#despite how wildly it got away from me lol
frostbitepandaaaaa · 29 days
Path of Totality, part 1, a Rebelcaptain Smut month fic
hi, hey, hello!
please enjoy my conspiciously smut-less first part of my two part smut prompt!
prompts: aphrodisiac, undercover, "tell me how much you want me" and honeymoon
thank you to @andorerso for organizing this even and for stuntreading for me. also thank you to @quarantineddreamer for generally being an angel and talking me through some of the rougher parts of this.
part 2 is coming along nicely, but i am who i am-- look for it next week. i figured since i combined so many prompts that i would just post right smack in the middle of the month (yeah that's why, not because i was characteristically late. no.).
Cassian runs his hand through his hair, shakes his head, coughs. “I’m more worried about me… what I’m liable to do.”
Jyn quirks an eyebrow at him, incredulous. Cassian? Unable to complete an op? Bungling a mission? That’d be the kriffing day.
“Did you take your drug inhibitor?” he asks her abruptly, for probably the fourth time in an hour.
“Yes,” Jyn answers flatly. “Hey,” she states sternly when he won’t meet her eyes.
His eyes finally lock onto hers and he swallows. “This guy… Kanith… he’s kind of a—“
“A bastard?” Jyn offers, hands on her hips.
Cassian nods.
“You don’t say,” she drawls. “You don’t think I know that some second-rate drug lord is a piece of bantha shit?”
He laughs, something oddly forced about it. It’s a queer moment of pretense coming from him. Cassian is the type of person who is either entirely genuine or so good at faking it you’d never fucking notice. “It’s not just—“ he grimaces, licks his lips. “He’s a bit of a scoundrel. A pervert.”
She huffs, crosses her arms. “I know the type. I’ve handled my share of perverts.”
Cassian’s patience with her dismissals seems to finally snap and he steps closer to her, places his hands on her shoulders. “Just… he might make us do things. Have me… do things to you.” He pauses, the look on his face scraping Jyn raw. “That’s what he does. He likes to watch.”
A shaky breath leaves her as many, many thoughts swirl through her mind at once. As many, many sensations zing through her nerves. Disgust, shock, excitement. She stiffens, swallows as her mouth goes dry.
read it on ao3!
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annashockeystories · 7 days
Javis pls:)))) sm would be cool. Maybe somethink were they alredy are ik a relation ship. LUV UR WORK BTW
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Movie Nights
Pairing: Seth Jarvis x reader
Summary: Seth and his girlfriend have a chill night in.
Warnings: Smut 18+, unprotected sex
Authors note: Thank you, babes, I hope you enjoy. Sorry, it took so long exams, lol <3
The hurricane season finished a few days ago, and though Seth had recovered from the loss, he wasn't quite ready to go home yet. This brought you both to right now: the flight to Winnipeg was in four days, and you planned to live in the same apartment next year, so there was not much to do packing-wise. Which meant a movie night was in order, so you he picked some horror movie and you snuggled into his side.
Since the beginning of your relationship, you have watched horror movies despite both hating them. Normally, you would get progressively more cuddly until the movie would be turned off, and you would fuck. You knew tonight would be no different, so you unpacked the takeout order and hit play.
About thirty minutes later, you were sitting in his lap, making out with him. Pulling away, you noticed the bit of food on his face. You began to giggle, and he looked at you. "You have cake on your face, baby," you teased. He smiled with the cheekiest smile look in his eyes.
"Lick it off then," you laughed at him but immediately do it. Once you got the cake, you went down to his neck and began biting and kissing. “oh fuck,” he groaned as you continued kissing him down the chest. He paused for a moment to pull off his shirt. You do the same, gently tugging your hurricanes sleep shirt over your head exposed you tits. Before even looking over to Seth you feel his mouth on your nipple kissing gently.
“Oh please,” you whine as he continues. He flips you over so you’re sitting on the couch, and he’s between your legs, pulling your sleep shorts off and kissing your inner thighs. "Seth, please, I need you," you cried.
"Pretty baby," he mocks as he finally puts his mouth on you. You cry out his name and put your hands into his hair. He groans, the vibrations causing the feeling to intensify, and suddenly everything went black and euphoria washed over you.
After a few seconds, you opened your eyes to see Seth gently kissing your jaw. "How ya feeling, baby," he cooed into your ears.
"Like I should return the favour," you whisper, attempting to stand up but immediately falling due to the weakness in your legs from the previous activities.
Seth catches you and picks you up, carrying you to the bedroom. When you get there, he lays you down and hovers over you, kissing you again. "Maybe I should help you with that," he teased, looking at where your hands were desperately trying to reach out for him.
"I wanna be on top," you said, "but you're too heavy, and I can't move," you continued to tease him.
"HOW DARE YOU," he jokingly shouts, you giggle, pushing him off. Suddenly, you twist around, pushing him back and straddling him. You had gotten your way, and you were on top. He had taken his shorts off when the two of you entered the bedroom, so all you had to do was just yourself onto him.
"Oh fuck baby," he groaned out as you slowly sunk; he was a good size, average length, but lots of girth. Despite the two of you doing this for almost two years, he was still a tight fit, and you could barely think when he was inside you. You were moaning wildly while barely having the strength to lift yourself off him.
Suddenly, Seth pushed himself up, so while you were still on top, he was sitting up, moving you up and down. "Pretty girl, doing so good," he grunted into your ear, making you cry his name. You knew it drove him insane hearing you call his name out. He moved your hips faster and began grunting louder.
This continued for another few minutes before you felt your orgasm approaching, "Seth, I'm gonna."
"I know, baby. Let go for me," he encouraged, going even deeper, which a minute ago you would've said was impossible.
Suddenly, your vision went blurry, and your second orgasm of the night washed over you. Everything went completely black, and it felt so fucking good. When it finally settled down a minute later, you felt him cum in you; he cried out your name and a string of curse words.,
After a few seconds, he fell back onto the bed still inside you, pulling you down to kiss you. You brushed hair out of his face as he mumbled sweet nothings in your ear.
All in all, a pretty good night in.
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alwaysonthemend · 9 months
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Author's Note: I got a request about 10 million years ago for a fluffy Jake fic where he teaches you how to swim. I loved this prompt so much and I am SO SO SO SO SORRY it took this long. Like it’s embarrassing how long this took. I doubt the wait was worth it at this point but hey at least I actually posted it eventually lol. This has no smut which is very not like me but this Jake was just too sweet for it. I can't write Jake smut without it being filthy. Anyways, all mistakes are my own!
Warnings: Just fluff and cussing. Also Jake is adorable. 
Word Count: 3984
You snapped your eyes up from your book just in time to see Jake go sailing off Daniel’s shoulders and into the waves, shouting expletives even after he hit the water. You can’t help but to smile as you take in the sight before you – Josh, sitting triumphantly atop Sam’s shoulders, sporting a shit-eating grin, Sam wearing an equally smug smile of his own, and Danny giggling as Jake resurfaces from underneath the waves. 
They’ve been playing chicken for what feels like hours – far longer than any grown men should be playing such a game but they’re enjoying themselves so you can’t really fault them. They’ve more than earned some time off with how crazy tour life has been. 
“I’m done with this shit.” Jake exclaims, trudging his way up from the water and onto the shore where you’ve been sitting. 
“You’re only saying that because you keep losing!!’ Sam calls after him, unceremoniously dumping Josh off his shoulders and into the water before following Jake out as well. 
“You fucker.” You hear Josh yell and you giggle at the scowl he shoots in Sam’s direction. 
Shaking your head, you close your book and look up to see Jake standing before you in all his glory. You allow yourself to drink in his form – his tanned skin looks almost golden in the afternoon light and the smile he’s giving you is downright radiant. His expression is shy and so very soft as he looks down at you. 
“Hi.” You say, smiling back up at him. Your relationship with Jake is still in its early stages – the both of you wildly in love with each other but still figuring out how to express it without feeling hopelessly awkward.
“Hi, angel.” He answers, extending both of his hands towards you. 
You grab hold of them and allow him to pull you upwards and into him, and your belly erupts in butterflies as he presses a soft kiss to your lips. 
“You taste like salt.” You say, grinning at him as you pull away. 
“I wonder why.” 
You nudge his shoulder playfully and pull yourself away from him, turning to look at the other three boys as they make it to your spot. 
“I can’t believe we’re at the beach and you haven’t even gotten in the water, Y/n.” Sam says, shaking his head at you as he grabs his towel to dry off. “That’s literally the point of coming to the beach.” 
You freeze for a second as you stoop down to grab your book before smoothing over your expression and plastering a smile over your face. 
“Maybe I just don’t want to get in the water with you all.” You tell him, turning away as you speak in the hopes that he doesn’t catch the lie. “I’d end up getting hurt with how rough you guys play.” 
“Or maybe she has a secret fear of getting wet.” Danny supplies, grabbing his own towel and scrunching up his curls to help dry them. 
“That’s why she’s dating Jake.” Josh says through a laugh before shaking his head like a dog and spraying the rest of you with droplets of saltwater. 
You turn away from him, trying and failing to protect your book from the water. 
“Oops.” He shrugs and gives you a sideways smile – the one he always gives when he knows he’s being a shit. 
“Fuck off.” Jake snarks back, shooting Josh the bird and turning to look at you for help. 
You laugh lightly, amused despite yourself at Josh’s ability to come up with a joke without missing a beat – and slightly thankful that he’s managed to effectively turn the conversation away from you and your lack of swimming. 
“Don’t worry, babe. You get me plenty wet.” You assure your boyfriend, lacing your fingers with his. 
Jake’s cheeks flush a bright red and he mumbles out a small, sheepish “thank you.” 
“Blech. Gross.” Sam says, breezing past the both of you to walk back towards the beach house that you all had rented. 
“Ready?” You ask, turning back to look at Jake. 
He nods at you and the rest of you begin to follow Sam back to the house. 
Jake falls into step beside you, allowing Josh and Danny to walk in front of the two of you. You walk at a slower pace, falling much farther behind the rest of the group. He’s still holding your hand and the feeling of his fingers interlaced with yours makes your heart flutter. 
“You know I wouldn’t let any of them hurt you or anything, right?” Jake asks, voice soft and too quiet for the others to hear. 
“In the water, I mean. You said you didn’t want to swim because of how rough we are.” He clarifies, jerking his head back towards the beach. “If you want to swim, I wouldn’t let them bug you or anything. Or we could come back tomorrow without them.” 
You’re silent for a moment, wracking your brains to try and come up with a response. Even after being able to officially call him yours for a few months now, his sweetness still manages to take you off guard sometimes. “Thank you, Jake. I know you wouldn’t let anything happen.” You finally settle on, giving him a smile. 
“Do you want to, then? We could come back tomorrow and just swim around – just me and you?” He’s looking at you all hopeful, and a sudden flash of guilt slices through you. You know how much he loves being at the beach and there isn’t a doubt in your mind that he would adore swimming with just the two of you. 
“Maybe. I was actually thinking of going into town for some shopping tomorrow, though.” You say, praying that your answer doesn’t disappoint him. 
“Oh.” He says, the glimmer in his eyes fading a little bit. “Okay. Maybe another time then.” 
You open your mouth to invite him to come with you into town instead but you’re interrupted by Sam yelling from the deck of the beach house. 
“Would you two hurry the fuck up! I’m hungry!” 
“Coming, Samuel. Don’t get your panties in a twist.” Jake calls back, extracting his fingers from yours and jogging up the wooden steps onto the deck, leaving you with nothing but an intense feeling of guilt and shame. 
