#scent 🧼
omegapheromone · 9 months
Misce tip for layered scents!
Okay so my scent is maybe a little weird as a combination but it's peony flower and peach (fruit mostly, but also flowers) and it's literally impossible to find anything where those two are mixed, at least here.
So what I've been doing is that all my shower products and as much skincare as possible is scented peach, and I wear a simple peony-scented roll-on perfume. I feel like it works really well for me because it makes the peach fruit scent almost like the lower layer, something that you can smell on my hair and skin as the "milder base scent" while peony is from a perfume so you end up smelling it first because it's a little stronger, and feels more like the noticeable "top layer".
It creates this really cool effect where, at first, people will smell peonies only for the most part- a floral and fresh scent- and only the people with really good senses of smell can pick up the peach, but then from close range, you can start to smell the peach underneath the peony flowers (from my hair especially) and then if it's literally like, cuddling distance more or less, do you really start to smell the fruity and sweet peach more because it's more noticeable directly on skin bc of body heat, and because the peony roll-on is only applied right around my ears so even if it's more noticeable/strong, it's coming from a single spot only and not my whole body like the peach.
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samrut · 1 year
Tolys is the type of man that gets excited when a new scent of dish soap drops.
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brewed-pangolin · 1 year
Fireside Whiskey
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As per usual, I got carried away with this one.....
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish and Fem Reader
This is an angsty version of a drabble request @deadbranch sent in, which can be found here. This is my first time ever writing angst, so apologies if its not very good. Feedback is greatly appreciated, I'd like to get a better handle at this side of writing. Much love, and sorry for the feels.
18+ MDNI Angst into fluff. Some suggestive themes. Overwhelmed reader may be a bit triggering. And of course a touch of smut.
AN: I was going to keep this drabble pretty angsty, but the fluff took over. I don't even know if I like this, but here we are.
It was a stupid, fickle little thing. You hated everything about it. The attention, the gifts, the constant reminder of another year gone by. Everyone else wanted you to have fun, enjoy the time with friends and reminisce on the past 365 days. But you couldn’t care less. The barrage of acquaintances, people who only came out on certain occasions had you overstimulated and down right annoyed. All you wanted to do was get home and bathe yourself in complete solitariness. You had to make due, put on the happy face and deal with it, at least until everyone else had their fill. Once the alcohol took effect and inhibitions would begin to wane you would make your exit. Creep out the backdoor and disappear into beautiful loneliness.
The opportunity never presented itself, but you had to to get out. Blaming it on a headache, you thanked the hostess and the partygoers for a wonderful time and bid them all farewell, relieved to be out of the claustrophobic event. The drive home was quiet, albeit the balloons in the back of your car seemed to make a mockery of you. Blissfully floating on nothing without a care in the world. You longed for that. Wishing the worries of the world would be carried away like a breeze along a turbulent sea. Alas, there was no hope. Except for one. 
He stayed home, giving you the space he thought you needed. That’s what he told you, but you could read between the lines. Hear the gears spinning inside his head, You told him not to fret over it,
“It's not that big of a deal John. You know I don’t care for birthdays and I don’t want you worrying about it. You’ve got enough on your mind already.”
You tried not to scold him, you know he always meant well. But the broken down look on his face made your heart ache.
“I know lass, but it’s important t’me. Ya e’erythin t’me, y’know.”
John was quiet, somber. His voice barely audible above the bustling city outside. If you stayed any longer you’d only get mad, and John didn’t deserve your anger. You’d save that for the world that took him away from you for months at a time.
“I’ve gotta go, I’m gonna be late.”
And with that you were out the door. Slamming it shut, the reverberations cascading through the wooden frame and deep into the marrow of your bones.
Your mind was awash in emotion and endless thoughts. Like the steady stream of lights going by they were merely a glimpse of the past year, yet held so much memory and feeling you felt overwhelmed by it all. You wanted to escape, be rid of it all even for just one night. You wanted to feel nothing and everything all at once. Your tormented mind stewed within its confines, the brewed concoction sifting through the walls of your veins and bleeding out through your pores and into the void. An all consuming aura wrapped around you like a vice, tightening its grip with every breath. Your body trembled, knuckles white on the steering wheel and skin so taut you thought you would tear at the seams. Only one stoplight left, then home. Away from it all, closed off to the world and shed the societal skin you were always obliged to wear. 
The light was still on in your dining room as you pulled into your driveway. No doubt  John was going to wait up for you. The ever gentleman he was, molded from years of military training and discipline. You decided to leave the pesky balloons in your car, let them deflate and succumb to the world around them. And you didn’t want to bring anything else into the sanctity of your home. You had left in a strained state, and it would behoove you to leave it all outside the door. 
As you opened the door you were met with the soft smell of lavender and jasmine, its scent flowing over you like fog over a gentle shore. It quelled the knot inside you, its grip loosening with every breath and beat of your overburdened heart. He remembered. Of course he did. Lavender to help relax, jasmine to clear your mind. The thought of it made your skin blush. A warm tingle caressing over the delicate hairs of your body. You let it envelope you, allow it to absorb your worries and take them out to the wayside. Gently you closed the door and as you turned you saw him, your John, sitting at the head of your dining room table.
“Hiya, bonnie.”
The past was forgotten; he was never one to dwell over anything that couldn’t be fixed over a simple conversation. You smiled at him, the warm ambience of your home doing its job perfectly, ridding you of the cold woes you had left outside your door.
“Hey, Johnny.”
Quiet, soft, barely above a whisper. But to his ears they were a beacon. That was his cue. Not John, not Soap. Johnny. 
As he rose from the chair your heart began to race, not from worry or misconception. But from love. In its most purest of forms.
“I know y’didn’t want nothin’, but I had already gotten t’candles. Thought this might be t’best time for ‘em. Help ya relax a bit, yeah.”
In your previous state you would have taken offense to it; emotions blinding the context of what he implied. Johnny wasn’t being facetious, he was being genuine. He knew you would want to come home to warmth and simplicity. As he closed the gap between you, his arms stretched out and you caught a glimpse of the small ornate box in the palm of his hand.
