#tarot gift
fkartcreations · 1 year
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New tarot book for beginners!! on Amazon ! visit my store and get one !
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retrogamingblog2 · 14 days
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Pokemon Tarot Card Stickers made by Rubykatco
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rib-rabbitmask · 25 days
⚔ Twin Runes ⚔
(Click 4 better quality!)
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It was supose to be a gift for Akanemnon b-day but- uh... yeah, i was on a lack of motivation in that time-
WHATEVER- HAPPY (reeally late) BIRTHDAY Akane 💖
I finally could finish that danm fanart, and i could never be more happy with it since i was testing and praticing shading and ligthing with it...
( i wanted to do more but i just can't 💀)
Hope y'all like it!! <3
Twin Runes (Kris) by: @akanemnon
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theartofmadeline · 1 year
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it’s finally here!!! 
my muppets inspired majors deck, the rainbow connection tarot, is now available in my etsy shop!! 
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tarotwithavi · 5 months
Your Christmas gift from the universe
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
Paid services
Pile 1
You'll be reconnecting with your family and spending time with them. I know it may not be a big present but I see you'll finally be getting love from them in a way you've never before. If you do not have a good relationship with your family then expect that to change because I see that how you view your family is going to change, positively. I also see that some of you will be getting engaged or married soon. If you're in a relationship then your partner may propose to you. And for others You'll be spending your time discovering your true self. A long journey will leave you wider at the end. I see that your life will change completely next year. Someone may give you a beautiful hair accessory. You may win a lottery or get money through inheritance.
Pile 2
The situation you're stressing about is going to revolve. And if you have been struggling financially or people around you have then expect a huge amount of money from someone. I also see that you'll be blessed with a high paying job soon and it's going to be the ideal job for you. Some of you may even start your own business. But you'll succeed at whatever you're doing. If you're a content creator then expect your account to bloom soon. You'll be getting a lot of offers and opportunities. If you're thinking of going vegan then it's the best time to. Your guides are encouraging you to take a big step in your diet. Eat healthy. I also see that some of you may receive a handmade gift for someone special or someone may propose to you with handwritten letters.
Pile 3
If you're stressed out about your exams then rest assured because you're going to rock them. If you're contemplating giving a competitive exam or auditioning for something, your guides are giving you a huge green light. I also see that you're getting recognition for your ideas. But be really careful of who you share your ideas with. I also see that some of you may be ending an important chapter or moving away from a relationship. I am also seeing you traveling or going somewhere that'll help you relieve your stress , a short trip that has a huge impact on your life.
Pile 4
I just heard “the karmic needs to go in order for the soulmate to come” . You may end a toxic relationship or may get heartbroken by someone but just know that everything happens for a reason. If you're going through a heartbreak right now everything will be fine. You'll be having a lot of options in love and I'm talking about high value men, men who know how to take care of a woman. You may dream of someone significant. I also see that some of your dreams are going to come true. I see the situation balancing out and things working in your favor. I also see that you'll be receiving lots of gifts. Also some news is on the way.
Pile 5
You'll be having your new years kiss with the love of your life!!! You're the luckiest pile because I see you glowing up physically and if you have been thinking of having a baby you could conceive this holiday season. I also see that you're able to meet your soulmate, it may happen suddenly. You'll have no idea about it. I see you slaying haha. You're leveling up financially, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It's perfect. Someone new is entering your life, for some it's a companion and some of you it's a lover. Btw wear nice boots. Idk but this message was random but significant.
Pile 6
I see that you will start earning from doing what you love. Your hobby may help you financially or something that you will learn in the holiday season will have a huge impact on your life. I also see that if your family has been struggling financially everything will work out, I see debts clearing. You will encounter someone really significant or popular, or you may even meet a celebrity. One of your wishes from your wish list is going to come true. I also see you level up spiritually, you'll have a great connection with God/universe/nature. And you'll find the answers to your questions in your dreams. But be careful because temptation will test you.
