haruharuz · 2 years
I'm going to make it. No one and nothing is going to stop me.
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illmatic-k · 1 year
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luxurymarriedlady · 2 years
A wealthy man does not just promise his generosity through words, but shows it through actions. Value how you are treated and not what you are “promised”. 
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gent-illmatic · 10 months
Solana be like💕
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lynnbabes · 5 months
Its me again!! This year flew by so quick! Honestly at the beginning of this year was very rocky. While pursuing my career and potential sponsors. Having the worst dates along with the cuddle site being dry.
Ladies we struck a diamond in the rut. I got this vanilla boyfriend for the past 8months. It was the day before my birthday we met. Perfect timing.
We connected very well on many things, him being from another country made things more interesting. I really enjoyed my time going on adventures with him. We enjoyed trying new things around the city. My favorite was flying a plane!
I do appreciate all the small things he did for me. And not just materials, he improved on my career path in getting me in the right direction. Gaining knowledge from him was the best reward than money. Even though thats just the cherry on top.
Anyway, I been really happy and i am enjoying the ride however far this takes me. While riding, i am going to make an effort to freestyle. Its time to settled down with a provider and not that vanilla.
Side note: Any advice on how to stop being emotionally attached? Asking for a friend.
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spoiledblackgirls · 2 years
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Just gonna leave this here.
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sexii-charisma86 · 5 months
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billionairebabes · 3 years
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Hi dolls, as 2021 quickly approaches, I’ve begun my annual new year planning. 2020 threw curveballs none of us could’ve expected but I’m grateful to have made it through it all in good health. In years past, I’ve always set resolutions and goals going into the new year but this year I wanted to take it a step further and walk into 2021 with a little more intention and planning. Here are a few things I’m doing to prepare myself. 
1. I like to start this process by showing gratitude. Though 2020 was undoubtedly tough, I still think we can all find little pockets of happiness and blessings to be grateful for. I like to create a list in one of my journals detailing all of the highlights of my year. Naturally, 2019’s list was much more exciting but I still managed to throw a few things together. Write your list and express gratitude even if it’s just the small things. You can also take this time to reflect on some things you may have wanted to do a little better and how that can look going forward in 2021. 
2. For 2021, I want to try something very different. Since I was a child, I would create New Year’s resolutions and goals that I wanted to reach for the new year. This often looked like traveling to x amount of countries, working out, gaining x amount of pounds, getting better grades, etc but it’s estimated that only 8% of people actually stick to their resolutions, and 2020 hardly even gave people the chance to try. So going into 2021, I’m shortening a usually very long goals and resolutions list and adding a list of commandments. Within these, I may include small details about how I can go about living within each commandment. Example: Instead of saying that I will date xxx amount of wealthy men in 2021, my commandment instead looks like: I will only entertain wealthy men that value me when and if I do decide to date.
Other commandment examples look like:
a. Be kind to those around you. b. Don’t argue and don’t debate with others when unnecessary. (I actually have this problem lol. Should’ve studied law) c. No casual sex 
The commandments feel more like small corrections to my behavior and lifestyle and hold a lot less pressure. I will be creating a majority of my goals on a monthly and/or quarterly basis, and this way, I feel as if I’m more likely to follow through. I’ll be creating goals from where I’m at instead of where I hope to be. I think trying to set goals for an entire year all at once is unrealistic and that’s why so many people fail at keeping them. So rather than setting these broad goals for myself for 2021, I am instead setting standards and rules by which I want to abide in my everyday life that will inadvertently help me achieve my goals. Later this month, closer to the New Year, I’ll start my January & Q1 goals. 
Note: Remember to be incredibly specific when creating goals. They should be measurable, achievable and should include a time measurement. 
3. Building a vision board. Based on #2, my vision board won’t be a vision board full of goals and that’s ok for me because I’ll be creating many digital vision boards throughout the year as I do form my goals. If you decide to try out my method in #1 then your vision board can include pictures that represent what you want your life to look like in the next year.  Think, a vision board that represents a lifestyle more so than your individual resolutions. 
Example: If one of your commandments states that you should be open to more experiences then your board may include a picture of a cool dining experience. Another alternative is a collection of pictures that inspire you or fit your “aesthetic”. There are some goals that’ll remain constant so my vision board for my life regardless of the year so my 2021 vision board will reflect that.
 - My vision board includes women I admire, confident women, high maintenance women, beauty products, historically glamorous women like Zsa Zsa Gabor and Eartha Kitt, outfits and style I want to emulate, affirmations, my favorite foods, healthy foods, interiors, and other pics that match my current and desired aesthetic. 
(2 of 10 pages of my mood board)
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- I created mine on Keynote on my laptop, put it in ‘View’ mode when it was complete, and then and took screenshots. I moved those screenshots into my notes (connected to my iCloud) so that I always have access to them. Whenever I need a motivation boost, I glance at my vision board. 
