#going to log off and clean my kitchen
wanderingcas · 2 years
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here have a bit of the chapter that fought me for nearly a month
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roosterforme · 10 months
The Younger Kind Part 23 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: As the trial date creeps closer, Bradley is having a harder time keeping himself from panicking. After you learn some interesting things about Bradley from an unlikely source, you do a little bit of digging. 
Warnings: Angst, swearing, smut, fluff, and age gap (18+)
Length: 3800 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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You slept in until ten. You were sore. The good kind. The kind where you couldn't stop smiling. As you sat up in Bradley's bed and stretched, your eyes caught on your purple crown. There was a piece of paper hanging from it now. You reached for it and read the note he had left for you.
I left my computer and the charger in the kitchen. I also plugged your phone in before I left. There are Skittles in the kitchen cabinet. Please text me when you get up. Noah asked if you're staying for dinner. Please stay for dinner. 
I love you.
My computer password is password1234
You snorted and rolled your eyes. "Of course it is," you muttered, climbing out of bed and searching for something to wear. You made yourself some coffee with the vanilla creamer, and you spent the day filling out four job applications, eating Skittles, and attending a zoom lecture. You had done basically nothing strenuous, but by the time Bradley and Noah got back, you were yawning as you ran to see them. 
"Hello, boys," you said, kneeling to hug Noah. 
"Let's color dinosaurs," he told you, and you laughed as he led you to the table. 
"Don't I get a kiss or anything?" Bradley asked, unbuttoning his uniform shirt.
You looked at him and said, "You keep that on and I'll kiss you somewhere special later."
His hand paused on the buttons before doing them back up again. "Does that mean... you'd like me to have the uniform on later? Like after bedtime?"
You licked your lips and looked up at him, going for the most innocent look you could manage. "Please?"
Bradley grunted and kissed you a little rough. You tasted his tongue before pulling away from him. "I have dinosaurs to color," you informed him, dropping down onto the seat next to Noah. "And dinner is in the oven. I hope you like lasagna."
"You already know I'll eat anything you make," Bradley said, kissing you on the top of your head.
Noah tried to pronounce lasagna until you were barely holding in your laughter. "What's that?" he asked, handing you a pink crayon.
"It's kind of like spaghetti," you promised, coloring in a tyrannosaurus rex. "I already know you like spaghetti, so I'm just trying to expand your palate."
"Okay," he said with a shrug. "Can I have ants on logs?"
You knew he was going to ask, so you had already made them. When you took the container out of the refrigerator, Noah and Bradley had them polished off in a matter of minutes. "Your weekly grocery bill is probably more than mine is for the month."
"I don't doubt it, Princess," Bradley said, biting into the last carrot stick, still in that sinfully hot uniform. "Let's eat dinner, and then I'll clean up while you and Noah play."
"And then you'll take me home?" you asked cautiously looking up at him where he stood.
"Do you want me to?"
You didn't answer him. You just turned back toward the coloring book while he pulled dinner out of the oven. Did you want to leave? And go back to your tiny, lonely rental? No. You were still wearing Bradley's clothes, and you kind of wanted some more of your own stuff, but you didn't want to leave. Not really. You said nothing, and he didn't ask again. 
He did everything else to get dinner on the table. He plated the food, got drinks, and set the table. Then after everyone including Noah enjoyed the meal, he cleaned up. "You don't want help?" you asked, scooping Noah up in your arms. "Then we're going to watch some Mickey Mouse while we play with blocks."
"Sounds good," he said, putting some foil on the leftover. "Love you," he added casually as you took Noah into the other room. No, you did not want to leave.
Bradley was still wearing his uniform. He'd tried to change out of the shirt twice now, but both times you had stopped him. Noah was looking a little sleepy, and Bradley didn't know what you wanted to do. He wanted you to stay over again. He wanted you to stay over until he got through the court appearance on Wednesday and hopefully returned home with Noah, free and clear of Meredith. But honestly, he wanted you with him longer than that.
"Princess?" he asked softly, and you stood up from the pile of blocks that Noah was working on.
"Yes, Daddy?" you asked, standing right in front of him and smirking. If he was alone with you right now, that smirk would be gone in an instant. 
"I need an answer, Baby. You want me to drive you home before I put Noah in bed for the night?"
Your hands found his waist as you gazed up at him. "I want to stay here, but I don't want to distract you leading up to Wednesday."
"Stay," he sighed. "Stay. We can swing by your place and pick up some of your things and then come right back here, okay? Stay."
So that's exactly what the three of you did. Bradley stayed in the Bronco with Noah while you ran inside your place for a couple minutes, and you came out with your usual tote bag plus a backpack. 
"You don't mind if I keep using your computer, right?" you asked before you climbed back in the front seat.
"You can use anything at my place."
The smile you gave him in response had him thinking about asking you things he had no business asking you yet. He closed his eyes briefly before putting the Bronco in reverse and heading back to his house. When you reached for his hand in the dying light, he held yours. And when you asked to turn on the playlist you made for Noah, he fell even more in love with you. 
Noah was half asleep by the time Bradley carried him inside, and when he reemerged from his son's room, you had changed into your own clothes. Bradley kind of missed his oversized shirts on you.
"I have a fun idea, Daddy," you said, and he was practically salivating in response. "I'm going to teach you how to cook."
His brow furrowed and he gave you a look. "That doesn't sound fun at all."
Your laughter in response had him agreeing with you anyway, and you were immediately coaxing him into the kitchen. "We can use up all of your food, and tomorrow I can go grocery shopping for you if you want. I could drop you and Noah off in the morning and then use your car."
"Baby, it's not a car.... it's a Bronco. And you can use it if you promise to be very, very careful with her. You can't park next to the cart return. Actually, you can't really park by anything. No trees, no shrubs, no other cars. Nothing."
You were trying not to laugh, he could tell. "Sure, Daddy. No problem. Now let's start cooking."
He kissed you softly. "You gonna let me change out of my uniform yet?"
"Don't ask me stupid questions. Of course not. You look hot. Now go ahead and grab all of the ingredients for this recipe," you told him, handing him your phone. He sighed and skimmed a recipe for chicken stir fry.
"Princess, there's no way I'm going to be able to make this," he murmured.
"That's an order, Lieutenant Bradshaw!" you snapped, and Bradley was instantly looking at you. "Or I'll make you do fifty push ups!" 
"That's nothing, Baby. I'll do a hundred for you," he said with a smirk, but what he got in response was a slap on his ass. 
"Get to work," you told him, hopping up on the counter with a bag of Skittles and a no-nonsense look on your face.
"Oh, shit," he mumbled, reading through the recipe again.
"And that dinner better be edible, or I'm not going to suck your cock, Lieutenant."
"Yes, ma'am." He read the recipe a third time before he got the chicken out of the refrigerator. Bradley was starting to get a little nervous about Meredith, but you were certainly helping him keep his mind off of that. He got a cutting board and a knife ready along with some vegetables. 
"Don't forget the salt," you whispered, holding out a green Skittle and popping it in his mouth. 
"Thank you," he whispered back. And you kept offering him little hints here and there. You told him he was cutting the vegetables too small, and then you fed him a purple Skittle. You told him the oil needed to be hotter, and then you fed him a yellow one. You reminded him to keep moving the food around in the pan, and then you let him take a red Skittle from between your lips with his mouth.
"You're better at cooking than you think," you told him. "Noah won't have to keep eating boxed foods."
"That's really your goal here, isn't it?" he asked you, pushing his sweaty hair back from his forehead with his forearm.
"Of course. I'm not worried about you. I'm worried about him," you replied with a playful eye roll. "What's he supposed to eat when I'm not around?"
"Why would you not be around?" he asked cautiously. Then his mind started swarming with thoughts of Noah living with Meredith. 
He watched you chew on a Skittle before you softly said, "I'll be around." Your eyes dipped down his chest to his pins and buttons. You looked so young and sweet, and you reached for the knob to turn the burner off. "Don't want it to burn."
Bradley nodded and got a plate down. He carefully scooped some of the hot food onto the plate and handed it to you for inspection. "Give me a fork, Lieutenant," you commanded, and Bradley grabbed one from the drawer while you blew on the food. "I just ordered you a rice cooker and an apron from Amazon. The rice cooker will make your life easier, and you'll look cute in an apron that says Hot Daddy."
Bradley laughed as you raised the fork to your lips. "Thank you, but baby, I don't want you spending your money on me. You haven't even graduated yet."
"Just pretend like you never paid me to watch Noah, okay? I don't like that you ever did."
"Okay," he whispered, placing one hand on either side of you where you sat on the kitchen counter. He watched you take a bite of the chicken, and you moaned softly. Then you tried some of the vegetables before you fed him a bite.
"It's so good. And I barely helped you at all."
Bradley was actually impressed that he'd made something that tasted that nice. "So I have no excuse now but to make Noah a homemade dinner? Is that what you're saying?"
"That's exactly what I'm saying," you said, smiling at him as he set the plate aside. "You know how to cook, Lieutenant. I'm so proud of you."
He leaned in and rubbed his nose against yours before kissing you. "Do you still want me to do push ups for you?"
"Kind of," you replied, kissing his mustache. "Just because it would be sexy." 
Bradley did fifty push ups while you stood in front of him and counted them off, and he looked up at your legs and your denim shorts the whole time. 
"Damn, Daddy," you groaned as he hopped up when he was done like it was nothing. "My boyfriend is so strong!" He didn't even have time to respond before you were unzipping his pants and slipping your hand inside. 
When you knelt in front of him, he said, "You weren't kidding about sucking my cock, huh?"
"Not at all," you whispered looking up at him. Your lips were glossy again. Whatever you grabbed from your house, it must have included your lip stuff. God, he loved the way you looked. He loved the way you felt. He loved your tongue, licking the bead of his precum away as you stroked him with your hands.
"You're really fucking good at this," he moaned as you wrapped your lips around him and sucked gently. He stroked your cheek as you took him a little deeper, swirling your tongue as he throbbed. "Goddamn it." The slow, deliberate drag of your lips along his length was enough to make him buck gently.
You moaned around him before pulling him free, and then Bradley was treated to you sucking on his balls until he was panting. "Baby," he whined, his cock resting on your face. You weren't going to let him go any faster. He couldn't decide if fast or slow was what he wanted, so he left you in charge. 
And he was not disappointed when you licked him from balls to tip and said, "I want you to cum on my face."
He ran his knuckles along your cheek and chin. "You're so gorgeous, Princess. I'd love to paint you up and make you even prettier."
"Daddy," you whined before taking him so deep he saw stars. You bobbed along his length, gagging as you tried to take all of him. Your hand was cupping his balls and your saliva was dripping onto the floor as you gagged again. You looked up at him with watery eyes, and this time when he stroked your cheek, he could feel himself.
"So good," Bradley growled. "God, you're the best."
You sucked and bobbed until he was sure he was going to lose his mind, and then he withdrew with a snap of his hips. He stroked himself twice, whispered, "I'm about to cum," and then he watched you flinch and giggle as ribbons of white landed on your cheeks and lips. His cum hit your nose, and then you opened your mouth for him.
"Fuck," he grunted, pumping every last bit onto your beautiful features, and then he was between your lips again as you licked him clean.
"Baby, don't move," he begged, scrambling to find his phone. "Will you let me take a picture?"
"Yes," you said with a laugh, licking him from your lips. "You can add it to your dirty photo album. Remember the passcode?"
"I sure do," he grunted, snapping a few pictures of you kneeling on his kitchen floor with his cum on your face. And then he was kneeling too and kissing you and telling you he loved you. 
You slept better in Bradley's arms than you ever did at home. He told you once you were curled up in his bed with him that he was getting nervous about the custody hearing. You tried to be encouraging. "There's no way anyone would let someone take Noah away from you. You're his only parent as far as he's concerned. He only knows love from you, Bradley."
"And you," he said softly. Warmth filled your heart as he added, "Noah knows that you love him. He lights up around you, and he's just as comfortable with you as he is with me. You're the best thing that ever happened to us."
You were supposed to be the one comforting him. But you ended up dozing off in his arms filled with hope instead. The next morning, he let you drive his Bronco "as a test" on the way to Noah's daycare. You had offered to keep Noah with you for the day instead, but Bradley insisted you spend your time finishing your school projects. 
"Okay," Bradley said as you parked in the daycare lot. "I'm fine with you driving the Bronco around. Do you remember the rules about parking lots?"
"Oh my god," you mumbled. "You're really not going to get Noah out and move along with your day until I answer correctly, are you?"
"No." His face looked serious as you laughed and promised you wouldn't park next to the cart return, another car or any sort of living plant.
"That's my Princess," he crooned, running Noah inside once you'd said goodbye to him. Then you dropped Bradley off at work, but this time, you crawled across the seat to straddle his lap for a moment.
"I love you," he whispered as you combed your fingers through his hair and kissed him. 
"I love you too, Daddy. I'll pick you up here at five," you promised, pressing your forehead to his. "And then I'll cuddle you all night, and you won't be worried about tomorrow at all. I can see on your face that you're thinking about Meredith. But think about Noah instead."
He wrapped his arms around you and sighed. "I'm always thinking about Noah. And you. And us." He kissed you one last time, and you let him climb out. "I love you, Princess."
You waved to him on the sidewalk, and then Jake joined him, and you waved to both of them. Then you stuck your head out the window and called out, "Can't wait to have you again later, Bradley! Oh, hi, Jake."
Then you started the engine again as your boyfriend laughed while Jake walked away. If you could at least make him laugh today, maybe that would make dealing with tomorrow a little easier. But it was hard not to think about what he and Noah might be up against. You couldn't let yourself dwell on it. Instead you drove to the grocery store with Bradley's credit card tucked inside your wallet.
You got all the staples, including your coffee creamer and everything you would need to make a big batch of ants on logs. Then you picked out some things you could teach Bradley how to make along with everything Noah liked. And you spent over two hundred dollars. Bradley had assured you that you could get whatever you thought they all needed and put it on his credit card. 
You were skimming the receipt as you pushed your cart to the Bronco. "Yikes," you muttered, loading bag after bag into the back, extra careful not to bump his precious vehicle with the cart. Then you closed it up and took the cart to the return. 
Just as you were digging his key out of your pocket, you looked up. You made eye contact with Meredith. She was standing there, right next to the Bronco.
"What do you want?" you asked. Your voice sounded strong, and you realized you were not even slightly intimidated by this woman when Noah wasn't with you. What could she really do to you in the middle of a parking lot at nearly ten in the morning?
She looked angry, eyeing you up and down and glancing at the Bronco. "I can't believe he lets you drive that. It's worth a fortune," she said, tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder and scowling. 
The car key was digging into your clenched fist, but you didn't close the distance to her. "Let me rephrase my question: What the fuck do you want, Meredith?"
"Such a filthy mouth on you. And you're spending time with my child," she said casually. "Lovely."
"Are you following me?"
She rolled her eyes, and you hated her so much. You supposed you could see how she was physically attractive, but you only felt the desire to kick her. 
"I'm not following you. I'm about to go grocery shopping. This is the store I always come to. But I wouldn't mind chatting a bit. I'd be more than happy to use your potty mouth and the fact that you're sleeping with Bradley against him in court."
You laughed out loud. "Well, you'd have to actually show up first. Are you going to be there tomorrow? Or run and hide at the last minute again?"
Her scowl was back. "You have a lot of questions, huh? Well, so do I. Is all that life insurance money still in an account for Noah? Or did you spread your legs open wide enough to get Bradley to pay for your little nursing degree?"
You gasped out loud. You would never do that. You loved Noah and Bradley. And now you were afraid you'd just walked into a trap. Meredith was looking at you from ten feet away like it was a showdown. One that she intended to win, because she brought the correct ammunition when you clearly had not. 
"I guess the money is still there then," she said, starting to look more satisfied. "You know he'll never commit to you, right? He was always afraid of commitment."
"Yet you're the one who abandoned her child," you said softly, but not without conviction. 
She took a step closer to you, venom in her voice. "I didn't want to be held down, but things change."
"Do you even want him? Or are you just trying to get back at Bradley?" you asked, unable to stop yourself. "Because Noah deserves a family who loves him. You left them. But Bradley loves him. Bradley would do anything for him."
Her voice was like steel. "And I deserve a lot more than what I'm getting." She spun on her heel and started to charge away.
"What does that mean?!" you called after her. But she didn't stop or turn back. "Meredith!" You got nothing but the back of her blonde hair, and then she was in her BMW and driving away.
"What the hell?" you muttered to yourself, hands shaking as you put the key in the ignition and started the Bronco. You had to sit for a minute until you were calm enough to drive. Thank goodness you hadn't kept Noah with you today. Thank goodness you'd been alone. And at least Bradley didn't have to deal with this either. 
