#sorry this is somewhat incoherent i just woke up
rodeoromeo · 10 months
How did you first get into CSNY? If you want, you could talk about each of them individually.
ahhh thank you for asking this! It's kind of not an exact story, because in a way I've always been "into" CSNY because I've been familiar with them musically for a while, but I only recently became extremely obsessed with the band members.
I've been a fan of Neil Young's more popular music since I was a kid, because my parents are fans of his. (They've seen him in concert three times and they actually saw CSN one time. the jealousy). My earliest Neil Young memory is looking at the cover of their Mirrorball and Harvest Moon CDs.... I didn't know anything about him as a guy for a long time though. But who wouldn't be compelled by this image
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who is he.....
In a roundabout way I've been a Buffalo Springfield fan for much longer than I've known anything about CSNY too, because my personal entryway into my obsession with 60s/70s music and culture was the Forrest Gump soundtrack (thank you to my parents' CD collection again). That happened nearly 10 years ago (that origin story is also kinda wild and very formative I think I've half talked about it before)
I sort of tripped into picking them up this intensely right now. A few months ago I bought Stephen Stills' self titled album at a record store at the same time I was getting the Monkees Greatest Hits because I though if he's good enough for Peter Tork he's good enough for me (hilarious), and strangely enough realized there were a lot of songs on the album I already knew that I just didn't realize were his. So I've been listening to that album a lot a lot for half a year almost.
I also became obsessed with finding Deja Vu on vinyl because I was deeply into Our House, and it wasn't that hard to pick up. I quickly had like... a religious experience listening to it one night so they really started to get their hooks into me. I think a lot of my obsessions actually start due to deep emotional experiences and shifts rather than some calculated coherent thought.
The easiest quickest answer is that I started reading CSNY by Peter Doggett. My Dad read it a few years ago and I remembered him enjoying it so I picked it up and its been really really interesting learning more about each of them, and thats where I kind of started to fall in love with them all and their stories (especially Neil and David who I also just . fell in love with deeply and developed huge crushes on . hi guys)
Also sneaking into two Neil concerts last month really cemented Him for me. He's got a world of respect from me and easily became one of the most significant artistic voices in my life right now and is getting me through a really tough time in ways I can't even describe. Art that saves you... its a gift you can never repay.
TLDR; I've always been into them, I'm newly into them, they've always been here, they're showing up in new ways for me every single day. They're a representation of a part of history and a movement of art that has been a part of my soul since I was a kid, they're a fresh thing breaking through the cycle of pain and apathy I'm living in. They mean a great great deal to me.
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averlym · 7 months
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,,, sun-dappled sheets...
#the sapphics got to me okay. portrix real#it's so cute how they go from falling asleep tgt at the presses to having a room to share#adamandi#portia elizabeth harper#beatrix valeria campbell#it was a doodle and then i was like i want to make it softer so i painted it over and in the process rendered it somewhat#it's still quite sketchy akdhfj but u get the vibes!! ++ tried out using a Lot more noise than usual#so that's like the New Art Takeaway from doing this.#;;; i feel like every time i draw wlw fluff it's stepping back deep into my comfort zone haha but yes. soft cosy comfy etc.#my brain was not processing enough to figure out casual wear so this is kind of just the stripped down costumes akdhdjdh but yeah#bonus side note here is i was like hehe wouldn't it be fun if beatrix hand + portia ribbon. as like a nod to contrast how#previously it was strings on their hands instead. and now she cut them off bc portia and also smth smth about the difference#between tying (the strings) and choosing to hold (ribbon) and sjdhdhfhfh ue.#*incoherent noises* it's about the softness. the touching. the idea of choice- but less afraid of losing it- smth smth inherent trust also.#knowing tomorrow you'll still be there..#<- sorry there's a silly little conceptual thing in every adamandi thing i make i think#i would love to say this was For Adamandi Week but i do very badly with timed events so the truth is just. i woke up and saw#@/regret-repentir 's post (which is so so lovely actually) (credit where credit is due) and then spent the next 1.5h drawing portrix#the prompt was post graduation i think? but seeing as i didn't really respond to the prompt itself#it doesn't rly count in my head as a prompt response for the event. idk#it technically works. but also it feels like false advertising...#<blinks> fun times include this being the first time i've drawn adamandi characters entirely without reference. they have been blorbo-ified
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wittlesissyb4by · 4 months
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"What's the matter?" Stephanie asked, coming back upstairs. "Everyone's here, it's time for brunch. Why are you taking so long to get out of bed?"
Oh shit. I forgot people were coming over today. I slept in, but that wasn't why I was taking a while to get up. Right as I slipped from dream space and back into reality, my brain eventually woke up enough to realize something was wrong.
Stephanie read my face almost instantly. "It happened again, didn't it?" she sighed. Giving me that accusatory, exasperated look.
I clutched the sheets to my shoulders. But that was way too obvious. I shouldn't have done that.
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She ripped the blankets down, tearing them from my grip.
"Well..." she said, sighing and somewhat smiling to herself, almost as if she expected this.
I tried to turn away, to hide my stained undies, but there was no hiding the little puddle soaked into the sheets.
"Another wet dream?!" She exclaimed incredulously.
It was my 3rd one this week. They'd been happening more and more lately. It wasn't too much of an inconvenience. It was just extremely embarrassing, and Stephanie liked to press the issue.
"You really can't control yourself, can you??"
"It's not my fault!" I whined, trying to salvage some dignity in my soaked, sticky boxers. "You've had me locked up for weeks! And your teasing isn't helpin--"
"Oh don't try to blame this on me!" She scoffed, smirking, "You wanted this. You wanted to do this whole 'chastity play' thing. You told me not to let you out no matter how much you beg. I'm just going by what you said..."
I scrunched up my face. She was right. I hated that she was right. This was literally what I asked for, but it sounded way more fun in my head...
But I also didn't think she would take to it so quickly. She really seemed to enjoy teasing me. Giving me little tickles in the crotch as I walked by. Whispering seductive, dirty things in my ear while we were out at dinner. Even taking the cage off every now and then to edge me several times before putting ice cubes to it so she could stuff it back in. It was torture, she knew it, and she loved it.
"Besides..." she continued, "why would I need to unlock you when you're getting plenty of release into the sheets?
I pouted at that, but there wasn't much I could retort with.
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"Well..." she sighed, pulling her hair hair up to tie it back. "I think you know what this means..."
It could mean any number of things. When the hair went up, it was her entering 'dominant' mode.
"You're gonna have to go back in diapers."
My stomach plummeted. Diapers?? Not those again...
"I'm sorry," she said, reading my face, not sounding sorry at all, "but this is not the first time you've been having accidents in bed. Remember what happened after New Year's?"
I remember. Of course I remember. She wouldn't let me forget it. I got a little too drunk to the point that I was incoherent enough to miss the entire countdown. The next day, I woke up to wet sheets. She was furious, not just about the piss-stained linens, but the fact that I neglected her almost the whole night.
For the rest of that week, I had to spend the night in a big pair of fluffy adult diapers. I didn't know they made them that big, or that childish.
"Honey please..." I begged, "Don't you think this is a little excessive...?"
"Absolutely not." She said firmly. "Until you can learn to control yourself better, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't have to wear diapers all day in case you have another 'accident'!"
I winced at the words. "All day??"
"Yes." She said, "As in 'daylight'. Night time too. I'd much rather wake up to your wet diaper than to wet sheets."
My mind was reeling, but apparently the matter was decided because she headed to the closet. Her ponytail swished back and forth as she dug through. Finally, she found what she was looking for. She held the ridiculous white, crinkly diaper up with a huge smile.
"It's diapy time!!" she cooed.
"But Steph!" I whined as she yanked my sticky boxers down, and lifted my legs up by the ankles so she could slide the diaper underneath.
"You just said everyone is downstairs!!"
"Mhmm.." she said, pulling the diaper up over my cage. "What's your point?" she asked, taping up each side.
"I'll let you wear pants." She said, reading my thoughts. "But if you keep whining, I'll send you down there in nothing but your diaper and a t-shirt."
That shut me up real quick. She finished taping up the diaper, making several passes to ensure it was nice and tight, tucking in the folds to ensure there wouldn't be leaks. I tested the bulk, cringing at how loud they were between my legs.
"Try not to move to much," she smirked, "You don't want them to hear the crinkles, do you?"
New tumblr! Follow me here, Subscribestar, or Allmylinks to stay updated!
Another random place too: @wittle5i55ybaby Just in case.
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pyr0-kai · 7 months
Mike Schmidt x reader
Movie spoilers if you haven’t seen it yet ‼️‼️
Angsty, a hint of injury/scars, a bit of fluff, and bad writing and mike might be a little ooc? Let me know your opinions :)
This song was my inspo as well
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You had known mike for awhile before the whole Freddy’s Pizzeria incident. You had met him as a security guard at the local mall, before he got fired for beating up someone in the fountain. He had mentioned needing a babysitter to watch his sister, as he got a new, and somewhat suspicious nightshift job. You were happy to help, as you only lived a few houses down from his.
Mike has always been a closed off person, but he seemed to be opening up a bit towards you. Simple things such as having you stay a little while after he comes home, or inviting you to eat dinner together as the 3 of you, or joining you and Abby to watch cartoons after school. It seemed to make him happier to see you with his sister, and being comfortable at his home.
You we’re often worried though, when he came home with bandages on him, or blood marks on his shirt. Abby would be deep into sleep when he came home. You would ask him how work was, and he would just mumble something incoherently. He tried to hide the damage from you. When you asked if he was okay, or tried to help him with the blood on his arms at times, he would thank you for watching his sister, mumble a goodbye then turn and shut himself in his bedroom.
It was awkward, but you understand thats part of how he was. The most confusing part though, is how he used to often lounge around in sweats and a t-shirt. Especially when it was hot outside, his house having little to no AC. But now it seemed like he was always wearing long sleeve shirts or coats inside, especially around you. This was concerning as it was summer, the sun blazing and hot. You could see the sweat beeding all over his little exposed skin.
One day though, you finally asked what was up, worrying he could get heatstroke or something, especially as the temperature only seemed to increase outside. He only seemed to brush you off.
“I’m fine [Y/N].”
“Mike, you’re drenched in sweat… what’s making you act like this??”
Then he just huffed, walking into his room and shutting the door, not before you put your foot in the doorway before it fully shut. Mike was sitting on the edge of the bed, facing away from the door, hoodie thrown on the floor, and he was looking down, head in his hands*
You shut the door before stepping cautiously towards him, hearing slight, sniffling? You walked over and sat next to him on the bed, trying to get him to look at you.
“Mike, sweetheart, what’s wrong? I’m just trying to help” you ask, cautiously.
He finally drops his arms onto his knees, and turns his head towards you, his various scars and gashes from the animatronics at Freddy’s.
“I’m sorry [Y/N] I just feel like a freak, and I don’t want to scare you away. I don’t think you’ll believe me. Its that place… Freddy’s. I have had nightmares there… then woke with these nasty gashes.” he says, sniffing and on the brink of tears.
Wordlessly, you pull him into a tight hug, rubbing his back before speaking.
“Hey… its okay, It’s nothing that would scare me… I believe you. I’d call those battles scars… you fought, and you survived. Abby, Vanessa and I are all so proud of you”
You pull back from the hug, and gently take his arm in your hand and kiss the scar softly, then taking his other arm and doing the same. Mike looks at you shocked, and turns to make eye contact with you. Then he pulls you close and sobs into your shoulder for a while before pulling back and speaking.
“T-thank you… I needed to hear that… I just… I’m so tired and hurt… I just. Don’t want you to think I’m crazy, like most people think”
Your heart breaks at his words. You just hold him as he lets out his sobs. After a minute or two, he starts to calm down
“Hey, You’re not crazy. I can understand. You’re strong, and you work so hard, for Abby, for yourself. She really loves you.”
a quiet pause floats between you two for a beat, before you speak again.
“Would you want to lay down with me for a bit?”
He sniffles and responds
“Y-yeah… please…”
You adjust and roll to lay on your back, motioning for Mike to lay with you. He wipes his face with his hand and flops down next to you, putting his head on your chest.
“Is this okay?” He asks.
“Yes” you reply.
You two lay there together, as he slowly falls asleep next to you. Then you kiss his forehead gently, close your eyes and whisper.
“I love you…”
Little did you know, he wasn’t full asleep yet and he smiled, knowing deep down he loves you too…
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rouecentric · 2 years
okay but the agriche family with a iskeai'd gen z reader?
lante : i could kill you
reader, sitting crossed legged on the floor trying to find service on their phone : yeah you could but so can a dedicated duck with ambition
lante : ...
the agriche members present : ...
the agriche servants, soldiers, and workers : ...
reader : so...um, do you have like data, wifi or even a charger? this isn't exactly how i expected my day to go but who am i to complain?
you're batshit creative, i like you. OKAY BUT GEN Z READER WITH YAN!AGRICHE FAMILY?? HOOH, YOU'RE JUST ASKING FOR CHAOS. i'm using a different format just so i could write more efficiently btw / crackfic hc's taken seriously, probably.. - lowercase intended - i also decided to make gen z!reader into something of a know-it-all(i'm generous, i know x) - p!yan!agriche fam btw
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-okay so, you were REALLY close to finishing reading the novel, like ten words away from finishing it and you somehow had this feeling of tiredness crashing down on you?? you tried to continue reading it but your goofy body said 'nope!' and you passed out
-when you woke up you realised you were in some victorian-esque villain manhwa looking house in some god damned room
-and that's when it hit you ''where the hell even am i??? 😕''
-turns out your dumbass somehow subconciously travelled to a different REALITY??? shocking
-you quickly sat up with your legs crossed, grabbing your phone and pushing your hair away from your view, and that's when you saw multiple people surrounding you, it looked like to be multiple staff, such as maids, butlers and guards
-and then you know what you saw? some emo looking fuck with a receding hairline😖(yeah, you heard me, RECEDING HAIRLINE.)
