#mecha arms
if u followed me for the steel haze ortus animation, get ready for even more ambitious 2D ac6 animation!! here’s a snippet of the storyboards for my new project. it’s the ibis fight, and there’s MUSIC now! currently it’s almost 13 seconds long, but the final should be around 25 seconds total.
(music is “red sun” from the metal gear rising soundtrack)
as always, my asks are open for any art/animation questions or comments, or if you just want to talk mecha!
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dragonroilz · 1 year
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quiet kid older sibling 
gym bro younger sibling who wont shut the fuck up
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zhjake · 2 years
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mech arms 💪
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the-infamous-man · 7 months
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This is it folks. Perhaps one of the best pieces of art I’ve ever requested to have commissioned done by the fantastic @/finn_ette over on Twitter and posted here with their permission. I cannot thank them enough for it. Because this is the cover for the latest arc of Rediscovered Frontiers. One that I had envisioned in my head for a while and needed the right artist to bring to life.
It’s been a long time coming. Now Sally Acorn, Julie-Su, Tangle the Lemur, and Nicole the Holo-Lynx must either face the past to find a better future… or allow it to break them.
Rediscovered Frontiers is a Sonic the Hedgehog fanfic whose main premise is that the IDW continuity is the Post-Super Genesis Wave reality from the Archie Comics. Nicole’s PDA was found by Tangle the Lemur and Whisper the Wolf, and together they managed to free Sally from Eggman’s control. Now, these remnants of a past world must join with friends both new and old to explore this new world and uncover the secret histories of Earth… and Mobius.
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infinitebrians · 8 months
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pokemonth day 7: metagross
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artninjasworld · 17 days
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transformers prime weapon arms transformation analysis #3:
Vehicons aka the Eradicon energon pulse cannons
The Vehicon blaster arm share a similar transformation sequence as with optimus prime. They were taken from season 3 of transformers prime episode "Darkmount, NV", and "Scattered".
Transformers Prime and the vehicons belongs to Hasbro, so give credit to them.
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arcadebroke · 6 months
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acidhydraart · 7 days
is this anything
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ryancab · 4 months
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I couldn't decide what I liked so I posted it all.
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flowersnax · 2 months
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fuck it. custom drake mech
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l-crimson-l · 1 month
I'd love to get into girlpla, I'm just a bit too broke to afford any kits; however, if you'd like to talk about it as a whole, I'd be more than happy to hear.
So…let me try this again. I had a whole nice post written up and I swapped off for a moment to check something and I completely lost the post.
Mecha Musume has a pretty long history that I’m not going to go into but here’s a little video if you’re interested.
Now when most people think of Mecha Musume there’s basically one standout line above them all: Frame Arms Girl.
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This line is a bit old now but its popularity has set the aesthetic style for the market as it stands now. The build of these are…ok. Kotobukiya was definitely learning with these kits but they’re still solid at the end of it.
Now if you’re like me you’re not too much a fan of the pantsu out look, and other kits in the line don’t exactly do anything to mitigate that feeling (looking at you Durga I).
The next line Koto would release would be better at this tho. The Megami Device line features all original designs as well as collabs from new and old mecha musume brands alike.
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First thing off the bat this is that they’re pricey. At an average cost of $70 you’re basically buying a Bandai MG gunpla. That said, they all typically come with a bunch of option parts. These are usually in the form of unarmored limbs, different chest pieces, face plates (with water slides to make your own) and extra connectors to help with kitbashing. Koto also has released option body segments to let you swap any part of the body you might want to if the right option isn’t available in the box (~$12). It should be noted the newest kits in this line have brought the price down to $50 as well as reengineered the build to add a lot more articulation and pose-ability.
Also in this lines favor is the articulation and build quality. You’re going to get a nice range of motion with or without armor and some of the smaller details also sometimes come pre painted.
That said Kotobukiya is a company that favors more complex character design over an Out Of Box experience so there’s some smaller details that are etched into the kit but unless your paints them won’t be color correct. I would say this is pretty common across most Koto lines.
