#i just can't at all pin an emotion to these though like it's almost sad
eats-a-berry · 1 month
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sighs this is always one of the most interesting set of panels during the fight to me. what are you thinking down there...
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raz-writes-the-thing · 4 months
Anything You Need (Supernatural One-Shot)
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Dean Winchester x Sam Winchester x GN!Reader (no Wincest) / requests are open
Summary: The boys discover you've been having some... unpleasant thoughts.
Fic type: emotional hurt/comfort
Potential Triggers: mentions of suicidal thoughts and regret over not having perished to the MOTW
SPN: @wereallbrokenangels (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Not that many things made you cry these days. You'd seen some shit, that's for sure. Mothers pinned to the ceiling in flames, vampires being beheaded, babies crying out for family members that wouldn't come home- and spirits that cried out for company and whose sadness waded through towns like thick, boggy, slimy water.
None of that made you cry.
Almost having the sweet release of death and having it ripped from you by your partners in (quite literal) crime, however? That. That made you cry.
The boys, they chalked it up to you having a near-death experience and copping a few new badass scars in the process. They thought it was shock at first. And it probably was. At first.
But the hours ticked by and you were ushered back into the safety of the Impala and, well, the shock wore off. You'd almost died. You would have been grateful for it, to be quite honest, but no. They took that away.
"Come on, sweetheart," Dean said, leaning over the back of the front seat to look at you, curled up and watching the window with a fairly dead-inside expression on your face. "You can't still be upset. We almost die every damn week- so tell us what's up, huh?"
Your eyes shifted from the window to the door handle. If you pulled it you'd fall out onto the road and get flattened like a pancake by that semi crawling up the Impala's ass.
"I'm fine," you replied thickly, not making eye contact.
"All due respect but that's a load of crap," Dean said, scoffing to himself. You could see Sam watching you in the rearview mirror as he drove along the highway. He knew something serious was up. It was only a matter of time before he pulled over and sat you down for a big long chat about your feelings.
"All due respect but I don't care," you replied back before the words had registered in your head. You regretted them as soon as they left your mouth and the clenching of his jaw and flash of hurt in his eyes as he looked to his brother for help just lodged that heavy stone of guilt further into your gut.
"Sorry. I'm- I've not been myself lately," you sighed, not wanting to get into this but not feeling as though you had much of a choice now. "You-you ever just... wanna die? Like, not actually die, but you just feel like it sometimes?"
Dean was quiet, looking at your knee as he processed the words. Sam's eyes flicked to yours in the mirror again.
"Yeah, I've felt that before," Sam said after a beat, avoiding his brother's piercing stare. "I get why you didn't, but you could have told us."
You dropped your head onto the car door, huffing out a grunt because to be honest- that was all you could muster right now.
"Fuck, I didn't know I was living with the Downers' Club," Dean said, scratching at the back of his head. He didn't mean anything by it, of course. Humour was his coping mechanism. He was quiet for another moment. "Shit, I- you know I'm not good with the whole words thing. Hang on-"
Then Dean set down his father's notebook and clambered over the back of the seat, landing unceremoniously next to you with a grunt, mumbling something about mud on the leather.
"Wh-Dean-" you said, moving to make room for him. He just shushed you, set his feet down in the footwell and turned you around so your head was in his lap. You looked up at him, melting into his touch. He put one hand under your head, bracing you and making sure you didn't get a neck-ache, and with the other, caressed your hair, massaging at the scalp.
"No good with words but I'll be damned if I don't know how to play with someone's hair. Sammy used to love it when he was a kid. Used to get these nightmares 'n nothin' would calm him except me touchin' his head. Little weirdo. Got damn good at it, though."
You snorted, but you couldn't deny the magic he was weaving with your nerves, untangling them and braiding them back together. You felt your muscles slowly start to un-tense, and your eyes drift closed with pleasure.
"We're always here for you, darlin'," Sammy said, reaching a hand back and over the seat to brush your cheek comfortingly. It looked like an awkward angle, and it was gone a moment later, back on the wheel.
"Absolutely," Dean said reverently, looking down at you with so much love in his eyes that you could feel it warming you up from the inside even with your own eyes closed. "Anything you need."
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lokiprompts · 1 year
Appropriate - Chapter 5
"The Grocery Store"
Summary: Loki x Female reader; Loki is banished to Midgard and he has to live an average life as penance...and you, a social worker, is there to help him along the way. Rom Com vibes. Pinning; emotional edging until we can't take it anymore.
Chapter Summary: You take Loki to the grocery store, but he has to face some new, unwanted feelings.
Words. 6k Other chapters on my tag list.
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, Sad Loki, some angst. Pining. Anxiety and panic attack.
Song to listen to while reading: Kayak for One
AN: I don't offer taglists anymore. Remember to reblog if you like a writer's work! Comments make my heart go pitter patter.
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            It has been almost a week since Loki had seen you last, and the prince was starting to wonder if you had forgotten about him. A couple of days after your shopping trip, you called him on his cell phone and he all but leapt out of his chair to grab the device and hear your voice once again. You had called to inform him that his microwave was going to be replaced later that day and its replacement came just in time. If Loki had to eat one more bite of cold, canned food he was going to lose it.
            Much to his dismay, the conversation on the phone was hardly a conversation at all. It lasted all of two minutes and when he tried to ask about your day, you apologized and told him you had a meeting. Still, he got dressed in the hope that he would see you. He put on the slim line, black dress pants he tried on for you at the store and a dark blue button up shirt. When he picked it out and tried it on, you commented how the color brought out his eyes. Emerald is his signature color, but he found himself picking out more blue items just for you. As soon as he heard a knock at the door, he whipped it open with a wide smile, only to be met with another terrified worker holding a large box. Loki sighed, stepping to the side, and letting the worker install his microwave, while keeping his eyes trained on the door. You never came.
Another four days had passed since then and with nothing to do besides sit and think. Think and stare at the photo of you on his cell phone. Granted, he always had the option to wander around the common areas of the Tower, but it was clear that the team did not want him there, and the staff and guests that frequented the building were terrified of him. It was better for him to stay in his room, Loki thought. Every once and awhile Thor would stop by his room and try and convince him to ‘socialize’, but his older brother’s attempts were never successful.
            And in the quiet of his room, his mind wandered back to you. It always wandered back to you. The sweet sound of your laugh, the brightness of your eyes, and how you so tenderly cared for him. Every little detail of your interactions, he would think about and analyze to the point of obsession. To the point of wondering why you were the object of his mind. Never had he thought about someone to this degree before. Well, except for one person.
            A crush he had when he was a young boy – a young maid named Ingrid. From the moment he woke until he fell asleep, he would think of her. It didn’t matter that this maid was older than him, still he pictured a life with her. Sweeping her off her feet and stealing her away to live a life of finery and royalty. Loki would find reasons to be around her, even though she wasn’t assigned his chambers or even the same wing of the palace and it went on like this for several years, until she no longer worked for the royal family. The young prince never found out why she left, but he always believed his ‘father’, Odin, had a hand in it.
            The memory made him grumble with resentment, but also gave him pause – did he have romantic feelings for you? Everything he felt reminded him of how he felt with Ingrid, but was that just an obsession out of boredom? It was a question that plagued Loki to no end. He couldn’t deny how his heart fluttered every time he saw you and how he delighted in your laugh. Every new thing he learned about you, he adored. Your obscene number of plants? Heartwarming. Your overly sweet coffee order? Precious. The way you mouth words to song in the car, thrumming your fingers on the steering wheel? Adorable.  
            “But a mortal…” Loki grumbled to himself from his perch on his beige chair. He thought back to all his conversations with Thor and his love for the mortal woman, Jane. How it would inevitably fail.
            “A mere heartbeat…” The thought of your death brought a feeling of profound sadness that was unsettling and foreign. The god was no stranger to grief, his heart still hasn’t mended from the death of his mother, and it is unlikely it ever will, but why would he be sad about your death? Objectively, he barely knew you and you would be gone in under a century. But he thought of your skin becoming wrinkled and paper thin, your hair gray and the brightness of your eyes faded and tired. It made his whole-body shudder.
            He couldn’t deny that he felt protective over you. The smallness of your body, especially compared to his, ignited a flame – no, an unbridled need - to shelter you, care for you, and to keep you from all harm. The very first day he met you and you were frantically writing your notes, he saw how little your hands were. Lifting his own large, calloused hand to examine, he wondered how your palm would fit in his. How his fingers would engulf yours, anchor you and keep you grounded during times of uncertainty. Those dainty hands would grip onto his shirt as he held you trembling body close. Tears would be forbidden to grace your skin, and Loki knew he would make quick work of wiping them away from your face. Would you recoil from him? Never, Loki thought. No, you would bury yourself closer to him, and he would hold you close, impossibly close, as if his touch could ward of your sadness.
            Who could hurt a precious soul like you? The thought simultaneously enraged Loki and brought tears to the corner of his eyes. The god’s mind delved deep into a fantasy of a faceless person towering over you. The look of terror that would be painted on your face made Loki’s heart race. His magic would thrum through his body, all his muscles flexing with power and the desire to protect you. How dare anyone harm his beloved, he thought, harm what is mine.
            A knock on the door ripped Loki from his thoughts. He stared at the door, his brows furrowed in confusion since he wasn’t expecting anyone, and it is unlike Thor to be bothering him this early in the morning. Slowly, he stood and made his way over to the door. There was another knock, and finally Loki opened the door to see your smiling face.
            “Hi, Loki!” Your smile faded, “What’s wrong?”
            Loki hadn’t noticed that a tear had escaped while his imagination ran wild with thoughts of saving you. Quickly, he brushed it away with the back of his sleeve.
            “I’m wonderful, Dar – Lady Y/N,” Now that you are here, he thought, “To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”
            “I am making a quick trip to the grocery store, and I thought I could invite you – get you out of the tower a bit and maybe show you how it’s done.” You shifted your bag over your shoulder and Loki noted you looked a bit uneasy, "I have a tight schedule today, so it won’t be very long.”
            “What is the point of me learning how to shop, when I cannot even leave the tower?” The question, though valid, left his mouth before he could even truly think about it. Why was he questioning the opportunity to leave and spend time with you? You’re an idiot.
            You pursed your lips, trying to mask your annoyance and your expression makes Loki switch his gaze from you to his feet, “Well, the goal is for you to be able to not have your dampeners on and to be a part of the Tower and this world. But, if you don’t want to learn, that is fine. You don’t have to come.”
            He sighs, “I will go with you. May I change before we leave?” You simply nodded and Loki was quick to turn on his heels. The way you were acting was so odd. Never once have you been short with him, and it brought on a pang of guilt. He never wanted to be the source of your discomfort.
            Loki made quick work of getting dressed, putting on tight, slim black jeans and a light blue sweater. He emerged from his apartment, greeting you with a tight-lipped smile and you were off.
            “I am sorry for upsetting you, Lady Y/N.” Loki sincerely apologized as you both made your way down to the lobby.
            You stopped in your tracks, turning to face him, “No, you have no reason to apologize, Loki. I am the one who should be sorry. You asked a very valid question, and I shouldn’t have been short with you like that.” During your apology, Loki was able to give you a proper look. Frankly, you looked exhausted. The dark circles under your eyes were a clear indicator of that and your spark, your usual lightness seemed forced. It was a stark difference from the woman who was so sweet and playful on their last shopping trip.
            He accepted your apology immediately, “Is everything alright?” Loki knew he may be crossing a line with you and what you considered ‘appropriate’, but he sincerely wanted to know. The more he looked at you, the more worried for you he became.
            You sighed, offering your hands to him in a silent signal for him to present his dampeners. He did so without question, and you brought up the hologram to adjust his restrictions.
            “It’s been a stressful few days. My work schedule is kind of crazy right now, and I shouldn’t let it affect my interactions with you,” You shook your head after you finalized your adjustments, releasing his wrists, “If it is okay with you, would you mind terribly if I make a call or two on our way to the store? I won’t let it take up too much of our time I promise…and I am sorry, our visit will be a bit shorter-”.
            “Lady Y/N”, Loki lifted a hand, halting your rambling, “It’s quite alright. I understand your importance and I don’t mind sharing my time.” It was a lie. Loki hated sharing his time with you, but he would do anything to get that sad look off your face. The soft smile you rewarded him with was enough.
            Wordlessly, he followed you out to your car again that looked like it somehow accumulated even more empty coffee cups. Loki didn’t say anything, but it made him wonder how much you have been sleeping and eating these past few days. You cared so much for the wellbeing of others, but who cared for you?
            After buckling in and pulling out on the road, you tapped a few buttons on the screen connected to the dashboard. Loki tried to get a look of who you were trying to connect with, but all the names on the list on the screen were just initials. He had no idea.
            “Hi! How are you?” You chirped into your earpiece, easily masking your exhaustion. “Oh, that’s wonderful! I was planning on seeing you tomorrow if that’s okay? How about nine in the morning?” There was a pause on your end and Loki strained to hear the voice on the other end. Usually, his godly hearing would make this an easy task, but these damn dampeners affected him more than he thought. Even though he knew you were working, and he had agreed to it, Loki couldn’t ignore the bite of jealous that had started to take hold in his chest.
            “Oh! That is great! I am so proud of you!” Loki slumped further down in his seat; his arms crossed against his chest. He felt like a petulant child not getting enough attention, but he couldn’t help the downward spiral of thoughts that seemed to plague him whenever he was around you. Would you ever tell him that you were proud of him? He laid his head against the cold glass of the passenger window, rolling his eyes at his own thoughts. What has he done to earn your praise and pride? He scoffed. You were someone sweet, kind, and thoughtful, and he was a criminal who couldn’t even go shopping on his own. There was nothing about him to be proud of, only shame.
