#then nina shows up and she’s like ‘wait a damn minute’
incorrectsibunaquotes · 8 months
crying laughing at the pre-canon headcanon that patricia honestly thought fabian was gay bc he didn’t seem into joy and simply was also the way he is, so she kept trying to gently break the news to joy
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melbatron5000 · 2 months
My murder board
Updated 4/22/24
I'll add links as I can, but here's what I've got so far on the Good Omens season 2 puzzle/game. I feel it's important to note that I think we've been given all the puzzle pieces and a bunch of helpful hints besides.
The continuity errors:
Crowley's hair (POV thing)
Crowley's sideburns (POV)
The Bentley, "our car" but then it is Our Car in 1941 also -- WTF (There is a line in the book about someone being powerful enough to make something change and then make it so the change always was that way, but damned if I can recall the line or context now. Need to re-read AND re-watch! Found it! It's when Crowley first meets Adam after he's come into his powers -- he reads Crowley's mind and history like it's a book and this is the impression it leaves Crowley with. Adam's power is very similar to how the Book of Life is described in the show. Curiouser and curiouser!) (POV!)
Eccles cakes when Crowley leaves the shop, it's still morning, the continuity of time is messing with me. When they get the eccles cakes, it's light out. When Crowley leaves, it's dark out. He throws a lightning temper tantrum. He comes back after 9 by the clock in the shop. I still think it's not unreasonable to assume Aziraphale simply tidied away the eccles cakes in that time. Nina would have liked her plate back, after all. But all of this begs another question: 4a. Why is it around 11:30 when Aziraphale leaves Maggie's shop with the record and says he knows what he'll be doing for 21 minutes, but after 4 pm when Gabriel shows up? What happened for those 4+ hours? See 6. Clocks are wrong. Time is wrong!! (4.b the eccles cakes are prominent in at least one promo poster. Even if they don't disappear, do they mean something else??)
Portal rug it's a faded rug right up until the ball, when it becomes a thick red rug, then it's back to faded once the ball is tidied away. It just got made pretty for the ball, then changed back. The change is a nothingburger.
Clocks are wrong -- all over the damn place!!
Cross on Gabriel's statue -- appears to disappear. (POV)
Honolulu roast sign -- appears out of nowhere. (POV)
Title/location cards -- but there are some spots where the S1 title cards are used, what's going on there? (POV clues? -- this needs a closer look)
Drawing of Gabriel -- the one Aziraphale draws in the shop is NOT the one he shows the pub owner in Edinburgh. Why? (POV)
Wet roads/series poster -- what is up with all the rain??
Lights at Marguerites -- on again, off again. (POV? Or is it just when she's closed and open? It's a cafe, after all, they won't be open in the morning.)
Aziraphale's chair position in the Final Fifteen
1941 photo, Crowely's hand
Repeating extras -- not just repeating, but acting oddly -- walking back and forth, touching things, not eating, dressed the same every single day, etc. Do the people on the street in Edinburgh behave the same way?? (POV?)
Resurrectionist sign at the pub -- one with a scalpel, one with a butcher's knife. And it makes me think -- was Mr. Dalrymple a surgeon and a scientist with a scalpel, or a butcher with a cleaver? (POV. Wait, Aziraphale is the only MC there -- whose POVs would we be seeing?? Crowley's. He calls to tell Crowley what he found, what we're seeing is Crowley's idea of what happened.)
Store front signs -- appear and disappear. (POV)
Whickber street as seen from Heaven vs. on location -- the one Saraqael looks at in Heaven is the Google Maps picture of SoHo from 2019 with the book shop added in. It's not even from 2023! There is a building being torn down in it. In person on the show, it's different -- and the building is long gone in actual Google Maps 2023. (I think Saraqael is trying to hide the big miracle. She's showing the arc angels the book shop when it got reset by Adam in 2019.)
When Shax talks to Crowley and he takes off driving. When she appears, he is parked further up the street than when he leaves. Noticeably so. (POV? Or scenes out of order and this is a different time than it looks like?)
Edinburgh castle -- when Aziraphale arrives in Edinburgh, the castle is behind him. When the camera switches angles to behind him, Edinburgh castle is in front of him. The street he is on (streets, actually) are real streets. The castle was put in the first shot deliberately, but exists for real in the second shot. (POV)
Edinburgh streets -- when Aziraphale arrives in Edinburgh, the street he parks on is cobblestone. When the camera switches to behind him, the street is paved. (POV)
Weird sounds of all kinds?? (POV? Some of them yes.)
Crowley's sunglasses. Could this be explained by POV switches? If so, why do they change halfway through and then stay that way?
Questions about things the characters do:
Where did Crowley go during the Job flashback? And why was he wearing his spy turtleneck? (To meet up with Saraqael, perhaps? Seeing as Shax interrupted their meeting earlier that day?)
Where else did Aziraphale go in Edinburgh? And why did he go to the graveyard?
What did Gabriel need to bring to Aziraphale? What happened to it? (God's voice? A message from god? The Book of Life?)
Why does Micheal do the magician's "nothing in the box" display with the matchbox? It's a very specific action. Something's in that up with that damn matchbox. We're being asked to look at it, while something else happens that we're missing. And someone noticed that her nails are in terrible shape when she does it, but our eyes are on the matchbox.
What else did the Metatron say to Aziraphale? (Anything? Are we getting the whole, accurate story? Most of it? Any of it?)
How long was Crowley in Heaven, and what happened while he was there? (Did he sneak around and steal something? Did they harm him? He's acting a bit weird when he comes back.)
What happened to Aziraphale's briefcase? The one he took to Edinburgh. Where he did who knows what. (Is that a POV thing??)
What, if anything, is wrong with Crowley's memory? (Or is he just dissing Furfur and Saraqael?) (OR! Given the Gabriel removed HIS OWN MEMORY AND PUT IT IN THE FLY, so apparently angels ((AND demons??)) can affect their own memories, did Crowley deliberately do something to himself to get rid of unwanted memories??? He seems pretty untroubled by not remembering Furfur or Saraqael or why they made gravity -- almost as if he doesn't care the memories are gone. Okay, maybe he's gotten rid of some memories himself, but then WHY??) This could be a big old nothingburger. Or is he dissing Furfur and offering plausible deniability that he's met with Saraqael before -- like, when he was wearing his spy turtle neck??
What is Shax's mission? She says she's Crowley's replacement, but then she asks for "what she needs" from Crowley on the bench. Huh? What does she need?
How does Crowley know about hand washing in the Resurrectionists minisode? (This strikes different than the "lead ballon" remark on the wall. It's hard to say if Crowley knows about lead balloons, or if they're speaking an angelic language and it's being translated for us and the translator has a sense of humor or is trying to convey Crowley's sense of humor. The hand washing is actual, concrete, specific knowledge of the future.) Ah, I just re-read the book, where he mentions helicopters to DaVinci, and also Neil said this. It's something Crowley can do. He's a demon, he knows things.
What is going on with Maggie? I don't think she's a demon, but there is something up with her. (Also, one of the men in the graveyard in Edinburgh has a tattoo that says "no regerts." That's a real tattoo that circulates around the internet every once in a while -- I think it's a subtle reminder that humans aren't necessarily great at spelling, either.) But she has a Mason symbol on her necklace, and I still think the Masons are significant somehow; Aziraphale can't miracle-influence her; Aziraphale expects her to feel the arc angels arriving.
Why does Gabriel speak with god's voice? (Was that what he needed to bring? That message? But he says he needs to give Aziraphale something, and both times he speaks in god's voice, it's to Crowley. Hmm. IS that God's voice? It's a woman, but who is it?)
How did the pub owner recognize Gabriel's picture so fast? He says himself, "Look pal, I see a lot of people -- oh, yeah, I remember him!" ?? Was it just because Gabriel was weird at him?
Why is Crowley throwing books? It gives us a laugh, but is there a reason for it? He even seems confused as to why he's carrying them right before he does. (This is a POV thing -- the lens is "Aziraphale's" lens, so I think we're seeing Crowley tell Aziraphale what happened while Aziraphale was gone, and how Aziraphale imagines it would go.)
Why is Saraqael the only angel to react with fear before anyone else recognizes the Metatron? (Is it because she's been working WITH Gabriel, Beelzebub, AND Crowley and Aziraphale to thwart the second attempt at ending the world? Neil says he had some secret things for Sandalphon to do, but the actor wasn't available, so Saraqael does some of those things instead . . .)
Aziraphale gently laughs at Muriel's Inspector Constable persona, but then IMMEDIATELY adopts a just as over-the-top reporter persona. Is he doing it deliberately, or is he that un-self-aware? If he's doing it deliberately, why? Who's he trying to convince he's not that savvy? The pub owner? Anyone who might be spying? US?? Is that a POV thing? And if so, whose?? (AHA! I think this is Aziraphale telling Crowley what happened, and Crowley picturing Aziraphale being adorable in his disguise. Aziraphale is not that silly actually, but probably not as slick as he wants to think.)
Why the heck did Maggie and Nina go talk to Crowley while the Metatron was talking to Aziraphale? What they had to say wasn't important enough to leave Nina's shop during a rush, and I definitely don't think they derailed Crowley from what he needed to say to Aziraphale, though it might look at first as if they did. So what was that about?
When Shax stops Aziraphale for a ride, he says, "Oh, I really need to get to --" and then is cut off. He really needs to get to where? It's an easy assumption to think he means the book shop, or London. But is that all he means? Or was he on his way somewhere else? And if it was just the book shop, what does he mean he's late? Late for what? And that lens is still Crowley's lens -- Aziraphale is relating the story to Crowley. Crowley also knows where Aziraphale was going besides Edinburgh.
Crowley can tell something is wrong. Something. What?
Good God, this questions list just keeps getting longer. Why would the Metatron allow Beelzebub and Gabriel to leave, after trying to stop Armageddon 2.0, but come after Crowley and Aziraphale like that? Just because of the big miracle? (Which I'm not sure they did.)
Why does Crowley say "Oh, God," right before his confession in the final fifteen? To let Aziraphale know that he understands what Aziraphale is saying? That God (or the Voice) is there? Seems possible.
Why didn't Gabriel come down the lift in the Dirty Donkey? He also says he had to carry that box for sooo long. Where was he wandering around?
When Crowley leaves Heaven, he tells Saraqael and Muriel to come, too. But in the elevator, Michael and Uriel are there! When the fuck did they show up??
The whole time Aziraphale is in Maggie's shop asking about Every Day, he is looking out the windows and is VERY nervous. Is he just concerned about leaving Gabriel on his own, or is he nervous about something specific? He does react to the car horn outside as others have noted, but he is already jumpy and checking the windows repeatedly, the car horn isn't anything particular, he's just already fixated on the windows.
Why does Beelzebub tell Shax to attack the bookstore? Aren't they worried about Gabriel being harmed? And they know Hell is understaffed. Maybe that's why they command it? Because they know Shax won't be able to get the demons?
Questions about the world:
What about the Masons? It's such a specific thing for the pub owner to bring up, what is the meaning of it? And Maggie has a Mason symbol on her necklace. Did the Masons carve the statue of Gabriel? When did they see him?
The only narration we hear in the entire season is Aziraphale in the Resurrectionist flashback. Why? (Maybe to throw us off? I think we have multiple POV characters in season 2, not just Aziraphale, but we only hear Aziraphale so we assume he's the POV for the entire season. But still, why do we only hear him narrate 1 flashback? Argh, is he reading the diary to himself in the present day? That would explain the end, "And that was the last I was to see of Crowley for some time." If he is reading it in the present day, why? What made him think to go back to THAT entry?? Oh, duh! He JUST heard the story of the jukebox from Maggie. And Gabriel appearing -- same city that statue is in. Of course he thought of something important from that diary entry! Now, what did he notice?)
Is the Book of Life a real threat? We hear two stories about it, that it's real and that its ability to erase beings was something to scare the cherubs with, this is inconclusive. Crowley gets nervous after Beelzebub talks to him, but he could just be upset that their little break is interrupted, and now Heaven and Hell have taken an interest in them again.
Is reality fucked up? How? Whickber street bubble, Aziraphale's power turned up (how?), etc.? A LOT of it is POV shifts!
Job 41:19 on the matchbox: 1941?? YES. Bullet catch/kiss scene!
Where TF is God? "There was nothing for Her to do" my ass. She narrates. That's it. So there was nothing for her to narrate? Hm. (Because there was a host of other narrators? Are the Crowley/Aziraphale through the ages flashbacks in S1 narrated by God? I don't think they are, but I need to rewatch. They are not! And they aren't narrated by God because Crowely and Aziraphale are the POV characters in them.)
So many promo posters show Aziraphale, Crowley, and Jimbriel together, or symbols of them. Three feathers: two white, one black. Tea cup, cocoa mug, wine glass. The three of them. Not with Beelzebub, not with Muriel, the three of them. And all three of them have been Jesus-coded in some small way. No one else. Those three. What. Why. Are they the sacrifice required to bring about the new world? Why not Beez, then?
Wait. Two Crowleys?? WTF. There are two Crowley puppets in the magic shop, and Crowley doesn't remember Saraqael or Furfur. Is he dissing them, or is that the second Crowley that never did meet either of them? Am I insane? I have no theory here, just some wild speculation that needs a lot more time to simmer. Two actual Crowleys, or two ideas of Crowley? Or something to hurt my head?
Why are they in a cave in the opening sequence? The guy who made the opening sequence says they are in the fly that Gabriel stores his memory in. Okay, why? And Crowley lights a match to see. Hm. What else was in that fly that Gabriel didn't take when he got his memory out?
An album on the wall in Maggie's shop says "Rat Keith." This seems to me to be an allusion to The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents, by Terry Pratchett. In the book, some men have tied several rats' tails together to create a rat king that keeps the wild rats under control -- except that the rat king has too much power and is doing way more than just that. People die. So who's been given too much power and is now running the show instead of being a puppet? The Metatron, perhaps? Hm . . . Also, Keith is the young boy who plays the part of the Pied Piper for Maurice's scam. He leads all the rats out of town, never mind that the rats can talk and are in on the scam.
Things I think I know:
NEIL GAIMAN IS A LYING LIAR WHO LIES. Except when he's dropping hints or answering straight out. All of his answers to anything anyone asks about GO are suspect at best. (I cannot blame him or anyone else on the cast or crew -- they spent A LOT of time and energy building this very meticulous puzzle game for us -- why would ANY of them give ANY of it away? That would ruin all the fun!)
God has been removed/has vacated. Where did she go? I wonder if anyone knows. Is She just standing back and watching? In the book, Crowley says that anyone who can create a whole universe in six days doesn't let a war of rebellion happen unless they want it to. But that he and Aziraphale wouldn't understand, because if they understood, they wouldn't be them. It's INEFFABLE. He also then FORGETS what he was talking about a minute later.
God doesn't narrate because She's busy being Maggie. Aha!
The Metatron is working for himself. The dice on his tie seem to imply that while God does not play dice with the universe, this jerk surely does. Also, see the rat king observation above, #10.
Gabriel was bringing Aziraphale a message, the box is a red herring. But that brings me to another thing I suspect -- there was something else in the box, and the box is deeply important. Ah, damn -- is that what Crowley gave to Aziraphale in the kiss? Whatever was in the box? Was that what he found out while he was in Heaven? What Gabriel took? Did Gabriel put it in the fly with his memory?
Heaven did something bad to Crowley while he was there. That coffee is a red herring to draw our eye away from him. But that brings me to something else I suspect -- Crowley's knackered and a bit off when he returns from his TEN HOUR JAUNT in Heaven not because they did anything bad to him, but because he stole something very important. Maybe the thing he gives to Aziraphale during the break up?
Crowley and Aziraphale did NOT perform a huge miracle. I don't know what happened, but it wasn't them working together. (Or did they? Are angels and demons more powerful together? Did the Fall create a schism between them that weakened them all? Or are they and Saraqael hiding who did do the big miracle?)
This is a 2 man con. Of course it's a 2 man con. I read American Gods. Crowely and Aziraphale have a plan. This might be version B or C, they might be springing it sooner than they hoped, but that break up was a ruse. A hard, painful ruse, but a ruse. They knew their respite would be short-lived, they've been putting something together for years now.
Crowley put something in Aziraphale's mouth during the kiss. I don't know what, but something he had to swallow. obligateweirdo pointed out that he seems to palm something out of his mouth when he touches his lips the second time, and that Houdini's wife used to slip him the keys to his cuffs with a kiss before his shows. Whatever Crowley gave Aziraphale, it's physical. And Michael Sheen has said he doesn't want to share what's in Aziraphale's pockets -- because Aziraphale put whatever Crowley gave him into a pocket?? Was it the fly? (But didn't that go into Gabriel's eye and stay there?) And if it was the fly, what was inside it?
Gabriel went somewhere else before he went to the book shop. He didn't come down the elevator at the Dirty Donkey. Did he go to Edinburgh? Is that why the pub owner recognized that picture so fast? "Oi! That's that naked bloke was in here last week!" (Or was him walking down the street because we first see him from Nina or Maggie's perspective?? POV muckery?)
SECRET SONGS??? Why are the songs secret?? I'm losing my mind, what is happening??
Several narrators. I'm not even sure how many, but we're seeing the world through the eyes of characters, not God or a faceless narrator. This is part of why things are weird. I don't think that's the full explanation for the whole season, but I think it's a big part of the weirdness. A book that comes up often in the show is The Crow Road by Ian Banks. A brief description of the book says that it is written from the point of view of several characters and the story is told out of order and in no particular fashion, with changes from character to character POV coming at no particular interval and with no warning. AHA! (I did come up with the idea before I saw this post, but @highlandwhackamole beat me to writing it. Well done!) NOW I'm wondering if we aren't also seeing the story as told by the characters we see, but as heard but an as-yet unknown character . . .
The scenes are out of order. The DAMN SCENES ARE OUT OF ORDER! I don't know their correct order, but they are out of order. The Crow Road, again, is told out of order, forcing the reader to piece the scenes together (from a brief description, I'm thinking more and more I need to read this book rather than try to skim it). Is it as simple as watching the scenes in chronological order??
Our angel and demon have hidden something in the book shop. Something important. I have no current guesses as to what. Crowley still has his crank from starting up the nebula. What else might he have taken with him? Is that it? Or something else? HOLY SHIT ARE THEY HIDING JESUS??? Is THAT who did the miracle??
When Aziraphale tells Crowley that their Gabriel miracle set off alarms in Heaven, he sort of raises his eyebrows and says it in the same way he says other things he doesn't mean -- the same tone he says "I forgive you" after the Kiss, or how he says "He says he's Bildad the Shuite," in the Job minisode. It wasn't the Gabriel miracle that set off alarms in Heaven, it was whatever Saraqael was doing, or whoever Saraqael is hiding, and Crowley is well aware of it and whatever Saraqael is up to. Aziraphale just told Crowley that they have to take responsibility for whatever Saraqael did to allay Heaven's suspicions. They are talking in code through more of this season than we first think.
The rainbow lens flairs sure look like eyes. Like a pupil and iris. Is this a subtle hint that we are seeing through someone else's eyes?
When Crowley and Aziraphale argue about what to do with Jimbriel, behind Aziraphale is a privacy screen, and behind Crowley is an open door. Does this reflect how each of them feels, that Aziraphale believes they are speaking in private and Crowley believes they are being listened in on?
Repeating themes:
Beverages of all kinds -- tea for Aziraphale, wine or whiskey for Crowley, cocoa for Jim.
Time -- lots of clocks/mentions of time
Love/partnership/togetherness being stronger than separateness
Queer couples -- is literally everyone in season 2 in a non-cis-het relationship?? Even the guy in the graveyard says he uses his phone for Grindr -- a gay men's dating hook-up app. Nothing wrong with it, but it's an interesting writing choice. Why? Equality and representation -- or a Clue? (I think it's a POV Clue!)
Payment -- money comes up in both the Resurrectionists minisode and the Flesh Eating Nazi Zombies minisode, but no one pays for anything in present. There is bartering, but no money.