Oh, he was going to be so upset when you told him later. He'd be mad you didn't interrupt him at work this instant, but you weren't going to do that. You needed to get back to his house right away and get on his computer. Carefully, you put the Bronco in drive. Apparently this thing was worth a fortune. Bradley had a nice house, and he probably paid a pretty penny for Noah's fancy daycare. He told you to spend his money on whatever you wanted at the grocery store. But there was some sort of life insurance money, too? What was going on here?
Your brain was swimming, or maybe drowning as you parked in Bradley's driveway and forced yourself to carry in the groceries and put all of the food away before you locked the front door behind you and turned his computer on. You entered his ridiculous password which you were definitely going to have to make him change, and you started your search. 
Hours went by, and you subsided on only coffee. Then you checked the time on your phone. It was almost five o'clock. You were going to be late to pick them up, and now you had more questions than answers as you ran back out to the Bronco.
Okay, Meredith. Okay. Daddy will see you in the courtroom. Hope you enjoy your fic, @beyondthesefourwalls And thank you @mak-32 !
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itsprashimusic · 5 months
A Barnes Birthday
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Summary - You are celebrating baby barnes' birthday, which is on the same day as your husband's birthday.
Pairings - Bucky Barnes x wife!Reader
W/C - 1.3k
Warnings - fluff, little cussing...i think, no use of y/n, your baby's name is not mentioned, neither is there any description of you or the baby. let me know if i missed anything. Happy reading<3
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At around 4 am you awoke, bursting with excitement. It was your baby's first birthday. And also, one of your husband's. It was difficult for you to fall asleep in the first place, so you thought you might as well get up from your light, restless sleep and get things ready for the day.
Knowing Bucky, he would most likely be knocked out asleep by now and wouldn't wake up till around 8:30 - 9 am. Normally your husband tends to be a light sleeper, but off late he has been sleeping like a log and you hope that carries on to tonight as well. You prayed to the universe he would not wake up when you silently moved out of bed.
First things first you freshened up, ate a quick meal and started decorating the house. Thankfully earlier in the day your baby managed to exhaust himself to a point where he would sleep the whole night without waking up once. You got streamers and balloons out of a box. Some easy to clean up confetti. You gritted your teeth as you tried to move the heavy couch around. You strong husband would have been useful here if this wasn't for his birthday.
You gave up on trying to blow the balloons and decided to bake the cake to get rid of some steam. Figuring out what Bucky would like was not that hard. Ever since Oreo came out, he has absolutely loved it. And with oreo having so many variations now-a-days than just biscuits, it's been the only thing Bucky eats when he wants a snack. Not the healthiest option but the man likes it and needs to eat.
You found a very simple oreo cake that you could make. You got started on making it. Flour, milk, butter, oreo biscuits obviously. By around 6 am the cake was in the oven getting ready. With nothing left to do, you got back to decorating. But there was an issue. You still needed to move the couch to another location.
At that exact moment your phone started ringing loudly. You ran to the kitchen and answered it, mentally kicking yourself for putting in on vibrate. You just hoped Bucky had not woken up. Thankfully he had not. Putting the phone to your ear you whispered-yelled into it, "What?!"
"I get it that you forgot to put your phone on silent?" Sam chuckled on the other side of the line. You blew an irritated breath out as you rolled your eyes. "Yes, I did. You need something Sam, cuz I'm kinda busy with trying to move my heavy ass couch."
"How about you open the door first and then we can figure out if I need something."
You moved from the kitchen to the front door and opened it to reveal a smirking Sam Wilson on the other side. You lowered the phone from your ear, cutting the call. "You son of a-" you say shaking your head a bit, a smile making it way onto your face. You both go in for a quick hug and you invite him inside. Not that he needed the invitation. He practically lived there at this point.
"What are you doing here at this ridiculous hour in the morning?"
"Helping you prepare for a double-birthday party." You didn't know how any man could be as generous as Sam Wilson. It was just a little past 6 in the morning and here he was in your house ready to lend a helping hand in getting your home ready for a birthday party. You smiled a grateful smile and told him about the couch and where you needed help in moving it. He hung his jacket on the coat hanger and got to helping you with whatever you needed.
You left in the middle to bring the cake out of the oven and let it cool. By that time the couch was moved along with some more furniture, balloons were hung and so were some streamers. With the extra help you were able to have the house decorated by 7 am with snacks and everything else ready. That was when you heard some cries coming from the bedroom. Realising that your son was awake, you quickly headed to the room to sooth him before Bucky woke up with the sound.
Bucky was dead asleep. A small part of you was worried with how deep his sleep was, but you knew it meant he was sleeping peacefully. "Hi my baby!" you greeted your son with a soft voice. "You're awake, yes. It's your first birthday." you said while cuddling him. He needed that after he woke up. His cries died down; he was wide awake and cheery. "Yes, its papa's birthday too. We'll wish him later, first let's get you ready for this double birthday."
You got to work bathing him and dressing him up in some adorable but comfortable clothes which would be easy to clean. Sam had headed back to his place to freshen up a bit before your son woke up. It was now past 8 am and you were getting dangerously close to when Bucky would wake up. You took 20 minutes for yourself to look presentable since there would be photos.
Bucky woke up just as you finished changing your clothes. "Doll?" he called out when you weren't found in his sight. "Coming." you replied and walked out of the closet he had built for you. Before fatherhood, Bucky had a big passion for construction. It kept him busy, allowed him do something for you and learn some new skills in the process.
"Happy birthday honey." you say with a smile. "How old are you turning today?" you joke, tilting your head to the side. He opened his arms and pulled you in for a hug. "Ha ha very funny. But thank you." saying the first part with mock annoyance, he pulled away and just stared at you for a good 10 seconds before he asked, "Where's the little one?" You said nothing and just smiled, gesturing him to follow you.
You jogged out of the room making him chase after you. You pick up your son who was waiting with Sam in the living room and stood there waiting for your husband. He walked in and Sam set off a confetti popper in his face which surprised for a second but then he hugged Sam. Bucky pulled back, looked around and then at you holding your son. You took the baby out of your arms and kissed him all over his tiny adorable face.
Bucky wasn't a man of many words and preferred to show his gratitude in actions rather than words. He pulled you close and just kissed the top of your head. You left his side when Sam came closer, "Happy birthday man, and happy birthday little man!" You then came out of the kitchen with the cake and lit candles and set it down on the table. In the moment Bucky couldn't be any more grateful for his little family. You, his son and Sam. They were his motivation for everything he did.
The candles were blown out and the cake was cut and fed to everyone. Your son got to devourer whatever cake was left on an already dirty towel laid on the floor. Sam played the role of a photographer for free, only because it was his nephew's birthday.
"it's been a year already." you say.
"Time flies fast, no?" he held you by his side as you both watch lovingly as Sam plays with your son. Bucky still remembers the time when you were pregnant with him, the random cravings you would have and the mood swings from time to time. There were a few hellish moments, but they were all worth it. Reminiscing about the past only made you more appreciate the present moments even more and anticipate the future.
"Happy birthday once again J."
Bucky didn't reply. But he did kiss you deeply.
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A/N - this has been sitting in my drafts since 2022😐 I wanted to get this out. It started as a random idea which took me forever to write. Hope you enjoyed reading.
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wholoveseggs · 7 months
Warmth - Part Two
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18+ ---- {Masterlist}
This is just a smutty little thing about being in an arraigned marriage to a certain original vampire.
If you rather read this on Ao3- Link is here {Part One} {Part Three}
Its day two of your unexpected honeymoon, as trust begins to blossom, the question lingers—will he exceed your expectations or leave you longing for more?
6k words - Warnings: blood, smut & a little violence.
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Part Two
Old boots felt sturdy beneath your feet as you stepped out into the crisp morning air. A quick glance upstairs reassured you that he was still asleep before you quietly slid the glass door open. The wood pile, near the tree line, caught your eye, pristine snow covering the ground like a hushed blanket. Despite the bright sun, you felt a chill in only his shirt, but you planned on being quick about it. Determinedly, you moved across the yard, the snow forcing you to hop a little with each step, an awkward dance to reach your goal.
Arriving at your destination, you gathered a few logs, feeling their rough texture beneath your gloved hands. With determined steps, you made your way back to the cottage, each footfall leaving a small imprint in the snow. Your breath formed visible clouds in the chilly air, as you hopped your way to the door.
The idea of surprising him with a warm fire and a nice breakfast motivated you. Despite knowing little about him, you sensed his caring nature, the kind of person who always put others first. Today, you wanted to be the one to pamper him, to show your appreciation in a simple yet meaningful way. 
Entering the cottage, you found him standing in the doorway, his expression a mix of amusement and curiosity. He stepped aside to let you in, observing as you kicked off the boots and tended to the fire.
"What are you doing?" he asked sweetly, his eyes following your movements.
"Sit," you commanded, pointing towards the dining table with a determined smile.
He complied, sitting down with a grin, his gaze lingering on your bare legs as you gracefully moved around. The sizzle of eggs in the frying pan filled the kitchen, mingling with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. You deftly flipped the eggs, the golden yolks shimmering in the morning light. Toast popped up from the toaster, perfectly golden brown. Setting the table, you placed a steaming cup of coffee in front of Elijah, his eyes lingering on you.
"You look beautiful in my shirt," he said, his voice warm with admiration, appreciating your effort and the sight before him.
A soft blush colored your cheeks as you sat down across from him. "Thank you," you replied, smiling shyly.
After the delicious breakfast, Elijah insisted on cleaning up, his swift movements making the task seem effortless. You offered to help, but he waved you off, his eyes softening as he glanced at you. You ignored his request and began to wipe down the counters. Then you felt his arms around your waist, turning you around, his lips meeting yours in a gentle kiss. Surprised, you wrapped your arms around his neck, the kiss deepening, and he lifted you onto the kitchen counter with ease.
"My beautiful wife," he murmured against your lips, his words filled with affection and desire.
In the midst of the passionate kiss, you noticed a change in him. His eyes, once warm and inviting, had turned pitch black with dark gray veins snaking around them. His vampire form peeked out, a glimpse of the powerful creature he truly was. Fear gripped you, and you pushed him away, your heart pounding in your chest.
He immediately stepped back, his expression filled with regret. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice laced with guilt. "I usually have perfect control, but with this unexpected and remote honeymoon... I haven't had any blood in days."
Your fear subsided into concern. "Is there anything I can do to help?" you asked hesitantly.
He shook his head, his eyes gentle. "No, I'll go into town to find some blood. It won't take long."
"You'll come back I hope," you say softly, anxiety gripping your chest. Only yesterday did you believe he would get rid of you as soon as possible, even after your night together that fear still gripped your heart. He was, after all, still a vampire, one night of great sex couldn't entirely erase your distrust of them.
Elijah gave you an unreadable look and stepped towards you. His hand reached out, cupping the back of your neck, pulling your lips to his in another kiss. His other hand traveled up your thigh, dipping below the shirt and between your legs. You gasp, whispering his name as your hands grab at his chest, his unexpected response to your question turning you on. 
His dark eyes looked into yours as a finger found your clit, slowly teasing you, his touch igniting a fire within you. With a playful grin, he watched your cheeks flush, your eyes fluttering closed from the sensation. "What did I say last night about my vows," he whispered against your skin, kissing your neck as you let out a soft moan. "Say it," 
"You take your vows seriously," you replied, your voice barely above a breath, already wet for him.
"Mhmm," he murmured, pulling his hand away from you, his dark eyes full of desire. He played with the buttons of the shirt you were wearing, pressing his forehead against yours, he whispered. "I promise to return, and then I'll free you from this shirt."
Breathless, you watched as he prepared to depart, savoring another lingering kiss he pressed against your lips before stepping out the door. Your legs trembled slightly as you hopped off the counter, the anticipation of his return igniting filthy thoughts in your mind.
To distract yourself, you decided to unpack your belongings, only to discover that every item in your suitcase was brand new. Luxurious clothes, high-end toiletries, and exceptionally fancy lingerie. The notion of Klaus choosing the lingerie made you cringe, yet you couldn't help but appreciate the overall gesture.
An idea sparked in your mind, and you decided to slip into the extravagant lingerie beneath Elijah's shirt, hoping to surprise him upon his return. The prospect of his reaction added an extra layer of excitement to your anticipation.
You made your way back downstairs and came across another bottle of whiskey, taking occasional swigs as you perused the extensive record collection. You loved the owner's passion for 90s music, with an eclectic mix of grunge and R&B artists filling the shelves. You stumbled upon a mix record featuring various artists and decided to give it a spin.
As the music filled the room, you couldn't resist the urge to dance. Your thoughts drifted to Elijah, and you wondered about what music he enjoyed, making a mental note to ask him when he returned.
As the day stretched on, the alcohol began to take its toll, the room spinning slightly as you got a little drunk. Recognizing the need to be clear-headed for his return, you stashed the bottle away, determined to greet him with a sober mind.
That's when you noticed something strange, alarm washed over you as you observed unfamiliar footprints in the pristine snow outside the back door. Your eyes traced the tracks, and a gasp escaped your lips when you spotted a shadowy figure darting past the window. Fear surged through your veins and you reached for the fire poker, realizing with a sinking feeling that you didn't even have Elijah's number to call for help.
Panic gripped you as you caught sight of the intruder passing another window, their presence sending chills down your spine. With adrenaline fueling your movements, you sprinted upstairs, the sound of shattering glass echoing through the house, making you stumble.
In the upstairs hallway, you frantically scanned your surroundings, your thoughts racing a mile a minute. They were likely here to rob the place, and you needed a secure hiding spot. Your eyes fell on the bathroom, and without a second thought, you dashed inside. The bathroom seemed like a reasonable choice – nothing of substantial value was in there. 
With trembling hands, you crouched down behind the shower curtain, clutching the fire poker tightly. The adrenaline pumping through your veins intensified every sensation, your heart pounding loudly in your chest. The fear was overwhelming, and you prayed that the intruders wouldn't find you, holding your breath as you waited in the darkness.
The moments felt like an eternity as you hid behind the shower curtain, your heartbeat drumming in your ears. But your sanctuary was short-lived. The intruders' footsteps thudded ominously up the stairs, their heavy breathing hinting at them being near.
The bathroom door swung open violently, revealing two figures in masks. They grabbed you with brutal force, tearing the fire poker from your grasp, and dragged you out of the bathroom by your hair, your cries of pain reverberating through the house.
You were downstairs on your knees with one of the intruders, the other one still upstairs collecting the valuables.
"Tell us the passcode to the safe, and we will let you go," said one of the masked men, brandishing the fire poker menacingly.
Fear gripped you, causing you to flinch as his harsh voice pierced the air. "I... I don't know, this isn't my house," you stammered, tears welling up in your eyes.
Meanwhile, the other intruder descended the stairs, hastily stuffing jewelry into his backpack. "It's fine, let's go," he urged.
"No, man, the good stuff is definitely in the safe, and I bet this little bitch knows how to open it," the man with the poker sneered, delivering a cruel kick that made you cry out in pain.
Clutching your side, you pleaded, "I don't, it's a rental, please," your voice laced with desperation, terrified that he might escalate the violence.
"I suggest you step away from my wife," Elijah's voice cut through the room, eerily calm and deadly. Relief flooded your senses upon seeing him, his expression dark and foreboding.
"Fuckin' rich guys," scoffed the masked man standing over you. "Always got a hot young wife and no sense," he spat, directing the poker threateningly at Elijah.
The other intruder seemed to sense the imminent danger, glancing nervously between his partner and the exit. "Let's just go," he said, fear tainting his voice. "The cops are probably on their way."
"They're not," Elijah said coldly, advancing towards you, his gaze fixed on your assailant. "I recommend you drop the poker and back away from her, I will not ask again."
The other man looked from Elijah to his partner and let out an exasperated sigh. "I'm out," he said, bolting for the door.
A small smirk curved Elijah's lips as he observed the man fleeing, before his cold eyes returned to the one still holding the poker. "Your friend has more sense," he remarked, his voice sharp and commanding.
"Tell me the passcode to the safe, and I'll let her go," the attacker retorted, delivering another vicious kick that made you gasp in pain.
Your eyes squeezed shut, bracing for another blow, but instead, you felt warm liquid splashing on your face and hands. Opening your eyes, you were met with a horrifying sight: Elijah stood before you, holding a human heart in his hand, his face splattered with blood.
A sharp gasp escaped your lips as you glanced at the lifeless body of your attacker on the floor beside you. In an instant, Elijah swept you up and carried you away from the gruesome scene, placing you gently on the kitchen counter.
"Stay here," he said, his tone deadly serious, before heading back to the living room. You sat there, your hands trembling, struggling to comprehend the violence that had just occurred. Elijah returned moments later, he was shockingly clean with no remnants of blood on him, you supposed he was a bit of an expert at covering up such things. 
He approached you, his expression soft, a look of concern on his face. He carefully examined you, his eyes filled with regret and worry. "Are you hurt?" he asked gently, his hands hovering over your bruised and battered body.
