azulatodoryuga · 10 months
Todo Bien
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Personaje: Brock Rumlow X Lectora X Steve Rogers
Advertencia: Smut.
Nota: Este es un regalo para @nekoannie-chan por su cumpleaños. ¡¡¡FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!!! También se publicará en mi perfil de Wattpad. La versión en inglés será exclusiva para Tumblr.
—Algo está mal — asegura Brock cuando su llamada volvió a entrar al buzón.
—Si algo malo le hubiese pasado ya lo sabríamos — habla Jack tratando de calmar a su amigo mientras lo seguía — ¿Y ahora a dónde vas?
—Rumlow — Steve lo llamó, ambos hombres voltean a hacia él, quien se dirigía a ellos — Necesito hablar contigo.
—Tengo cosas más importantes…
—Es sobre T/N — Steve dijo, Brock deja de hablar al escuchar tu nombre — No logro contactarla, ¿sabes algo de ella?  
Brock niega.
—No ha pasado mucho desde que se perdió el contacto con T/N — señala Jack — Así que dudo se haga algo, por el momento.
—Primero la buscaremos nosotros, si no la encontramos alertaremos a S.H.I.E.L.D.
Jack se haría cargo de algunos deberes de Brock, para que este y Steve pudieran buscarte sin problemas.
Van a tu oficina para buscar algún archivo o documento que les pueda indicar tu paradero, pero no encuentran nada. Deciden ir a tu departamento. Al entrar a la cochera del edificio, se dan cuenta que tu auto no está en el lugar.
Van a tu departamento, Brock abre con la llave que le habías dado, cosa que llama la atención de Steve, pues él también tiene una, pero luego preguntaría por eso.
Buscan por todo el lugar y de nuevo nada.
—Ya tuve suficiente — dice Brock, ya cansado de la situación, sacando su celular.
—¿A quién piensas llamar?
—Conozco a alguien que puede ayudar, me debe algunos favores así que no se negara.
—Esperemos que no.
Tal y como dijo Brock, su contacto no se negó en ayudar, esperaron unos minutos hasta que su contacto lo volviera llamar, llamada que Brock pone en altavoz.
—Debe estar mal, revisa otra vez — pide Steve incrédulo al escuchar la dirección.
—¡No estoy para bromas!, ¡Estamos justo en ese edificio!
—Hablo en serio, está justo ahí, de hecho, por lo que veo llego hace menos de diez minutos.
Tras esas palabras se escucha la puerta principal, abrirse, ambos hombres se ponen alerta.
—¿Hola? — tu voz suena por el departamento. Al no tener seguro la puerta supiste que Steve o Brock estaba en tu departamento, pero no podrías adivinar quién exactamente. Ambos hombres salen casi disparados hacia la puerta principal.
—¿T/N? — pregunta Steve por lo bajo al verte parada en la entrada del departamento — Estás bien — dice aliviado sin detener su caminar.
Antes de que puedas preguntar cualquier cosa Steve se abalanza sobre ti abrazándote de forma protectora, pocos segundos después sientes otros brazos rodearte por la espalda, te das cuenta al instante que es Brock, quien te abraza de forma protectora, pero también un tanto posesiva.
—Ah mmm, gracias por la agradable bienvenida, pero… ¿Qué hacen los dos aquí?
—Más bien, ¿dónde estabas? — reclama Brock, alejándose un poco de ti. Ibas a responder, pero Steve se te adelanta uniéndose al reclamo
—No mencionaste que fueras a salir — Steve imita la acción de Brock.
—Vamos por partes — tratas de alejarte para no perder la calma debido a los nervios de tener a los dos tan cerca sin ningún éxito.
Ninguno de los dos parecía querer dejarte ir y claramente su fuerza era por mucho superior a la tuya. Suspiraste rendida antes de empezar a contar lo ocurrido
—Tuve que hacer un viaje a otra ciudad, los problemas empezaron al volver, mi auto se averió y mi celular no tenía batería, estuve por horas varada, hasta que finalmente alguien por fin me ayudo. Pero, no había señal para llamar a una grúa.
—¿Cómo que no había señal? — interrumpe Steve confundido.
—No en todos los lugares hay señal, Steve — le aclaraste. Supiste perfectamente que esa idea errónea pasó por su cabeza.
—¿Qué más paso? — pregunta Brock, curioso.
—Pues tuvimos que ir a la ciudad para tener señal y llamar a la grúa, luego volvimos, esperamos a que llegará la grúa, arreglaron mi auto en el taller, vine a casa y los encontré a ustedes y ahora, me pueden explicar: ¿cómo es que los dos terminaron en mi departamento?
—No lograba contactarte y tampoco Rumlow, nos preocupamos y decidimos buscarte los dos juntos.
Te quedaste sin palabras, te volteaste hacia Brock quien asintió dando a entender que lo dicho por Steve era cierto, te era difícil creer que ellos dos a pesar de no llevarse nada bien decidieron buscarte juntos en vez de hacerlo por cuenta propia.
—Lamento si…
—No te disculpes — dice Brock apretando su agarre — Lo importante es que no te pasó nada — continuó y le sonreíste enternecida.
—Solo por curiosidad — comenzó a hablar Steve, por lo que Brock y tú voltearon a verlo — ¿Desde cuándo Rumlow tiene una llave de tu departamento? — no pudiste evitar tensarte ante esa pregunta.
—¿Por qué debería importarte eso, Rogers? — pregunto Brock con burla.
—Le pregunté a ella, Rumlow. T/N — se volvió a dirigir a ti esperando una respuesta.
—No la presiones.
—No la estoy presionando.
“Aquí vamos otra vez”, pensaste y efectivamente, empezaron a discutir, contigo, en medio… de nuevo.
Pero esta vez decidiste dejarlos, seguir con su discusión sin sentido, para escaparte. Fue más fácil de lo que creíste. Te escabulliste hacia tu cuarto, necesitabas darte una ducha, había sido un día muy largo.
Te fuiste rumbo al baño, pero antes de entrar viste de reojo a los dos hombres, quienes no paraban de discutir. Entraste al baño y te deshiciste de tus prendas para entrar a la regadera, relajándote ante la sensación del agua al recorrer tu cuerpo.
No pudiste evitar recordar los brazos de ambos hombres sobre tu cuerpo, dándote una indescriptible sensación de seguridad y tranquilidad que solo ellos te hacían sentir.
Desde el principio estuviste enamorada de ambos hombres. Ambos son atentos y protectores contigo, pero muy diferentes en muchos, muchos aspectos y aun así sentías lo mismo por ambos. La idea de salir con ambos siempre rondaba en tu cabeza, pero dudabas que aceptaran tener ese tipo de relación.
Cerraste la regadera y te enrollaste la toalla. Saliste del baño para ir hacia tu habitación. En el transcurso te diste cuenta del silencio del lugar, Steve y Brock ya habían dejado de discutir, pero, ¿en qué momento…?
Mejor te preocuparías por eso ya vestida.
Entraste a tu cuarto y te llevaste una gran sorpresa al ver a Brock sentado en tu cama.
—¿Qué haces aquí? — preguntaste confundida.
—Esperaba a que salieras de bañarte — él contesta con naturalidad.
—¿Sucede algo?
—¿También le diste una llave de tu departamento a Rogers? — él cuestionó, no te sorprendió su pregunta en sí, sino que se veía molesto. Aunque dudaste, asentiste contestando su pregunta.
