#sorry this is so late aaah
nana2009 · 2 months
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Merry 4/13!! >:D
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echobsilly · 1 year
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“Oh nooooo I can’t find my glassesss hahaa” (trips into gf) (trips into gf)
Happy new year @flowermoiboi24! A backup for @sfmsecretsanta💕
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sqwdkllr · 1 month
Hiya, I really love your artwork and designs of the QSMP characters! It's really lovely to see ^^
I wanted to ask if it's alright to recreate your Watcher in blockbench?
THIS IS OLD IM SO SORRY Any designs for any characters are up for grabs for ANYONE !!
Free use basically! Go ham! Fanfics, art, rp, icons, banners, I DUNNO WHAT ELSE BUT ITS FINE !!
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hooned · 7 months
jelly i need you to color correct my life
this is so funny and sweet thank you soo much 🥹
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theheadlessgroom · 1 year
“I don’t see what else there could be to it,” he admitted with a little shrug-for the life of him, he couldn’t really imagine what Morgan’s motives could be other than riding proverbial coattails in a bid for fame. It seemed like the only logical answer he could think of, really; try as he might to think of something else, he just couldn’t seem to!
“Now, I admit, I never saw him trail after La Constance,” he continued, as he took another bite of mashed potatoes, chewing thoughtfully before saying, “But I think we can chalk that up to her being...considerably less open to new company than you are, my dear.” 
He smiled slyly and chuckled a bit when he said this, before adding, “La Constance only welcomes the company of those with...sizable bank accounts, let’s say, and the best way to get her to be anything other than cold and dismissive is to flash something sparkly in front of her. I’ve actually seen her smile simply because of the patrons gifted her a new pair of ornate earrings, if you can believe it.”
La Constance actually smiling was an unusually creepy sight (he was so used to seeing her scowling unpleasantly that seeing her flash a smile-even a fake one-was disconcerting), but he quickly put that image out of his head as he eyed his slice of cake, saying, “But Thaddeus Morgan, on an orchestra member’s salary? He’d never be able to afford La Constance’s expensive tastes, so trying to earn a little fame from her is out of the question. So I think that explains why he hasn’t been trailing around after her the way he has you.”
Emily, comparatively, was a down-to-Earth young woman, who didn’t need bottles of champagne on ice or pretty baubles to win her over; no, she was a simple woman when it came to her friendships, and while this was a quality Randall admired in her, he could also see how Morgan might think that “simple” means “easy”. It irked him to think so, but he doubted Morgan would get very far in his endeavors. 
#((aaah that'd be great! it's early morning; she's feeling a little stronger; and she hasn't really gotten to see the rest of the house))#((so she decides to get on up out of the water and wanders out into the first room she sees; which just so happens to be randall's))#((and he just about has a heart attack when he sees her staring down at him because he was A) not expecting to see her there))#((and B) didn't even know she could be out of the water for a certain amount of time! he's shocked!))#((but he at least learns that she can actually be on land; even if it is for a certain amount of time!))#((and true; randall would be SO red were emily to pick him up! he'd be SO flustered!))#((and i totally see emily having great strength! she would if she's able to pull grown men into the water with her))#((so i could see her being able to pick up randall; move heavy objects; and so on!))#((and honestly i'm kinda in love with the idea of siren!emily carrying/holding randall because it's a parallel))#((to one of my favorite tableaus; 'the touch of the monster' in which the monster carries a human-usually a woman-bridal style!))#((you see it on a lot of 50s sci-fi/horror movie posters like 'forbidden planet'; as well as in classic horror films))#((including the original 'creature from the black lagoon'!))#((i don't think i've ever seen a female monster carrying a male human in that fashion so i think it'd be a fun spin! :D))#((what do you think?))#((also: sorry this is so late!))#outofhatboxes#beatingheart-bride#V:Phantasm of the Mansion
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mikewheelertm · 1 year
eddie munson. @munsontm ( cont. )
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That wasn't how things should have gone,  but then again,  Mike came to accept that nothing ( or barely anything ) would ever go as planned anymore,  it was the reality they all had to adapt,  no matter how much he might not have liked it,  after all sudden changes were never something he was comfortable with.  However when fighting for his survival and trying to not get turned into one of those fucking gross goons,  well,  little did it matter how much he hated having to reroute to a longer path to get back to the others.
Because of course that was his main concern,  funny how getting back and not have anyone worry outweighted making sure he didn't got hurt,  hell,  in the back of his mind there was already a sting of apologies ready to spill out the moment he saw Will again.  It was Eddie's voice that cut his train of thoughts short and brought him back to reality,  and Mike found himself giving a hum.  ❝ Yes, sir. ❞  Despite their current situation,  there was the hint of mirth laced within his tone,  it was teasing even,  because of course he couldn't help but being just that bit of a little shit. 
He could have just stood there and keep watch,  but instead,  there he was,  climbing onto the hood of the car,  just so he was able to check further in the distance,  making sure there was nothing or noone approaching them,  they already escaped once,  they didn't need a repeat of earlier.  Fingers idly tapping against the handle of his trusted knife as he hummed a song under his breath.  ❝ The coast is clear. . . ❞  A pause,  just long enough for him to check on all fronts. ❝ For now,  at least.  I don't know how long it'd last,  though. ❞  Nose scrunching up.  ❝ I don't trust how quiet it is. ❞  And he didn't,  he learned pretty quickly to never trust when things seemed to be too calm.
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A snort was brought forth by the question asked,  and Mike found himself shaking his head.  ❝ Right now ?  Absolutely. ❞  There was the slightest hint of a grin gracing his features,  even if the other couldn't see it,  but the way his tone was far too chipper,  it was obvious that he was far from being honest.  ❝ But honestly ?  I was getting bored stuck at patching the others up,  you know ?  Like yeah,  I'm good at that,  a pro,  but I needed a change of scenery,  the excitment of running for your life,  being more useful,  y'know ? ❞  He was rambling,  that much was obvious,  but there was a little bit of truth hidden in his words.  ❝ At least for once I'm not the one worried sick about you guys going out to find supplies. ❞
There was a beat of silence then,  a short lived one.  ❝ Do you think we'll find any art supplies at the market ? ❞  Of course he was thinking about that,  of course.  Perhaps he might try to find something for him to draw in the supermarket they were going to check up,  that was going to make him smile,  right ?  ❝ I mean,  alongside other stuff too. ❞  As if that didn't make it even more obvious what was his line of thoughts.  ❝ You should hurry up,  tho. ❞
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ofhope-a · 2 years
"Ohh, I believe you! Who would know the One and Oni better than his first in command? Err - second in command?" fingertips brushed the outer corner of her lip, as she ventured to recall one of the Oni's battle cries... but Itto had quite a few, and while Yoimiya's memory was extraordinary, Itto had one catchphrase too many for her to keep adequate track of -- she needed a place to store her armfuls of firework recipes! "What I mean is, you two are pretty inseparable! If I needed to know anything about him, I'd come to you - and if I wanted to know anything about you, I'd go to him! Ooooor ~ I could just ask you noooww, like I did just a few moments ago!"
She had a point, somewhere.
"My point is: Itto's got a good support system. He can obviously make his own decisions, but... if a friend was less a friend and more an enemy, he's got a few handfuls of people that will help support him through that sort of thing. Call it a feeling," she added with a precise nod in Kuki's direction. "It would be nice to hangout without an eating competition, though. I dunno if I can look at yakisoba the same after last time..."
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The tales of their culinary adventure were cut-short, Yoimiya's sights singled in on a more excitable and less heart burn-centric revelation, a spark toying about in her sunset gaze — all too sudden, she clapped her hands together, let out a sound that can only be attributed to excitement, before she was quick in securing a hug from the one and only! Arms clasped around her form, the embrace was brief, but congratulatory in every way Yoimiya could manage.
"Akademiya? Sumeru!? Aah! That's... well, crazy far away for one, but also super exciting! Wow, the Akademiya..." in truth, Yoimiya hadn't peeled back the layers of what the Akademiya was in its entirety, the Sakoku Decree promising no outside visitation for... well, an unspecified amount of time; it was important, Yoimiya was comfortable in stating that much, and without a doubt in her mind she knew Kuki would handle her new responsibilities with care. "You'll have to drop me a line sometime and let me know how Sumeru is! I've heard it's beautiful this time of year."
Kuki's flattery drew forth a giggle, her fingers tangling in the finer hairs at the back of her neck; Liyue Harbor, huh...?
