#my taste in music can best be described as hot mess
prof-peach · 5 months
Yknow what I don’t ever get to dive into this one, so for my own holiday fun, let’s elaborate on the ranger AU:
The girls are room mates, rivals for a long while, the tape line that divides their shared space like a battle zone.
Plum is obsessively neat about her books but otherwise is chaos, clothes everywhere, shoes scattered. Bed is about the only thing she makes and keeps clear to sit and work, desk is a mess of research notes and dog eared manuals. Her dratini is utter chaos, unruly doesn’t even describe how Missy is. Plum was raised in a very well off household but her family never came home, work keeping them almost completely busy. This leaves one girl who knows what she’s all about because she had to figure it out, plum is just as wild and chaotic as her Pokemon in her own snooty kind of way. Very particular teenager.
Meanwhile peach has never been allowed to be a kid, she was told what to do and when to do it, hobbies we’re chosen for her, free time used up working hard, training harder, her Pokemon just as pushed to keep up standards. The prodigal daughter put on a pedestal has nothing but pressure from day one. She doesn’t listen to music, have toys or hobbies, even her clothes are plain and not really things you’d fully expect a teenager to wear. She had to just go with her family always pushing her to do what they want and be who they expected. Failure was not met well. Her personal space is painfully tidy, purely because she doesn’t really have much to fill the space at the start. Val is volatile at best, but Bob keeps his sunny disposition, often out in the dorm room happily.
Plum soon realises peach has not developed a personal taste of her own, and cannot understand how that just never happened. So begins her task of getting peach to find things she likes and enjoys. None of her skills sound like things that excite her, peach is this dead pan teenager with no fire for anything. Her hot head rears up when she’s backed into a corner, so when pushed too hard peach snaps, she doesn’t know what she’s suppose to like or do, out of her family home she can only sit and watch others and try to assimilate quietly. A skill she’s quite good at, so most just assume she’s cold and distant by nature, an angry face leading to most leaving her alone.
Plum proceeds to open up a whole world of things for a teenager who never got the chance to just exist without an objective. Music, junk food, staying up late to play games or gossip. They sneak out to town, maybe they steal some overly sweet awful booze, maybe they hide it in their dorm to stay up and talk some nights. Plum gets peach to pick clothes she wants, tries to encourage her to care about anything noticing she’s got piercings, so like…punk?? Is that her thing? No clue, but it’s the total opposite to plums sporty preppy cute outfits, so together they look like night and day.
Their initial arguing and dislike of each other eases off fast, peach realises that maybe not everyone is so awful, and that she’s been stuck with a highly intelligent if not a little scatter brained girl who actually encourages her to live, not just simply exist. It is tentative steps into realising she is more than the weight of her family name.
Other dumb teenager things: peach pierces plums ears for her. Ranger team work tasks that the girls smash through. Late night dorm activities with the other students, you know, typical junk like spin the bottle and such.
Plum 100% is cocky and straightforward during a party and makes sure peach never lives down that she stole the grouchy girls first kiss, etched into her memory forever.
Peach realising “oh no. Very very not straight. Oh no.” To which she’s in deep denial and horrified, because her family CANNOT find out. Seeing as her mom likes to dig through her memories from time to time, peach is utterly terrified to go home.
Plum seeing her roommate return from a weekend back at her family house looking more exhausted and worn out than when she left. Never asks why, never pries, tries to be cheery and help peach not feel so crappy. Peach can’t ever tell her what she’s done, or the guilt she’s carrying around, and as they grow closer, it becomes harder to lie.
Then Booker happens, where the story line splits from canon to the ranger AU. Instead of peach taking the little mon and running, leaving plum without more than a ‘sorry’ and an old bangle on the dorm door handle, she instead cracks, can’t hide the truth anymore, packs up to leave, but can’t go without telling someone, anyone that she’s been a monster, and has to change. Has to do better than she had before. Through tears and drama the truth comes out, plum learns it all, and sees her best friend with a bag on her shoulder, running away.
Through a convincing speech and an understanding and grounded view on the situation plum gets peach to stay, with her, with the rangers, they’ll face it together. For once peach does not want to feel so alone, everything she’s ever done has been singular, even though she’s been surrounded by people pulling her strings, it’s never been because of care or love, just progress. ‘The family comes first’ echos in her mind, and she has to stop this cycle. So peach stays, is deathly afraid her family will hurt plum for getting involved, she hardly sleeps for a while, making sure the night is safe, that no one’s trying to tamper with the path she’s trying to stay on. A good one. A kinder one with less bloodshed.
Plum encouraged peach to take up boxing, for her anger, so she joins a club and finds a love for it. The gains begin, and plum is at every fight, shouting from the side lines. Peach loses a few and takes it really badly. Loss in her family is usually cause for punishment, for isolation or consequence. She expects the same from plum, shocked when it never comes. Her partner is nothing but worried bout the bruises, but seems very encouraging. This is not what was expected.
Plenty of later year teenage shenanigans. Usual suspects, figuring out things like future career options, sexuality, the parties, sneaking out, stress over exams, first hangovers, smoking a little pot after handing in final coursework as a celebration. Peach finds herself, but both girls find a family in each other. Thick as thieves, forever entangled in each others memories now.
The girls grow as rangers, have a few run ins with peach’s cousins but otherwise are left with only a few scars, scrapes and bruises, and eventually they graduate, top of their class none the less. The powerhouse duo that others couldn’t compete with.
Plums become the agile ranger she was meant to be, strategist, a woman who knows every option before you even take your first move, but she lacks practical instinct and brutality, which is peach’s area of expertise. It’s head and heart at it’s most perfect balance.
I have so many little headcanons bout this alt set up, but I’m tired, it’s the holidays, and I wanted to blurt this one out. Sorry to all for putting up with me haha
Give me peach gut laughing for the first time and plum realising she’s totally mad for this person.
Give me ranger prom/graduation where they both dress up and get to sneak off and dance together.
Give me chaotic but perfectly drift compatible fights with them and their Pokemon.
Give me prank wars, makeup help, hair style tests, bad hair dye attempts, pizza hang outs.
Give me plum learning how to train Missy well with peach’s help.
Give me adoptive momma bears for Booker.
Give me them laughing so hard one of them nearly throws up at something so stupid and dumb.
Give me the moment that penny drops and they realise they can’t move forward without each other.
I am thriving on this.
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Curious to get your take on Freddie & Brian's songwriting partnership in comparison to Lennon-McCartney's. I was reading an article that said Lennon-McCarney tastes and personalities complemented each other, which is why they were so successful in writing together. Freddie and Brian not so much, we know they had very different personalities, but one could argue that they were closer and trusted each other more than John & Paul . (1 of 2 )
(2 of 2) At times, I think Brian doesn't realize how much Freddie cherished him. The early albums were really 50% freddie, 50% brian. Yes, Freddie was a musical genius but so is Brian. Crazy that Brian describes himself as an 'occasional songwriter'. Half of the Queen catalogue is him! And his guitar work is impeccable <3
Yeah, those early albums really were Freddie and Brian’s work. I don't think Brian thinks highly of himself as a songwriter, which is funny, because people accuse him of being an egomaniac 🙄
It's also really funny that Brian and Freddie have this weird reputation for hating each other when Freddie wrote a song that was literally like, "Brian is my best friend, my champion, he can do anything, he's somebody you can love, he's my soul brother." Meanwhile, Lennon wrote a diss track about McCartney lmao
I think Freddie and Brian’s personalities were similar in ways that mattered. They both had quiet, reflective sides, were hopeless romantics (and total hot messes with love), and were pretty sensitive. They weren't shallow fuckboys, despite others in their line of work and what Phoebe people sometimes say about Freddie. I think that's why Brian was not only able to write serious emotions from Freddie's perspective ("Save Me", "The Show Must Go On"), but that Freddie trusted Brian to literally put words in his mouth about his own feelings, too. I'm sorry but McLennon's songwriting partnership has nothing on "Save Me" alone lol. Freddie started riffing, "save me" over Brian’s guitar, and Brian went, "Ahhh, gotcha, I need to write a song about how you rent out your soul in one-night stands and you're naked and far from home." Top 5 lunatic behavior (affectionate)
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outofradios · 27 days
☕🥂📻 💜
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Mun VS Muse — send a symbol! {Always done to anwser these al not so much lol} @voxiiferous
☕ = What drinks do the mun and muse like best? Do they prefer cold or hot drinks?
🥂 = How is either the mun’s or muse’s alcohol tolerance? What are their favorite alcoholic drinks?
📻 = What music genre do the mun and muse listen to the most? Any favorite bands?
💜 = How would the mun and muse describe their relationship with their parents and/or siblings?
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{I like fruit teas a lot since I can't have milk they tend to be nicer to drink my fav being raspberry and cranberry cause it's the right mix of bitter and sweet. I also love coffee with oat milk so yeah I'd say I like hot drinks over all. I'm big on flavoured sparkling water too.
Al he like his hot drinks more especially coffee like the more bitter the better. He also likes of whiskey and red wine now and then}
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{Ohh we both drink the hard stuff like whiskey straight and me and al both have good tolerance. It takes lot to get us either tipsy. Though I don't really drink much anymore because of a medication I take}
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{My music taste is all over the place I listen to music from the 1930 till now days like I really a old man with the music I listen to and my fav son at the moment is good luck babe chappell roan. Al has way better tase in music then I every will like I love jazz like him especially from the 1930' that was best time for jazz and al fav song aside from your never full dressed with out a smile is this one Riverside Blues by Louis Armstrong}
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{Mine good at the moment like I get on with my family pretty well most days but sometimes it's hard like they can trigger me a lot.
Al is just a mess like he hates his dad loves him mama but they both gone now she he doesn't dwell on the feeling much anymore if he can help it one day I'll write up headcanon or something about it}
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maishshawkegeshig · 2 years
I was tagged by @dreaming-legend Thank you !!
Rules: Music taste is a very telling thing. Create a new post and name 1-5 your favorite songs in each category. Don't be afraid to be too obvious! Tag users you want to get to know better. Don't forget to have fun! :)
Last songs you listened to:
SHINee- Replay, Prolific the Rapper x Tribe called Red- Black Snakes, Lil Rue- The Nasty Song, Ed Sheeran& Paulo Londra & Dave- Nothing on You
Best songs from your favorite TV show/movie:
Jeff satur- Why wont you stay, A. little wicked - Valerie Broussard , Goodbye Song- Terence Blanchard & Cynthia Erivo
Favorite songs about love (happy or not):
Beyonce- Dangerously in love, J. Maya- Achilles Heel, Kiana lede- I choose you, Kiss me thou the phone - souja Boy
Songs that could be the soundtrack to your life:
Ella Mai- Good Bad, Gang of Youths, Achilles come down, Prolific the rapper- Strangers in our own Land , Tori kelly - Dear No one
Songs that always make you want to dance:
Anything Sean Paul, Danza Kuduro- Don Omar or reggaeton in general, 2000s music like Usher- Yeah, Nelly Hot in here, Baby Bash Cyclone, No Hands- Waka Flocka
Songs that always make you want to cry:
Ludacris & Mary. j. Blige- Runaway Love ,Angle- Amanda Perez, Frankie J- Daddy's Little girl
Songs with the best lyrics:
Carrie Underwood- Toy Guns, Supaman- Miracle, Stand up- Taboo, Prayers in a song -Tall Paul, glory- common, the script- if you could see me now
Songs you want to listen to when you're alone in the car:
A Hard days night- the Beatles, Please say you dont love me- Gabrielle Aplin, Marry Me- Thomas Rhett, El Pardon- Nicky jam & Enrique Inlesias,
Songs that bring you back to yourself when your life is a mess:
Quechua 101 Land Back please- alvaro Brunson, Man- Star Cast, She got her own- Neyo& jamie fox, Bubblegum Bitch- Marina
Favorite instrumental songs:
Ahsoka's Theme, any Round dance song
Songs that make you feel like you're invincible and very cool:
One Woman army- Pocelain Black, Born foe this- The Score, Tomorrow we fight- Tommee Profitt, My Family- Migos , i look good- chalie bou
Guilty pleasure songs you're embarrassed to admit that you like:
Steady as the beating drum, American girl- bonnie mckee, Cascada- Bad boy
Songs that can describe your current mood:
Big Mad- Ktlyn, Hot- Seventten , Breakfreast- Dove Cameron, To. my younger self- Britton
If you wanted to be serenaded, the songs you'd prefer:
Red Skin Girl- Northern Cree, Can't help falling in love -Kina grannis
Songs you'd recommend everybody listen to (you can explain why if you want):
Frank Waln- AbOrginal , The Rose- Sorry, Understand- Meloh, Fujii Kaze- shinunoga e-wa, The beat goes on- Tribute to Leonard. Peltier, deep drive- Zaryah, slut money - Zand
This was fun! Tagging: @christiiineexx @h-bea92 @bornintheus01998 and anyone else that wants too
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kittlesandbugs · 5 years
20 questions
Rules: answer 20 questions (???) and then tag 20 people who you want to get to know better.
Tagged by @thevikingwoman
Nickname: Kit (kitbug is my usual handle)
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 5′5″ with shoes on
Last movie I saw:  Deadpool 2 (for the third time XD)
Last thing I googled:  If feeling ill after eating shellfish means you have a mild allergy.  I always feel ill after eating a lot of shellfish (I usually avoid it but today I didn’t really have a choice) and I’m not sure if it’s because these dishes are always super rich and greasy or because I’m intolerant to shellfish.
Favourite musician: Man it literally changes with my mood
Song stuck in my head:  Mr. Fear by Siames
Other blogs:  @thedosianpicnics where I occasionally remember to post screenshots of food I find around Thedas.  It’s usually a dead blog until I do a replay and find something new. XD  @kitbug is FINALLY MINE but because I’ve been kittlesandbugs for like six years, I can’t bring myself to change the main blog.  So that one’s being used to readily organize OCs and fanfics and shit.  I have two others, one was intended to be an art blog but I never even got it off teh ground, and the other is a blog I used for anonymity in a fandom thing several years ago.
Do I get asks: Not as often as I’d like.  I am a giant slut for socializing.  Plz talk to me. XD
Following: 119
Amount of sleep: Generally 7-8 hours.
Lucky number: 85
What I’m wearing: Grey plaid fleece-lined hoodie and blue plaid fleece pants.  It’s afterwork wear. XD
Dream job: Voice actor, but I’ll probably never make that happen.  Honestly I’d be content with anything I didn’t hate that paid me enough to do what I enjoy off the clock.  I don’t think I really have a professional calling. XD
Dream trip: Romania or Greece
Play any instruments: I used to know how to play the piano but I forgot.
Languages: English, Japanese (tho it’s not great, lol), tiny bit of Spanish
Favourite songs: Baptisms by Radical Face, Skye Waulking Song by Capercaillie, Satellite by Deine Lakaien, Round and Round by Imagine Dragons, Diver by NICO Touches the Walls, Künstliche Welten by Wolfsheim, Golden Time Lover by Sukima Switch, Wake Up by The Arcade Fire, I Won’t Give Up by Jason Mraz,  If I Lose Myself by OneRepublic, Sehnsucht by Schiller feat. Xavier Naidoo, aaaaaaaaaaaaaand so many more
Random fact: I have a black belt in aikido and currently live in Japan.
I can’t remember who’s already done this so if I’m tagging you again you can ignore me.  Or if you don’t want to, you can ignore me. XD Tagging @ellstersmash, @bearlytolerablethethird, @dusterthedopop, @solverne-02, @empresstress13, @sky-ham, @qglas
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lemondropdancer · 3 years
Grounding Techniques
Mental Distraction Techniques
Pick a category of objects and try to think of as many objects as possible that fit within that category (e.g., types of dogs, cities, types of trees, crayon colors, sports)
Pick a letter and think of emotionally positive or neutral words that begin with that letter
Pick a color and look for things of that color. Notice differences in their exact shades
Say or think the alphabet backwards or alternate letters and numbers (A1, B2, C3, D4, etc)
Count backwards from 100 by 3s, 6s, or 7s or count up by prime numbers or perfect squares
Play "fizz-buzz" with yourself. Begin counting to 100 (or over!), but replace any number that contains the number 5 or is a multiple of 5 with the word "fizz" and any number that contains the number 7 or is a multiple of 7 with the word "buzz." For example, 1-15 would be "1, 2, 3, 4, fizz, 6, buzz, 8, 9, fizz, 11, 12, 13, buzz, fizz." When you mess up, compliment yourself and start over
Think of the words to your favorite song or poem or think of facts related to a specific theme
Pick a word or your name and see how many other words you can make from the letters in it
Describe an every day event or process in great detail, listing all of the steps in order and as thoroughly as possible (e.g., how to cook a meal, how to get from your house to your place of work or school, how to do your favorite dance)
Read something technical or meant for children or read words backwards to focus on the process of reading and not the words
Watch a children's television show or movie or watch cute or funny videos on Youtube; it might help to have a playlist already prepared for this
Look at a current news article that is not likely to be upsetting or distressing
Distract yourself with Tetris, Solitaire, Sudoku, word searches, or other puzzle games
Reorientation Techniques
Say or think to yourself: "My name is _________. I am safe right now. I am _____ years old. I am currently at _____________. The date is _____________. If I need help, I am with ________/can call _________. Everything is going to be alright."
List reaffirming statements ("I am fine. Everything is going to be okay. I am strong. I can handle this.")
Ask yourself where you are, what day of the week it is, what day of the month it is, what month it is, what year it is, what season it is, how old you are, and other present-focused questions
Notice things in your surroundings that indicate to you that you're safe or that you're in the present (e.g., locks on your door, electronics that didn't exist when you were younger, the presence of trusted people, a phone so that you can call for help if you need it)
Describe your surroundings in detail, including sights (objects, textures, shapes, colors), sounds, smells, and temperature
Name five things that you see, four that you feel, three that you hear, and two that you smell or taste, and then name one good thing that you like about yourself
Pick four or five brightly colored objects that are easily visible and move your focus between them. Be sure to vary the order of your gaze and concentrate briefly on each one before moving to the next
Think about a fun time that you recently had with a friend or call that friend and ask them to talk about it with you
Sensory-Based Grounding Techniques
Run cool or warm (but not too cold or hot) water over your hands or take a cool or warm bath or shower
Spritz your face (with eyes closed), neck, arms, and hands with a fine water mist
Spray yourself with your favorite perfume and focus on the scent
Feel the weight of your body in your chair or on the floor and the weight of your clothing on your skin
Touch and hold objects around you. Compare the feel, weight, temperature, textures, colors, and materials
Keep a small object with you to touch or play with when you get triggered. Good examples include a smooth stone, a fidget toy, jewelry, or a tiny plushy
Bite into a lemon, orange, or lime, suck on a sour or minty candy or an ice cube, chew cinnamon-flavored gum, or put a few drops of Tabasco sauce on your tongue. Notice the flavor, scent, and texture
Eat something or drink warm tea, coffee, or hot chocolate, and describe to yourself the taste and texture in great detail
Place a cool wash cloth on your face or hold something cold like a can of soda
Listen to soothing or familiar music. If possible, dance to it
Hum, sing, recite poetry, or make up a silly poem or story as you go
Pick up a book and read the first paragraph out loud
Hug another person (if interpersonal touch isn't a trigger). Pay attention to your own pressure and the physical sensations of doing so
Hug a tree! Register the smells of being outside, the wind, and the sights around you
Movement-Based Grounding Techniques
Breathe deeply and slowly and count your breaths
Grab tightly onto your chair or press your feet against the ground as firmly as you can
Rub your palms and clap your hands or wiggle your toes within your socks. Pay attention to the physical sensation of doing so
Stretch out your arms or legs, roll your head on your neck, or clench and unclench your fists
Stomp your feet, walk around, run, jump, ride a bike, do jumping jacks, or do yoga
While walking, notice each footstep and say to yourself "right" and "left" to correspond with the foot currently moving
Squeeze a pillow, stuffed animal, or ball
If you have a soft pet (dog or cat), brush its fur and stroke it. If you don't, brush your own hair slowly and without pulling too much
Color in an adult coloring book, finger paint, or draw anything that comes to mind without worrying about quality
Write whatever comes to mind even if it's nonsense. Try not to write about whatever is upsetting you until you're more capable of doing so without increasing the upset
Write a list of things that make you happy or look for cheerful pictures to make into a collage
Pop bubble wrap or blow and pop actual bubbles
Dig in the dirt or garden, jump on a pile of leaves, or splash around in puddles or mud
Rip up paper or stomp on aluminum cans to crush them
Imagery Techniques
Picture yourself breathing in relaxation, calm, positive feelings, or strength. Picture yourself breathing out whatever is upsetting you. It may help to pair this with imagery of breathing in soothing colors (usually blue, purple, or green) and out more intense colors (usually red or black)
If you need to relax, envision a soothing white or golden light slowly moving up your body, warming and relaxing every part of you that it touches. You can also think of it as protecting you from negativity or from harm
If the problem is intense or uncomfortable emotions, physical sensations, or memories, picture them being surrounded and neutralized by a bright and healing light, temporarily placed in a mental box to be stored for later, or dialed back by an internal controller of intensity
If you have a clear mental picture of what's upsetting you, mentally change it to something silly or harmless. If you're a fan of Harry Potter, cast a mental "riddikulus" to banish the negativity
Picture yourself calm, focused, and able to tackle whatever problems you're facing. Focus on how that would feel in the moment. What would your expression and posture be like? Make whatever changes you need to in order to make your reality reflect your goal
How to Make a Grounding Box
Get a box or basket
Personalize and decorate it with construction paper, wrapping paper, ribbon, stickers, drawings, paint, photographs, glitter, sequins, or anything else that you like
Keep within it:
A list of grounding techniques that you know work for you
A list of positive affirmations and happy memories
A list of the contact information of trusted friends or family who are willing to help and support you
Small sensory objects such as: scented candles, perfumes, or lotions; hard candies or gum; soft fabrics, a stress ball, a stuffed animal, or a fidget toy; happy pictures of you with friends; a CD with relaxing music or meditation tracks. Try to cover all of the senses
A list of possible distractions such as books to read or movies to watch
Small portable distractions such as a pack of playing cards, a small game, or a joke book
A list of comforting things to do such as taking a bubble bath, snuggling up in bed, or meditating
A small journal or notebook
In the Case of a Flashback
Tell yourself that you are having a flashback and are safe now
Remind yourself that the worst is over, and you survived it. What you're feeling now is just a reminder of that trauma and does not fit the present moment
Remind yourself of when and where you are, who you're currently with, and who you can contact if you need help (use the reorientation-focused grounding techniques)
Breathe deeply and slowly. Count your breathes and make sure that you're getting enough air
Use other mental, sensory, movement, and imagery techniques in order to distract yourself, calm yourself, and reorient yourself within the present
If possible or necessary, go somewhere where you can be alone or with a close friend, where you will feel safe, or where you feel protected or shielded
If there is anyone who you can trust or who will support you, reach out to them, let them know what happened, and let them know what you need, what would be best for you, or what they could do to help
Be gentle with yourself and take the time to really recover. If what helps you to recover is to color, take a bubble bath, hug a stuffed animal, or watch a children's movie and if it would not be disruptive to do such things at that point in time, embrace those options whole-heartedly
If possible, note or write down what triggered the flashback, what techniques you tried to use to disrupt the flashback, and what techniques helped
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vexillumalbum · 3 years
MLQC boys being interrupted while having sex w/Reader
I think the title is pretty self-explanatory. 
