#let my girl use her powers for fun every once in a while please
theoriginalsapphic · 2 years
I like to believe that Will had already brainstormed ideas with El about how to become rich and scamming people was one of them. Will just decided to extend the invitation to Mike.
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sp1d3rzz · 3 months
The Devil's Bride
Ryōmen Sukuna
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Warning!! : Mentions of death/killing, forced marriage, and basically Sukuna being an asshole and having no respect for reader.
Summary : After Sukuna reclaims his throne and becomes known as the King of Curses once again, he decides on bringing forth a Queen. You
A/N : I somewhat switch pov's during this so don't get confused. Part 2 coming soon!!
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Days have passed since Sukuna has once reclaimed his throne. Yet, he seems to be bored out of his mind. There's nothing to occupy him from his apathy.
Sure, he has countless people at his feet he can order to do as he pleases. But what's the fun in that? He needs something exciting to happen. Something to fill his empty pit of boredom.
He contemplates on whether or not he should start a war, find more slaves soldiers to do his bids, or perhaps even go on a killing spree somewhere random in this dark, dark world. Better yet— why not just kill everyone??
Well, not yet at least.
His teeth grind together and his fists clench in annoyance to this endless pit of nothing he can't seem to shake off.
But just before he rips someone's eyes out with his bare nails from frustration, he forges an idea. And with that idea, comes a no-good smirk spreading across his face.
What does every king have in every fairytale, movie, and book? That's correct. A Queen.
"You." His thundering voice reaches the ears of a guard who could be approximately 52ft ahead of him. "Come here." he motions with his fingers.
Almost immediately, the soldier makes his way up the steps and to the throne of his King. "Yes, my Lord?"
Sukuna makes a simple face of boredom, supporting his head with a propped up fist. "Gather 5 of my best soldiers and find me my Queen." his eyes squint, which silently says 'Hurry it up.'
And without another word, the guard takes off to seek out to the Kings orders.
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Not many people could get in the mind of Ryōmen Sukuna. To understand what goes on in that so called empty mind of his is mildly impossible. But, taking a wild guess, the soldier puts together things the King takes an interest in.
Power, Control, and Cruelty.
To find a Queen fit to the Kings likings, she must be innocent. A girl who can't stand up for herself, but when she attempts to, she cowards out.
A girl who needs someone to make the decisions for her. But also a girl who has a little spark in her soul. A spark that can carry her to victory no matter the battle.
This shall be the woman who Sukuna finds quite delightful.
The next step was finding a girl who fits this description.
While this soldier is pondering off into space, he almost forgets about his group of men. Which, he's surprised to see catch up to him with a younger looking woman.
"P-Please!! Let me go!" she sobs, loud enough the birds in the trees fly away and flee from the scene.
Tears flow down her cheeks and onto the dirt. Her clothes are scrunched up and dirty, most likely from how roughly his men handled her. And her breathing is so uneven, she might just pass out.
"I swear I'll never tell a soul—" hic! ",if you just let me go!"
There's two men on each side of her, both practically dragging her through the ground. "We found her out here by herself. She seems to be lost." The one on the left inquires.
Once she's dragged to be met face to face with the lead soldier, he grins.
She's a mess. Forehead so sweaty strands of her hair stick to it. Panting so rapidly, she might use up all the air she has left in her lungs.
The soldier takes one last look at the girl, eyes scanning her over, just to analyze how fit she is to take the role as Sukuna's Queen.
"What do you want for me?! Why– why are you doing this!" the girl begs to know any sort of information. Anything to get a grasp on herself.
No one responds.
She looks to her sides, expecting any kind of answer. But is instead met with the men completely ignoring her.
"She'll do perfectly."
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Heavy footsteps echo throughout your head, which by now has been ruined with a horrible headache. Lucky you.
It's hard to tell how long you've been out for. If they've hurt you, or if you've somehow died and awoken in the after life.
The only thing you're sure of is how much pain is coursing through your body. It's to the point you're numb all over and you can barely lift your head up. Barely lift a finger for that matter.
"My lord." A familiar voice rings in your ear and back out. "Your Queen." Another one seems to say in-front of you.
In a desperate attempt to figure out what the hell is happening, you weakly lift your head, blinking a couple of times to regain your focus.
Your vision still remains slightly blurry, but you're only able to make out a set of stairs. Stairs that lead to what seems to be a throne. And in that throne, sits a man.
As you concentrate on this mysterious man, your vision slowly begins to recover.
He has spiky pink hair, long black nails, two eyes on one side, with a plated set of 2 more next to it, and 4 arms? His chiseled shirtless body seems to be tattooed with stripes and dots on each of his shoulders. No, no, this can't be right.
"Bring her here." his voice practically echoes into the air.
Your eyes widen to this sudden command, and you wiggle your arms, attempting to loosen yourself of the men who have you a strict hold over you.
Though it seems to not work, because the men ignore you and continue to their orders. Step by step, the men take you to who appears to be the lead of this whole situation. The man who looks to be the devil himself.
In protest, you kick your feet a little, trying to gain balance and hopefully escape wherever you've been brought to.
But before you can successfully break away, it's too late.
You're met with the horrifying (but somewhat sexy) face of the man who has caused you all of this misery. You scowl at him, which in return earns you a small look of satisfaction.
His men hold you up to him like a piece of meat, dangling you in-front of his nose as if he was meant to devour you with one swift bite.
His eyes scan up and down your figure. Almost like he's purposely invading your personal space. "Pretty little thing, aren't you?" his words taunt you in a sense you'd never thought you'd feel.
You avert your eyes from his. Turning your head away so he's only in view of your cheek. You're mentally unable to face him.
The prideful moment you had was quickly interrupted. With one swift move of his arm, his hand snatches your chin and snaps you back so you can looking him eye to eye. "Did I say you could look away?" he growls.
His sharp nails press into your skin, making you wince. With how tight his grip is on you, it feels like your skin might tear.
His brows scrunch together lightly as his eyes lock with yours.
"Silence." he's quick to cut you off.
Your mouth closes shut almost instantly, and your head drops once he releases you from his grasp. Pathetic.
Everything hurts so much. Your head, your body, and apparently your voice now too.
Small whispers spread around you. From one person to another, you can hear all sorts of comments the strange people are making about you.
If the men holding you up right now were to let go of you, you're sure you would collapse and never get back up again. Fall into an endless abyss and never awaken.
"Take her to the cellar. I shall deal with her later." he orders.
You groan a little when the men tighten their arms around yours. But your vision fades back to nothing as they take you away.
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It's been hours.
Hours of crying, screaming, and wishing upon your own death. To end this confusing mess that has somehow been brought upon to you.
You're curled up in the corner of the cell, cold walls and bars keeping you away from whatever source of life might be out there.
It almost pitch black in the haunting cellar. The only things in sight is your arms, which wrap around your legs to pull yourself into a tight ball.
Everything feels dirty. You feel dirty.
Small droplets of damp moisture fall from the ceiling and hit the rough concrete. Your skin is hot, tingling up your bones to the point you might overheat.
Your mouth is dry, deprived from the lack of water you've had in the past week or so.
Before you were captured, you were on the run from home, escaping the endless chains of torment your parents had put you through.
It might have been a stupid decision, especially since you had no where to go at the time, but it had to happen. Your life wasn't meant to be lived like that, and neither was it for this life.
Your eyes close shut, mind struggling to block out the unbearable sound of water meeting cold, hard, ground. It itches down your skin with every fall.
Abruptly, the creak of a wooden door captures your attention quickly. Lifting your head up out of curiosity to see who's there.
"H-Hello..?" You call out, but it seems useless since no one replies anyways. Though you know someone has to be there. The evidence of lingering footsteps tells enough.
Seconds pass by to what seems to be an eternity before the footsteps stop in-front of your cage cell.
Everything, including the man in-front of you, seems so unreal.
He doesn't say anything, just stares down at you as if you were just some dirt on the floor.
"What do you want from me!" You shout at him, but it appears to get you no answer except a irritating frown.
Your teeth are gritted together, and it take everything out of you to not pounce at him. Well, not like you have the strength or energy to do so anyways.
He rests his bottom two arms on his hip, and crosses his other two over his bare chest. "Y'know, you're starting to piss me off."
A moment of silence rests between the two of you before he finally speaks up again.
"What's your name?" it's more of a demand than a question, but you don't care. You don't owe him anything.
And once again, another pass of silence flows by.
He raises a brow, giving you another chance to answer. But, it seems you wont of any use for the time being.
"Name's Sukuna, but you can call me your King."
His words catch you by surprise, lifting your eyes up in a shockingly manner. "W-What..?" you have to confirm what he just said was actually him and not just an imaginary voice in your head.
He let's out a huff, shaking his head to your stupidity. "Do you know why you were brought here?"
Well obviously not, or else you wouldn't have been taken aback to his statement. "No, I don't."
"You were brought here to stand beside me as I rule over this.. kingdom of mine."
And just like that, his words crash and bring down your whole life. Everything you've been through, fought for, and accomplished are all worth nothing. It was all useless.
"No, I refuse–"
A hand slams down on the bars, causing you to flinch. "I don't remember asking how you felt, did I?"
Immediately, you go quiet. The hurtful beating of heart being the only sound audible as he glares down at you from behind the bars.
"Tomorrow shall be the wedding. I'll have my men bring you to me first thing in the morning."
Leaving you no time to protest, question, or even give him a snarky reply, he disappears.
You're left all alone, mind now pounding with how quick this is all happening. You have no say in anything, it seems.
Nothing seems to matter when you feel your eyes flutter close. Too exhausted to reject this rest, you fall asleep.
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Thank you for reading! I'll try to have part 2 out as soon as possible (which contains the smut 👀) but I hope you guys enjoyed this so far ^^ Reblogs are also greatly appreciated 💗💗
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heartfeltcierra · 1 year
Donquixote Doflamingo X Female Reader NSFW "Daydreams of Dressrosa"
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Anon-I noticed you have a request box. I just wanted to say your writing is 🤌🏻 *chefs kiss*. I wanted to request something angsty and maybe even smutty with Doflamingo. I’ll let you decided if it end fluffy or not. I knows he is problematic and controversial as hell (I can fix him) But if you don’t write for him I completely understand! Thank you and have a amazing day my beloved heartfelt!
AN-So I totally took this and ran with it lmao. I just recently finished the Dressrosa Arc and I find Doflamingo to be a interesting character. This was a welcomed challenge for me. I've never written for a villian before and It's been a hot take since I've written smut. With that being said it's also the dirtiest thing I've ever written. I ran laps around my house just writing this. But thank you for reading my work and I hope you enjoy this my beloved anon :)
Side note- As always this story is plus sized reader friendly!
Word Count- 7.5k
*Any thing in italics is readers thoughts or a flashback. *
!Trigger warning! The relationship between Reader and Doflamingo is extremely toxic with emotionally abusive undertones, please never let anyone treat you like this.
~NSFW Warnings/Content~ Dom Doffy/Sub reader, PWP, Pre established situationship, A tiny speck of pet play, Doffy misuses his devil fruit powers (Spoiler alert he makes a clone.) Humiliation, Name calling (Slut, whore etc) , Reader is slapped once, Spanking, Degradation, Oral Sex (Fem giving and receiving) Fingering, Implied squirting and use of reward system. I tried to stay true to Doflamingo's character, but he may be OOC in some parts!
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   From the moment you woke up to a quiet and peaceful palace, you immediately knew something was up. You asked one of the guards where everyone was and much to your surprise Doflamingo and the top executives have gone out to a meeting. And according to him,  they won’t be back until dark. It’s very rare for all of them to be gone at the same time, but you're thankful. It’s been a long time since you've had any alone time, so you were going to make every moment count. 
  You’re currently in the courtyard pool floating around on the huge blow up flamingo Doffy bought a while back. No one ever uses it considering most of the family have devil fruit abilities and aren’t willing to risk falling into the water. So you’ve laid claim to the giant pink float. You’ve even given it the nickname “Mini Master.” 
 “Now let’s get down to the real fun.” You smirk before pulling out a book from your favorite romance series called “Daydreams of Dressrosa: a collection of love stories from the kingdom of passion”. You read them in secrecy. The only other person who knows is Baby 5, her being the one who sneaks them to you. You knew if Doffy found out about them, he’d probably be pissed, saying something to the extent of “What can a book offer you that I can’t?” And the answer to that was simple. Romance and love. The two things he would never be able to offer you. It’s sad, but nonetheless true. 
 You open the book and turn to where you left off on story #17 titled “Carnivals and Carnations”. The couple in the story are going to a carnival as a first date. The story was super cheesy, but you're living for it. You squeal when the guy puts his jacket around the girl's shoulders because she is cold. It’s funny how something so simple causes your heart to swoon.  But your favorite part so far was him winning her a stuffed bear from one of the game stalls. You can’t help but think of Doffy doing something like that for you, no doubt you’d walk away with every stuffed animal and trinket you wanted. But how Doffy would win them is the part you find funny. He’d probably use his devil fruit ability to ‘Win’ (Cheat)  or he’d scare the person running the stall until they gave up everything. It brought a bittersweet smile to your face. The poor hopeless romantic in you still hasn’t accepted her fate. Once you got stringed in with Doflamingo, any chance of you experiencing sweet and innocent love was thrown to the wind. 
 You can’t help but be jealous of the girl in the story. When you were a teenager you dreamed about finding a man who would love you and treat you like a princess. Now here you are as an adult and plaything to a criminal. You knew he was bad, you knew he had done horrible things. But something about him lured you in. Tears trickle down your face and onto the pages below. You yearn for the impossible from him. But it’s Doffy, and he will do whatever he wants, when he wants and without even thinking about anyone else. You know this better than anyone. 
 “Doffy, can I ask you a question?” You pulled your sore and sweaty body from the bed. Doflamingo was in the middle of putting his shirt back on,but stopped when he heard your hoarse voice call out.
 “Well would you look at that.” Doffy seemed to be amused, smirking at your trembling form. “My little girl didn’t pass out after all. I was almost certain you would, considering how hard I was on you.” You were on the brink of passing out from his rough treatment, but you clung to consciousness. “For that I’ll answer your question. Go on.” 
 “Well I guess it may be more of a favor, but.” Your mind and heart raced even more than it did earlier. All because of what you're about to ask him. “Do you want to shower with me and maybe we can cuddle together for a while after? I know you're busy and I won’t take up much of your time, just a few minutes I promise!” You watched Doffy’s smirk disappear, replaced by one of  his more disapproving looks, causing your heart to drop.
 “You want me to shower with you and stick around for “cuddles”?” You muster the strength to  nod at the man. His lips curled into a wicked smile before he laughed in your face.  “What a joke. Do you think I have time for something so stupid? Never ask for something like that again. Got it?” You couldn’t stop the tears that flowed down your face at his cruel words. His large hand reached out and grabbed your face, giving you no choice but to look at him. “Speak girl.”
 “Yes. I- I’m sorry Doffy.” Your cringe at how your words struggled to come out through the small sobs. Times like that reminded you how cruel Doflamingo was. Your heart shattered into a million pieces. 
 “Good.” He released your face and without another word, walked out of the room as if nothing happened. To him it probably was nothing. Your body fell against the bed as a few remaining tears slid down your face. Your hands snaked around one of the spare pillows on the bed, in search of the comfort you so desperately needed that night.
~Flashback end~
 It had been weeks since that night and not once has Doffy come to your room for a “session”. The more you think about it, the more uneasy you become. It’s unlike him to go that long without sex. Maybe he’s getting bored with you or maybe he’s getting it from someone else. Both of those thoughts stung. At the end of the day, you're just another woman at his disposal.
 You look into the sky and see the colors changing with the sunset. You didn’t have much time left before the family would return. A small sigh leaves your lips as you open your book again. Now where was I? The couple were now riding on a ferris wheel.  The man wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders, causing her to scooch closer to him. The ferris wheel came to a halt, leaving them at the very top. They admired all the lights and the way the sun was barely peeking over the horizon. Their eyes locked onto each other. You can’t help but giggle knowing what’s about to happen. The man gently cupped her cheek as he slowly moved his lips towards her. Her eyes closed as his lips barely ghosted over hers. A small tug on the float causes you to close your book. Before you had a chance to investigate the cause, the float was pulled out from under you. Your body tumbles into the cold water alongside your book.
 “Fufufu~.” You hear Doffy’s muffled laugh as you swim back up to the surface. You cough up a little water you inhaled as Doffy continued to laugh. Judging from the way his fingers were bent, he was the one who knocked the float over. “Did the mouse have fun while the cat was away?” Your eyes roll at his snarky comment. You want to splash water on the cocky warlord, but you also want to live long enough to finish your book. Wait, the book! You frantically swim around the pool until you notice it sitting at the bottom of the pool. You take a deep breath in before diving to get it. You emerge once again holding the soaked book.
 “Well the “mouse” was having a fine day, until you destroyed its book.” You hold the book up and watch as the pool water drips from the pages. “And I was getting to the good part too.” You mumble the last part. 
 “Good part?” A wild smirk forms on Doffy’s face. With a flick of his left index finger the book was snatched from your hands and right into his. “What page was this “good part on”?” You watch as he skims through the book. 
 “112.” You swim over the edge of the pool and watch him read the page. For a man like Doflamingo, the scene will be underwhelming and quite boring. For a moment you think he was getting interested in the words, but it was short lived.  With a wet smack he closes the book and tosses it to the ground. You frown knowing the book will be unreadable by time the water sets in and blurs the words. I guess I’ll never know how it ends….
