#so hard to put this into context bc it plays on a bunch of stuff we've been mulling over njdfkdf
marquezian · 18 days
#literally them in our pregnant marc hooking up with bezz au <- will counsel please approach the bench and explain
SCREAM… APPROACHES CAUTIOUSLY… we have nothing concrete its just vibes. and deranged and incoherent.
sarah @girl2dirt (everybody say hiiiii sarah.. shes new here) and i's favorite topic has been pregnant marc recently and we've also been talking about how, unrelated to pregnancy, marc and bezz should have sex thats like, marc getting his needs met purely a physical thing its not about bezz (or vale) or anything its just. marc notices bezz is willing. its post-injury marc this is post sepang marc hes more clinical more methodical more guarded. harder better faster stronger.mp3. so for marc its literally like ok. let me take care of my needs. this is fine. its of course earth-shattering mind melting sex for bezz though!!!!
this convo has led to me receiving the following message from sarah yesterday: "marc pregnant vale’s baby has sex with bezz bc horny and convenient question mark send message" and i promptly blacked out…
how and why marc is pregnant with vales baby isnt important (can i get a yay for an emotionally fucked up 2024 rosquez one night stand thoughhhhhh) the important thing is the premise of pregnant marc so horny hes like a genuine omega in heat due to pregnancy hormones. needs someone to fuck. and we were like discussing vale doesnt want to be in the picture, so the fun angle would be bezz accidentally blabbing to vale that hes been seeing marc.
why are you seeing marc, bezz? ehhh we've been hanging out. hes my friend now. allora bezz… since when is he your friend you didnt tell me..
vale grills him but has of course figured it out as soon as bezz says hes been seeing him LOL ! remembers instances of sheepish guilty puppy bezz evading questions about where hes been recently but they all thought hes just been slutting around. it all adds up immediately.
yayyyyyy !
this switches a flip in vales brain that bezz will forever wish had never been flipped because his relationship w vale will never be the same. it activates vales worst impulse.. he now sees bezz as a rival, yayyy sexual competitiveness… but its also the catalyst for marc/vale reconciling properly in this lil universe…stay with me
so we were like talking about all that leading to a threesome between bezz vale marc. theres immediately an air of vale Watching what bezz does, instructing him and guiding him bc he knows marcs body best, still, even a decade after they were first together. and bezz watches as vale does things to marc that marc never mentioned to bezz that he likes.. touches marc in ways bezz has touched marc but with bezz they never made marc quiver and react like hes reacting to vales touch… constant pangs in bezzs stomach… but its also like. bezz Notices for the very first time that vale is playing with him. vale wants to make a point vale wants to draw a line for bezz, that this isnt his playground. that BEZZ crossed a line doing this with marc. bezz sees something cold and calculating in vales eyes when he looks at him, hes only ever seen this directed at others never at him, it breaks something in him… he never forgets it ! never forgets how the realization that hes been cast out of the inner chamber of vales heart is so tied to vale instructing him to cum inside marc, and bezz cumming harder than ever before.
on the other hand marc also obviously notices vale being vale about bezz so now marc has genuine sympathy for bezz and starts liking him more. humiliatinggggg for bezz. for vale all is fine with bezz now that he drew that line in the sand :) like he made is point ! bezz "listened", its all good! conflict resolution a la valentino rossi. bezz wishes he could go back to before he and marc ever had sex. YAY
threesome leads to marc and vale having sex regularly... getting back together... vale DOES desperately want to raise that baby with him.
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leidensygdom · 1 month
OKay! So, our campaign ended! Yesterday was the 81 session, and last one of it- Our DM did a wonderful job at running it. We basically got to ask them for the scenes we'd like to see, and the session was built around that. It's been three years, so it was wild to see it come to an end! Here's a recap tho (a lil bit more focused on my blorbos since they're the ones you know)
The epilogue happened two years after the campaign's end, with a couple of flashbacks going some time back
First scene was welcoming Blasma (one of the party members), who had been on a trip all this time to heal her soul at her grandpa's dubious laboratory. She's pretty okay currently- if we ignore soul healing is something theoretically impossible. Probably many questionable things happened there. Osten traveled with her to make sure she was doing okay
Next scene was her welcoming party. A bunch of shenanigans happened. Yxala tried so play cool aunt, got her a motorbike. They ended in somewhat odd terms and my girl was trying so bad to get her trust again
Pulsar and Tephra- each polycule's kids- appeared to be overall terribly adorable. Yxala talked a lot about her Sweet Potato. Tephra is Yxala and Relé's biological kiddo (as evidenced by the branched horns), 6 months old, and just one of these big hefty babies who is starting to munch on everything (here's a token of baby her, and what she's like grown up!)
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we also got to see the closure of Mythannae, Yden and Jorven's polycule! Myth and Yden recovered their enchanted clothing business. They specialize in magical clothing adapted to specific needs- Like fireproof clothing for fire genasi, helmets with bag-of-holding like pockets so you can put them on with horns, that stuff. Jorven has now been working on music again. (For context, Myth was my previous character before I switched for Yxala!)
Blasma's player also had an epilogue for his previous character- she's a tired old lady, who is now joining another tired old lady to get in politics. An improvement, given they were cops before that
Centi got to resurrect the weird celestial wife of an old teacher of hers- Who had been snatched up by Sol Ascensus and transformed into a monster. I can't wait to show Niereva to y'all tho, she's a bit of a weird aminal (a mantis/naga-like aasimar)
She may have done a fucked up pact with a psychopomp tho-
We had Yxala's, Relent's and Uri's wedding, we knew that was coming! It took Urion a long while to recover from after the Deep Lab, and they still struggle a lot with that they did as The Onirist
We had a scene of Urion's recovery. Initially they didn't even want to come to terms with being Urion- They were The Onirist. Relé had a hard time forgiving them too, bc they DID hurt Relent a lot. Yxala was a bit more fine about it, even after having her heart carved out by them.
they're all going to therapy lol
There's actually a cult to The Onirist/Ataraxia now though! Some people loved the idea of a godly machine that could solve everyone's hurts and ailments, and they're asking for them to come back and fix the world. maybe the mind control microchips were fine, y'know
(uri isn't doing great about this)
We had the ceremony- Money and seeds are given to the partners as a sign of prosperity and life. They're gonna have a great garden.
The polycule drank (alcohol-free) wine imbued with each other's blood too bc ceremonies there go hard- (this one is seen as a bit more archaic)
And a major exchange between marrying partners is expected. They exchanged basses- They had them custom made many decades ago, with Urion's being based on clouds (after Relé), Relé's being based on fire (after Yxala), and Yxala's being based on bismuth crystals (after Uri's). Now Uri has the fiery bass, Relé has the bismuth one, and Yxala has the cloudy bass
Urion was the bassist for Demonwire, a group they were a part of with some other anarchist friends. This bass has a very long history and it's very significative. Yxala was a bit shocked.
After that, the wedding after-party took place. Blasma set a date with Osten- They didn't actually get romantically involved up until now (and it's probably gonna be very slow still gfhudhdgf)
I forgot to mention this but Urion and Relent are now involved with an organization to help the people who were affected by the Deep Lab and The Onirist's actions. Uri had a very awkward interview about it.
We had few other closure scenes here and there. Finding out two other npcs are marrying, the fact the weird undead guy somehow has a new kid, that stuff- and then we went onto the final one
Which was a concert by Demonwire. Urion played with them for the first time in 12 years, and gave an awkward speech, and it was super sweet and just a great point to end the campaign in!
With that, we're now set to go play the next campaign- Which will happen 8 years after this epilogue (ten years after the end of the major campaign events). I'm going to be playing Siegmund, one of Yxala's kids, and I'm very excited for that.
Yxala won't be doing any major stuff- She's gonna still go fight corpos in the streets and she's going back to the Mecha Derby (did y'all know she was a mecha pilot in a sports competition lmao. I'm working on her pilot fit, it's cool!). Urion is going to be back on Demonwire, mostly to raise funds for those hurt by The Onirist and Ataraxia, and will have a bigger role coming up- Specially given Siegmund's (and Vyxander, his twin) have a lot to do with that. Relent will also be doing some major stuff, but it will remain spoilery for a time. He's got some big things to handle!
I may have cried a bit at the end because it's been so long. I'm glad the characters won't be fully gone. Next campaign will have a lot more lore stuff to gush about- We're going to adventure outside the city, and meet people from all over the world. There's a country that uses souls in place of nuclear fission. It's gonna be wild! (And thank you for reading-)
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
At this point you are all in this with me and i am officially making this man everyone’s problem. He came into my home office while i was on zoom and asked for a pen and paper only to later find out that he made one of those mind maps. It’s about Britin and there’s bunch of arrows about what all he thinks could happen in the future seasons, to how Britin is connected and there’s a section for Ethan and everything. He then gave me a 10 minute presentation while I took a break. It made zero sense but he swears it does. I wish I could send you all a picture of it cause one arrow that leads out of the middle (which he named ‘beautiful bastards’) is just called ‘what the actual fuck is going on’ and under it, it says ‘idk bro, we need more context.’
The summery of his presentation that was interrupted by his alarm for pills and him going ‘for fucks sake i cant have a minute with my thoughts anymore!’ (I fear he has had too many minutes with his thoughts) was basically: Britin is connected, he doesnt know how BUT(!) they are stuck together forever even if it all goes to hell. Which he says won’t happen bc their connection is too big and no type of idiot would ever fuck this up. (Can you tell how hard it’s to keep a poker face?) Justin is linked to Brian and Ethan and also for some reason Ted(?) he has yet to make sense of that one but he swore that once he makes sense of it, it’s gonna blow my mind. Ted and brian are also linked with dotted line and he said and i quote ‘it has some weird potential cause i like how he calls him Bri like me’ only other person linked is Daphne (she is also dotted linked to Brian bc he likes them together and thinks they could be besties IF daph doesn’t disappoint him with Ethan. He thinks she will help Brian win Justin back) now here are his theories of what could happen: -he thinks that to get back together they should be put in a situation where Justin has to pretend to be Brian and Brian would be Justin (he watched an ep of White Collar where they did something similar so he got inspired but in his words he ‘made it gay’) the gay part is: role reverse sugar daddy/Justin would be forced to spend Brians money on Brian (this made me laugh bc of you) and somehow that would lead to them fucking -justin hits michael bc he still kinda hates him and he needs it to happen BUT he wants mikey to hit Justin back for Brian (since he can’t do it) which leads to Britin making up -justin breaks up with ethan bc of his ugly facial hair -justin and brian cheat together on ethan, he hates cheating but is willing to look the other way for them -brian hits ethan bc he hates his smug face and he wants Brian to hit someone -brian wins back justin and i quote ‘bri and i have yet to decide if we are okay with this one tho cause Bri is more than a consolation prize’ And for the Ethan points: there are only 4 thing’s written under his name: -i hate him, -he has a dumb goatee that makes no sense, like how does he shave that?(this was an entire 5 min long rant), -he’s not even good at playing that fucking ukulele -i hate how he talks when he says french stuff
My new favorite bit of his is the refusal to acknowledge that Ethan plays violin. Yesterday he told our mom that he plays the triangle. And i feel like it’s only right for you to know that: 1)he taped this paper on the wall next to the tv (it is an empty wall and then just a random piece of paper in the middle of it and that is all..) and 2) he did ALL this before 9 am.
