#i just. i just get so upset when people see someone who doesn't drink WHO IS JUST MINDING THEIR OWN BUSINESS
animemensblog · 19 hours
Taming the beasts
Pt. 1 of 5; Sukuna
Au!Sukuna x gn!reader
New mini series: reader taming dominate men (sexually, and/or not sexually hehe)
Warnings: cussing, suggestive themes, Sukuna is a bitch but that's what you're here for :p
At first, Sukuna was put off by your confidence and independence. He didn't understand how someone so "weak" doesn't need someone like him, let alone want him. After just a few minutes of dealing with your attitude he declared he loves this type of challenge. The chase where the victim isn't just submitting to satisfy him.
"hey, you" he whispered over your shoulder, "what's your name?" His rough hands made its way to your sides, softly gripping, attempting to pull you closer. You might as well be a tree for how little you moved.
"Pretty" he laughs, bringing his hips towards you. You patiently wait for him to say something more. Maybe something you could respond to, or even something interesting. You hum in response and pull his hands off, successfully leaving him behind to catch up with your friends who manage to squeeze past the drunken, dancing bodies into the kitchen.
To say Sukuna was offended would be an understatement. Everyone wanted him, right? So what's wrong with you?
"Wait up" he calls after you, pathetically scrambling to keep up. He almost trips when he switches rooms, grabbing your attention, along with everyone else.
"Hi" Sukuna awkwardly says while he moves towards you. "Almost lost ya there" he laughs. Your eyes crinkle just slightly when the biggest, heart-stopping smile spreads across your face.
"That was the point!" You giggle before turning back to your friends. Of course Sukuna is taken back, why would you want him to stay away? Isn't he handsome or whatever?
"I'm gonna grab a beer, do you want a drink, snack or something?" You glance down at your already full drink.
"No thanks!" You say cheerfully. His lips form a straight line, then an awkward smirk before turning to get his drink. When he spins back to you, you've escaped once again. This time, he didn't see which way you ran.
He smiles to himself, huffing and puffing, almost upset he's letting you get under his skin. It's gonna be a long night, he thinks.
When he finds you again, you're sitting next to some guy on the couch. Your legs are crossed, the leg on top swinging and bouncing to the music. You don't look impressed to say the least. The man is clearly trying to start something up but you're peacefully sipping your drink as if his words are just wind blowing onto your hair.
All of his words die in his throat when Sukuna approaches, his presence always made people weary. Their faces would show it, if they didn't say it already. Except, you still look unamused. So what if he scares people? You can be people's nightmares too, it's nothing new.
He's hovering over you when he speaks up, "hey again" he says softly. You nod at him. Why does your attention make him so.. giddy? He pushes the unwanted guest over to force a third spot on the love seat for himself. "Enjoying the party?"
"Eh, it could be better." You were gonna whisper something until the stranger sitting next to you interrupted, "I could make it better" he says 'seductively'.
"So original" you say sarcastically
"Don't believe me?" The guy says, his hand reaching to run over your thigh, "let me prove it, right here and now." You swat his gropers away, scoffing at his attempt. You don't respond, making the man pout.
That's when Sukuna realizes, you're looking for something impressive. Something memorable, different. Something like him.
He scoffs at the man-child next to you before speaking, "not a fan of parties?"
"I loveeee parties," you sing, "I just don't like the ones where the meat is mediocre." You sigh, tilting your head up to the ceiling, thinking of many, many better ways you could be spending your time.
"I see what you mean" Sukuna chuckles, leaning farther back into the couch before crossing his arms.
"How so?" Your eyes land on his jawline, admiring how sharp it looks, or how his throat bobs when he swallows.
"The men here, they don't know a thing about approaching a woman like yourself."
"And you do?" You whisper, your breath barely touching his ear. Sukuna felt a rush of heat run along his neck, taking over his entire body. He turns his head until he can stare at you from the corner of his eye.
"Well, no," he leans over so his mouth is hovering next to your neck and whispers, "but this is the most you've talked to any man tonight. Must mean you like me, yeah?"
You let out a little, almost sadistic (at least to Sukuna, it sounded evil) chuckle, "not quite". He wants to laugh as he watches you stand up and disappear once again.
This time, he doesn't chase you.
He lets you wander, for you to think about how he's the only man here equipped to handle you.
However that backfires, because he hasn't seen you in over an hour. He supposedly knows about everything that happens in his not-so-humble abode, except you've seemed to escape him. Which is why he's shocked to find you exploring the empty rooms throughout his apartment.
He had, actually, called it quits on finding you long ago and was dragging a random girl up to his room, only to see you snooping through his bookshelves.
When he swings the door open, your eyes meet and go wide. You weren't allowed up here, everyone knows the rules. Even you, little sweet y/n that just loves pushing Sukuna's buttons.
The chuckle you let out rivals the sinister one from earlier, one that makes his spine tingle and stomach do flips. You reach for your cup on his dresser before brushing past him and his one-night stand, skipping down the hall and into the living room.
"Heh" he shakes his head and looks down at his feet, his big hands release the girl beside him and shuts his bedroom door. Without another word, he waves her goodbye and chases you, once again.
It's easier to search for you, after all most people have left by now. Something in him finally feels confident, he's convinced he won't lose you and can win you over. So imagine his surprise when you blatantly reject his proposal.
"I'm sorry, wasn't I clear? I'm not interested in fuckin you" you're trying your best not to laugh, but his scrunched up face is just too good. His face afterwards though? Now that's something anyone should fear.
His rough hands grab your arms and turn you around, pulling you very close. Sukuna's voice is deep when he whispers, "I invited your friends out of pity, it's the only reason they're getting their much needed attention. That includes you, I mean, making me chase you around like you're not a common whor-" he's abruptly stopped by your hand smacking his face.
No words are needed really, Sukuna manages to connect the dots himself. He'd never admit it but that was called for and he wishes he could've done it before you did. The sound echoed, becoming louder than the music that was already dying out. The last handful of guests are all first-hand witnesses of Sukuna's pathetic behavior.
It takes him a second to come back to earth, watching you exit through those stupid front doors that he should've barricaded the moment he met you. "Hey! Wait- ugh" he practically whines as he pushes through his guests, hoping to stop you before getting too far. "Let me apologize."
"I'm not sure if you deserve that chance!" You holler without turning around, marching down the sidewalk heading towards your hotel for the weekend. Sukuna decides to run. He's spent all night helplessly chasing you around like a dog, doing it some more won't make it worse. He opts to pull you back by your shirt, rather than putting his hands on your body considering what happened last time.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said."
"No I think you did, I'm sure that's why you invited my friends. For more common whores to fill your stupid party,-"
"That's not-"
"speaking of which, don't you have a girl waiting for you?"
"N-no" well, he's peaked your interest. Someone was handing themselves to him, and he left them for what?
You may have recently met but he's surely leaving an impression.
"She leave you too?" you joke
"More like you distracted me"
"I'm sorry, truly. I shouldn't have said that, any of it."
"well.. you're not completely forgiven"
"but, I get some forgiveness?"
"It was disgusting of you to say that"
"I know" he pouts
"you'll just have to prove you deserve allmy forgiveness, my friend's too."
"I'll do my best. We could start tonight? Would you like to go inside, we can watch a movie while everyone sobers up some more?" He says
"I can't, I have plans tomorrow morning and it's late" a moment of silence passes, "but I'm free after lunch"
Sukuna perks up at this, finally releasing your now crumpled up shirt. "Great" he chuckles, "great" you repeat.
Another moment of silence, then you resume walking and he starts heading back inside. As he shuts the door, he glanced at his mirror seeing how red his cheeks are. That's when he notices the butterflies in his stomach, his sweaty palms and rapid heartbeat.
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sevengeese · 1 year
god people can be so annoying about alcohol
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eggcats · 2 months
I really love the idea of Alastor slowly getting more and more comfortable with the main crew at the Hazbin Hotel. Like, he THRIVES off of being mysterious and shit, but it's hard to keep that persona up 24/7 - especially when everyone starts slowly getting more comfortable around him. (EVEN when he does the Big Scary Demon thing! What???)