Rising from the dead -- Job's kids (even though they weren't actually dead), bodies used for science, Nazi zombies, the Second Coming.
Unreliable narrators
Death in general -- but 9a., I'm a dirty pagan, why didn't I make this connection sooner, death always leads to REBIRTH, change, something totally new and 9b. there are tarot cards in the magic shop, and even if you're not a dirty pagan, the Death tarot card means transition, something must die before a new thing can be born. Hmmmm.
Morality and what is "good" and what is right
Recognition and identity
Repeating words and phrases OMG the list goes on:
Isn't it just?
Too late
Funny old world
Not as such
Made for each other
Powell and Pressburg films
The Crow Road
Catch 22
The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents, Terry Pratchett in general
Jane Austin
Book Good Omens
The titles of episodes, minisodes, places, etc. 7a. The Arrival: a book and a movie, though the book seems far more relevant. And lovely. The Clue: a movie. Companion to Owls: a line from a Bible story. I Know Where I'm Going: a movie. The Resurrectionists: two novels, each called The Resurrectionist, singular. Both look unhinged. The Hitchhiker: a Twilight Zone episode. Nazi Zombie Flesheaters: Literally no other reference. ?? Nazi Zombies do appear in a LOT of movies, comics, and video games, usually as a dark joke. The Ball: a video game. Irrelevant? It's a puzzle-based game, so maybe not. Every Day: a song AND a movie. Some themes repeat here: Puzzle games, being re-directed from one's path to find true love, death and being brought back to life in a gruesome and unpleasant way.
That's what I have so far. I'll try to update with new ideas and information, as well as links to things that support my theories as I find them.
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mimisempai · 2 months
Nothing to hide
Nina, Maggie and Aziraphale await Crowley's arrival at the Pub. 
When the demon shows up, he and the angel have no idea that a simple shared gesture will have amusing consequences for Nina and Maggie.
50 Types of Kisses - Writing Prompts
Kiss #10: A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it
On Ao3
Rating G -  551 words
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"You know, no matter how many times you look at your watch, it doesn't make time go faster."
Aziraphale put his pocket watch back in his jacket and replied to Nina in a tone he intended to be casual, "I don't know what you mean."
The coffee-shop owner chuckled and replied, "Just that you've just looked at your watch for the tenth time in less than a minute. It's not going to make him come any faster."
Maggie whispered, "Nina, leave him alone."
Nina nudged her shoulder as she replied, "You're no fun..."
The Backroom owner said softly, "I know what it's like to wait impatiently for your loved one to come to you."
Nina's face softened as she took Maggie's hand in hers and replied, "Okay, I'll stop."
Then, looking at a spot behind Aziraphale, she added, "Oh, Aziraphale, I think you can stop looking at your watch."
The angel turned his head immediately, then waved at Crowley to show him where they were.
He was pleased to see the demon smile as soon as their eyes met, and watched as he approached, making his way through the crowded pub.
Arriving in front of him, Crowley greeted everyone before leaning over and softly pressing his lips to the angel's before sitting down in the empty chair beside him. Then he immediately took Aziraphale's hand in his and placed their intertwined hands on his lap.
The demon and angel smiled at each other, then Aziraphale asked, "How was your aft-"
Aziraphale and Crowley looked at Nina, who looked at them with an annoyed expression.
Maggie said with a smile, "Be a good sport, honey, you bet and you lost."
Seeing the confused looks on the faces of the angel and the demon, Maggie explained, "Nina was sure you wouldn't kiss to greet each other and I wasn't. We made a bet, and thanks to you, I won."
Aziraphale laughed softly and Crowley asked with interest, "And what did you win?"
Maggie smiled broadly as she replied, "The loser rubs the winner's feet and buys the next round."
Crowley chuckled and said cheekily, "Oh, then I'll order one of the more expensive Taliskers."
Nina threatened him with her finger, "You!"
When the mood calmed down a bit, Aziraphale asked, "Why did you think we wouldn't kiss?"
Nina shrugged and replied, "You don't seem like the type to have visible displays of affection in public."
Aziraphale nodded before replying, "You're not just any public, you're our friends, we have nothing to hide from you." 
He raised their entwined hands to his lips and planted a kiss there to illustrate his point.
Crowley muttered under his breath, "Angel..."
Nina sneered and pointed at the demon, "Ooooh, you're blushing, you're embarrassed, aren't you? Admit it!"
"Me? I'll show you who's embarrassed."
He turned to Aziraphale and, after wrapping his arm around his neck, pressed his lips to the angel's in a kiss that lasted much longer than the hello kiss they'd shared and left no doubt, even to a stranger, about the nature of their relationship.
As they broke apart, they heard Nina say to Maggie, "Okay, okay, I'll buy the next two rounds."
The angel and demon looked at each other and began to laugh out loud, soon joined by Nina and Maggie.
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Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable kisses series : here
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here
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whowantslovergirl · 8 months
Daddy’s Home
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Gojo Satoru x influencer! reader (gender is not specified)
warnings: fame au!, gojo is a famous actor, HIS THEME SONGGG, established relationship (married), and that’s it hope you enjoy my lovers 🤍 miscellaneous masterlist 
Summary: Y/N teasing Gojo with his theme song
posted: September 22,2023
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The first time you saw an edit of your husband to a song that has the lyrics of “daddy’s home” you laughed.
Then you started seeing more and more. His fans calling it ‘his theme song’ and Gojo had no idea this is happening.
So you show him.
Gojo was on his way home from a day at work he couldn’t wait to see you and tell you about his day.
You set up ur phone to the door so your fans can see the door.
“Ok so I’m teasing Satoru with his theme song for the rest of the week.” You laughed and you hear his coming through the gate.
“Oh my god he’s here!” You were rushing to get the song ready. Then you hear his keys.
Do your damn thing all I wanna hear
Is you say, "Daddy's home, home for me"
And I know you've been waiting for this lovin' all day
“What the hell?” He said closing the door.
You were playing the music so loud that you can barely him plus you were singing loud.
He motions you to pause it and you did. “Y/N what the hell are you doing? The fuck is daddy’s home?!” You were laughing at his reaction.
“I’m just playing a song Toru.”
“What the fuck?!” He went to his room with a shocked looked on his face.
After he left you stopped the video and posted it immediately.
After a few minutes the comments and likes came flowing in.
Gojoiswifey “the fuck is daddy’s home 😰”
User2 i love how he’s so clueless
“Welcome to day two of teasing toru with his theme song.” You can hear his keys. “He’s here!” You say out of excitement.
He opened the door and sighed from disappointment.
Daddy's home, home for me
And I know you've been waiting for this lovin' all day
You know your daddy's home
Again you were singing from the top of your lungs and dancing all over the place.
He’s just standing there. With the look of confusion.
You paused it and looked at him.
“Hey daddy!” You say spreading your arms out waiting for a hug.
You laughed again and put your arms down. “What Toru?”
“Is this like an everyday thing now? Why are you doing this?”
“It’s your theme song Toru.”
“What theme song?! I don’t even know the song!” He ran his hands through his hair out of stress and walked to his room.
You started giggling as you ended the video.
gojosoprettyfr he already had enough 😭
y/nistooofunny “i don’t even know the song 😰😰”
“Day three of teasing Toru with his theme song.”
When he came in the room he just looked at you and walked to his room. You paused it out of shock.
“Gojo! You’re not gonna say hi to me?!”
He came rushing back. “I found out your little game. Yea I called Nanami and he told me that people are making edits of my roles to this song.”
You just stood there letting him rant.
“We all have ‘our theme songs’ and mine is daddy’s home! And you liked the videos! So you’re not slick Y/N!” He went back to the room. And you went over to end the video out of shock.
notthis 🥳 not him finding out 🫢
The next day when you came home from running errands. You hear a specific song.
She’s maneater
Make you work hard, make you work hard
Make you spend hard, make you want all of her love
Your theme song.
“How do you like it?!” Gojo exclaimed.
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An: DADDYS HOMEEEEE this was a random fic as well but until i post again my lovers 🤍 *hint: not the nate jacobs x reader 🤪*
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arillusionist · 7 months
shadow and bone s2e1 reaction - i said i would watch this episode on sunday but i lied. haha
they should've put 6 crows in the sky are they dumb
kaz gave them papers?? when?? he probably did it offscreen i swear i didnt forget the last episode that quickly
ok oh my god by the way. they better have fixed malina in this season too because i'm halfway through siege and storm and i literally want to kill mal hes so fucking annoying and literally SO toxic. i miss the soc relationships they were all so well written
fuck this after i finish the s&b triology im rereading soc
ooh nice map
YAYY WE'RE IN KETTERDAM i hope they have more episodes here this season. aka more than 2
i have a feeling this is where they meet wylan... or nina maybe
"are you saying we have no home" ?? what about the slat
thats how you pronounce inej's last name?? my whole life is a lie wtf
"she does that" aw he sounds so proud
stop this is like that one scene from soc except if he faints inej's voice wont be there to ground him when he wakes up ☹️
omg thats nikolai/sturmhond right
take your damn shoes off
ok they better tell him where shes going because while theyre on the verge of going to prison shes just making out with her boyfriend
i love alina but am i supposed to feel bad for her?? bc i dont
yayy he told him but good thing inej isnt here
Kaz side eye 2.0
theyre revealing the jesper grisha thing already...? interesting
omg novyi zem looks exactly like how i imagined it "these fugitives are wanted for crimes against our country" this isnt your country dawg
i can already tell theyre toyla and tamar
is this ketterdam again is that inej
so they kill heleen ofscreen. and inej has literally no reaction to it.
I am so confused rn didnt kaz buy inej's indenture??
"im not leaving you. not now" ☹️☹️☹️☹️
tf is he waffling about
talking about pekka btw
if theyre doing the whole pekka plot now what did they leave for the spinoff?? ik its probably not happening but they thought it was gonna happen and they wrote the scripts but what even are in those scripts
then again i think they only wrote the scripts for the first book
but what were they planning on putting in it for the second book if they got it 💀
so he already had wylan employed (??) or whatever interesting
"funny guns and angry hat" speaking of hats can kaz please stop wearing one it looks so fucking ugly
aww nina talking to inej in suli
all the crows in one episode this is crazy
and they've been onscreen for 9 whole minutes?? even crazier
i spoke too soon 💀💀
is this a cult
i need to stop doing that everytime a character i like shows up
but seriously i just need zoya now and i'll be so happy
is he a fucking cannibal
WESPER MEETING!!!! i wasnt excepting it this episode but yay
ALL THE CROWS IN ONE PLACEE except matthias but ik thats not happening this season
"in truth hes the love of my life" kaz im sure you know so much about that
"he does this" "does he" lmfaooo
omg its the iconic scene i've seen in way too many edits
Inej in the middle i knew she was the main main character 😍😍
ughhhh i thought the episode would end with the crows but ofc not
ok now it ended
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caveatscriptor · 1 year
S.A.B. S2: Episode 3
“There was a moment where you might’ve earned her love, another lesson?” Baghra is only here to roast the living hell out of her son, and I’m here with my popcorn.
Ok, ok, listen. I love the crows, but why are we getting crooked kingdom before there even was the ice court heist???? What? We got the save Inej scheme (the komedie costumes), Pekka has a kid???? As his weakness???? (Byw not Wylan flexing his piano skills on a kid 😂) and black veil is already their hideout? I don’t know, it’s just weird the way they are mixing and matching book scenes and specially pacing.
And Kaz fighting the dregs to assume leadership? What fresh hell is this? This man uses his brain and only in need will he use his own fists instead of someone else’s. Speaking of which, Kaz uses flattery with Per Haskell, what is going on? I know the show wants to show him desperate, but still… I need full scheming Kaz.
Another thing, the way the fight scenes were cut/edited is a bit weird. It reminds me of RDJ’s Sherlock Holmes with random slow motion movements, but at least there we had a voice over, here it’s just… weird.
Also… I love inej x kaz… but Kaz telling her so quickly that it’s because Pekka killed his brother… do you know how long kaz doesn’t confide in anyone anything any little detail in the books??? It was a bit too gratuitous to just have him tell Inej the minute they are alone. (Oh! And Nina interrupts them? It’s funny, but… the wraith and dirty hands did not notice somebody coming?)
“It was dark, and when I woke up you were gone” Jesper, I could hit you over the head with a hammer right now. Sunshine was a hookup of yours and you didn’t even remember until now??? 😰
“You need alliances” Zoya, stop flirting with Alina like that, your future man is in the same building 😆
“What happens is up to me” I love Inej, but I also need Inej and her saints subtheme. I honestly am a bit afraid of starting on a change like this 3 episodes in. On a second season.
“I should be your greatest shame” I love Genya so much. God. I forgot how intricate her character truly is. I wish she had more scenes with the darkling, truly.
“I will be waiting for you with open arms. Sweet dreams.” Sir. This is a Wendy’s. 🫣
Alina knocking on a door. And my man showing up looking so damn fine. 😮‍💨
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
2x02. Now that I started watched s2, how do I peel myself off the screen and do things irl? Lol. I'm already glued to this season.
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Alina standing behind Mal's back to kind of shield him is so sweet?
I don't understand though, Nikolai IS the king, no? I remember this pretense when he met Kaz. He was honored to meet the Bastard of the Barrel. But what is going on here & why does no one recognize him? Sure, he worked hard to build him reputation, but I'm a bit confused. (Which won't make me pick up the books about Nikolai again, lol. I was done with it the first time.)
It's been a hot minute & I'm already tired of this Mal/Alina/Darkling triangle. Especially when I remember that Darkling is supposed to be a grow ass adult, way older than Alina, and both Alina and Mal are supposed to be teens. Like, my dude, what did you find there? I'd never want to deal with a teen, and definitely not pine after her. Fast forward, "My Alina." DUDE. WAKE UP. What are you, five?
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Hmmm? Hmmm. I can twist it into "He keeps her safe no matter how painful that is for him", which would be fun. The acknowledgment of her being terrified of it all, though.
Genya looks kind of weird this season. I feel like it's the wig.
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No but the details. The clothes. Oh, I doubt we'll see the masquerade, but I'd LOVE to see it. It was such a fun scene in the book.
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Oooh. That is GOOD. As much as I'd love the crows to have their own show and see CK page by page being shown to us, I didn't think they'll go there. Aside from Jordie giving me Sam Drake vibes, this is a nice visual. Though I believe they were younger in the book?
Speaking of, are we getting Wylan's backstory or? The way he slept in that cold and dirty bed, basically waiting to die? Bc rn Wylan is kind of doing alright? A bit hungry, but alright.
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Oooh, Kaz sitting down next to Jesper? I like that. Honestly, if he sees a bit of Jordie in Jesper, it's basically trust. "I'm safe with you. I trust you with my life. You make mistakes, but..."
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And THAT is where she becomes Kaz's friend. Their relationship in the book. <3
The "It's not enough to kill him" scene, though. The looks Inej, Jesper, and Nina give him. I rewatched it at least 3 times & WOW.
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I love her and her personality SO. MUCH. If she was portrayed by a fatter actress, she would've been a perfect adaptation from books to tv screen.
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<3 I am so glad Inej now had Nina. My girls.
Ooooh, Matthias remembering Nina, all the touches, the soft lips. Blaming himself, hating her, but also loving her and wanting her. *sigh* Yeeeah. That's a good adaptation as well. Though I still struggle see Matthias in this actor. Matthias was different.
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Oh, that bastard. That expression. :')
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Can anyone remind me if this was in the book? Because I am about to say a lot of shit about this. I absolutely HATE the vibe of "You're gonna have to used to me touching you, whether you like it or not" & I don't want to see it in the show, either, Back off, will you? Maybe that's why he sees Jordie in Jesper though? It's safety. No pushing. Jesper waits patiently.
Inej is a badass, but I absolutely hate when she becomes like that. "You gotta tell me. You can keep the others in the dark, but not me." Ughhh.
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Lol. Is this a joke? She's twice as lighter as him. What are you doing?
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YEP! The "I trust him" trope. Damn it, I love Kaz and Jesper's relationship.
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"Long standing". You had to add the 'working', too, otherwise us shippers would lose our minds, huh?
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You tell him.
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"I don't hate Pekka Rollins cause he's not real." Well, sorry to be you. In moments like this one, especially in the book, it's rage for me. Die, asshole, die. Brick by brick, Kaz will destroy you.
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Wheezing. Wylan is so pure. Doesn't know what to do yet. Not familiar with Kaz and his crew yet.
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Jesper, you remembered in THIS position? :D What were you doing back then?
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One episode one hour long. I'm gonna need at least 3 days to watch this season, I feel like.
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ducknotinarow · 4 months
Nina Brook - Stumble
| Send "Stumble" for your severely injured muse to fall into my muse's arms. send "Catch" for the reverse
"Mimmmi keep watch, miimi stay at your post." Nina stood back to the nearest wall her arms crossed firm over her chest as she kept mimicking the voices of others. Instead if standing at attetion like she maybe should be in the moment. Nina was annoyed at best. Nina had longed so much to finally go on mkre missions and with the Avgeners at that! Finally feeling she broke through and was getting her chance to join that line up. Only to be made out to be more like a golfired baby sitter. No offense to her sister of course, wasn't Brooklyns fault after all.
Sometimes Nina got annoyed when given assignment for missions. Not because she was getting to go along no of course not. If anything that was the best part of the whole deal, they let her join in. But it always had a bit of a catch to it. Nina loved her sister of course she dose. But Brooklyn had a skill set with a high value and need. Brook is small and able to get into so many places. Not to mention quite infiltration was a good skill. Easily shown thanks to Nat who was this bad ass spy.
But sometimes even Nat wasn't someone they needed. Despite being a spy she had come out and been known. No longer just one of many part of S.H.E.I.L.D. Nope now she was an Avenger. As well known as the rest of the main line up. Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye. And Thor. Meaning that her guise had been uncovered in turn. Nat became someone who was targeted. Expected. So Brooklyn? Someone kept under wraps for years?
Nina blew air out her mouth and watched how it sent the curl of hair that hung just along the side of her face up. Before she continued to grumble to herself. Finding this all to be the tiniest bit unfair. Why was it Nina finally got a chance to go on a mission with the others but to play baby sitter! She didn't blame it on Brooklyn but still this wasn't fair! Nina letting the back of her head hit the wall behind her. "Man this bites" She groaned under her breath. Eyes closed as she waited. Brooklyn should still be crawling through the vents right now. She figures. Mentally timing it out it was bound to take her a couple of minutes to look around for what they needed. And transfer the information on to the drive. Then to cover her tracks and get back into the vents. So roughly that would in theory give Nina what? twenty minutes?
Look the area was clear and had been for so damn long before they got here. Clearly this area wasn't that cared about so. If Nina just wondered away? Nina had thought by the time her feet moved on their own. Nina just went to scope the area out. Smart enough to not go out too far but not smart enough to not leave in the first place. Even if it proved fruitful to Nina's mind set. When she had left she did find a few guard who had gone about their rounds. Likely would have crossed where the rest of the team was. Nina smirked to her self at the chance life gave her then and there.
It all played out just right in her mind. She took out these guards the rest of the team would come through to see that before meeting up with her and Brook who would just about be coming out the vent she entered. They ask what happened and Nina would get to brag how she took them out. Show she was clearly better suited for that! Oh the plan just lined up well in her mind.
Expect when she came back to meet Brooklyn.
"triple Zero?" She said when Brooklyn was in her sight, her eyes widen. Brooklyn looked like she was lucky to even just be standing. Nina ran over and caught them in her arms. Giving them the need break to take the weight off from her feet. "Wha- What happened?" Nina swallowed down the crack in her voice when she had asked. Pulling the smaller girl in closer to her self. Nina's blood ran cold when she hadn't been given an answer. Anything, anything could have happened to Brooklyn. Blood was on her face, her hair was tossed left and right. Nina could hear voices down the hall. Something about how 'she couldn't have gone far'
Brook had been spotted! Nina looked to the vent above them it hadn't been touched she she went through it. Brook must have had to get out another way. And barely did. Nina dropped to the ground as he legs gave out not once letting go of Brooklyn in her arms if anything she just held on to them tighter. It had only been twenty minutes. That was hardly enough time for anything, would Nina have known something went wrong if she hadn't left her post? Brooklyn hadn't used her bell? Was she caught by surprise? Her arms curled in tighter around the smaller, thin frame of her sister.