"I was actually thinking of going somewhere this autumn! With how crisp the air is and how cold it gets, fireworks aren't as wanted a commodity. Soo, I should have some down time... plus, I'd feel bad leaving dad in charge of everything during a busier season. But expanding our shop would serve to get the Naganohara brand out there, one region at a time! Anything I should know before I rock their world with my pyrotechnics?"
@luckuki // continued from here!
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knifefightandchill · 1 year
What are your fav pairings?
Ahhh in general or fandom specific? Because I have /a lot/. xD Off the top of my head for resi is; leon/krauser, piers/chris, leon/ada, chris/wesker, and leon/chris!! I'm also really partial to leon/piers. and the strange au specific piers/krauser. ^^; and for a non resi ones off the top of my head there's ajay/jason (far cry 4 &3) , jason/vaas, and rick/michonne(twd).
if you want like thoughts on any pairings, even ones i didn't mention, or fandoms i didn't mention, i'm down to talk about that too!! sorry for the late response!
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miniversse · 2 months
I would like to request for husband Chan X wife y/n, where Chan comes home drunk attending an after party and gets all romantic and suggestive with y/n
⭑ “unresistible” ⭑
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⭑ bang chan x female reader
⭑ content includes: non-idol bang chan, non-idol reader, mentions of drinking, drunk chan, established relationship (married), oral (f receiving), use of pet names (baby,honey,channie), releasing
⭑ note: let’s just say anon has taste because i had so much fun writing this. i hope you enjoy it!
⭑ minors dni
you lay in bed staring at the screen of your phone, waiting for a call, a message, a photo but nothing came your way. as you turn to face the empty side of the bed your husband should be laying on, you hear the click of a door and one lock, two locks. his heavy footsteps approach the bedroom.
“hey baby”…
you continue to face the wall, hoping to let him know that you’re bothered by how late he arrived home. he promised he would be back before midnight on a night out with his friends, but it’s well past midnight and you waited patiently for him. the alcohol reeks off his body as he walks to face you and he happens to wear one of your favorite outfits: a black shirt and black trousers that you bought him on your second anniversary. it had the first letter of your name embroidered on the top of the shirt with a delicate, golden thread.
��i’m sorry baby, i just-“ his words trail off, knowing there was no success in making excuses. you glance at his face, feeling a sense of guilt. he has worked hard all week, and only hangs out with his friends on fridays to spend the weekend with you. he also was unresistible, always carrying a romantic and suggestive look in his eyes.
“it’s ok channie, get washed up and we can discuss it tommorow”
he reveals a small smile, and turns to the bathroom, undressing on his way there.
he lets out a long “aaah” as he plops his head on his pillow, hair still wet and straight. you couldn’t resist playing with his dark strands and twisting them with your fingers.
“i missed you baby, i’m sorry for being late” his hands grab yours and he places a kiss on the inside of your palm.
“it’s ok honey, as long as you had fun”
“mm, it was ok. nothing beats the fun i have with you” you both laugh at his remark
“what type of fun? you’ve always made fun of me for being a workaholic”
“ ‘yknow, when we wind down, and i get to have you for the night” he expresses, words slurred and spoken slow. his fingers trace your shoulder blades, and he lowers the sheets to place a kiss on the trails his fingers left. you feel a shudder run through your body and he moves up, to look back into your eyes. he always looked graceful when he’d come back home drunk, face flushed and eyes lustful. you place a peck on his lips and retract your head, only to feel his hand on the back of your neck bringing you back and locking lips with you, intertwining tongues and whispering “i’m sorry” and “i miss you baby” repetitively. you feel his hand moving down to grab at your shorts, grinning as if he doesn’t know what’s going on.
“you really want to do this now channie?”
“mhm, and why not? getting pussy drunk from you is better than any alcohol i can drink” and with that he dives under the sheets, pulling your shorts and underwear down, exposing your cunt to him. he trails kisses from your knees and down to your thighs, bringing them up to his shoulders. he hums in satisfaction before licking your wetness, letting a moan escape your parted mouth. his tongue explores you in all ways, curling inside your folds, rolling circles at your bud and flicking it.
“you’re so good baby”
“h-honey slow down, please” but he wouldn’t listen, rather he uses his fingers to play with your clit as he kisses and sucks your folds, leaving hickeys inside your thighs every so often. you grab at his, now damp, hair as your body prepares to release. your back arches and he pulls you back down, reaching your good spot countless times before you let out a final whimper of relief, your pussy dripping wet. chan let’s your sweet release coat his tongue and he swallows it, moving up to look at your sweaty face. he places a kiss on your forehead before grabbing napkins and helping you clean up.
you cuddle in his warmth, locking lips with him for what felt like hours. almost falling asleep in his arms, you gain consciousness of the situation again, laughing to yourself.
“how do i let you come home late and eat me out?”
“ ‘dunno baby, it seems like you can’t resist me”
you weren’t suprised he knew how your mind works. after all, he was your husband, and yours only.
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thirstworldproblemss · 8 months
Fic: Closer
cowritten with @astroboots
Fandom:  Moon Knight Pairing:  Jake Lockley x F reader (x Steven, x Marc) Length:  5.6k words Rating: Explicit 🔞 Warnings:  This fic contains explicit sexual content including dirty talk, spitting, anal play, and anal sex. (That's it. That's the fic.)
Summary: Jake checks an item off his bucket list, and you both thoroughly enjoy yourselves.
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Notes: Many thanks to @guruan who fixed our my extremely questionable Spanish (any remaining mistakes are entirely my fault) and whose deliciously debauched art is a never-ending source of inspiration. More thanks (and uh... oh god, sorry 🙈) to the poor anon who submitted the prompt that spawned this to Cici last Kinktober and had to wait a whole year to see the damn thing. And, of course, ALL my love to my darling cowriter and 🤡💖🤡 sister, @astroboots, who always makes writing a joy, and without whom this never would have been started, finished, or posted at all.
[ twp’s Masterlist  | boots' Masterlist  ]
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Jake hasn’t spent a lot of time in the driver’s seat over the years. For a long time he only fronted on rare occasions. Life or death situations mostly. Those hair-trigger moments when the body is in critical danger and a moment’s hesitation is all it’d take for all three of them to wind up dead. 
Those times when things are too much for Marc or Steven to be able to handle? That’s when it’s Jake’s turn at the wheel. 
It’s why normally the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes, in command of the body, is the source of imminent danger: 
The face of the man who has a knife pressed against the collar of his military uniform in the middle of a desert. 
A panoramic view through the windshield of a truck that is seconds from veering off a winding cliff-side road. 
A long-haired Jim Jones wannabe staring down at him along a glowing walking stick protruding from his own chest. 
But things have been different lately. For one thing, he’s been spending a lot more time fronting, and not just in dangerous situations. 
For another, he’s learning that there’s so much more world out there than he’d ever imagined. There’s Ben & Jerry’s peanut popcorn flavored ice cream, Saturday karaoke nights, Derby Girls and you. 
Always you.
You were just Steven’s girl first, and then somehow against all odds Marc got involved too, and now that Jake’s been allowed a taste, he's never letting you go. You’re his guide to the wide world,  the road map keeping him on the right route, the safe resting place when he’s tired. Su alma, his soul.
And right now you look exhausted. Your thighs shaky and trembling, matted hair glued to your forehead, all of you dripping with sweat and other things. Steven must have really worn you out before he ceded the front. 
Sweet, shy little Steven—Mr. Sunshine—who just fucked you seemingly within an inch of your life before he remembered that he needs to share. 
And Marc thinks Jake is the unhinged one. 
The punch of adrenaline that always comes with fronting is still running through his veins, and he’s already hardening at the sight of you on your stomach, ass up in the air on display for him, Steven’s come just beginning to drip out of you. It doesn’t matter that the body just came, it’s Jake’s turn now. 
He slides his rapidly stiffening cock through your slippery folds, nudging the head against your clit, you and him both slick and sloppy with Steven's come and your own wetness.
“Aaah – Jake,” you gasp sharply into the pillow.
You know it’s him. He doesn’t know how. You haven’t even turned around to look at him, but somehow you just know. You always know. It’s an uncanny magic trick that impresses the hell out of him every time.
Jake grips one side of your ass in his free hand, squeezing hard. You’re all smooth skin and soft flesh under his finger, your cute little asshole peeking up at him. You’d kill him if he’d called it that out loud. So he doesn’t. He bites his tongue, swallowing down the groan that’s simmering in his throat at the sight of you.  