I was going to send you this after we’d get back from the doctor later today but I am literally writing this while “working” cause he came back in the room to get more markers without saying a word and i am just hoping i don’t find any more papers taped on my wall when I get out of this meeting.
We welcome this man as all our problem. He’s got people going back and rewatching Ethan scenes to see if his theory that Justin’s artwork was an image of Britin. We are all in this together.
He’s gone full conspiracy theory. Too many minutes with his thoughts is right. I’m dying.
But also his theories are not entirely wrong - Randy and Scott have said they thought Justin and Ted would get along. And of course we know that Brian hires Ted for Kinnetik and they become bros. And Daphne is Britin’s biggest shipper. She DOES help them get back together. And there is hitting with Michael involved over Justin. And there is cheating involved in Justin and Ethan breaking up. He is not wrong, anon, is the point.
Cracking up about the reverse sugar daddy situation.
Dyinggg over refusing to say he plays the violin. Kind of how his beloved Bri Bri refuses to call Ethan by his name.
I’m sorry your wall has been defaced with this conspiracy theory map. But also impressed.
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ccfever · 12 days
do you find some of the commentary around CC's first pro games to be kind of condescending? People keep saying she's making a lot of mistakes but she's gonna be "fine". I feel that within the context of her team, coach and attention she's recieving from defenders, she's performed exceptionally well. But I guess it's taboo to mention those things when asessing her performance?
i feel like those people either don’t watch the games or don’t see the same things we do, which is fine. i think the “she’s gonna be fine” crowd is mostly speaking up against the people who are calling her a straight-up bust. they mean well and i agree with them. the discourse has turned out like this mostly because of the people expecting cc to drop 30 ppg like she did in college in her rookie year. now people are looking for 30 ppg and not finding it, so the response for some is “she’ll be fine”, she’ll make mistakes, give her some time, etc.
i do agree that the focus of the conversation shouldn’t be what it has been for the past week. they’ve been talking about:
players should stop the hard fouls against caitlin
players shouldn’t be physical with caitlin
everyone should treat her differently because of a variety of reasons that has nothing to do with basketball
she should put on weight to match the physicality of the league
of course there’s the “WELCOME TO PROFESSIONAL BASKETBALL HAHAHA” crowd but i think they’re kinda silly and they’re feeling vindicated so i’ll just leave them be
to me the discourse should be:
a fucking rookie is getting double teamed at half court
cc has been playing some good defense lately 👀 compared to her college years
her numbers have gone back down to earth but show me a rookie that had 22 pts, 6 rebs, and 8 asts yesterday
yes she should put on weight but that comes with time + offseason. athletes can’t just change their body.. even during the offseason because that can mess with how they play the game... especially gaining weight/muscle, it changes the way you move plus a bunch of other stuff idk the specifics of bc i’m not a sports medicine person. so yeah she’s just gonna have to maintain what she has right now and so far it’s not like she’s getting absolutely bodied (yes the stewie clip exists why don’t you try running head first to a large stationary body like that, it was hilarious though)
she’s literally the fever’s best player right now so i don’t know what more you want from her
aliyah boston is in a bit of a slump, hopefully she figures things out. idk if it has anything to do with the weight/muscle she put in but she seems slow. can’t grab a rebound. her shot is still there though so i’m confident she’ll figure it out
all the other nonsense about treating cc differently is stupid and they dk what they’re talking about. sure defenders have been physical but if you watch, you’ll see caitlin has been physical right back. plus all those ticky tack fouls will diminish over time.
i don’t think people haven’t been mentioning the defensive coverage, coaching, and lackluster play from her teammates. at least from my fishbowl i’ve seen it mentioned tons of times. there is a crowd though, that hates caitlin no matter what she does and is just waiting for her to fail. i understand why, the discourse surrounding her has been nothing short of insane. but she did not fuel any of that herself. she’s been nothing but respectful. but i understand where they’re coming from.
scrutiny comes with greatness there’s nothing we can do about that.
to answer your question though (because did i just go on a long tangent about nothing??? idk but i just wanted to explain where i’m coming from lmao) i don’t think people are being condescending. but i think everyone’s being ridiculous for other reasons. everyone is just dumb i’m so sorry but this is why i mind my own business everyone just ends up pissing me off 😭
edit: also some of those TOs really are rookie mistakes she tries to pass through very small passing lanes that just won’t cut it in the pros. but only like. two. an overwhelming majority of her passes are already in her teammates’ hands and they can’t fucking hold on to the ball 😭
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syubub · 3 years
Rae I was hoping you could do a reading (nothing grand, it can be small) on BTS’ (each member’s individual) current post-Grammy energy? The past 24 hours have been a rollercoaster of emotions. I noticed a lot in their demeanors on both their vlive, and reaction to the loss they posted on Twitter. I have my own analysis and observations, but all that mostly comes from a psychological/logical pov. I want your take on the spiritual side and most importantly your thoughts on what the cameras won’t show us and what the members would probably never vocally/publicaly express (since bless their hearts, they’re such humble people). — 💼
That's such a great ask 💼 anon! I love the idea and I have to do it right now bc I need to know lol
bts post-grammy energy reading
Disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes and not to be taken as fact. This is only my personal interpretation!
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So first off we have the energy of the group.
The 6 of coins, the magician, ten of wands reversed.
Starting with the 6 of coins
This to me feels like they are happy to have preformed and likely feel very loved.
Like they're happy to have shown their talents to the world and spread some joy and love
The card itself Is a lot about give and take and sharing and I think they feel that with army
The kind of solidarity and appreciation of eachother
With the magician (this came up in pre grammy read too) it feels like the determination and drive to succeed. They probably are feeling motivated to come back again stronger.
I see this too as bts not holding back and doing what they feel they have to do (I'm excited for what it could be)
Then we have 10 of wands reversed
This talks about feeling relief about being able to release a burden
This makes a lot of sense
In a way they were kinda carrying A LOT on their backs with this grammy nom
And for it to be over I think now they can catch their breaths
Knight of wands.
This is so very him.
Passion, inspired action, energy.
It's the "pushing foward bc I have a thing that I'm going to do" energy
I see this as him being fired up and like "Okay so this is how we can do this and next time this will happen and we can do this as well"
Very much no time to dwell
It's the confidence and belief in himself and the group and their goals
Like he took his time to be be angry, sad, mad and whatever but I don't think it was at not winning. It was all the other stuff
And now hes ready to continue and push through
He could have a million ideas in his head rn
The knight of wands is one of my absolute favorite cards
It's also associated with sagittarius so maybe I'm just a bit biased lol
Renewed energy and passion
Love it
It's in caps bc im yelling
Ace of cups
You absolute pain
Yes this card can be about love
In this context though I see it as creativity
Ace is always the start of things.
The ace of cups is an emotional beginning
The beginning of a new creative project fuled by emotions and your emotions about your experiences
Yoongi is writing and making stuff and this might just be the new project that takes them to the grammys and win them the trophies
Yoongi had a planned we should always listen carefully to his words.
He technically said a 2021 grammy preformance and 2022 grammy win...
Essentially I think that whatever project comes from the emotions of this time will be extremely significant for them
Maybe we'll get a song or album that talks about the shit they go through with interlude: FUCK YOU AND YOUR BULLSHIT
I hope we get swearing...
Probably not bc in true bangtan fashion they can form their emotions and experience into beautiful metaphors.
To sum up I think yoobi kinda knew what would happen so he sees it as an opportunity to take the emotions/creativity and create a very special thing(again, is he consciously aware of this shit??)
Wheel of fortune reverse
Hobi :(
Dissapointment and misfortune
It's that "the whole world is against me" feeling
I bet he was extremely excited and it was just an emotional blow to him
I think he probably can't help but be hard on himself
Like, "if we did this better" or "we should have done this"
But he knows that it's not his fault. It's just hard not to question yourself
It's feeling like they just can't catch a break
With this card though I feel like there's also an energy of no longer feeling like they have to "play the game"
Breaking the cycle
I think dynamite served 2 purposes
1. To bring joy and some sense of normality to a mid pandemic world
And 2. To play the game by its rules. Everything according to the book
Kinda an experiment
And to see that even doing everything right and excelling at the game didn't really change the scammys mind
Theirs freedom there
They did it the grammys way
And now they'll do it the bangtan way
Bc they've learned
Maybe they'll try another English song but it will be more them
Seven of cups
This card...
The first thing I want to talk about is illusion
The idea that an option you pick has a whole lot of things hiding behind the surface and it's not what it first looked to be
Being hyped up by the grammys and having a bunch of interviews and stuff only to be used
I think namjoon is dealing with that extra hard because as a leader I think he has this idea that he's ment to protect his members
I think he feels a bit like, "I should have seen this coming and been more careful"
Stuff like that.
When joon said "I told you" after they announced the winner
I feel like he told them that it was un likely bc the closer and closer it got he kinda started to see things for what they really were
I think too that joon is trying to decide where to go from here
Do they try a new English song?
Do they say fuck it and make a metal album?
Do they make an album focusing on the positives?
Do they make an album talking about the negatives?
Do they mix a bunch of ideas together?
Do they go back to their roots?
