#if you listen to the whole thing we legally have to marry
scribbledghost · 6 months
Simon "Ghost" Riley SFW Alphabet
Because I've seen some NSFW Alphabets floating around, but not a SFW one. And I wanted to do some more character study on him.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
This heavily depends on the setting. Out in public, he's not particularly affectionate at all beyond maybe a hand on your lower back to guide you somewhere or a hand in yours if you're sitting next to each other. But when you're home alone? He's a Koala Man. Loves laying with his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. 100% does that thing where he'll stand next to you while you're doing something and keep a hand in your back pocket. Also I love the idea that if you're shorter than him, he loves it when you sort of lean back on him so he can rest his chin on your head.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The friendship starts. Reluctantly lmao. I can see it going one of two ways: either 1. It's an "Extrovert adopts the introvert without said introvert providing any input" situation, or 2. You just sort of sit in his proximity quietly for long enough and afterwards he's like "yes they are my best friend. No we have not spoken more than 5 words to each other." But, like in a romantic relationship, he's fiercely loyal. Ride or die. He wants his friends safe. Very good at giving advice, but does not sugar coat anything. If you're being a dumbass, he'll tell you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
For the most part, yes. Sometimes he gets into certain moods where he doesn't really want to be touched, but those are fairly rare and usually triggered by some sort of outside event. And again, he doesn't cuddle unless it's just the two of you (he may put an arm around you when the rest of the team is there, but he won't fully wrap you up). The way he cuddles is... encompassing lol. That's the only way I can describe it. He likes having his arms wrapped around you, likes having you close to him. Being a giant weighted blanket for you is good too. In a way, having you near is soothing for him. He knows you're there, he knows he's got you, and he knows your safe.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I imagine he would like to settle down, but at first the idea of being so close and vulnerable with someone else spooks him. Once he comes around to the idea though, and once someone manages to break through his emotional defenses, he's down for it. Probably likes to imagine a nice house with a yard and a dog, though honestly he's okay with a simple apartment/flat too, as long as he's with the right person. He's very good at cleaning, the military and him living alone for so long made sure of that. Cooking though... he's decent. Don't expect gourmet, but he knows a thing or two. Cannot bake to save his life though. If it's anything more complicated than what comes in a box with instructions, he's hopeless.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Quickly and efficiently. He doesn't see any reason to drag things out or beat around the bush about it. And he's not the type to do the whole "break-up-make-up" thing, either. You get one breakup with Simon, that's it. He won't give an opportunity for there to be another. He'll tell you that you need to have a conversation, say that it isn't working out, and that he wishes you the best. Done and done. If you really poke and prod him about it, he'll give you specifics as to why it didn't work, but don't expect him to sugarcoat it.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Here's the way I see it: he wants it. Badly. He wants the ring on your finger and the exclusivity and the legal status of it (particularly so you could be taken care of if something were to ever happen to him in the field). But he's terrified of it. He's terrified of turning into his father, terrified of recreating the cycle he grew up in. If you really, really want marriage, he'll work on coming around to it, but if you're ambivalent towards it or don't want it, he's absolutely fine with that. As for how soon he'd want it, I'd say a few years minimum. He probably starts thinking about it much, much sooner, but it takes those several years for him to work through his own feelings on it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He's incredibly, incredibly gentle physically. Out in the field, he's a machine, and a very efficient one at that, but he doesn't want to be that way at home. One of his biggest fears is accidentally hurting you. He's witnessed so much violence through his life that he refuses to continue it if he can help it (military job notwithstanding). As for emotionally, he's a bit less gentle, but that doesn't mean he's cruel by any means. Just a bit more blunt and to the point. The only time he's particularly harsh is when he's been tipped over the edge after a lot of pushing, or if something happens to scare him.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
From you? He loves them. From anyone else? Hard no. He has no problem with you hugging him as often as you want, though he won't really return them much unless it's just the two of you or only the team around (exceptions are made if he catches someone looking a bit too closely at you). When you're alone, he's hugging you all the time. Especially from behind. His hugs are very warm, and they have a tendency to make you feel safe and secure. Also the type to give that intermittent squeeze while hugging you, the kind that sort of squishes you a little bit.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He doesn't lmao. Straight up Does Not. This doesn't mean he doesn't love you - he does. He just... really dislikes using that phrase to say as much. He finds it overused and diluted. He much prefers to tell you in other ways, like telling you that you mean the world to him, or reminding you that you're everything to him. Plus, to give credit where credit is due, his go-to pet name for you is "love". He uses it more than your actual name. There are a couple of certain, very specific scenarios in which he will actually say the words "I love you", but quite frankly they're not scenarios that either of you want to be in.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I don't know if I'd say he gets "jealous" so much as "protective". He does tend to feel some type of way if he catches someone getting a bit too close (be it staring too much, getting handsy, etc), especially if he can tell it's making you uncomfortable. This is usually when his reservations on PDA sort of go out the window. If someone starts encroaching, he'll crowd into your space, put his arms around you, press a kiss to your cheek through his mask. Those sorts of things. Or he'll just straight-up menace the offending party and tell them to get lost and that you're not interested. Whether or not his threatening aura goes too far depends mostly on your definition.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Most of the time, they're very soft. He doesn't get too wild with them unless he's been gone for a while or he's particularly riled up. He does like to tease by kissing you with the mask still on though (and it was how your first kiss went - he pressed his mask to your cheek). Once you're more established, he likes to lift the mask to kiss your lips and shoulders specifically, though he frequently kisses your temple and forehead as well. As for him, he has a particular weakness for you kissing his knuckles for some reason. He isn't sure why. Though of course, he'll never deny you if you want to press a kiss to his lips.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He's very, very gentle with them. He knows he's prone to scaring children, especially the younger ones, but he does his best to mitigate that by speaking softly and making himself seem smaller. Definitely feels guilty when he accidentally makes one of them cry (Unfortunately, this happens frequently with babies. Big Man In A Mask can be scary). He'll play with them if they ask, pick them up if they want, etc. For some reason, while he tends to make infants cry, he seems to be a magnet for toddlers. It's like they look at him and see a free jungle gym.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Truthfully, when he's at home, he likes to take his time. He's awake at the crack of dawn, just because he's used to military wakeup times by now. But he by no means gets out of bed when he wakes up, especially when you're with him. Prefers to lie in as long as you'll let him, and by that I mean he prefers to lie there as long as you'll let him hold you. Kinda cranky in the mornings tbh. Doesn't like waking up to a lot of sound or action around him. He does that enough when he's on the job, he'd prefer to avoid it when he's home.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Tries to keep a decent routine so his schedule doesn't get too far out of whack. Doesn't eat past a certain time, and enjoys unwinding about an hour or so before bed with a book or quiet conversation. He won't force you to adhere to the same bedtime he has, but he will readily admit that it's harder for him to fall asleep when you're not there with him. An absolute sucker for spending some time with his head on your chest, bonus points if you sort of massage his scalp at the same time. However, when it comes to actually sleeping, he prefers to be the big spoon.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Gonna have to have an ungodly amount of patience and wait for his level 10 friendship for this one lmfao. Even then, there's certain things that he simply will never tell you. He will never go into particular detail about his upbringing, aside from letting you know his father was a rat bastard who's better off in the ground. He doesn't give you details about his work, though that is purely for your safety. After enough time (and I mean ENOUGH time), he'll tell you about his mother and brother, and even then, he doesn't really talk about their fates other than something along the lines of "they got hurt because of me".
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
I headcanon that he's actually peeved sort of easily, but it takes a lot for him to show it. And even then, he does his best to keep a very tight leash on it. The most he usually does is get quiet and broody. I do believe that he absolutely does not yell, though. Not in anger. He'll quietly seethe, but he does not raise his voice. He may sort of slam a hand or fist down on a nearby surface if he's really ticked and not thinking clearly, but even then he immediately regrets it. And absolutely, 100% never raises a hand towards you. Ever. The idea of you ever being afraid of him for any reason absolutely destroys him.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
His memory is, for the most part, very sharp. Dates for things like anniversaries are always remembered. He may not remember every little detail you mention in passing, but he remembers the important things. If you offhandedly mention needing something bought or done, he's on it. And if you mention anything about your past or who/how you are as a person, he definitely remembers that as well. But if you offhandedly mention you have an appointment or something the following week, he may or may not remember by the time it rolls around.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time he let you take off his mask. You'd seen each half of his face separately (aside from his nose, somehow - that seemed to always be covered no matter what), but you had yet to see his entire face at the same time. He remembers gently taking your hands and putting them at the bottom of his mask, telling you quietly that you could remove it. He still remembers how slowly you did so - as if you were waiting for him to change his mind. And he will always remember how you softly called him beautiful once the mask was off.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
VERY PROTECTIVE. Woof woof bark bark scary dog privileges etc. To be honest, his menacing aura is enough to deter any would-be offenders 90% of the time. A stern look from him is usually enough to scare people away. But if they're more bold (or stupid), he has no problem lowering his voice and issuing thinly-veiled threats. If the time ever comes that he needs to physically protect you from an immediate danger, he can be a damn vision. Efficient, cold, calculated. Laser-focused on your safety and nothing else, consequences be damned. Quite frankly, there are few places on the planet that you'd be safer than with Simon Riley.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts in as much effort as he can. He knows he's away a lot, and he does his best to make up for that when he's at home. Granted, he doesn't "nail it" every single time, simply because he's... not used to this. Sometimes he forgets certain things (not dates, but perhaps small details), but it's not often. But he truly, genuinely tries his best, and it really is obvious. His love language is acts of service, so everyday tasks are his wheelhouse when he's around. You can usually count on coming home from work to a tidy home, dinner on the stove, and a kiss to your temple as he asks if you'd like for him to run you a bath or shower.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Actual habits? Probably smoking and drinking. Also probably doesn't wash his masks as often as he should, so. Don't put your nose too close to them for an extended period of time. He's just nose-blind to it at this point. For ugly behaviors, I can see him having to keep a very close eye on his possessiveness. Any time you go out without him, he has to restrain himself from sticking a GPS tracker on your car or in your pocket. Any time you introduce him to friends or family, he's subconsciously analyzing them to see if they're a threat. He doesn't mean to, and he feels guilty once he realizes what he's doing, but it's an innate behavior at this point. But, if left unchecked, he could definitely become overprotective to a toxic degree.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not particularly. He knows he's attractive, but he doesn't really do anything to draw attention to it or maintain it. Most of his face is hidden the vast majority of the time, anyway. He does work out on the regular, though this is more to keep him fit in the field than for vanity's sake. He does tend to shave daily and keep his hair trimmed neat, but again, that's mostly because it would make the mask more uncomfortable otherwise. (I do headcanon that he likes to exaggerate his vanity around his partner though. Just to see if he can fluster them lol).
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
At first? Not really. He's an independent loner who hesitates when having to rely on others. But once you worm your way into his heart and really get to know him? Once he really lets you in? He doesn't really know how to exist without you anymore. You don't have to be right next to him all the time, but once he's yours, he doesn't know any other way to be anymore. It's like you're a part of him then, like you've made a home in his ribcage and if you were to leave (or, heaven forbid, be taken from him), you'd take a massive part of him with you. He feels like he'd turn into a hollowed out shell of himself if he lost you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
You see parts of his face separately long before you see his face in its entirety. First, it's just his eyes. Then, maybe his hair when he only wears a standard facemask. At one point you spot his mouth when he lifts his balaclava up so he can take a drink or smoke (or so he can kiss you). Letting you see his face - his entire face, all at once - is a big deal for Simon. It's something he doesn't give to everyone. In fact, he doesn't really give it to anyone. The only people who have seen it in recent years are certain medics, his team, and you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He wouldn't like a partner who is... too pushy? idk how to put it. But don't come into the relationship thinking you can fix him or change him. Simon knows he carries more baggage than a metropolitan airport. He's aware. He'll start working through it when he's good and ready, and not a second sooner. Try and force him on that front, and you'll quickly push him away. I also headcanon that he wants nothing to do with someone who's quick to be outwardly angry. If you're the type who yells easily, stomps around, slams doors, etc, then it's absolutely not gonna work out.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He sleeps very lightly. He's awake at the smallest jolt of movement. Also a very quiet sleeper. To the point where sometimes you have to watch for the rise and fall of his chest because you start to worry he's not breathing. In addition: it takes a lot of trust for him to fall asleep around you. He's definitely not the type to doze off around strangers. Because of this, he tends to take most night watches when out in the field until he gets so exhausted he can't fight the sleep anymore. But once he's home with you and you're with him, he's out like a light.
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ratcash-wasgud · 3 months
this is my first time requesting here and im so nervous since the idea itself is so cheesy. could we have a modern au loser mizu who listens to "pasilyo" (a filipino song about wanting to get married so badly to someone; i highly recommend listening its so addicting!) and immediately thinks of her crush. thank you sm!
hel lovely!!!!! omg this is such a cute idea...it would be a shame if someone...have added some smut....hm...
anyways i kept this short, just to not overdo the vibe hihi
and you were right, it IS addicting. mwah.