—¿Por qué? — preguntó irritado.
—Porque es mi… amigo… — dices con dificultad.
—Amigo — repite esa palabra. Vuelves a asentir y él se levanta de la cama — Bien — empieza a caminar hacia ti, un poco intimidante. Tus nervios aumentan cuando ya lo tienes frente a ti.
Y antes de hacer cualquier pregunta, él te rodea con sus brazos para acercarte más a él y poder unir sus labios, mejor dicho, devorar tus labios.
El corazón te empezó a latir con fuerza, no logras descifrar si es por los nervios o la excitación que comienza a apoderarse de ti. Pero por tu mente solo pasan dos opciones: frenarlo y pedirle tiempo para aclarar tus sentimientos sobre él y Steve o dejar que las cosas sigan su curso. Obviamente, eliges la 2ª opción.
Colocas tus manos sobre su pecho y tratas de seguirle el beso, las manos de Brock recorren tu espalda por encima de la toalla que comienza a caer.
Ibas a quitártela, pero sientes un par de manos que lo hacen por ti, percatándote de algo: Brock aún tenía sus manos en tu espalda.
Te separas bruscamente de Brock rompiendo el beso, volteas hacia atrás, encontrando a Steve con la toalla que deja caer al suelo en el momento que conectan miradas, dejándote completamente expuesta a ellos.
Antes de que puedas tan siquiera decir algo, Steve comienza a devorar tus labios como si de una bestia se tratara, su mano izquierda se posa sobre tu seno derecho masajeándolo a su gusto y con la otra sostiene tu costado izquierdo casi rozando con tu otro seno.
Mientras Brock ataca tu cuello, llenándolo de besos y una que otra mordida. Su brazo derecho te tiene rodeada, y con su mano izquierda acaricia con ansias tu intimidad, concentrándose en tu clítoris, haciendo que te retuerzas del intenso placer.
Comienzas a sentir un nudo en tu estómago, Brock se da cuenta de tu pronto orgasmo y acelera el movimiento de sus dedos en tu punto de placer que al pellizcar te hace llegar a tu orgasmo. Sueltas un fuerte gemido que fue ahogado en la boca de Steve.
Te separas de él para recuperar el aire. Pero tu leve descanso fue interrumpido cuando Brock te toma del cuello de forma brusca, haciéndote soltar un pequeño quejido.
—Sigamos en la cama — te susurra Brock en la oreja haciéndote sentir un escalofrío por la espalda.
—Estarás más cómoda — Steve asegura.
Tal vez no todo en este día sería tan malo
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navybrat817 · 1 year
When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love. <3
I don't know if I can pick 5 favorites! How about 5 recent(ish) fics near and dear to me? ❤️ NPT. ❤️
Lay Me Down (Vampire Mob!Bucky) - tagging @sgt-seabass for her love of supernatural creatures
Finding Home (Lumberjack!Steve Rogers) - tagging fellow Steve writer @labella420
Like Real People Do (Professor!Bucky Barnes) - tagging fellow professor AU writer @sunshinebuckybarnes
Cordially Invited (Modern Knight!Steve Rogers) - tagging fellow royalty AU writer @musingsinmoonlight
Once Upon a Time (Librarian!Bucky Barnes) - tagging @jobean12-blog for her Boys in Bed with Books series
Love and thanks! ❤️
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jessybarnes · 7 months
Hi! Can I have the angst prompt #4 "I don't forgive you.", please? 🥺
Hi, sweetheart! Yes, you can definitely have that one! Thank you for joining my challenge and I'm so excited to see what you write! ❤️🥰
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cockslutpadalecki · 1 year
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thank you my lovely! 🥰
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nekoannie-chan · 2 years
Acerca de Annie
♡───── ❝ 𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗮 𝗱𝗲 mí ❞ ─────♡
❣ Nombre: Annie/Ana
❣ Edad/Cumpleaños: 31 / Junio ♋︎
❣ Ubicación: La Dimensión desconocida.
❣ Idiomas: Español (nativa), inglés, un poco de japonés y estoy aprendiendo coreano.
❣ Estudiante de doctorado.
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬 𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐬
❣ ¿Haces pedidos?
Sí, pero por favor se paciente, me tomará algo de tiempo debido a las cosas que tengo que hacer en la vida real. Puedes checar los lineamientos aquí.
❣ ¿Escribes sobre cualquier personaje?
No, pero puedes encontrar sobre los personajes que escribo aquí.
❣ ¿Me puedes etiquetar en tus fics?
Sí, te puedes anotar aquí.
❣ Únicamente quiero que me etiquetes en una serie o fic en específico…
Claro, mándame una pregunta o deja un comentario en la serie que quieras que te etiquete.
❣ ¿Me darías permiso para traducir tus fics o usar tus divisores de texto?
No, lo lamento, no tienes mi permiso. Yo traduzco mis trabajos y no quiero que alguien más use mis divisores o gráficos.
❣ ¿Te puedo etiquetar en mis fics?
Claro, pero por favor, primero checa mis lineamientos aquí.
❣ ¿Dónde publicas tus fics?
Aquí en Tumblr, en Wattpad, Ao3 y ffnet.
❣ ¿Quién hace tus divisores/moodboards?
A veces yo, a veces el Señor Serpiente (mi novio).
❣ ¿Tienes otras cuentas?
Sí, puedes checarlas aquí.
❣ Si veo algún error en tus fics, ¿puedo corregirte?
Por supuesto, soy una persona y cometo errores, puedes mandarme un mensaje, por favor, se amable.
❣ ¿Puedo mandarte mensajes privados?
Claro, pero el odio no es admitido en mi blog.
❣ ¿Actriz y actor favoritos?
Actriz: Kou Shibasaki.
Actor: Frank Grillo.
❣ ¿Cómo apoyas a otros escritores?
Comento y reblogueo fanfics diario, cada semana publico una lista con las recomendaciones.
 Cabe recalcar que siempre respeto a todas las personas incluso si no estoy de acuerdo con su opinión. Como dije anteriormente el odio y el plagio no es tolerado en mi blog.
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minoots · 2 years
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Thank you soo much
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moonlit-imagines · 1 month
Headcanons for being the forgetful Avenger
Avengers x reader
a/n: it not too long i so sorry
prompt: @glitchy-bean: “Hi!!! I hope you're doing good!!! Could I request smth with a really forgetful reader + the avengers gang? More like found family than anything romantic at all with a teen reader if that's okay!!!”
