#its got some nice. sentences. occasionally.
renaultmograine · 26 days
No, no thank you for live blogging the whisper of whatever- because I saw it pop up from your blog, ran to read it, and feel like someone dropped a cartoon anvil on my head
yeah thats about the best way to put reading that
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dizzyjelly · 1 year
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Word Count: 4.2k
Summary: ellie hated everyone, except you. You go out to the bar one night and some guy bothers you, she punched his ass ofc. You get into a small fight but then you guys go back to her place and things get freaky;)
Cw: fighting, drinking, smut, strap-on sucking, strap-on sex, scissoring, rough sex, degrading, praising, spanking, the tiniest bit of overstimulation
A/n: ooh this is seriously dirtyyy! 😭 sorry if I missed any content warnings but I really think that's all. Also, I've been going back to my previous fics and rereading and I just now realize I misspell so much and like forget words, so I'm sorry for all my grammar fuck ups lmao
Ellie Williams was many things, but nice was not one of them. People usually tried to steer clear of her, knowing her mood was negative more often than not. But of course, there was the occasional time when somebody made the mistake of trying to be friendly with her. It typically ended with Ellie cursing them out, or insulting them somehow. And then you'd come around, always calming her down and putting a smile on her face.
Everybody found it odd, from the minute you'd been welcomed to Jackson, Ellie was always so sweet to you. It honestly had jaw dropping, everyone was shocked to say the least. On top of that, it made no sense. I mean, some random girl comes into town and she just happened to be Ellie Williams kryptonite? Absolutely zero sense.
Nobody dared to question it though, and anytime they did Ellie had a lot to say. The main point she'd give was that it was simply 'none of their fucking business', among other things. You, yourself, found it a bit odd. You'd heard stories about Ellie from various people around town, and it was hard to believe she could be so harsh and mean. Was she really as cruel as they'd said? You'd never know, because she was nothing but kind to you.
After deciding to get ballsy on patrol, Ellie was sentenced to the unbearable punishment of laundry duty for a week. The only good part of it being that she got to see you, you had been a clothing designer before all this apocalypse shit happened so you knew a lot about clothing. This being the reason for your permanent work assignment staying laundry duty, you'd requested that it be permanent. Maria had no issue doing thst for you, and you were beyond thankful. You and no interest in getting yourself into any kind of danger, doing patrol or something else.
Currently, Ellie was trying to figure out what the hell she was supposed to do with the laundry detergent. She looked at the various bottles, grabbing then to read the instructions on the back. After a minute of trying to comprehend what she was meant to do, she let out a frustrated sigh before slamming the yellow bottle back in its place on the shelf.
"I could help you out, you know?" A brunette boy suggested with a sweet smile, he was younger and very clearly meant no harm.
"Fuck off" She scoffed harshly, "I don't need your help." Her tone was aggressive as she walked back over to the baskets of clothing.
She decided to sort them by color instead, that was something she was capable of. Five minutes or so passed and you came in, late. Very unusual for you, you were one of those people who was either early or on time. But late, you were never late. Ellie's face immediately lit up when she saw you, she smiled from ear to ear as she ran over to pull you in for a hug.
"Oh, hi" You laughed, wrapping your own arms around the girl, "somebody missed me." You joked.
"Shut up" She smirked at you, rolling her eyes, "why are you late? You're never late." She asked, a hint of worry in her tone.
"Um, I was just talking to Gavin, guess I got caught up." Your cheeks flushed red, Gavin was the guy you had a crush on for weeks now.
Ellie couldn't wrap her head around why, he was such a dick. Not that you'd be able to figure that out by the way he acted. He pretended to be a nice, caring guy. But he wasn't either of those things. And since he had you in a chokehold, for some unknown reason, you'd have to find that out the hard way. Ellie tried to tell you, relaying stories she'd heard from friends who'd been with him. But you were just lovesick.
"Oh, k." Her smile dropped now, and she spoke monotonly as she had no interest in why you were so busy talking with Gavin.
You furrowed your brows slightly at her sudden change in demeanor, but ultimately you ignored it. Smiling, you walked over to greet Samuel, the brunette boy who'd usually help you out with laundry.
"Good afternoon, Samuel! How are you today?" You asked, but he seemed kinda down.
He hadn't given you an answer, just shrugged, so you walked over to him and asked what was up. He motioned for you to lean in, so that he could whisper in your ear. Samuel told you about how Ellie had told him to 'fuck off.' And you let out a dramatic gasp.
"Ellie Williams! Did you tell my sweet bo Samuel to fuck off?" You asked sternly, hands on you hips as you made your way over to the girl.
She bit her lip, her cheeks flushed red as she knew she'd been caught.
"Maybe... I'm sorry!" She apologized with a frown, looking at you with pleading eyes.
"Do not talk to my sweet little helper that way, he's my friend." You scolded her just a bit more, and she nodded in understanding.
"Oh, hey could you help me with the detergent? I'm not really sure what to use." She asked you, pointing her thumb in the direction of the shelf filled with various laundry detergents.
"Yes, if you promise to be nicer to my dear friend Samuel." You raised your brows.
"Promise..." She smiled with a playful eye roll.
You proceeded to help her with the detergent, making sure she'd remember for next time. Ellie would continue her work duties, bored out of her mind as she prayed to be let back onto patrol early for good behavior. At a certain point in the day, she'd just be eyeing the clock, counting down the hours until she could finally be free from this torture. You, however, didn't mind the job one bit. It actually brought you joy, helped you to relax even. It reminded you of the days before.. everything.
Once it did fall time to clock out, Ellie was quick to rush out of the laundry area, waiting for you outside. You'd chuckle to yourself and shake your head, she was so dramatic. On your way out, you waved a goodbye to Samuel then smiled as you found Ellie leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.
"Hey, wanna go to the bar?" She asked with a cheeky smile.
You sighed through your nose, hesitant as Ellie was a terrible drunk.
"Fine. But Ellie, please don't get too drunk." You asked, taking her hands in your own.
"Ok... come on." She smiled as she held your hand and walked the two of you to the bar.
Once you got there, you took seats at the bar and Ellie ordered for the both of you. Alcohol wasn't really your thing, but she seemed to know her way around it pretty well. And you trusted her, which was a good choice because when you took a sip of your drink it was absolutely delicious. After another drink and the passing of some time, Gavin had made an appearance.
You saw him and a smile spread across your face, your eyes lit up and your knees felt weak. Ellie took notice to your mood change, following your eyes to see the man himself. She rolled her eyes and let out a small groan as she rested her head in her hand. You turned back around, sipping from your drink and trying to act cool. Then, Gavin had come to sit beside you.
"Hey Y/n, how you doing?" He greeted, the sound of his voice had you giggling.
"Hi, I'm good. How are you?" You asked in return, playing with your hair a bit.
"Oh I'm doing just great. Who's your friend?" He asked, gesturing to Ellie who was now on her third drink.
You sucked in a breath through clenched teeth.
"Oh, this is-" Ellie had cut you off.
"I'm Ellie." She answered him with a harsh tone.
"Well, nice to meet ya Ellie" Gavins voice trailed off as he looked at the door, "I've gotta go." He sent a little wave your way.
You waved back with furrowed brows, then frowned as he was meeting a girl who just walked in. She was pretty, long blonde hair and a striking figure. You sighed, dropping your head down on the bar with a groan. Ellie sighed.
"What's wrong?" She asked in a soft tone, bringing a hand to rub up and down your back soothingly.
"I'm a fucking idiot." Was all you muttered, not picking your head up until a minute later.
You turned around and honestly felt like you could cry when you saw the two of then dancing together, he had his hands on her waist and pulled her unbelievably closer. She laughed as her hands wrapped around the back of his neck. You turned back to look at Ellie, the pout on your face more evident than anything.
"Oh, come on, he's an asshole anyways" Ellie rolled her eyes, glancing over at the dancing pair, then she stood and reached out a hand, "come on baby, dance with me."
You smiled, placing your hand in hers and letting out a small laugh as she pulled you to stand with her. At first, you just held hands and bounced around to some faster songs. But then about two songs later, a slower song came on. Your cheeks flushed red and you took a step back, only for Ellie to snake a hand around your waist and pull you closer.
"Ellie.. what are you doing?" You whispered as she held your waist and pulled you in tight, so that you were practically hugging.
"Dancing." She whispered in return.
You giggled and brought your arms around her shoulders, leaning in so your head rested on one of them. Ellie smiled as her eyes fell shut, your perfume greeting her kindly. You sighed as you relaxed under her touch, nobody could make you feel the way she did. Her hands found their way to your lower back, rubbing small circles onto it. You'd nuzzle your face in her neck, smiling as you brought your hands to play with her hair.
"Fuck Y/n.." Ellie groaned under her breath.
You giggled, lifting your head to meet her eyes. She looked at you like you were the only girl in the world. You looked down at your feet, then back at her. Your breath hitched as your eyes couldn't seem to focus on hers anymore, but rather on her slightly chapped lips. She had to have noticed because a smirk slowly formed on her face. Before you'd do anything you would regret, you stepped back from her. The loss of her touch left you feeling empty, but you would ignore it and just smile as you excused yourself.
"I have to use the bathroom." You simply said, and she took a seat at the bar once again as you made your way to the restroom.
You didn't actually have to go, so instead you washed your hands underneath cold water. And you splashed some on your face for good measure, you'd been getting unbelievably hot during your dance with Ellie. Once you could no longer feel your heart beating in your ears, you left the bathroom to return to Ellie. Unfortunately, there had been someone waiting for you outside.
"Hey, you know you look really good tonight." Gavin spoke smugly as he leaned against the wall.
"Yeah? Thanks." You scoffed, "shouldn't you be getting back to your date?" You spoke matter of factly, trying to push past him.
Your efforts didn't get you much of anywhere, his hand now finding a tight grip on your forearm while the other went to hold your face. You rolled your eyes with a frustrated sigh.
"Ok, come on Gavin I'm really not in the mood." You spoke coldly, willing him to just take the hint and leave you alone.
He tsked, leaning down to whisper in your ear,
"Come on angel, just let me show you a good time." You shuddered at his words, disgusted.
That was your last straw and you found the energy to shove him off of you and into the wall with a hard thud. Then, you saw Ellie turning the corner, her fists balled at her sides as her brows knitted together with anger.
"The fucks going on here?" She asked gruffly.
"Ellie, it's nothing. I'm fine." You placed a hand on her chest, trying to convince her.
Of course it didn't work because the next thing you knew you were watching as she punched Gavin so hard he'd fallen over. Her knuckles were red, and his face began to bruise.
"Ellie!" You screamed as your hands went over your mouth in shock.
Before she could get any other hits in, you'd held her by her shoulders as you dragged her outside. She yelled at the poor guy the entire time. Sending a good amount of threats his way.
"What is wrong with you!" You shouted at the girl as the two of you now stood outside in the chilly night.
"Me? He deserved it and you know it!" She'd shouted back, gesturing with her hands, something she did often when she was angry.
"Yeah maybe, but still! You can't just go around punching every guy that bothers me, I can take care of myself you know?" Your hands were on your hips.
"Oh god, this again? I can't keep having this fucking conversation with you, Y/n!" She gritted her teeth.
"What conversation? The one where I have to constantly remind you that I'm a full grown adult, and I am entirely capable of taking care of and defening myself? I mean seriously Ellie, what's the problem? Do you think that I can't take care of myself?" You asked with a frustrated sigh.
"What, no! Of course I know you can, but I just- I care about you a lot and you shouldn't have to take care of yourself. It makes me feel good to defend you, I don't know why it just does. And I'm... sorry." Sge struggled to get the apology out.
"It's ok. Let's just go home, sleep it off." Your suggestion sounded good, but Ellie stopped you with a hand on your wrist.
"Wait." You looked at her with questioning eyes, wondering what else she had to say.
Turns out, she didn't have anything to say. Instead, she had brought one hand to your waist and the other to the back of your neck. She bit her lip, her eyes flickering between your own and your lips. After a minute or so had passed, she just couldn't resist. She pulled you in and connected her lips with yours, kissing you like it was the end of the world.
"Ellie~" You whined as you parted from the kiss for a moment, immediately diving back in.
This time, you pressed your tongue to her bottom lip. And she gladly let you in, opening her mouth wide so she could taste your tongue on hers. It was something from another world, you'd felt dizzy and giddy, and there was something else too. There was this heat between your legs, it almost hurt. You whimpered into her mouth at the unfamiliar feeling.
"What's wrong baby?" She asked, her forehead resting against yours.
"I don't know, 's all achy down there." You admitted, embarrassed as you'd only dare to stare down at her shoes.
Ellie let out a sinful chuckle,
"Well, I think I could help with that." She gave you one last kiss before taking you to her house.
You stood in her living room, your hand coming to scratch the back of your neck awkwardly as she rushed upstairs to grab 'a little something special' from her room. You'd wondered what she could be grabbing, but not for long as she returned swiftly without her bottoms now and a large black strap tightened around her hips. Your eyes widened at the sight of it, and you knew you wanted it inside of you. Your mouth watered at just the thought of her fucking your brains out.
She walked over to you with a smirk, pulling you in for yet another kiss. You smiled into it, letting out small moans here and there as the taste of her tongue felt so good against your own. You'd sighed as she pulled your top off, now placing kisses along your jaw and neck. It wasn't long before she was placing feather light kisses to the top of your boobs, then palming them roughly as she watched your face contort with pleasure.
"Get on your knees." She ordered after a minute, and you were quick to oblige.
Getting down on the floor, you looked up at Ellie with lustful eyes. She grabbed a fistful of your hair, taking a step closer to you as she held her strap in the other hand. You licked your lips before chewing slightly at your bottom one.
"Open that pretty little mouth of yours for me baby." She cooed, her hand tightening in your hair as you'd opened wide.
She chuckled as she pushed her cock into your mouth, watching with nothing but joy as she shoved it as far as it could go. You'd gagged, unable to help it, then you let out a small whimper which was muffled by her large cock. She groaned at this, tugging your hair a bit, which brought a lengthy moan from your lips.
"Fuck baby, look at you being a good little slut. Taking my cock down your throat so well. Good girl." The praise she'd given you had gotten you even wetter, if that was even possible.
Ellie would continue to move your head up and down for a bit longer until she was satisfied, carefully she removed her hand from your hair and let you pull back. Your lips left her cock with a satisfying pop sound and she smiled sinfully as she pulled you to stand. She brought a hand to your chin, wiping your saliva that had dripped down your chin while you were kept busy deep-throating her.
She'd snaked her hands around you now, gripping at your ass before giving it a harsh smack that made your body jolt with pleasure and excitement. Another kiss was brought to your lips by her, but not for long as you'd pulled away quickly.
"Ellie, please." You whimpered, she only let out a small chuckle.
"Please what? Use your words baby." She kept a finger under your chin.
"Please," another moan, "fuck me. Fuck me good and hard, please I need you." You were begging shamelessly now, and she loved it.
"Well, aren't you cute. Your wish is my command, princess." She smiled as she backed you up to the couch, lying down before pulling you on top of her.
You sat straddling her for a minute, she rubbed your thighs with her hands soothingly before ridding you of both your jeans and panties in just one motion. You bit your lip as she held your hips, lifting you so the head of her strap just grazed your dripping hole. She'd continue to tease you for what felt like ages, before you just couldn't take it anymore so you'd taken it upon yourself to lower down onto her cock. You threw your head back with a loud, pornagraphic moan as you felt the burning stretch inside of you.
Ellie scoffed,
"Did I say you could do that? Eager little slut, you're gonna regret that." She groaned as you continued making the sweetest sounds as she gripped your hips harder.
She'd waste no time, immediately thrusting into you roughly and at a fast pace that had your head spinning. Occasionally, she'd bring a hand up from your hip to place a firm smack against your ass, in the same spot every time. You were sure there'd be a mark, but you didn't care because it felt so fucking good. Then, she'd angled herself just ever so slightly differently and began to hit a spot that you didn't even know existed.
"Oh, oh god! Fuck yes, right there Ellie. Fuckk." You moaned as you called out her name, your hands finding their way to her chest as you began to grind your hips down against her.
"Oh yeah, you like that slut?" She asked, using the rather vulgar name that only got you hotter.
You nodded, feeling as if your vision went hot white at the pleasure you were feeling. It was so phenomenal, you almost thought you mightve been dreaming. But then, she stopped and held your hips tightly so you couldn't move an inch.
"Fucking answer me." She commanded.
"Yes yes. Yes I love it. Please keep going. Please." You whimpered, tears welling in your eyes.
"That's my girl." She smiled as she resumed her rough thrusts, loosening her grip on your hips so you could rut against her as well.
She bit back a moan as the strap had been hitting against her clit just right, that and the sight of you was more than enough to make her cum. The way your tits bounced underneath your scarlet red lace bra, and how beautiful your face looked as you moaned loudly. And oh the way you said her name was just so fucking sexy.
"Ellie- I'm gonna" your breath hitched with a gasp, "fuck 'm gonna cum." your moans got even louder somehow.
"Me too baby, come on cum with me. Come on baby." She'd finally let out a small moan and that sent you over the edge.
However you didn't just cum, you were gushing all over her beautifully long strap as well as her thighs. Ellie moaned louder at the sight of you squirting all over her cock, and then got her own release. She didn't stop pounding into you as she rode out her own high, and it didn't take long before you were feeling overstimulated. But you'd do anything to watch as her eyes squeezed shut with the pleasure of her orgasm.
"Mmn- fuck." She let out a small groan as she removed her cock from your hole, a small string of your slick connecting it still.
You let out a small sigh of exhaustion as you layed against her chest, smiling as her hands came to rub up and down your back. You lied there together for a minute or so before she finally spoke.
"Let's go to my room." She whispered, and you didn't say anything in return.
