#the bi flag is now my enemy.
knightobreath · 6 months
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decolonize-the-left · 8 months
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I've noticed a rise in radfems/TERFs in feminism tags and more specifically trying to rebrand as The Real Feminism or True Feminism since it's "for the girlies" or whatever.
I am begging you all to help me bury them.
Because as a teen who grew up during the peak of exclusionary "bi/pan/aces aren't vaild" and "kill all men" era where the concept of misandry THRIVED I'm telling you this feels extremely similar.
And radfem/terf ideology got mainstream from those sentiments being so popular and so easy to tap into. It was framed as being righteous since men were oppressors.
"Women are good and men are just mean oppressors! Look at everything they've done!" is such a common sentiment in those circles.
It also completely lacks critical feminist thought.
And we're STILL dealing with the affects of it over a decade later.
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.....So let's talk about JKR since she's currently the Figurehead and favorite of the movement that's trying to rewrite feminist history.
It's 2023. It's a year before a US election where Project 2025 and Trump would happily create a road for trans and queer folks to be imprisoned if not worse.
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Which is I'm sure why JKR has been photographed and interacting with multiple members from The Heritage Foundation, people whove spoken for them, and people who attended theyre meetings. She even enjoyed watching Magdalen, who who she credits for becoming a TERF.
But do you know who Magdalen is? Or what else she was saying? What about any of the other people in the photo? Do you know the scope of what JKR was internalizing and how bad it was? Do you know she has ties to conservative anti-abortion groups?
Do you know what The Heritage Foundation? Probably not and they're the worst so let me tell you why it's such a huge red flag for her and other so-called TERFs and radfems to be associated with them.
Because I can tell you right now she heard a lot of things from those people and there is no fucking way in hell that it was just about queer people or just some sex-specific concerns. And it wasn't just passive bigotry.
Anyone who doesn't conform to the idea of a white, straight nuclear family (re: single mothers, leftists, immigrants, gay couples, etc) is made out to be an enemy of the state.
Anyone they can justify as a "national threat." Yes, they call us all a national threat on their site, their book, and the pamphlets they pass out to politicians. The details are listed on their website including the Mandate For Leadership which is their instruction guide for the next president.
I'm not exaggerating when I say it calls for genocide, prison camps, and eugenic cleansing.
Several people in that photo don't even support abortion, a basic women's rights that JKR claims to care about deeply.
JKR was consuming white supremacist dogma under the guise of feminism.
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And she's not willing to admit or correct it which is where the problem lies. She won't even admit to herself that she was fooled or that it's bad or hypocritical.
My concern is that she is not the only person who's fallen for it and there are more everyday.
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So it's very important to me y'all learn how to filter out what Actual Feminism is in this age where literal fascism is attempting to take its place.
Real, actual feminism will be welcoming to EVERYONE
Because the patriarchy doesn't only affect women or cis people or white women and it's an insult to every previous feminist icon to say otherwise.
Feminists have been fighting for decades to unite people under the concept that Patriarchy is a system that will be brought down with allyship and solidarity.
They've been fighting so hard and so long to prove that everyone deserves the same rights as men.
That women are just as capable as men and shouldn't be stopped from entering fields of study and sports dominated by men. They've been fighting to prove that women are just as capable and smart as any man is, that men would benefit from it dismantling patriarchy too.
Women fought side by side with the queer community to get Roe v Wade passed in 1973. You know why? Because despite what radfems and TERFs will tell you trans women benefit from protecting and standing up for bodily autonomy.
Do not let bigots tear drive a wedge between two groups that experience gender based oppression and would benefit from the same exact rights.
We have changed history together and they're terrified we'll do it again.
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A screenshot from the largest feminist organization active right now, The National Organization of Women.
Notice how the T is included. They even posted this video two years ago when LGBT and specifically trans rights started really coming under attack in 2022.
Trans women are women.
Trans men are men.
ALL women deserve rights.
Every gender deserves equality and fairness.
And feminism is for all of us or it is for none of us.
Because nobody deserves to be treated the way patriarchy treats us.
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hostilemuppet · 4 months
Brozone (and friends (and enemies)) twitter drama au
Collaborative between me and @squirrelpatties. Truly our magnum opus
Jd: previously a frequent twitter e-clown infamous for name searching and starting beef with people who insulted him. His fanbase thought it was hilarious in a "grandpa escaped the hospital" way. Eventually was forced to relinquish control of @/brojohndoryofficial to his pr manager (clay) after he responded to 14 y/o @/j0ndryballzweat.
Floyd (part 1): his sex tape (with a fan he didnt know was a fan but thats hardly relevant) gets leaked. For the first three days everyone's timeline was full of "do NOT share it around, dont even look for it, if someone sends it to you IGNORE it, this is a disgusting breach of privacy" until Floyd addresses it by tweeting "decided to put on a different kind of show for you guys" and all hell breaks loose. Every tweets hidden replies are full of screencaps and reuploads for a month. People edit the video so just before anything explicit happens it's replaced by a video game cutscene or meme, which Floyd retweets a lot of. His brothers ask him to stop (both for publicity and bc it makes them uncomfortable) so he starts posting thirst traps on insta. Clay yells at him so Floyd tweets "clay just asked when I'm gonna get a girlfriend :/" which brings us to-
Clay: homophobia allegations. Admittedly the least serious and would have blown over quickly if it weren't for him panic tweeting "I'm not homophobic! My girlfriend is a bi lesbian!" People were NOT happy. It takes him three days of retweeting 'helpful educational threads and carrds' on lesbianism written by 14 y/os for people to get off his back. Viva understands.
Bruce: stays off social media bc its the mind killer so he lets clay take care of @/brobruceofficial. This goes well until clay gets drunk and thinks he's on his private account but is actually on Bruce's public. When he wakes up (hungover) in the morning hes got Bruce banging on his door asking why TMZ is reporting on him cheating on his wife. Bruce tells him to clear things up but clay JUST got the lesbians off his back and can't afford to be back in the hotseat...
Branch and poppy: branch was annoyed by all the branch/poppy rpf fanfic (poppy likes them bc she thinks they're cute and funny. When brozone go on tour she reads the smutty ones) so he suggested to poppy that they stage a fake breakup. Poppy is initially against the idea until branch brings up how much fun itd be to sneak around like a couple of teenagers. Poppy scrapbooks the tabloids about their breakup. Clay and Bruce blame clays drunken tweets on branch so clay seems like the victim. Poppy acknowledges this on twitter in a way that very heavily implies they broke up bc branch was cheating on her with her own sister. Viva does not understand. This one doesn't have a resolution yet bc we moved onto:
Barb: previous lesbian icon turned reactionary transphobe. Riff stopped associating with her once she started getting really public with it and now she keeps tweeting stuff like "you-know-who left me just to work with misogynists. Really makes you think 🤔 " which he ignores.
Riff: while still working with barb he was approached to collab with creek (damage control for the... unsavoury things he said about rock trolls). The second the song released he tweeted "wow that guy was an asshole LOL" bc he didn't realise he wasn't supposed to do that. Cut contact with barb once her transphobia went from "mild, I can fix her" to "jesus fucking christ". Briefly worked with Floyd until his second controversy at which point riff tweeted "cmon, man" and turned off his phone. Riff hasn't done anything wrong and he deserves a lot better
Velvet: crafted the perfect expose thread on Floyd when she was in prison, including "pro life" "publicly sharing inappropriate sexual content" and "uses the toothpaste flag". Posts it the second she gets let out of prison and instantly becomes #1 on trending (alongside "floyd" "pro life" and "#HUGS4CLAY).
Floyd (part 2): tweets "why does it even matter that I'm pro life if I'm gay and don't 'believe' in 'voting'" before doing another line off his boyfriends torso. People bring his leaked nudes back up and start insulting his dick size and its the first time hes ever let a controversy bother him. His next tweet is "I am not ashamed of my body" and the top reply (creek pfp) is "you should be ❤". Clay is biting the skin off his own tongue.
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justjasper · 5 months
Creation of the Pan Flag
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Copied (with grammar/spelling mistakes) from my twitter thread about it for posterity.
I was going to do this for Pride weekend but you know, life, so: I wanted to talk about a thing. I created the #pansexual flag, a thread.
Back in 2010, I was 20 and tumblr was my main social playground. I was active in various spheres, and I was learning.
I'd been IDing as bi since I was 13, but moved away from bi as an identifier and took up pansexual soon after discovering the term, bc I felt it fit better.
This is mainly bc the simplicity of pan being defined as attraction to any/all genders was extremely appealing to someone really coming into this new way of expressing their orientation like tumblr allowed. It felt right for how I wanted to relate to and express my orientation.
The bi communities I had access too often saw heavy discussion related to attraction parametres of "bi" - convos at the time I didn't really recognise for what they were: bi people working hard to define bisexuality on their terms, tackling intra-community transphobia, (cont)
(cont) and developing within a social space where more expansive gender experiences and identities were becomes more well known and understood.