Slowly, you trudge your way up the stairs behind him, signing heavily at yourself. 
Dinner was proving to be  a loud affair – alcohol and good food making the boys even louder than they usually are (which really is saying something). Jake cooked, looking positively gorgeous as he flipped burgers on the grill. 
“That smells so fucking good.” Danny practically moaned, taking a seat in one of the patio chairs. 
“Course it does, Danny.” Jake grinned at him, face cocky and cheeks flushed from being out in the sun for so long. “I’m the meat man.” 
Sam let out a loud cackle, shaking his head into his drink. 
“I don’t think that means what you think it means, brother.” Josh tells him, amusement flickering over his face. 
Jake furrows his brows in confusion at him before turning to look at you for support. 
Grinning, you just shake your head at him. 
“Definitely not what you think it means, babe.” 
Once the burgers were finished (Jake had begrudgingly grilled a vegan burger for Sam with only a few protests), the five of you all decided to retire – all of the boys exhausted from their earlier antics down at the  beach. As you all said your goodnights, you couldn’t help but notice that Jake seemed a lot more reserved than he had before your earlier conversation. You knew him well enough to know that something was off with him. Though he would never say it, his feelings were definitely a little hurt after you’d declined going down to the beach with him. You know that sooner or later you’ll have to either fess up the truth or come up with a more convincing excuse. 
Once you make it to your room, you turn to see Jake gathering his things to go and take a shower. Without thinking – afraid of letting him leave with his feelings still hurt, you blurt out his name. 
“Yeah?” He says, looking up from his suitcase. 
“I-” You purse your lips, frustrated at yourself for saying something before you’d been able to come up with an excuse, 
“Is everything okay, angel?” 
You just shake your head, anxiety making the back of your neck feel hot. 
“If this is about not wanting to go down to the beach tomorrow, it’s okay.” He says simply, shrugging his shoulders and shooting you a sideways smile. “I can find something to do on my own.” He turns his back to you, making his way towards the bedroom door. 
“Jake, stop!” You call – louder than you meant to. 
Jake turns back to you, confusion evident on his face at your raised voice. 
“It’s not that I don’t want to.” You start, and you can feel your cheeks growing hot as your emotions start to get the better of you. You know it’s silly to be so upset – but you’re torn between hurting Jake’s feelings or revealing something that you never wanted to reveal. 
“Y/n,” Jake starts, placing his things on the dresser and crossing the room to stand in front of you. “I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to say here. But I promise you it’s okay that you want to do something else.” He assures you, placing his hands on your shoulders and squeezing lightly. 
“I do wanna go!” You insist, clenching your fists in frustration at yourself. “It’s just..”  
He raises an eyebrow at you, silently begging you to keep going. Ducking your head to look at your feet rather than at him, you allow your confession to slip past your lips. 
“I don’t know how to swim.”  
You flinch slightly, waves of embarrassment washing over you at the incredulity in his tone. 
“You don’t know how to swim?” He says, before giggling softly under his breath. 
“It’s not funny.” You say, finally turning up to look at him. You can feel tears threatening to fall and your bottom lip quivers as you fight to hold them back. 
“Hey, hey. No.” Jake slides his hands from your shoulders to your waist, holding you softly. “I’m not laughing at you, angel. I’m just laughing because I thought something was really wrong.”
His words do little to soothe your shame and you shake your head and try to pull away from him – but his grip on your waist only tightens. 
“Let me go.” You say petulantly, wanting nothing more than to go and sit alone somewhere in your misery.
“Jake…” You warn, dropping your shoulders in defeat. “Please let me go.” 
“So I can go suffer in peace.” 
He chuckles again, sweet and genuine, and you can’t help the smile that wants to grace your lips at the sound. 
Jake lets go of your waist but his gaze pins you to the spot for a moment, He’s not looking at you any different than he usually does – only a small bit of amusement lingering on his face. 
“You could have told me that a whole lot sooner, ya know?” 
You shake your head. 
“It’s embarrassing. I mean, who else my age doesn’t know how to swim, Jake?” 
“Plenty of people!” Jake says, walking away from you to take a seat on the edge of the bed. He leans backwards, using his arms to brace himself as he leans back. Despite the situation, your eyes still roam his beautiful form – admiring the golden tan of his skin and the way his hair falls across his shoulders. 
“Swimming can be intimidating. That’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” 
You sigh heavily, looking away from him to stare at the wall. You’re not entirely sure what to say and the room lapses into silence for a moment. 
“I could teach you.” 
Your eyes snap back to him at that, eyeing him warily as he looks at you hopefully. 
“I could teach you to swim.” He continues, rising from his place to meet you in the middle of the room. “This house has a pool. The rest of the guys are probably asleep. Just you and me.” “I don’t know…” You trail off, biting your lip as your nerves make themselves known. You’ve put off learning to swim for so long that the fear has begun to fester inside of you – becoming much stronger than it used to be. 
“I won’t make you if you don’t want to. But the offer’s there. I wouldn’t mind.” 
He’s standing in front of you again, hair framing his face and eyes soft. He smells like grill smoke and beach air and you can feel your resolve melting away by the second. 
“Okay.” You breathe out, glancing up at him again. 
A sweet smile spreads across his face, exposing his perfectly white teeth and making his eyes crinkle in the corners. 
“Come on, then!” He exclaims excitedly, grabbing a towel from his back and practically skipping to the bedroom door. 
“Now?” You ask, heart beginning to pound at just the thought. You were hoping you’d have a bit more time to mentally prepare. 
“The guys are asleep.” He starts kindly, lacing his fingers with yours and pulling you out of the bedroom. “It’ll literally just be you and me – no chance of any of them coming out to the pool at this hour.” 
You follow him down the stairs, shivering slightly as your bare feet hit the cold tile of the kitchen. Jake pulls open the sliding door for you with a smile, allowing you to step out onto the patio where you all had eaten dinner. The deck wraps around the side of the house and the pool lies in waiting to your right – dark and ominous as the reality of what you’ve agreed to do washes over you. 
“Jake…” You start, the dark water in the pool filling you with dread. 
“Oh shoot. Hold on.” Jake mutters, before scampering back inside. 
You furrow your brows in confusion before the pool is suddenly illuminated, the little lights on the walls coming to life beneath the water. 
“Figured doing it in the dark probably isn’t the best place to start.” Jake chuckles, walking back outside to come and stand next to you. He dumps his towel onto the deck before rounding the corner of the pool to the stairs. You watch as he walks down the steps and into the water, hissing slightly as his lower half becomes submerged.
“It’s a little cold.” He says with a sideways smile, fanning his hands out in the water on either side of him. The water on that end doesn’t look too deep, but you can’t help but eye the other end – clearly deeper than the side Jake is in. “Coming?” 
You nod, walking slowly over to the steps. You look into the water, clutching both of your hands closely to your chest. You take a step in and immediately the cold makes you want to pull your foot out. But you keep going, wading into the pool to stand next to Jake. 
Immediately, both his hands extend in the water to place two solid hands on your waist. 
“Hi.” He says with a smile, inclining his head at you slightly. “Not bad so far, right?” 
You shake your head slightly. 
“This isn’t the scary part.” You remind him, before nodding your head towards the deeper end of the pool. 
“Fair enough.” Jake affirms, gripping your hips a little tighter. “Put your hands on my shoulders and just hold on, okay?” 
You comply, placing your hands where he told you too. Slowly, Jake leads you both out towards the middle of the pool, only stopping when the water reaches up to your chest. 
“Damn.” Jake says with a grin. “Really holding on tight there, angel.” 
“Sorry.” You say, realizing how your fingertips had been digging into his shoulders. 
Jake giggles softly. 
“It’s okay.” He lets go of your waist and brings his hands up to grab your wrists, holding tightly to you as he bobs up and down slightly in the water. 
“What now?” You ask, trying to keep your heart rate steady. You glance downwards, eyeing the water warily. 
“Keep holding on to my shoulders and I want you to just let your legs relax.” He tells you, adjusting his grip on your wrists. “Just let them float up to the surface.”
You stare at him for a moment, unsure of yourself. 
“I’ve got you.” He assures you, smiling softly. 
Slowly, you allow your body to untense, relaxing your muscles and letting your body float in the water. Keeping your grip on his shoulders, your legs slowly start to float up towards the surface. 
“There ya go.” He grins. “Perfect. Now kick your feet.” 
You kick your feet half-heartedly in the water, barely causing a splash. 
“Harder.” Jake tells you. “Break the surface as much as you can. Sort of like you’re kicking downwards.”
You kick your legs harder, causing the water to splash upwards and spray the both of you. 
“Oops.” You laugh, the sound coming out breathy from your nerves. 
Both Jake’s hair and your own is now sopping wet – and you’re distracted for a moment by the sight of him. His hair sticks to the side of his face and neck, and you watch, entranced, as a single drop of water makes its way down his cheek and slides down his plush lips. 
“That was perfect.” Jake says with a smile, amusement flashing across his face after catching you staring. “Now you just gotta use your arms.”
Your eyes widen slightly. 
“So I’ve gotta let go of you, then?” You ask, trying to joke but there’s no real humor in it. 
Jake laughs anyway. 
“That would make it easier, yeah. I won’t let you drown. I promise.” 
“Thanks, babe.” You say, a hint of sarcasm sneaking into your tone. “Why did I let you talk me into this?” 
“Because you love me.” He says cheekily. 
You roll your eyes in response. 
“When you let go, I want you to keep kicking your feet under the water. Think about your arms going up and down, too. Kind of like a bird.”
“Like a bird?” You ask doubtfully, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I mean… kinda. Just move them up and down.”
You grumble at him, but slowly let go of his shoulders. He hovers his hands on your waist, helping to keep you afloat as you try and practice the motion. 
“I hate this. This is so stupid.” You mutter, feeling like you’ve never been more out of your element in your life. 
“That’s the spirit, babe.” 
You scowl.
“I’m gonna let go now and you just keep doing what you're doing.”
“What?” You squeak, snapping your gaze to meet his. “Don’t let go!” 
“You’ve got this!” He grins, extracting his grip from your waist. 
You flail in the water for a moment, arms and legs flapping and kicking around wildly. Eventually, the panic wears off and you calm your movements down, allowing your limbs to move more fluidly in the water. 
“Babe!” Jake grins, grinning from ear to ear. “You’re doing it. That’s called treading.” 
You can’t help the proud smile that overtakes your face at his praise and you can feel your cheeks heat slightly. 
Jake swims farther away from you – going more towards the deep end. 
“Swim towards me.” He commands, treading in place. 
“How the fuck am I supposed to do that?” 
“Kick your feet like earlier and tread with your hands. Simple doggy paddle. Right towards me.”
“Absolutely not.” You tell him, perfectly content to keep treading water where you are. “I’d rather not drown, thanks.”
“Y/n,” Jake starts, sounding like a father speaking to his kid. “Do you really think I’m going to let you drown? You’ve got this. I’m right here.” 
You sigh at him. 
“I hate you.” 
“No you don’t.” He says kindly. “Now come over here.” 
Begrudgingly, you do as he says – kicking your feet aggressively behind you as you paddle with your hands. Slowly but surely, you make your way over to him. 
As soon as you get close, Jake darts his hands out and grabs your shoulders – helping you to float next to him. 
“See?” He asks with a grin, eyes sparkling in the dim light, “Not so bad.” 
“I still don’t like this.” You mutter, mind half focused still on trying to tread the water next to him. 
Slowly, Jake lets go of your shoulders and the two of you just float in the middle of the pool for a moment.  