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solselah · 3 months
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Right off bat , you are a very powerful leader & creative. You could be a fire sign (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius) or have it in your chart somewhere 👀 either way, you carry the ability to remember repressed thoughts and memories from past lives ! I can see that while discovering this you will regret or reject the strength behind your ability. Please don’t worry too much about that ; it will fade away at some point. You may be a soul who is introduced to your abilities and gifts through a romantic connection or through the hardships of ONE. If you question why pain came with that love, the answer is because a catalyst was needed to usher in your abilities!
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PILE 2 :
You have the ability to GROW through your shadow side !! Like pure rebirth, it is the product of you discovering the dark parts of your soul ! This ability is heavy on control. There is a need for you to practice controlling how you utilize this ability/power!! It comes very natural to you, but because the lack of knowledge, you tend to ignore it or chalk it up as something Generic ! The whole time, this is a tool you can utilize when you are STUCK in situations that seem impossible to get out of ! This is something that is very hard to ignore, so I would simply learn to accept it and gain an understanding of how this works for you & how it may fit in your life as something you can benefit from.
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Your hidden ability is to trigger!! Your soul's light is so STRONG that it causes impurity to tremble. You already kind of know about this ability, but you have been waiting for confirmation that this is what it is ! You absolutely provide clarity for those who may be confused about life or even confused about who you REALLY ARE. I'm seeing so many people around you second guess your judgment, but little do they know you provide clear guidance to those who are willing to listen ! You may see a reaction from people that comes off as anger or conflict ! This is the result of the triggering you do on a daily. You don’t even try at this rate. This is purposeful and meant to be utilized and crafted as a character trait as well as a spiritual quality you have and Ignite within others! Ps: people can seem to leave your life quickly because of this. Never has this been a personal fault, more so just an energetic reaction to your rawness !
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The ability to be ATTRACTIVE!! Like you are really that GIRL/BOY / They / Them
Your attraction is your ability. It’s like a Gift from heaven, is what I hear ! Naturally. You have the means to abuse this gift, But I see you barely see yourself as such. You could be rejecting that part of yourself ! But your love, the love you put out there is so strong and FIERY!! It can blow a whole soul into Transcendence!! You quite literally blow people away. And 70% of that comes from your intellect & vibe. The other 30% comes from your natural-born confidence. You will be someone who truly enjoys their abilities once you understand what it MEANS to you ! 🔥🔥🔥
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Hope you Enjoy ✨
IG: @Soleccentric
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luciddownloading · 4 months
Tarot Reading: What Are Your Intuitive or Psychic Gifts? 👁️
So, it's been a LONG time since I did a Tarot reading on here. I think it's more so been a case of not wanting to just spit one out to make more content and waiting til I felt inspired to do another one. So, the inspiration hit and guess who's back? Back again. Pick a card's back, tell a friend.
Okay, seriously, we are going to be delving into your intuitive or psychic gifts today. I do think there is a distinction between both. Psychic ability IS intuition but it's a particular gift, like being clairvoyant or a medium or a channeler, while intuitive ability is being able to effortlessly or unconsciously do something.
Intuitive powers are automatic and can't be taught or explained. Psychic powers are intuitive yet give you specific knowledge of or insight into something you otherwise wouldn't know.
Everyone has intuitive abilities. I personally don't think everyone has psychic ability (at least not at this point in human society) but most people who are very into spirituality do, like you fine folks, and even certain people who have not awakened yet.
So, we will be addressing both of these abilities in this reading. It may serve as confirmation for what you already know or it could open your eyes to one of your abilities. Pick the picture or pictures below that you're most drawn to and see what your pile has to tell you! As always, only take it if it resonates.
Today's theme for the pictures is cats. Did you know that cats are highly intuitive animals with very psychic abilities? They are able to easily see and interact with spirits. Ancient Egyptians also saw them as a bridge between the earthly realm and the afterlife. Maybe that's why some people these days are scared of cats or unsettled by them. They're too powerful! (Meanwhile, it's one of the reasons why I feel so connected to cats 😻)
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Ten of Cups
(clarified by: The High Priestess)
Two of Swords
(clarified by: Nine of Pentacles)
Six of Wands
(clarified by: The Empress)
The Emperor (back of the deck)
First off, Pile 1, you are blessed with some super-powerful Divine Feminine energy. This femininity isn't something you have to learn. It comes so naturally to you. It could just be a matter of you needing to unlearn certain masculine approaches that would inhibit your authentic self. Of course, everyone has some amount of both masculine and feminine within and I don't think you need to be told that. You inherently know that. But, you are at your best when leading with your feminine traits. Having a more feminine approach to life.