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“well sorry” -you, consistently “i cant remember everything”
“you can’t remember anything” -nat
“yeah, y/n, were you dropped on the head as a baby or something?” -tony
“cut it out, guys. it’s not their fault they forgot thor’s birthday. besides, hes had a couple thousand” -steve
“are you calling me old, captain?” -thor
“at least im not the only one” -steve
it wasn’t just birthdays you forgot
much much more serious than that
rendezvous points, mission details, plans of attack, perp descriptions, where you put your keys, where you put your gun
you name it you forgot it
i mean—not always, but enough for it to be the running joke
“keep your comms on, y/n. not having a disaster like last time when you couldn’t remember whether to cut the red wire or green wire” -tony
“you wish i cut the wrong one” -you
“uh, no, that’s very harsh. i moreso wished you didn’t scare us half to death by nearly digging your grave” -tony
“oh ok i forgot” -you
“who left their macaroni and cheese in the microwave?” -vision
“damn! its cold. and crusted a little. how long did i leave this in here?” -you, poking your tray with a fork “and why are you using the microwave? you dont eat”
“this is a shared space, is it not?” -vision
“he’s got you there” -steve
“you’re just ganging up on me because you’re all miserable and you want me to be miserable too. i’m going to drive one of tony’s expensive cars now, you can’t stop me” -you, storming out
you walked right back in
“what’d you forget?” -steve
“wallet, phone, keys” -you
tony noticed
“where is y/n going with my car?” -tony
“not sure, just out” -steve
“probably gonna forget their turn signal and crash into someone’s car” -tony
as far as missions went, though, you were a bit of a powerhouse so you didn’t really need to be looked after on that front…just had to make sure not to blow anyone else’s cover
“hey, what’s the codeword again?” -you
“check your wrist, kid” -nat
“oh, right…okay thanks” -you
“*gasp* was i supposed to give the signal? i just kinda went in” -you
“ok, who told y/n they could give the signal. speak up now” -tony
*clint loudly snickering over comms*
kinda forgetting what you’re talking about in the middle of sentences sometimes but like, just glitching out
“something smells like it’s burning” -you “my cookies…”
you forgot to set a timer
and forgot you were making cookies
the avengers honestly did find it endearing
just a hyper kid who cant get their thoughts in a solid line
but they’d continue making jabs at you constantly
“maybe wanda can fix your memory problems” -tony
“i will not” -wanda
“oh well nevermind then” -tony
honestly with all your forgetfulness, you worried as you dusted away if anyone would forget about you
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 // @deanzboyfriend //
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lunarbuck · 7 months
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banner credit to the amazing/incredible/talented/perfect @jen-with-a-pen
hello hello :) Welcome to my Kinktober Masterlist! As much as I would love to do a full fic for every single day of the month, it just isn't in the cards for me.
here you'll find everything I currently have planned for kinktober <;3 Key word being planned... i reserve the right to adjust this haha I also decided to do it by week so I can have some flexibility about when I'm posting these one-shots/drabbles!
I got my prompts from the amazing kinktober list by @flightlessangelwings <3
just a reminder: my blog is 18+! All my writing is 18+ minors and blank/ageless blogs DNI
Please make sure to read the warnings on each individual post. your media consumption is your responsibility.
lets get into it 🌙
my masterlist | @lunarbucklibrary
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──── Week One ────
Love Bites
Steve Rogers x f!reader (any race)
Thigh Riding
Lee Bodecker x f!reader (any race)
Table Sex/Threesome/Sensory Deprivation
Stucky x f!reader (any race)
Phone Sex
Sam Wilson x f!reader (any race)
──── Week Two ────
Double Penetration
Stucky x f!reader (any race)
Formal Wear
Bucky Barnes x f!reader (any race)
Being Recorded
Steve Kemp x f!reader (any race)
Free Use
Bucky Barnes x f!reader (any race) & Steve Rogers x f!reader (any race)
──── Week Three ────
Lee Bodecker x f!reader (any race)
Bucky Barnes x f!reader (any race)
Ari Levinson x f!reader (any race)
Loki Laufeyson x f!reader (any race)
──── Week Four ────
Face Sitting/Deep Throating
Stucky x f!reader (any race)
Cock Rings
Steve Rogers x f!reader (any race)
Fingering/Cream Pie
Ari Levinson x f!reader (any race)
Stucky x f!reader (any race)
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I am discontinuing my taglist. Follow @lunarbucklibrary and turn on notifications to be notified when I post new writing. must be 18+
everything tags: @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida @emi11ie @paulasocean @silverfire475 @lovingchoices14 @nekoannie-chan @late-to-the-party-81 @chibijusstuff @midnightramyeoncravings @wickidlady @buckyb-stan @adoreyouusugar @sebastianstanisagod @kayden666 @km-ffluv @winters1917 @buckysprettybaby @youdontknowmegls
kinktober tags: @purple-vegan @casa-boiardi @cope69seethe @writing-for-marvel
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lives-in-midgard · 5 months
🎄Afternoon Cuddles
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Summary: Steve comes back home from a mission and you decide to spend the afternoon cuddling.
Word Count: 500
A/N: Hey everyone! This is part of my Fluffcember and I hope you like this! 💖This prompt reminds me of a Chris Evans fic I wrote this year. Click here if you want to check it out as well.
Divider made my @saradika.
Prompt 7: Cuddles, kisses, hot chocolate
(prompt from @buckys-wintersoldier)
Masterlist | Fluffcember Masterlist
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Steve has been on a mission for three weeks and that day he finally came home. It was his last mission for the year. Steve made sure he didn’t have to go there anymore so he could spend Christmas season with you. Steve called you the day before and told you that he was on his way home. You missed Steve very much and you are so happy to have him back home. While Steve was away you decorated the apartment with some Christmas decorations and when Steve called you yesterday you made sure you had everything at home for dinner.
While you waited for Steve to come home, you prepared dinner and also cleaned the apartment a little. You were in the kitchen when you heard the key turn in the door. A smile immediately spread across your face.
“Sweetheart, I’m home.” Steve called quietly. With a smile you walked to the apartment door where Steve was leaning the shield against the wall. He was still wearing his Captain America suit, which means he must have gone straight to your apartment after landing at the compound.
“Hey, Stevie.” That’s what you said as you saw him standing there and Steve smiled back. You ran to him and jumped into his arms. Steve chuckled but then hugged you tightly.
“I missed you too.” Steve sighed and kissed your forehead. After a while you broke the hug. You looked up to him, Steve cupped your face and kissed you softly and then you smiled at each other.
“I love you so much sweetheart.”
“I love you too.” You said back softly. Steve took your hand and looked around the apartment, noticing the decorations. You saw Steve’s gaze soften as he looked around.
“Do you like it?” Steve looked back at you and squeezed your hand.
“I love it.” You giggled.
“Wait, how was the mission?” You asked Steve after a while.
“It went well, but I’m really exhausted.”
“Oh, Steve. Would you like to take a quick shower and change into some comfortable clothes so we can cuddle before dinner?” You suggested and he nodded.
“Yeah, that sounds really good.” Steve said and you gave him a kiss on the cheek. While Steve went to shower, you made hot chocolate for both of you. You carried them into your bedroom and placed them on the bedside table. Then you sat down in bed, put the blanket around yourself and waited for Steve. After a while you heard the water stop and a few minutes later Steve entered the room in comfortable clothes. Steve sat down next to you, and you reached for a cup of hot chocolate.
“For you.” You said when you gave it to him.
“Thanks honey.” You and Steve took a few sips and then cuddled. He held you close and slowly rubbed your back. You both missed this so much and were so happy to be together again.
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@marvelogic | @rogersbarber | @eviebuggg | @nicoline1998enilocin | @nekoannie-chan | @kandis-mom | @sergeantbarnessdoll | @noellez-best-life23 | @buckskemp | @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 | @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 | @mrsbuckybarnes1917
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whore-for-chris-evans · 7 months
Back Rubs
Steve Rogers x female!reader
Warnings: talk of periods, specifically cramps, fluff, slight dirty talk, no smut.
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The mattress dipped behind you, and one strong arm wrapped around you from behind. A hand brushed your hair away from your neck before you felt a warm breath on your shoulder.
