#mediator kai au
morroodle · 1 year
Ninjago Christmas bullshit
Headcannons? Aus? Incorrect quotes? Idk man merry crisis
Morro shoving snow down the back of the ninja's coats
The others putting socks on top of Kai's hair because fireplaces and stockings
Their Christmas tree is the ugliest you've ever seen and it makes them very happy
Lloyd gets to be baby. Tons of gifts, as much hot cocoa and candy as he wants, no responsibility, etc. He's been through alot and deserves to be a kid and the other ninja will make sure it happens
Adding on to that: the ninja put alot of effort into keeping up the illusion of Santa for Lloyd. He knows Santa's not real but he still lets himself get caught up in the magic
One year they convinced wu to dress up as Santa and it went horribly
Morro keeps trying to convince them of mistlefoe
One year they all got matching onesies and now it's tradition to take a picture wearing them together. It's adorable.
They have a gingerbread house decorating competition and it goes horribly every time (Lloyd keeps eating the decorations). It's fun though and they'll never stop
Their tree is hideous but dam if it dosent make them happy
The traditional great snowball war (Zane isn't allowed to participate he's required to be mediator)
Jay and Christmas lights. That's it that's the whole thing.
Can wrap gifts: Zane, Nya, Cole, Wu, Pixal
Can't wrap gifts: Kai
Not allowed to wrap gifts for their own safety: Lloyd, Jay
Dosent try and shoves everything in festive bags: Morro
Incorrect Quotes
Lloyd: Christmas gets so much harder as you get older. "What do you want for chistmas?" I don't know
Lloyd: For ninjago to stop falling apart? A childhood? My dad back?
Morro: a nap would be nice
Zane: Kai put Lloyd down
Kai: The! Star! Goes! On! Top! Of the tree!
Kai: guys please stop asking for the sexiest guy alive for Christmas Santa keeps trying to kidnap me
Santa: what would you like for Christmas?
Lloyd: a dragon!
Santa: be realistic
Lloyd: my dad
Santa: what color would you like your dragon?
Lloyd: green ;-;
Morro: dear Santa, I'm writing to let you know I've been naughty
Morro: and it was worth it
Morro: judgemental bitch
Morro: I'm claustrophobic
Kai: what does that mean?
Jay: I think it means he's scared of santa
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kagedbird · 7 months
TESSDE AU (+ Lucia :]) (Lucia part 13)
Allora: No.
Kaidan + Taliesin: *spluttering* 'No'?!
Inigo: *shaking his head, leaning against the wall*
Kaidan: Lass, you were literally burnt near to a crisp!
Taliesin: Cherub, reconsider. I don't want to risk you becoming upset and us not be able to help.
Allora: No, you want the chance to be snippy and petty and glare at them while they attempt their apologies. Which, I respect it. But I can't allow you to. So you have to stay outside.
Kaidan: *growls* Love, I know you care about Lucien, but this is a lot to ask of us. You've been in a back and forth since we got to this damned place. Why even bother givin' them the time of day?
Allora: Kai. If your mom was alive and you were in this situation, what would you do?
Kaidan: *glares heatedly* That's a low blow.
Allora: I'm not saying it to upset you, or to dredge up any pain. I want you to understand him, put yourself in his shoes. I'm willing to give them a chance for him, and for Lucia. She doesn't want to lose her father- she's lost enough!
Taliesin: *sighs tiredly, rubbing the bridge of his nose* ...Five minutes. I do not care if they're in the middle of a soliloquy about their feelings on Sheogorath's mounds of cheese, we will be coming in to check on you. If you are at all upset, I will carry you to the cart myself.
Allora: ...Okay. Five minutes. Each.
Taliesin: *narrows his eyes*
Allora: *sticks out her tongue* What, you want them to talk over each other in their apologies? Rush through them? You're lucky I'm agreeing to a time limit at all.
Inigo: I admire your patience.
Allora: [dryly] I'm well practiced.
Taliesin: Less interjections from the peanut gallery please.
Allora: *rolls her eyes* Look. If they offer me money or to buy my favour, guilt trip me, or try to manipulate me, I'll call out for both of you, and we'll leave. No buts, no please, no waiting- we leave. I'll call for Odahviing to head back home- no I will not tell him to eat them, they'd give him indigestion.
Kaidan: *mouth open to snark, closes it and frowns*
Allora: I know what I'm doing. Trust me, I have a history of being played by manipulators. I know how it works. Inigo will stay in here as a mediator, and if I'm incapable, he'll get you. Okay?
Inigo: Even in a tense situation where you both are very grumpy, I would hope you trust my capabilities. It will be okay!
Kaidan: ...
Taliesin: ... *pouts* ...Can't I at least mock them a little bit?
Allora: *chuckles* No. I love you. Get out.
Taliesin: *huffs* So bossy. And yet I love you as well. *steps over to kiss her temple, brushing her hair from her face before stepping back*
Kaidan: *grumbling and arms crossed* Cannae believe this shite...
Allora: *crooks a finger* Come here, pouty. Give me a kiss and then head out.
Kaidan: *sighs through his nose, stepping forward and kissing her lips, pulling away after a moment* Call us immediately if there is a problem.
Allora: I have you on speed dial.
Kaidan: *furrows his brows in confusion but just shakes his head and steps back, leaving the room with Taliesin*
Inigo: *watches Allora sigh and slump tiredly in the bed, walking over to adjust her blankets* Hopefully, in either direction this goes, you will be able to rest soon.
Allora: *yawns, sinking into the bed more* I'd like that... I'm so tired...
Inigo: After being burned alive by a very testy dragon, dealing with healing back up, and romantic and familial issues, I would assume so. It would be weirder if you were not.
Allora: *laughs* Very true. Is Lucia all right?
Inigo: I told her to stay in her room and draw for a little while, while the conversation happened. She seemed sad, but understood.
Allora: *nods, holding his hand and kissing his knuckles* Thank you. I appreciate you being so level headed about everything.
Inigo: *tail waves happily* But of course! Someone needs to be, with all the shouting and upset. While I feel for Julian and like his parents, things have certainly not gone well for you or Lucia, and I cannot say I am pleased about it. But everyone deserves second chances! You gave us all second chances. Why not them?
Allora: *pulls his hands to her cheeks, leaning her head into his palms* Yeah... but only if they mean it, obviously.
Inigo: I believe they will. They have not given me any reason to see their actions as particularly malicious. Ignorant, perhaps. Lots of foots in mouths. But never purposefully hurtful.
Allora: *hums and nods before a knock is heard in morse code: They're here* Okay. Show time. Let them in?
Inigo: *presses a kiss to her forehead before pulling back and heading to the door* I've got your back, my friend.
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phtalogreenpoison · 1 year
Btxt Atla AU Worldbuilding
OK ok here we go. Also credit for this also goes to @onedreamseeker (sideblog of @1001galaxygal) because we were a hive mind of two people for this.
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For reference, here is a map of the ATLA world if you like visuals. Now overall, this would be set pre-Kyoshi era, so pretty near generation wise to the founding of the different groups, so the conflict of the story is not that there is war. It would be more along the lines of what happens when new alliances or dynasties are being formed, and the change that comes with that. Like if you were to take the Yu taming the flood myth, except as a longer narrative.
Earth Kingdom - Mostly focused on internal struggle at the moment for who will rise to power and claim the most territory. Because of this, there is a lot of fighting, assassinations, and backstabbing, hence atla Beomgyu's casual relationship with violence, Hobi traveling from uncertainty, and the need for initially earthbending Jin as the Avatar. There is also the question of whether it is best to have one Earth Kingdom or multiple sovereignties, and the eventual founding of Ba Sing Se will feature heavily into this.
Air Nomads - They would be pretty peaceful and chill during this era, but their arc as an overall group would perhaps focus on how they go from being more of a secondary power and not much of a global player to being known for their diplomacy because of their taught skills in mediating disputes. This is where Huening Kai gets his background from and why he tags along initially with Soobin and Beomgyu. Jimin and Taehyung also go with Jin out of a desire to understand the world and help bring peace.
