#tysm for everyone who encouraged this!!!
mariatesstruther · 10 months
more tlou hunger games au picking up after this post
(essentially we’re at catching fire, joel and ellie are going into the quarter quell together as district mates. ellie was the winner of the 74th games and joel was the only winner of district 12 before her. his daughter was killed in the games also. ellie won her games with sam, who is kind of a rue/peeta combo in that he’s from district 11 and him and ellie won together)
im mostly skipping straight to the reaping/games for now but some details for context:
ellie has spent the six months since her win recovering and healing up at joel’s, growing closer to him and becoming basically besties with his brother tommy
ellie is still the girl on fire, as her and sam’s innocence and dedication towards one another has captured the hearts of everyone in panem. before their victory tour, president (david) snow has issued threats that she keep in line, otherwise he’ll kill joel and sam. she does not tell joel this, but he knows suspects
there are riots going on in districts and the secret rebellion is actively underway
at the end of ellie and sam’s victory tour, during the president’s mansion party, ellie meets tess—who is apparently joel’s ex which BLOWS her mf mind. she was a gamemaker last year and is now the head gamemaker (after snow killed the one that failed to kill her last year). she is scary-level beautiful and commandingly intimidtaing, but she is also nice enough to compliment ellie’s aim. apparently, tess was in the room last year when ellie had thrown a dagger straight at the gamemakers during her private training
by the time ellie gets back home to 12 and sam gets back to 11, ellie is just tired and ready for her and joel to hang out and be victors at home
boom quarter quell
joel gets called as the only male victor of their district, but he tells ellie after that he would’ve volunteered regardless to protect her. he assures her that, even as confident and as good as she is, these games are about to be a bloodbath
ellie tries to play it off, but she’s extremely scared and worried for joel because she knows he won his games like, a million (20) years ago, but now he’s fucking old. he’s half-deaf and has a permanent limp, barely noticeable to most people but clear as fucking doomsday to her. she is young and fast and thinks she is more dangerous (“did you fucking forget that im the first and only tribute ever to score an 11, joel???? huh???? did you forget that in ur old man age?? what score did you get, a 6?” “ellie. i scored a 10.” “well. how was i supposed to know that. they don’t teach us about history that far back in school”)
ellie and joel are also assigned new stylist, maria, for the quarter quell. she is from the capital, so joel and ellie immediately have their guards up around her—but maria is confident and snarky in way that reminds joel of tess, and unyieldingly no-bullshit in a way that reminds ellie of joel—plus, she has a ton of cool piercings and multicolored locs that ellie is obsessed with, so. they tentatively warm up to her
maria also tells joel that she’s a friend of tess, referencing details about her (and himself) that she would only know if she were someone tess could trust—and he figures that if tess could trust her, so could he
ellie quickly grows grateful for joel being there (though it does take her a while to admit it), because when she and joel arrive at training they witness the other victor’s skills. the victors are deadly and cocky and look at her like she’s food—two different people have inhumanly sharpened teeth. she is the youngest there and, admittedly, very freaked out
(sam wouldve been the youngest there this year, but another tribute from his district, jesse, had vehemently volunteered in place of him. jesse was unable to volunteer and save sam from fighting the year prior because he was still recovering from his own game-inflicted chronic injuries. luckily, he’s healed enough by now to keep sam from having to go through the quarter quell)
so jesse comes into the games with another tribute from their district, dina. joel isnt at all interested in making allies or friends, but ellie can’t help but be a goddamn social butterfly, even among a bunch of assholes, kill-happy freaks, and showboaters.