You'd just followed her upstairs and watched as she removed her strap, sitting on the bed and patting the spot next to her. You joined her and sat with your back against the headboard, leaning forward as she came to kiss you. You'd pulled at her shirt and giggled a bit as she ripped it off, revealing her black sports bra. Then, she'd used one hand to spread your legs before getting into position.
One of her legs straddled your hip, a hand on your shoulder and the other on your waist. Her eyes fell shut as she let out an airy moan when she'd ground her throbbing clit against your own, and you'd let out a similar sound.
"Fuck, baby. Your pussy feels so good against mine." She bit her lip, letting out more moans as she thrusted against you.
Sure, the way Ellie had pounded into you earlier was amazing and beyond pleasurable. But there was just something so euphoric about her sopping wet pussy gliding against your own. The feeling of your slicks mixing together just drove you insane. Apparently it had the same effect on Ellie because she was louder than ever, moaning and whimpering with great pleasure.
Your breath quickened as you felt yourself getting close again, and began to move your own hips against her as well. This made Ellie let out a guttural groan.
"Oh yeah, just like that baby." She said in an almost whisper, her eyes falling shut with pleasure.
And with a few more thrusts, the both of you reached yet another release. Now you weren't the only one making noise, Ellie was moaning while also letting out "thank you's and 'fuck's. After fully riding out your highs, Ellie lied down next to you. She brought a hand to wipe her forehead, it dribbled with sweat and her hair stuck to it a bit.
You felt your eyes vetting heavy, snuggling against Ellies side as you let them fall shut. She'd hold you for a minute before standing up.
"Don't fall asleep yet, baby. I wanna get you cleaned up first." She placed a kiss to your forehead, going to the bathroom then returning with a wet rag.
She wiped you down gently, placing soft kisses along your body on the way. Once she finished that, she'd given you a t-shirt of hers to wear to sleep. She climbed back into bed, pulling you to lay on her chest. You snuggled your head into the crook of her neck, bringing your hands to wrap around her shoulders.
"Goodnight Els." You said sleepily.
"Goodnight baby." She responded with a kiss on top of your head.
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rad-batson · 9 months
(skip to the bottom if you just want silly headcanons about her :D)
Hello! So first, I want to thank everyone who read the Wayne pilot I made :) I appreciate your feedback, and I love you all.
As I'm preparing to post it on AO3, I decided to make a few (admittedly small) changes to the script, primarily around Cassandra Cain, because I haven't quite fleshed her out yet.
I don't have much experience with writing Cass, so I decided to do a bit of research on her yesterday, and wouldn't you know? I fell in love. 10/10. She didn't play a huge part in the pilot, but she will have a bigger one in the second episode, and there are a few things I think can or should be added so she doesn't feel too one-note.
There wasn't anyone who told me this, by the way. (In fact, I actually got some nice comments about her so thank you.) I just had it in the back of my mind while writing, and now that Cass is getting more screen time, I'm finding that my lack of knowledge might lead to mischaracterization.
Is this overkill? Probably Think of it as a silly headcanon list for my version of her. And I'm posting it here because I want your feedback before it's set in stone. (I know Cass isn't written well a lot, so this is my attempt to right these horrid wrongs.)
If you're going to give criticism, please be constructive. Tell me what you like or don't like. I'm all ears. Have fun :)
Writing Cass
(Btw I still gotta read Cass’s first Batgirl run by Kelley Puckett)
Has some sass, has a lot actually
Used to be awkward in social settings. she’s better at it when she’s with people so she can match their energy but she still prefers to just dip
Speaks in short-ish sentences, trying her best tho
Mostly just relies on body language though
also yes i know her using ASL isn't canon, it just works best for the scene, it would have been written the same whether she was in it or not, it is still a cute nod to fanon tho
Messy, low-key gross. Bad-ish hygiene but she’s good at looking put-together so only those close know this about her (this is just my headcanon)
Often forgets bigger words so she occasionally uses the wrong one, she ALSO mixes up proverbs but no one corrects her because 1: it’s cute and 2: they don’t want to discourage her from speaking with them more casually (also my headcanon)
Cass: So I pulled the door off its…*makes motion with hand*…metal books. Steph: Do you mean hinge— Cass: Metal books.
Dick: Well that was a surprise. I didn’t know The Penguin would be here. Cass, nodding: Well life gives you grapes Dick: Wut Cass: You make grape juice. Get on the same book, Nightwing
Is a cinnamon bun AND a little shit, it’s a balancing act
Production: She’s Wayne’s darling Princess Cass: *will break your fingers*
She does appear behind the camera crew to scare them on purpose, she thinks it’s funny, she likes seeing them freak out
She is super competitive, but she's always like "Oh I'm not that competitive" *proceeds to be very competitive*
Because she isn't super confident in her writing or speaking (or just uncomfortable communicating without seeing the other person's body language) she prefers to Facetime or simply reply to texts with selfies of her reaction. It is a thing now. when you need an honest opinion about an outfit, text a photo to Cass. She will either give back a photo of a thumbs up or a photo of a grimace and some not-so-flattering emojis
Her princess persona is her public cover persona in this show, parallel to Bruce’s “Brucie” and Dick’s “born for the cameras” thing
Is surprisingly vocal (and sometimes snippy) about her distaste with things but she mostly gets a pass because her morals align best with Bruce’s
Is most snippy when her family uses methods other than violence when violence is clearly the faster option, god they're such pacifists
Tim: *trying carefully to pick a lock* Cass: Just break through the wall? Tim: We can’t do that. We’re trying not to be noticed. Cass: Wimp
Bruce: Cass, why did you have to dislocate that man’s shoulder? Cass: I put it back. Bruce: That’s not the point. Cass: Fine, I’ll dislocate it again.
Is the best fighter, none of this “oh she’s the best fighter so when people do win against her, it makes them look cooler” thing, shut tf up, she could break their bones (not important to the show ofc but I need to add this because it is important in general)
Horrible at drawing, wretched (again a headcanon but I did see someone else mention it somewhere)
Also bad at writing, refuses to study to improve out of principle (i.e. she told Babs she doesn’t need to and now she refuses to admit Babs was right)
(AND SIDE-HEADCANON IF SHE IS HORRIBLE AT WRITING AND ACTIVELY HATED STUDYING HER ALPHABET THEN WHAT IF LIKE ONE DAY SOMEONE SAYS “hey can you grab me one of these files from last week’s case, it’s under M” SHE’S LIKE “fuck you, how could you do this to me” WHILE SEARCHING FOR M OR MORE SIMPLY *throws something at them*)
That's all I have right now. If you'd like to give me any recommendations, please do. I can't promise I'll add in every single one because this show is still about the whole Batfam, not just her, but I want to do her justice, and that definitely involves more fine-tuning on my part
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b0ther · 7 months
it's your typical story: the bully and the loser. you don't mind, though. not when yuuta's taking you in this good.
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pairing : okkotsu yuuta x reader (masculine pronouns. amab) rating : explicit, not safe for work (sexual content) type : headcanon & short drabble(s) hehe tags : reader is your typical BULLY and yuuta is your typical LOSER who gets BULLIED, depiction of violence (please be mindful of the tags), high school AU, yuuta gets off from the bullying, reader has a giant cock as per usual, yuuta displays some obsessive behaviours, usage of the words "slut" and "baby" and "whore" and "idiot", dry humping, blowjobs, spitting, anal sex, slight dub-con word count : 1,962
author's note : all my kings who believe in sub yuuta supremacy. . . this one's for you. also i wrote this half asleep. sawry. will def write more for this prompt in the future. love u ol 🫶
( masterlist │ ask/request │ ao3 )
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♡ you have never really paid much attention to LOSER!YUUTA, of course. why would you? you have shinier friends and your reputation allows you to trample on people in his class. you don't need him—you don't need to know him.
♡ oh, but LOSER!YUUTA? he pays attention to you. he pays attention hard. he watches your strides, heading to the cafeteria or the bathroom or out the school gates. he breathes in the air every time he gets the chance to indulge himself from being close to you. his cock throbs every time you just so much as elbow his shoulder in malice. 
♡ LOSER!YUUTA is such a nice boy—he crosses his heart and swears to himself that he doesn't enjoy seeing his peers getting their heads slammed onto the chalk walls along the hallway by your sturdy hands. in fact, he hates it so much that he would rather you kick his stomach and press your cigarette butts on his cheeks. the sacrifices he would make for his classmates are immeasurable.
♡ and soon enough, one of your friends would start pointing out how LOSER!YUUTA peeks at your direction constantly behind his book. his small and slender frame as if nonexistence between whatever the hell he is reading. you shake your head, laughing. "you can't name anyone in this school who doesn't want a taste of my dick," you wave your friends off, "especially not some fuckin' loser like him."
♡ you forgot about LOSER!YUUTA for a hot moment—ransacking school bags to find cash you can claim on your own; stepping on the feet of anyone who dares to tell you no. when everyone looks away, you find one pair of eyes occasionally stealing glances your way.
♡ curiosity, as curiosity does, eventually finds itself making its way to you. you love the attention, and when there is the opportunity to fuck something, what proper response are there but to chase it?
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“Arent’cha curious of me?” You ask, backing him up against the wall.
Yuuta shakes as you tower over him, eyes darting back and forth between your face and the door that you won’t allow him to leave. 
“Hey,” annoyed, you grab his jaw after taking a deep breath of the smoke between your fingers, forcing him to look at you. “Look at me when I’m talking to you.”
“Sorry,” he stutters out, almost as quick as the moment your sentence ended.
You scoff—Yuuta feels your hot breath on his skin. It smells like cigarettes, but mostly, it’s his first whiff of you. His eyes turn wide at his body’s awful timing of letting his cock go rock hard.
He prays that you won’t notice his cock practically peeking from underneath his pants. You never noticed his hard on, after all. But that day, in the cramped janitor’s closet, you are given no choice but to notice. Especially with his little grunt, clearing his throat like he’s slick.
“See,” you let go of his face, shoving his head against the wall. “I got you this hard, and what did I do?” You rub your leg against his crotch, intrigued at how his face crinkle in sudden pleasure. You killed the cigarette on the wall next to his head—Yuuta can hear it die, and he can almost feel the heat too.
He whimpers.
“Oh, quit being so whiny.” Your hand reached over to palm his ass, still rubbing your knee up and down his clothed length. “You like me this much? Show me.”
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♡ LOSER!YUUTA is not proud that he came all over his uniform pants just by rutting his cock on your thigh. well, maybe he is. no matter how he feels about it, he manages to pique your interest and make you come back to him for more.
♡ you don’t pretend to hide it. you’d pull him over in the middle of a crowded hallway, arms snaking around his waist where the whole school can see. words begin to spread, but you don’t care. neither does LOSER!YUUTA.
♡ LOSER!YUUTA would have to work for your cock, though. you aren’t letting him get to you that easy. besides, it’s fun getting him to jack himself off under the showers as you watch him squirm like the pathetic slut that he is.
♡ you’d take him right then and there—the more you do this, the harder it becomes to resist him—but you control yourself. there’s gotta be someone on their right mind in this exchange, and with all his good grades and straight a’s, LOSER!YUUTA is definitely too dumb when it comes to you.
♡ it’s a surprise when LOSER!YUUTA lets you into his room for the first time. it was just how you expected his room to be—simple, plain, boring.
♡ “my parents aren’t home,” he says as he fiddles with the hem of his uniform, not daring to look you in the eyes.
♡ LOSER!YUUTA, eyes wide when you instructed him to suck you off. you snicker at his stupid expression, and nodded at your crotch as you sat on his bed. “go on, i’m not gonna cum on my own.”
♡ but he is so eager to please you. so so excited. he sits between your thighs and marvels at the size of your cock compared to his face. you do not disappoint.
♡ “aren’t you gonna suck it?”
♡ LOSER!YUUTA is so good at sucking you off. you should have made him give you a blowjob earlier. he is gentle at first, kissing the tips of your cock, slobbering up the rest of your length for his taking, before eventually using his hot throat to welcome you in.
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You don’t even know where the fuck he learnt how to give a blowjob this good—who the fuck wants to get blown by a loser like Okkotsu Yuuta?
For some ungodly reason, he lets you in his room. And for some ungodly, too, he lets you place a pillow between your head and the wall as he sucks you off like he spends his days practising his jaws to accommodate your length.
He’s probably expected you to come on him like this, huh?
Both of his hands are squeezing the base of your cock, continuously pumping, and his pretty lips wrap themselves nicely around your tip. You watch the top of his head between your spreaded thighs as he drags the top of your dick in and out of his wet mouth.
“Yuuta,” you groan, gathering the strands of his hair with your fingers. All that you can hear is the sound of his chokes—at your call, he looks up at you under his long lashes, his cheeks hollow as he continues his slobbering mess. “Fuck,” you breathe, tugging on his hair tighter, “aren’t you pretty like this?”
His already flushed cheeks became redder—there is a sense of pride blossoming in his chest. You complimented him. Yuuta’s vision blurs as he becomes more dizzy—he just wants to make you feel good. 
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♡ you wouldn’t have guessed that if LOSER!YUUTA was to have a hobby, it was to suck you off.
♡ LOSER!YUUTA would never initiate anything first, of course. but a slut like him just needs a push—he’d beat your meat anywhere you want. the school rooftop, the karaoke room you took him to once. under a restaurant desk or in a hidden library corner.
♡ the vulnerability of it all turns LOSER!YUUTA on. and his neediness, his little whimpers and cries—he turns you on.
♡ you wonder how you never notice LOSER!YUUTA in his gym clothes: shorts and a shirt that is a little too tight for his body frame. he is full of sweat whenever he has to run the mile or throw some sort of lame spike across the volley net.
♡ eventually you find yourself fucking him.
♡ tight, tight hole. tightest hole you ever seen. you had to breathe to stop yourself from cumming when you first tried out his hole.
♡ you fuck him in the shower room, you fuck him in the gym storage, you fuck him on the teacher’s table on an empty classroom. he’s always bent over somewhere: ass up for you to take, and dick hard for you to jack off and leave him on the edge.
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“Don’t— Don’t stop—” he begs, prettily. You’ve grown a soft spot for him by now. His moans titter like melodies, echoing in the empty classroom as you dick him down—you press both his hands on his back as you drill yourself harder into him.
“Giving me instructions now?” You grunt, and Yuuta whines. A chuckle escapes your lips as you raise your hand to give his full ass a hard slap. "Shut up and just take my cock."
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♡ LOSER!YUUTA just wants you to kiss him.
♡ he reaches his arms around your neck whenever you press his knees over his chest, pulling you in.
♡ “no, no,” you chuckle, grabbing his jaw. “you don’t get to fucking kiss me, alright? i don’t kiss whores like you.”
♡ and LOSER!YUUTA knows how weak you are to his little whines. he claws at your chest, caresses the side of your face—”please,” he sobs, “kiss me, kiss— nghh—” your cock gets him so drunk that he can’t even finish a coherent sentence—he can’t even beg.
♡ his eyes roll back, nails digging into the blades of your shoulders. “i can’t, i can’t—”
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“You can’t what?”
His little hole feels like it’s scraping your dick every time you pull out and slam yourself back in. He’s so wet, so messy, so tight, just for your cock and even after fucking into his asshole this many times, you wonder how he can still be so fucking tight.
“You’re t’big,” Yuuta closes his eyes, hand blindly grasping for your neck, desperate for something to hold on to. “I can’t—”
“Aww,” you coo, faking empathy as you grab his face. “Sure you can take it. You’ve done this a million times.”
Yuuta lets one of his eyelids fly open, and he is greeted with your lips, lazily grinning down at him.
“It hurts,” he cries softly, knees becoming sore as you continue to bend it over his torso. His dick aches at your lack of attention to it, oozing precum all over his uniform and on the floor where you were fucking him. “Fu– fuck. Please, please.”
You watch the way his hair sticks against his forehead with his sweat, cheeks billowed and chest heaving. He just doesn’t know the things he does to you.
“Little slut can’t take it?” You manage to keep your voice steady, as if you aren’t close to fucking his brains out. “Want me to kiss it better?”
As if he has his ears perking at your preposition, he shoots both his eyes open. Excitement flashes through his pupils, and between his grunts, he manages to ask, “Can… can you—?”
You laugh, “Of course not, idiot.” You let go of his face and stand on your knees, ready to pummelled into him even harder. “Here,” you lean down at his sweaty face, kissing the skin under his eye before spitting on his face, “You can have a taste.”
Yuuta squirms. You use the back of your hand to wipe the spit off your mouth and laugh again when you see Yuuta with his mouth open, tongue hanging out.
“God. Want me to spit in your mouth this time?”
Yuuta nods, wrapping his leg around your body as best as he can, and weakly tugs for you to lean down. Every taste of you is divine—he wants everything you offer him, and he wants so much more.
“You’re so hot, baby,” You rub his face. “Beg for my spit. Use your words. You can do it, right?”