Like, for instance in Ep5, Charlie isn't alarmed by what he's doing, and tbh neither is anyone at the hotel. The only person who comments that what he's doing is alarming is LUCIFER, who doesn't live there. No one else even seems to bat an eye, and Vaggie isn't upset that he takes the fight from her to do his big scary demon shit.
They like him! Hell, the only 2 people less than pleased when he shows back up in Ep8 is Husk (who he owns) and Lucifer. Even Vaggie is smiling and pleased he survived. (And even Husk and Lucifer don't look that upset, just not appreciating his dramatics.)
And so, slowly Alastor just begins to drop his Radio Demon persona. He's still touch averse, but as long as it's not forced, he allows people to touch him for small instances at a time. He begins letting the others see him when he's tired or less put together. He plays music when he's doing something around the hotel, and if someone catches him dancing, he might just invite them to dance WITH him. He dresses down if he's not going anywhere, and drapes his jacket places to not wear it all the time. He lets them SEE HIS TAIL. (No one is still allowed to touch it, nor his ears, but it's the principle of the thing.)
The main crew even stop being alarmed or scared when he DOES do his ominous shit, like they don't even react when his eyes turn into radio dials and he threatens them over something stupid. They're just like "uh huh, sure, pal." And mime patting his shoulder (they know he doesn't like being touched when he's already in this state).
He defends someone at the hotel by ripping them to shreds with his tentacles and eating them, and the person he defends just looks so thankful (even with him having blood all over him, his eyes black, and tar-like drool dripping from his mouth) and he's so caught off guard that when they ask if they can hug him, he LETS THEM.
(The entire hotel loses their shit when he drops both the radio voice AND talks with his Louisiana Creole accent one night as they're drinking.)
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xoxoladyaz · 1 year
Deep down, Steve knows that it's only a matter of time until he gets caught.
It feels like he's gone through the five stages of grief, like, twenty times. He can't count how many hours he's spent rationalizing it: what Eddie doesn't know won't hurt him, this is normal, people do it all the time, and besides, Eddie would feel completely betrayed if he knew and their relationship is so new that it's just not worth the risk. The absolute last thing he wants is to upset Eddie and this will just make him upset so really, Steve is doing the honorable thing by just not telling him, by pretending that he's not hiding anything, that everything is fine.
But it's not Eddie that catches him; hell, it isn't even someone in the Party; it's Jeff, Eddie's friend/Hellfire Club member/Corroded Coffin bandmate who shows up too early for D&D at Steve's one day and sees something he shouldn't have.
"This isn't what it looks like."
Jeff walks into the kitchen and frowns, like he's confused by what he's seeing and why Steve is so anxious, why he's sweating like he's just run a marathon. "It looks like you're blending a bunch of veggies together in a blender."
Shit. "Okay, it's exactly what it looks like."
Jeff still looks confused. "And this is a big deal because - "
"Because I haven't told Eddie that the 'special pasta sauce' that I've been using the last three months whenever we have spaghetti and meatballs is actually entirely made of, like, ten different kinds of vegetables," Steve rushes out, and Jeff's face smoothes in understanding.
"Oh, yeah, that makes sense. The dude has a weird vendetta against veggies."
Steve groans, slumping in relief. "Tell me about it. Do you know how hard it is to hide veggies in every single meal that I make for him? Because if I don't, then he's never going to eat them, and I'm worried about his health enough as it is."
Jeff nods. "It's the smoking, right?"
"The smoking, and the drinking, and I know he's sneaking out to smoke with Jon and Argyle, but he doesn't exercise and he only eats highly processed cereal with loads of sugar and I just don't want him to have a heart attack before the age of forty!"
"Hey, hey, Steve, man, your secret's safe with me." Jeff holds his hands up in supplication. "And for the record, I'm on your side. The dude is like a feral raccoon."
"I know," Steve sighs. "But he's my feral raccoon."
That makes Jeff start laughing. "If it makes you feel any better, my mom and I have been doing the same thing for years now. If you want, we could exchange recipes sometime."
"Really?" Steve perks up and now, now he's excited. "That would be great!"
"Sick. Need some help with the meatballs?"
And that is how Eddie and Gareth and Phil and Dustin and Mike and Lucas and Erica and Will find them later, chatting and laughing while Steve tosses his homemade noodles into his now-simmering pasta sauce, Jeff sitting on the kitchen island and drinking a beer.
This time, it's Jeff who looks like he's seen a ghost. "This isn't what it looks like."
"Oh?" Eddie asks, and his voice is totally controlled, which means that Jeff is screwed. "So you're not hanging out with my boyfriend and making him do that cute little blushy giggle that is my cute blushy giggle?"
"Eddie!" Steve scolds, but it's too late, Jeff knows his fate is sealed.
"Okay, it's exactly what it looks like."
(Jeff's rogue is caught in the blast zone when Dustin's ranger kills a large acid toad. Still, he can't feel too mad when he sees Eddie smirk and then lick the veggie sauce out of his pasta bowl.)
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rogueddie · 11 months
Runner / End Of Beginning
Steve has never seen his father as upset, as furious, as he was when he got home with his final exam results. He'd known- suspected- that his father would flip when his results came in...
His father got angry at small things. Hearing that he'd had a party while they were away, that a girl went missing at that party, had been the closest Steve thought he'd ever get to recieving a beating.
But when he came home with his grades... when his father realized that his son, his supposed prodigy, barely passed...
Steve has never ran as fast as he currently is.
As soon as he'd seen an openning, a clear line to the door, he'd stumbled to his feet and bolted. He'd picked a random direction and ran. He isn't going to stop running until he physically has to stop, knowing that his father is most likely in his car, trying to find him.
He can't stop. He has to keep running.
Eventually, he has to pause. He has to catch his breath.
He leans against a trailer, panting. He prays that no one thinks to look outside and spot him. He prays that no one will-
"Fuck." He hisses, squinting up at- "Munson?"
"What the fuck happened to you?" He says, eyes widenning when he finally gets a look at his face. "Second round with Hargrove, or what?"
"Nothing happened, I'm fine."
Munson eyes him for a moment, frowning. "Is someone after you?"
"What do you care?" Steve heaves a deep breath, forcing himself to stand up straight. He brings his knees up in a few knee highs, gearing up for another sprint.
"Ugh. Just- you can come into my trailer," Munson says, sounding as though Steve is forcing him to make the suggestion. "No one would think to look for you there. You can, like... I don't know. Drink some water? You jocks do that, right?"
"Wh- I don't need your help!"
"I'm not waiting for you all day, come on, let's go!" He makes a wide, exaggerated gesture for Steve to follow.
"You just assume I'm gonna follow?"
He sounds so confident, so sure, that Steve can't think to do anything other thank blink and say, "fuck it, yeah, alright."
Steve is a little surprised at how much space Eddies trailer has. It's cramped, but in a nice way- the way a home gets when people actually live in it. When the people inside are actually happy and chase those joys.
Munson does get him a glass of water, mumbling at him to "sit anywhere", before flopping onto the sofa himself. He turns the TV on, focusing on that.
"Thanks," Steve eventually mutters, awkwardly sitting down.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Nothing to talk about."
"There isn't," he insists, despite how casual and accepting Munson is acting. "It's my fault, anyway. I deserved it."
"Did you?" Munson turns to him, eyebrow raised. "All us freaks and losers can talk about these days is your change of heart. King of Hawkins High turned lame boytoy."
"Thanks, that makes me feel so much better," Steve sneers.
"Even Jeff thinks you're alright now," he barrels on. "Said he bumped into you, pretty hard, knocked all your shit down, and you apologized. Said his coffee ended up on an essay, or something. Thought he was about to get his ass kicked and you just..."
He waves his hand at him, as though that's explination enough.
Steve doesn't know a Jeff, but he's pretty sure he knows who Munson is talking about, and; "I wasn't looking where I was going. If anything, we were both at fault."
"See?" Munson waves his hand at him again, a little more pointed. "Don't doubt you've got a long way to go, but you're not half-bad. You didn't deserve whatever the fuck happened to your face."
They fall quiet, both pretending to watch whatever is on the TV. Steve is so zoned out that, when someone clears their throat, he flinchs.
"Sorry to startle you boys," the man chuckles. But the humor quickly teeters out, once he gets a good look at Steve. "You alright, kid?"
"I'm fine."
"He's not," Munson grins wide when Steve glares at him.
