#it's being normalized almost? if that's the right word for it?
rafeandonlyrafe · 2 days
stress relief
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words: 1.1k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, male receiving handjob and oral, semi dub con (mainly power dynamics), bimbo!reader, ceo!rafe
“hey y/n.” rafes secretary says as you quickly make your way past her desk with a quick wave and into your bosses office, knowing you're a few minutes late.
“hi, bossman.” you smile wide as you enter, placing his iced coffee down on the coaster that stays sat out and ready.
“y/n, thank god you're here.” rafe groans, pushing himself away from his laptop, needing a break from staring at the screen.
“im only like five minutes late.” you pout, already feeling tears well up in your eyes. “it's just because your coffee was taking a long time and-”
“no, i don't care about that.” rafe shakes his head quickly. the second he saw you in the lobby, among the line of girls waiting to interview for his assistant position, he knew you'd be chosen.
tight pink shirt showing off your cleavage and a skirt that was clearly bought just for the interview, twice the length of what rafe guessed was your average skirt length, and quickly figured out he was right when you reverted back to your mini skirts.
“oh, okay.” all the negative emotions you were feeling are gone as you shrug.
“but i do need you for something. come here.” rafe beckons you over and you move quickly to the other side of the desk.
“what is it ya need?” you ask, quirking your head to the side.
“need some stress relief.” rafe grunts, adjusting the front of his pants from where he's painfully pressing against the zipper.
“okay, like a massage?” you question. you're not sure what the normal functions of an assistant to a ceo entails, but for how much you're getting paid, you're willing to do pretty much anything.
“yes, a massage.” rafe nods enthusiastically. “exactly. and i have one place that really needs to be massaged.”
“mmkay.” you nod, figuring it's his shoulders or something, when rafe tugs at his zipper and pulls his painfully hard cock out.
“oh my god!” you squeal, covering your face quickly, palms smacking against your cheeks.
“no, no.” rafe says calmly. “this is just part of the job, okay?”
“i… are you sure?” 
“yes. now come give me a massage so i can get back to work.”
“okay…” you take a better look at his dick, hard and long with a decent size to it that makes you imagine something you definitely shouldn't about your boss. you shake the thoughts out of your head and grab your desk chair from the corner of the room and drag it towards rafe.
you sit down next to him, glancing again between his eyes and his exposed privates. rafe gives you an encouraging nod, and there's no way your boss would lie to you, right? 
your hand reaches out to grasp rafes cock, swallowing thickly to ignore the urge to wrap your lips around it as you begin to stroke him.
“is that good?” you question.
“yeah, real good, just keep going.” rafe relaxes into his chair, plush and comfortable for the long hours he spends in the office, always arriving before you and leaving long after you've called it quits for the day.
you reach your other hand forward as well, working his length with both hands. you tug your lower lip between your teeth, focusing on his pleasure as you jack him off.
rafe keeps mostly quiet, just a slight increase in the noise of his exhales, but not quite yet a sigh. you leave one hand moving up and down his length and bring the other to the head of his cock, moving in teasing swirls before swiping the pad of your thumb right over his tip.
“oh, that's good.” rafe mutters, his eyes blinking hard to stay open, wanting to remember exactly what it's like to have you leaning forward, breasts almost spilling out as your hands work on his cock.
“anything for you boss.” you smile. you do love working for rafe. being his assistant is mostly just running errands for him, but even that doesn't take up enough of your time, so you end up online shopping and picking at your nails until 5pm hits.
“you are really good at massages.” rafe smirks, and you don't catch his implication. that you're experienced and not in literal massages.
“thanks.” you feel your cheeks blush, face heating. it's hard to get a compliment out of rafe. the nicest thing you think he's ever done is when you caught him staring at your ass as you walked away.
“keep doing that.” rafe says when you cup your hand over the head of his cock, rubbing your palm against his leaky tip.
“mmkay.” you hum again, your usual response to any of rafes demands. your other hand keeps stroking over his length, squeezing just tight enough to have rafes lower jaw dropping in pleasure.
you both jump when the phone begins to ring. rafe reaches over to quickly end the call when he sees who it is.
“stop, it's tokyo.” rafe whispers as your hands continue to move. even though you keep yourself out of the business side, you know how big of a deal the companies japanese partners are.
“answer it!” you squeal, but your hands continue to move.
rafe know he can't keep them waiting so he quickly accepts the call, trying to fix his voice while you stare at him, still stroking almost absentmindedly up and down his cock.
rafe answers the question the representative on the other end has as you drop one hand down to fondle his balls, squeezing your hand into the opening in his pants to touch them.
rafe pulls the phone receiver away from his mouth as he lets out a quiet curse, eyes pleading for you to stop, but you can't make yourself, and rafe certainly won't push your hands away when he's longed to have them on him for so long.
rafes voice is shaky as he answers questions, his cock pulsing in your hand, tip turning pink as you realize what is about to happen.
you look around for something to catch his cum as his cock pulses in your hand but you come up with nothing, so you drop your head and wrap your mouth around the head of his cock just as he begins to cum, sucking gently to empty him as you obediently swallow.
your hands fall away as you look up at rafe, lips locked around his cock. you give one final suck that has him gasping before covering it up with a cough before you pull off with a pop.
you don't even need to be asked as you tuck rafe back into his pants as he finishes up his call, tossing the phone down the second he says sayonara.
“shit.” rafe groans.
“is your stress relieved now?” you ask, somehow still looking the perfect mix of innocent and sluty even though your lipgloss is smeared from rafes cock.
“yeah.” rafe nods. “and next time i want a massage with your mouth.”
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pit-and-the-pen · 2 days
Broken Pieces
Based on this request by @romantasyreader28. Thank you again for the request <3
Warnings: non-sexual nudity, brief mention of death
Wc: 3.3k
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Azriel was truly at a loss. You had come back from your last mission, different. Something that in all your years working together had never happened before. All the years since being your mate, being your husband. Azriel never saw you take a mission this hard before. 
He should have sensed something was off sooner. He was the spymaster for the Night Court and he couldn’t tell when his mate was upset?
You had just come home. Walking into your shared room bleary eyed and limping. The hug he wrapped you in was quickly shrugged off. Sliping from his hold in a way that he’d never seen you do before. He put it down as exhaustion. A three day mission by yourself always wore you out. So he drew you a hot bath, helped you peel off your clothes. 
“Azriel can you…Nevermind.” You spoke, something dimming out from your eyes. He raised  his eyebrow but you turned your back on him. He just thought you wanted some privacy to deal with the layer of grime on your skin. He ignored the small pang of hurt that ran through him. You would almost always beg him to join you in baths. More than once, you’ve pulled him by his jacket into the oversized tub. Not caring that the floor got soaked or that the clothes were that much harder to take off when they were wet. You would melt in his arms only once he had your back pressed against his front. But not today. Not wanting to overcrowd you, he stepped out of the bathroom, placing the towel within arms reach and going to grab your bathrobe. He knew how much you hated leaving the warmth of a bath only to have to walk across a cold room to get dressed. Normally that wasn’t a problem because Azriel would just carry you. Normally would find other ways to make sure you kept warm. 
He sat awkwardly at the edge of the bed. Not knowing what to do with himself. He leaned back on his hands and tried to keep his rising panic away from the bond. You were just tired. He kept reminding himself. 
Eventually, you walked out of the bathroom. Clutching your bathrobe for warmth. You walked over to the dresser by the foot of the bed and started pulling out your nightclothes. Azriel’s hands twitched slightly when he saw you drop your robe to the floor, leaving you bare in front of him. Pushing himself off the bed, he walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your middle. Light kisses pressed against your bare shoulder. You head lolled back, body finally relaxing against him. He dragged his kisses up to your neck and he felt you stiffen under him. You took a step away from him, putting just enough distance for Azriel to get the message. “Love,-”
“Azriel, please. I just want to go to bed.” He truly was beginning to panic. You were obviously allowed to not be in the mood, he would never dream of insinuating otherwise. But you wouldn’t even look at him. As much as his blood was roaring for you, he just wanted to see your smile. She’s just tired. He was all but chanting to himself. But as he let you crawl into bed, he knew it was something more than that. When he went to send a wave of comfort down the bond, he was met with no more than a brick wall. His eyebrow furrowed. Not once had you blocked off your side of the bond. Neither of you had. Not when your job required so much distance and was so dangerous. He was shaking as he walked over to his side of the bed. The side you normally insisted on occupying half of so he would have to pick you up and pull you onto his chest. He was at a loss for words. He just stared at your frame. Unable to think about the right thing to say to you. He had never felt more helpless in all of his time of being your mate. How many times have you comforted him? How many times did you patch him up when he wanted nothing more than to fall apart? And here he was gaping at your turned back. Unable to return that for you. 
He climbed into bed and went to wrap his arm around your now shaking frame. His heart broke at the sob that broke past your lips. It broke even further when you scooted out of his grip without a word. He was forced to listen to your sniffles and see the shake in your shoulders without being able to comfort you. He didn’t fall asleep until he heard your breathing even out, until the sniffles stopped and he knew you were asleep. 
The next morning you were still asleep when he woke up. He didn’t hold much hope that you were going to be magically better this morning but a small part of him wished it to be true. Even though you were right next to him in bed, having curled up into his side during the night, he felt so far away from you. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you for what might be the only time today. You nuzzled deeper into his side, the soft snore that left your mouth the only indicator that you were still asleep. He just held you, his mind reeling with ways he could fix this. 
You started to stir in his hold. He didn’t let you go, only loosened his arms so he wasn’t squeezing you as much. You curled into him even more before you stiffened, he saw your eyes for only a second before you pulled his arm off of you and turned away from him. You didn’t look at him again as you climbed out of bed and went to the dresser to grab clothing for the day. You stalked over to the divider in the room and Azriel could only see your faint outline as you changed and walked out of the room, leaving without so much of a glance his way. He just sat there, looking at the slightly open door and let you walk away. 
Azriel was out of ideas. So he dressed slowly and then headed down the hallways to Rhys’ study. He didn’t knock and his brother took one look at him and put down the paper he had been looking over. 
“How is she?” So Rhys knew.
“I don’t know. She won’t talk to me. Did she..”
“She didn’t come see me after her mission and that’s never a good sign.” 
“I don’t know what to do. Rhys she won’t even let me touch her.” He felt a slight tinge of shame at talking to Rhys about this, about your personal life like this. But he needed his advice. He really needs both of his brothers' advice. And like he could hear him, Cassian walked into the room. He sat in the chair next to Azriel. A shadow slinking up Azriel’s shoulder to give him an update about your whereabouts, the priestess library. Well at least you weren’t fully alone. He would accept that. But it also meant you didn’t want to talk to him. His brothers must have sensed his growing anxiety because Cassian placed a light hand onto his shoulder, sympathy shining in his eyes. 
“I have to watch as the girl I love… slips away” Azriel spoke to his brothers. Rhys’ face dropped and even Cassian didn’t dare to speak. “I don’t know how to help her or even if she wants me to help her but… I just don’t know.” And if there was anything Azriel hated in this world, it was not having an answer. No amount of spying or sneaking would help him fix what was going on in your own head. 
“She probably just needs time.”
“Rhys, she’s fully blocked me out. I’m losing my mind right now not being able to feel her through the bond.” Rhys shook his head, understanding the feeling all too well. 
“Just give her time.” Was all his brother said. Azriel’s shadow’s became a flurry at the thought, wrapping around him and hiding him from his brothers views. He knew he needed to give her space but the urge to comfort his mate was eating him alive already. What type of mate was he if he couldn’t make you feel better? He didn’t want to think about it but it was starting to consume him.
You didn’t return to your room that night. He waited for hours, sending his shadows all around Velaris to look for you. They found you in your old room. Curled up, crying herself to sleep. Very sad, needs you, sent us out of the room. They informed him. Regardless of his shadows all but pulling him from the bed, he stayed put. If you wanted to be alone, he would give you space. As much as it killed him to do so. 
Easier said than done apparently. He lasted all of three days before he started to seek you out. Something that was very hard to do when he personally taught you how to avoid being detected. If it wasn’t for his shadows, he wouldn’t even know you were still in the house. But everytime they told him of your location, you would be gone before he could reach you. It was the most frustrating thing he had ever experienced. He was wound so tight he was starting to avoid Rhys and Cassian, for no other reason than he couldn’t stand to see the concern in their faces. Azriel had barely been able to sleep without you next to him, with his shadows all but screaming at him to go to his mate every second of the day. 
HE was going crazy, he knew it. His hands were clenching and unclenching by his side as Rhys was speaking to him, not listening to a single word coming out of his mouth. Your figure passed by him in the hallway and it was all he could do to politely excuse himself from Rhys’ side. He ungracefully ran to catch up with you. He was about to grab your wrist before you froze in front of him. You stood facing away from him, but didn’t move, utterly still. 
“Please. Just look at me.” He felt his skin crawl as you still didn’t move. HIs shadows had wrapped around your shoulders, your arm,your legs, all over you. You didn’t lower your shoulders. But he was graced with the slow turn that brought your tense face into his view. The muscles in your jaw clenched tight, eyes casted over his shoulder, refusing to look him in the eye. 
“Azriel, I can’t… I can’t talk about it. Please just stop.” Your lip trembled, voice tense but soft. 
He sank down onto his knees, maybe begging, maybe praying to a god to be able to help you.
“Please, what's wrong.” Azriel clutched your hand. You looked at him but he could tell the slight fog in your eyes that you weren’t truly seeing him. You shook your head as your eyes returned to him. As you were pulled from that memory. 
“You’ll hate me if I tell you. I hate myself.” You choked out.
“Darling, I could never hate you.” You shook your head at his words. 
“No, this was… unforgivable.” 
“Do you know what I do for this court? Trust me, I’ve seen and done far worse.”
“It was a kid. They were a shifter. I didn’t know until I was holding their lifeless body. Until their mother broke down the door. She was…I should have let her kill me.” Your hands were shaking, you were rubbing them against the leg of your pants. Trying to wipe them clean, he recognized the repeated motion. It would happen sometimes when you just felt like your hands couldn’t get clean. It happened when you had a particularly bad reaction to a victim. I still feel the blood for days after. Can see it sometimes. You had told him once. So he did the only thing he could offer you at that moment. Azriel lightly took your hands in his, pulling them away from your pants. Placing feather light kisses to each joint in your finger, placing a handful of extras on the ring with a piece of his siphon embedded into it. He flipped your hand over and copied his trail of kisses. Followed onto your palm, up to your wrist. He didn’t let that hand drop as he turned his attention to your other hand. Trailing kisses all over until that was the only thing you could feel. Until the phantom blood would be replaced by the warmth of his lips. 
He knew you were crying. But your hands were only slightly trembling now. When Azriel went to pull away, you clutched him so hard he thought it would bruise. Nails biting slightly into his skin. He didn’t flinch. Just let you guide him up and into your arms. Clinging to him like he was a life persevere and you were drowning. And you were. For the first time in days, he felt that door on the other side of the bond open and the wave of grief and sorrow that filled him only had him pulling you tighter against him. 
“You didn’t know. Rhys didn’t know either, I’m assuming?” He felt your head shake against his shoulder. No.
“You didn’t know.”
“That doesn’t make it okay. I should have been able to tell. The way he spoke… I just thought he was low born. He was one of the best assassins that Hewn city has seen in centuries and he couldn’t have been more than fifteen.” 
“I’m so sorry.”
“I buried them both. I couldn’t just leave them. I even tried to leave something for them, some identifier but… I can still see them when I close my eyes. He was so small…” Your voice broke on the word and you were pushing on his chest then, writhing to get out of his arms and so he released you. As much as he didn’t want to. He let you go and watched as you crumpled to the ground. Head in your hands and knees drawing close to your chest. He didn't touch you as he sank down to his knees in front of you. He just sat with you in your grief. He breathed louder than normal, a silent encouragement for you to breathe with him. Slowly, you did. your chest rising and falling slowed until they matched. You pulled your head up slowly. Eyes shiny and red. 
“Can we go to bed?” your voice wasn’t louder than a whisper. He nodded, opening his arms in question. you nodded back and Azriel scooped you up in his arms, you buried your head into his chest, blocking out the rest of the world. 
He delicately held you in his arms as he walked into the room, kicking the door shut behind him.“Do you want to bathe first?” You nodded, not raising your head from where it rested. 
So he walked into the bathroom and shifted you onto the counter, keeping a hand on your knee as he started to draw the bath. He walked back over to you and stood between your legs, wrapping his arms around your middle. “Can I take these off?” His fingers were lightly tracing the bottom of your shirt and you nodded. Ever so gently, he pulled the cotton over your head, placing a small kiss to the top of your nose when it was over your head. He popped you up long enough to get your pants down your legs. He was slightly disappointed with himself for still finding you so beautiful, even with the tear marks sticking to your face. You were the most gorgeous female he had ever laid eyes on and he let you know that. You blushed and pulled him down for a light kiss. It was just a quick peck. He went to turn off the water before it could spill over the edge of the tub. He picked you up again and slowly lowered you into the water. He turned away, giving you some privacy, but you only took his hand in your and stared up at him. 
“Can you…get in?” The slight tremble in your voice had him nodding before you even finished. He didn’t care what words were about to come out of your mouth, he would do it. So he peeled himself out of his clothes and joined you in the hot water. Slightly too hot for his preference but just the way you liked it. He pulled you against his front and picked up the shampoo you used. 
He cupped some water into his hands to wet your hair and worked the soap through. Fingers stretching at your scalp in the process, you leaned further back into him savoring the feeling of his hands in your hair. Once he was done, he washed the bubbles out with the cup by the edge of the tub. Covering your face lightly with his hand to avoid getting it into your eyes. He handed you the sponge and his body wash, the scent always soothed you when you were upset, giving you space to wash your own body. His hands did smooth the soap off your shoulder and back, but he knew what would happen to his own body if he dragged that sponge over your soft skin and this wasn’t about that. This was him taking care of his mate and nothing more. He took a deep breath to push those thoughts away from the front of his mind, a soft wave of nothing but pure adoration washed down the bond as he did so, fully banishing the thoughts from him. He stepped out of the bath first to grab the towel that was hanging on the edge of the door. He quickly dried himself off before he went  to pick you up from the now lukewarm bath. He wrapped you up in the towel and carried you over to the bed. He placed you down in the middle and you sat watching him as he went over to the dresser to grab something for you to put on. You shook your head at him and pulled the covers over yourself. 