The thing is that you win at life when you're leading with your Divine Feminine self. You might be surprised to find how amazingly everything falls into place when you're fully receptive or rely on your intuition (your intuition is very, very strong, by the way, but I'll get to that). It can make your life look or feel sort of "backwards" to other people. The things that everyone else does to succeed don't really work for you. So, when you try to "hustle" and "grind", you fall flat. But, when you allow yourself to flow with the natural rhythm of your own energy/body as well as life, then everything works out perfectly. This is a big message your Guides want to relay, maybe because you're struggling with this very problem currently. I think you know this, deep down, but you might still not be fully committing to this way of living.
I am also being told that you work very well with Gaia, aka Mother Earth. If you were thinking of taking up planting or gardening, you have a green light to do it. The energy of this pile is very green. You have a very green thumb as well as a really open and very powerful heart chakra. Everything and everyone flourishes under your warm, loving care, whether that's plants and flowers or actual people. You have this very grounded nurturing energy. It's earthy and solid and comforting. You might have either your Moon or Venus in an Earth sign, especially Taurus or Virgo. I am also being told that you affect people like Mother Earth. You play that role in others' lives. Just like our society is now realizing, too late, that it has taken Nature for granted and is feeling the very devastating effect of that, people feel the karmic backlash of not treating you right. For some, it's like, without you nourishing them, they start to wither away, on some level. (This is especially true of a few masculines from your past and you know who they are lol)
You also have exceptional psychic prowess, as any formidable Divine Feminine being does. I am specifically getting that you may come from a very matriarchal lineage, on either your mom or dad's side. Most likely your mom's. A very female dominated family. And I think you inherited certain psychic gifts from a female ancestor or there's something there about a past life with her involving magic, spirituality or esoteric wisdom. I feel like it could have something to do with clairvoyance or it might also involve paganism or the craft. Whatever it is, it is a birthright of sorts and is the key to you living a happier life. Maybe happier than others in your family who did not follow this path.
I feel like this female ancestor is acting as a Guide to you. For some of you, this is your mother or grandmother; someone you knew in this life. But, for most of you, she is an ancestor from further down the line that you might not have known in this life but are very connected to. There is a big message here from her about being in charge of your life. Because this pile has such a strong feminine energy, it's very easy for people to take you for granted or want to undermine you. People often resent your power and see it before you do and many try to tear you down or discredit you to control you. Another message that I feel is a big theme of your life.
This Guide is very familiar with that herself from her prior life in your family and I think she didn't quite have the chance to fully empower herself. Something about a controlling or toxic husband she had or maybe a father figure. I think you have gone through similar struggles but you have the ability to intensely take your power back. This is what some people resent. Part of your ability to do this is this Guide helping you but it's also your innate power. You might have a Scorpio influence in your chart. Your Guide wants you to put a lot of effort into developing whatever your magical power is, whether it's being a witch or clairvoyant or a spiritual teacher, because it will allow you to take control of your life. You might feel like you are sort of powerless right now but there is tremendous power within if you just tap into it.
The World
(clarified by: The Sun)
The Lovers
(clarified by: Ace of Pentacles)
Seven of Swords
(clarified by: Knight of Wands)
Three of Wands (back of the deck)
Pile 2, I am getting a really interesting message here. Don't take this the wrong way but an intuitive ability you have is that you are like this trickster spirit in human form. The term "trickster" unfortunately has entirely negative connotations when that's not always the case. Although some tricksters are actually malicious and harmful in their deception, other tricksters "deceive" you only to shift your perspective. More high-vibe tricksters can create chaos or confusion but the creative kind that shakes people up and forces them out of their comfort zone. However, even good tricksters are often labeled as bad or scary by those who aren't seeing them clearly. Sound familiar?