All I want to say is that I wrote it long ago so there might be some mistakes. Also please bear in mind that English is not my native language. Thank you! I hope you'll enjoy!
NSFW below!
The orange rays of the setting sun warmed the naked skin of your back pleasantly from behind the windows. Your boyfriend's white button-up casually framed your waist, barely clinging to your forearms, previously sliding off your shoulders. You had to hold it with your hands to keep it from sliding completely off. 
In fact, in that position, Gavin had a perfect view of your bare curves, with the shirt or without it. 
He was lying on his back facing you, propped up on pillows with his arms behind his head. His watchful gaze never left your body, even for a moment. His amber eyes scanned your figure, gliding over your perky breasts, smooth skin glazed in orange and silky strands of hair dancing near your neck and collarbones with your every move. 
He licked his lips.
“Come here.” It wasn’t an order, but also not a plea. It sounded more like a request of a man so in love with his girl that he couldn’t bear not touching her anymore. 
You giggled - and Gavin could’ve sworn it was the prettiest sound in the whole universe - before wrapping your fingers around his outstretched hand, letting yourself be guided to his solid body. 
Minutes later you were a moaning mess, your hips pinned to the mattress by two calloused hands, the devilish sounds coming from between your legs mixing with heavenly whimpers of your boyfriend’s name that were leaving your bruised lips. 
The grip you had on Gavin’s hair tightened when he sucked on your clit in time with his fingers working magic inside your heat. In response you heard a growl as his hips started assaulting the mattress even faster. The beast has been awoken
Tingling on your skin came as a warning for the pleasure that was supposed to arrive next. Your muscles were squeezing Gavin’s fingers hard and he couldn’t wait for his cock to be enveloped by your wet warmth next. Heels dug into the mattress, fingers gripping white sheets, head thrown back with parted lips and ragged breath and—
Thump thump thump
“Are you guys okay in there?!” Minor’s concerned voice sounded from outside of the bedroom right after knocking. It startled you to the point where you jumped up, covering your bare figure with anything you could reach for, even though you were sure the doors were closed and the intruder wasn’t able to come inside the room. “I’ve heard some weird noises and I thought I’d check on you! You know, better safe than sorry!”
Gavin immediately looked over you, checking if you were alright, before turning his head to the door with a look that could kill. He palmed himself through his boxers, his erection still evident and painful. 
“We’re alright! Thanks, Minor.” After a brief moment of silence you managed to say, not knowing if you should laugh or cry or maybe both. You heard a quiet “okay” and some shuffling - the intruder left the area.
In a moment of passion both you and Gavin had forgotten that Minor was temporarily living in your apartment due to AC disfunction at his place. He wasn’t a perfect roommate but at the same his presence wasn’t overbearing and you didn’t have any complaints… up until now.
“I’ll beat him up.” Through clenched teeth Gavin’s voice was low as he was putting on some shorts he took out of the drawers, and he now resembled the Super-Scary-Officer-Gavin more  than Your-Loving-And-Doting-Boyfriend-Gavin. 
“Don’t be so harsh on him. He was concerned.” You giggled only to be met with a doubting look from your boyfriend. “As he said, better safe than sorry.”
“I’ll give him something to be sorry about.” Poor Minor
The last few weeks have been pure torture. You were very open about how much you hated these business trips that both you and Victor had to take all the time to different places in the world. Your boyfriend was less outspoken, however the days of longing were taking its toll on him as much as on you. Sleepless nights, lonely dinners, unfulfilled lust…
Therefore, when there were no meetings, reports and proposals to write or filming sites to visit on the horizon, you jumped almost literally at the opportunity and took Victor to the wellness center. 
It was a pleasant evening, the sun had recently set, but the heat was still there, aligned from time to time by the cool breeze. The white bathrobe your only cover as you and Victor relaxed on the private terrace of the apartment, with the sound of the bubbling jacuzzi in the background.
Sitting in his lap, your boyfriend was caressing your bare thigh with one of his hands, while the other was stroking your hair. It was an intimate moment shared between two lovers finally reunited and ready to spend some much needed relaxing time together. 
It started as an innocent kiss between sips of fine dry wine selected by Victor himself.
He had you almost fully naked on his lap, with your robe slipping down your back, threading fingers in your silky strands and tasting your lips - which he had to admit - were even tastier than his favorite crimson beverage.  
You were determined to get him naked, to free these gorgeous muscles from beneath the soft robe. With your nails scraping his skin lightly you were revealing more and more of his toned body earning sweet sighs from Victor as a reward. 
His skilled fingers moved from your hair to kneading your butt, making your already wet pussy to rub on his clothed hard length. The added friction was like a cherry on top of the whole make out session but you didn’t want to stop there. Why would you settle for just a cake when you can have a full four course meal, right?
“Victor, I need it, please.” You begged when he didn’t want to give you what you wanted well knowing what was it that you desired. 
“What is it, babygirl?” His question was whispered into the damp skin of your neck where Victor was leaving love bites. “Tell me what you need. You know I’ll give you everything.” He sounded so seductive, his low voice was making you shiver and you were sure your pussy was getting wetter and wetter with every word he said. “Just say it.”
“You.” You crumbled. “I want your cock. Please.”
He fulfilled his promise a few seconds later when you felt his girth stretching you out in the best way possible. Victor gripped your hips and with a look that was telling you to prepare for a ride, he started thrusting up while roughly bringing you down on his cock over and over. 
You gripped his shoulders with one hand while the other was clamped over your mouth to make sure no-one could hear the moans your boyfriend was bringing out of you.
So close, you were co close, and when his thumb pressed on your clit, you could swear you saw stars and—
Bzzt bzzt bzzt
You jumped at the sudden sound, fear taking place of lust and passion. With a quick look to the side you saw that Victor’s phone was ringing and the caller’s ID was “Financial Director”. Thinking it was important you exited his lap, sliding to the next chair. 
A low growl escaped him when you pulled away, his member still as hard as ever. His furrowed brows were the indicator of how much he didn’t like what you did, but you only smiled to him sheepishly and gestured to his phone. 
A part of him was impressed of how much you valued his work and that you knew how important it was. Yet, the other part was furious that your love making fucking got interrupted. 
He took a second or two or more who knows if he stopped time to admire your rosy cheeks and bruised lips and how you were panting after minutes of passion, before picking up his phone from the table and answering the call.
“Be quick.” The tone of his voice so much different than when he was talking to you, eyes narrowed and teeth clenched - he was mad. But that didn’t stop him from giving you a look that you could only describe one way: I’m not done with you yet.
At times like this, you were immensely grateful for the almost deafening music that could be heard in the Live House all the time. 
Usually, it annoyed you that the rumble from the speakers drowned out any other noises - like when you were talking to others, but now you liked that you had the freedom to moan as Shaw's hips were pounding into you to the rhythm of the club song. 
Hands clutching his muscular arms, head tilted back repeatedly hitting the wall behind you, you were braced for a wild ride. Your boyfriend's hands tightly squeezing your ass supporting your weight, his hot lips nibbling at your neck marking you in every place he had access to, his cock driving into you with a reckless abandon.
And all of this caused by your short dress that showed a little too much skin in Shaw’s opinion (and he would never have thought that something like “too much skin showing” would be a problem for him but seeing every guy in the club eyeing you had his blood boiling) and your teasing ways.
During the break between songs, when Shaw had a chance to rehydrate himself for another hour on stage, your boyfriend decided to satisfy a different type of thirst. For your pussy
Sex with Shaw was always fun and wild and everything you ever wanted. But it was the best when he was hot and bothered and when envy was seeping through his body like a venom making him see red.
To be honest, you weren’t surprised when he grabbed your wrist right after exiting the stage and pulled you into the back room. You weren’t surprised when he pinned you to the wall, his lips already marking your collarbone as his hands were skillfully pushing your panties aside. You weren’t surprised when he unzipped his pants and pushed them down, freeing his hard cock.
And you sure as hell weren’t surprised when he slid into you with one sharp thrust while sucking on the sensitive skin below your ear.
“Tell me,” he panted in between the thrusts while his tongue was exploring your neck. “Do you enjoy making me jealous? Do you think it’s funny or something?”
As you were able to only whimper and moan, you didn’t respond. Of course you were enjoying making him jealous once in a while, especially when you were rewarded with his hips snapping into your in the back room of Live House.
“Answer. Me.” You swore he wanted to kill you with how intensely he was impaling you on his cock.
“Yes! Yes oh god yes!” You managed to choke out right before his fingers pinched your clit. Loud scream elected from your throat and you didn’t fail to notice the smirk Shaw was having plastered to his handsome face.
“Let me make this clear, baby.” He slowed a little as he leaned into you to have his mouth right next to your ear. “You are mine. Only mine.”
You wanted to respond. Say something, anything, but then—
“Shaw! We’re going back on the stage!” 
Adam’s voice broke through the music and your pants along with a few pound knocks. You jumped at the sudden intruder, your eyes wide and lips parted. 
Shaw on the other hand was totally unfazed when he started thrusting into you with a full speed again. And again. And again. And again. 
He didn’t even say anything back, he just went straight back into fucking your brains out.
“I told you, you’re mine.” He murmured into your sweaty skin when he saw how startled you were. “So focus on me and only me.”
You liked surprising your boyfriend. For example when you visited him at the university with some tasty lunch and a big smile plastered to your face, or when you learned how to brew tea so you could make him the best beverages when he was particularly stressed with work, or when you memorized all scientific names of his favorite butterflies to feel closer to him through joined hobby…
Or when he came back to his office at the Research Center after a tiring laboratory work only to find you wearing very skimpy purple lingerie and his lab coat, sitting in his chair with a smug grin and a twinkle of mischief in your eyes.
Part of him wanted to chide you for being reckless like that. After all, he would as much as kill, without even batting an eye, anyone who stumbled into his office with you being inside looking like that. 
But other part of him the freaky part already imagined taking you in various positions, against different surfaces during his whole lunch break. 
And so he started with face-fucking you on his desk, while pinning you to the mahogany wood with one hand as the other was palming himself through his trousers. Your panties torn and long forgotten on the floor, the lab coat loosely hugging your form with your legs wrapped around Lucien’s shoulders and hands grabbing his hair tightly. 
This man’s mouth could not only recite poetry and name every flower in the garden, but also it was able to make you cum in a record time. You had to bit your lip very very hard to control the volume of your moans.
Your second orgasm was delivered to you by the scientist’s long nibble fingers exploring your warm sensitive flesh like his life depended on it. And in a way it did, because you were the sole purpose of his existence and making you feel good was his mission, so…
Lucien was preparing you for the third one, when you decided that enough is enough. After all, you came there to make him feel good, not the other way around. 
So before your boyfriend could react you pushed him onto his chair and dropped to your knees with a grin, and when he stubbornly wanted to got up again, you batted your eyelashes a few times as you stroked his member through the fabric. He got the message and relaxed into the seat. But don’t be fooled, he was still in control.
“Such a good girl.” He praised you when you were undoing his belt. He gripped your hair guiding your face closer to his crotch.
You’ve given Lucien a blowjob so many times already, you knew exactly what to do. You licked, sucked, bobbed your head and massaged with your hands what you couldn’t fit into your mouth. 
Every sigh from the professor was making you shiver so you worked even harder to hear more of them until—
Knock knock knock
“Professor, excuse me…” From behind the door the head of one of Lucien’s assistants peeked out and before you could do anything he saw the position you and your boyfriend were in and immediately panicked. “Oh my— I’m—I’m so sorry!” 
He was long gone before you could even pull away from Lucien, but you didn’t miss the murderous stare professor had while looking at now - fortunately - closed door. You didn’t know if you should laugh or collapse into the ground from embarrassment. 
You were sure your face was redder than a tomato. Luckily, knowing Lucien’s reputation no-one would be so stupid to tell anyone about this situation. Or so you hoped so.
Before you decided on your final reaction to the intruder, Lucien’s palm grabbed a handful of your hair and he brought your head closer again so that your nose was brushing his hard moist cock. 
“I believe we have some unfinished business here, butterfly.”
Weirdly, you never saw this assistant in the Research Center ever again…
Kiro loved music almost as much as he loved you and his snacks.
So he was taking every opportunity he could to show you around his studio, write music with you and compose. 
And do other, less appropriate deeds.
For the longest time Sunshine Boy couldn’t find inspiration for his newest song. He tossed and turned in his bed every night and skipped meals because of it. He didn’t want to disappoint his fans and you, his greatest biggest fan!
But only if he knew that bringing you with him to the studio would be the cure for his lack of inspiration, he would’ve done it already days ago. Why didn’t he think of it sooner? You were his muse after all! Your moans were the greatest music to his ears!
So that’s how you ended up with Kiro pounding into you from behind tightly gripping your hair to guide your head nearer to the microphone so that every one of your whimpers could be recorded properly. 
The speed of his thrust was setting a rhythm that he wanted his new song to be in which gave him a plethora of sounds escaping your mouth. Oh how much he loved those sounds.
Gripping your hips he angled you a little more so that he could go even deeper, take you even better. He was sure he was leaving bruises on your skin with the force of his grip, but he didn’t care. He would smother them with kisses later. 
“More, Miss Chips. I wanna hear you more.” He murmured as his hand circled your waist and his fingertips pressed onto your swollen clit. If you didn’t know better, you would think that he wanted to kill you from the sheer amount of pleasure he was causing you. 
Your moans were getting higher and higher and Kiro knew it was because you were getting closer to your release. He loved that moment, right before your orgasm when your muscles were clasping around his cock trying to milk him from everything that he had, and your eyes were rolling onto the back of your head and you legs were shaking like leaves on a windy day and—
Bam bam bam
“Kiro, what are you doing in there?! Our recording session starts soon!” Savin’s voice sounded from the other side of the door and Kiro cursed under his breath that he was interrupting his own recording session.
You on the other hand squealed and tried to move away from your boyfriend but he didn’t let you.
He slowed down his thrusts and clamped a hand over your mouth.
“We’ll be there in a minute!” Kiro answered but his agent didn’t seem to be convinced because he insisted on waiting for you two at the door.
When you wanted to move away again, disappointed that you wouldn’t be getting the realest that you wanted, Kiro brought you closer to himself again and started snapping his hips into your once again. His hand still clamped tightly over your mouth. 
“Well, maybe our recording is over but we can at least finish this.”
thank you so much for reading!
if you want to read more of my works they are here
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things-we-cant-say · 3 years
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pretty little liar
Pairing: Ten x Female!Reader
Summary: In order to get your annoying ex off your back, you tell a little white lie that takes an unexpected turn.
Genre: College!AU
Warnings: Smutty smut, dirty dancing
Word Count: 4,867
A/N: Unable to withstand Ten’s power any longer, I had to start writing about him…or a version of him anyway. Hope someone out there enjoys my first dip into the ~imagines~ pond. ☺️
The party was in full swing by the time you and your best friend Amy arrived, the music so loud it could be heard down the street. It was a wonder the cops hadn’t broken it up yet but hey, the night was still young. Ducking through the arched doorway with Amy hot on your heels, you let her guide you into the foyer where you both stopped to take in the scene. The place was packed with people dancing, drinking and laughing—everyone apparently having a great time. Which was perfect for you because all you wanted to do was blow off a little steam and pretend you hadn’t spent the day fantasizing about committing the perfect murder.
You enjoyed school for the most part and you enjoyed your classes, but really you couldn’t wait for it all to just be over. Two extra years and your master’s degree in linguistics was almost within your grasp. You still weren’t one hundred percent what you planned to do with it (teaching was definitely out) but either way you were ready to dive into the real world. To no longer be stressed out about exams and papers and boring ass professors that constantly seemed to have a stain on their tie.
And to get far, far away from your stupid ex, Adam.
“Uh oh you have murder face,” Amy said as she peeped around to look at you. “What’s wrong?”
You shrugged. “Just in my head I guess.”
Amy hummed. “I get it. That’s why we are here though! To get fucked up and do something we regret in the morning.”
You laughed. “Guess we’re Uber-ing home.”
She grinned and grabbed your wrist, pulling you over to a table loaded with different types of alcohol. The guy ‘tending bar’ as it were winked as you two approached. “What can I get you for?”
“Something with alcohol but where we can’t taste the alcohol!” Amy exclaimed happily. “Oh! And if you’ve got any little umbrellas I’d like one of those too.”
He did finger guns and proceeded to cook something up in two red cups, sticking in two pink umbrellas when he was done. You and Amy took your drinks and after a cursory sniff, took a sip. The tequila wasn’t as strong as with a single shot but you could still detect it just not enough to make you stop drinking. Unlike Amy you didn’t plan to get completely fucked up but you weren’t going to say no to a nice buzz.
Cups in hand you migrated onto the dance floor and fell in with everyone else, bopping to the beat and scream chatting over the loud music.
“I really needed this!” Amy yelled. “Statistics is kicking my cute little ass!”
“I know what you mean!” You shouted. “But hey! Soon we’ll be done and actual jobs will be kicking our cute little asses!”
Laughing, Amy bounced up and down, sending her blonde hair flying. “Is that why you’ve been so grumpy lately? Or is it…he who shall not be named?”
With a sigh you took a big sip of your strawberry margarita. “Yeah. He keeps fucking calling me and leaving me these stupid ass messages, apologizing and shit. I’ve blocked him but he just uses someone else’s phone.”
Amy’s eyes stretched wide. “That’s like stalker behavior! Or maybe he really is sorry for what he did.”
You snorted. “Sorry for having sex with his ex in the backseat of my car? As far as I am concerned he can take his ‘sorrys’ and shove them so far up his ass they come out his mouth as safaris!”
Amy choked a little on her drink, hitting you hard on the arm in admonishment after she stopped coughing. “I hate you! I could have died!”
Her words made you smirk. “But did you? No but for real, fuck Adam. Fuck Adam and anyone who even looks like Adam!”
“Woo!” Amy threw both hands up into the air, yelping as liquid sloshed down onto her head. “Oh shit! Drink emergency I’ll be right back!”
Before you could say anything, she turned and hurried back towards the drink table. Alone in the middle of a dancing crowd, you didn’t know whether you should slink over to a corner or just keep dancing. That last thing you wanted was some random dude trying to groove with you. Of course if you decided to hold up the wall nothing would stop some random dude from trying to hit on you either. At a bit of a loss you drained the rest of your drink and did a I don’t really know anyone two step, hoping Amy would return soon.
The tequila settled nice and warm in your stomach, making you feel more at ease. Most of the people at the party were from your school but not ones you associated with on like, a daily basis. Sure you recognized a few faces from the library or cafeteria but there was no one you’d had more than a surface conversation with.
And then your eyes landed on him. Ten.
Ten was a…different sort of person altogether. He was the kinda guy CW shows thought actually existed in college, except he was very real. And very much fucking gorgeous in that unattainable way CW shows also loved. However, that sort of did him a disservice because as far as you knew, he was just a decent guy who happened to be able to do some pretty awesome things.
For example, he was an amazing dancer. The kinda dancer that just freaking mesmerized you when he moved. Had you wondering how in the hell had he taught his body to do that shit? One minute he was in total sync with everyone else and the next he was performing his solo and blowing your mind. He’d done some show a few months ago with a friend and you’d nearly flipped out of your chair watching him work. The body rolls, the attitude, the way he’d just commanded the stage…whew. Was it possible to be a fan of someone who wasn’t famous?
Then there was his art; things he designed himself or drew from memory. Art class was essentially where you’d sorta came to be acquaintances with him. You weren’t exactly good at drawing but you liked it enough that you wanted to improve, plus it helped you de-stress after particularly hard days. Ten on the other hand excelled and just like with dancing, it was interesting to watch his process. He’d described himself as a sensory artist so he wasn’t always as concerned with the end product as the professor sometimes wanted him to be. From your eye though he’d yet to create anything that wasn’t remarkable. In fact, more than once you’d wanted to ask him to design a tattoo for you, but felt it would be kinda weird. He had no idea what you were into after all. So far your conversations with him had consisted of colors and that one time he’d asked to borrow one of your brushes.
You were pretty sure he’d sold something to an art gallery.
Anyway so Ten could dance and he could draw and he could sing and he was fluent in several languages; as far as you knew the only thing he was kind of shit at was cooking. But who hadn’t set a class kitchen on fire once or twice? Or three times…
If he were an asshole—well people would probably still crush on him—you’d count that as a major flaw and want to keep your distance. But the kicker was that he could do cool things and he was nice. Dorky even especially when it came to cute animals. Was always posting pictures of himself at the animal shelter playing with the kittens and the puppies, or just acting like an idiot with friends. Yet it was that confidence that made him seem untouchable, and also made him sexy as fuck. More than once you’d fantasized about biting his Adam’s apple.
Shaking your head, you fanned lightly at your face with both hands. Maybe stepping outside for some fresh air would be a good idea.
“Y/N!” Amy nearly tripped over her pretty sandals in her hurry to get back to you. “Weewoo weewoo weewoo!”
She grabbed your shoulder. “It’s a police siren! We have a code red situation here, I repeat a code red! Adam just walked in!”
“What?” You blinked and immediately looked towards the doorway, brows narrowing when you saw she was right.
Standing there in a white t-shirt in his formerly handsome glory was your ex-boyfriend, Adam. Once upon a time you’d thought the world of him; thought he was the kinda guy you could probably marry someday. The kinda guy you’d introduced your family to. Turns out he was the kind of guy that hooked up with his ex in your car repeatedly until finally being caught in the act. Sure it had been gratifying to make him and her walk home half naked but it had done nothing to quell the pain left behind. Thankfully though your pain quickly turned to anger and now you usually focused on not murdering him when he popped up. There was a lot you could forgive but cheating was firmly in the do not cross zone. Everything you’d felt for him evaporated the moment you saw him with her.
And he’d promised he was over her. Lying piece of shit, you thought to yourself.
“What the hell is he doing here?! Does he even know anyone here?” you asked with a frown.
“I dunno!” your friend said slowly. “It’s possible, big campus and all. Do you want me to help you climb out of the bathroom window?”