 So he joined you, shuffling you onto his chest. You both laid like this for a few minutes, lazily drawing shapes onto your back with his hands. This was just about needing to feel your mate close to you. A need to feel something. A content sigh left you as you nuzzled into his chest, hand already going to circle around the patch of hair at the center. His own hands were brushing over your hair. Neither of you spoke, both content to lay in your own little bubble of quiet. He listened to your breathing slow slightly and knew you had drifted off to sleep. He couldn’t find it in himself to let his eyes close. He could only stare down at his amazing mate. His wife. His everything. The person who felt so deeply that she had made graves for the people she wasn’t supposed to care about. Who would have been content to drown in grief alone at the thought of what she had accidentally done. Your rule was simple, one that everyone else echoed, no children and no mothers. Despite all the things you had done for the Night Court, there were boundaries that even Rhys would never cross. He would have to tell Rhys what happened, encouraging his brother to let Azriel gather intel before sending in his mate to finish the job. But that could all wait until the morning. Tonight he would be with his mate, tonight he would do his best to take the weight of the world off your shoulders.
tagging the girlies: @daycourtofficial @sarawritestories @milswrites @prythianpages
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milotraflgkl · 1 day
Safe Word
note: THIS IS A REUPLOAD!!! content: SMUT!, safe word mention, sanji being a loser but also amazing in bed, finger, eating out, praises. WC: 2346
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Sanji slowly looked up at you, “A.. A safe word?” He muttered, his cheeks turning slightly pink and his tone softened as if anyone could hear you two when you weren’t even near the crew. His eyebrows pressed together and he licked his lips as he looked back down at the meal he was prepping, he took a moment to continue his work his eyebrows staying where they were before he turned to look back up at you. “Why would we need a safe word?” He asks, his facial expression stuck on confusion but as you watched you could see how it slowly shifted to worry. “I haven’t been, hurting you during it.. right?” He asks, as he stops what he’s doing and quickly rounds the counter to stand next to you.
His hands quickly came up to your face and his thumb brushed your cheek gently, “No! Not at all Sanji.” You reassured him, you paused for a moment your facial expression struggling to find a set emotion to land on as your lips pursed out and then were brought back in. You opened your mouth, “But I wouldn’t… mind if you were a bit rougher.” You finally spat out the words, you felt your body become hot and you knew that the blush was obvious especially since you could see Sanji turn into a bright red tomato. “Oh… Oh…” He choked out, you felt his hands become sweatier and he slowly took his hands away.
He turned away and made his way to work on his dinner, “We aren’t that far from the next island.” He spoke out, you snapped your head to look towards him. “Wha..What?” You muttered, “We will get a room on the next island.” He said, his voice was deeper and as you watched him you saw how red the tip of his ears were.
The next few days were pure torture and it didn’t help that Sanji was practically teasing you, the way his eyes would stare at you until you connected eyesight and then he’d move his eyes down taking in every single inch of your body. The way his hands would linger a bit longer then would softly move away from your skin leaving chills down your spine, almost feeling yourself lean towards his touch not wanting it to leave. You couldn’t do anything about it either, especially with the lack of privacy getting Sanji alone or even being alone yourself was a rare delicacy. But what you would do to just jump onto Sanji and let him use you for his, clear desires? It felt like it was taking years to get to the next island, your body aching in need the more you thought about how far the island was and yet how close Sanji was.
Finally, the day had come, the ship was put securely into a spot on the dock and the crew had finally decided on a good place to stay. Sanji and you were put in a room together because of your relationship but also because Sanji double-made sure with a quick request told to Nami. You felt yourself become more tense and excited for night to come, as the crew went about their normal routine of gathering supplies then heading to the closet bar to finally relax after so many days of sailing.
You sat at the bar and drank a small martini that had a paper umbrella in it, that was so graciously gifted to you by the bartender who had the hots for you. You didn’t pay him any mind more so lost in the thoughts of why Sanji had been so distant yet so close, as well as the sound of chatter and music taking up the rest of any other space that could’ve been left to think about the bartender who constantly had his eyes on you. You slowly stirred the paper umbrella around in the drink, your elbow against the counter and chin being held by your hand. As the bartender came over for the fifth time to interrupt your thought he asked if you were enjoying the drink and if you needed anything else, as well as sliding in a smooth flirt. You giggled at the notion, more flattered that he found you attractive. You denied a new drink and silently ignored his flirt unaware of the glaring eyes only feet away from you, it didn’t take long for you to notice when you felt a hand snake against your back and hold the side of your body tightly. You quickly turn and look up at Sanji who was already staring at you, a soft smile on his face and his beautiful blue eyes admiring your facial features. But most importantly your lips, it seemed that after a moment of looking at the top of your face, his eyes froze at your lips and didn’t move an inch. “Hi, Sanji.” You spoke out finally and his eyes immediately snapped to look back into yours, “Hi [Name].” He responds.
It didn’t take much longer until two of his fingers gently moved to find the bottom of your chin, pushing your head up a bit more before he leaned himself closer to you and pressed his soft lips against yours. You could taste nicotine fresh on his lips, he must’ve just come in from a smoke. You thought to yourself before they were interrupted by the feeling of his hand softly grazing your knee and moving upwards on your thigh, threatening to reach up the bottom of your dress. You looked down at his hand and grabbed it gently, “What do you think you are doing?” You ask him, Sanji looks at you with desire glossed over his eyes and his pupils blown out absorbing ocean-blue eyes. “I got us a room.” He responds as he squeezes your thigh gently his lips gently grazing against yours, you shudder at the feeling of his soft lips against yours. You nod unable to think properly about the situation you are in, Sanji gently moves his hand to grab ahold of yours and pulls you along with him as you leave the bar. Sanji leads you through this building and up the stairs until you find a room with the numbers that match the numbers engraved on the key that Sanji held in his off-hand. He slowly lets go of your hand and unlocks the door, stepping inside the room and then holding the door open for you as you step in afterward.
With one swift movement, Sanji grabs ahold of your waist and guides you to the bed, he’s gentle with his actions still keeping up his gentlemanly personality. His lips quickly find yours as well as his hand finding the nape of your neck to hold you closer, while his hand left on your waist gently pulls you closer to his hips allowing you to feel the bulge that pressed harshly against his nice dress pants. You moan as you feel him pressed against you and this only allows him to slip his tongue into your mouth, it’s slow at first the way his tongue dances along with yours before he becomes desperate for more as if he is starving and wants to taste more of your lips. You begin to run out of air and pull away from him, a trail of saliva connects between your tongues as you both look at each other with lust and need. Sanji didn’t waste any time as he moved back to you and kissed gently along your jawline, you tilted your head allowing him more access to your neck, and as if he read your mind his lips slowly trailed down your neck beginning to give gentle bites to it. He began to slowly suck on your skin leaving marks that would be visible to everyone the next day and as an apology for being so harsh he’d kiss it gently, his hand slipping up your neck and up to your head to hold it.
He wanted you to feel secure and safe before he allowed himself to go crazy, His hand on your waist gripped tightly before it found its way down to the bottom of your dress and slowly snaked its way underneath. It sent a shiver down your spine at the way his thin and cold fingers ran across your thigh ever so softly, it did make you feel extremely safe and well cared for. The way his fingers gently lifted your dress upwards and the hand that had held your hand slipped down to grab the zipper of your dress pulling it down. The straps of your dress fell off to the side and revealed your chest that wasn’t hidden by anything as you decided to not wear anything underneath. Sanji pulled away from your pretty and purple-decorated neck, his eyes slowly moved from your neck and down to your chest as he let out a shaky breath at the sight of you. “God… [Name]…” He moaned out as his hands slowly made contact with your breasts and held them gently before his fingers moved to gently twist at your nipples. The small whine you released from your throat was as if the angels from heaven were singing upon Sanji to come toward the gates of heaven.
Sanji didn’t spend any time before he reached his head down and his mouth found the soft skin of your breasts, he gently kissed it and then left a few open-mouthed kisses. “God [Name]…” His hot breath against your chest made you shiver, “You are absolutely beautiful.” He whispered against your skin, as his hands slowly moved from your breast and slowly moved to the rest of your dress tugging it down slowly until it rested against your hips. His hands shook against your skin almost with nerves that he could easily break you like you were the finest china in the world. His hands gently squeezed your hips before he continued to move your dress down your thighs, he took in a shaky breath as he looked at your lower body covered by lace underwear. You had to lift yourself slightly to get the dress to slip from under your butt and Sanji continued to take the dress off and then dropped it onto the floor.
He wasted no time latching his lips back onto your skin, his lips dragging down slowly before they reached the hem of your underwear and the feeling of his warm breath sent a shiver down your spine and a shock to your core. “Relax [Name].” He whispers against your skin, his hands slowly moving to push your shoulders back as a way for him to tell you to lay back which you did gladly. “I’m going to treat you tonight~” He hums, he looks down your torso to catch sight of your eyes and the two of you stare for a moment before you watch his curled brow disappear below down to your clit. His tongue dragged against the fabric and the feeling of his spit mixing with your already-soaked underwear caused you to whimper, “S..Sanji..”. You begged him as your hand found his golden locks to hold them. “Use your words, princess.” He speaks between your thighs, and you become flustered at the explicit words that you would have to say. “Please take my underwear off…” You beg him, your hand tightening against his hair which causes him to groan and send vibrations to your core.
“Of course princess.” He responds, his fingers sliding up from your thighs to grab the top of your underwear and slide them off throwing them off to the side. “So wet for me~” He sings out before he dives in. The feeling of his tongue caused you to yelp in shock and your back arched as his tongue began to swallow you whole, the feeling was so overwhelming as his tongue curled inside of you. His fingers followed after, and two of his lanky fingers slipped into you and found the spot that made you sing out that sweet sweet melody Sanji loved to hear. His fingers moved inside of you with such skill, that your back began to arch more. “Ngh, Sanji please…” You hummed out your knuckles becoming white from holding onto his hair so tightly, He didn’t he was relentless with his tongue as it moved inside of you. As he worked inside of you, his tongue hitting every spot and his fingers pumping in and out of you quickly.
You were squirming underneath him but his hands held onto you so tightly that all of your movement was limited, “fu..fuck” you muttered, “I’m… I’m gonna cum…” you whimpered out, but Sanji didn’t stop. He kept plunging his tongue into you relentlessly and his fingers continued to reach the spot, it didn’t take long before you began to release yourself into his mouth and Sanji took in every single last drop that you let out. Even with the sounds coming from your mouth, he held your hips tightly and didn’t seem like he was going to let go of you anytime soon. He swallowed your release and continued to eat you out, it took you a moment to realize that he was still eating you out. The feeling was becoming overwhelming and overstimulating, your legs began to tighten around Sanjis head which he slowly held your legs apart. He didn’t stop, he was eating you like it was the last thing he’d ever get to eat in his life. It took you a moment before you quickly slipped the safe word out, which Sanji stopped and looked up towards you. You watched his face emerge covered in your juices, “Princess… I’m not even done.” He whispered to you his pupils blown out.
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winwintea · 3 days
secure that card! 28. burnt cookies
Chenle wanted you to start on something simple, like cookies. Baking wasn’t hard, you couldn’t set the kitchen on fire unless you forgot about the cookies, and he would be there to make sure that wasn’t going to happen.
Or so he thought. 
“You can eat the dough right?” You asked him carefully scooping a bit of the dough up with your finger.
“Yes, but did you wash your hands?” Chenle carefully eyed your finger as it slowly made contact with your mouth.
“Of course I did!” You beam at him, and he can’t help but crack a smile. “Wait… this is so good… try some…” 
He watches you as you once again dip your fingers into the leftover batch of dough, scooping up more from the bowl, and walked over to you in one swift motion. “What are y-?” He had little time to react however, before you promptly shoved the cookie dough into his mouth. 
“Tastes sweet right?” You asked him, clearly unfazed. 
Chenle’s cheeks were practically flushing red, “A little warning next time?” 
The corners of your mouth lifted up with a smirk, “What? You’re perfectly fine with whatever we did last week, but you can’t handle a bit of this?” 
“It’s not… Stop that…” He stammered out, unable to respond. 
“Relax. I love teasing you. It’s so easy, you know that right?” 
Although he was normally the one bullying his friends, it seems as he had flipped his switch when it came to you. (Recently though, it’d seemed as though he was the one being subject to jokes ever since you were introduced to the table)  “Yeah… I guess… Alright…” 
Chenle couldn’t practically believe that you two had gone from strangers to lovers in practically a couple of weeks, nor did he imagine you would ever reciprocate these feelings back. It seemed as if there had been many events in between that drew you two closer together. Call it fate, call it bad luck, but good things had certainly followed. Not that he didn’t feel guilty at least, knowing he had been the cause for probably half of your misery these few days. 
“Thanks for taking my mind off of things, certainly been having a rough couple of weeks…” You gave him an endearing smile, once again eating another spoonful of cookie dough.
“Did you want to continue to be distracted, or talk about it?” Ever since you had arrived at his house, you two had not mentioned a single word about Haechan and his most recent relapse. Chenle had decided to give you time and space to talk about it when you wanted to, and instead allowed you to focus on the task of baking the cookies first. Now that the cookies were in the oven you two had a few minutes to spare while waiting for them to finish. 
You thought to yourself for a couple of moments, before turning to look at him with a determined look on your face, “It’s okay, we can talk about it.” 
Taking a seat, Chenle eagerly waited to hear what you had to say about the situation. He couldn’t help but feel curious as to what exactly happened. 
“So almost 2 years ago, it was just me, Jaem, Yuqi, and Haechan.” You began, “And it was sort of awkward for me, since I’m younger than them. Yuqi’s the oldest so she kind of takes on a motherly figure sometimes towards us, and Jaem and Haechan are in the same grade.” 
Chenle hadn’t expected you to launch into your friend group’s history, but was interested regardless. 
You continued on, “But Haechan always somehow made us feel? Connected? He always bridged that gap between our ages. Probably since he acts so immature half the time, but it was so nice. Regardless, we actually used to go out partying all the time, Haechan and Yuqi especially. As you can see, we don’t really anymore.” 
“Is that why you had an aversion to attending dejun’s party a couple of weeks ago?” 
“Yeah, it mostly stems from the past issues. You see, Haechan got hooked on LSD at this time. At first, we didn’t think much on it. He casually used it, and it wasn’t very often, so we kind of just tolerated it?” Chenle nodded attentively as you carried on, “But eventually it got bad, like… really bad… I…”
He latched onto your hand, gripping it softly with his own palm, and looked to you for support. Chenle didn’t say it out loud, but his eyes seemed to say that you didn’t have to continue if you wanted to. 
Determined to finish, you smiled at him and returned to your story, “He would go through… many episodes. It was the worst. Sometimes it would be fine, and he could be clean for, a couple of weeks, and sometimes… he’d go back to that shitty state once again. He’d go in and out of rehab multiple times… and his mother… We really liked his mom and she liked us, but she just… practically gave up on him. It was so… heartbreaking… Like how could you, ever just? I don’t know. I don’t understand? Your son?” 
You had tears in your eyes at this point, and Chenle couldn’t bare it any longer, as he grabbed you and embraced you into a hug, his fingers stroking your hair slowly. “It’s okay… He got better right? Didn’t he?” 
“He did… and we all helped him, Jaem especially. He helped him get into rehab, and stood by him most of the time. Really it was all in thanks to Jaemin that Haechan was able to get better. And he’s been clean for about a year and a half.” You stared deeply into his eyes, “And that’s why we rarely attend parties anymore.” 
“And now? What happened now?”
“Honestly, I’m not entirely sure. I just found out that the supplier of the drugs was Ten.” He raised an eyebrow, but you hurriedly finished, “But before you jump to any conclusions, we confirmed that Ten had no clue he was selling Haechan any drugs. I need to ask Haechan myself, though.” You sighed, leaning more into his embrace, as he continued to play with your hair. 
“Well I think you’re honestly really brave, Y/n.” 
“Me? Brave? How so?”
“Well you’ve dealt with so much shit recently. With getting run over, to being stalked, to dealing with one of your closest friends relapsing, you’ve been through a lot. Honestly it’s so admirable, how much you’ve been able to deal with and still stay strong. I love you for that actually.”  This time your face was flushing, instead of the other way around. And it didn’t help that Chenle had started placing small butterfly kisses on your forehead, but you were perfectly content with that anyways.
However you two were suddenly startled by a loud beep from the kitchen.
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SUMMARY ▸ zhong chenle is the owner of many cards. a black card? he owns that. he even has a stanford student id card. the one card he doesn’t own though? a green card. and if chenle plays his cards right, he just may be able to secure one by wooing you. or it could all fall through… who knows?
TAG LIST ▸ @marvelahsobx @lyvhie @odxrilove @jkslvsnella @aquaphoenixz @wonnieluv @acidwon @syatchy @sleepyvic @grassbutneo @chcnlcs @taeeflwrr @hibernatinghamster @jaeimjaemin @gukuwii @slayhaechan @yyangj3lly @seunghancore @clean-soap @bath1lda @lostinneocity @defzcl @ckline35 @multifandomania @meltinghershey @foxy-kitsune @jising-jisang-jisung @minkyuncutie @zuzu-the-simp @dojaejunging @leehanascent @nosungluv @sunflowerbebe07 @h-aecat @layuhsblog @fae-renjun @w3bqrl @hyuckies18 @wonbin-truther
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pinksugarscrub · 2 days
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O Sweet Juliet
Tom! Peter Parker x fem! reader
Art by @froggheadd Scenario by heihei.edits on tiktok (Thank you again! 🩷)
Warnings: idiots in love
Words: 946
Your voice so soft it's barely above a whisper. Peter immediately perks up and drops his pencil. Like he's been waiting to hear your voice. His eyes search yours as he smiles.
“What’s this?” 
Scooting your stool closer you ignore the loud squeak it makes across the lab's tile. Peter meanwhile slides his study guide away to the edge of the desk to make room for your textbook, English. 
The pages contrast the formulas and theories Peter has been studying for over the past hour. 
Normally the two of you would use a timer to keep from overloading your brains. But with finals coming up and an important mission soon after, you had to cram as much information as you could. Ned would also have joined but declined under the excuse his Lola needed him.
He really was your wingman when it came to Peter. You did however, owe him a cartilage of web fluid to mess around with for missing today's study session.
