#momo smooth as always i love him
prettyboykatsuki · 1 month
✮ tags ; gn! reader, established relationship, fluff, alcohol.
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"You're drunk,"
Your boyfriend leans his head on your shoulder and makes a noise in the back of his throat. "A bit."
More than a bit, you think. In actuality, you don't think you've ever seen him this drunk before. He's okay with alcohol, usually - but tends to stay away from drinking too much. You think the last time you saw him get actually drunk at all, you were both twenty and he was barely tipsy then.
He doesn't like getting drunk, he's told you before. A few times. The lack of control and hazy memories make him just slightly anxious, so he's careful around liquor.
You've been dating for years now, and unless he's living some double-life (a different one than being a hero) - you've never seen him get this wasted. Ever. To everyone else in your surroundings, it probably doesn't look that way.
But you've spent enough time to know him, and he's not like this usually. Nowhere near as absent minded he is now, at least. He hasn't been able to sit still since he downed that last bottle of shochu. He went to go play with Bakugou's cat, Momo and you couldn't find him afterwards. You lost sight of him for about half-an-hour until you finally found him in the living room while everyone else was outside, feeding Momo some treat that squeezes from a tube.
(You still don't know where or how he found where Bakugou kept the treats, but you decide it's better you don't ask. Plausible deniability, or something.)
You're both grown-ups, and you're not one to worry about his liquor intake. Still, though - you're worried. Even if it seems like he's not different to everyone else, you can tell. And it's bothering you.
"Shouto," You call out to him, your hands reaching to pet the back of his neck. He's a head taller than you, and a little heavy. Palms smooth against the prickly ends of his hair - tapered and neat. He presses his cheek to your shoulder. "Shouto, love."
"Oh," He says, suddenly remember where he is. He stands up but doesn't back away far enough to give you space. You're in a far off empty corner. Most people are in the backyard but Shouto wanted some air - so you're crowded against a wooden fence and wall with your boyfriend locking you in out by the entrance. He smells nice, you think - clean with a soft touch of aftershave. You look up at him. "Hi,"
"You're drunk," You repeat, watching him blink rapidly - bleary eyes and the faintest line of a smile whenever he glances at you. He's bent over, staring at you hard. "Is something wrong?"
His expression is the same as always. Unchangingly neutral with a strong and uncharacteristic rosiness to it. Your boyfriend is handsome, alarmingly so. You're aware of it constantly, but this new face knocks the air out of your lungs.
He's... pouting you think. But not fully. His lips aren't drawn together, it's subtle like most expressions on him.
But it's...there. You're not imagining it - the soft furrow of his brow, the press of his lips. His expression grows warmer and it only makes you more confused. He shakes it off, all of a sudden, a micro-expression that fades just as quickly as it appears.
"I'm okay."
"Are you?""
He blinks slowly at that. Concern aside, you can't help but think he's cute like this. His ears are pink enough to stick out against his skin, cold air making them flush even darker.
"I'm okay," He says, then looks at you. He sobers up if only for that moment. "Had something on my mind."
"Something you can't tell me?"
"It's supposed to be a secret," He mumbles. He's really drunk. You realize this late. "So I don't know if I can."
"Mm," You reply. You feel like doting on him suddenly, so you do, petting the back of his neck before hugging him a little. "That's okay."
He follows up with a light groan. You've never heard him complain like that, so you laugh. "But I want to tell you."
"I promise I'll keep your secret at least."
He smiles at you more fully that time.
He pauses for a minute, thinking it over. You don't do or say anything in return. A beat passes of you two standing and swaying with silence where Shout to grabs your hands from in front of you. You think he's being affectionate again, wanting to hold them.
He draws your hands to his pocket though. The angle is awkward, makes you bend your wrist on the inside of coat pocket until you feel something hard and square touch your fingers. It's velvet from the material. A box of some kind.
...A box?
Shouto guides your hand again, this time out. When you pull it out, his palm is over yours. It's a jewellery box. You blink a few times, confused. Shouto hasn't let go of your hand.
"I keep missing the timing," He says, hiccuping. The lack of sobriety more clear than ever from the slight slur in his words. "It's been in my pockets for a while."
Your eyes go wide open. You can feel your own confusion and excitement twist and tangle inside of you, frantic to get a better read on the situation. He smiles down at you, disarmingly and then closes his eyes. His forehead is warm as it touches yours.
"...I thought you didn't want to married. Not really, at least." You whisper.
"Me too," He says, a wetness to his laugh that tugs at your heart . "It was on a whim. I wanted to talk to you about it. But." He frowns a little "It's tough."
You chuckle, a sudden wetness to your voice too. "I bet it was,"
He smiles at you, big and stupid. "I love you," He closes is eyes and presses his forehead to yours more. "Thank you for everything."
"Shouto," You repeat, unsure of what else to say. "What brought this up?"
"Mm," He shrugs, getting sleepier by the minute. "I thought giving you my last name would make you suffer." He admits, soft and unsure. "But taking yours. That felt...okay. Felt nice."
"You're silly."
"Yes," He says, not denying it. "And I love you."
"And you love me." You repeat, a grin splitting your face. Big tears at the corner of your eyes, making your vision sting and your cheeks ache. You look up at him again. "Enough to marry me?"
He seems almost sheepish that time. "If you'll have me."
"Are you sober enough to even remember this?"
His embarrassment makes him blush and laugh again. "My heart is beating so loud I'm a little afraid of it. So yes. I'm sure I'll remember." He admits.
"Let's get married, then." You repeat to him, so achingly happy you think you could die. You wonder when to tell your friends. Bakugou will be pissed you did at his place. "If you'll have me."
He smiles. "I'd like too."
You lean up to press a kiss to his mouth, and Shouto holds you there to kiss you longer than you expect. When you're done kissing, he's smiling.
"Anymore secrets?"
He thinks on it, then hums.
"We should get a cat."
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belsasim · 4 months
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Although they'd start together with their morning jog, Kit and Zinnia always got split up shortly after, as Kit ran faster and longer. Zinnia would make a shorter round, ending at the beach near the vacation villa. She loved to spend a while just looking out at the water.
One morning, taking in the beautiful sights, she felt a presence behind her. Curious, she turned around. She wasn't quite prepared for the new beautiful sight to see... A Sulani teen, who clearly had been jogging too, was standing a few meters away from her. The boy smiled at her. "Hey," he said.
Zinnia walked over to him, hoping she looked cool and collected.
Zinnia (lifting her arms a little, raising an eyebrow): "So, is it a local custom to sneak up on unsuspecting girls?" Boy (shaking his head apologetically): "What? Oh no, no, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sneak. I... I live nearby and I've seen you jog before and... I just wanted to say hello?" Zinnia (hoping he couldn't see her blushing): "Oh... Well... Hello then." (nodding at him) "What's your name?" Boy: "I'm Momo. What's your name? Where are you from? You staying in that big villa, right? First time in Sulani?" Zinnia (giggling): "A lot of questions, slow down a little. I'm Zinnia." Momo (giving her an embarrassed smile, scratching the back of his head): "Oh sorry, got carried away a little. Nice to meet you Zinnia."
The two teens continued to chat and get to know each other better. Momo was a lifeguard on one of the beaches in his free time (but unlike the Dreamer kids right now, he had school to attend during the day. He had only been able to jog and meet Zinnia today as it was a Saturday). His mother ran a restaurant in Ohan'ali Town. "You haven't been there yet? Seriously? You totally should!" Momo showed her some pictures on his phone and added her on Social Bunny to send her more info. Yeah Momo, smooth... Really smooth 😉
Zinnia completely lost track of time in the presence of this cute and friendly local boy.
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momolady · 1 year
Monster Valentines: Part One
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Want your own monster valentine, check out the info here.
Details wise just a slightly chubby guy looking for a beast like that from Disney movie (1991) if okay. If not a big orc with a love of reading.
Recently at work, you had been receiving letters and notes in your inbox. They were sweet and flirty, all from a secret admirer. The last one you received invited you out on a date. You were curious who was sending them and you constantly were watching people at work, hoping to spot the culprit. But so far, you had no clue.
The day of the date came, which was at a small bookstore and cafe near the park. It was one of your favorite places to go, so you were already impressed by what this secret admirer knew about you. As you walked in, you saw one of the cafe tables was set up with a bouquet of roses and a special tablecloth. 
Sitting at the table was a tall figure, his long fur pulled back away from his face. He stood from the table, a soft, nervous smile on his face. You recognized him, he worked in IT and had helped you set up your new computer when the old one broke. 
“Hello,” he said, smoothing down his nice shirt. 
“Hi,” you replied breathlessly. 
His toothy smile showed his sharp fangs and a lose curl came down from his neatly coiffed style. He then moved, offering you a chair and pulling it out. “I thought we could have a nice coffee, chat a bit, then maybe move on to a bigger date.”
You smiled at him over the roses. “Yeah, I’d like that.” 
Hello Miss Momo! I'd like the Build A Monster option please. I'm a short ambivert weirdo with curly hair, dark eyes and freckles. My hobbies are drawing and exploring. My fave things are true crime and forests. My faves of yours are Mask the Killer and Sin the tentacle plant.
The Pinewood Demon
For years, residents of the Pinewood area have been reporting sights of a creature in the area. Usually, it is sighted by campers who are enjoying the Pinewood Forest’s large campsite. The creature is said to be over seven feet tall, with glowing red eyes, and a body that looks to be made of woody vines or soft wood twisted around to look like cords making up the body. It is also said he is covered in vines and dark moss, and is often carrying a large blunt instrument in his hand. The Pinewood Demon seems to have a strong dislike of hunters, as most that have been reported missing in the Pinewood Forest are just in fact that, hunters. It is said if you offer items to the Pinewood Demon in a sign of peace, he will leave your campsite alone. The massive creature is said to like potatoes, berries, and occasionally a toy or two. Hikers who have gotten lost said that upon offering something for help, the Pinewood Demon often helps them find the correct path home. So is this creature friend or foe? Demon or guardian?
Hi Momo! I'm interested in a blind date! I'm a chubby 5'4 Mexican American from WNC, nonbinary (she/they), who is kinda witchy, brews beer for a living and loves to drink it too, loves the fine arts (painting, sketching), reading, playing relaxing farming sim games, loves dogs
Every so often you went into the woods, which was in any given direction where you lived. It didn’t matter what directions you went, it was the intent that showed you to your desired destination. You brought a small parcel with you, a sampling of the beers you made. But these were a special brew, ones you made just for this Red Riding Hood like journeys into the tall ambling woods of the Appalachia. 
Eventually you come upon the path you seek, following it as it winds, becomes covered in shining pebbles, and small flickering lanterns light your way. A low fog surrounds you and the flickering lights glow brighter, showing you through the smokey mist.
The path leads to an old gate, one you have traveled through many times before. The latch is worn and old, it takes merely a push to step into the bounds of the property you seek. The large house is always the same, though sometimes the placement of the windows is different. Sometimes they are stained glass, sometimes they are wide open and billowy curtains ripple in tune to your breathing. But the house itself, stately yet twisted, remains the same.
The mist lightly clears, showing your way to the front door, which opens without you even knocking. Inside the place is dark, save for a few lit candles. Looking around, you see the old hound dog resting in the bare space at the foot of the stares. He doesn’t lift his head, but his tail does begin wagging as you step inside. 
There’s a haze about the place, one that hangs upon the rafters of the ceiling, wafting as you walk down the hallway. The incense scent reminds you of old woods and childhood packages. Inside the next room there is a large couch with lots of pillows, and a strange man laid upon it. His long hair drapes down over his face and shoulders, which he pushes back as you step into the room. A crooked smile adorns his face, alighting his bright yellow eyes.
“You’ve come back,” he holds out of hand of long, thin fingers, beckoning you to come closer. His skin is dark, a sort of blueish garnet shade, his nails are painted dark red. Coiled horns jut out from his temples, curling towards the ceiling and catching the haze. 
“I thought it was time.” You held up the parcel to him, placing it in his hand.
He sat up from his lounged position and opened the brown paper. “Lets see what you;ve got for me this time.” He pulled out one of the bottles, looking over the hand written label. “A pumpkin ale? Isn’t this out of season?”
“I had some left over,” you said with a smirk.
He took out another bottle. “Chocolate brew, much more in season.” He took out another bottle. “Winter crisp,” his eyes flicked to you. “What does that mean?”
“It means it’s crisp and it’s winter.”
“Smart mouth,” he laughed and went back to rummaging through the bag. He pulled out the last bottle. “Demon’s Draught? For me?”
“Smart mouthed, remember?” You said, letting your smile grow.
The demon slinked from the couch and held his hand out to you. You took it, letting those long fingers curl around your palm. He tugged your hand forward, kissing your knuckles with a smirk upon his lips.
“I have the meal prepared already. I’ve been waiting on you.”
You leaned in, kissing his cheek. “That’s why I am here, Switch.”
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reclusiverisottonero · 10 months
Hi Momo! sdfgsdg i'll try to do all four! They're all under the cut bc it got a bit long 😓
its hard to pick just one thing from Red Wings, but here is one part that look back on I really like:
He’s trying to give you time to adjust before he starts moving, which you appreciate but don’t really want nor need after everything from before. Small, needy twitches of his hips give away the erosion of his control, his gentle rutting into you becoming more of an annoyance since you know the type of pace he's capable of. Without warning you lift your legs to firmly trap his waist between them and force his cock the rest of the way inside in one smooth motion. The enrapturing moan that escapes from Risotto’s heaving chest, his ragged breaths pressing his tits further into your face, has your body clenching and throbbing hard around him. “You are fucking insatiable ,” Risotto throws his head back with a low groan of your name, “Jesus Christ, you’re so hot inside. I just—you’re so—” “Don’t you know by now, you don’t need to be careful about anything with me.” You chuckle at the gasp that startles out of him when you rake your nails over his nipples, “Now c’mon, hurry up and make a mess in me.”
And god, it's so hard to just pick one piece from Rose Tinted Glasses:
A blissful sigh is drawn out of you once Risotto finally bottoms out, his brows pulled up tight and hands trembling. Your cuffed hand wraps around the bar of the bedpost while the free one unconsciously settles atop his chest, over the rapid-fire beating of his heart. Right now in this stolen moment there’s nothing else in this world but you and Risotto and the heat radiating between your bodies as he moans your name like a prayer. If it weren’t for your stark differences in height you’d be kissing him even more senseless then he already looks right now. “Missed you so fucking much.” Risotto groans, and without further preamble he plants his feet on the bed to start fucking up into your cunt in effortless, soaking wet glides.
Looking back there's parts I would totally rewrite now if I wasn't so lazy, there are still parts of Endurance that I like:
“Sir, I need to cum, pl—” Risotto begins to tug at his nipple piercings, wheezing out more sad little noises. He flexes his jaw on the words like it pains him to say them out loud more than your foot on his dick does, “Please Sir, agh , please let me cum.” You don’t even give him the grace of pretending to think about it, “Not yet. I don’t think you've learned your lesson. Besides, you always look so pretty when you’re crying and begging for me like this.” Risotto arches back into the chair and makes an amusing noise you’d compare to a dying animal. The chair clatters under his thrashing weight forcing you to adjust your footing. You can’t help but giggle at the way his tears come faster now at the denial. 
And then this part of The Five Stages. If I could quote back the entire aftercare scene I would but this part I enjoy just bc I love the thought of massaging Pros spanked up butt:
The now soiled cloth is tossed aside so you can coax him to lie on his front to relieve the pressure on his backside. Ice would be the ideal solution to the swelling, for both his ass and crotch. Wish you could have a pack of it at the ready at your nightstand without it melting down before it was needed. A trip to the kitchen wouldn’t take long but in your eyes, leaving him alone when he’s like would be an unnecessary cruelty. You pull open a drawer to take out the next best thing, a bottle of cooling aloe gel.  Starting at his thighs upwards, you take a generous amount of time to thoroughly massage him. Keep your touches soft against his obvious vulnerable spots while digging into any knots you find along his back. His skin soaks up the gel like a sponge, so you’re more liberal in its application on the second round. With how relaxed and pliable he is right now it’s an overwhelming temptation to eat him out that you instead channel into suckling kisses along the small of his back. He finally begins to stir as your fingers dig circles into his hips. “Aah," Prosciutto sighs, wiggling around to get comfortable and inadvertently shaking his ass right in your face. He lets out a loopy giggle when you plant light kisses over both aloe-shiny cheeks.
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tinycurlyfry · 2 years
Early morning One Piece binge because I wanna see Yamato dammit! Rambling liveblog thoughts contained in ‘Read More’ like last time
Episode 990 -
GJKLSDFJ Luffy just standing there as Ulti yells at him like “.....Huh?” even though he’s not T-posing he has such confused t-posing energy
Luffy, regardless of situation, regardless of who asks, will always answer “Who (the hell) are you?” with “I’m Luffy. I’m going to be pirate king” Love that about him. Yes you are babe, you tell ‘em!!!
Him seeing Ulti come at him with a headbutt and he’s just like “BET.” and meets her headbutt with his own haki-d forehead. Reasonable person would’ve moved, or knock her away but of course not Luffy.
“THAT HURT!!!” Yeah I bet it fucking did, stupid! Luffy what happened to not making risky moves to save your energy for Kaido lmaoo
I love Yamato already oh my god what an entrance. What a first impression to make on Luffy. Striking Ulti with the same attack his father used and then immediately turning around going from intimidating AF to fanboying over Luffy in 2 seconds. “YOU’RE MUGIWARA NO LUFFY, AREN’T YOU?” Luffy extremely confused that his instinctive response of “Yes, it is.” kicks in as he just stares, trying to process- OHP!! HE’S BEEN SNATCHED! JUST GRABS LUFFY AND RUNS! Yamato Ily oh my god
Luffy just letting himself be carried as he continues to try to piece together what the fuck is happening lmaooo 
Episode 991-
“It’s like an all you can assassinate buffet!” Robin oh my god. YESSS! KILL!!!
