#it’s incredibly exhausting being a fan of color
theworthwhilefight · 1 year
taylor swift’s specific brand of feminism is one where she has always been the last person to speak out about human rights and then only does it when it serves her and does the absolute bare minimum. her brand of feminism is calling out the government or stupid fucking confederate statues instead of real, pressing issues. and she came out with that stupid miss americana documentary which i watched once and literally never again in order to paint herself as some progressive white woman champion lmfao. and i’m not here to villainize her because clearly i’ve been a huge fan of hers for the better half of my life and i do agree that she has been a victim of a lot of unnecessary sexist hate and i wouldn’t wish 2016 on anyone but that’s quite literally the extent of her victimhood. everything she has ever endured has been solely to the extent of what a White Woman can endure. taylor swift’s whiteness allows her to selectively choose when she wants to apply her activism (aka defending herself regarding a stupid joke in ginny & georgia) and it allows her to be protected against further hatred that woc and celebrities of color constantly feel and it allows her to date this vile man without feeling any of his hatred directed towards her. she CHOSE to call herself miss americana and act like she’s been on a long journey to becoming an activist lmfao yet does nothing to prove it. and it’s exhausting as a poc to continuously beg her to speak up about shit and then have her go around and not just date him but allow him to play on her stage and continuously be seen being friends and holding hands and kissing him. and she’s not just silly celebrity making a dumb choice, she is quite literally the most famous pop star right now and the people she surrounds herself with MATTER. her associating with people like this only further validates their beliefs and hatred. and i don’t wanna hear a single mf talk abt “letting her be happy” or “staying out of her personal business” bc y’all loved dragging joe once they broke up and y’all love dragging jake and y’all love dragging john so why don’t people actually invest their energy into shaming someone who has an entire history of problematic things he’s happily admitted to doing and start standing up for people who deserve to be stood up for (aka the marginalized groups and individuals he continues to attack and NOT the white woman who supports his actions).
i love taylor swift but let’s not pretend that she’s some white woman champion of progressive rights when at most she’s only spoken up and said the most vanilla shit only when it has convenienced her. as fans, we have the right to be angry about her recent recurring associations with him not just as her boyfriend but as someone who she has allowed on her stage (with phoebe) and call her out on her associating with extremely problematic behavior. this isn’t a post saying we should cancel her or that she’s racist herself or anything, but it’s a reminder that she has always been very much of a white feminist and she needs to see how her actions and associations affect her fans and promote harm.
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doobea · 4 months
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synopsis: After his brother takes a nasty fall and calls out before the new season starts, Rin has to step up as your new figure skating partner.
contents: an ice skating au fic (very much yuri on ice inspired), fem!reader, ice skating terms and irl figures thrown around, inaccurate depictions of figure skating, sfw, rin being awkward, sae is a decent brother in here, characters are in their early-mid 20s, talks about ISU grand prix, mentions of mental health (depression, anxiety, burn out, imposter syndrome), heavy narration, rin centric word count: 5.1K a/n: life has been super busy and hectic recently :( kisses to @popponn for beta reading my works as always <3 im forever grateful for you :) more notes towards the end of the fic <3
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“What should we wear?” You’re pacing across the living room, hand tucked under your chin and brows furrowed. 
Sae’s leaning to the side on the couch, trying to get a decent view of yesterday’s playback practice run on the rink every time you cross his line of vision. Rin’s also trying to pay attention to the jumps and step sequences too but, whenever his parts are about to come up, you seem to pause in front of the TV.
“I dunno, ask Rin,” Sae shrugs and turns up the volume, hoping that you would catch the hint. 
It doesn’t matter though, because you’re shuffling in place and now your attention is honed on your phone, scrolling rapidly through what Rin can only assume are images of various costume designs. He’s seen a few of your professional photos from the previous years during his recent down time, a lot of the designs highlighted your feminine side with bright colors and pastels. It suits you, no surprise there, considering your outgoing personality. Rin, on the other hand, likes to keep it moody and, as his fans would like to call it, “Dark Paradise” core — whatever that means.
Well, it wouldn’t really matter if you did happen to ask for his opinion because, recently, Rin didn’t give two shits about what he wears. If anyone were to peek into his closet, which they would definitely need to fight through him first, they would discover an array of all different shades of black and blue in their deepest forms. Oh, and all he owns is athleisure attire, too. Rin doesn’t bother with all things fancy and tailored ever since going on break, though he has a creeping feeling that he might have to go back to it soon.
“As long as it’s not flashy, I’m fine with whatever.” Rin answers finally, and closes his eyes as he says it, realizing that he’ll either look incredibly out of place with whatever costume idea you’ll have in mind. He can’t quite place why he feels so stressed about it. 
“Whatever?” You chirp back with a slight tilt. Rin can almost see the gears turning desperately in your head as your foot taps away in deep thought. “Have we even decided on a theme yet?”
“Considering we literally just started practicing? No.” Rin huffs out. He tips his head, letting his cheek settle comfortably against his palm. 
Safe to say, his thighs and feet hurt like hell, laced with heavy exhaustion from yesterday’s session. He probably needs more sleep in more but, with both you and Sae knocking on his bedroom door this morning, he firmly decided in his mind to sneak away after today’s practice to catch up on some hours.
“Your jumps are sloppy,” Sae points out casually. 
Rin rolls his eyes. “Thanks for the tip.”
“Anytime,” his brother shoots back before replaying the same damn sequence where Rin nearly loses his footing. The video is now playing in slow motion and zoomed in, painfully reminding Rin that he needs to upgrade his skincare routine. Somehow, he’s glad that you’re still covering half of the TV screen, unaware of the near wipe out scene from behind. 
A few seconds later and Sae speaks again. “You look stiff here, bend your knees and loosen your arms.” 
Rin sighs. “ ‘Kay…” 
“We’re still going for ‘love’, right? Or are we not doing that?” Your arms are crossed, fingers drumming away, still deep in thought and tuned out from their own conversation. “What songs do you wanna skate to?” 
Before Rin could even provide a half-assed answer to that, Sae interrupts his thoughts with, “Please try and at least look like you’re having fun.”
“…noted,” Rin decides with a sigh. “I’m going back to bed when this is over.” Screw napping after practice, he barely got a full eight hours last night and being berated so bright and early in the morning killed any sort of energy he had prior.
“Nope,” Sae pauses halfway through the video, turning to face him with a stern look. “You’re not going back to bed, because then you won’t wake up in time for practice. Sleeping in will only ruin your current sleep schedule, too.”
Rin wants to retort that he’s not a fucking child anymore, that he doesn’t need Sae to be looking after him. However, there’s the fact that his brother is sorta his manager now and in charge of quite literally everything of Rin's career. Also, it’s kinda hard to come up with a solid comeback when they’re reviewing his rusty movements, lackluster jumps, and every thirty seconds he’s taking a small break to catch his damn breath. 
You eventually plop down in the middle of the couch, between both brothers, when you realize that your question isn’t going to be answered simply. After Sae finally gets the chance to thoroughly watch a good chunk of yesterday’s practice sequence, you switch topics. “Just so you know, Rin, have you seen your comment section lately?”
Sae shuffles in his seat and suddenly Rin feels the air in the room thickening. Rin fiddles with his phone in hand, knowing full well that he did post a ‘comeback’ announcement only to then quickly turn his app notifications off, because… of his feelings of self cautiousness? Would that be the right term he’s looking for?
“What did he do?” Sae’s asking you because he knows damn well Rin wouldn’t give him the full details and you’re just so damn open about everything so Rin can’t possibly hide from this one.
But, instead of answering Sae, you cough, loud and awkward, before shooting Rin an apologetic look. “Um, nothing…?”
Alright, well Rin takes it that you’re a god awful liar. 
Sae’s now staring directly in Rin’s direction and he’s trying so hard to avoid eye contact right now by pretending that their family portrait wall is the most interesting thing in the room. Of course, that doesn’t work because he can hear Sae tapping away freely on his phone and—
“Did you fucking block me on Instagram?”
Okay, yeah, Rin totally forgot about that, too. To be fair, when someone is going through a depressive episode for over a year, the last thing anyone would want to see on their feed is the success of their older sibling.  
And, turns out, he’s also an awful liar. 
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Sae is not happy. He is very, very unhappy. 
He’s not usually the emotionally expressive type to most people, so that usually leaves Rin the luxury of experiencing the back end when his brother does decide to let his walls down. And, well, in the past, when he did get pissed off, Sae would normally vent about his coaches and stalkerish fans with a bit of sass to it, but today? 
He’s currently grumbling and groaning and Rin’s pretty sure his shirt is on backwards, and bless your soul, but also fuck you, for dragging him into this mess. 
After a very short Google Search of what Rin has done, followed by an equally as short lecture on how to be professional on the internet, Rin is grimley reminded by the large number of likes and retweets on Twitter that his announcement might’ve not been the best thing he’s ever posted. He really can’t understand why though, because Rin was deadset sure he was going to lose his career nearly three years ago when he got into a fight with another skater, so why is he getting canceled for announcing something… tamed? Well, he also hasn’t exactly opened his social media apps since then. A strange gnawing feeling comes up whenever he fights off the urge to check.
“You should’ve held off or at least came to me before posting something like this.”
It’s a miracle that there’s nobody else but you three at the local rink right now. It’s been nearly an hour since arrival and Rin has gotten nothing but an earful from Sae. If any family were to walk in, they’d probably immediately walk out by the sheer amount of heavy tension steaming off on the ice. 
You’re stuck in your own little corner doing all sorts of warm up jumps and stretching, glancing over every now and then at Rin as your way of saying ‘sorry’ and ‘are you doing, okay’. To which, Rin would glance back with a very stiff shrug. 
“What difference would it make?” Rin’s cheeks are a little flushed and there’s a slight hitch to his breath, he had just completed a couple of routine jumps Sae instructed him to do.
“Plenty,” then Sae flashes Rin a quick glimpse of his phone screen. 
An array of outrageous news articles and forums come through, many of them pointing out the strange timing and the internal turmoil of sibling rivalry. There’s a couple of them mentioning drugs, two threads from some third-party news site throwing your name to the mud, and then a short Buzzfeed article listing a slideshow of other skaters congratulating Rin for rejoining the sport again. 
“People are speculating that you’re only stepping in because I’m down for this season. If you would’ve just waited until everything was put together then everything would’ve been different.” 
Rin blinks a little, surprised by the flush coloring his brother's cheeks that’s most certainly not from the cold rink. 
Although, in a way it did make sense. If there’s one thing that famous athletes do know about the media is the fact that news outlets love fabricating drama out of nothing. Sae’s a well known gold medalist, no matter what division that medal came from, so his name came out of people’s mouth as frequently as compared to Yuzuru Hanyu or even Yuuri Katsuki, whenever figure skating was mentioned. It made sense for others to grow suspicious when Rin randomly posted that he’s coming off of hiatus without further explanation. Sae most likely hasn’t told anyone that he’s being subbed in.
Rin hesitantly nods, his snarky response dies in his throat and he feels like he’s swallowing needles when faced with the awkward reality. He’s now reluctant to speak, unsure if anything he’d say would make a difference — for better or worse. Knowing himself, probably the latter. 
After a few seconds of silence, followed by a few jumps performed by you in the background, Sae runs a hand through his hair, in what Rin believes is a rare nervous gesture, looking away briefly. 
“Revival,” his brother finally blurts out. “That’s the theme. You guys fine with that?” Sae’s asking, but there’s a finality to his tone. Rin and you will have to be fine with it. The season starts in a few months, soon Sae would need to prepare choreography for two programs, consult a designer for custom fittings, and take over all things that a coach and manager would do. Somehow, despite being out for this year, Rin thinks Sae might have the hardest job here.