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solarswonderland · 10 months
dear hanbin
pairing: gn!reader x s.hanbin
wc: 0.5k
genre: fluff, highschool au
warnings: nothing really, just hopeless kids in love
summary: writing a love letter to him
a/n: ive never written anything like this before, I'm actually pretty proud of it. please lmk if it was alright 😓😓
*y.i: your initials
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you were always a pen-and-paper person.
you didn't like typing down reminders or to-do lists, you preferred writing them down. there was just something so special about writing to you. probably the way you'd have to shake your pen occasionally because you ran out of ink. or the satisfaction you gain when you scratch out a completed task.
which is probably why you're standing in front of sung hanbin's locker, holding a carefully sealed envelope, decorated with hearts and small stickers you found stuffed deep in your desk drawers.
sung hanbin was truly not real, you thought. there was no way that man was real. he was just too good to be true. the adorable smile, the way he helps everyone around him, how he never got mad, how generous, smart, and nice he is. not to mention, he is incredibly handsome as well. it's no joke, everyone was in love with him. which is one reason you were always too scared to ever confess.
but if there was one thing you were confident in, it was your writing. you figured, since you can't form proper sentences in front of him, why not pen down your thoughts in the form of a letter instead? and that's exactly what you did.
you made sure no one was watching you and slipped the envelope into his locker. you breathed a sigh of relief and made you way to your next class.
after you were gone, hanbin made his way to his locker after basketball practice. he opened it and was startled to see a blue-colored envelope fall out. he grabbed it off the floor and opened it. he thought it might have been mistakenly placed in his locker, but instead was surprised when he read the first two words.
dear hanbin,
it was addressed to him after all. although he was tired and sweaty from practice, he was curious. he continued reading the letter.
dear hanbin,
my heart is racing with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, there are so many words i've been wanting to say to you for years, and i finally have the chance.
from the moment i met you in middle school, when you lent me your pencil because i forgot mine, i've liked you. who knows, maybe its love?
your smile lights up my darkest days, and you have never once failed to make me laugh. every interaction, no matter how small or big, is etched into my memory, replaying over and over again like a broken record. i've admired your kindness, your intelligence, and the way you effortlessly make everyone around you feel at ease.
i want you to know that my feelings for you have not faded with time, if anything, they've grown stronger.
i understand that this letter might come as a surprise, and let's be honest, life's unpredictable. but i couldn't hold back my feelings any longer than i already have. whether fate leads us down a path of togetherness or friendship, i just needed you to know the truth that has been in my heart for so long.
no matter what your response may be, i'll respect it. no matter where life takes us, know that you'll always hold a special place in my heart.
with love,
y.i ♡
he smiled to himself as he read it. just as he was closing the letter after re-reading it over and over again, he saw some text in the back which made him laugh.
do you like me?
□ yes □ no
no pressure, you don't have to tick anything right now :)
sorry that's kinda creepy isn't it
i should probably stop writing...
he grabbed a pen and ticked the 'yes' option, quietly giggling to himself.
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© solarswonderland 2023
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marlboroenjoyer · 1 year
let me show you my thanks
so here is part two to 'cat got your tongue' i love miguel and i dunno maybe this was ooc but its my first smut fic with him be gentle. also i tried desperately to get like actually grammatically correct and normal sounding spanish from a bunch of different websites; so i really apologize in advance if it sounds disjointed or weird. im a patehtic monolingual individual :(.
summary [2.9k words] - you took an unannounced break from the spider-society after the fiasco that was your last meeting with miguel. he wants to show you just how thankful he is for you.
warnings - 18+ (if you're a minor and i see you interacting with my stuff you're getting blocked). SHARP TEETH BABY RAAAAHHHHHHHHH, inappropriate use of venom, slight degredation if you squint.. nsfw under the cut!
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you were on autopilot for the next few days after your conversation? argument? with miguel. you were home in your own universe; you had shucked the gizmo off your wrist the second your feet landed in your small apartment. you didn’t even want to think about miguel let alone get contacted by the man so you shed your brain of anything involving hq. the days consisted of bouncing between your mattress and your desktop, occasionally fighting whatever enemy decided to break your peace. it was nice to fall back into your once usual routine before your discovery of the spider-society. and it was even nicer to finally have a little peace of mind. not thinking about miguel had made everything a little easier.
you weren't worried about his reactions to anything. you weren't concerned about his hair trigger temper; about whether or not something you said would set him off. there was the smallest licks of anxiety in the back of your mind as the radio silence was unnerving to a degree, you had grown accustomed to hearing lylas cheerful voice break into your mind. it was easy to shake those feelings though; spending the mostly quiet evenings catching up on shows or games you just simply hadn’t had to time for anymore. 
it had been storming all day, and you had found out after talking with other spider-people, that you had gotten quite lucky with your version of new york. the storms never pulled more trouble out of the damp dark cracks of the city, if anything it deterred them. the city life was hushed by the gray gloomy skies spitting fat raindrops at your window. you felt something ping up your spine as you were sitting at your desktop. it wasn’t the same feeling you got when you sensed some form of danger; this surge of nerves was telling you something was off today. before you could even get up from your desk chair, a large orange spiral of energy tore into your dimension; and out popped the looming man you were trying to avoid.
“you took your bracelet off.” there was an edge to his voice; something unknown on the cusp, threatening to fall out and into your lap. you didn’t dignify his statement with a response. you didn’t owe any responses to miguel. so you just stared at him in the silence of your apartment; his vivid eyes searching you for anything; and after a few more moments of silence he decided to continue talking.
“we’ve– i’ve– been trying to contact you.” another long beat. “you had duties to fulfill. you’ve been holed up in your dimension while i thought– lo que sea…”[1] his mouth snapped shut before he finished his sentence, cutting himself off before giving an exasperated sigh. his hands rubbed down his face, before revealing his eyes which were intensely trained on you. your expression gave nothing away, you were just going to stand aside and watch him fight with himself inside his head; or maybe he’d even just give up and leave. part of you hoped for the latter, but you also wanted him to finally be able to figure out how to speak to you.
“listen. i understand you were, shit probably still are, angry about how i reacted.” his words for grating against his clenched teeth and set jaw. clearly this was very difficult. “but i didn’t know how to react to the fact that you were a breath away from meeting death. i had come to terms with death a very long time ago. but i don’t know if i’d be able to get over it, if you died.” you continued to let him speak, watching him as he chewed on the words and mulled them over in his head. 
“you are so fucking annoying sometimes, but you are so lovely and you’re so soft. and i know you can hold you own but you…” you could practically see steam coming from his ears, as the cogs in his brain turned away trying his best to figure out how to express his thoughts. he stopped talking for a moment as he approached you slowly. “tenía tanto miedo que sentí ganas de vomitar.”[2] his voice was a fraction of the volume it once was. his hands gently grabbed yours.
“i’m sorry i was…more or less a dick. you didn’t deserve that, especially after you saved my skin. quería… darte las gracias por salvarme la vida.”[3] his eyes bore into your own. now you were genuinely speechless, and not just holding out due to spite. thankfully your body acted for you, reaching forward and wrapping your arms around miguel’s strong abdomen. you let your head rest against his chest and you waited for his reaction. after a few beats his arms wrapped around your frame. his head ducked down to tuck into the crook of your neck.
you whispered out a thank you, to which you felt a quick puff of air escape miguel’s nose. he couldn’t understand why you were thanking him. you pulled your arms back and over his shoulder, gently grabbing a handful of his dark hair and pulling his head back up to look at you. before he could say anything you lightly placed your lips onto his in a timid kiss. an action so tender and so soft, it managed to shatter miguel's heart and rebuild it anew. it took less than a second for miguel to kiss you back. immediately the atmosphere changed, electricity surging through the both of you as miguel deepened the kiss. his hands skated around your body, kneading the flesh underneath his fingers whenever he paused his ministrations.
your hands were still occupied with fists fulls of his hair, and you took that as an opportunity to tug on his hair as you two made out. his mouth pulled away from yours for the briefest moment; allowing himself to let out a breathy groan. his hands planted themselves firmly on your ass, squeezing hard making you yelp. as you both made out, he was backing you up into the wall; and before you even realized your back was pressed flat against the wall. his knee immediately slid between your thighs, slotting right between them as if you were made to fit against each other. 
his thigh pressed hard against your core, and you let out a stuttering gasp at the pressure. he gradually took hold of all of your senses. he was becoming overwhelming. you gently pushed against his chest, humming against his lip as his tongue continued to play with your bottom lip. he pulled his head away after a few more moments, almost irritated by the prospect of leaving your lips for more than thirty seconds.
“what’s wrong mi amor?” his voice had dropped a couple of octaves. his eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at you. “are you still hurt?” you shook your head in response. he had backed up enough to let you slip out from between him and the wall. you grabbed his hand and led him to your bedroom. the whole apartment was dark aside from the dim lamps you had lit scattered around the few rooms. you could hear the rain still colliding with the glass of your window, however that was mostly drowned out by the pounding of your heart. you swore miguel could hear it as well, which only made matters worse.
you had merely dreamed of scenarios similar to these, never once thinking they could actually become real. some section of your brain wondered if you were passed out in bed already. sure you and miguel were amicable with each other, but he was such a shut off man that you were never really able to characterize what you were to him; and vice versa.
the end of your bed came in contact with your calves, and miguel pushed you down onto it. you landed with a quite huff, while the realization of what was going to happen tonight dawned on you. miguel must’ve seen the deer in headlights look on your face, as he leaned down with his hands bracing himself on either side of your shoulders.
“i want to show you just how grateful i am for what u did for me… only if you allow me.” his face was nothing but completely genuine, giving you a way to say no to all of this if you really wanted to. you didn’t say anything in response, you merely wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him back down into a much more heated kiss. miguel groaned low in his throat at the feeling of you yanking him down. unfortunately for you though, he started pulling away, instead standing upright once more to take on his suit. with a quick shrug of his shoulders his chest was exposed, suit still sitting low on his hip. not like it was hiding anything from you. you could clearly see the line of his hard dick straining against this unstable molecular prison.
“baby, if you want this to keep going… im gonna have to hear you say it.” the corners of his mouth were tugged upwards in a sly smirk. he wanted nothing more than to hear you say how much you wanted him at this moment. fuck he felt his cock jump at the mere thought of your plush lips opening to beg for him. he watched as you opened and closed your mouth a few times, observing the way your struggled with vocalizing your thoughts.
“miguel…” your voice was a pathetic whimper, and you squeezed your thighs together to alleviate your desperation. miguel’s practically rolled back into his skull, hearing you say his name like that– his big hand gripped your knees which had been brought up to your chest, his talons threatening to spring out and dig into your soft skin.
“say it baby. i gotta hear you say it.” he edged you on, his erection now pressed firmly against your ass as encouragement.
“miguel please… i need you so bad. dreamt about this moment.” your confession felt like a swift quick to the chest, successfully ridding his lungs of any oxygen. you’d dreamt about this before. how could he hold back now.
“dios mío… siento que un día me vas a matar.”[4] his voice was a mere growl at this point, his jaw clenched as he stared down at you. “tell me, what exactly have you dreamt about?” he shifted you further up onto the mattress, giving him the opportunity to box you in with his huge frame. embarrassment was licking at your subconscious like flames, making your whole body get swelteringly hot. but there was something in miguel’s expression that egged you on. you felt like you were going to die if you didn’t tell him.
“i think about your teeth…a lot… recently i’ve found myself– ugh this is so…” you covered your face with your hands before continuing on. “i think about you biting me…again i guess… i think about your venom.” you just never ceased with rendering miguel speechless, he guessed it was just one of your many talents at this point.
you were starting to get nervous about your confession. miguel hadn’t responded yet, but before you could get too into your own head you felt his lips ghost over you neck; right across the spot he bit you the first time. your breath hitched in your throat, and you involuntarily whimpered.
“you’ve really gotta trust me if you want that. you’d give everything up to me.” you only nodded your head. you trusted him; in all honesty you think you trusted him more than almost anyone in the society. you heard him click his tongue sharply.
“what did i say earlier? if you want this i gotta hear you say it.” you felt his breath fan over your neck, as he peppered small kisses all over it and your chest. you had wrapped your legs around his waist, and he was very gently grinding down into you. gentle vibrations wracked their way through your entire body causing small gasps and whimpers to come spilling from your kiss swollen lips.
“please miguel… i surrender everything to you. i trust you.” that was all he needed to hear before he bit down into your trapezius muscle, just like before. only this time you were much more aware of the effects now. he stayed like that for a couple seconds longer, before detaching from your neck and licking away the blood from the wound. slowly but surely you felt all motor functions slip from your body. you were overcome with this euphoric dullness, you felt like you were floating. while you slowly felt all control drain from your body, miguel was making quick work of your clothes, sharp claws slicing through your shorts and shirt like it was nothing. he whispered promises of new clothes as he continued with your bra and panties.
“how are you feeling mi amor? can you speak at all?” you acknowledged miguel’s questions with a quiet moan. as much as he wanted to take his time with you, work you up before tearing everything back down; he knew he had very little patience left, and limited time to work with the venom. your metabolism was extremely fast in comparison to the usual suspects he would subject his venom to, so he had much less time to keep you in this dreamy haze. he wanted to make sure the only word you could think of was his name.
the rest of his spider suit disappeared into nothing as he positioned you. you legs had fallen from his waist a little while ago when you first started feeling the venom, so he flipped you over onto your stomach. he arms wrapped underneath your hips to hoist you up so your ass was in the air, with your back arched and chest pressed into the mattress beneath you. he knew he was going to warm you up. miguel hasn’t exactly had many partners as of late but he was aware of his size. one of his hands found its way to your pussy, his other hand bracing your hip and keeping you steady. his fingers rubbing gentle circles into your clit. hazy pleasure rolled through you, like waves lapping at the shore. long strung out moans clawed their way up your throat; spurring miguel on. his fingers had moved from your clit, moving deeper in as they breached your hole. a deep groan echoed through to room.
“christ you’re so fucking wet. such a slut, ready to give up any control.” god his dick was painfully hard now. pulsing steadily every few seconds, weeping precum and begging to be buried deep in your hot cunt. he felt your walls flutter and clench when he degraded you, and he filed that information deep into his brain. his fingers were so overwhelming through the fog that settled inside your skull. your breaths had become erratic, chest rising and falling to desperately take in air. you moans were cracking, as miguel fully rammed three fingers in and out of you.
“i hear you baby, i hear you. im gonna take care of you.” he curled his fingers in search of that one spot that would make you see stars. it didn’t take long for him to find it as your volume increased even more. 
“m-mig…” you desperately tried to form words; to warn miguel of your rapidly approaching orgasm. you were fighting against the paralysis and the overwhelming floating feeling. your pussy clenched down tight against miguel’s fingers, a sudden wetness coating most of his hand. he pumped his fingers a couple more times as he worked you through your orgasm. once your breathing settled a little he gently took his fingers out of you. he took his fingers into his mouth, grunting as your taste flooded his taste buds. 
his patience had thoroughly snapped, two iron grips digging into your hips as he lined himself up with your aching pussy. he steadily began to push himself into you, breath getting punched out of him with every inch your hot walls enveloped. once he finally bottomed out, you both needed time to catch your breath. you were so full of him and you finally felt complete. the only thing you could think about was miguel. no amount of time could have prepared you for miguel to start moving. he immediately set a brutal pace, the sounds coming out of him resembling that of an animal. 
“god you’re– holy fuck- practically strangling me. greedy pussy just sucking me in for more.” you struggled to comprehend what he was saying. miguel curled in on top of you, pressing you flush against his broad chest. one hand started rubbing hard circles into your clit, whiled the other held you firmly to him. the placement of his arm across your chest allowed him access to your nipples, something he quickly took advantage of. he tweaked and pinched the hard pebble, as he struggled to keep his eyes open. he wanted to look at your face as he caused you to come undone for a second time. your mouth had lulled open, freely drooling onto the pillow beneath your head. tears squeezed their way out of your eyes.
your bodies stuck together, the sweat clinging to your skin. miguel continued to incoherently mumble spanish to you, and you were far too blissed out to listen to anything at all. the white hot coil in the very bottom of your stomach threatening to snap. you cunt fluttered and clamped down on miguel’s dick. it only spurred him on even more, his pace punishing now as he fucked you into the mattress. a long broken scream boomed from your throat as you came, your vision going completely white despite you eyes being clenched tightly shut. your eyebrows screwed up in an expression of pure pleasure. miguel slammed down fully into you, his cock kissing your cervix as he came with a loud moan. you were already so full of his cock that there was practically no room for him cum. he watched with wide eyes and his cum spilled from your spent pussy dripping down around his cock that was still inside you.
he let you both level out before pulling out as carefully as possible. the friction still causing you to cry out in overstimulation. miguel hushed your cries by pressing light kisses all over your face and neck. his thumbs brushed away the stray tears. he finally turned you back over, carefully laying your head back down onto the pillow below you.
“can you move at all mi amor?” your headspace had still not returned to normal, seeing as how you didn’t really respond. miguel got up from the bed and quietly padded over to your kitchen. you whimpered out for him to return, not enjoying the silence of being alone in the room in this loopy headspace you’ve found yourself in. a few moments later he returned to the room, a cup of water and warm washcloth in his hands. the bed dipped underneath the weight of his body as he set the cup of water on the table for a moment and began working on getting you clean. once this was done he flung the now dirty washcloth into your hamper.
his strong arms shifted you for the last time that night, leaning you against him with your head cradled against his chest once he had gotten comfortable. with you in this position he reached over to grab the water and pressed the rim to your bottom lip, silently offering. you dipped your head back just enough to take a couple of careful sips before relaxing your head against him once again. with the rain as white noise in the background you drifted in and out of consciousness. 
“gracias, mi amor.” 
[1] - whatever
[2] - i was so scared that i felt like vomiting
[3] - i wanted... to thank you for saving my life
[4] - dear god... why do i get the feeling you're going to be the death of me
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multific · 1 year
If He doesn't Scare You, No Evil Thing will
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Cruella!Helmut Zemo x Reader
Words: 5.5K
Summary: Helmut Zemo, the best designer, a cold and manipulative man. You, a barista, a kind and gentle person. Nothing common between you two yet fate had its ways to toy with you.
A/N: None of the above pictures are mine, all rights go to their owners, especially the beautiful work of art by @enstatia which inspired this whole story.
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Baron Helmut Zemo is the best fashion designer in the entire world.
He was rich, smart and elegant. He was adored by some and hated by many.
He wasn't a gentleman, he was rude and cunning, and he always got what he wanted. In the name of fashion, he had done many terrible things.
The Sokovian noble born became a well-known name in the entire world after his first collection.
Most people knew him for his famous furs, others knew him because he liked to crush the competition, literally.