Water Tribes - The northern and southern tribes are in contention with each other, and though it's not outright fighting, it's very tense. Possibly, they just split from each other just a generation or so back due to differing approaches or views. From here, Namjoon is from the Northern Water Tribe and is the next apparent leader, and he is setting out to meet with the Southern Tribe out of a desire to come to an agreement or treaty of some sorts. Soobin, on the other hand, is next in line for the Southern Water Tribe, and though he is not opposed to peace, he feels pressure to either gather information, sway things to his people's side, or possibly even assasinate Namjoon. He is torn on what is the best thing to do for his people.
Fire Nation - From the elite's perspective, the Fire Nation is stable for its relative newness, but from this more laissez-faire approach to both internal and external politics, there has become a wildly unequal class structure/hierarchy. Out of this resulting anger, Yoongi, among others, begin to lead a grassroots revolution out of a desire for change. He picks up Jungkook along the way, and they are working for better opportunities. While they are far less involved in the conflict, this also adds to the difficulties of logistics between the friendship of Yeonjun and Taehyun - they are both greatly talented, but because Taehyun comes from much more wealth, there are obstacles for Yeonjun to get to have the same opportunities.
From these differing conflicts and character arcs, there will be the eventual resolution of peace or an alliance between the Water Tribes as well as the founding of Ba Sing Se and the creation of peace in the Earth Kingdom.
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shrinkthisviolet · 8 days
When I imagine CK AU scenarios where Sam and Miguel try to make a season 2 relationship work, generally I think the question is more akin to, "What if she made a different decision at the tournament?" Which is to say, instead of walking out when he threatened to hurt Robby in the finals, Sam decided to stay and give Miguel a second chance?
Obviously, the question to ask in the finals fight would be, "Would Miguel still fight dirty, or would he fight more cleanly?" Maybe he still fights dirty, but because Sam is giving him another chance, he decides to fight more cleanly. Regardless, he still ends up prevailing and winning his finals match against Robby because Robby's sadly too disadvantaged by his shoulder injury.
Immediately after Miguel wins, Sam goes over to congratulate him, and decides to introduce him to her parents, because that's what she'd been planning to do so in the previous episode when her mom grounded her, and she thinks her dad could provide some influence to help Miguel.
So Sam takes Miguel by the hand, chases after her dad and Robby as they're preparing to leave, and starts things off by saying, "Dad, I'd like you to meet Miguel here. He's my boyfriend." And then she suggests that Miguel join them for a post-tournament dinner.
Given Miguel's conduct in the finals, Daniel is aghast by the idea, as is Robby, but fortunately for Sam, Amanda steps in to mediate. She takes Sam's side, and puts Daniel in his place by telling him, "Daniel, Sam likes this kid. Do you really want her to shut you out?" Daniel begrudgingly agrees. After Miguel quickly informs his mom and grandma where he'll be going, he leaves with the LaRussos and they have a...somewhat awkward dinner with Miguel. Afterwards, Amanda persuades Daniel to have a bit of alone time getting to properly know Miguel, and we get a scene kinda like the car scene in 3x09.
Then the first half of season 2 is about Sam and Miguel trying to make their relationship work, and Daniel trying to compromise to meet Miguel halfway (since Daniel is still very close-minded about Cobra Kai and Johnny). Things, however, reach a breaking point when Miyagi-Do gets trashed. And maybe only there do Miguel and Sam break up. Or if Sam decides to give Miguel another second chance there, it just really strains their relationship (and Coyote Creek has a different outcome). And of course, this would change the nature of the girls' feud if Miguel is taken and thus unavailable to Tory (which could in some way be used to highlight Tory's hatred of Sam being privileged), while the boys' feud is more rooted in Robby's issues with what he perceives as Miguel trying to take everything Robby has (his dad, his karate championship, the girl he likes, and now his karate teacher).
Interesting idea! I definitely think the tournament (or shortly thereafter) is an ideal fix-it for Samguel. The tournament, the misunderstanding about Robby…those things need to be addressed in a good Samguel fix it (I also took a stab at writing one a few years back! It’s technically a prequel to my time travel AU but it can be read as a standalone)
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signofthestriking · 1 year
Lore infodump, pt. 1 (deity lore edition)
Cringe incoming go away if you no like it
The only parts of canon that truly exist in this AU are DB and DBZ, anything else might be drawn upon but aren't truly part of the AU. The events of DB/Z are merely one iteration of U7, which is inevitably destroyed to make room for a new U7 (where my AU takes place).
Like for example: ssg and ssj4 exist, but GT and Super's stories didn't happen here. Mainly cause my special interest doesn't stray far from DB/Z and I don't feel like catching up with Super.
So in a way, this AU is literally an alternate U7 in-story.
The demons control time. Which isn't a bad thing, they're supposed to do that in this AU. They also have a new leader, known only as The Imperial. It speaks in a thousand voices and stands at ten feet tall.
The gods and demons are two sides of the same coin, and one can't exist without the other. In multiple ways, they exist to balance each other out. They tend to be petty towards each other, especially the higher ranks. Neither side can be described as good or evil, and they both consider such things to be for mortals.
Gods of Creation exist! They act as a creative force to balance out Zeno. There's 18 of them, one in charge of each universe. They systematically create as Zeno destroys. And they also babysit him. The idea of Supreme Kai's being the gods of creation is just a common misconception.
Angels are considered to be mediators between creation and destruction. They're mostly needed with the destruction gods, but oftentimes, it's the creation gods that can be more dangerous.
Becoming a god (especially a GoD) is quite literally the worst thing that could happen to you and the gods are amused that mortals idolize such a thing. On a similar note, the gods and demons both envy mortals to no end, for many reasons. Training to become a god is grueling no matter what, and you're not likely to survive.
Mortals were never supposed to learn about Super Saiyan God. But after a breach of protocol, U7's God of Creation found the incident to be so entertaining that she allowed the knowledge to remain in the form of a myth.
GoC's often change form, name, and persona at whim. U7 often appears as a demure human woman by the name of Lisa.
Lisa keeps a list of her favorite mortals. Goku is pretty high up on that list. She's the only character who references him by name.
Can't think of anymore rn so byeeeeee
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lunarifie · 2 years
Fun au I think:
One where the irl Hollow kids play The Hollow again but theyre allowed to bring in ONE item inside the game (exluding like a note or something telling themselves that its a game) which is an invention of Kais.
In IRL, theres still conflict between the two groups, but instead, Kai befriends all of them individually.
Ofc he’s already friends with Mira and Adam. And I think he’d become friends with Skeet before Reeve and Vanessa just out of circumstances and being in the same class, plus having the same vibe. After that Skeet would probably ‘introduce’ Kai to Reeve and Vanessa, Vanessa ridden with guilt would apologize and come clean already having come clean to Reeve and Skeet. Kai’s pretty angry but after she says she just wanted to make her parents proud he calms a bit.
From then on Kais kinda the mediator between the two friend groups. He has Skeet and Mira meet again, and sorta slips hints towards Reeve and Adam that the other ones not so bad. They’re all aware Kai kinda runs back and forth between hanging with them all. That sorta breaks out an argument, especially when Adam and Mira learn hes hanging with Vanessa, the person who tried to ‘kill’ him. But it gets sorted.
Thats when them replaying The Hollow comes in, with different rules this time. Not much, just to spice things up a bit. Like as I said before, bringing an item into the game.
All of The Hollow Kids are unaware that the other team is playing. Kai, never being asked, never considered telling any of his friends that the other team was playing.
Through a bundle of events, Kai brings up the idea and proposition of making each of his friends a mechanical item of use to bring into the game. He kinda doesn’t realize he promised them BOTH inventions until later. And he’s like ‘shit’. Because he wants to help them both, but if his teammates catch wind of him making something for his other friends then they’ll assume he’s a traitor. And he already promised his ‘opponents’ he’ll make it for them.
So he ends up making them all something in secret.
Adam: A pair of fingerless gloves studded at the knuckles. Made to brace his hand and give more impact into his punches, also has a small secure metal compartment on the wrist. (For things like a map)
Mira: Earbuds that can increase the sound of things faraway. Think of it as like an advanced super hero hearing aid. It also zones in on animals sounds.
Vanessa: Springboard shoes, she can only fly so fast and other peoples powers can easily catch her before she’s a safe distance away. The shoes give her a boost into the air for some extra speed.
