#tabletop roleplay warlock
vexwerewolf · 1 year
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tabletopresources · 1 year
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by Tommy Lee
Check out Tabletop Gaming Resources for more art, tips, and tools for your game!
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vintagerpg · 10 months
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No eldritch blasts here. This week on the Vintage RPG Podcast, we look at The Complete Warlock, one of the earliest hacks of the original D&D — the rules were compiled from a homebrew California-area game in 1975 and finally saw print in 1978, only to be buried by the then-fresh Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. It’s still an interesting system, especially considering it corrects OD&D in a lot of similar ways Gygax did with AD&D. It also has a number of mechanical innovations that anticipate systems seen later in RuneQuest and Rolemaster and many other games. It’s an interesting time capsule!
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pluralpcs · 7 months
Plural Warlocks
Warlocks have got to be our favorite class. Since 3.5e we've absolutely loved playing them. Hell, even the character that was explicitly plural (before we realized we were plural ourselves) in a 4th edition game ended up going warlock. At the time of writing this, two of our headmates are playing a Hexblade Warlock; one plays the human that started with their now shared body, the other plays a sentient high tech sword that takes over from time to time.
So, here are some ways to use warlock to make a plural character!
Base Class Features
Pact Magic: We'll get into how spells can be used to code your character as plural, as well as specific spells that stand out as plural coded already, or that can be reflavored easily. That will all be in its own section below. However Pact Magic is a unique form of spellcasting in 5e that we find especially works for plural characters. Why is your warlock able to refresh their spell slots with an hour of rest? Well it's because each headmate has their own spell slots. It just takes about an hour to switch, or it takes an hour to prepare their spells when they first start fronting.
Otherworldly Patron: Like with spells, we'll cover this in it's own section below. But suffice to say, this class feature can easily be plural coded. At the very least, your plural warlock could share their body with their patron; whether that be the patron itself, a member of the patron's class, category, or organization, or an emissary sent by the patron. We will discuss more specific mechanics that each subclass offers below.
Eldritch Invocation: A lot of these invocations can be used to represent specific headmates doing things (e.g. Beast Speech being used by animal headmates). But here are some specific ones we thought really stood out:
Eldritch Mind: A headmate concentrates on the spell, making it easier for the system to hold onto it.
Gaze of Two Minds: A headmate jumps into someone else's head and reports back to the rest of the system.
Mask of Many Faces: Yup. Probably a dream of most every plural system out there. Cast this whenever your character switches.
Master of Myriad Forms: Second verse, same as the first.
Minions of Chaos: Summoning spells/abilities can be flavored to be less of a summoning an extraplanar creature but rather allowing a headmate to physically manifest themselves.
Misty Visions: With magic, imposition can be a lot cooler!
Voice of the Chain Master: This one feels very plural adjacent. Perhaps one of your character's headmates' can inhabit the familiar.
Whispers of the Grave: This is basically doing mediumship.
Pact Boon: Pact of the Chain works well if you also have Voice of the Chain Master mentioned above. Pact of the Talisman might be used to represent a headmate that inhabits an object (also good for a POSIC character). Said headmate offers assistance, guidance, or moral support. Some of the invocations for the talisman might expand this out (such as having the headmate reach out and slap someone that hits their wearer).
Mystic Arcanum: Like with the spellcasting feature, different headmates can be the ones to cast different spells. Maybe one specific headmate is an archmage, so they're the only one who can access the higher level spells from Mystic Arcanum, and that's why they don't refresh during a short rest.
Eldritch Master: If you've been doing the "switching takes an hour and everyone has their own spell slots" way of handling spells on your plural warlock, then this feature can be a great breakthrough that shows improvement on those switches. Alternatively maybe it's a great meeting in your plural character's headspace where everyone lends their power to the front and that recharges the spells.
Subclasses (Otherworldly Patrons)
The Archfey:
Spells: Many of spells here work well to have delivered by a headmate. Faerie Fire could be the work of a headmate lighting ghostly flames to everything. Sleep and calm emotions might be a headmate reaching out and using passive influence on someone outside of the warlock. Phantasmal force is straight up imposition taken to a magical level. Dominate beast and dominate person can be flavored as a headmate going off to front in another creature's body.
Fey Presence: For a brief moment one of the warlock's headmates shows their true innerworld form.