“Soap MacTavish, that better not be what I think it is.”
Your playful quip had an edge of potency to it, but it only elicited a curling smirk to the face of your loving Scot.
“I ain’t gettin’ down on one knee, lass. If that’s what’yer implyin.”
His features were soft; eyes like cerulean pools that you would happily drown yourself in, and lips so subtle you could almost feel them on your own. 
You placed one hand underneath his and let the other remove the top of the box, the small golden circular top inside glistened within the dim lights of your living room. Delicately you wrapped your fingers around it and brought it into view, and the sight of it made your heart jump. Fireside Whiskey. A candle, his candle. The same one you bought for him on your first date. The same one he brought with him on all his missions. That same one you knew he pleasured himself to as he thought of you half a world away. You never told him it was your favorite, you had given it to him as a gift and left it at that. You treasured the occasional waft of it when he returned from his missions, mixing with the scent of sweat and sand into a hypnotic-like aroma. But this was wholly different.
“Need ta make some new memories wi’this bonnie. An’I know ya taken a shine to it. Ya like to linger aroun’ me a bit more when I let it burn before I see ya.”
No wonder he was a sniper, absolutely nothing got past him. You thought you were coy but he picked it up right from the beginning. Smart bastard.
Removing its golden top you brought it up to your nose and inhaled its sweet sultry scent. You closed your eyes, the smell of it traveled straight to your core and the thought of Johnny working himself to it played within the dark recesses of your mind. You couldn’t help the moan that escaped your lips, the feel of Johnny’s arm around your waist flashing your eyes open and away from the blissful sight you had created.
“Johnny..” you cooed as your body became flush with his, pressing his hand into the small of your back and making it apparently aware of the hardening erection buried within his pants. Johnny’s lips went straight to the curve of your neck, tasting your sweet flesh like a man starved for an eternity.
“That’s it bonnie, gonnae be s’good t’ya tonight. Make ya forget bout all’hat. Make ya cum s’good.”
You loved it when he babbled, so lost in the moment he couldn’t contain himself. You placed the candle on the table and brought your hands to cup the frame of his skull, fingers running through the pronounced mohawk atop his head. Your body melded with his, intertwined as his hands traversed over the flesh of your back and hips. You reveled in it, this was the everything you wanted to feel. Him. All of him.
“Take me to bed, Johnny.”
Without any hesitation his arms wrapped your waist and hoisted you up level with his hips, a playful scream escaping your lips at the sudden rigid movement. As he began to walk down the hall to your shared room you pointed back to the table in your living room.
“The candle Johnny, you forgot the candle.”
You couldn’t hide the giggle in your voice, especially as he swung you around like you weighed nothing at all.
“Ah shit, that’s t’whole fuckin point t’this.”
Quickly Johnny backtracked and grabbed the candle, putting it gently into your hands.
“Happy birthday, bonnie.”
Taking it from him you couldn’t help but crash your lips into his, letting his mouth devour you. Promptly you gave his tongue permission; he tasted sweet like cinnamon, smoke, and…whiskey. You wrapped your arms around his neck, basking in the everything that Johnny was giving you. The world disappeared, closed off, alone. Just the way you wanted it to be. It was going to be a very happy birthday indeed. 
Drabbles Masterlist
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
You Give them Face Mask! 🧼
Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Usopp, Buggy, Mihawk
Fluffy Fluff
Just felt like more Fluff Fluff rn 😌 Enjoy!
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Trying to get this man into a face mask is like trying to wash a puppy- A happy struggle and pain in the ass.
"Luffy please" You say with a sad eyes- He will fold after this and let you. However he doesn't sit still so you use a sheet mask that simply helps with oily skin.
"This smells nice" He will say as you have to bribe him with snacks to keep it on for 15 minutes.
"It's rose scented" You say and wear one yourself to keep him still with some gummy candies. Will have trouble sitting still and will start chatting and walking in circles as he waits.
Once it's over he rubs his shiny face and talks about how squeaky he sounds. Utterly destroying your work-
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Sanji is more then willing to indulge you. Picking out some mild scents and you do a peel off mask since he has deep pores.
"Wanna do the charcoal mask?" You offer which he accepts after finding the scent pleasant enough.
"Do people do these often?" He will flirt and talk about the curiosities in your self care. Once the mask is done he will complain about the tightness.
"That means it's ready to peel!!"
"AHHH! OW!!?" He yelps in surprise as you pull the mask off his face. His face bright red and raw from this so you add some water based moisturizer to his face. You show him the mask.
"That was in my face!?"
Will both be disgusted and fascinated by the amount of gunk pulled from his skin.
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His skin is fairly flawless which is honestly frustrating since he cares so little for his skin.
You offer the face mask anyway and he refuses for a while bit does eventually fold. You use a snail slime mask on him since it will keep him skin looking flawless.
"This smells funny..." He grumbles as he will lay there listening to you talk, Half asleep and waiting. Will open his eye occasionally and ask a few questions about your interest in this stuff.
You wipe it off and help him rince his face. Skin is pretty much glowing at this point and You stare in awe. "So pretty!"
"I'm going to go train now-" You scream at him in protest in trying to ruin his pretty face.
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Usopp is willing of course, since the ocean air drys his skin quite a lot. So you use a shea butter face mask and tap his skin with your fingers to help it soak in his rough skin.
"You know I once got a spa treatment from Mermaids like this-' He will spin his tales as You work. When you do rince off the mask you add some nice skin oils afterwards to his skin.
You rub a lot of oil in his skin and he will pause his stories as he judt enjoys the time. Will smell the jar you're using and a softness will run over his face in fondness.
"This smells like the stuff my mother used to use-" He will say with a smile. His skin looks shiny and golden by the time your done, making him look sexy- in his own words.
Will come back regularly to have you treat his skin and will even talk about stories with his mother from time to time.
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Grease paint wrecks havoc on one's skin Buggys especially since he wears it so much. Needs some detoxing clay mask then a aloe moisture one to replenish. If you're doing his face might as well deep condition his hair as well.
He does enjoy the attention and doing them since his face feels better. Secretly he actually has acne marks from his youth and some scars from before he ate a devil fruit.
