#past life regression training near me
awarenesshealing · 9 months
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awakeningloveindia · 11 months
Hypnosis gives you a scientific approach to delve deep into the realms of mind to heal the unhealed parts of your consciousness. Clinical Hypnotherapy gives us deeper insights, studies and tools to heal the significant aspect of human existence. It gives a method to measure what is immeasurable and an approach to apply the power of the subconscious mind for our higher potential by removing the blocking past lives, childhood and current life patterns.
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m0nster-babi · 1 year
A little bit of a TMI post about incontinence/diapers
I finally did it, after debating it and trying to do research, I bought diaps for the first time in a long while.
I mentioned in a headcanon post that I was looking into diaps not just for regression but also medical reasons. I have suffered from incontinence my whole life. I didn't know there was a word for it until less than a month ago, and I have felt guilty about being in my early 20s and still having wetting habits. I wore diaps and training pants till I was like 8 or 10 or something. I just always had trouble and eventually learned to just hold it, which built up a horrible and honestly detrimental habit of just holding it till it hurts. I have autism and executive dysfunction and hyperfocus really hold me down, and I have developed pain, tremors, dizziness, ect. from my invisible illness(es) in recent years which makes it physically difficult to get up sometimes. When I stumbled upon #padded agere, it led me down the road to finding out about incontinence and, even better, finding out that I am FAR from the only one who's like this. I discovered that it can be almost COMMON for other developmentally disabled and chronically ill people to go through almost the exact same path as me
I've been looking into adult diap/incontinence companies online that sell cloth ones cause Walmart sells products that are only really for light incidents, *everything* is disposable which adds up over time, and I don't want to keep going out or ordering-to-home cause I haven't admitted to family and friends that I'm doing this. Sadly, I'm very skinny and it's near impossible to gain weight, (pretty common in certain genetic illnesses) most companies don't sell reusable dips in my size, those that do tend to be overseas; I'm slightly afraid of commitment to brands that might not hold up or might not be as discreet.
People recommend Goodnites which luckily had packs my size, and I figured some disposables might be a good start to trying to break bad habits and shame I have dealt with for years, while I attempt more research on brands that I'm looking at to make sure it's worth it. I feel relieved yet scared at the same time, and this is the only place/people I have shared this with. No one in my real life knows of this account as of posting this, but I know it will more than likely have to come to light eventually. Hopefully it would go over better than in my past
Yeah, just a collection of my thoughts cause, like I said, I kinda don't got anyone else to talk to other than my cat and rabbit
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thevampirelibrary · 6 days
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Book Ramblings and Review of:
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun Vol. 2 by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou
Say you’ve been given the opportunity to turn back the hands of the clock and become younger. With this amazing (or perhaps unsettling) opportunity, you are presented with two options: Return to your teenage years in an alternative timeline in which you must relive your life, but have agency over what happens next, or remain in your current timeline, but assume your form from childhood. With this latter option, since being a child can be tough, you can briefly return to your adult form via some pills with limited availability. 
Yes, I do think of some of the strangest discussion questions to ramble about because of books, and today’s scenario is courtesy of The Husky and His White Cat Shizun Vol. 2 by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou.
I read The Husky and His White Cat Shizun Vol. 1 awhile ago, but I have been meaning to catch up with all of the xianxia novels I have. It is certainly one of my favorite genres. I have always enjoyed high fantasy settings filled with unexplained powers, demons, and fae. The world of The Husky and His White Cat Shizun is immersive in its wonderful world building that gives the reader just the right amount of time to explore each unique location without being too overbearing. My initial concern going into Vol. 2 was that I was going to forget what happened in the previous volume and, while the novel begins just near the end of the events that occurred in the first volume at Jincheng Lake, thus causing me to wonder “Wait, where are we again?”, the novel is kind in reminding us as to what the main threats are in carefully crafted ways that don’t drag the reader out of the natural flow of the story.
In this volume, our main character, Mo Ran, witnesses more events come to pass, but in sometimes peculiar ways. Many of the events that he was ready to face again have changed without his interference. It’s almost like someone is pulling the strings and an unsettling question looms over him: Was he really the only one who went back in time? If not, this could spell doom for him. Afterall, in his original life, he was a tyrannical emperor with no small number of enemies that would gladly wish for his demise. One such unique event is the existence of Xia Sini-- a young child hailing from a neighboring clan. This boy who seems so familiar and yet is a new ally in Mo Ran’s eyes is actually much closer to him than he could have ever guessed. In fact, this young boy is none other than his shizun, Chu Wanning! Injured in a previous battle, Chu Wanning is forced into regressing into the body of his childhood self until he heals. Of course, no one must find out; especially Mo Ran. It’s truly a curse at first, but perhaps something can be gained from this. Will Chu Wanning and Mo Ran gain a deeper understanding of each other even in the face of peril?
Fitting for a series about turning back the clock, the main conflict of this novel takes place in the mystical Peach Blossom Spring in which Chu Wanning’s three disciples and Xia Sini are invited to train under the tutelage of the Feathered Tribe. One training includes entering a simulated scenario of a tragedy that had occurred, and defeat the perpetrator. However, unlike Mo Ran’s situation, the past events happening in this simulation cannot be changed. This leads to some gut-wrenching moments including one moment that made me really feel the hopelessness of the poor innocents who had to live through the event. That is one compliment I must give to the author: She knows how to write feelings of hopelessness and hope incredibly well. She is able to drag characters to their lowest while also ensuring that there is still something to live (or die) for. I was never a fan of horror, but the horrific scenes in this novel were engaging because of how complicated they were: Decisions to risk the lives of one or many, whether it is better to live with a heart full of vengeance or let bygones be bygones, and the amount of intense emotions from all directions of people who just want to live. I absolutely zoomed through those scenes at the edge of my seat, wondering how the characters would react and get out of these situations. Along the way, clues abound concerning the main mystery of the novel, making each scene decisive to the overall plot.
Since this novel is so dependent on its two main characters, I would be remiss if I did not speak about them. In this volume, I felt like Chu Wanning took center stage with his frustrations in being resorted to fight in the body of a child and his newfound understanding of facets of Mo Ran’s character that Mo Ran would never reveal in front of his shizun. Mo Ran receives some wonderful character development this time around and asks some important questions: “What does he truly want?” and “What is actually valuable to him?”. I believe that these kinds of questions are crucial for every main character to ask themselves to varying degrees and it was enjoyable to see the natural progression of Mo Ran’s character as he tackles them.
I already have the next three volumes on my shelf and I look forward to reading more. The wonderful thing about this series is that there is a massive and creative community behind it. I am absolutely spoiled with the amount of fan content for it and have chibi figurines of the two main characters. I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read so far and look forward to future volumes. If you are interested in checking out this series for yourself, please be aware of the trigger warnings. There is some content that might be unsettling for those who are younger and tropes that could be unappealing to those who are older. This is a series you want to be a little prepared for, in my opinion.
Returning to my hypothetical scenario at the beginning of this book ramble/review, what option would I choose? There are certainly pros and cons of each. The pros of going back in time are that you are conscious of what is to happen and can even fix mistakes that filled you with regrets in your former timeline. The cons are that reliving the past can hurt and, even despite our best interests and determination, some things cannot change. If you can’t change the future enough, then life may even become dull in its predictability. Naturally, this can be rectified if you are indeed able to radically change your future, but that is dependent on the situations that come your way. 
As for assuming your child form once again in your current timeline, the pros are that you are given some extra time to develop on inherent skills that you have and, by also being able to turn into an adult as need be, you can accomplish different tasks with varying rates of success. This skill would definitely be useful in espionage (though… don’t do that). Life is still an exciting mystery. However, then we look at the cons… All the people that you’ve formed connections with are older than you now and will continue living their life without waiting for you to “catch up”. If you want to fit in, you have to form new kinds of connections, but everyone remembers you as the adult who turned into a child. This option is one filled with loneliness. While you do have some pills that can turn you into an adult, they are of a limited quantity, meaning that there is the risk that you’ll be left behind by a gap of years forever. Fortunately for Chu Wanning, this curse is created from a loss of spiritual power due to the confrontation at Jincheng Lake featured in the last volume and, once he builds up this power again after several years, he’ll no longer resort to looking like a child, and regain his adult figure. In that case, other than espionage (which you really shouldn’t do), is there any benefit to what he has gone through? 
Naturally, everyone leads a unique life. One option may indeed be better than the other depending on what we’ve gone through to get where we are today. Perhaps future volumes will reveal further intricacies to both Mo Ran’s and Chu Wanning’s unique situations, but until then, I’ll be heading to that alternative timeline, thank you very much!
I am participating in the 13 Moons Reading Challenge! This book fulfills the prompt: Snow Moon - The word White in the title.
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ashotofhelena · 1 year
Ruminating on my resolutions for the new year, and reflecting on the past year have subtly become two of my favorite things to do. 
If I can sum 2022 into one word, it would honestly be... regression. Reading back on my post last year, 2021 was such a productive and growth focused year. It is no wonder why I entered 2022 with such high expectations. But after all is said and done, I feel like I have not changed or grown significantly in 2022 at all. If anything, I think I have regressed with some bad habits and intrusive thoughts returning.
It is a bit sobering to realize I am leaving 2022 in mostly the same state I was when I entered it - I am at the same job, same apartment, same relationship status, same everything really. Whenever I caught up with friends in 2022, I had no updates to give. I think I really bought into the ~vibes~ culture this year, which led to being a bit apathetic and a tad too carefree, which led to a year of stagnation.
To be fair, 2022 was not all bad - I traveled internationally twice since 2019; I achieved my running and reading goals; I got promoted at work; I am working on some really cool products at work; I saw friends near and far; I developed stronger relationships with new and old friends. There were definitely moments of pure joy that make me smile when I reminisce on them.
I understand that not every year will be one giant step forward, but I do believe in consistent growth and betterment. Going into 2023, I am determined to pick up from 2021. 2023 will be the year of change - it does not have to be a giant step forward, but it will have to at least a baby step forward.
To continue to protect my own needs versus being a people pleaser. This is one resolution I really worked on in 2022 and I do think it has paid dividends. I have become so much better at saying no, and protecting my time, which I need in order to be my best self when I do say yes. It is a practice I want to continue in 2023.
Run 500 miles if I do not get into the Brooklyn Half Marathon; run 750 miles if I do get in. I hit my 750-mile goal this year but barely... I love running and sometimes do wonder if these goals get in the way, so hoping by decreasing it (if I do not get into the half), it will give me more leeway to run for pleasure.
Make up some of those lost miles with other type of exercise - I want to lift weights in 2023! I also want to do more yoga, pilates, and other strength training classes.
Read 25 books. Again, same goal as 2022 and I thought it was a good one. Continue to try to alternate between fiction and non-fiction for each.
On a related note, I want to consume more media (books, movies, music, etc.) from BIPOC and underrepresented groups. I recently was looking at my Spotify Wrapped and realized how white and Western my taste was. Similarly, I was looking into non-fiction books written by POC and really struggled. I want to prioritize this consumption diversity in 2023.
Put myself out there. I did try to put myself out there early in 2022, going on dates and seeing what is out there. But, I was still really passive in the process, and even when meeting someone I liked, I would withdraw instead of be active in showing my interest. This goes against my every instinct, but I want to be more risk taking with my personal life, whether it be romantic, friendships, or familial.
Better investments. I started to invest more in 2022, but I want to do more in 2023. Starting off with investing the payout I got from Elon for Twitter stock in an index fund.
Start journaling. I spent $60 on a Hobonichi journal which means I need to use it to its maximum potential. I want to start documenting more of my day and little things / quotes that I experience.
Live by myself for the first time! Slightly out of my control, but I will be looking for an apartment by myself for the first time next year. I have become more and more comfortable by myself the past two years, so I am very much looking forward to it, but also very nervous about it.