Beguiling Defenses: This is one of our favorite types of mechanics we code as plural. Instead of being outright immune to being charmed, we flavor it as charms only working on one headmate at a time. When the charm goes off, the warlock switches and a new headmate takes over, completely unfazed by the charm. Alternatively a non-fronting headmate acts like a symptom holder for the charm effect.
Dark Delirium: We like Hurl Through Hell out of the Fiend patron for this type of thing, but Dark Delirium can still be cool and plural as hell. Your warlock opens up their headspace. Their innerworld spills out around them and warps the landscape. The target's mind is drawn into this. There they can only see your warlock, and the inner reaches of your mindscape.
The Celestial:
Spells: Less spells jump out as plural coded beyond the simple "my headmate does it" technique we've been playing with. However, if headmates are different souls for your warlock, Revivify might be a headmate diving into death after a creature to bring their soul back from the brink. Guardian of Faith is an obvious choice for headmate imposition.
Searing Vengeance: This could be one hell of a switch.
The Fathomless:
Spells: Again, mostly spells that we can imagine being delivered or created by headmates. Summon elemental and Bigby's hand are definitely cool ways to have headmates imposed by your warlock.
Tentacle of the Deeps: Like with Bigby's hand, this can be a really cool way for your warlock's non-human giant abyss monster headmate to "leak out" into the world. They are so unfathomable that one warlock body isn't enough to hold them, so they spill out into the world around them.
Guardian Coil: An extension of the above. They're definitely co-con if not co-fronting and they're slapping down attacks.
Grasping Tentacles: Third verse, same as the first. What we really like about this one is that now you can flavor it as the tentacled headmate maintaining the spell entirely themself since damage doesn't break concentration.
Fathomless Plunge: This one can be flavored as a brief jaunt through headspace. Many of your warlock's headspace locations might be connected magically to bodies of water, and with this ability they and their friends can dive through headspace and out of those outerworld locations.
The Fiend:
Spells: Unfortunately most of these fall into our tried and true method of "a wizard did it a headmate cast it".
Dark One's Own Luck: An internal Aid Another action.
Hurl Through Hell: Absolutely one of our most favorite abilities on a plural warlock. Instead of sending them to the lower planes, your warlock sends them to a bad place in their headspace.
The Genie:
Spells: Phantasmal force is again a great way for a headmate to be imposed. Phantasmal killer can likewise be tweaked to do that. Alternatively, it could be through a headmate reaching out into the target's mind to yank something terrifying to the surface. Creation might be something your warlock uses to pull things from their headspace.
Genie's Vessel: If you haven't noticed, we absolutely love it when we can use mechanics to represent headspace on warlock characters. And this one is no exception. Well it does have an exception, kinda. Like with the talisman pact representing a headmate that inhabits an object, this will require your warlock's entire headspace to inhabit an object. Admittedly, the limitation of being able to visit headspace only once per long rest might interfere with a plural character's planned system mechanics though.
Sanctuary Vessel: Extending the above, it's really cool to bring other characters into a plural PC's headspace.
The Great Old One:
Spells: Oh my god the spells! We find psychic stuff to pair really well with plural characters. So the very psychic themed Great Old One patron hits a lot of the right buttons. Even though many of these fall under the "have a headmate cast it" technique, something about them just pops to us. Dissonant whispers comes from a headmate scaring the shit out of somebody. Tasha's Hideous Laughter is some wicked passive influence. Detect thoughts taking the form of a headmate spying on the target's mind. Clairvoyance taking on the form of imposition, but instead of everyone else seeing them like some of the other ideas here, they can see from their imposed location. Telekinesis doing the same but for throwing shit. Sending as system hoping telegrams. And we've already talked about phantasmal force, dominate beast, and dominate person.
Awakened Mind: Like with sending, you can have your warlock use this ability through headmates passing messages back and forth directly into other creature's heads.
Thought Shield: Your warlock's brain has a bouncer of sorts. Or maybe their headspace has really strong walls. Either way, we again love stuff like this on our plural PCs.
Create Thrall: Okay, you can treat this one like straight up possession. When using this ability your warlock sends a headmate into the creature to start fronting in that body.
The Hexblade:
Spells: Aside from phantasmal killer, none of these really pop out at us as especially plural coded. Again though, defaulting to "a headmate cast it" works, especially since a number of the smites are bonus actions.
Hexblade's Curse/Hex Warrior: This has got to be one of our favorite subclasses to get a plural character running, as they literally wield their patron in battle (even though they have little else mechanically that pops out as plural to us). Perhaps the patron is a headmate that was once a great warrior and co-front when cursing a target! Adding Charisma to attack and damage from Hex Warrior can be described with something like a possession state. If you pick up Pact of the Blade, your warlock can pull that headmate out of their headspace directly.