Very many options and namjoon is trying to choose the best one
Everything has an upside and a downside
Chim chim
The hermit
Soul searching and introspection
Listening to yourself
I think jimin might feel a bit down
Like, he needs time to re evaluate
I think jimin tends to base his worth on some external factors and he might have put a lot of his own worth on this situation
So now he has to go back and remind himself that this doesn't define him and that his value has nothing to do with the grammys or how others view him
Like hobi he might be bit hard on himself rn
But the hermit is such a powerful card bc you find yourself in the soul searching and you can asses how to move foward
I think also the hermit might also symbolize feeling shut out of the music industry and maybe too a bit of shame about not winning
The high priestess
This whole situation did not pass his vibe check in the first place
I think he probably knew
Maybe his angel told him or he subconsciously knew
Very much trusting his intuition and will probably be using that to guide him going foward in what he will do with this situation
Creating and being vulnerable and open is important
Anything that has to do with intuition and creativity and empathy
He's probably also comforting jimin in preticular rn
He's also probably thinking about how to comfort us
(Maybe he's working extra hard to push the mixtape foward in order to comfort us)
(( we are trying to comfort YOU. You don't need to comfort us!!))
It's a very intresting energy and it makes sense lol
The hanged man
A pause to re evaluate
Similar to jimin in that this is a time to reflect and to do some soul searching
Taking the time to see things from a new perspective that is desperately needed for him
Some new and important thing might be on the horizon (see yoongis reading) and he will be able to see it and see its potential because he's taking time to just
Gather his thoughts so that he can know what he's feeling and take that
Morph it into something beautiful
And use that to move foward with a new perspective.
I think also this could indicate feeling like this is a hurdle they can't get over.
Stuck where they are bc the obstacles are insurmountable.
Another interpretation is being made an example of publicly?
Like he might feel like they failed publicly and that it hurt rather than helped south Korea as a whole?
But overall feeling like he needs that new perspective and taking this as an opertunity to find that!
I hope this kinda makes sense! I only pulled one card bc I think they're all feeling A LOT of things and I wanted to focus on the main theme.
It's a lot more positive than I thought but that's bts for you, always looking to grow and learn and create. I'm really interested to see what kind of songs come from this emotional influx! I think it definitely differs some from what they've shown so I'm curious how this energy manifests for them!
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rahleeyah · 3 years
i have a question for you. if elliot and olivia canonically had a child what do you think they’d name them? girl? boy? and why? i’m curious for your opinion i’m really into names and it’s one ship i just haven’t been able to like completely nail. like my other ships obvs there’s like canon hints with stuff and just obvious things you’d see a ship naming a child etc but i don’t know about EO and i’m curious to hear your thoughts on this! :)
i’m currently very big into the headcanon that they have one giant blended family with elliot layer legally adopting noah and then they have the boys eli and noah living at home maybe they take in another foster kid or two down the line eventually etc whatever but i’m still curious abt a canon kid name LOL
Ok ok ok I love this question. I'm gonna go at it backwards tho and say first up I fully support Liv and El becoming the Brady Bunch with their six kids and El being the dad Noah never had but these mother fuckers are 60 I don't know that I'd put even more kids on them, like maybe just let them enjoy their retirement. Play with the grandbabies lmao
As for names. I've been thinking a lot about names bc I'm writing pregnant Liv and I will eventually write coachverse so I've got a lot of babies to name. We have same frame of reference for what Elliot would choose - he went for classic, traditional names for his kids. Maureen, Kathleen, Elizabeth, Richard, Elliot Jr. Maybe that was Kathy's doing but I think Elliot wouldn't be inclined to pick anything too trendy. For Liv, I'm really just guessing. But.
I think for a girl they'd pick something soft and pretty. Sophia, Emma, Hannah, something like that. For a boy, I'm less sure. I always have a hard time with boy names. I love Noah. Maybe Lucas? if it's pre Lewis maybe William but definitely not if it's post. That's another thing, too, is there are so many names they can't use, bc they've encountered them in a negative context.
What do y'all think??
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coollyinterferes · 2 years
What would you consider is the most challenging aspect that comes with writing your character?
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unprompted asks 【always accepting】
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Hi, anon!! First of all, sorry to have kept you waiting (rl has been getting in the way a bunch as of late on top of my usual slowness orz)!! And I also apologize bc this is gonna get Long, so I hope that's okay! There's also gonna be some inevitable salt in some parts, so I hope that's alright, too ;v;
There are some aspects I still find kinda difficult, even after the years I've been writing for this dork tbh. One of them is probably the fleshing out of all those sides Speedwagon's character has and that a big chunk of the fandom sometimes completely forgets about or even pretends they don't exist at all for a variety of reasons. Same with the fleshing out of PB as a whole, too, as it's directly connected to the character in different ways, and the many things we didn't get to see on screen but that we were told that actually happened (or didn't happen in some cases). Much like with many other jojo characters, people tend to reduce Speedwagon's entire character to One Trait, though in his case its usually a trait taken from wrong ideas they got from all those "haha kono dio da funni amirite" memes, which is why you often see him being labelled as the "uwu soft and pure ball of blushu blushu virginal sunshine boi who can do no wrong and will never do it either uwuwuwuw" by a lot of people even when Robert is a ruthless criminal from the worst part of London in canon, and taking his actual heart of gold and twisting it into "absolute and immaculate purity UWU". Basically, he gets woobified a shit ton by a big chunk of the fandom, with certain aspects of his personality getting twisted waaaaay beyond recognition sometimes or just entirely made up or taken completely out of context for a variety of reasons. All of this is one of the main reasons why I've always put a lot of effort into showcasing all those sides of his that we were shown and/or told about in canon. Showing all his traits, yeah, but also making sure to always show his many MANY flaws and those dark and sour sides there are to his character (many of which he retains even in his older years, with some of those traits/flaws most likely being 'passed down' to Joseph, i.e), since people tend to forget that not only Speedwagon comes from literally the same shady place as Dio, having lived there for twice as long than Dio did, no less, but people also forget that he was also some ruthless gangleader who hard-earned the respect of dozens of other criminals and violent thugs and who are now under his command, ready to kill whenever he orders them to.
With all this said, in general, the most challenging part I think would probably be keeping some kind of balance in all that and not overdo or leave out one or the other since all parts are just as important to his character and to that personality that we were given in canon, and keeping all those hideously ooc fanon takes as far away as possible. All this while also doing research as much as necessary on Victorian stuff like terms, speech, customs, gay culture, and everything else that plays a role in Speedwagon's character (as a fun fact: no kidding, I legit knew NOTHING about the Victorian era when I first got into JJBA, so it's thanks to this dork that I started digging into that era and learning everything I now know about it xd).
As far as the side muses go, I think Tattoo and Li are more challenging right now in the sense that I don't write them as often, so I'm still trying to get a better hang of their personalities overall, their flaws and traits and so on. As for Jonathan, I've written him in the past a bunch of times for both rps and fics, but I haven't fleshed him out "a lot" rp wise yet, so I always worry about getting him right and close to his canon since, just like Speedwagon's case, Jonathan gets woobified a fuck ton by the fandom, too, for a variety of reasons.
Pretty sure I rambled a lot, but I hope all this stuff made sense ;;;; And thank you so much for sending this in, anon! I love this type of asks (and p much all types of asks, too xd), so please keep them coming any time~ Hope you're having a wonderful day!! ♡♡
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writer questions!
i got tagged by @bitchesofostwick (i love you isabella <3) but im gonna tag: @lvllns, @rosykims, @pearlsandsteel, @bellarxse, @elmshore, @starrypawz, @heartbrreak, @mournholdmushroom, and anyone else!
name: owen
fandoms: mostly interactive fiction nowadays. used to write dragon age and pillars of eternity though
most popular one-shot: it’s my ‘would never call this love’ which is a fhr sm*t prompt I ended up mostly rewriting from 1k to 4k so. glow up ig 
most popular multi-chapter: not necessarily multi-chapter, but i have a bunch of fhr prompt fills i’ve gathered around and stuck on the archive to, well archive them. they’re all loosely bound up in the plot of the game + things before the main plot. they’re all stand alone though.
actual worst part of writing: when you’re working through the nitty gritty, or you’re just not vibing with a sequence tbh. I personally get really bogged down in the details and feel like my pacing is always...off (things don’t get the time they need to breathe) so i try and correct it but then nothing feels right so it’s just. tearing my hair out and abandoning things.
do you outline: more than I used to, although it still is sparingly that I truly plan things out in writing. i get general ideas of where i wanna take something, but getting from point A to B is usually....hard. harder than it needs to be that’s for sure.
ideas i probably won’t get around to: my giant pile of wips and that one 5k fic just. laying around. that or I would like to re-write a lot of my earlier fhr prompt fills because they have good bones + i just wanna rewrite em. I was also thinking of trying to complete a whole 50+ set of single word prompt fills, but that would be an adventure and a half.
callouts: all of my mutuals jk uhhh @trvelyans bc maia ur the sweetest binch and ur writing is so inspiring and keeps me wanting to write too like :hearteyes: and your comments are the sweetest things too ;--; and @lvllns too like the Skills and The Talent of the writing just. skdhfksd i go Bonkers over the feelings. and @wayhavn carly some of your fics live Rent Free in my head. just MWAH i love all my writer mewchuals infinitely like Y”ALL 
best writing trait: i’ve been told i have a good knack for pacing in action which is like skdfk okay but ??? that and flowing internal monologues + emotional heavy scenes too. tooting my own horn, but i really like intense conversation, whether they turn into arguments or just simmer into nothing. it’s fun to play around with the stakes.
spicy tangential opinion: sometimes dialogue tags don’t matter and you can just skip to the action of a scene or go completely without context between characters talking. make the little gestures a character does have meaning and weight--don’t put them in to pad out your writing. idk let conflicts between characters be vicious and angry and upsetting! let them say things they don’t mean! lots of times ppl say stuff they don’t really mean when they’re angry and frustrated with each other--it’s not a bad thing, it’s a chance for growth. also conflict between characters? doesn’t automatically make it a bad relationship or ab*sive. just stop w that shit.