Although you could be someone's worst nightmare if you chose, you're most likely the good trickster: mischievous, maybe maddening to some, but crucial to their growth. You might have a significant Gemini influence in your chart. People can project their negative feelings on to you and scapegoat you just because they're triggered or threatened by the energy you embody. But, you really don't mean any harm. Are you familiar with the "heyoka empath" concept? Because you could possibly be one and might want to look into that. The heyoka empath journey is all about being this psychological mirror to others, reflecting their wounds or flaws or even their strengths and potential back to them and triggering them to get them to grow.
(Side note: for anyone offended by the use of the Native American term "heyoka", I personally see it as more of a figure of speech. Not the literal cultural title. As someone who identifies as this type of empath, it's too resonant to dismiss. I also like to use "mirror empath" as a substitute, for those opposed to saying heyoka, as that's the essential meaning of it. But, do what works for you!)
Heyoka empaths are not the typical empaths, behavior wise. They are very sensitive but also defiant, headstrong, and unafraid to rock the boat. Sometimes even contrarian. You liberate people through your example, showing them that they don't have to conform or be a follower. Your fierce ability to think for yourself, to be your own person, is very much ingrained. I am willing to bet that you were not raised to be such an independent spirit. It's just something you innately understand. In fact, you might play this triggering role for your family, too, because you could fly in the face of outdated ways of thinking or doing things that keep them trapped. Yeah, I am getting that you have inspired your family majorly in this way, even your parents, although they may label you as "difficult" or the black sheep.
As an empath, you are especially clairsentient. In fact, you need a LOT of help in separating your emotions from others, which is something your Guides really want to help you with. The way people project heavily on you doesn't make it any easier. I think your psychic power also stems from how much you can predict people's reactions or behavior. This is why you can also be an expert button pusher. You might know what people are going to say before they say it or when people will call. This is your clairsentience because you FEEL it coming. You might also feel people's emotions from a far distance. Yeah, that is a specific message. There are certain connections you have where you know what the other is feeling from hundreds of miles away (it might even be long distance). Again, this can be very distressing or destabilizing if you don't stay grounded.
You definitely change people's lives. I am hearing "this stops with me". Heyoka empaths have this profound impact on others and leave people forever changed after knowing them. Whether you relate to this term or not, it's true of you! I feel like you have been in many relationships with toxic or immature romantic partners or friends. And, honey, once you call them on their shit, they are NEVER the same. Sometimes, this shift doesn't happen until you break up with them or leave them behind. But, whatever negative pattern they were indulging in before, they just can't get away with it anymore after being with you. You shine a light on their shadows that they can't ignore. And the thing is that you often don't even know you're doing it!
You could have a strong Fire influence in your chart (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), especially Leo. You are this larger-than-life force and leave an indelible mark on others. I think you don't realize how very powerful it is when you call someone out or tell them off. (I am also getting the message to be a bit more careful with your words because of this) You leave others shook because they know you're right about them, whether they admit it or not, or they feel like you see right through them. There is clairvoyance here, too, in that regard. But, I think there's a pattern in your life where exes or former friends really change their negative ways because of you. Family members can do this, too, especially ones you've cut off. If you come from a toxic family, you are absolutely the cycle-breaker. And you may underestimate that but please pat yourself on the back for that because it is not easy and most people just continue the cycle. You work a lot on yourself because you are also quick to call yourself on your own bullshit. You're just exceptional and I can see your Guides applauding you for what you've done and are still doing. (Insert the "you're doing amazing, sweetie" gif)
King of Wands
(clarified by: Seven of Wands)
Ten of Wands
(clarified by: Eight of Pentacles)
Three of Cups
(clarified by: The Magician)
Ace of Pentacles (back of the deck)
Pile 3, you are my pile that is more resistant to your psychic powers. This is constantly coming up when I discuss psychic abilities in my readings. So, you may have heard this from me before. But, obviously, you need to hear it again! Lol you're a much more practical person. Even though I can see you are highly connected to Spirit, you ignore or downplay this connection to focus on the material/physical realm. And it is wearing you out!