He can't resist sliding his thumb over that little pucker. He barely even brushes over you when you let out a pretty gasp for him. His cock is fully hard now, and it jerks against you at the sound, so he does it again, just to see if you’ll make the same noise twice. You do. 
Then you moan, sharp and keen, and he has to pull back, hand sliding over his slick length once before he leans in and replaces his thumb with the head of his cock. Taking his time, he slides it along the curve of your ass before nestling himself snugly between your cheeks. He makes an absolute mess as he goes, smearing the shiny slick left by Steven all over your bare skin until everything is a glistening sheen under the dim light as he begins to thrust forward, sliding his cock between the valley of your cheeks. 
Jake's dreamed of taking you here. He wants to take every fucking hole you have, fill you up and cover you with his come until it's dripping off of–out of every inch of your body.
Mierda. Even just the thought of it has heat climbing his spine, and his cock jerks in his fist and spitting even more precome into the mess already covering your spine and the rounded curves of your ass. 
He thrusts against you again, fucking himself between your cheeks, and you mewl quietly, pressing back against him. Maybe he won’t even fuck your pussy this time. Maybe he’ll just stay right here and rub his cock on your gorgeous ass until he comes all over it. Add to Steven’s mess with one of his own. He’ll do it. And reach around and rub your clit so you come too.
Maybe if he can get you used to the idea of his cock rubbing against your ass, maybe one day you’ll let him put it inside too. 
"You can, you know," you mumble out into the pillows, and Jake freezes, heat streaking down to his balls, and he has to grip himself hard at the base to avoid painting your ass with his come right then and there. 
Shit, did he say that out loud? He’s pretty sure he didn’t. He must have heard you wrong. Or he misunderstood. You can't possibly be offering what he thinks you are. 
"You can try putting it in. I might ask you to stop if I don't like it, but..." you your knees slightly, and the move has your ass practically wiggling at him in temptation, "It feels good right now."
Jake's brain stalls out. His body flashes hot all over. The back of his neck is tingling. He squeezes the base of his cock so hard he thinks he might be in danger of doing permanent damage, but he'll be damned if he comes on your ass right now when he’s just been told he might get to come in it. 
Gritting his teeth, Jake breathes through his body’s urge to come, pushing down the near-overwhelming need to shove his cock into your tight little asshole immediately. He knows he has to prep you if there's going to be any chance of you enjoying this, and he needs you to enjoy it because he wants to be able to do it again (and again and again and...) 
Shit. He needs to get on with it, or he's going to finish before he even makes it inside.
Jake makes himself let go of his aching cock, leaves it bobbing and dripping in midair, and turns his focus on you.
Leaning closer, he uses both hands to pull your ass cheeks apart, and just looks at you for a minute, watching your body clench around nothing.
"You want me to fuck you here, sweetheart?" he demands, sticky thumb sliding down through the mess of your slick and Steven’s come to circle your puckered hole, almost but not quite touching it, "Gonna let me put my cock inside this tight little hole and fill it up with my come?"
You whine, your whole body shivering under him, and he grins, satisfaction buzzing in his veins when your hips cant further up, trying to get him to touch you.
It’s fucking adorable is what it is. He is starting to understand why Marc likes to edge you now. How could he not? You’re always so reactive and needy when you’re denied. You make it so fun to tease. 
Sliding his thumb down, he slicks it around and around, just to watch you whine and shiver and shift, hips chasing his touch. His dick jerks with every noise you make and every time your body visibly clenches.
As fun as this is, a bright delight humming in his chest at your every little reaction, Jake doesn’t have the patience to tease you for long. 
He’s not like Marc. El Jefe seems to have infinite patience when it comes to this, but it’s only a minute or two before Jake can’t wait any longer. He feels like he’s going to jump out of his skin if he doesn’t get inside you one way or another. So he stops, holding his hand still to let you “catch” him.
When you do, he sucks in harsh breath, heat punching through him as he watches you rub yourself against his thumb, heart rate spiking as you lean back, the tip of his thumb pushing inside just a little.
It's barely anything, but the feeling of you parting to let his his thumb slips inside, then squeezing him back out is addictive. He presses harder, wanting more. His thumb slides a bare inch inside, and his groan barely covers the strangled sound you make, body tensing under him. 
Sweat breaks out on his forehead along with the realization that he cannot fuck this up. 
"Alright, mi alma?" he asks, trying to sound sweet and gentle, but his voice, low and eager, betrays him. A starving wolf in a sloppy sheep disguise. He’s not fooling anyone, not himself and certainly not you. 
Reigning himself in as best as he can, his fingers close into a fist with tight tension blaring in every nerve. Then he unfurls his palm to pet his hand over your back and down your side to give your ass a gentle squeeze. 
“Do you  need me to stop?" 
"N-no," comes the shaky answer, and Jake thanks any gods who might be listening, "It feels a bit odd, but..." you squeeze around his thumb, hot and unbelievably tight, and Jake swears under his breath, "It’s a good odd, I think. Just– just give me a moment."
You shift slightly, clenching again, and his cock jerks and throbs like the nerves of his thumb have somehow been reattached directly to his aching length. He really fucking doesn’t want to come before he even gets inside you, but right now he’s not sure if that’s in the cards for him.
Then you push back against him, and his thumb slides in another half inch, and both of you gasp. He pulls out slightly and risks a small thrust back inside. He's rewarded by another gasp and a small moan, so he does it again, a little further this time, and this time the moan is louder.
Fuck, you look so good like this, ass all slick and slippery. Before he even knows what he’s doing, Jake leans forward, spitting onto the curve of your ass right above where his thumb is inside you. 
You jerk when it lands on your skin, and he likes that. Likes that even though he’s done it before it always seems to take you by surprise. Likes how his spit  looks on your skin too, shiny and slick as it slides down the crack of your ass to join the rest of the mess he’s smeared there. Likes that when he pushes it into your tight little asshole, it’s one more way that he can be inside you, make you a little bit more his in a way that will linger after he’s no longer with you.
You whine as he pulls his thumb all the way out, he spits again, hitting his target, directly on your pretty little asshole, then he presses in again, shoving more of his spit into you.
Like most things when it comes to how he feels about you, Jake doesn’t entirely understand why he likes this so much. It’s primal, somehow, a deep-seated need to mark you with himself–his spit, his scent, his come.
His cock is aching, throbbing in time with the way you clench every time he pushes his thumb into you. Jake can't stand it, has to wrap his free hand around himself, gripping as hard as he dares, and stroking slowly. He grits his teeth against how good it feels, red hot pleasure searing up his spine as he leans in to slide the head of his overwrought, leaking cock along your ass, right next to where his thumb is shoved inside. 
"You feel how hard you make me?" he demands, pressing himself against you, relishing the way you shift and moan again, body still squeezing around his thumb, but loosening with every passing moment as you relax. It also has the added benefit of his precome dripping down to lubricate things even more as he thrusts into you a little deeper each time. "Fuck, I can't wait to get inside this tight little hole. You gonna let me in, mi alma?"
"Yes, yes, Jake! Please!" you cry out, only partially muffled where your face is pressed into the pillows, and he damn near loses it again. Has to press his cock against you hard, almost to the point of pain as fire licks out along his nerves, threatening to send him over the edge.
"You want this cock in your ass right now?" he grits out, vaguely aware that he should probably spend more time prepping you, stretching you so you can take him easier, but he can't wait another fucking second.
He pulls back, pulls his thumb out, and you whine out his name Jake, Jake, Jake as you push your ass up and back, chasing his touch.
He looks down to see a blur of movement between your legs, and realizes that at some point you shoved a hand underneath yourself to rub at your clit.
It’s pure impulse. He doesn’t think. Before he even realizes what he's about to do, Jake’s hand flashes out, coming down on your ass with a sharp crack that sends your flesh jiggling in an all-too-appealing way. 
You cry out, sharp and high-pitched, but Jake knows from experience that it's a cry of shock, not of pain, and he quickly follows up on his advantage.
"Naughty naughty, sweetheart,” he scolds, “Who said you could touch yourself?" 
You freeze, obviously caught, and several seconds tick by where he watches approvingly as the mark left on your supple skin from the impact of his hand shades into a darker hue before you whine again, "Please, Jake. I need– I need–"
That's more like it. 
