#i got a lot of thoughts about kai and the way he was portrayed
tvrningout-a · 1 year
      i'm reposting a hc important to my portrayal of kaigaku bc i love him like the lil clown i am <3 keep in mind there's big spoilers for those not caught up with the manga.
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     i have to share that my brain all day has been banging pots and pans that a good deal of kaigaku’s portrayal in the manga is a skewed perception of him bc it’s after he became a demon and we already know from many experiences with other demons that their nature gets all twisted up and it doesn’t have to take long for this to happen!! like yes he did some horrible stuff and he was the worst to zenitsu, but ofc all that we see of him is negative bc we’re constantly seeing him from other people’s viewpoints!! ofc we’d dislike him when we’re witnessing him through zenitsu’s eyes and gyomei’s!! but just bc he was terrible to some people doesn’t mean he was terrible all the time.
     why do you think he became a demon slayer y’all....... when he could’ve made an escape any time after he left for final selection. gramps likely had to drag zenitsu to final selection, but not kaigaku -- lad had plenty of opportunity to abandon such a dangerous profession. so why do you think he became a slayer?? to redeem himself, to make amends for the blood on his hands, to maybe prove to himself he isn’t a monster. and maybe he hoped to feel like he belonged bc he could never feel at home anywhere, not really. and what do you think happened when muzan got his claws in him?? he took all the insecurity and resentment and turned the dial to 1000000000.
     i’m just saying that my portrayal will focus heavily on a kaigaku who isn’t the villain even though he isn’t exactly a great person or necessarily good all the time. i wanna focus on the fact that mistakes don’t have to define a person if they don’t let them. i wanna write the kaigaku who just wanted to fit in, to be recognized and praised and be accepted after going nearly his whole without ever feeling that way. and good GOSH I JUST LOVE THIS STUPID ANGRY THUNDER CHILD OKAY!!!!
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pynkhues · 4 months
curious as to your thoughts on the may december discourse (some spoilers i guess) - vili has come out and essentially said that he felt the film contributed to his victimization and hurt him. and the response from a lot of film twitter seems to be to yell ITS NOT A BIOPIC and to say he doesnt understand the film (gross). i feel like i dont really care if its a biopic or not, when the film literally quoted vili/mary kay, recreated the mary kay in prison photo exactly, and both charles melton and julianne moore studied vili/mary kay for their performances. to hand wave that all as "not a biopic" feels like a way of writing off any discomfort. i feel like the film should not have made those specific choices, but having done so they had a duty of care to vili. i dont think the film that ended up getting made is worth the continued trauma to vili even if it is art. there were other ways they could have told the story to minimize the harm and they chose not to - and i dont think that choice is a great commentary on tabloids or whatever, its just a ghoulish thing to do
I did see that, anon, and I do have thoughts on it as it's a real grey area in terms of creative license, art and storytelling, and it's a grey area that's been around really since storytelling existed, but before I get into that I just want to quickly clarify what Vili said, because I do think it's important.
Vili didn't say that the film contributed to his victimisation and hurt him, he said the film offended him because it was a ripoff:
“I’m still alive and well,” says Fualaau, now 40 and still living in the Seattle area, where the scandal unfolded. “If they had reached out to me, we could have worked together on a masterpiece. Instead, they chose to do a ripoff of my original story. “I’m offended by the entire project and the lack of respect given to me — who lived through a real story and is still living it,” he adds.
“I love movies — good movies,” he says. “And I admire ones that capture the essence and complications of real-life events. You know, movies that allow you to see or realize something new every time you watch them. “Those kinds of writers and directors — someone who can do that — would be perfect to work with, because my story is not nearly as simple as this movie [portrays],” Fualaau adds.
The reason I think this distinction is an important one to make is because in interviews since Mary Kay Letourneau passing, it's pretty clear that Vili - while absolutely being a victim-survivor - doesn't see himself that way, and even says pretty specifically in his Doctor Oz interview from 2020 that he doesn't see her as a predator or himself as having been preyed on ('there was no perversion...she was my wife and my best friend' are his exact words), and he's pretty clearly open to the idea of a film being made about his story.
I'm not saying this to diminish his feelings about May December at all (I strongly believe that Vili is entitled to feel any and every which way about the film) or to patronise his own understanding of what he experienced - I can't even begin to imagine the complexity of trying to unpack the life he shared with her - but I think it's important to reflect his feelings accurately and to provide a little context to those feelings.
With that said, do I think the creative team should've reached out to Vili before making the film?
Honestly, I don't know.
I think it's one of those questions in art where there's not really a right answer. If Vili's feelings towards Mary Kay are still lost in the silver linings of her grooming, any film that has his direct approval or involvement is going to run the risk of tacit endorsement. It also hamstrings the creative team and opens them up in terms of liability (I actually was a writers assistant on a TV show a million years ago that was sort of a bio pic and I can tell you for a fact that it was a disaster once the person it was based on got involved), and, of course, it runs the risk of shifting the focus of the story the writer is wanting to tell.
And that's the thing about art, right? By design, art is supposed to reflect us back to ourselves in ways that we might not always be comfortable with. Of course, that usually happens less literally than in how Todd Haynes has used Vili and Mary Kay's stories, but not always. Todd Haynes is certainly no stranger to the technique given Velvet Goldmine is pretty transparently inspired by David Bowie and I'm Not There is often confused as a Bob Dylan bio pic despite the fact that it's actually not.
Hell, everyone loves that Succession points a pretty clear finger to the Murdoch's, and while, of course, the Murdoch's - and Bowie and Dylan for that matter - have social, political and economic power that Vili doesn't which does impact the ethics of the decision, it's still made under the same creative ideology that aspects of a real story can render an artwork, a story, a film more emotionally authentic, can create greater resonance, can offer a sharper reflection of the world we live in and offer, perhaps, a message or a question that lingers.
All of this has actually kind of been funny timing as I just finished reading Sarah Weinman's The Real Lolita the other day which is a really excellent blend of true crime, literary history and critical commentary on this exact topic. The book explores the real life case of Sally Horner who was kidnapped by a pedophile in 1948 when she was 11 years old and was forced to roadtrip with him around America for two years. It's actually mentioned in passing in Nabokov's Lolita, but once you go a little deeper it's pretty clear how much of Horner and her story Nabokov used to create Dolores Haze / Lolita.
In the book, Weinnman asks the question as to why Lolita gets to be remembered when Sally's been left to obscurity, and of course, the answer is that there are other Sally's in the news cycle, but only one Lolita in art, and that hopefully in her writing Sally Horner's story she can write her back into bookshelves and place her back into this artwork but who knows if that's what Sally would've wanted (Sarah does, at least, talk to Sally's lone surviving family member, and makes a measure to show that it's very unlikely Nabokov ever did the same).
Was Nabokov wrong for not seeking out Sally's family for Lolita? Honestly, I doubt it even would've occured to him to do so, and the fact that we do now ask questions like this about the ethics of inspiration is, I think, a good thing. We should be critical of how stories are told and who is, and isn't, involved in the telling of them, but again, I don't actually think there are right or wrong answers here.
Fiction is always inspired by real people, real events, real life, it's a part of creation, it's a part of capturing a moment in time, it's about reflection and authenticity, but of course that's been rendered more complex in recent years by the fact that we live in a world that's ever shrinking and the people or the events that inspire new stories are inevitably brought into the public narrative in a way they just weren't back in 1955 when Lolita was first published.
So what does that mean for creativity and inspiration? I don't know, but personally I guess my thoughts would be that Vili is absolutely in his rights to be offended by the film, but I also don't think the filmmakers were wrong necessarily to not reach out. It's not the most ethical choice, but I also don't think it was an inherently bad one either. This isn't a Blonde situation where they write fiction and present it as fact, the creatives have been clear about it being inspried by what happened between Mary Kay and Vili, but they're also not saying Vili and Mary Kay are Joe and Gracie.
I appreciate you feeling like it's much of a muchness though given how they've apparently lifted entire scenes of dialogue. It's a murky question after all, and it's certainly one that's more complex when it comes to people like Vili and Sally than it is with the Murdoch's or even David Bowie, but yes, I'm not sure I see it as something inherently wrong, and I don't personally think it was ghoulish. I just think the specifics of this particular case just kind of shows how the sausage is made when it comes to storytelling.
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purpleheartskies · 2 years
(These are general thoughts and not directed at anyone in particular.)
Most fans believe that Robby magically got over all his traumas after what he endured in ep5 this season and his traumas are no more. There's a lack of logical thinking behind this.
In the show itself, Tory gets real therapy, Kreese gets real therapy, and Silver is said to have had real therapy, but Robby was forced into a physical fight that he didn't want plus he had to relive the worst moment of his life and bear all the blame for the school fight plus he got the news that he'll now have no chance to be a priority in his father's life after being ignored by him pretty much his whole life, and fans believe Robby is magically free of trauma after all this, even though all of these experiences are also traumatic for Robby.
I won't even blame the writers for this lack of logic on the fans' parts. We've been told that the show is about every character having their own perspective, and people refuse to understand, or even consider, Robby's perspective.
One thing I've learned about this show is that it's full of relevant context and contrasts. There is a lot of consistency in the characterizations and storytelling approach throughout too. And, just because you're presented with something doesn't mean you're supposed to mindlessly believe it.
People actually take everything that Johnny does and says seriously even though Johnny is presented as the main source of comedy and the main cause of the lot of the problems on the show. Johnny is also still portrayed as a loser and an asshole. This is all in the story for anyone to see. When it comes to Johnny's behavior towards Robby this season, people don't want to acknowledge that what Johnny did is abusive and unacceptable. Johnny doesn't believe it's abusive, so it's framed as not being abusive because it's framed based on his perspective. It's just "classic Johnny" or toxic masculinity or so. But the audience can apply their own logical thinking to what they see and hear in the show.
And, the audience seems to overlook that they are presented with a contrast to Johnny's toxic approach through Robby's non-toxic approach.
Even though Robby was subjected to that fight by Johnny so that Miguel could get over his issues with Robby, later in the season, Robby didn't encourage a fight between Kenny and Anthony. At the trials, when Kenny confronted Robby about now training his bully, Robby still believed in non-violent resolutions for these types of situations and encouraged one for them. Robby specifically told Kenny that he and Anthony should get to know each other. Robby didn't mindlessly say that Kenny and Anthony should beat the shit out of each other so that only one of them could get a proper resolution to their rivalry and they can become instant, fake friends. In fact, when Robby went to the Cobra Kai dojo to speak to the students and to confront Silver, Robby looked at Kenny and still said that there is "another way".
We also see another contrast immediately after Kenny walks away from Robby at the trials. In s4, after Hawk had quit Cobra Kai and joined Eagle Fang, Johnny treated Hawk like shit during trainings as punishment even though Johnny knows what it's like to be Kreese's student in Cobra Kai and to be brainwashed. In this scene in s5, after Kenny walked away from Robby, Hawk told Robby that Hawk'll shut Kenny up (during their match) and Robby told Hawk not to go too hard on Kenny, that Hawk remembers what it's like to be in Cobra Kai and that was just Silver talking.
I know the writers bear blame for how the show is framed and marketed, but it's still up to the audience to decide how they interpret any form of media they consume. There are others like myself who see a lot of the nuance in the show, but people dismiss us as over-analyzing and the show as dumb. But, stories don't just sprout from the ground. They are thought-out and built. And anyone who spends a little time paying attention to the details in the show will realize that there is more to the story than meets the eye.
When it comes to Robby's traumas, it makes no sense to believe this traumatic approach to resolving Robby's traumas was a miracle success because "this is the world of the show" or whatever reasoning people come up with to excuse / enjoy it, when clearly real therapy exists in "the world of the show" and Robby's traumas are portrayed too realistically to be magically cured in such a disgraceful way. What happened in ep 5 was meant to traumatize Robby further so that he became compliant to have a place in Johnny's life, but people find Johnny's unconventional and toxic approach entertaining, so they don't want to see it any other way or some people even brush it off as "the writers didn't mean for us to interpret it that way (as abusive)". But, we should call it out for what it is.
Also, about Daniel and his suggestion that he and Johnny should have fought it out in the past. In s4, Silver was manipulating Daniel in their conversation in the store, but one thing Silver said about Daniel is true: Daniel does have Cobra Kai in him and he just needs to be wound up. This has actually been shown to us throughout the series. Daniel doesn't strike first usually, but he does lose his balance easily. And Daniel was pretty off balance for most of this season because of his past trauma due to Silver. Daniel's suggestion to Johnny went against the show's core messaging and Mr. Miyagi's teachings. But, Robby has also been shown to be a more natural Miyagi-Do than Daniel, and again, Robby later encouraged a Miyagi-Do solution as the solution for a rivalry.
People are always drawing parallels between Kenny / Robby and Robby / Johnny or Robby / Daniel, etc. But the contrasts between Robby's behavior and Johnny's and Daniel's behaviors are there for us to see as well and are sometimes the meaningful takeaways.
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besamehyuka · 11 months
If I’m To Blame Chapter 1: Kai
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~23 Years Ago~
The sound of Hoseok’s strumming kept echoing through out the halls of the grand palace. It was no wonder why Zeus loved Hoseok more that anything, he brought joy, along with his name. Anyone who heard the name, Hoseok, would instantly  be brought to life and dropped to their knees in gratitude. 
“He just has that way with a lot of people.” Kai remembers Namjoon saying, or should he be more formal, and say Athena. But then again, this is his thoughts, not god or goddess talk. His own time to be alone, his own time to concentrate and not worry about whether he was being too harsh or having to focus on his tasks at hand, or whether mortals were portraying them right.
He had read many of the textbooks at the library brought to life by mortals, and had to say he was nothing at all what the mortals had seen him as. Nether was Namjoon, or his twin brother Seokjin, for that matter.
Him and Seokjin were not females, nor were they blond or skinny and curvy, he chuckles remembering. 
 At first when he had read it he had shaken his head in disbelief, in distaste, in disgust. How could they have gotten that big crucial part so wrong? He then, at that very moment wanted to yell, get up and march up to whoever at written these textbooks and demand they rewrite them, to lay every fact and key point at their feet and at their heads.  
“But that’s what they think you are, and they worship you for it. Don’t make their false hopes go down the drain.” Seokjin had declared, his head turned up, almost as if he had read his mind.
“What do you mean?’ Kai had asked, slamming the book shut, earning a glare from the librarian at the front desk but as her eyes focused on Kai it turned to something more eager. Dusting off her dress she walked to the back of the library, trying her best to remain calm. 
Kai sighed in annoyance, it was that look. Everyone gave him and his brother that look. The look of lust. The look of want. 
It really should’ve made his blood rush, made every fiber of his being burst, but it didn’t. Instead, it made him sick. Made him disgusted with the mortal world. In fact, made him hate it so much, he vowed he would never come down unless he had to do some research or unless it absolutely called for it.
He made his mind up that day, and he couldn’t say he didn’t feel bad, because he didn’t. He never regretted leaving. 
He never had a lover, never wanted one. Even though he was a god of love, he dreaded it, and was spoken many times by his father, and brother by how in the future someone might come along.
Key word. Might.
He remembers the heated argument he got into with his brother about how much of a cheater Seokjin was. And a chuckle had erupted from his brother’s mouth.
“That’s what I am! I have no shame! I am your twin Kai, we are equals.”
Don’t you dare call me what you are! I am not a filthy dick like you.” 
Jin just shrugged at his response. “We are the gods of love, and whether you chose to follow your path is not my decision. I know what I am, and i’m happy with it, maybe you should thin-”
Before he had another word Kai got up and darted out of the room, not wanting to hear another word, it was obvious. He hated this path. He hated being a god, everything about it. But he had no choice, how could he?
“Back to the present day. No thinking about the past now.” A warm soft voice spoke, making Kai shift his attention to the man strumming the guitar. Hoseok’s eyes were focused on Kai’s light blue ones waiting for an answer as he heard another pair of feet walk towards them, but fall short.
“Aye, Jennie.” Hoseok stated smiling that bright beautiful sunny smile, the only smile you could get from the god of the sun. 
“Apollo, you should really-” Kai tried to correct Hoseok, but was stopped short when Jennie reached her hand out to touch Kai’s cheek. 
“Don’t be so formal Kai. It’s alright. We all have real names for a reason, don’t we? Now come on. I like the sound of my real name instead of Persephone.” She smiled, reassuringly.
“Jongin better be treating you alright.” Hoseok stated, stopping his strumming, and for once the seriousness starts to grow between him. His once familiar and bright smile now turning grim as he pressed a soft look of concern.