she makes friends with dina and jesse quickly and vehemently. despite how grumpy it makes joel to be surrounded by no one but teenagers all three days of training, he can’t deny they’re good to have around
dina is stealthy and intelligent. joel already knows she’s a good kid because she had volunteered for her own games to save her little sister, who was called as a tribute at only 12 years old. her knowledge of different plants and wildlife is insane, like she’d spent all 15 years of her life surviving in the wilderness. she had won her games by simply hiding in shelters, defending them with traps, and resourcefully leading mutts straight to the locations of other tributes. she hadn’t needed to kill anyone at all, not directly. still she has great aim and, with ellie’s teaching, gets pretty good with a bow and arrow
jesse is less quick and less stealthy than dina and ellie, but he is incredibly strong. he had managed to win his own games with a gladius sword; it was a particularly brutal and bloody games his year, with an arena theme based on the roman colosseum. despite the brutality of his fighting style and weapon if choice, jesse is also one of the kindest kids joel has ever spoken to. they’d actually met a few times at mandatory capital events, and every single time, jesse shook his hand too quickly and called him “sir” far too much for casual conversation
anyway, the four of them basically team up alongside two older victors, bill and frank. joel and bill fucking hate each other, always have (definitely because they’re exactly alike but frank won’t say that with bill around). frank and joel have been friends for a long, long time—basically since he was with tess—and were good enough friends that he can’t deny there’s still some trust there
plus frank absolutely hits it off with ellie during training, teaching her how to use paint and natural materials for exceptional camouflage (which was how he won his games. he had been the first victor to win the games with no kills at all, direct or otherwise, before dina)
and even though bill was an asshole, he was an undeniable tactical genius of an asshole. he had taken out basically everyone in his games with stoic and refined skill. his were the quickest games that had ever occurred, and still to this day remain so. joel has no fucking idea how him and frank got together, but he really doesn’t care. he knows bill is genuine in his loyalty to frank, and frank seems genuine in his fondness of ellie, so joel tentatively accepts the both of them as allies
the private trainings proceed and all of them get pretty impresive scores, even for victors. thus is born “the goddamn motherfucking dream team” (ellie picked the name. dina and jesse love it)
at the interviews before the games, all of the victors do the tactical appeal-to-the-masses-and-try-to-stop-the-games thing. everyone expects joel to be an asshole or maybe mention sarah, but he actually gives a very sincere address to ellie about how she’s become a second daughter to him and given him a new reason to fight to survive: to make sure she lived. his clear love and dedication to protecting her (which is both an intentional warning to the rest of the victors, and an unintentionally-heartfealt appeal to the masses of panem) leaves everybody near tears
for her interview, ellie curses out president david goddamnmotherfucking snow live on camera
commence the games
lmfao. well, definitely more coming later because i LOVED thinking about all of this ides and it basically writes itself
for @clickergossip, @banchywanch (so glad i still got jesse & dina volunteering in there, even though it isn’t quite the same as your briliant idea <3), @bumblepony, @liveandletcry23, @hypnotisedfireflies, @mrsquill and @hinewai
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dreamsclock · 1 year
no stream today because im gonna try self care. just eaten dinner now im gonna have a shower, change my bedsheets, drink water, make a to-do list for tomorrow, refill my meds, etc
what are other good self care things ppl do??
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tim-shii · 2 months
hi! just found your acc and i just want to say i absolutely adore your work first off. you bring my wife (aventurine) to life beautifully.
saw the as a boyfriend and oh my GOD the part about him getting anxious over reader speaking with ratio? so good. i need jealous pouty aventurine. and honestly might be a bit ooc for ratio but i think he’d encourage it just to get under aventurine’s skin tbh.
up to you though, i’d love for you to write a lil drabble or something of the sorts expanding on this, whatever you have the imagination to write.
that’s all~!
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a/n: tysm ?! ure so kind im glad very happy !! that u adore my work 🫶 we have to make sure wife is loved always 🫡 here's jealous aven from this ; @svnarin proofreader !! (she told me to put it here)
cw: bf!aventurine, slight angst
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“such lavish proposal. are you certain i am the person who should be hearing that?”
“absolutely. you’re the perfect person i should be consulting about it.”
aventurine is not a jealous person. he’s confident in himself, you had praised him several times of how much of an amazing person he is. jealousy means there’s a lack of trust between the two of you and aventurine doesn’t like that idea at all. he thinks that trust is a significant factor when it comes to relationships. he doesn’t keep secrets and even if he does, he’ll eventually open up to you after some time.
aventurine is a quartz-based gem stone. a stone that brings good fortune and helps you create your own luck. it’s also green. the same green in the monster’s eyes that’s currently chomping down on aventurine. he can’t help it! can he really blame himself when uneasiness swirls in his stomach after seeing you with dr. ratio?
out of everyone he gets jealous of, it just had to be him. veritas ratio. his good friend, veritas. the most logical man aventurine has ever known.
while aventurine is confident in himself, no doubt there’s a part of him that feels inferior to the doctor. the man has radiant violet hair that compliments the tone and structure of his face. he also has a slightly muscular build compared to aventurine’s more slender one. there’s a lot to compare and aventurine isn’t sure if he can even list it all out.
his brows furrowed, eyes dulling as his thoughts consumed him at once. what proposal? what’s that about? and perfect person? he doesn’t understand. are you leaving him? can he really not make you stay? was it something he did? something he said? but he can’t ask you those. because what if instead of an answer, he’ll be greeted with a farewell—
a flick on his forehead snapped him out of the daze. aventurine blinks back, now finding you in front of him.
“i was right. he was sulking.” he hears veritas quip.
“not sulking. more of, in a daze.” your fingers thread through his soft locks, aventurine hums at the affection, absentmindedly leaning his cheek on your palm.
“you give him too much credit. he’s probably wallowing in the sorrows of his mind for no apparent reason.” ratio snickers ever so quietly.
“or he could just be tired and sleep deprived.”
“or he’s jealous. he glares at me any longer, my skin will start withering and rotting.” for a doctor who has more than eight doctoral degrees, he can be quite the drama queen.