My switch of labels was about finding something that felt truly right for me, but it would be dishonest to pretend the decision wasn't impacted by the politics and "discourse" I was involved in at the time.
There was no popular pan flag, and the offerings were frankly... ugly. To me. Various shades of purple, P letters, P symbols incorporating gender symbols, infinity symbols. They didn't feel consistent with the other pride flags.
So on a whim, I decided to design one. I designed it to be pretty, honestly. That was a primary function of it, to have s/t I liked to represent my identity. No point pretending I was trying to be super innovative and deep: I wanted something pretty to plaster on my blog.
Pink, yellow, blue. A strong magenta, a strong gold yellow, and a light cerulean. The pink not too purple, the yellow not too bright, the blue not too cyan. Hex FF1B8D, FFD900, 1BB2FF.
Pink and blue, because of their gendered traditions, and yellow, a generally non-gendered colour, to represent nonbinary folks etc.
I created it anonymously, on a side blog away from my main handle. I was already running LGBTLaughs which was proving very popular in tumblr and didn't want to monopolise queer blog space, I suppose.
I didn't expect it to take off. It proved popular on tumblr, and for a few years the flag kept getting added to the Wikipedia 'pansexual' page and then removed. Eventually it snowballed and ended up in use well beyond tumblr.
As I've got older I've realised a lot of people would be interested in knowing this part of modern queer history, and more about modern flag creation in general, and that it's worth documenting. Not for credit so much as for posterity.
So, that's that. The first time I saw a pansexual flag in real life at my city's Pride parade I may have had a little cry.
Twitter Drama
Best viewed on the original twitter thread, for the full documentation (I may update this with fuller documentation down the line) but here's a rundown of drama surrounding the flag.
First, to set the stage:
posted about designing the pan flag
said i was cool with bi/pan lesbians
said i was cool with kink at pride
Thus followed, in varying intensity 2020-2022:
suicide bait
general harassment/pile-on
"called out" on r/pansexuals
blasted on sapphics for satan (fb)
now sworn enemy of of lesbian kpop avi twitter
claims the original pan flag was transphobic in meaning
multiple "new" pan flags designed to displace the one i designed
claims i stole the flag from a medieval indian kingdom, and subsequent vandalisation of wikipedia for the actual state of kerala
vandalisation of the wiki page for the pan flag, resulting in it having to be locked
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the-delta-quadrant · 15 hours
"stop treating x group like the enemy" is such a weird way to derail conversations about privilege.
saying that binary trans people have privilege over nonbinary people, or that allo queers have privilege over ace and aro people, or that mono queers have privilege over bi+ people isn't "making people out to be the enemy". that's some bullshit to immediately shut down any real conversation.
but the problem is you all don't even hear us out most of the time when we talk about our specific experiences to know that we don't paint anyone as the enemy.
if you want to talk about "making people out to be the enemy", why don't we talk about binary trans people acting like nonbinary people are the reason why people don't take trans people seriously? or about allo queers creating an entire harassment campaign just to push aces and aros away from the queer community? or about how bi+ women are demonised for being involved with men by lesbian separatists? how bi+ lesbians are framed as dangerous by mono lesbians right now? or how transmascs and transmasculinised people are continuously painted as patriarchal, misogynistic and inherently violent, even by other trans people? or how perisex queers were threatening and harassing intersex people after the intersex progress flag was created? or how queer people consistently try to push out "the weird ones"? but you all don't want to talk about that, because in most of these cases, it means acknowledging you have privilege in some way.
you all are so fragile that you think "you have privilege over me" means "i hate you, you're my enemy and you're responsible for all the oppression i experience", when no one fucking said that. but it's all or nothing, black and white, binary thinking.
it's vital for people to acknowledge the privilege they hold even within their communities because that way we can more effectively work on dismantling the systems that oppress all of us. but by refusing to acknowledge your privilege, you uphold it, and by that you do contribute to further oppression.
i mean fuck. i don't even think nonqueer people are "the enemy". will i complain about the shit i get from nonqueers and others who have privilege over me? absolutely yes. does that mean i think they are the enemy? absolutely not. dismantling the gender binary helps binary trans & cis people. dismantling allosexism helps allos. dismantling monosexism helps monos. dismantling the patriarchy helps cis men.
we have so many allies that i hold dear to my heart, INCLUDING allo queer allies to aces and aros, mono queer allies to bi+ folk, binary trans allies to nonbinary folk. never have i considered them enemies. that's a fucking myth to silence conversations about intracommunity privilege.
i shouldn't have to say "not all binary trans/not all allos/not all monos" for you all to understand that a) yes, ALL of you do have privilege, and b) i'm not talking about you if you're not being allosexist, exorsexist or monosexist.
the enemy is allosexists, exorsexists and monosexists, no matter which identity they hold. heck, some of them are literally ace/aro/nonbinary/bi+ themselves and i'll be the first to call that shit out if you actually looked and weren't too busy being defensive. the enemy is exorsexism, monosexism, heterosexism, cissexism, allosexism, intersexism, misogyny.
no one's said otherwise except fucking radfems. so STOP acting like nonbinary/ace/aro/bi+ people are some new version of radfems for talking about privilege and our unique oppression.
i'll be a fucking nonbinary bi-asexual killjoy. fight me.
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eldorr · 1 year
Flowerbed Lesbian
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Plain flag (left), Flag with stripe meanings (right)
This term/flags were originally posted June 5th, 2022.
Last year or so (actually around 2 years now upon re-posting) I made my own take on the lesbian/gay/vincian/enbian flags since I am critinclus/radinclus. However one of the two posts detailing these flags was lost, so I am remaking/renaming them, along with simplifying and cleaning up some stripe meanings.
The original flags I made were 9 stripes, and I didn’t like the way I simplified them into 5 stripes, so I’ve decided to make a simple 6 stripe one. Some of these flags will look very similar to the ones I originally did, and some will look way different.
This flag is coined as a Lesbian flag, however anyone who is Q4W (Queer for Women), WLW/NBLW/WLNB/NBLNB, or identifies their attraction to women as queer regardless of their own gender or other attractions. (Basically anyone who feels like a lesbian, but may not 100% identify with the lesbian label for any reason, is allowed to use this flag, as long as they recognize it as the Flowerbed Lesbian/Q4W flag. You could call yourself Flowerbed Sapphic/Bi/etc in order to make that connection.)
This flag stands for inclusion and solidarity within the Lesbian community, and between the Lesbian community, other Q4W communities, and other non-primarily Q4W Queer communities (Vincians/Enbians/etc). Generally just look at the stripe meanings if you want the general idea, I go into more detail for my reasoning below each meaning. This is a LONG POST.
The Stripe meanings:
Top/Vibrant Deep Purple: Aspec Lesbian, Monospec Lesbian, and Mspec Lesbian inclusion and solidarity.
The Flowerbed Lesbian flag is radically inclusive of Aspec and Mspec lesbians, due to exclusionists in the community attempting to push them out. Monospec Lesbians should have solidarity with Aspec and Mspec lesbians.
Second Stripe/Vibrant Velvet Magenta: Multigender Lesbian, Genderfluid Lesbian, Genderflux Lesbian, Monogender Lesbian, Xenogender Lesbian, Agender Lesbian inclusion and solidarity.
Of course these are not the only genders included under this stripe, however these are some of the more excluded and misunderstood from general lesbian spaces, so they’re here to explicitly say they’re included under this flag. Monogender Lesbians should stand with Lesbians with more complicated gender identities.
Third Stripe/Cardinal Pink: Pronoun-Non-Conforming Lesbian, Gender-Non-Conforming Lesbian, Pronoun-Conforming Lesbian, Gender-Conforming Lesbian Inclusion and Solidarity
This stripe is obviously here due to the whole “masc = bad” mentality that is rampant in lesbian and otherwise queer spaces. This stripe is for explicit inclusion of he/him, they/them, it/its, neopronoun, nounself, emojiself lesbians, and lesboy, masc, transmasc, carnatian, lavenderian, kiwi, transneu, transxen, xenic, amaranthian lesbians. Gender and Pronoun conforming lesbians should include and have solidarity with non-gender/pronoun conforming lesbians.
Fourth Stripe/Hot Pink: Lesbian and Non-Lesbian Q4W inclusion and solidarity
This stripe is here to include non-lesbian Q4W in lesbian spaces, conversation, etc. This stripe stands for and includes anyone who has Queer love for women, and doesn’t primarily identify as a lesbian. This includes sapphic, neptunic, lilaen, trixic, faunic, etc. This stripe can also include lesbians who are not explicitly Q4W, and may be NBLNB lesbians. Non-Lesbians are not the enemies of lesbians, and lesbians should included and have solidarity with other Q4W.
Fifth Stripe/Dark Violet: Femme Lesbian, Futch Lesbian, Butch Lesbian, Twink Lesbian, Otter Lesbian, Bear Lesbian inclusion and solidarity.