            “Have you been around the Tower at all?” Your voice pulled Loki from his thoughts. He hadn’t realized you were off your communication device, “I am sure it can be quite boring in that room of yours.”
            Your laugh made his lips twitch upwards in a small smile. It was a welcome reprieve from his self-deprecating thoughts. “No, I haven’t left the room much, actually.”
            You frowned, keeping your eyes trained on the road, “Why is that?”
            Loki wrapped his arms tighter around himself, “I am not exactly welcome.”
            You hummed thoughtfully as your fingers thrummed on the steering wheel, “Well, you know,” You peeked at him out of your peripheral and your slight smile caught the god’s attention, “You do have access to the library at the Tower. From what I recall, it’s pretty quiet there. Not many people go there.”
            Loki tilted his head and saw the grin that graced your face, and soon he found a smirk matching your own, “Thank you. I will have to visit.” He was beyond thankful for this information. Maybe if he had something to occupy his mind, he would think about you less. Did he want to think about you less?
            Before he knew it, you were pulling into a large parking lot, and you were exciting the vehicle. Loki followed after you and it reminded him of a Midgardian dog, so he made quick work to catch up, so he was next to you. Without a word, you grabbed a large cart, and you offered a piece of paper which he took from you. He tried to ignore the way his heart sped up from just the light brush of your fingers against his.
            Finally walking inside of the building, Loki took a closer look at the list. His dark brows were furrowed in concentration and soft lips were moving with each murmur of a listed item: eggs, flour, cereal, milk…
            Loki hadn’t noticed that you had stopped, until he looked back over his shoulder and saw you with a smile on your face that almost looked…fond? “I’m sorry,” For what you were apologizing for, he didn’t know, “I didn’t want to disturb your thinking. You looked so focused.”
            Quickly, the prince looked away from you in a pathetic attempt to hide the rosy flush that spread across his cheeks, “I just want to be thorough,” To please you, he thought. “Since I understand you are busy today.” Brilliant deflection, Loki.
            You stepped up to Loki with your cart and explained to him how important it is to have a list, otherwise you will be shopping with your stomach which is typically a recipe for disaster. He loved the smirk that spread across your face; clear evidence of mischief brewing underneath your professional demeanor. He grinned back at you while letting his mind indulge in a daydream of you filling up your cart with sweets.
            The prince followed you around the ordinary Midgardian grocery store, utterly fascinated by everything you did.  The god trailed just behind you as you pushed your cart, catching your lingering stare on luscious display of green, indoor plants.
            “You should buy one,” Loki suddenly said, making you turn to him with a quirk in your brow, “For your office.”
            A laugh bubbled up out of your chest and Loki bit his lip to hold back a bold confession of how much he loved the sound of your happiness.
            “The last thing I need is another plant.”
            Loki shrugged, “One more couldn’t hurt. You deserve it.” If he could, he would buy you a plant just to make you smile. He pictured surprising you with the little green plant, making your face split in joy at his thoughtfulness. He would buy you whatever you wanted. The once posh prince stuck his hands in his pant pockets, reminding him of how empty they were, and he frowned.
     ��      “First, the dress, now the plants! You will be the end to my bank account, Loki.” The tips of your fingers lingered on the leaf of a gorgeous calathea, subtly showing your want. He wondered why you wouldn’t indulge yourself with such a little thing. If you were back on Asgard with him, you would want for nothing. The palace gardens would be yours. Cascades of flowers planted and bloomed in the name of your beauty. But you moved on before Loki could lose himself in that fantasy.
            Conversation flowed easily between the two of you and he was able to ask questions without fear of judgement or teasing. He helped you find things on your list, offering to reach and get things on the highest shelves after he saw you practically scale the cereal shelves like you were climbing Mt. Everest. Though, he did steal some pleasure in watching your small body struggle as you stretched for the sweet breakfast treat, giving him a delicious view of your ample backside. But what he loved the most was the feeling of his large hands splayed across the small of your back to steady you.
            “Th-Thank you…” You stammered, looking a bit flustered at his touch. Loki wished he could have followed it with a smooth purr of ‘my pleasure’, but instead he flashed you a lopsided grin that was equally as awkward. What was that? He chastised himself. Clearing his throat, he went back to the comfortable and easy conversation of Midgardian food.
Thankfully, he found some fruits and vegetables that reminded him of foods on Asgard. He huffed about the quality of foods he was given from the grocery drop and you promised him you would show him how to cook a real meal soon. The thought about spending more time with you making Loki’s stomach flip with excitement. And when you paired your promise with a squeeze of his bicep, he swore you could hear the hammering of his heart within his chest.
Despite the quick nature of the trip, Loki was greedily sucking up his time with you. Surprisingly, he found joy in the mundane task, but what he didn’t enjoy were the other customers.
He absolutely loathed them.
And he figured you did too, with each little annoyed huff when someone blocked the whole aisle with their cart, seemingly unaware of the fact that someone other than them was trying to shop too.
“Excuse me.” You would sweetly say through gritted teeth. Sometimes you would have to repeat yourself when you were blatantly ignored. You seemed to have endless patience, something that warmed Loki from the inside out, you precious thing. But Loki was starting to get annoyed and downright irritated with each disrespectful interaction towards you. By the time he went down a few more aisles with you, his knuckles were white from his clenched fists, and he had a low growl threatened to explode from deep inside his chest.
Loki had walked ahead of you with your list in hand, carefully examining the baking aisle for the foods you desired. You were doing the same, plucking some vanilla extract off the shelf when another customer unceremoniously crashed his cart into your ankle, making you cry out in pain.
Your anguished shriek was Loki’s final tipping point.
He was by your side in an instant, a bag of flour discarded and long forgotten in the grocery aisle. The tall god kneeled by your side, peeling off your shoe to evaluate your injury. You tried to complain about him touching you without permission, but you were too busy sucking in air from the sting that traveled up your calf to even protest. Blood trickled down from the back of your foot and with a quick glance, Loki saw how your eyes watered in pain and it broke a piece inside of him. Tears had no place on your beautiful, sweet face. Without even thinking about it, his muscle memory kicked in and he hovered a hand over the wound.
Nothing happened. Loki’s frown deepened as the feeling of powerlessness washed over him. Healing was never his forte, but his seidr could help with simple wounds like this. Now, here in this hellscape of a Midgardian store, he couldn’t even help you. His glassy, crystal blue eyes stared at the redness that stained your precious skin while his thoughts tormented him.
You are worthless. You have nothing to offer. You can’t care for yourself. You imagine a life where you care for her, this princess of Midgard, and you can’t even protect her. All you can do is follow a stupid list and reach for things, and even the oaf can do that.
“I am so sorry Miss!” The frantic and apologetic voice of the random man who hit you with his shopping cart jerked Loki out of his downward spiral and right onto a war path. If he can’t heal you or protect you, he can at least put this pathetic meat bag of a mortal in his place.
“Watch where you are going, you pitiful brainless worm!” Loki spat, his words dripping with venom and anger for you. His large hands gripped the neck of the man who dared to injure you, and even though his strength was weakened from the dampeners, his iron grip still picked the parasite off the ground. Loki’s lips twisted up in sadistic satisfaction at the garbled choking sound coming from the mortal in his grip.
“How dare you injure her!” Each word masked his shame and feelings of powerlessness, but his anger had taken over. There was no forgiveness for this mortal, but still he yelled, “Apologize! Apologize right no-“
“Loki!” Your scream stopped his tirade and the beating of his heart. The god’s wild eyes turned to you, and he saw something new on your fac. Something he never thought he would see from you.
Immediately, Loki dropped the man in his grasp who then tumbled to the ground, wheezing, and clawing at his throat as sweet oxygen filled his lungs.
“What is wrong with you?!” The man yelled at the stunned god who towered above him still, “It was an accident, you monster!”
Loki lifted his eyes from the crumpled man at his feet to see your wide eyes and the terrified look of all the grocery store customers. Every bit of remaining anger was sucked out of him and replaced with shame and disgust at himself. He took a step back from the man he assaulted who was still crumpled on the floor until his back hit the stack of shelves of the grocery aisle. Loki’s body began to tremble as the weight of what he did began to set in. The god’s breath quickened, and he thought he heard your voice, but everything sounded so far away yet everything felt too close. The feeling of being trapped overwhelmed him and his anxiety riddled body all but ran to the front of the store and hiding himself away in a private, family style bathroom.
Loki’s back hit the cold wall of the public bathroom, sliding down until he was slumped on the floor with his head between his knees. His breathing became erratic as the word ‘monster’ replayed in his mind like a sadistic record player. Tears flowed freely down his cheeks and all he could hear was his hyperventilating breathing, totally missing the soft click of the bathroom door.
“Loki?” Hearing your soft, sweet voice made him recoil further into himself. He didn’t deserve to be near you.
You crouched down in front of him, a slight frown on your face as you took in the god who looked so small. Carefully, you reached forward and placed a tentative hand on his knee. Loki flinched, initially, but he didn’t pull away.
Your touch felt comforting, yet it burned with the reminder of how undeserving he was of that comfort.
I’m a monster…
“Loki, you are not a monster,” He hadn’t realized he had spoken those words out loud, “Look at me.”
First, he shook his head, the stubborn god he is, but the soft touch of your hand on his made him finally lay his watery gaze on you. Everything was blurry and he struggled to catch his breath. He felt you move his hand to rest on your chest, the firmness of your collarbones running under his fingers.
“Feel my breath, Loki. Breathe like me. You can do this. In and out.” You spoke with such calmness, that he felt a growing sense of peace with each word you spoke. Loki’s chest fought against the tightness that ran rampant there as he tried desperately to copy your movements. In and out. His eyes were trained on yours, examining the different lengths of your eyelashes and the unique flecks of color that were embedded in your iris. The look of care and concern broke him.
“I am so sorry… I- I – I don’t know what came over me.” His hand still rested on your chest, above your heart, but he looked at his other hand like it was covered in blood. To him, it might as well have been, “I tried to fix you. To heal you. And it didn’t work! I couldn’t do anything because of these damn dampeners!”
Each word pressed out of Loki’s mouth earnestly, begging you to listen and each time Loki stole a glance at you, he saw that you were, “I felt weak. Powerless.” The confession slipped out before he even realized what he was saying.
“That is an awful feeling. I am so sorry, Loki.” The gentle touch of your thumb rubbing against the rough skin of his hand felt soothing, yet he turned his eyes away from you. You came to him without malice, without judgement. Each word and each action you took came with an aura of calm that he didn’t deserve. He deserved your wrath.  Your hatred.
“You are too kind,” Loki whispered, still avoiding your penetrative stare, “Too good. I couldn’t let someone hurt you like that.”
“You wanted to protect me? That is kind of you, to look after me.” Loki closed his eyes at the sound of your soft, sweet voice, more tears spilling from his eyes. He still didn’t open them when he felt your free hand wiping the salty wetness from his face, but he found himself leaning greedily into your touch.
“I am hardly kind.” He scoffed at himself, the memories of his actions replaying in his mind, “I almost killed someone today. Like how I killed all the Midgardians in New York. I am a monster, YN!” Each word got louder as he spoke, desperately wanting you to see him as the vile, unworthy creature he is. But you weren’t looking at him like that. You never have.
You cupped his cheek, still keeping a tight hold on his hand, “You are not a monster, Loki. I may not know everything, but I know you were under the influence of a tyrant. You weren’t in control of yourself. It wasn’t your fault.”
“And you are going to tell me what I just did wasn’t my fault?”  He snapped suddenly, his eyes shooting open and looking at you. Instantly, guilt washed over him, but maybe you would finally stop looking at him like that. Like he mattered.
“No, I am not going to say that Loki.” The pads of your thumb rubbed against the sharp edges of his cheek bones, “But I will say that I think this is a result of all the stress and trauma you have been through, but that is something we can work on. You have been through so much Loki, so many unfair and cruel things and I am so sorry this happened to you.”
Loki choked out a sob, his cold heart unable to process your kindness, but you continued, “I am here for you, Loki. Everything will be okay.” He felt you pull away, and he whined at the loss of contact, but then he saw your opened arms. A silent invitation. It was more than he needed to launch himself into your awaiting embrace.  
Loki nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck, inhaling the floral perfumed scent that seemed to follow you everywhere. The god clung to you like a frightened child, as if you would vanish if he let go too soon. Sobs continued to wrack his body and you tightened your hold on him, like you could transfer your calmness into his body. And after a while, it seemed to work.
His breathing slowed and his heart rate returned to normal, but he didn’t want to leave the warmth of your embrace and the comforting touches of your hand stroking his back. It felt safe. It felt like home.
“How are you feeling?” You whispered in his ear, making him shiver. You must have assumed he was cold because you wrapped your arms impossibly tighter around him.
“Better….” He paused, swallowing thickly and still not removing himself from his place within your arms, “What – what happened to the man?”
You moved your hand from his back to the base of his skull, lightly stroking his black tresses. Nothing about the movement felt appropriate as you would say. It felt more…intimate.
“I don’t think he will be pressing any charges. The connection to Stark helps, but I am afraid it may affect our ability to leave the tower. It’s hard to say.”
He hummed thoughtfully, trying to not let the shame and guilt of the situation send him into another downward spiral. Regrettably, Loki pulled himself from your arms and stood up. You joined him and watched as he examined himself in the bathroom mirror. The once proud prince took in his red puffy eyes and the unruliness of his hair. The weight of everything kept his arms at his side, too weak in his heart to care about his appearance.