“No objections here.”
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Two months and many hours of exhausting training later, you and Rin are standing in the locker room for the first competition as an official pair. It’s the first day of the Japan Figure Skating Championships and, somehow, you look more put together than he is.
“Think this looks good?” You do a 360 spin in front of the wall mirror in your short program outfit. It’s a simple short black, gray dress with mesh sleeves and small rhinestones running down the middle. According to the designer, it’s supposed to represent the night sky. 
Rin stands behind you and adjusts his black vest. Gold and white thread accents throughout his patterned shirt compared with plain black trousers. He’s supposed to adjust his cuffs, but his fingers keep fumbling with the last button because his eyes are awkwardly getting lost in your outfit. Luckily, you’re too focused on yourself to take notice.
You eventually lean closer, repeating the question when he takes too long to answer, and he feels your breath against his shoulder. “Everything alright? Are you nervous for today?” Your voice is a little hesitant, full of concern that makes Rin’s stomach slightly jump to his throat. 
“Everything’s fine,” Rin sighs as he manages to shove the last button through. It’s not like he’s going to lose this competition, he might be somewhat rusty but he didn’t qualify for the Grand Prix Final just based on his name alone. “It’s just… a little bit weird that we’re the oldest ones here,” he confesses. 
“You’re still hung up about that?”
It’s stupid and maybe a bit irrational, he knows that much.
You’ve also already tried to convince Rin otherwise multiple times today, but he couldn’t shake off the humiliating feeling of entering a competition where your competitors are almost half your age. Okay, maybe Rin’s being dramatic, but at least five years younger. From what he can recall, it was usually the other way around whenever he competed in men’s singles tournaments. Having to see and now experience that is something he never really mentally prepared himself for.
From the moment he stepped into the locker room, Rin was basically towering over the rest of the athletes. It’s fine, kinda, all he really needs to focus on right now is landing all of his jumps and catching you. Sae’s a strict teacher, but he doesn’t force weird techniques on others if he knows they can’t handle it. 
“Isn’t he, like, totally washed up right now?”
“Shh, don’t say it so loud, Makoto! He’s right there.”
“Oh, shit, let’s go before he…” Rin didn’t get a chance to hear the rest of the sentence, not with you scooting right beside him on the bench and shoving your right ear bud into his ear. 
He’s learned quickly from the following days that you are not the playlist type of person like most people. Unlike normal and sane folks, you have all of your liked songs in one playlist and you like spending your time shuffling away through the vast hundreds of genres and artists until finding the right one. In your own words, if you were to make a playlist then it would easily be over a few dozen — why do that when all of your favorite songs are in one spot? 
That being said, you’re currently blasting a Frank Ocean song before shifting through a couple more songs with the intent of finding both the short program and free skate song. Oh, and for some reason you don’t use the search function at all through your liked playlist. Apparently, it “ruins” the fun. 
“This would’ve been a nice song to skate to,” the tune switches to something more upbeat and indie, Rin recognizes the band to be Florence and the Machine from the vocals alone. “Sae complained about the song being too long and I called him a lazy loser shortly after.” You say with a smile but Rin’s eyes drift down only to see your leg bobbing up and down rapidly.
Rin tries to pay no mind as he continues to put on his skates. “A six minute long performance would be too much,” he agrees with Sae’s previous answer.
“Hey, tickets to these sorts of things are expensive nowadays with scalpers everywhere!” You try to reason. “If someone’s spending two hundred dollars on a seat then they can sit through a six minute long skating sequence.”
Rin rolls his eyes as he fiddles with a tangled lace. “I didn’t mean the people in the audience, I meant the skaters.”
“Well, maybe we should learn a thing or two from people who do Disney on Ice?”
“I do not want that to be my fall back career, thank you.” A shiver creeps down his spine at the thought of being forced to skate while wearing a Mickey Mouse costume of all things. Seriously, do people clean those suits?
“Hey, are you…” both of your ears perk at the sound from behind. Rin turns around first, he’s immediately greeted by one of the younger male competitors. The boy looks like he’s still growing into his body, probably not any older than seventeen.
“Yeah, I am,” Rin finishes the obvious question. Maybe the kid’s a fan by how bright his face lights up soon after. “Is there something you need?” Sae’s been drilling him to be a little bit more receptive to fellow competitors and fans alike, in order to fix some of his reputation. 
“I’ve been looking at your past performances, lately,” the kid starts with a smile. “Last year, during the Grand Prix Final, you did good!”
“Your theme was the same as the previous years, but I guess that’s just something you’re comfortable with, right? The falls that you took, it was because your balance was off. You need to work better on finding your center during jumps if you seriously plan on competing in the senior division again.”
Rin only notices the pain digging in his fists when you reach over, palm encasing over his closed ones. You don’t bother looking his way, but you do say something to the kid. It sounds muffled though, or maybe Rin’s somehow zoning out? He’s not sure. 
The loss from the Grand Prix is apparently still at the forefront of his mind, no matter how much he tells himself otherwise. People love to pick out that particular part in his performance, acting as if they could pull it off any better. And, for a brief moment, all his past of anger and frustration at the sport suddenly comes rushing back at an overwhelming rate. Rin’s wondering who else wants to criticize him when they meet him again. 
“Don’t they teach kids manners these days?” You try to shoot a glare back but, from Rin’s perspective, it just looks like you’re mildly constipated. 
It kinda ends up working, because the kid backs off, scurrying away and off to his manager for last minute pep talk. Sae’s currently running late as usual, but it’s not like you two would need any words of encouragement. Rin’s competitive nerves have fizzled out by this point, at least for this event, but he’s now seething with discomfort. He’s certainly positive that you’re feeling the same way. 
“I take it back, some of these kids need to be humbled and maybe even bullied.”
Okay, while Rin would agree, he feels like he has to somewhat step up in Sae’s place to make sure you don’t accidentally get kicked out of this competition for sucker punching a kid.
“It’s fine, don’t get too worked up over it. I more or less expected comments like that.”
Rin never expected anything to come easy. Climbing for his spot again in the competitive world can be absolutely ruthless and meeting skaters who are arrogant, condescending, and taunting are just part of the reality. He suspects that everyone else sees him as a washed up skater, never as a real competitor, or a real challenger for the gold medal.  
“Still,” you pout, unsatisfied by his logical response, but drop the conversation as Rin tightens his laces. Then, you finally manage to find the song for the short program section after the relentless shuffling.
“It’s fine,” he reassures, and really, it’s kinda-sorta fine. It’s something that he’ll eventually get used to, even if he’s well aware of the heinous rumors floating around. Everything will die down after a week or two since most people can barely hold their attention span nowadays. 
“If you’re positive,” you go back to your phone, but not before poking Rin’s sides and redirecting his attention towards the TV screen in the locker room. “Hey, the first pair is competing.”
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Pair skating is a lot different from competing in singles. Aside from the obvious involvement of another party, there are more requirements in the short and free skate performances. In the Adult Singles programs, the skater focuses more on their jumps, having a higher emphasis on how many quads they can shove in — or at least that’s how Rin used to work. Quads granted him the majority of the points, it’s something that he can take some pride in compared to his other juniors and seniors. 
For pairs, instead of focusing on jumps in the sequences, it’s lifts. There’s two types of lifts, overhead and twists, both are required in the programs. In general, overhead lifts rely on the movement of the person in the air, the control and execution of their rotations around the person carrying them. For twists, the most “exciting” part of the performance by judges’ words, requires an insane amount of coordination and strength since Rin has to propel you into the air by the waist.
Sae had the lovely idea to throw in three overhead lifts, just because he thinks Rin can handle it. Those evening practices at the rink, followed by early morning lifting sessions absolutely killed him, both physically and spiritually. Though, safe to say that he’s just about near his physical peak last year from all the training. 
You and Rin both waited patiently in the locker rooms for the first three pair performances, only leaving and heading by the outer rink when you guys queued next. Sae leans against the railing, the brace on his foot now gone and, instead of chunky sneakers, he’s opted back to his expensive loafers. Maybe that’s why he ran late, just in case paparazzi took snapshots of his entire outfit. Go figure.
“I think you guys will have no issue securing gold.” Sae’s voice comes through the haze of Rin’s thoughts, sounding distinctly unimpressed by the current line up. “Even if you guys fumble your lifts, I think the amount of it will carry enough points.”
Erupted cheers soon fill the air and all eyes turn to the rink as the pair’s performance ends. You soon recognize one of the skaters being the teenager from earlier and throw Rin a look. 
“We’re going to make sure that he doesn’t get a chance at winning until next year.” You announce, tone casual but eyes flickering something darker than what Rin’s used to.
Sae scoffs and leans against the railing, holding Rin’s Winnie the Pooh tissue box in his arms. “I’m assuming the locker room talk wasn’t all too friendly?”
“Maybe not your usual idea of friendly,” and Rin surges forward, taking your hands into his, when the pair in question struts by and casts both of you a nasty glare. Your grip around his bicep tightens and, while he didn’t care too much about beating a bunch of lukewarm competitors earlier, Rin’s fully certain that he wants nothing more than that gold medal and to clear both of your names from accusations right now. 
Piano sounds ring throughout the arena from the speakers, starting with a single word that you’ve both heard countless times during practice. The soft piano notes quickly turn into a somber melody, growing louder with every passing second. The music is beautiful. Haunting, even. Capturing the audience in a trance while Rin prepares you for your first lift.
It’s strange, he thinks. While he’s gotten used to handling you, this is different from every other time. During practices, you’re always carefree and cheerful but, out here, surrounded by cameras and opinions of others that don’t weigh a thing, you’re focused and extremely precise in your form. 
Rin thought he knew your routine. Clearly, he’s mistaken. 
You skate with conviction, confidence, and accuracy. He can understand why you were originally Sae’s skating partner. 
Once you’ve landed back on the ice, keeping up with Rin’s speed, the two of you follow the song’s beat with a smooth series of spins and jumps, each one rotating faster and faster until it feels like the mere audience is just a blurry backdrop in the foreground. 
The final lift jump transitions easily into a simple step sequence before finally ending in a death spiral. Rin has a firm grip on your hand as you begin flattening your body low enough, face barely grazing the ice below, as he pivots you around in lull circles. 
Judging from the sounds from the audience, Rin didn’t need to stay around to know the results of the performance. The roars, chants, and the standing ovation from them is enough to make out the outcome but, for your sake, he’ll stick it through.
You both glide through the last few seconds of the short program, focusing on nothing but the music and remaining movements. Finally, the music notes fade out and the two of you come to a rest in the middle of the rink, the final position has Rin tipping your body backwards with your arms wrapped loosely around his neck, as if you both were reaching for something just out of your grasp. 
Thunderous roars ring in his flushed ears and you’re shooting him a look, eyes glassy and lips parting, possibly saying some sort of praise, but Rin can’t seem to focus. He’s too lost in thought, too distracted by the tenderness of the performance, the flashing lights, the way your chest is heaving in rapid waves, and didn’t realize he had been holding in his breath until you pulled him into a tight embrace.
Everything is just about perfect. Every jump, lift, and spin. He can already imagine the gold medal around his neck, and the thought of winning gold at the Grand Prix only makes the rest of his blood course through his veins faster.
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Being a professional athlete again is… exhausting. 
Rin spends the following day in back to back conferences and being introduced to people. Most of them end up being unremarkable and forgettable. A couple of them are rude and eccentric, with one guy in particular honing down Rin in a corner and bombarding him with questions both surrounding his performance last year and his personal life. You and Sae had to step in to diffuse the situation before Rin blew a hole in his career again. 