This stripe is here partly for the same reason as stripe number three, however with the added notion that Femme/Futch/Butch are not lesbian exclusive terms, and that Otter/Bear/Twink are not vincian/gay man exclusive terms. There may be many reasons someone would use these terms, Femme/Futch/Butch generally relate to gender-presentation, and Otter/Bear/Twink generally relate to one’s body. Of which there is a lot of fatphobia in queer communities, so this stripe is primarily here to focus on challenging what a lesbian “looks like”. Futch and Butch lesbians (Ursulas) are not the enemies of Femme lesbians, and Bear lesbians and just as valid in their lesbian identity as Otter and Twink lesbians. Be inclusive and have solidarity with other lesbians, even if they don’t “look like” a lesbian. Challenge fatphobia, transphobia, and queermisia in your own communities.
Sixth/Last Stripe/Vibrant Dark Blue: Otherwise Marginalized Lesbian inclusion and solidarity.
Like I mentioned in stripe number five, there is not “look” to being a lesbian. This stripe is for the explicit inclusion of otherwise marginalized lesbians, whether they be BIPOC, a religious minority, trans, intersex, polyamorous, chronically ill and/or disabled, neurodivergent, fat and/or a bear, etc. Include and have solidarity with other lesbians, whether or not they’re like yourself. Challenge bigoted rhetoric in your own communities.
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only the option with the LEAST votes will be eliminated. propaganda under the cut (and more always welcome!):
kit tanthalos and graydon hastur:
Classic arranged marriage trope but the she-hates-him part never goes away because she’s in love with her best friend/bodyguard Jade
alexa, liana, jeremy, and ian:
the Only barbie animated movie where the girl(s) do not end up with a guy. alexa & liana live together and enact a ton of romantic tropes together, the twin guys do flirt with them but then the girls are separated from them by... a magic rainbow. they do dance together at the end of the movie... before the girls leave to go live together again. wearing dresses that are literally the bi and lesbian pride flags. no joke. cottagecore wlw separated from potential male love interests by literal magic rainbow the gayest barbie movie
tobias funke and debrie bardeux:
Debrie starred in a series of softcore gay porn films called Straightbait where she seduces a guy but tells him he has to sleep with another man before he sleeps with her to prove how attracted to her he is, thus proving he isn’t gay. Tobias is also super gay. They date for like 40 episodes and raise a son together. Tobias gets left by his first wife for not being sexually attracted to her and then has an affair with a gay porn actress from a series called straightbait I just think it’s pretty funny.
haruhi fujioka and hikaru hitachiin:
Haruhi x Hikaru from ouran high school host club. Yes i know she technically gets together with another boy in the end, but there is something so Queer about this ship in particular. Their whole date episode is just screaming Not Straight. For both of them.
ash ketchum and misty:
They’re basically set up as a kind of enemies to friends story and they make recurring jokes about how she clearly has a big crush on him, but nothing ever happens My childhood, i shipped them when I was 10
cali and flynn:
It starts off as a one-sided crush on Flynn’s side, and later becomes mutual when Cali develops feelings for him in the Skylanders IDW spin-off comics, their romantic tension lasts for most of the franchise (five games, a chapter of a spin-off comic, and a few bits and pieces in the spin-off books and mobile games), so far they’ve never gotten together as the franchise is currently still in hiatus mode (says this while on extreme copium) I think we need to appreciate the tropes in Calynn: Opposites Attract, Tough Girl x Himbo, Smart x Dumb, “You’re stupid, I like that in a man” vibes all over this ship! Seven year old me didn’t see Cali calling Flynn her guy in the sky whilst Flynn looked at her with heart eyes to lose to some other pairing!
alec hardy and ellie miller:
They're your classic workplace enemies to lovers. Alec takes the job that Ellie was meant for, they're forced to work together on a devastating murder case, they bond. Over three series Alec becomes more human and lets his walls down around Ellie, and she begins to respect and trust him as a colleague and as a friend. Its a Big Deal when they hug. In most cases, especially when it's an m/f detective duo, they would end up together. But yet. Thee David Tennant and Olivia Coleman did not even have an aborted kiss or feelings confession. Neither of them end up with anyone else but they don't hint at anything at the end either. Queer Ally of all time David Tennant does straightbait ironically.
good luck everyone! now go vote!
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Just some random
*****My smoldering hot-takes on the season’s hottest DILF. 🥵******
Jeezus, is it a million and one degrees in here, or am I trapped in a Russian Prison with Enzo?
See, that’s funny because you’d think a Russian prison would be cold, but then there’s a hot DILF in there.
Question number one: ok yeah enemies to lovers but has anyone ever tried “helpful prison guard to sexy cell mate?” Is that a trope? Can we make it one?
Now you’re probably asking yourself, does this crazy bitch ship Hopper and Enzo?
And the answer is yes, of course I do, but not in an “I’m gonna be mad if this show doesn’t make this cannon” sort of way. I know nobody is queer-baiting me here. If anyone is queer-baiting me it’s me. I’m very good at it, thank you very much. I can imagine incredibly straight men are in love when they’re on screen together in my eyeline for too long. That said, Ronance, Steddie, Byler, and Jargyle: make it canon or we riot. [How fucking dumb was it when they just threw a random chick at Argyle to show the audience he’s got a big case of the not-gays? Who cares. This show loves smashing straights against each other. Show me some bi 80’s teens or shut the fuck up. Also, watch out, everybody, cause the Mileven Mafia is about to come gunning for me: I don’t give one single fuck about Mike and El’s relationship and I never have. El’s busy, guys. She’s got a whole “facing down an inter-dimensional existential threat/I’ve got two dads but one is abusive and one’s in a gulag” thing going on. Fuckin’ don’t make her date a boy right now.]
Now, back to that gulag. Ah, Enzo. Dimitri “Enzo” Antonov. My imaginary boyfriend that someone else imagined for me, who is never going to date my other imaginary boyfriend from Season 1 [on TV, at least. In head canon it’s already happening and you can’t stop it] for two reasons: A) because obviously Jopper is a thing and the writers aren’t going to suddenly drop that just because we got season 2 of the gay pirates. (But wouldn’t that be WILD? What if they had shot two versions of the ending and they held back Vol. 2 so they could use the gay ending if Our Flag Means Death got renewed? Would the internet survive the aftermath?) And B) my two boyfriends can never date because canonically Season 1 Hopper died in Season 3 when the Duffer Brothers got amnesia and started telling David Harbor to just scream at everyone in every scene. RIP, baby. I still love you.
[Side-Note: I’ve got so many good hashtags for this ship you guys: #jimitri #hopptonov #enzopper #hoppzo. They write themselves. These men fit like puzzle pieces. Sexy, sexy little puzzle pieces. Mmmm. Cold, boys? Why don’t you two papa bears snuggle up for warmth? Yeah . . . Yeah . . . That’s real cozy . . . . . . . ANYWAY]
And of course, C) #jimzo #twopigsinablanket [lol, they’re both cops] is never gonna happen because they’re absolutely setting up my glorious Russian cinnamon roll for a tragic heroic death.
Look, snow-muffin, I love you. You’re the steely-eyed, growly-voiced, salt and peachy mustached, true friend to the death, morally grey Russian with a not-so-secret heart of gold of my fuckin’ dreams. I’d watch a whole spin off that’s just you teaching your son to ice fish in silence. I want you and Mikhail to defect to America and move in with Jim and El and wind up in a super bi thrupple with Chief Hopper and my self insert OC. (Her name is Azelia Moondragon, she has three different color eyes, she can change genitalia at will, she has an IQ of 3.6 billion, and and she’s more powerful than the Mind Flayer, Vecna,El, and eight demogorgons put together . . . Nah, just fuckin’ with you. Her name’s Kate Kauffman and she’s a 38 year old therapist from New Jersey with a secret drinking problem.)
Listen, my ice duke, my proud Siberian wolf, my shot of Svayak with a spoonful of caviar, we both know you could have an AMAZING arc in Season 5. We both know you could wind up snatched by the US government and forced to remain at the lab in Hawkins while the feds scramble to cover up the existence of the Demogorgon you saw, that you could have a moving side mission to bring your son to the US illegally while you help your bestest pal Hop and his annoying girlfriend [no, she’s fine, it’s fine, I like her, they’re good together, not all the hot men want to kiss each other, and that’s ok] parent their sulky teens and save the damn world.
We both know you could fall madly, passionately in love with the mysterious new psychologist that the lab hires to provide you and the other Demogorgon survivors “trauma and readjustment therapy,” but who has secretly been tasked with wiping your memory so you can never go back to Russia and tell the world what you know. We’re both well aware that after she succumbs to your arctic-foxlike charm, Dr. Kate Kauffman could never bare to wipe your memories, that she would instead confess that she is not a psychiatrist, she is in fact a powerful psychic, a subject of the experiment that preceded Hawkins Lab, that in a fit of tears as she laid bare her secrets she would lift up her sleeve to reveal the mark on her wrist, faded, but perfectly legible: “000,” and then as you took her in your arms and told me no harm has been done, all is forgiven, you’re here to protect me now, the two of us would begin to float into the . . .