"What was this one from?" You ask pointing to a light scar on his cheek.
"Hmm 10- Me and Shanks were trying to figure out blades better. Let's say I learned knives can bounce back at you-" He says amused and letting you work.
"The skin around your nose is dry" Buggy will frown, thinking you're about to insult him since even though he trust you the most his insecurities will win- till you carefully paint the mask on those areas and smile proudly.
"There we go, all better" You say and kiss his hand to go apply your own.
Will sit and listen to you read outloud or talk with him about show ideas as he lays there with the face mask.
"Can we do this every night?"
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"No-" He will protest, his eyes narrowing as you offer the mask to him. However after enough begging and ever Perona joining in at pestering him he will fold.
Mihawk gets treated to a full spa day when this happens- A hydrating honey facemask on his skin, cucumbers on his eyes and even a hair mask in his hair to make it softer.
Perona is overjoyed as well as she cleans his nails and applies clear polish to make them shiny and nice! Grumbles the whole time silently and ends up Downing a bottle of wine.
"Do not get used to this-" He grumbles as he takes his wine and drinks from it as you and Perona work. He kinda looks like a spa mom-
Once done this man looks runway ready- His hair is much softer so sets lower, his skin flawless and even his beard looks nicer. Stares at you and Perona deadpanned and sighs-
"Thank you both for the nice gesture..."
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aphrodisiaxcunt · 3 months
♡ Backshots from Johnny ♡
Yuh, I got inspired cause I haven't found this kind of 🧼Soap🧼 fanfic yet. This can be either male, female, or gn cause it's the backdoor 🚪!
CW: MDNI, NSFW, sex, anal sex, cursing,P in A, creampie, bad scottish accent, not proof read I'm whippin' this out on the bus
"F-fuck- Johnny-Joh-" you're moaning and straining against the expensive sheets you've just bought with your husband Johnny.
When he said he wanted to 'test them out', you should have expected something like this, knowing him you probably should have expected worse. Your thought process is cut off my a harsh thrust deep inside your ass, forcing out a pathetic squeal from you.
"Ayeh..Come on i kno' ye can take more~..." Johnny groaned behind you, sliding his rough calloused hand up your back and gripping your hair at the base of your neck. His thrusts grew faster and sloppier from the overuse of lube. At least, he was thurough when it came to prepping you. He holds onto your hip and guides your body back against his thrusts, fucking you stupid on his thick cock.
"D'ya like me fucking ye dumb like this eh..?~" he pulls your head back by your hair, slowing his thrust just enough for you to whine at the loss of momentum.
"Well?~" he asks again, sending a strong smack onto your left ass cheek, your ass clenches on him like a vice as you just nod stupidly, mouth hanging open and drool dripping down your chin. " 'ere ye go..ye fucking slut.." he doesen't mean his words to be hurtful, you might be a slut but you're his slut.
"Mm-mgh~...I'm gunna cum-~~.." you manage to babble into the air, the air filled with the scent and sounds of sex. "Ahah? Gon come for me?~" You nod your head as much as you can against his hand holding your hair.
"Come for me.." his thrusts get fast and forceful again as he pushes your face into the pillow. You moan and mumble into the pillow while your hands seek for something sturdy to hold onto. Your hands land on the edge of the headboard as you cum, your body arching further into the bed and your voice cutting out as your legs tremble.
Johnny takes this as his cue to cum as well, letting go of your hair he grips your waist from both sides, pulling you into his hips and burying himself inside you as he cums with a low growl from his throat. His thrusts stop, and he leans over your body, whispering into your neck.
"Ready for round two?~..."
Hope yall liked that one, I'm better at writing smut than angst but you can find both on my account ♡
Go follow my ig @aphrodisiax_tumblr for fic release updates!!
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cheersyouslxg · 10 months
here me out, soap fucking both you and him so damn good and hard it sends you both into a frenzy of overstimulation 😵‍💫😵‍💫 just two very fucked out idiots in love <3
╰┈➤ 🧼 Soap 🧼 »»———- When in Love ———-««
┆ ┆ MDNI - 18+┆ ┆ Triggers: Smut, swearing I think, overstim, hard dom reference
I HEAR YOU I HEAR YOU I see soap as SUCH a hard dom. Thorough, takes his time, knows what makes you tick and will go to the extremes until you’re shaking underneath him and can’t even beg anymore for him to stop. THAT’S when he knows he’s done his job. Not a moment before. 
And the aftercare? It’s mandatory, of course, and he does his job well to assure you how well you’ve done taking it like a good whore for HIM and only him. 
But what about when he’s lovingly rough? That’s a whole new side to him. 
(Also, i have such a weird time writing ‘you’ and im so so sorry… so i just do ‘she’ butttt lmk if you prefer they/them or would like a gender neutral- could be male or female- or he/him specified!) For this ask I’m assuming afab, she/her pronouns! xx
The mission had been a huge success, but that wasn’t the only cause for celebration. One year with the most perfect woman in the world… Three hundred and sixty-five days of pure bliss anytime he thought about her at home in their bed. Having someone to come home to gave him a new sense of purpose to succeed that he hadn’t realized he needed. Anytime he was due to come home came with the anticipation of waiting, sitting eagerly on the couch and then pacing impatiently at the door once the half hour countdown began. 
Like always, he was expecting to throw his bags down, leaving them at the door to accept her into his arms which she always jumped into. Her choice of apparel had been noted well after he took in her scent deeply, hugging her close with a half assed kick to the door behind him. 
“Sweetheart, god, I missed you.” He breathed, one more squeeze placed around her before he was pulling back for a kiss. Then he noticed what she was wearing, a smirk lifting across his face which held a five o’clock shadow from a few days gone by without shaving. The stubbled kiss was sought out despite his hesitation as he now wanted to gawk at her form, her hands coming to his cheek and pulling him in. 
“I missed you more. Happy anniversary, my love.” Mumbled against his lips, declaring her undying adoration for the man she promised from day one to give her everything to. Traveling hands snaked under her rear, squeezing the sparsely clothed flesh with a hum. 
