#ever think about how long she worked on her plan without telling her captain.... ever wondered how he felt abt that........
davlucies · 2 years
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promise me.. promise me.
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Hi! For your follower event would you please do a Tanzanite with Fordo in the late spring? I love him so much and there’s very little content out there for him T•T
Summary: Fordo knows his cyare. He knows her moods and her likes and her dislikes. So when she comes home after a bad day, he knows exactly how to cheer her up.
Pairing: ARC Captain Fordo x F!Reader
Word Count: 512
Prompt: Tanzanite - Perceptive Love
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Fordo deserves all of the love. And I know that he doesn't talk a lot in canon, but I personally think that he'll be a bit more chatty with his partner, which is why he does talk a lot here.
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Fordo’s cyare is everything good and nice and pure in the galaxy. She’s every good thing that he’s ever wanted, and never thought that he would be allowed to have. She gives freely and without thought, and all he wants to do is make her life better.
It’s all he can do, really.
So when he gets a message, about 15 minutes before his cyare normally leaves work, telling him that today’s been a rough day, and asking if he minded if they pushed back going out to dinner by half an hour, just to give her time to put a smile back on her face and be good company, Fordo is already coming up with other plans.
He cancels the reservation, and instead has the meals ordered to be delivered to the apartment. And then he heads into the bedroom to prepare everything that she might need for a long bath.
So, by the time she walks through the door, the bath is already full of steaming water, her favorite pajamas are sitting on the towel warmer, and there’s a glass of wine sitting on the bathroom counter.
“Fordo,” She greets him with a slightly strained smile, “I just need half an hour, and then we can-”
He stops her by pressing a light finger against her lips, “You don’t have to force yourself, cyare.” Fordo chides gently, “I already canceled our reservation.”
“Oh, but-”
He leans in and kisses her cheek, “I arranged for the food to be delivered, I ordered your favorite, plus dessert.” Fordo lightly pulls her purse from her shoulder and hangs it from its hook, “I already ran a bath for you, with your favorite bath salts, and your pajamas are sitting on the heating rack.”
Fordo eases her jacket off her shoulders and hangs that as well, “Dinner will be here in an hour, so that should give you plenty of time to decompress.” His smile is gentle as he brushes his fingers against her cheek, “And, if you need more time, I can always warm it back up.”
She blinks at him, and suddenly there’s tears in her eyes, “How are you always so good at this?”
“I know you, cyare.” He cups her face with gentle hands, “You give and give and give, until there’s nothing left. And I love that about you, I do. But you’re allowed to be greedy every now and then. You’re allowed to say, ‘Fordo, I can’t do this today’.”
She shakes her head, “But…I want you to be happy.”
“Oh, my beautiful cyare,” He pulls her into a kiss, “Love isn’t setting yourself on fire to keep the other person warm. I love you. Not what you can give me.”
She slides into his arms, pressing her face against his chest. “Will you sit with me?” She mumbles.
“Of course.”
“And tell me about your day?”
“Whatever you want, cyare.”
Her arms tighten around his waist, “I love you, Fordo.”
And he presses a light kiss to the top of her head, “I love you too, cyare.”
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bitchymanlet · 1 month
Safety Net
Chapter 1: The Plan
Pairing: Levi x Fem!OC; Sub!Levi x Domme!OC
Tags/Content Warnings: canon compliant; problematic; pregnancy; baby trapping; porn with plot; explicit sex; angst; obsession; jealousy; age gap (both are adults); losing virginity; secret relationship; power imbalance; superior and subordinate romance; D/s dynamic; BDSM (FYI, these tags cover the overall story. No sex or kink in this chapter.)
Word Count: 2,491
Summary: Ambitious Scout Emmy Bohn, member of the elite Captain Levi's Special Operations Squad, finally brings her dream to fruition by means of deceiving the one who she holds most dear, her own Captain. However, it's not all smooth sailing from there. She must grapple with the possibility that the life of peace she's meticulously crafted in her mind over the years—the control that she so desperately craves—may always be a mere fantasy.
A/N: This is my first fanfic I've ever published. Hope you enjoy.
Levi shuffled into the Commander’s office with a despondent look etched onto his stony-face. He kept some distance between himself and Erwin’s desk, yet far enough away from the door to prevent anyone outside from eavesdropping.
“Levi.” Erwin perked up, giving the Captain his full attention.
Levi rips off the bandaid. “I’m in deep shit, Erwin... Emmy’s pregnant,” he paused, putting his hands on his hips and sighing, “and it’s mine.”
Erwin eyeballed Levi, waiting for an elaboration. “Care to explain?”
“It’s been so long since you got laid that you forgot how pregnancy works? We had sex.”
Erwin shut his eyes and released a long, weary sigh. “You’re not making my job any easier, Levi.”
“Sorry for the inconvenience,” Levi deadpanned.
Erwin stared at nothing as he put on his signature thinking face.
Levi spoke up, “Nobody knows. Except for Dr. Sieger at the infirmary. Emmy just found out today and came straight to me with the news. So…” Levi shrugged, crossing his arms. “Any ideas?”
Erwin thought about it. If the doctor had confirmed it, then there’s little chance that she’s lying about her pregnancy. Nor would it be feasible to assume the doctor would tell anyone, that’s a small relief to Erwin at least, since Dr. Sieger is under oath to keep patients’ medical confidentiality.
“There’s no certainty that the child is yours.”
Levi scowled. “Are you really suggesting that Emmy, the one without so much as a speck of dirt on her record, is actually a slut?”
“You cannot be certain that there is no possibility for her to have gotten pregnant from someone else.”
Levi’s scowl faltered slightly. He had only slept with Emmy once, and in that single time he had worn a condom. Shit happens, a broken condom isn’t unheard of. Sure, there was a possibility that Emmy could’ve seen someone else around that time… He scoffed at such a bullshit notion. She was a virgin right up until they had done the deed. But that’s none of Erwin’s business.
“You know Emmy’s reputation. And you know damn well how easily word gets around. Petra is Emmy’s bunkmate, she’s got the bottom bunk and she’s a light sleeper. If Emmy snuck off to go fuck somebody, Petra would’ve found out, and she couldn’t keep it secret–that girl wears her heart on her sleeve.” Levi glanced off to the side. “There’s no doubt about it… it’s mine.”
Erwin stared at Levi. “By your logic, Petra would know about Emmy sneaking off to see you. She could be a witness.”
“Petra doesn’t know because Emmy didn’t sneak off. I gave Emmy a late night assignment… As far as Petra knows, Emmy was busy following orders,” Levi muttered.
Erwin folded his hands together over his desk. “This was no accident, I see. This was premeditated.” He nodded, gazing at his hands before looking at Levi. “You realize that fraternization is prohibited? This is grounds for dishonorable discharge.”
“I’m well aware,” Levi answered dryly. “What’s the point in telling me this? You’re gonna give us the boot? Okay, thanks for dragging me out of that shithole, my six years as a Scout have been a blast, good luck with saving humanity, Commander.”
Erwin let out a wry chuckle. “You know that I would never give you the boot. Emmy is another story…”
Erwin considered the possible outcomes. If the child was indeed Levi’s, according to the military code, that would mean both Levi and Emmy would have to be dishonorably discharged. Booting Humanity’s Strongest Soldier from the Survey Corps would be shooting himself in the foot at best and damning the fate of humanity at worst. Although, if he kept their affair under wraps, Emmy’s pregnancy would eventually become a problem. He wasn’t so much of a monster that he would put a pregnant soldier on the front lines. Emmy is a very capable soldier in her own right, but so were many others. Nor could he make her take the fall for this either–it would ruin her.
“Her squadmates are aware that she is sick,” Erwin said. “I could formally put down that she has contracted a severe ailment and give her medical leave. Perhaps it was a flare up from some chronic illness that she had under control, until now. She can return at her own discretion.”
“Beats a dishonorable discharge, but… then she’d have to report for duty after her leave. What about the kid? She doesn’t have a family to take care of it, they're all dead,” Levi said in agitation.
“Then her duty won’t be on the field. She could transfer to office work, again, on the grounds of her documented chronic illness.”
“Then who would take care of the kid?”
Erwin narrowed his eyes. “Why don’t we ask her?” He stood up from his desk with an air of nonchalance. “Bring her here.”
Levi clenched his jaw and left to fetch his pregnant subordinate.
When Emmy entered the Commander’s office, none other than Commander Erwin himself was seated on his small, professional-looking sofa.
“Hello, Emmy. Have a seat.” Erwin gestured for her to sit on the other side of his sofa.
Emmy stood frozen in place while Levi walked past her and plopped down in a chair.
She quickly nodded. “Yes, sir,” she said, quiet as a mouse, then she rushed to the sofa and sat down.
She held her trembling hands together on her lap. It wasn’t often that she had the chance to speak directly to Commander Erwin. Despite only having eyes for the Captain, even she couldn’t resist his charming aura.
But she had to keep it together. This is the moment of truth. She cannot screw this up.
“How are you feeling?” Erwin asked in a low tone of voice.
She cleared her throat. “Uh-I-I’m, uh, fine… sir.” She didn’t have to act here. Her anxiety was so real, her voice went up an octave higher without even trying. She gulped, hoping she wouldn’t throw up all over his nice rug.
“Captain Levi told me the news; that you are with child. Congratulations.”
Emmy glanced at Levi, who had a somber look in his eyes. She then lowered her head, saying nothing.
“Perhaps a ‘congratulations’ is not very appropriate, for the circumstances in which you find yourself are anything but.”
Emmy bit her quivering lower lip. She let out a whisper of a noise, trying to find the courage to speak. This was supposed to be the easiest part, yet here she is, all choked up in the Commander’s office like she’d just seen a titan for the first time.
“Nevertheless, I haven’t summoned you here for a reprimanding. I must ask you, what course of action would you prefer for yourself? I suggested that I give you a medical leave for your chronic illness, and that once you have recovered, you may return to do office work. Captain Levi, however, doesn’t like this plan.”
Emmy lifted her head up, widening her eyes at Erwin.
“I’m not getting punished?” Emmy’s high-pitched voice shook.
“No. This is… a special case, let’s call it that. Now, your thoughts?”
Her heart raced in her burning chest, in any moment her stomach acid could come up, further stripping her of her dignity before her two heroes. How she loathed making herself appear meek. Subordination was one thing, for she would gladly accept the command of a worthy leader. Meekness made her stomach twist in knots.
This is just a means to an end, she reminded herself, fidgeting with her hands all the while Erwin’s and Levi’s eyes locked on her.
Her eyes filled with tears. “I… worked so hard to get to where I am, sir,” her voice cracked, and she blinked her tears free. “To think that… after all this time, my-my career is…” She hiccuped, her voice caught in her throat.
Levi stepped up to her, pulling his handkerchief out from his breast pocket and handing it to her before retreating back to his chair, draping his left arm over the back.
Emmy whined at the kind gesture, her Captain always did have a keen sense of compassion. She gingerly wiped her tears on Levi’s divine handkerchief, almost as soft and silky as his skin. What a shame that her nose was too snotty to be able to smell it.
How despicable this was, and she knew it. After all the times she had been praised for her diligence; for her bravery, even from her beloved Captain Levi.
“I’m not fighting for humanity anymore…”
She never fought for humanity. She fought for herself. For this one goal.
“I’ll just be a mom,” Emmy heaved. “If I did office work, then there wouldn’t be anyone to care for my baby... My family died in the Titan invasion of Shiganshina five years ago!”
“Levi told me the same." Erwin’s eyes bore into her own with intensity, she hadn’t even noticed him blink yet. "What should we do instead, Emmy?”
She blew her nose into the Captain’s handkerchief, sullying the precious thing with her filth.
“Maybe… a medical discharge would be most ideal…?” her voice cracked.
Erwin quirked an eyebrow, and Levi leant forward in his chair.
“A medical discharge?” Erwin broke his gaze away from Emmy for a brief moment as he sat up straight and tilted his head. He then looked at Levi.
“That way,” she continued, “I could stay home to raise my and Captain Levi’s child, without being called into duty,” Emmy said in a lower tone, closer to her natural speaking voice.
The room fell silent. Emmy clutched Levi's soiled handkerchief, her eyebrows knit in worry. This was it. All the Commander had to do was approve. If he doesn’t, then these past five years would have been for nothing.
She would rather kill herself than succumb to a titan. If she had no control over how she could live her life, then at the very least she could control how she would die.
“Emmy… Do you love Levi?”
“Why the fuck would you ask her that?” Levi’s expression twisted into a grimace.
“Well, I’m curious.” Erwin glanced at Levi before turning his body over to Emmy, staring into her eyes again. “Why not one of your fellow squadmates with whom you spend more time in the day getting intimately involved? Why Levi, your superior officer?”
Levi gripped the back of his chair.
Being asked that so suddenly brought on a wave of heat over Emmy. She had a lot to be ashamed of, but there was no shame in loving the man who gave her a purpose for living. If this would help to convince the Commander of going along with her plan, then so be it.
Her breath hitched, her face flushing as she raised her shoulder in a bashful manner. “I do. I am in love with my Captain, sir. I have a close relationship with each of my squadmates, and I do care for them deeply, but the Captain…” Emmy continued with her shaky voice, “There’s no one in the walls who I admire more...”
She winced, dropping her head in embarrassment at admitting this to the both of them, and her eyes had again filled with tears as she bit into her stupid quivering lip. Her stomach gurgled in the silence.
Levi squinted his eyes; a pained, sympathetic look to his face. He’s heard her say it before, but now, he can’t quite shake it off as easily as he once had. This crush of hers that he foolishly fed into led to all of this. He can’t shake off the fact that he’s going to be a father. Father to a child growing inside of his most dedicated subordinate who will lose the career she fought tooth and nail to attain, all because he didn’t keep it in his pants.
Erwin scrutinized her reaction for an uncomfortable length of time.
“Very well, you shall have your medical discharge. Consider this matter settled.”
Emmy released a puff of air as Erwin stood up from his sofa and went over to his desk. “You’ll get lump sum payments for the two years you have spent in active duty. No retirement benefits, I’m afraid, but name one Scout with that privilege.”
Erwin opened one of his drawers and looked through his files. “You have served us well, Emmy… You are dismissed.”
In place of relief, she felt a pang in her heart and cringed as she held herself back from gagging.
“Thank you, Commander Erwin,” she said in a choked voice and leapt up on her feet. She saluted Erwin then glanced at Levi for a split second before turning her head guiltily. She hurried out of Erwin’s office, clinging Levi’s delicate handkerchief to her chest, feeling like the most revolting human being who had ever lived.
Levi sighed from his nostrils as he squeezed the back of his chair so firmly that the wood made a creaking sound. He glared at Erwin, who seemed unfazed.
“Oi. Blondie. Did you have to get so weirdly personal there?”
“I was determining her motive.”
Levi scoffed. “Now you’re calling her a liar? I know her better than you do.”
“There’s no need to get defensive. I granted the woman her wish, did I not?”
“Yeah, but why did you ask her that shitty question?” Levi stood up and strode over to Erwin’s desk. “You had to twist the knife in her wound?” Levi spoke with a harsh, gravelly voice.
“Think about it, Levi. You know who you are.”
Levi rolled his eyes. “I don’t give a shit what her motive is. She’s my comrade in arms. I’ve saved her life, and she’s saved mine. And she didn’t use mind control to get me into bed, I made the choice to fuck her.” Levi leant his fists against Erwin’s desk. “Fact of the matter is, I knocked her up. This is my responsibility, Erwin. End of story.”
Erwin hummed. “That is your prerogative, Levi.” Erwin found what he was looking for, and took out a medical discharge document before sitting down. “Even so, ‘taking responsibility’ here entails that this will remain strictly confidential. I am effectively sweeping this under the rug. If there is any documentation of you and Emmy having an intimate relationship, that could be held against me as Commander.”
“I get it. I’m not marrying her.”
“And you must make it clear to her that any sexual affiliation she has with you is not to be shared with anyone. In your heart you can claim it, though, legally, that child is not yours.” Erwin dipped his quill into ink and began writing onto the document. “She was diagnosed with a debilitating chronic illness and is hereby found to be medically unfit for duty. If perchance anyone discovers her pregnancy, it is nothing more than a subsequent occurrence of her early retirement.”
Levi’s knuckles still against the wood, his jet black fringe curtaining over his aggrieved, downcast face.
“I’ll be sure to spell that out for her.”
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Butterflies - Ch7 - Lies of P/Alice Madness
Relationship: P/Alice Liddell
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53898544/chapters/137944243
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Summary: “But why go looking for other realities, when there’s no guarantee you’ll pass through to them?” “Because it’s an experiment, and I jolly well won’t learn anything more about all this unless I try,” Alice replied.
Having figured out how to slip in and out of Wonderland entirely, Alice Liddell sets off on a journey to find more realities around her own. When she follows a blue butterfly to Hotel Krat, she meets P. The more time they spend together, the more they feel as though there’s someone else out there, just like them.
Chapter Seven: In Which Alice and P both Recieve Troubling News
Alice had thought about kissing P.
The thought hadn't been as shocking as she'd thought. It wasn’t the lightning strike Lizzie's books described. It felt natural. A natural pull towards this boy who wasn't scared of her, even when she killed monsters without remorse. Instead, he'd looked at her like she was a star. And then fought for her, too. P had faced her, his mechanical arm splattered with blood. His expression had gone from focused; defensive, to apprehensive. As if he truly believed Alice would ever be frightened.
Maybe that was why she wanted to kiss him. To decidedly prove her point.
Still, P decided to go into the Grand Exhibition building alone.
"I'd rather the head alchemist didn't know how many allies I have," P explained. They'd fought their way here, through more monsters, and we both now splattered entirely in blood.
"And if you need help?" Alice asked.
P stepped closer to her, and, very gently, brushed his thumb across her cheekbone. There must have been blood there, she realised. She didn't care as much about looking like a mess in front of him, anymore. He treated her like a lady, no matter what.
"If I'm not back in two hours, then come find me."
Two hours seemed like a lifetime. But P had come this far without Alice. She had to trust him now. So, she nodded.
P nodded back. His blue eyes look over her, and her heart pounded all over again when he leant forward.
He kissed her cheek. Just for a moment. It sent a wash of warmth through her, and her arguments fell away.
She watched P head into the great building, and felt her heart pounding. He left, no doubt for a much harder battle, whilst she perched on a wall and waited.
She wondered about what happened to the boat, and Captain Nemo. Hopefully they'd made it through the storm. No ships had arrived at Krat's port, so they must have stayed in their own reality. Or slipped to another. Peter often talked about pirate ships. Perhaps he'd been able to safely bring the ship through the Neverland. Was he worried about her? Did he think she was dead, or had he guessed she was elsewhere?
It was a strange thing, Alice thought, to have a friend who could be worrying about you. That was new.
As were these growing feelings towards P. She was a young lady, she supposed, and young ladies were inclined to infatuation. But that made it sound like a disease, as inevitable and unpleasant as her monthlies. This was different. This felt like seeing snowdrops popping up in February. It felt small, and warm, with potential to grow.