"Pobrecita," he croons to you, enjoying the way you relax at his gentle tone, "Do you need more?"
You nod into the pillow.
He leans in and smacks his cock against the same place his hand struck. You jolt, letting out the hottest fucking sound, so he does it again, and has to grit his teeth against the noise that wants to escape him at the sensation.
"You want this cock, mi alma?" he demands, voice harsh,  "You want me fuck your ass with it right now?"
"Yes. Yes, Jake. Fuck, please. YES!" you pant out, sounding as desperate as he feels. You’re pressing back against him, hips shifting so you can press that pretty little hole right against the tip of him, acting for all the world like you're going to fuck yourself back onto his cock if he doesn't give it to you fast enough.
It's a heady feeling, to hear you beg for him, and part of him wants to hear you do it again, and again and again. To leave you there, begging for him as you struggle to fuck yourself on him. Lucky for you, he is nothing like Marc. 
"All you had to do was ask, mi alma," he grates out as he begins a slow press forward, "All you ever have to do is ask, and I'll give you the world."
Your body yields to him, the head of his cock slipping inside, and he has no more words. Only a strangled groan to match your whine as you clamp down hot and impossibly tight around him.
A sparkling clarity descends, time dilating, stretching out the way it does when he's in the middle of a fight, and he can only be grateful because he's barely clinging to his composure by the tips of his fingers here.
One truth stands out above everything else: he can't hurt you. 
He has to go slow, keep control, make it good for you. 
Jake wraps an arm around you, fingers tangling with yours to rub desperate circles around your clit, and he breathes a sigh of relief when you relax slightly under and around him. Still he doesn't move, not sure if he can without losing it and pumping you full of his come right then and there.
It's only when your hips start to move, hitching forward against his fingers, and then back to fuck yourself a little farther onto his aching cock that he dares draw in another breath, dares to meet your movements with small thrusts of his own, fucking in a little further each time.
And you take him just like that, little by little. One slow press, one torturous inch at a time, until he's buried as deep in you as he can go. 
"Fuck. Jake," you gasp out, clenching hard around him, and he groans. 
He makes the mistake of looking down at where you’re stretched tight around the base of his cock, taking every fucking inch he has to give, and the sight hits him like a punch to the gut. His hips stutter forward involuntarily, and somehow you take him even deeper.
You make a strangled sound, clamping down so tight it borders on the painful, and he freezes, shuddering behind you.
"¡Mierda! ¿Estás bien?" he demands, has to stop and mentally scramble for the words before he can ask again in English, "You okay, mi alma? Shit, did I hurt you?" 
"N-no. I'm okay," you pants out in response, "You can– You can move, Jake. Please. Need you to mo–"
Before you even finish the sentence, he’s already pulling out and easing back in. It’s a tight fit, your body hugging him so snugly that nothing else would fit. 
Lento, he reminds himself, gently. Not too fast. Gritting his teeth against the demands of his body, he presses himself in and out of you as slowly and carefully as he can manage, and he tries to keep his fingers moving on your clit. His free hand grips your hip, fingers digging in until he’s sure it must be painful, but he can't make himself let go.
You whine, writhing under him as he inches back into you.
"Jake," you pant out, nearly sobbing his name, "Jake, Jake," and he slows further, worried that it's too much.
"No!" you cry out suddenly, and Jake freezes on instinct, holding still as you prop yourself up on one elbow, turning your upper body sharply to one side so you can glare at him over your shoulder, "Don't bloody stop. I want you to fuck me."
The words hit him like a blow, knocking the air out of him, and the determined look on your face stabs him right in the heart, his whole chest pulling tight. 
"You've been so patient, Jake,” you cajole him, “and it's good. Better than I thought it would be. I want you to stop holding back. Fuck my ass for real. Let go, Jake."
Fuck, he loves you so fucking much. The feeling is so big, he doesn't know how his body can contain it. He wants to move mountains, conquer the fucking world just so he can lay it at your feet. He'd give you anything. 
But the only thing you're asking for right now is his cock, and that he’s just as desperate to give you as you are to take it.
He pulls out slowly, one… last… controlled… withdrawal, then he slams into you so hard it drives you forward across the bed away from him. Digging both hands into your hips, he yanks you back to him, back onto his cock.
"Like this?" he asks as he pulls out and slams into you again,  "You want it hard? Like this, mi alma?"
"Yes– Fuck– Yes–" you gasp out between harsh thrusts, "Ja-Jake!"
His name breaking on your lips is the sweetest fucking sound he’s ever heard in his entire life, and it severs the last threads of Jake's control. He lurches forward with a roar, driving himself into your tight little ass over and over again, as hard and fast as he can go. 
The force of it knocks you off your elbows, flattening you into the bed, but Jake just yanks you back, repositioning his knees as your hands scrabble uselessly at the sheets.
Every thrust is deep and relentless, burying himself inside you as deep as your body will let him, giving you as much of him as you can take. Until his hip bones are pressed flush against your ass, until his cock is buried inside you to the root, until every inch of him is enveloped by you. 
He's so lost in the feel of you, he doesn't realize he’s fucked you all the way across the bed until you're precariously balanced on the edge of the mattress.
Your knee goes first, slipping sideways off the bed mid-thrust, and it's enough to pull him off balance and send you both tumbling to the floor. 
Instinct takes over, and before Jake even has a chance to consciously register what’s happening, he’s already twisting, shielding your body so that he takes the brunt of the fall. He winds up hitting the hardwood ass-first before coming to rest with his head against the nightstand and you in his lap. 
Miraculously, you’re still connected, the force of the fall shoving you down on his cock farther than ever before, the feeling of being lodged so far inside your tight ass more than enough to overwhelm the slight pain in his tailbone from the fall.
There's a moment of stunned silence, then you start shaking, trembling in his arms, shoulders vibrating against him. He has half a second to worry that he’s fucked up badly enough to make you cry before a loud, bright sound rings out in the room. 
You’re laughing. Oh thank fuck.
"Oh my god, Jake! You just fucked me off the bed, quite literally. That's definitely a first!" you exclaim, twisting around to giggle down at him, eyes crinkled with amusement, mouth curved in an open, full-toothed smile. Jake has a handful of seconds to marvel at how beautiful you are before you shift in his lap, your body clamping down around him, and any last lingering shreds of control he might have been clinging to are gone.
Jake lifts his hips, fucking up into you, and watches your eyes go wide, a gasp falling from your lips.
It's not enough.
He grabs your hips, fingers digging into the soft flesh and rolls to his knees, and your gorgeous laughter dissolves into a broken cry of surprise as he drags you with him. The sound melts into a long drawn out moan that has the tip of his ears tingling. He can’t think, all he can do is keep going as he fucks forward into you again, his chest tight against your back as he forces you down onto all fours so he can keep fucking you. 
Fuck. The wood floor is hard and uncomfortable under his knees, digging into his kneecaps. He knows it must be worse for you with his weight bearing down on you, but he can't make himself stop. 
He's been dreaming about taking you this way for so long, and now he finally gets to. He knows, he knows he should stop and check on you, should move the two of you back up onto the bed where you'll be more comfortable, but that pretty little ass is stretched around him so perfectly, tight and hot around him, and his need is riding him hard.
Heat prickles from the tip of his fingers, spreading along the nerve endings along every patch of skin, fuck. It’s everywhere, expanding across the span of his chest, pooling in his abdomen, gripping into his lungs. He can’t breathe. Can’t stop. Can’t–
"Lo siento," he stutters out. "I'm sorry, mi alma. I can't– I have to–" Words leave him, and all he can do is pant against your neck as his hips jerk into you with increasingly sloppy thrusts. 
His end is approaching fast, whether he wants it to or not, and he barely has the presence of mind to shove a hand underneath you, rubbing desperate circles over your clit with fingers gone clumsy with need.
He has to make it good for you. He has to. He has to– 
Por fortuna, it only takes a minute for you to tense underneath him, sobbing out his name and tightening around him so forcefully that he can't keep thrusting, his cock locked in place by the tight clench of your body.
The lack of movement is enough to stave off his own orgasm, but just barely, the pleasure is overwhelming, teasing at the tip of his tongue as you shudder underneath him and you flutter rhythmically around his cock. It's so similar to being inside your pussy when you come, but it's different too. The pulse of your pleasure there squeezing him so tight it's nearly painful, but its so, so fucking good.