"I... I think I'm okay," you managed to say, your voice barely a whisper, shock still coursing through your veins.
Elijah's touch was surprisingly gentle as he assessed your injuries, cleaning the blood from your face with a damp cloth. His hands were steady, a stark contrast to the chaos that had just unfolded in the living room. Despite the brutality of the situation, there was a tenderness in his actions that caught you off guard.
A tear rolled down your cheek as you voiced your heart's worry. "Why do you care for me, Elijah? I'm of no use to you."
He wiped away your tears and locked his gaze with yours. "You don't have to be useful to matter to someone," he whispered, his voice brimming with tenderness and affection. "Why do you care for me?" he asked in return. "My kind killed your family."
"It's pretty pathetic to say, but it's because you've been nice to me," you replied quietly, your gaze dropping to your trembling hands. "I haven't really experienced that with many people."
Elijah's thumb brushed away the last of your tears before he leaned in and gently pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was tender, filled with an unspoken promise of protection and affection.
As he pulled away, he chuckled softly, his eyes locking onto yours. With a playful grin, he helped you ease his now bloodied shirt off your body. "Well, this wasn't quite what I had in mind when I said I was going to free you from this shirt," he quipped, his voice carrying a mix of amusement and warmth.
You couldn't help but smile. "You freed me in other ways," you said sweetly, gently touching his cheek.
He gave you a soft smile, rinsing out the cloth and continuing to clean the blood off of you. "I don't remember you wearing this when I left this morning," he remarked, his gaze roaming over the lingerie you had put on. 
"It was supposed to be a surprise," you chuckled, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment. 
Elijah's gaze softened, his eyes lingering on you appreciatively. "Well, it certainly is a pleasant surprise," he said in a low voice. 
Elijah's touch gentle as he inspected your bruises, his fingers tracing the sore area on your side. His eyes, though intense, held a mixture of concern and something more complex, something you couldn't quite decipher.
"You may have a broken rib. My blood can heal you if you want it," he said softly, his voice a soothing contrast to the pain you felt. His fingers lingered on your waist, his gaze locked onto yours with an unwavering intensity.
"I'd appreciate that, thank you," you replied, confused as to why he was looking at you this way, it reminded you of how he looked into your eyes the night before when he was fucking you. "Are you alright?" You asked, placing your hand over his heart. 
He nodded and bit his wrist, holding it out to you. Pressing his bleeding wrist to your lips, the coppery taste filled your mouth as you drank his blood. In an instant, the pain in your body vanished, replaced by a strange warmth that spread from the inside out.
As you pulled away, feeling completely healed, he gave you a gentle smile, his eyes softening. With a tender gesture, he wiped the blood from your lips, then captured them in his own, giving you a gentle kiss. The intensity of his gaze persisted, as if he was trying to convey something important without words.
"Are you sure you are okay?" you asked, searching his eyes for answers.
He responded by picking you up off the counter and guiding you to the fire. The room was perfectly clean, no evidence of a man being eviscerated there less than an hour ago. 
He grabbed blankets and pillows and assembled a makeshift bed, taking your hand and guiding you down to settle next to him. The heat of the fire seeping into your bones and calming your nerves. He was still giving you the strange look and you let out a quiet sigh of frustration, wishing he would open up. 
"I really like you too," he confessed quietly, his gaze fixed on the dancing flames. The firelight reflected in his dark eyes as he turned to you, his expression vulnerable. "It doesn't happen very often."
You pressed a soft kiss to his cheek then moved between his legs, leaning into him, your back against his front. His strong arms held your waist, and he started placing tender kisses along your shoulder. You let out a soft hum, enjoying the feeling of his gentle touch. 
"I can't believe I only met you yesterday," you whisper, letting out a quiet laugh of disbelief. "And now we are married and you just killed someone for me," 
He responded with a low murmur, continuing to trail kisses along your shoulder and neck. 
"Have you ever been married before?" You ask quietly, watching the flames dance.
Elijah's lips continued their tender exploration of your skin, his warm breath soothing you. "No," he replied softly, his voice barely above a whisper, his lips brushing against your ear. "I've never been married before. You're my first."
"I find that hard to believe, you have lived for one thousand years," you remarked, letting out a deep sigh of contentment as you melted into his arms. "Not to mention you are charming as hell and smoking hot," 
Elijah's lips paused their exploration. "Most of my lovers throughout the centuries met unfortunate ends," he said, his tone heavy with the weight of his long existence. "Being immortal can be a curse in many ways."
A surge of empathy washed over you, and you gently turned in his arms to face him, your fingers tracing a soothing pattern on his chest. "I'm sorry to hear that," you said softly, your gaze meeting his.
He managed a faint smile, his eyes softening as he looked at you. "It's in the past now," he said, his fingers caressing your cheek tenderly. "And I'm glad you find me attractive, it would be tragic to be married against your will and also have your husband be ugly,"
"Well, you're far from ugly," you replied playfully, your fingers tracing along the contours of his strong jaw. You looked into his dark eyes, giving him a sweet smile. "Husband," you whisper, the word sounding foreign as you said it for the first time. 
Elijah's lips curled into a genuine smile, his voice filled with warmth. "Wife," he replied. His hands reached down under your thighs and lifted you onto his lap, eliciting a giggle from you.
Your giggle suddenly turned into a soft moan as his hands opened your legs and he gently nibbled at your ear. "You look so lovely in this lingerie," he said in a low voice as he unhooked and removed your bra. His warm hands cupped your breasts, rubbing his thumbs over your nipples. You closed your eyes and leaned further into him, another soft moan escaping your lips. 
You felt his satisfied smile against your neck as he continued to explore your body, reveling in the sounds you couldn't help but release. When you tried to turn to face him, he wrapped a strong arm around your waist and held you firmly in place. "I want you just like this," he whispered, his words going straight to your core.
His hands trailed down your front, your back pressed against his front, the base of your neck resting on his shoulder as his fingers slipped beneath your elegant lace thong. His fingertips delicately brushed your clit, evoking a moan from you as you bit your lip. He responded with a low, appreciative hum, setting a rhythm with slow, deliberate circles.
The heat from the fire in front of you intensified the sensations, and a glistening sheen of sweat adorned your skin. With two fingers, he entered you, creating soft, wet sounds that filled the air. You attempted to arch your back in pleasure, but his firm hold kept you in place. "Elijah," you moaned, your voice laden with desperation, urging him to continue.
"You like the way I touch you? You are making such pretty sounds," He asked in a low voice, the heat from the fireplace casting a sultry glow on your entwined bodies. Your moans grew louder as the pleasure built, each stroke of his fingers pushing you closer to the edge.
Finally, you couldn't hold back any longer, tightening around his fingers before letting go. Your legs shaking from the pleasure. Elijah held you close, working you through your orgasm, whispering sweet words of affection in your ear.
He pressed more soft kisses along your neck and shoulder, his lips warm and tender against your skin. "You're incredible," he murmured, his voice filled with adoration. "I've never felt this way with anyone before."
Your heart began to beat rapidly and you suddenly felt vulnerable. Your nerves got the better of you and you got to your feet, heading to the record collection on the other side of the room.
You began to browse, trying to pick out something he would enjoy. "What do you like?" You asked, looking back at him near the fire. He gave you a gentle smile, gazing over your nearly naked form. 
"Whatever pleases you," he replied.
"No, I want to know what you like," you responded, your cheeks flushed from the confession. "I feel like we're doing this all backward—marriage, sex, and then getting to know each other."
Elijah's eyes softened, a hint of amusement in his gaze. "You have a point," he said, his tone thoughtful. "I appreciate your curiosity." He rose from the floor, his muscular frame moving gracefully as he approached you. "Let's see... they certainly have an affinity for the '90s," he remarked, his fingers delicately tracing over the album covers. After a moment of consideration, he selected a Nirvana album, the one with the iconic cover of the baby in the swimming pool.
You couldn't hide your surprise. "Nirvana?" you asked, a smile playing on your lips. "Didn't take you for a grunge fan."
"I'm a man with a variety of tastes," he teased, placing the record on the player. With precision, he moved the needle, and a song started to play with a gentle crackle.
You chuckled, your arms reaching up to wrap around his neck. "Drain You?" you said, laughing. 
"What? It's a good song," he retorted with a teasing grin. Leaning down, he kissed you, pulling you into a lively dance right in front of the roaring fire.
With the music as your backdrop, you both moved to the frenetic rhythm. Your bodies swayed, jumped, and twirled in a chaotic yet exhilarating dance. You mouthed the lyrics at him, pointing dramatically, swaying your head back and forth. The wild energy of the music took hold of you, and your laughter filled the room as you let loose.
Lounge Act began playing and Elijah pulled you close, his hands on your hips moving you to the drum beat. "This is my favorite track," you said with a smile.
"I thought you might be a fan of this band," he teased, his swaying and dancing movements matching yours. He leaned in and kissed your neck as you danced.
"What is it about me that made you think that?" You asked teasingly, your hands roaming his shoulders and chest.
He smiled wide, his hands roaming down your curves. "You survived your terrible family, didn't succumb to their ideologies. That takes a rebellious spirit, that's what this album is all about and it's something I greatly admire about you," he confessed, his voice low and filled with genuine appreciation.
A soft chuckle escaped your lips as you continued to dance."Well, I guess we're both rebellious spirits then," you said playfully, your hand gently squeezing him through his pants.
He responded with a throaty groan, his fingers digging into your skin. "You certainly like to be in control as much as me," he observed, his dark eyes full of desire.
"No, I like you in control more. I've never had a lover do that before," you replied, your cheeks flushing from the confession.
"That's because they were just your lovers, I'm your husband," he said with a smile, twirling you gracefully before pulling you close again.
As the music filled the air with its raw energy, Elijah's commanding presence loomed over you, his eyes smoldering with desire. He pressed his lips against yours in a fierce kiss, his hands gripping your waist, pressing your body against his.
"This album and all this kissing... I feel like a teenager again," you admitted, your voice filled with both amusement and genuine delight.
Elijah's eyes softened, his fingers tracing patterns on your skin. "I feel the same way," he confessed. "Being with you, it's like rediscovering the thrill of falling in love for the first time."
Your eyes widen at his words, a wide smile on your face. "Love?" You ask, your cheeks flushing. 
"Something like it," he responded, his lips finding yours again.
Suddenly, the moment was interrupted by the sound of your stomach loudly growling. You hadn't eaten since breakfast, and the sun was now setting, casting a warm glow through the windows. Elijah pulled away from the kiss and let out a chuckle, "I'll cook you dinner," he offered with a warm smile.
You nodded appreciatively and headed for a quick shower. After cleansing the day's adventures away, you slipped into a plain black dress, feeling refreshed and ready for the evening. When you descended the stairs, the Nirvana record had restarted, and the familiar tune of Lithium filled the air. Elijah was in the kitchen, preparing what appeared to be pasta. You sat on the counter, watching him with a soft smile, he stopped his prep momentarily to hand you a glass of wine.
You sipped happily on your wine as Elijah skillfully scraped garlic and chili flakes into a hot pan with some olive oil, letting the fragrant mixture simmer for a few minutes. "That smells amazing," you commented, your gaze fixed on him as he began chopping parsley.
A smile played on your lips as you reflected on the rapid transformation of your life. Just two days ago, you had been a nervous wreck, convinced your life was over. And now, here you were, watching your exceptionally attractive husband cook your dinner in a charming cottage, accompanied by one of your favorite albums and the finest wine you had ever tasted.
"My father used to play this album while he painted," you shared, observing as Elijah added the spaghetti to the oil. "I was only five when he died, but I've always remembered that."
Elijah stirred the pasta around in the hot oil with a smile. "You know, I actually saw them live back in the early nineties."
You couldn't help but express your envy. "I'm so incredibly jealous," you replied, your eyes glued to him as he mixed the parsley and lemon juice into the dish, then gave it another quick toss.
You enjoyed the sight of him working away in the kitchen, casually dressed in a dark button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. "You are even hotter when you are cooking," you comment, giving him a shy smile. "I didn't think it was possible," 
Elijah couldn't hide the hint of a pleased smirk as he plated the pasta. "Well, I suppose it's safe to say I'm a man of many talents," he replied with a touch of playful arrogance.
You both sat down at the table, the scent of the delicious meal wafting through the air. You couldn't help but compliment the dish. "This looks amazing. Thank you for making it," you said with genuine appreciation.
Elijah's smile was warm and tender. "It was nothing, my dear. I promise, when we get back home, I'll cook you something truly spectacular."
"Back home," you echoed, a hint of melancholy in your tone. "You mean at the compound? With your notorious brother." The prospect made you anxious; your adoptive family had taught you to fear Klaus above all others.
Elijah noticed the concern in your eyes, his gaze softening. He reached across the table, gently taking your hand in his. "I understand your apprehension," he spoke gently, his touch reassuring. "But rest assured, I won't let anything happen to you. I'll protect you, no matter what."
His words brought a smile to your lips, reassured by his presence. "I never thought I'd feel safe around a Mikaelson, but with you, I do." you replied, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.
Elijah's expression softened further, his eyes reflecting genuine warmth and affection. "Good, because technically you are one now," he teased, his tone light.
You let out a soft chuckle and decided to ask the question that had been lingering in your mind. "Why do you think Klaus planned this honeymoon for us? It doesn't seem like something he'd typically do."
Elijah's lips curved into a wry smile. "Knowing Klaus, it was probably to torture me," he said, his tone half-joking but tinged with truth. "He enjoys testing my patience."
His admission surprised you. "Torture you? How?"
"I didn't expect to connect with you so easily," Elijah confessed, his gaze softening as he looked at you.
"You know, he packed me that exquisite lingerie," you explained, giving him a knowing look. 
Elijah scoffed. "That was awfully presumptuous of him," he said, shaking his head. 
"Well, Klaus was right, wasn't he?" You replied teasingly. 
Elijah's expression shifted, surprise giving way to a warm, affectionate smile. "Yes, he was," he admitted, his voice softening. "I'm glad he was."
After the delightful dinner, you began clearing the table, intending to clean up. However, Elijah gently halted your movements. Effortlessly, he lifted you, placing you on the kitchen counter with a soft smile playing on his lips.
"Where were we... oh yes," he said in a low voice, his hand traveling up your thigh, the other gripping your waist and pulling you close, his lips meeting yours in a tender kiss.
Your eyes fluttered closed, your fingers threading through his hair, relishing the sensation of his hands on your body. "I love the way you touch me," you confessed breathlessly, your cheeks flushing at your words.
"I know," he murmured softly, his fingers already circling your clit, making your hips twitch with every movement. "I love watching you come undone."
A soft moan escaped your lips as he opened your legs wider, placing them on either side of his hips. He slid two fingers inside you, his gaze never leaving yours as you unraveled once again.
"Please," you begged, your legs trembling. "Please, Elijah, I want you."
"You have me," he teased, his thumb gently grazing your clit. "You'll have to be more specific."
"I... I want you to fuck me," you confessed, your cheeks reddening as he elicited more moans from you.
"Right here on the counter?" He said playfully, tilting his head in amusement as he watched your eyebrows arch. "I think I would prefer to have you in bed,"
You let out a quiet whine, his teasing becoming tortuous, your gaze locked onto his. "Then take me to bed," you asserted, your voice a little shaky 
Your words spurred Elijah into action. Without hesitation, he picked you up, carrying you to the bedroom. In a blur of movement, you found yourself on the bed, your dress torn off. A gasp escaped your lips as he climbed on top of you, his expression dark and dominant.
"Is this how you like it?" he asked, pinning your wrists above your head with one hand.
"N-no," you moaned, rubbing your thighs together as you squirmed underneath him. "I-i want…" 
He gave you a seductive grin and leaned down, pressing his lips to yours, then whispered in your ear. "What does my pretty wife want?" he asked, his dark eyes locking onto yours, as he parted your legs with his free hand.
"I want to touch you," you replied, your heart pounding from feeling vulnerable. You didn't know how to express that you wanted something more intimate.
His expression softened and he let go of your hands, his dominating demeanor fading into something sweet and gentle. "Go ahead," he said softly.
Your shaking hands roamed his chest and shoulders, your eyes admiring his handsome face. "You are so beautiful," you whispered. Pulling him close and kissing him sweetly as you unbuttoned his shirt.
He smiled and removed his shirt before discarding his pants. Climbing back into bed, he settled down next to you, his hand tracing over your curves before gripping your waist and pulling you against his bare skin. His lips found yours, a soft and tender kiss, one hand cradling the base of your neck, the other back between your legs, stroking your clit. You moaned into his mouth, your fingers cupping his face as you deepened the kiss. 
A question had been lingering in your mind since the moment he left that morning, and you had been contemplating how to ask it all day. "Elijah," you whispered softly, the hesitancy evident in your tone.