“goodbye, doctor. thank you for your opinion, i shall greatly treasure your wise words.” veritas only shook his head before slipping out the door. once he’s left, all your attention shifts to your boyfriend.
aventurine lets you sit atop his lap, gloved hands instantly finding home on your hips. for a moment, you both stare at each other in complete silence.
“spit it out. what’s wrong?” you spoke first.
aventurine sighs. “i didn’t like seeing you with him.” for all his life, lying came easy. with his good looks and charming personality, making people believe whatever he says is child’s play. but aventurine can never lie to you. he doesn’t have the heart to face you once you’ve realized he’s fooled with your thoughts.
you raised a brow in amusement. “so you were jealous?”
“no. i don’t get jealous.” he grumbles. “i just,” aventurine gazes at you with a fond look, an expression so serene and completely enamored. “i’m better looking than him, right?”
blood rushed to his cheeks when he felt your lips on his. his hold moved from your hips to your neck to deepen the kiss, left thumb caressing over your pulse. he chases your lips like an intoxicated man once you pulled away. only to be stopped by you leaning your forehead on his.
“the best looking man in my life and in the whole universe. my most beloved, too.”
“you flatter me.” he grins stupidly before pulling you in for another kiss.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated! masterlist
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xxsunoosprincess · 3 months
hiii thank you for your writings!
can you write enha and things they say during sex?
Tysm!! I’m so excited, it’s baby’s first request (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) hope you enjoy! xx
Enhypen and things they say during sex (OT6)
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pairings: enhypen legal line x y/n
warnings: 18+, minors dni, dirty talk, fem!reader, mentions of overstim, oral sex, and sexting, Jake calls reader a whore and a cocksleeve <3
Heeseung is so down bad for you. That’s why when you guys have sex, he is spouting out praise. Loves you so so much and not afraid to say it.
𐙚 “You see what you do to me, baby? Fuck, I’m so hard for you”
𐙚 “Look up at me. Yeah, that’s it. Look so pretty like this. You’re made for my cock.”
Jay loves how stupid you get when he fucks you good, and the way he speaks to you already has you about half way there. Always asking you questions despite knowing you are too far gone to be able to answer.
𐙚 “That feel good? Hmm? Love when I fuck you like this?”
𐙚 “Give me your hand, sweetheart. Feel that? That’s me in your tummy. Is that too deep for you?” He so condescending it’s so hot.
Jake is always bossing you around in bed. Not shy about telling you how he likes it. Really doesn’t mean to be, his mouth is just filthy!
𐙚 “Kiss the tip, baby. Just like that. Fuuuck, you’re an angel. Love you so much.”
𐙚 “Fuck yourself on my dick like the little whore you are. I’m so close already, baby. My perfect little cocksleeve.”
Sunghoon tends to be quieter in bed, but loves building up the anticipation. Known to sext, and has absolutely no filter. Simple, but effective.
𐙚 “I think about you when I touch myself. Need you so bad.”
𐙚 “You look so good. Got me so fucking hard and you’re not even here.”
Sunoo is so loud when you fuck and wants you to be too! Wants everyone to know just how good he makes you feel!!
𐙚 “Don’t be shy baby, say my name. No need to hide those pretty sounds. Tell everyone who is fucking you right now.”
𐙚 “You sound so pretty gagging on my cock. My beautiful girl. Fuck, love you so much.”
Jungwon, always the supportive friend, can’t shake the habit in bed. Always encouraging you to fuck him just right!
𐙚 “Take it. Come on, I know you can fit all of me inside. That’s it, that’s a good girl”
𐙚 “Wanna cum again. Please, y/n, just a little faster. Ah~ <3!”
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a/n : sorry these are a bit short, I’m still figuring out how I want to do requests :3 requests are open if you want to see more!! Ty for reading <3 xx - princess
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asvterias · 5 months
𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦
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part 1 || clarisse masterlist
clarisse la rue ✘ black!fem!demigod!reader (daughter of nyx)
summary: overwhelmed with her girlfriend's having a near-death experience, clarisse breakdowns in front of y/n.
word count: 1.9k+
author's note: also tysm for 1,680 followers, i appreciate every single one of you! i kinda thought this song related to this fic, lmk what you guys think in the comments! the song lyrics are bold and italics!
song playing — my love mine all mine by mitski
requested by an anonymous! (pairing ONLY!!)