You trace your finger along stanzas before finally reaching line fifty-two. Reciting it before referring back to the essay prompt for your last paper.
“I understand Shakespeare was using pathos but how exactly does that connect to this?” 
Peter leaned over you and despite the close proximity he felt so far away. His chin almost resting on your shoulder as he scanned the text. Romeo and Juliet, a “classic”. What? You can't help it if MJ degrades the play every chance she gets. 
“Well…” He licked his lips before pulling away. Flipping through the pages as he continued. “The story is about love being blind, right?”
You nod as you look at him quizzically but still with enough patience that you don't interrupt. 
“Young love specifically.” Peter finally stops on the prologue. Sticky notes littered in the margins much like the rest of your textbook. Definitions and context mostly.
“Shakespeare sets up this narrative from the beginning.” 
The rest of his words fall on deaf ears as you admire him. Peter hasn't noticed that when concentrated, he taps his foot incessantly. Biting his nails as he articulates his next thought. His lashes fluttering remind you of how jealous you are over them.
“So…” you clear your throat as you look back to the textbook. What little words you did catch clicking together like cogs. “By setting up how completely infatuated they are-”
“-their deaths become the payoff,” he completes. Smiling even brighter as he notices that look of understanding flashing in your eyes. One he's seen all too often when you work on Stark tech.
He thinks you're just as bad as his mentor when it comes to your inability to take breaks. The restlessness you get from not being able to solve a miscalculation that leads to midnight coffee runs to the seven-eleven around the corner. Not that he's complaining. If anything, he hopes you'll get the craving for something sweet so he can whisk you away. Have you all to himself without the prying eyes of the other avengers.
Peter's quite aware Tony is hovering through the surveillance cameras. He wouldn't even be surprised if the rest of the team was watching them like their own personal home movie. Frankly he's tired of getting teased, especially by Thor.
“Ok…Ok so-” You shift closer and Peter feels his heart lurch in his chest. It's like you affect him so much his own body can't take being near you. 
Would you mind if he peppered kisses along your cheeks when it gets too cold? Hold your hands as he stares at you like you're the most precious thing in his life.
He sometimes wonders if you feel the same way but with how easy you seem to make these interactions he thinks not. Maybe you know enough that these teasing touches are a way to torture him.
“-the scene where they first meet. That's the main foundation for how the reader sees them as a couple.”
Peter nods as he tries not to lean in and kiss you. His eyes dancing between your lips and the pencil you keep chewing on.
“Being star crossed lovers heightens the effect and makes us root for them,” you mumble,“and again is why their deaths are so effective at evoking pathos.”
“Right,” he chuckles.
You lean back but not to far. Stretching your arms over your head as you look down at the mess of notes and candy wrappers you made on Tony's desk. If anything it's to hide how hot your cheeks feel.
“Cool, thanks Pete.” You sneak a glance at him with a quick smile before quickly doting down the major points of your conversation. Ignoring how your heart races once he finally looks away.
“Of course,” he hums. Mind lost on the homework he was doing previously. All these numbers mean squat when you're sitting next to him. His grades would absolutely suffer if he had to share more than one period with you.
Peter must have reread ‘what is the missing angle?’ a dozen times between looking over at you while you admire his reflection through the lab doors.
And Bruce…well Bruce just smiles against his coffee mug as he sees your hand reach out for Peter's under the desk. He hopes you like the anniversary gift he helped Peter pick out.
Somewhere Thor is handing over his stash of pop tarts while Natasha grins over her newfound prize. She gives it until prom season when Peter will have no choice but to ask you out on a date while Tony says it'll be less than a week because that's when the mission is. Adrenaline does something to you y'know?
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captainsophiestark · 3 days
Weekend Plans
Jason Todd x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: DC
Summary: Jason's SO finds out that he's the Red Hood in some sub-optimal circumstances.
Word Count: 1,639
Category: Fluff, Humor, Angst
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I sighed as I turned out the bathroom light and headed for bed. Today had been a long day, and I couldn't wait to get some sleep.
Normally, after particularly tiring days (which happened more often than I'd like as an ER doctor), I'd text my boyfriend or vice versa and he'd come over with our favorite foods, the two of us leaning against each other on the couch and watching our favorite shows until we eventually passed out. Unfortunately, he had to work tonight. We'd made plans to make up for it this weekend instead, but tonight I was on my own.
I climbed under the covers and turned out my light, and I was almost all the way asleep when the sound of my window opening dragged me back awake. That window was always locked—maybe I was hearing things?
Thump. A heavy sound like someone hitting the floor came from right next to my bed. No way I'd imagined that.
Slowly, I eased open my eyes, too scared to move an inch. It was hard to make things out as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, until my heart almost stopped dead in my chest.
The Red Hood was laying on my carpet, flat on the floor, his feet still caught on the windowsill he'd just crawled over.
My mind raced. What the hell was he doing here? And what the hell was I supposed to do about it? Most of what I'd heard about the Red Hood painted him as the protector of the most vulnerable people in the worst parts of Gotham—but then why had he just broken into my apartment?
My racing train of thought was derailed as the vigilante groaned and shifted on the carpet. He rolled over until he was facing me, the eyes of his helmet providing the only source of light in the room. I froze, stiff as a board, my heart threatening to beat all the way out of my chest. What was he going to do?
Slowly, two gloved hands reached up towards his helmet. He must've pushed a buton, because I heard a hiss and a click before he moved to take his helmet off.
"Wait-" I said, starting to sit up in bed at last. I had no idea what was happening, but the Red Hood revealing his identity to me didn't seem like a good omen for anything. The vigilante ignored me though, and a moment later I froze all over again, sitting on the edge of my bed as I took in his face.
Jason Todd. My boyfriend, the man I'd finally worked up the courage to say "I love you" to a few weeks ago. Laying on my floor after breaking in through my window as Red Hood.
"Y/N..." He groaned my name, and all the shock was putshed out by immediate concern for whatever had him laying on the floor of my room like this. I stood, pulling his legs the rest of the way thorugh the window and shutting it, then dropped to my knees on the floor next to him.
"Jason..." I breathed. "What happened?"
"I... got shot. I didn't have anywhere else to go, I couldn't think of anywhere else I could make it to..."
My eyes scanned his body again, this time with a little less shock clouding my vision. He had a wound in his side, the one against the ground, and it was currently leaking blood onto my rug. I swore.
"Jason, is anybody following you? The person who shot you, or anyone with them?"
Jason groaned and shook his head.
"I made sure they weren't. I couldn't risk leading them back to you."
"Okay. Just stay right here, I'll be right back."
I jumped up and hustled into the hall to grab my first kit. I tried to focus on taking deep breaths as I flipped the lights on and returned to Jason, dropping to my knees next to him.
"Okay, Jay, I'm gonna roll you over, alright?"
"Yeah," he managed to grind out.
Working together, it didn't take long to get Jason on his back. I quickly pulled up his shirt to get a look at the wound, and about half the tension eased out of my shoulders. The entry and exit wounds were clean, and it didn't look like it had hit anything serious, although the blood loss from exerting himself running all over the city before he got to me certainly wasn't good.
"Alright, this isn't as bad as I worried it might be. As long as you get some rest, you should heal up fine. Do you think you can make it to the bathroom if I help? It'll be easier to get you cleaned up in there."
Jason nodded, taking a couple deep breaths as he did.
"Yeah. Yeah, I think I can."
"Okay. Nice and easy, let's go."
Jason was so tall and so heavy, but between his sheer grit and the last of my adrenaline, we managed to get into the bathroom together. I eased him down on the edge of the tub, then paused before pulling back.
"Do you think you can keep yourself upright here? Or do we need to get you laying down?"
Jason took a few deep breaths in and out, his hands clutching the edge of the tub. Then, he finally looked up at me.
"I'm good."
I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Really? Because this is not the time for bullshit macho nonsense-"
"Sweetheart, I promise. I'm good. Or at least I will be, as long as you get me stitched up."
I sighed. "So I take it that means you're not gonna let me call 9-1-1 and get you to a hospital?"
"No. I get anywhere near one, and I'll either be arrested or dead before I'm all the way healed."
"Great. Then I guess we're doing this."
I took a deep breath and tried to steel myself for the procedure about to come. All of this was just about the last thing I wanted to deal with after the day I'd had. Jason hurt, relying on me to help him, and apparently the man behind the masked vigilante Red Hood. But I could deal with all of that later. After Jason was stable.
I left my apartment and emotions behind as I got into the zone dealing with Jason. He was tough as nails all through the process, although this actually probably wasn't his first gun shot. Finally, I finished and the bleeding stopped. I sat back against my bathroom cabinet with a heavy sigh and just looked at Jason.
"What... the actual... fuck?" I breathed. All the things I'd shoved aside to cope with the crisis were officially rushing back in. Jason huffed a laugh and shook his head, then slowly eased himself off the edge of the tub. I narrowed my eyes at him. "If you pop one of your stitches, I swear-"
"I won't, I'm not going far."
He settled in on the floor next to me, shoulder to shoulder, then sighed.
"I'm sorry about this. For just showing up, and... for how you just found everything out."
I sighed. "Jay, you know I've never minded you just showing up. But... were you ever going to tell me? Like, if you didn't have to tell me because you got shot... would I ever have found out that you're secretly the Red Hood?"
"Of course I was going to tell you," Jason said, his voice a low rumble. "I love you, I'd never keep something like that from you forever. I was just... trying to figure out how to do it. I mean seriously, how the hell was I supposed to start that conversation?"
A tired smile made its way onto my face, and I leaned a bit into Jason.
"How about 'knock knock, who's there? Me, the Red Hood. That's right, I've got something to tell you'."
Jason snorted, his hand immediately flying to the wound in his side as he fought back a laugh. I just grinned.
"Yeah, it's a really good thing you're not the one with the secret identity to disclose."
"Mmm, I don't know, I think there's something to my approach. Or how about 'what has two thumbs and-'"
"Okay, you have to stop. I'm gonna pop a stitch if you keep going."
"Well, lucky for you, you're dating a doctor."
"Lucky for me I'm dating you. Seriously, I half expected you to scream and run out of the room when you saw me."
"After the day I had at the hospital? I wouldn't have the energy for that kind of panic, honestly."
Jason huffed a laugh and wrapped one arm aorund my shoulders.
"Sorry for adding to the length of that day."
"It's okay, Jay." I sighed and turned to face him, just managing enough energy to smile. "I'm always happy to see you, and even though this obviously wasn't the ideal way for me to find out... I'm glad I know about this part of your life now."
"Me too."
I met his gorgeous blue eyes, the ones the mask had hidden from me at first, and smiled. Jason's expression mirrored my own, and a moment later, he was leaning forward, closing the gap between us with a glance at my lilps. I helped him close the rest of the distance, his soft lips gently finding mine. We stayed like that for a few seconds, until I finally pulled back.
"We should go to bed, Jay."
Jason grinned at me. "Happily, sweetheart."
"Not like that," I said, rolling my eyes and giving him a light smack in the arm. "Not while you're recovering from a bullet wound."
Jason sighed dramatically, and I couldn't hold back a laugh.
"Fine. Help me get to bed then?"
"Of course. And tomorrow, after we've slept in past noon, I'll make us some breakfast and you can answer my million questions about all this Red Hood shit."
"And then I can help you clean the blood off your bedroom floor."
"Sounds like the perfect weekend plan."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
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bloatedandalone04 · 3 days
Chasing Cars
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➪the one where bradley risks his life to prove a point to mav, and you call him out on it as soon as he gets back to base, then later at home.
Warnings: angst, fluff, smut, swearing, arguing, mentions of death, mentions of crashing, both you and bradley are aviators, mentions of bradley being willing to crash just to get back at mav, family issues ig
Word Count: 3.4k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡ | New theme bc I hate looking for pictures that fit
“What the hell was that?” You asked as soon as Bradley walked back to base from the tarmac.
“Nothing,” he muttered as he walked past you, probably wanting to go to the locker room and forget about what he just did. What he just risked.  
But you weren’t having it. “Hey,” you quickly caught up to him and grabbed his arm. “Talk to me.”
Bradley stopped walking abruptly and turned to you. “What?” 
Your brows furrowed and you took a protective step back, not used to hearing him sound so cold and hostile towards you. You knew he would never do anything to hurt you, so the step back wasn’t because of that - it was more so to give him the space he clearly needs right now.
“Huh?” He grunted as he stepped into your personal space again at your lack of response. “What?”
You huff and cross your arms over your flight suit that matched his, not backing down this time like you normally would to keep the peace. He did something reckless, and there was no way you were going to let him think that what he did with Mav in the air was okay. “You could’ve died,” you say, eerily calm as you stared up at him. 
Bradley glared at you, clearly not liking the confrontation he’s found himself stuck in. “Spare me the lecture, baby, alright? I’ve been doing this for years, I know what I’m doing when I’m in the air,” he placed his hands on his hips, his tone still as stubborn as ever. “I know how to handle myself and pull myself back.”
“I know you do, Bradley,” you trailed off, feeling your words beginning to get caught in your throat. Less than ten minutes ago you were holding onto Bob’s shoulder tightly as you heard and watched Bradley and Pete nearly plummet to the ground, and the adrenaline was quickly wearing off and being replaced with fear and anguish. “But flying angry is not the smartest thing you can do.”
You watched as a flicker of realization flashed in his eyes, your use of his real name rather than a cute pet name you usually call him by letting him know that you were completely serious right now. “Not the smartest thing I could do? Is that your nice way of calling me stupid?”
“I’m not calling you stupid,” you correct him, looking at him with a sense of pleading in your eyes. “What you did was stupid.”
Bradley crossed his arms, “Is that supposed to make me less pissed off?”
“I’m not trying to piss you off,” you say tiredly, dropping your arms back to your sides. “I’m worried about you.”
A small scoff leaves his lips as he looks around the tarmac that was clearing out as the minutes went by. “Worried? It’s my job to fly jets,” he muttered. “Things like this can happen every time I go up there.”
You shake your head. “But it’s not your job to pull stunts like the one you did today,”
The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over his stupidly pretty features, and if you weren’t so riled up right now, you would’ve definitely made a comment on it. “It wasn’t a stunt,” he mumbled. “You need to lighten up, I’m fine.”
Your eyes well up with tears and you quickly look down at the concrete of the tarmac. “You nearly crashed,” 
Bradley huffed, looking around as if any of the few aviators left could save him from this situation. “But I landed safely,” 
“But you almost didn’t!” You finally break, looking up at him through blurred vision. You could see his hard gaze soften and his brows drop a bit as he kept his eyes locked on yours. “You almost died.”
He sighed, guilt written all over his face as he moved closer to you. “I know,” he finally admitted, reaching out to place his hand on your hip. “I’m sorry I scared you.”
You press your lips together as you give him a look that told him all he needed to know without you actually saying it. 
Bradley wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you against his chest, his rough flight suit against your own making it not the most comfortable embrace you’ve shared with him. “I’m okay,” he whispered, kissing the top of your head. Your usually neat bun is messy from the way you tugged on it earlier from the panic you felt, and you were sure Bob’s shoulder will have a bruise on it. “I promise.”
“Are you?” You asked, your voice barely above a whisper as you pressed your face against his chest. 
He paused as if he was trying to find the right words to say that would give you comfort. “I am,” he confirmed, stroking the side of your neck with his thumb. “I just get so pissed off around Mav sometimes. That’s not an excuse, though.”
You shake your head and pull away to look up at him, finding comfort in the way he softly wiped your tears away with his thumb. “Let me ask you something,”
“Okay,” he sounded a bit unsure as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Anything.” 
You brace your hands on his shoulders as you ask, “If I pulled something like you did today...If I almost died because I wanted to prove something, how would that make you feel?”
Bradley’s eyes darkened a bit and his brows furrowed further as he took in your words. “I’d be really fucking mad at you,” he answered and your frown softened as you watched the way he processed your question further. “I’d be pissed that you risked your life for no reason.”
You give him a half shrug and a forced smile. “That’s exactly how you made me feel today,” 
Bradley sighed and his shoulders visibly dropped as guilt spread across his face. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, stroking your jaw with his thumbs. “I know I need to be more careful, and you’re right. It was stupid to let my ego take over. I’m sorry.”
Your lip trembled a bit and you looked down at his boots, the tears finally spilling over. “You can’t do things like that to me,” your voice broke as you tighten your grasp on his suit. 
He gently lifts your head and looks you right in the eyes, and you could see the adoration and guilt swimming in his. “I know, I’m sorry,” he said again, much quieter this time. “I promise it will never happen again.” Bradley leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your lips, and you could feel the way your tears continued to fall on both yours and his face now. 
You kiss him back and practically melt into him, the anger and frustration slipping away as the need to have him close takes over. 
Bradley holds you tight, his hands grabbing hold of your waist as he pressed you impossibly close to him. “I love you so much,” he whispered when he pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve never done what I did. It was selfish and reckless, and I promise I’ll do better.” 
You nod and wrap your arms around his shoulders. “You need to…because you scared me today,”
He nods. “I know, and I will, I promise, baby,” he murmured, kissing the top of your head. “I love you.”
Pulling away slightly, your tears had stopped but your face was still damp. “I love you,” 
Bradley gave you a smile before stepping away and gesturing to his bag. “I’m going to go put this away, then I’m taking you home,” 
“Okay,” You nodded, crossing your arms over your chest as you wiped at your eyes. “I’ll be in the parking lot.”
He nodded and took his keys out of his bag, handing them to you. “I’ll be there in a few minutes,” he promised and you smiled before turning away from him and making your way to the parking lot. 
Words couldn’t describe how angry Bradley was at himself. 
Now that the high of being in the air and going head to head with Mav had worn off, he could clearly see why you were so upset and mad at him. He hadn’t thought about anyone or anything as he forced himself to drop closer and closer to the ground until Maverick was left with no choice but to pull up first. 
Thinking about it now, Bradley was too into his own head at the time, he was sure that there was no way he was going to be the one to do that, and that would’ve ended in his death. He would’ve left his best friend behind, his mutilated body, Mav, you. 
When you asked him how he would feel if you had gone and done something like that, he could physically feel his heart shift in his chest at the thought of losing you in that way. He’d be more than mad at you, he’d be on the verge of never letting you out of his sight again. You are both aviators, you both knew the risks of flying and missions. Why had he put himself in that situation during training? When it really didn’t even matter?