Jinbe with a big smile on his face “You scare me.” JGSKLDFJGG YEAH ME TOO DUDE.
Luffy I get it but oh my god stop wasting energy and just listen to what he has to say! 
Yamato recognizing Red Hawk is made to resemble Ace’s powers ;;;n;;; 
Episode 992 - 
gjklfdg them arguing over how long Yamato has to speak before Luffy runs off to fight Kaido. Children.
Bless Robin and Jinbe being the only ones with restraint and actually keeping up the façade in face of the beast pirates, even while they’re getting ready to execute Momo.
HEART PIRATES SCREEN TIME AGAIN!!! Law is such a good captain. The way his confidence is reflected by his crew. His steadying hand on Hakugan  helming the ship, leaning in close as he guides him. Am I going to gush about every gesture, every action he makes with his crew? Absolutely. Yes. 
The blue eye effect as he activates room? STUNNING. I will never tire of Law using his abilities. It’s so fucking cool.
YESSSSS MARCO GANG ARRIVES!!! REUNION TIME ;;;;v;;;;; Oh my god this scene is beautiful I’m going to sob. The SNOW, Oda!? Bless. Thank you for giving the siblings the fucking best setting for their reunion scene. The Red Scabbards deserve the world. Also Marco is so good. I love one phoenix who hasn’t loss his smile after all that he’s been through. He’s such a sweetheart.
gjskdfg thank you for allowing Yamato 5 minutes instead of 1 minute. Truly you are the pinnacle of patience, Luffy.
Episode 993 -
Luffy looking down so his hat covers his face when Yamato says Ace spoke of him a lot - I’M GONNA SOB! HIS EXPRESSION TIGHTENING AS HE TRIES NOT TO CRY NOOOOOOO OKAY I AM SOBBING NOW. 
Oh?! Law’s not going to join the samurai to take down Kaido? Huh! Okay! I wonder if he’s just going to give them their chance to take him down first since this is for their revenge. Law knows about revenge. He is not one against getting vengeance in the least bit. I could believe he wants to let them have the first chance at killing him. This is important to them. He’s there for support if they need it and to keep the plan going.... as smooth as it can gjkslfgf
Oof, Izou didn’t know till now that Kanjuro betrayed them ;;; Him still complimenting Kanjuro even in the face of betrayal, saying how skilled his drawings are. But he knows that while he was ‘on their side’ his drawings were awful. He’s got to be realizing Kanjuro’s creation could have been LEAGUES better than what he was giving them. That he was faking his poor ability to draw in using his powers. The subtlety in Izou’s “What a great actor” comment/compliment. He is angry but still can’t completely shrug off that bond they had. That he thought they had. My god I love the red scabbards so much.
God I’m so proud of Momo ;;; He really is trying to fight back. Kanjuro fucking snapping when Momo draws blood in striking at him with the knife. A member of the Kozuki family drawing his blood that sends Kanjuro into a brief craze. God this is so good.
Awww nooooo Kiku tearing up and wanting Kanjuro to say it to her face that all that time together, the bond they built as a family, that it really was all a lie before she attacks him. God Kanjuro’s betrayal has hurt them so deeply. They loved Kanjuro. They all mean so much to each other. Kiku darling, sweetheart, I’m so sorry. But also Kanjuro saying he IS full of emotions again. God, I wonder if he really does feel that love for them. He feels that bond. But he’s so detached from his emotions that to him it is just that person is his role. That person is a performance. But that person is also real. Kanjuro says he sees their tears as compliments of his acting, but I wonder if deep down, beyond his own awareness, he wants them to mourn him.
OH SHIT! Kiku those were some of the coolest fucking lines ever oh my god. GO OFF, BABE! 
My god, MORE EXPLODING CUFFS?! If I had a dollar for every father that put exploding handcuffs on his son to keep him prisoner and keep him in line I’d have two dollars which isn’t much but weird that it’s happened twice. I want Sanji and Yamato to interact now. I want them to bond over having the absolute worst fathers alive. 
Yamato: “Because what kind of parent would blow up their own son?” Luffy like ‘This again? Oh HELL no. Okay hand them over, I’m taking these off right now immediately.’
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oddchirithy · 1 year
Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds Descendants: Prolouge?
Note: I don't know how to make titles so I just left it as Descendants. Originally it was meant to be another next gen, but it got changed to descendants. Again, typed out without really reviewing so it won't make much sense. Feel free to point out inconsistencies. This chapter is more of an introduction. Very short. Might make this it's own thing separate from this book.
Summary: Descendants of a group from a long time ago. Very vague.
Carmen Santos knew (saw and was, almost,) everything. (She was the result of an "affair"{Ryota Fudo and Maya Santos}, she was cursed from the start.)
Everything. What would happen, what should happen, what could happen. Even as her skin went from smooth to wrinkled and sagging, even as her nose began to droop, and even as their memory started to wither away, Carmen knew everything. Even if the others (Akiko, Lucio, Usagi) couldn't. Even if her own descendants (though one would try eventually {he'd cause, almost, everything}) couldn't. They knew (saw and was) everything. (Almost.) 
Daichi Santos was simply himself. (Carmen, his half-sister, also was, only she possessed abilities that made it harder for her. He didn't, he was grateful.)
Daichi, hot tempered, stubborn, and resilient. Cousin of Robin Atlas. He saw it all (through his eyes, like the rest). When Carmen knew it was him who broke the window, when Usagi gave Akiko a scratch on accident, and when Akiko outed Lucio as the one who snitched Daichi out for sneaking out to meet up with a girl. And, before Daichi died, (a little old, frail and wrinkled, not like Carmen) he still refused. He refused help and only relented once Carmen told him to see his family. Nadia (his beautiful wife) had passed earlier, he wouldn't make the same mistake again.
Akiko Fudo, Carmen's half-sister, a girl who felt everything, and child of Momo (nee Iwai) and Ryota Fudo (son of Seiji and Victoria Fudo {nee Atlas}). (A beloved sister, cousin, wife, grandmother, and soon to be great-grandmother)
Akiko would always stay being herself and refusing to stay ignorant about the past that shaped the present and eventually future. Even if she was afraid. She would live longer than Daichi, along with Sayuri, but not longer than Carmen (no one would). She'd live to see the announcement of her first great-grandchild and died peacefully in the arms of her wife.
Usagi Kawata, a relative of sorts to all Akiko and Carmen, too fearless and loving (for everyone, even herself).
Even through arguments and fights, Usagi tried to understand. She'd later marry her tag duel partner who didn't mind her eccentric habit of dying her hair. They were a good pair and also lived until their 60's. Lucio had given a long speech as her family mourned. (Her great grand-father was the twin brother of Lucio's great grand-mother)
Lucio Nomura, distant cousin to Usagi, too kind and noble (to the life of others instead of himself).
Lucio never married, but he explored the world with Usagi occasionally joining. He'd traveled all over the world and competed in tournaments (like his great-granduncle), sometimes with friends or family. He only died after his return from South America in his late 60's. (Carmen counted that as a blessing, for Lucio began to forget and hallucinate.)
Both Lucio and Usagi had always lived to be role models of sorts for the next generation. (And that was good enough for them). (Carmen was proud.)
Robin Atlas, too stubborn and caring (for his own good {Probably because of the Hogan and Atlas blood in his veins}). 
Robin (the last one to remain) would always remain stubborn and caring for others. Even as he too became old and grew grey hairs, Robin stayed happy and always, always, made sure to brag about the stunts he pulled off as a teenager. Later on, he'd ask for his parents and grandparents who would never appear. Like his great-grandfathers, he was surrounded by family as he passed on.
Sayuri Kyosuke, known from a past close family friend and Carmen and Akiko's close friend (later girlfriend).
Sayuri would always never be ashamed of her family. No matter how twisted it once been all those years ago (long before any of them were born). She and Akiko had lived a rather long (compared to the rest), happy life with their son, later granddaughters, and left soon after the birth of a great-grandchild. 
(In one life, they all {minus Carmen} could've died in a Hail Mary. They should've just scattered around the world and lived however.) 
(Compared to five millenniums, two centuries were nothing. A lot happens in a short time.)
And, despite being one of the oldest, Carmen was the one last to go.
Even after her child died, Carmen lived. Even as her grandchildren had their own children, she lived on. In her early 100's (long after Robin) she still told stories (stories that'd cause a conspiracy) about dragons and heroes and psychics. Only when her youngest grandchild's child's son was a young teen, did she finally pass on. (And even then, even though Carmen them self physically was no longer living, Carmen's tales would fuel an impersonator) Carmen lived enough to see one generation more than her own great-grandparents and nearly lived long enough to witness humanity's downfall.
But as it was, Carmen was cursed, and knew everything to come. (Almost. Even as Carmen went blind, numb, and finally deaf.)
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yotsutama · 6 years
2nd Anniversary Special Story 1
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Idolish7 2nd Anniversary Special Story
Chapter 1 - We Are the Winners!
MC: Next, the Best Musical Award! This year’s Japan Musical grand prize, The Best Musical Award, goes to….
MC: “Last Dimension ~Who Will Pull the TRIGGER~”!
Audiences: Waaaaa…..!!
Gaku: …… Yay! We’re the winners!
Ryuunosuke: To think that we won The Best Musical Award! We did it! Tenn! Gaku!
Tenn: Yeah… I grew up watching musicals, so this award is like a dream come true to me. I’m glad I did my best in every performance……
MC: TRIGGER, congratulations! Can you give a word to everyone in the venue to express your joy?
Tenn: Everyone, thank you very much! As TRIGGER and as Kujou Tenn, it is a great honor for me to win this award. It’s all thanks to everyone who support us. Thank you very much!
Audiences: Waaaaaaaaa…..!!
[Takanashi Agency]
Riku: TRIGGER’s Last Dimension won the Best Musical Award!
Tamaki: Is that amazing?
Sougo: It’s amazing! As expected of TRIGGER!
Yamato: It’s a long run performance since Kokera Otoshi in Zero Arena, right.
Nagi: OH! It was very exciting show! Riku and I have watched it 6 times!
Iori: It’s not easy to win the Best Musical Award, they must have worked really hard. They are our rival group, but I really respect that side of them.
Mitsuki: Right! I bet President Yaotome is so proud now!
[Yaotome Agency]
Anesagi Kaoru: You guys really did it! 
Gaku: Well.
Anesagi Kaoru: Don’t ‘well’ me, are you embarrassed? Ah, let me keep the trophy.
Ryuunosuke: Thank you. Aaah, I’m so happy! It was our first musical, we really practiced a lot!
Gaku: Because someone was so annoying about it.
Tenn: You were passionate about it too, weren’t you?
Gaku: Of course.
Ryuunosuke: Ahaha! I’m glad we did our best and took the challenge! I treasure every performance we did!
Anesagi Kaoru: The president is in a good mood too! He’s out right now, but when he comes back, I’m sure he will congratulate you.
Gaku: Will he? I think he will say something like, “Don’t be satisfied with just this.”
Anesagi Kaoru: Your very first musical won the Best Musical Award, you know!? No one can keep calm about this! The President is in very high spirits deep down!
Ryuunosuke: Is he?
Tenn: I can’t imagine it……
Yaotome Sousuke: Fufufufu fu~nfu fu~nfufu (he’s humming lastdime lol) ……, *cough*. What, why are you here.
Ryuunosuke: …… Was he just humming?
Anesagi Kaoru: President, TRIGGER has come back! Shouldn’t you say something to them?
Yaotome Sousuke: Huh. You must not be satisfied with something this small. 
Yaotome Sousuke: It’s not this trophy you must win, it’s the overall winner trophy in Black or White. This year, you will overcome Re:vale, and be the winner! Until then, don’t you dare slack off!
Gaku: Said by someone who was just humming our song.
Tenn: We will be more firm and work on it.
Yaotome Sousuke: Good answer, Tenn.
Gaku: …… It’s not like we were slacking off. But we just worked hard to get the result we deserved.
Gaku: Don’t call Japan’s Musical Award as ‘something small!’ Isn’t that rude for those who take musicals seriously!?
Yaotome Sousuke: With that way of thinking, you will just brag about your past glory and not move forward. Last Dimension is a mere stepping stone you have passed.
Yaotome Sousuke: Forget it.
Gaku: …………… Tch……
Anesagi Kaoru: President… That’s too much. These kids have just won the Best Musical Award and……
Tenn: We are not dragging it on anymore. It’s enough.
Ryuunosuke: It’s fine with us, but Gaku is your son, President. You should praise him a little more……
Gaku: I don’t care anymore. I’m not a kid. I don’t expect anything from that guy from the start, anyway.
Yaotome Sousuke: ……………..
Gaku: Let’s celebrate it, just the three of us. …… Let’s go.
Ryuunosuke: Gaku…….
Yaotome Sousuke: Wait.
Gaku: ……………..
Yaotome Sousuke: I don’t want to spoil you a lot but, raising my talents’ motivations is one of my jobs.
Gaku: So what.
Yaotome Sousuke: ……… On the next day off……
Gaku: What?
Yaotome Sousuke: I mean, uh…… On the next day off…… I will take you out to a meal…….
Yaotome Sousuke: ….. Congratulations on your Best Musical Award…… 
Gaku: Your voice is so quiet! I can’t hear you!!!
Yaotome Sousuke: Shut up! Just keep your next day off free! Anesagi, schedule it!!
Anesagi Kaoru: …! Y-Yes! I understand!
Ryuunosuke: I’m glad!
Tenn: Haha… Thanks to the trophy, we got to see an unexpected family drama, huh.
Anesagi Kaoru: I will book the President’s favorite restaurant! You guys! It’s a party!
[TV station hallway]
Riku: So, you will celebrate it with President Yaotome! Ten… Kujou-san, that’s great!
Tenn: It’s thanks to the Yaotome family’s mini drama. Thanks, Gaku.
Gaku: What the heck is a mini drama. I didn’t do anything.
Riku: Yaotome-san, congratulation!
Gaku: Thanks, Nanase.
Mitsuki: When you say celebration, what are you going to do?
Ryuunosuke: This Monday, we will have dinner at President’s favorite restaurant.
Mitsuki: I see! We also want to celebrate TRIGGER’s win!
Ryuunosuke: Really? That makes me so happy!
Sougo: Please let us celebrate it! TRIGGER celebrated our 1st anniversary and all! Although, I don’t really remember it……
Ryuunosuke: A-Ahaha… I think it’s better to not remember it…?
Gaku: You want to celebrate it, huh? If you guys say it like that then……
Anesagi Kaoru: They can’t join us.
Gaku: Anesagi……
Anesagi Kaoru: The President doesn’t like interacting with other agencies. It is our party, you know? At least, don’t worsen his mood this time.
Riku: Is that so………
Yamato: It’s a shame, but we have no choice. Let’s not interrupt their privacy.
Yamato: We can celebrate it next time. Congrats, TRIGGER.
Ryuunosuke: Thank you.
Riku: Kujou-san, have fun there!
Tenn: Thank you, Nanase-san.
Riku: …… What a shame… I wanted to return what they did for us for our 1st anniversary.
Iori: We can just give them goods to celebrate them. Anesagi-san was right, it’s not good to interact with other agencies too much.
Nagi: YES! And we have something so, so important planned on that day.
Iori: Important plans? All of us are free that night, aren’t we?
Nagi: The Magical Cocona Special Anime is being aired that day! It’s a special day!
Riku: You have been looking forward to that, right Nagi!
Nagi: YEAH! I was born just for that day! This kiss expresses my love to this world! 
Riku: You’re THAT happy!?
Mitsuki: Ahaha! He looks so excited!
Yamato: Hahaha. We should be ready in advance so we can watch it on time.
Yamato: If he misses it, he won’t listen to us for half a year.
Momo: Good morning, IDOLiSH7!
Yuki: Morning.
Riku: Momo-san, Yuki-san!
Momo: Did you watch TRIGGER’s award ceremony? They were so cool weren’t they~!? Hey, let’s celebrate it together!
Yuki: Momo has been talking about it since yesterday. He has many celebration plans…
Tamaki: We just asked them to celebrate it together, but they refused.
Momo: Eeeh!?
Riku: They said they wanted to celebrate it privately.
Yuki: What, it’s just that? No worries. 
Riku: Really!?
Yuki: Yeah. I guarantee it. We have interrupted a private party once before.
Yamato: That’s not something you should be proud of……
Yuki: The party’s main members were happy about it. Although, they were you.
Master Director: Ah! Re:vale-san, IDOLiSH7-san! Good morning!
Master Director: I want to ask a favor; my daughter’s birthday is coming up… Can I ask for your autographs for her?
Momo: Sure, sure!
Yamato: Of course you can!
Master Director: Aah, thank god. TRIGGER-san refused me, so I was worried.
Riku: TRIGGER didn’t accept the autograph requests?
Master Director: They said they don’t accept these requests from staff. Although, Kujou-san did say, “Say hello to your daughter.”
Momo: Yaotome Production is strict after all! What is your daughter’s name? I’ll write it! Tell me her age too!
Master Director: Her name is Hitomi, she’s turning 10 soon. I promised to take her to a beach and have a BBQ, but I suddenly got a job that day.
Mitsuki: What happened?
Master Director: My new coworker made a mistake. The sponsors and President Yaotome were really mad about it. The whole team will have to discuss how to recover from that mistake on the day of my daughter’s birthday.
Yuki: Master Control’s work is the heart of TV programs. If there’s a mistake there, anyone would notice it easily. Here, I’ve signed it.