“Here, let me.” Gently, you turned him to face you and you quickly got to work. With a tenderness that brough a fresh wave of emotion to his eyes, you brushed his hair away from his face with your hands. Your fingers combed through his locks and took out the tangles before tucking the strands behind his ears. Next, you grabbed a piece of paper toweling from the dispenser and still, very gingerly, dabbed the corners of his eyes and dried the remaining tears from his pale skin. Finally, you fixed the rolled-up sleeves of his shirt before brushing off specks of lint and dust his chest and shoulders.
“Good as new.” You beamed, your radiant smile breathing in the possibility that you saw something in him. Something worthy. “Are you ready?” You asked him, but he had a feeling that you would wait for hours in this public bathroom with him if he needed it.
Loki reached for your hands, but ultimately decided against it. Even with the intimacy and closeness he felt, there was still a wall between the two of you. A professional barrier that he knew you would not cross.
“What about, uh,” Loki started, shifting uneasily on his feet, “What about the food? The purchases you needed to make?”
“I arranged for it to be delivered. It’s okay, really.”
He nodded his head and extended his arm, “Then let us go home.”
The thought of the Tower being home brought a foul taste in his mouth, but if there was one place, he decided he hated more – it was the grocery store.
Wordlessly, he followed you out of the bathroom and out of the store. The entire time he kept his eyes trained on the floor and on your back. He couldn’t face the stares and judgement. Every once and awhile, you would look over your back at him to check on him. The little gesture wasn’t lost on Loki and each time he gave you a tight-lipped smile.
Soon, you were back in your car and pulling out of the grocery parking lot. The silence between the two of you lingeried like thick, heavy smoke. It was suffocating and Loki was thankful for your reprieve.
“You know what always cheers me up? Music!” You chirped, making Loki turn his gaze from the passing landscape to your smiling face. Turning the dial on the car, you turned up the music and started to bop along to the lighthearted song. Your fingers drummed along the steering wheel and at first, your mouth moved silently to the lyrics until finally the joy and melody of the song had you singing aloud with a smile on your face. Loki found himself watching you with a smile of his own, noting how you weren’t an amazing singer but every note that left your perfect lips sounded so sweet to his ears. The darkness from the day started to lift and even though he didn’t know the words, the god started to bob his head to the beat right along with you.
“Oh my god!” You cried out suddenly, jerking the steering wheel and maneuvering your car to just barely miss an oblivious driver that crossed into your lane. Your reflexes took over without a second thought and you reached over and slapped your hand across Loki’s chest in a vain attempt to keep a god safe. The tires screeched when you stomped on your brake as soon as you crossed into the safety of the shoulder on the road.
Loki could hear the hammering of your heart, and he was sure you could feel his beating just as wildly under the palm of your hand that still rested on his chest.
“Oh my god!” You repeated, adrenaline barreling through your veins, “Are you okay?!”
Loki’s hand automatically covered yours, his own reflexes taking over, and he noticed your body was shaking terribly, “Ye-Yes, I’m fine. Are you okay?” He squeezed your hand.
“Oh God,” You cried, totally ignoring Loki’s question, “We almost got into an accident! You could have been injured! I’ve been too tired. I wasn’t paying attention. Oh my God!” The thought that you too, harbored guilt made him frown.
“Darling, take a breath. In and out.” Loki parroted your words from earlier when he saw your erratic breathing. You shot him an incredulous look.
“What? I am supposed to be taking care of you! Not the other way around!”
Loki flashed a toothy grin, looking down at your small hand that was still splayed across his chest, “It looks like you did a fine enough job keeping me safe, My Lady.”
“Oh my God!” You ripped your hand from his body like it burned you, making Loki’s grin vanish. Immediately, you flung yourself against your steering wheel in embarrassment, your car letting out a soft beep when your forehead connected with the horn.
“It’s a habit! I am so sorry, Loki!” The skin of his chest still burned hot from your touch, but the god found your embarrassment endearing. She’s cute, he thought. His large palms patted your back, the act of comforting someone else still foreign to him. But he wanted to. He wanted to help you, more than anything.
“It’s quite alright. You saved my life!” He teased, defaulting to the safety of his humor, and knowing full well that if his body was going through the windshield, your tiny hand would not be stopping it, “I would have flown right through that glass if it weren’t for you! You are my hero, Lady Y/N, truly.”
You turned your head, letting your cheek rest against the cool leather of the steering wheel. For a moment, Loki questioned if his teasing was the right move as he stared into your narrowed eyes. But then you burst into a fit of giggles, finally leaning against the head rest of your seat.
“Yeah, there is no way I could have kept you from flying through that windshield, Loki” You wheezes in between laughs, “Thank goodness for seatbelts. But I guess it’s the thought that counts.”
Loki huffed out a breathless laugh right along with you, until the hilarity of the situation died down and gave way to a more serious tone, “It does count. Your first thought was to keep me safe…” He turned away from you for just a split second to gather his nerves before his eyes connected you with earnest intent, “I appreciate it.”
Then you surprised Loki, seemingly throwing away your professional demeanor for one sweet moment. You reached across the car and squeezed his hand.
“Anytime, Loki.”
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doodle17 · 5 months
What does T.J's mental world look like? Also her clairvoyance of Raz? RAMBLE AWAY BROSKIII
Sorry for taking so long AAAAAAAA
I was just busy thinking about this for a bit! I'm just going to get right into it,
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So, the basic idea I have so far is that the layout and level will be based on a cabin. The cabin is inhabitated by a two headed dog thing, called the hound. The hound patrols around the cabin, kind of similar to an El Odio type of deal, only he's slower. Just don't get caught- also Raz gets shrinked down to the size of a penny (okay exaggeration, but still he's tiny)
HOWEVER she does fall asleep after a certain amount of tasks are completed. She'll curl up on big a pile of emotional baggage, and you can sneak by and enter new areas, get some T.J lore drops, and then the final level which is the outdoors. A lot of it is kind of a stealth level, because even though they tend to be widely hated, I actually really like stealth missions in games!
Anyways, the outdoor area is where the final boss occurs! The Hound wakes up and has been hunting Raz the whole time he's been in the outdoor level, and before he can enter the cabin, she blocks the entrance and the fight begins!
After she's almost defeated, she manages to pin Raz down with her massive paw, monologs on how she's her full size, and there's no way she can ever go back, how she's the lead emotions and she's in charge of all feeling. Then, a new entity called the Hunter pushes Hound off of Raz, and lifts up her Axe, slicing them down the middle. The hound, is now split up into to little puppies. Hunter grabs them by the scruffs of their necks and sighs, shaking her head. The aggressive one is barking and nipping, while the sad on cries and howls.
Hunter is basically T.J in lumberjack attire LMAO. Anyways, Raz is his normal size again, and the two of them are back in the cabin. The puppies are both sleeping soundly by Hunters feet. Raz asks what she plans to do with them, to which she says: "I'll probably try my best to take better care of them, I suppose. I can't just get rid of em, y'know? They're still part of me, always have been. I'll just have to start over, that's all... That way I can control them better to avoid another mess like this."
SO the metaphor I'm trying to use here is, y'know how if people neglect and don't take care of their dogs, they get aggressive and harder to control? Well, that can be similar to emotions, so yeah :)
Its pretty basic, BUT it's similar to what I've got going on so mmmmyeah
As for her clairvoyance of Raz, I'm still thinking about it. I think she'll probably see herself as a kid, since they were both similar when she was that age.
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stormdragon23 · 5 months
Songs for Solo Leveling Ships Pt. 2
I was actually going to put these songs in the previous part, but it got too long-
It's funny 'cause this song's actually in Japanese, not Korean-
"It's been a long time, without any news It's like our feelings are far apart Though I want to tell you, it won't come true anymore The distance between us, my wishes won't reach Still calling for you"
I imagine this song as a result of a particularly bad argument between them and that they're giving each other the silent treatment.
"Baby, I miss you so much now, no matter what anyone says, ayy Calling you up, I need you even now, say If our feelings are the same, yeah If that time was just a mistake, babe I want you to say that, truthfully Like an old novel This ending I don't think I can get over it"
Except one of them (could be either, but I imagine it's Choi Jong-In) starts missing the other and wants to see him again but at the same time, isn't sure if the other feels the same way yet.
"Left in tears Because there's nothing to hold on to Ring-a-ling I may be a nuisance, but Because there's only one thing I want you to tell me Getting no reply is also an answer, but I'll keep on waiting, even now I want you to come back"
And this is when Jong-In makes the decision to try to mend things between them, but Baek Yoon-Ho doesn't answer. So Jong-In is willing to wait until he gets a response, whether Yoon-Ho chooses to or not.
This song is a direct response to the previous one (don't mind me and my delusions too much-)
"And I can't deal without, I try to see the good in life But good things in life are hard to find"
I'm assuming this song from Yoon-Ho's perspective, mostly because of this line, which reminds me of all the times, Yoon-Ho's lost (or almost lost) people around him.
"Well, I'll try to do it right this time around Let's start over I'll try to do it right this time around It's not over"
I see these lyrics as an indirect apology from Yoon-Ho, saying that he wants to go back to how they were before and that things aren't over between them.
"My life with you means everything So I won't give up that easily
I'll blow it away, blow it away Can we make this something good? 'Cause it's all misunderstood"
Despite all their arguments and some misunderstandings, I see Yoon-Ho wanting their relationship to work out well, even if his emotions get the better of him sometimes
"This love is killing me, but you're the only one It's not over"
I just really like this line, but it also symbolizes how even though they fight, they truly do care for each other and want to stay together
Sorry, the Choibaek songs in this part are more sad than I intended
"What would I do without your smart mouth? Drawing me in, and you kicking me out You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down What's going on in that beautiful mind? I'm on your magical mystery ride And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright"
This is basically what happened when Eun-Seok visited Park Hee-Jin for the first time after getting injured, though this is more of a recollection of that moment rather than the moment itself.
"Give your all to me I'll give my all to you You're my end and my beginning Even when I lose, I'm winning 'Cause I give you all of me And you give me all of you, oh-oh"
Just Eun-Seok being smitten with Hee-Jin after they get together and willing to do anything for her (including killing but Hee-Jin doesn't want him doing that for her)
"In another life I would be your girl We'd keep all our promises Be us against the world In another life I would make you stay So I don't have to say you were The one that got away"
Another song that basically describes their entire relationship in the original timeline. Park Kyung-Hye would want Sung Il-Hwan to stay with her and their children, especially if she knew what would happen. Except they actually were able to be together "in another life" and were able to happily be together <3
"Missed call from my mother Like, "Where you at tonight?" Got no alibi"
I'm sorry, but I just found this line really funny. Imagine Park Kyung-Hye wondering where Sung Jin-Woo is, and he can't think of an excuse
"I was all alone with the love of my life She's got glitter for skin My radiant beam in the night I don't need no light to see you
Shine It's your golden hour (oh) You slow down time In your golden hour (oh)"
Basically Jin-Woo's thoughts when he looks at Cha Hae-In, especially during that one date when he took her for a ride on Kaisel.
"For the love of my life She's got glow on her face A glorious look in her eyes My angel of light"
More of Jin-Woo's thoughts about Hae-In, but this one is more about him thinking about her rather than him currently looking at her
I was going to add another ship, but Choibaek's section got long-
(Feel free to request a ship though, even if I've already done them. I have a lot of songs in mind)
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iloveyanderes · 1 year
Made off of a daydream I had a couple days ago, pls don't get offended or anything I've only watched five episodes of bungou stray dogs so I don't know much:
Begrudgingly you find yourself in the armed detective agency, witnessing a murder was definitely traumatizing and constantly having to talk to detectives was not helping.
Luckily there was only one detective in the entire place, meaning you'd only have to talk to one detective.
This is the last place you have to get interrogated at so once this is done you'll be free.
The detective greets you at the door, his white hair and purple-yellow orange initially shocking you.
He immediately greats you.
"hi! You must be rosie? It's super nice to meet you, I'm Atsushi" he says to you.
"yes I am, nice to meet you too" he reaches his hand out to shake your hand but you quickly pull back, giving an awkward smile when his face turns confused.
"sorry, but I don't touch people"
"oh that's okay, why don't you take a seat and then we can start" nodding you go to the seat he had pointed out.
"do you want any drinks? Tea? Coffee?" Atsushi asked you, "oh I'd love some tea please" you responded.
He quickly heated some up and brought it to you, then you make your way to your seat.
It was comfortable but not too comfortable, Atsushi sat down on the chair opposite of you.
Grabbing a notepad your meeting is ready to start.
"your name is rosie Sam right?"
"would you say the death was a murder or an accident?"
"How would you say she died?"
"being slammed by a car"
"what time?"
"I'd say around 10:45"
"where were you"
"almost the other side of the crossroad"
"can you put this all together into one big sentence"
"she was run over by a car when crossing the road, it happened at 10:45 p.m. I was among the people crossing the road, though I was way closer to the end of the crosswalk, I don't remember how the car got at her but my best guess was the cars breaks shut down" looking at Atsushi you ask him a question.
"did you know the victim?" You asked, Atsushi looked up at you before looking down again.
"I did, she was a really great friend of mine, it just hurts me so much to see her die, she was so just precious to me" Atsushi was almost on the verge of tears, normally people would be sympathetic but the only emotion you feel is disgust, how dare he.
"I'm sorry" you say, pretending to be sad.