He couldn’t imagine his life without you, and the thought of burning in and leaving you behind was one he hated to think about. The thought of you leaving his life in that way? He was almost prepared to beg you to quit right then and there. 
But you loved your job, like he loved his, and the risks that came with it were high enough as it is. He didn’t need to add to that list. 
He shoved his flight bag and helmet into his locker before leaving the base without saying another word to anyone else. He knew Nat would have her go at him tomorrow when he returned for another day of training, and he would let her. Because he knew he fucked up. He knew he was selfish. 
Bradley walked through the doors and quickened his pace when he saw you leaning against the passenger side door of the Bronco. “Hey,” he greeted, despite seeing you less than five minutes ago. “Why aren’t you in yet?”
You shrugged with your arms crossed, and he knew you were still upset, even if you were trying your best to hide it. “I just needed to be on solid ground for a little longer,”
In the midst of all that happened, he forgot that you were also an option to be picked to fly the upcoming mission. You also had gone up against Mav today, and you took your loss maturely, unlike how Bradley did. You were taking it seriously, because you needed to, and so did he. 
Bradley felt more guilt creep into his body as he reached out and ran his knuckles along your jaw. “I’m sorry,” he said for the sixth time, and he was sure he would keep saying it for as long as he needed to. 
Because you are the one. You’re the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with, in the exact way he had been spending the last three years. 
You give him a small but beautiful smile as you lean into his touch. “I know,” 
Bradley reached around you to open the passenger side door, and your smile grew as you climbed in. He braced his hand on the top of the door as he leaned in and pressed a firm kiss to your cheek, watching as you tried to fight off a grin when he pulled away. “I’ll make it up to you,”
You smiled at him and he closed the door before rounding the front of the Bronco and getting in on the driver’s side, taking the keys from you when you held them out to him. “You don’t have to,” you tell him quietly as he puts the key into the ignition. “I already forgave you.”
Bradley grinned over at you and took your hand in his as he began the drive that would take him back to the house he’s shared with you for the last two years. “You know, I don’t know what I did to ever deserve you. I don’t know how I got so lucky,” he rasped, lacing his fingers with you. “You’re so smart and strong and so fucking gorgeous, every other woman in the world doesn’t stand a chance.”
He glanced over and watched as a blush took over your face and you slumped back in your seat. “Quit trying to make it up to me,” you mumbled and he laughed. “I’m the lucky one. I love everything about you. You’re my entire world….which is why I can’t lose you.”
He knew what you meant; you couldn’t lose him like that - in a way that is so easily preventable. You were well aware of the fact that you could lose each other on missions and deployments, so you both tried to not increase those chances during your work days. 
Bradley gripped your hand tightly as he looked over at you, his expression one of regret at making you so upset today. “You won’t,” he said, though you both knew he couldn’t promise that. Neither of you could. “I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere.” 
You lean against the seat and gaze at him in a way that has him driving a little faster to get home quicker. “I love you,” 
He raises your hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss to your knuckles. “I love you, too,”
When he pulled into the driveway as the sky was getting darker, he kept his hand in yours as he looked over at you. He could tell that you were still shaken up but a lot calmer than before, so he traced random shapes onto the back of your hand as you sat in silence. 
“Do you wanna head inside now?” He asked after a while and you shook your head, lifting your joined hands and pressing the back of his against your cheek. 
“No, I don’t want to let go of you right now,” you answered and he felt his heart swoon in his chest. 
Bradley smiled over at you and unbuckled his seatbelt, shifting so his seat was pushed back a bit. You understood what he was doing without him even telling you as you unbuckled your own seatbelt and crawled over the center console and into his lap. 
His hands settle on your waist as you press your body against his, a content hum slipping past your lips. “Is this better?” He teased, pressing a kiss to the side of your head as he held you closer to him. Truthfully, he wasn’t any better than you; he needed to hold you like this as much as you needed to be held. 
“A little,” you hummed, nuzzling your nose against the side of his neck where his scars are. “I just need to be close to you right now.”
Bradley pressed countless kisses to your face and jaw as you settled against him. “I need it, too,” he confessed, his words muffled against your skin. 
He loved holding you like this and having you in his arms. He loved you; how could he possibly risk losing it just to get back at his dad’s best friend?
You wordlessly lift your head and cling onto the front of his flight suit, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you give a slow roll of your hips. 
Bradley bit back a moan as his hold on your waist tightened a bit, his eyes widening. “Baby-”
“How close do you need to be?” You asked in a sultry voice that had him growing hard almost instantly. 
He lifted his head from where it ended up against your shoulder and looked at you, seeing how your eyes shifted from longing to a more intense emotion. “As close as possible,” he managed to say in a deep voice before pressing his lips to yours. 
You kiss him back immediately, moaning against his lips as you slowly begin grinding against him. “Baby,” you echoed his affectionate pet name as you deepened the kiss. Bradley let out a breathless groan when he pulled away and buried his face against the side of your neck as you rode his lap in the driveway. “Do you like this?” You asked, knowing damn well that he does. He was still reeling from what happened today, so it didn’t take much for him to get hard for you, and it didn’t take much for him to be a whining mess because of you. 
“God, yes,” he groaned, the sound coming from the back of his throat, a deep growl. 
“Do you want me to keep doing this?” You continued with your questions, and he knew exactly where you were taking this. 
But he would always willingly give in to you. “Yes,” he nods, holding your hips tighter as you move on top of him. “Please, don’t stop…please.”
You smiled at the way you had easily made him a begging mess for you, your lips connecting with his in a surprisingly sweet kiss. “Then promise me that you will never be reckless like you were today ever again,” and there it was, the place he knew you were getting to the second you lifted your head and gave him that look. 
Bradley huffed out groans as you leaned in and kissed all up his neck, nipping at certain places as you went. “I promise, I won’t be reckless again,” he said against the skin below your ear, his hands sliding up your back as you shifted on his lap. 
“Good,” you praised and he thrusted up against you without being able to stop himself. 
He was sure his fingers were leaving bruises on the skin of your waist as he helped guide the roll of your hips. “God, you feel so good, baby,” he rasped against the smooth skin of your neck, his breathing picking up with each passing second. 
“Are you close?” You asked, a hint of teasing in your voice, but the desperation and need easily overpowered it. 
Bradley nodded quickly, actually whimpering as you ground your hips against his. “I’m so close,” he whispered, his voice low and deep and desperate for you. “You take such good care of me, baby.”
You smile and kiss him, trailing your hands through his hair and tugging on it. 
He moaned loudly, feeling his body begin to tense up at your touch.  Each roll of your hips was met with a thrust of his as he met you halfway, trying to get as close to you as he could. “Please,” he said against your lips. “Oh, fuck, please.”
You whined into his mouth, pulling away to softly demand, “Come for me, baby,”
Bradley’s head tilted back as his body stilled, his grip on you impossibly tight as he pulled your body close to his. “Fuck,” he grunted as his body shuddered slightly from the feeling of his high ripping through him. 
You tug on his hair before smoothing it out, pressing a loving kiss to his temple afterwards. “Did that feel good?” 
There was another question you knew the answer to already, but he’d never not give you it anyway. “Yeah,” he breathed out, dropping his head to look back at you. “So good.”
You firmly take his chin in your thumb and index finger. “Never scare me like how you did today, or I swear you’ll never see me again,” you said, only half serious as you brush your nose against his. 
Bradley quickly shakes his head, lifting his hands to tuck your messy strands of hair behind your ears. “I won’t, I’m sorry, I promise I won’t,” he rambled, the high he felt from you being better than anything else. “I’m sorry.” He repeats and pulls you into his arms again as he tries to regain control of his breathing. 
“Okay,” you said quietly, kissing him softly. 
“I love you,” he whispered, unable to stop the smile from forming on his lips because, at the end of the day, he had you to keep him grounded - even when he fucked up sometimes. 
You give him a final kiss before returning his smile. “I love you, too,”
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lazyjellyfish300 · 1 day
how about a soft drabble of Miguel taking care of a reader with a broken arm or leg. like he has to help her move around by carrying her and helps he bath but keeps his eyes closed? just a cute him taking care of his friend/crush?
Awwwh you got it nonnie!! 🥰 TYSM for the idea, how cute!! Ended up being slightly longer hope that's okay! 🖤 And Happy 1 year Anniversary to our Miggy 🖤🫶🏽🥰
Fell in Love With You in Stages
Miguel O'Hara x Fem!Reader
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ART CREDIT: @/onikeru426 on Twitter, pls go support them
Synopsis: Miguel takes care of you, his friend and secret crush when you break your ankle. Word count 1.1k
CW: injury, broken ankle, fluff, friends to lovers, pining, a tad suggestive in one part so minors DNI
A/N: got inspired by the lyrics to the song Me and You Together song by The 1975! Hope you like it 🫶🏽
Skateboarding in your twenties was a horrible idea. Hell, it had been years since you got on the damn thing. But, like a lot of things you were overconfident when you saw the Hello Kitty skateboard at a yard sale you made your friend Miguel pull over for in a random neighborhood a few blocks from yours.
He knew from the subtle inclination in your eyes towards the cutesy board with the cartoon kitten plastered on it that he should probably steer you in the other direction, only now it was too late when you had the board lined up with your right foot on it, giving it an experimental slide forward and back, using the leverage to push off with your left before you gravely overshot the the action.
With a loud crack as all your weight came down followed immediately by a fiery ache in your left ankle, skin on your palms burning from where the pavement scratched you, you walked away with nothing but utter embarrassment, tears, a hefty ER bill and 6-8 weeks down for the count.
Miguel can't make the weeks arrive by tomorrow for you with a brand new, healed and unbroken left ankle. 
But, he can buy you pizza, bring you whatever drinks and gas station candy you're craving, start you a bubble bath, and make sure every movie and TV show you want to watch is available. 
He'll even sign up for the free 7 day trial if it means you can watch that comfort show on repeat. And yes, he'll even let you use his credit card. 
He's feeling a strange mix of equal parts worried, but oddly elated, at his sudden promotion from just your friend to your personal nurse. This bizarre stroke of luck that has been presented to him. He feels horrible for you, yet this is an opportunity for him to get closer to you on a level he's only dreamed about. 
The chance to take care of you. Almost just how he envisioned he would if your precious name held the title of his girl. Oh he's been in love with you for ages. 
Maybe this week, he can finally tell you.  
You're in the bathroom, naked from the waist up, feeling the blood and frustration rush to your head as you weakly try and bend all the way over to take off your socks and pants, using the bathroom sink to steady against, your giant headache of a cast in the way while the sound of the running water in the tub plinks against the porcelain, a little cloud of steam from the heated bath and fog swiftly coating the mirror. 
You're about ready to give up when a broken knock comes at the door. Tapping once, then three times in rhythmic succession, the insiders knock between you and Miguel that signal he's on the other side. He enters, albeit with a large hand covering his eyes. 
"Need help?" 
"Yes please." 
Under normal circumstances you would've cowered and chucked the toothpaste at his head, telling him to get out, but this injury has thrown all sense of discretion out the door, desperate for any help you can get. 
Miguel slowly, cautiously, lowers his hand, breath caught in his throat when he comes face to face with your bare back before he yanks his hands back to his makeshift blindfold, cheeks blooming a vibrant red. 
You stare at him, faintly amused at his flustered reaction but appreciate he's trying so damn hard to be a gentleman. 
"It's okay, Migs. I'm covered up." 
Miguel swallows as he lowers his shield, an internal sigh of relief and the red pallette of his cheeks dimming down one degree when he sees that you're holding a towel up in front of you. 
Okay, admittedly(and a little shamefully), sure, he's allowed his mind to wander to less wholesome places when it came to you. But, he would never even approach the street sign to go down that fork in the road were you not completely, one hundred percent, unabashedly onboard with it.
And that was even if you loved him back. 
He holds you delicately by your ribs, lowering you so carefully into the bath, your cast foot raised and out of the way, skillfully maneuvering you like you weigh nothing, eyes trained in a way that is still chaste and away from your bare body but enough to ensure he's not at risk of dropping you in an unstable position.
When the heavenly warm water and foaming bubbles soaks you in, laying your head back with a relieved sigh, you catch him out of the corner of your eye, asking if he'll stay awhile. 
Much to his delight, his desire for nothing than to always be needed by you, he pulls up a chair and sits next to you, trading mild relaxing conversation while you enjoy your bath, pausing every so often to add a little extra hot water from the faucet when the temperature drops over time, the conversation is a little too good. Staying next to you in your bubble bath til your skin is a prune. 
It was only now you realized you really loved him back. 
And so this sweet pattern continued as he helped you dry off and get dressed, humming as he ordered the pizza while you chose the movie. This feeling of being together and having a routine, all while he took care of you felt like something that should be just normal life. This dream he had where you were together. Sometimes, like this unfortunate circumstance of a broken ankle, life could be shit. 
But you both were happy. 
And once you have that delicious, warm pizza in both your bellies, the movie gets a lot harder to focus on when the satisfied feeling starts encouraging you both towards sleep. 
Right now, he knows that those three little words will likely come out later on. The story between you two would definitely have more pages. But he's not complaining right now when your head slowly leaned on his shoulder, jerking suddenly out of a brief snap back to an awake state, but returning it back to position anyway against his heart. A sign that maybe you do love him too.
You're the one that makes him feel right. 
He fell in love with you in stages.
His whole life. 🎵
And that's all he needs for now as he allows himself to fall asleep with your head tucked under his chin, your hand accidentally on top of his where it secretly belonged the whole time.
@1-900-venusluvs @thatone-writer
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jasntodds · 2 days
Penance [1]
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Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader
Words: 7,340
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, angst, mentions of death, mentions of injuries, a little blood, a little bit of violence
Summary: ❝Thesus: Stop. Give me your hand. I am your friend. Herakles: I fear to stain your clothes with blood. Thesus: Stain them. I don’t care.❞
It’s been a month and a half since Crane’s reign of terror was stopped, leaving Gotham to finally return to normal. But, what is normal? After everything Jason and you have been through, it seems normal might be some unobtainable dream state. But that’s not going to stop either of you from trying and maybe, you’ll get lucky in the end. At the end of it, the two of you have suffered enough, right?
A/N: It's finally the last book!! I'm honestly so excited lol You don't have to read the previous books to read this one but if you want context, feel free to ask!! You can add yourself to the tag list below, ask me to be tagged, or you can follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary  and turn on notifications if you prefer that!! I love feedback, I swear it keeps me posting on a weekly basis 😭
series masterlist | masterlist | tag list
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Everything is different. Somehow, everything has changed so much over the last month and a half everything that happened before almost feels like some sort of sick fever dream. It's all very real and all of it happened but everything is different today. At least, to Jason it feels different.
Gotham itself is pretty much the same. Bruce has been back and doing his whole Batman thing. The only difference is he doesn't have a Robin now but his methods remain the same, it's the same routine for him, same big bads. It's the same for him. The businesses that were boarded up during Crane's reign are up and running, everything looking to be the same just as it was before. The air around the city is still smoggy and the rain is still cold and wet. The streets sound the same just as they always did and the gargoyle keeps Jason company just as it did before. So much is the same but he feels like everything is different.
Instead of him and Bruce butting heads over him being Robin, they're butting heads over his methods. Bruce has no issue with Red Hood but he does have a problem with the killing part of it. And Jason won't budge. He swears he's not bitter about what happened but he is firm in his belief that change needs to happen. It stops with him and Bruce can either fight him or get on board. They are trying to come to some sort of agreement which is significantly better than how it would have went before. Bruce keeps the Robin suit in the case. He won't tell Jason why.
Their relationship is different now. Jason thinks it might be for the better.
He hopes it's for the better.
His living situation is different than it was before. He has his own place, the main safe house he used while Crane ran the city. It's not anything too special yet and Jason doesn't have too many things that are his but it's coming along. And that is his. It almost feels like it did when he was on the streets but this time, it is his choice. It is his choice to be alone here. And he owns it. No one can come and kick him out, no one can come and arrest him for trespassing and breaking and entering, it is his. It might feel lonely sometimes after living with Bruce and the Titans for so long but it is his and it brings him some sort of pride in a way.
He works with Barbara mostly now. Whenever something a bit more dicey pops up or Bruce is busy, she calls Jason. It's his literal job now and he would be lying if he said he didn't like it. Him and Babs get along better now. Actually, him and the Titans get along better now. There's still plenty of work to be done but his relationship with them has been on the mend, something he is eternally grateful for. He still owes them.
Then there's you.
Things are different with you.
"I will be back as soon as the threat is taken care of." Bruce states as he grabs a few things from the Batcave. "Are you sure you can handle this?" Bruce asks, not because of his lack of confidence in Jason's abilities but rather his general mental health.
"I got it, man." Jason brushes him off. "Nothing I haven't done before. You've gone with the Justice League plenty of times." Jason holds back his snippy attitude, trying his best to level with Bruce and not let his anger get the best of him.
"Before you were..." Bruce trails off in a way that makes Jason shift his weight off his bad leg. "Robin." He nods once, sternly and hard. "That was before."
"I'm fine." Jason nearly whines, desperate to not get into that. They don't talk about it. "I got it." He gestures his arms out casually.
"Okay." Bruce states with a sigh. "Do not blow anything or anyone up again." Bruce warns.
The touch of a smirk pulls at his lips. "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
There may have been an explosion near Harbor last week with some gun runners inside. Jason may or may not have been in the area patrolling. And that group may or may not have been the group Jason had been tracking over the last few days. Jason does think the explosion really helped though. They got all the guns and all the people involved in one sweep. Seemed efficient.
"I know it was you." Bruce states easily.
"Nope." Jason shakes his head but the grin is tugging at his lips, knowing damn well he's guilty.
Bruce lets out a sigh, not bothering to argue with him over it. "Just...keep it down, Jason." Bruce states and he's gone out of town a hundred times but something about this being the first time since Jason died and has been brought back almost makes him nervous.
Jason can handle himself. He's been doing it. This is only his second time in the Batcave over the last month and a half and only his third time back at the manor. He's doing well on his own, all things considered, but he is Bruce's son and Bruce does worry even if he doesn't show it.
"It'll be fine, just go. I got it all handled. Pick up your job you're working, almost got the one from Babs and..." Jason pauses feeling his mouth run dry. "Molly said y/n's got a few she's working."
Bruce eyes him, knowing very little but knowing enough about the situation between the two of you. "You should call her." Bruce tries to say it casually.