Sougo: I am done too. Here you go.
Master Director: Aah, thank you very much! Thank god… I can’t be with her on her birthday, but at least I’ll have a surprise present for her.
Riku: Surprise present……
Master Director: Thank you very much! Let’s work hard today!
Riku: Please take care of us!
Riku: Hey, how about we give TRIGGER a surprise present? We won’t trouble them, and we get to celebrate it together.
Tamaki: Nice idea! What kind of surprise?
Mitsuki: Something to make them surprised and happy!
Momo: Then, how about……
Momo: Us!?
Riku: That’s great!!
Tamaki: It’s us! We can’t interrupt their party, but if we go as their present, it’s okay right?!
Mitsuki: Is it really okay…?
Yamato: Isn’t it impossible…?
Yuki: Well, Momo wants to do it, so isn’t it fine?
Sougo: How about we also write celebration cards and give it to them?
Nagi: OH! I can’t participate! That day is a Special Day……
Mitsuki: We can just go home before it airs! Now, let’s discuss what kind of present we will give them!
All: Yeah!!
[Re:vale’s agency]
Okazaki Rinto: Surprise present? That’s good idea. If there’s something I can do, I’ll support you.
Yuki: Thank you.
Okazaki Rinto: Do you know where they are going to have dinner at?
Yuki: Momo just found out about it.
Momo: Hello, I’m Momo from Re:vale. I heard Yaotome-san booked your restaurant, and we want to give them a surprise!
Momo: Yeah, yeah! The idols, Re:vale! We want to surprise them, so can you keep it a secret from Yaotome-san? We want you to…… 
[Takanashi agency]
Takanashi Otoharu: Then, what kind of surprise will you give to Yaotome-kun?
Tsumugi: We plan to sing “Last Dimension ~Who Will Pull the TRIGGER~” together!
Tsumugi: Okazaki-san and I will participate as well!
Takanashi Otoharu: Sounds interesting! Can I join too?
Tsumugi: President too?
Takanashi Otoharu: Yaotome-kun came to our 1st anniversary and all! Banri-kun will come too, right?
Ogami Banri: Yes! If President goes, I’ll accompany you.
Takanashi Otoharu: Okay, we will be their present too. Let’s also buy flowers to celebrate their award.
Ogami Banri: Ah! Look! Breaking news……
Takanashi Otoharu: “King Pudding Discontinued” …?
Tamaki: I’m back~… Eeeeeeh—–!?!?!!
Tsumugi: T-Tamaki-san!
Sougo: Eh, sales will end? It’s on the breaking news, was there an accident or……
Tamaki: NOO!! No way! Don’t end it–!!!!
Sougo: T-Tamaki-kun, calm down……
Tamaki: Don’t you know we can’t eat it anymore!? Should I buy it now before it’s sold out!? 100 million King Puddings!!
Sougo: It would expire before you could eat them all. It’s a shame, but life is full of meetings and farewells……
Tamaki: No way—!! I still don’t wanna say good bye to King Pudding–!!!
Ogami Banri: Ah… The news just now stated it was a mistake. Tamaki-kun, it was a mistake!
Tamaki: Seriously!? Aah….. Thank god……
Sougo: That’s a relief… It’s rare to see a mistake in breaking news.
Takanashi Otoharu: You’ve got a point. This would’ve caused a great ruckus if they didn’t correct it sooner.
Ogami Banri: TV program’s Master Control is the one who takes charge of the breaking news, right? They’ve been making a lot of mistakes lately……
To be continued…
Hello so we found out that 2nd anniv hasn’t been translated in tumblr… Even though the 3rd is coming soon (lol) I hope you enjoy it!
For your information, the 1st anniversary story is about IDOLiSH7's 1st anniversary, but 2nd anniversary story is pretty much about TRIGGER's award celebration so IDOLiSH7 is still 1 year old in this story. (IDOLiSH7 probably won't have 2nd anniversary forever since they don't age lol)
Thanks for reading~
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deartouya · 2 years
petnames they use for you — bnha
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*ೃ༄ including: bakugou, deku, kiri, shouto, denki, sero, mina, momo, tamaki, hawks, dabi x gn!reader
*ೃ༄ content: fluff, lots of different pet names used on reader, tried to keep them even, favoritism won out- whoops. also some bnha girls 'cause i don't see much content for them.
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babe, baby, angel, sweetheart. forgoing the obvious dumbass and idiot, babe/baby are his more “public” names. they’re still special to you, but they’re more simple and casual, he’s able to keep up his facade while using them. angel and sweetheart are the names he uses when it’s just the two of you or he’s very tired. his eyes get all soft and his sentences are drenched in affection. he’ll pull you into him, nosing into your temple with a quiet, “c'mere, angel.” you’re an angel to him, his angel.
my love, honey/hon. he’s a sap, therefore he needs the most sickeningly sweet nicknames ever. honey and its shortened version are what the general public hears, if he’s talking to a fan in front of you or if it’s an interview during a gala- that’s what he uses. “all done now, honey.” my love is the most used, he’ll use it for everything, all the time. you love the way he says it, all low and soft- so becoming of him. he’ll come home late at night, pulling off his gloves, and leaning over your shoulder as you cook to press a kiss and “smells delicious, my love.” into your shoulder.
baby, babe, pretty baby, pumpkin. simple nicknames that make you feel special. if it makes you feel small and safe, he uses it. he also has no shame when it comes to using them in public, if he sees you- no matter how far away you are- he’s calling out to you. you’ll be twelve feet away down a busy hallway and still hear him yell, “good morning, pumpkin!” he’s so enthusiastic that no matter how embarrassing it is you can’t help but smile and return the affection.
my love, darling, sweetheart. his possessiveness really jumps out when it comes to pet names. he favours simpler, more traditional nicknames; i.e “love, darling, sweetheart”, but its almost always prefaced with a “my.” he likes the way it makes you seem his, in the most innocent way- it simply attaches the two of you together. "how was your day, my darling?"
muffin, sparkplug, sweetcheeks, baby/pretty baby. exclusively uses disgustingly obnoxiously cute names. if it doesn’t make everyone in a five-mile radius groan and roll their eyes- he doesn’t want it. baby and pretty baby, however, are used only when you’re alone- his voice always gets all soft and the adoration he holds for you becomes so apparent when he mumbles a quiet, “love you, pretty baby,” into your hairline.
babe, baby, my love. low energy and casual but still fluster you when he says them. still, a menace, as he somehow makes even the most causal of pet names personal, flustering you so quickly. he’ll just drop an arm over your shoulder, hooking around your neck to pull you in for a kiss, mumbling a short, “g'morning, baby.” and send you spiralling and flustered for more than a minute.
baby, babe, sweetheart/sweets. she’s so excitable and clingy that she uses them all the time, which makes her prefer the shorter ones. she’ll see you pass by her in the halls and immediately redirect towards you, throwing herself over your shoulders with a, “i’ve missed you, babe!” concept of pda does not exist, will tell you, “i love you, sweets.” in the middle of a crowd without thinking twice.
love/lovely, darling. simple and sweet and proper- much like her. unlike shouto- she doesn’t often add a “my” in front of them though. momo likes the comfort in using such traditional pet names and how romantic they are- even if they’re a tad bit overused. anything would feel special when she says it with such reverence, a soft little smile on her lips and voice so smooth as she swipes a thumb under your eye, “thank you, lovely.”
honey, bunny. doesn’t particularly like using them in public, mostly because he just doesn’t really like talking in public- but honey, in particular, gets stuck on his tongue without him noticing. he catches himself saying in even when around other people, a quiet, “thank you, honey.” when you go out to eat or a “honey, i wanna go home.” it’s just fused to his vocabulary now, nothing he can do about it really. bunny's a bit rarer, usually when you're curled up together- warm and content, he'll mumble a, "love you, bunny," into the crook of your neck.
dove/dovie, birdie, sweetheart. listen, he overuses pet names all the time, but he’s hot and you love him so it’s fine. none of the pet names are really reserved for anything, he uses them all very often and it just depends on his mood for which one he uses. birdie is his casual endearment, he’ll brush past you in the kitchen with a, “excuse me, birdie.” sweetheart is his more teasing name, used when he’s whining, hanging off your shoulders, “c'monnn, stay in bed, sweetheart.” dove/dovie is the one he uses when the full force of his love for you takes over, his pupils get all fattened and his smile awed as he stares up at you, “so beautiful, dovie.” likes bird puns in general, and might just start planning the wedding if you call him pretty bird.
doll, gorgeous, babe. honestly, probably calls you your name the majority of the time once he gets comfortable around you and works through his emotions. his middle ground was babe, something casual and easy to use without much weight, even if further in the relationship it gains some. doll is by far his favourite, and after a while, it becomes your first name, used in both a very casual and more personal manner. “you know you love me, doll.” gorgeous is, of course, used in a more flirty manner, usually accompanied with a rather conceited smirk.
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drakenology · 3 years
Hmmm how about a school reunion at UA high (you can choose any men you like idc). The pro hero doing the freaky with you in an empty class, and it could be a friends to lover kind of story. (Just sayin if it’s a good idea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ since it just popped in my mind)
i’m running laps... nonnie you da bestest!
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Reunion- Izuku Midoriya
warnings: smut, cum, panty gag..? is that what you call it?, exhibitionism, raw sex, cussing, heavy teasing, use of alcohol, friends to lovers, cocky ass pro hero midorya.
If you told yourself about an hour ago that you’d be going to a high school reunion you’d call yourself a liar. UA was the place where you spent your best years, learned a lot and made many amazing long time friends. Even if your invitation was last minute you still got yourself all dolled up to attend.
UA’s entire campus was decorated for the occasion. Even though you were to all meet in the gynasiam, your old principal still knew how to host an event. As you walk inside the gym you see all the tables, some already filled with former students catching up with their old classmates. You notice that all of 1-A was in one assigned part of the room and run over.
You noticed you could hardly recognize any of your friends when you arrived, Kirishima towering over just about the whole class as he stomped around greeting everyone with his huge dress shoes. All the girls looked so pretty in their gowns, sparkling in the light as they walked by to say hello and walk straight to the punch bowl to chat; you following them when you see Momo and Ochako.
Todoroki, Bakugo and Midorya all walk in together looking like and absolute iconic trio. They all grew into their looks fabulously, practically every alumni stopping and staring as they entered.
Izuku greeted everyone with a warm smile you’ve always loved, emerald eyes shimmering in the lights above your heads. Izuku was always such a handsome boy. Though after all these years those boyishly cute looks were replaced by the strong and prominent features of a man. He wore a black sweater with a white button up underneath, the collar sitting on the crewneck sweater with class. He had on a silver watch and matching rings, dazzling cufflinks and charming shoes. His entrance made a point that it paid to be the number one hero, and any naysayer from way back when could respectfully suck his dick.
Izuku stops by the punch bowl when he sees you and all the girls standing near it, obviously he had to greet all the women who supported and helped him be the hero he is today. He gushed to Uraraka about how strong and powerful she’s become, doing the same for Asui and Momo as well.
When he saw you though, standing with your glass in your pretty manicured hands he had hug you. Even though you were only his friend, he often found himself stroking his cock to the thought of your breathy moans as he pounds you harshly against any and every surface, his hand reaching up to choke you as he fucks tears into your eyes.
You were admirable, strong and gorgeous. All throughout high school he watched you closely, witnessing your greatness before you topped the charts as a top five hero. He always wanted to be close to you, hoping your greatness rubbed off on him as you learned from each other.
Izuku got close, his scent enveloping you as he pulled you up to him by the waist and hugged you like a long lost lover. You find yourself sighing into his chest and he swayed side to side, his big arms encasing you in their strength and protection.
This is the same boy who couldn’t even look you in the face at school without turning beet red, all grown up and so confident in himself. He could charm the panties off of even the prudest of women, his once gentle voice now smooth and deep. “How have you been, Y/N? It’s been so long since I last saw you.” Izuku says, bringing your hand up to his lips to kiss it. If he was trying to seduce you it was working, a giddy laugh parting your lips as your stomach fluttered.
“I-It has been a while hasn’t it?” You grin, batting your eyelashes as he smiled back at you, sickeningly sweet as he refilled your glass like a true gentleman.
“You look great tonight.” He says, leading you over to a nearby table to sit and catch up.
“You don’t look so bad yourself, Number One Hero.” You tease, sitting after Izuku pulled out your chair. Izuku laughed sheepishly, having a seat next to you.
“Stop. I’m just plain old Deku.” He chuckles, raising his glass to toast with you. As the night went on, the spiked punch started to make you pay more attention to Izuku’s matured appearance.
He sat up tall, broad shoulders and big scarred hands as he took another sip from his glass. You watch closely as his lips wrap around the rim, wishing it were your pussy instead as your thighs clench unconsciouslly.
Your clit throbs as you watch him interact with all your other friends who had joined you at the table, his charming smile and velvety laugh making your heart run a million miles a minute. Izuku himself had fallen victim to the affects of the alcohol you both consumed, Izuku’s glance diverted towards the necklace you wore which hung teasingly above your delicious cleavage.
His palms sweat a little at the thought of your pebbled nipples pressed against his chest as he drilled you into the table in front of you both. Izuku’s eyes follow your curves as you sat, thighs squished and thick as your dress hung just above your knees.
What a sorry excuse for a dress, he thought. It’d be a shame if someone were to hike it up a bit to show off that ass he loved watching walk by in class. In a fit of lust Izuku mindlessly palms at your thighs under the table, darting his eyes up at you to see if you liked the feeling of his hands on you.
Boy did you. You bit your lip, your cunt aching as his hand grabs at your inner thigh and caressing the soft skin. He kept the conversation going with his old classmates, his hands palming at your panties as he hooks his fingers along the hem. His smile was so deceiving; innocent and friendly to mask the lewd actions he was performing just under their noses. You gasp, his fingers running along your clothed slit.
“Are you alright, Y/N? You look a little hot.” Izuku asks, keeping up his sham as he points out your heavy breathing. You nod, ensuring everything is fine as you feel his hands move your panties aside. You almost yelp when his fingers gather your slick, prodding against your weeping hole as he chatted with Todoroki about a mission they were on together. You turn your face away from the table, eyes crossing when he slips his digits inside you.
The agony of his assault on your pussy almost made you blow your cover, a mewl slipping past your lips as you gasp with every thrust of his hand; thankful the music and chatter concealed your whine. You turn back to the table and look up at Izuku again, who was already staring at your body’s every move with dark green eyes. He leans down towards your ear and whispers to you so sweetly you almost faint.
“Get up and leave the table, I’ll be right behind you.” His hands slid out of your panties, your mouth whining at the loss as you get up and excuse yourself. You tell everyone you’re going to the bathroom and walk out of the gym. You stand in the hallway and wait for Midoriya to come out, your mind racing as you try to process what the fuck just happened back there.
You couldn’t deny you always had a soft spot for Deku but you would have never thought those feelings would be requited. Shortly, Izuku walks out of the gym, inching towards you to pin you up against the wall.
“You’re so naughty. Letting me finger you under the table while I talk to our friends. You know what naughty girls get, right?” Izuku hums, forehead resting on yours as he ghosts his lips over your glossed ones. “I can’t wait to smear your makeup all over that pretty face of yours.”
You shudder at his words, Izuku leading you by the hand all the way to the end of the hall, an empty classroom seeming to be the perfect place to ruin you. You kiss each other with fervor, grabbing at each other’s bodies as breathy moans and gasps are exchanged. Izuku lifts you up, prompting you to wrap your legs around his waist as walks towards the empty teacher’s desk. He carefully sits you down, standing between your legs as his hands unzip your dress.
“Been wanting to see these since I met you.” Izuku coos, eagerly pulling your dress down to reveal your bra, your tits sitting pretty as his hands grab at them both. Your pussy started to ache again when he pulled your bra down, bare breasts pebbling in the cold air of the room.
And to make matters worse he was being so dominant, his sweet and charming disposition replaced with feral lust. “Izu- ah- w-we shouldn’t do this here.” You whine, lying to yourself about how badly you wanted him to take you on that desk, his fingers pinching your nipples harshly.
“Oh but you were so wet earlier. I could feel that greedy pussy sucking my fingers in deep. You’re not a very good liar, Y/N.” Izuku mocked, pulling your panties down. “Be a good girl and lemme taste you, hm?” Izuku crumpled up your panties in his hands and shoved them into your mouth, pushing you enough to make you lay across the desk.
Your legs fly open, Izuku’s face making its way towards your dripping cunt with that saccharine grin on his face. He knew he was about to devour you until you forget where you are, your moans and the feeling of his tongue delving deep inside your gummy walls the only things you can fixate on. He couldn’t wait to hear those pretty moans loud and clear, his lips meeting your pussy to sloppily make out with it, tongue kissing your clit with a groan at the taste of your sweet juices. Your back arched off the desk, hands flying into his hair as his lip trapped your clit in between the plush flesh and suckled gently.
“I-Izu-Izuku!” You slurr, his tongue reaching deeper bounds as he slid the muscle inside, wanting to draw more distorted noises from you, his final accolade for all he’s achieved at his young age.
You near your end, high pitched whines muted by your panties filling your mouth, shaking and convulsing as you drool all over them. Midoriya burned that image of you into his mind, your eyes almost forming hearts in their irises as he fucked you with his tongue. He groans against your skin, so eager he’s unzipping his pants before you can cum in his mouth.
“Uh-uh. I wanna feel your pussy creaming all over my dick, baby.” Midoriya huffed, pulling his length out of his boxers. You stare up at him with hazy eyes, tears streaming down smearing all your mascara, lipstick probably beyond repair too. He’s inside you before you can think, air unknown to you as he dived deep in your needy pussy without a second to inhale, to get your barings. You’re a spectical, moaning so much you almost drop your makeshift gag, Izuku’s fingers lodging your panties back inside.