"i'm sorry, but, do you know where i am?? " you asked, looking at the man in front of you, staring dumbfounded.
"you woke up in the agriche's household and all you can say is 'where am i'? i could kill you right now, kid." the older man, lante agriche, answered with somewhat of a cold tone.
"look sir, anyone could kill me, even some random duck with enough ambition could do it! but then again.. the same could happen to anyone in this room if i were to be honest." you snidely shot back, staring at the red-eyed man. the whole room went silent, with only the sound of your incoherent mumbling on some square device fumbling around, which you refer to as a "phone".
only when you turned your head did you see the all-too familiar blonde with red eyes did you spoke with an unsure tone and confused expression "are you roxana agriche?"
the blonde quickly nodded and curtsied, confirming your question.
"shit, am i dreaming or did i just get isekai'd?" you quickly asked, raising your hand to your cheek, pinching it before quickly holding it gently "fuck..yep, i guess i did somehow get isekai'd.." you mumbled.
"isekai'd? wait.. they got isekai'd here?! then they must know the story, right?" roxana agriche thought with a bewildered expression.
"father, if you would, can you keep this kid alive? although they seem to be in a state of shock, they're bold and brave enough to answer you without showing fear. they might be useful enough to keep them alive." the red-eyed woman asked her father, walking next to the kneeling person in the middle of the room.
you could feel multiple eyes on you, but that didn't matter, as the man in front of you was the one who'd determine your fate in a world you just got into.
-thankfully, lante begrudingly agreed, only demanding that you'd be locked in a room close to his office
-you were personally investigated by lante, and when he asked you about the rectangular device you were holding, you confidently answered his question, even telling him how it works and how it's made (god damn you're smart😧)
-he probably made you sign some sort of contract if you wanted to be able to leave your room that you wouldn't cause any problems for them
-every time you're out of your room, you're assigned to be with either roxana or sierra, because although they're not that sane, they're still the sanest people you can interact with
-sierra probably saw achilles in you, so she treated you like you were her own child, which had a lot of pros, actually
-one of the only cons it had was going with sierra to the tea parties maria would have, and the older brunette would show off her "dolls"
-maria would be delighted to have a new person joining her tea parties! she normally wouldn't, but you're going with sierra, a woman she's obsessed with bc she looks like a doll
-maria would also probably tell you that you look like a doll, therefore your nickname from maria being "doll"
-oh well, looks like you're now inclined to go to her tea parties from now on!
-of course, the longer the two of you interacted, the more you and sierra got along. but by being close with sierra, you were bound to also be close to roxana
-roxana found comfort in your personality and existence, you were the only thing left that could remind her of her past life, so she asks you to assist and escort her most of the time
-she also brought in multiple seamstresses/tailors to sew your clothing so you'd look as amazing as her in those silk clothes
-roxana has one or more of her butterflies following you, just in case deon or any other member were to approach or threaten you
-she also gets you a loyal and capable maid that will do everything for you, don't stress your pretty hands, legs and fingers over trivial things, just let the maid do the work x
-of course, since you're close to roxana and her mother to such an extent in a rather short period of time, jeremy was also bound to get curious about you
-but if i was honest, it's reasonable, who can be confident and bold in front of the head of the agriche family AND catch the attention of the second heir of the agriche family and SURVIVE?
-well, you, obviously 😐
-anyways, i think jeremy would ask roxana to let him meet you, and after a week or so she'd finally give in, arranging the time for him and you to meet, it was decided to be in roxana's room the day after roxana gave in
-and when the two of you finally meet? shit goes loose, jeremy kept on asking you questions, to the point you'd probably go mad
-thankfully you didn't lose your shit and refrained from yelling as well as hitting him, he found you quite interesting! so good luck with a curious jeremy and an overprotective roxana+sierra as well as obsessive maria
-you met grizelda in the gardens, with you simply going to fawn over how well the flowers are being cared for. unfortunately, the brunette was walking into the same direction as you were. it was like a start of a cliche romance novel; a romantic meeting in a garden full of colorful flowers, the both of you greeting each other, with grizelda deciding to escort you back to your room, promising each other to talk to one another more
-your meeting with charlotte was..weird, to say the least, it took at the time when charlotte yelled at roxana for taking away her "toy", or something like that
-of course, you saw how the event went down in the manhwa, but seeing it in real life is.. well, terrifying, so when roxana left the corridor without a care after traumatising the red haired girl, you ran to her, trying your best to comfort charlotte in the best way you could
-after that, charlotte tries her best to be more mature and is clingy with you, not wanting you to end up like sierra. looks like you tamed another agriche!
-your relationship with fontaine is rocky, on one hand, you want to beat him up for being sexually interested and in love with his half sister, but you also pity him for growing up in such a family
-fontaine regards you in a highly manner, seeing you as a dove, someone that keeps him and everyone else company, deeming himself as your prince charming, the one who will protect you from such a cruel world
-now back to lante, you usually have dinner with him as to talk to him about stuff, but with you usually talking about the other agriches and even more so, giving him small suggestions that could help him(more like his family) in the future
-he definitely takes some ideas of yours into consideration, and slowly overtime sees you as his own child, you're obv his favorite btw
-and with the pros of the head of the black agriche seeing you as his own child, you get spoiled, like, REALLY SPOILED. you also get a better room with a decently sized balcony
-roxana and jeremy were happy when they were informed that your crusty and musty dark room was renovated into a more grander room, like damn you have an aditional room for your CLOTHES, AND, and, your bathroom looks grander
-roxana's goals also start to slowly change, not only is her goal now to keep you alive, but to get more money and leave with you from the agriche dukedom after keeping cassis pedelian alive
-sierra becomes rather clingy in a week with you, you're like the second sanest person here(probably..she doesn't know of your dark humor and florida man actions)
-speaking of florida man actions, lante is growing white hairs bc of your dumbass, how the hell did you, NOT ONLY, bring an entire LIVE BEAR inside the mansion and WRESTLE IT, but YOU ALSO SOMEHOW WON???
-no one lets you leave the mansion without supervision now
-please stop singing mitski lyrics, you're making everyone melancholic and sad, even more if you memorized the piano notes and sing her songs while playing the piano(maricore💋😍🙏)
-you definitely sang jeremy to sleep by singing "i will" by mitski in a hushed voice
-as always, bc you sing songs that are from a literal different world, people think that you personally wrote them and deem you a lyrical genius
-look, you're trying to live and desperate times call for desperate measures, so you accept the fact that people think you write the songs and move on
-lante probably ordersasks you to play the piano for him when he's working or stressed out(que your dumbass playing duet made by omori)
-look, you're gaining more and more (positive) attention by the day, you're now rumored to be "the agriche's capturedb siren" or sm dumb like that, an "angelic siren" taken by the head and gifted with a voice that could calm down all of the agriches if wanted, so be prepared to out of nowhere get tutors hired, as you're now known outside the agriche family and will need to join the banquets the five dukedoms go to yearly, as lante obviously treasures you and wants to show you off to the world
-of course, roxana and jeremy were opposed to it, why should the others expect the treasured person of the agriche's to act accordingly to whatever idiotic rules and ideas on how to act!
-surprisingly enough, the etiquette teachings and rules were pretty much the same as those cliche isekai/victorian romance novels, quickly rising to the top as one of the most proper and smart students the tutors ever had
-with your surprisingly huge attention on you, deon was bound to get involved with you
-he really had no choice! he personally felt like he needed to know of this "siren" that captured the hearts of the agriche children
-but he was rather taken aback by your personality, you weren't afraid of him, and it seemed like you weren't going to use him to your advantage
-he had no choice but to get used to your weird personality and actions, getting more and more closer to you
-deon is naturally a possesive man, but can you blame him? his mother hates him and his father only sees him as a tool to continue the agriche bloodline
-so when some eccentric kid takes the agriche dukedom by storm and becomes friends with everyone including him? he'd obviously be overprotective of his sibling! >:(
-please don't be mad at the man when he tries to lock you in your bedroom so you wouldn't run away when you gave him physical affection, he's new to it and doesn't want this fuzzy feeling in his heart to leave, it's pleasant, so just lightly scold him on how that's not the correct way to treat someone you care about
-roxana and jeremy didn't like it. why were you even so close to dion? don't you know he killed roxana's older brother? don't you understand? you're their sibling, not deon's!
-roxana definitelyprobably punishes you by either: starving you, breaking a bone of yours or using your blood to feed her butterflies. of course she does apologise everytime she does it! but you need to learn your lesson!
-jeremy would lock you in a room without any lights and doesn't let you out until you sincerely apologise(and that "sincere apology" you crying while screaming about how you're sorry and cling to him)
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marvelnatswhore · 1 year
That’s great! 😄
So, can I ask for a drabble (🤒) with reader needing Wanda’s cuddles and kisses all the time?
She would never want Wanda to leave her side, not even for a moment…
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Wanda x sick reader ~ fluff
A/N: hi again, thank u for the ask <3 I wasn't sure what to write since this was so similar to this fic
sorry for late reply too xx i am very much falling asleep rn so ignore how awfully this is written
You woke up feeling nauseous. Your breathing was heavy and your throat was uncomfortably dry, you knew it the moment your eyes opened. You were sick.
A low groan in annoyance left your throat, reaching back for the comfort of your girlfriend, only to be met with cold sheets.
A frown quickly formed across your face and reluctantly you decided to leave the comfort of your bed in search of cold medicine and your absent girlfriend.
You wrapped your duvet around yourself, letting it flap against your heels as you shuffled away from the warmth of your bed and through your house, to the kitchen. In hopes you still had some of that cold remedy Wanda made you the last time you were sick.
"Baby?" You heard Wanda ask, and you turned around suddenly, noticing her on the couch. A thick blanket thrown over her and a book sitting in her hands.
"I'm sick." You muttered, the sound of your clogged nose almost making Wanda laugh.
"Again?" She said, abandoning her book and her seat to come over to you.
"Sweetheart, your immune system really hates you."
"It does." You said with a pout across your lips.
"c,mere." Wanda whispered, taking your duvet off your shoulders and tossing it across the couch as her hands pulled you closer. She ignored your mumbled excuses of "don't wanna get you sick" as you just about melted into her warmth.
"I don't care if you make me sick, baby. You need this." Wanda said, leaving no room for you to argue, not that you would, nearly folding into her.
Wanda, took your hands, guiding you back to her spot on the couch where you quickly nestled in under the warm blanket, and Wanda smoothed your hair back with her hand, holding the back of it against your fore-head as she measured your temperature. Giving you that fond smile as you looked up at her with cloudy, adoring eyes.
"I'm gonna make you soup alright, darling?" Wanda said, attempting to leave you to rest. Instead you held onto her arm. Maybe it was the mucus clogging your brain but you didn't want her to leave you, even for a moment.
You could almost feel tears in your eyes as you asked her to stay, wanting her warmth and company more than any medicine.
She rolled her eyes, knowing know clingy being sick makes you. Wanda leaned in to kiss your forehead softly, relenting to your unwell self as she sat back down beside you. Pulling you against her and mumbling about how you can't complain if you're hungry later. You nodded somewhat incoherently as you felt sleep tugging at you.
"Wanda?" you yawned, snuggling closer to her.
"yeah, baby?"
"Thank you." You hummed softly, feeling you eyes begin to close.
"Sleep honey, i'm right here".
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athousandbyeol · 10 months
discussion #10 (only friends): topboston's car scene is proof that mew IS top's ultimate weakness [episode 3 recap]
it was devastating. that car scene. but aside from the hot and steamy exchange topboston shared in the now-broken car, there are a few things i want to point out in episode 3 (in general), and also the important topboston scene that is the start of top and boston's downfall.
this post was written right after i woke up. therefore, i apologise for the incoherence.
as always, please take my discussion posts with a grain of salt.
let's begin.
mew could've saved top from a (destined) rebound of insecurity
i think mew could've prevented the topboston car sex from happening if he let top stay the night, or at least let him in his room for a while. because we know top was willing to go to lengths just to be the best version of himself to mew. he was willing to change and serve mew whenever he could.
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i think, at this point, top's feelings for mew have grown into something quite complex and profound, but his approach is somewhat hesitant and a bit forceful (?) as he insists mew is his boyfriend even though they haven't gone official, especially since mew said they 'aren't boyfriends yet.' nonetheless, it's sad to see top's persistence is only valid when he's trying to prove a point to everyone else but mew. he tried showing this 'mew's my boyfriend'' agenda to mainly, ray, his sole opponent, the trigger of top's insecurity and fear.