Her sister. Nina was meant to look out for Brooklyn. They were meant to be sisters now? Nina promised she would look out for her from now on. And she hadn't kept her promise. Nina lowered her head down till it rested to the side of Brooklyn's head. What had Nina thought? Was her moment to prove herself that important? Brooklyn could have been. She could have been killed. Nina was meant to protect her but she hadn't! Brooklyn came her for Nina seeked out Nina! What did Brook think when Nina wasn't stood at her post right away?
"I'm sorry I should have been here i'm sorry."
It was funny, when Nina heard the sound of Hydra soldiers moving down the hall she didn't care any more to jump into the on coming fight. Certain it was Steve's voice from behind them, followed by Tony's. All Nina wanted to do now was what she should have done before was stay in place and be there.
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
Shadow and Bone S2 E8 Thoughts
K, so we’ve got 20 minutes to…oh, shit. This episode is an hour long. OK.
Guessing that Nina & David aren’t even dead
If you’re my friend, please don’t go into the Fold. I won’t be able to go in & save you.
Congratulations, everyone: this is now an episode of Jurassic Park 🦖
Yeah, Alina. Sob over Mal while a bunch of people are busy trying not to die-
Aleksander’s “extraordinary”. God, I’m a simp.
Yet again, Inej is the real MVP
Are you fucking kidding me? Don’t you DARE tell me she can save Mal…
”Let me be your monster” I wanna put that on a damn Valentine’s Day card. & buy it for myself.
Wait, does that mean Alina’s gonna get Aleksander’s power as an amplifier? 🤔
How does Alina even know HOW TO USE MERZOST?????? Like, if she used her power to amplify Nina, then OK I guess. But…🙁
How is there still 50 minutes left? I love this show ofc, but 🫠
*whispers* I sense the Darklina shippers in the writer’s room
If Alina pitches Mal over the wall, I will laugh. I mean, he’s not exactly being thankful for her whole resurrection stunt
I know what happens in the books, but damn. Give Genya SOMETHING happy 🤬
I’d be cool if Mal ended up w/Zoya or some new character while Alina got w/Nikolai
Just realized: “No Funerals” has a fairly long funeral for Aleksander, considering that everyone present hated him
Kaz is fucking ridiculous. At least he’s never been OOC though.
OK the Kanej scene actually made me tear up
Tamar isn’t only part of the only decent canon ship on this show…she’s also gliding around with an icicle in her shoulder 🙃
still hoping Aleksander magically resurrects—
Are we getting the setup for the whole “Korol Rezni” thing? YEAHHH
Alina looks too much like Queen Elizabeth II 😥
Hot take: they made the Grisha Triumvirate Zoya, Alina, and Genya so that 1) it’d be all women, 2) Alina would still be Grisha, and 3)
Jurda parem~
HAHAHAHA SHADOW ALINAAAAA aka Queen Elizabeth Alina aka Did Aleksander possess her, or did she just absorb his powers as an amplifier?
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holdinbacksecrets · 2 years
boyfriend things// meeting people you love
disclaimer: i made these more personalized bc i couldn’t help myself p.s lighthearted/fun/fluff
namjoon: he would show up to your apartment thirty minutes before the set time because he was worried about finding parking, even though your complex has a garage that’s rarely full. he asks if there’s anything he can help you with, but all you have to do is coat your bottom lashes with mascara and choose a tinted moisturizer for your lips. joon says you look beautiful, and holds your hand while he walks you to his car, carrying the cake box for rachel’s birthday in his left hand, admiring the pastel balloons in your right one. “do you remember everyone?” “mhmm, i made flash cards” your heart-fluttering, “of course you did” mary has freckles and never leaves the house without the flannel her mom wore in the 90s. rachel works at the cafe near the university, and that’s how you two met. you share the same zodiac sign and often react in synchronization, something joon looked forward to witnessing, which urged you to remind him he knows 6 people who do the same thing. lucy is soft spoken and talks about her cat maple when she’s nervous. happens to be very knowledgeable about plants (botany major), so she and joon will get along swimmingly
jin: instead of your friends, jin would be meeting your two younger sisters who were in town... just in time for the concert -world tour 2022?- in Seoul, and he would insist on you bringing them. jin might have set up a fitting with Fila for matching track suits and definitely asked what their favorite foods are for catering, but you insisted they’ll be happy with sandwiches or cereal. he doesn’t agree. when you show up to the stadium he’s literally the sweetest ever. you fall in love with him all over again because he’s asking lucy about school and if it’s stressful being a student athlete. he tells her to send you videos of her meets so he can watch, knowing the likelihood of showing up to a college swim meet and not causing utter turmoil is unlikely, and he didn’t want to be a distraction. he asks mina about her life in new zealand and tells her how much fun he had there, and a trip out to see her would be perfect. she talks to jungkook because they’re both fearless, and she’s still waiting to cross skydiving off her bucket list. jin gives mina a cooky headband and she’s blushing, having no idea you told jin her bias is jungkook. he rolls his eyes dramatically when he gives lucy the chimmy headband and mang plushie, urging her to “make up her mind.” he’ll definitely take you all out to brunch the next morning. makes your sisters laugh and your heart sing. once you’re done with the meal/alone with your sisters again, mina will ask how much longer y’all will be waiting until a ring is on your finger. lucy says it won’t be long after seeing the way he looks at you. you hope she’s right. surprise: she was right
yoongi: this man is so suave and nonchalant, but that isn’t always the case when it comes to you. nerves shine through the cracks of his demeanor. you can see them in his cheeks turning a pretty shade of rose. in the way he keeps changing his shirt. back and forth. back and forth. and he didn’t notice you standing in the doorway. biting your lip to stop yourself from interrupting, but you can’t help yourself “do you mind my two cents?” he looks up and you disapprove of both t shirts and find the sage colored sweater because he looks so damn good in them. and if there was something that would make your friends more likely to give their approval, it would be Min Yoongi in a soft, sage green sweater. truly powerful. according to yoona, a sweater “shows they’re willing to make an effort”. nina always says “boyfriend energy exists in a sweater, and we must see what y/n is working with”. extra points for a shy, gummy smile *check and check*
hoseok: somehow a lot of time would go by and previous attempts to get the!crew together kept falling through because half of your friends are students and the other half have joined the corporate world. therefore everyone’s schedules are all over the place, and then you have to add in hoseok’s who spends an insane amount of hours rehearing, at the studio or traveling. and when free time does arrive maybe you want him all to yourself ...is that bad? so when things finally work out, it’s your birthday. the nerves you expected to feel are pretty much forgotten because you spent the whole day decorating your apartment with your friend jess, blowing up balloons and hanging lights. she met hoseok when he showed up with lunch for the both of you and basically melted as soon as she saw his smile. the moment included: “wait a damn minute. you’re handsome as fuck.” yes all your friends say something about his beauty and sunshine spirit. hell yes you end up dancing and drinking the champagne he brought too. your friend ella falls asleep in the guest room, and in the morning you wake up to the sound of her laughing with your boyfriend while they eat breakfast and look through the stack of polaroids from the night’s festivities. later that week, hoseok gushes over how happy you are around your friends. you seem more relaxed, and he likes that look on you,, “happy and carefree makes your eyes sparkle,” but he didn’t know the biggest smiles came with every compliment shared by the girls in your life for the man you love
jimin: you have a few really close friends. one of whom lives in the same complex as you and regularly comes over for meals, work and rant sessions, or evenings of reality tv. tonight happened to be the latter, but jimin came over unexpectedly, completely distracting you. and even if you remembered the plans later that evening, they would’ve evaporated from your mind as soon as you saw him standing outside your door... looking so good. skin dewy and smelling strongly of vanilla. you could see the tired in his eyes, but he still smiled so brightly having you so close. hours later, one movie down and a second just starting with take out on the way, jennie shows up, and jimin opens the door thinking it’s your dinner. you recognize her voice and curse yourself for forgetting, but of course jimin is a sweetheart and tells her she has to stay, that food’s on the way, and you watch them with love in your eyes as they bond over dance (jennie teaches at a studio) and pictures of her corgi, buttermilk. when the food arrives, jimin makes up plates for everyone. he gives you extra black bean noodles and asks what jennie prefers. when he jogs to the kitchen for a coke, jennie nods, with a LOVE him, and her signature, double 👌 jennie’s 👌 are like shooting stars. her students and friends all agree: they come rarely and mean a hell of a lot. you know he’ll be excited to hear all about it later
taehyung: instead of taehyung being nervous, your friends were. and mostly because they’re all fans to varying degrees and have spent an embarrassing amount of time mentally preparing themselves out of fear they’ll do something stupid and turn him off. of course you share all of this with him, and he finds it hilarious and cute, not at all worried about how your friends will be. he was honored they at least like bts’ music, hoping that would give him some brownie points in case he came across awkward or quiet. once a month your friend erin holds a game or trivia night. everyone brings a dish for potluck and dresses to a theme. the night taehyung was joining happened to be Evening in Paris, which he was ecstatic about. y’all showed up looking way too good in comparison to the mustaches made with eyeliner and toilet paper berets. tae dressed as an artist, with his apron pockets holding acrylic paints and brushes, and you his muse. ended up getting a little tipsy. tried to stop erin from attempting the butter choreo. tae hyped her up, filmed the whole thing. ate lots of crackers and the homemade hummus lisa brought. taehyung couldn’t get enough of the puppy chow from meredith, his fingers coated in powdered sugar. yes he won every game that evening and took home the stuffed octopus prize. prizes are always stuffed animals. no one knows why. you’d get more use out of a candle
jungkook: poor baby is a nervous wreck. shows up early but paces between your bedroom and the kitchen, eating from the bag of pretzels left out on the counter. you laugh from the closet as you hear his big ass boots stomping and then stopping and then the crunching and then his head appearing in the doorway. you kiss him every time he calls your name in hopes of your lips calming him down. smiling, “you taste like pretzels and strawberry lip balm” the tactic works, and his shoulders relax more with each kiss,,muah “my friends will fall in love with you immediately. in case you didn’t know, you’re quite the charmer... not sure why you’re so nervous?” jungkook doesn’t understand where your question is coming from “i’m in love with you?? and not impressing my partner’s friends is something i won’t recover from.” you roll your eyes because this man is being dramatic. “and you had to try so hard to impress me, right?” and of course he smiles at that and all you can do is laugh because he KNOWS. he knows it’ll be fine, and if you’re so in love with him, there’s no way your friends won’t be too. he looks at the picture in your glove department one more time, recalling the names of the friends surrounding you in the picture from your 23rd birthday, before going into the restaurant. kisses you deeply before opening his door. probably asks you if his hair looks ok. dude looks like a prince for real. spoiler: they adore him. you’re worried lea might love him more than you after he helps her out of her coat. clumsy girl managed to get her arm stuck in the sleeve. he has his left hand on your thigh the entire evening, looks at you often to admire and smile fondly
check out the masterlist 🤍
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klbwriting · 3 years
Unexpected Allies - Chapter 1
Fandom: Six of Crows/Shadow and Bone
Pairing: eventually will be Kaz/female!Reader but for now nothing
Warnings: I mean, Kaz Brekker is involved, someone is getting maimed
Summary:  The Darkling won the Ravka civil war, defeating the Sun Summoner and taking command of Ravka. Then he went looking for ways to make his Grisha more powerful. Kaz Brekker knew this but took the job at the Ice Court anyway, getting himself and Jesper Fahey thrown into a Ravkan prison for his efforts. After getting broken out by the Darkling's second in command the trio has to find their way to the Permafrost and the resistance gathering there. And then Kaz has to figure out a way to get his crew out of this whole mess. But how can he get himself out of the mess of feelings he has for the Grisha with all the powers?
Note: Hello!  I am alive!  I have found motivation for something else!  As much as I loved the Shadow and Bone show I have found more love in the Six of Crows books so this fic is an AU based on both.  In this the Darkling won out over Alina and then Six of Crows happened like it does, except the Darkling showed up to ruin things as he does. Also going to address the Inej sized elephant in the room, in this Kaz’s feelings were less strong towards her because I ship the fuck out of Kaz and Inej but I also ship the shit out of Kaz and myself too and I needed some self-insert.  I hope you like it, I missed writing and I’m glad to find some inspiration again.  
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Kaz Brekker was known even in prison as the guy who didn't need a reason. He wanted his infamy to spread even behind bars, the better to keep those looking for a pigeon to harass away. On his first day in this hellscape he had stolen a fork from the dining hall and used it when his cellmate attempted to take the makeshift cane that he had been provided from his hand. Now he no longer had a cellmate and his old cellmate no longer had his eyes, and word spread quick of the young man willing to kill to be left alone. That had given him the time and space to start to plan his escape.
First, get Jesper as his cellmate. That was accomplished with ease. Anyone else they put in with him would be blind or deaf or crippled within 24 hours so it came down the guards asking him straight out who he wouldn't maim. He said Jesper Fahey and they allowed it if only to have a night's peace. Jesper didn't look like he was faring well. In a cell at Hellgate Jesper would have been alright but here in a West Ravkan prison near Os Alta where his Zemeni features made him stand out he had become a target. When he entered Kaz's cell rage filled the young crime lord. Jesper was thinner than ever, dark circles under his eyes and hands fidgeting constantly, almost like he needed a drug but Kaz knew it was just because he couldn't focus his energy.
"Jesper," Kaz whispered after the guard had left and his sharpshooter sat on the cot. "What do you need?" Jesper looked at him slowly and gave half a smile.
"Just my friend, s'all ok now," he said. Kaz felt the side of his mouth twitch up just a little. "But I could also use a way out of this damned place." Kaz nodded, gripping the wooden walking stick a little tighter. He wanted to put a comforting hand on Jesper's shoulder but he could not, Jordie's body, cold and wet and dead flooded his mind, and he couldn't bring himself to reach out. He hated that this place seemed to be tearing his friend apart slowly. It was even taking a toll on him. Everyday was the same, waked up with the sun, eat a breakfast of stodgy porridge and soggy bread, washed down with possibly the grimiest coffee ever made. The prisoners were then sent outside to work on either the large farm for the prison and surrounding towns or they were forced to be target practice for the Grisha guards. Normally only the worst of the worst were reserved for practice, or those that pissed off the guards. Kaz had avoided this so far but he knew Jesper had run his mouth one day, getting snarky with the yard guard and he had almost been drowned by a Tidemaker the next morning. Lunches were non-existant most days. They were shuffled from work to 'free time' which meant sitting in the hot afternoon sun either playing cards, or, if they were lucky, sitting under one of the shady trees that scattered the yard. Evening was the only decent time at this hellhole, it was dinner, and then back to the cells. Kaz enjoyed this time, he was normally alone to plan, and now that Jesper was here they could plan together. He had the beginning, how to get out of the cell, but the rest he was still working on.
"I have been planning this since we got in here, you were the first part of my plan," Kaz said, watching as another set of guards walked by. He checked the small window above their heads. "She's coming any minute now." Jesper looked at him confused for a moment before the cell door opened and a guard told Kaz to get up. Kaz nodded and stood, Jesper rising as well.
"This one should come too, he was at the Ice Court with me on that night," Kaz said to the guard. The guard looked between them and shrugged, motioning for another guard, a Grisha Corpolaki judging from the kefta he wore. They led Kaz and Jesper out of the cells and into one of the small interrogation rooms. Kaz was familiar with the room at this point, having been there several times in the past few months speaking with the Grisha Infernei who was seated at one of the two chairs in the room. She looked up as they entered and he noticed that she seemed relieved, something she hadn't shown before.
"Are there anymore of your comrades from the Ice Court in this prison?" she asked, motioning for another chair to be brought in. Jesper sat down hard while Kaz stood still, leaning on the walking stick and once again studying the Infernei. She wore a red kefta with black stitching, something different from the others and he was still not sure why. He supposed it was because she was high in the ranks. After the Darkling defeated Alina Starkov and her followers he had gone back to using his true name, Aleksander Morosova, and became king of Ravka. He used the power that he had sucked from the Sun Summoner to control the Fold now, moving and reshaping it to whatever he needed and on the night of Kaz's jurda parem heist he apparently needed the jurda parem also. Kaz and Jesper had been taken but the others had escaped.
"No, no more of us, just we two were involved," he said. The Grisha looked between them, assessing them. Kaz took another moment to look over her while she studied Jesper. He always liked to measure who he was up against, and he didn't mind studying her. She was curvy, seeming to like waffles more than Nina did, with hair a deep auburn and eyes the color of dark chocolate. The first time he saw them they reminded him of Inej's eyes except her's were more hopeful than he had ever seen Inej. This Grisha fully believed that something good could still happen in the world. Kaz was almost jealous of this, but of course, this Grisha had seen her side win the Ravka civil war. His eyes now met hers and he saw that while he was studying her she had been doing the same to him. He could tell she knew he was lying but he didn't care. He had spent the last 4 months keeping his answers vague, giving just enough information so that she would feed him information back about the current situation at the Little Palace, now the true royal home since the Grand Palace lay in ruin. King Aleksander left it as a reminder to those who would attempt to assassinate him, bodies still left scattered around the rubble, Alina Starkov's kefta in tatters on the front steps. Kaz hadn't seen it but from the way this Grisha described it, he believed it was terrifying.
"Mr. Brekker, we both know the heist you were attempting could never be accomplished with just two people," she said, a knowing smile on her face. This seeming infatuation the Grisha had with him was a plus for Kaz. He often wondered if he could possibly seduce his way out of the situation but his mind couldn't fathom the interactions involved, so he would wait. Perhaps this woman had a inclination towards criminals, she might be seduced by anyone, Jesper could do it easily, Kaz just had to get the ball rolling so to speak.
"I don't know, I think Jesper and I can accomplish anything we put out mind to," he answered, bringing himself to nudge his partner in crime with his elbow. The Grisha nodded and opened her notebook as she did at every meeting and began to write.
Y/N had noticed the look on Kaz Brekker's face when he elbowed Jesper Fahey. She could see his hesitation, she noticed the look in his storm gray eyes. He was bracing himself for impact as if the touch would somehow hurt him. Jesper's face was surprised at the touch, and he physically turned towards Kaz with shock. She opened her notebook and pretended to jot down something important as she did every day, but she mentally notated this interaction. She had been listening to others in the prison and despite his limp Kaz never let anyone see him as weak, however, this aversion to touch was never mentioned. He hid it well out in the general population but she could see something about touch bothered him immensely, that information could be useful later. Kaz Brekker was a tough nut to crack she had to admit, but eventually she would get to where she needed to be with him, hopefully sooner rather than later. Aleksander was having a tough time buying her excuses and she had to become even more convincing for him, continuing to keep his trust after the betrayal of the Sun Summoner was an arduous task. She hoped soon she could drop her facade and begin her true purpose, breaking Kaz Brekker and his cohorts out of this prison and find the gathering resistance in the Permafrost.
"Alright Mr. Brekker, we left off yesterday with you explaining to me how you came to know about jurda parem and what the Fjerdans were doing with Bo Yul-Bayor and his son Kuwei?" she said. It had taken months for Kaz to even start explaining anything to her. She had hoped that agreeing to allow his friend to be his cellmate would open him up. Luckily the gamble had worked at their last interrogation. His answers had still been too vague to really make an impact but it was a start. She hated to make him desperate but she needed the information, something to feed to Aleksander and send him on a chase for more jurda parem. Kuwei Yol-Bo had escaped from the Ice Court and that knowledge was keeping Bo from cooperating with the Second Army. He had recreated exactly one vial of jurda parem and refused to create another until his son was returned safely to him. Kaz Brekker and Jesper Fahey had been the last people to see Kuwei alive and she needed something to tell Aleksander before he decided to come here and do the interrogations himself.