“Yeah my boobs aren’t fitting through one of those skinny ass windows,” you replied wryly. “Though to be honest I’m almost willing to risk it. C’mon let’s—”
It was too late. Adam spotted you like an arrow searching for its target, eyes registering shock and then elation. He reached you in three quick strides, opening his arms for a hug that he was damned crazy to expect. “Y/N. Wow you—you look amazing. I’m so glad we ran into each other.”
You huffed. “I’m not. I told you we’re over Adam. Or does me blocking your calls not get the message across?”
He exhaled deeply. “Look I know I messed up but I’m sorry. Classes were just really tough and—and Lucy and I would reminisce about old times…”
“Do I look like I give a shit? You cheated on me and we’re over.” The lie came so easily. “Besides, I’ve moved on.”
“Yeah!” Amy poked him in the chest. “She’s moved on so suck it!”
Adam arched a brow. “You’ve moved on?” He sounded skeptical and that made your blood boil. “Since when? And with who?”
You’d once heard that Hippocrates came up with the saying drastic times call for drastic measures though it wasn’t something you’d be willing to bet money on. However, standing there with your ex eying you like he just knew you were lying brought a whole new meaning to the idiom. You would one hundred percent be damned before giving him the satisfaction of gloating.
Tequila’s kicking in…
Without missing a beat, you put a hand on your hip and motioned to Ten. “Him. I’m seeing him.”
Amy made a sound like a cat having its tail stepped on while Adam gaped at you. “What? I—no. No way. You’re totally lying. I’ve seen the people he’s dated and you’re not his type at all.”
This bitch.
Twirling on your black heels, you strolled across the room to where Ten sat in an arm chair, chatting with a few of his friends. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you straddled his lap and leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I know this is awkward as fuck—I’m so sorry—but if you just play along I will owe you big time. I’ll give you anything. You need a kidney? You can have a kidney.”
Ten’s friends had gone mute and as you sat back to gauge his reaction—or to possibly be thrown off of him—you bit your full bottom lip. His dark eyes were watching you calculatingly, his own lips pursed together like you were a riddle he needed to solve. Up close he was utterly breathtaking, all smooth skin and silky black hair that fell artfully across his forehead. He smelled incredible.
And then he spoke.
“There you are baby,” he said wrapping an arm around your waist. “I’ve been looking for you.”
That was when you figured you owed him your first born but it was fine. “Well, you found me. Sorry to keep you waiting.”
He chuckled. “You’re worth waiting for.”
His friends still looked confused though they didn’t have time to voice their opinions. Adam stalked over seconds later like a man on a mission. “So it’s true? You and Y/N are together?”
Ten tilted his head to the side and you saw the moment the lightbulb went off for him. “Yeah we’re together.”
Adam huffed. “Since when? For how long? Where did you two meet?”
Ten smirked. “Are you taking a survey or something?” He brushed his lips across your jaw, making you shiver. “The only thing that matters is that she’s mine. Let’s dance, Y/N.”
“I would love to,” you replied with a smile. You were also grateful he’d remembered your name.
You climbed off of his lap and took his hand, sending Adam a you thought look before pulling Ten out into the thick of the crowd. Your heart was beating a mile a minute but you felt too giddy to pay much attention to it. Plus, you knew Adam was watching you like a hawk and you didn’t want to let on how nervous you actually were. If he found out you were lying he’d never leave you alone and consider you pathetic to boot. Besides the nice buzz that was finally creeping down your spine told you everything would be fine. How could it not be?
Ten’s hands settled low on your hips and he gave you a little tug, pulling your back to his chest. You fit rather perfectly with him, his chin brushing the top of your head. Picking a rhythm in the song that thumped with bass, you began to move together. You rolled your ass against him and leaned your head back to rest on his shoulder, focusing on his breath as it ghosted across your neck. A silver of light wouldn’t have been able to get between you.
Normally you wouldn’t have dared to do something like this with a near stranger but your desire to make your ex suffer was bigger than your nerves. Besides Ten appeared to be all in on the ruse; his body twisting and curving in sync with yours, fingers on his right hand sliding up between your breasts to wrap lightly on your throat. His teeth nipped at your earlobe and you gasped. Reached around to his side to clasp his shirt for an anchor. You heard him chuckle and suddenly you were spun away from him only to be reeled back in, this time face to face.
The room felt like it was two hundred degrees. You weren’t exactly wearing much—a slinky black dress with tiny ties at the hem—but even that seemed too much. Without missing a beat though you and Ten continued to grind with one another, his thigh just barely pushed between your own. Every time you swayed forward to meet him the denim of his jeans rubbed deliciously against you, sending sparks sprinting through your veins. Both of his hands were on your ass as if helping to guide you, and as you met his gaze you couldn’t help but bite your lip at what you saw there. Desire, lust, hunger—no one had ever looked at you like that before. Like they could just devour you and still not have enough of you.
It made you feel powerful.
You grinned and wrapped an arm around his neck, fingers giving his hair a little tug. He hissed and lowered his head so that he could mouth at your bare shoulder, hands squeezing your ass so hard it nearly hurt. You weren’t sure when you started to get wet—maybe it was the moment you sat on his lap or he decided to play along with your dumb stunt—but you could tell it now. Your panties were sticking to you, your skin was on fire and it was becoming difficult to think straight. Honestly however you didn’t want to think at all, especially not if it meant not being in Ten’s orbit.
“Ten,” you whispered into the skin under his jaw.
He hummed, the sound vibrating through your body. You plastered your hand to his chest and pulled it down, nails catching on the thin material of his shirt until they were brushing along the zipper on his jeans. You gave him a quick squeeze—he was hard and straining—and he cursed loudly. Between one second and the next he was dragging you down a dimly light hallway, past kissing couples and one guy passed out drunk in the doorway of someone’s room. He swung you both into the first vacant room he came to; a lavish bathroom at the very back of the house. The door was closed with a swift thump and the lock clicked shut.
You licked your lips as he crowded you back into the counter, looking down at you with a tiny smirk. That part of your brain that yammered on about bad decisions was surprisingly quiet, so you figured it was beyond okay to pull him down for a kiss. As with most of the stuff he did, Ten was a damn good kisser. His mouth was soft and warm, his tongue playful and coaxing. He kissed you like he’d been waiting to kiss you for a long time. Until it grew deep and sensual. Until you were both panting with the need for air but neither wanting to let go of the moment.
With a gasp you tilted backwards a bit, your knees suddenly weak. “Fuck me,” you said absently.
“Can I?” Ten asked, chest heaving. “Can I fuck you?”
“God yes,” you replied, already pulling your dress up until it hitched around your waist.
Ten hooked his thumbs onto the band of your pink panties and slid them down your legs, laying them next to the sink. He looked you over with that same eye he used for his art but you could tell he liked what he saw. You grabbed his hand and brought it between your legs, spreading them wider for him. Two of his fingers slipped inside of you without any resistance to find you damp and aching, already so hot for him. He started a lazy rhythm—in and out, in and out—like he was in no hurry at all. Like he wasn’t driving you crazy all the way down to the tips of your toes.
He kept his eyes locked onto yours as he touched you, lips slightly parted like he couldn’t believe this was happening. That rang true for both of you. Never in your wildest dreams did you think you’d ever really be friends with Ten, let alone about to hook up with him. It was like you’d stumbled into some alternate universe.
Bringing his free hand up to your cheek, he smoothed his thumb across your lips, pressing lightly until you let him in. You sucked his thumb into your mouth and gave it a little nip, smiling when he smirked. When he deemed it wet enough, he pressed it to your clit and you moaned, your hips stuttering upward with a will of their own. He began a firm massage, working your clit this way and that, fingers still thrusting in their maddening motion. Of course he’d be great with his hands. Of course he’d be able to play your body like a finely tuned instrument.
Pressure started to build low in your stomach. “I—I’m…”
“Turn around.” Ten took a step back and made a show of sucking his fingers into his mouth, tongue darting out to lick between them like he wanted to savor every drop.
You whimpered but did as he requested, your eyes finding his in the wide silver mirror. You watched as he unzipped his pants and pushed them along with his dark colored briefs down to the floor. You hadn’t seen him pull out a condom but he had one; ripping open the packaging with his perfectly straight teeth before rolling it onto his hard cock. It was a delicious looking thing you had to admit, long and thick with a slight curve. If you’d had the time you would have gladly went to your knees for him.
A low breath shuddered out of Ten’s lungs as he pushed inside of you, his hands gripping your waist so strongly you were bound to have a few bruises later. “Fuck, you’re tight.”
It had been a while since Adam and nobody after him until now.
When he assumed you’d adjusted to the size of him, he pulled nearly out before driving back inside of you. You moaned and pushed back to meet his thrusts, feeling the pleasure shattering through you. Your breasts bounced as he moved and he reached a hand forward, tugging down the top of your dress so that he could cup one. He rolled your nipple between his fingers and pinched, bending over you so that he could bite down onto the tender skin of your shoulder. The motion sent him even deeper and you both groaned at the feeling.
“Te—Ten,” you stammered, losing your train of thought when he rolled his hips liked he did on the dance floor. “Oh fuck! Fuck!”
The picture you made in the mirror was a very erotic one; you could see every single expression on Ten’s handsome face. The utter enjoyment he was obviously finding in fucking you was written all over it; there was nowhere for it to hide. His head was tipped back, eyes fluttering closed only to pop back open so that he could watch himself shove into you over and over again. He had you up on your tip toes, nose just an inch from the mirror itself. He was always sexy but tonight that word took on a whole new meaning.
All you could do was try to give as good as you got.
You slapped a hand onto the sink to steady yourself and clenched around him, reveling in the low whine that escaped his throat. It kinda sounded like your name.
And then he was pulling all the way out, dick bouncing as he stumbled backwards. You blinked in confusion. “Wh--what’s wrong?”
Ten ran his fingers through his hair. “C’mon. I want you to ride me.”
He sat down on the closed toilet seat lid and you straddled him without a second thought, sinking down onto his dick with a full body shudder. With your dress around your waist and your breasts jiggling in his face as you bounced up and down on his cock, he traced his tongue around your nipple before lightly biting down. You tangled your fingers in his hair and panted out his name, letting out a squeak when his palm connected with your ass for a hard slap. Planting his feet on the floor, he leaned you backwards a bit as he drove into you repeatedly, eyes watching how well your pussy took him.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmured against your collarbone. “Gorgeous—you feel so good.” He bit you again, this time on the side of your neck. “So good.”
With one hand on his shoulder to brace yourself, you rose up and let yourself come down hard over and over again, feeling him pound so deep it was almost criminal. Had the music not been so loud you knew exactly what you would have heard; the sound of skin hitting skin as Ten fucked you like he owned you. Just for tonight, maybe he did.
You weren’t sure how long it went on but when you came it still managed to take you by surprise. Your body lit up like a Christmas tree from the inside out and you cried out Ten’s name, clenching around him, your nails digging into his shoulder blades. He muttered a drawn out fuuuuck and pinched your clit with this thumb and forefinger, making you jerk so hard you nearly tumbled off his lap.
“Ah! Ten!” You shouted as he kept it up. “I—no—oh god—”
Your pussy tightened around him again and he shivered, thrusts growing erratic as he came with a grunt. You trembled through a second orgasm almost in disbelief—usually the only thing that could get you off twice in a row was hidden under your bed in a shoe box.
Seconds later you flopped against him, attempting to catch your breath. He was still rolling his hips just a tiny bit, making all the too sensitive areas ping.
“Whoa,” he said breathlessly, wrapping both arms around your waist. “That was…”
You chuckled softly. “Yeah…” Chancing a look at him, you admired the way strands of his dark hair stuck to his sweaty forehead. He was glistening, shirt sticking to his chest. He smelled like hints of your perfume and you smelled like hints of his cologne. It was all so intimate.
Reluctantly you sat back and gazed at him, wondering if things were about to get awkward. But Ten just smiled and ducked his head a little, a barely there blush creeping up into his already flushed cheeks. It was so adorable you couldn’t have resisted kissing him if you tried. From the way he melted into you, he’d had the same idea.
After a few minutes of just enjoying the feel of his lips against yours, you forced yourself up off of him. Your legs shook; you had to grab the counter to keep from tripping in your heels. You could already tell you’d still feel him tomorrow and the thought made you kinda dizzy, but in a good way. Blinking at your reflection—your hair was a dark mess—you knew there was no way you’d be able to hide the love bites that adorned your skin. They stood out stark red and purple like a bruise.
Ten remained slouched on the toilet for a couple of moments before removing the condom and tossing it into the trash. He dabbed at his dick with a handful of toilet paper, and then pulled up his underwear and jeans. “So…can I ask you something?”
You fixed your dress. “Sure.”
“Who was that guy?” he inquired with a grin. “The one you obviously wanted to get away from.”
Oh shit you’d forgotten all about Adam! “Oh he—he’s my dumb ex. He jumped stupid at me and I—I wanted to show him that he’s an idiot. That I’m totally over him. I—I’m sorry for getting you involved.”
He laughed as he patted down his hair. “No complaints from my end. I think he got the message though.” Reaching behind you he handed you your panties. “Don’t wanna forget these.”
It was ridiculous to be embarrassed considering what you’d both just done, but you couldn’t help it. You took them from him and pulled them on, keeping your eyes on the ground. “Thanks… Look Ten—”
“I’m hungry,” he said interrupting you. “Have you ever had grilled dried pollack?”
“Um yeah once I think,” you replied uncertainly. “It was pretty tasty.”
Ten motioned behind him. “I know a place that makes it if you wanted to go. And…maybe afterwards we could just hang out. Talk.”
That sounded amazing. “I’d love to. But…”
He picked up on your meaning. “Y/N I sit next to you in all of our art classes. I make conversation with you for no reason. Do you really think I of all people forget my brushes? Honestly I’ve wanted to ask you out for a while but you’ve always seemed…disinterested.”
You were dumbstruck by his admission. “Me?! That’s just my face! You’re the unattainable ingénue or whatever!”
Ten chuckled, folding his arms across his chest. “Oh please the only thing standing between me and being a serious cat dad is having an apartment that allows animals. However, this conversation is pointless. You owe me and I’m collecting…if that’s okay?”
You huffed but couldn’t stop grinning. “It’s perfect.”
The walk from the bathroom to the living room had everyone staring with a few people letting out loud whistles. Adam had disappeared but Amy was there to give you a big thumbs up. You promised to call her later and then let Ten pull you outside into the warm night air, your fingers happily entwined with his.
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iamwestiec · 3 years
June 3: Nie Mingjue
trans man Nie Mingjue, first time NieLan, and a little bonus trans!LWJ too
read on ao3
They had cautioned Nie Mingjue, his father and the healers, that students at the lectures might not be familiar with young men like him, that not all sects were as open-minded about such things. For the most part, it hadn't been an issue—the Lan Sect's strictures against gossip and immodesty in dress served to make the particulars of his body irrelevant as compared to his obvious mastery of the saber or his apparently less-obvious talents in the classroom.
(He might prefer martial training, but the first son of Qinghe could hardly allow himself to be found lacking in any of the Six Arts. He would, if pressed, admit that he had a very poor ear for music, but he made up for it by extra diligence in other pursuits.)
So it wasn't until he found himself in a secluded meadow in the back hills, trading kisses with Lan Xichen, that Nie Mingjue even thought to mention it.
"Ah, Xichen," he said, running his nose against the edge of a graceful ear. (Even Lan Xichen's ears were graceful!) "Forgive my presumptuousness, but if you were thinking of taking my robes off, there's something you should know."
"Nothing to forgive," Lan Xichen insisted. He gave another kiss to Nie Mingjue's neck, then sat back, a twinkle in his dark eyes. "I've been thinking about it for some time and hoped you were too."
Nie Mingjue could feel himself blushing. "Awfully bold for a Lan," he muttered.
"Awfully shy for a Nie," Lan Xichen countered, smiling wide and guileless. He wrapped a hand around Nie Mingjue's wrist and rubbed soothing circles with his thumb. "We don't have to if you're not comfortable, you know. I'm more than happy with your kisses."
NMJ shook his head. "It's not that. I just... might not be what you're expecting." Lan Xichen nodded for him to continue, not rushing him, merely patient and attentive. Nie Mingjue took a deep breath and tried to explain this for the first time to anyone outside his family. "They thought I would be a girl, when I was born."
Lan Xichen's face lit with understanding. "Oh, you're like—" he cut himself off with an apologetic shake of his head— "ah, someone else I know." He raised Nie Mingjue's hand to his lips and placed a kiss in the palm. "Thank you for telling me. Please let me know if I do or say anything wrong."
"You haven't yet," Nie Mingjue promised, heart warming in Lan Xichen's gentle understanding. "Did you still want to...?"
"As long as you still do, yes," Lan Xichen said eagerly, blushing a little for the first time. "I haven't done this with anyone before, so you'll have to show me what you like."
"We'll figure it out together, then," Nie Mingjue said and pulled Lan Xichen in for another heated kiss.
[Some NSFW/🔞 content in this one under the cut! Words used for NMJ are: folds, erection, cock; NMJ's chest is not mentioned/described, and he does not experience dysphoria here.]
Nie Mingjue liked Lan Xichen's lips, they discovered, over his collarbones and stomach and hipbones. He liked the sounds Lan Xichen made when he took him in hand, his cock jerking in Nie Mingjue's fist.
He liked when Lan Xichen rubbed long, elegant fingers along Nie Mingjue's folds in return, stroking and tugging at his own erection.
He especially liked it when Lan Xichen whispered sweetly in his ear how hard and hot and eager his cock felt.
They brought each other off like that, mouths hot and hungry against skin and hands exploring new territory, new ways to tease and touch.
After, Nie Mingjue swiped his fingers through the mess Lan Xichen had left on his hip and brought them to his mouth, smacking thoughtfully. "Mine tastes better," he decided. "Must be all those medicinal herbs you Lans eat."
Lan Xichen laughed and showily licked his own fingers clean. "I would happily taste Mingjue-ge more directly next time, if he would like," he said, and Nie Mingjue felt his cheeks burn.
"They told me you Lans would be very prim and private, you know," he said, grinning over at him.
Lan Xichen made a show of looking around, then sniffed, primly. "I don't see anyone else, seems private enough to me." Nie Mingjue laughed and tugged Lan Xichen in for another kiss.
They dressed and did their best to set each other's hair back in order, and Lan Xichen took Nie Mingjue's hand as they began walking back towards the main areas of Cloud Recesses.
"You're right that we are private about things," Lan Xichen said suddenly, "but I know it can be helpful to know someone who understands, sometimes. The person I mentioned before, would you be willing to talk to him? Not about—" he gestured between them, cheeks pinking again "—this, of course, just, in general."
Nie Mingjue consisered, then nodded. He had people to talk to at home—an older cousin, some of the healers—about cultivating his body the way that felt right, meditations, foods, ways to use his qi. His cousin had even figured out how to grow a moustache. He wondered if Lan Xichen would enjoy kissing him with one? Maybe he'd surprise him...
(There was only one person Nie Mingjue could think of for whom Lan Xichen would ask such a personal favor, so he wasn't terribly surprised when, a few days later, Lan Wangji knocked on his door.
He was quiet as ever, but the chubby-cheeked kid he remembered was replaced with the gawky beginnings of long limbs and that tall stature shared by so many of the Lans. He'll look just like Xichen in a few years, Nie Mingjue thought.
"Wangji-di!" he said aloud. "You're looking so grown up! Come in, come in. I understand we might have some things in common...")
Pride Snippets Masterpost!
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arvinsescape · 3 years
Tom’s Miscommunication
A/N: If you haven’t read miscommunication i suggest you do, it can be found here, it will make this make more sense but this can also be read as a stand alone. Note there are some repeated scenes but these are from Tom’s POV.
Summary: Reader and Tom engage in a friends with benefits relationship after Harrison suggests something one night and of course it leads to misunderstandings.
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (minors DNI) (Oral- fem recieving, fingering, unprotected sex (Wrap it up folks) mentions of high sex), mentions of drug use.
W/C: 7K
Being in love with your best friend was not as easy as Tom had originally thought. He thought it’d be as simple as telling them and then cute dates and fucking roses, but no. Every single time he’d thought to tell you, it caught somewhere in his goddam throat and he hated it. He was so close to you that he didn’t want to ruin that friendship. He’d been in love with you for a couple months. He was doing quite well at subduing it until Harrison had suggested the threesome.
“Come on then darling.” Tom held his hand out for you. You looked as beautiful as ever and his heart was hammering in his chest at the thought of seeing you naked. There was a part of him that wished Harrison wasn’t joining but if he never suggested it he’d never be able to have you, even if just for a night.
Harrison was sat on your bed and he couldn’t help himself, he had to be sure that you wanted this. He took your hand and spun you to face him, he placed his hands on your cheeks. He wanted to see if there was any hesitation there, which was hard to do when you were all high. “Are you sure you want to do this?” He had to be sure you did.
“I’m sure.” You smiled at him and he couldn’t help the grin that made its way onto his face. He leant in and kissed you. He wanted it to be gentle, this meant a little more to him than he thought it did you. It was one of the best feelings he’d experienced, fuck he loves you so much. He couldn’t help as he backed you up into the bed, knees hitting the edge. That’s when he remembered Harrison was there as he took you away from his lips. God fucking dammit Haz.
He watched as he peppered kisses down your neck and your head rolled to the side to allow him more access. He swallowed hard as he watched Haz take your shirt off, then your bra. Fuck she’s gorgeous, he couldn’t help thinking to himself. He couldn’t take his eyes off you, so mesmerised by your beauty.
Your hand reaching out for him pulled him from his thoughts, he took it easily before you pulled him towards you. Harrison had shifted over as he sat next to you. He was somewhat nervous for what was to come next. He wanted to do this, fuck did he want to but he knew it wouldn’t help the feelings he had for you. His worries were quickly gone as your lips found his. He smiled into the kiss as he moved you onto your back, straddling you.
‘You’re so beautiful’ he wanted to say but he stopped himself, what if it ruined the mood? What if you got angry with him? He stopped himself from saying anything and took his shirt off. Tom was aware Harrison was removing your shorts but he tried not to think about it. He loved Haz, they were best friends but he wanted you all to himself, he wanted to do everything for you those stupid boys couldn’t. He brought his lips to your neck and sucked and licked the base of it and then it caught his ears, that pretty fucking sound that he’d wanted you to make for so long.
“Fuck.” He couldn’t stop himself as he heard it. Your moan was something so intoxicating to him, he wanted to hear you make those noises more often and he was determined to get more from you. He was trailing his kisses up your neck when he became aware of Harrisons presence again. He continued his assault on your neck and those small whimpers were driving him insane. He was so lost in your neck and small whimpers.
