#if you have this on your blog ill come to your inbox to ask <3
nahoney22 · 8 months
Hey I just hopped onto the bad batch fan wagon and I absolutely love ur blog! <3 I was wondering if I could request a little something about tech x reader who lost a limb/arm during battle or on a mission and he makes her a robotic prosthetic and routinely does maintenance or upgrades on it and each visit brings them closer until they realize they love eachother?
Tech X F!Reader
word count: 2.8k
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When you lost your arm,you almost gave up hope. No longer feeling like yourself, you didn’t know what to do. But, when Tech introduces you to a prosthetic, both of your relationships take a turn for the better.
warnings: fluff and slight angst, friends to lovers, mentions of anxious and emotional reader, loss of limb. Reader is a little reluctant at first to having a prosthetic and is standoffish. Talks about feelings. Subtle cutesy glances and touches etc. female reader. Not proofread.
authors note: I’m so sorry for the delay. Lost in my inbox 😭 enjoy. Also notices you said ‘her’ in the request so assumed it was female reader??? Anyway, enjoy! 🤍
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Your mind was swirling in a sea of thoughts. Most churned with memories of the mission that had forever changed you and some thought being nothing at all.
Perched on the edge of a small cliff, your gaze swept over the picturesque landscape, offering a fleeting moment of respite.
The loss of your arm had been an abrupt, harrowing experience, a fragmented blur that you could scarcely piece together. With one arm gone, a pervasive sense of uselessness had crept into your existence. You questioned your relevance in the squad – what purpose did you now have? How could you possibly help anyone?
Suddenly, a voice disrupted the chaotic maelstrom of your thoughts. You didn't turn to face him, but you recognised it was Tech.
"Ah, there you are," he remarked as he approached, standing beside you, his presence felt more than seen.
"Here I am," you mumbled, not particularly interested in conversation. It wasn't that you harbored any ill feelings toward Tech or your comrades for that matter; you were simply weary of being treated like fragile glass. Tech however, in his own characteristic manner, had always been rather direct in his approach.
"I'm here to assess you," he stated matter-of-factly.
Your brows furrowed in mild confusion, and you turned your gaze toward Tech, who was engrossed in his datapad. "...For what?"
"Just an annual routine check," he replied, raising his eyes from the screen. "But, given your recent loss of limb, it's essential to make this assessment more comprehensive."
You heaved a heavy sigh, momentarily glancing away. This was the last thing you felt like dealing with, but deep down, you understood it needed to be done. You pushed yourself to your feet and turned to face Tech, who began to examine you, asking questions about your health and emotional state. Your responses were typically laced with bluntness and sarcasm, which seemed to go over Tech.
Yet, his examination was momentarily halted when he noticed you involuntarily flinch as he approached the space where your arm had once been, now left hauntingly vacant.
Tech observed your flinch and remarked, "You're flinching, yet you have nothing to flinch for."
You responded with a deadpan stare, then shifted your gaze to where your arm used to be, saying with sarcasm, "Oh no, where did that go?" This earned you a disapproving frown from Tech.
"I will note that down as sarcasm," Tech said, inputting data into his device, while you rolled your eyes in response.
"Are we done now?" you inquired, eager to be done with the examination.
Tech nodded, replying, "Yes, for now. I want you to come find me in a few hours. I have an idea." His words held a hint of mystery, leaving you curious. Before you could inquire further, Tech had already turned and left. You couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret for your earlier tone, but you were indeed worn out. Nonetheless, you couldn't help but wonder what he had in store for you.
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As the hours passed, the rest of the squad departed for a supply run, and though Wrecker had offered you the opportunity to join them rather enthusiastically, you weren't quite up to it. Not just yet. But Tech had stayed behind so instead, you decided to explore Tech's request.
"Hey," you called out as you entered the Marauder's cockpit. Tech had his back to you, but he swiveled the pilot chair around to face you. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw what he held in his hands – a prosthetic arm.
"What's that?" you inquired, feeling a surge of nervousness.
"I've created an arm for you," Tech replied in his usual matter-of-fact tone, seemingly unaware of the reluctance evident on your face.
Your stomach twisted uncomfortably, and your palm grew clammy. "Oh, Tech... I'm not sure about this," you admitted, hesitating.
Tech lowered the prosthetic arm and arched an eyebrow at your apprehension. "But you are evidently unhappy about missing an arm, yes? Having a new one should be a suitable replacement."
You were torn. Undoubtedly, you yearned for your arm, but the idea of an artificial one felt invasive. Tech finally picked up on your reluctance, reading the uncertainty in your eyes.
"I suggest you take a seat, and we can discuss this together. It's just a prototype for now. Once we secure more income from Cid, I can enhance it," Tech reassured, adopting a more empathetic tone.
You silently took a seat across from Tech, perched on the edge of the chair as he scooted a bit closer. "I took the liberty of assessing Echo's cybernetic as a base plan," he explained.
"Are you going to give me a scomp link too?" you questioned, your voice tinged with uncertainty.
"That is a choice that is up to you," Tech replied, very gently rolling up your sleeve to assess the area. "Would you like one, similar to Echo's?"
"Is it bad if I say no?" you muttered, apprehension evident. Tech glanced up at you briefly and then shook his head. "Like I said, it is primarily your choice."
With efficient precision, Tech attached the prosthetic arm. You couldn't bring yourself to look at it. "Inform me on how it feels," he requested.
You remained in silence, feeling the weight of this sudden change press upon you. The experience felt unnatural, and you weren't prepared for the emotional shift it brought. Tears welled up in your eyes, and your throat tightened.
"You need to speak for me to—" he began to say, but then stopped as he saw a single tear slowly roll down your cheek. "Is it hurting? Uncomfortable?" He asked, panicking slightly.
You sniffled and confessed, "No, I... I don't know. I don't know how to feel, how it should feel."
Tech clicked his tongue as the realisation dawned that he might not fully comprehend your emotional state. He considered what Hunter might do in this situation and then carefully reached out, placing a somewhat awkward yet comforting hand on your knee. "If it's too much, we can revisit this another day. I should have been more transparent during the assessment earlier."
Wiping away a tear, you looked at his hand on your knee and then up at him, a mix of gratitude and regret in your eyes. "I'm sorry. You put in so much effort—"
"This was actually relatively straightforward," Tech assured with a hint of fondness, acknowledging his own exceptional skills. "But after twenty-two rotations of you missing your arm, I should have waited a bit longer or offered you this solution earlier."
This time, you managed a smile and watched as he carefully removed the prosthetic. As he packed it away in its case, you said nothing more. However, when you stood to leave, you hesitated and turned back to him.
"Yes?" he responded.
"Can we try again? Maybe tomorrow?"
He turned to you and offered a faint, reassuring smile. "Of course. Come and find me whenever you are ready.”
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Late in the evening, much later than anticipated, the following day, you mustered up the courage to face Tech. Wearing a sheepish smile, you found him alone in the cockpit. "I must say I wasn't expecting you to show up today," he greeted you as you took a seat across from him.
"I have to admit, I wasn't sure if I was going to show up either," you confessed. "I had to psyche myself up."
"Very well, let's get to it," Tech replied, reaching for the prosthetic arm that he had tucked away under a control panel. You quietly observed that he had been clearly tinkering with it today as it looked slightly different from the last time you saw it – this time it had a hand.
"May I?" Tech gestured to your sleeve, and with a nod, he rolled it up. You glanced away as he manually attached the prosthetic, still not fully comfortable with looking at the stump that remained. It was a bit fidgety this time, but you felt no pain.
"Now, how does it feel?" Tech repeated the question from yesterday. Slowly, you turned your attention to the new addition to your body.
"I don't know," you admitted.
He raised an eyebrow. "Can you enlighten me about the weight? Is there a perfect counterbalance, or...?"
You attempted to move the arm, but it was just a small, feeble motion. Deep in concentration, you struggled to get your brain to sync with your new limb. This time, Tech noticed your disappointment. "A simple alteration will do the trick, I assure you."
"Don't worry, I trust you," you reassured him softly, causing Tech to pause at your words.