Could she let it? How long was she truly planning to stay in Krat? For as long as it took to fix things? And then, what about after?
She didn't have to go back, she supposed. She could go back to tell Peter she was alright, but she'd meant it when she said there was nothing for her in London. It still felt – odd – to leave the city she'd always lived in behind.
For a boy.
But P wasn't like any boy she'd ever known.
She sighed. Curiouser and curiouser indeed. She leant back, on her hands, searching for a clocktower. Waiting was awful. P would be alright, she was sure, but what if he wasn't? What if he was hurt? She wouldn't know for another two hours.
But he appeared after one.
Alice had been pacing, distracted. Whenever she closed her eyes, Krat felt far away, and that scared her. She pressed her fingers against the wall to ground herself, when she heard the door open again. There was a figure there; a figure she recognised.
P came down the steps. He walked slowly, rolling his mechanical arm in its joint, as if it pained him.
"P." Alice came forward to meet him. "You're alright. Well, I knew you'd be alright, because you're..." She stopped, when she saw his face. " Are you alright?"
P looked at her. His eyes were heavy-lidded, lashes casting dark shadows over his cheeks in the dusk. He opened his mouth, closed it. Then, s tepped forward and wrapped his arms around her waist. He pressed Alice to his chest, and she leant into him, her arms slipping around his back.
P buried his head in her hair. Her chin pressed against his shoulder, and she felt the full impact of his weight. Could hear the tock of his gears. He smelt of oil, and the iron tang of blood.
"What happened?" Alice asked. P held her more tightly, and she let him, for a moment, before she eased herself away. Before she caught his cheeks in her hands, and didn't feel awkward about the touch. She knew this feeling: she knew what it was like to have the world collapse. "Did they hurt you?"
"I'm not hurt." Though he walked stiffly, and there was a dent in the plate of his legion arm. Not hurt, but in need of mending. "I learnt…"
"What?" Alice asked. Her heart pounded.
P still held her waist. His thumbs twitched, and she felt shooting stars glide dart across her from the touch.
"I learnt Ergo is human souls," he said, his gaze steady.
It didn't sound so strange, to Alice, but then, little surprised her, anymore. It explained how she felt when she saw that blue butterfly, and how she had felt electrified when it touched her. It explained how it brought puppets to life.
She brushed P's hair back, and her fingers lingered over his cheekbone. His skin was impossibly smooth.
"That's why some puppets develop egos," P continued, as though he was still explaining it to himself. "It's the human soul in them remembering who they were."
And Alice understood, then, his shock. P always had this ego. He had a human's ergo within him.
"And do you…" Alice trailed off. Her hand still hovered by his cheek.
P closed his eyes. His lashes fluttered slightly, like a butterfly's wings. His freckles were golden in the sunset. "Geppetto had a son. He never told me, but I know about him. He died." He pressed his cheek into her palm. "That's where my ergo came from."
Alice's heart pounded so forcefully she felt it in her throat. "Who told you that?"
"I can feel I'm right." A line appeared between his brows. "That I just – know. Everyone around the hotel said these things, and now I understand them. Now I know who Lady Antonia was going to say I look like. Now I know why my father was so amused I brought back Carlo's portrait. I am meant to be him."
He had been built as a replacement for Geppetto's dead son. Alice felt an empty horror in her stomach.
"You're P." Alice pressed her palms against his chest. She felt his springs working. "You may have Carlo's Ergo, but you're not him. You're you ."
P looked at her, his eyes that unbelievable blue. The blue of a sea after a storm; of a clear, summer sky; the blue only seen in paint sets.
"Who am I?" he asked.
"You," Alice said. "Are kind. Truly, genuinely kind. You're empathetic and charming - and - you tell the most wonderful lies."
P blinked. "Wonderful lies?"
"They're lies that make people good." Alice found herself leaning into P, into his warmth. "They're wonderful lies."
His lips twitched, as if he was about to smile, and his hands slipped around to the small of her back.
"It doesn't matter who Carlo was," Alice continued. "You're P."
He did smile, then, but it was a sad smile. He pressed his chin against the top of Alice's head. Just like before. Alice felt warmth flood through her. Her cheek was pressed against P's cravat pin. She felt her heart beat against the back of her hands - felt P's heart beat against his palms. She was enveloped in him, her boots clacking as she shifted to keep her balance.
She felt him sigh.
"At the hotel, there's a book about a puppet who wants to be human. I took the name from that." P paused. "Now I know why my father never gave me a name himself."
Alice closed her eyes. His fingers tightened in P's clothes. She ached for him. Ached for not knowing who you were - ached for discovering you were supposed to be something else. She knew that. She knew those feelings. There was nothing she could say that would ease them - that, she also knew from experience.
A distant screech sounded from a nearby street.
P pulled away, catching Alice's elbows. His mechanical arm was chill against her skin. “We are not safe on the streets."
She let him tug her away from the Grand Exhibition, and towards the abandoned houses of Krat. It really was like a ghost town. (Though, a small part of Alice’s brain said, ghost towns didn’t have real monsters.)
“Do you want to go back to the hotel?” she asked.
“Not yet.”
Alice didn’t argue. She followed P back along the streets, and to the shelter of one of the empty houses. It didn’t have a door, any longer, but it was empty of puppets or carcasses, and it provided shelter.
They would be safe, for a little while. P would be safe.
And Alice had her blade. She’d be able to protect them both.
Alice sat on a lopsided chaise lounge with ripped cushions, in the abandoned house. P knelt in front of her, his head in her lap. It had just happened; he had meant to sit beside her, but had just felt too – heavy. Not because of his equipment, his medals or parts wighed him down. He just felt too heavy. He’d sunk down, and Alice had been there. She hadn’t moved away when he rested his cheek on her skirts, so he’d stayed.
In fact, her hand had gone to his hair, and brushed it back, like he was Spring. The movement was nice. Pleasant. Rhythmic. He could focus on that feeling instead of the thoughts whirring in his mind. It had all come together so horribly clearly, as if the pieces had always been there, but he hadn’t turned them the right way.
Ergo was human souls. He was powered by Ergo. He was powered by a human soul. That soul had been Carlo.
“Geppetto will be worried about you,” Alice murmured. She was warm and soft underneath him.
P made a sound. His father would be worried about him. Not because he cared about P, but because P carried Carlo's heart. Precious. He was a precious thing. Even though he made to battle. He traced his fingers over the edge of Alice’s blue skirt, thumbing the fabric.
“The other guests at the hotel will be worried,” Alice continued, though she didn’t sound too concerned, either. She still brushed his hair back, her finger lingering over the shape of his ear. It sent sparks through to his core. “Eugenie, Lady Antonia and Venigni…Spring?”
P almost smiled. “We will go back for Spring, soon.”
But he didn’t move. He couldn’t bring himself to. He didn’t just have Carlo’s Ergo; he had Carlo’s face. The portrait of the boy was Carlo. He'd been modelled after him. That was why he didn’t want to go back. Because he hadn’t been the son Geppetto built him to be; he saw that in the way he looked at him, sometimes. When P spoke about lying to the woman in Elysium Boulevard because he wanted her to be happy, when he spoke about having to kill the survivor in Venigni’s ironworks, when he wanted to fix himself. He didn’t always do what his father said.
He wasn’t always the good boy he’d said he’d be.
For now, he wanted to stay here, with Alice, and not be Carlo. He just wanted to be himself. P closed his eyes, listening to the sound of his springs.
Alice’s voice was still soft: “Do you need repairs?”
He made another sound. Yes, he did. His legion arm needed fixing, his weapon needed a grindstone, and his springs were sticking, where he’d gotten hit by that – monster. He hadn’t told Alice about the monster. That the alchemists were deliberately turning people into those creatures. He knew she would be able to handle it; she wouldn’t be scared.
But it scared him.
“We have supplies to fix you up, pal.” It was Gemini, at his hip. He’d been uncharacteristically quiet.
It was a huge effort for him to sit up properly – Alice’s fingers fell away – and P searched in his belts for his supplies.
“I’ll do it.” Alice offered. She slipped from the Chaise Lounge, and sat next to him, her skirts spreading around her like flower petals.
He showed her his arm, and drew out the repair tool he'd been carrying. There was little light in the house, and it was only getting dimmer. Gemini glowed even brighter to counteract it; somehow, he managed to do it smugly.
He showed Alice how to open the plate of his forearm. She didn't flinch at his inner workings. She tied her hair back, and leant over.
P told her how to fix it; he had watched his father doing it enough; and Alice followed his instructions. She bit her lip, gently, as she worked. Her hair fell down from her shoulder, and he brushed it back for her. She glanced up at him, her green eyes flashing. They looked like emeralds.
Their faces were very close. P could lean forward, just an inch, and he could kiss her. He thought he wanted to. Though, he wasn't supposed to. He wasn't supposed to love.
Was he?
He'd met Julian the gentleman. He knew Polendina. They'd thought puppets could love.
Did he love Alice? They'd only known each other a few days, but P had not been awake for much longer. Did it really matter?
He felt warm. Felt his springs whirring as Alice fixed his legion arm back into place.
"Thank you," he murmured.
Her lips twitched. Gemini's amber light played over her face. She looked beautiful; like a fairy. She shook her head slightly.
"It's the least I could do," she replied. She still had hold of his hand; he didn't pull away. He watched her bring it to her mouth, and watched her press her lips to his metal knuckles; even if he couldn't feel it. It sent a pang of emotion through him. That she was treating a weapon - his weapon - so tenderly. He wanted to stay here. He wanted to kiss her.
But there was a scream. Even closer to the house than the previous one.
Alice got to her feet, keeping hold of P's hand to help him up.
"We really should get back, now."
He didn't argue. He didn't think he could; he felt breathless. He was much too heavy for Alice to tug up; she almost fell herself. He caught her, and they finally began to make their way back to Hotel Krat.
He knew something was wrong, when they were still on the bridge leading to the hotel. Most of the lights were off. The front door swung open.
They didn’t need to talk. They started to run. The lobby was ransacked. P felt as though he was falling; falling and falling, and not hitting the floor. He hurried upstairs. The hotel had been attacked. He’d been away, and the hotel had been attacked.
It was only when he got upstairs, that he found out the worst part.
His father had been taken.
Alice had not liked Geppetto very much. She couldn't be too distressed about his kidnapping. But, she did feel terrible for P. It looked as though the news was a physical blow for him. He stayed, staring at the group in Hotel Krat, unable to believe the news.
It was even worse, because he'd been away at the time. Alice knew that. He was blaming himself, because they'd deliberately dallied after the Grand Exhibition. He was thinking that if they got here earlier, they could have stopped this.
Alice didn't think so.
She couldn’t say that, of course. Nothing she said would make P feel any better. She could only offer to go with him, and get Geppetto back. A rescue mission. She stepped forward, ready to reassure him with the others, when she noticed the butterfly. It fluttered, just out of the corner of her eye. She turned to follow the movement. It was heading out into the hall.
Alice should stay. She should stay and comfort P. He needed her now, just as much as he'd needed her in the abandoned house.
But Alice had always been to curious for her own good. She glanced back, to see P in deep conversation with the others. And she knew she didn't belong here. She was a stranger to these people.
So, she followed the butterfly.
It didn't flutter far. To the top of the stairs, where Sophia stood. Sophia, who leant against the banister, her skin waxy and pale.
The butterfly perched on her shoulder, then scattered into light.
Sophia smiled. "Alice."
"They can't see you," Alice said.
Sophia’s eyes were soft. They were practically glowing; just as much as one of her butterflies. “I knew you were clever. You’re just as clever as he is.”
He. Even Sophia didn’t call him P.
“Does P know?”
“I think he does.” Sophia looked beyond her, to the room where they all stood. Alice heard low voices, murmuring to each other. “He does not want to admit it to himself, but he knows, deep down.”
Alice still wanted to trust Sophia. She really did. But trust was something that was becoming harder and harder for her to keep a grasp of.
“What are you?” she asked.
“I am human.” Sophia reached out a hand. It was shaking, slightly. “And I am a human who can talk through ergo.”
“You know what ergo is?”
Sophia hesitated, a moment. “How could I not?”
“But, P—”
“Alice, my dear.” Sophia took her hand. She held it between both of her own, and Alice realised how frail she was. Her hands were trembling. Despite any misgivings she had, she put her hand over Sophia’s to try to steady her. “We do not have time. I do not have time.”
“What do you mean?” Alice asked.
Sophia tried to smile. “You’re right. They cannot see me, because I am not really here. The me you see is only a piece of my soul that I’m projecting into Hotel Krat. For P. And when I sensed it, you.”
Alice’s heart galloped. “Then where are you?”
Sophia shook her head. “I cannot keep this form here much longer. And I feel when my strength gives out, it will affect you, too.”
“Where are you?” Alice asked. “We’ll save you.”
Sophia’s mouth moved in half a smile, again. “I do not know if there is any saving me. Not now.”
“ Sophia .”
And then it happened. The hotel disappeared. For a moment, she stood in a field, overlooking a small town. There was a clocktower, and she caught a glimpse that it was midnight. Could hear the distant toll of the bell.
Saw a figure by the clocktower. Flying.
“Peter!” she shouted.
The figure moved.
She raised a hand and took a step forward.
Then she was back. Back in the hotel. The gas lamps flickered.
Sophia was gone.
Alice stared. She pressed a hand to her chest, feeling her heart race under her palm. She had slipped realities. Just for a second. Much worse than outside the Grand Exhibition. But it had been when she hadn’t wanted to. Hadn’t planned to.
She’d followed the butterfly to get to Krat. It had been Sophia’s help that had brought her here. Without Sophia, would she be able to stay? Would she be able to get back on her own?
“Ah, bella ! You’re safe!” It was Venigni, coming from the room they’d all been in. “Thank goodness.”
“Yes,” Alice said. She looked up to see P at the door. His expression was dark, and he was clenching and unclenching his fists rhythmically. Angry, she realised, and realised she’d never seen P angry. “Yes, I just—” She couldn’t talk about Sophia in front of Venigni. “Do you know who took Geppetto?”
“Alchemists,” Venigni said. “Working with stalkers. Quite a dangerous group. I think it was for the best that you two were not here. You would have done something foolish.”
They would have fought, even if they were outnumbered.
“The isle of achemists,” P said. He began walking. “Lady Antonia said to check behind the painting for the way.”
“You’re going now?” Venigni asked. “But, you need repairs. We need to plan. I can make your arm much better.”
“There’s no time,” Alice said. Sophia was getting weaker. They had to find her. This Alchemist Island was as good a place to start as any. “I’m coming with you.”
P looked at her. His eyes softened. He nodded.
“Please, one of you, see sense,” Venigni called.
Sense was something Alice had always been in short supply of, she thought to herself. She followed P downstairs. To where the piano stood. He leant over it, his finger searching for the right key.
Alice opened her mouth to tell him. No sound came out.
P pressed down on the key. The huge portrait of Lady Antonia swung forward in response.
Alice would've laughed. It was like something from a penny dreadful. But then, she realised, all of this was. That was where she belonged too - in a penny dreadful.
P strode forward. His shoes thudded on the floorboards. It made Alice realise just how solid he was - just how heavy. He was a machine.
That should scare her.
It didn't. She followed him, heading towards the dark square of the passage. And just before he stepped through, Alice caught his hand.
P paused. He glanced over his shoulder, but didn't say anything.
"It's Sophia," Alice said. "She told me she was in trouble."
P nodded. "We'll find her."
She opened her mouth to explain that Sophia in trouble meant that Alice was in trouble too. That she might not be able to stay here.
But P was already heading through the passage. Alice followed.
Perhaps it would be alright. Perhaps they would find Sophia before that happened. There might not be any need to worry P with that now.
Alice had always been good at lying to herself.
She continued following P. And Venigni joined them, whistling at the submarine that was stored there. The submarine that would take them to the island. Alice stayed silent. She stepped in, after P, and they were off.
Even Gemini was quieter than usual.
Alice put her hand on P's elbow, as he drove. It was all she could do to show her support.
And hope that she wouldn't flip over to her own reality whilst she was underwater.
There was something wrong. P could tell. When the anger had begun to fade, and when he had been able to think rationally, he noticed that Alice was tense. That she kept looking at him, and biting her lip. There was something wrong .
"I lost my temper," he said.
Alice's mouth twitched. "You should see me when I lose my temper."
"It's because-"
"It's not your fault." Her fingers tightened on his forearm, and his chest felt warm.
"It is," P said. "If I had been better-"
"This didn't happen because you felt hurt at Geppetto," Alice said. "There are people who did this, and people who are responsible. There are people to blame, and those are the people who took him."
If P had been a better son, it would never have happened. But Alice was watching him with those narrowed, green eyes, daring him to disagree with her. She was practical.
And she also tightened her fingers further, her brows drawing together.
P took his hand from the controls. It was near enough a straight run to the island now. He grazed his fingers of Alice's hand. She didn't flinch away, even though it was his legion arm.
"This happened to you," P murmured.
Alice stiffened. She didnt reply. Turned her fingers over instead, tracing the shapes of P's palm. She nodded, once.
P brushed her hair back behind her ear, and saw that her eyes were closed. The low light made her lashes cast spidery shadows over her pale cheeks.
"Not this exactly," she whispered. "But I've lost loved ones."
P wanted to pull her close. Wanted to find out more. Wanted to know everything about her, and wanted her to know everything about him. It felt like she already did. He wanted to stay here, underwater, just like they'd stayed in that abandoned house.
But they were nearing the island. He had to content himself with bringing her hands to his mouth and pressing a kiss to the back of them. She didn't look scared, anymore. Her eyes were soft and her lips parted.
He had to pull away. Had to take control. He had to save his father. Regardless of Carlo, Geppetto had still created him. He still cared for him. P still loved him.
Perhaps he was bound by more of the Grand Covenant than he thought.
They fell into a determined silence as he docked the submarine. The island was not much, he thought. Was a misty beach with ruins in the distance. But there was a building, and the Ergo in him awakened. It sparked and danced inside him, and he felt an irresistible pull towards the building. There was a lot of Ergo here.
He stepped forward, half in a daze, and only stopped because Gemini chirped.
"Hey, Miss Alice!"
He turned.
Alice still stood at the door of the submarine. The wind caught her hair, whipping it across her face.
P held out his hand to her. It felt natural, now. And then he stopped. There was Ergo, around Alice. Sparks of blue, twinkling around her.
"What is it?" he asked.
"Sophia." She stepped forward, and for a moment, P saw through her. It was like she was a projection. "She's – in trouble—"
"I don't understand." P came forward. He took her hands, but only for a moment. In the next, they were gone.
"It was her power that helped me get here." Alice leant into him, looking up. Her eyes still shone like emeralds. "Now she's weak...I can't – I can't stay."
P grasped her hands even tighter, and saw her wince. But he couldn't let her go. Wouldn't. Not when he found someone who understood him. The only person.