"Staying the night?" The man continues, only looking at Eddie now.
"If I can convince him," Munson shrugs.
"I can't stay the night," Steve tries.
"Good," the man nods, as though Steve hadn't said anything. "I'll start making us all some dinner." He finally looks to Steve. "You got any allergies?"
"I can't stay," Steve tries again, insisting.
"No," Munson answers for him. "No problems with meat either."
The man gives Munson a thumbs up, heading through to the kitchen.
"I can't stay," Steve repeats, turning to Munson. "Really. I have to go back or... I have to go back."
"What will happen if you don't go back?"
Steve grimaces. "Nothing. Just- I can't stay here."
"Why not? They gonna hit me too?"
"You know what, Munson? Yeah, probably. And your- your dad?"
"Uncle," Munson snorts, standing, stretching. "No one messes with us though. We're too scary." He wiggles his fingers in Steves face as he passes by. "And call me Eddie."
"It's my name."
Steve awkwardly follows him to the kitchen, hovering a good distance from the two of them, watch how they move around each other with so much comfort and ease. It makes something in Steves chest ache.
"Oh, hey, you like football right?" Eddie asks, pointing to him.
"Uh, yeah, kinda. Not enough to have, like, a team." Steve shrugs.
Wayne turns around slowly, eyebrows raised. "You don't got a team?"
Talking football with Wayne is so easy that, until he's halfway through the dinner he cooked, Steve doesn't notice how fast the time is going. He can't bring himself to be bothered though. It's too nice.
Plus, Eddie is almost bouncing with joy at how well Steve and Wayne are getting along.
Someone starts banging on the door, loud and aggressive, as they make their way to the kitchen.
"Alright!" Wayne calls, rolling his eyes. "Hold your horses."
Steves stomach drops when the door opens and his father is on the other side. He smiles at Steve, sickly sweet and dangerously calm.
"Oh, thank God," he sighs. "Steve, your mother and I have been looking all over for you. When you didn't get home-"
Wayne blocks his way when he tries to step inside. "Who are you?"
"Robert Harrington," Steves dad sniffs, leaning back so he can physically look down at Wayne. "I'm here for my son."
"He ain't here."
Robert Harrington splutters, face tinting red with anger and frustration. He points to Steve, voice raising as he says, "he's right there! And he's coming with me."
Wayne turns, slow and casual. "Huh. That's odd. Don't see him."
"Steve," he snaps his fingers at Steve, like he's a dog. "Come on. We're going home."
Eddie shifts so he's standing slightly in front of him.
It's enough reassurance for him to finally snap back; "I'm not going anywhere with you."
"Get off my property," Wayne snaps.
His father glares at them, waiting, as though he expects them to back down. When he doesn't, he snarls; "this is kidnapping."
"He's 18," Eddie drawls.
Grumbling, he stomps off.
"Asshole," Wayne mutters. He shuts and locks the door, sliding on the chain too.
Steve has to sit down, with how much his legs are shaking.
"You alright?" Eddie asks, hesitantly sitting beside him.
"Yeah," Steve says. He's surprised to find he means it. "Yeah, I'm good."
"You can stay here, long as you need," Wayne offers. "You'll have to bunk with Eds though. Not a lot of room."
"Why can't he use the sofa when you're-"
"Nope," Wayne cuts him off. There's a glint of mischief in his eyes that has Steve squinting in suspicion. "And you'll need those cuts looking at. Eddie, why don't you go with him. Medkits in the bathroom."
Steve goes ahead when Eddie points the way to the bathroom.
Eddie tries to give Wayne a warning look but he's unbothered and, with Steves back turned, he gives Eddie an encouraging wink.
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strwberri-milk · 4 days
Ooo! I saw that u were looking for lnds requests<33 don't mind if I do!
If you can- I'd like to request for zayne and rafayel if you don't mind- with a fem!reader That's high maintenance(with the skincare routine or hair, body care. Like the girly girls) who's had this mindset of "gotta work hard because my lifestyle is too expensive for me". They're also like to compliment other girls and call them pet names like "sweetie, babe, sweetheart, etc."
I just like to know how'd they treat if MC was like that-
Take your time and drink water! Love ya♡♡♡
tbh its girls like this that singlehandedly rescue me from my own internalised misogyny one sweet word at a time
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Zayne likes that you have consistent routines that you follow and ambition to work hard. It's similar to the way that he lives his life so it's attractive to him to have someone who models the same principles he lives by. However, just know that nothing is too expensive for him if it comes to you. He doesn't want to see you work yourself into the ground to afford something that he knows you more than deserve and he will routinely surprise you with supplies if you start running low.
He's also a little afraid to ruin anything if you've finished your daily glam. He'll be careful not to get too close to your face or hair, knowing that you work hard to present yourself in a way that makes you feel the most beautiful and he'd be very disappointed with himself if he somehow messed it up. You tease him sometimes about it, telling him that it's not a big deal and he doesn't need to treat you like you're fragile.
Not only that but he loves how big your heart is. You go out of your way to make other people's days and he can't help but smile whenever you excitedly run over to tell someone that you think their shirt is cool or that you love their shoes. Knowing that he's the recipient of love from someone as kind as you always brightens his day and he'll never tire of hearing you tell him about your day and all the people you met.
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Rafayel is very similar. He doesn't have an intensive skin care routine but it's definitely there and he is particular about the way his hair looks on certain days. He's primarily picky about how his clothes work so sometimes getting out of the house can be an endeavour for the both of you if neither of you can find exactly the right outfit that you want to wear.
He's nowhere near as friendly as you are but can come off as flirty which means his interactions with strangers is a little different than yours. He never uses pet names for people that can be skewed as something romantic - that's just not his style personally. He doesn't always get upset when you use pet names for strangers but if it's one he decides is specifically his - either a reference to him or just your favourite pet name for him - then he'll get pouty and refuse to give you attention until 1) he cracks or 2) you promise to not use that name with other people. It's always playful and you know he isn't really genuinely upset about it but you do try to keep his preferences in mind because you'd hate to actually hurt his feelings.
Similarly to Zayne nothing is too expensive for him. He doesn't mind that you work hard but he doesn't want you to neglect other aspects of your life to afford the things you like. He'll routinely buy refills for supplies you're running low on or new ones that you've been eyeing. He's definitely the type of boyfriend who'll pay for your nails and hair if you just breathe a word of it towards him without thinking - and give you more than enough to tip the staff.
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arcaneacolyte · 6 months
May I Present: The Ghouls as Quirks My or My Close friends' Animals Have Exhibited:
**Alpha**: Favorite game is "oh look how sneaky I am, stealing the thing you're doing/playing with so I can play with it" but gets SO mad when it's done to him.
**Omega**: Can't help but make the "stinky" big cat face when he smells something he doesn't like. He can't hide it if he tried.
**Mist**: If she touches a texture she wasn't expecting, she basically jumps out of her skin and onto the nearest elevated surface.
**Zephyr**: Despite having good night vision, has *terrible* lowlight vision, so if they see something at dusk that's unfamiliar? Instant hackles up and growling. Turns out it's just a garbage bag.
**Ifrit**: Upon first meeting someone, is all guard dog and grumpy and "Don't touch me", but once you scritch around his horns and ears, he loves you forever and will trail after you wanting more pets, tail wagging.
**Aether**: Very friendly, but if someone he knows puts on a hat or changes their silhouette in any way? Stranger Danger, who the fuck are you?!
**Dewdrop**: Must be in an hot bed, in an hot house, in an hot climate. Will steal any coals he finds to either eat or rub his face against.
**Mountain**: If he hasn't worn shoes in a while (which is usually any time outside of touring) and he has to put some on, he waggles and high steps weird for a while because he can't feel the ground.
**Rain**: Thunder and lightening or fireworks? No problem, unbothered and can sleep like the dead. Balloons in any form? Pure Evil and must be destroyed.
**Swiss**: Literally an escape artist, cannot be contained if you tried. They put a camera in a containment room to try to see how he escapes and they still can't even figure it out.
**Phantom/Aeon**: No eye self preservation. Doesn't close his eyes when water gets poured on him, will not shut them when you threaten to poke them. It's so bad that he's had multiple eye tests to see if he has poor vision, but his vision is perfect.