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"I told you, I don't plan on doing that. Stop trying to play matchmaker, Mama." Mizu grumbles into the phone as she agressively spreads butter onto a slice of toast.
Her mother called her up again, which is always...well, a bother. She just nags her about settling down, even if she's still in college, finding a good boyfriend, getting married, having kids and basically giving up on everything she ever wanted. This is the reason she could never come out to her mother.
These talks always makes her hate the idea of marriage. Why would she ever tie herself down? Plus, it's a stupid old tradition. Plus, it's not even legal where she lives. It's just dumb to even think about it.
"No. I'm just busy." Mizu shrugs as she bites into the toast, still holding the phone up to her ear. Her mom keeps scolding her about ruining the family's name if she refuses to get married.
After about ten agonizing minutes, she hangs up. She lands on her bed with a groan. And just when she thinks she found peace, her phone lights up with a notification. It's a text from a groupchat called Tea Party with Eeyore, which has Ringo, Taigen, Akemi, and you in it.
ringo: omgomg look!
ringo: *a picture of you holding up a full tray of freshly baked pinagong.*
ringo: she helped me with my pastry of the week!!!
taigen: what even is that?
ringo: it's a type of fillipino bread! i learned it in baking class today.
you: we even made a whole playlist of fillipino songs to listen to while we bake :DDD
*you sent the link to the playlist.*
ringo: yup. we got into the mood, if you will
akemi: ringo, sweetie, that could have douple meanings
ringo: oh
The name is a dumb inside joke from that one time Akemi came up with the idea that having blue as a main color and being grumpy is enough for her to be just like Eeyore. She remembers you laughed so hard when she contined this line of thinking and matched Taigen with Tigger, because they're both annoying It's only because of that she doesn't mind this whole thing. She loves your laugh.
Mizu had a crush on you ever since she met you. It wasn't a hard crush to develop, honestly. You were kind for no reason, had eyes with stars in them, always full of energy while wearing the brightest smile she ever seen. You were just generally lovely. She was sure Taigen also had a crush on you at some point, which always irritated her, even if she never planned on making a move.
Mizu was content with the way things were. She was silently loving you from afar while you shined your bright light on her withouth even noticing. You made her happy if you didn't know.
She rolled over to her side, and tapped on the link you sent to the playlist. You had great taste in music, so if you were able to vive to these songs, they can't be that bad.
Then as the playlists starts playing, she hears a couple notes of an electric guitar, and she lightly shivers. Pasilyo was the first song. She never heard about it, but the melody quickly captured her.
She stared up the ceiling and she imagined you and Ringo listening to this song. She imagines you accidentaly spilling flour all over yourself, getting some on your face as you laugh, and she imagines her hand softly wiping it off. She imagines you sitting infront of the oven, staring at the growing pastry dough as it bakes, and having that bright and excited smile on your face when you succesfully decide that yes, it has gotten bigger since the last minute you checked. You'd look at her with big doe eyes when she tells you that it's time to do the dishes afterwards, singlaing how much you don't wanna. And of couse, she'd wash them instead of you, without hesitation. You'd hug her from behind as she does them, and hum the song in her ear, rocking your hips with hers playfully while your soft cheek is squished against her shoulder.
She sudenly wonders if that's how married life would look like with you. Damn, Mama has gotten into her head. But she doesn't mind it if it's like this. Would getting married really be horrible if it was with you? She decies on a firm no. You'd be the loveliest bride.
A bride she'd love to tie herself down to.
You'd stand there, at the altar, wearing all white and holding a big bouquet of daisies, camellias and lakspurs...maybe even peonies.
Yeah...definetly peonies. There would also be peony petals on the floor, scattered across, and one in your hair. Behind your ear...or one holding up your veil.
You'd smile when you see her on the other end of the aisle, like you see your future in her eyes. Your eyes would focus only on her, and your hand would squeeze hers for comfort as she says her vows. She'd kiss you with all her might in that moment. She'd pick you up and carry you away while you both laugh into eachothers faces.
She'd wake up to you every day of the week. To your soft cheeks squiched up against the pillow, your hand around her, and your breathing tickling her skin. She'd never want to get out of bed. She'd wake up hours earlier just to cuddle your sleeping form.
When you'd stir, you'd look into her eyes with your still hazy ones, and plant a good morning kiss on her forehead. In return Mizu would kiss your cheek, then your nose, then your jaw...then your neck, then your chest...
She'd put her hands on your breats, softly squeezing them as she teases them through your thin pajama top. She'd want it to be casual, domesticated, but still so, so exciting to make love to you.
She'd slowly get on top of you, and get lost in the way you're looking up at her. She'd slowly lift your top, and press her knee between your legs. Oh, how'd you tremble. You'd look up at her all needy, she'd have no option but to help you.
Her tongue would softly curcple your nipple, dry lips wrapping around it to trap it, all for herself. Her hand would slowly find it's way inside your pajama pants, long fingers sliding through your lips. She'd toy with you slick, because she knows it's there because of her. She'd bathe in the feeling of your clit pulsing for her before sliding her fingers inside, massagnig your inner walls. She'd coo in your ear, because you're just so precious when she's inside you like this. You turn into a ragdoll, and you can't do anything but whimper for her. You'd depend on her, especially in moments like this.
She'd give it to you every morning. She'd never hesitate to obey every command your body gives her.
Then she'd watch you make breakfast with your ears still red from getting taken by her so early in the morning. You'd sit in her lap while you'd eat breakfast. She'd feed you pieces of her bacon, and you'd give her bites from your egg. She'd give small pecks to your soft lips, to kiss away droplets of coffee.
She gets torn out from her daydream though by another text. She looks at it through half lidden eyes.
ringo: we made too many :(
taigen: that's what u get for always going overboard
you: mizu !!!
you: do you want some? i think you'd love pinagong!!!
Mizu smiles to herself as she reads the text. Maybe she isn't fine with how things are right now. Maybe she does need to make a move.
mizu: yeah
mizu: omw.
Maybe...she could stop by the flower shop and get some peonies.
Just maybe.
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dontlookforme00 · 10 months
💚ninjaa4a4afan192288 Follow
Ok but is it actually too soon about the whole Stiix thing. Like whenever I make a joke about it there's always people who look at me weird.
My brother in FSM, that happened like 5 years ago. Get over it. For all our sakes. Pls
☄️theplantenjoyer Follow
What the fuck.is wrong with yuo. My uncle died in that little green pricks shitshow. Shwo some respedt for the dead
🚨spiderronmyphon Follow
which green prick. there's a few, be more specific
💚ninjaa4a4afan192288 Follow
I am showing respect for the dead. Massive respect to Morro. What a fucking plan.
Imagine you get banished to hell and the MOMENT that the nations saviour sacrifices his dad, you escape. Attack ur teacher, the students ur teacher was cheating on u with, (academically) and then immediately graverob god.
Why have none of us talked about this. This is insane.
He graverobbed God, normal-robbed whatever place had the SOS, normal-robbed some ginger in Stiix. And then beat up the students like three times.
I can't get my head around this. This topic has always fascinated me and I really need us as a society to normalise it so I can fucking talk about this.
Also your spelling is shit and idc about your uncle
🤝theuhhbrobrogoogoo Follow
He was,,,a terrorist?? Why are we glamourising this. Morro killed people and ruined lives. Stop throwing an Internet tantrum and divert your attention to the REAL one deserving of it. And that is Nadakhan
💚ninjaa4a4afan192288 Follow
Fucking who
☄️theplantenjoyer Follow
Fucking who
🚨spiderronmyphon Follow
What. Who??
🕓whi7g-8919-9 Follow
💚ninjaa4a4afan192288 Follow
🚨spiderronmyphon Follow
Ok, this is interesting. Article 3.4 C of the "Humanity" Section of the Ninjago City Department of Law Archive of 2017 states that, "Nindroids are legally recognised as on the same status as all other biological humans by the following criteria: " and then its fucking blank??? This city is a joke. The audacity. What was the point. How the fuck did this pass
And the implications of this, if it wasn't just some stupid error? Neither Zane nor Pixal can face legal justice for being discriminated against in workplace, or anywhere else. They can't buy things under their name, because they aren't recognised as citizens. Only as advanced AI (pretty fucked up but uh). They can't get married, own intellectual property, or . Anything. That's wild.
🐭technosharpieesz Follow
I mean yah. They're bots. They'd hack the economy or sm idk . I'm not going to explain to you why we shouldn't be integrating literal AI into our society??
🚨spiderronmyphon Follow
💚ninjaa4a4afan192288 Follow
🕓whi7g-8919-9 Follow
Shut up apologist wer talking abt Pixane now
✨️ninja-heritageposts Follow
Ninja heritage post
💔realsestreal-ninjafanacc Follow
Everybody on this post is a fucking lunatic.
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A Night In Nice
Chapter Two
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Based on this ask and made into a separate post due to being two parts
Rated Explicit (for later on)
Chapter One | Chapter Three
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Dinner is quiet, nothing that bothers you given Norton is similar to a cat who can enjoy sharing a space with you. That is not to say he does not enjoy how you talk about the day or ask him if he likes the food. Given how you like to season the food you make, some of it can be overpowering for him, especially spicy food. The shepherd’s pie is both soft and gentle in the seasoning, something you hope he enjoys (the man though honestly likes anything you make even if one dish had his mouth on fire).
The chores are divided between the two of you depending on who cooks (you are the one who mostly cooks because the last time he cooked he burnt the food). He gathers the dishes and you put away the table mats and wipe down the table. Then you start going over the kitchen pantry seeing what needs to be picked up.
Norton does the dishes, humming something to himself, and you cannot help but stare at the way his arms are defined by his work shirt, a long sleeve he rolled up as he cleaned. When you first met him, he had muscle but it was not compared to how he is now when he is fed properly. The size difference between the two of you has more than once left you blushing like a little girl.
“(Name),” He speaks up once he is done drying the dishes, body turning to see you look at him and then smile, a closed smile to make him aware he has your attention. “I want to ask you something… Important.” Awkward wording that causes your head to tilt to the side.
“Listen, um,” He takes a breath in and out, “We have been here for three years now and… I uh…”
You look worried.
“Here!” Pulling out the engagement ring and showing you it, “It ain’t much but…Marry me?”
You stare at him then the ring then him again; the emotions on your face shifting too many times then sadness. “Norton… I don't,”
“She doesn't want you, idiot. Why would she want a broken fool like you!?”
“Think I don’t deserve you.” A whisper he hears then the panic on your face as you wave your wave in front of you realizing how bad that sounds, “I mean–”
Huh? What? The former prospector is confused, “What do you mean?” Wait, how don’t you deserve him? Would it not be the other way around? Given all the things you offered him, the biggest one is moving to a whole other country to live with him.
You sigh and gesture for him to sit down and you take a seat before he does, “First: yes. I will marry you. I love you from the moon and back.” Stating to him quickly to ease him, “However, there are some things,” Tapping your fingers on the table, “You should know about me.”
Norton nods as he sits down while placing the ring on the table. “Alright.”
“Okay,” Taking a deep breath in, “Okay.” Fidgeting with your fingers, “I wasn't always a nurse. I had no legal medical license until a year into the job… After the doctor left.” Easy confession, concerning though you are sure.
Norton knew the owner of the mines cut corners as the bastard saw all of the miners as basically slaves. Cut corners wherever the scum could and pay off whoever inspected the worksite. The doctor leaving after not getting a raise, well, no one batted an eye when you were put in charge.
“Before that… Uh. I used to work in…” Growing quiet as you stare at the pattern of wood on the table.
“Did you kill someone?” His arms crossed over his chest, leaning back against the seat causing it to creek in protest, his legs wide open under the table.
“No, no! Nothing like that!” Assuring him, “Listen, I won’t blame you if this changes your view about me. I should have brought it up sooner,” He raises an eyebrow, “I worked in a brothel.” Saying quickly and in one breath. The silence to follow is one side uneasy. His eyes locked on your face. You squirm a bit fearing what he will say.
“That’s it?” Breaking the silence.
“Yes?” Rubbing the back of your neck unsure if he was asking for more detail or something, “ Was one of the pleasure ladies.” Adding more detail, “Not exactly the woman you could bring home, uh.” It was a dark time in your life, you fault no one who had to take up the occupation in order to survive. You had to in order to feed yourself and keep a roof over your head. The nursing came later when your client, the doctor at the mines, was teaching you medicine at the cost of keeping his cock wet. A “fair trade” allowing you to switch occupations, much to his dislike soon after his replacement.
“Why not?”