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however, i also believe, along the line, mew has developed trust in top, possibly thinking top might've become a better person and sensed top's behavioural change (mainly sincerity) after they spent more time together. the silent disco scene was very crucial as the lyrics are a foreshadowing to many things: 1) mew isn't the good guy we (the audience and the friend group, top included) perceived him to be (he didn't sing some parts of the song, will be explained after this), and 2) top's death, even though i despise entertaining the idea there will be main character death in p'jojo's works, instead of thinking of this as literal death, i want to believe (for now), it's the 'death' of top's egoistic/confident/brash personality and his previous lifestyle. at the end of the drama, he might no longer be the villain as he finally accepted and embraced the better side that mew helped top discover. 
sidetrack: a foreshadowing of topmew's future dynamic?
top sings this line;
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this line;
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and this line;
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mew sings only this line (sorry because this screenshot isn't doing the scene justice);
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and topmew sing this line together;
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who's the he in this context? i don't have the slightest idea. it might be the 'new' top, or it's just mew finding/taking comfort in celibacy again (i wrote a prediction post for every pairing's ending here if you're interested to read it).
anyway, this is something we have to keep in mind. the foreshadowing in this scene alone is INSANE. but i regress by saying they're the absolute cutest and fluffiest doofus in this scene. top was having so much fun with mew and vice versa. they're enjoying each other's company. the smile on top's face was so bright, and the glint in his eyes was so vibrant. top looked sincerely happy with mew, and i like that a lot. //yet this scene teared me up when i was retrieving the screenshots. it broke me again. they could've been so happy without anything else coming their way. :( can't my babies be happy for once? goodness.
discomfort and distrust; top lost the battle with himself
in the car, top looked queasy. he was anxious from the small talk he had with boston in the kitchen. and he projected that frustration to ray as he insisted on taking his boyfriend home. in one way or another, top might not want mew to mingle with ray any longer, especially since mew was a bit tipsy and he was afraid that mew and ray would do something more than just acts of friendliness. however, top didn't save himself from the cunningness of boston's trap as he thought he had things under control.
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again, as i mentioned in many of my discussion posts, top takes immense pride in himself and he won't let anyone topple that ego of his because he's the fcuking top tanin- everyone bowed down to him and worshipped him because of his impeccable skills in bed.
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side note: this truly breaks my heart because it seems everyone only sees top as one thing: a sex God. that stranger (i don't want to address him by his name because i'm just very petty) who walked to top and freaking said all those bullshits in front of mew— in my eyes, top appeared guilty almost, and uncomfortable for letting mew witnessed and listened to 'the real' top from a stranger that once accompanied his sleepless night.
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top was fidgety and tried to invert mew's attention elsewhere, not on him—
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—which is ironic, considering he always enjoyed the attention/interest people have in him. but with mew, it's always different. 
side note (2): again, why the hell does everyone think they know top better than he knows himself? this somehow shows top's struggle of understanding/determining/differentiating his truest identity as people only perceive him as a pleasure-giver and NOTHING more. what people say tends to get into our heads, and it's not weird if top believes that he's just this and nothing else.
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but mew helps him see that he's capable of making mew happy, of taking care of mew and being the best version of himself; this assumption is waiting to be proven when top says, "but with mew, i just want to make you as happy as possible." it looks like top has found a purpose in life— he wants to make mew happy. he wants the person he loves to be happy. //that's so heartbreaking just to think of it...
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back to the car scene, i don't know how the hell boston got that video of mewray (possibly) kissing, but that was just a nominal and lowly move from boston.
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that was disgusting (insert the lee minho meme), and it showed just how evil boston is. he didn't care if mew and ray were his friends or whoever, as long as he got what he wanted— top's attention/trust/d*ck— he was willing to backstab his so-called-friends. he really used the one thing top was afraid of— the truth behind mewray's closeness— to manipulate top. 
additonally, as mew had this vision of top in mind (confident, self-centred, etc), top also had this image of mew in mind (nice, helpful, etc). i guess he had always seen mew as the kind/naive/innocent type, especially since he wore that white wristband (a potent indication that mew was never really interested in romantic relationships and anything messy)—
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—the first time they met. so top was afraid of the allegations coming true— perhaps mew wasn't a virgin, after all. it was all a lie. was mew lying to him all along?
notably, this also didn't come from mew's mouth— his virginity.
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it's always the topic that BOSTON and mew's friends (chueam, i love you, but this shouldn't be a concern to you, really) brought up, showing just how insecure he was in that one thing mew STILL possessed, a charm that lured top into wanting to have a romantic/steady relationship with mew and ignored boston's constant cry of convincing top 'they are the same'. and how contradicting? boston said himself— mew is a 'sweet' virgin (retrieved from episode 1 part 1). so the video he showed to top can possibly be edited. //if it's true, fcuk you, boston. fcuk you.
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when he saw the clip, top asked when it happened, and boston answered 2 years ago. here, we can already draw a conclusion that (if it was legit), it happened ONLY ONCE, and it wasn't a recurring thing because, a throwback to ep 1, mew clearly said, "i'm not someone like boston."
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if mew was boston, it would've been more than just once— whatever mew was proclaimed to do with ray. but we know mew is a man of his own. he has always been so comfortable with celibacy. however, top's judgement was rather clouded and bugged because 1) he didn't trust mew fully (as mew didn't trust him previously), 2) he was insecure because mew might still choose ray over him, and 3) the idea of mew doing it with ray while being in this undefined relationship with top was bruising his ego/pride. so he allowed boston to do his way with top, because top felt he was losing control of himself. and the only thing that could help top regain that power was through boston. 
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(he lost the battle with himself. really. it was just top and the demons in his head. the devils won. top gave in. again, fcuk you, boston.)
in this post, i mentioned that boston was always susceptible and open to top. he liked it when top caved into him. but the idea was top has always been using/thinking that boston could help him retrieve composure because boston was so easy to get— boston was always ready to be controlled and handled by top. but, when top met mew, he was interested and determined to win mew over becaue he was tired of 'people who already knew too much in bed.' and always, this was the sole reason of boston's anger and annoyance— mew has something desirable that boston no longer possessed— virginity/decency.
so top resorted to boston because he couldn't take the confirmation that mew— the person he was starting to (genuinely) like— wasn't the person he had in mind. so the car scene is proof that yes, mew is top's ultimate weakness. and in episode 3, it wasn't about mew manipulating top or anything; it's boston using mew as a tool to convince and influence top into believing that mew isn't who top believed he was. boston played with top's only weakness— mew.
however, top could've stayed. he could've put a stronger fight. i think the old top— the confident top— would insist on taking mew home. he wouldn't back away this easily (throwback to ep 1 when mew said he couldn't do this with top, but top said they didn't have to know each other to have sex. after that, he kissed mew again to keep the mood going, but mew pushed him and stopped top from continuing).
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side note: i think top really wanted to stay because he knew what would happen if he went to boston. but mew said he was fine and top respected mew. he didn't want to argue or make mew unhappy. mew was his priority, and he abided by the boundaries set in this relationship. this has already opened up a new horizon to us; this is what top could be if he's allowed to have a morsel of true love. he trusted mew (although it had wavered) and went to boston.
top was known to be persistent, but he gave in so quickly when mew said he was fine alone. looking back at this, i believe now that top really likes mew. that's why this killed him— the idea of mew having a secret relationship with ray behind top's back. 
additionally, it breaks my heart after witnessing the hurt in top's eyes once boston leaned closer and kissed his neck. he was on the verge of crying. he seemed a bit lost, helpless and hopeless. i guess at that point, top was trying to think wisely, to make a final judgement/say to the ideas he had in mind and the verdict(s) boston showed him. he was trying to hold onto that thin slither of hope that it wasn't true because mew couldn't have done that, could he? 
but i guess top didn't consider or remember mew saying so blatantly, "i'm not like boston." because it's true— mew is never boston. unlike boston, who's insecure and pretty much volatile and a narcissist, mew is empathetic, understanding, kind and has his own set of flaws, but rather a decent human being. he's so different from boston. sadly, top couldn't differentiate that stark disparity, that one thing top liked about mew when he first saw him— mew's solitude. 
i said in this post that topmew will have their first time in episode 4, and it's happening. it fits the timeline of their budding relationship really well, as they now have reached equilibrium. top will confront mew in episode 4 and ask him about ray. mew will tell the truth because he's never a liar. possibly, that will make top trust mew again.
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possibly, next week, we will see top distancing himself from mew at the start of the episode, and mew might feel sad/confused about it, so the first confrontation ensues— topmew sorting out their feelings for each other. mew willingly wants to have sex with top, an indication that mew is ready to fully accept top into his life— to be all over top as he genuinely likes top now (and this can be the start of mew's transformation from good to evil)— to admit he loves top and top is his boyfriend. they're finally on the same page. 
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however, things will go down the gutters in episode 6 since forcebook said it's the story's climax. yet, i believe episode 5 will be their 'honeymoon' phase, and i personally want that to happen. it'll make the pain of separation even more delicious as we have happy memories of them in our riverbank of recollections. 
i'm sorry for this incoherent and messy discussion. i still have so many thoughts in mind, but this is the only thing i can pen down as of now. the car scene is still breaking me, and i just don't know. (I wrote this as soon as i woke up. therefore, i'm sorry. again.)
anyway, thanks for reading this post. :) 
//btw, i watched dangerous romance yesterday, and i'm in love. that drama is easily one of the best series of the year for me. it's so good.//
[1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (i) | 4 (ii) | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12]
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rye-in-a-coat · 6 months
Rye, hon, please are you alright? :<
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Oh hi huney, I'm sorry for worrying you. I think I overdosed badly (three somewhat-little spoons of instant coffee) my cup of coffee that I drank some minutes past midnight. I had finally finished my calculus work and I hadn't checked out my Tumblr and that stuff today so I drank some to have a bit energy. A bit.
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It was fine at first but then I really felt very anxious, and felt somewhat overstimulated, and I started to worry about myself and my body and my soul. I wondered if it was alright that my heart beated that fast, I wondered if I was a bit shakey than usual with the movement of my limbs, I wondered if it would pass soon, I wondered if I would pass out.
I started to imagine myself in my Great Archiver clothes, walking through fields of rye and cornflowers, except the field was the New Jersey Turnpike. Walking through a desolate New Jersey Turnpike, with some rusty cars among the rye and flowers; I still remain standing; just like David Byrne told me.
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Hanging out around the New Jersey Turnpike, walking through the New Jersey Turnpike, pretending to drive the cars and counting them; listening to the radio as my shoes walk through the cracked mossy and grassy pavement. I was at the New Jersey Turnpike, the New Jersey Turnpike, I was the New Jersey Turnpike, I am the New Jersey Turnpike.
And now I am become the New Jersey Turnpike. The clock kept reaching towards sunrise, and after a while I felt reassured that I wouldn't die if I try to sleep; at least get on bed. I was on bed. It was past 28:00. Every little shadow, shine, glow, light, reflection and movement I perceived was just me guessing if all of that was actually real in fact. I was just laying there on bed, the sleep wasn't coming. Until it eventually arrived.
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Morning came, and I was woken up. Mother asked why I had overslept; in my half-asleep state I told her that I kept missing the next exit on the New Jersey Turnpike, that the next exit always seemed so far away until I passed it with no thought, knowing I couldn't drive back. Or something like that, my speech probably was just incoherent and poorly constructed. Interestingly I don't remember if I even had a dream; and if yes, if it was with the New Jersey Turnpike.
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So I learnt my lesson. Don't put too much coffee in your coffee and drink it at midnight in a school night. Don't do that. I was stupid right there. My tummy still kinda hurts tho. But I am alright now, it wasn't the worst night. I still don't get why people like coffee that much. Anyways. Alabama 3's "Woke Up This Morning" is a good song, it is stuck in my mind.
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3, 7, and 40 for weekend and belos'
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
ooooh theres so many i would never touch. the first one that comes to mind is accidental pregnancy which like. i dont even write romance much. also hate student/teacher. uhh nonromance id go with. uh. i cannot think of anything rn lmao
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
ooooh id have to go with a snippet from a shera fic i did a while back. torn between two but ill go with the shorter one just because. not sure what counts as a snippet oops.
"Adora rolls her eyes, but stands up to join them. As she runs over, she knows that she’ll trip over her dress several times, and their clothes will all be covered in grass stains that will take forever to wash out. But Adora is here, in a future where there is no war to fight, where they can laugh freely and love and she doesn't feel selfish anymore for wanting a happy ending."
bad at explaining myself but like. its the potential of a happy ending, of not everything being perfect but it good, and thats worth living for. its a whole metaphor about feminity and wartime and accepting yourself. that its okay to be safe now, its okay to be soft and vulnerable and to start healing. apologies for being incoherent
40. Write an alternative ending to [insert fic title] (or just the summary of one).
ohohohohhohho you know whats funny. i actually did have an alternate ending planned where hunter just. slept through the rebelllion and just woke up after it was over and was like "what the fuck." anyways i sat down and wrote this in a night (ive been saving the ask until it was finished so thats why im answering it late sorry!) so enjoy 2k words of that under the cut. apologies for typos i tried my best to read this over lmao. you can also read this on ao3 now yipee
Hunter stared at his clock, and scowled. Shit. He had 20 minutes until the coven head meeting!
He stood up, quickly scrambling for his notes.  He wanted to try and get there early, so he could figure out somewhat of a plan.
Flapjack lifted their head up, disrupted from their slumber. What is boy doing?