"don't worry it's not your fault, I do believe you when you say it's a accident but if I ever find out it was something else, like a murder I will do everything in my power to bring the killer to justice" hm, just like him immediately assuming people hurt other people.
"are there anymore questions?" You ask him.
"are they're any details that you think you might of missed?"
Thinking for a moment you talk more.
"it's such a tragedy someone so young had to die, I even heard the body disappeared five hours after the fact" I look at Atsushi expecting to see more of his sad face only to see that his face was shocked.
"you- that- that information wasn't given to the public? How do you know that!?"
The shock that hit you was so powerful that you accidentally dropped your disguise, he looked at you in disbelief and relief.
"yn!?" Immediately you bolt for the door making it three steps before your tackled to the ground by Atsushi.
"get off you bastard!!!" You tell as your hands are pinned behind your back.
"wait, yn sweetie, shhh shhcalm down it's okay" he attempts to comfort you.
"let me go!"
"shhhhh, shhhh relax, you can't go the outside world, it's too dangerous"
"I don't care!!" With every energy you have you attempt to get him off of you but it's no luck with his powerful tiger hands.
"baby, why'd you go, it's too much for you, why can't you just stay here with me and the others"
"why the hell would I stay with you Infantilizing bastards!!!" the memories of all the time they never let you out of the agency, the times they babied you, and most importantly all the times they humiliated you. Those time where horrifying and you never want to go back to them, but alas it was too late you were caught by the tiger.
"see your over reacting, I'm gonna have to sedate you now" he reaches for his belt and uses it to tie your hands, as he walks to go grab something you try to crawl away only to yet again get stopped by him.
He moves your neck to the left and injects something into it, almost instantly you feel the drowsy effects you've felt so many times.
As you falling into the black Atsushi bridle carries you.
"there there sweetie, just fall asleep I'll take good care of you" his words where so humiliating he didn't treat you like an adult he treated you like a baby.
The last thing you remember think was that you should have taken dazais invitation of commiting double suicide a long time ago.
The end.
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thiccpersonality · 3 months
My Sweet Cup, Why Do You Taste So Bitter?
(Warning: Emotion/psychological and physical abuse, implied/Reference R*pe/noncon, manipulation, dubious consent, self-hate, self-h*rm (though it's not too explicit), etc. Minors DNI)
Bruce truly never enjoyed alcohol. He never liked the thought of losing control in front of people, and despite what things may seem, he doesn't have that great of a tolerance for it anyway. Of course just because he doesn't like to indulge in it much, it doesn't mean he's never drank it, only on certain occasions like weddings, very specific parties (like with close friends) or when he is feeling anxious and frantic about his thoughts.
And boy has Bruce been thinking a lot lately. He has been trying to figure out what he did wrong-scratch that-what his family did wrong to deserve the lot they've gotten in life. It's only been a handful of years since Superman turned into a psychopathic, grieving, dictator…but it feels more like a millennium.
Bruce's memory feels scattered over these past few years, maybe he has tried to bury these things away? Maybe he is regretting what he has and hasn't done before and after all this hell happened…he just wants to forget it all, but it seems that wish is only a dream. He can only seem to recall one of his biggest mistakes: the day Lois Lane died.
Bruce remembers Superman's stunned look, how he couldn't believe he was the one to murder his own wife and unborn child. Bruce remembers the man fleeing after killing The Joker and not being seen for months…well, that was until the alien came storming in during almost a full year of being MIA and attacking Bruce during his family dinner. The man won't ever forget the absolute fear he felt when Super-Kal-El directed one of his laser beams at Jason's leg with the threat that if anyone moves he'll start killing them off one by one.
Bruce recalls his children wearily looking around before sitting down, his family trying to check up on Jason without pushing too many boundaries. He remembers his family watching nervously as Kal-El held him by his neck while blaming him for Lois's death, he-he remembers his family's horrified gasps when the man switched his bruising hold to the nape of his neck and pinned him down to the dining table, ripping his pants off and growling at his squirming.
Bruce remembers the shame he felt at his family having to witness the moment, at having to witness their father and son be slapped around like a doll before Kal-El manhandled him back onto the table and thrust his way inside his unwilling body-
"M-Master Bruce!?"
The man comes to with a confused blink and a couple hiccups, icy blue eyes look down to see red covering his palm and the wine glass he was holding shattered in his hand. Bruce finds an odd sense of pleasure in the pain and only digs the glass in harder, stopping when an aged hand shakily rests over his own. "I think we've had enough drinks for the day. Allow me to clean this."
Bruce frowns at the sad tone in Alfred's voice, why does the man sound so regretful? Nothing that is happening now or back then was his fault, so why?
The drunken man allows his faithful friend to clean him up, Bruce sighing and hiccuping at the same time while Alfred dutifully pulls out the glass. "T-The wine tastes bitter, Alfred. It says it's sweet but I only taste bitterness." Alfred hums softly, "Is…is that so sir?"
Bruce hums in response as well and nods, "Yes. Maybe my life is meant to be bitter…maybe that's why sweetness only tastes like pain? Maybe that's why I can't be happy, Alfie. I am destined to drink from the cup of bitterness all my life, t-that's why I fuck up so much." Alfred's breath hitches and he quickly finishes patching his son up…he doesn't know how to comfort the man, he feels like nothing he says will reach his master's ears, so the man just offers his drunken son a falsified brave smile and tugs the man up.
"How about we head to bed, yes? You need some rest."
Bruce lies in bed alone and cold…the windows aren't open and it's not even cold outside, but he feels so hollow and alone. The man silently curses his mind for imagining Kal-El's arms wrapping around him, he really doesn't want to be thinking about the man...but years of being used has taken an effect on Bruce. He can barely do anything without thinking of Kal-El.
Bruce hiccups and wraps his arms around himself, trembling in his bed at the tears that prick his eyes and threaten to fall, his fists clenching from the anger he feels at imagining the warmth he feels being that of Kal.
I-If he closes his eyes, Bruce can imagine that his partner's hold is affectionate and loving, not painful and full of hate. The worst part for Bruce besides his family being caught up in this is the fact how much his heart hurts, he ended up having a bit of a thing for Clark and his alter ego Superman, but he never crossed that line though, the way his friend looked at Lois could not be mistaken for anything else but love. And back when things were better...Clark looked at him lovingly too...maybe not in the way he did Lois, but the man's deep blue eyes held a fond gaze for Bruce despite how difficult he's been.
Bruce gasps suddenly when that warmth he imagined only gets stronger, if he continues to focus he can actually feel those strong arms wrapping around him gently.
Bruce opens his eyes though when a warm tongue licks up his face and wipes up the tears that he didn't even realize fell. Old instincts kick in and the ex-vigilante raises his hand to swing at whoever is behind him, a chuckle escaping his intruder as large hands pin his arm to his side. "I wouldn't suggest doing that." Kal-El's voice rumbles behind Bruce calmly, and boy does the shorter man hate the way his body-despite all it's protests-sinks into the solid form behind him.
"G-Get out."
Bruce whispers pitifully and stiffens when the man moves forward. Great. Now he's gone and made Kal mad because he can never keep his mouth shut. The super surprises him however when his muscular arms wrap around his waist, the alien nuzzling his nose into Bruce's neck to smell the anger, fear, desire and want that protrudes from the man's trembling form.
"Why should I? I already know that you are thinking of me. That you are desiring to be held like this, hm? There's no one else who would even want to do it, but I do, I've come to love you so much Bruce. When you don't fight you are such a good boy."
Bruce really does hate how he shivers with pleasure at being told he's good. Though he truly wants to scream and cry that he isn't good, that he's completely messed everything up because-if nothing else-his existence is a curse on the world and his family. But...he can't say anything, all he does is sigh contentedly when Kal pulls him closer to his solid form, the man slowly releasing Bruce's pinned arm with a smile at how obedient his little bitch is, despite the inner turmoil the man obediently keeps his arm down.
Kal hums, pleased by the display of obedience, the man leaning forward to kiss Bruce's neck gently. Nipping, biting and sucking every spot he's come to know makes Bruce melt into a puddle. It's not often he treats the billionaire this gently...but the man has been so stupidly pitiful as of late and Kal-El has decided he mind as well try and soothe the man.
He knows that Bruce is fighting within himself, he can only imagine what his eyes look like right now, flickering back and forth from the abundance of troubling thoughts in his mind. But Bruce isn't the only one thinking here, Kal-El is too, he is thinking about how well he's trained the man, his little bitch, so well.
Kal hums and places a gentle bite on Bruce's shoulder, his palm reaching down to spread itself across the smaller man's stomach to pull him in closer, until Bruce's ass is meeting with Kal's pelvis. Bruce whines at the gentleness, h-he knows it's only a means to distract him...but it's working, it always works. The loving caresses, the passionate touches and loving hold always makes Bruce's skin prickle with goosebumps, it always makes him think of-"Clark..."
Kal tenses behind Bruce at the name, the shorter snapping out of his thoughts at realizing he said that out loud, his form trembles with fear again at how everything has stopped. Bruce's voice is pleading as he apologizes, "Kal-El! I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! Please, please, I-I won't do it again-I swear I'll be a good boy."
Bruce flinches and curls inwards when Kal sits up, his arms rise to cover his healing face (a punishment from the last time he made Kal-El mad) with trembling arms, unaware of the man's once angered look turning into something heated at seeing Bruce beg for mercy. He really has taught Bruce well, hasn't he? And the man isn't fighting as much as usual, and good behavior deserves a reward. Kal-El ignores the pleas and leans in to nip at Bruce's earlobe, "Shh. It's okay, I won't hurt you. You look so good like this, you look so right begging and not talking back to me...you look like mine."
Bruce gasps for air and makes a confused noise when large hands gently wipe his tears away, how those hands rub his head gently and lower his arms. "I want you to say that again."
Bruce slowly looks up at Kal with a fearful and confused look, "S-Say what?" Kal smiles and pulls the man closer to him, "That you'll be a good boy for me. Cause you are, you truly are. It's just that you still have that fire in you that shouldn't be there, that makes you ugly and I want you to see that so you can be beautiful. Don't you want to be beautiful for me?" Bruce just stares for a second...does he want to be beautiful for Kal-El? Something inside of him screams defiantly that this is a trick, that he's being abused, but that part of him that craves attention and is tired of this all gently whispers that he should just stop fighting it and become Kal-El's good boy forever. No arguments. Hopefully the hitting will stop and maybe he'll be allowed to see his children more once again.
Bruce blinks back to reality and slowly loosens his posture, it's okay, it's all going to be okay. He can come back from this anytime, it's alright to choose to let go this one time. Bruce leans closer to the waiting man, "I-I can be Kal-El's good boy. I am a...good boy."
Kal-El's smile can only be described as predatory and victorious, the man leaning in close to nip at Bruce's lip while his body thrums with excitement at getting the usually disobedient man right where he wants him...even if it's only for tonight. Bruce gasps at how passionate the kiss is, his body shakes with delight and nerves from how enjoyable the other is making this experience for him...is this what he'll get if he chooses to listen?
"You are such a a good boy. And good boy's deserve rewards, hm? What do you think you deserve, Bruce?"
Kal looks at Bruce expectantly, as if it's another test, and that makes the latter man nervous. To be honest, his first reply is almost nothing...he deserves nothing, but Kal-El is the one that holds his chain-he has the reigns and power here-so maybe he should say, "Whatever Kal-El thinks I deserve." Ice blue eyes watch the other's face closely to see if he has failed, but the man's pupils dilate in pleasure from the answer and Kal just releases a shaky breath.
"Exactly. Whatever I choose to give you is what you deserve-" Bruce's head is tilted up so he can look up at Kal who is now floating above him like he is a god-"I knew you weren't completely useless. Diana has been telling me there's no hope for you, but I see you Bruce, I know your potential to be good and do good." Kal holds Bruce's chin in his hand, his eyes taking in the man's body and every scar, bruise and cut placed upon it, he especially takes in all the ones he's personally placed on the other.
The more he stares the more he hardens from the thought that, despite all of Bruce's struggling before, the man never once tried sleeping with anyone else after Kal slept with him. And despite this twisted thing he has with the man, that primal part of him is soothed at knowing how Bruce stayed obedient and faithful to him in that area, he even listens in on the man and he doesn't touch himself either. Kal-El has utterly destroyed this man for anyone else and that makes him overjoyed.
Kal lowers himself back down to the bed and presses Bruce against the mattress while his hands work on undressing the compliant man. "You are mine, do you hear me!?" Bruce nods and gasps when the other rips his shirt off and bites his nipple warningly, "Say it. Say you're mine!" Bruce trembles at the fear he suddenly feals, but he quickly suppresses it and keeps his voice steady when replying. "I'm yours, Kal-El. I'm yours alone." The man sighs at Bruce's words and licks at the puckered nipple in apology for the rough treatment.
"You are mine, Bruce-" Kal growls out-"Mine to love, mine to hate, mine to cherish, mine to despise, mine to hold, mine to push away; mine to caress, mine to hit, mine to use, mine to not use." Each word is finished with a trail of kisses down Bruce's chest, the man stopping at Bruce's groin and looking up at him with a possessiveness the smaller has never seen before.
"You are mine to build up only to make you crash down again." With those words Bruce gasps as Kal-El wraps his lips around him, the pleasure drowning out the pain for this moment in time.
Bruce is still lying in bed...but this time he's not alone. The exhausted man looks over at Kal-El, the man wouldn't stop having sex for even a moment, so now Bruce feels sore and sticky...but at least he's loved.