He breathes through it, pressing open-mouthed, panting kisses against the skin of your back. Does his best to keep his fingers moving on your clit, trying to prolong the moment for you, to draw you pleasure out as long as he can. He wishes he could see your face. 
Next time, he promises himself. Face-to-face next time, so he can watch every expression you make as he fucks you full of himself and see the pleasure break across your face when you come with his cock lodged deep inside.
All too soon, you're collapsing forward onto one elbow, your other hand shoving at his where it's buried between your legs, and he lets you push his hand away, planting his palm on the ground next to your head. 
You turn weakly to look up at him, pulling partially off of his dick as your body sags like you can’t keep yourself up. 
"Are you ready, mi alma?" he grits out, dimly aware that he's shaking as he braces himself above you, "Ready for me to fuck this tight little ass full of my come?"
"Mmm," you hum, sweet and contented under him, "yes, please."
That's all Jake needs to hear.
He slams his hips forward into yours, and the force of the first thrust knocks you forward off your elbow, your chest meeting the ground as you half-collapse under him. 
Jake follows you down without stopping, fucking into you hard. You sink a little further towards the floor with each thrust until you're flat on your stomach, but Jake still doesn't stop. He can’t, though he's sure he must be flattening you. Doesn't think he could stop if his life depended on it
He's grinding into you now with increasingly sloppy thrusts, burning heat burrowing into the base of his spine as he holds back his orgasm by sheer will, slurring out endearments against the back of your shoulder.
“Mi alma. Mi vida. Reina de mi corazón.”
And you are. His soul. His life. The queen of his heart. You are all of that and more. His gorgeous, perfect love, taking him, all of him, exactly as he is.
"Do it," you say from underneath him, and reality seems to recede, his vision tunneling in on your lips as they shape the words that just might kill him.
"Fill my ass up with your come. Fuck it into me as deep as you can. I'm yours, Jake."
Jake's orgasm crashes into him like an unexpected switch. Like a bomb going off. Like a knife sliding between his ribs, sharp and sudden. Pleasure sears though every inch of the body that has never felt more like his than it does at this moment, his forehead pressing against the warm skin of your back as he empties himself inside you in pulse after pulse of aching release. 
By the time the last shuddering spasm subsides, Jake feels wrung out like a bloody rag. He barely manages to avoid collapsing on top of you, mustering just enough strength to roll the two of you to the side so that he’s no longer squishing you. Pressing a gentle kiss to your shoulder, he carefully pulls out, then pulls you back against his chest, curving his body around yours, and the two of you lay cuddled together like that for a long moment.
Eventually, his strength returns, along with the awareness that the floor he’s holding you on is both hard and probably not all that clean given Steven’s penchant for pouring sand all over. You deserve better. He gets up first, and carefully helps you rise to standing, waiting a moment to be sure you’re steady on your feet, before guiding you gently into the bathroom. 
When he flips on the bathroom light, the shadow of his reflection in the small round mirror transforms into a flushed, wide-eyed Steven who mumbles, “That was… God, that was… ” 
He doesn’t seem to be able to find the words. Jake’s not sure he could either, but Mr Sunshine doesn’t need to know that, so he just shoots the mirror a smug smile and tips an imaginary cap in that direction before he moves to turn on the shower.
You shiver a little when he steps away from you, so once the water is running, he wraps both arms around you, encouraging you to lean against him while you wait for it to get warm. You do, wrapping one arm around his waist in return and curling into his chest like there’s nowhere else you’d rather be.
Jake just watches you. Tilting his head back and slightly to the side to get a better angle, he lets his eyes roam over your face, taking in the soft curve of your cheek, the eyelashes feathered against the soft skin there nod that your eyes have fluttered closed, the hand you’ve settled against his chest, right over his heart, the way your lips curve up into a slight content smile. 
You’re beautiful.
You always are, but right now, something about this moment makes Jake’s chest tight. It steals his breath as surely as if there were hands wrapped tight around his neck, choking the life out of him.  But instead of stealing his life, it’s as if you’re giving him more of it, pumping him full of its essence, filling his chest until he doesn’t know how his body can contain the feelings you inspire in him. 
The bathroom is getting warmer, steam starting to form on the mirror, but Jake is loath to relinquish his hold on you. You seem equally uninterested in leaving him. You’re snuggled contentedly into his chest, but the way you slump lower and looser with each passing second tells him that he needs to get you moving fast, before you fall asleep standing up. “Water’s warm,” he tells you, and you hum sleepily against his chest. It’s so, so tempting just to carry you back to bed, but he knows you’ll be happier if you’re clean.
“C’mon, mi alma. Into the shower. Vamos.”  He herds you gently backwards until you’re standing under the spray.
You hum sleepily up at him without opening your eyes, and he’s worried for a moment that he’s lost you to sleep already, but you stay standing when he cautiously releases you.
Reaching for your soap, he quickly lathers up a washcloth. The smell of the soap—the smell of you—quickly permeates the small space, and he breathes deep, letting the familiar scent wash over him.  He runs the cloth gently over your shoulders,  taking extra care with the still-visible bite mark one of them left there, then down over your chest. The skin of your breasts is soft and warm under his fingertips, and he’s half tempted to try for another round, but he feels strangely protective of your soft sleepiness.
Instead he dutifully rinses you off, letting the water cascade over your body. 
You blink your eyes open long enough to shoot him another warm, sleepy smile, and the contentment in his chest seems to expand, taking root and spreading with every breath until it feels almost too large for the small space of the shower. 
He steps out, reaching for a towel, and drys you off gently, before doing the same to himself with much less care.
Then he carries you back to bed and tucks you in, doing his best to straighten out the wrinkly covers before pulling them up over both of you. Curling his body around yours, he holds you tightly to him. There are a lot of things in this world Jake can do without, has done without. But this– you are no longer on that list.
In the cozy warmth of the bed with your body pressed against his, his eyes feel heavy. Jake never used to fight to stay in the driver’s seat, not once the excitement was over. But he clings to consciousness now. He wants to prolong this moment when his vision is filled, not with yet another threat to body, life or limb, but with something altogether perfect: the sight of you drifting off to sleep, your head nuzzling into the pillow, a slight smile on your face… safe. 
It’s the last thing he sees as he falls into a deep, restful sleep. .
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tadashisdisaster · 1 year
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Cw / Twˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Soft sex, back shots, pillow princess reader, crying, Hyunjin being a big simp for you, mentions of multiple orgasms
AN - THIS GOT IT HELP! Like I would cell my everything for this. He *INHALE* he would definitely do this stopppp. I love you anon for thisssss😭😭🤍my answering this won’t work I’m sorry babes. My mental and physical health has been shit so sorry for the bad writing lol🥹🤍
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You don’t know how you ended up in this position.
You had basically just got back from work. Your boss had, had you stay the late shift making you stressed and pissy. You threw your shoes to the side alerting Hyunjin that you were home.
And after that it was a blur.
You had let his consume you, take control of you. He gently laid you on the bed planting small kisses on your neck, nipping here and there. Then the room spins, your cheek was smushed against your pillow, ass in the air.
“Shhh, lemme take care of you baby.” His voice was so low and raspy against you ear making you shiver and moan. Hyunjin moves his hand to your tits, massaging them while his free hand makes it’s way to your underwear.
“Hmm, so wet for me already.” He chuckles making you whine and grip the bed sheets. He had already removed yours and his pants leaving you half naked.
“Can - can I have you my way tonight?” His voice comes in a soft yet corse plea making you more wet than you already were. You nod your head, “Yes, yes. Please Jinnie!”
And that’s as much as you remember.
Hyunjin made you cum 3 times tonight. He groped and massaged your aching bones and muscles. But you knew there was no point when you were going to be sore the next day.
“A-aaah, am I making you feel good? Do you like when I do this?” Hyunjin rubs quick small circles into your clit sending you over the edge making you squirt this time.
“Fuck that was so hot baby….” He says in between thrusts chasing his own release.
“You’re so pretty princess. My pretty princess.” Hyunjin whispers into your ear as he came in your puffy cunny.
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yanderestarangel · 7 months
♡ 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐮𝐩 𝐬𝐞𝐱 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐯𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐝𝐚 ♡
a/n: version with kuai liang here ♡
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TW: angst, smut, ftm reader, aggressive sex, crying, overstimulation, v!sex, ride, unprotected sex, tomas begs for your forgiveness, afab anatomy, not reviewed.