By the end of the night, Rin debates whether he should switch careers because this shit is absolutely not for him. It’s no surprise to anyone that Rin hates being around people and this night he’s probably escaped to the restroom maybe about five times to catch a breather. And, while Rin is not the type to exactly care about his image, he absolutely does a full body inspection in the full body mirror every time before he steps back out. Each time he revisits a new wrinkle line forms.
And his brother hasn’t told him when it’ll be over.
Rin’s hands twitch after another self-proclaimed journalist finishes up a half-ass interview about his latest goals for this year. He pulls out his phone when they suggest giving out their contact information and Rin just zones out, tapping away gibberish in his notes app and nodding until they finally went away. 
He feels like he’s going to vomit and pass out if this goes on any longer.
“You look like you’re about to freak out,” and of course, you have the decency to point that out as he’s made the fruit salad section his little hideaway spot. Turns out people really dislike any sort of fruit dishes at these fancy events. 
“I’m not,” Rin muffles back, mouth stuffed with various chunks of honeydew and grapes. Even if it is true, he’ll never admit it, but it also does suck that he's stupidly easy to read. “The food just sucks here, that’s all.” The fruit isn’t that bad. Maybe just the strawberries. 
“Whatever you say, partner,” you roll your eyes playfully, almost giggling at the nickname before taking a sip from the glass of champagne in your hands. “If you want, we can sneak out of here and explore the city.” It’s a suggestion but, from the way you’re smiling, Rin picks up that he can’t wiggle his way out of it. 
But he tries anyway.
“Do you even know your way around?” He sounds vaguely concerned. 
Sure, it’s been approximately two months since you’ve crashed and turned his life a complete 180, but you’re still new to the area and very much new to the country. Rin’s heard you picked up basic phrases from his brother to get around but it’s still nearly not enough to go and explore, especially late at night. And, rightfully so, he doesn’t plan on babysitting while you waltz around half tipsy off your mind after winning first place.
You fake a wound over your chest and gasp, hiccuping soon after. “I have maps on my phone! I already pinned and favorited a bunch of cute stores we can check out.”
Rin doesn’t know why you even bother throwing him into the equation considering it’ll clearly be stores you’ll like. 
“And where exactly do you think you’re going?” Sae’s sauntering over, a half empty glass of wine in hand, and his movement is a little sluggish, but he’s probably the only few sobered up person in the room aside from Rin. 
“Out,” you reply with a casual shrug, as if Sae’s supposed to be satisfied with the answer. 
“Out...” Sae echos before flickering his sudden sharp gaze over to Rin. He feels himself straightening up before he realizes. “You guys still have to make your statements to the press, you know that, right?”
“Can’t we do it after we get back?” You quickly dismiss Sae’s annoyed scrunch with a quick waft of a hand. 
Rin really doesn’t want to stand in front of a bunch of drunken and overly zealous journalists right now if he doesn’t have to. The idea of visiting a few late night street vendors might just be his highlight for today. 
“Hey,” Sae’s agitated voice snaps him out of his daze. “Are you seriously going out?” 
Instead of providing his brother a proper answer, Rin takes a hold of your hands and throws his jacket over your bare shoulders. You were complaining earlier about losing yours, and the last thing he wants is a drunk and cold skating partner in the middle of the streets of Nagano.
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Posted 16 hours ago 278,293 views
Comments 543
[niCOnii] - 10 hours ago All these rin haters from earlier can eat my socks because i knew he would comeback!!! his partner ain’t half bad either tbh View 30 replies [klnen2003] - 9 hours ago GO TO THE VIDEO AT 4:45 and see how Rin looks at Y/N!!! There’s definitely something there, right??? View 12 replies [YOICHISAGI OFFICIAL] - 9 hours ago Can’t wait to see Rin Itoshi and Y/N L/N compete at the Grand Prix this year!! Let’s catch up sometime! View 154 replies [jiroMark8734] - 8 hours ago I dunno… isn’t it weird how they swept everyone else tho? Can’t tell me that they’re both not taking anything lmao [my_skates_my_life] - 7 hours ago Congrats to everyone for winning!! And thank you so much for posting this. LOVE FROM ARGENTINA!! [merhaba234] - 7 hours ago Rin’s always doing the same level type program both in technique and artistic. It’s refreshing to see something new!
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@anurst @blissblossom @genneii @wooasecret @chaosinanutshell @kaiserkisser @rroxii @takotakigum @jaynawayna @peachesncats @sseishiross @izumi-astra-123 @sereniteav @pokkomi
a/n: im crawling on the ground,,, if anyone knows me: i love making rin suffer but please know its in a loving way. is his brother hotter? yeah. but does his brother have a sad backstory? yeah probably. either way, i love working w men with sibling complexes and his whole design basically oozes with melodrama. rin!!! you are gonna be in it for a surprise next chapter!! also apologies for the late update everyone hehe i dont have a set schedule for everything ;-; and my mind runs either at 500 miles an hour or 0 miles. as of late, life has gotten in the way of things and maybe i do need to stick with some sort of plan to make myself ... less stressed when creating content :> anyways, i love you guys!!
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svngiem-remade · 1 year
Hii i really love your writing and I’ve been wanting to request for a while but I’ve been a little shy 😅. Finally worked up the courage though! Can I request a fic where Hyunjin had a bad week during comeback and you’re frustrated from school work or something and he comes home needing you but you accidentally say something insensitive or raise your voice and he walks away saying “it’s fine” but you find him crying and realize that you messed up and try to make it up to him.
Sorry if this is too long?? But yeah I’ve been thinking about it! Also can I be “💞” anon? Thanks I really hope you consider writing it !
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🧸 pairing. hwang hyunjin + gn!reader
synopsis. after lashing out at your boyfriend, saying things you did not actually mean when he begged you for some of your attention after a long week, will he accept your apology?
🌙 wc. 1.4k | au. established relationship, hyune cries :(, angsty, fluffy ending, hurt/comfort
!! note. sorry for taking this long but I just couldn't manage to make it flow as good as I wanted it to, or make the reader not seem that mean, but I did it!! really hope you'll like this! also, if you don't mind, I've added you on the anon list of my new account, thank you for loving my work, ily ❤️
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Hyunjin had barely made it into the company car when thunder struck into the sky and a heavy downpour started; the bad weather plus the headache that had been tormenting him for the past three days coronating the horrible week that had just ended. 
He loved comebacks; he truly did—performing in front of an audience with his best friends, doing interviews, and meeting idols and fans during stages—but they took such a toll on his body and mind that it always took him incredibly long before he was able to go back to his previous mental and physical state. All that dancing, singing, and even talking made him so exhausted and worn-out that the only thing that was able to soothe him and his aching muscles, give him comfort and love for at least a few hours was you. 
So he couldn't contain his smile when your apartment condo came into his sight, your kitchen window being tinted by that comfortable yellow color given by the warm light of your ceiling lamp being turned on, letting him know you were still awake even if it was about 3 in the morning, probably still working on that one important work project you wouldn't stop talking about—not that he minded in any way; he loved the sound of your voice.
“Thank you for dropping me off; see you on Monday! Sleep well!” Hyunjin bid goodnight to his manager and dorm mates before hopping off of the vehicle and running inside your building, barely containing a squeal of excitement when it finally tinged—knowing that he was only a few meters away from you, from your welcoming presence and support, caused his stomach to fill with butterflies and a rosey blush to tint his cheeks. 
Hyunjin quietly unlocked the front door, not wanting to startle you as he took off his shoes and damp coat in the hallway, the fruity, sweet perfume constantly lingering in your apartment already doing wonders for his headache. “Hi, love.” he whispered as he walked towards the kitchen, leaning down to peck your cheek softly. 
“Hi, Jinnie.” you replied, turning your head to kiss his puckered lips, making him let out a soft, satisfied sigh and place a hand on the back of your head to deepen the kiss, to which you complied. A guilty expression washed over your face, though, when he caressed your thighs and tried pulling you up to your feet, clearly wanting to take things further, or at the very least cuddle with you—which was something you could not afford to do at that moment. Reluctantly, you pulled away from the kiss, your hand resting on his cheek as you caressed it with your thumb, staring into his bright, though tired, eyes. “I've got to finish this real quick; how about you go take a shower first? I should wrap this up in about 15 minutes.” you said, mouthing a ‘sorry’ when he pouted, but eventually agreed.
Hyunjin knew how important this project was to you, how hard you’d worked on it for weeks, and how the due date approaching put you on edge, so he’d been as supportive of a boyfriend as possible—reminding you to eat and drink everyday, bringing you some leftovers when he happened to dine with the boys of the other dorm, or showering you with affection whenever he had the chance, and knew you needed it. And he was doing everything right—even though he was very much on the clingy side, he’d definitely given you enough space to focus on yourself and your career these past weeks, even if he’d missed like crazy the feeling of you falling asleep between his arms, or vice versa, as you chit-chatted about your day.
Or at least, he thought he was doing a good job. 
Your typing got rougher and your jaw clenched in frustration when, after his shower, all your boyfriend did was constantly walk around the apartment, spending most of his time in the kitchen even if he’d turned on a movie for him to watch in the living room. 
Be it chips, popcorn, a glass of water, or juice, or just brushing your cheek or shoulder as he passed by you, or staring at you with his puppy eyes for minutes on end—he just couldn’t seem to stay still, and annoyance quickly bubbled up inside you. “F*cking hell, Hyunjin! Will you please just let me finish this in peace?! I have to turn this in soon, and I’m so f*cking stressed I can’t even think properly, and you walking around and being so whiny is really—” you angrily rambled when he walked once more inside the kitchen, his relaxed expression falling into pieces with every word you spat out. 
Tears pricked at his eyes, and he gulped, chewing at his bottom lip nervously as he fidgeted with the hem of his oversized shirt. What made you finally stop your frustrated ramble, though, was the sight of a single tear escaping his eyes and staining his cheek. You immediately rose to your feet and rushed towards him, your heart breaking in pieces when he took a step back. Tears filled your eyes in seconds, “I—I didn't mean to lash out— I'm so sorry, I really did not—” you begged him for forgiveness. He clearly needed to be held and comforted after spending the whole week doing promotions non-stop, practicing without rest, and running around all day and night for schedules, and you’d failed to give him that; prioritizing something you still had a week to finalize and had basically already completed, instead of spending time with your boyfriend.
He wet his lips and sniffled, wiping a tear away from his cheek with his hand. “It's fine. I'll go—I'll wait for you in your bedroom. Take yo—your time. Goodnight.” Hyunjin hiccuped, lowering his head and backing out of the kitchen as quickly as possible before rushing into your room and throwing himself on your bed, hugging the pillow you always slept on and burying his face in it as he sobbed and cried, completely dampening it in a matter of seconds. Meanwhile, you were completely speechless at your behavior, at your carelessness, at your insensitivity, at the way you turned what was supposed to be a night full of love and comfort into a night of heartache and sorrow. 
Needless to say, you immediately turned off your laptop (not without saving your progress first), and stood outside your bedroom door for what felt like hours, contemplating if he was even willing to accept your apology, if he was just going to break up with you and ignore you forever, if he’d stopped loving you after your lashing out—but you had to at the very least try to fix your mistake.
You quietly cracked the door open, sobbing harder when you heard him do the same as he hugged your pillow, his big body trembling with every hiccup and his sniffles filling your dark, unlit bedroom. You took hesitant steps towards the bed, feeling small and guilty under his tired, tearful eyes looking up at you from your messy sheets. 