**Cirrus**: Got one of her nails cut down too close to the quick ONE time and now refuses to get her nails trimmed and will run or fuss if its determined she needs a trim. Has to be asleep or put under sedatives to get them done.
**Cumulus**: Is completely fine with getting a bath or shower, but hates going out in the rain. Also, to her, water is water no matter how gross it is and she WILL try to drink it if she's thirsty enough.
**Sunshine**: Will get excited and get all up in other peoples' faces, then suddenly panic and get upset that their face is too close to hers. She might snap at them because of it.
**Aurora**: Has very sensitive ears and gets very upset at loud noises, but has a hard time self regulating and the only thing that will help is the Ghoul version of a happy hoodie. Unfortunately she doesn't think she can move her neck while she's wearing it, so she turns her head like 1989 Batman.
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happilykrispypirate · 11 months
The Mistake
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Pairings: Mattheo Riddle x fem! Nott! reader
Warnings: Swearing, fighting, mentions of sex, every detail of a probably awkward looking makeout shesh and my shitty writing.
Summary: Pansy invited Y/n out to a local bar with Blaise, Pansy then decided it would be a good idea to invite her brother and his best friend.
A/n: This is based off of true events that have recently happened to me and I am unsure how I should process it or how I really should be feeling about it. I know how I should feel about it, but I don't. So, writing fanfic is my only coping mechanism at this point.
"Alright, everyone got everything?" Pansy asked as she and Blaise walked hand in hand with Y/n right next to her into the bar.
"Yeah, my brother said they would save us a table so long," Y/n said as she searched for her brother. She saw them, finally, at the way back near the bathrooms.
Good, she thought, I'm going to be spending my whole evening in there listening to Pansy rant about how annoyed she is with Blaise and how in love she is with Mattheo.
"What's up, fuckers," Y/n greeted.
"What's up, you little shit," Theo smiled as he hugged his sister.
"Hey Matt," Y/n greeted as she gave him a hug.
As soon as everyone greeted everyone, they all sat down. Y/n knew it would be awkward if she was third wheeling with Pansy and Blaise, so she's thankful her brother and Mattheo decided to join.
"So, how pissed are you two?" Y/n asked as she looked between the two boys.
"I'm good, but he's gone," Theo said pointing at Mattheo. He was staring at Pansy.
The two of them met a while back on Y/n's birthday. Even then she and Blaise were a thing, she knew it was a disaster waiting to happen.
Blaise, of course, doesn't know anything.
"As always," Y/n said laughing, and shifting uncomfortably as the seat she was sat on had to be shared by two other people.
"Y/n, I need to go to the bathroom, come with me," Pansy said as she suddenly pulled her away.
Here we go...
"I can't do this," Pansy said once they entered one of the bathroom stalls.
"I knew this would be difficult for you," Y/n said as she slid down the door whilst Pansy sat on the toilet.
"I don't want Blaise, I want Mattheo. I mean, we've been talking for hours almost every night, he makes me feel, I don't know, special?" Pansy said as she sighed and held her head in her hands.
"Maybe you should just leave Blaise, if Mattheo makes you happy then go for it," Y/n said.
"At this point, I think he might like you more than he likes me, and I'm totally fine with that, if you want to go for him, do it. As long as you're happy," She said.
"Dude, I don't even know the guy, and he doesn't know me either. Besides, I highly doubt that he'd ever want to do anything with a chubby girl who hasn't even had her first kiss yet," Y/n said, trying to make her best friend feel better, when she only made herself upset.
"You're beautiful, stop saying those things," Pansy said, "I do think I need to talk to him though."
"I'll try to get him over to the bar inside, whilst Theo keeps Blaise distracted," Y/n said, "I just hope you're sober enough to talk to him, I know you've been drinking long before you even got here."
"I'm severely tipsy," She said giggling as she headed out the bathroom.
Pansy quickly told Blaise that she was going to go pay for the drinks they'd bought so far. Y/n just disappeared to find Mattheo, he was talking to someone else.
When she finally got him away, she told him to follow her into the bar, and that Pansy wanted to talk to him.
She stood off at the side, looking at the two talking, not hearing a thing they're saying because of the music. She looked away when he grabbed her face and kissed her. Making sure that Blaise couldn't see them, and also not wanting to feel the lonely feeling that she feels whenever her friends tell her they've kissed someone.
After a few minutes, she walked back to them, "Listen, as cute as this is, we need to head back to the table, Blaise will get suspicious," She said.
"Right, Matt, you head out first, we'll come after you," Pansy said. Mattheo smiled at her lovingly before walking out.
Pansy hooked her arm around Y/n's, "Holy shit, that was the best fucking kiss I've ever had," Pansy said excitedly, only earning a light hearted chuckle from Y/n.
When they got back to the table, Y/n saw that the space where she had previous sat had grown smaller. Leaving her no choice but to sit next to Mattheo who had the whole seat to himself.
His jacket was on the table, and without thinking she laid with her head on top of her arms on the jacket.
"Oi, wake up," Theo said once he saw his sister laying on her arms.
"I'm awake you fucking dickhead," She said rolling her eyes. She noticed from the corner of her eyes that Mattheo was looking at her.
"Hey, leave her alone," Pansy said, and she just chuckled as she saw the two starting to argue.
"Wow," She heard Mattheo say when he was looking at her.
"What?" She asked confused.
"You're really beautiful," He said.
"You're really drunk," She said shaking her head.
"If you say so," He said causing her to roll her eyes.
"Focus on one girl, please, I'm not worth it. Focus on Pansy," She said.
"I'm trying to but, Blaise is getting in the way. I mean look at her, she's beautiful, but it's a big turn off that Blaise is with her," He said rather loudly.
Blaise heard this and he glared at Mattheo.
"Shush, he might hear you," Y/n whispered turning to him, she didn't fail to notice how his eyes kept trailing down to her lips.
She instead turned her head to lay on his shoulder so it looked a bit less suspicious.
Mattheo then put a hand on her leg and rubbed circle's on her thighs. She didn't do anything. She knew she needed to, but she couldn't.
She then moved away from him, noticing Pansy's look.
After a while of them drinking, Y/n had moved back to her previous spot. She was talking to her brother when she saw that Mattheo was trying to tell her something. She couldn't hear him over the music so she got up and moved over to their side to sit between her brother and Mattheo.
"You okay?" She asked once she sat down.
"Yeah," he said nodded.
"Alright," She said, before yawning, "Jeez, I'm going to fall asleep."
"Now, sleep here," Mattheo said patting his shoulder.
Y/n knew she shouldn't but she remembered what Pansy had said earlier: if you want to go for him, do it.
So, she laid her head on his shoulder and he placed a hand on her thigh while he laced his other hand with hers.
"I think we're going to go and sober her up before we head home," Blaise said referring to Pansy who was way past drunk.
"Alright, I'll see you in a bit," Y/n said, pulling away from Mattheo completely, before they walked off.
"Hey, Theo, please go talk to Pansy for me," Mattheo said.
"Alright," Theo said before getting up and leaving them alone.
Y/n laid her head on his shoulder again and he rested his head against hers.
Next thing she knew Mattheo tilted his head and placed his lips on hers whilst holding her face.
What the fuck are you doing! She internally screamed at herself as she continued to let Mattheo makeout with her.
She didn't expect the tongue at first but before she knew it he swirled his tongue around hers. She didn't move her lips, unsure that if she did that she'd be doing it right.
The position he held her in was awkward and painful for her, so she pulled away from the kiss and sat up straight.
"Holy fuck," She said, "You were my first kiss."
"Let me be your next one as well," He said before attacking her lips again. The same happened this time, just as it had before.
Only this time when she pulled away he hugged her tight, he moved her hair away from her neck and started kissing her on the neck, making sure to leave a hickey.
She then quickly realised what was happening so she pulled away again.
"I can't do this to Pansy," She said as she held her face in her hands.
Mattheo put an arm around her and pulled her close. He kissed the side of her head, her cheek, her nose.
Before she knew it, he was leaning in to kiss her again. When their lips met she, for some odd reason, glanced to the side and saw Pansy looking at them.
"Fuck," She said as she saw Pansy run away. She immediately stood up, "This was a mistake."
"What happened?" Mattheo asked.
"Pansy saw us," She said.
"Shit," He said.