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He was always a kind, sweet and helpful man, you and Tomas lived a peaceful marriage - practically a dream marriage - however, after Tomas learned about his brother's betrayal with the lin kuei, with his father and all the rude treatment from older brother, he just lost control.
But with the wrong person.
You didn't even have a reaction as you watched Vrbada come home and freak out, breaking some things and yelling at you in the process - generating an argument between the two of you, you were both obviously hurt, so Tomas only realized the mess he had made at the wedding when he went sleeping outside the house that night, covering his ears as he heard your cry in his head.
He came back in the late afternoon of that day, with a tired face, eyes swollen from crying and above all, a look of redemption for having hurt you. He saw you sitting on the couch, also hurt and bruised - but it was his fault - and he needed to fix that.
He sighed deeply, not wanting to argue with you, but needing to talk this out "-My love, please. Let's sit down and talk about what happened. I know I lost my temper and said things I shouldn't have. I didn't mean any of it."
Tomas sat down on the couch next to you, his hand reaching out to touch yours gently. "-You know how much you mean to me, right? You are the light of my life, my beautiful boy. Please, don't push me away like this. I want to make it up to you. I promise I won't lose control again. I need your forgiveness sweetheart... " His voice trailed off as he looked at you desperately, hoping for some sign of understanding or mercy from you.
You just let the tears come out in anger, as you left Tomas, going to take a shower and try to relax, but you knew that your husband wasn't going to give up. His heart sank as he saw you that way. He knew he had hurt you deeply and was sorry for it, he follows you to the bathroom, giving you space to get comfortable.
"-I'm so sorry. Please, don't be angry with me anymore." He entered the bathroom carefully, trying to give you some space while still wanting to comfort you. "-You will always be my husband, no matter what happens between us."
He slowly took off his clothes as he got close to you, placing his hands on your body, massaging your wet skin, while whispering in your ear. "-Forgive me, please. I need you. You are my entire world."
He leaned in and kissed you softly, his lips gentle against yours, trying to convey his feelings through his actions. Tomas slowly pushed into your wet pussy, feeling your body respond to him despite your anger. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't stop himself. "-You feel so good my boy." Tomas growled against your neck, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he drove deeper into you, enjoying the feeling of your wet pussy surround his throbbing cock.
You moaned against him, while he held you in his arms, resting one of his thighs on the side of your body, stopping you from falling - you said you hated him, but he didn't stop, pushing his shaft more and more into your pussy, the head of his cock hit your cervix several times, directly in your sweet spot.
"-That's it baby. Let it all out. I deserve your hate." He said between gritted teeth, his dick sliding in and out of your tight cunt. "-You can fucking hate me as much as you want. Just let me make you feel good, let out all your anger (Y/N) Release it on my dick Aaah- Fuuck, I love you-"
"-Say my name little angel. Say 'Tomas.' " His voice was hoarse with desire "-Tell me you love me too..." But you denied it, still conflicted with the feelings you felt for him - his heart fell when he realized that, every time you made love, you screamed his name, but that time you didn't - He continued to pump into you, his dick swelling even more as he felt his climax approaching.
"-I love you so much my baby boy. Please don't hate me anymore." He cried and growled through his tears, his cock swelling inside you as he reached the edge of orgasm.
"-Say it! Tell me you still love me!"He brought one of his hands to your face, as he looked you in the eyes, his blue eyes were full of tears, which ran down his face. His grip on your face tightened as he continued to fuck you, his hips moving faster and harder, driven by a combination of desire and desperation. "-Say it. I Beg my pretty boy..." Vrbada breathed heavily into your ear, his tears falling onto your neck as he fucked you with all his might. You couldn't help it, moaning his name like a mantra as the sounds of his thick shaft echoed through the bathroom in your pussy - "Tomas, Tomas, Tomas..." - you moaned loudly as your hips brushed against his crotch, searching still more contact with him.
He moaned loudly, his lips open, as he sped up, his balls slapping your ass. He collapsed onto your breasts, his cock still pulsing inside you, spilling thick jets as he spoke "-Yes Yes Yes! C-cuming Mmm-" desperately from the overstimulation of his member.
Tomas gave a few thrusts to prolong the pleasure, while still whimpering against your soft skin, he took a deep breath, trying to catch his breath. "-I'm sorry for everything I did... I'll do anything to make things right between us." He refused to leave you, afraid of losing you again, like sand in the desert. Tomas held you close, his arms around you as he finally found peace amidst the chaos of his emotions. "-Please stay with me, you are my husband. I need you more than ever." His voice was soft and gentle, the tears drying on his chest as he held you close.
"-Let's start again. Together..."
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sxulcxtcher · 2 months
( dom/sub dynamics , trans/ftm bottom , squirting , edging/orgasm denial , fingering/borderline finger fucking )
i love cute subs :( they’re so cute, pliant and eager to please.. of course this one was no different, always ready to please you. and yet, there was something missing for him.
he adored you dearly and knew you reciprocated those exact feelings, but also thought you were way too soft on him. every mistake he made was gracefully met with a soft kiss on the head and a tender, ‘it’s okay.’ while grateful, something inside him yearned for more than just that.
“how come you never punish me?” he rather shamelessly asked in the middle of dinner. shellshocked, you stared at him for a moment before coughing into a sleeve. “punish you how?”
“like— in bed? i dunno..” his face flushed as curtly turned his head to the side. you let out a soft chuckle and nodded, “maybe one day.” you tease, one day indeed.
he couldn’t quite grasp the fact that you could be so cruel to him and yet there the two of you were. his thighs were cracked open with two fingers stuffed inside his puffy pussy. your other hand’s thumb periodically grazing against his needy clit. “s-ssloww~! a-aaah—!!” he squirms and rocks his hips onto your fingers.
“puppy… your pussy is so messy…” you comment before rather harshly grinding your finger against his sensitive walls. he lets out a breathless scream before calming back down. “you’re such a whore… look at all the juices you’re spilling… and the sounds.” he shakes his head, tears staining his reddened eyes as he denies his lewdness.
“‘m c-cum—! a-ah~! c-cumm p-pplease~!” he sobs, so desperately close to his peak but you end up stopping… pulling out your slick stained fingers. you watch as his body falls limp, his chest heaving up and down as he whimpers.
“we can’t have that… you need to be trained properly.” your thumb now tantalizingly tracing various shapes on his thighs. “n-nnoo… ‘m so-sorry…” he whined and covered his bleary eyes.
“mm.. try a bit harder than that, doll.” he huffed, his brain wracking for anything he could do to appease you. “p-please mmake m-my… my n-needy pussy c-cum..” his voice was barely a whisper, audible but you can’t let him off easy.
“what was that puppy? speak up.” he whined louder, still keeping his face hidden from yours. “please— m-mess up my p-pussy..! i-i wanna cum..!” he blurted out, his voice wavering as he finished voicing his request.
“good boy.” you complimented and instantly complied with his request. one hand gripped on his thigh to keep his legs cracked open while the other was stirring up his wet cunt. “you’re making so many lewd noises, i wonder what else your body can do.”
his body arched as his hands gripped against the blankets beneath him. “m-mmgguh-! a-aah h-hah~!” poor boy couldn’t think straight anymore. you hummed, pistoning your fingers in and out of his gummy walls. pressing and prodding against all his sweet spots, he was seeing the stars.
“n-nnoo— no-nonono~! i-it’s c-ccomming o-oout-! s-ss—stop~! m-mmaster-!” his pleads were a bit too late though, instead of usually cumming over your hands - his spent pussy squirted all over your abdomen. it was a first for him, he’d never done it before until now…
“oh my…” you slowed down your pace before pulling out your sticky fingers. “let’s see if we can do that again…
eee.. hopefully this isn’t too long, i have a couple more ideas i’d like to share ( ^∀^) i love cute puppy boy subs~ they’re one of my favorites… along with pathetic nerds ♡
this isn’t beta read as always, i hope you and everyone who reads it enjoys it!!
have a wonderful day as always~ - 🎀
you're like a god oml
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laughroditee · 8 days
You're Coming With Me | A COD fanfic
Simon had been on his way to meet up with the rest of the task force when he heard a tiny mewling off to the left near the woods.  Scanning the tall grass, he paused mid-stroll, his dark eyes falling upon a tiny orange kitten emerging from the underbrush.
“Where’s your mum?” Simon asked, keeping his eyes and ears open for any signs of other kittens or a mother cat. Unfortunately, there were none.  This cat was probably around three to four weeks old; it was not going to survive on its own.  Bloody hell, he thought, squatting down to seem less threatening, holding out a hand, palm down. 