You sighed, lazy smile on your lips. "Baby, not tonight. Please."
Steve gently tilted your face towards him, blue eyes full of adoration and understanding. "Okay," he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. The two of you shifted your positions so that you were on top of him now, your head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.
You reached out to touch his hand, and he responded by lacing your fingers with his. His other hand constantly brushed up and down your back. You tried to relax, you really did, but the nagging ache in your lower back was proving to be too much. You had taken painkillers, but they did little to ease the discomfort.
"Steve," you said quietly, "are you good at back rubs?"
He frowned a little at the seemingly odd question. "Yeah. Why, you need one?"
You laughed, slightly embarrassed. "I could use one. The cramps are terrible. I don't know if it will help but..." you didn't even get to finish the sentence before Steve jumped into action, making sure you were comfortable lying on your stomach and asking you where it hurt.
He proved to be efficient at it - knuckles and finger tips moving in smooth circles and easing the muscles in your body. You heaved a sigh of relief.
"Feel better?" he chuckled without stopping.
"Oh, much better. I haven't felt this great in ages." You turned slightly to look up at him. "I think that'll do," you said after a while, pressing a quick kiss to his lips as he settled back into his previous position and secured you against himself.
"Thank you," you murmured into his chest, then looked up at him, "I love you."
"I love you so much more, sweetheart. I'm happy to help." Another sweet peck to your hairline.
You reached a hand up to his cheek, feeling the slight scratch of his stubble under your fingers. "You haven't shaved in a few days."
"I know," he sighed, absentmindedly rubbing his jawline.
"You could try growing it out."
"I'm sort of obliged to shave. I have an image to keep up," he told you ruefully, "but maybe on our next vacation..."
"Yeah, no, I'm not saying right away, but I am imagining it..." you trailed off.
"And what do you see?" he teased.
You scrunch up your nose in thought. "I see...a very handsome...lumberjack?" you giggled.
"Lumberjack, hmm?"
"You'd make a good one. Look at you. Splitting logs and pussies since the 1940s."
He cocked his head towards you so sharply you almost thought you'd overstepped with that joke. But then he burst out laughing, clutching his stomach as he tried to recover. You found tears streaming down your own cheeks as you hid your face in his chest. "That was so terrible. I don't even know where that came from."
Still shaking his head in amusement he rolled over, trapping you under him. "Well, I don't know about wooden logs so far, but..." he winked, his lips melting into yours.
I haven't written in ages good lord-
Shoutout to my girls @breethebee7 and @mainly-marvel for inspiring and helping me write this.
Thank god I was in pain yesterday because it sparked the conversation with Bree that gave me this idea.
Constructive criticism is well appreciated ❤️
@royalwriteroftheuniverse @nana1000night @jamneuromain @sarahrogersevans @peace-love-fanfiction @nekoannie-chan @hawkeyes-queen @georgiapeach30513 @imaginedreamwrite @slut-for-chrisevans @heli0s-writes
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azulatodoryuga · 10 months
All Right
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Character: Brock Rumlow X Reader X Steve Rogers
Warning: Smut.
Note: This is present for @nekoannie-chan for birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! It will also be published on my Wattpad. The english version will be exclusive for Tumblr.
—Something is wrong — Brock assures when his call comes back into the mailbox.
—If something bad had happened to him, we would know by now — Jack says, trying to calm his friend as he follows him — Now where are you going?
—Rumlow — Steve called him, and both men turned to him, who was addressing them — I need to talk to you.
—I have more important things...
—It's about Y/N — Steve said Brock stops talking when he hears your name — I can't reach her; do you know anything about her?
Brock denies.
—Not much has happened since we lost contact with Y/N — Jack points out — So I doubt anything will be done for the time being.
—We'll look for her first, and if we don't find her, we'll alert S.H.I.E.L.D.
Jack would take over some of Brock's duties, so Brock and Steve could look for you without any problems.
They go to your office to look for any files or documents that might indicate your whereabouts, but find nothing. They decide to go to your apartment. When they enter the garage of the building, they realize that your car is not there.
They go to your apartment, and Brock opens it with the key that you had given him—something that catches Steve's attention because he also has one, but later he would ask for it.
They look all over the place, and again, nothing
—I've had enough — says Brock, tired of the situation, taking out his cell phone.
—Who do you plan to call?
—I know someone who can help; he owes me some favors, so he won't refuse.
—Finger crossed.
Just as Brock said, his contact didn't refuse to help; they waited a few minutes until his contact called him back, and Brock put the call on speaker.
—It must be wrong; check again — Steve asked incredulously when he heard the address.
—I'm not kidding; we're right in that building!
—I'm serious; it's right there; in fact, as far as I can see, I arrived less than ten minutes ago.
After those words, the front door is heard to open, and both men become alert.
—Hello? — Your voice rings through the apartment. Not having a lock on the door, you knew that Steve or Brock was in your apartment, but you couldn't guess who exactly. The two men almost bolted for the front door.
—Y/N? — Steve asks quietly as he sees you standing at the entrance of the apartment. You're okay — he says, relieved, without stopping his walk.
Before you can ask anything, Steve pounces on you, hugging you protectively. A few seconds later, you feel other arms around your back, and you realize instantly that it's Brock, who hugs you protectively but also a bit possessively.
—Ah, mmm, thanks for the nice welcome, but... what are you two doing here?
—More to the point, where were you? — Brock claims, turning away from you a bit. You were about to answer, but Steve beat you to it, joining in the complaint.
—You didn't mention you were dating — Steve says, imitating Brock's action.
—Let's take it one step at a time — You try to move away so as not to lose your calm due to the nerves of having the two of them so close, without any success.
Neither of them seemed to want to let you go, and clearly, their strength was by far superior to yours. You sighed in surrender before you began to recount what had happened.
—I had to make a trip to another city; the problems started when I got back; my car broke down, and my cell phone had no battery. I was stranded for hours until someone finally helped me. But there was no signal to call a tow truck.
—What do you mean there was no signal? — Steve interrupted in confusion.
—There's no signal everywhere, Steve — you clarified. You knew perfectly well that this erroneous idea had gone through his head.
—What else happened?" Brock asks, curious.
—Well, we had to go to the city to get a signal and call the tow truck, then we came back, waited for the tow truck to arrive, got my car fixed at the shop, came home and found you, and now, can you explain to me: How did you both end up in my apartment?
—I couldn't reach you, and neither could Rumlow; we got worried and decided to look for you together.
You were speechless. You turned to Brock, who nodded, giving you the understanding that what Steve said was true. It was hard for you to believe that the two of them decided to look for you together instead of doing it on their own, even though they didn't get along at all.
—I'm sorry if...
—Don't apologize — Brock said, tightening his grip — The important thing is that nothing happened to you — he continued, and you smiled at him with a warm smile.
—Just out of curiosity — Steve started talking, so you and Brock turned to look at him — Since when does Rumlow have a key to your apartment? — You couldn't help but tense up at that question.
—Why should that matter to you, Rogers?" Brock asked mockingly.
—I asked her, Rumlow. Y/N," he said, turning back to you and waiting for an answer.
—Don't push her.
—I'm not pushing her.
“Here we go again" you thought, and sure enough, they started arguing, with you in the middle... again.
But this time you decided to leave them to continue their pointless discussion and escape. It was easier than you thought. You slipped away to your room. You needed to take a shower; it had been a long day.
