#i'm sorry for this i just don't want another situation like I had yesterday
endlesscacophony · 2 years
I also wanted to point out a section of my rules under the ‘Triggers’ section - If you would be so kind as to tag ‘emetophobia’ even if it’s just referencing a joke in your tags, I would greatly appreciate it!
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moon7jay · 5 months
Can u make a jake or( whatever member u want)make up sex ? If not it's okay! 💗🐣
Ofc I can bb 🫶actually was already working on a hurt comfort fic before you requested it
love on you (s.jy)
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Idol!jake x artist!reader
Warnings : angst ,hurt-comfort, smut, fluff, reader is insecure
Wc : 4.5k
"Man you didn't tell us y/n won an award wtf" jay's words sounded like static to jake's ears
"What? " He questioned through his hoarse voice, his head throbbing because of the constant state of moving his body had been in for the past few days. He doesn't remember when he last slept for more than 4 hours
"She just posted it on her story, check it out if you even care bro" jay scoffed and left the room, his voice condescending and accusing.
jake's brows furrowed while he automatically reached for his phone
"What do you mean if I even care? " he muttered to himself, feeling anger rise up in his chest at jay's tone.
His thumb swiped at your profile and clicked on your story, all anger leaving his body when he saw your figure holding the golden trophy while standing in front of the mirror, your face hidden from the flashlight of your phone.
His heart sank to his stomach and dread filled up his chest when he realised the gravity of the situation
"fuck" He muttered and rubbed his temples, heart running a mile per minute. What had he done.
He quickly clicked on his notifs and saw a couple of messages from you dated yesterday
"Shit baby I'm so sorry" he muttered, the throbbing in his chest reaching fever pitch, an ugly feeling rearing it's head in his chest when he finally read your messages
[5:40 pm] I'm wearing the blue dress that you love so much tonight :), tell me how I look
[5:40 pm] (photo attachment)
jake clicked on the picture and he wanted to cry. You looked like a fucking goddess. God you were beautiful, you were so beautiful he was questioning how you were real.... how you were his
[6:30 pm] I'm feeling nervous, can't wait for you to be here, I just need to hold your hand for a bit, only for a bit I promise :(
[7:21 pm] you aren't coming are you
[3:30 am] (audio message)
jake's heart felt like it was tearing apart in two, he had fucked up so bad and he didn't think there was anything he could do to make this right.
There were missed calls from you after that last message and finally an audio message that sat staring at jake ominously
He rubbed his palm over his face and finally pressed play with trembling fingers
"Hi babyy i miss you- you slurred, your voice was shaky and he could tell that you were drunk when you recorded this message ,intoxication dripped from your tone
"Where even are you? Busy? Did you at least eat today baby?" he didn't deserve it, he didn't deserve your concern or love, he didn't fucking deserve you
"I hope you did- there was a pause - I haven't eaten- your voice sounded solemn all of a sudden, as if you were deep in your thoughts now, ur voice was hoarse like you had been crying
"Don't feel like eating ...... I waited for you- a sharp inhale, shit, you were crying. jake felt his own eyes dampen at hearing your first sniffle, he hated when you cried. He hated that he was the reason why.
"I feel stupid now" You whispered and then laughed condescendingly
"I mean, it's not like it was an important award anyway... just a stupid art exhibition. It's not like my art is that good anyway, I'm honestly questioning if they gave me that award cuz they needed a female in the merit list"
Wrong. You were amazing. And if anyone deserved that award it was you.
But jake didn't remember the last time he had told you that.
another sniffle
"You have more important stuff to do and i get that. And i told myself I won't cry today but here I am- you giggled through your sobs- I look so stupid right now, I bet I sound even more stupid everytime I annoy you with my stupid fucking feelings"
No you don't, he loves you, you are his everything, he wanted to say
"But I'm trying to change i promise.... I haven't been keeping track of our anniversaries anymore since the last time you told me it was childish and you had better things to do with your time"
jake closed his eyes and let a single tear fall down his cheek, god he regretted it everyday, he regretted opening his stupid mouth and talking to you that way every damn day. He had wished you would forget about it after he apologized to you but of course you haven't. That kind of hurt cannot be forgotten so easily
"It hurts but i manage... it's hard to manage tonight, I don't know why.... maybe because I can't stop expecting things to change, hoping that one day I would wake up and I'll be your priority again " You were full on hiccuping through sobs now
"God I'm so stupid and I wore this stupid fucking dress cuz I felt beautiful... not anymore tho, I don't feel beautiful when you aren't there to tell me I am..... you just matter so much to me and it kills me that I won't ever matter even half as much to you"
jake cursed and threw his phone aside while you still talked, holding his head in both hands, jake let himself cry
He let himself cry for all the times he'd hurt your self esteem so much it made you want to change, he cried for all the times he watched your smile fall cuz he couldn't be there for the stuff you wanted to do
He let himself cry for making you feel like you were less of a person just because you got excited over small things and little gestures mattered to you
He cried because he had been hurting the one person who made his life worth living, so much to the point that you had started to make yourself smaller. He had made you shrink.
"You are my first and last everything jake.. and i know you are an important person and have to hide it from the world that you have a girlfriend but i just feel like... Maybe in an effort to make everyone else believe that i don't exist, you started to believe it too.... and i don't even blame you. I've always been forgettable"
His phone dinged to signal the message had ended so he pressed play again. And again. And again. He doesn't remember how long he sat there listening to your sobs and heart wrenching pain. The pain that he had caused.
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jake hadn't felt this kind of fear ever before. Not even when he had moved to a foreign country alone. He was losing his mind, dark circles under his eyes as he sat outside your apartment door. You weren't here, he knew that, he'd been coming to see you everyday but no sign of you. A locked door. That's all he was greeted with for the past 1 week.
Your phone was switched off, no calls or messages, no way of knowing how you were doing and where you were. Had you really left him for good this time? Would he never be able to hold you in his arms again? Hear your giggles and taste your sweet kisses? Was this your goodbye?
That was the thought that had him breaking down completely in his car in the middle of nowhere as he drove around looking for you aimlessly.
just once, he needed to see u once.
He wiped his tears and dialed jay's number
"I need you to do me a favor"
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You missed him. You missed him so much it hurt. Were you being too harsh on him? You weren't doing it on purpose, you just didn't feel like you were capable of facing him right now, too embarrassed and feeling exposed after you sent that stupid voice note. A drunk mistake.
What if he broke up with you? What if he hated you now ?
You sobbed into your pillows in your childhood bedroom, crying yourself to sleep, imagining his arms around you, shushing you softly, telling you he loved you
God you don't even remember the last time he told you he loved you.
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His knees buckled when his eyes fell on you. There you were, so fucking beautiful, so fucking tempting he had to physically stop himself from running to you and taking you in his arms. You weren't smiling and that's what made his heart clench. As long as he'd known you, you were always smiling, you were his personal little cheerleader.
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"Y/n look who's here to meet you" your mother's voice made you jolt, almost dropping the antique case that you were cleaning.
And you almost dropped it again when your questioning eyes met his dark ones. Your heart started beating unbearably fast, your palms sweaty as you placed the case back on the counter with shaky hands
"you didn't tell me you had friends back in the city y/n! And such a handsome one at that- your mother cooed, wiggling her eyebrows at jake whose ears turned red - anyways, you kids talk while I bring you guys snacks" your mother said and disappeared around the corner, leaving you and the reason of your escape from the city alone. You stood there fidgeting with your fingers, the silence sitting heavy on you while you made it a point to look nowhere else except your feet.
After a few foreboding seconds which felt like hours you saw his shoes come into your line of vision, moving closer to your feet
Your hands gripped onto your skirt harshly when you felt his big hands cup both of your cheeks and move your face up to look into his eyes. His face inches from yours.
"Baby.. " he whispered and that's all you had to hear before breaking down, your vision becoming blurry and harsh sobs escaping your lungs
"God I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry sweetheart I'm so fucking sorry" His voice cooed, thumbs swiping at your cheeks to wipe your tears, kissing your cheeks and eyes to calm your heavy breathing
Your hands moved up to fist the shirt on his chest and you closed your eyes to finally let it all out, crying and sobbing your pain out, so hurt and so upset from what things had come to.
He pulled your heaving body into his arms and circled his arms so tight around you, as if afraid of losing you. You sobbed your heart out in the crook of his neck while he apologized to you, whispering countless confessions into your ears
"I love you, I love you so much baby, I'm sorry I haven't shown it to you enough" he whispered and you hiccuped in his chest, letting the hurt and disappointment wash over you, hearing him say he loved you already healing a part of you
His guilt ridden voice had you eventually giving in and wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling back to stare into his eyes, small sniffles leaving your lips as u observed his tired face. Your hand cupped his cheek and he leaned into your touch, kissing your palm. You traced the heavy dark circles beneath his eyes, his irises were red rimmed and exhausted, hairs messy and uncombed
"How long since u slept?" You asked in your hoarse voice
He stared into your eyes, giddy from feeling you close again, feeling too good cuz you were back in his arms
"2 weeks" He whispered and your eyes teared up again. You knew he had been harsh on himself because of his work, he was often sick, unable to sleep or rest and then there was you and your feelings
Who cared about your stupid feelings when this man in front in front of you couldn't even get proper fucking sleep? If anything, you were the extra baggage that he had been carrying around
"I'm sorry" You whispered and his brows furrowed "baby why? "
"because I'm so inconsiderate, I'm sorry I'm so demanding and - his lips cut your rambling off mid sentence, chapped lips pressed against your plump ones and he kissed you like he had never kissed you before. Desperate hands grabbed your waist while your own tangled In his hairs, pulling him closer to you. You were both hungry. No the better word would be starved. You were starved to the point that even a little brush of skin against each other was sending your heads reeling. The kiss tasted of despair and guilt, it reeked of frustration but most of all jake kissed you like he was scared.
"Wanting to feel loved isn't a demand sweetheart, I'm sorry i haven't been there for you, I'm sorry i haven't been making you feel like you are my priority, because you are. You have no idea what you mean to me baby, you're my little heart" he whispered into your mouth and you started crying again like the crybaby that you were. You were his crybaby tho, his to console and comfort. His to love.
He kissed you again, soft pecks all over your face, whispering things that he had never told you before, he didnt like talking about his feelings this way but the moment demanded vulnerability and he could do anything for you.
You were sure your mother had heard everything by now and that's why you didn't hesitate to drag jake into your childhood bedroom. The both of you snuggled in your bed and talked about your feelings for hours. Tears were shed on both sides but it was comforting in a sense, to clear everything up and come clean about what you both needed
"Will you wear that dress for me again? When we get home?" he asked, his fingers tracing patterns into your waist and you pouted at him
"you've lost that privilege" You teased , slapping his chest lightly
He stared deeply into your eyes, his gaze so serious it made your own smile drop
"I'd do anything to gain that privilege again, to see you look so beautiful for me,so fucking pretty for me" he whispered and you blushed, your head reeling from his words
"I'll wear it" You mumbled shyly, god you were weak for this man
He leaned into you to bite your cheek
"Yeah? you'd let me take it off you too won't you? Unwrap you like a present, just for me? "
You blushed harder, ears burning up, your fists hitting against his chest
"Pervert" you whispered and he chuckled, his hands wrapping around your body to pull you closer, nose burying in the crook of your neck, leaving small sensual kisses
"Can't help it baby I'm so down bad for you" he groaned into your neck, making you flinch slightly as it tickled. His hold on your waist was tight, squeezing you desperately
"you're seriously not thinking dirty things while my mom's down the hallway right? " You asked giggling even though your cheeks were red and flushed. It had been a while since you and jake had done anything like this, since you felt wanted by him like this
jake's pants tightened uncomfortably upon hearing your giggles. God you were so sweet, there was a reason his manager had been forbidding him from seeing you
You were a distraction. You were addicting. And anyone with two eyes could see that jake was addicted to you.
He had physically recoiled when his manager had told him to chose between his idol career and you, seeing how he was willing to sneak out to meet you, risking everything and putting everyone at stake
But jake had promised he would control himself. He couldn't live without you, even the thought of you not being there made his chest constrict. So he decided to stay away from you for a while. Even though it hurt , it surely hurt less than to stay away from you forever
"I was drunk and couldn't stop thinking about you" jake whispered, coming up to move your body, laying you on your back so that he could hover over you
"so i drank more and kept drinking till I couldn't feel my fingers"
Your wide doe eyes stared up at him curiously, wondering why he was telling you this all of a sudden
He brought his palm up to your face, stroking your cheek by the back of his hand, caressing you like he loved you
"I didn't forget about your award sweetheart, I was too drunk to remember anything at all, woke up hungover the next evening and i realized what I had done. In an effort to forget about you, I forgot everything else as well. I know it's not an excuse but i just need to tell you" He said, his expression guilty and distraught
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to yourself
"Why were you trying to forget about me? Why not just come see me? or call me? "
Your innocent questioning eyes made jake close his eyes in impending sorrow. He leaned down and kissed u deeply, tasting your hot mouth to stabilize himself before pulling back and telling you everything.
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You layed wide wake, stroking your fingers through jake's hair as he slept soundly snuggled into your chest. His soft snores and breath hitting your clavicle.
Honestly you weren't surprised that his manager had done such a thing. You weren't a fool, you noticed the hostile stares he would shoot your way everytime you went over to the boys' dorms or practice sessions. His eyes were always set on you in a glaring warning, as if to say, "you're not welcome here"
You hated that you understood where he was coming from. Being responsible for an entire group's reputation must be hard and your presence only made it harder.
You sighed and hugged jake's head closer to you, burying your nose in his hairs, breathing him in after so long. His hands were around your waist, grip so tight even in his sleep, it made you feel safe and so loved. This was all you wanted. Him in your arms, was that really too much to ask for?
You were still awake about two hours later, sleep just wouldn't come to you, head filled with so many thoughts. You tried slipping out from his grip to fetch water but his strong hands were pulling your body back into him
"Hmm don't go" He mumbled, his voice heavy and sleep ridden, eyes still closed but brows slightly furrowed. You smiled and kissed his nose, trying to slip again when his eyes opened wide, a gasp escaped your lips when he was flipping you over, resting his body over yours, nibbling on your ear
"I said don't fucking go" he growled and the sound had you rubbing your thighs together, hands coming up to rest against his shoulders
"I-i was just thirsty" you whispered and he hummed into your skin, nibbling on your ear again, sucking your lobe into his mouth making you whine softly
"I'm thirsty too" he whispered in your ear, his hands moving down to grab your thighs and parting them so he could settle his crotch against your middle, making you feel how hard he was in his jeans
"so fucking thirsty baby" He groaned and thrusted against you, a harsh gasp left your lips at his actions
"J-jake not here" you whispered but even you didn't believe your words, pussy starting to drip just from the way his voice sounded so husky and deep in your ear. His hands groped your lower body, taking a handful of your ass as he issued another thrust against you
Before you could tell him to stop again, he was pulling back, standing on his knees between your legs while he hastily undid his belt and jeans
"I'm sorry sweetheart I just can't wait any fucking longer, I need to put it in" he panted, you squirmed underneath him, watching how he was quick to pull his pants down his legs, his boxers coming off along with them, hanging around his thighs
He didn't bother taking his clothes all the way off, desperate hands reaching under your skirt to pull your panties down your legs
Your breathing was heavy, eyes pivoted to the hard dick that hung between his legs, arousal gushing down your slit when he rubbed a finger against your hole while fisting his own dick a few times "such a pretty fucking pussy"
"jake please" you moaned and he cursed, coming up to capture your lips into his own while he settled between your legs, rubbing his cock against your leaking cunt, rubbing it up and down, bumping against your engorged clit, making you moan into his mouth that was busy licking into yours
The feeling of being so close to each other after so long had you feeling hot and heavy
"Yeah baby? you want it?" he demanded, eyes dark and lust ridden as he gazed into your teary ones
"Y-yes please" you mumbled and jake clenched his jaw. Fuck. You were sweeter than candy and he couldn't control himself when it came to you
He rested his forehead against yours, looking down to stare at how his dick entered your warm sex, hips grinding to slide in smoother and deeper. Your mouth fell open in a silent moan upon the feeling of him inside of you after so long "baby f-fuck" he groaned into your mouth, feeling his resolve to go soft on you fading away at the way your tight walls were clenching around him
"you're sucking me in baby, so tight"
His words made your hips twitch. The indication enough for him to start moving in you. Your nails dug into his shoulders from above his shirt that he still wore as his hips started snapping against yours, his balls smacking filthily against your ass
His hot moans were making you wetter, drool escaping your mouth at the pleasure
"ts so good baby I fucking missed this" he pants, his hands groping your body mercilessly as he kept moving in and out of your leaking pussy
He licked the drool escaping your lips, sticking his tongue inside your hot mouth, licking into it with urgency while he moved your legs upwards, pressing your body in a mating press, increasing his pace
Harsh animalistic thrusts were sending your body in a ripple, making you move back and forth as he moved above you, sending the headboard of the bed slamming against the wall, the sex getting louder, messier
"Yeah, yeah, fuck yeah" he insinuated with every grind of his hips into you, meshing your lower bodies together to create a friction so insane it had you moaning his name in a chant, mind numbing pleasure clouding your senses
You both shared open mouth kisses, sucking on each other's tongue lewdly, uncaring of how messy it was, you loved messy
His hands moved up to hold onto the headboard above your head as he moved his hips deeper into yours, letting your legs fall around his hips, wrapping around his waist, your ankles digging into his ass to keep him buried deep inside of your warm cunt
"Wanted to make love to you but look what you fucking do to me" he groaned into your mouth, occasionally licking into it and digging his teeth into your lower lip, making you whine and moan in extreme pleasure. His dick made out with your cervix, bumping pleasurably into your g spot, penetrating your womb mercilessly
The sound of the headboard slamming was getting louder, bed creaked beneath your writhing bodies, the sweat on your naked bodies making it easier to slide against each other
Your moans were getting louder as his silent curses reached a fever pitch, a bunch of "Umhhnshit baby" and "so good" s falling from his lips, hips getting sloppier, pistoning in and out of you in a frenzy, uncaring of how your mother could probably hear you get pounded into the sheets
"s-so close jake I'm so close" you moaned and his hips got faster, his hand sneaking down to rub against your clit to make u reach your high faster. He couldn't wait to feel you gushing around his cock "that's right baby, make a fucking mess on me yeah?" he groaned, biting your lower lip and rubbing harshly against you, his hips never faltering, thrusting and thrusting until you were cumming all over his dick with a scream of his name
The moan was so pornographic it had him cumming within minutes of feeling the delicious clench of your cunt around his aching cock, filling you up to the brim, harsh pants escaping his lips as he used your pussy to ride his orgasm, eyes rolling back in pleasure. Sighs of satisfaction filled the empty space between your mouths
Harsh breaths were shared as you both came down from your highs, sharing sweet kisses and confessions, a string of "I love you" s falling from his lips while his palms caressed your body softly, rubbing against the parts where he'd grabbed you harshly
"Don't you need to go back? what will your manager do if he finds out you're here with me?" you asked some time later, his dick was still in you, feeling too good to cockwarm him just like this
He kissed you softly and shook his head "Told jay to take care of it. I honestly couldn't care less baby I just need you"
You bit your lower lip, getting shy now that he was being so sweet to you, not used to have him say such things to you casually "But u should care jake, you can't just risk your career for me"
"I could do anything for you. Nothing matters if you're not there, I hope you know that sweetheart" he whispered in your mouth before kissing you deeply again. "I hope you also know how proud of you I am my pretty little artist, no one else deserved that award more than you baby"
You wrapped your arms tightly around his neck and kissed him back, heart feeling full and all insecurities fading away at his words, cheeks flaming red from his compliments, unable to hide the smile overtaking your face
"I love you" you whispered, as if saying them any louder would take the meaning of the words away
"Yeah? Say that again baby" He whispered back and you giggled shyly, burying your face in the crook of his neck where you repeated the words again
He chuckled and kissed the side of your head adoringly "I love you so much too baby, and I'm going to show it to you every waking moment, I'm gonna love on you till you're begging me to stop"
You curled your body further into him at his words, heart feeling giddy after a very long time. Hoping that this feeling would last forever.
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sunkissed-zegras · 15 days
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౨ৎ ─ summary | request -> "Okay the fic Idea I was talking about is, Paige scrolling through your phone gallery and seeing the pics you didn’t send her. “Why didn’t you send me this?” and even sending herself some of the photos to her own phone. BUT then, Ms.reader over here didn’t private certain…. provocative and Lewd photos and forgot about them and Paige sees them (her gf just likes taking pictures of her own body🤷🏽 cuz why not)." for my lovely hamster nonnie
─ word count | 1.2k
─ warnings | NSFW under the cut, read at your own discretion. very fluffy and cute, nothing too rough just some good ol' love making. oral (r receiving), praise, nothing else?? enjoy!!!!
─ ev's notes | ok so this also can be read as a standalone buttt this is part of my uconn wbb manager series!
⇨ missing out on updates? check out my wcbb masterlist!
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YOU WERE SITTING on your girlfriend's bed, glasses sitting on the bridge of your nose as you tried to finish up some homework.
Paige had your phone in her hand as she scrolled through your camera roll, looking through all the photos you two had taken together over the past few months. Every now and then, she would let out a soft chuckle or an aww as she stumbled upon a particularly sweet or funny photo. You glanced up from your homework every so often, smiling at her reactions.
"Why didn't you send me this?" Paige asked, showing you a selfie of yourself after the gym yesterday. "You looked sexy, wow."
You chuckled, feeling a bit embarrassed but also pleased by her compliment. "I don't know, I guess I forgot to send it," you replied, reaching out to take a closer look at the photo.
Paige laughed, leaning into you as she continued to scroll through the photos. "I'm sending it to myself, that's my new lockscreen."
You rolled your eyes as you chuckled, turning your attention back to your homework. A few seconds later however, you somehow sensed a shift in the atmosphere as you glanced to see what Paige was looking at, only to be faced with a very incriminating photo of yourself wearing practically nothing.
Heat rushed to your cheeks, and you quickly reached out to grab the phone from her hand, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and panic only for her to pull the phone out of your grasp. "I forgot to delete that, sorry-"
"Delete it? Why didn't you send it to me?" Her tone was unusually serious as she glanced up to meet your gaze. "Shit, I mean that was hot."
You wanted to laugh, if this were any situation you'd want to laugh. However, as you met her now very clouded gaze, you felt your stomach flutter in confusion and maybe something... more?
This wasn't the reaction you expected. You were prepared for embarrassment, maybe even some teasing, but not this. Paige's eyes held a seriousness that seemed out of place in the moment.
"Wait, really?" you stammered, trying to gauge her sincerity. "I thought you'd find it weird or something."
Paige leaned back, a small smirk playing on her lips as she studied your reaction. "Weird? No, of course not baby. You look pretty damn good," she took another moment to study the picture as she wet her lips.
You couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth spread through you at Paige's words, her unexpected compliment sending a thrill down your spine. "You think so?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper, unsure whether to feel flattered or apprehensive about her sudden change in tone.
Paige's smirk widened into a mischievous grin. "Oh, I know so," she replied, her gaze lingering on the photo before finally meeting yours. "In fact, I think you're hiding a lot more than just this one picture."
Your cheeks flushed even hotter at the implication of her words. You had never imagined Paige seeing you in such a revealing light, let alone expressing such bold admiration. She'd always teased you, you'd been in this relationship (of some sorts) for long enough for this to be normal.
Somehow, this time it felt more personal.
"You really want to see more?" you asked, your voice betraying a mix of nerves and excitement.
"Don't act so shy now, princess. I mean you took these photos and kept them to yourself. You knew exactly what you were doing," Paige teased, her voice laced with amusement as she leaned in closer, her breath grazing your ear.
Her playful tone sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of arousal coursing through you. Despite your initial hesitations, there was something undeniably exhilarating about the prospect of sharing more with Paige.
Before you could even process it, her lips were on yours in a bruising kiss. You let out a soft moan in surprise but slowly melted into the kiss, losing yourself in the heat of the moment. As her hands roamed over your body, you felt a rush of desire coursing through your veins, your senses overwhelmed by the intoxicating sensation of her touch.
Your homework and laptop were long forgotten as she pulled you into her lap. Her lips trailed down your neck, leaving a trail of bruises in their wake. You let out a soft gasp, your fingers tangling in her hair as you arched into her touch, craving more of her intoxicating touch.
"Paige, please," you whined as she hummed in response. You began to grind yourself against her sweats, your whole body shaking in pure need.
She pulled back slightly, her eyes dark with desire as she met your gaze. "Yes, princess? Please what?" she teased, her voice husky with need.
"I want you," you breathed, the words tumbling out before you could stop them. In that moment, there was no room for doubt or hesitation. All you knew was that you needed her to absolutely ruin you.
With a hungry smirk, Paige captured your lips in another searing kiss, her hands roaming over your body with a possessive urgency that left you breathless. Suddenly, she pushed you back against the bed as you whimpered with need.
Paige found herself in between your legs as she pulled off your silk pajama shorts and then your underwear. You moaned at the sight, your head falling back as she pulled your legs on her shoulders and quickly got to work.
As soon as her tongue met your wet folds, you were already ruined. You moaned at the sensation as your eyes shut, gripping the sheets beneath you. Paige kept gripped your thighs as her tongue delved into your cunt, your whole body seizing up in utter pleasure.
"Fuck," she mumbled into your pussy, sending vibrations throughout your body. You finally met her gaze as you moaned, her hand finding yours, interlacing your fingers with hers.
Paige took her time, slowly licking up and down you as if you were most delicate thing in the world (and you were ─ at least, in her world).
You arched into her mouth as you felt yourself draw closer and closer to an orgasm, your eyes shutting once again. Paige's tongue began to flick against your clit as you let out a shocked moan, your other hand finding her hair.
"Please, please don't stop. Fuck, P," you babbled on as her tongue began moving faster and faster. "I'm gonna cum, please,"
"Cum on my tongue, princess, let it out," she murmured into your pussy as the knot in your stomach snapped. "Good girl, fuck,"
Paige watched you hungrily as you moaned, your legs wrapped around her head as you came. She closed her eyes as she helped you ride out your high, her hands gripping your hips as you caught your breath.
Paige got out from between your legs and pulled you into a bruising kiss. Your hands found her hair in a lazy attempt to keep her close, your lips moving in sync with hers as the intensity of the kiss deepened. The world around you faded into oblivion as you lost yourself in the heat of the moment, consumed by the passion that pulsed between you.