"No." Jason states simply. "And you're not allowed to give me advice here. The one that got away? Seriously, man?" Jason lets out a scoff.
Of all people, Jason does not want relationship advice from Bruce. Bruce had a solid chance with Selina and apparently, he's still hung up on her and is doing nothing about it. He could have had something great with Talia, too but that didn't end well. Jason is not looking to take advice from Bruce and he's thinking he shouldn't be taking much relationship advice from anyone he knows. No one seems to be getting that department together anytime soon. The way he sees it, this is fine.
It's fine.
"How did Tim know that?" Bruce questions Jason plainly.
"He stalks us." Jason nearly chortles.
"Well, that is all my advice. Call her, Jason." Bruce nods once at him.
"I'm good." Jason shakes his head. "Now go before Clark shows up and drags you back with him."
Bruce lets out a sigh, making his way through the living room. Bruce offered to let him stay at the manor which Jason declined. He's on his own. He can't come back here. If he's even being honest, he's only thinking Bruce called him to "look out over his jurisdictions" just to check up on him, make sure he feels useful as if Jason doesn't have his own work he's doing. Somewhere in his chest he wants to be mad and fight back over it, swear it's because Bruce doesn't think he can handle it so he's setting him up to prove a point to get him back. But Jason bites it all back, deciding to tell his mind to shut up for fucking once and let this just play out.
He sees Leslie once a week and that helps. He thinks he'll just tell her about it.
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Jason finds himself back at the place he's calling home, enabling the alarms once he's safe inside. It's messy and somewhere in the back of his head, he can hear the echo of your voice telling him he should clean because he's not busy now. And he looks at the stuff on the floor, almost willing himself to listen, and then he heads upstairs anyway.
If Jason Todd is good at anything, it's being alone. He's been alone almost his whole life. Even when his dad was around, he was drunk or mean...so he was alone. Even when his mom was alive, she was usually high. She wasn't really with him very much. He adapted to what it's like to be alone. To fend for himself always and somewhere deep in his broken heart, he wishes it weren't this way but he's good at it. He has always pushed until he was alone. He is a natural disaster ripping through the hearts of people who love him so maybe being alone has always been better for him. At least the only thing left to destroy is himself.
Even if being lonely is some of the worst kind of hurt. But this is his penance.
One day, he swears, it won't be like this. That's the point of talking to Leslie and getting along with Bruce and being himself today. One day it won't be like this. A day will come when he won't have to punish himself for all the hurt he's caused. He won't have to punish himself for all the scars he bears at the hands of others and himself. One day he won't have to punish himself for the person he could have been. It just has to be like this today. So, Jason goes up to his room where he keeps his training equipment and monitors and he starts to work on the cipher until it's time for patrol.
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The city is warm tonight. Cars are crowding the streets while people walk home from their Saturday night out and a smile pulls at your lips from under your mask as you watch the people below you. Patrol has just started and you're mostly waiting and listening, knowing something is going to happen because it always does on Saturday nights. But, you'd be lying if you said you don't like the view from where you are. Something about Gotham always being pretty at night.
The smog isn't visible, it doesn't look dreary as it usually does during the day. It's just street lights and busy people walking about. A part of you can't believe just a few months ago you were terrified of heights and now you actually enjoy the view.
Things have changed a lot since then.
You live with Molly now, probably how it always should have been. You share a small apartment, this one has better locks on the doors and windows. And every night you teach Molly some self-defense, just in case. If you've learned one thing, it's that you cannot save everyone but you can help them. At least if Molly is somewhat prepared, she has a chance though you could tell by how she moved and certain things she already knew that Jason had taught her a few things before San Francisco. Living with her is nice though. She understands you and there is no judgment. You aren't alone.
Gar and Tim talk to you every single day, updating you with whatever is going on. At first, it was fun stuff on the road trip like sightseeing and museums and bowling. Now, it's the hell Metropolis is currently under. You've never been so happy you stayed behind. You do not want to fight a demon. You'll never admit it, but you wouldn't stand a single chance against Rachel let alone Mother Mayhem and Brother Blood. Though, you are disappointed you missed the whole zombie situation. You're just glad the boys keep you up to date with everything and you talk to Dick and Kory all the time, too. That doesn't feel too different. It feels almost like it did when you first came back to Gotham and you like it this way.
And then there's Jason.
Things are different with Jason.
"Robbery in progress in the East End, convenience store." Molly says through the comms.
"Got it, send the address." You grin wildly behind your mask before you use your grappling hook to lower yourself down the backside of the building.
Molly helping out has been new. You aren't too happy about that part but...Molly was insistent and to tell her no would make you a hypocrite. Molly stays back and is youe eyes in the skies kind of deal which has been very helpful when it comes to patrol. At least that's nice.
You take the bike and head to the address Molly sent you. Patrolling is different now, too. You've always patrolled with Bruce or Jason or the Titans. Even when Jason died, you weren't patrolling. You had set targets and that's who you went out to grab. This is patrol. This is different. You're alone with Molly in your ear. You thought maybe you wouldn't like it, Iike maybe you'd actually be really bad at it being alone. But, if you were being honest, you're really enjoying it this way. You're good at it. And it's fun and you don't have to worry about anyone else. It's just you. Your life. That's it. And you like the thrill a little bit.
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Jason shoves the last of four men to the ground, his hands zip-tied behind his back and the man lets out a groan. He glares up at Jason with blood streaming down his nose, his friends all a bit battered but have learned to keep quiet. This one is annoying.
"You broke my fucking nose!" He screams up at Jason.
Jason never quite understood why people committing crimes who get caught, like in this instance for example, are confused by their injuries. They showed up to rob a local small business and expected to get away with it. They're here to possibly ruin something that someone has earned and worked very hard for just because they can. A broken nose seems to be a pretty good deal.
He's not even a stranger to robbery but these guys walked in there armed and prepared to shoot anyone who wanted to get in the way. Jason was also a teenager and desperate. These four men don't seem to be in the same boat and the way Jason sees it, there was no reason to hold a gun to someone's face for a hundred dollars in a cash register. These are not master criminals.
"You're lucky I'm in a good mood or your nose would be the last of your worries." Jason says casually through the modulator.
"Good mood?!" The man yells back as if he's the real victim in this situation.
"Yeah, good mood." Jason echoes back about to make another smart comment until he hears the sound of a motorcycle pulling up.
Jason turns around just in time to see it stop and he'd recognize the bike anywhere because it's the same one as his. He'd recognize the blue and black suit anywhere because it's yours.
You pop the helmet off and Jason swears his very heart just burst into flames into his chest and it might just burn through his ribcage. The corner of his lips starts to tug into a shielded smile at the sight of you and his only thought is that he misses you. He asks about you to your friends, not too often but...often enough for them to know. All of them say the same things, you're doing okay but they're worried. You're working with Barbara, too, running different jobs for the PD and you check in on Tim's parents every single day.
Molly always says the least about you.
Every single bone in his body feels hollowed seeing you. But when you lock eyes with him and you don't look happy, the guilt comes back baring its teeth and digging them right into his jugular.
It has been a month and a half and he is trying his best. It hasn't been easy and some days he doesn't try but generally, he's trying. It's hard whenever every breath he takes is haunted by the day he took his last. It's hard trying to figure out his footing. Jason Todd is Red Hood. He knows that. He is Red Hood. Red Hood protects innocent people and uses any means necessary to make sure they stay safe. But he is not a hero. He is doing what must be done and that is all. Jason Todd is Red Hood but outside of that, he doesn't know yet. Instead, he wraps himself in a straightjacket of guilt and remorse and agony and hopes that'll be enough to repay his debts to misery and happiness.
You eye him and it's like you're being exposed to the entire city in an instant. It's as if your suit and mask have been ripped from your body and every scar and insecurity and vulnerability is being displayed in some sort of sick museum as you see him. You have separate sections of the city. You, him, and Bruce. This is Bruce's section but he's out of town with the Justice League. It would have been Jason's to pick up but you didn't even question it when Molly mentioned it.
You wish you would have questioned it.
It is almost a relief he wears a full-face helmet because you aren't entirely sure what you would do if you saw his face, saw his expression. Would he be happy to see you? Disappointed? Mad? Would there be anything left at all or would he just look at you like he would any other vigilante showing up a little too late to help? You aren't sure which of those would be easier to swallow.
Something builds in the space between you, something hard and damaged, sucking the air out from between you. It snarls back at you both almost daring you to go ahead and try to move. Try to make the space less and see just how badly the teeth of grief will hurt this time. Go ahead and tempt death for old time's sake and guilt. Go ahead and try to mend this and pretend it's some sort of coincidence, as if fate has any hand in this. It bites and gnaws at you both as water brims in your eyes, every emotion bubbling over to the surface and grief screams out to you both.
Go ahead and try again, see just how badly this will all end again. It will only end in bloody hands and shredded agony. Guilt laughs in your faces, a devious crackle as if you are not worth the other. The both of you do not deserve forgiveness for the torture you've caused the other. Walk away. You both can hear it over and over again, guilt and grief and resentment and loneliness, walk away.
So, you do.
You pop the helmet back on your head just as Jason turns back to the robbers.
"Where are you going?" Molly asks through the comms as she watches the tracker on her screen start moving.
"You can see him here." You seethe. "I know you can see him, too."
Molly has all of your locations. She shares them with Bruce. It was part of an agreement with her doing this eyes in the skies thing and you being able to keep patrolling. It's how you all keep your sections of the city. Molly knows Jason is here.
"He wasn't when I sent you, I swear." Molly defends softly. It's not a lie, she just didn't mention when Jason happened to be moving towards the robbery. "He showed up but you were already on your way—"
"So you didn't tell me?!" You yell. "Seriously?"
Somewhere in the last month and a half, grief has metastasized into something resembling resentment. It's not him. You know that. But, seeing him just now brings back too many feelings you've yet to deal with properly, you're trying but you haven't gotten that far yet.
Grief bubbles back and transforms into something like resentment because you should be together. You should fucking happy and you aren't. You are, generally, but there is this void echoing in your chest. A burning pain right on your heart where his name was stitched. It sucks to be blind-sided into seeing him even if the resentment is towards yourself. You just would have liked some fucking warning about it.
You need to be prepared if you're going to see him and you aren't entirely sure you're ready. There's still a lot of shame even if missing him makes you feel like Atlas. Half the damn time it takes everything in you not to call him. Something will happen and he is still the first person you want to tell. But, you're not talking. Instead, you get updates about him through Molly and Gar and Tim. All of them have said he seems okay while sounding worried about him. It's hard not to worry about him. He's Jason. You think that's your only relief, knowing he's at least doing okay.
You just wish you had it in yourself to check in but he said space and you said space. You agreed and guilt and shame suck the very air out of your lungs to the point where you think this is your way of punishing yourself for everything you've done to him. Forcing yourself to not contact him first and check-in. You're punishing yourself but keeping to what you know and staying away from him. Maybe it was him who was always better off.
Molly sighs. "You have to talk to him eventually." Molly rolls her eyes on the other end and decides to drop it. She can hear the engine of the bike roaring louder than usual. This conversation is not one to have at the moment. "Mugging two blocks from you, take a right."
She is thankful the two of you have not put her in the middle. The most that happens is you both asking about each other. Other than that, you don't ask. You don't mention each other. It's as if you only know of each other through your mutual friends. Molly thinks that might actually be worse sometimes.
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Jason gets back to his safe house and strips from the Red Hood gear. He heads right for the shower. Seeing you tonight, it feels like a lot. He never tried to kill you but somehow, you're the person he betrayed the most and dealing with that has been a lot harder than most of the rest of it. Your dedication and loyalty to him he thinks has made it so hard. To have someone so loyal and love him the way you did, sends his head fuzzy with regret knowing the pain he caused you.
At first, Jason thought it'd be a week or two. You'd both cave and talk again and then one thing would lead to another. Maybe it wouldn't be the healthiest way to deal with your shit, but you'd be together and you'd figure it out. But then a week or two turned into three and then four and then six. The more time that passes, the harder it gets to pick up the phone. Maybe that's why he asks Gar and Tim and Molly about you. They all say you're good but they're worried about you. They're always worried about you. But at least you've been good and Jason is grateful for that. He just wishes he had it in himself to suck it up and just call you. But, he doesn't so he showers away the thoughts of you and drowns himself in his guilt and regret.
By the time he's out of the shower, his phone is ringing and he's drying his hair with a towel, the white streak staring back at him in the mirror and he's still mad Dick didn't get the same thing he did.
"Yeah?" Jason answers the phone.
"I need your help." Dick states on the other end.
Jason pulls the phone from his head, looking at the caller ID before he puts the phone back to his ear. "With?"
"Training Tim." Dick states.
Jason almost laughs at the very statement. It's not that Dick is asking for help in the training department, he has before. That's fine. It's that Tim is supposed to be Robin out there and Jason knows they are actively fighting demons and zombies. Tim should absolutely be getting trained in between all of that.
"You haven't trained him yet?" Jason scoffs in surprise before he walks out of the en suite and into his bedroom.
"We've been busy." Dick scoffs back knowing damn well Jason knows what's been happening. Dick has mentioned it and Gar gives Dick updates about Jason meaning Gar talks to him plenty. "Between everything that's been going on since we got to Metropolis, we haven't had time."
Jason chuckles softly on the other end. "Yeah, uh, Gar was telling about me about the zombie shit. Fucking Deathstroke? Glad I wasn't there." Jason laughs softly and he can't see it but there might even be a faint smile on Dick's lips. He sounds good.
"Yeah," Dick huffs, running a hand through his hair. "You gonna be able to help?" Dick asks.
"Yeah, I owe you anyway." Jason agrees. "Not gonna go easy on him though. I'm gonna make sure he's ready when he comes back."
It doesn't take Jason long to have his decision. There's something...weird with someone replacing him in a way, as Robin. But, if someone is going to be Robin, they have to be prepared, more prepared than he was. Jason doesn't want someone else to end up like him and he knows Tim, kind of. He owes Dick for everything Jason has put him through and Jason did always like helping with the training. It's not a difficult decision.
"Good, that's what I expect." Dick nearly chuckles. "If he's going to be Robin, he needs a good teacher."
"Wouldn't go that far, man." Jason shakes his head, still getting used to Dick being nice.
"You trained y/n and look at what she can do. That is mostly on you. Do the same for Tim. I'll have him in Gotham tomorrow."
"You just gonna send him to me?" Jason's brows pull together as he puts a hand on his hip.
"No, I'm going to send him on a mission that is all just a ruse to get him there. You'll find him and go from there. Don't tell him." Dick explains simply as if Jason should have known Dick would have a...ruse?
"So, you're gonna send him here on a fake mission with no training as Robin?" Jason lets out a laugh. That's ridiculous and somehow Jason finds himself not entirely surprised. "Why not just fucking tell him, man?"
"I want to instill confidence in him." Dick states, almost defensively. He's trying his best and he also knows that Tim is very confident and maybe he needs to see he needs the help. "Should have done it with you guys. Not making the mistake again."
Jason clears his through. "Yeah, okay, deserved that." Jason shakes his head. "Alright, just let me know when he's on his way and where I need to be. I'll get him ready to actually be Robin."
"Thanks, Jason." Dick's voice is sincere.
"Yeah, don't mention it." Jason lets out a sigh before he hangs up.
He plops onto his bed, his eyes falling onto the helmet resting on the dresser on the opposite side of the room. Right after leaving the manor from talking to Bruce, this is not where he saw Red Hood being. Being a vigilante is now something Jason feels like he has to do, he likes it but he is trained to do it. He's trained to help people and if no one else is going to help them, Jason might as well. It's taken a little getting used to, rebranding Red Hood in a way. Red Hood is not a murderer. He kills really horrible people for the greater good. He targets people like Black Mask and Penguin by working his own circle to steal their business. He sabotages their work and steals their shipments. That part is always a bit fun. Red Hood patrols Crime Alley. He helps them. He is not a murderer.
He's still getting used to it but it's better than it was. Even if the blood on his hands burns from time to time.
This is kind of nice though, the ability to train Tim. He does miss that part a bit, training with someone. Training alone only does so much sometimes. Jason liked helping train the other younger Titans. It made him feel important and now he gets to train Tim. He'll never tell Dick, but it means a lot for him to ask for help here even if it's just because the Titans have been busy.
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This is the last one for the night. You've been tracking this group of people who work for a pretty bad pimp in the city. You've gotten a couple of the women to turn and Barbara has put them into protective custody, immunity from any and all charges. It's not them they want anyway. It's the pimp and his right hand but when women stopped showing up, he got wind and went into hiding. So, did most of his men and women. Until tonight when Molly grabbed one of them on a camera in Gotham Heights. You wasted no time in trailing him.
The second this guy sees you, he takes off like a bat out of hell and the only thing you can do is roll your eyes and go after him. They always run. It's like they really think running is going to work for them. Between the cardio and the grappling hook and the bike, why do they think they'll actually get away? They always run.
The guy thinks he's smarter and quicker. Well, maybe he's quicker but he is not smarter. Molly is tracking him through every traffic camera he hits while you stay a good distance behind him until the opportunity comes for you to get onto a rooftop and continue the chase that way. He's heading somwhere, it won't be toward his boss. There's no way he's that stupid but he is heading into the perfect spot for you to grab him.
You turn off and then jump a few more buildings before ducking down into an alley. You walk to the very end and then wait a few seconds for the running footsteps to come closer. You grab a knife from your belt and then just as he goes to run past, you grab him, spinning him and pinning him against the alley wall.
You hold the knife to his neck and press it into his skin, not enough to cause serious damage, just enough to let him bleed. Blood gets people talking quicker and you're tired and hungry.
"Where is he?" You demand.
The man gulps and the blade presses into his neck further, his breathing heavy and shallow. "I don't know who you're—"
"Your boss. Yes, you do. You're all in hiding but you came out and for what? Where he is?" You question again, not in the mood to even let him think for a second he's smarter than you.
He looks at you with terror. Somehow, he wishes it were The Bat that grabbed him and yet he finds himself thankful it's not The Red Hood. The Bat won't kill him but Red Hood would make sure his death was painful if he really wanted to. You're not one to be messed with either. But his boss? That's just signing his death certificate.
You pull the knife away, kneeing him in the stomach before you land a punch to his face. You don't want to kill him. You read his record. Wrong crowd at sixteen. He was probably manipulated into this, too. He's a victim, too. But, he needs to give up his boss.