Reeve: Pretty much just a belt compartment filled with small circular silver balls, small enough for Reeve to levitate more than one easily and send them shooting at high speeds. A few of them are smoke bombs, unaware to Reeve.
Skeet: A visor that alerts Skeet if somethings in his way. (I refuse to believe that he didn’t slam into a few trees in that heavily covered forest)
The Hollow kids wake up in the game without their memories, only allowed these items and their own name. After the initial shock, Adam and Mira immediately are confused by these things that they supposedly have. Kai, with his engineering abilities, nonchalantly looks at the items and explains what they do. Adam and Mira are surprised, and ask Kai if he made them. He shrugs and they come to the conclusion that they might know each other. Skip to when Kai gets involved with the other team, just like season 1 bc of course he does. Reeve, Vanessa, and Skeet have figured out their items halfway, Kai, again nonchalantly explains the items to them and they also come to the conclusion that they’re all connected somehow. They sorta adopt Kai into their group before meeting Adam and Mira in the game.
Lots of situations could be made up from this idea. Like Kai getting kidnapped and the two teams having to band together (reluctantly) to save him. They’re all still suspicious of each other due to the high stress situation but aren’t at each others throats.
Or Kai just trying to have them work together to leave the game. And when they do, they see how well they worked together in the game and try to start fresh.
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gawayne · 2 years
if you haven't gotten lancelot for character bingo, then LANCELOT. if you have, then whatever morally questionable arthuriana woman you love most <3 (also p.s. when I reblogged that photo of the wet lil man on the beach I was like. this is tumblr user jetiisse's lancelot. he doesn't know it but that's what he is)
poor wet bastard is doomed to a life of suffering and doesn't even know it 😔✊
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SO all lancelots are fun and i enjoy when he's horribly violent and tortured about it especially the way lou writes him, when i mess with him i tend to lean more into the sad pathetic angle with the violence as a bit of an afterthought. he is my biggest blorbo. i'll project issues i don't even have onto him. i'll give him issues that no one has ever had. he Has to be carried in a handbag otherwise he gets overwhelmed and starts trembling and barking at strangers. i'm sure we're all aware that he has chemistry with a lot of people but a/g/l is still my unrivalled favourite because i Need him to angst over it for like twenty years and then it turns out to be like not a big deal at all and then they're happy <3
okay Now i'm gonna get unhinged so everyone stop reading if u don't wanna hear about elaine (of corbenic) and lancelot's many mental illnesses. so obviously my favourite thing is when he's very very distressed and i think more media should lean into this plot point bc it's very interesting. one of toafk's best features imo was that white went fairly hard on describing how deeply lancelot was upset by his assault and how long that stuck with him. i also liked when guinevere was dismissive or downright cruel about his struggles, for one because lancelot thinks this is a reasonable response and for another because it hits to me like she's uncomfortable acknowledging the fact that her very best special knight Is vulnerable and Could vanish forever just because his brain doesn't work quite right. i also also liked when he almost hanged himself to avoid public embarassment <3
in conclusion my opinion is that he should and does suffer!
#and that doesn't even touch on my au opinons. so now i will!#in my head tgk verse lancelot has sort of passed the worst of his instability and mostly settled down#galahad has returned to camelot without the grail and is struggling to figure out what to do with his life#neither of them expected to coexist for this long and lancelot is still upset by galahad's existence but really doesn't wanna#see him Descend Into Despair too#so he very awkwardly tries to start reconciling with galahad. arthur mediates a lot#and the far more fucked up au is a modern one i talk abt with my dead dove pals#in which (EVERY TW AHEAD) elaine is a pastor's daughter of the entitled cultlike-christian variety#who fucks lancelot while he's drunk and blames him for the backlash when she gets pregnant#he's guilted into staying with her once galahad is born but she mostly resents him. he has his typical psychotic break from the stress#which more or less makes her medically responsible for him and ruins his life#arthur eventually insists that he come stay with him and guinevere and he's basically just on suicide watch for a while#he decides he wants custody of galahad after it becomes clear that galahad is austistic and elaine is pushing for really inappropriate#treatments basically treating him as contaminated by his father's 'sin' or psychosis#so arthur and guinevere help him thru the custody battle and he narrowly wins#he and galahad go to family therapy a lot and kay is here and they all help raise galahad#and lancelot discovers that his new passion is being a househusband and going to pottery classes and taking galahad to soccer practice#and they're happy 💕#so that's my lancelot opinion!#oh also none of this reflects how i actually interpret the story jsdfhsdjshj the point is purely to torture lance
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space-b33 · 3 years
Post-War AU
Ideas from a clone centric AU I’ve been writing where the war ended early and before order 66 could ever be executed, here’s a snippet from the piece that’s been sitting in my docs (shout out to @lavenderstaars for listening to me go on a tangent about it and kickstarting my brain to curate more ideas):
“The Clones were no longer to be considered assets, to some they never were, that was one of the first measures taken into account when the war ended. No more clones were to be produced, and they were free to be individuals - no repercussions for acting selfishly, for acting upon feelings and wants that would be normal for anyone else but came with a cost if they fell to temptation. They were still bound to a minimum of three more years as soldiers in the GAR, but after that they would have as much freedom and rights as the next citizen; and will have the choice to leave or remain in the Republic Army, enlisted but not forced, and paid a proper wage including a “forgiveness” fund made available for every clone. Nothing could bring back the lives and autonomy lost, but money and a public recognition for their sacrifice was as best of an apology the senate could offer.”
First off, this started as a happy thing where the clones get to actually live their own life buuuut then I really thought about it, and...
What a slap in the face to receive a copy-and-paste written letter (some sort of letter of recognition) and check, after all they’ve done and been through. Like how insulting? I get that there’s really only so much that can be done, I mean, how do you really make up for a mass-production of brainwashed-since-children soldiers that were also genetically modified to be obedient. They also age hecka fast, so they hardly get to enjoy the peace they fought for (personally, I headcanon that growth acceleration ends around their twenties bc gosh they deserve it). I imagine it just depends on the clone, the ones who suffered and lost so much would probably be more upset than the ones who hadn’t.  
The shinies out here buying new kicks and beach vacations while Rex is punching walls. 
(This one was pitched by Lav, themselves, thank you for the rage) The letter addresses them by number, not by name. THE DISRESP- *THROWS HANDS*
I’m just imagining Rex, Fives, Echo, and Kix together when they get the letter and it’s just silence. Kix is the first to do something, a humorless and sour laugh, a baffled and just entirely over it lopsided smirk. All he can think about were the numerous brothers he’s treated, some with life-lasting injuries (mental and or physical), and others who died on scene. He walks out of the room and drops the letter, uncaring for where it lands or what happens to it.  
Fives? Fuming. Kix has already walked out by the time Five’s looks up, eyes wide and confused, but behind it seethes an undoubting rage. “This - is for real? This is what they sent out to everyone?” I imagine the context of the letter could have been delivered better, in the least put in the effort to know their names. The more he speaks, the more he shakes until his eyes burn and his throat feels tight. He has to cut himself off and turn away. 
Echo only stands there, holding the letter with his remaining hand and stares at key elements - phrases that were meant to thank or praise but just come out as tasteless, by-the-book, manufactured. He also stares at the amount of credits he’ll be paid, wondering how he would ever be able to spend any of it without the reminder of where it came from, why it was given. He thinks bitterly to himself, ‘Sure, I’ll just go buy a fucking speeder for the price of a brother.’
Rex doesn’t even try to justify it, he understands how big of a change this has all been, for everyone, and for a while has been the sort of “mediator” between his brothers and the politics of it all. It’s hard on everyone, there’s only so much that can be done. But this? Rex doesn’t comment on it, he’s read the room and can tell it’s one comment away from setting either Echo or Fives off. When those two storm away, Fives taking the lead while Echo follows to make sure his twin doesn’t get ahead of himself, Rex slowly turns. He doesn’t even remember when his fist came in contact with the wall, nor does he bother to look at how a perfect imprint of his knuckles are left behind. He goes off to find Cody. 
Just like “’Kay, the war is over, we realize we did an oopsies. Here’s some money.” *kicks a clone into the real world, when all they’ve ever known was the one orchestrated for them* 
Buuut, with that aside, I DO like to think that certain services and help are provided to active, in-active, and retired soldiers, sort of like VA benefits.  