"Mm, I love you," you mumbled into the kiss as she let out a small laugh. She pulled away to really take in your fucked-out state; your messy hair, your half-lidded eyes, your bruised lips. God, she was so whipped.
"I love you too, sweet girl," Paige whispered, her voice filled with adoration as she caressed your cheek, her thumb tracing the curve of your lips.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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pirateprincessblog · 8 months
moan for me
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𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫.: you decide you don't want to end your friendship because of a casual fuck. he agrees. just why is he then eye-fucking you across the room and bumping into you accidentally? 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: park seonghwa x f!reader 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5.4k 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: dilf!seonghwa, bestfriend!reader 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: hair pulling, dacryphilia, public sex, cream pie, ddlg, public oral (female receiving), voyeurism, breathplay/choking, hickeys, bruising
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: choking?, swearing 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: officially, i am ready to get dicked down in a gown by park seonghwa
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐲.
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mr park: forgive me for doing it this way, but i would like to cancel the date. it is not the brightest idea, i was carried away by the emotions at the moment. let us close this chapter, as fun as it was. i am not looking for further interactions such as the ones we had, and i am most certainly not looking for a relationship. sorry for giving you the wrong idea. take care.
your heart drops. hidden by the curtain in the changing room, you allow yourself to sit down and drop a few tears. fuck, you were having such a good time. such a handsome, skilled, jaw dropping gorgeous man, just slipped from your grip, and there's nothing you can do about it. you crave his existence, you wish to look at him and touch him day and night. as creepy as it sounds.
the sixth dress you've tried on for the dance is already is itchy against your skin, and you sigh. the bright green isn't flattering on you at all. your friend has already picked the dress, lucky her. your budget wasn't exactly big, so finding something pretty and inside the budget was hard.
"oh, hi dad."
you freeze.
"hello, love."
even his voice is pure honey.
"how is the shopping going?"
"well, i bought mine. i'm just waiting for my bestie to finish trying on."
park seonghwa stays silent. the realization of you being here near him just moments after him ditching you put him in an awkward situation.
"hey, you good in there?" she calls, putting her head between the curtains.
"yup. i'll be right out." you stop to think, making your friend raise her eyebrow questionably. "actually, you go with your dad. i'll check a few more of those sale dresses and head home."
"sale dresses? but the blue one looked like a dream on you! you're still thinking?"
"it's a tad bit out of my budget." you confess, already annoyed at her lack of understanding that you are just not as wealthy as she is.
"oh, why didn't you say so? dad!"
"what the fuck are you doing?!"
"dad, can i get this dress for her? i know you made me block my card because i went crazy at prada yesterday, but i could really use it right now."
hearing her casually mention prada like it was mcdonalds made you a little irritated.
"no, honey. sorry. it's not a really good idea."
"but, but, you didn't even hear the price yet-"
"it doesn't matter. no more spending for this month. be happy i let you get your own dress. you have hundreds at home that are just piling up at the bottom of the closet."
"aren't we, like, super rich? what's another thousand euros for you?"
you are way too embarrassed to leave the changing room, so you stay inside in hopes they'll forget about you and just leave. you glance at the expensive dress that hangs on the wall. it's a pretty royal blue, with a thin sparkly belt on the waist and sparkly straps. it's a minimum, but makes the dress stand out.
"no, i am super rich. you are not exactly. come on, now. get your bags and get into the car. ask your friend if she wants a ride."
"uh, no." your voice is raspy, and you clear your throat. "no, thank you. i am fine."
"very well. let's go then."
you hear paper bags shuffling, then quick footsteps and the doors opening.
"sorry about my dick dad. i don't know what has gotten into him." your friend apologizes.
"you have nothing to apologize for. i didn't even expect him to do something like that, are you out of your mind?"
"oh, what's another thousand for him? he probably made a few just while having that conversation with me. he's just being an asshole."
"car. now."
your squeeze your thighs together, the stern voice coming from the man doing wonders inside your stomach.
"ugh, i'm coming!" the girl stomps after him, leaving you alone in silence.
the green dress it is then.
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the day is long and exhausting. considering that you arrived to the shop with the help of your friend's chauffeur, coming back home on foot was one hell of a task. you felt like the paper bag was carrying you, instead of you carrying it. your feet burn from the walking, and you can't wait to wash the sweat and humiliation off of you. you went from a thousand euro royal dream to a fifty euro eco trash bag. at least you have that dollar store green eye shadow you can use with it. how funny.
hot water drips down your body, fogging up the glass and trapping you in your little imagination bubble. your clit is begging for attention, reminding you of all the ways park seonghwa has touched you. his fingers skillfully rub your tense bud in ways that have you wondering if any of it is real. before you know it, you're clawing at the wet tiles as your other hand tries to desperately find the good spot inside of you. he finds so easily, why can't you? your fingers can't be much shorter than his.
half an hour of chasing an orgasm later, you give up. you've spent enough water, and your parents are going to kill you when they see the bill at the end of the month. it's all park seonghwa's fault. you can just mail him the bill and demand to pay. if you weren't so busy touching yourself to the thoughts of him, that wouldn't have happened.
defeated, you exit your room, somehow feeling more tired. you stop in your tracks. a black box sits on your bed, a yellow circle logo proudly shining on it.
"what the fuck?"
you reach for the box, touching the letters underneath the symbol. you don't open it yet, just in case this belongs to someone else.
"what is a versace doing in my room?"
"ah, your friend's chauffeur brought it over. said it was exclusively for you! bastard wouldn't let me peek."
that's all it takes for you to dive into the box like it was a new spicy book delivery. you make sure to leave the box intact, not wanting to rip something from such a luxury brand. a blood red gown sits in your hands, plush-like fabric melting down your fingers. it feels so luxurious, and expensive. it looks like something out of met gala, like it was ripped off of blake lively and given to you.
your phone pings, interrupting you from your little daydream session.
mr park: i think the blue is too calm for you. you need something fierce for a change. sorry if i overstepped. i just saw it when driving home and had to go back for it. not a word to my daughter.
you really didn't have to, sir.
mr park: i wanted to. you'll look lovely in it. and, please, have mercy and don't look at me tonight. i am a weak man.
your breath hitches. god, is he serious? just how fierce was this dress?
before you can examine it any further, the doors of your room opens, the familiar girl barging in with her little travel bag full of makeup and hair gadgets.
"whoa, slow down."
"no slowing, there's only three hours left until dad sends the chauffeur for us. god, what is that?"
"oh, it's uh-"
"vintage versace?! oh. my. god." she immediatelly pulls it out of the box, letting the empty carton fall on the floor carelessly.
"it's my moms, she dug it out after i came back home," you lie.
"i knew your mom is so cool."
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park seonghwa really meant fierce when he said it. the red dress hugs your body like it was sewn on you, the leg slit high but hidden among the ruffles of the thick quality fabric. it is a corset dress, with offshoulder straps and a low cut. you don't feel exposed though. you feel like a queen.
"this fake ruby will go so good with that dress, trust me."
"oh, thank fuck, i thought it was real," you scoff, taking the big stone necklace and putting it on.
"why? think i can't afford it?"
"oh, no, no. apologies. you can totally afford a real ruby, miss." you joke, then glance at the clock.
just in time, a car pulls up to the entrance, the driver exiting to open the doors so they're ready for the two of you.
"shit, this is it. we're gonna get so wasted."
"isn't your dad gonna be there?"
"oh, he's not going to notice me when the headmaster gets him. poor woman is convinced that my dad wants her. some people just fail to realize that he just doesn't have the time for that. nor the will."
you feel like the sentence is targeting a little, but she doesn't spare you a glance as she sits in the car. the drive there is quiet, the clicking of her nails against the phone screen being the only noise in the small space. you glance at the small mirror of your hairbrush, checking your make-up again. you are feeling a little self-conscious, having never worn make-up this bold before. a winged eyeliner, heavy highlighter on your cheeks and inner eye corner, and a blood red lipstick. it's just a dance, wasn't this a little too formal?
one of your worst fears starts creeping into you, opening the doors of bottomless overthinking and migraines. what if you arrive overdressed, and everyone there is dressed in cute floral patterns and light spring dresses? while you are here looking like you've been dressed by donatella herself. and to think that park seonghwa saw the dress in the window of a store while just driving past it, and then went all the way back to get it and deliver it just for you, makes your stomach feel like fireworks.
to your relief, as you arrive in front of the building, you see that everyone else is equally extravagantly dressed. the dance wasn't at the college, but a place that park seonghwa himself has picked. it is a mansion just outside the city, with beautiful rose bushes, a stone path through the grass, and balconies to die for. it's like he knew how to make you stay longer than you planned on this dance.
"joshua!" you greet your partner as you enter the spacious room, surprised at the big change in his appearance.
"wow, don't you look luxurious. am i allowed to stand next to you?"
you playfully hit his shoulder, blushing at the comment. he turns to your friend, making small talk with her. you use the chance to glance around the room, in hopes of seeing the man of your dreams soon. you do not spot him, but you do spot a very familiar man. a man whose face you've seen on screen, and who has seen much more than your face on mr park's screen. your face instantly goes red, and your blood is boiling. you suddenly feel naked under his gaze, but he erases that feeling by smiling sweetly your way, and waving at you as a greeting. a complete opposite of that day.
"dad isn't answering my texts. i'm just gonna go find him to let him know i'm here."
you nod, then turn your attention back to joshua. to your surprise, he has left somewhere too, you just failed to acknowledge it. you are left alone among people who are already dancing, and you feel a little bored. with the dress in hand, so that you don't trip and make a fool of yourself already, you make your way towards one of the tables that stood near the walls.
you halt your steps, suddenly coming face to face with the man who had you wrapped around his finger. you don't mind. he fails to stop in time, accidentally bumping into you and almost making you fall back. his hands are quick to grab your waist, restoring your balance again. he doesn't immediately remove his hands. you don't mind that either.
"oh, mr park."
he doesn't speak. he takes a moment to look you up and down, and you do the same. he wears a white dress blouse, and his usual black slacks. the blouse is a little see-through, and you are taking in as much as you can while he busies himself staring at you.
"sir?" you call, suddenly remembering that your friend is searching for him, and that he has not yet removed his hands from you.
"god, you look ravishing." he groans.
"sir, your daughter might be-"
"i thought i had it under control. but now that you are here..." he trails, eyes dropping on your red lips. "i wish i could just-"
the man turns around, and your waist suddenly feels cold and empty.
"dad?" another voice calls now behind you.
you are shocked by the sight. a gorgeous woman, age similar to mr park, stands in front of the two of you. luscious locks fall over her shoulders and chest, and the royal blue dress you almost bought is overshadowing yours. it looks so much better on her.
"what the hell are you doing here?" mr park is calm, despite his harsh words.
"i am here to see my daughter. and talk to you."
"there's nothing left to talk about. i'm sure your husband would mind, anyway."
"seonghwa, please."
"dad, please." your friend begs, taking his hand and giving him her best big eyes.
he isn't a fool to fall for that. but he leaves with the woman anyway, because he knows just how stubborn they both are. the once married couple makes their way upstairs, and you can't help but stare until they disappear.
"it's rude to stare." your friend says, annoyed.
"oh, sorry. i must've zoned out."
"no, you didn't. you were staring at my dad."
you scrunch your eyebrows, looking at her confused. she rolls her eyes, then folds her arms across her chest.
"i'm not stupid. you think i didn't see how you threw yourself on him just a few minutes ago? acting like you're going to fall and shit, just so he could-"
"i swear it's not-"
"oh, shut the fuck up. putting your boobs out like that in that dress. is that even your dress? did your broke ass steal it?"
you are shocked by her sudden change in behaviour. you knew she had a problem with what happened between her father and you, but why did she decide to bring it up tonight? you have brought it up before, she assured you it is alright, and now that you really did not do anything, she is acting worse than before.
"it's not zara, bitch. it's versace. where the fuck did you get it? is it from me? because i can't keep track of all of my clothes, you thought you could just take it?"
you are grateful for the loud music, muting out her yelling. you see red. you know you are at wrong, but she picked the worst time to confront you. besides, it's not like you didn't talk about it at all. you thought it was all solved. guess not.
"your dad bought it for me." you spit out.
"he thought i'd look hot in it." you press further.
"shut up."
"in fact, he just admitted that he wants to fuck me in it tonight."
"you're fucking delusional. he is getting back together with mom, don't you see? stop embarrassing yourself."
"you're telling me that your father would take back a cheater?"
her jaw drops. she knows it's true, but she has never heard you speak so freely. and she does not like that.
her hand reaches towards your hair, pulling at it, while the other one grabs a sleeve of your dress.
"stupid whore!" she curses, yanking at the necklace around your neck.
by now, people are starting to turn heads, slowly taking out their phones and recording.
"you are a shit friend, you know that? i've given you everything, and you go behind my back to fuck my dad? not once, but twice?"
"the fuck is your problem, i thought we solved this, you lunatic?!"
it gets on your nerves that you are taking this now that you really are innocent. you fight back, pushing her away from you and accidentally stepping on her dress, ripping it. everyone gasps, hands covering their mouths but phones still up in the air.
"you-" she breathes heavily, face red with rage. "you- you absolute slut! you whore!" she screams.
"that's enough." someone says next to you, before standing in between. "get up, you are making a fool of yourself. your drunk outbursts are hurting an innocent person."
"mr kim-" you start, ready to defend yourself.
"i'm not-!"
"come on," kim hongjoong helps the girl up, keeping her in a tight grip and guiding her outside the mansion. "phones away, everyone. show's over."
in the corner of your eye, you see park seonghwa rushing downstairs, followed by a woman in tears. by now, everyone went back to dancing, assuming that the girl was simply drunk and didn't know what she was saying. you are forever grateful to mr kim.
"what happened?" seonghwa grabs your shoulders, eyes skimming the ripped sleeve of the dress.
"your daughter happened." you bite the inside of your cheek, trying to keep tears from falling.
"oh, love, i'm so sorry."
"well, i kinda earned it."
mr park looks at you confused. you sigh, then slowly start walking towards one of the empty tables so that the dance floor can free up.
"she was saying some things and i intentionally pissed her off." you explain.
"what did she say?"
"that i intentionally threw myself on you, that i'm exposing my cleavage for you, and you know, that sort of stuff."
you cannot look him in the eyes. his gaze is too intense. his eyebrows are scrunched as he looks at you, and you aren't sure if he is mad with you or his daughter.
"and what did you say?"
you stay silent. you cannot fall any lower in his eyes. instead, you pour yourself a glass of wine, taking small sips of it. you absolutely hate alcohol, but in an awkward situation like this, you'll gladly drink the whole bottle if it means it'll get you out of the subject.
"do you wish to talk somewhere more private?" seonghwa suggests, making you choke back on the liquid.
"how private?" you ask before you can think.
the man chuckles, then offers his hand for you to take. you look around, making sure that the two women aren't around to see. mr kim has probably busied himself with taking care of mr park's daughter, and his ex must've left. she seemed pretty upset. you hate that the sight of her upset makes you happy.
park seonghwa leads you upstairs, much like his ex wife a few moments ago. he passes by a few doors in the hallway, until finally opening one. the interior is similar to the one in his library, only with a much bigger book selection. but he doesn't let you examine too much. he leads you to the balcony, which reminds you of the one from romeo and juliet. it looks like something from an old castle abandoned in the woods, with vines growing all over the old broken stone. the manor is surrounded by a light forest, just a few minutes away from the city, but the view from the balcony makes it seem like it is in the middle of a fantasy field. there is no light pollution, therefore you are able to see millions of shiny dots up in the sky. before you can keep gazing, mr park rests his hands on your waist, turning you around so that your back rests against the stone fence.
"sir?" you ask, hoping he would say something that you'll have an answer to.
"i was right. red is your colour."
his finger brushes over your red lips, then continues down your jawline, the neck bones, and to the cutout of the dress. he caresses the skin above the material, mere millimeters away. you are shivering, despite the pleasant weather tonight. you look into his eyes, bite down your lip when you see how focused he is in his moves.
"now that it's ripped off anyway, i'd love nothing more than to shred it to bits, just to see you again."
"but, you said-" you try reminding him of his message. he is very confusing to you.
"i know what i said. i can't help it." he steps closer to you, face inches away from yours. "i dream of devouring you in this dress."
his hand takes the wine glass from yours, lips pressing against it to take a sip. he looks deep into your eyes while he does so, faint glint getting you more riled up. you feel yourself dripping through the thin material of the thin lace thongs you wore, and it feels like he can feel it too somehow.
the glass is set on the fence now, a safe distance from both of you. you think he will finally speak again, but the man has other plans. his main plan seems to make you fall into his arms tonight, and it is working. his hands cup your face, and he presses his lips against yours. your hands are gripping the cold stone, not knowing what to do from the sudden explosion of emotions. carefully, park seonghwa pours the wine from his mouth into yours, sensually kissing you along the way.
aside from it being the hottest fucking thing that has ever happened to you, you are also happy that you didn't spill any of it. you swallow, and when you try to move away to catch a breath, he only deepens the kiss, your face still in his palms. he tugs on your lips, biting them gently, sucking them, swiping his tongue along them, with a satisfying rhythm. you can't help but whine into his mouth, a certain part of you wishing for more friction.
"all you have to do is say the words, doll." he says, voice deep and almost a whisper.
"what words?" you ask, stupidly.
"any words. anything that will give me a green light." he answers, eyes searching yours for any kind of signal.
you think, for a short time that to seonghwa seemed like years.
"take me. here. on this balcony."
seonghwa groans, and leans in again to give attention to your lips. his hands roam your body, mainly focusing on your waist and thighs. he grabs your flesh through the fabric, squeezing it with desire as his tongue hungrily chases yours, not getting enough of it no matter how much he gets.
he pulls away too fast for your liking, and before you can whine again, he drops down on his knees. his perfectly polished shoes are forgotten as they suffer scratches from the floor, and his perfectly ironed black pants will soon meet a similar fate.
"hold this for me, pretty?" he asks, handing you the bottom of your dress.
you are caught off by the sudden situation, yet your body responds immediately and takes the fabric from him. you can barely see him from the red ruffles, but you can definitely feel the hot wet muscle licking through the thin lace of your underwear. you sigh, your head falling back at the hot sensation on your clit.
"don't hold back, please. i want to hear you."
you feel uneasy, but the moment he pushes your panties aside and attaches his lips to your core, you do not care. you whine, breathe heavily, moan, pull at his hair in ecstasy. you love the thrill of knowing that anyone could walk in and the first thing they'd see is the two of you doing sinful things in the moonlight. bet they'd love the sight, too.
"fuck, sir-" you gasp, feeling him sucking on your sensitive bud.
"fuck, i love it when you call me sir. call me more names, darling, i beg you."
"m-make me," you choke out, feeling his finger sliding between your walls.
he scoffs, playfully tugging on your covered nipple as he continues pumping his finger in and out of you. he does it slowly, making sure to brush against the sensitive spot but not give it complete attention. just enough to keep you on the edge.
"oh, i'll make you. don't you worry." he promises.
his hands grab your thighs, almost raising your body from the ground, so that he could eat you out properly. you have the urge to close your legs, but his hands are firm and keep them open. you shake against his restless tongue, hoping to release soon.
"mr. park- please- please-" you beg, choking back tears.
you do not know why you tear up in sexual situations with him. from the pleasure? from the pain of edging? from knowing that this might be the last time you're doing it?
as soon as he hears your voice shaking, mr park stands up, making sure that it really is what he thinks it is. without a word, he kisses you again, lips wet with your arousal. he keeps fingering you, knuckles disappearing between your folds and deliciously preparing you for him.
"turn around for me, little girl."
his words shoot arrows to your core, and it takes a lot of strength in you to do as he says. his fingers find their place right under your jaw, softly pressing into your neck and making it difficult for you to stay sober. he releases every now and then, just enough to let you breathe properly. his other hand moves the back of your dress, giving it to you to hold onto, and then raises your leg so that it rests on the fence. you are now standing on one leg, wet core completely exposed to the cool night air and him.
"good girl," he praises, leaving a kiss on the top of your head. "so flexible for me."
you hear a zipper, then clothes ruffling. you breathe out when you feel something smooth and hot rubbing up and down your folds, not yet entering. your head drops from the dizziness of his playful choking, and your eyes widen when you finally see the rest of the view from the balcony.
down there, in the garden behind the manor, there are three benches and a fountain. and on one of the benches, his ex wife. she seems to notice you at the same time you notice her, judging by her sudden jaw drop and widened eyes. you don't get to warn him, as you are interrupted by your own gasp caused by his hot muscle pushing inside your tights walls. he wastes no time in thrusting into you, quickly catching a rhythm while simultaneously pulling your hair with his other hand. at this point, it is more you thrusting back into him than he is thrusting forwards into you. you need his every inch, no matter how fucked up the situation at the moment is.
you can't help it, you look at the poor woman in the eyes, moaning as her ex husband is tearing you apart on the balcony of their once shared holiday manor.
"louder," he growls, speeding up his movements.
and you do it. you moan, louder, not on purpose, but because it really feels that good.
"fuck, your cunt is made for me."
"da-daddy-" you test the grounds, and he halts his movements.
shit, you fucked up.
"what?" he says, out of breath.
"nothing-" you gasp, his fingers pressing into your neck, "daddy, i said daddy-"
you are interrupted by a moan again, as he begins thrusting harder. the woman is on the verge of tears, and even though you feel a little bad, the feeling of her husband's cock filling you up feels too good. you also remember the reason they parted. she did the same with another man. you allow yourself a moment of braveness, already having said goodbye to the friendship with their daughter.
you smile down at the woman, then reach behind to grab mr park's hair. you moan, loud and clear, more for her to hear. the man groans, burying his head into your shoulder and biting down, making you gasp and close your eyes in pain. his hand rests on your lower back, making you arch it just a bit more so he can finally hit the spot you both need.
you open your eyes, only to find her still standing there in disbelief and shock. she is disgusted with you, and heartbroken by him. and you do not care.
"mr. park, you're too big for me-" you choke out.
he slows his movements, then raises his head from your shoulder. he admires the bruise he has created for a moment, then follows your gaze down to the benches. upon seeing his ex wife, you expect him to stop. but he only does so for a moment, before yanking down the fabric on your chest and exposing your breasts. he continues diving into you, softly panting into your ear and driving you insane.
the woman seems too stunned to even move. it is clear she is not enjoying it, she isn't a voyeour.
"you're taking me so well, doll. you should see how abused your pretty pussy looks, begging me to cum all over it and inside it." he growls, then grabs your jaw so that he can look at you.
his eyebrows are scrunched, focused on the approaching orgasm.
"moan for me more, baby, please. you sound majestic."
unable to hold back, you moan into his mouth, hips thrusting back in a desperate attempt to reach the orgasm. it is building up inside of you for so long, threatening to overflow any moment now. but he has complete control over the rhythm, and the moment you start moving too, he chokes you just a little harder.
"sir, please, sir, let me cum- i want to cum on your dick so, so bad," you say everything that is on your mind. he enjoys seeing you vulnerable in his hands, and slows down the pace just to hear you some more.
"you want to cream on daddy's cock, little girl? you want me to fill you up all the way, to have you walk with my cum inside your abused little hole the entire night? have my daughter apologize to you as you desperately try to keep my seed from spilling down your legs?"
"mr park-"
"yes, angel."
"just a bit more, doll."
"seonghwa-" you scream, and he is quick to press his lips on yours to calm you down.
feeling your walls squeeze from the waves of the orgasm, you take him over the edge, his seed painting your walls and making it easier for him to ride his own orgasm out. your body shakes from the intense pleasure, and from the sudden rush of cold air on your bare arms. mr park is quick to release your neck, and wrap his arms around you and press your body against his chest. he kisses you sweetly, simultaneously rubbing your arms in an attempt to warm you up. his cock twitches inside of you, and he is still slowly thrusting in and out, riding out the rest of the orgasm.
you breathe heavily into his mouth, legs going limp and threatening to become numb any second. he finally helps you set your leg down, and slowly pulls out of you. hot seed spills out of your hole and down your leg, and you are scared that it will stain the dress.
"do you trust me?"
"do you trust me?" he repeats himself, guiding you so that your body is facing him again.
"well, yes, i- oh!"
he picks you up by your waist, so that you can sit on the stone fence. it is wide enough for you to sit comfortably, but if you could choose not to, you would. his hands are holding you firmly, and his eyes tell you he isn't letting go.
"this dress looks gorgeous on you, but it is in my way the whole evening," he huffs, flipping the dress once more.
"no, i'm too sensitive-" you try to stop him, but he hushes you.
"trust. me."
he doesn't touch your clit. he doesn't try to finger you. instead, he collects the white streak that has started the journey down your thigh, pushing it back into your hole. you feel yourself becoming wet again, horny and angry butterflies raving in your stomach. he uses his two fingers to gently push all of his seed inside you again, and he looks up at you with deadly eyes. you recognize the lust once again, and you almost moan at the sight. "now, let's go find my daughter to get your apology." “no!” you protest, panic swallowing you.
“relax. she will say no, I will be mad at her, and she will then ask to go with her mother.”
you try to follow, but you can’t. why is he so careless about his daughter choosing his ex wife over him? he seems to realise your confusion, and laughs fondly.
“that way, nothing can stop us doing this any time and anywhere. and, I can finally make that dinner reservation at the new restaurant. been dying to try it with you.”
“but, I don’t have any money. I cannot pay my share.”
park seonghwa chuckles, then leaves a soft kiss on your forehead. you feel all fuzzy and warm, feet swinging under the dress from the simple act.
“I’ll gladly be your sugar daddy. just the more romantic and relationship type of sugar daddy.”
“what do you say?”
“I say your cum is ready to be washed out so I better go fetch my apology.”
“good girl.”
taglist for this series
@scardorosht @kitty4hwa @atinism @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @rkivesofmymemories @i-love-ateez @bangmechann @dandelion-aj @rialovesyunho @bellamuerte1987 @livingdeadlisa @jen176pink @yeosxxx @az-con @313hwa @btsreader12 @dafodillhwa @enhypemen @perfetlysane24 @linoriii @likexaxdaydream @yeosangsbbg @starbvrryhwa @riboism
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rainbowsky · 1 month
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Sorry I've taken so long to address this, I've had a very busy day and didn't have time to finish this post (which I started yesterday).
I'm talking, of course, about the incredibly controversial situation surrounding DD right now. I've gotten some messages about it so I figured I'd give my thoughts in a bigger post so that I don't have to keep repeating myself.
(CW: racism, spoilers FPU)
I know that by now most people are aware of the situation, but I'm going to start from square one for those who are just catching up on the topic.