*Ahem* At any rate . . .
My beautiful near-winter ermine, we both know you have so much potential as a character. But it’s time for both of us to face the harsh, cold facts, so much colder and more harsh than the winters of your beloved homeland.
Dimitri, my darling, here are the reasons we both know you’re definitely not making it out of Season 4 alive:
1) You’ve got a son to get back to. ROOKIE mistake, my love. I’m frankly astonished at you. And you revealed it RIGHT before the big monster battle? I mean, why don’t you just do a big monologue about how you two are going to open up an awesome rabbit farm when you get home? Do you WANT to die? Baby, I volunteer for a suicide hotline. Next time you feel compelled to confess touching details about yourself the night before you face a deadly threat right at the end of a season arc, call me. We can talk it through. You have so many reasons to live!
And of course, that is why you are going to die.
2) Where is Mikhail’s mom?
Now, this one’s interesting. Arguments COULD be made this could go either way.
The facts are these:
You’ve made zero mention of your wife in all this “reflecting upon our lives as we stare into the gaping maw of death” talk. MAYBE your wife divorced you, and that’s why you don’t like to talk about her. Seems unlikely, given Hop got you to punch him by implying she was disloyal. (Although we can’t rule out the possibility that that remark hit just a little too close to home. Perhaps your drive to be seen as a hero of the Motherland in the eyes of your son stems from a need to demonstrate you are the REAL daddy, a bigger, braver, cooler man than the stepfather his mother left you for? Interesting. We can discuss this again in your next session, Dimitri. That is, if we even do any talking next time . . . I mean, what? Huh? Oh! Right, the thingy. Yeah, sorry, I uh, got distracted by the . . . Nevermind.)
ANYWAY, the much more likely answer is, Mikhail’s mommy is deadzo. You are not only a DILF, you are a hot widower, and the show runners are saving this juicy detail for the inevitable “calm before the coming storm,” beat, the moment just before your heroic sacrifice during the final battle or the crazy escape sequence, when Hop says something cheesy like “You’ve got to rest up. Tomorrow you’re gonna need all your strength to hug that wife and kid of yours.”
And you’ll stare just left of camera with your gorgeous, steely gaze, and you’ll say in your low, haunted voice “I will need strength for only one hug. I am all the family my son has left.”
BOOM. You’re dead. The emotional stakes just got higher and all the Duffer Brothers have to do now is fry ‘em up in the bacon grease of tragic irony and serve them to the audience with a side of mashed dream-potatoes as we weep for you. Now your son is an orphan! And Season 5 has a ready-made cute Russian to bring in and fatten with all our collective emotional investment before the final slaughter. [Fun fact: the third ritual sacrifice of a beloved fictional Russian in a series opens an actual real portal to a hell-dimension in our world!!! The last one opened on January 15, 1968, when the finale of The Man From U.N.C.L.E was broadcast! It was only closed by “chance” when the counter spell was “unwittingly” triggered by casting Armie Hammer as Illya Kuryakin in the GUY RITCHIE directed remake. GUY RITCHIE. Did you know he made a King Arthur Movie?! The Lock, Stock, and Every Movie Jason Statham Has Ever Been in guy. Made a remake of a 60’s tv show and a King Arthur movie with WAY TOO MANY GOD DAMN WIZARDS. Anyway, like I said, luckily the portal was closed, but the things which came from its depths still roam our Earth, seeking raw flesh and fun 60’s fashion accessories. Remember, Ritchie has more dark power and arcane knowledge than he’s letting on, and always wear an ascot or a cute colorful beret when you go out or you will perish horribly!]
Then again, there is a hopeful reading of the no-wife-scenario. MAYBE, dead wife means no strings to hold down the season 5 Enzo romantic D plot. MAYBE they’re leaving you open for more hasty and gratuitous hetero coupling! Doctor Kauffman?! Paging Doctor Kauffman to the set of Stranger Things Season 5! They’re prepping for your close up! And after that, you’re making ST history, they’re setting up to shoot the show’s first sex scene with two adults!!!
[remember when we watched two teens awkwardly fuck while Barb was gruesomely murdered in Season 1? That scene has gotten even LESS comfortable somehow as the actors have aged. You look back and see how young they look compared to now and you’re like “yikes! I know the actors were actually twenty, but please! No more babies fucking, thanks!” Glad they stopped doing that shit. If I had to watch El and Mike fuck I’d hurl, for more reasons than one. LEAVE HER ALONE AND LET HER FIGURE OUT HER SHIT GOD DAMN IT I DON’T NEED TO SEE HER PUNCH MIKE’S V CARD I DON’T CARE THIS ISN’T EUPHORIA ITS A GOD DAMN SCI FI 80’s THROWBACK FUN TIME ABOUT PSYCHIC BABIES!]
So, yeah, no wife could mean free meat for the season five Hetero-pairing meat grinder! There’s hope!
. . . Hope? . . . Who am I kidding? I’m sorry, Dimitri, but this is no time, no world for hope! This is Stranger Things! Do you really think we’re gonna make it out of another season with two new cast members still alive like we did in Season 2? No. No, in the end they killed Billy for his hubris in daring to outlast Bob Newby. All good looking things must end, my dear. Let us kill hope now, before she hurts us again.
3) This Show Fucking Loves Killing Precious Russian Moonbeams [alternatively titled “Are The Duffer Brothers Attempting to Summon The Ravening One From Beyond the 9,000th Eye?!?! Stay Tuned For Season 4 to Find Out!”]
I don’t know if, like, everyone in Russia knows everyone in Russia, but, like, probably not? It looks like a pretty big country on the map. But, Enzy, baby, can I call you Enzy? No? Ok, well, Antonov, sweetheart, do you remember Alexi? He was this really cute, funny, enjoyable Russian sidekick they had last season. We had so much fun with him! At first, we thought he was this bad Russian scientist who was going to help screw over our beloved friends, but in the end, he actually teamed up with them! We all really came to love Alexi! He was kind of a fan favorite! People wrote long, rambling things with a lot of weird jokes in them about him on Tumblr. And then . . .
Sound familiar?
Call me a pessimist, but I just don’t think the Duffer Bros can pass up an opportunity to murder a beloved fictional Russian. Besides, it has been long since the gate was opened. The Ravening One cries out for more tender flesh from our own corporeal plane. Its inessence rumbles, its dark mindlessness bends upon our dimension with all the fell, unfeeling intent and obsession of otherworldly instincts. The Duffer Brothers are thinking of doing a 60’s throwback for their next show, and Guy Ritchie is slated to direct the first seance, I mean episode! . . . Plus they’re like so attentive to details, they’d never kill three Russians on accident! Or forget their birthdays.
Dimitri “Enzo” Nikolai Andronic Niklosky Antonov, we could play this little game of denial, dream this little dream of happiness, torture ourselves a little while longer with what can never be. But neither you nor I are fools. Let us say goodbye now. Let us bid farewell to visions of you doing a really cool group side mission for one or two episodes with Steeve and Eddie and Robin and Nancy and Dustin and Max and El. Let us not cling any longer to fantasies of an episode beat where the adults go out on the town and you and Hopper get in a big bar fight with some assholes who are teasing Joyce and Murray, and you do lots of cool punching to some banging 1987 hit like, I don’t know, RICK ASTLEY’S “NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP?!?!?!” [Did I do it? Does it count as Rick Rolling if it’s in text?]
Let us let go once and for all of our wistful longing for all the dopamine-explosion moments as you interact and bond and integrate with the entire Stranger Things ensemble, the giddy spectacle of novel combination after novel recombination of beloved characters, that heady right of passage of exploring increasingly bizarre pairings and group dynamics all new ST characters who survive their first season are treated to, until the dread Season 5 finale ultimately tears them all assunder as the eldritch gods of the Upsidedown inevitably triumph and wipe all away with one mighty, slimy tendril of inter-dimensional horror.
All I can say, Enzipie, Dimipants, Antobutt, is that it’s been one hell of a ride. You may be just a corrupt guard of some remote, snowy prison in the middle of nowhere, betrayed by his crooked accomplice, imprisoned alongside his former captive, escaped with the aide of unlikely allies, and doomed by the conventions of narrative drama to die, but you melted my heart.
At least we get to keep Eddie! . . . Right? Duffers? DUFFERS?!
*begins sobbing and singing unintelligible Russian dirges while pounding the table rhythmically with fist*
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cretaceousundead · 1 year
Honestly what even is the point in pride month anymore when what used to be the LBTQA+ community is now literally just the oppression club for bullies?
Trans people aren’t welcome. Transphobia is so fucking accepted now, not only from conservatives but even liberals.
Bi people are on ‘thin ice’, as the saying goes. We’re seen as Queer Lite. Only valid if we’re in a same sex relationship, but then we get told we’re basically gay anyway. When someone comes out as bi, let’s say a celeb comes out as bi, their fans celebrate, but it never comes across like they’re genuinely happy that this person felt comfortable coming out, it’s more like they’re just happy the person isn’t straight, cause we all know the only people gays hate more than bi and trans people are cishet people. Gays celebrating a celeb they like coming out as bi has always felt more like a “oh thank GOD they’re not straight” rather than a “I’m so happy for them”.