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 6: the One Where LWJ is Drunk and Gets Married
Okay, to set the scene, we’ve got JC, NHS and WWX having a sneaky drinking party with Forbidden Alcohol
Obviously, LWJ can spidey-sense when a rule is being violently broken so he appears at the scene of the crime to BREAK UP THE PARTY (or possibly a threesome?? He’s not sure but he’s gonna put a stop to that immediately)
WWX: *bounces right into lwj’s space* join us for a drink lan zhan!! We earned it after defeating the Haunted Water!!
LWJ: *stares over wwx’s shoulder* alcohol is forbidden in the cloud recesses
WWX: chill out dude *playfully tugs on lwj’s sleeve*
Oh man, the glare that lwj shoots at wwx’s hand here could have started a fire. I mean, it must have at least burned a little with how quickly wwx lets go
LWJ: Report to the Punishment Chamber
Did they have to call it ‘punishment chamber’??
It sounds like some kind of kinky sex dungeon, which, like, to each their own,(i’ll read some kinky sex dungeon fic every once and a while, myself)
But this is Ancient Fantasy China summer school…seems a little inappropriate in context
WWX again tries to coax LWJ in to having a drink with them. He doesn’t understand how someone can just…not drink alcohol. Oh wwx, you budding alcoholic you
And here WWX nobly sacrifices himself to save his drunk buddies by distracting lwj (who was about to call for backup, like a narc) and pins some sort of mind-control talisman on him
Wwx: sit and have a drink with me!
Lwj: *sits down and takes a shot*
Lwj: *passes out*
Wwx: *proceeds to gently guide lwj onto the bed*
You know after that initial panic, wwx looks too damn pleased with himself, especially after he gets lwj to call him wei-gege
Wwx suddenly notices that lwj’s ribbon is off kilter and informs him of it bc that’s what friends do
Wwx: your ribbon is crooked
Lwj: *scandalized gasp* crooked??
Wwx: i can help!! 
Lwj: *slaps wwx’s hand* Go Away
Wwx: you’re making it worse!!
And now we have a way to measure their queer queer love for each other without making the censors mad
How does this show do it?? This is gayer than most of the stuff aired in the US and the US doesn’t even have that kind of censorship laws media producers here are a bunch of COWARDS, disney i’m looking at you
Wwx: lol, significant others, really?
Lwj: what’s so funny
Wwx: nobody’s gonna marry into the lan clan with your thousands of dumb rules and chronic allergy to fun
Wwx: nope, you are gonna be Forever Alone
Lwj: …that’s fine
This is actually kind of heartbreaking tbh
He’s so resigned and pretending so hard not to care!!
Idk how the actor did it bc lwj still has a very placid expression on his face but it somehow manages to convey like, a sense of loneliness while still looking adorably drunk?? Idk man, i think black magic might be involved
Wwx is so incredulous at this response. Like he totally believes lwj would be okay staying alone forever but he doesn’t understand it
Bc wwx is a dumb teenage boy who doesn’t yet have the emotional intelligence to see that lwj is just saying that bc he’s scared and hurting
Now we get to see an acute case of Foot-in-Mouth Syndrome like we did back in episode 2!
Wwx: your mother must be so bored here all the time
LWJ: i don’t have a mother 
He says flatly HIDING HIS SORROW
WWX: you can’t not have a mother! Somebody gave birth to…oh.
There’s a crack vid somewhere on youtube with this scene voiced over “it was at that moment he realized…he Fucked Up”
And it’s true
Dumb boy
Here WWX makes up by sharing his sad orphan story with LWJ. it’s so sweet
WWX: my parents died when i was four and I can’t remember their faces–but i do remember getting chased by feral dogs
OH, but we do get to see Actual BB!wwx in a brief flashback (within a flashback, remember this summer school business is not present time, how weird is that) and he’s riding a donkey while his mama and papa walk beside him. It’s adorable.
And after all that Emotional Vulnerability, he’s like “i’ll drink to that bro!” and makes a toast
I actually kind of like the toast he makes here with lwj tho
He tells him “may we never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is worth forgetting”
Idk if that’s like, a traditional toast or something he made up on the spot, but i like it
We get a brief moment of plot development here. 
So some Lan SNITCH barges into the room where lqr and lxc are at and is all “we caught wwx drinking Forbidden Alcohol!” and lxc’s expression is all gently amused
but then Lan Snitch continues “LWJ was with him!!” and lxc’s amused expression quickly morphs into Very Alarmed
(right before that all happened tho we get to see lwj fall out of bed, still passed out drunk and wwx laughs at him. I can’t even hold that against him bc i totally laughed at lwj too)
The camera now shows us some frankly HORRIFYING beating sticks (paddles?? Do they qualify as paddles?? THEY’RE HUGE AND SCARY AND MADE OF NIGHTMARES)
And bc LWJ is too honorable for his own good
Lwj: i am at fault and accept my punishment!
And goes on his knees to willingly get beaten. STOP THAT LWJ
WWX IMMEDIATELY steps in to take the blame, like no, it’s actually my fault bc i forced him to drink when he didn’t want to. LAN ZHAN SHOULDN’T GET PUNISHED!!
LQR: (proving that lans are all Dramatique) ARE YOU TRYING TO RUIN CLOUD RECESSES??
Take a chill pill, old man. A teenager getting drunk is not gonna start the apocalypse (probably)
And here lwj completely ignores wwx’s attempt to absolve him and is all no, I Made a Mistake and Must Get Punished 
So the punishment is kind of…harsh, but also lol bc as soon as wwx sees lwj take the beating without flinching or even staggering under the strength of the hits (lwj is truly a stronger man than i; one look at those Nightmare Sticks I would’ve run for the hills), he grits his teeth and forces himself to stay steady
Wwx: *internally but you can totally read it in his face* i’m not gonna let that bastard one-up me!! I have WAY more experience taking punishments. I am the punishment KING.
Okay so that all happens and afterwards WINGMAN LXC STRIKES AGAIN
LXC: wwx, you should definitely visit the family’s private cold spring
LXC: you know, so you can heal faster and not miss class
LXC: not for any other reason
Wwx: *leans coquettishly against a tree thing and pouts* why didn’t you tell me about this spring? Friends don’t keep secrets from friends!!
wwx, you’re so clever, how can you be so stupid – boy is flirting at max level and doesn’t even realize it???
Lwj: HOW ARE YOU EVEN HERE *frantically robes up like some virginal maiden which he kinda is*
Wwx: your brother told me!
Lwj: *internally* brother why
And here wwx gets into the cold spring
Wwx: so cold so cold, let me get close to you where it’s warmer~! *dives right into lwj’s personal bubble*
Lwj: *takes a HUGE step back*
Wwx: *pouts* you know i didn’t like you much before but after our Romantic Moonlit Sword Fight and our Sword Fight By the Waterfall, i’ve decided i like you a lot and we should definitely be friends forever
Lwj: *doesn’t even look at wwx* That’s Not Necessary
Wwx: before you reject me, let me show you all the ~benefits~ to being my friend! *starts to strip*
LWJ *is Horrified in a Repressed Gay Way* WHAT ARE YOU DOING
WWX: getting naked?? To heal better?? I thought this was obvious???
LWJ: *determinedly walks away*
WWX: wait don’t leave!! I’ll keep my clothes on! Anyway you should definitely visit me in yunmeng and i can pick lotus seeds for you. That’s totally what i meant about benefits.
LWJ: no
WWX: i can also introduce you to all the pretty girls there!
Then it turns out the cold spring is actually Haunted Water 2: This Time It’s Personal and tries to drown them
See this is why i don’t trust any bodies of water
They’re all out to get us
AND NOW WE GET TO THE  CAVE OF WONDERS (or cold pond cave, whatev)
Wwx: what is happening
Lwj: *is fascinated by the cave of wonders*
Lwj: *internally* ooooh Magic Guqin!! (BECAUSE HE’S A NERD LOLOL)
Magic Guqin: NOT TODAY SATAN *attacks wwx*
brief pause here to point out that we meet the bunnies now!! Hello bunnies!!! Everyone in the fandom loves you~!!! 💗💗💗
Okay so Magic Guqin continues to attack wwx but wwx is a Clever Boy and figures out that it’s only attacking him because he doesn’t have a sacred lan ribbon
Wwx: lwj, quick, give me your ribbon!
Lwj: *FLIES RIGHT OVER TO WWX and proceeds to bind their wrists together with the SACRED RIBBON ONLY FAMILY ANd S.O.’s CAN TOUCH*
Then the camera zooms in on the metal piece of the ribbon that is now swaying gently between them like, Subtlety? Never heard of her!
Camera: yep, this is totally a straight thing that straight bros do together
So now that they’re bound together for eternity the boys approach the Magic Guqin
Lwj slaps wwx’s hands away from the guqin here – just bc i let you touch the sacred ribbon doesn’t mean you can touch the magic guqin that tried to murder you
LWJ proceeds to reverently play the Magic Guqin and we have this moment where he’s like, floating in space surrounded by glowy blue lights??
Idk man, it’s weird but we’ll roll with it
This is the first time we see him communicate with spirits using music, btw. 
Now we meet Lan Yi!! Who is a badass and important for plot reasons but the Valid Reason she’s mentioned here is because SHE OFFICIATES THE WANGXIAN WEDDING (bc we’ve already established that we’re not here for the plot lol)
the boys are tied together with the sacred ribbon and then they bow to a clan elder. How is that not, bare minimum, a handfasting??? 
Okay, technically, lwj bowed to the elder first to show respect while wwx stood there all stunned until lwj reminded him of the Importance of Manners. Then wwx bowed. But I’m pretty sure that still counts.
“You two being here must be destiny!” lan yi says, “i’m gonna do some plot exposition so pay attention.”
Thankfully we are not lwj or wwx so we don’t have to pay attention at all!!
At some point, wwx makes a clever comment and lan yi is all “wwx you’re as smart as i thought!! 
Yes yes i definitely approve of you marrying my great great great grand-son/nephew/whatever the heck he is, idk i’ve been in this cave too long with only bunnies for company" (🎶bunnies are better than people, buns don’t you think that’s true~?🎶 I AM SO SORRY FOR THAT REFERENCE, DISNEY YOU STILL SUCK I JUST HAVE POOR SELF-RESTRAINT)
Okay, she for real complimented wwx’s intelligence (bc I guess everyone’s hot for WWX’s big brain? Idk) but i’m pretty sure she was thinking the rest of that really loudly in her head
Then more plot stuff happens and the episode ends!!!