 “So that’s your definition of a good part?” You gave the man who was now towering over you a small nod. “When did my little slut become so vanilla?” Heat rises to your cheeks despite the cold temperature of the water around you.
 “I just thought it was cute. That’s all.” You let your body sink into the water in an attempt to avoid his gaze but your body stills. 
 “Trying to run away are we? Do I need to put you in your place Y/N?” You feel his strings loop underneath your arms. His left and right index fingers lift up causing your body to come out of the water in one motion. A shocked gasp leaves your lips as you fly out of the pool water and into the cold evening air. You sometimes forget that no matter how big you are, Doffy can and will treat you like a rag doll. You land rather ungracefully in front of the Blonde. Goosebumps rise onto your wet skin, but you're unsure if it’s from the cold air on your wet body or from the aura radiating off the man above you. 
 You peer into Doffy’s sunglasses and see your shivering body looking back. Your arms cross in front of your body in a sad attempt to warm up. You expect to see a sadistic smirk on his face, but you're met with an expression you’ve never seen on him. It makes you a little anxious not knowing what he’s thinking about or feeling. It dawns on you that he knows you read romance novels now, meaning he was most likely not very happy with you at the moment. 
 “I’m sorry If I upset you, Doffy. I promise I won’t read books like that anymore.” You try to diffuse the situation but it’s too late. His hand raises into the air. A sense of fear washes over you, causing your body to tremble even more. You feel a rush of wind in front of your face causing your eyes to slam shut. You tensed up preparing for the impact.. But it never came, instead the smell of his expensive cologne invades your nostrils as warmth engulfs your body. You let your eyes flutter open to see that he placed his pink feather jacket around your frame. It takes a while for your brain to process it. The cold, unloving and emotionally unavailable Donquixote         Doflamingo did something…. nice?   
 “Thank you young master.” He never lets anyone wear his jacket, NEVER. You wrap the jacket around your body more to enjoy its warmth. 
 “I was getting annoyed watching you shake like a pathetic little leaf.” He retorted with a scowl. “Now. Why don't I show you what a 'good part’ is supposed to be like.”  He points a finger at your neck, causing a string to connect to your flesh like a leash. He gives the string a firm tug, sending you to the ground on your knees in front of him. “Spread.” His commanding voice sends excitement through your veins.
 “Yes sir.” You move your knees apart as far as you can. The course ground below dug into your knees, but you didn’t care. As bad as you hate to admit to yourself, you’ve missed this and you’ve missed him. 
 “Good, now look at me.” You crane your head back in order to look up at him. Your body feels like it is shrinking as the10 ft tall man looms over you. Your mind goes blank when you feel the pointed tip of his shoe moving up and down your swimsuit covered pussy. “I’m going to cut you a deal so listen up.” His shoe puts extra pressure on your clit, causing a moan to escape your lips. “If you can be a good girl and do everything I say without question, I will give you a reward.” His foot retracts much to your dismay. But the mention of a reward entices you.
 “I will, I promise sir!” And just like that, you submit yourself to him. 
 “You will or else.” Doffy began to walk away leaving you to crawl behind him. You're thankful the steps he took were a lot smaller than normal, otherwise you’d have a hard time keeping up. It dawned on you how embarrassing the situation was. Here you are crawling around on all fours with Doffy’s jacket on. I probably look like a poodle. 
  You got lucky and didn’t run into any family members while Doffy paraded you around like the loyal lap dog you are. A couple of guards saw you, but they didn’t dare to say a word knowing Doflamingo would kill them on the spot. The door to your room was finally on site, but he walked past it. Your bedroom is the only place he agreed to do the deed in. It gave him the freedom to come and go as he pleased. You know better than to question him, but you're still curious as to where he’s taking you.
 “You’ll find out soon enough.” Doffy answers as if he read your mind. Much to your surprise you find yourself in front of the door to his room. In the time you’ve been with him, not once have you seen the inside of his bedroom. “Stand up.” The string on your neck beckons you to your feet. You wince as you stand up, knees throbbing due to all the crawling you’ve done.
 Doffy slings the door open and leads you in. The door clicks shut and the sound of the lock being turned echoes in the bedroom. His room was so big it made yours look like a mere closet. Your eyes land on the double king bed in the middle of the room. As you look at it, the only word that comes to mind is sin.  A blood red canopy surrounded the dark oak frame. The mattress itself was covered with a plush black duvet and luxury pillows. It was most definitely fit for a fallen angel like Doflamingo. 
 The string around your neck comes loose, leaving a ring of irritated skin in its absence. Doflamingo walks over to a red armchair that sat adjacent from his bed. He sat down and spread his long legs, giving you a perfect view of the hardening erection in his pants. With a devilish smile on his face, he beckons you over with a motion of his finger. Your body tingles with nervousness as you get closer and closer to him. You were only a few feet away from him when his hand came into the air, letting you know to stop. The same hand pointed a finger in the air and swirled in a circle. You nod and turn around to face the bed. A rush of air sends shivers down your body as the pink feather jacket was taken from your body, leaving you in your damp swimsuit. You turn your head and watch as the jacket drapes around the armchair Doffy sat in. 
 “Did I give you permission to turn around Y/N?” You whip your head back around to face the bed, causing Doffy to chuckle at your speed.
 “No sir, I’m sorry.” You hope your action didn’t piss him off enough to take your reward. 
 “I didn’t give you permission to speak either little whore.” Your body trembles at his condescending tone. “You're very lucky I’m in a good mood, otherwise you could have kissed that reward goodbye.” A wave of relief washes over you knowing it was still on the table. “Now strip and do not turn around for any reason.”  
 Your hands come up to the straps of your bathing suit. Slowly you pull them down your arms until your breasts popped out of the top. Your wet nipples harden immediately when they hit the cool air. Your hands come to your back to untie the knot, you struggle for a moment before it comes loose. With a wet ‘plop’ the garment hits the floor. You could feel your heart racing in your chest. You wanted this, you needed this. You take a shaky breath in and slide your hands down your curves until you reach the band of your swim bottoms. You curl your fingers around the fabric and bring it down until they fall around your ankles. You step out of the bottoms and kick them next to your top. You're now completely exposed to the heavenly demon.
 “Good girl.” Your body heats up at his praise. “Now bend over the bed.” You take a few steps forward and let your upper body fall onto the bed. You scooch back a little and spread your legs apart. “Spread yourself more.” You know exactly what he’s wanting you to do, and you're going to deliver. You slide your hands down your body until they reach the globes of your ass. Your fingers pull them apart, exposing your wet pussy even more. You wiggle your hips from side to side, showing him how needy you are for him.
 “What a dirty little girl, what will I ever do with you?” Your body tenses up when you feel something attach to your clit. A string? “Now I’m sure you're wondering why we came here instead of your room.” A moan leaves your throat when you feel the string moving your clit in small circles. You were so sensitive from being celibate for weeks, it took no time for your orgasm to start building. You hear Doflamingo let out an amused hum. “I can tell by the way your legs are shaking you're about to cum.” You have to hold back a scream as the string picks up the pace even more. 
 You dig your nails into the flesh of your ass in an attempt to ground yourself, but you are too far gone. Your hips start desperately swirling with the strings movement. Fuck it feel so good. But right before you could get your release the string retacts. Your head falls flat on the bed as tears of frustration form in your eyes due to the loss of your high. 
 “Can’t have that now, can we?” You don’t have to see Doffy’s face to know he’s wearing a shit eating grin. You should have known better than to think he’d let you cum this early. You hear him get up from the armchair. His loud footsteps reverberate in the room. You feel the bed dip as he hoovers above you. “Now as I was saying, the reason I brought you here is quite simple. Your bed is a little bit too small.” You feel his hot breath next to your right ear as he speaks. You wonder what changed? The size of your bed has never stopped him before. You tense up when you feel the bed dip on the other side of your body. Is there someone else here? “Too small for the both of us that is.” Your heart stops when you hear Doffy’s voice fill your left ear. It made no sense, how can he be on both sides of you at once? You try to lift yourself up, but a large hand keeps your face shoved into the mattress. 
 “Do you understand what’s happening now?” His voice fills your right ear again. You feel one of his hands wrap around your hair, pulling it back to leave your neck exposed. “I’ll give you a little hint.” Now it was back in your left ear. You feel hot breath on both sides of your neck before tongues lick up the sides in perfect unison. Rough hands grab your sides and with one quick motion your body was turned so your back was now on the mattress. 
 Your eyes nearly pop out of your skull when you see what’s above you. Your eyes land on not one, but two very shirtless Donquixote Doflamingo’s. They both wore the same lust filled expression. 
 “Two Doffy’s? How?” You mutter out in shock. Your nerves are on edge, one Doffy was enough to fuck you into a week long coma. But two of them? That would surely send you to an early grave. As Lao G would say “You’re a goner with a capital G!”   
 “While you were busy getting off on my string, I made a clone of myself.” The Doflamingo on your right spoke, meaning he must be the real one. “It talks like me, it can even use strings like me, but most importantly” Doffy pulls you up from the bed until your face is inches from his. “ It can fuck like me.” His tongue licks a wet stripe up your face. “But a slut like you should be able to handle us, right?.” You hesitate for a second, but nod your head in agreement.
 “Now let’s have a little fun.” Doffy’s clone spoke up, licking its lips. 
 “Sounds good. Hold the little slut up for me.” The clone nods and moves on the bed until it is behind you. Its strong arms hook under your thighs and brings you up until your back rests on its abs. 
 “It's almost pathetic how wet you are.” The real Doffy stole your breath by rubbing his fingers up and down your exposed slit. Your head slams back on the clone's hard chest when Doffy shoves two fingers deep into your cunt. The long digits rubbed along the top of your walls, paying attention to your sweet spots.  
 “Of course I’m wet. Don’t you remember making me fall into the pool sir?” You smile at Doffy innocently, but your bratty tone was anything but that. 
 “Is that it?” The dark tone in Doffy’s voice made you regret it instantly. And then you see the vein in his forehead pop out, you know you're in for it now. 
 “What a dumb whore you are.” The clone spoke before biting the side of your neck harshly, causing you to cry out in pain. “You are so fucked.”
 “Tell me you foolish girl, does this taste like pool water to you?” Doffy pulls his fingers from your dripping hole and shoves them in your mouth. You could taste your arousal as he shoves his fingers even further down your throat.
 “Aren’t you going to answer him?” The clone taunted before licking the bite wound it left. “I guess it’s hard to, considering your mouth is so full huh?” Your vision blurs with tears as you gag around Doffy’s fingers.
 “I’m going to take my fingers out. I suggest you apologize and beg for my forgiveness.” The fingers slowly begin to slide out. “Afterall, you want that reward, don’t you?” His fingers leave with a trail of your saliva. Coughs erupt from your throat as you catch your breath. Your mind has been so clouded over you forgot about the promised reward. 
 “I am very sorry sir. Please forgive me!” Your voice rasps out. 
 “That's all you got? What a lackluster performance.” Doffy grabs your cheeks and smooshes them together. “I’ll give you one last chance. Use it well, my patience with you is running very thin at the moment.” His hand releases your cheeks. 
 “Sir, please forgive me for being such a dumb brat. I’ll be a good and obedient cocksleeve the rest of the night for the both of you! So please use me until I deserve your forgiveness.” Tears are flowing down your face as you desperately beg him. “I’ll do whatever you want. Just please don’t take my reward from me..” You're unsure why you want the reward so desperately when you don’t even know what it is. 
 “That’s more like it. But I still think you need to learn your lesson.” Doffy's hand reared back before smacking you across the face. Not hard enough to leave a mark, but hard enough to make it sting. “Now are you ready to be a good girl?” 
 “Yes sir.” You feel a few more tears fall down your face. Doffy’s hand reaches back out. You prepare yourself for another smack, but instead he wipes the tears away with his hand. 
 “Good.” You watch Doflamingo unzip his pants, freeing his hard cock. “Drop her.” The clone releases you so you fall, landing all fours. You feel the bed move underneath you as Doffy leans his body against the headboard. “Come over here and put that stupid mouth of yours to good use.” 
 You waste no time crawling in between his legs. You stick your ass up in the air and start licking him up and down. His cock twitches under your tongue as you lick the sensitive spot under his tip. You hear him grunt meaning he wants more. You give one last lick before wrapping your lips around him. His huge size stretches your mouth until it's borderline unbearable. One of his large hands thread through your hair before he slams into you. You do your best not to gag around him as he sets a rough pace. 
 “Her pussy is so wet, like it's crying for our attention.” The clone lands a harsh smack on your ass, causing you to yelp around Doffy’s dick. “See.” You feel its fingers run up and down your pussy before bringing its hand to show Doflamingo your glistening arousal. You feel a hard twitch in your mouth as Doffy grunts. He’s getting close. 
 “I’m going to cum and I expect you to swallow every last drop.” With a few more rough thrusts he fills your mouth full of his thick cum. You swallow every bit of it and stick your tongue out to prove it.
 “Where are your manners?” The clone grabs your hair and yanks your head back. “What do you say when your master gives you his cum?” The clone releases your hair so you can look back at Doffy. 
 “Thank you master.” You smile at him through lidded eyes. He let out a satisfied hum in response.  Although you're not able to see his eyes thanks to his sunglasses, you're certain they would have a glint of satisfaction in them.
 “Get her prepared for me. She’s going to need it.” The clone got to work right away by flipping you onto your back. It hooked your legs over its shoulders before licking a long stripe up your slit. 
 “A-AH~” Your hips arch off the bed as the clone starts to eat you out. Its tongue would swirl around your clit before diving deep into your cunt. You could feel pressure building in your lower abdomen already. “ F-fuck it feels so… good~ Your tongue is the best!” You feel the Clone smirk against you.
 “The best huh? So even better than the real one?” The clone gives your clit a harsh suck before looking up at you. “I’m flattered.” It landed a playful smack on your thigh before continuing its assault on your swollen clit. You throw your head back and notice the furious look Doflamingo was giving his clone.
 “Doffy wait I didn’t mean it like tha-” You cut yourself off as a wanton moan escapes your lips. The clone's tongue started stroking that spot deep within you that had your toes curling. “Right there please~ I’m gonna cum~”
 “I’ve had enough of this.” You feel Doffy’s body move from behind you. You whine when the Clones tongue leaves you right as you are about to peak. You bring your head up to see Doflamingo had joined his clone in between your legs. They were both gripping one of your thighs while giving each other a dangerous glare. Was he getting jealous…. of his own clone?
 “Well I haven’t, so back off.” The clone had no plans of backing down as it gripped your thigh tighter. 
 “Do you actually believe you're better than me? Have you forgotten that you're a damn clone?” Doffy clenches his teeth and grabs the clone around the neck. “I can make you go away with a snap of my fingers.” You hold in a laugh as you watch the two bickering. 
 “Well how about we settle this?” You watch as the clone pulls Doffy’s hand off. “Let’s see who can make her cum first.” An evil grin etches itself on Doflamingo’s face at his Clones proposal. 
 “Fine by me.” Doffy agrees as they both turn to look at you. You felt like conquerors' haki was being used on you the way your body froze to the bed. 
 They both start leaving kisses and bite marks down your legs. Slowly but surely they inched closer to the place you wanted them the most. Finally you feel their hot breath ghosting over your sensitive flesh. 
 “Doffy.” You call out to the man himself, gaining his attention. “Please make me cum, only you can~” He smirks at you before his expert tongue starts lapping at your folds. It's very rare that Doffy eats you out, but when he does you're always left speechless. You wish you could thank the clone for pressing his buttons.
 “Don’t forget about me.” You feel the clone's tongue join Doffy’s. The two tongues fight for dominance as they lick every inch of your needy pussy. Your body vibrates from the sheer ecstasy you're experiencing. 
 One of Doffy’s hands snakes up your body to wrap firmly around your neck. You had no trouble figuring out which tongue was the real Doffy’s. Everytime he flicks your clit, he squeezes your neck as if to remind you who your pussy belongs to. 
 “I’m gonna cum~” Your hand grabs onto Doffy’s blonde hair as your body twitches.
"Your not needed anymore." Doflamingo pulls the clone away you before shoving two fingers deep into you. Your legs begin to shake as he syncs the pace of his fingers and tongue together. The perfect harmony of pleasure was driving you even closer to the edge.
 “That’s not fair.” The clone attempts to reclaim his spot between your legs, but was quickly shut down.
 “Have we ever been known to be fair?” With a snap of Doffy's fingers, the sound of string unwinding mixes with your moans. The clone had a scowl on its face before it disappeared. His fingers pick up the pace causing you to grip his hair tighter. “Be a good little girl and cum for me.”
 “Fuck~” Your body quivers as your overdue orgasm crashes over you. Doffy’s tongue detaches from your clit, but his fingers begin to rock up and down harder. You try to fight the urge to let go, knowing what would happen if you do. “Stop Doffy, I’m going to make a mess!”  Your warning came too late as your second orgasm washes over you, causing clear liquid to gush out of you. 
 “I win. Now to claim my prize.” Doffy places his fingers in his mouth and sucks your juices off them. It's hard to lose when you get rid of your competition. “Get on your hands and knees, now.” 
 You miraculously get yourself into the position he wants. Your hands shake trying to hold your worn out body up. Stay focused Y/N, don’t pass out. You hear the familiar sound of a condom being opened as the bed dips. One of his hands ghost up your back, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its path. The same hand wraps tightly around your hair as he bottoms out in one motion. He stays pressed up against your cervix for a few minutes, letting your walls stretch and relax around him. You move up and down his length, letting him know your ready.