You could have a strong Earth influence (the signs of Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn) in your chart. You prefer to look at and do things the pragmatic way. Take manifestation, for example. You are probably very skeptical of manifesting and would rather put in effort and work hard to get what you want. There's a big emphasis here on feeling like you need to "earn it" and this may come from a more conservative or traditional upbringing. But, here's the thing. You are actually exceptional when it comes to manifesting! That's a big message coming through. Part of this is because you know how to put in the physical effort. You'd never just sit back and do nothing and wait for it. Well... some of that is part of your problem. You don't realize that you don't have to DO so much to get what you want. That you can be clear about it, set your intention and let go. Yes, a certain amount of effort is required. But, not nearly as much as you think!
You could currently be having financial struggles that are either persisting or getting worse because you aren't sitting back enough. You either worry too much about your goals or try to control everything too much. You start stressing about the outcome and that disturbs the flow of events. You need to learn to trust in the Universe and let things unfold naturally. Everything can't be up to you! Your Guides, for instance, would love to step in more to assist you. In fact, they are very eager to and it is tough for them to see you burn out and try to do it all alone. Again, your upbringing may have made you like this. But, being hyper-independent or using self-sufficiency as a defense mechanism can keep you blocked spiritually. Your Guides aren't scolding you for this. They're saying it with love and also because they can't step in on your behalf unless you let them or call on them.
There is one Guide, in particular, who is always around you and always trying to help. This Guide has a very masculine energy, very fiery and vibrant yet paternal. Very paternal and protective. It could actually be a passed-on father figure from this life but I don't get that for all of you. He is specifically saying that he is always here. Whether you want him to be or not! Lol he is pretty cheeky and funny. I think also that some stressful things in your life or things you find annoying are actually his doing. Not to punish or irritate you but to show you where you need help. Essentially, he wants you to know that it's not bad to seek help or guidance. This is what he is there for! And your life would be significantly easier if you just accepted what he is trying to teach you or offer to you.
Interestingly, unlike the other piles, I am not getting a lot about particular gifts and abilities. This is more about removing or overcoming the blockages to your gifts and abilities. I think whatever it is you can do, on a psychic or intuitive level, is something you're meant to discover yourself. You could discover it through spiritual work and practices. You are being called to devote a lot of time to a particular form of divination or spiritual teaching; something like Tarot or astrology or Reiki healing. This can be a passionate hobby but, for many of you, I am getting the sense that it's meant to be your line of work. Your profession. You are meant to mix the spiritual with the practical, to apply your insane work ethic to something metaphysical (Random download: some of you may have Mars or Saturn in the 12th or Saturn in aspect to Neptune, particularly Saturn conjunct Neptune in Capricorn)
In dedicating yourself to spiritual work, you will begin to unlock and discover your psychic gifts. And you won't even realize you're doing it, much of the time! You could downplay your gift and say, "Oh, I'm just reading the cards" or "It's the birth chart, it's not me". All while not realizing that you're making yourself a channel for the Divine. I think a lot of this is meant to feel very automatic and something you're not aware of. This is how your Guides communicate with you, too. You might be especially clairaudient because you could easily interpret your inner monologue as your own thoughts instead of realizing it's your Guides talking to you and you're just hearing it in your voice. You won't be able to consciously access your psychic gifts until you indirectly do so via these spiritual disciplines (And I know I have given this message before in a previous reading)
Yet, you will need to protect yourself, stay grounded, and make sure you are managing your psychic energies. When you don't understand your gift, it can drain you of your energy. And you're very gifted! You could have clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance and clairaudience, all at once. You are very blessed in this way. You also have to be careful what you wish for, going back to the effortless manifesting skills. Whatever you put out will take form, more so than the next person. On a more pragmatic level, I think you guys have the gift of either being introverted extroverts or just introverts who knows how to act extroverted in social settings. (Check your MBTI type!) You have the magical ability to manipulate your own energy and project whatever you want to others. And it's VERY convincing. It may be why people think you're incredibly capable or have your shit perfectly together, even if you don't feel that way at all inside. Sometimes, this means people don't really see you clearly, which is a blessing and a curse. They may have an exaggerated impression of you but this can also help you conceal your weaknesses or insecurities.