He responded with a low murmur, his lips exploring your neck and chest, gradually descending toward your core. His caresses were a delicious distraction from the pressing question that weighed on your mind. "We'll be here for a week, right?" you asked, your voice trembling as he gently nibbled at the soft skin just above your panties.
"Yes," he murmured, his lips brushing against your skin. His hands dipped under your thighs, pushing them up around your hips and spreading them wide.
A hitch in your breath accompanied the sensation of his lips on the sensitive flesh of your inner thigh, momentarily causing you to lose focus. "S-so, you'll have to leave again to get blood," you stuttered out.
He shifted his head to look at you, his once-lustful gaze now softened with sorrow. "Unfortunately, yes," he replied.
"What if you just drink from me instead?" you asked, your voice trembling with anticipation, your heart racing in your chest.
Elijah halted his kissing, his expression contemplative. "It's a deeply intimate act," he replied, his voice low and filled with a complex mix of emotions. "It's not something to be taken lightly."
You couldn't help but tease him. "I'm sorry, are we not intimate enough? Look at what you're doing right now," you said, your fingers running through his hair as you pointed out the obvious. "And I've already had your blood, this seems only fair," you added with a playful glint in your eyes.
He smiled in response to your remark and moved back up your body. His lips found yours in a gentle kiss that stole your breath away. Pulling back, his dark eyes locked onto yours, searching for any sign of hesitation. He shifted slightly, situating himself above you, you could feel his cock brushing against your thigh as he kissed your neck. With a slow, deliberate motion, he guided himself into you, drawing your thighs up around his hips and pressing his body firmly against yours.
A gasp escaped your lips as he filled you completely, leaving your cheeks flushed and your legs trembling from the sensation. He began a gentle rhythm, each deliberate thrust igniting waves of pleasure throughout your body. A soft moan escaped your lips as he continued his slow pace. "Let me know when you're close," he said softly, his teeth grazing your skin, heightening your pleasure.
You nodded, the combination of his kisses and caresses driving you closer to the edge. Your hands found their way to his back, your nails digging into his skin as pleasure washed over you. Your moans filled the air as you surrendered yourself to him completely, reaching the edge of your climax, you whispered, "I'm close."
In response, Elijah lowered his lips to your neck, his fangs gently grazing your skin, and as you reached your peak he sunk his fangs into you. The taste of your blood filled his mouth, and he let out a low groan of pleasure. You clung to him, your nails breaking his skin as he drank from you. Elijah continued to move with a careful rhythm, his thrusts tender and unhurried, drawing out your orgasm in a prolonged crescendo. A low, guttural moan escaped your lips, the pain and pleasure overwhelming your senses. 
He pulled back, licking the blood off his lips before kissing the bite mark on your neck, cleaning the remaining blood off your skin with his tongue. His thrusts became powerful and deep and his intense gaze locked onto yours, a warm smile forming on his lips in stark contrast to the raw, passionate movements of his hips.
"You are too good to me," he said in a low voice, his dark eyes lowering to your lips as you moaned in response, lost in the overwhelming pleasure. 
His movements grew harder, each thrust becoming more intense. All you could do was cry out as another orgasm washed over you, your legs trembling and instinctively trying to shut, but Elijah held them open, his strokes turning slow, deep and deliberate.
"That's it," he murmured, his voice a low whisper, a tender smile gracing his lips as he gazed down at your blissed-out face. "Lovely wife."
He continued to make love to you with a passion you had never known before, his every movement a perfect blend of sweetness and intensity. In that moment, as you gazed into his dark eyes, you felt a profound sense of joy at being his, completely and utterly.
His body tensed, his movements growing erratic, and his thumb grazed your clit, sending you plummeting into another intense orgasm. At the same moment, he came undone, emptying inside you as his lips captured yours.
He pulled away, his lips curving into a soft smile as he watched you, your body sprawled out on the bed, your chest rising and falling as you tried to catch your breath.
"Holy shit," you gasped, rolling to your side and looking up at him, your eyes wide with amazement and satisfaction.
Elijah chuckled softly, his eyes filled with adoration as he brushed a strand of hair away from your face. "Was it too much?" he asked, his tone laced with genuine concern.
You shook your head, a satisfied grin spreading across your lips. "No, not at all. That was... incredible," you managed to say between breaths, your body still tingling.
He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, his lips warm against your skin. "I'm glad," he whispered, his arms wrapping around you as he pulled you close. You nestled into his embrace, feeling the comforting beat of his heart against your ear.
As sleep claimed you, you found solace in his presence, your heart filled with the unspoken love that bound you, a love patiently waiting for the perfect moment to be spoken aloud.
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{Part One} {Part Three}
Thanks for reading Part 2!
I'm a huge lover of 90s music, I was listening to nevermind when I was writing this and got inspired.
If you are a fan of the album -- I think Klaus's favorite song would be territorial pissings!!! I tried to add it to the dialogue but I couldn't see Elijah mentioning that in an organic way.
Also the pasta Elijah made is called Aglio E Olio -- Its fucking delicious and seems fancy when its very easy to make.
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fantasyandshit · 5 months
The light and the dark
Type: series
Pairing: Azriel x Archeron sister reader
Part: 1/?
Other parts here
Summary: Yn is the youngest of the four Archeron sisters, growing up life was rough her and her family always made it.
(A/n, it’s been a minute since I read the series, especially first few so timeline might be slightly off.)
“Yn?” I hear Feyres voice call as she nears the shack we call a house, nose red from the cold and limping slightly as she carries the deer atop her shoulder. I make my way over quickly, taking the dear from her shoulder and slinging it across my own much to her protest and heading inside. “I thought Nesta was supposed to be chopping wood?”
I set the deer down with a thump, “when I got back it wasn’t done, figured rather than fight and get nowhere, I might as well do it myself.” I shuffle around the small kitchen, taking a knife from the counter and moving back to the animal.
“Yn.” I stop and turn to my sister with an eyebrow raised. “Please go have Elain fix you up or something? You have dried blood across your face and who knows what’s hiding under your clothing. Seriously how many times have I told you to rest after the fight rings?”
A humorless chuckle leaves my cracked lips as I lick them before turning back to the table and begin slicing the meat. “I’m fine Feyre. I promise, I’ll clean myself up later. You on the other hand need to go sit, there should still be wood near the fireplace, if not, tell me and I’ll go grab some of the logs I just chopped.”
Feyre sighs before going to join the rest of the family by the hearth, knowing she won’t win in this debate.
Later, I’m carving at meat when the door is blown off its hinges and a beast stomps into the room- a fae. Immediately the knife in my hand is pointed its direction and I’m in front of my family, however gets a knife of her own and is by my side.
“Who killed the wolf.”
I’m stunned before it repeats itself, “who killed the wolf.”
Several moments go by, before I speak out. “I did.” At the same time of Feyre and I see the beast turning towards her- it knows. Before I can properly think, I charge at the beast, knife landing in its leg before it bats at my face, throwing me to the wall. “No!” I hear Feyre call before all goes black.
I wake up in a carriage, Nesta and Elain in front of me. There’s a pain in my face, back, legs, ribs- everywhere. “What’s-what’s going on?” I try to push myself to sit up but am pushed back down by Elain. “Where’s Feyre.”
I’m fuming by the time Nesta explains, “you let her leave! Just like that! You let her leave! Are you mental!”
“Yn please calm do-“
I point my finger to my sister “No! No Elain I will not calm down! Your two let Feyre leave with that beast!”
“You do not speak to her like that.” Nesta growls, one of her deadly glares directed my way.
“Do not- You’re mad for how I spoke to Elain? Feyre is gone! Gone! What if it was Elain? Would you care then? Oh precious Elain can’t go but Feyre- oh no one cares about Feyre!” My voice raises as I glare back at my eldest sister.
“You keep your mouth shut.”
“No! Fuck both of you! I’m going to find Feyre.” I climb from the stable carriage only to see we’re at a manner, bigger than our past one but I don’t care. I need to find my sister.
I know it isn’t much and there isn’t any Az yet but trust he will be here soon. Love y’all.
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marksmelodies · 7 months
switching my positions for you
idol chenle x fem reader
genre: fluff, bit of angst, smut
warnings: suggestive, kissing, mentions of sex, acts of sex
minors dni
you and chenle had the day off today, which was the first time in so long that you both had the same day off, all you wanted to do was spend time with him. you woke up this morning and he was gone, leaving a note on the kitchen counter stating he went to the gym,once he got home he washed up and hopped on a game with some friends. you never wanted to seem clingy.. you knew chenle hated it but the truth is you are clingy you just hide it from him.
you and your boyfriend have very different love languages, chenle shows his love through gift giving and acts of service, you on the other hand needed physical touch and quality time,you understood that chenle had been busy for months on end with all the comebacks he’s participated in this year, that’s why you never bothered him when he would come home from work or spend his day off engulfing himself in things he likes such as gaming and watching sports. you just wished that he spent a little more time with you
he sits in his gaming chair with his headset on in your shared room every so often yelling at his teammates through the mic,you roll your eyes in annoyance as you sit on the couch with daegal
“ your dad is mean huh, he’s ignoring us” you tell the dog
finding things to do around the house only takes so long.. you’re out of things to clean or chores to do ,you gently open the door to your room causing no reaction from chenle as his eyes are glued onto the screen ,you walk behind him massaging his shoulders as he slides one side of his headset off of his ear
“ hey baby” he says looking up at you as you kiss his lips
“ hi le” you comb the back his hair with your fingers for a few seconds before grabbing clean clothes, as you undress yourself to get into the shower
a few hours have passed, you decided to cook dinner tonight
you hear chenle say his goodbyes as he logs off and walks out to the kitchen making your heart skip a beat in excitement,he approaches you snaking his hands around your waist as you chop up vegetables
“ hey”
you take a second to respond back to him
“ hi” you turn around smiling up at him
“ need any help my love” he asked
“ nope i’m all good here”
“ alright i’m gonna go watch the warriors game, it starts in five minutes” he says quickly pecking your lips as he pats your ass walking back into the bedroom
once you finish making dinner you decide to let chenle know the food is ready,walking into your room chenles lays on the bed shirtless with grey shorts as his arms are behind his head, it took everything in you to keep calm
“ dinners ready if you want it” you tell him
“ i’m not hungry yet, just leave a bowl for me in the fridge please ”
you give him a tight lipped smile and nod before closing the door on your way out,eating alone was something you hated yet here you are at the kitchen table eating your boyfriend’s favorite dish without him,eventually you had enough making your way to the room laying on the bed with him,you waited to say anything until a commercial came on
“ baby” you whine at him
“ hm” he looks at you rubbing your thigh
“ i’ve missed you”
“ i’m right here” he chuckles
“ yeah i know” you sigh
“ but i still miss you even when you are here”
he looks at you with furrowed brows, scooting you closer to his chest as he lays your head on it
“ you know i love you right?” he looks down at you
“mhm” you smile at him
as the game came back on his attention averted back to the tv,you scoot your body up a little kissing his collar bone inching up to the side of his neck,chenle says nothing he simply cranks his neck to the side allowing better access to kiss him as he hold your waist ,you lay back down on his chest tracing the outline of his abs and messing with the waistband of his boxers
chenle knows what you want it’s not hard to read you, he knows you like the back of his hand,he doesn’t say anything though, if you want him so bad you can figure out a way to get him yourself,he just sits there trying his best to focus on the game
“ babe can you turn the lights off there’s a glare on the screen” he asks
the room is now dark apart for the glowing tv in front of you enhancing your mood ever so slightly,continuing tracing shapes on his skin as your hand moves farther and farther down his body reaching his clothed dick,you crawl to the side of him taking off his shorts along with his boxers,his hardend cock hits his stomach as you begin stroking it with your hand
looking up at chenle as his eyes are on the screen watching his game as you lick his tip before wrapping your mouth around him bobbing your head up and down as you massage his balls
“ fuck” chenle whispers grabbing onto your hair as his eyes stay glued to the tv,before chenle can reach his high he pulls you off of his cock
“sit on it” he demands
making sure he can still see the tv you hover over his dick, back facing him as you sink down all the way
“ stay still for second baby don’t move yet” moving one of his hands up and down your waist
“ gotta tell the guys how well you treat me, letting me watch my game as you fuck yourself on my cock” he laughs bringing both hands to your hips slowly moving you up and down, moans escaping your mouth and you slam yourself into him
“ shit baby you’re gonna make me cum fast if you keep doing that” chenle exclaims, you turn your body around facing him as he plays with your titties,kissing him all over his shoulders and neck leaving slight marks where no one else can see them but you, you feel yourself tighten around him as you reach your high
“chenle” you moan his name,chenle reaches up and tucks your hair behind your ear “ i’m right here baby, you’re doing so good for me, taking me so well”
chenle pulls you off his member as he tells you to get on all fours facing the tv,ramming his dick back into with no warning causing you to scream as chenle bottoms out,leaving trails of kisses down your spine
“ fuck baby i’m gonna cum” he says pulling out flipping you around so he can finish on your tits,watching chenle above you jerking himself off to reach his high, finally he get closer as strings of cum shoot out onto your body
“ fuckkk” he groans as you watch his expression as he hits his climax
“ you’re so pretty when you cum lele” you lean up on your elbows kissing his lips as he milks the last of his cum out from his dick
“ i can definitely say the same about you pretty girl”
he gets a damp towel from the bathroom as he cleans the mess he made off your chest
“ let’s shower yeah?” he suggests
after you finish getting dressed you walk back into the bathroom where chenle stands in front of the mirror doing his skincare routine
“ babe can i talk to you” you hoist yourself up on the bathroom counter next to the sink
“ of course you can” he moves slightly so that he’s standing in between your legs as they gently swing back and forth
“ dont get mad though” you say looking up at him
“ just say it y/n you’re scaring me”
“ sometimes it hurts my feelings when you come home from a long day at work or have a day off and you spend it playing video games or watching basketball instead of spending time with me, i’m not saying you can’t do any of it at all, i- i just wish you’d spend a little extra time with me because you want to and not because i beg you for it” you look down at the floor. chenle lifts your chin so you’re looking back at him again, “ i’m sorry baby, i never realized that’s now you felt”
“ i don’t want to seem clingy, it’s just that i strive off your touch and spending time with you and you alone, i don’t get many chances to be with you all day everyday and i don’t want to take the days i do get with you for granted”
“ all you had to do was tell me my love, i would never get mad at you for communicating with me, i think sometimes you forget that even though we’ve been together for a long time this is my first relationship, i’m still learning. i’m sorry if i don’t pick up on hints that you drop, sometimes i can be an idiot” he chuckles
“ it’s okay lele, don’t apologize. i love you so much”
chenle places his hand on the side of your face and the other one on your waist as he kisses you passionately
“ i get off early tomorrow, how about i take you on a date hm?”
“ i would love that lele” chenle picks you up walking you out to the kitchen as he heats up his food you made for him
“ you made my favorite?” he asks shocked
“ of course i did, you mentioned how much you wanted it yesterday” he smiles at you kissing you repeatedly
“ i’m gonna marry you one day” he says
“ you better, i refuse to get married if it’s not with you”
he laughs putting his hands around your head
“ and why’s that?”
“ oh come on chenle you know why”
“ i just want to hear you say it” he taunts
“ because no one on this very earth could ever compare to you” you walking out of the kitchen knowing you just inflated his ego
“ and don’t you forget it mrs. zhong” chenle says slapping your ass on your way out ,rolling your eyes you try and hide the smile creeping onto your face.now laying in bed entangled in each others arms you look up at him
“ you better get me the most expensive ring” you joke
“ ugh i forgot you love me just for my money” he jokes back
“ oh yeah totally, sorry to break it to you but i would’ve ran for hills already if that’s what i was after, i don’t think i could’ve handled your loud ass mouth”
“ hey that was mean” he sulks
“ i’m joking”
“ no you’re not”
“ yeah no i’m not” you both burst out laughing as you lean in kissing his lips
“ but i love you and your loudness”
“ thanks babe i love you and your big ass head”
“ chenle baby you have no room to talk” you shove him slightly
“ come here” he pulls you closer tickling your sides as you squirm trying to get out of his reach
“ chenle stop i’m going to pee myself” you laugh he lets you go as you take your chances pulling him into you tickling him back
“ hey that’s not fair you tricked me” he laughs his adorable laugh that you love so much ,you both settle down, silence falls between you two as chenle traces his finger on the side of your cheek, you feel yourself slowly drifting off to sleep
“ ever since i was a kid, i was always busy with work, whether it was in china or abroad, i don’t remember the last time i could genuinely just be a kid, i had to grow up really fast at such a young age, but then i met you, we were just two stupid teenagers at the time but i fell so in love with you. you made me feel like a kid again, so carefree, i didn’t have to have a certain image around you, i could truly just be myself, i’m so lucky that i get to have the relationship i always wished for with the only girl i ever wanted” chenle kisses your head
“ i’m so lucky to have you too chenle, all i ever want to do in this lifetime is make you happy” chenle cuddles up to you laying his head on your chest and you lightly scratch his back
“ in cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you and get you pregnant and have a bunch of mini y/n running around, i cant wait to build a family with you.”