“Don’t want our classmates to hear you screaming right baby?” Izuku says into your neck, sloppy kisses in time with his brutal thrusts into your spongiest spots. You’re sobbing, pussy making raunchy sounds as you claw at his back, cresent shapes showing proudly as Izuku worked you with his thickness.
“Oooh listen to you baby. Sound so pretty for me.” Izuku panted, taking your hardened nipple into his mouth as his eyes watched yours roll to the back of your head as he hit your cervix, smirking at your reaction. He hits that spot over and over again, the white hot pleasure so overwhelming you’re drooling all over your chin, throat hoarse from all the silent screams you let out into your panties that were practically lodged down your throat.
“Fuhhhhh!!” You slurr, clenching around his cock furiously, pussy drooling all over his dick as you came hard.
“Yeahhhhh. That pussy’s so fuckin good baby. Wan’ me to cum inside you? Yeah I’m gonna cum deep inside that cunt, give me another, c’mon gimme another!” Izuku grunts, hips pistoning as your legs are pressed against your chest, stroking deeply as he rubbed lazy circles into your clit.
You babble into the gag, so overwheled you have no idea what to do with your hands going from holding on to the desk for dear life and pushing at Izuku’s abs as a way to beg him slow down, to let you breathe but to no avail. You feel yourself completely lose control of your body, thighs seeming to vibrate as you hiccup and whine your way into another blinding orgasm. Izuku leans down and kisses your forehead as if to apologize for the brutality, splurting hot globs of his sticky cum inside you and panting into your hair. You lay back on the desk, gasping as Izuku pulled your panties out of your mouth.
“Our friends are probably looking for us, baby. We should get you fixed up before we go back out there. ” Izuku laughs, gesturing towards your completely undone hair and runny makeup.
You pull your panties back up over your ass, Midoriya’s thick cum leaking out of your cunt when you stood from the desk with weak legs.
Izuku turns to you and zips your dress back up, kissing your shoulder as you look around for your other heel. Honestly, you’re speechless. You don’t know what to make of what just happened, Izuku promising he’ll confess his feelings properly, take you out on a nice date when you’re alone again as he wiped the tears from your cheek. You nod softly, smiling when Izuku kissed your forehead, already knowing you want to have sex with Izuku just like that for the rest of your natural life.
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red-writes · 3 years
Career oriented 
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Escort! Bakugou x Reader
Your entire life you've been focused solely on your career, you've sacrificed a lot      of things, people and time to get where you are and it’s paid off, now you're a millionaire who is also a virgin and never had a boyfriend in their life. Your friend recommends you a male escort service. At first you hire him to go on dates and do other things couples do but the relationship develops far beyond what you could've imagined, now you're laying under him begging him to be your first. 
cw: smut, fluff, unprotected sex, reader is a capitalist lmao, I mean reader is a virgin but its not rlly virginity loss bc its not focused around that but reader does lose her virginity, unedited (but what's new)
a/n: I mean we always hear abt sugar daddies, I need rich reader pls also- monoma is a rich bitch y'all can't fight me on this he got that rich bitch mentality.
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The words ‘hard worker’ were understatements when it came to describing you. Pretty much all of your life was spent working, growing your small business with your own two hands. Now money was never an issue. A huge house with several bathrooms, fancy bags and cars, all the things you've ever wanted were now in your possession except maybe one thing. Seeing happy couples holding hands as they walked around in the park, kissing and calling each other pet names, seeing them stirred a feeling of longing inside of you. 
While it’s true that now you'd never want for anything else in your life, you still wanted something money couldn't buy you, love.
 A small tap to your shoulder brought you out of your daze.
“Your eggs are going to get cold..” Todoroki mentioned and you gave him a small smile before prodding your fork in the perfectly scrambled egg. 
“Hey, don't tell me you're thinking about that shareholders meeting this week” Monoma groans and you shake your head.
“Then what is it?” Momo wondered as she wiped her mouth with her napkin. 
“It’s just- you guys all have someone you know romantically” you say as you rest your fork on the plate, deciding that you weren't really in the mood to eat anymore. 
Monoma scoffs, “Yeah barely...I almost broke up with shinso after that last stunt he pulled in the club” 
Momo giggles, “You're still with him?” 
His face dusts pink in embarrassment as he looks away, “A-anyway, why don't you try getting an escort” Monoma recommends and it was your turn for your face to warm. 
“An e-escort?! You do realize who we are right? If someone in here were to hear us talk about such a thing..” Momo whisper-yells and Todoroki’s eyebrow quirks up
“We all know I met Izuku through a sugar daddy website though-”
You clear your throat, “I’m not necessarily looking for you know..sex...just maybe someone to spend time with Monoma” You clarify and he's rummaging through his pockets to find his phone, he fiddles with it before showing you what the site looks like.
“Duh, escorts just get paid for their time not necessarily sex, I’ll send you the link to the website” He tells you and you sigh thoughtfully, if that was really the case then it wouldn't be so wrong to hire some cute eye candy right? 
Momo waves over the waiter, “We’ll have the check please”
“Certainly ma'am” 
You sat at your office’s desk with the website pulled up. You'd triple checked to make sure your door was locked, you still had a reputation to uphold as the CEO of your company, you'd be traumatized if one of your employees saw you hiring an escort. 
You scrolled through the many many options of guys. Each profile consisted of a headshot of the escort along with a bio that consisted of maybe a paragraph and . You really couldn't find anyone that suited your tastes personally, until your mouse hovered over a blonde guy. 
His bio was notably shorter than everyone else’s and in his picture he looked mean, eyebrows furrowed and red eyes staring menacingly at you and yet you found yourself clicking the ‘hire!’ button next to his name. Even though he looked like his favorite hobby was stealing candy from a baby, but his looks (as shallow as that may seem) were really speaking to you and the you between your legs if you were honest.
Bakugou Katsuki huh..well he seemed worth a try. 
You had been through countless scenarios were you were rightfully terrified. 
Being on a date had to be the scariest out of all of them.
Bakugou was sitting in front of you, he stirred his straw around in his coffee and looked at you while you struggled to contain the rabid beating of your heart in your chest. 
“S-So..What- um..-”
“Just relax” He interrupts, his voice sounded so nice, deep and smooth like a rich dark chocolate. It only manages to make you more nervous. 
“I’m sorry- I haven't actually done this before” you confess with a nervous chuckle, hands gripping your tea cup brutally. 
He gives you this half smile and you're unsure of wether he's actually human or a demi-god at this point. “I can tell, but don't worry there's no reason to be” 
You feel slightly comforted by his words and feel yourself let loose a little, “Okay, Bakugou, what do you like to do?” you ask.
“I like going to the gym” he shrugs, “I’m not really Interesting, I’m more curious about you�� he says, he places his elbow on the table and rests his chin in the palm of his hand and leans in to you. His skin is so clear- not a blemish in sight and his eyes are practically burning a hole into your soul.
“M-me? I do nothing too important..I like to sew” you respond, taking a sip of your jasmine tea. You didn't necessarily want to tell him about who you were or what you did just yet, money and status only complicate things. For now, you just wanted to be a normal young woman going out on a date. 
“Come on, don't be shy, I know there's more to you than sewing” He says, removing the straw from his coffee and placing it on a neighboring napkin. 
You bite into your bottom lip, “Well, I honestly don't do much besides work, it’s taken up so much time in my life I can't say I do much else” you admit and Bakugou hums thoughtfully. He doesn't respond for a bit, the sounds of the coffee shop fill the silence instead. 
“Okay, I have an idea” 
You cock your head to the side curiously.
“Let’s ditch the formalities and go have some real fun, I think its about time you lived your life” he proposes and your mouth hands open. Was he serious? He looked it. You couldn't help the giddy feeling that bubbled up within you, a feeling you hadn't felt in a long time, excitement. It made you feel young again. 
“What do you say?”
The two of you spent all day together, visiting various hidden places around the city, you did shopping and even some sightseeing. For the first time in a while you felt alive, like you were actually a person and not just a unfeeling robot who simply lived to work. 
Your last stop was a park. With a large lake in the center Bakugou suggested you guys feed the birds before heading home. With a handful of birdseed you gently sprinkled some into the water and watched the geese gobble it up.
“When I was five, I had a huge fear of geese..” Bakugou admits and you're chuckling.
“No way, really?” you turned to face him and when you do he’s already looking at you, smiling fondly, eyes filled with an emotion that you really couldn't seem to put your finger on.
“What? Do I have something on my face that you're not telling me about?” You pout and he shakes his head before turning his attention back to the birds as he sprinkles more of the food into the lake. 
“No, just realized somethin’” 
The sun’s beginning to set now, the sky is illuminated by hues of orange and pink. You nudge him with your arm, “Realized what?” 
He turns back to face you, there's an adoring look on his face. 
“You look pretty when you're having fun” 
A look of surprise crosses your features before your ears burn in embarrassment at the sudden compliment, the butterflies in your stomach flutter around more and more the longer you two stare at each other. 
“Thanks” You mumble before looking down at your palm full of birdseed. 
Dates with Bakugou become more and more frequent after that. The two of you often meeting up more than you meet up with your regular friends. Bakugou doesn't even charge you anymore, even though you've tried to tell him it was fine he still insisted otherwise. The two of you even exchanged numbers and spoke quite often on the phone. Texts like,
‘this song reminded me of you’ and ‘don't work too hard, idiot’ were often exchanged. 
After maybe a month of this happening you realized that the warm feeling you got in your chest whenever Bakugou brushed your hair into place or stopped to tie your shoe for you or even when he texted you good morning wasn't because you appreciated him being a good friend, you liked him. It took a month to finally decipher your feelings for him but once you did..what the heck were you supposed to do now?
Never once in your life had you confessed to someone let alone dated them, what would happen to your friendship with Bakugou if things didn't work out? You didn't want to stop being friends with him, you loved being with him, he was the reason you finally started taking breaks and learned to relax. 
You had a ton of questions to answer for yourself but you couldn't do it right now, you had a date with Bakugou. He told you to dress up and you weren't sure where you were going but you trusted him to take you somewhere you'd enjoy. Around 8pm like promised, he was there to pick you up. His car was fairly nice, you assumed his high pay rates were being used for something but now you know what. He was wearing a black three piece suit, it was crisp and you could clearly tell it was expensive, his hair was slicked back and he had a single diamond stud in his left ear. He looked damn good. It was making you a little nervous about how fancy this place actually was. 
The drive to dinner was unusually quiet. Bakugou typically did most of the conversations with you seeing as you were mostly an awkward sausage but tonight was different, he had a stern look on his face and you felt a little worried. Bakugou noticed your nervous look in the rearview mirror and without skipping a beat placed his hand gently upon your thigh and gave it a small squeeze, this thumb moved back and forth in a soothing manner. All without taking his eyes off the road. 
You felt a shiver run up your spine and you bit your lip from potentially making any noise, you turned your head to face the window to prevent him from seeing the look on your face. 
Bakugou was right about the restaurant being fancy. The place was full of people you could recognize, everyone from business moguls to celebrities, it was almost a little intimidating but you knew probably how tough it was for Bakugou to even get a table reserved at this place so you decided to instead choke down any kindlings of anxiety and replace it with a gratefulness for his hard work.
You swirled the champagne around in your glass while Bakugou took a bite out of his steak, the atmosphere between you two was a little awkward and it hadn't been like this since the two of you met it was a little alarming. 
“Is something wrong..?” you ask after gently resting the glass back on the table, he wipes his mouth with his napkin and sighs.
“I’m sorry that- I seem so weird tonight” he apologizes and you shake your head.
“No no don't worry about it, I’m just worried something bad happened” you tell him, you lean forward and place your hand on his. His fingers lace themselves with yours and for a moment it feels like its just the two of you in the restaurant together. 
“Nothing bad, actually something good” he explains and you're giving him a small smile
“Something good?” you question and he leans in even closer to you.
“I mean, ever since I started hanging out with you I feel like my life's changed, I’m not one to be super cheesy but I just- fuck..I like you” his face is turning a light pink and in a moment of courage you close the small distance between the two of you and press your lips against his. He immediately reciprocates the kiss, his hand sneaks up your forearm and settles on your elbow using it to pull you in closer. 
When the kiss finally breaks the two of you are a panting mess, then you hear the waiter clear his throat and Bakugou uses his thumb to wipe the lipstick from the corner of his lips.
“Check, please”
Upon entering your home, there wasn't much speaking. Your arms were wrapped around his neck as his hands fumbled with the zipper on the back of your dress. The two of you blindly walked backwards until you tripped backwards onto the couch. Bakugou completely stripped you of your dress and  laid it across the back of the couch, your hands made quick work of his pants unbuttoning and unzipping them, he kicked them off eagerly uncaring of where the fabric was strewn. He cupped your cheek and continued to kiss you as he helped you wiggle out of your underwear. He sucked in a breath at feeling how wet you already were.  He ran a finger up and down your slit before gently nudging a finger inside. 
The sensation was foreign, it felt odd at first but the more he kept twisting and thrusting the finger inside of you the better it began to feel. He slid in another one and began making a scissor motion inside of you. Your hips raised off the cushions of the couch, you moaned into the kiss and eventually he pulled away from it, instead opting to kiss the skin of your neck. Your moans along with the wet sounds of his fingers fingering you open filled the space. It felt good, you could feel the knots in your stomach threaten to untangle the harder his fingers fucked themselves into you. 
His movements slowly came to a halt and he slid his fingers out. Your eyes clouded with tears and your legs were shaking, disappointed that he stopped when you were so close. He pulled his cock from his underwear and began stroking it over you.
“Ready?” He asks as he grinds his cock against your twitching entrance and you're gripping his shoulder before he makes another move. 
“A-actually..please just be gentle its-i’ve never done this before” you confess and his eyes widen for once, taken aback by your sudden profession. He gives you a small nod, “Promise.”
With one smooth stroke he bottoms out within you. Your back is arching off the couch as your mouth hangs open in a silent cry. The feeling is an addicting mix of pain and pleasure that has the tears you were holding in begin to roll down your cheeks, Bakugou gently kisses them away and uses his fingers to wipe away the stray tears. For a while, you're simply holding each other, bakugou whispers words of comfort in your ears while you slowly familiarize yourself with having him inside of you. 
When Bakugou feels your hips begin to move against his, he takes that as his sign to begin moving. His thrusts start shallow, hips just barely touching yours as he doesn't want to hurt you and you quickly become frustrated with his kindness. Your legs wrap around his waist and pull him closer to you, forcing him to bottom out inside you again. You whine his name and he shakes his head. 
“And here I was trying to be considerate” he huffs out, you grip his tie and pull him down and press a gentle kiss against his lips. 
“I didn't ask you to take it easy on me” you remind him and he scoffs
“You asked for this”
You're suddenly flipped onto your stomach and he raises your hips in the air, he pulls himself all the way out of you until the head of his cock is the only thing you can still feel inside of you, he rams his cock back into you and you're gripping the couch for dear life. His hips are ruthless, lewd slapping noises fill the room as the head of his cock kisses your cervix with every thrust. His heavy balls  greet your clit with an unceremonious slap. Your eyes roll into the back of your head, you can't think of anything else except Bakugou. You'd been completely fucked dumb on your first time. 
You feel Bakugou’s fingers lace into your hair and grip the roots before pulling at them and forcing your head back. A jolt of pleasure flows through your body as his cock pushes up against your g-spot, your legs and kicking around behind you.
“No! cum-cumming kats I-” you can hardly finish your own sentence due to how hard your orgasm hits you, your body his shaking as bakugou releases your hair and uses his free hand to grip your waist as he desperately humps you, chasing his own release. Your cunt spasms around him in overstimulation, Katsuki only curses under his breath as you squeeze down on him, your cunt clamps down on his cock as you're brought to your second orgasm and his movements finally begin to slow and an unfamiliar warm fills your tummy. 
He doesn't pull out right away. Instead he gently lays you backwards onto his chest and you snuggle into his chest. 
He whistles, “Nice place”
“Pfft- don't try to make small talk with me after you just finished banging me” you giggle sleepily.
“Fair enough, still, I’m curious about how you can even afford this place” he wonders, hand rubbing up and down your back, only easing you closer to falling asleep.
“Hard work” you reply he takes your hand in his and kisses the back of it. 
“That’s my hard working girl” 
you feel the butterflies swarm around your stomach all over again at his small comment. 
“Does this mean we're dating now?” you ask and he gives you a little chuckle.
“Yes, if you want” 
“Good then you're my boyfriend” your eyes are fluttering closed at this point, you merely nuzzle into his chest and he plants a gentle kiss on your forehead. 
“Goodnight love” 
“Night Kats..”
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
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— When you start a new job, you never thought you would come face with Most Wanted Ground Zero who decides that you’re going to help him make a point.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
warnings: smut, 18+, robbery kink, consented noncon, public sex, exhibitionism, degradation, spanking, slight gunplay, sadist bakugou, machoist reader, blow job, character death, murder, blood, gun violence, knife violence
word count: 8,550
a/n: literally fuck me. I super fucking liked this prompt had clearly had too much fun because this was not supposed to be a long fic. anyways, I hope you like the idea of big bad evil bakugou fucking you to make a point. also, just trust me on the details on y/n I make, please. make sure to comment on all fics you enjoy, all authors love them! carefully read the warnings!!!!
kinktober day 4 main kink: robbery kink
“As for our latest news, the city of Chiba has decided to close the current twelve-month reigning search for the missing victim of the Chiba Bank robberies. However, known criminal known only by his alias Ground Zero who has been on our countries most wanted list on account of robberies, murder, and rape is still on the ru—”
You frowned as you threw the TV remote onto the bed, unease sitting on your stomach.