Alice shook her head, slightly. She didn't pull away. "I'll get back. I'll get back to you, P."
"But I—"
"I promise!" Alice cried.
She reached up, her body warm in the face of the wind and the sleet. It painted her cheeks and lips carnation pink.
P leant down. Her image was flickering worse than ever, like the record of the gramophone skipping. She was disappearing. She was going back to her own reality.
But P would kiss her before she went. Just once. He had to.
Alice disappeared, before he could.
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ineffablelunatic · 1 year
Ghosts pirate AU
Captain - the captain of the ship, obviously. There is a small mutiny in the equivalent of the episode "Getting Out" but they make him Captain again when they realise they're useless without him. He's a good and fair captain and once they get past the initial intimidation, he's actually very loveable.
Thomas - the ship's (very dramatic) scribe. He's very in love with Alison and he tries to add poetry to the ship's notes. It doesn't work out well. He had a sweetheart back on land at one point, but after receiving the news that she had married his cousin in his absence, he first tried to walk the plank and then swiftly moved on to Alison.
Kitty - stowed away on the ship as a young child and is now an essential member of the crew for moral support. Her own family were bad to her and as such the Captain treats her as his daughter. She takes in injured animals, meaning that the ship now has a small zoo in its hold. Nobody knows how she finds them, but they would die for her.
Pat - the first mate. He seconds Captain's points but would never actually want to lead the ship on his own. He has a pet parrot called Goldie who overheard Carol and Daley mocking him and now occasionally mocks him too (allowing for a Season 4 Christmas Special arc). He frequently teaches the other crew members important life lessons, and his sunny outlook brightens everyone's day. He gets seasick sometimes.
Robin - the ship's navigator. He was the original owner of the ship and nobody quite knows how long he's been around, but he's surprisingly wise. He navigates using the stars and even though they frequently get lost, he says the resulting adventure makes up for it. Everyone agrees.
Julian - the ship drunk. He was once a high ranking nobleman, but ran away from his family and responsibilities for a life on the sea. He spends most of his time drinking and playing chess with Robin, although he has his occasional moments of depth. He teaches the parrot to swear.
Humphrey - the lookout. He's afraid of heights but doesn't mention it because he doesn't want to be a bother. He was taken into custody due to the actions of his wife, the pirate queen, and was saved from imminent execution by Captain and his crew.
Mary - the cook. She burns all of the food but nobody ever complains because they don't want to upset her. She writes a lot of letters to an old friend back on land, but the friend doesn't seem to know that she's a pirate. It's implied that she was chased out of her hometown and ended up on the ship, but nobody knows why.
Fanny - the disgruntled hostage. She was taken from a cruise ship by the pirates, and they were planning on leaving her on a desert island because of all her complaining. However, their ship was almost hijacked by rival pirates, and through some combination of extreme complaining and entitlement, she scared them away. They keep her around just in case.
Annie - Mary's childhood friend. They grew up together and were incredibly close, with Annie helping Mary find her voice. However, when Mary had to leave her hometown, she also had to leave Annie, and so Annie waits at a cliff edge to watch the incoming ships, hoping one of them will bring Mary back. Most of the people in her town think she's waiting for the return of some lover or husband.
Havers - once Captain's first mate. The crew speculates about the precise nature of their relationship, but Captain is private enough that he would never tell anyone. However, Havers left the pirate life to join the British Navy in a clemency programme. After he left, Captain was heartbroken. He still hopes that Havers will return some day, and often crew members catch him staring off across the sea as if he'll see Havers' ship coming towards him across the horizon.
Plague Ghosts - the lesser crew. They mainly keep to themselves in the hold of the ship, and most of the main crew try and avoid them because they have scurvy. They all stick together, though, and they keep the ship running, although they get little recognition for it.
Jemima - the child of one of the lesser crew. She was raised on the ship and will one day make a strong pirate - possibly even a pirate queen. She isn't seen around the ship much, but she can sometimes be heard singing haunting old sea shanties from the stern of the ship. Other passing ships assume she's a siren.
Humphrey's wife - the pirate queen. She's wanted in at least 10 countries for extreme piracy, and her actions almost got Humphrey killed. There was always a barrier between them, of both language and culture, and yet Humphrey still tried to take the fall for her treachery. It's unknown how she feels about him, but every so often the ship gets a delivery of a large number of coins. They assume this is a thank you.
Alison and Mike - new hostages. The crew jokes about Alison being related to Fanny because they're both hostages, but due to her far nicer temperament and friendly nature, she soon becomes a staple of the ship. Mike does handiwork around the ship, and although still very unnerved by the pirates, tries his best to live with them. Alison makes negotiations when the ship makes landfall because her social skills are far better than the rest of the crew, and she's probably the only one who wouldn't be arrested on sight. Alison knows full well about Thomas's affections but refutes them at every turn.
The boat - The Button. It used to be called The Rogue Rider when Robin owned it, but when Kitty joined the crew, she would only call it the Button (for reasons unknown), and the name stuck. The ship has been around for who knows how long, and carries secrets that few could even guess at. Sometimes it even seems to have its own sentience, although nobody understands how. What they do know is that when a new crew member comes aboard, there's already a room waiting for them, and sometimes they'll enter their room only to find it has rearranged itself. The ship always seems to know what the crew need at any given time.
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captains-simp · 2 years
146 with jock carol I would actually lose my mind
Jock!Carol chronicles are back
Warnings: masturbation, fingering and strap on use
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee? ☕️
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Being room mates with Carol came with a few pros and cons.
Pros: she was a surprisingly organised person so there was rarely any mess cluttering up the dorm, she never invaded your space and you'd be lying to yourself if you didn't admit she was easy on the eyes.
Cons: she brought a fair few girls back to your dorm, sometimes without much of a warning, and she rarely let you study in peace, always telling you about the parties you should be going to with her instead of burying your head in your books.
You'd always brush her off, telling her that was easy for her to say when all she needed was to be scouted by the right person for her career to be set in stone, but she would just repeat the same thing the next day. Besides, the long hours that Carol spent at those parties were the only time you got some time to yourself and you planned to continue to savour them.
Thinking you would be alone for the rest of the night, you settled comfortably under your covers and pulled up some of your favourite videos, allowing yourself to relax and focus on the scenes unfolding infront of you as your hand wandered down your bare skin to the space between your legs.
Your eyes fluttered and breathing heavied when your fingers brushed against your clit. You pressed harder and started to let the video fuel your own fantasies, imagining the fingers touching you belonged to a certain blonde. You tried to push her from your thoughts at first until the image of the smug grin gazing down at you drew a quiet whimper. You closed your eyes and invisioned how her hair would fall down infront of her face as her lust glazed eyes fell to your lips as her fingers finally...
Carol's empty beer bottle thudding to the ground broke you from your thoughts and your eyes snapped open to meet hers immediately. You scrambled to sit up but held your duvet close to your chest to keep the blonde from seeing any more than she already had.
"I thought you were at the party." You said, wide eyed as Carol stared back with her mouth slightly agape. You weren't sure you had ever seen her speechless before.
"I was. Cops crashed it though." She said quietly and suddenly averted her gaze in what you thought was a pretty delayed reaction.
“Were you just masturbating?” She asked up front though a small smile started to appear as she looked back at you.
"Were you watching?" You fired back with a burst of confidence.
“U-uh, no. I was just..." Carol started but when she noticed you didn't look furious at the intrusion she took a step towards your bed as her head played with all the possibilities that her next comment could bring. "Want some help?”
You stared back at Carol blankly for a second before exhaling slowly and lowering your duvet as you did. You watched for any signs of the blonde having a sudden change of heart but judging by the way her eyes darkened as they travelled down your exposed chest, you figured she was more than interested.
With two long strides, Carol was at your bed and cupping your cheeks in her hands as she leant down to kiss you. You pulled her onto your bed by the waist and eagerly allowed her to take what she wanted and push you flat back down onto the mattress.
You brought your hands up to Carol's neck and tangled your fingers amongst her locks, letting them thread themselves in the blonde waves you had been craving to feel for quite some time. Carol exhaled sharply when you gave a testing tug and pushed her hips roughly against yours, alerting you to the bulge concealed between her legs. You whimpered softly at the sensation of the Captain's piece pushing against you and spread your legs in hope of more direct friction.
"Looks like you've done most of the work for me." Carol mused, her lips hovering above yours as she held your thighs open and allowed her thumb to wander painfully close to your pussy. "You're so fucking needy and I've barely touched you." She chuckled.
You huffed and refrained from rolling your eyes, instead pulling at the belt of Carol's pants to reach her zipper until the blonde took ahold of your hands and pinned them either side of your head. "You've done enough work, princess. Let me take care of the rest." You nodded silently as Carol methodically pulled her strap free from its confines when her pants where discarded.
"You want my cock, pretty girl?" Carol asked as she gripped the strap and stroked the head through your wet folds.
"Yes, Carol. Please, I need it." You pleaded shamelessly, gaining a deep chuckle from the woman above you.
"If you need it who am I to deny such a sweet thing." The blonde quipped as she eased the head of the strap into your pussy and grunted at the slight resistance she was met with. "Fuck, y/n, you're so tight." She groaned as she watched lustfully as your cunt stretched to take her piece.
You soon found yourself lost in the intense pleasure of being filled up at every angle the more Carol eased herself into you until her harness was pressed firmly against your stomach. The blonde smiled down at you assuringly as you took several moments to catch your breath. “I want more.” You said, wrapping your legs around Carols waist and gripping the sheets beneath you.
The Captain slowly withdrew the strap before snapping her hips forwards and quickly thrusting the toy back into you again, gaining a breathy moan from you both. In a sudden need to be even closer to her, you gripped onto Carol’s back and brought her as close to you as possible, making her thrusts shorter but far harder.
The needy moans this brought from you was all Carol needed to start fucking you with everything she had, slamming the toy at a merciless pace you knew you would be feeling the next day. “I wanna cum.” You managed to say breathlessly as the toy began hitting spots you could hardly reach yourself.
"Yeah, princess? You wanna make a mess on my cock?" Carol smirked as she planted soft kisses along your neck that contrasted greatly to the way she was abusing your pussy.
"So bad." You cried out as your hips started to buck up into her.
"Then what are you waiting for, doll? Cum for me." Barely a second passed until your whole body tensed up and shook violently as the intense waves of your orgasm washed over you. Carol continued to thrust the toy into your pussy to allow you to enjoy every last moment of your bliss, gazing down at you in awe as she did so.
"Beautiful." She muttered, though you didn't hear it in your hazy state. She kissed your forehead soothingly then planted a soft kiss to your lips, making you smile before she spoke again. "How else have you imagined me fucking you?"
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spotinthespiral · 7 months
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I meant to post this like 6 hours ago but the file goofed 👀
Anyways, here's roughs of Captain Ironside and Young Jack! (As always, ramble below the cut!)
Like I said, these are rough designs for them! Ryan's only on lvl like, 36, and Young Jack is literally an npc I hyperfixated on because his plot is ridiculous. Ryan (Silent Ryan Ironside) is on the right, Young Jack on the left 👍
Refs and wip sketch:
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So, lore ramble as I warned about:
Ryan has the Grizzleheim origin, and her parents were killed in a Mutiny. She's a Swashbuckler, and her First mate is consistently Subodai (horse Warrior). Ryan became a Mute after her parents were killed, and communicates with her crew solely through a complex system of tapping patterns, or simple hand signals. She's slow to trust, and is very loose with dropping people at the first sign of disloyalty, but she picks up her crew like they're each a stray sopping wet kitten. She's still a teen, so when they all joined her, they basically pulled "It takes a village to raise a kid" and the entire Crew works to boost her up as well as keep her safe.
Young Jack recap (w/o bias I hope) I'd that he's the nephew of a guy on the docks of Flotsam who went missing. You find him near the broken lighthouse, he's cursed, you hunt down the dude who made the curse and kill him. Give the head to Young Jack to keep him from getting zombified. Young Jack swears off pirating, and that's the last time he's seen.
Personal Explanation for the art above:
Ryan took the quest would really planning to follow through. She stumbled across Young Jack's trail by chance and found him injured and surrounded by undead. His old crew. She sympathized, and helped him back to his uncle, but Old Scratch and everyone else of Flotsam agreed that the boy was doomed to die of his curse by sundown. Only way was to kill this old immortal famous pirate, so Ryan did just that. She felt like she couldn't just stand down, and she killed the guy and presented it to Young Jack just before sundown.
Jack swore off pirating and retreated with his uncle back home, but I like to think Ryan kept in contact. Jack started work in the tavern, and Ryan made Flotsam her crew's go-to stop just to check in on Jack. They were friends, Ryan's first real friend, and got along swimmingly. Ryan taught him the codes and translations for her taps, and they bonded. (Currently they're still courting. Jack thinks she's just the coolest girl he's ever met, and she thinks Jack is reckless, but sweet.)
One time, I like to think just after Monquista, Ryan went to the tavern, only to get news that Jack had been kidnapped, by pirates, then the Armada. Ryan has a paralyzing fear of the Armada, but snuck away from her crew. She was trading her surrender for Jack's safe return. Ryan managed to send Jack back safe, giving herself up to Deacon in the process.
Jack, in my headcanon, has a giant slash scar across his face because of this incident. When he got back and tried to tell Ryan's crew what had happened, Subodai was furious. Subodai is basically Ryan's mentor and adoptive father, so when he heard what had happened his was in such great distress he didn't even think. He drew his sword and slashed Jack across the face without a second thought, before the crew could stop him.
Everyone ended up bannmding together to vet Ryan back in one piece, but that incident is what I think drove Jack to join Ryan's crew. If he remained away from her, he'd only be a dangerous outlier for enemies to use against her. Staying close let both of them be safer, and happier, despite how he swore off pirating not long ago.
Obviously Jack doesn't fight, he's not an npc I can pick up and take with me, so I like to think he's just kinda the housewife here. He keeps the ship and crew in order when Ryan's going onto land for extended periods of time. He also probably keeps track of Ryan's debts, favors owed, and things of that nature. Besides that though, they're just really close, and it's good that Ryan bonded with someone outside her crew for once, even if he ended up in the Crew in the end.
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lily-radiance · 2 years
Even Flowers Can Bloom In The Winter- Bleach- Aizen, Byakuya, Grimmjow, and Ulquiorra x AFAB reader Teaser
Because the whole entire fanfiction is way too long I'm posting this teaser to get a general idea of the success of the entire document.
Life in the soul society has always been both the best and worst thing that ever happened to you. Along the way you had known so many faces, so many comrades who had either fallen in battle, stopped caring about their duties, and of course those who had changed sides. You had always stood for the main ideals of the Soul Society to protect the world of the living from harm's way.
There was always a routine way of being a Soul Reaper, especially when you were the second lieutenant of squad six captain, Byakuya Kuchiki. He was arguably one of the toughest captains to put up with, but his lessons were valuable nonetheless, and you'd do anything to reach your potential. Of course your captain had the most specific training regimen, made you wake up early, ordered that if you were delivering paperwork of any kind it needed to go directly to the specified captain. If he found out you had cut corners, even by a little bit, the training would only grow harder.
Yet you would later discover that this rigid schedule would come to benefit you as time flew by instantaneously. No longer would you be just another student, just another average Soul Reaper! No, that was not in the stars for you, but maybe you would come to wish it was. Maybe ordinary life would be easier to handle.
"Look Yumichika, all I'm saying is you need to stand up to that bastard and reclaim your glory!", a rather tipsy Rangiku instructed the exhausted young man.
This was usual for the misfits, just like any other night with the clowns full of drama and energy. You leaned on the entryway of Rangiku's room, trying to connect the dots from afar without being dragged in. However a loose floorboard had other plans for you as your footing was not secure, causing you to trip and collapse near the two individuals.
"It's a surprise to see you here, (Y/N), I thought you didn't get involved in our personal affairs…", the flamboyant man chiding you for your abrupt appearance.
Of course he was kidding with you as this type of meeting was a regular occurrence in your select group of friends, and that always included you.
"I never said that, and you guys didn't leave room for me to join the conversation exactly. By the way, who's ass is on the line?"
Rangiku helped you get in a sitting position, still holding in a few chuckles from seeing your entrance. You really shouldn't have jumped down that rabbit hole, but at the time it seemed insignificant.
"Well Yumi here is complaining about Ikkaku, who said something about his appearance, and it didn't go well. Honestly I think he looks fine, but he won't take my opinion on the matter," she whispered to you, trying to hide the fact she just blabbed right in front of Yumichika.
"Hey don't tell her that! I thought you agreed to keep it secret! How will the other officials see me!? If Ikkaku, that bald idiot thinks I look bad!?"
A silence followed the outrageous comment, caused by the need to figure out if he was really serious. He always had these worries, even though you were pretty sure he was the epitome of gorgeous, besides his attitude levels.
It was just the thing you needed after a day's work, hearing your friend hold the silliest of insecurities, all while you and Rangiku clutched your abdomens, laughing hysterically. As much as Yumichika wanted to stay bitter, he found himself laughing right alongside you two.
"Okay, now that that topic is out of the way, and since we're talking appearances, let's list the most intriguing Soul Reapers! I'll go first, by saying that I'm plenty interested in that Izuru. Sure he could have more of a personality, but it isn't like we're going out or anything!", Rangiku continued on with the shenanigans.
You shared a look with the swordsman next to you, both of you holding a look of confusion and concern for her spontaneous interruption.
"Ugh there's so many boring guys here! And all the hot ones are our superiors anyways," he stated, clearly wanting to change the subject.
Yet his desire to end the conversation was shut down by another question from Rangiku.
"Uh yeah, have you seen them? I'm not saying we date them or anything, but at least give me some details! (Y/N), you're Captain Kuchiki's third seat! Isn't there anything interesting in squad six? Maybe Renji?"
You pushed her shoulder, flushed from the cheeks down to your neck at the assumption. Sure you may have had a small inkling of adoration for him, but only because he was one of the Captains of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads! And Renji was too infatuated with Rukia for your heart to develop an attachment.
"Grow up, Rangiku! Renji is not my type, plus he's had a crush on Rukia for years! Not to mention he's my superior as well!"
A devilish smile appeared on her features, resembling that of excess delight.
"But you didn't say anything about Captain Kuchiki! He's been single for a lifetime, plus you see him everyday, so you must at least have some sort of affliction connected!"
You wanted to tell yourself the liquor had gone to her head, which was probably true, but it wouldn't change anything because her mind was set on making you confess.
"There you go again, making assumptions about our lives! Y'know Rangiku you claim to like Izuru, but you've totally got the hots for Captain Hitsugaya! Especially at the training ground yesterday, you were so into him!", You countered in defense, wanting to protect your own personal information.
"Please you were the one who was on top of him!"
"Because he's helping me with my zanpakuto! Do you know how hard ice is to work with!? It takes so much spirit energy, and Toshiro has the most control with the element!"