“ i cant wait either chenle i wouldn’t want a family with anyone else, but you do know our kids are going to be carbon copies of you, your genes are too strong” you laugh kissing him
“ i know sweetheart i just said it to make you feel better”
“ i’m happy we’ll have little chenles all over the place, they’ll be so cute, hopefully they don’t come with your stubbornness”
“ hm i don’t about that but i know we will make cute ass babies”
“ one day lele one day”
“ yeah, i gotta put a ring on it first” he says as you look up at him
“ you’ve been talking an awfully lot about marriage lately, you sure you’re not hinting something?” you say
“ i dunno maybe” he smiles kissing your nose
“ don’t play like that chenle” you yawn as you turn around and chenle does the same
“ goodnight my love”
“ goodnight sweet boy”
i LOVE writing for chenle so much!! thank you for reading <3
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
Steddie Week 2023
May 22nd Prompt: Hunger
Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7
Steve wakes up slowly, rolls over to look at his alarm clock, then bursts out of bed in a rush of limbs and sheets and curses.
3:42 blinks back at him. Sometime during the night the power had gone out, and Steve knows it is well past 9, when he was supposed to be opening at Family Video. He pulls on his jeans and a clean shirt, stuffs his feet in his shoes, runs a brush through his hair, and grabs his vest on his way out the door, sparing half a glance at his kitchen, but not having time to eat.
If it comes down to it, he thinks, there’s always the candy.
He gets to Family Video in record time, breathing out a sigh of relief when he yanks on the door to find it still locked. That means he’s the first one there. Keith might notice when he goes back through times this week to figure out pay, but Steve’s hopeful he’s gotten away with it this time.
He clocks in, computer reading 10:01 (an entire hour late, whoops), and takes a breath as he looks around the store. Robin’s scheduled to come in at three, meaning he has five hours alone.
No one comes in for the first hour. Steve finishes logging returns and winding back the tapes.
Halfway through the second hour, the bell above the door jingles, and Steve raises his voice from where he’s putting away tapes. “Welcome to Family Video!”
“Either you’re hiding or you’ve officially started haunting this place,” a voice calls back, and Steve laughs as he walks out of the aisle.
“Hey, Eddie.”
“Hiya, Stevie.” He grins. “Tell me if this is too forward? But I noticed the power went out last night and figured if I know you as well as I do, you slept in and missed breakfast.” He hands Steve a brown paper bag, creased nicely at the top.
“Lifesaver,” Steve gasps, opening the bag. Three muffins. He sniffs them, then groans. “You’re perfect, holy shit, thank you.” Banana nut, his favorite. His heart skips an odd beat, then again when he realizes Eddie’s blushing, pulling a piece of hair across his face.
“You’re welcome,” Eddie says quietly, chuckling slightly. “I guess I was right?”
“Yeah, I woke up, like, half an hour after my shift had started, immediately panicked, and got here as fast as I could. I don’t need another write-up.”
Eddie nods, a smirk crawling onto his face. “How about waiving the fees for your favorite customer?”
Steve makes a show of looking around. “Dustin’s here?”
Eddie just laughs. “I can’t even be mad at that one.”
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“Steve,” Eddie says, eyes wide, adorably serious. Steve tries to school his face accordingly, but he can’t really feel his face. “I’m hungry.”
Steve thinks about it. “I am too,” he decides, then thinks some more. “Is there pizza left over?”
Eddie shrugs, looks at the blunt in his hand, then shrugs again, taking another drag. “Chips?”
“I have chips,” Steve agrees, grabbing for the blunt. “C’mon, share.”
Eddie hands it over. “Steve,” he says again, “I’m a genius.”
“Yup,” Steve agrees.
“We should watch a movie.”
“Oh my god,” Steve breathes. “With snacks?”
“Yeah. Yeah, with snacks, c’mon, help me, help me!” He pulls Steve up, laughing when Steve does.
“Eddie,” Steve says. It’s his turn to be serious. “What if we call Argyle? And Jon?”
“And they can bring pizza,” Eddie breathes. “Stevie, I think you’re the genius.”
“Yup,” Steve agrees again. “I’ll call. You get snacks. And movie.”
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“Fuck off,” Eddie laughs, resting his head against the wall. “There’s no way.”
“I swear! That’s exactly what she said! And then she tried to blame me, like it isn’t all automated.” Steve huffs a breath.
Eddie shakes his head. “You have way more patience than I do, man.”
“That’s not true. We have different types. I could never sit like you do, painting your figurines.”
Eddie snorts. “I zone out and wake up four hours later. I don’t think that counts as patience.” He sighs. “As fun as this has been, Steve, I’ve gotta go get ready for my shift. I’ll talk to you later?”
“Yeah. Yeah, definitely. What time does your shift start?”
“That… Eds, that’s in twenty minutes.”
“No? I’m looking at a clock right here. It’s 4:40 right now. I’ve got an hour twenty.”
“Eds,” Steve says, sounding pained. “Daylight savings.”
“Oh, shit,” Eddie breathes. “Shit, shit, shit, you’re right, shit, fuck, okay, I’ve gotta go, love you, bye!”
He hangs up before Steve can say anything else, stuffing his feet in his shoes and grabbing his keys before racing out.
He’s halfway to work before he realizes he’s hungry. He lays his head on his steering wheel at a red light, breathes. “Just five hours,” he tells himself. “I can make it five hours.”
Half an hour in, he’s not so sure. His hands aren’t as steady as they should be, but he hides it from his coworkers, takes another few deep breaths, and tries to trick himself by drinking more water.
Ten minutes later, a familiar maroon Beemer pulls up. Eddie’s heart thuds in his chest as he goes out to meet Steve.
“Sorry I’m late,” Steve grins. “I think I got caught by all the lights possible.” He grabs something from the passenger seat. A brown paper bag.
“You didn’t,” Eddie breathes.
“I did,” Steve admits. “I hope turkey’s okay.”
“Turkey’s fantastic,” Eddie promises. “Freakin’ food for the gods, when I’m this hungry.” He opens the bag. A sandwich, a small bag of chips, an apple. He laughs. “Jesus wept, Steve, I brought you three little muffins!”
“Yeah, and I meant it when I called you a lifesaver.” He tilts his head. “I’m curious about something, though. If you meant it.”
Eddie pauses with the sandwich halfway to his mouth. “Meant what?”
“Gotta go, love you, bye.”
“Oh.” Nausea makes its presence known. He brings the sandwich down. “Steve, I-”
Steve’s fingers land on his forearm. “The truth, Eds. Please.” He’s whispering, eyes big and hopeful, and Eddie feels some of that same hope filling him.
“Yeah,” he whispers back.
Steve grins again, steps back. “I’m picking you up tomorrow. Seven o’clock.”
“Okay,” Eddie whispers, watches as Steve drives away.
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“Hi,” Eddie says breathlessly, opening the door before Steve could knock.
“Hi.” Steve chuckles. “Ready?”
“Yeah. Where are you taking me?”
“Where do you wanna go?”
Eddie bites his lip, slides into the passenger seat. “Dinner? I’m starving.”
Steve grins at him as he puts the car in gear. “Me too.”
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porchlightfairy · 2 years
Stone Cold
summary: You struggle to get on Wayne Munson’s good side.
content: Angst, breakup and makeup, Wayne is a little mean, Eddie doesn’t listen, heartbreak, apologies everywhere.
word count: 2.9k
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──
You and Eddie were friends once, but you couldn’t keep your hands off of each other. Everyone around you could see from a mile away that the two of you were more than that. You played with his hair and he would steal food off of your plate. You would take his rings off and put them on and sometimes he would stick his head under your shirt and blow raspberries on your stomach. Sometimes you would kiss his cheek and sometimes he would hold your face in his hands. That’s kind of when the friendship stopped and the relationship started. It was still fresh, and there were many wrinkles to iron out about it; one being Wayne Munson.
You were spending the night at Eddie’s and you needed to use the bathroom. You detangle yourself from the sheets and the sleeping log you recognized as Eddie. He whines at the sudden movement but a peck on the cheek puts him back at ease. You get dressed and head out of the room towards the bathroom.
You close the door and spin on your heels in the small hallway. You nearly jump out of your skin when you see Eddie’s uncle, Wayne standing in the hall. He’s got a sullen look on his face when he sees you. You smile nervously, “Sorry, Wayne, you scared me. I’m just heading to the bathroom.”
He doesn’t say a word and just grimaces before walking back to the living room. You furrow your brows at his reaction before continuing to the bathroom. When you get back into Eddie’s bed, you shake him gently. “Eddie? Eddie.”
He slowly opens his eyes, “Hm? What babe? What’s wrong?”
“Your uncle frowned at me.” You say, “Do you think he’s upset I’m here right now?” 
He shrugs, “It’s probably just his face. You’re fine. Don’t worry too much about it.” He wraps his arm around you pulling you into an embrace, “Just go back to bed.” 
“Okay.” You weren’t too sure but Eddie knew his uncle more than you. So you closed your eyes and fell back asleep.
The next morning, you wake up early and decide to do something nice and make coffee for Wayne before he leaves for work. You pour it into a mug once it’s finished and just as you do, Wayne comes out of his room. “Morning Wayne. I made you some coffee.” You hold out the mug to him.
He doesn’t react at first. You feel your heart sink and your hands begin to sweat. He purses his lips and looks at the mug. “That ain’t one of the drinking mugs.” Your eyes go wide and your smile fades. You had accidentally taken one of the display mugs hanging from the cabinets. You thought since they were in the kitchen they counted for actual use.
“I am so sorry, Wayne. I’ll clean it right now.” You quickly dump out the coffee and clean the mug. You hold it out to him again.
“Now you’ve wasted a fresh cup of joe.” He sighs, “I’ll just brew some at work.” He then leaves the trailer for the day. You set the mug down, completely embarrassed at the interaction. 
You dig your nails into the counter before putting the mug back and going back to Eddie’s room. As quietly as you can, you start to collect your things. However, you were not successful and Eddie begins to wake up. “What are you doing?” He mumbles.
“I’m just getting my stuff together.” You tuck your stuff in your bag and sit on the bed next to him. He rests his hand on your thigh and smiles up at you, “Why are you awake so early?”
You sigh, thinking back to just moments ago. “I was trying to impress your uncle by making a cup of coffee for him before work. But then I accidentally used a mug from his collection. And so I panicked and dumped the coffee out and then he frowned at me again.” Your shoulders go slack, “I don’t think he likes me much.”
Eddie laughs a little, and you slap his chest, “Sorry, sorry, I don’t mean to laugh. I just wish I was awake to see it happen.”
“I’m kidding! Look, I am sure, he was just cranky about having a late night and an early morning. He gets like that sometimes. Don’t worry about it too much, okay?.”
“Okay,” You lean down and kiss him. “I should still probably go. I’ve got work later.” 
He pouts, “Fine let me get dressed, and I’ll take my baby home.” He sits up and wraps you in a hug, peppering your face with kisses. Without even knowing it, Eddie was making you feel better. He makes you a cup of coffee from what remained in the pot and some toast with jam. He holds your hand and helps you into the van. You were sure he was going to help you put your seatbelt on too.
As he drives, your mind can’t help but wander to the old man. How upset he looked from the night before and in the morning. Could he really not like you? Eddie didn’t seem worried, so you shouldn’t be either. 
You arrive at your house and you walk over to his side of the car. He leans out of his window and you kiss him. You feel him smile against your lips, “Come over tonight.”
“Again, Eddie, I was just at your house.” You giggle. 
“Well, I want to see you again. Come over and let’s watch a movie. We can watch one of your sappy romance ones.” He playfully rolls his eyes.
You smile widely, “Really? Okay then. Your uncle working late?”
“Like always. So stop worrying. I’m getting scared you’re thinking about him more than me.” He pouts. 
You squish his cheeks and kiss him again, “I promise, I’m not.” You absolutely were. That man had a stare that could see through lead. And he could stare into your soul. You just wished he could see that you were being authentic. That you loved Eddie and that you hoped to be together with him for a long time. You think about it all day and well into the night while watching a movie at Eddie’s trailer.
You rest against Eddie’s chest and watch the movie you chose. He’s fast asleep and you were on your way there too. Halfway through the movie, you hear the door open and you see Wayne come in. You give him a polite smile but it quickly fades. He lets out a heavy sigh before heading back to his room. You curl up a little and tuck your head under Eddie’s chin. “Is the movie over?” He mumbles, his eyes still closed. 
You hit the stop button and turn off the television, “Yeah, let’s head to bed.” You both make your way into his room. 
“Did Wayne come home?” He says as he changes into his pajamas. 
“Mhm.” You’re tight-lipped as you change.
He looks over at you, “Did he say anything?”
“Mm-mm” You shake your head.
He pulls you into a hug, “He probably had a long day and didn’t want to talk.” He kisses the top of your forehead. He then pulls you to his bed and holds you in his arms as he falls asleep. It takes you longer to close your eyes. Anxiety creeps up your back as you stay under the same roof as Wayne Munson.
The next day, Eddie gives you a ride to work and even offers you a ride home afterward. However, you decline and head inside. You worked at the general store downtown. All you did was take inventory and stock shelves while another woman, Loretta, worked the register. Easy job for easy pay.
You’re stocking cans behind a shelf when you see Wayne’s car park in front of the store. You slowly sink behind the shelf and hide and you hear the sound of the store bell chime.
“Hello hello, Wayne.” The ever-so-charming Loretta speaks, “what brings you in today?”
“Just grabbing some quick stuff. That boy is going to eat me out of house and home I tell you that.” He mutters. “Him and that little girlfriend of his.” Your heartbeat picks up. Quietly, you tuck your knees into your chest as you continue to listen.
“Oh yeah, how’s that going? He seems to be swooned by her.” Loretta says. You hear Wayne just in front of the shelf you were behind.
“Well she’s something, I guess.” He sighs, “never seems to want to leave my house.” For the past few days, that’s all she wanted to do. “Starting to get on my nerves, that's for sure.”
“Sounds like you don’t like her.” Loretta’s tone had shifted. She was no longer being nice, she was getting answers, for you.
“Well, honestly I don’t.” He scoffs. “She’s all in my kitchen, in my living room, in my bathroom. I can’t have anywhere in peace.”
Then peace is what he’ll get. Once he’s gone, you head to the storage room and call Eddie’s line to tell him you’ll be coming over later. You felt terrible at how methodical this all was. 
You drive over to Eddie’s house from your downtown apartment. Eddie throws open the door for you and takes you back to his room. “Okay, so today, I was thinking we could sit and listen to some new tapes I got from the store. And then maybe we head to the burger spot between Hawkins and Roane and then—”
“Eddie, I came here to talk to you.” Your voice is no louder than a whisper. 
He pulls you close, “We can talk all night.” He leans down for a kiss but you turn your face away, “What’s the matter?”
Your eyes begin to tear up as you pull from him, “I can’t do this anymore.”
You see Eddie’s face wilt, “Wh-what do you mean?”
“This relationship is just not going to work.” You avoid his sad gaze as you say those words.
“What do you mean? Did I do something wrong? Tell me if I did, so I can fix it?” His voice cracks as he speaks. He takes a step forward but you take a step back.
“It’s nothing you did, Eddie.”
“Then is this about Wayne?”
You purse your lips, “I just don’t think we can make it work.”
“No, we can, I'm sure we can. Let me talk to him, okay? Make sure he changes his attitude.” Eddie holds your arms. 
You push him away, “It’s not something that will go away so easily, Eddie. He doesn’t like me being around and I think it’s for the best if I wasn’t.”
“Why? We can figure this out.”
“There is nothing to figure out! He does not like me! He said it! He does not like me being in his house! And he is so willing to say it to other people and you are so willing to brush it off! God for days he’s been acting like this and you haven’t done anything, Eddie. I tried to ignore it but I couldn’t. Not anymore! I can’t be here. I can’t be around you knowing that I am not welcome.”
“Baby, I’m sorry, I didn’t know he said that. I didn’t know—”
“And that’s what makes it worse, I care about you a lot. And I don’t want to force you to choose.”
“So you’re making the choice for me?!”
“No, I’m making my own choice.” You wipe a tear that streaked down your face, “Goodbye Eddie.”
You exit his room and head out of the trailer. Outside on the porch, you see Wayne standing there. He looks at you awkwardly and he opens his mouth to speak. But he is interrupted by Eddie stumbling out of the house after you. “Wait! Wait! Please, come back inside. Let’s talk about this.”