-The next part I wished would've happened because it would've made this whole situation a whole lot better-
Y/n quickly ran after Pansy.
"Wait!" Y/n said grabbing her arm.
"How could you?" Pansy yelled, tears running down her face.
"I'm sorry, it was a mistake," Y/n said, tears threatening to fall.
"I don't ever want to speak to you again," She spat before walking away.
Y/n took deep breaths, trying to contain the tears, when her brother walked up to her, "What happened?" He asked.
"Mattheo kissed me and Pansy saw," She said, Theo had known about Pansy and Mattheo ever since it happened, "And now I have no ride home. And my best friend hates me."
"No, you know what fuck her," Theo said, as he took the crying Y/n into his arms, "You're single, Mattheo's single and Pansy is technically in a relationship with Blaise, because they've slept together, more than once and they're always together. You're not wrong, she is."
She knew he was trying to make her feel better but she, in some way, regretted Mattheo's being her first kiss. She knew it was a mistake.
Mattheo came running to them, "What happened?" He asked.
"Pansy saw you two, and told Y/n she never wants to speak to her again," Theo said.
"Fuck, Y/n I'm so sorry," Mattheo said.
Y/n looked at him and slowly shook her head, "It's not your fault," She said, before she looked at Theo, "Can I maybe get a ride home?"
"Sure, you're just going to have to sit on Mattheo's lap," Theo said.
"Oh fuck," Y/n groaned causing Theo to chuckle.
"You're never going to live this down," Theo chuckled.
Y/n sat on Mattheo's lap looking out of the window. She hated the fact that her brother's car only has 2 seats. Yet she didn't mind it one bit.
Mattheo kept staring at the bruise on her neck, he felt proud of himself when he knew he shouldn't be.
He wasn't going to lie, he's liked Y/n since he met her. Pansy was a distraction, and it obviously didn't work.
When they arrived at Y/n's apartment Mattheo followed her up the stairs to her front door.
"I don't think it was a mistake," Mattheo said, catching her attention, "I've been wanted to do that, ever since I met you."
Mattheo nodded.
"Took you long enough," She said.
Mattheo rolled her eyes and leaned in and kissed her again.
It was a mistake at first, but mistakes make good stories, and good stories, have a happy ending.
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lvvgyu · 6 months
Stay for me..? pt.2
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Contents -
MDNI!! 🔞🔞
Word count - 1.6k
Overstimulation (m.rec), squirting (m.rec), forced orgasms (m.rec), sub!gyu. Mentions of leaving for someone else.
Since watching that video, you kept glancing over at your phone. Wondering if it truly is too soon to end this break.
It had only been a day since the video was sent, you should probably grow some balls here and tell Beomgyu that he overstepped by sending it. Let alone even going through with such perverse actions.
But can you?..
I mean, it would be much worse if you disliked whatever it was that Beomgyu had sent in attempts to get you back. Accept, that you didn't dislike it. At ALL.
Sure! It infuriated you, but you didn't necessarily hate it. How could you hate it? Beomgyu was the one who sent it, after all. If you hated it, wouldn't that mean you'd have to hate him as well?
After not even 48 hours, you grab your keys and head to his apartment. Cursing yourself on the way there for being so weak.
It’s not like you could help it, Beomgyu was the prettiest of them all. He knew exactly how to get anything he wanted with just a bat of his pretty lashes.
Beomgyu would often use people’s silly little crushes on him as an advantage, especially in the clubs he'd frequented before he met you.
He’d allow the strangers to pay for all his drinks, male or female. He’d never even lay a finger on them, just bat his cute lashes and flash his pretty smile for a few seconds. Then in the end?
He’d go home, alone.
That is until he met you at the bar...
“Can I get you a drink?”
Your voice was something new to Beomgyu, nothing like the rest of the drunk idiots who surrounded him normally. Paired with your smile, Beomgyu instantly knew you were different.
He let his gaze fall on you for longer than ever before, finding you hard to tear his eyes from.
Beomgyu only tore his eyes away when you cleared your throat and repeated yourself once more. He nodded and finally let a few words slip past his lips.
“Yeah..of course you can.”
Fuck, you think. If you hadn't offered him that drink, maybe this wouldn't be happening right now.
You step out of the car and head up to his apartment, taking a deep breath before knocking twice.
Beomgyu hurried to the door. When he opened it to see you standing there, he smiled innocently and opened the door wider.
“Baby, you're back! Why so so—”
His words are quickly interrupted when he’s forced into the apartment roughly. The front door shuts with a loud slam as you push Beomgyu against the wall, not even hesitating to kiss him.
Your leg slipped between both of his as you kiss him hungrily. Beomgyu was completely stunned, you’d never been rough with him before like this…
He hoped that you wouldn't be too upset about the video, he knew it was wrong to send, to even do! But he just couldn't help himself, he was so in love with you…
He’d never let you leave.
“Strip, now.”
You demand, your voice sending shivers down Beomgyu’s spine.
Beomgyu doesn't hesitate to do so, removing his sweatpants and his hoodie as if they were burning his skin. He stares at you with pleading eyes, begging you to touch him somehow.
He guided your hand toward his hard cock, thrusting into your palm. Beomgyu couldn't help but throw his head back, allowing you more access to his throat.
To no surprise, you yank your hand away from Beomgyu’s hold and laugh at his desperate attempt at getting you to help him get off.
He lets out the prettiest whine, letting out soft pleas. They all fall on deaf ears though, your hands moving up to flick his pretty nipples. Beomgyu can't help but buck against you, desperately wanting you to look him in the eye again.
You stumble into the bedroom with him, straddling him on the bed and gently caressing his chest.
“The fuck was that video, hm?.. You knew exactly what you were doing when you sent it to me, humping my pillow like a puppy in heat..”
You tease. Beomgyu whines again and lets out only small whimpers and moans.
“M’sorry..m’sorry, jus wanted you back! Needed you to come back to m—ah!”
His pleas are quickly interrupted as you grip his hard cock, stroking it slowly.
It was some sort of relief, but not nearly what Beomgyu wanted from you. He needed more than this teasing. He needed you to tell him that you loved him, to tell you that he's your precious baby, that you love him like no other.
“Please baby, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry..”
He slurs, his eyes filling up with tears so quickly at the denial of your affection.
You can't help but pity him, but this is what he deserves for being such a naughty boy. Sniffing your panties and humping your pillow? You shouldn't even be allowing him your presence…
You cradle his face gently and brush the tears from his eyes. He has to be punished somehow, but..how?
You decide that you’ll aid him with more of your touch, like the good girlfriend you are!
You stroke his cock slowly, letting your finger graze over the tip in a teasing manner. His cock had already been dripping with precum in just a few minutes, his cock twitching wildly.
“Faster please, faster-“
His hips writhe against your touch, moaning so prettily at just the simple touch of your fingers.
You grant him with his wish, he wants it faster? Who are you to deny him that?
You rub his tip continuously, deliberately torturing him with your movements. Beomgyu continue letting out pretty pleas.
He groaned and gripped your hand, pleading with you to do more to him.
“Please, please baby..I’ve been bad, but I wanna-..hah..I wanna be good for you, just wanted you to stay. Need you here, nee-..Mmh~ Need you to stay here, okay? don’t leave, don’t ever leav-“
Beomgyu’s words were constantly interrupted by his broken moans. He was worked up by nothing but just your touch.
“I know baby, I know..I promise I’ll stay. I love you, beomie..”
You say. You don’t know if you truly believe your words, but you know that its what Beomgyu wants to hear.
At your words, Beomgyu spills all over your hand. His eyebrows furrowing, mouth agape as he cums all over your fingers.
“Thank you, thank you-“
He gasps, his orgasm subsiding. When you don’t stop though, Beomgyu’s eyes shoot open.
He gazes up at you with half lidded eyes, filled with unshed tears. He gasps as you stroke his cock faster. He shakes his head, his eyes falling shut.
“I cant- I cant..”
He pants, squirming away from your touch. When you place your hands on his hips to keep him there, Beomgyu lets out the neediest moan.
“Don’t you want to make me happy baby? Stay still for me beomie..”
Beomgyu sobs, shaking his head gently.
“You can. And if you don’t, what’s stopping me from finding someone else, who could be good for me? I’m sure Yeonjun would love to do it..”