The man groans, sliding down the wall as he holds his jaw. "Fuck!"
"Tell me." You grit your teeth.
"He'll fucking kill me! I'd rather you just send me to Arkham or Blackgate! I'm not a fuckin' rat." The guy seethes but there's a quiver in his voice.
You roll your eyes. "Yes, I'm aware he'll kill you."
"What the fu—"
"So tell me and give me a reason to make sure he doesn't." You offer. "You think I'm here to kill you? If I wanted you dead, I'd kill you myself. Tell me and we'll protect you." The offer is genuine even if it comes out snippy.
"I don't believe a damn thing you say." The man gives you a weak scoff and diverts his eyes to the street.
"That's a you problem then. I'm trying to help you while you help me." You offer. "It's a real offer."
"Immunity then." The man fires back without even thinking.
You scoff. Does he not realize that the whole vigilante thing is still a crime? You can't promise that. "No. And I don't have the ability to promise that anyway. Work out with the DA. I can get you into protective custody though if you give him up."
Barbara has you working this case involving some sort of ring with sex workers. It's definitely more than just some guy calling the shots and dividing up money. Missing women, bodies turning up, drugs, it all seems to lead back to him. Your argument was that half the people working under this guy are victims, too. Some of those people are given the opportunity to flip and if they do, they're given protection. Barbara said the DA isn't too happy about it and some of the civilians will probably be pissed but you don't care. Not all of them have to go down with the ship.
"Look, he's going to find out you were with me and he's going to think you flipped or you're thinking about it. You're a dead man the second you walk out of this alley if you don't help me and we both know it."
The man lets out a sigh. "Crime Alley." He finally caves. "I don't know exactly where. I heard there are only a few women who know and then his right hand, that's it."
You nod accepting the response. It's way better than nothing. "Thank you."
"You're really gonna help?"
"Yeah, of course." You get to your feet.
You shrug. "You're not the big problem here." You answer casually. "My advice though, take whatever punishment is dealt to you and serve it and then get out. There's a program. The commissioner will give you information about it if they decide to try you."
"Thank you." The guy nods.
"Mhm." You hum, pulling out your own zip ties before you zip tie his hands together but before you get Molly to call Barbara, Molly comes in through the comms.
"Hey, I've got Dick on the other line, you wanna take it?" Molly asks.
"Yeah, actually, I'm done here. Let the commissioner know he flipped and I got info on him so he's good." You answer.
"Got it." Molly answers before she patches Dick in.
"I need your help with something." Dick starts without wasting a single second.
Your brows pull together. "Uh, hello to you, too?" You question as you get back to your feet. "The fuck do you need my help with? I do not want to go to Metropolis." You let out a chuckle before you look out onto the street and then back back into the alley.
"Superman?!" The guy on the ground yells.
"No, Nightwing." You scoff. "Shut up. You're done talking."
"Are you on a job right now?" Dick almost yells and at this point, he expects nothing less.
"Oh, yeah, just wrapping up." Your voice is almost cheery on the other end.
"Okay..." Dick holds the bridge of his nose, not even wanting to unpack that. "I need you to help train Tim."
You cackle on the other end. "Okay, hold on, let me wrap this up. This shit needs my attention." You laugh looking back to the guy. "Alright they'll be here in a few to arrest you but I gotta head out so...sorry about this." You pull your fist back, punching the guy and knocking him unconscious. "Anyway," You start before you shoot your grappling hook at the roof and start your jumping and walking to your bike. "You need me to do what now?"
"I need you to help train Tim to be Robin." Dick repeats.
"Is that not your job?" You quip back with a laugh.
Dick sighs, seeing as he is clearly going to have the same conversation twice. "We've been busy."
"Yeah, Gar and Tim said something about Zombie Deathstroke. Sounds fucking insane. Glad I'm not there." You laugh before jumping onto a neighboring rooftop. "Wait, okay hold on." You shake your head. "You're gonna send Tim here?"
"Yes. On a fake mission to build confidence." Since he's already had this conversation, Dick knows exactly what to cut out and include in his response to get this conversation over quickly.
"Uh-huh." You nod, getting the feeling there's a bit more to this than Dick is leading on. "Right, yeah, got it. Fair enough, I guess. And why are you asking me?" You ask knowing Jason is right there in Gotham City as well.
"You're good at this, you're the newest member besides Conner but well..."
"Superboy." You finish. "Unfair fight."
"Exactly. You also have your combat clairvoyance. Jason always said you were a good sparring partner because you fit." Dick's voice is casual and simple, you know there's something he is not telling you. He's nicer than he was before. The stick is no longer up his ass, but he's being too nice.
"Yeah, he did." You roll your shoulders before jumping to the next rooftop. "And uh, why are you not asking Jason?" You ask before it goes completely silent. And you know immediately. "Oh, you did." You state.
"I did." Dick answers simply.
Of course, Dick asked Jason first. You aren't offended or hurt by it. Asking Jason to train Tim is smart. But, not immediately telling you means one of two things. Either Jason said yes and Dick is setting you both up which makes you want to jump off this rooftop or Jason said no and Dick just wasn't going to tell you. Unfortunately, you're betting on the first option just because you know Jason wouldn't send Tim to the wolves.
"And he said yes, didn't he?" Your voice is a little snippy this time.
"He did." Dick keeps his voice level, unsure if you're going to start yelling or not.
"Okay so you're asking me to help Jason train Tim but Jason doesn't know you're asking me and you weren't going to tell me but because I asked you were obligated not to lie to me in fear I'd be pissed off enough to walk out and so would Jason?"
"When you put it that way." Dick states. "Look, I know it's complicated right now." Dick tries to reason with you.
"We're not fucking talking, Dick like..." You let out a breath. "He probably doesn't want to see me, ya know?" You nearly whine at the thought because you really believe it.
You hurt him.
"I know but this is for Tim." Dick urges.
You might be giving Dick a hard time but you both know you'll agree. Not only is Dick asking for a favor but it's also Tim. You would never not help Tim especially with everything that's happened. You owe Dick and Tim for everything. But, that doesn't make the situation any easier for you.
"Jason is gonna be pissed if he finds out, ya know?" You ask.
"Yeah." Dick answers. "Tim will get the best training from the both of you though."
"Yeah." You roll your eyes. "Fine. Yeah, I'll help and I won't tell Jason. Just when and where?"
"Tomorrow, I'll text you the rest." Dick answers. "Thank you."
"Mhm." You hum.
Dick feels bad for you and Jason. You've both been through a lot individually and together. It's two of the things that brought you together in the first place. You two always seemed to make each other happy and you actually seemed really good for each other. Dick knows first hand it's not easy and it is always complicated. It's always going to be painful trying to work out the romance department while being a vigilante. It's why it didn't work with him and Barbara. It's why it didn't work with him and Dawn. It's not easy. But, he feels bad for you both. It feels like you weren't given a chance.
"Talk to him." Dick states carefully.
You groan as you look to the sky. "You're not giving me a fucking choice are you, Dickolas?"
"You know what I mean." Dick says right back.
While you appreciate the sentiment, you are not taking dating advice from Dick Grayson. As far as you know, Dick's been in love with Kory for almost a year, at least and he has not said a single word to her about it. At least you told Jason. The way you see it, Dick should be taking dating advice from you.
"You tell Kory how you feel about her and I'll have a conversation with Jason." You offer in a higher-pitched voice, offering a bit of bite in your words.
"Okay no—"
"Yes." You quip back. "Don't give me advice if you're not going to take the same advice." You jump to the last rooftop. "She feels the same way anyway." You mutter softly.
"Alright, thank you." Dick cuts you off. "Talk to him. Tim won't know you're helping him."
"Gathered. Just let me know. I know to keep my mouth shut. I got it." You assure him.
"Thank you."
"You owe me." You laugh softly on the other end before ending the call.
After the run-in earlier tonight, you weren't sure when you'd want to see Jason again. At first, you thought about it all the time. Maybe you'd run into each other just as you did earlier and he'd make some quip about you being in his territory and you'd make fun of him for needing your help. Something would click and you'd be back to normal and it would feel good. The void in your chest will fill again and it would be normal. But that's not what happened because more time passed and you think about how maybe he's mad at you. He should be mad at you still. The more time that passed, the more you convinced yourself it was what you deserved. So, you keep your distance on purpose from him. Maybe that's your penance.
But now, you have to face him.
So, you head back to the apartment to mentally prepare. Jason Todd is still the Jason you always loved and you have to act like you're fine. You have to act like it is not eating you away inside to think about him. Everything has been going okay and you're finding yourself in this city. You think your feet are starting to land on solid ground for once. But, the thought of seeing Jason makes you feel like the earth is being pulled from under your feet. It's the one thing you have deliberately not dealt with. So, you know you have to act like it's all normal. If you're going to be able to do this with him, it has to feel normal. You have to feel normal otherwise it'll be sad and awkward and painful. Maybe he won't want your help anyway.
In no way did you expect your first time speaking to Jason again would be because Dick asked for help. But, it looks like that's exactly what's going to happen. And maybe your bones are starting to vibrate with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. You might feel guilty and you might be worried but you miss seeing him. You miss the way his voice sounds. You miss him more than words could ever describe.
Maybe you hope he misses you, too even if you don't deserve it.
Maybe as the night goes on and you get ready for bed and tell Molly about it, maybe you can't wait to see him.
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writtenobsession · 1 day
Next Time
Modern AU Halsin x GN Tav/Reader
Summary: A morning after a hook up with Halsin. (Fluff?/ mentions sex)
A/N: This is based off of a post by @magicislikelove about Halsin sending a Survey about how sex was with him. It lived in my brain for the whole day and wrote this in a few hours when I should’ve been asleep. (Please forgive any mistakes 🙏🏼)
Word count:3,405
It wasn’t everyday you head go out with your friends after work to grab a few drinks and it definitely wasn’t everyday you go home with a man twice your height and with muscles that would make the gods jealous, yet here you are with those strong arms wrapped around you as you enjoy being the little spoon.
What was more surprising waking up the next morning to the smell of food wafting into the bedroom. After throwing on a T shirt that was way too big for you, you slowly walk through an unfamiliar hallway, you mange to find your way to the kitchen where a mostly naked man, besides his apron and boxer briefs, standing in front of his stove flipping pancakes. Looking at his broad back and the few scratch marks you left, you could feel your cheeks warm. It wasn’t long before he turned around and noticed you leaning against the doorframe. A breathtaking smile spread across his face, “Good morning, I hope you slept well.”
Thoughts of last nights activities rushed back before you replied with cheeky little grin, “I slept just fine. Waking up is a different story. Some of us will be walking a little stiffly for a while…”
He lets out a chuckle, “You rode out the storm most admirably. Come, let’s enjoy the food before it gets cold.” He gestures towards a small table in front a window that looked out into a forest with the morning sun peaking through branches above. Taking your seat, as the man brings over plates pancakes, salmonberries, and bacon. You stare at him with awe at all more the food he brought out. Normally with any one nightstand you’ve left before your partner woke up, but having someone up before you and with food is a first.
You look up at him and express your gratitude. Both of you talked over breakfast about life, interests, and hobbies. Talking with him is easy, even without a drink or two in your system. You almost didn’t want to leave, but you have responsibilities outside of your current bliss. After helping him clean up, you mention need to head out and pick up our car from the bar’s parking lot. He offered to drop you off since he had some earned to run in town. Going back into the bedroom and finding most of your articles of clothing, you’re escorted by the towards his old pickup truck. Sitting in silence for a moment never felt awkward between the two of you. Something about being near him felt right. Pulling up next to your car, you almost hesitate to leave. You look at him for a moment before exiting the vehicle, “Thank you for an amazing night, Halsin.” You get into your car and turn towards him. You give him a small wave as he pulls away. Sitting alone while your car heats up, you say his name again. You could hardly forget his name since it falling from your lips all night like a prayer. You bite your bottom lip at the memories of being below him flooded your mind. You drive home in silence, but not alone since the thoughts of your night with Halsin kept you company. Arriving home, you cleaned yourself and performed your daily tasks in a fog. Settling for a lazy evening, you hear your phone ping on your coffee table to find a text message that made a smile creep across your face. A name that you are all too familiar with sent you a silly text message. It read like a questionnaire about your night with him, from the conversations to the sex. What made your heart skip a beat was when he mentioned, “Is there anything you want to try for next time?”
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cloudlessly-light · 9 hours
Hello! I love your fic where Aaron is obsessed with Ems breasts. Maybe you could write more but also Em has nipple piercing??? And Aarons obsession with it? Thank you 🫶
A/N: Thank you so much for the feedback on this story, you guys don't even know how motivating it is and it definitely made me write the next couple of chapters a lot faster!
Title: Love like mine (2/11) Chapter title: I’ll leave you hypnotized Summary: He wasn’t a cheater. Until her. Word count: 3,2k Rating: Explicit   Warnings (for this chapter): Smut, dirty talk, nipple play, nipple piercings, breast fucking, Aaron loves her breasts, but who wouldn’t? cheating
It seemed like once they started, they couldn’t seem to stop. She had walked into work the following day and they lasted until the end of it before she sneaked into his office and sucked him off as he stood against the door, hiding from view as her lips wrapped around him until he was spilling down her throat with his teeth dug into his fist to keep from being heard.
And that’s the beginning of their affair, something that’s filthy, hidden behind closed doors. It was something that was theirs, that no one else knew about and they were both happy to keep it that way. Emily thought that she’d feel worse, thought she’d have some kind of regret about what she was doing. But at the end of the day she wasn’t the one who was married. Although she could see it on him sometimes, flashes of it, a split second of worry, of guilt, but then he was looking at her with nothing short of want and the guilt was gone as quickly as it came.
Behind the locked door of her apartment, nothing really existed but them, and the pleasure they chased in each other’s skin. That’s all it was, an itch that needed scratching, that still hadn’t changed. Aaron used her just like she used him, pleasures and desires shared between her soft sheets, and sometimes on other surfaces of her apartment.
He was sure he’d never be able to be inside her home without thinking about her naked. He’d be in the kitchen and remember when he bent her over the counter, both of them mostly dressed as he fucked her until the front of her thighs was bruised from the power of his thrusts and he was coming with a low groan. Or he’d walk down the stairs and think about how she hadn’t been able to wait and rode him right there on the stairs, ignoring the way the hard edges dug into his back as she mewled his name in pleasure. Then it was the couch, the shower, hell even against the large window in the living room looking out over DC, basically every surface of her home was painted with them. And he found himself loving it.
It was memories he thought of almost fondly, even as he shared a bed with his wife. Sometimes he wondered what he was doing, would look at Haley’s relaxed face as she slept beside him and it hurt knowing that he was doing something that was hurting her. But he couldn’t seem to stop, whatever it was he had found within the walls of Emily’s apartment was something he didn’t want to give up. And he was selfish enough not to.
“Do you have plans tonight?” He asks as he leans back against the counter in the kitchenette in the office. To a bystander it looked like a normal relationship between coworkers, but Emily caught the slight arch of his eyebrow right before he took a sip of his coffee and she bit back a smirk.
“No I don’t.” She took a drink out of her own mug. “What about you? Got anything fun planned with the family this weekend?” The way her eyes gleam with something dark makes him want to wrap his hand around her throat.
“No, Haley is taking Jack to visit her parents until Sunday, they should be on their way right now actually.” He can see the way her smirk turns bigger but she hides it behind the cup in her hand.
“Would you want to go with me to see a play?” Spencer interrupts them, his voice excited as he pours himself a cup of coffee. “They’re showing Oedipus Rex. It’s a Greek tragedy about a man who fulfills a prophecy by killing his father and marries his mother. It’s actually fascinating, the point of it being fate versus free will-” He starts to ramble but is quickly cut off by Emily’s amused stare as Aaron clears his throat.
“I was actually going to take it easy, maybe see an old friend.” He gives the younger man a blank stare.
“Oh, well if you change your mind it’s only about two hours.” Spencer looks to Emily who simply shakes her head.
“I’m sorry Reid, maybe another time.” She smiles at him and tries not to feel bad about lying to him. Their relationship was still strained, his behavior toward her shifting often even after she had confronted him about it.
“It’s okay.” He shrugs and picks up his mug from the counter where he had put it. “I should finish some paperwork though.” He excuses himself and heads back towards his desk.
Once he’s gone and they’re alone, her eyes find his and any thought of Spencer Reid was gone.
“Want to have a sleepover with me, Mr. Hotchner?” She grins at the way his eyes narrow slightly at her.
“A sleepover huh?” The way his voice has dropped in that familiar way sends a tingle down her spine.
“A naked sleepover.” She says it quietly, just a second of standing too close to whisper the words against his ear before she stands back and walks back to her desk.
When she turns to look at him she can see the subtle nod of agreement. Suddenly she couldn’t wait for their weekend to start.
He shows up late, later than necessary, stuck somewhere between rushing through work to get to her place and knowing that this was new, even dangerous. Their time together had so far consisted of quick trysts and goodbyes mumbled in the dead of night. They didn’t do this, didn’t spend time together, except the few minutes before and after inevitably falling into bed.
But he couldn’t deny the need he felt for her, the way his body almost shook with the all-consuming want that only got worse the closer he was to knocking on her door.
She opens it dressed in nothing but a black, sheer negligee and he peaks the small metal bars in her nipples that he loves so much shine under the lights. Ever since they started sleeping together he had loved them, had spent time playing with them and watching as Emily arched further into his touch, always wanting more.
It had been close to two weeks since he’d seen them, work and not having an excuse to sneak off to see her to Haley enough for them to not having had time together. And when they did, it was hurried, frenzied, flies zipped down and pants pulled down just enough for them to find the kind of release they’d gotten used to by now.
“Hey.” She greets him, always collected, always hard to read, still somehow a mystery to him.
“Sorry I’m late.” Any doubt he had was gone the second he laid eyes on her, the usual fog of arousal he now associated with her quickly overcoming him. He pushed her back into her apartment, hands stroking over the material of her slip.
“I was beginning to think you had changed your mind.” She sighs into a kiss, the taste of him familiar to her by now. They stumble backwards as she starts to work on the buttons of his shirt, silently curses him for not wearing something that’s easier to get off.
“I almost did.” He swallows up whatever words on her tongue by kissing her again while he strips her of the only article of clothing she’s wearing. Her back connects with the wall and he pushes her against it easily, hand quickly finding its way between her legs.