"Yes, I believe I told you that a rumor had gone around Ketterdam and that I just happened to hear it," he said, making sure he was as convincing as he could be. Once again Y/N pretended to write something down, pretending to believe his lie. He was a very good liar, she could see that in the way his eyes held truth, his body language said honest, even his pulse was calm, however, the blood in his veins moved just a milisecond faster during his falsehoods. It had taken nearly a month to figure out the tell in his body but she had done it and now she used this against him.
"Must have been quite a rumor to make you put your friends in the line of fire of Fjerdans and of King Aleksander," she said, keeping her voice light, leaning a little closer to him. She couldn't lie, she was enraptured by the young man from the Barrel of Ketterdam, but she wasn't foolish enough to believe that he would ever see her as anything other than another Ravkan Grisha blindly serving her king, but she could pretend that she hoped to lure him in, get him feeling confident about her.
"Jesper will tell you, he was eager to join me to find this new drug, imagine the kruge we could make from such a thing," Kaz said, standing suddenly and poking Jesper towards Y/N with his cane. He moved towards the wall, leaning against it. Y/N watched him for a few moments before turning her attention to Jesper. He wanted to push someone else at her? Why? She could tell he liked the attention she gave him, maybe not in a way most men did, but he liked it all the same. Jesper barked a laugh.
"Eager? You came back and acted like we were going to be rolling in kruge, become kings of Kerch," Jesper said. He was also a practiced liar, following the lead of his boss as it were. Y/N smiled at Jesper then, making sure her brown eyes looked intrigued and enraptured. She noticed the Zemeni man leaned back in his chair then, clearly not interested in the attentions of a Grisha like herself. "But ya, I mean, I wanted the kruge and I was having a good run that night at the tables, felt lady luck was on my side." She saw him fidgeting near his waist, where his guns should be. She had those stored in her private quarters, along with a certain crow headed cane, waiting for the right moment. She had been watching Kaz and Jesper since they arrived, having her spies give her information on them. They were the only link she had to Kuwei and Inej Ghafa and she needed to know all she could before she continued her plan.
She tried to pry more out of the two for several minutes before one of her people, a young Squallor entered.
"The hour is late Korovsa, the king is finished waiting," she whispered. Y/N’s jaw tightened. Her eyes flashed to Kaz and she saw him take notice of the slight change in her features. Her fears were starting to come to pass. She needed to end this charade now.
"Guard, please escort Mr. Fahey back to his new cell. Mr. Brekker and I have more to discuss," she ordered. The guard grabbed Jesper's arm, hauling him from the seat. Y/N wanted to say something, tell them to lay off the guy, but knew she couldn't appear as if she cared. Once he was gone she made a motion for Kaz to sit. He still stood. "Sit, now," she insisted, hoping he heard the urgency in her voice. He eyed for another moment before he moved to sit. She leaned closer, all of her coy attitude gone.
"What's happened?" Kaz asked casually, working the top of the walking stick with his hands, the only sign of his concern. Y/N let out a breath.
"My time is up, tomorrow night expect there to be a riot, stay in your cell with Jesper, don't leave until you hear 2 bells, then leave the cell and go to your left, the door will be ajar due to the last guard through it mistakenly knocking over mop. Once you are in the corridor go right and follow it to the deserted morgue. I will join you and lead you and Jesper out, do not leave without me," she said.
"Why should I believe any of this? That you're just going to help up walk out of there?" Kaz asked, trying to read her, seeing if she was lying. She groaned annoyed. Why was it that her only hope was as distrustful as her current king?
"Because I want to see the king's body burn before he destroys all of us," she whispered, voice dripping with venom. Kaz looked a little surprised at her viciousness and he nodded. She sat back, knowing that by now the guard had returned.
"Well Mr. Brekker, you've once again been no help, tomorrow the king will be coming to personally interrogate you, I hope you are looking forward to it," she said. "Guard take him back to his cell." The guard nodded and yanked him out of the chair. "Careful, the king won't like it if he can't inflict the pain himself," she warned, more to Kaz than the guard. She hoped Kaz believed her enough, that she had shown her hand to him enough that he would do as she asked. If he didn't they were all screwed.
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hufflesight · 3 years
Team - inej x fem!reader
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Description: The reader is a squaller. On a mission, she almost kills Inej, before revealing her feelings for the other girl.
(ignore any spelling/grammar mistakes, I wrote this at 11pm lol)
(I apologize for it being so gendered; I want to write in second person, but for this I'm just going to stick with 3rd)
Warnings: Brief mentions of death, y'know regular soc stuff
Words: 1960
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Wait 'til you're announced
We've not yet lost all our graces
Y/n stood nervously, edging further and further away from the center of the ballroom, where couples spun in dresses so vibrant she was getting dizzy. She found herself cursing Kaz Brekker, the reason she was here, for the third time that evening.
She looked at her simple blue shoes, trying to notice any details she could in an effort to keep calm, while still keeping her senses sharp, in order to catch Kaz's signal. A minute or two later, after realizing that repeating blue. dirty. boring. over and over in her head might not be helping, she looked away from the stolen slippers she wore. Her gaze drifted, and she began to trace the lines between floorboards further and further away from her, counting every time the gap got wider or a new board started.
The hounds will stay in chains
Suddenly, she felt a prickling sensation on the back of her neck, in the same fashion as what one gets when being stared at. Glancing up, she saw man several feet in front of her, and as their eye contact locked she got the sense he she wasn't supposed to be here.
Her heartrate was so loud and fast at the moment she knew Nina must notice, even if the heartrender was out of sight, hidden outside the entrance to the room.
But thinking about her friends wouldn't get her out of this situation. The man, who was almost certainly an undercover guard, was talking to her. steeling herself one last time, she spoke up, hoping her voice wasn't wavering or cracking.
"I'm sorry sir, I couldn't hear you. Could you repeat that? The music is so loud. Speaking of which, who's playing? I'd love to ask them to play at my favor-"
Her unsubtle attempt to control the conversation clearly hadn't worked, as the guard instantly interrupted her.
"I've seen you before. you run with the Dreg's don't you? That damned Brekker, always trying to get his dirty hands on whatever's not his. Well, this time, why don't you tell him it's not going to work. There's no way he's getting to that ring, especially if all he can throw at us is some weak little girl like yourself."
Despite the blood pounding through her ears, Y/n had to bite back a smile. The one thing she always had to her advantage was how gladly people were to underestimate her. Well, if she could just stall him for a couple minutes, she'd show him just how "weak" she was.
"I- I don't know what you're talking about! Wait.. Brekker? Is he here? Oh god, he's going to blow this whole place up! I need to find... find my friend... where is he?"
"You're not fooling anyone. I need to escort you out. We don't allow street rats in here." The look he shot her filled her insides with a combination of dread and anger. If Kaz didn't let the others in soon.. she didn't know what would happen.
"No, sir please, my friend, I- I can't leave without him... please-"
Look upon 'your greatness' and he'll
Send the call out, send the call out
She was rescued from the humiliating pleading by a loud boom that filled the room.
Everything was silent.
Then the noise erupted.
And in the center of the room stood Kaz Brekker himself. How he'd gotten there without anyone noticing, Y/n would never understand.
The man who was previously so invested in her swore loudly and gave her one last glance, before deciding Kaz was the bigger threat and running toward him. Thankfully, he didn't obscure Y/n's view of the center of the floor, as just then, Kaz hit the ground twice with his cane. A simple action, but exactly what Y/n had been waiting for. She raised her hands, and let the power rush out, the familiarity of the action finally calming her nerves. If there was one thing she knew she had control over, it was her small science.
Air began racing towards the entrance of the room and clearing the smoke, pushing it from the doorway and instead in intricate patterns decided by the subtle twist's of Y/n's fingers.
Finally, the entryway was fully visible. And there stood the four other other crows.
The screaming intensified, and dozens of guards began running toward them
Call all the ladies out
They're in their finery
A hundred jewels on throats
While the other three blinked, clearing their eyes, Inej jumped right into action, running straight over to Y/n. She was simply dressed in her classic black outfit, yet Y/n couldn't tear her eyes away. Her partner --her friend-- would never stop catching her gaze. After all, the Wraith was the most beautiful person Y/n had ever seen. It got harder each day to not spill all her feelings on the floor in front of Inej, but the reminder of how their connection would likely be severed if she did forced her mouth shut. Years of built trust was worth hiding this one thing, right?
"Y/n?" Inej's voice pulled her out of her thoughts.
"Yeah?" She internally cringed as to how flat the response sounded.
"Nothing, you just seemed like were thousands of stars away from here. Are you okay?" The genuine worry in her voice pulled at Y/n's heartstrings.
"Yeah, I'm fine." The lie hurt to tell. She wasn't fine, she was inches from everything she wanted in the world but couldn't reach out to take it. "Is everyone else ready?"
"I think so, but it'd be good to double check."
A hundred jewels between teeth
Looking around, Mathias's large frame was easy to spot. He appeared to be body shielding the smaller frame of Nina, whose hands were raise, the clear source of the fallen bodies all around the dance floor.
Nina caught her gaze and nodded once before returning to deal with the guard attempting stab Matthias.
Now bring my boys in
Turning to the left, she spotted Jesper, grinning with guns out, and Wylan crouching behind him, quickly readying another bomb. Jesper also nodded at her, not missing a shot while he did so. Wylan stood, bomb ready, the final cue.
Their skin in craters like the moon
The moon we love like a sister
Y/n turned back to the girl next to her.
"You ready?" She asked Inej, the adrenaline of the moment piping hot through her veins along with the power itching to be released.
"Alright... GO!"
While she glows through the room
I'm kind of over getting told to throw my hands up in the air
Inej jumped into the air, barely starting to fall before a large gust of wind blew her back up. She rose, righting herself midair until it appeared she was walking on nothing. In reality, far below her, Y/n was sending gust after gust, fighting hard against the gravity persistent to bring Inej down. But Y/n won. She always did in the end.
Whenever she and Inej worked together, she felt like she was the one rising, lifting above the ground. Though her feet were planted firmly on the floor, her mind was up there next to the person she was closest to in the world, feeling what she felt and predicting her next move.
that's what 3 years of practice had given the pair of them: the synchronization they needed without any communication.
That was what Y/n was terrified they'd lose if she dared reveal her feelings.
So there
So all the cups got broke
Shards beneath our feet
But it wasn't my fault
In perfect tandem, Inej's feet and Y/n's wind worked their way over to their goal: the balcony overlooking the ballroom, where the ring was proudly displayed, reflecting the lights of the chandeliers everywhere. There were only two guards there, since the rest were on the stairs. They'd made the naïve mistake of assuming the crows were restricted by gravity.
They weren't.
And now Inej was simply pulling out her daggers, and the two guards dropped swiftly to the floor.
Y/n grinned as she saw Inej's hand wrap around the ring.
Everything had worked perfectly: Kaz as a red herring to draw the ground guards away from herself, Nina, Matthias, Wylan and Jesper ensuring their safety, and Inej quietly stealing their future 120,000 kruge.
But then a hand wrapped around her mouth, as a second held her hands back.
We live in cities you'll never see on-screen
Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things
"I knew you were one of them. But a grisha too? It'll be a blessing to kill you."
The voice filled her with pure dread. It was the man from before. He'd given up on Kaz. He'd come for her. And he had her hands.
Y/n had never been a fighter, never been able to defend herself without her power. It was her biggest weakness, and this man had just exploited it.
She screamed for any other crow's attention, but the hand covering her mouth muffled any noise.
"No, your friends aren't going to help you. This time, it's just you and me."
Living in ruins of a palace within my dreams
Except it wasn't, and that was the worst part. Inej couldn't see the predicament Y/n was in. Inej would assume everything and-- Inej would jump. But Y/n wouldn't be able to catch her.
In front of her eyes that exact thing happened. The world slowed down, ad Y/n saw in excruciating detail as Inej's feet left the ground, her hand still wrapped tight around the ring. She screamed again, this time not just out of fear but with the effort she was putting into trying to escape.
"Oh, I know just what you're trying to do. And guess what--" He whispered the next part directly into her ear, "It won't work. I'm going to make you watch, as her bones shatter one by one, before my men shoot her. Then I'll kill you."
The idea of that scenario coming to fruition was the last straw. A sudden energy rushed through her, strength coming from the pure fear of watching the girl she loved die.
She loved Inej. And so she would save Inej.
And you know we're on each other's team
In contrast to the slow motion of Inej's fall, Y/n's actions were a blur. She kicked ferociously behind her, finally hitting a part of the man's figure. It turned out to be his leg, which was knocked out from under him so violently his grip on her hands loosened. Using the second of weakness, Y/n shoved her hands free. She only took one or two steps, barely stepping out of the man's reach, before raising her hands up, raw power unleashed from the tips of her fingers.
She slowed Inej's fall mere inches from the ground.
Sprinting over, Y/n was filled with pure fear. What if something had gone wrong? What if Inej was hurt?
What if she was dead?
"But when she reached the girl, the Wraith's eyes were open, full of life.
"Inej I'm- I'm so sorry I shouldn't've-- I shouldn't--" Y/n couldn't even get a full sentence out before tears began to leak from her eyes.
"You caught me. You have nothing to be sorry about. Your power is... no, you are amazing, Y/n. You should know that." Inej's hand raised, resting lightly on Y/n's cheek.
Damn their connection. Inej had almost dies. Y/n couldn't live with herself if that had happened when there was still a secret between them.
We're on each other's team
"Inej... I- I love you. I just need you to know that"
Inej smiled.
"I love you too."
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youranxiousnerd · 3 years
Spring Break Thoughts
bc i want to get stuck in an airport and break into first class
spoilers below
the most...profound intro?
“maybe it’s really about other people” looks at gina
i have jumped on the portwell train
when i first saw they were doing zoom backgrounds i was not on board, but they’ve grown on me carlos’ sucks
miss jenn and the zoom backgrounds
nini didn’t you get cut?
you know miss jenn they could get together out side of school (at least the kids who are here)
olivia is so pretty
aww carlos called miss jenn his madrina
seblos tension, ill get to that later
they’re so passive aggressive guys i love it
“You guys are watching like, old, old movies”
“This is why we’re soulmates” the redyln goal has been reached bye
this...this is the only line they get?
miss jenn has obviously not gotten the memo
three weeks and you havent blocked act two
“not it”
of course sebby is the last one to leave
“bye” awww miss jenn
just one complement after another ej
he looks so good ej should do it more often
ej fell hard guys
jack in the background doing tik toks i cant
gina and signs
ugh its lynne
i dont care enough to spell her name right
“just being a burrito here”
bitter ricky, i feel ya
“I’m sorry to hear that’s it over” *smiles*
nini you should have just posted a video
ope empty notebook
awww ej’s insta
gina and jack
thats it
“she changed her name” nina is literally her real name 
the leg pull away
ricky and bedding is my new favorite ship besides therapy
“Your boy Jack”
when i first saw the promo for this nini scene i was worried it was gonna be another solo (shes had like 16)
my gay heart is bursting
nina really said “rainbows are awesome” this episode
and the necklace is off
guys i love improv scenes
it was so goood
soooo howie and kourt just get no closure after that killer song last week? no nothing? 
i love kourtney
sofia is so pretty
okay i dont ship jack and gina but they’re fun together, little chaos demons
“my friends, like, my castmates, they think it sucks what you did on opening night”
good talk, long overdo. nothing is solved by any means but little steps
the therapy line omfg 
“I’ll meet you in the pool” there is an ocean right behind you
 “Don’t ask me”
“Ashlyn, Big Red, Miss. Jenn, Carlos”
the way seb’s face just DROPS when he mentions carlos
“Are you guys fighting” big red looked so happy omfg
“That would imply that we’re speaking”
“Who has time to talk when you’re busy posting selfies with random guys in a cabana”
guys i had to pause for five minutes because i was dying
jealous seb... where did you come from?
first off, it seems the writers love to make major seblos things happen off screen. examples include there pinning and officially getting together
where... where did all this tension come from? it has been light the past two episodes then bam, everything they say to each other is bitter. since when is seb jealous? the writers have so many other conflicts to talk about and they choose jealous seb? off all thing?!?! im honestly kind of disappointed because there are so many other things to talk about from previous episodes and instead they choose this?!?!?! hopefully this isn’t the only thing that is addressed next week, it cant be. they better talk about the constant “no seb” because its an issue. 
moral of the story is i hope the fight next episode isn’t about seb being jealous bc there is so much more to talk about
i am loving passive aggressive seb like i hope that doesn’t go away when their conflict is resolved bc it’s awesome
HERE are my thoughts on the zoom call
okay seb’s line about doing public makes sense with the full episode
everyone on the call is just like “wtf happened to my otp”
“Hi Nini!” ejjjj
you have to watch the scene twice, one to watch nini and ashlyn and another for ej
sassy gina i love her
guys i just love everybody
ej is a child i love it
ricky i feel you with the songwriting
look at big red being best friend of the year now give him a plot line
i am under the impression jack recorded gina 
i love transitions and that was it
matt is ripped
julia lester showed up this season. queen shit 
she is perfect
i am so confused with seb’s gloves
that has been bugging me for two days 
carlos has more style then a hawaiian shirt and khakis
im in heaven the harmonies are soooo good
they are amazing they sound so good
you can hear all there voices
julia popped off
aint seen nothin is really good, i wasn’t sure about it at first but its grown. they sound so damn good the talent they hold. not the best song but its fun
the video actually looks better than i thought it would
“Wow” me too richard
jack is fun, i’d be okay if he comes back. he is a little chaos demon.
i like how the writers didn’t make them romantic (for once), hopefully gina got his number bc i would
i want to be stuck at an airport with jack
“let you go” is genius. so far the best original song this season. josh has been killing it lately. this is the ballad ricky deserves. lyrical genius. he sounds sooo good.
the one time i agree with lynne
nOoOoOoOo thats it?!?! i cannot wait a week i refuse
i normally don’t talk about promos but episode 10 (im a sucker for sleepover episodes) is my most anticipated episode so we gonna do it. 
for starters ricky has a guitar, so he might sing?
ooo lily is back?
ashlyn and ricky where have you been?!?!
seb and the girls yesss
since in a heartbeat is next episode seb probably leaves? i hope it is a private moment
oh please talk about your other issues pleaseee
“why did i never hear about this?” nina no, it was an accident alright?
gina and nini haven’t interacted this season and the first thing they do is fight.
lets hope there “beef” doesn’t take the a slot 
maybe another seblos kiss?
did you know i love seblos
i have stocked up my tears for next week
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spencstan · 3 years
Six of Crows re-read
(i also did this for the shadow and bone trilogy so read that if you want to)
spoiler alert obiously
i'm SO EXCITED FOR THIS this is my comfort book (with crooked kingdom of course)
oo fun fact this was my first grishaverse book and i read it with no context whatsoever except that the mc is an emo boy and morally grey
so IMAGINE my pure confusion when JOOST appeared
i was like ?????? weird take on morally grey character but ok
joost trying to figure out how to flirt with a girl is a mood
anyone wanna teach us how to???
i kinda wanna skip this part so i can see the crows..
but i won't don't worry
(won't I?
"I think Yuri may be quarantined"
so are we you are not special
i feel like it's very important for me to mention that i read this book in spanish first
and then i got into the fandom and i was like who the fuck is the wraith? i only know El Espectro
Heartender who??? ooo you mean Cardio
Tidemakers? nope, i only know Maremotores
for real i was so confused i had to re-read it in english (not that i mind tho)
Tumblr media
say whatever you want about the spanish version but we have to agree that this design is pretty af
another one yay: "Retvenko was a Squaller" vs. "Retvenk era un Impulsor"
(should i also say that in my pfd english version the book is 294 pages long and in my pdf spanish version its 532????) (i think it's because in the english one the speces are way less like the lines are so close together wtf
i've decided that i'm bored so i'll be skiping this chapter
anya is super badass tho
skdgfalsdgfliaysvfascvhjl yesssssss inej
Kaz Brekker didn't need a reason.
omg now i can picture amita and freddy SDJGKASKGLASG THIS IS AMAZING
we interrupt our regularly scheduled program to watch the shadow and bone trailer once again to hear freddy's beautiful voice
ok moving on!
now hear me out i'm giving you all permission to make fun of kaz for this one: Dirtyhands = Manos Sucias
hello i am Kaz Manos Sucias. nice to meet you!
can you tell jesper is one of my favourite characters?
i really love the fact that kaz is pissed about the murder of that ambassador ONLY because he can´t figure out how it happen
he´s such a nerd
i can't believe one of the firts things we hear jesper say is threathen to kill someone by writing "forgive me" with bullets
picture saying hi baby and wylan thinkin he's talking to him but actually jesper's talking to one of his guns
Jesper rolled his eyes. "It's about sending a message. What's the point of a dead guy with forg written on his chest?."