Your words are harsh when they come out. Yet they arent true..You couldn’t leave Beomgyu even if you really tried, even if it killed you to stay with him.
Something flashes in Beomgyu’s eyes at your words. He stares at you for a few seconds before closing his eyes and letting out a soft moan. His grip on you tightens as he lets his head fall back.
You don’t miss it, the look.
“M’gonna cum again..M-“
Beomgyu babbles, thrusting into your palm. You remove your hand from his cock and go back to focusing on the tip, rubbing your palm over his tip quickly.
His mouth falls open once more and he whines loudly. Spilling his seed onto your fingers once again.
He stops complaining, he knows you wont be stopping anytime soon. He can’t help but feel that there’s truth to your words..Would you really leave him for Yeonjun?
Beomgyu reaches for your free hand, bringing it up to his lips. He sucks on your fingers as you stroke his spent cock.
He looks up at you, with those pretty eyes. Pleading for something. What that is? He’s not sure.
He just needs you.
You rub your palm over his tip, going back to stroking him every once in a while.
After every orgasm, Beomgyu would plead for you to stop. He’s not sure if that’s actually what he wanted, or if he just said it because he had nothing else to say in the moment.
His cries once again fell on deaf ears, as you used his cute cock to your liking.
After the 4th orgasm, Beomgyu stopped counting. Drool dribbled down his chin as the torture continued.
On one particular orgasm, Beomgyu felt different. He gasped and mumbled.
“Wait, wait no- I cant..I cant cum any-“
A loud, broken moan from interrupted his words. A clear liquid spilling all over his chest and your fingers.
His thighs twitched, and his breath trembled. He brought his hands up to your face, desperately wanting to kiss you.
“Use your words, Beomie..what do you want, hm?..”
You tease. You know exactly what he wants, he’s pursing his lips cutely and gesturing towards you.
He says, weakly.
You smile and caress his cheek, letting your gaze fall on his adorable face. Beomgyu pouts, batting his eyelashes at you cutely.
You give in, and kiss his lips gently.
Pulling away from the kiss, Beomgyu rests his head on the pillow. Mumbling about how tired he is.
You laugh and nod, standing up to grab a cloth from the bathroom. Beomgyu pouts and grips your arm. his voice is gentle, and yet you can’t shake the feeling that theres something sinister beneath his words.
“Stay for me?…”
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reareaotaku · 8 months
can you do five hargreeves yandere hcs??
i have a whole blog for tua
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He's very mean to you. Like he has made you cry. [He'll apologize obviously, but he doesn't understand why you're crying. He didn't say anything bad. He doesn't realize he's being an asshole]
It's his way of showing his love
He criticizes everything you do. It does get a little annoying but you know that he doesn't intentionally hurt your feelings. If he wanted to hurt your feelings, by god you would know
Klaus finds out about you on accident, though it's not like Five hides you. He doesn't care if people know he's with you, because he knows no one would dare try anything, but he would want to keep his family at bay, especially the fucking drug addict
But he should have known better, because Klaus can never keep to himself
"Oh, who are you?"
"I'm Y/n?"
"Oh? What are you doing here?"
"I'm with Five?"
Klaus shakes his head, thinking he misheard you, "Who?"
Okay, so Klaus did hear you right. You must be at the wrong house because there's no way you're talking about his brother, Five
"Are you at the wrong house? Like Five the guy who drinks black coffee and is a jack ass to everyone?"
"Yeah. That Five"
Klaus grabs your face, looking down at you in pity, "Oh, you poor thing"
Five was not pleased with the scene
"Klaus what are you doing?" He'll look over his brother's shoulder, only to be surprised when seeing you
"Hi, Five," You'll speak through your squished cheeks
"Let her go, you idiot." Five will get you away from Klaus, but not before he [5] glares at him [Klaus]
"Your brother's nice"
Five looks up at you, "You don't have to be a suck up. You don't have to like them"
You frown, a little upset by Five's words, but you know he's not meaning to be rude. He just genuinely doesn't think you like them and you're just being nice, because that's how you are. He also knows how his family really is and you would never like people like them
Speaking on that, he is scared sometimes that you'll realize he's an asshole and that you could do better and leave him
Granted, you'll never find someone with his abilites, so he tries to use it to his advantages in your relationship. He wants you to be dependent on him
He steals your independence away in fear you'll leave. He has never loved someone like he loves you, so he can't lose you
He'd let the world burn if that's what he had to do to make sure you stayed with him
He always makes sure to find the version of you, when he's in another time line. He doesn't want to go through making you fall back in love with him, but he can't stand seeing you with anyone else, no matter what time line he's in. You have to be with him, you're soulmates, how can you not see that?
You [Different Timeline version] think he's terrifying and scary, but you're pretty much stuck with him and you can't run away
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llamagoddessofficial · 8 months
Hey llama, I was thinking about the p&p servant au, and I was wondering how would mc react to all of the guys attending a party she's serving at? Would it upset her to see Sans being haughty with other humans?
HOHOHOHO... I would assume at this point she's not yet one of Skull's servants. She belongs to someone else, someone who doesn't appreciate her like they do.
Sans: As much as he wants to immediately seek her out and take up all of her time, to talk to only her... he understands that it's a very busy party, and she's working. He steals her for a little bit of polite conversation, but he doesn't trap her- he doesn't want her to get in trouble. He's very kind to her, as he always is... admiring her from afar, catching her in quiet corners whenever he can, and openly scowling at anyone who comments about her. She enjoys finding ways to sneak a few hushed words with him in passing, and she loves the genuine delight on his face when he sees her in the crowd.
Would she be upset by Sans being haughty? No, not at all. Sans is only like that with people of his station or higher, never with servants. For her, there's honestly something really enjoyable about watching Sans be shitty to the kinds of people who are often the cruellest to her. He gets to say and do the things she wishes she could.
Red: She loves when Red shows up. All the staff do. Even before she knew him personally, she enjoyed when he appeared at events- Red is the life of the party, and often ends up causing some kind of scene that becomes talk of the town. Excessive drinking, ruinously beating someone at cards, pitting two idiots against each other until they get into a fight... all the servants knew that if Red was there, it was going to be a delightfully gossip-filled night in the staff quarters. Especially since Red was absolutely the type to woo any of the particularly eye-catching servants.
She likes him even more after meeting him. Because Red is excellent at distracting the other party members- most importantly, he distracts the host, usually immediately after shooting her a wink. Without her employer breathing down her neck she can get some rest in the middle of an otherwise completely action-packed night.
Skull: If Skull showed up to a party, that's a huge win for the host, and a ridiculous amount of social clout for them. So if Skull appears at the house, and expresses any open interest in Mc (which of course he will)... her employer will basically command her to be Lord Skull's personal entertainer for the evening. "Do whatever is necessary to keep our guest happy. Understand?"
If Red is there to third wheel and keep the conversations going, Mc and Skull would both probably actually have a lot of fun. Red knows his friend very well, and he can quickly and easily 'translate' for him to keep her engaged and relaxed. She likes getting to chat and eat, and Skull is just absolutely delighted that she's sat close enough for him to see her eyes.
If, for some reason, Red isn't there... it might be a bit more awkward. Skull will follow her around like an overly affectionate cat, but he gets overcome with shyness the moment she tries to start anything resembling a conversation. She'd still enjoy it, though- sitting with a silent guy who likes to stare still beats working.
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prettyboypistol · 8 months
How the TF2 Mercs De-stress/Manage Anger
Actually a stereotypical movie bad boy about it. Cigarette, batting cage, and punching bags his emotions out. Shouts at people and shoves them out of his way, throat closed up in welled up emotions, his lungs refusing to give him air as the tightness of slamming against the metaphorical wall of frustration feels like it kills him inside. You know what? Being so tired you can barely register the world around? It's better than feeling like an elephant trapped in a jam jar.
Works out and represses the expressions unless he's in battle. That's actually where he gets most of his energy. He thinks of all the shit that pissed him off or made him feel small and uses that flicker of rage as the start of the firecracker of a soldier on the field. Doesn't talk about his emotions much and doesn't see any need to. Yeah, a few drinks in and he gets sappy, but that's normal. Anger usually gets metal pipes bent or people's faces bashed in. Usually both.