“Want me to go down on you or Tom?” Harrisons question suddenly pulled him from your neck, his eyes snapping to yours. ‘Let me do it baby, let me make you feel good’ he thought but you didn’t you opted for Harrison and he was so fucking jealous that Haz would get to taste you before he did. Harrison moved to give you a kiss on the forehead and almost headbutted him. “Sorry mate.” He muttered and you laughed and god was it music to his ears, as it always was.
He moved into Harrisons original spot as he kissed your neck again and there they were those small, quiet, beautiful little whimpers. He groaned upon hearing them again, they were giving him a source of pleasure he couldn’t describe and he was starting to get lost in it. Harrison had taken your underwear off and was licking through your heat and god those moans were pretty. You moaned louder as he found your sweet spot and he felt pride wash through him, he was going to map out your body tonight and if you ever asked him to do this again, he would in a heartbeat.
He took your breast in his hand and he loved it, it felt almost perfect for his hand. He rolled your nipple in between his fingers and watched you as you got lost in the pleasure you were receiving. He thought it was the hottest fucking thing he’d ever seen; he couldn’t stop himself as he trailed his kisses up your neck and to your ear.
“You sound so fucking pretty.” He groaned. He swears he watched you shiver but he couldn’t be sure, you were all high and Harrison was still between your legs. He kissed back down your body as he watched Harrison insert his fingers. God, he wished that was him. He took your nipple into his mouth and almost moaned, everything about your body was perfection to him. He watched as your eyes clouded over in pleasure and he swears he could have finished just from watching you.
“You gonna come Y/N/N.” Harrison asked as you nodded frantically. This was it; he was going to watch you have a mind-blowing orgasm and he wanted to take a mental picture of the image when you did. He felt you tug at his hair as you tried to get his attention, he moved back up to your face, eyebrows furrowed, he was trying to decipher what you needed. You said you were gonna come.
“What do you need?” He whispered into your ear. ‘Tell me baby and it’s fucking yours.’
“I want- talk to me Tom.” You mumbled and it filled him with so much pride that you needed that to finish that he couldn’t help the smirk that plastered his features.
“You like it when I tell you how pretty your moans are? How fucking hot you sound. Could listen to these pretty moans all day princess.” And he meant it, he could. “You gonna come for Harrison? Be a good girl and come for him?” You were so close and he could see it all over your face but it was like you needed something else and he couldn’t put his finger on it, so he tried something else.
“I’ve got you princess, come on, let go.” And fuck did you. You were a moaning mess and it looked so hot to him, possibly the most erotic thing he’d ever seen. Your legs were shaking and he couldn’t help but stare at you in awe. He silently thanked Harrison for adding to this pleasure for you. He’d give anything in the world to make sure he got to see it again and again and again. He couldn’t help but continue to whisper dirty things into your ear, prolonging your orgasm as long as he possibly could.
Once he was satisfied that your orgasm was finished, he moved to remove his clothes as the two of them joined you again. You and Harrison exchanged some words as he moved next to you. He couldn’t stop himself from placing open mouthed kisses to your shoulder blade. This wasn’t just about pleasure for him, he wanted you to feel taken care of in between.
“So who do you want inside you?” He continued placing kisses to your shoulder. ‘Please say me this time.’ He couldn’t help his thoughts.
“Tom. Seems fair, I picked you last time.” He wanted you to say it but when you did he couldn’t help but tense. He was finally going to get to feel you properly and it made him anxious. It was that feeling you get when you sleep with a girlfriend for the first time, only you weren’t his girlfriend, you were his best friend. Fuck, he wanted to change that.
You and Harrison said something else about blowjobs but he was only half paying attention. He worried for a minute that he’d feel you and empty straight into you and disappoint you. But no he thought, he wasn’t going to do that, he’ll make sure he lasts, you deserve a good time and if this is the only time he gets to have you then he’d make sure you remembered it.
He moved you onto your front as Harrison positioned himself so you could take him into your mouth. He lifted your hips as he leant over you. “You want me to wear a condom?” He asked as he kissed your temple. He was so in love.
“Nah, I’m on the pill.” You said and he couldn’t stop the groan at the thought. He was going to feel you, properly. He moved himself back up and gripped your hips, slipping inside and fuck, that felt amazing. You were tight and warm and almost made for him.
“Shit, fuck. You’re tight.” He couldn’t stop himself from moaning. He started moving as you took Haz into your mouth but he wasn’t paying much attention to that, he was lost in your moans and the feeling of him inside you, it felt better than he could ever have imagined. Better than he ever imagined when he had his cock in his own hand thinking about you. He snapped his hips against yours and he felt you tighten again. You were close.
Harrison had finished at some point and was calming himself down and he was so lost in you and your tightening core, it felt too fucking good. He thrust into you faster and harder as he chased his own high, leaning down to talk in your ear again.
“Taking me so well princess. Wanna feel you come around my cock.” He snaked his hand around you and started rubbing your clit and you cried out and fuck he could have finished there and then. “Come on princess, come for me. I’ve got you. Fuck. Come around my cock darling, come on.” You did and as soon as your orgasm washed over his length he followed after you with a moan of your name. He couldn’t help it. It felt so good to finally have you.
Once you’d all cleaned up, you were all lying in bed together.
“Dam, that was fucking good.” Harrison said and he hummed in agreement as he tuned them out slightly. He’d just had sex with you, the woman he was head over heels for and he thought his heart might have felt full, but it didn’t. It ached. You weren’t his now, you were his for a short moment and now you weren’t. He pondered telling you but wasn’t sure. This was for pleasure, right? That’s why you’d agreed and he couldn’t take the rejection from you.
“Tom, you okay?” Your voice pulled him from his thoughts. You looked so beautiful all fucked out and he wishes he could do it again.
“Yeah, that was incredible.” ‘It meant more to me than you could possibly understand’ he wanted to say but he didn’t, he just pulled you to his chest and kissed your head. It felt good to have you in his arms like this, he wanted it every night.
“Well, I’m fucking starving, I’ll see you two tomorrow.” Harrison said as he got dressed and left. It was just the two of you now and he revelled in this moment with you, he’d indulge himself in one night if that’s what you were willing to give and he allowed sleep to pull him under.
After that you’d not mentioned it and he daren’t in case you asked him about the looks he knows he gave or the tender kisses or the cuddling. He didn’t want you to reject him so he just didn’t talk about it. He’d found himself with his cock in his hand more often after that, thinking about you writhing underneath him, moaning just for him. His feelings for you were becoming so deep he was sure he’d never love anyone else the way he loved you.
He’d gotten the courage to bring up the idea of sex again the next time you were alone smoking weed and that night was incredible. He’d fucked your brains out as you practically screamed for him and he swears it was enough to get him high all over again. After that it became routine, even after you both stopped smoking weed and his feelings for you reached a point he never thought possible, you’d completely taken over his thoughts, you were all he dreamt about. He’d find himself wanting to kiss you all the time and cuddle you.
Every time you’d sleep together he’d find himself crying in the shower the day after. He cried because you weren’t his, not completely, he knew you weren’t sleeping with other people but that wasn’t enough for him, he wanted all of you, all of the time. He was angry with himself because every time he plucked up the courage to tell you he just couldn’t do it, he’d rather have you in those small moments that not have you at all. He remembered the day he confided in Harrison.
“Mate, what’s up?” Harrison asked as they sipped their beer in the pub one night. “You seem distracted.”
“Me and Y/N/N carried on sleeping together.”
“I thought so, couldn’t be sure but I thought I heard you a while back.”
“I’m in love with her Haz.” Tom sighed and Harrisons eyebrows shot up.
“Shit Tom mate I’m sorry. If that night I suggested started all that I’m sorry.” Harrison said sincerely.
“No I loved her before that.” He sighed again.
“You did?”
“Yeah, I thought maybe by sleeping with her I’d work up the courage to tell her but after having her it made it worse. I just wanted her in whatever way she wanted to give herself to me. I didn’t wanna ruin the friendship we have.” Tom admitted.
“Maybe she feels the same?” Haz comforted him.
“I don’t know man. Sometimes I think maybe she does but then she doesn’t say anything so I don’t know.”
“Neither do you Tom.” Harrison pointed out.
“I’ve tried but I just can’t seem to get the words out.” His heart ached thinking about it.
“Maybe you’d be better off not sleeping with her anymore, you know tell her how you feel first.” Harrison suggested.
If only he’d fucking listened. As far as Harrison was aware you were no longer sleeping together and he was still plucking up the courage to tell you and he did just at the worst possible fucking time.
He had his fingers in your heat and he was licking and sucking your sweet spot. You were moaning in pleasure as he brought you closer to your orgasm, he brought his thumb to your clit as he rubbed it bringing you closer to the edge.
“So good for me princess.” He uttered into your ear and he swears you moaned louder every time he spoke to you like this. “Gonna come? Be a good girl and come for me. Wanna hear those pretty sounds you make.” Then he heard it, you tightened around his fingers in that way he loved and you moaned his name. His name. You’d never done that before and he fell further into that pit for you. He watched as your orgasm consumed you and he kissed your cheek. He wanted you to moan his name again.
You pushed him down by his shoulders after you’d come down from your high and sunk onto him. You both sighed in pleasure and you started moving your hips against him and he watched as the pleasure clouded you in a way he’d not seen before, it was like it had taken over completely and then he heard it again.
“Fuck Tom, that feels so good.” And he couldn’t help but moan in response, it drove him insane. His name falling from your pretty lips. You were moaning for him because he was doing this to you and it touched him in a way he didn’t think it would. He thought it’d make him want to fuck you into oblivion but it had the opposite effect, he wanted to fuck you slow, lovingly. He wanted it so badly he couldn’t stop himself. Maybe he could make you feel it if he couldn’t say it.
He brought his arms around your waist and you looked confused for a second as he brought your back to the mattress. He was looking at you now and you were so fucking beautiful, you looked back up at him and he got lost in your eyes. He wanted to tell you, fuck did he want to but it got caught again. No, he needed to show you.
“You’re so beautiful.” He couldn’t help but mutter as he ran his finger down your cheek and he meant it. You really were so beautiful to him. He didn’t want anyone else. He knew it was new territory but he didn’t care, in this moment he was going to show you just how much you meant to him.
He rolled his hips slowly against yours and it felt even better. His heart swelled as you moaned his name again, it was quieter than when he fucked you into the mattress but it filled his heart with so much love he thought it might explode. This was intimate, slow, passionate and he was giving you all the love he could. “Fuck b-“ He almost called you baby but stopped himself, he didn’t want to ruin this moment for anything. “Princess you feel so good around me.” He said instead.
He watched you as your eyes glassed over again. He grasped your hand and brought it up next to your head and interlocked your fingers. He could have cried with how much love he felt for you in this moment. His heart ached thinking that you would reject him after this. He wanted nothing more than to tell you how he felt but he couldn’t and he felt like a coward.
“Fuck princess.” His thrusts grew sloppy as he felt that high reach him, he was close. “Fucking feel amazing for me. So pretty, fucking gorgeous.” You tightened so fast around him all of a sudden. “Shit.” He moaned as he brought his free hand down to your clit and rubbed furiously. You moaned his name again and that was it for him. “Fuck princess. Y/N/N, I’m gonna come. Fuck baby!” He cried out as he came, he couldn’t help it he felt so much love consume him in this moment.
You followed straight after and he got lost in the string of moans laced with his name and he couldn’t stop the words rolling off his tongue and into your ear. “I love you so much baby. So so much.” He panicked when you didn’t say anything. You had to have heard, he was right there, right next to your ear. There’s was no way you couldn’t have and he realised in that moment that he might have just ruined everything.
He wanted to cry, scream fucking hit himself for ruining it. He pulled out and cleaned you up so fast before throwing his clothes on and bolting out of the room. He jumped straight into the shower and turned it on. He cried on the floor of the shower as he brought his knees to his chest. He’d just told you he loved you and you didn’t say it back.
After that you left. He was going to apologise and you left. You weren’t in the house anymore. He knew you were avoiding him and he thought it was because of what he said and he cursed himself. He’d not said anything for so long so why did he? Why did he let himself slip into that new territory when he shouldn’t have? He met his current girlfriend six days after you left and he found her a distraction, she was okay, a bit temperamental but she was a way for him to forget you for a moment.
He felt that familiar buzz of alcohol as the woman he’d met continued to chat him up. She wasn’t you but she was batting her eyelids at him and flirting with him and it made him feel wanted. A stark contrast from the radio silence he’d received from you. She was distracting him and it felt good.
“We’re gonna head back.” Harrison said, Olivia, his girlfriend clung to his arm. They were so in love and he wanted that with Y/N. His heart shattered for what felt that the millionth time that week as he realised he didn’t have that with you. Fuck.
“No worries.” He replied. One thing led to another and he found himself in bed with the woman he’d met that night. He went downstairs the morning after and Harrison was in the kitchen.
“Morning.” They grumbled to each other.
“Have you spoken to Y/N/N?” Harrison suddenly asked.
“No?” His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Were you okay?
“She’s at Lisa’s. You should call her.”
“I don’t feel like it.” Tom said, he was being stubborn now. He couldn’t take any more heartbreak.
“Tom, I know what happened.” He sighed.
“Yeah and she didn’t say anything back so I know where we stand.” Tom snapped as he left the room. Harrison was utterly confused; you’d not said he’d said anything?
After that he kept Robyn around. She distracted him when he needed it and watching you around the house hurt his heart more so he tried to avoid you as best he could. You ripped his heart out of his chest and you didn’t say a word to him, you just took it and watching you wander around in shorts and shirts felt like you were taunting him with it. He grew angry with you for a while, angry that you didn’t say it back and he hated himself for it. He was angry you left and angry you broke his heart. He thought he was getting over you until last night.
He was thrusting into Robyn as she moaned. Her moans were so loud, they almost sounded fake. Yours never did. She scratched at his arms at times and due to the fake nails it hurt but it still felt sort of good so he carried on. He felt bad sometimes but then she’d say or do something bitchy and he knew they were using each other. She was using him in a way to create more exposure for herself, but he didn’t give a fuck. He was using her because he couldn’t have you.
She started to tighten around him but it wasn’t like when you did it. Although it felt good, it wasn’t as mind blowing as when he was with you. “Fuck Tommy.” God he hated that nickname, he must have told her that a hundred times. He moved his hand to her clit and started to picture you, picture how you looked underneath him. He thought about the beautiful sounds that came out of your mouth. He was rubbing her clit furiously as he thrusted harder and faster into her.
You were all he saw as he felt that familiar orgasm build. You felt amazing “Fuck princess.” He found himself groaning, it felt like a lifetime since he’s said anything in bed. He felt you let go as he spilled into the condom. “Fuck Y/N, baby.” He moaned as he came. Then reality came crashing back. It wasn’t you he’d just slept with. Fuck.
He watched as Robyn came down from her high. She had to have heard that. Fuck. She was gonna go mad, he braced himself for the shouting that was about to start, but it never came.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you so vocal in bed before Tommy.” She said as he cringed at the nickname and looked at her confused.
“Sorry.” He muttered.
“No, I liked it.” She battered her eyelashes. Did she really not hear him?
“Good.” He muttered. He was aware he sounded like a twat.
“Why do you insist on wearing a condom? I’ve told you I’m on the pill.” She asked. She had asked him multiple times why but she wasn’t you and he didn’t want to feel anyone else the way he got to feel you. He just shrugged in response. ‘Stop being a dick Tom’ he thought to himself. He moved off the bed disposing of the condom as he cleaned her up, he wasn’t a complete dick.
She went to the bathroom and when she returned she led on the bed and went on her phone. She didn’t cuddle him after, she didn’t hold him after, ever, not like you did.
“Okay never have I ever?” Harry pulled him from his thoughts. This was the closest he’d been to you in a while and you were sat across the room from him. Robyn didn’t like you hanging out because he’d told her one night while he was drunk what you’d done together. Big mistake. She seemed cool with it at first but he’d seen the looks she’d shot your way.
“I’m game.” Robyn said next to me. She was looking at you and he knew that look. ‘Fuck, she heard.’ Tom felt the panic rise in his chest, what was she going to do?
“Sure.” He watched you shrug; he was silently begging everyone else to disagree but that didn’t happen. It’s like he knew something bad was going to happen but he couldn’t stop it. What could he do? All he felt was panic.
The first few rounds were fine, typical questions. Then it was Robyn’s turn and she looked at you. He wanted nothing more than to grab you and leave, he knew this wasn’t going to end well but he couldn’t move.
“Never have I ever had high sex with another person in this room.” His heart stopped. He wanted to scream at her but he found his eyes drifting to you carefully, you didn’t respond. “Come on Y/N. It’s no fun if you lie.” He wanted to say something anything, to defend you but he couldn’t, he was still stunned.
“What are you on about? She hasn’t slept with anyone in this room.” Harry jumped to your defence. He knew Harry didn’t like Robyn, he’d told him and he heard the discreet disgust in his voice, the one only a brother could.
“Has she not? Come on, let’s play fair.” She definitely heard and she’s definitely punishing Y/N for it. Just as Tom was about to open his mouth Harrison muttered something and downed his drink.
“WHAT? No way.” Tuwaine said. “You and Y/N? I thought it’d have been Tom if anyone.” Oh Tuwaine if only you knew, he thought. But he had a feeling everyone was going to find out.
“It was a one-time thing.” Harrison shrugged. “Next question.” He wanted to kiss Harrison for jumping to your defence, he was always quicker on his feet.
“Wait a second because that’s not entirely true is it?” You were looking at him, he could feel it, but he couldn’t bring himself to look back. His heart was pounding.
“Drop it yeah? It’s obviously an uncomfortable topic.” Harry said, Tom knew he could feel the tension.
“Fine I have another question anyway.” Robyn continued. He wanted to scream at her.
“Fucking hell.” Sam grumbled.
“Babe.” Tom was warning her now. He wasn’t sure what she was thinking. He needed her to shut the fuck up.
“No, I mean I wanna see her drink, she didn’t drink to that last one which was unfair and not at all the aim of the game.”
“Seriously, leave it.” Olivia said.
“Fucking hell it’s no fun if you don’t get the real secrets out is it? Never have I ever been in a friends with benefits relationship with another person in this room. Harrison said it was a one-time thing so he can’t help her this time. Just be honest, it’s not like it’ll matter.” She sneered. Tom felt his eyes snap to yours and the look in them broke his heart. You were begging him for help and he didn’t do anything, he just stared at you, it was like he couldn’t move or do anything.
“Okay, maybe we leave this yeah? It was a dumb idea.” Harry said. “Whoever did or didn’t have a friends with benefits relationship isn’t our business.”
“You’re not even curious?”
“No. I’m not.” Harry and Tuwaine said. The tension had reached a point of no return and Tom couldn’t keep his eyes from you.
“You don’t need to embarrass her like that. If she doesn’t want everyone to know she doesn’t want everyone to know.” Sam.
“I’m not just embarrassing her though in fairness, Tom care to say anything?” As soon as she said his name he eyed her, he felt his face drop. He knew everyone knew now. The tension between Tom and you had been ridiculous and everyone knew it just not why and now they did.
“What are you doing? I told you that in confidence.” He found himself saying slowly. He knew now she was trying to punish both of them but Y/N didn’t deserve it, you hadn’t done anything wrong.
“I think that’s enough.” Harrison warned her. He watched as Robyn smiled at Y/N and it was the most sadistic smile he’d ever seen. It made him feel sick. What was she doing? Before he could say anything, she spoke.
“Never have I ever been in love with Tom Holland and currently still are.” His eyes snapped to you but you weren’t looking at him. He watched and he saw it. Your heart broke and he felt his follow. You did love him back, so why didn’t you say anything?
He watched as you slammed your drink down and left the room but he didn’t miss the tears. Olivia ran straight after you before he could move.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Harrison said. Everyone was saying things in your defence but he’d tuned it out. You were crying and you were heart broken. He saw it in your eyes and he felt like he could cry. Robyn was punishing you and it was his fault. Harrison continued to scream at her as he moved off the couch and up the stairs. He had to talk to you. He stopped when he heard your painful cries and his heart shattered.
“It was always different with me and Tom.” He heard you cry. I know it was baby, I loved you the entire time and I’m sorry.
“How’d you mean?”
“Like when we all slept together, you know Harrison included, Haz left he wanted food but Tom stayed with me.” Because I wanted to hold you for one night if that’s all it was going to be. “There wasn’t an encounter that didn’t involve falling asleep together and I thought maybe it meant something.” It did sweetheart every single time. “Me and Haz actually talked about what happened but me and Tom never did, not unless it was to start up again and even then it wasn’t a proper conversation.” I wanted to tell you Y/N/N. “It just always felt like something more was there you know, but neither of us said anything.” So you did feel the same? God I feel like such a fucking coward. He listened as she sniffled and continued.
“I thought maybe he felt the same but then I’m pretty sure he outright denied it.” I’m sorry baby, I was a coward. “I don’t know why I kept sleeping with him. It was like I was addicted to the heart break because while we were having sex it was like I could have him.” I understand that feeling my love. “Then the day after I’d find myself crying over the boy I’d continually let break my heart.” So we were both doing that? Both running because we were too scared to say anything. He listened as she cried and as he was about to knock Olivia spoke up again.
“He was in love with you, you know.” No Olivia, I am in love with her, not was.
“He told Haz, about a year ago.” I told you Y/N and you didn’t say anything.
“Not anymore.”
“Well I don’t know for certain and he hasn’t said anything to Haz but I’m pretty sure he is.” Tom couldn’t listen anymore, he had to tell you himself. You both felt the same way about each other and he had to make it right. He knocked on the door, Olivia answered.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea you coming in here.” She spoke softly.
“Just let me talk to her Olivia. Please?” He begged her. She looked at you before sighing and letting him in.
When he looked at you his heart shattered again, you looked so broken and he had a hand in that. He felt tears but swallowed them down. He sat awkwardly next to you, he wanted to pull you into his chest and tell you how sorry he was but he didn’t, you needed to talk first.
“You gonna be okay?” Olivia asked Y/N.
“Yeah.” You nodded and sniffled. Yeah you’re gonna be okay because I’m gonna stop being such a coward and tell you how much I love you.
“Okay, I’m gonna make sure dickhead is gone.” She looked at me. “No offence Tom.” Non taken Liv. She is. He waved her off before she left. It was just Tom and Y/N.
“Okay, to save more miscommunication. I heard everything you said.” He found himself saying and he wanted to mentally slap himself. Really Tom, you’re gonna start with that?
“Oh.” He couldn’t read her and it made his heart clench.
“Which means I also heard what Olivia told you.” Better, Tom, better.
“It’s okay Tom. You don’t feel the same anymore, it’s okay I’ll get over it.” Oh but I do. I have for a long time.