Start budgeting. Given the higher rent that comes with living by yourself, I will need to start budgeting me. This will probably mean more intentional travel, nights out, and other materialistic things I used to spend on free willy nilly.
Learn something new. This is one from 2021′s post that I did not do in 2022. I want to either 1) learn or relearn a language 2) learn how to DJ / produce music or 3) experiment more with cooking / baking.
Other misc. resolutions: alcohol-free January, cut down on alcohol in general, sugar-free January, be a better communicator, continue to eat less meat / processed food, stay off my phone more, document passing moments more, be more intentional about my media consumption.
If you know me IRL, you know I have a personal theory that my odd years are better than my even years. So with that, I have a really good feeling about 2023... here’s to the new year!
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It's common for people to seek Hypnotherapy after years in traditional talk therapy with little to no improvement gained. Hypnosis is a powerful tool when dealing with anxiety, depression, addiction, negative self image, low confidence and self worth, mental confusion, negative relationship and work patterns, trauma.
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messy-nonbinary · 3 years
Little Girl in Training
Chapter 8 - Run.
TW: Dark!Natasha, forced age regression, guns, mentions of blood, shooting, stealing, manipulation, mentions of past kidnapping, lemme know if there is more needed!!
Paring: Dark!Mommy!Natasha x fem!reader
Summary: Your one and only chance to escape. Do you take it?
a/n - Ummm sorry?? But there’s only a few chapters left!!
“You’ve been such a good girl, lately. I think you’re ready to go out to the park.” She said, pulling out an outfit from your drawers.
She dressed you in a frilly pink skirt and white tee with a pink heart on it. After placing a pink paci in your mouth, she picked you up and took you out to her car. Natasha placed you in a car seat and buckled you up before booping you on the nose. “I’ll be right back.” She said, closing the door and heading back inside.
You looked around and didn’t see much in the car. You leaned forward in your seat and noticed a bag laying in the passenger seat. As you craned your neck, you saw that there was a gun in the bag. Lex told you to grab it. Use it on Natasha then drive out of there; she had left the keys in the ignition.
You didn’t know how to use a gun. Sure, you’d seen plenty of those crime shows but that didn’t mean anything in a real life situation. What if it wasn’t even loaded? Or what if you missed?
She’s an assassin. She can easily take it from you. ‘Just take it!!’ Lex’s voice mixed with the one in your head and you unstrapped yourself from the carseat and grabbed the gun.
You got out of the car quietly and hid around it. Thankfully, the windows were tinted so Natasha wouldn’t notice you weren’t in the care till she opened the door.
Shit shit shit! Was all you could think while you heard Natasha exit the house. You heard her approach the car and you let go of a breath you didn’t know you holding when she opened the door.
You ran around the car, about 7 feet from her, and pointed the gun at her. “Don’t move!” You yelled and she frantically turned around. When she saw the gun, she raised her hands.
“Love bug, what are you doing with Mommy’s gun?” She asked, slowly walking towards you. You gritted your teeth and shot the ground in front of her, mainly to prove to yourself that the gun worked. “I said don’t move!” She froze in place. Probably due to the fact that she didn’t think you’d actually shoot.
You took a few steps back and to your right, motioning for her to walk to your left. The two of you circled each other till you were near the car door and she was opposite you. “Sweetheart, what do you plan on doing?”
“Getting as far away from you as possible.” You said, opening the car door, but not taking your eye off Natasha. “You were doing so well. Just put the gun down now, and you can go back to being Mommy’s little girl again.” You shook your head. “No! I’m not going back in that house! Just to be treated like- Like a child!” You yelled and you saw Natasha take one step closer, clearly trying to use your anger as a distraction. “Stop! Moving!” You yelled, grasping tighter on the gun.
“You aren’t going to shoot me, Lovebug.” You tilted your head and looked to the left, spotting Lex. You took a deep breath and they disappeared. You finally accepted that this was not the life you wanted. Sure, having someone taking care of you was nice but you also wanted to have your own independence. And that was not something Natasha was going to give you.
“I will! Stop moving!” You noticed that she continued to move closer, despite your warnings. It was now or never.
Killing someone was not something you could ever bring yourself to do. So, you shot Natasha in the thigh, both of you were surprised that you were able to shoot her. But you were definitely glad you did. “Fuck!” She yelled, grasping at her leg. She didn’t waste anymore time and she tried her best to get to you faster but you shot her again, in the shoulder this time. She fell to the floor but wasn’t giving up. “Y/N!! Don’t you fucking leave me!”
You didn’t want to give her any more chances and you quickly got into the car, closing and locking the door. You frantically turned on the engine, setting the gun in the passenger seat before reversing the car. You witnessed as Natasha tried her best to stand, but with the amount of blood she already lost, she gave up and took out her phone, no doubt calling an accomplice about your escape.
You knew what you had to do. You had to run. You didn’t know where you were or where you were going but you knew you had to hurry. And you had to ditch this car. There was probably a GPS in it somewhere. “Fuck!” You yelled, hitting the car wheel. You followed the road, no doubt homemade, that led away from the house the two of you were staying in.
After almost 20 minutes, you finally found some sign of civilization.
A street sign..
Only a few minutes later you saw other cars. You could almost shed a tear at your first sign of people in- wait- how long were you even there for? While continuing your drive, you saw a gas station and drove in. You parked and took a deep breath.
It’s not over yet.
You searched Natasha’s handbag and found about $200 in cash and some gum. You sighed, shoving the gun in the handbag, and grabbing it, and getting out of the car. You were weak, but you were able to make it inside the gas station without issue. You bought water, a prepaid phone, a hat, sunglasses and a sandwich. You put on the hat and sunglasses before leaving.
You looked around, noticing a man getting out of his car and walking inside, most likely to pay for gas. You walked up to the car, it was older, so most likely didn’t have a GPS and the guy had left the keys in. You huffed, not believing that you were about to do this.
But you pushed down all of your doubt and got in the car, driving away before anyone would notice you. You looked at your new phone, checking the date. You had been there for almost 2 months now… The thought almost made you sick. For the first time in 2 months, you felt freer than ever.
Even if you had to spend most of your life running, you were free.
Taglist: @apollonshootafar @agender-idiot @cherry-pixked @coollemonsaresour @fulltrashblaze @janelongxox @battleg03 @sav06nat
Ask to be added or removed! Slashes means I couldn’t tag you!
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awarenesshealing · 10 months
Unlock the mysteries of your soul with Past Life Regression » . Explore your hidden history, gain insights, and release blockages. Our expert therapists guide your journey. Embark on this transformative experience and discover a deeper understanding of yourself. Book now to delve into your past and enrich your present. 🔮🌟 #PastLifeRegression #SoulExploration #SelfDiscovery
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ladywaifuuwrites · 3 years
Why do you hate me? || pt.2
Pairings: Giyuu Tomioka x fem! Reader
Synopsis:  Ever since you met Giyuu you hated him. Well, not hate…you just don’t like him to a higher extent and you don’t know why. But Giyuu likes you and wants to ask you: “Why do you hate me?”.
Warnings: gore | violence | angst | swearing | a bit fluff | past life! au
a/n: The past life session is based on Dr. Weiss’s sessions on the Oprah Winfrey show. I absolutely cried during those sessions because wow. I apologize for the grammar errors and other mistakes. :((
This is part two! To be continued!
Slight manga spoilers ahead! 
wordcount: 2.6k
taglist: @lysawayne 
part 1 part 2
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“Why do you hate me?” Is he seriously asking me that? Well, he almost killed me. You think to yourself but as you open your mouth to say something, nothing comes out. Just a scoff. 
“I don’t even know why. Just the thought of you annoys me, just the sight of you hurts me, and I don’t know why.” You mutter quietly, not sure if he heard you.
“So you’re doing this for absolutely no reason?” Giyuu asked confused
Everything happens for a reason. There must be a reason why you’re feeling this way. But how are you going to find out?
“There’s a reason” You said to him and walked into your apartment, shutting the door in his face. There truly is a reason, you just don’t know it yet. 
Days has passed since Giyuu talked to (Y/n). He’s been sulking over their conversation these past few days, thinking every moment he had with her and what did he do wrong. But nothing, inappropriate pops up in his mind except the one where he accidentally pushed her because of Sanemi. 
“It’s not even my fault.” Giyuu muttered to himself before messing his already messy hair. 
Sabito came to the living room of their dorm and threw Giyuu a leather jacket. The cold metal of the zipper hit his face causing him to “ouch” in pain.
“What the fuck?”
“Yeah, what the fuck. What the fuck are you doing there sitting, looking like you’ve been on the streets?” Sabito says with disgust and his face contorted.
Giyuu doesn’t answer his question as he lays on the couch and looks up to the ceiling. 
He sighed. “(Y/n) hates me. She hates me. The girl I like hates me.” Giyuu closes his eyes feeling tired about thinking what happened between the two of them.
“Hate you? You sure? (Y/n) doesn’t hate anyone without reason. She’s a kind girl.” Sabito contradicts Giyuu’s statement.
Giyuu purses his lips and sits up frustrated. The damn girl is on his mind every single moment.
“Well maybe you don’t know her enough. You’re not even close friends.” Giyuu spat back and stood up to sulk in his bedroom.
“Well that or...you did something bad to her in your past life.” Sabito says grimly which makes Giyuu stop in his tracks. Past life? Is that even real? 
Giyuu scoffs and laughs. “Stop kidding me. You’re starting to sound like Makomo.” 
“She makes me watch all those past life regression things. There’s some videos in the internet, watch them they’re pretty cool.” Sabito held up his hand to say goodbye and walked out the door. Giyuu stares at the where his friend was, thinking about what Sabito just said.
Giyuu nervously gulps, plays with his fingers, and gulps again and plays— “God...why am I being like this? It’s just a simple appointment.” Giyuu says to himself and bites his lips. This wasn’t just a simple doctor’s appointment. It’s a fucking past life regression appointment and he doesn’t know why he is here. No one even knows he came to this clinic. He went through hell to get an appointment in this place because the practitioner is said to be skilled. He wants to back out in fear of what he may find.
Is it okay to remember what you’ve already forgotten? If it’s forgotten then it means its for the best. Right?
No. Giyuu tried so hard to contact this clinic and he might as well accept what decision he made. 
“Giyuu Tomioka?” The secretary called him in and he sat up immediately and went into the room. A young man who has dark shoulder length hair, narrow eyes and a warming smile welcomed him sitting beside a long armchair.
“Hello Giyuu, please have a seat.” Says the young man who seems to be the practitioner. Giyuu sat down, laid his head back on the chair and relaxed. This is it. Once you lie down, there’s no turning back.
“Please relax and let go of all the tenses in your body. I’m Ubuyashiki Kagaya and I will be guiding you in today’s session.” Kagaya had a soothing voice that seemed to calm Giyuu. It was weird but comforting. Like it’s telling him to let go and be calm. Giyuu felt his heart return to normal and his breathing steady. 
“As I count backwards now from five to one, go back into your childhood and let yourself remember a memory from when you were young.” Kagaya instructed, Giyuu immediately did so. “I remember my sister...and her friends laughing in a room. They were wearing gowns and stuff.” Giyuu immediately replied with his eyes closed.
“About how old are you now?” “Nine”
“What are you experiencing now? Are you remembering more about that time?”
“I was wearing a little suit,  I think it’s her wedding.” Giyuu replied 
“How do you feel remembering that?”
A sense of relief and happiness flooded Giyuu upon hearing his question. “I’m happy. I’m happy she got her wedding.”
“Good. Let’s go farther back now, back into past lives. Be there. What’s happening to you?” The young man asked calmly as if soothing Giyuu of the storm that’s coming.
“It’s dark. I hear voices, screaming. T-there are sinister sounds...”
“What kind of sounds?”
“Slurping, splatter, gurgling, disgusting sounds.” The blue eyed man’s face twitched in disgust about what he’s remembering.