Recently I’ve seen LGBwithouttheT trending on Twitter allot, but let’s be real if they succeeded in booting the trans people out they’d start trending LGwithouttheB next.
Growing up I saw the community, back then simply called the LGBT community, as simply a community of people who were anything other than straight or cis.
If lesbians and gays ever succeeded in claiming this so called ‘community’ for themselves they’d start fighting amongst each other as well over whose more oppressed. Obviously the general consensus would be that lesbians are more oppressed than gay guys because “US POOR OPPRESSED WOMYN!!”. So then the fighting would begin between lesbians and other lesbians.
White lesbians vs lesbians of colour. The lesbian of colour would be the winner of ‘most oppressed’.
Then it would be lesbian of colour with mental illnesses or trauma ve lesbians of colour without mental illnesses or trauma.
It will never fucking end.
When I was younger, before I even realised I was part of the community myself, I thought it was just a community for people who weren’t cis or straight at a time when those people often didn’t fit in with people who were cis and straight.
But now it’s the oppression club. It’s not about acceptance. It’s not about equality. It’s not about having a community to feel at home. It’s a “you must be THIS oppressed to ride this ride”.
The LGBTQA+ community barely exists anymore. There’s no sense of community anymore. There’s no kindness. There’s just hatred and bullying so honestly what’s the point in pride month? Why is it still a thing, what ‘pride’ are you people talking about? Because I don’t see anyone with anything to be prideful about anymore. Trans people are referring to as ‘things’ and ‘freaks of nature’. Bi people are either gays with internalised homophobia or straight people trying to be special. Gay guys are oppressing lesbians just by being male. White lesbians are oppressing lesbians of colour.
The whole point of the community was that at a time when we actually were hated or the very least not understood by cishet people, we needed a community of our own to feel at home in and safe.
But cishet people are not out biggest enemies anymore, most decent cishet people support us. I, as a bisexual woman, feel more comfortable around my cishet male friend than I did at the most recent pride parade I went to because I spent half the time there wondering how many of the people waving around rainbow flags spend their free time on the internet being transphobic and/or biphobic, whereas I know that my friend doesn’t care about my sexuality and loves me for me and supports me for who I am however I am.
Speaking of cishet people, I’m sick to death of being told by my own so called community that I simultaneously don’t belong here AND that y’all are the only people I can trust because cisheta are my enemy. When I reality the majority of the bigotry I’ve ever experienced has come from gay people not straight people.
It reminds me of radical feminists telling women that men are the ones we should be fearing while they simultaneously abuse us and bully us when we want female abusers acknowledged or when we even so much as say that we don’t hate men.
You use bigotry by cishets as a way to shield yourself from critisism for your own bigotry.
Where’s the fucking pride? Theres no pride. There’s just hatred. There’s no sense of community or belonging. The community doesn’t fucking exist anymore. So what’s the point in pride month. According to the self appointed leaders of the community, A.K.A the people who see themselves as the most oppressed, pretty much nobody actually belongs in the community. And if we don’t belong here then what’s the point in pride month? Who does pride month exist for?
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count-woe-laf · 2 years
I have some gay show recommendations if you’d like to find more (idk what you’ve already seen tho)
- What We Do In The Shadows - Guillermo is gay, the vampires are all bi or pan and also polyamorous (this is explicitly stated and shown) the tv show is based off of the movie by Taika Waititi which has the same premise but different characters, you don’t need to see that to see the tv show but it is funny, season four is coming out rn
- Our Flag Means Death - gay pirates, and there are a lot of them (gay men, polyamorous bisexual woman, non-binary pirate), there’s going to be a season two
- Koisenu Futari - This is a Japanese show so it might take some work to access the episodes but it’s worth it, it’s about a girl who realizes that she is aroace and moves in with an aroace guy in an attempt to create a family without romance (two aroace characters, one lesbian character though she’s only in a few episodes) this is one of my favorite shows and if you are interested in it there’s a Twitter account called kaizensubs that you can request to follow who has made English subs for all of it, it’s also completed now
- Bad Buddy - this is a Thai BL show and it is very sweet, it’s been described as a Thai Heartstopper (which you should also watch or read if you haven’t) which the vibes are the same but this one is more enemies to lovers type thing, it’s about two childhood rivals falling for each other in university (gay character, Pansexual character, lesbian character, bisexual character) you can watch this one on Dramacool but you will need an adblocker, it is completed
- The Haunting of Bly Manor - this is sort of a sequel to Haunting of Hill House but the plots are not related, it is a horror tv show so be warned of that, Bly Manor is about a girl coming to help with a guys kids and creepy stuff happens but also she’s a lesbian and falls for the Gardner lady, the show doesn’t center on their relationship but it’s still fairly prominent, it is completed
Young Royals - This is a Swedish show on Netflix about the prince going to a boarding school and falling for another dude there, I do really recommend it but be warned it doesn’t really censor sexual scenes that much (Prince is unlabeled, love interest is gay) there is going to be a season two
Those are all just tv shows but I do have to say if you’re looking for a book I cannot recommend Iron Widow enough, it’s a sci-fi adaption of Chinese mythology (by a non-binary Chinese author who occasionally cosplays Robespierre) and it resolves a love triangle with polyamory, it was very good
Anywho I know you didn’t really ask for this but I hope it was helpful
This was helpful thank you!! I've heard of the first two and iron widow but not the others but they seem really interesting!!
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Season 1, Episode 1: Chapter 1 - The River's Edge These Aren't The People From My Polycule! (They Said What?)
[Ep. Statues: Already Watched/First Time Watching + Remember/Vaguely/Don't Remeber]
First off. It sort of slipped my mind that Jughead narrates the opening of each episode. Doesn't he become like a God type writer in the new season? Very Jensen coded of The CW to only know how to do one (1) thing.
Oh god that nasty "Welcome to Riverdale!" board.
Also I will probably be saying this a lot but what are these outfits? Cheryl and Jason are going for thier stupid little boat ride (really? A boat ride? In the morning? On July 4th?) dress all in white expect for Cheryl's bright red stilettos. Like no wonder first time watcher me though Cheryl killed her brother. All the white, the creepiness of the scene and the "are you scared Jason?" just convinced me Cheryl had ritualisticlly killed her brother in a fucked up horror movie girl kinda way. Instant way to make me stan her. Kinda disappointed she didn't (would now would also be a good time to mention that I completely forgot who actually killed Jason? Oops?). Anyway where is that AU? Where is that show?
"In those last moments I hope he suffered. May Jason Blossom burn in hell" ? Miss girl. Are we sure Betty's mom isn't the real family psychopath?
Also can we talk about Jughead in season 1. With his lil beanie and his camera. I'm like 90% he was written to be a movie nerd/buff then it was retconed to books and they never talk about it again? That was weird.
Lol okay so I forgot how privileged the Lodges are made out to be. But honestly, Veronica's mom? Kind of a MILF. Now that I think about it, aren't they like, the Riverdale Kardashians?
Girl naurrr the gay-bestfriend-ification of Kevin 😭💀. My mortal enemy. I will make Kevin a full fleshed character if it kills me. Kevin walked no-crawled so that Will from Stranger Things could stumble over to Mike only to be called a slur.
Also how old are these bitches supposed to be? 15 year olds do not look like that. What is in the water in Riverdale? Pfffff what am I talking about Archie is Just Like That TM.
Also something about the way the actors deliver thier lines. I can't explain it but it's hilarious. Maybe just cause it's the pilot and everything's a little stilted still.
Also I think Kevin wants to hit that (Archie). #LetKevinHitThat2022 #LetKevinBeArchiesGayAwakening2022
Oh Archie's music passion my beloved. I forgot that one too. Season 1 may not be as batshit as its descendants but it has it's gems.
Betty and Archie: having their disgusting little heterosexual talk
Me looked in the background: omg Pop Tate 😍😍😍
I used to laugh at the sketches of Riverdale on tiktok because the facial expressions were so greatly exaggerated. But nope, it's actually Just Like TM.
Omg Veronica's slow-mo entrance my beloved. Some would say it's over the top but honestly she's an icon, she's a legend and she is the moment. She deserves this.
Also I know I should be focused on the Archie and Veronica's meet-cute but there's this one shot of Betty's face that is absolutely sending me.
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Betty said gay rights because I'm going to be homophobic towards a straight couple.
Forgot just how... Karen-like Betty's mom was in season 1. I know it's out of worry but I can't wait for her character to flesh out (as much as it can on a CW show). Also I did not know Betty has ADHD?
Archie, honey, what is your handwriting. Okay, if Betty has ADHD then I want Archie to be dyslexic. They bond over being neurodivergent and mistake that comradery for love.
Nasty ass early season Chad Reggie 🤮🤮🤮. Where is my is my mafia bimbo meow meow. Give him to me now.