Ace of Swords
(clarified by: Justice)
Six of Cups
(clarified by: The Fool)
King of Wands
(clarified by: The Devil)
Four of Swords (back of the deck)
Pile 4, you have this incredible ability to make people feel comfortable around you, like they can just stop worrying and relax. You disarm people and they may share their deepest secrets and feelings with you. If you regularly get people you meet on the subway or at a party telling you their life story, then this is your pile! You can easily feel overwhelmed by other people, though. The unfortunate thing about this ability is that people just take and take so much of your energy that you have nothing left to give. Being around someone so healing can be like a drug, especially for low-vibrational or especially unhealed people. While some may be using you or taking advantage of your kindness, others may not even realize they're having a negative effect or doing you harm. But, it would be no surprise if, after a long day of dealing with people, you need plenty of alone time to recharge.
Your Guides are coming through to tell you to uphold any practices that help you "spiritually/energetically/emotionally detox". There are many examples of this, from taking a long bath to being out in nature to meditating and centering to journaling. Whatever makes you feel good and at peace. You are also being told to not feel guilty for taking this time and to make space in your schedule for it. No matter what your situation is. You could run your own business or have a very active social life or be a busy parent. But, regardless of who needs your time and attention, you need to carve out a certain amount of daily time to replenish in whatever way you desire. If not, you will feel increasingly depleted and this can manifest in destructive ways. As kind and empathic as you are, you could become testy or sharp-tongued whenever you are being pushed past your limit. Or you could just become overwhelmed with anxiety and nervous energy. So, everybody gets the best version of you when you consistently recharge.
You give me empath vibes yet I am specifically being told about the healing arts, in regards to you. Reiki or shamanic healing or maybe even working with herbs to create natural remedies. You intuitively know what people need to feel better. You not only have a healing touch but a healing voice. People are very soothed, just by the way you speak. I can see some of you having a YouTube channel or podcast and getting comments from your subscribers that they listen to you to fall asleep lol. In a good way. I also think you're that person who knows just what to say to others in regards to their problems, in a way that's uncanny. Sometimes, you don't even know how you give such great advice or where it comes from. This could be a sign of claircognizance and/or clairaudience. Sometimes, Spirit just talks directly through you, using you as a messenger.
You definitely could have been drawn to other piles because you have a complex energy. Your abilities are multidimensional, as is your nature. While you are compassionate and loving, you are a ferocious protector of others. (Maybe because you are so compassionate and loving) If and when you become a parent, good luck to anyone who tries to mess with your child! I also think you can feel very protective toward anyone in a very unhealthy relationship, especially if you've been through one yourself. In the latter case, this is a gift because you can be that catalyst someone needs to see their toxic situation with someone else clearly and put in the work to get out of it. In general, you excel at being a soothing yet sobering voice of reason. People can feel absolutely lost until you set them straight or wake them up.
Yet, you also seem to have a playful side that has a much more powerful effect than you realize. You really lift people's spirits. I think your inner child is very active and at the forefront of your personality. This makes you really powerful in this bleak world where people feel pressured to color inside the lines. Because you don't, they feel emboldened to loosen up, have more fun, break some social rules. You could have a major Air influence in your chart, especially Aquarius (but Libra is also coming through). Your influence on others is tremendous and you usually don't even realize you're doing it. You're just boldly living your life and serving as this empowering inspiration to them.
Okay, so something specific is also coming through. I think there is a particular male deity who wants to work with you and he is very insistent about it. Not in a bad way lol. He will just let himself be known! He has a very masculine energy but is also pretty wild or chaotic. He's like a lovable troublemaker or a crazy big brother. Loki is the one coming through the most but I am also getting Dionysus and Apollo. But, take what resonates! If you have felt called by a particular god, then there's your confirmation. I think he is coming through to also tell you that you have some of his energy. You are a lovable troublemaker yourself yet your kindness makes you, at times, hold that back some. But, you are actually at your best when you are letting loose (not to extremes, though). Even if it runs certain people the wrong way, it helps others free themselves, in the long run.