His foot slipped on a piece of paper, and he barely managed to catch himself on the edge of his desk. “I have a meeting! I need to go talk to the other coven heads, and-”
Have time! Should rest!
He scowled. “Flapjack, I don’t have time to rest! I need to prepare my notes! I still haven’t figure out what I’m going to say to Terra, or Adrian, or how to deal with the recent riots-”
Nap time! Boy too tired to think!
“You always say it’s nap time.”
Because boy is always tired!
He sighed, flopping back on his bed and letting the stack of papers in his arms scatter onto the floor. Flapjack did have a bit of a point. He had been staying up later and later, getting less sleep in favor of trying to take care of… well, everything.
He could get ready in ten minutes. It wouldn’t take long to teleport. Just closing his eyes for a few minutes surely wouldn’t hurt. And he wouldn’t actually fall asleep. He would just lay here!
“Just ten minutes. Then I have to go.”
Flapjack chirped. Nap! Nap!
“Not a nap, Flap,” He mumbled. “M just resting my eyes.”
He didn’t even realize he was falling asleep.
He woke up to the smell of smoke.
He shot up out of bed, head swiveling as he took stock of the room. Everything seemed to be in order, except-
The bird had at some point moved inside his shirt. They peeked their head out, looking adorable as always, but Hunter wasn’t fooled.
He glared at them. “I said ten minutes.”
Boy needed nap!
He pointed at the window. “IT’S DARK OUTSIDE NOW! IT’S NIGHTTIME!”
Not that late. Sun just set. More like evening!
He dragged a hand down his face and groaned. “Flapjack. I missed the coven head meeting. The one thing I cannot, under any circumstances, miss.”
Flapjack did not look even remotely apologetic.
Hunter sighed, standing up and brushing back his hair. The smell of smoke was still lingering in the air, and he poked his head out the window, following the smell.
Ah. That might be a problem.
The area of the castle where Terra and Adrian had been fighting the other day looked even worse than before, mainly because it was on fire. Several scouts were running around in a panic, and if he listened closely, he could hear the faint sound of screaming.
Flapjack had moved to sit on his desk, and he slowly turned to glare at them. “Flapjack.”
They chirped.
“This is why we don’t skip coven head meetings! Look at what happened while I was asleep. The castle is on fire!” He sighed. 
Could be worse!
He flung his arms out, staring the bird down in frustration. “How could this be worse?!”
The Titan must have thought that was funny, because at that moment his door was slammed open with a war cry.
Something (someone?) charged through his door, and he screeched, barely avoiding their tackle. Whoever it was slammed into his wall, sending feathers flying everywhere. Why there were feathers, he didn’t know. Maybe they were because of the large wings that were almost smacking him in the face. 
Flapjack screeched, dive bombing the intruder, and Hunter quickly scrambled back, grabbing a heavy textbook detailing the criminal justice system and hurling it at their face. They shouted in pain, falling back onto the floor, and Hunter decided that was his cue to go.
He skidded out into the hallway, his slippers barely staying on his feet, while Flapjack circled nervously around his head. Behind him, he could hear the sound of the mystery attacker getting up, and he risked a glimpse behind him as Flapjack transformed into a staff.
“Golden Guard, kid, wait a second-”
Their voice sounded somewhat familiar, but he was too busy grabbing his staff. The last thing he saw before teleporting away into a haze of golden light was what looked to be some kind of harpy woman, heading straight for him.
He bounced across the castle, not having much of a destination in mind besides something that was away from the harpy lady. He materialized in a small room with dim lighting, and as he leaned against the brick walls he realized he was in the break room.
There were technically several break rooms scattered around the castle, but those were all empty storage closets scouts had converted into a break room in their free time with their own money. (Hunter may or may not have contributed to them with money from the castle treasury). This, however, was the official break room, the one all the coven heads used, and the one that the Emperor made somewhat of an attempt to maintain.
He hadn’t been here in a couple weeks, with the whole “accidentally killed my Uncle and now running the government from my bedroom” issue. Not much had changed since the last time he was here. The table was still stained, one of the chairs still had a wobbly leg, the sink was still dripping water because no one knew how to fix the leak, there were still a few spare coven cloaks lying in a pile on the floor, and the fridge still had several post-its about labeling your food properly and not letting it sit in the fridge for months and stink up the room.
The bulletin board, however, had a few changes. The ‘days since Kikimora tried to assassinate someone’ board had been reduced back to zero (last time he saw it it was at 11, which was a new record), and there were several notes stating that due to being understaffed, everyone would be getting extra shifts. Which was weird, because Hunter thought he was in charge of scheduling guard shifts, but he had handed off so many of his duties to Kikimora and random coven captains that he wasn’t sure anymore. Also, why had no one told him they were understaffed?
Someone had also brought in cookies, and there were still a few left. Yay! He grabbed one from the box, biting into it. 
“Want a piece? Its chocolate cricket flavor.” He broke off a small chunk, offering it to the palisman, who began gleefully pecking it. He finished eating the rest of the cookie, wandering over to the sink.
He smacked the faucet, hoping that maybe this time it would stop the leaking, but it did nothing. Like it did every time. He sighed, and turned towards the clawfee machine, turning it on. Next to the sink was a small collection of drying dishes, one of which included a mug that said ‘world’s best nephew’ in hot pink script.
“Hey Flapjack, I found my favorite mug!” He picked it up, thankfully finding it clean. He had been searching for that mug for weeks! Although, it seemed a bit inaccurate, with the whole ‘killed my uncle’ and ‘being a grimwalker of his brother’ thing. Nope, that was a problem for another time.
He shrugged, watching as the clawfee pot came to a boil. Flapjack was hopping around the table, pecking the various crumbs that had been left behind. Hunter should probably be stopping them, but he figured if Flapjack had survived this long with such little self preservation, they would probably be fine.
He poured the clawfee into his mug, and moved to sit down in a chair. The good chair, not the one with the wobbly leg that made you rock back and forth every time you moved the slightest inch. 
He sighed, leaned back in his chair, and stared vacantly at the wall. “So,” he said calmly. “I think there might be a rebellion going on right now.”
Flapjack chirped anxiously. Hunter stared at the bird. “You know, this is why we don’t skip coven head meetings.”
He sipped on his clawfee, savoring the bitter taste. Oh, sweet caffeine, how he missed it. Having energy was fantastic.
“I should probably go out there and deal with that.”
Or don’t! Don’t risk yourself!
“Flapjack, I don’t think that's an option.”
Run away to woods! Can hunt for worms!
“I can’t eat worms! You can hunt all you want, I’ll forage for berries.”
Good plan!
Hunter groaned. “Terrible plan.” It wasn't like he had any ideas. He had been slowly preparing a runaway bag, but he had hoped he would have a few more weeks before he had to use it. This was his punishment for procrastinating. 
He stood up, taking a long swig of the coffee. “Okay, my stuff is in my room. Let’s see if we can try to sneak back there, and if anyone is still alive.” He looked down at himself, grimacing at his lack of armor. He was still in his PJS! 
Hesitantly, he lifted one of the coven scout cloaks from the pile on the floor, checking it over. There didn’t appear to be any visible stains, so he shrugged, putting it on.
Flapjack chirped, and fluttered on top of his head. Hunter sighed, but said nothing, pulling up his hood to cover the bird. He opened the door and hesitantly peeked his head out. There didn’t seem to be anyone, so he stepped out into the hallway, letting the door shut behind him.
Picking a random direction, he began walking, the only sound being his bunny slippers slapping against the tile. He nervously clutched his cloak, suddenly beginning to regret every decision he had ever made that had led him to this situation.
He rounded a corner to see a hallway that looked very much destroyed. A section of the ceiling had collapsed, and plants and abomination goo was everywhere. Several coven scouts were lying unconscious on the floor.
Hunter bit his lip, and with a start realized he was still holding his mug. There was still a little bit of clawfee in it, so he could throw it at someone and run if he needed to. The perfect weapon. What a plan.
He froze at the sound of footsteps, frantically looking for a place to hide. He slid behind a pile of rubble, hoping that he would just be mistaken for an unconscious scout.
The sound of footsteps grew closer, and then stopped. “I could have sworn I heard something over here,” a familiar voice muttered. Oh shit.
Hunter involuntarily flinched, shifting the rubble he was hiding behind with his movement.
“Over there!” Oh, he recognized that voice too, although it was only marginally better than the first one. Maybe if he stayed very very still, they wouldn’t notice him?
He yelped as abomination goo wrapped around his legs, dragging him out into the open and pinning his arms to his side. He scowled at the awkward angle his arm was held at, the clawfee slowly dripping out of his mug and onto the floor.
Darius crossed his arms, lifting an eyebrow at Hunter. “Ah, Little prince. You’re looking… unwell.”
Hunter, very maturely, stuck out his tongue, something that only caused Darius’s scowl to deepen.
Behind Darius, Luz cheerfully waved at him. “Hi Hunter! You kind of caught us at a bad time.” She turned down the hallway, cupping a hand to her mouth. “HEY GUYS, WE FOUND HUNTER! OVER HERE!” 
Darius winced at her yelling, rubbing his ears. Hunter wished he could do the same, because wow Luz could shout loud.
The two of them turned back to face him and he grimaced. “Uh, hi?” He said awkwardly. Maybe they would be nice and just kill him right away. Luz could probably convince them not to hurt Flapjack.
Luz shoved her hands in her pockets, grinning casually. “Hunter, my man! I’ve been looking for you! Sorry about the whole, uh, overthrowing the government thing.”
‘It’s fine,” He said, even though it was very much not fine. “It was already falling apart anyways.”
Darius stepped towards him, frowning. “About that, actually. We have quite a few questions to ask you, Golden Guard.”
Luz’s grin became just a bit more shaky. “Not bad questions! Just, uh, questions. It’ll be great!” She did not sound convinced of her own words. “It’s fine.”
Hunter sighed. He should have just stayed in bed. This was all Flapjack’s fault. He was never trusting that adorable little bird again, no matter how cute they were.
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nhasablogg · 2 years
Tickletober Day 21 - Wake Up!
Fandom: Our Flag Means Death
Characters: Ed/Stede
Words: 700
[Tickletober prompts]
Ed woke up slowly, which wasn’t usually the case. He was used to plunging out of sleep, alarmed, on alert, trying desperately to get his senses to perk up so that he could figure out where he was and if there was any imminent danger.
Things had changed since he started sharing Stede’s bed. It brought him comfort, which was slightly alarming when he thought of it too hard, but most of the time it just had him thinking that he’d not been this well rested in years.
He woke up shivering that day, as he did most days. The more they shared a bed, the more he found Stede hogged the blankets. It was as if his body gave them two weeks of peace before deeming it safe enough to take and take and not give back.
Yeah, he was being dramatic. It was fucking freezing that morning.
“Stede.” He nudged him blindly, feeling his elbow collide with something soft and fleshy. “Covers.”
Stede mumbled something incoherent. Ed was too tired to turn around and look at him, but he could imagine him curled up, all happy and cozy beneath the blankets.
He huffed. “Stede.”
No reply at all this time.
Ed sighed and reached behind him in an attempt to grab the blanket, hoping to pull some of it over him. The room wasn’t pitch dark, but dark enough to tell him he still had a couple more hours to sleep and he was going to take advantage of that, dammit. Once he found the fabric he started pulling, but found that Stede was probably lying on it and he finally rolled around to glare at him. Naturally, he felt his gaze soften at the sight of Stede sleeping soundly, all but smiling in his sleep, but the previous day’s activities had left him exhausted and therefore impatient, and so he grabbed the blanket again, this time trying to tug it out from beneath him. Stede was fucking wrapped around this thing.
“Stede,” he said, louder now. “Wake up.” He poked his arm. “I’m too tired for this.”
“M’sleeping,” was the reply, and Ed nearly laughed.
“No shit.” He poked his arm again. “And you’re hogging the blanket.”
No reply other than a demonstrative, smug tightening of the covers around his shoulders, or so Ed felt in his somewhat delirious state.
“That’s it.”
Ed had no mercy left in his body and grabbed Stede’s wrist, which he found tucked beneath his chin, and rolled him over onto his back. Stede only had time to blink up at him in confusion for a second before Ed, who used to do this to Izzy way back when, untangled his arm from the covers, pulled it up and pinned it to the mattress, his other hand digging into Stede’s armpit, which was the only ticklish part of him that wasn’t covered by the blankets. Well, that and his neck, but Ed would play extra dirty only if he needed to.
“Whatareyoudoing?” Stede slurred out, his body reacting before his mind as he started weakly pulling at his trapped arm as laughter started pouring out. “Ed!”
“Stop hogging the blankets,” Ed said, grinning despite himself now. A giggly Stede was one of his favorite things, and luckily for him Stede giggled often.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realiz-ah!”
Ed swirled over the skin once, twice, before switching to clawing over it repeatedly, making Stede try to roll to his side in order to stop it. He was kicking his feet, although they were trapped in the blankets and were little to no use. He did manage to free his other hand when Ed started stroking up and down his arm, but whatever he was trying to do made little difference and it was mostly just flailing in front of Ed’s face like an annoying fly.
He stopped only because Stede managed to get close enough that their faces were touching, and Ed couldn’t resist kissing him. Had he not been so visibly dazed Ed might’ve thought he did it on purpose.
“Covers,” he said when they pulled apart. “Share.”