“What’s making those sounds?” Kagaya asked Giyuu but he didn’t reply, he just let out a gasp. Kagaya touched GIyuu’s forehead and said: “I’m going to tap you on the forehead and count down from three to one. Three...two...one. More details about those sounds, those sinister sounds.” 
“It’s the sound of someone eating. A big man eating.”
“What’s it eating? Can you-”
“Humans! It’s eating humans!” Giyuu’s tears bursts out like a dam. “M-my sister is protecting me. Sh-she-” Giyuu sobbed. 
Blood splattered across the walls as Tsutako covered the young boy’s figure from the entity in front of them. The pain was torturing him as he watches his sister die in front of him, while telling him to run for his life.
“It’s okay. I’m going to take you to the end. You survive this do you?”
“I survived.” Giyuu replied which brought a smile to Kagaya’s face.  
“Okay. Let’s go to another one now. You don’t have to go through it. When I touch you on the forehead, everything will change. You will leave that scenario and you’ll feel so much better. Now, leave the scene.”  
As the scene changes, Giyuu feels so much better as if a heavy boulder is lifted from him. 
“Now, what do you see?”
“Wooden sticks...my friend Sabito and the man who plays board games are fighting. The old man is wearing a red mask beating up Sabito.” Giyuu scrunches his face because why the hell was this old man, beating up Sabito? It was the same grumpy elder who lives near uni. 
“N-no. They’re training, not fighting.” Giyuu says, his thoughts cleared. “What are they training for?” Kagaya asked and Giyuu replied that he doesn’t know. So Kagaya touches the patient’s forehead once again to transport him to another scene.
“What do you see?” 
“A wisteria mountain, it’s like the flowers are glowing.” Giyuu paused “I’m with Sabito.”
A heavy silence lingered in the air because no one speaking. The practitioner was waiting for Giyuu to start describing his surroundings. He was being careful not to trigger his patient and let the patient find it’s own lost memories.
“I...have a huge gash on my forehead. My mask was sliced into half and I hear a loud rumbling laughter. “
The young Giyuu looked at his talisman mask sliced in half. His hands shaking and his vision blurring. He looked up to see a colossal, green, veiny monster laughing at his predicament. 
Then, Sabito helped him up and ordered another kid to take Giyuu away.
“What? No!” He exclaimed as he struggled to get out of the other kid’s grasp. Sabito’s sad smile was getting farther and father away. Giyuu saw his peach haired friend lunging high up into the air and onto the monster, aiming for it’s neck. 
Unfortunately, the blade broke as it touched the skin of the monster, along with the cutting of the talisman mask in half.
He watched his best friend die.
“Giyuu!” He opened his eyes to see Kagaya’s face worriedly facing him. A relived sigh escaped the doctor’s mouth upon seeing Giyuu wake up. Kagaya lowered his head for a minute as the blue eyed man looked at him. 
Giyuu was about to speak up- “I’m sorry. We don’t have to continue this session if you want-”
“No! I want to continue it. I want to know something else...please.” Giyuu pleaded at the light purple eyes looking back at him. 
The other man sighed. “Giyuu, you don’t understand what past life regression is. It’s not something you can take so easily...I was worried for you since you wouldn’t wake up and you just kept crying.” 
Giyuu touched his face, noticing his cheeks were wet from the tears he didn’t know he shed. “I’m prepared to face whatever I may encounter. Even if it changes my life or leaves a huge hole in my heart, I will face it. I’m determined to know why this certain girl hates me.” 
Kagaya pursed his lips into a thin line and walked out of the room. Giyuu watched, confused why the older man went out. Did he anger him? Was he too stubborn? He laid back into his seat and relaxed, processing the scenarios he just saw. His sister died? Sabito died? 
He only opened his eyes when he heard the door open. “I have a patient who cancelled his schedule later. You can come back in an hour.” Kagaya said and Giyuu nodded. 
An hour to think about everything.
Giyuu pulled out his cellphone from his pockets and scrolled down the contacts. He paused on (Y/n)’s name and typed in a message for her.
Giyuu: Have lunch with me?
He covered his face with his hands, silently cursing himself. Why in the world did he type that? He immediately looked at his phone when he heard the buzzing sound and it brought a frown to his face. 
Y/n: I’m busy
Y/n: Sorry
He felt his heart weight down at her rejection of his offer of lunch. He was gonna take that opportunity to fix whatever they have but now it’s gone. “I should’ve done a smoother approach. Fuck.” Giyuu said to himself.
After eating a tasteless lunch, he’s now back in the clinic for another session. He has his eyes closed while the doctor guides him with questions. Giyuu hopes that this time he will find the answers he’s been looking for.
“Okay, relax and let go of all the tenses in your body. Go farther in your past life...What do you see?” Once again, the soothing voice of Kagaya delved Giyuu deeper into his past life. It stopped on a scenario where he’s sitting on an engawa, looking at the falling golden leaves. He narrates everything to the doctor, but the vision was so vivid. It was as if he’s living his past life.
Deep blue eyes looked at the falling leaves of different colors. Red, gold, orange and yellow leaves scattered on the ground, they came from the huge tree in front of him. The autumn breeze was chilly but Giyuu paid no mind to the wind. He’s just staring into nothingness. 
A plop was heard beside him and he saw (Y/n) smiling at him. He examined her eyes, and in there he saw raw emotions. He blinked and looked ahead as his heart went crazy from looking into her eyes.
“Why are you here?” Giyuu asked in his usual cold dismissive tone. You bit your lip and stood up. “I’m sorry, I’ll find anoth-” Shock froze you as a tight grip made it’s way to your haori. “I asked you why are you here, I did not tell you to go away.” Giyuu sighed and told you to sit down beside him.
You cleared your throat and bowed down your head. “Tomioka-san, thank you for saving me again today. I know that I’m a kinoto and I should be capable of slaying that demon but...I got distracted. I’m sorry” You were so nervous awaiting the answer of your superior who you have a crush on. Is he gonna say anything? 
Giyuu sighed. “You should train more if you want to become a hashira like you always say. Your ice breathing technique is lethal but you’re the problem. You reached the rank of kinoto but you’re still weak.” 
His words were harsh and it brought a pang to your heart. But hearing him talking to you makes you smile. Even if his words hurt at least he’s here talking to you. 
“I must be going crazy.” You said to yourself, accidentally letting out a giggle. Giyuu looked at you with an eyebrow raised and you bow down. “What’s funny?” He asked.
“Nothing” You stood up and walked in front of him, blocking his view. “What the fuck is she doing?” Giyuu thought to himself.
Giyuu’s ocean blue eyes gazed right into your (e/c) ones. The girl in front of him let out a huge breath and smiiled. A smile that could light up the darkness he’s feeling inside.
“Tomioka-san, I want to be a strong hashira like you. Ever since you saved me from a demon back then I...I wanted to be like you. So don’t think you’re useless when you’re the one who is the reason for me living.” You paused as tears start streaming down your eyes. It didn’t matter if he was going to reject you or love you. What matters is that you said what you have been wanting to say.
“Every moment we shared was special to me. So I worked hard to reach you, so that we will be side by side. I like your touches. I like everything about you. I like you Giyuu Tomioka.” You breathlessly say looking straight into the ocean blue eyes that you let yourself drown in.
Giyuu had his mouth agape, his brain going into a haywire. He received lots of confessions but this one did the best of him. His inner self was rejoicing but he doesn’t know why.
“Why do you like me?”
“Eh?” You were confused, didn’t you say that in your confession? Or is he testing you? Your eyes widened when he could be testing you if you’re worthy to let in. Oh shit.
“Uhm. You’re amazing...and, uhm.” You were at a lost for words when he suddenly engulfed you into an embrace. Giyuu was caressing your hair as he buried you into his chest. Your heart was beating so wildly but you could hear his also. You’re so happy. So so happy.
Sadly, happiness doesn’t last for long.
Giyuu opened his eyes and started wailing. He sat up as his chest was heaving up and down as Kagaya took a glass of water and handed it to him. His full face was red as he gripped the glass, shaking.
“Giyuu, what happened?” Kagaya rubbed Giyuu’s back in an attempt to settle down the man’s cries. Giyuu kept sobbing, unable to form words. It took him minutes to calm down and he finally said what’s going on in his mind.
“It’s my fault...I didn’t look hard enough...it’s my fault.” The man started sobbing again. 
Loud cries of anguish filled the room. The cries of a man who lost everything. 
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Bad Girl (JJK x Reader) 🎀💜☁️🔞
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Good Girl AU, slight angst, fluff and romance, smut, oh god there’s so much filth
Warnings: DD/LG themes, it’s actually a major part in this so if you’re uncomfy you can skip this chapter thanks, GG is scared to talk to Koo about it, Koo thinks the worst, life lesson to learn from this: talk about shit, cockwarming, Dom!Jungkook, like he’s actually pretty demanding this time, Sub!Reader, non-sexual spanking, Bratty!Reader, toy usage, more to be added if I get carried away writing again
Summary: Jungkook has gotten so used to you being the sweet angel you are all the time, that he’s actually a bit confused when you’re not. Are you unhappy with him? Or do you only need to be put back into your place again?
Good Girl || Sweet Girl || Smart Girl || Brave Girl || Pretty Girl || Charming Girl || Enticing Girl || Bad Girl || ???
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Taglist: @sweetenedcooky @ggukkieland @btsismybias22 @darkgvk @daddypkj @flowerprincess24 @crazylittlemay @zeharilisharaban @teresaisla @tangledsparkles @dammit-jjk
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Well, this was certainly new.
For hours, Jungkook had been immersed into the screen of his PC- yet he wasn't playing any video game at all. He was desperately trying to come up with ideas, new inspiration, as his mind was seemingly clogged up with random thoughts that didn't fit what he wanted.
Time to get his mind off of things?
Maybe, but Jungkook had ignored you almost the entire day already, the clock now nearing 4 in the evening. You promptly walked over to him, ignoring his attempts to tell you he did not have time right now, but simply seating yourself ontop of his thighs, taking your rightful place on your throne which was his lap. He bit his tongue as he closed his eyes for a second, refraining from saying anything you could take wrongly. "Baby, I have to finish this-" He started, voice growing a bit whiny at the end as his head fall backwards, chuckle escaping him at your struggle to open his fly while he was sitting. "As much as I love the idea I can't fuck you right now princess-" He said, but you shook your head.
"I'll wait then, I can be good." You stated, making his pupils widen at the way you said that. You pulled him out of the warmth inside his underwear, hands moving over the skin of his length as he slowly grew more firm inside your palms. You moved a bit, Jungkook helping you by holding your waist to make sure you couldn't slip off as he watched you curiously, pulling the fabric of your panties to the side as you began to lower yourself. He held you still before you could move.
"No no no wait, condom-" He said hurriedly, but you simply giggled, shaking your head. "Baby no, we talked about that-" He began again, but you looked at him with an innocent face.
"But we're not gonna do anything!" You said, and it dawned on him what you were trying to do.
He'd heard of it, Taehyung having told him once that he'd tried but failed, unable to sit still for so long. Yet for Jungkook this could be a challenge for himself to try and keep himself in check, to train his own will by simply leaving himself inside you. This would be the first time going bare, and he didn't want to mess it up. So he nodded, letting you lower yourself down on him, his member enterin you slowly, entirely new feeling as he noticed the way your walls welcomed him inside, warmth comforting in a way he could not describe. This was.. actually not that bad.
"Hm.. you're comfy baby?" He asked, and you nodded, resting your head on the inside of his shoulder as he held you, pulling his chair closer to his Screen again, mind now a bit more calm as he began to collect sketches and ideas more orderly, finally able to catch a decent train of thought. Sometimes you really had great ideas.