You went to the bathroom, but before entering, you saw out of the corner of your eye the two men who kept arguing. You entered the bathroom and got rid of your clothes to enter the shower, relaxing at the sensation of the water running over your body.
You couldn't help but remember the arms of both men on your body, giving you an indescribable feeling of security and tranquility that only they made you feel.
From the beginning, you were in love with both men. Both are attentive and protective of you, but they are very different in many, many ways, and yet you felt the same way about both of them. The idea of dating both men was always in the back of your mind, but you doubted they would agree to have that kind of relationship.
You turned off the shower and rolled up your towel. You left the bathroom to go to your room. On the way, you noticed the silence of the place; Steve and Brock had already stopped arguing, but at what point...
You'd better worry about that now that you're dressed.
You went into your room and got a big surprise when you saw Brock sitting on your bed.
—What are you doing here? — you asked, confused.
—I was waiting for you to get out of the bath — he answers naturally.
—Is something wrong?
—Did you also give a key to your apartment to Rogers? — he questioned you; you weren't surprised by his question per se, but he looked annoyed. Although you hesitated, you nodded, answering his question.
—Why? — he asked, irritated.
—Because he is my friend — you say with difficulty.
—“Friend” — he repeats. You nod again, and he gets up from the bed — Good — he says, and he starts walking towards you, a little intimidating. Your nerves increase as he stands in front of you.
And before you can ask any questions, he puts his arms around you to pull you closer to him so he can join his lips, or rather, devour your lips.
Your heart begins to pound, and you can't figure out if it's because of nerves or the excitement that begins to take hold of you. But only two options cross your mind: to stop him and ask him for time to clarify your feelings about him and Steve, or to let things take their course. Obviously, you choose the second option.
You place your hands on his chest and try to follow his kiss. Brock's hands run down your back over the towel that starts to fall.
You were about to take it off, but you felt a pair of hands do it for you, realizing something: Brock still had his hands on your back.
You abruptly pull away from Brock, breaking the kiss, turning back, and finding Steve with the towel that he drops to the floor the moment they connect gazes, leaving you completely exposed to them.
Before you can even say anything, Steve begins to devour your lips like a beast. His left hand rests on your right breast, massaging it to his liking, and with the other, he holds your left side, almost touching your other breast.
While Brock attacks your neck, filling it with kisses and a bite or two. His right arm has you wrapped around him, and with his left hand, he eagerly caresses your intimacy, concentrating on your clitoris, making you squirm from the intense pleasure.
You begin to feel a knot in your stomach. Brock realizes your soon-to-be orgasm and accelerates the movement of his fingers on your pleasure point so that pinching makes you reach your orgasm. You let out a loud moan that was stifled in Steve's mouth.
You pull away from him to catch your breath. But your slight rest was interrupted when Brock grabbed your neck roughly, making you let out a small moan.
—Let's go to bed — Brock whispers in your ear, making you feel a shiver down your back.
—You'll be more comfortable — Steve assures you.
Maybe not everything on this day will be so bad.
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navybrat817 · 2 years
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Sending love and thanks, Annie! ❤️
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darsynia · 1 year
Hand(s) Off | Ch1: Agony
(Steve Rogers/f!Reader sex pollen-esque multichapter)
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Summary: Bucky Barnes is the most important person in your life. When he confesses to you that he lives at the Avengers tower, and the 'Steve' you've been hearing about for months is actually Steve Rogers, you think that nothing can top that revelation-- and then you find yourself trapped in Captain America's bedroom getting a second-hand dose of NYC's favorite new aphrodisiac, Mistress.
Length | Warnings: 3,271 | None this chapter; story will contain explicit sex descriptions and situations, MINORS DNI
Note: I want to make clear that I'm treating the issues of consent with sensitivity. This is not even a dubious consent story in my eyes; the choices these characters make are kind, as clear-eyed as possible under the circumstances, and respectful-- in fact, that's what causes problems for Steve and Dee in the long run. I do want to be clear though: there will be sexual stuff in this story. I'm not teasing you. It won't be clinical or tortured :)
Fill: Adoptable 'Pheremones' from @allcapsbingo
Tags (please request!): @starryeyes2000 @munstysmind @ronearoundblindly @chickensarentcheap @themaradaniels @tiny-anne @deepbatched @nekoannie-chan
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“You grew up with Captain America?” you ask, impressed. Bucky Barnes can really keep a secret.
“Not at all. I grew up with Steve. Skinny, brave Steve. Never backed down from a fight, and now he doesn’t have to. C’mon,” he says, nodding toward the Avengers tower that’s visible in the distance.
There’s something in the back of your mind that’s important, something-- “Oh my God, Bucky!” you gasp, almost stumbling in your shock. “I dragged you to that trivia night, and you did so badly on the Avengers questions! You let me answer the all Captain America ones myself! I totally went on and on about how wonderful and handsome Steve Rogers is. I talked about his ass-- and he’s your best friend?”
“You squeak any higher you’re going to start catching the attention of every purse dog in the city,” Bucky teases gruffly. You shoot a look over, noticing that he’s trying not to grin.
“You jerk!” you say, nudging his right arm with your left elbow. “Were you feeling me out?”
Bucky starts cough-laughing. “You’re going to have to define that one for me.”
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Chapter One: Agony
He’s falling and you can’t do anything about it.
Bucky’s shirt catches on a stub of a branch on the way down. You, the child whose balloon he was retrieving, and the kid’s mother all rush over when he lands in a heap.
“Oh my god, are you--” the mom starts to say.
“Here you go, kid. Hold tight, I’m not going after it again,” Bucky interrupts, hauling himself to his feet. 
“Wow! That looks like it didn’t hurt at all!” the kid says.
“It hurts. Everything hurts. I’m just trying to impress her.” He nods in your direction.
Even though it makes you crack up (because he’s absolutely not), this seems to do the trick. The mom takes a minute to tie a more secure knot in the balloon string before smiling nervously at the two of you and leading her son away.
“I’m sorry,” you wince, taking a picture of the hand-sized rip at Bucky’s armpit that reveals the metal of his arm underneath. You’ve never seen the whole thing, but you’ve felt the arm through his sleeve a couple of times.
“Why are you sorry? You told me not to do it.”
“I’m sorry to have been right?”
“Yeah, okay,” he says grimly, scowling at the phone you handed him and reaching around to feel the edges of the tear. “It shows the join, doesn’t it?”
You’ve been trying not to look, because, yeah, it does. The skin edging the metal graft looks burned and painful, definitely not appropriate for your museum plans. Bucky takes in your uncomfortable nod and his jaw clenches.
“We don’t have to go,” you offer.
“We’re going. I just have to…” He trails off, twisting the shirt around to get a better look. The two of you had decided to take the long way through the park. There’s about an hour before the interactive exhibit opens, but it’s the last day. He wouldn’t even tell you how he got the tickets.
“Okay, what if we swing by a corner store so I can grab a sewing kit--”
Bucky interrupts in a firm voice. “No need to waste the money. I’ll head back home to change; we can get a taxi from there. It’s a bit of a walk.” He shrugs the shirt back into position and starts back the way you’d come.
You have to jog to catch up. “That works.” There are a million things you want to say, but it’s Bucky who speaks first, after fifteen minutes of silence. The two of you reach a crosswalk, and he stops you with his left arm, which in your opinion is a choice.