"You do?" he asked, sounding somewhat surprised as he turned his attention to you.
You nodded, your sincerity apparent. "Well, yeah? Of course, I do. I'm... I'm very grateful for you doing this. You didn't have to."
A warm smile graced Tech's face as he fidgeted slightly with his tools. "No, but I wanted to. You've done a lot for us since you joined our squad. It's only fair that I give you something in return." He leaned in to assess the arm once more, ensuring the measurements were precise.
As Tech's deft fingers worked on your new arm, you couldn't help but feel something different. The proximity was unusual yet not unwelcome, and you found yourself intrigued. Has he always been this handsome? Breaking the silence that had fallen between you, you asked, "Have you always been good at this kind of stuff, or do you have expertise in other areas?"
Tech replied quietly, "I've always been good at everything. But statistics and data have always been what I've excelled in the most. This isn't second nature to me, so don't worry. You're in good hands."
"I can tell," you responded softly. This time, he looked at you, and the proximity between your faces caught both of you off guard. His eyes searched yours as he tried to decipher your thoughts and feelings, while he felt a strange fluttering feeling in his chest, “you've always been good to me.”
He gulped but he held your gaze a moment longer before turning his attention back to his work. Tech cleared his throat once more and tried to refocus on the work at hand, yet the distraction had left its mark. "I see that some of the measurements are a little off, so I will have to a-alter it again," he explained, sitting up and looking at you. The subtle stutter in his words caught your attention, and you found it surprisingly endearing.
You nodded in agreement, your heart racing a bit faster than you'd anticipated. "That's fine."
As the prosthetic was removed, you stood up, and to your surprise, so did Tech. The closeness was undeniable, and your breath hitched as you looked up at his tall, slender frame. Was he always this ridiculously handsome? Was it merely a fleeting feeling because of his help with the new arm, or had there been something underlying all along?
You intended to thank him, but in that moment, you caught him looking at your lips. Or so, you thought you did. Was the lights playing tricks on you or were you that delusional? But as the awkwardness lingered, Tech quickly realised his gaze had strayed and cleared his throat. "Same time tomorrow?" he suggested, avoiding direct eye contact.
You took a step back, creating some much-needed space between you, and nodded. "Uh, y-yes, sure." Your own stutter surprised you, and to avoid any further awkwardness, you retreated to your bunk. What on Kamino was happening?
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Tech had worked miracles in just a few days, tirelessly devoting every waking moment to helping you adjust to your new prosthetic. And today was no exception as he had you practicing with various types of equipment.
"Tech, I think I've got the hang of it. I don't need to hold a holopad every five minutes," you protested.
"Repetition leads to full optimisation. So, do as you're told," he instructed, his gaze fixed intently on you through the rings of his goggles.
"Yes, sir," you replied, playfully rolling your eyes. You both avoided addressing what had happened the other day when you caught him gazing at your lips. Nevertheless, your attraction to him had grown, and he had become more than just a friend in your heart.
Spending so much time together, you had picked up on each other's quirks, likes, and dislikes. You had a genuine camaraderie, and you both had fun in each other's company. Tech made you feel normal, and it wasn't just the feeling of a comrade giving you an arm; it was the warmth of a friend, and perhaps something more, offering you some hope and happiness.
"What are you thinking about?" Tech asked, interrupting your reverie.
"Honestly?" you asked, your new prosthetic arm flexing up and down as your fingers tapped absently at a datapad, giving you an air of importance. "You."
Tech had picked up some tools as he continued to monitor your progress with the prosthetic. He was working on other projects simultaneously, but your words caught him off guard, and he stumbled slightly, dropping the tools to the floor. "Oh, well, is that a recurring thought… or something new?" he asked, his response laced with awkwardness as he fixed his clumsiness and pushed his goggles up his nose.
You shrugged, your nonchalance masking the true depth of your feelings. "I guess it's new... I'm just enjoying your company." Your heart pounded with a meaning that transcended the words. "And I don't know where to start on how to repay you for the arm."
"Nothing to repay," Tech replied sincerely, his voice a touch shy. He added, "I suppose,” he pauses for a second, hesitant for the first time in a long time, but goes ahead, “being in your company is enough for me, too."
Much like the other day, and sometimes throughout the days in between him fixing your arm, you both find yourself looking at each other. Really looking. Your eyes meet and it’s as if words were slowly being exchanged over, expressing how both of you were feeling in that moment.
However, Tech grappled with his feelings, unsure how to express them. He wasn't well-versed in emotions, and these thoughts about you were entirely new to him. He questioned if these inclinations were normal, the desire to kiss you, and the mere notion felt alien because he had never encountered such thoughts before. His brain was designed for well, anything but this. Not for pondering if a girl liked him.
"Have you ever felt scared before?" The question caught Tech off guard, making him think deeply.
"Yes, yes, I have actually," he admitted, surprising you. You raised a curious eyebrow.
"Mind telling me?" you asked gently, watching as his knee began to bounce restlessly.
He shifted his position and turned slightly away from you, an uncharacteristic shyness creeping over him. "It was quite recent. To be more precise, it was the mission in which you lost your arm."
You whispered a soft "oh" in response, feeling a mix of emotions as he continued to speak.
"You've always been a strong presence in this squad. Although you might not be as intelligent as I am, you're smart. You're well-trained in combat, you're good to Omega, and you're good to all of us," he explained, focusing on a small task in his hands rather than looking at you. "I feared that with you losing your arm, you would feel at a disadvantage. I suppose I was scared of you losing yourself. That's why I created the arm."
Tech's confession left you somewhat speechless, and his avoidance of eye contact spoke volumes. "You really care about me?" you asked, seeking confirmation.
He stilled, and you could see him swallow hard. "I do. Though, I feel that I care about you more than just a comrade. More than a friend." His words were careful, yet they carried a depth of meaning that you understood. He loved you, and you felt the same way.
With tenderness, you leaned closer, your new arm raising to gently turn his head to face you. There was a small gasp at the touch, but as he looked at you, his gaze focused once more on your lips.
You closed the gap, your lips pressing softly against his in a tender kiss. It was brief, but as you pulled back, Tech surprised you by dropping his tools to the floor once more and cupping your cheeks with both hands, bringing your lips back to his.
In the tender embrace of your kiss, your fingers lightly trailed along the contours of Tech's cheek, eliciting a soft sigh from him. His hands cradled your face, his thumbs tenderly stroking your cheeks as he whispered softly between your lips, "I believe that I… love you."
The warmth of his breath against your skin sent shivers down your spine as your kiss deepened. Your arms found their way around his shoulders as he used one arm to pull you across and into his lap, his fingers tracing the curve of your jaw with a gentle caress. "I believe that I love you too.”
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More Tech Works
Tags and those who I think may like : @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz z @captxin-rex @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @theroguesully @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @kixs-husband @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @seriowan @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @raevulsix @imalovernotahater @id-rather-be-a-druid @the-bad-batch-baroness @zoeykallus
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Arcana Brainrot: Blog Rules, Posting Schedule, Masterlists, Playlist, & Requests/Mini prompts Guidelines
Come chat on the Discord server!
Thursdays: open all day to all requests! Sundays (temporary): open for drabbles All other days: closed to requests, open for everything else!
Please read request guidelines (below the masterlists) and check if requests are open before sending one! Requests periodically open for a 24-hour window announced in advance. If you specifically want yours to be written as a mini- or full- sized prompt, feel free to specify! I do my best to write what I can, but I can't guarantee all requests will get written :) Comments and feedback are always welcome!
I don't think it needs to be said but hate isn't welcome here. Of any kind.
Please also keep in mind that this blog is PG-13, so whatever comments you make on it will likely be seen by minors. I take their safety seriously, so if there's anything grossly X rated in the comments (I don't see why there should be) I will delete it. If you continue to comment things like that you will be blocked :)
With my older brother rant out of the way, please enjoy the results of me trying to cope with an endless Vesuvian obsession :D
Posting Schedule
Saturdays: headcanons! Sundays: answering asks (& maybe some rambles?) Mondays: headcanons! Tuesdays: answering asks (& maybe some shitposts?) Wednesdays: Vesuvia Weekly Thursdays & Fridays: rest
MASTERLISTS: oldest to newest, I'll do my best to update as I post.