“Such a pretty present… I think it’s time to unwrap you, gorgeous,” 
To the bed they had picked out together she was unwrapped after a painfully long amount of time of Soap simply… admiring her. He had every intention of stripping her from her confines, but before he felt it would be criminal to ignore how much effort she put into this outfit. The lingerie hugged every curve and dip of her body like it was tailor made to accentuate her natural beauty. His lips worshiped the exposed flesh, tongue teasing over the textured fabrics between her legs, giving a hint of what nectar pooled against the fabric in her arousal. 
Her squirms and whines did little to deter him, promising her pleasure if she was patient to allow him to explore and become reunited with his treasure. “Be a good girl. Don’t make me remind you what happens when you disobey, eh?” Teeth nipped at her sensitive flesh, warning her he had not changed views on the severity of discipline. 
She never worried whether or not her needs would be met, and that evening was no different. As he had promised, he delicately removed the clothing from her body, teasing her even then by his languid pace. ‘Darlin’, I haven’t seen you in so long…. I want to ravish you.’ He would say, silencing any potential protest with a searing kiss as his impressive bulge ground into her need. The whine it produced was enough to convince him to drop the bullshit, tearing at his pants while she clawed the shirt from his body and sought the heat of his flesh.   
Any gentleness he might have had in store had dissolved the moment he caught a taste of what he’d been missing for too long overseas serving. The initial stretch of her welcoming heat, rolling hips matching the breathy moan he earned which drooled from her kiss-swollen lips. 
“Good god, you take me so well,” it would keep him faithful even in the struggle of loneliness, for he knew already that no one could ever compare to her. His thrusts were needy, hungry with a passion so raw it was almost overwhelming after so long without his touch. Clawing, scratching, pulling one another closer, it was all he could do to quickly remove the distance each time he pulled back to reenter her. 
His praises were softer than normal, but she cherished them just the same. Where ‘my dirty slut’ would sputter from his lips, tonight, it was replaced with ‘my only love’. His native tongue lavished her in compliments she hardly could understand but knew to be praises, melting under his harsh touch and romantic words. Soap was sure to remark every inch of her body, fingers digging bruisingly hard into her hips, pressed into the mattress firmly as he drilled his cock again and again just so to unravel her resolve and have her milking his length for what would be the first of many orgasms. 
One blinding, world tilting climax after the other shook her raw to her core, muddying her mind until the only word she could mutter was his name. A plea, a praise, a prayer, he became the very breath she inhaled desperately upon each glorious thrust pressing him closer. One of his favorite positions ended the evening, his hand securely caressing her throat as he kept her tucked against his chest, rocking into her from behind. His thrusts had become jerkish rutting, moaning hotly against her ear with panted breaths, undoubtedly assuring her that neither one of them would be moving the morning until the sun had crested midday. Words had become uttered whimpers, reaching behind for his hand he gladly squeezed and intertwined with his fingers.  
“I- love you… so much, y/n. I love you, baby.” Repeated again and again, Soap gently guided her to another orgasm, hot tears pooling anew down her cheeks from the overexertion. She ached in the best of ways, able to hear her heartbeat in her ears, trembling in ecstasy with a pitiful whine as he finally pulled away, curling behind her and adjusting her so she was comfortable. Strong, capable hands soothed her shaking limbs. His sweet murmurs lulling her to sleep.
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sethsclearwater · 5 months
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synopsis: based on this request from  🧼 anon where seth does something small for reader and she realizes just how much she loves him and gives him the sloppiest head of both of their lives
warnings: oral (male receiving)
word count: 1.62k
you and seth had a fairly simple relationship. he was the most level headed person you knew and you could be quite a handful at times which led to you constantly feeling grateful beyond words for how patient and kind he always was with you. 
you had just arrived back from emily’s, quietly stepping into your shared apartment with seth when you faintly smelled a citrus-like cleaning scent that seemed to be permeating throughout your apartment, “seth,” you called softly, setting your keys down on the little wood shelf you and seth shared at the entrance of your apartment.
kicking your shoes off, you headed over to the bedroom where you found your boyfriend folding the absurd amount of laundry you two had left piling up all week long. clearly, seth had paid attention when you first moved in together and mentioned how much you loathed laundry.
“pretty girl,” seth smiled when he heard your soft footsteps entering the bedroom, peeking over his shoulder for a moment to flash you a small smile before he was going back to folding one of your old sweatshirts.
you couldn’t help the wave of gratitude that washed over you mind, your heart and brain desperately working together to try and figure out a way to pay him back for all the times he’d done something big (although they seemed like small things to him) like this for you without even thinking twice about it.
pausing for a moment, you sucked in a breath before you were quickly stepping over to him just as he had set down the last piece of now clean and folded laundry. your hands were on him, sliding them up to grip his biceps and spin him around before he could even begin to process what you were doing, “‘s wrong?” seth asked, watching you with what could only be described as a worried expression crossing his features.
you shook your head, just sliding your hands down his bare chest until you found the band of his sweatpants, “jus’ need you,” you whispered and his features noticeably softened at your words. seth nodded, sliding his hands up your hips to begin to pull your shirt off, “not like that-” you murmured, sliding your determined hands down to meet his and pry them off your skin.
seth stayed silent, only watching as you tugged his sweatpants and boxers down before gently pushing him back until the backs of his knees met the bed and he slowly sank down until he was seated on the bed in front of you, “what are you-” seth started, his voice slowly fading off until it silenced as he watched you sink to your knees in front of him so you were now face to face with his cock.
“wanted to say thank you,” you whispered your explanation, looking up at him through your lashes which had his cock hardening. seth sucked in a breath, sliding his hands down his thighs until he reached out to thread his nimble fingers through your hair.