The Undead:
Spells: Phantasmal force and phantom steed work as imposition. Plus, the second one encourages you to give your warlock a non-humanoid headmate, which is cool and doesn't get done enough! Like with revivify mentioned in the Celestial, speak with dead might be something that a headmate can do by going to fetch the mind of the target. Or interestingly enough, perhaps the headmate possesses the body and gives it enough life force to spark up the brain's memories.
Form of Dread: This is some straight up Moon Knight shit right here.
Necrotic Husk: Like with Celestial's Searing Vengeance ability, this can be flavored as one hell of a switch.
Spirit Projection: While it would be cool as hell to be able to have a headmate take over your warlock's body while another goes out in spirit form, the mechanics don't allow this. However, this is still a cool way to get headmates interacting with the world outside of the body.
The Undying:
Spells: Not much here that hasn't been covered already. Legend lore however might be a very cool way to have a headmate drop important exomemories.
Defy Death: A much less flashier version of Searing Vengeance or Necrotic Husk, but still could be a cool way to describe a switch.
Undying Nature: This one is a bit more subtle in how we would code it as plural, but in a magical setting, your plural warlock's headmates might each have their own lifespan that ticks down only while they're fronting. Which in turn leads to a much slower rate of aging.
Spells are probably the easiest place to slip some plural coding into a character in 5th edition (or likely any rendition of D&D). As we've stated plenty of times by now, "a headmate cast it" is a perfectly acceptable way of handling a plural spellcaster. A ton of ranged spells work really well as minor magical impositions of headmates (e.g. every ranged attack spell is represented by a headmate imposing themself next to the enemy and giving them a good wack). So we won't be going over every single warlock spell here. Instead, we'll showcase a number of spells that we think really pop.
Mage Hand: Classic minor telekinesis (remember what we said about the Great Old One patron?). This spell allows a headmate to impose themself in the world and move stuff around.
Mind Sliver: System hopping but for mages. A headmate goes into the target's mind and breaks some shit.
Minor Illusion: A lot of illusion spells will be great for imposition. It only works to impose a headmate's voice. But, you can pull in stuff from your character's headspace and have them impose that for objects.
Armor of Agathys: A ghostly headmate surrounds your warlock's body in protective force and slaps anyone that would hurt their vessel.
Arms of Hadar: Imposing a mosh pit of headmates. Hell yes.
Comprehend Languages: Call up a headmate that knows a different language to sit in co-con and translate for the system.
Unseen Servant: An upgraded mage hand. Although it is listed as mindless, we can just say that the headmate imposed is just using the warlock's brain to do their thinking.
Borrowed Knowledge: Another spell for cool switching/co-fronting! This can really give some satisfaction to the phenomenon of different headmates having different skills in the real world without making it feel like each individual headmate has less skills than a given singlet of the same class and Intelligence score.
Crown of Madness: The first possession like spell on the list. Perhaps change up the visual flair to suit a specific headmate that does the possessing. But otherwise this spell can look like sending a headmate into the target to passively influence them into attacking specific creatures.
Mind Spike: An upgraded mind sliver. While your warlock maintains the spell, their headmate stows away in the target's mind, reporting back their location.
Suggestion: Passive influence, but for other creatures!
Hunger of Hadar: Another spell that can be a cool way to bring your warlock's headspace onto the battlefield.
Intellect Fortress: Like the Great Old One's Thought Shield, you can use this to describe a well fortified headspace.
Major Image: A bit more powerful than minor illusion, but this one will let your warlock impose their headmates' bodies. It takes focus to maintain the imposition (like it does for a lot of systems that do imposition in the real world), but since this is fantasy at least everyone else can see them.
Summons: This post will get way longer than it already is if we talk about every single summon spell. So to save on word length, summon spells can be a really cool way to manifest a headmate in D&D, as usually you as the player get to control their actions, so you won't run into any issues with the summon acting in ways that the headmate they represent wouldn't act.
Tongues: An upgraded comprehend languages. With this spell, the headmates that know the obscure languages are all co-fronting.
Banishment: For a bit of flavor and fun, with your DM's permission, you might be able to have the harmless demiplane be your warlock's headspace. If your DM is particularly cool with it, your warlock's non-fronting headmates might get to chat with the target too, creating a fun roleplaying scene.