Expresses anger and stress as overexcitabiliy and hyperactivity. A constant overstimulation mode. Referencing the comics, Pyro won't hesitate to kill a bitch knowingly if they are pissed off. They're the reason it's called a "crime of passion". High spikes of anger followed by a low simmer of calmness. Actually pretty good about deep breaths when it comes to mild annoyances or daily stress, but the over the top bullshit absolutely gets an over the top reaction.
Intimidation and powerplay is the name of Heavy's game. Sharp glares and a clear body message of "I will snap your spine if you breathe near me." This comes from his time in the gulag, when he had to keep himself and his family safe. Looking murderous when upset had a lot of advantages. When it actually comes to relieving the anger, he's an isolationist. Def thinks over the situation over and over again as he distracts himself with one of his hobbies. Usually not reading because his mind wanders off too much to focus on the pages.
Hyperactive workaholic. He locks himself in his workshop and doesn't leave until he makes something either revolutionary or a man made horror you could only fathom in your nightmares. Whatever, he can sell it to the Administrator as a torture device. Who cares. Engie isn't much of a talker so much as he is a ranter. He grumbles and shouts to himself in a one way conversation as he tightens that one bolt that gave him trouble. Only once has he dented one of his sentries with his wrench when the energy was too much to comprehend.
As is his usual solution, he drinks. He drinks and he talks. It doesn't matter to who or even if people are with him. Talking and bitching helps him to understand the situation, get his feelings validated, and develop more points of view. If that doesn't work, there's always testing his explosives. That release of emotions as he watches the burn pile explode is cathartic in a way. Pyro usually joins in and watches the fire, giving Demo someone to talk to.
Also an isolationist, but you couldn't tell either way unless you pissed him off while talking to him. If it's just him, then you wouldn't even know that motherfucker was milliseconds away from starting a fight. Mutters to himself softly, barely able to hear the words himself as he shoots at sodacans and empty food containers all lined up by his van. Long drives while music plays in the background is one of his guilty pleasures when he can get away with it. If you ask what's bothering him he'll have a 50/50 between shrugging and saying a dismissive "it's nothing, just woke up wrong" or will barely explain it, but get the just of it accurately.
Tries to work through it physically, not emotionally. Man's has never talked about his emotions in his life and you won't make him start now. Usually very bitchy when something pisses him off, and his weapon of choice is personal insults. It's a funny thing really. He needs to feel superior by putting others down because the anger and stress makes him feel weak. There is only one good way to snap him out of a bad mood: casually praise him. "Nice work, Spy." "I knew I could count on you." "Thanks Spy, you're a lifesaver." Are instant soothers. It's nice to be acknowledged.
Workaholic worse than Engie. This man is really out here about to create an elderitch horror because he stubbed his toe and spilled his coffee. Strained smiles and snide comments are his language when he's had a bad day. If someone directly irritates him, that man is a solid 6'1 minimum and is built. He will and continue to physically intimidate people. Has violent fantasies as a cope.
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ghouljams · 6 months
Okay hear me out Gaz with a darling who's a nursing student, but they got their CNA(certified nursing assistant) certification in highschool through you're high school trade school program, got your LPN(license practical nurse), and is currently working on get your RN(registered nurse) with your final goal of getting their LNP(licensed nurse practitioner). You could meet in the ER because he worked himself too hard didn't sleep forgot to drink and eat and just thump Price and Soap rushed the poor man to the hospital. All he remembers is he hit the ground and he wakes up to quite the pretty nurse tending to him.
He finds out later that his nurse is still a student and is actually in a couple of his classes and starts seeing you everywhere in classes, at the library, student events, parties that Soap throws, finds out you're even in the band program. How the hell did he not notice such a pretty little thing for so long?
-Hot mess rambler
P.s. I'm sorry (not) for giving you an idea for price's darling
OK. OK OK OK OK I have a thought, and also multiple "people going to the hospital" stories from college. I do love love love Gaz fainting, but I also love this one story I have and I need you to tell me which one sounds more fun.
Gaz has noticed you. He sees you in band, sees you in the library, walking to classes, he spots you at student events. You're hard not to notice, you're gorgeous, radiant, you laugh a little too loud and he loves you for it. He's got no time to take you out though. That's the problem. He would've talked to you by now but his schedule is insane and he has no time to date, and you deserve to be wooed. You deserve to date someone who has time for you. He's working on it, working with Price to figure out his schedule for next semester so he can have time for you. GOD you don't even know he exists but he is making time for you.
He's out with Soap having a dart at some shitty college bar when he hears from someone inside that you're seeing someone. Maybe it's the alcohol, maybe it's the upset that he didn't get to you first, but Gaz punches a dumpster. No half measures, he hits the cool metal hard and he feels his knuckles crunch as much as he hears them. Soap stares at him and calls Price for a ride to the hospital while Gaz spits and swears. "Yeah, no, Gaz punched a dumpster," Soap crouching to inspect it, "There is a dent, aye good on ya Gaz."
And of course who should he see when he gets settled in the ER, who's bandaging his hand? You of course. Working an ER shift between classes and just as radiant as always even in scrubs. No, especially in scrubs. He thought you were a student, then again he doesn't really know anything about you except that you're gorgeous and taken. You ask Soap what happened because Gaz is too busy staring at you to be conversational. You laugh, just a little too loud, when he tells you that Gaz punched a dumpster. "Alcohol will do that," you smile at him, and Gaz feels like he's staring at the sun.
And maybe it's the alcohol, maybe it's the painkiller you gave him, maybe it's the way you smile at him like you could stop the world with a glance, but he can't stop his mouth from moving. "I'd be good to ya, break up wi' your boyfriend," he slurs. Soap wheezes, leans over to clutch his stomach he laughs so hard. You give him a look of utter confusion.
"I don't have a boyfriend," you tell him, "hardly have time to sleep between this and classes." You lean over Gaz and he sits up a bit to sniff you, just enough to smell hospital soap and the last dredge of your perfume. "Is he always like this?" You ask Soap.
"Nah 'e's fuckin' trollied," Soap manages between giggles, "sober 'im up an' he's class."
"Right," you smile again, God you should smile all the time Gaz never wants you to stop smiling. You look at him and he must look like a fool the way Soap sputters and laughs. "Why don't you ask me out when you sober up," You grin, like it's a private joke between the two of you. It is most certainly not a joke to Gaz.
"I will," He tells you, deathly serious. Your smile softens a little and you grab a pen from your pocket. You hold Gaz's arm still and carefully write down your name and phone number, making sure it's legible before you let him take a look at it. "Bet," He grins.
"This'll be a great story for your kids," Soap says, leaning to inspect your penmanship.
"Gotta get a ring now," Gaz agrees. You laugh and leave them to their plotting, sure you won't hear from your patient in the morning.
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catcze · 10 months
do you have more hybrid wriothesley thoughts?
i know you think he'd be a dog hybrid but what about the obvious, wolf?
I HAVE MANY MANY MANY THOUGHTS bUT i will put them in points for my own sanity and so that i do not break my keyboard from typing ajksndajkakjs
I tried to,,, contain myself,,, as an exercise of self control,,,, but I still ended up writing smthn a little long TT
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Wriothesley who is literally super soft, but only when he's around you.
Most people see him as the duke, as the admin of the fortress. He's got a fearsome reputation as someone who doesn't take any shit, and for good reason. He's not someone to be fucked with, in the least. The only exception to this rule is you. Wriothesley actually turns clingy when you're in his vicinity. Always turning his head so he can keep you in his peripheral vision, always making sure that you don't seem upset. The moment he sees a frown marring your face, he's striding over to you, a hand on your shoulder and quietly asking if you're alright.
He's... a bit more protective than you would have initially thought. Must be a wolf thing, you guess.
It was the most evident the first time both of you had went to Sumeru on a leisurely trip to see more of Teyvat. Neither of you could have expected accidentally triggering one of those strange machines in the desert, nor the hostility that it showed towards the both of you. Now, you were competent in a fight, and Wriothesley already knew that beforehand, but he still took it upon himself to place himself between the construct and you, infusing his gauntlets with Cryo and taking it out before you could even do anything. And then, instead of even checking himself over, he had rushed over to your perfectly fine self, checking over you and making sure you were okay.