Pre-work jitters were a normal thing, right?
You looked at the full-length mirror in front of you, your finger pressed against a black pencil skirt, trailing up to brush against the white silk shirt you wore. Today is a special day, you reminded yourself as you lined closer to the mirror. Your hand grabbing the dark red lipstick you owned and as smoothly as you could, smoothed the cream over your lips.
The first day working at the esteemed Yaoyorozu Banking Inc., the world's most influential and wealthiest bank. Getting an interview at the prestigious bank had been a once in a lifetime opportunity, your incredible resume and references without a doubt getting your foot in the door to simply be a bank teller. 
Yes, to simply be a bank teller, you had to know at least three languages (you knew English, Japanese, Mandarin, and Spanish), had to know someone with affiliations to either the Yaoyorozu family or the hiring team (your number one reference was none other than the CEO and Founders daughter), and have a certain intellect (there was an admittance test to even qualify to fill out a job application). It had been a rather challenging admittance for you, especially as they had only been one job opening. Frankly, you think your only reason for winning the spot was due to Yaoyorozu Momo’s hand.
Still, it mattered not in the end because you had the job—no use of trying to figure out just what made you stand out so much.
Pushing away from the mirror, you studied yourself over one last time.
Your outfit was exactly as they required it to be, your pink hair styled appropriately out of your face, and the slight gleam of your pantyhose made you heave a heavy sigh.
You were as ready as you could ever be. 
With one final look into the mirror, you tilted your head at the gold-colored contacts you wore, a symbol of the job you held at Yaoyorozu Bankings and thought it made you look like a whole other person. No time to dwell on that, you decided, slipping on your watch and red-bottomed high heels and left your apartment. 
It was time to work.
The commute to work was dull if you ignored the way your stomach twisted and turned in the thought of arriving at work. What would the security be like, at the bank, you couldn’t help but wonder? Would there be bulletproof glass? Ten security guards?
All the banks you’ve ever had the pleasure of entering had always been handled with a small waiting room for clients and a five-inch thick bulletproof glass wall. But that had been at smaller, local banks, not anything like where you were about to begin working. Yaoyorozu Banking had several different buildings designated for the different types of jobs located within their name. You did, however, know that the smallest only two-story building was for their in-person bank tellings. That is where you would be working. Two floors for an essential part of their business, and you had no idea what it looked like as you had no account with them, and your interview had taken place at their headquarters. 
By the time the bus had pulled up to the stop, you would need to get off of, you could feel the nerves of the upcoming day begin to sit heavily on your bladder. You could feel the eyes of everyone else on the bus staring at you as you exited the vehicle. Everyone knew what this stop was for and had undoubtedly seen the gold contacts when you passed by them.
Each step of your heel against the sidewalk's paved concrete seemed to echo distinctly in your ear. It was rather odd, you noted as you walked toward the bank's building, that despite a large number of employees and patron’s the bank had, it seemed almost deserted. Looking down at the watch on your wrist, you knew immediately that you weren’t running late. As a matter of fact, you would be running precisely on time, showing up to your on-call site fifteen minutes before you were due. 
Regardless, you took each stride in your step as powerfully and as in control as you could. Your gaze narrowed, focused, intense as you stared at the revolving crystal clean glass doors. With one last supporting thought about how you were absolutely going to make sure that you would end this day in success, you pushed through.
White marble floors, glossy white walls with black and gold accents met your gaze immediately. Despite the apparent shock of seeing the indoors of this lavish, distinctly rich bank, you continued moving as if unaffected. The clicking of your heels against the floor was the only thing letting you know that you were, in fact, moving. 
Twelve men lined the lobby hallway, each tall, bulky with sunglasses and earpieces on. Although you couldn’t see their eyes, you had without a doubt that they were looking at you as you passed them to a set of large oak and gold accented doors.
There, a smiling woman greeted you. Her smile is warm and gentle as her own silver-colored eyes welcome you, and your spine stiffens at the appearance of information that passes through your vision.
Name: Fuwa Mawata Position: Greeter & Inspector.
“Ah, welcome Uzume-chan!” she cheered in greeting, her mascara painted eyes closing in greetings. You said your hello’s, your voice breathy with the shock of this bank's high technological advantages. “I see that this is your first day here, and luckily for you, no one is around, so I may quickly inform you of entrance clearance!”
“T-That sounds perfect!” you admit, your smile feeling just the littlest bit too tight, but your hands held your bag tighter in your grip.
“Wonderful! Well, here at Yaoyorozu’s Banking Inc., we have a strict business protocol for both our clients and our employees! First, as you may or may not know, all of the building's operations take place on the floor above, and due to the clients we have, it's a bit… unorthodox in our approach. We are the only bank with no bulletproof glass between you, the bank tellers, and our customers!”
What now?
“Our clients are so finicky about being treated with such distrust that they’d rather have this approach!” Fuwa laughed as if there was absolutely nothing wrong with such statements. “So, to approach the bank, you must pass by me! But do not worry! We have never, ever within our nearly century-long reign, have ever been robbed or seized before. Our twelve men out there are true experts, and I have the only button to inform the police right here! Everyone, so both clients and employees, must leave their personal belongings here, and I will search you for any potential weapons!”
“I’m not allowed my phone up?” you asked, a bit confused by this rather outlandish set of rules.
“I’m afraid not! You’ll be so busy working the entire time you won’t be needing it. You are allowed to come and retrieve while on lunch since the break room and lunchrooms are down here on the first floor!” Fuwa confirmed, her head nodding in confirmation. “I understand that it can be a bit different, I myself am not yet used to it, but these rules are in place so that every one of our clients and employees can remain safe!”
You fight off the frown that dangerously tries to grow on your face by nodding, handing over your purse to Fuwa, “That makes sense.”
“Glad to know that it isn’t an issue for you, Uzume-chan! Now, if you’ll step past me, I’ll be checking for any concealed weapons, and you will be met with your supervisor as soon as you enter the second floor!”
It takes exactly two seconds for Fuwa to complete her scan of your body. She explained with a wink that her contacts allowed her to find any potentially dangerous weapon on a person's body. “No matter where it might be,” she added with a tilting head and a bright grin. “By the way, I love the watch! It’s so beautiful, it must’ve been expensive!”
“Oh,” you feel your face warm as you gently touch the watch, your finger tapping the watch’s face twelve times while your smile is unparalleled as you think of the man who had gifted you the object. “Thank you, it was a gift.”
With that, you climbed up the stairs as sophisticatedly, brushing a few strands of curly pink hair out of your face as you enter the main floor, and you realize immediately that the quiet of the first floor and outdoors does not reach this floor.
The second floor is loud.
People with their names and occupations flashing within your view walking from table to table, stacks of paper in their arms, arguing, or talking with those around them. It was a sight to behold, indeed. But a voice interrupted your thoughts, and before you could honestly assess the situation at hand, you were whisked away, a detailed explanation of your job and expectations were. 
Unexpectedly, Fuwa had been right.
This job had no downtime. 
You sat on a leather seat at a desk to handle the clients. Much like old banks out west, your desks were much higher than those you were servicing; most often, you had to look down at them like a mother to a child as you worked. 
Your supervisor, who went by the name Togeike Chikuchi, was over your shoulder for about an hour, detailing and correcting your every action until you cleared ten clients entirely on your own. At this moment, she sat at the desk to your left, chatting with her client with a bright sunny smile that you had thought for a moment she was incapable of. 
It was 14:23 when you were with a client who was currently wondering if sending her ‘poor niece who lived with her amazing female roommate’ ¥500,000 was enough for a week worth of groceries. Of course, it took everything in you to bite your tongue and ask her if she had ever bought her own groceries before.
“Well, if you’re asking me, I think that’s a perfect amount!” you smile pleasantly, watching as who you’re pretty sure to be a CEO of a rice tycoon company. “If anything, you can always question her if that was enough the next time you speak. Everyone is always so different when it comes to groceries.”
“Ah, I suppose so!” she laughs good naturally, her arms rising to press a slip of paper with her account information on it on your desk. “I always spend almost—”
She cut off, and for the first time, you didn’t have to wonder why.
There was an echoing, distant sound of four straight bangs. 
It seemed to have been heard collectively by the entire second floor because, for a moment, there was a silence that wrapped the whole floor. 
Mumbles and murmurs soon flooded the floor, and a frown pressed against your lips as you stared at the staircase. What happened?
“Oh, I bet you that dumb janitor downstairs dropped his vacuum again!” your client huffed, her eyes rolling while you transferred the amount she requested from her account over into her nieces. “He did that the last time I was here too! Except it only caused two loud bangs like that! How immaturely irresponsible of him! Unable to do his job correctly and as a janitor at that? How much lower could he possibly get?”
You, once again, bite your tongue, choosing instead to laugh in faux humor over her rant. The agreeing lie on your tongue moments from being let out when a new sort of movement at the corner of your eye stopped you.
Climbing up from the staircase was a man who took heavy, powerful steps. You were getting used to the way these clients carried themselves. They all tended to stride authoritatively, commandeering all attention to them. Despite their dominative pace, they were almost light on their feet, their steps relatively silent as they walked from corner to corner. But this man who made his way up the stairs was heavy, barbaric, and fierce with every echoing footstep he took.
It was as if the world slowed down as the entire room went to stare at him, and an ice-cold shiver crept down your spine as you took him in.
Ash blond, spiky unruly hair. Splattered red blood covering his exposed arms and neck. A black get-up looked akin to a secret black op team with the black army vest, black tank underneath, black army pants, black combat boots, and strap around his right thigh that seemed to carry two guns and knives. As a matter of fact, his vest also showcased the copious amount of ammunition he had.
It was Ground Zero.
Fear plunged through you as he rose a single hand to the ceiling, a sickening smirk spreading on his face as the world seemed to slow down. Many clients chose to turn to look the second his finger pulled on the trigger.
Shrieks erupted through the floor, and you watched as everyone, including yourself, hit the deck. Your body trembled with nervous fear as the gun firing stopped.
“Everybody get the fuck up.”
It was a low voice, gravely, and course with evident past strain. You looked across the way to Togeike, who looked just about as fearful and terrified as you felt. 
You didn’t dare to move, and by the looks of it, none of your coworkers did either. There was no panic button on this floor, and the only way to the switch was at Fuwa’s desk. A desk that couldn’t be reached unless passing by the man with black paint smeared across most of his face in a strategic way that rendered him anonymous by all photographic and video evidence. 
“I don’t think I fucking stuttered,” Ground Zero sneered, a light, fickle chuckle erupting low and deep in his chest as the sound of scared whimpers and silent sobbing began to pick up around the room. You didn’t need to know who was making those noises; after all, you knew what everyone was already thinking: will I be killed next? There was a loud bang a bit too near to your body, and you couldn’t help but scream in tandem with everyone else on the floor and the distinctive, irreplicable sound of someone choking on their blood. “I said, everyone, get the fuck up.”
Flight or fight were always two instincts you were taught about in school. Two altering, opposite reactions to being placed in stressful situations, but right now, you were in that third, lesser-known option: freezing.
“It’s like you elite bastards are begging to fucking die!” he laughed joyously, and you felt tears push to your eyes as another resounding bang shake through your body, your ears ringing with the noise. The now becoming familiar sound of a body hitting the floor dead and bleeding sending a sickening bubble through your throat.
But you pulled yourself up, your body trembling like a leaf as you stared at the infamous criminal who was merely smirking at the two dead bodies of clients who continued to bleed out on the floor as those around them cried.
“So, even with all the money in the goddamn world, you damn elitist are still damn fucking cry babies!” he cried with unrestrained, unleveled glee and anger. “Oh, this was the perfect place to choose as my final exit from the world.”
Your breath stops when he turns on you, his blood-red eyes locking on yours, and you can feel the hairs on your arm rising in unsettling knowing.
“Aren’t you a pretty looking whore,” he smirked, his hands putting his gun back into its holster, his heavy feet booming as loud as his gunshots as he makes his way towards you. The rest of the clients, especially the one located by your desk, shriek, cowering as he moves. “Tell me, whore, who does a guy gotta fucking talk to to get the money into my account?”
Your throat seamlessly tightened up in your deep fear as he directly addressed you, and you made a choking noise in your horror.
But, it seemed that Ground Zero was not in the mood for your timidness. Because you could see the vein in his temple throb, the sound of him sucking in his teeth, and the cold, humorous chuckle that rumbled in his chest as he grabbed his gun back out of its holster and pressed it centimeters away from between your eyes.
Typically, the clients couldn’t reach you from where they stood, but it was clearly apparent as he neared you that Ground Zero was not typical. He was big, huge, tall, and he quickly reached you. 
The heat of the previously fired bullets from the muzzle of the gun radiating off it clearly, licking the skin on your forehead as finally, words tumbled out.
“I just started today, Togeike-san is my supervisor!”
Ground Zero lazily smirked as he followed your thrust out finger at your coworker and supervisor.
A loud choking sound spluttered from Togeike as Ground Zero turned his attention onto her and stalked over in three steps easily. His eyes were sharp, deadly, and cold as he stared at your supervisor, and he reached into one of his many pockets and pulled out a black USB.
“Put all the bank's assets onto the account on this drive.”
“W-What if I don’t?” Togeike stammered, her body quivering just the same as yours. But the false sense of confidence only resulted in the gun being placed back between her eyes, only this time, he pressed the hot muzzle against her skin, and she shrieked at her burning skin.
“Try that again, you fucking extra,” Ground Zero hissed, and Togeike sobbed, grabbing the USB with a nod.
“I’ll do it! I’ll do it! I’ll do it!”
The sound of Togeike sobbing is almost as bad as the intruding smells of iron rusting blood from the dead bodies and the sick smell of the burning flesh on her forehead. 
It seems to take forever, you standing there silently, perfectly still as Togeike hooks the hard drive to her computer. You can see that she begins the monetary transfer from the bank's large accounts and reserves onto the account enabled on the hard drive, and you feel numb. Should you be relieved that he would most likely take this once it was done and leave? Scared that he was here on your first day at that? What shit luck…
You concentrated on your hands as time seemed to drag by slowly, your knees still feeling weak, your breathing shallow as the crude smell of drying blood makes your head spin. 
But unlike you, you hadn’t raised a single gaze in Ground Zero’s way, a rising sound of voices began to resonate from the floor and opposite side of the room. You blinked rapidly as you looked up.
Four men stood up, their brows furrowed, suits abandoned, and expressions steady and fierce. 
“The fuck you think you’re doing standing up, fucking wimps?” Ground Zero gruffed, his body language telling a whole other story from his voice. He was relaxed, unaffected by their challenging forms and fierce glares. “What? Don’t tell me? You think you four in front of me can take me? Don’t fucking flatter yourself. Even with the three behind me who’s easily apart of your fucking idiotic plan, I’ll kill ya all before you can pray to not to be sent to hell!”
“Flatter ourselves?” a man scoffed after getting over the initial shock of their once thought to be secretive plan being exposed without so much as a spec of interest from Ground Zero. “Don’t you get so fucking cocky! We’ll beat your ass and hand you over to the fucking police, you damn bastard!”
Screams erupt throughout the entire room as the seven in cahoots men lunge forward at the dangerous criminal who has set himself back center stage of the second floor.
It’s over before you can blink.
You scream with the masses as five excruciatingly loud bangs go off, and you can barely return your gaze on the fighting men to see the outcome you already know. 
There are six bodies on the floor, bleeding out fleetingly as Ground Zero holds the seventh by the neck. Your jaw drops as more blood splatters against Ground Zero’s chest, and you’re none the wiser of the knife buried deep within his throat until the body is falling over, dead, lifeless. 
“All the fucking money in the world and none of you were taught fucking manners of a properly functioning brain, hah?” he roared, his lips pulled into a threatening, angry snarl as sobs erupt through the crowds again, and a rolling tingle shoots through your body. “I guess killing everyone just isn’t fucking enough for you all, is it?”
You were unsure of how to even answer that. Your eyes falling over onto Togeike, who was silently crying, her eyes screwed tightly as the meter on the money transfer hits 47%.
“Let me set an example for anyone else who wants to try more bullshit in front of me,” Ground Zero snaps, and you shriek when his bloodied hand tangles into your pink hair and yanks you over the desk.
Crashing onto the floor as ungracefully as one could, your eyes widen and jaw drop in an excruciating, soundless scream as pain shoots through your body. But, it’s not near over yet. 
Your hands weakly grab Ground Zero’s wrist, trying to ease the pulsing pain in your body and scalp as he drags you front and center of the second floor. You can’t even understand yourself at this point, sniffling, pathetic pleas to let you go, tears streaming down your face as he throws you, your body hitting the marble floor as you sob for forgiveness.
“Now,” Ground Zero speaks from above you, and your arms have never felt weaker as you press up from the cold, ice floor. You freeze, your body feeling like a tundra as a now all too familiar click of a loaded gun resonates centimeters from your head. You silently sob when a warm muzzle pressed against the back of your head. “The next person to look away from what I’m about to do to my new cum whore, the next person who even fucking thinks of trying some really unfunny shit… her life is on your head.”
The sobs stop with that threat, or did they grow more at the easily implied actions of the corrupt man before you? You couldn’t really tell anymore. Yet slowly, the clients who are sitting in dead men’s blood shakily turn their gaze to you, and you can feel the weight of all their eyes on you. You feel weightless, almost empty.
“Pink hair is for whores, didn’t you know that? That’s why I picked you.” Ground Zero informs you from behind you. The barrel of the gun digs harder, pushing roughly against your head. “Whores are meant to be fucked by fat fucking cocks, so turn around, whore, and suck me off.”
Your breathing returns in spastic, shallow breathes, and you suppress the rising sob in your throat as you turn around on your hands and knees.