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@lvrue @kyuupidwrites @xanasaurusrex @urdeadpoet @aurorailvsm @quinnsadilla @st4rzl7 @p0rkbun @star-girl69 @aphroditesmoon @voidashh @lcvved @tinytea-biscut @dearlydarlings @rocknr0ll @nvirskies @k4zuhas-visi0n @urbisexualfriend @marlswhore @anominous-writer @lovelyy-moonlight @thegiganticgirlkisser @vi0lentg0d @thewritingbarbie @apocalypticlibrary @solecitoszn @blackchubbyqueen @mira-belcul18 @sleighingstella @ampitrit3 @mthefae @drlover11037 @ratjoe @mag03 @kroumi @hoku-k @zhivaxo @lacytalks @kazerka @liv444me @korizzybee @mariposa555 @inejsknifes @cherriesnbutter @justintinderlake4 @natasha-took-fall-damage @lixtinystay @2k7-sparkles @importantpotato @laughingcheese037
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moon, a hole of light
through the big top tent high up
here before and after me
“you know what happens if you extort your powers too much.” she hastily reminded you. from her tone, you knew that she hesitated to remind you of that incident, and it was shaky leaving from her mouth.
“that was one time.” you sighed heavily.
by now, your existing abilities become stronger as you grow older. you managed to control your current powers, and clarisse encouraged you to discover your hidden powers.
shining down on me
moon, tell me if i could
however it’s not encouraged to extort your powers to full extent, liable enough to render you unconscious for weeks, not even days. as a result of your persistent stubbornness, unfortunately, it happened to you and clarisse was an emotional wreck without your comforting presence beside her.
she became more easily irritated and annoyed by anyone who even dared to look her way, almost threatening to kick their ass, surprisingly she’d just rough them up a bit, and stormed off afterward. spending hours at the sparring center, clarisse released all of her anger onto the sparring dummies, using her trust-worthy spear and being completely ruthless with it, rage consuming both her stability and mentality. everyone stayed out of clarisse’s way for their own safety.
all those times you kept her grounded felt like a big waste to her right now. she felt loved, and truly loved by someone blessed to cherish her until your last breath gave out. all of a sudden, you were harshly ripped away from her, without any type of warning, permanently leaving an invisible scar on her heart.
despite being stuck in a temporarily induced coma, clarisse still had a guilty conscience of unawareness, possibly having a chance to rescue you and prevent this from occurring. in other words, she wished that you didn’t intentionally overwork your powers to the core, but you did, and now you’re currently suffering the consequences of it.
send up my heart to you?
so, when i die, which i must do
for the two weeks, you were unconscious, clarisse visited you, kept quiet most of the time, muttered small incoherent words, barely even sentences. she held your hands tightly, they were lukewarm, temporarily not providing the warmth they usually do. she missed everything about you, your presence, your touch, and your love.
and when she’s staring at your face, a small smile litters her face, reminiscing on your wholesome shared memories. sadly, all of the radiation that your face once held was drained and a firm line took its place.
despite the large pit of despair in her stomach, clarisse felt you slipping away from reality with every passing day. your girlfriend was persistent, knowing that you can handle yourself, and often proud of your capability in those sorts of skills.
she couldn’t fathom what it was even like for you to endure the 2-week coma, forced into a dream-like state, hearing and sensing everything going on around you but unable to respond. it must have been torture for you, stuck with your thoughts endlessly on repeat, with no interruption at all. just you and your thoughts there all alone. nothing but you and your thoughts.
she prayed that you would somehow non-verbally assure her, confirming your well-being, not like that would have made a difference regardless, but still, your reassuring words would’ve lessened her worries, even if it was for such a short amount of time.
but the ares girl remained strong, at least for the both of you. clarisse mentally promised for her own sake, desperately clutching onto the small yet meaningful words of encouragement.
could it shine down here with you?
‘cause my love is mine, all mine
i love mine, mine, mine
with a devastated sigh, she’d depart with a forehead kiss before heading to her cabin for some rest, sometimes she’d forget to eat and one of her siblings had to remind her. at this point, it was a common routine for clarisse; wake up, teleport to visit you, complete her daily tasks, and train. and when she’s finished her task of the day, best believe that she’s with you, nursing you back to consciousness.
“yeah, and we both know how that ended!”
“no, please let me finish.” she shushed you with a shake of her head, “and i hope it doesn’t happen again, it doesn’t need to happen again!” clarisse whisper-yelled at you, “i almost lost you, and i refused to experience that wretched feeling again. you were unconscious for almost two weeks and we weren’t even in the same place. your mom teleported me to you almost every day since you were in that coma. i refuse to experience that again because i love you and seeing you there made me feel useless for once in my life.” her tone became shaky yet she proceeded on, wanting you to understand, needing you to understand what it was like for her, witnessing you in that comatose state. “i couldn’t stand the thought of you dying, of you leaving me here all alone. you only truly understand me, you love me despite all of my flaws, rather accepting them than ignoring them…nobody else but you…i didn’t think i could love anyone as much as i love you. and that terrified me before but now it doesn’t anymore, knowing you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. sometimes i wonder if i’m ever worth loving…” a sob escapes her, continued by many heartbreaking sobs. that gut-wrenching feeling in your heart returned, growing larger when clarisse attempted to restrict any more sobs, terribly failing, allowing her emotions to run wild for once.