Hallucinatory Terrain: Useful for imposing your warlock's headspace again.
Raulothim's Psychic Lance: An upgraded mind sliver. This time your warlock can send a headmate hunting for the creature instead of charging directly at them.
Shadow of Moil: Another take on armor of agathys.
Contact Other Plane: Any soulbonders who have internal telephone like connections can probably see how this spell is related to plurality.
Danse Macabre: As the name implies, it is a bit macabre, but your warlock sending out headmates to possess corpses for a rave does sound cool.
Dream: Deam based system hopping.
Create Undead: This one can work for sending headmates out to possess corpses. The limitation of losing control of the ghouls (as a player) after 24 hours without recasting the spell presents a real problem for that though. How to explain that limitation in the fiction will be up to you and your DM. Perhaps they will be cool with the ghouls simply collapsing and the headmates returning to the warlock's body. Perhaps you will be cool with the story made by headmates permanently leaving your warlock's system and being under the control of the DM.
Mass Suggestion: Like suggestion, but your warlock's entire system goes running around passive influencing a crowd.
Soul Cage: Your warlock temporarily gains a new headmate! Okay your warlock does so in a shitty way, but that can be reflavored.
Demiplane: Direct transportation into your warlock's headspace!
Dominate Monster: Another possession like spell for sending headmates to start fronting in other creature's bodies.
Imprisonment: Another spell that you can flavor as sending a creature into your warlock's headspace using the Hedged Prison version of the spell.
Psychic Scream: The final upgrade to mind sliver. Send your warlock's whole system to beat up nearly a dozen creatures.
Weird: The ultimate upgrade to phantasmal killer discussed above.
Final Words
We hope you enjoyed this (much longer than planned) bit of plural joy. This is the class that inspired us to make this side blog. We aren't all that into traditional media, so we don't get to participate in headcannoning plural characters all that often. So instead we headcannon character options in TTRPGs!
Hopefully if you were inspired by our Playing Plural PCs in Literally Any TTRPG post, or you have just been thinking about playing a Plural PC, you'll find this some more inspiration or ideas on how to use the mechanics of 5e's Warlock to represent your character's system.
If this post did inspire anything, we would love to hear! If you have used warlock to play a plural character we would also love to hear! Or if have plural ideas for the warlock class that we didn't cover, let us know and we would be happy to share!!
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lewinston · 1 month
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The Populous Patron warlock subclass. The subclass itself is still being put together. But here's the cover art for it.
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ultimateinferno · 11 days
I'll be real, coffelocking is the exact kind of thing a person who made pacts with eldritch entities would do. It's 100% in character for someone learning forbidden secrets not even the Wizards know to use their knowledge to cheese unlimited spells out of magic and pissing everyone off around them over it.
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mothmandice · 28 days
They make my heart go 💕💕
Tiny comic about my dnd character Primrose and her betrothed Siegfried based on the song Inarticulation by Rio Romeo
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Primrose is a half elf, Pact of the Tome warlock and Siegfried is a tiefling, Oath of the Crown (I think? He's an NPC) paladin. They're childhood best friends and their betrothal came about as a complete surprise due to unforseen circumstances. However they are in love your honor and I am so sappy about them.
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ctrockiart · 1 year
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Artist: Caden Trocki Title: Warlock Original Size: 14" × 11" Medium: acrylic on canvas Original $350 (plus shipping) (non watermarked)
Photo Gloss Print Sizes (non watermarked) 4" × 6" $6 (plus shipping) 8" × 10" $25 (plus shipping)
Are you a seeker of knowledge? Or maybe looking for art in your game room? This DND inspired artwork is sure to fill the void with magic and wonder. 
Order a print here!
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jinyuexj · 1 year
at what point did we all come to the conclusion that warlocks are dumb. i mean ofc they are, but it's fantastic how everyone agrees. it's actually perfect character for me, coz why i need some wisdom points if i have the ancient creepy sugar daddy who give me skills.......
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skeletuneplayer · 2 years
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This is Norupo, my DnD Character. He is a Warlock Faun, inspired by the Song Norupo by Heilung.
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artofapeach · 8 months
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FREE character art and level 3 dungeons and dragons warlock premade character sheet added in my Kofi shop <3
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educationaldm · 9 months
One of my players is a warlock with an Archfey Patron. I have decided which one, but have to do more research into how this is going to play out.