Ground Zero stares down at you with expectant eyes, cruel and dark with their crooked want and lust. Your breathing picks up when he unbuckles his belt and removes his pants and underwear with only one hand, the other one with the gun never once leaving your head.
“Make sure you all watch her, I’ve never had to kill a bitch while sucking me off, and I wouldn’t want to make this the first time!” Ground Zero laughed, his crimson red eyes glaring at the shamefully gazed clients as he holds his growing cock in his hands. Despite all logic, you stare at his hardening cock with an ever-increasing lust, the tears in your eyes never stopping, but your cunt unwilling to ignore the fact that his cock would feel so good in anyone of your holes. You knew that, and it horrified you. “The fuck you waiting for?” Ground Zero growled, shifting the barrel of the gun to your temple, his eyebrow raised in a taunt. “Suck my fucking cock.”
And despite the growing hiccuping cries in your chest, you can’t stop the way your mouth waters as you shamefully grab onto his cock and press your mouth down on him. 
His cock was large, undoubtedly longer than your face, and thicker than what your hand could encompass. Messy dark blond pubes sat motions away from your nose, and veins that ran all over his length rubbed against your tongue. The taste of his slightly sweaty cock made you gag, but the fear of what he would do caused you to snuff it out.
Tears poured limitlessly down your face, your throat and jaw stretching as far as it could as you took him in further and further.
Even with the tears on your cheeks, you did your best to appease him, horrified by the outcome should you not. Your tongue swirled against his girth, trailing the plenty of veins that you could get to. His cock pressed further into your mouth, shoving until it hit the back of your throat, continuing to dive in deeper until the ends of his pubes tickled your nose, and you could feel the head of his cock stretching out your throat. And horrifically, even with the strangled, choked sobs that still continued to pour from your mouth, you were enjoying the way he was fucking your mouth.
You enjoyed the way the cooling barrel on your temple made you quiver with dreadful apprehension. You enjoyed the way his hips rocked into your mouth, most often hitting your gaping jaw. You enjoyed the way the noises of your unwilling audience made you feel dirty, whorish, and shameful. But as his fingers managed to slip into your hollowing cheeks, drool and saliva dripping down your chin in your slobbering heat and shame, you could feel your essence slicking onto your panties.
“Look at how shameless you are!” Ground Zero laughed, his hand that once guided his cock into your mouth, gripping onto your hair and fisting into it. You yelped at the pain, your teeth painfully close to biting his cock. “All these people around watching you suck off the big, bad Ground Zero’s cock, and you aren’t even embarrassed!?”
You made a disagreeing noise, your brows furrowing, your gaze doing everything in its power to avoid your clients and coworkers gaze as Ground Zero began to rock his hips even more powerfully into your mouth. He chuckled, clearly pleased with what was occurring, and he threw the gun back into its holster. With the free hand, he placed it around your throat, squeezing your airway as you choked pathetically against his length and girth.
“I bet you came into work wanting to be fucked today. Wanting to get pressed to the floor and let everyone see your slutty fucking cunt and throat be used.” Ground Zero growled his grip on your throat, tightening even more. “Is that why you came here to work? Hoped I’d show up one day and fuck you to submission in front of everyone?!”
You gagged, the pounding of his cock further and further down your choked throat overwhelming you as the tears of shame quickly became those of fear as the lack of oxygen burned your throat and nose. You tried to breathe, but Ground Zero knew what he was doing and how he was doing it, not allowing you to breathe despite the way your fingers created crescent scars on the back of his thighs. 
Too much, too much, too much!
His balls slapped under your chin, and the musk of his skin tainted your tongue, but Ground Zero was only getting started, it seemed. With his hands now grabbing the sides of your head, he began to fuck your throat savagely. 
The wet sloppy noises of his driving cock into your throat seemed to echo off the shiny walls and marble floors. Your saliva and drool ruining your silk top and mixing with the blood on the floor. 
Your eyes were crossing with the extreme force, your body feeling weightless with your inability to breathe, yet despite all logic, you finally let out a sweet, grateful moan as your nose pressed to his hips.
But that was enough for Ground Zero.
It was a noise that would finish the last nail in your coffin as he held you there to his hips, his cock entire within your throat that tightened and fluttered against his length as you struggled to pull away.
“No use in fighting it now, you fucking whore,” Ground Zero grinned, the expression on his face akin to that of a predator stalking his prey. His voice, ever so naturally loud, filled the room, letting everyone know just what was going on. “They all heard you moan like a slut while getting fucking raped by me. So do me a little favor and get on all fours, I need a place to dump my fucking cum.”
With that, Ground Zero shoved you off his cock and onto your back, and you began to cough and choke desperately. The sour, raunchy scent of the sweat, blood, and gunpowder burning your nostrils as you attempted to steady yourself. You began to cry again at the filthy thought of how you were enjoying the way his cock had been in you, and the way your body craved for more of it.
You didn’t want to admit that you wanted him to fuck you, especially in front of everyone.
But as you were consumed with your at war thoughts, Ground Zero was already impatient. 
His feet trapped you between him, and he leaned down to grab your silk shirt.
“W-Wait—!” you shriek as he rips open the shirt, the sound of scattering buttons flying everywhere as your bra is revealed to everyone in the room who is watching.
Silent tears poured down your cheeks as with the destruction of the white silk shirt, a sheer and lacy red bra was exposed to the mass. Today had been a means of celebration, and you had intended on fucking your boyfriend the moment you got home… but that had been something you had kept a secret. Something to be held from the world until it was you and him in a bed. But it was now an object to be seen by everyone, and you bit onto your lower, trembling lip, eyes screwed shut as you tried to look away from the heated territorial look on Ground Zero’s face.
“Oh, look at what we have here?” Ground Zero almost whispered, but his voice still managed to reach every corner of the floor. “You are a little fucking whore, are you not? Came to work actually wearing lingerie! I thought I was just fucking teasing you before, but no! No! Not at all! You do want to be fucked in front of everyone!”
Your sniffling wouldn’t stop as his large, hot, bloodied dried hands grabbed at your bra-clad breasts. He was leaning down over you, you could feel the amused breathing flushing against your collarbone, and you mangled a choke when he kneeled down, trapping you.
“Such an ugly pair of tits,” Ground Zero mocked, his large hands pressing the sides of your breasts together, enhancing your cleavage and fullness of your breasts as you lay on the floor. “I’ll let you in on a secret… all those missing sluts I’ve fucked in previous jobs? Well, I can always tell how good a fuck they’d be just through this part.”
Hissing, you glared at Ground Zero as he slipped his fingers under the fabric, teasing and pulling at your pebbled nipples. His red glare meeting yours, mocking and somehow both hot and cold.
But a shameful, pitch moaned fell from you, your back against all logic arching up into Ground Zero. Soft whines, shaking arms, thrashing legs.
“Would you look at that,” Ground Zero’s sneering tone was back, and you found yourself opening your eyes (somehow missing when you closed them), to see Ground Zero glaring at someone in the crowd. “Looks like you could make a professional slut, whore! That man over there has a fucking boner over watching me rape you and your slutty mouth and feeling up your tits!”
“N-No I don’t!” the man exclaimed as you couldn’t help but meet the accused eyes that were filled with shame, a red blush tainting his cheeks. “Just thinking about when this’ll be fucking over!”
Ground Zero’s grip grabbed you by the throat, and you panicked as he ripped you up onto your feet and began walking over to where the man was. You stumbled to keep up, unable to find your balance the entire time you walked with him, in awe that this unlawful man could walk determinedly when his pants around his thighs, hard, leaking cock pressing to his vest-clad stomach. But before you could find your balance, Ground Zero threw you back onto the floor, landing centimeters from the client's feet, and you began to cry as your exposed stomach touched the floor.
Ground Zero wasted no time on your noises, straddling your ass, scooping his hands beneath your breasts, and pulling you up. 
The client's face went beet red, his bulge in his pants evident as you could only keep your gaze there, unable to raise or turn your head as Ground Zero squeezed your breasts in his hands. 
You moaned at the sensation, your mind giving in to the feelings to not cry anymore.
“Tell the whore how much you like her tits,” Ground Zero commanded, his hands kneading and pulling at your mounds of flesh. “Tell her your little microcock wants to fuck her.”
The client had the decency to look offended as he spluttered, “I’M NOT GOING TO TELL HER THAT!”
With his words, silence took over the room, and you trembled in your fear.
“Damn extra?” Ground Zero shouts to Togeike.
“How much fucking longer?”
“I-It’s at 63%!”
One of Ground Zero’s hands abandoned his manipulation of your breasts, but he still managed to keep you in place with only one hand. He pulled a breast out of the bra, and you whimpered as the client gwuaffed at the sight of your breast, but immediately cut himself off when a cold, heavy metal barrel pressed against your temple.
“Let’s try again,” Ground Zero said with faux cheer. “Tell the whore how much you like her tits, and how your microcock wants to fuck her, or else I’ll kill her right in front of you.” There’s a heavily, curling silence that overwhelms the room before he decides to add one last thing for good measure. “I’ve never fucked a dead body before, and I wouldn’t want to start that now.”
“I-I like her tits,” the man stammered.
“How much?”
“T-They’re… they’re so hot,” the man begins to cry, his body shaking in front of you. “I wish I could b-be fucking her instead!”
“Too bad for that microcock you have, huh?” Ground Zero taunted, pulling the gun from your temple and pointing it straight at the man's crotch. “Show her.”
“Show her your cock.”
It seemed to happen so slowly. The man unbuckling his belt with shaky hands, clumsily undoing his pants, and shifting it down his legs, white boxer briefs stained slightly with pre-cum. You looked away when he revealed a cock that looked pathetic to the one you had just sucked, so small, so thin, so discolored. 
“You got one fucking ugly ass cock,” Ground Zero laughed.
Then the world picked back up.
The first thing you heard and felt was the tearing of your skirt, and you panicked as Ground Zero dropped your chest onto the cold floor. You whipped your head around to see your work skirt split all the way down the middle, only held together by a few remaining strands by the waistline. And the sheer pantyhose you wore, twisted between his fingers, and completely ripped as his gaze met yours.
“Cute fucking thong.”
You choked at the feeling of cold, soured air hitting your inner thighs that were still wet with your slick, and instinctively, you tried to scramble onto your knees. But it seemed that this was what Ground Zero wanted from you, for the moment you were on your knees, he pressed his hand to the curve of your back and kept you there.
Ass up, back curved, chest down.
“Until the transfer is at 100%, your wet little cunt is mine!” Ground Zero reveled in the information as he couldn’t even bother to pull down your panties before plunging his fingers into your sopping heat.
The shameful pleasure of feeling his fingers deep within your cunt sent you screaming, your back arching even further as his fingers continued to thrust in you. They curled and spread, sending your mind into a spiraling lust as he managed to find all of your sweet spots without so much as breaking a sweat.
“You’re so easy,” Ground Zero groaned, his cock rutting between the curves of your ass as he continued to finger fuck you. “So fucking wet too. I just knew a fucking whore like you couldn’t be getting fucked right at home, that’s why you hoped you’d get fucked by me today!”
Your teeth bit into your forearm, the overwhelming pleasure of his fingers stroking your inner walls, tweaking and moving against your clit, making your thighs tremble with the already forming pressure in your womb. 
“Don’t be embarrassed, you little whore,” Ground Zero whispered into your ear, laughing when you shuddered at the feeling of his tongue licking the shell of your ear. “Everyone wants to hear you moan, scream, and cry for the big bad Ground Zero’s cock. Don’t mute yourself, let them hear just how well I’ll fuck you into a puddle of tears and cum.”
You didn’t want them to hear you begging for more. You didn’t want the entire room to know that your cunt was spasming and clenching around his fingers because you liked this. You didn’t want them to know.
“I bet fuckface in front of you really wants to hear it!” Ground Zero laughed, his finger doing light, quick circles against your clit as his other hand brought your attention to the man before you. Sure enough, his cock was throbbing, precum leaking down his length as he shamefully looked at you. “Don’t worry, I don’t mind you fucking yourself as I fuck this stupid cunt.”
But with the building pressure in your stomach. Your toes curling as the soft thumps of his fingers dive in and out of your sopping wet cunt, your body begins to tense up.
“Already ready to cum,” Ground Zero smirked, and you felt your body go rigid when his fingers left your cunt, and was immediately replaced with his large, thick cock.
Having not expected such action, your arms shot out, eyes rolling back as a guilty, wanton scream tore through your throat. He was so big, so thick, so full, stretching you out completely, sending your tight walls into a frenzy as they stretched and tightened around his cock.
Fuck, fuck, “fuck!”
“Oh, she speaks!” Ground Zero laughs, almost a bit deranged as he grabs onto your waist and begins to plow into you. “I wonder to what lengths I can get you to speak! I want to hear you screaming for me, whore.”
It was then that he slammed his hand against your ass cheek, causing you to shriek while your skin throbbed in his wake. It was heavy-handed, the power he held in his hand while never doubted, didn’t make you think it was ever this much. The pleasure curled pain made your knees buckle, a hot pressure bursting in your core, and another loud slap repeated on the same throbbing cheek.
Fisting in your hair, you keened loudly when Ground Zero yanked your head back. The arch in your back was dramatized by this action; your back ached as another heavy slap echoed against your swelling skin. His dense, almost wild breathing hits the shell of your ear, and chills shoot down your spine when he snarls.
“Your cunt is so fucking tight, is whoever this getup for fuck you shitty too? Don’t tell me this fucking extra is the man you fuck in your bed?” he laughs, his foot stamping to the outside of your leg. The new position increases the range and the power of his thrusts, sending your body forward with every squelch bringing thrust. “I bet you’d like it if your stupid cock piece was here to watch how a real fucking man fucks, huh? You fucking would—” his hand comes down to wrap around your waist, pinching and tugging at your clit that’s thrumming with impending orgasm. Ignoring your growing pleads for more— “You like being an example to everyone in this fucking shit room of how to be fucked correctly! I bet you’re actually liking the way they’re judging you and your tight, wet cunt.”
The next powerful thrust that has his balls smacking your skin nearly sends you tumbling over at the strength and power behind it. Your arms buckle under you, the weight and struggle to keep yourself upright was a challenge as Ground Zero abused your clit and cunt.
“Answer me, fucking whore.”
There was no stopping Ground Zero’s heavy hand against your pert ass, and you could not think of anything but how your cunt throbbed for the man behind you. Your sobs of pain had long ago become those of pleasure, and you could feel the raised prints of his hands on your sore cheeks. It was true; it delighted you.
“Y-Yes, I like being fucked by you!” you finally break crying, your body trembling in your excitement and need for more. “I like them watching as you fuck me! You fuck me so good!”
“Glad you could finally admit it because your cunt is so fucking wet right now I’m sure everyone else already knew,” he sneers while he rubs circles against your heated skin. “You’re trembling with excitement as you try telling me you don’t want me to fuck you. I can see you choking back your cries of pleasure, the fuck you take me for? Do you want me to leave you without an orgasm?”
“N-No!” you sob pathetically, arms pathetically stretching behind you to keep him thrusting faster into you. “D-Don’t leave me until I-I cum!”
Your words were loud, letting everyone know just how much you wanted this, just enough for the man before you to groan as he came, and you thanked Ground Zero as you trembled like a leaf before him. His upper lip pulled back into a smirk as he let go of your hair, letting your head drop back onto the floor, and his fingers go and pinch your nether lips, and you cried loudly.
“I know you can fucking scream louder than that. I want the entire fucking world to know who’s fucking you right now.”
The words were honey to your ear, and you shifted in an attempt to ease the growing lust between your legs.
“Fuck me! Fuck me harder! Please, Ground Zero, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop!” you babble, your tongue falling from your mouths as you pant like a bitch in heat, your body convulsing and shaking with need and heightening lust.
Your mind reeled as Ground Zero continued his conquest against your cunt. You could barely count the number of times he drilled his cock straight into your heat, the tip of his cock pressing into your cervix over and over. The added sensation of his fingers manipulating your clit, and shoving into your mouth to tug on your tongue as you began to grow too loud made you dizzy. Your ass and thighs were undoubtedly bright red and in the air, back arched further than you had ever gone, and saliva and tears seeping onto the marble floor.
“You’re so fucking wet,” he cheers as he repositions the angle in which he’s driving into you, and your ragged moans fill the area at the need of more. He continued fucking you, and while feeling finally returned to your abused ass, your hips finally began to buck against his commanding hips, trying to get the echoing slaps to grew even louder. “Such a greedy little slut.”
Gritting your teeth, you continued pushing against him, craving more heat, power, and pain.
“Is this not good enough for you?” Ground Zero chuckles, but there’s no light humor to his laughter. “Good.”
At that phrase, Ground Zero slams into you with the power and force you had yet to experience. Causing you to howl in your throbbing lust, your mind more a second snapping back out of its haze as you feel his cock twitch within you. Your breathing is harsh as you try to look at Ground Zero, finally trying to take a glance at how he looked. You wondered if he was as unhinged as you felt, as savage as you imagined with his lustful red eyes. 
“Where is it at?” Ground Zero barked over at Togeike.
“I-It’s at 97%!” she stammered, shame dripping from her voice, and you had half a mind to wonder if they were all turned on too.
Maybe they were jealous of the fat cock claiming you, and you mewl in the thought, your back bristling as you slammed back onto his drilling cock. You wanted more from him, craved more from him. The coil in your belly still yet to be undone, but you were not going to let it snap anytime soon.
“Gotta fucking make this little slut cum soon then, huh?” Ground Zero grinned, and you felt his teeth bare into the back of your neck in a flash of throbbing, burning pain.
You cried.