it’ll probably be the only time she can freely express her emotions without feeling judged within your presence. this was one of the many reasons why clarisse fell in love with you, your compassionate soul, a trait she strongly lacked but adored from you.
she loved that you made her feel comfortable, enough to express her emotions without having to look over her shoulder.
nothing in the world belongs to me
but my love mine, all mine, all mine
your girlfriend didn’t realize the tears freely falling down her face until you wiped the tears away from her eyes. clarisse seems betrayed by her own emotions once she realizes that she’s crying, expressing her vulnerability towards you. the curly-haired girl began to stammer out some words, attempting to defend herself but you kissed her temple and pulled her in for a hug. going off on instinct, she buried her head into your neck, harboring her labored breaths as she tightened her grip on you as if she was too scared to let go and lose you all over again.
“never again…never again…” clarisse mutters, repeating it like a mantra. “i don’t wanna lose you ever again…”
catching on to her rapid muttering, you cupped her face, steadying to your face level.
“i won’t leave you again, i promise babe,” you reassure her. your eyes connect easily, gazing into her glossy eyes.
clarisse looks up at you, a swirl of emotions flowing across her eyes. you pout at your girlfriend, reaching out a hand to gently touch her face, watching her melt by the simple touch.
her glistening eyes made you swoon at her gentleness and vulnerability, “you promise?” her voice was low, similar to a whimper of pain.
my baby, here on earth
showed me what my heart was worth
“i promise,” you clarify, tucking a loose curl behind her ear. “do you wanna stay here for a while, with just me?”
hiding her face back into your shirt, she nodded against the fabric, tightening her grip on you whenever you slightly shuffled in her embrace. your touch was required for her peace, and clarisse made sure that you weren’t escaping from her grasp. too much time was wasted, and clarisse needed to make up for lost time.
at times, clarisse felt extremely weak, exhausted, and defenseless which according to her father, any sign of vulnerability is also perceived as useless in his eyes. ares engraved that motto within his daughter, and you hated that it stuck with her that much! wanting to please her dad, her personality changed over time, and the lingering thought of displaying an ounce of vulnerability vanished. no surprise that you rekindled that thought during your relationship when she started opening up to you.
every time clarisse received surprise visits from her dad, you were always there, listening about him degrading her great abilities because of her gender. all those nights of her crying on your shoulder, wondering why she couldn’t be good enough for her father. from that moment, your hatred for your girlfriend’s father fueled with each passing day.
you taught her that being vulnerable wasn’t weak and that it was actually strong. to be honest, clarisse was skeptical because her girlfriend said the opposite of what she learned from her father. eventually, she got used to the idea, accepting only being vulnerable around you. that was good enough for her so it was good enough for you.
so, when it comes to be my turn
could you shine it down here for her?
clarisse laid on top of you, her head snuggled softly against your breasts with her arms around your waist. one of your hands held onto her head, scratching on her head softly as the other drew imaginary stars on her lower back.
“my beautiful beautiful, brave girl…” you cooed as you heard tiny sniffles from her, “you certainly are worth loving and you’re my entire world.
‘cause my love is mine, all mine
i love mine, mine, mine
“am i?” her lower lip trembles as she innocently stares up at you.
“you are my entire world,” you gently kiss her forehead as she places her head down onto your chest.
“you’re my whole world too,” she murmurs against your chest, either it was her sweet tone or that you were naturally ticklish which made you laugh wholeheartedly. clarisse’s face lights up, feeling the rumble from your chest as a smile erupts on her lips.
“nothing in the world belongs to me...” you sing softly into her ears, massaging her head, soothing her into a peaceful sleep alongside your peaceful embrace. “but my love mine, all mine...”
you lullabied her to sleep with your gentle singing, finally feeling at ease when you heard the light snores, smiling fondly at her. gods, clarisse was adorable. too adorable to disrupt her out of her sleep, resting comfortably on you, partially skin-to-skin.
“good night, my love.” you kissed her forehead, glimpsing at her small smile from the loving touch. turning off the lamp before refocusing onto clarisse, wrapping your arms around her waist and her head gently nuzzling into your neck, requiring very much close contact. soon enough, you drifted into sleep just as your beloved girlfriend did a few minutes ago, both content in each other’s arms, wishing to remain like that forever.
nothing in the world is mine for free
but my love mine, all mine, all mine…
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likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated!
© asvterias, 2024. please do not copy, repost or translate onto any other platforms without my permission.
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theyluvkarolina · 3 months
Saw your post about requests being open and had this idea and I didn’t want to fall asleep and forget about it. Idk if you do Esteban Ocon but yeah. Esteban and Kpop idol, she real famous and she’s been soft launching someone for years but never revealed them because her management won’t allow her to reveal who it is. Anyways her contract ends and she reveals that the person she’s been soft launching is Esteban and they’re actually married and have a kid. (You can pick the gender). Thanks. Love the two works you put out already and can’t wait to read more 🫶
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. ୨୧⭒๋࣭ ⭑ ` ` why the french guy bro 😞 … ` ` ⊹ ‧₊˚
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ୨୧ kpop and f1? what on earth would that have in common? a lot actually!