“You don’t know I’m here to say that.” Fucking hell Tom, out with it. She’s right here, she’s vulnerable just swallow your goddam cowardice and say it.
“Please don’t try and let me down gently Tom. That’ll hurt more.” You were crying again and he wanted you to stop. He didn’t want you to hurt anymore. He pulled your head to his lap and ran his fingers through your hair. So soft. Then it dawned on him and he had to be sure.
“You didn’t hear what I said six months ago?” You turned in his grasp to look up at him, those beautiful features looking at him in confusion, he wanted to make it go away. You hadn’t heard him and now you look like a dickhead who just fucked her and left.
“What? You didn’t say anything?”
“I told you I was in love with you. That’s why I left.” And she didn’t hear you Tom and you thought she did and that fucked everything up.
“That’s what you said? I never heard you.”
“Oh.” Was all he could get out as he stroked his finger down your cheek. He really wanted to make the tears go away.
“Why’d you leave?”
“Because I was so fucking scared you wouldn’t feel the same. I thought I’d just ruined everything but I couldn’t help it, I let it slip.” And now you’re crying as a result because I was too much of a coward to say it before that.
“How could you not know I was in love with you?” You asked him and he only really had one response.
“I could ask you the same.” He said with a small laugh. Christ Y/N/N we need to get better at communicating, to say we tell each other everything and know each other so well we really missed a lot.
“I thought- when I made the joke about making love and you said you wouldn’t call it that, I just assumed.” Oh baby, I didn’t wanna scare you off. If I’d have known that’s what you meant I’d have said something.
“I didn’t wanna ruin it Y/N/N. you said you continually let me break your heart but did you ever stop for a second to think that maybe I was doing the same with you?” He smiled at her then and she sat up to look at him. Yeah, love, we miscommunicated that badly.
“Then you left. I thought you’d heard me and done a runner because you didn’t feel the same. I felt so heartbroken and I couldn’t bare to ring you and hear you say it so I thought I could just date someone else and maybe my feelings would go away. Dick move I know, but that didn’t work.” He smiled sadly at her and she lent her head on his shoulder. At least you’re being honest with her for once Tom, at least now she knows.
“So that last time was different?”
“Baby, I was making love to you. I let myself go there for the first time, you said my name and it drove me fucking crazy so I let myself actually make love to you and then I fucking spilled my feelings for you and now look where we are.” He laughed as you joined him. If only you’d not left. She was still your best friend Tom, she’d have still been there.
“I still don’t understand why that made your girlfriend so mad. I mean unless you told her you were in love with me.”
“I didn’t tell her I was in love with you.” You did, Tom, you said her name in bed. “She was sort of okay about it, didn’t want me to hang out with you as much and I hated myself for that but then I fucked up and tonight happened.” Tell her Tom, tell her what you did. He was quiet for a second, he wasn’t sure if you’d understand, if you’d think he was a dick.
“Why? What did you do?” You were prying but you were doing it as a best friend would, no judgement. Just tell her.
“I said your name. in bed last night. I didn’t think she heard me because she didn’t say anything but she must have done.”
“Oh Tom.” And you fucking smiled at him and he’d never felt happier. You looked into his eyes and closed the distance between you. He took your face into his hands and smiled into the kiss, he was so happy, he was making it right, you were both fixing what you’d broken. You pulled away after a while. “How long?” You asked and it confused him at first.
“What do you mean?”
“How long have you been in love with me?”
“Fuck, since just before the first time I ever slept with you.” He laughed and it looked as if something clicked in you as if you understood now why he always stayed, the looks he gave and everything in between.
“That’s when I started to get feelings for you.” You said and he nodded. He made a mental note to thank Harrison for that night.
“I love you.” So so much baby.
“I love you.” And there it was you’d both said it, out in the open and his heart lifted in his chest. He felt the happiest he had in a long time. He peppered your face with kisses before he softly moved you onto your back on the bed, hovering over you.
“Wanna try the making love thing again? But properly this time?” Yeah and not do a fucking runner Tom.
“Aren’t you still a taken man?” I’ve been taken by you for a long time Y/N/N.
“Fuck no. Whether I was in love with you or not I wouldn’t have stayed with her after that shit. You’re still my best friend you know. Unless of course we’re talking about being taken by you.” He laughed and you joined him. It was so good to hear you laugh.
“You want me to be yours?” You asked as you smiled and it looked so genuine his heart nearly exploded out of his chest.
“Fucking hell, did I miscommunicate that badly as well.” He groaned as he laughed.
“You have my heart Tom, please don’t break it.”
“And you have mine. I promise I’ll never break it again.” And I mean that baby, your heart’s safe with me.
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Midnight Ride: Grab & Grind
A/N: Who doesn’t love every damn inch of Jax Teller?? Anyone else obsessed with this man’s magnificent hands and his muscular thighs in particular? Yes? This fic is based on the below request—tonight you and Jax are out for a ride... he discovers your kink for his hands and his thighs, which leads to fingering and thigh riding and fucking you on his bike, right on the roadside.
Pairing: Jax Teller x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, dirty talk, light choking, fingering and finger sucking, thigh riding, public sex (roadside fucking), dom!Jax Request: SUPER HOT request for hand/thigh kink + public sex from @littlebennettwitchsblog
Word Count: ~2.3k
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Suddenly you’re not on the road. You’re in it.
You really fucking feel that, right this minute. That was how your badass biker boyfriend had always described it, before he decided to show you firsthand—what happens around 92 miles an hour: the rush of the engine, full-on tunnel vision, the pounding, the presence, the power. You never got just what he meant, till tonight. 
This is not your first time going out for a ride, on the back of his bike—but the speed is up high, and you finally feel what it’s like.
It feels kind of like sex, to be honest. You’re just so damn immersed, like this moment contains the whole universe. Jax fucks just like he rides—throwing in his whole heart, thrusting hard, deep inside—and the sex that you’ve had with this god of a man is the best of your life, every night. So it’s no real surprise you feel so fucking hot as you cling to him tight. Pussy throbbing with heat, thrumming up from the engine beneath. No doubt soaking the seat.
From where you sit behind Jax, tits crushed as you cleave to his back, with his denim-clad ass pressed against your wet crotch, you just take in the moment and watch. Watch his hands on the grips. Damn, those hands... strong and sculpted and skillful and so fucking big. Lick your lips. Then your gaze wanders down toward his thighs—God, so meaty and thick—and you start feeling needy and can’t help but grind into him with the slightest motion of your hips.
It’s pure animal instinct; you cannot be blamed for this. Cannot be faulted for causing your man to lose focus. It’s his fault that he fucking noticed. Of course he did.
The engine starts to slow, and then next thing you know, he’s pulled up to the side of the road.
“Get off,” he orders as soon as the engine stops, bossy and gruff.
You can tell that you’ve brought out the side of Jax you most love. Raunchy and rough. “Mmm, get off?” you repeat, wiggling playfully on the seat. “That’s the plan, baby...”
“Don’t make me say it again,” he demands, knowing his dominance drives you crazy. “Get the fuck off the bike and stand there on the side of the road. And take off all your clothes.”
Oh hot damn... you hasten to obey him as fast as you can.
“This is what happens when a bitch tries to distract me while I ride,” Jax chides, casually seated on his bike, watching you follow orders just the way he likes. “Shut up and strip while I decide just what I’m gonna do to you tonight.”
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Ugh, you have never been so motherfucking turned on. You love how stripping out in the open for Jax feels so naughty and wrong. The power that he has over you is so savage and strong.
Jax seems to love it too, setting aside his helmet, lighting himself a cigarette as he drinks in the sight of you. Taking a long lazy drag, sitting back to admire the view. Thinking of all the fifty shades of filthy shit he’d love to do.
It’s just about midnight, on some random ass stretch of freeway, so thankfully nobody else is in sight. Not as if you would care anyway, even if there were cars driving by—when Jax gives you an order, you have to obey. Powerless to defy. Your submissive desires too fierce to deny. He’s so hot you might actually die.
Beneath the highway lights, his blue eyes shine like flaming ice. “Don’t you look nice. What a pretty fucking sight to see. You like being a nasty little slut for me, buck naked on the roadside?”
“Yes, sir,” you desperately whimper.
“Good girl,” he purrs, stirring your praise kink and making your toes curl. “But you know you were being bad before, you dirty fucking whore. Grinding against me with that greedy little cunt of yours.”
Just at those words, you basically just came. You bite your bottom lip and bow your head in shame.
“Come here, slut.” Jax strips off his kutte, and then beckons you toward him and pats the backseat of his ride, blowing a wisp of smoke into the heat of the night. “I ain’t mad. Just tell me what got you so wet and worked up like that.”
You would if you could speak, but you’re so fucking weak that you honestly can’t at the moment.
“Put this on,” he orders, holding out his kutte as you approach, helping to drape the heavy leather over your bare shoulders. Jax has a total kink for seeing you in his clothes. No single piece of clothing more so than his kutte. “Don’t want you getting cold. Stay nice and hot for me, you dirty fucking slut.”
The summer night’s not cold at all, but whatever. You get what he meant, and everything feels that much hotter all wrapped up in leather. This well-worn vest always smells and feels like the essence of Jax Fucking Teller.
Settling onto the seat of his bike just as told, you keep your eyes on him, while his cut a hole through the core of your soul. He casts his cigarette to the ground. Stands up as you sit down, just to reassert his fully dominant role. Looks like he is about to devour you whole.
“Lean back a bit more,” he says. “Good little whore. Spread your legs.”
Every word off of his lips is literal sex. The way you’re situated, you lean back until you’re resting on the handlebars, not even just the faintest bit ashamed of what a total slut you are. You hardly even register the sound of passing cars. All you can see is Jax, his inner darkness bigger than the sky and deeper black, his inner fire brighter than the stars.
“Now you’re gonna give me the answers I wanted,” he snarls, as he savors the sight of his leather-clad girl, all spread out on his Harley, your tits and pussy laid completely bare for him and all the world to see. His big dick energy is so insanely rich. “Tell me—what got you so needy and wet? Go ahead, bitch. Be honest.”
As you begin to form words to respond... he suddenly comes closer and, before you even know what’s happened, one of his dominant hands is on your cunt.
“This help you out?” he taunts. “Bringing some words up to that filthy little mouth?”
No, quite the opposite—his long thick fingers toying with your clit, teasing against your soaking slit... ugh, holy fucking shit.
On instinct, your hips grind to press yourself into his hand, your whole body a quivering mess as you yield to this god of a man. He lifts his other hand up toward your face then, tracing your lower lip with his thumb. Just a few seconds in and already you’re aching to cum. He’s a merciless dom, making you so damn wet for him—dropping his hand from your mouth to your neck, cutting words off before you can even attempt to beg.
Jax never chokes you too hard... but it’s always so perfectly just hard enough, to wield total control over your every breath and each beat of your heart. Just the way you love, brutal and rough. You love knowing that these masterful hands could murder a bitch in a minute. Get off on that shit like nobody’s business.
Then he’s bringing his other hand up toward your lips, sticky and slick from all the ways he made your pussy drip. Forcing you to lick your juices off of his fingertips.
“You like the way I fucking own you with both hands, bitch?” Jax wickedly teases, as the hand around your throat squeezes. “Got a thing for this?”
Fuck, yes, you have a thing. A whole damn kink. The dirty bastard fucking knows it. This is how he fucking shows it.
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“Yeah, know you love it. Such a kinky piece of shit,” he sneers—he knows his degradation is pure music to your ears. Getting you wetter with each dirty word you hear. God, you could listen to Jax Teller going on like this for years... 
Soon he finally releases his strangling grip. Slips his slick fingers out of your gasping mouth, making you moan hard and loud. Then bends down toward your face, just to steal a taste, sucking your own arousal from your lips. Groans in bliss as he savors the flavor, while letting his hands wander over your body and grope you all over—grabbing at the soft globes of your tits, gripping onto the curve of your hips—every touch of his skin upon yours opening a whole other dimension of pleasure...
“Mmm, what else gets you so fucking wet? Tell me, princess,” he asks, one hand reaching around to dig his fingers into the flesh of your ass. Blunt nails marking you up as the property of Jackson Fucking Teller. “Go ahead; be a good slut and tell me what else.”
Then you suddenly feel something rubbing against your center, a delicious pressure—Jax has shifted so that his jean-clad thigh is wedged in between your spread legs—letting you grind your pussy against the rough denim, soaking in the thickness of him... everything about him is pure sex, and you’ve never been so damn wet, ever.
“You like that?” he laughs, a sadistic snicker that has you wrapped so fucking tight around his finger. “Filthy fucking slut. Like these big hands grabbing all over you? While you grind that pussy up against my thigh just like a greedy little whore would do?”
Jax knows full well you lack the power to respond. He takes the answer from the throbbing of your cunt, obscenely wet, the way your sex-drunk eyes roll back into your head, the way your breathing comes in speechless groans and grunts. 
All of a sudden then he shifts position, leaning back against the bike himself and lifting you on top of him—given how deep you’ve sunken in total submission, he’s obviously dominating from the bottom. Holding you in place against his thigh, Jax lets you take it for a ride. He fucking smirks, watching his dirty little girl getting to work, his firm grip in control of your hips as they frantically wriggle and jerk. You’re pretty sure you’ve fucking died.
Your man has never needed words to know what turns you on. To know exactly what you want. You never had to say a thing, about your kinks—his hands, his thighs... Jax never fails to read your mind, and it’s quite honestly divine.
Then soon enough, he’s finally set to dick you down, all good and rough, spinning your whole body around, so he can fuck you from behind. He spanks your naked ass and yanks your hair violently back, your moans and his echoing out into the night. 
Leans down to whisper filthy shit into your ear—praising your pussy for being so wet and so tight, even as his massive cock splits you open wide... then gripping hard onto the handlebars, to anchor every thrust as he drives in so hard—like your whole body is a fucking Harley made for him to steer. Slamming his dick so deep it’s bringing you to tears. For all you know the whole damn world is watching what you’re doing here—on some level you hear cars whizzing by with hoots and honks, cheering you on. It feels so fucking wrong. But just because it’s Jax, so fucking right.
Especially now with the words he says next as he plows even deeper inside, growling loud with his grip on the handlebars tight, as he drives into you all spread out on the back of his bike. “Now this is a fucking ride.”
Now you’ve actually died.
Cum so hard you see stars and forget who you are. Stricken deaf dumb and blind, the inside of your mind black and bright as the fucking night sky.
By the time you’re coming back to life, Jax has laid out his flannel along the roadside, a little makeshift blanket where you can lie down, so you don’t have to settle your freshly fucked ass on the ground. It’s perfect—plaid, just like a real picnic blanket, you think as he plops you down onto the shirt, flopping down next to you with his own upper body bare against the dirt. Whatever sticks and stones there may be underfoot, you’re protected. His flannel beneath your butt, your whole torso wrapped up in his kutte. The last thing that he wants is for you to get hurt. And with him, you always know you won’t. 
You feel so damn blessed for the love that you’ve found. Sometimes it’s just the little things that count. Jax Teller has the biggest dick ever, and though you love it when it’s hard, he has an even bigger heart. It’s such a fucking treasure, and you love it when it’s soft. You fucking love the way he loves.
The two of you spend the whole rest of the night staring up at the stars, counting among the constellations all the ways you love each other and just how lucky you are. Making out like teenage lovers, and laughing about all the kinks you have yet to discover. Losing yourselves in love on the side of the road to the rhythm of randomly passing cars. 92 miles an hour, hearts racing at 92 miles a minute. The road is a part of you both, in this moment; your midnight ride’s not nearly finished. The passions that you’ve awoken on the back of his bike have no limits.
You’re not just on the road... you’re in it.
Hope you enjoyed this!! Would love to hear if you did! 🤗❤️
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Caffeine Rush: Chapter Two / Mocha
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!Reader
Summary: Javier learns his fate. You take him out to that dinner you promised.
W/C: 2.8k
Warnings: language, mentions of food, tooth-rotting fluff. I mean it. 
A/N: HI FRIENDS if you can’t already tell from my blog, I LOVE red velvet cake and this chapter is highly self indulgent. This fic is so near and dear to me because I really relate to the reader and put more of myself in her than I do others. I hope you guys enjoy!!!
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Mocha: espresso, steamed milk, and chocolate. Beloved for the sweet taste.
To his surprise, Javier didn’t get fired. In fact, they didn’t even mention Los Pepes. He walked in there, sweating bullets and filled with anxiety and caffeine, only to learn that they weren’t the review board. They were operations, and asked Javier what he knew about the Calí cartel. Afraid it was a trap, he didn’t answer, until the man across from him cracked a smile and told him about his new assignment.
“Your work with Escobar and the Medellín cartel was unconventional, but we needed it. If you’ll accept our offer, we’d like to assign you to Calí to head the investigation into their cartel.”
Javier’s brain froze in shock. He was wordless, staring blankly ahead and furrowing his brow. After a few moments, he mustered out all that he could. “You’re serious?”
“Yes, Agent Peña. With the assignment would additionally come a raise in pay and rank, as well as-”
He shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. I’ll take it.”
“We haven’t finished the offer-”
“I’ll take it, sir. Thank you,” he said, nodding.
“Well… take this,” he said, making Javier stand from the chair across from the room and take the file from his hands. “This is the information you’ll need, including your new pay and details. We are asking that you take at least some of your banked vacation time. You have several months of it, Peña. Our code requires that-” 
Javier’s fully aware of this policy. Use it or lose it. Unfortunately, he’d never had much time or want for vacation while chasing Escobar. What would he do? “Yeah, give me a month off,” he said mindlessly as he opened the file and scanned over the front page, in utter disbelief. He registered his surroundings after a second and looked up. “You won’t regret it, sir. Thank you,” he says and shakes the man’s hand before leaving the room.
Now, Javier stands at a payphone outside of the embassy, dialing your number in his pocket. When you pick up and ask who’s there, he laughs happily. “They didn’t fire me!”
“Congratulations,” you laugh as you realize it must be Javier. “What all happened?”
“I actually got promoted,” he admits, the adrenaline and caffeine rushing through his bloodstream. “It was absolutely crazy. They didn’t even mention Los Pepes or anything, just-”
“Are you ready for me to pick you up now?” You ask, cutting him off. “You can tell me the rest over some food. You need it. You didn’t eat that muffin I brought you.”
“What are you, my mother?” He asks dryly, but he’s too excited to be too annoyed. “No, I’ll head back to the hotel. Pick me up in 30 minutes?”
“Sounds great. Congratulations, Javier,” you tell him, grinning into the receiver. 
“Call me Javi.”
“Okay… Javi,” you say, biting your lip to hold back from giggling. “I’ll see you then.”
There’s a click and the phone line goes dead. You start giggling happily, flopping back onto the couch. Javier makes his way to the hotel, smiling. He lights up a cigarette, sighing at the way the warmth of the lighter contrasts the cold and snowy air. 
Holy fuck. You’re going on what could possibly be considered a date with a really hot guy and you need to get dressed, quick. You hurry around your tiny apartment, throwing on something nice-looking and messing with your hair. You spritz on some perfume, straighten yourself in the mirror, and rush out to the street. 
Georgetown is beautiful in the snow, you smile to yourself, but you wince as you realize the snow might slow you down. Your car is a piece of shit, you have to admit, but you love it. Her name is Whitney, in honor of Whitney Houston, and you beg and plead with her to behave as you make your way to Javier’s hotel. 
The radio plays some music quietly, and a handsome dark-haired man stands outside of the hotel, smoking a cigarette when you arrive. You flash your high-beams at him and he smiles as he puts out the cigarette and tosses it in the trash. “Hi,” you almost sing as he gets in the car. “Are you a hugger?”
“Am I a what?” He frowns and asks, looking at you. 
“Do you like hugs?” You ask, as if it’s obvious.
“I… don’t really receive many. They’re nice, I guess,” he shrugs as he looks you up and down quickly. “You look beautiful, by the way,” he tells you.
Warmth collects in your chest at his words. “Well, thank you. And I ask because I wanted to give you a hug of congratulations. I’m a big hugger,” you shrug a little and tilt your head as you look at him. He looks nice, in a button-up and those tight jeans you saw him in earlier.
A car honks behind you and you jump, awkwardly waving behind you and taking off so the next car can drive up to the hotel. Javier chuckles a little. “Well… I do like hugs, I guess. No one has ever asked me that.”
You look at him briefly, with confusion in your eyes, before they find the road again. “What a sad, sad life,” you chuckle. “I suppose. Are you… like, recently single? Did you date when you were in Colombia?” You ask innocently.
Javier exhales in a light chuckle. “No, never really had a relationship. Lots of flings,” he admits, finding that to be the best word to describe his situation. “But no relationships.”
You nod along, eyes scanning the road as you drive to dinner. “I see.”
“How about you?” He asks, wanting to deflect the attention from himself. That seems to be a common theme with him, you’ve noticed. All the conversations center around you, no matter how hard you try to talk about him. 
“Well, no. I haven’t really gone out much or done anything, really. I’m a bit of a homebody, but once I’m out I enjoy it. Problem is you can’t find a date from the couch.”
You reach the restaurant not much later, parking outside. You get out after chatting a little more, and Javi is taken by surprise when you wrap your arms around him in a big hug. “Uh, hi?” He laughs. He instinctively returns it, enjoying the feeling of your body pressed to his. He hasn’t had anything so tender in a long time. 
“I told you, it’s a congratulatory hug!” You say with a grin as you squeeze him then break away. “I’m happy for you.”
He smiles down at you. “I… thank you. That was nice.”
“Well, there’s plenty more where that came from,” you tell him and lead him inside, opening the door and heading into the restaurant. 
Javier is a fantastic conversationalist. He tells stories with his hands, vividly explaining stories from the chase for Escobar. He tells you of his partner, Steve, and his crazy methods; about Colonel Carillo, who he still thinks is one of the strongest men he’s ever met; of Stechner, who you already want to gut-punch if you ever meet. 
You watch him and admire the way his eyes dart about when he’s telling a story, the way he draws maps on the table with his fingers that you have no hope of understanding. 
The food is great but the company is better. Javier’s laugh is a beautiful sound, one rarely heard by others. He listens to you just as attentively, smiling as you talk about the coffee shop, about Georgetown, all of your life. 
By the end of the night, it’s easy to declare that you really, really like Javier. You like the way his lips quirk up in a smile, his intelligence and humor. You don’t want the night to end, truly. 
When the bill comes, he takes it before you can even try. “Hey, I told you I was paying as a congratulatory dinner,” you frown. 
“That can be another dinner,” he says mindlessly as he signs the receipt. “I always pay on the first date.”
“Oh, is that what this is?” You beam at him, tilting your head, eyes twinkling. 