“Of course,” Stede said, panting. “Really, you could’ve just asked.”
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kedreeva · 5 years
Maybe you can explain why. Crowley was so insulted when Zira said "fraternizing"? The definition is "associate or form a friendship with someone, especially when one is not supposed to" and so I don't understand why he was so upset? Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Idk what to tell you, friend. Crowley's just mad he's in love with an angel that still thinks they're enemies, when Crowley decided centuries ago that they're on their own side together.
To elaborate, Crowley had been desperately in love with Aziraphale for millennia by that point. Fraternizing implies Aziraphale still considers him an enemy ('on the opposite side'), when Crowley believes, already, that they're on the same side, and that's EXCEPTIONALLY important in that particular scene because Crowley, again already, recognizes that what he's been doing with Aziraphale, the fact that he's head over heels (and I believe he thought Aziraphale knew, and felt the same in some capacity, because why else would an angel agree to do temptations for a demon and risk falling??), means that someday his people will find out and come for him.
That's WHY he's asking for holy water. He already knows his love for Aziraphale (and as a result, his growing inability to do actual evil because doing actual evil makes both of them sad, he'd rather be an annoyance and let humans do the rest themselves) is going to get him killed if he doesn't have a way to fight back. He thought Aziraphale knew. He tries, in the most fumbling, idiot way to tell Aziraphale this. He tells him, basically, "I need an insurance policy in case you can't protect me from my own side after they find out about you and me."
And Aziraphale basically throws back in his face "fraternizing" as if they're barely friends, as if they're still enemies, as if they haven't been on the same side for hundreds of years. This is the point where Aziraphale is first introduced to the idea of losing Crowley and it distresses him. He's terrified Crowley wants the holy water in order to kill himself if he gets found out for loving Aziraphale, so Aziraphale does the exact same thing he'll do it the present day, and chooses a word that says "we're not friends! We're on opposite sides!"
Except Crowley hasn't got the words to say "we're on our own side!" yet, because it had never occurred to him that they were anything else. And he'd thought Aziraphale felt the same.
But Aziraphale says fraternizing like a dirty word, and Crowley's heart threatens to break.
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little-spoiled-brat · 2 years
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pairing: levi x reader
cw: a sleepy and tired levi that just needs to sleep for a few hours, fluff
author's note: in case anyone was wondering, the title translates to 'goodnight, levi' <3
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- おやすみ, リヴァイ -
it was known to almost everyone in the survey corps that levi doesn't sleep due to his insomnia or if he does, he'd get two to three hours of sleep at most. however, lately, levi has been overworking himself up to the point of exhaustion.
even though levi doesn't admit that he was tired and often refused to get some much needed sleep, you saw right through him. the bags under his eyes, the slight unfocused look in his eyes from time to time. you noticed all of it - he was your husband after all.
it was a busy day - week, rather, filled with training, paperworks, and meetings. you have been running around the headquarters since you woke up, a sigh left your lips after you finished your work for the day. the only thing left to do was to give them to erwin.
"are you going to levi's office? can you deliver these to him, i need it by the end of the week and please remind him about the strategy meeting later. thanks, y/n" erwin said as you were leaving his office. you nodded and grabbed the stack of papers on his desk that he motioned to, balancing the stack in your arms.
erwin opened the door for you and you thanked him, leaving his office to head to your husband's office down the hall. you reached the oak doors, bringing your fist to the surface and knocking softly.
"levi? can i come in?" you said, patiently waiting in front of his office. even though you were married, you still carried the habit of waiting to be let in his office just like when you were still his cadet. though levi told you countless times that you have the privilege of entering without knocking, you still found yourself keeping up the habit.
your eyebrows furrowed when you didn't get an answer from levi, not even a simple rustle of movement. finally getting past your internal debate on just entering without being told to, you twisted the door knob and pushed the door open.
"levi?" you called out softly, levi shot up from his desk - jacket and cravat off, and the top buttons of his uniform was undone. by the tired look on his face, you figured that he must've fell asleep. a blush tinted his cheeks, fixing himself up to somewhat look presentable.
"you know you don't need to do that, i've seen you with your morning hair countless of times before" you said, setting down the stack of papers on his desk and smoothing down the strands of his hair that was sticking up in every direction.
"i'm sorry, brat. i must've fallen asleep, i'm just so tired" levi said, yawning mid sentence. you chuckled lightly, cupping his cheeks as his eyes slowly closed shut from your touch.
"i figured, do you want me to attend the strategy meeting with erwin later while you get some sleep? the bags under your eyes are getting big again" you frowned, lightly tracing the bags under his eyes with your thumbs.
"you don't have to, i can still attend the meeting later" levi mumbled, his eyes slightly opening only to close shut again. you chuckled, pressing a tender kiss on his forehead.
"levi, you're half asleep while talking to me right now" you pointed out, chuckling once again and earning an incoherent sentence from levi in reply. "and besides, you need to get some sleep. you've slept a total of seven hours since the week started"
levi leaned more into your touch, slowly drifting to sleep again from his exhaustion. he only nodded, giving up on trying to stay awake and just gave in to the sleep that he needed.
"you'll sleep here after the meeting, right?" levi asked tiredly, you pulled him up from his chair and wrapped an arm around his waist to keep him steady.
"yes, levi. we share a bedroom, remember? i don't sleep anywhere else except here" you giggled, setting him down on your shared bed. levi raised his eyebrows in realization and slightly opening his eyes, a tired chuckle slipping past his lips. "oh, right"
you shook your head at him, finding it utterly adorable how disconnected he was from the world. well, more of a reason to convince him to get some sleep.
you took his boots off for him along with the odm straps around his thighs to give him more of a breathing space to sleep comfortably.
"i'll be back later, get some sleep for now" you whispered, covering the already half asleep levi with a blanket. you brushed away the strands of hair that was covering his eyes, caressing his cheeks with your knuckles afterwards.
"goodnight, levi" you whispered, leaning down to kiss his lips. levi tiredly kissed you back, even refusing to let you pull away - yeah, levi was still clingy even when he's half asleep.
"i love you" levi mumbled, slipping into a state of calm unconsciousness right after. you smiled to yourself, placing one more kiss on his lips and forehead.
"i love you too"
and with that, you left your shared bedroom to let him get the sleep that he needs.
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angelicimagines · 3 years
hey :D. Could I request hcs for cuddling makoto and hajime (separately) with a short, easily flustered/shy s/o ? Ty <3 (any mod is fine !!)
Y'all gotta stop reminding me of how touch starved I am lol. Here's the Eggi and Hajimeme, hope you like it Anon.
Also, I'm very sorry for not being as active, burnout is a bitch and motivation divorced me. I'll try to write more as much as I can, please send in requests!
–Mod Shuichi
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Makoto Naegi and Hajime Hinata cuddling with a short and shy S/O
Makoto Naegi☘️
☘️ You are both perfect cuddling size so it's great. Although, as of now you hadn't cuddled at all. You were too shy to initiate anything and Makoto didn't want to make you uncomfortable so the most you did in terms of physical contact was hold hands. ☘️ You were content in your relationship, although it you did want more. You wanted to hug him, to cuddle him, to express your love for him in other ways than just childish hand holding. ☘️ Little did you know, that opportunity would soon present itself in the form of tired Makoto. ☘️ He went to your house after a long day and you found him stumbling through your front door, eyes half open and head bobbing trying to keep him awake. ☘️ You asked about his day, but all you got were incoherent murmurs. Your settled for giving him an "oh" as response as you shifted your position on the couch to make space for him. ☘️ He apparently didn't catch on to this as he lay his head on your chest, making you law down on the couch, and hugged you. He was very comfortable but you were oh so very red. ☘️ He didn't seem to catch on to your internal and external freakout at first because of how tired he was, but his brain gears started turning. It took about a minute until he could figure it out, he just stared at you for a while and then jumped back in surprise. ☘️ "OMG S/O I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T NOTICE PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" ☘️ You had to explain, through a reddened face and a lot of stuttering, that you did in fact like it and were waiting for a moment like this since forever. ☘️ Now both of you were red, good job. After a while, se suggested that you perhaps continued your previous endeavours. Half because he wanted to cuddle you and half because you were comfy and he was tired. ☘️ You agreed, all of your shyness apparently going to hell. Who can blame you, you have been not so patiently waiting for this moment and he just felt so soft and warm and you were so in love and– ☘️ And apparently Asahina needed his help with some work because Byakuya is a dick and won't help her. As much as you loved Hina, you silently cursed her for interrupting your cuddle session. ☘️ Makoto answered the phone hesitantly and talked to Asahina, albeit his words were very slurred, as quickly as he could to get back to cuddling. Hina, by some force of the universe, realized that she had interrupted a very wholesome cuddle session and decided to go ask Kirigiri or Ishimaru. ☘️ She made a teasing remark at both of your expenses and hung up. Makoto, still very tired, resumed your previous endeavors as you were trying to calm yourself from Hina's teasing and him just going back to cuddling so casually. ☘️ You melted when he muttered into your chest a very affection "I love you!" <3
Hajime Hinata🍊
🍊 He is already somewhat affectionate with you, though it's at the expense of your height but it's lighthearted. things like using your head as an armrest, lifting you up randomly, those things. You always just crashed when it happened, it's adorable. 🍊 With how comfortable he was with you, you'd think the cuddling would happen already. That is not the case however, because he's waiting for you to give the green light. He knows you're comfortable with the other activities, but cuddling was always mine territory. 🍊 That is, until Ibuki started bugging you about the very obvious disappointment you felt when one of your hugs didn't initiate a cuddle session. You might be shy, but anything to get Ibuki to stop flustering you every time Hajime walks into the room. Teruteru is picking up on it nad his mind went to a completely different place that you frankly don't want to explore right now. 🍊 You invited him over under the guise of a movie night. Movie nights always mean cuddles right? It's the perfect excuse, the perfect plan, it's your perfect victory, you win! 🍊 Hinata couldn't pass up an opportunity to hang out with you, no sirre, so he accepted and both of you found yourselves at your house later. Everything was setup and you were determined to get your cuddles or so help you. The plan was officially set in motion once you hit play and the movie started. 🍊 All was good until about 20 minutes into the movie, when he put his arm around you and leaned his head into yours. As the prophecy foretold, you crashed. Oh no! Your plan is in jeopardy, quick, think fast! Ok so you're gonna–OH NO HE'S SUSPECTING SOMETHING! 🍊 "S/O, are you ok? Your face is turning red, do you have a fever?" 🍊 Deadass about to stop the movie for you and get you some medicine, but you tell him that it's fine. He lets it be for now. OK back to planning. You, deciding to ignore the fire that your face had, leaned your head on his shoulder and snuggled into his side. 🍊 Phase 1, complete! He had caught onto this and held you closer, kissing the crown of your head as he slightly turned to hold you better. You didn't think it would work this well, hold on hold on. You couldn't waste the opportunity, however, and continued to inc ever so close to him. 🍊 The movie ended up being forgotten as he semi spooned you nad closed his eyes. The background noise the movie provided was nice and the atmosphere was relaxing and he had you in his arms and he's so happy right now and– 🍊 And you beat him to it because you were already asleep. He looked down at you with tired eyes and gave a small smile, kissing your head once more before pulling the covers over both of you and spooning you properly this time. 🍊 He closed his eyes as well and murmured a very silent "I love you…" as he fell asleep. You subconsciously curled in on yourself as if to hide from the embarrassment and to be almost engulfing his arm. With each other by their side, you slept soundly all night. 🍊 Because you slept so soundly, you didn't notice Mahiru coming in to ask you for help. She found the scene and decided to commemorate it with a photo. She could tease you both about this later, for now, she let you sleep. 🍊 When you woke up, you found yourself being bear hugged by Hinata as he slept soundly next to you. You were sure your body temperature went up like 40º. You felt some shuffling behind you and your arm being guided to him. 🍊 You smiled to yourself as he kissed your hand and groggily said his good mornings <3
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vintage-writes · 3 years
Don’t Go |Hawks x Reader|
Pairing: Keigo Takami x Reader
Summary: Keigo’s life is plagued by traumatic events. Life is constantly throwing cruelties his way and in the dead of night, it is this that plagues his dreams and turns them into nightmares. You have become one of the last bits of life in his life. Treasure him well.
Warnings: None. FLUFF and Hurt Comfort Fic. 
Word Count: 1 304
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The night air is surprisingly warm during this time of year. The smell of spice permeates the air, no doubt seeping off the individual dozing silently besides you. Hawks, surprisingly, does not sleep with all of his feathers clustered together on his back or perhaps he simply shrugs them off every night to give you some space on the bed. It has been two months since Hawks began crashing at your place. Despite your initial reluctance with having a hero barging into your space every week, you have actually grown rather fond of him.
Originally when he first pleaded to stay in your house, you argued that he should sleep on the couch.
“But shouldn’t a guest take the bed?” he asserted
“Yes”, you, shot back, “when they’re invited.”
Like hell were you about to let him barge into your house uninvited to sleep in your bed while you took the couch.
But the Villain attack had been brutal on him so eventually you agreed to let him sleep in the bed with you. Of course, you had conditions, to which he agreed to. Your bed was a double bed, so he took one side while you took another and a “great wall of pillows” would keep the peace between you two. In the morning when you woke up, the wall of pillows was gone but so was he. He didn’t say anything else about it and neither did you until he asked to stay again.