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Again you'd bee searching for ways to tell Jungkook about things that had been bothering you. No, bothering wasn't the right word.. it was weighing you down, prohibiting you any kind of full forced happiness, because it always crept into the back of your mind, corrupting your thoughts with harsh visions of him calling you weird or even going as far as to leave entirely. After all, it was quite.. weird.
It wasn't like you were regressing into a full forced baby, no. You'd learned to take care of yourself even when you were falling into your headspace, knowing how to make yourself comfortable without any help of someone to watch over you. However, just like everyone else in this world, regardless of who, you craved to share these moments of full on vulnerability with someone you loved and trusted.
It wasn't like you didn't trust him, but he was someone who'd put his own needs and interests behind just for you, and you didn't want that to happen. As selfish as it sounded, you wanted him to care for you because he wanted to, not because he felt as if he needed to do it in order to keep you happy. You could let go of it just to stay with him, if that was what it would take for you and him to stay together.
"Baby, I was gonna go to the store real quick, you need some..thing.?" His voice got a bit slower and died down eventually as you shut your laptop with quite the amount of force from being startled by him, making him furrow his brows a bit. "Everything alright?" He asked, now a bit more serious in tone as he could sense something off about you.
"Yeah! Sure, eh.. could you pick up some Milk? We're out of it almost so, uh.. yeah.." You said, smiling, yet without true intentions. Jungkook nodded, telling you goodbye as he put on his shoes, grim look on his face not diminishing at all as he thought about your behavior lately. It was quite worrying, how you now began to pick up on the habit of locking your phone with a passcode, not leaving your laptop open anymore, or how nervous you became every time he caught you on either of these devices.
What else was he supposed to think?
Weren't you happy with him? Had he done something wrong? He tried to think of something, anything that would explain you putting distance between you two so suddenly, yet he could not come up with something that would sound rational. And even with all the signs pointing towards it, he could not make himself belief you would genuinely go out and meet someone else behind his back; you were not like that at all. So what was really going on?
He almost dropped the milk carton in his hand as his phone buzzed, the message something that made his stomach drop.
'We need to talk.'
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This was planned way better than executed.
Having Jungkook sit in front of you on the bed was making it even harder to just come out and say it. Every time your brain attempted to send the proper signals to your tongue, trying to open your lips to form words, they just wouldn't come out. It was as if you tried to drive a car with the breaks still pressed; it didn't work at all.
Yet you couldn't seem to loosen your breaks.
Jungkook sighed, running a hand over his face, as he took your hand into his, worried look on his face. "Look.." He began, and you watched him as his thumb gently drew circles on the back of your hand, his eyes averting your gaze. "If you want to break up-"
"NO!" You immediately said, loudly, startling both of you as you sat up straighter, grabbing his hand with both of yours, holding onto it as if it would disappear if you didn't. He looked at you with wide eyes, genuinely confused. That.. wasn't it? Then what had you so secretive and skittish lately? "I mean, except if you want to-" He smiled a bit, scooting forwards to have you closer, legs now on either side of his hips as you sat on his thighs.
"No, never. I thought you wanted to." He said, interlacing his fingers behind your back to keep you close, as he looked at you more calmly now. "But I know there's something you want to tell me." He hummed, trying to coax you out of your shell with a gentle tone of voice. It seemed to work as you visibly began to think. "It's alright, you can tell me anythi-" He started, but you cut him off.
"Do you know what.. uh.. you know, dd-lg means.?" You carefully asked, and his eyes widened for the nth time that day, looking at you with wonder. That.. that was what you were so worried about?
He simply nodded. "I know about it. Why?" He asked, even though now he had a hunch of what was actually the issue. It did explain a lot for him as he thought about all the instances you'd hinted at it in the past, never having the courage to actually say it out loud. "You're a little, is that it?" He wondered, and you nodded, looking down as he smiled gently, lifting your chin up. "Hey no, it's alright, really. I already suspected something like that, to be honest." He said, and your gaze finally found his.
"You did?" Weren't you secretive enough about it? Maybe he'd seen your search history, but then again, you were always so careful to only ever use incognito tabs and to always keep your phone and laptop close so he wouldn't accidentally stumble upon anything weird. Yet he proved again that you could hide basically nothing from him, as he smiled, absolutely not unnerved by any of it.
"Hmhm." He hummed as he visibly relaxed. "I mean it. It's okay." He said, and you fiddled with your fingers. "But that's not all there is, isn't it?" He asked, knowing what you wanted to ask, yet choosing not to take that burden from you. You needed to talk openly to him.
"I just.." You started, before looking at him. "So, you're like.. okay with it?" You asked, and he still smiled, while nodding to confirm your answer silently. "Would you.. like, you know.. take care of me, when I'm like this..?" You mumbled, and again confirmed, before verbally answering.
"I'll admit, I'm kinda.. uncomfortable with you calling me daddy though, if that makes sense, but I guess I'll eventually grow into it." He said, as you shook your head.
"you don't have to." You said, hugging him tightly as you began to rest your head onto his chest. "You'll just stay my 'Koo.." You hummed, as he chuckled, holding you close to him.
Yeah, he could definitely grow fond of that.
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"No baby, we can't just order takeout all the time. It's not healthy." He argued, as you sat on the couch, pouting at him as you were getting ready to call back, just to have him turn around. "Don't even start young lady, No means no." He said sternly, making you deflate as you simply rested your chin on the back of the couch, shutting your mouth. Ever since you'd both agreed on the dynamic you now practiced, Jungkook had been slowly setting up more and more rules for you, some being more strict than others. You loved that, you were happy he was feeling comfortable with it, and deep down you knew it was in your best interest, yet you also only now realized how much freedom you'd had before. Yet even though you could feel the need to test your boundaries, you'd stayed compliant and a good girl until now.
Even though you were curious what he'd choose as punishments.
Jungkook had informed himself after your talk, silently learning more about what he should and shouldn't do. He was growing more and more into the role of an actual caregiver, having agreed to simply test things out instead of using someone else's rules or punishments as yours. Communication was key for you, and honesty as well; you were always free to tell him that you were feeling big, in which case your rules did not apply and you were free to do as you pleased. He trusted you to never use that as an advantage, simply believing in himself and his ability to spot lies on your face as soon as they'd leave your lips.
Something crinkling caught his attention.
"Y/n." He simply said, making you halter all movements as you cringed, caught in the act as you'd tried to open a pack of oreos on the couch, hidden from his sight. He'd heard you, however, and the way he called your actual name meant that he was everything but amused by your actions. "I believe we talked about having sweets before a meal as well." He said, feet stepping closer before he leaned over the couch, inked hand easily taking the sweet treats from your hands as you looked down your lap. Yet your toes wiggled in tension. Had you finally reached the end of his patience?
"Go and wait inside the bedroom until I call you out for dinner. No Laptop, and your phone stays here as well." He said, tone not leaving any room for arguments against his statement. Your lips turned downwards, yet you slowly complied, pulling out your phone and placing it on the coffee table in front of the couch, before walking inside your shared bedroom, attempting to close the door. "No, leave it open so I can still hear you." He said, and you sighed, before flopping down onto the bed.
Yet you also smiled.
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He slowly learned more and more about what was right, and what wasn't.
For example, whenever you were feeling small, you were absolutely oblivious to anything of a sexual nature, which made him come to the conclusion that your littlespace and subspace actually were two different things. It made sense to him, the way your gaze would change as soon as you'd switch mindsets was a clear sign of what he could and could not do.
Sure, there have been awkward moments as well, and you had been crying a few times from too harsh punishments such as time outs as well- but that was part of the learning experience for both of you. You'd told him that you genuinely never had an actual caregiver in that sense, which only stroked his ego even more as he realized this was another first he'd claimed as his. Even if it was without actually knowing.
He felt proud.
"Koo?" You asked, eyes wide open and watching him from the doorway as he read through an article about a convention nearby showcasing some of the best airbrush artworks the town had to offer. He turned around in his chair, patting his thighs.
"You're feeling small?" He asked, and you nodded, walking towards him as you sat down on his lap, hugging his middle the best you could as you tried to read whatever he was reading. Something caught your attention as you called out his name again, pointing at the screen where his name was actually written. "Yeah, that's me." He confirmed, smiling at you.
"Why?" You asked cursiously, genuinely wanting to know, yet your mind was hazy, making it hard for you to form proper sentences. He didn't mind.
"Koo 's gonna be there and show his work to others." He said, and your eyes looked at him in awe, happy that he'd actually been chosen to be able to show his talent. You wanted to congratulate him, yet the only thing you truly got to do was hug him tighter, mumbling something that sounded like the word 'proud' into his sweater as he grinned, running a hand over your back. "Thank you princess, I'm pretty proud of myself too." He hummed, before closing the tab, picking you up and letting both of you fall onto his bed, tired from the last days of work, trying to perfect what he would be showcasing the upcoming week. You giggled before moving closer, laying flat on top of him as he sighed happily, eyes closing as you both drifted off.
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“Huh, so now you wanna be a good girl?” He grunts our as he pushes your wrists back onto the bed, denying you any physical contact you desire to have with him. He decides what you get, and you look at him with wide eyes as his dark ones stare into yours. “Well that’s not how it works sweetheart.” He mumbled, flipping you over so you were on your stomach, pulling your legs towards him to lift your lower body onto your knees, center exposed to him in a for you humiliating position. “You can’t just pull stunts like that and then try to wiggle yourself out of it just by batting your pretty eyes at me.” He said, voice dangerously low and steady. He seemed so calm that it showed how well he fit the role of the dynamic you’d discussed earlier. This was him, through and through. “What was that?” He asked as you mumbled something into the pillow below. He brought his hand down onto your bottom as you still didn’t speak clearly enough, making you Yelp.
“Said ‘m sorry!” You whined out, and his palm flattened out, soothing the still tingling flesh of your behind as if to apologize. He hummed, hands wandering until you could feel his fingers spread your lower lips apart, admiring your glistening center. You moved your hips a bit, only earning his hands on either side of them, holding you still.
“I don’t think you understand yet..” he said, as he unplugged the charging cable from the toy next to him on the bed, the device now charged. “You’ll have to do better than that.” He whispered, as he pushed the toy inside you excruciatingly slow, making you whine. He simply chuckled at that.
“Or don’t you want to be my good girl again?” He mused, turning it on as you squeaked, hands gripping the sheets underneath you as you gasped.
So how did you end up in this mess?
Well, it actually wasn't your fault at all. Jungkook had just been on edge that day, that was it, not the fact that you'd sneaked sweets into the bedroom to brighten up your punishments, how you'd 'accidentally' put one of his white shirts into the same wash your red underwear and dresses were in, or how you'd been throwing a small tantrum when he'd told you to stay seated and finish your meal. Peas were gross and he knew you hated them. You didn't get why he wanted you to eat them anyways.
So yeah, maybe you had felt particularly bratty today, but when you were little, he never punished you sexually at all- it was an unwritten rule not to take any sort of advantage of you while in that absolutely oblivious headspace. So how come this was happening?
Well, Jungkook was too observant for your own good, you'd realized.
Because in the midst of your impish tactics to rile him up, he'd noticed your demeanor change. Whenever you were little, he knew that you would eventually get tired more easily; you'd simply get boosts of energy before taking naps between them. You were also not that interested in being disobedient at all, only thriving from his praise and smile, never enjoying punishments at all. He knew something was off when you'd started to giggle every time he snapped at you, and his suspicions were confirmed when he'd spanked you in the middle of the hallway- earning a very different kind of gasp from you.
In subspace, things were quite different. You were completely sure of what you both were doing, knowingly and fully consciously giving your control up to him while being aware of what may happened. This was a different kind of headspace, where he was free to use and ruin you to every extend he deemed fitting.
And oh how he craved to put you into your place this time.
"I don't think I ever said anything about you touching yourself." He growled, free hand grabbing your wrists back yet again, holding them tightly above your head as you whined, craving a different kind of touch to a different part of you. He knew this, was very well aware of the fact that you could generally only reach an orgasm if you were being stimulated instead of penetrated, but that was his plan. This wasn't about you; this was a punishment, and about his own fun.