Beautiful, phenomenal episode. One of the MOST IMPORTANT Wangxian episodes we have!! 100/10 stars, would watch again.
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tees-sawggy-blog · 3 years
Spoilers for Faith in Three Kingdoms so please dont read if your a player in the campaign!!
For context for Faith/ Fuc in my main campaign:
She is just a rogue.  She has always been one to just flow with whatever problem comes her way.  She’s never had the ability to really fix anything, bc what could she do when she lived and grew up without magic or political power.  Earlier on in her life she was never able to have children and she HAD come to terms with this fact at the time, like how she would with everything.  But then there was a spark or hope, she had found documents leading to some form of a wish granting artifact.  This ended up being a entity of some sort (not a god, but nothing mortal by any means) and ended up making a deal with it.  This backfires.  So the one and only time she ever tried to changer her fate in the slightest, it was turned into a curse that followed her wherever she went. Now the party she is with is a talented bunch that are all magic users or have priceless knowledge/ lore pivotal to the plot.  And there is definitely a part of jealousy but more importantly frustration that she cant be as helpful as them.  However, as of recently, Faith has come across a magical artifact that was made with the severed pieces of a god.  Very helpful, yeah?  Now obviously any remnant of a god is going to be powerful, and its been slowly been alluded to her many times (i.e. every time she uses it) that this power is almost addictive in a way.  It doesnt force the character to “bend to its will” but, its the type of artifact that makes you think “wow. i want to feel like this... all the time.” which could probably be damaging to fuc but anyways.  So in the last session that we had, an entire city that the party was in was almost leveled from a bomb, but was thankfully protected by a magical field.  However the city was forcibly removed from the land and basically turned into atlantis.  There was a click in her as a character.  Almost a realization of some sort.  They were stuck at the bottom of an ocean (we presume), one of the other PCs has lost their memory, and now all that faith can think right now is “I dont know how to fix this, but I wont accept standing to the side to watch this unfold anymore.”  And here is where the fun stuff begins:
(this is all stuff im copying pasting from my messages with my DM bc im too lazy to type it all out) she has never REALLY had control or anything she’s done in her life.  she’s tried and it backfired and kills those she’s cared about.  she’s just a simple rogue whose smart and HAPPENED to be unlucky enough to find some papers about a demon deal.  And all these years go by and, she meets these amazing and powerful people like sabrina and lake and crow, even fucking mario, and there are multiple situations where she just feels helpless if there’s an emergency! we will be stuck and all she know is the stuff she’s learned from living basically alone for a lot of her life.  then she begins to cast these spells as a bard, and it’s a sign to her.  she finally feels like she can help when things might get rough.  but then... she gets this ring of tyverius and she’s like, “what if i can be more than just help? what if i can protect them? what if i could fix this? what if i could make the pain go away, all of it?”  which is very damaging thinking but she’s getting a taste of this literal god power and she can’t help but think “i know there’s more, i want more” and she’s blurring these lines between justify this with wanting to protect people and wanting more power so she can finally have control.  she’s thinking things like “if i put tyverius back together maybe she will help me (which is dumb bc the priestess ha stye same mindset) and if she cannot be restore i will always have the strength of all of her artifacts anyways”  in faiths mind she could maybe be more powerful than it if she has tyverius’ power.  These were literal thoughts faith was having when we were underwater in tylian, like the most helpless you can get in that scenario, hundreds of thousands will die, the only people she cares about will die etc etc.  and there’s nothing ANYONE can do this time.  that’s why she turned to bell, a dormant god, to try and wake them up even though she knows they can’t do anything!!! they can’t remember ANYthing!! but tyverius is even more powerful than bell.... sometimes it helps to have the power of gods i dunno !  sometimes faith wishes she could hear tyverius talking in her mind or showing her where the rest of the artifacts are in dream to her she faith can have more direction.  Not to mention a lot of good natured moments shes thought of a ways to take advantage of it or use it but it’s never been an option just always a side thought but now seeing these “mortals” like ysme making herself like a prophet to the good followers of bysthyn, like lyla (which we don’t need to deep dive into), like the abernathys ... she starting to realize, she can be like that it’s not exclusive to just gods. that’s just selfish for them to keep all that power to themselves
Essentially, I dont want a villain arc for faith, and I dont think she is inherently evil at all!  But I do think that after all this time shes starting become obsessed with the idea of control and fate, and trying to bend destiny.  And she was like this far before obtaining the ring, she’s a selfish person.  It’s hard to tell is she even knows it, or if she even wants to recognize it.  She can put on the disguises, help out as many 13 year old boys on the the street, She can play pretend hero all she wants.  It doesnt change how selfish she is internally.  And it’s at a point where she doesnt want to recognize this version of herself that is flawed.  This version that will always want more, the version that was thinking of ways to work with one of the evil characters as a way to get ahead.  Shes far from perfect, and maybe too flawed, but shes not irredeemable.  I think that she has so much potential that has been viciously derailed, and shes getting to a point where she wont want family anymore.  And her “human” parts are slowly starting to leave.  She’s reverting to murder more comfortably than she should and even though shes killed people before, shes never been one to revert to it when she has the chance.  Im surprised that the party isn’t more alarmed by this.  There were literally points at the very beginning of the campaign where she didn’t want to even physically torture a man for information.  mannnnn i just hope that this is getting recognized soon, but to be fair, no one notices anything.
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davidmann95 · 4 years
So... seen the rumors about Superman leading the Authority? Feels like that would’ve been way more interesting with New 52 Superman. I hope they put Manchester Black on the team, I know you don’t dig him but I love him and Black interacting with Supes is always funny as hell to me.
It’s such an odd fit and I feel like it’s either going to be utterly genius or utterly ruinous. Not to Superman himself - if one half of that pair is going to be contorted to fit the others’ image it isn’t gonna be him, so the question is if they’re gonna come up with a good way to get Midnighter to stop killing, or if he won’t be there and therefore who cares (though I’ve heard very good speculation that Tim and Conner might become the new Midnighter and Apollo for this)? But the original take on the Authority formed in the first place as a continuation of the spirit of their worlds’ politically radical Golden Age Superman equivalent in The High, a crucial piece of context that’s often overlooked, and if whoever deals with this keeps that in mind while dealing with it and manages to reign in the obvious issues, it’s not at all impossible it could be really special. If they don’t, I can’t imagine it not crashing and burning hard. If I had to place a bet I’d say this might be where Scott Snyder lands post-Death Metal since DC’s clearly begged him to stay on in a prominent role now that DiDio’s gone and it feels very much in his wheelhouse, in which case...well, in which case it could still go either way. And Black absolutely sticks his head in.
Additional 5G thoughts as of the moment prompted by assorted talks with friends of mine:
* Batman #101 bringing in Grifter basically confirms Superman/Authority for me: Lee’s the big man now, he gets to declare his toys important again and give them another shot at development for mass-media. And lord, they must be kicking themselves about losing Orlando right now. “Whatever, that kid’s too weird and too queer, and besides, who needs him for Wildstorm shit when alongside Fraction and Zdarsky we’re gonna be able to kick this off with Warr-oh shit oh fuck oh no.”
* Speaking of Batman, BC’s absolutely blowing out its ass with “John Ridley Luke Fox Batman has been cancelled because Tynion’s run has been expanded!” for clicks. Tynion’s run has a tie-in Joker War one-shot Ridley’s writing a Luke Fox story for that has no reason to exist other than setting that up, but it isn’t as sexy to bring that back up and admit “it’s probably been pushed back or will no longer be the classic main Batman title now that 5G is its own imprint”.
* Along similar lines, I assume that not everything is literally going to take place in Metropolis like they suggested, but I am looking forward to Jon coming back from the future as the new main Superman to make it a literal city of tomorrow.
* Seems increasingly likely that the other ‘Gs’ will be getting their own titles after all; I could easily see Waid’s big project being a Superman title set before the marriage, and Teen Titans finally getting to be the endless tepid soap opera adventures of Dick and Wally and Garth and Roy and Donna and Victor and Koriand’r and Raven and Garfield that’s all anyone who’s bought a Titans comic in the last 40 years actually wants from it. Heck, they could do worse than to bring all the non-5G stuff under that umbrella. They could have their cake and eat it too played right: standalone stories of the platonic versions of those characters they want in one corner, versions that can age and change and progress in the other, with Black Label as an option for creators who want more substantive runs with the classic takes (god help us, White Knight might be a viable template there).
* Assuming the word that these are intended by WB proper as inspirations for future movies and other mass-media is accurate (and I think it very much is given the main word on the current big screen shared universe Batman is that they want to recast him as an old man about to pass down the mantle), downscaling it to an imprint made up of a few ongoings and probably a number of miniseries rather than the apparently originally planned comprehensive relaunch makes sense from that corporate perspective. They wouldn’t want 50 new books of wildly varying quality banging into each other waiting for decent long-term storytelling to spark, they’d want a bunch of curated self-contained standalone perennials designed for maximum ease of stripmining.
* No one seems to be talking about the additional rumor of “DC’s going to start selling its product in general through Walmart”, which if true would definitely be joined with this and also the biggest thing to happen in comics in decades. The problem is that biggest thing could mean “they market/structure it properly and frontload the good stuff and redefine the industry” or “they don’t and probably destroy the industry given the wasted resources that’d be poured into it”.
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tydy-the-megnet · 5 years
Let's Watch Captain Marvel
Alrighty. It's definitely late, but I finally got the DVD. So, I'm watching Captain Marvel.
I've decided to make this post about it, which I will write as I go, because I've seen a lot of discussion about the movie without actually hearing about what happens in it... so uh... yeah. Here are my thoughts as I think them:
Brie Larson looks good with long hair. Also, is Carol bleeding blue...? I want to know what that's about and if it's important
Movie is said to take place in the 90s. Space still already has flying cars. I guess Star Wars wasn't not accurate
Listen Sensei dude, if there is one thing I've learned from anime, emotions only make you stronger.
"You gave me these" *shakes fists* is that literal? Like did Mr Sensei really give her fists or is that referring to her powers...? I know nothing of Captain Marvel
He's talking about controlling impulses again. He clearly hasn't seen any anime
The Skrull are the shapeshifters yeah?
... amnesia...?
Now the supreme intelligence (god ai???) Is also talking about controlling her emotions. I still don't buy it.