Kai can feel it, the air tense with it. It is something only he can posses, and he knows what they are feeling, he smells it. Almost like a hummingbird smells sugar water. Like bees finding pollen. He tastes it. 
They’re in love with each other. 
But suddenly the air tastes like stale ocean salt, pricking at his tongue, trying to pry at his throat. Wanting to rip his heart out. 
It is forbidden. 
“What happened?” Kai finally asks, breaking their silence and desperation of unwanted emotion. 
Unlike the textbooks, Apollo, or Hoseok was not a cheater, was not a womanizer, her never prayed upon mortals, he wasn’t like that. He was a shining beam of joy and seeing this tore at everything. 
“Your brother sent Cupid on a mission or something along those lines. I don’t remember which.” Jennie says honestly, her cheeks falling as she sits besides Hoseok, not too close, almost as if she can’t. Like she wants, but something is holding her back.
“And Zeus had held a meeting, just for his brothers, you know.”
Kai nods in acknowledgement, knowing what she’s saying is true, he feels it.
“I don’t know the full details, all I know was that I was out planting my garden and then all of a sudden Cupid shoots his arrow and it hits Jongin.”
Jongin, or Hades as he’s better known for. God of the underworld. He’s a cruel god, or as what Kai knows about him. His eyes trace Jennie’s face seeing as her face begins to whiten and her teeth clatter as she exhales.
“His eyes..” She shivers, almost like a cold breeze came through the window.
“His jet black eyes fell on mine. And he... he fell in love with me. Pulled me on his chariot, and drug me! Literally drug me into the underworld! Only reason I’ve come up is to talk to Zeus.” She wipes her eyes with the back of her hand, so emotional she’s frozen to the bone. 
“Kai. You’ve got to do something! Please!” She pleads, begs. “I’ll do anything!”
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misiwrites · 1 year
it's getting................ ! not hot in here. it's actually getting a bit stale. but the quest must continue
Chapter 28: max gets bitchslapped
i realised maybe yesterday that giancarlo really just fails at his job as max's knight over and over and over again in this story and in this chapter he does it again. he let everyone know that max sneaked out and didn't do anything to cover up for him whatsoever HAHHAHAHA
so max gets back home. sick. tired. and judy comes over and bitch slaps him to oblivion
judy also says giancarlo is going to take orders from her and tarou from now on i---- i'm not sure if i've remembered this. AH WELL i mean probably yeah. maybe? um
okay this bit made me almost feel a little bad
I had never seen Mama like this. She had never spoken to me like this. She had never called me stupid and worthless like this. It didn't feel real. It couldn't be real. Was this really Mama? The same Mama who had been so understanding only one day earlier? Did I deserve this? Had I done something so bad that she would hate me for it?
aw. poor max. :) /rubbing my filthy hands together in satisfaction
Chapter 29: takao and kai have a Very Exciting Fencing Match!!!
takao is all pumped practicing for a match against kai. and then it just suddenly is the fencing match day?? this pacing man. so i write these pointless chapters about rei and max just kind of gazing in each other's eyes and holding hands but i jump entire weeks of takao&kai progression forward because i want them to fight. this may honestly be more flattering to tyka than reimax. because rei and max progress at fucking snail pace even when they are gay w each other from like day one (or. day two. day one rei was calling max a hobo)
takao being like, i could immediately tell tourists apart from locals because of them Acting Rather Foolishly! is hilarious, also real
and then kyouju tries to use the Power of Friendship on kai but he. i laughed a bit too much at this
At one point Professor, who was also present with his parents, came to talk to me by our table; and he tried greeting Kai as well, saying how he’d heard a lot about him from me. Kai only granted him a questioning glare that was enough to make Professor shake in his boots and hurriedly wobble away with an apology.
a little pathetic that this is probably the most action-packed chapter of the fic to the date. you won't get anything this exciting anymore
this is also a not very well written chapter, as in it has a whole lot of straight-up typos, i guess i got too into it while writing the match HAHAHA
kai is a little shit who uses magic to fly and dodge takao's strike, and takao is like, wow he can fly i'm so in love. and then he also wants to fly for the rest of the story
takao wins! and he's so happy to have won in front of his own proud people! yay.
then the crazy storm wind happens and takao stops it by yelling out seiryuu's name, i always thought this was a nifty little scene myself. a bit short-lived but, it works i think.
this chapter is too stretched out tho. i should have cut it at the end before the part with kai looking at the paintings and then showing takao that he can also do fire magic, but i know i didn't because it takes place on the same day still. this is a lot of information packed into just this one chapter
Chapter 30: rei's number one enemy, internalised heteronormativity
this chapter starts off by takao complaining about kai having called him an idiot as the last line of the previous chapter, okay that makes the drawn-out end worth it
max has taken a hike to visit rick and doesn't seem to be coming back. byeeee
i can see the quality of my writing slipping here and i wonder why. like it's not bad, but there's a lot of… well idk, it just doesn't sound good. it's pretty dull, lots of poor punctutation choices. i did an elimination operation to semicolons
mao comes over to fangirl over a wedding catalogue and rei is like please shoot me in the head this sucks ass
the way i've portrayed mao in this early story is kind of icky. like she's very wifey with rei. just taking care of things for him and talking about marriage and clothes and fancy parties and she brings rei food and the list goes on. i've tried patching it up later by improving her role in the story but uuuuh yes. not sure what my thought process here was making it this way. maybe it's the internalised heteronormativity
Chapter 31: kai swinging weapons with his strong muscular arms, takao reacts like any normal boy would, i.e. damn he's hot
it's good that the takao stuff starts picking up here. also thinly veiled sword euphenisms. kai likes them long and thin. takao's is a bit curved.
the first line of this is better written than the entirety of the previous chapter
takao witnesses miguel descent into becoming a coffee addict i guess
max sends a postcard with a picture of. what takao calls. hairy cows
a lot of small things going on in this chapter. takao has a lot of frustration for kai being so cool and handsome and ripped with a sword in hand okay wow that got very gay very fast. takao leads kai right to ryuushinken and also tells him what it is like the fool in love he is
there was this real long ramble about some other city at the end of this, unrelated to anything and it didn't fit the pace of this already poorly paced chapter at all. i just eliminated most of it. like a semicolon
Chapter 32: rei is squeaky clean now
what are you gonna serve me this time rei. not much. unnecessarily detailed descriptions of how the purification period ends. why did i write this
olivier stress-baking macarons is the best detail in here
i swear rei choosing that he wants to wield a spear is not another phallic euphenism ...or is it
i'm honestly not sure where i was going with this thing about a fake byakko-ou crown having the gem of byakko on it. this is one of the very few details i flat out forgot what its purpose was. feeling a bit too lazy to change it at this point since this has existed like this for so long now. it also feels weird to have a description of rei's crown in the story but nobody else's. but um. (i changed the description entirely btw. it was so dry. this chapter is a raisin)
this is one boring ass chapter. nothing happens in it. the mention of byakko's stone is honestly the only relevant fact in here, i mean apart from macarons
this chapter's comments are full of "PLEASE UPDATEEEEE PLEASE MORE TYKA" fuck offe i hope you never got your tyka. bye
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probably-haven · 3 years
Hello!! After seeing what you wrote about xiaoven fics I went to see what things you usually write and omg, your archon Venti headcanons????? I am absolutely in love. So if it isn't annoying, could you talk about xiaoven or Venti or Xiao or whatever ship or character you like? I don't care what you are going to say, I just want to know more about your thoughts ^^
I- is this... bestie, this is essentially a free ramble pass- kerujsgheskdfug. Trust me when I say that in no way is this, and in no way will it ever be annoying in the slightest- i literally- lets just say rambling off thoughts is kind of my specialty, especially when provided a topic to branch off of because otherwise I'm just- really indecisive about it so- iujskdh yeah- 100% definitely down to talk about Venti, Xiao, and/or Xiaoven XD. Also, yes- it may have been awhile since i last posted one(cuz again, indecisive about which direction to take part 5), but the Archon War Era Venti headcanons are still without a doubt my favorite posts I've made. It's just such an interesting topic with such endless potential that so few people actually think about or consider or even realize is there, so i always just get really psyched whenever i see someone interact with them lol.
.... this ended up being a bit of a mess: warning in advance
Anyway! onto the actual content!
- You see the thing about Xiaoven is that there's a lot of different ways that it could end up working out, and just personally my favorite way of portraying Xiaoven in my mind is as an unlabeled relationship because if anyone in genshin would give off that vibe its these two. And a number of other reasons.
- Firstly, I heavily headcanon Venti as being an aroace polyplatonic or perhaps heavily demiromantic. However, regardless of this I just don't think that Venti is really the kind of person to worry about how he should label his feelings, thinking it's silly to try to put them in one box or the other, especially with feelings and emotions being as fluid as they are in general. Plus it fits his whole God of Freedom vibe. I just- dont think he's the biggest fan of labels or social categorization in general.
- And secondly on the hand of Xiao... his defense mechanisms are very much ingrained in his personality. It's probably hard enough for him to not go into fight or flight(the answer is fight) at the slightest affection at first, at the slightest feeling of vulnerability. Even further down the line, with his fierce dedication to Liyue, I cant help but get the vibe that the moment he recognized that he was falling for Venti he would begin avoiding him, not only to avoid distraction from his duty, but to avoid corrupting him or losing him in general like he has with like basically every other person he gets close with(even believing that the cycle had repeated once more when he first heard of Morax's death)... now imagine Venti tryna slap a label on their relationship and tell me Xiao would have a positive reaction.
- The thing with Xiaoven.... honestly, i feel like theres more ways that it can go wrong than it can go right, but if they do manage to make their relationship work out, it's just simply beautiful in all terms of the word.
- Lets talk about killing. - During the Archon War, both were forced to kill a large number of people and gods alike- Venti out of a need to remain alive to protect Mondstadt, it's freedom, and the nameless bard's legacy by extent- and Xiao out of servitude to the god that was once his master
..... actually- break here- ive talked a lot about Venti on this blog but I havent actually spoken about Xiao all that much- so i should probably do that a bit first... do note though that my characterization of Xiao is pretty flexible actually- this is just- the possible characterization of him that i tend to favor as being the most- uh- "realistically complex"
Theres a line I saw this one time in a certain story: "He is a trained weapon. That's what he is, was, and always will be. You cannot change that so stop trying." And i just- think its a really interesting concept- that applies pretty well to Xiao now that i actually think about it. - the concept behind it is this: After spending more than a vast majority of his life killing or otherwise in battle, it's become a part of who he is, a normalcy that after centuries and centuries would be near impossible to get rid of or reverse, and even if it was possible, with his karmic debt constantly eating away at him its unlikely he has enough time left for that to happen. - it sounds like a cruel thing to say about him- but in context it's actually pretty layered and i think about it a lot. It's not as much a "he's a killer lol, that his whole personality" its more of a "The centuries of trauma he experienced have conditioned him into a constantly alert and battle ready mindset while also shaping his dehumanizing inferior-in-worth-but-superior-in-capability view of himself that would have likely been necessary to get through those time, and at this point he's been under that conditioning for long enough that it's essentially ingrained itself in his personality."
- the main idea is- it's a part of who he is, that needs to be accepted as who he is because its not something that he can just up and change. It's not all he is of course but his constant battle mode, as though always waiting to be ambushed or to be granted a new target to eradicate.
a couple character story quotes:
-"His past of service under the evil god had rid Xiao of his innocence and gentleness. All that remained within him was the means to kill and the weight of his sins. The only way he could be of service to mortals was in combat." -"Xiao does not feel any hatred. Having lived for over two thousand years, no single karmic debt constitutes anything more than a fleeting memory. No grudge can last a thousand years; nor is any debt so great that it cannot be paid off in this time. Xiao has spent many long years alone. But his battles have never been in vain." -"where did Xiao have to return to? He was merely leaving the battlefield." -"since Xiao wages a constant war against dark forces powerful enough to devour Liyue in its entirety, any bystanders who witness him in the heat of battle are likely to end up as collateral damage." -"The war he fights can never be won, and will never come to an end." -"Because ultimately, the one with whom Xiao wrestles is himself."
i feel like at some point this very nearly did consume his whole personality, almost turning him into nothing more than a being of slaughter under Morax's control, devoid of any "humanity" at all, consumed and corrupted by his karmic debt like his fellow yakshas before him. - until he experienced a moment of clarity- a song in the wind, the peaceful melody of a dihua flute. - and pulled back from the border of something he wouldnt have been able to return from, there a was a shift in his mind- a concept grown unfamiliar enough with time that it took him a great time to identify what it was; a curiosity. Something that there was no place for on the battlefield, something that by all means should have been completely useless to Xiao, and yet he held onto that curiosity, slowly regaining over time, a sense of who he was and who he could choose to be with each song that the wind chose to carry towards him every once in a blue moon.
and eventually that curiousity turned to longing. Longing "for a day to come when he will wear the mask and dance — not to conquer demons, but to the tune of that flute amid a sea of flowers"
...... uh- heh- if you couldn’t tell already i have a tendency to make my characterizations/analyses of characters more serious that i probably should. 
to summarize: Xiao is constantly toeing the line between his ingrained nature and his humanity- almost as though still trying to decide how much of that humanity he deserves to have, how much he is allowed to have, and how much is safe to have.
^looking back after writing this, i think the best way to explain it is that this is the view that i keep in mind/the lense that i tend to most enjoy looking through and refering back to while examining and/or analyzing his character, actions, story, lines, and overall personality.
idk- i kinda got off track but i just think its a really interesting interpretation to think about because it has some really interesting implications ig- it’s not the full extent of how i view him of course, but i kinda got ahead of myself and its long enough as is so ill just elaborate as i go- Lol i actually have in progress playlists for both him and venti and just- vibes- i could ramble about the playlists alone for hours explaining everything... It’s probably a problem- uh- ill keep going now lol.
anyways! stepping off the angst path for a brief break! Brought to you by their lines in the snow: both waiting for it to get thick enough, Venti for the purpose of a snowball fight and Xiao for the purpose of a tasty and nutritious breakfast.
but its actually something of note that Xiao doesnt actually need to eat so anything he does eat is usually out of obligation or enjoyment- so like.... snow.... like i dont blame him, but of all things- an adeptus who refuses to eat basically anything but almond tofu looks at the freezing-cold-floor-water that yeeted itself from above and decided at some point- damn- that seems more edible than basically ever single actually edible thing ever.... im gonna eat it- like- im glad if eating snow makes him happy but- at the same time...
He probably convinces Venti to eat snow too though and Venti wouldnt even resist I mean he’s wind and has probably consumed worse things in his time so- 2 anemo cryptids with glowing tattoos sitting in Dragonspine monching snow in the dead of night is an amusing thought to me.
- kay, now back to more serious-toned thoughts
One of the things about the ship that i really like is the different contradicting parallels between them:
A lot of how i view Xiao’s character is someone formed largely by the things he cant control and who was forced to accept that accepted that and learned to thrive in it as much as he can.  Venti on the other hand is surrounded by things he cant control and is ever adapting to control as much as he can while embracing whatever he cant as being part of the unpredictability of the world, seeing beauty in it. 
both of them have lost people and do what they do to honor their memory: Xiao continues to do what the Yakshas once did And Venti chooses to do what his friend couldn’t
Xiao’s power coming from himself  and Venti’s from others And both seem to appear to use their power for their own gain while truly helping others behind the scenes
both have killed a lot of people during the archon war Xiao views it as another necessary event out of his control and Venti would likely view it as a tragedy he chose to enact himself
and this is where we meet out balance
Xiao- contrary to how i think a lot of people view him as thinking of himself as a monster- seems canonically to have accepted this as part of his duty, as long as those he killed are not mortals. I dont think he enjoys it no- but someone has to do it and he’s just accepted that its a part of his duty Venti on the other hand-
See the beauty of the ship- as someone with an angst-centric mind- is this- these are two of the most traumatized mfers in the game 
Xiao is by far the one who needs the most help and who can serve to benefit most from the ship- but he is nowhere near self aware enough to recognize that there’s anything wrong or unhealthy about his mindset in the slightest-
whereas you have the contrast with Venti who sorted through most of his trauma with the nameless bard alone during the archon war and while the result appears more healthy- is still really not- but he’s not self aware of that either because i mean- who’s going to tell him? nobody even knows. 
however- venti is aware enough to notice flaws in Xiao’s mindset and “Venti” enough to want to help them through it-
Xiao- while not aware enough to recognize the flaws in Venti’s mindset, can recognize where it contrasts with his own, and is blunt enough to point it out- and then it’s out there to be mulled over- 
they’re so similar and yet so different and a feel just conversing between the two of them, being in each others precense, just being exposed to two mindsets that are so very different could do both of them a whole lot of good.