"hm, you think I could try and make you cum like this?" He sang almost, changing the settings of the toy still inside you to a higher one, making your hips stutter as you shook your head, trying to tell him not to, as he simply chuckled leaning back on his knees as he watched you squirm. "Huh, that wasn't a question baby." He said, beginning to move the toy before stopping, as he clicked his tongue when you tried to reach for it again. Three time's the charm, you guessed. He however was not amused, pulling the toy out completely as you gasped from the sudden feeling of emptiness as he flipped you over, pulling on your thighs to have your behind facing him, hand falling down onto it with force, making the skin sting and turn pink. "You really love testing me, don't you?" He gritted out, hitting again and again as you moaned into the sheets below, making him scoff. "I can feel you leaking on my thigh, dirty girl." He mumbled close to your ear as he moved you yet again, positioning you on your knees to present your center towards him embarrassingly, making you whine. "Oh you don't get to complain baby. You wanted this, right?" He said with fake sympathy as his fingers moved over your pearl, pace without any form of gentleness as your voice failed, simply breathing heavily as your hands curled into fists, holding onto the cotton sheets as if your life depended on it. The sounds made by his hand on your exposed cunt were absolutely obscene, making the tips of your ears turn red as he continued his pace, inked hand working on your most vulnerable muscle without any mercy.
Not even when you came.
You cried out, trying to reach him but failing due to his positioning, sobbing without tears as you felt something within yourself snap, Jungkook groaning out loud as he noticed the clear liquid bursting out, making his length ache as his free hand grabbed onto it, moving it leisurely at the scene in front of him. "There you go!" He exclaimed, letting you fall down as he turned you over, spreading your legs as you caught a glimpse of him, toned abdominal muscles glistening with your release as he pumped his length, condom already wrapped over it.See?" He said as he chuckled darkly. "You can be a good girl after all." He praised, making you smile a bit as your core clenched around nothing, still sensitive to anything that came close to it. His predatory grin told you however, that this was not over yet. Pushing inside you, you mewled at the sensitivity, as he hushed you, pulling you close by your legs as he began to thrust forwards, rhythmic pace easily found as his hand moved over your breasts, kneading them before his hands wandered lower, holding your waist as he continued, breathing heavily as he growled, head dipping down to bite and mouth at your neck, leaving your skin red on his way, those marks soon to blossom into heavenly shades of purples as he let himself go, mouth finally finding yours, stealing every breath as he kissed you with need, want, as if he wasn't close enough to you already. "Hah you're so sweet-" He moaned, kissing you again before letting your lungs fill with oxygen again. "I love you, I love you so much" He whispered, picking up his pace as he bit his lip, thrusts hard and shaking your body, the sound of skin against skin echoing inside the room with wet noises, yet both of you didn't care as he finally let out a breathy sound, head falling back as he came, before lowering himself again, catching his breath as he still moved lazily, riding out his high as you moved a bit underneath him, making him laugh without sound. "My good girl getting greedy?" He hummed, pushing himself inside of you and staying there, hand reaching between your bodies to find your sensitive bud, fingers drawing circles over it in well practiced motions that made you suddenly cry out, your walls clenching around his cock still nestled inside you, making him humm in oversensitivity.
"Thats okay.." He whispered, moving again as he huffed, sweat running down his temples as he felt himself overcome the almost painful feeling of his most recent orgasm, picking up his speed as a small laugh mixed in between his desperate tries to even out his breathing. His hair was getting curly from the moisture, falling over his eyes and giving him the sheer visuals of the devil himself, making you sob as you desperately tried to keep your hands away from him. "It's alright, you're so good to me, you can touch me, yeah?" He chanted, and you immediately took the invitation, hands reaching for his arms, holding onto them as if your life depended on it. He smiled at the sight, at the simply view of your tears dying down as soon as your hands got in contact with him again, mind now at ease again with his presence confirmed to your closed eyes. "Such a good girl, taking it all so well, so good.." He said, voice low and rumbling as he went faster, now feeling himself tense again, to his surprise. "Can you cum again for me? Just one more?" He asked, and you shook your head, although a bit unsure. "You can do it, I know you can, just one baby.." He pressed out between gritted teeth, breathing hard against your neck as his thrusts began to dwindle, growing more and more unsteady as he suddenly began to pick up his face, mouth opening before he bit down his lip, breath coming out of his nose as his forehead fell into the crook of your neck, hand desperately trying to reach your center, sloppily rubbing over it as you snapped yet again, hot white pleasure painting the inside of your eyelids it seemed as you mewled, holding onto him for dear life as he felt himself cum without spilling, your release however coating his thighs again, if not as much as the first time.
He fell down next to you after pulling out his now softening length, breathing heavily as he closed his eyes, chest rising and falling at a rapid pace, both of you utterly and thoroughly spent. He wanted to take care of you, but all he could really do was tie a knot at the end of the condom after pulling it off of himself, tossing it into the bin, before pulling you close. He could do that after he'd taken a short nap. Right now his bones felt like rubber, his muscles aching in the most pleasing ways as he decided the cleanup could wait after recharging.
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You noticed that you were being carried, before you slowly opened your eyes. The scent of laundry detergent filled your senses as you instinctively tried to curl closer to the soft material of Jungkooks sweatshirt, making him chuckle. "Baby you gotta let go, I have to change the sheets." He cooed gently, placing you on the couch as you simply nodded, fists uncurling as you simply stayed where you were, noticing the oversized sweater you were dressed in.
He did this generally after sex. He loved whenever you put on his clothes, yet after being close like this, it held a special meaning towards him, making him feel as if he'd claimed you.
You loved it.
Balling up the sheets in his arms, he began to throw them into the washing machine,open window letting fresh air inside the stuffy room as miri followed him, making him watch his steps as to not accidentally hurt her. He sometimes stopped to pet her head, grinning when her little tail began to wag excitedly. "Come on, lets go cuddle our sleeping beauty, yeah?" He whispered with mimicked excitement, making the dog bark as he hushed her, speedwalking towards the couch as the small poodle ran after him, yapping at your hands as he suddenly threw himself over you, careful not to crush you under his weight as he held himself up on his knees and elbows pressed into the soft cushions underneath, his nose tickling yours as you giggled.
The way he could go from an absolute demon to the softest young man alive gave you whiplash, but you wouldn't have it any other way with him.
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"What is it?"
"Can you carry me to McDonalds?"
"First of all its been two days, second of all, get on my back."
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your--isgayrights · 3 years
How about 999 yjh and uriel?
This went a bit past just 999, but I had fun with this prompt! Here's some cannon based Jonghyuk angst with happy ending lol.
The nine hundred ninety ninth regression was one that Yoo Jonghyuk planned based on his previous regressions, as he always did.
Although, it wasn't as if the previous two regressions, the nine hundred ninety seventh and eighth, were really the worst the starstream had seen of Yoo Jonghyuk. That title would probably be saved for the forty-first from which Yoo Jonghyuk was conscious of the fact he had to deliberately block memories from to stay sane.
No, the problem with the last two regressions wasn't the presence of any memories that were wretched to the point of novelty. The problem was the fact that Yoo Jonghyuk barely retained any memories of them at all.
It was all a haze… it was honestly hard to tell if those regressions had been even markedly different from the ones previous to them, as all of the repeated events seemed to mush together and meld with the centuries of anguish he had already endured.
He hadn't felt anything new. Done anything new. So much so that he would forget his place in the new regression and wander aimlessly thinking of the old until some high level constellation punk got a lucky shot at him.
And then all of a sudden, Yoo Jonghyuk woke up in that familiar train car. The one that no matter what would only last for the first thirty minutes of the scenario.
Almost out of habit, he looked for that boy he had been keeping an eye on. The one who always died.
He stopped when he realized.
That boy had died one thousand times.
Yoo Jonghyuk had lived one thousand times. Been in this train car one thousand times. Failed to save anyone one thousand times. Died one thousand times.
Was he really that useless? Yoo Jonghyuk thought to himself, as he went through the motions of beating Choi Han-gyu to death before he could blow up the car.
Honestly, at this point maybe he should accept that he was just like the boy in this car.
No matter what he did, he was going to die anyway.
If he thought about it like that, then…
Well, what was the best thing that he could accomplish with his own death, knowing that it would come to him no matter what he did?
So in the nine hundred ninety ninth turn, Yoo Jonghyuk took more risks than ever before. He made choices and plans that he never would have before because experience had shown they were the antithesis to his former dogma. That which put his own means of survival above all else.
And little by little, Yoo Jonghyuk began to notice that things could be new again.
In this regression, his companions cared more about him. They respected him more, and opened up about things they never had. As if something in his actions connected to them. Made them think he acted out of love for them since his actions clearly showed no care for himself.
And maybe Yoo Jonghyuk wanted to believe them, too. That he was still capable of that sort of love. That desire for connection.
So he let himself fall into it. He made his decisions based on everyone's survival except for his own.
And his comrades continued to show new sides of themselves. The way Lee Jihye tried not to weep aver the bloody remains of his leg, even though no one had died that regression. How Lee Hyunsung's lips trembled while trying to stop the blessing where Yoo Jonghyuk's arm used to be. Shin Yoosung's open bawling, as it began to set in on Yoo Jonghyuk that he would never see this version of her's face ever again.
But Yoo Jonghyuk knew whose response to his actions had surprised him the most this regression.
"Jonghyuk. Are you ready?" The voice of a certain archangel was heard near his somehow still intact ears.
Uriel's face was close to his, a tight grip on his arm and waist along with the angelic wing steadied on his back the only support keeping him held upright as the others had followed his instructions in forging through the final battle ahead of them.
"There's no need to watch over me so closely, Uriel." He told her. It was, in fact, something he had been telling this strange angel recurrently ever since she had stepped down from Eden to join their group.
That was one thing he had never expected of the entity he had once known as the Demon-like Judge of Fire. In all the timelines he had been through Uriel had been just that, a silent judge. Reacting positively to his lawful actions in the early scenarios with coins, and expressing disappointment over his more morally dubious actions. Only descending after the destruction of Eden occasionally to cast judgement in person.
But something about this round had moved the archangel to act differently after the destruction of Eden this round.
"No offense, but there's obviously a d**n need for it, Jonghyuk." Uriel casually censored herself, as though the restrictions of Eden were still in place. "You can't see how the others are looking back towards you right now, but they know it too. That it's always times like this that you feel the need to go and take unnecessary risks."
Yoo Jonghyuk thought that he heard it in her voice, then.
That lilt in Uriel's voice that suggested she was talking to an old friend, even though the span of time in which he had met this version of her was infinitesimal in comparison to the life he had already lived before her, and perhaps compared to the life of a constellation as well.
Maybe Uriel, too, had lived through this all before. A war where she was called upon to support a comrade close to death.
Perhaps she also knew what it was like to be too helpless to save someone important.
Yoo Jonghyuk should be sorry that she would have to go through it again.
He could already feel it. No matter how close Uriel and her sword stayed by his side, Yoo Jonghyuk could feel his death coming to him.
It was because the outer world covenant wasn't an outside threat. It was something that was inside of him. A hole that came from the very center of him. Almost as if there were no outer world god involved, and Yoo Jonghyuk had really only done this to himself.
When everything was fading, and he could recognize her voice as one of the ones desperately calling out to him, Yoo Jonghyuk thought that he should apologize to her.
Instead, he died with a smile on his face.
The one thousandth regression was one that Yoo Jonghyuk planned based on his previous regressions, as he always did.
When he woke up on the train car again, he wasn't smiling as he had been when he died.
It was because he knew that he wouldn't let the events that let him get so far in the last regression repeat.
He couldn't live like that.