With a gulp and shut eyes, you fell to your knees in front of him, not noticing his eyes widen at your action. You clasped your hands together, now looking up at him with a trembling bottom lip and big, puppy eyes. “I didn’t mean to lash out at you, I’m so sorry; I wish I could take everything I said to you back, I’m terr—” you whimpered with a broken voice, and from the genuinely regretful glint Hyunjin saw into your eyes, the fear that you actually thought everything you’d said to him washed away. He smiled.
“I forgive you, my love. Just… promise me it won’t happen again, please?” he whispered, placing a hand on your head and petting it softly, his trembling hand then reaching for your wet cheeks and drying them, you doing the same in an attempt to comfort him back.
“Can I… Can I hug you?” you hesitantly asked, mentally preparing yourself to be rejected. “Please.” he said, widening his arms so you could throw yourself on top of him, which you did with a relieved smile and repeated sorry’s as you covered his face in kisses and hugged him tight, cradling, giggling, and chatting until sleeplessness washed over the both of you, a lazy peck on each other’s lips as the both of you fell asleep under your warm duvet sealing the start of a new, brighter, happier day ahead of you.
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please reblog, comment and like, feedback is very much appreciated, plus, I love reading your thoughts!
→ masterlist.
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taglist : @strayingawayy | @shinsosmatcha | @zoe8stay | @sensitiveandhungry | @baby-photos0325 | @tinkerbell460 | @mingitheskzstan
— pink = unable to tag!
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© SVNGIEM, 2023.
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yandere-wishes · 5 months
I just found a love in your almost cult yandere clone tropes and their cyares with the Jedi blessings. I mean damn you (later than ever). I'm imagining Cody and Rex and the bad batch. Or just Cody sharing with 😉 .
You made sprout the cult follower in me.
Here at Yandere-Wishes HQ, we try to inspire the inner cult follower in all our fans. We want the dark, deranged side of all our clients to shin through and someday even start cults of their own. 💜💜
I'm very sorry for how all over the place this is, tried to section it off as best I could. I'm still incredibly jet lagged😭😭
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I think the reason behind the Jedi giving their blessing so freely to the clones comes from an inner yearning to be loved. The Jedi know their place in the universe, know that a sentiment-free life is what they must endure. Still, if those around them can be happy, then (in a selfless way befitting a Jedi) they can be happy too. Although I'm rather curious as to what would happen if say Anakin or Obi-wan fell for the cyare of their commanders. 
Personally, I think Rex and Cody would definitely share a darling. Same with Echo and Fives (and maybe Tup too). Maybe if you REALLY  want to lean into the cult aesthetic Anon, then what if each squadron has its own cyare?? A darling shared amongst all of them (That's a lot but I'm kinda only referring to the relevant troopers from each squadron 🤣🤣) it would be super cute if all her dresses were in said squadron's colors. Kinda like a personal cheerleader for them. Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself here lol. 
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🧡💙Being Cody and Rex's darling.
💙They're both very busy men. Constantly being deployed to the front lines. Always busy with some mission or another. They've tried to make sure at least one of them is with you, so you're never alone. It doesn't work, there are always long periods of time when you are trapped in isolation. 
🧡I truly believe that Rex and Cody's cyare wouldn't really "feel" like a "cyare", per se. Sure she doesn't have any freedom and is never permitted to make any decisions on her own. But they treat her so well, give her anything she could ever want, and they never hurt her in any way. 
💙Rex and Cody are both strict, not much leniency coming from either one. They have strict rules for they're cyare, under the pretext of keeping her safe. They've seen and experienced all the cruelties of the galaxy. And they don't want ANYTHING to ever hurt you. 
🧡Cody is more affectionate. More open with embracing and kissing you. Rex is much more reserved, stiffer. Yet he can't help but melt whenever your lips push against his. 
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501st sharing (Rex, Fives,Echo, Tup, Jesse, Hardcase and Kix)
It's honestly exhausting belonging to all of them. Constantly being pulled in every direction. Sure the 501st is one of the gentler squadrons per se. But they are smoldering, constantly wanting to touch you in some way. It also doesn't help that regardless of the mission one of them is left behind to "watch" you. Not so much out of a fear of you running away but more out of concern for your well-being. I wonder what would happen if Anakin began to develop feelings for this particular cyare.
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As for the bad batch I've yet to watch it (Although I've only heard good things) So I can't make a full observation just yet. Although I'd like to think that Hunter and Wrecker are on the "tougher" side, using force to make their cyare submit. Tech falls more into the stalker category. Take all this with a grain of salt, these ideas will 100% change once I've actually seen the show. 
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.... All this aside can you imagine Obi-Wan and Cody sharing a darling?? Or even Anakin and Rex sharing a darling?? I mean every cult needs its leader right 😉😘
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clean-casual-analysis · 4 months
How I’d Ruin it: Transformers
Inspired by Tyrantisterror and his “how I’d ruin it” series, I’m doing one for Transformers. I’m gonna take this one step at a time, because I’m crazy about transformers and I got a lot of thoughts on what I would do if I had three phases of a comic book.
Part One: Lore
For the general lore of this hypothetical series, I’d lean into the Primus vs Unicron storyline. Ironically appropriate for my How I’d Ruin It, because I know a good number of TF fans who prefer the quintesson origin and want to return to it. Sorry fellas, I just think the thirteen primes are neat. We also take a look into the (possible) future of the cybertronian race at the start of phase two of the hypothetical comic. I’ll be dividing this lore into ages for simplicity's sake.
Prehistory: At the very beginning of the universe, there was an omnipotent being made of light with no name. This being, referred to by cybertronian historians as The One, had cosmic powers beyond space and time. With this power, it saw into multiple timelines and dimensions out of young curiosity. There were so many different lifeforms, all with their own cultures and beliefs. There was peace and war, creation and destruction. As its knowledge grew, so did its internal conflict. Why were these unique beings fighting over seemingly pointless things? Was it individual philosophy that sparked greed and violence, or was it differing beliefs that each species held? If they were to all unite under one banner, would they lose that which made them unique. Was it morally correct for such a perfected and powerful being as The One to judge and interfere with mortals? The One had become so confused and anxious from this internal battle, that its mind and body split into two separate beings. Primus, the great creator, adored and even envied mortals. Where The One was flawless and blank, these miniscule lifeforms were varied and colorful. These beings could change and grow. Even the smallest could evolve and transform into something beautiful. Then there was his brother, a being who hated these ununiformed and petty insects. He vowed to destroy and reshape these species into a singular kingdom of rigid order. No longer would there be conflict, for he would punish and unite all as their one God. He would be Unicron, the chaos killer. These cosmically powered twins became natural enemies the moment they were created, the following battle lasting for billions of years. The battle ended in a draw, Primus and Unicron were so exhausted that both entered a deep sleep. In this coma like state, meteors and other space debris formed around them to become seemingly dormant planets.
Age of Primes: Sensing that Unicron was regaining strength and reformatting his planet into a colossal body, Primus began to plan his defense. Not wanting a repeat of their last battle, Primus decides on a different approach. He creates the thirteen primes, incredibly powerful, autonomous robots with unique abilities. Together, these thirteen would prepare for the return of Unicron and become a sort of family through their training. After the deed is done and the chaos killer is defeated from the inside of his vast body, the thirteen are left to their own devices on the metal world of Primus. As his final act, the great creator formed the well of all sparks. It was here that new robots were created and the planet would be known as Cybertron. Thirteen tribes were created, each led by a different prime, which led to the foundation of cybertronian culture. Much like previous TF stories, the thirteen primes had a falling out due to the manipulations of one manipulative and ambitious prime. The primes nearly went to war with one another, until the near death of one of their most beloved siblings shook them out of their anger. Realizing that they were not the infallible gods that they thought they were, nearly all the primes either left Cybertron or merged with the planet’s inner core. Only one prime remained to overlook the planet’s development, Alpha Trion, who gave one of the mythical artifacts of primes (the matrix) to one worthy of leadership.
Age of Function: After receiving what would later be known as the matrix of leadership, the prideful but valiant Nova Prime unified the thirteen tribes into one civilization. What follows is the planet wide construction of cities and government. Because the masses were still freshly made and unsure of their purpose in this new world, Nova decided to create functionism. Each cybertronian’s alt-mode would determine their role in creating Cybertron. At first, when the species was still relatively small in number, this system served well in accelerating Cybertron’s society. But when the contruction was near its end their optics looked towards the stars, the inherent flaws of functionism reared its ugly head. The rigid caste system quickly led to class envy and great inequality among the masses. Despite Alpha Trion’s insistence in changing this system, Nova Prime ego wouldn’t allow him to admit his prejudice. As space travel was fully realized and Nova set out to discover new worlds to colonize, his pride at his species’ accomplishments leading him down the road of becoming a cybertronian supremacist, a terrible discovery was made. During the first great battle between Primus and Unicron, their blood splashed across the galaxy. Not only were energon crystals (formed from Primus’ blood) found on foreign worlds, but the blood of Unicron was discovered as well. Before he realized what it was, dark energon infected Nova Prime and a number of his crew. They became more aggressive, burned through their energon at an alarming rate, and began to hear whispers of a dark god thought to be dead. Despite his smugness and stubbornness, Nova knew what terrible things could happen if he became Unicron’s herald. The corrupted prime gave up the matrix to the unaffected cybertronians in his crew, took those who were infected and went into deep space in self-exile. • The Golden Age: The next cybertronian to own the Matrix was Nominus Prime. Although he was overly invested in his personal appearance/hygiene and was somewhat of an elitist snob, he also possessed a good moral framework and a kind spark. His first major act as prime was the elimination of functionism, making him both beloved and hated by many. Not long after, the cybertronian race began to colonize worlds with the strict policy of not claiming worlds with significant life on them. Seemingly every new colony world produced new subcultures and different kinds of cybertronian. Although Nominus arguably just piggybacked off of other leaders and inventors, this was an age of artistry and prosperity.
Age of Rust: Seemingly out of nowhere, a slow acting but fast spreading disease began to appear across the farthest colony worlds named cosmic rust. Metal skyscrapers began to crumble, citizens were falling apart in medical beds, space bridges were forced to shut down to stop the rust from spreading. This was the first major disaster that Nominus Prime had to face and he was utterly mortified. Then, when all hope of saving the colonie and their species was lost, a strange race of techno-organics appeared. These beings were the quintessons, five faced octopus like people who claimed to be the creation of one of the thirteen prime to aid cybertronians in understanding the organic side of the galaxy. They offered a cure to cosmic rust and asked to use the space bridges to help spread the cure. Desperate to end this nightmare, Nominus gave them access to the space bridges without question. Almost immediately, he would regret this decision. These were not benevolent geniuses, but black hearted and capitalistic entrepreneurs. Not only were they the ones who invented cosmic rust, but they had created a great number of gadgets, combat drones and weapons specifically designed to annihilate cybertronians. In the blink of an eye, the whole of the cybertronian race was conquered and enslaved. Nominus was publicly executed, the matrix was taken, and the cybertronians were sold as commercial goods or military hardware to all other species in the galaxy. This would go on for thousands of years, until a hardened soldier named Zeta began to lead a rebellion with the aid of Alpha Trion and a brilliant engineer named Termagax. The cybertronian uprising was slow and bloody, but through cleverness and determination the quintessons were defeated. The matrix was found, Zeta had become Sentinel Prime, and the cybertronian race was free.