Clones living in homes together. I definitely have this in mind while writing this, some are even neighbors or maybe straight up just neighborhoods of them! Block parties would be a blast, fs. 
I wonder how they’d be treated in normal society. The thought of people thanking them for their service makes me so hnnnn, but they’d also probably have some haters. 
....ok but omega going to normal-kid school and getting picked up in the marauder by her brothers. Wrecker air-dropping through the roof bc she forgot her lunch.  
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bsaka7 · 2 years
☕️favorite non sebchal seb/lewis fics?
i love 2 talk about fic who knew....i really quite like seb/lewis and am very intrigued by it and there are a fair number of excellent seb/lewis fics!!!
racing-adjacent fics:
THEEEE LE MANS FIC - like today wants tomorrow by distressedgremlin. it's so good. great ensamble. hits the beats of racing. just lovely!!
striving for goodness while the cruel men win by @misonikomi. i was lucky enough to read this girl!lewis fic as it was coming out and i looked forward to EVERY chapter. i don't read a lot of always-a-girl fic but this one NAILS this version of lewis, has a wonderful wonderful supporting cast (the way ms kay misonikomi writes friendship...just brilliant) and there's very well-done sex scenes. an amazing mediation on image, identity, and racing. (come home to me is also excellent...i just cannot rec kay's stuff enough!!)
somehow chance and fate are synonyms and some things you choose by trailsofpaper. these fics are. so good. really really really gets into some of the conflict inherent in this relationship....just incredibly well done, as is all of trailsofpaper's stuff, though i have not read the medieval au
okay i am generally more into non-au fics BUT let me finish this up with a few phenomenal au recs:
of COURSE there is transmotion by heroics which is brilliant incredible showstopping excellent. an au done in the best possible way (and of course, i love soccer)
i desperately need to write an extremely long comment for this fic and i WILL...but the new bones_to_be fic taking the long way down is a long ski-resort au and really well done. a great job bringing the seb rbr->ferrari sort of feeling to an au. includes lewis/nico for the first section. it's so, so well written.
okay this is long so last two: @poolside's imprecise vectors which is hands down the best academia au i have EVER read (give it a shot. please) and redpaint's every tongue should confess which is a like both religious and supernatural and i remember it being quite excellent
okay sorry that that is a little bit long!!!!! hopefully maybe one or two of these are new to you!! i literally had so much fun looking for these so i hope u enjoy!!
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
Therapy AU: Instead of an Agni Kai, Katara acts as a mediator between Azula and Zuko, allowing them to solve their problems through words instead of fighting.
She better make them hug at the end. It's what they deserve, and we deserve to see it.
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jackdaniel69nice · 3 years
Ninjago ATLA au book 4: Air
(Book 1: Fire, Book 2: Water, Book 3: Earth)
Cole is unconscious for three days. In that time Jay sticks close to his side, actively trying to avoid Kai. Kai is constantly with Lloyd who still hasn’t woken up. Nya has to alternate between healing the two and mediating their hostility. Kai is mad at Jay because he kept the secret of his bending for so long, Jay just doesn’t want to talk about it.
Kai forces Jay into a confrontation trying to force him to bend. But Jay’s bending is unstable because of his emotions and he ends up hurting himself. Kai really looks at him for the first time and sees his pain and scars. He takes him back to Nya and isolates himself
(Kai has been through a lot of shit in a short time. Losing his nation, constantly supporting the team, having his face scarred, Skylor’s betrayal, losing Zane, finding out about his parents, AND now Lloyd’s in a coma has put a lot of stress on him. Jay was just the camel that that broke the straws back.)
When Cole wakes up he isn’t very happy about the division between the team. Under Cole’s urging (and reassurance) he is able to tell Nya about his past. He says he was left with the Walkers as a baby. He assumes his bio-parents were fire nation fugitives that fled to the earth nation but has idea who they were or why. He has no explanation for why he seems to be able to only bend lightning either but it has always been something that comes naturally to him. He’s able to sense the energy in the world around him with ease and found a way to manipulate it. Everything he knew about lightning he had to learn himself, he ended up blowing himself up more then a hundred times. His skill and knowledge is why he was able to invent electricity. He was finally able to use the lightning bending scroll to be able bend properly. He has always had to keep his ability a secret because then the earth nation would know he was fire nation and he would be arrested. It’s been a constant weight over his head his entire life. He wasn’t able to talk about it before because of his fear of their reaction and his fear of himself. They comfort him and thank him for being honest. Unbeknownst to any of them, Kai had listened in.
Cole finds out Kai had attacked jay and was reasonably pissed. When he goes after him Kai apologizes (like bowing down head to the floor apologizing). Jay says he’s sorry too for lying and they’re alright. For the following weeks while lloyd is still healing they train together
When Lloyd wakes up he’s a mess. He failed and lost everything. He’s bitter and hateful towards his father and desperately wants to take him down so after he recovers he dedicates his time to training. Their invasion plan is still underway with a smaller group (elemental resistance anyone?).
Lloyd decides he wants Jay to try and teach him lightning bending. Jay says he barely knows anything but is willing to give it a shot/It goes about as terrible as possible because Lloyd is emotionally unstable but Jay sees some potential in him.
Jay tells Lloyd about how he never knew he was adopted and only found out after his element appeared. The kept it a secret from him and it hurt him just like Garmadon’s betrayal hurt Lloyd. But his parents still accept him and love him dearly just like Garmadon loves Lloyd and refuses to hurt him.
Lloyd gets upset because his father has killed innocents and holds no love for him anymore. Jay says he doesn’t have to forgive the bad but recognize that there is still good in him. Lightning is all about separation of positive and negative energy just like separating positive and negative feelings. Until Lloyd recognizes his feelings towards his father, he won’t be able to bend lightning. Lloyd storms (ha!) off
They are quick to visit the air temples in search of any wisdom they can get on air bending. At the northern air temple they meet dr. Borg, a nonbender but amazing inventor. Him and Jay are able to create amazing flying technology that unfortunately falls into the hands of the fire nation (the term “air ship” is used a lot more literally here).
Morro is busy “contemplating his place in the universe” and visits the southern air temple on his own, his old home. He sees the team but decides to do nothing about it.
At the western air temple Lloyd finds...his mom!?
Lloyd learns he’s air nation from his mother which is why he became the avatar. She’s a nonbender and left the air nomads very young going to live in the earth nation then fire nation. After Garmadon started his decent to madness she couldn’t live with him anymore and she knew Lloyd was the avatar so she tried to flee with him. Unfortunately she couldn’t get away with him and he was left behind and she was assumed dead. She came back to the air temples in hopes of preserving their history and stayed in hiding.
She can’t actually teach him air bending but she will help with the invasion and gives him advice. If there is anyone out there that can teach him air bending, they will find him.
Kai and Nya get word that the Time Twins have their parents and go rescue them
Invasion goes the same as canon
luckily if there’s one thing Morro is good at it’s finding Lloyd. So yeah the whole shebang goes down with training and what not
Misako gave them stuff on airbenders she was able to save and it tells of a tribe of dragon riders. So they go there and meet Faith and pass the dragon test and see first born.
Air bending is about peace and fun, definitely not morro’s vibe, but he’ll relearn to control it. Lloyd figures out he really does need to lock down on his spirituality.
Air bending training goes well after that
Reuniting with master wu! Morro apologizes but there was never any need, wu already forgave him.
Wu tells jay about his parents. The Gordon’s were a line of very powerful fire benders that could only use lightning. Garmadon saw Libber as a threat and tried to kill her and jay. She was able to slow the assassins down enough for Cliff to escape with him where they fled to the earth nation. Libber died but Cliffs whereabouts are unknown. Neat
Skylor and Vania go against Harumi and escape. They get to the ninja gang and Kai is still pissed at Skylor but you know what this might as well happen
Nya rescuing Pixal from prison, sure why not
Final battle
Lloyd is forced to use lighting so he sees this weird vision where garmadon is chained up in his own mind with the overlord controlling him. Garmadon calls out to Lloyd and apologizes and says he loves him before lloyd is ripped away. He realizes he needs to help his dad if he’s ever going to save the world and let’s go of his emotional issues with him.