“You’ll get better at it.” He assures. 
Just then, you hear a car horn honk in the distance, drawing your attention away from Jake and towards where the sound came from. Seeing nothing, you look back towards your boyfriend only to be met with a face full of chlorine as he splashes you. 
“Jake!” You sputter, blinking your eyes to try and clear the water from them. “You fuck head!” 
“Oops.” He giggles – the sound so reminiscent of Josh it’s almost like his twin just came down and possessed him for a moment. Sometimes you forget that they’re twins until you’re so starkly reminded. 
Your bewilderment must have shown on your face. 
“Nothing.” You smile at him. “You just sounded exactly like Josh when you did that.”
“Ugh.” He groans, rolling his eyes and swimming away from you slightly. “Don’t tell me I remind you of that loser.”
“Jake, you’re twins. You two are so simila-” You’re cut off once again by a face full of water. 
“Those are fighting words, Y/n!” Jake says through a laugh, swimming farther into the pool. 
“Come back here, you ass!” You paddle your way towards him, muscles straining to try and keep up with him. 
“No!” He giggles, stopping for a moment to splash you again. 
This time, you see it coming and splash him first, causing him to sputter and cough as the water fills his mouth. 
The two of you descend into laughter as Jake swims away from you again, using his legs to kick water at you. You give chase, splashing him as well as you pursue him. 
Eventually too winded to continue, you give up your chase of him and just tread the water again, laughing breathlessly. Jake swims back over to you, his own laughter sounding like music to your ears. 
“Does this mean I win?” He asks you, pressing his lips to yours in a kiss. All you taste is chlorine, but the warmth of his lips pressing to yours fills you with butterflies. 
“Nah. Just taking a break for a second.” 
Jake’s eyes are pinned to yours, a strange expression spreading over his face. It’s sweet and loving… but there’s something else there too. Pride? 
He shakes his head at you. 
“You learned how to swim.” 
“Oh.” You say on an exhale, glancing around to realize that the two of you have come to a stop in the deep end of the pool – the very place that you’d been so afraid of not an hour before. “I guess I did.” 
“I’m the best fucking teacher ever.” He says, grinning proudly at you and puffing out his chest.
You roll your eyes but you can’t really argue. You are swimming, all thanks to him and his willingness to be patient and to distract you from your nerves. You realize now that the whole water fight had just been to get you out of your head – something that he’s always been remarkably good at. 
“Thank you, Jake.” 
“Anytime, sweetheart.”
If you're reading this, I love you! 💞
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pretty-blkgirl · 9 months
Lixie Day
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//gn!reader x Felix//
Synopsis: You surprise Felix for his birthday
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: It’s our Lixie’s birthday (in Korea at least lol). I actually like this a little, it’s super sweet. I love writing cute stories for him lmao
It was around 2 AM when you crept back into the apartment you shared with Felix. He just came back home after the first leg of the group’s tour, while you had just gotten back from a business trip.
You told him you weren’t going to be back in time for his birthday, which made him incredibly sad. He missed you so much, but because of your jobs, you two rarely saw one another.
He expected you back at least a week from now since that’s when you told him you’d be back.
What he didn’t know was you were given the opportunity to come back home a lot earlier than planned.
You were going to tell him as soon as you got the news, but you wanted to surprise him, so you took the first flight you could back home.
Even though you were beyond tired, you were grateful for the fact that you were arriving on his birthday- super early at that. You two would have the entire day together.
When you landed, you got a ride and basically had them speed all the way to your apartment.
Han’s birthday was the previous day, and the guys had a tradition where they’d celebrate Han’s birthday all the way until midnight, and then they’d sing Happy Birthday to Lix.
You texted Chan when you landed so he’d keep Felix out a little longer.
So when you walked into the apartment, you swiftly showered, put on some pajamas, and then grabbed the gift you had gotten him from your suitcase.
It was a diamond bracelet. You know he hates it when you spend money on him, but you remember him talking about it, so you immediately bought it.
It was truly gorgeous, and you felt jewelry so pretty needed to be worn by someone just as pretty.
After a few minutes of waiting, Felix came home around 2:45. You were sitting on the bed, listening nervously as he said his goodbyes to Chan and closed the door.
You listened to his footsteps before they suddenly stopped.
“Y/N?” He yelled, making you panic a little. You started to wonder how he realized you were home, but before you could guess why, he ran into the room.
Tears immediately started to pool in your eyes when you saw him. He looked so good despite only wearing a green hoodie with black sweatpants. His hair was tied back into a bun, and his freckles were on full display.
“Hi baby,” You smile. He’s still looking at you, a fond smile on his face.
“You’re here? Am I dreaming?” He asks, making you laugh
“I’m here! Surprise!”
You were about to start singing Happy Birthday until he tackled you on the bed. You began to giggle wildly as he lay on top of you.
“Baby! You’re heavy”
He ignored you, starting to kiss all over your face
You let him kiss you for a while before trying to push him off you so you could sit up, but he wouldn’t budge.
“Lix, can we get up?”
“No. Can’t we just lay here?”
You sigh lovingly, “We can, but I wanna give you your gift.”
He lays his head in the crook of your neck, inhaling slightly. You two lay in silence before he gets off you and helps you to sit up.
You take another good look at his face and catch a few tears leaving his eyes.
“Lixie, don’t cry! If you cry, then I’ll cry.”
He pouts and looks away. He desperately tried to hold in his cries, but it didn’t work for long. He missed you so much. He dreamt about you daily. He thought about you 24/7. He was so upset when you said you wouldn’t see him for another week, but for you to surprise him like this- he was beyond ecstatic.
“Sorry, it’s just….you just make me happy.”
You knew you would start crying if you looked at him for too long, so you grabbed his gift and gave it to him.
“You make me happier. I hope you like this.”
Before he opened it, you wiped his tears away. He rolled his eyes playfully but kissed your cheek in appreciation.
“Open it, Lixie”
He did as told. His eyes immediately widened when he saw what was inside.
“Y/n…” He says, making your stomach drop a little. Did he not like it? He didn’t look happy…but he was not sad. Just shocked. Maybe it was a good type of shock. Or not?
Your mind continued to race until he pulled you into a tight hug.
“I love it,” He says, making you relax.
You two stayed in the hug for a long while, mainly because you missed one another. You let go eventually, taking the bracelet out and helping him put it on.
“I remember you talking about how much you liked it. So I got it for you.”
He admires the jewelry, “Thank you, baby. But it’s so expensive.”
“Doesn’t matter. I got it because I wanted to make you happy. I love you.”
He takes his eyes off the bracelet and looks at you, eyes full of nothing but pure love, “I love you more.”
He leans in, giving you a long, sweet kiss.
When you pull away, you say, “Happy birthday Lix.”
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
You know what just really frost my cookies with the whole "Dean doesn't care as much about Cas" discourse??? That post you reblogged about how strong their relationship was in s4/s5 got me thinking about this, but like they had two seasons of such intense relationship building and camaraderie, that Dean was literally fighting Bobby and Sam (his two most important people!!!) over not trusting Cas in s6, and it was DEAN who tried to keep a relationship with Cas s6 - s8, like that man tried everything to keep their relationship going - and that's not to blame Cas, he had his own shit going on (well except for s6, I do blame him for that lol his position is understandable, but it was still his fault), but Dean tried and it still just never worked.
Maybe this is just me, but I've always kind of viewed their relationship in the later seasons as, Dean worked hard to keep them going for so long that eventually it kind of just...hit him that maybe Cas didn't want that? So he stopped trying quite as hard, he remembered the times Cas left, and he interpreted them as rejections, which is in part why the Divorce Arc happened - it was a culmination of many many MANY things, not just the "obvious". That's just my interpretation though, and obviously others have and can interpret it differently.
In summary I see it as, early seasons Dean chasing and pining after Cas, eventually feels rejected and betrayed, later seasons Cas chasing and pining after Dean
Though to be fair and admit to my biases, I was watching s6-s8 in real time on TV, and then I drifted away mid s9 and didn't go back and watch the rest of the seasons until recently, so my strongest impressions of Destiel are of those earlier seasons, so I tend to view it in a different light I think than people who started watching later (or more specifically after Nov 5th and/or for Cas - not that anything is wrong w watching for those reasons lol)
Yeah I think it is very very silly to think that Dean doesn’t care about Cas as much as Cas cares about him. Like wildly so.
I think this line of thinking comes mainly from focusing too much on one character's POV. I think Dean came off a few times in season 6 like he saw his relationship with Cas as transactional—even though that isn’t imo how he actually felt about Cas (just like we can analyze Cas as thinking of his relationship with the Winchesters as very transactional but he does care about them despite how it appears). I think Dean was just kind of hurt because Cas had ghosted him for so long and he thought they were friends and they'd built this bond? So in season 6, he was reacting to what he thought were the boundaries Cas himself set—boundaries that suggested Cas—the guy controlling the means of communication—did not want a friendship with him. Cas ditched Dean in the car at the end of Swan Song and then just invisibly watched Dean rake leaves. Dean was right there. Dean could only pray to Cas. Cas wouldn’t respond. In season 6, without giving Dean a say—while watching Dean rake leaves and considering whether to ask for his help—Cas decided (again--unilaterally) he wouldn't involve Dean, and I do think that decision was out of love, and also probably because... well—he probably thought "what can Dean actually... do?" But ultimately, he wanted a person he cared about who had been through a lot to just be able to rest—that's what he says. Not including Dean (and Sam) continued after Dean came back to hunting as well, because 1) Cas was still thinking about protecting Dean 2) He didn't think Dean could do anything to help (which I think is... probably pretty reasonable—he originally considered including Dean I think mainly for his tenacity) 3) the whole thing had ballooned and Cas was making deals he probably didn't even fully agree with himself—so he was ashamed to some extent, but also knew... he wasn't going to stop, and that Dean would ask him to stop.
Cas is... well—I'm going to say "more morally flexible"... and I don't think that's always a bad thing. This is a useful quality in the line of work TFW is in, honestly. He is more ruthless than Sam and Dean and he also knows that he is, and I think he actually likes to position himself as the ruthless one. He likes being the person who is willing to do what is necessary to get shit done and he's willing to sacrifice a part of himself to do it... because he can take it. He planned to kill Jesse behind the Winchester's backs to spare them the unpleasantness (and the same, later, with Kelly and Jack—when Sam and Dean were looking for a way to save both of them and Cas just went to go find Kelly and kill her). He broke Sam's wall and killed a very good friend—Balthazar—because his friends were standing in his way and he was focused on his ultimate purpose which was stopping another apocalypse. He mind tortured Donatello because it needed to be done. I think that Dean understands that Cas wants to position himself as the ruthless one, and I think Dean also understands that this isn't always a bad quality. I also think it's an obvious point of contention, because Dean is the least morally flexible in the group and is the most tenacious, which I think Cas, in turn, appreciates about Dean—but it is going to lead to clashes between them as best friends with one being tenacious about choosing the least morally crooked path when possible, and the other saying "Can we please just get on with it? I'll do it if you don't want to—I don't mind."
And that's... to some extent, what is happening in season 6... besides the lying and the hurt besties feelings and secrets and betrayals. The actual soul swallowing plan? It's Dean's tenacious insistence on following a more prudent path versus Cas's "Let's get the fuck on with it"... and there's fairness to both sides of that imo... which is why I'm annoyed with certain individuals trying to make this a "sides" thing. It isn't the actual plan as much as it's what he did around it that's the issue, and Dean isn't obligated to agree with him or to trust him after he lied so many goddamn times. Like. Dean's trust was not something to which Cas was entitled, point blank.