Age of Restraint: When the dust settled and the quintessons were driven away from the colony worlds, Sentinel Prime and Termagax went to work on rebuilding their civilization. Sentinel, having seen their kind’s technological power used against lesser beings firsthand, initiated the Nominus Edict. Unless there was unanimous agreement of every senator of Cybertron’s cities and other colony worlds, no new colonies would be made, and no technology was to be shared with other alien races. While he had the wellbeing of both his race and all other alien species in mind, his time as both slave soldier of the quintessons and uprising leader left him scarred and paranoid. Through the cybertronian government, he enforced the law to a borderline imperious degree. Termagax grew to resent Sentinal Prime, believing that the cybertronian race could thrive in the galaxy if they weren’t so restricted. She formed the Ascenticon movement, a growing group of bots who not only wanted to explore the cosmos but cooperate with the organic races that they’ve distanced themselves from. This philosophical debate between security and isolation vs freedom and alien collaboration went on for dacades, neither side quite gaining significant ground over the other. Eventually, the exhausted and embittered Termagax stepped down as Ascenticon leader and gave the reigns to her protégé. That protégé was a quintesson mining slave turned gladiatorial champion named Megatron, who had big plans of his own.
Age of Civil War: Not long after becoming leader of the Ascenticons, Megatron began to fully preach his personal doctrine. He believed that the cybertronian race deceived themselves into believing that they shouldn’t be proud of their power. The gladiator fear mongered that another species like the quintessons would conquer them if they didn’t show their dominance. True galactic peace can only be achieved through tyranny. Many cybertronians, in the ascenticon movement and beyond, were radicalized by Megatron’s words of might making right. In short time, Megatron amassed an army and called his new empire the decepticons. The mad tyrant and his followers overthrew the government and imprisoned Sentinel Prime. But much to Megatron’s surprise, the matrix did not deem him worthy of being a prime. He angrily dismissed the matrix and the lineage of primes as outdated and weak as his empire rapidly grew. Alpha Trion, sneakily taking the matrix back, set to work on creating a counter resistance to this new militaristic regime. The elderly prime already had a perfect candidate for the next prime; a former ascenticon who disavowed Megatron’s violent means of peacekeeping despite once being friends with him. A young data clerk named Orion Pax, who believed Cybertron had a responsibility to aid to those who needed it, and that freedom was the right of all sentient beings. And so, Optimus Prime was born. This counter resistance, named the autobots, grew arguably faster than the decepticons did. Cybertronians across the galaxy could see Megatron for the warmongering tyrant that he is. The civil war, waging primarily on Cybertron, lasted for eons. It all culminated in Megatron seizing Vector Sigma, a supercomputer near the well of all sparks that gave newly formed cybertronians the basic history and knowledge of their kind. The decepticon leader planned to hack Vector Sigma to forcibly program his beliefs into every new cybertronian to be protoformed. Horrified by this assault against free will, Optimus journeyed to the core of Cybertron to do something unthinkable. Through communication with Primus, the great creator poured his life-giving power into a device known as the all spark. Optimus threw the all spark into a space bridge with randomized coordinance, and it was lost to the stars. Their home planet torn apart and essentially dead, the Great War began to spread across the galaxy like wildfire. Earth, rich with crystallized energon beneath the surface, is the latest battleground.
Age of Beast Machines (possible future): Manipulating Megatron through dark energon, Unicron is revived. The very first planet destroyed is Cybertron with his new herald Galvatron and an army of terracons. The chaos killer goes on a galactic rampage, consuming stars/planets and creating heralds to spread his influence. Scrambling to save the galaxy, the remaining autobots and decepticons join forces in an effort to slay Unicron. Against all odds, they defeat the chaos killer once and for all. But their victory is bittersweet. The galaxy’s remaining stars and worlds are few and far between. The night skies feel unnaturally blackened. Their war now made pointless, the remaining cybertronians join together in rebuilding on the planet earth and the one surviving colony world known as biosfera. With virtually no energon left, the first order of business was to create a new type of fuel. The scientists of biosera, a jungle world primarily made up of beast mode cybertronians, came up with an unorthodox solution. They would alter their biology and transform into a techno-organic race, flesh and metal fused at the cellular level. Through this technology, they’d be able to live off of solar energy, need minimal energon, and even be able to consume meat and plants for substance. While a good number were hesitant to make such a radical change, they had little choice. Slowly, the cybertronian race flourished once again. Once new generations were protoformed, two sections of one government began to spread across the stars. One group was the Maximals, scientists and explorers that aided young civilizations and researched the new galaxy. The other group were the predacons, the core military that fought off space pirates and crushed growing dictatorships. Although the two groups bickered amongst themselves over their clashing ideologies and methods, they still cooperated and respected each other. But rumors are circulating that a small handful of Unicron’s heralds are still alive. If they are, their willing to bend space and time itself to assure their fallen master’s ultimate victory.
Notes: This lore is a combination of Aligned, both IDW continuities, Beast Wars/Machines and a dash of Last Autobot Standing. One major difference is that Solus Prime survives in this continuity, but we’ll get to that in the next part.
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epitomereally · 1 year
You’re so talented. Every time your fan binding pictures cross my dash I stare at them for *hours*. The amount of care and detail you put into your books blows my mind. I know you talk about the process for each individual book on your fic binding posts but I wanted to ask: how do you plan your fic binds? Do you visualize what the fic would look like if it were a book while you read it? Do the colors and illustrations you choose come to you as you read the fic, or after? How does your approach to fic binding differ from your approach to writing? Etc. I’m curious about your creative process, though the technical part is also super interesting!
Ps: I love all the fics you chose to bind but I was so excited when you picked GallaPlacidia’s Ship of Theseus - probably my favorite of theirs. You have great taste 😁💚
Eek Elise THANK YOU! I’m so flattered & honored. Also always happy to talk fanbinding, especially binding design (my one true love)!
I would say planning takes the vast majority of my binding time—it’s something I love and I agonize over and I struggle with—while the actual binding often goes quite quickly! I often start with one element that I’m excited about & feel fits the the specific fic: a color or spine stitching pattern or a chapter title concept or title page (like the hand-dyed cover + birds for You Open Always or the blooming morning glories for Meet Me at Midnight) and then, because I have no chill or a single subtle bone in my body, I just roll with that element through the whole book until it’s totally exhausted (wish I could spoil some of my upcoming binds here, but you will SEE VERY SHORTLY what I mean). Every single time I make a book, around the time where I’m printing out the typeset, I feel that I’ve made a grievous error in including one more item than I should have, like it’s way too much. An example is the blackletter ornate font I ended up using for the title of You Open Always—you can see in my draft Illustrator document where I was trying out tons of concepts using stock images that most of my title page concepts were with a much simpler, more modern font that I used for the chapter numbers. However, in the end, I’ve always been happy that I’ve gone completely 100% on my vision, even if it’s a lot. In that way, I feel like it’s like writing—I may be incorporating all the elements I want to see imperfectly and have doubts about them, but I’m still putting everything I want in there & I’m proud and happy for that, even if I still have more things to learn.
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One last design element I want to highlight: BODY FONT! This is something I am still learning so much about and the Renegade Discord has been incredibly helpful (a recent message I sent: what font would you find in a pulpy 60s mystery paperback?). A gorgeous title page or chapter header or cover is great for setting the mood when you open a book, but the body font is 90%+ of what you see when reading, so I spend a TON of time trying different fonts to fit the vibe of the fic. I have no thoughts or advice or guidelines though—it’s like porn & you just know it when you see it.
I also get a ton of inspiration from fellow fanbinders, both on the Renegade Discord server & here on tumblr. A lot of time, I see a technique or cover or typeset and think that that would look incredible for XYZ fic. An extremely abbreviated list of people who inspire me daily: @a-gay-old-time (Emma, you're a BLESSING), @queercore-curriculum, @bindsbymunchkin, @pleasantboatpress (one of the most welcoming members of the Renegade server, in addition to being an incredibly inspiring binder), @chubsonthemoon, @no-name-publishing, @zhalfirin-binds, @dontcallmebree, @amywaterwings & @runawaymarbles. Sorry for all the tags, but want this as a resource for others! I would absolutely love to know how all of you come up with your artistic vision for the binds that you do (and please tag me if you post!). 
P.s. Ship of Theseus was a request from QC but I am SO HAPPY they requested it, because it’s one of my favorites too :)
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ginnyluvstimmy · 5 months
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timothée chalamet x fem! reader
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y/n's pov :
It was my first time.
It was all new, actually, and it all started a few months ago.
My best friend, after many excuses and useless motivations, convinced me to sign up for an acting audition for Hollywood recruits.
I took it a bit lightly, given that, in my opinion, there wasn't even a 0.1 chance of me passing.
And instead...the stage manager said that my acting skills were exhaustive, that I immersed myself in situations and behaved like an opera singer in front of the audience.
All this exaggeration was a little jarring and disgusting, to be honest; and when he started complimenting me I almost choked on the water.
The director and I arranged to meet at the same time for the coming weeks: he said that he soon wanted to make me participate in one of the films he was working on.
That's where I met Timothée.
Or rather, I already knew him. My walls, full of posters, my phone, with its full memory, and my mother, with her exhausted patience, knew it well.
He was talking to a staff member, and I stumbled to hide and not be seen.
At the beginning we acted in the same time slots but for different films, and luckily we didn't have time to meet or exchange a few words.
One time I caught him at the coffee machine, and thank God he was too busy on the phone to pay any attention to me.
My films had their importance and recognition, I was happy and satisfied.
My parents as well, and my friend either.
More companies asked about my presence in other top films, and having lost control of my schedule, I agreed.
"You know, you're making a great progress here, my friends really admire you," Timothée chimed in one day, paying for an energy bar from the vending machine.
"I... well, thank you" how awkward I must have seemed to him, maybe he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
The last straw for actors like me is that, even doing it for living, I can't even maintain a reputation by pretending I'm not that shy.
Lord...I must improve.
Days passed, and the big day arrived.
Probably my most important and beautiful day ever, I like to remember it that way.
The director and screenwriter was my hero and savior from that moment on. As the new film was announced, I ran to the list of actors I would meet during filming and who would work with me.
My finger slid across the paper until I found my name and... Timothée? TIMOTHÉE?? WOULD TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET HAVE BEEN IN THE SAME FILM AS ME?!
My legs turned to jelly and if the staff hadn't come by I would have actually kissed that paper without hesitation.
The rehearsals with Timothée were the best.
We laughed, we made stupid jokes that only we laughed at and we had a lot of fun. We were kind of in our own little world and even though we seemed crazy, we were crazy together.
I was the protagonist and he was a kind of secret lover, because in the film I was engaged. According to the script we would get together because my boyfriend would turn out to be a cheater, and I was fine with Timothée being my new partner.
When the film was released in theaters my joy was uncontrollable. The views rose to a thousand, all thanks to Timothée. The tickets disappeared within a few weeks, it was incredible.
Social media indulged fans, saying the footage was amazing.
And then...the red carpet.
God, I dreamed it.
I had dreamed of it in my small room at home, with the posters and signed books.
Now the room had transformed into my stage with the lights, the spotlights and the audience.
The posters had become reality and Timmy was by my side.
On the day of the gala I was nervous, I couldn't stand up and not even a wink by the previous night.
He, however, was an angel, as always. His hair was curly and looked incredibly softer. He had a black shirt with pitch-colored pearls and underneath he revealed his bare chest accompanied by a silver necklace. I got out of the car and a crowd of paparazzi jumped on me with flashes and microphones. There were screams of amazement, thuds of those trying to make space among the people and in the general noise I didn't know how to react. It was all so fast and blurry that when the limo sped away I looked desperately for my manager. We passed the journalists and within minutes the dressing room door was within reach so I rushed inside. "It's our turn soon, ready?" a familiar voice laughed and it was silk on the ears...I would have listened to Timothée's voice all my life, his accent, his delicacy. This time I responded with a nod, I didn't want to stutter, there was no room for shyness now.