The kitten slowly approached him, noisily chirping and mewling. With its hackles raised, the kitten’s back slowly arched in a ferocious display, snaking sideways toward him in an effort to scare him away. 
Simon barked out a laugh. “Spitfire, huh?  Come on then, do your worst.”
An airy hiss and a swat were the kitten’s best efforts.
Beneath his balaclava, Simon smiled.  A few raindrops falling from the sky decided for him.  “Can’t stay out here, love.  You’re coming with me.” He looked down at himself.  Where the fuck was he going to put a kitten?  The kangaroo pocket on his hoodie might scare the poor thing, and it’s not like it would fit into his pants pocket.  Pulling his arms in through the sleeves, he turned his sweatshirt around to put the hood in front.  As gently as he could, he picked the orange tabby up, his large hand swallowing it whole, its tiny legs poking out from between his fingers.
He was met with Hell’s fury and a stern letter to the manager as he nestled the tiny thing into the soft basket of his hood.
“Easy, love.  You’re alright.  Let’s get you home.”
Simon cradled the kitten in his hood the rest of the way, his feet striding faster as the rain got heavier.
The pub wasn’t too busy this time of day, so it was easy to spot his teammates.
Price was the first to greet him.  A simple head nod and glass lift always did the job while a chorus of “Ghost!” and “L.T.!” rang out simultaneously from Gaz and Soap.
“Yer late, L.T.”
“Sorry, Johnny, I was bringin’ a friend.”  He carefully moved his hand away from the hood, and the kitten’s head popped out of it to much “oooing” and “aaahing.”
“And who is this?” Price, ever the gentleman, asked for introductions right away.
“I’m callin’ her ‘Honey*,’” Simon said as the kitten in question climbed onto his shoulder, meowing insistently at him.
“Aww, Ghost, that’s a sweet name–” said Gaz.
"Named her after my gun."
There was a pause and the sound of resigned acceptance.  "Of course you did."
“How do you know it's a girl?" Soap asked, examining Honey and trying to pet her.
"She ain't got balls."  Simon picked Honey up and turned her butt to Soap’s face.
Gaz sniggered into his drink while Price just smiled in his amused fatherly way. "Good work, Simon.  Good work."
*Honey, as in the Honey Badger gun, or the Chimera as it’s renamed in the Modern Warfare II and III games.
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queenendless · 9 months
🔞🌃Nights (Adult!SatoSugu x Fem!Reader)🌃🔞
A/N: This is a short smut piece, serving as the follow-up to Moving Day.
CW: MATURE 18+ CONTENT INSIDE. NSFW, P in V, P in ass, double penetration, MMF, threesome, throuple, polyamory, short smut.
I'm no master at writing smut so sorry if it's not longer and stuff but writing short pieces means more often posts.
All credit for the characters/show goes to Gege sensei.
* Please DON'T plagarize, translate, or repost my FANFIC content. Reblog, like, and follow instead.
I hope whoever reads this enjoys.
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Gojo boastfully laughed as he regaled with tales of pissing off the stingy higher ups, Geto whisking his drink about in his hand with a wry grin and invested eyes, and you sitting in between them.
Sushi dinner with your two loves. What a way to celebrate this newest chapter in all your lives.
You resting your face in your folded arms as their banter rang richly to your ears, lulled by their shared warmth. Feeling cozy, at ease, and entranced in ways you didn't think you'd ever receive. With them, it was like you three were in your own little world.
It had gotten late. Leaving the sushi joint with leftovers in bags, you three were heartily full, light-headed and happy. Driving back home in your five seated cozy car with Geto at the wheel. Gojo leaned his head back in the passenger seat while you kissed them both on the cheek, making small talk with Geto while Gojo zoned out to nap.
Honestly … you felt on top of the world.
Like right now.
In the comfort of your newly shared bedroom.
As your soaking cunt gobbled up Geto's shaft with such ease as he lowered you down slowly enough to slide it in; his giant hands squeezing you from your hips to your thighs.
"Fuck~" His raven hair fanned out beneath him, panting heavily already. "Honey, you are heaven sent~" Geto's lovesick smile made your bud tingle at his girth stuffing.
"Aaah~!" Your erotic moan made Geto swell up even further. His cheeks turned more red, sweat trailed down his enamored face and his flexing muscles; his veins popping out in the process.
Scratching your nails down Geto's ribs elicited rough hisses from him that made you carefully lay down atop him so you could smooch him. "Sugu~" Your shortened nickname for him made Geto smile further as he opened his mouth to let you two French kiss sloppily.
The moment you felt Gojo's lean warm presence lay atop your back, his girth throbbed as he jerked off in his hand whilst rubbing his dripping head in between your peaches.
"Nngh!" Geto grinded his hips forward just to get friction stroking his balls against Gojo's.
"Mmph!" Your lips broke off, head reeling as your arse swayed in the air, just begging to have Gojo's girth stretch you out. And that's what he did, your scorching wet caverns sucking him up just as greedily. "Ha – Aah … Toru~" Your shortened nickname for him, panting needily, had his hips jolting into yours, kneading your cheeks roughly, leaving scratch marks in their wake.
"Fuuuck~! Tight as ever, sweetie~ You've really missed me, huh~?" His head plopped down on your back as his hand fondled your right tit from behind simultaneously with Geto massaging your left tit.
"Missed us both, honestly~" Geto drawled, flitting his tongue along your neck, suckling your collar bone, grinning at the red welt marks now imprinting you. "The feeling's mutual~"
With Suguru's left hand gripping your right hip, and Satoru's own left hand grabbing your left hip, you felt somewhat anchored through your heated mindset. Your hands dug into Geto's broad shoulders for steadiness, your hips rotated upwards as they together lifted you up only to pull you down to take them in further, striking every nerve ending ingrained inside.
When they thrusted upwards, you jolted forward. When they pulled back, your walls fluttered, squeezing their cocks desperately.
This addicting pattern was quickly escalating as neither man was not even close to fully truly releasing. And so, their now frenetic rhythm had you a moaning yelling mess as familiarity of times before began racing through your memory. Them pounding into your soaking tightness specifically.
"God, this feels right~!" Gojo buried his face in your neck, kissing and biting you insistently enough to leave marks as much as possible in every inch of skin there. "So fuckin hot~!"
Geto took in a mouthful of your bountiful breast that he was just twisting your nub with his fingers, now tracing patterns with his sizzling tongue as he nibbled on your bud starvingly, his lips curling on both ends up at you. "Agreed~ Such a fine tasting angel~"
God, their teething, their burning mouths, their firm-built hands fondling and rubbing your skin, everything drove you up the wall. Their touch. Their taste. And you wouldn't have it any other way.
Dopamine jutted through all three of you.
Pushing yourself off Geto as you raised your hips frenzy in tune with them pulling away just as swiftly.
Only to SLAM yourself down on them both, earning lustful swearing yells from them, amorously smiling looking at their squeezing eyed, panting, sweating flushed beauty. Up and down you went, rewarding you with unreasonable pleasure and their deep enriching symphony of moaning.
"Horny little lady~" Gojo hissed as his hand released your abused red boob to grab your chin and turn you around enough to kiss you savagely; your surprised mewls mingling with his growls as he won supreme exploring every inch of your mouth.
Pulling your hands off his shoulders to intertwine with his, the squelched sounds of Geto popping out your breast heard loud and clear; a line of drool connected his tongue to your drool covered hill as he pushed up on his elbows, dark lust coating his eyes. "Satoru, let me take the lead here."
"Aw~! But taking her from behind is heaven~!" Gojo's whine as he parted from your swollen slick mouth was accentuated by thrusting in one fast thrust up said ass, having your loud squealing self lean back against his front; your horny tongue out expression had their dicks twitching.
"So is this." Geto's devious smirk was your only warning as he quickly pushed off the bed, situating yourself straddling him, when his hand released yours to grab your right thigh and heaved it high enough and far apart to stretch your pussy to go with another angle had you crying out. "Well~?"
Pulling your left thigh enough apart to drape over his hip from behind, Gojo followed his lead, earning him the same result, seeing your wanton crying self hugging Geto around the neck.
"Huh … not bad Suguru~" Gojo chuckled before leaning over your curling whimpering self to kiss Geto deeply.
"I try~ Now Satoru, shall we~?"