The childish argument was just the entertainment Yumichika needed to get back on his feet, although he wasn't going to join the conversation without stirring the pot more.
"You both have it bad for a bunch of guys! Rangiku, you like Toshiro, and Izuru, and don't forget that episode with Shuhei! 
( Y/N) you are totally crushing on Captain Kuchiki, I mean I get it, he's pretty, but he's still an ass! And don't forget about the other one, Captain Aizen, right?"
Your pulse skipped a beat at that notion, unaware that Yumichika of all people had picked up on that small detail.
"Oh my goodness, (Y/N), you have it worse than I do! Two captains? Both of their squad barracks next to each other?"
That's when you remembered that mistake, how you had left a set of documents in your private quarters that the serious captain needed to be signed as soon as possible by the latter. You had placed them on your desk so you wouldn't lose them but your usual detour to the Squad Ten Barracks had ruined this plan.
"I have to go get some paperwork for Captain Aizen now! Sorry, see you guys tomorrow! Don't be dumb without me!", You announced just before rushing out of the small building, hoping that you could be quick without your own superior noticing your error in judgement.
You wouldn't normally use the Flash-Step technique unless it was an emergency, and in this case it was. You had been rigorously practicing the movement, but it still felt odd, becoming nothing more than a blur as passerbys wondered where you were headed at this time of night. You saw some familiar faces as you sped by, some giving you curious glances as you weaved through the bodies.
You had been promoted to the lieutenant of the sixth squad roughly a year prior, being commended for your abilities, but you were still placed in the third seat for an unknown reason. You never asked your captain, instead putting it up to random regulations that because you were so quick to raise your rank, they had to make sure you were ready for the position. 
Renji had even told you he was surprised you were placed below him in ranking, but he told you not to worry about it since you had similar duties and tasks to fulfill.
Aizen's Signature 
Before you knew it you had arrived at your own quarters, glancing around the halls for any signs of life besides the chatter of conversations inside shared rooms. Captains had the largest rooms, equipped with a number of different decorations and furnishings. Next were the lieutenant quarters, fit with a room big enough for an average bed, desk, couch and one bookshelf against a wall for any other special items that you may want to place in the empty space.
At last you found the pile of documents right where you left them, untouched and intact. Your eyes began to scan the letter, recognizing your own Captain's near perfect handwriting, but even in writing his tone remained the same, clear, concise, and strict just like his voice.
As you kept reading you began to feel like you were being lectured by the paper itself, the terminology was reminding you about the academy, and the stern teachers who despised the very idea of creativity. Mostly the letter was just to set up training schedules between the different squads, and listing the most impressive officers who deserved a recommendation, but alas, your name was not in Byakuya's mind, and therefore not written in ink on the page.
A slight spark of frustration crackled in the back of your skull, making you question your actual ranking among the various squads. Captain Hitsugaya had applauded your quick adaptability to learning the various techniques of your sword, and Captain Kuchiki had been taken aback by your kido use! Was it a once in a lifetime moment? Or had you simply imagined something that wasn't there in the first place? Whatever the cause, you still needed to take a jog to the Squad 5 barracks and offices, hoping that the much calmer Captain was still awake and responsive. You would have given the paperwork to Momo, but she seemed to be unavailable for the whole day, only talking to you in passing.
By the time you had left your comfortable hideout from the rest of the public, most of them were turning in for the night, and others were sneaking out to catch a break from the stressful Shinigami lifestyle. Unfortunately you could not do either after arriving at the neighboring squad quarters. After taking a breath to calm your nerves you knocked the back of your hand to the entryway frame, hoping that you could go back to your own matters without being afraid for your life.
You knocked a second time, this one a bit firmer so the sound could be heard from the other side. Your hand almost came back for one more attempt but the sliding door opened a hair before you made contact with the wall.
You'd been in multiple meetings with Sosuke Aizen since you became a lieutenant, and oftentimes those meetings brought quick conversation, of course before Head Captain Yamamoto listed his concerns and several strategies for the Soul Society to follow.
You found it convenient and a good idea to get to know your other superior, unsure of his overall personality, and abilities. The small talk was initially to make the early mornings more bearable, but you had come to understand, or rather believe, he wasn't as intense as the other Squad Captains.
You had always seen him, glanced his way, even bumped into him by accident when walking(apologizing profusely), but you'd never been so close to him in that instance. For the first time you had seen a completely different man, unable to form a cohesive sentence as your vision lingered on the pushed back hairstyle and lack of glasses. You found yourself trying to gather an explanation for your sudden appearance, and realizing you should probably arrive earlier to meetings.
"Lieutenant (L/N)? What are you doing awake at this time?" His eyes remained transfixed on your own frame, ghosting over your features in an attempt to wake up his mind.
You handed him the sheets of paper, shuddering as your hand lightly traced his own when pulling away.
"Captain Kuchiki wanted me to deliver these to you this morning but I completely forgot. I know it's late but he said it was important and needed input. You technically don't have to do this right now, it's rather dark out, so-"
But your thought was left behind as he opened the door wider, and stepped inside to grab a brush. He looked back at you, a quirk in his eyebrow forming into a questioning expression.
"It's alright, I was awake anyways." He eased your mind of the subject, then motioned for you to come inside.
"This won't take long, lieutenant, but you're free to make yourself comfortable in the meantime. Your captain sure likes his elaborate messages…"
You're sure you weren't supposed to hear that last part, wondering if all of Byakuya's letters were cryptic or logical. And if they were, how many had he sent lately?
"Hmm? That's interesting," you heard him mutter as you turned back towards the desk.
"What is it, sir? Is something the matter?"
He glanced back over his shoulder, a roll of his eyes accompanying it. He moved to the side, allowing you room near the desk.
"This is a set of documents for each of the Squad Captains to fill out, a list of recommendations for accomplished Soul Reapers and I don't see your name on Captain Kuchiki's list…."
You were stumped as he outright stated the lack of favor that the stoic man held for you. You were expecting him to hand it back to you, sure he had listed the most qualified candidates, but he began to finish up, a creased brow still in action as he leaned down to meet the desk's shorter height.
The document was placed back into your hand gently as his task was done. You would have asked who he wrote down had he not spoken aloud.
"Now not only did Captain Hitsugaya recommend you, but several others including myself did too, that way you'll be sure to get a spot in the top rankings. Plus the lieutenants also have to rank and recommend their peers as well, so I'm sure you'll be fine."
Wait? Did he not only disagree with Byakuya's opinion, but he put your name on the list! Has the world caved in and lost all sense of reason? Whatever the case, your heart was beating at a speeding rate.
"Thank you, Captain Aizen- but you didn't need to -"
He gave you a knowing glance, that same look of curiosity, of analysis, the same eyes that could make you stop dead in your tracks.
"I was going to recommend you anyway, so it wasn't out of the way. And you can drop the formalities, (L/N), it's not necessary and I don't want to get used to knowing you as just another lieutenant."
He had followed you out the door, saying his piece to let you know he wasn't going to scold you for casual conversation.
"Then, thank you Aizen, for the recommendation. I'll be sure to drop it off as soon as I reach the office."
Even just saying his last name made you feel a sense of guilt after hearing so many lessons about respecting superior officers.
He smiled at the moment, noting your expression in his mind, the look of uncertainty dwindling across your eyes as the greeting left you.
"I'm glad to hear that, but hurry back, it's getting late, and there's lots of work to be done tomorrow. Goodnight (L/N)."
And with that message the door slid shut once again, prompting you to make a quick retreat to the barracks, hoping to inform both Rangiku and Yumichika of the day's events.
Byakuya Kuchiki's eyes crinkled as he finally began reading over other officer recommendations, unsure as to why the fifth division captain would put you in. Hitsugaya he could understand, Ukitake was friendly to everyone, Kyoraku actually wanted you on his squad, Unohana had instantly taken a liking to you, but Aizen was a mystery.
It wasn't that it bothered him necessarily, but the plain fact that he was purposefully trying to get your abilities higher before moving you upwards. It wasn't that you weren't strong enough, in fact you could beat Renji if you really set your mind to it, but you weren't going to use a battle against your friend for leverage.
Your skills were fragile at this point, they could be exceptionally strong if you were in control, but the slightest wrong move could severely hurt your body, and those around you.
He didn't want to doubt you, didn't want to seem like the unjust captain he had been painted to be. Yet he needed to keep it evident that the art of the zanpakuto took centuries to master, it was not so simple as knowing how to wield a sword.
Even though Toshiro was actively teaching you how to manage the ice, it was nothing like Hyorynmaru, and wasn't as strong either. While Toshiro's blade was physically stronger, you could create multiple ice copies at once, easily creating decoys for battle. Not only that but you could use the element to your advantage, switching between copies at the last moment if your life was threatened. Of course you could use the ice in easier ways such as slipping or freezing an opponent but that was predictable..
Even with the several advantages, your body was not indestructible, and the ice was certainly not your friend either. If you went too long it could land either a cold or an actual blanket of frost on certain aspects of your body. Still this only made you want to work harder, chasing that dream of strength and virtue.
Was he wrong for not pushing your limits? Or was he wrong for underestimating you as a soul reaper? Was he actually upset about your skills being recommended by several captains? Or was he worried you could not handle the responsibility?
Whatever the case, his mind was not at ease, it was relentless and setting his mood even lower than usual. He never understood the typical types of people, instead too focused on his own being to adapt and be open.
Even with his statuesque facade, it did make him happy that you said good morning, that you wished him well when you went off on missions, that you would ask if he had taken a break when he's sitting at his desk in absolute exhaustion.
"Captain Kuchiki? Are you alright,sir?`` Renji spoke up as he passed by.
Byakuya hadn't even noticed the time passing as he stared into the nothingness of the paper. Unable to look away from where your name was written on several lines, each detailing notes and critiques.
"Yes, I'm looking through the recommendations from the other captains, and seeing their reports."
His curt tone was made all the more snappy when he finished the sentence and finally put the papers down.
"Is something the matter with the reports? Did a captain not sign?`` Renji glanced over at the desk. While he was typically out training at this time of day, instead he had come by and was delivering documents just like you were the other night.
Byakuya only let out a huff, seeing yet another captain had written down your name. Wait? Another? Hitsugaya. Kyoraku. Ukitake. Unohana. Aizen. Ichimaru. Soi Fon. Zaraki.
Eight out of thirteen squad captains had recommended you be put more towards the front lines than stay in your current position. 
Some captains even wanted to test your strength (Kenpachi). Others simply wanted to see your Kido(Unohana and Ukitake). 
Some had already considered you tough after the first few weeks of joining ( Soi Fon). 
The rest wanted to see just what your zanpakuto was capable of (Aizen, Ichimaru, Kyoraku).
Not to mention that later in time the lieutenants and lower would recommend their peers, making it an even bigger challenge to keep you out of the front lines. 
With this much commotion and praise, why wouldn't you be moved to the second seat? Because that decision was still his and he intended to do his job despite the bias forming.
"Many of the other captains want to temporarily recruit (L/N) to see her skills in various levels. My only concern is that she's not fully grasping her zanpakuto techniques as I had hoped."
Renji was surprised that his own captain had not thought you were worthy of higher level training. He'd even stated that you were doing incredibly well when you first joined the soul society a year ago…
"Well then I think it's a good opportunity for her to branch out with other Captains and get to know the different squads. She's been training with both you and Toshiro ever since she joined."
While he wanted to disagree with his subordinate, Lieutenant Abarai was probably right, and it wouldn't make sense to disagree with the other captains as well. 
"Then who should I appoint her to? It isn't as clear as choosing between two captains when eight have shown an interest. Kenpachi is a definite no, Ukitake can't strain himself too much, Kyoraku is rather lazy when it comes to training. So who else would be a good match?"Byakuya looked up at Renji, hoping he could make a decent decision.
"Well that leaves Hitsugaya, Unohana, Soi Fon, Ichimaru and Aizen, right? Personally, knowing her and her combat abilities, I think she should train with either Aizen or Soi Fon, since the others still don't have the training type she would need to be successful."
Once again Sosuke Aizen was connected to you for an unknown reason. Why in the world would he be interested in your capabilities? Soi Fon he could deduce, she was the stealth squad captain and could significantly help you with battle tactics.
Of all the decisions he would make as a captain, this felt far too stressful. Personally he didn't think this new idea of passing around Lieutenants was a great plan. Shouldn't you stick with one mentor? Especially if that mentor is your captain? He's supposed to be teaching you these survival skills, not some other Captain he knows next to nothing about.
"I'll split the mentor training between the two of them then, Soi Fon one week, Aizen the next, and it will alternate until it is decided that the mentorship should end and her final abilities will be criticized by those who trained her, myself, and Head Captain Yamamoto."
For once Renji was glad he wasn't a favorite amongst the other Squad Captains, not expecting the training to have such an impact on your reputation as a soldier.
At that instance he realized something that was different about your positions. Even though Renji was the second seat underneath Captain Kuchiki, he never went through the rigorous training like you had. In fact, the very thought of his Captain sending you to deliver paperwork was unusual.
 "What if her training results don't meet the expectations? She's still an incredibly strong figure in the Court Guard Squads."
Byakuya merely glanced back towards the papers in hand, preparing to show them to the Head Captain and announce his decision to the others he would like you to train under. 
He looked towards his second seat once more before leaving his office, gray eyes cold and detached.
"That result could have multiple outcomes, but the two most likely of those are that she stays in her current position, or is dropped to fourth seat. The unlikely third choice is that she keeps training and eventually meets the expectations, staying at her level as lieutenant. And the final option, she is dropped from my squad and moved."
With that negative comment, he was gone, wanting nothing more than to get this meeting over with. It wasn't just the concept of the meeting that bothered him, but his inner soul was unsure if he had made the right decision. What if his decision would ultimately drop you farther in ranking? What if you did exceptionally well and were moved to a different squad entirely? Would you still be a lieutenant, but under a different superior? 
Idiotic Trio 
Meanwhile, you were currently being forced to answer ridiculous questions by Rangiku and Yumichika, once again.
It didn't matter who was asking the questions at this point, as both peers were head over heels for your news report.
"Uh yeah it wasn't all that exciting, but when I went to drop off the paperwork, he invited me into his quarters, and put my name down? It really wasn't a big deal, the only thing that really confused me was his change of appearance. He had completely changed his hairstyle and he wasn't wearing those glasses. I mean I understand, you have routines for sleep I guess…"
You realized you had made a terrible mistake when you started the explanation with your superior inviting you into his room.
"You totally slept with him, didn't you? It's such an easy decision, the guy looks like a god, and your name is on the list so that's a plus….", Rangiku began, completely missing the point of how many rules that every scenario would be suggesting as broken.
*No, that's not what happened at all! It was just really cold outside and he was being polite, unlike some people who think I would just sleep with a superior!"
They both sighed in defeat, secretly hoping you had gotten lucky, while also hoping you hadn't.
"Okay, so you didn't sleep with the guy, but he totally did ya' a favor? Seems mighty suspicious! And what do you mean he changed his appearance before bed? Was he even hotter?"Yumichika interrupted.
Once more you could feel heat rising to your cheeks, mind reflecting back to the close proximity of you and him.
"(Y/N), you can create ice clones right? Just show us what you saw!"Rangiku suggested.
As much as you wanted to shy away from this discussion, all hope had been lost when you arrived in the first place.
"I've been practicing making clones of myself, but I could try it out on someone else. But don't get your hopes up when it turns into a puddle of water."
You reached for the zanpakuto on your hip, slightly unsheathing the blade from the scabbard, and tried to imagine the scenes from the night before. What exactly did he look like? How tall was he again? Did his eyes always have the ability to stop you in your tracks? 
Soon enough the frost from your blade had formed into an exact replica of the man in your mind. The whole point of your clones was to make them seem living, as though they weren't made of the frozen material. But as you stared at the figure from your position on the floor your heart was striking against your chest with vicious beats.
"Holy shit, that's what he looked like!?You should have slept with him! I don't think I can handle it if you destroy it!", Rangiku exclaimed.
Those eyes never left you, following you as you stood up and walked around to examine the copy. Every detail was there, the way his hair was pushed away from his eyes, strands falling loosely down his forehead. Or how his uniform was the very same as the real deal that every Captain wore. Even as you knew it was just a carved piece of ice, it felt as though the real Sosuke Aizen was looking through you, trying to gain information from your stance, your expression, your proximity, your emotional range, and waiting for further instruction.
"What do you need, Lieutenant?"
Even his voice made you struggle to think clearly, matching the polite tone and warmth of the real Sosuke Aizen. Had your zanpakuto known what you were thinking? What you were imagining? What both Rangiku and Yumichika had suggested? Or had your soul been a catalyst to make the ice figures hand land on your jaw, cold enough to make you visibly shiver and almost recoil.
These clones were meant for battle, made to pick up on social cues and clear instruction from their summoner. But because of your lack of orders, this clone had gone off the assumption of your mind's memory, and your slight infatuation with the generous Captain of Squad Five.
"(Zanpakuto name) clone dismissed,"you instructed as the illusion crumbled and blew away, leaving nothing more than traces of frost where it previously stood.
Rangiku and Yumichika were too stunned to form a polite response, instead gasping as you returned to your position on the floor.
"Why did you destroy him!? I didn't get the chance to commit him to memory!" Yumichika whined.
That was part of the reason you destroyed the clone, an air of uncomfortability shadowing the room.
"Because I'm not leaving an exact replica of our superior walking around the barracks! Plus I can't keep it up for too long, you guys know that. Captain Kuchiki would be furious if he found out I was using my zanpakuto for something like this!"
Captain Hitsugaya appeared in the doorway, a frustrated expression on his face.
"What exactly would Captain Kuchiki be furious about, Lieutenant (L/N)? Are you slacking off again? You know I nominated you for a reason…"
All three of you idiots shut up on the spot, hoping he had not seen the replica or heard your previous conversation.
"Captain Hitsugaya, I was just practicing on my kido techniques, and Rangiku was helping me, but I need to take a break. I just don't want to overwork myself, especially before training begins next week. Also, aren't you supposed to be in that meeting with Head Captain Yamamoto?"
His eyes widened as he once again realized the joke was on him for trusting Kyoraku. That guy had told him the wrong time on purpose! At that realization he Flash-Stepped to the meeting, hoping he wouldn't be too late.
Even with the lighthearted air, your mind wandered back to moments ago. What did you want that clone to do besides show Rangiku and Yumichika? Would you have moved closer? And what about the real Captain Aizen? If he had done the same would you-
"Earth to (Y/N)? Hey are you alright?" The busty woman interjected.
"Yeah I'm just thinking about something I have to do, for the office. I think there was something about training inexperienced cadets, and I was thinking of signing up…"
The two energetic soul reapers glanced at each other before looking back at you with a blank stare.
"Signing up? Hey, wait isn't that taught by-"
"Captain Ukitake obviously! You guys need to get your minds out of the gutter! I would obviously be helping Ukitake because he's a really good mentor."