 The pace he sets is rapid and ruthless. His cock effortlessly hits all of your sweet spots with every thrust. The blinding pleasure was starting to build up all over again. Your hands shook violently on the bed, you know they are going to give out any moment now. 
 “Are you struggling?” Doflamingo deep voice whispers in your ear. “Want your master to help you?” You weakly nod your head. Doffy’s free arm hooked under you, bringing you off the bed until your back was flush against his chest. He bottoms out again and continues his relentless thrusts. The new position gave him full control over your body, leaving you completely at his mercy. 
 The hand that was in your hair moved down until it stopped at one of your neglected nipples. He rolls the bud between his thumb and index finger before pinching it hard. You cry out in a mix of pleasure and pain. He then moves to the other nipple and gives it the same treatment. 
 “It feels so good.~” Your hand goes down to play with your clit but Doffy stops you.
 “Not so fast little girl.” He switches the position to where he is laying on the bed with you on top. “You're being so selfish, making me do all of the work.” His thumb starts circling your clit causing you grind down on him. “As a matter of fact you’ve not only selfish. You’ve been disobedient, bratty and you even went as far to say that stupids clone tongue was better than mine. You don’t deserve that reward, not even in the slightest.” His cold tone causes you to halt your movements. Something about it struck a chord deep within you. 
 “I’m sorry Doffy.” It hurt knowing he was so disappointed in you. You feel your mood declining. All the dopamine and adrenaline that coursed through your body had finally run out, leaving you emotionally vulnerable.  
 “I’m not finished talking yet, so stop crying and listen.” You were unaware of your tears until he mentioned it. You watch as his hand comes up to his sunglasses. He inhales a deep breath and pulls the glasses off. You bring your hands up to cover your eyes. No one has ever seen his eyes, not even Trebol has. “Look at me Y/N.” Slowly, you drop your hands. Your eyes connect with his. His right eye was ruby red, while his left eye was white and foggy. 
 “Doffy.....Your eyes are beautiful. But why? Why did you show me?” You look at him in awe. 
 “I can’t even answer that myself.” He sighs and runs a hand through his blonde locks. “It doesn't matter anyways. You still want that reward?” 
 “Yes, I do.” You were starting to think him showing you his eyes was the reward. 
 “Make me cum and it’s yours.” He crosses his arms behind his back. Out of everything you and him have done tonight, this was by far the most intimate.
 You slowly start going up and down his length. Every fiber in your body was screaming at you to stop, but the desire to please the man below you was louder. The lewd sounds of your body's connecting fill the room once more. You pick up the pace as you chase your high. Doffy’s hands reach out and grab onto your plush hips. His grip was getting tighter and tighter, causing your hips to roll and grind on him.
 ���Fuck.” Doffy curses. One of his hands leaves your hip and moves to wrap around your neck. “Tell me, who does this pussy belong to?” 
 “My master.” You cry out as the grip around your neck tightness.
 “And who is your fucking master.” He brings your head down so your eyes meet his. 
 “You!” Tears of pleasure rolled down your face. “Donquixote Doflamingo!” You cling onto consciousness as you meet your final orgasm. Doffy follows you as he slams against your cervix. You stay still until his cock softens inside you. Slowly you lift yourself off him. Your body collapses on top of him the moment he is fully out of you. You know he is not a fan of skin to skin contact after sex, but you were too weak to hold yourself up.
 “Doffy.” You muster enough energy to lift your head. “Did I do a good job? Are you going to give me the reward?” Your vision was starting  to go in and out. 
 “Yes, I suppose you did.” A weak smile forms on your lips at his words. 
 “Good.” Your head falls back down on his chest. ”That makes me so happy.” Your eyes close and despite your efforts no to, you black completely out.
~While you were knocked out~
 “How amusing.” Doflamingo snickers at your worn out body splayed on his. “You put all that effort in for a silly reward, just to pass out before you're able to indulge in it.” He lifts your body off of his and lays you gently on the bed. He puts his sunglasses back on and calls a maid in.
 “How can I help you young master?” The maid was blushing ear to ear seeing the state you and him were in.
 “Go get something for Y/N to sleep in from her room and change the sheets. I do apologize, it’s my fault they got a little wet.” The maid's cheeks got even darker at his declaration. Doflamingo picks your limp body from the bed and makes his way over to the bathroom. “And if you tell anyone about this, I will cut your head off and send it to your family. You may go now.” 
 “Yes young master.” Her voice wavers with fear. With a bow she leaves the room.
 Doffy turns his shower on, letting steam fill the room. He sat you down on the shower bench so he could clean himself. After giving his body a good scrub down, he picks your body up and places you under the warm water. He leans your body against his and begins to massage shampoo into your hair. After rinsing the suds out of your hair, he poured shower gel into a washcloth and started to lather it into your skin.
 “You're missing out young lady. I’m even using my expensive soap on you~” No response. Doffy rolls his eyes and continues to rinse your body off. He turns the shower off after he deems you squeaky clean. He sat you back down on the bench so he could dry himself off. He threw on a pair of silky pink boxers and then got to work drying you off. 
 He picks you up and takes you back into the bedroom. The maid had laid your clothes out on the freshly made bed. Doffy grabs the night gown and places it over your body. He never in a million years would have thought about pampering a woman like this. But yet here he is.
 “I normally only take these off of a woman, but I guess I’ll make an exception just this once.” He grabs your panties and rolls them up your legs. He admires the small pink flamingo that decorates them. “I’ll have to buy you more of these.”
 He pulls the duvet down and places you under it. After turning the lamp off he joined you in the bed.
 “Baby 5……” You mumble in your unconscious state. “If you go out, get me the latest copy of “Daydreams of Dressrosa”. And don’t let Doffy find out.” 
 “I’m not Baby 5 and I already know you read those silly books you insufferable woman.” Doffy whispers in your ear and as he expected you don’t respond. 
 Doflamingo has never been one to fall asleep easily, normally he reads a book or ponders his next heinous act. But tonight he finds himself watching your sleeping form. The moonlight that peeks through the curtains casts an ethereal glow on your face. “Do you want to shower with me and maybe we can cuddle together for a while after?” He recalls your request from that night. You have technically already showered together, even though you weren't awake for any of it. Which was of course your (Doffy’s) fault. Now it was time to fulfill the last part of your request.  His arm hooks around your midsection and pulls you so your head rests on his chest.
 His arm wraps around your back keeping you snug against him. He’d never openly admit it to you, but he was enjoying this. From the way you snuggled closer to him, to the way your body molds perfectly with his. Like you were made for him. Because you were made for him. He has never been one to keep the same woman around for long. He viewed women how children viewed toys. They are fun for a little while, until something more fun comes along. But not you. You're different from the others who threw themselves at him. He of course finds you very attractive, but there was something else that allured him more. 
  You are truly like his loyal lap dog. No matter how much he neglects you and no matter how many times he metaphorically “kicks you”, the moment he sticks his hand out you come running to him with that dopey smile plastered on your face. You're so hopelessly devoted to him and he loves it. You can’t live without him, he knows that. But a small part of him feels the same way towards you.
 “I think I’ll keep you around. For now at least.” 
 Your body stirs awake when you feel something tickling your ear. You search for the cause only to hear light snores coming from above you. Slowly you raise yourself from the bed to see the source of the snores was coming from none other than Doflamingo. You bite down on your lip in order not to laugh. It was so funny to watch a man so powerful and scary snoring.  He was still human after all. One particularly loud snore causes a giggle to escape your lips. You slam a hand over your mouth and pray he didn’t hear. 
 “Mind telling me what’s so funny?” It was too late, the beast was already lifting up from the bed.
 “It’s nothing Doffy, you were just snoring.” You press your hands against his chest urging him to lay back down. “I’m sure I’ve overstayed my welcome, I apologize. Sleep well young master.” You scooch yourself off the bed only to be pulled back by a strong arm. He brought you back down to his tone chest and wrapped his arm back around you, caging you to his side. Butterflies erupt in your stomach from the gesture. You lips form into a wide smile as you enjoy the warmth he provided.
 “I don’t snore. And you're fine right where you are. This is your reward after all.” You feel his hand draw soothing shapes into your back. I must be dreaming.
 “If that’s the case, I really like my reward. Thank you.” Your eyes travel up to meet his. You were on cloud 9 and the huge smile on your face proved that. He rolls his eyes at you before slamming your head back down. “Can I request one more thing?” You muffle out into his pecs.
 “Well, aren't you a greedy girl? What is this request of yours?” You feel your heartbeat pick up. You hope this doesn't go south like last time. 
 “Will you please kiss me? I’m grateful for everything you’ve given me and I-.” Your cutoff when his lips connect with your. It catches you off guard, but you slowly melt into it. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire as he slips his tongue into your mouth. Thankfully he pulls away before it gets too heated, you doubt your worn out body could go another round.
 “Satisfied?” You meekly nod before laying back down on him. “Good, now go back to sleep.”
 “One more thing.” You hear him groan out in response. “Now that I’ve seen your eyes, are you going to kill me?” The room fell silent before he started laughing.
 “Perhaps.” You don’t know what worse, the fact he’s laughing about it or not knowing if that perhaps was a joke or not. “Now go back to sleep or I may actually off you.” That time you could sense he was kidding. He was kidding right?
 “Yes sir.” And with that you fell back asleep in his protective hold.
 ~The morning after~
 You woke up alone in Doflamingo’s ginormous bed. You rub the sleep out of your eyes and roll off of the plush mattress. Judging from the amount of sunshine that filled the room, it was very late in the morning. You stretch your arms over your head and let out a satisfied hum.
  Your eyes scan the room and stop on a large tray of sweets sitting on a table. After last night activities, you've worked up a appetite. You walk up to investigate the confections and notice a couple books stacked neatly beside it. You jump up and down when you realize the books are the latest volumes of “Daydreams of Dressrosa”. And they were all signed copies! There was even a copy of the book that was destroyed in the pool yesterday.
 “What page was I on again?” You open the book and skim through the pages until you find a pink feather marking page 112.
 Unknown to you, a certain warlord watched you with a rare, but rather pleasant smile on his face.
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scarletttries · 11 months
Take Control of the Night (Steven Grant Request)
Pairing: Steven Grant (Moon Knight) x F! Reader
Rating: Explicit (Dom! Steven)
Word Count: 2.4k
Request: "Thoughts on dom!steven? How would he react to reader wanting him to be a bit rougher? + some dirty talk if you can :) Thanks so much!!! "
Author's Note: I never get tired of writing of writing for Steven Grant 💕 Thank you to everyone sending me these headcanons, please send more Steven requests/thots anytime :)
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Take Control of the Night
"Are you sure love? Like really sure?" Steven had lived what felt like his whole life resenting the restraints he'd attached to his bed after one too many 'sleepwalking incidents.' So when you; sweet, beautiful, perfect you had asked if he ever used them for fun, it felt like everything he'd ever been through had been worth it for that moment. It was one thing when his wonderful new colleague let him buy her a coffee and listen to his stories, but it was something else entirely to have you offering your body up to him, the first taste of intimacy Steven had ever known. You'd guided him through moves and positions, making sure you both knew exactly what the other liked before asking him to try taking on a more dominant role this time.
"Yes, I'm really really sure Steven, I want you to be in control of every part of me." You cooed as he nodded resolutely and tightened the final strap, leaving you pinned against his bed, with nothing between you but the restraints.
"Thank you love." He replied softly, settling onto the bed beside you and leaning over for the kind of sweet, gentle kiss that always made your head spin. As he slowly pulled away, your lips chased his on instinct, hands tugging at the restraints as he moved out of reach with a chinking of the metal that felt like music to Steven's ears.
"Sounds like you already want letting out and I haven't done anything yet!" Steven teased mischievously, starting to slowly understand the appeal of his new role. Usually Steven was just desperate to please, to give you whatever you wanted and feel happy just being the one who gets to give it to you. But today the dark voices inside him stared down at you, helpless and naked, and he wanted to take what he wanted for once.
"I just like feeling you." You replied honestly, watching his gaze trace up and down your body, his fingers hovering just above your skin as if charting his course before ever actually touching you.
"Is that right beautiful? And where do you like to feel me?" His usual innocent grin shifted to a greedy smirk as he licked his lips, watching you swallow down desire as you tried to answer him.
"Anywhere?" Your skin prickled with anticipation of being touched, his strong broad hands rising up out of reach as he considered your answer, only to slap against the flesh at the top of your thighs, spanking the parts of you he could reach in this position.
"That's not a very helpful answer, you can do better than that love." He rubbed the warm skin where he'd touched you, and asked again, "Where do you like to feel me?"
"My chest!" The words fell from your lips before you could think, your brain swimming with this transformation; Steven finally taking assertive control and giving you exactly what you wanted, and oozing seductive power as he did.
"Good girl." He purred as he straddled your hips, leaning forward until his lips found the soft swell of your breasts. Covering every inch of exposed skin with gentle kisses while his fingers cupped and squeezed your curves, drawing sighs and mewls from your parted lips as he worked. His teeth scraped over your hard nipples as his tongue danced over them, teasing the little buds until he could feel your hips buck up against the fabric of his boxers, searching for friction as the sensations built up inside you. Without warning his teeth nipped at your flesh and he sat up on your thighs, drawing a moan from you as you fought against the cuffs on your wrists to follow him.
"Steven.." You pleaded, the cold night air almost too much against your now glistening nipples, your back arching off the bed in the hopes of winning his touch as he tutted down at you,
"You were getting greedy there my sweet Cleopatra, you can't just take what you want today." As if to emphasise your obvious need, he skated his fingertips up your inner thighs, watching your legs tremble in response and your ankles wriggle against their restraints.
"You just feel so good everywhere!" You pleaded, stomach in knots as he traced faint shapes higher and higher up your legs, sure he must be able to see the drips of excitement that he'd stirred up inside of you.
"You know I'm a sucker for your flattery sweetheart. Lucky for you." Perched painfully out of reach on your thighs, his fingers finally reached the apex of your legs, running over your slit, gathering up your slick until they rested lightly over your clit. He watched as your wide pleading eyes locked onto his hand, your breasts rising and falling with the desperation until finally he started to move. His fingers strummed steadily over the bundle of nerves, a soft stream of moans spilling from your lips at the relief, the sweet feeling of his wet fingers gliding over you. Steven paid close attention to the way your stomach started to tense slightly, your legs fighting underneath his powerful thighs as his steady rhythm felt like heaven against you, watching and waiting for a moment he knew would be coming. His fingers were pure bliss as he brushed over your clit again and again, the pressure inside you building up with every moment, until you could feel entrance start to ache for relief, pleasure building endlessly but never quite reaching its peak.
"Steven." You panted out between moans, twisting your body to try and get that final bit of sensation, and over the line of your orgasm.
"What's wrong love?" His tone was sincere, but as he pulled his fingers away and grinned that needy noise you made in response, you doubted he didn't know exactly what he was doing.
"I just need a little more Steven." Your pathetic tone only spurred on Steven, who sighed and shook his head.
"Well this isn't about what you need. It's about what I want. And maybe I want you, just short of cumming. Maybe I want you squirming and desperate and aching for me. And maybe if you're not going to be good, then I'll just leave you like this." His tone was darker than you'd ever heard him be before, a devilish glint in his eye that made you sure he was enjoying this power far more than you would have expected, feeling a little nervous about this side of him, ratting your chains again as you instinctively tried to rub your thighs together, the ache inside you only growing worse. "Maybe I should go even slower."
He was almost thinking aloud as he slipped one stout finger into your dripping entrance, overwhelming enough to have your hips bucking up against him, but providing none of the relief you really needed. He moved so deliberately, sinking his finger up to the knuckle beside pulling it all the way out, only to push it in again, bending it slightly to get the maximum impact as it dragged along your walls. You could feel yourself building to the apex of your pleasure again, the electricity in your veins overwhelming, heat flushing through every part of your body despite his slow, delicate movements. Shifting further down the bed Steven kisses began to trail across your thighs, rising to land gentle pecks on your hip bones. His tongue mapped a line of kisses across your lower belly, feeling you tense as his lips met the place the pressure was building inside you, your volume growing louder as your body started to fight for release, hips chasing Steven's finger, trying to fuck yourself against it to get there. Biting down on your inner thigh Steven pulled his finger away at the final second, feeling your whole body shake and contort as its release was snatched away again, every inch of your skin squirming against the soft bed sheets in overstimulation.
"Please Steven. I'll be good!" You pleaded, cursing your hips for betraying his control and the throbbing ache between your legs for making you shake against your restraints. Not satisfied that his work was done, knowing that it would take a lifetime of teasing to make you anywhere near as desperate for him, as he felt every waking hour for you, he lifted himself off the bed, standing to your side and slipping his boxers down his muscular thighs.
"Is that right? You're going to be my good girl and do what I ask?" You could feel your mouth water as he took his length in is hand, pumping the length of it over a few times before resuming his position straddling your spread thighs, greedily looking down at your dripping pussy as you nodded your head.
"Then stay still." Was all he said before he dived forward, tongue delving between your folds like a man starved, nose rubbing over your swollen clit and drawing all the air out of your lungs. You could feel tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as you fought to keep still, tensing every muscle in your screaming body in the hopes of finally tasting relief. Plunging two fingers inside you, his tongue moved its attention to your clit, lapping and sucking at the neglected bud until you could feel your long-awaited orgasm set to burst any moment. As you moaned out Steven's name, he slapped the meat of your ass again, sending a shockwave through your body that had you squirming and shaking, eyes immediately shooting open as he pulled away at the crucial moment.