You get into your car and stare ahead as Eddie taps on the glass. You can’t look him in the eyes. You take a deep breath and start the car pulling into the road and out of the park, leaving Eddie in the dust. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── It’s been a week or so since you broke up with Eddie. You hadn’t seen him in a while since then. Not that you had been going out either. For you, it was home, then work, then back home again. You missed him so much. You missed spending time with him. The long phone calls at night, and the sleepovers. Waking up to his sleeping face and making him breakfast in your kitchen.
Your heart ached for Eddie during the day. You missed when he would come in and surprise you during work. Now your days feel monotonous. Stacking cans, taking inventory and working the register. 
You sit behind the register flipping through a comic when the door chime rings. You look up and to your surprise it was Wayne. You don’t say a word and look back into your comic. You assume he will move quietly through the aisles and go about his business.
You would be very incorrect. He comes over to the register and clears his throat. You peek over the comic again, “Need something?”
“Can we talk?” He asks, in all honesty, he looked worse for wear. 
“Is it about the stuff in the store?” You close the comic.
“Now you know it ain’t about that.” He frowns.
“Then there is nothing for us to talk about.” You pop open the comic again. 
He sighs, “I came here to apologize. Will you at least let me do that?”
“What is there to apologize for? I was eating you out of the house and home remember.”
He is taken aback by that statement. He lets out another sigh, “I didn’t mean what I said. I was just frustrated is all.”
“Frustrated that I was in your house?”
“No, I was frustrated with Eddie. And I took it out on you. That was wrong of me.” You put down the comic, ready to hear him out, “It’s like as soon as y’all got together, he forgot how he was raised. Letting you into the kitchen all by yourself that’s not how we treat guests. I was surprised you found the coffee grounds. And that day, in here, I greatly apologize. That damn boy can work a nerve when all he talks about is a girl he really, really likes.” You nod as you listen. “Now you don’t gotta forgive me so soon but Eddie misses you and he loves you to death. Don’t take it out on him.”
You purse your lips, “I’ll… I’ll think about it.” His eyes sadden a bit but he nods in understanding. He then leaves the store.
After work you head home, you think about everything Wayne says and it causes you to laugh. Eddie had annoyed Wayne so much he started to get annoyed by you too. Throughout the evening you eye your phone, debating whether or not to call. You chew on your bottom lip until finally picking up the phone.
You dial Eddie’s phone slowly and wait for the phone to ring. It rings a few times until you hear it get picked up. “Hello?” It was him. His voice was raspy and he must have been in bed.
“Eddie? It’s me. Can you talk right now?” You whisper. You didn’t need to but it felt like your normal voice would sound too harsh.
“Yes.” He lets out a breath, “Is everything okay?”
You smile at his worry, “I’m okay. Think you could come over? To talk face to face. I have a lot to tell you.”
“Yes! Yes. I’m on my way.” He tries to control his excitement, “I’ll be there in a bit.” You hang up and wait for him to arrive. Which isn’t that long a while later. He arrives with his hair damp and out of breath. 
“Did you shower before getting here?” You ask as you let him in
“Maybe?” He shoves his hands in his pockets, “What did you want to talk about?”
“Wayne came to the store today.”
“He didn’t bother you again did he?” He straightens up. 
You wave it away and shake your head, “No, no. He came by to apologize actually.” He relaxes again.
“That’s good.”
You nod, “He also told me you missed me.”
Eddie nods and shuffles his feet. “I do. But I respect your choice so I’ve been keeping my distance.
“Well, can I just say, I missed you too?” You take his arm and lead him to the couch to take a seat. He places his hand in yours and you rub your thumb over his knuckle, “I was so worried about impressing Wayne, I lost sight of us.”
“I did too. You were freaking out and instead of helping you I let it get worse.” He squeezes your hand gently. “That’s not how you take care of somebody you love.”
“It seems we were all in the wrong, huh?” You giggle.
“Some more than others.” He mumbles, “So does that mean we are okay?”
“Yeah, we’re okay.” You smile and press your lips against his. He makes a happy noise against your lips. “Could you believe this all started because you wouldn’t shut up about me?”
He shrugs, “I love you. I needed to tell somebody about it.”
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kscheibles · 8 months
congratulations (college bf! au)
content warnings: f! reader, fluff
word count: 0.8k
dedication: to my sweet, sweet friend, mads (@toomuchracket), who earned her master’s degree today 🫰🏼
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You sit on a stool at the countertop of your and Matty’s tiny NYC apartment, crowded with books, plants, and shoes you couldn’t quite give up in the move. You chuckle to yourself as you recall countless conversations with Matty as you packed up your dorm room – him “just checking again, sweetheart” that you needed a second pair of black heels. Boys never understand. You touch your steaming mug of tea gingerly, sipping it and letting the sweet, herbal taste melt on your tongue. Years ago, you would have made fun of him for having tea in the morning. Now, everything in your life is colored by him, and all the better for it. He makes the colors richer.
Matty is in the kitchen, donning a pair of grey sweatshorts and a graphic t-shirt making breakfast. You feast your eyes on the sight of him being so domestic. The past year, he’s been working while you’re still studying and completing your integrated master's program. As of a few months ago, you’re officially at the mercy of your dissertation committee to see if you’ll be awarded the degree. You’ve been feeling lost – like your life is on hold until you know the result. Stuck in a limbo between being accomplished and a total failure (not to mention broke from grad school tuition costs). Matty’s noticed a change in your disposition and adjusted well given the circumstances. He makes coffee, cleans the apartment, and plans dates like it’s his job. Right now, he’s standing in your shared kitchen, flipping pancakes with surprising agility, and doing a happy dance each time they turn out okay. 
He makes a show of bringing you your pancakes, speckled with chocolate chips and stacked uniformly on your nicest plate. Butter melts off of them and the smell of chocolate fills your nose. Matty sits beside you, his plate a shockingly different sight. On his plate are amorphous pancakes, lopsided and deformed. 
“What happened to yours?” you tease, pouring some maple syrup onto your plate and offering him the carafe. 
“Wanted you to have the pretty ones,” he says softly, accepting the syrup and kissing you on the forehead. You smile into his touch. 
You’re a few bites into your delicious pancakes when you get a call from one of your schoolmates. You look at Matty silently questioning if he’ll be mad if you take it and he waves you off. You pad into the bedroom, answering the phone calmly.
“Get your laptop out, bitch,” she states, curtly.
“What?” you ask, reeling. 
“Get your laptop out. They’ve released our dissertation grades. I want to find out the same time you do.”
You grab your laptop and bring it out to the kitchen counter, putting your phone down.
“You’re on speaker, Matty’s here so be nice,” you almost shout, simultaneously logging into your student portal.
“Matty, I’m always nice about you, she’s just being a dick,” your friend clarifies. 
“I know you too well to believe that for a second, darling,” he muses, fitting more pancakes into his mouth and washing it down with his tea, “What’s this about?”
“Are you on the page?” you ask into the phone.
“Yes, ready?” comes the staticky response, “Refresh on three.”
As the page reloads, you see the familiar crest of your school with the word ‘Congratulations’ juxtaposed over it. 
“Oh my god!!” you squeal, jumping up and down. Your friend cries excitedly on the other line.
“Babe, what on earth is going on, you haven’t told me a thing,” whines Matty to your left.
“You’re officially dating a girl with a master’s, Healy,” comes the voice from the phone. Matty's face brightens in every possible way: his eyebrows raise, mouth widens, eyes light up and squint in total contentedness. He comes up to you, hugging you tight and kissing your lips softly, unflinchingly. 
You pick up the phone, turning it off speaker and pressing it to your ear. 
“Congratulations, babe,” you muse. Matty looks at you with total adoration that’s morphing into hunger by the second. You meet his eyes as his eyebrows quirk suggestively. You smile and Matty leans down, kissing your collarbone and creeping up slowly towards your exposed neck.
“I have to go,” you nearly moan into the receiver, “drinks soon?”
“Yeah yeah whatever blow me off to be with your boyfriend,” she teases, “Love you.”
“Love you,” you make a kissing noise and click the phone off.
“Hey, I love you too,” Matty whines into your skin. You touch his hair once your hands are free.
“I know baby, I love you, too.”
“Yeah?” he meets your eyes, “Well I’m about to show you exactly how much. My perfect, smart, sweet girl,” he punctuates each word with a kiss below your ear.
He whispers “congratulations” one more time before lowering himself to his knees.
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snippychicke · 9 months
It's Just Business Part One
Go ahead, say it. 'Eliza, don't you have enough WIPs?
Yes. I do. But One Piece has brought me the most productive Muse I have had in a long time. And who am I to resist? Especially this face
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Hopefully my last WIP for One Piece LA, and I can get all three done.
Fandom: One Piece (LA mainly)
Rating: Teen so far
Pairing: Sanji/Reader
Warnings: No real warnings, but god, I hope you like pining
Summary: You felt like you had known Sanji forever, considering your family had been the main merchants Zeff used to supply the Baratie. You had a small crush on him, but knew it was hopeless considering you were the one woman he didn't seem to pine over. 
It was fine. Or so you thought until you ended up on the Going Merry as a bookkeeper and supply manager. Being around him 24/7 was a lot more difficult than just a few days a week.  
(Please note 》°《 denotes a scene in the past while -*- will be a regular scene break. Because yeah, I like my non-linear story telling.)
Masterpost | Ao3
You grew giddy as you saw the lights of the Baratie against the darkening violet sky. The trip had been longer than usual after getting blown off course by a squall you had encountered midway, and you had worried it wouldn’t be until late in the night before you were able to reach your destination.  
Lining up your ship with the deck at the back of the restaurant was pure muscle memory at this point. You had been doing this run since you were a child living on your parent’s merchant boat, after all. Patty called your name as you approached, a large grin on his face as you threw the rope to him to pull the ship in and anchor to the floating deck. "We were beginning to think you weren't going to make it tonight!"
"A small squall pushed me off course," You explained as he boarded, and you gestured to the barrel before grabbing a much smaller package along with your bag. "But you can rely on me, promise!" 
The dark man huffed as he picked up the crate. "Uh huh. Just make sure to tell the others to come help before you fall too deep in Sanji's blue eyes." 
"Patty!" You hissed, face burning as you paused. " I don't--It's not like that!" 
The cook's laugh echoed across the deck and into the night. "I was young once too." 
Theoretically, you knew he was right, yet at the same time to think of him, or many of the other veteran cooks of the Baratie as young seemed wrong. 
Like Zeff. 
The aforementioned chef greeted you by name as you entered the kitchen not long afterwards, his eyes crinkling as he smiled towards you. "Good to see you made it, I was starting to worry!" 
"Just took a minor detour!" You excused over the clamor of the kitchens, your eyes scanning discreetly for the other blonde chef. (Sous chef, chef, cook, you still were confused by the differences.) 
"Eggplant is waiting tables tonight." Zeff called, meaning your attempt at being subtle had failed spectacularly. 
"Oh no," You laughed despite the blush at being caught red handed. "What'd he do this time?" 
"Bein' a little shit like always,” Zeff finished whatever he was working on and washed his hands before bellowing out over the clatter of the kitchen. “Those not actively working on orders go unload Lil' Miss' ship! And you, lil' lady, let's go discuss business." 
You carried your package with you back to Zeff's office. The place was nothing like the clean organized chaos of the kitchen. Instead it was pure chaos with papers and log books piled everywhere. It felt like home to you, honestly. You had been raised by merchants, after all. Your parents had taught you the motto that if a person’s office was clean and well organized, business was bad. Chaos meant business was booming and they barely had time to keep things tightly organized. 
And business was always booming at the Baratie. 
You took a seat across from Zeff’s desk and you two quickly fell into a heated discussion as you haggled over prices, giving each other needlessly hard times for the hell of it. After finally settling on prices, the topic moved onto what was needed for the next run. 
"Alright then," Zeff said as you placed the order in your bag, along with the stack of money as payment. "You run off and find Sanji. I'm sure by now he's heard you're aboard and getting antsy." 
Your smile faded as you blushed. It was a very common tease from the crew, and you were fairly sure they were just playing around. Giving everyone a hard time seemed to be the cooks’ mutually favorite pastime.  "Hardly. I'm sure he's been chatting up some pretty gal or three and hasn’t even noticed." 
Still, you held the package close to you as you made your way to the restaurant proper. Nemo, the Maître d’ smiled as you entered, showing you over to one of the smaller tables on the second floor balcony where you could watch the rest of the restaurant. One of the benefits was always having a table reserved on the days you were due to come in.   
Even with the late hour, the Baratie was still rather busy. Couples mainly filled the tables, though you saw a few groups you assumed were friends and others that were likely business meetings. With the melting pot that was the baratie, there was no way to really tell who was civilian, marine, or pirate. 
"Well, there's the lady of the hour," A familiar voice stated, pulling your attention back. Sanji smiled at you as he placed your favorite drink in front of you. "I was relieved to hear you made it safe and sound, though I did miss our usual lunch date." 
"Me too, but the weather wasn't very cooperative today," You smiled as you offered the package to him. "Fresh from the tailors, as requested." 
Despite being on the clock, Sanji took the seat across from you before opening up the garment box, revealing the silk button-up shirts he had ordered. There was a faint smile on his face as he examined the shirts--he had left the color and pattern choices up to you so you had went with ones that would make those sky blue eyes pop. 
"You never disappoint," he said softly, apparently satisfied with your choices. 
"Gotta keep my favorite business partners happy." Which was true in a sense. It was just business. He had paid you in full last time for you to go buy the shirts. But seeing Sanji smile at you like that, his blue eyes sparkling from behind fine blonde hair, woke the butterflies in your chest and was a payment of sorts all in itself. 
"Well then, let me go see if those lazy asses have your usual ready. If not, give me a minute and I'll whip it up myself." 
You could remember first seeing the fishshaped restaurant emerging from the fog as a child. The Baratie wasn't quite as famous as it would be, but your parents, both descended from profitable merchants themselves, could sniff out a good partnership in the making.
That's when you met the infamous Zeff. You could remember peeking out from behind your father's leg to look at the tall muscular chef, amazed by his braided mustache. 
And also when you met Sanji--not much older than yourself--and at the time a fair bit thicker. 
And you got along like cats and dogs. 
Years passed and while you and Sanji were more likely to glare daggers at each other then say something nice, he was also the only person your age you saw the most. Your merchant ship visited every few weeks with produce, and both of you were usually roped into unloading and putting things away. 
"Damned oregano," You heard him mutter as you stocked the spices. 
"Doesn't that go in spaghetti?" You asked as you carefully poured sugar into the large barrel. 
The look Sanji had could've killed, but you were used to him shooting daggers at you whenever you were in the same room. "What did you say?"
"Oregano,” you repeated as if he was dumb (in your defense, you were eleven and firmly believed he was.) “I do know how to make spaghetti sauce now." 
"I'm just going assume you mean some kind of marinara sauce you put on spaghetti noodles," He sneered as if you were the thick one, making you roll your eyes. 
"Oh right. Sorry Mr. Fancypants, but not all of us literally live in a restaurant." So many sauces and different types of noodles hardly meant anything to you when you typically ate the same thing every day when out at sea. 
"Yeah, some of us weren't allowed in the galley until she was ten,” Sanji muttered under his breath not-so-quietly. “And can barely boil water as it is." 
You lost your temper despite promising your family you would be on your best behavior, and impulsively grabbed a handful of the white crystalized sugar before throwing it at Sanji.  
He yelled as the sugar hit him, glaring at you with murderous intent before giving another yell as he tackled you. 
And the fight was on.  Punches, kicks, spit, everything flew as you tussled on the floor, trying your best to make the other conceded.. 
"What the hell is going on here!" Zeff boomed as he pulled you both apart by the back of your shirts just minutes later, swearing both of your names. "The fuck do you think you were doing?" 
"She started it by throwing sugar!" Sanji snarled.
"He was making fun of me!"
"I was just stating facts!" 
“I don’t care who started it!” Zeff snarled. “But that is the wimpiest fighting I have ever seen! Absolutely disrespectful. I’m dragging both of you outside for a lesson.”
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luveline · 1 year
baby! i love all your au’s so much!! maybe u wanna do something for kbd universe?
like maybe the whole family is sick and it’s just steve and reader trying to get through taking care of the girls and themselves? i thought maybe it would be cute but it’s all up to u <33 hope you’re having a good day jade!
hello! i made it so steve and beth aren’t sick yet I hope that’s still alright, thank you for requesting! thanks so much, i hope you are too <3 kisses before dinner au <3 dad!steve x mom!reader 2k words cw throwing up
Steve worries it's going to be a bad day when Dove throws up in the morning. He knows it's going to be a bad day when Avery throws up a little later, and then it's all but cemented when you chuck up in the sink.
You're a big girl and you can clean it up yourself but Steve would go lie in a busy highway if he thought that would make you smile, and so he has no qualms about sending you to the quarantine zone and cleaning it himself. It's a very unfortunate place to chuck up, all things considered, and Steve has to wash the dishes in the basin three times before he trusts they're clean.