“Because you should have a ‘nice’ girl.” Rolling your eyes hating that reason. The doctor was an asshole for telling you that all too often when he was making you choke on his— “No mother wants their son to marry a whore.” Sneering in at yourself.
“That’s stupid,” The response surprised you, “None of that is going to change my mind.”
You are shocked, you should not be given how you gave him a second chance at life-- A better one. The second you got him out of that rumble when you nursed him back to health. Technically, you are harboring a murderer, yet you don’t see it like that.
Your eyes fall to the ring. This small town in France is far from everything that happened back in Golden Cave. The voice remains but even with the rambling it currently is saying, it does become greedy towards you. The one thing they can agree on.
“You got experience between the two of us, so what.” Shrugging while he takes your left hand and rubs your ring finger. “When we started living out here, you told me the past is the past. For us to start from scratch and live how we want.” You did. The moment he was healed, you offered to take him with you. Far from everything that ever hurt either of you. “We can’t change what we did to live, we can however change how we live in this moment.” Trying to find the words to convey how much you mean to him, “Us, together, in that church you go to on Sundays and standing at that altar.”
You blink twice then glance away then back at Norton, “Wow.” He is serious. “Ha, wow, ha.” Laughing as leaned against your chair letting out a sigh of relief but the giggling starts up.
“You sound like a hyena.” Teasing you as the giggling gets worse, “Taking it you are happy?”
“Yes, God, yes!” Grabbing his hands with both of yours, “More than happy really! I want to kiss you until I can’t no longer.”
“Oh,” Amusement, “Just kiss?”
“Norton.” Standing up, “There are many things I want to do for you,” Leaning on the table with a look in your eyes he only caught once when you were patching him up. Your hand touching his arm, “Only if you allow me.”
“Shouldn’t that be my line?” Standing up and grabbing the ring before moving around the table to be close to you. “Everything. All of you and all of me.”
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xxlovelynovaxx · 5 months
Listening to Epic the Musical and went to join the discord server, only to find this:
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I'd like to preface this by saying I am a member of a DID system that experienced intense childhood trauma. We identify as "mixed origin", meaning in our case we do not believe trauma was the ONLY cause of our system, but we do believe it likely played a part in the formation of our multiplicity. Now, onto talking about this screenshot.
1. Pluralkit's creators are inclusive of nondisordered systems. It's one thing to say "no OCs" (which pluralkit is fine with, but some servers simply aren't for purposes of ACTUAL roleplay and that's fine), but to say "only OSDD/DID systems are allowed to use this" and imply that all other systems are "roleplaying" is just bog-standard anti-endo bigotry. Also, UDD and other lesser-known disordered systems are of course excluded.
A reminder that the creators of the Theory of Structural Dissociation, the DSM-V-TR, the ICD-11, and the APA all recognize the existence of nondisordered systems, and that they haven't met a high enough standard of proof to claim explicit causation via trauma of dissociative disorders. At this juncture, every actual scientist abides by the cardinal rule of statistics - correlation is not causation - and another important basic rule of logic - that "x causes y" does not prove "ONLY x causes y". Or in other words, neither the converse nor inverse of a true statement are automatically true. In mathematics, these logical fallacies are referred to "affirming the consequent" and "fallacy of the inverse".
2. Short of someone actively telling you "I am faking a mental illness", you CANNOT tell if they are. It's not possible even for psychiatric professionals to determine this, let alone random laypeople. Even screenshots "admitting" faking could be photoshopped, but more than that - that rule makes the server unsafe for every SINGLE system, even those with OSDD or DID. On what grounds do they claim a system is faking? Having the audacity to claim that our narrative of our own experiences is most reliable and that we are capable of determining our own origins? Having too many or too few alters? Enjoying aspects of even disordered systemhood? Achieving functional multiplicity?
Fakeclaiming when done to any kind of system, but ESPECIALLY disordered systems, will often severely worsen dissociation and internal communication and can even make amnesia more severe. Even most professionally diagnosed disordered traumagenic systems struggle a lot with doubt, in part due to the very nature of the disorder, which often is a response formed as coping skill for severe trauma which masks itself from both external and internal scrutiny for safety.
It is not worth risking this harm to "protect" systems this doesn't even help, much like it's not worth say, denying SSI to 90 percent of people who need it just to keep the extremely small fraction of a percentage of fraudsters (who are willing to try to live in conditions of extreme poverty without ever being able to marry or save money) from getting it.
(It also seems to stem in part from a pluralmisic society which obscures and erases the very experience of plurality, so that many of us don't discover the labels for our experiences until late enough in life that it shatters a long-held view of ourselves that we then have to contend with as a fundamental shift in our understanding of ourselves. A similar thing occurs with trans people in transphobic societies doubting our transness due to spending our whole lives thinking we were cis, but just in the wrong way, and that everyone is miserable trying to be their assigned gender at birth.)
3. "Alters under age 13 are not permitted to speak in this server as per Discord TOS." Discord's TOS is entirely dependent on legal age and therefore bodily age. Littles and middles are childlike entities in an adult brain and body, and it is therefore up to each system to determine what is safe for their own non-adult members to handle. While some littles and middles may be very like actual children and therefore their systems restrict their activity, some systems have littles and middles that are perfectly capable of using the adult brains' faculties to safely navigate normal interactions. Note that this isn't a restriction on nsfw interaction, which is strictly prohibited in the server iwrc, which while offensive when done "for littles' safety" is at least something reasonable to refuse consent to interact in that capacity with a little for your own personal comfort.
4. "Factive alters sourced from EPIC collaborators are required to speak through an anonymous proxy or base profile when interacting with the server". So, essentially, the comfort of singlets is more important than the health, functionality, and safety of systems. It can be destabilizing to have to mask or pretend to front as someone else.
It is also saying "it's not okay to be openly an entirely separate individual with your own life, consciousness, and experiences, simply because you were unintentionally created by someone's brain based on a different living individual". In this case, the people saying this also believe the only possible reason for this unintentional influence on an alter's existence is due to a severe mental disorder - that they likely believe is only caused by trauma. (They likely consequently believe alters can only be SPLIT through trauma!)
So what they are in effect saying is "if trauma caused a person to exist inside your brain whose formation was influenced by one of us and who therefore shares a name and maybe mannerisms with one of us, they are not allowed to be openly themselves around us". Imagine if an autistic person who often mirrored mannerisms shared a name with them!
5. Re: the last point. They claim that people using pluralkit are people, but notably, they only recognize them as individuals. They do not recognize the personhood of non-parts based systems. "When speaking with someONE who uses pluralkit, remember you are speaking with A real PERSON". Now, they could be referring to the individual alter fronting at the time (and just not acknowledging cofronting out of ignorance or forgetfulness). Except for the damning line:
6. "Please note that Pluralkit is a bot used by INDIVIDUALS with DID/OSDD to facilitate communication". Now, I wanted to touch on, once again, that pluralkit's creators are open to and even intend for the bot to be used by nondisordered systems and even roleplayers. Once again, I have no issue with servers not allowing its use for roleplay purposes, since that doesn't dehumanize any actual systems nor refuse to recognize the personhood of individuals within any systems. But also... they literally are refusing to recognize the existence of actual DID and OSDD systems who identify as multiple people, not individuals!
While it is possible that the creators of Epic the Musical were simply trying to create a safe space for systems and are simply ignorant to the harm that sysmedicalism and creating a culture where fakeclaiming is allowed and even encouraged DOES, I find it more likely that a moderator, creator, or system that is close to one of the above is a sysmedicalist.
Below the cut for brevity of this post is a primer on system discourse (syscourse) and sysmedicalism for those that may not be immersed in the plural community.
Tl;dr of the part above the cut: This server is unsafe for even DID/OSDD systems, discriminates against and violates the autonomy of littles and factives (misunderstanding what littles and factives actually ARE in the process), and does not recognize the actual personhood of alters and headmates and multiplicity of disordered systems. This is just ableism, and extremely disappointing as a DID system that is a fan of the musical.
For those that don't know, sysmedicalists are plurality's version of transmedicalists. They believe that the only way to be many people or parts in one body (which is what plurality is) is to have a severe mental disorder that causes extreme distress and dysfunction, as a result of severe long-term childhood trauma, usually between the arbitrarily named ages of 9 and 12. Like transmedicalists, they believe that multiplicity is inherently a mental illness, and that you can't be plural if you don't experience extreme distress around it.
To be a [identity]medicalist is to pathologize and medicalize an experience that is not inherently either to the point of claiming all nonpathological and nonmedical forms of the experience don't exist, and usually also involves defining an identity primarily by the severe distress it CAN cause in some individuals, staging an arbitrary standard of suffering as a prerequisite that if not met is grounds for fakeclaiming anyone who derives any happiness or positivity of any kind from said identity.
They claim that a term coined and primarily used by trans systems is transphobic, because "transness isn't a mental disorder and systemhood is!" They fail to recognize that like transmedicalists truly believing transness is only a mental disorder incorrectly, they are also clinging to a claim that only the disordered form of a wider experience of being "many in one" is valid or real, and that everyone else are just "fakers" "stealing resources from real trans people/systems".
See iirc @livseses wonderful post for further similarities on transmed and sysmed arguments, which I will link later if I can find.
On the other hand, even psychiatric professionals, in an industry known for disregarding the experiences of neurodivergent and mentally ill people in favor of the narratives that neurotypicals with degrees in the subjects of our lives make up based on their external experiences of us, agree that nondisordered systems can exist. Most now also believe that trauma is not a prerequisite for plurality.
The DSM acknowledges cultural experiences such as mediumship (not all of which are from closed practices), and the ICD goes further to state that the same experience of "two or more distinct personality states" they describe as one of the requirements for DID does not "indicate the presence of a mental disorder". They also use cultural multiplicity as one example, clearly stating that the same experience of multiplicity present in DID can be present in the absence of a disorder.
These disorders are also very purposely not categorized in the "trauma disorder" section of diagnostic manuals, but rather in a section for "dissociative disorders". Even personality disorders, which are well-recognized as being mostly traumagenic in origin, are also not categorized as trauma disorders, for the same reasons of both lacking a high enough standard of proof that trauma is the only possible cause, as well as for the simple reason that dissociative and personality disorders are much more highly self-similar than they are to trauma disorders. Anyone claiming that "DID/OSDD are trauma disorders" and that to claim to the contrary is misinformation is themselves spreading anti-scientific misinformation.
It is also worth noting that by all modern definitions of disorderedness, a mental disorder requires either distress or dysfunction (and in some cases, both). Therefore, a DID or OSDD system that achieved functional multiplicity would not longer be considered functionally disordered.
Traumagenic is the term used to describe systems formed due to trauma. There is zero proof whatsoever that the trauma that forms a system is required to occur in childhood, and in fact seemingly previously healthy war veterans have been acknowledged in medical literature as displaying symptoms of complex dissociative disorders. While there is not a high enough burden of proof to discount the possibility that every single case was just a covert system's presentation made overt by the recurrence of trauma or development of PTSD, there is likewise not proof that trauma that occurs later in life (particularly for neurodivergent individuals with developmental disorders, as the parts of our brain involved in multiplicity often develop in different orders or at different rates.
Endogenic is the term used to describe systems formed for reasons other than trauma (and by most members of the community, for mixed origin systems that were not FULLY formed from trauma. The coiner maintains that full lack of trauma is required for "correct" use of the label; see my previous posts about the harm of prescriptivism and the ludicrousness of defining a term for an identity you don't claim and a community you are not in).
Endogenic does not necessarily mean nondisordered, as anything from trauma occurring after initial system formation to simply the brain's "wires" getting crossed, so to speak, may be able to cause a dissociative disorder even in the absence of the usual stimuli of trauma. Basically, if your brain has a "push in case of emergency" button, there's always a possibility however many failsafes are built to prevent this happening that it will accidentally be set off in the absence of an emergency. Likewise, traumagenic does not inherently mean disordered, as in the case of previously disordered systems who achieved functional multiplicity, or again, weirdness in an extremely complex organ we barely understand causing the brain to push the emergency button but only part of the stuff that is supposed to be caused by the button happening.
Plurality is simply a form of neurodivergence. People can be multiple consciousnesses or "people" (the defining of which falls more under the purview of philosophy than psychiatry) in one body without there needing to be a reason. Assuming singlecy (being a singlet, a nonsystem) is the default is as based in pluralmisia as assuming being straight is the default is based in homophobia.
It's also worth noting that the majority of psychiatry and psychology, as soft sciences, are based entirely in self-reporting. While yes, dissociative disorders can obscure knowledge of trauma until a system is ready to process said trauma, in the absence of any other notable amnesia or other disordered symptoms, it's actually more likely just from a logical standpoint alone that a person is simply right about saying "there are multiple people in this body" than they are unaware of trauma, let alone just "roleplaying" or "faking". There are simply too many endogenic systems for that to be the case.