"I'm sorry Steven! I couldn't help it, please let me cum!" Your voice was wavering as he looked down at you almost apologetically, his own length red and leaking as he placed it on your throbbing clit, the sensation alone almost enough to send you over the edge.
"You're going to be the death of me love. Why can't you just do as you're told." He punctuated the final few words with a pinch of your nipples, leaning down to kiss the sensitive circles and feeling you twitch at even the smallest of touches.
"You just feel too good Steven, I need you." You sobbed out, fighting the desperate desire to grind against his manhood and chase the overdue relief you craved.
"You're lucky I need you too love, so I'm going to give you another chance - I'll go really easy on you, just don't cum until I say so okay?" His voice sounded soft and kind after his relentless teasing, and in your desperation you nodded hopefully, wishing you could use your hands to stroke him, or wipe your eyes, or even just touch yourself, your core aching with the build up of pressure. Your whole pussy was tingling and sensitive, even the air against your wet folds making you whimper as Steven readjusted himself, lining himself up with your slit before moving his hands to grab your bum, eyes hungry as he finally sunk himself inside of you. You could feel your head fall backwards at the feeling of fullness that only Steven could give, his fingers no match for the satisfying way he stretched you out.
His grip on your spread cheeks tightened as he lifted your hips with ease, slamming into you again, this time harder and faster, using your body with his complete control. Your pinned hands gripped the straps of your restraints for some kind of control as Steven fucked into you, movements rough and frantic, hips slamming against yours with enough force to make your boobs bounce in time to his movements, his eyes fixated on their rythmic movement as he watched your straining face.
"Don't cum yet, or i'll stop and leave you tied up here all night." He commanded, somehow picking up his pace, knowing he was setting you up to fail and very excited to watch you fall apart despite your best efforts. Your eyes clenched shut as he moved one hand to take the full weight of your hips, the other dipping between his lips before landing on your clit, thumb rubbing tight circles that he knew you were powerless against.
"Steven!" You cried out as you struggled against him, your whole body squirming from the sensation, legs trembling against his hips, lungs struggling to fill enough with each breath. You could feel his own imminent release, his hips stuttering as he throbbed inside you, the image in front of him too much to contain himself.
"Cum for me now gorgeous, let me feel you cum." His words were strangled as he felt you let go, the waves of pleasure he had stopped earlier now all crashing down on top of you as the feeling of ecstasy spread through your veins. He could feel you tighten around him as you cried out his name, thighs clenching as best they could as you panted through the overwhelming pleasure, you relief feeling all the more incredible for the time spent waiting. You felt wave after wave of bliss flow through you as Steven spilled inside you, thumb still toying with your clit until you begged him to stop, overstimulated and somehow desperate for me of his touch still.
Taking a deep breath, Steven quickly pulled out of you, letting his seed drip out of you and onto your stomach as he reached to free your bound wrists, gently taking each one in his hand and kissing it softly as he rested them on your chest, watching you squirm in sensitivity from the slightest contact with your nipples. Lying by your side and carefully wiping the tears across your cheeks he cooed softly,
"Was that alright my love? Not too much?"
"That was perfect Steven. You were perfect." You breathed out, taking his face in your hands and pulling his lips onto his, ignoring the fireworks still going off inside you that threatened to make you unable to walk the next day.
"Does that mean we can do that again sometime?" Steven asked eagerly, staring down at your incredible form and feeling undeniably blessed.
"Of course. But you do need to free my ankles for today gorgeous." You teased, watching Steven's eyes then fingertips stroke down your thigh.
"Are you sure? You do look quite incredible like this."
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keis-slut · 8 months
hi i love ur writing!!! can u maybe do a fnaf sb kink/fetish headcanon thing? all characters pls 🥹🤍
OH MY GOD??????⁉️⁉️⁉️
DOING IT RN YES???⁉️⁉️⁉️
i’m going to try my best to put EVERY detail i possibly can in this and explain as much as I can, just give you guys a feast LMFAO.
-fuck, y’all…
-i think he’s the most inexperienced of them all, but once you get him started, he knows EXACTLY what he’s doing for some reason. he just does it all right, and so good too???
- he’s oddly always horny though, but feels embarrassed when he does stuff to himself, and honestly isn’t a big fan of it
-he’s the sweetest in bed and mostly vanilla, but if you tell him what you’re into, he’ll immediately like it and do whatever you ask, he’s here to please you
-this even includes being nasty, mean, degrading you, surprisingly
-as much as y’all might roll your eyes at this next hc…uhm he be rolling his eyes back when you call him daddy, let’s be fr.
-he loves the idea of his “father figure” personality turning to a sexual thing as well and getting someone off.
-if you have daddy issues, freddy fazfuck is here to help.
-he loves being called daddy and seen as superior or in charge, never in an abuse of power kinda way, but a protective way, even though the idea does get him off.
-he loves receiving oral SO much, just watching the way his cock disappears behind your lips, he finds it so beautiful to look at.
-he finds you so beautiful to look at
-he also loves playing with your hair (platonic or romantic), like when cuddling, or holding it back prettily as you suck him off
-he’s obsessed with the noises you make, he loves hearing you moan for his cock, especially when you get so loud he’s forced to see the sight of your mouth being covered by his large hand.
-also he’s not the biggest possessive or jealous type, but he can’t lie and say he has never thought of possibly the others hearing you scream “daddy!” loud and clear from his greenroom.
-the vibrations of your moans on his larger hand almost makes him go completely feral, but he manages to keep his composure.
-he’s not very loud himself, but he does a lot of praise of how good it feels and he’s more of a talker
-telling you how well you’re taking him, calling you pretty names, always making you feel good
-“my pretty superstar, taking daddy so well…such a good girl”
-he’s does kinda grunt a lot though, he mostly just holds back on his noises so he could hear you
-he’s all top, you’ll never see him as a bottom and i don’t think you guys want that anyway
-you’d rather be calling him daddy as his fazcock stretches ur fazpussy
-he WILL beg you to ride him though, he’s obsessed with you in his lap, up and down on him, the way your hips move. reverse cowgirl is good too, still gives a great view of your hips.
-he loves your hips, GOD, he loves your hips.
-did i say he loves your hips?
-grabbing them with his big hands while you ride him, feeling you move and leading you as you take him.
-definitely a thighs kinda guy. hips and thighs.
-i feel like she comes off all cute, girly and innocent and everything, but she’s into A LOT.
-and they’re “weird”, maybe even taboo.
-cunnilingus at its finest, she’s in love with women, even tho i hc she’s pansexual.
-she’s also a switch but more of a massive top.
-she loves when you can surprise her sometimes and be top, she finds it so amusing, but will slowly melt if you keep going, letting you take control.
-she’s so fun during sex though, she giggles a lot and jokes around, it’s the best when you can fuck, laugh, and fuck again like nothing happened.
-with her love for eating, and food, and her being used for food representation for literally ever, i have this small (reallybig) idea that she’s indulged in the feederism community to a degree.
-i just have a feeling she loves the idea of getting you drunken and sleepy on eating a lot, then fucking you all drowsy.
-this goes for aftercare too, she also loves just snacking a lot with you or even feeding you, giving you snacks to try etc.
-this also goes for her obsession with squeezing all the right places (like her loving boobs, she’ll squeeze them constantly) but even with thighs or hips/waist, like love handles, or if you have the cutest tummy. she loves tummies.
-the idea of you begging her to let you finish, omg, she’s so into edging she’ll keep you going all night.
-she praises alot though, loves calling you “good girl/boy”, telling you how good you’re holding up for her, as it’s been almost 2 hrs of edging
-she just loves admiring you while she makes you feel good
-100% top, don’t fight me, im right.
-and she’s a lesbian LOL she loves pussy
-loves calling you pup, read my roxy smut RN.
-needs you to be begging for it.
-absolutely needs to be doggy style, no pun intended, she’s such an ass person, she has to see that RECOIL.
-rough as fuck, hard, fast, animalistic thrusts.
-she loves when your brain cannot keep up, she’ll call you her braindead little bitch.
-as you can see, she’s into degrading. her praise is extremely limited during sex, it’s very rare and when/if it does come out, it needs to be taken lightly, it’s all false sympathy.
-even though she’s extremely degrading to you, she needs you to praise her during sex. has you telling her how well she’s doing, how good she feels, who you belong to, etc.
-“tell me i’m the best, say it, now, filthy bitch” “you’re the best, you feel so good, fuck!”, “more please, im all yours! I belong to you!”
-“and this pretty pussy belongs to who? tell me, pathetic pup” “you! it’s all yours, roxy!”
-aftercare is very different, she uses sex to be absolutely disgusting to you, but she will do ANYTHING for you after sex to make you feel like a queen, she’s the sweetest and most caring ever.
-she knows that you know she means nothing she says to you during sex.
-she has every single toy you could think of, she’s a huge toy person. she probably has like 5 different sets of strapons and 20 different dildos.
-loves when you wear a remote control vibrator during a show and she can see you squirming right in the front row as she controls it, how you watch her perform, begging her with your eyes to either stop, or make you cum already.
-uhm she shows off a lot so she’ll leave marks all over you, more than likely using her teeth on your neck, so others know you belong to her and they know who’s marks they are.
-she’s not into choking much (unless you are), she’s more into grabbing a fistfull of your hair and pulling your head back while plowing you from behind. she needs you to arch your back inhumanely just for her.
-although, ironic, she does have a collar and a leash which is the closest you’ll get to being choked by her, using this is convenient since you’re more often going from behind. she loves the control.
-also never pull her hair. ever.
-she’s extremely possessive, she would never want to share you. you’re hers and only hers. don’t ever talk about being poly or having threesomes or anything. chicas joked about it before and roxy almost ripped her beak off. she’d never let chica join, or anyone for that matter. you’re hers.
-so she’d be more than happy to let anyone else watch her pound what belongs to her, and dream.
-lord help me.
-prepare to be destroyed, just like his greenroom.
-he’s so into the idea of seeing how big he is inside you. like
-tummy bulge>>>>> ,uhm yes
-will fuck and overstimulate you into a screaming mess, he wants you to make a mess of yourself
-he’s into bodily fluids and stuff, i don’t even know if i should say it all bc i’m sure you know, but he wants you to let it ALL out. make a mess of everything, everywhere. and he’ll fuck you until it all comes out.
-and just like roxy, he’s also mean during sex, and degrades alot. he’s not as nice as roxy during the aftercare though, but he still cares alot. he’s big and scary but can be a big baby at times.
-he’s into noncon, also somnophilia, just the idea of taking advantage of someone so little like you.
-this includes size kink too, he loves how small you are compared to him.
-face fucking and head pushing !!!
-all of this is also ofc WITH CONSENT he’s really not actually an asshole, he’s respectful.
-he’s the type that would have a threesome, probably with roxy, the idea of both of them using you like that has him feral. (roxy only agreeing to this in a world where you’re montys and not hers, cuz again, she’d never share you)
-sun is submissive, moon is dominant, im just gonna start with that obvious point.
-sun is a begger 100%, and is always looking for attention, doesn’t matter how, but he will beg.
-SO good at finger fucking (it’s like the only thing he could rlly do tho, he can’t eat you)
-his slender fingers just curl and reach all the right places, and he loves praising.
-but his praise is a lil scary, it’s like overly happy praising, he’ll just be in complete awe constantly, thanking you over and over again for the experience and letting him touch you.
-lots of moaning, he’s so loud and won’t shut up.
-he loves when you take control and tell him what to do to you, yknow?
-also uhm call him a good boy for doing what you asked and see what happens.
-“put them in, now curl them-yeah, like that, good boy, sun, good boy”
-he’ll melt completely, he’ll giggle uncontrollably, his wires and gears clicking and twitching in excitement as you ride his fingers.
-he cannot ever keep his hands to himself like he’s always gotta be touching you, he’s OBSESSED.
-definitely obsessive type, clingy asf
-some of sun is still the same with moon, like moon is definitely also OBSESSEDOBSESSEDOBSESSED with you.
-(like monty) somnophilia, next.
-this includes getting himself off to you asleep^ (consensually ofc)
-also good with fingers, same as sun, although is more driven by the look of the mess you’ve left on his fingers.
-always fascinated by seeing how many he can fit and how much he can stretch you out. and he thinks you’re so pretty down there, he’s a starer.
-he would most definitely try and keep an item of your clothing and always smell it, your scent never failing to get him off.
-into praise degradation, like calling you pretty, followed by something derogatory.
-his fingers, like i’ve mentioned, you’re both obsessed with them, not only when he fingers you, but he’s so into sticking them in your mouth and gagging you with them.
-fucking you in missionary, he loves watching your tongue swirl around his fingers, and when you suck on them
-this is so funny i even have to say this but he loves having music on when having sex, there has to be music
-I also feel like you can never tell when he’s being jokingly flirty with you, or if he’s genuinely trying to be suggestive and serious.
-because he jokingly flirts all the time, this is the reason you have every word to “Careless Whisper” memorized, he loves randomly playing it to be a goof.
-because of how big he is, there’s an obvious size kink, but he’s extremely gentle with you. not like monty’s size kink and the idea of taking advantage of someone so small, his is more like in a cute way, taking care of you, ur so itty bitty.
-I saw this around and on other posts before and i cannot help but agree that since he’s much bigger there’s not much he can do, but so his whole body vibrates? like when you play music so loud in a car, the sound waves and bass makes the car shake and vibrate. yeah like that so uh, he finds great pleasure in watching you rut on his finger as he’s vibrating.
-he loves this so much, he’ll even start messing with you by pausing and playing the music to fuck with the vibrations
-almost like edging you, honestly
-he’ll do whatever it takes to prolong your finish, just so he could keep watching you come undone
-the way your tiny body bounces and rubs against literally any part of him to get off.
-watching this, he gets a great view of your boobs.
-since he can’t really touch you or do a lot to you, he loves when you put on a little show for him while you use his vibrating body.
-making faces, fixing your hair, changing positions, all because he’s watching. he loves to just watch you.
-also uhm he calls you beautiful nonstop???? his fav word to use for you
-so vanny and vanessa i find different, almost like sun and moon but obviously vanessa is a person.
-i’ll start with vanny.
-vanny is very dominant, very cocky more than confident.
-vanny does not like being vulnerable at all, so she’ll always take control. this is because i feel vanessa uses vanny to be someone who’s stronger and better than how insecure she actually is, for explanation.
-during sex she refuses to take off her mask, but she’ll take off the rest of her outfit.
-with women, scissoring is a favorite. but she has to be on top, she has to be the one putting the pressure on you, thrusting into you, just be on top.
-more catering towards men (also women if strapon) she likes to ride if it means she’s still in that control.
-just, do not let her on the bottom.
-same goes for handjob (not blow since she refuses to take off her mask), she wants you to be a whining, crying mess for her to let you finish.
-so she’s literally the type of person to listen to whimpering and whining audios of guys LOL.
-same girl.
-huge tease too, she’ll make you actually feel shitty, but if you’re into that then you’ll like it in the moment, so who cares?
-big fan of JOI, she loves to just be bossy and tell you what to do. she’ll never let you take charge.
-also she’ll choke the shit out of you, way into choking/breath play, anything to have you lightheaded and gasping
-also if you ask her, she’ll tie you up too. more into handcuffs though secretly, since vanessa is a security guard type thing.
-so, yeah, vanessa now, uhm
-officer vanessa I-
-I believe you are a switch
-going for vanessa now, i think she’s still got some top in her if you get her riled up enough, she can definitely be a hot dom.
-maybe if you tease her when she’s had a bad day at work or in a bad mood in general, that’s when you’ll get dom vanessa
-and she’d love to be called mommy, oh lord, try that out.
-but that also goes for when she’s a bottom, she’ll whine and cry, “mommy! mommy…”.
-she’s very into oral too, more so into receiving, when it comes to girls
-when it comes to guys though, she’ll be on her knees, she is the headmaster (lol get it? head? master? yeaaahashahahah…)
-she’s like scarily good at giving head
-other than that, she’s quite vanilla, honestly
-she does like a little praise too, like calling her pretty and things like that, telling her how good she feels
-maybe a hair tug here and there
-also possibly the occasional security guard roleplay into sex
I tried to add as many characters as I could think of, but if there are any you guys would want to see specifically, just let me know!!
I like doing nsfw hcs LOL
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cookie-crumblr · 8 months
Hype Train!
F!Streamer Reader x M!Yandere Streamer OC
Part 4~
His Info: 📹✨
Part: 1 2 3 4 5
CW: WHOLE PART IS NSFW, !F reader, use of she/her when referring to reader, reader has a vagina, pet names not from ML (doll, ), SA!! NOT BY ML, assaults, NON CON NOT BY ML, Murder, gore, possibly angsty?, fingering, p in v, pet names (pretty, good girl, pretty girl, ) creampie, praise, lots of consent checks! long azz smut, probably my favorite work so far…👉👈
“Thank you all for coming again!!! I had so much fun tonight! we’re gonna stream again tomorrow and if not then the next day I promise!!! See y’all later and shower this next person with love!!!” You type out a raid message for everyone to copy, and click raid now.
You sigh as you take off your headset.
At least you feel tired enough to sleep now.
*loud knocking*
“C’mon!!! Seriously??” You know who it is before you even answer.
“Hello, Jared.” your voice is deadpanned and your expression unimpressed.
Although… You haven’t had a good fuck in a while…
Not that Jared is a “good” fuck. He’s at least got the equipment for the job.
“Doll, you know, I’ve been thinking about you again, just let me in to explain,” He says seriously and tries to push past you to inside your apartment.