Love. Love. Love...what is love truly? Bruce's breath hitches and he quickly glances over to make sure Kal didn't hear him, lucky him that the man seems to be in a deep sleep tonight. Bruce tries his best to stop the tears from pouring down his face, but he can't, he feels dirty on the outside as well as on the inside. He feels confused at how satisfied one part of his mind is but the other half is bitter at how all this is a lie, but mostly, mostly Bruce is tired.
He is tired of all the cycles of hate, love, confusion and hope only to be brought back to that lonely state. But what if that's just Kal-El's way of loving now? Bruce's mind suggests, and a part of him hisses that it's a shit way of showing love...but that other defensive, unbelieving side of him argued back that it's not. He truly doesn't want to believe that this man he once knew has turned into...whatever he is now-a monster-that defiant part of him shouts.
The worst thing is that despite being warmed up he still feels cold. Yes he can feel that outer warmth...but on the inside he feels cold and alone a-and a hollow shell of who he once was. Bruce wraps his arms around himself again to hopefully warm himself up, to reassure himself that if no one else, he at least still has himself...right?
But I guess it doesn't matter. His cup of sweetness is destined to overflow with bitterness instead.
(I have been really wanting to write something about an evil Superman...I don't know why or how I went this route 😭. This Superman is such a jerk, I hate him so much! But if anyone reads this, you are appreciated! Whether you like it or not-but seriously, I don't know what was wrong with me while writing this...I feel so bad for Bruce 😢.
But just in case you couldn't tell, it is implied (more like hinted I guess) at one point that Kal is keeping Bruce away from his children. He only really allows Alfred to come see Bruce only to feed him and tend to any wounds, and the Kryptonite most likely was cleared out by Diana and the others who joined Kal-El after the dining room incident.
Also, the only reason Bruce's kids haven't tried to do anything yet is in fear of their dad getting killed or one another being harmed. Plus, Bruce probably begged them not to do anything to wild (especially Jason and Damian) which also probably shook them up a lot seeing their dad so afraid. And yes they are still close in this universe...I can't write bad dad's I guess? I have a great one myself so I feel it's a crime to write a horrible father 😂.
You lovelies please stay safe, happy, healthy and of course lovely as always. 💛)
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A Clash of Kings - 18 SANSA II (pages 254-262)
Sansa risks a potential trap for potential freedom, and has an uncomfortable chat with a drunken Sandor on her return trip.
The angry purple bruise Ser Meryn had given her had faded to an ugly yellow, but still hurt. His fist had been mailed when he hit her. It was her own fault. She must learn to hide her emotions better so as not to anger Joffrey. When she heard that the Imp had sent Lord Slynt to the Wall, she had forgotten herself and said, "I hope the Others get him." The king had not been pleased.
The people who think Sansa was having a jolly old time in KL after her father's beheading confuse me. How can you read the text and not hurt for her? How can you read it and not understand she's a victim of long term abuse she can't escape, but she's trying, she is doing her best and holding on to hope and she is so filled with anger that sometimes it slips out because no one can be as perfect as she needs to be because there is no perfect enough for abusers like Joffrey. Her survival might not look as "girlboss" as some of the other female characters in this series, but my gosh Sansa is doing amazing and deserved so much better.
If only she had someone to tell her what to do. She missed Septa Mordane, and even more Jeyne Poole, her truest friend. The septa had lost her head with the rest, for the crime of serving House Stark. Sansa did not know what had happened to Jeyne, who had disappeared from her rooms afterward, never to be mentioned again. She tried not to think of them too often, yet sometimes the memories came unbidden, and then it was hard to hold back the tears. Once in a while, Sansa even missed her sister. By now Arya was safe back in Winterfell, dancing and sewing, playing with Bran and baby Rickon, even riding through the winter town if she liked.
I wonder if it would be better or worse for her to know, the fact that she's deliberately not thinking of them says worse. I wonder if part of her suspects Jeyne is not okay, or that Arya hasn't really made it back to Winterfell, if she's convincing herself that Arya's fine because it means one less horror to contend with in her darker headspace moments.
If it is some trap, better that I die than let them hurt me more, she told herself. She hid the blade under her cloak.
Desperate courage, but courage all the same. She did such a good job sneaking all that way.
She makes the sept sound so pretty.
Lady would have liked this place, she thought. ... And what will they do to me? Sansa found herself thinking of Lady again. She could smell out falsehood, she could, but she was dead, father had killed her, on account of Arya.
Sad though it is, I do like that Sansa isn't just forgetting about Lady, that even know the bond and the wolf still mean something to her. Still being angry at Arya because it's easier than being afraid for her, I see. But babe, Arya might have been in the wrong place, but it was Joffrey who chose to escalate, and Cersei who chose to demand a death, come on Sansa, you're too far past knowing what they are to pin all the blame on Arya. (Times you get to say "Yay, team effort" but the outcome was literally The Worst.)
"Think I'm so drunk I'd believe that?" He let go his grip on her arm, swaying slightly as he stood, stripes of light and darkness falling across his terrible burned face. "You look almost a woman... face, teats, and you're taller too, almost... ah, you're still a stupid little bird aren't you? -"
Bad dog *smacks Sandor round the head with a steel chair*
"Fuck your ser, Boros. You're the knight, not me. I'm the king's dog, remember?"
"Fuck" = 🥛
"- The three dogs on our banner are the three that died, in the yellow autumn grass. -"
Ohhh, Clegane sigil lore
"Florian and Jonquil? A fool and his cunt. Spare me. But one day I'll have a song from you, whether you will it or no."
"Cunt" = 🥛 *smacks Sandor with the steel chair again*
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I suddenly wanted to get these things out of my head, so I'm going to tell you about my personal story related to manifestation and it's specifically about "accidentally manifesting random things and realizing after all those events" so yeah let's get started.
About two months ago, I read this book called "girl online" by Joe Suggs (don't attack me for reading this please because people in goodreads app were kinda aggressive about it and idk why though). And whatever, if you've already read this book, you would know the whole plot but if you haven't yet, I'll tell you a short summary about it. There is this girl from London who had to accompany with her parents to New York as her parents were responsible to hold the wedding of this another rich couple. Then, in New York, she met this kinda ghetto-gothic styled young man (idk lol I still can't visualize his appearance till now) who could sing well and who could play the instruments. Then, as you've guessed, they fell in love and the book went on like that. After reading that book, I had this strong urge to have this kind of boyfriend who could sing well (kinda like a singer) and who could play the instruments and I had been thinking about it everyday like "omg I wish I had this type of boy in my life" "I'm not getting a boyfriend until I meet someone like him" and things like that. At that time, those were just simple intrusive thoughts but cheesy feelings also kinda followed through those thoughts unnoticeably. And about two weeks later after reading that book, I met this guy through the internet who could sing well and who could play the instruments. He is not a famous singer but he is really good at singing. We talked and talked and now we are still friends but I know he's my soulmate. I can just feel it. He's going to be "the one" for me in the very near future. Periodt. 💅 And this can be said to be some kind of miracles because we met on an app (not a dating app) and we were matched randomly out of those millions or thousands of users who were using that app at that same time. Is this a coincidence? No, I don't think so.
Another personal experience: So, I am fond of creating pinterest pins and boards almost all the time. And about two months ago, this song "beautiful in white" was stuck in my head so I decided to make a particular board fulled with wedding photos. I am a Buddhist and the photos I saved were the Christian wedding ones. I will attach one of those photos underneath to make things clearer. It was not intentional, actually, I just had this sudden desire to quickly add those Christian wedding photos in a board because those were so beautiful and made me want to get married asap lol. And guess what? That guy I met on the internet. His religion is Christianity!! Maybe this is just a coincidence for others but for me, it's not.
I experience these types of synchronicities quite often and I also have encountered other really spooky ones too. The thing that I want to remind you all is to be aware of what you do and how you act in your daily life. That doesn't mean you need to restrict your feelings, emotions and routines but be careful with who you talk to, who you share your energy with, which movies you watch, which songs you listen to, which kinds of thoughts you let into your head, which photos you save into your gallery and small things like that. You won't actually believe me when I say this but everytime after I've listened to sad and breakup songs on loop for about a week, something that breaks my heart happens. I started to notice this about four months ago. I also watched "friends wih benefits" movie about a year ago and I felt fascinatei with the idea of it unintentionally. Then, I met my ex-crush who wanted me as a fwb. I have already cut him off though. I also want to say not to underestimate some scripting methods because I made 12 scripts on the full moon day in last October, I guess and I just realized that 5 of them already became true including my exam marks. But a big BUT also remember that thoughts ALONE cannot manifest into reality. So, you don't need to worry about your negative thoughts manifesting into reality because they won't. You need thoughts, feelings, actions and faith to manifest. (credit to the book "Make it happen" by Jordanna Levin) *if you're the one who's manifesting a sp, please don't read this whole book. Skim some parts even if you want to read because some of the contents are opposed to the topic of manifesting a sp so yeahh umm*
My thoughts are kind of complicated at this point, so I might make some grammar mistakes or create some confusions in this post but please understand me because English is not my mother language. I hope that guy doesn't use Tumblr and see this post because if he did, he would freak out af LMAO 😂. Thank you for sticking to the end and yeah buh-bye pretty bees!! 🐝💛
P.S. OMG I just realized that I also listened to this song in our country which contained some lyrics about going together to the church as a couple and making agreements for a wedding, on a loop for several months. Oh-My-Gawd.
One of the pictures I saved in my Pinterest board-
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nekyn-alb · 1 year
Alright, Nona the Ninth Review, Spoilers Abound.
Like every reasonable person, I read the first handful of chapters and immediately adored Nona to the full extent of my heart. By the end, I would have committed much less reasonable crimes for her and the family. An excellent version of the clueless puppy-eyed but still intelligent character, which neatly balanced out powers that could otherwise be quite story-breaking. Everyone's a constant liar in these books, after all.
The story felt a lot more like an exploration of lives than a typical drive from point A to Z. I had a rough expectation of where it would head towards the end, but everything inbetween? A splendid chaos. I'm not sure how much of it was truly needed for other things to happen. Some of the kids felt underdeveloped and unimportant (BitM, Ruby, Kevin) and I would have liked a more in-the-picture conflict between the cells.
The main plot came through in such a serpentined way that I have a hard time pinning an emotion to it. I loved almost every segment individually, yet it doesn't feel as cohesively woven as Gideon and Harrow.
Kiri was strange. There will inevitably be shenanigans at play, because these people can't just not stop lying, they also can't stop messing with their far too fragile psyches. Pyrrha, Cam and Pal though? Love them for fucking up that much.
The story of John was a pleasant descent into madness with a really neat writing structure, he said. I am not 100% certain where/when the dialogue about the world's history took place, I assume I could chalk that up to the river's odd nature. I like me a self-aggrandizing fool of a god, so these sections fulfilled my desires wonderfully.
Losing some of these characters truly clobbered my heart with a wrench in all the right ways. I cherish all the folks who'll be in Alecto, but it will be hard to live up to the joy and sadness I felt here.
However, I am welcoming the next change of pace and setting, which I expect to be entirely unanticipatable once again.
Verdict for the series so far: Harrow the Ninth might have my favorite story, Gideon the Ninth my favorite setting, and Nona the Ninth my favorite hard-to-categorize-but-still-wonderful-exploration-of-the-larger-world-and-political-commentary.
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byakuwan · 1 year
AU right after future arc ends:
uni approached tsuna in his dreams, holding a kid version of byakuran, saying something like:
"He wasn't born like that. Please give him a second chance."
and she entrusts the group with him.
for context: i mean RIGHT after. those memories are still pretty raw.
i know tsuna is generally forgiving but this is the Only person he has ever killed? it wasn't even that long ago? prob very mixed emotions, surprise/shock. uni is already handing him the kid though, so.
5 yr old byakuran opens his eyes and hyper dying will tsuna's mixed emotions is the first thing he sees. kind of a bad start.
besides. the moment he's back to normal tsuna i'm sure it'd be 'I can't take care of ANOTHER KID!' or something. feeling unwanted is another bad start.
again, the memories are Raw. i feel like almost everyone would be at least a little on edge? virtually all of them have directly seen him previously in at least one scene.
(... though i'd imagine lambo is an exception. who i think will be Very important Very quickly.)
just going to go out on a limb and say lambo just sees another 5 yr old, someone his age, he is not going to care what anyone else thinks lol.
bb byakuran prob ends up in the same kid squad as a result regardless, so maybe that's guaranteed haru affection points?
it's not like the girls will ignore a kid in need, even though they still know who the kid Was - and baby byakuran doesn't remember anything - so i think they are the group that ultimately pulls the weight here lol.
i also like the thought of him just enabling lambo's general antics and joining in half the time. we will keep the ♪
and yes, he keeps the little wings. they're still pretty broken at first, but maybe they will regrow. (he definitely can't fly, though.)
however, i think it's lambo who will still notice he is pretty... distant? they're both kids and i have been told lambo is pretty observant.
that said, baby byakuran would see the way some of the guardians group look at him. at minimum, tsuna, gokudera, yamamoto, ryohei etc. still have those Memories and those are kinda hard to remove. (idk the others enough.)
but They are the ones who uni wanted to give him the second chance so...
sometimes, he just looks very sad and hides alone somewhere until someone finds him. think like this, but a lot more Sad than just tired.
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it's like... he Knows there's a reason Some people around him seem uncomfortable, he just doesn't know what. or why. idk if he wants to know. he is 5. i think he'd rather do something fun instead.
but when he finds out, even if he won't really 100% understand it... overhearing that kind of conversation, "but he caused so much PAIN and Suffering!" as a reason why some people don't seem to like him? that's kind of a lot to take in?