"He doesn't make you do any work! It's like you're signing up for nothing!"
"Maybe I would like to do nothing! Why can't I take a job that is easy? You guys act like I'm not allowed to take it easy," you sighed.
Without warning Rangiku put her hand against your forehead, feeling for any drastic changes in temperature.
"How often have you been using your zanpakuto?"
You wanted to say "not a lot" but that would be a lie, and lying to Rangiku was one of the most difficult tasks, especially when she knows the truth beforehand.
"A normal amount of time, why do you ask?"
"Because you're getting cold, like really really cold. And you didn't summon that clone for a super long time, so there's no reason you should be like this unless you overdid it again."
You glanced to the side, hoping your evasive maneuver would work against the redhead, but of course it did not.
"You did, didn't you!? (Y/N), you have to be careful about this stuff! What if you get sick and miss the training? Or you get sick during? Or you do super well but wear yourself out?"
You knew they were just worried about you, but it didn't dismantle the urge to defend yourself.
"I'll just take a hot shower when I get back to the barracks and I'll sleep it off. You guys don't need to act like I'm dying or anything."
Yet as you were about to stand, both of them grabbed an arm and pulled you back down, determined to make sure you were truly okay.
"But we're trying to be here for you and it's concerning when your ice acts up. Something else has to be going on?"Rangiku explained.
"Okay I admit I'm not one hundred percent amazing, but it's really stupid. Captain Kuchiki handed me some paperwork I needed to get signed by Captain Aizen, and it happened to be the recommendation forms. But under Captain Kuchiki's list of experienced soldiers, I wasn't on the list, and I didn't check any other lists. Why would my own captain not put me there? He's been complimenting my techniques in training…and Aizen signed my name."
Rangiku and Yumichika both put an instinctive hand on your shoulders, trying to support you as best as possible. For the rest of the day, all they did was look out for you, even asking if they needed to speak to Captain Kuchiki for you.
Sosuke always hated these meetings, dreading the idea of sitting amongst a group of people he really didn't care about. But if his plan in the Soul Society was to work, he needed to play the part, and that included attending the Captain only meetings.
"I've gathered you all here today to discuss the Lieutenants that have stood out most amongst our different squads, whether they be new or old, does not matter. Today we will only be basing this off Captain recommendations, and will have a meeting following the Lieutenant recommendations. Now I do not mean personal recommendations based on just feeling, but their skill as a Soul Reaper, as a protector of our realm and The World Of The Living. I will read off the names of those who have been prominently chosen, who they were chosen by, and ask why."
Okay maybe he had to admit that this meeting was a little interesting, seeing how the superior shinigami considered their subordinates.
"The first name I'll read is Lieutenant Renji Abarai with three recommendations from Captain Kuchiki, Ukitake, and Unohana. Why did each of you suggest this Lieutenant?"
Byakuya began, standing at the table and facing the Head Captain, keeping his voice even.
"Lieutenant Abarai is a strong soul reaper, who I feel would benefit my squad the most with his range and dedication."
Next was Captain Ukitake, who if he was being honest didn't think too much about this decision, opting to put down one of the first lieutenants he trusted. Unohana then addressed how Renji needed to work on his Kido, and she could teach him certain techniques to maintain his health on the field.
There were so many names that he found his eyes wandering around the room, regretting his choice to wear glasses he didn't need within the Soul Society, later gaining a slight headache when they were finally off. 
"One of the most heavily selected Lieutenants was officer (Y/N) (L/N) with several recommendations from Captain Hitsugaya, Ukitake, Kyoraku, Unohana, Zaraki, Ichimaru, Aizen and Soi Fon."
His interest was piqued once again, but he was annoyed at the fact Gin had purposefully picked your name as well. Whether they were comrades in a secret alliance or not, did not change the frustration building within his eyes.
Captain Hitsugaya's Recommendation
"Lieutenant (L/N) was my first choice because of her use of another ice zanpakuto. Her abilities are strong but she does not have the full capabilities yet to reach her potential. I would like to help her master these abilities before she slips up."
Captain Zaraki's Recommendation 
"The kid has incredible strength with just a Shikai, and I want to see just how tough she can get!"
Captain Ukitake's Recommendation 
"I can help her work on preserving strength when fighting with a health disadvantage."
Captain Kyoraku's Recommendation
"The girl has a spirit we haven't seen in a long time, and that alone proves her prowess as a member of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads."
Captain Unohana's Recommendation
"Like Captain Ukitake I want to help her understand her boundaries but not be completely limited by them. I want to teach her healing techniques if she is unable to manually patch wounds or side effects in battle."
Captain Ichimaru's Recommendation 
"Her reaction timing is rather fast, and I want to try my own tactics to see how she does."
Captain Soi Fon's Recommendation
"While she has a fast reaction time and speed, she can forget that stealth is important in battle. If she can master stealth, she won't need to worry about close combat as much."
He breathed out a sigh, waiting for the Head Captain to call his name, watching in silence as the others gave their opinions without fail. Their reasons were similar, all having high expectations and wanting to see you through. Some even wanted you to switch squads entirely.
"Lieutenant (L/N) can use her zanpakuto to make realistic ice clones, send long distance attacks, or freeze someone up close. I want to use Kyoka Suigetsu's power and teach her other ways to control the water around her if need be. Not only is her blade incredibly strong but her dedication exceeds any other lieutenant, including my own."
His eyes locked on Byakuya Kuchiki, well aware of the last statement undermining his supposed views of Renji.
"Does anyone else have something to say about the lieutenant in question? Or more plans to be decided?" Yamamoto asked, his eyes searching the room.
Byakuya stood back up, glancing at the brunette, before speaking once more.
"Head Captain, lieutenant (L/N) may be dedicated and her potential strong, but she is not ready to move up in rank despite the training we have yet to put in motion. She is at risk of her own zanpakuto and should not be rushed further into her duties until it is under control. We can not make blind assumptions based on strength and dedication alone."
Sosuke stood up next, along with Hitsugaya, both preparing to counter against the sixth division captain.
"We're not making assumptions, Captain Kuchiki, we are taking a calculated path to better suit her needs and improve her abilities, just as you should be. She only trains with you and Captain Hitsugaya, but she needs to be well rounded in everything to meet the goal. If you don't change anything, she won't get better," He challenged his colleague, trying his best to stay calm while getting his point across.
Toshiro nodded in agreement, as everyone stared in preparation for Byakuya's response.
"Then we'll see how the training goes, but don't be too surprised if it doesn't fix the issues at hand, Captain Aizen. Captain Hitsugaya."
With that note the Lieutenants were sorted by their respective Captains, and just like he said he would, Byakuya listed you under Aizen and Soi Fon, hoping that this escapade would be worth it. He actually did like the captain of the stealth squad, her being the apprentice of Yoruichi made her one of the best mentor options.
You were still at Rangiku’s, lounging around and trying to destress, no longer worrying about the past couple days. This brought back memories of when you first joined the Soul Society, how warmly she welcomed you, despite Toshiro reminding her of curfew and manners. Despite her captain’s indifferent demeanor, he was always kind to you and tried his best to keep you on the right track.
“What if I don’t do well? If Captain Kuchiki no longer sees me as his third seat? Would someone replace me or would there no longer be a second lieutenant?” 
You asked as she began to put some dishes away.
“That won’t happen, you’re too much of a badass! And if for some reason that does happen, eight other captains were floored by your skills!”
That response made you pause, not realizing that she had that information.
“You knew the whole time!? And which captains? Do you know what they said? Was it all good-”
“Yes, several captains, including myself, were quite impressed with your capabilities. But of course you know it falls on Captain Kuchiki to have the final declaration.” Toshiro entered the room, exhausted from the laborious meeting.
“The captains who put a good word in were myself, Captain Ukitake, Kyoraku, Unohana, Soi Fon, Zaraki,  Ichimaru and Aizen. We all agreed you were among the top protectors of the Soul Society. I don’t know which of us will be selected, I left afterwards, but I’m sure you shall know soon enough.”
You were still in disbelief, shocked that your superiors had even registered your  presence, let alone been impressed.
“Was there anything of note? Anything specific that is important?” 
Toshiro thought about your question and felt a thread of concern for how you would take this information. He didn’t know whether to tell you what Byakuya had said or leave it alone.
“I don’t have as many details as I would like to give you, but just know you’re in a good place with practically all of the squads, and certain captains are going to be persistent to have you switch divisions. If you want to know more you should go see your captain and ask for the rest. And please don’t tell him you know who recommended you, we’re not exactly close.”
You stood up from the dining table, wishing both Rangiku and Toshiro farewell, reminding yourself you needed to fill in Yumichika when he wasn’t working.
Byakuya's Reason 
The walk back to your division felt less intense that night, papers and signatures no longer confining you to work. Instead, you needed to focus on getting out of this slump, whether or not it would be easy. 
After all, if this is what it meant to be a Soul Reaper, then there was nothing more to do but train and learn. Although you wished it would involve more knowledge than training, you'd rather not be near Captain Kurotsuchi and his experiments.
No, the knowledge you craved was to understand why hollows existed, why they killed so mercilessly, and how to protect the World Of The Living for good. Was there a possibility to undo the replication and rise of the hollow population? Were there techniques that could truly hurt a hollow? Could a hollow be turned back into a previous form?
If you were demoted, was it possible to rise back in ranking? To be as acknowledged as you wished? For your job as a Soul Reaper to stretch beyond mundane tasks?
 You hoped you would never have to answer those questions, heart sinking at the thought of losing the dream keeping you afloat. Without your thoughts pulling you down further, you stepped into the Sixth division office, looking for Byakuya.
“So that’s it? You’ve decided not to keep her under your wing for the next few weeks? She will be your lieutenant in name only, don't you understand, Captain Kuchiki?” A muffled voice spoke as you neared the cracked, office door.
“If my training has not been sufficient, and other Captains are interested in her supposed prowess, what more can I do, Lieutenant Abarai?”
You peeked through the door, eyes straining to see the superior and subordinate engaged in a heated conversation. Renji seemed to be more vengeful,while Byakuya was trying to keep his tone in check.
“You can do so much more, you can train her more, or even try and talk to Yamamoto! You can’t just stop trying when your subordinate isn’t grasping the techniques! If you tried harder-”
“I am trying to do what is best for her and the Thirteen Court Guard Squads! I cannot go against eight captains, or Yamamoto! My techniques are not suited for training Lieutenant (L/N) the art of the zanpakuto, and neither are yours. She has extreme skill with Kido and managing her speed but there is more she needs to progress in. Captain Soi Fon will teach her stealth, while Captain Aizen teaches her sword techniques and healing Kido. That is the end of this discussion, Lieutenant Abarai, now please excuse me.”
Aizen's Reasoning 
You would have moved, but you had become distracted with the conversation and staying quiet. While you could not move from the hallway, you acted as though you were on your way out, standing near your own office door. His eyes briefly glanced your way before he continued to the exit, unable to say even the smallest greeting.
“(Y/N), I tried but he made up his mind as soon as the meeting ended,  he had already handed the documents to the old man. I’m sorry I couldn’t do more to help you, even if it’s just training assignments, I know this meant a lot to you.” Renji placed a hand on your shoulder, hoping his apology came across as genuine.
You pushed his arm away, that sinking feeling returning to your chest as everything clicked into place.
“Don’t apologize for something like this,it wasn’t your fault. At least eight captains thought I was worthwhile, yeah?” 
Renji hummed, slightly jealous of your bigger recommendation list, although he knew you weren’t happy.
“Yeah, we’ll see how that goes when your dumbass lands in trouble, especially with Captain Soi Fon. She’s pretty tough, even for you.”
You lightly smacked his arm at the nickname, remembering to steal his hair ties when the opportunity presented itself.
“Don’t forget who has a huge crush on his captain’s younger sister, that’s pretty stupid, even for you Renji.”
“What!? I do not! Rukia and I are just friends, same as always! You’re hanging out with Rangiku too much, your brain is dissolving into nothing but mush.”
At that comment you rolled your eyes, expecting nothing more than a jab at your friend group from Renji. 
“At least I have a brain, unlike you! Seriously, that Kido spell was not meant to blow up in your face! Didn’t you hear the instructions, Stupid strawberry?”
You attempted to block his hand that was aiming to flick your forehead, although it didn’t last long as you gripped his wrist and pushed.
“Do you two pick fights often? Or is it just when you’re in the office?”
You both froze at the joking tone, turning to see Aizen standing a few feet from your squabble, smiling as you stepped back from Renji.
“Oh, so sorry Captain, I was just talking to (Y/N) about training and got carried away.” Renji put distance between you and him, sheepish after being caught annoying you.
You sent a glare towards Renji, well aware that he was the one at fault here.
“Don’t worry, I’m not scolding anyone, but I was looking for your captain, and I needed to talk with him about the meeting from today. I assume he’s not here, given your antics, so I’ll be on my way.”
He turned around, heading for the stairway, when you began to follow. You turned to Renji who motioned for you to go ahead without him, and waved.
“Captain Aizen, wait! I need to ask you something!”
He could hear the patter of your footsteps close behind, pausing his strides and waiting for your question. 
“I know you put me in for the recommended lieutenants, and I don’t understand out of everyone, your reasoning for choosing me. I do appreciate your assistance in the matter, but you did not have to go to such lengths for a mere gesture.”
He laughed a bit at that sentiment, finding it amusing how confused this seemed to make you. 
“(Y/N), it wasn’t just a gesture, and what I said at that meeting was the truth, that I do respect you and your strength, going even farther than just a colleague. Captain Kuchiki did not think you were ready to move upwards in combat, he claimed you would be unable to stand the pressures, but I believe you easily could, with training. So rest assured, I have no intentions to force you to join my squad, or decrease your ranking in any way.”
He was about to continue walking, but decided to add more information.
“It’s your decision how you choose to use this training, not mine, or Captain Kuchiki’s. So don’t feel like you have to do anything at all, and that includes formalities like I said before.”
You hadn’t realized that he addressed you by your first name until mentioning a lack of formalities, but by that point he had started descending the stairs.
“You’re still my superior, and it isn’t a feeling, I know I need this training, whether or not you think I do, Captain Aizen. I know my abilities can grow, so if you’re worried about pushing my limits, then don’t be, I’m stronger than you might think.”
Your words, like everything else you said or did, had a certain edge to them, invoking curiosity where it lay buried in his soul.
"Then I guess I'll have to see you in action, (Y/N). Surprise me."
Those were his last words as he walked off, smiling at the pure confidence you displayed. If only you knew his intentions, maybe you would have stood a chance.
"You are hanging out with Rangiku too much! I swear you two both try to get in trouble!" Renji spoke from the second level of the office, chin in hand as he watched the encounter.
"Y'know maybe I'm hanging out with you too much, ever think of that, Lieutenant Abarai?"
Your mocking never ceased to amaze him, always making him question how you two formed such a strong friendship. Even if he did want to fault Rangiku, which he almost always did, you were your own person in that conversation. 
In fact it seemed as though he saw a spark light in your eyes the moment Byakuya left and Aizen arrived.
Click here to read the story on AO3
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aoibhinnslater04 · 27 days
Chapter 9: The deal’s the deal
Word count:2985
I've also started posting this on ao3
Jesper didn’t know how he was going to react when he saw Rhysand and his gang today. He hadn’t been able to sleep all night, choosing instead to go watch the sunrise on Inej’s favourite roof ledge. She had brought him here before, when it was just Jesper, Inej and Kaz, after a particularly frustrating night of Kaz refusing to tell them anything he had planned for a job, just expecting they would trust him blindly. They had, and it had worked out, but Inej and Jesper had sat up all night, discussing how to tell their boss that he could never do that again without angering him, before watching the sunrise together. 
He didn’t know when he had started seeing Inej like the sunrise, dark and hidden at times, but when she was happy she was radiant, she brightened the whole sky. He really hoped she was ok.
Kaz had known, from the moment he answered the phone, the caller ID saying ‘Inej’, that they held the upper hand over Rhysand. How, Jesper would never understand. Rhysand held their friend’s mind in his hands. She could have been killed many times, especially once he realised she had called them to beg for help. Jesper would never forget the terrified sobs from that call. If there was one thing Inej needed, it was control over her own body, especially after her years under Tante Heleen’s thumb. And it had been taken away from her in a single moment. 
But Kaz had managed to get them to agree to his choice of venue for the parley, as well as allowing Inej to go free for the simple price of agreeing to hear them out. They clearly were desperate, only asking for the dagger Inej had stolen in return. 
So tonight, Kaz, Nina, Wylan, Matthias and Jesper would go to Black Veil Island. Tamar and Tolya, who had just returned with a letter addressed to Inej from Queen Zoya, as well as their captain “Sturmhond”, would be waiting in their ship in Fifth Harbour to hear from the Crows, so if Rhysand decided to kill them or steal their minds, at least they would be aware. But they had brought something else of value also: they had brought the secrets of a technique called ‘mental shielding’, which should protect them from Rhysand.
The game was on.
Cassian watched his brother pace back and forth, his face like thunder and a swirl of shadows swirling around around his legs, like the darkness was trying to soothe him. Kaz Brekker held all the cards and Rhys knew it. The Crows were a bunch of kids, but they were resourceful and knew Ketterdam better than they ever could. If anyone could help get Nyx back, it was likely to be them, but that didn’t mean he had to be happy about it. Cassian was currently on ‘get Rhys to get his shit together’ duty, but if Feyre couldn’t get him to pull himself together (and honestly he didn’t want to know what she tried, cause his imagination could do a lot with what he heard from the next room- no way anyone could beat that), then no one could.
“Rhys,” he said, going for the safe option that likely wouldn’t get him thrown in the river by his balls. But Rhys did not answer.
 “Rhysie poo?” he tried, smirking a little before Rhys actually did whirl to meet his gaze. That smirk fell flat awfully fast. The fire in Rhys’s eyes… shit, Cassian thought the reason Nesta and Rhys didn’t get on was because they were too alike, and this was just more proof of his theory.
He gulped quickly before rushing on. “We need to get going. The Crows are going to be waiting, and you’ve been wallowing long enough.”
“They can wait,” Rhys responded, icily. “They won’t move against us when we have Inej.”
Cassian glanced quickly at the girl who sat calmly on the couch, ignoring them. Rhys hadn’t let her mind go yet, despite it being part of the conditions from the call with Kaz. 
“Don’t you think we should let her go first? Obviously not to go bolting off again, but so she’s aware of what’s going on? They won’t see us as potential allies if we’re keeping their friend under our control. Let’s just go in, with her free, as a gesture of good faith. We can’t afford new enemies if we already have some we don’t know anything about.”
Rhys glared at him, but there was less fire in it, as he sighed and released Inej. She blinked a couple of times, and glanced around, before her entire body stilled as she took in the two winged males before her. Cassian couldn’t be sure she was breathing, if he was being honest.
 She had the stillness of the Fae, but her eyes were human. And they were terrified. 