He's always incredibly delighted to see you, and if you're alright with it, he likes to be connected to you in some way, shape or form.
Wriothesley is basically your living, walking blanket. Any chance he can get, he drapes himself on your back, practically flopping on you and leaving you to yelp and deal with the sudden weight you're burdened with. It's fun to mess with you while still holding you close, he reasons to himself. You grumble and sigh about how this is the third time I've dropped my drink because of you, Wriothesley, but you can tolerate it, you suppose, when he always looks so pleased when he's with you.
Wolfboy Wriothesley would be more,,, flirtatious, than dogboy wriothesley 👀👀
Wolfboy Wriothesley knows the effect he has on you. He knows how embarrassed you get when he holds you hand and keeps you by his side in front of other people. He knows how you react to his playful, flirty quips and his banter, and he just can't get enough of any of it. He says some of the simplest shit, but he's so rizzed when he says it that it becomes flirty !! With how he says it, he can make you feel so so so confident in yourself for the entire day, and it makes sure that you know how into you he is, so it's a win-win in his book.
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remember-the-fanfics · 3 months
You Got Wings!
In which the wings won the poll so now Genz!Overlord!Reader with wings
• You have wings! Bird wings! Any color
• You can make them disappear when you want but you'll only do that if it inconvenients you or people around you like in a meeting.
• You had to find a book on how to take of birds to figure out how to take care of them
• Learning how to fly was a struggle before you were an Overlord because everyone thought you were an easy target when you fell from the sky.
• You finally got the hang of it after becoming an Overlord, now flying anywhere.
• Your wings will reflect your emotions,
• Happy? They are up and fluffier. You usually run around who or what making you happy for a minute.
• Sad? They are lowerer, you have to make sure the don't drag and catch on something sometimes.
• Anger? Flared out, ruffled. Makes you look bigger than you are.
• Have only offered flights to your close friends, most like to stay on the ground.
• Charlie is the only one who will aways go for a flight, reminds her of her dad.
• You only flown with Vaggie once, while still inside the hotel.
• She thanked you and said hights just weren't for her.
• You noticed she had a sad look in her eyes.
• No one let's you fly with Niffty anymore.
"I thought I left a note."
"You were gone for 3 days!"
• They'll never know what the two of you did and why you were gone for so long
• Alastor doesn't like being touch so he wouldn't let you have flights with him.
• But will watch you fly from the balcony while drinking his tea
• Will ask you about the weather when you come back
• Has tried to get you to eat bird seed
• Angel Dust is just to tall and lanky to hold while flying.
• You tried, about broke one of you wings.
" 'is fine but help me up, yeah?"
• Husk will never fly with you, always to busy being the bartender.
• You give him sad puppy eyes everytime he says no.
• Sir Pentious doesn't trust you enough not to drop him
• It's not your fault he's just so slippery
• But let's you carry the Egg Boys
• Banned from trying to carry all of them at once
• When Charlie wants to put up a banner or something up high, it's usually you with Razzle and Dazzle.
• When you get to busy, forgetting to take care of your wings
• Which makes it a hassle when you're not busy.
• Husk has helped you before when you are just completely struggling with it
"Stay still!"
"I'm trying!"
• You get really upset if you accidentally hit someone with you wings
• Getting a sad face instantly, apologising quickly.
• Everyone at the hotel forgives you quickly
• You hides your wings for the next few days so it wouldn't happen again
• Charlie quickly tells you that your wings are fine. That you don't mean to hit anyone when you do.
• Then Angel Dust sqared you that they popped out ruffled and ready to fly
"See you didn't hit me then when you had a reason to so stop hiddin' them."
• You've ended up napping in front of a window multiple times because the sun feels so nice on your wings
• Plus along with the sun, you don't even need a cover to nap with, your wings can do it.
• After fighting some dumbass sinners trying to harass your people, which they injured one of your wings.
• Needing to go to the only other person you knew with wings for help but you can't just be seen as an injured Overlord walking where others could try to fight you more.
• So you call Charlie, the only one you knew that had a car in hell.
• After the awkward conversation of telling you were injured, her panicking, telling her not to panic, and then hearing her tell Razzle and Dazzle to get the car and that she'll be right over.
• Half the hotel decided to come as well
• Charlie, Vaggie, and Husk, along with Razzle and Dazzle.
• They will get you in the car as quickly and comfortable as possible, trying not to get you more hurt.
• Husk will quickly try and bandage your wing the best he can while Vaggie and Charlie ask the who, what, why, and hoe.
• Charlie had to hold Vaggie back from finding the ones who injured you and hurting them more than you already had.
• Telling Vaggie that they were already taken care off then having to clarify that you didn't kill them.
"See I'm fine!"
"You really aren't."
"...I'm better than I was 5 minutes ago."
• The next week while being at the hotel everyone hovered over you, making sure you didn't try and overwork yourself.
• Which you would have tried if Charlie hadn't locked you out of your room/office.
• Husk would check on your wing and make sure it heals correctly.
• After it's healed, you had to get use to fly again.
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
Hi!! I was hoping you could do skz getting protective over their SO. Thank you!!
stray kids getting protective over their s/o
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genre: general, romance
word count: 0.8k
warnings: not proofread
pls like and reblog if you enjoy <3
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heh... we see how protective he is with the other members. that whole moving speech in one of their concerts about promising to protect them, his fans, the staff, etc... and the pure emotion behind those words; you can tell he meant every single word. chan is protective by nature. it is a quality quite clearly blended in his dna strands. so it goes without say that he will be very protective over his s/o, very protective indeed. no one has a chance ag hruting or upsetting you when he's around.
lee know
you knew minho was protective before you even started dating. you liked that about him; it showed he worried for you a lot more than he cared to let on. because we all know minho doesn't let on what he is thinking too easily. but you knew. you always knew. and now that you guys are dating, you can see his protectiveness take a knew light. he won't let you walk home and night, for one thing. "no, i'll come and get you." "but i'm right across town." "shut up, i'm on my way now." because he just loves you. and if your walking through town with him at night, he always has an arm wrapped around you whenever he can.
i feel like he's more subtle with his protectiveness. like he is protective for sure but in his own way. because of his quite chill, laid-back personality, his protectiveness doesn't come across as passionately or strongly as the others. he will do thinks like hold your drink at the club for you or keep an eye out to make sure a person you dislike isn't near you. and he will whisper to you if you are uncomfortable or want to leave. stuff like that he's good at. he's great in situations where you don't want to make too much of a fuss.
he doesn't see himself as the protective type. but the truth is, hyunjin is quietly protective. despite his usual dramatic flare, in social situations he's more calm and to himself. but he makes sure he has a watchful eye on you without even realising it. especially if you are someone who is not as confident around people or find it hard to turn down advances towards you. he's there if you need him. will have a protective arm around your waist or arm, keeping you close to him and providing you with all the support you need.
hahahaaaa han is very interesting with regards to this topic. he doens't reallyyy get protective unless he's super jealous of someone. then he is quite keen to intercept in his own jisungie way. he will usually do his classic, go-to move of sliding an arm around your shoulder or a hand on your waist, pulling you closer to him as he grins and introduces himself to the person who was quite clearly flirting with you not moments ago. yeah, no one gets to his baby.
felix may not seem like the protective type at first glance, but he is, trust me. he always stands up for you and protects you in social aspects. for instance, if your name is ever mentioned in a negative way, he is quick to counteract that person. he also makes sure to protect you emotionally, looking out for your feelings and making sure your emotional needs are being met. it's what makes him the sweetest guy out there; he supports you no matter what.
he's always got your back. and what's better is that he can read you like a book. just one look from you and he knows exactly what you're saying; it's as if he is reading your thoughts. when you want to escape a party, he can see it in your eyes, and immediately come up with an excuse to leave, taking you by the arm and walking out with you. when someone is making you uncomfortable, he sees the shift in your eyes, and his jaw automatically clenched as he steps in straight away.
not as protective as the others. or at least, has what he thinks. but it's his instincts that suggest otherwise. suddenly he's pulling you over to the other side of the path so you're not near the road. or he's taking off his coat and shielding you from torrential rain when you forget to bring a coat yourself. little things like that you notice. but he questions if he's being protective at all. no, to him, this is just what being a good boyfriend is all about.
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