You immediately block his path. “Excuse you. I don’t care what you’re thinking about. And I was gonna let you in, but now that you just tried to barge your way in, I’ve changed my mind. Get out of here.” You slam the door hard toward the frame.
His hand comes up, “Listen to me, bitch. I said I was thinking about you. Listen to my explanation.” He demands, his foot in the way of the blue painted wood.
Your heart races… No. Not this again.
You didn’t even notice at first the smell of it on his breath.
He’s been drinking.
You aren’t surprised or disappointed.
You are however, afraid.
“N-no… I-I don’t have to listen to you. Not now, not ever.” you remain firm. “Leave, o-or I’ll… Call the cops.”
“Hah. Like that’ll save you, doll.” He pushes the door open and throws you against a wall.
Your skull hits it with a loud *THUD*
shit, shit, shit, SHIT!
what do you do?!
Your cat runs and hides under the bed in the other room.
Thank goodness, at least Opal won’t get hurt by this maniac.
You struggle and put up as much of a fight as possible, but he over powers your every attemp.
You eventually just stop.
You turn your face, he pulls you back.
You squeeze your lips shut, he slams your head back so you gasp and let his tongue violate you.
He strips you, and throws your body, stomach down, onto the couch.
You try and crawl away, and he just pulls you back.
“No! PLEASE!!!!!” You cry out, your voice not even sounding like your own anymore.
Flashbacks to your time in the pit resurface again, forcing their way into your head while he forces his way into your body.
You cry and plead, he just punches and bites you where ever he can.
All you can do is cry now.
“Bite the pillow, bitch!” he yells into your ear.
You wake maybe thirty minutes later with his weight on top of you.
You manage to roll out while he’s in his drunken coma.
You hope while you’re at work he just… leaves…
He usually does.
The shower you take doesn’t help you feel any cleaner.
Tears don’t even threaten your numb body anymore. You’re embraced once more by the hollow feeling you’ve gotten accustomed to.
Do you even remember feeling safe only a day ago?
It feels like it was simply a dream at this point.
Jasper opens the unlocked door you left and sees the naked man on your couch.
His pupils once again blown with a familiar rage.
He drops his bag loudly onto the ground.
The man sits up, covering his exposed lower half “Who the fuck are you? You, freak! Get out!” He yells.
Jasper reaches into his pocket, pulling out a syringe.
“W-what the fuck man, what is that?!”
Jasper steps forward, and Jared jumps up to meet him.
“Get away! Freak! I’m warning you!” Jared lunges, knocking the syringe from his hands
Jasper then kicks his legs out from under him.
He falls to his knees, seeing the syringe near the coffee table, he reaches for it.
Jasper stomps down onto his veiny hand, breaking bones.
He screams, “WHAT THE FUCK?! Who the HELL do you think you-”
His sentence is cut off as Jasper crunches his hand, grinding it under his boot. “AHHHHH!!! OOWWW F-FUCK!!”
He grasps his scalp with fist fulls of sandy blonde hair next, and hovers it up over the corner of the coffee table.
Jared tries to pry the black boot off of his hand, as his eyes widen in fear looking at the metal edges.
“What the FUCK man!!!! This isn’t a joke! STOP!!”
Jasper smiles grimly, leaning down closer to him, “Oh, you want ME to stop? What about Y/N? Didn’t she ask you that?” he hums sinisterly.
“Th-That’s different! chicks always say-” he’s cut off again.
“Say what? Say No?” He barks out a cruel and unforgiving laugh.
He’s tired of this animals voice.
“Bite the metal, bitch.” He slams his face repeatedly into the corner of the table.
He gurgles and coughs, as his face swiftly becomes a bloodied, unrecognizable pulp.
You sigh. Climbing the stairs grudgingly.
You threw up at work again and they forced you to go home.
You’re so emotionally stressed, your body has started to try and rid you of it physically again.
You hear something strange, but you can’t yet tell what it is. You’re too worried how your gonna pay for next months “protection” and make the rent on time…
Your door isn’t locked still. No point, you thought.
Jared leaves it unlocked after he leaves anyway.
At least he doesn’t have a key.
The noises are coming from inside your appartment though… Is he… Hurting Opal??? You burst through the door, “Jare-” Your eyes widen, as you study the unknown man hovering over a bloodied Jared…
You go to scream, and Jasper rushes at you covering your mouth with his hand.
“Wait! Y/N!”
You’re trembling, but you recognize him by his voice now.
He removes his hand, and you speak quietly, “Jasper?”
You slowly close the door behind you…
“W-what is…” You don’t need to finish that, you know what’s happening.
“Wait! Y/N, I’m not… uhg… I didn’t think you’d be back so soon,” he doesn’t move anymore toward you, he just looks over the body.
He’s not attacking you.
Your brow furrows, maybe you don’t know…?
“What are… You doing? why? I’m so…” confused, but you can’t speak anymore, before tears start falling again.
Jasper wraps his arms around your shaking form, in a loving embrace, not like one of someone that wants more.
You squeeze back… You don’t know why, or how, but you know he doesn’t mean you harm.
“Jasper, whatever you’re doing, please stop… You’re.. Going to get into so much trouble for… This, a-and I’m not worth the trouble…” You shakily push through the tears.
He holds you tighter. “You are, Y/N, you are.”
“You don’t understand, I’m in a lot of deep shit right now… People are… after me. People are using me. People are-”
He kisses you.
Nobody’s ever tried to protect you before.
How did he even get here?
Maybe one of the questions you should be worried about…
How did he know where you are? Is another.
But your too overcome with emotion to think any rational thoughts right now.
Your arms travel upward, twisting around Jasper’s neck.
He picks you up by your sides, your legs hook around his waist.
He carries you to your bedroom, and lays you gently on the bed.
You’re still crying, and you continue to embrace him.
His hands wander down to your crotch, he pulls away to look into your eyes, “May I?”
Through blurry eyes you nod, and push forward to kiss him again, harder than he did.
His lips push back into yours, he sighs through his nose.
His fingers hook under your panties and pull them down your legs.
You help kick them off.
He finds your slit and slowly strokes up and down, covering his fingers in your slick.
You moan into him, nothing has ever felt this good, and he hasn’t even started.
You might come already…
Your legs snap shut, locking his hand in place.
He pulls his face back again, studying yours, “It’s okay, just relax, and let it out, pretty…” he coos, his face burying into your neck now.
You shiver, feeling his tongue and his hot breath against your skin.
He smells so nice.
like fresh air.
You slowly try and relax your legs, opening just enough for him to move again.
He tweaks your sensitive bud.
“Mmmm!” You bite your lips hard, your brows so tight together your face almost hurts. You’re holding your breath too and you don’t even notice until your lungs burn.
“shhh. Shhhh, it’s okay. It’s okay,” he shushes you sweetly. “You’ll be okay. let it all out, f’me”
“J-Jas-perrr…” Your body quakes with your first orgasm.
Nobody’s ever made you come before. It’s almost painful it feels so good.
Your legs snap shut again, and he chuckles quietly. “There, there, Y/N, you did so good, you’re such a good girl,” you feel his smile against your neck. “Can i have my hand back though? I need to do this for you, I wont be able to fit, and I don’t want to hurt you,”
You relax as much as you can, straining yourself as you do. He waits patiently, smiling as you try. you manage to open wider for him than last time, your body still shaking.
From the orgasm yes, and also from fear.
Not from fear of him…
You’re just…
You feel so safe right now, you actually feel fear. You’re terrified. and you don’t know exactly what of.
Maybe you’re afraid of letting your guard down for the first time.
Tears are streaming down your face more rapidly now.
You choke out sobs, “Jas-per… Jas…p-per…”
“Shhhh shhhh, it’s okay, i promise, it’ll be okay, pretty, pretty girl.” His thumb oh so gently circles your clit, barely touching you, he can tell how sensitive you are and doesn’t want to overwhelm you.
He kisses your neck, and dips a finger into your quivering hole. You fight the urge to once again, snap your legs shut, instead trying to spread wider.
“That’s it, you’re doin’ so good f’me,” he kisses you again, even more gently than the last time. “I’m so proud of you,”
You’re biting your lips harder, as more and more tears and sobs leave your body.
He very slowly dips another finger in.
Even after last night the stretch is hard to take at first.
You draw blood from your lips, and his other hand leaves your body to find your mouth, “here, bite me ‘nstead, pretty. I don’t wanna see you hurting’.”
You clench your teeth before you give in, you don’t want to hurt him either, so you instead use your hand to angle his fingers to your lips… You start to suck gently.
“haaaaa” he sighs so contently into your neck, the air tickles and you smile around him. You actually smile!
“I’m so, so proud of you, you’re doing so well,” his voice never raising more than a soft whisper.
Your hair is soaked with your tears now, and your wetting the pillow.
“hmmm” you hum, sucking and licking his fingers.
His other ones remain occupied gently scissoring your open.
Your body shakes as you come again.
“That’s it, that’s a good girl, come f’me again, pretty,”
You open wider still, his thumb pulls away so you can come down without over stimulating you, while his fingers continue to work you’re tender quim.
Your brows peak and you squeeze your eyes shut.
He pulls completely away from you, and licks the fingers that where just inside you.
“Here” he says softly, “lemme help you, one second, pretty,” he rips the bottom of his shirt, pulling around his torso.
The sound scares you a little, but you trust him.
“May I?” he hovers it in front of your face looking deep into your eyes for your permission again.
And again, you nod, a little more eagerly this time.
He gently ties the black fabric around your eyes, careful not to pull your hair, or get it stuck in the knot.
You strangely feel more comfortable and your legs relax more easily now.
Your eyes also relax, and you sigh out, You breathe better surprisingly.
“I’m going t’ touch you again, okay?” He waits for you to nod before running just the tips of his fingers all the way up your legs.
They slowly caress you going up to the hem of your shirt, and you feel them tug gently. “m‘kay, pretty, I’m gonna take this off of you too, will you let me see you?”
You ferociously nod this time, trying not to but your lip, remembering before.
“so precious, thank you, pretty…” He slides the fabric slowly up, his fingertips still brushing against your soft skin.
He takes it off of you without touching the blindfold.
You still have a bra, and a skirt on. “W-wait!” you speak up, and he halts completely, a little surprised, but not at all upset.
You sit up so that you can reach behind you and unhook the bra. You cover yourself as you remove it, and your face heats up as it sets in that you’re willingly exposing yourself to someone.
“You’re wonderful,” he whispers awestruck, “So very wonderful. Will you let me look at you?”
Slowly you nod your head, and slowly you remove one hand, then the second. Your fists are clutched so tightly your knuckles have turned white. You turn your head, embarrassed.
“It’s okay, c’mere,” he gently takes your chin into his hand and turns your face back to him, his lips capture yours.
The love he feels pours freely into your soul.
One hand now cups your bare breast, and massages you tenderly.
“mm,” quiet moans leave your body for his.
He continues to kiss you and fondle your skin, his fingers move further up and stop to pinch your nipple.
“Mmm!” you’re surprised by the feeling but it’s so good… Your core heats up to extreme levels.
You rub your legs together this time for more friction, rather than to hide.
He pulls back with a smile. “You’re so perfect.” he says breathily, enraptured by you.
The hand under your chin moves back down ghosting over your body so you know at all times where it’s at.
“Haaaa” Your body twitches as he moves over some spots. “mM!”
“shhhhh, shhhhh, it’s gonna be alright. I’m gonna make everything all alright.” his already soft voice gets even softer with every one of his guarantees.
“O-mmm!-kay” you breathe out effortlessly, finding your voice, and still feeling the pleasure building in your core.
His fingers split into a “v” as they encase your clit and push down, then close slowly as they slide back up with the same force.
Your hips buck up, “Ahh!! mmmm! oh no! no…” you whine.
His smile softens, “do you want me to stop?”
“No! P-please… D-don’t…” you shake your head and grab his arm with both hands.
He dips back inside of you before dragging them all the way back up and he repeats this until you climax again.
You shudder out a sigh, “Th-thank youu…” You whimper.
“Thank you, pretty, you’re givin’ me s’much”
He repositions you both so that your legs fall on either side of him.
You feel him lift your thighs and press them not too uncomfortably closer to your body.
“I’m going to enter you now, is that okay?”
You nod vigorously, “Mmhm! p-please…” You cover your lips with your hands, he lets you, smiling as he admires your every move.
You feel his hot, spongey tip press against your hole. You brace. then he slides it up your slit, before he taps it to your clit. You jump a little and smile back while biting your lip gently this time.
“Good, you’re doin’ s’good f’me” his hips roll, sliding his burning cock up and down your folds.
Your hole twitches around nothing as you come again, as you do he guides the tip into you with an almost *pop*
You inhale while he exhales, both moaning at the sudden sensation.
You squeeze him as your pussy twitches involuntarily. He holds himself there, and presses his hand to your stomach, resting his thumb over your clit.
As you come down he rubs in circles, he slides in at the same time, letting you adjust to his size as he goes.
He bottoms out and you feel fuller than you ever have in your life. “Such a good, good girl.” his voice is a little more strained now, he’s feeling the pleasure just like you are.
His tip kisses your womb.
Gently he pulls out a little bit, before pushing back in, kissing your womb again.
“I’m-gonna cum inside you. Do you want that?” he circles your clit at an even pace.
“Use.. Your words, pretty,” he sighs blissfully.
“P-please, Jasper! Cum inside me!” You’ve never wanted anyone to until today. And you want it right now more than anything else in the world.
“Of course, I’ll—fill you up, pretty” He leans down over you and grabs the headboard for more stability.
You feel that he’s closer to you and you reach up blindly to hold him as best you can.
He starts a steady and easy pace to follow, you meet every thrust with your hips.
Every time he enters the pressure against your insides turns hotter and hotter, spinning a coil inside you so tightly you see stars.
He speeds up when he feels you can handle it, and slows down when you get too high.
His dick twitches inside of you and he presses the hardest he has into you yet, you come more powerfully than all the times leading up to this and you cry out his name, “Jasper! oh! oh my, Jasper! Jasper!”
He continues to thrust in a couple more times until you feel his body shudder and your womb is filled to the brim.
“Jas-per! Jas-!” His lips crash against yours he holds the headboard with both hands now, regaining his senses while he remains inside you.
“I love you, Y/N”
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
What if reader was the one who catches Osamu getting all handsy with himself? 👀
Like maybe she's been out for a while like business trip or a trip to an aunt that lives far away then when she comes back, she overhears the lady (over exaggerated moans) in the vid he's watching or she hears him groan out her name which prompts her to lean onto the door
pls because reader is definitely smarter than samu and knows the difference between actual moans and porn 🤭
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words: 551 cw: fem!reader, masturbation, oral (m receiving), manipulation, corruption kink, minors dni
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you flounder at his door, unsure of what to do, especially when your name falls from his lips. you've never caught him in such a compromising position before.
while trying to back away from the situation, you lose your footing and almost trip, letting out a small yelp. there's no way he didn't hear it, confirmed when he calls out your name.
"ya spyin' on me or somethin'?" he asks when you walk in the room, making no attempt to try and cover himself. in fact, he's still stroking himself as you approach him.
"i didn't see anything!" you blurt out, looking every which way but at him. "i came back a while ago and wanted to see you, i can go home..."
"why don't ya help me out?" osamu pulls you over until you're sitting at the edge of his bed. he brings your hand to wrap around his cock. "be a good girl and take care of me." with his hand over yours, osamu has you stroking his length, cursing at the feeling of your soft skin.
he's not sure what's better, the fact that you're back and that he doesn't have to fuck his own fist anymore or that you're so embarrassed to be doing this right now. osamu loves humiliating you, loves the dumb little whimpers you make. but you're so obedient.
you'd do anything he asked of you.
"baby, ya know what would really make me feel good?" he asks, leaning in to kiss you. he knows acting sweetly does something to you and doesn't mind exploiting it once in a while. "lemme use that pretty mouth of yers, okay?"
he loved how nervous you got. the cute little look you give him that silently asks, "what if i'm not good at it..."
"don't ya want to make me happy, baby?" and you do. that's why you settle between his legs and let osamu guide your soft lips to his hard cock. "i'll do all the work."
it takes all his power not to fuck your face the second he enters your warm mouth. he loves how messy it is, his sweet, innocent girl getting spit everywhere. he sings your praises when you use your hands for places your tongue can't reach, proud that he didn't even have to tell you to do it.
"fuck, that's my good girl," he grunts. he knows if he begs, you'll let him cum in your mouth. but osamu knows he shouldn't be so selfish, not when the other option is so much more fun.
"baby, baby get on yer knees fer me," he gasps, pushing you off before he blows his load. and, of course, you're kneeling pretty before him with your tongue sticking out. "i don't even have to ask, yer fuckin' perfect."
he's getting loose with his words, if he keeps going osamu's gonna say something stupid. he settles for biting his tongue when he finally cums on your face.
it takes you by surprise like it always does, a choked sob escaping your lips until osamu's done with you. he takes a second to look at you, cheeks stained with his seed.
"samu, please..." you whine. with a smirk, osamu grabs your hand and leads you to the bathroom.
"that's what ya get for bein' nosy."