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What. What was this moment. ONLY The CW. I would only accept this moment if Veronica was wearing a little bi or pan flag. Hold on.
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Guys she sewed them on herself! (her mother taught her!) (I know it looks like shit alright I'm horrible at editing)
JOSIE! AND THE PUSSY CATS. Okay but genuinely they sound really good.
JUSTIN GINGERLAKE ??! Oh she's savage I love her. Also Josie and her girlies all use she/they pronouns because I said so.
Also the way Veronica talks. How does Camilla Mendes pull it off. What ever they're paying her, double it.
"Are you two dating?"
"No we're just friends."
"No he's straight.'
I stand by my earlier statment, #LetKevinHitThat2022
Oh god. The one plot line I wish I could desperately forget is the one where Archie fucks his music teachers. How is nobody noticing these 2 eyes fuck infront of the entire gymnasium.
Oh Fred and Hermione 😔
"Is cheerleading still a thing?"
"Is being the gay best friend still a thing?"
Shots fired. I am loving the mlm wlw hostility. At least The CW got gay on gay violence right.
Cheryl? Body shaming! What year is this?
They're trying to make me like or feel sympathy for Grundy and it's not working. I'm just waiting for her to leave.
Okay no actually I need her to DIE. A student is asking for help because he's feeling guilty and scared of something he's witnessed but your saying no because you fucked him? 🔪🔪🔪
Beronica kiss hello? Young sapphic me blocked this out because they could not deal with the emotions and revelations this brought her. Also this is beginnings/foundation of the Riverdale polycule. Also that kiss was.... a little longer than necessary 😏.
Cheryl is not impressed tho and honestly good for her. But that baiting scene. Sheesh I'm not one to judge be get a better coping mechanism honey. Betty's half moon scars I remember vividly. I wonder if they ever resolved that plotline.
I am losing it. Is this Riverdale's version of "Freedom is a lenght of rope and God wants you to hang yourself"?
Nope, now I've lost it. That scene! Where Veronica is zipping up Betty's cheerleading outfit and the sweet music is playing and they're all smiles and giggles and she turns around and Veronica compliments her and Betty just touches her in the same way Veronica did her even though Veronica was already set! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOODBYE! The entire show could end right here and I wouldn't care. Also, I see you Veronica's black nail polish.
Oh Betty and Veronica's little chat after that felt very very real. Oh no this Supernatural all over again. Shit show, good moments that keep u coming back.
Okay Betty's mom is giving my mom vibes and that is not okay.
Fred's words to Archie about his future are ringing really true and are a really fresh and good twist on the parents dont support the kids passion trope.
Maybe this first season is actually good? Skdjkskdjd nah.
Omg our favourite trouple doing their entrance!
"What does your heart say?"
Archie: *looks over at Grundy*
Me: Come on, Grundy?!
Archie: *demands lessons*
Me: Oh he chose music!
Oh god.... I keep pausing the fantasy couple scene because I just can't.
Veronica and Kevin, mouthing: ask him about the polycule!
Betty, who can't read lips for shit: power couple? 🤔
The absolute silence on Archie's side. WHY did he look at Grunkle what's her face.
Let's see who's riding the ginger stallion tonight? WHO IS WRITING THESE SCRIPTS?
"Who are you asking for, you or Betty?"
Veronica: *doesn't say both*
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Me watching Archie and Veronica kiss even tho the polycule is in shambles before even fully forming:
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Veronica and Hermione's relationship. God I wish I had something like that.
"Archie went looking for the girl next door. Instead he found me." Okayyyy, it's giving Jarchie.
Archie and Jughead's scene. First of all Jughead's dark humor. Love it. The talk to her. It'd go a long way. It'd have went a long way with me. Ooof. But also what did happen? Omg gay coming out went wrong!
Me watching the "I can't give you the answer you want" scene trying to focus on literally anything else but the forced monogamy in front of me: huh the way they shot this reminds me of the "I was there where were you scene".
Okay but let's put a pause on the polycule and talk about Barchie. Archie says something along the lines of "You are always perfect, I could never be good enough for you" and earlier on Betty said she's sick of being perfect, the perfect x,y,z for everyone else. I don't know if she's realised this but that may include being the perfect love interest for Archie. And Archie perceives her as Perfect when Betty just wants to be perceived. So if they were ever to get together, polycule or not they'd need to work past that.
Oh Moose. Didn't he just fade into the background as the show moved on or did I just forget him?
Oh Jason? Neat ig. Was he shot and his body dumped after the lake was searched? I can't even remember.
Unhinged rating: 3/10. There were some moments (mostly from Cheryl) mostly from the dialog and things I'd forgotten but this episode is really tame reconsidering my expectations for later seasons.
Tag list (you can ask to be added [or removed] though I doubt anyone will ask: @youre-only-gay-once
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natigail · 1 year
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I posted 20,007 times in 2022
250 posts created (1%)
19,757 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 20,004 of my posts in 2022
#thank queue for treating us with your presence - 18,894 posts
#stray kids - 3,578 posts
#bts - 2,443 posts
#seventeen - 2,255 posts
#dan howell - 1,465 posts
#look at this beautiful boy - 1,411 posts
#why is this so funny - 1,386 posts
#bang chan - 1,136 posts
#phil lester - 1,059 posts
#tumblr text post - 1,021 posts
Longest Tag: 119 characters
#demisexual flag wasn’t there but i added the ace flag and then i also added the bi pin to represent romantic attraction
My Top Posts in 2022:
This is not fair, they are not supposed to hold this kind of power over me. I am so damn whipped, this is so funny, I’m laughing so hard literally at every bit. I’ve missed them and their banter so much.
416 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
See the full post
447 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
Dan!And!Phil!GAMES! And yes, please, Phil is right (as always). It doesn’t have to be such a thing and a Sims video once a year would absolutely be lovely.
530 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
Some of the closing remarks of 7: Why Am I Here: “I still love it”, “I would be stupid not to use the platform in which my history is built on”, “I am going to create some fucking content and I am going to create it how I want”, “I’ll just upload because I love it”
I cannot even begin to describe how those bits healed my soul after listening to him for over an hour explain how the platform that he grew up on, treasures and fought for, made several special projects shatter and waste literally years of his life. Dan is clearly still recovering, I fully do believe him calling it traumatic, but he has come back to us after he has begun healing. He has reflected and he’s come back to the platform despite it all. For the reasons he mentioned above. 
For him. And for the people who want to come and see him be his authentic self.
No, the notification of an upload to Daniel Howell did not feel like a ghost from the past coming to haunt me at all. I was surprised, but pleasantly so. Dan has been away and withdrawn yet but I always felt he was allowed that. I missed him for sure, but he puts a lot of weight in his word. When he promised a return to YouTube in 2022, I believed him. And while it took him five months, he is here. And this is the start of a new era. 
We’re all a little older now, a little more worn, but there is still nothing more delightful to me than people creating what they want to create and sharing it with the world. Whatever the format, it’s something special to pour your heart, your voice, your ideas, your work into something like this. And Dan’s voice is a familiar one, his ideas are funny, he works hard and thoughtfully and the glimpses he shares of his heart is wonderful.
I am very excited for him to be back. Good on him for taking charge and doing it on his own terms. Of fighting and growing and trying - and inspiring us to do the same. Picking yourself up off the floor is a big task. 
I sincerely hope you’re doing alright too, Dan. It’s good to see your face again.
1,059 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“I was severely lonely. And no, Phil doesn’t count. We’re so familiar he might as well have been a piece of furniture.”
Guess that’s another one for the list of arch-enemies, partners in crime, actual soulmates, etc. 
6,248 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dragonsruby · 3 years
Aladdin (animated series) Incorrect Quotes:
Because my obsessive phase has lasted years and it's time to do something with it.
Feel free to add on, if you want! This was a lot of fun!
Aladdin: "People have asked me how I get the 'Natural and earthy' look to my body. I've told them that it's the Essence of Agrabah."
*Monster of the week smashes a cart in the background, causing splinters and sand to fly everywhere*
Aladdin: "It's literally just sand."
Cassim: "The son I raised is a strong and responsible man."
Genie: "Did you perhaps raise a son that we are unaware of?"
Nefir: "My one and only dream, which was to obtain money, has come true!"
Abis Mal, adressing his crew: "Today, I'm going to show you how to face your fears! Now the first step to facing your fears is-"
*Abu falls off of wall behind Mal and Mal screams loudly*
Haroud: "Every time you feel like yelling at your boss, put a shred of gold in your 'No yelling' sack, and soon you'll have a wEAPON TO BEAT-"
Ambassador: "I've brought you frankincense."
Jasmine: "Thank you."
Ambassador: "And I've brought you myrrh!"
Jasmine: "Thank y-"
Ambassador, flinging off his cloak to reveal Abis Mal with his latest magical doomsday artifact: "Myrrh-DER!!!"
Jasmine, sighing: "Abis Mal, this is the eigth time."