"Compromise," Kaz said. "I'm sorry does the trick and uses fewer bullets."
ooo thank god we have kaz to come up with creative solutions /j /s
honestly i love how they talk about kaz's cane like it's the scariest weapon ever (which it kind of is)
nothing will ever disappoint me more than finding out that in english their gang name is "the Dregs". like i don't even know for sure what that means
in spanish is "Los Indeseables" (the undesirables?) which sounds a lot more badass
no hate tho i like the dregs
but i was confused af bc i expected it to be sometihng like "the undesirables" or"the unwanted" or whatever
and it said "the dregs"
which in the translator means something like shit or something
anways moving on:
If he'd (kaz) ever been a little boy
i love how lowkey all the crows think he was just born exactly like he is now
imagine a baby kaz all dressed in black and threatening people
"No mourners," Jesper said as he tossed his rifle to Rotty
"No funerals," the rest of the Dregs murmured in reply. Among them, it passed for "good luck".
i wonder what wylan's doing right now :))
i can't wait for the next book where he has a pov
the first time i read this book i literally looked at the title of every chapter to see if he ever got one (i was disappointed to say the least :((((
Besides, she was the Wraith - the only law that applied to her was gravity, and some days she defied that, too.
marry me please
i'm gonna cry so hard once the show is out and we get to see inej omg
me simp
That Kaz had chosen Jesper to be one of his seconds was no surprise. Twitchy as Jepser was, with or without his revolvers, he was at his best in a fight, and she knew he'd do anything for Kaz.
idk why but i just love it every time kaz implies or shows that he cares or trusts jesper
it makes me soft
But every one of Inej's senses told her that was not how this was going to play out. Her father would have said the shadows were about their business tonight. Something bad was going to happen here.
underrated saying from Inej's father right there
"I'm a business man," he told her."No more, no less"
"You're a thief, Kaz."
"Isn't that what I just said?"
i see no lies here
not to be annoying but i hc jesper as adhd (i mean is pretty much as canon as wylan's dyslexia) so i'm gonna write here every time i see evidence :)
jesper with adhd part 1: impulsivity
Jesper snorted. "Stomach, spine. What's next, spleen?"
"Shut it" Oomen snarled. The rules of parley dictated that only the lieutenants could speak once negotiations had begun. Jesper mouthed "sorry" and elaboratedly pantomimed locking his lips shut.
he know he couldn't speak but couldn't stop himself from making a comment (i relate way too much to that lmao)
hoestly poor jesper he had to watch hid friend get shot and kaz do nothing about it
i would've been mad too
"I like it when men beg," she said. "But this isn't the time for it"
this is one of the best quotes in the book by far
Kaz could have tol Jesper that he knew he wasn't dirty, reminded him that he'd trusted him eough to make him his only real second in a fight that could have gone badly wrong tonight.
but kaz is petty af
he didn't even have a reason not to tell jesper that!
i love that kaz knows inej is following him but doesn't say anything because he wants to wait until she's ready
i LOVE the scene where kaz in in the van eck mantion /srs
idk why but it's so good
And, of course, there was the mystery of Van Eck's son.
wonder what that could be!!! /s
He grinned at her (...)
"Hmm." she said noncommittally, pretending to examine one of her knives, determined to ignore that grin.
this is so funny poor inej is getting flustered
"And I'll need Wylan waiting at the Crow Club tomorrow night."
One minute he made her blush and the next he made her want to commit murder
happens to the best of us :/
"Please, my darling Inej. treasure of my heart won't you do me the honor of acquiring me a new hat?"
if kaz doesn't say this on the show we riot
it's so amazing how nina found a way to use her powers to get money instead of having to like steal and murder like the rest in the gang
nina and inej omg
their friendship is just perfect
i would straight up cry
Matthias was dreaming again. Dreaming of her
i'm gonna cry damn it
this is the enemies-to-lovers we all needed
jesper has adhd part 2:
"Jesper was supposed to wait until three bells." said the pale boy
"It is three bells, Kaz." replied a small girl (...)
"Since when is Jesper punctual?" the boy complained with a glance at his watch
the time blindness come one
(btw i love the fact that kaz plans around jesper's time blindness instead of like threatening him to be on time)
i really love how every one feels the need to take the time to say/think that the masks are ugly
its so unnecessary lmao
yessss inej is a badass that kills monster we stan
and matthias is lowkey impressed lmao
as he should
"Thank you, Jesper," said Nina
"You're very welcome, gorgeous. See, Kaz? That's how the civilised folk do"
She stepped aside as if she's known he was coming, languidly hooking her heel behind his ankle. Matthias let out a loud grunt as he landed on the stones
(...) "Clumsy, this one," the bronze girl said impassively.
that's what happen when you underestimate her bitch
ok jesper has adhd part 3 i think:
"Just how crazy is he?" asked Jesper, fingers drumming on the pearl handles of his revolvers.
ok first of all: stimming
second of all: hyperactivity
i rest my case
ok 2 or 3 things here
"I believe you know Nina," Brekker continued. "The lovely girl freeing you is Inej. (...) and this is Wylan, the best demolitions expert in the Barrel"
"Raske is better," Inej said
The boy looked up, ruddy gold hair flopping in his eyes, and spoke for the first time. "He's not better. He's reckless"
"He knows his trade"
"So do I"
ok 1: kaz calling inej lovely omg kanej
2.5: kaz calling him the best cute af
3: honestly why do people think wylan is like an innocent soft boy or whatever. he's in a room full of murderers and thieves and the first thing he does is correct them and stand up for himself
like i wish i could do that
i would be crying like a bitch
"Meet Wylan Van Eck"
I'M SO HAPPY also look at this it's the first thing in his pov
Jesper stared at Wylan
do i sense some wesper?????
ok everyone is being so mean to him right now
they are aclling him useless and an idiot and other shit
poor boy honestly he had to deal with this + taking part of a heist he is definetly not ready for + he has to hide the fact that he can't write or read
it so distrubing that kaz is literally the nicest one to wylan right now
"See that? Hidden depths." (...)"He's good enough at demo, and he's got a fine hand for sketching, thanks to all those pricey tutors."
"There you have it," Kaz said to Jesper. "Marketable skills. Wylan is watching you, Helvar"
"Scheming face," Jesper whispered to Inej.
She nodded. "Definetly."
"Who's Mark" damn wylan (but pretty good comeback to jesper tho)
"What's the easiest way to steal a man's wallet?
"Knife to the throat?" asked Inej.
"Gun to the back?" said Jesper.
"Poison in his cup?" suggested Nina.
"You're all horrible," said Matthias.
tag yourself i'm jesper
KJSFGAL kaz just told wylan to tell him everything he know about his dad's company
and he said he doesn't know and kaz was like "and you never looked trough his documents????
AND THEN HE GOT SAD AND SAID HE HADN'T (and kaz believed him this is sad)
ok you know i love you jes but if you keep this up
idk i can't do anything you're a sharpshooter
but stiiiiiil
nice try
*insert spongebob voice* demjin
The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true.
*ugly crying*
Many boys will bring you flowers. But some day you'll meet a boy who will learn your favourite flower, your favourite song, your favourite sweet. And even if he is too poor to give you any of them, it won't matter because he will have taken the time to know you as no one else does. Only that boy earns your heart.
*uglier crying*
jesper has adhd part ?? (i have dyscalculia you can't expect me to remember the number):
That sound - the swift, shocking report of gunfire - called the scattered, irascible, permanently seeking part of his mind into focus like nothing else.
do i really need to explain this?
ok just in case.. an adhd brain doesn't actually have a deficit of attention(the name just sucks) it's problem with controling that attention. the brain is always looking for new sources of dopamine which is why it shifts its focus so much
i love that jes thinks of matthias as "tha giant"
like sir
have you seen yourself?
you're tall af
"Close your eyes!"
"You can't kiss me from down there, Wylan"
"Just do it!"
i love the energy BUT NOW IT'S NOT THE TIME JES
inej just stabed some guy int the d
good for her!
oh no wylan got shot too???? (just barely but stilllll por baby)
my Wraith omggg
ok 3 things about this:
Without another word, he tipped Oomen into the sea.
"No!" Wylan shouted, leaning over the railing, his face pale, stunned eyes tracking Oomen in the waves. (...)
Jesper set his hand on Wylan's shoulder. "Let it go."
"It's not right-"
"Wylan," Jesper said, giving him a little shake."Maybe your tutors didn't cover this lesson, but you do not argue with a man covered in blook and a knife up his sleeve"
1. wesper yasssss
2. wylan just argued with a mant hat had just tacken the eye out of someone. he literally called him out for being an asshole. like damn wylan is brave af i love him
3. do you think seeing kaz trow the guy out of the boat reminded wylan of when the same thing happened to him???? this makes me sad
he's brave and a good person and i just-
"Man with a knife, remember?" he said over his shoulder.
"Man with a gun!" Jesper called after him
this had no right being so funny
nina is the biggest kanej shiper no one can tell me i'm wrong
unrelated but if jesper had gone to the Little Palace and had studied there with nina they 100% would've had a crush on Zoya and bonded over it
like you can't tell me those two bisexual disaster wouldn't be absolutely in love with Zoya
jesper has adhd part ??:
Jesper scrubbed the back of his neck, touched his hands to his gunds, returned to his neck. He always seemed to be in motions
hyperactivity right there
and restlessness
"Do you know the best way to find Grisha who don't want to be found?" (...)
"Seems to be if they don't want to be found, you should just let them be" (jesper says this)
this conversation must be so stressful to him omg
ok you all know i love all of them but they can be sooo stupid
like wylan wrote no names on the drawing and he's excuse is that he doesn't know fjerdan?
AND THAT'S NOT EVEN TRUE he literally said he learned school fjerdan which means he should know how to write it too (we know why he can't but the tohers don't)
and even then like the excuse doesn't make any sense. why would having the original name be usefull if no one can fucking read it????
the worst part tho? NO ONE QUESTIONED HIM
i wondered how they didn't figure wylan's secret sooner but now i now
it's because theya re idiots
"I'm just doing my job. Stop glaring at me"
wylan baby let's not make the gigant mad
Jesper knocked his head against the hull and cast his eyes heavenward. "Fine. But if Pekka Rollins kills us all, I'm going to get Wylan's ghost to teach my ghost how to play the flute just so that I can annoy the hell out of your ghost."
Brekker's lips quirked. "I'll just hire Matthias ghost to kick your ghost's ass."
"My ghost won't associate with your ghost," Matthias said primply, and then wondered if the sea air was rotting his brain.
i had to put this here i don't want to get murdered by the fandom
jesper, inej and nina have the BEST friendship
"I know some people don't understand, but Kaz told me ... he said it was my choice, that he wouldn't be the one to mark me again."
i love this because it happen when they had just met
he did it because he understands her trauma and he respects her not because he loves her (i doubt he did at the time)
Kaz had been impressed with the sketches. (...)
"Just learn to take a compliment. Kaz doesn't hand them out often."
and yess kaz only compliments wylan (and inej but that's sarcastic so it doesn't count) because he's a proud dad
"And you don't belong here, either."
"I beg your pardon, merchiling?"
"We don't need a sharpshooter for Kaz's plan, so what's your job - other than stalking around making everyone angsty?"
He shrugged. "Kaz trusts me."
Wylan snorted and picked up his pen. "Sure about that?"
"If you aren't born with every advantage, you learn to take your chances."
"I wasn't-" Wylan left off and set down his pen. (...)
aww cute neurodivergent boyfriends bonding
Wylan had turned back to his work, his disappointment obvious. For some reason, Jesper felt disappointed, too.
aww jes checks on inej every morning and every night i love him
"Thank you for keeping me in this world when fate seemed determined to drag me to the next. I owe you a life debt."
Nina blushed deeply. "I was teasing, Inej"
LJFGALKGFALGA another cute friendship right there
(and i can see why people ship them romantically)
STOP INEJ AND JES ARE BONDING SO MUCH (page 127 so i can go back and read it lmao)
Van Eck writes to Wylan every week, and Wylan doesn't even open the letters
"They just said the same thing again and again: If you're reading this, the you know how much I wish to have you home. Or I pray that you read these words and think of all you've left behind."
should i kill him? anyone want to join me?
Inej bumped her shoulder against his."Then at least we're both the same kind of stupid." (...)
"You're too good for him, you know?"
"I know. So are you"
jes and her bonding over their stupid crush on a white boy
Because I've been looking for an excuse to talk to you for two days.
jfsfdajdhmgkfutdjrgsg ok i can't blame them for having a crush on him anymore
this chapter is full of kanej i love it
"What do you want, then"
You, Inej. You forever.
kaz's backstory makes me sad
"When we get our money, you can burn kruge to keep you warm," said Kaz. (...)
"I´m gonna pay someone to burn my kruge for me."
Kaz fell into step beside him. "Why don't you pay someone else to pay someone to burn your kruge for you? That's what big players do."
"You know what the really big bosses do? They pay someone to pay someone ...". Their voices trailed off as they tomped ahead, and Matthias and the others followed.
i can't believe we get to see nina and matthias meet and their whole backstory in less than a month omg
"It's not natural for women to fight."
"It's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall, and yet there you stand."
oh no the dead grisha
this part breaks my heart every time
"Do you have a different name for killing when you wear a uniform to do it?"
.....i'm just gonna leave this quote right here
anyways acab
stop nina tried to kill the survivor so they wouldn't suffer but she couldn't do it
and jesper did it for her without hesitation i wanna cry
and inej didn't want to do it either i want to hug them
"Because our crime is existing. Our crime is what we are"
i'm gonna leave this here again
do with it what you will
"Don't mock what you don't understand."
"My mockery offends you? My people would welcome you laughter in place of this barbarity"
i- this conversation is so important
Jesper shouldered his rifle. "Wylan earned his keep."
Wylan gave a little jump at the sound of his name. "I did?"
kaz getting self-conscious for his hair is pure comedy
but nina how can you say that have you see his hair on the show???? it's perfect
"Remeber our friend Mark?"
"Any other impossible feats you'd like us to accomplish?"
The bearest smile flikered over Kaz's lips. "I'll make you a list."
once again jesper and kaz being besties
unrelated but nikolai and jesper would love each other
the amount of sass they have between them it's unparalleled
"Mmm," Inej murmured, taking a sip from her mug. "Maybe you're just not enough."
ma'am marry me please
kaz fainted damn poor boy
unrelated unce again but this is so much betetr than shadow and bone
like you can tell leigh improved so much
her characters are better and their arcs are better developed
the writing itself it's better
or maybe i'm just biased because i love soc so much but i think she definetly improved
Though he'd trusted her with his life countless times, it felt much more frightening to trust her with his shame.
Inej had once offered to teach him how to fall. "The trick is not getting knocked down," he'd told her with a laugh. "No, Kaz," she's said, "the trick is in getting back up"
inej is smart af
Kaz was usually unshakeable during a job, but now he was on edge, and Jesper didn't know why. Part of him wanted to ask, though he knew that was the stupid part, the hopeful farmboy who picked the worst possible person to care about, who searched for signs in things that he knew deep down meant nothing - when kaz chose him for a job, when Kaz played along with one of his jokes. He could have kicked himself. He's finally seen the infamous Kaz Brekker without a stich of clothing, and he'd been too worried about ending up on a pike to pay proper attention.
ok i got a couple of things to say about this part
first of all it makes me so sad that jes cares so much for someone who dosn't deserve him. because no hate to kaz but they would never work as a couple and kaz already treats him like shit most of the time
i think this part shows who a lot about who jesper really is. a boy that grew up having to hide parts of himself, who thinks he's worth nothing but it's smart and capable, who's loyal and brave and caring but doesn't even know it himself. he's someone who feels he doesn't deserve good things and thinks he's not good enough, and that's why he unds up in all the wrong places with the wrong people. he left uni bc he fell in with the gangs, because he didn't think he was smart enough or even prepared to be in studying in the university. jesper is constantly hiding behind a mask or running from things because he's scared of not being enough
an kaz is everything jes in a way wishes he could be. kaz is secure in himself (at least on the outside), he's stable, he's smart, he's "unshakeable". and most of all, he doesn't care about others (we know that's not true but that's how he presents himself)
and that's the thing that causes jesper all his problems. because he's insecure because he thinks he's not good enough for the poeple or things he cares about. and he's always trying to do what's best for his loved ones: he went to the ice court to pay his debt for his father, he follows kaz everywhere beacause he cares about him, he offered to read to wylan (knowing it wouldn't be easy for him to be still that long).
and yeah it often doesn't work out becuase he's messy and he has problems but he tries. and he hates that. he hates that he cares so much about people because at the end of the day, that's what makes him feel like he's not good enough
one more thing and i'm done i promise
unpopular opinion but i love that leigh made jesper have a crush on kaz. 1 beacuse it's refreshing to see someone not get otgether with his first crush. and 2 because i love that it shows that we sometimes get attached to people that are not good for us, but that we can learn to move on. jesper ended with wylan who respects him and values him, unlike kaz
ok i'm sorry that was probably all bs
oo one more thing, jesper definetly has rsd (rejection sensitive disphoria), which is something most poeple with adhd have
"My father used to take me everywhere with him"
this is so sad. bc they probably had a good relationship when he was little. and then they figured he coudln't read and now his father treats him like shit
it's even worse than if he haf been horrible from the beginning because wylan knows he can be a good father. and so he thinks it's his fault and he deserves to be treated like that. i hate van eck
"You're cuter when you're smart"
"Definitely cuter when you're smart"
wesper yesssss
i love them so much
ok but why do people think jesper is stupid. like the boy just made a bunch of criminals pass out by mixing some chemicals
and he was going to the university at like 15
amazing plot twist
Wylan coughed. Flirting with him might actually be more fun that annoying him, but it was a close call.
oooo come on jesper we all know you just love getitng him to blush
and you love him
who said that? definitely not me, nope
awwww jesper misses being around animals that's cute
imagine him coming home to wylan one day with a puppy because he just couldn't resist
Better terrible truths than kind lies
just leaving here more of inej's wisdom
ok this may be a reach but jesper has adhd part ???
Yellow Protocol? Red Protocol? He couldn't remember which was which. (...)
"The alarm was Yellow Protocol, a sector disturbance."
Jesper pushed at his temples. "I don't remember what that means"
a bad working memory? sounds familiar
kaz loves puzzles
it's canon
"I love puzzles. Trickery is just my native tongue."
this part where wylan and jesper see the banner made with grisha's kefta kills me every time
I would have worn purple, Jesper thought, if I'd joined the Second Army. (...) He'd beenwilling, even eager to risk capture and execution as a thief and hired gun. Why was it worse to think about being hunted as a Grisha?
this makes me want to cry so much
another thing super sad: the fact that since his father is Kaelish and had some supersititons towards grisha, jesper grew up wondering if his own father was scared of him. he had to hide his powers and he was almost taught to be afraid of them
"Is it safe to leave them, you know-"
"Alive? I'm not big on killing unconscious men."
"We could wake them up"
damn the boy needs therapy
it's amazing how nothing went like they planned
not a single thing
"What do you like?"
"Music. Numbers. Equations. They are not like words. They...they don't get mixed up."
ok dude the clues are right there he's basically saying it
"If only you could talk to girls in equations."
There was a long silence, and then, eyes trained on the notch they'd created in the link, Wylan said, "Just girls?"