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©sugawarassoulmate 2022 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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msmargaretmurry · 7 months
it was about your actual eldest daughter quinn cisswap fic :D
hahahaha thank you for clarifying <3 even though it would have been a delightful message either way
i'm so pleased to hear it though! i love her so much, i am slowly but doggedly plugging away at that fic in the precious free time i have and i am looking forward to hopefully one day share her with you and the five other people who are excited to read her story. also it's been a while since i wrote a female protagonist and it's been such a fun and interesting writing process digging into how the gender of it all does or doesn't change things.
anyway! have a little snippet of exposition!! <3
Technically, Quinn met Brady before they were fifteen. The elite hockey world is small, and they played with and against each other at various youth tournaments, but fifteen is when everything really started. Women in the NHL were no longer brand new, although still treated like a novelty — as if that’s ever going to change — but having girls in the national team development program was still in the experimental stages. After all, international competition was still strictly gendered. Someone had convinced the powers that be that if the best girls in the game were legitimately shooting for the NHL now, then it was good for the Americans to at least present the illusion of equal institutional support, the same way Sweden and Finland were doing. Can’t be falling behind the Europeans.
So the program wanted Quinn. Her parents, despite her years on boys’ teams and her tenuous commitment to Michigan, whose D-I hockey team did not historically include girls, had expressed some reservations about sending her off to live in an environment that was 90% teen boys before her sixteenth birthday. They were supportive, yeah, but they kept asking about special accommodations — a phrase that Quinn at fifteen loathed, feeling that it highlighted a difference between her and the boys that she would prefer for everyone to just forget about. But Brady, obviously, was also program-bound, and at a spring tournament in Wisconsin, Quinn’s coach connected Quinn’s parents with Keith and Chantal. Their dads already knew each other from years in the league: Jim behind the bench and in front offices, Keith on the ice. Both families familiar with the other from years of running in the same circles. The Tkachuks, it turned out, had a place in Ann Arbor while their boys were in the program, and they would be happy to let Quinn have the basement apartment, if some guaranteed parental supervision from a take-no-shit NHL veteran would put everyone’s minds at ease.
Brady, tall and gangly with his sweaty curls matted to his head, had watched the adults deliberating for half a minute, then turned to Quinn, stuck his hand out, and said, “Hey, how ya doing? That was a sick goal from the point your last game. Seriously, hell of a shot. I pointed it out to my dad and he was like, well, yeah, Brady, you could do that too if you didn’t have legs like spaghetti noodles. So I guess it’s gonna be leg day every day this summer.”
Quinn, once she had processed all of this, her hand still being shaken, had said, “Uh, yeah, looks like you could really use some work in that department.” Then she winced internally, because, yeah, great first impression on the kid whose parents were brokering her path to the NHL right at that moment. But Brady just laughed.
“So you think you’re gonna come to the program?” he asked.
Quinn nodded at the council of grown-ups. “If they let me, yeah.”
“They’ll let you. You’re too good not to go,” Brady said, so breezily assured that for a moment Quinn forgot why she had doubts. “It’s great. You’ll love it. My brother is there and he loves it. He says it’s not weird at all having girls around. I mean, like, obviously, we’ve got Nicky and Rach on our team right now and they’re great so I didn’t think it would be weird anyway. But Matthew says—” he laughed again, shaking his head “—he says, ‘just remember, you can hit them, but don’t hit on them, and it’ll all be fine.’” 
Despite herself, by this point, Quinn was grinning. “Sounds like a pretty good rule.”
“Yeah, he’s a knucklehead, but sometimes he pops out a gem like that,” Brady said.
“Brothers are usually knuckleheads.”
“True. Wait, hey.”
Quinn gave him a sidelong look, one eyebrow raised. He slugged her in the shoulder.
“Quinny, come here a sec,” her mom said, and that’s how Quinn wound up living in Brady Tkachuk’s basement for two years.
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thegapbetweenmoments · 4 months
New Muse Ideas!
So here is my consistent conundrum: I like writing things with what I like to refer to as notable supernatural elements. This could be a vampire character (Alicia), a necromancer (Diana and kind of Belle), a time mage (Tom), etc.
The problem with this is twofold. One issue is simply that many people aren't super interested in fantasy based things, which is 100% fair and fine, and why most of the time I just write without the supernatural bits unless otherwise specified.
The other is that even when people do want to write supernatural-ish things, sometimes the vibes don't line up with whatever it is that I made for my characters, which is why it takes a while for new characters to be made even at times like this when I'm relatively active.
Below is a list of character ideas I've come up with that I'm currently considering. If you see any on the list and go "Ooh! That sounds cool!", please let me know, because that kind of input is super helpful for this process. Doesn't matter if you're a mutual, nonmutual, never interacted before, etc (though more weight will be given to mutuals/people who've interacted before). Just drop a little response and that will give more weight to the idea. Once one or two have been figured out, I'm going to make a new post about FCs, because tbh I suck at picking those, but that is a thought for later!
The list of thoughts (under read more so that I don't take up the whole dash):
Half-devil lawyer (Honestly, this is a character I actually did use for one thread and I enjoyed a lot. I may make this one even if people don't want him, but weight and priority will likely be given to things people actually want. I've always enjoyed devil contracts as plot devices, and he might be just a smidge lawful evil)
Freed djinn nurse (General concept is that she has pretty significant powers that only work if she uses them in response to a wish. She wouldn't have to respond to every wish, and like more nefarious djinn she'd probably try to use the wording of wishes in order to bend things to work how she wants, even though she as a person is not trying to harm anyone. Job as a nurse is essentially so that she can hear wishes that are inherently more benevolent and grant or bend those to do good things)
Rune mage tattoo artist (Essentially, the thought behind this is a guy who can write a long, complicated series of glyphs as a sort of magical sentence on something and activate it to give whatever it's written on an effect. Take this to its logical conclusion and with enough time, this can be used to give magical tattoos to people that give them some type of ability or effect)
Air mage pilot (I mean the usefulness of the power is kind of obvious, but also I think she'd likely own a smaller plane of her own and generally be a bit more chaotic/daring than most of my girls on here, which is a lot of the fun behind this idea for me personally)
Blood Mage Butcher (I like when characters have these powers with crazy amounts of evil potential, who then use them for completely mundane, neutral-to-good aligned things. I think this guy is just passionate about meat and grilling. Probably early to mid thirties with wholesome dad vibes. Maybe not the route most people would go for characters they want to write with, but certainly one I find amusing)
Lightning Mage Art Thief (I'm thinking she shorts out cameras and security fixtures, then just walks up to an expensive piece art and swaps it with a replica, possibly with a nearly invisible hidden signature. Some real heist movie bullshit. Then, she goes back to some incredibly mundane or wholesome day job. Maybe an elementary school art teacher who steals to buy art supplies for class)
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itscherrylipsforme · 4 months
Hi Riley (if it's okay if I call you by your name?), I'd like to request a fic for golden-retriever!cedric x black-cat!gryffindor!reader of how they first met, I'll include a few prompts & a short backstory how I think they first met (if it's okay to you, you can change it or blend it the way you want as well🤗🤗):
The prompt:
Let's get to know each other over dinner. (reader
There was a power outage and now we have to have dinner by candlelight. (Cedric
We always light candles for dinner. In fact, almost every part of the castle lights candles (Reader
It looks the same (Reader
i didn’t mean to say the things i did and i apologise for that (reader
I know, but if you'd be so fine, allow me to be the gentleman and walk back the lady before me (Cedric
...If it pleases you (reader
Thank you. And, I'll see you around I guess (reader
...She quite stunning, isn't she? (Cedric
The background
Reader's 16, Cedric's 17, they're the same year but different houses, and were chosen as the newest perfect of their house
From the original book shown, each houses have 2 perfects, a boy and a girl, and they'll be patrolling together
Here, each house collaborate with each other's perfect, under Professor McGonagall's supervision
Cedric and reader were paired together, they first met each other when Professor McGonagall called both of them in her office, to introduce them to each others
Reader at first questioned why it wouldn't be her housemate just as before the old tradition? While Cedric said nothing as he keeps on smiling but inwardly thinking this is all too troublesome
Cedric's personality is still the same as the book shown, but sometimes, he does not show his true feelings and has a somewhat elusive side, where he finds everyone's expectation on him is too tiring and just wants to give up for once
After Professor McGonagall's explanation and persisting, reader and cedric both went together for dinner
During their time together, they're both silent whole time while cedric tries to find a way to look through reader, but not managed to which makes him frustrated a little
What caught him off is when reader questioned him what he keeps looking at her, and remarked thet he thinks too much and should stop it
Cedric still smiling, and tried to debute it when the lights suddenly all cut off, which makes no way for both of them and cast lumos while light up a few candles too
Cedric remarks how funny the situation while the reader deadpan about it, they both return to silence again before reader apologize for being rude, which cedric smiles as he smirks and teases reader about it, while she does the same to him
They both then began to talk about their schedules, priorities etc... before cedric walk back reader, which she sighs about it and can't help but think cedric's like a puppy that wishing to be adore
They both bid goodbye, before reader grab cedric's hem and say she'll see him around, which he can't help but chuckle out loud when he sees her getting flustered, and pat her head as he let her go
Cedric can't help but keep on thinking as he walls back and muttered out the last prompt when he's back to his own dorm
About the reader, I mentioned that she's a bit like Tori Spring from Heartstopper, but actually she's also a bit like Noah while Cedric's like Yuri from Their Ark, a Korean manga, here's the link: https://vyvymanga.net/manga/their-ark
I recommend reading from chapter 31 to 40, but the entire story is so good that I'd rather you read from chapter 1 first! Reader's a mix of Tori and Noah. And gosh, this is way too long... I'm sorry for getting too detailed but I can't help it😭😭 you can ignore some words you want, if it's too annoying!
Hope you have a good day!
- 🍁
Hi 🍁 Anon! Nice to see you again, hope you have an amazing day 🥰
Ofc it’s more than okay if you call me by my name and I surely will be using most of the prompts and backstory that you gave me for the fic, thank you so much 🫶🏼 The manga seems fun, I will be cheeking it as soon as I can for some inspiration and I will post the fic when it’s ready
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
“Come, Mrs Bridgerton, I’ve a new seat for you to claim.”
Mollyyyy when I tell you I blushed at this!! An extra peek at that just screams spicy Sunday. Even though I realize it’s technically Friday please consider this an early submission!!
Thank you for all you do for us !
Hmmm... Well maybe we should do Spicy Sunday early then
A continuation of this week's chapter
“Come, Mrs Bridgerton, I’ve a new seat for you to claim.”
Kate wasn't quite sure what Anthony had been doing at all as he'd pulled her up his body until he'd been grinning up at her dangerously from between her thighs. Though perhaps the problem was that he'd caught her complete off guard with wanting her this morning at all. Or perhaps she was confused by how concerned he seemed with her enjoying his affections at all.
She'd heard the married ladies in London talk, when she'd been there, and indeed even in there tiny social circle in Somerset where she was so much a spinster at six and twenty that everyone seemed to have forgotten that she was still an innocent to begin with. She'd heard them talk of their husbands, likely louder than they should, how they longed for children but couldn't bare to be visited by their husbands. They complained about their husbands who pushed open the door of their chambers, seperate chambers always, and their wives met them with dread as they spent several uncomfortable moments together before the deed was done and they left again immediately.
"Mostly I just lay back and think of my household expenses."
"Funny, really, that something meant to produce children which are the only joy we get in these awful society cages, is truly the most tedious thing."
"Honestly, most of the time Harold is so drunk he's wandered in by mistake instead of visiting his mistress, and I can usually get away with finishing him with my hand and he falls straight to sleep."
And even though Edwina had giggled as she'd teased her, as they'd lain in that bed in the horse and harrier her fingers had poked at Kate's ribs Truthfully, it's quite good fun, especially when there's affection already between you Kate hadn't thought it would be like this. Partially because no matter how handsome she had found Anthony she hadn't let herself imagine that he might come to care for her.
She had been sure he would be kind, it was just the sort of man he was. He would not be the sort of man who beat his wife into submission, but she hadn't imagined this.
She hadn't imagined his body rocking into hers would feel so nice. That his firm body would fit just right against her, and his scent would be so enticing and everything in her would ache to pull him closer. She'd never thought about what it would feel like to have his singleminded determination fixed on her, hadn't imagined anthony would want to run his fingers up her thigh and sink them between her legs, guiding her against him until she cried out with pleasure, sometimes thrice while his rough voice crooned in her ear That's it sweetheart, oh good girl, good girl, oh I know, i know, you can let go.
It was never about him, though he was bafflingly interested in her gasping and moaning against him, and he certainly seemed to enjoy their explorations if the hardness he rocked against her, and the wetness that appeared on his underwear as he shuddered against her was any indication. But he wasn't focused on himself. Not the way the other husbands she'd heard about seemed to be. She'd seen him this morning, looking handsome with his muscles flexing and the soft sleepy little frown on his face and she remembered the look on his face as he'd taken his pleasure that day in the stream and she'd wanted to be the cause of it. Just once to make it about him to watching him writhing around at her touch, his powerful body completely at her mercy.
She'd grown bolder, over the last weeks, comfortable in his affections, in the intimacy growing between them, so she'd asked him for what she wanted. and it had been every inch as powerful as she'd thought it would be, his skin soft yet firm beneath her tough, his entire body shaking as he's called her name and covered her hand in himself. She'd felt awfully smug as she'd stood from the bed, intending to send him off to work thinking of nothing but her. And somehow, here she was.
Here she was, sat straddling her husband's face, one of his arms was slung over her thighs holding her in place, the other hand burning into her hip, encouraging the stuttering movement of her hips that had started the moment his tongue had darted out.
His name fell from her lips like a gasped prayer into the morning as she gasped for breath. Her hands shot out to grip the headboard, the dark wood slightly rough under her fingers in sharp contrast to the soft warmth of Anthony's tongue that moved relentlessly against her.
"I'm- I'll hurt you." She managed to stutter out though she couldn't stop the motions of her hips already lost to the feel of him.
Anthony's eyes burned up at her, his words murmured against her skin in a gasp, "You're definitely not hurting me. I love seeing you like this, I've never tasted anything like you. Ride me, Sweetheart."
Her eyes fluttered closed at the endearment, a sharp moan rolling off her chest as he leaned up again, his tongue flicking gently over the part of herself that made her legs thighs start to shake.
There wasn't any air left in the room, there couldn't be, or maybe Kate had just lost the ability to draw breath. Her eyes were locked with his, her fingers tightening on the headboard as her hips circled above him, harder and harder while Anthony moaned against her. His movements were getting firmer and firmer as he held her in place, writhing against him, enjoying the feel of his rough hands on her skin, splayed against her thigh possessively as she looked down at him, trapped beneath him. Mine.
Her peak took her a little by surprise, building and building more and more quickly until she shuddered against him with a gasp of his name, her body collapsing backwards but Anthony didn't wait.
He laid her back quickly against the mattress, darting forward as he pried her legs apart again, settling her thighs over his shoulders with a noise almost like a growl.
I didn't say I was done with you, Sweetheart. Good Girl.
She was already so sensitive, gasping and writhing against him as his tongue darted out again her fingers tangled in his hair drawing him closer in spite of it all. He was relentless, his muscles flexing powerfully under her skin, something heady and overwhelming in his working away for her, as though he were desperate for her to enjoy his body, enjoy the intimacy between him and Kate had never felt anything like it. There was nothing like the satisfaction that settled in her knowing that the man all the ladies in the village sighed and stared after longingly only had eyes for her. Only wanted to please her when he could have had any one of them.
Please don't stop, please don't stop Anthony
His fingers were pressed tightly into the soft flesh of her thighs spreading them obscenely as his lips and tongue sucked and fucked into her, his body grinding against the mattress, muscles flexing, her own body coiling tighter and tighter until she was gripping him for dear life. Her fingernails cutting into his shoulders leaving the skin red and raw and-
She fell over the edge again with a sharp scream leaving her throat red as the entire world split apart around them. Anthony was still tonguing lazily at the inside of her thigh, meaningless shapes as she came back to herself, his hand working furiously over himself, as he stared at her hungrily until he cried out as well.
Fuck Kate! and warmth covered her thigh.
Anthony's hair was falling in his eyes as he let out a breathless chuckle, roughly claiming Kate's lips, the taste of herself heady on his tongue before he pulled back. "Sorry, I couldn't stop myself, you looked so beautiful."
He gently swiped at her leg with his shirt that lay abandoned beside them.
Kate shook her head, pushing his hair back from his forehead. "Can I ask you something?"
Anthony nodded, pulling her closer again, his nose nuzzling her neck, his accent slow and thick just as it always was when he relaxed like this. "Do you want to go again? I could manage it."
Surprised laughter burst from her as she stared at him, shaking her head. "You... seem to enjoy that."
"I do, but that wasn't a question."
Kate rolled her eyes, "Is this what... every man does with his wife? Only I was under the impression that men were not so... interested in women enjoying themselves."
Anthony scoffed, settling himself back against the pillows smugly. "I'm not sure I can speak to what every man does with his wife, but this is certainly how I intend to treat my wife. Unless you've any objection?"
"I don't think so, no."
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vanbredevoort · 10 months
--- PSA
What REALLY happens to Lydia in Thanedd
Hello! I'm briefly going to explain what happens to Lydia during the Thanedd coup in the books, in a comedic fashion bc if I think about this seriously I might combust internally and not in the fun way. i guarantee you'll laugh once. if you don't, a stick figure artwork of your muse will be given in compensation.
Be warned of: spoilers from thewitcher books (Time of Contempt) / mentions of death, blood and suicide (if that's a trigger for you, please do not read) / constant and i mean an absurd amount of stabbing jokes.
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Thanedd has two sides. The 'defenders of the North + their kings' and the 'traitors who allied with Nilfgaard and put pinapple on their pizzas'. They put the traitors in dimeritium shackles, AKA Francesca and Vilgefortz bc he apparently poster boi of betrayal and knightly costumes. SUDDENLY there's a fight, and one of the fighters is Lydia.