The angle and power behind these growing sloppy thrusts were different than what you were used to. It was deranged almost, your body shifting with each thrust, nearly toppling over as Ground Zero claimed you with his teeth and his cock. With each hypnotizing slam of his hips, ringing moans of pleasures ripped from your throat, and you brought your arms as best you could to his waist to keep him there.
Sweat dripped down Ground Zero’s neck, his hands gripping your bruised and battered ass like some type of life support, and the squelching noises of your slamming sex were making your body weak.
“Please — fuck — do that! Do that again, please!” you screamed when a vein in his cock dragged against your pulsating, puffy walls, at the same time he pushed against your cervix.
“Such—” thrust— “A—” thrust— “Fucking—” thrust— “Whore!” thrust! “Who do you fucking belong to?!”
“Y-You, Ground Zero!” you scream, your hips buck against his slamming hips. It was so raw, so rough, and you were enjoying every passing second. “I belong to you! I’m your fucking whore, please fill me with your cum! Cum in me, please cum in me!”
Ground Zero preens at your praise, all while he continues to fuck you roughly. He was in his zone, his concentration like steel as he pounded into you again and again. Your inner walls clenched and spasmed against his penetrating cock, and the heated pressure now spilling over.
His cock twitched within you. It knocked the breath out of you; his fingers twisted into your hair.
“Fucking cum with me,” he demands, jerking your head back towards him again, and you sob as your legs tremble against his increasing power.
You feel your eyes cross, screaming out his name as your walls clamp down fiercely against his length, and you orgasm roughly, your body shaking and spasming uncontrollably as you scream his name. Ground Zero curses loudly, slamming into you one last time with the power and tenacity of an army as he lets out a string of curses, and you moan, knowing that he came in you.
“Such a good slut,” Ground Zero grins as you can feel your eyes fluttering shut, physical and mental exhaustion now catching up with you. “Sleep now, I’m not done with you.”
You couldn’t gather the energy to speak back, your world blacking out with the sounds of sobs, screams, and more gunshots.
You wake up in a car.
The warm, gentle wind caressing your face as the world is quiet. It's calm, pleasant, pleasing. Your pink wig is on your knees, slightly ruined with blood, sweat, tears, and drool.
You sigh, your body throbbing with different pain as you look to your right at who’s driving.
It’s Ground Zero, or as you know him: Bakugou Katsuki.
His arms are covered now, the old black op outfit changed for a pair of black slacks and a red button-down shirt. You would have no idea he was the man who stormed into Yaoyorozu Bankings earlier that day.
“Good morning,” you sigh, reaching against the seat to press a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth.
Bakugou looks at you with a smirk, reaching towards you for a real kiss as he continues to drive. You can tell you’re in comfortable clothes, ointment on any potentially worrisome wounds he had inflicted on you while wrapped up in your twisted fantasy of yours. 
“Nice to see you up,” he gruffs, his voice rough from his overuse in the bank.
“Did we get it?” you ask, head pressing to his shoulder, and with a chuckle, he raised the black USB.
“Damn fucking right we did, y/n.”
It goes without saying that despite the sheer brilliance of Bakugou’s work as Ground Zero, he would have never pulled off such crimes without you. His pretty, small girlfriend, who always played a victim of his lust at his operations just for good measure. It was a fun life both of you lived.
You looked at the expensive Cartier watch on your wrist, a beautiful gift he had gotten you after your first successive robbery. It had also been programmed for you to communicate with Bakugou on how many guards there were on the floor.
“I love you.”
arrière-pensée: a concealed thought or intention; an ulterior motive.
tags in comments, theres too many of you.
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zhanyes · 3 years
Tianshan dating headcannons because i also love these two dumbasses too
Also dedicated to @el-mundo-real who requested tianshan headcannons 🖤
. . .
- Literally no one knows whether they’re dating or not. Not even themselves because they don’t talk about it
- Jian yi thinks they’re dating already and Zhengxi says they’re still getting there (somehow they’re both right) and they make a bet
- He tian likes staying over at Mo’s and he’s gotten pretty close to mama Mo
- Mama Mo teaches him how to knit !! He tried to knit a scarf for Mo but it came out a little messy and tangled. Mo still wears it anyway saying it’s a waste of yarn if not used (He’s actually really touched)
- He eats dinner there about 5 times a week and sleeps over thrice a week. He’s a permanent fixture in the house now, he has his own plate and mug, utensils, toothbrush, a spare key, and more than half of his closet migrated to Mo’s closet
- Sometimes Mo “accidentally” wears He tian’s sweaters and He tian dies a little bit every time
- Sometimes He tian deliberately wears Mo’s clothes and it’s always tighter and a bit shorter on his body so when he moves his arms the shirt rides up. Mo guanshan shouts at him to change and to stop contaminating his clothes but his ears are red anyway
- They bicker A LOT. Over the smallest things because He tian loves riling him up and Mo gets riled up too easily
He tian, for the 7th time in 5 minutes: “What does this thing do?”
- There are times when homicide is the best option
Mo Guanshan: “I acknowledge that I can be mean sometimes-”
He tian, in the bathtub: “Sometimes?”
Mo Guanshan: “Shut the fuck up. So I brought you a bath bomb as a peace offering.”
He tian: “That’s a fucking toaster.”
Mo guanshan: “Exactly. A bath bomb.”
- Contrary to what his actions say, Mo guanshan is actually relieved that He tian spends most of his time in their apartment. He tian never told him but he can see how lonely the other teenager is
- Mo guanshan tries to teach He tian chores because He tian knows nothing about cleaning or doing everyday things
Mo guanshan: “How the fuck do you not know how to wash dishes where the hell do you eat?!”
He tian, drinking milk straight out the carton: “Obviously on plates, Momo. I just throw them away after.”
Mo guanshan, sputtering: “WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU THROW OUT PLATES?!”
- The first and only recipe that He tian managed to cook successfully is instant noodles with boiled egg that’s not quite cooked enough. Sometimes he brings Mo noodles as breakfast in bed and he looks so proud of it Mo has a hard time saying that the noodles are overcooked and that noodles aren’t exactly breakfast food (he eats it anyway)
- Mo sometimes, only sometimes, brings He tian grocery shopping because he needs to learn how to buy food for himself. Somehow He tian always ends up in the miscellaneous section where he has a pack of ballpens he’ll never use, 2 journals he’ll also never use, a couple of scented candles, various dog clothes and leashes for the dog he doesn’t have, a couple’s mug, and a vase in his cart
- He tian stopped trying to barge into Mo guanshan’s bed and sleeps on the futon on the floor beside it. It’s not the most comfortable and he had a hard time sleeping on it at first but he likes being in Mo’s company even while sleeping
- Sometimes Mo would move in his sleep and leave his arm dangling on the side of the bed, He tian grabs it of course and Mo wakes up to sweaty palms. He still leaves it for a few moments before harshly slapping away He tian’s hand
- Mo’s hands aren’t smooth at all because of working all the time and practicing the guitar but He tian loves them all the same. He likes to feel the contrast in textures with his slightly smoother hands
- He tian has a thousand pictures of Mo guanshan sleeping in various angles and poses. He has his favorites framed and keeps it on his bedside table in his apartment so when he’s sleeping there he still feels like they’re sleeping together
- Mo guanshan has a few of He tian sleeping but he swears up and down that he'll never do anything as disgusting as that. He makes one of them his wallpaper.
- Sometimes when they don’t feel like sleeping yet they stay up talking and arguing about random things
Mo guanshan: “Why would aliens be in space? The ocean is definitely the way to go.”
He tian: “But why would they be in the ocean? They’ll drown.”
Mo guanshan: “They’re aliens maybe they have gills or some shit.”
He tian: “I’m telling you they’re not in the ocean, Mo.”
Mo guanshan: “And I’m telling you you’re wrong, bastard.”
- On rare days they would stay up talking about their pasts and about life in general, with the lights closed and the only source of light is the moonlights from the window
- One of these nights, Mo told He tian about what happened to his dad and their restaurant, why they’re in so much debt over it and He tian holds Mo’s hand tightly throughout
- He knew better than to say that he could pay for that debt so Mo doesn’t need to worry anymore (He still says it anyway and Mo blew a fuse) but he swore to help Mo through other means
- The next day he orders a whole carton of mangoes, apples and peaches in his apartment and learns how to peel properly through youtube and Zhengxi
- He goes to Mo’s part time job in the grocery and helps him peel fruits, Mo guanshan doesn’t mention anything when he notices the bandaids on the other’s hands but he does cook him beef stew for dinner
- As expected He tian’s presence brings more customers and the manager asks if he wants to work there permanently but he said he’s only working for Mo so the manager can give Mo a raise instead
- Once, Mo got sick so he missed his part time job for the day (He was supposed to give away flyers on the streets) and got extra pissy because He tian didn’t visit him and wouldn’t answer his phone 
- Apparently He tian took over his job for the day and he only finds out when he goes to the manager and the manager asks when his ‘boyfriend’ can come back to work again because the customers love him
- He tian almost never talks about himself but once he talked about the puppy who disappeared after he saves it and then found out that it’s still alive after all these years
- Mo keeps quiet about it the whole time he was talking and the next few days he takes time to knit a small dog plushie and leaves it on He tian’s futon
- He tian didn’t cry, he didn’t (he did), but he hugged Mo and whispered a sincere thank you. For once, Mo lets it happen
- Mo quickly regrets his decision when He tian names the plushie “Chicken sandwich”
- He tian brings Mo in a lot of not-dates (according to Mo) like arcades, ocean parks, festivals, and fairs because he didn’t get to go as a kid and he wants to experience it for the first time with Mo
- They get crazy competitive in every game. Every. Single. One. If it’s a co-op shooting game they would compete on who kills the most enemies, if it’s a harmless crane game it becomes a competition of who can get the most plushies
- They both each have a photobooth strip. Mo keeps his as a bookmarker in a journal, and He tian has his in the back of his phone.
- They go on a double not-date with Jian yi and Zhengxi and it ends up in almost getting chased by a police car at 2 am in pokemon onesies and holding a bag of chips 
- Sometimes Mo would visit his dad in prison and just rant to him about He tian
Mo guanshan: “The nerve of that guy to do something like that in front of a teacher urgh.”
Papa Mo: “Your boyfriend sounds like a fun guy, son. I want to meet him soon.”
Mo guanshan: “BO-BOYFRIEND?!”
Papa Mo: “Yes???”
Mo guanshan: “No??? That bastard isn’t my boyfriend??”
Papa Mo: “Are you sure about that?”
Mo guanshan: “...Yes?”
- Enter gay panique because he doesn’t actually know whether He tian is his boyfriend or not
- They don’t call each other boyfriends and they never talked about it so no??? But they’re also not just friends so maybe??? Do they go on dates?? Can grocery trips be considered dates??
- He rings up Jian yi and the blonde just laughed for 5 minutes straight without stopping and he wonders how he’s still breathing
Mo Guanshan, after hearing Jian yi laughing for 5 minutes: “Are you fucking done?”
Jian yi, trying to catch his breath: “Man this is some top-tier entertainment.”
Mo guanshan: “WELL?!”
Jian yi: “Look bro literally no one knows whether you’re dating, fucking, planning each other’s murder OR planning a murder together.”
Mo guanshan: “What if it’s all of the above?”
Jian yi: “Then congratulations…? Please don’t murder me?”
Mo guanshan: “Urgh you’re fucking useless I should have called Zhengxi.”
Jian yi: “Wait don’t, I don’t wanna lose the bet. How about this, there’s a festival upcoming for couples and families, if He tian asks you then you’re probably, maybe, dating?”
Mo guanshan: “That’s stupid. AND WHAT BET?!”
Jian yi: “Ah woops gotta water my dog.”
- Mo tells himself that it’s stupid and there’s no way he’s falling for that...but he feels disappointed anyway when He tian doesn’t ask him the following days
- He tian asks on the last day before the festival, but he asks mama Mo first and Mo guanshan second cuz he wants to celebrate with both of them. He confessed that he’s never actually went to a festival with a family before so he was trying to build up courage to ask
- Mo guanshan is an absolute goner after that
- On the day of the festival, they find Zhanyi there on a date but decide to leave them alone. While they were leaving Jian yi kept throwing Mo guanshan so much winks that Zhengxi thought he got something in his eye
- The festival was fun but Mo couldn’t take his eyes off how happy and content He tian looks
- Queue cliche fireworks scene but it’s He tian being amazed by the fireworks and Mo looking mesmerized at him thinking, “Ah, I want him to look at me like that.”
- The next day, he drags He tian to visit his dad in jail
Papa mo: “Oh this is a surprise, you’ve never brought someone before?”
He tian, trying to introduce himself: “Hello, sir. I’m He tian, Mo guanshan’s fri-”
Mo guanshan, cuts him off: “Boyfriend. He’s my boyfriend, dad.”
He tian:
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kiwibirbs-library · 3 years
Bc your event is so beautiful and amazing and you are so beautiful and amazing and you deserve every one of those followers and so much more and you are an amazing friend and- *deep breath*
I have a request.
How does 🍓+🍊+💧+ our lovely insomniac Shinsou sound?
Thank you in advance. Whatever yo write will be out of this world! 💞
a/n: I- I love you so much oh my god also I love how one of these was probably made specifically for shinsou lmao
300 followers event!
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Pairing: shinsou x reader
Warning: one asshat of a guy in the mall
Summary: when you get stopped from beating a guy up at the mall by Shinsou, it's only right to thank him right?
🍓 - “So that’s flirting? Hm, I always thought it would be more smooth.”
🍊 - “oh my god no.” “What what’s wrong?!” “I’m in love with him…. HIM of all people???”
💧- “if you do not shut up and kiss me right now…”
Not read through
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You were with a small group of the students that took a trip to the mall. In all honesty, it was supposed to be a grocery trip but after talking on the drive over you all agree that you wanted to go shopping a bit before going back to the dorms. You hummed along as everyone chatted in their groups. Mina and you talked about a great new songs while Midoriya rambled on about something to Todoroki and Shinsou. The boys walked in front of you two as you went so know one saw the weird guy coming until he spoke.
At first it was only you and Mina that heard his statement about how he loved school uniform skirts, both of you beginning to speed up a bit to catch up with the boys. And then he whistled.
Now this caught all five of your attentions. All three boys slowed a bit and tried to get you and Mina in front of them.
"What's wrong sweethearts? Why don't you slow down a bit and have a chat with me hmm?" he drawled, speeding up to catch up with you two. You looked back to glare at him and he smiled. It made you nauseous. "oh~, looks like this missy likes me. Guess Pinky over there isn't as smart as this one," you froze in your spot.
All four of of your friends eyes widened. You slowly turned around to the guy behind you all.
"wow and thats a UA uniform too. Can't believe they allowed pinky in then, she doesn't seem to bright," he laughed to himself.
"that's it," you launched yourself at him without a second thought. Shinsou barely had the time to wrap and arm around your waist and drag you back. You fought against his grip but he held you tight to the ground. "let me at em," you growled as the man backed away in shock.
"Y/n it's ok, let's just go," Mina whispered to you, flipping the guy off as she turned around and walked away. She linked arms with Todoroki and Midoriya, dragging them away as Shinsou threw you over his shoulder and followed them. You glared at the man as he speed walked away.
"so thats flirting? Hm, always thought it would be more smooth," Shinsou commented as he finally put you down on your feet. You scoffed.
"you should have let me pummle him," you growled under your breath. Shinsou put a hand against your lower back, making sure you didn't go back.
"not looking to get kicked out of the mall," he whispered. You rolled your eyes, despite your anger you felt your cheeks flush lightly at his action. You all spent the rest of the time slightly tense before heading back for the day.
You groaned into Momo's pillow as the girls joined you on the large bed. Mina laughed as she laid next to you.
"trust me Y/n, I wanted to kick me too but flipping off and walking away is so much cooler," she laughed. You groaned a few noises that were probably supposed to be words even you didn't understand. "and besides," she leaned away from you and to the other girls, all of them leaning in a dipping the mattress. You rolled with the shift in weight, looking to all of them with a slight pout. "you did get some quality time with Shinsou," she giggled.
All the girls gasped as this.
"What?! Oh my god spill!" Higakure squealed. You blushed and rolled again, squeaking into Ochako's thigh.
"Weeell~ she tried to jump the guy right right!" Mina excitedly spoke to them all. "Shinsou grabbed her and carried her half way down the walk way and even after all that, he put a hand on her back to make sure she didn't do anything," Mina giggled. All the girls smiled brightly at this, Ochako lifted you up.
"He. Did. What?!" she giggled.
"What? It didn't mean anything!" you smiled and you spoke still, the thought of him.
"That smile says other wise," Jirou giggled. You rolled your eyes.
"Ok, ok, so what if he did smile at me really warmly. Or if he had a really pretty glint in his eyes as he talk to me..." you paused, eyes widening as you flipped back around and stared at the ceiling. “oh my god no.”
“What what’s wrong?!” Momo asked, leaning over you.
“I’m in love with him…. HIM of all people???” You almost whined as you covered your face with your hands. Sue laughed happily and grabbed your hand.
"Adorable!" she smiled. Your cheeks flushed bright red as you thought. You sat up and got off the bed.
"I need some water," you sighed, and rolled off the bed and went out the door. The girls cooed after you as you left. You tried to cool the heat in your face as went down to the kitchen, fanning your face slightly as you turned the corner.
Then you saw the lights were still on.
"Y/n?" you blushed at the sound of Shinsou's voice.
"heeeeyy Hitoshi," you poked your head in and he smiled at you warmly. You smiled happily and went to stand next to him. He set his cup down on the counter and leaned back on it. "whatcha doin?" You asked, hopping up onto the counter. He hummed.
"Couldn't sleep and thought that chocolate milk sounded good," he tapped the counter with his palms as you nodded.