There is a scene in Formed Police Unit where Chinese UN peacekeeping troops need to rescue a group of citizens who are surrounded by terrorists. In order to accomplish this they disguise themselves as people from the community. This being Africa, the troops were disguised using blackface.
Yes, I am saying that DD and his castmates appear in the film in blackface.
I am not going to post a picture of that here. It's just something I can't post on my blog. I understand that many of you will want to see for yourself so I'll link a clip of the scene, which was posted on Weibo. Please be aware before clicking - this is full-on blackface. Always take care of yourselves, and if you think it might be upsetting to you don't click. You don't need to see it to be a 'good fan'.
For those who may not know, this movie was filmed years ago, in 2021. During those years I have seen many anti attacks against DD, claiming that he is racist and has worn blackface. Here's the photo that was circulating back then.
At the time I thought the makeup that he was wearing was likely anti-reflective black paint or camouflage paint such as is used by snipers (which he played in the film). I assumed that he was wearing his own hoodie over part of a military costume, because he was wearing a cammo shirt and what might have been combat trousers.
I was certainly not expecting full-on blackface from this movie.
There's no getting around it - this is extremely difficult to look at.
Blackface is widely viewed as offensive and racist. It shouldn't be hard to understand why. Putting on another person's ethnicity like a costume is deeply insensitive, particularly when you consider that BIPOC (black, indigenous, and other people of color) are so frequently targeted, exploited and marginalized. For those in positions of privilege and power to put on the appearance of the people who they oppress and exploit... it's just shocking and awful.
Blackface is most frequently talked about in an American context, but it's actually a problem globally - including in China. More on all that here.
The film
I have not actually seen the film, so I don't know much about the context beyond what is being discussed in the fandom. As I said earlier, in the film a group of UN police officers need to infiltrate an area in the community and take on disguises in order to do so.
In promotional media this film is being presented as based on true stories from real missions*. It seems the situation in question really happened on a Chinese peacekeeping mission, and the UN troops disguised themselves as black citizens in order to infiltrate and extract the endangered captives.
*I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt on this because it doesn't change how I feel it should have been handled.
This is important context that is being conveniently left out of much of the backlash about this situation. People are outright claiming that DD plays a black person in the movie - that he wore blackface to perform a role that a black actor could have played. This simply isn't true, and people making these claims are antis and liars. There's simply no excuse for not knowing the full context.
Having said that, I don't really think it matters how it ended up in the film. I do not think there is such a thing as a palatable or appropriate use of blackface. In this day and age it is nearly universally understood to be racist, and it's extremely controversial.
I can understand if they were trying to be accurate to the mission that they were portraying, but surely there are other ways they could have accomplished this scene (perhaps with the clothing but not the blackface). 'Historical accuracy' isn't as important as cultural sensitivity, not by any stretch of the imagination. In the interest of respecting audiences they could have adapted the scene to make the use of blackface unnecessary.
I really see no excuse for anything like this in 2024.
Audience reactions
Chinese sensibilities around these topics are very different from what we are used to in the West.
According to fan repos audiences initially didn't recognize any of the actors, and once it became apparent that they were in disguise, laughter erupted around the room. In fact, most fans are laughing a lot at the photos and video even on social media (although some Chinese netizens have been upset by it and have voiced complaints to various stakeholders).
It is also being widely discussed on Chinese social media as an exciting scene of heroism in the film.
I feel the need to point out that the laughter and mockery is a huge part of the harm, here. As if it's not bad enough that these actors are performing in blackface and presenting a perversion of black ethnicity, it also becomes an opportunity for audiences to mock and disrespect black people. It's become an opportunity for social media to be filled with racist jokes and mockery.
Roadshow statements
There have been some clips circulating of PR and roadshow moments with black cast members and some black audience members who have spoken up in support of the film and to thank the cast and crew for telling the story. Here's one example.
International fans have been dismissing those statements as ignorant or coerced, which I think is offensive and deeply fucked up. There's no planet on which I'm going to - with a totally straight face - say that a black person's response to the movie is not legitimate just because it doesn't comport with my own view.
This is a complex issue and there are inevitably going to be a lot of different perspectives. I hope people won't exacerbate the problem by supplanting black voices on this issue with their own, no matter what's being said. If there's any manipulation going on, let's assume it was in their choosing supportive black figures to speak for the film rather than claim that the black spokespeople are insincere.
China has a lot of issues with racism, there's no doubt about it. It's a huge part of why so many people try to whiten their skin, or why they mock each other when their skin gets tanned/darker. There is a lot of sinister, fucked up stuff going on in China around race - both in the country and in their dealings with other countries.
But we can't claim to speak for black people in China, particularly when they are speaking for themselves! I would hope this is extremely obvious!
Where's DD in all this?
It's understandable that bystanders will react to what they're seeing and might immediately deem it unacceptable - and DD along with it. Their reactions are valid, but as fans I hope that we can look at him with a bit more empathy. I hope that we can take a moment to try to see things from his perspective.
DD has been interested in and an avid fan of black culture since he was a small child. We've all seen how much he immerses himself in hip hop, street dance and the accompanying music and fashion. And yes, he's been accused of cultural appropriation in the past for wearing locs and durags.
However, I think fans need a bit of perspective here to get a sense of where DD might be coming from. Here's a guy who loves black culture, who has close friends who are black, who regularly works with black artists and who supports black artists, in a culture where racism against black people is prevalent and often extreme.
I think DD would probably be amazed to hear the accusations of racism against him. He likely has very few people in his orbit who are anywhere near as supportive of or as closely connected to black people as he is. He likely stands out in his circle as being particularly into black culture and connected with black artists, and probably regularly faces ignorant questions or digs from people around him about his close association with black artists and culture.
Not just because of racism alone, but also due to the racist parallels the government tends to draw between black culture, street dance, hip hop, etc. and criminality/moral degradation*. It's likely that ignorant people in his orbit have expressed concern or wariness toward him because of these associations.
*That is, until breakdancing became an Olympic sport, then they were suddenly onboard with some of it.
I'm not saying that he doesn't have a lot of learning to do (and if this situation becomes what I think it might become, he'll have a big opportunity to do so), I'm just saying that his ignorance isn't mean-spirited. He's coming at this from a totally different angle than any of us are, and he is immersed in a totally different cultural perspective than our own. In his world, his interest likely makes him a bit of an anomaly.
So those painting him as a horrible racist... it's just not how I see it.
The element of choice
I've heard many people say that DD 'didn't have any choice' about this role, that turning it down would not have been an option or that he would be under some kind of threat if he didn't take this role. I don't agree with that characterization of things. I don't think it's quite as 'gun to the head' as a lot of fans paint it.
I think it's more likely that he simply didn't realize that the role would involve blackface when he accepted it, or that he thought that blackface in this context - to infiltrate a terrorist cell and save civilians - would be fine. We don't need to depict China as forcibly compelling actors to take unwanted roles if we want to make sense of this. There are simpler, more logical explanations.
DD wouldn't have been the one deciding how to depict the scene - he didn't have that power in 2021 - but I also doubt he would have had a major problem with it given everything we know.
We must overcome our Western tendency to see things only from our own perspective. This has a totally different cultural context in China, and the voices we listen to about it should not be issuing exclusively from white faces that are not at ground zero of this situation.
Final thoughts
This film has had me worried from day one. I think most people have been expecting it to be full of offensive portrayals and propagandistic fuckery. There are so many ways in which a Chinese film about the UN is potentially a sticky, tricky mess. This blackface thing is likely just one problem on a towering pile of problems.
However, I'm not going to sugarcoat this - this has the potential to be a real shitshow for DD, and I am concerned. Especially if this film gets an international release.
We need to brace ourselves, because I don't think this is going to just disappear. DD has endorsements with international brands, and this could definitely cause backlash for those brands unless the issue is addressed and the scenes removed. There's no planet on which brands like Chanel and Lacoste can afford to have one of their spokespeople plastered everywhere in blackface.
If this film gets an international release and those scenes are left intact, it's possible he will lose some brands.
Let's hope it doesn't come to that, but let's face it - things like this have consequences, and that's why it's so important for producers and artists to be sensitive about what they're portraying.
While I think there's some endorsement risk here for DD, and the potential loss of some international fans, I want to be clear about one thing: I don't think this will threaten his career overall. In China this just isn't an issue in the way it is internationally.
I do hope the film team addresses this issue in some way, ideally by removing the scenes. They just finished doing a massive edit to remove ZZH from the film, surely they can handle something like this. But let's not hold our breath...
Everyone has the right to make up their minds about DD. As I've often said, being a turtle isn't for the faint of heart. That's not just because turtles are frequent targets for bullies, or because we have to constantly live with uncertainty and doubt.
Being an international turtle also isn't for the faint of heart because there are a lot of cultural and political minefields to navigate, and many ideological differences to adapt to. There's a huge learning curve and a lot of unknowns, and turtles who want to survive have to make peace with the fact that we and the boys are from different worlds in many ways. We may never know where they really stand on issues that are important to us.
However, in this case I feel confident that I know where DD's heart is on this issue. He simply doesn't hold hatred, disrespect or disdain for black people. Quite the contrary.
I think we'd all just feel a lot better if he had a good grasp on how to be a better ally.
And while we're waiting for that, I think we should put our money where our mouths are and learn more about these issues ourselves, both in China and locally at home. We want DD to be a better person; let's be better people too.
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trashfangirlsworld · 3 months
I'm gonna attempt to make another post talking about stuff I've seen after q's stream, because I saw people say that the last one I made made them feel better, so here we go:
why is he speaking spanish: this is not something I necesserly saw after yesterday, but I did see it last time he streamed a statement regarding qsmp and the fact that he had to start this stream fucking explaining why he's speaking his native language to formulate what he wants to say better is fucking vile to me and anyone that said that last time does not have a right to stay in this fandom or to even talk about this situation.
he does not have a right to sound mad: i'm sorry, but he has every right to sound frustrated, he is not mad at the admins that choose to leave the project, he explicitly says he understand their decision and wishes them the best, he is frustrated at those that have caused damage to the server in the first place and are still the reason why he can't be more open about what's happening. We are talking about his passion project here, of course he's frustrated that this is happening, even if he completely understands why some admins are leaving.
he is enabling hate against lea and others! (people that have leaked information): quackity has every right to cite the reason as to why he can't openly communicate the way he wants to, especially when those leaks have been twisted and used against him by the people that were initially harming the server in the first place (those he fired). He openly says the he doesn't necesserly think that the people that are leaking stuff are aware of how those leaks are actually being used, so he's not blaming any specific person. Actions have consequences, no one is the exception to this rule in this situation.
he says any criticism is invalid!: no he just straight up doesn't. He says he's not bothered by people that give non-constructive critcism and whose goal is clearly to see the project destroyed. If you feel like this statement is a call out to what you have been saying, then maybe you should reflect on what you actually want here and potentially leave. If you have constructive criticism you want to say, once again keep in mind that quackity does not have twitter on his phone and the best way to commuincate something to him is through his public email.
As quackity himself said multiple times, if you're not happy with how things are going and don't want to wait for visible change it's fine, but do not twist and nitpick stuff because you don't want to step away from something if you don't have a "moral" reason to do so. I said this multiple times, but this is just a shitty fucking situation that does not have an easy and quick solution to it, and people will make decisions or mistakes that you will not like on all sides, it does not mean there is malicious intent behind those decisions. Again, we may not know their names and how many there were, but we know who is actually to blame for all of this and I hope quackity is in the process/is gonna be able to sue them. The admins that choose to leave because of any reason have every right to do so, something that quackity himself also expressed on his stream. It is very possible to support them completely while understanding why things are the way they are, as much as everyone fucking dislikes it.
I genuinely hope qsmp is able to come back stronger, however long it takes, because I personally think this project is good and does not deserve to end this way. Much love to everyone, once again remember to have empathy to everyone.
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jaylaxies · 2 years
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PAIRING: jake x fem!reader
GENRE: smut, fwb, unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap your willy), fluff, angst, fingering, choking, spanking, masturbation, cunnilingus, mentions of nicknames and food, jake has a twin sister, lmk if i missed anything!
SYNOPSIS: trying out tinder was a random thought you had, not expecting to see your best friend’s twin brother there. feeling bold, you swiped right on his profile, never once thinking that he’d do the same and text you right after, to which, you didn’t reply, well knowing that you’ll have to face him the next day for your sleepover with his sister at their place.
WC: 6.5k+ words
WARNING: 18+ content, minors dni
A/N: hihi, angels <3 im back with a jake fic! the idea popped up in my mind so randomly but i had to write it down even though i rushed it a bit :3 i hope you guys like it! all likes, comments, reblogs and feedbacks are highly appreciated! it keeps me motivated <3 i hope you guys enjoy it! iloveyou all <3
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“Five days? You're kidding me,” your friend deadpanned, blowing air on her fingers as she finished applying another coat of nail polish on her perfectly oval shaped nails.
“I swear! It's been so long, I really need to get laid,” you sighed, painting your own nails with a pout on your face.
To say you were a sex addict would be an understatement. You had recently gotten out of your friends with benefits relationship, simply because you got bored of his ways, it lasted for about three weeks — which was a long time. Nevertheless, you wanted something entirely new this time.
“I fucked Sunghoon yesterday,” Jia spoke up with a proud smirk on her face as you gasped.
Park Sunghoon, the best friend of Jake Sim, who was also Jia's twin brother. It was bound to happen someday, their eye-fucking wasn't very subtle, however, you didn't know she would go on with it. That's exactly what made it more exciting.
“No way on earth you just fucked your brother's best friend,” you chuckled, “that's something straight out of a fanfiction. Scandalous.”
She giggled, telling you all about her experience from the past night and you teased her for scoring that big dick. Meanwhile, you also kept thinking about what to do with your situation. Some options you had would include going to a party and having a random hookup with a stranger, or, reaching out to one of your old flings — which you wouldn't do in your sane mind.
“So, what's your plan next?” she asked you, lying down on her bed as you proceeded to lie down next to her.
“No clue actually. Maybe I'll have to take the matter in my hands for now,” you mumbled, staring at the ceiling.
“Does that mean—” she started.
“—the pink vibrator,” you both spoke out loud, giggling right after.
That was your best plan for tonight, since you were in no mood to go and fish for new boy toys.
Blowing a flying kiss to your best friend, you stepped out of her room, running into something solid, however, it wasn't a wall, rather, it felt muscular. A hand coming to your waist, successfully preventing you from falling down, your eyes widening in the process. You stepped back as the heavy scent of musky perfume invaded your senses, looking up to see none other than Jia's brother.
You haven't exclusively interacted with him before, he had been mysterious ever since you first met him, through Jia, of course. Other than the mere nods of acknowledgement, and a few stares here and there, you hadn't ever spoken a word to him, except for that one time you had thanked him for holding open the door for you.
This would mark as your second interaction, “I'm sorry,” you spoke before taking another step back, looking at his face.
Parted hair, hollow cheeks and plump lips upturned into a smirk.
“Don't be. I enjoyed it, babygirl.” He winked before leaving you standing there dumbfounded, the door of his room closing as you tried to comprehend what had happened seconds earlier.
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You'd be lying if you say that you didn't find it attractive. The result of the same being your legs wide open, paired with the same pink vibrator which had become your best mate from the past four days. You unbutton your blouse slowly, getting rid of your bra and cupping your tits, closing your eyes as you thought about being touched, a soft moan escaping your mouth as the vibrator stimulated your clitoris just how you liked it.
You whimpered, legs shaking as you pinched your nipples lightly, biting your lips to conceal your moans. The feeling was euphoric, also paired with distress as no matter what you did, you couldn't reach your high. You groaned, replacing your vibrator with your fingers, rubbing soft circles on your wetness, mind going back to what had happened a few hours back, the image of Jake's face popped into your mind and you didn't fight it.
Instead, you proceed to insert a finger inside your hole, gasping as you imagined it to be his thick finger, soon inserting another digit, pumping in and out while bucking your hips to meet your fingers, curling them inside of you. The highly vivid images of Jake doing those things to you helped a lot more than your vibrator did, a knot forming in your stomach as you increased your pace, thighs clenching as you wondered how deep his accented voice would sound in a situation similar to this.
With rigged breathing and shaking legs, your back arched, toes curling when you moaned out Jake's name, reaching your high with the release of your fingers being coated with your juices.
With weak legs, you stood up after a solid of five minutes, getting into the shower after turning the geyser on, letting the hot water droplets soak you up, you sighed, realizing what you'd done a few minutes back. Leaning against the cold shower tiles, you gently rubbed your body with a loofah, shaking your head.
You admit that it was the best orgasm you've had in two weeks, however, the fact that you had cum to the thought of your best friend's brother is what made your heart beat faster than normal.
With your bathrobe on and your hair still wet, you sat down on your bed with no intention of wearing your clothes just yet. You opened your Instagram only to come across Lee Heeseung's post, whereby he showed off his new girlfriend. Just below it, you saw a very vibrant advertisement of Tinder, your interest piqued all of a sudden as you clicked on it, downloading the application at once.
This is what you were going to do, find someone to hook-up with using a dating app, you hadn't ever done this before and naturally, it took you a few minutes to make an account and learn the basics of how the app works, making sure to select an equally sluttery and adorable picture for your profile.
You won't deny that it was fun to swipe left seeing some profiles with literal actors on their profile pictures, not to mention they also claimed to be those very actors. You also came across certain people which you judged, looked fine for your taste, however, they didn't quite reach your ‘I need them to fuck me' scale.
You sighed, almost giving up on this until this one profile made you sit up straight. It was as if the universe was hinting something at you when you saw none other than Jake Sim's profile being displayed on your phone. His picture was clearly alluring, his eyes focused on the camera and his tongue slightly out which, you'd admit, did make him look attractive.
You stared at the screen for a brief second before letting your thumb swipe right before you exit the application and switch off your phone, wondering if there was something wrong with you that day.
Grabbing your pillow, you screamed into it out of embarrassment, quickly searching for ways to undo the right swipe but a certain notification successfully halted your actions, eyes widening at that.
You got a new match! 😍😍😍
To your surprise, it was Jake.
He had sent you a simple wink emoticon paired with 'heyy', very typical of him. A half scoff-laugh escaped your mouth and you decided not to reply to the particular text, throwing your phone on the bed table, going to sleep with a newfound rush of excitement — excitement for your tomorrow's sleepover at Jia's place.
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The next day came by quickly as you woke up late, packed a little bag for your stay and you decided to wear shorts and a blouse for your visit, knowing that you'll soon be changing into your short silk pajamas once you reach her place.
It was eight in the night when you parked your car in front of her house, looking into the car mirror once before you locked it, ringing the doorbell and waiting for a second before the door opened to your excited best friend.
“Y/n, come with me right now!” she more or less dragged you to her room, locking the door before she opened the chats of her and Sunghoon.
“Oh god,” you breathed out.
“Right? He wants me again, how am I supposed to say no to that dick?” she whined.
She could have easily gone to his place. But sadly, she wasn't allowed to do so when her parents were out, since her brother was the one in charge.
“I can cover for you,” you spoke slowly, after a second of forming an idea.
That would give your friend a good fuck, whereas, you can simply make a move on Jake, if you run into him that is.
She turned to look at you “Wait, you can. But how?”
“I mean, I can lock the door once you're out and then I'll also make sure to leave the window lock open so that you can get inside in the morning without getting caught,” you simply said whatever came to your mind.
“That can actually work. Should I say yes then?” she got up, typing furiously already as you nodded, biting your lip.
With a satisfactory smile, she sat down next to you, theorizing that going at midnight would be the best choice since Jake doesn't come out after that hour. You smile and nod, happy to see her so giddy, also offering her a facemask as you put on a movie, watching it together, munching on the snacks she had gotten earlier.
“So, what are you going to do with your situation?” she asked, throwing popcorn in your mouth.
You chewed before answering, “I think I'll go to Yeonjun's party tomorrow,” you contemplate, almost lying.
“Ooh, I'll come with,” she decided, checking the time before rushing into the bathroom with an excited squeal.
You shook your head, watching her come out wearing a blouse and skirt, spraying perfume earnestly before she blew you a kiss, running by all the rules while you also reminded her to be responsible and to come back on time.
With a kiss on your cheek, she left and you noticed Sunghoon's car being a little away from the place, to prevent being caught.
You sighed, changing into your pajamas, making your way to the kitchen right after as you felt parched.
Opening the fridge, you found an unopened bottle of water, and a slice of pizza from earlier. The whole house was silent and the thought of Jake being busy, or not knowing about you being here, invaded your mind.
If that were to be the case, then you'd have no other option than to go to Jia's room and sleep.
“When someone sends a text—” a deep voice spoke near your ear, a tingle going down your spine.
You turned only to be trapped between arms and the kitchen counter. The scent was musky, the exact same which you had been dying to get close to since yesterday.
“—then good girls text back, don't they?” he stepped back, his eyes staring right into yours as he asked you the question.
Even in the dim light of the kitchen area, he looked stunning with messy hair and sleeveless shirt, not to mention how the grey sweatpants he wore made his waist seem even smaller.
Adrenaline rushed through your body and you tiptoed to his height, your nose brushing against his own as he held your waist to steady your figure.
“What if I'm not a good girl?” your lips brushed against his as you spoke slowly, “Then what, Jake?”
He chuckled, caressing your cheek with his thumb, your heart beating out of your chest as his hand travelled down to your neck, and towards your nape. He held on to your nape and pulled you impossibly closer to him.
“Then maybe I'll have to teach you a lesson, sweetheart,” he tilted your head, “would you like that?” he spoke out your name and you could only whimper out in a rushed agreement.
Soon, his plush lips meet yours in a kiss of urgency, your hand settling down on his bare shoulder, fingers digging into his flesh as you kissed him back with the same urgency. And suddenly, you were thankful that Jia went out.
Jake couldn't stop himself from feeling every inch of you, his hand going under your shirt, smirking when he noticed that you weren't wearing a bra.
“So fucking naughty.” he broke the kiss, whispering in your ear before he picked you up, placing you on the kitchen counter behind
you, his lips now moving down to kiss your neck, sucking on certain areas alongside, fondling your tits, squeezing them which elicited a moan out of you.
“Jake—” you breathed out his name once he unbuttoned your shirt, throwing it on the floor, his plush lips instantly working on kissing your valley of breasts, while you threaded your fingers through his hair, tugging at the silky roots harsh enough to make him groan.
You found it hot how he was just as eager as you if not more, he stepped back and got rid of his own clothes, keeping his boxers on which did nothing to hide the outline of his hardened cock. You stared at him, cheeks on fire and lips slightly swollen. You noticed how his hair looked messier than ever, your eyes following his every move.
He tugged at your shorts, helping you out of them in a hurry, you bit your lip, spreading your legs on the counter so that he could get a better view of your glistening cunt.
“You're soaked,” he touched your wet slit with two fingers, making you shiver in an instant, “aw, princess. Are you that needy for me?” he bent down to place a kiss right where you needed him the most.
You gasped, feeling overwhelmed and wanting more of him, all of him.
He wastes no time in immersing his tongue into your pussy, licking and sucking as you panted, thighs shaking. He held them open with his strong grip on your thigh. Your eyes closed once the tip of his nose brushed against your clit. You felt ecstatic by each passing second, even more so when his thumb took the chance to stimulate your clit further.
“Jake, I'm so close,” you let out, and he stopped that very second, making you whine.
He licked his lips, looking at you right in the eye before he asked, “What do good girls do?”
“R—reply to texts!” you cried out lowly.
His tone got deeper as he asked you further, “Yeah? And what? You're gonna pay attention to me now?”
You were too out of your brain to get a better understanding of his last question, you didn't question it, nodding and saying yes, mind clouded with lust and need.
“I need words,” he urged, kissing your neck.
“Yes. Yes I will.”
“That's my good girl,” he whispered, positioning his hardened cock at your entrance, rubbing his tip on your wetness.
His words made your head spin in a good way. A lot of people had tried to talk to you that way, however, their words didn't affect you a bit. So, what made it different this time? Maybe it was his deep accent, or the fact that you had been craving sex from a few days now. Or, he was simply good at what he did.
It was easy for him to bottom out with how your wet cunt pulled his cock in, his dick stretching you out deliciously as you pulled him in for another kiss, moaning into his mouth.
He groaned, slamming his cock into you as he attached his lips on your tits, biting and sucking hard enough for it to leave marks by the next day. He acquired a faster rhythm, burying his length inside you while you held on to his shoulders for support.
His digits played with your bundle of nerves alongside, pulling you closer by waist in the process. You knew that you won't be lasting any longer than this and so, he increased his pace, spreading your legs further before you started clenching around him helplessly.
“S—so close,” you whimpered.
“Let go, baby.” He started to pull out, his own high nearing, but you wrapped your legs around his waist.
“I'm on pills,” you whispered, gulping down, “Cum in me, please?”
He had never been more turned on in his entire life. Your fucked out face, swollen lips and the innocent eyes begging him made it harder for him to hold back. He, in fact, didn't wish to hold back anymore.
“You'll be the death of me,” he spoke against your lips, thrusting until you reached your state of euphoria, his cum releasing inside you as you both rode out your orgasms.
You weakly called out his name, and you swear you could see his eyes shining before he bent down to grab his clothes, his usual smirk back on his face as he pulled you in closer for one last time, helping you down the counter and lightly chucking at your wobbly legs.
“Next time, you'll text back, right?” he raised his brows.
Your heart hammered at the possibility of him fucking you again, “Yes, I promise,” you breathed out, lost in his eyes.
“Good girl,” he praised once again, before leaving you standing in the dimly lit kitchen.
You cursed, admitting how it was the best orgasm you've ever had in your life, weakly collecting your clothes before making sure to clean the kitchen counter and going back to Jia's room, cleaning yourself up.
You were too tired to function anymore, sleep consuming you fast as you drifted off to the dreamland.
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By the time you woke up the next morning, Jia was home and fast asleep next to you, the sunlight was strong enough to wake you up, your legs sore from the pre-sleep activity you had. With a groan, you got up, looking at yourself in the mirror. You looked like a mess, and so, you decided to take a shower and change into the other set of clothes you got with yourself.
“Jia, you're awake?” you saw your friend sitting on the bed with a pout and half opened eyes.
She called your name. “My legs hurt,” she whined, making you chuckle and help her up, despite your condition being the same as her, if not worse.
In half an hour, you both looked a lot more presentable. Rushing down to eat, you guys found Jake with an apron on, cooking what looked like breakfast to you.