The fight stops because Lydia dies. It is IMPLIED that she went van Stabbyvoort and did the thing herself, because daggers are pretty and they're prettier when they're INSIDE UR HEART. Red is a pretty color too. EVEN PRETTIER WHEN IT STAINS THE HALLWAYS AND IT'S YOURS.
Lydia was to give time to Vilgefortz to get resistant to dimeritium, bc he's a mighty powerful god / cutest kinda deranged dictator wannabe, and there's no better way to do so than idk killing yourself.
Why go to such lenghts? Because she loved him like a lot. the book describes her love as 'silent, stubborn and relentless'. She was in love with Vilgefortz, went hearteyes every single time, and that love made her lose stuff in translation, as in:
vil was like 'gimmie time!' lyd went all 'instructions unclear will stab self'
This makes a good show and with good show I mean shit festival, because it was supposed to be all political mambo jambo. No deaths. Triss is like YOOOOOOOOO WHY CORPSE IN MY LIVING ROOM WHO CORPSE OOOOOO FUCKED UP FACE CUTIE NOOOOO.
So Lydia's death forces everyone to take a good look inside their little tiny ugly hearts and go 'yeah we kinda fucked up, didn't we' not because they care about lydia but because, and i might sound repetitive but THE COUP WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DONE WITHOUT KILLING PEOPLE. it was a political affair. a sorceress with a fucking dagger stuck to her tit is not political.
Tissaia blames Philippa. No one wanted any deaths.
LYDIA'S DEATH SETS THINGS IN MOTION. It marks the separation between Tissaia (who ends up killing herself after the fiasco) and Philippa (she literally goes like 'lyd be dead? oh daaaaamn'). it helps vil. it makes tissaia lift the ban on polka dots and using magic there.
Vil, now free because his assistant decided to become a human pin cushion, went to tor lara bc child of the elder blood with the power to bring the armaggedon of evilness and evil looking elves yada yada, and Geralt says GET THIS MAN OUT OF MY LAWN.
Vil is all 'let us go togetherrrrr ♥ we can hold hands while we stop thE PANDEMONIUM OF ICE AND BAD STUFF.exe, she's probably scared let us sing dora the explorer songs together'
Bad choice. like really bad choice. like 'i need to heal in brokilon bc i got fucked up real real bad' bad choice. everything was fun and games until he blames vil because of lydia's chest jewerly and accesory. so vil does the sensitive thing and pulls out a baguette and teaches geralt a lesson on humility and baguettes.
lydia is not your average villain power corrupted evil bundle of doom. lydia is a girl who loved too much, and allowed that love to kill her. it's fucking poetic.
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The Promise Of A King Pt. 5
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: none, the usual bickering lol
Genre: parts of this are actually fluffy
Summary: When your parents surprise you with the news that you are going to marry one of Asgard's princes you're not exactly thrilled. It's not made any better by said prince giving you the cold shoulder from the very moment you arrive. Now, not only do you have to worry about acclimating to an unfamiliar place but you must do so while preparing to marry someone who seems to absolutely detest you before you've said five words to him. You know you're duty-bound but why does it have to be so difficult?
You're reading in your room when a knock at the door distracts you. Before you've even put the book down though, one of your maids is at the door speaking quickly to whoever is on the other side of it.
"It's one of the queen's ladies." Lily tells you.
"One of the queen's ladies?" You frown.
"Well let her in! Or do I have to meet her at the door?" You ask standing from your window bench.
"No she can come in." Lily says and rushes to invite her into the room.
"Hello lady y/n. I hope I'm not interrupting you this afternoon." The girl says with a slight bow.
"Don't be ridiculous, the queen and her ladies are always welcome here. What can I do for you?"
"The queen has requested you join her in the gardens for tea if you aren't too busy."
"Too busy for tea with the queen? Never. Please tell her I'll be on my way to meet her shortly." You tell her. She nods and scurries out of the room and you turn to Lily.
"Tea with Queen Frigga?! Do I look okay to have tea with the queen? Should I change my dress?" You look down at the lilac-colored dress you're in today.
"You look lovely y/n. We ensure that whatever you're dressed in is appropriate to see the king or queen at any given moment. You have nothing to worry about. You should head over soon though."
"Of course! I can't very well keep the queen waiting."
"Do you want me to join you?"
"No, I'm sure we can manage Lily thank you. Feel free to eat or take a nap or have some fun." You tease as you rush out of your room with her laughter trailing after you. You make your way to the gardens and find a table set with pastries and a tea set. The only missing piece is the queen hasn't arrived yet. You take the moment to admire some of the flowers. You've been in the gardens before of course, but the blooms here never stop seeming magical every time you're here.
"What are you doing here?" A voice you couldn't miss huffs behind you. You spin around to face Loki.
"Well I-"
"Actually, it doesn't matter what you're doing here. You need to leave." He says.
"Excuse me?" You scoff.
"Yes, you're excused. I'm using the garden so you need to go."
"I- would- trust me I have no desire to argue with you but I was asked to meet Queen Frigga here so-"
"I don't think you were. Seeing as my mother and I are planning to have tea here as you can see from the table setting." Loki gestures. It only takes a moment for you to realize what's happening here and you can't help but chuckle slightly. This was the queen's plan? Surprise both of you with an invitation and hope he sticks around to talk once he realizes he's been duped.
"What's so funny?" He frowns.
"It would appear, that the queen has played a bit of a trick on us." You say, stifling your smile.
"What are you talking about?"
"She made plans with you and invited me here, yet she is nowhere to be found."
"You think she's trying to force us together?"
"I think she's hopeful this engagement will be a happy one and this is her way of- encouraging that outcome." 
"What did you say to her?" Loki's eyes narrow suspiciously.
"My mother can be meddlesome sure, mothers tend to be but this is farther than she has ever gone. I can't imagine she did so of her own accord." Loki scoffs.
"First of all if you think I can sway the queen of Asgard to do anything you greatly overestimate my power. Secondly, her desire to see us together is all her own, I already told you I'm here because I'm duty-bound to you. I'm not going to jump through hoops to pretend this union is my happily ever after." You roll your eyes. "Look, the queen only wants to see you happy and seems to think you can be happy with me, but I'm not in the business of forcing people to be around me when they don't want to be. I would like to enjoy the gardens a bit longer, and maybe have some tea but you are free to go." You tell him, turning your attention back to the flowers.
"Did you just dismiss me?"
"No? All I did was tell you that you don't have to stay here just because the queen is trying to encourage us to get along." You roll your eyes.
"I don't need you to tell me that I don't have to stay. I was just leaving."
"Okay." You say without turning to him.
"Get OUT of my way." At the sound of Loki's command, you turn around to find him face to face with a guard.
"Sorry your highness, but my orders come from above you."
"My mother?" Loki frowns.
"And father." The guard nods.
"Now he's involved too!? What have you done to my parents?!"
"I haven't even spoken to the king outside of at dinner. What is with you and blaming people for things they can't fix?! Namely me." You cross your arms.
"Is that what you think?"
"Is that what I think? It's what I've experienced. You've been nothing but rude and dismissive to me since I arrived here not to mention you actively playing the blame game a few weeks ago, coupled with your completely baseless assumptions about my apparently not obvious enough lack of desire for your approval. Honestly, I have never met someone as arrogant, self-absorbed, inconsiderate, and entitled as you!"
"Watch your tongue. I'll remind you that I am a prince of Asgard."
"And I'll remind you I do not care. You're whiny and selfish and you can throw your titles around all you want but I haven't broken any laws and I'm not Asgardian as everyone here loves to remind me. You may not like me but your family does so you can't very well punish me for hurting your feelings. Not without pissing them off and straining your political relationship with Alfheim."
"Why would our affairs with Alfheim be affected by anything I do to you?" Loki scoffs.
"The prince of Alfheim is my cousin."
"Wait- you're directly related to the crown prince of Alfheim?" Loki frowns.
"I had no idea."
"Obviously. You don't know anything about me plus it's not really a well-known fact outside of Alfheim." You shrug.
"Now it all makes sense."
"Why my parents want me to marry you. Nobody told me you were directly tied to the royal family. Now it makes sense." Loki hums.
"I already told you I was here because I had to be. Even if I wasn't related to the royal family our marriage is obviously one of interest. We don't know each other, it's not like anyone was thinking about us when they decided we would wed." You roll your eyes.
"You seem so willing to accept this."
"Yeah well, I could throw tantrums all day but that's exhausting and you throw more than enough for the both of us so- I'd rather spend my time trying to find ways to be... content with the cards I've been dealt." You shrug.
"You should spend your time speaking less judgmentally."
"Oh give me a break." You scoff.
"I beg your pardon?"
"When I first arrived here the look on your face could freeze nitrogen. You want to talk about judgmental? You've had not a single kind thing to say to me since I got here. I speak to you exactly how you deserve based on the way you've behaved."
"I don't have to justify myself to you."
"Yeah and I didn't ask you to but if you want to act like an asshole do not be surprised that I'm not nice to you. I'm nice to people who don't glare at me when I walk by or ignore me when I speak."
"Oh like Thor?"
"Yes like Thor. I don't know why you sound so mad, you don't even want me here. Why do you care if Thor and I are friends?" You go ahead and sit at the table at this point, intent on enjoying your afternoon tea plans even if Loki is stuck here and determined to argue.
"I am not mad."
"You sound mad." You pour yourself a cup of tea.
"Well I'm not."
"If you say so." You shrug, biting one of the pastries on the table.
"I can't believe you're just going to sit there having tea."
"That's what I came here to do. Would you like a cup?"
"No! I'd like to leave!"
"Yeah- well I can't help you with that one. I can just offer you tea."
"How do you do that?!"
"Do what?"
"Just- accept that things happen to you."
"Well not everyone is next in line for a throne you know. You change the things you can change and as for the things you can't change, you do what you need to in order to deal."
"What are you talking about? You're related to the prince of Alfheim."
"Unless my cousin doesn't marry and never has kids the throne of Alfheim is not in my future. I haven't been prepared for it, no one expects me to sit on it so, like I said, if I can change things I do, if I can't change things I make the best of it."
"Guard. How long are you planning to hold us hostage here?" Loki crosses his arms.
"We've been told you are to remain here for at least one hour your highness." One of the guards says.
"An hour!?"
"Approximately the length of an afternoon tea." You muse. "Would you like that cup of tea now or are you going to sulk for the next 45 minutes?" You ask from your seat.
"You are entirely too amused by this." Loki says.
"Oh I'm sorry, would you prefer it if I got all upset like you are doing?"
"If I said yes would it make a difference?" He scoffs.
"Well I wouldn't get upset if that's your question, do you realize how irrational it would be to expect me to base my emotional reactions on yours?"
"I don't need a lecture on my behavior from you."
"I asked you a single question. Though you're free to interpret it however you'd like to." You shrug. Loki rolls his eyes but doesn't respond this time, choosing to pace back and forth while you quietly enjoy your tea. "And the silver-tongued prince chooses to sulk." You mutter quietly. Loki fixes you with a glare at your chuckle. With your first cup of tea empty, you notice an unopened flower, wilting towards the ground. When you stand, Loki's eyes snap to your form, though you don't notice as you crouch near the flower. With a gentle brush of your fingers, you urge the flower to open and stretch towards the sky with a touch of magic. "That's better." You smile to yourself and return to your table. Loki doesn't quite see you use magic but he notices the open flower and wonders what you did. You pour yourself another cup of tea, bringing heat to the pot with your fingertips.
"Isn't that cold by now?" Loki asks.
"It isn't."
"It's been here for over 40 minutes there's no way it's not cold."
"Well it's not."
"That's impossible."
"I have no reason to lie about the temperature of my tea your highness." You muse.
"Are you teasing me?" You pour tea into the other cup sitting at the table and walk it over to Loki whose eyes are narrowed in suspicion.
"See for yourself." You hold the teacup out to him.
"I just don't understand." Loki shakes his head when he feels the warm cup. You suppress a smile as you return to your seat.
"These pastries should be warm." You mutter so quietly you don't expect Loki to hear.
"What was that?"
"Just thinking out loud. I wish some of the pastries were warm. No biggie." You shrug.
"Which one did you want warm?"
"This one would be good warm, but the rest are fine at- whatever temperature this is." You shrug. Loki opens his palm for a moment and a green spark flashes from it so quick you almost miss it.
"Is it warm enough?" Loki asks. You pick up the pastry in question and to your surprise, it is.
"Um yes, thank you." You say almost quietly. It's the most gentle Loki has ever heard your voice, so used to your sharp tone the difference catches him off guard.
"You're welcome." He says with a slight smile that he hides by taking a sip of his tea. He finds himself imagining, momentarily, what it would be like to spend afternoons like this regularly, perhaps with a book.
"Your highness?" One of the guards clears his throat after another spell of silence.
"You're both allowed to leave the garden now." He tells you.
"Thank the Norns." Loki huffs walking off.
"If it's alright, I'll be here for a little while longer." You say to the guard with a gentle smile.
"Of course lady y/n." He nods. "Would you like someone to stay with you?"
"Oh don't let me keep you from your duties. If you have other things to tend to please feel free to leave." You tell them both.
"A guard, well me, I will stay nearby in case you need anything." He says, dismissing the others who were there.
"Alright that's fine. Would you like tea? Or a pastry?" You offer.
"I'm here to aid you."
"You can aid me and still have a snack you know." You say. He nods and grabs one of the pastries from the table.
"Thank you." He nods.
"What's your name?"
"Ulf, it's nice to meet you." You smile. He offers one back as he finishes off his pastry. You stand from the table, with your second cup of tea finished you decide to walk around the gardens, taking in the plants from various regions.
"Lady y/n?" Ulf calls to you after a while.
"Yes Ulf? Is something wrong?"
"Well I was just wondering earlier- with the flower. What did you do? It suddenly opened when you touched"
"Oh that? It was magic."
"You can do magic?"
"I can." You nod.
"Does Loki know?"
"Loki doesn't even know my middle name." You snort.
"Well Loki does magic- I'm surprised you haven't talked about it."
"I'm sure you were listening to us speaking earlier. That's honestly the most we've spoken since I got here."
"And do you like things that way? Not speaking very often?"
"He's not that nice to me which means it's probably better that way. Loki doesn't seem that eager to talk with me so I'll leave it be. Queen Frigga has her fingers crossed it'll get better but I can't say for sure, I don't think Loki wants things to change."
"And are you liking Asgard otherwise?"
"Mostly. I don't think the people are fond of me but-" you trail off with a shrug.
"I'm sure they'll come around. You seem quite lovely from what I've seen."
"Thank you Ulf. You're very kind." You smile. You walk around the gardens for a while longer before you head inside. The queen's plan may not have worked exactly but you'd call this afternoon one of your more interesting ones since arriving in Asgard.
Part 5/???
Tagged Users: @moonlightreader649 @crimson25 @kaogasm
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weirdsht · 2 years
Affiance - Alberu Crossman x Reader
a/n: vent fic because the vaccine made my parents more protective than usual, but me understands. Also i think i'm better off with 3rd person's pov
Tags: female reader, ill reader, established relationship, vent fic, implied child reader and alberu except at the end, mentions of death
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
If there's something missing in the warnings let me know so I can add it
Any form of interaction toward the post is appreciated <333
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Like any other good crown prince, Alberu also has someone he has been betrothed to since he was young. ___, the daughter of one of the most influential dukes in the kingdom was a good fiance, and is just a good person overall.
Alberu Crossman would’ve worried about his secret leaking if his fiance wasn’t personally handpicked by his mother. The half dark elf made sure to engage her son with someone she knows she can trust, someone who knows and holds their secret dearly. A family that is friendly with their kind, the outcasted dark elves.
The two luckily got along well. Their time was filled with mostly rainbows and butterflies, pretty teacups and flowers, just good things. As they spend more time together their feelings for each other also grow deeper. From merely acquaintances who were betrothed to childhood lovers that break rules just to have fun.
Everything was supposedly picture perfect.
Money, name, power, love. The young couple almost had everything. But there is one factor that prevents them from being the picturesque that exist in novels and fairy tales.
___ was chronically ill. 
Thankfully, even if there’s no cure it’s manageable and the princess mostly lived a normal noble life like a normal child. She was able to play, study, and overall live like any other kid who’s tied with royalty.
But of course there were still restrictions.
Although the Duchess and Duke tried their best for her to not get sick it’s not completely unavoidable. Thanks to their efforts though the crown princess rarely gets sick. But on the rare chance she does, it’s always the most pitiful thing to watch.
Wheezing in pain, unable to sleep, mages and saint’s have to constantly watch over her until she fully recovers, the poor child is always on the verge of death with every fever she experiences. Young Alberu was always beside every time it happened too. Playing nurse while trying not to stay strong for her as he needs to be her rock.
The dukedom is really protective of its one and only princess. Lot’s of restrictions are implemented. An even stricter schedule than normal is followed. Escorts everywhere.
The young girl understands it’s all for her. She’s mature enough to realize that they are just concerned for her well being. But that doesn’t make the whole thing less suffocating.
“Princess you must follow your schedule thoroughly”
“Honey you know you can only eat those once a month, just wait for a few weeks more okay?”
“My lady please don’t go anywhere without at least one of us behind you.”
“Dear daughter, this is for you. We just want you to live a happy and healthy life”
But she wasn’t happy. Well not mostly. Good thing she has a cheat code in the form of Alberu Crossman. The only one who gets how she feels. The one who offers her a little bit of a fresh breath no matter the cost.
“You don’t have to do this all the time, you know that right?”
“I know but I don't do it because I have to, I do it because I love you!”