Because of the link limit for posts, you can find the masterlist for all full headcanons below:
The Arcana HCs : Brainrot's Masterlist
The Arcana HCs : Brainrot's Masterlist, Pt 2
And here is the masterlist for all my mini-prompts, answered ask arcana style:
The Arcana Mini-HCs: Brainrot's Masterlist
The Arcana Mini-HCs: Brainrot’s Masterlist, Pt 2
The Arcana Mini-HCs: Brainrot's Masterlist, Pt 3
The Arcana Mini-HCs: Brainrot's Masterlist, Pt 4
The Arcana Mini-HCs: Brainrot's Masterlist, Pt 5
A masterlist for drabbles, with an explanation at the top for how they work!
The Arcana Drabbles: Explanation and Masterlist
All the recipes posted by the originals devs from the Arcana universe, with pictures of my own creation attempts and descriptions of how it went!
The Arcana Food
Worldbuilding/character analysis essays ^.^ (not a comprehensive list atm, unfortunately)
The Arcana Essays: Brainrot's Masterlist
Vesuviella: my first fanfic. don't get your hopes up (updated sporadically)
Summary: Julian decided to write his own version of Cinderella to be performed in the Community Theatre, and then recruited MC to help him cast the rest of the M6 in the leading roles. Chaos ensues. (There is no determined love interest, MC is friends with the M6 and M6 are all thirsty for MC.)
Vesuviella: All Parts
Arcana Brainrot Playlist: a compilation of all character song suggestions in one Spotify playlist, kept up to date!
Arcana Brainrot Playlist (Spotify)
Arcana Brainrot Playlist (YouTube)
Generally, I pick from what's in my asks and write what sparks inspiration. If there's an idea you'd really like to see written, you're welcome to message me directly about it! ^.^
I don't write about toxic/abusive relationships or dynamics between MC and the M6 (I get the appeal, I'm not judging, but it's not for me)
I don't write for M6 x M6 ships - side character ships are on the table, though!
All of my work is PG-13. (yes to romantic/sensual themes and references to painful experiences, no to explicit matter or glorified violence/pain/death/toxicity)
I'm willing to do research for topics I'm not familiar with, but there are plenty of things I can't write about just because I haven't lived it and I know an hour of research wouldn't be enough to be accurate (and respecting other people's experiences is important)
I am unfortunately very familiar with what it's like to have trauma/mental illnesses. That said, while I'm very happy to explore how that impacts MC and their relationships, there are some prompts I may take a very long time to do or just not write at all because they would mess me up
In general, keeping the prompt relatively short (a sentence to a paragraph) helps me organize them better! The same goes for asks sent with a visible blog - if I have questions, I can reach out to you for more details! ^.^
Both my asks and messages are open because I love hearing from new people! If you abuse that you will be blocked :)
All of the above points have reasons for them, and are therefore subject to change. If you have an idea that you'd really like to see and you're not sure about, just message me! I can either tell you why I can't do it or I can make an exception depending on the case
(I don't do drama on my page, but these are some posts that provide transparency and accountability for some of the things I've been caught up in)
To the Arcana Fandom, From Brainrot
An update on Rai/Kip
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eli0004 · 5 months
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Welcome! I’m Eli ✨💫
I’m 20 years old, and i use she/they pronouns !
Here’s some information About Me!
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Because I’m an adult who posts adult content, i would like to put it out there that i am uncomfortable with minors interacting with me or my posts, so please, if you’re under 18, DNI
This blog is a safe place for EVERYONE who is permitted to be here, including members of the LGBTQ community, neurodivergent individuals, and all races/backgrounds. Cyberbullying and harassment will not be tolerated, or given any attention, and will be blocked immediately. I strive to create an accepting and loving environment for viewers like YOU 🫵. If for any reason you are offended or upset by something I have posted, don’t hesitate to reach out, I’m not perfect but i am willing to grow!
I take requests! However, please understand that sometimes i may not be producing content as often as usual, as i am chronically ill, and sometimes have to take a few days to recover from flare ups. i created this blog because i enjoy writing fanfiction, and i want to do that without being anxious to complete requests as they come in! So try and be patient please, and we can be best friends!
I loooove anons. Please interact w me and tell me about your day, and info dump abt all of your favorite things and hyperfixations. I’m gonna be right there hyping you up!
Outside of tumblr, my interests include:
Music | Watercolor Painting | Digital Art | Anime | Divination & Spirituality | Psychology | Reading
I also offer 3 card Tarot Readings for $20 per person, you can find more information about that on my instagram.
I’m Dyslexic and my vision is very poor, but I do my best to proof read the stuff i write. There might be a few typos here and there that stand out, so try to ignore them and i hope they don’t interfere with the quality of my work!
Here are the Fandoms I currently write for😎:
Attack on Titan
My Favorite Characters to write:
Armin Arlert | Levi Ackerman | Jean Kirstein
Characters i write for in general:
Most of them! If you have one in mind, just ask! 💫✨
Anyway, that’s all for right now! My inbox is always open 🖤
~ Eli
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mentally-a-slut · 8 days
You're welcome!!! I'm glad you enjoyed writing my request ☺️ I'm also glad that you don't mind my comment because I didn't know how to express how much I love it except letting you know what are the parts I love 😅 Your writing is fantastic! Thank YOU so much for accepting requests because it's worth the wait :)
thank you so much!
sorry i have been gone for a while, i'm very ill right now so i haven't been up to writing anything, but checking my blog and seeing this brightened up my day!
i'm going to try and get out a few of the requests sitting in my inbox within the next few weeks, but it may take a bit. in the meantime, please don't be afraid to send in some more stuff! it could help me get some more inspiration to write, so feel free to ask anything.
also, feel free to request prompts from anything, doesn't have to be limited to the prompt list i reblogged. you can come up with your own prompt or just a specific scenario and i would be happy to write it.
anyway, thanks so much for the sweet messages, anon! i just wanted to use this as a way to explain my disappearance and just keep in touch with y'all.
as always, don't hesitate to message me! i will gladly answer any requests, or just answer questions you have about me or my work if you have any.
love you all, Azi <3
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
hello, darling! How are you? I love your writing, and I'm obsessed with your blog aesthetic as well! <3 take good care of yourself because you obviously deserve it from how hard you're working
my request is quite simple! please don't feel forced to write anything you don't want to, and feel free to ignore this if desired! I was listening to "My Girlfriend is a Witch" (October Country) and I thought to myself: the obey me brothers with an s/o who's a witch/sorcerer! I wasn't thinking about ALL characters (because my favorite is Lucifer), but feel free to actually include anyone you want! Thank you for your time and I appreciate the effort!
> if you desire something more specific: the MC would be a human exchange student like Solomon, using magic to some things and making potions, having also very good cooking, and admiring storytelling. Any trouble envolving dark magic among the brothers? MC can resolve it! Or at least try to help. Another witches are bothering Mammon again? MC will talk to them, since the witches in question are on their class anyways.
(also, may I be 🍓 anon? hehe <3)
lucifer x witch!mc
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includes: lucifer x gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .5k | rated g | m.list
a/n: this was so cute!! i also have a longer series with sorcerer mc here! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback so come say hi!! and yes, you can absolutely be 🍓 anon hehe
please reblog <3
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at first, lucifer hadn’t trusted you in the slightest. sure, he’d technically been the one to choose you as the new applicant, but he hadn’t actually looked at your application, something that was definitely coming back to bite him.
at least you weren’t part of the coven that mammon was entangled in, he had thought to himself, trying to look on the bright side, dim as it was.
slowly though, you grew on him. though some of your pursuits had ended poorly, like when you’d accidentally burned off your eyebrows making a potion, or had a spell go wrong and made everyone in rad only able to tell the truth, he began to feel more amused by them than irritated, a sure sign you were endearing yourself to him.
and some of your skills were quite helpful, he had to admit. when belphie had gotten sick with some form of rare illness, you’d saved the day by cooking up a remedy when even simeon and solomon were unable to. and some of your teas and herb mixtures were useful, not to mention delicious.
now, lucifer mused, he was completely head over heels for you. sure, there were still things that you did that gone on his nerves, or thins you said that he didn’t fully agree with, but you truly were one of a kind and now incredibly important to him. plus, your sense of humor was amusing, even if he’d never admit it.