He always said, fashion isn't kind, so why should he be?
You were always fascinated by fashion, even if you didn't have a taste for it or the money to afford it.
But Zemo's collections always stood out for you, you spent many many hours looking at his clothing. His taste and creativity were beyond everything you could ever imagine.
But you will never be able to afford anything of his, working in a coffee shop certainly didn't give you the paycheck of your dreams, if you were honest you barely made enough to live but you dreamed big.
You let out a long sigh as you were getting ready to close the store finally. A long shift and you were the only one remaining to close it all up.
Just as you were sweeping the floors, a man came rushing in, he was heaving, he clearly had a run, but who would run in a suit like that?
"We are cl-"
"PLEASE! I need a double espresso urgently."
"Sorry, Sir."
"I NEED that coffee or my boss will kill me! Please! I pay extra, double, triple whatever but I need that coffee." he was desperate, probably a new started who was trying to impress their boss.
"Okay." you ended up saying. "But! This is the first and only time! You have to come next time during open hours!"
"Thank you! THANK YOU!"
You made the coffee as best as you could in your tired state before handing it to him.
He really did leave a nice tip for you and was soon out the door, running.
You shook your head and closed up.
The next day, everything went normally. Customers came, left, some leaving you nice tips.
Then, when you stood behind the bar, he arrived again.
"Hello. Coming this time during normal hours." he laughed lightly. "Look my boss really liked the coffee you made for him, so I'll have to come here regularly from now on, maybe even more than once a day. So, I'll always order the same, double espresso, like you made yesterday and for me a cappuccino."
And just like he said, he came to the store every morning at 7:50 sharp, ordered the same thing every time and occasionally, he arrived in the afternoon.
"I do see why Boss likes your coffee, the cappuccino you made for me was amazing."
He was your first regular customer. He told you he worked for a big company and had a husband and a german shepherd. He was talkative as if he didn't have anyone to talk to about these things during the day.
Then, one day, he didn't come in the morning.
It was strange coming from someone sharp.
But, you went on with your day, and just as you were ready to close, the front doorbell sounded off.
It gave you deja vu.
"Sorry, but we are closi-" you stopped immediately when you noticed the man in front of you.
Baron Helmut Zemo.
The leading man in fashion, in this little store.
"I didn't have my espresso today, you see my assistant got sick."
That explained a lot, like how he was always so dressed and in a hurry.
You didn't know what to do. To deny him coffee would be a death sentence.
He sat down at a table like it was the most casual thing.
You made him the coffee, just like you always did.
"Anything else I could get you?" you asked as you placed the mug in front of him.
"No, thank you." as he picked up the mug his hand brushed against yours.
He was much nicer than people made him in their stories. Maybe he was having a good day, you didn't want to poke around, so you left and went back to whipping tables and cleaning the floor.
When he finished, he left you a good tip and without another word, he was off.
Everything happened so fast, you wondered if it was even real.
In the end, you convinced yourself that it couldn't possibly be Baron Zemo, and you just moved on.
The next day, the assistant guy didn't come nor did Zemo so you really must have been imagining things.
However on the third day, just before closing time, both arrived.
"We are still in time right?" asked the assistant, whose name you just remembered being Bucky. "Can I also get a slice of that chocolate cake please?" he asked as he ordered while the Baron sat down. You knew better so you acted like a professional and served them both.
And while they talked about work, you cleaned the tables.
"Y/N." you heard your name being called, nearly making you jump. "Can you help us?"
"No need to bother her, James, I know what I want."
Bucky rolled his eyes as you walked over, you looked at the drawings in front of them.
Two beautiful suits, one dark with fur around the neck, white with black dots, reminded you of dalmatians, the other suit just as beautiful, dark green with gold embellishments. Both are similar styles for a very very rich man.
"Which one do you think is better?" you looked at both of them.
"Both look really nice."
"You have to pick." said the Baron and you picked up both papers.
"I like this one better." you said placing the dotted one back on the table. Zemo had a smirk on his face while Bucky huffed. "But it's missing something." you said as your eyes were glued to the paper.
"Boss said the same thing." said Bucky before taking the other drawing and putting it away.
"Is it for a man or woman?" you asked as it wasn't clear from the drawing, your question was for Bucky but Zemo answered.
"It's for me. It will be made out of fur, real fur, but as you said, it's missing something. And I'm not going to the fashion show with an incomplete piece."
Then you remembered something.
"Do you have pencils?" you asked and Bucky nodded, he gave you the box of coloured pencils.
They both watched you as you did something.
You showed them both.
You added red gloves. Ones that were missing on the fingers.
They both went silent. Completely silent and you knew you messed up.
"I-I'm sorry. I ruined it." you were about to place it on the table when the Baron grabbed it and looked at it.
"He loves it." said Bucky. "He always has that face when he loves something.
"Incredible! You have an eye for fashion!"
"I really don't, Sir. I just-"
"Come with me to the fashion show in Rome! I need your eye, your talent is impeccable."
You tried to refuse, you really did. But it was hard to argue with a Baron. And in the end, you had to go. Because who were you to say no?
You told your boss you are sick, so you won't be able to make it for two weeks.
You couldn't believe you were going to miss work, but the nice check the Baron put into your hands was twice as much as you made in three months.
"For your time." he said when he placed it into your hands. And you nearly doubled over at the amount written on it.
"This is too much."
"Not at all. It's barely anything for your time." he said as he left.
You learned he loved to have the last word.
And now here you were, looking into your wardrobe, realizing just how poor you were.
You didn't even have decent clothes to wear to work let alone to the biggest fashion event!
Then the packages arrived.
Clothes, some were so new they weren't even announced just yet.
And a simple note that the delivery guy handed you as Bucky carried the boxes into your tiny apartment.
'Wear these. H.Z.'
A simple message, you couldn't question it. Then you realized you never even tell him your address let alone your sizes to be able to send you clothes.
"Bucky? How did you know where I live?"
"Oh, easy, Boss told me, he had a feeling you wouldn't have any dresses for a fashion event, so he sent me along, you should try them on."
He sat down on your couch sipping a glass of wine.
Just where did he get the wine from? And how did his boss know where you lived?
And again, you couldn't say no, so you tried everything on. If you were honest you were impressed and also happy to have Bucky there, you had a great time.
Then, the day came.
But instead of Bucky, a driver came to pick you up. It was a luxurious car which drove you to the airport.
You didn't even dare to talk to him, but you do remember his name when he introduced himself, Frederick.
He looked like the kind of intimidating guy who was actually really sweet and kind. But you rather not push his buttons.
"Here she is." said the Baron as you got out of the car, a luxurious jet awaiting the two of you. "James sadly couldn't make it, his husband had an accident and he wanted to stay with him. But fashion doesn't wait so it will be the two of us on this trip, I hope that is okay with you."
"Most certainly." you said as he lead you into the jet and showed you where everything was.
You weren't sure why you were even there, because he liked your idea of red gloves? Because you made good coffee? Why were you there?!
"I can almost hear you thinking, how about we do something creative instead of your worries." he thought you were scared of flying. You weren't. But it was a better excuse than the fact that you had a very handsome and rich man sitting right across from you and it made you nervous.
He placed a couple of drawings in front of you, all with women's clothing this time, gorgeous gowns and suits.
"Which one should be the centrepiece of my show?" he asked as he leaned back in his chair, watching you closely
You looked at him for a moment before looking at the table, why was he asking you? He must have one already.
Collections don't come out unless you have one, do they?
You looked at him as he was sipping some champagne before your eyes moved across the drawings.
Was this a test? It had to be. He had to be toying with you. Or it could be genuine, but you had your doubts.
You picked the dress you liked the most and he nodded.
He didn't comment or ask anything, he just simply nodded and left it at that.
When you arrived in Rome, your breath was taken away. This lifestyle. This level of luxury that came so naturally for him was something you never even imagined.
You got a room in the most expensive hotel, your room was more like an apartment. The view was gorgeous.
And again, you asked yourself, what were you doing there?
Then the phone in the room rang, and you picked it up.
"Ah, Darling, let's go and get something to eat, you must be hungry from the flight." It was Zemo.
"Oh, sure."
"Let's meet in the lobby, 10 minutes?"
And sure enough, ten minutes later, there he was, standing in the middle like a King in a gorgeous deep wine-red suit. While you had jeans and a shirt on... great. You should have changed.
As he turned and saw you, he did make a face, he hoped you didn't see, but you surely did.
Half of the things on the menu, you couldn't even pronounce, so you stuck with something you knew, hamburgers and fries. It also worried you that you couldn't find the prices.
Zemo got something very Italian. By the sound of it.
It looked really nice, some nice pasta, cheese, but your burger, oh, your burger was everything.
It was so delicious, you nearly went blind eating it. And the fries were beyond this world.
"I hope you are enjoying yourself, is your room appropriate?"
"More than that. I have a huge balcony, I can see the Colosseum from there!"
"Glad to hear that you enjoy it. What about the dresses? I sent you a couple, do you not like them?" his brows furrowed as he pointed at your top.
"Oh, they are beautiful, but I just wasn't sure when to wear them."
"Whenever you see fit. They are yours after all." he said that but he clearly didn't mean it. He wanted you to wear those dresses, it was clear.
"They cannot be mine, they are way too expensive." you argued as you thought he only gave them for the trip.
"I made them just for you, they only fit you." you really didn't want to believe him.
But you went along with it.
You knew better than to argue with Baron Zemo himself.
Later that evening, you sat out on the balcony, taking in the view then suddenly something hit you.
"Did he say he MADE them just for me?" sudden realization hit you like a train.
The first day of the fashion show, you felt really out of place. Even with the beautiful dress you had on, you didn't feel comfortable at all.
You were nervous as you entered the car and you were even more nervous when you realized that there are paparazzi.
"Take deep breaths, don't look into the flash and you'll be fine. And smile." Zemo said as he put his arm around you and guided you through the crowd. People were trying to ask questions but he only waved and smiled.
And then, you were inside.
The first show wasn't Zemo's. It was a woman's collection. Filled with colour and texture. Not really your style, but you just sat there, not making any faces. There were too many cameras watching, if they caught you at the wrong time, your life could be over.
"What do you think?" asked Zemo as he leaned over and into your ear. You were in the middle of watching another oversized coat walk down the runway.
"Not my favourite. Everything is too big, it swallows them." you said honestly, turning to him, hoping no one heard you.
"Quite right, My Dear." he said before leaning back and continuing to watch.
About three more collections later, that day was done.
And the fact that you didn't like anything... worried you. Zemo asked every time, how you like it, but you could never say a good thing.
How can someone be exhausted after such a day?
All you had to do was sit and smile occasionally when Zemo introduced you to people.
Oh, the number of men and women who could kill you with their eyes just to be standing next to the man who kept his arm around your waist.
He always introduced you as a friend, but the looks you received from people were not meant for a friend. They saw you as a threat.
But now, you were back at the hotel, sitting on the balcony, still in that gorgeous dress as you enjoyed your view.
You promised yourself that morning that you are going to enjoy your time here. After all, who knew if you would ever be able to make it back to Rome anytime soon or ever in your life for that matter.
"Darling?" the voice came from the room and it made you jump in your seat.
"Here you are. I see you do enjoy the view." he sat down next to you in another chair, looking at you, not the view.
"It's beautiful. How did you get into my room?"
"It is breathtaking. I came to ask if you are ready for dinner, I see you didn't change." he just completely ignored your question.
"I like this dress. And yes, I'm ready for dinner." you said as you looked at him, eyes shining but he didn't smile, he simply nodded and guided you to the dining hall.
Dinner was as delicious as the day before. You were a bit more daring regarding the food you ordered.
"Tell me about yourself." he suddenly said. Now you were glad you didn't have any food or drink in your mouth.
Why would he be interested?
But he genuinely looked like he cared, and what harm would it be to tell him?
Not like he really cared, he probably just wanted you to ask the same from him and after you told your story, you did ask him.
But he dodged the question and instead told you how tomorrow will go down.
A three-day fashion event. Was that too much or too little? You weren't sure.
But your second day was much like the first, except it was longer.
The day before Zemo made you promise that you'd wear the pink dress he sent you.
Much like the day before, he came to pick you up in the morning, complimenting you while he looked like a nicely wrapped box of bonbons.
The man looked way too good for his own good.
He sat in the car with you, looking out the window, you enjoyed the view.
"Hopefully today we will see something we actually like. What would you like to see?" he asked.
"I want to see yours." you said without any hesitation.
"Hm, you do have good taste." he said just before the car stopped.
Another day without seeing any interesting pieces. You did see one thing, a kind of duo chrome gown, it looked promising, but the back of it... horrible.
You made a face which amused Zemo. He did notice how hopefull you were and then you saw the back.
And now you learned that Zemo's collection will be tomorrow, the last day, the grand finale.
You were about to get dressed when there was a knock on your door, a woman came in with a gorgeous dress, you recognized it from the sketches Zemo showed you on the plane.
"Miss, Mr Zemo send us as he was required before the show. He sent us to get you there, we have a car ready."
The fact that you had to go alone scared you a tad bit. But you did understand why he would be there earlier.
You felt like a Goddess honestly, the dress was perfect. You can imagine him in his room, perfecting every detail before sending it over to you.
You knew he wouldn't give out anything less than perfect from his hands.
"To us." he said lifting his champagne, "To the perfect show." he said as you clicked your glass against his. You smiled as you lifted the glass to your lips.
"To you." you said. "Your amazing collection."
"Precisely." he said and nodded. "Wouldn't have been able to do it without you, Darlin’."
And then you suddenly realized.
It was your last day there, last dinner with him and you knew you were going to miss him.
You'll have to go back to the life of a barista. And you were okay with that. You never expected this to happen, so even the fact that it did give you a reason to go forward.
"Can I ask you something?" you asked when the waitress left after she poured you two glasses of wine.
"Go ahead." he said as he lifted his glass.
"Why did you invite me? What is your real reason? Because I'm still confused by it."
"Beauty is something I always thrived for. I always wanted to achieve perfection. With my clothes especially. When Bucky mentioned this new shop with the kind barista I didn't think much. But he started to mention you more and more. And then I went to see you for myself, you took my breath away. You inspired me as a muse would. Something I have never had. I always worked for myself, but now, now I create for you, Darlin’."
You still didn't want to believe him. You weren't that beautiful, you weren't even thin.
"I know you doubt yourself. I see it in your eyes. But there is nothing to doubt. Your beauty is extraordinary. You might not see it, your body, and your curves would drive any man crazy, including me. And your personality, you are shining my Darling. Like today, in that dress, I couldn't stop looking at you. Breathtaking, you always look breathtaking but when I see you wear something I made, it does something to me."
You were not sure if this was some weird kink of his. Picking up unsuspecting broke women and then living a fantasy through them. But the way his eyes shined told you he wasn't lying nor was this a weird kink. Adoration is what you saw. But then, why didn't you believe him? Why couldn't you? Could it be what he said before? The way you doubt yourself, it can be getting in your way.
"I'm not that special."
"You don't see what I see. Do you think I get everyone on a plane to Rome because they thought of adding red gloves to a suit? You are exquisite, and I planned on seducing you. I'm not really good at the love department, but you are special."
Seducing you? Love? Well, the black suit he had on certainly didn't help your situation. He looked way too delicious for his own good. You couldn't think straight.
"Are you serious or are you playing with me? Is this some game rich people play?"
"No game, Darling. I'm serious about my feelings." this is when the waitress arrived with your food. He studied your face. "You do not believe me."
"It's hard to. It's hard to believe that a man of your level would ever be interested in someone like me. I'm a simple woman, a barista while you are the best fashion designer in the entire world."
"Do titles bother you that much?"
"When it's this huge, yes. What will people think? You with me? Me with you? They will think I blackmailed you, that I'm a golddigger or something."
"Don't be silly, Love. I do not care what others say about me. My work speaks for itself. But if you really are not interested, I'll understand."
"It's not..." you looked around, no one was paying any attention. "It's not that I'm not interested in you. It's just hard to process your declaration of love when your face barely moves."
"I trained myself. So I wouldn't get wrinkles."
Of course, he did.
"How can I prove myself? How can I prove that my feelings are true?"
"I don't know, honestly."
"I brought you on many dates. Every day, I saw every lunch, breakfast and dinner as a date. Even if you didn't. Which now I realize you might not have. I should have told you from the beginning, but I needed to know who the angel who made those amazing espressos was. And I really found an angel. I watched you as you worked, cleaned the store when you were ready to close and I walked in."
"I need to think." you said honestly.
"Of course, I never expected you to be ready with an answer. But please know, I am serious."
Rest of the dinner, you spent quietly, eating and trying to think.
Why did he have to look so delicious in his suit?! It wasn't fair.
Your mind couldn't even register that evening or the next morning, nor the flight nor when you stood in front of your apartment while Zemo's driver got your suitcases out. You arrived with more than you left with.
You turned and looked at Zemo.
"Thank you again for the opportunity and the amazing memories." he only nodded once before you walked away from him.
Zemo had a cold heart. His industry and past made him this way, but he could feel his cold heart break into millions of pieces as he watched you walk away and the door closed behind you. He got back into the car and headed home, home into the cold mansion where he lived all alone.
You couldn't even unpack. Your suitcases have been in the same place as you left them days ago when you arrived home.
So many thoughts yet your mind was blank, and your heart hurt.
But why was it hurting so badly? The look in his eyes as you said goodbye. It was as if he was a different person, not the kind Zemo you saw at the shows, not the Zemo who laughed with you as you looked at all the dresses and discussed them at dinner.
It was the cold and old Zemo who walked into your work many days ago.
Today was your day off.
You haven't seen or heard about Zemo or Bucky at all. You figured they were busy after such an amazing show.
You pulled out your phone and smiled as you looked at all the photos you took.