Alberu says it 
Everyone can see how much the couple truly love and care for each other. Their parent’s couldn’t have been more proud. Sure there it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows but they’ll make sure that these two children will be able to get past the hurdles they’ll face. Alberu’s mom especially made sure of this.
“Remember my son, this is a precious thing. Only use it when you have no other choice, and make sure that you won’t regret using it. I know it’s tempting to use it right now, but no. Not when there’s still hope of finding a cure.”
Star of healing, probably the most precious thing Alberu received from his mother was also her parting gift to him. Till the end she had the two children in mind even when she can feel she doesn’t have long.
Alberu made sure to listen to his mother. He kept the ancient power he received from everyone except his fiance.
“Of course I understand silly! Even if auntie didn’t say that I still would’ve prevented you from using it on me.”
Flexing her arms as if to show how strong she was, the young couple agreed and laughed. With the prince still promising that if she gets worse he’ll use the power on his princess.
But no one is ever certain of the future. Even the most powerful clairvoyant cannot be sure of what will actually happen when it comes to the future as any little change has a big impact.
Hence why Alberu is now stressed out in his room unsure of what to do as the person he trusts the most listens and watches as he paces back and forth.
“I, I’m unsure of what to do love. I don’t even know how he got wind that I have that ancient power. On one hand yes he's right, I need him to keep the other two in line but still this power is for you and only you.”
Yes, Alberu has always been ___’s rock, the pillar that supports her and made her look forward to tomorrow. That’s why, that’s why she has to do the same for him even if what she’s about to say can hurt them both. 
She has to convince him no matter how unstable the future is. Even if in the hereafter her decisions become her downfall.
Because that’s what you do when you love someone.
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panda-writes-kpop · 2 years
Chapter Twelve (Avengers AU): Be Running Up That Hill
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A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! Hope everyone's doing well! 💖
Avengers AU Masterlist | Masterlist
TW: Bows, arrows, target practice, Y/N has a severe case of deja vu, implied black out (?), cursing
Life had been much slower after you came home from New Asgard, and to be honest, you weren’t complaining, at least for the first few days. Without major superheroes breathing down your neck or the pressure to keep a room above your head, you finally had some breathing room to do as you pleased.
Doing as you pleased turned out to be very boring and uneventful, and you hated it. All of that time you spent wishing that life would slow down was wasted, apparently.
It was the same old routine every day. You’d wake up at around the same time, wear one of the same fourteen outfits, get something decent for breakfast, and then head out to wander the streets of New York City. This was fun at first, but it quickly grew boring once you realized that the limitless city did have limits to it, after all.
You were tempted to pick up your phone and call someone, but what was the point? Yoohyeon, JiU, and Siyeon were searching for an M.I.A. Handong, Gahyeon was busy being “The Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Girl!”, and Lia, Irene, and Dami, of all people, were working together to keep “the order of the natural and cosmic world as it should be”.
As you scan through your phone contacts, you notice that there is one name that has yet to give you any sort of update on their condition: SuA.
As any curious soul does, you send a quick text to make sure that she’s alright.
Y/N: Hey, SuA, I haven’t heard from you in a while! I know you’re supposed to keep a low profile after everything that has happened, but I wouldn’t mind seeing you and catching up for a while!
You set your phone down for a moment to think about what you might want to prepare for dinner, and as you figure out what you want, you hear your phone go off.
SuA: I missed hearing from you, or from anyone else, to be honest. It’s a little boring where I’m at, if I’m being honest. I have to check it over with the person who’s safeguarding me, but I wouldn’t minding seeing your beautiful face~
Y/N: Let me know when you hear back from them. I also look forward to seeing your beauty in person once again. <3
As you’re preparing to head to bed, the phone on your nightstand buzzes.
SuA: She said it’s okay because she ran it past Irene, and Irene said that it would be good for me to have a bit of company, and she said you could use the company too.
Y/N: I guess she could tell that we’re both going a bit crazy due to the lack of anything happening? XD
SuA: I don’t know, I really don’t mind being out here. It’s peaceful and serene. Reminds me of life before my powers.
Y/N: Do you ever wish that you didn’t have powers?
…Don’t feel pressured to answer that, it was a bit forward on my part.
SuA: No, I don’t mind answering it. It’s only natural that you’d be curious about my powers. You’re not the first, and you most certainly will not be the last.
To be honest, I do sometimes wish that I did not have my powers, but again, I know that my life would be completely different than it is now. I wouldn’t have met wonderful people like you, who remind me of the goodness in the world.
Y/N: Me and goodness?!? That seems like a bit of a stretch, but I appreciate the flattery.
SuA: You deserve all of the flattery that anyone in the world could ever give.
Y/N: Aww, SuA, I’m blushing! That’s very sweet of you to say. <3 Do I need to worry about plane tickets or anything, assuming that you’re about as far away as I think you are?
SuA: I heard that Irene would take care of everything, so you’re all good.
Y/N: Can I ask you one final question?
SuA: You already did! :D
Y/N: I’m going to choose to ignore what you just said.
Who exactly is safeguarding you, if you’re able to say?
SuA: She’s a friend of Siyeon AND Irene, believe it or not.
I believe her name is Chaeryeong, but I could be wrong. She’s not exactly the friendly type, and I haven’t been here long enough for her to trust me with more than simple tasks and small talk.
You might know her as Hawkeye, though.
Y/N: Yeah, that name certainly rings a bell.
I should go to bed soon, and I encourage you to do the same! Goodnight, SuA! Get lots of rest.
SuA: Goodnight, Y/N!
This part of Iowa looks a bit different than you would have pictured it, but you didn’t mind the endless seas of cornfields with the occasional green John Deere tractor scattered across the field.
You did have to pay the airport taxi a nice chunk of change to get you out this far, but the money would be well-spent if you got to see a friend once more.
Based on her texts, I would say that SuA has missed me as much as I have missed her.
You chuckle at the thought as your taxi driver takes a sharp left turn onto a dirt field that appears to lead to nowhere.
“Are you sure this is the right way?” The taxi driver asks as the road becomes bumpy and nearly undriveable.
“It has to be.” You look at your phone as you double-check the address that Irene sent you.
Yeah, this is the road that Hawkeye lives on.
“There was a mailbox back there with a matching house number, so I can only hope that you’re right and that you’re not trying to kidnap me.”
If I wanted to kidnap you, I would’ve done it much sooner. Believe me on that one.
“There, in the distance!” You point at a very tiny building that pops up far in front of you. “That has to be it!”
“I hope you’re right.” They grumble as they continue to drive towards the home.
“Y/N!” SuA yells as you unload your luggage from the taxi. You’re able to get your things and wave off the taxi before SuA attacks you with a hug.
“SuA! I missed you.” You say as you wrap your arms around her.
“You’ve been well, I assume?” She asks before letting you go.
“It’s been an interesting past couple of days.” You admit.
“You’ve got to tell me everything, but first, I should introduce you to Chaeryeong.”
As you walk up the grass hill, you can hear the very quiet yet noticeable sound of an arrow whizzing through the air.
“You’d think that a house far off the beaten path would be enough for a reclusive person like Chaeryeong, but she still walks all the way out here to practice shooting.” SuA jokes as you reach the top of the hill.
“Well, for some people, far away isn’t far enough away.” You try to explain as you observe Chaeryeong as she watches the arrow hit a tree in the distance.
“She won’t notice us unless we say something.” SuA explains, and you nod your head.
“That’s alright. I don’t mind watching her for a while. I don’t want to interrupt or anything.” You plop down on the grass, and SuA does the same as Chaeryeong prepares to fire another arrow.
“So… you never exactly told me how you knew Siyeon, JiU, or Yoohyeon.” SuA says after Chaeryeong pulls the bow back before taking a deep breath.
You watch in silence as Chaeryeong lets the arrow fly through the air.
“Believe or not, I met Siyeon while I was grocery shopping in my hometown. As for JiU, I met her about twenty minutes before we were taken by Irene. Yoohyeon, on the other hand, was my childhood best friend growing up. We did everything together. She even dragged me to an archery class when we were in middle school. She never was any good, but neither was I.”
The arrow perfectly slices through the one that was already embedded deep in the tree, and without missing a beat, Chaeryeong turns to you.
“You took archery classes with Yoohyeon?”
Your head snaps over to SuA.
“I thought you said she wasn’t listening-”
“Whoops, my bad!” SuA giggles as Chaeryeong walks over to the both of you.
“I can multitask, believe it or not. Being an Avenger taught me that.” Chaeryeong offers you a hand. “I brought an extra bow over that needs some adjustments made to it, but I need someone else to shoot it first so I can see what’s wrong with it.”
“And you want me to do it?” Your eyebrows scrunch together, which causes a slight smile to appear on Chaeryeong’s face.
“If JiU trusts you, then I do.” Chaeryeong calmly says.
Well, I guess I can’t argue with that reasoning.
You take her hand before standing up.
“You’re not the first person who’s spoken highly of JiU.”
“You’re talking about Lia, right?” Chaeryeong asks as she grabs the bow and hands it to you.
You let go of her hand, and you gently run your hand over the lower limb of the bow.
“Yeah, I am. Didn’t think I’d get the chance to meet all of the Avengers in-person, but here we are.” You mutter under your breath as you grab an arrow off of the ground.
“JiU’s a good person. Too good for the world, if you’re asking me.”
“Sweet yet deadly, right?” You ask before taking a deep breath.
You can do this, Y/N. You just have to draw the bow back and release the arrow from your hand.
You don’t have to think as you pull the bow back with the arrow securely in your grip.
One chance, Y/N, you can’t mess up.
You blink, and for a moment in time, the world around you slows down. Chaeryeong is only a foot or two away from you with an unreadable expression on her face, and SuA is sitting on the ground while silently cheering you on with an infectious smile.
“Y/N-ah, don’t tell me you’re scared~” A familiar voice taunts you from inside of your head.
You do your best to not react as you respond to the voice.
“Yoohyeon? What are you doing here?”
You don’t break focus as your eyes focus on your target.
Hit the tree. It’s no different than a standard target.
“We were supposed to walk home from school together! Don’t you remember, or did you already forget? And I thought I was the ditzy one-” Yoohyeon teases, but her voice sounds different from when you last spoke to her.
It’s as if we’ve gone back in time. She sounds youthful and hopeful, like the world hasn’t had the chance to crush her dreams yet.
“Tch, as if.” You brush off her teasing, just as you’ve done a million times before.
It hits you that you’ve quite literally had this conversation before.
When you were in middle school, you decided to stay after school one day a week to try and improve your archery skills. The range was always open to members and non-members to use, so you took advantage of that.
You, apparently, had forgotten that Yoohyeon had asked you to walk her home that day. She usually walked home with the girl that lived right next to her house. That day, Yoohyeon’s neighbor was sick, so apparently you were a good substitute because her mom didn’t trust her to walk home alone. You didn’t question it since you wanted to be on her mom’s good side, after all.
You were preparing to fire the last shot of the afternoon when Yoohyeon ran into the practice range. You didn’t notice until she spoke to you, and to be honest, she was lucky that you didn’t overreact or get scared. Moments like this usually caused you to be completely focused, and you didn’t tend to notice the outside world until you had to.
“What are you up to?” Yoohyeon cocked her head as you subtly rolled your eyes.
“What do you think, Einstein?” You sassed back to her as she huffed and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“The sarcasm is unnecessary-”
“You came and interrupted me, so yes, Yoohyeon, I do think it is necessary.”
“Okay, well, if you want me to leave so badly, then I will.” Yoohyeon sighed heavily, and you turned your head to her for a moment.
“No, you should stay. You’re my lucky charm, after all. Maybe I’ll finally hit the bullseye when you’re here.”
You watched as Yoohyeon turned red at your words.
“You really think I’m your lucky charm?” The softness in her voice was unmistakable, as was the tension between the two of you.
You turned your head back to the target as you finally felt ready to release the arrow.
“No, I know that.”
You had let go of the arrow, and you watched as it whizzed through the air and landed directly in the middle of the board.
Bullseye, you thought, and it sure did hit where you aimed it.
You remembered how Yoohyeon screamed and gave you a big hug while you were still in shock.
“Y/N!! You really did it! I’m so proud of you.”
After she finished speaking, she pressed a soft kiss to your check. You were extremely flustered, but you tried to play it off in the best way you knew.
“It was all thanks to you, Yooh.”
Her warmth was the best part of that whole day. You weren’t sure if it was because of your aim, or because she kissed you, but you replayed that day over and over in your mind for many years to come.
You blink again, only to realize that you’re not at a practice range in your hometown, but rather on a grassy hill in the middle of Iowa.
What did I-
You realize that the arrow had already left your hands, and it had indeed hit your mark. A few inches below Chaeryeong’s arrow was your arrow, firmly lodged into the tree.
Did I really zone out that bad, or was the memory so strong that it took over my consciousness? How the hell did I do that?
Your thoughts continue to race as you tightly grip the bow in your hands.
“Nice shot, Y/N.” Chaeryeong says before taking the bow from your hands. “Let me know if you ever want to practice while we’re here. I wouldn’t mind having someone to shoot with every once in a while.”
You blink at her for a moment before you respond.
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
I really should go to bed soon. Maybe I’m just really tired, and I was daydreaming. While I was daydreaming, I managed to launch the bow. It’s an unlikely theory, but it’s the best one I have at the moment.
You turn to SuA as Chaeryeong grabs her bow and another arrow.
“You wouldn’t mind giving me a tour of the place, would you?”
SuA scrambles to get off of the ground, and you chuckle at her.
“I’d love to, Y/N!”
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selene-moonie · 1 year
Brunch - the mindset shift
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We all love brunch. Or maybe that's just me with the bottomless mimosas and breakfast food. Point is, brunch is great, and when you go, the goal is to have a good time.
Now, once upon a December, ya girl was a people pleaser. Shit was hard for her because she kept trying to make everyone else happy, ignored her boundaries and didn’t take care of herself.
Obviously, that wasn’t the vibe. How am I supposed to be living my dream life if I’m a slave to everyone’s whims? I couldn't. I wasn't.
Anyway, I was scrolling through tiktok early 2022 when I found a girl talking about how being a bimbo allowed her to not stress as much, and being a brunch friend was cool.
I took that and expanded it a bit. How could I apply this kind of thinking to my whole life?
How would I respond if I were to look at every situation as a brunch situation?
Now, before we even get into that, we need to know what it really looks like.
What exactly is Brunch?
If we remember, when you go to brunch, all you're there for is a good time. If your friend wants to tell you about how her life is a mess, you listen, but you're mostly having fun. Let her vent out her frustrations, and then when brunch is over, you go home and she has to resolve her issues herself.
If we take that into other situations in our lives, it could look like you not allowing the fact that your romantic interest hasn't reached out to you as yet trigger you.
Or, instead of feeling upset that there's a crackhead on your side of the street, you cross the street and keep walking.
Brunching, at it's core is about choosing when to expend your energy on events and situations in your life. By knowing when to put on your helper hat, you reserve your energy and time for the things that are actually important to you.
Perks of brunching often:
You have more time for yourself You stop taking things personally
You can spot bs faster, which allows you to choose whether to engage much earlier
You feel empowered because your energy isn't being bled on useless shit
You allow others to rise to meet you
You start feeling more comfortable with yourself
And a whole lot more
My best friend used to live with his verbally abusive mom, and prior to brunching, he'd panic a lot about everything she'd tell him.
After practicing brunching for a while, he said, "Bestie, I'm not stressed out about her anymore, even though she's still doing the same shit."
So, how do you brunch?
First things first, if you end up in a situation where you don't know if brunch applies, here's what to do:
1. Assess the situation.
- Is this your responsibility, or your business? If yes, deal with it appropriately, if no, move onto the next step.
2. Determine whether reacting would really help you or slow you down.
- Do this even if it feels uncomfortable, especially if you're used to reacting all the time.
3. Look the other way and move on.
- Quite literally this emoji 👀, then you move along with whatever you need/want to be doing at that point in time.
Example time
1. You're online and someone tweets something highly controversial. Would it be helpful to you to engage or not? You decide not to, so you scroll past it and avoid wasting 20 minutes of your day, as well as not getting angry about things you disagree with over a stranger on the internet.
2. So your manifestation hasn't shown up yet. It's nearing the time that you need it. You could panic, or you could remind yourself that you're a powerful manifestor and focus on living your life in the 3d as best as you can. Even though you haven't seen your manifestation as yet, you aren't letting something that isn't your responsibility (figuring out the how) trigger you.
Side Effects
Some of these were listed in the perks section of this post, but here are some others.
It may be uncomfortable....
especially if you're accustomed to people pleasing, or everything triggers you. As you do it more often, you'll notice that you feel more empowered, which can be scary, because you'll start connecting to your natural self.
You may immediately feel better...
Because you chose yourself, that may have been just what you needed to stop feeling so emotionally exhausted.
You may lose close friends and family
and this could be because they enjoyed how available you had been before and then don't like the fact that you're not as free for them.
You may strengthen your relationships with close friends and family
people who value you will respect your boundaries.
Prior to brunching, I used to visit my friends all the time to hang out. When I told them I was tired of always being the one to visit them, and that I wanted them to come see me, two of them did, and two of them did not. Guess who I still talk to?
Some people rise, some people, don't but most importantly, you've chosen to keep yourself feeling comfortable instead of stressing about things you can't control.
Brunching is a romanticized way of taking better care of yourself. Have fun with it, or don't, just vibe because you deserve to have peace of mind.
Your favourite daughter of the moon,
Selene 🌚
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