Why would total amnesia around exactly the chronological bounds of the trauma, despite a system not having any periods of time missing from their memory, be the ONLY symptom experienced? In a society where even if you HAVE a disorder treatment is often inaccesibly expensive and the majority of people regard anyone who identifies as multiple as "insane" at best and "dangerous and needing to be locked up" at worst, what is to be gained from identifying as plural if that's not truly who you feel you are? It's the same tired arguments of nonbinary and nondysphoric/nontransitioning trans people in general just "pretending to be trans for fun". No one does that!
Also, traumatized people are not helpless crazy people that need "help" being paternalistically told what our "actual" experiences are because we're too ill to ever be right about our own lives and ESPECIALLY our subjective internal thoughts, emotions, and ways of experiencing the world and our selves. That's just extremely basic foundational sanism.
Some will claim it's not "for fun" but as a result of delusions or other mental illness that endogenic systems "claim to exist". They claim that delusional and mentally ill people need to be forced into treatment "for our own good", even if the alleged delusions are neither causing distress for us, dysfunction in our lives, or influencing us to act in ways which cause any material or quantifiable harm to others. And no, being offended by the existence of a subgroup of people within a marginalized group is not harm. That's just bog-standard bigotry.
This is also just basic sanism. It's the idea that if someone holds uncommon beliefs or is in any way abnormal, that those beliefs and abnormalities need to be suppressed and stamped out for "our" own good and for the good of society. It's the same (fascist) rhetoric that causes everything from autism [Coolsville sucks] spe/aks seeking a eugenicist "cure" for autism to white supremacy. Note: neither autistic people nor nonwhite people nor any other marginalized group are inherently "abnormal". They are simply minorities LABELED as such by those in power.
I know someone might try to take that line out of context to claim that I AGREE that marginalized peoples are abnormal, coolsville-sucks-style, hence my clarification and inclusion of that in brackets to make any bad faith actors have to at least black it out if they want to screenshot that out of context. That way, anyone bothering to actually fact-check will see immediately that they are twisting my words and acting in bad faith. I've been around the syscourse block long enough to know people WILL do this.
There's further arguments to be made that "normality" is simply a descriptor for things that do not significantly deviate from arbitrary averages and that abnormality itself is therefore morally neutral, but I digress.
I do however, want to encourage people to look into the subject of "mad liberation" for more on questioning and challenging the assumptions that anyone with any mental disorders or trauma is incapable of being a reliable source on their own experiences and existence.
Anyway, plurality has existed for as long as humans have been recognizably human. Many past and present peoples acknowledge forms of it, both in open and closed cultures. Most reputable psychiatrists and psychologists acknowledge the existence of nondisordered and endogenic systems, and further studies are being done into this form of neurodivergence already. The few professionals that don't are typically those like the ones present in the video released by McLean Hospital which fakeclaimed actual professionally-diagnosed disordered systems (which also goes to show just how fakeclaiming only ever ends up harming the people it's claiming to be used to try to protect).
Finally, "plural" is a term coined specifically to be inclusive of all systems, regardless of origin or disordered status. Plural was never a term that belonged only to disordered traumagenic systems, and to claim so is to actively speak over the inclusive systems responsible for coining the term and spread misinformation.
Tl;dr Endogenic and nondisordered systems exist, are valid, and should be believed about the ways they experience their own consciousnesses and brain. This is backed even by doctors in the field of "dismiss people who have abnormal experience of consciousness and supplant their narratives with what neurotypicals THINK is going on based on how we experience the actions of neurodivergent people. Trauma is not the only way to form a system, and intensely distressing mental illness is not the only way to BE a system.
The Epic the Musical server is unsafe for any systems, which as a DID system, makes us feel sad and angry and hurt.
Anti-en/dos, just block us. Even if you can come up with a new argument instead of the same repetitive and inane misinterpretations of scientific literature (or those actively disproven by scientific literature, no less) and pseudoreligious baseless beliefs about plurality, all I would do is tear apart the foundation of the new "argument" for bigoted exclusionism. I've already weighed more evidence than you've ever read, and I won't be convinced that this time the group just trying to live their lives and be accepted as they are is ACTUALLY harmful evil invaders faking and stealing resources because trust you bro. We also know more about our own mixed origins than you as a stranger are capable of ever discerning.
We've been harmed enough by fakeclaiming as a multiply physically disabled and neurodivergent queer traumaendo DID system to ALWAYS side with the people against fakeclaiming anyway, we BELIEVE minorities and especially neurodivergent people about what's going on inside their heads, and quite frankly, we just don't like exclusionist bigots (like you) and don't want exclusionist bigots (like you) interacting with our posts.
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shiveringfrogspawn · 6 months
“ ‘Your spine has the consistency of a marshmallow.’ ”
" ‘Sirius would understand,’ James mutters petulantly, looking up at the sky with a frown. His chest aches because he really does miss Sirius so fucking much. His last words—those two last sentences —still ring in his ears, bringing him such comfort. 
‘Sirius, if you're listening, we could have been brothers in another life. Like, legally. On paper. Oh, we would have never shut up about it.’ 
‘It sounds to me like you would want to marry me just for that reason,’ Regulus says flatly. James clears his throat. 
‘It wouldn't have been the only—’
‘You know, for a self-proclaimed romantic, you are painfully bad at this,’ Regulus informs him.”
“There's a rustle ahead of them that makes them both stop, and a tiny bunny darts out and disappears. Regulus stares after it, then looks at James, who mutters, ‘Don't say it.’
 ‘Protein,’ Regulus says anyway.”
" ‘Alright, there's one more thing at the…’ There's a pause, and Regulus looks over to see James holding up a pair of handcuffs, his eyebrows throwing a party with his hairline. 
‘Well, now what's this about? Handcuffs, Regulus?’
‘Oh, fuck off. It was in the bag,’ Regulus grumbles. ‘I didn't pick them out. What would I even do with them?’ 
James swings them around his finger, eyes sparkling. ‘I can think of a few things. Actually, if you want to get creative—’ 
‘Shut up,’ Regulus says, reaching out to snatch the handcuffs and stuff them back into the bag, glaring at James, who just grins at him. ‘In case it escaped your notice, the whole world is watching you insinuate—things, including your parents. Is this how you want to present yourself to them, hm?’
‘Mum, Dad, look away, I'm having impure thoughts,’ James announces, gasping theatrically as he presses the back of his hand to his forehead. ‘Oh, the shame.’ ”
" ‘I killed a man yesterday.’ 
There's a long beat of silence, and then James releases a deep breath, sliding his hand up further to cup the back of Regulus' neck, gently squeezing it. ‘I know.’ 
‘I don't think he was a good man,’ Regulus admits, and he sounds fragile, like he might shatter at any second. 
‘Well, considering that he was trying to kill you, I can safely say he wasn't,’ James murmurs.”
Part 9/? of Crimson Rivers quotes
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freedomfireflies · 2 years
i need to know their relationship process! how did they fall in love?? did they just accept the fact that they were married and went on with it? or did they have a plan to divorce?
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“Why the fuck are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re about to suggest that maybe we don’t do this.”
“I…psh, no. I wasn’t…I wasn’t gonna…no—”
“Harry, are you fucking kidding me?”
“Well—” Harry’s hands raise in defense, eyebrows lifting. “You heard the lawyer. It’s technically a legal, binding contract and since we consummated the union—”
“Ew. Ew. Don't ever say that again—”
“We fucked like a couple of bunnies,” he corrects, offering a much too pleased smirk. “Which means we can’t annul the marriage and we’d have to get an actual divorce—”
“Still not seeing the problem—”
“—which is a lot of work, and money, and time.” 
You offer a pointed look from your side of the elevator. “Right and don’t you have…all the money? I’m sure Rebecca has contributed to at least half of your bank account with all the fucking ugly-ass merch she buys, so I know you can swing it—”
His eyes narrow as he snorts. “That’s not the point—”
“Okay, then what’s the point? Is your image too squeaky clean for a divorce?” Your tone is mocking but the longer he takes to answer, the harder the realization hits you. “Oh.”
“Listen, it’s not…it would just be a whole thing,” he sighs, pinching at his lids. “And it would just be another mess to clean up and it’s not like we don’t know each other—”
“We don’t know each other—”
“Well, we can learn.” His arms cross, expression hopeful. “Why don’t we just…give it a couple months, yeah? We don’t have to tell anyone, and we can just…get to know each other. See if maybe we were meant to find our way to that chapel—”
“We weren’t.”
“Well, you don’t know that—”
“No, I do. I would never marry a guy who likes Dancing Queen over Gimme, Gimme—”
“Okay, see, and that’s why our kids will have my music taste—”
“I’m sorry, our what—”
“Hey, listen, the men in my family have incredibly strong sperm, I’m just saying it’s a possibility—”
“Oh my God, stop talking. Stop talking right now. Please—”
“Fine, they can have your tone-deaf taste—”
“Harry, I swear to God, I’ll shove you out the fucking window right now. I’ll widow myself if that’s what it takes—”
“That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think—”
“I think shoving you would be a lot kinder than what I initially had in mind.”
His brow raises, the smug smile slipping back into place. “Oh?”
“Ew, not like that—”
“Sorry, just…going off last night. Didn’t peg you as the type to have a blood kink, but—”
“Yeah? So? You’re the masochist who enjoys being called my sweet boy—”
“Hey, sometimes guys wanna be taken care of too, you know—”
“I…okay, that’s fair—”
“Yeah, see? Exactly.”
The elevator continues to move down the many floors of the near skyscraper they call an office building. After finally coming to terms with your mistake this morning, Harry had called his manager, who immediately found the best lawyer money could buy.
Suffice to say the appointment didn’t go well.
And while you’re a tad disappointed to be leaving still married to number four on your If I Had To Fuck A One Direction Member, Who Would It Be list, you can’t deny that things truly could be worse.
You might not remember every detail, but you do remember having at least a little bit of fun. 
Especially last night.
You can tell he’s beginning to recall the same image, his eyes lowering as he braces his hands against the elevator railing.
The tension is palpable, the air thick with unspoken promises and mutual longing.
You remember running your fingers through his curls, tugging his head back as you squeezed his throat. Until he offered that damn smirk of his. Until he was begging you to kiss him.
Needy little thing.
“Don’t.” His voice, gravely and coarse speaks up from a few feet away, and your eyes flick to his.
“Don’t what?”
His head cocks to the side. “Don’t fucking look at me like that.”
“Like what?” You teasingly bat your lashes, pulling your lip between your teeth before leaning back against the railing as well.
“Don’t,” he repeats, and you can physically see his resolve beginning to crumble with every moment that passes.
“Why?” You drop the rhythm of your voice to a sensual purr. “Aren’t you my sweet boy?”
He makes a noise deep in the back of his throat before pushing off the elevator wall to stride toward you.
His hands cement themselves to the wall beside your head as he leans down, dangerously close to your self-control.
“Don’t,” he says now for the third time. “Because if you start this game, I’ll have to finish it.”
You straighten up, nothing if not a fair player, eyeing him closely. “Oh, that’s cute you think you can.”
A scoff, a playful smile on his lips. “Don’t test me, princess.”
“It’s Daddy…” you correct within an instant, dipping a bit closer. “…to you.”
A moment of silence. A pause in your determination that’s met with the sound of his palm reaching out to smack the emergency power button, bringing the ride to a quick and sudden halt.
“All right, Daddy,” he murmurs, lips ghosting yours. “But let’s just be clear…just because you’re my wife doesn’t mean I won’t fuck you like a whore.”
“Yeah?” You can’t resist the smug grin as you stretch yourself to your tiptoes to ghost your lips over his. 
You hear his breath hitch. Watch the way his eyes flutter shut at the mere promise of your touch.
“Prove it.”
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I couldn't help it, I hope whoever asked for the original doesn't mind hehe
So there's at least what their morning looked like!
Next Part:
~ Mr. & Mrs. Hey Soul Sister pt. 3*
Previous Part:
~ Mr. & Mrs. Hey Soul Sister pt. 1
~ Other Harry Blurbs
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PJM-Gentle Hands
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You hadn’t had a day like this in a few months, you hadn’t anticipated to have a day like this ever again.
You hauled the blankets around you, the only thing visible was your eyes and nose. If you could you would have let the bed swallow you whole but instead it was your own thoughts that had began consuming you.
It didn’t surprise you, you were often betrayed by your own mind.
Jimin had been away on tour for the last two weeks and wasn’t coming home for at least another three. You missed him, the apartment was too quiet without him, you had already handed in all of your assignments leaving you with nothing to do.
Your friends had asked you to go out with them but you declined, lying that you had some errands to run.
You didn’t like to burden other people with your own mental health, some days were dark. Some days you felt like giving up and giving in. You were stuck on the border between feeling too numb to cry and wanting to cry until you fell asleep, you hadn’t ate in days, hadn’t showered either. There was no point.