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ୨୧ esteban ocon x reader
𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌 ୨୧ most photos are of jennie!
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ୨୧ cursing, reader speaks her mind lol, pregnancy and kids?
𝐀/𝐍 ୨୧ I would be lying if I said I didn’t start tearing up at the end 🥹🩶 thank you so so much! people like you encourage me to keep going :)) Fair warning, I’m practically clueless about K-pop… but I still tried my best! I decided against having the reader be part of a group, but rather a soloist, just for my sake until I gain more knowledge. again, thank you so much lovely, I hope you and everyone else enjoy 🫶
this is def the longest one yet 😵‍💫
some of the concept isn’t exactly the same, but I definitely tried to best to give what you requested!
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therealyn_ln merci, paris! thank you to all who joined the show!
username3 i literally couldn’t stop screaming,… best show yet!
→ therealyn_ln tysm! You fans always encourage me to try even harder!
username7 oh she’s totally ignoring the recent news flash…
→ username9 what news?! → username10 apparently, she was seen with some guy after her show in Paris!
username8 who is the mystery man?!
username11 why is no one mentioning the fact that esteban ocon is in the comments?!
→ username12 the fact that a f1 driver is even in the comments of a kpop idol is strange enough. → username13 it’s not even that, he WATCHED the show!
estebanocon glad to know you loved Paris! The show was amazing!
*liked by therealyn_ln!*
urmanagersuser call me. right now.
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therealyn_ln my biggest supporter 🧸🤎
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therealyn_ln Me 🤝 First F1 Race! Honored to be a part of Alpine’s garage tonight! Wonderful work by @ fernandoalonso and @ estebanocon!
fernandoalonso Of course. You are always welcome. 👍
username15 we lost her guys 😔😔
username16 Y/N and F1?! My life is at it’s highest!
username17 is that… the guy at her Paris show before the COVID-19 shut down?!
alpinef1team Thank you, Y/n! Overjoyed to have you join our garage and team! You certainly energized us this race 😉
estebanocon always willing to win! especially with your support 😊
username18 I can’t be the only one that’s been noticing something fishy lately…
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liked by lance_stroll and therealyn_ln
estebanocon celebrating in style 🥂
username19 estie bestie!!
username20 uhmm…. the dinner photo?!
username21 WHO IS HE WITH 🤔 🤔
username22 surely Y/N posting that photo with her soft launch bf and estie’s dinner isn’t a coincidence…
alpinef1team we keep pushing! 👊
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therealyn_ln Hello fans, for the next upcoming year, I will be taking a break from music, and embracing the love of my fans, and finally being able to share my love for my husband with not just me, but to finally show it to all of you.
happy new years to all! Happy 2022 :)
username21 why the french guy bro 😞
username19 HUSBAND?!
username20 what happened to hi? my name is?
alpinef1team Mr and Mrs L/N-Ocon 🫡
estebanocon ma beauté 🩷
*liked by therealyn_ln!* → therealyn_ln the prettiest :))
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therealyn_ln happy anniversary my love! 🤍 this was the best gift anyone can receive. Loving you now and for forever.
username19 no way.
username22 A BABY ALREADY?
username20 i’m at a loss for words.
alpinef1team Future driver in the works! 🏁👀
estebanocon so happy to be part of this journey with you my love ❤️
→ therealyn_ln my favorite frenchie 🥐 → charles_leclerc :( → pierregasly damn. → francisca.cgomes don’t worry @ pierre_gasly you’re always my fav ❤️
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therealyn_ln welcome to the world baby Alix 🤍
landonorris can’t wait to be the favorite uncle
→ charles_leclerc sorry to break it to you Lando, but i’m going to be the favorite → alex_albon you’re lying it’s me → lance_stroll definitely me → maxverstappen1 nope, me. → carlossainz55 lo siento, it’s me! → danielricciardo bursting your bubble! It’s none of you cause I’m right here! → logansargeant i can’t wait to teach them some american football :) → pierregasly it’s definitely not me.
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sweetheartsaku · 2 months
—HAIKYU!! various ; better in the dark
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a/n ; [gn!reader] how deep is your love pt 2???!?!! AND YES!! the title is a tv girl reference :3c please dont let this flop!! praying that all the ppl who found pt 1 found this 🥹🩷 tysm for all the notes everyone!! <3
— characters : akaashi, kenma, kita, semi, kageyama, suna
part 1 ! ♡ oikawa, osamu, tsukishima, hinata, sakusa, kuroo
tea roses !