I don’t think Xiao needs to sleep really- and i dont think that sleeping would do anything except make him uneasy at first- he’d probably just get nightmares after all he’s been through- but with Venti he would soon learn that it doesn’t have to be that way, lulled into the first peaceful sleep he’s had in... as long as he can remember.
anywho back to not making sense cuz im fickle and i think most questions about ships are best displayed through character interactions so like- a possible exchange thats cliche but cliches exist for a reason
Xiao: Why do you try so hard to help me, it isn’t easy. I know that much Venti, with the most adoring expression: Because you’re worth it, obviously Xiao: But surely there are others more deserving of- Venti: No Xiao, everyone is just as deserving as the next person, you included Xiao: Then why me above others? Venti: ehe, cuz ur my warrior of course [O//////O oh shit, hes right] Xiao: My contract is with Morax alone [gay panic but in broody yaksha]
it’s kinda difficult cuz neither of them really address their feelings.  I mean Venti does but he does it very indirectly and its rare that he ever does it with like- genuine directness- even spilling his backstory was in the form of a song- and told in the third person- so a lot of their interactions would often have some deeper meaning, especially with Venti being the bard he is. 
I come up with a lot of- errant thoughts about Xiaoven- but this is making me realize that a true analysis of their ship is rather difficult because it just encompasses so many dynamics so its hard to settle on just one and not go rambling about who knows what bouncing from one end of the ship to the other-  Because you truly can and thats the beauty of it
within one moment you can be having a heartfelt conversation about the archon war the impact of lost friends and times past, and the next moment Venti is trying to forcefeed Xiao an apple while Xiao screams about disrespecting the adepti and its just- so lovely
so while they have picnics with nothing but apples, dandelion wine, and almond tofu they can sit down and talk about the dreams Xiao once devoured, and the dandelion wine and apple cider that the first Ragnvindir invented from the plants that never could have grown in Old Mond. The foods that tasted of familiarity, or of the grilled ticker fish Pervases always used to eat, foods that tasted of friends and frankly family that had since passed, glaze lilies and cecilias and qingxin flowers scattered in the surroundings and woven into Xiao’s neat braids and Venti’s now messy ones, rebraided by the steady and inexperienced hands of one unused to gentle action. 
and then of course Venti steals Xiao’s tofu once the mood becomes too grim and replaces it with a bottle of wine that Xiao refers to as “vile poison,” a remark that fatally wounds Venti as he collapses on the floor, proclaiming how he can only be healed by a Yaksha’s kiss. Xiao ignores this of course and simply takes back his tofu with a slight smile on his face, but as Venti persists he soundlessly places a kiss on his own palm before intertwining their fingers and pulling him back up from where he was dramatically sprawled on the floor, grumbling about how such action was “unbecoming of an archon.” A sign of affection only Xiao would ever know about. But Venti is literally wind and I hc his senses work differently anyways so he definitely knows- plus Xiao’s face is red as the blood of his enemies and the way he is pointedly not looking at Venti at all really speaks volumes anyways. 
 -Venti playing epic battle music whenever Xiao goes into fights in what looks like a ridiculously extra performance to anyone else but is actually doing wonders to keep Xiao’s karma at bay
-Venti preaches the practice of “kissing wounds better” and Xiao is unfamiliar with this medical treatment but views it as unnecessary regardless because adepti have accelerated healing, doesn’t mean he’s going to stop him though. 
-Messages whispered on the wind
-Venti’s 1000 year sleep- an accident, not a fun time for the yaksha, and not a fun time for Venti once he woke up. Venti is actually more afraid of restful sleep than Xiao is, hence the sleeping in trees thing, but when Xiao is there, he can sleep restfully with faith that Xiao wont let another millennia slip through his fingertips. 
- Xiao tends to make excuses when doing things that aren’t necessary to his duty, like in his birthday voice line “Have this, it’s a butterfly i made from leaves... Okay. Take it. It’s an adepti amulet -- it staves off evil” because at the current point in his progress it helps him to feel like he’s allowed to do these things. Not wanting to put him off from progress, Venti never comments on his excuse but never fails to whisper a quick reminder of how proud he is of how far Xiao had come.
- Xiao’s karma saddens Venti greatly- not only because of how it effects Xiao but also because its a reminder that as much as Venti tries to honor the memory of those he’s killed, there will always be those who resent him for it, and when he took the option of living away from them, he truly can’t blame them. - And when he gets too wrapped up in thoughts, whether around this topic or similar ones or otherwise, eventually, he’ll hear the sound of a flute on the wind. It’s not divine by any means, but as his own wind connects him to the source, he gets the sentiment all the same. “What impact does one individual’s remaining wrath have on the present. You have done much to help the living in the present” the unspoken idea that Xiao has included himself in that statement, because now, with Venti’s help he’s beginning to learn just how to experience living for himself. 
- Venti’s form and Xiao’s mask are off limit topics though because if either mentions it the other will counter with the opposite and the mood will turn immediately bitter at the idea that both know that what they’re doing is destructive but neither are willing to change
- Venti who has different tells for negative feelings than most people because as much as he likes to pretend it is- this form isnt his, and Xiao who is able to identify those
- many fanfics and headcanons have Venti recognizing when Xiao is uncomfortable and getting him out of those situations. I see that and I love it but i raise you: - Venti taking Xiao to Mondstadt, careful that he doesn’t get to the point that he’s uncomfortable. And nothing goes wrong exactly, but Xiao notices the the way Venti’s cape is blowing in the wind, the way he’s holding his weight, barely on his feet so much as floating on the wind, connected with the ground only for the sake of appearance, all the while he looks just as happy go lucky as ever. And without a word, he grabs his hand and teleports them both out of Mondstadt.  - turns out it was just a slight thing that reminded him of the archon war (cuz i will die on the hill of him having more tragic backstory than just Decarabian), and he of course gives a sincere if not flustered thanks to Xiao, because he’s really not used to people noticing. 
- Venti trying to vent sneakily through fictional stories and Xiao is just like “Didn’t that basically happen to you” and Venti is just like “<_< shit”
- Venti once said affectionally that he wished he had met Xiao sooner and Xiao immediately and seriously shot it down by saying “If you had, I would have been forced to kill you” and both of them now stay up at night wondering who would have won that fight, not sure which result would have hurt more. (because honestly I have no idea who would win in that fight and that terrifies me- I like to think it would have been one of those legends that end with “and the fight persists to this day” or something along those lines)
- “How long have you been together?” “Adepti have no need for-” “1000+ years T^T how dare you deny our love” “O///O our...? ...useless”
- its disney- let me explain- i have this- i have this headcanon inspired by watching too many animatics- - so venti has a human form that isnt his- which he would have had to get used to moving in- and he’s a bard- - uh- anyway- as a third degree black belt in mixed martial arts, i can speak as an authority on this(not really an authority since i havent gone since quarantine but lets pretend). We have a thing referred to as the big three(most things do), and those things are martial arts, gymnastics, and dance. The idea is that they reflect really well off of each other and the best in any one category are good in all three. Timing, balance, form, discipline, technique, hand-eye coordination, grace, ease of motion, they all play a part- anyway-
- Venti taking Xiao’s prowess in martial arts and acrobatics and teaching him how to dance, and as someone who’s extremely skilled in the first two, the third comes easy to him, almost naturally. And it’s delicate and beautiful and lovely and it isn’t hurting anyone. And Venti points all these things out and more and despite how much Xiao insists that he feels ridiculous he truly does enjoy it and it goes a long way towards helping him form more healthy views of himself and his worth.  - Verr Goldett walked in on him once and made a joke about performing at the inn. unfortunately Venti was there and agreed on Xiao’s behalf before he could protest and- and it wasn’t as bad as Xiao thought it would be... he still wouldn’t do it again though without reason, but with good enough reasoning he could probably be convinced. 
- anyways point is he likes dancing to Venti’s songs and i just think that’s really cute - just picture the idea that all the animatics you see actually have the potential to be canon- ugh
- venti tries holding something out of Xiao’s reach since he’s taller and Xiao just fucking teleports 
- both need their space but when they dont, all they have to do is speak the other’s name and they’ll be there.
- and because i just had to.... love languages
- lets start with Xiao- i don’t think he’d view acts of service or quailty time as a love language tbh, and he blunt but really bad with words so affirmation is out, leaving gift giving and physical touch. However, he seems to view most material things as meaningless so- - Xiao who’s love language is in his fleeting touches, something he’s only recently grown comfortable with because of Venti, and now is giving back, which he knows he doesn’t have to do, but that he want’s to, though he’ll still continue to make excuses for each one. “you were shivering” “The inn is high up, you could have fallen..... I said what I said, you’d question an adeptus?”
- and as easy as it is to say words of affirmation for Venti- he does that for everyone- i want to say his is actually acts of service - its the acts of service that let him see just how much Xiao has progressed afterall, from teaching him to dance, to playing another song on the flute, to supplying him with the almond tofu he seems to enjoy so much. Every little thing he does helps Xiao to grow and he couldn’t be happier about that. 
- of course most of my headcanons for the ship do take place latter into the relationship because- y’know the less serious unhealthy vibes allow for greater range of thought, but i do still love to think about the serious implications so i kinda hopped back and forth. So sorry about how messy it is btw, i kinda- got carried away- it kinda got some kind of structure near the end tho so- maybe it’s okay. anyway- back to... lol something, we’ll see where thought forests lead. 
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riocles · 2 years
ENTRY 2/2 KDrama Blog 04/05/2022 | 8:18 pm (repost)
This is another blog for the second comfort drama that I really loved since the news about the casts was announced.
Magtatagalog na lang po ako para damang-dama. Hahahahaha! So this is my last entry and hindi ko alam kung kailan ako makakapagblog na naman. So I’m doing this blog after I watched the final episode ng Business Peoposal. Partida, walang subtitle eh hinhintay ko pa nag 10:30. To be honest, wala naman ako plano manood ng ongoing series o ni Kdrama dahil natrauma na ako lalo sa mga ending. But noong napanood ko ang teasers, and the first episode, naadik na ko sa story, casts, characters, and plot. Yes cliches yung ibang parts pero iba yung saya kapag napanood mo yung drama na isang oras ka tumatawa, kinikilig , at magugulat. Yes, literal na tawa talaga kasi ibang klase ito na Rom-Com, nabasa ko na yung manhwa and talagang may ibang parts na iniba kaya unexpected ang mga scenes.
It is a stress reliever drama pati na din yung mga OSTs . Grabe yung kilig and fun kapag maririnig ko lalo na yung Love, Maybe.
I really the characters here, walang masyadong nakakainis , good vibes lahat starting kay harabeoji/chairman Kang, research development team 1, shin's family and the four main characters.
I thought it will be just a simple rom-com but it was unexpected on how the audience loved the drama, casts and the songs. Sobra, talaga! Even me, na naghahanap ng something new sa Kdrama ay naattached talaga sa drama na to. To be honest, I am a fan of Sejeong and Hyoseop since I watched their dramas talaga. Ahem pati yung Busted, abangers talaga din ako ng drama. The pairing was unexpected and surprising since Sejeong was not the first choice but she nailed her character Shin Hari, Shin Geum Hui and Jin Young Seo(Blind date). Nakakalito nga pero , first episode pa lang, she got me with her Samantha and Rachel lines. Hahahahaha. I won't ever forget that. I like her positivity and her dedication to work. I was amazed also on how she is the best ever friend of Young Seo. They're both chaotics and I love their genuine friendship. Shin Hari is the best Girlfriend I ever watched in a Kdrama. Sabi nga nila, the Nation's Girlfriend. I admired her character a lot especially when she comforted Taemu in his trauma during their date and when he was hospitalized. Kim Sejeong really deserved this character and she nailed. Saranghae Sejeong! Mas lalo pa ko napamahal sa character niya since relate na relate ako doon sa time na may crush siya doon kay Minwoo for 7 years. Yung part na umiyak siya sa bus stop, sh*t, ramdam na ramdam ko yung sakit ng unrequited love. Yung mahal mo siya ng palihim, pero natatakot ka kasi baka masira yung friendship niyo. And she never took an advantage doon sa nalaman niya sa gf ni Minwoo. Despite of unrequited love, she found genuine and reciprocated love with Kang Taemu. They were really destined to each other. ❤❤❤ So, Shin Hari, you are deserved to love and to be loved by Kang Taemu!
Jin Young Seo is the best friend na gusto ko magkaroon in real life, she have done her best to support and protect her best friend. All her efforts talaga, grabe! Saan kayo makakahanap ng ganitong best friend? Tapos may black card pa! HAHAHAHA I love her bluntness and the way she pursued Secretary Cha was so lit. In the last part, gustong gusto ko yung pinaglabanan niya yung relationship niya with Sunghoon kay father niya. I'm so happy for them and thank you Seol In ah for portraying Hari's ever supportive best friend. Thank you because of you, Taemu and Hari won't meet.
Naks! Kay Archaeopteryx naman tayo aka as President Kang Tae-mu. Ahn Hyo Seop nailed this character even nasanay ako sa roles niya sa drama na heavy and emotional. It was just so refreshing to watch him in a Rom-Com drama talaga. And grabe yung chemistry nila Sejeong and hopefully, kahit tapos na yung drama, nandoon pa din yung closeness and support nila sa isa't-isa. Or magdate na lang sila. Char! Alam naman kalakaran sa Korean Entertainment industry, but maybe someday, somehow, di ba Dispatch?!?!?
Okay back to Taemu, I admired his personality talaga na workaholic and persistent sa lahat ng nagagawa especially when he wanted Hari to marry him and pati na din yung part na nafall na siya kay Hari. Nakakatawa lang yung part na gusto niya gantihan si Hari but it was changed during the drunk call and confession of Hari.
Then, during their relationship, napakahealthy lang ng relasyon nila, no dramas, no issues and wala naman kaagaw. I admired Taemu for being consistent and straightforward with his feelings towards Shin Hari. Gustong gusto ko yung lagi siyang tumititig and you can feel that deepest love na meron siya para kay Hari. Naloloka ako sa kanya nunun una because he seemed cold and focus lang sa work but he really changed when he met Hari in an unexpected amd chaotic way. Thank you Kang Taemu (baka naman pa black card, yate, or pakain naman diyan sa restaurant, hahahahah) for going to the blind date and meeting there your jagiya, Shin Hari. Despite his grandfather objections and office rumors, he never gave up on Hari and he still pursued her until the end. Kudos to you Kang Taemu, for being the best boyfriend to Hari and future husband to her. You're really good in all things, sabi mo nga and you prove it right. Don't worry, Shin Hari will always be there in your side and will accept your past, flaws and weaknesses. Just continue loving Shin Hari and Harabeoji, chairman Kang.
Omg! My superduper crush, secretary Cha. To be honest, sa kanya ako naattract throughout the drama. KIM MIN KYU portrayed him well and he was so fine and I cannot resist his oozing hotness (when he removed his eyeglasses and shirt) and handsomeness, shit sama mo pa yung nakakamatay niyang dimples. Jusko! Sa SNOWDROP kasi bwisit na bwisit ako sa kanya talaga, yung role niya na si comrade Jo na mahilig sa cup noodles. Hahahahaha! He was a North Korean spy who turned into a GENTLE, HANDSOME, KIND, CUTE AND SEXY SECRETARY CHA SUNGHOON. Min Kyu really looked like the manhwa version. Despite being an orphan, he was treated wholeheartedly by the Kang family. JUSKO. Mas mahaba mahaba ang appreciation message ko sa kanya. So, ganito nga eh nasanay ako sa second male lead nafafall talaga eh. It was like gustong gusto ko siya, what an ideal man he is. I really love hus character in the drama, the gentleness, and cuteness lalo na pag bromance sila ni Taemu. Sana nga may double wedding sila eh hoping pero kahit special episodes lang naman. Char!
Nakakagukat din na he fell in love at first sight kay Young Seo and he crossed the line already para maexpress niya yung nararamdaman talaga niya. Pati na din yung support na ipinakita niya kay YoungSeo when he gave his savings(billion won yun eh) and wanted to invest with Young Seo's company. Hala mahaba na nga but still I admired his character so much not only as a secretary but also a brother, and friend to Taemu. Thank you Cha Sunghoon for rooting HaTae couple and showing your love towards Young Seo. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! (Pasensya na, ngayon ulit ako na attract sa isang Kdrama fictional character)
Finally, today/yesterday, the drama ended with 12 episodes. Maikli man pero napakaworth it yung paghihintay ko ng Monday and Tuesday kahit napakaaayaw ko ng Monday talaga. Hahahaha! My Mon-Tue will be incomplete already because there were no more Business Proposal episodes. Legit umiyak ako kanina dahil sa tuwa nang endgame si Line at HaTae couple. Naiyak din sa lungkot dahil tapos na ang drama pero I felt satisfied with the flow of the story on each episode. Worth it yung 149 ko sa Netflix at pati na din pagpupuyat ko kahit may klase kinabukasan
This drama relieved my stress and brought me back sa mga drama noon na napakalight lang ng plot at na puro tawa, kilig at walang masyadong conflicts. I won't ever forget this drama and I will recommend it to other Kdrama fans out there.