You weren’t sure how long you’d been in bed, your lips were chapped and your throat was dry. You thought about listening to music to distract yourself but the idea of there being any noise was far too overwhelming.
“Baby?” You almost grew excited as you turned over to see Jimin standing in the door way, concern written across his face as clear as day.
“Minie.” You whispered before bursting into tears. You didn’t want him to see you like this but you were sure he didn’t care as he rushed across the room, throwing the blankets off you to wrap you up in his arms.
You let the tears you’d been harbouring fall without a care, you were sure Jimins shirt would be soaked. “Let it all out sweetheart.” He mumbled against your head as he massaged your scalp with his nails.
You sat like that for a while, him whispering sweet nothings to you as you exhausted yourself. Only when you had calmed down did he try to talk.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” He pulled back to look at you, cupping your face in his hands.
You shook your head, planning to tell him it was nothing but the firm “stop” he gave you willed that idea away, leaving you to admit the truth.
You felt ashamed as your eyes roamed the room, trying to find something else other than him to focus on. “It’s been a bad week.”
“Why didn’t you call me?” He brushed the wet strands of hair from your face.
You shrugged before answering. “You have enough stress as it is, I don’t know why it happened I finished my assignments. I wasn’t stressed, I was laying in bed and I just felt so alone. I thought I’d feel better the next day but I didn’t and by that point I just wanted to hide away. I had all these thoughts and it was so overwhelming.”
“I could be in the middle of rehearsal, I could be in the middle of soundcheck, hell I could be in the middle of a concert and I would still want you to call me if you need me. If I don’t pick up call another member, if they don’t pick up call the manager. You can always tell me about your feelings, they mean just as much. You should never ignore them for someone else’s comfort, especially not someone who loves you. We are in this together, we promised each other that didn’t we?” You thought back to the day Jimin had asked you to marry him, you wanted him so badly but at the same time you were worried about being a problem, holding him back. It was then you both made the promise to do everything together. You were a team.
“We did. I began to start thinking about what is going to happen once I graduate. I don’t want to achieve something just because I’m your fiancé and I know that the advantages I have because of that isn’t something that is changeable. I was going to apply for a job at hybe on the legal team, only because I know the company and I’m familiar with it but if I was to do that then I know I’d only get hired because of you, not because of my own accomplishments.”
He looked at you intently, you could see how understanding he was and it only made you love him more. He rearranged you both so you were laying in between his legs with your back to his chest. His hands secured around your waist.
He hugged you for a few minuets before responding, almost as if he was trying to find a solution. “What if you request an outside employment team deal with your application? That way there won’t be any favouritism. I can ask bang-PD nim to have you submitted under a different name so no one would know.”
“Min you are literally talking about having the Owner, Founder, Producer and Head of the company submit my application specially, that screams advantage.” You laugh, letting him know you wasn’t angry.
He joins in laughing for a few seconds before he shakes his head. “Okay so maybe that part is an advantage but wether or not you get the job will be completely normal. No advantage.”
“You’d do that for me?” You looked up at him, twisting your body to do so.
He nodded before pressing a kiss to your forehead and removing himself from behind you. “I know that isn’t everything so I’m going to run you a bath, I’m going to help you get fresh, dressed and I’m going to order us some food. I’ll change the sheets and clean and then we are going to cuddle and talk about everything else on your mind okay?”
“I love you so much, I don’t deserve you.” You but your lip, fighting the tears threatening to stain your face once again.
He smiled at you. “You deserve the world. I need to know baby did you hurt yourself in any way?”
You almost cringed at the question, slightly embarrassed. “Not this time, it’s nearly been a year.”
“Im so proud of you, give me a few minuets okay? Do me a favour, my phone is in my bag. Text eomma and the bangtan group chat let them know I’m home and that I’m going to rest for the night. Then turn my phone off. Okay?”
“It’s just us tonight?” You couldn’t help the pride swelling in your chest at the way he was so perfect with you.
“Just us baby.”
By the time you had pulled yourself out of bed and done what Jimin had asked he was calling you back, letting you know your bath was ready. True to his word he helped you undress, his eyes scanning your body for any sign of injury. “You’re so perfect, so beautiful.” His voice was delicate, soft as you slipped into the water.
“You talk like you don’t like as if you’ve been sculpted by the gods themselves.” You playfully splash him with water, feeling somewhat better.
He tutted, splashing you back before moving the small stool he had plucked from the bedroom to a It behind you, his hands massaging shampoo and conditioner into your hair. “You know, at soundcheck yesterday Jungkook threw water at me?”
“Will you tell me more about the tour? I don’t have a lot of energy right now.” You explained, eyes fluttering as you let your head rest against the back of the tub as his fingers continued to relax you.
“Sure baby, well army was great, there were a few concerts where people were pushing and Namjoonie Hyung kept telling them to stop, we were worried because people looked hurt. We finished it safely and thankfully people stopped pushing, the stage was wet though, really wet. I nearly slipped and I was so embarrassed.” You shifted to look up at him as his tone soured towards the end of his sentence.
You mustered the best comforting look you could. “It’s okay to make mistakes, even more so when it’s because of things that you cannot control. I’m sure the same way you were worried about army hurting themselves they were just concerned for you. I know you always want to put the best side of you to the world but all sides of you are equal. I am so proud of you for doing something so amazing, I find myself mesmerised by your abilities every single day.
Despite the fact you and Jimin had been together years you couldn’t control the way your heart skipped a beat as he leaned over to kiss you, his pink tinted lips plush against your own. There was no fight for dominance, no arousal, it was just a simple way of saying “I love you.”
“Did you feel nervous this time? The stadiums looked bigger from the pictures you sent me?” You asked turning back around she he could rinse the shampoo from your hair.
He was careful with the shower, making sure not to bring it too close to your eyes. “I did, I always like to think I’m prepared but I never am.”
“You always are, being nervous doesn’t mean you’re not prepared it just means you want to do well.” You supply, knowing he can be just as self deprecating as you.
You hear the muffled giggle he lets out but you chose to let it go, not wanting to make him blush any more then you were sure he already was.
“Baby how did it get so bad this time?” He extends a hand to you, helping you out of the tub before securing a towel around your body.
You wanted to answer him you just wasn’t sure where to begin so you thought on it as you dressed yourself in the clothes he had laid across the bed whilst he tidied around the apartment, it wasn’t messy but Jimin always had a tendency to make things to a particularly high extent of near perfect.
“Minie?” You called out exiting the bedroom, your wet towel in hand.
You didn’t hold it for long as he rounded the corner, taking the item from you before throwing it in the washing pile and swiftly pulling you towards the couch.
He had made an effort to make it as cosy as he could, fairy lights that you had hung up around the balcony door had been switched on, setting a comforting tone to the area, your favourite blanket had been laid across the couch along with pillow that belonged to jimin but you had claimed as your own through his tour.
He laid down, opening his arms for you. “I want you to relax, I ordered pizza. I figured something simple was probably the safest option. We can always go out for meal tomorrow if you’d like too. Now come here get comfortable and talk to me.”
You did as he asked, pushing your body so close to him that you were sure it was going to leave you moulded together permanently. He traced his fingers in patterns against your skin, relaxing you enough to open up as to what’s on your mind. “It started once I had nothing to do, I realised how behind I felt compared to everyone else. My friends have graduated, you are literally touring around the world and I’m stuck here taking university classes. It makes me feel insignificant against all there is in the world, I sat thinking about how small and unimportant I actually am. If I was to die the world would go on, no one would remember me after a while. I started to think about other things that are different with me, how I see my body is one of them. I just feel like it’s not enough, I’m not enough and no matter what I do to try and fix it I can’t.”
You didn’t know you’d started to cry until he brushed the tears away with the back of his sleeve. “There is nothing to fix. Saying that you need to be fixed implies that there is something broken and you, my love, are most definitely not broken. I want to tell you how wrong you are about each and every one of those things, maybe to the entire world things wouldn’t change if it happened that you were no longer here but you are my world, you are apart of the members world, your family and your friends too. Yoongi Hyung was talking about something similar and he explained how we always think of the world as being one thing for everyone but if you think about it we all have our own worlds, made up of our favourite people, places and things.”
You let yourself absorb his own thoughts for a moment, never thinking of it like that for yourself. The world seemed much smaller when considering it in that sense.
After asking you if you was okay he continued. “We move at our own pace, that doesn’t mean we are any less than others. Am I less then say people like…” he breathes out a puff of air the throwing his hands up before letting them drop. “…Beyoncé because I haven’t won a Grammy?”
You shook your head instantly, giggling at the comparison. Jimin was amazing, the entire team of bangtan was amazing regardless of the awards they held against others.
“Exactly, because it is my journey no one else’s. I cannot expect myself to be meeting the same achievements as someone else, instead I make my own achievements, following my journey. I know that I am saying these things and I understand with how you feel you could just see them as words so I think we should come up with ways to help you overcome these thoughts instead of letting them consume you, have you thought about therapy against?” He asked the question softly and you almost felt bad for how you had exploded at him last time he had, upset that you felt as if he was suggesting you were insane.
You pulled the blanket up around you further, tucking it around yourself. “I think I’m scared of therapy because I’ll have to accept things about myself and life that I’m not entirely sure I want to accept, I don’t have any other ideas about things that could help. Talking to you helps but sometimes I feel like I can’t contain all my thoughts. That’s when it becomes too much.”
He jumped up suddenly, making you shout, he shushed you with a quick kiss before murmuring “Wait here I’ll be back.” And within a second he had disappeared.
He returned a few moments later, a notebook in hand. “Yoongi Hyung and Namjoonie Hyung both suggested this a few time whenever one of us felt like things were becoming too much. Sometimes it’s easier to understand your thoughts once they aren’t all inside your head. Now I’m not saying you have to but I think it could help if you wrote down all of these thoughts, if you’d like to then whenever you finished writing for the day you could leave it on the kitchen counter and once I’m home I will read it and we can talk about whatever you have wrote. If it’s something you want to do and keep private that is also okay. I don’t want you to think this is a chore, this is a choice.”
You took the notebook from him, it wasn’t anything special. It was plain black with a soft cover but the sentiment it held was something you couldn’t explain. You were eternally grateful that you had Jimin, that you were lucky enough to have this kind soul care for you so much and help you through anything. You only hoped one day you could provide him with a fraction of the comfort he does you. Without thinking you threw the blanket from your legs, pushing yourself from the couch and into his arms.
His smell was like home, warm, soft, safe.
He laughed wrapping his arms around your waist. “I’ll take that as a yes?”
“I love you so much.” You mumbled against his chest.
“It’s not easy, I have bad days too but I promise you that you will never be alone with them. For every bad day there will be a good day.”
You spent the rest of the night discussing everything you had wanted to talk to him about whilst he had done the same, you’d showed him your assignments whilst he showed you previews for the next few concerts, you talked until the sun came up and then effectively fell asleep with your bodies entwined on the couch.
Jimin had to go back to work two days later to finalise some concert details and true to your words you left the journal on the counter, your thoughts of the last few days to weeks slowly filling up the pages.
You felt at ease that night when he slid into bed next to you, his floral shower gel causing you to push your body into his more, wanting to smell like him. “I’m so proud of you, I can’t wait to marry you.” He sighed in content, kissing your head lazily before drifting off into his own sleep as you did your own, your mind filled with nothing but hopeful thoughts of the future.
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1.) first: ygo zexal is directed (and partially written) by known misogynist shin yoshida who is on record as saying that he would Never write female characters if he wasn’t being forced to by higher-ups. kotori’s voice actor signed a legal contract forcing him to include her character in Every Single Episode. she gets no duels that aren’t tag duels (2v2 duels), one of those is interrupted in the middle and all others she both loses, aren’t even shown in full, and all happen in the same episode. she is literally contractually required to be a major character and the dude in charge still point blank refuses to do anything with her despite the fact that she’s supposed to be the female lead of the series. please take pity on her for being handed to one of the worst people in the world and how despite the active attempts by other people to make her relevant in the story she was still denied that
2.) She only dueled once in the whole show and it was when she was brainwashed. Her main role is to only cheer the male protag on and say his name during his duels I guess.
IRIS SAGAN (AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES) (CW: Inappropriate Age Gaps)
1.) Listen I'm sure other ladies have it worse but Iris… and as an extension several other girls in AITSF… she deserves so much better. First of all she's a DANCER and she's wearing HEELS AND A TINY SKIRT character designer can you please go easy on her. She's suffering. Give her shorts at least. Second of all she's 18 and she has not one but TWO adult men who want to date her and constantly make comments about it!!!