Fasir, looking at Agrabah: "When will you learn-"
Fasir, looking at Mirage: "WHEN WILL YOU LEARN-"
Fasir, screaming at the globe: "THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES?!!?!!"
(Also applies to the Etherial)
Iago: "ARE YOU-"
*Abu screeches*
*Abu screeches*
Aladdin: "What in the name of-"
Jasmine: "I told Iago that he shouldn't use council-inappropriate words while we have guests over. Abu is saying them for him."
(Side note, you can't convince me that Abu wouldn't have the worst potty-mouth in the series next to Iago)
Mirage: "Ya know, I really love dressing up for the occassion and looking proper and taking a knife and STABBING PEOPLE ON THE WEEKENDS!"
Mirage: "Now, we shall all make our move to destroy Agrabah!"
Etherial: "There is no need. The people are doing that just as well on their own."
Chaos: "It's really boring! They don't even need us to do anything!"
Scooter: "...?"
Arbutus: "I never wish to leave my garden. However-"
*Aladdin waters a fake plant in Agrabah*
Arbutus: "Some time in prison will be worth the actions that I shall take."
Iago: "Nah, I can't ever be with a bird of the fairer breed. I am all the fair this bird needs!"
Thundra, flying across the globe at the speed of light: "WHO THE BLIGHT PUT THE ROBOT-SLEEZE IN MI SELVA?!?!?! MAY ROOTS GROW WITHIN SUS ÓRGANOS FOR THE NEXT ONE THOUSAND YEARS- Ah, Ramone, mi amore! Ever shall you join me!"
Iago: "...My worldview has been expanded for two."
Iago: "Sometimes I think..."
Iago: "...and then I end up in federal prison."
Genie: "Whatever you have heard about me isn't true. I don't know where people get the idea that I like it safe (watch your step, loose tile,) it's ridiculous (careful, hanging plant.) You wear a helmet to an ambasador meeting one time, and you're labeled for life (watch out, broken glass). Frankly, I like taking risks and would welcome a little danger in my life."
Genie: "Dhandi, kid, dear Eden and I have decided to have a child together!"
Dhandi: "Oh, congratulations! I didn't know that you could have-"
Eden, producing adoption papers from the air: "And that child is YOU!!!!!"
Genie: "As your prisoner, I'm not going to associate, I'm not going to conversate with you-"
Mozenrath: "I think it's 'converse.'"
Genie: "...Wh-"
Mozenrath: "Just say 'talk.'"
Abu: Jailed for Monke Crimes (and also repeated attempts at robbery)
Mozenrath: "GET THE DOG-"
Aladdin, casually holding the Thirdac's chain: "It don't bite!"
Mozenrath, halfway up the nearest wall: "YES IT DO, BI-"
Aladdin: "And another hit! Better start waving your white flag, Mozenrath!"
Aladdin: "...Only one problem with that, but besides the point-"
Aladdin, at the end of the 1992 film: "Man, things are going pretty well for me! I'm off the streets, I have a family who loves me, and none of my enemies can touch me anymore! Things are finally looking up!"
The Return of Jafar, the 1994 series and The King of Thieves: *Jaws theme*
I will cherish the chaos of this series forever.
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basilhearsanoise · 3 years
pleaseee elaborate on your homophobic sam take. it’s very compelling. i always thought sam’s early plotline with the demon blood was a queer allegory, but your explanation for his attitude towards dean’s bisexuality makes a lot of sense now that i think about it
there are So Many Layers i probably won't even be able to get them all down but here's some major ones. from the get-go, sam is The Opposite of dean on so many issues, and essentially throughout the show they flip. this is most notably demonstrated by the fact that sam starts out as a Devout Christian (or at least we are to assume that he is christian given his approach to prayer, god, angels, etc) and by the end of the show sam is completely and utterly devoid of faith. whereas dean is like If There's A God In Heaven, What's He Waiting For? - Elton John.mp3 in the beginning of the show, and by the end he's like "i have faith in humanity, in spirituality, in CASTIEL, in MY SON JACK," by the end. but this is just one of the MANY issues they flip back and forth on, or just slowly and surely change their perspectives to be more like the way the other brother started.
1. should we tell people there are monsters? dean says "we can't tell anyone they exist the whole world will panic" vs. sam says "they have a RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT'S OUT THERE"
but also. are all monsters evil? dean says "yes, they kill innocent people and they killed my mother and destroyed my life, they ALL deserve to die" but sam says "SOME of them must be good....it's not THEIR FAULT they're disgusting, evil and eat people uwu"
monsters/cryptids/spirits/folklore etc have virtually always been, in some way shape or form, a queer allegory themselves. the shapeshifter arc spoke to me as a trans person on a deep personal level. dracula was essentially racist propaganda. so if we take this allegory to supernatural, and say, "acceptance of monsters = acceptance of queerness" dean's hatred of them is a hatred of himself, his own inner monster, his own internalized homophobia - in addition to the fact that because he IS a queer man who has been VICTIM to REAL VIOLENT homophobia before, it would make sense that he is #antifa #acab #kill all the nazis forever #don't waste time trying to make monsters good when you could save good people from them instead. which is like. a reasonable response to have to a group of people that systematically try to kill you. but that also makes sam's "oh pity the monster dean, don't kill it, FORGIVE, JUST GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO ~ REPENT ~ THEIR SINS" ....like, even in later seasons he is saying stuff like this, and while it's true that dean SHOULD forgive some of the monsters that sam says this about, it still reads to me as two major red flags of 1. forgive your abusers to be the better person and 2. "hate the sin, not the sinner" rhetoric. sam doesn't actually give a shit about any of these monsters he gives a shit about keeping his own ideological purity. he sounds like scary youth pastors i had as a child.
this is further demonstrated by the fact that as dean becomes more accepting of his sexuality as the show goes on, he becomes more accepting of monsters. that's benny's ENTIRE EXISTENCE AS A CHARACTER: "i accept this vampire because he is honorable, and manly, and looks really fuckin cute in suspenders." that's also why sam hates benny so much even though he's the one who's been like "but monsters can be good T__T" this whole time. what the fuck other reason would he have to hate benny so much?
this is also CLEARLY the ENTIRE subtext of the Demon Dean arc - Sam FLIPS OUT about him going off with crowley because he could FORGIVE one little crush on an angel, because of the fact that he's an angel, and also because dean wasn't "shoving his unholy lifestyle down everyone's throats" but demon dean is....loudly, angrily, gay. demon dean is a manifestation of all the gayness that dean has suppressed his whole life and now he's "too indecent" for sam. this is FURTHER demonstrated by the fact that crowley literally yells at dean to "pick a side" after demon dean sides with the slighted wife in a demon deal instead of the cheating husband, literally because of the fact that the husband says "men are just supposed to sleep around" and dean gets so mad about this sexism that he kills him.
this is dean not only rejecting sexism more than sam literally ever actually does in the show (everything he says about it reads to me as idle posturing Fake Woke Shit whereas dean is a sleazebag, but he's an Equal Opportunity sleazebag) but also his rejection of being pigeonholed as gay when he is, indeed, bisexual. crowley represents the biphobia that gay people enact on bi people, sam represents the homophobia that straight people enact on all queer people.
this brings me to the next part of sam's Not Niceness - he's like, actually 100% more misogynistic than dean is. i know i'm Not A Woman but like i am trans, queer, and not dumb. sam is a fucking sadist serial killer man who treats women like garbage the SECOND they are no longer useful to him, this is most clearly demonstrated when he doesn't have a "soul" but it existed in him basically from the get-go, he is painted as the "more emotionally mature one" but that reading became so inaccurate the show literally started making fun of his character for thinking that sappy fake shit could pass as sincere care for another human being. dean actually talks to women like they're people with feelings. he routinely identifies with the victims and is paralleled against them, especially if they are victims of childhood sexual assault. sam does not talk to women unless they serve some kind of purpose to his goals and is much more routinely depicted weirdly enjoying killing enemies that are women. sometimes not even for plot reasons, it's just weird shots that nobody thought to red flag because this show is. A MESS.
anyway. another example is the one that i mentioned in the post about the confederate soldier, the fact that sam is fucking racist and dean is at least, within the narrative, less racist.
ANYWAY, THERE'S STILL MORE I COULD TALK ABOUT BUT I'LL LEAVE IT AT THIS: sam is constantly telling dean that he's not being sensitive or poltically correct but every single time it comes off sounding like a straight person telling an actual gay person how not to be homophobic. like, please, sammy, touch grass. dean says: touch grass, kill nazis.
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verobatto · 3 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning
I Love You and Goodbye
Hi my friends! We are finally in episode 15x18 "Despair" or "The Truth". The episode in which Destiel went canon.
So, let's grab our napkins and let's start with this.
Remember this meta is a summary from my metas from season 15 with some new additions now that the show ended.
You can find my metas from 15x18 following these links: X, X and X.
The last Destiel mirrors
I want to start this meta summary with the last two destiel mirrors from episode 15x18. Both of them were foreshadowing the big lover separation at the end.