Mission time. Digging the banter
"I laugh on the inside. I'm not doing that now."
Hm, not sure how I feel about the helmet thing
Hard light scuba gear? That's cool
I'm digging the kinda star wars vibe
Captain listen to your CO but also dont listen to him at all
Yeah the skrull are the shapeshifters everything makes sense now
Wait is her name Veers? Or is that what she's called just because she doesn't remember who she is?
More of this "too emotional" stuff?
Digging the whole mental probe thing.
*Tries percussive maintain on a person*
"I dont know any Dr Larson"
So that had me confused bc I was like "Wasnt her name Danvers?" But Larson is the actress and I guess that's just a character????
Do I have the two backwards?
Skrull: *snarls*
Captain: *snarls back*
I like her
She fights like an anime character while everyone else is an 80s sci-fi movie
Get the boots!!!
And touchdown! Planet C-53! Locally known as Earth!
I guess Captain Marvel could be called a blockbuster hit in-universe and out huh?
I'm hilarious
Honey in basically in the space-boonies now you got no service here lol
This poor confused security guard lol
She called across the galaxy on a pay phone...? Yeah okay cool cool
"[C-53]'s a real shithole" yeah give it 30 years or so it gets worse
Okay why do people not like Captain Marvel?
She's like a mix of Tony, Thor, and Steve
Is that... Coulson? Young Coulson!?
I don't think that was young Coulson after all...
Or is it?
Why are these bystanders trying to stop Veers(?) from fighting this obviously not normal old lady?
What kinda old lady can flip like that?
oh it was Young Coulson!
Poor Coulson
Damn, Nick
*uses AltaVista*
So it's later 90s. Got it.
Lmao dial-up
I guess they're in california?
Lmao dial-up
Ah so this is the motorcycle scene I've heard about. Apparently they cut the part where she nearly breaks the guy's fingers? Disappointing.
The skrull aren't carbon-based life forms that's so cool!
Not on the periodic table...? Let's see, in the 90s... I guess stuff like rutherfordium and onward wouldn't be on there. Uh, maybe technetium? There might be a couple others but for the most part chemistry was advanced enough.
Unless it's something beyond like 118. Which is weird to think about but whatever I should stop thinking about it
Except elements like that would have to be in group 14 yeah?
Biology isnt exactly my forte but
Okay perhaps it's what we now know as flerovium?
The elements in the carbon group should react similarly enough to be the foundation of an entire life form
That's why silicon is used for synthetic stuff a lot right?
And tin
I'm getting off track the movie has been paused for a few minutes now
I'm just going to assume they are flerovium-based life forms
Oh shit they're in SHIELD
So Pegasus is a flight team, or an AF division, or....?
"I don't know if this guy is really human. I'd better ask a bunch of questions to which I don't know the answer."
A skrull could be saying random words and it would totally work
"If toast is cut diagonally I can't easy it."
Why the heck not??????
"That was a photon blast" is that what that is? Awesome
I want Peter to meet her. I think he'd have a new contender for favorite
"A skrull can't do that. " how is he supposed to know that?
Young and slightly less suspicious Fury??
"Noble warrior heroes"
NASA and USAF. Sweet.
"State-of-the-art two-way pager"
Ah the old tape-and-fingerprint trick. Haven't seen that since the 90s--oh
Fury meeting Goose is the purest scene in marvel
"you sat there and watched me play with tape?" Lmao
"Shes kookoo" "Kree glyphs" ":O"
Veers was the pilot
I still don't know her sensei's name
"Excellent work, Nicholas" ":O"
(I know who Mar-Vell is!)
Okay okay okay
More of this "dont emotion" garbage. Listen Veers, DON'T listen
"You know how to fly this thing?" "Uh" "it's a yes or no question"
They're going to LA
(Louisiana not Los Angeles)
Why do people not like this this is great!
She's got the worst part of Thor, but the best part of Tony and Steve!
(So it IS Carol Danvers. Which means Larson isn't her mother. Which makes since because she's actually Mar-Vell. Who's... well, not the mother.)
The Good Lady Ms. Captain Carol Marvel "I-Can-Boil-Tea-With-My-Bare-Hands-Which-Shoot-Lasers-Too" Danvers Ma'am
"You're jacket. Mom doesn't let me wear it anymore after I spilled ketchup on it."
I dont know this kid's name but I really really like her.
"Call me young lady again and I'll put my foot in a place it's not supposed to be."
... that one is more clever with context but whatever
"Am I supposed to guess where that is?" "Your ass"
Monika. That's the kid's name. She's great.
Ah, more ancient relics they call "tech" lol
Do a barrel roll
She did a barrel roll!
"Your blood is uhhh blue" "yeah but how's my hair"
Ah, "Vers" bc they assumed that was her name. Interesting.
Also I want to get super power by blowing something up that's way cooler than being bitten by a stupid spider
Is she human? Is she not? I've no clue
The skrull are the good guys. Things are starting to make sense again.
... maybe I should've pushed to watch this before far from home.
... huh.
... is she human?
Okay so I'm still a little confused but I think I got it.
Though I won't say I dont want something else to blow up
"Those aren't coordinates they're orbital vectors." "It's basic physics." "Couldnt you figure that out? You're my science guy."
"I just think you should consider what kind of example you're setting for your daughter." That's it. That's the best line in the whole movie. Time to go.
Her suit can change colors on a whim!?!
That's awesome
I mean I saw it in Endgame but
"How do I look?" "Fresh" lmao 90s
"What's a cat?" xD
"Why would I turn into a filing cabinet?"
Space lab. Cool.
Is that the tesseract??
She can pick it up!!
Does that mean she could've wielded the Infinity Gauntlet??????
Pinball lmao
Those bastards
"Only human" HEY I RESENT THAT
(I'm still hilarious)
This is awesome why dont more people love it???
"Good kitty"
This very quickly went from Star Wars to Dragon Ball and I am loving it
She really is an anime character
Did she? Is that? Nerf gun?
Okay Carol isnt that much god mode there was just a nerd gun on the floor okay cool yeah sure
"Just like Havana" TALOS YOU BEAUTIFUL--
Remember how captain america jumped to the outside of a plane and fought through it? Yeah CM just did that in SPACE take that Steve
Still dont know how I feel about the helmet thing though
Yeah, those are explosions
Ronin: O_O
Ronin: .... yeah bye
"I have nothing to prove to you."
Fury lost his eye! GOOSE HE TRUSTED YOU
*thinks back to that moment in Winter Soldier*
"You were Solar and the SHIELD agent?" Omg Carol yes keep up
Fury SINGS?!?!
So like, are her powers just straight up energy manipulation? Because that's pretty cool. Really versatile, too
The way she started the engine makes it seem so
And then she just,,,,,, flies away. Into the night. Like stardust in the wind.
Dig the jacket, though
"The Protector Initiative"
It begins......
"Is it true? The Kree burned your eye out because you refused to give them the tesseract?" "I will neither confirm nor deny the facts of that story"
Lmao Fury
"The Avenger Initiative"
It didnt actually show it but we know
Also, dig the music
Aaand now we see, 20ish years later, the snappening
"I wanna know who's on the other end of that thing"
First of all I love that they dont call it a pager because it's 2018 wtf is a pager amirite?
Second, I love how Carol is just there. Great reveal. 1007391861604016/10
"Where's Fury?" D:
Better question, where is Goose???
*one roll of credits later*
Oh! :D
Lmao the tesseract
God this movie is amazing
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witter-potter · 5 years
mike and the case of the out of context quote
alright, so basically, since the trailer dropped yesterday, many people have put in their two cents about mike’s “we’re not kids anymore” quote. a lot of people seem to think that he’s talking to will, and that this quote/scene is the reason that we see will crying in castle byers while looking at pictures of him and his friends. while yes, this is potentially what is happening, i don’t think that will is who mike is talking to at all. i think he’s either talking to hopper (slightly likely) or dustin (highly likely), and here’s why. 
why is not will: while it is easy to say that mike is talking to will because they put that quote over mike looking at the byers house and then also will crying in castle byers, i don’t think that automatically means that. that would be way too obvious and they would never reveal something like that in a trailer. voice overs in trailers hardly ever go over scenes that directly relate to the quote in the voice over. it would be way too obvious and predictable if that quote happened while mike and will are talking and then will runs off in the woods and cries about it. like, that would leave no element of surprise to the scene because people would expect that due to the way the trailer was laid out. 
also, add onto this that mike and will spend the whole season together. obviously other characters are there, but the fact that this quote is in the trailer, shows that it’s probably a key element to the season and it would an odd writing choice to say the least to have will and mike have this big argument only to spend the rest of the season around each other. it’s not impossible, but it would be a strange writing choice. we also know that the byers are potentially moving this season, due to hopper’s speech to joyce and the shot of the byers house looking empty, so it’s far more likely that will is upset to be leaving his friends. sure, he might feel a little left behind, but i doubt that him and mike are going to go at it. so yeah, i doubt he’s talking to will. 
why it could be hopper: while the more i think about the less likely i think this is, i think the potential is there, so i’m going to put it here anyway. with the potential to have leftover animosity from the ending of s2 between hopper and mike and hopper’s insistence that the kids always stay out of it, it’s not impossible to think that hopper and mike could get into an argument about the kids being involved with the Big Finale, especially if el is involved and mike wants to come along to help in any way that he can. we know that mike does not like being “left on the bench” and that he wants to help in any way that he can, so if hopper tried to tell mike and the rest of the gang to stay behind, it’s not crazy to think that it would make mike snap. 
like i said, this isn’t as likely as dustin, but the potential is still there, especially bc david did say that he had at least one scene with finn this season. i think that it would be interesting to see these two hash it out over this, so i think it’s slightly likely that he’s talking to hopper. i doubt it, but hopper is definitely more likely then will, at least in my opinion. 
why it’s likely dustin: from the very beginning of the trailer, we get the sense that dustin is feeling left out. while yes, the moment of him thinking no one is happy he’s home is subverted with the kids surprising him, it’s not hard to interpret that dustin does feel like his friends are leaving him behind. add this on with him watching lucas and max walk away holding hands, it’s likely that dustin is feeling left out and like all his friends are moving on and what not without him. he’s probably always felt like him, mike, lucas and will were all really similar and what not, it probably sucks to him that mike and lucas have el and max to spend time with now and will is probably dealing with his family potentially moving, that it’s natural that dustin would feel left out. it’s really likely that dustin makes a comment to mike at some point about wishing that they could go back to before everything happened, and it just causes mike to snap. 
this would also explain why dustin seems to pull away from the group and spend time with steve, robin and erica. they planted the seeds of this last year when dustin felt left out because of lucas and max being together so he started spending time with steve. hell, they planted the seeds of dustin feeling lesser when he made a comment about not being mike’s best friend. between two of his best friends dating two of his other friends and his other friend dealing with family stuff, it’s not hard to see why dustin would feel like everyone was moving on without him. add that to the fact that he literally spends time away from them, he probably comes back and feels like he missed a bunch of stuff. i can picture there being a scene where the other kids are talking about something that happened while dustin was gone, and dustin feels like he’s an outsider amongst his own friends. another note to add here is that of all the boys, dustin is definitely the most passionate about the boys gaming and what not, so that makes mike commenting about playing games point more towards dustin. 
so yes, mike is definitely not talking to will, and could be talking to hopper but is probably talking to dustin. either way though, mike is valid is his words and even if they’re hurtful to who is he talking to, mike is allowed to feel that way and i think everyone just needs to relax before we see the context of the scene. 