“Wake up, sleepyhead.” Jake flicked Jia's forehead and you stood there, seeing the twins bicker.
Jake looked so different from the night, the smile on his face giving his face an angelic glow and his eyes were soft, unlike yesterday, which were full of lust.
He served an omelet with bacon for his sister, soon coming to your side with a playful smile, “Y/n, you look sleepy, did you not sleep well?” he spoke and you rolled your eyes as subtly as you could.
Of course you felt sleepy, he had kept you up half the time and you did not regret it a bit, “I'm hungry,” you spoke, ignoring his question.
He shook his head, winking before going to set up a plate of breakfast for you and him, both. He joined you at the dining table and you three ate silently, scrolling through your phone, still you could feel someone's stare on you, and you very well knew it was Jake's eyes which were fixated on you.
Even when you were leaving for home, he was the one who walked you to the door. Jia didn't suspect a thing, lost in her own little world, giggling as she texted Sunghoon.
“Don't forget to text back,” he spoke in a low tone, almost pressing you against your car with how close he was, “princess,” he concluded, right near your ear.
You gulped, not wanting to admit that even his little gestures affected you a great deal. Not to mention how it was officially just the third day of your said interactions.
You drove back home with a tingling sensation down in your abdomen. Last night left you wanting for more, and so, you looked forward to more of your interactions, also waiting for him to text you.
The day went by as quick as the lightning, you focused on the completion of your assignment, having to submit it in the school tomorrow.
“Final-fucking-ly,” you groaned, stretching your body before you shut down your laptop and plopped on the bed, unlocking your phone to find new notifications, but only one caught your eye.
Miss me yet? ;)
You shook your head with amusement, typing out a reply.
What if I do?
Then maybe I'll have to come over to solve that problem, bbg
As tempting as the offer is, we have school tmrw </3
Tmrw it is then ;)
That was the last text you got from him, and you were curious if he was trying to make this a regular activity. Going behind your best friend was something you'd never thought you'd do, but like you mentioned, the offer was too tempting to refuse.
You took a deep breath, ready to face whatever was to come tomorrow.
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You weren't ready for this.
Never in a million years had you thought that one of your fanfiction-esque fantasy would turn into a reality; courtesy of Jake Sim.
The day started off well, the clear sky and light wind made your morning mood instantly better. You reached school right on time, even getting coffee before that to function properly throughout the day.
Sitting with a random student, you pulled out your binder to make notes for that specific class, paying attention to everything your teacher said out loud before a small ball of crumpled paper hit your arm, you turned around in hopes of finding the culprit, but sadly, no one looked even a tad bit suspicious.
You shrugged, shifting your focus back on the lesson. Soon, the bell rang and you sprinted out of the class, the subject wasn't your favourite but paying
attention was the bare minimum. You stood in front of your lockers, stuffing a book back there before you shut it.
“Hey,” Jake spoke and you stepped back in surprise, clutching your chest before you slapped his shoulder.
“The fuck are you doing?” you whisper yelled.
“Exactly. What the fuck am I doing if you're still not pressed against the wall with my lips on yours?” he leaned in and you pushed him back, afraid of someone coming across you both being cozy with each other.
“We can't do it here,” you said, adjusting the strap of your bag and your eyes darting around the corridor, not meeting his.
“Right, we have to be at a secluded place. Follow me,” he said, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the parking area, which was fairly empty.
“Jake, I have a class—” you stopped once he turned towards you.
“Then you've got two choices, baby,” he smirked, “go and attend your class, or stay and let me fuck you.”
He pressed the door open button on his car keys, and you noticed that it was right behind you. The decision was yours to make, his tempting expression made you want to pull on his collar and smash your lips against his.
That's exactly what you did.
Soon, you were stuffed into the backseat of his car, windows fogged up and devoid of clothes, breathing ragged and his cock deep inside your cunt.
You had never been so grateful for tinted windows before.
“What do good girls say?” he urged you to answer, not moving.
You whined, “Please?”
“You're such a good girl for me, giving me all your attention.” He pulled out, slamming his cock inside your pussy once again and rubbed your clit alongside it.
Despite your state of pure ecstasy, you noticed this one word he spoke, ‘attention’ it was something he had used before too, and you were more than curious to know the reason behind it. Was it based on lust or something more? The question was sure to linger in your mind the whole day.
You hands tangled in his hair, holding his face close to your neck while he placed harsh kisses all over from your neck to clavicle as he hit all the deeper spots inside of you, growling your name as you both reached your climax, him nibbling on your earlobe before he collected your arousal with his two digits, tasting it right in front of your eyes, successfully hypnotizing you with his actions.
Chuckling, he swiftly pulled you on his lap and rested in the position for a while, your wetness close to his hardening cock.
He grabbed your chin and whispered against your lips, “Now that I've got a taste of you, I don't think I'd want to let go,” his tone was deep and breathless.
“Then don't,” you softly spoke, sealing the deal before he pulled you up and let you sink on his cock, taking you for the second time that very day.
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This feeling was foreign to you. It had always been you, the plans, the calls, it all came from you whenever you were needy. This applied to all your previous friends with benefits, however, this time was different.
You weren’t one to spend time them, or were available for them when they needed you for their own share of sexual fulfilment.
That’s precisely what you were thinking about while staring into the mirror, lips shaded with your favourite lipstick, clad in a skirt with a top that complemented it well. All this because of one person.
Jake Sim.
It had been a solid of three weeks since your sex escapades started, and in midst of that, you had somehow grown used to his ways, his mannerism and, of course, his golden retriever like charm. You vaguely remember the day it started, the day you gave up your own rules. Willingly.
It was quite a horrible day for you, nothing was going your way, from you getting soaked in the unforeseen rain, to forgetting your assignment back at home and the newfound announcement of one of your favourite local bakeries being closed when you craved something sweet; made your crankiness rise up to a new level.
It blatantly showed how you were in dire need of some kind of distraction, a release of some sort. And Jake unknowingly gave you just that. His text was simple, asking if you wanted to come over, also informing you that his sister won’t be home for the night — and you knew exactly why.
So you took your chance and rushed over to his place. It was as if he knew that you needed something rough, he asked for your permission once before grabbing your wrist with his veiny hand, getting you inside his bedroom and closing the door swiftly, pressing you against the same while his eyes darkened with lust.
You’d never forget that night, the room was filled with the mist of sex and desire, the noise of your skin slapping resonating while you gasped when he spanked your ass, gripping your hair to thrust in harder from behind. His filthy words filled your mind, you wanted him more than you’ve ever wanted anyone. And that’s exactly what helped you reach your climax.
“That was amazing,” you huffed out, rolling on his bed and covering yourself with the blanket, getting comfortable as you tried to calm your breathing.
“You’re amazing,” he spoke, getting in the blanket with you, eyes earnest as he said so.
You gulped, breaking eye contact once your heart started racing at the honesty of his words, getting ready to do what you always did after a session — leave.
However, he had the power to stop you with a single sentence.
“Do you wanna watch a movie?” he asked, eyes never leaving yours.
You simply blinked at his statement, contemplating where you should stay or not, counting the reasons you could stay, the first being the sour ache in your legs, courtesy of Jake’s powerful thrusts which drove you to your breaking point.
Second being the comfort of his mattress, you made a mental note to ask him the brand for the same.
Third being, well, just his company.
Three reasons were enough for you, and you were noddin before you could even think more, making him smile the widest you’ve ever seen. Your own lips curling into one due to how contagious his smile was.
You stayed up the night watching his favourite movie, again, you would have said no but instead, you found yourself getting intrigued by the story each passing second, the night ending with you two sharing the bed, lips faintly curled up. You knew you were doomed when you found yourself in his arms, his face the first thing your eyes witnessed in the morning.
To prevent getting hurt, you did what you had to.
You left before he woke up.
You thought you had dodged the bullet called feelings, however, you only craved his touch more, and when he called your phone the next day, letting you know that he’s outside your place, you broke your rules yet again.
Ever since that day, you found yourself hanging out more, not just for the sake of having sex but also in general. He joined you and Jia whenever you hung out together despite the insufferable bickering he had to go through with his sister.
In the span of two weeks, he accompanied you both to the amusement park, sneaking to make out with you at random times. He went to your place to give you the jacket you left in Jia’s room, only to stay back and have a little extra fun with you while fucking you in your bathroom.
That’s not all. Jake was a kind person despite his usual unbothered and cool persona. He was quick to prove it to you, he took care of you in ways that you wouldn’t expect him to, getting you food and also relieving your stress in his own way. You got to witness the cuter side of him, learning how he’s scared of ghosts and you kissed him on the cheek that day, finding him adorable with his blushing face.
You wanted to spend each second of your day with him.
Which brings you back to today’s case. You were going to their place, Jia not being home again and you wondered why you had put so much effort just to meet him, knowing that you’ll look absolutely smashed once he’ll be done with you.
That wasn’t the case though. He had pulled you in with a smile, not forgetting to kiss you right on your mouth. It felt domestic, and you hated how your knees felt weak at his gestures, you didn’t know that his own heartbeat was faster than usual when he asked if you would play video games with him, even more so once you agreed.
“You’re so bad at this,” you laughed, getting the hang of the game.
“No! I’m just being nice and letting you win here,” he argued.
He was simply bad at it.
Just then, you won again with a celebratory sign showing on the television screen and you jumped up, genuinely smiling and wrapping his arms around him, only for him to hug you back tighter, his hand on your waist pulling you close, increasing the proximity.
You stilled, breaking the hug but his hand didn’t move an inch, keeping you in place. He called out your name in a whisper, giving you goosebumps.
“Yes?” You softly asked back.
“You’re so pretty,” he spoke in that very tone which had your heart racing, his thumb caressing the apple of your cheek.
You didn’t say anything, already conflicted at the realization that you liked him. Further, you were taken aback with his next words.
“I’ve always thought you were so pretty from far, but once I came closer and saw you in a more intimate manner, I knew I was fucked,” he confessed softly.
“Wait, what do you mean?” You asked with wide eyes.
He chuckled, capturing your lips in an impatient kiss, his hand cupping your cheek lightly.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, wanting him to be closer than ever, lips moving in sync with his as he deepened the kiss.
The door opened that very second, revealing Jia with widened eyes and a clenched fist.
You stepped back in a frenzy, shaking your head as you walked towards her. Jake rolled his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek before looking away.
“What the fuck are you doing?” She screamed.
“Jia, I can explain—”
She scoffed. “No. You can’t. It’s so low of you to go behind my back to fuck my brother.”
Your eyes widened at her sentence, guilt filling up your body. Despite that, you decided to stay mum and not call her out for fucking Jake’s best friend.
“Just listen to me once,” you begged.
“Leave.” Her words were final.
Your shoulders slumped, and you made your way out despite Jake calling out your name desperately, tears welling up in your eyes. Midway down the stairs, you remembered how you left your phone back in his room, walking back to get it.
“Shut up!” You heard Jake scream once you stood outside the room, you had never heard him scream before.
“So you think I don’t know that you’ve been fucking my best friend all along? Guess what? I don’t fucking care. Do what you have to and let me do what I have to.”
“H—how did you know?” Your friend asked him and you felt bad for causing an argument between the twins.
“I saw you the other day,” he sighed, voice getting lower as he spoke the next words, “why would you do this, Jia? I’ve liked her for so long, this was my chance to be with her and you ruined it.” You heard him speak.
You covered your mouth with your hand at the confession. You didn’t like to evesdrop, but you couldn’t help it either, your cheeks heating up as you heard him speak more.
“No. Actually, like won’t be the correct word here. I’m in love with her,” he told Jia.
You couldn’t stay anymore, leaving your phone there as you quickly rushed down to leave. You didn’t want to leave Jake, not when you felt the same way for him. Crying in your room was the best option for you at the given moment, you didn’t regret being with Jake and also wished for your time together to have been longer, you held yourself for an hour as you cried.
A sudden doorbell made you rush down the stairs and you found Jake standing there with a guilty faced Jia. He saw your crying state and engulfed you in a hug, which only made you cry further into his neck, he held you for a few minutes before you broke the hug and looked at Jia, tears streaming down her face.
“Y/n,” she called out weakly, “I’m sorry.”
You looked at Jake and he nodded before you both pulled each other in a hug. She constantly kept apologizing and you stayed quiet, not knowing how to handle the situation.
“I know I’ve been a hypocrite, I’m so fucking sorry to you both,” she looked down, “Jake is right, you two should be together,” she smiled at you.
“Jia, it’s okay. It must have been shocking for you, I understand and I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Your words made her cry more.
Jake held your hand through it all, letting you know that it’ll soon be okay for everyone.
That night, Jake decided to stay with you as you held on to him dearly. Also staring at him with heart eyes which made him laugh and look away, a faint blush on his face.
“You okay now?” He softly asked, and you nodded.
“Jake,” you licked your lips before looking him in the eye, “I heard you earlier.”
“What?” He looked at you, scared that he’ll be rejected.
“I swear I wasn’t trying to listen to you guys, I needed my phone which I left in your room!” You explained.
“Oh,” he bit his lip, “I understand if you don’t want—”
“I love you.” Your words made him look up with wide eyes.
“I really do,” you gulped, cupping his face, “I want us to be together.”
He smiled, eyes watering as he pulled you in a deep kiss.
“I love you,” he spoke against your lips, you both smiling, “Y/n?” He called out your name and you hummed, “let me make love to you.”
Your breath hitched at his words, you rubbed your nose with his before nodding and kissing him with a smile on your face.
He looked at you with the most gentle expression, helping you get out of your clothes while kissing every inch of your body. His full attention on you, his eyes fixated on your face as he memorized each of your expressions while he touched your wetness slowly, your fingers digging on his shoulders as he stretched your pussy out with his two digits.
You called out his name with need, and he only kissed you more, his lips soft against yours as his hands caressed your breasts. He quickly separated for a second which caused you to whine, him gathering his precum on his thumb before pumping his cock a few times, positioning himself on your entrance.
Jake thrusted in, placing kisses on your clavicle as he intertwined your fingers, he reached the deepest spots in you, the ones which no one had reached before and you were on cloud nine. His thrusts were perfectly angled, sharp and hit your g-spot — turning you into a moaning mess in his hold.
His hair matted against your forehead made him look even prettier and he saw you staring at him, pulling you into a kiss as he thrusted in harder.
“Don’t look at me like that, princess,” he groaned.
“Like what?” You asked, breathless.
“Like I’m your whole world,” he said and you looked away while he laughed in the crook of your neck.
He rested his forehead against yours when you were close, your mouth opening to tell him something at the same time as his mouth opened.
“I love you,” you both spoke together, reaching your climax together before you smiled, kissing each other deeply.
“You are my whole world,” you spoke up and he shook his head with yet another smile, pulling you on his lap before hugging you closer.
You had never felt happier and were so grateful for the text Jake had sent to you that day, which made you realize one thing that —
Love was the prettiest thing you could ever feel.
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taglist : @en-cityzen @sunghoonsworld @seungkwan-s @ye0njunzp1xie @eunoia-kth @lix-freckle3 @woniebae @baekhyunstruly @heenotes @sungniverse @criceofpain @starryjakey @wntrsgf @heelariously @liliansun @hoonstrology @abdiitcryy @w3bqrl @9900z @so-jays @cha-raena @faethefairy @seo-thicc-bin @lilacboba @fallinforgyu @irockgyu @jayegalaxy @violevantae @ivyvesisi @sunshine-skz @nicksszzz @candidupped @celestialsjy @enhydiaries @woniecf @ultenha
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4K notes · View notes
russellsppttemplates · 10 months
Papa loves you so much, princess (Mick Schumacher)
Mick and Y/N find out their family is growing
Note: english is not my first language. this is another long piece that I hope you enjoy! I have been talking about this since January, so this is ver long overdue!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: mentions reader's period and pregnancy
Getting up from the bed, you were fortunately quick enough to reach the bathroom in time to pour your guts out on the toilet, leaning on the toilet's side to support your torso. You were already up by the time Mick walked inside the bathroom, his sleepy expression with some traces of concern, "I told you I shouldn't have had that last piece of dessert", you pointed your finger at him through the mirror while you splashed your face, "you kept looking at it like you were a dog that was abandoned on the road, and then when I asked if you wanted my piece, I swear I saw happy tears in your eyes", your husband teased you, rubbing your back in a comforting manner, "do you want me to get you anything?", he asked, "just some cuddles in bed should do the trick", you muttered, allowing him to carry you back to the bed for a few more hours of hopefully uninterrupted sleep.
After leaving work, you stopped by the grocery store since you and Mick had noticed you were running low and running out of a few items at home, "we just had a snack break and the next part of the meeting should be the last one, I'm sorry I'm not helping you", he said over the phone while you browsed the aisles, "it's okay, handsome. You can still help me out here, though. I'm the cleaning section and I already have dish soap and the spray for the wooden cabinets, anything else?", you asked, earning a negative answer from him, "no, that's all I think. Next is the bathroom one, right? We are running low on toilet paper, and I used the last plaster yesterday. You only had one box of tampons in the cabinet so given that you are about to have your period, see if you need more of them", he pointed out, grabbing your attention to the matter. It should have started by now, you checked the date on your watch. And you were never late.
"We also need those tissues you keep on your bedside table, I used some today and I noticed they were the last ones", you could hear the smile on his voice, "alright, bub. I'll see you at home, have a good meeting!", you dialed off, grabbing the things he mentioned before looking at the pharmacy section.
You were never late, so it had to be this, right? Barring any other health situations, all of your symptoms aligned with pregnancy symptoms: you had been nauseous, feeling sick (and maybe it wasn't the stolen dessert's fault), you kept falling asleep whenever you rested on the sofa at home and Corinna had complimented the way one of your summer dresses fitted you, claiming that the neckline looked beautiful on you. And you and Mick had been trying, not with a whole calendar but rather just not using protection and seeing where it led you, and maybe this was it. Grabbing two boxes for the sake of it, you put them in your shopping trolley before heading to the till to pay for everything so you could go home.
When Mick got home, dinner was already on the table while you also fed Angie her own dinner, his kiss on your forehead coming with an apology for having arrived just in time for it, "no need to apologise, myself and miss Angie kept ourselves busy", you petted her soft fur before heading to wash your hands, joining Mick at the table and enjoying the meal.
"Does it taste okay to you?", you asked Mick, the taste of the broccoli seemingly off to you, "yes, tastes like this dish always tastes. It's very good, why do you ask?", he questioned, "I don't know, tastes funny to me", you mumbled, using your fork and knife to push the green vegetable to the edge of your plate, "maybe you got a bad one", he noted. That was another symptom, you thought, remembering when one of your friends couldn't eat her favourite meal while she was pregnant because she claimed it tasted different.
"Actually, I've been having a few symptoms, and they are all compatible with-", you were interrupted by your husband, "pregnancy", he smiled, seeing your brushed and stunned face, "I've noticed them too. You haven't told me you are craving your usual sweets when you're on your period, your boobs look even more amazing but the moment I so much as graze my finger in the skin you hiss because of the pain, you're not one to take naps during the day but the moment your head hits the pillow you're out like a light, and it's not common for you to have a bad stomach", he reasoned, making you blush even harder, "Why didn't you say something though?", you asked softly.
Mick shrugged his shoulders, "I just didn't want to burden you, or maybe I was keeping my hopes up and I didn't want to ruin yours, or point out something about your body like that, I'd never want to do so in a way that could be harmful", he answered apologetically, making your get up and go sit on his lap, "you could've said something, I wouldn't be offended, I think anyway, apparently pregnant women get mood swings so I can't speak for sure", you shrugged your shoulders, "truth is, I got some pregnancy tests at the store today because I also thought the same thing, but I wanted to do them with you", you looked at him, "but I don't know how to deal with this hope, like, I could just have some bug, but it is also true that everything checks out...", you fiddled and played with his fingers, "we take it step by step, if you'd like", your husband began softly, "and if you're not pregnant, we can keep trying", he explained, grabbing your hand once you nodded, heading to the bathroom so you could do the tests.
The plastic sticks were on the counter, Angie lying on the bathroom floor while Mick sat on the edge of the tub wirh you on his lap, "just a little bit more, liebling", he kissed the side of your head, "I'm sorry", you whispered, gaining his questioning look, "if I'm not pregnant, I got both of our hopes up for nothing", you explained, feeling his fingers lift your chin up to look into his eyes, "no need to apoligise, liebling. We just keep trying, it's not like we mind trying", he winked, looking at his watch to see the time was up, "I'm ready when you are", he said soflty.
You got up, picking up the sticks and seeing that both of them had the same information, "it won't be trying for a baby, but I've heard that sex while you're pregnant is a whole another level of sensations", you smiled at Mick, showing him the positive results.
"We're having a baby?", Mick mumbled, still not sure if he had grasped what you said in the right way, "we are, baby Schumacher is going to be here in nine months", you cried out, smiling as Mick cuddled you, his arms circling your before spinning you, "Angie! You're going to be a big sister!", Mick said once he put you down.
"I remember reading about these old wives' that help you guess the gender of the baby, and your grandmother did some on me for both of you and they turned out pretty accurate, I think", Corinna said as she sat in the outdoor sofa in front of you.
Since Gina was visiting, you and Mick decided to invite her and Corinna to spend the day together, Angie sitting next to her auntie while you sat next to Mick, "Oh, that would be fun!", Gina said as she straightened her back, picking up her phone so she could look them up on the Internet while Corinna started with the ones she knew, "they say that if you have a pointed belly towards the front, it means you're having a boy, and if you have a rounder bump and wider hips, it means it's a baby girl", she said, seeing Mick quickly ask for you consent before he helped you stand as he lifted your t-shirt, "what do we think? Pointy or not so much?", you did a turn around yourself, "I think it's rounder", Mick said earning a nod from his mother, "me too", Gina said, "but I've always had wider and rounder hips", you tried to reason as Gina wrote girl and a stick next to it to help count.
"The next one was that sweet cravings were sign of a baby girl, and salty cravings were sign of a baby boy", and Mick wiped the smug smile off his face, "I've been eating a lot of savoury stuff", you nudged your husband while his sister wrote down the tie.
Gina opened the lunar calendar on her phone while the four of you looked at all the details they asked for, "it's a girl according to this one!", Mick yelled way too close to your ear, "another point for babygirl then", you said, cuddling back to his side and giggling at everyone's exciting.
You saw and tested a couple more and, without realising it, you tried the last one without noticing it was the last, only for it to make another tie between babyboy and babygirl, "so that's it?", Mick said, not expecting it to turn out like this, "you just have to wait and see, you know, like all the people do because you can know for sure on the ultrasound", Gina teased him.
Once you got to the OB/GYN, Mick offered to go get you checked in at the desk while you went to find a comfortable chair to sit in while you waited, "final bet: are they a baby boy or a baby girl?", Mick said once he sat down with you, his hand holding yours to calm down your nervous thoughts. The ultrasounds always made you nervous, always wondering if everything was alright and as it should be, so having Mick there to support you and distract you was appreciated, "I think they're a baby boy, and he looks like his papa", you cradled his cheek on your palm, "I think they're a baby girl, and she has your kindness and empathy. It's just my gut feeling", he smiled, kissing the top of your head while he moved your conjointed hands to rest on your bump, feeling the baby kick, "not my chubby cheeks?", you playfully gasped, "what can I say? I think the Schumacher genes are much too strong", he teased you, looking up to the door when your name was called.
Entering the room and greeting your doctor, she asked you a couple of questions before asking you to lay on the little bed, the gel cold on your bump as she moved the wand around, "okay, everything looks good, strong heartbeat for little one and mother as well", she smiled, "I can see it. Do you still want to know?", she asked one last time, earning a nod from both you and Mick, "you're going to have a baby girl, congratulations!", she announced.
Your hand squeezed Mick's, feeling him press a kiss to the top of your head as you both looked at your baby on the screen, "we're having a little girl? Liebling, it's a little girl", he said, his eyes tearing up as he kept looking at the screen. Despite having feelings and guesses about it, neither of you didn't have any preference, feeling happy just with the idea that you were carrying a combination of you and Mick, but you couldn't help but get all goddy as you imagined Mick with a little daughter, knowing she would have him wrapped around her finger from the moment she was born. Even thinking now, she has him wrapped around her finger since you both found out you were pregnant.
"She looks good, there isn't anything that looks concerning. The measurements are all within the norm, everything looks good. Congratulations, mama and papa!", she smiled, "do you want copies to take home?".
While she went to get the slightly exaggerated number of copies of baby Schumacher (Mick wanted everyone that was important in his life to have one), your husband helped you clean the skin on your bump, "are you happy?", you looked at him, not seeing any signs of uneasiness but feeling his a little bit tense, "I am, liebling", he said, "but she's going to be here soon, you know? Little one is growing so fast, I can't believe we're past the half way point", he admitted, "I just don't want to disappoint any of you", he gulped, making you craddle his face with your hands, "My love, I know you and believe me, if how everything has gone until now is any indicator, we are going to have princess treatment", you smiled softly on an attempt to calm him, "thank you for sharing this with me, though. You can always share your worries with me, Mick", you finished, kissing his lips passionately, "I love you, liebling", he kissed you back, "and you little one, papa loves you so much, princess".
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khristie16 · 7 months
Blindfolded Desires
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about: Charles can't resist you any longer, and your party takes an unexpected turn into a dark closet warnings: cnc, fingering, humiliation, tie up Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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“WHAT??!!” You watched your best friend with a mix of confusion and embarrassment. You never thought those feelings could coexist, but they did. After yesterday's fiasco, you bid farewell to Nicole and headed back to your dorm. Your plan? Forget about everything, bury your nose in books, and let your problems sort themselves out.
“I’m sorry YN. He really had his eyes open. And you looked so… eager. It was weird to look at that.”
Frustrated, you sat on the couch in your shared room, holding your head in your hands. This situation was worse than you could have imagined. Your arch-nemesis had left you feeling eager for him while he remained unbothered.
“It was a setup. He did it to make fun of me again!” You reclined on the couch, gazing up at the ceiling, searching for solace.
Realizing it was nearly time for your first class, you hastily reached for your phone. “I'm so sorry, YN. I'll never ask you to come to another one of these ridiculous parties with me,” Nicole said.
You exhaled, torn between frustration and laughter, feeling like a complete mess. “Yeah, I'm never going near him again.” However, it seemed your worst enemy had different plans.
As you walked down the corridor, your gaze fixed on the ground as you passed strangers, someone unexpectedly grabbed your attention.
“Hey,” a guy said in a high-pitched voice, nearly causing you to back away. You tried to place his face as he stood there smiling at you. He seemed familiar.