"Same. Me and the girls were together and wanted some water," you kicked your feet out. Your legs brushed against his arm as it went. When you looked over you thought you were imagining his ears were flushed for a moment. When he turned to you, feeling your stare, you found the pink dusting his cheeks. You gulped. "oh um also uh... thank you, for earlier I mean," he tilted his head.
"what you mean catching you and stopping you from your pilot episode of the Y/n Villain Story?" he laughed.
"yeah that," you cleared your throat. "honestly if you didn't stop me I probably would have kicked him straight out the window. So thanks for carrying me and the hand on the back thing too. Honestly would have gone back but that made me freeze a bit," you laughed, not even thinking one what you were saying anymore.
"freeze?" he asked leaning closer to you.
"well ya why wouldn't I, I mean it's you and that sort of was out of no where and it made me really flustered. I didn't mind it though. Definitely not a bad thing in my opinio-" you stopped yourself as you register what the rambling topic was on.
"why'd you stop?" he smiled at you, flipping around so he leaned forward on the counter.
"stop what?" You coughed, looking away.
"Talking about that," he moved again, now if he moved a bit closer he would be fully in between your legs. You gulped at the croaked, lazy smile he gave you.
"well you know, isn't it wierd if I ramble about a guy that doesn't even like me ba-" Shinsou's brain shut off at what you were about to say. Did that mean that you...
“if you do not shut up and kiss me right now…” he stepped closer to you and put a hand on the back of your neck and pulling you in. Your eyes widened as his lips touched yours, smiling and closing them as your arms flung around his shoulders. He out a hand down on the counter next to you, leaning into you more. You laughed against him when you moved back a bit to breath. The only grumbled a bit, leaning in again. His kiss landed on your cheek as he made his way back to your lips. He felt your smile as he kissed you again.
"damn it I've been waiting to do that since forever now," he sighed against you. You were sure you cheeks were glowing at this point but you didn't care.
"I can taste your chocolate milk," you snorted. He laughed a bit as your wrap around him tightened slightly.
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*slides in on heelies* When Todoroki found out what bkg did to Midoriya, he lured bkg out of the dorms to fight. He used his fire this time.
Y E S ! ! !
Thank you so much for this, this is going to be a relatively long post, so I am apologize!
TW: @bu$e
Todoroki never liked bakugou and mudoriya’s interactions. They always seemed so hauntingly familiar to him. When he learned why, he was furious.
He would sigh thinking about how it all started. They had just been studying
Todoroki had asked Midoriya his thoughts on one of the questions, only to find that the other boy had fallen asleep
Todoroki was happy that Midoriya was finally getting some sleep. He always over exerted and over extended himself. Helping their classmates, excessive training, trying to help anything that was breathing.
Or not breathing. Todoroki had caught Midoriya spending a number of hours tending to UA’s gardens and talking to the flowers there. Sunshine incarnate. An angel.
Anyway, he was happy that Midoriya was finally getting some rest. Until, that is, he started having a nightmare.
Todoroki is no stranger to nightmares, but he was still hesitant as to how he should help Midoriya
He tried to help talk the other boy through his nightmare, but when it became apparent that that wasn’t going to work. He shook Midoriya awake, and asked if he wanted to talk about his nightmare
Midoriya ended up talking about how he didn’t get his quirk until the entrance exam, and how Bakugou and his cronies bullied and @bu$ed him for over a decade.
Todoroki was metaphorically, and quite literally, fuming. How could someone hurt sunshine incarnate? Midoriya was the most selfless and kind person Todoroki had ever met, how could Bakugou hurt him to the point of having PTSD?
He felt guilty that he hadn’t done anything before. He had seen how uncomfortable Midoriya had been around bakugou, and he had done nothing?! What kind of a friend was he??
Midoriya had shown him some of the scars Bakugou had given him, and ah yes; that was red he was seeing.
They talk for the next few hours, Midoriya spilling his entire life story. Todoroki offers encouragement and support (he is doing better than he thinks he is)
The next day Todoroki is very robotic. He’s reverted to the way he acted at the beginning of the school year. The main difference, is how protective he is of Midoriya throughout the day.
What’s worse, is that he got paired up to spar with Bakugou.
It does not go well. Todoroki acts a second before the timer starts and freezes bakugou entirely.
Bakugou reacts the exact way you would expect: screaming that it wasn’t a fair fight, and that Todoroki wasn’t using his all, and how he’s better than Todoroki, and will be the #1 hero, etc.
Midoriya is worried for both of them, and tries to smooth things over. Todoroki is just kind of numb right then. Midoriya had been through so much, and was still just trying to help everyone. To mediate the situation and make everyone happy. Todoroki was numb but also in awe at how strong and incredible Midoriya was.
Bakugou did not take it that way. Instead, he says that Deku is looking down on him, and how he needs to, “shut up and mind his own business, useless deku”
That’s the last straw for Todoroki. He snaps and starts yelling at Bakugou. Telling him that if he wants to be a hero, he should stop acting like a villain.
Aizawa breaks up the brewing fight, but later that night Bakugou runs into Todoroki in the courtyard; asking, “what the hell is your problem, icy hot?!”
Todoroki says that bakugou had wanted him to use his full power earlier, well; here he goes.
Property is destroyed. Aizawa is not payed enough. Todoroki and Bakugou both get suspended. Midoriya is frustrated. Todoroki feels guilty.
If he exploded, and used his fire to hurt someone when he was angry, what he that much better than his father? He tormented himself for a majority of the night.
Later that night, Midoriya goes to Todoroki’s room to ask, “hey, what the hell was that about?”
Todoroki tells him more about his father, his “training” methods, and the boys find that their stories are quite similar. He tells him how he felt guilty, but how he wanted to protect Midoriya. How important izuku’s safety and happiness was.
Izuku softens at that, saying that Todoroki was nothing like his father. That he was using his fire for good, to try and help Izuku. That they could bring endeavor down in 24 hours. 24 hours and Todoroki could be safe.
Todoroki says that they could bring bakugou down as well. They could tell Aizawa what he’s done, and he could be expelled, or at the least be moved to a different class!
Izuku says that he would feel too guilty, because Kacchan has people who consider him a friend, and that aren’t just cronies. But Todoroki disagrees. He’s seen the uncomfortable looks sero, Mina, and kaminari have given Bakugou. Sometimes even Kirishima.
Todoroki finds that Uraraka already knows about bakugou, hence why she is also so protective of Izuku when it comes to Bakugou. Tsu, Shinsou, Tokoyami, and Momo had suspected something similar as well. He ends up asking them to help him try and move Bakugou to another class at least, if not have him expelled.
How far they pushed was mainly determined on Izuku, but his safety and well-being came before his moral code. Especially since the fight, bakugou had been even more violent. The Kiricrew started to separate themselves from him, not that Bakugou payed much mind to it.
In the end, they got Izuku to agree and tell Aizawa about Bakugou. He explained his whole past: getting his quirk the day of the entrance exam, the constant bullying and @bu$e, his scars, etc.
Aizawa was horrified that he hadn’t noticed. Guilty that he had pushed them to work together so much because he thought it was simply a childhood feud.
Mic and Midnight were stricken: they had let one of the most determined and hardworking students suffer for months, and didn’t think much of it at all.
Bakugou was expelled, and class A had a lot less tension.
Izuku was still waiting for the go ahead to destroy endeavor. Todoroki wasn’t exactly silent about hating his father, but he hadn’t gone into much detail white those other than Midoriya and a few members of the Izucrew.
After break one time, Todoroki came back with excessive bruises, burns, and a fractured arm. Now it was Izuku’s turn to snap.
He patched Todoroki up, and told him that they had to tell Aizawa about this. That they had enough evidence to get Shouto out of endeavors “care.” And Shouto finally agreed to it.
For the second time that month, Aizawa found himself sitting in his office with two of his most prominent problem children.
After explaining everything, izuku showed them Aizawa and Shouto all the evidence he had against endeavor, and how he had even put together a fifteen pages paper on, “why Endeavor is a villain.”
Todoroki may or may not be in love, that is pending.
Aizawa wanted a raise.
In the end, Shouto got adopted by Midnight (do you guys want me to write an essay on why she’d be a great parent? Because I will👀)
I hope you liked this!!!! I l o v e d this prompt 😭😭👏🙌 you are 10000% correct. Also, huzzah for heelies!👀
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mgsdays · 3 years
Hello!!! I’ve sent this exact message to teanshan on Tumblr but I also follow you so I wanted to share my thoughts with you as well. Hehe I hope that is okay with both of you <3 both of you always have open minded thoughts so I feel comfortable sharing these thoughts :)
I see A LOT of people mad at He tian or Mo or both of them for the lack of communication. BUT everyone is forgetting that these boys are 15 YEARS OLD!! Idk about everyone on Tumblr, but when I was 15 I hated confronting people about my feelings and talking about how I feel because It made me so vulnerable and uncomfortable. I think that’s exactly how Mo feels when talking about his problems and its also why he avoids his friends whenever he’s dealing with an issue. And also why He tian is trying his best. We know of his child hood and we also know that he struggles with serious abandonment issues. What he did was not okay, but I think that when you’re 15 and you see your *crush* struggling with issues, you want to help them immediately- you want all their pain to disappear. BUT you don’t know the implications behind your actions!! He tian has yet to understand that. He has yet to understand his privileges and why his actions were wrong in that sense, but again, we shouldn’t be too hard on him. Honestly, both the boys need to talk this out but I feel like we are going to eventually get that soon. I think we are being directed into that conversation. Two final thoughts I wanted to get out of my chest: (1) He Tian would never EVER leave Mo on bad terms. He never ever has. He has always made special moments with Mo, that a lot of friends (ZZX, JY, baldie) don’t even know about. So I believe that he will not leave Mo upset before he goes away to do whatever the hell he needs to do. (2) JY is the glue of the friend group. He always has been, he always will be. There’s always a mediator in a friend group and he honestly has that role more so than ZZX. If He tian doesn’t confront Mo about his issues (which I doubt but in a situation where he doesn’t) I 100% think that JY would talk to him too. He did so when Mo was in the hospital bed that one chapter and it was the sweetest thing ever! So yah, sorry for rambling but I needed to get this off my chest because I feel like everyone thinks these boys are adults with a full understanding of feelings and emotions. In reality of this story, we have to see these things for them to grow up as healthy adults :)
Hey darling! Thank you for sharing, I loved to hear your thoughts. I think you are dead right about He Tian's characterization.
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I can't understand being angry at He Tian for this. Like??? It didn't even cross my mind. He's 15. He has no fucking clue what is going on with Mo. He knows his time is running out and he's just doing anything he can THINK of to help before he has to leave.
He Tian is trying the methods that have worked before, since he knows that Mo needs money and it usually smooths things over between them. That chapter before the picnic, where he's like 'do you only think of for my money', he's flirting and all but i think there's a real fear beneath it. He Tian is scared he's just useful to Mo right now.
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Mo only accepts him through money because that's the one part that Mo can process. It's too hard for Mo to deal with the romantic feelings brewing between them. Mo can rationalize spending time helping HT through the lenses of He Tian has more money than he knows what to do with and is willing to pay me for housecleaning because he's shit at it. My boy Momo is jumping through hoops to explain to himself what he and He Tian are each to other.
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Mo accepts the money because it's easier when he knows what someone wants from him. Without the money, the two of them spending time together just because Mo wants to, and because He Tian wants him to, would be way too hard on his 15-year-old emotionally closed off brain.
He Tian doesn't know all that. He's low-key scared that Mo stays for the money but his time is running out and he doesn't care if it is because of the money as long as he can fix it between them before leaving, somehow.
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To me, He Tian is being completely understandable. At no point I felt angry at He Tian for this, though I do see it from Mo's point of view and understand how patronizing it is for him. It's a problem born out of miscommunication. Talking will demand emotional vulnerability and GOD knows that's hard at that age, like you well remembered, specially with their abandoment and violence issues.
I agree with JY being the glue from the group, but I'm not sure it is his place to interfere in this case. Part of the angst between HT and Mo is romantically charged. Only the two of them can fix it. Fights hurt worse coming from the other one because of the feelings they have for each other, stewing beneath the surface. Mo is already in love with He Tian. He doesn't know that he is, but he is and that is already affecring how he acts. Only talking to He Tian can ease this pain between them. Let's hope they do it before it is too late.
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shanitani · 3 years
Could i have a request for a shoto x f! reader in which the reader, due to shitty family or bad ex, has low self esteem and says things like 'i don't really know how to be beautiful' and 'compared to the other girls here in kind of plain'.
Mama needs some fluff in the form of validation.
includes: shoto x fem reader!
contains: angst, comfort.
Warning!: mentions of toxic relationship(ex), low self esteem
a: I hope it’s okay I did the low self esteem and then I got way too free handed with this..
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You stood timid in the mirror tugging at the curves of your waist - sweat making it’s way down your shoulders. You knew it would be a struggle to leave out your dorm room and attempt to have a nice time with your boyfriend; it was always hard hearing the slight whispers of ‘why did Todoroki pick her?’ ‘she’s plain.’ ‘ Her quirk isn’t even up to his level.’ 
They weren’t wrong; your quirk wasn’t all that magical in theory. “X-Ray Vision”: being able to see through others and objects. It wasn’t until coming in UA, you knew that your quirk wasn’t special compared to Momo’s, Todoroki’s, or even Midoriya’s. 
You held high standards to yourself ever since dating Shindo from Shiketsu. It wasn’t until he had something to say about it, saying that you never worked yourself hard enough and you were sloppy with your technique -  that you would overwork yourself to the core - trying to find any free time to focus on your quirk that would ultimately leave you too  tired and overworked. 
You thought having the chance to be able to move to UA would make you feel better about yourself - and it did, for a year or so until you started to fall in love with bi - colored boy. That, was when the rumors and whisperings came about to you; and you started to feel guilty. Todoroki never thought anything of it, always oblivious to the fact you would work yourself 22 hours everyday, constantly looked in the mirror asking yourself why you’re not good enough and barely eating nor sleeping.
It wasn’t until Momo started bringing it up to Todoroki aimlessly, “Todoroki, is Y/N doing okay?” he had a puzzled look on his face, thinking of why you wouldn’t “Yes? is something wrong with her?”, “Well I just noticed that she hasn’t been looking like herself lately. I mean she looks so tired and It could be a cry for help I’m not sure.” she shrugged holding tightly onto her binder - cringing at the way she described your familiar facial features she’s observed lately. “I’ll ask her about it, thank you for telling me.” she smiled, accepting the gesture and left the boy alone to find you - happy that she let him know.
He walked to your dorm room and knocked, leaning on the dorm frame. Waiting a couple of minutes he heard nothing, attempting to open the door with a spare key you had told him he could keep - but only arriving to no one in the dorm room. ‘where is she?’ he walked out going to the commons room hoping you would be there - only to find Bakugo and Midoriya.
“Have you both seen y/n?” Bakugo grunted in response and Midoriya shook his head in unison. “You don’t know that she trains at this hour?” he turned his head to find Jirou walking out of her room, “She trains until like the morning. I think I only know because she does it outside my dorm room. I used to think it was a villain - turns out it was just her.” she shrugs walking out of the hallway leaving Todoroki even more confused as to why you would overwork yourself so much.
Silently walking up to you; unknowing of what to say - he knew that something had to be said. “Y/N?” you jumped - seeing your boyfriend looking down at your glistening skin from the amount of sweat produced. He finally took observation to what Momo had said, the deep eyebags under your eyes, your hunched figure, you weren’t in as good shape as you thought you were, you were slowly killing yourself.
He didn’t say a word to you, making the guilt bubble further and further, what if he breaks up with me, he knows i’m pathetic, he’s finally realizing im not good for hi- his touch broke you out of your thoughts, feeling his hand lay on your shoulder apologetically. Tears streamed down your face feeling burnt out and tired, you just wanted to be at the same level as your boyfriend.
“I- I just wanted to be-” you struggled on your choked out words, feeling defeated trying to simultaneously catch your breath in the process. Heat rumbled in your core from pure rage - why did Shindo make you feel so worthless? Make you feel like the weakest link? 
“You don’t have to tell me, I’m not asking for a explanation. But you know just as much as I do that overworking will only cause pain.” he thought back to his childhood, seeing a similar look in your eyes like he had - that Endeavor brought to him. “But I need you to rest”.
You laid on your bed, feeling anxious about the fact you’ve never slept this early despite it still being 11pm. You felt the need to overwork your powers, making yourself useful - what kind of hero just lays around? 
Todoroki kisses your temple; smoothing out your forehead to look at tired eyes - he was good at hiding emotions; so it worked in his advantage to not frown when he visibly noticed the change, kicking himself for not realizing earlier. “Do you want me to-” “Stay.” you ended off his sentence, making room for him on your bed, he held your figure in his arms, stroking and massaging your shoulders lightly trying to make you fall asleep. “I love you.” the three words caught you by surprise - you both had never confessed the love for each other up until this point, and he felt it was well suited for this situation.
“I love you so much, your quirk is fantastic, your body, your face. you’re just amazing.” he word projected looking deep into your pupils trying to show sincerity. “From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I would fall in love with you - don’t forget that no one else matters, but you. If you need help with finding yourself and loving yourself for who you are let me help you.” You felt a familiar warm feeling and lump in your throat, but this time it was from bliss and happiness. Knowing that you found the love of your life, and Shindo was far from you and your worries.
“I’ll take you up on that offer one day, but right now I want to sleep.” you eyelids tugged closed, on the near brink of sleep for god knows how long - you wouldn’t be surprised if Todoroki hadn’t woke you up tomorrow morning for early classes.
 “Oh and Shoto? I love you too.”
damn this ending was cheesy LMFAOOOO
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