You're right—Dean didn’t think Cas would ever lie to him like that in season 6. He couldn’t believe it. He refused to believe it. And I think fans do this thing actually where they hear Cas say in season 6 that he’s always trusted Dean and he always comes when Dean calls and they just buy into that and go “Yeah! That’s so true!” and build an entire analysis on that (and then post insufferable parallels between that and 4.21 thinking they are saying something about Dean's "trust issues" when they are... making a very different parallel lmao). What Cas is saying about always trusting Dean isn’t true—and what’s more, Cas knows it isn’t. He knows suggesting Dean doesn’t trust him enough isn’t fair. When he was spying on Sam and Dean and Bobby he made specific note of “Dean trying so hard to be loyal” and defending him fiercely. (In fact—was there anyone Dean trusted more at that point in his life—despite also clearly being hurt by Cas ghosting him? Bobby, maybe. That's about it.) When Cas came back and tried to retroactively claim entitlement to Dean’s trust, he suggested an imbalance of trust because he was trying to dig into that part of Dean that is loyal to his friends. In other words, he was telling a lie for manipulation purposes, and that's just the damn truth. It isn't some crap about Dean having trust issues. It's Dean not buying some crap Cas is trying to sell—a twisted picture he is trying to paint to avoid doing something worse to get Dean out of his way.
It is insane for people to say Dean doesn't care about Cas as much as Cas cares about him though when you consider Cas hurt someone Dean loves just to keep Dean out of his way—he broke Sam's brain—Sammy's brain—and Dean still found a way to forgive that despite all of the trauma he has wrapped up in protecting Sam, and then he fought 360 degree combat through Purgatory looking for someone who abandoned him. Then while that person was beating him to death he was looking up at him calling him family and Cas again abandoned him. Any time Dean expressed affection for Cas there was a good bet Cas leaving would follow quickly. But Dean approaches Cas in a way the majority of fandom refuses to approach all of the characters—with an understanding of his motivations and hangups and intentions and what is in his heart (and Cas approaches him the same way). Despite it all, Dean knows that Cas cares about him. He doesn't understand why Cas won't include him though—or he does, and the reasons aren't okay with him and Cas will. not. stop. and that is the ever growing festering wound that leads to the divorce arc. It is absolutely 100% a "straw that broke the camel's back" situation. Dean's frustrations with Cas's unilateral decision-making are not... ever dealt with. Cas wanting to ghost Dean is not ever dealt with. Cas Malewifing sidelining Dean whenever he damn well feels like it by just refusing to answer the phone is not ever dealt with. Because each time it's discussed, it happens again. The ultimate narrative is just that Dean should be expected to accept it, and be grateful, and I don't think that's fair. I don't think that refusing to communicate is something that Dean should have to put up with from his best friend. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But more than that, I'm sad that it's something Cas isn't allowed to grow from, because that tendency—that desire for that secrecy and control of the means of communication and that desperation for martyrdom—that is coming from a place of great pain for Cas—a wound—and it's a deep one, and he deserved to get to start to close that wound up and heal.
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vylithscat · 1 year
Hi there So this is super specific but I was wondering if I could have a suggestive/nsfw Grand Admiral Levi oneshot where he's on the ship with MC but one of the cooks put the Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup in his dish and this sparks something in him I imagine him to act a bit different then he did in the actual lesson because Grand Admiral and all but yea
hello! thank you for the request! (i'm also very sorry for the wait on it,, hopefully its good enough to make up for that!) funny enough this was super, and i mean SUPER, similar to something an irl was talking about a few nights ago so it looked like she ghost wrote this lol
prompt: you join levi on his navy boat to keep him company, but a certain dish changes up your nightly plans for the better genre: smut, you/your pronouns, gn!mc (as best as i can) pairings: levi x mc (levi's gonna seem,, wildly ooc) word count: 2k
You had been on Levi's ship for about a week now. You weren't informed why he was called to his ship, or how you were allowed to come.. Regardless, you were happy to join him as he sheepishly lead the way. Watching him work as an Admiral could almost be considered life changing. It was like a light switched on the moment his feet touched the docks and he went right to ordering his Apprentices around. He wasn't harsh, but didn't let them go off easy. They got rests, and knew when they had to work. It was so different from what you saw at the House of Lamentation. Really, it brought a tear to your eye.. Despite you knowing he used to be an Admiral, it was even better than you could've imagined.
You overlooked the edge of the ship as it left the docks, waters crashed against it's side and you felt a light mist as it hit your face. Glancing back, your eyes grazed the Apprentices as they fashioned the ship for travel.
"Hope you haven't forgotten about me, Player 2?" Your heart nearly jumped from your chest as Levi's arm made it's way around your waist and a hand settled on your hip. His uniform comfortably complimented his features and his medal caught your eye before you settled on his face. A smile spread across his lips as you looked at him, "You're alright, right? Nothing's cursed you?"
"Of course not." He hummed, "Maybe I feel a little more in my element on the ship? Especially with you here."
Who was this man?
"I hope you didn't mind all the yelling when we initially got on." Levi shook his head, looking out at the water as his brow furrowed slightly, "All those demons look young.. I can't fault you for the ordering around. You are Admiral Leviathan right now." You teased. Red crept up Levi's face as his gaze travelled back to you, "Sunshine.."
"Does the title make you embarrassed coming from me?" You cooed, Levi turned to you and your hands instinctively cupped his face. His face was slower to go red, but you could feel his warmth as it crept up enough to reach his ears, "I'll take your silence as a yes."
"Sunshine, please.. They're gonna see us." A smile tugged on your lips as Levi narrowly avoided fumbling out his words. Levi's hands found their way on top of yours and he gently took them off his face, "I'll see you tonight at dinner, and I'll put in a word or two to make something exciting."
With a quick peck on the lips, you pulled away from Levi, "I can't wait, cutie."
"Your food," A chef hummed next to you as they set a plate of shadow hog in front of you and where Levi was going to sit, "If you have any problems, be sure to let me know."
Before you could answer, the chef moved to the other room filled with rowdy Apprentices. You watched the door, the stillness of it causing a frown to tug at your lips. You started prodding your food while waiting for Levi. You weren't surprised he was a little behind, half the Apprentices hadn't stepped foot on the ship for centuries. The other half weren't under his command for even longer. But really, can't they give Levi a break? You miss him, he's been busy all day..
"Sorry Sunshine-" Levi fumbled out as he rushed in, he sat down as quickly as he walked over to the table before a sigh escaped his lips, "Hopefully that'll be a one-time thing." His hand reached out to you, an offer, or maybe an attempt at forgiveness, "They're all just a bit excited we're back in the ship."
Your lips were formed into a smile before you accepted his offer and carefully laid your hand in his. Your hand was gingerly trapped in his as you watched him fixed parts of his uniform. Your hand slowly grabbed his and your eyes met. "Sunshine?"
"I've missed you.." Levi's eyes widened slightly, his mouth opening to speak before you continued, "You're practically running to the end of the ship every hour. I'm not used to my Levi putting in so much exercise in one day.." You joked, your eyes drifting to your hands as Levi gently squeezed it.
"I've missed you too, sunshine.. But, now we have some alone time. Let's make the most of it." Levi's thumb slowly grazed your hand in a soothing motion and you let out a small, content sigh before you fixed your posture, "Before that, let's eat?"
With a nod, you and Levi scarfed down your food, albeit at a pace neither of you would choke, "Tastes a little sweet," You comment while carefully messing with the sauce, "A little familiar though.."
"You wanna meet in our room? I need to make sure everyone gets to their rooms before.." You glanced up at Levi as he trailed off. His eyes were firmly fixed on you.
You furrow your brow, a hint of curiosity edging into your voice as you spoke, "Before.. What?"
"Before, uh.." Levi trailed off again as he shuffled in his seat, "You think it could wait?"
"Do you know if that's a good idea? I'm no admiral, so.."
"I'll be fast." Levi stood from his seat before hurrying out to the Apprentices' dining area. You blinked away your confusion before you stood, a server shuffled their way into your area and began picking up your plates, "Excuse me?"
The server glanced at you, waiting for you to continue. "What was in the sauce?"
"Oh, um.. I-I don't know the recipe exactly, but the chefs kept going on about this gold syrup." You felt your heart skip and quickly shook it off, "Thanks for the help."
With a nod, the server left with the plates and Levi pushed the doors open. His footsteps were quick and you opened your mouth to spurt out an order, but his hand stopped you, "Let's.. wait on that, sunshine." Your heart was beating loud enough for it to echo in your ears. Levi's hand gently moved off your mouth and his thumb slowly grazed your lips, "Please."
"Then.. Should we head to our room?" You slowly pulled away before he hurriedly showed you the way to the room you were placed in. Once the door shut, Levi's hands were gliding across your waist and along the hem of your pants like he'd been waiting for this moment. You squirmed in place, your normal instinct was to turn around and watch him melt into himself as you shoved him on a pillow, but anytime you tried, his hands firmly grabbed your hips as a growl slipped from his lips. It was unusual, but you didn't hate it. Not in the slightest.
You did your best to keep still before Levi began slowly undoing your pants and pulling them down, lowering himself with them. A shiver travelled through your body as the cool air touched your legs, and a small tremble soon followed as he planted a kiss on your inner thigh, "L-Levi.." You gasped, his hand teasingly tracing your underwear, "Sunshine."
You choked back a whimper as he kissed again and again, "If you're on top.." You nervously fumbled your thumbs as you continued, "Do you promise to be gentle?"
"We'll have to see," Levi hummed, gently nipping your thigh before he pulled your underwear down and stood, "Wanna make sure they can be gentle first?"
You glanced back at him, your brows furrowing as you were met by a grin, "They..?" You turned to face Levi before he gently encouraged you down, and you followed. With a bit of fumbling, you pulled not one, but two dicks out together and a gasp was caught in your throat.
You've had sex.. Not much, but enough times to have noticed if Levi had two. Maybe the Newt Syrup was getting to you too, but with quick and gentle kisses against them, they twitched back at you.
"W-When.." Your gaze trailed up as pride sparked in Levi's eyes, "Surprise, sunshine." Levi happily hummed. Your eyes slowly trailed back to both of them, unsure how to approach it.
"If it's too much," Levi moved your hair away as he spoke, you could feel a grin spreading, "I don't mind you only taking one in for now."
With a bit of hesitation, you carefully handled the second dick and slid the first in your mouth, slowly moving your head and hand back and forth as you started prepping them for yourself. They felt the same, but the thought of both at the same time was.. Scarily tempting. A groan slipped from Levi as you went on, a small bit of your hair clamped between his hand as he bit back another. Your hands carefully supported the two of them as you moved between the dicks. Your movements were teasingly slow, causing more groans to slip from Levi as he tried to choke out a few words, "Sunshine.." You glanced up at him, his face flushed with red and a small trail of drool came from his mouth, "Up."
You obeyed. Your hands carefully supporting his dicks before he took your wrists and pinned you to the bed. His grip was firm as he slowly slid his dicks between your thighs, "Levi~" You cooed, slowly rubbing them before he grabbed your hips again, a groan slipping from his lips.
"Careful with your wishes, sunshine," He growled, the first one sliding its way in, and then the next. You gasped at the feeling. He was slow with letting you get used to it, after all, both at the same time was new. But his thrusts were anything but gentle. It felt like he was letting out all his frustrations with each thrust, and your moans only encouraged him further.
"L-Levi.." You entangled his name into your moans, his thrusts staggering slightly as he grunted and held onto your hips with a tighter grip. "Sunshine.."