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Charlie always mirrored Dean, so it's very interesting to hear her talking about how her relationship with Stevie started.
She mentioned she didn't want to try that love thing again, it's a parallel of Dean's past with Cassie earlier in the show. It started as a game could be also related to Dean first attempts of flirting with Castiel in season 4 and 5.
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I'll go with you...
One of the most iconic Destiel quotes has to be recalled in this episode too. Loyalty, love and abnegation from Castiel to Dean.
Because I Love You (Romantically)
This whole description from the scene it had been taken from my meta, I want to transcript the whole analysis here just because the moment I wrote this I was still hoping Dea would rescue Castieo, and I was crying and laughing hysterically, so... I wanna share that to all of you:
This love confession was beautiful, and Castiel made it clear he was talking about ROMANTIC LOVE, because the whole prelude in his wordings were perfectly clear. There's not doubt he was confessing his romantic love for Dean. He even mention THE ONLY THING I CAN'T HAVE is the thing that will make him happy.
It's canon he was asking himself what happiness could be!!! It means CAS THOUGHT ABOUT HOW COULD IT BE TO HAVE DEAN NOT JUST AS A FRIEND!!!!
I'm gonna stop here just a little to point out why the quote "IT HAS ALWAYS BENN YOU" said by Billie takes a huge significance in here. Because Dean is not just the centric problem of a Cosmic entity, like Death, but the centric topic in Castiel's confession.
The love confession from 15x18 was a recalling of the first Destiel scene in the barn. In which Castiel saw a broken soul, a man that thought he didn't deserved to be saved, and immediately he took that challenge in his arms. The challenge was to make Dean BELIEVE HE WAS WORTHY. That he deserved to be saved AND LOVED. That's why from this moment on, Dean will change the way he sees himself.
When Castiel says he understood HAPPINESS IS NOT ABOUT TO HAVE IT, BUT IT'S ABOUT TO SAY IT (FEEL IT) immediately after saying he couldn't have that thing (Dean) is marking to all the audience that knowing HE CAN'T HAVE DEAN, HE IS HAPPY JUST FEELING THAT LOVE FOR HIM. LOVONG HIM AS HE DOES IS WHAT MAKES CAS HAPPY, AND CONFESSING THAT LOVE TO DEAN, RELEASE HIM.
Because Death gave a speech that became a summary of all the villains through this show, Castiel is the one purifying each mean word by transforming them into Dean's virtues.
While naming Dean's sacrifices and protective behavior, and showing him HE DID IT FOR LOVE, Castiel is trying to make Dean to see himself as CAS sees him.
Love yourself, because you are precious, because I LOVE YOU. You are not a monster, you are all this good things I see on you.
Gif set credit @mugiwara-lucy
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Castiel crying, loving Dean with all of his self, and Dean in shock (or silenced by the network and the writers).
All the foreshadows of Dean gagging, vomiting, swallowing, eating... all of that was for this moment here. Dean's silence. Dean eating his words, Dean being silenced.
We could try to find other explanation, or live forever inside Jackie's magnificent acting options (giving us that swallow and mouth shut, as if he was trying to speak... as if he was trying to reply to his angel...) but truth is... C*W and the writers silenced him.
And then Castiel was swallowed by black goo, again. And that was Misha's last apparition. The ultimate sacrifice for love. Again.
Castiel Love's confession word by word
I'm gonna talk about specifically of the Destiel scene. Word by word, as I wrote in the third meta on the top of this volumen, with some new additions.
“I always wondered, ever since I took that that burden, that curse, I wondered what it could be, what...what my true happiness could even look like. I never found an answer. Because the one thing I want...it's something I know I can't have."
It's canon now that Castiel was wondering what would it be to have Dean not just as a friend, but as a lover, and I'm.... Okay. (Internally screaming).
Pointed by @weird-dorky-little-d, the parallel here with Pamela (Dean's fem mirror in Rocky's Bar) in which she said DEAN ALWAYS WANTED WHAT HE COULDN'T HAVE. It means, both dumbasses in love thought their love were unrequited (in the worst scenario) but maybe to Castiel was the Sacred Oath? Perhaps...
"But I think i know...I think I know now. Happiness isn't in the having. It's in just being. It's in just saying it.”
This is such a deep thought and it talks about Castiel's maturity of character. He understood once for all, that loving Dean Winchester, feeling what he feels for him, and expressing that to Dean, is his true happiness. Because...
METATRON: "(...) You draped yourself in the flag of Heaven, but ultimately, it was all about saving one human. Right?"
Dean: "What are you talking about, man?
This question coming from Dean shows the audience Dean didn't know what Castiel was trying to say. So this could be a clue about Dean thinking his love is unrequited.
Cas: “I know. I know how you see yourself, Dean. You see yourself the same way our enemies see you. You're destructive and you're angry and you're broken. You're...you're 'Daddy's Blunt Instrument.' And you think hate and anger, that's...that's what drives you. That's who you are. It's not. And everyone who knows you sees it.
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Cas: You know, ever since I met you, ever since I pulled you out from Hell...
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I was hoping Dean to give us our angel back, but well. It was Jack. Hehehee.
Gif set credit @spnsmile
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I recommend to go to the third link on the top of this meta and read @mrsaquaman187 amazing body language reading of this scene!
But now, about what Castiel is saying...
If you are still alive, i just want to point how romantic is this, because he is saying that Dean changed him for good. And he is naming all their family, Sam, Jack, and humanity, the world. Dean. So practically, Cas is saying, Dean showed Cas how to take care of others. Damn...
This is a call back to Castiel's talk with Ishim in 12x10:
ISHIM: The way you let those simians talk to you... Castiel, when did you get so gooey? You know why we're meant to stay away from them humans? Hmm? It's not because we're a danger to them. They're a danger to us. Case in point.
CAS: Well, my friendship with Sam and Dean has made me stronger.
Castiel rewording again, because he knows what Dean did on him, Dean changed him for good.
DEAN (quiet, resigned) Why does this sound like a goodbye?
CASTIEL: Because it is. I love you. (he smiles)
DEAN: Don't do this, Cas.
Dean's last words to Castiel... don't do this, don't confess your love for me and then die again.
It's painfully beautiful. Castiel was the light that touched Dean's life changing him for ever. He was loved and cared by this angel, and at the same time, Dean learned how to love Castiel in silence.
To Conclude:
The most beautiful love story ever told could've ended differently, happily, the way Dean and Cas deserved. But it ended up as a tragedy.
And we are here to fix it.
Destiel is canon and Destiel is forever.
Hope you like this meta. See you in the next one that will be the last one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @dizzypinwheel @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @belacoded @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @deancasgirl777
If you want to be added or removed from this list, just let me know.
If you wanna read the previous metas from this season, here you have the links:
Buenos Aires, August 28 th 2021 9:03 PM
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musashi · 3 years
hi, i came across your post re: the lesbian flag & asexuality and i would like to clear up that emily (the creator) has explicitly stated that she's no longer an ace exclusionist and has been since 2019. sorry if this sounds confrontational or anything i just wanted to let you know & understand any cautions you may still have about this whole thing (https://twitter.com/diabolicdyke/status/1192662869843664896)
she does this every time her exclusionism is brought up. literally every time. every single time people start reminding others that she's exclusionary, she backpedals on her politics for a while until the eyes go off her and then she ramps right back up.
this is the third time someone has told me she "apologized and stopped being an exclusionist" but i've never seen the apology, never been linked to it. i can't find it anywhere.
the last few times i got sent asks like this, i immediately went on her blog, found her claiming she "didn't hate ace people" (an askew way exclusionists will avoid being held accountable-- "Oh, i don't hate ace people! I just think they're cishets pwaying pretend for attention and want to force them out of a community they belong in!" and all it took was a cursory search of a few terms to find her spewing the same bile in the last few weeks. if searching 'ace' and 'asexual' on someone's blog doesn't yield results on how they feel, a good thing to do is search 'cishets' because exclusionists will use the terms interchangeably.
the tweet you sent me where she claims she apologized (again, where is it?) was posted early november. here she is later that month immediately shitting on bi lesbians.
her tumblr is gone now so i can't screencap any of the vile shit she's said in the past about similar topics. but she does this every single few months, she has been given more than enough chances to stick to these 'educated' convictions she supposedly has now and she has not. she might be better at hiding it on twitter since it's harder to search there, but it was painfully transparent in the past and imo it's painfully transparent now.
i need you guys to understand that just because someone says they've changed doesn't mean they're telling the truth. sometimes people lie on the internet.
it is literally fine if you find comfort in her flag, there is no moral high ground to be had here, but there are constantly donation posts going around for her and rallying cries to give her money since corporations aren't compensating her for her flag design. which is a good place for your heart to be, and i commend the community in it, but i would want to know who exactly my money is going to. giving it to an exclusionist? that's fucking blood money. no goddamn thank you.
i am all for supporting people who grow & change & learn. she has done absolutely none of that. lesbians, bi women, pan women, and asexuals aren't enemies, we're siblings.
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