I don't know if my attraction towards him was that visible, but that little smile he gave me always seemed to tease me, to play with me. I meticulously fixed my hair and before I could reach the handle he turned and gave me his last smile. My heart ended up in my throat, it was beating like crazy but I was so anxious that it was like I couldn't hear it at all. My veins pumped and I wanted to pass out there, in that dressing room. I breathed slowly and regained my stability. Timothée's hand slipped into mine, squeezing it as if to keep me from collapsing right then. The door opened and...crowd, chaos, flashes and anxiety.
All at once: I wanted to escape.
It wasn't like in the dreams, now everyone was really hanging on my lips, now I was really famous and I had to react.
“It's okay, I'm here,” Timothée whispered in my ear, and his warm breath brought me back to life. We got on the red carpet and he indulged me in some static poses and contained smiles. After the photos some journalists went up and blocked our passage.
"Timothée, what an honor! The new film is on everyone's lips, what do you think?"
I looked at my companion, and he smiled.
"It's a good film, we put a lot of effort into it and I thank everyone who collaborated"
"And tell me Timothée, the protagonist is actually the person you will love until the end of the film. Her name?"
The microphone was now two centimeters from his full lips.
"Mrs. Chalamet" he smirked.
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eternal-senshi · 2 years
Sonic is smarter than you think!
Sonic The Hedgehog is widely considered to have average intelligence by both fans and outsiders alike. But in this post I will highlight some of Sonic's feats in terms of intelligence!
(You will have to copy and paste the links to see them, sorry!)
Note: Most, if not all, of these links are not mine, I got these from a now deleted deviant art post made by someone else. Credit to them!
Is Super Smart --> Sonic the Hedgehog Official stylebook Pg. 6
Has an Quick Wit - Sonic Triple Trouble
Accelerated Thinking -- Sonic the hedgehog adventure gamebook stat sheet
Sonic The Hedgehog 2:
-Capable of repairing his Bi-plane after being shot down.
Sonic Adventure/Adventure DX:
Easily cracks the code to Final Egg, Eggman's hidden base.
Eggman himself was even surprised Sonic made it that far! :
Deduces that recklessly sealing perfect chaos inside the master emerald would cause more harm than good.
Sonic Rivals:
Capable of hacking into Eggman Nega's base / tech:
Sonic the Hedgehog 4:
Tracked down Eggmans Secret Base
Sonic Adventure 2:
-Easily understood and carried out Tails' plan of locating the Space Colony Ark's control room, and sabotaging the eclipse cannon. Tails, a super genius himself, was even curious if Sonic got his plan or not.
-Managed to pull off chaos control on his first try after watching Shadow.
Sonic Forces:
-Hacked and shut down the Death Egg's weapons system
Sonic Colors:
Managed to read binary code, which Tails thought only he could do.
Easily Foiled Dr Eggmans Plans every time who has an Iq of 300
Sonic Lost World:
Removed the exhaust hose from Eggman's hidden jetpack and is just generally always one step ahead of him
Sonic Mania:
Defeats Dr. Eggman at his own game of Puyo Puyo!
Sonic Generations:
Was the one who taught his younger self the Homing attack technique, and is all around an incredibly quick leaner.
Sonic Drift 1 and 2, Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, Sonic Sega and All stars Racing and Racing Transformed, Sonic Generations and Team Sonic Racing
Can Pilot Race Cars
Sonic 2, Sonic Triple Trouble, Sonic Mania, Sonic Advance:
Can Pilot bi-planes
Sonic Riders, Sonic Riders Zero Gravity and Free Riders:
Can Pilot Hoverboards
And Spacecrafts
Sonic and the Olympic Games London 2012
Sonic and Tails are Smarter then Mario and Luigi as they came to the conclusion Fog Importers are Importers on their own.
Sonic beats Aristo, an intelligent young man, who claims no has beaten him in his intellectual battles:
Here's info on him:
Thanks for reading this and I hope you learned something new!
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hamilgodd · 9 months
This feeling
—Is driving me crazy.—
Pairing: Lando/Oscar | Mention of Carlando
Word counting: +800
Warnings: Slight jealousy, self doubt, not a lot of dialogue.
Oscar is proud, not only of having climbed ten places; but that Lando had achieved second place. A race that had left them breathless, that had brought out the best in each of them and that in the end, everything had paid for their effort.
He feels his hands tremble and his face begin to hurt a little because of the smile he knows he carries; he observes with eyes full of happiness the podium where, bathing in champagne and with the trophy of the second place Lando celebrates. His partner, friend, confidant, boyfriend... has made a spectacular career and all his effort has borne fruit leading him to be on that podium, being admired by the whole world.
The mechanics next to him celebrate, the camera flashes blind him for a few seconds; he can hear the screams of the fans behind him while waving pennants with the characteristic orange color and Lando’s number. He deserves it; he deserves to be celebrated, loved, admired and recognized; he deserves the brilliant trophy, the kind smiles, the soft hugs; he deserves everything and Oscar is sometimes afraid.
Fear of not being enough, of not being up to his height; that at any moment the other will get up one day and realize that Oscar is not the one he wants by his side.
He can see the way they look at each other, or at least how Carlos does it. With tranquility, with tenderness, warmth, love... so much love that it is impossible to overlook it. He observes him with longing and a little mixed sadness that can be seen in the way he passes his arm over the shoulders of the lowest, in the way he attracts him and sticks him a little more to his side. It’s too much, too much; it’s painful to see because it feels right. The two of them are like pieces of a puzzle that fit perfectly, and Oscar feels like the card that no one knows where he is going.
Know the story of both of them perfectly, what they lived in their days as companions; those dreams that they never realized, that longing that was never said out loud. Lando has had no qualms about telling him, because for the Briton it is nothing more than a memory that has remained in the past, something that will never be and that no longer has a chance of happening. But Oscar can see the moment when his gaze wanders, in how he clings to Carlos with a little more strength than necessary, as if for a few seconds he misses what they never had.
The media add wood to the fire that slowly burns his heart, photograph after photograph is published on every social network you can imagine. Under the bright lights of the podium and their smiles that are reflected in the trophies they hold, they look incredible, magnificent; two potential world champions. Talent overwhelms them and Oscar feels like a zero to the left. The statements they both give at the post-career press conference, the way they end each other’s prayers or how they seem to share little jokes that only they understand don’t help either.
Everything is too much and he doesn’t want to be the person responsible for ruining the spirits.
He walks to the garage where silence reigns because the team, eager to go to celebrate, has already abandoned it. The lights are turned off and his footsteps that resonate around the place calm him slightly. He doesn’t want to think about anything he has seen, he doesn’t want to let doubts consume him for something that hasn’t happened and isn’t going to happen. But it’s tiring, living under the shadow of a ghost that lives everywhere is exhausting.
“I was looking for you everywhere” he jumps a little when he hears Lando’s voice coming from behind him “I saw that you were for the award on the podium, but I couldn’t find you after that” there is a stop of happiness still in his voice. Oscar does his best to smile without his negative emotions being present.
“Congratulations on that P2” chooses to answer instead “you made a wonderful career” there is not a trace of a lie in that statement, there is nothing more than love and adoration that seeps into his voice.
“It’s incredible, I still can’t believe it” he slightly raises the trophy he’s been carrying with one of his hands “it’s not a first place, but it feels like it is”
“Soon, I am sure that you will soon be able to win” Oscar knows that Lando is waiting with excitement and anxiety for that Grand Prix where he is proclaimed as the winner, where all the lights of the spotlights are on him to celebrate his victory. “Shouldn’t you be celebrating?”
“The mechanics have gone to dinner and Carlos has invited me to the party with his team” the Briton can see the almost imperceptible grimace that Oscar makes and the way in which it is removed uncomfortable. They haven’t been together for long, but he is proud to be able to say that he knows him almost perfectly;
He doesn’t like to see him that way, hiding what he feels so as not to overwhelm him. Lando wants to tell Oscar that he has nothing to worry about, that there is no one else; that he could never have. That those moments of uncertainty are a thing of the past and that they are going to stay there no matter how much others want to relive them. There is no space in his life for the years that have already left, there is only room for the present that he lives and the future that he longs for.
“You should go celebrate” the Australian tries to convince him but Lando has other plans in mind.
"I don’t want to leave you behind” he promises that he will do everything necessary to show Oscar how much he loves him. In addition, spending a night with the minor in his arms in that hotel room where they are staying; it sounds like the best celebration you can think of.
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So this was a bit difficult to write cause I keep wandering into the angst side and I really wanted to be cute(? So, i think this is a very acceptable middle ground. I am wondering if I should do a second part(?
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nature-and-music · 2 years
Without You, I’d Be Lost
I would like to dedicate this story to my friend @lady-jane3
Author’s note - This is a story written by @nature-and-music involving current day Nikki and a young adult female reader.  Reader has been feeling very blue lately, yet she doesn’t have the heart to tell Nikki.  One morning Nikki heads over to check up on her and finds her wrapped up in a blanket.  He does what he can to help his angel.
Please keep in mind that this is a fictitious scenario and this story is written purely as fluff.
Please let me know what you think and what can be improved.  Thank you and I hope you enjoy this story.
It was one of those mornings where everything seemed so gray.  Even as the rays of sunlight beamed through the shutters and colored the room with golden light, it all appeared so dreary.  My head felt heavy, as my eyes stared at nothing but the paint on the bedroom wall. The color was the same as it was when we first moved in about a year ago.  Nikki recommended that we would paint it my favorite color, but the time didn’t feel right. The days turned to weeks and then pretty soon months.  Nikki would write and practice, while I worked; he told me that I wouldn’t have to anymore.  Anyone would have jumped at that opportunity, but I didn’t; I wanted to keep working despite his protests.  However the press was starting to hound me as they did with him and the other members.  My boss had to let me go and as much as I was going to miss working there, it was better for the safety of everyone there, including myself.
The band were still just as loved as they were back then. Even more so thanks to their books, social media presence, and their biopic that re-introduced themselves to more people than ever.  In the past, Mötley Crüe were everywhere from television interviews, newspapers, and their music videos being played on a loop through MTV.  In fact, the network would only play the uncensored videos very late at night.  Of course nowadays anyone can see them online, they pale in comparison to what was being shown nowadays, but that’s a given.  The raunchier videos may seem tame by today’s standards, yet they gave me a few ideas as to how we would engage in the bedroom.  To describe what the two of us would do together would certainly cause anyone in the moral majority to simultaneously have a stroke and a heart attack.  
Regardless of what a bunch of repressed zealots thought of us, we enjoyed each other’s company very much.  In the beginning, I remember watching them perform from the wings, cheering them on as they rocked every audience that traveled near and far to see them.  It was incredible witnessing how their fans practically worshiped them through their manner of dress, makeup, and singing along to their songs.  It all felt like an incredible dream that would never end. 
Yet something felt off about today.  Well more than one day actually. I felt tired. More than tired.  Almost as if any previous motivation to do anything was suddenly gone.  I had spent days in our bedroom, coming out once in a while to gather food, drinks, and use the bathroom.  The place was so quiet, the only sound I would get would be from the tv playing old reruns of scripted reality shows.  Even on the days when Nikki was home, the man would lock himself up and work. I didn’t want to say anything, the last thing I wanted to do was to seem ungrateful; but my god did I miss him dearly.  He would come by once in a while to ask if I needed anything, but I told him that I was fine. 