Overlords escape tears a hole between spirit realm. Lloyd is able to unlock his avatar state. Forces OL back into spirit realm.
Kai and Nya fight Harumi
Jay and Cole taking down the flying ship army. They succeed but are stuck and Cole falls. Skylor and catches him though hah (jay was legit scared for a second there)
Lloyd locks the overlord back up and purifies the world of the dark matter he was spreading. He purified his dad too and brought him back. Yay garmadad!
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baejl · 4 years
exo 10th member au
somi’s reaction to jenkai
[thanks to the anon who requested this! 💛]
masterlist 🌻 requests are open feedback is always important to me!
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“Good afternoon, Sleeping Beauty.” Somi stormed out inside Jongin's room and opened the curtains. “We need to talk.”
He rolled around his bed and hide his face on his pillow, whining for the sunlight right on his face. Somi groaned and pulled the duvet off his bed, making him aggressively sit. 
“What do you think you’re doing? I’m tired!” he protested looking at her with his left eye closed, trying to adjust his view to the intensity of the light. 
“I said we need to talk.” she crossed her arms. 
“And I said I’m tired.” he debated and turned his back at her. 
“Kim Jongin, we need to talk.” Somi said pretending to be calm but her tone was completely different. 
He sighed and ran his hand on his hair, sitting back on the bed and closing his eyes once again. 
“What?” he asked after some minutes. 
“I’m gonna ask you two things and you have to swear me you’re gonna be honest like you’ve never been your whole life.” Somi sat beside him and he nodded. “What were you doing at the night of august 27th, 2018?” 
He frowned and looked at her.
“I was in Paris, working. Why?” 
“You were in Paris, working?” she repeated and he nodded. She unlocked her phone and showed in a picture. “Then what was Jennie from Blackpink doing with you?” 
Jongin blinked and looked away from her gaze, pressing his lips. Somi scoffed still holding her phone with the picture of Jennie in the same place as the picture he posted some days ago. 
“I was going to tell you.” he broke the silence. 
Somi rolled her eyes at him and puffed, leaving out of his room slamming the door behind her while Jongin followed her calling her name. Minseok and Sehun looked at the girl when she headed to the kitchen and Jongin also showed up.
“What just happened?” Minseok asked. 
“She figured out.” Jongin mumbled in a whisper. 
“THEY ALREADY KNEW ABOUT IT?” Somi screamed from the kitchen and hit her cup of water on the kitchen counter. 
“She didn’t know?” Sehun grasped and Jongin shook his head. “Oh boy...” 
“Somi, I told you I was going to tell you!” Jongin exclaimed when she showed up. 
“Were you? When?” she placed a hand on her hip and drank a sip of her water. "When you were about to marry and have a kid together?" 
Jongin rolled his eyes and scratched his hair puffing while Somi waited for his answer. She wasn't angry but she was somewhat upset. Out of all the boys, he was the last one she could imagine lying to her or worse, hiding something from her. 
Being honest, she knew from the moment he came with some lame excuses about not being present at her birthday because he had to make a 'last-minute work trip' to Paris, and when she started to connect the points, it didn't take her too long to figure out what was going on. 
"Somi, I've found that shirt–" Kyungsoo showed update holding a black shirt but stopped when he realised what was happening, he saw Somi's pose and looked at Kai. "Did she figure out?" 
Somi grasped and pointed at Kyungsoo. 
"You too?"
"I think someone's calling me..." he said turning back to go to his room.
"Somi," Kai called her. "I'm so sorry, I really am. But, what can't I do? We're together and she was there with me. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at me." 
Somi smirked.
"I'm not mad at her, I don't even know her. But I know you. You lied to me on my birthday and you didn't even send me a message!" she explained. "Do the company know?" 
Jongin looked at Sehun and Minseok, they both nodded and Jongin looked at Somi again. 
Her mouth fell open. 
"They do." 
"No, Somi..." Jongin tried to explain himself. 
"You're so selfish!" Somi exploded. "How could you? You made a promise!" 
"Somi, calm down." Minseok tried to mediate between them. "Let's just talk." 
“Why am I selfish? For dating someone I like?” Jongin spoke a bit louder. 
"Don't you dare shout at me!" she pointed a finger to him. 
"You're being annoying. Like, not everything is about you in this world Somi." he mocked her. "Just because they didn't let you and Taemin date means no one else can't! Fuck off." 
Minseok and Sehun got up at the same time and both of them stood between Somi and Jongin. 
"This is not about me!" Somi said trying to look over Sehun's shoulder. "Or do I have to remind you what happened when Baekhyun decided to date and you suddenly stole the scene for you and Kristal? How many girls do you bring to this dorm and they only pat your head and say it's fine? You lied to me on my own birthday. " 
Baekhyun, Junmyeon, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo - who were inside their rooms - were now on the living room, trying to follow what was going on.
"Ya, calm down." Sehun said trying to keep the calm. "This is not that deep." 
"You have no rights on this conversation, champion." she mumbled, feeling her chest going up and down and her breathing getting heavier. 
"I can't believe I'm wasting my time here. Liking you or not, I'm dating her." Jongin turned his back at Somi and went back to his room. 
"Can't you stay five minutes acting like adults?" Junmyeon groaned at Somi before following Jongin. 
Somi smirked and sat on the couch, crossing her arms.
"Now it's my fault that he lied to me this whole time." she scoffed not even caring about if someone was listening to her. 
She wasn't mad at Jennie, not at all. But she was extremely mad at Jongin. For lying to her at her birthday, for breaking his promise of telling her whenever the company was giving the boys special treatment, and worse, for touching on a wound that took her so long to heal. 
"You were a little too much, Somi." Kyungsoo said sitting next to her. 
Somi scoffed once again and got up, taking her car keys on the small table at the entrance hall and the first coat she grabbed on the hanger. 
"Where are you going?" Baekhyun asked. 
Somi only looked at him and showed him her middle finger, slamming the door behind her. 
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grimbeak · 3 years
Here's some random quick scenes from some of my AUs that I'll probably use at some point but not atm since I'm not writing them anyway here we go-
First up, the 'Nadakhan comes back after Prime Empire for reasons AU.
"Is he gonna-" Jay's breath hitched, and he curled closer in on himself, Flintlocke's arms tightening around him. "Is he gonna take out my eye again?"
Flintlocke sighed, pulling Jay closer as he did so. "I don't fuckin' know, kid." His tone was oddly sympathetic despite his choice of words.
Next, two things from my Mystery AU. There was a 3d, but it contains massive spoilers, so no scene for you.
Here he was again.
It was weird, to be completely submerged underwater.
He couldn't tell which way was up, and which way was down.
Jay opened his eyes.
It was dark. In the direction he was facing, there was a faint glow of light.
Jay didn't move towards it.
He wasn't floating, or sinking.
He just was. He just existed. Nothing else.
His skin felt tingly. Jay wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not, as he realized the tingle was coming from underneath his skin, not directly from it.
Wasn't there something he was supposed to be doing right now?
A pressure spread through him, making his lungs ache.
Oh, yeah. Breathing.
Jay tried to move, but a spike of agony shot through him. He glanced over. His right arm was twisted, broken.
Cole paced the sandy ground, not close enough to the water for it to touch him. More and more anxiety ran through him every second, his stomach twisting to accommodate it. "How much longer?"
Kai, who was kneeling next to the water, likely getting wet sand all over his pants, looked up. "It's not like it's a three-foot-deep lake," he answered. "We'll be lucky if Zane manages to come back at all, even with Jay."
Nya shot an angry glare at her brother. "Cut it out," she hissed. She turned back to the water, closing her eyes in concentration and resuming her mediation stance. "Zane'll find him," she murmered. "He has to."
Finally, a bit from my AU where Morro takes over Jay instead of Lloyd. For context, Morro just accidentally said he used wind on a mission instead of lightning (he can use lightning and that's an explanation y'all are going to have to ask for to get).
"Wind?" Master Wu questioned, narrowing his eyes. "You control lightning, not the wind."
Nya poked her head out from around the corner. "It's just a part of his power, remember? He's done it before."
Morro nodded at her, and to Wu he gave a shrug. "Yeah." He smiled to himself as he turned away from them to leave the room. "Just an aspect of lightning."