“Spit it out.”
“You were keeping things separate. You shouldn’t change your mind unless you want to,” you say quietly. He’d said he wanted to keep this friendship to himself for a while, with no connection to the past, and no expectation for the future. You’d found that unexpectedly refreshing at the time, and you still do.
“I’ve been thinking about that,” Bucky says. “It’s time. I probably would have sat on it for another month anyway.”
It’s been a six month journey from friendly to friends to close friends for the two of you, and it’s only been two months since he’d opened up about his agonizing past. You don’t know everything yet, and that’s okay. You might never know. As long as Bucky knows he can trust you, that’s what matters.
The light changes, and he guides you across, his body language more relaxed now. Still, you want to make things as easy for him as possible.
“I can wait in the lobby--”
“Shit. That won’t help,” Bucky says, coming to a complete stop in the middle of the sidewalk. “Did you ever look me up?”
“No! You asked me not to.”
He looks at you like you’re some sort of rare creature for a minute, and a slow, appreciative smile grows on his face. You get it-- when he’d told you his actual birthdate, that he’d gone missing in the 40’s, you’d been tempted. But… when someone with a medically engineered metal arm asks you not to poke around in his past, you don’t. Not if you care about him.
“There was a good reason for that, I’m assuming?”
Bucky’s chuckle is deep and amused. “Yeah. I ah, live with the Avengers. Steve’s last name is Rogers. Steve Rogers.”
You’ve heard all about his best friend Steve, enough to feel affection for the man without ever having met him-- but this is not what you were expecting. At all.
“You grew up with Captain America?” you ask, impressed. Bucky Barnes can really keep a secret.
“Not at all. I grew up with Steve. Skinny, brave Steve. Never backed down from a fight, and now he doesn’t have to. C’mon,” he says, nodding toward the Avengers tower that’s visible in the distance.
There’s something in the back of your mind that’s important, something-- “Oh my God, Bucky!” you gasp, almost stumbling in your shock. “I dragged you to that trivia night, and you did so badly on the Avengers questions! You let me answer the all Captain America ones myself! I totally went on and on about how wonderful and handsome Steve Rogers is. I talked about his ass-- and he’s your best friend?”
“You squeak any higher you’re going to start catching the attention of every purse dog in the city,” Bucky teases gruffly. You shoot a look over, noticing that he’s trying not to grin.
“You jerk!” you say, nudging his right arm with your left elbow. “Were you feeling me out?”
Bucky starts cough-laughing. “You’re going to have to define that one for me.”
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“--stop by, that’s all I ask. Redwing would love it,” Sam grins as he opens the door to Tony’s lab.
“I’ll try, but did you have to say it like that?” Steve groans before heading into Dr. Banner’s workspace right next door. A new street drug named Mistress has been causing concern, and with SHIELD still in transition, the government has called on the scientific wing of the Avengers to help figure out how to combat the substance. 
Mistress is an aphrodisiac, a potent one. Banner’s preliminary tests show that it’s likely not of Earth origin, which has slowed down their testing considerably due to safety concerns. That’s where Steve comes in; Bruce thinks his fast metabolism could be the key to figuring the stuff out without putting too many others at risk. That and his lack of a romantic partner. 
Apparently the drug enhances a person’s desire to have sex to a strong need, strong enough that there’s no data on what happens if they don’t. The stuff reportedly burns through people, causing dangerous fevers that have officials fearful that someone’s going to get dosed and killed, not to mention the consent issues.
“Hey, Steve,” Banner says. “I don’t know if you’ve met Doctor Lyonne?”
“I haven’t. First or last name?” Steve asks the attractive female doctor.
“Oh, nice one. ‘Lyonne’ is my married name, though. Sorry to possibly disappoint,” she says easily.
Banner smiles at Steve’s wave-off gesture and says, “I’ll leave you two experts to the interpersonal stuff.” He ignores them in favor of a large glass jar with a bunch of warning labels stuck to it. The liquid inside is clear, and all signs point to it being the drug in question. “All right,” Bruce finally says, stepping away and scratching out about four things on his clipboard. “The plan is to expose you in measured doses and observe the results. It’s pretty volatile-- works if ingested, soaks into the skin, and we think it’s capable of being aerosolized under certain conditions. Drinking it will be the most controlled method, so Dr. Lyonne is setting up dosing cups for me. She’s got a class to teach in about forty minutes, so--”
“That’s his delicate way of saying I’ll be out of your hair and unable to observe anything you’ll be going through over the course of the tests,” Lyonne interrupts.
The door that joins the two labs swings open before Steve can respond, and Tony leans his head in. He’s wearing one of his Iron Man suits. “Before you ramp up Icy Hot here, can I show you my new toy?”
“This is a segue to a sex toy joke, Steve. Retreat, retreat!” Sam calls out from behind Tony.
“I’m wounded!” Tony says, muttering, “I can’t believe I didn’t think of that first.” He walks in and grins, holding up his left arm. “Check it out. Nav is still a little spotty, but--”
Steve watches as a shape lifts up from Tony’s bicep area on the suit, similar to Redwing but oval and smaller. 
“Tony, I’d be happy to look at it pretty much any other time, but--”
“You have the whole rest of the day blocked out, Bruce, just give me this!”
The friendship between Stark and Banner always makes Steve nervous. They are the closest aligned in terms of work ethic and smarts, but farthest apart in temperament-- and that’s before the Hulk is brought into play. Steve inches closer to the large glass jug of Mistress as Tony gesticulates wildly, sending the drone careening around the room.
It starts beeping.
“Shit!” Tony shouts. “Uh… apparently something I did set the self-destruct?”
“Why does your drone have a self destruct, Tony?” 
Bruce sounds incredulous and angry, and Steve doesn’t have his shield. As though Tony had set up the whole situation for maximum drama, the thing is headed straight for the jug. Steve lunges to protect it as Bruce maneuvers himself to take the explosion for the team. Someone screams for JARVIS to lock down the building.
Steve lifts the drug container high, meaning to leap out of the way with it, but there’s nowhere to go. The drone’s explosive impact brings forth the Hulk-- which sends Steve and the jug flying backwards into the lab equipment.
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Things turn a bit surreal when you enter the tower. Bucky takes you to a secret side entrance (to avoid the press, he says) but when he gets into the elevator, he seems confused when he can’t talk to it. You’re just about to make a Star Trek joke when he explains there’s usually an artificial intelligence that runs the building, but it’s not responding.
You’re used to pretty much anything apartment-related being out of order, so you’re not fazed. Once inside his apartment, you point out that there’s a sticky note on the opposite side of the door, and Bucky grabs it, his brows furrowing as he reads.
“Shit,” he grins, holding up the note. “Stay here? You’re not authorized for this area.”
“Better hurry!” The tickets for the exhibit are for 1:30, and it’s already 12:50. With a nod, he jogs back into the hallway toward the elevator, and just like that you’re alone in Bucky’s apartment.
It is immediately apparent that he doesn’t live here alone. Underneath a coat rack with multiple jackets is a shoe tray with at least five pairs of shoes in two different sizes. The living room is cozy and lived-in; you see the familiar sight of a bottle of Bucky’s favorite beer sitting on an end-table-- right beside a coaster.
You’re about to reach for it when an alarm sounds, accompanied by an urgent voice.