During many days you and Zemo went around Rome, being tourists he guided you through the streets as if he was living there for years.
How did you fail to see the look in his eyes? He took so many photos of you at your request and then you stopped at one.
It was a selfie of you and Zemo. You remember how grumpy he was but you ended up getting a picture where he was in the background.
Then photos of the last show, his show.
You took many photos of him.
And then, as if someone poured cold water all over you.
He was wearing the suit. THE SUIT, with the red gloves.
"You picked this one out." he said when you complimented him. At the time you only laughed it off not believing him.
And you realized your many mistakes.
You were too blind to realize what was happening right in front of you.
You fell in love.
You fell in love with him and you didn't even know it.
Now, the place on your waist where he always had his hand felt hot, burning. You couldn't believe how stupid you were.
How could you ignore his feelings? The way he looked at you, the way he held you and walked with you.
"I wouldn't have anyone else by my side, Love." he said one day and it all came crushing down.
You wanted to yell. Scream.
How could you done this?! Who cares about titles? Who cares about who he was.
All you cared about was him.
The way he looked at you, the way he smelled and the way he cared for you.
You rushed out of your apartment and got a taxi.
Only when you stood in front of the building you realized you had no idea what you were doing. You walked in and the receptionist gave you a look.
She probably had a strong feeling towards the crocks you wore, the sweatpants and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt.
"How may I help?"
"I'm here to speak with Helmut Zemo? I have an urgent matter." she gave you another look.
"Sure, I'll call security."
"No, please I'm serious, can you at least call him? Or his assistant? Bucky Barnes? They know me, I promise."
She only raise her brow as security started to walk towards you.
"Ma'am, please." one man said and you really didn't want to cause a scene.
"Please, just call Bucky at least, I really-"
"Y/N?" all of you looked at Bucky who just exited the elevator. "What are you doing here?"
"Mr Barnes we are about to get this lady out, I apologize for the scene."
As the bodyguard grabbed your arm Bucky almost growled at the man.
"HEY, let her go. I really don't think your boss would appreciate you touching her and you," he continued pointing at the receptionist. "You throw people out without confirming if we expect them or not?"
"Sir, sorry but I didn't think-"
"Exactly, you didn't think, but you wouldn't know so, I suggest you do your job properly from now."
"Yes, Sir. I apologize."
Bucky got you into the elevator as he looked at you. "What are you doing here?"
"I need to talk with Helmut."
Bucky smirked. "Oh it's just like a romantic movie, the heroine realizes her love for the cold hearted man and rushes to confess to him." Bucky said with a dreamy voice. "But wait! What are you wearing?!"
"I was home! what am I supposed to wear at home?"
"You need to change." he said as he pushed a different button on the elevator. "Hair, make up and dress."
And again, you knew better than to argue with Bucky.
About two hours later, you felt and looked like a completely different woman.
"Much better."
"I don't even want to know how much the clothes cost."
"Then don't ask. He's free now, probably in his office mopping."
"Why would he be cleaning?"
"Not that kind of mopping. He is sad because he let you go. SO ROMANTIC."
"Bucky." you said as you went up the elevator, top floor to finally do what you were ready to do 2 hours ago. "I'm nervous."
"Don't be. You wouldn't even have to say anything just go in, kiss him and boom. Wedding." you wanted to laugh. "Good luck." he said as he stopped in front of a huge door. He knocked before rushing off like a child.
"Come in." you heard his voice inside and you slowly opened the door.
He was sitting in his chair, his back to you. "What do you need Bucky, I told you I don't have the dresses, I don't even have ideas."
"Looks like you lost your muse." you said, your heart hammering in your chest.
"I did but why are you saying that?" did he really not realize that you were not Bucky?
"Why don't you get it back?"
"I told you I-" this time he turned and noticed you. He was, of course, wearing a suit, he look at you as if you were a ghost. "Darlin’? Am I imagining things?"
"No, and I'm sorry for being so blind. I came to tell you that if you want to, I'd like to try... us." you watched as he stood up from his chair.
"Are you serious?"
You nodded as he took steps towards you. He placed his palm against your cheek, leaning down to kiss you.
A kiss to make sure you were real, a kiss to finally mend and melt his heart.
When he pulled back, you smiled at him.
"You look stunning."
"Thank Bucky."
"Of course."
"But I do want my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt back!" he couldn't even comprehend what you just said. He was way too happy to fully process it.
That Christmas, you were already living with him.
You had a rather difficult time finding something for him as a gift, but then you came up with the perfect one and with the help of Bucky, you got just the thing.
You couldn't wait for his reaction to see it.
You smiled as you opened all of your gifts, clothes, jewellery, and a trip to Japan. Everything is absolutely amazing.
"Thank you, Babe, now, it's your turn."
"We said nothing serious." he said motioning towards the huge box you had in your hand which you just brought it.
"I know, open it."
Helmut looked at you and then at the box. He opened it, and then immediately looked up at you.
You reached into the box and pulled out the small puppy and handed her to him.
"You can name her, she is a nine week old-"
"Dalmatian." he finished your sentence as he took the puppy from you. The puppy immediately started to lick his face. You smiled.
"You like her?"
He looked up at you and nodded.
"I thought I already had the best present be you, but this is amazing. Thank you, Love."
You pulled out your phone and took many many photos of him and the dog.
"What should be her name?" you asked as you watched the puppy sleep while you and Helmut cuddled on the couch.
"Cruella De Vil." you laughed slightly.
"Of course, you'd pick a name like this." you shook your head. "Cruella it is then."
You leaned over to give him a kiss on the lips as he pulled you even closer before another movie started on the TV.
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kanene-yaaay · 4 months
In Between Feathers and Smiles
Kanene's notes: As it seems when I wasn't looking ??? Fucking Felipe Minecraft just came here and made a nest in my mind and refuses to leave so now I have a new comfort character as it seems.
Also I know that Richas and Philza didn't interact a lot but I like to think they are final bosses for each other. The day Richas adopts him as his father and Philza adopts him as his son the island explodes and life come to a full cycle.
Warnings: None! Just a tad of angst with plenty of fluff and some silly cheer up tickles. Ticklish!Richarlyson and Ler!Philza. Around 4.000 words. Richas uses all pronouns here.
Tio Phil had a nice place.
Richas didn’t spend a lot of time there. Important talks were usually held in other secured spaces and he would rather spend some time building with her parents or causing some ruckus somewhere in the island than constantly invade Tallulah and Chay’s home. Even if they got closer after the Egg Island, it didn’t mean that he stopped feeling awkward around his siblings.
But today… They was tired.
So they hiked to the top of the wall, turned off Philza’s collecting machine and fell in the middle of the potato crops, watching the clouds as they calmly danced around their always-perfectly-sunny sky. 
Looking at them, she wouldn’t have to think about how much she missed pai Cellbit and Pa Roier every single day, about how scared Empanada looked and the way she was always clutching her scythe now or how she and mãe Bagi barely came out of their securated base anymore. 
If he watched enough the fading forms of the fluffy clouds and the occasional birds that came and went, he wouldn’t have to think about the sharp shapes and bright colors he saw today when he woke up in his old room in pai Cellbit’s castle, full of new stinging scratches covering entirely his arms and legs, the canvas and room filled with red drops of paint and blood. Nor how it felt to burn the piece of art and bury the ashes aways before anyone could see it.
Yes. The Wall was nice. It was calm and beautiful and since her tio and siblings were sleeping like rocks somewhere well hidden he could sneak a few jumps in their trampoline before coming back to a second nap by the plants. 
From time to time he would feel something bump on his hand and turn around only to see a cute, small tortoise calmly biting and chewing on a leaf of the crop, probably a fresh fugitive from Talullah’s pond. They could respect its chaotic nature.
“Holy fuck!” A shout nearby almost made him jump out of his skin, fastly turning around, sword in hand, only to see his tio in a similar situation, hand on his heart as he tried to regain his breath amidst his surprised laughter. “Gods, Richarlyson you scared the shit out of me.”
That fished an amused crackle out of Richas, who didn’t feel much like it, but got up and waved a few times, writing a greeting for the adult. She kind of was in his home, afterall.
“Hi, tio! Good afternoon.”
“Good afternoon,” Philza answered, putting his tools back on his trusted backpack once again, now already realizing what was the reason for his machine to have stopped working out of nowhere. He instead pulled a basket out of it. 
It has been a while since he harvested his own potatoes by hand, but he had no hurry or plans today. Besides, it was quite a calming activity. 
“Were you looking for me? Sorry, me, Chayanne and Tallulah have been spending a lot of time in our… other house.” 
It was definitely a way to explain Rose’s protected sanctuary, but he couldn’t tell the kid about that.
A crossing thought made Philza’s body freeze and his eyes became wide. “Wait, is it about our trip? Is it time? Ok, I already got everything prepared but I still need a couple more minutes to leave Tallulah and Chayanne somewhere safe with someone and then we can go… Let me see who is already awake…”
A push in his arm stopped his sentence and called his attention to the dragons’ words. 
“It’s fine! :D” Another blue sign quickly followed the first, the sentences being written fast and messily. “It’s not the time for our trip yet, don’t worry. I was just passing by here and decided to take a nap.”
The small dragon, a barely nestling, crouched and let their tail drag across the soil in a calming manner. 
There was no rush today. Philza felt his muscles untense.
“Alright then. That is good.” The adult smiled, more relaxed. Richas never commented this with anyone, but sometimes his tios looked like they’re a thousand years old. “Sorry for interrupting your relaxing nap then, mate. As I said, I already got everything covered. The moment you need me, just call, ok?”
Energetic nods. Philza answered with one of his own and turned around, going back to his activity. It was already a habit at this point, to watch a kid with the corner of his eyes as he went on about his day, always aware to any danger or enemy that could appear. That is how he watched as Richas swayed in the same place when he turned around, expression falling to a neutral face as they broke their signs and threw them out of the wall before falling on the ground again, closing her eyes.
Richarlyson was a good kid. An energetic little shit rocketing from one place to the other with an adventurous and reckless spirit almost as big as his heart. Anyone who spent more than 2 minutes with him would see, clear as day how much he loved his parents and loved even more to give them gray hair, always ready for a playful chase, a harmless prank or a fun playdate with his siblings. They didn’t stumble on each other too much nowadays, but at any given time Philza would protect and take care of him just as much as his own kids if needed. 
He was a good egg (literally).
That is why it was easy to see that something was off with her. Seeing her walking around without one of his parents or Bad was rare, but not an alarming sign itself, being as independent as they was. But that together with the way that her gestures lacked their usual uncontrollable energy, how he fell the moment Philza turned away and how tiredness clung in his form and brought shadows to her eyes and a weight to her shoulders was definitely something worth noticing.
Something had been bothering the boy and knowing his family and their history on the island… Well, not a single islander had been free from the horrors that permeated every corner of the place, but the brazilians seemed to receive a special - and not in the good way - attention more often than not. 
Needless to say, Richarlyson probably had a lot to get worried and sad over, unfortunately. 
All of them, the guardians, did their best to save their nestlings the best they could from the enemies and disasters that seemed to follow their every step. However there was just so much a small group could do against gods knows how many entities before their children also began paying a parcel of the price.
It was sorrowful to see the young one like this, but Philza wouldn’t pry. If the kid wanted to come and vent he would happily lend them an ear and give his best comfort. If Richas wanted to just hang out in silence and enjoy the refreshing breeze from the top of the wall then Philza would let him be, as well.
Therefore, he kept collecting the potatoes, humming one of Tallulah’s songs while putting them in crates and organizing the crates in a pile next to the security fence together with the other thousands crates that were already there.
Maybe he should follow Pierre’s example and start selling them to the Federation. Getting paid and becoming an official provider or something like that.
… Nah, he would rather die.
Philza turned around to get another round of potatoes, this time to make more avocado toast to nibble on until dinner, where his daughter would oblige him to cook actual true food for them - which is unfair, because avocado toast is a very good, healthy and energetic, fulfilling food! - when he saw it. ‘It’, more specifically being Richarlyson, who was still around three feets away from him, just like she was after the end of their conversation. Which didn’t make any sense since Philza had moved a good distance further away from his initial spot while harvesting and taking care of his plantation.
He kept his gaze forward and his hands moving, not actively watching the kid but still paying attention for any kind of move.
A few steps away, he crouched to adjust a crop that had been almost removed from its spot, planting and firming it back on the soil before getting up again, his wings partially open to lower the sun rays hitting his back.
(With them being destroyed as they were, there was little use he could give them, but this would have to do.)
Pretending to stretch, he tilted his head just slightly amount, in the perfect angle to see that Richas, once again, had moved somehow in this short period of time and was now closer to him, laying on the ground with her eyes closed, a light snore coming out of her muzzle in a quiet ‘mimimi’ sound.
Philza held back a snort.
They kept this up for a while, almost as a game. Philza would continue his task, turn his head for half of a second and when he turned his attention back to the young one it was to see that they was already close again, “napping” with no worries, dead to the world as a rock, all across the field. There was a moment when the winged blonde could almost swear that he saw him crawling amidst the potatoes while following him. 
Philza thinks he did a pretty good job in not laughing out loud at their antics, only letting out one or two small snickers here and there fly in the air before being swept away.
He was taking the toasts out of the furnace and storing them in pots when the little dragon “woke up”, yawning and stretching, an amused grin blossoming in his face.
“Hey, king, glad that you're awake. Just made a fresh stack of avocado toast. Here, take some, take some, make sure you have enough for any emergency or attack.”
A loud wheeze was pried from his lips at watching her previous grin quickly turn into a sour face at the sight of the toast, stepping away from them in a half of second. 
Richarlyson quickly shook her head as she emphasized that he “would rather have a short and happy life instead, thanks” and that “Tallulah told me terror stories about these when we were in Egg Island 0_0 I am traumatized”, as the signs he placed on the ground said. 
Philza had to hold himself on the fence so he and the toast didn't fall from the wall with the force of his laughter.
“Alright, alright.” He quickly acquiesced, putting the rest of the food in the remaining pot and disposing them all in his backpack, planning to bring it to the pantry later. “What if we shared these sandwiches Chayanne made me this morning, then? He is trying a new recipe and it's just delicious.”
The disgusted expression quickly melted away when they heard the mention of a new snack. Philza unwrapped it under Richas’ wide attentive eyes and offered him only to have his hand pushed away, the kid shaking his head furiously.
“What? Why? Did Tallulah tell you scary stories about her siblings’ cooking abilities too?”
Richas denied, looking a tad out of the place before apparently deciding on their words.
“You can keep it, tio! Chayanne made it for you and it's no problem, I am not hungry >:D” 
Another sign. 
“Besides, if I need some I can just go to Tio Bad's house and steal his refrigerator! I still have a lot in my backpack though.”
To show his point, the small one began pulling pot after pot of cooked goodies from his backpack: lasagna, soup, candies, more candies, chocolate, a not very good looking or even fresh bread, tamales… He proudly showed his collection, bouncing on the same spot before starting to put them back from where they came from.
This nestling…
“I am not saying that you don't have food. I know you're always prepared and I am pretty sure you even have one or two illegal items in your backpack too.” He rested his back on the tree behind him, careful to avoid hitting Missa's painting, smiling as his nephew stared at him with a mischievous glint in his eyes, bouncing on the same spot, not denying or confirming his suspicions. “But I still want to share a good sandwich with you, mate.”
Richas still didn't look convinced. He seemed to be listening, though. That was a good step.
“I am sure that Chayanne wouldn’t care too. He actually loves giving everyone good food and showing his skills to the island. Which is perfect. I can send him your thanks later.”
It was interesting how, even though all the similarities, every sibling was still very different from each other, in both their personalities and actions, and sometimes Philza liked to muse about it. At his words Richarlyson didn't nervously twist his fingers like Tallulah used to do when thinking hard about something or deviated his gaze like Chayanne when he knew what he wanted but thought that he should want another thing. Instead, the dragon fledgling watched him intently, looking for something. 
They must have found it, because they smiled in an embarrassed manner and let his tail wag excitedly once, breaking the signs and walking to his side on the tree.
Philza handed them their sandwich and Richarlyson began eating, satisfied, small growling sounds escaping between each bite as they enjoyed the moment. 
Without meaning to or even thinking too much about it, Philza answered back with a quiet, pleased caw, his right wing expanding to surround the little one, not locking her amidst his feathers, but creating a shield from the Sun.
(If only it could completely shield them from the dangers.)
“Do you like it?” Richas answered by taking a large bite and ripping the sandwich in half, ears wiggling in contentment. The adult chuckled.
“Good to know, king.”
They spent some time like this before a sign was placed, successfully calling the other’s attention. 
“How is it to have feathered wings, tio? Yours are so pretty! :D” 
Flashes began filling his mind. The feeling of the wind hitting your face, the sound of the birds singing and chirping when flying in flocks, the adrenaline of falling without a single fear of hitting the floor, of expanding his wings and feeling each one of your feathers bristle in the air…
A light touch in one of his primaries shook him out of his memories and his eyes automatically flew to the… mess that were his wings now, with weak muscles and feathers missing from some spots. 
Grimly, Philza could surely think about plenty of adjectives he could give them, “pretty” definitely weren’t one.
It was quite hard to focus on that when the fledgling kept carefully touching and looking at them with so much curiosity, however. 
“It’s incredible.” He sighed, a mix of longing and awe painting his voice. “They can help with so much stuff, like, I’m not even kidding. Mine are very roughed up, especially after Purgatory, but when they were in their prime they were perfect not only for flying but also for shielding, holding stuff, attacking…There is a lot you can do with them. You also will probably be able to do all of this and more when yours grows.” 
“You could attack with them? 0-0”
“Pff, yeah. Actually, you would be surprised about how many people wouldn’t be prepared to have a face full of feathers swinging with full force when fighting an avian.”