You hid your face in the crook of his neck, your moans sending another shockwave as he thrusted again. Levi's own groans began shifting into moans as his thrusts staggered more overtime. "Levi.." You whimpered against his skin, "C-Cum for me.."
Moans slipped from Levi's lips, and a whimper slipped from yours as you felt him slowly fill you. His body trembled, nearly giving out on top of you, "S-Sun.. shine.."
"What a good boy, Levi.." You purred. Levi's body slowly relaxed into you, soft pants escaping as he tried to gather his energy. You gently messed with his hair as you waited, a shiver passing through as he pulled out. "What did you think, sunshine?"
"It was definitely quite the surprise.." You watched him sit up, a smile spreading on your lips, "But a welcome one."
"I'm really happy you enjoyed it." Levi began undressing further, his uniform carefully being dressed on a nearby mannequin. You shuffled around for a comfortable position as you watched, his gaze continued to travel to you, more loving than ever. You reached out to him, a small pout pulling your lips down. "I'm almost done, sunshine."
"But I already miss youu.." You tease, Levi carefully picked you up and threw the blankets open. He gently set you down, fluffing a pillow before your head came in contact as he slid in next to you and cuddle up to your side, "Get all the rest you need, Admiral Levi.."
"With you here, it'll be a little easier.." He mumbled, his eyes fluttering closed as he gently nuzzled his face into the side of your arm, "I love you, my sweet prince.."
"I love you too, sunshine.."
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nnnyxie · 10 months
coming in to request smth now that your inbox is fixed and open!! i love ur style of writing and ur smaus so i’ve kinda just been waiting for the right time lol. anyway, could i please request some kita and younger sister reader? like how they would work together and how she would help out the team? i love reading hcs/stories abt how a younger sibling would be worked into the plot and whatnot also because i’m a younger sibling 💀 tysm for whatever you do decide to write!! have a good day and make sure to stay healthy :)
wait because i love this idea <3
(there’s swearing bc…. well….. it’s me.)
(aran is mentioned once)
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kita would be such a good big brother but also a menace… i just feel it in my bones.
he’s the type of brother to walk into your room, touch random things, and then walk back out without closing the door. (annoying)
he’s very supportive of what you do. he’s always there for you, wether it’s to help you clean up your messes or to help make those messes. (i feel like he’d help you with the most heinous shit just so you don’t get caught) he will back you up during any arguments or fights— even if you were in the wrong. he’s thrown down for you (but don’t tell anyone that, he can’t ruin his perfect reputation)
kita’s the kind of brother to catch you doing some whack ass shit but say “you’re doing it wrong, let me help” (you can’t tell me that he doesn’t know how to do some shady shit…. i know he does…)
while he’s a very logical person, that all flies out the window when it comes to you. i feel like he’s the kind of brother who reacts wildly when someone does something to you that he doesn’t like.
ex; one time you purposefully talked (loud asf) during atsumu’s practice serve cause like— why not?? he’s a loser anyways (affectionate) and when atsumu went to yell at you, kita grabbed his ear and yanked him to the floor.
he’s a very protective brother. will scare anyone that tries to ask you out away. one time ginjima and suna tried asking you to go out (as friends) and kita had the coach make them run 10 extra laps around the school.
he doesn’t like the idea of you going out on dates with anyone because that means you’re growing up and he wants you to be his little baby (i call my little sisters my little babies) forever. he wants to shrink you down and carry you in his pocket.
plus if you were to be in a relationship, he’d only want it to be with someone he knows has a good reputation and is a genuine person (someone like aran, i’d love to have that man in my hands)
he basically raised you, it started when he got into his double digits. despite being a year apart, he raised you like a real man would. yes, your grandmother was there but there was only so much she could do, yk??
he also had you join the volleyball team as manager just to keep an eye on you and to take you to and from school. again, he’s very protective.
i feel like the two of you just have a strong bond because of bad experiences you’ve faced together. you two just have that sibling connection.
all in all, he’s a great brother. the kind that’s a bit annoyingly perfect but also absolutely idiotic (if that makes sense).
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kita !!!
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dootznbootz · 1 month
^the hades 2 dialogue if you want to analyze it for yourslef?
So analyzing this. I do not like how it makes it seem like "he has a hard time saying no to women" which um, Nausica?
One thing I find fascinating is that it's almost like a fucking Hamilton situation with the whole "I still love my wife, I just can't control myself" which yeah bullshit but I know a lot about cheating okay? I've seen it close up for way too much of my life and I know there are people who genuinely feel like this. it's wild as someone who's asexual lol
It also is wild to me that Penelope would hear of her husband's sexual trauma and immediately think betrayal or that he doesn't love her. I've seen a couple people do that and I think it's wildly outta character for Penelope. I think she would have to be the one to constantly be like "Odysseus, you said you were scared... That's not being willing". I think there's a lot of shit going on that shows he has PTSD around sex in general (he was hella excited to be with her again after they reunite lol)
I could see this dialogue as him trying to possibly cover up trauma?? but I doubt that's what Hades 2 is going for. that would make Penelope look bad (that's a crime in and of itself)
Honestly this is just messy. idk I'm mad.
Here's some wips of mine with his trauma shit. It is in no way smut but there are a few innuendos before a fade to black as I plan for Odysseus to often try to cover "bad memories" with good ones. (aka: "Every time I start to panic or the PTSD hits me, I'll just replace all the bad sex memories with good ones." and just clinging to Penelope. This obviously scares her as "holy shit, you were just crying and now you're kissing me.") It's kind of Not Safe for Wormlings but not so much. (I've edited it quite a bit)
“Is that all?” He murmured into her neck. His hands traced across the scales of her collarbone. Gods, he missed this. 
“Only minor things…” She scratched her nails into his hair. She smiled as he hummed. He was still the man she adored despite it all. “You’ll have to ask Telemachus what he knows as I only got a brief summary of what he told me.”
A brief summary that included the nymph, he thought bitterly, thinking about how Penelope brought up Calypso to the beggar. Telling him what their son had told her to try and get him to reveal himself, he most likely would’ve if it weren’t for Athena taking pity on him. Helping him hold his tears and panic until he was outside. He should’ve known Penelope would’ve done this though; His wicked woman knew how to break a person. He kissed her throat and felt it buzz under his lips as she giggled as his beard tickled her.
She brushed her fingers against the course, gray auburn hair on his chin. “Who would’ve known that the beard you always wanted would only come to you after two decades away from me.” 
He groaned. “Pluck it.” 
She giggled again. Music. 
(they stayed in silence. Idk this is the roughest draft)
“I’m so happy they’re well…That there’s no resentment.”
Penelope couldn’t help but scoff, pulling her head back to place some kisses on his forehead. He smiled despite his burning throat. “Of course, there’s no resentment. Menelaus adores her as she does him. He knows she would never willfully stay with those men. The gods were involved in every bit of that wretched war.” 
She paused, stopping her hand movements. “Why? Are you surprised? Is there something I should know about?” 
“No, no, I-” He swallowed. Words escaped him. “I’m just…Happy. Like I said.”
She chuckled. “Odysseus, it’s not like he did anything too incredible for loving her. He did bare minimum, understanding when gods are involved, you have no choice.” 
Odysseus’ breath hitched. Penelope stilled, concerned. “Odysseus-”
I’ve ruined this nest we made. “Nothing.” He squeezed her tighter. 
She thought for a moment. “Odysseus, I know the gods and fate are the only reason you were away from me. That you tried to come home as fast as you could… I don’t blame you.” 
He nodded. He tried to steady his breathing. 
He pushed himself off her, kneeling with his legs in between her own and pulling her to him. He began kissing down the column of her neck. Nuzzling where a grouping of scales was before continuing his path, hands never leaving her body. 
“Odysseus, I-” She jumped as his teeth gently scraped at her rib. “You know it’s supposed to be your turn to tell your stories.”
HEre's one that's supposed to be a later date. Idk. unfinished but you know.wwwwwww...
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Point is, I think it's extremely out of character for Penelope to think he didn't "try hard enough" or whatever. She loves him. She knows him. They share a mind for fuck's sake. In mine, she technically is less mortal than he is as she's 75% Naiad in my works.
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rmd-writes · 8 months
Hi friend! 💕
If you’re still taking prompts for ficlets, may I request a 7 and 14 combo for firstprince? If those are taken, maybe 24? And if that is also taken lol, then one that was not requested, yet you wish to write? Covering all my bases here 😂.
Sending you all the ✨positive writing vibes✨ and hoping this exercise helps the words start flowing!
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I’ve assigned each prompt I received a number and am using a random number generator to choose which prompt to write because I got quite a few from you all! If you’ve sent me one, I promise I will get to it!! Because I’m using these prompts to try to shake words loose after a bout of writer’s block, these are all just whatever I can come up with in <30min and barely edited 💖
Thanks so much for the ask Sonia! This has indeed helped the words to start flowing again!! 💖 I have already written prompt 24 (here), so here is your other request, though I've taken some liberties and this possibly doesn't quite hit the 'intimate moments' part of this prompt but I hope you like it anyway!
7. softly smiling at each other from across the room + 14. holding each other’s gaze
From his seat at the bar, Henry has a view of almost the entire room. He feels like his eyes would have been drawn to him almost as soon as he enters regardless though. How could his attention not be drawn to this beautiful, vibrant specimen of a man?
Between drinks and bouts of shouted conversation with Pez, Henry’s gaze is continually drawn to him. 
Dark tousled curls, an easy smile, hands gesturing wildly as he speaks.
He notices Henry too. Henry catches him looking back at him, more than once, a smirk dancing around the corner of his full lips. Still, he doesn’t approach him. 
Pez drags him onto the dancefloor. Henry does his best to move with the music but all he can think about is the view he has of the man dancing.
He’s mesmerising. Not simply because he looks like sex on legs, the curve of his arse clad in tight denim, the tight lines of his body just barely hidden beneath the sheer black shirt he wears unbuttoned to his sternum, a sheen of sweat glistening on his skin. As if that wasn’t enough, he moves like the music thrums through his veins, his heartbeat matching the thumping bass, like he was born to this. 
He catches Henry looking at him and grins lazily at him, running his hand through his hair.  He bites his lip and gyrates his hips and the whole scene makes Henry’s breath catch in his throat.
Henry flees the dance floor under the guise of needing some water. He has a shot of vodka instead. When he turns around, the man is no longer on the dance floor but standing a few feet away. Henry meets his gaze and holds it this time.
The man tilts his head back slightly, eyebrow raised. A clear invitation. Henry can’t help but return the almost shy smile the man gives him, as if despite his confidence, he’s unsure whether Henry will accept his invitation. 
Henry moves towards him, anticipation dancing up his spine as he follows the man. He leads Henry to the dancefloor, rather than the bathrooms as he’d expected. He doesn’t dwell on it though, not when there’s a warm hand on his waist pulling him close, sparkling dark eyes framed with impossible lashes looking up at him and a sultry voice in his ear.
“This okay, sweetheart?”
(You can read all of my intimate moments prompts here)
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semiferalstreetcoyote · 11 months
ok i wanted to do something for croma week rlly bad and since i'm not that confident in my art skills i wrote a fanfic :) its only about 2k words, i've never really done this before tho so i hope it turned out ok lol (ignore that it’s a day late)
“Did Lord Death really need to rent a venue this far away?”
“Maka, keep your fucking eyes on the road!”
“I wouldn’t need to keep looking back and forth if you read off the directions like you were supposed to!”
