe, heaven-inspired strength at this time. But you do know that the most overwhelming disaster of Jewish history has befallen Jews in the form of the Hitler mass-massacres. Hitler's decision was to exterminate the Jewish people in all Hitler-ruled lands, and it is indisputable that as many as two million civilian Jews have been slain.
I have had cables and underground advices for some months, telling of these things. I succeeded, together with the heads of other Jewish organizations, in keeping these out of the press and have been in constant communication with the State Department, particularly Under Secretary Welles. The State Department has now received what it believes to be confirmation of these unspeakable horrors and has approved of my giving the facts to the press. The organizations banded together in the Conference of which I am [handwritten parenthesis/bracket seen to left of following text in Image:] Chairman, feel that they wish to present to you a memorandum of this situation, so terrible that this day is being observed as a day of mourning and fasting throughout the Jewish world. We hope above all that you will speak [following lines of text in Image *not* bracketed] a word which may bring solace and hope to millions of Jews who mourn, and be an expression of the conscience of the American people.
I had gathered from the State Department that you were prepared to receive
a small delegation, which would include representatives of the [organization names (separately) hand-underlined:] American [handwritten:] x
Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Congress, [handwritten mark:] x [/handwritten] the B'nai B'rith. It would [handwritten (to rt. of handwritten underlining beneath part of "would"):] x
be gravely misunderstood if, despite your overwhelming preoccupation, you
did not make it possible to receive our delegation and to utter what I am
sure will be your heartening and consoling reply.
As your old friend, I beg you will somehow arrange to do this.
Ever yours,
[Signature:] Stephen
[seen (in Image) near left edge, shortly above lower-left corner is a printed elliptical union label, reading (in tiny type):]
TRADES [central part:] UNION LABEL [/central part]COUNCIL [seen shortly to right of union label; printed in larger type:] 34
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cyberdragoninfinity · 3 months
I want to hear about your Postcanon Primo Aporia AU with the twins 👁️👁️
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BATTING MY EYELASHES... ABSOLUTELY TOUCHED AND HONORED when folks are interested in the bonkers little AUs im always cooking up..thank you ;_; this one especially is rly dear to me, it's starting to grow into quite the, Project. slash pos
here's some notes and rambles about what the fuck's going on in my 5Ds Postcanon Au That's Grown Deeply Out of Hand/Rinascita AU/if i ever write something about it will give it a proper name BUT
"Rinascita" is Italian for 'rebirth' or 'revival'.... "Primo Rinascita" (name I've been calling this AU's Primoporia) plays off of "Primo Reprisa" (Primo Recovery/post ripped in half rebuilt Primo) :^)
the tl;dr I've touched upon with this AU is it's really just born from "what if Leo tried to salvage some of Aporia's mechanisms to bring him back after all the Ark Cradle chaos, but the hardware is so damaged only a third of it can be rebooted, so now Primo has to be alive again whether he wants to be or not"...there's a couple other defining Canon Divergences in here too though!!
Namely the twins elect to Stay in New Domino with Yusei rather than go live with their parents like they do in canon, partially because of the Secret Robot Harddrive(s) Leo has been sitting on for the last six months, and also partially because Fuck the Twins' Parents All My Homies Hate the Twin's Parents THEY ALREADY GOT A DAD!!! HIS NAME IS YUSEI FUDO!!!!
(but also Akiza drops out of medical school to come back to NDC and really buckle down on pursuing turbo dueling professionally... good god let the girl RIDE A MOTORCYCLE!)
Anyway, Primo in this AU is.. Mostly Primo but yeah he is also Aporia too, he has all of Aporia's memories (and fainter, more dreamlike recollections of Lester and Jakob's memories) and for a solid while Leo especially Treats him Like Aporia Primarily, which makes Primo EXTREMELY agitated!! What do you do when your memories both are yours and aren't yours, what do you do when you're a copy of a copy of a copy, what do you do the things 'you've' done are making you feel a whole lot different towards the people you so violently tried to destroy when you were last alive and it's making you feel WEIRD!!!!
he's just going through it. a lot. He has no mission he has no god he was supposed to be able to REST. and now Team 5D's is letting him stay in their garage like some kind of charity case!!
Primo eventually gets uploaded into a Ghost body Yusei and the twins recovered from a Satellite dump (it sucks <3 one eye doesnt work <333) but I think he can also partially exist in some other technology (possibly Leo's Duel Disc and the Yusei Go.... Aporia really did just like throw his whole halo into Yusei's bike and granted it flight there is DEFINITELY Apo Data in that thing's system.)
"You remember how in Homestuck, um, Bec Noir had that instinct to always protect Jade because he was partially her dog?? That's Primo in this AU, with the twins." The Aporia in him's protective instinct is logged the fuck IN
god there's just. A Lot. it's all fun and games until the little AU suddenly has a timeline and themes and. duels. and related OCs. I need to draw them but there's a small faction of scrappers that specialize in recovering the 258939285 stupidass Ghost robots Primo unleashed on the city and getting all the good tech and metal outta them. They'd like to get the tech and metal outta Primo too :)
really it's this sort of character study AU about what happens when a living weapon is allowed true and real free will, whatit means to really be a person, and about Primo coming to terms with this chance to be who He wants to be, not simply what he was created to be, and this nature of who he is vs. who Aporia was vs. who exists at the overlap of those points. Aporia may be dead but he is haunting that fuckin narrativeee his claws are all over everythinggg and it's giving Primo Gender Feelings that he DOESNT HAVE TIME TO FOCUS ON RIGHT NOW!!!! *the looming Postcanon Gender He/They Experience lurks behind him like a phantom*
there was even slowburn yuseiprimo qpr maneuvers. smiles.
LORD THAT'S A LOT SORRY and that's really just me sputtering some basic stuff off the top of my head...there is. a Lot going on. Didnt even get into the guardian angel symbolism and how Z-one slots into all this and the. um. entire fan duel monsters card archetype im cooking for Luna out in this thing. tl;dr This Rehabilitated Pit Bull Has a New Lease on Life and It's Stressing Them The Fuck Out But They'll Be Ok.i believe in Primo's innate big brother instinct and you can too. i like him SOO MUCH
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