He smiles as he looks up at you. “I was thinking it was. I have at least a month off work now, to be wherever I want and I have nothing to do. I’d like to properly take my time to get to know you,” he offers, and it makes your heart flutter in your chest. 
“It seems like nothing about you is proper, Javi,” you tease and sip your drink, quirking an eyebrow. 
He mirrors you, sipping his drink too. “That’s fair. But we’re in the nation’s capital, I suppose we should be a little more…”
You look at him and try to fill in the blank, smiling. “Practical? Traditional?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know what I meant to say there.”
You chuckle a little. “Well, it doesn’t matter. I like the sound of that.”
After dinner, you give Javier a little tour of Georgetown through the windows of your crappy car. The snow from earlier in the day has collected, dusting the tops of window sills and awnings over shop entries. Despite the snow, the car thermometer reads that it’s somewhat warm for the time of year.
There’s one warm little place with glowing lights. Despite the hour of night, it’s clearly open. Javier asks what it is. “Oh, that’s a little bakery,” you comment. “My favorite place, honestly. Their red velvet cupcake is fantastic.”
“That sounds good. I like chocolate more, to be honest,” he comments. 
You continue driving for a few seconds, rolling your eyes. “They have a good one there, but it’s so one-dimensional. It’s just chocolate with chocolate on top. Red velvet is the best because you have the cake and the tangy frosting, and-“
“Pull over?” Javier asks, and you look at him in confusion but pull into a parking spot obediently and quickly. 
Your eyes are wide in confusion. “What?” You ask him, concerned that something is wrong with the car. 
“I’m buying you dessert,” he chuckles and gets out. 
Your heart falls then and there for him. If you haven’t already decided, now you know that there’s no turning back. You want Javier Peña with a passion. “Jesus Christ, you could’ve told me that,” you laugh and turn off the car, getting off and bounding behind him. His long legs have already made strides ahead of you, leaving you to catch up. 
“You wouldn’t have stopped, would you?” He asks, the gentle snow leaving white flakes on his dark coat. He looks so pretty like this, the warm light from inside the bakery glowing against his dark hair. 
You roll your eyes but you’re smiling. “No, maybe not.” He opens the door for you and you thank him and follow him in. 
Javier walks to the counter and wastes no time. “Hi. I’ll take two red velvet cupcakes and two large coffees. How do you take yours?” He asks you as you join him at his side. 
“From my café,” you tease him, before turning to the woman behind the counter with a polite smile and asking for two sugars and two creams. Javier asks for his black. 
The two of you step back while she gets your order ready and you look at him, smiling a little. There are still soft white flakes in his wavy hair, which are slowly melting into water drops. 
You don’t know it, but he’s looking at you just the same. He admires you, smiling a little, just enough the quirk up one side of his mouth. “Thanks for buying,” you tell him and step a little closer. He’s warm, you can feel it radiating off of him, and the shop’s blasting cool air throughout. 
“Like I said,” he chuckles. “I always buy on the first date.” He reaches out to tuck a strand of your stray hair behind your ear. “Would you want to come up to my hotel room to eat the cupcakes?” He offers. 
You shake your head. “I work early tomorrow morning, I shouldn’t.”
Normally, Javier would be disappointed. Normally, he’d want to fuck you on the first date, leave you screaming his name until you can’t help but come back for more. But to his surprise, he doesn’t mind. He has a whole month to be with you, a whole month to fall for the woman he’s already half-lovesick over. “Not a problem,” he nods and walks to the counter as the woman calls that your order is ready. 
He hands you a large coffee, and you take a sip of the warm liquid, sighing. “There’s a little shelter out there,” you say, pointing to a bench with an awning above it to keep it clear from the snow. “Do you want to eat them out there?”
Javier half-smiles and nods. “That sounds good.”
It’s warm for the season, but there’s still a cool breeze. You hurry over and sit on the small bench, Javier sitting next to you. The sides of your thighs touch, and you’re both aware of it, the proximity this small bench forces you to squeeze into. Javier sets the box on his lap and opens it, revealing two red velvet cupcakes. “These look delicious.”
“They are,” you grin and pick one up, licking a bit of the frosting off the top and sighing in content with the taste. Javier watches you, and you’re suddenly very aware of the connotation. You look over at him with wide eyes, holding back a laugh. You both break down giggling at the action, your head falling against his shoulder. “I didn’t mean to do that like... that, I swear,” you shake your head as you sit up straight again. 
“You looked good doing it,” he teases you and bumps your shoulder as you unwrap the paper. “I’m going to save mine for later.”
You frown at him. “Come on. I have to be here when you try the best dessert of all time.”
“No,” he shakes his head. “I’m too full. I’ll have it for breakfast tomorrow or something.”
“Javi,” you whine. “There’s no point of you getting two if we don’t eat them together. You have to eat it, come on.”
Javier looks over at your cupcake, which has one bite taken. “Let me take a little bite of yours then.”
An idea strikes and you nod. “Sure,” you say casually, holding it up for him to eat it. When he goes in to bite it, you move it closer to his face, causing the cupcake to smash into his chin and onto his nose.
Javier thinks he’s the one that missed. “Fuck,” he laughs as he crosses his eyes as he looks down at his nose, seeing the cupcake and frosting smeared on his face. He sees you giggling and laughs. “Hey, you didn’t… what the fuck?” He laughs, bringing his face close to yours. “That was uncalled for.”
“You were being a grump. I had to,” you giggle, your face naturally coming closer to his.
“And we don’t even have napkins,” he shakes his head and looks at you. “How can I clean this up?”
Tilting your head, your eyes dart between his, smiling at the dark brown color and the way they soften under your gaze. “I have an idea,” you murmur, cupping the side of Javier’s face and setting the mashed cupcake back in the box. 
Just a moment later, your lips are on his. His eyes have fallen shut and he sighs as you kiss him, a hand finding your waist and pulling you closer to him. He sets the box on the bench behind him and scoots closer, a hand on the side of your neck. 
He tastes like coffee and cream cheese frosting, his lips unbearably soft for such a hardened man. You soften him with your touch, when you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer to you. 
He’s in fucking Heaven, he thinks, murmuring your name against your lips. He knows you already, knows the kind of person you are. He’d figured you’d maybe give a chaste kiss on the first date if you liked the person enough. The voracity of your lips against his tells him you might just reciprocate the intensity of the deep ache in his ribs he feels for you. 
After a moment, you break away and smile softly. “I didn’t get all of it,” you frown as you see that there’s still some frosting on Javier’s nose. 
“At least now we match,” he teases and wipes your face of some red crumbs that transferred to your chin with the pad of his thumb. 
You giggle and press your forehead to his, the warmth of his body perfect against yours in the slight chill of the December night. “Will you come visit me at work again tomorrow?” You ask him. 
“Only if you make me a drink that tastes as good as you do.”
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic @yooforia @oceanablue @sara-alonso @pedrosmustache @feelingmadclever @hnt-escape @radiowallet @obsessivelysearching @sugarontherims @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan @linnie0119 @1800-fight-me @autumnleaves1991-blog @toilet-keeper @evelynseventyr @metalarmsandmanbuns @shannababyy
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slut4regulus · 4 years
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Draco x Reader
A/N: Hey! This one may be a little short. This is what happened when I switched realities.  Description: How you feel about Draco accidentally slips during a game of Truth or Dare at a Slytherin party. 
Warnings: Some swear words & some sexual acts are described
Word Count: 1,529
“Who even brewed this?” You laugh, smelling the Veritaserum that was handed to you by Blaise. 
You never really were a party kind of person, but once every blue moon, your best friend successfully would drag you to a Slytherin party.  You would often argue with her and tell her that you didn’t want to go, but she would tell you how she didn’t want to go alone. Even though you barely ever left together (wink). 
You were sat on the floor in a circle with a group of Slytherins. Your best friend was on your right, and Blaise was on your left. Next to Blaise was Draco Malfoy. Unlike most of the people in the circle, he sat in an armchair, declaring that he would never be seen sitting on the floor like a child. Everyone thought he was being ridiculous, but no one argued. 
On the floor, next to Draco, was Pansy, leaning against his leg. She seemed excited, as if she knew the night would end in a mess. Next to her was some Ravenclaw girl you didn’t know, and then next to her sat Crabbe and Goyle. Both seemed just happy to be involved in a group. Next to Goyle was your best friend, she made sure she sat as far away from his as possible.
Pansy rolled her eyes, “Don’t be a puss.” She giggled, “To restate the rules,” She cleared her throat, “If you pick truth, you must take a shot of the truth serum to make sure you’re telling the truth, and the whole truth.” 
Her dark eyes zeroed in on you, “Are you volunteering to go first?” Her teeth gleamed against her skin. 
You handed the serum back to Blaise, “Sure. But I’m picking dare.” You shrugged. There was no way you were drinking that serum first. 
Pansy clapped her hands together excitedly, “Yay!” She put her hand on her chin as if she were in deep thought. 
She suddenly straightened up, “I know!” she paused, “I, Pansy Parkinson, dare you, y/f/n y/l/n, to give y/b/f/n a hickey!” She giggled loudly after she finished. 
You rolled your eyes and looked at you best friend. Her eyes were wide, but she was smiling. She looked back at you and laughed, “Not too dark. Snape will be up my ass about it.” 
You smiled and leaned closer to her, “You can think of Paris, if you want.” You said before lightly sucking her skin. 
After a few seconds, you backed away and admired her neck, “That’s one of my best work.” You laughed and leaned back into your seat. 
Your best friend’s hand went to her neck, her eyes still wide, “How are you so good at that, blimey.” Her cheeks were red as she coughed awkwardly, “Anyways, who’s next?” 
The game continued like this. Sexual acts were made for almost everyone but Crabbe and Goyle. Pansy eventually dared them to go away and leave the circle. They huffed and left, leaving the 6 of you to the game. But, not too long after they left, the Ravenclaw girl decided she was tired and left. Leaving the 5 of you. 
By the time it came to your turn again, the Ravenclaw girl had given Blaise a lap dance and Pansy sat in Draco’s lap. No one had dared to take the Veritaserum. 
Pansy eyes laid on you, “Your turn y/n.” She slurred, “Dare, or some cold hard truth?” She had been taking shots of firewhiskey between turns, and at this point, she was drunk. 
You smirked as she played with Draco’s fingers, “Truth.” You picked up the vial that had been set in the middle of the circle. Pansy whooped with delight as your best friend hit your arm, “Y/n, no.” She started, but it was too late.
You took a swig and it tasted exactly how you thought it would taste--like dirt. 
It took everything inside of you not to spit it back out. You screwed your eyes together as you gulped it down. 
After a few seconds, you opened your eyes and immediately felt the serum course through your body, “Okay. Go. I’m ready.” 
You eyes fluttered as Pansy thought some more. This gave you time to look at Draco. His eyes were wide, as he stared at you. His mouth was slightly agape in true shock. 
Pansy noticed your staring and cackled, “I’ve got it.” She stood up and sat in front of me, “Tell me exactly how you feel about Draco.” She smirked wickedly with a teasing tone. 
Before you could stop yourself, words poured out of you, “I think he’s too hot for his own good.” You immediately slapped your hand over your mouth as you realized what you had said. You kept your eyes focused on Pansy, afraid to look anywhere else.
Pansy shrieked, “Go on!” She lightly hit your arm. 
You shook your head, your hand still clamped over your mouth. You bit your cheek in hopes to stop the word-vomit, but the serum overtook you and your hand fell down into your lap. 
“I’ve had the biggest crush on him since third year, but he’s a Grade A asshole.” You wanted to kick yourself as the words fell from your lips. You shuddered as Pansy’s laughter was louder than the music playing throughout the room. 
Your best friend grabbed your arm, “That’s enough, Pansy.” She started to stand up to pull you along with her, but Pansy grabbed your other arm and yanked you back down. 
“Come on Pans, that’s enough. Leave her alone.” Blaise spoke up, shaking his head. 
But Pansy just laughed louder, “No! I wanna know!” She turned back to you, her smile venomous, “Do you dream about our little Draco?” She snarled. 
You bit your tongue, but it was no use, “Sometimes.” You could taste the blood from your cheek, embarrassment burning on your face. 
Pansy was starting to turn red from laughter. She let go of your arm to hold her stomach as she laid on her back, howling. 
You instantly stood up, tears brimming your eyes. 
“Wait.” Draco’s voice boomed over Pansy. 
He leaned forward and grabbed the vial that was in front of your sitting spot and instantly took a swig from it. 
“Zabini. Ask me the same questions Pansy did for y/n.” His eyes bore into you as he spoke. You couldn’t read his expression, but at this point, you could barely see through the tears in your eyes. 
Blaise sat confused, “Uhm. Okay mate.” He scratched the back of his neck, “How do you feel about y/n?” 
Draco’s eyes never left yours, “She’s the one person I always thought was too good for me. So good, and so quiet.” He gulped, “If I was in a room full of people, I would always hear her over everyone else. Not because she’s loud, but because she’s the only person who I care about what they say.” He choked up, as if he was trying hard not to say what he was saying. 
Pansy’s laughter was 100% gone now. She sat on her back, staring at Draco, her expression read both shock and absolute horror. 
“Go on.” Draco said, his eyes still in lock with your own. 
Blaise shook his head, trying to process what the hell is going on, “Oh shit.” He stuttered, “Uhm. Do you dream about Y/n?” His eyes went back to his best friend’s profile. 
“Every night.” Draco started, “More than I should. I dream about how soft and warm her hands would feel against mine.” Draco sat down, as if the truth were exhausting him. 
“Fuck this.” Pansy looked as if she were about to puke. She stood up abruptly and stormed away from the circle. 
Blaise coughed and stood up, “i’m going to.. just.. yeah.” He turned and grabbed your best friend’s arm and drug her away, leaving you and Draco alone. 
You and Draco started at the same time, causing both of you to stop and look away. 
“A Grade-A asshole, huh?” Draco was slowly raising out of the trance of the serum. 
You blushed, “I, uh, didn’t mean that.” You said.
“Veritaserum never lies, darling.” He smirked at you. 
You rolled your eyes, “So...” 
Draco scoffed, “I just told you how I felt about you and your response is, ‘so’?” He looked genuinely hurt. 
“I like you. A lot.” You blurted, “But you’re very confusing and probably not good for me at all.” You said as you moved closer to him, sitting on the arm of the armchair. 
At that, Draco’s head fell, his hands in his lap becoming the most interesting thing in the world,“I don’t kn-” Draco started, but you cut him off. 
“But that doesn’t mean I’m not willing to try... with you I mean.” You said, feeling the heat rush to your face. 
Draco’s head perked up, “Yeah? You mean it?” His face lit up and his hand reached out for yours. 
Your heart burst at his new attitude, “Yeah. I mean it.”  You smiled as you laced your fingers together and burst into a new conversation of what this meant to each other. 
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sleeperswakewriting · 3 years
Emily don't bonk me! But if you can save this request for the future I will appreciate it 🥺 what if ghost levi has a fight with her petra and somehow he ends in kindred spirits verse and scares cottagecore petra 😆 and they bond over life because she had a fight with her postman levi + tea + pancakes (no horny though but i ship them now ahaha❤️)
oh gosh, this was SO self-indulgent, I could never bonk you, Matri 💕no horny times ahead, this is all fluff. I think I ship it now too??
Rating: G
Word Count: 1.6k
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The time in the multiverse had come to an end with each Levi and Petra returning to their universes. For most of the couples, it was like a bad dream (the Levis would attest to this) and for others, it was like an awakened fantasy (see: The Petras).
Therapist Petra in particular had a lazy smile on her face as she recounted the ridiculousness of the whole matter.
“This just affirms that we’re meant to be soulmates! We’re meant to be in every universe,” she sighed to her Levi over their nightly tea. As usual, he sat across from her at the dinner table while she ate and he observed.
“Did you have a good time with Fire Alarm Levi?” Levi asked, his color growing more opaque. While Petra didn’t need his permission, she graciously asked and requested for him to watch so that she could pretend it was him. Fire Alarm, the freaky bastard he was, didn’t mind roleplaying for Petra, and hot jealously turned the tips of his ears pink.
Petra poked at her oatmeal while she blushed. “Of course I did. He’s you.”
Scowling, Levi’s stare bored into hers, “Obviously not. He’s the one with the dick.”
“Stop it,” Petra snapped, her tone uncharacteristic as shame welled in her stomach. “You told me it was okay. And if you remember correctly, I was envisioning you the entire time.”
“He looks exactly like me, of course you were! Bet if you had the chance to visit, you would.”
Petra chewed the inside of her lip, the taste of the oatmeal losing all its flavor. “Can we drop it? I love you and I had the chance to be with you physically.” Petra’s watch vibrated and her eyes widened as she looked at the time. “Shoot, I have to go. See you at dinner.” And she gave an airy kiss to his head, her lips passing through, and Levi could feel himself growing smaller.
“Love you too,” he grumbled and watched the love of his life whisk away into the real world.
He paced. He was too restless to draw, too early to cook, and there was little to garden with the chillier air of autumn setting its course.
He was such a pathetic excuse of a man. Why did he end up without a body while the rest of the Levis were rich, got regularly laid, and at least could go on a real date?!
Levi floated back and forth in the living room and eventually settled to people watch on their balcony. The world looked so small from up here and it comforted him. He liked seeing the sky touch the horizon, the buildings cascading like a rolling wave, and the infrastructure of the city. Petra mentioned there was a beach town not too far from here, he wondered what it would be like to take her there.
Immediately, the image of her in a bikini made him color, and Levi drifted off into a daydream, his vision becoming muddled with the sound of a sea breeze and the honking of a ship horn.
“Levi! Come back, please.” It was Petra’s voice. Except it was softer, less confident, and longing dripped from every word.
“I have to go, do we need anything in town?”
Floor boards creaked while Petra moved and their voices became muffled again.
“…okay. See you later.”
Regaining his senses, Levi recognized this place from the multiverse, except it was real.
It was Petra’s cottage.
And there was cottage Petra, standing outside her house, crying into a handkerchief.
Not wanting to scare her, but not knowing how else to make his presence known, he coughed.
A bright smile formed on Petra’s face and she turned around, expecting to see her Levi, but gaped as she saw him.
“Ghost Levi?” she squeaked. “How did you get here?”
He shrugged. “Not sure. Was imaging a calm place and I guess all your stories of the island made me think of here.” He looked to the used handkerchief in her hand. “You okay?”
Petra sniffed and turned her head to the side. “I got into a fight with my Levi.” She shuffled on her feet, clearly uncomfortable, but politeness wore through. “Do you want to come inside? I can show you around.”
He entered the tiny house and it looked like something out of Petra’s TLC shows. Except it was authentic, and he remembered that Cottage Petra was from the 1960s. It was curious since Levi and Petra had relatives that were very much alive during this time and they must literally be from a different universe. He listened with an attentive ear as Petra flitted about the home. Adoration was evident from how she lovingly described every inch, every meaningful item, and then they settled into the kitchen.
Her tears were long dried and forgotten while she spoke to him of her latest baking ventures, and he eagerly added onto her dialogue, enjoying prodding her mind for new recipes to try for his Petra.
“I love that you cook!” She said earnestly, donning her apron, then her face fell. “Wait, you can’t eat, right?”
Levi laughed. “Nope. But why don’t you sit back and let me cook for you? Do you like pancakes?”
Discarding her apron, Petra situated herself on a kitchen stool, fascinated that someone besides herself was cooking in her house.
“I make buttermilk all the time for me and my Levi. He doesn’t have as much as a sweet tooth as me, but we like to use up our fresh fruits.”
And so Levi did what he did best and began to cook. He could see Petra’s fingers twitching as she watched him assemble the ingredients, and with a smirk, he gestured her over. “You can mix if you want.”
Tying her apron with ease, Petra popped beside him, a smile so wide on her face that it could break his dead heart. She put on a record, the vintage tunes not usually Levi’s style, but it felt right with Petra beside him as she idly hummed and danced along to the music in her socks.
“Do you like raspberries?” she asked him, though realized the question was silly as soon as she queried. He pretended to be offended, went as far as to pool into the floor like the batter they were mixing, and Petra shrieked.
“Levi! I’m so sorry!” She wailed, collapsing to her knees to assist him despite his corporeal form.
Laughing echoed in the cottage as he fixed himself. “Sorry, I had to,” he said, taking the basket of raspberries from her hands. “I like messing with people. Life gets kind of boring when you’re me.”
“I think you’re fascinating!”
A blush rose to face, though only noticeable from his opaqueness, and he silently added the raspberries into the mixture, stirring them idly. Petra watched him, her lips pursing while her foot tapped, and Levi sighed in amusement.
“Have something to say?”
“You have to make sure you mix the fruit evenly,” Petra blurted, and Levi finished with her, “Or else the fruit will sink to the bottom and you’ll get a soggy bottom.”
She gave a shy smile. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep.”
He shook his head, “It’s nice having someone else to cook with.” A long pause passed between them. “Is everything okay with you and your Levi? You looked upset when I arrived.”
Petra went scarlet and Levi’s eyebrows rose to the top of his head. She fiddled with her skirts and began to anxiously mix the pancake batter while she started the gas on the stove.
“Oh, uh, we’re fine,” she stuttered cutely.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he offered.
She shook her head as she poured batter onto the pan, the sizzling mixing with the music. “I don’t think Levi would appreciate it. It’s, uh, personal.”
Levi flashbacked to their personal time in the multiverse, and he gave a low cough. “I might be an exception to that. As my Petra likes to remind me, we’re all just parts of each other.”
Biting her lip, Petra stared at the pancake with unnecessary meticulousness. “Well,” she began in a soft voice, “I want to try for a baby. After hearing Fire Alarm Petra talk about her work as a teacher, it got me thinking how much I want to be a mother. My Levi got upset because he thought I wanted to have a kid with Fire Alarm Levi because Fire Alarm and I,” and she halted, her face going an even deeper shade of red while she said just above a whisper, “you know.”
He did know because he was part of it, but Levi spared her the embarrassment and floated beside her. He took the ladle from her hand and gently set to the side while he looked into her honey eyes. “You would make a great mother,” he assured her. “Any Petra would.”
Her eyes glistened. “Really?”
“Absolutely,” Levi said, reaching for the ladle and exchanged places. “And speaking of Fire Alarm, my Petra and I got into a fight about him. Dude’s a trouble maker.”
Petra shuffled while a gooey smile came to her face, clearly enamored with the rich man, but Levi chose to tamper his jealously while he finished off another pancake.
“Want to talk about it?” Petra asked, reaching for her kettle. “You said you liked to smell tea. I make my own brews sometimes.”
Instantly, the comfort of Petra’s home had Levi sharing all of his worries, and before they knew it, the sun had begun to descend, and several cups of tea had been finished off. They sat side by side in the meadow while Levi drank in the sunshine and reveled in the quiet.