Soul grumbled something about the ‘straightforward’ instructions under his breath in reply. When Maka glanced at him, his dirty sneakers that he had insisted on wearing were smudging the dashboard and he was very clearly watching a Minecraft parkour video. Despite the lack of space in the back, she was regretting giving him shotgun privileges. She could have made room somewhere. Overlooking the trunk was too generous a move.
In the rearview mirror she checked on her passengers. Kid sat in the middle seat – the ‘bitch seat’, as Patti refused to stop calling it. Liz and Patti sat on either side in matching white dresses. Their outfits had been painstakingly planned out by Kid weeks in advance. On each side of his chest he wore a perfectly positioned white boutonniere.
“Kid,” Maka asked into the mirror, “why is your dad going to all this trouble? Couldn’t we just do this on school grounds?”
“He mentioned something-or-other about wanting to do ‘something normal’ for the student body. I believe all of this is wildly unnecessary, but… you know Dad.”
“Maka, that’s – that’s the turn. You’re missing it. Get the – no, the sign with the balloons on it. Maka!”
“I got it! Stop yelling in my damn ear, Soul!”
The venue that Lord Death had chosen was rectangular and beige, with large cardboard letters that spelled ‘PROM’ adorning the entrance. They weren’t lit up and so they loomed in the darkness above the students. Even though the little parking lot, too, was dim, it was clear that most of the spots were taken.
“Maka, your clock reads eight-o’-four,” chirped Kid from the back seat. “Prom started at eight o’ clock. Your clock is fast, right?”
Soul sighed. “Calm down, Kid. Ever heard of being fashionably late? It’s cool.”
“I don’t see what’s ‘cool’ about being late.”
“Yep, that checks out.”
“Frankly, I don’t need somebody who wears Air Jordans to a formal event lecturing me on what’s ‘cool’ and what isn’t.”
“Both of you please shut up.” Maka swerved into a free space at the end of the lot and the jolt, thankfully, quieted the bickering men.
Black Star and Tsubaki stood outside the entrance and greeted the group when they arrived, by leaping up and down and waving, respectively. Soul ran ahead and ended up in a headlock, his friend shaking him around like a dog with a toy. Maka chuckled under her breath. Black Star was Soul’s reason for showing up at the micro-event. Neither of them could miss such a cool, super-cool gathering of coolness.
As soon as Maka stepped inside, she was snow-blind. Had Lord Death decided on ‘the color white’ as the theme? White streamers, white paper lining the floor, and was that a cutout of a polar bear in the corner? It had to be. The disappointment that hit Maka did not seem to affect Soul and Black Star in the slightest. Both of them trotted off to explore. Tsubaki, now separate from her friend, crept up to Maka.
“Hi, Maka.”
“Hi, Tsubaki! How did getting Black Star up here go?”
“He tried to wear one of those dollar sign necklaces. He… has a sense of style!”
Maka grimaced. “He sure has one.”
“Crona is already here, by the way. I saw them in the window while we were waiting for you.”
Maka would have been content staying at home studying the whole night. Crona was her reason to go. Prom was nothing more than an excuse to see the people you adore, after all, and the more time she spent with them, the more her affection grew.
“Really? Where are they?”
“Over there.”
Tsubaki pointed to what appeared to be a snack bar. Crona stood crooked beside a wide punch bowl, observing the dancers on the floor. Tsubaki giggled and threw Maka back to the present. She had been staring.
“Tsubaki, look at them. Look at their bowtie. They’re so cute, I’m… my hands are so sweaty. Ew.” She laughed to herself.
“They really do look nice. You go talk to them. I’m going to say hello to Liz and Patti.”
“Got it. Wish me luck.”
“Good luck! You’ll do just fine.”
Crona spotted Maka after she was already speeding toward them. They jolted and offered an awkward wave hello.
“Crona! Hi! Is it okay if I give you a hug?”
“Oh! Th– that’s fine!”
Maka threw her arms around them in a bear hug. She wasn’t sure if the lavender smell on them was the work of false fragrance or a real plant in their pocket, but she loved it all the same. Their jacket itself was soft. Very soft. She buried her forehead into their shoulder.
“It’s so good to see you!”
“It’s good to see you, too. I, uh… missed you.”
“God, you see her all the time. You saw her two days ago, dumbass.”
Maka forced a smile. “Hi, Ragnarok.”
“Ignore him,” Crona whispered. “Do you like the decorations? It was mostly Marie and me setting them up.”
“They’re nice. I’m, uh… not sure I understand the theme.”
Crona lit up and snatched a solo cup from the table beside them. They filled it with the punch and handed it to Maka.
“Try it. It’ll make sense, I promise.”
“...Oh, it’s coca-cola.”
Crona pointed to the cutout of the polar bear. Up close, Maka could see that someone had draped a scarf around its shoulders.
“Oh my God, is the prom coca-cola bear themed?”
They nodded vigorously. “Marie came up with it after Lord Death bought nothing but white decorations.”
“That’s adorable! I… don’t think anybody’s going to get it, though.”
“Yeah. That’s why I’m over here, so I can explain it to anyone who doesn’t know.”
Maka squinted. “Your plan is to be over here, pouring soda for everyone the whole time?”
“Um… yes?”
“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather tag along with me instead?”
Maka saw Crona begin to blush. The abundance of black blood let off a gray color instead of the typical red. Crona looked back and forth; the confidence that they once held had evaporated into the stuffy room.
“Are you sure that I wouldn’t bother you, or anything?”
“Of course you wouldn’t bother me. Actually, I’d really like to spend time with you.”
Crona agreed, thankfully, because Maka’s face burnt and she was not entirely sure what she would say if they had any other doubts. Together they said hello to the chaperones – Marie, Sid, Stein, and Naigus, each of them commenting on the secret theme and Crona’s involvement – and bounced between Tsubaki’s group and the snack bar. Despite the attractions and the people to spend time with, Maka’s attention remained consistently fixed upon Crona.
They had been engaged in this routine for an hour until the dj’s cacophonous dance music was abruptly replaced by some 80s love ballad that Maka couldn’t remember the name of. From the snack bar, they watched groups break off into pairs or cluster at the back of the room.
“The music’s quieter now,” noted Crona.
“Yeah. It’s so that everyone who brought a date can, well… have their date. It’s the whole reason couples come here, anyway.”
She took a deep breath and wiped her palms onto her dress. “Do you want to dance with me, Crona?”
Crona froze, their mouth open, a small pretzel still in their hand. “Are you- are you sure that you want to? With me? I - I’ve never really done this before and I don’t want to ruin–”
“I’m sure. I’ve kind of been hoping that I’d get to dance with you since I got here.”
Crona’s whole face bore smudges of gray, like charcoal. They scratched the back of their neck and, with great care, held out their hand for Maka. She took it.
“Awh, your hands are sweaty, too!”
“Oh. Sorry.”
“No, it’s okay! I don’t mind, I promise.”
After a few failed attempts at a traditional dance, the pair decided that the best course of action would be to follow the precedent set by the other couples and rock back and forth holding each other. Maka could hear Crona’s heartbeat even over the music. Every once in a while they asked for some form of confirmation – was Maka comfortable, was she still okay with it, and so on – and each time, she reassured them.
“I’ve been having a really good time with you,” she whispered during the song’s closing solo.
“Yeah. This is really nice… thank you for dancing with me, Maka.”
“Mhm! Like I said, I really wanted to.”
Crona just smiled and pulled Maka closer. What was once a loud growl of dozens of people talking throughout the room had died down to a distant humming. She could focus on them, their texture, their smell, everything. Nobody else existed.
The song changed from classic rock back to modern pop and the roar started up again. Maka looked around at the groups of friends reclaiming the dance floor, and among them, she spotted Black Star and Soul dancing – perhaps they thought that they were on fire and they were flailing in fear. That would explain quite a bit.
“These idiots,” she scoffed.
“Hey, Casanova,” Ragnarok sneered, “Why don’t you take your lady friend upstairs?”
“Oh, no, they said not to go up there.”
“Come on, I’m trying to do you a favor here!”
“Ragnarok, shut the fuck up.” Maka looked from the vile little ghoulie back to Crona. “What’s upstairs?”
“Oh, it’s just the roof. Marie said not to let anyone up there because someone could fall.”
She side-eyed Black Star, who was doing some sort of dance that involved clenching his hands into fists and wiggling his arms very very fast. “Did she name any names?”
Crona seemed to see, too. They winced. “I guess that rule was probably for him. It’s so loud in here… we can go up there, if you want. So we can hear each other better. I don’t think that would be against the rules.”
They snuck through the stairwell door after Crona revealed its location – obscured behind one of the bear cutouts. Outside, nothing could be heard of the party except for a muffled beat. Nothing could be felt except for a cool night breeze. Against the horizon, turbines whirred valiantly in the darkness. Both of them sat down side by side in the middle of the roof.
“This is much better,” sighed Maka.
“Are you okay?”
“Just happy. This past…well, everything has been really nice. Thanks for hanging out with me, Maka.”
“Of course. You don’t have to keep thanking me.” She grinned and nudged their shoulder.
“Sorry. Habit. I just don’t know how to say it. Being with you at the DWMA has been… I’ve been happy. Especially because of you. You’re amazing. I really… I really like you.”
“I really like you, too. You’re one of the bravest people I know.” She was smiling. Her face hurt from it. “Hey. Crona. Look at me, okay?”
Maka leaned in. She waited, in case Crona wanted to pull away, and when they only leaned closer she held their jawline and kissed them. A second later it was over, and she was staring into their eyes again. Those eyes sparkled like lightning in the desert.
“Hi.” They said after a sizeable trail of stammering.
She giggled. “Hi.”
For a time – there was no way to be certain whether it was minutes or hours – Maka leaned against their shoulder and the two of them spoke in whispers while they looked at the stars. The kiss seemed to give Crona a second wind of courage and they had their free arm caressing Maka’s.
“The others and I are going to go to my place after this and watch a movie,” she said. “I’d really like it if you came.”
“Are you sure they wouldn’t mind?”
“Are you kidding? They all like you. Even Kid.”
“Mm.” They smiled. “I’ll come with you, then.”
A coyote cried out somewhere in the distance.
“All of this really has been great. Even the shitty music and the coke bear theme.”
“Your lips tasted like coke when you kissed me.”
Maka laughed. “Well, there’s worse things, I guess.”
It was almost midnight when Soul and Black Star lost their energy at the dance. They were some of the last to leave apart from the chaperones themselves. What this meant was a lot of barefoot waiting in the car for Maka, Crona, Kid, Liz, and Patty.
“Okay, we’ve gotten through… fourteen songs waiting,” sighed Liz. “Any requests for the fifteenth?”
“I don’t think I know any more songs,” said Crona.
“Really? That’s tragic. Liz, play something classic,” Kid ordered.
“Classic or classical? I can never tell with you.”
“Wait, hold on!” Maka gripped the steering wheel. “Here he comes!”
Soul walked across the parking lot, his tie undone and his shoelaces spilling over the pavement. He was a mess. He staggered to the shotgun door and opened it, only noticing too late how it was occupied.
“What? Crona? Huh. Would you mind moving over?”
“Sorry, Soul. You snooze, you lose.” Maka smiled. “You’ll just have to sit somewhere else.”
“Wh–? There’s no more seats. Where am I going to sit?”
“Well, there’s always the trunk.”