At the mention, he shook his black, glistering feathers in demonstration, finishing his sandwich with a final bite when a snorted squeal cut the air. 
Philza turned around to see Richarlyson rubbing a spot on his neck, their other hand pushing his wing away while a small smile grazed his lips.
“Also, you see those muscles?” He purposely brought his wing down, letting all the black feathers hit and briefly wiggle on the young’s face and neck, pretending to not notice the way he squeaked and jumped away, shoulders bouncing with the uncontrollable giggles that naturally resulted from the tickles. Philza continued as if nothing happened. “Lot of people don’t think too much about them, but to be able to carry a whole person, the muscles, tendons and bones need to have a lot of strength. So, being punched by them usually hurts a lot more than attentive enemies are prepared for and gives you plenty of time to run away or finish the fight.”
Richas rubbed the buzzing, tickly tingles left by the sudden attack of feathers away, airy titters still escaping from their mouth while they squinted suspiciously at the blonde, who seemed distracted enough by his explanation to realize the onslaught of accidental tickles. 
The dragon risked a step closer. The conversation continued to flow without interruption.
“That is also why it’s important to always keep exercising your wings, especially during their initial growth or periods of recovery. Have you been building your core strength, mate?”
Brushing off the previous episode aside, Richas nodded, not helping the excited thrill that filled the air. 
“Yes! Tio Bad taught me how and pai Mike has been trying to build a machine to fly with me so he is studying a lot of mechanics about how it works and accompanying  me with the exercises. Pa Roier also said he will help me when he comes back, since he used to watch a lot of tia Jaiden and Bobby training.”
Philza tried to not visibly frown at the words. How long has Roier been sleeping, again?
He would have to ask Bagi and Fit for news later. 
For now, he had a kid to distract.
“Sounds good. If you need any help you can call me, I wouldn’t mind giving you a few tips. Even if crow wings aren’t that close to dragon ones, they still have a lot in common.”
“Can you teach me the attacks? I want to surprise Dapper the next time he tries to fight me.”
The avian laughed. “Sure, king. Come a bit closer.” 
Richas gave two more steps in his direction with wide watching eyes. “Alright, it depends a lot on your wingspan but usually you will need to be in close combat to use these techniques, so that is something to pay attention to. A good tactic you can have is to use them as a distraction.” 
With a mischievous smirk, Philza began quickly moving his wings around the kid, letting them get close and then moving them away before he could touch them, the feathers skittering freely across his neck and ears with each swipe. When Richas squirmed to one side to hide, trying to push them away while firmly pressing his mouth shut so no squeak or squeal would escape, Philza simply attacked the other side, even managing to slip a few wiggling of the fluff feathers on his belly and armpits when the shirt would move up enough to reveal a bit of the scaled skin, catching a new giggly growl every time.
“And, when the target is sufficiently confused by them is the moment that you attack.” 
Before the words could sink in the kid’s mind, Philza striked, giving to one of his sides a quick tweak, successfully fishing a loud yelp and managing to free a string of snickers that only grew louder and gigglier as he kept the soft, light feathery tickles intertwined them with more and more surprising squeezes and tweaks. 
“You can keep it up as long as you need. Remember: confuse, confuse and attack.” Swipe. Swipe. Squeeze. “Again: confuse, confuse and attack.”
Laugh, laugh, laugh.
Richas gave up trying to push his wings and hands away, instead trying to hug himself to hide his most ticklish spots. However, the playful, soft and silly tickling  kept following them no matter how much they wiggled or squirmed around, totally surrounding him with those fluffy bristles that made every single patch of skin buzz with a funny kind of electricity, freeing more and more squeaks between peals of uncontrollable laughter. 
She started walking backwards, trying to put some distance between her and the tickles, almost stumbling on his own tail by how hard it was wagging in adrenaline and joy.
Philza’s eye twirkled with a gleeful shine. 
He stopped his playful attack, but the young one kept stepping away.
“Another good technique that you can use is to create a physical barrier with your wings. It can be dangerous since your enemy can get a hold of them if you’re not careful but very useful in the case you want to stop them from touching you or, in our case,” Richarlyson’s back hit something soft but immovable and suddenly the wheezy titters and snickery snickers were back in full force once again, bordering on a hysterical laughter when skillful hands began scribbling and scratching his ribs. “Preventing them from getting away.”
His fingers danced and burrowed themselves in the space between their ribs, vibrating on the spot, which made a funny kind of squeaky growl escape from the dragon, more high pitched, bouncy laughter and unstoppable wiggles taking over him when the hands kept running away and attacking all over his torso. They spidered over his ribcage to then poke his armpits, or washed down to sneak some digging and squeezing on his stomach and also even skittered across his spine, pulling all kind of yelps, chortles, snorts and high pitched, wheezy laughter over and over again. 
It took a few more minutes and a bunch more of snickering and wiggling - which was actually even worse now because each squirm made him sink even more on the tickly feathers - before the avian eventually let him go, chuckling in amusement at the way Richarlyson fell on the floor and curled in a ball, shoulders bouncing with the leftover giggles.
An amused snort was pried from the adult when they showed him their middle finger, trying with no success to frown in his direction while still smiling and snickering non stop, remnant sniggers twinkling freely in the air.
“That is a surprise tickle avian attack for you. Now you already know a few uses for your wings in a battle.”
The dragon nestling ignored him, dramatically rolling and turning around and away from the avian, still fully stretched on the floor as if he had just survived a fight for his life and not some harmless playful sillness. Philza chuckled a bit more, not resisting and giving his unprotected neck one last tickle, which immediately melted the half heartedly pout in a smile and made him turn back again and hold a tnt as a threat, making the adult laugh and pull his arms up in rendition. 
Richas showed off his tongue and then fell dramatically on the ground again.
(It was good to him in a lighter spirits, again.)
Philza then got up, stretching and shaking his wings fervently, wincing a bit when their muscles trembled a tad more than normal while holding them, probably from getting so much exercise after being kept so long hidden and immobile. 
Maybe he should follow his own advice and build more of their core strength.
Letting them rest, he went back to adjust a few more crates around before checking on his communicator to see if Chayanne or Tallulah had woken up. 
It was almost evening now, and yet it showed not a single signal of life. 
Well, he could give them their cookies tomorrow if needed, there was still plenty of time before the end of the week.
A light poke hit him right below his shoulderblade and suddenly a loud giggly yelp was ripped from his throat. He turned around quickly only to find his own nephew looking at him with a malefic grin in his expression.
“No.” He said, wagging a finger in warning at them, already realizing their intentions just by the slight slow drag of their tail and the step they gave in his direction. His tune tried to come out as stern, but he was pretty sure that even the kid could see there was no real heat behind his words. 
Richas answered him with an excited thrill, ignoring the threatening caw - more like a soft chip but he wasn’t about to admit it - he gave her in return.
“No. Richarlyson, you do not want to get into this fight with me, ok, mahahate?! Hey! No! Lehehet go!”
There was indeed a valiant and grandious fight. One of the most playful, silly and joyful ones to ever graze that land, they said. The winner was never revealed at the end but passing friends mentioned listening to plenty of surprised caws and giggly growls falling like waterfalls from the wall, especially when certain two other kids woke up to the lack of their father and went to investigate his whereabouts. They said that the growing match continued until the sun set. 
Who knows, who knows.
And since that day, if Richas decided to visit his tio Phil more frequently and if Philza would take the habit of turning off his harvesting machinery from time to time to watch the clouds, that is nobody’s business but their own.
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stayandot8 · 4 months
Gentle Breeze (Ateez)
Genre: fluff
Relationship type: Yunho x fem reader
Important Contents: I made a promise to @felixs-voice-makes-me-wanna a LONG time ago based on a dream she had and its about time I make good on it. So Bri, I hope you like it. Just for you. :)
WC: 882
Summer had finally begun, meaning it was the perfect weather to be outside. Unfortunately for me, it also meant the Yunho and the boys had practice again. Every. Single. Day. No big deal for me, though. There was a big tree by the soccer field I was accustomed to sitting under with my headphones in, my playlist pinned to the top for frequent use in this exact situation. 
The trees swayed above me in the breeze, casting ever-moving shadows on me. The burning of the sun was lessened with these swaying trees, but that didn’t stop my skin from soaking up the rays it provided. My job forces me inside most days, working at one of the more popular hotels in town, so soaking up whatever vitamin D I could on my off days was prudent. The clouds were so puffy, they looked tangible, like I could touch them if I got high enough. They were such a pure white they rivaled Hongjoong’s new hair color. And his came from a box. 
Yunho and the others practicing a few feet away all sweaty and glistening was just an added bonus. A very nice bonus. I could hear them yelling whenever my music was changing to the next song. They would all yell and tease each other, sometimes resorting to physical teasing. Nothing ever more than playful shoves ever happened. There was nothing but jokes, teasing, and love between all of them, which made the college group of best friends the perfect group to enter when you started dating one. Of course, there was the occasional testing to you as well, but nothing you couldn’t handle. 
There was one day where Yunho couldn’t keep his hands off me, innocently of course. We were all out to the bar in the center of downtown, going out to celebrate something I couldn’t remember now. Yunho had me squished beside him, finding some way every minute or so to creep closer. His hands were playing with mine, running my fingernails across his palms and whatnot. I just stared at the sheer size of his hands, twice as big as mine it felt like. The other grasped the glass of beer and closed around the other side, his finger touching. They were good for other things too, which I had just found out the night before, so staring was involuntary. 
He nudged me when he caught me noticing. “I know what you’re doing and unless you want me to whisk you away to the bathroom of this very dingy bar, you better stop.” He kissed the top of my head and grinned down at me. I flashed him a knowing smile. “My hands could wrap around your thigh, couldn’t they?” His voice didn’t raise at the end of the sentence. It wasn’t a question. I lifted my thigh off the wooden booth we were sitting in, inviting him to try. “Ah, not quite. But they still look huge. I like that.” His innocent smile contradicted the mischief in his eyes for anyone who was looking close enough. Luckily for me, I was the only one looking at him. He pulled away slightly if only to glance San’s way, placing his hand on my shoulder and fully encasing it. I side-eyed it, noticing how fully it covered my whole shoulder. 
San noticed how large it was too. “Dude, she’s not going anywhere. You can let her breathe.” He said it lightly, but Yunho only grew closer again, his shoulder now firmly against my side and pushing me into the wall. 
“She’s my girlfriend, I can be as close to her as I want.” He didn’t take his eyes off me when he spoke, still with that innocent-not-innocent smile pointed directly at me. I shot one right back. His hand drifted down my arm to my waist and looped through my belt loop on my jeans. That was where it stayed all night. 
The memory drifted through my mind as I watched the wind push through the trees some more. The shouts from the field floated over along with the rustling of the material from Yunho's pants. I could feel his approach more than hear it at this point in our relationship. His shadow loomed over my closed eyes and I popped one open. 
“Jagi. The guys want to go out for some food. You wanna come?” He leaned down under the outside premise of grabbing his water bottle beside me, but I knew what he was actually doing. His lips brushed mine, droplets of sweat dripping down his forehead. “Plus they like you more than me so if you don’t come, then I can’t go. They want to see how you’ll roast Wooyoung for his new haircut.”
My one eye roamed over to Wooyoung, his hair styled in a weird ponytail-mullet combination. The words came and were ready to spill out. I smirked.“Let’s go.” He held out his hand and pulled, causing me to yelp as he pulled me up off the blanket. He gathered it all in his bag, tucking my book in carefully while I put my headphones back in their case. He held out one of those goddamn hands and closed it around mine, leading the way with his tall stature blocking the wind.
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clemswinecorner · 1 year
Future of the team [Ralf Aron]
Summary: You're Paul Aron's trainer/coach whatever at Prema and may have a relationship with his brother (that supposedly no one knows about, but Rene and Angelina obviously notice)
Wordcount: 3.1k
Warnings: a little suggestive but no actual smut, alcohol. also swearing but that's not unusual
*Someone* complained about the lack of Ralf fics and I got inspired. Also in honour of Paul going to F3 hihi
Ok so I could’ve stopped this at some point but decided to keep it going and now its way longer then i intended… Have fun!
Sidenote, Ralf and Paul obviously talk estonian to each other but those parts are written in English for obvious reasons (me not being Estonian and you probably not being Estonian either)
Honourable mention to @louisaamz who helped giving me inspiration, wouldn't have finished this without you :)
Main Masterlist
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"Paul! Do you have time for me right now or does race prep have to wait until we’re literally on the grid?" Paul looks behind him as you call his name. He waits until you catch up, leading you towards the Formula One paddock. "I have to pop in at Mercedes, but that won’t take more than five minutes. Don’t worry, I already planned to be back at Prema with you in fifteen," he says as you walk next to him. "Alright, cool. Meet you back at the garage then? I don’t have my F1 pass with me right now," He nods before he goes through the security. "See you in 15!" He says before heading off. "You better!" You walk back to the Prema garage, seeing Ralf walk the other way. He stops you to ask "Hey, have you seen-" before he can finish his sentence you interrupt him. "He’s at mercedes. He’ll be back at the garage in 15 for his race prep," Ralf smiles at you, thanking you silently. "I’ll just talk to him then. Hey, tonight is still good right? 10.30? I’m having dinner with Paul and some drivers," you nod. "Yeah, Angelina and Rene asked me to join the team, but I think 10.30 is good. I’ll text you if it gets any later," he nods and smiles. "Weren’t you going somewhere? I’ll see you in 15," He smiles as you do a casual handshake to say goodbye. "You better," you smirk at his choice of words.
Paul stands in front of you with his face to the wall, catching the tennis balls you’re throwing at random speeds. You liked these exercises, because they weren’t too much physical work but still helped with (both your and Paul’s) reaction time. "Oh fuck," you mumble as the one you’re catching manages to slip from your finger. "I go it," You hear a familiar voice and you turn sideways for a few seconds to smile at Ralf. You communicate in silence about both throwing the balls to throw Paul off (it supposedly is to test his reflexes better, but really it’s an excuse for him to stick around). "Hey, stop just looking at each other, that’s worse than if you’d be constantly flirting. Just throw the damn balls, which clearly neither of you have," he mumbles the last part and you and Ralf look at each other with a knowing smirk- if only he knew. "You had to talk to Paul, no?" You ask, recalling what he said earlier. "Oh, yeah. Ma called, she wants us to get grandma a gift here. We have her birthday the day after we get back, and she thought something from Italy would be nice," You and Paul continue his exercises as they chat about their family birthday gifts and what not in a mix of english and estonian, and you find yourself occasionally looking at the older one of the pair a little too long.
That night you knocked on Ralf’s door at 10.40. "Hey," You smile as he opens the door, already stepping aside for you to come in. "I’m going to be honest, I may have had a few glasses of wine. Not that I'm like, extremely drunk, I'm just definitely not sober. I kind of wanted to go to my room but I don’t trust myself with my key, could you come along so I don’t lock myself out or in?" He laughs at your statement as you try to find the best words, dropping your bag on the desk. "Sure. You could just use some of my stuff, you know? Same team after all," You chuckle, grabbing your key and handing it to Ralf. "Yes, but I need underwear. I’d appreciate a shirt though, so I can drop off my dress as well," He smiles, handing you the shirt he already had hanging over the chair. They came back to the hotel fifteen minutes before you, so he’d already changed into gray sweatpants and a somewhat tight black shirt, perfectly showing his muscles. He handed you a simple white one with the prema logo, a little oversized on you but it fit perfectly. "C’mon, what room are you in?" He grabs your hand as he slips his own keycard in his pocket.
"You look very handsome, by the way," You whisper in Ralf’s ear as he opens your door. At this point you’re fully in his personal space- not that he minded. You would get touchy and clingy when you had a few drinks, with Ralf especially. "Thank you. Now get in the room, then we can get back," he says as he tries to push you away from him a little. You smile, but both freeze as you hear a door open. "What are the two of you doing here?" Ralf immediately turns around at his brother’s voice. "She forgot her key at the track, so I kept it in my room for her. She came to pick it up but had a few wines, so I just wanted to make sure she’d end up in the right bed," you quickly thank god for Ralf still being sober and able to come up with a lie that quickly. "Go change, I’ll get you a glass of water in a minute," he says and you nod, making your way in. Ralf looks back at his younger brother, who raises his eyebrows, as he closes the door. "I’m just making sure she doesn’t do anything stupid," he sighs, and Paul just shrugs. "We both know she could’ve walked herself, she’s not that drunk. Tipsy at most," Ralf decides not to make a big deal out of it- his brother had a point after all. "She asked me to walk her because she didn’t trust herself to not lock herself in or out. I’m going to get her a glass of water, just go to sleep. You have a race tomorrow," Paul hesitates before he opens his door. "I just… If there is more going on, please just… Be careful. I don’t want her heart broken again. I don’t want to see her or you hurt, especially not because of someone I also care about. I’d like to see you guys together, I just hope neither of you mess it up," before Ralf can form a response, his younger brother has closed the door.