(for halloween you’d decided to dress up as a classic witch, complete with a black hat and broomstick. somehow, he’d been convinced to join you as a vampire, and diavolo had been a werewolf. it was silly and lowbrow, but he had one of the pictures saved as his phone background.)
“what are you thinking so hard about?” you ask him, drawing him back to the present. a grimoire is open in front of you, and he can see your chicken-scratch handwriting in the margins.
“you,” he replies simply, and you make a face.
“what about me?”
“i didn’t really like you when we first met,” he confesses, “so it’s quite strange how much that has changed.”
“you know, i get that a lot,” you reply, unbothered. “a lot of people find me irritating.”
“i cannot fathom why.”
“oh, shut it,” you chide light-heartedly. “if you keep going i might have to curse you or something.”
the threat, which you used often, was empty, something you both knew. “right,” lucifer says, giving you a smile. “well, we don’t want that. i’ll be on my best behavior from now on, i swear.”
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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edith-is-a-cat · 8 months
Edie's Moots!!!
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The ones I've interacted with (alphabetically organized)
💕@angelhairpastawithherbs - Mx. Rose Moth!! - HAS THE SAME MOTHMAN SHIRT AS ME AND THATS HOW WE BECAME MUTUALS SO LOVELY (thats why you are called Rose Moth in my head!!) #mx. rose moth!! 💕
🐙@azulashengrottospiano - Ms. Auburn!! - DWAYNE THE ROCK JOHNSON IS MY MUTUAL GUYS /j, Seriously so very lovely love dropping art in there inbox. *Silently foaming at the mouth with their writing* Literally feels like a celeb followed me back. Tumblr mom/oldest sister skjdnbvkjerfl ily /p and thank you for being so nice to me #ms. auburn!! 🐙
💫@bloody-puppets - My child!! - HIIIIIIII *spins you around like a hula hoop* Yes his tag may have been "father" but those are lies this is my child. Acc snatched up and will help u around tumblr bc you are child. please ill make a terrarium you you goobers #my child!! 💫
#mr. !!
🍬@ferris-the-wheel - Ms. Ferris!! YOU COME INTO MY HOUSE AND BE RLLY NICE AND SUPPORTIVE FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN MY BLOG BEING VERY BLUE, why thank you the rolls will be done in a bit. (ALSO PICKED ME UP BY THE SCRUFF AND ADOPTED ME?) My favorite moot to chew on #ms. ferris!! 🍬
🦀@fryofthefrench - real person. WALKING NONBINARY PRIDE FLAG 🫵 #mx. samsung!! 🦀🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🫵
🐍@l7k-a - Mr. Haru!! - I THINK I LOOKED AT UR PROFILE ONE TIME AND THOUGHT ABOUT FOLLOWING YOU THEN I CHICKENED OUT-- NOT TODAY and u like Basil freaking spinning and shaking. U r like my dad... you have asked me to sleep and isn't late several times. love u sm #mr. haru!! 🐍
🪻@h2llish - Mr. Devil!! I have a fourty bucks, and hopefully the ability to drive soon, wanna grab food?? #mr. devil!! 🪻
💪@i-like-forgs - Mr. Ryoko!! - reads your posts like I read the newspaper, making dramatic gasps ever now and then. I love being to see a little bit of your life. Rattles the bars of my cage, I'm so happy to see you. #mr. ryoko!! 💪
🐎@jangletam - Junior!! - Ken irl -- carefully fits you with a lovely cowboy hat and matching pair of boots #robin jr!! 🐎
✨@officialdaydreamer00 - Mx. Irene!! Picked me up off the side of the road after I reblogged one of his things an unholy amount of times (it was so cute tho I plan to read more when I have time :3!!) #mx. irene!! ✨
💤@vntey - Mx. Leo!! - Ur cool i like you goober #mx. leo!! 💤
🌸@sakka-kyuu - Ms. Sakkakuu!! - PLEASE PLEASE you are so cute and sweet and im a seal plushie to you omg my heart <////3 /pos thank you for existing here bpufvbehbtvhrbtvhbrv you are so neato #ms. sakkakuu!! 🌸
🎀 @shinysparklesapphires - Ms. Sapphire!! - HSHVJKDNVJERVHJBERHD PRETTY MAGICAL GIRL SO COOL HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-- u r so neat I would love to hand feed you (edible) glitter #ms. sapphire!! 🎀
🪷@twistwonderlanddevotee - Ms. Sofia!! - THE WAY I STOOD UP AND RAN AROUND WHEN I SAW U REBLOG THE THING WITH THE PRETTIES WALLPAPER EVER-- I hope you get so much pretty stickers get you arts and crafts supplies and gives you stationary cause i feel u would like it (btw DO NOT WORRY ABOUT TAKING LONG BUT THAT WAS JUST SO SWEET AND I HOPE YOU DID SUPER WELL ON UR FINALS!!!!) #ms. sofia!! 🪷
🐇@twst-om-lover - Mx. Nightmare!! - spins you like a basketball #mx. nightmare!! 🐇
🐇✨@vivislosingitagain - Mx. Vivi!! Can we turn the ocean into tea together??? And then have a tea party if ocean tea doesn't taste weird! (I decided the second emoji for you hope you don't mind!!) #mx. vivi!! 🐇✨
🐈‍⬛@v-anrouge - Mr. Aster!! - You can have some of my blood if you want, fun fact, my blood type is ab so it's not really too useful if I donate it. I would love to bake you something and sit you down to watch a ghibli movie. I really like scrolling through your blog its very neat and i wanna put stickers and sparkles on it. Internet dad. do i have to say more? #mr. aster!! 🐈‍⬛
⭐🐍@weskers-husband - Mr. Miles!! - Hi gremlin boy I'm very glad you are here, post your art right fucking now.. Cool dude please talk to him and be cool to him, if you are mean to him I'm taking your keratin (also check out his poetry account @poems-husband >:D) #mr. miles!! ⭐🐍
🦈@whspermy-name - Mr. Minty!! - *gives you a 10 pound bag of gummy sharks and BOOKS IT for the hills* #mr. minty!! 🦈
🐀@xen-blank - Mx. Xen!! - IM INVITED TO YOUR WEDDING??? GIGGLES AND SHAKES YOU LIKE A JAR OF PICKLES glitters you glitters you glitters you glitters you glitters you glitters you glitters you glitters you (EHEHE U R SO NEATO) #mx. xen!! 🐀 You are welcome to ask to be mutuals! I will usually become moots with you on my own if I find you interesting or we just interact a ton!!
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aris-ink · 10 months
U conplain more than you write. You absolutely like everybody else need therapy. Don't consider it a hating comment. But the amount of heartfelt posts you post on here is huge. And it's absolutely normal. But the way you're making it seem like a habit and the repetitive texts you write looks like you struggle with the same problem every time. And let me tell you that I know for sure that you don't receive many complaints as you make it seem cause you're posting asks one by one 24/7 and by the time you post this one too I'd know too since I've sent it just recently.
I m not following you anymore anyway after this ask . Not just because I hate you but because I respect you fondly and know how rare to come across pple like you. But on a real life basis not on a blog where pple don't even know who you are.
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I don't understand half of this ask.