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keiji akaashi ; tip toe - HYBS
THIS MAN. he will take you out on absolutely BEAUTIFUL dates. they are scheduled and well thought out, all without you knowing. knows what you like, can predict what you order, where you will sit or do, and KNOWS how to fluster you effortlessly. UNSPOKEN RIZZ AT ITS FINEST YOUR HONOUR!!
at one point he had to resort to the notes app to write what you're like but had realised he had subconsciously memorised all of it by heart. deleted it and still knows you like the back of his hand!!
weirdly knows how to pick the best candles.
the warm, nostalgic smelling ones. candles that are the perfect dash of nostalgia, that feel comforting and warm. i wonder if its in the brain or an instinct thing
for anniversaries or literally just whenever, he makes paper flower bouquets. they are so intricate and every little detail, colour and fold makes it so perfect. in-between classes or when he finishes work early, he'll be nonchalantly folding another smaller flower for the arrangement. he does it so effortlessly too 😭!!
sometimes likes to fiddle with your fingers especially if you wear rings. one of the only and very sweet moments of PDA!! gently rubs his fingertips over your knuckles and tracing all the lines. i need an akaashi keiji in my life
will send you the most beautiful, heart-wrenching and mesmerising poems at an insane hour. you'll wake up with a couple paragraphs about how important healing or taking one step at a time is, making sure you fall in love with yourself everyday too. (please do)
kozume kenma ; cherry wine - grentperez
facinated by painted nails. on holidays he might paint them black, or maybe get a little cat sticker on his index!! pick the colour he'll love it either way
cherishes your little trinkets so much 😞 polaroid of you two and stickers on the back of his phonecase, keeps some of the random stuff you give him in his pocket. you could find a rock you gave him like 3 months ago but he kept it because you said it reminded you of him??
perfectly able and capable to order things by himself, but you know he isn't the type of guy to actually seem to WANT to do it. he is too lazy to actually get up but not lazy enOUGH when it comes to you. he might hide behind you. "HE SAID NO PICKLES!!"
CRAZY beef with your plushies. or anything you hold dear honestly. he can and will get pouty. BEWARE!! you must give him a lil' kiss to earn his attention back. (loves the forehead ones)
sometimes he forgets or just doesn't want to eat. it will get to the extent where you have to spoon feed him,,please remind and encourage him to ! eating, sleeping... just can't do it without a little push.
does this thing with his hands when you cross the road. i don't wanna say grabby hands because its pretty cringe, but it is definitely grabby hands. has no idea why he does it but its such a sweet and small gesture╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ !
cat parents but not exactly cat parents? 🤔 you found this stray cat once, and started visiting it everyday on the way to school. you cared for it, and when kenma picked that up he was also instantly fond of it too. now you both kinda feed it your leftover lunch when you visit the cat after school.. he's so precious with the little cat ueue.. take pictures before the moment fleets!
has the date you two met written on his controller... (he was so hesistant at first though LMAO)
shinsuke kita ; old love - yuji, putri dahlia
uses your initial for math variables. he'll use x or y sometimes, but his first option is ALWAYS your initial. you found this out on a study date once, math talk blablabla and he uses to what seems to you a 'random letter' NO. it is your initial!! 😞 when you ask he seems unfazed, but his ears are pretty red... idk guys i think he wants you
one of the people that make you stiffen up when they get physical. when he lays his head on your shoulder you instantly freeze up, trying not to move a BONE so you won't disturb him. it's like muscle memory to you LMAO.
really pretty, long lashes... if you've read part one, oikawa and tsuki are very similar :0!! loves when you graze his lashes with the back of your index finger
like akaashi, learnt how to make flowers but they're crochet 🥹 i think growing up his grandma had taught him how to crochet and all the little patterns. overtime, dedicated himself to making an arrangement every anniversary... they come with little heartfelt letters too!! (kita boyfie material COME HOME!!)
very routinal as well!! like kuroo (he is the full package) he never misses a morning or night to say good morning or good night. AND he places sticky notes around your desk or places he knows you'll be in reminding you to smile or something along those lines !!
what took the cake for me was when he left a little bag filled with goodies once he realised atsumu was sick 😣 definitely does the same for you... sends bag with a bowl of hot soup his grandma made at your front door
eita semi ; i wish you roses - kali uchis
weirdly immersed in the painting of nails as well. sometimes he'll ask you to paint his in black but he got dress-coded a week later 😓 SIKE gives NO shat and kept them on anyway. they are way too valuable to him to just erase. nails done in a simple colour he likes?? by his s/o?? wiped off?? very funny shiratorizawa
i think + the neighborhood, he likes tv girl, kendrick lamar, childish gambino but has a duality of laufey and beabadoobee's bedroom pop and fuzzy rock??