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wodrueckts · 5 years
1. Always repost the rules!
2. Answer the questions given to you by the one who tagged you!
3. Give 11 questions!
4. Tag 11 people!
i was tagged by @floraflorenzi =D
1) What are your favorite symbolisms in Skam/the remakes (eg. Isak’s locker)? Pretty much everything in s3 of the og, like the whole season was so full of like intertwining symbolism that it’s hard to just pick one out of that. 
I also really liked the role food has played in druck s3 and how it kind of symbolized connection to other people. also shout out to david’s locker moment bc it was a nice nod to the og and also it kind of jumpstarted my whole interpretation of him as a character which turned out to not be too far off.
2) How did you discover Skam? just one day i saw a lot of it on tumblr and then put it on my mental “to watch one day” list but tbh it took quite a while until i finally got to it
3) What girl/boy squad would you choose to be part of? i’m gonna kind of cheat and just say the whole big druck united squad lol
4) One thing you would change about each version well that’s kind of difficult for me to answer bc i actually haven’t seen a lot of the remakes haa so i’m just gonna say some really superficial and uninformed stuff for most of them that’s just based on stuff i’ve seen on tumblr.
but first druck, which i can actually talk about lol: i’d definitely change how mia’s bisexuality was handled bc it was quite a mess and probably mostly just put in as damage control after they saw what kind of reaction the mia/hanna kiss got. and bc it was so handled so badly it kind of taints all those “kissy” moments between the girls that to me would usually be pretty inoccuous. bc to me, (straight) girls giving each other pecks on the mouth is actually really normal? and not like the performative way that’s for straight guys, but just girls giving each other little kisses as greeting or just because. like when i was in school, all the girls in my class (except me rip) greeted each other by kissing on the mouth. they would come into the class room and just give each girl that was already there a peck on the mouth one after the other. so those moments in druck (mostly on insta) when the girls give each other these pursed-lipped little kisses is on one hand very normal girl behaviour to me but bc of how mia’s bisexuality was handled, it does leave a bit of a bad tase in my mouth.
skam france: from what i’ve seen most people didn’t like s4 and thought it was bad so probably that.
skam italia: maybe a not-white, muslim actress to play sana...
skam austin: more shay. also while i usually like those moments of silence and just sitting with the character, that are very typically skam, i felt like they dragged on juuuust a tad too much in skam austin sometimes
skam nl: i don’t really know the context of that scene but that whole wedding dress situation? seems kind of bizarre and... bad?... to me? but maybe it’s better with actual context so who am i to judge lol
skam espana: probably the pansexuality discussion which i think felt a bit more dismissive towards pansexual people than in the other versions and after what the actors said on twitter it doesn’t seem like an accident =/
wtfock: idk tbh i don’t actually see much about it on tumblr and haven’t watched it myself...
5) If only one character from any remake could get an original season who would you choose and why? honestly this question is an attack lol but when it comes down to it... david. bc i love him and think he’s interesting but also just bc of the representation. so far he’s the only trans character in the whole skam extenced universe (afaik) and while we did see quite a bit abt him in matteo’s season, i think a season with him could still do a lot of good and maybe a season where relationship drama isn’t the focal point (bc him and matteo are SOLID) could be fun. but really, i would like so many characters to have a season.
6) What is your personal favorite version and what do you like least about it? if we exclude the og then it’s easy and it’s druck lol and what i like least about it... well, probably what i’ve already written above for the “what would i change” question. oh, also that after s2 all the episode are only 20 minutes long (thanks for nothing zdfneo, fu too)
7) What representation would you like to see in Skam (other than more wlw)? probably fat characters, especially a fat main. especially if the character being fat isn’t ignored like it doesn’t matter or doesn’t inform how they go through life and the world sees them but it also isn’t like the ONLY thing that defines the them and their story. 
8) What country would you like to have a remake? oh, there are so many countries that could have very intersting skam remakes, especially if they’re not in (western) europe or north america. but i can’t really choose a specific one
9) What character can you relate the most to? And why? matteo, hands down lol. he IS me if i was a teenage boy. like, obviosuly The Depression is very relatable, but also the way he shows affection (by being a lil shit) or just some of his mannerisms, like the way he always slouches or his dumb little salute or how he can’t NOT make a stupid face when someone tries to take a picture of him. it’s all very me. watching s3 was just a constant stream of “*vine voice* hahaha i do that”
10) Do you have an unpopular opinion about any of the Skam ships? i never shipped eva/pchris? does that count?
11) Are you following the characters on social media? And do you have notifications turned on for any of them? i follow every druck character as well as shay’s finsta lol but i don’t habe post notifications bc tbh idek how exactly to turn them on lol. and yeah i’m sure i could easily find out but also i’m lazy.
and now onto my questions:
1. if you could decide between having all the remakes or getting one (1) more season of the og, what would you choose? would it make a difference who the main of the new og season would be? if yes, what character(s) would you sacrifice all the remakes for? and for which character(s) would you NOT do that?
2. which skam universe character do you think you could take in a fight? and which character would you want to fight regardless of whether you think you could take them or not?
3.which relationships do you think will stand the test of time? do you think any will be a life long thing? who will eventually break up? who will break up but get back together at some point? and who SHOULD break up or never shoud’ve gotten together in the first place? 
4. what is one song that you discovered through skam or the remakes that became important to you?
5. were you wary or excited when you found out there were gonna be a bunch of remakes? has your opinion changed since then and if so how? or did you not know/care about skam before the remakes came out?
6. any specific lines that stuck with you? either because you related to it personally, it sounded very poetic or just because if felt perfect for the situation and the character.
7. which character would you most like to be stuck in traffic with? and which the least? why?
8. whose character’s room would you most like to live in?
9. what is one fandom moment you will never forget?
10. is there something that’s very prevalent in the fandom that annoys you?
11. has there been something in the shows that really disappointed you? and has there been something that exceeded your expectations?
uhhhhh and i guess i gotta actually tag people for once... gotta overcome my fears here lol. also you don’t have to do this of course and if you’ve already been tagged and i haven’t seen it just ignore this lol
@8letters3words1meaning  @dummerjan @lesbabfilm  @dearvaltersen  @josephtate   @franzithebookworm @everythingjustpeachy  @sampagner-official @druckdruck @kornrosen @i-dont-know-how-to-quit-you
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lalunangel · 5 years
Tumblr media
So our mom used to cheat on our dad around ab the times we were conceived. THOT! anyway. So my “dad” is this tall crack head guy.. and my sister is my full on blood sister but her “dad” is a black dude my mom fooled around with to piss our dad off and her parents off (racist) and ever since our mom told us this at first we were p sad and we ended up going and getting dna tests bc i NEEDED to know i was my dads daughter and if i wasn’t i planned on paying him back for every ounce of kindness he’d shown me.. but i was his and i cried and i was excited BOI! same with my sister it was... great relief. my dad told us before we got our results though “Even if you aren’t my daughters you love me so much and chose to be with me always. not for my money cause i have none. not for the food i cook because i’m broke and cant buy anything. you love me for me. for the family i’ve shown you. even if you aren’t my daughters i know you will still chose me to be your father and how could i let go of two perfect girls like you” and ever since then i’ve never doubted his undying love for me even when we argued. also, i remember a lot of the talks we had with our dad.. i even remember his last words.. sometimes i want to write them down so i won’t ever forget but the context of his love and emotion shows up when i do things i used to do with him. like fishing? i remember him telling me my knot was really good and then getting frustrated bc he couldn’t mimick the actions. reading a book? “Your nose is so far in that book i thought you were brown nosing it” then letting him borrow that same book “I see why you brown nosed it so hard. it’s good” sharing music “IM A THUG ANGEL! A STRAIGHT THUG! THESE GUYS DONT KNOW!” and i know it sounds all odd coming from the same man but my dad had a different outlook on life every day and he could change who he was to fit the mood. he could make everyone laugh (out of discomfort who tf was that guy) and i remembered having to explain a lot that he was just weird like that and to pay him no real mind. Meeting my friends he was really sweet but i HATED introducing people to him bc he’d mean mug them and then me size them up and then slouch and say “cool” and walk away and i’d be so paranoid because “cool” meant he found something he doesn’t like about you :))))) and later that day my dad would come sit down on my bed or in the kitchen lean over the counter and go “so he was nice but ...” and SO MANY ROASTING SESSIONS FOR THE REST OF EVER! if i ever got mad at someone i’d show him a picture of them to get his honest opinion and 100% of the time even if i wasn’t upset with them hed roast them he might have liked that boy i was in love with but tbh one kiss and one hug isn’t enough to erase all the messed up things he used to say. he also used to tell my sister and i that we couldn’t go back to not eating like we did when we lived with mom.. because “your heads are too big and you’ll look like bobble heads and i can’t have bobbbbyyyyy daughters that’s weird”
i know this was meant to be mostly funny but this lowkey made me think of everything that my sister and i share and how none of it or us belongs to her... everything we are to this day belongs to him. We both play violin because of his support. Ukulele because he encouraged it. We both took three years of choir.. because he went to our concerts to cheer us on. We participate in fine arts because it’s a passion we had and our dad instead of saying “ew gross get into something that’ll give you a future” he would say “Awesome we can make a future out of this together.” i told my dad i loved to write and he encouraged my book even though it wasn’t the best at the time. now it’s pretty good and i’m on chapter two (mostly brainstorming how i want it to play out) and i go read to him because i want to know... i want him to know that just because i don’t paint doesn’t mean i’ve stopped that creative flow. I PROMISED TO WRITE YOU A BOOK! And i don’t ever break my promises. except that one where i said i’d eat an oyster. over my dead body some sea food is good but you got me 50 shades of fucked up old man if you think i’m going to eat that. Also i hen it came to Architecture my dad supported it and bought me small model scales of buildings to make and he tried to encourage me to make my own but ;-; i made a theme park ;-; and i hated it so i was like SCRATCH THAT! but he’d learn about buildings and he’d take me on drives around town to tell me about it. who built it. who designed it. when. why. has it been remodeled. EVERYTHING. my dad would find my likes and he’d immediately work to understand. a parent that nurtured my sisters and my own growth. my sister promised to learn how to play piano so we could play music together for my dad but when he died the idea of furthering our growth on anything was hard and i feel like all of the encouraging words he said left our brains and we act like... it’s never been said sometimes. i can still sight read music sheets for violin but when my sister brings hers home and offers to let me play so i can get rid of the rust in my fingers... i tell her no and i watch her. i feel like if i touch a violin or a ukulele or even a guitar i’ll cry... i wanted to learn so badly how to play and do these things bc of him but when you died i just wanted to work and stop enjoying life. i stopped looking for new music for a good long while and now that i’m on the prowl again i’ve found some amazing ones you’d love to hear. time stands still for no man but i think it stood still when you died.