“for the laundry?” he asked, a breathy laugh following his words which had you cracking a smile, somehow even more turned on by the fact that he clearly didn’t think his actions were worthy of any thanks, let alone what was going to be the sloppiest blowjob of the man’s life.
you hummed, still peeking up at him with doe eyes that you knew would have him melting under you in a matter of moments, “for everything,” you responded, not waiting for him to pry any more information out of you before you were cupping his cock in your hand and diving down to suckle at the tip of his length.
thankfully, seth couldn’t seem to come up with any more questions about why you felt the need to give him a blowjob at 2 pm on a sunday, instead he just let out a low groan when he felt the way you swirled your tongue around the tip of his cock.
you were pumping the base of his cock with your hand, slowly dropping your head to take in the remained of his length until your lips met the soft skin of your hand, “fuck you feel so good-” seth whined, his fingers tightening in your hair.
slowly, you released your grip on his cock in favor of attempting to take all of him down your throat. seth’s breathing hitched when you sank your lips the rest of the way down his length, the tip of his cock bumping up against the back of your throat as your nose brushed up against his happy trail, “holy fuck-” seth groaned, a shaky breath leaving his lips as he mentally reminded himself to at least try and last a somewhat reasonable amount of time.
you could barely hide your body’s response to him, suddenly needing to squeeze your thighs even tighter together than you already were in a weak attempt to give your pussy some attention. once you were confident you wouldn’t be gagging around the poor boy, you slowly lifted your head, pausing to suckle at the head of his cock once more before you were diving back down.
seth’s quiet whimpers and heavy breaths filled the room, his grip on your hair tightening even further as he helped you set a slow and steady pace as you sucked his cock, “you feel like heaven pretty girl - you have no idea,” seth exhaled, the words barely leaving his lips before he let out another low groan when you swallowed around his cock, your throat constricting around the tip of him in all the right ways.
before he could cum right there, he was lifting your head up, allowing you both to catch your breaths for a moment. you were sucking in heavy lungfuls of air, your spit and seth’s precum now a mess on your lips and his cock, “holy shit-” seth groaned when he saw the mess you were making on his lap, “nevermind keep going-” he quickly decided, suddenly not caring how much more he lasted as he tugged your head back down so you were back to deepthroating the boy. 
his grip on your hair tightened again as he tugged you up and down his length, setting a quicker pace this time as more and more precum began seeping out of his tip, the salty taste spreading over your tongue with each stroke, “taking my cock like such a good girl,” seth praised, dropping his head back to let out another groan when you licked up a stripe up the underside of his cock as he pulled your head back up before quickly sinking back down again.
your heart was pounding in your chest, both of you working overtime to help seth meet his much-needed release. his fingers were clenching around your hair as he set a faster pace, your combined fluids now trickling down his thighs as he got closer and closer to cumming.
you reached your hand up to cup his heavy balls in your hand, rolling them inbetween your fingers with just enough pressure that seth was immediately tugging you all the way down his cock so he could shoot his load down your throat. a slew of dirty praises fell from your imprinter’s lips as he unloaded his cum in your mouth, holding your head all the way down so your nose was now buried in his happy trail to ensure you’d be swallowing every last drop of his release.
you were sucking in deep breaths through your nose, slowing your fingers’ movements on his balls as you began swallowing as much of his release as you could. once seth was sure he’d finished filling you up, he began to soften his grip on your hair and soothingly scratch at your scalp as he allowed you to lift your head up and off his now softening cock.
you licked the salty taste of your mixed fluids off your lips as you peeked up at him, eyes watery from how deep he had been buried in you, “i didn’t hurt you did i?” seth asked breathlessly, untangling his fingers from your hair so he could hook his hands under your arms and lift you up and into his lap.
letting out a soft laugh, you shook your head, absolutely loving the way he always managed to be concerned about you, “didn’t hurt me,” you reassured, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to his lips which he gladly returned, sliding his hands down to rest on your hips as he pulled you closer to him.
when he finally allowed you to part from his lips, he murmured a quiet “thank you,” before gently kneading at your hips. you let a soft giggle escape your lips, sliding your hands up his chest to wrap around his neck and thread your fingers through his hair.
“thank you,” you whispered, “i love you,” you added, both of you smiling as seth allowed your words to sink in for a moment before responding.
“i love you too pretty girl,” he murmured, pressing one more slow kiss to your lips before he was parting, “you okay with me finishing up the laundry and then we can keep going? i think we’re gonna need the whole bed for what i’m thinking about doing to you,” he mused, a playful glimmer in his eyes that had you giggling and nodding.
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thecuriousquest · 7 months
B2 & Hawks
The Scent of Another Man
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs @palesweetscherryblossom @chickennugnugnug
Warnings: Yandere themes, NSFW, vaginal sex, multiple orgasms, non con briefly mentioned, isolation punishment mentioned, spanking threat, nudity, sexual punishment?, possessive tendencies, controlling tendencies, aggressive behavior, abusive behavior, threatening harm upon Reader, hair pulling, breast slapping, marking Reader, Stockholm Syndrome
Request: “We won’t stop until you’re so covered in my scent no one will dare touch you again.”
Master List
Yandere Alphabet Prompt
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Keigo Takami is known for many things. He’s the No. 2 pro hero of Japan, he’s a charming guy, he’s rich as hell, and he started his own agency at such a young age. Those are just a few off of the long, long list.
You know Keigo for something that nobody would ever even consider. He’s fucking territorial. This man somehow always knows when you’ve been around another guy. It’s like he can sniff it out. You could just brush your arm up against the opposite gender on a bus, and when you come home, Keigo will be all over your ass, interrogating you about why you smell like another guy.
Ever since you blossomed into a more willing partner, one who shows him incredibly genuine love and devotion, he has allowed you to go outside under certain conditions. One, you must always have your phone and location turned on. Two, if Keigo calls, you must always answer. Three, you’re only allowed out until five o’clock pm. Four, you are to tell Keigo where you’re going and who you’re going with. If he doesn’t approve of those two things, you aren’t going at all. Five, you are to contact Keigo and only Keigo if something bad happens.
On the train, your phone died, and you happened to have been seated between two males with pretty heavy body odor. That’s what leads you here as Keigo grabs you by your hair and berates you in the kitchen, threatening to press your cheek against the hot griddle of the stove.
“Am I not enough for you? After all I’ve done to protect you, to give you a lavish life?! You’re going to throw all of that back in my face?”
You know what will happen if you don’t answer him properly. Sniffling from the threatening heat against your face, you groan and cry out with a heaving chest, “Keigo, I’m sorry! You’re enough. You know you are! I love you, I can’t live without you. Please, Keigo!”