And there we go! Hope y'all enjoyed :)
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sasukelore · 4 years
Can you do a modern au headcanon with Sasuke who is best friends with s/o who is perfect that he has loved all his life from childhood to teenage years and how he sticks to her like glue + Naruto being the third wheel and teasing Sasuke by taking s/o for ramen
Sasuke falling for his childhood friend + Naruto friendship dynamic, Modern AU
Awwww omg this is sooo cute I honestly made this into crack I’m sO sorry
Warnings: sexual situations, crude humor
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You definitely met Sasuke through Naruto. You being Naruto’s best friend in the first grade. 
OFC you couldn’t help but notice Naruto and Sasuke’s bickering all the time...
The both of them had the audacity to sit on either side of you during lunch time... Lets just say you slammed Naruto’s head down on the table and told him to shut up. 
That was when Sasuke fell in love 😍 
Kid Sasuke probably lurked around you for a month or two to see your personality more, and the friendship dynamic of you and Naruto 
He needed to see if he needed to kill Naruto to get him away from you. Theres no way he’s letting Naruto off the hook for having a crush on you too....
He’ll bring you dango one day, after carefully observing what you eat and like on a regular basis...
First-grader Sasuke is a yandere, period. 
When he brings you dango that automatically makes you friends, like instantly. It also made you smile. Because no boy had ever bought you your favorite snack! First-grader you is pleased easily...
Honestly, Sasuke will be the third wheeler for a while.... Only because you and Naruto have already gotten to know each other and are obviously more comfortable with each other. On a really weird level actually. 
I mean, Naruto literally tells you when he’s going to the bathroom and what he has to do at the bathroom at this age. Does he grow out of it? I guess...
”Y/N! I’m going to the bathroom, I have to take a dump!” He yells across the cafeteria LOL
Sasuke always took advantage of these moments though. Getting closer to you. Kid Sasuke is such a pouty cutie, it’s impossible not to love him.
So eventually, It was you, Naruto, and Sasuke. The three of you were inseparable. And by your teen years, Sasuke’s feelings had only grown and Naruto’s smirks at Sasuke only grew more more frequent. 
You and Sasuke hung out together alone more often too! Honestly Naruto was getting a lil jealous.
You would BEG Sasuke to let you paint his fingernails black. Because he’s just a little soft emo boy and you had to. And after a lot of refusals, Sasuke finally budges. Only because he loves you and the way your tongue pokes out of your mouth in concentration is adorable. 
Eventually, while studying for exams, your noses brushed and your faces were so close together. He would be an idiot not to kiss you right? He’ll stare at you for a while, until you’re the one who actually softly places your lips against his. 
He didn’t even have to ask you to go out with him after that. It was just kind of an unspoken agreement that you guys were dating now.
Heated make-out sessions when you were suppose to be studying, lazy arm drapes over shoulders, his palms on your cheeks as he kisses your forehead. Your relationship is like a movie, I swear.
Telling Naruto when he literally thought you two were already dating. And then him getting mad at Sasuke for trying to take you for himself. 
Naruto flirts with you after that to get on Sasuke’s nerves. “Y/N! Let’s go out for ramen, just me and you, Kay!?” He says while switching eye contact from you to Sasuke, a little smile on his face.
”Just pretend he’s not there, Y/N.” Sasuke will say, staring off into space completely unbothered. You on the other hand, are giggling into your hand. 
You’re used to Sasuke and Naruto’s banter, so you know when someone is actually crossing the line or when it’s all just shits and giggles. You’re the mediator aLways. You’ll be texting both of them at the same time, telling both of them the other one is sorry and just wants to forget it.
And what do you know! Everything is peachy the next day and neither of them knows you were bullshitting. Neither of them were sorry! 
Anyways, Sasuke has the entire marriage thing planned out by the end of high school. In fact, he already has a ring. At first he was gonna wait till he settled down with a job and steady income so he can spoil you, but he couldn’t wait any longer. He’s been wanting to marry you since you were just baby kids. 
Naruto is the best man, and by then he’s in a committed relationship with Hinata (after her pining after him for years but whatever). So, Hinata is the maid of honor, because you commend her so much for catching him and for being to handle him. She’s also now like part of your family, you love her and your boys so so much.
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maya-tl · 4 years
Sanders Sides Among Us AU
Fuck it, it was bound to happen. Inspired by @waokevale 's incredible AU, but almost completely different from theirs. This is fairly long but I have a mighty need, so y'all gonna have to bear with me.
IMPOSTORS: Logan/Blue, Roman/Red
CREWMATES: Patton/Cyan, Remus/Lime, Janus/Yellow, Virgil/Purple, Thomas/Pink, Emile/White, Remy/Black
???: Orange, Brown
The Skeld is manned by the core sides.
Logan is their physician/scientist and spends most of his time in Medbay, which made it easy to fabricate scan and sample datas to pass him & Roman off as crewmates.
Janus is the elected captain. He knows how to command a room and has a sharp mind, which makes him likely to spot impostors. He works in Communications and Admin.
Patton is their chef and janitor. He spends most of his time in the Cafeteria and is the only one authorized to use the vents. He takes care of the trash and cleans the vents and O2 shoots.
Virgil is their engineer. He's all over the place, from Electrical to the Reactor to the Engines to Storage, but he spends most of his time in Electrical. He's partially colourblind and struggles with the wires.
Roman is their data analyst and head of security. He alternates between watching the cameras in Security and transferring data to Admin. He's a master of sabotage and can fake tasks flawlessly. He sometimes helps Virgil with the wires.
Remus is their technician and weapons specialist. He spends most of his time playing asteroids in Weapons, but also primes the shields and checks Navigation from time to time. The ship is on autopilot, but it requires occasional manual adjustments.
Mira HQ is run by Thomas, Remy and Emile. It serves as a home base to The Skeld and a permanent residence for them.
Thomas is in charge of the base. He spends most of his time in Admin and the Office, and regularly checks in with Janus in Communications.
Emile is their primary physician, who also doubles as a therapist/gardener. He keeps track of their storage, keeps the Cafeteria stocked and looks after the Greenhouse. He does checkups for the crew when The Skeld stops by.
Remy is their engineer and technician. He's all over the place, doing wires, checking O2, monitoring the weather or doing asteroids. When The Skeld is docked he spends most of his hours at the launchpad checking for anomalies. The rest of the time he alternates between Reactor and the Balcony.
*The vents on Mira HQ are never secured and Remy uses them frequently to get around faster, even though he's not an impostor. He's the only one authorized to do that.
*No one on base uses the laboratory, but they let Logan loose in there when The Skeld docks.
*Neither Logan nor Roman can go through Decontamination safely. The chemicals burn them.
*Emile is the legal guardian of two orphan children: Elliott and Kai. They both like to water the plants. Elliott never strays far from Emile, but Kai sometimes plays asteroids with Remy.
The Polus research station is technically abandoned, but it has yet to fall into disrepair.
It used to be manned by a full crew of ten. Most of them were reassigned after it supposedly closed down due to unstable weather conditions, but Thomas still receives regular updates from the station that are definitely manually sent.
The Skeld is not authorized to enter the sector of space in which it is located. They were assigned only once, to investigate the updates, and while the station looked to be in use, they found no life forms and had to depart prematurely.
Logan was the only one who had anything noteworthy to report: all the vital monitors had been disconnected from the mainframe except for two people, under the codenames Orange and Brown.
Virgil claimed to have seen silhouettes through the snowfall, but couldn't identify them.
Logan and Roman have their suspicions, but they can only recognise a fellow impostor if they meet them in person and they hadn't managed to run into anyone on the station, even with their superior vision.
Fun Creativitwins Facts:
*Roman and Remus are not biologically related, but they do look very much alike. 
*Remus knows his brother is an impostor and keeps trying to coax him into committing murder for fun.
*No one suspects either of them because impostors are not known to have siblings, but if they had to guess they would pick Remus.
*Janus knows. He figured it out. Remus knows that Janus knows, Roman suspects that Janus knows, and Janus knows that they know that he knows. None of them have brought it up.
*Virgil made a dark joke once and Remus immediately adopted him as the Third Brother. Neither Virgil nor Roman had a choice in this matter, but they’ve warmed up to each other.