“I’m Stephan. I was at the party yesterday.” Perplexed, you kept your cool and replied with chilly reserve,
“Oh, hi.” You expected the worst, but his next words caught you off guard.
“I'm sorry for yesterday. My cousin can be a pain in the ass sometimes.” Scrutinising the differences between them, you scrunched your eyebrows. They didn't look alike.
Seemingly attuned to your thoughts, he smiled and said, “Yeah, I know.”
Your tension eased a bit, and you sighed quietly. “Yeah, sorry, but I have a class in a minute, so I've got to go.”
You tried to sound apologetic and gave him a simple smile. You appeared reserved, not unfriendly. “Yeah, sorry. I could catch up with you later, if you don't mind,” he said shyly. You just smiled and waved before continuing on your way.
As you turned the corner, you overheard a deep, slightly angry voice that you didn't want to hear. You hadn't encountered him at school until now, but things were different. He either had a strange interest in you or wanted to make fun of you again, and you weren't sure which was worse.
“Getting your claws into another virgin?” You abruptly confronted him, staring into his eyes. “One more word, Leclerc, and I'll teach you not to mess with me.”
He laughed, his dimples deepening. “Yeah, you're going to teach me how to fuck?” “Maybe,” you retorted, “because those bimbos you have can't tell you that you pretty much suck at it.”
His expression darkened, and he contemplated grabbing you by the neck, but instead, he stood taller and spoke from above.
“Careful, jolie. You should watch your mouth.” Your gaze flared with anger as both of you breathed heavily. A sudden clap of thunder broke the tension between you and Charles as you walked away, leaving your scent behind, something he longed to bathe in.
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A few days passed, and you were preparing for another party, a Halloween one. You didn't want to dress provocatively, so you considered going as the Grinch. However, your best friend Nicole disapproved, saying, “You cannot be serious.” Rolling your eyes, you explained that you had no interest in showing off your body just because everyone else did. Nicole understood but suggested you choose a different character or actor to dress up as.
The next evening, you walked beside Nicole and her boyfriend, all dressed up as you reached the main entrance of a big hall where the music resonated through the walls. At that moment, you were second-guessing your decision to attend the party.
“Oh, come on, YN, you'll have fun,” Nicole assured you. She was right; you just didn't know it yet.
“Pulp Fiction?” You turned to see Stephen, and you smiled and nodded as you observed his Dracula costume.
“You know, I almost thought I wouldn't see you tonight.” You chuckled in response and began to pour yourself a drink. Stephen promptly took your cup, saying he would do it. You appreciated the gesture and decided to strike up a conversation.
“Do you like Halloween?” you asked. “Not necessarily, but Charles wants me to socialize.”
As you talked, you felt someone's touch on your shoulder. “Nice outfit,” Charles said. You eyed him with arrogance, and he asked if you thought he was a CEO. "007," he clarified. You nodded, unimpressed, and turned away to go to the restroom.
“Wait,” he said, his hand on your bare arm, making you feel a burning sensation. “Dance with me.” You burst into laughter, “Go bully someone else.”
A few hours passed, and the alcohol had definitely taken its toll. The room spun as you danced on the parquet floor with strangers, having lost sight of Nicole in the crowded venue. Numerous hands grasped at your waist, shifting around depending on opportunity. You were lost in the music, feeling it pulse through your entire body.
Suddenly, the music came to an abrupt stop, and you snapped back to sobriety in an instant. You quickly pulled away from the hands that had been holding you and made your way toward the exit. But as you approached it, something or someone grabbed you, and darkness enveloped your vision. And a hot body against you.
Your wrists were swiftly bound, and the sensation of a cold wall against your cheek intensified as the mysterious person spun you around. He held you firmly by your hair, and the pulsating music from outside surged back to full volume. His fingers trailed down your spine, gripping your buttocks with a determined force that caused a slight discomfort.
With a calculated move, he used his foot to part your legs and he went lower with his fingers to your core. He acted without hesitation, as if he were determined not to waste a single moment with you. He massaged your bud and you responded in arching your back toward his tight hot body. His skillful touch conveyed an intimate bliss of your desires, making you unable to contain your moans. He leaned in closer to capture every sound from your mouth and increased the pace of his movements. You were soaking wet it was all over his hand and getting down your thighs. The combination of alcohol and overwhelming sensations left you unable to think rationally. When he began to caress your breasts, you lost all control and climaxed, releasing your pleasure over his hand. All you could hear from him was a loud groan. As he helped you remove the belt from your wrists, he spoke to you,
“Desperate for my fingers as well, huh?” In that moment, you felt as if you could vanish into the ground, fully realizing the intensity of the situation.
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azaarchiive · 4 months
☆be mine?; gojo satoru
synopsis; satoru is never second, so why aren’t you with him right now?
notes: valetines treat that’s a day late, sorry guys i got so fucking plastered yesterday but here i am now!
tags: alcohol consumption, rich 18 y/o gojo, jealousy, tiny age gap (between you and random), gn reader, foul language, use of petname (baby), mentions of throwing up, 995 words ❤️ happy valentines guys
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satoru was truthfully only here for you and suguru, he was not that fond of parties which was quite conflicting with his persona. it was just an excuse to get drunk and getting drunk weakens a person. plus alcohol tasted yucky to him.
nonetheless, when you wanted to throw a valentines party for all the singles, he just had to come. now, he was heavily regretting that choice as he could see your so called ‘valentines’ here with you.
you see, two days ago, your school was selling roses that you could give to anyone of your choosing for valentines. satoru with his marvellous brain decided he was to give you one, confess his undying love for you and finally make you two happen. you both would be the power couple, the dream team that everyone would envy while you two would snuggle and whisper sweet nothings into each others ears. sadly, that's not what happened.
a junior that had obviously had his eyes on you for a while had come to give you a rose and ask you out. while you had frequently reminded everyone that you were not into him as he had a reputation to be... popular with the girls, it still irked him how you talked to him and was still considering going out on a date with that loser when he was standing right here.
so, he didn't buy the rose. instead, he congratulated you and watched from afar how you two were getting it on in this stupid party with 2000s club music blaring in his ears and a cup of your strong concoction (it was 3/4s vodka and 1/4th sprite) in his hand.
"everyone can see you staring." a voice from behind him spoke, of course he already knew that person was there but was just too angry to face them.
"i'm way better than that loser, like i'm the strongest man alive, i've got money that will last a lifetime and a face that kills. i'm the ideal package!" satoru complained, huffing before finally turning around and taking a large gulp of your valentines special.
"then show her that, you have been here crying and complaining about how you're way better than the junior but she doesn't know that because you're yapping instead of doing." suguru sighed, having to hear the same 'in the strongest and richest' speech from satoru was a little tiring.
"why do i have to prove something that's a fact?" satoru asked frustratingly, taking another swing of the drink.
"ok, we all know you hate drinking so slow down and stop trying to look cool." suguru chuckled, trying to take away satorus drink from him only for him to snatch it back aggressively.
"i do drink! in fact.." satoru chugged down his drink, took sugurus drink and chugged it down also.
"what the fuc-"
"i'll show that little boy what a real man is!" satoru slightly slurred, given that satoru literally never drinks, you're heavy drinker mixer got him quite fucked up very quickly.
suguru watched satoru walk away, debating on whether he should try and salvage the situation.
"a party always needs some entertainment." suguru shrugged, getting a refill before making his way to watch the mess that was about to unfold in front of him.
satoru marched towards you, dragging you onto the couch as he flopped on top of you. you gasped from the sudden attack in shock.
"satoru- what the hell are you doing?!" you asked, trying to push him off of you.
"um, do you need any help?" the junior asked.
"hell no, back off!" satoru exclaimed, causing the junior to jump slightly and run away, he was not about to be purple hollowed on valentine's day.
"no, rui! ugh, satoru you scared him off!" you groaned, finally pushing him next to you as you laid there heaving.
"good, you don't need him." satoru shifted to face you, taking off his sunglasses.
you looked into his eyes, a whirlwind of emotions hit you as those deep
blue eyes stared into yours. you always found him attractive, he was charming and sweet whilst being an utter fool. satoru had a humorous personality and fuck, his million dollar face was worth everything in the world to kiss.
however, you couldn't tell if he thought the same about you. if he thought about the intricacies of your facial structure the way you did and if he thought about scenarios where you both went on dates or watched cheesy romcoms whilst snuggling together.
“leave that poor boy alone.” you muttered, your hand somehow finding its way to his hair. satoru leaned into you, his head on your chest while you played with his white strands.
“not when he’s trying to get with you like you’re not mine.” he muttered back, looking up at your face of shock.
“satoru, you’re drunk, you don’t know what you’re saying.” you said, trying more to convince yourself rather than satoru.
“get real, you know for a fact im in love with you. why wouldn’t i be? you’re fucking amazing.” satoru smiled.
“what- i- im-“ you stammered, this was not expected at all.
“it’s ok, i know you feel same way, im amazing as well. so please, don’t go on that date with him to try and substitute him for me.” satoru slurred, holding you tightly as he placed a small peck on your chest.
you felt flustered, heavily flustered. since when was satoru this perceptive? well, you guessed he always has been, you just hoped he wasn’t seeing right through you specifically.
“be my valentines? tomorrow i’ll treat you to a date.” satoru lifted his head, staring right into your eyes again.
“february 15th is such a side chick day.” you joked.
“my favourite day for my favourite side chick then.” satoru nuzzled back into your oddly warm chest as you jokingly slapped his head.
satoru was glad he turned infinity off for this, for you.
“so, you guys are finally together now?” suguru spoke softly, causing you both to jump up in surprise.
“oh my god, i didn’t see you there.” you jumped.
“you stalker.” satoru joked.
“whatever, i was scared that you were gonna embarrass yourself, which you did.” suguru smiled.
“either way, i now have a partner while you’re alone for valentine’s day, haha!” satoru replied.
“don’t be mean.” you scolded satoru.
“sorry baby.” satoru went back into your chest with a gleeful smile on his face.
“i feel sick.” suguru fake retched.
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turtlecleric · 4 months
Interrupted + Together won the poll
Bay!Mikey x Reader, NSFW, inspired by art by @thejudiciousneurotic
Mikey is thinking about you. 
But, come on, it's not his fault! Yesterday, when you dropped your phone and knelt down to pick it up… How is he supposed to see that and not have the image seared into his mind? The image of you on your knees at his feet, looking up at him with those… those eyes, and that face, and that mouth and-
God. You're so beautiful. He can't help but imagine how your pretty lips would look wrapped around his cock. 
He's being, like, super creepy, isn't he? Friends don't think about friends when they jack off, do they? 
…But he really, really doesn't want to stop. 
He can almost pretend his fist is your mouth. It feels good, but he knows you'd be even better. You'd be… so, so good. So good for him. 
He wonders if you'd make little noises while you took him down your throat. And what about those eyes? Would you keep those big eyes open while he fucked your pretty mouth? Keep them on him? Would little tears gather in the corners?
Would you let him lead? Let him tangle his fingers in your hair and move you how he wanted?
Fuck, he wants you. He wants you so bad it's insane. He doesn't even care what you'd be like, he knows it would be incredible no matter what. You're perfect.
Your name slips out of him as he strokes himself faster. It feels… really good to say it out loud. He groans it again, louder than before, bordering on desperate as he chases his release. He wants you. Fuck he wants you. He's close, with the thought of you kneeling between his legs. The thought of your mouth, your eyes, your everything. You'd be so, so-
The door starts to open suddenly, and frustrated irritation ripples through him. His brothers were supposed to be out for at least another hour, but either way they should know to at least knock first when the door is closed. 
Well. At least he'll get to embarrass whoever it is. All three of them have walked in on him before, and they always end up absolutely mortified. A smirk is already pulling at his lips, but then the door opens all the way and he sees that it's you.
It's you.
“Oh, shit!” He leans forward, pulling his knees together and trying to hide himself. His heart lodges in his throat, and he watches you realize what you just walked in on. Watches you freeze, watches your eyes widen and your face flush and your mouth - that mouth, oh God - fall open in shock.
For what feels like an eternity, you and Mikey just stare at each other. Then you blink, and your mouth closes. You step further into the room, closing the door behind you before pressing your back against it. 
You're still staring at him. Burning holes into his eyes with your own. And he's sitting on his bed completely fucking naked except for his mask, and his dick is somehow still rock fucking hard in his hand, and oh my god you just walked in on him jacking off to the thought of you. 
So this is what it feels like to be the embarrassed one in this situation. Huh. He's not a fan. 
You're still staring. 
“Uh…” He clears his throat, shifting awkwardly on the bed. “What-”
“You said my name.”
Oh God. He had said your name. Not exactly quietly, either. Shit, shit, what was he supposed to say? Answer!
“Yeah, I. I did.”
Your eyes flick downward for a split second before they return to his face. Your tongue darts out to lick your lips, and come on. Come on! That's not fucking fair. 
“Were you… thinking about me?” You ask.
Shit. Say no, he thinks. Say no!
“...Yes.” Shit! You're going to hate him, oh God, you're probably super grossed out! Fix it! “I'm really sorry, Angelc- I mean! Uh, I can stop calling you that if you don't - if this is, like - I mean, I just think you're really really beautiful and I really like you and-” 
Mikey closes his eyes and groans. Imagines dying of embarrassment. Or launching himself into the sun. Or just dissolving into dust and scattering across the earth.
When he opens his eyes again, somehow you're still here. And for some reason, you're walking closer. 
What the hell is happening?
You get close enough that he could reach out and touch you if he wanted. There's something in your expression that he can't read, but to be fair he might be a little distracted by the sight of your lips up close, still wet from when you'd licked them.
“Mikey.” When he finally meets your gaze, you let out the cutest little laugh he's ever heard. “You do realize I've been flirting with you for weeks, right?”
It takes him a solid ten seconds to register what you said. He blinks, his brow furrowing as he thinks back to his last several interactions with you. 
Oh. Ohhhhh.
He watches you, just to make sure you're not joking.
You're not joking.
When it clicks, when he finally lets himself believe it, he can't stop the ecstatic smile from spreading across his face. You smile back at him, and he thinks his heart might actually burst out of his chest. Holy shit. You like him? You like him?!
A hand on his arm pulls him from his thoughts, reminding him that he's still very much naked on his bed in front of you. You seem to remember, too, and he sees your eyes drop to his hands where they're covering his dick. 
“I know this is kind of fast,” you whisper. “But can I…”
There's no way this is real. There's no way this is actually happening. “You want to…”
You press your lips together and nod, glancing back up at him with trepidation.
Mikey feels his eyes get impossibly wide. He's got to be dreaming. This is too good to be true. 
But he's certainly not going to say no. 
He nods in return, pulling his hands away and watching in disbelief as you climb onto the bed and settle in between his legs. You watch his face for a moment. Whatever you see must satisfy you, because then you lean down, reaching out with both hands to gently stroke his length. Immediately a breathy moan slips out of him. He can't believe how much better someone else's hands feel compared to his own. 
Is this really, actually happening?
He's thinking there's no way it could possibly feel any better when suddenly your head dips down and you take the head of his cock into your mouth.
His entire body jolts at the feeling, something between a groan and a whimper punching out of him, and then you take him in further, and your head starts to bob, and you're watching him through your lashes, and he's going to fucking die. He's actually going to die. You're actually here, and you're actually kneeling between his legs, and your mouth is so warm, and your hands are so soft, and everything is so much better than he could have ever, ever imagined. The waves of pleasure have his toes curling, his fists clenching in his sheets, his eyes fluttering shut even as he tries to keep them open so he can watch the hottest thing that's ever happened to him play out in real time. 
What's truly embarrassing is how quickly he reaches his limit. 
“I'm gonna-” He can't even finish his sentence before he comes. His entire body shudders and he thrusts into your warmth again and again. He can't stop his hips from chasing you, can't stop the growl that rips out of his chest. He's vaguely aware that you're swallowing his come, your throat squeezing around him as you do, and that pulls another growl from him. 
Holy shit. Holy shit.
His brain is still buzzing when you pull away, his dick making an obscene popping sounds as it leaves your mouth, but he can't focus enough to really follow what's happening. 
There's one thought bouncing around in his mind: He knew you'd be good. 
At some point he opens his eyes again. You're laying on top of him, tracing patterns into his plastron with a finger. He must have a goofy, dazed look on his face, because you giggle when he looks at you. It makes his heart do a little flip, makes him remember the thing that really makes this all feel like a dream come true. 
You like him.
“Was it good?” You ask.
He blinks at you stupidly and huffs. “Are you kidding me? I'm in heaven, Babes. I can't - I mean, it's… wow.”
You laugh again, and it makes his chest soar. He wraps his arms around you and squeezes until you squeak, then flips you onto your back so that he's hovering over you. He's pretty sure fireworks are exploding in his chest at the sight of you beneath him.
“Okay,” he says, eyeing the button on your pants before looking back at you. “Your turn.”
Your eyes widen, your mouth falling open and once again distracting him with those pretty lips. “M-My turn?”
“Yeah!” His smile falters. “If you want to, that is. Obviously we don't have to do anything you don't want to, but… I wanna make you feel good, too.”
Your gaze softens, and your lips press into a fond smile. “I want to,” you assure him. “I really, really want to.”
He beams down at you, lowering himself onto his elbows and forearms so he can kiss you. It's a tentative thing, slow and careful and full of joy, but as you each get bolder it turns into something more fervent. He shifts, holding himself up with one arm and reaching down with his other hand to unbutton your pants. When he sits back so he can use both hands to tug them off, you help him by shimmying and let out another laugh that sets him on fire. 
He pauses for a moment more, drinking in the sight of you. Your lips, a little red, a little swollen. Your shining eyes, staring at him like he's the amazing one. It hits him again. 
You like him. 
It really is a dream come true. And he's going to earn it. He's going to earn it every day for the rest of his life. 
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familyvideostevie · 5 months
living high until that fatal day
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a/n: i never do this. literally, never. when i'm not here i'm writing stuff that's not x reader for ao3 and this is a fic i posted over there. it's a time loop story about joel and ellie. @bageldaddy told me i had to post it here. without her this fic would not exist. thank you so much, bea. so, here we go. if you read it, thank you. let me know what you think. joel miller & ellie williams gen fic. 7.5k words warnings: Time Loop, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, kind of???, it resolves, Suicide, only in one of the loops!, Canon-Typical Violence, joel gets stuck and has to figure it out, Father-Daughter Relationship, thoughts about sacrifice and love, POV Joel, mostly, this one is kind of intense folks, major character death tag is cause well the loop ends one way or another, gonna diverge at the end, but it ends well!!! i promise, also this is pretty firmly game but hbo folks should be okay!
summary: joel finds himself stuck in a time loop of that day in salt lake city.
Joel lies to her. 
He's got dried blood under his fingernails and his shoulder aches from the kick of the rifle and he's so, so tired. 
But he lies to her. 
If he was a smarter man he'd have thought of something better. Told her that the hospital got raided or they had a FEDRA mole, how the whole thing was a sham from the start. He doesn't know if she was awake for any of it. If the last thing she remembers is him reaching for her and failing to save her. If she remembers what it feels like to drown. 
It's hard to look at her in the mirror but he manages. Just keep driving, hands tight on the wheel. Don't white knuckle, don't spook her. She's in the car. She's safe. He did it. 
"We found the Fireflies," he says. She doesn't look at him. "Turns out there's a...a whole lot more like you, Ellie. People that're immune. It's dozens, actually." 
There's a strange pull in his gut, a pull that he's felt a few times before in the moments before everything went south. When the soldier pointed his gun by the river, when Tess looked at him on her last day, when he fell off the ledge in Colorado. But he ignores it. 
"Ain't done a damn bit of good, either. They've actually st--" Ellie closes her eyes, takes a deep breath. She doesn't look at him. "They've stopped looking for a cure. I'm takin' us home. I'm sorry."
She turns her back to him and the pull becomes a burn, becomes a black hole under his ribcage taking everything with him. He blinks once, twice, wonders if he got shot and didn't notice, if he cracked a rib and it punctured his lung, if --
The road in front of him disappears. 
He can't see a damn thing -- not like the lights went out, like there is nothing to see. There is nothing in front of him at all.
Then, Joel wakes up yesterday. 
He jolts awake with a strangled yell. Ellie kneels over him, the rifle he taught her to hold slung over her shoulder. It's just past dawn based on the color of the sky and how he can make out most of her face, her withdrawing hand and her unimpressed but slightly concerned frown. 
"You were talking again," Ellie says. "Nightmares?" 
Joel tears his eyes from her and thunks his head back down on his crumpled up jacket. The trees stretch high above him and he tries to get it together so he doesn't spook her. 
They’re camped within sight of the highway. Salt Lake City has been looming for days now and Joel doesn't want to take any chances. The ring-road is almost clear, dotted here and there with cars and a fair amount of supplies, enough that Joel suspects people haven't been here for some time. If this is another Colorado State situation, he's going to have to put Ellie in a car and take them back to Jackson before she does something stupid.
She's fine. Well, no, not quite. Things aren't the same and they never will be but he can tell she's doing her best and he won't ask more than that. Their pace has slowed this week and he's having a hard time figuring out if she's sliding back into some sort of post-Colorado haze or if she's nervous about actually arriving in Salt Lake. 
God knows he's nervous as hell.
But every day she'll walk as far as he tells her to and won't complain. He knows she wants to get there. They have to get there and it has to work -- because he doesn't know what they're going to do otherwise. 
She asked him a question. Nightmares. Joel sits up and drags his hand down his face.
"Somethin' like that."
Ellie shrugs and starts to clean up their camp now that he's awake. He still hates letting her take watch, but she needs to feel in control of things, so they split it most nights. She hums a little bit as she works and he has hopes that today might be a good day.
But that dream... It comes back in flashes: the giraffes, the tunnel. Ellie hanging from the side of the bus because she jumped to save him, her small frame sinking slowly, just out of reach. The crack of her ribs underneath his hands. The hospital. The Fireflies.
Joel gets up, rolls his shoulder at a phantom pain and looks down at his hands. Crusted with dirt and nothing more. 
Jesus Christ. He's losing it. 
They set off. 
The blue hospital sign seems to shine in the spring sun all too soon.
"This is where we get off. Let's go, kiddo."
Joel talks even though he knows she's not listening. He talks to take his mind off of the echo that sits at the base of his neck with every step. Has he told her he'll teach her guitar before? He's been thinking it for months. 
Ellie trails behind him, kicking rocks and half-heartedly searching cars when he asks her to. She heads for a faded blue sedan but he stops her. 
"Blue one won't open, don't bother." 
The look she gives him makes him think about what he just said. "How do you know that?"
He blinks. How does he know that? Before he can explain it, Ellie shrugs and keeps walking. 
The disinterest is new and it doesn't sit well with him. She's been through a lot, more than any kid deserves, and they're almost there. He figures it's worse today because of that. 
"I dreamt about flying the other night."
Joel's stomach twists. "Oh, yeah?"
"Go on, tell me about it."
She tells him about her dream, about how it felt to fly and then fall, and he is dizzy with deja vu. 
"I've never been on a plane." Ellie looks at him like he can tell her what it means. Like he has any damn answers at all. "Isn't that weird?"
Joel hums and swallows the lump in his throat. The bus terminal. Ellie, drowning. Firefly after Firefly in his path. His hands flex around a gun that isn't there. 
"Well, you know. Dreams are weird." It tastes like a lie in his mouth but he can't figure out why. 
It gets worse when they find the bus station, when she runs off in search of something that's got her smiling. Her small hand reaches for the giraffe, her eyes bright, but Joel feels like he's watching it through a fog. He knows what she's going to say before she says it. 
"So fucking cool."
Joel has seen a lot of weird shit in his life but whatever is happening here is leagues above the rest. It bumps up against something in his brain, like the answer is just out of reach but he can't fucking get there. Always a step behind when it counts. 
Ellie hands him a picture of his dead daughter and something in him comes dangerously close to snapping. Instead of gratitude or sorrow or anything that would make sense, he's terrified. 
He's fucking terrified because this happened. Which means he knows what comes next. 
But there's no time to worry about it. They pick their way through the tunnel, through the runners and the clickers and the fucking bloaters. The pressure on his neck gets heavier, gets almost unbearable. He's strung tighter than he's been in years, like the walls are closing in on him and there's a timer he can't see. 
When they get to the rapids, he waits for Ellie to get to the other side of the bus until he jumps on it but it dislodges. The dam in his head breaks and he yells, screams at her to run, to leave him, but she jumps on the bus anyway. 
She drowns.
Joel doesn't doubt that the Fireflies are coming -- he hears them --  but he doesn't take his eyes off of her, doesn't stop the chest compressions until he's knocked out.
The rest of it is a blur, his sense of reality already warped by his need to get to the operating room. To save her. 
Joel picks them off one by one, floor by floor, hardly taking note of how familiar it all feels. He doesn't even give the surgeon a chance to speak before he's dead, a bullet between the eyes. He knows they'll make it to the elevator. He kills Marlene. He drives them away.
He lies. 
He wakes up yesterday again.
It takes a few days before Joel purposely deviates from what he's thinking of as the script. His head feels like it weighs a thousand pounds when he wakes in the clearing, Ellie's eyes on him.
He thinks about it as they pack up camp. Can he get them out of here? Would that be allowed? The rules of this aren't clear to him but he figures it can't hurt to try. They could turn around right now and make it back to Jackson in a week or so. 
He watches Ellie carefully arrange her things in her bag, watches her stop to admire a butterfly in the branches above. He watches her and tries to see her alive and not pale on an operating table. 
"Ellie," he says. "I got a bad feelin' about this."
She loves to tell him he's overreacting but today she crosses her arms and sits back on her heels. "What do you mean?"
Her scream as she falls into the water. Her ribs cracking beneath his hands. The piercing alarm in the hospital, her body warm but limp in his arms.
"What if we waited?" She frowns but he keeps going. "Went back to Jackson, rested up. Took a break. Come back in a few months with a bit of a crew. Tommy'll give us some guys, hell, I bet he'll come with if you want --"
"No," Ellie says sharply. There's an edge to her voice he hasn't heard in a long time. "Joel, shut up."
"Ellie --"
She stands abruptly, takes a few steps back. "I said no."  The look on her face tells Joel he's already lost. "Are you -- are you fucking kidding me? You want to go back? Now?"
He sighs. "Just to rest up. We don't know what we're walking into --"
Ellie throws her hands around in disbelief. Her eyes look wet. Christ, he's made her cry again. He promised himself he wouldn't do that. 
"We don't know if they'll still be there."