Jesper restrained a grin. "No. Not just girls." It really was a shame they were all probably going to die tonight.
wylan really said a straight man?? couldn't be me
this is the definition of bi panic "jesper restrained a grin" bitch we saw that
btw i love the slow burn
like they hint something here but they don't actually start liking each other until much later and they don't get together until almost the end of ck
i also love that the fact that they both like guys is like out in the open now. bc i'm not a fan of when queer characters have a crush and there's the whole thing of "are they queer too or not?"
like they both know htey are queer. but they don't get together right away bc they have to start liking each other before. they don't get together bc they are the only queer mlm characters
matthias fake betrayal killed me
i tought it was real
I have been made to protect you. Only in death will I be kept fom this oath.
this is just-
also foreshadowing?
There was no part of him that was not broken, that had not healed wrong, and there was no part of him that was not stronger for having been broken.
She's laughed, and if he could have bottled the sound and got drunk on it every night, he would have. It terrified him.
if i ever have a s/o and they don't tell me this at least once i don't want it
He needed to tell her... what? That she was lovely and brave and better than anything he deserved. That he was twisted, crooked, wrong, but not so broken that he couldn't pull himslef together into some smeblance of a man for her
they are the only straight couple that matters
everyone else go home
Wylan had scratches all over his cheeks and neck. He was beaming. Inej grabbed his hands and sqeezed.
so cute omg
"You can explain why our illustrious Shu scientist looks like one of Wylan's school pals along the way"
i mean it's true but you didn't have to say it
HE'S "grinning like and idiot" STOP I LOVE HIM
"We are all someone's mosnter, Nina"
"I will have you without armour, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all"
this part breaks my heart and i love it
"Stay," she oanted. Tears leaked from her eyes. "Stay till the end"
"And after," he said. "And always."
i just- helnik is perfect
my daily dosis of wesper :)
ok but in like 2 pages jesper tought of wylan like 10 times bc he's sad wy isn't with him
Jesper scanned the empty deck. He's assumed Wylan would come up to see them off. (...)
Jesper knew he was being selfish and stupid, but some petty part of him wondered if Wylan had deliberately kept away from him on the journey back. Maybe now that the job was complete and he was on his way to his share of the haul, Wylan was done slumming with criminals.
*charles boyle's insinuating voice* and why do you care so much???
this scene where we find out the truth about wylan hurts so much but it's one of my favourites idk why
"Your're a fool," Jesper snarled. "He smarter than most of us put together, and he deserves a better father than you."
the fact that wylan just heard him say that omg
"Deserved" amended Van Eck. He blew the whislte twice.
Jesper screamed in rage and raised his guns.
"I'm not big on bludding, am I Inej?"
"Not as a rule"
Van Eck's lip curled. "And why is that?"
"Because he'd rather cheat," said the boy who was not Kuwei Yul-Bo in perfect, unaccented Kerch.
(...), and Jesper flinched
baby he recognized wylan's voice
The Shu boy held out a hand. "Pay up, Kaz"
A nearly perfect replica of Kuwei Yul-Bo stood before them, but he had Wylan's voice, his mannerisms, and - though Kaz could see the fear and hurt in his golden eyes - Wylan's surprising courage, too.
i love it when they compliment him
my boy deserves all the compliments ever
Wylan cuold draw a perfectt elevation. He's made a drill that could cut throu Grisha glass from parts of a gate and scavenged bits of jewellery. So what if he couldn't read
this is taking me to some real places
i may cry you've been warned
this is making me cry
"A fool would have been waiting to be smashed to bits on that ship. And as for "traitor", you've called me worse in the last few minutes alone."
Instead, in that moment of threat, when he should have thought only of the fight, he looked at Inej.
i would've done the same tho she's pretty
amita is sooo pretty i'm gonna die when the show comes out
Jesper was staring at Wylan, his eyes roving over the black hair, the golden eyes. "Why?" he said at last. "Why would you do this?"
nothing to say here except: wesper
You... how many times was it you standing beside me on the deck at night when I tought it was Kuwei?"
"Every time."
i want to cry so bad
"Why does it matter?"
"I don't know!" Jesper said angrily. "Maybe I liked your stupid face."
a very staright and platonic thing to say of course
i know jes we all liked his stupid face
"Jesper made a mistake," said Wylan. "A stupid mistake, but he didn't set out to betray anyone."
And maybe he'd kept him in the dark about Wyllan because he wanted to punish him a little
even kaz know they like each other come on
Jesper sat with elbows on knees, head in hands. Wylan deside him wearing th face of a stranger.
wylan give him a hug fro me please
he needs it
"Scheming face," murmured Jesper.
"Definitely," agreed Wylan.
i miss inej already
And I'm going to get my girl. Inej could never be his, not really, but he would find a way to give her the freedom he´d promised her so long ago.
i'm ugly crying and so what?
and now we're done....
i want to read this book again omg this is unhealthy
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Chapter Four.
a/n: this was one of my fav chapters to write, so hope you all enjoy! I think you’re all gonna like this one hehe :’) pls reblog to share and leave feedback as it continues to motivate me <3
SERIES MASTERLIST | word count: 10.1k
come talk to me about WTSGD! i’d love to know your thoughts!
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October 31, 2017 
A lot had happened in the last five months that felt like an eternity. 
After Luci’s very first performance for Miss Saigon and her unfortunate breakdown that was caused by one of the biggest critics of Broadway, practically insulting her, she performed almost every night after that. 
When one bad review on her performance was ratified by hundreds of tweets and reviews, saying that Luci’s performance was one of the best they’d ever seen, she’d say she did her damn job. The night of her breakdown, she received a text from Nina, who sent her a link to a few reviews on her Broadway debut. Those articles directly addressed how unprofessional and poorly written Adam West’s review was, and that he needed to open his eyes to observe and admire brilliant, wonderful, and beautifully performed talent. On top of the important names next to Adam West, theatre-Twitter seemed to agree with the positive articles that were written about her, tweeting that Luci was the next face of Broadway; and who cared if she started her career in commercials and Off-Broadway because getting the role in Miss Saigon had proved that she worked her way up and that she was good. 
After reading the articles and tweets, her mood had drastically shifted. She was so overwhelmed by the positive comments that defended her from a misogynistic man that she cried again, but it was tears of happiness this time around. She walked out of her apartment, headed to Harry’s door to show him the uplifting reviews, and he was happy to see that she was ecstatic—he was happy for her. 
They had definitely become closer since that day. 
Harry and Luci hung out a lot. Whenever they had the chance and they both weren’t busy, they would knock on each other’s doors or text one another, asking to hang out. For the most part, he opened up to her, showcasing his true personality and becoming more comfortable around Luci—enough to joke around and be himself. He loved the way he didn’t feel like he had to be someone he’s not; everything felt true and real. 
It was refreshing for Harry to have a real friend, a best friend, other than Jeff and Mitch. Although he developed a small crush on said friend, it was nice to just have a chat and walk around the neighborhood with her. He’d been talking himself up to ask her out, not knowing if she’ll say yes or if she even feels that way about him; but from what he could tell, he thinks that she’s sort of infatuated with him. Luci would flirt with him from time to time, and would tell him that he’s adorable and sweet, making Harry’s cheeks redden from the sweet talk. 
Luci’s situation with Daisy and Samuel never got better. Ever since she started to perform more and more—sometimes even more than Daisy—they would be nothing but rude to her. They weren’t used to someone taking their spotlight; it was like someone stepping right in front of them on center stage to steal the show—especially if it was someone they despised and was new to Broadway. The two tried to take it up with Tal, demanding and arguing about how they deserved to perform every single night, but Tal kept her word to Luci and the rest of the industry: that she would stand up for her cast and run the show herself. 
Throughout the months, Luci had been talking with Harry about something very, very important. It was a few weeks ago, during their walk to a bagel place in the morning, when she first brought it up. 
“Remember that lady who came up to me after the show?” She asked as they walked along the sidewalk. Harry nodded, letting out a ‘mhm.’ “So, she’s a talent agent…” Harry raised his brows, thinking she was an agent for Broadway. “In Hollywood.” Samantha Stone was one of Hollywood’s greatest and biggest agents; she mostly worked with actors who were first starting out in the industry before making them successful. Samantha was always on the hunt for new and fresh talent; she walked the streets with an eye like a hawk. 
In early September, Samantha was in New York for a small getaway, as well as to meet one of her side pieces in the city. She figured she could watch a show or two since she was already in the city, and it’d been ages since she'd seen a Broadway show. Deciding on Miss Saigon because she saw the tweets and reviews of Luciana, she decided to give it a shot and see what her hype was about. And it did not disappoint. She was so intrigued and invested in the story, and was absolutely blown away by Luciana’s performance. Naturally, even though she shouldn’t be working, she waited until the cast was coming out of the theatre to approach her. 
Luci was in complete shock because she’d never had anyone walk up to her, telling her to give her a call because she was a talent agent and hoped to work with her soon. When Luci got back home, she looked up Samantha Stone and her breath hitched as she found out who she had worked with and what she did for a living. 
“Holy shit!” Harry completely stopped walking, making Luci stop as well. They stood on the side of the sidewalk as people passed by them. Harry beamed excitedly, but soon his smile softened, noticing Luci’s didn’t match his. “What’s the matter? Why aren’t you excited?” 
“I-I don’t know. I just get nervous thinking about it, like she wants to work with me.” Luci fiddled with her fingers. 
“Isn’t that great?” Harry asked softly; he didn’t see what was wrong with that, but he was being patient with Luci to try and understand what she was feeling and thinking about.
She nodded. “It is. I’m just nervous; I hate disappointing people. What if I call her and I do an audition or whatever, and she realizes that I’m not meant for the job? She’s the biggest agent in Hollywood, Harry. That would mean I’m not meant for any job,” she explained worriedly, anxiety bubbling up in her stomach as if it’d been simmering for hours on the stove.
Harry slightly frowned. He couldn’t imagine how it must feel to doubt one’s own talents, and he absolutely hated that Luci was doing it. 
“Luciana, listen to me.” Well, that definitely caught her attention. “You’re remarkably talented, end of. If you end up being dropped by that agent, then fuck her. She shouldn’t be a talent agent if she can’t see clear talent right in front of her. Literally everyone in the same room knows you are so incredibly gifted. Plus, wouldn’t you like to try it out? It doesn’t hurt to try because you have nothing to lose. You’ll still be on Broadway; and then you’ll try again later if right now is not your time.” 
Smiling, she appreciated his words. She nodded, knowing he was completely right. “Okay, I’ll give it a shot.” Her response seemed to satisfy Harry. “Thank you.” 
“Of course. I’ll always be here for you.” She smiled. “Still gonna help me grade papers?” 
She chuckled as they started walking on the pavement again. “Yup. Believe it or not, it’s actually fun grading papers.” 
He turned to her shockingly. “Oh, really? Then maybe you could be my TA and I’ll have you grade all the papers.” Luci laughed, saying that she didn’t mind; she adored moments when they were playful. Their friendship was refreshing to the both of them. 
A week after her conversation with Harry, where he reassured and encouraged her, she called Samantha, who was delighted to hear from Luci. Samantha asked if she wanted to meet for lunch; Luci was hesitant, but she remembered Harry’s words, and it really didn’t hurt to try, so she agreed and they met in Midtown at a Thai restaurant. 
It was a casual luncheon where Samantha got to know Luci before she decided if she wanted to sign her or not. Luci completely rocked her socks; she was funny, kind, and very humble—traits that not a lot of stars had. So, Samantha immediately thought she was perfect and very likeable. After thirty minutes of eating and chatting, Samantha pulled out her business side, along with a contract, and discussed what this could mean for Luci. She went over her contract very quickly, and Luci knew she couldn’t keep up so she pretended to listen, nodding and letting out a ‘mhm’ to be interactive. 
Samantha had a pen ready for her to sign, but if Luci knew anything, it was to not sign contracts right then and there, and to go over the contract in further details on her own. So, Luci told her that she would look over the stack of papers once more before she got back to her potential agent. 
Luci wished she took a business class to understand such things about contracts and how to handle things herself, but she thinks that she might enroll in some classes some time soon. She attended Boston University and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Performing Arts in Theatre Arts. On top of auditioning, solo acts, musical pieces, and countless shows for the four years she was there, she maintained a 3.5 GPA in her general education, and that’s something she’s incredibly proud of herself for. There were a few classes during her freshman year that she failed, making her consider dropping out, but she picked herself back up and promised herself to work harder, and she did. 
When she got back home, she tossed the contract on her coffee table as she sighed, grabbing a glass of water. She had felt stressed out about the situation, but then she remembered that Harry’s sister, Gemma, was a lawyer in London. So, she sent Harry a quick text, telling him about her situation, and asked if Gemma was able to help out. Harry was on his lunch when she texted, but he quickly asked Gemma and she was quick to comply, anything to help her brother’s friend.
The day after, Harry and Luci both sat down on his couch, FaceTiming Gemma on his laptop; it was the very first time his sister and Luci were meeting each other. Harry warned Luci that Gemma was a bit tough with his new friends, but once the two women chatted for a few minutes, Gemma was smittened with her; Harry was shocked at how quick they seemed to become friends, but he cherished it because he liked Luci…a lot. 
Luci had sent over a scanned version of the contract, so they went over it together with Harry sitting next to her for moral support; and from what Gemma said, the contract was clean. The most important thing that Gemma was looking for was that Luci had a say to back out of the contract, and it stated that clearly. Gemma told her that she could sign the contract if she wanted, and that eased Luci’s anxieties, making her thank Gemma almost a million times for her help. 
The next day, Luci met up with Samantha for brunch with the signed contract in her hand. Samantha was delighted to see that it was inked with her signature; she told Luci that this won’t be the only thing she was going to sign because so many people are going to want her autograph. That made Luci smile, giggling a tad bit at the thought of it. 
By the beginning of October, Samantha called Luci and informed her that she was booked for an audition for a supporting character in Ocean’s Eight that was to be released late next year. Luci was surprised at how quickly Samantha was able to get her an audition, but they didn’t call her the best for nothing. 
With only two weeks to prepare, Luci put her time and effort into rehearsing the few pages of the script Samantha had sent her. Luci didn’t have a talent coach whatsoever, so she tried her best to see every aspect of her acting, jotting down notes on the margins so she could further better herself. She was hiding her stress and nerves quite well as she tried not to freak out about how insane this opportunity was to even audition. 
When her audition was only two days away, she called Ren for the traditional pep-talk that inspired and motivated her to do better and to try her best because that was all that she could do. She wished that her family was physically next to her so she could feel the comfort and warmth that they provide because after all, they are home and always will be. 
Luckily, some producers were in New York holding auditions, so she didn’t have to fly to California for a day or two. She’d never felt more intimidated and nervous than the moment she stepped inside the medium-sized room that was painted in a light gray tone. A long foldable table was in the middle of the room with a small camcorder on a tripod next to it. Luci’s had many auditions, but this…this was real shit, the real deal. She was standing in front of Hollywood and big name producers who’d never heard of her name until the moment she walked in and they had a glimpse of her portfolio. 
She introduced herself, masking the nerves that were crawling up and down her body with a warm smile—not too bright, but enough to show her gorgeous grin. They asked her to read off of page twenty-three to twenty-five; taking a breath, she gave all that she could. And in her opinion, it’s the best acting she’d ever done, which is saying a lot because she thinks she did quite well after every show of Miss Saigon. 
The producers’ faces were unreadable as they simply looked at one another, writing a few notes on their yellow notepads. Luci wanted to lurk, to see what they were writing as she hoped they weren’t disappointed or had immediately crossed out her name from their list. 
They thanked her for coming in before dismissing her; she thanked them as well, waving as she walked out the door where she released the biggest sigh. It wasn’t from relief because she was still on edge of the result of her audition, but she felt like she had been holding her breath for the ten to fifteen minutes that she was in that room. Her heart was pounding quite sturdily; and if she was being honest, her mind had completely blanked out once they yelled ‘action,’ but that was usual for her. 
Now that it was ten days after her audition and Halloween, Harry practically begged Luci to get out of her apartment. She knew that she couldn’t stay cooped up in her room as she overthought the audition constantly. She began to get headaches from overthinking every single thing she did in that audition, and it drove her insane. 
So, when Harry suggested that she should go to the Halloween party that Daisy was throwing on the rooftop of her building, she dreaded it at first, but the thought of going out was calling her. She assumed Daisy wouldn’t want Luci to be at her party, but she invited the entire cast and a few more people that she knew personally, so it wasn’t like Daisy was going to speak to her. Since it was a party, everyone could bring a guest or a few friends, so that was when Luci begged Harry to attend with her. 
“Please, come with me.” She had her best pouty lip on, looking at him with doe eyes. Just by that look, he almost gave in, but he wasn’t sure if this type of party was for him. Harry was a mellow and chill guy; he didn’t need rooftop parties and unlimited amounts of booze. He was fine with a small gathering, a few movies and board games—now, that was his type of party. “The party would be so much more fun with you there.” 
Harry playfully scoffed. “Please. Luci, I’m the most boring guy there is.” 
Her brows furrowed in disagreement. “No, you’re not. I happen to think you’re quite fun.” He smiled softly at her in appreciation. “Please. We wouldn’t even have to stay that long.” 
He could tell that she wanted, no, needed him to be there with her. She wasn’t very close with her cast mates—despite all the months she’d been part of the production—besides Nina. But Nina knew everyone so Luci would be left awkwardly standing there, waiting for her friend to come back. 
“How long would we stay?” 
Her eyes brightened with hope. “However long you want.” 
“An hour? Hour and a half, tops?” 
“Sounds perfectly fine to me.” 
“And what would we wear?”
Luci was a bit shocked by his question. “You wanna match?” 
“I mean, that would be fun, right?” She nodded, agreeing. “Since it is quite last minute, I say we dress up as the 70s or 80s era. Pretty easy, right?” 
She liked the sound of that. “Yes, let’s do 70s! I wanna raid your closet because I know you have some gems in there.” 
Harry laughed out loud—her favorite laugh that was music to her ears. He knew he had a great sense of fashion, and he’d always go to the thrift store to pick up something that he’d never worn before. It wasn’t like he was not going to wear it, he just needed to be more comfortable with himself to wear the clothes that he buys. So, for now, he settled with black skinny jeans and patterned-print button downs, which is the most ‘flashy’ he’d dress as…for now. 
“I knew I liked you for a reason because I was hoping you’d say 70s.” Luci felt her cheeks warm up before they went to Harry’s apartment. 
It took an hour and a half to find an outfit that Harry liked; it would’ve been shorter, but with Harry’s 70s playlist that was playing in the background, they took breaks to dance and sing. Harry had a beautiful voice, Luci thought; and she wondered if he was ever in a band before or wrote music because he does have an elaborate music taste, and that added to Luci’s liking for him. 
They proceeded to go to Luci’s apartment so Harry could help her find an outfit. He brought his wireless speaker so the music wouldn’t stop; and she continuously threw the articles of clothing onto her bed—where Harry was lying on his stomach—every time he shook his head no. 
With the same amount of time it took Harry to decide on an outfit, Luci settled on hers. She looked in her full-body mirror, twirling around to see if it looked okay and if she was satisfied with it. Harry remained on her bed, admiring how beautiful she looked as he thought that she was way out of his league. As Luci was dancing and prancing around her apartment, Harry was deep in his thoughts; he didn’t know if asking Luci out was the way to go. Not only would he lose her as a friend when or if she rejects him, but he couldn’t bear the ache he would feel in his heart. 
For his own sake, he needed to protect himself before the heartbreak; and if that meant refraining himself from making a move, then that was completely fine to him. 
“Ready?” Luci called out from the doorway. Harry got off the bed, looking her up and down. 
She was wearing peach colored pants that flare at the bottom, sitting high on her waist; a white silk blouse with orange accents, a long brown coat because it was quite chilly outside, and pink glasses that were transparent. He thought she looked absolutely beautiful, and her outfit was meant for her. The colors matched Harry’s outfit as he wore rust-orange pants that sat wide at the bottom, a flashy patterned long-sleeved blouse with the collar matching his pants. Luci gave him a similar pair of glasses as hers, so they weren’t wearing shaded lenses in the nighttime. 