Thank you HaTae and Line couples for giving us this drama that comforts everyone. It made me love Mon-Tue and it is difficult to accept there were no more episodes of BP next week. 😭 My next week will be incomplete but I will continue to support the casts.
The ending was so ❤. Thank you Kim Sejeong, Ahn Hyo Seop, Seol Inah and Kim Minkyu for being part of this comfort drama. Thank you somuch for bringing Kang Tae-mu, Shin Hari, Cha Sunghoon and Jin Young-seo in our Kdrama world. It is so much love, fun, laughter, lightness, positivity and comfort that we received from this drama. It's been awhile since I was hooked in watching and finishing ongoing series. Thank you so much, SBS staff the manhwa author, and all the casts. Saranghae! ❤😭
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whentheynameyoujoy · 3 years
Yup, Sure Was a Finale
I had an epiphany. The reason why I never re-watched the final two parts of Sozin’s Comet even though I’ve popped in episodes at random many times over the years isn’t that I can’t bear the sadness of seeing one of the best, most engaging narratives out there come to an end.
It’s simply that the finale isn’t all that good.
Some honorable mentions of what was enjoyable.
(+) This
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Just this.
(+) The Church of Zutara has another convert
“Are you sure they don’t get together?” Hubster, 2020
(+) The tragedy of Azula
And the fact that it’s acknowledged as such. I hope Zuko will do his best to get her help and have a relationship with her…
(+) Sokka being a big bro
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And the whole airship sequence in general. It’s wonderfully paced and plotted, with moments of humor, real stakes, Toph being both badass and a scared crying kid, Sokka strategizing and protecting, Suki saving the day, and non-benders being instrumental in thwarting the bad guy firebender’s plans. Would be shame if Bryke never portrayed them this capable ever again…
And now for the main course.
(-) Blink and its over
The wrap-up feels too quick (hashtag Needs More ROtK-style False Endings). A part of this is due to how fast the story goes from the thick of the action to hastily tying up a bunch of loose ends, but the larger issue is how Book 3’s uneven pacing comes home to roost. After spending half a season on filler episodes that at best subtly flesh out established characters while dancing around a huge lionturtle-shaped hole, and at worst contradict the theme of “no one is born bad” with “you’re a hot mess because your great-grandfathers didn’t get along too well”, the frantic “go go go” rush of the second half screeches to a halt with “they won and everyone was happy because now the right people have power and it will be all good from now on yup nothing more to deal with baiiiii”.
Yes, I know, it’s a kids’ show. But goddamn, this particular kids’ show has proven so many times it can do better than the expected tropiness. Showing the characters in their roles as builders of a new world was the least that could have been done.
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Oh well!
(-) Ursa
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We’ll never know. There will never be a story that delves into this. Yup. Shall forever remain but an intriguing mystery. Is good, though. Mystery is better than a story where Ursa shares her son’s penchant for forgetfulness. Imagine how embarrassing that would be. Speaking of which…
(-) What does Mai see in this jerkbender?
Look, I like to harp a lot on the mess of inconsistent writing that’s Mai but let’s unpack this scene from her perspective, shall we?
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Zuko forgot about her! It totally slipped his mind that the one person who prioritized the safety of his dumb ass was rotting in the worst prison in the Fire Nation—because of him! And she was rotting there long enough after the final Agni Kai for the news of Zuko’s upcoming coronation to spread and her uncle to feel sufficiently secure to release her. But then the coronation scene is attended by every single member of Gaang & Friends that was imprisoned?
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So what this tells me is that either a) the invasion force had the ability to break themselves out the whole time and for some reason decided not to exercise it until after the war was over, b) Zuko forgot about them as well and no one thought to remind him there were prisons full of POWs until Mai arrived, or, and that’s even better, c) Zuko took care to free every single resistance fighter while making sure Mai would be the one to stay behind bars.
Never thought I’d say this but Mai? Honey? You deserve so much better.
(-) “What does Katara want?”
Asked no one in the writers’ room ever, apparently.
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This is not so much anti Cataang as anti romance stories that pay attention to the needs, opinions, and wants of only one partner in general. Over the previous 60 episodes, Katara actively expressed romantic interest in Aang exactly, wait for it,
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And it got retconned out of relevance by the following two interactions where the possibility of a romantic relationship came up, making the Headband dance pretty easy to reclassify as just one of those examples where Aang “teaches” Katara to have fun (as if one of the main obstacles to her having fun wasn’t him constantly fooling around and offloading his duties). And because the writers not only didn’t succeed in portraying Katara’s internal state of mind, but also failed to root her reluctance to pursue a relationship in outside circumstances that could change, her sudden state of unconfused once Aang steps into the spotlight has a single canonical explanation that as much as approaches coherency.
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The fact is, though, that trying to interpret canon Cataang from a Watsonian perspective is an exercise in foolishness. Because there is no Watsonian justification for the ship and never has been. Bryke simply conceived of Katara as nothing but a tropey prize for Aang, never saw her as anything beyond that, and were perfectly happy to go on and immortalize her as a passive broodmare for the rest of her life.
And I fully intend to die mad about it.
(-) Iroh dips
OK, it’s been long apparent that the show doesn’t intend to do anything about Iroh’s complicity in AzulOzai’s regime in any meaningful way, and that his sole motivation for doing anything whatsoever is Zuko whom he views as a replacement son which is supposed to be good for some reason. But the finale has him abandon even that, and instead turns him full-on YOLO, idgaf anymore. It really throws Iroh’s supposed love for Zuko into doubt when his last act in the entire show is to take a half-educated 16-year old with no political savvy or an heir to secure a dynastic continuity and plomp him on the throne of a war-mongering imperialist regime where the entirety of the militarist and ruling class is guaranteed to fight him tooth and nail for power.
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(I sure hope Mai’s ready to start popping out babies by tea-time otherwise the whole country is fukd in about a week)
Christ, how hard would it be to have Iroh keep the throne warm for a few years while Zuko is getting ready to succeed him? Not only would it make the whole FN reformation bit quite likelier to occur, it would require Iroh’s hedonistic ass to actually sacrifice something for once. And not having Zuko ascend to power, instead spending some time bettering and educating himself first, would be a wonderful message that no matter what you endured and overcame, you never stop growing. A kids’ show, remember?
(-) The conquering of Ba Sing Se
Gee, I feel so blessed to have my attention diverted from battlefields which actually matter to an old dude vanity project I would have been perfectly happy to assume resolved itself off-screen.
The White Lotus in general just bugs me. I was fine with the individual characters and their overall passivity when they were portrayed as lone dissenters living under circumstances where it wasn’t really possible for any single person to mount a meaningful resistance. But as members of a far-reaching shadowy organization that’s left the real fight to a bunch of kids for 59 episodes straight and didn’t turn up until a perfect opportunity presented itself to take control of the largest city in the world and bask in the spotlight?
Yeah, no.
Similarly to the lionturtle-ex-machina, the White Lotus represents a huge missed opportunity for a season-long storytelling. Here’s just a brief list of what they could have been doing throughout Book 3:
orchestrating a Fire Nation uprising;
gathering those directly persecuted by AzulOzai’s regime to help Zuko keep his hold on power once he’s crowned;
establishing themselves as a viable alternative to Ozai;
sabotaging Fire Nation’s war efforts from the inside;
countering Fire Nation propaganda (Asha Greyjoy’s pinecones, anyone?);
running a supply network to alleviate the suffering of Earth Kingdom citizens.
Instead, they sit on their asses until the time comes to claim personal glory.
You know what, good on Bryke for making me conclude that in comparison, the Freedom Fighters were perfectly unproblematic, actually.
(-) Fire Lord Dead-by-Dawn
Yes, a kids’ show, I know! But ffs, this is the same kids’ show that came up with Long Feng and portrayed courtly intrigue, kingly puppets, secret police, spy networks, and information wars. Was it really too much of me to expect something other than “enlightened despot solves everything”? Especially if said enlightened despot has persisting anger issues, no personal support system, no base of followers, and no political experience whatsoever?
If Zuko’s actually serious about regaining the Fire Nation’s honor (i.e. by dismantling the country’s military machine, decolonizing the Earth Kingdom, paying reparations to everyone and their lemur, and funding any and all cultural restoration projects Aang and the SWT come up with), then there is no way, no way in the universe that he doesn’t face a civil war, deposing, and execution within a month.
One reason why his future as a Fire Lord seems rather bleak is that little’s been shown about the actual subjects of AzulOzai’s regime. While we get a vague reassurance that “no Toph, they’re not born bad” (le shockings), they largely remain a voiceless uniform mass of brainwashed clapping seals. What is their view on the Fire Nation’s crimes? Do they associate their condition with their country’s war-mongering? How will they react when Zuko starts dismantling the country piece by piece to rebuild it, bringing it to economic ruin? What will they do when noble Ozai loyalists come out of the woodwork and begin rounding them up under the banner of “Make the Fire Nation Great Again?”
I have no idea, and Zuko doesn’t either because he’s unironically more qualified to rule the Earth Kingdom than his own people.
You know what would have been better? Fire Lord Iroh, White Lotus pulling the strings to maintain the regime, and Crown Prince/People’s Champion Zuko travelling the Fire Nation with Aang and an army of tutors to promote the new boss, only to realize that absolute monarchy is kinda crap for the people he’s one day supposed to rule and gaining their support by ceding some power to them.
I’d laser holes into my TV due to how much I’d enjoy watching that.
(-) All hail Avatar Rock
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Literally and metaphorically. Aang doesn’t sacrifice anything, gets everything, and the clever solution of going about getting said everything is handed to him on a silver platter, requiring no active participation on his part whatsoever.
He doesn’t work to unblock his chakras, spiritually or physically.
He only speaks to his past lives to get a pat on the back and a bow-tied solution he could mindlessly follow.
Energy-bending doesn’t require any sacrifice from him, leaves no lasting marks, and only serves for the narrative to praise him as the rare individual that’s unbendable and thus so very very special.
The most infuriating thing is, however, that Aang is clearly shown as being able to beat Ozai without either the Avatar state, or energy-bending.
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And he chooses not to. From this moment on, Aang no longer fights to save the world. He fights to preserve his beliefs, going directly against the instructions of his past lives and effectively reneging on his duties as the Avatar.
It’s not like you can’t portray Aang’s faithfulness to his spiritual beliefs as the key to beating Ozai and saving the world. But that’s not what the show did. There is no link between Aang sparing Ozai and securing a better future, quite to the contrary—Ozai’s survival ends up being a massive problem for the continuation of Zuko’s rule, and consequently a threat to the world at large. His survival benefits Aang and no one else.
Aang’s spiritual purity and his status as a savior of the world are allowed to coexist only due to a deliberate stroke of a writer’s pen.
And I hate it.
Welp, nothing to do about it now except to bury myself up to my tits in fix-it fics I guess.
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parkers-gal · 3 years
Part 2 of Harry thought she was cheating on with tom" uhm you should do it if you want or not.
Harry wants know the expalantion. Why did y/n and tom are soo soo close??
its okay if you dont want do it :))
hiii sorry it took so long ! :( that piece is called “what’s his.” here’s pt two !! <3
requests are temporarily closed
With two days gone, you feel it’s probably time for you to stop ignoring Tom. After your fight with Harry, you thought it best to not interact with any of the Hollands until things settled, but right now you’re in desperate need of some comfort, and Tom doesn’t deserve to lose a friend because you’re in a rough patch with his brother.
He’d called you an extraordinary amount of times, checking on you and asking questions and offering his help whenever it was needed. You hadn’t answered until today, and he’d replied within seconds.
You were going over to their flat. Tom promised Harry would be out with Sam and Harrison, so you wouldn’t have to deal with awkward encounters or situations. You’re grateful, at least, that your fight with Harry hasn’t splintered your friendship with Tom — at least, not as much as you thought it might.
The beep of your car brings you out of your head — you realize you’re at Tom’s house a lot faster than you thought. You’re on time, though, but you’re not as mentally prepared as you’d like to be. You’re a bit distressed, and noticeably so. Fighting with Harry wasn’t fun.
“Hey, Y/N/N.” Tom greets you as he opens the door, stepping aside to allow you inside. You smile nervously, awkwardly, and you manage to remove your shoes and settle on the couch. Tom has movies and ice cream pulled up, your favorite blanket splayed out on one end of the couch.
As you settle, he sits beside you, hands in his lap while he smiles gently.
“Do you… wanna watch a movie? Or… maybe talk about what happened?” He swallows thickly. “I’m here if you need to vent or- rant or whatever they say nowadays.”
You chuckle, almost dryly, but nod nonetheless at his offer. Ten minutes go by with you talking, and somehow you’ve shifted closer to him. Another ten minutes pass and you’re crying into his shoulder about the entire ordeal, hugging his side, leaning into him as another tear falls.
He takes his time with you, calming you down before talking quietly. He’s rationalizing the issue with you, telling you the things Harry said. He knows he shouldn’t, because this really isn’t his business, but he can’t help it. He wants things to work out between you and his brother.
The front door opens, though neither of you hear it through your talking. Harry comes through the hallway, and when he catches sight of you cuddled into his brother’s side, he scoffs, rolling his eyes.
Tom notices him first, and when you follow his eyeline, you quickly separate from Tom, standing as you attempt to go over to him.
“Harry- Harry it’s not what you think-!” You don’t get to say anything you want to, because as he runs up the stairs, his bedroom door slams loudly, leaving you a puzzled puddle at the bottom of the staircase.
When you turn slowly on your heel, you’re close to crying again, and when Tom makes a move to hug you, you step back.
You’re muttering words as you grab your bag and make for the door. “Tom, I’m sorry. This was a bad idea, I- I shouldn’t have come.”
You leave him in the doorway, quickly situating yourself in the driver’s seat of your old car. Tom is sighing to himself, hands rubbing his forehead while he slams the door with a “shit.”
When he turns around, Harry is on the staircase, making his way down. He’s furious, angrily making his way towards Tom. Only, he doesn’t stop. Instead, he walks right past his older brother and straight into the kitchen. Tom finds nothing holding him back as he runs after him.
“Harry- Harry please, wait.”
“No.” He harshly closes the fridge after getting a cup of yogurt out from the pack on the top shelf. “I don’t care for whatever you have to say.” “No, but I want you to know there’s nothing going on between us-”
“Does it look like I give a fuck?” He sets his spoon down on the counter, fingers gripping the edge of the marble in anger. “You’ve already stolen her from me, it doesn’t matter anymore.” As Harry leaves the kitchen, Tom’s anger bubbles into the air, and he can’t stop himself from yelling at his younger brother.
“I didn’t ‘steal’ anyone! It’s your fault that you were too insecure to talk to her instead of accusing her of cheating on you.” Harry turns around slowly, nostrils flaring, jaw clenching and eyes darkening. He drops the cup of strawberry yogurt, the spoon clinking on the hardwood. In a matter of seconds, Harry is lunging at his older brother, about to swing a fist, but luckily, Harrison is by his side in the nick of time. He’d arrived just on time, noticing Harry’s stance and recognizing the signs of when Harry is about to swing a throw.
“Stop, stop.” Harrison’s voice is a loud and stark contrast to the tense silence between the Holland boys.
“Fuck off.” Harry shoves Harrison hands off of his arms, storming out of the room, leaving a breathless Tom and a panting Harrison.
“What the fuck was that about?” Harrison gestures to the entire room, to the direction in which the boy had walked out. Tom doesn’t reply, too caught up in the events that were just portrayed in front of him. “Care to explain?” Harrison gets louder as more time passes, and Tom nods, gesturing for him to stop yelling.
“I just… Harry walked in on me and Y/N.”
“Oh god, Tom.” Harrison cuts his explanation short, and Tom is quick to clear up the image.
“Not like that. We were just- we were just talking. She started crying so I hugged her and then Harry found us like that.” “So Harry walked in on his brother hugging his girlfriend.” Harrison stated bluntly, clearly.
“Pretty much. But then he got angry so she left so I tried to clear things up but then he got angry and we yelled at each other and-” “And what did you say to him?” Harrison gives Tom a side eye, and Tom winces at himself.