Maybe he found a kindred spirit in this strange predicament.
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starryeyedrookie · 3 years
Spicy Newlywed Questions
Thanks for the questions Bree!❤️
Explicit content below the cut. Please don’t read unless you are 18+.
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Do you kiss and tell? Have you told your friends about your...adventures?
Ethan: I have no one to speak too concerning this subject.
Eve: Well… I miiight have told Sienna before…
Ethan: Exactly how much do you tell her?
Eve: (giggling) As much as a best friend should know.
My spouse looks the hottest in ____________.
Both: Nothing.
(They both start laughing.)
Eve: Sorry, let me be more specific. I love seeing Ethan in a good suit. Ya know, a good tux, his birthday suit…
Ethan: You just had to add that didn’t you. I personally really like Evelyn’s slit dresses.
What song best describes that night after the country club (1.15)? You know which one...
Eve: Let’s Talk About Sex by Salt-N-Pepa
Ethan: Do I have to answer this?
Eve: I would like it if you did.
Ethan: Fine. I suppose… Ride It by DJ Regard.
Eve: You’ve heard that?!
Ethan: I may be older and not like the same music as you, darling, but I don’t live under a rock.
Hottest thing my spouse has ever done is ___________. (Doesn’t have to be dirty)
Eve: This is a little difficult because Ethan can literally make anything he does look hot, but on my past birthday he got me one of those vibrators that you put inside your panties and he had the remote when we went out to dinner that night.
Ethan: The hottest thing ever was watching you trying to control yourself when you were ordering your food that night.
Who said “Let’s make out” first? Where was it?
Eve: I can’t remember where it was, but no one said anything. We both just went for it.
On a scale of 1-10, what would you rate their seduction skills?
Ethan: Evelyn is a solid ten for sure.
Eve: Babe, that’s it?
Ethan: What did I say wrong? That’s the highest on the scale!
Eve: Well I was going to say that your skills break the scale.
What bathing suit does your spouse look the best in?
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Xtra Hot
What’s a surefire way to turn on your spouse?
Ethan: All I have to do it unbuckle my belt and Eve it already a mess.
Eve: Don’t make me go into detail about how easy it is to get to you.
Who makes the most noise? 
Eve: (laughing) Our old neighbours at the apartment might say both of us.
Who loves foreplay the most?
Ethan: Definitely Evelyn. She likes the anticipation.
One round or multiple-- Which do you prefer?
Eve: If possible, multiple. Ethan may be old, but I mast say, his stamina is impeccable.
Ethan: We all exercise for different reasons. You do it to “look good naked” which, obviously, you do, and work out so I can be able to give you s much satisfaction as possible.
Best night/sex you’ve ever had with your spouse?
Eve: Our wedding night. Obviously we’d done it many times before that, but doing it for the fist time being married was something special.
Ethan: (kisses her hand) I completely agree.
Morning or night? What’s your favorite place to have sex in?
Ethan: Morning.
Eve: I think it’s more romantic at night, but there’s nothing like waking up in the morning, especially on your day off, full of energy and being able to channel it towards an activity that when we do it, I don’t have to go for a run.
Who dominates it the bedroom?
Eve: I wouldn’t go as far as saying that we have a dom/sub kind of sex life, but I do enjoy it when Ethan takes control, which happens to be most of the time.
Ethan: I just end up taking control because you like to tease me and then take waaaay too long.
Eve: (boops his nose) That’s supposed to be the thrill of it, my dear.
Evelyn, what’s your favorite outfit to wear for him? Ethan, what’s your favorite Evelyn wears?
Eve: This one is my personal favourite.
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Ethan: Although I really do love that one, this one just does it for me.
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Eve: Is it the chains?
Ethan: Maaaybe…
What’s your favorite thing your spouse does in bed?
Eve: Eye contact is just *chef’s kiss. Also, not trying to get too explicit, but when he holds my hands above my head and whispers in my ear, I’ll melt faster than an ice cream in Nevada.
Ethan: This one time I was trying to give Eve a taste of her own medicine because she always like to tease and then take long, so I was doing it back to her and she actually flipped me on my back and got on top. I really don’t know how I didn’t die in that moment.
Eve: Wow, I’m surprised you were actually willing to share that much.
Ethan: I like to think of it as a warning for the people that think because you’re small you can’t body slam them.
Eve: Ha ha! Well that’s a wrap! Thanks for having us Bree!
Taglist: @mercury84choices @quixoticdreamer16 @a-crepusculo @josiesopenheart @headoverheelsforramsey @mm2305 @adiehardfan @schnitzelbutterfingers @potionsprefect @natureblooms24 @genevievemd @writer-ish@jamespotterthefirst
Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed or no longer tagged in edits❤️
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bbugyu · 4 years
how seokmin knew
a journey with yoon jeonghan, lee seokmin, and you.
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from the second seokmin first saw you, he thought you were far too good to be true, and he hadn't even gotten to learn the best parts of you yet.
prelude | part one | part two | part three | epilogue
wc.8888 | fluff, smut, courtship, oh jeez where do i even begin, the beginning i guess, polyamory, fem reader, musician!seokmin sugar daddy!jeonghan escort!reader, threesome, fingering, oral (everyone receiving), creampie, cumpla (like gunpla but with cum), (sorry), (but seriously lots of cumplay), overstim, switch!seok dom!han switch!reader, phone sex, snuck in a babygirl, hell yeah fighting for dominance, let's talk BOUNDARIES, hi mingyu, sorry but seokmin being a special guest is hot as hell, the required listening for the last scene is the album "new edition (1984)" by new edition (which is a real lp i own and listened to while writing it)
hELLOO!! welcome to my poly seokhan au! i have been neck deep in this universe for weeks now and i am finally releasing it in three parts! i will be posting today (obvi), tomorrow, and friday at noon pst, plus a little bonus epilogue whenever i finish it! today is all about seokmin and how he fell in love. i really poured a lot of myself into this one, between the poly reader and the obsession with architecture and the record collection (three fun facts about me, but you get no more context), so if you like it, please let me know! i did my best to portray the relationship as realistic and as healthy as possible❣️ also this series lowkey became a “how many cameos can i naturally squeeze in” kinda piece so if you spot one u should absolutely let me know hehe. and i edited my masterlist to accommodate for serial aus, let me know what you think!
please read the prelude linked in the contents of this post! it gives important context for the beginning of this part, establishes relationships, and sets the general mood 😏
seokmin lived a fairly simple life. he held private piano and guitar lessons in the comfort of his apartment, vaulted ceilings and tall windows helping to bring a bright, airy, studio environment during the day that he felt suited musical lessons perfectly - not the mention the lovely acoustics the tall room provided when he sang, belting out improv musical theater riffs as he scrambled eggs for a sandwich. he genuinely found joy and pride in helping adults and children alike train their hands to achieve new heights. he also did some contract vocal lessons at an entertainment company, stopping by the studio two or three times a week to train young new hopefuls in the music industry. he wondered how different his life would have been if he had taken their path, but he enjoyed the quiet downtime in his line of work, and wouldn't trade it for anything
his simple life. he drank tea in the mornings as the sun rose over the skyline, rode the subway with his guitar bag over his shoulder and his groceries in two overstuffed ecobags, and enjoyed his days off by relaxing in his home, scribbling down lyrics and compositions on the legal pad that never left the music shelf of his upright piano. the less simple part of his life could be described simply as you.
the second time he had been summoned to accompany you, he had been at home, heating up leftover takeout and mindlessly watching some drama on a saturday evening after having gotten lunch and playfully wasting the afternoon with a friend, when he received a phone call. he answered it without giving too much thought, expecting an invite for drinks, as was usually the case when he heard from jeonghan. he put it on speaker and set his phone on his kitchen counter, leaning against it as he ate.
"minnie!" he had said, the smile obvious in his voice. seokmin responded with a short greeting before jeonghan continued. "are you busy tonight?"
"just watching tv," seokmin said, spoonful of fried rice in his mouth. "why? you feeling lonely?"
"something like that," jeonghan said. the architect must have been in the car, he thought briefly, hearing the static noise of wheels on pavement in the background every time he spoke. "listen, you remember y/n, yeah?"
he nearly choked. "uh, yeah. of course. did you think i would forget?"
"not really," he said matter of factly. "we're currently heading home after that exhibit opening and she's been asking about you all day. any chance you can get to my place in half an hour?"
seokmin blinked, staring at nothing as he processed. "tonight?"
a laugh. "yeah, tonight. she's been really sweet lately, i thought you could be her treat."
her treat. "right now?"
"yes," jeonghan laughed again. "right now. if it helps the decision making process, i've had my hand between her legs this whole time and she gets needier every time you talk."
seokmin swallowed harshly, imagining you squirming in the passenger seat of the car, huffing and desperate, begging for him with jeonghan's fingers curled into you. he adjusted against the counter, his pants suddenly feeling slightly tighter. "i'll get a cab."
then he heard you, your signature whiny moan as jeonghan no doubt worked you into a mess despite his even tone as he spoke. "y'hear that, sweetheart? he said yes. i'll pay for the cab when we get there. see you soon?"
"yeah," he said, eyes still unfocused. "yeah, see you soon."
after jeonghan asked you to be an angel and hang up for him, seokmin stood and looked around at his leftover fried rice and the drama that continued playing, remnants of his simple life that he found plenty enjoyable and fulfilling on its own, but fell to the shadows as you came into the light.
the cab ride felt too fast, and jeonghan's car pulled into the driveway of his luxurious home only minutes after seokmin arrived. he emerged from the door of the cab and stood in the late november air as the other car parked, the passenger door swinging open in a hurry.
"seokmin!" you squealed, heels clicking against the drive as you ran up to him in a shoulderless, long sleeved jewel toned dress that was not at all suited for the current temperature. your arms wrapped around his neck and he laughed into the hug. "i missed you."
"it's practically snowing," he chided, pulling away to wrap his coat around you, and you happily fell into his chest. he didn't stop you when you pulled his face to yours, kissing him briefly but deeply. you tasted familiar, memories of eating you out entering his mind as he thought about how jeonghan had likely made you clean his hand in the car, and despite your forwardness and his generally shy nature, it wasn't the winter air that sent chills up your spine when he muttered "i missed you, too," against your lips.
"okay, kids, get inside while i pay the nice driver," jeonghan said, holding out your coat to seokmin. he took it, draping it over your bare shoulders. you grinned at him, working your fingers between his and leading him towards a side entrance of the home.
he felt a flash of embarrassment, wondering what the cab driver must have thought about the interaction he was witnessing, but seokmin figured that he had probably seen much stranger and decided to not worry about it, especially when you were regaling the events of the evening.
"they were playing classical," you groaned, punching in the door code with the hand that wasn't fiddling with his fingers. "from a cd. at a modern art exhibit. what part of that makes sense?"
seokmin laughed. "is that why you were thinking about me?"
you smiled as he followed you through the doorway, revealing a grand kitchen with a large island countertop. he had been here before, but on halloween, when it was full of life and the counter was covered in food. "jeonghan may have let me watch some videos," you said, and seokmin felt heat rising on his neck as he thought of you asking to learn more about him in his absence. you stepped out of your heels and walked towards the large fridge as you spoke, retrieving a water bottle. "that jazz piano number you did, jeonghan said it was at a bar? that would have been so much better, especially considering the artist's vision. his stuff was so full of life, i'm honestly surprised he allowed them to do anything other than live jazz - classical was too stuffy."
"it was a commentary," jeonghan reminded you, closing the door behind him as you offered a bottle to seokmin. "juxtaposition of traditional museum atmosphere with outlandish architecture and colorful, emotional art pieces," he said, sounding rehearsed. "the music was supposed to feel stuffy compared to the visuals."
"you guys worked too hard to settle for that," you shot back. you may have held a little resentment for the fact that jeonghan hadn't even asked for your opinion on the matter, considering you were less than a year away from a degree in musical theory. "if i hear clair de lune at one of these unveilings one more time, i'm gonna tear my fucking hair out."
seokmin laughed, but jeonghan only gave you a tired chuckle, and only after you quirked an eyebrow at him. he should have known you were only acting impressed at the exhibit because you wanted seokmin around. jeonghan could be cruel, but not so cruel as to invite a friend over to make his lady's night, only to deny everyone the pleasure after he already arrived, and this was a fact about him you were completely aware of. now was your chance to act out with little to no sacrifice - the most he would do is punish you in bed, and that, you were willing to handle.
jeonghan tsked when he saw your laptop and schoolwork spread across the kitchen island. "didn't i ask you to not do this?"
you eyed the counter, noting the teasing tone he took. "not do what?"
"leave your shit in the kitchen. you have a whole room to do schoolwork in, make a mess in there," he scolded, clicking his tongue as he flipped a textbook shut.
"i work better in bright, open spaces," you said quickly. 
"i gave you a window to the sunroom."
"and i love it," you stated obviously. "and the desk you chose is nice, and the chair is super comfy, but it's still too dark in that room. it makes me want to fall asleep." you turned to the musician. "how have you been, seokmin? i haven't seen you in weeks, and jeonghan purposefully keeps secrets when you guys go out."
seokmin said close to nothing of substance as he said he was doing well and leaned against the kitchen island, focusing more on the way you shrugged the fuzzy coat off your shoulders and setting it in the counter to tuck your arms into his, wrapping them around his torso and resting your chin on his shoulder to give the man of the house a flirtatious look. jeonghan simply rolled his eyes at you with a faint smile on his face, taking off his own outer coat and going to hang it in a closet. you hummed as seokmin spoke about anything he could think of, smiling when you felt his gentle, hesitant fingers rubbing circles into the small of your back.
and that night, seokmin was perhaps too eager to secede control, allowing his friend to gently order the two of you to do whatever pleased him. currently, you were between his thighs as he laid out comfortably in jeonghan's bed, the architect fucking into you from behind as your voice went hoarse from sucking seokmin dry. his thick cock stretched your jaw to its breaking point, but your neediness for his cum on your tongue outweighed the soreness you knew you would feel the next day as you bobbed your head, your hands wrapped around what wouldn't fit. he choked, his fingers itching to reach out to you, but remembering jeonghan's firm words of no touching and gripping the sheets instead as he came into your mouth and you moaned around him. jeonghan had stopped you from swallowing completely, a hand around your throat as he pulled you against his chest, forcing your neck to crane around so he could share the treat. seokmin watched, hand involuntarily going to pump himself again despite the sensitivity, as his release dripped down both of your jaws between the feverish kisses. you whined, jeonghan continuing to thrust into you as he stole the gift seokmin gave you straight from your mouth, his fingers finding your clit, making your knees shake as he came in your pulsating cunt.
that was the first time in his life that seokmin had ever cum twice in one session, having been too turned on at the sight to even think about not having you ride his face, cum seeping out of your precious hole. too turned on by the way your fingers dug against his scalp and the way you tasted to even think about turning down jeonghan when he asked to touch him, groaning against your core as he slowly and teasingly jerked him off. too turned on by it all to even think about not cumming when he was told, fist clenching the now familiar sheets as you rolled off him, panting from the overstimulation. your face was wrecked, tearstained and flushed, as you collapsed into his side, wrapping your arms around his torso and burying your hot face in his neck, his own face not much better. jeonghan proudly announced he was off to take a shower, sucking a line of cum off his thumb before saying that you lovebirds were welcome to stay as long as you would like, fully expecting you two to continue without him as he walked to the bathroom. 
seokmin felt shy, for some reason, despite having just having taken a shower with you, and just before, having had sex with you both. you had asked him if he wanted sweats or a shirt to sleep in, saying jeonghan wouldn't mind if he borrowed some. he turned you down, but watched you tug a far too large shirt over your otherwise bare form, and let you lead him back to bed.
"it's a custom mattress," you told him, giggling as you pulled him onto the oversized bed, kneeing yourself to the center and plopping down next to where jeonghan was wasting time on his phone. you planted a kiss on his cheek and he looked up to smile at you before you turned back to seokmin. he noticed the duvet changed, and he wondered if jeonghan had swapped it out after the mess they had made on it. you maneuvered yourself under the covers, gesturing for him to join you. "c'mon," you said. "we cuddle here."
seokmin had never even considered the idea of spending the night in bed with two other people, but found it surprisingly comfortable for it being his first time.
he did a lot of firsts with you, as it turned out.
you started to text him when you were alone and bored, which was something you and jeonghan had discussed with the strict understanding that you would have open and honest talks about it frequently, and that you would let him know any time you reached out to the musician. the first time he ever had phone sex, seokmin was busy at the company he did contract work for, and he had even told you so after the first suggestive text you sent him, but that didn't stop you from sending him increasingly dirty ideas and photos, making him silence his phone and shove it in his back pocket as he tried to focus on his students. when he finally slipped away to a private bathroom, he groaned at the way you looked, laid out on a plush couch and squeezing at your own breasts, with your back arching just so, and he quickly called you to ask if you were trying to get him fired.
"maybe if you get fired, you can come work with me," you whined, fingers already teasing your slick folds just at the low tone in seokmin's voice. his mind whirring as you gasped suddenly, revealing that you had already started. "jeonghan's been too busy for me this week, please don't tell me you are, too."
seokmin's eyes squeezed shut, back hitting the bathroom wall as he pulled himself out of his pants, trying not to drop his phone from his ear as he imagined how absolutely delightful you must look in that moment. "i'm never too busy for you, baby."
jeonghan took him out to dinner. it was normal, mostly, and not the first time since seokmin had seen his dick, but he noticed the older was acting slightly different as seokmin turned the meat on the grill.
"about y/n," he said finally, and seokmin fumbled with a chunk of pork before clearing his throat.
jeonghan smiled. "she hasn't said it yet, but i think she really likes you."
that made seokmin freeze, suddenly thinking about how he was at dinner with his undefined sext buddy's long term partner. "really?" he squeaked out.
"listen, i want you to know," he said, picking off some cooked meat and chewing it casually. "whatever happens between you two, i'm okay with it. she promised to keep me in the loop, and i trust her."
seokmin nodded, putting down the tongs and grabbing his chopsticks, continuing to avoid eye contact. "okay."
jeonghan laughed. "stop acting like i'm her dad. you and i are in the same relationship with her at this point."
he swallowed, a smile creeping across his face. "well, she does call you daddy."
the next time he saw you, you came to him, appearing at his apartment one early tuesday evening as his last client was leaving. he greeted you casually, but still snuck a quick kiss on your lips as he let you in, his student packing up their guitar. he took your winter coat and told you to make yourself comfortable as they finished up, telling you where the restroom was if you needed it, but in a tone that made you think he was saying it more to announce to his student that you had never been there before than for your comfort, which pulled a quiet giggle from you as he quickly organized his loose leaf sheet music into their designated folders. you watched him from the piano bench as he made short conversation with his student, accepted a check, and bid the aspiring guitarist farewell, closing the door behind them. when you were finally alone, seokmin blushed at the realization that you had been smiling at him the entire time, thinking about how his client must have thought their teacher had gotten himself a cute girlfriend.
you were less forward this time. less needy. you flirted, but not in the outright ways you had every other time seokmin saw you. you stood and joined him by a bookshelf as he put away materials, asking him about his day (quite lovely, especially with this to look forward to), what he had eaten for lunch (he'd gotten ox tail soup delivered as a celebratory meal for a student that just had their first solo piano recital that weekend), and how he managed to command authority in all his students when he always looked so darn cute (he had pitched his eyebrows at you and went "yah," but was unable to keep a straight face long enough to argue with you). you smiled, taking a baseball off the bookshelf and turning it over in your hands, and asked why he invited you over. he cleared his throat, saying he thought it'd be nice to take you out on a proper date, but faltered when your shining eyes caught his.
"a proper date?" you asked, smiling slyly.
"i- uh, yeah, i mean-" he cleared his throat, hand finding the edge of a table as he tried to figure out what he was trying to say. "people generally treat you in exchange for your company, right?"
"generally," you agreed, focusing on his standup piano on the far wall as you thought. "i don't want you to, though."
“i didn’t mean-” he stretched his jaw - a nervous habit that you had begun to notice - as he readjusted his approach, not wanting to imply that he wanted your exchange to be purely transactional. "i just wanna take you out. for real."
you gave him a small smile, knowing what was the case despite your teasing. "okay. it's a date."
to change the subject from one that seokmin clearly didn't know how to continue - and besides, you weren't hungry enough for dinner yet - you returned the baseball to it's display and asked him how he taught his lessons. he laughed, not because your question was funny, but because he didn't know how to answer it in a way that didn't sound like a pitch to a potential client.
"then teach me like a client," you demanded playfully, skipping to sit at the piano bench and turning to grin at him.
seokmin took a moment to look at you, with a knit sweater tucked in the front of a pair of loose jeans - a far cry from the tight fitting, short dresses he normally saw you in - sat in his apartment as the last remnants of sunrays dipped behind the skyline. "you know how to play," he said finally, but walking over to join you anyways.
"teach me like i don't," you said as he sat beside you, scooting over slightly to accommodate. "i'm very good at acting incompetent."
he laughed again. "normally, people pay me for this kind of time, but i'll give you an intro. we'll start with hand placement," he said, gently putting his hands on the keys. "starting position is important, even though you'll be moving around the keys a lot when you actually play. your thumb," he said, wiggling his right thumb and smiling when you giggled. "it starts on c. that's your root."
"oh, right," you vocalised, placing your right hand similarly an octave up from his. "music has a bunch of letters, huh?"
"only the seven," he joked, pulling his hands off the keys as you comfortably set your fingers where they belonged, a motion you clearly made often. "wow, are you sure you're a beginner? you picked that up fast."
you knocked him with your shoulder, giggling. "quick, what do i do next?"
he smiled. "try pressing the keys in order. c to g, thumb to pinky. be firm, this isn't an electric keyboard. it can sense fear."
you sucked on your cheek, smiling at the way seokmin explained things as you played, but used your pinky to strike the black key instead of g, giggling at the flat note. "oh, that sounded wrong. this piano must be out of tune."
"stop," seokmin said teasingly. "beginners don't have that kind of pinky dexterity, by the way."
"maybe i'm a prodigy," you said, grabbing his sleeve with both hands excitedly. "you have to teach me, mr. lee! you're the only one that can help me hone my gift."
"stop it," he repeated, laughing, giving you a fake glare. he put his hands back on the keys. "lesson over."
you pouted, but it was short-lived as he began to play. you watched his hands effortlessly move over each other as you listened to the gentle flowing melody. despite being classically trained yourself, back when you were young and your parents felt you needed the discipline of regular lessons, you found yourself being impressed by his deft finger movements. your eyes shut, and you let your temple fall to his shoulder as you listened.
"yiruma," you said when he stopped playing despite the song not being over.
his arm went over your head, allowing you to lean into his chest as he planted his hand on the bench behind you, your eyes still shut. "you know your stuff."