"We don't know if they are there."
"And we won't find out if we fucking run away like cowards!"
Joel stands. "I don't want another Colorado State situation, Ellie --" Her face shutters. Mistake. 
"Don't bring up Colorado," she growls. "You don't know what that was like." 
Damn right he doesn't. He knows by now what happened but he'll never know how hard it was for her to survive when he was busy dying on that mattress. But he has to try something or they'll just end up here again tomorrow. Yesterday. Whatever. 
The idea of her suffering makes his hackles rise, makes his blood run cold
"Can I finish a god damned sentence?" he snaps. Ellie is undeterred and snaps back.
"Not if it's going to be about leaving. We-- I -- we're not fucking leaving. Not after everything. We can't."
Joel sighs and drags a hand down his face. This girl. He's trying to save her and she can't see it. There's no way to make her see it and it's his fault. She should know by now that he'd do anything, anything, for her. He lost that battle a long time ago, probably longer ago than he'd like to admit. 
"I know," he tells her. "Just...if you want to give it all up, to go back, we can. We don't have to go through with this."
Ellie's eyes are blazing and her tone is disappointed. It cuts deep. "Yes we do. I thought you'd understand that, Joel."
He follows her this time as she stalks down the highway towards the hospital. No mention of six strings, no dreams about planes. They catch the giraffes but she doesn't stick around to watch them for as long. It's a different kind of loss to be without her smile, her laughter. Joel wishes he'd never opened his god damned mouth. 
"I'm sorry," he says. "For earlier." Ellie pauses on the stairs and half turns to look up at him. "I know it's important to you."
She sighs. "I know you mean well." Joel closes his eyes. He knows what comes next. "But there's no halfway with this. Once we're done, we'll go wherever you want, okay?"
He plays his part for the rest of the day, just to get it over with. 
Next time, Joel waits until they're watching the giraffes to try something different. 
"So," he says. "This everything you were hoping for?"
Ellie gives him her half-smile. "It's got its ups and downs, but...you can't deny that view, though."
He seizes his chance. "Wanna go down there?" 
She perks up. "Really? Do you think they'll let us get close?"
"They might. Let's try." 
They manage to backtrack a little bit and end up on the field. It smells like a zoo but Ellie is thrilled to be so close so they post up on the roof of a rusty FEDRA Jeep. Two of the giraffes end up eating out of the tree right above them. Ellie holds her breath. 
"They just...don't care, do they?" she whispers. "How long do you think they've been here?"
She leans into his side and cranes her neck to watch one of them use its tongue. 
"Don't know," he says. "Big ones could've been from before. But the tiny one s'probably younger than you."
"So cool," she says again. "They're from a zoo, right? I wonder if anything else lives in the city."
They've been sitting here long enough that the sun has started to set. Joel allows himself to hope. 
"Might be. What do you say we spend the night here and look on the way to the hospital tomorrow? Daylight'll do us better."
Ellie chews on his suggestion. "I guess," she says. "Are we safe here?"
"Should be." Joel has no idea, frankly. He sure as hell wants them to wake up here in the morning. He wants to make good on this idea, wants to show her something else that'll make her smile. He wants this to be a bizarre, unexplainable day that he'll forget about with time.
"I'll keep watch."
They set up camp crowded against the fence so Joel can see the whole field. The giraffes leave them alone and Ellie falls asleep quickly after they eat.
In the quiet open air the dread in his gut returns full-force and he knows he's wrong. Again.
A branch cracks and he whirls around, rifle in hand to find three men pointing their guns at him through the wire. They might be wearing Firefly jackets but he can't tell. He doesn't care. Joel dares to look at Ellie for a second and sees she's still asleep. 
It's a mistake.
One of them follows his gaze and his eyes widen.
"Holy shit," he whispers. "She looks like who Marlene said --"
"Shut up," the second one hisses. "On the ground, old man."
"How are you gonna get around that fence, hotshot?" he says. "Ellie. Ellie, wake up."
She blinks a few times and sees his stance. scrambling to her feet with her knife in hand.
"Holy shit. What the fuck?"
"Get behind me."
One of the soldiers points his gun at her. 
"Don't move."
It's chaos after that. The guys shout at each other. 
"Don't point it at her! Don't you remember the fucking briefing?"
"You hadn't even joined when we got here, you don't know. We've been looking for her for months --"
"If you shoot her we're all dead --"
Joel locks eyes with Ellie.
"When I say run, you run. Okay?" 
The fear in her eyes turns to determination. Brave girl, he thinks. I'm sorry. He waits for the idiot pointing at her to look away and takes a deep breath. What's one more day?
Joel doesn't check to see if she obeys before firing through the fence. The rifle is incredibly powerful at such a short range and where there was once a head there's only mist. Joel clears the chamber as fast as he can and gets the second one in the shoulder but he's not fast enough for a third and before he realizes it he's on his back in the grass. 
The Firefly's assault rifle litters Joel's chest with bullets but he doesn't feel it until he tries to take a breath and nothing comes. It's like he's underwater.
At least he didn't make her cry this time.
Joel isn't much of a believer in anything but he decides fairly quickly that he's in Hell or something close. God knows he deserves it. 
His sins are countless, his ledger dripping with red just like his hands. They will never be clean. What he can't figure out is how he got here. Did he die somewhere in St. Mary's? Is the real world somewhere else beyond his reach, now? If he died then what happened to Ellie?
He tries to make tallies in the bark of a tree on the edge of camp but they disappear every time he wakes up. He makes do with his own slowly unspooling brain. Two, five, ten.
Ellie is much the same every time but somewhere around day twenty she asks him about it. "How do you know where everything is?"
They're in the bus depot before the tunnel. He's taking them quickly around the tents, putting off Ellie handing him a photo of his dead daughter. It's muscle memory at this point. A pair of pliers here, some rags there. A half-empty but uncracked bottle of hooch behind that blood-stained bed, some bullets under that overturned partition. 
"Just payin' attention."
"I pay attention!"
Joel uses the excuse to grin at her. It's hard sometimes to remember that she has no idea what's coming, that he can and should be good to her every chance he gets. The violence has already started to blur together in his mind. Killing everyone in the hospital is by far the easiest part of this fucking loop. These parts are harder. 
"Didn't say you don't."
"I feel like that was a double negative."
She's still energized from the giraffes and he knows she's working up the courage to talk about Sarah, but right now he wants to spend time with her. He spots the Firefly medal tangled in the shattered floodlight and points it out. 
"Ellie," he says. She's at his side in seconds, looking up at him with eyes brighter than he's seen in weeks. "Wanna get that down?"
She gives him her classic why are you like this look. "Are you going to be weird and pick it up?"
Joel shrugs and leans on the rotting tank nearby. "Just want to check your aim."
"My aim is really fucking good and you know it!" Even so, she picks up a brick from her feet and palms it, eyeing the silver circle before winding her arm back and hurling the brick towards it. 
She misses. Maybe three hundred miles and a trail of dead bodies ago she'd have stormed off, embarrassed and pissed. But she just makes a face at the still-swinging medal and then looks at him. "How did I miss that?"
He pushes off the tank and scoops up a glass bottle. "Sun s'probably in your eyes." Joel stands next to her and eyes the target, trying to compensate in his mind for her height. "Stand here." Ellie moves over in front of him and he hovers his arm over her. "Can I?"
She nods. Joel presses the bottle into her hand and she takes it as he maneuvers her with a hand on her elbow until she's got the trajectory he thinks will work. 
"Now?" she asks. "Feels pretty fucking similar to what I was doing."
"Just trust me. Throw a little lighter than last time. And higher."
Ellie sighs, but once he steps back she does as he says and nails the medal hard enough that it drops to the ground. She whoops and turns around, hands high in the air and a wide smile on her face. Joel tries to breathe through how easily she puts her faith in him. 
"Fuck yeah! Did you see that?" She holds both hands out for a high five and he obliges. 
"Sure did. Nice job, kiddo."
When Ellie hands him the picture of Sarah, he pulls her in for a hug. He half expects her to shove him off but instead she allows it, twisting her hands in his shirt as he cups the back of her head. 
"Thank you," Joel says quietly, thickly. 
Later, when he finds her on the operating table, he presses his lips to her forehead for an extra moment before picking her up and heading for the elevator. 
He messes with the order of things a little bit. Tries to make their morning last longer, tries to stay watching the giraffes for an hour or so. 
Sometimes it works. 
Sometimes it doesn't. 
Watching Ellie drown over and over fucks with his head more than the hospital does because he can't stop it. At least while he's leaving behind corpse after corpse he knows that she's asleep upstairs, waiting for him. In the tunnel, he knows that the only way out is through, but she has to fucking drown first. 
He gets sloppy. 
He forgets about the runners in the side rooms when he ducks in to avoid a clicker and takes a step too close. Ellie is behind him as always and he shoves her back blindly as three runners slam him against the metal railing of the stairs before he can reach for his gun. He's too surprised to feel anything, but their breath smells like rotting meat and something worse, something that makes his eyes water. 
Joel searches the room for her and finds her -- pale-faced and terrified, already reaching for her knife. He tries to say her name but it comes out as a scream when one of the runners goes for his shoulder, jagged teeth ripping through his shirt in an instant. 
"Ellie -- run, Ellie -- GO --" He begs her to leave him but his voice stops working as his throat is ripped out. The last thing he sees is her horrified face as she raises her pistol.
And then he wakes up yesterday. 
It occurs to him on day 30 -- if he's keeping track accurately -- that he's got one of the smartest people he knows at his disposal. Kid's got an encyclopedic knowledge of space as well as science fiction stories. He asks her while they're still on the highway, stalling though he can see the blue H sign from here.
"Y'ever read stuff about time?" No reply. "Ellie?" She's staring at that deer again. "Ellie."
"You read any stories about time back in school?"
"Uh, sure," she says. She tugs her sleeves over her hands and catches up to him, eyes on the ground. "Why?"
"Saw a weird movie 'bout it once. Somethin' reminded me of it this mornin'. Guy gets stuck in a...shit, what did they call it?" Joel peeks inside an RV and smells rot so he leaves it be. "He lives the same day over and over."
"A time loop!" Ellie sounds more excited about this than anything they've talked about for days. "Those are so fucking cool. Scary, though. I feel like I'd go crazy."
Joel drags a hand down his face. "Yeah," he says. "How do you think you get outta one?"
"Well, how did the guy in the movie do it?"
"He stopped bein' an asshole," he says. Ellie laughs. 
"Well, we know that's not possible for you. Guess you're fucked."
"Guess so," he mutters. 
The H sign is close enough that she'll see it any minute. He wishes for the hundredth time that they could just stay out here all day, just talking. If he had a guitar he'd play for her. If he had a fucking car he'd put her in it and turn around, even though it wouldn't do any good. They'd just end up right back here because he can't fucking figure out how to get out of this. 
"I think you just have to change, right?" Ellie says. She's looking at the photo of an airplane on the bus. This time she doesn't tell him about her dream. Is he losing pieces of her, already? "I guess it doesn't have to be about yourself. Maybe something you do, or something you say. It's the universe telling you to make a different choice, right?"
That's the fucking thing. The choice isn't an option. It's not even a choice. 
The one thing he hasn't tried and will not try is leaving the hospital when Marlene tells him to. He'd rather die a thousand times, rather live this shit show over and over for the rest of eternity than let them cut her brain out. They will not touch her while there is still breath in his body. 
He'd do it all over again. He will.
Joel tries a hundred things and they don't work. 
After his conversation with Ellie he decides to really fuck with the day. Doesn't matter, right? So long as she's not put in any extra danger he considers it. He begs her to walk away, get on his knees and pleads with her throughout the day. Doesn't work. She just gets pissed at him like that first time and he doesn't push it because he can't bear to see her cry. He lengthens their morning in the clearing, fakes sick or says the rifle is jammed and needs cleaning. That goes south, too, when a pack of runners wanders through the woods and straight into them. They make it to the highway and have to miss the giraffes because they're running. 
One time Joel spends all day zig-zagging them around the city to avoid the tunnel. The Fireflies find them much the same way except they shoot him on sight and grab Ellie right out of his arms as he bleeds out on the cracked asphalt, her screams echoing in his ears. 
Another time, he ties them together in the tunnel with some fraying rope and they both drown. 
Killing Marlene early gets him a bullet in the head and not killing her at all gets him back where he started, no change. 
Joel even begs the doctor to run more tests first, to try blood, to try anything, but it takes too long and the alarm sounds and he's cornered in the operating room before he can grab Ellie and go. 
Nothing fucking works. 
But what is there left to change?
His mind starts to fray. He loses count of the loops and it becomes hard to detach himself from the slaughter. Not even the good moments -- Ellie's laughter, the awe in her face when she sees the giraffes, her jokes and her muted but still sharp sarcasm -- keep him afloat. He's lost, adrift in a sea of blood and bullets and it starts to eat away any humanity that was left in him. 
The blood of hundreds, thousands maybe, is on his hands and he feels nothing.
Once and only once does he get there too late. Everything else goes like it always does but maybe he took too long on the first floor, maybe he took too long picking the guys one by one instead of using the assault rifle, maybe maybe maybe. 
When Joel gets to the pediatric ward he knows something is different -- he can hear a buzzing sound, something loud and unnatural. The stale air is thick with something metallic, tinged with death. The buzzing stops and he finds his feet glued to the floor outside the operating room. Voices on the other side of it, murmuring and the clink of metal on a tray. Joel's hand shakes when he reaches for the knob because he knows whatever he finds on the other side is going to kill him. 
But he opens it because he has to. The doctor is at the sink this time, the nurses nowhere to be found. Ellie's body is covered in a sheet, blood seeping through the fabric. Joel looks away. He just stands there, his heartbeat loud in his ears as the world ends. 
The first time his daughter died, Joel thought he could will it not to be so. He held her as long as he could, whispered her name with her blood drying on his hands until Tommy begged him to get moving. 
This time, he knows it's true and he knows there's only one ending. 
He raises his gun at the doctor who is now leaning on the edge of the sink. The door swings open and the nurses return, eyes wide and vibrating with the energy of a job well done. He swings over to them and kills them both with quick headshots. The doctor has barely turned around when he's dead, too.
Joel breathes, ears ringing. He manages one step closer to the operating table but his knees buckle and he goes down hard on the cool tile. His vision is blurry. Is he crying?
"I'm sorry," he says. "I'm so fucking sorry, baby." He angles himself so he won't get any blood on her and then presses the barrel of his gun to his temple and pulls the trigger. 
If Joel was on the edge of losing his mind before, now he's laser focused. He doesn't pull any more shit. He settles back into the loop, savoring Ellie's laughter with the giraffe and gunning down every sorry motherfucker in his way at the hospital. He will not get there late ever again. 
So when Marlene says something different the next time around and he almost misses it.
Ellie is dead weight in his arms but she's warm and he can see the rise and fall of her chest. The hospital was messier than usual because he rushed this time, cutting down the Fireflies like it was his last stand. There's blood in his hair and crusted under his fingernails and his shirt is beyond ruined. 
"Are you going to tell her what happened here?" Marlene presses her hand into her side, blood leaking from around her crimson palm. "Are you going to tell her what you did?"
He lies to her.
Every time.
It's never occurred to him to try something else. Even though he's changed almost everything about this damn day except that. 
Because Joel knows what happens if he tells the truth. He knows what that will cost him.
And he doesn't know if he'll survive it.
He's afraid. Joel doesn't want to lose her and if that makes him selfish then so be it. He wants to take her back to Jackson and give her a bedroom of her own and as many stupid comics as she wants and three meals a day for the rest of her long, peaceful life. He wants her to grow up and grow old. 
He'd kill a thousand more Fireflies to make it happen.
He'd damn the whole world. 
Because he loves her and it fucking hurts. 
This girl and her puns and her comics and her god damned bravery and her bleeding heart. He doesn't want to lose her. 
But is this, whatever this endless hell is, is it fair to her? 
If it's breakable, if he has the ability to get them to tomorrow, to get them to Jackson, to get them home, shouldn't he? If he loves her shouldn't he give her a life even if he's not in it?
Joel gently arranges Ellie in the backseat and shoots Marlene in the head. 
For a few seconds Ellie thinks she's in the car on the way into Pittsburgh. The hum of the old engine, the rocking motion of the truck. But -- wait. She's lying down. The car smells...musty. And she's cold like she's wearing a dress and --
"What the hell am I wearing?"
She flutters her eyes open. Different truck. Backseat. Is she in a...hospital gown? What the fuck? Where is she?
"Just take it easy," Joel says. Okay, so she's with Joel. Something in her chest settles. She must be safe. "Drugs are still wearin' off."
Drugs? Ellie pushes back into her memory and tries to find something, anything that'll give her a clue as to what's going on here. They were in the bus tunnel. The water was rushing, Joel jumped on the bus and it started moving and she...fell into the water? 
It's a blur after that. More of a blank, really. Did they get to the hospital? Did they find the Fireflies? Based on her weird fucking outfit it sure seems like it.
"What happened?"
Joel's eyes flick up in the rearview mirror to look at her. "Let's get you into some clothes, first. Then we'll take a break and I'll tell you everythin'."
He sounds tired. More tired than he's ever sounded, frankly, but she can't imagine why. And he can't seem to stop looking at her like she's going to disappear. Like he hasn't seen her in ages. 
"Okay," she says slowly. "Where the hell are we going to get those?" 
"Your bag is on the floor by your feet." Joel veers off the highway down an exit ramp and Ellie sits up. Her head feels light for a second and then really heavy so she braces her hands on the seat in front of her and takes a few deep breaths. "You okay, kiddo?"
"Yeah. Fucking...drugs, I guess. What'd they do that for?"
"They ran some tests. We'll talk about it."
Normally she'd push him but something feels off. Ellie tries to get a good look at his face but she can't, not from this angle, and not with her head fucking pounding like it is. She's missing so much time. It makes her skin crawl, makes her heart race. Joel is here, she tells herself. He wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. 
He parks them at the edge of a cemetery and gets out of the car to stand guard while she changes out of the gown. Her last pair of jeans, apparently, and a grey t-shirt with a few holes in the collar. She wishes she had a sweatshirt or something to wrap around herself, to pull over her hands and feel covered. But beggars can't be choosers. At least someone put her shoes in her backpack. 
Joel doesn't turn around when she opens the door but she sees him stiffen. 
"I'm done." He looks back at her and she finally sees his face. "Jesus Christ, Joel, what happened to you?"
It's not just the blood. Sure, he's got dried streaks of it on his neck and in his hair. Ellie glances at his hands and sees it crusted under his fingernails, too. But he looks wrecked. Older, somehow. He looks like something terrible happened, the way she remembers his face when he fell from the balcony in Colorado, when he found her in the burning restaurant. But somehow it's worse. 
He's looking at her like he can't believe she's real. 
"Alright." Joel lowers the rifle and ignores her question, clearly. "Didn't see anythin'. Should be fine to sit here for a bit."
"Are you going to tell me what the fuck happened?"
He moves like he's going to drag a hand down his face but thinks better of it. "Yeah," he says. "I am." 
Ellie swings her legs so they're hanging out the door. Joel leans the rifle against the truck and crosses his arms. "You're making me kind of nervous, man."
"Just...promise me you'll hear me out to the end."
Yeah, something is going on. She doesn't like it. 
"Uh, sure."
"What do you remember?" 
Good fucking question. "The tunnel. The bus and -- water. I fell in, right?"
Joel nods, clears his throat. "Jumpin' on the bus was dumb. Don't do that again." 
She snorts. "Yeah, okay. Point taken. But I was afraid you were going to drown!"
"You did." He delivers the news in a flat tone she doesn't like. She drowned?
"Are you serious?"
"I got us out of the water and tried to get you breathin' again." Ellie realizes her chest is sore. She imagines Joel doing compressions like they showered her in school, imagines his panicked face, his hoarse voice calling her name. Fuck.
"Did it work?"
"No," he says. "Fireflies found us first and knocked me out." 
"That doesn't make sense." She frowns. "They knocked you out?"
Joel shrugs. "Just tellin' you what happened."
This isn't how she imagined it would go. She never told Joel, but for weeks she's been thinking about waltzing up to the hospital and telling them who she is. She pictured Joel telling her jokes while she got her blood drawn, pictured him staring down nurses and doctors while they made the cure. She figured it would take a few days, maybe a week, and then they'd be on their way back to Jackson. She had hoped Marlene might be there, too. She has so many questions about her mom. 
"What did they do with me?"
Joel looks troubled. "I...don't exactly know. It was a while before I saw you again."
It makes her skin crawl. He must be able to tell because he keeps talking. "I'm sure they just ran some tests while you were out. They brought you back, made sure you were breathin' okay."
"I'm gettin' there." She feels like he's having a hard time looking at her. Something close to but not quiet dread sits heavy in her stomach. What happened?
"I woke up inside the hospital. Marlene was there. Told me they didn't know it was us, that they'd been waiting." He pauses, drags a hand down his face. "You didn't wake up or nothin'? You sure?"
Ellie shakes her head. She doesn't remember anything after the tunnel. 
"Well, she told me they could do it. They had a doctor who could make the cure."
The air rushes out of Ellie all at once. "Are you fucking serious?"
"And then she said..." Joel chews on his words and looks away from her. He looks angry. 
"What did she say?"
"Makin' a vaccine...would've killed you."
The bottom drops out of Ellie's world. It's like a hundred doors in her brain open at once. 
It would have killed her? Are they sure? Did they do enough tests? Were they going to? Why didn't they wake her up? Were they going to ask her? How did they get out?
She swallows them all and manages just one in a broken whisper. "What did you do?"
Joel looks right at her. "I stopped them."
If Ellie wasn’t already sitting down she thinks her legs would give out. She knows that Joel meant what he said to her in Silver Lake. Knows that he'd do anything for her.
But this?
"What do you mean?" He shakes his head. "Joel. What do you mean, you stopped them?"
His shoulders slump. "They told me to leave and I refused. And I made sure no one can follow us to try again."
Static builds in her ears. She can read between the lines. She speaks Joel now. He killed them all, that much is clear to her. He killed them all, Marlene, too, probably, because she was supposed to die to save the world. Hot tears sting her nose and gather at the corner of her eyes. 
"But I -- but we -- I was supposed to...I'm the cure!"
"You're a person. You're a kid. Don't matter what's in your brain, you ain't dyin' for --"
Ellie pushes out of the truck and to her feet. Joel steps back to give her room but she knows he probably wants to touch her, to reassure her. The anger fills her, makes her face hot and her heart race. 
"Who said you get to make that choice? If they said I had to die maybe I should have? Then it would mean something --"
"Your immunity ain't the thing that matters most. You are. So I picked you," Joel yells.
She's really crying now, huge heaving sobs that make it hard to talk, make it hard to convey how angry she is. "Well, you picked wrong, asshole."
"I ain't gonna apologize for it. I'd do it all over again, the exact same way. Every time." Joel's expression is as serious as it gets. He used to look this way all the time. No nonsense, no room for argument. 
She tries to find the words anyway but they don't come.
"Now, you've got some options here," he says. "I think the best one is for us to go back to Jackson. I know Tommy'll take you in, and --
She laughs, or tries to. 
It sounds like something bitter and awful to her own ears. First he tells her she was supposed to die today and now he wants to leave her?
"Are you fucking serious, Joel? You want to leave me again?" 
Joel's brows pinch together. He looks pained. Good. It feels like her chest is caving in, like her lungs aren't working right anymore. This must be what it felt like to drown in the bus terminal, to sink slowly, to fade away entirely. She read once that drowning was supposed to be peaceful. This hurts. 
"I want you to be safe," he says. "Jackson is the best place for that. I don't have to be there if you don't want me there --"
"I didn't fucking say that!" she yells. "I -- Jesus, give me a fucking second, okay?"
He stands by the door as she paces back and forth, tugging her hands through her hair. 
She was supposed to die. But she didn't. There's no cure. And it sure fucking sounds like Joel didn't leave any option to try again. 
He traded saving the world for her. 
It's too much.
"What do you want, Ellie?" Joel sounds like he's been awake for days. Like he's in pain, like he's being hollowed out. He sounds like how she feels. 
She digs the heels of her hands into her eyes. 
"I want none of this to have happened! I want us to go back to this morning and I want us to not have gone into the bus tunnel and I want you to have asked for tests first, I want them to try something else. I want Marlene to tell me why they didn't wake me up. I want to do it again but differently, I want things to be different, I --"
Her words break off into a sob. "Ellie..." She opens her eyes and finds him reaching for her. His shirt is stained with dried blood but she steps into his hold and his arm wraps around her. 
"I don't know what to do, now," she whispers.
Joel exhales a shaky breath. "I know you wish things were different. I wish things were different. But they ain't."
They stand there, his hand dragging up and down her back. She listens to his heartbeat and remembers those nights in the basement when she thought it would stop any minute. 
"Fuck," she whispers, then pulls away. He lets her go. "Fuck, Joel."
He sighs. "Yeah, kiddo. Fuck."
He told her the truth and that means something. It hurts, it hurts so bad, and it doesn't absolve him of anything, but that matters. 
"I'm so angry with you," she says. "I don't know how to forgive you for...for...saving me." 
It sounds stupid as she says it but Joel nods solemnly. 
"That's alright." 
"But I..." She wants to get this part right. "Let's go back. To Jackson. We'll figure it out there. But you...you have to swear to tell me the truth. Just like this. We have to be honest with each other."
Joel meets her gaze without blinking. "I swear."
Ellie takes a deep breath. The anger, the horror, the disbelief at what he's done settle a little bit. She has no clue what comes next, but this is a start. 
Joel wakes up. 
His back hurts and his shoulder aches. It's dark, darker than it should be, darker than it's been for hundreds of days.
Ellie is asleep in the backseat of the truck. 
It's tomorrow. 
thank you for reading. let me know what you thought!
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talaok · 1 year
In another life || Spencer Reid x Unsub! reader
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warnings: smut (oral sex - m receiving- , unprotected p in v sex, soft dom! reader, praising)
"We know you killed them"
"No" you smiled "you don't"
he sighed, clearly mad "this is you leaving the hotel the night Alex Diley was murdered"
A photo appeared beneath your eyes.
The curve on your lips remained "Oh yes I remember that one"
"It was a nice hotel"
"too bad it's gonna be closed for a while now" you pouted, your fingers tapping rhythmically on the metal table as if you were lost in your thoughts.