Rhys took a step back, his wings disappearing, before he gestured to Cassian, a silent not my monkey not my zoo, although Cassian would argue it was very much his zoo, and they were all definitely clowns. They thought this change would be so simple, and everything would be better. It’s just been getting so much harder, and not only for them, he realised, before tucking in his wings and crouching to be less imposing for poor Inej, one of the casualties in their dream. 
She stiffened slightly, but it was like she had completely given up. She wasn’t trying to run, probably because she realised Rhys could just stop her again. She was right, but it broke Cassian’s heart to realise how poorly she viewed his kind hearted brother, and honestly, all of his family. And his heart only cracked more when he realised how they had taken this teenager and broke her trust in herself completely. She wouldn’t be the same person after all this was over, and they all knew it. 
He touched her knee gently, and she flinched slightly but didn’t move. “It’s ok, Inej. We’re gonna meet with your friends now. You’re gonna be home, and Rhys will stay out of your head. Ok?”
Her voice cracked slightly when she answered, as her gaze flicked between him and Rhys. ”Why? What are they giving you in exchange for me?”
Ah, Ketterdam. A place where nothing good came without a catch, clearly. 
Cassian turned to glare at Rhys, who was looming imposingly against the back wall, and he could swear that Rhys was making the room darker on purpose, before turning back to the Wraith. “Nothing, Inej. It’s a show of good faith. We need some help, and we offered you back if they would just hear us out.”
“I’m not some collectible that you can trade back and forth. I’m a person!” she bit back, tears threatening to fall.
Cassian glanced helplessly back, but Rhys already had moved forward and crouched beside him. Inej went deathly still again, but this time he could hear how fast she was breathing. The girl was close to a panic attack before anything really had been said, and he had no idea how to help. She was hardly likely to agree to train with him in this state, right?
But Rhys was answering her now, his tone smooth and gentle, like he was trying to soothe a frightened animal. “You are, Inej. I’m sorry that this went so far. I thought Kaz had taken something from me, and I wanted to take something from him in return, and I thought you would be the most useful to me. And I was right, but I couldn’t understand how you of all people didn’t know where he was. Until you and Az went into that house. And I saw your memories from it. He’s not with your Kaz. He’s with them.”
“Who’s with them?” she whispered, her eyes not moving away from Rhys’s, like if they did, he would attack. 
“My son”, he finally responded. “They took my son.”
Feyre finished tying her braid, then stepped back, regarding herself in the mirror. Her face was drained of colour, and the dark rings under her eyes said plenty about her current sleep habits. Oh, what an impression she would make on the Crows. She jumped as her door swung open, Nesta striding in.
"Oh good, your hair is done. That only leaves the makeup to do."
Feyre shook her head in disbelief. "What do you mean, Nesta? I'm ready, I wasn't planning on wearing makeup."
Nesta grabbed Feyre's shoulders, holding her still as she looked her up and down, something like sympathy in her gaze. "Feyre. You look like shit. You are High Lady of the Night Court, and no matter how little that means here, it means a lot to all of us. You are a leader, and for anyone else to believe it, you need to believe it first." She sat down, patting the piece of bed beside her, before noting Feyre's hesitance, and she sighed. "You're hurting. I know. I miss him too, and we'll bring down hell until Nyx is back. But you need to keep your armour up until we get home. You can scream, and cry, and do whatever will make you feel better then, but for now? Armour up."
Nesta finished Feyre's makeup quickly, and stood up, checking her watch, before informing her they were to leave in ten minutes. She turned to leave, before hesitating. "I love you Feyre." Feyre smiled sadly at her older sister, who still struggled to say those three words aloud. But she was trying. Feyre was trying too. "I love you too."
Nina was wringing her hands in anticipation as the other Crows stood tense beside her. She had the Shadowsinger's blade in her belt, the only weapon other than Inej's knives, which should be returning with her, that were allowed. That being said, Jesper and Wylan had spent all morning hiding some of Wylan's bombs and Jesper's pair of guns, if things went wrong, just in case. It wasn't like the Court of Dreams didn't have their own powers to protect themselves, anyway. Better safe than sorry, after all.
There was no sign of any boat coming, but she had no doubt the Fae could come up with their own impressive entrance, if only to prove how much lesser the Crows were to them. And sure enough, with a sudden shift in the air, there came a group of tall, beautiful people who did not look of this world. Kaz didn't wait for a second before stepping forward, Saints bless him.
"Rhysand", he greeted, somehow looking down on the male who stepped forward, power rippling off of him. "I believe you have someone of mine?"
Inej crept forward from where she was hidden within the crowd, bolting across as soon as she was over an arm's length away, to where Jesper was waiting, who pulled her into a bear hug, before pulling back and looking her up and down.
"She hasn't been harmed, Jesper," came Rhysand's cold, amused voice, the darkness in it sending a chill down Nina's back. Inej shrank behind Jesper at the sound. "Of course, why would I ever think that? You only kidnapped her and kept her under your control for how long, exactly?" Jesper snapped back, his anger only seeming to amuse Rhysand further.
"You've all got mental shields up now", he observed. "How... Quaint. I could break through them without much more than a thought, but the effort is appreciated."
Nina grabbed Inej's hand, and squeezed it tight. She couldn't tell if it was Inej or herself that was trembling. They had been preparing for this meeting since Inej had called them, they had done their research and did everything they could to get their mental shields ready for his inevitable attack, but it was a lot harder to keep it up when they were standing in front of him. He had hundreds of years of experience, they had only been practising for a few days. But they weren't planning on backing down now. Inej had needed them, and this old bastard would not be the end of them yet.
The Fae lady beside him stepped forward, her hands lifted in a peaceful gesture. She was thin, and pale, and had so much pain in her eyes, but the other Fae beside her stepped back, looking at her with so much respect that this could only be their High Lady, Feyre. "We don't intend on breaking through your shields", she said, throwing a glare towards Rhysand. "I'm sure Rhys only meant that as a warning, should you face any other daemati, right, Rhys?"
Rhysand lowered his gaze sheepishly and picked at the shoulder of his dark suit. "Of course, darling." He turns to speak directly to the Crows. "My apologies. Although I would appreciate at least an attempt to keep them up when you’re all screaming ‘old bastard’ towards me. Please?”
Nina glanced uneasily around at the rest of the Crows. Apparently it’s more difficult to keep a mental shield up than they thought. Who knew?
Kaz kept his expression cold as he stared down Rhysand. He could feel the tension in his Crows, and he wasn’t going to let that OLD FAE BASTARD (Coincidentally, said Fae bastard winced at this exact moment) screw with them. The Fae lost every bit of leverage they had when they gave Inej back, and so Kaz would let them say their piece, as he had agreed, but if they didn’t get started soon, he would be taking his Crows and leaving.
Feyre shot a look at Rhysand, and Kaz could almost hear their silent, mental argument, before Feyre turned back towards them with a quick smile. “Thank you for agreeing to hear us out. We-”
“Don’t make that sound so civil,” Kaz interrupted. “You had taken my Wraith hostage, we only agreed to hear you out in order to get her back. Let’s not try to appear like any of us wanted this. You were desperate. Likely because whatever happened in that house left Inej with free will, the free will YOU took away from her. Now I’m guessing there’s more to it than that. Probably you wouldn’t have let her in without an escort, likely your shadowsinger -by the way Nina, he’s probably eager for his dagger back- but something happened in that house. Something which blocked your power over Inej, and probably affected your shadowsinger’s powers too. There is something in that house which you want, something you can’t get to, and you need non-Fae people who aren’t under your power to get it. So that means you have to trust us. My only question is why, in the name of all the Saints, you thought WE would be willing to help you, after everything you’ve done to us.”
Feyre’s mouth had fallen open, and Rhysand had gradually gotten paler with every word. Saints, he loved being underestimated. It made beating high-power people so much more entertaining when they didn’t see it coming. But even though he had a little smirk on his face, he raised his eyebrow in a clear challenge. Feyre coughed slightly to clear her throat, before she hurriedly continued. “We know it mightn’t be…the MOST appealing of jobs. But we can pay well, and…”
“And what makes you think we want your money?” Jesper interrupted. Usually Kaz would stop him here, but he and Jesper had talked on the way over to Black Veil Island, and both agreed that they would rather not accept the job than just roll over at the mere mention of kruge. The damage between both gangs ran too deep, and they wouldn’t make Inej work with them because of greed. “Don’t think just because you’re desperate, and sorry, and whatever, that it makes up for what you did. You took Inej-”
“And they took our son!” “And why would we care about anything to do with your family?”
“We thought YOU had taken him!”
“So taking Inej was your solution?”
“You don’t know what you would do in that situation.” “Sure we do, we’ve done it before. All we did was take Wy’s stepmother, and we gave her cookies, and let her sing, despite how shit it was, and-”
“You clearly don’t know shit about family, and what you should do for them.”
At this Kaz’s cane banged on the ground, and everyone, even the huge Fae, fell silent. He stalked forward between the groups, and turned to the Fae. “We know what we would do for our family. You TOOK part of our family, and we are here, listening to you, because of it. You started this war between us, and you came to regret it. That? It’s not our problem. As far as I’m concerned, you haven’t suffered enough,” he said, his voice as cold as ice. 
Rhysand stepped forward, his face white with rage, and Nina quickly threw her hands up, slowing his heart before he could do anything. The two Illyrians snarled and ran at her, but Matthias blocked their way with a roar of rage as they began to fight. Jesper and Wylan ran forward to grab him when he was knocked to the ground, leaving a crater in his wake. Those Batboys clearly weren’t holding back. Nina growled with anger, not loosening her grip on Rhysand as the bones of the dead began crawling towards them, and they began to move hurriedly backwards yelling at her, but before anything else could happen, Inej stepped forward, and all the Crows turned to look at her. She was shaking, and Kaz reached out towards her without thinking but she raised her voice over all the commotion. 
“Enough!” She looked at Kaz, a plea in her gaze. “Can we talk?”
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goat-and-a-pig · 2 months
Chapter 16
“Mabel?!?” His mouth hung open. The compass slipped from her hand. Mabel stared in shock.
“Dipper,” she whispered. “Dipper!” She screamed. She ran towards him and they collided into the biggest hug ever. They were both crying.
“I thought I would never see you again-”
“I tried so hard- so, so hard- to find you-”
“And I thought nobody would understand-”
“So I kept it all to myself.”
“And I would have never stopped until I found you,” they said in unison. They laughed, then remembered about Stan and Icarus. They looked at them.
Icarus stared in shock. Mabel felt a wave of guilt for never telling him. She should’ve, no matter what Bill said. Stan looked like he could cry. Poor Stan, she thought. This is what he wished for every night for forty years.
She turned back to Dipper. “Why’d you join the Gravity Falls Royal Guard, of all the jobs?” He snorted at her incredulous tone. “Because roughly the same thing happened thirty years ago with their king, remember? I found one of the journals, but this scoundrel stole it.” He scowled at Stan. Stan scowled right back. “My plan was to work up to access the other two, find out where their portal was, then come find you. Why are you with an amnesiac and a criminal?” Before Mabel could answer, Stan spoke up.
“You never would’ve been able to.” Dipper glared at him. “Excuse me?” Stan repeated himself. “You never would’ve been able to. For one thing, Journal 2 was stolen before you joined, about eight years ago as a birthday present for that brat Gideon. When he was two. What does a two-year-old need royal property for anyway?” Stan pulled a face and so did Mabel. Ugh. He’s still the worst. “Secondly, even if it hadn’t been, you never would have had that high of a rank unless you replaced the captain, and he’s a long way from dying. Plus it would’ve taken years. Wouldn’t it just have been easier to use your “prince pass” since you’re royal?” Dipper shook his head. “The king wouldn’t let us. He said it was too dangerous. I can see where he’s coming from but can’t he see where I’m coming from?” Dipper took some shallow breaths. Mabel quickly changed the subject.
“I’ve been living with Icarus ever since he took me. Stan got us out of there. Don’t lock him up- I wouldn’t be back without him.” She looked at Dipper hopefully. He sighed and grinned. “I don’t need to anymore- I can quit now that you’re back. I never have to hear Lieutenant Powers say he’s not going to treat me differently because I’m a  prince anymore! Or call me a useless dud. T-take that, Powers!” He mumbled in her ear. “You say he’s been living with you in another dimension. Do you think he’s-”
“I have my suspicions,” she answered quietly. She motioned for him to follow her deeper into the forest so that they could talk more freely. “Do you see how similar he looks to Stan? But I can’t say anything to him about it or he will find out. I couldn’t tell him anything about my life, my ex-lovers, my favorite candy, you… Because if I did he would’ve found out and made sure I’d never see you again.” She shuddered. Dipper patted her shoulder in acknowledgement.
“Wait- Did you say Stan?” She could see the well oiled gears in his head moving. “Stan looks similar-” He cut himself off as he realized.
“Are you saying that con man is the Banished Prince- also known as our great uncle?” His jaw dropped in surprise. “Yep,” she replied. “But you can’t tell Icarus- it’s not our secret to share. Will you help us help Icarus? Please?” She gave him puppy dog eyes. “C’mon, did you really think I wasn’t going to help you? Let’s get this over quickly so we can get you back to Mom and Dad, okay?” He glanced around. “And we should probably get back so they don’t suspect anything.”
“And so that we can explain what’s going on,” Mabel added happily. She hugged him.
“I’m so glad you’re back,” Dipper whispered.
“Me too,” Mabel whispered back.
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karimac · 10 months
...in the details, Part 13
A/N: Warning for this series: 18+ audience (minors DNI), some cinematic level violence, some fluff and angst. Doubt that smut will be involved, but it may be implied. I’ll make sure that is noted clearly if it pops up.
All relationships, at this point in the story, are platonic, but there is romance in the cards for Kari and Bucky.
Please do not repost or translate my work. Likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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Word count: 5.3k, give or take a word. Not beta read. All mistakes are my own.
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It was the morning after the final battle with the Flag Smashers, and all you wanted to do was sleep and not talk to anyone, but here you were, in your kitchen, frosting cupcakes.
Sarah Wilson had been on the phone with you earlier talking about the party she was organizing to celebrate Sam’s accepting the mantle of Captain America, and while you were not planning to actually go to the party, you decided to drop off some cupcakes for the event. And maybe that cake Sam and Bucky drooled over when they last visited your bakery. The one with the Oreo cookies all over the top.
You were not about to tell Sarah that you had gotten your clock cleaned during that fight last night. Oh no. Never admit stuff like that, even if your body was still a long way from being fully healed.
“Why do I do this to myself, Hickory?” you asked your cat as he sat on the floor near the kitchen window, the streams of light from this early Brooklyn morning splashing their sunny glow over his orange fur. “I really am a pushover. But her boys were so sweet, and I couldn’t let them not have good desserts for the party, could I?”
Hickory was a cat of many words most of the time, so his tiny mewls this morning seemed a bit off. He must have been as exhausted as you felt at the moment.
“I’ll be fine, Hickenboogie,” you said as you watched the orange tabby roll over to let the sun warm his belly. “Even if I’m making, what? A hundred cupcakes?”
As you went to set your bowl of frosting to the side, there was loud rapping at your apartment door. Someone had gotten into the building without being buzzed in. Fantastic! Just what you needed.
“Kari? Are you in there? Sarah called and asked me to check on you.”
Bucky. For crying out loud, what was he doing here? You really doubted Sarah asked him to do anything. He was likely just being nosy after last night.
“James, would you just leave me alone! I am not going to Delacroix. Just go down and have a good time. Sarah knows I’m not going to be there. I’d only be a fifth wheel anyway. I saw you flirting with her. She seems like a really nice person, and even if Sam kicks up a fuss, I think you should go for it.”
You never called Bucky by his first name. Ever. OK, maybe once in 1943. And here he was, standing outside the front door of your apartment, suddenly developing the ability to get under your skin.
“I flirt with everybody. Just ask Sam!” Bucky said a bit too loudly for your liking. The funny thing was, you remembered when Bucky flirted with everybody. That was not what he was doing now. He was trying to see if he still knew how to flirt with everyone. Very different concept, and you fully understood why he needed to be able to do it on his own terms. You also wished he were flirting with you, but you really had no one to blame for this mess except yourself.
“What exactly are you afraid of this time? I’m sure Bruce and Wong can live without seeing you for another 24 hours, or was Darcy bugging you again? You do not need to go out on some speed dating thing with her. She means well, but, you know, she doesn’t really understand how big it is for both of us,” he explained as you heard him fidgeting with the door handle. Master assassin and lock picker? Of course he’d have that skill set, but he seemed to be nothing more than antsy at the moment. Then he hit you with the question you didn’t want to hear.
“Was it what happened after Sam’s speech?”
“You mean when Walker decided to be my new best buddy and make sure I was OK?” you replied in a very fake chipper tone. “Or when you decided to start asking too many questions about my health? You don’t want me in your head. Fine. I get it. I don’t need you babysitting me. I just get tired sometimes. Especially if my empathic filtering goes off the charts. The kids in that tour bus were terrified. I drank in a lot of their pain to keep them calm. It isn’t exactly fun, Buck. And I left myself open. I am only human. I do make mistakes.”
While you did your best not to think about what happened, your mind raced as you remembered the group of grade schoolers from Cottonwood, Arizona, all scared beyond words as Flag Smashers boarded their bus. Those poor kids witnessed their driver being tossed out the door and one of their teachers being knocked out before you could even get into the bus. You had to pull out all the stops to keep them calm, even if it meant you falling apart by the end of the night.
“Can I at least come in? Your neighbors might not appreciate me playing 20 Questions outside your do…”
You flicked your hand and opened the door just as Bucky leaned into it a tad. He wasn’t expecting it, so he stumbled slightly as it opened. “Sorry. I’m kind of busy making cupcakes. I’ll get them to Sarah by tomorrow morning. And that cake you and Sam liked. The Oreo cookie one. I thought Cass and AJ might enjoy it, too.”
“You are dodging. Again,” Bucky said as he sat down on a stool near your kitchen counter. “Whoa, sorry, Hickory,” he added as the orange tabby looked up at him but then went back to sleep. “What are you trying to avoid now?”
“Buck, please. You haven’t wanted to share every memory you have, and for good reason. Some of the things that happened since we started working together, they remind me a bit too much of when my husbands died. I don’t exactly want to relive all that.”
That was only a fraction of what was going on in your life at the moment, but you were not about to drop that ton of bricks in Bucky’s lap, even if it meant you had to keep up some stupid façade and lie as if your life depended on it.
“You had two, right? Husbands,” Bucky asked as you nodded. “Can I help frost or something?”
“Yes, Galen and Thomas,” you said as you put a tray of cupcakes in front of Bucky and got him a bowl of frosting, a spatula and a knife. “Pick your instrument of choice for the frosting,” you added before you looked at Bucky’s clothes and shook your head. “Want an apron? Don’t want you messing up your Henley.”
“What does it say? The apron, I mean?” he asked as you grabbed him a plain blue one. “Oh. No jokes on it?”