Suicidal idiot that he still was, he couldn't let the same thing happen to his precious memories of those friends in the nine hundred ninety ninth that had happened to every other memory he had of them from all those other regressions. Let them repeat until the point of oblivion. He couldn't do it. He just couldn't, even if it would be the right thing to do, even though it could save their lives, Yoo Jonghyuk just wasn't strong enough.
And he hated himself, for that weakness.
That was when Yoo Jonghyuk decided that he had to die, sitting there in that subway car before the scenarios started.
No matter what it took, killing every constellation in the starstream, losing distorted versions of old comrades, finding and wringing out his sponsor's neck…
Yoo Jonghyuk had to survive long enough to stand in front of that wall once more.
And join all of his once treasured memories in the deepest oblivion of death.
From then on, the only times he saw that Demon-like Judge of Fire descended from Eden was when she was sent with the express purpose to kill him in a way that didn't matter.
The only thing new he learned about her thereafter was how her corpse looked with a sword through the middle.
That was, until he met her as an outer god.
Secretive Plotter had wondered if it would please an angel like Uriel to know that he had prayed for the first time in that moment.
Prayed against all odds that her firey sword really could pierce through his curse of life and see him to his end.
But some dumb guy saved him that day.
And now, in the present, Yoo Jonghyuk was watching the kid version of that guy pick the green bits out of the omelette he had made him.
He had been trying to remember from the timelines where he had kids how he had tricked them into eating their vegetables, but like most of the times he tried to recall those deep memories of his, something in his brain had gotten caught up in that pesky number 999's time.
It was probably because his current company made those times hard to forget.
"Aaaaah I'm going to be late!" Uriel ran into the kitchen in a flash of blonde curls, going for the bread in the fridge as if she was going to run out of the house with toast in her mouth like a schoolgirl from one of her animes. "Jonghyuk do you know where Jihye is?"
"She already left." Yoo Jonghyuk reported, as he batted her hands off the bread and gave her a fork for the small omelette he had already put on the table for her. "Her first class this semester is in an early slot."
Even though he had told that girl to schedule her classes with the university early if she wanted good times…
"Shi-" Uriel seemed to remember there was no system to filter out her swears as she spared a glance toward Dokja before correcting herself. "Shoot. I mean shoot." She started speaking between bites as she scarfed down the omelette "I think that [munch] girl borrowed the shoes I was [chew] going to wear to my interview [gulp] without asking…"
"Does it really matter what shoes you wear?" Yoo Jonghyuk commented as he used his chopsticks to start placing Dokja's vegetables back into his omelette. "A former constellation is going to look strange submitting her manhwa manuscript to an editor for review no matter what."
"Give me a break." Uriel frowned. "It's not my fault that your world somehow made the mistake of making creative skills look more appealing on a resume than demon slaying skills."
Yoo Jonghyuk thought that there was truth to her observation, as he watched Uriel ruffle the hair of the pouting Dokja, before putting her clean plate in the sink for him to deal with later.
Everything about this world was new to Uriel. One could see it plainly in the very way she moved, unused to not carrying wings everywhere she went and walking ever so lightly on the earth wherever she went. Whether it was because she knew what it was to fly or because her shoulders had never felt so light before, Yoo Jonghyuk couldn't be sure.
"Good luck." He called, as Uriel walked out into the fray ahead of him, donning combat boots instead of the professional heel she seemed to have misplaced.
"Thanks Jonghyuk!" She replied, seemingly not compelled to look back to check on him as she walked out the door.
Yoo Jonghyuk had this certain feeling, then. A feeling that he often saw himself having in this new life of his, with these old friends of his.
Even though he thoroughly knew these people already, that fact made it all the more exciting to watch them grow into their roles in this world. Become the people that he never got to see them be.
"It's that look in your eye."
Yoo Jonghyuk almost startled, as he remembered he was being watched.
He turned to find young Dokja looking him with a gaze that seemed to see beyond his stoic expression.
"My father never looked at anyone like the way you looked at her just now, Hyung." He said, in that small, knowing voice of his, before a shyness seemed to come over him, and he looked down at his plate.
"That's why nine hundred ninety nine was always my favorite." He admitted, in a little voice
The emotion that Yoo Jonghyuk felt then was a rare one, but not entirely new.
A mixture of pride and bashfulness that only his own children had ever raised out of him, a glow that seemed to start from his chest and go on to cover his cheeks.
Perhaps an erstwhile familiarity with that feeling was the only thing that allowed him to save himself from smiling, as he tried very hard to tell Dokja sternly to eat his vegetables.
And when Uriel came home that evening to announce that her manuscript had gotten picked up… well, it wasn't hard to admit that Yoo Jonghyuk too was now living through a life that he never had before.
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missiemoosie · 2 years
For Maddie ( Madelina ? ) because i discovered her a not long time ago : how old is she ? is she more a shy person or the total opposite ? What makes her laugh ? Does she have a talent ? What's her biggest flaw ? Does she have a little secret she is hiding ? Who's her friends ? ( too much questions maybe ? )
*cracks knuckles* Prepare yourself, because Madelina (Maddie for short~!) is one of my oldest and most beloved ocs, so I can ramble quite a bit 'bout her, especially with these questions~
(Which, btw, you can never ask too many questions ;D)
For starters, her name, even though that wasn't one of the questions: Her birthname is Madelina Cotofana, though she later changes it to Madelina Magpie to avoid detection. Magpie is 'Cotofana' translated into English from Romanian.
I usually draw her in the Victorian era, so around that time, she's about 458ish. She was born in 1430 and her body is, for now, permanently stuck at age 25-26.
Maddie's a mixture of shy and outgoing. She's shy when it comes to meeting new people, but once she warms up to you or if she's working behind a shop counter, she's quite open, friendly, and warm.
A lot of things make her laugh, to be honest. Her sense of humor is pretty inclusive, so she'll laugh at anything from a bad pun to a crude joke so long as it's not at anyone's expense or involves violence.
Her talent is cooking and baking! Maddie is a natural born cook and, having lived so long, she knows many, many different recipes from all over Europe and the near-east. During the 20th century, she'll visit other places to learn their cuisines and cultures as well. Her secret ingredient is a large dash of love 🧡
Her biggest flaw is...She doesn't think she's worth much. Thanks to the life she's lived and the abuse she suffered from her father and some of her elder siblings when she was still mortal, she doesn't really think she's good for anything aside from cooking. It's something she's been trying to work on for centuries, especially since she knows she's so much more than just her food, but it's hard to unlearn that train of thought, especially when Events keep happening to make her regress.
She does have a secret she's hiding, but I'm not sure if it counts as little. The secret is she's terrified of churches. Not because she's a vampire, but because of an incident in her past that left her 1) finding her fiance dead on the morning of their wedding and 2) cursed.
Her curse can be a lengthy post on its own, so I'll spare the details for now. Hit me up if you wanna know more about it ;D
As for friends...She's had hundreds and hundreds of friends over the centuries, but sadly, most of them are dead now. She has a few immortal and divine friends, though! Such as the gods Loki and Sigyn. She's also good friends with Jareth the Goblin King who quite enjoys the cranberry streusel muffins she makes (yes, he exists, along with Oberon and Titania and plenty of others).
H o w e v e r, in the AUs I have for her:
The main AU I have for her and which I draw her most often in is for Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler, where she's the Phantomhive baker and one of Ciel's protectors. She becomes a mother-like figure to Finny and Mei-Rin while Bard/Bardroy/Baldroy (he has too many names throughout the translations) becomes her lover.
The newer and second AU I have for her is the Grishaverse au, in which she becomes a member of the Dregs for both her cooking and her healing. She becomes good friends with the Crows.
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heroicadventurists · 4 years
Robin 80 ***spoilers***
Robin 80 was a wonderful celebration of the first sidekick... the Boy Wonder... Robin. This issue consisted of 10 stories focusing on the different iterations of Robin. While Carrie Kelley received a pinup in the issue, she did not receive her own story. Robin 80 focused on the five canon Robins. While some are upset that Duke was not included in this lineup, he was never an official Robin to Batman. If we count Duke, we have to count all of the "We Are Robin" crew. When given the choice by Batman, Duke chose to pave his own path as his own hero, which is commendable. Dick received 4 out of the 10 stories in this issue, which was fitting considering it is also his 80 year anniversay. My favorite thing about this issue was the acknowledgement that Bruce adopted the male Robins. Below I rank the stories in Robin 80 from my least favorite to my favorite.
10. Dick Grayson, Nightwing in Aftershocks
Writer: Chuck Dixon
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Starting off my list is Aftershocks.  This story follows Dick after he has quit being Robin, and has assumed his new identity, Nightwing.  This story highlights perfectly how Dick operates as a solo hero.  He is brave, quick on his feet, witty, and of course, he saves the day.  This was a good one-shot but it didn’t have the impact that some of the other stories in this issue had.  However, it did serve it’s purpose of showing Dick coming into his own.
9. Nightwing and The Titans in Team Building
Writer: Devin Grayson
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Like Aftershocks, this story serves to show how Dick operates as a team leader. He was smart, strategic, capable and decisive.  He was everything you want in a team lead.  As before, this was a good one-shot, but it also lacked the emotional impact that other stories on this list had. 
8. Dick Grayson, Agent 37 in The Lesson Plan
Writers: Tim Seely and Tom King
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Like Aftershocks and Team Building, this story follows Dick as Agent 37.  In this story he is a mentor to a young recruit named Paris.  He gives her lessons throughout the story that contradict every lesson Batman ever taught him.  When he gets to the final lesson, he tells her the one thing that he agreed with Batman on “Ignore Your Mentor.  Do What You Do Best”.  One thing I really appreciate about the stories focusing on Dick is that each story is a progression in his vigilante career.  He has an actual arc in Robin 80.
7. The Supersons in My Best Friend
Writer: Peter J Tomasi
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This was an adorable story about how Jon views his friendship with Damian.  Damian is a lot more vulnerable when he is with Jon, and honestly, he acts like the kid that he is.  This was a lighthearted and sweet story that shows a different side to our current Robin.
6. Tim Drake, Robin III in Extra Credit
Writer: Adam Beechen
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This was a wonderful piece that highlighted how awesome Tim is.  For so many, Tim is their Robin, and it was nice to see him getting recognition in this comic. 
5. Stephanie Brown, Robin IV in Fitting In
Writer: Amy Wolfram
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Out of all of the stories in this issue, Stephanie’s story made me think the most.  There was a very deep meaning behind this story once you get past the surface level.  So let’s breakdown this story.  The story begins with Stephanie showing up late to a training session.  She suits up in one of Tim’s old costumes.  Of course there are issues with this and Stephanie is busting out of the seams (not because she’s overweight but because she has breast, butt and thighs to contend with).  She complains about her hand-me-down costume while Bruce focuses on training.  Even with her top busted, Bruce is still training.  He even has the nerve to tell Stephanie she is distracted. Alfred shows up with Dick’s old costume as a replacement, and Steph asks for something “without a cup”.  Bruce FINALLY makes Stephanie a suit fit for a young lady, but when she puts on her new costume, Bruce tells her “no more excuses”.   Let that sink in.  He saw her complaints about wearing a male costume as an excuse not to train.  Let’s carry on.  They go to Western Town to take on Firefly.  The villain du jour does not take Stephanie seriously and calls her “Cosplay Girl”.  Stephanie is rash during the fight and does not follow Batman’s orders, resulting in her capture by Firefly.  She is able to avert disaster (barely) and saves the day, but Batman still chides her. 
Batman: “Tim would have waited outside”
Robin (Stephanie): “I’m not Tim!”
Batman: “I know”
Stephanie tells Bruce that she wants to be her own Robin and to stop trying to make her into something she’s not.  Bruce hears her and makes her a special closet in the batcave with her own costumes. This seems like a step in the right direction but we know how her Robin story ends.