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quirkwizard · 2 months
So recently I have been on a huge tabletop RPG kick so I thought it would be fun to talk about Class 1-A playing their own tabletop game, both the characters they'd play and how they'd be as players. For the sake of this, I will be writing in the context of Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition since that's the system myself and others would be the most familiar with.
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Rikido Sato: Half Orc Life Cleric Doesn't really get the game too much. Tends to forget the rules a lot and his own abilities. Just kind of picked a class at random. Is the king of bringing snacks and the like, all of which are homemade.
Mashirao Ojiro: Wood Elf Open Hand Monk Pretty average in all respects as a player. Not too remarkable in all respects. Doesn't realized how bad the monk is until they started playing, but is too attached to the character and their concept.
Koji Koda: Firbolg Shepard Druid Is only really here to hang out with his friends. Too shy to really do any roleplay with the rest of the gang, mostly doing small moments with his animals friends. Accidently made an overpowered build.
Minoru Mineta: Dhampir Phantom Rogue Knows the rules, but is a power gamer. Uses the game more as a power fantasy to look as cool as possible at all times, even if it is dumb, though will quickly panic if anything goes slightly wrong.
Hanta Sero: Gith Horizon Walker Ranger Really interested in all the lore and history of whatever the dungeon master came up with. The kind that dungeon masters either love or dread. Is the one constantly asking question and cracking the odd joke about it.
Toru Hagakure: Changeling Arcane Trickster Rogue Super big into the roleplay of it all and is always excited. Mostly took Changeling so she'd have the excess to play as many roles as possible. Probably makes little masks to remind people who she currently is.
Yuga Aoyama: Aasimar Glory Paladin Is insanely devoted to the role of the noble paladin, much to the detriment of everyone else. Likely says the line "But it's what my character would do more then any other player. Constantly hints at a backstory that nobody is biting on.
Mezo Shoji: Hobgoblin Gloomstalker Ranger Not the biggest into roleplay, does fairly well with the actual gameplay. Plays the typically reserved ranged. Tried to tie his and Koda's backstory together to try and take some of the stress off of him in terms of roleplaying.
Kyoka Jiro: Half Elf Whispers Bard Wasn't really sure about all of this before play and went with a bard because she liked the idea of playing music. It was a rocky start, but quickly got into it and started having fun. Will make custom songs and playlists for the party, as well ambient tracks and battle music.
Denki Kaminari: Air Genesi Storm Sorcerer Wanted to try it out because it was popular. Went with something he thought was cool and did not expect it to be so complicated. Needs to be constantly handed the book and remined of the rules in order to make sure he gets it. The amount of math hurts his head. Eijiro Kirishima: Goliath Giant Barbarian Like Denki, wanted to get into because it was popular. Bakugou helped a lot with building the character. Has a lot of fun smashing stuff. Plays his role pretty well, even if his character doesn't go beyond the nice brute whose name is very close to Kirishima's own.
Mina Ashido: Satyr Glamour Bard One of the students the most into the roleplaying. Is very light hearted and goofy about the whole thing. Can play a lot in bard stereotypes because she thinks it's funny. Another instigator, though mostly from her getting too into character at the worst of times. Fumikage Tokoyami: Tiefling Fiend Warlock Has been playing the game the longest and super familiar with all of it. Always makes characters he thinks are "cool", which means are super gothic and depress, both in class and in race. Does occasionally have Dark Shadow dress up and roleplay as his patron. Ochako Uraraka: Fairy Zealot Barbarian Ochako just wants to smash stuff. She has a lot of fun rolling dice and doing cool stuff with her friends, both good and bad. Likes playing the typically pixie before going nuts. Can be an instigator, but tends to backtrack when she realizes just how badly it goes wrong. Tsuyu Asui: Halfling Moon Druid Like Koda, is mostly here to have fun with friends. Often plays mediator both in and out of character. Does a good job with roleplaying thanks to how much she had to play pretend with her simplies. Always causes a riot whenever she becomes a dinosaur. Shoto Todoroki: Hill Dwarf Fighter Champion One of the worst players both in game and in roleplay. Played a character Izuku basically made for him. Is somehow still one of the best because he is constantly getting amazing rolls at the most critical moments, much to the frustration of Bakugou.
Katsuki Bakugo: Custom Lineage Chronurgy Wizard Powergamer, no question. He knows the rules back and forth to make the most broken build possible. Acts like D&D is a game you can win, even when it comes to roleplaying. Not a full on murder hobo, but by far the biggest instigator in the group.