=Tier One protection activated. Retreat to an interior room and wait for further instructions. Attention: Tier One protection activated. Retreat to an interior room and wait for further instructions.=
You freeze in fear for a few seconds, but when the instruction repeats a few seconds later, you hear a grinding noise in the wall. It’s frightening enough that you dart into the hallway and inside the first open door. The reason for the sound becomes terrifyingly clear a few seconds later as a metal panel encased in the doorframe slides down, too quickly for you to slip out underneath it.
The room turns pitch black in the space between one frightened breath and the next.
After taking a minute to listen for danger, you make your way by feel to the far wall, looking for the light switch. On the way, you trip over something that turns out to be a pair of men’s slippers. You’re glad to let your eyes adjust to the light as you put them back, but when you straighten up, you immediately feel like you’re trespassing somewhere you do not belong.
The room is neat as hell, the kind of tidiness that must come from enjoying a clean space rather than a sense of obligation. However, you soon reassess: this is lived in, less frighteningly neat than well-designed. Everything has its place. It’s different from the easy chaos that Bucky has shown on the few times he’s slept over after movie marathons, so you’re pretty sure this isn’t his room. That, and the white cat plushie you gave him that he swears lives on his dresser? Isn’t there.
Instead, the tray with grooming materials in front of a small mirror are the only objects on the dresser top. There’s a low bookshelf next to an easy chair whose footrest has a worn-in divot. The nightstand is equally neat and functional, with a slightly askew sketchbook hinting that the room’s occupant is an artist.
Unfortunately, these observations are making you more nervous, not less. An intrusive thought that the alarm could be about a fire and there’s literally no way out sends you into a frenzy of banging on the inexorable metal slab. 
“Hello?? HELLO!? Please let me out, please, please let me out!” you scream, slamming your fists against the damned barrier until your hands hurt. You’re crying and frantic and yelling, and suddenly there’s someone else on the other side of the door also yelling, and in the next few minutes everything happens at once. 
You can’t see anything through your tears and fear; all you know is the feel and sound of strong hands and a soothing voice that isn’t Bucky but it should be. That thought sends you into more frightened tears, because he’ll be worried, he’ll be upset, and it might send him into a spiral like the one from a few months ago when he finally explained about his past.
Then, awfully, the grinding sound is back and the warm hands are gone.
You hear several shouted, imperative commands before the man falls silent. He’d set you down in a huddle on the bed wrapped in a blanket, and you kind of… drift back into awareness surrounded by the strong scent of coconut, with a not-unpleasant buzz of awareness deep in your gut.
You pull the blanket closer before you recognize it. You’d been working on it during the first few movie nights you and Bucky had shared, and he’d bought it as a gift for his best friend. That’s what brings you fully back to yourself: you’d handmade the thing that’s warming you up. You’ll be able to tell Bucky that. It’ll help, when the time comes.
Taking in a long, deep breath, you look around, expecting, since you’re no longer alone, to see anything but a metal panel completely covering the door. You’re wrong. There’s damage to the frame, as though someone had pried the previous slab out of the way-- but there’s once again a solid-looking metal barrier between you and freedom.
“Are you okay?” It’s Captain Am-- Rogers. Steve. Bucky’s Steve.
The unreality of your situation is fully hitting you now.
“That’s what you’re going with? Not ‘who are you?’ or ‘funny story about the door…’”
Rogers says, “I did. You were too upset to answer.” He’s tense, clearly uncomfortable, and his clothes are soaked. You wonder if that’s the source of the strange fruity smell. 
“Dee. I’m Dee.” It’s short for Chickadee, your stage-name-turned-favorite-nickname. You think you see recognition in his eyes. “Bucky needed to change his shirt. I didn’t mean-- you have to believe me, I never would have come in here, but he said he would just be a minute, and then a voice told me to hide and…” You’re babbling, but you feel like you’re out of your mind. Of all the people in the world, you’d probably pick Captain America as the one person you’d want to know that you’re eating your vegetables and being polite to your elders, that you wouldn’t invade someone’s private space. “Did something happen to the building?” you ask in a small voice.
“No, this--” Rogers winces. “Bucky asked for extra security or he wouldn’t move in. To slow him down.”
“The Soldier,” you whisper, closing your eyes tightly.
He makes a noise of understanding, then a louder, angry sound. “Everything has gone the exact worst-- I’m sorry,” he grits out. “I’m sorry.”
The depth to his voice prompts a heated curl of attraction that warms you from the inside out. It’s unexpected and strange, given the fear and confusion that’s ruled your reactions in the past minutes.
“I think I should be asking if you are okay.”
Rogers is looking at the floor now, his hands fisted in his pockets. “I was exposed to a… chemical. Tried to do everything right: activated security protocols, set the apartment Dark so I didn’t say or do anything I’d regret before the brain fog set in.”
“What happens when the brain fog sets in?” you whisper, sensing that the answer is what has this man’s body stiff as a board, in contrast with his broken and worried tone.
“How close are you with Buck?” Rogers lifts his head and the intensity in his eyes shoots you with an arrow of concern.
You lift your chin. “Truthfully? I consider him my best friend, why?”
“There’s nothing… more?”
There have been times, multiple times, when you’ve thought about it. But Bucky Barnes is a multifaceted man, and you don’t want to sully his progress towards becoming whole again by making things complicated.
“No,” you say, feeling heat in your chest from the look of understanding in his eyes. Your pause was unintentionally illustrative. “Why?”
“It’s important that I be honest with you: the building is on lockdown, its governing AI is too busy monitoring the Hulk to get us out of this room, and the chemical I was exposed to is Mistress.” He sounds like a soldier reciting battle parameters.
The name sounds familiar, but you can’t place it. Suddenly, you feel too vulnerable on the bed, his bed, so you slide over to the edge in preparation for getting up. The action bares your legs to mid-thigh, and Rogers immediately turns his back on you and hits the wall with the flat of his hand. 
That’s when you remember where you’d heard that name. Mistress. The aphrodisiac is the reason many women have flocked to your cousin’s restaurant to hang out, instead of at bars. Many establishments are offering complimentary test kits so their customers can ensure there’s no residue in their food and drinks. It’s become fashionable to carry around your own cups, just in case. Some bars are actually trying to skip requiring women to pay a cover charge, desperate to return to the status quo. Drinks containing coconut aren’t even served anymore, thanks to the scent association.
“Shit, I’m sorry!” you blurt out, rushing over to the easy chair and covering yourself with the blanket. Jesus, the whole room reeks of coconut. He’s practically steeped in the stuff. “What can I do?”
Steve Rogers’ voice is husky, but pained. “Don’t let today be your first impression of me.”
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Next chapter...
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cockslutpadalecki · 1 year
Hi! I'd like to participating writing the prompt “I know you said no marks… But what if I put them where nobody except for me will see them?”, with Steve Rogers, please 🥺
hey lovely! yes absolutely, can’t wait to see what you come up with 😍
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SaiyanPrincessSwanie Reading List Weeks 191 & 192
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Welcome to weeks 191 & 192
A/N: Thank you again to those who gave me recommendations for fanfics. 💜 This week had me reading 30 fics. Absolutely amazing stuff here.
As always these will be listed in no particular order. None of these stories are mine. I’m just signal-boosting them. The author is listed next to the title. My goal is to signal boost writers and spread positivity in the community.  💜💜
Click HERE to see what I will or won’t read. This is very important.
Click HERE for past reading lists.