“Yup. You, uh, look really good.” 
Luci smiled, shrugging one shoulder. “Thank you! You look good, too. This color looks amazing on you.” 
Harry looked down at his outfit, hiding the blush that formed on his cheeks. “Thank you. I like it a lot.” 
They headed out and towards Daisy’s apartment building where the rooftop was large enough for everyone to stand comfortably without feeling like they were shoulder-to-shoulder. There were plenty of lounge chairs, and a few tall bar tables next to tall heaters, considering it was just below fifty degrees. 
Some people were making their way towards Daisy's apartment since it was too cold outside, but Harry and Luci decided to stay, both agreeing that the heaters were keeping them warm as they sipped on their drinks. 
“Luci!” Nina walked over towards her, giving her a hug; Luci made sure not to mess up the placement of her fairy wings. 
“You look amazing!” Luci complimented as Nina put her hands on her cheeks, thanking her friend. Luci could tell that Nina was a bit drunk already as her eyes were drooping and she couldn’t stand straight on her own two feet. 
“Harry! I’m so glad you’re here.” He smiled saying hello to her. Nina and Harry met in July when he had gone to see another show. He was giving Luci another bouquet of flowers—the same bundle that he gave her the last time since she told him that she really liked them, and they looked amazing on her windowsill—and she dragged him to find Nina since she was performing the same show. Nina immediately gave Luci that certain look that said ‘he’s really cute,’ and Luci just nodded, giving her an apparent look as well. 
“Did you bring anyone?” Luci asked, knowing that she was talking to a few guys; her favorites, from what Nina told her, was Laurent and Alec—the two guys that are in her Soul Cycle class, one on Monday and the other on Friday. 
Nina shook her head. “No. I wanted to get fucked up today and didn’t want any of my mans see that shit. Oh! Can I take a picture of you two? You both look so cute!” 
Luci looked at Harry, silently asking and he nodded. She stood beside him, not knowing whether to put her arm around his waist. They’d never taken a picture together before, after all the months of knowing each other. Luci handed Nina her phone before she turned on the flash, taking a picture of the two. Harry hesitantly puts his arm around Luci’s shoulder, making her look at him, smiling. She then wrapped her arm around his waist as they both smiled at each other before looking back at the camera. Nina was squealing behind the phone because she just captured the cute and quiet interaction between them that made for a sweet candid. 
Nina handed Luci’s phone back to her before she told her that she was going to talk to some other people. The two women hugged, and Nina said goodbye to Harry. 
Harry leaned into Luci’s side, bending down slightly. “Send me those pictures, yeah?” 
A chill ran through her body at the sound of his voice so close to her ear. “Sure,” she croaked out, sending the pictures to him. 
After a few moments of light conversation and humming the beat of the music, Harry asked, “So, which one is Daisy?” 
Luci looked at him, quite shocked as to what sparked his interest in her, but she didn’t say anything. She looked around until she spotted her in a leather catwoman suit, hugging her body tightly that Luci thought it was cutting off her circulation. But she had to admit that it looked amazing on her. 
“That one.” She slyly pointed at Daisy who was talking to some of her friends. Luci was surprised to see that Samuel wasn’t here, considering that he was part of the cast. Daisy and Samuel seemed to be in their ‘off again’ stage of their relationship; and no one who was part of the cast or who was close to them could keep up with how many times they’d been through that stage, but they seemed to like each other too much to call it quits for good. 
“Hmm. She seems nice.” 
“Yeah, she does—to everyone except me.” They were both looking at Daisy, and it was like Daisy could sense a few eyes on her, so she looked around and made direct eye contact with Luci. She excused herself to her group of friends before making her way towards her and Harry. “Speak of the devil.” Luci sighed, making Harry chuckle. 
“Luci! I’m so glad you made it.” Daisy faked a smile as she greeted Luci with a hug, which surprised both Luci and Harry. Daisy pulled away, immediately locking eyes on this. “Oh, who’s your friend?” Instantly, Luci knew why Daisy was so nice to her; it was because she spotted Harry and didn’t want him to think she was such a bitch. 
With her brows furrowed, Luci shifted a little closer to Harry who was standing there and not saying anything. “This is Harry.” 
Daisy flashed him her stunning smile that wooed almost everyone. “Hi, I’m Daisy.” He shook her hand, introducing himself. “Your outfit looks really good.” She complimented him. 
“Thanks, Luci helped me pick it out.” He smiled at Luci, who was smirking. For a second, Daisy rolled her eyes before she returned to her big smile. 
“Would you like to get a drink with me? I see you’re almost empty.” Daisy’s eyes pointed at his cup, which only had a small sip lingering at the bottom of his clear plastic cup. 
“C’mon, just one drink?” Her voice was innocent and sweet, nothing like the cruel and rude Daisy that Luci knew all too well. 
What Luci expected Harry to say was that he was okay and that he didn’t want a drink with her, but he responded quite the opposite. 
“Okay, sure.” Luci’s head averted towards Harry as she looked at him with shock and a face asking what the fuck he was doing. But he shrugged as Daisy clapped, grabbing his wrist and pulling him towards the bar. Luci huffed, watching the two walk away and she was left by herself with a watered down drink and the cold air. 
She figured she’d wait for him to come back to where she was sitting, hoping he wouldn’t take too long. 
But twenty minutes had gone by, and Luci started getting annoyed.  
Thirty minutes, and Luci tells herself that she doesn’t care and mindlessly goes on her phone. 
An hour had gone by when Luci huffed, mentally saying that she does give a shit and goes to find Harry. 
How long could one drink take anyways? Definitely not an hour, Luci thought. She searched the rooftop for the two, only to hope that Harry was looking for her too. After ten minutes of looking around the rooftop, passing her cast mates who were asking her to take a shot with them—she took another one, adding more alcohol into her body—she couldn’t find Harry. She started to think the worst; he could’ve possibly taken Daisy home, or Daisy could have taken him up to her room—either way, she didn’t like any of those options. 
For a minute, she mentally debated if she should check Daisy’s apartment, which would be better since it was warmer indoors than it was out—she was convinced it got colder once Harry left her side—but the negative side of her mind, who was taunting her like the devil on her left shoulder, told her to check if Harry was inside because she wasn’t going to like what she was going to see. 
Either way, she needed to find Harry and she didn’t want to go home without him, so she went inside the building and took the elevator down to Daisy’s floor. There were people walking in and out of her place, so it wasn’t that difficult to find which one was hers. With the same amount of people inside her apartment as there was on the rooftop, Luci made her way through the nice and luxurious apartment. She was just on the edge of tipsy; the drinks with her coworkers had gotten her there. Heading up the stairs, she passed by people who were making out, cuddling on the steps, and talking. 
Once she got to the end of the hallway, she had almost given up on her search for Harry until the door at the end of the hall opened, revealing Harry who was leaving and quietly closing the door. 
Luci stood in the middle with an expressionless face. He hadn’t seen her yet, but the way she wasn’t giving any emotion didn’t mean that she didn’t care; the thoughts in her mind were invading every inch that there was just too much to focus on. 
Harry turned around, stopping in his tracks once he faced her. 
“Hey,” he greeted softly. 
“I’m sorry for leaving-”
“Were you…” Luci referred to what was happening inside the room as she couldn’t finish her sentence because the thought and the words simply disgusted her. 
“Why do you seem unsure?” She was testing him; she heard the hesitancy in his voice, like he wasn’t sure if he wanted to tell the truth. 
A new attitude rose him. “Why do you care?” His voice was a tad bit harsher, but he was a little confused on why she was questioning his actions. 
She inhaled and exhaled deeply, crossing her arms, avoiding his question. “I’m going home. Are you coming with or…?” Harry bit the inside of his cheek, remembering that she hadn’t answered his question, so he’ll ask again later. He nodded, and Luci turned around; he followed. 
The entire ride on the subway and walking towards their apartment building was quiet. They didn’t even sit next to each other like they always did; just across one another, avoiding eye contact.
It was when they were both in front and unlocking their doors was when Harry spoke up. 
“Luci.” She stopped her movements, turning around slowly as did he. This time, she looked at him so deeply in the eyes that it was physically difficult for her to take her eyes off him. “Why were you mad at me before we left?” 
On the ride back home, Harry thought about the events at the party. He’d never seen Luci so annoyed at him before, so it got him thinking a lot about what she felt for him. She was jealous, anyone could see that, and he wanted her to say it out loud why she was jealous because he could name a few reasons. 
“Did you have a good time with Daisy?” 
Harry breathed out a chuckle. “You’re jealous,” he stated immediately. 
“Answer my question-”
“Then answer mine.” 
The tension was so thick that with just one small poke of a needle, it would collapse and break. They’d never had this type of conversation before, where the tension was rising and the room felt warm; they were always playful and laughing with each other that neither of them thought they were capable of having this certain type of energy with one another. 
“I was mad because you left me alone at the party…with Daisy of all people,” she said honestly, leaving a few things out. 
“Is that all?” He raised his brows, crossing his arms. 
Luci shook her head. “That’s not how it works, Styles. I answer yours, you answer mine.” 
A smug grin landed on Harry’s face. “Did I have a good time with Daisy?” He repeated her question. “To be honest with you, no. She was pretty drunk, so I took her to her bedroom—that’s why I was in there, She was…nice.” Luci sensed a ‘but’ trailing. “She even asked me if I’d wanna go out some time.”
“What’d you say?” 
He tsked. “Not how it works, Suki.” Luci rolled her eyes, letting out a soft huff. “Hey, they’re your rules.” He chuckled. “Now, answer this: why were you jealous?” 
There was a surge of confidence that Harry’s never felt before; maybe it was because he knew things Luci didn’t know herself, but watching her unfold those realizations was definitely feeding his ego. 
Luci sighed deeply before she started. “Knowing that Daisy could possibly get anyone she wanted was a bit of an insecurity of mine when we were on our way to the party. That was because I knew she’d want you. I mean…look at you, you’re literally so gorgeous.” Harry blushed. “And I knew that it was inevitable that she would ask you to hang out; I was just surprised when you said yes.” 
He nodded. “I rejected her when she asked if I wanted to go out.” A bit of weight lifted from Luci’s shoulders, but not completely as there was still something heavy she’s been wanting to say. “Why’d you hope I’d say no? Besides the obvious that she’s mean and rude to you.” 
Alright, time to fess up, Luci. 
Luci inhaled deeply, hoping her confession wouldn’t have him running for the hills. “Because why would you go out with her when you could go out with me? Like, on a date…” Her anxiety was up to her chin as she locked her hands behind her back, preventing them from shaking any more than they already were. 
That one simple question had answered all of the other questions swirling in his mind; not the ones that were asked in the rapid fire round of questioning and answering under the thick cloud of tension over them, but the ones he asked himself a few months ago when he was doubting that she’d ever felt something for him because all this time, she had felt something, and she just asked him out. 
His heart flipped. “You wanna go on a date with me?” 
“Yeah, I’ve been wanting to ask, but I didn’t know if you were interested in me or not,” she said shyly. Luci hadn’t asked someone out before—someone she was really interested in. She’d either wait until they asked her and if they didn’t, she’d move on and pretend that her feelings for them never existed. But Harry was different; seeing him with Daisy tonight had made her realize just how much she felt for him. He made her laugh, smile, and he was such a kind person. 
“I’d love to.” He suddenly answered, taking her back a little. 
She looked at him with wide eyes. “R-Really?” 
“Yeah. I’ve been meaning to ask you too, because I’m very much interested in you, but I didn’t know you were interested, well, until tonight.” Luci giggled. 
“I made it pretty obvious that I was jealous, huh?” 
“A tad bit, but it’s sweet; and I wasn’t gonna go on a date with Daisy. She’s no Luciana Ivy Suki.” He teased, making her face heat up at the sound of her full name coming from his lips. She wanted to kiss him right then and then, wanted to taste the sweet taste that he was storing in his mouth; but she refrained from doing so, figuring that they’d wait until after their date—whenever that was—to wait to kiss him because it would very much be worth the wait. 
“Okay, I’ll, uh, plan the date then.” Her lips turned up, feeling a certain ache on her cheeks already from smiling too much. 
“Can I plan it too?” He genuinely asked. 
“I did ask you, Harry.” She raised her brows teasingly. 
“Alright, alright. I’ll plan the next date then.” He blushed. 
Luci tilted her head, smiling sweetly at his words. “The next date, huh? We haven’t even been on the first date; what makes you think there’ll be a second one.” 
“Oh, love, I think there will be.” Harry stepped closer to her, heart pounding in his chest; Luci gulped at the closeness. For a moment, she thought he was going to kiss her by the way he was looking at her intently. And for a moment, she was gonna give in and say ‘fuck waiting,’ and kiss his pink lips until he leaned forward and kissed her soft cheek for a brief moment. “Can’t wait for our date. Let me know what the plans are.” 
“O-Okay.” The touch of his lips on her skin had stunned her, and she wanted them back on her instantly. 
Harry opened his door, giving Luci a small smile before walking in. She started to slowly back into her open apartment, holding onto the door handle tightly. Before they closed their doors, they stared at one another, admiring each other before they said: 
“Sweet dreams, Luciana.” 
“Sweet dreams, Harry.” 
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November 8, 2017 
Harry strongly knocked three times on the door right across from his own door with a bag full of takeout, another bag full of snacks, and a small brown bag that had a white box inside. 
The door swung open; Luci smiled at the person behind it. 
“Happy Birthday, love!” Harry greeted.
“Aww, Harry, thank you so much.” She was surprised that he remembered, let alone bring a celebration to her as she eyed the bags in his hands. Luci turned twenty-six today; her day was full of greetings from her cast mates, her family, and FaceTime calls from her brother and parents. She was going to make a trip back home for a day or two since she had to perform on Friday, but she was going to see her parents during Thanksgiving, so FaceTime calls had to suffice till then. 
Stepping to the side, she invited him in. He hugged her tightly, kissing the side of her head as her face heated up. They walked to the kitchen, and Harry set the bags on the countertop, unraveling the tie of the takeout. 
“First, I’m sorry for just showing up unannounced and invading your place.” He added a breathy laugh. 
“No, it’s okay! You’re welcomed any time,” she genuinely said; Harry made a mental note of that. 
“Second, this is not a date. I know you didn’t want today to be our first date, but I couldn’t just sit in my apartment and not do anything on your special day! So, here I am.” 
“Here you are.” Luci couldn’t help the warmth that rushed to her face and neck. 
“Third, I brought Chinese since it’s your favorite food. And I just so happen to know a lovely place that has the best Chinese in Brooklyn, which is my favorite place that I’ll take you to soon, but know that you’re so incredibly special because I never take anyone there.” He took the takeaway boxes out of the bag, opening them up as steam released from the boxes. 
Luci leaned against the countertop. “And what makes me so special?” Teasingly fluttering her eyes. 
Harry stopped what he was doing, looking at her intently. “You’re so sweet, funny, and incredibly kind. But most importantly, you’re grounded and humble; and you’re special to me.” His dimpled poked through his skin as he smiled, meaning every word. 
Heart flipping, stomach in knots, and tears washing over her eyes, Luci walked around the counter to hug him, head resting against his chest as she whispered a ‘thank you’ in his ear. 
For the rest of their night, they ate the authentic Chinese food while Harry told her about the restaurant he got it from, including the workers who owned the place. They also talked about work, teased, flirted, and bantered about whether fruit belonged in salads—they do not. 
Harry gave her the brown paper bag that held her gift, and she opened it with shock. He gifted her a gold circle pin that was customized with her initials engraved in the middle, and the saying ‘Shine bright, Dream even bigger,’ separated at the top and bottom. He’d noticed that she had pins on her travel backpack, and would occasionally wear one on the side of her baseball cap. It was the most thoughtful and attentive gift she’d ever received, and that earned Harry a tight hug and many thank you’s. 
After the night was coming close to eleven-thirty, Harry called it a night as he still had to wake up early tomorrow for work. Their goodbye at her door was a long one that was filled with tight and long hugs as they swayed for a moment, enjoying the warmth of each other. They promised each other that they would find a day that was open in their schedule so they could finally have their date; they even pinky swore on it—Harry kissed her pinky, vowing. 
Luci watched Harry open his door before walking inside his apartment; she blew him a kiss as he caught it, placing his palm on his cheek, making her smile. 
As they closed their doors, Luci couldn’t help but think that she just had the best birthday ever. 
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November 17, 2017 
Luci’s leg nervously shook as she waited for her digital clock to hit 2:30 p.m. 
Today was Luci and Harry’s first date, and will hopefully be written down in history. She’d been anticipating this day for a while now, and she couldn’t believe the day was finally here. The few days after she asked him out, they tried settling on a date, but the two weeks after Halloween were booked for them. 
Luci was performing most days out of the week and Harry needed to figure out his teaching plans since it was close to Thanksgiving break and winter break. But when Harry found out that he had a random Friday off, he immediately told her, and to their luck, Luci wasn’t performing that day. So, they were settled on a day, and Luci couldn’t wait to take him out. 
She told him that he was going to need to dress warm since they were going to be outside for most of the day, so he opted for light blue jeans that were a bit baggy, a white t-shirt, a black coat that had faux fur on the thick collar and cuffs; since he, assumingly, was going to be walking around a lot, he wore black old school vans. Harry looked in the mirror, ruffling his hair in his hands to get it to stick the way he wanted it to. His hands slightly shook as he was fixing his hair, and he realized he hadn’t felt this nervous in a while; it had been a while since he’d gone on a date with someone he truly liked. 
When it hit two-thirty, Harry opened his door and locked it before taking a step forward. He took a breath, shaking his nerves off; as he was just about to knock, he heard Luci shuffling around inside her apartment as her keys jingled in her hands and her boots thudded against the wood. He put his hand down, thinking it would be nice for her to just see him right when she opened the door. After a few moments, Luci felt like she had everything she needed, so she swung her door open to only find Harry standing right in front of it, hiding behind a familiar bouquet of flowers—her favorite ones from him. 
“Hello.” He smiled, dimples clearly present. Luci felt like she could cry on the spot from just being so overwhelmed with her nerves and the anticipation leading up to this day, this moment. “These are for you. Hope you never get tired of them.” Harry handed her the bouquet, and she hugged them to her chest. 
“Harry, thank you. Believe me, I would never.” The start of her cheek aches had begun, and it had been about thirty seconds into their date. But cheek aches with Harry were her favorite type of aches, so she didn’t really mind it. 
She went back inside her apartment as Harry followed her in; she put the flowers in a vase before fixing them a little, making sure none of them were drooping down on the edge of the glass vase. Placing them on her windowsill, where she usually puts the flowers Harry gifted her, she smiled gratefully at them before turning her head and smiling at Harry, extra grateful. 
“Shall we go?” He asked, and she nodded. 
Harry followed Luci down to the subway station as she got on the M train. In eleven minutes, there were four stops; the subway was quite packed with no available seats, so the two stood, holding onto the silver bar in between them with their bodies close in proximity as they stood. Harry took the chance to look down at her, simply admiring her beauty as she mindlessly looked around, not noticing his eyes lingering on her. 
When their stop was on Essex Street, they got off, transferring onto the F train towards Coney Island; and Harry suddenly knew exactly where they were going. He didn’t say anything but smile. The entirety of the ride took forty-two minutes with twenty-two stops; they were able to sit down next to each other after the first stop. 
Their bodies were close—thigh to thigh, shoulder to shoulder. Luci took out her wired earphones—figuring they were going to be there for a while, why not listen to some music—handing Harry the left one as she put the right one in. She played Fleetwood Mac, Tame Impala, ABBA, Lorde, and Hozier—a few artists they’d bonded over—as they both swayed in their seats, making up some dance routine with their arms and shoulders. They laughed and ignored the weird looks of bystanders, who were trying to have a peaceful train ride to their destination, but Luci and Harry were too focused on each other to care. 