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beevean · 2 months
brutally honest opinions on sonadow sonamy and whispangle 🙂
bro :P
Sonadow: I should like it. I know I should. It's a very typical rival ship, and a relatively civil one too. But I just find it so boring, sorry 😭 I can't get invested in their relationship at all, let alone see the spark of attraction. I think the issue is that I see Shadow as his own character first, and Sonic's rival as... fifth? I don't like him as Sonic's mirror at all, I prefer other rivals. <- result of playing ShTH before SA2, probably
Another nitpick I have is that usually this kind of shonen rival ship hinges on some kind of obsession, or seeing the other one as special in some way - something like "only I can defeat you". Sonadow... really doesn't have this. Shadow is just one of Sonic's allies. Shadow was mildly intrigued by Sonic in SA2 and Heroes but then he got used to him. I'm really not sure what they're supposed to see in each other.
Fandom behavior, of course, doesn't help - Sonadow is immensely popular, inescapable, and extremely prone to fanonization. Ever since I was a kid I hated how Sonadow almost always meant "seme Shadow/uke Sonic", and from what I've seen, the terminology has changed but the "interpretation" hardly did.
Back in the day I liked He Is My Master a lot, though. Hugely recommend it to modern audiences. It helps that it was a deliberate parody and breaking of the stereotypes of the time :P
Sonamy: I have a bit of a Wildly Inconsistent™ relationship with this one lol. I went from loving it as a kid, to distancing myself by the time Generations rolled in, to accepting it in a different form. I think it has the potential to either be a very interesting take on such a basic premise, or recipe for utter mangling of characterization to fit the characters into prepackaged molds. Solution: I don't engage with the fandom :P
The only version of Sonamy I like is one where the two are very close friends, engage in well meaning banter, and travel and fight together. The relationship should all be about fun, and trust, and appreciating how far they've come together. Despite how basic it looks, I reject the "settling down and having kids" scenario.
Perhaps I'm cheating :P but I think Sonamy can be cute without sacrificing their personalities that have IMO interesting similarities and parallels.
Whispangle: at its core, it's a very cliché "shy girl/bubbly girl" ship, not my thing but it could have worked out nicely. The scene where Whisper opened up about her past with Tangle and she offered her support, showing emotional intelligence despite her antics, is honestly nice.
It could have worked out nicely. Then IDW proceeded to shit on Whisper at every moment, turning Tangle into an utter insensitive dumbass who blurted out the name of her bestie's dead comrades for literal cool points and she got away with a "oopsie daisy" while Whisper had to profusely apologize for daring to still have PTSD over it. And I didn't forget how then the Duo fiasco ended with Whisper being artificially humiliated just so that Tangle could hug her, give me a break. Terrible. Whisper deserves a better friend.
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the5n00k · 10 months
1. Do you think that the chairman is pure evil?i mean he does his job without breaking his rulesghosts can do whatever they want, only they need to scare people, he could easily cause havoc in his world and in the world of the living, but he does not, although he could get enough of the suffering of people
2. Do you have headcanons for the chairman?I really liked the scratch headcanonsand sorry if you misunderstood me, I'm just using google translateI wish you a good day and good mood!
No worries and I hope you have a good day and good mood as well! I understood this very well actually, thank you for the ask!
I just hope you can understand me because despite being native English speaking I really Suck at it lol
I don't think he was pure evil at all, but he definitely wasn't good. His punishments for small missteps were wildly unfair and everyone lived in fear of him. You could make the argument that he needed that misery to live but even then, the whole system of meters and documents felt more like control than anything necessary. But he also wasn't unreasonable. He wasn't beyond giving second chances (except for the purple ghost from the first episode, I'm so sorry my love those puppies were too powerful 💔) and heard Scratch out several times when he was on thin ice. Him and the Council prefer order and organization than any sort of interference with the living world. It seems they didn't have a very high opinion of humans in general and had rules and codes in place to keep the living and the dead separate for whatever reason. I'm gonna guess because the mysteriousness of ghosts is what makes them scarier than being out in the open.
Overall I loved the old chairman! He was really cool and intimidating and his design is so good. What a cool character, sometimes I really miss him lol
As for headcanons I don't have that many but probably still way too many for a character with minimal screen time LOL
- this one isn't mine but I loved the headcanon that he talks with sign language with the people he likes. Or that some people can just understand his hisses like an ancient language. Kind of like how some people can just understand Harriet
- he's got this curious puppy energy that it seems like he'd rather let a unique situation play out because he's interested than shut it down. He wants to see what happens (can you blame him? I don't think he gets out much 💔 poor guy)
- since it's not the robe that gives the skeleton hands, it seems like he just Has them but I believe he was a normal ghost. Could be one of two things;
1) his hands just looked like that before (we've seen a lot of ghosts with unique design elements, so it's not out of the question)
2) he had the robe on for so long that the power got to him, stripping him of anything that would have made him recognizable before. The robe is removable and Scratch only puts it on when he needs to so he hasn't had it on long enough to affect him. But this guy had it on for eons, letting the power go to his head and strip him of self. Also the reason why the characters referred to him only as his status (The Chairman) and not his name before. Because he literally isn't the person he used to be, at least not fully.
- he had a one-sided relationship with Jinx. She really wanted to impress him and he just wanted her to go away. The reason why she was always so busy is because he kept throwing new tasks at her to keep her away
Hope these are good enough answers for you and have a nice day anon!!!
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anexperimentallife · 6 months
So we had to report someone after they posted a picture of El and me along with a long, totally unhinged (and wildly inaccurate) rant, @'d @thesurestthing and me, and sent dms to both of us, both the post and dms being about what horrible people we all are, how disabled people are just lazy, how anyone who has to ask for help after being hit with too many unexpected emergencies in a row is a terrible lazy person, that interracial relationships are bad, how I'm going to die soon, etc...
Oh, and how they they HOPE Zoey and El suffer for the rest of their lives after I'm gone, and how Zoey will be begging for help forever because she's useless.
So... Monday here.
Also, they claim Zoey is just my girlfriend (she's my wife), they didn't know she's from the US, and opine that it's my fault my youngest son died in his twenties of pneumonia (which according to them he did to himself--while I was a thousand miles away--but it's somehow still my fault) and my fault that my older son shot himself after refusing attempt after attempt from myself and others to get him to accept help for his bipolar disorder. So yeah, thanks for using the deaths of my sons to attack me. Shows a lot of class.
Also, they claim Zoey is a terrible mother, has no drive, and no skills (despite her being an excellent mother, earning a college degree while she was still in high school, and despite ONE of the reasons we're going back--in addition to me needing medical treatment--being for her to work and get a higher degree), and apparently we should both be working here even though we're not legally allowed to (because, again, disabled people are just lazy and we should also risk imprisonment, because THAT would be responsible)?
Somehow, they're also very concerned for Zoey and El despite outright saying they HOPE El and Zoey suffer?
Just completely off the rails, unhinged ranting.
They didn't even get the timeline right. I was autistic with ADHD and head and spine injuries before we found out (during the Philippines STRICT lockdown) that we were having a baby, and at that point I'd just gotten contracted for the licensing fee, which we had every reason to believe (based on the longevity of the company's other properties) that it would gp on for basically as long as I was game m--so it LOOKED like smooth sailing ahead. (That contract was the only reason we stopped being so careful to avoid pregnancy, too.)
So yes, I was disabled when we got pregnant with El, but in a stable way at that point. It wasn't until AFTER we found out about the pregnancy that I got covid three times that my health started scarily declining. THAT was when all the scary stuff with my eye and heart and feet and face started. But apparently we're horrible for... not knowing that was going to happen?
Thing is, if the company that was paying me a licensing fee to turn my first-sold story into a game hadn't canceled the project one year in with zero notice (while we were still paying for El's birth), if El hadn't had a mistake on her birth certificate that left her stateless and took almost two years to resolve, and if I hadn't gotten COVID three times, we'd be okay financially. We wouldn't have had to ask for help with El's legal stuff or my medical bills, and we wouldn't have to be asking for help now.
Of course, we're the only people they follow, and that's their only post, so they obviously made the blog just for this purpose. I think I know who it is, but I can't prove it, so oh, well. Took screen shots in case receipts are needed later, but since it's obviously a throwaway account, it would be pointless to @ them here.
(Oh, apparently we're also bad people for being... liberals? LOL We're leftists, man. Liberals are more conservative than we are.)
Like I said, pretty sure I know who it is, and they probably hate-follow us from another account anyway, but, y'know, they're too cowardly to show themselves. So hi. Go to therapy.
Yeah. Fun stuff.
Anyway, if you'd like to help us all get back to the US so I can use my benefits to get the medical treatment I need (which, again, is needed as a result of me getting covid 3X AFTER we found out we were having El), please see my pinned post.
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justreadertings · 2 years
Bad Dreams
Ok this is just a quick thing that has been sitting in my drafts forever, and I finished it up now! I wanted to share it because despite how amazing New York was... I MISSED MY MOM!!! and I missed you guys! so here’s some writing lol. Also I love Canon Aelin, and Mom Aelin. Ok, enjoy!- Magee
Tw: mentions of torture, vibes of “slipping through my fingers” from Mama Mia
Aelin was not bored. Gods bless her, if she ever was. No, she was just… waiting. 
The castle was quiet, and she was perched atop her throne, drawing pictures in the wooden armrest. It was the first moment of peace she’d had all day. Being queen was a tiring, all consuming job. She closed her Ashryver eyes. Something would come along soon, demanding her attention. But for right now… this was nice. 
Her brief peace was ended with the careful opening of the throne room doors. Her eyes stayed closed as the door shut. She didn’t even want to know what was about to be asked of her.
Her eyes opened. Being a mother was a tiring, all consuming job. But she adored it even more than being queen of her great nation. 
“Yes, Evalin dearest?” 
Her eldest, sixteen in age, stood proud in front of her. She was a picture of Aelin herself, with her features and cunning, but with the tan of her father- and the calculation of him, as well. Evalin was his perfect warrior. She was to make the fiercest defender of Terrasen the world had ever seen. Yet her sweetness had come completely from her namesake, her soft edges reminding Aelin and Rowan of the beauty of childhood without threat of war.
“I wanted to ask you something,” her daughter said, eyes earnest. 
Aelin eyed her child’s leathers, her messy braid and sweaty brow. “What did Uncle Fen tell you this time?” Aelin should have never allowed Fenrys to train her daughter in the art of defense. He was nothing but a gossip. 
Evalin smiled, fondly. “No, it wasn’t him.”
Aelin made grabby- hands toward her. “Don’t just stand there looking at me,” she joked. “Come here to me. Let me kiss on you.”
Evalin did come to her, but she batted her hands away. “Ugh, I’m all sweaty. Leave me alone.”
“You’re no fun,” Aelin pouted. She poked her daughter’s cheek as she perched on the arm of her chair. “Just like your papa.”
Evalin scowled like Rowan, too. Still, Aelin combed the top of her child’s head. She was grateful for the quiet of the room. It was so rare that she got time alone with just her eldest. Evalin was her world. All her children were. Aelin thanked every god who was still holy, who still had a say in this world, that she was around to create such wonders. They were her greatest accomplishment.
“I had a dream,” her daughter told her.
Aelin frowned at Evalin’s serious tone. “What about it worries you?”
“It was-” she began. “I tried to run it out. Tried to beat it out. But I just… I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“About what?” Aelin tried to clarify. She’d had to work on her patience greatly in parenthood.
Evalin bit at her fingernails. Aelin remembered what it was like being sixteen. Granted, her life experience and her daughter’s life experience differed wildly- thank the heavens- but still. She knew Evalin had to be nervous about something. 
“It was about you.”
Aelin shifted. She ran a soothing hand down Evalin’s back. “What about me?”