we still carry on all our old jokes. i still call her a frump when she’s mad and we laugh. i still clean the outside of your car bc :) the inside smells like you and i just DONT WANNA OPEN IT! i pulled the weeds from your garden and put tomatoes and bell peppers and they were REALLY good btw so thank you. i plan on moving even closer to home and i have everything ready to start growing more stuff in your garden. i hope you don’t mind. i want mom to feel like you’re still alive and well. so i picked up a bunch of your hobbies and habits to kill my useless not able to paint hate reading some sad books time. i love you sm. you still live in everything we do. even if you don’t.
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Mighty Nein Dynamics
I have had soooo many thoughts brewing in my noggin over the last couple weeks, so I guess now’s the time to jot em down.
I'll start this off by restating the fact that I've adored the Mighty Nein party dynamic from the beginning, for a few reasons. (And with the addendum that I binged Ep1-26 in about a month back in the summer, catching Ep26 live, and that colored a lot of my perspective about the dynamics). The reasons are as follows:
1. They began as a bunch of chaotic assholes that didn't respect boundaries (interpersonal or in regards to laws). I wanted to see what it would take for them to show some compassion or consideration for others around them. (We've been blessed with so much growth ya'll)
2. They all had fantastic chemistry right at the start that was incredibly engaging (since the cast all have done this for so long and there's a lovely amount of trust), and you could tell even under all the facades these fools put up, that they were genuinely wanting to help each other out. They knew they'd be better together, despite their misgivings.
3. On a narrative level, the Mighty Nein fits nicely into the Five-Man Band trope of storytelling, which I really enjoy for the interpersonal dynamics that can be explored within that. Fjord is the Leader-charismatic & level-headed; with Beauregard as the Lancer (sometimes a role shared with Molly)-both nailed that deadpan snarker gig and happened to be anti-heroes to an extent; Caleb is the Smart Guy-intelligent & clever, but physically weak; Yasha is the Big Guy-not as smart, but definitely strong; Molly was sometimes The Lancer, and sometimes The Sixth Ranger; Caduceus slots more nicely into The Sixth Ranger; with Nott and Jester sharing the role of The Heart.
So, why do I lay all this out? It’s pertinent to current fandom discussion, imho. Because while it’s a trope, the Five-Man band is a fantastic shorthand for analyzing their dynamics. (Concurrently, you can easily divide the Mighty Nein up into a few Power Trios: Fjord/Beau/Caleb, Beau/Caleb/Nott, and Jester/Caduceus/Yasha as we saw last night).
Moving on to specifics though; It took awhile for Nott to emerge as the other half of the Heart. This was due to the immediate suspicion from Ep1&2 placed on Caleb and Nott by the FjordxBeauxMolly team. However, Nott and Jester had an instant connection that quickly grew past the whole ‘pulling a shortsword on Jester’ thing that happened in Ep1. This is further complicated because Nott doesn't trust Fjord and Molly, especially after the ‘Charm Person’ kerfuffle occurred. Regardless, as the group evolved and began to trust each other more, it became clear Nott was also a Heart of the Nein.
Caleb is able to serve as Leader and does so during the Shady Creek arc, but it's clear that he's most comfortable as the Smart Guy.
Beauregard could rise to Leader, without question, and that's due to her forthright, honest behavior after the growth she's experienced. She is, in this moment after Ep46, the most level-headed communicator. Which wasn't true ten episodes ago.
Caduceus’ late arrival fits him nicely into the Sixth Ranger role, but he could also rise to Lancer, as Molly sometimes did, so long as he gains some self-confidence in his communication and planning skills.
Why is this important? Because in breaking down dynamics into familiar tropes, we have a starting point for setting the analysis on its head.
All other differences notwithstanding, let's do a thought experiment, and imagine up a role swap, saaaaay: Caleb is the Leader in Ep46, and Caleb treats Jester as Fjord treated Nott. Let's have Caleb act snippy/shady and the others drag him over the coals for it.
Oh wait… This already happened. This is how Caleb was treated right up until about Ep22/23 by various members of the Mighty Nein(excluding Nott). At no point was Caleb (and Nott) an actual viable threat to the betterment of the Mighty Nein, and they were also not in positions of leadership, and therefore had no effect or impact on the rest of the group in the context of power dynamics.
Why is the fandom so uncomfortable with the dynamic from Ep46? Many reasons I'm sure, but there's an incredibly obvious one in my mind. At no point did Beauregard treat Fjord as she has treated Caleb in similar situations. At no point did Caduceus verbalize his misgivings about what was going down with Fjord to Fjord himself, whereas Molly pushed Caleb (and Nott) several times to fall in line with what was best for the group.
The Lancers are not rising to the occasion, and when they do try to question Fjord, Fjord isn't listening. This is exponentially more dangerous, because he's currently acting in the capacity of Leader. The power dynamics as they are currently, are at risk of fracturing. The Five-Man Band is at risk of failing, bc Fjord is refusing to be considerate of the rest's misgivings. He can talk the talk, but so far has been unable to walk the walk.
However, this does not mean I'm trying to rake Fjord over the coals. From the start of his arc, I knew he would have to step aside as Leader. The Leader position requires a certain amount of selflessness and consideration that just isn't applicable when you're pursuing your own goals. (as a note, this is why Caleb is only an effectual leader in the context of the Shady Creek arc with the Beau/Caleb/Nott trio. He is leading because Beau keeps second-guessing herself, and it's one of the only times he has put the wellbeing of others ahead of his own goals.)
Since episode 32, I expected Beauregard to rise as Leader, and so far she's well on her way. She has, fascinatingly enough, also gained Nott's respect and deference, as we see occur in Ep45. Fjord, I don't believe, has ever had both those things from Nott. As Nott being the second half of the Heart role, this has always concerned me on a narrative level. It just didn't bode well. And Jester now questions Fjord as Beau has done, and her concerns are also being dismissed as we see at the end of Ep46. The other positions in the band determine a lot of its trajectory, but if the Leader doesn't hold the trust of the Heart, most Five-Man Bands fail.
Not to say that this is all just mopey, doom and gloom stuff. When the Band fails, characters fall back into their Power Trios: Fjord/Beau/Caleb (of the Diplomacy/Combat/Stealth trio variety), and Beau/Caleb/Nott (the Fighter/Mage/Thief trio), and Jester/Caduceus/Yasha (which fits most accurately into a Sea/Land/Sky Divinity trio). The back-up Power Trios I feel will have a good impact on the reforming of the group dynamic if it ultimately fails.
As it stands now, Beauregard has grown so much, and built up really healthy bonds with a great deal of the Mighty Nein, (with some exception concerning Fjord bc you must also stand up to your friends and cannot follow along blindly) and her growth has already made a lovely impact on the relationships between the others of the Mighty Nein.
Caduceus too, has reached out and gotten more confident navigating the interpersonal dynamics amongst the Nein and that has fostered healthy growth.
Yasha, opening up as she did and trusting in Caduceus and Jester, is a very good sign for her to be able to withstand the upheaval and changing of the dynamic.
Nott starting to defer to Beau and being more level-headed as well, and standing up for herself against Fjord, are all good signs she'll be able to handle any changes in the dynamic.
Both Jester and Caleb have regressed somewhat, but much of Jester's regression was handled well in this episode, thankfully. Until Jester and Caleb deal with their tenuous and splintering connection to Fjord, they will not be able to continue down the road towards progress. Caleb needs to do a great deal more in regard to that development within the Nein as well, but we know his journey will be the long way round. Caleb is also capable of being self-aware enough to know when he is in the wrong, and that's a plus in his favor.
Fjord, at the end of the day, will be the deciding factor in whether or not the Band ultimately fails. And there's a few different ways the consequences could shake out. Personally, I think we're all feeling a major shift in dynamics coming, which is part of why there are so many people uneasy about how ep46 left things. The Lancers don't necessarily need to rise to the occasion if Fjord realizes that he's been blowing off their concerns. However, the Lancers have an important part to play here if Fjord succumbs to his ambition.
And as a note, I’m not saying the Nein are all petty, inconsiderate assholes. I’m analyzing them through a narrative lens and by how their actions impact their balancing act of their interpersonal relationships. Each of em can be sweet and nice, depends on their mood. This analysis isn’t a hard and fast rule about my expectations for what’s coming. I’m simply addressing what impacts they have already made through their behavior.
In any case, I'll be watching their shifting dynamics very closely. Narrative analysis is something I strive to be better at, so I'm interested in how I'll think about this six months from now. And boy will the journey be a fun one I think.
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