You can’t hold onto him with the angle you’re bent at over the stove. The only thing you can grab is the handle to the oven, so you clutch it desperately, knuckles turning white from the harsh grip.
You feel like you’re about to vomit as he presses your face just a bit closer, but it’s all too close at the same time. You’re a short hair away from him marring your face.
“What do I have to do to make you get it through your pea sized brain that you’re mine? You’re my girl!”
“I am your girl! Keigo, I didn’t do anything. Please? Please, let me go?!”
Your tears fall onto the griddle, splashing and sizzling as it begins to evaporate. The steam hits your eye, and it only causes more to surface upon your lashes.
He pulls you up and turns off the knob, ending the torturous heat to the stove. Keigo grabs you by your jaw with an iron clasp so tight you’re sure he’ll leave finger print sized bruises. The dew drops lingering on your eyes rolls down over his hand, and he smirks at you, licking the salty droplets.
Your boyfriend’s lips are so close to yours. You can’t turn your head away from him, and with your back to the oven, you have nowhere to go. It must be a natural instinct to him to trap you like this, giving you zero options of a way out. By now, you can’t even tell if this was something he did on purpose or if it’s just so ingrained in his psyche that it’s intrinsic to him.
Snuffling like a kid with ugly sobs, you clutch his jacket.
“Please, Keigo, please, believe me! You have to believe I’d never do anything like that to you. I’d never go against you like that! I love you so much, Keigo, please?!”
You feel as though your knees might buckle with how little energy you have left.
His grin widens seeing you beg for him. It’s the music of a seraph choir to his ears with a harp in accompaniment. Fucking beautiful.
“What are we gonna do with you, songbird? Am I gonna have to bend you over my knee? Lock you up for a day or two?” He tilts his head as he teases you.
You don’t realize he’s mocking you though, so you cry even harder and plead, “No, please, Keigo. I’ll be good!” Your eyes are bloodshot and puffy, and there’s no way you could keep standing if it weren’t for the grip Keigo has on your jaw.
The pro hero tucks a lock of hair behind your ear, taking his time to answer you, letting the tension weigh in the air for his amusement and your torture.
“I know what I’ll do. I’m going to come inside of you and on you until we get rid of the smell of other men. We won’t stop until you’re so covered in my scent that no one will dare touch you.”
It’s not the worst option, but your lip still wobbles at the thought. Obediently, you nod your head. You don’t fight Keigo as he puts you over his shoulder and carries you to the bedroom, clutching his jacket for balance.
You have to remind yourself that he does this because he loves you, because it’s what’s best for you, so you sigh as he strips your body down to bare skin before doing the same to his own. His hero costume lays on the floor next to a pile of your own clothes, and he crawls on top of you, pinning your arms down. Keigo kisses, nips, and sucks on your neck, leaving all types of marks as he slots his hard length between the plush of your thighs and presses himself inside of you.
He manipulates your knees, pushing them up to your chest. It’s a comfortable position for him that you’ve come to find out.
You remember in the beginning how you used to fight him so much, how he used to have to hold you down or even force you on your stomach to make things easier. All of that changed when he delivered the very first severe punishment which you later found out lasted two months. You remember how he locked you up, gave you little food and water to survive off of, took away every single comfort he afforded you since you moved in, and paid very little attention to you.
Now, Keigo is the light of your life, and when you make him mad, you need to be punished. Being disciplined makes you feel better, and that’s all he’s doing. He’s in the process of forgiving you. His forgiveness is all you want.
So as he pushes deeper and deeper inside of you, you whisper and moan how sorry you are, how you’ll be better, do better. You try to reassure him with every desperate thrust inside of you that your body is his body, and he can do with it as he pleases.
You just want him to be happy with you.
Pearlescent rain drizzles from your glossy orbs, soaking your red cheeks. You bite your lip, hoping and praying that you’re pleasing Keigo. He doesn’t stop short of groping your tits, ass, and thighs. He marks you up with bruises, navy and indigo. He smacks your panting breasts, painting them the brightest red found within a sunset.
But you deserve it. If this is what it takes to regain his favor, you’ll put yourself through it all.
Keigo fulfills his promise of coating your insides, as well as your body, with come. He makes sure you’re dripping with the slick ropes of his seed. He sniffs you, just to test it out. His lips curl into a dark grin, golden eyes taking on a brownish hue as he tilts his head until you see nothing but shadows surrounding his eyes.
“Good, can’t smell any other fucker on you now.”
Coated in sweat and multiple orgasms, Keigo settles down behind you on the bed and pulls you into his chest.
Your pussy throbs from when he milked your sweet cunt down to the very last drop. Your walls are sore, they feel like they have been thrashed with how much they burn. You’ve been rubbed raw, both edged and overstimulated by the hero right behind you. You can’t help but shudder from his hands as he moves you closer to him. You want to cry out, but you shove that want down deep. You don’t dare vocalize the pain you’re in.
“You’re not mad at me, right?” You ask tentatively, too weary to look over your shoulder to gauge Keigo’s emotions.
He nuzzles your ear with his nose and moans a soft sigh. “You’re good now. Love you.” He places a lingering kiss on the crown of your head.
“I love you too, Keigo.”
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aphrxditing · 1 year
How to start reinventing the new version of yourself:
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☀️Build a morning routine:
Instead of staying in bed for hours scrolling on your phone, build a morning routine that will make you get up and start your day.
🌙Build a night time routine:
By having a night routine it sets boundaries for yourself. It will also make you get ready for bed and make you want to go to bed earlier. Lastly it’s a nice way to spend some time alone before sleep.
🛏️Sleep 7-8 hours everyday:
Sleep is soooo important (duh) you need to start prioritizing sleep over everything else (obviously there’s exceptions but if I hear you’re skipping sleep to speak to a situationship, I will quietly judge you).
🧼Find your signature scent:
We all know that one girl. She walks past us and smells absolutely amazing. We want to know exactly what scent that is so we can smell that good. Become that girl. Make people turn head and think about you all day because of your signature scent.