For my Masterlist click HERE.
Please make sure you’re reading the warnings on every story. They range from dark to fluff. Do Not Read if you are under 18 years old. These stories are meant for adults only. You’re responsible for your own media consumption.
Page-break by @whimsicalrogers
Header by @fictional-affairs
If you can, please reblog these lists so they can reach more people on Tumblr.
I love you 3000 💜 Missy
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Dreams Do Come True - (Steve x Reader) - @saiyanprincessswanie
Made for Me - epilogue - (Bucky x Reader) - @saiyanprincessswanie
Bucky Oneshot - @samodivaa
For Years or For Hours - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
TOL - I'm your daddy now (1) - (Lloyd x Reader) - @holylulusworld
Scratches - Kinktober Day 4 - (Bucky x Reader) - @the-iceni-bitch
Luckiest man alive - (Ari x Reader) - @nicoline1998enilocin
Relief - (Robert P x Reader) - @stargazingfangirl18
Olden - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Failed mission - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Ethereal Part 4 - (Ari x Reader) - @labella420
Puppy gets it all - (Cole x Reader) - @holylulusworld
Color Me Yours - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
Collared part 35 - (Dean x Reader) - @spnexploration
Collared part 36 - (Dean x Reader) - @spnexploration
Built Differently - Stroke of Midnight- (Stucky x Reader) - @rookthorne
Finding Home (2) - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
Life Is Short So Make It Sweet - Chp 4 - (Curtis x Honey) - @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
Reconnect - Waiting a Little Longer - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
Switched Sides part 4 - @deliciousangelfestival
Your Mark On Me - Part 6 - (Steve x Reader) - @georgiapeach30513
Ideal Triad's First Beta Rut - (Stucky x OC) - @rissararity
His Prize - (Bucky x Reader) - @targaryenvampireslayer
Two Bosses Part 10 - (Ransom x Reader, Steve x Reader) - @labella420
In the Court of the Shield and Star - Prologue - (Steve x OFC) - @hollybee8917
Lost in the Dark -(Bucky x Reader) - @tuiccim
Boom Clap - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
New job - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Cost - (Steve Rogers & Clarice Fong) - @nekoannie-chan
Release Me Pt. 3 - (Andy x Reader) - @labella420
82 notes · View notes
lemonnsss · 8 months
Moral of the Story pt.1
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Warnings: cheating, illusions to sex, angst, not BETA'D we die like men.
Part: 1, 2, 3, 4
Taglist: @vicmc624, @mostlymarvelgirl, @yvonneeeee, @beetlejuicesupremacy, @moonlightreader649, @whattheduckisupkyle, @chrisevans-realwife, @nekoannie-chan, @mrsbarnes32557038, @imyourbratzdoll
Word count: 1k
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I was sitting around the bonfire with the other faculty at Xavier’s after all the students had gone to bed: talking shit, spilling fresh gossip, and discussing all the latest trends. Next to me was my best friend, Ororo when she said, “You do know Logan’s cheating on you, right?”
“Please, Storm. We’ve been over this. There’s no way he does that, it just isn’t like him.”
“Please,” she begged, “everyone else on campus knows, we see the subtle glances, we hear the quiet ‘I Love You’s, we smell his cologne on her so why can’t you see it?”
She and I had had a big fight about this earlier, to her it was as obvious as the sun. I was holding on to something that wasn’t there, a distant memory long forgotten by him
I didn’t believe what they said- moreover, I couldn’t believe- Logan was the first thing in my life that I knew Jean couldn’t cheat me out of or beat me at. Walking down the hall in the teachers’ wing I heard moaning and grunting coming from Jean and Scott’s room, two definite voices.
I had seen Scott less than five minutes ago when I left the bonfire, and that’s when it dawned on me. I crept over to their door, wanting to catch this mysterious offender who Jean was cheating with, a soft gasp escaped my lips when I peered through the crack.
There on the bed lay the Jean Gray who had bested me at everything in life legs wide open with her brassiere unclasped at the front with a barely concealed Logan between her thighs.
Tears welled in my eyes as I took a step back, unsure of what I was supposed to do. I mean, no one tells you what to do if you see your boyfriend of three years fucking another woman.
Walking into our shared room I started packing away my things, everything that was valuable enough to bring with me. I knew I had to come back for the rest but I couldn’t think about that now, I just wanted out.
After I fill my duffle bags and suitcases, I go to make my way out of the door when Logan walks in, looking like he had just gotten out of the shower.
“Honey, whatcha doing? Thought you wanted to stay out at the bonfire a little longer.”
“Cut the shit, Lo. I know everything.” I move towards the door, and he grabs my arm.
“Sugar, I don’t know what you’re talking ‘bout, you’re gonna have to be more specific than that.” He says while slightly pushing my baggage down.
“I saw you,” I let out a shaky breath, “ I saw you with Jean just then. I trusted you! Even when everyone told me you were cheating I trusted you! Why would you do this to me, Logan?”
He stood there. Silent, still. As if processing what I had just said. Not moving even an inch.
A few minutes must have passed before he moved to bring his hand to my cheek before I shied away. “Sweetie, baby, please,” he begged, a thing I seldom saw from him, ”I swear, that was the only time.”
“Really? Because the rest of the faculty, save Scott and Professor Xavier, has been telling me all this for months!” I didn’t care if I woke the entire school, I had been wronged and cheated by the one person I trusted with my deepest fears and my insecurities. The man I had wanted to spend the rest of my life mere hours earlier betrayed me in a way no one should have to experience, and I would let him fucking know.
After hours of yelling at Logan, my voice was hoarse and raw as tears streamed down my face, people began to run over to the faculty wing to find out what the commotion was all about, hearing the scandalous but anticipated news and spreading it down the chain. Until everyone from the bonfire called it a night only to find they couldn’t even get to their rooms with the amount of people crowded around.
Scott shoved his way through to the front as I yelled, hearing me say his partner's name in the context of cheating, he looked at her, across the hall from where Logan and I stood, hope draining from his eyes and he understood that she had chosen Logan while trying to keep him along.
“I’m sorry, you had to find out this way, Scott,” I say, apologizing to Jean once again.
He turns around and the crowd separates like the Red Sea for him, now with Jean following, apologizing, begging for him to forget about this, how it didn’t mean anything to her, to turn over a new leaf; to wipe the slate clean. He doesn’t face her, not while I can see.
I pick up my bags again just for Logan to reach out once again, “Please?”
He sits there silently begging. I pull away, watching the hope in his eyes crumble.
“We both know it’s too late for that, Lo.”
The crowd separates once more as I make my way down the stairs, out the front door, and to the garage where my 65’ Thunderbird sits. Popping the trunk, I picked up my suitcase when I saw a silver streak of light pass by.
“You’re gonna leave, just like that?” Peter says, leaning back on the driver’s door.
“What else should I do? It’s not like I want to see them after this.” I load my smaller bags in and shut the trunk before moving to the door.
“That’s fair.” Peter says, backing away, ”But is there nothing else keeping you here?”
A soft gaze met mine, practically begging me to stay.
“Pete, I don’t need another reminder that I’m nothing but sub-par in comparison to the great Jean Gray. I don’t want to feel like that anymore. I’ve been compared to her my entire life, it’s time I meet someone who sees me for me.”
And with the nod of his head, I drove out of Xavier’s School of Gifted Children for the last time.
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