This is… emblematic of a writing problem, because they KEEP MAKING MEN WHO WANT TO DATE 18 YEAR OLDS. This is partially a character trait thing for the two men, sure, but like. The game also makes jokes about her forcing the main character Date (who is 30) on dates even though she's later revealed to (unknowingly to either of them) be his relative slash daughter figure, kind of sort of. It's complicated. And like, part of the game is recovering his lost memories from amnesia and he gets these rapid heartbeats whenever he remembers, and because his past is tied to Iris I've had to reassure people playing the game the first time that his heart is NOT rapidly beating around her because he's attracted to her. I shouldn't HAVE to do that because the game should be NORMAL about her, but. no. The writing of the game is very clear that men in their mid-20s and later are attracted to this girl, so how should we expect Date be different? Astounding how shitty the writing is regarding that, especially because one of those men (Moma) isn't even creepy until the epilogue AND THEN IN THE SEQUEL HIS ENTIRE PERSONALITY IS THAT HE WANTS TO MARRY HER. SHE'S HALF HIS AGE.
As for her writing itself… She does get a lot of focus overall in the first game (she has an entire route of the game focused on her! Yippee!) but a lot of it is based on said forcing Date to date her, and she dies at the end of her route. I actually like her route but it IS the least conclusive of the route in the first game. In the SEQUEL though oh my god. I'm still bitter that they HEAVILY advertised her as being in the game and then she was BARELY IN IT she was just there to a) have her shitty father be relevant for 0.5 seconds and b) have men creep on her. Okay maybe that's an exaggeration but ONE OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS IS SOMEONE SHE SEES AS A SISTER. TWO OF THE OTHER MAJOR CHARACTERS ARE HER BEST FRIENDS. WHERE DID SHE GO. They barely show her with her friends too like her friends are hanging out ALSO with shitty adult men with romantic interest in them (see. writing problem.) BUT LIKE I'M SO PISSED OFF FOR IRIS ESPECIALLY BECAUSE I LOVE HER. The first game literally has her have delusions about a secret society Naix hunting her down. The second game has The Real Naix be a major organization and antagonistic force. It just feels wrong to not have her… be important… at all… when she's the only reason Naix was mentioned in the first game at all…….
2.) (AITSF Spoilers) The male characters often make unnecessary and uncomfortable sexual remarks towards Iris, especially with her status as an 18-year-old internet idol. These men include her close friend (24), an ally yakuza boss (48), and the protagonist (42), who is later revealed to have been her surrogate father figure.
There are also smaller but baffling choices around her writing, such as her framing tagging along with the protagonist as a date, and her route centering conspiracy theories in contrast to the relatively grounded and emotional stories of the other characters. (The latter part is contextualized in-game but is still a jarring tonal shift for the first-time player).
3.) Iris, like almost all returning characters from AITSF, is a victim of the sequel - The Nirvana Initiative - being afraid of spoiling the first game and letting the characters keep their development from the first game and grow past that. It just so happens that the hit Iris' character takes makes elements of misogyny from the first game all the worse. So, Iris in the first game at first glance can be dismissed as a dumb internet idol. This is particularly reinforced by her belief in outlandish conspiracy theories. However, the game gives her depth by revealing that she has a brain tumor (which has caused delusions) and knows that her time is limited as well as delving into her backstory and the impact it has had on her. She gets the tumor healed at the end of the first game, there's a 6-year time skip in the second, and she… acts the complete same and has basically the same beliefs. And she has so few scenes that she really is reduced to a shallow, vapid character. I'm not even sure she had a chance to react to her father figure 'dying.' The first game had an issue with male characters being creepily into Iris the idol. Ota, who is 24, endears himself to the 18-year-old Iris by making sock puppet social media accounts that insult her only for him to swoop in with his main account and defend her. The main character does not think that it is important to tell her about this breach in trust. Moma, who is 48 years old, is also a big fan of hers. While it's mostly (mostly) an endearing character trait in the first game, in Nirvana Initiative, Moma has mainly been reduced to his interest in Iris (who he refers to once as his "future wife"). His only plot significant contribution is made by using a voice changer to sound like her. The implications of his original plan for that voice changer skeeves me out. The other characters, by the way, are pretty ambivalent about this.
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decepti-geek · 6 months
okay listen Aziraphale has basically NOTHING in common with Elle Woods aesthetically but besides that minor detail a Legally Blonde (specifically: The Musical au) would be PERFECT for Good Omens/Ineffable Husbands????
And I wanna make a distinction right off the bat - if we went by the movie, Crowley would proooobably be the only one who really fits Elle because she's the only one with a real fish out of water narrative. HOWEVER. Musical!Elle is more overtly like... fish out of water but still with some safety nets (ha) to fall back on, which are highlighted within the story. And meanwhile Emmett gets his own fish out of water story with the specific focus on his comparatively underprivileged background, and when you put those two together, Crowley feels a lot more Emmett to me.
Like, Aziraphale has the two key Elle qualities of a) lots of shit going unexamined because he's never truly lacked power/privilege before, and b) belligerent determination to do the right thing even when people are telling him it will cause him personal detriment. Crowley's whole dynamic with Aziraphale in the Job and Resurrectionist minisodes is basically just Emmett in Chip On My Shoulder if you swap 'navigating the heaven/hell dichotomy' with 'navigating law school.' GABRIEL IS A DEAD RINGER FOR WARNER. THE METATRON WOULD BE CALLAHAN. Serious and Blood In The Water fit them both so well post-s2 I'm just [clutches face] (the reprise for Serious is probably even more fitting for Gabriel than the initial version tbh).
Also, What You Want is just concentrated Aziraphale energy imo - "So! I will get into Harvard, impress Gabriel, win him back, and then marry him! Wait, you really think I need more of a plan than that? Can't I just... charge ahead and do it anyway?" In some ways I think I like this AU because it's effectively Aziraphale walking up to Crowley and going 'god says it's MY turn to be the absolute hot mess'
Beelzebub can a) be Vivian and b) stay together with Gabriel at the end, as a treat for Gabriel (Gabriel still drops out to become a model). This is partly because I find the idea of Beelzebub becoming Aziraphale's personal cheerleader towards the end fuckin delightful. The Brooke thing feels like it would take some finagling but I am confident it can be wrangled into a good shape with the right choice of characters (Harriet Dowling is legitimately a frontrunner right now but I think that could very easily change).
I can think of multiple directions in which to approach the Paulette and Kyle subplot, and honestly multiple couples who would fit if you changed up the surrounding circumstances a bit? I like the idea of Nina and Maggie in a very drifted version, maybe where they both still own their canon businesses, because then TECHNICALLY Nina as the one with the horrible ex would be Paulette, and it would be fun to switch around who is hopelessly pining after who!!
I am also playing around with Delta Nu roles BUT I know in my soul that Muriel is Margot if only because then they get her line like "Keep it positiiiiiive~ As you slap [them] to the floor! :D" Please take a moment to imagine Muriel singing that in full earnestness, it's a delight.
(And having decided this I kind of want the frat boys from the bit in What You Want to just be like... multiple Erics).
These are the edges of the idea, where stitching it together into something coherent starts to get a bit shaky, but at its core is Ineffable Husbands content along such lines as!
Crowley getting Emmett's little moment of delight at the end of Chip On My Shoulder when Aziraphale makes his first successful argument in class! ('Fell' rhymes with 'Elle' we can get some scansion going here with 'little Miss Woods comma Elle' I know it)
For that matter, the "Where are your law books?" bit in Chip On My Shoulder would be extremely funny if Aziraphale's dorm room is just the bookshop in miniature, and then still under all of that the textbooks are plastic wrapped and completely buried and unread becase they simply do not interest him the way an antique bible does.
Aziraphale in the playboy bunny costume and Crowley doing the "What's up?" [excruciating pause] "... Doc?"
The proposal right at the end where Crowley gets the repeated little 'oh my god's!
So many things about Take It Like A Man!
"Swallow your pride for me, just nod yes" is just such an Aziraphale @ Crowley line, generally.
THE CHORUS "Here you'll become what you're supposed to be/You think you can't but you can/Think of the guy you want most to be/Here's your chance to make it..." I will FIGHT people on how much this fits, Aziraphale has always wanted Crowley to have a place where he can inhabit the wants-to-do-good parts of his personality without fear or punishment, which Crowley is convinced he cannot have. This is the same idea!! (And in this AU, a more seamless role in the establishment is... legitimately the best that Aziraphale has the power to offer Crowley, tbh).
"Why can I never say no to her?" is basically just Crowley's canon inner monologue, c'mon.
"That's the best part/The outside is new/But now it reflects what's already in you/Couldn't change that if I wanted to" Again, I am prepared to Fight about this being a brilliant fit.
And then finally with this song, "Don't watch me change!" would have added embarrassed Crowley Noises which is wonderful to think about.
AND!!! The part of this whole stupid concept that so deeply compels me!!!!!
The duet part of the title song from either side of the door!!
"What about love/I never mentioned love/The timing's bad I know/But perhaps if I'd made it more clear/That you belong right here/You wouldn't have to go/Cause you'd know that I'm so much in love"-
"We both know you're worth so much more"
"If you can hear, can I just say/How much I want you to stay"|"It's not up to me..."
[in chorus] "You are the best thing about this place-"
I am going to be thinking about this last one for days.
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Two-Face ought to be a top Batman sexyman!
Of the candidates left in @batman-heritageposts' Batman Sexyman tournament, in my mind Two-Face is the best suited to be considered the best Batman sexyman, even though unlike Scarecrow, he does not even have an actual entry on Sexypedia! To prove my point, I have gone onto Sexypedia's trope list and taken the liberty of actually compiling a list of all the sexyman tropes that I believe can definitively apply to him. So for your viewing pleasure, the list:
Angst Tragic backstory. Lamenting the life he's lost as well as his own present existence. Two-Face is FULL of all kinds of angst! And given that he used to be besties with Bruce, he even makes Batman angst too!
Chaoslord Comes with the territory of his gimmicks. He is often noted as being Batman's most unpredictable villain because he lets a coin make all of the decisions for him! Even he can't predict what he's going to do next! Chaos vs order is a persistent theme with him.
Criminal Obviously.
Dealmaker More in a gambling way than in a supernatural 'deal with the devil' way. But he often makes promises and deals and will keep to them so long as the coin flips the right way. Also he used to be a lawyer. Kinda comes with the territory.
DILF He may not be a canonical parent right now, but boy does he have the vibes for it!
Distinctive Voice (Two-Face) While Harvey tends to talk in a pretty normal voice, Two-Face often talks in a growl. Depends on the iteration though.
Divorced We know for a fact that Harvey was married... And while in current canon his wife is supposed to be dead, in many canons it's often unclear whether she's dead, they split up for whatever reason through whatever methods, or whether they're still together. Because you know. Continuity! In any case, him being divorced from Gilda isn't an unpopular theory. A valid one, certainly given how he's caught up in a cycle of being at Arkham and on the streets as a criminal.
Dominating (Two-Face) Usually Two-Face, not Harvey so much, and through sheer force of personality. Big step on me vibes here!
Duality The basis of his entire character and gimmick!
Egotistical (Two-Face) Harvey tends to be a pretty humble guy. He certainly has a lot to brag about, being a legitimate legal genius and all, but he tends to keep it on the down-low. Two-Face on the other hand? He ABSOLUTELY thinks that he's hot shit and will brag about it, and will shoot at anyone who doesn't want to listen or disagrees with him!
Eye Imagery His whole asymmetrical deal leads to him having very... Interesting eyes... In many iterations he doesn't have an eyelid on the scarred side, making that eye look bulbous in comparison. Also the whole getting half of his face melted off thing led to his eye color changing in many iterations. So as a minimum, he's usually portrayed as having some form of heterochromia.
Gay/Questionable LGBT Rep The fact that this man who is Bi everything NOT being confirmed as interested in men should be considered a CRIME! Let Harvey make out with Bruce already!
Hot-headed (Two-Face) Harvey can usually keep his cool, but Two-Face is noted for being very hot-headed. When Harvey loses his temper, that's usually when Two-Face ends up fronting.
Intelligence (mostly Harvey) While Two-Face is certainly no idiot, Harvey is likely the smarter one by sheer virtue of he's an actual genius when it comes to matters involving the law. Law genius also translates pretty well to criminal genius, turns out. There was a reason that Harvey was District Attorney. He was just the best damn lawyer in all of Gotham and for good reason!
Knifemurderer Yep! Two-Face sure has murdered a whole lot of people! Two-Face is probably most well-known for deciding whether to kill people or not based off of a coin flip.
Magnificent Bastard In many iterations, fits this trope to a T.
Power of Love In his third ever appearance, he decided to stop being a criminal because Gilda still loved him despite his appearance. Since then, this is a theme that continues to pop up now and again with his character- that so long as people love Harvey, he can be saved.
Questionable Neurodivergent Rep Is explicitly shown to be plural and having OCD. The representation is often... Not so great... Though it does seem to be a thing that many writers are trying to improve on.