👜Find your style:
Stop buying items just because they’re trendy and actually find your style. Make sure you feel comfortable in your style, this will make you stand out because you will radiate confidence.
📔Read everyday for at least 30 minutes:
Also try reading out loud. This will help you slow down, think about every word. It will also improve your comprehension and articulation.
📝Journal everyday:
Instead of keeping everything inward and exploding months later, write them down. This will allow you to reflect on your feelings right away. Even if you had a very good day, write that down too. It will help you remember that feeling you had that day.
🧴Find a skincare routine that works for you and stay consistent with it:
Stop buying every trendy skincare product you see. Learn more about your skin and what it likes/don’t like. Once you find a routine that works for you, your skin will thank you.
☁️Meditate every morning:
Or night. By adding meditation in your morning routine, it’s a good way to start the day. If you decide do meditate at night, it’s a good way to relax after a long day.
🏐Work out 4-5 times a week:
Unfortunately you can’t get that dream body without working for it. You also don’t have to go to a gym, you can go for a run, do pilates, play a sport etc. As long as your making your body move a bit more than normal, that’s all that matter. Also you don’t need to to work out only to achieve a specific look, workout to feel good and confident.
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breelandwalker · 1 year
Witchcraft Exercise - Spring Cleaning
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There’s a marked tradition of cleaning and airing out the house in the springtime when the weather warms. As you’re dusting and tidying and getting rid of winter stagnation, take some time to do the same with your craft.
Clean and organize your workspace. If you have an altar space or a shelf where you keep bottles and jars and the like, remove everything from the surface and give it a good dusting. Take the opportunity to rearrange things or swap out pieces if it suits you. If you have ritual tools that don’t often get cleaned, check them for signs or rust or wear and give them a bit of love. Repair things that need fixing, if you can. If you have an iron cauldron that you use for fire magic, get a wire brush or some steel wool and gently remove any burnt residue left inside.
Sort through your supplies. If you have lots of candles and crystals and small items laying about, consider getting some small totes or craft organizers to keep things tidy. Divided storage boxes for beads or scrapbooking supplies are great for small items, and shoebox-sized caddies are perfect for taper, chime, and votive candles. Organizing things will make your space easier to navigate and also gives you a proper idea of what you have on hand. Which might help you resist impulse purchases the next time you’re out shopping for witchcraft supplies. While you’re tidying, be sure to discard any rubbish, candle stubs, wax blobs, herb scraps, bits of string, incense bases, and so forth that might be cluttering up the place. 
Discard things that are too old or worn to be useful. Dried plants and seasonings can usually be kept for 1-3 years if they remain in sealed containers. If they have no scent anymore or smell musty or mildewy, discard them and sanitize the container. If you’re using supermarket spices, you can use the expiration date on the container as a guide. Powdered material will likely last longer than whole herbs or cut-and-sifted material. One helpful tip is to put a purchase date on packets or bags of herbs when you buy them, or to put a little date sticker on your jars of herbs when you refill them. (Anyone who’s worked in food service will probably be familiar with the concept of container dating or day-dotting.)
If you make oils or tinctures or suchlike in your practice, check on these as well. Make sure nothing has gone off or lost its’ potency. Day-dotting your potion containers will help with this as well. A simple sticker with the name of the brew and the date it was bottled will help you keep track of your supplies and know when something needs to be tossed and replaced. (You can also print labels with the ingredients and purpose of the brew if you’re feeling super organized.)
Reorganize your books and resources. Review what's there and see if there are any materials that need to be weeded out, donated, or discarded. Remember that as you grow and progress, some things will become obsolete or may show themselves to be unhelpful or inaccurate. It's okay to remove things from your resource library that no longer serve you if you want to make some space on the shelves.
You can also cleanse your workspace and/or components while you’re tidying if you wish. It doesn’t have to be a full clean-slate-everything-must-go cleansing, but it can be helpful to just clear out stagnation or bring in some freshness and vitality.
Happy Witching! 🧼
Want more witchcraft exercises? Check out the masterpost here and visit my shop for spell kits, books, magical powders, and more!
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar, tune in to my monthly show Hex Positive on your favorite podcast app, or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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omegapheromone · 3 months
Now that I'm back home I'm getting exposed to more people's scents again, and it's making me remember the good parts about socializing. I'm so used to just being on my own, shut in and avoiding people out of anxiety and trauma-based fear, but being around family members now is reminding me that it's not so bad. It's making me want to see my friends, I want to see them since it's been so long. Actually, it'd be nice to lean on them or even cuddle with them, my irl friends' scents are usually calming and make me feel happy. It's also kind of making mw miss dating, because the calming scent of a partner is such a good medication for my anxieties, but after all the bad experiences with romance, it's hard for me to trust like that.
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rabidbatboy · 2 months
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WET DOG SCENTED: for individuals of any dynamic with a scent of a wet dog
TAGGING: @omegarchive
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sugarybisous · 7 months
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how i got rid of my body acne and achieved the smoothest skin ever and also plan on keeping it hydrated during the colder months 🫧🧼🧴🚿
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i absolutely love and adore the naturium brand it really has transformed my skin and helped it so much ive used each product separately but get the best results using them together.
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THESE TWO BODY WASHES RIGHT HERE! ive had body acne for as long as i can remember and these two washes have magically made them go away. i notice when i use other body washes my skin tends to revert back into breaking out but these body washes help my skin so much and clear up my skin so well. i still am left with the scarring but they also have a vitamin c body wash for skin brightening that also exfoliates that i want to try out for my scars.
1. the first thing i do is dry brush, you might not be able to tell the difference in the beginning but you will after and especially after consistent use.
2. the next thing i do is shower like normal and use shower tools to really help clean my skin whether it’s an exfoliating glove, wash cloth, loofah, exfoliating wash net,etc…(i recommend an exfoliating glove and wash net for a deeper wash and for extra smooth skin as well you will definitely notice a difference in the texture of your skin after!) i also of course use the two body washes i listed above, the salicylic acid one first then the multi-oil body wash after.