“I… blamed him for everything.” “Jesus, Tom.”
“How was I supposed to know he was gonna throw a punch?!”
“You weren’t, but you should’ve known you were gonna piss him off even more!”
Tom scoffs, head tilting backwards while he looks at the ceiling in thought. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”
“You need to stay out of their relationship.” Harrison doesn’t sugarcoat what he thinks needs to happen. There’s no happy ending for you and Harry if Tom doesn’t stay out of the waters until it clears up.
“No, Tom.” Harrison’s shoulders sag slightly. “Look, I know she’s your friend too, but that’s Harry’s girlfriend. You’ve… I don’t know… caused tension? You’ve gotten in between them. They need to bond again.”
“No, yeah, I know. You’re right.” He sighs. “I just… I don’t know if this is all my fault? It’s not my fault Harry said those things to her.”
“Yeah,” Harrison sips a glass of water. “But you should give them space until they make up.” Tom hums, nodding as he crosses his thick arms. “You know, you could start by explaining why the hell you and Y/N are so close.” Tom eyes him while biting his bottom lip.
“She’s…. Taking online courses so she can get into screenwriting. I’m trying to get her an intern for an upcoming film I’m working on.” He confesses as if it’s the most taboo thing in the world. “She wanted to surprise Harry by saying she’s coming with us for filming. We just- we don’t know if it’s final yet, so we didn’t want to tell him anything.” Harrison rolls his eyes, almost unsurprised at the predicament. “Well, stop making work seem so unprofessional. Harry can handle time away from his girlfriend if it comes to that.”
“Right. I suppose I should talk to her.”
“And then get her to talk to him, yeah.”
“Kay,” Tom grabs his car keys and a jacket before waving goodbye to Harrison, the door clicking on his way out.
You’re not sure how Tom convinced you to go to Paddy’s rugby game, but you’re here nonetheless. You have a jersey on under your cardigan, jeans fitted nicely while you stand with your arms crossed. It’s cold and dark out, so the field lights are on and they’re brighter than light mode on your cell phone.
Tom said he’d meet you here, at the bottom of the bleachers. The game has already started, and while you’re mediocrely cheering with the rest of the crowd, you’re still hyper aware of the fact that you’re alone. When you feel a presence next to you, you realize Tom has taken a stance on your left side, Harry on your right.
With a thick swallow of your dignity and courage, you step closer to Harry. “Do you… wanna talk?”
He chews on his lower lip but nods almost confidently. You shiver as the two of you walk towards a popcorn stand. It’s quiet for a good few moments, beats passing with just the rustling of grass under your shoes.
“I’m… sorry about everything I said. I know you’d never cheat on me.” He’s first to break the silence, rough deep voice cutting the tension and breaking the ice. “I just- I get so insecure whenever you’re with Tom. I don’t feel like a good boyfriend when you’re always with him.”
You can tell he’s sucked in his breath, a sure sign that if he doesn’t compose himself, he’s going to start crying. You take the opportunity to reply.
“I know,” You breathe out. “I was… maybe a little too close to Tom. I just- I didn’t realize, y’know? It seemed like you were fine with it but the dynamic got weird and- I’m just… I’m sorry too. I should’ve tried to… help you with your insecurities instead of doing… what I did.”
He nods, watching his feet take each step. “I missed you.” He confesses it just as the two of you come to a stop in front of the popcorn stand. You lick your lips, breathing out a helpless chuckle.
“I really missed you, too.”
When he takes a step closer, you realize what he’s initiating, and you embrace him strongly, holding him tightly, squeezing him. He inhales your scent, sighing to himself and exhaling in relief to have you back in his arms. You smile against his shoulder, bringing him closer, if possible.
“‘M sorry.” He’s grumbling into you, voice rasping. You can tell he’s a bit emotional, so you squeeze him again, pulling apart to look at him.
“‘S okay.” You smile, bringing his face closer to yours. “We’re okay.” Your fingers are under his chin while he nods, and suddenly, your lips are embracing, kissing sensually just as they have so many times before. He can taste your coconut chapstick, and he smiles into the kiss, hands on your waist gently.
“We’re okay.”
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mymegumi · 3 years
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pairing: kuroo tetsuro x gn!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 5.3k words
warnings: nekomata!reader, minor character death and post timeskip
summary: as nekomata’s only grandchild, you’d always felt indebted to him in a way and found time to meet him almost everyday. through the years, you’d heard all the stories he’d wanted to tell of his favorite volleyball team and his travails as a younger man. by chance, you meet the captain of his glory day team who’s everything you didn’t know that you needed.
note: thank you to cass ( @misutv ) for the plot and for basically the whole idea, you’re a real one and ik daddy shemar would be proud of you
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The morning air was crisp, and there were still drops of dew hanging onto the blades of grass in the sitting area of the retirement home. The sun had barely risen over the horizon, and yet the sky was already vibrantly cerulean, pale white clouds blotting out the golden rays.
“It’s lovely out today,” you murmured softly, as if speaking any louder would disturb the calm of the early morning, “I’m glad you convinced me to take you out.”
“Of course!” Your grandfather, unlike yourself, had a booming voice, one he’d used to carve his presence into the minds of everyone around him. His smile was infectious and warm, like the feeling of drinking a cup of hot chocolate on a chilling winter day. “I’m not sure how often you’re let out of your little office to soak up the rays; people forget how often we are like plants, needing the warm summer sun to help us grow and expand into our fullest potentials.”
You loved your grandpa, you really did. He had been the one who had raised you when your parents passed away, taken too soon from you and yet never failing to make sure you had everything you needed in life. Even despite all of the hardships, like money and worrying about your education, he had made sure you always felt the love that children had gotten from their parents.
He tended to ramble a lot, though, and sometimes you just didn’t listen to him all the way. He was, as many old people were, a talker and you were sure that he could chat with you all day if you let him.
“Mhm,” you gripped the handles of his wheelchair a bit harder, pushing him along the pathway of the retirement home, concrete underneath your shoes hard, “they don’t really let us take breaks and take in the air.”
He tutted, tongue hitting the roof of his mouth in annoyance when you said it, and the action of it had you rolling your eyes because you knew he couldn’t see you from where you were standing. “It’s just like corporations these days to be preventing our youth from going outside. When my volleyball team was at its peak, we spent every summer day in the gym with the doors open and the breeze flitting through like a dancer.”
This was usually where you started to tune back into what he was saying, hoping that you could catch glimpses of his self-proclaimed glory days. The volleyball team had been his pride and joy when he was still coaching high schoolers, kids who worked their butts off to get to the national stage and play their rivals.
“Tell me about the team again, grandpa,” you requested, holding the door open to the retirement home as another pair of people left. He gave you a glance over his shoulder, eyes bright with amusement as you flushed, feeling the heat crawl along the nape of your neck.
“Anything for you, sweet one.”
Yasufumi was always kind to your requests, taking each one in step despite the embarrassment they seemed to bring you. You had been at Nekoma when the golden era of his volleyball team was still in action, but you had been going through a rebellious phase, often trying to turn away from the interests and endeavors of your older guardian.
It had only been when he retired from coaching and you had entered into the workforce that you truly had begun to listen to his words of wisdom, each one carried in your heart to serve as a lesson or a purpose for the things you did everyday. He only ever told you those stories when you asked for them—to pull out the fact that you enjoyed listening to him talk about volleyball, or to embarrass you over the fact that you had missed out on meeting many of the young men he was talking about, you wouldn’t know. Instead, he would talk about things that had happened at the retirement center, each one more confusing than the last and the list of unbelievable things that happened never ending.
Yasufumi watched you settle into the chair nearest to one of the windows, shifting uncomfortably in the small wooden chair that the retirement home gave to visitors in the common area, which was now a bit busier since it was later in the morning. People were walking around and talking amongst each other, and somewhere in the distance, you saw a pair of people playing chess at one of the tables outside.
“When the third years were just first years,” he starts, hands folded over themselves and sitting in his lap, “they argued almost constantly. The youngest of the bunch seemed to have a grudge against the shortest of the group that had lasted until they hit my gym floor; listening to them argue was just about the only other noise you’d hear in the gym besides the oldest of the group trying to mediate them.”
Yasufumi leaned back a bit in his wheelchair, joints in his leg creaking and moaning as he adjusted himself. His legs weren’t completely gone, but it was bad enough that you had sought out a doctor to prescribe him a wheelchair.
“Those boys were at each other’s throats for as long as I can remember, and it’s honestly a surprise that they had ended up working out their differences long enough to make anything of themselves.” His smile was filled with warmth and reminded you of your youth with him, every day filled with laughter. “My fondest memories of the team was during their third year, and they put in the best work during that era.”
Your grandfather’s face talking of this era brought feelings of melancholy for you, filled with a regret that you had missed out on his favorite remembrance of high school. If you had only been less filled with a need to rebel and push away, not knowing the value of being by his side until it was almost too late.
He talked to you for hours, retelling the stories of his volleyball team and the things that they had endured when they finally ended up going to nationals to meet their rivals for the first time in what had seemed like years. When you watched him talk, your heart clenched tightly in your chest the way his face portrayed the emotions of an insufferably saccharine past, as if he knew that his age was finally catching up to him.
In your own self loathing, you wished you had met the men that had shaped your grandfather’s glory days and that you had put in more of an effort to become friends with them because they seemed like people that you could have been friends with. You knew that Yasufumi would have appreciated seeing more than just you at the retirement home, but you didn’t have any contact information for you to reach out and see if they would like to come visit.
You had a feeling they would, though, because bonds forged through the trials of sports seemed to run deeper than any others. Giving your grandfather a brief goodbye, you tucked the visit into the part of your heart that each visit went into, for safekeeping on days you wouldn’t be able to see him again.
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The next time you visited Nekomata Yasufumi, you were mildly surprised when the receptionist told you that there were already a group of three young men visiting him out in the recreation area. When you signed your name, the three signatures above yours were in a messy scrawl of young adults that were still adjusting to having to sign their name on legal documents; Nobuyuki Kai, Yaku Morisuke and Kuroo Tetsuro.
Despite being prepared for more people when you enter into the common area, you were taken aback by the sheer noise that was coming from the group gathered nearest to your grandfather—a group that was laughing happily over something you couldn’t understand while the tallest of them had a volleyball tucked underneath his arm.
“Oh! There’s the fifth of our group.” Your grandpa called out to you after he spotted you walking in, bag set on one of the hooks at the front for coats and bags. His smile was infectious and before you knew it, there was a smile spreading across your lips. “Let’s move outside, now, we can do introductions on the lawn.”
Your laughter was soft as you made your way to your grandfather’s wheelchair, hands reaching for the grips out of instinct before the tallest of the group, someone you vaguely remember from high school since his hair was so distinguishable, stopped you.
He looked at you with an air of lightness around him, as if he were carefree. “Hey, I got it.”
“Thanks.” You nodded your head to him, lips pulling into a slight smile as you walked around to your grandfather’s side, giving the taller man—whose hair was absolutely atrocious—one last curious glance.
“Kuroo,” your grandfather’s tone was chiding, “you didn’t even introduce yourself.”
“You said we were doing introductions on the lawn!” The man’s tone was light and joking, looking down at the older man before lightly patting down on his shoulder, “I know you’re old, but your memory isn’t going, now is it?”
“You wish it was,” Yasufumi retorted with an eyeroll, arms crossing over his chest, “that way I’d forget about that time you’d flubbed a receive you had claimed would be so easy to get.”
Kuroo, as you had just recently learned was his name, made a noise of distress that landed somewhere in the back of his throat, face twisted in distaste with blotches of pink dusting across his cheekbones and bridge of his nose. “I thought you had forgotten about that, that was so long ago!”
“I’d never forget things that embarrass you,” he joked breezily, wrinkly hand reaching up to grab your hand in his, “because you were insufferable in high school!”
Kuroo turned to you, then, making sure you were looking at him before dipping his head low in a simple greeting. His hair fell a bit, ends drooping and covering up more of his eyes from your gaze. “I’m Kuroo Tetsuro. It’s lovely to meet you, Mx. Nekomata.”
“Ah,” you started, hand coming up to wave him off as you felt a rush of heat crawl along the back of your neck at his sudden attention, “my name actually isn’t Nekomata. My mother took her husband’s last name.”
You gave him your name, body heating up just a bit too much when he repeated it—you loved the way his mouth rolled over the vowels and consonants of your name. When you gave him a nod of confirmation after he got it right, the grin he gave you back was almost blinding.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you!”
Now on the front lawn and standing just in front of the pair of other men that were talking amongst themselves, you bowed quickly after offering the both of them your name. Mixed between their smiles and the contagious energy that was Yaku and Kuroo, the energy was nowhere near as awkward as you had feared upon meeting your grandfather’s golden era third years.
Before you know it, the four of you were coerced into playing a few rounds of volleyball—nothing serious and almost incredibly competitive.
Paired together with Kuroo, the man was heartwarmingly kind in a way that you hadn’t been expecting from a man of his nature. In the few interactions you had had with him, you had expected more teasing, almost like you were expecting to have been poked and prodded until he figured out the way your cogs turned. In a nice turn of events, he was simply just the type of man that liked to provoke his friends to get them out of a funk if they were to experience any sort of failure; as often Kuroo would make some sort of misconstrued comment about Nobuyuki if he missed an easy to block to spike.
In between lifting the mood should it turn sour, Kuroo was also effortlessly teaching you the sport you’d avoided all throughout your youth. In avoiding your caretaker, you’d also managed to put learning volleyball on the back burner of things you wanted to do in high school and you’d never learned a lick of it.
Yaku was shouting encouraging words from across the way to you, but after a few minutes you’d ended up tapping out for a quick break. Nobuyuki had offered to step out too, and that left the blond to play a game of volley with Kuroo, the two bantering off handedly while your grandfather was laughing.
It wasn’t often that you saw his expression as bright as you did then, as you were often only met with a sage face when he told you anecdotes to not waste away your early years. There was something in your chest that ached seeing his expression so freely filled with joy, since you knew that some days he wasn’t even capable of getting to his wheelchair. Those days seemed to be making more frequent appearances as of late.
Pushing that thought to the back of your mind, instead you called out to the pair of boys that you wanted to go back to playing a two-on-two. At Nobuyuki’s protests, you had teased him that he would be beat out by a person who didn’t even exercise regularly, which had brought out a whole other slew of arguments. It took your grandfather’s chiding to get the mini game back on track again.
With Kuroo as your teammate, and your grandfather barking out orders to you that you took with a grain of salt, you were only marginally better at the sport by the end of their visit.
Yaku and Nobuyuki had left only minutes earlier, both giving you their well wishes and offering to come visit Yasufumi again when they got the chance. He had only waved them off, telling them to get a significant other before coming back to him.
Kuroo had ended up staying for a bit longer, citing that the game had winded him more now that he was no longer playing volleyball, instead working for the entire association as a whole. You just barely missed the nod of approval your grandpa gave him at his career choice, as if giving him approval for something else.
The three of you had settled into a trio of seats in the common area. By now, most of the people that were visiting loved ones had continued on, leaving the space almost empty. That was in your favor, however, as it meant your grandfather could establish a little spot for himself by one of the love seats, meaning you’d been at Kuroo’s side while the two of them reminisced of days of old.
The stories they swapped with each other ranged from Kuroo’s earliest volleyball days, to Yasufumi’s days playing against Karasuno’s now departed oldest coach. The thought had soured the mood, and despite Kuroo’s best efforts to return it back to normal, your grandfather had instead insisted that the pair of you go back to your normal lives, as opposed to entertaining an old man’s memories. It had been a clear time for the two of you to leave, which found you both walking to the parking lot.
“Do you often visit your grandfather?” Kuroo had his hands intertwined behind his back, walking casually as he glanced at you.
You nodded, looking back at him with a warmth somewhere in your chest developing. “Yeah, as often as I can. I’m usually here when I have days off, since I’m the only grandkid he had.”
Coughing into his hand, he spun his keyring around his finger as he started to slow his pace to match yours. You had a feeling he didn’t want to leave your side yet, and just the thought made you smile to yourself.
“You were really good with him, do you have a good relationship with your grandparents?”
Kuroo laughed, a loud one that came from the deep parts of his chest, like you had just told one of the funniest jokes he had ever heard. “Oh, you don’t know the half of it. I had a pretty shitty relationship with my parents, so my grandparents practically raised me. You learn how to deal with older people after a while, and Coach Nekomata had always been like a father figure to me growing up.”
“I get that,” you admitted, turning your head to try and remember where you had parked your car, “it’s hard, sometimes. I love my grandpa, though, and I don’t think I’d trade this experience for anything.”