Other Miscellaneous Facts:
*Virgil has mild Protanopia, a type of red-green colour blindness. He sees the world in shades of yellow and blue, which makes it difficult to identify people when they’re fully suited up. He tends to stick with Logan or Janus.
*Patton kept scaring Virgil half to death by popping out of vents at inopportune times, so they had to learn each other’s schedules and work around them.
*Thomas was suspicious of Janus for the longest time, because he carried himself like someone who had something to hide, but eventually learned that no, he’s just really skilled at keeping a level head and mediating conflicts.
*Virgil once fell asleep in Medbay listening to Logan talk about samples. Logan, who was used to people being discomforted by his presence, decided he would protect Virgil with his life.
*Roman likes to personally check in with people around the ship, just to have some company. The only person who passes by him when he’s on Cams is Virgil, who does a lot of back-and-forth trips between the Engines.
*Remus often neglects to prime the shields, but claims to compensate by doing double and triple shifts on asteroids, because “the ship can’t get hit if there’s nothing left to hit it”. This has caused multiple emergencies that had nothing to do with either impostor.
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Hatred and Love (ft. G Dragon) Mafia AU
Part 14
Jiyong realises something very important.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
If there is anyone else who would like to be tagged, you can comment or leave me a message :))
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
Now, things are coming to a close. It has appearances from Daesung, Taeyang, TOP, Mino, Hanbin and EXO (mostly Kai). This continues with the EXO storyline, but again, I have nothing against EXO :)) I love them, but I had to use someone for the plot. This chapter has a lot of Suho. It also has a good amount of Xiumin:))
This is the last part of the series and I’m so sorry it took me so long to upload it :(((( I know it’s been ages, but after all of this, I just blanked out when it came to the ending. Thanks for supporting me and following the story :)) I’m going to miss this one :))
Warnings: Violence, Death(not main character), Injury, Blood, Eventual smut, Abduction, Guns and Knives, language. 
You had no idea what to expect. You turned to Jiyong, eyebrows raised, wondering what Joonmyeon could possibly want, but Jiyong looked just as stumped as you. He was also way angrier. His eyes immediately became cold and hard. 
“What does that fucker want now?” 
You gently took his hand, trying to calm him down. 
“Let’s go into this with an open mind? Maybe he wants to come up with some sort of agreement?” 
Jiyong tried to conceal his anger but that didn’t work very well. His jaw was absolutely taut when he spoke. 
“Y/N, he wants to fuck things up somehow. Why else would he want you there? You’re the one person I’m scared of disappointing.”
 You planted a light kiss on his cheek, instantly making him relax.
 “Then maybe that’s a good thing. You won’t do anything that would disappoint me.” 
He sighed, but he kissed you back.
 “You’re right, Y/N. You’re the only person I can stay calm for.”
The two of you walked into Jongin’s room, that had been turned into a makeshift conference room. Joonmyeon was there in a wheelchair. Yixing and Sehun were also there with their hands bound, both flanked by Hanbin and Mino, making sure neither of them try something funny. Jiyong took his place at the head of the table, prepared to let Joonmyeon start, but Joonmyeon looked up straight at you. Still looking at you, he said, 
“No Jiyong. That seat isn’t for you. That seat is for her. Your side of the table is over there.” 
Jiyong stretched his neck, unable to believe what Joonmyeon just told him. You were also in complete shock. Why would he want you at the head of the table? Before you could overthink it, Joonmyeon said, 
“I want Y/N to be the head and mediator of this meeting. She can guide us towards a merger.” 
His eyes were thrown at you, as though daring you to take up the challenge, daring you to mess up. Jiyong eyes turned dark with pure, unadulterated rage and he was about to step in when you met Joonmyeon’s gaze. This guy had messed with you one too many times. You had had enough.
 “Okay Joonmyeon. I will.” 
Every single head in the room whipped towards you, wondering what you were playing at. Jiyong, still in shock, quietly got up and went to his seat. You sat down, slowly crossing your legs. Your eyes were so determined, they were nearly piercing through Joonmyeon. No one there had ever seen you that way before. Not even when they first abducted you. Staring straight at him, you began. 
“Well, Joonmyeon, what did you want to discuss?”
 Your gaze was hostile, openly challenging him to try and mess with you. Joonmyeon hated it. He hated that he felt so guilty about harming you and Jongin. He hated that he owed you his life. He hated that he couldn’t completely hate you. This was just his way of trying to find reasons to hate you. But none of this struggle showed on the outside. Eyes cold and calculating, he said, 
“If we’re doing a merger, only I have control over my men.”
 Even before he finished the sentence, you could feel the anger and the protests from the rest of the room, including EXO, but you silenced them all with a glare. Joonmyeon just wanted to make things messy and you wouldn’t let him. Jiyong snarled when he heard that, but he calmed down when he looked at you there, his grip on his gun slowly loosening. Your voice was quiet but firm when you spoke. 
“Joonmyeon, I don’t think you understand your position. You asked for a merger. Not a partnership. With a merger, you become part of an organisation and work the same way the organisation had worked. So, no. You won’t be the only person to have control over your troops. You will be at the level assigned to you. And you will have to report to Jiyong.” 
Joonmyeon already knew all of that, but he just wanted to get a rise out of you. Nonchalantly stretching, he said,
 “Okay, but I’m second in command.”
 That was too much for Jiyong to bear and he scoffed. He threw his head back to laugh and then he slammed the table. His voice was dangerously detached when he did speak. 
“Joonmyeon, is this a joke to you?”
 You saw the glint in Joonmyeon’s eyes. He was happy he succeeded in getting a rise out of Jiyong. He felt that it somehow validated his behaviour and his deep-rooted hatred for them, although he knew they weren’t that bad. You had saved his life. Jiyong saved his men. He was just clutching at straws to justify his behaviour. You were determined to not give him those straws. You would make him realise that there wasn’t any justification for his behaviour. He would take accountability and realise where he went wrong, so that he could go back to being himself, instead of being obsessed with taking Jiyong down. Your hand quietly wrapped around Jiyong’s hand, silently urging him to not say anything. Jiyong eyes flashed, and he glared at you, annoyed that you were telling him to not react, but he kept quiet anyway. You tried to look at Joonmyeon, but he was refusing to look at you. He didn’t want to make eye contact. He could only put up the act as long as someone didn’t see through him. You tried to get him to peacefully meet your gaze, but when he absolutely refused to, you resorted to desperate measures. Standing up, you grabbed his chin and forced him to look straight at you. Your voice was still calm when you said,
 “Joonmyeon, you and I both know that’s not going to happen. You might not even get a commanding post for a while, because you, Yixing and Sehun have to prove your loyalties first. How are we supposed to trust you after everything that happened? You turned on Jongin. Why wouldn’t you do that again?” 
Joonmyeon could feel this crushing pain when you said that. He didn’t want to accept that he did that, but there was no other way to it. Joonmyeon lost all fight when you said that. You had seen through him. He quietly slipped out of your grasp and turned to Jongin, bowing deeply before saying, 
“Jongin, I’m sorry.” 
Jongin sat there, on his bed, in complete and utter shock. Joonmyeon hyung never apologised, especially not in front of other people. He was too in shock to say anything. Heart sinking even further, Joonmyeon turned to you, bowed and apologised. He then looked up and for the first time, his eyes were genuine. 
“Thank you for saving my life Y/N.”  
Everyone other than Minseok was in shock. Minseok had the slightest smile on his face. 
“Maybe we will get out Joonmyeon back after all.” 
Sehun and Yixing were both furious, and they were about to protest it, and Hanbin and Mino were ready to supress it, but you beat them to it. Voice cool, you said,
 “To prove their loyalty, Joonmyeon, Yixing and Sehun will work directly under Minseok and Youngbae for the next three months to start with. They’ll work on the Hongdae area.”
 Joonmyeon’s head shot up when he heard you. You were giving them control over Hongdae? The area that they’d been fighting for? Joonmyeon’s eyes teared up a little. He would finally get to take care of his sister’s grave. Joonmyeon immediately bowed before you. Yixing and Sehun were too shocked to do anything except stare at you in disbelief.
 “Thank you, Y/N. You don’t know how much this means to me.” 