"This is you driving away from another crime scene," the other man said "just minutes after Richard Melton was shot in the chest with a 28' caliber"
Another picture, another grin
"Richard Melton" you repeated the name "no, doesn't ring a bell" you shrugged apologetically, the fire inside of you only expanding as the more muscular one passed a hand on his head, his nostrils flaring in anger, while the other one was avoiding your glare.
This was fun.
"And what about Marcus Alvin?" he asked "shot three times in the chest, head, and groin"
You winced "he must have made someone mad"
You took the crime photo in your hand, attentively examining it "that's a shame" you exhaled "he was handsome"
your eyes found his.
"much like you" your teeth caged a smirk from breaking free "Spencer Reid, is it?"
He tried not to look like it, but he was surprised.
You knew his name, of course you knew his name,
It stunned you they thought you would have ever come here without knowing everything you needed to,
but then of course, they had no real idea of who they were talking to.
"Oh I'm sorry" you laughed softly "Doctor Spencer Reid" you corrected yourself "I heard you don't like it when people forget it"
His eyes glanced at the "mirror" behind you, and you couldn't help but smile.
You noticed how it took him a moment to get back to normal, like he had gone somewhere else for a moment "This isn't a joke miss y/l/n, you're the prime suspect for a series of murders" he urged "we have photos of you in compromising situations"
"Miss y/l/n?" you cocked an eyebrow "please call me y/n, Spencer"
his cheeks got pinker
"alright y/n" the one you knew was named Morgan said like you were talking to him "where were you yesterday night?”
You smirked “I was with a friend, we were… having fun”
“And who’s this friend?” Spencer asked
“Why?” You bit your lip “are you jealous doctor?”
You swore you saw it.
His lips twitched for a moment too long into a smile before his face went back to stoic.
“I need the man’s name to verify your alibi”
“Do you?” you asked way too playfully considering the position you were in
“I do”
You took a deep breath, contemplating what to do “Simon” you said “Simon Miller”
“He’s gonna confirm your alibi?”
You raised an eyebrow, tilting your head challengingly “you think I’m easy to forget Spencer?”
“No” he admitted “I don’t”
You took him in, your eyes traveling up and down his tall figure until the table hid his body.
He was handsome
What was a man like that doing working for the FBI?
For the “good guys”?
He would have had more success on the other side, on your side, and undoubtedly, a lot more fun too.
He frowned "why are you here?"
He anticipated your own question
" What do you mean Doctor?"
You pretended not to notice the shift in his eyes every time you called him that.
"you know what I mean Y/n"
It seems two can play a game
You had to admit,
his name did sound extraordinarily good rolling off his tongue.
"Well I realized you were gonna want to talk to me sooner or later," you said "and I'm a woman who likes to be in charge"
He swallowed, his adam's apple slowly bobbing up and then down, a hint of panic in his eyes
Oh you so had him
You smiled
"What time is it?" you reached your hand out to him, expecting
He glanced at you before obliging, resting his arm on the table, as your fingers slowly grazed his skin, to show his watch.
It didn't take you that long to read it, you just liked having your hands on him.
"As much as I'd like to stay here and talk to you Spencer" you sighed "I'm expected somewhere"
Was it disappointment you saw flash behind his eyes?
You hoped so.
"Well you're free to go," he said, clearing his throat "Just keep yourself available"
You reached for the doorknob and turned "for you Doctor" you said "I'm always available"
__ __ __
"hello doctor"
"Wha-what are you doing here?" He stuttered, shocked
"I wanted to apologize about today"
"How do you know where I live?"
You just smiled, and made your way in, his gaze following you.
"I know a lot of things" you shrugged, passing a finger through his overfilled bookshelf.
The house was him, absolutely, completely him.
Even the smell seemed to resemble his being
"You-" he stopped a moment " you cannot be here," he said, more like he was reminding himself.
"why?" you asked "I'm not doing anything" you shrugged, taking off your coat to reveal the very tight red dress underneath.
You smiled as he took you in, his eyes stopping a moment too long on your cleavage.
"you have great taste" you referred to the books
"I like a man who knows his classics"
"t-thank you, but you should go"
You liked the way he was shier now, like the mask he wore at work had dropped and you had caught him just as it had fallen.
"Why?" you pouted, taking a step towards him "you don't believe in all the things they say, do you Spence?"
"I-" he gulped "This isn't right"
"Spencer" you sighed, your fingers tracing his tie "I'm just here to talk" you bit down a grin "unless you have other things in mind"
"I don't" he answered immediately, like he was convincing himself more than you.
"you're still wearing your work clothes," you noticed
"I just got home"
"you work too much Doctor" you feigned worry "you should relax more"
you undid his tie, his body stiff under your fingers "I know some great ways how"
"y/n-" his eyes danced between yours
"yes, Spencer?"
"you should go" he tried to let the ounce of common sense he still had, prevail, but even he wasn't convinced.
"And you should sit" you murmured, pushing him towards the couch
He did, staring up at you like he was terrified
"Relax" you smiled "I won't bite"
"unless you want me to" you winked, kneeling down in front of him, your hands on each of his thighs.
He was only able to whisper your name shily as you undid the zipper
You shuffled his pants down together with his boxers, and he could only watch, hypnotized.
"aw baby" you cooed, taking his painfully hard cock in your hand "you're already leaking baby" you gently stroked it " let me take care of you" you kissed the tip "let me help you relax"
He only whimpered as you took him in your mouth, gently hollowing your cheeks to please him even more.
"f-fuck" he spat out, making you grin internally.
You kept going, bobbing your head up and down, as a lewd noise filled the room.
"oh my god" he mumbled, his hand absentmindedly going to move some hair out of your face.
"shit this is-" he tried, but he was talking as if he had just ran five marathons "you are-"
"you like it?" you asked, leaning away a moment but continuing to let your hand do the working
"I do" he confessed, breathlessly "I do"
"That's good spencer" you smiled, kissing his tip "I do too" you took him in again, the head hitting the back of your throat as you forced yourself soo deep your nose was against his groin.
He groaned loudly "fuck" he murmured, gripping the cushion beneath him, as his head dropped back.
You did it again before pulling away.
"take off your shirt baby" you ordered, standing up, and he hesitated a moment before obliging.
You grinned as he looked at you expectantly.
he looked so cute there, underneath you, his hair all messed up, his chest inflating and deflating way too quickly- he was just so adorable.
"You're really pretty Doctor" you couldn't help but confess, making him blush "Do you want me to take care of you some more?"
"y-yes" he nodded shamelessly "yes"
You hid a chuckle.
Mr. "you should go" seemed to have changed his mind.
"mm" you hummed, reaching underneath your dress to take off your panties " is this what you want?" you asked straddling his lap
"mh-mh" he breathed,
"words Spencer, use them" you whispered as you kissed his neck
You smirked "good boy," you said, taking his dick in your hand to position it at your entrance.
The mixture of both your loud moans bounced off his apartment's walls as you slowly sank down on him.
"God baby" you laughed softly, feeling ecstatic "You feel so good"
He really did.
He was stretching you out in the perfect way, and you could feel it all over your body.
"shit" he whimpered "you too y/n"
His lips were looking particularly tempting right now but you didn't wanna kiss him, you couldn't.
That would have been intimate, and this wasn't.
This was just sex.
Sex with a handsome, gifted in many ways, interesting man.
that's all.
So you went for his cheek instead, leaving a quick kiss on it, and a trace of lipstick, before you started moving, pushing yourself off and then down his dick faster and faster, until he was hitting that spongey spot inside of you each time.
His mouth was gaped open, ragged little breaths escaping it, and while your eyes were to his face, his were somewhere else,
somewhere much lower
"you wanna see them, baby?"
"I-" he gulped "can- can I?"
"of course spencer" you kept moving as your hands left his chest to move the dress's straps off of your shoulders and your dress down onto your torso, releasing your tits.
His eyes immediately fell there, a cute moan leaving his throat at the sight.
"you can touch," you said, but he didn't even give you time to process it before his mouth went to your nipple, starting to suck and kiss passionately as his hand groped your other boob.
You couldn't help but stifle a giggle at the sight, but soon, the newest pleasure he was provoking mixed with the one of his cock, caused the knot in your stomach to tighten.
"fuck spencer" you moaned, and he just whimpered against your boobs.
"Baby I'm coming" you whined
"you gonna come with me?"
"gonna be good and come deep inside of me?"
He nodded eagerly and you bit your lip as you placed a hand on his shoulder to get even more leverage to quicken your pace.
The knot was ready to break down, you could feel it.
"come, baby"
"fill me up Spencer" you moaned loudly as your orgasm burst inside of you like a fire, spreading all over in a matter of seconds.
You felt him follow just after, his head falling to your chest, one of his hands still on your tits as with a loud groan, he filled you up completely.
"god" you said breathlessly, getting off of him
"Yeah," he agreed, glancing over at you.
"Do you-"
"I need to go" you interrupted him.
"I have to go Spencer, but I really enjoyed this"
"Oh, ok" he nodded, and you felt your heart break, but it was for the best,
you had felt something, something strong, and it wasn't only that it scared you, it was that it had absolutely terrified you.
Whatever it was, it was dangerous,
and you needed to get away from it, from him, as soon as possible.
You dressed yourself quickly and he did the same, only managing to slip on his boxers.
"you were amazing doctor," you said, turning to him as you reached for the front door "I'll see you again" you smiled, reaching to stroke his cheek "either soon or in another life" you kissed it briefly, not giving yourself time to look at him before rushing out of the door.
Your heart was beating fast as you reached inside your bag.
All this, all this time in this business, all this time perfecting the art, and all it took was an FBI agent to fuck it all up.
You held your breath as you reached for your phone, and as you looked down at it, the recording still going, his face flashed before you, and as you turned back, his door closed, him on the other side, you took a decision.
One every part of you was against.
Another life it was.
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mcflymemes · 8 months
AS SAID BY FENRIS  *  assorted dialogue from dragon age ii, updated version
meeting you was the most important thing that ever happened to me.
i can’t bear the thought of living without you.
you are too willing to involve yourself in the affairs of others.
nothing could be worse than living without you.
before we found you, there was a moment when i… don’t do that again.
you should really post some guards outside, considering all the trouble you get into.
everywhere we go, people try to kill you.
i don't want to hear another word out of you.
and here we are again. for the fourth time.
how much do you wish to test that luck of yours?
it seems you have won the day. well done.
why must you go on about this?
i can do that, if you wish.
i am alone.
i'm afraid to ask what brought this on.
is this going anywhere?
do you want to guess what color my underclothes are again?
you’re squandering something you don’t understand.
you do not like your name?
you'd look pretty in one.
i felt like a fool. i thought it better if you hated me.
nobody asks for their fate.
oh. that. it’s... a talent.
it was better than anything i could have dreamed.
do not make light of this. leaving was the hardest thing i’ve ever done.
whatever you need, i am ready to assist.
the true character of any city is found among its poor.
i enjoy following you.
i didn’t come here to burden you further.
we have never discussed what happened between us three years ago.
is there no one else who has your attention?
you wound my pride with such accusations.
break their heart, and i will kill you.
you keep staring at me. is it my eyes again?
you are more naive than i thought.
did i hear correctly?
that is my hope as well.
i don’t want your pity.
i needed to be alone.
that night... i remember your touch as if it were yesterday.
i shouldn’t trouble you with this. my problems are not yours.
how is it you get into these situations so often?
you did the right thing. many would turn a blind eye.
you do not want to know the answer to that.
i don’t know. it’s just something people say.
you have an entire story written in your head already, don’t you?
a shame that you are going to die, no?
i should have asked for your forgiveness long ago. i hope you can forgive me now.
from what i gather, you like a lot of things.
you wish to do this here? in front of everyone?
i’ve never spoken about what happened to anyone.
why are you watching me like that?
i remain at your side.
i may not get a chance to say this again.
thank you for asking me to come along.
perhaps this is what it means to have a friend.
i suggest keeping your distance.
if there is a future to be had, i will walk gladly into it at your side.
we need to stop and rest when we’ve a moment.
this ground is cursed. only wretched or ignorant souls would linger here.
i cannot imagine what it must be like to lose your family. anything i could say would be insufficient. i’m sorry.
i have never allowed anyone too close.
forget i said anything.
it’s so wonderful having my personal business as someone else’s sport.
well... at least i’m not dead.
you were never ordered to kill?
does it bother you? should i stop?
promise me you won’t die.
do not bare your heart to me, unless you would have me rip it out.
is that a compliment of an insult?
do you intend to go after me, then?
it is always good to be at your side.
thanks for getting rid of them.
i imagine you imprisoned them?
you have my thanks.
i am yours, as always.
the smug sense of superiority does give you away.
you caught them, then?
there you are. were you hurt? what happened?
i don’t know what to say, but i’m here.
surely you can’t hope to best me.
i am yours.
we should move on.
i could ask you the same thing.
i just... am pleased to see you, that’s all.
you are looking for forgiveness, but i’m not the one who can give it to you.
they say death is only a journey. does that help?
i stand ready.
shall we end this quickly?
another battle is upon us.
you frightened me.
oh, you've learned a few new words.
keep going. i'm sure your training will kick in any moment.
to be honest, i see no point in filling these moments with empty talk.
my wounds need attention.
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
Heroes Don't Get Sick
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〚 Notes - Hey, just a little fluffy comfort fic :) Not really much else to say! 〛
〚 Pairing - WandaNat x Reader 〛
〚 Summary - After your sick girlfriends push themselves too hard in training without your knowledge, you take it into your own hands to take care of them 〛
〚 Wordcount - 2070 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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“Is that the grim reaper?” Was the response that was croaked out after you knocked loudly on the wooden door the changing rooms, announcing your entrance.
“No darling, unfortunately it's just me.” You sighed, seeing Wanda sat panting as she tried to get her breath back after her long few hours of relentless training, slick sweat dripping down her face as she leaned back against a row of lockers.
“Baby, what were you thinking?” You continued, your voice calm as you came to sit next to her on the bench, “Since when do we train this hard when sick? Nevermind, better question, who sparred with you when you’re obviously this sick?”
Wanda looked down the the floor, avoiding your gaze as she gave a few liquid sniffles, “It was just me and Natty.”
“Nat let you train with her?” It was hard to disguise the surprise in your voice. But nothing could’ve prepared you for what came next. The door swung open loudly behind you, causing to jump a little but before you could turn around to see who it was that had came into the room, a series of loud sneezes answered that question for you.
You called out, turning around to see Natasha standing in the doorway, red-faced and sniffling. It seemed that Wanda wasn't the only one who had been training while sick.
“Hey,” Natasha greeted, her voice sounding painfully raspier then usual, “Sorry, didn't mean to startle you baby.”
You shook your head in disbelief, “You two are unbelievable. You’re both sick?”
Nat sighed and went to disagree but the constant tingling in her nose reached its peak and she ducked away from the two of you, shoving her head down into her elbow.
“Hh-Hutshoo! Hhi’htshoo! Heh…Hh’iiitshoo!”
Your eyebrows raised in surprise as your girlfriend rubbed at her nose, “Bless you sweetie, you definitely sound like you’ve come down with the same bug as poor Wands.”
“No, no. I’m not sick.” Natasha sniffled as she tried to defend herself, “Lil’ witchy is sick, poor baby, but I’m fine Y/N.”
Wanda whined at the nickname, “Natty there’s no point being stubborn now.”
“No. I’m fine, still good for another few rounds.” She mumbled as she stretched out her arms trying her best not to groan at the aching settling in her muscles.
You sighed deeply, shaking your head in disbelief, “Both of you are in no condition to be training, let alone sparring with each other.”
Natasha leaned against one of the large pillars in the changing room, “We had to train, there's no way around it.”
“You two need to take care of yourselves first, your health is more important than training.” You scolded, gently placing a hand on Wanda's forehead to check her temperature.
Truthfully, you couldn't help but feel a bit frustrated at the situation. Both Wanda and Natasha were both clearly sick, and they had been training like nothing was wrong. As much as you wanted to scold them further for their ignorance, you knew it wouldn't do any good. Instead, you decided to take charge of the situation.
“Okay, okay. First of all,” You huffed as you turned to the sniffling redhead, “You. Sit.”
There was a stuffy groan in complaint, but nevertheless Nat obeyed, and she came to sit next to Wanda, letting the exhausted witch lean against her, wrapping her arm around her comfortingly when it became clear she could no longer keep herself awake much longer making Nat begin to regret going so hard on her during the session.
“Right, I have questions.” You started, “When did you both get sick? You were fine yesterday so, when did this kick in?”
Nat frowned up at you, ready to dispute your claim, “I'm not sic-“
“This morning.” Wanda interrupted before coughing against Nat’s shoulder, too tired to move her head, “Woke up just feeling all icky.”
You nodded, taking note of the information before turning to Nat, “And you?”
Your girlfriend didn’t respond this time, instead she chose to stare blankly forward, not making eye contact. You knew that normally Nat never would’ve let Wanda train when sick, especially to the point of exhaustion so it was obvious something was wrong. You took this as a sign to kneel down to make meet her hidden gaze whilst simultaneously reaching up to press your cool palm against her forehead, “Oh, Natasha.” You sighed as you registered the heat blazing from her skin.
“You’re burning up, love. Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” You scolded but kept your voice calm as you brushed back her slightly sweaty hair from her face.
Natasha only replied with a weak shrug knowing there was no denying it now, “I didn’t want to worry you.”
You sighed, knowing all too well how stubborn she could be, “You should’ve told me, baby. It’s not like you to keep things from me. Now did you wake up sick too?”
“I know, I’m sorry... I woke up like this.” Natasha sniffled, leaning further into your touch before quickly turning away to muffle a set of desperate sounding sneezes, jostling the witch still resting against her.
“Bless you, my love. Right, well, there’s no way either of you are training anymore today. You both need to rest.” You declared, standing up and pulling both Wanda and Natasha up with you.
“Y/N, I have to train still. I have a mission coming up soon.” Natasha protested weakly before skulking off to go tear off some paper towels to blow her running nose with.
“No, you need to rest and get better. If you go on a mission like this, you’ll only make things worse.” You countered firmly, “Plus that rough tissue can’t feel good against that red nose of yours, I can get you something softer back in the room.”
Wanda nodded in agreement, “They’re right, Natty. You need to rest and if you feel as crappy as I do then theres no way you shoul- Hh’iishuu! Hhi! Hii’tshoo!”
She broke off from her sentence, ducking her head into her hands as she sneezed, grimacing at them in slight disgust afterwards.
Natasha looked at both of you, her expression softening as she realised the truth in your words, not only that, she could see the plain exhaustion settling behind her girlfriend’s tired eyes, “Bless you Wands. Now I’m not saying I’m that sick, that’s not at all what I’m saying, but maybe just this once resting could be good.”
You smiled, feeling relieved that she’s finally given in at least a little, “Good. Now, let’s get you both back to our room so you can get some rest.”
With a little bit extra of coaxing, you managed to get both Wanda and Natasha back to your room and into bed without much of a hassle. Albeit you had to practically carry the poor brunette there.
Once they were settled in bed, you went into full nurse mode. You grabbed a thermometer and took their temperatures, handed out water, and made sure they were both comfortable. Wanda had fallen asleep almost instantly, but Natasha was still wide awake, her eyes droopy but refusing to close.
“Hey,” you whispered, sitting down on the edge of the bed next to her and running a hand through her hair, “What’s on your mind sweetheart?”
Natasha sighed, “Just thinking about all the things I need to do. I hate being stuck in bed like this feeling all weak and miserab- Hhh’tshhoo!”
“Bless you darling, I know you do, but you need to take care of yourself first. You can’t do anything if you’re not feeling well.” You told her, tucking a loose strand of fallen hair behind her ear.
“I know,” Natasha conceded as she accepted some tissues that you offered out to her, scrunching up her red nose as she rubbed it, “I just feel useless.”
“You’re not useless,” you reassured her, “You’re taking care of yourself, which is important.”
Natasha nodded, sniffling again before settling further into the pillows. You sat with her for a while, running your fingers through her hair and letting her rest. After a few minutes, her breathing evened out, and you knew she had finally fallen asleep.
And that would’ve been great, if she hadn’t accidentally disturbed Wanda back awake when she buried down into the duvet.
Wanda grumbled, rubbing her eyes sleepily, “What’s going on?”
“Sorry, Wandie. Nat just fell asleep.” You explained softly, trying to soothe her back to sleep.
Wanda nodded, sniffling slightly, “Can you stay with us until we I fall back asleep? I don’t like being alone when I’m sick and I don’t wanna wake Nat up.”
“Of course, love. I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep.” You promised, pulling the blankets up higher around them both.
If a perfect world they’re slumber would’ve gone on forever, waking up hours maybe even a day later feeling much better, but this isn’t a perfect world. The small hand on the clock had barely made two full circles before your two girlfriends began to stir.
Natasha was the first to wake up, blinking sleepily and rubbing her eyes. “How long was I out for?” she asked, her voice still groggy.
“Not too long, love. Just a couple of hours.” You replied, sitting up from the chair you had been dozing off in.
Wanda stirred next, letting out a small groan as she opened her eyes. “Ugh, I still feel terrible.” She muttered, sniffling and wiping her nose with a crumpled-up tissue.
“I know, sweetheart. But you both need to rest and let your bodies fight off these colds.” You reminded them gently.
Natasha nodded, sitting up slowly and glancing over at the sniffling Wanda. “How are you feeling baby?” she asked, concern etched on her own fever flushed face.
Wanda shrugged, “Not great, but not worse either.” She leaned into Natasha, seeking comfort and warmth, “you?”
“Pretty much the same.” Natasha wrapped her arms around Wanda, holding her close. “We’ll be okay though, I promise.”
You smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. Your girls were going to be okay, and you would take care of them every step of the way.
As the day progressed, you made sure to keep a close eye on both Wanda and Natasha, checking their temperatures and making sure they were comfortable. They both slept on and off, and you were thankful for the moments of peace and quiet.
By evening, both of your girlfriends were feeling a little bit better, and you suggested watching a movie to take their minds off things. You settled in bed with them, blankets piled high, and pillows propped up, and started the movie.
In all honesty, the film hadn’t even gotten 5 minutes through before you finally felt the exhaustion of the day catch up to you.
You tried to fight it off, determined to stay awake for the sake of your sick girlfriends. But the warm, cosy bed and the gentle hum of the movie were too much for your tired body. Soon enough, you found yourself dozing off, your head resting on Natasha's shoulder.
Wanda noticed first, giggling softly as she nudged Natasha to look down at you. Natasha smiled, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "Looks like someone's tuckered out," she whispered.
Wanda nodded, snuggling closer to Natasha. "We should let them sleep," she said softly.
Natasha agreed, reaching over to turn off the movie. You stirred slightly but didn't wake up as your girlfriends settled in next to you, the three of you wrapped up in blankets and each other.
As you slept, your girlfriends talked quietly, discussing everything from their favourite movies to their plans for the future. They occasionally checked on your temperature, hoping you’d managed to avoid catching whatever bug had them feeling so crappy, and made sure you were comfortable, but otherwise they let you sleep peacefully inbetween them.
The sound of coughing and damp sniffles still filled the room, but despite the discomfort, there was a sense of closeness and love that permeated the air. Eventually both Wanda and Nat began to grow tired again, cuddling up to either side of you as they rested their heavy feeling heads against their soft pillows. All the three of you were cuddled in each other’s arms, embraced in the warm hold of love. Who could ask for more than that?
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byullielle · 9 months
Walls Could Talk // Bang Chan x Mafia!Reader
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Part 2/3
Trilogy Playlist, Till Death Do Us Part, is what the vows contain. Hitched off to notorious mafia boss Christopher Bahng, and despite her volatile and bratty attitude–it'll be only through her that anyone gets to kill her husband.
Tags: Yakuza/Mafia AU, Est. Marriage, Marriage for Convenience, Eventual Lovers, Smut, Manhandling, Resolved Sexual Tension, Angry Sex, Rough Sex, Hurt/Comfort
Disclaimer: how chan looks in the freeze mv is exactly how he looks in this fic. SEX SCENE IS CONSENSUAL. MINORS DNI. NSFW Content.
Part 1 | Part 3
Guide: F/N - Father's Name
6.1k Words
You lean against the pillar of the infirmary of your manor, watching while Soyeon, your family physician, patches Christopher up. He winces while she gently prods at his bare torso, feeling for any more fractured ribs in the collision.
Minho is laid unconscious to be tended by Joshua, another physician who works under Soyeon. He did hit his head but was conscious enough to make it back to the estate awake. It was a disastrous crash, leaving Jisung and Changbin to clean up the mess left behind while Chris looked at you with mirth laden in his eyes.
You couldn't care less.
The moment you got home with the two injured men in tow, Felix came rushing to you with Jung Hyeon's file, finding out that she had the exact tattoo you found on the assailants the day before on her shoulder. All of them were piece by piece coming together—all your husband had to do was listen.
"We just have to wait for his X-ray results but he'll be alright with a few days of rest and to keep the wrist brace on at all times," Soyeon speaks up after hushed voices directed to Chris.
"Y/N-ah make sure he doesn't go out of the estate his broken ribs aren't fatal, thankfully they're only the floating ribs are affected,"
"Noted, Soyeon-ah," you nod, a bit frigid now that the adrenaline isn't needed yet still flowing through your veins. You nearly feel like your heart could stop in all honesty, a sharp pain stabbing through your chest that you simply take like it wasn't anything.
"Now you," Soyeon approaches before you hold your hand up apprehensively, "I'm not injured, Soyeon-ah,"
"I know," she sighs before taking your hand and pulling you into the doctor's office you set up for her team.
Jeon Soyeon has worked for your family ever since it was her grandmother running the medical field of the Jinyoung group. You were one of the few families who had well-equipped and strictly confidential doctors, making you less susceptible to hospital arrests.
"How are you doing," she asks before you sigh and lean back against the wall.
"The thigh wound isn't that deep, it'll heal in three days,"
She lifts her gaze from your file to you, "You know what I mean,"
"Do we have to do this?"
"The more you repress it, the worse it gets,"
You look down at your feet, hesitating before taking a stressed breath, "Yesterday. Happened while I was taking a bath, I think the attack on me the other day triggered it,"
You look up to see Soyeon's concerned face looking at you, "I dunno, kinda just remembered mom and stuff," you shrug, pulling your hands up against your arms.
She hums, jotting something down on a piece of paper before pocketing it, "Any more?"
"That's it for this week, I don't know if there'll be more,"
"And you still don't want to get medicated?"
"I think therapy is working just fine,"
She cocks a brow up, crossing her arms before leaning against her desk, "Really now?"