(Side note: the being I just spoke of may not be a deity but just a masculine Spirit Guide with an incredibly strong presence, in general and in your life, who embodies the energy I spoke of. But, it feels like a deity, for most of you, who's very close to you. )
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tornadoarts · 10 months
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G witch finale artwork! I loved the final episode! Easily one of the best series I’ve seen in recent memory. I need to make more sulemio art
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a-d-nox · 6 months
what spiritual gift / tool should you be using based on tarot cards
grab your tarot deck! ask it "what spiritual gifts or tools should i be using?" below are some ideas of what the cards you get could mean.
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advanced astrology
empress, chariot, star, and/or 9 of swords
astral projection
hermit and/or 4 of swords
crystal ball
2 of wands
crystal tumbling
8 of pentacles
deity work
lovers, devil, and/or judgment
dowsing rods
2 of swords
familiar or spirit animal work
fool, strength, 9 of pentacles, queen of wands, and/or king of wands
magician, empress, sun, 6 of cups, and/or queen of wands
magician, 7 of cups, 9 of cups, ace of pentacles, page of pentacles, ace of wands, and/or 8 of wands
judgment, 6 of cups, and/or 10 of pentacles
metaphysical protection
emperor, chariot, hermit, tower, 3 of swords, 4 of swords, 5 of wands, and/or 7 of wands
past life regression
death and/or judgment
magician and/or 5 of swords
spell work
magician, high priestess, wheel of fortune, temperance, and/or 3 of pentacles
water scrying
star and/or page of cups
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
Well damn now I want to tell them about witchcraft.
Ruggie: what the hell are you doing?
Yuu: money spell.
R: *looks at the weird jar of random shit that yuu is currently sealing with green wax* ... what?
Y: just trust me bro
And like a week later they randomly get a promotion or a 1000$ art commission or something or just straight up find a stupid amount of money on the ground and rugginald bucchiland is like
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Azul comes knocking at their door the next day with the aura of an eager salesman and the intentions of an FBI interrogator
rugginald bucchiland is his official name now, mickey mouse told me himself.
Something I have always wondered about isekai settings is if magic from one world would even work in another because like. Would the forces you are attempting to invoke be able to respond? I like the image of the universe tapping on the window between worlds separating you to try and get your attention because they have some good luck they want to send your way but being unable to make it through.
But assuming it does work I feel like Yuu would need to be in witness protection from Azul. Or like to successfully reverse psychology him into thinking that it wouldn't really be his money if he made it off their spells because he didn't really work for it and strike at his ego a lot little bit.
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moonastro · 3 months
tarot game
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I'm so excited to finally make another game. remember that these games are to have fun and not to be taken seriously AT ALL.
for this game, i decided to change it up a bit and make it more detailed and personal.
i will use tarot to write a love letter from your future spouse.
so, how to get a spot?
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no anons (i will know if you are following or not)
send usual initials and your favourite valentine day decoration/dessert. EG- rose bouquet.
like my recent post
additional** if you are a tarot reader yourself may i know some key words that describe me. for funsies😅😅.
thank you all for everything and remember to have fun!!
open slots: 15/15- CLOSED
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retrogamingblog2 · 4 months
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Pokemon Tarot Card Set made by Totetsuu
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enchantingseer · 3 months
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Finally I am doing free reading for love, kindly do participate by following the rules as the valentines week begins here is a little gift from me to you guys ! 🌸💕✨🌷
Status : Closed
Thanks for participating you guys made my day also there is another ask me questions coming on 14th Feb till then enjoy .
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palipunk · 2 years
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Tarot birthday present for my lovely @vakarians-babe !
I finished this one awhile ago but now I have the time to post it, it was a joy to paint, love you and La’ara forever <3
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eloeloanna · 3 months
Hey! Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️❤️❤️
Lately I’ve been very tired, I have worked a lot but didn’t want to forget about this day.
I wanted to do these questions because everything seemed so hopeful in 1980, right?
So let’s go! I hope you like this 😍
This is for entertainment purposes only.
Check my readings! here
What were John’s plans with Paul in 1980, what did he expect?
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Energy: This was so heartwarming…like I really loved John’s energy here. I wanted to give him a hug 😭.