"it's one of my favorites." you smiled, eyes fluttering open again. "you play well."
your breath stopped in your throat when you realized how close his face was to yours. "have to. people pay me to teach their kids."
"jeonghan pays me to be nice to him, doesn't mean i'm good at it."
seokmin couldn't help but laugh. "how did that even start, by the way? he would never tell me when i asked."
you sighed, straightening your posture. "i suppose you should know, considering this is becoming a regular thing."
"you don't have to if you don't want to," he assured quietly. you smiled at the thoughtfulness. "i'm just curious, is all."
"i don't mind," you said, shaking your head gently at him. you inhaled, organizing your thoughts - this wasn't a subject you explained very often. "i had a scholarship for the first two years of uni, but i would have to pay tuition afterwards, so i decided to become a paid escort to save for it." you paused to study seokmin's reaction, but for the first time from someone other than jeonghan, you found no creased brow, no vague frown. no judgement. "men would hire me through a broker to accompany them to dinner, go to parties, the general stuff. i even played golf a couple times - terribly, obviously, but rich men really enjoy teaching young pretty women how to play golf. i always got a cab ride home at the end of the night, though. never did anything more. jeonghan was one of my clients."
seokmin nodded. "how long did you do that for?"
despite how you would normally take that question, you knew he meant no shame in asking. "ten-ish months? jeonghan was only for the last month or so, though."
"before he asked you to quit?"
you laughed lightly. "actually, someone else asked me to quit. this guy that had been hiring me regularly for almost my entire career. he wanted me to date him properly. i think he wanted a trophy wife. he was young, like, only a few years older than me, and he was nice, y'know? a little awkward in the beginning, but paying someone to go out with you is always a little awkward, and we got comfortable with each other pretty fast. he wanted to take the next step with me, but he wanted the end goal to be marriage."
seokmin adjusted as he thought. "but you said no?"
"i said yes." his wide eyes made you laugh, but you understood his shock. "i was ready to quit anyways, i guess?" you shrugged, shaking your head. "i wanted to go on real dates instead of getting paid to eat with men my parents' age. yukwon felt realistic to me. someone i could see myself with." you sighed. "i went out with jeonghan during my last week of escorting. when i told him i was quitting, he asked me to choose him instead."
he watched you when you paused, pursing your lips. "and then you said no?"
you giggled, bumping against his chest as he laughed with you. "i tried! but jesus, when that guy gets an idea." you shook your head again. "he asked how much yukwon was paying me - which he wasn't, by the way. we were going to do it for real, even though he was still gonna support me financially and pay for my schooling. i was gonna sign a prenup and everything - but jeonghan kept saying he would double it. said i didn't have to marry him, and that he just wanted to keep spending time with me, and if i wanted to call it quits later, i could. no pressure, no sex, no commitment… he gave me a choice, and i realized i didn't love yukwon. i thought i could, but i didn't."
"so he saved you?"
"from a lifetime of settling? i guess so. he's funnier, too," you admitted sheepishly. "i always had the most fun on nights i was with jeonghan."
seokmin smiled. "he is good at lightening the mood."
"and," you said, eyes wide. "he didn't even want us to be exclusive, said i could keep escorting or go on dates with other guys if i wanted, as long as i promised to make time for him when he wanted me. it was kind of the perfect arrangement."
seokmin nodded again. "was, being the operative word?"
you laughed, remembering how well he knew jeonghan. "lasted less than a month. we spent too much time together, and i quickly realized that every time i went out with someone else, i wished i was with him. to be honest, when i met you, i thought this would be a one time thing, so i may have tried to make it seem a little less involved than it is." you sighed. "we never really defined what we were. i think we've both always known that he was more than a sugar daddy to me, but he does basically pay me so that i can keep my schedule open for him, so i guess it's easier to tell people that? instead of everyone assuming i'm some gold digger taking advantage of his money?" you shrugged. "i do love the guy. i'm about 94% sure he loves me, too."
that made him laugh. "how long have you been together?" he asked, trying to figure out the timeline in his head. he had known about jeonghan's relationship with you for quite some time, though not the exact nature of it, or that you were so fantastic, for the mass majority.
"about a year. right before halloween, actually," you said, smiling as you leaned into him. "you were technically an anniversary gift."
his lip quirked upwards, watching you. "was it a good gift?"
"the best," you whispered, placing a slow kiss on his lips. your hand went to his sharp jaw, and you sighed against him as the kiss deepened, suddenly feeling needier than you had previously.
"does he know you're here?" seokmin asked quietly, mind flashing back to when him and jeonghan had gotten dinner together. "like this, i mean."
you nodded slowly, a hand on the bench to steady you as you leaned into him further. "he's in japan this week, told me i could see you as often as i want. just asked that i call him when i can, we spoke this afternoon."
you giggled. "you act like i would risk it. i like you too much, and you know he would make us both regret it if i was seeing you behind his back."
he examined your face, a smile on his lips, knowing it wasn't the part of the statement that he was meant to focus on but unable to think of anything else. "i like you, too."
so he kissed you, sitting on the piano bench in his loft apartment, and despite it being nowhere near the first time, something about it felt special. new. different.
later, though much sooner than later would imply, when the two of you were unable to stop yourselves from undressing each other, he had you seated firmly in his lap on the couch in his living room. the way he filled you out made you incapable of doing much outside of digging your hands in his hair as he rolled his hips up into yours, rambling about how perfect you were. how well you took him. how he had never seen anything as breathtaking as the way your brows stitched together and your mouth hung open as he fucked you. you huffed, twisting your hips slightly, triggering a groan from you both.
"so beautiful," he muttered, hands on your bare hips, rubbing circles into the soft flesh above the bone. "fuck, you're incredible."
"shit, seokmin," you exhaled, forehead falling on his. you knew he wasn't even using all his length, but he was thrusting deep enough into you to make you see stars. "god, i'm close."
you watched his tongue dart out to wet his lips as he focused on you, pulling himself off the couch and sitting up straight as his hips steadily rolled into yours. "come on, babygirl. you know i love the way you feel."
you cursed, arms winding around his neck as you pressed your chest against his, desperately kissing him as you felt yourself falling over the sweet edge. he groaned when you squeezed at him, arms wrapped around your waist, fingers gripping any amount of you he could as he worked you through your bliss. he only slowed to gently put your back to the couch, your legs wrapped around his waist as he curled over you, arms under your body to pull you into his chest, and a hand at the base of your neck to hold you steady as he firmly fucked you into the cushion.
"fuck, baby, you're so good to me," he groaned, forehead pressed just under your jawline, his mouth latching onto your neck as soon as he managed the words. you were gasping for air, arms over his shoulders, wondering if seokmin always made love this deeply and genuinely, or if you were just special.
afterwards, he discarded the condom that he insisted on using (you asked what the point of you getting something shoved into your cervix was if you couldn't enjoy his particularly bountiful creampies with no consequence, but he said he was not getting cum on the couch his clients sit on), pulled his underwear back on, and returned to you quickly, kissing up your body after pulling your panties back over your hips. you ran your fingers through his messy hair, causing him to look up at you. he said sorry, a laugh on his lips, asking if you wanted to get food delivered instead of going out.
"that sounds perfect," you giggled. "don't apologize."
"i'll take you out for real this weekend, i promise," he said, sitting up and stretching out his shoulder. you watched, quietly admiring how gentle and soft he seemed, with surprisingly firm muscles hiding under his usual large sweaters and shirts. "and i'll pick you up so we don't get tempted. but for now, kimchi soup and bibimbap?"
you nodded excitedly, sitting up to wrap your arms around him and planting a kiss on his shoulder. "sounds delicious."
he tried not to get excited by your touch, thinking about how you had said this was becoming a regular thing, and therefore he didn't need to get as much of you as he could before you slipped through his fingers like he had the first few times you met. he couldn't help himself, though, when his eyes met yours and you smiled gently at him, and had no choice but to put an agonizingly slow kiss on your lips before he stood to announce he was changing into something comfortable if you were just going to stay in. you giggled and grabbed your sweater from where it got discarded, pulling it over your head as you told him there was no chance in hell you were putting jeans on again before the morning, and he smiled at the implication that you would be staying the night with him.
"i have lessons tomorrow," he reminded you softly as he gathered up his clothes and walked to the stairs. "if you'd like, you can stick around, but it'll be boring."
you hummed. "i don't have class, but i should do schoolwork," you mused, watching him walk up the steps to what you could assume was his lofted bedroom. "it's been lonely at the house, though."
"if you wanna bring your things here, you can," seokmin suggested, his voice projecting easily through the space. he pulled on a pair of shorts and a more casual shirt than the one he had been wearing for his work day. "it would give you something to do while i teach youths how to play chopsticks. do you stay at jeonghan's when he's not around, too?"
you laughed, thinking about your all but abandoned apartment as you meandered towards the stairs. "lately, yeah. i used to spend more nights at home than in his bed, but he gets really busy planning stuff in the winter and has less time to take me out." you stretched your back. "i think he likes knowing i'll be there when he gets home late. makes the day easier." 
seokmin nodded as he came back down, running a hand through his hair, thinking that he, too, would find his days easier if it meant going to bed with you every night. "that's very kind of you."
"it's selfish, i promise." he laughed. "if you saw how tiny my place is, you would choose jeonghan's too. besides, i get cold in bed alone."
he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. "is that why you're here?"
you giggled. "no, i'm here because you invited me over. but that might be a factor in why i'm staying," you teased, hugging him tightly.
the next day, you were sprawled on his bed, writing an accompanying essay for your composition project as he taught lessons down below, only emerging to refill your water glass and use the restroom as infrequently as possible, trying to not disturb his lessons. parents often accompanied the children, usually reading a book and listening to their child practice. a college friend of his stopped by, as he tried to do at least once a month, accompanying his niece, and seokmin recalled that he was the one that had given jeonghan his number again over a year ago, feeling like he should thank him but not knowing how.
"seokmin," you called down softly when you heard him chatting casually with his friend. you padded down the steps with your empty water glass, spotting the young girl at the kitchen table with a marker and a sheet of paper, smiling when you remembered her slightly clumsy, but surprisingly advanced keystrokes, considering her age.
"what's up?" seokmin asked, pushing off of the counter he was leaning against, and he ignored the quick, questioning nudge mingyu pushed into his side.
"hi, sorry," you said, waving lightly when you noticed the tall man beside him. "i was wondering - if you have time - if you could listen to my composition piece and tell me if you think it leans more romantic or more post-great war?"
seokmin nodded. "absolutely. do you need me now, or can it wait ten minutes?"
"it can wait," you assured, eyes darting between the two men. you lifted the glass in your hand. "i needed a break."
he smiled, taking your glass and moving to pull open the fridge. "this is mingyu, by the way. mingyu, y/n. he's an architect, also."
"also?" mingyu asked, eyeing you. seokmin stared at you, realizing what he said.
your brows ruffled as you studied the tall man's face, not recognizing it. "we must not be in the same social group. i'm a friend of jeonghan's."
he gave you silent thanks for keeping the relationship ambiguous. mingyu, however, nearly yelled. "yoon jeonghan?" he laughed. "you know, i didn't even see that guy at his own halloween party. you still keep in touch, i assume, seokmin?"
he nodded, putting your filled water glass on the counter beside you, and you wondered how you never saw mingyu at the party, either. "yeah, we hang out fairly often."
"he introduced us," you interjected. mingyu smiled between you two. "thought we'd match well, i guess."
"well, you just asked a music teacher to review your composition, so," mingyu laughed. "he was right?"
seokmin studied you with a crooked smile on his lips. "have you ever known yoon jeonghan to be wrong?"
you stayed another, more innocent night, but when seokmin woke the next morning, his face was pressed against the side of you neck, and you were pushing your ass back against his morning wood.
"fuck, good morning," seokmin groaned, hands gripping at your hips where they had already been aimlessly floating.
"oh, thank god you're awake," you panted out. you spun in his grasp, pushing his shoulder back on the bed and climbing atop him. "you must have been having a fantastic dream, because you would not stop touching me."
he couldn't help the whine in his throat, mostly from embarrassment. "i'm so sorry."
"don't be," you rushed out, peeling off your shirt. "i just need you now."
considering this was his third time seeing it, he didn't think he would be so awestruck still, but the snapshot of you, topless, seated on his lap with your hands on his chest was a view that seokmin would likely never get over, because it felt like he was the dorky, awkward protagonist and you were the long-shot love interest that was way too cool and way too hot for him in this cliché coming of age comedy.
you kissed him, and he pushed your hips down to grind against his lap, pulling a gasp from your lips. he took the opportunity to bring a hand to your neck, pulling you into open mouth kisses. you moaned without shame as you rolled your hips.
"you know what jeonghan told me?" you asked, pulling back to tug his underwear just far enough down to release the member you couldn't stop thinking about. 
you straddled his lap, hands on your thighs. seokmin pushed his bare cock against your core, the wet fabric sticking lightly to his length. "what, baby?"
"he told me he wanted you to plug me up," you breathed, biting your lip when seokmin used a thumb to pull aside your underwear and drag your wetness across his dick. you moaned. "he wanted you to fuck me senseless and tell him all about it."
seokmin groaned, neck stretching out. "i can do that."
"no, baby," you said, bringing his free hand to your face and putting a kiss in his palm before you lifted yourself up, his thumb still hooked on your panties as you rubbed the head of his cock through your folds. "i wanna fuck you."
you sunk down onto him, jaw dropping. he smiled lightly, running his hands down your thighs. "i'll let you if you can."
your toes clenched, and you tried to maintain face. "i can."
seokmin folded his arms under his head, trying to avoid the temptation of fucking up into your warmth. he sighed, breathing out a "go on, then."
you put your hands on his chest and bounced on him several times, biting at your lip at how wide he stretched you out, but taking too much pride in the way his eyes hung half lidded and his breathy groaning to stop. 
your hands went to his neck, leaning forward, lifting his head slightly off the pillow to kiss him, his hands falling from behind his head to hold yours, stopping you from pulling away. 
he moaned into your open mouth, and you backed up for only a second to blearily meet his eyes as he panted. "baby."
you nodded, stealing a few more messy kisses. "yes?"
he groaned again, your hips twisting over his. "you're like a dream."
you could feel the heat radiating off your neck and cheeks, but you just pushed on his chest to sit upright, hands landing on his thighs. you moaned again, unapologetically, as you rotated your hips over his, and he bucked into you at the angle change. "if this is the dream, please don't wake up."
seokmin had a sneaking suspicion that he was in love with you, or at the very least falling towards it. the confirmation of this fact threw itself in his face, not when you proved that you could fuck him, sitting deeply on him to push his cum further in, or when you squealed and giggled as he threw your back onto the bed so that he could pull your underwear off proper and bury his tongue in your heat, but afterwards, when he wandered into the kitchen after using the restroom and found you wearing one of his shirts, waiting as his electric kettle bubbled to life, his favorite blue mug on the counter beside a white one - the white one, he realized, with the finger heart design that he had chosen for your coffee the day prior. and he told you so, rushing to explain himself and assure you that you didn’t have to say it back, but you just hushed him and smiled, saying that you loved him too.
seokmin had to go to the entertainment company that afternoon. you walked with him to the station near his apartment and he sat you in a cab, a kiss on your lips, before he hurried down to catch his ride to work. he breathed heavily when he could finally lean against a wall in the train, having to run to catch it before the doors closed.
seokmin❣️: almost didn't make the train 🙃
you: but you did!!! proud of you 👍
seokmin❣️: thanks 🥴💕
you were both smiling after that.
he took you out to eat that weekend, as promised, and you had honestly forgotten what it was like to date people that weren't jeonghan. you liked riding the subway with him (you couldn't even remember the last time you took it), and you thought it was cute that he let you stand against a wall to keep easy balance as he stood in front of you. you were slightly impressed that he barely rocked with the movement, only grabbing an overhead loop when the train was pulling into a station.
"wait, you're especially pretty right now," he said suddenly, leaning forward to inspect your eyes.
your head hit the wall gently in reaction, flushing at his comment, wanting to bury your face in your scarf. "thank you."
he gave you his signature crooked smile. "of course."
it was cold out, but seokmin wrapped his hand over yours, shoving the whole ordeal into his coat pocket as he walked you down the street towards the restaurant he had picked. you giggled, squeezing his hand in his pocket, but he just continued telling you about which of the trainees he was working with seemed like they would debut.
"jiyoon composes, too! i'm really impressed with her actually," he said, trailing off when he saw the sign for the restaurant. "ah, here it is."
you thanked him when he held the door open for you, and you were immediately struck with the smell of tomato, cheese, and bread.
"i haven't had pizza in ages," you said excitedly, following him to a table.
"don't tell me," seokmin said, helping you take off your jacket and hanging it on a hook at the end of the booth. "you guys don't order pizza?"
you shook your head, sliding into the booth comfortably. "not often. jeonghan likes asian food."
seokmin froze as he was pulling off his jacket to stare at you. "what about you?"
"i like eating."
he laughed. "well, i like pizza."
after dinner, you insisted he come back to the house with you. he said he didn't know, thinking that you would probably need your energy for when jeonghan got home the next day. you pouted, knitting your fingers with his as the two of you stood on the sidewalk outside the pizza place.
"but i really wanna show you my record collection," you said, batting your eyelashes at him.
that was all it took.
you discovered that there was a bus stop near jeonghan's home, and while you would likely never take a bus without seokmin, you thought it was a good nugget of information to tuck away as you marched through the front door of the estate you practically called home.
"welcome to yoon manor," you joked, spinning to smile at seokmin.
he looked around, and despite having been here before, it felt grander coming through the main entrance and without the distraction of party guests. he had seen it empty briefly, from a different angle, when you were pulling him up to your bed a few weeks prior, but he realized he hadn't actually been able to see much when you were the focus of his attention.
"the kitchen's that way, there's a bathroom," you said, pointing at the opening past the stairs as you pulled off your scarf. you folded it over your arm as you walked further into the home, seokmin following you closely. you walked past a partial wall, pointing further down the hall that held the secondary living space that he originally met you in. "there's a bathroom to the left there, and if you go to the end of the hall there's an open sunroom."
seokmin looked around the room you stood in, recognizing it in bits and pieces, but it looking much different without a crowd and flashing lights.
"and this is the living room," you said, spreading your arms as you spun to him. "tv, couch, bar, and most importantly," you giggled, tugging him towards the far wall of the room, which was covered in deep toned shelving, speakers, and a record player. "my record collection."
you took off your jacket as seokmin looked around in awe, noticing you had select autographed records displayed alone on picture ledges with spotlights pointed at them. one picture ledge was empty, centered just above the player. you tossed your coat into the couch, pulling seokmin's off his shoulders as well, despite his distraction.
"these are all yours?" he asked, turning to look at you after you had discarded the coats.
you nodded, spinning the felt of the record player mindlessly as you looked around. "i actually had started a collection years ago, but i couldn't make an excuse to spend the money on it very often. jeonghan gave me a pretty good excuse. also, whenever he pissed me off, he knew he could take me to a record shop and i would forgive him."
seokmin laughed. "does that happen a lot?"
"not as often as you'd think, considering what an ass he is," you teased. you gestured to the collection. "this is my baby, though. the house is his, but this wall is mine."
"well, play me a record," seokmin requested plainly, making you smile into a laugh.
"okay," you said, scooting past him to pull out one of the many cube drawers amidst the shelving. you flipped through a few. "dancing music?"
seokmin watched your hands, humming. "slow dancing, but, like, in a nostalgic discoteque."
you thought for a second, then closed the drawer to move to a different one, quickly flipping through and finding the record you wanted. you pulled the lp out, putting the bright blue sleeve with five smiling men on the empty picture ledge.
seokmin wrapped his arms around you as you set the record, striking the play button and enjoying the whirring as the lp spun, the needle connecting and the speakers scratching to life. you spun in his grip, laying your arms over his shoulders as he pulled you away from the record stand, into a more open space to playfully dance to the soulful bass lines and pop melodies of new edition.
"this house is insane, right?" seokmin asked, squinting at you as you laughed and nodded.
"it really is. the craziest part is he's still working on it."
"really?" seokmin looked around. "what else could he wanna change?"
you let your eyes wander. "i think it's a work in progress for him. the sunroom was brand new when we met, and he added this record display last winter, when i told him i always wanted to collect. the bar is new," you pointed. "he finished that in october. the kitchen was a summer project."
he blinked heavily, trying to register. "does he do all the work himself?"
"his team helps him," you explained. "he has a few contractors he works with and they manage the construction projects, but every once in a while i wake up on a sunday and he's cutting wood in the garage because he got an idea. he drafts all the changes, usually participates in the build, and picks most of the furniture, but he has people to collect the options for him."
"and he also does all that for other people, too?" you nodded, giggling. "and has time to take you to events almost every weekend?"
"i know. i didn't understand how he found the time until i realized that he just gets paid to do his hobby."
seokmin nodded. "me too, i guess."
you grinned. "me three. you should stay with us more," you suggested, rocking with him gently. "he'll be late tomorrow, but he's working from home this week…"
"hush," seokmin chuckled. "i have to work. besides, i'm sure he wants you alone after letting me claim you while he’s been gone."
"about that," you said, pulling away slightly to give him a cheeky smile. "i haven't gotten him to admit it yet, but i think jeonghan has a crush on you."
seokmin choked out a laugh. "what? me?"
"seokmin," you started, giving him a look. "he wanted you to join us for sex. more than once."
"okay," he scoffed lightly. "people have sex just for the sex sometimes," he pointed out, but in a tone that had no chance at convincing anyone.
"sure," you giggled. "but think about it. he kept me to himself all this time, and suddenly he's encouraging us to see each other without him? asking me about everything we do together..."
he swallowed. "everything?"
"everything," you breathed, eyes trained on his lips. "he knows i'll always go back to him, and i think he's hoping i'll bring you with me."
he blinked at you, processing. "is that what you're doing? bringing me back to him?"
"only if that's something you're interested in," you stated, cocking your head.
"him, you mean?"
you thought a second. "yes?"
you watched him blink repeatedly, seemingly considering the concept. he thought back to all the nights that became early mornings, laughing and joking with the architect since before he had even an ounce of notoriety. he thought of how jeonghan had reached out to him again a few long years later, and the way he had insisted on paying every time they got food. he wondered if there had been something happening that he hadn't noticed, his oblivious nature getting the best of him again. he thought about when things changed, when they met less often and jeonghan seemed quieter around him. and months later, when he started mentioning you.
"maybe," he said finally, mind whirling. "i don't know, i've never thought about it."
you nodded, putting your arms over his shoulders and swaying lightly to the music. "take your time," you said, smiling when his forehead pressed against yours. "we'll wait for you."
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