With a little bit of persistent prodding and teasing you agreed to let him stay and since then he’s worn you down to the point where you actually went out and bought extra toiletries for him. Whether you like it or not, the sly hero has weaseled his way into your heart. One thing always bothers you though. Despite having a night where you’re perfectly comfortable in each other's company, Hawks is always gone by morning. Perhaps Hero work just starts early?
However, today when Hawks showed up at your door, you didn’t offer the usual snarky remark about how he’s secretly a hobo and he didn’t offer any back. He walked in with the fakest smile you had ever seen him possess in your presence. He’s trying to act natural, you thought to yourself when he made a passing joke about the toiletries. You had simply joked back that you would eventually start buying him clothes too.
But in that moment, the smile he sent you didn’t hold any usual teasing. They were soft and yet at the same time held a deep rooted sadness. He chuckled before disappearing into the bathroom.
When it was time to go to bed, Hawks asked you if the pillows were still necessary. He gently thumbed the corner of the pillow sitting between you, in a manner that made you feel as though he secretly wished to rip it to shreds. 
Stubbornly, you refused. The pillow was necessary for so many things like a peaceful night of sleep. Without it, you would be too awake, too aware of him, too terrified that you would wake up encircled in his arms and enjoying it.
You climb into bed with the pillows in position and whisper a soft goodnight. After a pause he whispers it back. You lay awake until his breathing becomes shallow and even. Till the tell tale sounds of sleep are the only noises in the room. You reach out a hand and gently grab the pillow but do not move it. Perhaps you should? This is the first time he has ever asked for its removal. He’s acting weird and his headspace is probably all wrong right now. But why does he want the pillows gone? What difference is it really going to make? Your thoughts lead you nowhere and eventually you roll over and let sleep wash over you.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Harsh, short gasping breaths. The smell of sweat filters through the air.
A gasping whisper slides into the air. Repeating itself over and over again along with strings of incoherent words stumbling over one another. Desperate pleas and gasps of breaths.
“Please…no… Dabi...don’t want…not… help me...Y/n…”, he mutters out. The last word rousing you out of your sleep. Drowsily you try to make sense of the situation. Over the pillow Hawks, shivers in place. His trembling shakes the bed slightly and you desperately try to wake yourself up. To make a decision. To do something.
He gasps out a sharp breath of air before shooting up. His breathing begins to slow down as he drinks in his surroundings, slowly relaxing. You remain still, terrified to spook him any more. As he calms, he seems to realize something and he turns to look at you. His face is ashen white, even in the dark only illuminated by pale moonlight, you can see his blanched face. He takes note of your state and looks away.
“Sorry”, he whispers. His voice is so gentle. Could it be that he is terrified of scaring you any more? He does not look at you. He doesn't even move for a long moment but you can tell that he is simply trying to pull himself together. You don't need a hearing quirk to be able to tell how he’s trying to conceal his ragged breaths.
Slowly, ever so gently, he turns and begins to crawl out of bed. 
“I’ll go”, his voice cracks.
In your drowsy state you lunge forward and grip onto his wrist.  He stills beneath your hand and looks at you bewildered. You tug him back into bed and he follows like a sick dog on a lead. You grab the pillow between you with your other hand, not once letting go of his wrist, and chuck it across the room. The pillows were dumb anyway.
“The pillow”, he protests.
“Fuck the pillow", you mutter, “Come here.”
Hawks falls into the bed easily. His wrist is ice cold and his breathing is still somewhat uneven. Although he is no longer gasping for breath, the light tremors you feel from him tell you enough about his current composure. Whatever that nightmare was about it is enough to severely shake this hero apart.
Although he climbs back into bed, he still maintains a distance and doesn’t move any closer. But he’s still terrified. Still not okay and so you tug him closer. He hesitates for a moment. He looks you in your eyes, still frosted from sleep, and doesn’t move. You sit up a bit more and reach your hand to let it rest on his cheek.
“Hawks”, you whisper, “it’s okay.”
Your hand slides past his cheek cups the back of his head. With as much gentleness as you can muster, you pull him towards you and tuck him into your side. Chin resting on his head as he caves and curls into your soft embrace. His light scent of spice fills your nose as you listen quietly to him. Although sleep hangs above you like a burden, you force yourself to remain awake and listen to the sounds of his breath. His breathing slows down, little by little. His arms wrapped around your body begin to relax. Your fingers thread through his hair savouring the feel of his sun kissed locks.
“Hawks, in the morning, please stay”, you whisper into his hair.
For a long moment, you believe that he has fallen asleep. He says nothing, simply breathes deeply into your neck.
“Okay, we’ll stay together”
“Don’t leave me.”
“I won’t.”
In your dazed and sleepless state, you place a kiss on his forehead hoping to comfort him. To convey how much you care. To let him know that even though he always disappears in the morning, you won’t. 
 “Go to sleep, I’m not going anywhere.”
A/N: New Drinking game. Take a shot every time I use the word “pillow”.
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imagines-ahs · 2 years
Memories in the Attic.
Misty Day decides it's finally time to get her old stuff from the attic. Things go sour when she finds a box with all the memories of Cordelia's previous wedding.
Fluff and Angst with a happy ending.
The silence of the bedroom upstairs danced along with the soft snores of the two women who lay there on the huge king-sized bed. Misty Day turned around in her asleep state, instinctively wrapping an arm around Cordelia and pulling her closer. Everything was organic with them, even when out of consciousness. The strong arm pressed just at the right spot on Cordelia’s body, pressuring her bladder and causing her to slowly start waking up. With much hesitation, she dragged herself out of bed and to the bathroom. Still in her slumber, Misty Day grumpily murmured something incoherent and turned back around, covering herself with their sheet. When Cordelia walked back into the bedroom—now considerably more awake—she chuckled to herself. Cordelia didn’t enjoy getting up so quickly in the morning, but she also didn’t enjoy peeing herself. At least she could get back to bed and cuddle her lover as they always preferred to do. Now that Cordelia was the Supreme, having time for each other could be hard, so they made sure to always make it work one way or another. And so she did, snuggling closely behind Misty and kissing her shoulder. “Sunshine…” Cordelia whispered. She could hear Misty Day’s breath change, and her body shifted gently as it came back from its slumber. “Hmm…” Misty hummed, a smile crawling into her lips instantly. She snuggled even closer to Cordelia, caressing the hand on her own waist. Slowly, blue eyes opened and began to get adjusted to the light. Cordelia kissed her shoulder again, tangling their fingers together. “Mornin’, my love.” Cordelia smiled to herself, nose burying into golden curls. She adored when her girlfriend’s accent peeked through. Misty’s leg reached to tangle in one of Cordelia’s, making sure they were as close to each other as possible. “Why did ya’ leave the bed?” Southern accent dripped from Misty Day’s sleepy voice. “I had to use the bathroom, my love. I’m so sorry I woke you up.” Cordelia caressed Misty Day’s calf with her own foot, feeling the muscles there. Misty Day shook her head. “No worries, baby.” Lazily, Misty turned around. She stared at brown eyes, smiling a little more. Their limbs stayed tangled together, caressing each other. “I was just wonderin’.” A warm palm rested on Cordelia’s cheek, caressing it with the lightness of a feather. Misty Day had always found it somewhat of a blessing to wake up next to the woman she loved so dearly, especially after spending what seemed and was supposed to be an eternity trapped in Hell, with unspoken feelings between the two of them. Her cerulean eyes knew the patterns of that sleepy, gorgeous face to a ‘t’. “Ya’re gorgeous, Delia…” “Oh, sush.” With her cheeks tinting, Cordelia leaned to kiss Misty in a loving, tender kiss. “It’s true,” Misty Day whispered, causing their kiss to break. She pecked her girlfriend’s nose. “You are the most beautiful creature out there, Cordelia.” She kissed her lips again, and this time Cordelia didn’t protest. Instead, she hummed softly, and with a shift in their positions the Supreme found herself underneath her lover, with two strong arms on each side of her head and two toned legs on each side of her body. “Sunshine…” Cordelia murmured, gently pulling away. She cupped Misty Day’s cheeks and caressed them, eyes glued on blue ones. “You are breathtaking.” This time, it was Misty Day’s turn to blush a little. She let out a small giggle, soon connecting their lips again. It wasn’t common, but sometimes Misty woke up a little worked up. Today was one of these days. She kissed her girlfriend with a little more gusto, but soon her ideas were cut short when their alarm went off. Misty Day pulled away to sit up, and Cordelia reached to turn it off. It was Friday, and Fridays were busy. They both knew that. Cordelia had to make sure everything was settled for the weekend, she had to make sure her girls didn’t need anything. Misty Day understood, and she also had plans to help Cordelia in the near future—not yet, though. She still needed time to recover from Hell. Right now, Misty Day focused on
learning how to live again, and doing a thing or two to keep the girls in line when needed. Robichaux was different than how she remembered; the academy had more students now, the classes were well organized and all the girls she knew from before had matured into important witches. Occasionally, Misty Day would get frustrated with herself. She should be helping Cordelia, helping the girls, doing something productive, especially when she was the oldest one of the bunch—34, only slightly younger than Cordelia, who was now 38… but how could she, when the world felt so distant sometimes? Cordelia was the first one to remind her she needed to heal, and day by day she was accepting that. “Already?” Misty Day pouted as she looked down at her girlfriend, who pouted right back. Misty sighed. “I’m sorry, honey… it’s Friday, though. We’ll have all the time in the world for each other this weekend.” Soft fingertips caressed Misty Day’s bare thighs, slipping underneath the baggy Fleetwood Mac t-shirt she had on. Misty groaned, but nodded. Cordelia chuckled. It felt good to feel missed, cared for, wanted around. She never felt like that before Misty. “Come here.” She motioned for her girlfriend, who got the cue and leaned to kiss her lips again. “You’re adorable. I miss you, too.” “Ya’ work too much, Delia.” Misty murmured before kissing Cordelia again. “But I suppose I can wait until tonight to get some snuggles.” “Good.” Cordelia chuckled sweetly. “I’ll be counting the hours.” Misty Day smiled and kissed her lips yet again before pulling away to get up. She had made plans for the day, too. It had been a while ever since she came back from Hell, and after allowing herself to just heal, Misty felt she was finally ready to go through everything she had left at the academy. Cordelia had told her, right when they began dating, that she had kept every single thing Misty left behind, but the thought of going through so many memories and emotions was too overwhelming for Misty. That was until some weeks ago, when she thought about the boxes on the attic and didn’t feel like hyperventilating. Today was going to be the day. She did want her shawls back, after all. The new ones were good, but the old ones carried memories. Once breakfast was done and Cordelia was on her office, Misty Day followed upstairs. Everything was dusty up there, and the dolls that Spalding loved so dearly were no longer taking up the space. Misty figured he had moved on from this plane, and it made her happy to know that, in a sense, he could finally be happy. A cough or two left her lips as she walked through the boxes, blue eyes reading every label. Zoe. Fiona. Myrtle. Cordelia. There it was. Cordelia had explained why there was no boxes with Misty’s name on it: it was simply too painful. When keeping things into her own boxes, no one would dare messing around Misty’s stuff, and the Supreme could hold onto the hope and premise that she was simply doing Misty a favor. She was simply keeping her things until the day she came back. Just like a loving miracle, that was exactly what happened. Barefoot, Misty tiptoed to the boxes with Cordelia’s name on it and pulled one from the dusty corner it sat on. She pushed some boxes away with her feet and sat down on the now emptied space, ready to start her digging. Carefully, Misty Day opened the first box. More particles of dust fled through the air, and Misty waved them away as her eyebrows frowned. She looked inside the box, and right at the top there was a huge book. Carefully, Misty picked it up to get it out of the way, stealing a brief glance of it—she didn’t want to pry on her lover’s personal things, after all, even though Cordelia had made it abundantly clear that she could roam freely through everything that was hers. The book turned out to be an old photo album, labeled ‘Cordelia - Ages 1 through 16.’ Blue eyes scanned the beautiful handwriting, trying to match it to someone. Nothing came up, but she had a few suspicions of who would have taken the time to put together such a sweet thing. And it