Kuroo’s smile held a note of forbearance, as if he wanted to tell you something but bit his tongue at the last second. Instead of questioning it, as you normally would if you had more confidence, you just hit the unlock button on your car keys—the car just next to the two of you lighting up and beeping happily.
“This must be you.” He rubbed a hand over the nape of his neck anxiously, and you could have sworn he had something else to say. Instead, you got, “I’ll see you later then, yeah?”
“Yeah.” Nodding your head, you watched him walk further into the parking lot, head shaking slightly.
You had some sort of intuition that wouldn’t be the last you’d see of him, and on your third visit to see your grandfather after the Nekoma third years visited, your premonition of another meeting had been granted.
Signing your name into the guest book, you recognized Kuroo’s looping scrawl a few lines above where you were going to sign. Seeing it in there, you unconsciously straightened your back up a bit, shoulders pushing back to adjust your posture into something a bit more sightly. The receptionist just gave you a warm smile that made the tips of your ears burn.
With that bit of forewarning, walking into the common area to see your grandfather talking to Kuroo wasn’t a surprise.
“Darling!” Your grandfather’s voice rose above the din of the common area, his normal booming voice all you can hear adverse to the polite chatter of others in the general vicinity. A few heads turned to look at him, but his beaming face is enough to have them turning back to their own conversations without a second thought.
“Hey, funny running into you here.” Kuroo patted the seat cushion closest to him on the couch when you arrived, and you gave him a quick nod as thanks. “I was just telling him about the time a friend of mine tried to convince me to sell him a stock in the volleyball association just because he wanted to say he owned volleyball in Japan.”
“It sounds like you’ve got interesting friends,” your murmured, eyes scaling across the slants of his face and down the slope of his nose—you were trying your best to avoid looking at his hair and be seen as rude, “was it one of the ones that was here the last time you were here?”
He shook his head, and it was almost instinct the way your eyes drew to his hair, which seemed to be moving on a mind of its own. You’re pretty sure your grandpa was laughing at the way you were watching, but you weren’t one hundred percent sure. “Nah, those guys are actually sane, it’s a friend named Kenma. He’s a year younger than me, but he’s made a pretty good name for himself.”
Conversation between the three of you flowed easily, since if Kuroo ran out of things to say, your grandfather would find an anecdote to throw around that would cause Kuroo to think of something his own grandparents would try and tell him, before it would end up a battle of philosophies from two different families. Kuroo often lost those discussions, however, because you were Yasufumi’s kin and there wasn’t a battle you wouldn’t fight for him.
The day seemed to pass in almost slow motion, each conversation longer and filled with laughter. There was something about the fact that Kuroo could handle your grandfather so well that sat well with you, and it helped that Yasufumi had already liked Kuroo to begin with that made you unreasonably happy.
You thought, somewhat briefly at one point when your grandfather is laughing at a dumb joke that Kuroo made about the state of taxes in Japan, that you wouldn’t mind seeing more of this man.
“I really enjoyed seeing you,” Kuroo divulged to you later on when your grandfather had had his fill of interacting with people for the day, “and Coach Nekomata, of course.”
The way he added on the second part of the conversation made heat crawl across your face, and the meaning of his words seemed to dawn on Kuroo, as well, if the deep pink flush that creeped along the tips of his ears and at the sides of his neck are any indication. There was a deep satisfaction of making a grown man blush so hard that settled along you, and it made you more confident than you normally were.
“Well, I think that seeing you there was a nice surprise,” you commented, looking at him with what you hoped was a sincere expression painted on your features, “and I definitely won’t mind if it were to happen more often.”
That was the right thing to say, you decided as you watched a bright beam spread across Kuroo’s lips, the corners of his eyes crinkling at the statement. “Of course, I’ll make sure to stop by more frequently. Maybe I could get your number, so we can coordinate our visits?”
You pulled out your phone to exchange numbers with him, and as he entered his number into your phone, and subsequently called himself from your phone, you just took a minute to admire him.
You’ve only met him a few times, but from what you could tell, he wasn’t a bad guy. Sure his hair was a bit on the obscure side, but you had dated far worse guys than that. He seemed to be a family oriented man, if his relationship with his grandparents and older sisters were any indication from the stories he told you and your own grandfather. He worked as a representative of the Japanese Volleyball Association, so that meant he had put in the work to get where he was and had an eye for things that others might have overlooked.
You saw yourself falling for him very easily, and watching his retreating figure wave to you as he walked to his car, you realized that maybe you already were.
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Nekomata Yasufumi passed away on a cool Tuesday evening in the middle of summer.
From what the nurses had told you, he had passed painlessly in his sleep, without so much as a warning that his health was declining to this point. You were just grateful that it wasn’t long, because the thought of him suffering was worse than any hardship you had faced thus far in life.
Your friends had called you and texted you, asking you were okay and if there was anything they could do for you, and yet, there wasn’t a thing that their words said to you that could soothe the ache in your heart. Yasufumi was the only person in your life that had been there steadily, and now that he’s gone, you were a bit lost in where you were meant to go next.
The only person that you had even allowed by your side throughout the entire process of the funeral was Kuroo.
After the day you had exchanged numbers, the two of you texted often—about your grandfather, about his grandparents, and sometimes just about whatever he had seen that had reminded him of you. You weren’t anything more than friends, but you liked to think that Kuroo was just taking it slow, trying to court you like you were something to be valued, rather than doing it in a more modern way.
When he heard that Yasufumi had passed away, he had been a bit distraught at the news. In what would usually be near nightly texts, you had gotten radio silence for a good few days.
You understood, though, because this was another father figure to him, and you didn’t hold his silent treatment against him. When he texted you a few days before the funeral, asking if he could drive you there and stand with you, you agreed almost immediately.
“Nekomata Yasufumi was one of the most carefree men I had ever had the pleasure of meeting,” he read from a paper in his hands, shaking slightly at the top because of the wind, and perhaps a bit because of the shake in his hands, “and he brought joy wherever he went. Working with him, and working as one of his athletes had been one of the most amazing moments in my life. I wouldn’t have traded that experience for anything in the world.”
There were a few more people that shared their stories of your grandfather before they buried his casket, each one tearfilled and sentimental in their own rights. There was a deep pain in your chest that dulls a bit more with each joyful memory that others had of the only man in your life for so long.
Kuroo stood by your side throughout the entire process, an arm wrapped around you protectively, and you could feel the warmth of his hand on your upper bicep. When you felt as if the whole situation was too much, and that the tears that you had been shedding throughout the week would make an appearance in front of all these people, you just looked at Kuroo. He offered you a gentle smile each time, a sea of emotions swimming hazel eyes that you understood more than anyone.
After the ceremony, no one faulted you for leaving early.
“I’m sorry.”
Blinking at him, you tilted your head to the side as you wiped at your salt-stained cheeks. “Why? He passed painlessly, and I think he’d be having fun wherever he ended up.”
“I know,” Kuroo amended, chin tilted down towards his chest so you can’t see his expression, “but I’m just sorry that he was the last of your family.”
You made a noise, a bit of a hum and just a noise to let him know that you had heard him. You thought about it for a minute, hands pressed firmly in flat fists, fingers digging crescents into your palms to avoid crying again at the mention of it. You didn’t want to be sad, because you liked to think that your grandfather was somewhere playing volleyball with the coach of Karasuno again, as they should be.
“I think that, I think that I’m going to miss him,” you had started, drawing Kuroo’s attention to you, “but also, I know that I’ll never be alone, because he’s always with me.”
Kuroo chuckled a bit at that. “Yeah, definitely. He cared for you a lot, that’s for sure.”
When the man at your side rubbed a hand over the back of his neck, you inquired softly about what was on his mind. He sighed lightly, leaning a shoulder against the wall the two of you were standing by.
“He had even given me advice on how to ask you out,” he looked away from you, but still you could see the bits of red spreading across the tops of his ears, “and he kept telling me I was waiting too long to ask you out, and that you would get snatched up before I could get a chance. But I just wanted to do it a bit slower.”
“I get it,” you smiled up at him, “but if you asked me out now, I’d say yes.”
“Oh.” Kuroo’s face erupted in a gorgeous shade of rosy pink. “Well, I was going to wait. I thought it might be inappropriate to ask you at Nekomata’s funeral.”
“Mm, well,” you mused, hand reaching towards his, “I get the feeling, he’d just be happy we got together at all.”
Kuroo met you halfway, his hand enveloping yours in a firm grasp. Despite the hole in your life that was oddly Nekomata Yasufumi sized, you thought that maybe there’d be someone who could patch over the wounds that were developing.
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“Do you want some time alone?” You looked up at Kuroo with a blink, hand curled in his warmth. “I don’t mind, I can go sit in the car for a bit.”
He shook his head. “No, I don’t really have anything to say to him that I can’t say in front of you.”
He leaned down, knee pressing against soft soil with a hand tracing along the stone of a gravestone, Nekomata Yasufumi written in elegant script with the year he was born and the year he passed on it.
“Hey, Coach,” he started, thumb brushing against the granite in smooth, slow strokes, “we just wanted to let you know about how life has been going.”
You crouched down, the side of your thigh pressed against the denim of his jeans. “Gramps, we, uh, we visited Mori and Lev in Russia for a couple of days, which was really lovely.”
The elder of the two was seemingly more successful, despite the modeling career Lev had gotten with his sister. He was doing what he loved in a foreign country, and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t been a bit impressed when he had ordered for you and Kuroo at a restaurant in fluent Russian.
Lev was in the process of learning his third language, English, and had tried to show off in front of the two of you. Morisuke had laughed at him mercilessly, and corrected him in anything that he had gotten wrong, showing off another hidden talent the former libero had kept tucked away.
“The best part of the trip, though,” Kuroo knocked the side of his head against yours gently, in what was nothing more than a love tap, “was putting a ring on their finger.”
He pulled over the hands that were intertwined with yours, tugging the fingers down to show off the golden band adorning your ring finger that rested snugly. After showing it off, the sunlight reflecting off of it in straight lines, Kuroo ghosted his lips over the engagement band he had presented to you.
“We’re gonna keep a seat open for you,” you murmured, reaching out to trace your hand along the engravings of your grandfather’s name, “and I know you’re gonna watch us with a stupid story about Tetsuro that’ll have everyone laughing wherever you ended up.”
Kuroo pulled you closer with an arm winding around your shoulders, lips resting against the crown of your head as you pressed a palm against your chest. Despite the fact that the loss of your grandfather had opened a cavity in your chest, with each passing day the ache seemed to dull just a bit more. You didn’t think it would ever go away fully, but just carrying it with you would mean that it would become bearable.
Kuroo stood without another word, hand resting on your head and shaking a bit to mess up your hair. Before you had come in, you had already agreed that you would get a few minutes alone with your grandfather, and you appreciated the fact that Kuroo understood.
It was early in the morning. The morning dew was clinging to the green blades that curved and bent underneath every step that your fiancé took, each one a soothing contrast to the sun that was peeking up over the Japanese horizon. As the clouds floated through the sky, you sat and talked with your grandfather of all the things that he had missed in the last few months that you had been unable to visit him—your lover, and his former protégé, waiting for you in your car.
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t.list :: @nekomabvc @shadowkunoichi @duhsies @iwaizoom @hikariakaashi @kyotarou
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javaphilesblog · 2 years
ENTRY 2/2 KDrama Blog 04/05/2022 | 8:18 pm
This is another blog for the second comfort drama that I really loved since the news about the casts was announced. 
Magtatagalog na lang po ako para damang-dama. Hahahahaha! So this is my last entry and hindi ko alam kung kailan ako makakapagblog na naman. So I’m doing this blog after I watched the final episode ng Business Peoposal. Partida, walang subtitle eh hinhintay ko pa nag 10:30. To be honest, wala naman ako plano manood ng ongoing series o ni Kdrama dahil natrauma na ako lalo sa mga ending. But noong napanood ko ang teasers, and the first episode, naadik na ko sa story, casts, characters, and plot. Yes cliches yung ibang parts pero iba yung saya kapag napanood mo yung drama na isang oras ka tumatawa, kinikilig , at magugulat. Yes, literal na tawa talaga kasi ibang klase ito na Rom-Com, nabasa ko na yung manhwa and talagang may ibang parts na iniba kaya unexpected ang mga scenes.
It is a stress reliever drama pati na din yung mga OSTs . Grabe yung kilig and fun kapag maririnig ko lalo na yung Love, Maybe.
I really the characters here, walang masyadong nakakainis , good vibes lahat starting kay harabeoji/chairman Kang, research development team 1, shin's family and the four main characters.
I thought it will be just a simple rom-com but it was unexpected on how the audience loved the drama, casts and the songs. Sobra, talaga! Even me, na naghahanap ng something new sa Kdrama ay naattached talaga sa drama na to. To be honest, I am a fan of Sejeong and Hyoseop since I watched their dramas talaga. Ahem pati yung Busted, abangers talaga din ako ng drama. The pairing was unexpected and surprising since Sejeong was not the first choice but she nailed her character Shin Hari, Shin Geum Hui and Jin Young Seo(Blind date). Nakakalito nga pero , first episode pa lang, she got me with her Samantha and Rachel lines. Hahahahaha. I won't ever forget that. I like her positivity and her dedication to work. I was amazed also on how she is the best ever friend of Young Seo. They're both chaotics and I love their genuine friendship. Shin Hari is the best Girlfriend I ever watched in a Kdrama. Sabi nga nila, the Nation's Girlfriend. I admired her character a lot especially when she comforted Taemu in his trauma during their date and when he was hospitalized. Kim Sejeong really deserved this character and she nailed. Saranghae Sejeong! Mas lalo pa ko napamahal sa character niya since relate na relate ako doon sa time na may crush siya doon kay Minwoo for 7 years. Yung part na umiyak siya sa bus stop, sh*t, ramdam na ramdam ko yung sakit ng unrequited love. Yung mahal mo siya ng palihim, pero natatakot ka kasi baka masira yung friendship niyo. And she never took an advantage doon sa nalaman niya sa gf ni Minwoo. Despite of unrequited love, she found genuine and reciprocated love with Kang Taemu. They were really destined to each other. ❤❤❤ So, Shin Hari, you are deserved to love and to be loved by Kang Taemu!
Jin Young Seo is the best friend na gusto ko magkaroon in real life, she have done her best to support and protect her best friend. All her efforts talaga, grabe! Saan kayo makakahanap ng ganitong best friend? Tapos may black card pa! HAHAHAHA I love her bluntness and the way she pursued Secretary Cha was so lit. In the last part, gustong gusto ko yung pinaglabanan niya yung relationship niya with Sunghoon kay father niya. I'm so happy for them and thank you Seol In ah for portraying Hari's ever supportive best friend. Thank you because of you, Taemu and Hari won't meet.
Naks! Kay Archaeopteryx naman tayo aka as President Kang Tae-mu. Ahn Hyo Seop nailed this character even nasanay ako sa roles niya sa drama na heavy and emotional. It was just so refreshing to watch him in a Rom-Com drama talaga. And grabe yung chemistry nila Sejeong and hopefully, kahit tapos na yung drama, nandoon pa din yung closeness and support nila sa isa't-isa. Or magdate na lang sila. Char! Alam naman kalakaran sa Korean Entertainment industry, but maybe someday, somehow, di ba Dispatch?!?!?
Okay back to Taemu, I admired his personality talaga na workaholic and persistent sa lahat ng nagagawa especially when he wanted Hari to marry him and pati na din yung part na nafall na siya kay Hari. Nakakatawa lang yung part na gusto niya gantihan si Hari but it was changed during the drunk call and confession of Hari.
Then, during their relationship, napakahealthy lang ng relasyon nila, no dramas, no issues and wala naman kaagaw. I admired Taemu for being consistent and straightforward with his feelings towards Shin Hari. Gustong gusto ko yung lagi siyang tumititig and you can feel that deepest love na meron siya para kay Hari. Naloloka ako sa kanya nunun una because he seemed cold and focus lang sa work but he really changed when he met Hari in an unexpected amd chaotic way. Thank you Kang Taemu (baka naman pa black card, yate, or pakain naman diyan sa restaurant, hahahahah) for going to the blind date and meeting there your jagiya, Shin Hari. Despite his grandfather objections and office rumors, he never gave up on Hari and he still pursued her until the end. Kudos to you Kang Taemu, for being the best boyfriend to Hari and future husband to her. You're really good in all things, sabi mo nga and you prove it right. Don't worry, Shin Hari will always be there in your side and will accept your past, flaws and weaknesses. Just continue loving Shin Hari and Harabeoji, chairman Kang.