Scars Literally half of his entire face, and oftenhis body will be scarred up too! It's where he gets his moniker of "Two-Face" and is therefore deeply tied to his character and gimmicks.
Tall Usually.
Twisted Freaking Cycle Path Yep! Usually with DID.
Unkempt (Two-Face) Harvey usually keeps pretty tidy, but sometimes Two-Face will be unkempt on his side of the body.
Villain Obviously.
Morally Grey Obviously, again. Also this is like his entire deal!
Well-Dressed/Suitguy He's practically THE suitguy of the Batman rogues gallery! With snazzy two-tones suits that are split down the middle too! Definitely among the best dressed of the rogues.
White Hair Often his disfigured side will have messy white hair, if he has hair on that side at all.
Meanwhile, how many sexyman tropes apply to Dick Grayson? I'll be honest, I know nothing about the Talon iteration of Dick Grayson and therefore more of the sexyman tropes likely apply to him than your bog standard Dick Grayson... BUT IS IT 27 TROPES!!!??? Even Scarecrow doesn't have 27 tropes attributed to him on his sexyman page! And I didn't even include the more subjective tropes the require a fair bit of popularity like Johnlocked, Controversial, or Fanon Splintering!
Do the right thing and prove that Two-Face is the best Batman sexyman!
Vote Harvey "Two-Face" Dent for Batman sexyman!
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insomniaruler · 1 year
3rd life support group
"I can't come, I have a meeting." Scott said as he took off his cape. the WRA looked at him like kicked puppies. "Guys, i'll be back later this is important to me." Scott said crossing his arms. "More important than us?" Sausage swooned. "yes this is a once a month meeting that I have to go to or they'll hunt me down." Scott said smirking with a shake of his head. "Who are you meeting with?" Pearl asked as she snooped through his chests. "theee... wood elves." Scott said after trailing off. "The wood elves?" Gem said, suspiciously. "Mhm, so shoo." Scott said waving his hand at them.
the Wither Rose Alliance stood outside of the great hall of Rivendell. "so are we going to follow him?" Fwhip said leaning against one of the pillars. "Obviously!" Sausage said. "yeah he's hiding something." Gem agreed. "hooray operation spy on Scott!" Pearl cheered.
five minutes later Scott left the Hall looking far different from the reserved king of Rivendell they knew. he was sporting a well worn fur-lined denim jacket covered in pins and a couple splats of paint. he was wearing dark brown linen pants, his ears were studded with tiny golden earrings, and his hair was pulled back in a half up half down style. his antlers were covered in poppies. and the weirdest thing was he was properly smiling. not his sarcastic smirk but a happy smile.
he walked into the woods and relaxed as he left his empire. soon they followed him to a clearing with a merrily cracking fire in the middle of it. but what really grabbed the WRA's attention were the two other men sat by the fire. Gem had to lunge at Fwhip and put a hand over his mouth before his overly loud gasp could be heard, because sitting by the fire was The Codfather without his codhead, in a much more civilian tunic and pants and The Mezealan king in a white undershirt and well loved leather vest, there was a very happy wolf at his feet accepting loving belly rubs. They both had no visible weapons
Pearl had to lunge at sausage before his gasp gave them away when Scott bent down and kissed the Codfather. "Hey Sunflower." "Ewwwwww." Joel said feigning gagging. "You are literally married." Scott said Flatly. Joel, the obvious height of maturity stuck his tongue out at the elf. "You are also 'Literally Married' " Joel said with intense air quotes. Jimmy just laughed. the WRA looked at each other in shock. had Scott double crossed them?
"not legally!" Jimmy argued with a wave of his finger. "blah blah you both know you're basically married in all eyes except the law. Grian and Scar sent you guys a wedding gift last month." Joel said. "that was your fault and you know it." Jimmy said. "listen all i asked Gem to do was to deliver a letter to Scar I didn't know he would tell Grian." Joel defended himself. the whole WRA looked at Gem who was not making eye contact.
"anything happening with you guys?" Jimmy asked, laying in the grass. "I miss my cabin." Joel said quietly. "I miss all my wolves. Shrub nearly caught me having a breakdown in her forest." Joel said shaking his head. "well you could ask her to camp in the forest?" Scott reasoned. "i think she knows i'm a king." Joel huffed. "it'd be weird if a king was camping in her forest." Joel muttered. the WRA sat dumbstruck, this was seemingly very personal information.
only the trio who were hiding in the bushes saw Joel sneaking up on Scott with a stick. and when he wacked the other over the head they expected their friend to blow up at the other king but he didn't just stare at Joel. before suddenly Scott lunged forward a stick also clutched in his hands.
they mock fought around the fire as The Codfather egged on his partner. "Get 'im Petal!" he cheered. "this is for our wall!" Scott crowed victoriously as he beat Joel over the head with the stick. "Well i'm sorry it couldn't hold up to light arson! it was just encouragement to build a stone wall!" Joel said holding up his hands against the on-slot. Scott began to chuckle darkly. and then quick as a whip threw the stick for the wolf. "Fear the cottagecore gay." Scott whispered.
"food's done!" Jimmy announced deftly moving the pieces of meat from the coals of the fire onto small wooden plates. "Thank you." Scott said leaning against the Codfolk and kissing him on the cheek. "Your welcome." the Codfather said leaning into the other's touch. "Give me the food Jimmy, i don't come here to watch you two be lovey dovey." Joel grouched. "If you want war you should come to our game nights we played Uno last time." Jimmy said with a chuckle. "Okay you were quite obviously cheating! you can't stack +2's!" Scott said pouting. "No." Jimmy said rolling his eyes. "No yes you can do that or yes no you admit to cheating?" Jimmy just blinked at Scott twice. The elf groaned and rolled his eyes.
as the sun passed noon Scott got to his feet. "See you tomorrow Sunflower." Scott said kissing the Codfather. "you got it Petal, good luck with building the village." Codfather said jumping to his feet. "Obviously." Scott said with a laugh. and with a swish Scott started walking back towards Rivendell. Joel and Jimmy began to clean up around the camp. They were talking too quiet for the WRA to hear but there were a few waving hands. "I am a king I can legally marry you two! you just need to bring paper work I can even bring rings! we have plenty of gold in the Mesa" Joel said. "alright fine- I was planning on proposing tomorrow night you can marry us at the next support group meeting if he says yes." Jimmy said blushing a furious red. "HA! Grian owes me 15 diamonds!" Joel yelled and punched Jimmy's shoulder. "yeah yeah." Jimmy rolled his eyes. eventually the two went their separate ways and their spies popped out of the bushes.
The WRA exchanged glances before breaking out into loud conversation. Sausage was the loudest out of all of them.
"Holy bleep."
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sapphire-weapon · 3 months
Hi again! I'm the RE6 anon. Thank you so much for providing such a lengthy and detailed explanation; I really appreciate it. And as expected you're totally right and you schooled me lol that's why I came to you anyway. I have to say I've had those thoughts for a while, Aeon giving married couple vibes in RE6 for a while now, partly due to popular opinion in the fandom and also because I watched Damnation before playing RE6 a few months back, so I do admit I went into the game with my Aeon glasses on lol BUT sth about it just felt wrong to me, like I wasn't analyzing this the right way, and you filled in the gaps perfectly.
Looking back at it, Damnation has this playful, intimate undercurrent between Leon and Ada, and it's all fun and games but then here comes that ending omg. It's so depressing. You have Ada being Ada on one side and Leon drowning his sorrows on the other. But instead of being like "ok this is the major conflict between them, he knows she's out there doing mercenary stuff but he doesnt seem to care but he's also tired of this life and Ada perpetuates it with her actions SO WHY ISN'T HE DOING STH ABT IT, WHEN IS HE GONNA STOP BEING SO FUCKING STUPID???", I went into RE6 focusing on the rest of their interactions, the flirting, that night, the game they always play. But like I said, it felt wrong. So I guess I should've listened to my gut.
Bc even when I was playing and trying to be all like uwu look how Leon's standing up for her, I always went back to the Damnation ending in my mind. Like nothing had changed since then. The conflict reached a boiling point, and Leon was even more fucking stupid. And there was another little voice in my head saying yeah of course he wants to save her, it's Leon, he wants to save everyone, and this is Ada of all people, he really cares about her... but where does it go from there? Does he trust her? like 100% trust her? He's doing the most for her but does he ever stop to wonder what she did to get into this mess? does he know her at all? And the answer was immediately fuck no. But I was so used to the fandom opinion and the Aeon dynamic, so used on focusing on the big shiny things when it came to them, that I thought those were the only things that mattered. I was honestly holding onto Aeon as hard as Leon was lmao. But when Ada sends him the message I was like oh ok she really doesn't give a fuck kfjdjd and I felt like a sense of closure bc Leon seems very resolute after that.
Still, I focused on him having her number, her calling him hun, him saving her, Helena implying he will see her again, big shiny things like that, so that's why I was unsure.
Those doubts wouldn't leave my mind tho, and I know nothing is accidental in writing, so that's why I thought I'd bring it up to you bc you just know your stuff.
Thank you so much, that was truly an eye opener 🧡
I think that part of the nuance that's lost is that, like.
Leon is also working for people who perpetuate the problem of bioterrorism. It's not like he's on one side of the fight and she's on the other. Morally, in his mind and his heart, Leon is on one side of the fight. But he can't act on that, because he's trapped by the government.
That was the whole point of his fight with Claire at the end of ID. She knows that Leon feels and thinks a certain way, and she knows that his actions are in direct opposition of those feelings and thoughts. That's the point of the "that suit doesn't suit you" line.
But there's nothing he can do about it. So when Helena gives him the opening to disappear with his legally dead status and run away with Ada, he declines not just because he realizes that he never knew Ada -- but also because nothing in his life would change if he did. He'd still be on "the wrong side" of things. That's another part of the reason he asks "Why are you helping us?"
So like. What we really see at the end of Damnation is Leon and Ada's reactions to fighting the same fight. Ada's thriving and happy to live a life on silk sheets stuffed with money. Leon can't cope with what he's doing, morally. Ada has a choice. Leon doesn't. And so, at the end of RE6, when he's given a choice, he makes sure he makes the one that actually does some good. He can still save Helena if he stays, but running off with Ada would just keep him trapped in place while stripping him of what little power he does have.
And then he won't be able to save anybody.
But when people lose sight of the broader picture of Leon's character because they're so laser-focused on Ada, they miss all of this.
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rei64bit · 1 year
Heimdall x Reader ⎯⎯  From Dusk till Dawn [Chapter 4]
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Night 4  (Heimdall X  F!Reader)  
✎  Summary: Fanfic of reader married to Heimdall cause Odin wanting a grankid.
✎ Word count: 1.9k
✎  Title:  From Dusk till Dawn
✎  Chapter: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] ... more  // trying to publish as much as possible.
✎  Note: Im not really a writer, its the first time I want to write something on a character I like alot.
Last night was weird, Heimdall did actually come up to wall saved you from your painful death, and even brings you back to his room. He can just pretend didn’t see you and let you fall to your death, but he didn’t. His duty to keep you alive perhaps or he don’t want to disappoint the All-father you not really sure. Sitting on the chair you continue to write notes for your work to remind yourself what need to do be done tomorrow by priority. You are almost going to sleep soon as you been very busy the whole day working on the task assigned from All-father, collecting some items that All-father claimed he need for his study, ingredients such as the white lily at the Ida filed, dark dry wood that normally use by witch for spell preparation, dry newt eye and more stuff that you don’t even know what they are. Normally All-father have his own servant to do the work but he asked you to do it this time, you can’t really say it’s a punishment as its simply just work, there is no pain but just sweat. “This is a long day..” Sighed you continue scribble down whatever you need for tomorrow. You started to hear the footsteps getting close, it could be the others who were staying in the same floor or Heimdall coming back. The footsteps are getting louder and you can hear the sound pattern of the footsteps..and you know. “He is back..” The door opened not so gently, you noticed Heimdall already looking at you, its like he already know where you are even before he open the door.
“Hello, Wife.” Heimdall walked in and smirked at you. “Perhaps you just call me y/n.., wife sounds weird” You trying to focus on your notebook. “weird? Why, aren’t you my wife? Legally and rightfully? Hm?” Heimdall said while putting Hofuo on the table now with both hands press on the table, till his head and look into your eye like he is trying to read you like a dictionary. The way he talk sometime you don’t understand whether he meant what he said or he just been sarcastic, refuse to maintain eye contact with him you fall back to keep writing your note. He just chuckled a little and continue to remove the gjallarhorn to put on the table. “I hope you remember what I said yesterday night” Heimdall sighed and said. “that I’m a crazy women and if I wanna die I should do it outside of this realm?”’ Maybe you trying to be sassy since he always says such thing in sarcastic way to you. “Well that part too, what I mean is trying to get along” Heimdall drag the chair out enough to sit on it, he is sitting in front of you, and you can feel his eyes didn’t leave you yet. “Don’t you know its impolite to not look at the person who speak to you” grinned he said with both hand on the table holding together. “..” Now you look at him with slightly unimpressed expression, you didn’t say anything back. It’s pointless to argue or keep fighting with him anyway. “Yes I agree on that too” Heimdall said. “…” Still like to read people as usual nothing new.