4. Cleanse and organize. I like to start the new year on as much of a clean slate as I can so weeks prior to January 1st, I like to begin my deep cleaning and organizing. Here are my suggestions:
a. Clean out your closet and donate what no longer matches the look you may want go for in the new year. 
b. Reorganize and organize your closets and drawers. Fold your undies sis.  c. Do you really need all of those lotions? Have they expired? If you haven’t in a while, go through your skincare, makeup, bath, and hair products to see if they’re worth holding on to. Discard what’s expired and give away what you just might not like or didn’t work for you. 
d. If you’re in school and you’re anything like I was then you probably have entirely too many documents saved on your computer just hanging out in that downloads folder. If you don’t need a document anymore throw them away. Clear away all of the files that live on your desktop for no reason too. Organize the files you do need into folders so that they’re easier to find.  If you have a Google Drive do the same. 
e. Delete contacts you no longer need or use  f. Delete the hundreds of pictures you might’ve accumulated this year. You probably no longer need them. 
g. Back up your laptop if you haven’t in a while. 
5. My Looks. This is a category that I am always working on so it usually always makes it to my New Year prep list in some shape or form. This year my list looks something like this.
a. What investments pieces do I want to add to my wardrobe this year?  b. What staple pieces should I be adding to my wardrobe this year? c. What treatments or procedures am I looking to get this year?  d. Do I plan on trying something new with my hair this year (what wigs do I need & costs, do I want to start going to salons (do research on where you’d want to go), do I want to try color? etc.)  e. Is there anything else regarding my looks that I want to address this year? How can I do that? What do I need? 
6. The Finances $$$. I’m starting a new job in January so I’ll be replanning my finances for the next year but even if you aren’t I think this step is still useful. Here’s what my financial planning for the new year looks like: 
a. New monthly budgets  b. Research on new stocks to invest in for 2021. This research is based on the Biden presidency and what I predict will boom during his term.  c. Beauty & Maintenance Investments. What treatments (fillers, chemical peels, etc.) do I want and how much will they cost? How often do I want to get my nails and toes, hair etc. done? How much do I need to budget for that? d. Are there any personal projects I’m already planning that will require an investment?  e. Savings plans and goals 
I hope you dolls found this post helpful and I’m wishing all the blessings and luck on to all of you! May we all have a prosperous New Year and Happy Holidays 🎄🎅🏾!
xxx BJC 
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alphaxheaux · 3 years
Last week I had a rhinoplasty consultation with the best surgeon in my area and it went amazing. He made me feel so comfortable and fully understood what I want. The surgery will be in the beginning of December and I can’t even describe how excited I am.
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kiaspriv · 3 years
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This is me now. More beautiful than ever. More stable than ever. In love with me.
Cashapp $rvsegold
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richkittykat · 2 years
I'll be absolutely transparent here...
I'm on the road to leveling up and living a hypergamous lifestyle, but these thoughts keep creeping in...I wanna be a spoiled girlfriend; to be loved and, well...spoiled by a great and generous man. Someone to buy me gifts and send money, to take me out on nice dates and just show me all being the affluent world has to offer as far as experiences are concerned.
But has anyone ever felt weird thinking about it sometimes? Like, I know there are guys willing to do this for the woman they love, but I'm so used to mindset that you can't have that 'cause you'd be a "gold digger", or you'd be "taking advantage" of them.
Like, I have a job and still plan to have a career in the future. I'm also in school furthering my education, so what's the problem?
Does anyone have any words of wisdom or just solid advice? Please and thank you!
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haruharuz · 2 years
This is your sign to learn how to do things on your own. Not because you have to, but, because if you ever DO have to, you can.
First: Supplies
For everything you learn you want adequate supplies stored PROPERLY. I will admit here and now that the first set of nail supplies I got... Was not stored in an organized fashion. Quite literally tossed it all in a cubby bin. I know, horrendous.
But it's important that you store these things properly, or, you'll end up like me. With a lot to organize, throw away, and buy.
Amazon is your best friend for supplies. I'll be reorganizing ALL of my supplies into plastic drawers to keep things clean and neat. You can get em at Walmart, cheap.
Second: What To Learn
Hotties, you want to be able to do damn near anything on a budget at HOME if you can. So here's a massive list of things that can upgrade your lifestyle.
Nails (gel, dip, acrylic, natural, manipedi)
Hair (wig installation, braids, overnight curls, straightening, detox // clarifying, updos)
Makeup (cut crease, half cut crease, halo eye, glitter application, properly setting makeup, illusions with mild contour)
Brows (ombre/tint, waxing, threading)
Self Massage (shoulders, back, legs, feet)
Lashes (fake extensions // individuals, lash lifts and tints)
Photo editing / self photography
"I don't know how to learn these things!" YouTube, TikTok, Google. Practice.
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illmatic-k · 1 year
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Face card never declines.
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luxurymarriedlady · 3 years
Friendly reminder that just because a man says he will take care of you doesn’t actually mean he will. Value action, not words.
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gent-illmatic · 4 months
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richspoiledgemini · 3 years
A lot has happened this year. I don’t even know how to summerize it but let me try:
I was in a ldr for 2 years. It was my dream relationship but I broke things of earlier this year because I got cold feet. I had a feeling that I had to “explore” before settling down and commit to this man.
I met someone new, younger than me. I was in love and so was he. It didn’t work out - I started to miss my old relationship and here I am, wondering if I made a mistake.
So, I emailed, let’s call him “J”, last night. He inmideatly responded through text and we talked for a bit. J is 10 years older than me and basically retired when I broke up with him. Ugh.
I am not sure what to think about it.
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