"you need therapy, don't consider it a hating comment" why would I? I don't know how long you've been here honey, but I'm very open about being in therapy. I am in therapy already and there's nothing wrong with that. but thank you for the advice? which was so rude and unsolicited, do you go around every blog telling people to go to therapy because they have problems? are you that kind or obnoxius? if it's kindness, and you're so willing to help, please use the kofi link and fund our sessions, thank you. ❤️ unless you only wanna go around making people feel bad for struggling, that is. not that it's gonna work on me, but good try I guess? 3/10 for effort 😭
"the amount of heartfelt posts you make here is huge and it's absolutely normal" but it annoys you all the same? I know it's shocking to hear, but, yes........... my struggles...... are about the same things. sorry I'm not dramatic enough to have a new problem everyday dhdhdhdhfhf
I'm battling with my mental health. I'm battling anxiety, so I repeat myself, because when I have no energy to reply I don't want people to feel ignored. I'm explaining myself when people misunderstand me so that my points are clearer. again, 2/10 bc I sure as hell am not gonna feel bad or apologize for being mentally ill lmao
"I know for sure you don't receive as many complaints as you make it seem" 1/10 I literally could not care less what YOU think. I know what my inbox looks like. I don't respond to hateful asks that are just nonsense, like "abuse enjoyer", "weirdo", "what can we expect from a multi stan", because engaging in a conversation like this is pointless. but asks like this???? why should I keep my mouth shut when you're throwing crap at me?
"I'm not following you anymore anyway after this ask" oh no, why 😭😭😭
please shove all that fake kindness somewhere where someone will care. people like YOU are the reason authors have to hide their struggles, they can't say anything on their own blogs, can't talk to anyone, and then just end up disappearing. because people like you make them feel bad for being human and sharing their thoughts and opinions.
I will complain however much I want on this goddamn blog, I don't go on yours and tell you what to do with it. pay me to write for you and then you will have any right to tell me that I should just do my job and shut up. otherwise? kiss my ass.
thank you for affirming the decision I made to leave lmao.
and to my angels, I know you're not used to seeing this side of me, and I am sincerely sorry, but there are lines that shouldn't be crossed, and I'm not a mat for people to walk all over. 🤷‍♀️
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softxsuki · 6 months
Starting January 1, 2024 I will be deleting all my WIPs. Any request that is currently in my inbox will be deleted.
I thought about this long and hard and it’s something I’ve been thinking of doing for a while now; it started with me slowly deleting a few that didn’t inspire me, but now I think I just need a fresh start
And I just thought I’d remind everyone that my requests are now suggestions. So if you request something there is no guarantee that I will be able to write it for you
I’d like to start writing things that truly inspire me and maybe even sprinkle in a few writing with my own ideas
Ik writing in here is a hobby for a lot of other writers, but it’s my ultimate goal to one day have my own book published. This blog is just practice for me to write and honestly it became my safe place that I created after my aunt passed away, and I feel like I’m slowly losing that
With all that said, I’ll be leaving my wips up until the end of the year if you can’t remember what you requested, you can try and resend it in to see if ill be able to write that for you or not
Starting next year my urgent requests will be limited. I’ll have 3 urgent request spots open each month. Once they fill up, that’s it for the month
I’ve had so many events that had to be pushed back for months because I keep receiving endless urgent requests at a time. I know some of you really need it for comfort but other are just abusing them to get their requests written faster and this is the only solution I can come up with
If I’ve already written a requests regarding your topic, I’ll probably respond to your request with links to posts I’ve already written regarding that topic. I’ve written about suicide, self harm, depression, etc SO many times and I’m starting to run out of unique ideas. And it’s honestly not super great for my mental health to write stuff like that so often.
However if you urgently need a request about a topic like that, that I’ve written about already (so long as you’re requesting it for a character I haven’t used that topic for yet) and you can give me an idea that helps me out then I’ll do it. Bc I know these are issues that a lot of ppl struggle with and I don’t want to just ban those kinds of requests at all
Also please give me a short reason as to why this request is urgent. If I don’t think your request is urgent, I won’t be writing it. I’d like to save these spots for ppl who realllllly really need it and could be helped with this. And ofc any urgent requests that make me uncomfortable or topics that I know nothing about and don’t want to offend anyone with accidentally, I also won��t be writing.
And lastly with urgent requests, a thanks would be great. I’ve written like 10 urgent requests in the last few months and I’ve only heard back from one of them. It’s discouraging to write something for someone that they labeled urgent and then never hear a word from them again. No thank you, no feedback, nothing. A quick thanks would mean the world to me and encourage me to continue writing urgent requests for you guys. Pls and thank you
Which leads me to my next point
I come in here and write for FREE. I take requests for FREE. all of this is for free. And all I ask for in return is kindness
If you request something and I write it for you, a thanks would be wonderful
Maybe even some feedback. I’m open to constructive criticism as well, so long as you’re nice about it !
Out of all the writing I’ve posted, I’ve probably o my heard back from like 10% of you, which just makes me want to delete my account and not even both honestly.
I don’t even care about the likes or reblogs, my writing could get one like, but just hearing some feed back or even a thank you, especially from the person who requested it would make the world of a difference.
Even if you popped into my ask box to remain an anon, that works too!
This is a huge part of the reason why writing on here has started to feel so draining for me. I want to love writing again and I know this is something I can’t force ppl to do, but I gotta let it out
And lastly, when requesting, please don’t demand. “I want a drabble” I don’t write for people who demand. A please or “could you please” is perfect. Simple and easy to do
I’m not sure how to go about doing this or even if I should do this
But I think most of my anons have disappeared or maybe just don’t interact with me anymore?
Perhaps we can do an anon role call? Where you just send me your emoji in my ask box just so I know you’re still around and if some emoji anons that I have listed don’t respond, then I’ll delete them?
Or should I just leave it as it is?
Idk so let me know if you have any suggestions regarding that
I love you guys a lot and appreciate so many of you, especially my regulars. I know some of you are shy and stay as ghost readers. I still appreciate you all 💗 but these are just some changes I’d like to make for my happiness and mental well being honestly 😭. I think I need a fresh start and just some more boundaries bc I feel like I’m stagnant RN and getting nowhere with the things I’d like to do.
SO these changes will begin January 1, 2024.
My wips will be wiped clean, starting over, so if you’ve recently requested something and want to try and resend it in to see if I’ll write it, give it a shot.
I hope I’m not coming across as rude or anything, im used to putting other ppl first and I tend to lose myself in the process so I just feel like this is something I really need to do. Im sorry if anyone is disappointed by this, but hopefully you’ll stick around to see any other new exciting events and writings I put out :)
Love you guys always 💗
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smoov-criminal · 1 year
Hey, I just found your blog and saw your post about OCD. I was wondering if you could talk some more about it 'cause I went through it when I was little, untreated and with no support, and I rarely do see anyone talk about what OCD is like internally. Those intrusive thoughts do come back every once in a while and scare the crap out of me. Thank you
hi! sorry i didnt answer sooner i literally never check my inbox lmao.
im definitely not the most educated person on OCD on tumblr, but im happy to share some things ive learned/thought about since my diagnosis.
1. i learned that my mom has OCD around the same time i did, which makes a lot of sense. i seem to have been the only one in my immediate family who knew she'd been dealing with severe anxiety for years, but whatever lmao. i think a large part of my OCD obsessions stem from my mom's. she wasn't aware that her feelings were abnormal, so i guess im not mad at her for that, but i picked up on a lot of it as a kid and have the anxiety i do as an adult. i think this is unfortunately a very common experience: growing up with mentally ill parents who eventually give u the same mental illness thru a combination of genetics and abuse/neglect/bad parenting/parents needing therapy.
2. mental compulsions need to be talked about more. i suspect the reason my OCD went undiagnosed for so long is because my compulsions are almost entirely mental, so no one, including myself, knew what to look for. mental compulsions include: saying/repeating words or phrases, counting words, letters, numbers, or objects, making lists, ruminating on past and potential future situations with "what ifs", trying to figure out the meaning of internal experiences like thoughts and feelings, trying to figure out the meaning of life, and even replacing an obsession with a different image/word. sorry for the long list, but i listed all of these bc i do a whole lot of them, but didnt realize theyre compulsive behaviors until recently. how are people supposed to heal when they dont even know what symptoms they have?