3. the thing that seals the deal…a body oil! yes you are going to use it right after you shower with water still dripping on your skin! (i pat very little water off my body so im not sopping wet reaching over for my body oil) but the water is the key into locking in the moisture when you rub the body oil in the water will be absorbed into your skin and you will not be soaking wet anymore, and the way your skin will feel after? SOOOO SMOOTH!!
after this i like to still layer on my smells through body lotions, body mists and perfumes because these have zero to little fragrance to them
the body oil i use is the palmers coconut body oil which is very affordable going under $10 i believe and this brand has been very good to my skin as well i love their coconut line. and another affordable drug-store body oil is the neutrogena one both unscented and scented i don’t have it personally (which will probably change soon tbh) but ive smelled and felt it in person before and loved it.
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this routine gets my skin nice and smooth every time im soo obsessed, i hope this helps! ♡
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the-champion-iris · 10 months
Find Out the Little Things!
🧼 What scent is the soap that they use?
📱What does their phone case look like? What about their Lock Screen and Home Screen? 
🎨 What is the exact shade of their favorite color?
☕️ What’s their comfort food?
🎂 When’s their birthday? 
❣️ What’s their favorite Pokéball?
🎥 Do they have a comfort movie/show?
🎧 What song is stuck in their head right now?
💎 If they wear jewelry, what’s a piece they wear every day? 
☀️ Are they a morning person? 
👗 What’s something they want to wear out, but are too afraid to? 
🖍️ What color would they dye their hair? 
❔Give us a random fun fact! 
🫢 Give us a fun fact about someone they know! 
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lilacskiesapothecary · 6 months
Can you do a Zoro x reader where reader and sanji are close friends and Zoro is jealous
One Piece
Zoro X Reader
I hope this story is what you’re looking for🌸 (no smut just fluff)
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One sunny day on the Thousand Sunny, you and the crew are enjoying some rare downtime. You're sitting on the deck, chatting and laughing with Sanji, you two have become close friends by bonding over your love for food and cooking. Whenever you both are together, they can't help but talk about recipes, ingredients, and different cooking techniques.
During your conversation, you both get lost in the world of gastronomy, discussing the perfect balance of flavors, experimenting with different spices, and even planning meals for the rest of the crew. Your friendship with Sanji has been a helpful way to take your mind off the daily stress. When just then Zoro walks by. He notices the two of you sharing a lighthearted moment and a pang of jealousy stirs within him.
As we know Zoro is not very open with his emotions. On the inside Zoro is struggling, he’s cared about you deeply for sometime now and seeing you laugh and giggle with Sanji was killing him. Zoro questioned why was it so easy for Sanji to be himself around you, when Zoro struggled in every interaction with you. Zoro wanted to be the one who makes you laugh, who you go to when something is bothering you, or just to sit with you in quiet moments. Zoro feels heat rising from his chest to his ears, feeling angry that he the great swordsman couldn’t tell you what is on his heart.
Zoro furrowed his brows, marched over to where you were sitting and said the first thing that came to mind :
"I've wanted you for so long," Zoro admits, his voice slightly hoarse. "I could never say it before, but seeing you with Sanji... it made me realize how much I care about you."
There was an awkward pause for a moment but it was broken by Sanji getting up and excusing himself to the other side of the ship. Seems like he caught that you two needed some time alone. You’re taken aback by Zoro's confession, your heart racing. You reach out and gently touch his arm, looking into the swordsman’s eyes. You could feel his heart racing and his skin was hot, nothing scared Zoro but in this moment you can tell he’s terrified.
And you couldn’t help but start to giggle, not at the terrified swordsman in front of you, but of the fact that if he knew you felt the same way he wouldn’t be terrified at all. “Zoro please don’t think I’m laughing at you, I just never knew, and…I …” Your words escape you and the only thing you felt you could do was crash your lips against his.
Zoro with a mix of shock, relief and happiness washes over Zoro as you two deepen the kiss. As you two come up for air Zoro takes you in his arms and a small smile is tugging at the corner of his lips.
Jealousy is a crazy thing…🤭
🩷🧼Hope you enjoyed this story! And don’t forget to check out our shop for Holiday gifts!🧼🩷
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mahoushoujoprincess · 8 months
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Hello friends! I decided to make a post on how to make bathing more enjoyable for littles who might have sensory issues or just those who want to feel more comfortable at bath time!
#1 🖍️ Try adding toys and color! Bath crayons are great if you're more artsy and like to draw, you can even find bath paints! 🎨 The Mr. Bubble brand has plenty of fun bath time goodies as well, such as bath color drops! They're so fun to play around with, mixing and matching to make whole new colors!
Bath toys can be fun as well but make sure you're careful not to let them get moldy and icky on the inside! Health and safety first! To make clean up easier you can opt for toys that you can take apart and clean easier! :)
#2 🧼 Fun loofahs and washcloths! You can find washcloths with your favorite characters or maybe even colors and patterns that are pleasing to you! The possibilities are endless! There are also plenty of cute loofahs with animals and characters as well!
#3 🫧 Bubble bath and Epsom salts are a good way to go as well, pick whichever brand you like, whether you want a brand aimed towards kids or something more inconspicuous, personally I like Dr. Teals kids! Especially for winding down before bed after a long day! They even have a lightly scented bedtime balm you can apply to your skin! (Note that for littles with pain or chronic pain, Epsom salts can often help to relieve that pain!)
#4 🌸 Scent! Our favorite scents are often super comforting to us and can bring a sense of peace and relaxation, so maybe pick products that have a scent you like, shampoo, body wash, maybe bath bombs or even shower steamers! and if bath product scents are often too overpowering for you, there are plenty of scent free alternatives! 🥰
Extra comments and tips:
🎵 I find putting on soft music can be helpful at times as well
❤️‍🩹If you have trouble standing for long periods of time and can't shower baths are okay or you can have what I call a sit down shower, and do my washing sitting on the shower floor
⭐ If the bathroom lights are too bright and cause you distress maybe try turning out the lights and lighting some candles or investing in a projector light
🦄 Anyways thank you so much for reading, sorry if the post isn't perfect I just know that some days bathing is really hard for me and plenty of others so I decided to share some things that help me! Stay cute!
-Princess Rinny 🎀
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