"I was a really bad person that hurt everyone."
i don't think anyone of any age handles that feeling well?
so i think. at that point, he would just... run away. leave a note. "I'm a bad person, so if I go away, everyone will be happy."
someone has to stand up for him. he hasn't even done anything wrong? this doesn't count as a chance if the past (that he doesn't remember) is being held over his head.
... well, things already had a rough start to begin with so it might take a bit more time. and some apologies.
so let me just say that things work out, he just has to cry a Lot first. and i'm sure the rest of the cast can understand why. it'll take a while before he can really trust anyone around him.
it's a surprisingly sad concept i know.
but also: baby byakuran being 5 means him, lambo and i-pin in a trio will be kind of awesome when using the bazooka. imagine it:
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for max cool potential, it has to be at an important moment where there is no hope or something and the 3 of them come to the rescue using the bazooka. he will probably find out he can fly just before he uses it on himself/ipin/lambo.
we also need this cool wing spread out from the cloud of pink smoke.
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maybe they can all step out of it like cool guys walking away from explosions (without the explosion.)
i'm not linking a gif of that ^ bc you probably know what i mean.
[ /end idea. that was all i have to say ]
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jinn-mori · 2 years
Since people have different methods of showing their emotions, I like thinking of how my OCs would show certain emotions. It's kind of a shame that people think everyone kinda defaults to displaying different emotions as the way those emotions are shown are as different as people. So how would my OCs portray peak anger?
Soleil has what I call 'teary anger'. His anger often comes from frustration or from the mistreatment of someone he cares about a lot. It's anger cocktailed with sadness and frustration. Once the anger and frustration have been burnt out, he's left with only sadness.
Natane's type of anger is like a raging fire: it's big, it's loud, and it's next to impossible to put out once it gets started. When she reaches the maximum level of anger, her voice turns to shouts and the way she incidentally draws a crowd can make it where the subject of her anger has no escape until her fury is fully spent. No physical harm is done, but the verbal thrashing she puts you through will make it feel like someone just made you play tag with them while they were chasing you with a red-hot poker.
And Mars? Oooh boy, this is the member of the group that if you fully piss him off... the results won't be pretty, that's for sure. His type of anger is him going full-fledged unhinged villain. If you want to know just what kind I'm entailing, then take a good listen to Thermodynamic Lawyer (<-- link to a lyrics video) or Rattlesnake by Kabaret Sybarit or Wasted Wonderland and Lunatic by Myuu.
A pair of sharp, pale green eyes with an almost serpentine or fox-like shape to them void of light or sanity. Strangely, the arched up eyebrows and creasing of the eyes suggested a sort of giddiness or excitement. A toothy grin showing all teeth sharper than normal, an occasional giggle coming from behind those pearly whites that had been decorated in red every now and then, though that little tidbit was unknown to the person that would next be devoured by them. The ever slight blush dusting his cheeks made it seem like he was on a high of some sort, but his movements said otherwise.
His stride was void of stumbling or uncertainty, with each footstep sure and deliberate. There was a sort of slowness that wasn't accidental, but there to instill a sort of fear. It was only those with cowardice who ran in, hoping the speed would catch their target off guard. That gaunt face of his - jutting cheekbones and seemingly hollow cheeks with a sharp jawline - only added to the fear felt. If a person with the kind of face you'd expect on a starving man could move with such sureness and calculated purpose, then fear was indeed an appropriate response.
"My hearing is on the better side of things, you know. That means I can hear every beat of that heart of yours, and with how much its pounding it seems like it wants to pop out of your chest." He laughed a bit as he told them with a sickly sweet voice and a smile equal in such properties, cupping their face. "I could help speed up that process, though with what you've done... No, no, no! You can't have such a reward yet! No grandeur without grit!"
He pinned them by the throat, hands struggling to claw away at that of their captor's. It seemed to only entice him more. "Just like that! Struggle and squirm, then give way to screams. I know a place where you can scream your heart out and no one but me will hear." He got merely an inch or two away from their face, eyes brimming with excitement and anticipation and a grin stretching his face and showing those horrid teeth. "Come along now, we've got plenty of work ahead for the two of us. Well, a lot for me. But for you?"
They felt like they were starting to black out, but heard something quite frightening.
"Just sit there pretty and sing, canary. After all, cats love playing with their food. And this one's gonna tear you to itsy-bitsy pieces but still keep ya kicking!"
0 notes
starlightxsvt · 3 years
3 dates | epilogue
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pairing ➳ badboy!Seungcheol x female!reader
genre ➳ badboy au, romance, some fluff, angst, bad attempt at humour, gets spicy at the end.
word count ➳ 3.5k (total 15.6k)
warnings ➳ cursing, mentions of killing, mentions criminal activities, slight violence(non explicit), smoking, ma man Seungcheol ain't your typical badboy, blackmailing, reader does all sorts of risky things cuz she's a SIMP, blood(nothing explicit), kissing, marking, some breast worshipping, grinding, reader is horny lol. (Please lemme know if I forgot anything.)
a/n : here's the epilogue to 3 dates since tumb1r won't let me post the whole fic in one post :) Enjoy!
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Part 1
As time progresses and days turn into weeks and then into months you are not left with the luxury to cry over Seungcheol. Instead you are bombarded with assignments and projects from your uni and you drown yourself completely in work to forget the scathing pain. Katelyn figured out something is wrong with you and even though talking about that man pains you too much, you told her that you are done with him and you won't be seeing him again in this lifetime. Katelyn did not ask any questions after that as you said you needed time to heal, time to forget even though you have serious doubts he'd ever leave your mind.
You have also applied for an internship to keep you even busier so that when you return home you are too tired to let the thoughts of him plague your mind as you drift off to sleep. And just like that, you have developed a routine, work, eat and sleep, trying your best to allow yourself to not think about him.
Despite that sometimes, some very few times, you think of him, wonder how he's doing, wonder if he's safe. You ponder if he thinks of you, if he regrets his decision but you don't have any answer. You simply hope he does.
After another day full of assignments and projects you almost doze off to sleep as soon as you hit your bed until you are intruded by the loud ringing of your phone. Annoyed, you reach for it, wondering who would be calling so late.
The caller ID has your heart doing a backflip, the name you were unable to delete from your heart and your phone flashing on the screen as you instantly sit up in your bed. It's Seungcheol.
Why is he calling so late?
You wait a few seconds, scared to pick up, scared that he might have called accidentally. But before you lose your chance, you inhale deeply and pick the call up. "Hello?" You speak, your voice tentative.The silence from the other end makes your heart fall and your suspicion come true. He called you accidentally and now he will realize it and hang up. You're about to speak again when his voice floats through.
The emotions you feel are overwhelming, undescribable. You're relieved, you're sad, you're excited, you want to cry and scream at the same time. That one word from him has you feeling tingles all over and makes you feel like you just did a hundred laps. Anyhow you manage to speak. "Hey." Your voice almost cracks and tears almost slip past your cheeks. You don't know why you are so emotional. "I just...I just wanted to hear your voice." He sounds so tired...so dejected and your heart breaks. Never in your life did you imagine him to call and say those words to you but instead of feeling happy, a current of melancholy hits you.
Why does he sound so broken?
"Seungcheol? Is...is everything alright?" Your voice is feather like, soft and careful. You hear him sigh loudly and you get your answer. Instead of replying to you, he asks, "How have you been?"
"I'm...fine," you lie. You have been nowhere near fine. He hums noncommittally and you're about to ask him the same question before you realize how dumb it would be. If his voice is any indication he is anything but fine. "____?" He calls your name softly. "Y-yes?" You whisper.
He stays silent, for so long that you think he hung up. "I- I just...can I see you?" He seems to have a hard time gathering his words.
What? You lurch out of bed pushing your covers aside in excitement, trying to prevent a gasp out of your lips. Did you even hear correctly? He wants to see you?
"Wha... what do you mean?" You mumble. You hear him sigh loudly, "I...I am in front of your apartment. Just come down for a minute." You don't need to hear any more words as you are dashing towards your front door in your pajamas, not disconnecting the call. You take the elevator and come out of the building as fast as possible, bumping into things in your way but not giving a care. You feet stops as you stand in front of the entrance to your building, eyes searching wildly for Seungcheol. "Stay there," his voice comes through the phone, just as you spot him standing on the opposite to your building, decently far but not far enough that you can't see.
A horrified gasp leaves your mouth as your eyes finally land on him.
He stands there, bruised, his beautiful face marred with scratches and wounds, his clothes having patches of dirt and if you are seeing correctly his left arm is bleeding as he holds the phone next to his ear with the other.
"Seungcheol-" you're about to rush towards him. "Don't move." He cuts you off, looking you in the eye. Even from afar you don't miss the dark, commanding gaze of him. "Just...just stay there. Just...let me look at you."
No- why is he doing this?
Tears slip down your cheeks, "Seungcheol-" You are interrupted once more, "Please. I- I missed you and...I needed to see you. Just let me hear your voice and look at you like this." His voice almost cracks and you can see the emotion in his eyes.
Your heart breaks.
Why does he keep doing this? Why does he keep pushing you away? Why does he torment himself like this?
You stand there, rooted to the ground, quiet sobs leaving your mouth. He comes here all bruised and wounded and expects you to stay away? How can you when you can clearly see him in pain?
You grip the phone tighter, watching him as he stands there, not moving an inch. His eyes never leaves you as he drinks you in, like this is the last time he's gonna look at you. You can't stand it anymore. Hanging up the phone you run towards him, as fast as your nimble legs can carry you. You can't stay away, you just can't. Not when he looks so hurt and lost and lonely.
Your body smashes against his as you wrap your arms tightly around his torso, your head buried in his chest. He stumbles back from the force and for a while he stays unmoved and you hold your breath, half expecting him to shove you away. But he doesn't. Instead he pulls you firmly against him resting your head on his chest while burying his face in your hair.
The tears come naturally. Loud, ungraceful sobs emerge from you as you cling to him like your life depends on it, your grip on him unyielding. Seungcheol softly pets your hair as your cries fill the silence of the cold night. You pull back just a little to look at his face and you want to once more. There's a cut above his brow and some bruises on his cheek and nose and another cut on his lower lip. But you can't bring yourself to care as you lean above to press your lips against his. You don't dare hold back, kissing him like the world is about to end. Seungcheol reciprocates, tilting your head for better access as his tongue prods into your mouth and you taste the metallic flavour of blood. The kiss is messy, all teeth and tongue, an outpour of the bottled up feelings of the last couple months.
You both take a lungful of air when you pull back and you're about to dive in for more when you realize his arm is injured. "Wha- how did this happen?" You hiccup, wiping away your tears as you gently reach for his bleeding arm. His clothes are torn at the part of the wound and from what you can see, it looks like a knife injury, a thin, slanted cut on his upper arm as if someone slashed him. "It's nothing," he says trying to push your hand away.
"It's not nothing, Seungcheol!" You're yelling before you know it. It's the exasperation, the accumulated frustration over the days that makes you snap.
Seungcheol seems to be shocked at your outburst as he blinks at you, an astonished look on his face. He's kind enough to reply honestly this time. "Got into a fight. I was outnumbered. It's okay, it's nothing serious, I've had worse," his voice is small, almost timid which is definitely unlike him.
Of course he has had worse.
You let out a tired breath. "Come on, you're bleeding. Let me help you." You wrap a hand around his uninjured arm, tugging him towards your apartment.
"No, you don't have to-" he protests but you pin him down with a look. "Please," you speak, your voice low. "I can't let you go like this. Just let me clean your wound." Seungcheol presses his lips into a thin line as if trying to prevent himself from speaking further. When no more words leave his mouth, you drag him into your building in silence.
Entering your unit you help Seungcheol sit down in your small living space as you quickly pad towards the bathroom for the first aid kit. When you return you find him looking around your place with a curious glow in his eyes similar to a child's. As your eyes meet, he sits up straighter and tries to remove his jacket. You aid him in the process, discarding the material on the floor as you take a seat next to him, the first aid kit in your lap.
Thankfully he's wearing a tank top as it gives you easy access to his biceps. You would have stopped to admire and ogle them if he wasn't hurt, which he is and you mentally smack yourself for having such thoughts right now. Seungcheol's eyes does not leave your face as he silently gazes at you and if you didn't know any better you would say he looked at you fondly.
Swallowing, you sanitize your hands before proceeding to clean his wound. Seungcheol tenses beside you, low, pained grunts leaving his lips a few times as you disinfect the cut. But he says nothing, letting you do the work and you don't speak either focused on the task at hand. You then do the same for his face and finish your work by wrapping a bandage around his bicep and sitting back, exhaling a satisfied sigh. Unintentionally your eyes connect to his and you find his scorching gaze on you, those mesmerising eyes almost piercing through your soul. Feeling self aware, you abruptly stand up, coughing to clear your throat. "You should take a shower. I have some extra clothes for my parents when they come over. My dad's clothes should fit you."
"No, it's alright. I should leave." He murmurs. "You're already here. Might as well take a shower. There's no rush," you say sternly, trying to make him agree.
Truth is you want him to stay, at least the night.
Seungcheol sits quietly for a while as if contemplating before surrendering with a sigh. "Okay." "Good. The bathroom's this way," you point towards the attached bath in your room and Seungcheol mutely follows. You offer him a towel and you dad's pajamas, hoping they'd do the job for tonight as he closes the door behind him.
As silence fill the apartment, you quietly return to your bed and sit, anxiously chewing on your lower lip. The digital clock beside your bed reads 2:50 am but your sleep is long gone.