The cards start telling me about John trying to be as careful as possible, to be mindful of every action and word about Paul, because he was planning to get back to him. He tried his best to be as good as possible.
John thought a lot about being sure about his decision, but then he realised he wanted to be with Paul again, no matter what would happen. The thing is, what stopped John was the fact that maybe, Paul wouldn’t want more than work opportunities - to collaborate as songwriters, and for him it was more of a sentimental matter. Eventually he decided to give in to Paul’s proposal (I have read many times that they planned to work on Ringo’s album. I think that is true). For John it was a lot of effort to do this, but he really wanted to see him, to be near him, even when it was just because of work. But the true nature of his desires was to “be” with Paul. He took this chance because it was a great opportunity, even if it didn’t 100% satisfy his true desires. When the proposal was 100% confirmed, John felt so much peace. He felt powerful again, full of love. Time to time he would think of the past, the good and nasty parts, he would wonder why he would do this if he was through so much shit, but then he would realise how much they changed and grew, so this was a good decision. I think Yoko (or someone near with feminine energy) questioned him about this, but he really didn’t care (😭), he knew that he was “sacrificing” something to get back to Paul, but he was so sure about this guys…😢. It’s heartbreaking.
So yeah, in 1980 100% John wanted to be back with Paul. In any form.
What were Paul’s plans with John in 1980, what did he expect?
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The cards start telling me about the feelings that Paul had for a long time and wanted to change.
Paul thought almost always about John, about how he lost him, because he had to have other things. For a long time he thought about everything that he had constructed, how that would tear into pieces If he really tried to be with John again. So he couldn’t reach him how he wanted, and that was torturing him.
So when he thought of changing that mindset, he, in fact, didn’t digest it at all 😭. It was like one day he was thinking about the beautiful things from the past and took the phone. In that feeling of happiness he proposed something to John, something that he regretted IMMEDIATELY. It was like this could go very wrong. But the “damage” was done. He initiated something. When he did this proposal, he didn’t realise that this was like a fuel to John, he only thought about trying to do this the most impartially possible, even when he thought this wasn’t very good because he wouldn’t be able to meet his own expectations (more of the sentimental, emotional type). So he tried to work very hard in making this experience a good one. He was very keen in writing these songs. Even when he knew they wouldn’t be like he wanted them to be (probably because they were Ringo songs?) but he knew anyways that they would be very successful. There was a part of him that was VERY excited for this to happen, but also very worried about Linda and the children. He thought about why he was doing this, then he would convince himself that it was because it was his job. He was going to be responsible. He was going to be impartial. He was going to follow the rules. But the other side of him knew what was going on, he was that expectant of this moment because he was going to see John, he was going to be near him, his mind would be sparkling with new ideas. But this would confuse him, this probably would lend him to “remember” that he loved him. And that was a very depressing thought. Because he was okay with Linda, so he thought that when that would happen, when he would be writing with John, he wouldn’t do anything. It would just be business. But he was scared of John’s “manipulative” moves, it’s like he knew if John would do something, he would “fall”.
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30 gifts for 30 days of November
Day 5!
Here is the fifth of thirty Better Than a Poke in the Eye recommended gifts for the book lover in your life even if that book lover is YOU!
Day 5’s recommendation is the Good Omens Tarot Deck and Guidebook
My Grandmother would happily tell you she was a Witch, and I inherited her gorgeous tarot card set when she moved off this mortal plane.
She loved nothing more than to spend time looking at new Tarot card sets and I am sure she would have been delighted to see a set based on one of my favourite books/tv shows. 
Featuring beautiful illustrations by Lúthien Leerghast of iconic angels, demons, Witchfinders, Professional Descendants and more, this set contains both Major and Minor arcana.
With a comprehensive guidebook by the wonderful Minerva Siegel, this set comes packaged in the beautiful gift book.  
If you love Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman’s devilishly divine world, then you will love this. 
R.R.P. is £24.98
You can purchase it through our online bookshop or through any of our affiliate links.  
Better Than a Poke in the Eye Bookshop .org
Amazon UK
Forbidden Planet
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