Beth clears her throat from the kitchen doorway.
"Oh, hey, baby," he says sweetly, peeling out of his rubber gloves and throwing them eagerly into the trash. "How's my girl?"
Beth is three and a half years old. She loves Steve more than anybody on this entire planet, loves his attention, his hugs. She's a clinger, and he's more than happy for her to be so. She's also rather quiet— Steve worries she wouldn't talk at all if it weren't for Avery, her six year old sister. Ave is a smarty pants who talks Beth's ear off every chance she gets.
Beth, predictably, doesn't answer, holding her arms up in the universal sign for pick me up.
He wipes his hands on a tea towel haphazardly and pulls her up into his chest, hand spread over her back. Steve's constantly reminded of how soft and pretty his girls are, and he wouldn't ever say this aloud but Beth is the prettiest of the three because she looks so much like you. She dips her head, the line of her jaw softening with the movement. Steve ducks down to meet her eyes, offering up a loving smile.
"What, you aren't talking to me today?"
"I'm tired," she says quietly.
Steve licks his lips and pulls her closer in one arm so he can hold the other up and read the face of his watch.
"It's not bed time for a while. Should we sit down for a nap?”
"Yeah," she agrees, rubbing her face against his collar.
Steve shifts her in his arms to prop her up with one and hug her with the other.
They head upstairs and cross the landing to his and your bedroom, where you, Ave, and Dove are all sequestered in bed with a sick bowl.
Dove sleeps like a log on your chest where he's propped you up with pillows. Ave lies in Steve's spot, arm across the mattress to hold hands with you.
"Hello," he says, hesitant at the threshold. You're gonna be in a tough spot if Steve gets sick too. "How are you feeling?"
He directs his question at both you and Ave, but Ave answers first.
"I feel sick," she says morosely.
"That doesn't surprise me, baby, you are sick. How about you, mom?"
"I'm fine," you say. Your other hand rubs up and down the length of Dove's back and shoulders steadily, an absent-minded gesture no doubt. "What about you, my lovely girl? You and daddy had to clean up my mess, huh? I'm sorry."
The apology is entirely for him. He doesn't need it or even want it.
"It's okay," Beth says.
"You took the words straight outta my mouth," he praises her.
Beth all but dissolves into his chest. You read her mood, and his oncoming question quickly.
“You gonna go nap?” you ask.
“Would that be okay? You’ll be okay? I can put her down and come right back.”
You give him your most loving, darling smile, the kind of smile he fell in love with; the kind of smile that had him looking at you, twenty years old and lonely, and knowing he wasn’t going to be lonely much longer.
“We’ll be okay,” you say. “Love you, miss you.”
“I love you.” He waves at Avery. “Love you, baby. Try and get some sleep.”
He wakes up to his name being called severely. It’s a pretty terrifying sound to wake up to when you have a family, your wife calling to you with little room for affection.
“Steve? Steve, I need you right now.”
He startles hard and wakes Beth where she’s lying on his chest.
“Daddy?” she mumbles.
He slides her off of him as carefully as he’s able, which in his panic is nowhere as carefully as he wants to. “It’s okay, babe. Go back to sleep.”
He hears the unfortunate sound of retching. You’re sitting in the middle of the bed with a hand on Avery's back as she chucks up into the bowl, and Avery isn’t the problem, it’s Dove, who’s throwing up all over your shoulder and screaming between heaves.
“Sorry, I’m sorry, but they won’t stop. I think they’re setting each other off and-“ You inhale sharply. “I don’t want to-“
“Hey, okay,” he says easily, much less panicked than you. He understands exactly why you’re so scared — to have them both so forcefully ill is terrifying, and worse, you’re by yourself and sick too.
“Avery, are you alright, sweetheart?” he asks.
Avery is understandably in tears. She heaves and nothing comes out but spit, so he sits down heavily next to her and wraps an arm over her trembling shoulders. “Deep breath,” he says, “super deep breath. You’re okay.”
He works Avery through the last of her throw up. He can hear you placating the baby, your voice shaky.
“Let’s go get in the bath,” he says quietly, “should we?”
It’s dangerous to leave Avery in the bath alone, so he puts a towel on top of the toilet lid and sits her down.
“I’m gonna get Dove and you’ll both have a bath.” He rubs her back, heart broken by her little downcast face, her cheeks shiny with tears. “I’m gonna make it all better, baby, I promise,” he says slowly, offering his pinky to her.
She holds up her own, so much smaller, and they shake on it.
He doubles back for Dove and, unfortunately, the worst has happened. You’ve chucked up, mostly in the bowl, but enough on the sheets to need changing, and there are tears bumping down your cheeks. Dove is screaming like she’s in agony. It’s awful.
“Pass her over to me,” he says.
Your lips part.
“It’s okay, babe, just pass her to me,” he murmurs, hands replacing yours under her armpits. “You want to strip off and come in the bathroom too? The smell…”
“I’m sorry for shouting, I probably gave you a heart attack- I don’t know, I was being silly,” you say.
“You were not.” He pats Doves lower back until she’s calmed down enough to hear himself think. He can’t stay in here with you as much as he wants to, worried about Avery, and a little about Beth. “Come on, you can have a bath next.”
Steve gets Avery and Dove in a warm bath and it calms everybody down. You sit on the toilet seat in your underwear looking miserable and embarrassed and tired and he takes what time he can to squeeze your naked calf.
“You’re wet,” you faux-complain, mouth full of toothpaste and your toothbrush.
“I’m damp at best. So dramatic.”
He washes the sick out of Avery’s hair and Dove entertains herself with a rubber duck. Avery enjoys having her hair washed, eyes slipping closed as Steve massages her little head.
“How are you feeling, Dovey?” you ask, reaching across the lip of the tub to smooth back her wet hair.
“Duckie,” she cheers, brandishing her yellow friend at you.
Your smile is soft. “Duckie,” you repeat. “Does he have any water in his tummy?”
She squirts it at you. Point proven.
He gets Avery out and wraps her up in a towel that’s yards too big for her. Beth ventures into the room with tired eyes, and she looks unhappy to be missing out on bath time. She loves playing with her mermaid dolls.
“You want one with mommy?” you ask.
Beth smiles so wide that Steve wants to take a picture.
When he’s wrangled both sicky girls into new pyjamas, he asks Avery if she’ll entertain Dove for a little bit. It’s more of a hope than a true request. Avery nods seriously and grabs one of her picture books, sitting by her baby sister on the pillows decorating her bedroom floor.
He changes the ruined sheets in your bedroom, throws them in the laundry, pushes open the bedroom window to circulate some clean air and then makes his way to the bathroom with the sick bowl to pour the contents down the toilet. You and Beth sit across from each other in the bath. Even though you’re sick, Steve thinks this might be one of the most important moments of Beth’s life. Carving alone time with you, your hands rubbing soap over her little shoulders while you murmur praises at her, it’s incredibly sweet. He’s sorry to ruin it.
“You’re squeaky clean, baby, I barely gotta scrub you, such a clean girl. My Beth’s always been neat, huh?”
Steve washes his hands. Beth, bubbles up to her neck, says, “Hi, daddy. You’re coming in?”
“Not me. I don’t think you can fit me. And mom does the best job, anyways, she gets rid of all the stink.”
“Stink!” you deny. You have to clear your throat after. Your smile doesn’t wane. “She does not ever stink because she’s a princess, thank you very much, daddy.”
Back to Avery's room. So much of being a parent is retracing your steps, walking the same distance over and over and over. He encourages the girls into the bathroom and helps them brush their teeth, which Avery thinks is, “Weird as heck. You’re s’posed to brush your teeth after dinner.”
“But you’ve been sick,” he reminds her, kneeling with one knee in a puddle, Dove’s chin pinched between his finger and thumb as he brushes her tiny pearls gently.
“But we’ll have to brush them again,” she whines.
“I brushed my teeth too,” you say now wrapped in a towel, rubbing Beth’s hair with the hood of her bath-poncho.
“You’re a grown up.”
“So?” Steve asks, genuinely laughing. “What’s that got to do with anything?”
“Mom does stuff she hates all of the time!”
“Like what?”
“Like kissing you,” Avery declares.
You burst into laughter, which does not help his case. Avery laughs because you’ve laughed. Beth and Dove are easily infected, leaving Steve one against four and feeling bullied. You apologise profusely when you see his theatrical heartbreak and offer him a kiss to prove you don’t mind it. You won’t actually give him one when he puckers up.
“If you get sick too, we’re screwed.”
He leads his girls down the stairs in a freshly made procession and insists they all sit at the dinner table, you included. From there, he doles out Pepto Kids, crackers, watered down apple juice and forehead kisses. Beth doesn’t need any Pepto, and she gets some secret peanut butter on her crackers. He worries anything too rich will prompt a third upheaval for the rest.
You get regular old Pepto, and you hate it. “I’m having flashbacks,” you mumble. Pepto is a great anti-nausea medication, and you’d reaped its benefits heavily during pregnancy three.
Maybe he’s biassed on who needs more kisses. He lays them thick from one end of your forehead to the other and then, finally, sits down in the chair next to Dove with a tired groan.
Her hand reaches across the gap for his. She holds his finger with one hand, offers a cracker with another. “Dad,” she says warmly.
He takes it. If he gets sick, he gets sick. There isn’t a world that exists where he has the power to say no to her.
requests are open for more of this au <3 pls consider a reblog if u enjoyed cos im an attention seeker and they make me happy, thanks for reading!!! <3
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small-sinclair · 1 year
do you think you could write married life headcannons with Lester and Reggie (separate)?
💚💚💚My husbands🩵🩵🩵
Lester Sinclair
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He is the best man you’ll ever love. Always hugging you, loving you, kissing you, holding you— you’ll be smothered by love.
Your ring is made from bones… lol, no, Lester would never— he actually works up enough money and buys your a simple silver ring with your and his birth stones in shape of a heart.
But if you want bone jewelry, he’ll gladly make you something.
Lester comes home every day with something new. It could be flowers, a cool rock, dinner (a fresh kill good enough to cook), bones… the list goes on.
If you don’t want to cook road kill, he’s okay with it. He’s happy with whatever you’d like :3
Kills spiders for you.
Whenever you argue, he tries not to yell. I feel like he doesn’t yell or doesn’t like to yell. He cries when someone screams at him… so, communication is his strong suit.
Leaves you sticky notes of love or just simple ones.
He’ll have you two live in a cabin he and his brothers built, and it’s a nice log cabin with a lion legs bathtub, kitchen with a dishwasher, and a staircase leading you to y’all’s room.
The first thing he does when he comes home is take a shower before loving you. Bonus if you take a shower/bath with him.
He’ll take you on his rounds if you want, and he’ll let you be a passenger prince/princess/royalty.
Breakfast in bed every Friday morning.
Thursday Nights: Date Nights. He’ll clean up nice and take you to town for dinner, a walk around the little shops, and a movie if there’s anything good. If you don’t go out, he’ll cook you a good southern meal, take you outside for a walk with Jonesy, and end the night with a movie or just go straight to the bedroom for cuddles (maybe more ;) ).
Lester also does surprise dates! He’ll call up and say, “Sweet pea, I jus’ finished ‘n be there in twenty. Dress righ’. ‘M takin’ ya out.”
He does worry that he’s not enough for you, thinking that you might leave him if he does something wrong, but you always show you love him when he feels that low.
Bonus: If you’re pregnant, he’ll be nervous. He doesn’t want to end up like his father. But then he’ll melt when you show him the pictures of the alter sound.
Reggie Morgan
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My beautiful Aussie would love you with ever fiber of his being.
I imagine he’ll take you far away from his brother. He doesn’t want his brother to try and hurt you.
Actually… he’ll make sure you never meet his family.
Your ring was his grandmother’s, and he was able to grab it from James before running away with you.
Hand holding in public to show off your ring and that you’re married to him.
He still delivers and drives, though, but he comes home, kissing your cheek, and a smile on his lips.
You two have one of the best gardens, too! He loves planting with you and taking care of the plants.
Reg loves taking you to the weekend markets and fairs. Fairytale Land is another place you two go (I think that’s the name) and this was where he proposed to you by the wishing well.
He can’t cook, but he can bake! He’ll make you muffins and cookies when you’re sad or had a bad time at work.
Slow dances with you in the kitchen at night in the dim light to the old country music on the radio.
Much like Lester, he leaves behind sticker notes with love letters or just a simple note.
If he knows you have a bad day, he’ll do his best to make you smile. Flowers, making dinner, asking your to talk… Reg will do anything to make you smile.
Breakfast in bed every Tuesday.
When arguing, he’ll storm off and be by himself for a while, but he’ll always come back with Mr. Frooty box and a sandwich for you. He’ll apologize and tell you that he didn’t mean it.
Like Lester, Thursdays are Date Nights. It’s pretty similar, too.
He’ll call you with a surprise, saying, “Heya, love. I just finished me- rounds. I saws tis amazin’ pizza stand. I reckon we try it. Dress righ’. I’ll be home in two ticks.” You can always hear his smile when he talks on the phone, too.
Yes, you two get a dog and name him Indy (it’s kinda cute because of Jonesy). It’s a German shorthair; they’re good hunting dogs.
Also kills spiders for you because it’s Australia. They got fucking spiders.
He’s still a bit shy around you and nervous, but Reg warms up to you with smiles and hand holdings. He really loves it when you cuddle close to him at night. He loves you so much it hurts sometimes. You’re the best thing to happen to him.
Bounce: If you’re pregnant, he’ll try to be the best father he could be. He never had a father going up, but he’ll make sure your kid doesn’t feel less love than he has.
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peachybutch · 9 months
How Good the RvB Main Cast is at Cooking, Ranked from Best to Worst
1. Donut
Donut gives off the vibe of one of those gay men with a baking channel on YouTube. This man's out here rolling up to the red team monthly dinner club with frenched rack of lamb with a pistachio mint crust and wine accompaniment, then earl grey souffle with creme anglaise for dessert. He spends hours experimenting with new and interesting ingredients. Remy Ratatouille, send-you-back-to-rural-France ass man. Donut's food fucks hard and everyone knows it.
2. Grif
You really think my man Grif loves food as much as he does and doesn't know how to make it? C'mon. He doesn't, like, relish the act of cooking as much as he does having a good plate of food at the end of it. And he's not typically much for sharing. But my guy makes a damn good short rib and bechamel lasagna. Give him the day to let something slow cook, and god damn.
3. Wash
Wash has been living off of MREs for probably his entire adult life, but I feel like he's got a few dishes he can whip out for a date night, or if he's feeling fancy. He knows how to read a recipe, and he has a pretty good idea of what flavors go together to make something good. He probably has a really nice papardelle with vinho verde sauce that he has sitting around in the back of his head for special occasions.
4. Tucker
Okay, Tucker isn't a bad cook by any means, ok? He's great with breakfast food specifically. It's just that he isn't especially fancy about it. He was probably, like, a line cook at Denny's in high school, so all his food tastes like food you would get at Denny's. Which isn't a bad thing! You would just never call Denny's "fine dining". He has his niche, and he does it well, and he never feels even a little bit inclined to do anything different or better.
5. Church (Alpha)
Church isn't much of a foodie right off the bat, but someone's got to pack Caboose's lunch, and he ends up learning how to cook fairly well after that. After a certain point, he figures out how to make things from scratch--mostly things like chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, pancakes.
6. Simmons
I feel like Simmons mostly lives off of shit like green smoothies and homemade granola. Like, hardcore, low carb, vegan, all organic, high protein diet. And, like, it doesn't taste BAD. But it definitely isn't the kind of thing you bring to the red team dinner club. He does make a really nice sunbutter brownie that he has to hide from Grif.
7. Caboose
Caboose has been banned from using any objects in the kitchen that involve a heat source--which isn't HIS fault! How was he supposed to know that you're supposed to take the spoon OUT of the mac and cheese before putting it in the microwave? That's just a recipe for a cold spoon! Anyways, he manages just fine without the microwave, thank you very much. He can make ants on a log like it's nobody's business. Cleaning up afterwards is another matter entirely.
8. Carolina
Carolina is one of the most competent individuals you will ever meet. She could kill you in under a minute, in 30 different ways, and that's just with her bare hands. The fourth time Sarge tries to recruit her into red team is by inviting her to the monthly dinner club. She shows up empty handed, and when Donut very politely asks what she brought, she replies that it's very interesting that they expected the only woman on the team to go all out with cooking. They move on. Carolina spent 5 hours in the kitchen this afternoon trying to figure out how to use the oven. But they don't need to know that.
9. Tex
Now, listen. Tex can't be called a bad cook, precisely, because that would require she cook for herself or others. Which is something she does not do. That's what Church is for, isn't it?