Once it was their stop, Luci put her headphones and phone in her purse before they got off and walked side by side one another. Harry had the urge to pull her close to his side, to hold her soft hand, but he was too shy to make a move. When they walked up the stairs to exit the station, their fingers brushed together—practically bumping into one another. Luci confidently made the move and linked their fingers together; Harry looked down and back up at her as he blushed, squeezing her hand lightly. 
“Is this okay?” She asked, looking up at him. 
“It’s perfect.” He meant it; the way her small hands fit so perfectly into his, as if he was protecting them. Holding her hand was comforting, and it surprised him at how comfortable he was to be making physical contact with her; but ever since he met Luci, he’s surprised himself quite a few times already. 
They finally reached their first date hotspot, and Harry assumed right as to where she was taking him. 
Three wide entryways painted in navy blue and orange had ‘Luna Park’ painted in orange at the top. Above the entryways were large flower-like and crescent moons that lit up during the nighttime, giving the boardwalk the most illuminating glow. The large Ferris wheel could not be missed as the carts swung and rattled back and forth. On top of the excitement of the amusement park, there were screams from people who were on the roller coasters, and the smell of fair food that they couldn’t wait to devour. 
Luci paid for their entrance admission, and Harry frowned, wanting to pay, but they both agreed that they could go half on the food, and games and rides. 
They felt like little kids who were at Disneyland, minus the famous castle and Main Street music, as they walked around the park to check it out as the wood beneath them creaked with every step while they hadn’t let go of each other’s hands. 
“Everything looks really fun,” Harry exclaimed.
“Right! Do you wanna play some games first or ride on some rides?” 
“How about we get the rides out of the way? You look very excited to go on them, and I have a feeling there’s no way you’re not going on them without me.” Harry assumed, quite accurately. 
Luci put her hand on her heart teasingly. “You know me too well.” Harry chuckled. “Okay, let’s go on some rides!” She dragged him to the admissions booth, and Harry paid for both of their passes for rides. 
They waited in line for the ‘Cyclone,’ which was the biggest rollercoaster besides the Wonder Wheel. Luci sensed Harry’s nerves as he kept looking up at the ride, and he couldn’t keep still. 
She squeezed his hand tightly. “Harry, you don’t have to go on the ride with me.” She was starting to feel concerned for him because his hands were becoming damp, which she didn’t care for, and he kept bouncing his leg everytime the line stopped moving. 
He raised his brows, and brushed away his nerves to the side but not very far. “No, no. It’s okay—I’ll be okay.” 
“Are you sure?” 
Pressing a kiss to the back of her hand, he nodded. “I’m sure. We’re here to have some fun, not be nervous, right?” 
“Yeah. But I’ll admit, I was nervous before we left,” she said, hoping to change the subject to distract him from the fast ride above them. 
“Why’s that?” He curled his lips into his mouth. 
“This is our first date, I want it to go well,” she said honestly. It had been a while since she’d been on a real date—the last one being in college—but to be nervous for a date was a feeling she wasn’t familiar with. 
“Think it’s going quite well, don’t you think?” He gave her a toothless grin, brows raised. Luci nodded, happy that he was always reassuring her and making her feel comfortable. “Plus, I was nervous too—still am, if I’m being honest.” 
He nodded his head as if his nerves were the most obvious thing. “Oh, yeah. I want this to go well too. But by the way we’ve been friends for months before this happened, I think we’ll be okay, Ci.” Her eyes slightly widened at the new nickname that she’d never heard; Harry instantly noticed her shock. “I-Is it okay if I call you that?” To be honest, he’s always wanted to call her some unique nickname that would only be for him. ‘Luci’ seemed to be the name everyone called her, ‘Ana’ was her brother’s name for her, so the last syllable in her name seemed to be free. 
“No one’s ever called me that.” And she thinks that’s extra special. “But yes, please call me that.” She approved, and he smiled. 
It was their turn to get onto the Cyclone, and Harry suddenly didn’t feel so nervous anymore as they were being safely strapped into their rollercoaster cart. The ride was quite high, looking over the blue water and Coney Island Beach; the view was quite gorgeous, even in the middle of a cold November day in New York. 
They screamed as the ride dropped; Luci held up one of her arms as the other held tightly on Harry’s hand as he grasped the metal bar, afraid to bravely put his arm up like his beautiful date. 
When the ride was finished, they had a rush of exhilaration, wanting to go on the other rides. So, they did; they laughed, screamed, and were the most carefree people they’d ever been in their entire lives because they brought it out of each other. 
After they filled their rollercoaster crave, they ate and talked. Individually, they were both worried about this part of the date where they had to talk because they’d been hanging out for so many months and getting to know each other that they thought coming up with conversation topics were going to be difficult. But it was natural for them; they didn’t put any pressure on themselves to speak every single minute of the date. Instead, they relished in the comfortable silence they seemed to form, not minding it one bit. 
The sky had turned into a cotton candy pink from a bright blue quite quickly. Luci wanted to watch the sunset, but was a bit sad that they hadn’t played the majority of the games; but Harry told her it was okay, and they would come back another time when the park reopened again during the Spring. 
Hand in hand, they walked to the beach that was just across the street from Luna Park. The bright lights from the park were becoming distant as they continued to walk further away from it. Since it was mid November, there weren’t that many people out because of the cold temperature—just the few people who were passing by along with others who decided to watch the sunset as well. 
“Tell me about your last relationship?” Luci suddenly asked; Harry looked at her amusingly. 
“Like now? In the middle of our date?” He teased, making her laugh. 
“I mean, if you want to. I was just curious.” 
Harry thought for a moment. “Hmm. My last serious relationship was over a year ago. We broke up right before I started teaching at the middle school.” 
“What happened?” She asked softly, not wanting to pry, but she was also curious. 
“We weren’t good for each other anymore. I guess life happened, and we turned into people we weren’t proud of. We grew apart; she was more in love with her career than she was in love with me. Couldn’t say I was the best boyfriend either,” he explained, not getting into too much detail. But he’d neglected her without even realizing it, causing his ex to occupy herself with work. “So, we broke up. And it felt like it was a sign from the universe that was holding me back from venturing out because I immediately got a job at the school when I had been putting off finding a proper teaching job.” He breathed out a chuckle, remembering the memory.
He’ll admit, his last relationship had hurt him quite a lot. He’d never felt such pain before, and it had made him quiet and reserved. But how it ended made him not seek out to find a relationship. For a while, he didn’t like the idea of love because it had only hurt you. But then he met Luci, and at first, he was hesitant to even be her friend because just at first glance, he was ruined, and he didn’t want to go through that process again; but here they are now. And maybe, he’ll tell her this, but for now, he doesn’t want to scare her off. 
“Do you still talk to her?” 
“Nope. Last I heard of her, she was engaged to this woman she met a few weeks after our breakup, but I have no clue if they’re still together.” He shrugged his shoulders. “What about you?” 
“My last relationship?” Harry nodded. “To be honest, I’ve never been in a serious one…like ever.” 
He raised his brows in shock. “Really?” 
“Yeah. The furthest I’ve gone that was close to a relationship was a friends-with-benefits towards the end of college, which didn’t end well.” Harry sensed her mood change a bit, so he didn’t pry on asking what happened in the past. The bad memories had filled her mind, making her frown, but she pushed those thoughts away, not wanting to think about them at the moment because the timing is unbelievable. “That’s that; I don't have any exciting or tea-spilling relationship stories.” 
For a moment, she didn’t want to jinx her luck, but she imagined what it would be like to be in a relationship with Harry—despite it only being their first date. Her mind took her to a fantasy that was so special and sweet because that was how she pictured what it would be like to be with him. 
They sat in silence as the sound of the waves crashing and the seagulls above them took over their hearing. It was nice and refreshing to sit side by side, taking in the beautiful scenery that the world provided. Sunsets had always made Luci feel a vast amount of gratitude towards the world and the people around her; the opportunities, the things that she got to see—they all wouldn’t have happened if the sun didn't go down, promising a new tomorrow. 
Suddenly, Harry stood up, brushing the sand that had gotten on his jeans. He reached out to Luci, who was still sitting down and looking up at him. 
“C’mon. Let’s walk,” he suggested. She grabbed his hand as he helped her up, and she patted away the soft sand that had stuck to her black jeans. 
They held hands as they walked the shore of Coney Island Beach, walking towards where the sun was departing from the world. Once the sky had turned into a purple and orange blended masterpiece, Harry stopped walking, facing Luci as he took a deep breath. 
“I’m trying…really hard to hold back.” He held her cold hands in his, lightly pushing and pulling her towards him. He’d been thinking about it for the entirety of their date, and he just wanted to pull her in and kiss her whenever.
Luci shook her head softly as she stopped swaying; her eyes flickered towards his mouth, glad she wasn’t the only one thinking the same thing. She dreamed of this—had been wanting to press her lips against his for quite some time 
“Don’t hold back. Please, don’t hold back.” Her tone and eyes were pleading for him to not refrain himself from the most magical feeling. Luci let go of his hands, wrapping them around his waist as if she was giving him permission to kiss her. 
He placed his hands on her shoulders, gently rubbing down to her elbows before he trailed them back up and to the sides of her neck and jaw. Placing a soft kiss to her forehead before placing his on Luci’s, he inhaled deeply, taking in the saltiness of the ocean next to them and the sweetness of her skin. 
Luci fluttered her eyes closed, and Harry took that opportunity to connect his lips with hers. They molded their lips together as if it were one, tasting one another for the first time. The feeling of their passionate kiss felt like the ocean had synchronized together, forming the most beautiful and largest wave for the most dedicated surfer; and when it crashed, it was powerful, breathtaking, and strong—like no other wave could top this one, no one could top this one of a kind kiss. 
Harry smiled into the kiss, making Luci smile and giggle as well. Her stomach fluttered, hugging him tighter to her as his thumbs gently caressed her soft skin. Nothing could top this feeling. 
Pulling back, Harry breathed out a giddy chuckle before placing a few more pecks on her lips as if he was dreaming the first time. Luci opened her eyes as did he; she looked into his and found an immense amount of adoration within him. 
“I like you…a lot.” 
She leaned her forehead against his chest, cheekily smiling and restricting herself from squealing before she looked back up at him. “I like you too, Harry.” 
Harry flashed her his smile, something that he couldn’t wipe off his face, not like he tried. Nowadays, he was smiling a lot more, and he was one hundred percent sure Luci was the cause of it. 
Kissing her forehead, Harry hugged her to his chest as they watched the sun go down. With her face pressed against his chest, she heard the erratic heartbeat that was pounded heavily; and in that moment, she knew exactly how that felt—to feel so much for one person that your heart could fall out—and she only hoped he could feel hers because it was pounding just the same. 
As they held each other tightly, they both knew that this was going to be something special. 
And they were all in for the ride.
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an exciting chapter! come talk to me about your thoughts, feelings, favorite moments and scenes! thank you for reading <3 next chapter will be up next saturday!
45 notes · View notes
Nina/Mattias + fight sex but they’re idly bickering about something that doesn’t matter very much
Canon-divergent / the little adventure up in frozen hell took long enough for this dynamic to develop (because what even is a timeline and I have no clue how long it actually was on the show). Also, for plot purposes and context, this does make use of my belief that everyone is just SLIGHTLY aged up on the show and in my head most of the main lineup is 20ish. Oh, and first time writing these babes so fingers crossed I got characterization okay. Obviously NSFWish ahead, a little more graphic than I’ve written in a while and also involves a First Time...
He’s keeping the third blanket from her.
It is, objectively, the most petty Nina has felt since the whole almost-dying thing happened, maybe even since the getting-captured bit. Trying to get under his skin, trying to handle the daily shifting of their dynamic, has been almost as exhausting as trying to stay alive. Which in itself is enough of a challenge, because somehow they are lost and whenever Nina gets back to civilization she is going to have so many comments about Druskelle navigational instincts or the apparent total lack thereof. So. Many. Comments. The moment she has a possibly appreciative audience, because she is not wasting her breath on that here right now and-
At least tonight they’re in some kind of fishing shack again, clear space to build a fire and a pile of blankets of various questionable quality. There have been nights they haven’t been so lucky. She’s saving her energy for where it matters. But on the other hand, she is a delicate fragile creature who has made a point of avoiding this sort of climate, and…
Mathias still has the third blanket, and the fire is going well enough that they objectively can stay on opposite sides of this space, and Nina decides it’s time to change the game.
He’s pretty, okay? He’s annoying and stubborn and honestly at this point him technically being The Enemy is relatively low on the list of reasons he’s stomping on her every last nerve, but the man has two things in his favor – he’s loyal, and he is very nice to look at. Nina does not historically have the attention span when it comes to that level of pretty, but this one has decided to make it difficult for her. Like, he can say up and down that he does not want her, but they’ve shared a sleep-space – “bed” is too nice a word for most of those situations – for a week or so and she doesn’t need words, she knows what she wakes up to.
And she knows how damn respectful he is, she thinks as she starts undoing her vest buttons. This outfit, while very cute two weeks ago before her entire life took a very undesired detour, was not made for seduction. But if she does it slow enough, she hopes she won’t set him off. The other time she had to deal with that element of things, he was polite and turned his back even though she didn’t ask him to, and she assumes the same will happen here and she’ll get nowhere and-
Okay, fine, it’s not like taking off her vest reveals anything outright explicit. The current light makes her shirt a little more see-through than it’s meant to be, but still. She is about as decent as she ever gets.
“What are you doing?” he asks, tone about as calm as she’s ever heard him.
“You do not need two blankets,” Nina counters. “I want.”
And oh does that phrase cover more than his little Fjerdan mind has probably ever thought of. All those comments he’s made about assuming she’s trying to seduce him? Yeah, hasn’t been the main goal yet but she’s thought about it. Seeing what she could do to him – she does not expect he’d take any initiative there, highly doubts he’s ever even kissed anyone – would not be the worst way to spend an evening. So, that’s part of the plan now. Make him squirm, get on top of him, and take her prize. Should be easy.
As if to prove her point, she starts loosening the laces of her shirt just enough to easily take it off. She hadn’t bothered to wear anything under it, another brilliant idea proving that two-weeks-ago Nina had questionable judgment in all things, and it is all too easy to push it up over her shoulders and off her arms and…
He’s still watching. He looks wide-eyed and possibly concussed, but he’s still watching.
If Nina were a different sort of person, and probably also if she had gotten laid within the past six months (for the record it has been eight and that cute little bartender with the long nails was a way better lover than she was an informant), she would cross her arms over her breasts and stop here and wait for whatever protective instincts Mathias has to kick in. Even given what she’s just done, she looks vulnerable and cute enough to wake him up like that, and-
“What are you doing?” he asks again, this time more hostile. Good. When he’s frustrated his voice gets all growly, and that does things to her, and-
“Can we get this over with?”
“The part where we have questionable hatesex that I will forget ever happened within the next year and you will remember for the rest of your life because whatever little creature gets stuck with you someday will not fuck you like I want to.”
For a moment, she’s pretty sure she broke him. This is definitely not about the blanket anymore, and-
“I. Don’t. Hate. You.”
Nina laughs. “Yeah well you are deeper in denial than anybody I’ve ever met. I am everything that scares you and you are stuck with me and I’m not sure which part of your code I do not violate but I am sure you would’ve-”
“You saved my life. I owe you everything.”
“Cute. Obligation. Great reason to put up with someone but still do everything you can to drag your feet about it.”
“Why do you… want me?” He sounds all hesitant, and good grief has nobody ever told this man what he looks like? Or do all of his people look that good at that age… that’s plausible enough…
“Limited options right now. It’s you or my hand and you’re warmer.”
She is not sure what she’s expecting beyond not what he actually does.
Fine, so she’s been good and hasn’t looked more than she had to when he’s been in a state of undress. Watching him strip right now, layers of leathers and furs that are apparently frightfully easy to take off, is different. He is wanting her to watch, keeping his eyes on her the whole time until he is completely naked in front of her and… she can’t help licking her lips, he is pretty and she wants all of that all over her. Now.
“This or your hand,” he repeats in a way that suggests that at least she probably won’t have to explain the general patterns of female masturbation to him. “Make your choice.”
She about tackles him.
He’s built like a damn tree, Nina reminds herself in the process. Solid enough to handle her attempt at literally jumping him, which doesn’t exactly work but does throw off his balance for a moment, and she gets him pulled down for a bitey kiss. He has just a little bit of scruff now and she’d wanna see what that feels like between her legs but also she is pretty sure Fjerdan men do not do that and she doesn’t want to completely wreck him in one go, and while she still suspects all of this is new to him, he has good instincts.
Her skirt and underwear are feeling like too much of an undesired obstacle, so she undoes them with her free hand while trying to stick her tongue down his throat. So she’s a little aggressive, whatever, he’s clearly into it and nobody gets hurt by it.
“What do you need me to do,” he breathes, and oh he can admit being clueless, this is a treasure, this is-
She grabs his wrist and puts his hand between her thighs. “Poke around until you like the noises I’m making.”
Mathias has good hands. She’s known this for several days now, but it is a different thing to know it with one of said hands exploring her soft parts. She feels a fingertip inside her then quickly pulled back, another batting her clit back and forth with uncertainty. Then the finger inside her is back, and she knows how wet she is, and-
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he murmurs.
“That’s why I’m leading. I’m not giving you the chance.”
But he couldn’t hurt her like this, she thinks. Not with his hands prepping her and a second finger up inside her and accidentally finding her sensitive spot, not with his prick hard against her belly, not with his mouth taking kisses as he learns what he likes. There is something inherently good in him and she worries for a moment that what they are about to do will break it, and yet-
“Get on your back,” she orders. Easier for both of them if she leads, she reminds herself.
He does without any complaint, and she takes a moment to enjoy the view. The solidness of him, for the next few minutes all hers. Would any of the girls he might get stuck with back home be able to handle this? And the way he’s looking up at her, a scared but willing participant in whatever she decides to do. Maybe he’s right. Maybe hatesex is the wrong word.
She straddles him, knees around his hips, and drops.
Blame the dry spell. Blame the absolute weirdness of the situation. Blame the fact that she is tired and hungry and cold. None of that matters. He feels good inside her and she makes a noise she cannot describe and-
“Am I…?”
“No. Feels good.”
She rolls her hips against his to prove a point, works him even deeper into her and leans down for more kisses. She can taste the shock and the innocence of him. This isn’t how he thought his first time would go, she is sure of it now, and yet he is allowing her and-
His hips jerk up and she makes a shocked little noise. “Do that again.”
He does, and she continues her pattern, and… it’s good, on her side. Not the best sex she’s ever had, but his hesitance is useful enough. She doesn’t trust him to say if he’s getting close, so she stays focused on his face, looking for signs, looking for-
She shifts her angle just a little bit, his prick hits the right spot inside her harder than she expects, and she shatters.
As she comes down, she sees that his expression has turned to something worse, scared and worried and unable to speak. He’s still hard inside her, at least, but he is motionless and cold and she doesn’t-
“Did I hurt you?”
Nina laughs. She shouldn’t, this is a legitimately valid question, but-
“No. What you just did felt amazing. Your turn.”
She resumes rolling her hips against his to indicate the conversation is over and she does not want to explain herself, and a few clenches of her inner walls later he spills inside her. It’s a beautiful thing to experience, the sudden warmth overlapping with the strangled gasp of surprise and-
“You know this means I have to marry you,” he says when he’s capable of coherent thought. “If there’s any chance…”
She shifts position so their bodies are no longer connected. “No. It doesn’t.”
“But I…”
“We’re too different,” she murmurs. “You know that. There’s nowhere safe. If anything… if the worst happens, I’ll lie.”
“Honor is honor. If there is even a chance-“
And oh, for a moment she wants it too. For a moment, she lets herself think about the impossibility of being all that she could be, both Grisha and wife, not forced to choose between her complexities. Unrealistic, she knows, a flighty daydream at best but she wants all the same.
“Nothing to worry about. My last cycle finished three days before your people tried to kill me, so… right now I can’t get pregnant.”
“Still. If it happened… I would stand by you.”
She kisses his face, covers the angles of him in wet kisses. “Good to know.”
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