“Look, we can try to be nice to each other a little and not getting each other in trouble. This is not too much, and as a wife you will need to be obedient to your husband which is ME, if you misbehave-. ” Before he can finish he already move his hand ready to catch the pencil that you throw at him. “Be nice? You are the one who treats me badly! Have you seen other threaten their wife with sword on their throat?” You throw your notebook at him too which he catch with no issue. “You really can’t just calm down and listen, do you?” Heimdall said and dropping your note on the table, hand still holding the pencil. Stand up and walk slowly next to you. You tense up as you don’t know what he going to do next, maybe stab you with your pencil and this possibilities make you nervous. Heimdall squats down in front of you and is still tall enough to look at you on the same eye level. He might seem short, but when he gets close, he is actually taller than you so much it makes you feel so vulnerable. His hand on your chin makes you focus on him, especially his bifrost eyes.
“This is the last time im going to say it, so you better listen. I can get impatient and ruthless sometime.” Raising his brows and smiling again. “If you misbehave, I will give you punishment as my creativity will never end and I will make sure you remember what you did wrong so never do it again. You understand?”  Heimdall now moving his one hand to cup your face waiting your response. How can you say you agree and will obey him, the hel?! You are not a pet, what is wrong with him. “I’m not gulltoppr, nor that I’m your pet” You pierced at him. “That’s not my point. Plus I cant fuck an animal. That disgusting.” Shit, having kid is the main reason of this marriage and know you remember. “Good you still remember” Heimdall standing up and sigh “But I’m not going to force you, not when we are like this” Heimdall open wide both his hand signify things that happened between you two. “But there is one thing I must do” Heimdall now sit on the bed side, with a small container retrieve from his pocket, look like something usually used to contain some gel kind of stuff. He open the lid and it’s a white color gel like stuff. Heimdall patting the empty space next to him signaling you to come and sit. Not sure what Heimdall is planning to do, you hesitated and start to feel nervous, you have a bad feeling about this for some reason. Both your hand holding on the chair trying to make you look strong and stopping your hand from trembling, you started feel the awful feeling like you going to throw up. “Don’t make me repeat twice.” Eyes squinted, now his index finger is tapping on the bed as the final try to ask you come sit next to him.  “..” You are halfway giving in, there is nothing you can do except stay on top of the wall, Heimdall also capable to brings you back whenever he want--. “Tsk. How long you need to just move your feets” Heimdall swiftly jerked from his seat to you and just grab your waist, lifting your whole weight, move you to the bed and turned your back to face him. “Hey!” Trying to grab his hand that still on your waist to force him release you. You feel him pulling down your dress collar on your back, showing your bare skin around your nape and back. “Heimdall!” This is the first time you call out his name in such manner, getting frustrated your hand trying to reach his face, but before you can do anything Heimdall pull you closer and stick to his chest. “I will need you to remain silent just for a little bit so please just don’t move.” Heimdall whisper next to your ear. You can hear his breathing slightly itching your ear. For some reason you comply and not moving a muscle.
“ᛏᛦᛏᛅᛁᛘᛏᛅᛦᚼᛅᛏᛚᛦᚼᛅᛁᛏᛅᛚ” You can hear him softly chanting some kind of spell but you don’t understand meaning, and then you feel the icy feeling from the gel he put on his finger and his breath as he is writing something in slow motion on your nape.  You hitched due to the sensation, Heimdall tightened his hand on your waist as he want you to stay absolutely still while he is concentrating. “ᚼᛅᛁᛘᛏᛅᛚᛦ” Heimdall continues to write on your nape and slowly down you back. You can smell it, the gel, it smells like honey mix with something you cant tell and a hint of white lily flower. Almost one minute has passed. “ha.. that’s should do the work.” Heimdall said still looking at his work, Heimdall still holding you in the same posture but now he lean on you with his head right next to yours.  “This is to make sure you would not run off again or do anything ruthless, a spell that I come up especially just for you.” Heimdall hugged you from back. “Anddd for the awful behavior and things you had done last few weeks, avoiding me and causing me to lecture by the All-father for what you did” Heimdall sink in his golden teeth on to your shoulder so fast you didn’t even understand what just happened. “Ah!!” You pull his hair trying to get him off you, but he is way stronger than you, you can’t even move his hand. Heimdall looks at the bite mark hard enough to mark on you but not make you bleed, satisfied. “Hey, don’t you think it’s only fair? After all these weeks of letting you get loose, running around Asgard and getting drunk with bunch of men.” Weird enough you listen to him instead of beating him now, perhaps you are very tired from works. “Just let go of me, I’m very tired.” “Yeah I know, probably it was also from the spell I just casted on you make you feel very sleepy too. A side effect that might happen sometime.” You can’t stand getting humiliated like this, casting a spell on you to make sure you are obedient to him, is he going to control your life now? “Well, I won’t do anything to you unless you really pissed me off, so no worries, you still the same and do what you want as long as you stay within the boundary” to hel the boundary, you wanting to say something back to him but your eyelid is getting heavier and you started to lean on Heimdall who still sit behind you and he let you fall on him. “Shh..It’s okay, just sleep for now, Wife.” His hand catching few strands of your hair and put after your ear. “Things will be better.” He grinned while looking at your face.
What Heimdall cast on you is actually a spell he got from Sif, Thor’s wife. She is the goddess of wheat, earth, harvest and family. With some help Heimdall tunes the spell a little to make sure it will bind you to him which in term mean when Heimdall is displease of what you doing, he can expressing it through the connection established from the spell and make you feel the same. It will cool you down and make you listen to him and oh, he did mix a little of love spell in it, nothing much just when he feels the “need” you will feel the same and only toward him and he you, after all, having kid is the main reason you both in this boat. He wouldn’t need to do this if you behave but its good to have a safety net. Besides, he is not going to force you to do things you don’t want to unless you get on his nerve. Like you, Heimdall also tired from the work he had today also decided to just call it a day and sleep. Normally he will read for a while before bedtime, but he is too tired to do so. Wearing on pant Heimdall laying next to you, his eye moving from your face slowly down your body. Trying to clear his mind, he close his eyes and steady his breathing pace. The room is dark and quiet now, the only thing can be hear is the black thunder from far away.
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denimbex1986 · 1 month
'Based on the novel Strangers by Taichi Yamada but given a new title, there is something universal about All of Us Strangers. It looks at loneliness and longing, and how fantasy can reconcile the problems of our past, while love and real connection with others can free us from our isolation. But as this unbearably moving film shows, this freedom can be fleeting.
Andrew Scott plays Adam, a screenwriter living alone in a near-empty apartment block outside central London. The film opens with his face glowing orange, reflected on the distant blue city skyline, while an orange light on the horizon absorbs and dazzles the entire frame as the title appears. There is a part of him that is lost, impossibly distant, but in this film we see him search for this lost self in his fantasies and become dazzled by them.
Adam has felt lonely his whole life, with only faraway dreams of connection. Even when he goes out we barely see anyone around him. His friends have moved out of the city to have a place with “a garden for their kids”, something he feels no connection with. Growing up gay in the 1980s, he was bullied and taught to be ashamed of himself, and marriage wasn’t legally possible for most of his life.
Even though he thinks things have gotten better, he says it “doesn’t take much to make you feel the way you felt,” because homophobia continues to shape his life. Andrew Scott is brilliant and understated as someone who has learned to hide his self-expression and live without believing that the life he wants is possible. He is quiet, hesitant and unsure in expressing his needs. He lives in the past, sifting through old family photos and listening to music from his childhood. Throughout the film he visits his childhood home and speaks to the spirits of his dead parents. He does this while dressed in his childhood clothes even as his parents speak to him as an adult.
These fantasies teach us who Adam is. He retreats to the comfort of the time when his parents were alive, but even his fantasy version of the past is filled with discomfort. He comes out to them both as gay (“as in homosexual?”) and has to fight against the stereotypes his parents have been taught in their upbringing, assuring them that things are better now. But the ‘lonely gay man’ stereotype is one he can’t escape because of how oppression of queer people has decided his life for him. In these fantasies, his parents accept him. They apologise for not understanding him and not giving him the help they didn’t know he needed, and he has the freedom to tell them the things he couldn’t articulate as a child while fixing his relationship with them.
Generational changes around attitudes to queer life are expressed through the terms people use. Adam uses the term ‘gay’, his mother uses ‘homosexual’ and ‘queer’ is used by Adam’s lover Harry, played by Paul Mescal. Harry is the only other person Adam sees living in his apartment complex. He is more forthright and open about his sexuality than Adam. There is a generational difference here (Adam associates ‘queer’ with its use as an insult and ‘gay’ is the term he uses more comfortably, while for Harry it seems to be the other way around), but none of this stops their connection. Harry’s parents have hesitatingly accepted him, but like Adam he is alone, and while Harry’s siblings are married with kids he feels like someone on the edge of the family.
When Adam asks Harry why he thinks that’s okay, Harry says “Because I don’t go home much.” Modern capitalist life has worn down communal bonds and individualised social relations, offering romantic love and the model of the nuclear family as the incomplete replacement for this deeply alienating condition. But not everyone has a family, not all families are places of comfort and connection and, especially for queer people such as Harry and Adam, the oppression that comes with this system makes even meaningful relationships extremely precarious.
In spite of all of this, human bonds persevere. Adam and Harry, through love, build each other back up. They talk about gay life with a frankness rarely seen in films, and Adam comes to terms with his past. In one scene, Harry comforts Adam after hearing about his parents’ death. Adam shyly sidesteps saying it “happened a long time ago.” Harry says that it doesn’t matter. They help each other see the barriers they’ve built up, but when they’re together these barriers melt away. Sadness pervades the film, made worse by the promise of relief not being fully met, but there is joy and love too, and the tension between moments of hope and despair are incredibly powerful to watch.
Inside this tragic story of modern queer life, there is a dream of a world with true community and reconciliation with our loved ones, where we understand ourselves through knowing one another. As the final shot of the film shows, all of us are strangers, forced apart but ultimately pulled together by our need for connection. But we may not be strangers forever.'
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odinsblog · 1 month
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I’m sorry, but the fact that the U.S. government is treating Android users like they’re being discriminated against bECAUSE OF A GREEN FUCKING BUBBLE is objectively one of thee stupidest things and most colossal wastes of government regulatory authority I’ve seen in a good fucking minute
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We can and should have meaningful discussions about Apple and whether or not it’s a monopoly (it’s not), or a monopsony (possibly), and yes, there is a discussion to be had on the accessibility and the predatory practices of the entire industry—not just Apple—but the fact that the whole “green bubble discrimination” framing even made it into the lawsuit is somewhere between funny and absolutely bizarro
I am convinced that that specific part of the lawsuit is something that Android loving tech bros (Linus Sebastian, Nilay Patel, Elon Musk, etc. etc. etc.) kinda talked up into being a serious thing ™
Listen, my father’s parents had 7 boys and 7 girls, and my mother’s parents also had 7 boys and 7 girls (yes they got married and had children; no, they didn’t all marry each other) — so my point is, I have a shit ton of aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. We could probably start our own political party. We’re spread out all around the country, and we talk + text + FaceTime with each other ALL the fucking time. Literally never has anyone complained about being a fucking green bubble, and yes, many of my extended family are Android users and so are some of my siblings. It’s a non-fucking issue, a manufactured controversy
If we ever have problems with interoperability (rare) then someone just switches phones (because many people have both Apple and android devices), or we text, or we just talk (not every convo requires FaceTime or pictures), or everyone just switches over to Zoom. JFC, before Zoom, we all connected on something called ooVoo and stayed on that for hours the night that Obama was elected for the first time. This is not difficult people
Use whatever phone you prefer, honestly Idgaf
But I’m actually getting kinda mad the more I think about that foolishness being one of the things that the Department of Justice is wasting time arguing about
“The stigma and social costs of not having an iPhone”?
*blinks in Black Lives Matter*
There are multiple genocides happening around the world, American owned businesses are data mining and vacuuming up every scrap of our personal data, Black people + women + refugees + trans people are being, REALLY being discriminated against, and the Apple lawsuit has the audacity to use language that implies harmful social discrimination is happening? Because “poor” old android???
What’s next, will android users become a legally protected class?
Please be serious for 2 seconds
It’s a fucking insult to people who are REALLY experiencing true discrimination based on personal characteristics that we cannot change
This reeks of white people bullshit
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