Both the FAgirls and Megami Device are scaled at 1/12 so Little Armory guns and the whole market of 3rd party accessories will work with these kits.
Next up is Koto’s Sousai Shoujo Teien which is simple girls as plastic models
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A little cheaper and at 1/10 scale instead of 1/12. I’ve not built any but I do know they can bash with Megami Device and Hexa Gear lines just fine. If you take a peek at the JP girpla community there’s actually a niche but healthy group dedicated to taking nice photos of their kits dressed up in everyday scenarios.
Finally the newest line of Koto girl kits is the Arcanadea line.
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Purely in a fantasy take these are Incredible kits. I’ve only built one (Lumitea) but it was far and away a much better build experience than the FAgirl kits. These are actually designed by a vtuber artist iirc which is why the designs are so different than other Koto kit lines. If you have the cash and want to try something different I would highly recommend.
Now finally we get to Bandai. After learning from their failures with the Hg Build Fighters girls they went back and designed something solid and what got me into mecha musume: 30 Minute Sisters
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Right off the bat with an average price of around $30 the barrier to entry is much easier. While not as refined as the Megami Device line, these simple kits cram in a lot for the price. You’ll get an armored and unarmored form, as well as face plates. However the biggest selling point is How Damn Easy they are to bash. Being apart of the 30M line means they’re completely compatible with the 30MM line of mechs. Which also means all of those extra weapon and armor sets transfer over for the most part. And that’s not even talking about the dedicated 30MS option sets like hair parts, body parts, etc.
This is a Very beginner friendly line of kits and the place I would suggest most people starting if they’re looking to get into mecha musume.
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This example I think uses about 5 different kits to build and I don’t believe any serious modifications were needed.
Another Bandai line to mention is the Standard Figurise line which you’ll be familiar with if you’ve picked up the Sulletta, Miorine or ChuChu kits. Typically pretty solid kits (uma musume excluded, only get the 30ms version of that one) they usually include characters from a variety of different shows. These are still of course bash-able but not without modification.
With the explosion of popularity with these kits means we have even more companies now joining in the race. ATK and MS General have a bunch of kits to offer and we see new companies pop up some really sick looking kits (see tgat Galahad)
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We even have Plamax giving us the really cool looking GODZ ORDER kits and soon character kits from Blue Archive, Konosuba and others.
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For these smaller/third party companies I would suggest doing plenty of research before buying one. The ATK kit that I made was Especially frustrating and required a lot of extra work to make parts fit right or to clean them up so they fit at all. Not to mention the extra detail work required to really make them look like the box example. Just do your homework.
I hope this helps!! It’s a growing market so there’s always more kits being announced. This should have covered the majority of kits out there but IMPORTANT! Check sites like AmiAmi for sales or resales on kits. You can sometimes find an unbuilt kit that retails at $70 going for $30.
USAGS will regularly get Koto kits in and new releases but by no means believe them when they say a kit is USAGS exclusive. Remember to check HLJ as well. Let me know if you have any other questions and I’ll do my best to answer them!!
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pencilbrony · 9 months
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All in one
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thesolidar · 4 months
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You probably didn't know but "mechs in furs" in Russian sounds exactly like "mechs in mechs". Now you know
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dukeoftheblackstar · 5 months
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- by IG: scent.2002 [ Please do not repost. Commissioned. ]
House of Daimyo Fett.
Seba, Daimyo Boba, Lil Jango (bebbiicakesomgiloveyoulilman♥)
Because ily and I hope this cheers you up in the coming days. I may not always be responsive lately because jfc am I shit at it, but ily and I'll always check on you and you can always shdjkhdajhda all over my DMs bestie @kimiheartblade ♥
Sketch under cut.
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joe-plamo-builder · 2 months
Custom project in progress, Codename "Monster Mech Musume"
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transingthoseformers · 6 months
An idea I remember coming up with a while ago is in peace Shockwave trading his cannon arm for a tfa Shockwave esque stretch arm
And I'm remembering this because I'm imagining him grabbing someone from across the room with it, pulling them close, and saying something to the effect of "what did you say about me?"
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