“Hey… hey babe.  Are you up?” Nikki asked on the morning that he found me staring at the wall.  He sat beside me, moving aside the blanket that covered a part of my face. “Hey come on, get up.”
I looked at him for a moment, only to turn back at the wall. He got down to my eye level, pushing back a lock of my hair as he studied my face.  His thumb brushed across my cheek, stopping to feel the dried trails along my skin.  He looked into my eyes, puffy and exhausted.  
He sounded slightly annoyed, yet concerned, “Babe, what’s the matter? Come on, you haven’t come out in days.”  He lightly shook my shoulder, “Babe?”
I turned over and faced his side of the bed, bunching up the blanket even more like a caterpillar refusing to leave its cocoon.  A much younger Sixx would have scoffed and made his way towards the door, slamming it loudly.  My darling Nikki proceeded to the other side of the bed to lay by my side.  His aged, tattooed fingers caressing my cheeks. His strong arms kept me close to his form, pressing kisses to my forehead as his facial hair lightly scratched my skin.  
Voice gently whispering, “I love you.  I care about you, and I’ll be there for you no matter what.”  A kiss on the nose, then one on my cheek. “I’m here for you.”  One on my chin, and then a loving smile.
My eyes averted his gaze, but once I felt his warm pecks my sights were on him.  I could feel a little pull at my lips, but my attempts to hide my face had failed.  Nikki continued to shower me with love, wrapping his legs around me and managing to get my covered body upon his chest.  I tried to hold back my smirk, but my vision was clouded with more of his kisses and the tickling of his beard. 
I could feel my face growing hot, “N-Nikki… oh god…”
“Who’s my little burrito?” He teased with a chuckle.  “Come on.”
I began to giggle, “Shut up Sixx.”  My smile grew across my face, “I am not a burrito.”
“Yes you are, you’re my breakfast burrito.  And I just wanna take a bite out of you.”  
Before I could give a response, Nikki nuzzled his face into mine. His hands worked hard to free me of my cushiony cylinder.  My laughter heightened as I felt his hands begin to squeeze me, his mouth nibbling at every new inch of skin.  Fingers brushing along my sides, causing me to giggle uncontrollably.  He knew exactly where my tickle spots were and he absolutely loved it when I cackled.  Thankfully the joyous torture ended as soon as it began.  There I was sitting upon his stomach, wearing my loose tank top and an old pair of shorts.  
His green eyes examined me thoroughly, his smile still present, “How do you feel now?”
I sighed quietly, “A little better Nikki.”  My hand cradled his cheek, his skin felt warm.  Each little wrinkle that was painted on his face had a story to tell, some good and some bad.  My thumb traced the shape of his lips. 
He kissed the pad of my thumb, “Do you feel like talking?”
I shook my head, “Later, I want to enjoy this a little more. It’s nothing… really.”
His brows rose as his head tilted a bit, he knew that I was lying. “Well, if you say ‘it’s nothing’, then it’s nothing.”  His hands held onto my thighs, “But I’m still here for you.”  
My vision blurred with my tears, “Thank you Nikki.”  
His hand came up to brush away the waterworks, followed by another series of kisses.  He brought me down, cradling me in his arms once more.  His ever beating heart drummed softly against my ear, as his fingers stroked through my locks.  His quiet breathing was steady like his heartbeat. I felt safe with him, and I was happy knowing that we were together.
Nikki chuckled, he loves that particular nickname, “Yes?”
“I love you.”
One more kiss to the forehead, “I love you too, angel.”
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Hello again can you do a toby and offenderman (separate) with a reader that is able to turn people into doll-like creatures (dress in lolita fashion,carries around a porcelain doll,speaks elegantly,etc)
He is equal parts absolutely amazed and incredibly horrified at your ability to do so. He finds the thought of being turned into a doll to be quite terrifying, so he tries not to linger on that thought too much and avoids making you angry at all costs so he doesn't end up on the receiving end. He's also not the biggest fan of the little porcelain doll you carry around, but he knows it's important to you so he just avoids looking into its eyes for too long. He does tend to fret and worry over you, wondering if turning people into dolls would ever have any adverse reactions to you, and so whenever you've used your powers for what he deems to be too long, he ends up getting protective over you and making sure that you're resting and taking a nice big break, as he doesn't want you getting weak or exhausted from overuse of your powers. He admires you for your abilities, and that admiration is what drives him to look after you.
Now that's interesting! Offender has been around for quite a long time, and he's come across a large bunch of people, all with a different array of powers, and so when he stumbles across you he's quite drawn in. You have a very strong, very interesting set of abilities right there, and you have an obvious motif to match, so he's hooked to you quite fast. He's quite drawn to people that are unique like you, so it's no surprise he was so taken to you. I can also see him being a big fan of your fashion sense, spoiling you by getting you new clothing as a gift whenever he has the chance, and it's always in colors and styles that you're familiar with and enjoy. He does also like to keep his eyes on you to make sure you're not overdoing anything, but he also chooses to put a lot of faith in you and assume that you know your limits. But, worst case scenario if something happens, he'll be there to care for you while you recuperate. 
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a slightly more in depth look at potion permit
okay actual “low play time hours” review of potion permit let’s go; this is obviously not meant to be exhaustive because I’ve only played it for four hours but I think I’ve gotten the gist of it
here’s the link ahead of time, it’s 20 bux: Potion Permit (Steam)
and another reminder that This Is Not Meant To Be A Super In Depth Total Overview Of Potion Permit; some of these issues may be resolved naturally as the game progresses or is developed
okay let’s go
For starters it is indeed pretty much just a harvest moon-like with alchemy instead of farming, and this was my primary draw personally. After harvest moon got a major competitor in stardew valley (rip shepard’s crossing taken from us too soon) the next big step I wanted was to branch out into a sort’ve more expansive “casual sim game” genre and potion permit is a step in the right direction so Hey I’m happy to hear about that because that’s what I came here for! I could get into a big rant about how innovation in games is important event if I’m not a fan of the specific innovation because it’s a big chain of inspiration between developers and players and any innovation feeds into that chain in a positive way but I won’t. Just know that I love the genre is being innovated on and even if this game does not end up surviving I’m hoping the ideas it puts out will.
Ultimately right now not too many complaints besides...
- the NPCs can look a little samey; there’s at least two female NPCs that look very similar and it seems like half the cast has silver hair. Maybe there’s a plot reason for this or something; it certainly sticks out in an odd way.
- Additionally the gameplay loop is a little shallow; it’s essentially harvest moon/stardew valley foraging all the time with a few extra steps (mostly enemies) and a more lightweight NPC relationship system. I didn’t mind because honestly stardew valley got a little intense on the time management side of things for a chill out after work game and I was ready to take another step back on that front, but I admit it does end up making the game a little thin in places. With that said I don’t think it’s a deal breaker if you’re into the concept, I’m not very far into the exploration of the island, so things might get more interesting in the gathering portion of the game. Maybe dungeons or rare mats or interacting with gathering spots or something? I dunno.
Though we can’t get too far into the gameplay loop without entering into the crafting system for potions and such, along with actually treating people and I was pleasantly surprised with it! Potion crafting is essentially a block puzzle where you’re trying to fit ingredients with certain block grids and colors (AKA elements) into a premade pattern. Once you craft a potion five times you can lock in the recipe you used as a “quick craft”, so there’s room for optimizing potion recipes too if that’s your bag. It’s not an Incredible Innovation In Crafting Mechanics, but it is a fun little minigame I don’t hate playing a hundred times in a row. This also helps motivate the gathering portion of the game as obviously most of the items you gather are potion reagents and they have different patterns and colors. I find myself looking for new items just to see what new crafting qualities they have which I think is exactly the sort’ve thing you want in a game with a crafting focus.
As time goes on I imagine the grids get more complex and finnicky and more color restrictions are placed on the crafting, which probably makes the ingredient count limit more relevant.
Oh also, there’s a dog, he’s cute, press O to make him intractable and then interact with him to give him food from the submenu. I thought that was a smidge obtuse but I guess I did figure it out. Maybe Dog gets more functionality as time goes on. The game certainly seems to be drumming it up.
There are flaws here, mostly in my desire to interact with the town and NPCs. I admit the plot has me mildly interested, with it depicting an isolated island city that’s been alienated from the capital (and by extension modern medical care) by a terrible accident incited by the capital chemists in the past. Regardless It’s the sort’ve plot that I think I know where it’s going, so my interest is moderate at best. I’ve found NPCs I personally like, but most of them feel a little dry, and the addition of a generic “gift” item sort’ve sucks the fun out of finding out what people like for me. Unfortunately at least part of this feels pretty rooted in the design so I don’t think it’s going to get “fixed” outside of a major overhaul effort, that I feel like it probably won’t get. It’s not the worst thing in the world, there are NPCs that I think people will get attached to based on their personal opinions, there are NPCs I personally want to see more of their little subplots, but it doesn’t live up to stardew valley in this regard. Though to be fair it’s a hell of an act to follow.
Ultimately, pretty good! The flaws are not glaring and the positives feel fresh and interesting. We’ll see if the gimmick can hold up for however long the game ends up playing for.
tl;dr: Good crafting system, good execution of the concept, NPCs and socializing feel a little dry, combat is a much bigger part of the game as monsters drop reagents. There Is A Dog. He’s cute and you can feed him mushrooms. Maybe he does other stuff eventually.
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tyrahmen · 7 months
I know I’m 15 years late, but I need to talk about the Professor Layton prequel games.
Includes spoilers for Last Specter, Miracle Mask and Azran Legacy. Because I have words to say.
As a kid, I was a huge fan of the original three Layton games. Even though it was a long time ago, I still have fond memories of pouring over the riddles with my brother. We also watched the movie together some time back then, but only recently upon rewatching it did I find out that it belongs to a prequel series of games.
I got my hands on them and immediately my love for the games was reignited. I absolutely adore Last Specter, it was everything I still held dear in my memories and more. I finished the game at almost 100% in only two days or so. I’m planning on replaying the original games soon, but Last Specter might just stay my favourite game of them all.
Then I jumped into Miracle Mask and… I don’t want to say I hated it, but I struggle to find a less intense word to describe my disappointment. I really disliked the 3D graphics, the new controls, and most importantly, almost every single screen of the game. Professor Layton, for me, equals a cozy but slightly mysterious setting. It equals calm. Monte d’Or is anything but. It’s colorful and visually noisy, and that combined with the 3D graphics I dislike made for a very exhausting experience. I ended up rushing through the game to get it done instead of enjoying it and seeking out every puzzle I could.
I guess I went into Azran Legacy with lower expectations, because I found the graphics and controls much more tolerable there (even though I still don’t quite like them). It’s still competing with Miracle Mask for least favourite in my list simply because of the story.
Now don’t get me wrong, I did enjoy the story for the most part. It just… takes away so much from the other stories, especially from the previous two games. I loved the Layton stories in great part because they are so personal – the mystery is meaningful because it means something to characters we love/get to love throughout the game. Azran Legacy’s story is too grand. It affects the whole world, takes place throughout the whole world, and feels like it spreads itself too thin because of it. It doesn’t have enough time for individuals because there’s so much to do. And in the face of such high stakes, what was the meaning of saving a single town in Last Specter or Miracle Mask? That Garden of Healing, that was so important at the end of Last Specter because it means Arianna can live, is now relegated to being “just one of the Azran ruins”, just like the ruins of Akbadain (or however you write it, I can’t quite remember sorry), which had so much meaning to our beloved Professor and his childhood friends. Which, by the way, despite being alluded to being incredibly vital in unveiling the Azran Legacy, have no role besides like a half-sentence in the third game.