Choi Seungcheol is here. In your house.
Will he spend the night? Or will he be his stubborn self and leave as soon as he is out? And if he does stay, will you see him in morning? Or will he be gone before the sun is up? The thoughts running rampant in your mind gives you a headache as you groan, rubbing your temples. You are sure Seungcheol feels something for you, he has to. Otherwise why would he come to you in the middle of the night? If only he told you his feelings, spilled his heart out to you rather than hiding and pushing you away. He just needs to bare himself to you, tell you what is in his heart. Why can't he do that? Why can't he just give the two of you a chance?
Your thoughts are interrupted as Seungcheol steps out the bathroom, half naked, the pajama pants hanging low on his hips as his muscled body is displayed in all its glory, making your throat dry. He looks at you before quickly looking away as an air awkwardness and tension fills the room. You hold your breath, watching him intently, not moving a single muscle as he tentatively takes a seat at the corner of your bed while wiping his wet hair with the towel hanging around his neck.
You want to tell him to stay the night, the words right on the tip of your tongue but you're terrified that it will just make him walk out here immediately. So instead you watch him with bated breath, waiting for his next move, waiting for him to say something, anything that will put an end to this deafening silence.
Seungcheol takes mercy on you.
"Thank you," he says, voice barely audible. You don't know what he's thanking you for you reply anyway. "Welcome. Though I don't know what you are thanking me for." Seungcheol remains silent for a few beats, his eyes focused on the floor before replying. "For everything. I have a lot to thank you for."
You nod mutely, unable to figure out a reply. Another wave of silence settles in the atmosphere like a blanket. You take this time to appreciate his beautiful profile, engraving his features in your mind. The moonlight coming from your window falls on his face partially, illuminating his sculpted lineaments. You get to admire his beauty once more as he sits there but the look on his face tugs at your heartstrings. He looks troubled and in pain, the natural glow of his face somewhat dim. You wonder how the past couple of months have treated him. You wonder how life has been treating him, if he had someone to go to, someone to share his worries with all this time.
"Do you still like me?" His words make your eyes widen as it the last thing you expected to come from him. "You wouldn't be here if I didn't," your words come out harsher than you intended making you regret instantly. Perhaps the pain you have suffered for a while is coming out finally. However, seeing his silence, you reply once more, voice much softer this time, "Of course I still like you, Seungcheol. I have...I have never liked anyone or anything as much as you."
It's an understatement. What you feel for him is love but you would rather keep that to yourself.
"Why?" Seungcheol's voice comes out as a croak as his eyes connect to yours. For the first time, you see so much emotion in them and maybe, maybe even some unshed tears, though you can't be sure because the light is not sufficient right now. Your throat closes up for some reason as your eyes mirror the emotions in his and you desperately try to think, try to give him a reply that he deserves.
"You are very easy to like," you say lamely. Your reply is insufficient but that's all you can manage without starting to bawl like a child. A humourless laugh comes out of Seungcheol and echoes through the otherwise quiet room. "I doubt that," he says, his voice deep. "It's true Seungcheol," you repeat, voice firm.
A mirthless grin settles on his face and you know he isn't buying your words. Swallowing, you carefully, too carefully, scoot towards him and sit down, maintaining a little space between the the two of you. "I don't understand why you hold such negative thoughts about yourself but believe me Seungcheol, it's hard not to fall in love with you."
Your slip-up causes your eyes to widen, face drowning in embarrassment as you realize you just said the L word. Seungcheol, however, does not react to it but turns his head to study your face and the pain and sentiment in his eyes, his passionate gaze on you makes you forget human language. You've never seen nor imagined Seungcheol to be so full of ardor and pain and now that you have, you don't know what to do. You just want to cling to him and cry like a child.
"Can't you see how fucked up I am? What and awful person I am, ____? Someone like me deserves noth-" Unable to hold yourself back you interrupt him by cupping both of his cheeks and pressing your lips to his. You kiss him softly, carefully, trying to gauge his feelings while trying not to push him too hard. Seungcheol stays immobilised, letting you kiss him like that. When you pull back, his eyes are closed and he rests his forehead against yours. "You are just fine, Seungcheol. I like you just the way you are. Don't...beat yourself up like this, hmm?" Your voice is just above a whisper as you tilt his head to meet his eyes. Seungcheol stares quietly at you for a while before suddenly pushing you back and caging you underneath his large body. A squeak of surprise leaves your lips as Seungcheol wastes no time wrapping himself around you while attaching his lips to yours.
This time the kiss is not soft, it is full of passion and vigour and longing as Seungcheol takes the reign. Your lips mold perfectly against each other and Seungcheol does not hold back, kissing you like a starved man; all teeth and tongue. He pulls back for a while, supporting himself on his elbows as you looks at you while you try to catch your breath underneath him. His hand comes to stroke your hair gently, like a lover and your eyes burn at his tenderness.
"Is there still a place for me in your heart?" He asks, a hopeful note in his voice. His words leave you breathless as you gape at him in suprise, you mouth open slightly. Seungcheol looks at you look longingly as he waits for your answer, which comes easily, without a second thought.
"Of course, Seungcheol. I...I love you."
This time it is his turn to be surprised as his pupils dilate and a soft gasp of surprise escapes from him. Swallowing, you hold his gaze, waiting for his next words but they never come. Instead, the man attacks your lips with renewed fervour while slotting a muscular thigh between your legs. As his toned thigh brushes against your core a wanton moan leaves your mouth and you wrap your legs around his waist. You can feel Seungcheol smirk against your skin while he kisses a path down from jaw towards your neck, taking his sweet time to plant some love bites along the way while you gasp and writhe underneath him. Soon he reaches the valley of your breasts and with skilled fingers he does a quick work of the buttons of your night shirt. His heated gaze remains on your now bare breasts and you can feel your nipples harden in the chill air of the room before he leans down to plant soft kisses all over them. While he does so you continue to grind your core against his leg, desperate for some friction which he is denying you. His assault on your neck and breasts don't stop as he remains focused in marking you, blooming kisses of red and purple on your skin.
"I missed you," His voice comes out as throaty whisper while he keeps his lips attached to your heated skin. "Me too," you choke between moans as his ministrations on your body leaves you aching all over for him.
He pulls back to meet your gaze, "I want you. I... always have and I've been hiding it. But I can't anymore."
"Take me then, Seungcheol," It isn't the most romantic thing to say but that is all your lust clouded brain can manage as you keep grinding yourself against him. You feel his hard on poke your belly and unlike your lover, you really can't wait anymore. You need him now.
Seungcheol keeps looking at you, too busy studying your features rather than doing something about the wetness between your legs and you're about to tell him to do something when he speaks, "I love you, ____. I'm sorry for the hurt I've caused you. Let me make it up to you."
Great. Now you're horny and emotional.
His confession brings tears to your eyes but your neediness is growing so you pull his face down closer to yours and whisper, "You can start doing that by making me cum. And then you can stay. With me. Forever. How about that?" A mischievous grin kisses his face, "I'd love that sweetheart."
You grin in happiness not wasting anymore time as you reconnect your lips with his.
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a/n 2: Whew~ a whopping 15k+! I can't believe I wrote something this huge. But it was well worth it! I just hate this damn app like I don't understand?? I've seen ppl post fics with 40k+ words yet tumb1r says I've reached 250 blocks like what?? Anyhow, I really really hope you enjoyed reading this baby cuz I've been working on it for soooo long! If you did please reblog and share as always your feedbacks are highly appreciated so please leave them in the comments or my ask box!
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hey-hamlet · 2 years
Prompt 1 : The decision is a conscious one, and he wears it as Atlas wears the world. For emotional support kitty au?
One of the kittens was sad. Really, really sad - the grief kind of sad he normally only saw at hospitals. He was the good one too - the one who always did what Aizawa said, who tried not to pat him during class even when Izuku was looking his cutest in the way that always made Inko give him sliced ham. Izuku had seen sad before, he'd even seen his kittens this sad before. Izuku was trained for sad.
He wasn't trained for angry.
Tenya was furious. It was so strong he wouldn't have needed his quirk to know it, he smelt so thickly of it stunk up the classroom, almost drowning out his sadness. He'd been trying his best all week, but the kitten had gone as far as physically removing Izuku off his lap like he didn't want Izuku to make it better. He was anxiously kneading Shouto's lap when Aizawa spoke up.
"I'll be seeing you lot off to your internships later today, don't forget to grab your costume cases before you leave. It'll only be a half-day because of it so I can finally sleep off the headache you caused me at the sports festival." Leave? Tenya was leaving? Izuku couldn't help but lash his tail anxiously, ears twitching as he fought not to pin them back. He couldn't leave! Izuku hadn't helped him yet! Izuku's job was to help, and Tenya was going to go where Izuku wasn't and he'd only get sadder or angrier. Angry kittens bit and scratched, and no one ever saw the biters again. He couldn't let one of his kittens hurt someone, or they'd take them away!
"Iida, you packed and ready? You're interning with Manual, right?" Ochaco was worried too, under the excitement, but she was trying very hard to make Tenya feel better. She was a very good kitten - a good littermate.
"Yes! Make sure to complete your homework along with your internship work, the hero course still has the same core subjects as the other UA students and we can't afford to fall behind because of our internships!" Izuku was glad he didn't see emotions by looking at faces like the other service animals said humans did, but Tenya was very good at looking normal. He wasn't any good at feeling it, though.
Wait. Straight from school? Homework? Tenya must be taking his school bag with him! Izuku's tail stopped twitching as a plan formed. He gave Shouto a quick lick goodbye before making his way over to Kouji to wait.
It took a long while - long enough that Izuku was starting to worry about his chances - but just as the students were packing up to leave, he saw his chance. Tenya's bag was open, just wide enough for Izuku to wiggle into when no one was looking. Being swung onto his kitten's shoulder hurt a bit, but it was ok, Tenya wouldn't be getting into trouble away from him. He wouldn't let his kittens bite people!
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
Midnight Confessions
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader 
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Request : hi! can i request a billy russo x reader with #4 from the love confession list and #2 from the smutty one liners list? thank you!!
#4: "This is just too much, I can't act like this anymore, like I don't love you!"
#2: "Don't act innocent when we both know where your mouth was two minutes ago."
Warnings: cursing, lil bit of angst, Billy trying to express some feelings, some fluff and a heaping of smut. Enjoy! (Under 18s please avert your eyes and pass on by) 
You sat hugging your knees on the sofa as you contemplated if you made a mistake or not. You knew Billy would just turn up since you were ignoring his calls but you really didn't want to do this over the phone. You didn't want to do it at all. 
You and Billy had been seeing each other for just over a year. And by seeing other it was more just fucking but you went and got feelings like an idiot. Because Billy fucking Russo didn't do feelings and you weren't about the unrequited love, so you knew you'd need to stop. He'd called earlier asking if he could come over and you didn't think you'd ever heard him that stunned before. You'd never turned him down. Feeling panicked and not wanting to deal with the situation, you avoided it like a coward because it was much easier than dealing with it. Billy had sent you multiple texts and calls, all of which you ignored. 
Billy didn't like being ignored and maybe you were a masochist and wanted him to come here so you could embarrass yourself in front of him by telling him how you felt. Ignoring his calls was like ringing a bell to invite him over to question you. 
It was almost midnight when the door knocked and your stomach tightened painfully. You knew it was him and you weren't surprised. You were, however, dreading it. With a heaving sigh, and another impatient knock from the man, you got up and opened the door. 
His dark eyes scanned your body as if he was assessing for anything wrong that was the cause of the rejection. You felt a little self conscious given the fact you were wearing some pyjama shorts and one of his t-shirts that was big on you. 
"Can I come in?" He asked pointedly after finding no injuries on you. Even though it was a question, his tone basically told you he was coming in either way. So you moved out of the way and into the kitchen area, leaning against the counter and wrapping your arms around yourself. Billy shut the door behind him, moving to the kitchen but keeping a little distance as he watched you carefully. His gaze always had a way of looking right through you and you shivered involuntarily. 
"So… wanna tell me what's goin' on?" He asked with a quirked brow. He was dressed down today in a dark grey sweater, jeans and his boots. His hands were in his pockets but the casual act was at odds with how rigid he was standing, head slightly tilted as he glared at you. Now or never.
"I don't think we should see each other anymore," you muttered quietly. His jaw clenched, his shoulder rolling a little.
"Do I get to know why?" He bit out. 
You glanced at your hands that were now in front of you and picked at your nails.
"It's just not working out," you shrugged. You were hanging on by a thread, trying to be nonchalant about it but inside it was killing you. Billy's mirthless chuckle had your eyes going back to him.
"That's it? That's all I get?" He asked, mouth downturned and his eyes burning.
"What do you want me to say, Billy? It's not working, it's over," you said firmly. Honestly you just needed him to leave so you could curl up in a sad ball and cry a little. 
He bit his lip, another unamused laugh escaping him as he shook his head.
"So...So, that's just it? You're just… kickin' me to the curb and I don't even get a good reason? You're just done with me?" He asked angrily, pointing at his chest. Your heart ached a little knowing what was going through his head and knowing about his past that he'd shared with you, it hurt.
"I'm not abandoning you, Billy," you said softly. 
"Really? 'Cause that's exactly what it sounds like. All this time together and what? Now you're done?!" He asked, his voice raising as he went on. You didn't expect him to react this strongly about it. 
"I can't… I can't do this anymore, Billy! It was supposed to be just sex but… this is just too much, I can't act like this anymore, like I don't love you!" There it was, out in the open. 
