#i forgot i put art on here
bloodiegawz · 1 year
But Like, Real Talk Though
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Characters: Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade
Words: 1,485
Summary: Ace tries to figure out his emotions for a night.
Ace couldn't fall sleep.
It's not like he'd tried any remedies or anything, so maybe it was partially his fault, but the truth of the situation was that he'd been laying here for way too long without anything more than a yawn. He felt exhausted, which was the worst part- he was completely and utterly drained. It wasn't exactly pain, but everything in him seemed so tense even as he sunk into the mattress. It certainly wasn't pleasant. And his brain just wouldn't seem to shut off, no matter how long his eyes remained closed.
He sighed.
The heater hummed softly in the background.
He sighed again, and turned on his side, looking over at the rest of the room. All he could see was a bunch of dark shapes, which unfortunately was not very comforting. His eyes remained in that general direction for a long while, seconds slipping away from him. He tried to discern if there was any movement over there, but he really couldn't tell if he was seeing things or not.
Ace spoke softly into the darkness. He wasn't entirely sure if he wanted a response or not, though he didn't have to wait very long for one. Something shifted around in the other bed. Deuce, obviously, he made the connection half a second later than he probably should have.
"You up?"
They were silent again, since Ace didn't really know what he wanted to do with this conversation. Maybe he just wanted to say something, to feel like he was doing literally anything instead of wasting his night like this. Why did he feel like he was wasting anything, since the alternative was going to sleep?
He should probably reply. He rolled onto his back to stare at the ceiling.
"...Hey, have you, uh... have you thought about, like... dying?"
That was one hell of an opener. Though as he thought about retracting it as a statement, or elaborating, or really saying anything more, he just didn't feel it in him. He didn't know why that was the question that came out of his mouth, but it sure was the one he was rolling with now.
There was the sound of rustling sheets, and he turned his head just enough to see what was happening. Which didn't do much of anything, because it was still much too dark to make out even his own desk.
"Do you want the light on for this?"
"Nah, we don't have a lamp."
"I could use my phone flashlight."
"Oh. Okay."
And so he sat and waited for a bit as Deuce fished around in the dark for his phone. A good few seconds later, there was a bright flash as Deuce evidently blinded himself with it. He winced slightly, watching the other boy fumble and try to reorder himself so their corneas weren't being thoroughly assaulted by white light.
"Dude. That thing is bright."
Now that he could properly see things, he felt a bit more comfortable. The tension didn't entirely release its hold on his muscles, but he could breathe a little easier. He hadn't even noticed that his airflow was so shallow until now.
Deuce was sitting up now, his blanket and hands folded in his lap. He looked back at Ace, seeming rather concerned. Understandably so.
"Are you, like, okay...? That question was a bit, uh... yeah."
Ace had to think about this for a bit. Was he okay?
...No, he decided, but he wasn't going to say that outright.
"I dunno. Maybe not. I can't sleep at all."
"Me neither."
Another frustrating pause. He wished he didn't have to think about words. Or anything. He just wanted a constant noise to keep him occupied, one that wasn't as stupid annoying as the heater buzzing, like it was in the back of his skull. He didn't end up being the one to speak next, either; he was too focused on figuring out what he even wanted to talk about.
"What, um... brought this up all of a sudden? You really don't talk to me like this all that much."
"You mean, like, personally? I guess I don't."
He bit his lip and figured that maybe it was better to stop questioning things.
"I'm just kind of... I think scared? Is the right word? With the, uh... everything going on."
"This seems like you should bring it up with a therapist or something."
"Well, I dunno if you've noticed, but it's not like I have one of those just on-hand."
Deuce pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. He looked sad. Ace felt sad, too, maybe if only by proxy. It could just be one of those nights.
"...I'm pretty scared too, actually."
"Yeah, me. I'm really worried."
For some reason, he found that hard to believe. That was probably selfish, because he realized it was because he wasn't expecting anyone else to feel this way. A stupid expectation, really. Anyone would be scared in a situation like this.
He wanted to turn away, but he didn't find it in him to move his body anymore, so his eyes trailed down to the floor.
"Do you wanna... talk about it...?"
"Not really. I don't know what I would talk about."
This conversation was very slow. He picked up on it immediately, the stilted awkwardness in both of them. Emotional vulnerability and whatnot, that wasn't really their strong suits, it seemed. It wasn't boring, but he wished it would move a little faster. For what reason exactly? He didn't want it to end. But if the words were going to be there, he wished they'd be a little more constant.
"I want to talk about it, kinda."
"Go ahead. I'm not going to stop you or anything."
"I know you won't. It just feels weird to go right into it."
He interlocked his fingers over his stomach, his thumbs twiddling.
"I'm just... yeah, really scared, and stuff. It wasn't so bad at first, y'know, the overblot with Riddle, 'cause it was just the one time. I thought I'd get over it."
He paused for a second, as if expecting input, though it didn't come. He glanced back up at Deuce. Just listening.
"Then it kept happening, and now there's been like, five guys going all crazy-evil-magic-mode and attacking people, and Crowley just acts like it's no big deal and no one ever says anything about it so I figured I'm overreacting. But I'm... I'm worried about something real happening. Like... Like dying."
His breathing grew shallow again, but he was beginning to relax more. He was afraid, sure, especially when the topic was brought up again, but in a way it was nice to talk about it.
He wished Deuce would say something as words continued to flow out of his mouth.
"I don't know. It was just about me. And then I got to thinking about you, and the others, and like, what if one day someone just gets done in? What if you die? What if we don't get to go home again? I don't know what I'd do. Cry, probably. Run? I dunno. I really don't."
He let out a long, heavy sigh. Drawing out the silence as long as he could, for no reason other than he could. He stared at Deuce, looking for... something. Anything at all. It took the other boy a while for him to realize he was done, and when he did, he sat up straighter and stretched out his back slightly.
"Uh. Yeah, well... that's a lot. To think about, I mean. Um."
"You don't really gotta respond if you don't have anything. I just wanted to say it. I feel like no one's gonna listen anyway."
"It's not an unreasonable fear, though. I wish I knew how to comfort you, but I'm in the same boat, I think."
"Yeah, okay."
...That was it. That was the end of the discussion. He could tell, since he didn't have anything more to say. He sighed. Again. He'd been sighing a lot tonight, it was kind of funny, in a morbid way. Being all depressed like this really wasn't his style.
He finally managed to roll over again, turning with his back to Deuce.
"I'm gonna try going to sleep again."
"Okay. I'll turn the light off, then..."
A moment later, the room plunged into darkness again. Ace closed his eyes. It didn't matter, it was the same color anyway.
"Hey, I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Yeah. Night, Ace."
Just "night." There wasn't much good about it, except maybe the catharsis of it, if that was even the word.
He grabbed one of his pillows and hugged it tight to his chest.
"Night, Deuce."
He would eventually succumb to exhaustion, but it didn't feel very good.
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horrorhare · 19 days
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