3. if u have intrusive thoughts, particularly ones related to bigotry and pedophilia, i want u to know that u arent those things. your thoughts dont make u a bad person, there is no morality associated with your thoughts. your actions are what determine how good of a person you are.
thats about all i can think of atm, but if you or anyone else has any specific questions feel free to ask!!
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kiigan · 4 months
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⇾ Main rule: Please be nice and respectful. I try my best to make this blog a safe space for everybody, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, etc., and I expect the same courtesy in return.
More info in general about how I run this blog and how I am as a roleplay partner can be found [here] and [here].
⇾ Interactions: I am always open to plotting and also to just winging stuff, and I very much welcome multiple threads with the same person. I love discussing ideas and possibilities, exploring dynamics and relationships, and world-building. Itachi isn't always easy to "meet" in canon, due to the nature and history of his character, but I am always happy to toss in canon divergences and even to create new verses so that our muses can interact.
To interact with me, always feel free to: come poke at me in the DMs, tag me on a starter, ask me for a starter, send something to my inbox. My memes/ prompts don't have expiration date. Doesn't matter if I reblogged that post yesterday or 3 years ago, if you see something interesting and wanna send it in, do send it in. Also always feel free to continue asks. And I don't really care for reblog karma, so feel free to reblog all the things directly from me.
I’m versatile with my writing and usually I mirror what my partner does (one-liners or paragraphs, past tense or present tense, etc.).  I add minimal formatting to my posts and I don't use icons, and I'm okay with any style in my partners' replies. If you need me to keep my own replies looking simple and unformatted, just let me know. Fair warning: I sometimes get wordy in my replies! Please never feel like you have to match reply length. Provided there's content to work with and we're having fun, that always matters to me more than size or word count.
Last but never least: please don't ever feel like you owe me anything. Roleplay is for fun, not to add to irl stress. If you wanna drop a thread, drop it. If you need a long time to reply back, take as much time as needed. If you aren't feeling our current interaction(s) and would like to start over or plot something different, go for it. If I sent you an inbox prompt and you're not feeling it, delete the whole thing. Please take care of yourself and always put your well-being first!
⇾ Content: The following themes feature heavily in my portrayal: children as soldiers, children expected to act as adults, blood and injuries, death, (progressive) chronic/terminal illness, (progressive) blindness, mental illness symptoms, genocide represented by the Uchiha massacre, segregation and discrimination perpetrated on the Uchiha clan, canon-typical violence, canon-typical eye gore, manipulation associated with the use of genjutsu.
These themes will NOT be tagged, because they are integral to Itachi as a character. Any other potential triggers will be tagged as: trigger cw. If you need something in specific to be tagged, please always feel free to let me know. I’m open to exploring dark/ angsty/ dead dove themes, provided both muns rightfully consent and are comfortable with it.
⇾ Relationships: Yes please. Gimme all the bonds: romantic, platonic, family, friends, friends with benefits, enemies, rivals, hateships, all of it. If you write a ship/bond with me actually be prepared for me to randomly bombard you with headcanons, ideas, pictures and songs and videos that remind me of our muses. This blog is multi-ship and each thread happens in its own universe, unless plotted otherwise. Regarding sexual content, I personally feel comfortable writing it explicitly, however I will always respect what my partners prefer. Totally okay with making it vague as well, or even to fade to black entirely.
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joydemorra · 2 years
Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the FAQ. Here are some of the most often asked questions in my inbox.
- Who are you, and what am I doing here? Hello, I’m Joy, and this is my little corner of the internet. You may know me from such viral posts as Crucifix Nail Nipples, Robin Williams punching death eaters, or from my advocacy work where I focus on issues of disability, chronic illness, and neurodivergency. You may also know me from my international best-selling novel about vampires and werewolves kissing.
In which case, the vampire nipple thing probably comes as a bit of a shock. I also co-host @theayesphere, an interactive podcast with my bestie @ayeforscotland, on his Twitch channel.
If you genuinely do not know how you got here, welcome anyway. I hope you find a reason to stay.
- I sent you a message, and you never responded! I’m sorry about that. I get a lot of mail daily, and it’s impossible to keep up with. It’s not a reflection of you or my regard for you. I appreciate every kind word and message of support sent my way, even if I can’t always reply to it.
I am but a humble peddler of smut who never expected to have a viral blog. I’m also multiply disabled, so the struggle to keep up is real.
- So, what’s wrong with you? How long have you got?
The quick answer is I have a connective tissue disorder known as Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS), comorbid with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). All three were diagnosed in 2020 after a lifelong struggles with chronic pain, chronic fatigue, fainting episodes and what I thought was asthma and chronic vomitting but actually turned out to be slow-acting idiopathic anaphylaxis. I am now on a treatment plan and am considered stable.
In late 2022 after losing the entire year to debilitating migraines, I was also diagnosed with atypical Binocular Vision Disorder by a neuro-ophthalmologist. This was a major root cause of my chronic migraines which had been missed by both a regular ophthalmologists and several neurologists. My case was considered ‘atypical’ because I did not present with the classic double vision symptoms checked for by most ophthalmologists. But upon extensive testing by the neuro-ophthalmologist, the misalignment in my eyes was diagnosed correctly and I was prescribed micro-prism glasses. I was also prescribed red-tinted lenses to help with extreme photophobia, as red blocks more blue light than other colors.
After three months of screen rest and allowing my eyes to adjust to the lenses – as well as extensive vision therapy–my monthly migraine count went from 20+ migraines a month down to 3. My remaining migraines appear to be hormonal in nature, but I have found that taking 400mg of b2 (riboflavin) a day, as prescribed by my neurologist, has greatly reduced the pain.
Despite the recent progress in my treatment, I am still a very sick, very fatigued individual and struggle to keep up with life sometimes.
I also have chronic ‘double depression’, cPTSD and ADHD, leaning more toward the hyper end of the spectrum. So I’m doubly cursed with a slow, slow body and a fast, fast mind that sometimes wants to yeet itself off a cliff. It’s an Experience. All of my posts pertaining to mental health are tagged as #mental health. Most of my ADHD stuff can be found under #adult adhd.
You can read more about my health issues by following my #chronic health tag or blacklist if you prefer! I also have one for my teeth #chronic health tag: teeth, though that one is less active since the nerve damage in my jaw was resolved.
- Why do you use affiliate links? Good question! There are a lot of hidden costs that go into indie publishing, and a large part of that is what we lose to places like Amazon in fees. Using affiliate links to promote our work allows authors to recoup some of that loss from our royalties, though not quite all of it. The links don’t cost you anything, nor do they tell me anything about your private data or shopping habits. They’re just a way for me to claw money back directly from Amazon. I try to limit how often I link to Amazon as the only thing I’m interested in peddling are my weres. And maybe a couple of vampires while I’m at it.
- Who is ETD/Mothman?
ETD/Mothman was the name my blog gave to my husband several years ago when my blog started getting popular. He has since joined Tumblr, and you can follow his shenanigans @mothman-etd
- Wait, you wrote a book?! I did! Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites is a 2x international best-selling paranormal, pun-filled polyamorous queer romance series with elements of Gaslamp fantasy and political satire. It features vampires, werewolves, and several other manner of creatures that go bump in the night. It has been described by those who have read it as “like reading the queer-goth-punk love child of Terry Pratchett meets Jane Austen. You can read more about it here or check out my website. The primary tag used by the fandom here on Tumblr is #Phangs.
- Vampires or werewolves? Why not both? \_(ツ)_/
- Hi, I want to support your work! Which purchase method best supports you? Any way you choose to purchase my books helps me! Purchasing through my Payhip or Gumroad nets me the most money, but purchasing through sites like Amazon contributes to my sales ranking, which increases my chances of trending in the algorithm and gaining a wider audience. Reviews are also a fantastic way to support an author, as is word of mouth.