Evalin covered her eyes, as if she had a headache. “It was… you were locked up.”
Aelin’s blood froze. “I was locked up?”
Her child nodded. “You- I think something happened to you. You kept…” her throat bobbed. “You were screaming. For papa. For anyone. And just- screaming.”
Aelin’s eyes filled with tears. She wrapped her arms around Evalin, and brought her to sit on her lap as if she were still as wee as the youngest, Eire. 
Evalin stared at Aelin’s eyes. Her dusty hands reached out to her mother’s face. “Mama…”
Aelin wiped her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she said, trying to compose herself. “I just… I used to have dreams like that.”
“Like what?”
Aelin’s voice turned soft, and she thought about her daughter’s namesake. “Memories. Things I should not know, should not remember. And dreams of my mother.”
They were quiet for a moment, and Aelin could have sworn Evalin was five again, sneaking into her and Rowan’s bed for soothing. “Why did I have that dream, mama?” Evalin’s voice broke. 
Aelin swallowed, wishing Rowan were beside her. He was always better at these harder conversations. “You know about the war,” Aelin began.
“You saved the world,” Evalin said, nodding. 
Aelin’s heart warmed. “I suppose you could say that.” She traced her daughter’s beautiful face. “But it did not cost nothing. I made sacrifices. I-” she paused, reminding herself of all the beauty that had followed her out of the darkness. “I wanted to save Terrasen. Before anything else.”
Her daughter nodded, listening thoughtfully like her papa. 
“But I had to make a choice, once. To save Terrasen or myself.” Her eyes filled with tears. “And the world deserved better than what it had. I wanted that world, a better world, for my people. For your father, your aunts and uncles.”
It was not to hurt her feelings, but Evalin asked, “it meant you were sacrificing us, too.” Her daughter looked so much like her husband, then, both devastation and calculation in her Ashryver eyes. “You would not have… me, Eden, Elyntia, Elspeth, even Eire… we would not have existed.”
Aelin’s hands shook around her daughter. “And I thank everything powerful in this world that that future did not come to pass.”
Evalin tilted her face. Sadness graced her features. “You gave up so much.”
Warm tears pressed Aelin’s eyes. “Yes, baby. I did.”
Then, Evalin just scooted down further, settling in her mother’s lap. Aelin pressed her lips to her daughter’s head, regretting time for making her baby grow so fast. Still, she could rock gently, and her first born laughed against her chest as she sang the folk song that put Eire to sleep every night. It was the same song she’d sung to all of her beautiful, wonderful cabal of children.
“Can you stop growing?” Aelin whispered against her daughter’s hair.
Evalin squeezed her. “I’ll try, Mama.”
Thanks for reading! It IS gonna be pre-tech week and then tech week (I know, excuses excuses) but I’m gonna try to get both a chapter of Till Death Do Us Part out AND hopefully Coffee Shop Rules. We’ll see. Ok byeeeeeee
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nientedal · 9 months
📓 !
📓 for explain the plot of a fanfiction that you haven't written but daydream about
Let's seeeee, I've done TBI Roxanne and musician Megamind...
How about one of the "Megamind's metabolism hates him" variants? I have at least 3 of these, but the other two are in various stages of being written.
The best-developed of the ones I haven't started writing is the one in which Roxanne comes back to visit after moving away because (1) she has been having incredibly bad dreams increasingly frequently and (2) brainbots??? keep showing up??? at her house??? despite her living on the west coast somewhere now.
Thing was, she got an offer for basically a dream job and had to pack up and BOUNCE and she didn't really have time to say goodbyes. Or-- okay, she DID, but she convinced herself not to, because the only way to do it would be to have Metro Man get her in contact with Megamind & Minion, and that felt...wildly presumptuous? Like, why would she think they would even care??? So she left a note taped to her balcony glass with her contact information, explaining things and saying hey, give me a call, here's how to reach me if you want to.
They never called. So, okay, ball was in their court and they didn't want to contact her. Fine.
Except then the dreams start, and they start getting more and more frequent-- Megamind is hurt or dying, or Minion is, or one of them is stuck somewhere and can't get out, or Roxanne is looking for them and can't find them, or or or or or. And THEN she starts getting brainbots on her doorstep??? And she has to figure out charging stations for them, which takes a minute and some help but she figures it out.
But they keep coming, and the dreams get worse, and so finally Roxanne is like, fuck it. Fine. They don't wanna hear from me but they're gonna, because I cannot fucking stand this.
So she goes back to Metro. Rents a car and drives back across the country with like nine brainbots who guide her all the way to Evil Lair...where she finds Minion. Or, Minion finds her standing outside the car trying to decide to do next. And that is where Roxanne finds out that they did not get her note at all, for some unknown reason, and they have been under the impression that she just up and left without even attempting to say goodbye. Minion has been trying to convince Megamind she did not do this specifically to get away from the two of them, but Megamind has not been convinced.
Which! Sucks! And Roxanne is horrified and feels awful, because she COULD have made time, she wanted to make time, she should have listened to her gut and just gotten in touch with them before she left. And hey what the fuck actually, what happened to the note?? I don't know if they ever do find out.
(There is an older version of this daydream in which Minion calls her, because the new resident of her place replaced the refrigerator and found the note under the old one, and was like "uhhhhhh" and had Metro Man pass it along. But this new way is ouchier, lol.)
Anyway. Minion does some quick thinking and is like Hey So Where Are You Staying? Just Kidding, It's Obviously Here With Us In Evil Lair, and he has the brainbots start putting together a guest room and bathroom on the north side of the lair facing the water. They work pretty quickly, he says, it'll be done by sunset. Come on to the kitchen and I'll start putting together lunch, we need to talk.
(They are talking and then Megamind buzzes Minion's communicator like "minion. why are the brainbots building what appear to be guest quarters. what is happening. what have you done." And Minion is like "We have a guest! Come to lunch, don't wear spikes." And Roxanne basically yanks Megamind into a hug, which he returns really really hard once he realizes what's happening, which is surprising to Roxanne but nobody else lmao.)
So this is a story in which Roxanne ends up spending a couple of weeks in Evil Lair, hanging out. She finds out Megamind has also been having similar symptoms to hers, but moreso, or at least they WERE moreso until he sort of cobbled together a treatment for what was happening-- which is that his metabolism sort of accidentally bonded itself to Roxanne. Whoops. And when she left, his systems crashed HARD. what throws him for a loop is that Roxanne really should not have been feeling any of the same way. So they get some medical whatnots and feelings happening there.
And this is me, so OF COURSE I am going to find a way to get them to sleep in the same bed. Roxanne wakes up a few nights into her stay and she's hungry, so she's like "I bet I can find my way to the kitchen from here," opens her door, and promptly trips over Megamind. Who was sleeping on the floor out there. Because anxiety is obnoxious and seldom rational, and Roxanne disappeared overnight once before, and...it's just...easier. To fall asleep. Outside her door, where he knows she is and won't vanish again.
Roxanne is like, yeah, that makes sense ("It DOESN'T" megamind grouses "it's VERY ANNOYING"), losing me basically triggered a medical emergency last time and it actually is totally reasonable that you'd be freaking out about that again. But the bed your bots brought me is a fucking king-sized expanse of mattress and blanket, so just...come sleep with me instead of lying on the fucking floor?? Hello???
Aaaaand there's a lot more that can happen in the time she spends there, swimming and new makeup looks and learning about the bots and how Evil Lair was constructed, blah blah, but in the end I think they agree to try dating long-distance? Megamind has the ability to build something that flies very quickly; he and sometimes Minion could easily spend the weekends with Roxanne and the weeks in Metro, or some similar arrangement. And so that is I think where that story wraps up :D
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homemade-ghosts · 2 years
why do you think some people are saying ricky's feelings came out of nowhere? because i don't really see that (i got into the show for them so i don't get it)
Do you want the nice answer or the mean one? (trick question, I’ll give you both.)
If I were being nice and giving them the benefit of the doubt, I’d say that, prior to this season, it had been a long time since Ricky & Gina interacted. & If they’ve been watching the show as it airs, then it’s been over a year in real time and roughly half a season (which was maybe a few months in the show’s universe?) since we saw them speak to one another -- so, I can understand how seeing their dynamic for the first time in so long could be jarring to the casual viewer.  
& I would say that, even though Ricky’s feelings don’t come out of nowhere, I get how it could feel that way because, up until this point, we’ve only really seen their relationship from Gina’s perspective. We saw her confess to Ricky on opening night, saw the tears spilling down her face when she told Ricky she wouldn’t quit on them if she wasn’t moving away. We saw her deflate when Ricky sang with Nini at that New Years Eve party. We watched as she fled Ricky’s apartment after telling him that he should sing that song he wrote to Nini over the phone because “every girl loves a sweet gesture”, knowing that she was thinking of that day he serenaded her with "When There Was Me & You" last fall. We watched as she smiled at the thought of Ricky having gotten her those chocolates on Valentine’s Day and then tried to hide her discomfort and heartbreak when she found out he didn’t (at least as far as we know right now, but I’m still a little bit of a chocolates theory truther lol). My point is, Gina’s feelings for Ricky have always been front and center, until now. Now, finally, we are getting Ricky’s perspective on things. I can only hope that the people who want to claim his feelings came out of nowhere will change their minds as more of Ricky’s POV is revealed this season. Ricky himself said it best, “you don’t know the full story.”
Okay, that was my attempt at a nice, calm and understanding answer. If you want my more...honest opinion, then here's where I start to get a little mean.
If someone says Ricky’s feelings came out of the blue it’s because they lack any media literacy or comprehension skills. They can’t grasp a story until it is explicitly spelled out for them or spoon fed to them. Now that it has been spelled out (via Jet picking up on Ricky’s feelings and calling him out on them & now, by Ricky literally telling Carlos he wasn’t pretending to “crush on” Gina during WDYKAL) they want to cry “bad writing” because they specifically didn’t see it coming. That’s not the show’s fault. The writing, if they paid attention and actually thought about it, has been building up to this for a long time. If they didn’t see it, that’s on them. 
I also have to point out that, anytime there’s wildly incorrect criticism like this, it usually comes from pws or Rinis (though I really shouldn’t bother adding the “or” because the venn diagram of people who ship pw and people who ship Rini is a circle) and they actively ignore the story this show is trying to tell in favor of their own misguided narrative. Last season, they claimed that Gina was a homewrecker because she was trying to “steal” Ricky away from Nini, despite the fact that Gina quite literally said she would never “step on what he has with Nini.” and she never did. Same thing is happening this season, except now it’s “Ricky is trying to steal Gina away from EJ.” when we’ve seen Ricky actively go out of his way not to do that because he’s prioritizing Gina and her happiness over his own feelings. They invent plot points and motives that fundamentally don't exist within the show.
I’ve heard it all. “Ricky doesn’t have any feelings for Gina.” *next season* “Okay, so he does, but they came out of nowhere.” *one episode later* “Okay, they didn’t come out of nowhere, but Gina doesn’t like him back. She’s moved on to EJ.” *watches their WDYKAL performance* “...so maybe Gina does have feelings for Ricky...b-but she shouldn’t break up with poor EJ because that’ll break his wittle heart!!” (as if I’m supposed to care about his feelings during their inevitable breakup when he’s the one actively ruining his own relationship by being selfish, non-communicative, insecure + keeping secrets from and not spending time with his girlfriend). 
They’re scrambling for a reason, any reason, for Ricky & Gina not to end up together and I’ve yet to hear a single one that wasn’t nonsensical and completely disproven by the show. Just loud and wrong, every single one of them. 
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