At no point in this story did I feel like Stephanie was being sexualized.  it was more awkward and embarrassing than anything else. Neither Bruce nor Alfred said anything inappropriate to Steph, and no skin or nipples were shown thru her shirt.  She was just in a predicament where her costume was too tight because Bruce was making her wear Tim’s old costume.  And that was the point of the story (at least for me).  Bruce wasn’t trying to find a replacement Robin, he was trying to find a replacement Tim, and eventually get Tim back.
Bruce has a bad habit of trying to replace people in his life.  He did this with Jason and he did it with Stephanie, and the results where dang near the same.  Bruce replaced Dick with a direct copy, down to the hair color, race and costume.  Bruce was trying to do the same with Stephanie, however it was unsuccessful for obvious reasons.    This story really made me think about all the extra pressure Bruce put on Steph and Jason by trying to have them live up to Tim and Dick respectively.  Instead of playing up their strengths and letting them define what type of Robin they wanted to be, he wanted them to be replicas of their predecessors.    Both results turned out in disaster with Jason dying and Stephanie nearly being killed after she was fired. To me this story highlights how badly Bruce tried to use Stephanie to get to Tim.  It makes absolutely no sense that he wouldn’t make her a costume to fit her body.  But is it surprising b/c he did the same thing to Jason.  To me this story was a lot deeper than Stephanie busting out of her top.  It was about 1.  Bruce’s need to get Tim back 2.  Bruce’s lack of respect for Stephanie and 3.  Stephanie’s disastrous run as Robin.  Say what you will but she held the mantle for less than 3 months and almost died trying to prove herself to Bruce.  Stephanie never got a fair shake at being Robin, and this story highlights that perfectly.  She was literally setup to fail. Maybe I have overthought this story, but those are the points I got from it, and they are important points to be made, which is why it takes the # 5 spot.
4. Dick Grayson, Robin in A Little Nudge
Writer: Marv Wolfman
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This is a story about a boy becoming a man and setting off on his own journey. In this story, we see Batman and Robin clashing on patrol, as Batman wants Robin to fall in line and Robin wants to make his own decisions. The issue ends with Dick thanking Bruce for everything he has done for him but leaving the nest to become his own hero. Bruce knew this day was coming, and instead of talking to Dick, he purposely picked small fights with him so he could make that step on his own.
3. Damian Wayne, Robin: Son of Batman in Bat and Mouse
Writer Robbie Thompson
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This story lands in my #3 spot This story focuses on the fundamental differences between Damian and Bruce. Bruce knows that something is going on with Damian, he just can't figure out what it is. He wants to fix it but he doesn't know how. He can't rely on Alfred, as this story takes place after his death. On Damian's part, he is blaming everything on Bruce instead of taking responsibility for his own actions. While some see Damian's current storyline as a regression, I see a lost kid with no guidance. Alfred is dead, Dick is Ric and Bruce is emotionally inept. Jason tried to step-up, but that relationship soured quickly. Damian has no one to guide him, and is making bad decisions as a result. This story sets up the eventual showdown in the upcoming Teen Titans annual.
2. Jason Todd, Red Hood in More Time
Writer: Judd Winick
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I was not expecting Jason to have the most heartfelt story in this issue. This story was beautiful and now I want Judd Winick to write another Red Hood miniseries or ongoing. This story highlighted the complicated relationship between Jason and Bruce in the most purest way I've ever seen. Even the artwork had an innocence to it. The story goes back and forth between a young Jason, who loves Bruce wholeheartedly, and an older Jason, whose relationship with Bruce is way more complicated and strained. This story highlights why Jason will always be a part of the Batfamily, because even with their complicated relationship, they love each other. This story just adds to the wonderful stories featuring Jason in 2020.
1. Tim Drake, Red Robin in Boy Wonders
Writer: James Tynion IV
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The brotherly bonding in this story is what landed it in the # 1 spot. This story takes place prior to Detective Comics # 934. In this story, Tim cannot decide if he wants to attend college or join Bruce in forming the Gotham Knights. He seeks advice from Dick, Jason and Damian, with each one telling him something different. Dick tells Tim that he's a hero that the next generation can look up to. Jason essentially tells Tim that Bruce is stuck in his ways and he has the opportunity to be better than Bruce. The best advice however came from the little Gremlin in Tim's life. After some well placed insults, Damian tells Tim that he has accomplished everything he has set out to do, and has been successful in his endeavors. At the end of the day "You do anything you damn well please". The confirmations Tim received from his brothers was much needed for him and helped him make the decision to form the Gotham Knights with Bruce. I loved getting a "behind the scenes" look at how The Gotham Knights protocol was formed. Because of these factors, Boy Wonders has my #1 spot.
What is your favorite story from Robin 80?
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naruto-littlespace · 4 years
Akatsuki Littlespace Headcanons
I could and probably will write more, but I don’t feel like it right now, so here’s this.
Disclaimer 1: Littlespace, in the AU and in real life, is a coping mechanism for everything from everyday stressors to psychological disorders like PTSD. If you sexualize littlespace do not interact with this AU or me, I will block you.
Disclaimer 2: Littlespace in this post is slightly different from in real life, magic-ed up in a similar way to how ninjas are magic-ed up in the Naruto universe. Chakra-using littles actually revert to the size they were when they were their little ages, although they retain any bodily changes since then (little Kakuzu still has stitches, little Deidara would have hand mouths.) The exception of course is Sasori, whose body is manmade and doesn’t change. People also do not necessarily remember their big lives when they slip into littlespace, sometimes becoming confused about where they are and who they’re with. They will sometimes be confused about what time period they’re in as well, believing things to have happened that hadn’t happened yet in their little age but were far in the past in their adult age.
This isn’t how I’m going to treat littlespace w/ Naruto characters all the time on this account btw, it’s just an idea I’ve been playing around with, like the psychological defense of reverting to a childlike state inadvertently triggers a transformation jutsu to match.
Little age pre Yahiko’s death was 6-7, post is 2-4
Started regressing shortly after the formation of the original Akatsuki. She and Yahiko had to do research to figure out why their teenage friend had suddenly turned into a child, but after they learned they took care of him: treated him like a child, bought him kids books from the local thrift shop, tucked him into bed. He called them uncle and auntie.
He would stay in littlespace for a surprisingly long amount of time, for 4-6 hours on days between missions.
After Yahiko’s death he spent many days in a row regressed to age two. Konan scrambled to take care of him and handle her own grieving. After that was over he promised her she wouldn’t have to take care of him again.
Nowadays of course she still takes care of him when he regresses, but he tries to force himself out of it if he begins to.
He still has board books and stuffies, so if he does fully regress he’ll have one of his pein bodies bring them to him.
Being ~3 he doesn’t have the mental capacity to control all the Peins, so they just kind of idle for awhile.
Little age is 3-5
Pre modern Akatsuki she didn’t like regressing at all and only did it involuntarily. She would handle it by either walking it off or reading Nagato’s board books by herself.
This continued pretty much until she started becoming friends with Kakuzu, who openly admitted he was a little (he thought she should know, in case it ended up delaying his missions--it was mostly so she would stick up for him to Pein. No, he wasn’t hunting bounties, there’s a perfectly logical explanation--)
So she had a bad day while she and Kakuzu were at the same base and went ‘can you please deal with me for a couple of minutes’ and he was like ‘ofc’ so she sat down in front of him and shrank down to a little girl and started crying. He picked her up and bounced her on his knee until she calmed down. She ended up staying little for a couple of hours because Kakuzu took her out of the office and telling her stories about his childhood while they prepared dinner.
Kisame becomes her caretaker too when the three of them start dating.
Sometimes she starts crying inconsolably about something she won’t talk about other than someone leaving her and something being unfair. Pein showed up during this one time and said he knew what she was talking about and it was none of her cgs’ concern which ofc made them concerned but they haven’t gotten the chance to talk to her about it.
Little age is 2-4 but since her chakra is often very low so she doesn’t always physically become that tiny.
She didn’t regress until after she joined the Akatsuki, but when she did Kisame wasn’t surprised. He reintroduced himself as her babysitter, slipped her a lollipop and took her to a library to pick out some kids books.
Loves to be pampered. Oh god it’s the only time she can relax at all
Wears reading glasses because they can’t get her in to an eye doctor appointment
She’s trans in this au because I say so
Likes playing with weasel and crow toys, esp when her caretaker (usually Kisame, Konan and Kakuzu as well when they’re around) plays the weasel and she’s the crow. She’ll tell stories where they go out to the woods to train or just hang out.
She loves to sit in laps <3
She eats a lot more in littlespace than out so whoever’s feeding her makes lots of food. For her to grow big and strong u know
Little age 0. He is just baby
Being reminded of the bloody mist triggers his littlespace, though he has to be in a bad headspace in the first place. It really does not happen often.
Post Akatsuki the first time he slipped was after he, Kakuzu and Konan started dating. Kakuzu woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of crying and woke Konan up immediately afterwards because holy sh*t there’s a baby in our bed!!
It was Kisame. Kakuzu picked him up and rocked him back to sleep. Konan asked how he was so good with kids and he was like ‘oh I had a baby once.’ She does not ask him to elaborate. Kisame wakes up as an adult the next morning.
They keep a container of powder formula for him if he regresses but won’t get him a pacifier because they’re afraid he’d bite off and choke on the teat. They have bottles but Kakuzu makes the nipples for them out of one of his threads on the spot bc he’d bite through literally everything else with his tiny demon teeth.
Little age is unclear (unlike some of the others, he’s never said it.)
Signs he’s in littlespace: stops talking, stops walking if he can afford it, walks unsteadily and a little bowlegged if he can’t. Stops using ninjutsu and if he’s near a kitchen he might try to eat despite not having a digestive system anymore. Has been known to ask where Granny Chiyo is. The answer is ‘back home.’
Deidara got him a pacifier and a coloring book. He does use them but not when anyone else is watching, not even Deidara.
He is a bit upset when he’s reminded that his body is wooden. He would like to feel things please. But he learns to just enjoy the sensation of squishing a stuffie and his jaw chewing on a paci.
Not actually a little. He just hasn’t gone through sh*t like the rest of the Akatsuki have, and has coping mechanisms for when he is having a bad time.
He caretakes for Konan when her boys aren’t around and for Sasori if he’ll let him.
Hidan told him about littles after Kakuzu regressed in front of him and thought Deidara might need to know because of how much baggage Sasori has (he doesn’t know what it is but he can smell drama)
So he looked out for Sasori becoming a kid and learned instead to look for him not acting like an adult. He walked out of Hiruko and tried to eat in front of him and Deidara had to tell him he couldn’t have a strawberry because it was bad for his health and not because it would probably make his insides mold. It’s weird but Deidara is also weird and he makes it work.
Little age is 9-10
Post Akatsuki the first time he regressed was in front of Hidan in the middle of the woods. He didn’t recognize him and immediately tried to run and then beat him up when he chased him. Hidan had to think fast and tell him he was his new neighbor and pretend to be taking him home. The next time he was babysitting.
Sometimes asks where his husband is. The first time Hidan heard this his response was ‘what the f*ck’ and Kakuzu told him that was a bad word.
Enjoyed activities include reading, sparring, and to the surprise of some, hunting. He’s not bad w/ a bow and arrow.
The best way to keep him in/make him feel comfy in littlespace is to make him a meal. U can let him help to the extent that he sets the table or pours the drinks or smth (because he will ask) but take care of the food for him, because he hasn’t had someone else handle that for him in a long time.
Regressing isn’t necessarily a common thing for him to do but he’s one of the only ones whose regression can be triggered by physical pain as well as emotional. He can usually harden his skin to block attacks but if he doesn’t in time he may turn into a ten year old. It actually can surprise an opponent enough for Hidan to be able to take them out.
Not a little either.
Knew about littles bc there was an old man in his village who had ptsd from some long forgotten war and sometimes turned into a six year old.