Tenya Iida: Warforged Devotion Paladin Very much devoted to the rules, both in and out of the game. Gets confused when people say that he's doing a good job at playing a robot. Collects a lot of dice. One of the best Dungeon Masters of any of the students, though can be rather controlling at times. Momo Yaoyorozu: High Elf Forge Cleric A really good player with the rules though can be pretty awkward with the roleplay with how much she tries to get into it. One of the best DMs in the class. Makes custom miniatures for everyone in the party. Puts a lot of money to make the ultimate game room. Izuku Midoriya: Variant Human Bladesinging Wizard The perfect player. Knows the roles, but focuses more on making characters. Takes the most notes, pay attention, and makes sure everyone is having fun and feels included. Likely gets roped into the role of dungeon master more then anyone else because of these reasons.
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skunts-own-truth · 4 months
For any of those interested 40k RPers out there, I just got myself a copy of the new Wrath & Glory Aeldari sourcebook, Inheritance of Embers. If you’re curious about the new playable archetypes added into the game, here they are:
From the Drukhari-
Kabalite, Wych, Hellion, Beastmaster, Incubus, Mandrake (a surprise to me! Pretty cool you can play that,) Scourge, Archon, Haemonculus, Succubus.
From the Harlequins-
Troupe Player, Death Jester, Shadowseer, Troupe Master.
From the Corsairs-
Voidreaver, Voidscarred, Soul Weaver & Wayseeker, Felarch, Corsair Prince.
From the Asuryani-
Guardian, Ranger, Dark Reaper, Dire Avenger, Fire Dragon, Howling Banshee, Striking Scorpion, Swooping Hawk, Warp Spider, Warlock, Wraithguard (sick,) Autarch, Farseer.
Pretty solid lineup of classes! Any avid RPer or GM can use this book to make a heck of a Eldar game, and it sure is nice seeing C7 give some love to some factions outside of the Imperium for tabletop roleplay. And yes, I am a d100 faithful and do like Imperium Maledictum more than Wrath & Glory… buuut I do think if you’re doing a Xenos/post-human game, Wrath & Glory is a far better choice for the scale of action you’d want to do.
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efangamez · 1 year
Want a one-page class-only game for endless hours of fun? Enter the "Adventurer" series!
The Adventurer series of games that I have created center around a specific archetype in the TTRPG fantasy space.
Each world of each game is finely crafted towards each of these classes to give bright, exciting new worlds to explore on only one page of content. Here are some of the current games in the line up that you can snag now!
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Wanderer: Wanderer is a ranger-only TTRPG based around gathering a party of wandering rangers to fight the beasts that haunt your world. Kill them, save the, or become them…the choice is all yours. DOWNLOAD HERE!
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Salvation: You have been forsaken by the Chapel of Light and forced from its ranks. You are excommunicated, but still have the powers of Light at your fingertips. They have ordered you to seek salvation and redeem yourself by journeying into the world and helping others. Will you seek salvation? Or will you forsake the Chapel and be on your own path? DOWNLOAD HERE!
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Barbaria: Wanna play as a team of barbarians fighting monsters in a unique system? Also, want it ALL on one page? Barbaria, the one page barbarian only TTRPG is for you! Build unique characters with this simple and adaptable system that adds just enough crunch to leave you coming back for more! DOWNLOAD HERE!
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By String and Song: Introducing By String and Song, a one-page bard-only tabletop roleplaying game! Create a character in under 2 minutes and begin an adventure! Being one page and by utilizing a simple d20-only system, this game can be enjoyed by both TTRPG vets and newbies alike! Start your adventure in the land of Bardia today! DOWNLOAD HERE!
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Coven: In a world where magic is forsaken…
In Coven, create the warlock of your dreams. With this one-page system, anything is possible.
It includes…
-An easy to learn system that allows for characters to be built in MINUTES
-Lore that is open enough for GMs to run wild
-Enemies that will add an extra flavor to your games!
Become the scourge of the inquisition or change the world for good in Coven today! DOWNLOAD HERE!
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If choosing is hard, you don't have to! All the Adventurer games are FREE and will always be so! Also, all of my other games are free, so why not check those out too?
Thanks for reading this post! I hope y'all enjoy playing the games as much as I have <3
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lewinston · 1 year
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My homebrew warlock who’s powered by a Populous patron! Now with colours. You can find more information about this homebrew warlock here.
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