Omg! My superduper crush, secretary Cha. To be honest, sa kanya ako naattract throughout the drama. KIM MIN KYU portrayed him well and he was so fine and I cannot resist his oozing hotness (when he removed his eyeglasses and shirt) and handsomeness, shit sama mo pa yung nakakamatay niyang dimples. Jusko! Sa SNOWDROP kasi bwisit na bwisit ako sa kanya talaga, yung role niya na si comrade Jo na mahilig sa cup noodles. Hahahahaha! He was a North Korean spy who turned into a GENTLE, HANDSOME, KIND, CUTE AND SEXY SECRETARY CHA SUNGHOON. Min Kyu really looked like the manhwa version. Despite being an orphan, he was treated wholeheartedly by the Kang family. JUSKO. Mas mahaba mahaba ang appreciation message ko sa kanya. So, ganito nga eh nasanay ako sa second male lead nafafall talaga eh. It was like gustong gusto ko siya, what an ideal man he is. I really love hus character in the drama, the gentleness, and cuteness lalo na pag bromance sila ni Taemu. Sana nga may double wedding sila eh hoping pero kahit special episodes lang naman. Char!
Nakakagukat din na he fell in love at first sight kay Young Seo and he crossed the line already para maexpress niya yung nararamdaman talaga niya. Pati na din yung support na ipinakita niya kay YoungSeo when he gave his savings(billion won yun eh) and wanted to invest with Young Seo's company. Hala mahaba na nga but still I admired his character so much not only as a secretary but also a brother, and friend to Taemu. Thank you Cha Sunghoon for rooting HaTae couple and showing your love towards Young Seo. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! (Pasensya na, ngayon ulit ako na attract sa isang Kdrama fictional character)
Finally, today/yesterday, the drama ended with 12 episodes. Maikli man pero napakaworth it yung paghihintay ko ng Monday and Tuesday kahit napakaaayaw ko ng Monday talaga. Hahahaha! My Mon-Tue will be incomplete already because there were no more Business Proposal episodes. Legit umiyak ako kanina dahil sa tuwa nang endgame si Line at HaTae couple. Naiyak din sa lungkot dahil tapos na ang drama pero I felt satisfied with the flow of the story on each episode. Worth it yung 149 ko sa Netflix at pati na din pagpupuyat ko kahit may klase kinabukasan
This drama relieved my stress and brought me back sa mga drama noon na napakalight lang ng plot at na puro tawa, kilig at walang masyadong conflicts. I won't ever forget this drama and I will recommend it to other Kdrama fans out there.
Thank you HaTae and Line couples for giving us this drama that comforts everyone. It made me love Mon-Tue and it is difficult to accept there were no more episodes of BP next week. 😭 My next week will be incomplete but I will continue to support the casts.
The ending was so ❤. Thank you Kim Sejeong, Ahn Hyo Seop, Seol Inah and Kim Minkyu for being part of this comfort drama. Thank you somuch for bringing Kang Tae-mu, Shin Hari, Cha Sunghoon and Jin Young-seo in our Kdrama world. It is so much love, fun, laughter, lightness, positivity and comfort that we received from this drama. It's been awhile since I was hooked in watching and finishing ongoing series. Thank you so much, SBS staff the manhwa author, and all the casts. Saranghae! ❤😭
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Yesterday was the final broadcast of the last episode but I will never forget this drama. This drama comforts me a lot through the comic scenes & sweet moments among the characters.
Thank you for the wonderful casts and great drama of year 2022. Kamsamnida!
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bakujho · 4 years
A rant about some shady eels...
Let’s talk about Floyd and Jade… like really talk about them. I see a lot of things that paint them in a very different light than they’re presented in canon and I’m not sure if their character is just being missed all together, or it’s been collectively decided by the fandom that they’re too shady so lets all pretend they’re cute, kind, and cuddly… or something. 
Cause reading and rereading the cards really drives home the disconnect between the majority of fandom eels vs canon eels and it drives me fucking nuts. So where do I start with this? I guess we can start at the ‘please actually read the stories that have the eels in them’. Pretty low bar, but here we are. Read the main story. Then the event stories. Then every card story they’re present in. Twstarchives has a list of who appears in what story and that makes it REAL easy. If y’all have read the stories and still wanna disagree with what I’ve got to say, I’m happy to discuss. Also, If you’re cool with OOC eels, feel free to continue on and enjoy the content how you will.
I think imma have to start with Jade cause I see SO much of him being the perfect butler and gentleman, which of course he is, but it’s always missing the underlying cunning. Jade isn’t a docile little slave following orders because he enjoys it. He likes people watching, and doesn’t like when people pay attention to him. How better to go about unnoticed than to stand beside someone like Floyd or Azul who draw attention to themselves simply by existing? He’s almost always planning *something* it’s just not always clear what, and has made it clear that people are easier to manipulate if they trust you.
Jade likes chaos just as much as Floyd does, he’s just better at maintaining his composure about it, which makes him a better architect for it. The poise and grace is an act in order to completely charm and manipulate. That’s why him and Floyd are a team, they’re like the good cop bad cop, both out to get you, but have very different parts to play. His voice lines make it really obvious that he’s got a running interest in causing problems too, “...I would never say that. Yes, ‘I’ wouldn’t”, “Whenever I see someone heavily concentrating on something, I get the urge to start talking to them...”, “...I simply enjoy anything that entertains me” etc etc Him and Floyd both enjoy playing with people, and watching them struggle. 
Let’s talk some Jade facts:
Observant as fuck
Manages to pull one over on Vil, who KNOWS Jade is up to something, but still isn’t able to figure out what.
Tells off Floyd for threatening the students too early...and reminds him that they’re much easier to manipulate if they trust you first. 
Has dirt on LITERALLY every student in the school
Has ZERO problems exploiting Floyd for Azul to fulfil his contract (contrary to the ‘they are inseparable and never fight’ line of thought)
Blackmail is an eels best friend. 
Happily dishes out backhanded compliments
Utterly willing (and probably very ready) to completely destroy someone if he felt the need to.
Now, Floyd is a bit harder to get a read on because his moods flip so easily, but I always feel like he’s portrayed as too childish, too stupid, and too passive. One of our first introductions to Floyd in his SSR is him telling Jade threatening people with words takes too long and it’s SO MUCH EASIER TO JUST BREAK THEIR BONES. Gentle reminder, that literally every single instance Floyd has said he’s going to squeeze someone it has been a THREAT. It’s been shown MULTIPLE times that the other students are terrified of getting on his bad side, he picks fights with people constantly, and he literally harasses people for fun . Floyd is “the muscle” of Octavinelle, and doesn’t bother with all the planning and scheming like Jade, he’s much quicker to violence and clearly loves the thrill of the chase. He’s going to have fun, and it’s very likely at your expense. 
Floyd says on multiple occasions that he does whatever he thinks is fun, and no one can control his moods. Azul and Jade both get annoyed when he starts being a brat, but still can’t control him to do anything that he doesn’t want to do when he’s in said mood. He’s shown multiple times to simply do what he thinks is fun, fuck everyone else and what they’re trying to do. Who cares if basketball club doesn’t mean dodgeball club, he wants to play dodgeball, so get out of the way or you’re getting hit with a ball. The end. There’s no controlling what he does, and he’s not likely to sit and play nice with anyone for hours on end because that’s BORING. All he does he does because it’s fun, and the second he gets bored of something he’s off to do the next thing. He doesn’t like following orders and has been shown getting hostile after being told what to do by “humans”, and doesn’t even follow directions in classes because it’s boring. I can literally not stress enough that Floyd does what Floyd wants, fuck everyone else. 
So here’s some quick floyd facts:
will do what he wants, every single time.If it’s boring, he’s done with it.
is brilliant… if he feels like putting in the work
can be kind...if he’s in the right mood
enjoys playing with people and watching them struggle
doles out threats like they’re candy
has said Azul looks delicious in Octopus form twice (reminder both him and Jades favourite food is octopus)
Okay, so we’ve determined that both the twins like to play with people in their own ways, but what about their relationship with each other and Azul? They’re obviously very close, but not without issues. Floyds mood swings still frustrate Jade and Jade’s compliments often come off as antagonistic to Floyd to the point he picks fights with him. It says that they chose to live together, and are both glad of it cause they each keep things interesting...Which is where their relationship with Azul comes in. They say they knew OF him as children, but didn’t really take an interest in him until middle school and decided to stick with him because he was interesting. Floyd says a  lot of things to do with the Coral Sea is boring, so I suspect an ambitious octopus was intriguing enough for the both of them to force their friendship on him.
...That being said, Jade doesn’t 100% trust Azul. He says he’d never be willing to give him his unique magic for any reason, cause Azul could make up any excuse to get his hands on it (Floyd of course, is much more casual with his magic and has said he could live without it so doesn’t care as much). The twins mention that they continue to stick around with him because he’s entertaining, and the second he’s no longer interesting they’ll challenge him/drop him, whichever is more beneficial to them at the time. So while the three of them seem inseparable, it really is the duo+Azul on the side, and while I personally can’t see them dropping him anytime soon, the threat is still there. (Of course, all of this could be taken as jest as well, so this is just my interpretation here) 
To tie it up, I’ll leave you with the voice lines from their duo magic, in case you still thought they weren’t shady murder eels.
Floyd: “Ahahaha! We’re gonna do ‘em in, Jade~!”
Jade: “As long as you’re having fun, Floyd.”
Jade: May I ask that you entrust me with this today, Floyd?
Floyd: ‘Kay~ Jade. What’re you going to do~?
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cat-scarr · 3 years
Why "Alien X-Tinction" Was The Best Possible Conclusion
(To The Ben 10 Franchise as a whole, as of Right Now)
In short, while the Ben 10 Reboot isn't without faults, "Alien X-Tinction" did everything it could to pay tribute to what came before it, and why the Ben 10 Reboot could even be anywhere near successful for it's intended audience and for modern age of Cartoon Network.
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*Obvious spoiler warning ahead.*
Main Reasons
To begin with the obvious, emphasis being made on the existence of the Omniverse (something I feel like the majority hadn't paid enough attention to during and after the last iteration) was important for several reasons. For instance, confirming what I've been saying all this time! And effectively knocking down certain misconceptions about unfinished or uncertain topics left behind in the previous show. So I really appreciated that.
It gave, at least me, a sense of closure, even though I feel Omniverse's final episode, "A New Dawn", had tried to do that, as well.
Anyway, in doing that, they brought back the original continuity, in honor of what the fans wanted, but the main focus was still on the three main characters (Ben, Gwen, and Max) - something that I've heard a lot of the fandom say was their favourite thing about the series when it first started: going on a family road trip with the occasion alien adventure.
Again, giving the people what they want, while remaining within the confines of what Cartoon Network or the higher ups probably directed them to do with the new series.
It's a compromise that satisfies everyone.
I also can't help but notice they included a limited amount of characters. I'd even say specifically the "fan favourites."
I bring this up because a lot of newer characters and character dynamics introduced in the later installations of the series weren't always well received. AKA, characters like Kai Green (especially her relationship with Ben), or even the way Gwen and Kevin were portrayed in everything following the OS (including their eventual romance).
As such, the special stuck to its roots and gave us something purely "Ben 10": action-packed and focusing on family bonds. Rather than including any other side themes people are divided on. Media like this is made for the people who will watch it, after all.
Notable Mentions
I don't know if anyone else picked up on this, but - characterization consistency with the previous shows! AF Ben was written decently serious like his "mature" self (as the fandom loves to praise him for being). And, UA Ben came in obviously much more sure of himself, which is also consistent with the transition from season three of Alien Force to his rise to fame during Ultimate Alien.
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Speaking of characterization, this was AF Ben's reaction to Alternate Max's criticism of reboot Ben, calling him out for being, as he said, "a stubborn brat." Personally I think that's a little harsh, but regardless, it's almost as if he knows what that's like, or something. Interesting touch on the producers' part.
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Even if they didn't use a whole lot of aliens, the animators did also go the extra mile in recreating the previous designs for the each of the aliens the alternate Bens used. And, some of the transformation scenes from the previous shows too, as a call back for those who might remember.
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Things like this make it clear to me that the producers did their research in the production of new Ben 10 content.
Responding to Criticism
Since the reboot is what it is, I'll expect it to get a whole lot of criticism anyway. But the most common complaints I've heard so far are regarding UA Ben not turning into any ultimate aliens, and the use of Alien X's powers being underwhelming.
In the interest of trying to see what the producers might have had in mind, I thought that, since a younger version of himself was present, UA Ben using the ultimate feature would spoil the near future for AF Ben, and therefore might change the path he takes moving forward. Hence him using aliens from the UA era, like Amphibian, but not ultimates.
I would argue it was done to maintain consistency in the original continuity, as well as the way the Omniverse was set up to work.
As for the alternate evil Ben's "nerfed" use of Alien X, well, I've got a theory about that too. First of all, he's not Ben Prime. He's clearly been through a lot of hardship, and it's taken a toll on his mental state, outlook on the hero life, moral compass, and general wellbeing.
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His whole plan was created out of revenge and anger. He wasn't thinking straight. How can you expect him to ultimately defeat everyone with that kind of handicap? Even if he had god powers - he was using them though a cloud of negative human emotions.
Powerscaling isn't really my thing, but I'm sure there was something more he could do if he was seriously set on accomplishing his goal without clouded judgement.
As for myself, my only criticism is regarding why they couldn't just draw the UAF jacket and the Ultimatrix right. It's upside down for...seemingly no reason, lol. But I can look past it, I guess. It was just cool to see Ben Prime again.
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All three of him, that is.
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reinerispretty · 4 years
rotations. (zuko x f!reader) pt15
hehehe hiiii thank you so much for reading!! i hope you guys enjoyed the last part and this one! :) this one is more of a filler chapter!! we’ll get back to the good stuff in the next one :D
“I wanted to say sorry, again. When I left the Fire Nation, I didn’t want to see you because I didn’t want to see your disappointment. I was worried that maybe your father had said something that had made you change your mind about me.” 
(Y/N) had taken time bathing herself that night. The houses of the royal families were incredibly elaborate, so each room had its own bathroom. The water that ran from the taps was cold, since usually there was at least one firebending servant that would run around to heat the water. That night, (Y/N) was the firebending servant for her friends. Once she had heated everyone’s water, she trudged up the stairs to her own bathroom and began preparing her bath. 
It had been a long time since she had had a bubblebath. Luckily, she remembered where the servants used to put the soap and added an outrageous amount of hot water in the tub. Once the bubbles were to her liking, she slid inside and released a content sigh. 
The events of the day had eased the turmoil in her heart. While she was still recovering from the hurt that Zuko had caused her, the anger had subsided tremendously. (Y/N) could feel the tension that had been in her muscles ever since Zuko joined their group ease away as the hot water seeped into her skin. 
She didn’t know how long she had been in there, but the moon was high by the time she stepped out to dry herself off. She took one of the fluffy robes from the closet and wrapped herself in it. It felt a bit stiff, like it hadn’t been worn in a while, but it gave her some comfort. It reminded her of home.
A knock resounded against the wood door to her bedroom. Quickly, she opened it, revealing Zuko standing awkwardly in the hallway. 
“Oh,” she said. “Hi.” She still felt guilty from their fight earlier. She had gotten so angry and lost control, something she had never done before. She felt no better than the Fire Lord himself. 
“Hi,” Zuko said. He looked past her and into her room. “I noticed you picked your old room.” 
“Yeah, it’s the only one that felt comfortable.” She gave Zuko a weak smile. “Don’t tell Aang that he’s in Azula’s.” 
Zuko laughed his raspy, beautiful laugh. (Y/N’s) heart felt uncomfortable in her chest. Like it had grown too big. 
“It’s weird,” she continued. “Being back here. Everything was so different the last time I was here.” 
“Yeah,” Zuko agreed. “I know the feeling.” She knew that the last time he had been here was when he was still with Mai. He had visited the island with her, Azula, and Ty Lee. A reunion had happened, of sorts. Minus (Y/N). “Can I...come in?” 
She nodded, stepping to the side. He walked directly to the chair in front of the vanity, which was all the way across the room from where she would go to sit on her bed. The distance between them felt like miles. 
“I wanted to say sorry, again. When I left the Fire Nation, I didn’t want to see you because I didn’t want to see your disappointment. I was worried that maybe your father had said something that had made you change your mind about me.” 
“My father could never do that, Zuko.” 