Billy looked like he'd been struck. His eyes wide, mouth slightly parted. The man who always had a retort ready was rendered speechless and it would have been funny if not for the circumstances. Something snapped in him then as he took a step towards you, face like thunder.
"No! You don't get to… you can't just say that shit to me and get me to leave!" He jabbed a finger in your direction then and you looked at him with wide eyes. 
"I didn't mean for it to happen. I know it was supposed to be casual but it happened. I fell for you and I can't change it. But I can't continue on like this when I- '' your rambling was cut off when he surged forward, gripping your jaw in his hand as he kissed you hard. 
It was all tongues and teeth and for a moment you indulged in it, he'd short circuited your brain. But then you snapped out of it and pushed him away. He looked wild eyed as he looked down at you. 
"I can't do this, Billy. Please just go," you murmured, voice wavering. 
"No," he said firmly. He stepped away and paced a little, running a hand through his hair before he turned back to face you. 
"Did you know… about a month after we started this thing, I stopped seein' other people?" he uttered, eyes gazing at you imploringly. That was news to you and you furrowed your brow as you soaked it in.
"No," you murmured. He took a shaky breath, hands rubbing either side of his beard and he looked like it was struggling to find the words he was looking for. 
"This is… this is hard for me, okay? I don't… do this. I don't do feelings. But you… I get excited to see you, and not just the sex. I look forward to takin' you to dinner and… and watchin' movies with you or just foolin' around on the sofa. I sit there… I sit there at work thinkin' about you. When I'm around you… you make everythin' different. Better. And I don't know… I don't know what love is, I never felt it before. But I'm pretty sure that I love you," his rambled confession was punctuated with his arms wildly gesturing and you stood blinking at him in shock. You really hadn't expected any of that. 
"Really?" You asked hesitantly. As if he'd start laughing and tell you it was a joke. He stepped to you, his hands cupping your cheeks and you stared into his expressive eyes as he nodded.
"I don't know how to do this shit. I don't know how to… be a boyfriend. But I want to try… with you. I don't want anyone else," he murmured. The emotion in his obsidian eyes floored you and he rested his forehead on yours.
"Will you let me? Let me try?" He asked softly. He sounded so unsure of himself. A far cry from the over confident man you knew him to be. 
You nodded and he leaned in, kissing you deeply. Not quite the ferocious kiss from earlier but slow and deep, taking his time. You yelped when he hoisted you up, your legs around him and his hands holding you up.
"Tell me again," he murmured against your lips. It took you a second to figure out what he meant. 
"I love you," you replied softly. He kissed you again and you could feel him smile into the kiss. 
"I love you too," he whispered, nipping your lower lip and sending a jolt through your body. 
You hadn't even realised he'd been walking but suddenly you were deposited on the bed, bouncing on it a little. His large hands slid up your hips and waist, dragging your shirt with it and you leaned up so he could remove it fully. It was discarded carelessly across the room. He made quick work of your bra next which joined the shirt and he smirked down at you as he hooked his fingers into the hem of the pyjama shorts and panties, pulling them down at the same time and tossing them over his shoulder. 
He gave your hip a cheeky nip before standing up and you couldn't take your eyes off him as he removed his sweater. Your eyes taking in every inch of skin you could see. You had no idea how it was possible for a human to be this attractive. You'd mused a long time ago that Billy wasn't really human, but a god that had come down from wherever he'd been hiding. Before long his jeans, boxers and boots were off and he hovered over you. You felt his hot skin against yours and it was soothing as much as it set you on fire. He kissed you until you couldn't breathe before kissing down your jaw to your neck  
He left open mouthed kisses and bites down your neck before kissing his way to your breasts. You moaned softly when he grabbed one, swirling his tongue around your nipple before sucking on it. Your back arched, eyes closed as you enjoyed the attention he was giving you. Billy was always an attentive lover. He paid the other breast the same attention before kissing his way further south.
You squirmed a little when he kissed your stomach, being a little ticklish there and he knew it. He chuckled, hands pinning you in place and you endured the sensation as he got lower. He settled between your legs, hooking his arms around your thighs and effectively locking you in place. He was being a tease, watching you as he kissed your thigh at a painfully slow pace but you refused to beg. 
When he finally made contact with your clit, the moan of desperation was almost embarrassing but he groaned against you, letting you know he liked it. He started lapping at you and you gasped, one hand fisting his hair and the other the sheet. He was an expert with his tongue and he had you on the brink in no time. Every time you moaned or gasped he responded in kind with a groan of satisfaction himself. You were putty in his hands as you squirmed at his touch and he held you in place as he went at you like a man starved. 
The moment he started sucking on your clit, you moaned loudly, back arching right up as you squirmed against his face. Your release washed over you like a wave of bliss and you were basically riding his face until it was over. You didn't realise how hard you'd fisted his hair but it was all over the place now. 
You lay there panting, calming down from your high as he chuckled, licking his lips as he moved back on top of you. You could feel his raging hard on against you and you stretched a little, arching up at him. 
"You're so fuckin' beautiful, you know that?" He asked against your lips before kissing you breathless again. 
Your hand was in his hair again as you arched up at him and you both moaned in relief as he pushed inside of you. He filled you up in the best way. He gripped your thigh, hitching your leg over his hip as he started to plow into you. You fit together like puzzle pieces and you rolled your hips up to him, making him groan against your lips. The hand that didn't have your thigh in a death grip was on your jaw as he kissed you like a starved man between his groans. You loved his noises and how he didn't try to hide it. You loved hearing how good you made him feel. 
He picked up his pace and each thrust forced the air out of your lungs in desperate moans. You felt the pleasure ramping up, your entire body feeling like it was on the edge of exploding. He angled his hips differently and you cried out, tugging his hair and making a noise akin to a growl leave his lips. Your second release hit you hard and you gasped, body tensing as you clamped down around him. He let out a sinful moan as his thrusts got erratic and then he groaned, stilling inside of you.
You were both panting messes as he lay his head in the crook of your neck. Your fingers toyed with his hair as you lay there blissful. You felt like you were in heaven and you were sure you'd be glowing after that. He placed a tender kiss on your neck before moving to your lips, kissing you slowly. He'd always taken the time to lavish you with attention when you were together but it felt different this time. There was a shift in your relationship with him now the feelings were out in the open.
"I don't know how I got so lucky. You're an angel," he murmured with a soft smile, rubbing his nose against yours. He was in a post coital bliss that had him relaxed and calm. You loved that side to him.
"Don't act innocent when we both know where your mouth was two minutes ago," you teased, kissing him sweetly. He chuckled into the kiss before pulling out of you and laying on his back. 
He held his arm open and you rolled over and snuggled up, nestled against his side with your head on his chest. One of his hands toyed with your hair as the other stroked your arm delicately.
"I love you," he said softly. You tilted your head towards him and smiled, his own sleepy smile on his face. You really never thought you'd hear those words out of his mouth.
"I love you too," you smiled. He kissed your forehead and you both relaxed, letting sleep take you under.
You really hadn't expected things to go the way they did but you couldn't complain. This was a new chapter for you both and you couldn't help but wonder just what was in store for you in a relationship with Billy Russo.
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gangrenados · 3 years
Yandere Jason Todd
I have to say that these are a bunch of multiples ideas, so it might a little bit dispersed.
Warning: murder, kidnapping, manipulation
I don't condone any of this behavior, we all know this is a really shitty thing to do.
Matthew Daddario as Jason fancast cuz I like it!!
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▪Let's start with something simple: Jason is a very possessive and over protective yandere who doesn't fear to kill whoever dares to put themselves between him and you, especially if they're rivals.
▪There's a big difference when it comes to how he'll be with you depending on what state of his life he's in.
•Fresh of out of the Pit Jason will obsess over you for the sole reason that he wants to posses something in order to feel like he has gained some control over his life.
° Jason doesn't love you, you're just an object that he use to feel in control so he will manhandle you and break you as he pleases.
°It's hard for him to realize that what he's doing is wrong and by the time he finally accepts it, you'll probably be death or in a terrible mind state.
°Jason will have succeed in breaking you and he will punish himself about it.
•Arkham Knight Jason see you as a something that he needs to possess in order to feel human and loved again. He almost worships you as a higher being.
°Jason will hold on you in dear life, hoping that your company will make him feel better.
° Jason is more mindful over your needs and what you might feel about him and being held hostage, those thoughts makes him deeply insecure and sick to his stomach. However, Jason can't bring himself to let you go, he needs you.
°He wouldn't hurt you on purpose, but rather will choose to threaten you with breaking all your bones or killing those you love.
°This applies when he's jealous. Jason will pin you up against wall and point a gun at you as he cries and screams why was the cause for you to betray him.
°You always knew Jason was by far more strong than you but having him towering over you in the middle of a breakdown as he waves around a loaded gun is making you panic.
°Jason wouldn't kill you, but he know where to shoot without killing. You're gonna suffer with him if you don't start to give him answers.
°This version of Jason is mentally and emotionally unstable, he's more likely to breakdown and cause chaos since he can't fully control what he's feeling or how to process it.
°Jason might worship you and treat you as if you were made of glass, but he might kill you in one of his anger rampages.
• Red Hood Jason in the other hand is in a better mental place so it's less likely that he'll hurt you out of an emotional decontrol.
° Also there's the fact that, as that his Arkham Knight version, Jason prefers to use threads to keep you under his control rather than physical punishments. However, he'll use them if your being too defiant.
His punishments tend to be: isolation, spanking, making you use a collar shock, etc
°Jason doesn't see you as an object that will make him feel better, he genuinely loves and cares for you.
°He's deeply afraid that something bad will happen to you if he's not there to protect you.
°Jason see you as a defenseless, naive person who needs him to survive. He's gonna be your savior and lover even if you don't want him to.
°Oh don't try to escape, he'll find you pretty easily and drag you back to the safe house as he scolds you for being such a stupid brat. And if someone else was helping you escape? Jason will kill them in front of you to show you a lesson.
°He might nice and caring to you, but Jason doesn't tolerate when a darling talks back or defy him.
He doesn't like a bratty darling since it makes him think you don't trust him enough. Jason truly believes he knows what's better for you, so it's not gonna end well if you question his decisions.
°Might pull up a dirty move to make you stay, like hiring some goons to scare you if you decide to leave him. So Red Hood can come, kill them and be your hero!
°One thing to keep in mind is that all of his version are deeply insecure and touched deprived. They might want to hold you and kiss you, but it's gonna be a long way until they finally don't hesitate to do such thing.
°Their distan and pretty close to you at the same time. This goes more with the Arkham Knight and Red Hood though.
I'm gonna keep talking about the Red Hood version, so keep reading!
▪Jason wants you and will have you, he doesn't care how far he has to go for that to become true.
▪He wants to know every little single detail about you, it doesn't matter if they're insignificant.
▪So he will study you and take notes about your preferences, your weaknesses, what you like and what not and what are those little habits you have so internalized that you don't even notice you make.
▪It will lead to a point that Jason will know you better than you think to know yourself.
▪He will set cameras and a security system in your house and you will notice that Red Hood has been appearing too much near your neighborhood lately...weird.
▪Also the crippling sensation that someone is watching has been being so persistent when you go out.
▪You have tried to calm yourself down saying that it's normal since you live in a city like Gotham, but that doesn't make it any better.
▪Also lately you don't feel alone when you're in your apartment. You don't feel alone at all to be honest and it's creeping you out.
▪And what about this new guy in your life? He looks so mysterious and bad boy-ish, also wow he's pretty damn handsome and easy to talk to! How this guy can be friend of yours!?
▪Yeah, Jason got over his doubts and went out of his way to reach to you and be part of your life (with you knowing this time)
▪There's something we have to address here: at the beginning Jason couldn't accept that what he was doing was wrong. He didn't even want to acknowledge that he was deeply infatuated with you.
▪Jason didn't mean for this crush to go that far and the idea of what he's really doing, looking through the cameras he installed in your room, was making him sick.
▪However, he couldn't be away from you for long, if something happened to you it would drive him crazy, since the idea that you weren't there was enough to make anxiety paralyze his entire body.
▪Jason needs to protect you like he needs to breathe. It's not an option but a vital necessity.
▪What happens is that Jason's mind is torn between the voice that tells him to watch you closely and the one who's screaming at him and begging to stop all of this.
▪ Jason wants to possess you so he can keep the dangerous world away from you, is better than the rational part of his mind that tells him that what he is doing is foolish and will end badly.
▪But to be honest here, Jason doesn't pay much attention to the rational side of his brain unless he has a breakdown since he's more sensitive and open to those sad thoughts.
▪During one of those breakdowns were the main reason why he took you one night after about a month of overthinking every decision he has made so far and the numbing that he might lose you if he doesn't do something drastical.
▪So during a seemingly normal night in Gotham, when the rain soaked everything in it's path and made your warm bed even comfortable than ever, an exalted Red Hood broke into your apartment to kidnap you.
▪He didn't leave any space for doubt, so without hesitation he pricked your neck with a needle and carried to one of his safe houses.
▪Jason feels like he can breath again now that you're on his bed, sleeping fondly thanks to the tranquilizer.
▪You look so beautiful and innocent, it only reassures Jason that what he did was the right thing.
▪You need him to protect you from the horrible things of the world, it's more than obvious that you can't take care of yourself and Jason is more than glad to keep you safe.
▪Yeah, that's all he wants in reality. Jason doesn't give a fuck if you don't love him right away since he have the hope that one day you'll understand and finally accept his love and devotion for you and you'll do the same.
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