“Thank you for taking care of me,” you mumble with your toothbrush still in your mouth. He smiles before spitting out his toothpaste. “Don’t thank me, I’d take care of you even if you were a baby,” he pauses as you look at him with a questioning look. “Ok, wait, no, that sounded wrong just- I’ll always try to take care of you whenever you can’t, because I want you to feel good. Even if it means making sure your drunk ass goes to sleep with brushed teeth and in a sleep shirt instead of the teamwear,” you glance down at your his shirt you’re wearing and raise your eyebrows. He playfully rolls his eyes. "Well, that’s not your teamwear, is it? It’s an old one and it’s mine. Remind me what you usually sleep in?" You blush at his statement, mumbling "your shirts". He smirks as he moves out of the small bathroom, as you finish your night routine- skipping half of it due to your tired and tipsy state. You walk back to find Ralf sitting on his usual side of the bed already, scrolling through his phone. You smile at the view, him casually sitting there waiting for you, and snap a quick picture. You put your phone on the bedside table, slipping under the covers. You put your head on his lap, and he lays his phone next to him to look down at you. You close your eyes for a second, not seeing Ralf still looking at you as with his arms wrapped around you. "Feeling the alcohol again?" You hum, still not looking at him, just allowing it to hit you again. "You know, I like you a lot," You mumble as you finally look at him. He chuckles, "Well that’s good 'cause I like you a lot too," he makes you smile. You move from his lap, allowing him to slide down as you both lay on your sides. You move towards him, giving you a kiss. Although it’s a bit slow and tired, it’s great as ever. You smile, moving on closer to him. You make your way to his shoulder, pushing his T-shirt away. You kiss his shoulder, sucking lightly when you feel him shiver. Y him a fast but strong kiss, moving down not long after. "Wait, wait, wait," You stop immediately, looking up at him. He looks at you and for a second he almost regrets stopping you, wishing he wouldn’t have to say what he says next. “Sorry, just… Not tonight. You look beautiful, tonight though, really,” he softly grabs your face and you move off him. “Oh, I thought you’d be up for it, since-“ He interrupts you and pulls you closer. “I am, but I don’t want to do anything with you after drinking. I know you’re perfectly fine and not extremely drunk but it’s just that we’ve never talked about this, and that’s fine but I feel like I’m taking advantage if you’re not 100% sober and I am. We can tomorrow, if you want to, and we can kiss a whole lot right now cuz I like that too, alright?” You almost melt at his words, nodding along. “You know I’d always tell you if I didn’t want something, right? Because I know how much you respect me. This just shows how perfect you are,” you say, close to his face with your lips almost touching. "Mhm. Just want you to be comfortable," He rubs your arms and you lazily smile. "And I just want to kiss you."
The next morning you wake up with an arm around your waist, though that hadn’t become unusual on a race weekend. You rub your eyes before tapping your phone to check the time- 7.37, plenty of time until either of you have to be at the track. You close your eyes and lay back down, moving closer to Ralf. He lets out a soft groan, mumbling something you assume is along the lines of 'what time is it' against your shoulder. "Not even 8," you whisper as you pull yourself up a bit, running your hand through his hair. He looks up at you, still half asleep, with a content smile. "Is it cliche to say I could lay here for hours?" You mumble as you look at him laying on your chest. He sits up just enough so his face is in front of yours. "Is it cliche to say I’ve imagined moments like this since I first met you?" You chuckle as you look away. "No you haven’t, it took us 6 months and Paul forgetting his boots to properly meet," He rolls his eyes, still smiling. "Alright, I might have exaggerated," it’s quiet for a second as you hold eye contact, eyes occasionally dropping to the others' lips. Ralf grabs your hand, fingers intertwined, as you put your lips against his (or he puts his against yours, you’re not quite sure). The kiss is what you’re used to from Ralf- passionate, sweet, soft, hot and wanting at the same time. As the kiss gets more heated, Ralf pulls away for a breather. "Thanks for saying no yesterday by the way, not a lot of guys would. However, now i’m completely sober and I still want you the same, so…" Ralf chuckles as he looks at the nearest phone for the time. "We have to be at the track in over 3 hours, I’m 100% in. I guess not being a driver does have perks like arriving at the track later," you look at Ralf, already thinking about what was to follow. You smirk, "We’ll take our time then."
Someone who didn’t have the same privilege of arriving a little later, was Paul. Paul, who was currently knocking on your (Ralf’s) door. "Who’s that?" You ask as you stand in the open bedroom, grabbing two towels as you get ready to hop in the shower. Ralf, currently only wearing underwear, quickly throws on a shirt. "Might be Paul, go in," you quickly go in and lock the door, vaguely hearing a conversation after Ralf opens the door. "Do you have my gloves?" Paul asks in Estonian, Ralf quickly answering he’ll take a look and closing the door before Paul can get in. He gets the gloves and gives them to Paul, who stops the older Aron from getting back in without any talking. "Hold on, hold on. You’re not wearing pants." "Yeah, I’d prefer to put some on but I was gonna shower." "Is that why your shower’s running?" Ralf stares at him trying to form a sentence. "Your hair’s all over the place as well, your bed too I'm guessing?" Ralf doesn’t say anything, avoiding eye contact. "Listen, Ralf, I really don’t care who you’re screwing, just don’t fuck up too much with anyone. And for what it’s worth, don’t ruin things with Y/N.” Ralf nods as Paul lets the silence fall. “Do you know where she is? I knocked on her door but she didn’t open." Paul restarts the conversation. "Yeah, probably sleeping. She mentioned before she’ll sleep more when she had something to drink, but she’ll wake up from her alarm. I still have a pass, so I can check in an hour if that’d make you happy." Paul nods, "Alright, thank you. Well, I’ll see you at the track," Paul says his goodbye. "Don’t fuck up!" He says one last time, before Ralf retreats to the room with Y/N in it.  
"Oh, by the way, thanks for yesterday. Especially for making me drink water, absolute life saver because I know I wouldn’t be bothered to," he chuckles, wrapping an arm around you as you close one of the fridges in the Prema garage. "Just taking care of my girl," he mumbles, giving you a kiss on your forehead. “Must be one lucky girl you have,” you hand him a water as he raises his eyebrows with a smile. “Is it cliche to say i’m the-“ you don’t let him finish as you remove yourself from his grip. “Yup. In the morning I can excuse it but just take the compliment. C’mon, we have to watch your brother win this shit,” You start walking away as he jokingly rolls his eyes, missing the lovesick look he gives you afterwards.
You smile at the screen as Paul approaches the last corner. He led the race lap after lap, quickly catching up again after his pitstop and absolutely dominating the race. You look next to you, where Ralf is sitting, quickly moving his eyes back to the screen. You’re standing a little behind the lined up chairs, following the race closely in between Rene and Ralf. “He’s doing it,” you lean in closer, seeing a wide smile appear on Ralf’s face again. “He is. Who’s going on the podium with him?” He asks out of curiosity, and you look around. “Rene, are you going to the podium with him?” Rene nods as he looks at you, “Of course, it’s a first race win tradition!”
Next thing you know you’re standing behind the barrier, holding Ralf’s hand behind it as Paul parks his car behind the number one board. You both have wide smiles on your face as Paul jumps out of the car running towards the team. You and Ralf let go of each other as he hugs him, and you look at them with a smile. “Good job!” You say as he hugs you. You see the smile in his eyes through his lifted visor as he thanks you. You give Dino, who made his way up to third, a quick congrats when he’s celebrated with the team as well. As the two are rushed to the cooldown room, you make your way over to below the podium with the team. You and Ralf walk closely, arms touching each other as Ralf uses his hands to talk about something that happened during the race. Angelina walks behind you, filming everything for the LAP (as usual)- after it was posted you’d find yourself watching back the small moments from you and Ralf throughout the weekend. The podium ceremony goes by, and you sneak a glance at Ralf looking up at his brother on the top step, with the Estonian anthem playing. You squeeze his hands and he looks at you with a smile. After a lot of proud looks shared between the two of you the podium ceremony is over, and before you know it you’re back at the Prema garage with a soaked Paul and Rene. Despite the many cameras and people, you and Ralf stayed very close to each other. Maybe it was the buzz of the win and the happiness radiating through the garage, but for a while you didn’t worry about anyone noticing what’s going on between you two. You were just happy to be there together, celebrating a win. Paul was still buzzing from the adrenaline (and a little bit of champagne) and didn’t pay any mind to the two of you. Rene, though, was very aware of it- he’d known the both of you for years, he’d obviously noticed how you got around each other. He was gossiping with Angelina, who updated him about how close you were during the podium ceremony, showing him the footage of you looking at each other. He glanced at the two of you, you with an arm around him and his around your waist, as Paul and Dino describe their best laps in detail. "I think they’re going to be like us when they get married, managing a race team together. It fits them," Rene tells Angelina, and Angelina smiles. "You’d give them Prema?" He hesitates for a second before answering. "I didn’t say that, but… Maybe, if they want. We’ll see if it goes that way, but I’m not against it," he quickly changes the subject as you approach the two. "What are you two gossiping about this time?" You tease the married couple, and Angelina laughs. "Just the future of the team," you give him a curious look. "Do tell, what do you have in mind?" Rene looks at Ralf with a slight smile and then back at you. "You’ll find out eventually."
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yanderedbdimagines · 2 years
How about a survivor who somehow knows of the Archives existence and took the chance to leave the campfire in search for it in hopes of escaping the Entity’s realm one way or another, only to accidentally stumble into the Hillbilly’s territory who’s absolutely obsessed with them? A scenario would be nice! Thank you!
You have no idea how much I like this! :D Personally, I have the feeling that the Archives might be the closest thing to a get-away from the horrors in the Entity’s realm any person stuck there could wish for. Especially since the Observer, the one operating the Archives, knows more about the realm than any of the killers and the survivors ever could. Of course, if I read the lore right, the Observer doesn’t know how to leave the realm himself, but it might be the safest place in the Fog for the survivor to be in, I bet.
The Hillbilly
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The disfigured man hears whispers in the wind, directing him to the east side of the unkept farm- his farm. He listens intently and grips his chainsaw and hammer even more tightly in his rough hands. A warning from the Entity- warning him that there is an intruder near his land. But which one could it be? One of the young adults dressed with a grinning mask? The tall man in blue overalls and a white face that acts as a mask? A strange creature with a flower-shaped mouth lined with razor-sharp teeth that is actually its face? 
He shivers restlessly, white-hot fury already bubbling up in his lanky body and burning his veins in the process. He never really had a good relationship with any of the killers, not even the one he got to know as Bubba Sawyer, the Cannibal. In fact, the only moment the two of them willingly interact with one another is when they exchange the Hillbilly’s slaughtered pigs for Bubba’s mechanical parts and maintenance products for chainsaws and agricultural vehicles. Nothing more, nothing less. If it weren’t for that, Max might have attacked that stupid man a long time ago; jealousy, bloodlust and self-preservation of his own skin the main motives. Not that his face is worthy enough to be worn, apparently.
And before you wonder, he saw and still sees flashes of the Cannibal’s past any time the two interact. Maybe that's a way for the Entity to keep the Hillbilly's killer's motives at a high level and keeping him on his toes as result. A strange way to keep the killers isolated from each other and motivated to kill each other all at the same time- sharing corruption and twisted emotions. The dark being basically dangles it in front of the heads of some who need the discipline that friendship is not, and never will be, an option given all their natures and upbringings. And that the anger and frustration that almost always ensues after such interactions, and is often fueled by misunderstandings, can only be extinguished during trials. Well, most of the time, because a killer killing another killer does happen occasionally, but not as often as it would have if the Entity had not interfered when necessary.
He approaches the edge of the outer boundary of Coldwind farm and sees from afar that a shadow is moving rapidly in the dark thicket. A bush rustles and whips aside before the swaying of tall corn stalks implies that the unknown killer thought it a good idea to position itself in the fields. Precisely the fields that are a part of his territory....
His breathing becomes shallow and filled with resentment as he himself walks straight into the dark yellow vegetation, his beady eyes peering for a head to violently smash his bulky hammer against and show them that this kind of provocation might as well be their death sentence.
He is already brandishing the hammer high above his head as he approaches the familiar crunch of footfalls on dry ground, but slows down when he notices that the intruder seems a lot smaller than he expected; just a tad bit taller than that skinny lady with the big hand.
He swings anyway when a hooded head pops fully into view, only to be paralyzed to the bone when an all too familiar pitch of the voice makes his ears twitch as the figure dodges the hammer at the last possible moment, hitting nothing but greenery instead. 
You change your course and run as fast as you possibly can, your backpack rippling during the movement. Max stares after you in a mesmerized daze.
It’s you…
Why are you here?
In the few years he has served the Entity thus far, he has rarely encountered a survivor wandering so far from the safety of a campfire as the one after the latest mass shift. The last time he saw a survivor within his area in such a manner was many months ago.
No. He doesn’t want to think about that- about him…
He is not delusional. He understands that you are not here for him. For you, a very unfavorable situation that came through a bout of bad luck. But for him, exactly the opposite is the case. Although, he is still very curious about where you were headed to. Maybe that backpack of yours can give him more insight into that? after all, he doubts you'll tell him voluntarily. As he learned from TV, some people will do almost anything to hide a secret from a person they dislike, no matter how insignificant it is.
He shakes his head, the anger in his blood gradually replaced by an emotion much lighter and more heavenly as he drops his tools with a thud. He won’t need them right now… Not with you…
He straightens his back, his spine popping loudly in the process before quickly limping after you at a speed even faster than before.  
You don’t stand a chance.
You scream as something heavy quickly tackles you to the ground, yanking your backpack off you and throwing it somewhere to the side before pinning you belly-side down to the ground. You try to turn around, struggling in the process, and try to swipe an arm back whenever you see an opening. In response, he simply grabs your wrists before nailing them down as well. 
Whilst you are shortening your life span through unfiltered inner panic alone, as ecstatic the Hillbilly is with finally having you within his grasp in a way he could have never dreamed of before.
Sure, it's clear that there's still a lot of work to be done to get you to trust him, but there's now hope and a solid goal for him to work on. One that is now approachable and seemingly possible to achieve.
He just hopes that you will also open yourself up to the idea of spending the rest of your life close by his side.
The very first step would be to try and get you to talk about why you left the survivor's camp in the first place. 
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tiptapricock · 7 months
MCU Steven grant and erotic literature? Aka does he read Ice Planet Barbarians or smth
I’m not really familiar w any erotic lit series in particular so this isn’t off of personal experience on that front, but here are some ideas on his dynamic w it more generally! (And also these are getting longer than I mean them to but hEy I’m haVING FUN!!)
This was—Steven laughed to himself—this was not really working.
He’d been trying to do something adventurous, to experiment and expand his horizons. He’d had erotica on his shelf for years, a rather sizable collection having grown from his occasional snags of interesting covers or odd summaries, but he hadn’t actually made the time to sit down and read any of it.
Not that he hadn’t been interested, all genres of literature were fascinating and he’d been quite excited by a few of the volumes he’d picked up, there had just always been something else taking up his focus in his free time. Historical texts, translation guides, a fresh local poetry magazine, but…
Well, it had seemed like such a shame to leave them there, perfectly readable and not being read, so he’d decided to finally take a crack at one of the thinner ones.
Its cover and title had promised a supernatural romance, the man posed enticingly on the front cowering beneath the looming shape of a bulky, blue alien. Which had all seemed like good fun, in Steven’s opinion, but about halfway through he’d remembered what these books were often… for.
Well, he wasn’t really sure what the standard… interaction was, he hadn’t exactly gone to any book clubs on the topic, but he could definitely assume, based on how he’d reacted himself.
It had been just a slow, warm, build in his gut as the first more explicit scene got going, an odd thrill at the idea of almost… peeking at someone else’s private life, of something making the fantasy to work through for him. But then he’d started to get hard, and well… what the heck. These were common wank material, weren’t they? And what better way to relax than with a book and a bit of the old hands downstairs?
He’d tried for the most obvious path first (book in one hand, cock in the other) but that had proved an issue when it came to flipping pages. The only two possibilities being to do it one handed and fast (lest he ruin the momentum of the scene), or free up his other hand to flip more normally (which also wasn’t ideal, and made for a rather jerky kind of jerking off).
The next thing he’d tried was to set the book on a table or pillow to allow for easier page turning, but that had just proved to be awkward in situating himself towards it while still sitting up, and had made it harder to read from far away.
Which led to now, with his most recent attempt.
Steven was currently hunched over on his bed, laying mostly on his stomach over two large pillows and propped up by his elbows over the book. His body was pressing the pillows tight to the comforter, his cock slid into the soft, snug space between them, and he was doing his best to hump his way through the the rest of the chapter.
It was, as he was realizing now, really not working.
The friction felt nice enough. A bit rough, perhaps, without real lubrication, but perfectly suitable for him to grind his hips into for the time being. The cloth dragged nicely over his tip, the texture extra sensitive on smooth skin, dotting his breathing with soft gasps when he canted his hips just right and making him want to fuck into something even tighter. The book was nice enough, too. A bit cheesy, maybe, but enjoyably so, and definitely hitting the right beats to get him going.
The issue was just that they didn’t… go together. The book still shook with his thrusts, the words hard to focus on, and his attention was too split between one action and the other, both consuming different aspects of focus. He’d tried so hard to problem solve he didn’t even remember how the story had gotten to—he squinted, rereading the last few sentences—the current monologue on rectal examination.
It just wasn’t worth it.
Steven sighed, cheeks flushed as he laughed again, resigning himself, and leaned back to rest on his heels. He picked the pillows up off himself, tossing them over towards his laundry pile to clean later, and licked his lips as he went to grab the book again. It was sad to keep the thing unread, and he was perfectly happy for that to be his main focus at the moment.
He slipped off the bed and padded to the kitchen, leaning half naked against the counter as he put the kettle on. His dick slowly began to flag as he put his attention elsewhere, pleasure and little waves of arousal still mellowing beneath his skin, but he didn’t let it bother him. Instead, he let himself fall into a world of slick tentacles, and hypnotizing lights, and star crossed creatures that were learning to say I love you.
Send me a character, kink, or prompt, and I’ll do a short nsfw story piece!
(Also MacKay!Steven answer to this I did for fun)
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nannymcpee · 2 years
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An unplanned little adventure (take 2 as my last post got taken down 🥺)
As I woke up this morning missing my beautiful boy I saw his nappy cover, plastic pants and onesie hung up to dry and it brought back all the happy memories of yesterday 🥰🥰🥰
We had decided to have a chilled out day with lots and lots of cuddles…. And that’s how it started.