“I know. And I think back then, I knew that too. But then I saw you with the Avatar, and we didn’t have the reunion that I wanted. It just made me so mad that you were fighting with the person that was preventing me from going home. I was so angry after we would fight. I felt like you were picking him over me. Then in Ba Sing Se, when you came to visit, I know I didn’t look like it, but I was so happy that day. But then underneath the palace, you were fighting against Azula and I. I had worked it into my head that you and Uncle were traitors. The entire time that I was back home and you were in prison, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had done something wrong. I walked around the halls of the palace and it all felt fake, like something was missing. Now I realize that I had been wrong about everything. While I know it doesn’t excuse it, I wanted to tell you again how sorry I am.” 
(Y/N) blinked at him. She wasn’t quite sure what to say. Never in a million years would the Zuko she knew have expressed his thoughts so clearly. A lot had happened to them, to the both of them, since they had last been together like this. He had grown and changed into someone who learned from his mistakes and sought to rectify his wrongs. She hadn’t let herself see that when he first joined them.
“I forgive you.” Her voice was soft, but her gaze was piercing. Zuko felt like she was staring straight into his soul. “I’m sorry for being so mean to you when you first got here.” 
“You had every right to be.” 
“I didn’t, though. Even when I was at my angriest with you, I couldn’t truly believe that you were evil. Believe me, I tried. Everything that you did to hurt my friends and I should’ve made me hate you, but it didn’t. I think that it made me mad that I couldn’t fully be mad at you.” She bent her head down and looked at her hands. “I should have never, ever challenged you to an Agni Kai, Zuko. I was just so upset and once I started saying it, I just couldn’t stop. I would never actually want to hurt you.” 
“I know, (Y/N).” They stood at the same time. “It’s nice to be here. With you. When I was here before it felt...” He trailed off, leaving his sentence incomplete. 
She smiled. “As surprising as this sounds, it’s good to be back.” Zuko smiled. 
“I’ll uh, be in my room if you need me.” She nodded, shutting the door behind him as he walked out. She dressed in her pajamas and crawled into bed, turning on the side to face the empty wall. If she pretended hard enough, she was a kid again. Life was easy and all she had to worry about was mastering her newest firebending move. 
When she came downstairs the next day, Sokka was practically begging the entire group to go see a play about their lives. “C’mon!” He said. “It’ll be fun. We deserve to live a little!” 
And while the last thing (Y/N) wanted was to watch a play about herself, she came along anyway. It would be a lot better than sitting in the beach house by herself. The old memories that came flooding back whenever she turned a corner were too much sometimes. 
Despite coming to the island nearly every summer when she was younger, (Y/N) had never been to the theater. Her father and Zuko’s were always far too busy to deal with such frivolous things (meaning their children). 
They had chosen balcony seating, but who to sit next to was a serious question that was bothering (Y/N). The only open seats were by either Zuko and Sokka and while her relationships were improving with both, she wasn’t sure if she could spend two hours sat next to them. So she grabbed Aang by the shoulders and shoved him down into the seat next to Zuko. She took her own seat on the other side of Aang. 
“Thank you,” She whispered to him as the lights dimmed. Aang furrowed his brows in confusion and then shrugged. 
At the start of the play, (Y/N) was enjoying herself. Aang’s actor portrayed him as an idealistic child, which made her laugh. Katara’s character was always wailing about hope and Sokka’s was a bit cringy, but so was Sokka. But then, her character appeared on-stage. 
The actress portraying her tripped over her baggy Earth Kingdom clothes as she stumbled into Sokka’s character. “Wow,” Fake (Y/N) swooned, her eyes wide. “You’re so handsome!” 
(Y/N) shrank into her seat, hiding her face from her friends as they turned to look at her. 
“I live an amazing life up in my father’s mansion in this city. I have everything I could have ever asked for, but I am very selfish!” Her character smiled and put her hands on her hips. “That’s why I’ve decided to betray the Fire Nation and help the Avatar!” 
The audience booed at her. Throughout the rest of the play, all her character did was cry over how unfairly she had been treated by her nation. “And then!” Her character exclaimed. “They gave me bananas instead of the apples I had ordered from the servants!” Fake (Y/N) burst into tears. She did that a lot. 
When her character and Zuko’s encountered each other, her character burst into tears again. “Zuko! My one true love, who was taken away from me by the wretched Fire Nation! I am so happy to see you!” Her character leaned in for a kiss, but he pushed her face away. 
“I don’t talk to traitors!” Zuko’s character declared. This made Fake (Y/N) cry even harder. 
“Why--doesn’t--h-he---want--m-me?” Her character said between sobs. 
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and was so thankful when intermission arrived. She was the first out of her seat and waited outside the theater for her friends. 
“Wow!” Sokka said as he exited the theater. “That play’s amazing. So accurate! Except, my guy could use a few pointers.” 
“Accurate?” Katara scoffed, crossing her arms. “I beg to differ. My character is nothing like me.” 
“Sure,” Toph snorted. 
“I agree with Katara,” (Y/N) said, her face contorted into a frown. “I’m not anything like that character.” 
“Are you sure about that?” Toph asked with a smirk. (Y/N) punched her in the arm, her face turning red as she glanced at Zuko. He gave her a small smile. 
The play was all lies and she knew that. It took the most exciting parts of their adventures and amplified them for the stage. She knew she didn’t cry that much and she certainly had never called Zuko her one true love. Not out loud, at least. 
Tag List!
@mdgrdians , @soft4kei , @bubblebars , @pleasantfankingdom , @vintageroses1014516 , @celamoon , @fangirlanotherjust , @gliderbudgie , @haylaansmi , @jada-cleo , @boxofteenageideas , @disgruntled-gay , @lie-ana , @jasmine-the-amazing , @svsoftie , @buckysfeet , @anime-simp , @imcravingyou , @rosetheshapeshifter , @alrightberries , @izzieserra , @hstott , @random-stupid-stuffs , @jackbamexpress , @jainaixo , @thefoxskinwalker , @kryptidkova , @bigbuckyenergy , @omgwhattheeven , @ohmigooosh , @snapchatisoverrated , @inlove-maze , @harapirena , @sooske , @sweeetteaa , @selenvx , @ilovespideyyy , @saaaasib , @mochminnie , @agentsofblinks , @happyariesbabey , @slytherky , @uglipotata72829 , @og-disaster-bi , @animeluver23
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Magiranger then! What an absolutely wonderful little show this was. Between this, Shinkenger and how well the Rouki stuff in Gaoranger is going I’ve got a pretty good feeling about diving right into 00s Sentai.
It’s just... really good? I have more in-depth thoughts about it but if you asked me to judge its quality it doesn’t get a lot more complex than that. It was a very very solid show that played to all its strengths very well and whose flaws are few and far between. Magimilf sort-of forcing responsibility on her kids in episode 1 wasn’t a great start and I feel there was far better ways to do it; Urara’s ‘romance’ with Hikaru is uh... non-existent; and the humour didn’t always hit. But those are incidental things that mostly just last an episode anyway (even if significant episodes at that), and do little to hurt the core strengths of Magiranger as a show.
I said fairly early on that Magiranger is a show that knows very well how to insert a family into a team show like Sentai, and I fully stand by it -- it’s a very natural fit for a show that puts focus on both the individual characterisation of each hero and how they work as a team, and why this works as a team and why it doesn’t just feel like, say, a bunch of Kamen Riders together. It goes to great lengths to show why they are essential to and inseparable from each other. Like -- it’s a family, right? They’re siblings! It’s a bit hard to describe something so basic as why siblings and family (a healthy one anyway) are important to each other and how fundamental a support network they are, so I’ll just say that Magiranger succeeds simply by portraying a very convincing family. Makito the worrying but stalwart oldest sibling; Urara the middle child who tries to shoulder everything; Houka the older sister who really does whatever the hell she wants but at her heart cares most for her loved ones; Tsubasa the edgy young adult who’s smart but needs to learn to apply himself; Kai the rebellious little teenager who doesn’t know how to control his emotions but whose emotions ultimately are dialed towards love. Later on a teacher who comes to care deeply for his students more than he thought he could, and a mother and father who put their kids before everything else and from who you can clearly see why their kids turned out so well.
I haven’t even talked about how intriguing the villains are; the first half’s entrancing mystery of Wolzard and then the final act’s immensely fucking cool gods of hell; or how cute the magic theming is, or how much I like the designs or the wonderful action. Because while I could talk about all that - and it’s all very very true that I love it a bunch - what matters most about Magiranger to me and why I loved it so much is that magical family. It’s been a fun ride and I’m very glad to have picked it on a whim
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gunterfan1992 · 3 years
Interview with Half Shy (the songwriter of “Monster”)
For the last few months, I’ve been collecting information for a second edition of Exploring the Land of Ooo that will also cover the production of Distant Lands. This means that I’ve started to look into the new songs that we have been graced with this year, and this of course includes “Monster,” the beautiful track from the masterpiece that is “Obsidian”. And so I reached out to the song’s writer, Half Shy, who was kind enough to chat with me via email about the songwriting process!
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(Photo courtesy of Half Shy)
In many ways, Half Shy is living the creative Adventure Time fan’s dream: She got asked by Adam Muto himself to write a song for “Obsidian” after he heard her music through Bandcamp! (I’ve dabbled in fan music before, and the fact that someone from the show might listen to it just blows my mind.) What an opportunity; I am so excited for her!
Since a second edition of my book won’t be coming out until after all the Distant Lands episodes air, I thought it would be best to share my Half Shy interview now. Read on for the fascinating behind the scenes story of how Half Shy and “Monster” came to be..
GunterFan: What is your origin story? How did you get involved in music, and how did the Half Shy project come to be?
Half Shy: I’ve been making music pretty quietly since I was in high school with a keyboard and guitar. I played one or two shows a year after college when I could find a friend or my brother to get up on stage with me, but I don’t really have that performer gene in me naturally. I get too much in my head and forget what the lyrics are to the song I wrote, or what the next chord is. Total brain freeze. So that whole experience is a bit of a mental drain. It’s something I think I’d like to dig into and figure out, but right now I’m really enjoying the time writing.
Even playing a song for my friends I still get pretty nervous. That���s where the name Half Shy comes from. I’ve always been interested in making things that by their nature draw a bit of a spotlight, but at the same time, I am just really quite nervous about the attention.
I recorded my first songs under my old name Hey V Kay in my bedroom and started putting them up online one at a time. When I got enough I thought about packaging it up into an album, but then got really distracted by learning how to fix up motorcycles and going to automotive tech school. When I eventually got back around to it I named the album Gut Wrenching.
After a few years I realized that I didn’t want the day-in-day-out life of a mechanic, I just wanted to know how to fix cars for myself and to have that knowledge in my back pocket. I got back into making music but grew frustrated at the process of writing and recording songs. I felt like I wasn’t able to capture the ideas I had in my head. Like trying to draw on your computer with a mouse. Doable, but it’s not going to come out like you’d hoped.
So these last couple of years I’ve focused more on learning the technical aspect of it, from the initial ideas and lyrics, to the recording and mixing. During that process I put out Bedroom Visionaries, and while writing I happened upon the name Half Shy in an old Thesaurus which felt instantly right. Learning all of that has been fun, I even went as far as to create my own book to solidify a daily writing routine (lyricworkbook.com). All that has been a bit of a tangent from actually making much music though. I should be getting my books in December from the press so I’m really looking forward to getting back into making more music instead of dealing with printing presses, setting up websites, and sourcing ribbon suppliers.
GF: What is the story behind "Monster"? How did the show get in contact with you?
HS: I keep a log of “Song Starters” with neat things I’ve heard in the world, and I would look through it every now and then and notice just how many came from Adventure Time. Eventually I thought well, I have to make a song about this show that just keeps breaking my heart. It was around the time I was nearly done with the first [Adventure Time-inspired] song “In My Element” that I got an email from Bandcamp saying “someone bought your album (Bedroom Visionaries).”
I get maybe one or two of these a month at most so I love to go in and say hi to the person and say thanks, be curious about who they are, [and] what they’re all about. Turns out it was Adam Muto, the executive producer of the show. (I asked and he has no idea how he happened upon my stuff. He guessed that I must have tagged something #adventuretime and he just happened to see it.) So I sent him an email saying, “Hey wow thanks for checking out my tunes. Also... holy crap you’ve made the best show I have ever seen in my life.” [I] played it real cool like. After finishing up writing my second [Adventure Time-inspired] song “Betty” I couldn’t help but fangirl real hard [and I sent him another message saying], “I’m sorry this is probably awkward, but I really love your show and I wrote these songs about it.” He was incredibly kind and shared them with his Twitter Universe, and a while after that I got a random email from him saying basically, “Hey, I’m working on this thing I can’t talk about, would you be interested?” I was like… well you know I’m pretty busy working at a sign shop so I’m gonna have to pass on this once in a lifetime opportunity (J/K. Obviously I fan-girl squealed and said yes immediately).
We chatted a bit about what the project was going to be and the direction. He mentioned there [would be] two Marceline songs in the special, [and he asked if I] would I be interested in giving the love song a try? Trying real hard to suppress my instant imposter syndrome I was like, “Yea, totally I’d be into giving that a shot!” So I read through the story and loved the idea of the dragon mirrored in Marceline, thinking through how they’ve both built up a protective shell, how she grew tough for a reason, but now she can open up and be vulnerable with PB.
From there I wrote the initial demo with the first two verses mostly intact and we went back and forth a few times editing it down into the final version. I recorded the final parts for the show in my little home studio in Seattle.
GS: When you were writing the song, what emotions, thoughts, or ideas were you channeling? Was there any sort of memory of event that you were trying to artistically "catch" or "recreate" with the lyrics or music?
HS: As far as channeling an emotion, generally I’d say just the experience of existing as a human. It can be so hard to open up and be vulnerable. I can remember that feeling even as a young kid—getting really excited about something and having someone completely trash it or look at you like, “Why are you so interested in that? It’s dumb.” [It causes us to grow] a little more weary to share ourselves because we know that hurt and embarrassment. The pain of being misunderstood is something I think a lot of us can relate to. Then having to decide whether to keep sharing those vulnerable parts of yourself or think, “They’re just not going to get it, I’m going to get hurt, so why bother?” and then stop putting yourself out there. You lose a lot with that thick armor though. You might feel protected, but you’re not feeling a whole lot of anything else other than the weight and chafing of it (I had a whole lot of armor-related metaphors that I didn't end up using.).
I struggle with this in songwriting too. I’m not the bolt-of-lightning type. There are pages and pages of cliches, total garbage, bad jokes, and cheesy lines that I have to get through in order to get to something that I am excited to put out there into the world: “Here I did this thing, I know it’s a little (this or that), but I made it... What do you think?” It’s hard to open yourself up to hearing the other end of that question.
I filled about 5 little pocket notebooks just thinking through the story, ideas, and trying to get this song right. I wanted it to feel familiar and honor the past songs of the show ([e.g.,] using the ukulele and referencing a few of the familiar chords from “I’m Just Your Problem”) but also be pretty open and vulnerable and different for [Marceline]. [I wanted to] show that she’s going through some tough emotions but also figuring herself out and growing.
GF: I feel like “Monster” is, at its core, an ode to the “Bubbline” ship. How do you feel about your song being intimately connected to one of the most famous LGBTQ+ relationships in animation? Do you have any general thoughts on Marcy and PB, Bubbline, etc.?
HS: Oh, I’m a total fan girl of Bubbline. The whole story of how Rebecca Sugar and Muto slowly morphed it into this deeper relationship is just great. As a part of the LGBTQ community myself it really means so much to see the representation of characters like yourself portrayed in an intelligent way. Growing up I was too young to fully understand what was going on but I saw Ellen getting cancelled, and [I] heard people around me saying they’d never watch her show again after she came out. That stuff sinks in as a kid and so to have these characters who are not only intelligent, but funny, complex, and unapologetically strong who also happen to be queer is really great. I love that the story here isn’t about their orientation, but that they’re people struggling with how to be open and vulnerable in a relationship.
It feels like something sci-fi and animated shows do so well—to show that ridiculousness of limiting who a person should and shouldn’t love. Marceline is a 1000+ year old half-demon/vampire and PB was born from the Mothergum of an apocalyptic radioactive world, but you’re going to get hung up on them loving each other? It sort of brings it into perspective in a really interesting way.
GF: Do you have any other thoughts about the experience that you'd like to share?
HS: Just how lucky, thankful, and honored I feel to be a part of my favorite show, writing a song for one of my favorite characters. It’s also incredibly cool how the people on the show are so willing to connect and collaborate with their fandom. Everyone [on the production crew] was very open and a real joy to work with.
I’d like to give a huge “Thank you!” to Half Shy for agreeing to participate in this interview; she really was quite amiable! If you’d like to hear more of her music, check out her website and her Bandcamp. You can also follow her on Instragram here and on Twitter here. And of course, here is Half Shy’s awesome video of “Monster”.
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