was definitely not Fiona. She made a mental note to ask her lover to look through the pictures some other time. Misty could only imagine how adorable her girlfriend was when she was younger. Carefully, she set the album aside and went back to looking through the box. The first box was no luck for what Misty Day was looking for—it seemed to be Cordelia’s memory box, full of albums and documents from when she was younger. Misty’s curiosity peeked, but she would much rather look through that with Cordelia by her side. Just as carefully as she got everything out, Misty Day put everything back in and reached for another box. No luck again. This one had more albums, and although Misty Day found it absolutely sweet how Cordelia had kept some of her childhood toys, that was not what she was looking for. It did make her fall more in love with her, however. The more Misty Day learned about Cordelia, the more she fell in love with her. A particular stuffed animal caught her attention—a white bear, not very huge, and clearly very loved, for its fur was no longer full and the white of it had turned into beige and gray. Misty Day wondered if that had been Cordelia’s favorite toy, and just for a second, she allowed her mind to slip into the lovely imagination of a young Cordelia running around the academy while hugging the bear under one of her arms. Although Misty doubted her lover had been the running-around kind of child. Misty kept the same smile on her lips as she put the box back on, reaching for yet another one. The first thing that popped up when she opened it was a fancy, white lace fabric. Careful ring adorned fingers reached for it, pulling it up to reveal a huge, gorgeous wedding dress. Misty frowned for a second before realization hit her: that was the box of her wedding and life with Hank memories. The smile on Misty Day’s lips fell down. She bit her lower lip, blue eyes scanning the fabric she held up. It was indeed beautiful, and she could picture Cordelia in it perfectly. She sat it aside, and although Misty knew she should have put the box away, something that felt a lot like curiosity—but way darker—made her keep digging through it. This time, her feelings got the best of her. She pulled up an album, and it was easy to see that was Cordelia’s wedding album. Misty stared at the cover. ‘Cordelia and Hank. 2008.’ “No…” Misty murmured to herself and put the album aside. But her blue eyes lingered on it, and so she picked it up again. Hesitantly, she flipped through the first page. Her heart tightened a little. There Cordelia was, in all her glory getting ready for her wedding, with the same dress she had just set aside on. She looked radiant. A bittersweet sensation invaded Misty Day. She knew how that story ended. And although she was thankful Hank was no longer around, she still wished he hadn’t hurt her beloved Cordelia the way he did. Misty thought about closing the album and putting it aside—that was what she should have done. But she didn’t, and instead flicked through the next page. And the next one. And the next one. And so on. More and more pictures flashed in front of her, from Cordelia getting ready, to her entering the aisle, to Hank smiling at her with what could only be described as a very good fake smile, to them holding hands, to Cordelia shedding a tear or two, and to them kissing. And now her lover had a huge ring on her finger and danced intertwined with Hank. Misty gulped. Why that was so painful to see, she had no idea. That was in the past. It was gone. But they were memories of what Cordelia could consider to be happy times… and Misty was not in those memories. It hurt in a very unusual, nonsense way. Misty flicked yet to the next page, and a piece of paper covered what seemed to be a bunch of pictures of the wedding decorations. Misty Day licked her lips, pondering on what to do as if she wasn’t going to grab the sheet and read it. And so she did. And her heart sank just a little more. Cordelia’s vows. I still remember how it felt when you first hugged me in that November afternoon. It
was cold and raining, and I had forgotten to take an umbrella. With no hesitation, you offered me yours. I knew right then you were going to be someone special. To this day, my heart beats faster when I see you. To this day, every single kiss we share gives me butterflies. I feel so lucky to be the one you’ve chosen to call your wife. I’m forever yours, as I know you’ll be forever mine. When Misty finished reading the last words, a tear blurred the ink as it fell down from one of her eyes. “Shit,” she murmured, sniffling as she reached to wipe her cheeks dry. Forever yours. The words stuck to her mind and danced around in a loop, tightening her heart a tiny bit more each time they repeated themselves. Misty Day’s stomach had begun hurting at some point. Why did Cordelia keep all that, after all? Misty put the sheet back inside the album and, without thinking, looked back inside the box. She sniffled again, silent tears sliding down her cheeks and blurring her vision. Something hurt. And it hurt a lot. And Misty Day didn’t have the mind to stop and protect herself; she wanted to hurt. She wanted to go through the end. She wanted to see what else Cordelia kept. And so she pulled a small box from inside, which she opened to reveal the very same ring from the pictures. It sparkled brightly, and Misty figured it had probably costed more than anything she had ever owned. Was that why Cordelia kept it? That was the least hurtful theory. She held it between her thumb and pointer finger, studying the jewelry. Cordelia had once carried it in her finger with pride. Inside the ring, two initials were stamped: H.S. Misty Day didn’t care to know what the ‘S’ stood for. She put it back into its place and looked inside the box again. Another tear fell down. There were some papers left, and Misty had clearly done enough reading for the day. Right now, she needed her Swamps. Not nearly as neatly as she found everything, Misty Day put it all back in and set the box aside. She got up and followed to her shared bedroom with Cordelia to grab some shoes, and, without minding to let anyone know, discretely made her way out of the academy and south. She needed fresh air, needed to smell the mud and remind herself of her roots. Being burned alive didn’t compare to how much her heart hurt right now. It made no sense. Misty Day didn’t understand, but she also didn’t give it much thought. She felt bad. And that she was sure of. Turmoil was something she had grown used to, but this time it involved Cordelia. Cordelia had always been her happy place, and right now, her happy place made her sting and twist with pain in a way she couldn’t understand. Cordelia was with her, right? Those things were all in the past, right? Hank was dead. Why did it hurt so much? Misty didn’t know.
With a sigh, Cordelia eyed the clock. Her head hurt, and it was past lunch-time. Misty hadn’t come get her for lunch. She frowned. Reaching for her phone, Cordelia scrolled through her notifications; there was nothing from Misty there. Cordelia knew her lover was going to do some digging upstairs, and figured she had gotten carried away. Misty Day would probably knock on her door at any time now, with that gorgeous face and wearing one of her old shawls. Convincing herself everything was alright, the Supreme got back to work. Ten minutes passed, then fifteen, then twenty-five, then forty. Cordelia’s stomach growled. Something was off. As she got up from the chair, there was a knock on the door. Cordelia’s heart skipped a beat as she smiled in relief. “Misty?” The door slowly cracked open, and a head full of brunette locks peeked inside. “No, I’m sorry.” Zoe smiled shyly. “I thought she was with you?” “It’s alright.” Cordelia shook it off as she placed her glasses on top of the pile of papers on her desk. She was back at worrying. “Why so?” “She didn’t have lunch and neither did you, so I assumed…?” “No…” Cordelia licked her lips, thoughts racing. Her head throbbed still. “Has anyone seen her?” “Only at breakfast, with you.” The new information caused Cordelia’s heart to pick in speed in a not delightful way. Misty always ate something in the middle of the morning, how come she didn’t get out of the attic even to have her famous mid-morning bagel—it had become a sort of innocent joke between the two of them, for Cordelia found it funny, in a sweet way, how much Misty Day could eat. “I’ll look for her. Continue with the schedule as usual, please.” The Supreme grabbed her phone and slipped it into one of the pockets in her trousers, walking to the door. Zoe stepped aside. “Call me if you need anything.” “I will. Thank you, Zoe.” Without even noticing she hadn’t helped Zoe with whatever she had knocked on her door for, Cordelia stormed through the halls of the academy. Her heels clacked on the floor, disturbing the pleasant atmosphere. She went straight to the attic, stomach still growling but focus not on it anymore. Did anything happen with Misty? Had her old belongings caused her to get overwhelmed? Cordelia had many hypotheses and no answers. Her heels clacked on the stairs to the basement now, and when she got onto it, brown eyes lost all the hope they carried in finding her lover there. Cordelia looked around in search of a clue, but everything seemed in place, almost as if Misty hadn’t been there at all. She stepped in, searching for the boxes with her own name written on them. After a minute of scanning the cardboard, she found them at the corner, not nearly organized as the others. Misty was here. Cordelia walked to the boxes and knelt down, hands reaching for them. Before she could open anything, however, she noticed an envelope on the floor, Tiffany blue and spared from the dust. Cordelia knew that envelope very well, but reached for it just to make sure. Careful fingers lifted the small tab and reached for what was inside. It was, indeed, what Cordelia had expected to be: Her wedding invitation. It had been years ever since she had thought about her wedding—or Hank, for that matter—and her mind took a second to get used to all the feelings she suddenly had going on. Why was that there? Where was Misty? Her name right next to Hank’s left a bitter taste in her mouth. How even had she been married to him? After falling in love with Misty Day, any previous relationship seemed meaningless to her. With her eyebrows furrowed, Cordelia reached for the closest box and opened it. Her wedding dress poked out of it, not folded but quite literally stuffed in there. The Supreme knew she hadn’t been the one to put it away like that. And then it hit her. And her fingers frantically reached further and pulled the album Misty had held just a few hours ago. She opened it straight into the page where the sheet of paper was, and the ink that had been smudged by Misty’s tear had left a small mark on one of the
pictures of that page. It was recent. It had happened today. Cordelia’s palms began to sweat. It was clear what had happened. “No, no, no… oh, God.” She put it all back into the box in a rush, chest tight and stomach turning—not only from hunger. Once again, Cordelia ran through the halls of the mansion, following straight to the shared bedroom with her lover. No one was there. Brown eyes grew teary. With a last twinkle of hope, Cordelia went to the greenhouse. Nothing, once again. She took a deep breath. They had never had anything like that happen to them before, happen to their relationship. Was Misty gone again? What if she didn’t want to come back? In desperate moves, she grabbed her phone and called Misty. No one picked up. She called again. Nothing. Cordelia rested her hips against the table, palms covering her face. She took another deep breath, trying to keep her tears inside and make her mind work. There was only one place Misty Day could be: The Swamps. And that’s where Cordelia went to, driving in outstandingly high speeds and with sniffles mingling into the traffic sounds. Her hunger had turned into nausea. What if Misty wasn’t there? What if she had decided to leave for good? It was not like Misty Day to do that, but Cordelia’s head was spinning, and deep inside her, Fiona’s voice echoed with all kinds of hurting words: ‘You deserve it’, ‘Misty is too good for you’, ‘You’ll always be unlovable.’ Cordelia needed it to stop. She parked the car the closest she could to Misty Day’s shack—which wasn’t close at all—and began to walk. Her nice shoes and beautiful trousers would be full of mud by the time she reached her destination, but Cordelia couldn’t care less. She could wash them. She could buy new ones. She could do whatever. But she had to find Misty. The rest she could deal with later. When the shack finally appeared between the trees, Cordelia let out a sigh. She walked just a little faster, and as she pushed the door open, huge, swollen blue eyes stared at her from the bed. “Cordelia? What—what are you doing here?” Misty Day sat up. She frowned, and her eyes studied her lover’s features. Cordelia had been crying, too. It broke her heart, as if it weren’t already in pieces. “I—you—I couldn’t f-find you anywhere.” Cordelia shut the door and walked to the bed, tears falling freely now. Misty Day didn’t expect—or didn’t really think about it—for Cordelia to get so distraught due to her missing. In retrospective, that wasn’t a very smart idea due to everything they both had endured when it came to their relationship. She gulped, and before she could answer her lover, Cordelia had nearly fallen onto the bed and to her arms, holding her tightly. Misty blinked a few times, pulling her closer and just allowing Cordelia to cry on her shoulder. “Delia… Cordelia, it’s okay…” Misty whispered. One of her hands cradled the Supreme’s head, caressing the blonde locks. Any negative feelings she could be feeling for Cordelia had vanished; vanished when she saw her scared brown eyes and wet cheeks, vanished when she realized Cordelia had managed to find her, vanished when she felt her sobbing so close to her. “N-no… you—the box, you found it a-and… and I don’t k-know what you thought, but it’s not it.” Cordelia pulled away to stare into blue eyes. Her own were still struggling with the falling tears, and her hands reached for Misty Day’s, holding them firmly but not firm enough to hurt. “Baby, ya’ need to breathe.” Misty could swear she had never seen her lover like that before, so desperate, so scared. She couldn’t help but feel guilty. “No, I need… I w-want to clarify everything you m-might be thinking. I k-know that hurt you, I was stupid for k-keeping it and allowing you to see it, I should have—I should have b-been more careful. I’m s-so stupid, I’m such a f—“ “No, you are not,” Misty was quick to cut her lover when she realized the route things were taking. She let go of one of her hands to carefully tuck a lock of golden hair back on the Supreme’s ear. Misty Day shook her head. “Ya’ are not
stupid, Cordelia. Let alone a failure.” The Supreme had grown quiet, but silent tears still fell down her cheeks. Misty took a deep breath, blue eyes growing misty. “I… I shouldn’t have left the academy. I didn’t—I didn’t think it would affect ya’ like that, Delia…” “How—how could it n-not?!” Cordelia didn’t understand. And her voice had rose up in a way it never did with Misty Day. She was frightened. Losing Misty again would be a fatal accident. “I was s-so scared! I thought y-you had left for good! I thought I w-would never see you a-again! I—I know it’s dumb! I know! B-but I couldn’t h-help i-it… I couldn’t.” Breathing was becoming hard. Her chest hurt and the words came out in weird patterns. Misty Day was quickly realizing she had stepped into a territory they had to discuss. And one she had to never step again. They would discuss it later, Misty would tell Cordelia how she felt later, right now she was concerned her lover would faint, or turn blue. “A-angel… angel, you need to breathe,” Misty Day repeated. Cordelia wanted to keep talking, she wanted to scream—not at Misty, just in general—and somehow put her own thoughts and feelings inside Misty Day so she could understand what her words weren’t capable of explaining. But her lover was right, she needed to breathe. Her chest kept on hurting, and each time she breathed in, the air came into her lungs in strangled patterns. Brown eyes fell down. If Misty didn’t leave her before, with the show she was giving now she certainly would. As if reading her thoughts, as it always happened with them, soft, ringed fingers cupped Cordelia’s cheeks. They stared at each other. “Cordelia, I am never leaving you. Never.” As light as a feather, Misty wiped the tears away from her lover’s gorgeous face, caressing her red skin on the way. “I love ya, Cordelia. I love ya so much. Nothing could ever pull me away from you, do you hear me?” Misty Day didn’t know how she had managed to make her voice not tremble, for she was a pile of nerves right now, but she was damn glad she did. Cordelia would always be her priority. Always. Quietly, the Supreme nodded. Her eyes wanted to leave Misty’s, wanted to look away in shame, but the blue oceans carried so much affection it was quite impossible not to feel at home. Misty smiled a little, tender and filled with love. “I’m sorry I scared you so much, my love… that was never my intention.” She leaned to peck Cordelia, lingering there so she could hopefully make her feel all the love that kiss was supposed to radiate. It seemed to have worked, for the Supreme’s shoulders fell down relaxedly and Misty Day could hear Cordelia taking a deep, steady breath. After a few seconds, Cordelia nodded again, as if assimilating all the information a little more. She broke their kiss, staring into blue eyes once again. “I f-feel so stupid…” “No, baby. You’re not stupid at all.” Misty shook her head. She didn’t like the way her lover’s brown hues carried such a sad feeling to them. She felt a hand caressing one of her curls, and instantly leaned against it. “I just didn’t think. I didn’t… I didn’t think.” There was no better way to describe why Misty had acted in such a way. Had she thought about it for one second, she would have realized how bad the idea of simply leaving the academy without letting anyone—specially Cordelia—know was a terrible idea. They had discussed how the Supreme felt about everything countless times, Misty herself had been there for the nightmares that clouded the Supreme’s sleep occasionally. It was rare, usually Misty was the one to wake up in tears in the middle of the night, but it had happened once or twice. “I failed y-you.” “Misty… no, d-don’t say it like that.” It was never Cordelia’s intention to make Misty Day feel bad, either. This time, blue pearls were the ones to fall down. Cordelia gulped, reaching to hold her lover’s hands that now rested on her lap. “Sunshine… it was just a misunderstanding. I-I failed you, too, then.” “No…” Misty murmured. “See? You don’t want me to say that… you know I d-didn’t