But as he’d filled his nappy while I was nursing him, setting all my tummy butterflies off as he wriggled and grunted in my arms, I asked him what he’d like to do wearing that poopy nappy. One of the things he said was to play on Mr Apples the rocking horse but he sadly wasn’t around so I suggested a quick trip to the park to play on the rocking motorbike instead.
As he was going to be playing I thought I’d better get him in some additional protection so wrapped him up in a nappy cover, plastic pants and a onesie….. and the obligatory big boy clothes.
After he was dressed I lay next to him and stroked his hair and face while dreamily taking in every last beautiful part of him and accidentally sent him off to sleep 🫣. Ooops! Oh well he’d need his energy if he was going to be playing 🤷‍♀️
After his nap we headed to the park. I held him under his arm pits to help him on to the motorbike he wanted to play on and put his feet on the peddles. Then I rocked him back and forth, tickling him occasionally to make him giggle and squirm. We still managed lots of cuddles and kisses too 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
As it was a nice day and we were already out we decided to have a wonder along the river. It was beautiful and we walked hand in hand looking at the ducks and the boats.
Not far from where the river meets the town my boo bear suddenly put his thumb in his mouth and snuggled into me, then he whimpered a little into my ear. While I held him and rubbed his back to calm him down his legs sagged slightly and I felt his tummy muscles contract. Ooooh mummy now knew what the problem was and I was thinking that maybe I’d put a little too much laxative in his morning bottle 😳
He was such a brave boy though and after he’d sucked his thumb and rested his head on my chest for a little bit he smiled at me and tugged on my hand to indicate that he was ready to carry on with our walk.
Just up ahead there was a bench so I sat down and pulled him on to my lap. With all that layering he was wearing I didn’t get to feel the warm squish of his nappy and if I’m being honest I was a little disappointed.
While cuddling him I put my hand down the front of his trackies and unpopped his onesie, then lifted him up to stand in front of me while I pulled his onesie out of the way so I could check his nappy. Though it was very full he was all contained. As I was snapping him back up he gave me a cheeky (yet completely heart melting) grin and said “the sound of running water always makes me do weewee’s when I’m wearing my nappies” …. That nappy really was getting used to its full capacity!!! Although I have made a mental note to take him to a waterfall one day. 🤭
So while I’m considering that I really should have brought the change bag with me my little poppet eagerly takes me around the town. He treated me to the most amazing cookie while he, in his words, perved over the ice cream flavours in the desert shop.
We headed back home after another cuddle on the bench. As we were walking over the bridge we stopped to look over and as I was chatting away I noticed my lil stinky pants was getting a glazed over look in his eye, the one that usually means he’s doing a wee. I stopped talking mid sentence and just watched him adoringly. I gave his ever growing crotch a squeeze and checked his trackies for signs of leaks but that megamax seemed to be holding up.
Back home he was desperate for cuddles and nursing and gave me his pouty face when I said he needed changies first. But thankfully I stood my ground because he was SOAKED!!! His nappy cover was drenched and though his plastic pants had contained most of the moisture his onesie was also a little damp.
Thankfully he was well wrapped up today but if he’d only had a nappy on that could have been a disaster…. I made a pact with myself that I’m never taking him out again without the change bag!!!!
After getting him all cleaned up and giving him an extra special nappy change I cuddled and nursed him as he’d wanted and showed him just how happy he makes me.
Thank you @mummys-lil-mushbutt for another completely dreamy day, I love you poppet 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
hi ur writing is literally amazing can i ask u some stuff regarding it/how you go about writing/advice? feel free to ignore this if its not something youre comfy with
were u ever nervous to post fic? i just posted my first one and am like. super embarrassed (i also have a Guilt Complex that influences that lmao). if so, did you find it easier as you kept writing?
also how the hell do you write endings/get the motivation for them? youre really good at tying things together nicely at the end (or the occasional Leave 'Em Wondering) and im curious about your process for it. i can pretty steadily get up to the scene i started the fic to write but after that brain and motivation go honk mimimi
anyways thank you for sharing your work with the internet! i love reading your stuff its always a highlight in my day :)
Hi there, anon!
So first of all, I absolutely LOVE questions about writing, so please always feel free to send me any you may have! I'm such a nerd, I really love talking about the process and I'm happy to discuss it or share advice and so on!
Secondly, omg you're so sweet! Thank you, I'm so glad you like my writing!
Now then, lemme answer your questions! I apologize in advance for the LENGTH of these answers, but I seem to be incapable of writing about this sort of thing without it turning into an entire essay.
Yes, absolutely, I was extremely nervous when I first starting posting my fics. Some of that may have been that I hadn't written fic in a while and I was nervous enough about sharing, but I was extra nervous about messing up characterization. I wasn't used to writing for characters that I didn't create myself. I got nervous again when I started posting smut, too lol.
The thing about this type of anxiety in general is that exposure therapy really is the cure. It's like that for a little bit at first, but the more you do it, the more you prove to yourself that it's no big deal. Nowadays, I have almost no anxiety when I'm posting something fluffy and even most smut pieces are easier for me to post, too.
Another piece of this is remembering that the reason you write fic is for your own enjoyment. You're putting it on the internet on the chance that someone else might like it, too. But really, you have to focus on the things that make you happy. It's easier to deal with posting anxiety if you keep your focus on the joy of creation rather than the adrenaline of sharing. It's hard to do, but it gets easier the more you do it!
Okay, so endings! Uh, here's a fun fact about me, endings are my weakness lol. I have a lot of practice starting things and then never ending them because I absolutely get bored at a certain point. So I know exactly what you mean by the brain going to honk mimimi land.
For me, the trick was to write short stuff. Most of my fics are just scene length. This allowed me to get some practice with writing more endings because I didn't get bored when I was pretty much just writing one scene. So I found a couple things that I like to do for endings specifically, but then I also discovered a way to sort of keep my brain engaged while writing longer stuff.
It kinda all comes down to what you want to leave the reader with. That final paragraph or sentence can really deliver an impactful emotion. So you kinda have to think about what the rest of the scene is about, what specific feeling do you want the reader to have when they get to the end? If you're not sure, you can also frame it as what kind of feeling do you want to have at the end?
One technique I like to use is tying everything back to the beginning. I've used it multiple times, but it's probably most obvious in this Barbatos drabble. The first and last sentences are the same, but you don't have to be that blatant about it lol. That was mostly a stylistic choice. But if you look at the third paragraph and the last paragraph, they are parallels of each other, but they're different. What they convey is that something has changed by the end. So by repeating pieces of the beginning at the end, I'm deliberately illustrating what changed in the middle.
It's like thinking of the ending as a sort of summary of everything that happened in the middle of the story. If you're writing something longer, you can apply this to individual scenes as needed. But you might end up with an entire scene at the beginning and an entire scene at the end that do the same thing (rather than a couple of paragraphs).
Another thing I like to do is leave an implication of further action that isn't included. Something like "You wouldn't leave his room until morning." or maybe "You had a feeling something like this would happen again soon." Like this isn't really the end, but the rest is up to your imagination!
This is more specifically about the last paragraphs/scene/sentence, though. It's good to think of a way to recall the entirety of the story you just told, leaving the reader with the overall feeling you were going for.
But when it comes to longer stories, if you're finding you make it to one scene and then stop, well, that might be the end of your story. For this kind of thing, it really helps me to think about what the end game of the story is. For instance, in my longest fic, The Threads That Bind, I knew it was a Barbatos x MC love story. So the "end" couldn't happen until they had confessed their feelings to each other. A lot of other stuff happened before that, but it all contributed to that final plot point. And there isn't much story after that. The final scene is their confession. (There is a spicy epilogue, but that was just a bonus lol.)
So if you can decide before you even start writing what the goal is, you can write to that goal, filling in a bunch of cool scenes along the way. It doesn't have to be that you know exactly what happens or what the final scene is. When I started writing Threads, I had no idea how the confession was going to go. I just knew that Barbatos and MC had to end up declaring their love somehow.
But I tied that into the rest of the story with the theme of the threads. It was a visual anchor as well as a metaphorical one - magic let them see threads binding them together, but the feeling of belonging to each other was kind of the point of it all. So I was able to take that concept that I'd already used and incorporate it into the final confession scene.
NOW THEN all of this might also be easier if you're an outline type of person, but I most definitely AM NOT. Other writers swear by an outline and you'll probably find a lot of information on how to use one if you Google it.
But outlining for me is like pulling teeth, so I never do it. I write my first draft in a fever dream, with the end goal and a handful of ideas about overall themes and a couple things that I just think would be cool or fun to write. I spend a lot of time daydreaming about the story first, too, but I don't write anything down until I'm writing that first draft.
I could probably write a whole book on my methods for writing, but my biggest piece of advice for this kind of thing is EXPERIMENT.
The best part about writing is that aside from the basic fundamentals (spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc), there are NO RULES. So if you're finding you're always struggling with finishing, try out anything and everything that might help you with that. Try writing outlines, try not writing outlines, try ending your story with the scene you were working toward, try thinking of a new scene you want to write as the ending scene. If it works, great! If it doesn't work, no problem! Just chuck it and try something else.
Sometimes the best thing for me to do is to ask myself what would be the most fun to write next? And then just going for it. My opinion is that you can always edit things later!
Anyway, I hope some of that helps! I'm sorry I really rambled quite a bit, but like I said, I love talking about this kind of thing lol.
Good luck, anon, and I believe in you!
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jupitercl0uds · 10 months
hi! i'm ash
they/them/xe/xem • panromantic • asexual • non binary • autistic (with suspicions of having adhd) • english • atheist quaker • a tad bit silly
been on the tumbler since 2021 so i know my way around here but i dont get every little reference (i get most and for the ones i dont i just nod and smile along). i am still a teenager so some Classic Posts are older than me and most are from when i was in primary school.
i dont really have a sophisticated tagging system, but if it helps, spouting to the void is my text post tag. i dont even strictly use it for text posts tbf
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blogs i run:
this one (obviously)
@blues-amazing-blog - oc blog (currently on hiatus)
@wswe-autism-fic - fanfic blog (for waluigi says 'wa' everyday until dekuyama is popular). i also treat this as an alt account for fandom stuff sometimes
@knuckles-with-a-keyboard - silly little blog where i pretend to be boom!knuckles (i really really love this blog its so fun)
@jupitercl0uds-art - my art blog (shock horror)
@nonbinary-sticks-the-badger - my sonic blog
external links (whoops forgot to add this)
maybe one day ill set up a linktree idk
twitter (i only use this for posting from my switch now)
spotify profile
dm me on discord: jupitercl0uds
i think thats it
click this link for more external links including some of the above ones but specifically how to contact me if i cant use tumblr
omg i love so many things its not even funny. a few important ones are waluigi (special interest), sonic the hedgehog (special interest AND hyperfixation (omg please kill me)), art (like, as a general thing, but particularly visual) and you WILL find me randomly posting oh-so-passionately about something ive never even mentioned before.
i do animation and illustration but that's over on my art blog. also all my animations are WIPs. you probably won't find anything other than a few weird lip syncs from when i was like 11 (i got into animation because of gacha life and animation memes). most of my art is sonic atm lol.
i also read and write fanfic! my wattpad and ao3 is jupitercl0uds :D
wattpad is mostly old stuff, crack and occasional reposts of my ao3 stuff. ao3 is mostly whatever is on my mind at the moment and WSWE.
occasionally i get all heated up about actually important stuff. that's usually sandwiched inbetween my regular goofy goober behaviour. for the basic gist of it: very left wing, the tories are cunts, vote green, free palestine. you also need to understand the weight of that sentence because i hate swearing.
i have other socials too but i dont really use them that much. got bored of twitter and i forget about all my other accounts. only ones i use now are whatsapp (lmao), tumblr and i guess ao3 and wattpad. theres no real point in linking something i havent used in months
anyway, have a nice day and please go to bed on time!
faves (non-exhaustive)
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AUTISM BOY!!!! ANXIETY GUY!!!! MILES 'TAILS' PROWER!!!! he's been my favourite sonic character since i was little!!!! except for that brief period where it was amy because i found out tails was a boy and i, as a 7-year-old girl who had just learned about misoginy, decided amy was better because she was a girl. and that briefer period where it was cream because she had confetti in sonic dash.
my favourite iterations of him are scu tails, classic tails and sonic boom tails!!! i h/c him as autistic, having anxiety, low self-esteem but also being really cheerful and nonchalant about a lot of stuff. i enjoy trans tails of all kinds, but i believe in cis gnc tails.
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NON-BINARY ICON!!!! TOP SURGERY GUY!!!! WALUIGI!!!! call me thomas jefferson cause i have an entire binder on this guy. waluigi is THE blorbo from my spin-off-party-shows. i got into him because 'hahahaha! it is the funny garlic man's funny rose partner!' and that became 'they could marry me and i'd say yes on the basis that we'd get to see each other everyday, even if i only love him as a friend.
im very passionately hateful about 'hot' waluigi. shut up. waluigi is perfect. i hope he can be canon one day <3 i h/c him as autistic, transmasc non binary and really into gothic lolita. i interpret their relationship with wario as romantic partners and waluigi being super super poor. also, wlw mlm solidarity with rosalina!!!!!
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dr starline i love a bisexual icon as much as the next person but starline is not it. i want him to Suffer. which is why i then go on to make loads of fanart of him where he's crying over something. in the one shown above, i have just kicked him in the balls (full image). i also would love to be a VA for him because that'd really piss him off. good style tho. you go girl.
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manjimutt (sorry but i only have 1 image of him)
hello to the other living yokai watch fan out there. i hate manjimutt. when i was younger i felt sorry for him, cause i was like 'oh, poor guy, always going to jail!!!' no. die. i do not like him. i hate manjimutt. i do like saying his name tho. MAnji-mutt! i think i hate him more than starline, because at least starline has redeeming qualities. the only redeeming qualities manjimutt has is pity because hes not actually committing crimes. thats it. hes not a nice person. hes just a guy. hit him with a wooden plank (har har).
that poor poor poodle though
posts i like
idk posts on my own blog i like a lot. idk if thisll be A Thing because im literally only doing tthis because of the first post on the list
recognising a url and the chaos that followed
stuff about my lgbtq+ identity idk
can you call me that slur?
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whump-n-comfort · 11 months
🔪 this is a sideblog! if you see interactions from a blog called @halorocks1214 in your notifications, that's me :)
🩹 on that note, I go by Halo! I use she/her and he/him pronouns and am proudly aroace 💚💜
🔪 I'm one of those guys that has always been into whump as a kid—I REALLY enjoyed the kidnapping episodes in animated shows lol—but didn't have a name for that enjoyment until I got onto Tumblr and immediately felt at home with all y'all cool people 😎
🩹 as you may have seen by this blog's title and description, most of this blog's motif is sharing hurt/comfort content! I will be upfront and say that I project a loooot onto my faves, which is why I like to see them comforted so much (touch starvation is a bitch 😔) and in general prefer "soft whump" most of the time or explicit happy endings for the harder tropes i'm into
🔪 however, I still also enjoy whump because of its core foundation: being able to beat the shit out of your favorite character. sometimes, I will find something that does not have comfort in it that I want to share because it's simply too good not to! if all you're here for is that sweet sweet comfort, feel free to blacklist the tag #no comfort to avoid those sparse posts :)
🩹 outside of that, I tag art as #art and gifs as #gif as well as gifsets as #gifset when applicable; #whump trope for the posts that get more descriptive and #whump prompt for the posts that are more quotes/"fill in your characters here"-type interactions; #whump meme is self-explanatory and #whump community is for sharing love to all you lovely people out here browsing this corner of Tumblr; I occasionally tag #fave whumpee on characters that have stuck with me through the years (characters in the tag liable to change as time goes on); and of course, #~my stuff~ are the posts where I'm OP; #before whump was here is a cheeky tag I use for specific moments I remember feeling strong whumperflies for growing up but still had yet to learn about the term "whump" lmao
🔪 everything else is up in the air as tagging goes. I try my best to catch as many descriptors in a post as I can, but I'll admit some stuff could slip through. let me know if you think a post is missing something and I'll be sure to add proper tags 👍
🩹 my squicks are mainly things like pet whump, mind break, forced full-nudity, betrayal/broken trust between close characters (if it's because of a "twist villain" then that's fine), and heavy NSFW, so, for the most part, you won't see those on this blog, but my philosophy has always been that if it has comfort, I'm willing to give it a shot, so even if it's really rare, it could happen. remember to just let me know if I'm missing a tag!
🔪 my inbox is always open under the "💌 insert rambles here 💌" button if you ever wanna submit whumpy thoughts. I try to post everything I get, so feel free to hit me up! all answered asks regardless of what they contain will be tagged with #ramble tag
🩹 I will occasionally take requests in the form of "[A] replied to [B]" scenarios, sentence starters, or if you are feeling particularly nice, requests about my OCS! (questions and inquiries about them are always welcome regardless of request status) be sure to watch the "REQUEST:" blip in the description to see whenever they are open as I will switch "CLOSED" to "OPEN" to signify they are, and if they are open because of something like an ask game, I will convert the status into a link that will take you to the original game so you don't have to scroll through a bajillion things to get to it
🔪 as mentioned, this is 99% a SFW "soft" whump blog, but I still support my more NSFW and otherwise "dark" whumpers! I am a firm believer in that there is no "correct" way to enjoy whump. whatever your reason is that makes you enjoy it is valid and as long as you are properly tagging your content then keep on doing stuff that brings you joy :) we may not interact with each other all that often because of squicks or personal preferences, but just know that I will have your back and defend your right to write whatever you want ❤️‍🔥
🩹 I do believe those are all the topics I wanted to cover, so if you managed to make it this far, thanks for checking out my blog, and most importantly, the whump community in general! If you decide to stay, well, then hope you enjoy it to your fullest capabilities :D
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