Please note, I will be phasing out the Gumroad links following their stance on NFTS and the ensuing behavior of their CEO on Twitter. This should not affect your files. If, for some reason, you lose your digital copy and Gumroad won’t let you download it again via your email link, please reach out to me at info @ joydemorra.com
- Can I write fanfic/create fanart of your work? Please do! I want nothing more for you to enjoy my work to the point of creation. Just be careful not to tag me in any fanfic, and please don’t send me any headcanons. If someone accidentally guesses my plot and shows it to me, it can risk any of my future book plans. Keep fandom discussions within fandom. The author is (un)dead, and their opinion doesn’t matter. If you make fanart, you can tag me in that, but please don’t link to your Patreon or Ko-Fi in the post where I can see it. If I see you are making a profit from my work, I am legally obligated to file a takedown. If I do not see any such links, which may or may not exist in any reblogs I am not immediately tagged in, we do not have a problem. 🙈🙈🙈
- Can I cosplay your characters and tag you? Absolutely! Just make sure you follow the above advice about Ko-Fi and Patreon links.
- Will you sign my copy of [____] If this is post-pandemic times and we are at a meet and greet, yes! I’ll also have bookplates for sale soon that you can insert into your copies or do with them as you please.
- Are you going to turn any of your books into audiobooks? Yes! My audiobooks are narrated by Catherine Bilson (aka @caitlynlynch) and you can find them listed under my buy link options.
- Why do you write two versions of the same story? Glad you asked! I write two versions of all my stories so that people who enjoy sex scenes can enjoy them, and those who prefer not to read depictions of sexual acts don’t need to skip pages to avoid the more explicit scenes. You can read more about my decision to do this here.
- Help! I bought the wrong version! Most of my retailers will allow you to return the book for a full refund, freeing you to purchase the correct copy. If you bought a copy through my Gumroad or Payhip, drop me a line at info @ joydemorra.com, and we’ll get it resolved :)
- You’re an editor, right? Will you look at my manuscript? Regrettably, I am not taking on any new clients at the moment, but if you would like to check out my editors, you can fine them at @roselarkpublishing
- When will you be editing again? When I have the mental and physical capacity greater than the depth of a teaspoon.
- When is your next book coming out? When I have the mental and physical capacity greater than the depths of a teaspoon. (Sorry, I know I’m taking too long.)
- Will you reblog my donation post? I’m afraid that due to the high volume of requests that I get (anywhere from 5-20 a day), I am currently only reblogging donation posts from mutuals. I’m sorry. There are just too many for me to keep up with without flooding my dash. But please do look into @copperbadge’s Radio Free Monday, which I always try to reblog. The submission form is here, and Sam wrote a guide on how to write fundraising posts here.
- What’s your favorite book? Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett. Closely followed by Going Postal by Terry Pratchett and Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones.
- What’s your favorite movie? Singin’ in the Rain!
- Favorite music? I’ve been listening to The Amazing Devil on loop for over eighteen months, so it’s safe to say I like them.
- Why do you use Amazon? Aren’t they evil incarnate?!?
They are, but they’re also the biggest-selling platform for eBooks for indie and trad authors and not using them is career suicide. If you don’t like Amazon, I have plenty of other platforms for you to use, including directly from my Payhip, which allows you to use Kindle without giving Jeff Bezos a penny.
- Can I send you something I made/thought you might like? Sure! My PO Box is:
- I saw you from the essential oil discourse and was just wondering… Please have pity on my chronic fatigue and refer to the master list post compiled very kindly by @paradoxanomalyenigma. You may find that I have already answered your question. If not, come ask me!
- Why did you move from Scotland to the US? I met and fell and love with Mothman. Originally we were going to live in the UK, but they changed the immigration laws six weeks before our wedding, and it ended up being more accessible for me to move here than for him to move there. Ideally, we would both like to have dual citizenship one day.
- Does Mothman really believe in me? Always.
- Are you Wiccan? No, I’m a pagan who identifies as a secular witch and have been for the last 20+ years. I don’t hold to any particular creed or belief. The gods might well exist. I’ve just got little time for them.
- Can you post to your bad luck chain-mail spell breaker? It makes me feel better. Here you go! Here’s my other curse breaker post if you want it, too.
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bedoballoons · 7 months
Thanksgiving is coming soon! Maybe an appreciation message to each and every one of your anons? Or just your favs! Also thank you for always writing all the requests! Good work!
I was actually going to do something like this!! In truth I'm thankful for everyone who interacts with my blog, followers, people who leave notes and especially people who request things! All of them combined make me want to write my heart out and I feel incredibly lucky.
Anons...gosh my anons make my world go around, I wake up everyday so excited to see what messages I have from them, what chaos is going on in their lives. It's no lie when I say I love them <3
So special words for them:
Fairy anon: I'm so thankful you joined the anons, ever since that day you first started chatting I have just grown to appreciate you more and more. You bring a sense of sweetness and innocence to the anons, and you constantly ask how we are all doing. I don't think you could ever know how much seeing your "how is everyone doing today"s has brought me comfort even when I wasn't having such a good day. You're such a incredible person and I hope you know that 🩷
Sleepy anon: You're always a wild card, wether you're joining in on the simping or bringing out a new topic and I truly adore that because it keeps things fresh and shows more about how interesting of a person you are. I worry about your sleep schedule (because at this point I truly consider you all my adopted internet children and I only want the best for you), but other than that it's you who's always worried about others. Reminding me to take care of myself and rest when I need to has really helped me and I appreciate it, thank you 💙
Ramen anon: I notice you don't talk as often as the others do, meaning they probably don't know that you're actually my blood relative, my brother. I don't even truly know if I can put into words how much I love you man, you are the one who told me to write more...to follow my heart and helped me through some pretty dark times. If it weren't for I might not have met all these amazing people. Thank you for being my bro, for being so incredible to me ❤️
Donut cat: One of my very first anons ever and honestly one of the craziest too. There have been days where I felt so sad and then I'd see your asks in my inbox, talking about feet and police officers...LEGS AND NOW BOOBAS TOO. I just burst out laughing, you are one of my main sources of entertainment and I don't think I've ever had someone make me giggle as much as you have. Thank you donut cat, never change okay 🧡
Bananon: I think out of all the anons you've revealed the most about yourself, you're always involved in the conversation and talking about your life and I find it inspiring. You're brave and even when fighting illnesses and studies that probably have your head hurting, you always make time to stop in and talk to everyone. I love seeing what you're up to and I always want the best for you, thank you for being a inspiration and a important part of this anon family 💜
Fox anon: I'm not sure if you'll see this, but I'm thankful for having met you, for being able to read all of your many brain rotting ideas. I miss you to say the least, but I also see your name pop up sometimes in my notifications. Likes or reblogs, I see it and I smile to myself. I hope you're doing okay and you know you're always a joy to talk to 💖
New anons: Starstruck, Mushroom, Pancake! I'm already so appreciative of you all! From how funny pancake anon is when it comes to Heizou, to how sweet starstruck is, to how quiet mushroom anon is! You've all become apart of this group and I can't wait to learn more about you and chat with you about more fun things! Thank you for giving me that opportunity
(I won't lie...I teared up writing this. You are all the most amazing people ever...thank you for everything <3)
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sickiehugs · 1 year
Note 3/12/24: I will continue to be on a partial hiatus for the time being, as I'm running into some serious problems with my health. I've been diagnosed with two chronic illnesses and it's affecting my ability to write things and post regularly. Thank you all for being patient.
Inbox status:
General asks: Open!
Requests: Open for headcanons!
Hi, call me Aria! This is a sideblog for sickfic content. My main blog is @sourcoated, though I'm mostly active over here.
All of my info + tags masterlist below the cut!
Last updated April 14th, 2024
They/It pronouns
I'm not writing for a kink, but I'm fine with kink blogs interacting, as long as you don't talk about any of my posts in a sexualized way.
Be careful looking at my posts if you don't like things such as vomit.
What I won't write:
Explicit kink stuff
Whumper content
Weird or unhealthy ships (To my discretion. I have a right to decline.)
Minor x Adult
Your OCs
Hurt/No comfort
Uncommon mental illness (I'm afraid of misrepresenting it. If I'm not educated on the illness I have a right to decline for safety.)
Furry stuff (I'm just not a furry, sorry.)