"W – wait~!" Your breathless plea had both men watching and amazed that you turned around to tug on Gojo's black blindfold, pulling it off to let his hair down and his eyes be free. "Beautiful~"
Gojo blushed darker, his heart felt struck harder by Cupid's arrow, and his eyes brightened with unbridled love before he kissed you his thanks, smiling cheekily as he rubbed noses with you. "Kawaii~!"
Holding your legs up from under the knees in one hand, lifting you higher off the bed, you were blown away by their sheer strength electrifying your nerves in this new angle, taking turns thrusting in and out, tugging your legs further apart in tune to their spasming pegs.
Burying your face in Geto's thick neck as your boobs aligned against his boob like pecs, you chewed on them luscious builds before biting hard enough to leave teeth marks. "Goddess~!" Geto gushed, dazedly smiling at you marking him as yours.
Shaking the bed insistently enough had the headboard smacking the wall a lot as one slid in and the other slid out, shaking you back and forth between them as they sucked and bit every inch of you they could reach, further claiming you.
The cacophony of profane, raunchy yells and screams served as the melodies to your ears, bouncing off the walls from the overwhelming sensations rendering you unable to spot when blue and brown gazes made eye contact.
Both slid out until only their tips remained inside. Then they struck in unison. Your tender flesh stretched to its limits until they reached that right spot. You then saw blinding white, popping off Geto's pec to breathlessly gasp. Your cunt and a-hole slick and swollen enough for another double pining.
Grinding as one, their composure long lost, all that mattered now was carnal release. Your breath hitched at the overwhelming high, your nails dragging down Geto's back; his pained growl giving you goosebumps before devouring your open mouth, swallowing your cries.
Blood rushed to your core chaotically. The air between you all got so smothering hot, difficult to breathe calmly. You barely able to pull free from Geto's swollen wet mouth before Gojo's head swerved around to entrap you in a deep tongue fuck.
Your hair stuck to your forehead, gleaming from sweat, you were losing composure. You felt muscles tighten as you were literally pressed in between their built chests, bruising left on your knees from their grip digging in painfully.
"T – Toru! S – Sugu! I – I'm – !" You struggled to utter against Gojo's perfect lips as you felt yourself about to reach the precipice.
"S – Same! Sh – Shit!" Gojo gritted through his teeth before going back to sucking and nibbling roughly at the back of your neck.
"Come, love! C – Come for us~!" Geto croaked out as narrowed brown eyes blazed with vigor; his furrowed brows and set jawline evident signs of him barely keeping it together.
The same was said for you as your continued insatiable clenching around their lengths had them pegging you in their hardest drive. Combined, it all drove you over the edge.
All you saw and felt was that same white hotness, wailing out loud as you unraveled. Drenching their abdomens, their thighs, the bedsheets covers. A lot really.
Your obscene wail was what set their beings spasmodic; the trigger warning, as their guts tightened in unison as they convulsed hard, roaring out loud, bursting the dams, painting your insides with their essence, leaking out of you, down their lengths and mixing with your own.
Dissolved into pleasure, you all came undone, the highs coming in waves of heaven. Wanting to chase that high, the chaotic duo kept at it, their cream coated loads still hitting your deepest crevice just to get the rest out, grunting whilst you were an exhausted mewling wreck.
Finally, their own highs in the clouds faded off, leaving their once stiff dicks now softened up. They lowered you down, releasing your knees, setting your legs draped against the soiled sheets.
Gojo collapsed against your backside, resting his sweaty warm face against your right shoulder while Geto draped himself over you up front, his face buried in your tits. You shuddered as one hand draped through Geto's ruffled raven locks while your other hand brushed back Gojo's snowy locks stuck to his sweaty forehead.
"Y/n-chaaaaaan~" Gojo cooed teasingly despite the fatigue, no doubt smirking. "Hands on practice, success~"
"Quite the memorable lesson, indeed~" Geto's soothing voice also teemed with wry humor as he looked up at you with his nose lodged between your hills.
Of course, they'd be smug about making you cum hard.
"J … Jerks." Your halfhearted jab was overshadowed by you nearly fainting sideways, instinctively triggering their sudden boost in reflexes, having them grabbing you before laying you gently down on your side.
"Maybe we pushed her too far." Gojo hinted at.
Geto raised a questioning brow at his crazy bestie lover. "Maybe?"
Still, they chuckled weakly at the night's events as they laid on their sides, keeping their shafts inside your comfy self; the bump in your tummy being sheer physical evidence of them in the womb. Their arms encased you, flushed between their glowing drenched selves, their legs entangling with your own.
"Love you two." Your nearly silent murmur added to your overall allure as your hands balled up against Geto's abs, your cheek pressed up to his scar covered chest as your own pillow for the night, dozing off leisurely to la-la land.
Gojo kissed your free cheek, using your shoulder as his pillow, whispering into your ear, "We love you too, beautiful~"
Geto kissed your forehead, smiling looking at your precious self snuggling into him. "Always."
As the iconic sorcerer duo kissed each other goodnight, they too conked out, leaving cleaning up to the morning.
For now, three being one, in their own little world, was like and will be like many more nights to come.
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I love your page sm!! Could you write something where the reader is new to the avengers and pietro has a crush on her smut?
hii!! aaah thank uu thank uu😔 really sorry but there’s no smut in this one, it was getting long and hadn’t even got to the spice, so I decided to leave it. but it’s slightly suggestive at the end. thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
* not to be annoying, but if I get enough comments/ asks for a continuation, I'll probs do a smutty part 2
pietro maximoff x female reader
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word count. 538
warnings. slightly suggestive?
Being the newbie is tough - it's hard anywhere, especially when joining a team that is knit tightly like a family.
At the beginning of your first week, Cap assigned you a tour guide to help settle you into the compound, someone who can show you the ropes and make you feel comfortable.
Your new buddy, Pietro, is like that of a charming character - someone who can make you laugh and immediately put you at ease. Very quickly, he became someone you could rely on - someone you could trust. He became a close confidant and someone you could turn to when you'd miss home.
It was late - gone past twelve, everyone settling down for the night when you see the shadow of feet appear under the gap of your door. Your phone vibrates on your nightstand, and you pick it up to see Pietro texted you, the bright screen reading, 'you up? :)' 
You pull yourself out of bed to open the door, adjusting your t-shirt to cover more of your thighs before doing so. 
"It's late," you whisper, peeking at Pietro through the ajar door. 
"Couldn't sleep," he shrugs, walking past you and into your room. 
You poke your head out, checking the hallway before closing your door. "Yeah, come on in," you sarcastically mumble.
"Couldn't sleep?" he asks, plopping down onto your bed - sitting at the edge.
"Not really," you chuckle. "By the way, you're in my space. I sleep there," you nod beside him, hinting at the messily drawn-back covers.
"If you want me to go, just say that," he grins, subtly eyeing up your bare thighs.
You notice his gaze and tug the hem of your t-shirt, pulling the fabric to cover your thighs once more. "No, it's okay. Just move over. I'm getting cold."
Pietro shuffles aside and pulls the covers, patting on the mattress where you not long laid. "Want me to tuck you in, too?" he snickers, watching how you played off a sincere smile.
"Funny guy," you dryly chuckle, settling back in your spot. 
"Why can't you sleep?" he asks, head tilting to the side as he watches you.
"Don't know. You?"
"Don't know," he repeats, a boyish grin forming. "Thinking, I guess."
"You were thinking? That is unheard of," you fake gasp, a slow smile creeping on your face.
"I know. Surprised me too," Pietro chuckles, scratching behind his neck. "Alright, I'll uh— I'll let you be."
He stands and turns to look at you, watching your pretty face brighten up in the moonlight. He slowly makes his way to the head of the bed where you lay, hesitantly extending a hand to brush over your cheek. His thumb lightly swiping over the apple, holding you in his hand as he leans to kiss your forehead. 
He stills, lips pressed to your skin as he awaits for you to pull back - but you never do. He parts, his silver eyes boring into yours, watching how they soften under his gaze, how your pupils widen - mirroring his own. 
You lift a hand from under the covers, reaching for Pietro's face, cupping his cheek. "Stay," you whisper, speaking mere inches from his lips. "Stay."
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
pietro taglist: @astermath @thewinterv @earth-elemental18 @lunnnix @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @randomawesomeperson102 @queerponcho @selfryed @daenerys-supremacy @dontknownameauthor @mrsbarnesxxx @honestly-who-even-is-this @simplyreflected @apxtowiris
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