mean to hurt you. It’s the same way with you.” Cordelia hoped that the perspective would help Misty. Misty Day sighed, understanding in a way what her lover meant. She looked back up at brown eyes. It eased Misty a little, to realize they were no longer gloomy in color. “I won’t do it a-again, then.” Cordelia smiled a little. “And I’ll explain to you why I have all that… shit up there.” The use of the curse word caused Misty to chuckle lightly. Cordelia smiled a little bit more. They both knew it was unusual for the Supreme to curse. “Can we cuddle while we talk?” Misty felt safer that way. And she suspected that right now, Cordelia would do so, too. “Please.” The Supreme nodded. Misty was spot on. They moved up to the pillows, Cordelia kicked her shoes off and they stared at one another, legs intertwined and arms resting on each other’s waist. She kissed Misty Day’s nose before they started their talk. “I didn’t mean to pry, ya’know…” Misty Day began, low and softly. Cordelia nodded. “I didn’t think you were prying, angel. I gave you full permission to look through my boxes.” “Not that one,” Misty murmured. “Yes, that one. I didn’t even remember it was there, honestly.” Cordelia caressed her lover’s waist, wanting to bring Misty comfort—and also do something to distract her nervous brain. She gave a few seconds for Misty to say something, and when she didn’t, Cordelia continued with her words. “When we got divorced, right when you got to the academy, I put everything in boxes. All of his stuff, and all of the stuff that I kept over the years regarding our relationship. It wasn’t much, mainly the wedding memories. All the sentimental gifts he had given me when we were dating I just donated—they were mostly stuffed toys and letters, which I threw away.” Misty listened carefully, eyes focused on Cordelia. Her ringed fingers, just like the Supreme’s, caressed her girlfriend’s waist. “I put everything on the attic—I mean, Myrtle did. I couldn’t really see when that happened. And just left it there. I don’t think there’s much use to all that… I can maybe sell the ring, donate the dress, but the pictures and everything, I don’t know. I…” Cordelia licked her lips, pondering on her next words. “I was young when we got married. Naive. Stupid.” Misty shook her head, but didn’t interrupt. “I’ve never really told anyone that before, but having a wedding and celebrating love—truelove—was something I’ve dreamt ever since I was a little girl.” Brown eyes distanced themselves. Cordelia smiled a little. “Hank helped with nothing. I planned the whole thing, thinking he was just happy to see me living one of my dreams. Looking back, I know he didn’t help because he simply didn’t care. The wedding had no meaning to him.” The smile on Cordelia’s face disappeared, and Misty Day’s heart sank once again. How could Hank have had that wonderful woman and not been completely at her mercy? Misty didn’t understand. She simply didn’t understand how people could be at Cordelia’s presence and not feel all the splendor she was. “So… in a way, I think I haven’t really done anything with my wedding memories because… it’s painful.” Cordelia shrugged softly. Her eyes had grown teary again. “I envisioned everything with so much care and love, not because of Hank, but because I wanted to do justice to that little girl who thought one day, she’d have it all. A-and the wedding was beautiful. It was everything I’ve a-always wanted. Aunt Myrtle s-spared no money. And yet… the t-thing I wanted the most—to feel loved, t-to feel enough—was forgotten in the middle of everything. When I went to b-bed that day, with Hank completely w-wasted and already asleep by the t-time I finished getting ready, I felt… empty. There was no meaning to all that.” Cordelia sniffled, and Misty reached to cup her cheek and wipe a tear away. Her own eyebrows drew closer, frowning sadly. “I had the most beautiful w-wedding, but there was nothing to celebrate. Speaking out loud and t-thinking about it, now, I suppose—I s-suppose I kept everything because of that
little girl. A way of telling her I d-did my best. I… I tried.” Cordelia looked down, face scrunching up with tears. Misty Day felt her own eyes matching her lover’s, and she held back her emotions for now. She understood Cordelia perfectly, as she always did. The memories had nothing to do with Hank. “Baby… I’m so sorry.” Misty caressed Cordelia’s cheekbone with her thumb, waiting for her to look back up. When she did, blue eyes grew softer. “I understand. I do.” Cordelia sniffled again, smiling sadly. Weirdly enough, she was not ashamed. She had expected that conversation to bring her so many negative emotions, but in reality… all she felt was love for the woman beside her. Misty Day had shown her what being loved felt like. Myrtle had been the only reference point up until she met Misty, but Myrtle was like a mother to her. Not a lover. Not a soulmate. “Don’t be.” Cordelia shook her head. She sniffled and opened a genuine, tiny smile. “I have everything, now.” It took a second for Misty Day to understand what Cordelia meant, but when she did, the smile that spread across her face was priceless. Cordelia’s own smile grew in size. “I wouldn’t do a-anything different, my love. It all led m-me to you. All that… it was a s-small price compared to what y-you mean to me.” “Delia…” Misty Day’s cheeks tinted. She bit her lower lip for a second, smile still stamped on her lips. She didn’t believe Cordelia had to go through all that; they would have found each other, one way or another. But now was not the time to get into specifics. She was just glad her lover was there, with her. “Ya are the best thing that I’ve ever h-had.” “And you’re mine.” Cordelia whispered. She leaned closer to Misty, and they kissed so lovingly it nearly made them both break down in tears. Cordelia put her lover closer by the waist, caressing her. In that moment, there was not even a single doubt in Misty Day’s mind that she would, eventually, give Cordelia the day of her dreams. Somewhere in the near future. Soon. Right now, they both felt complete.
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anne-i-write · 3 years
moriarty the patriot headcannons
| requested by anon: “uhhh kinda weird lmao but how would the moriarty bros react to an s/o from the future? (Headcanons) thanks! OwO” |
william x reader; louis x reader; albert x reader
word count: 1355
tw: a few swears, if i’m missing any please let me know!
a/n: i’m so sorry that these are coming out so slow please enjoy!
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william: 317 words
as soon as you wake up he’ll be staring at you intently
“where am i?”
“durham, england, 1880… and in my room”
it takes you like ten minutes to process everything that’s going on because: “i’m dreaming right??? or did i actually shift???
after finally accepting the fact you indeed did not shift and are not dreaming, you finally looked at the man who had stayed silent during your incoherent ramblings
“you seem more awake now, is it alright if i ask a few questions?”
hhh he’s such a gentleman
you both honestly take this whole time shift thing really well
louis definitely walks in on you two and he’s like,,
“who tf are you and how did you get in”
sdjkfhd pls its so funny when you guys converse
his speaking manner is so refined and yours is just,, yours
but he loves it
he thinks its cute
he comes up with a story for you because there were people who were no doubt going to question how you came into his life
and from there you two hit it off really well
accidentally said you two were to be wed during a conversation and the nobles went insane
when you are on the carriage ride back from the party he apologizes for saying something so out of line
“i wouldn’t mind being married to you, william.”
this man always has something to say but THIS
he wanted to respond with something witty but you just,, existed and made him melt
“let’s go buy a ring tomorrow then.”
asks you questions about the future
only trivial things, never if his plan works in the long term
but judging by the way you talk about your previous life he can tell that everyone is somewhat equal, except for “the dumbass politicians” you speak about
oh did i mention he picks up your swears too LMAO
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louis: 459 words
 he’s heading back to his room when you come OUT of his room
“who tf are you, how did you get into this house, and why are you here”
instant kill mode
you think you’re dreaming so you’re like,, ok cool and you tell him most of your life story and he’s like
has never been more dumbfounded in his life
who is this person and what are they wearing and why are they telling me their life story
eventually the rest of the moriarty team gets involved and matters are settled lmao
you all agree that staying in the manor is the best course of action at the moment
louis thinks you’re taking this a little too well so he’s still a little sus of you
like seriously,, the future?? cmon now
the people you’re working for probably made those weird clothes for you
but anyways
you’re helping him clean the house and cook
“this is fun,,, but honestly?? if i have to do this by myself everyday i would cry”
you keep saying this and you know it’s getting annoying for louis but he ISNT TALKING
if you can’t beat em, annoy em
finally gives in
“how did you used to wash clothes in the future?”
and you get this big smile on your face and you start TALKING
you’re so excited that he finally spoke to you
even tho you know you lowkey annoyed him
but you’re talking and louis is like,, huh
you’re talkative, but not annoying at all
you have little stories that make him laugh sometimes
needless to say you both get closer
but it isn’t until one night louis is making rounds around the manor that he passes by your room and hears crying
so he’s worried and he goes into your room
bruh you try pulling that shit where you wipe away your tears and be like “oh i’m okay!”
like,, no u aren’t
louis makes you spill what’s bothering you
“my friends, my family… are they okay? are they looking for me?? they must be so worried”
note that you’ve already been at the moriarty estate for about two months without any word that you can return to your own time
and louis holds you
he teaches you more about the year that you’re currently stuck in and he tries to take your mind off of the bad things
asks william to buy more books to indulge you bc you have some book withdrawals bc “WHAT DO YOU MEAN A TALE FOR THE TIME BEING HASNT BEEN PRINTED YET” followed by a short crying session
he’s a really good boyfriend
you taught him what a boyfriend was and he couldn’t stop thinking about how much society’s view on relationships changed
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albert: 579 words
is walking down the streets at night when he sees you barreling down the road in your clothes
you look pretty scathed when you run right into him
“are you alright?”
you’re scared and out of breath but he’s wearing what you can only assume is a uniform of england
he takes you to his place and tries to calm you down
he asks you questions and you tell him everything straight out
you know you look crazy but you couldn’t bring yourself to care
you were just walking back from a friend’s place IN BROAD DAYLIGHT and you felt dizzy and you woke up alone in a dark alleyway
“where are you from?”
you obviously give him your city but he corrects himself
“what year are you from?”
doesn’t want to believe you bc you’re all frantic and maybe insane
but your clothes just seem to different for him to brush off the possibility
tells you to sleep it off and gives you his bed
he’s already writing a letter to his brothers that he’s possibly coming back with someone
“ohoho brother albert has a suitor now?”
anyways, albert asks you more questions about your other life as you’re both on the train to durham
albert went out to buy you more fitting clothes before leaving and you couldn’t even repay him
but he tries to get you in a comfortable position so you don’t spiral again
but he’s genuinely nice about it when he finally accepts the fact that you are in fact from the future
funny enough, you both don’t get each others names until you get onto the train
“oh, my name is albert james moriarty”
and you’re briefly like “oh like sherlock’s nemesis” but then you remember that this is only the victorian era
sherlock holmes doesn’t exist, it’s just a coincidence
so you both get to the manor and he introduces you to the moriarty team and this is where you’re like,,
oh my God
this is real and i know the ending
you suddenly want to travel back further in time and never meet them bc they’re all really sweet towards you
and you got attached to them more than you should have
albert notices you’re a little tense so he makes small conversation to get your mind off of things
“i do like to play the piano”
they have a piano delivered to the house to make you feel more comfortable and hopefully keep you occupied
itching and nostalgic (ironic), you play songs from rachmaninoff and joe hisaishi, despite it being from the future
everyone knows chopin so shhh
“that’s beautiful, did you compose that?”
“no, but another composer did, i don’t even think he exists yet”
you’re very adamant on keeping things the same
like,, no i’m not going to tell you how to create a washing machine because i don’t want to mess up the timeline if i do go back to the future
you do get very sad occasionally because you are homesick and being placed in a world where you have only heard stories of is very disorienting
but albert and the boys make up for it
albert always tries to be by your side and if he can get his hands on a piano sheet he’ll buy one for you and see if you already know it
it’s always nice to have them around, but you know the troubles you’ll eventually have to face
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moriarty the patriot taglist: @zoehanji
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