Character death
Abuse (Mentions of abuse when talking about it to a partner is okay, what I mean is that I will not write anything that includes abusing a character.)
Terminal illness
Too much angst
Rashes/Skin conditions
Fandoms (List is growing):
My Hero Academia (No manga spoilers, please!)
Ace Attorney (I've only played the OG trilogy so far but I've seen enough fanon of characters I haven't met yet to know what they're like. Still, please don't spoil past the OG trilogy!)
Bungou Stray Dogs (No manga spoilers pls!)
(more coming soon...)
Tags masterlist (Where you'll find stuff):
Writing & drabbles: #writiehugs
Prompts & random ideas: #promptiehugs
Reblogs (posts I recommend): #rebloggiehugs
Fic reblogs (fics I recommend): #faviehugs
Personal/Unrelated posts: #rambliehugs
Requests & asks: #answeriehugs
Hopping on trends & bandwagons: #trendiehugs
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strawhatkia · 11 months
✧ do not interact & before you follow !
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if you are apart of this list, you will be blocked immediately
as you have seen from my pinned, i am anti-dark content, which means i am against the sexualization and/or romanticization of harmful topics such as incest/stepcest, r*pe [noncon/dubcon], minor x adult, incels, racism, homophobia, misogyny, ddlg (including all variations), pedophilia, gore, vore, snuff, etc. -> if this you, seek therapy and block me !
racists. homophobes. transphobes. ableists. trump supporters. pedophiles. gatekeepers. people who send hate on anon, and all around rude, disrespectful, and mean people in general. sexist/misogynistic. nazi/nazi supporter. anti-feminism. anti-semitic. (enter here)phobic. ‘superstraight’ or support ‘superstraights’. headcanon characters as anything relating to basic dni criteria. romanticize mental illness death, s3lf h4rm, ed’s, or suicide. if you write, support, and/or enjoy dark content. if you bash or talk down on minors. if you ship illegal ships, including incest/twincest.
people who believe in the following . . .
- “[insert here] wouldn’t date [poc] bc of…”
- “i think that [insert here] wouldn’t care for BLM or ACAB.”
- “[insert here] doesn’t like [gender/sexual identity] people.”
also, i block empty/inactive, ageless blogs, and spam likers that don't reblog. and yes, i am checking every single one. i need to know you not a bot shawty.
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do not recommend me on platforms outside of tumblr especially tik tok. no translating my work anywhere (without permission). no reposting. no using for asmr content. no plagiarizing.
i reclaim slurs !
i am down for interaction ! whether we follow each other or not, do not be afraid to pop up in the inbox !
don't ever interact with me sexually. you wanna talk about the latest chapter ? sure ! my ### life ? nah, shawty, nah.
until we have a couple of conversations, don't come cussing at me or in offensive tones. i have anxiety and anger issues, i will shut that shit down immediately and you'll be due for a block. when in doubt, use tone indicators !
with that being said, if i made you uncomfortable or i've upset you, let me know. I'll ask for clarification if not given and apologize. i'd rather you just tell instead of sub-tweeting because then I'll just add to the fire.
i use terms of endearment like love, sweetheart, sweetie, honey, etc. because of i'm cozy like that <3 let me know if that makes you uncomfortable.
ngl my posts range from sweet and cute to random to...well, so check the tags to make sure you block out the right things !
i like constructive and respectful criticism. i'll curse your bloodline if you ain't got nothing nice or helpful to say.
do NOT bring up things about politics or religion, or bring up topics such as r4p3, su/c/de, s3lf h4rm, pedophilia, 3at/ng disorders, depression, etc.
this is not a discourse blog, please take that shit elsewhere ! (you're on the wrong blog hun)
if you send me hate, be prepared to have niggas in your inbox blowing yo shit up. just don't do it stink !
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hi darling ive been following your blog for a while now and i just want to say that i absolutely love and appreciate the effort you put into responding to everyones asks and giving this blog such an amazing atmosphere <3 i come on here all the time tbh even if the posts arent 1975 related! i’m really really sorry you’re having a hard time love. just remember that you are so much stronger than you think and this pain you’re feeling is temporary. one day youre going to look back and be so proud of yourself for getting through it, and im proud of you rn for getting through it as best you can <3 please take your time and treat yourself kindly and never forget that there is so much love out there just for you <33
Hiiii babyyyy ♥️♥️♥️
I don’t know why tumblr never notified me of your message! Was just scrolling in my inbox to delete some fucked up hate messages and saw it!!!!
It’s honestly one of the kindest and sweetest things anyones every said to me. Thank you so so so so much 🥹🥹🥹🥰🥰🥰
Yeah, I mean, mental illness sucks but I’m so lucky and grateful to have you guys, and this blog, and this fandom, and the band. Like it helps so much I can’t even put into words where I would be without it.
Thank you for being here, and for being so kind and generous 🥰🥰🥰 all the love 🩷
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ack4rwoman · 10 months
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note: i don’t mean to make this restricting, but if this blog is supposed to be a safe place for everyone (including myself) we might need some ground rules about what can and cannot happen here :)
you can ask for small drabbles to do with fictional characters you might be interested in. has to have a prompt, of course, so i know what i’m writing about
no [nsfw] content. the only thing that borders it slightly that is allowed could be random thoughts or head canons you might have of a particular character (in short, i still want you to be able to express random, funny thoughts you have because at the end of the day, we’re all simps for these fictional characters and completely down bad lmfao)
the awkward thing about requests is when someone asks you to write about a particular character that you dislike or despise. in order to prevent this, i’ll quickly jot down characters i like/dislike <3
i only write for fem!readers seeing as all my fics and works are self indulgent. that being said, in terms of what the reader is described as, my works are friendly for any and all skin types and hair types! :) (i try to make it so that it is, if you spot anything that you feel isn’t poc friendly, don’t be afraid to send me a message about it so it can be corrected!)
fandoms i write for:
aot and jjk
other mentions:
in the nicest way possible, i don’t want criticism on anything i write. i make fics for my enjoyment, to please myself and indulge for me. i only aim to do this with you all, not for you all.
on the contrary, i do like feedback on my writing. as long as it is polite, i’m okay with any other comments. i enjoy reading your thoughts!!
no hate comments will be tolerated in the comments or my inbox. i’ll respond to them if i feel the need to, and then straight after that, you’re getting blocked bcz you are a stranger on the internet - i truly do not have time for your ass lmao
if you support israel, get the fuck off my page and never return. you’re not welcome here, don’t stay where you’re unwanted. #freepalestine
why i might have blocked you:
i don’t block anyone at all, but if i have, it’s probably due to 2 reasons: 1. because of an interaction you’ve had with me that wasn’t pleasant. in other words, it wouldn’t have come out of blue. i’m never part of any drama lol, so you most likely won’t have to worry about this part (though it is safe to keep this up just in case)!! :) or 2. your posts with ships that i simply dislike (and/or hate) have come up on my feed a frequent number of times and i’m just tired of seeing it. this doesn’t mean i have any ill intent towards you when i block you, i just want to enter the app without seeing things i don’t exactly want to see! :)
who can interact?
anyone and everyone!
however, do not interact if you come under the following: racist, islamaphobic, misogynistic, anti-semetic, zionist, etc.
people under 18 can interact! this also includes ageless blogs :)
protection of my writing:
one thing that makes my writing specifically known as mine is the way i write y/n or the plot — usually follows a more comedic/crack type of story rather than an actual… story, lmfao?? i will not allow for anyone to take certain scenes i’ve written (and i’ll know, trust me, bcz i come up with them as they’re all inspired from IRL events of my own life) and then incorporate them into their own story. in short: i will not allow plagiarism, stealing my ideas, taking inspo from my writing without credit, and so on.
anything ranging from copying my stories to translating my work in another language is definitely not allowed.
i am certainly not against anyone promoting or recommending my story on their social media! i think it’s cute and incredibly wholesome <33
aot characters i am not willing to write for:
floch and zeke
jjk characters i am not willing to write for:
mahito and kenjaku
rules last updated:
14th of april, 2024
that’s all!! enjoy your stay <3
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