Caretakes for Kakuzu pretty exclusively, unless Kakuzu is big and taking care of someone else, in which case he’ll help out if he’s feeling nice at the time. Itachi is actually his favorite to take care of because Itachi is a very manageable child.
Little age varies wildly from about 1-11. He blocks his physical regression because he regresses Often and doesn’t want to blow his Madara cover.
He has been regressing since p much immediately after he got crushed. Madara was really having none of it and went from patiently waiting for him to become ‘big’ again to pretending it wasn’t happening, forcing Obito back into a uh. ‘’Normal’’’’ headspace
The Tobi act is actually covering his littlespace though when he’s an adult he has no idea how to realistically act like a kid so when he’s actually a kid it’s kind of jarring for all involved
When he’s a baby he just screams. Not really crying in distress but screaming because he can
He’s so eager for attention. Please talk to him! Play toys with him!!! Read a book, eat dango, run around outside, catch bugs, train!!!
Never mentions Kakashi or Rin but sometimes will mention his grandma or Lord Fourth as if he is the current Hokage
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cursedstories · 3 years
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Euntae Hwang belongs to original webcomic “Unholy Blood” while his counterpart Defect belongs to me.
Defect Euntae Hwang, aka Defect is a alternate universe version of his original counterpart. Initially he is an AU version that suffers from a ending that is worst than death that turned him into a being that can't be recognized as a human nor a vampire.
Euntae's world is very unique, and unlike other AUs it comes with a different storyline. While most universes are centered around monsters, his universe centers around conflicts that humanity is having with limited hunger vampires.
Euntae was a student at the local police academy, as was noted to be a prodigy at the top of his class. He lived in a small rooftop shack with his sister, as both were impoverished and their parents had disappeared four years earlier. One day, both their parents re-enter their lives, surprisingly with financial success.
Euntae and Haeun move in with their parents for what Euntae assumed to be a normal life. He is later horrified when he secretly witnesses his parents drinking someone's blood, revealing them to be vampires. Since then, Euntae was wary around his parents, but he didn't turn them in. Later on, returning from a beach trip, the Hwang family's car mysteriously breaks down near an isolated village. A local resident offers them a place to stay for the night until businesses open to get a tow truck. Euntae, still suspicious of the situation and knowledge of his parents' vampirism, sneaks out in the middle of the night. There, he witnesses his parents and other vampires drink blood in an abandoned church. Unfortunately, Euntae is caught by the caretaker. He pretends to want to become a vampire as well, which initially relieves his parents. However, he dropped his facade when he felt he could fight back. The caretaker fatally wounds him. However, Euntae calls out the caretaker's lies that he knew a way to live past 5 years as a vampire. This caused the caretaker to kill Euntae's parents. The caretaker then goes after Haeun. Scared for Haeun's safety, Euntae had no choice but to drink the blood of his dead parents, vampire blood, to become a vampire. He manages to kill the vampires in the compound and take Haeun to safety. However, he does not tell Haeun what happened or why he was a vampire, which eventually led to their relationship being fractured.
After a few years later, Euntae formed a relationship with a female non-hybrid vampire (means a vampire that isn't a half-human or half-vampire, but a fully pureblood vampire.) in which they all tracked down the vampire lord who is responsible for bringing the world of humans into total destruction. Only to later realized that his lifespans are limited. It turns out, a hybrid vampire's lifespan depends on the amount of victims they blood suck, and since Euntae never actually suck anyone's blood in his entire life, his lifespan shortens itself, he now only has two months in living, and the two months are now two days when he and Hayan were almost ruined the plans of "God" (God is initially the alias that vampires used to call the vampire lord who they thoughted as the first vampire. The so-called God is a "God Wannabe" who thinks that he's too powerful to be defeated.).
Euntae's time limit has come and he died afterwards, or that's what he thought. Euntae's ghost was unfortunately grabbed by Error404, while the skeleton is busy training his "student", Error!Sans, and is used as a distraction, but fortunately he was able to survive since he's already dead, and that he belongs to a different universe so the attacks doesn't applies onto him.
Euntae was later left behind in a unknown location, where he slowly had the same process of transformation as Error has had but what he wasn't aware that the strings of Error404 was also attached to him, the strings has fused along with him, and instead of getting a Error Sans transformation, he suffers a Fatal Error!Sans transformation. He is now a being stronger than Error404, as he calls himself Defect Euntae Hwang.
Powers and Abilities:
Same to Error!404. Euntae harnesses the powers that are the exact same as Error 404, however, it is more potent.
Blue Mastery
The most powerful version of the blue attack, able to move any object as if it had a soul, as well as manipulate, edit and destroy both the mind and body.
Mind Manipulation
Euntae can tap into the souls and therefore hearts and minds of others and can alter and distort them causing them to serve and even hallucinate. In most ways, Euntae gains complete control over his opponents this way.
Inherent Omniscience
Euntae mind is capable knowing potentially anything and everything and has the capacity to filter what they choose to know, selectively picking topics of interest according to the situation. They can objectively be omniscient at their whim, making this a controllable form of it. Also doubles as a lesser form of the ability, making it as they are knowledgable of effectively everything at the cost of not being aware of all there's to possibly know on information unrelated to knowledge accesible or picked upon.
Dark Physical Attributes:
Whenever Euntae attacks someone with his fist, legs, head, or his entire body. He can conjure an energy capable of totally annihilating everything under the definition of energy. The transformation and manipulation of the energy conjured lies only on the will of the conjurer.
Euntae's God Ray/Dark Force Manipulation:
Euntae with this power possesses and is able to utilize strong dark power. Though it is not necessarily "evil" per se, dark power tends to focus on destruction, harming, cursing and otherwise complicating the lives of other people while advancing the user's state. Euntae fires a blast from his fingers that will kill anything and anyone who has god-like code or unordinary code from a regular Au character.
God Ray first shot
The First shot paralyzes the foe keeping them in a still and forever frozen position until the 2nd shot has landed.
God Ray 2nd shot
This final shot takes the time it has and kills the opponent once it's made contact.
This Ability is used when Error404 is either killed or takes to much damage. When he has taken to much damage or is killed he will begin to scatter his code in the ground and will then delete himself from the world. After that, the particles Error404 left behind will gather code from the world and then return to Error404's lair and reanimate 404 from the resources they took.
Absolute Destruction:
Euntae can emit out a explosion, blast, or shockwave that can destroy everything without limits, from concepts, boundaries and causation, to studies like metaphysics and science, even irrational "concepts" like the fabric of nothingness or even totality itself.
Duration Empowerment:
Euntae become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. from the passing of time, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from the passing of time or even slow or stop aging.
Euntae can cause anything that they target to become unchanging and doesn't progress or regress.
Space-Time Manipulation:
Euntae is able to manipulate, distort or bend the space-time continuum, the fabrics of reality in which all exist in. Space-time serves as the boundary of existence, separating different realities and timelines and keeping them flowing properly; distorting this boundary can cause devastating effects, causing timelines to become fluid, even destroying all the world.
Based on the general relativity, "manipulation of space" is synonymous with "manipulation of time", due to space and time existing as a single continuum.
Euntae rules over anything and everything in existence; as such, the user has absolute control over all objects, planes of existences, and life forms, as well as their wills and mindsets (whether they are aware of being controlled or not). I.e., the user can master all infinite universes that are in the Omniverse and absolutely everything within each of these universes.
The user also has absolute dominion over any situation or environment by simply issuing a command. Even if the subjects that are being ruled are unable to understand the user, they will still respond in accordance to what the user had dictated.
Meta Banishment:
Euntae's entire body can banish any and every kind of object or entity, with any traits and abilities of any level from anywhere/everywhere. They can banish them to other dimensions, other realities, other timelines, other points, in time, etc., possibly even from the Omniverse altogether. Anything from abilities, traits, people, animals, properties, objects and even gods and everything else in-between can be affected by this power.
Before he becomes Defect Euntae, he has a kind nature, and a sense of justice, and is willing to risk his life to catch vampires. However he is unpredictable and hard to read at times, such as the instances where he saved Hayan from being revealed as a vampire. He does possess quirky mannerisms, such as his morning routine and can be easily flustered by Hayan. Euntae is confident in his ability to fight and has a strong sense of duty. Despite this, he loses his confidence and appears remorseful when confronting his sister.
Although after becoming Defect Euntae. He still remains his original personality, but a bit of a "mad-man" emotion when he was reminded of Seo Yohan, the one who is known to be "God", as he blames Seo Yohan for all of his sins of making the once harmony world Euntae know into a chaotic conflicting warzone. He inherits a few of Error!Sans's nature, he began to pull different Seo Yohans from AUs and kills them, but since his "AUs" are based off on different concepts, Seo Yohans doesn't turn into codes or dust, they slowly decay into dead skin.; Euntar seemingly claims that they are "Conflicted Subjects" that needs to be eradicate from every last AUs.
He is seen with red hair parted to the right, brown eyes, and fair skin. He has a defined and angular jaw with a tall, muscular build. He usually dresses quite casually and wears two black earrings on each ear. Anywhere he goes, many people tend to gawk at him because he's so handsome.
Haeun Hwang - Haeun Hwang is Euntae's younger sister. Growing up, the two had a very close relationship. However, due to Euntae not telling Haeun why he was a vampire or what happened on their beach trip, this relationship grew extremely strained. Haeun resents Euntae for supposedly abandoning their parents and openly berates him. However, she does not outright hate him as she did not turn him in. Euntae, on the other hand, cares about her safety. The two reconcile after Hayan reveals the truth to Haeun and when Haeun realizes that Euntae still carries the cherry charm she made with him nearly 5 years ago.
Hayan Park - Hayan Park is a Pureblood Vampire Euntae met and is working with. The two of them are very like-minded in that they both want to see evil vampires destroyed from the world. The two have a good working relationship and care about each other enough to make a good team. However, Hayan finds some of Euntae's mannerisms odd and teases him about it, and also is annoyed by his tendency to hide information. Euntae, on the other hand, realizes he needs Hayan's help. He slowly progresses from a sense of partnership to developing feelings for her but feels the need to suppress them. It seems to him that his desire is unrequited, for she seems too caught up in ridding the world of vampires to notice.
Error!404 - The one responsible for his transformation, Euntae would usually follow Error 404 to crack out some jokes, but sometimes to stop him in doing wrong acts. Error 404 isn't okay with his presence, sometimes even fearing him because of his annoyance.
Nightmare Sans - Always attempts to avoid Euntae. Nightmare is treated as a prey of a "fun" Cat and Mouse game. Where of course, he must dodge as much Meta Banishment rays that Euntae shots from his hands as possible.
Umbra The Monotheistic Angel - Confronted Euntae upon from invading his "hunting ground" whom which a playground where he puts Seo Yohans into it and toys with them for a while before killing them. Umbra would ignore since she can see through Yohan's heart and deemed that he is a pure evil being that can't redeem himself.
Creepypastas - The Creepypastas are one of Euntae's number one victims. They are noted to be the Godverse's good side preys for "fun" Cat and Mouse games. Every time when Godverse beings are boring they all gathered in different timelines and started to toy with the Creepypastas into making them giving up in harming innocent. Although, they did create some OP Creepypastas, but those OP Creepypastas can't withstand the powers of the good, since good is always known to prevail.
Jeff the Killer - Feels really aggressive upon Euntae's arrival. Jeff is known to be a serial killer that was thrown into custody by Euntae millions of times, and he always attempts to stop hurting others when Euntar arrives. Jeff did once become a being stronger than Euntae and other Godverse Sanses only to be defeated by Euntae in his weakest form.
Laughing Jack - Same to Jeff, but with much more hatred, Laughing Jack has a strong hatred towards Godverse beings, thanks to them, he must end his career in murdering children.
Slender Man - Really hates Euntae upon his arrival. Euntae always ruin his missions, and plans.
More information please visit this page: https://truegodverse.fandom.com/wiki/Defect_Euntae_Hwang
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