“Not everything is a joke, Buck. Not for me. Not for anyone,” you sniffed as you tried to hold back a stray tear before you got another pan of cupcakes and a bowl of frosting. You were still not fully pain free from what happened to those kids or to yourself. “Once the frosting sets, we can put these little shields on top of the cupcakes. I know. Cheesy. But the kids should love them.”
“Hmmm…” Bucky said as he tried to slather the frosting on his first cupcake without using too much. “I’m not exactly good at this…”
“You will be fine. It takes practice,” you whispered as you set down another frosted cupcake. “Thanks for helping. What else do you want to know about me?” Your hands shook slightly, and you flexed them a bit to get yourself centered again. “Lingering issues after that mess on the bus. I couldn’t go in sword swinging, so I had to take a different tack. It was a spell Wong told me about. Got the kids off the bus and me onto it just in time to take out that fool. It switches people’s locations. Nice one to keep in my back pocket. Just wish I had seen that other lunatic behind the driver’s seat.”
“Yeah, I saw the kids appear on the sidewalk before you blasted that guy out the doors of the bus,” Bucky noted as he kept frosting more cupcakes. “Kids. Did you ever have them? I mean, you like them. You get along great with Cass and AJ. And again, sorry if I got stupid on the docks. Joke fell really flat.”
You were not about to go back to the talk about that mess on the docks. Not today anyway. “Sadly, no. I’ve never had children.”
That wasn’t true. Not exactly anyway. But there was no way you could explain everything without looking like a lunatic. Saying “Well, a part of me that lives in another universe has about five of them last time I counted. I can list them all from all the timelines. I was tasked with birthing an army. No one ever said how…”
Yeah, that sounded so very sane and normal.
“Not that I don’t want them still,” you continued as you found some patriotic sprinkles in your cupboard. “It just never worked out for me. And I didn’t want to adopt a child on my own just to have me die and leave them alone. That would be cruel. And what agency would let someone like me adopt a child? It just isn’t very realistic to think it is even possible.”
You wanted nothing more than to change the topic, but you said Bucky could ask you questions, so in this quagmire you would stay for the moment.
“That day Steve and Sam had me in that vice,” Bucky started but stopped just as he finished another cupcake. “Why the hell did you do what you did to prove who you were? I knew who you were. Steve knew. You didn’t need to sing that song…”
“I needed to prove who I was because, let’s face it, who in their right mind—besides you and Steve, I guess—would believe my story? And Sam. Bless his heart, he doesn’t think I escaped Bellevue.” Bucky chuckled at the name of the most famous psychiatric hospital in New York City. “Was my singing that bad? I did flub some of the words, I know, but I didn’t think I was that bad.”
“Your singing was never an issue,” Bucky chuckled as a bit of frosting slid off one cupcake. “And the way you did that thing with the drinks was great. I remember that from the Whip and Fiddle. But you didn’t need to put on a show. Not for us anyway.”
“It’s always an issue, Bucky,” you said quietly as you noticed the vanilla frosting you had been using was running low, so you got out the ingredients to make more. “I always need to prove myself. I…did Steve ever tell you about what happened during the five years you were gone? Not my most shining hours.”
“The thing that scared everyone? Yeah, he told me, but I didn’t want to broadcast it to anyone. I don’t understand what makes you you,” Bucky said as he set down his knife and cupcake, “and I was not about to dredge up what happened. You were trying to get us back. Steve said you kind of lost it when it didn’t work. And Tony…”
“Tony wanted to lock me away in a padded cell, but Thor told him to stop, because he understood my grief. And Bruce told Tony to give it a rest because I was trying things that none of them could. Steve took me to the infirmary so I could heal when it all came crashing down. I was weaker than I realized. He saved my life. IV fluids can work wonders when you push yourself too much.”
“Wait, what? What did you do?” Bucky was suddenly very agitated, and you were not fully focused on his tone and body language at first. He was truly freaked out.
“What?” you asked as your eyes bugged out a little bit when it finally hit you. “Oh! No. I wasn’t doing…”
It took you much too long to realize Bucky was worried you had done some odd, old and draining blood spell. You had done them long, long ago, but that was back before electricity was the norm.
“It was a very old spell, one my Mamo used when I was a baby when she wanted to talk to the deceased members of our clan. Sorry. My grandmother. Mamo is the Irish word for grandma. It just takes a toll on your spirit, and I tried it a few times before Bruce saw me naked as a jay bird in the gardens they had at the facility. Yeah, that is part of the spell too, as is doing it on Samhain. Halloween. But there was no one there to talk to, so continuing to do it made it worse. As I said, not my finest hour. It broke me when I couldn’t find your spirit…”
Now it was Bucky’s turn to look at you with saucer-like eyes.
“Well, I couldn’t try to zero in on a million different people, so I picked you. I tried Sam, too, but it was like you guys never existed. If I were to do the spell this year, I’d be able to see any number of people across the veil. My family. Your family. Natasha and Tony. Loki. That night? I saw no one except my siblings, and while I love them, I knew they would be there. That failure sent me reeling. I didn’t talk for days. And we both know that could not be normal.”
“For two minutes, could you please stop with the put downs? Some of us don’t like to hear them. Me. Sam. Sarah. The boys…”
“I am so used to people just working around them that I don’t…” you started to say before you set down everything and just pulled up a stool next to the one Bucky was sitting on. “I don’t realize how it affects everyone else. Sorry.”
Bucky started to chuckle, and then he let out a loud laugh. “Your hair. Frosting,” he said as he pointed to a few wisps that were now very sticky from the vanilla frosting making a few spikes on the tips.
“Didn’t catch it all in the hairband. Again,” you muttered as you started to laugh along with Bucky. “Why did you really show up today, Buck? It can’t be because your inner baker was screaming to come out and play.”
“Last night was scary. You zoned out, and that scared me and Sam. We thought you were dying. We have no idea how this all works with you, and I’ve been afraid to ask. Steve was, too, I guess, and Sam, when you guys were in hiding.”
“Why are you remembering all this nonsense about me?” That was the only thing you could say as you looked Bucky in the eye and prayed something from your past was not trying to catch up with you again. “Or better yet worrying so much about me?”
“And why do you remember things about me?” he asked with an equally deadpan expression. “We are both old. We’re both likely going to outlive most of the people around us now, at least for a little while. Being connected is…nice. Now, back to last night. What happened?”
“After I helped those kids, I did exactly what you said. I zoned when I cracked my head on that building. I can go into a fugue state and start connecting in weird ways to the world around me. I knew you were there, but my brain wasn’t connecting all the dots. If that makes sense.”
That last part you hated. You wanted nothing more than to tell Bucky everything about your life. How the person he saw was only a tiny part of everything you were. That at this very moment there was another Kari dancing with another Bucky at something called the Hellfire Gala in a world where a group called The X-Men were protectors alongside The Avengers. She was thanking him for an assist a very long time ago on the steps of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, if killing her was truly an assist. Yes, that Kari was reborn thanks to the bladed excellence of The Winter Soldier, but this part of Kari could not tell Bucky all that. Not yet anyway.
“Do you want some coffee? A beer? I should have asked when you got here,” you said as you looked down to see Hickory had finally decided to get up and go eat his kibble while you chatted with Bucky.
“Beer, thanks. I just wanted to convince you to come down to Delacroix, mostly so everyone can see for themselves that you are OK. I know once Wong and Bruce get involved, it may take weeks until we see you again. And Parker. That trip of his for school.”
“Look, Sarge,” you started to say as you handed Bucky the beer. His eyes lit up, so the nickname seemed to be a good choice. “If it will make you feel better, then down to Delacroix I’ll go. But you and I can go together. I am going to need help hauling these cupcakes. But I may not stay the whole time. Does that work for you?”
“Yup,” Bucky said as he drank his beer. “And the Sarah thing…”
“Look, if you and Sarah hit it off, well, that is beautiful. You deserve happiness, Buck. I am not going to stand in the way of your happiness. Ever.”
{{Even if it would make me happier being with you}} you thought as you smiled at Bucky again.
“And yes, I know Sam is likely sticking his oar into the water and messing it up for you guys. Having eight brothers taught me a lot, and I am betting you might have played the part yourself back in the day, right? Maybe I can help there, if you need me to? Your call.”
“Whatever happens, well, happens,” Bucky noted as he looked at the tray of tiny shields again. “I think we all want the day to be about Sam. That’s what really matters.”
“Agreed,” you said as you looked at all the cupcakes and smiled. “Now, want to learn how to make that cake? Care to smash up some cookies for me to mix in the batter?”
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The rest of the baking session with Bucky went well enough, and you were able to box everything and have it ready to portal to Delacroix the next morning when he made it back to your place. You made sure your portal was near the house but around the back so no one could get spooked by it. You just wished the rest of the team could have been there, but there was technically no team at the moment anyway.
You smiled as you watched Bucky run over to the table where Sam, Sarah and the boys were sitting, with Cass and AJ trying to get Bucky into some sort of play fight as he brought over the cake.
“So, this is the famous cake?” Sarah asked as you pulled a small red wagon full of cupcakes behind you. “Sam has talked about this cake for weeks. Thanks for making it.”
“Hey, anything for our new Cap and his family!” you replied as a group of kids came over to check out the wagon’s load of goodies. “There are plenty of these to go around, but I think you guys better eat your lunches first.”
“Are you going to show us any magic?” Cass asked as you sat down at the table with everyone.
“Guys, what did we talk about?” Sam said as you looked at everyone there and realized this was not going to be a simple picnic event for Sam.
“We can talk about that later. Maybe when everyone else heads home,” you said quietly as you looked at the boys and then Sarah. “And only if your Mom is OK with it. Her house. Her rules. Always.”
You really had not been planning on any sort of show today, but letting Sarah have the final call was likely the easiest way to keep this sort of thing away from prying eyes. Not everyone liked magic, and that was no exception for this part of Louisiana. The preternatural might have been more accepted here, but it was still not a thing everyone loved or fully understood.
The conversation, thankfully, turned to much more mundane things, and you were very happy it did when you saw Bucky and Sarah chatting as the boys and their friends tried to hang off Bucky’s arm. It looked right. He looked stress-free and happy for the first time in ages.
“And is that what you were hoping for?” Sam asked as he, too, watched his nephews hanging off Bucky’s arm. “That cyborg and my sister would hit it off? I thought you two were, you know, getting closer? Beer?”
You looked at the bottle in Sam’s hand. Crimson Voodoo. A local favorite indeed.
“Thanks,” you said as you took the bottle from his hand and tried to convince yourself and Sam that this is what you wanted. “Sam, Bucky deserves a family. He deserves peace and happiness. Your sister deserves someone who thinks the world of her and can take care of her and the boys. It’s a win-win. My life is too messed up for anyone to feel at peace with me. Someday I’ll try to explain everything, but today is not that day. Today is your day.”
As it started to get dark outside, no one seemed to be heading home, and the kids were a bit upset that there were no fireworks set up to cap off the night.
“Guess I need to take care of this,” you said under your breath as you got to your feet and walked toward Sarah and the boys. “Sarah, I can fix this, but as I said before, your house, your rules.”
“You have fireworks in your bag?” Sarah chuckled as she shook her head. “Wait. You aren’t kidding.”
“Nope, I’m not,” you replied as you walked to the end of the pier where the kids were all looking pretty forlorn. “Sam, a gift for you and your family and friends here today,” you said as you turned to look at everyone there. Sparks started to dance on your fingertips, and soon the night sky filled with magically-created fireworks. “A gift from the Tara Mount and from Asgard,” you added as more pyrotechnics danced above the crowd. “Frigga and Loki showed me this trick long ago. It’s only fitting to share it tonight.”
“What the hell is that on your back?” Sarah asked as you slowly lifted off the ground.
“I forgot you’ve never seen these,” you said to Sarah as your raven wings unfurled. “I need to get a bit of lift before I do the next part.”
Sure, Sam and Bucky had seen you fly. But the dance you were about to do was not anything you had done since, well, the day your cousin Rhys got married to his beautiful bride Alice back in the 1850s! Oh, that was a bit of craic! Well, it would have been more fun if Rhys’ sister Rhiannon had not fed that dragon wedding cake and Champagne on top of Westminster.
“I usually don’t do this for anyone but family, but if you all are Captain America’s extended family, then that is good enough for me,” you said as your wings slowly transformed to something akin to gossamer and glitter, the light of the fireworks dancing off the delicate lacework of the fairy wings you now sported on your back. “My grandmother, Siofra O’Cathain MacOrish, was called the Black Faerie of the battlefield. Tonight I wear these wings to thank her for making it possible to be here with you today.”
As you hovered in mid-air, you started to dart over the water, well clear of the shore and the boats anchored there. The sky lit up with a multicolored display that at times looked like ribbons of red, white and blue and at others like the giant bursts of color in the event that Macy’s held each July 4th on the East or Hudson Rivers in New York City. The shrieks of delight from the children made it all worthwhile as you finally landed back on the dock after about 15 minutes of flash and sizzle.
Maybe it was the music that helped make it special? No one could tell exactly where it was coming from because it was all around them. A bit of remembered sound from your cousin’s wedding night and a snatch of air current, and suddenly the air was full of a song played long ago on a starry night for your tribe back then, the lovely lot you called The Avalonians.
The flight was glorious, and you wondered why you did not do it more often over the years.
The way you did not stick the landing, on the other hand, was annoying. Especially when Sam, Sarah and Bucky ran over. The lift of raven-like angel’s wings was one thing in battle, but the faerie wings on your back now were another thing entirely. The fact you had not called them out in over 100 years meant you had forgotten much about maneuvering in them once you got back to Terra Firma.
“I am fine!” you protested as you finally pulled back your wings and flexed your arms a bit. “Just didn’t time the footfall properly. I am not Simone Biles by any means. She would have aced it.”
“No more jokes. You could have gotten hurt,” Bucky said as he reached out his hand to you, but you pulled back slightly as he did. Muscle memory was a bitch at times, and a tiny part of you could not help but remember Katowice, St. Petersburg, Budapest and several other places where you and Bucky did more bodily harm to each other than you had let on to anyone else. Even Steve never knew the full extent of the battles you and his best friend were part of over the years. It was probably better that way.
“It’s nothing that a good night’s sleep won’t fix. I’m still not right after that mess with the bus,” you answered as Sarah shot you the mother of all looks. “Even old warriors like me need time to heal.”
“You could have said something,” Sarah said as she just kept looking at you, concern and pain mixed in equal measure in her eyes. “You did not have to bring all that food, and you did not need to do all that fireworks stuff. These two said you’d pull some crazy stunt eventually...”
“And they were right,” you replied, tucking your hands behind your back so the slight tremor you felt was not visible to everyone else. “Because, well, this is how I was raised. Never say no when your help is needed. Always take care of family, even if you are dead on your feet. Leave a place better than you found it if at all possible…”
“Kari, did your fireworks have a finale you didn’t mention?” Bucky asked as he pointed behind you, a multicolored fissure opening above the bayou waters.
“That isn’t me!” you shouted as the raven wings of your office appeared, along with your armor, sword and shield. “Get everyone to safety! Now!”
“Wait. Is that a Quinjet?” Sam shouted as he worked to get everyone off the dock as quickly as possible as a plane maneuvered through the fissure.
“No, that’s the Zephyr…” you said as you stood with our mouth open. “SHIELD ship that vanished a few years ago. Fury was never able to track it down.”
The jet landed on the shore away from several houses, and you, Bucky and Sam made your way to the landing site. By now, thanks to some quick thinking by Cass and AJ, Sam had his shield at the ready, but you prayed he would not have to use it.
“SHIELD ship Zephyr One. Damn,” you muttered under your breath as you got to the now lowered ramp. “I thought you were dead! And so does Fury!” you said as two men made their way to the top of the ramp.
Standing in front of you were Phil Coulson and Daniel Sousa.
“Nice to see you again, Chief,” Coulson said as Sousa gave him an odd look. “One of my trainers back in the day.”
“And Peggy Carter’s best friend in mine,” Sousa added the duo was soon joined by Melinda May.
“She never told you? Either of you? She was the original 0-8-4,” May noted as she walked down the ramp.
“No, I helped Howard Stark coin the term,” you growled as you looked at May. “The world knows full well where I am from and how long I have walked this ground. I’m just a hell of a lot older than I look.”
“Oh my God, we are home,” Daisy Johnson said as she walked up next to Sousa, his arm snaking around her waist, leaving no question about their status as a couple. You had heard about the Inhuman’s encounters with some preternatural allies, and you wanted to hear more about that, as well as how Sousa was actually there with them now.
“Home?” Bucky whispered in your ear as Sam leaned in to hear his comments.
“If you weren’t home, where were you?” you asked Coulson as the rest of his team filtered off the ship. You vaguely knew them by physical attributes, but not all the names were clicking in your mind at the moment.
“I was hoping you might be able to tell us,” he said as you looked at him, and you could tell already this was not the Phil Coulson you knew. Not totally anyway. “From our calculations, we’ve been gone about five years.”
“The blip,” Sam said as you shook your head. “Oh, tá sé seo ach iontach. I mean, this is just great,” you said as you rolled your eyes. “You lot like cupcakes, right? Please say you like cupcakes. And beer.”
You grabbed Bucky’s hand without thinking and prayed he could actually hear the words you were thinking in that crazy link of Wanda’s. {{I wanted this to be a happy day for Sam. Not one where his family would be in the middle of this nonsense. I’ll get them all out of here fast. Just…could you please help me figure this out?}}
A brief nod let you know Bucky heard at least some of your request.
“Sarah, I’ll get these folks out of here and back to New York ASAP. I just hope I can find Maria Hill or Nick Fury. How do I explain that their world is about to get turned upside down again?”
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My wonderful tag crew--thank you!: @historygeekfics, @arrthurpendragon, @starryeyes2000, @chickensarentcheap
And up to lucky Part 14—What in the world do you do with Agents of SHIELD if there is no more SHIELD? And how will the surviving OG Avengers feel when they learn Phil Coulson is not quite as dead as Nick Fury lead them to believe?
7 notes · View notes
actress4him · 9 months
The Shadow of Death - Attack at Dawn
This piece is one that I wrote a long time ago, back before Kamaria’s story took a different direction than I’d originally planned. This was going to be the first chapter of the fic. I just saw it again and realized it could be worth posting, regardless of the pov character not really existing anymore haha. Nothing in it goes against the new canon so it exists perfectly fine in the canon universe.
Taglist: @painful-pooch
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Contains: talk of war, talk of murder, unknowing misgendering, gun mention
The Shadow of Death strikes during the night.
Wystan knows something is going on as soon as he wakes to shouting, clamoring voices. Groaning, he flips his blanket off and swings his legs over the side of the cot, rubbing a hand over his face as he stumbles to the opening of the tent. The sun has barely risen, but it’s still bright enough that he has to blink multiple times before the silhouettes scurrying around the camp are distinguishable as actual people.