"I'm serious, Soyeon," you press your lips together, "I'm getting better, you said it yourself I'm just having some bad days,"
She shakes her head and pulls off from the desk, "Given your current situation with Bahng, those bad days would probably stretch on," she approaches you before placing a gentle hand on your shoulder, a flinch non-existent anymore.
"If you need someone, I'm a call away, okay?"
Closing the door behind you, you head to Christopher's bedside.
"I'm sorry I nearly killed you," you sit down by the corner with a sheepish look on your face. The bandage on his forehead was definitely standing out, added to his already prominent collection of scars on his face, 'Continuously added by you, always,' your mind so helpfully supplies.
"Your unorthodox ways always seem to help," he sarcastically replies, making you frown a bit.
"You rest, and then I'll let you know what's going on,"
"No," he shakes his head, “You tell me now. You're still gonna help nurse me too aren't you?" he cocks a brow up and you can't help but scoff, "Aren't you a demanding one,"
"You nearly ended my life, Y/N, I don't know what that says about you,"
Somewhat miffed, you can't help but ball up your slightly trembling hands, "I wasn't planning on killing you! I was saving your life,"
"And how sure are you that it was for saving me?" he counters. You couldn't help but be frustrated with him, standing up from the bed while looking down at his sorry state.
"Oh please your injuries aren't even enough to kill you,"
"Maybe if you didn't act on impulse I wouldn't be on an infirmary bed with a gaping wound on my forehead!"
"I don't act on impulse!" you spit out bitterly, "It was a quick decision but I didn't do it without reason," you frown, voice getting higher and higher, more charged and agitated. He sighs and takes your wrist gently, making you jolt up slightly before he pulls you to his side.
"The Jungs aren't easy to lock down, you know that, right?"
"Of course I do,"
"Then you better make this worth it,"
You didn't know if it was him trying to get on your nerves or general mistrust but your hot temper was already on it's full throttle, you weren't about to hear anyone out because fuck that.
"You're so…" you trail off, closing your eyes before rubbing the spot between your brows, taking a sharp intake of breath.
"We won't get anything done here. Rest up," you mumble before walking away. If walking was stomping out of the infirmary then yes, you walk away there with a scowl on your face.
You saved his fucking life, not even a thanks.
'But then again, did you thank him for saving yours?' your brain nags and you stop in your tracks. Shaking your head away and letting out a fed-up groan, you carry on with the journey to your bedroom.
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“Yeah well, she asked about where you were. She hung up on me,” Hyunjin recalls in Chan’s office, while his boss turns to Changbin with a cocked brow.
“She didn’t say anything when we left. Jisung did say she’s expecting either of us to follow,” the other guard explains while nursing a glass of whiskey, smoke puffed out of his lips minutes after.
“But Chan…do you mind?” Bin raises his head as he simply nods, “Go ahead Bin,”
“I don’t think she was planning to kill you,” he confesses, “Why go through all that trouble? She could’ve done it a long time ago if she really hated your guts,”
“Yeah but hyung that could be just her plausible deniability so that she doesn’t go suspect if the boss dies,”
“So you’re suggesting she’s pinning this on the Jungs,” Chan speaks up before reaching out to pour himself a glass.
“A little bit like that,” he meekly states, looking down at his glass. Changbin presses his lips together, “Although, I really think Jung is suspect, at least Jung Kwang-ho,”
Chan licks up his lips before sighing, “Clearly Y/N knows something. I might have to even talk to F/N-nim, he knows something about the Jungs,”
Changbin scoffs, “She did seem mad at you boss,” he shrugs, “Maybe apologize first before heading to her? And especially her father?”
Chan furrows his brows at him, simply receiving a shrug before Changbin stands up and grabs the holster harness off Chan’s table, “I’m on night duty today, I will see you two tomorrow,” he nods to Chan who simply nods back. “Good night, boss, Jinnie-ah”
“Good night Bin,”
“Night hyung,”
The door quietly shuts before Chan places his glass down the table, crossing his hands together before leaning against the oak desk, “Do you really think she’s trying to kill me?” he directly addresses Hyunjin, “I’m trying to be objective boss,” he sits up straight, setting his drink down as well, “Although a huge part of me agrees with Changbin-hyungnim, we can’t ever be so sure with her motivations,” he starts explaining.
“Y/N-nim seems so mysterious and closed-off after all, especially after getting married to you,”
Seemingly placated with his response, he leans back against his chair again, pondering the possibilities of what the fuck was happening to his territory. He knew a lot of people wanted him dead, in this world, there were more detractors than support, his head a constant prize amongst the pedestal of drug lords and mafia capos especially when branching out his reach in Asia or his bastardized status of being hailed as heir. If you have the world within your grip, its prickly sides would want you to let go.
He just won’t.
Sighing, he rubs the space between his brows with his fingers. “I’ll apologize to her,” he resolves. "Make sure I don't have any appointments tomorrow,”
“Yes boss,” Hyunjin’s gentle demeanor changes along with Chan’s. 
The heavy weight on your chest makes you unable to breathe, the struggle in your lungs heavily impeding your airflow. You crack your eyes open, a heavy gasp escaping you while you claw at the front of your gown, making Seungmin jolt up from his sleep as he rushes to your side.
“Boss,” he helps you up, concerned and worrying as you can feel the sweat on your back–sickly sticky and cold while the strands of your hair stick to your forehead.
Seungmin squeezes your hands once, looking directly into your eyes as you look around still shaken up by the feeling. “Remember anything? Where are you right now,”
“Bahng estate,” you answer breathlessly, “What time is it?” you turn to him as he checks on his wrist.
“2:30 in the morning,”
“Fuck,” you’ve barely been asleep, 3 hours in. “I– I don’t remember the dream, you frustratedly bunch your hair and rest your elbows on your knees, “But it felt…” you trail off, words dying on your tongue.
“Here, have some water,” he calmly hands it to you.
There’s a tremble to your hands, a little bit shaken as you take a big gulp, downing it in one go as a tired sigh escapes you. Night terrors–never one to quickly leave yet so fleetingly easy to overlook, to suddenly forget about what was so terrifying you felt as if your lungs were taken, left your chest bare and barren.
“I think I need to take a walk,” you shake your head and swing your legs over the bed, your bare feet touching the carpeted floor, “Go get some sleep. If something happens, Felix’ll be there,” you direct to Seungmin. You could see him hesitate, but ultimately take your order to rest up.
Wanting to feel the sensation of the cool floors of the manor you lived in, you forgo slippers, making it out of your room quietly as the patters of bare feet barely echo around.
Unbeknownst to you, Christopher sees your retreating figure, getting up to relieve some of the tensions of a sleepless night himself. Not wanting to impede on your time, he curiously follows behind right after, making sure his footfalls are light.
You feel comfort around the tall walls and wide ceilings of the house, it makes you feel smaller and a little bit more free, compared to the dark hellscape of a nightmare.
You take a few flights of stairs up, the faint crashing of the ocean audible to you from a distance as you hike up, carpeted floors further muting your presence as the textile presents a comforting roughness to it, like overgrown grass or stepping onto smooth gravel.
You could see the balcony doors, making a small skip towards it before opening it, the warm and humid ocean air pouring in contrast to the crisp air conditioning in the house.
With the deepest breath you can intake, you step out to the cool night breeze flowing against your body, barely covered by the silk nightgown and robe slightly damp with sweat.
Letting a shaky breath out, you let the door knobs go, leaving the doors open before heading forward to the ledge, arms placed atop the porcelain balustrade overlooking the moon shining brightly against the pitch-black ocean.
The silence of the night, crashing waves filling your senses vaguely while you let your nightgown brush and flow against your legs, and your bare feet resting against the cool marble, you could finally feel yourself breathe easy again.
Days of high adrenaline never came easy, the thrill of it all addicting to you yet the crash just as terrifying. You get used to it, but it always feels just as suffocating as the first time—it changes but it never tames down.
Pressing your lips together, you couldn't help but start humming a familiar song, letting the melody vibrate past your sealed lips before you could sense someone behind you. Abruptly stopping you turn and gasp to see Christopher leaning by the pillar of the doors. "What are you doing out here so late at night," he questions.
"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be on bed rest?"
"I'm not invalid, it was a few broken ribs, a wound on the forehead and a sprained wrist," he scoffs, not leaving his post as you simply stand there observing him.
Illuminated by nothing but the moonlight, his features are shaped out by shadows, sharp and chiseled but there was a certain moodiness to his eyes as it stared back at your very soul. You weren't in the mood for it. Y/N L/N loved holding grudges after all. "I'll leave your frolicking to it then," you sigh and detach your body from the balustrade, walking past him before he sighs out.
"I'm sorry for a while ago," his voice permeates throughout the empty hall.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes, back turned against him. You walk away, unsatisfied with the flimsy apology. First he implies disloyalty and rebellion, next he disturb your midnight break? Unacceptable.
You knew Christopher could do better than that.
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A knock permeates on the door of your father's den. Breathing out a puff of smoke, he signals one of the men to open it. 
You walk in, your four guards following right behind as your father breaks out in a grin. “Well, well, if it isn’t my baby witch of the westside,”
“Enough of this, I have things to ask you,” you sigh before signaling one of the rookies to give you a chair. They immediately comply, scrambling to move as you take a seat in front of your father, spreading the collected pictures in front of him before raising your brows.
“Ah…” he sighs and plucks one of the pictures off the table, “The Jungs, I know this tattoo well enough,” he grunts while leaning back against his chair, taking the cigar between his fingers before inhaling and blowing.
“What do you want to know, little flower?”
“What is the Jung family’s association with the Jinyoung group?” you ask.
He hums, “Trouble in paradise?”
You scoff a bit, rolling your eyes before crossing your arms, “Tough shit. Not a chance,”
A humored laugh boisterously bursts from your father, making him shake his head, “You’ve gotten smarter when you got married,” he side-comments, “Let’s see… Jung and Jinyoung group,” he tries to recall before almost automatically his head guard hands him a file.
“Oh right,” he flips through the papers, “Remember when rumors of Chan’s induction as head of the Bahng household started to transpire?” he raises your brows at you as you nod.
You were there after all.
“Eugene Bahng, the supposed heir was scrambling to get his hands on the position,” he looks down at the file, “Started pawning off promises to each family he could reach, one of them was the Jungs,”
You attentively listen. Christopher’s climb to the heir position was deeply muddled in objection and rejection. Your father was one of the men who sided with him rather than Eugene, the supposed “full-blooded” heir of the capo seat in the family.
He was the one you were supposed to marry, but you decided you wanted to side with Christopher as well. Your marriage fortified his chain to the position, the smallest push to completely desolate the rest of the family to avoid mutiny.
Which was happening now, so it seems.
“Plain and simple, the Jungs want Chan gone so that they could usurp the promised territories for themselves,” your father finishes his wistful little recollection of events. “I was there when Eugene Bahng called the meeting, did you know he promised off Jongseon-do to me?”
“Did you get it?”
He laughs, shaking his head, “That boy was as stupid as his mother. Anyone with a brain knew his propositions fell flack,” he lights up another cigar, “Do you know why I backed Christopher up?”
You look at him with uncertainty. It wasn’t something you questioned, nor something he openly expressed. “Because he was the wiser son,” you try answering with confidence but your father shakes his head.
“I was too much of a coward to put you out there,” he admits, rendering you confused as to just where was this confession coming from, “You are your mother’s daughter, to have you killed because you meddled too much wasn’t in the itinerary,”
You lean back, a small yet steady lump growing in your throat. This was the most empathy your father has shown you in years. “Christopher Bahng. He saw your potential and took you away from my arsenal,” he chuckles before glancing at you. 
“To each your own. Now look at you,” he juts the cigar towards your direction.
“Hunting down those who threaten your family,” he digs the ashen tip into the glass ashtray, “Atta girl,”
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Ever since you woke up, you’ve been avoiding Chris. And now that you’ve gotten back home from your father’s estate it seems like your own stubbornness didn’t want to let up. ‘Trouble in paradise,’ you scoff while Jeongin opens the doors for you, ‘If paradise was nowhere in the first place then yes it is trouble,’
It was a little bit petty of you, you were aware of that. In a normal situation, you too would act the way your husband did—you just wanted to get on his nerves. And wanted him to get on your nerves too.
Dangling a bait too delicious to not take was a waste for you, so why make up and apologize properly when you can constantly avoid his attempts to make peace in a civilized and normal manner. 
Time was still running through the hourglass, god knows what the opposing family is up to now but you can go out and play for a little bit more. Chris was still inside the house breathing and alive.
"Miss boss you're home," Hyunjin welcomes you by the foyer before Jeongin takes your bag and holster away, "I'm home," you tiredly announce before stripping your shoes off, handing them to a maid nearby. 
"The boss would like to have a word,"
You cock your brow up at him, turning to his direction, "Suddenly I'm the one adjusting? Tell him this," you take a few steps toward the guard, "I thought he wasn't invalid,"
You walk off with a snotty stride to you, absolutely biting back the smile off your lips when you hear his footsteps retreat back into the house.
Christopher was normally the more patient one out of the two of you; never impulsive, ultimately pragmatic and a thorough planner. Dream guy, you're sure.
But there was a little bit of fun of him blowing a fuse. You just had to be patient and wait in turn. Heading to the living room of the huge house, you tiredly slump down on the velvet couch, reaching out for the book you were previously reading.
Propping your legs up the couch you comfortably lounge on the couch. It doesn't take you 10 pages until the familiar footfalls prick your ears, Chris' heavy footsteps making itself known once he enters the threshold of the living room.
"You're home," he comments, only receiving a noncommittal hum from you. You can almost feel his heavy breath against your nape, picturing him with his hands on his hips, "Are you really doing this, Y/N?"
A response isn't pulled from you, simply flipping the next page of the book before it gets yanked out of your hands, making you look back with a scandalized look. 
"What the fuck is your problem Christopher?!" you shriek, intentionally sharp.
"My problem is that I'm trying to fucking apologize!" he answers back, breaking patience as you nearly quirk your lips up in a victorious smile. Just a little bit more—if it seemed too serious you'd stop.
Rolling your eyes at him, you let out an exaggerated groan of irritation, swerving around the couch to try and overtake him, "It's fucking useless to talk to you," you mutter before stomping off towards the stairs.
"You fucking get back here Y/N L/N," his voice booms throughout the stairwells.
"Or fucking what, Christopher Bahng," you snap, sharply turning towards him, "Why the fuck are you even apologizing,"
"Because clearly we need to keep moving,"
You let out a snide laugh, crossing your arms, "And? I had the impression you could clearly work without me. Save it," you bitterly spit out, stomping your way up the stairs like a toddler.
Chris follows you, almost giving you a small pave of way before nearly pouncing on his prey, speeding up because once you get to the top your back is roughly pressed against the wall with his hands gripping your arms tightly.
"Don't act like a fucking child," he growls, face merely inches away from yours. 
Your eyes flit down to his lips, then to his eyes, a silent message delivered.
Placing your hands into fists you push him away to the best of your abilities, getting him off you before further shoving him until he stumbles back a bit, "You're the child here! Go and wallow in the fact you thought I wanted to fucking kill you," you brashly answer back, with your own snarl against him.
"Should I have known my efforts would be met with such disrespect I would've left you for dead!" you deliver the final blow before something snaps. 
Before you know it, his hand is wrapped around your neck, making your head tingle and breath hitch as he forces you to look into his eyes. If he really wanted to kill you, he would've done so by now—easily being able to snap your neck in half with just his right hand.
Instead his thumbs press down your carotid, punching out a gasp from you. Your eyes meet, and despite the anger and passion burning in his eyes there was a silent question to everything. And you do everything in your power to relay the fact that he's forgiven, that he's free to apologize again and again along with doing as he pleases. 
And what he pleases he does.
With irritation still flaring in your bones, you press your clenched fists against his chest but never truly pushing him away.
"You're a fucking brat," he spits out bitterly, breath fanning against your face. 
"Not like you could do anything about it," you spit out with harshly.
"Watch me," he lets go of your neck only to grab your wrists harshly before throwing you on his shoulder.
A shriek is punched out of you, gripping and clawing at his back in a poor attempt to break free. "Christopher!" you yell, wiggling out before a harsh slap lands against your ass, groaning at the sting before your worldview changes, immediately facing the unfamiliar ceiling of his room while landing on his mattress with a thud.
He immediately gets to it, pulling your pants off with a rough tug. You bite your lip in order to hone in any noises you're threatening to make, gripping the sheets for stabilization before he strips his own clothing off. His half-hard member springs out of his pants and boxers, precum at the tip but not enough to make him wet.
You were salivating over the view before your ankles are pulled towards him as he stands by the edge of the bed, the pits of your knees now hanging off. 
"What, your brain got jogged in there somewhere?" he smirks cockily while pumping his cock with lazy strokes over your bare lower body. You want to close your legs together, feeling your slick leak out of your folds but with the position you were in his legs were lodged between your legs. 
"Look at you," his eyes zero in your leaking pussy, "What a fucking degenerate you are,"
You glare at him, leaning against your elbows before tugging at his dick a bit roughly, precum flowing out upon the contact, "Speak for yourself,"
Without warning, you open your mouth and stick your tongue out before taking his throbbing cock in one go, punching a groan out of him before you graze your teeth against his member, feeling him tense up a bit before easing it into your throat. 
Holding back a gag, your throat contracts and mouth tightens, tongue feeling the veins on him. 
"Fuck," he curses, reaching out to grip your hair but you smack his hand away, digging your long nails into his hips while bobbing your head up and down.
Spit flows from the sides of your mouth, slobbering about his long member. You knew it wasn't the best head you were giving but the way the oxygen was taken away from you by his huge dick obstructing your throat was sending sparks in your brain.
"You're so fucking shitty at this," he mutters before bunching your hair in his hands before bucking his hips.
A whimper escapes you, unable to pry his hands off this time while being forced to take his cock over and over again, the gagging sounds from you music to his ears. "You like that huh? You fucking slut, this is all it needs to shut you up," he sardonically laughs at you before pulling your head away.
You cough out, a mixture of his precum and your slobber accidentally getting out a bit while he gives you time to catch your breath.
"Fuck you," you mutter through tear-muddled eyes and spite. 
"Try," he pushes you down the bed before placing a bruising grip on your hips and lifting before his thumb pads around your clit. A stuttered gasp escapes you, clawing at the sheets below your hands.
"So wet," he whispers almost to himself while running a finger from your clit down to the shallow part of your pussy.
He takes his member with one hand before slapping the head against your clit, making you bite down on your wrist to hold back a mewl at the stimulation. He starts pushing down, tip catching in between your lips while your hips tremble under his hands. 
Eyes screwed shut, a shudder shakes you to your very core. And you know he isn’t faring well either, one of you ready to break the barrier of hate just so that you could move. Giving in, Chris suddenly slams into you, punching a shout from you before you reach out to claw down at the sheets beneath you.
“Fuck- fuck, Christopher,” you mewl out, helpless under his grip as he chuckles at your wrecked state.
“God, already?” he shakes his head, “I’ve barely fucked you,”
“Too– Ngh– Too much! ” you whimper, hands snaking your way up to your chest to press and tug on your pebbled nipples against the silk shirt that you just realize was still on you–wanting to redirect the concentrated pleasure on your pussy somewhere else.
You were going to explode, his dick continuously assaulting the spongy spot right inside as the nerves jolt your body alight with electricity you couldn’t contain, cries and sobs punched out of you in sheer pleasure. The smacking of his hips against your ass was sticky, juices flowing down and spread out you didn’t know which one was yours and which was his.
“You’re–so rough,” you weep.
“You like rough,” he says through spent grunts, slamming into you full force as if he’s simply using you.
His’ to use, your own pleasure to neglect. Like he didn’t give a shit if he hit the right spots as long as his dick was rubbed raw along your warm walls.
He grits his teeth, thumb catching on your clit once again as a shuddering gasp is torn off your lungs for the nth time followed by a litany of moans.
“You wouldn’t…Fuck…act like such a fucking brat…’f y’didn’t enjoy this,” he slurs through the pleasure. Your back arches back against the tandem of his thrusts and the circling of your clit. 
“Shit! Christopher, fuck!” is what’s left of your vocabulary, thighs trembling against his hold as the knot in your stomach painfully tightens, body going rigid for a bit as the squelching sounds of your juices mixed around by his glorious cock echo around the room.
“That feel good huh? Are you gonna cum for me?” he leans down a bit, flames alight behind his eyes, hair plastered to his temple while he runs a hand over his curly hair, moving it out of the way.
You respond with nothing but a high pitched moan, pornographic at best once he slows down his thrusting to a grind.
"What happened to the big bad wolf that regrets keeping me alive?" he sardonically laughs, making you tear up at the sheer humiliation of it all. He stops his grinding, making you squirm around his dick while the walls of your core flutter around his member in anticipation.
"If you didn't keep me alive nobody would fuck you like this,"
Torn between wanting to keep your pride up and just wanting to cum, you sigh out in neediness, coming out as a pathetic and begging moan.
"Please, it escapes you in barely a whisper, "I'm sorry I said that Christopher. Please, just move again," you plead.
"You like begging don't you?" he mocks before starting his reckless and deliciously fast pace again.
He cocks a brow up, making you clench harder around him, his eyes flitting down from where he was sheathed in to your wrecked face, red and blotchy with tears, mouth with a trail of spit.
Your back arches, hands squeezing on your tits as they jiggle underneath your grip due to his ministrations, body slightly jogged around by his sheer force. His thumb is back rubbing circles on your clit, lifting your hips and thigh up before spitting on your swollen bud, picking up the pace.
You're nothing but a moaning mess on the bed, back arched, head thrown back and hips lifted up. The shocks course through your body like live wire as your clit is continuously abused the way your hole was.
"I wanna cum! Christopher fuck, I'm gonna cum!" you hiccup out.
“Then cum,” he lets go of your thighs while still grinding into the walls of your throbbing pussy. “For all I fucking care,” he takes your jaw into his free hand, letting go of your clit making you wail at the abrupt denial of your orgasm.
“No, no, no,” you try to tug his hand back but he moves it to your neck, squeezing with precision making your eyes roll back.
Squeezing his dick around you, it twitches against his member–making you shake and tremble under him as he doesn’t relent with his thrusts. His hands are still on your neck and you can feel the overstimulation rub you raw, making you arch your back and writhe around his hold which garners him to chuckle darkly, letting go of your neck before pushing you further into the bed. 
“You came huh?” he mocks you, making you sob against the sheets as you move your head to the side, body shaken up by his thrusts.
The pain steadily turns into pleasure as another tremor shakes you to your core, unable to speak, only drooling into the sheets with your eyes half-lidded and directed towards Chris. His grunting and moans start to spill out more frequently, thrusts getting more and more erratic.
And you couldn’t keep up the cruel facade, reaching out for his arm before he looks up at you. “Cum already…inside, inside please,” you manage to mutter out and he lets out a laugh of disbelief.
“Shit, Y/N,” his breath hitches. “Ask nicely,”
You whine, high and needy as the tears further spill from your eyes, cock still assaulting your spent pussy, “Chris!” you further keen, almost into a shriek as he hits a deeper spot than normal.
“Please please, cum already Christopher,” you sniffle. “I forgive you already! Please just cum! I can't take it anymore!” it comes out high and wrecked.
He clicks his tongue, "Yes you can," his thrusts become a staccato of shallow ones that did nothing but hit your g-spot.
It was getting too much, the coil breaking only to be tugged and tied back together. Your back constantly arched and legs trying to squeeze shut only to be blocked by Christopher's body.
“Channie!” the last of your brain cells fight, attacking the soft spot you knew he had, making him hiss. “Holy shit,” he huffs before three more erratic thrusts wreck your walls.
Warmth spills inside your hole, a soft sob wrecking your body while Chris cages you in between his arms, watching you as you tremble underneath him, chest fluttering up against the material of your now sweat-riddled shirt.
Then you feel it, while he pulls out, the obscene sound of your juices together coming from your pussy is heard and after a few seconds you can feel fluid flowing down between your folds.
Chris shudders and chuckles in disbelief, “Look at you,” he whispers.
You couldn’t do anything but let out a sigh, tired and definitely exhausted. “F-Feels…so fucking sensitive,” you whimper softly. 
“Wait here,” he mutters, landing two comforting pats against your thigh. 
You don’t know how many minutes it was, but you could feel a damp towel wipe you all over your body, sticky and soiled shirt now removed. He gently lifts you up a bit, deciding that the small yet damp spot by the foot of the bed could be taken care of tomorrow.
Opening one eye open, you could feel the bed dip before coming face to face with his bare body. You look up, and then your eyes meet. “Sleep,” he runs a comforting hand through your hair, then on your cheek.
He leans down and presses a gentle kiss on the soft skin, before detaching.
Kisses were foreign to you and Chris. And although you wanted to ask, there was a nagging fear that pulled you back down as to where your place truly stood.
He pulls the blanket up your body, a gentle caress on your shoulder garnering a soft and satisfied sigh. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes again, reaching out for your hand before pressing a gentle and chaste kiss on a healing scab on your knuckles, “And thank you,”
Through closed eyes, you savor his scent through the pillows plush against your head, a hum escaping you. “It’s okay,” you whisper, a hand landing on his bare knee as reassurance, “And I got you,” you spend the last ounce of your strength looking up at him, eyes meeting again. “Always,”
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The light shines against your eyes, making you groan before feeling the throbbing soreness of your legs and hips.
Cracking one eye open, you notice the black cashmere covering your body contrasting the sheets you were accustomed to. The smell is also highly reminiscent of Chris' perfume and detergent, the pleasant familiarity helping rouse you out of the sleepy state you were in.
Looking around with a sleepy daze, nobody is found around the room but there is one thing you did come to the realization with. In over 6 months, it was one of the best rest you’ve ever gotten–no nightmares, night terrors, or panic attacks.
Sighing, you get up with a grunt before the door suddenly opens, making you pull the sheets up your bare body before Christopher walks in with a breakfast tray.
“Why were your guards so adamant about asking me how you slept?” he immediately asks while you rub your eyes and let go of the sheets.
“I get a bit restless when I sleep,” you mumble out before running a hand through your toussled hair, “Did something happen while I was sleeping?” you look to him before he shakes his head, handing you a platter of food.
“A few murmurs but nothing alarming,”
“Good,” you hum before taking the utensils with a small thanks.
He hums. “Meet me in my office later,” he orders, and you nod towards him. “Don’t let it wait until tomorrow,”
“I know,”
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next chapter would be filled with plot, context, and flashbacks so please brace yourselves for the longest chapter in this series. :)
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> moodboard; sampler 3
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