You had the slightest smile on your face when you replied, 
“You’re welcome Joonmyeon.”
Jiyong sat there watching all the events unfold, feeling detached. He didn’t mind that you were making decisions for him. he knew the others wouldn’t mind either. He knew it was only because of you that they managed to resolve things with Joonmyeon. But he was more worried about the other things. The slight tremble in your hands from dealing with this. Your pale and tired face. Your tendency to flinch slightly when people make sudden movements. The near imperceptible tremor in your voice. You weren’t used to this, and it scared you. He felt awful. You didn’t deserve this. You had been through so much. You needed a break. And he would make sure you got one. For the first time in his life, Jiyong decided he would take a break with you. It wasn’t because he wanted to take a break, but more because you needed him around. As weird as it was, although Jiyong was the one drawing you into this world, your only way to feel better about everything was around him. And also, for the simple reason that he missed you, and couldn’t stand being away from you any longer. He was staring at you, making up his mind about exactly what to do when you turned to him.
 “Jiyong, that’s okay right?” 
He didn’t hear you. He had zoned you out, wondering how he got so lucky as to have you in his life. He would protect that at all costs. He would protect you at all costs. He would protect your happiness at all costs. You raised your eyebrows, wondering why he didn’t reply. You mentally scolded yourself for shooting your mouth off like that without talking to him first. You turned to Jiyong, much more nervous. 
“Jiyong? All okay, Love?” 
The vibe of the meeting had changed. Everything was much more relaxed. Sehun was trying hard not to cry, Yixing was apologising to everyone, Jongin was playfully guilt-tripping a very apologetic Joonmyeon about his injuries. But when you said that, everyone turned to Jiyong, a little nervous. He had a rather…intimidating reputation. Youngbae was the only one who was sure Jiyong would be okay with it. He was more interested in watching the drama between you and Jiyong unfold. Jiyong just stared at you, looking at him nervously. There was one thing that was different about you. No matter how nervous you were at that moment, there was no fear in your eyes. You looked at him trustingly, knowing fully well that no matter how dangerous a man he is, he would never hurt you. Ever. Jiyong didn’t bother answering your question. Jiyong just stood up, leaned over the table, grabbed your face and kissed you. A deep, hungry kiss. All his longing, all his fears, all his worries were in that. He deepened the kiss because as he felt your soft hands gently caress his bruised knuckles and kiss him back, he realised that there was something he needed to do. He needed to meet his grandmother.
You were very surprised when you were pulled up from your seat and kissed like there was no tomorrow, but you kissed him back equally longingly. You had missed him. You had never stopped worrying about him. You were right. You didn’t know whether there was going to be a tomorrow. You kissed him until you felt like you had the feel of his lips committed to memory. Cheers erupted all around you, although the two of you were quite oblivious to it. Hanbin rolled his eyes, laughing at the two of you while Jongin whistled. Hanbin leaned over and muttered to Jongin. 
“Thank god the two of them are back together. I didn’t think it was possible, but they’re more annoying on their own.”
 Jongin scoffed. 
“Hanbin, I can see that you’re tearing up.”
Jiyong pulled away first, both of you gasping for breath. You blushed at all the hooting boys around you, some newer than others, but all equally determined to embarrass you. Jiyong didn’t even bother to acknowledge the hooting. He just turned to Youngbae and whispered something in his ear, making you look at him quizzically. He turned to give you a quick, reassuring smile before speaking. 
“Okay. Now that the merger is done, I have an announcement. I’m going to be away for a month. Youngbae is second in command. Don’t try to reach me unless it’s absolutely urgent.” 
Your heart fell. He was going to be away for a month. After everything. When you had just gotten back together. You had missed him so much. But you tried your best to not let your face fall, sticking a weak smile on your face. If he was leaving, it had to be important. You would talk to him about it in private. Everyone nodded except Hanbin. Hanbin was pouting when he said,
 “Who’s after Youngbae hyung?” 
Jiyong froze for a second, staring at Hanbin before sighing and answering. 
“Seunghyun hyung.” 
“After him?”
 “After him?” 
 Minseok looked surprised while Hanbin’s pout deepened.
 “Hanbin, are you really going to make me list this out in order?”
Jiyong glared at him and answered. 
“Then it’s Mino. Then it’s Jongdae. Then it’s Baekhyun. Then Chanyeol. Then it’s you. Then it’s Jongin. Then it’s Kyungsoo. Then it’s Joonmyeon, Yixing and Sehun. In that order.”
 While the others laughed at Hanbin arguing with Jiyong, you struggled to keep that smile on your face. Jiyong playfully glared at the rest of the room before grabbing your hand and walking out of the room. Your heart sank even more. He was going to say bye. He was going to leave again. You were staring at the floor, letting yourself get lost in your thoughts when he tilted your head up and beamed at you, the smile leaving quickly when he saw that you weren’t smiling. 
“What’s wrong love?” 
You bit down on your trembling lips and looked away, not wanting to make him feel worse. He gently cupped your face and made you look at him. 
“Talk to me Y/N. Tell me what’s wrong.”
 You took a deep breath.
 “I’m just going to miss you Jiyong.”
 He looked terrified. 
“Why? Why’re you going to miss me? Are you leaving me?” 
You stared at him confused. 
“No. You’re going somewhere, remember?”
 Jiyong’s brows knitted together in confusion before he laughed and pulled you into a hug. 
“Sweetheart, if you think I’m going anywhere without you after not having seen you for the past month, you’re in for a surprise.”
 It took a while for it to hit you, but when you finally realised he wasn’t leaving, you hugged him tight, burying your face in his chest. You looked up at him, confused.
 “You mean I’m coming with you on work?” 
He leaned in and nibbled on your ear, pressing a light kiss against your neck before saying,
 “No. I mean we’re going on a holiday.”
 Two weeks later, you lay down on the plush bed in Jiyong’s hidden away holiday home, buried under the blankets and wearing his hoodie, so utterly happy with how everything just felt right. You closed your eyes and buried deeper into the bed, enjoying the warmth of it. You felt the bed dip as you heard Jiyong’s sleepy morning voice.
 “Good morning love. I got you your tea.”
 He sat and was about to sip his tea when you crawled into his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck, snuggling into him. Amused, he asked,
 “Do you not plan on letting me drink my tea?” 
You took in a deep breath, letting Jiyong’s familiar scent wash over you.
 “Do you plan on moving from here?”
 Pressing a light kiss against his smile, you said,
 You stared out of the balcony. It was 3 am on your last night there, and you were lost in thought while you stared at the stars. That one month was magical. You had Jiyong all to yourself, and both of you sat and worked through the problems in your relationship. You knew you loved him. You knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. You knew you weren’t scared of him. You couldn’t live without him. You didn’t realise how windy it was until he walked out behind you, wrapping a blanket around you. He wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled into your neck. 
“Love, you have to be careful. You can’t stand out here in just my t shirt.” 
You turned around to face him, wrapping the blanket around the both of you. 
“Jiyong, you came out here in just your boxers. I don’t think you should be lecturing me.” 
He had this blissful smile as he kissed your forehead.
 “I couldn’t help it Y/N. I just needed to be out here with you.” 
You had the same blissful smile as you kissed him, letting yourself get lost in the kiss. He pulled away, suddenly looking nervous. 
“Y/N, I know we’re going back tomorrow, and I know I’ll get busy, but like we discussed, I promise I will always make time for you.” 
He paused to take a deep breath, desperately trying to calm down that rising feeling of nervousness in him. 
“I know you can do way better than me, and you deserve way better, but I promise I will always respect you, and I will do anything to make you happy. I’ve realised I can’t live without you, and I know this might be too sudden, and I don’t want to put any pressure on you, but you’re the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with and start a family with. So, Y/N L/N, will you do me the honour of marrying me?” 
You stared at him in shock for a minute, unable to comprehend what was going on before a single tear slipped down your face, and you burst into the largest smile you had in you. You nodded vigorously. 
“Yes, Kwon Jiyong, I would love to marry you.”
 Jiyong felt all the nervousness leave his body only to be replaced with an overwhelming, indescribable feeling of joy. There are no words for how he felt in that moment. And as he slipped on the beautiful ring his grandmother had given him to give you, he lifted you up and kissed you, knowing that everything finally felt right.
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