And… the ending. I refuse to accept what they did to Emmy as canon because it feels less like a plot twist and more like a “Oh, we forgot these are prequels and we need a reason for her not to be in the other games”. It doesn’t fit her character at all. It’s not a betrayal from her, but from the writers – they made this really cool character that we love and care about, and then, three games and a movie in, go like “haha jinx, she was against you this entire time”. Like—no?? Have you read your own characterization of her? Because I did, and there wasn’t a single line that didn’t read “she genuinely cares about the Professor and Luke and EVERYONE THEY MEET”. She saw how Targent treated people. No way would she still be unquestioningly loyal to Bronev, especially after knowing the Professor for a while. If you wanna drop this kind of “plot twist” on a main character, making them go completely against their morals and their previous characteristics, you have to have at least one thing, literally anything that foreshadows it. The Professor more or less got closure with his family matters there (which also seemed a little bit shoe-horned in, in my opinion, they could have just left it out and it still would have been fine), but the conclusion of everyone else’s arcs felt… so unsatisfying. Emmy I already went into way too much detail about. But Aurora too – her death was so cliché I couldn’t even be sad about it. They literally did the exact same with her as with Loosha, the “sacrificed herself so we don’t have to figure out the consequences of her existing in this universe”. I already didn’t like it in Last Specter, but I could accept it. But them pulling the same thing at the end of the series just feels cheap.
I think this is enough of a rant. If anyone ever reads this far, thank you! Feel free to let me know what you think/thought about the development of the games, and which one of all of them is your favourite.
I’m gonna go replay Curious Village now. It’s been so many years I barely remember the story, so let’s see if I remember any puzzles :D
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cassynite · 1 year
🍒🧡🛍️ for Vonzi and 🍊💧🍆 for Sparrow, and 🌸 for both?
Aaaaah thank you so much! These were such good questions (ESPECIALLY THE VOICE ONE!)
🍒 What kind of things do they expect from their relationships? Does this differ between platonic relationships and romantic ones? Is your OC “demanding” or a door mat? What kinds of things do people expect from them in a relationship?
Ooooh a good one for Vonzi. She's aro so this just applies to friendships and familial relationships. Vonzi's actually a very giving person to people she forms bonds with--she's genuinely interested in what people think and say and wants people to feel seen, supported, and heard. She's used to being a support, and while sometimes she thinks that people's concerns are baseless and can get impatient with them--and sometimes she is very brusque about it--if she considers you a friend she will still help you even if she makes fun of you. She rarely wants a lot, if anything, in return, if she just likes your personality. However, that doesn't mean she doesn't have boundaries or shut people down who try to take advantage of her...with the exception of her family. She does not deny her sisters anything as a matter of course due to the dynamic they had growing up--their hardships were primarily Vonzi's fault, and her powers were the main thing keeping them safe, so she was both scapegoat and protector within the Voness family, a position that has led both sisters to rely on her extensively in ways that Vonzi would not tolerate from anyone else.
🧡 Who is your OC’s favourite person? Why is this person the top of their list and have they actually met them (an idol or rolemodel or celeb can be someone’s favourite after all!).
Who does your OC absolutely hate, the one person who they’d sell to Satan for one corn chip? Why do they loathe this person so?
Oooooh what a question....it would have to be her second sister, Aerici. Vonzi and Viritine (the eldest sister), butt heads and have diametrically opposed viewpoints of the world, and also take up similar positions as caretakers of the family, but Aerici was often ignored by their mother and ended up as a mediator, which made her incredibly close to both of her sisters. She is the laughter and the kindness, softer than Viritine and steadier than Vonzi, and after their mother dies she's the glue that holds them together. As for hate...Vonzi doesn't throw that word around lightly. Hating individual people is exhausting and not worth her time usually. But if she ever saw the Asmodean inquisitor who arrested her mother, leading to her death, Vonzi would make him a corpsicle without a second thought. She hopes hell ends up being a bitterly cold place for him.
🛍️ Function or Aesthetic? Skirts or Pants? Heels or Flats?
Aesthetic! Vonzi's big on style and is used to being mildly uncomfortable. She's not going to go with super impractical things--she's not an idiot--but she'll pick more vibrant colors insead of neutrals, wear jewelry when it's not needed, and make sure all of her outfits have a bit of flair even if she's camping in the middle of the woods Wearing a skirt in battle does teeter right on the edge of impractical so she doesn't do it terribly often, but given a choice she's skirts all the way. Flats! She's flat-footed so heels actually hurt her feet and she doesn't like how they make her look anyway. She's perfectly comfortable at her current height, thanks.
🍊 What is your OC’s favourite meal? Snack? Dessert? Drink? Any reasons behind this besides liking how it tastes?
For Sparrow...her food tastes run toward the spicy and the bitter. She's a fan of olives, rice, spiced beef, nutty bread, thick cheese, it's just how her taste palate runs. However, she's also the kind of person who's never going to complain about food put in front of her, because it's food and it might not be there the next time she needs it if she's picky.
💧 What is the earliest memory your OC can recall? Do they know what their first words were or remember where they took their first steps? Do they have any mementos of their childhood they’ve kept such as a stuffed toy or tiny baby clothes?
Sparrow's first distinct memory is of her brother's workshop--it actually would have been his mentor's workshop in Alkenstar, as he was still an apprentice at the time and the details of the room would differentiate it from the place he would eventually set up in Dehrukani. But Sparrow's sitting at the workbench, feet hanging in the air, stacking little blocks on top of each other a crude imitation of the model her brother is putting together to showcase a design for a suspension bridge. Every time he looks over, she laughs and shows him her progress, and he smiles at her and tells her she's doing a great job. It'll be higher than even his when it's done.
🍆 Tea or Coffee or Hot Chocolate? Sweet or Spicy? Fruits or Vegetables?
Coffee! Tea makes her sleepy and she likes the bitterness of coffee; she's not a huge fan of chocolate in general. Spicy foods always. She's not a fan of sweets! Vegetables--cooked and spiced with meat and sauce, over a bed of rice, steamed, pushed on a kebab...veggies make the meal.
🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
Sparrow: It's funny you mentioned Vesper's voice matching the reserved voice in-game, because Sparrow's is almost identical to that one as well! I imagine it being a little lower and even quieter, but with the same tenor. She wouldn't raise her voice in alarm or show as much emotion as some of the voice tags do (I'm thinking of like the "I've failed" voice tag which sounds pretty distraught. Sparrow would never do that.), but otherwise it's pretty spot on. Sparrow's laugh is usually very quiet if it's audible at all; she often will swallow it back and just let out quiet huffs of laughter rather than actually make the sound. When she does, though, it's usually out of extreme surprise as well as amusement, so it can be rather loud and sharp. Sparrow's singing is, like everything else, rather low and quiet, but it's very soothing and sweet. She rarely, if ever, sings though. Vonzi's voice is low-pitched and sonorous, but while she doesn't yell she's able to project pretty powerfully so she's not loud but is always heard. She definitely has an accent from her time in Sargava, a slurring of her words that changes the cadence in a way most people in Mendev would find strange. She has a very big laugh, almost a cackle, and sings fairly well--she's a big fan of it, singing a lot and humming to herself when she works. If she's got a song stuck in her head, everyone knows about it!
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allthingsfook · 9 months
are you still accepting ships? because i'd love one!
i'm 5'5 with shoulder length brown hair and green eyes (she/they!)
i love love love music, my main favorites being gvf, elton john, billy joel, john denver, wallows, and lana del rey.
i love concerts and being outdoors. especially hiking and kayaking, camping is def growing on me. i'm also a big time plant mom and i have a cat!
i'm currently studying secondary education, focus on earth and space science!! i hold a bachelor's in astrophysics.
Of course! I’m always accepting. I am truly sorry for not being timely so I hope you find this when I post!!!!
I ship you with….
Joshua ✨
Your physical description sounds so natural and beautiful. Just how josh would love you. He’d constantly be complimenting your natural beauty and your dreamy green eyes 💚
Your music taste is extremely compatible with Josh. I can see you guys sitting on a cozy screened in porch, listening to John Denver and Elton John playing softly on a vintage Zenith record player. You’d be surrounded by a wicker set of furniture covered in boho blankets and pillows. Plants towered on a wall of shelves. Wood wind chimes clattering outside the porch. Sun catchers hang in each screen panel, casting a rainbow across the room. An oscillating fan softly blowing your hair which tickles your neck. Stacks of books and vinyl pile up in a corner. Your cat would be napping on an adorned cat tower. Josh would be wrapped up in his journal, doodling, writing, coloring, making his dreams come alive. You’d catch him humming along to songs periodically. How sweet lazy life would be with him.
Outdoors is certainly Josh’s happy place and where he draws a lot of inspiration from. All of the outside activities you enjoy, I see Josh loving as well. No doubt. Imagine his tiny shorts riding up while going on a hike. Him pulling at them and getting flustered. His cheeks rosey from being in the sun, his forehead glazed with sweat. You would reach a shady outlook and josh would huff. Slugging his water and wiping his brow with his bandana. For how exhausted and spent he is, you see how peaceful and genuinely happy he looks. Then he’d gaze at you with his Bambi eyes and hold you while the both of you admire the breathtaking sight. After taking a moment, you’d hike back to your campsite. That’s something Josh has wanted to do for a while; tent camping in true wilderness. And so you end the night with him showing off his Boy Scout skills by building a fire, cooking some hotdogs and s’mores, and snuggling in your tent ☺️
Lastly, Josh would be so incredibly proud of your professional/academic achievements. Also wildly attracted to your smarts. He’d pick your brain on a wide range of topics, each time falling for you over again while you give your opinion. He’d kiss your head and remind you how intelligent you are. That’s the first thing he’d brag about when talking about you, whether you are around or not. Josh would be your biggest fan and supporter.
Oh man! I loved this ship. I sang to me and gave me huge imagery. I hope you love it just as much as I do. As always, let me know what you think. I love to hear what everyone has to say!!!
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tacticalgrandma · 2 years
Hi, sorry if this is forward but I was wondering if the Blizzard stuff the main thing that made you quit the OW fandom? I've always loved your metas and commentary but I can imagine how exhausting producing content for such a stagnant product that *barely* gives proper true updates can be. On the other hand, a lot of ex-fans preferred how little there was to work with because it meant more creative freedom. Did that also contribute to you checking out?
Hey anon! Yes, Blizzard stuff made me leave the fandom. I did Title IX advocacy in college and the stories that came from there, as well as the lack of real systemic change or consequences, hit way too close to home for me to feel comfortable really engaging with it anymore. I’ll also say that taking time away from OVW made me check out games like Apex & Destiny 2, and made me realize that Overwatch’s centering of the beige men in its roster wasn’t something I just had to put up with, because it was the best thing out there. Blizzard’s utter mistreatment of characters of color is not a standard. And its mistreatment of its creators of color—see how it treated Ashe’s novel versus Sojourn’s & Orisa’s—is absolutely something people don’t need to tolerate. Once you have a love triangle between three women of color or a lore book where a Black woman angsts about her sapphic ace relationship, kind of hard to want to go back.
There are parts of OVW I miss—I don’t know if I’ll ever find a ship I fell for as hard as Spiderbyte, Akande is an S tier character, and Ana Amari had such strong personal significance. And I made such incredible friends in the fandom. But yeah just a combo of personally not being comfortable engaging with a company whose violent culture I’m so familiar with, and having realized there’s much better options out there.
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