“Why?” She whispers as he teasingly trails the pad of his fingers along the seam of her, collecting her slick on every run through.
“Because of this.” He holds his other hand up, the gold ring on his finger shining as he pushes that same finger into her mouth and watches with dark eyes as she sucks it. He watches in fascination as she sucks his finger deeper, down to his wedding band where her tongue licks over it, making his hard cock ache inside his slacks.
“Like that’s stopped you before.” She says once he’s pulled his finger from her lips to gently trace her nipple.
“I tried, but you have a knack for getting what you want.” He pulls gently on her nipple and then tugs the piercing while he buries two fingers inside of her and her head falls back against the wall with a soft moan. “Besides, you like it. We both know that one of the reasons why you want me is because I’m married.”
“That’s not true.” She argues but she knew that there really wasn’t any point. He could read her better than most, had figured that out even before their first night together and he proves it as he arches an eyebrow and looks at her with eyes that seems to set her ablaze.
“Isn’t it?” He asks as his fingers curl and she can’t keep the deep groan down. “There’s my girl.” He muses as he enjoys the way her center clenches at the praise. Then his eyes wander down to her chest and he ducks his head enough to lick over one of her nipples. When he bites it just hard enough for it to sting she whimpers and he hums against her skin.
“Bedroom.” She mutters as her fingers find their way to his hair to grip the short strands, wanting him messy, to not be as put together as he always was.
“Lead the way.” His voice is thick with arousal as he steps back enough for her to take his hand and head up to the bedroom. His other hand moves over her body, can’t seem to stop touching her. Once they’re upstairs he helps her with the rest of his clothes, not caring where they land on her floor just as long as he gets some relief from the close to painful ache between his legs.
“I’ve missed these.” He mumbles against her sternum as he kisses over her chest, fingers tweaking her nipples as she arches into his touch. “There’s something about these piercings that drives me insane.” He licks over a nipple before sucking on it and he feels her fingers back in his hair, tugging hard.
“I know.” She smirks down at him from where he’s kneeling between her legs, too focused on her chest to notice the slight teasing tone of voice. “I can see how you try to see them through my shirts at work. Sometimes I’m tempted to not wear a bra.”
He groans at the thought, of Emily walking into his office in one of those damn shirts that are just bordering on being too tight and the piercings showing through the fabric and he grinds his hips against the bed.
“I’d keep you under my desk, have my cock between your tits until I’m staining them with my cum.” He hears the hitch in her breath at his words before moving up to kiss her.
“Is that what you want?” She mumbles against his lips. “To have me as your toy? To use as you see fit?” When he ruts against her and stains her thigh with precum she grins knowingly. “Dirty boy.”
He’s so lost in the feel of her soft body against his and her silky voice in his ear that he’s caught off guard when she flips them around, a low groan rumbling in his chest when she settles above him. Immediately he sits up, his large hands grabbing at her hips to pull her against him as he buries his face in her chest again, sucking and biting hard enough to leave bruises on her skin.
Emily lets him, even when her nipples start to ache from the constant stimulation from his lips and tongue, knows that he could spend hours just concentrating on her breasts if she’d allow it. Secretly, she loves how much he enjoyed her body, felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that he would worship her for hours if he could. When she sinks down on him it’s slow, her body always needing to adjust to him and as he grunts around her nipple, she grinds her hips against his.
“How do you always feel so good?” She gasps as she starts to move. Her fingers are gripping his shoulders tightly, less careful now that she knows that he’s not going straight home. He had left numerous marks on her body since they started sleeping together, it was only fair that she’d leave hers just this once.
She rides him unlike how anybody ever had, she used his body for her own pleasure and as much as Aaron loved to be the one in control, there was something about knowing how much she got off on him letting her use him this way that always made his mind hazy with arousal. He knew that his insistent mouth on her chest must be starting to hurt, her skin red, almost raw and flushed, but she only pushed her chest against his face, offering her body to him willingly and his hips pushed up in response.
His hand banded over her back, helped her move above him even as he kept her close to him. It wasn’t long until her body was starting to tense, her moans coming out louder and breathier. When her hips buckled and her fingers tugged on his hair to pull him away from her chest, he knew she was getting close.
“You look so good like this.” He mumbled quietly, knew that she needed the slight nudge of his words to fall off the edge. “Gorgeous thing, fucking my cock so well.”
“Aaron, fuck-” Her words were cut off by a sharp thrust from him and she heard the satisfaction in his voice when he spoke.
“That’s it, so pretty like this, come for me Em, let me see you.” He moved one hand from her hip to instead grab the back of her neck, his large hand easily gripping it so he could watch her face. Only moments later he felt her tense as her eyes rolled back and mouth fell open in pleasure.
Her entire body felt like it exploded as her hips moved desperately against his, a guttural groan leaving her as she came. The pleasure was close to blinding, her eyesight going blurry and the only sound she heard was the thumping of her heart. She’s still coming down when he flips them back around and starts thrusting, his hips strong against hers.
“Fucking perfect.” He mutters against her neck as he chases his own release. “So good, my filthy perfect girl.” When her lips curled into a smile he looked down at her with heated eyes.
“Fuck my tits.” She gasped and she swore he forces himself keep his release at bay. “Fuck my tits and cum like you fantasize about.”
The sound that leaves him when he crawls up her body to straddle her waist was nothing short of a growl. Graveled and low and loud as he watched his swollen shaft land between her breasts. She pushed them together and he immediately started to thrust, eyes locked on the way his head peaked out through the top each time.
“Pain my skin with it.” She encouraged him, her dark eyes locked on the wild look on his face. His jaw clenched, sweat was slowly rolling down his neck, his body tensing more with every push of his hips. “Come for me, Aaron.”
“Jesus Christ, Em.” He hissed through clenched teeth and then she ducked her head enough to swipe her tongue over the tip of him and he was coming. His fist hit the wall as he groaned, his hips twitching as his release hit her skin everywhere from between her breasts to the hollow of her throat and her chin. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight and when Emily swiped her finger through some of his cum and then licked the pad of her finger, he knew she might be the death of him.
He forcefully pulled her up to kiss him, tasting himself on her tongue with a growl and she kissed him back just as forcefully. When he pulled back her dark eyes were gleaming, his reaction to her always deeply satisfying.
“I’m going to eat you out until I’ve had my fill, and then I’m fucking you again.” He whispered against her face before moving down the bed.
She smiles and spreads her legs wider, because in what world would she say no to that?
They spend the night together, for the first time a whole night, lost in pleasure and each other and the next morning Emily wakes up to the smell of coffee coming from her kitchen. Her body aches in the most delicious way as she stretches on the bed. She grabs his shirt from the floor and puts it on, only buttoning one button in the middle of her chest before walking downstairs.
She finds him in the kitchen, pouring the coffee as eggs are cooking in a frying pan.
“Good morning.” Her voice is rough from moaning and sleep and she can tell that Aaron enjoys the way it sounds.
“Good morning.” He smiles and pushes the mug across the counter for her to take. “Did you sleep well?” His eyes rake over her frame and tries to ignore the way he finds himself liking how she looks in his clothes.  
“Like a log.” She takes a sip of her coffee. “How long have you been up?” She peaks past him to see groceries she knew she most certainly didn’t have the night before on the counter.
“Not too long. I did get us some food through, you know since your fridge was empty except for wine and milk.” He teases and she arches an eyebrow in faux hurt.
“I’m sure I had something in the freezer!”
“You did not.” He laughs when she rolls her eyes at him. It was surprisingly easy, being with her this way, he thought.
“I’ll have you know you’ve just robbed my kitchen of its virginity.” It’s her turn to laugh when his eyes get big in surprise.
“Are you telling me that you’ve never cooked in here?” He puts the fried eggs on the plates along with the toast and some berries.
“I’m never home! And when I am I usually get takeout.” She defends but he only shakes his head at her. “I’ll have you know, wine, coffee and milk are all the essentials I need.”
“Emily!” He chastises, but his tone is teasing and soft as he carries the plates to the table. “I’m cooking dinner, you’re doing the dishes.” He smiles when she nods and sits down next to him happily.
It shouldn’t have been so easy, deciding to spend the day together. But neither of them wanted to worry about that. At least not now.
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luxora · 2 days
Red Velvet -> {Vampire AU} -> Drinking from you for the first time
Requested: No
Group: Red Velvet
Genre: Fluff. Angst. Some Smut.
Warning: Blood. Some nsfw.
A/N: First vampire au with Red Velvet. Let me know what you think!
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For as long as she has lived, Joohyun has learned to master the skill of patience.
One thing which has has learned about humanity is that they are remarkably, or rather unremarkable, an impatient kind almost making rash and impotent mistakes which would have been entire avoidant if they had simply waited for the right moment.
Alas, man is stupid. And man has been control far too long.
One should realize that while there is a big lion, there is still a bigger bear, a bigger tiger, and a bigger shark. Predator after predator, one must not become too complacent unless the bear decided it wanted to become the new king of the jungle, and in the capacity of which Joohyun is concerned, she could quite so easily become that new era in humanity in which the bigger predator takes control of the pond and the ocean, rendering man incompetent and complacent under her thumb.
But then again, would she truly want to have the headache that is guaranteed to be given if she decided to act upon her intrusive thoughts?
People don’t like being chained up and they will fight back, and while that will be fun in the beginning, it will become tedious and Joohyun is a rather intimate lover when it comes to boredom since she is so used to it in the first place.
Its just living for this long is both a blessing and a curse, and yet it has become more and more of a close, akin to the tragic tales of Dracula of which is constantly reboot through the ages.
She wishes that there was simply an end to all that she is. That there was something to look forward to, and yet she has been repeatedly disappointed through the ages. She has lost a lot of thing through her lifetime, people, family, friends, and her own humanity.
Joohyun considers herself unable of feeling, her humanity long gone for how isolated she has become. There is no point in her befriending others as they will succumb to death eventually while she will forever be living in the perfect shell of her body, displaying absolute perfection and yet living through flaws.
Hunting for blood was nothing new to her, akin to have a walk in the park for a normal human.
Only this walk in the park led her to a rather confounding discovery, a human who has caught her interest.
When she had pounced on you, she had thought that she had found a weak link. You were alone in the park, a cigarette in your hands while you were gazing up at the night sky, an acquaintance to your thoughts, not realizing the danger you were in until you suddenly felt hands in your throat and your body forced to the ground where teeth were suddenly latched to your neck.
Your blood waved into her mouth in multiple currently, making Joohyun growl beastly as she reveled in the taste, but then she was met with a unsounding reaction.
You not screaming.
While she held you tight in your arms, you had yet to utter a single word. From all her experiences, her preys always scream. They squirm and cry, begging for her to release them and to spare them from their oncoming death but they always fell upon death ears.
But you - you were compliant in her arms.
Yes, she felt you stiffen in her arms - but you didn’t fight back. In fct, you seemed to just submit to your fate, unknowingly knowing that escape was impossible. Between a human and a vampire, the victor was most obvious and Joohyun would have continued to revel in her victory if you hadn’t been so different.
She was not yet sated to be full but Joohyun pulled away from your neck to look at you, her eyes glowing in the deep night and perfectly reflecting your gaze as you stared up at her. Like usual, her eyes were red from the fresh feeding, but she saw no fear in your eyes.
Instead - she saw calm serenity -  a bitter smile on your face as you continued to gaze at her.
“Am I not to your taste?”
Joohyun cocked her head, confounded by such a reaction.
“Sorry about that, I did down a decaf coffee which I sorely regret, maybe that has had a negative effect on me. Sorry.”
An apology.
She has never received an apology from a little lion before.
Joohyun simply stared at you, and you stared back, neither of you responding to the blood which was steadily escaping the puncture wounds from your neck. You just continued to smile at her, a reluctance in your eyes which made her eyebrows furrow.
Why were you so odd?
She should have just continued feeding, to simply finish up her meal and dispose of your body like she did so many times, but - something prompted her to change her usual routine.
Instead of ending your life, she spared it. She had covered your eyes and then carried you to the closest clinic, leaving you outside and then escaping before she would be noticed by any other humans. While there was a commotion to your arrival, you did not utter a word when the nurses tended to you, instead lazily staring out into the streets, almost wanting to catch sight of her in the shadows, contemplating the interaction between the two of you.
And similarly, Joohyun contemplated the same, watching from a roof and being hidden in the shadow of night. You had sparked an interests - and Joohyun was to see of what was to come from such a little lion, who has been capable of making her feel after such a long time.
She was not quite sure of what it was - but it was something.
Time was on her side, she had plenty of it to find out,
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While Seulgi has been in control of her instincts for a long while, she couldn’t help but fear for the moment playing out in front of her, her stomach tying itself into complex knots despite the trusting look you were giving her.
The moon hung high in the midnight sky, casting a silvery glow over the quiet town below. Seulgi had her arms tightly wrapped around you as if she was capable of providing you warmth against the cool evening air, and yet both of you knew better than to believe there was anything she could do to combat the cold against your body. She could feel you tremble, and yet you were doing nothing to get out of her grip. Despite her cool body, you nuzzled closer into her, nose playfully pressing against her jaw, Seulgi’s breath hitching as she felt a tender kiss to it.
“I don’t mind Seulgi.” You whispered to her, a hand moving to cup her cheek and force to gaze into your eyes, even though she could easily escape it. “I trust you.”
“I know but...” Seulgi trailed off, unable to stop the quivering of her bottom lip as she gazed into the dark abyss of your eyes, drawing her in like a black hole would to meteorites. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I know you won’t hurt me.”
“I might lose control.”
“I know you won’t.”
“How are you so confident about that.”
“Because I know that hurting me is the last thing you will ever do.”
Despite living for a centuries, seeing all the surprises that one might expect from humans, Seulgi was always stunned by your words. You just saw the good in everything, even in something like her, a creature of the night which required the blood of others to sustain herself. Seulgi never asked for a life like this, if she was capable of traveling back in time, she would have stopped her maker from biting down on her neck, condemning her to a life where she could not make life long connections due to the fact that she was to outlive everything and everyone.
Just getting involved with you, Seulgi was aware that she was setting herself up for heartbreak. Humans are so incredibly fragile and you were no exception to this rule, and Seulgi knew that the years will eventually blink away and Seulgi will remain the way she is now while you will age, grow old, and eventually pass on to the other realm, the one which Seulgi will never be able to follow you to.
Her hand trembled as she moved to cup your cheek, watching your own eyes flutter shut as you leaned into her touch, completely trusting of her to not inflict any pain onto you. Despite being a human, you have bewitched her entirely, and Seulgi couldn’t help but feel her dead heart warm at the sight of you and the obvious adoration you have for her and the relationship between the two of you.
The world was cloaked in darkness, and yet Seulgi could see you so clearly. Your beauty astounded her, and despite of the life evident in the town below the mountainside, Seulgi couldn’t help but feel that the two of you were the last two creatures in the entire world, uninterrupted and blissfully happy in one another’s presence. The soft glow of the moonlight reflected off your skin, making it look to tantalizing that Seulgi had to swallow the venom which seemed from her fangs, attempting to get control over herself. She moved her hand from your cheek to the side of your neck, gripping it gently as she closed the distance between the two of you, her lips gliding along the column on your neck before setting on a spot.
"Are you sure about this?" Seulgi whispered, her lips hovering over your neck, pressing a gentle kiss to it. She felt you nod before your fingers gently tangled themselves in her dark locks.
"I trust you, Seulgi. Always."
With that unspoken consent, Seulgi' took a deep steadying breath before descending her fangs descended into your delicate neck, opting to get it over with before building up the anticipation to give her nerves the chance to convince her to back out of it. She felt your body shiver as she took her first sip, the exchange between the two of you becoming intimate, emerging your respective essences in the physical act.
As Seulgi drank, she felt the pulse of life coursing through your body, a connection that went beyond mere sustenance. The experience was profound, the mingling of love and primal hunger merging into a tapestry that bound the two of you together on a deeper level. While she has heard from others of her kind that a great sense of intimacy was made through the act of drinking between vampires and their human lovers, she could not quite believe its significant effect on her as she continued to drink. She almost felt like she was promising a side of herself to you which she knows will be always be protected, and the fact that you have trusted her throughout the process proves to her that you have also given a side of yourself to Seulgi which she will only cherish and love.
When she finally withdrew, she gazed into your eyes, her own irises softening with gratitude as she gently smile at you, feeling the air around of the two pulse with an intimate serenade. You responded with a similar smile, both of your hands cupping her cheeks and tugging her close.
"I love you, Seulgi," you whispered whispered before sealing her lips with a tender kiss, prompting Seulgi to close her eyes and wrap her arms tightly around your body while the moon served as the only observer of each other’s adoration and trust for one another.
Seulgi was truly setting herself up for heartbreak with falling for you, but she admits that feeling love is better than never feeling love at all. She can only hope that she can have a long time with you before nature takes its natural course of life, death, and its many other complexities.
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The moon cast a gentle glow over the darkened room as Seungwan grappled with her internal turmoil. She was a rambunctious vampire with a penchant for falling in love easily, having living in the world for more than a century. She has met plenty of people and have had many encounters with humans and vampires alike, and yet for the first time in her entire existence, she found herself becoming settled. Ever since falling for you, something deep has settled in her heart, something only tales of love and romance would depict over the times.
Despite being a mortal, you were incredibly dangerous when it comes to seeking for a thrill.
Their playful exploration of Wendy's vampire powers had been a source of joy, but the request for her to drink from Y/N had left Wendy conflicted.
For a while, Wendy had avoided Y/N, unable to face the fear that her true nature might terrify the person she cared about the most. Y/N, relentless and understanding, had pleaded with Wendy to embrace this intimate act, wanting to support her vampire lover in the only way she could as a human.
After much hesitation, Wendy finally agreed, her unease evident in her every movement. They decided to keep it controlled—Wendy would drink from Y/N's arm, a compromise that both hoped would satiate Wendy's hunger without causing harm.
As Wendy bit down gently, a moment of serenity washed over her. The taste of Y/N's blood was different from any she had experienced before—familiar, comforting, and warm. However, as Wendy lost herself in the sensation, a surge of hunger overwhelmed her, and her instincts threatened to take over.
Panic seized Wendy as she quickly pulled away, her eyes wide with fear. Y/N, feeling the shift in Wendy's demeanor, reached out to reassure her, but Wendy's unease escalated.
"I-I need to get you to the hospital," Wendy stammered, her voice trembling.