“Hey.” He snatches at the sleeve of the first person that walks by close enough. “What’s going on?”
“It’s the Captain, sir.” He’s a young one, and too frazzled by whatever’s happening to realize or care that Wystan’s no sir. “He’s…dead.”
A wrinkle forms between Wystan’s eyebrows. “What? How?”
They’re in a war. Deaths happen on a near daily basis. But not in the middle of the night, in the midst of the camp. And not the man that’s been leading every other soldier here.
The private glances around and lowers his voice. “They say it was The Shadow. Slipped into his tent in the middle of the night and…” He makes a slicing motion across his throat with the side of his hand.
Everyone in this war knows about The Shadow of Death. An assassin, possibly the best that’s ever lived. No one’s ever seen his face, at least no one who has lived to tell about it. The closest anyone has ever gotten is an occasional report of a dark shadow slipping away into the night.
And of course he works for the other side. Kedosa has mercenaries, like himself, and probably even an assassin or two, but no one like The Shadow. No one else in that line of work has lasted so long, pulled off so many jobs, without being caught.
It’s Wystan’s first encounter with his work. He’ll be surprised if it’s the last.
There’s obvious turmoil going on in the general vicinity of the late Captain’s tent - the first and second lieutenants, namely, discussing something quite furiously, while multiple lower-ranking soldiers linger and gawk.
This is what they wanted, he thinks. To cause chaos, to remove the leadership and watch everyone flounder. The Captain’s absence doesn’t bother him, personally. His orders come from someone else entirely, he only has to make sure that he doesn’t get in the way of whoever is in charge here - and vice versa.
But these two need to get their act together, and soon, if they don’t want the rest of the camp panicking.
As if on cue, a scout thunders into the clearing on horseback. “Ethorcon soldiers coming! Ten minutes out!”
Ah. This is what they wanted. Attacking at dawn, when not everyone is yet up and going, is a strategic move by itself. Attacking right after killing the leader is even better.
‘Better’ from a certain perspective, of course. Not his, and not anyone else’s in this camp, that’s for sure.
To her credit, it only takes the First Lieutenant a few seconds of wide-eyed staring before she gathers herself and starts barking out orders. Gritting his teeth, Wystan turns back into his tent, slides into his boots, and snaps all of his armor into place with practiced speed. His rifle gets slung across his back, while two smaller guns strap to each hip. A cache of bullets for all of them weighs heavy on his chest.
Minutes later, he’s jogging north with a dozen other soldiers. As they pass the Captain’s tent, he can’t help but stare, wondering what kind of gruesome scene lies inside, glad that it won’t be his job to deal with it. A new officer will take the man’s place within a few days, and the First Lieutenant will be able to step back down.
It almost seems like a pointless effort, sometimes. Kill one man, another takes his place. Wipe out an entire guard, and there’s another right behind it. Years upon years of killing and dying, all for what? A tiny piece of land that no one wants to share.
Wystan isn’t one to judge, though. War is his business, and it’s a profitable one. As long as he’s the one doing the killing and not the dying, the idiots can fight over anything they want, and he’ll be there with his guns, smarts, and good looks to help.
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boredright · 1 year
They were meant for each other 💚
Around 5k words (sorry not sorry 🙃)
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Gojo Satoru x reader
Yn has always known the boy named Gojo Satoru. Because she had the biggest crush on him. Gojo was the heartthrob of high school not only because of his looks but also he was the captain of the basketball team. And it happened to be that yn was the head of the cheerleader group. They both attended the same high school and had known each other since freshman year. However, they were never close until they were forced to work together for a school project in their junior year. It was a great opportunity for Yn to be at least a little bit close to Gojo.As they spent more time together, Yn started to notice the little things about Gojo that she had never noticed before. Maybe because she had never talked to him in the past. She admired his passion for basketball and his leadership skills on the field. Gojo, on the other hand, was drawn to Yn's beauty, intelligence, and her incredible cheerleading skills.He had never felt a kind of feeling in his stomach,that he felt whenever he was near Yn.
One day, after a long day of school, Gojo and Yn found themselves walking home together. It's because they spent hours working hard on the presentation of the project. It was the first time they had ever walked home together, and they found themselves laughing and chatting along the way."Yeah right.And then he was like why did you do that" said Gojo laughing .Hearing Gojo laugh would always make Yn fall in love with him harder. As they approached Yn's house, "So um..Yn would you like.Go out with me on this Saturday. You know more like a date." Gojo said as he winked at her. Yn was way to surprised to speak. She had always dreamt of going out with Gojo but a date. A FREAKING DATE!!A lot was going through her mind.
To her surprise she said yes without thinking twice."Sure a 'DaTe' sounds fun to me."
On the day of their date, Gojo was nervous and excited. He even asked his best friend Geto Suguru for help.(how to act confident when you are in love 😉) He had planned a very simple date. A picnic in the park .
As they sat under the shade of a Sakura tree, eating sandwiches and chatting, Yn felt like she was on top of the world. To Gojo Yn was everything he had ever wanted in a girl, and he never imagined that he would be so lucky as to be sitting there with her.
As the sun began to set, Gojo put on the mixtape he had made for Yn and asked her to dance."Wanna dance with me, pretty". "Sure handsome " Yn tried her best not to stutter.They danced to the slow songs, twirling around each other, lost in the music .It was then that Gojo knew he was falling in love with Yn. Unbeknownst that Yn was already in love with him.
Over the next few weeks, Gojo and Yn went on more dates, and their love continued to grow. But none of them dared to confess afraid that the other would not feel the same .They went to the movies, out for dinner, and even took a day trip to the beach.
Their relationship was not without its challenges, however. Gojo's basketball season began to ramp up, and he found himself spending less time with Yn. On the other hand Yn's cheerleading competitions also began to take up more of her time, and they struggled to find time to see each other between their busy schedules.
One day, Yn came to Gojo's basketball game, but he was so focused on the game that he didn't even see her in the stands. His jersey sticking with his rock hard biceps almost made Yn choke on air. "Fuck. Gojo you are killing me." She murmured bitting her lower lips.
On a random Monday Gojo took Yn to the rooftop."So what do we have here . Let me guess . Hmm..." You said acting like to be thinking of something ."Ok Yn fun aside I need to tell you something." "Hmm, sure go ahead." Clearing his throat he said
"So um Yn Ln ever since I got to know you PROPERLY I knew You were the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. You made me complete and put a smile on my face every single day that no one else could ever do and would never do. You are the most amazing girl I know, a model, and as sweet as can be. And now I want to make it official.
I like- no I love you."
Yn couldn't take it anymore.Tears started to fall down her cheeks. "This..Is this a dream, it can't be real, It doesn't feel real." She barely whispered. But Gojo was quick to hear it. "Oh I am so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. We can still be frien-".Before Gojo could finish his sentence Yn pulled him by his collar and passionately kissed him. Gojo could not hold it anymore.He snaked his arms to Yn's waist and kissed her back. Their lips danced , taking in each other's taste. As they broke apart , Yn tried catching her breath. Touching Yn's head with his own head he said "I Love You" and smiled."I love you too .I have always LOVED you Gojo Satoru."
As the end of their senior year approached, Gojo and Yn knew that they would be going off to separate colleges. They were both excited for the future, but also sad to think about being apart. However, they made a promise to each other that they would make it work, no matter what.
On the night of their senior prom, Gojo and Yn got all dressed up and went to the dance together. Yn wore a emerald green silk dress with black high heels.They danced the night away, laughing and taking silly photos. As the night came to a close, Gojo said "I am going to miss you so much." He fake pouted.
After prom, they went out to a dandelions field where they could look at the stars. They laid down on a blanket and held hands, feeling the cool grass beneath them. As they looked up at the stars, they talked about the future and all the adventures they would have together."I would love to breed you with my kids ..but in future" he seductively said and winked."Yeah, right." Yn blushed and tried to hold her smile."You look cute when you blush like that."Saying that Gojo pulled strand of hair behind Yn's ear and gently kissed her forehead.
In that moment, they knew that their love was meant to be and that they would always find their way back to each other, no matter where life took them. They fell asleep under the stars, wrapped in each other's arms, knowing that they had actually found their real love.
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catierambles · 2 years
Chimera Ch.9
oh shit I almost forgot
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Amelia Jones (OFC)
WC (gd hold on) 955
Warnings: some eluded to sexy times
@liecastillo @summersong69
“You’d be disobeying a direct order.” Chase said after Syverson told the others about their talk with the General.
“I know.” Syverson said, looking down at his hands from his seat in their command post.
“At best your career would be over,” He said, “At worst they Court Martial you, a closed one of course.”
“I know.” He said and leaned into Amelia as she ran a hand over his shoulders.
“That’s if they found out.” Locke said and they looked at him. “We’re halfway around the world, how the fuck are they going to know? I’m not going to tell them.” He shook his head. “The only people who know what’s going on here are Johnson in medical, and those in this room.”
“And I thought you didn’t like me.” Syverson said, trying to lighten the mood.
“I don’t.” Locke replied in all seriousness. “But I looked into you, and you’re damn good at your job. So fuck’em.”
“What’s the plan?” Chase asked.
“Plan hasn’t changed.” Amelia said, “Yeah, there’s more of them out there than we were briefed on, but we only found signs of one in the immediate area. Given how territorial these bastards are, I don’t see them being an issue in the near future.”
“Agreed.” Locke said with a nod. “Future us problems.”
“Silas, do you think you might be able to get us those satellite images?” She asked but he shook his head.
“Doubt it, General was pretty clear.”
“Got it, we’ll do without. Old intel, anyway.” She said, “Locke, Chase, get some rest before we head out. Silas, you have to act business as normal for the time being but report for outfitting at sundown.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“You have your orders.” She said and Syverson got up from the chair, following her out of the command post and back to his office. Once they were inside, she closed the door and leaned back against it as he took up a post against his desk, crossing his arms over his chest. “Silas, I know you’ve made your mind up, but it bears repeating. You don’t have to do this.”
“I know.” He said and there was a long pause. “You know…”
“Yeah?” She asked, recognizing that tone. He pushed off from his desk, going over to her against the door and leaning against it with his hand to the wood, looking down at her.
“I kinda liked you giving me orders.” He said and she gave a soft laugh.
“You ever think about anything else, Syverson?”
“Around you? When it’s quiet?” He shook his head. “Bit difficult.”
“Suppose I should be flattered.” She said, “Then again, I’m no better.”
“Yeah?” He asked, intrigued and a little amused. Reaching up, she pulled him down so she could whisper in his ear, telling him about a particularly naughty fantasy of hers involving his desk. The picture she painted was explicit and he breathed in deep through his nose. “Goddamnit.” Reaching past her, he flipped the lock on the door before taking her mouth with his own, picking her up and carrying her over to his desk he cleared with a sweep of his arm. Laying her down on the bare surface, he looked down at her smug smile and pulled his shirt over his head, leaning over her and kissing her again as her fingers worked on his belt.
Chase gave them a look as they walked into the command post at sundown before snorting.
“What?” They asked in unison but he shook his head.
“Nothing.” He said, “At least she’ll be relaxed.”
“Couple of teenagers.” Locke grumbled as he went over their weapons.
“Yeah, yeah.” Amy said, a pink tinge to her pale cheeks, “Shut up.”
“You know,” Syverson said as he went over to where they kept their armor, picking up a chest plate. “This armor didn’t seem to do much to protect Johnson.”
“Still better than your tactical vest, Mr. Special Forces.” Chase said.
“Fair enough.” He said, and Amy came over to help him get it strapped on over the dark long-sleeved thermal he had pulled on. Tightening the velcro straps on his sides and shoulders, she tugged on the front.
“How’s it feel?” She asked and he twisted this way and that at the waist, moving his arms to check mobility.
“Feels good.” He said and she nodded.
“Get the rest on.” She said and moved off to start strapping on her own set.
“You’re not going to help me with the legs?” He asked and she gave him an unamused look.
“Yeah, I bet you like her on her knees.” Chase muttered and dodged the empty energy drink can she threw at him.
“Can we focus please!” Locke snapped and they muttered their apologies. They got ready in silence, Syverson helping her with her own chest piece. Once they were duly kitted out, they made their way to the front of the base, the humvee already parked by the gate for their use.
“Captain, you heading out with the mercs?” a Sergeant asked.
“Just until Johnson is back on his feet.” He said and the Sergeant nodded. “I have a radio with me, call if anything happens.”
“Will do, Sir.” He said, “Have fun out there doing…whatever it is they do out there.” He snorted at that, clapping him on the shoulder.
“Yeah, don’t wait up. Should be back by morning if not sooner.” Hopefully sooner. Hopefully, they found this thing tonight and took care of it. Jogging over to the humvee, he climbed in back with Amy, Locke behind the wheel, and Chase riding shotgun. The gate slid back as Locke turned the engine over and they started out, headlights bright in the darkness.
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noforkingclue · 2 years
Just One Year Chapter 7 (Bones x reader)
Summary: Maybe making new friends on a new ship would be less hard then you initially thought
Just One Year tag list: @brilliantbutbatty, @440mxs-wife, @pile-of-bones-and-stars, @alinedeluce, @stephdavies95, @bubblegum-star-trek, @waleyfish
Star Trek tag list: @strange-old-worlds, @stardustnerd
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @byebyebreezywrites, @spngingerbread21, @layazul, @lov3vivian, @simonsbluee
Christine led you down another near identical corridor and you couldn’t help but feel despondent. Of course starships looked similar, you were expecting them to, but you had no idea how you would ever learn to navigate the Enterprise. You were lucky you could make it to the medbay from your room without getting lost.
“You alright?” asked Christine, noticing that you had been unusually quiet.
“It’s just…” you trailed off as you looked around, “I always knew that the Enterprise was large but this is something else.”
“You’ll get used to it,” she said with a smile, “It’s daunting to everyone the first time.”
Christine swung an arm around you and dragged you forward. You suddenly felt very small and a pang of anxiety coursed through you veins. Did you make the right choice? Maybe you shouldn’t have transferred from the Hood. Peter-
“Uhura!” Christine’s voice dragged you out of your thoughts, “There’s someone I want you to meet.”
A woman turned around who you assumed must be called Uhura turned around. She raised an eyebrow at Christine who said,
“This is y/n l/n. She’s just transferred from the Hood.”
“A transfer,” Uhura sounded surprised, “I didn’t know any were planned.”
“Apparently this was an emergency,” you said shyly, “Well at least that’s what Captain Kirk said. However, from what I understand he is prone to exaggeration at times.”
“That’s an understatement,” said Uhura with a faint smile, “So, science or medical?”
“Oh,” you said after a moment’s confusion, “Medical. Working for Doctor McCoy.”
“And you volunteered?” she asked
“Why do most people say that,” you said, exasperated, “Most people seemed shocked and I don’t understand why. Sure he can be a bit grumpy. If it isn’t that, it’s how am I going to manage a long distance relationship.”
You took a deep breath before saying,
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to have a go at you.”
Well, this was going well. Meeting knew people and they probably already thinking that you’re insane. Instead, and much to your surprise, Uhura actually gave you a sympathetic look.
“If there’s one thing worse than having a relationship on a starship then it having one on a different starship.”
“Sounds like you’re speaking from experience.”
“Believe me, I am.”
“Lieutenant Uhura, your presence is required on the bridge.”
Uhura’s smile softened and there was a look in her eye that you recognised. You had seen it too many times on Peter’s face. She turned around and said,
“Right away Commander Spock. Just introducing myself to y/n l/n.”
Commander Spock was definitely intimidating. Peter would definitely be jealous when you tell him that you met someone he greatly admired. Then again, you knew how he got when he was jealous and with this he would almost certainly will be. Seeing how well your last conversation with him ended it would probably be for the best to wait until things cooled down a bit. Spock seemed to pause a bit when he saw you and then he slowly said,
“Lieutenant. I heard about your arrival from the Captain. I’m sure with your previous experience that Doctor McCoy will greatly appreciate your assistance.”
“If only I was as certain about that as you seem, Commander.”
“Pleasure to meet you y/n,” said Uhura, “Christine.”
“She seemed nice.” you said when Uhura and Spock and walked away
“She is,” Christine dragged you back along the corridors, “Now hurry up! I have something to show you that I think you might like.”
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ghost-town-story · 2 years
(More of yesterday’s scene, as I continued to work on it today lol)
They could see the curiosity written clearly in Artemis’s face, but to their surprise, she didn’t immediately say yes. “And just how is visiting this place supposed to help Isadora?” she asked.
Caelan took a moment to collect their thoughts, trying to think of the best way to phrase their mission that would convince Artemis to let them go through with it. “With Isadora missing,” they started, “and myself presumed dead, there is now a power vacuum at the head of the Empire.”
“I know that,” Artemis said. “And?”
“There are those who will attempt to step into that empty place,” Caelan said, “and some who will insist on keeping it empty until Isa is confirmed dead. There will be a war Artemis, if things stay the way they are for too long.”
“And?” Artemis asked. “Would that really be the worst thing? Especially if it meant things would finally change.”
Caelan let out a long breath. “Yes, things would change,” they admitted. “But probably not for the better. Am I right in assuming you’re talking about the slave trade running rampant throughout the Empire?”
Artemis didn’t respond but met their gaze, all fire and defiance and righteous anger that seemed on her just a shadow of Reizora’s.
“Then I’m afraid I must disappoint you.” Caelan’s voice softened. “From what I remember, those that would take advantage of my and Isa’s absence to take the throne won’t care. Some may encourage it. And I have the feeling that is the exact opposite of what you and the Captain want.”
“So let me guess, you’re going to say exactly what you think I want to hear so that I’ll let you go without a fuss?” Artemis asked, her voice surprisingly brittle. Caelan was surprised at how much they didn’t like her sounding like that.
“Artemis,” they started, then hesitated. She wasn’t exactly wrong. Their plan all along had been to appeal to her sense of righteousness.
“I’m right, aren’t I?” Artemis asked.
Caelan decided to switch tracks, hoping they could successfully bare their intentions to Artemis. “When I was younger,” they started. Artemis made an offended little noise, but they continued without pausing, “I used to hope that somehow it would all just… go away. That I could live a normal life and not have to worry about one day taking the throne, and all that would come with it. I was terrified of it all; the politics, the responsibility, the constant threat of assassination or manipulation.”
They gave her a wry smile. “To tell you the truth, it still does scare me. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought of just giving it all up and staying on The Artemis, or asking Captain to drop me off in some far reach of space where nobody will ever find me again.”
“So why does it seem like you suddenly want to go back?” Artemis asked.
“Because I have to.”
Artemis looked like she thoroughly didn’t believe them.
“Because if I choose to go back, to step into the role I’ve abandoned, then it means Isa doesn’t have to make this choice,” Caelan said. “It means I can protect her, more than just hiding her away here or on The Icarus would do.” They took a deep breath, then added, “And it means I can do something about all the cracks I’ve found in the Empire that were hidden underneath that shiny glamour wrapped around the royal line.”
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