10. Sarge
Sarge refuses to step foot in a kitchen after the fifth shouting match about how flamethrowers are not a universally recognized kitchen appliance.
11. Church (Epsilon)
One time, while blue team is shooting the wind, Caboose asks Epsilon what his favorite breakfast food is. Instead of calling Caboose a dumbass, as per usual, he instead goes into extensive detail about how he eats computer keys like cereal. Caboose tries it. It isn't very good.
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lbxbx · 2 months
I’m down so bad for j hope right now the only solution is a lobotomy
Hey! No one's getting a lobotomy on my watch LMAO
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Work from home | JHS mini drabble
tags: smut, little to no plot. word count: 1200
 “I’ll call the creative team and have them prepare the slides for our meeting tomorrow with our client.”
It’s similar to all the meetings from home you had, dressed into a fancy button up with either a panty or sweatpants. It’s almost one hour left before you get to log off and end your day, your office slash dining table was a frightening mess, two coffee cups, the leftovers from our breakfast, an unbelievable amount of shredded papers and tissues, and your pair of socks that you had taken off  a couple hours ago when your legs felt hot. You were always like that when you were focused on your work, you wouldn’t pay enough attention to the surroundings of you whatsoever.
“Of course Y/n, and tell them to have the slides ready by tomorrow afternoon, and I’ll be sure to call the marketing team to stay in touch with them.” Your boss who’s also working from home answers you.
You hear the door to your house unlocking before you look at the time, Hoseok is back earlier than usual. He flashes you a smile and your eyes struggle to stay focused on the screen and you fight the urge to smile back at your man when you’re in the middle of a meeting.
“I’ll be back in a second sir, let me get the notes I wrote earlier.” You mute your video call and getup to hug Hoseok and grab his thermal cup from his hands. “Hi honey.” He wraps his arms tightly around you carrying up from the floor. “Hey, how’s your day? You’re back early.”
‘I’ve been thinking about you the entire day.” He presses his lips against yours. “I miss you too, but hey, I’m in the middle of a meeting, I’ll log off in like an hour you can probably shower until then and rest a little so we can have dinner.”
He looks at the dining table behind you before turning his gaze towards you. “Are you doing okay?
“Yeah, the chaos means I’m being productive” You kiss his lips again. “Go change, I have to get back to my meeting.”
He nods and takes his thermal cup to the kitchen, washing it and taking his time to clean it along with the other dishes, before heading towards the bedroom, taking off his suit and putting it in the laundry basket and taking a quick shower. It’s the bare minimum, but him doing the dishes and putting away laundry made you flip head over heels for him.
He gets dressed and walks back towards your make believe office and smiles subtly before picking up your used cups and tissues and taking them back to the kitchen, he takes a couple of trips back and forth to clean your surroundings and makes sure you’re all comfortable while you’re being productive.
It grabs his attention when you argue with your boss over a stupid thing, the stern tone in your voice along with your posture moved something inside him. It makes him think how this strong woman  holding up a meeting can grow weak and vulnerable in his own arms when you’re in bed with him.
Hoseok’s intrusive thoughts always got the best of him, and when it comes to you he’d grow week too. So he gets down on his knees and crawls under the table closer to you. Right when he spreads your legs to sit between them you nudge his shoulder to stop when you’re mid talking.
And he’s totally unbothered, he hooks his fingers into your panties and pulls it further down to your ankles. And honestly it’s not his first time doing this, so you know your hopeless attempts of stopping him will end up failing, he simply just gets what he wants, and right now he wants you.
He presses one kiss onto your cunt and usually he would savor how you taste and verbalize how much he enjoys your taste on his tongue, but he got used to eating you out in the middle of your meetings so he stays quiet.
He hooks your arms onto your thighs and pulls you towards him a little to reveal more off your cunt to him.
And you are trying to hold on in front of your lap top camera and you barely can, one hand is under the table running through his hair and tugging onto it, and the other one is supporting your chin in a desperate try to cover your mouth, and it works.
Your eyes almost roll to the back of your head when he wraps his mouth around your cunt, enveloping it entirely in his mouth to slurp on it and eat you out like it’s his last meal alive. He would kill to see your face trying hard to hide the pleasure but too bad the dining table is in the way.
“Yes, I’ll have everything ready by tues—tuesday.” You almost choke on your words when he fucks your cunt with his tongue, his fingers circulating you bean to deliver more pleasure and it’s about to drive you crazy.
Your chest heaves faster and you tug harder on his hair when he bops his head to fuck you with his tongue and you feel your stomach tightening, he forcefully pushes your legs back open when you try and close them around his head, and to deliver even more pleasure he pushes in his index and middle finger and slowly beings to move them in and out of you, this time his mouth enveloping your clit and sucking onto it.
“Mmm.” Escapes your mouth and clear your throat to try and mask it, you could easily predict Hoseok and you know he’d be smirking and he’d be totally proud of himself to make that little moan escape of out you.
He doesn’t think again before pushing in his ring finger and fucking you repeatedly with all his three fingers while flicking and sucking onto your tiny throbbing bean, his tongue even collects your juices and his own eyes close at the sweet taste of you that he never gets sick of.
Your fingernails almost dig into his scalp when you feel yourself about to release, your legs are still trying to fight his strength and close but he’s way stronger than you are. He curls his fingers against your spot and doesn’t stop, and you can clearly hear the wet sound from your pussy and you wonder if the can hear it.
“Y/N, any thoughts on that?” Your boss asks and you immediately answer with a shaky voice. “N-no, all good, so good.”
You fight the urge to call out his name off of the top of your lungs when you finally cum, you feel the entire orgasm in you back and shoulders and your body heats up more than it already is, and he’s still fucking you through your orgasm, your cunt repeatedly clenching around his soaked fingers.
“That’s all for today, we’ll see you tomorrow morning” Your boss finally ends the meeting and the camera finally turns off.
“Fuck you, Jung Hoseok.”
“You’re welcome, next time maybe we can show them that this mouth can do other things too.”
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rhodesrider · 8 months
Biting Habits
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CG! Drew M. x Little! Fem! Reader
(Small scene with CG! Finn B. And Damien P. W/ Nicole (oc))
SFW! 18+ Minors DNI! Thank you!
Warning: Age regression, Topic of mastication, crying, stress topics
Mastication: its a synonym for chewing
Drew was humming along to the cartoon music as his little was watching tv in the main room, making some of her favorites as this was a small reward for her amazing behavior for the day. Picking up toys without him asking, eating and drinking what she needed for the day and taking a nap without making a fuss. His little is around the ages of 2-4 and she still has some issues with her sucking her thumb but drew also started to notice that she started bitting on her shirt a lot. “Lovely, time for some grub.” His little looked up over the couch to peer in the kitchen seeing him fixing her plate. As she did so she was naming on her t shirt near the collar. She hopped off the couch and hopped along to the kitchen to happily started eating but soon heard some sharp snaps that made her stop and whimper.
“Princess please stop chewing on ur shirt, come one now we talked about this honey.” she pouted and she released the wet top, Drew just sighed, “We have to figure out what’s with that.” Drew sat her colorful plate down and she hoisted herself up to the chair, “Daddy I sorry…” “I know pumpkin but you can’t be chew on your shirts.” She nodded and she started to eat her food as it was placed in front of her. Drew put his plate away since he wasn’t hungry at the time and had an idea with the free time he made for himself. He remembered that another person had the same issue that his little was dealing with. “Beauty, I’ll be back. Daddy has to make a call to a friend. No chewing on the shirt, just the food and I’ll get you some cheesecake. How does that sound?” She smiled and and nodded continuing to eat her food so she could get her other reward, her eyes watching Drew leaving the dining room.
“Ah the little one is chewing on her clothes? That’s easy, get her something to chew on.” Drew was on the phone with Finn as he was with Damian watching their little Nicole, Rhea and Dominic were out doing promos and pictures. Finn was rubbing Nicole’s back as she was coloring and Damian was getting a snack for her together, she was humming to the my little pony music playing in the back. “Literally all I need is for her to teethe on something? How does this even happen?” Drew ask as he looking up different teething necklaces from Amazon. Finn soon looked seeing Nicole show him the finished product of a colored page, he smiled and kissed her forehead. “One sec Drew, that’s so nice munchkin. Go ask DD to put it on the fridge so when mama gets home she sees it hm?” She nodded quick giggling and went to show Damien. “But yea as I was saying, It could be a number of reasons. But a main one is that she’s probably stressed about something or that’s just how she copes while she’s in her head space. But it’s not as bad, Nicole was dealing with stress and she would scratch her skin man.” Drew was worried but it seemed like an easy fix, it’s just he wants to know what is stressing her. “Finny! DD made Ants on a Tree!” Finn chuckled some. “Logs sweetie, and I’m coming!” “Thanks Finn, you have fun with the ants on a tree.” Drew smirked and chuckled as Finn said bye muttering an insult so the little one couldn’t hear. Hanging up Drew looked over at his little one seeing she was chewing on her lip as she was scrolling on her table done with her food. “Princess no chewing on your lip either, you’ll hurt your-“ “Ow!”
Drew got up quick going to her seeing that she bit her lip too hard by accident, she started sniffling and getting nervous not wanting to get in trouble. “Hey hey it’s ok baby you didn’t mean to, I’m not mad ok lass?” She nodded as some tears fell, Drew kissed her forehead and went to get the first aid kit to help clean her lip so it can heal properly. “Daddy also has a few questions for you bug. I wanna know what’s going on. Is there anything I’m doing wrong? That’s making you uncomfortable or having a noisy head?” He asked rubbing her hand after finishing up cleaning her lip. “…work…” Is what she simply said. “Well I know that you chill with Daddy to forget all about big bad work….” “Yes and I love spending time with you daddy but I’m still bleh…” She looked down playing with the bottom of her shirt. “I see…welp daddy got some stuff for you and it’s gonna come tomorrow. You think you can not chew on your shirt or your lip till daddy gets your gift? It’s gonna help.” She nodded and she hugged Drew kissing his cheek. “I’m sorry daddy…” “Hey hey no tears, big girls don’t cry when they don’t do anything wrong. Now let’s get the dishes done and we can watch a movie ok?” She nodded and she wiped her little tear happy about the sudden movie night.
The next day, Drew was waiting for her to come home from the meeting they were having for staff for this weeks shows. He finished his practice so he was gonna wait for her like always but she said for him to go ahead since its more work. She came in the house sighing slow and her body very sore. Closing the door the familiar smell of sweets made her melt, and soon she opened her eyes seeing Drew coming from the kitchen. “If you want to regress you can baby, I made some sweets and your gift is on the counter.” She nodded and she went to the stairs to go and dress down so she can be comfortable, get the work smell away with a nice hot shower. After fixing herself up, she came down and she zoomed to the kitchen. “All better muffin?” She nodded darting her eyes as the box on the table. “Are those my things?” She asked low as Drew nodded. She opened the box and Drew saw her eyes light up, She saw it was a big box of fidget and teething toys. “I know your anxiety has been nothing you pumpkin, so Daddy felt like this would help. You can even take a toy to work so it wont stress you as bad.” She pulled out a teething toy with a string on it. A necklace she could wear, besides biting on her shirt. She put it over her neck and she immediately started to nite on the toy in satisfaction. “I’m glad I disinfected the toys.” Drew chuckled happy she’s enjoying the toy. “Thank you, so much Drew.” She smiled shedding tears after she took the toy out her mouth. Drew leaned over and wiped the tears from her cheek smiling. “You’re welcome pumpkin. I don’t like to see you stressed or unhappy. So I fixed it, and when ever you need help I’ll always be there to fix it.” He smiled and she kissed his hand rubbing her arm. “Now looked through them baby there’s like 30 in there don’t just stop at one.” She giggled as he removed his hand and she continued to look through the box in glee.
Drew soon had a phone call, looking at the caller ID he smirked and he walked out the kitchen letting his little know he has a call to take care of. “What’s up Roman?…A project?…” He got the details and looked at his little fidgeting with safe magnets giggling to herself as she slipped into her headspace safely. “Sure, But why am I the gloom and doom man?” He asked in protest.
“Alright Aright, I’ll play along. Ill fell like I would enjoy it, and so will pumpkin. Update me when your ready mister Kent.”
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jungle-angel · 3 months
Song Of The Misty Mountains (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You and Rhett live for the nights in early spring when the family can be together
Warnings: Mentions of adoption, birth etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman @callmemana @withahappyrefrain @rhettabbotts @sebsxphia @bradleybeachbabe
"Good God I hate cleaning the kitchen," you muttered, scraping the last of the dinner scraps into the garbage can next to the sink.
"At least ya'll don't have to clean the bathroom," Cecelia chuckled. "I swear I have to call a NEST team to come and fumigate every time one or both of those idiots in the living room eats at the Bakshis' restaurant."
"Hah! Better than eating Dad's chili," Joy laughed as she collected the dishes.
You made a face and feigned a gagging noise. The last time you had Art Hawk's chili was at a summer cookoff at Amy and Rose's school during the summer fair and the upstairs bathroom had never been the same since, but damn was it good with a big hunk of cornbread.
You, Cecelia, Joy, Martha, Beth, Monica and the others cleared away and cleaned up the rest of the dishes from dinner, hoping to be able to finally relax as you all filled each other in on the goings on in each others lives.
"Literally cannot wait for summer," Martha Hawk laughed as she helped you scrub the dishes in the sink. "First year Rosie gets to dance in the powwows and my mom's coming down from Idaho."
"And to boot, you get the summer off," you told her.
Martha laughed, an excited squeak making its way in. She was more than excited to be joining you at the school as your teaching assistant in the lower grades and excited at the prospects of finally having summers off again. As soon as Amy's case had officially closed when she turned a year old, Martha had decided a change of field was more than needed.
"Alright, time for a game of fridge tetris," Beth laughed.
You and the girls laughed and chattered away with Amy and Rose popping in and out of the kitchen every couple of minutes. You couldn't believe that the two of them would be starting kindergarten in September. It had seemed like yesterday that you and Rhett had brought Amy home with Rosie arriving barely three days later. Four years had gone by a little too fast and at the beginning of July, the girls would both be turning five.
Once everything was done and settled, the dishes washed, dried and put away, into the living room you went where the men of the family had already gathered and had gotten the fire going in the fireplace. The logs crackled, hissed, spit and snapped as sparks and embers flew up the chimney but the living room was as warm and cozy as ever. The grass outside was coated in the thinnest layer of hoarfrost, a sign that March would soon give way to April and the promise of spring that would soon be coming.
Everyone chattered away, shooting the shit between each other while John disappeared and came back every so often with a drink of choice. "God I live for these nights," he said, taking his spot next to Royal. "Fire crackling away, wind blowing outside and Manhattan in one hand."
The front door creaked open and shut with Billy and Shania Tillerson kicking off their shoes near the rack and joining everybody in the living room. "S'f-f'f-fuckin cold out," Billy shuddered.
"Well here ya big knucklehead, take this!" Cecelia said, tossing the wooly throw blanket his way.
"Thanks Cece," Shania said as soon as she caught it and put it around her and Billy.
Everyone went about their business until Rose and Amy came barreling in, begging for Royal or someone to read them a story.
"Alright, alright, ya'll get on over here," Royal said, finally giving in to their request.
Rose and Amy took their places on the living room rug, the others listening eagerly as Amy handed Royal her copy of "The Hobbit", a story that Rhett had loved growing up, second only to "The Indian In The Cupboard" of course.
Royal began to read aloud, both the girls and everyone in the room listening intently. You and Rhett huddled close together as he read, mesmerized by how well Royal could do the character voices. You had all nearly lost track of the time when his mother's grandfather clock in the hallway rang in the hour of 8:30.
"Alright you two, upstairs," Royal told them. "C'mon, it's bedtime."
Amy and Rose hurried upstairs on his orders, rushing to their room and leaving the others downstairs.
Royal threw another log onto the fire, hissing as it split open and released its sharp scent throughout the room. He hummed as he placed another one in there, low and droning as John joined in along with Thomas, Mo and Art and the rest of them. It wasn't long before you heard those familiar words filling the room, words that spoke of far off mountains, wizards, dwarves and hidden treasure deep in lands unexplored.
"Far over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old We must away, ere break of day, To find our long-forgotten gold.
The pines were roaring on the height, The winds were moaning in the night. The fire was red, it flaming spread; The trees like torches blazed with light."
Their voices were almost like that of the dwarves themselves, deep and droning in the night as they sang. You and the girls all joined in as the fire crackled away and the sky outside was tinted deep shades of red and pink. When it had all gone silenced, you and Rhett heard a pair of giggles coming from the stairs.
"Alright you two, bed! Now!" Rhett ordered.
The girls ran back upstairs, the two of you hoping that would be the only time you would have to say something.
"Think they'll be back down again?" you asked him.
"Only time will tell darlin," Rhett chuckled as he kissed you.
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