Y/N, still holding her arm, was taken aback by Wendy's sudden urgency. "Wendy, what happened? Are you okay?"
Wendy's eyes were a mix of desperation and fear as she gently lifted Y/N into her arms. "I almost lost control. I can't risk hurting you."
Determined to keep Y/N safe, Wendy moved swiftly, carrying her to the nearest hospital. The journey was a blur of panic and concern, but as they arrived, Wendy carefully placed Y/N on a hospital bed, worry etched across her features.
"I didn't mean for this to happen," Wendy whispered, her voice barely audible. "I wanted to protect you, not put you in danger."
Y/N, reaching out to cup Wendy's face, smiled despite the circumstances. "Wendy, I asked you to do this because I trust you. We'll figure this out together."
As the medical staff attended to Y/N, Wendy felt a mixture of relief and gratitude. Y/N's unwavering support, even in the face of danger, made Wendy realize that she wasn't alone in this struggle. They were partners, navigating the complexities of their love in a world that sometimes seemed determined to tear them apart.
In the dim hospital room, Wendy and Y/N found solace in each other's presence. The incident had deepened their bond, reinforcing the idea that love, even in the shadows of supernatural challenges, could endure with the strength of trust and understanding.
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Sooyoung had internally agreed with herself that it was to be better suited for her to be able to have that intimate taste of you during a might of intimacy, because not only would it strengthen a bond between the two of you, but because she will be able to distract from the pain of it by completely send you to the next realm of pleasure without thinking of the consequences of such an agreement.
Despite her usual demeanor towards you and humans, it actually took a while for the two of you to become intimate because Sooyoung feared that she would be unable to control herself. She feared that she would somehow harm you during moments of pleasure. It would be so easy for her to break your body while losing herself, crushing your head with her thighs, puncturing your skull while she gripped at your head, and even tearing your flesh away as she clawed at your back.
It terrified her. To the extent that she was unable to truly let go when you tended to her, her body stiff as a statue as you attempted to bring her to the edge.
It was humiliating, and actually resulted in her hiding away for a week, which resulted in an absolute scolding from you when she eventually returned. But then you cradled her into your arms and comforted her, claiming that she had nothing to be ashamed about. But it was not herself that she was ashamed about, but rather the dejected expression which had crossed your face, believing that your skills were lacking.
That she could not forgive herself for, for making you doubt your skills.
And so Sooyoung persisted in ensuring that both of you reached your satisfactions, which had improved significantly and has gradually led to daily inclinations which started and ended both of your days with smiles and delight.
But now another factor was being added to an equation, upon your own insistence stemming from both curiosity and desire, wanting to aid Sooyoung in maintaining her blood levels.
Sooyoung almost felt transcended to the first night the two of you became intimate, the similar level of fear that she experienced back them coming back. But also a sense of animalistic tendency, yearning and reveling in the submission you offered to her, particularly in a moment of extreme trust you had for her.
Your glorious body was already so open to her. Her lips continued to pressed open mouthed kisses to the column of your neck while your nails dug into her shoulder as she pleasured you, hand massaging your inner body, continuously receiving your warmth while she knelt above you, trapping you with her own body.
You voice was so raspy, courtesy of the previous rounds the two of you had. Sooyoung did not want to rush such a delicate process. She wanted to revel in your body, to ensure that your ultimate pleasure was maximized because she took pleasure for herself. She refused to let you touch her before she needed to be in full control of this.
She loved watching you, seeing you crumble, watching your eyes flutter closed and to arc so beautifully off the bed as she made you fall apart. It was the most beautiful thing she could ever have the privilege in seeing. She has seen Picasso himself create his artwork, and she has been a first witness to many mother artistic creations in the World’s History, but all of it paled into comparison when she gazed at you.
You were a phenomenon created for her to see, and to create and extend to a further lifetime with her, when you were ready, of course.
Sooyoung worked against your meticulously, teeth teasingly gripping some of your skin as she doubled her efforts in getting you to the final destination, resileince and preparation built within Sooyoung as she ready herself, her tong pressing against the bullied skin until she felt you tighten around her fingers and then let out a scream, arching your body into hers as you finally found the end.
And then Sooyoung bit you..
It was as simple as a hot knife dipping into butter and Sooyoung immediately growled in delight at the taste of your blood on your tongue.
Perhaps it was her own imagination, but it tasted so sweet to the extent that it was almost laced with wine, a drink so easily able to get drunk off, which Sooyoung found equivalent to her drink of you.
Maybe it was because of your own pleasure, it was being transferred into your very blood as it got consumed by her. If that was the case, then she was going to make it a habit to drink off you in this state. So delectably under her, preening under her lavish attention, arms tightening around her as if wanting her even closer than she already was.
She pulled away too soon, far too soon for her liking. But it was necessary. You were already so disillusioned from the passionate night, sensitive and overwhelmed, and drinking from you would only add to the effects. She licked at your neck before moving to kiss you, uncaring of the blood on her lips as she thanked you for the opportunity - no, then gift that you bestowed upon her/
Yes, you will require some sort of medical attention as she could not leave you bleeding on the bed.
But - just for the moment- let her revel in the intimacy created between the two of you from the single sip of life.
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Yerim trailed her cool digs along your collarbone, gracing it along the column of your neck until she was gripping you firmly by the jaw, forcing you to look up from your place on the floor, so perfectly compliant to her rough actions and desire most obvious in your eyes as you locked eyes with her.
Yerim kept her eyes expressionless as she stared down at you, almost inwardly daring you to act out so that she could deny you of what you wanted, something which she both enjoyed and disdained due to your tendency to not realize that sometimes biting the hand that feeds you can be most consequential to one’s very being.
“You test me.” Yerim quipped, her voice cutting like a blade while she stared at you, prompting a smile to your face.
“I apologize.”
“Do you truly meant that?”
“Insolent fool.”
But Yerim pulled you towards her by the jaw, wrapping an arm around your waist as she had you settle in her lap, both of your legs on either side of her with your hands going to her shoulders to rest peacefully while she clawed at your back, jaw still gripped tightly and held away from her face. Yerim glared up at you.
“I have half the mind to punish you.”
“I will accept whatever you give me.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I would say you were drunk with how slurred you are.”
“I cannot help myself. You are a drug on its own.”
Yerim leaned forward to press a small kiss to your chin, a sweet token of chastity from her before she moved her lips to your pulse pointed and then sucked.
She had yet to pierce the skin but you arched in her arms, your chest pressing against your own as you attempted to close the distance between the two of you. Yerim smiled as she pulled away, prompting a whine out of you.
“The things I could do to you...” Yerim started, dark eyes gazing at your delectable presentation before she moved back to your neck, teeth teasing your skin while her hand moved down to cup your backside, forcing you closed to her with a strong pull. “I could ruin you.”
You gasped at her rough touch but easily wrapped your arms around her head, hands tangling itself in her locks as you attempted to pull her more into your neck.
“Please do.”
“You have no self-preservation.”
“I don’t need to with you. I know you won’t hurt me.”
It was a confession which always brought a smile to Yerim’s face and saturated any lingering guilt that Yerim would possible have if she was capable of it when she sank her teeth into your neck, eagerly taking what you were always willing to offer. her.
You gasped sharply at the pain but continued to hug her closely as she held onto you, drinking the profuse amount of blood which was being offered to her.
Your blood always tasted delectable and now was no different. A single taste from you was capable of almost making her lose control but she was far too dignified for such a thing.
No, she has never lost control of her thirst, and it never will happen if she had a say of it, but she did enjoy reveling in the pleasures of life and the most ultimate pleasure consisted of you. Both your body and blood, she simply became lost in it. While there are many supposedly better individual of which she could pluck, she chose you simply because you made her smile.
Many could prompt a smile from her, but the way she felt when she smiled around you was different. You made her feel almost human again, perhaps because you almost reminded her of a friend she had in her past life, but unlike her friend in the past, you have her heart in your hands, of which she trusted for you to keep safe, less you wanted to be yet another count of feedings she has off other humans.
But that is not a thought she lingers on.
She knows it will not happen.
You were far too in love with her to ever betray her, just as she was far too in love to ever end your life.
In fact, if you played your cards right, you may just spend eternity with her. But she will not spoil too much of the present with the future. She will simply see how time decides to be a mistress and play with the two of you.
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ijustwantogethigh · 11 hours
¿so, like the myth?
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Percy Jackson x Daughter of Amphitrite reader
n/a:some fluff, percy being a stalker, y/n being just a girl, mentions of greek mythology, AMPHITRITE RAAAAAAHHHH
yeah! i love her, she is my mother, self indulgent? maybe, aged-up characters, mentions of sTalking but nothin' super dark, this is nothing like i'am used to writte! enjoy muack muack.
sorry for not writting in litteral month, y'know, not inspired like- never, i hope you'd like this!
Words: 1202
Reading Time: 4m 22s.
when she first arrived at the camp, she was..like a normal girl, nothing special! but.. the way she smiles, how she is so gentle with nature, and the thing that got his attention in first place, was the fact that she spent so much time in the lake, looking at the water but never, never touching it or going to swim at least.
 And when the camp was at the bonfire, she always was in the lake, he obviously never talked to her! but there was something more in her that make him so attracted to her, she wasn’t claimed yet, maybe she was an athena daughter, or an aphrodite child tho, maybe a demeter daughter, she was still in hermes cabin, I was thinking while zooming out in her direction, until Annabeth wake me up from my delusions.
‘’Hey, seaweed brain! Why are you looking at her? that’s creepy..’’ she says, almost laughing at him, she was reading a new book that chiron translated to her, but when percy stopped yapping about how bored he was, she caught him.
Looking at the most recent camper y/n l/n, a very sweet girl, very kind with the kids and a very energetic demigod, she was sitting by the side of the lake, on a towel, the shadow of the trees heading at the lake covering her almost completely, reading and talking to the girls and boys who pass by her side.
‘’mmh? What are you saying annie? didn’t hear you..’’ he says, automatically, he can’t stop his curiosity to show up in every moment, or in every moment he sees her, almost like magic.
‘I WAS saying , stop looking at her, se will think you are a weirdo and probably wouldn’t talk t you..even she does-’’ she was going to start augmenting that, that girl didn’t know he existed, well she probably knew who the amazing percy jackson was, but had no idea how, he was.
‘’Stop Annie, I just don’t know how to talk to her, you know? it’s like- i need to talk to her but i don’t know why i can’t talk to her, and yeah, maybe she doesn’t not know me, but either i know her!.’’ He expressed his frustration to her best friend, and he did know why he didn’t talk to her. The shame of ruining it or not making a good impression terrorizes him.
‘’don’t mortified perce, what if she likes you back mmh?’’
For the rest of the day, Annabeth's words rested in his head all day.
and, a month since that conversation has passed, just like that lake water, she was in the same spot, doing what she was doing a month before, but something was new, this time it was late,she was using a blue bikini, with a white shirt on top, and reading, he hesitated his actions for a moment, but ¿if wasn’t this the right moment, when the right moment began?
and, doubting, in every step he’d take, he walked  by her side, and it all started with a ‘’hey, are you always here?’’ like he never stalked her, in annabeth's words, and a cute friendship began..yeah friendship.
Now, both of them were sitting in a calurus day, not even the shadow of the trees could make them cool. It was late again, like 6:25 pm, everyone was on the lake, refreshing and trying to have a good time while helios wanted to burn them.
‘’we should step on the water, and..y’know.. swim i’am burning here N/n’’ he spoke, groaning, trying to catch ‘’his girl’’ attention, but she frowned, 
‘’why? the water probably is warm and we are gonna burn, sun causes cancer perce, did you bring sunscreen?’’
 she put her book down, looking at him while sitting and grabbing something from his backpack.
‘’Why in the world would I need sunscreen? I’am son of poseidon! that sound ridiculous y/n.’’
‘’Well, I have no godly mother but I need sunscreen. I don't want a sunburn.’’
 she says while putting sunscreen in her face, arms, legs and stomach. 
‘’so..are we going to swim or nah?’’
and both of them walked into the water, the sun wasn’t strong and in fact, the water was warm, there weren't a lot of campers, most of them were in his cabins, or doing his duties, no one was prepared for it.
percy was looking at her while she was swimming and heading her back at him, she summergerd and take a pair of seconds to come back to the surface,and, in above his lover’s head, appear a trident, upside down, with a seashell crown, illuminated by a slightly bluish light.
he was speechless, then she saw it, and looked up, she gasped in surprise and horror, as a deep voice talked, Chiron, repeating.
‘’welcome to the camp, Y/n L/n, daughter of Amphitrite, goddess of the sea, consort of poseidon’’
he looked at her, he was more shocked than her, but she was having s lot of emotions, she laughed, the she cried, and at the end she was angry, she was hitting the water, and murmuring between her teeth, but she started stomping out of the water, all angry.
‘’h-hey, wait f’me y/n!’’ he start walking of the water, but she didn’t run away, she sat on the towel as she looked at the water, slowly moving with the air.
‘’are you okay? how’d you feel?’’ 
‘’i feel like a dam truck ran me over’’
he smiled and sat by her side, trying to comfort her, he hugged her all wet.
‘’why you feel like that mmhh? i know, it’s hard when you first find out, but believe me, is not that bad’’ 
but she sighed, and lean over his shoulder.
‘’i don’t..know, it feels odd…maybe that’s why the ocean call me, or whatever she did..’’
‘’what are you- she call, you?’’
‘’something like that, she called me ‘’my little starfish, come with mama’’ i thought  it was someone who wanted to drown me’’
He laughed, and kissed her temple. He felt like he could do it, well her mother and his father were married..so..eh better not think of it.
but she laughed, but she came back to her sad expression.
‘’but amphitrite is a minor goddess, she doesn’t have a cabin, where the heck i'm sleeping at?’’
‘’Well, your mother and my father are married, both god and goddess from the sea, so we are like, half siblings or we’re married-?’’
she hitted his arm, laughing and blushing.
‘’let’s go to our cabin perce, i'm getting cold’’
she says as she stands up, grabbing her tote bag and the towel, heading back to the camp.
‘’but first let's get dinner, i'm hungry’’
‘’of course, miss starfish’’
‘’shut up, seaweed brain’’.
and both start walking, side by side, holding each others hand, maybe, it was just like the myth.
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freckliedan · 16 hours
jam do you think we're getting BIG 2 (Basically I'm Gender)?
hi teo this is a: really good question. here's the thing. i can have an answer for you but first i have to explain that it's not a prediction up to my usual standards and why?
because. my usual standards are very high. in 2017/18 it was easy? there was no break in data for us to pattern recognize them based off of. and i took them for their word on things + was able to refine my thoughts in conversations with @freckliephil to the point it was somewhat uncanny what we were right about.
we fully called that dan and phil would come out in separate videos with something longer & more serious from dan + shorter and less intense from phil a year to a year and a half before they came out. we'd discussed that the bullying dan experienced included a physical aspect and that that was the reason having his neck touched by people was triggering before ii toured. the list of detailed things we were right about goes on for a stupid length of time.
and it's just not possible to predict what they're doing next in the same way in this era! in 2018/19 they had been in the public eye for their entire adult lives and we have an excess of information from those 10 years! but now it's been five years—a third of their relationship—without that kind of data.
they didn't vanish completely but dan spent that time as out of the public eye as possible, phil has always been better with keeping his walls up, and we had absolute minimal joint content.
they were able to change massively AND AUTHENTICALLY when free from public scrutiny. especially dan! and we just don't have the fucking data to use for accurate pattern recognition in making predictions anymore.
there's still aspects of who dan and phil are as people that haven't changed and never will, and we have the era of complete data on them to compare the present to. so like. it's not fully impossible to predict things. there's definitely areas in which it's possible to make accurate predictions. but in no world will i claim my thoughts on dan addressing gender is one of them!
that said. even if i cannot confidently predict the details of what's coming with dan gender, it's as clear to me that dan has gender going on as it is that he is gay. that's a fact to me because i am in the practice of taking dan for her word.
when it comes to predictions here's where i'm at. i'm completely confident gender mentions will continue to escalate. i also think that at some point dan's going to comment directly on their gender. but i go back and forth on whether a dan gender video essay will ever exist? and so do @freckliephil and @phulge when we discuss this.
i think dan always puts a lot of thought into things, enough so to make a video essay on gender viable for him. if she waits like a year i could see that being what happens?
but on the other hand. i do not think that gender exploration is as charged and significant in dan's life as their gayness. he experienced so much trauma around how people percieved his sexuality from childhood onwards!
gender is difficult to navigate in a cisnormative society and almost always impossible to separate from sexuality but i don't think it's something that she would be inclined to make into as big of a moment & conversation as basically i'm gay.
it could be something as simple as pronouns in bio i suppose? but if so i think it would be commented on at the start of the next gaming channel video too. the biggest thing i can picture is phil starting to quite clearly use different pronouns for dan in different gaming channel videos in a way that's just. very normal about it. a "this is an everyday occurence" way. + this being consistant with the way dan genders themself too.
i do see this happening sooner than a year from now, but i don't know for sure when? pride is a convenient time for it. i think there's a 100% chance they're doing something insane this month, in part because they fucking LOVE dramatic timing and big gestures.
i don't think dan gender will be the main focus of what happens this month, but i'm open to being pleasantly surprised.
i think they're hard launching this year, this month or in october. i think wedding photos being shared is one of the more likely hard launch options. and i think if they're wedding launching that dan would say something about gender beforehand or in conjunction with it?
if in conjunction, it could be as simple as the title spouse being used for dan in an instagram caption? but the reason i think it's possible as something that happens beforehand is because marriage is such a major (and gendered) experience that it makes sense to want to be known and seen accurately as your whole self when it happens in your life.
again. the only thing i'm completely certain on here is that dan has some kind of gender going on and that it feels LIKELY that it'll be addressed some time in the next year. the rest is just probabilities. thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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silverfox66 · 10 months
The drone attack in russia is getting more attention in the news than the attack of the russians on Odesa in Ukraine 🙃.
Attacks by the russians are becoming less "newsworthy" to the Western media. The attention to the horrible things that are happening in Ukraine every day is slowly slipping away.
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clown-eating-pig · 2 months
I love the idea that avatars of the spider are super unassuming and innocent in the way that they’re perceived. Like….something about the juxtaposition of spiders creating an immediate feeling of danger in most people compared to the people that represent them being perfectly adept at hiding that aspect of themselves.
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