sick of people making arctic monkeys his personality 😞 musicians arise!! apart from the VBC, hes probably in a band too. small gigs here and there for school, and a few fun sessions with his friends just to play whatever. come to his gigs! (sometimes he'll magically play 10x better when you're around, he says)
share earphones with him PLEASE. on rainy bus rides or walks home, he'll play something you like hehe c:
takes you out to the mall closest to shiratorizawa to go pick up some fast food or a drink. it usually gets really crowded from all the surrounding schools so he keeps you close by the waist
and obviously the basic, will sit with you and teach you the basics of bass or electric guitar. i think he'd play a bit of percussion too (о´∀`о) sometimes he'll take you into his lap, but thats when he feels pretty clingy but very discreetly!!
tobio kageyama ; what would i do? - strawberry guy
please don't try to flirt with him he WON'T UNDERSTAND!!!! *gunshots*
if you say literally anything that isn't directly stating your point, he will not get it. using metaphors or just figurative language in general he is STRUGGLING. you need to say, "you're pretty." because things like "i fall in love with you every day" or "i'll find you in every universe" he will actually look at you BAFFLED. please help this man
thinks about what YOU would do. like when he is in doubt or feels like he's about to lash out, he will take a moment and literally ask himself what you'd do or say. even in tests or something completely unrelated to you he will literally ask himself what you would put in the answer box !!
face scrunch when he gets jealous ! he kinda has a lil' pout but can't bring himself to say anything. when you finally notice him he'll have this lil' (๑ˋ^ˊ ๑) face... please kiss his eyelid or the corner of lips cuz HE HAS TOO MANY PRETTY BOY PRIVILEGES!! (and he'll get flustered it's the cutest) revoke them THIS instant!!
his favourite type of kisses are the ones where you'll push his hair back and give him a forehead kiss. he'll take you in by the waist and keep you close, he likes to listen to your heart because you have his. when he feels clingy, he'll nuzzle his head into your shoulder. what a dork
will attempt to find you at his games pre and post timeskip. before the game he will try to make it not look frantic but one of his members eventually catch on 😞
rintarou suna ; SLOW DANCING IN THE DARK - joji
camera roll is either 0.5's of the most jaw dropping, majestical sunsets and sunrises that he's experienced with you or literally anytime the sky is feeling a little different (if he's not with you at the time he WILL send them to you at either 5am or 7pm saying it reminded him of you) or the CRAZIEST 0.5's of you losing sanity or of you off guard. its wild blackmail material but he chooses not to LMAO. (because of the love in his heart, he says)
has a little photo album for you and anything you related!! he also takes the best candid photos of you and post them on close friends!! (´∀`)
no. #1 victim of couple tiktok trends. pretends and looks like he doesn't like it, but doesn't want it to end. once you press post he will stare you down with his beautiful ahh olive hazel eyes (he wants more)
last one on the social med side, he mentions you in posts with your initials all the FLIPPIN' TIME!! his dedication is quite endearing
on days where everything becomes overstimulating, he will notice. will eye you for a while, but once he knows when it gets to a certain extent he will hand you an earphone.
anyone who says suna is an arctic monkey's listener is a LIAR I SAID IT I SAID IT!!!!! *more gunshots* JOKES he probably has a couple of their songs in his playlist, but i personally think he's more tyler the creator coded. people who get it get it (avril lavigne sk8r boi? keshi beside you? definitely)
hot adams apple
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355 notes · View notes
oppopotamus · 2 months
hear me out on my glorious king sukuna, but more specifically, megkuna, after the gojo vs sukuna fight ryomen decides to show off by fucking his slut (the reader) in front of everybody thru the eyes of mel mei’s crows, forcing everyone to realize who the real strongest sorcerer is, the reader is like uraume in a sense but instead of being a personalized chef/assistant the reader is sukuna’s lifelong cocksleeve, btw ur work is absolutely BEAUTIFUL keep it up handsome 🫶🏽
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srry it took so long I took a MASSIVE break from writing
also TYSM ily <33
Warning: NSFW, sukuna calls you cockwhore, cocksleeve, etc, you can't say no, you don't know the crows r watching
You were breathing heavily, rushing around to find Sukuna, you had no idea where he was an you were scared.
You ran for what felt like ages until you found him, "Sukuna!" You called you to him as you ran up to him, looking up at the tall curse.
"Ah, you're here." Sukuna didn't even look at you, keeping his eyes focused on some crows that were observing you both while perched on the trees.
"Why are you looking at the birds?" You ask, tilting your head curiously.
"Oh..." That's when Sukuna smirks, suddenly getting an idea. "Yes, they're just birds, don't worry about them."
You raise an eyebrow at his suspicious behaviour but choose not to comment on it, instead you fidget with the sleeves of your sweater.
"Why don't we have some fun, hm? I'm awfully stressed after my fight y'know." Sukuna asks, but really you don't actually have a choice, although he always asks, you can't refuse him.
"Right here? But... what if someone sees...?" You ask nervously, still fidgeting with the sleeves of your sweater.
"Nobody is around, no-one will see." Sukuna smirks, looking directly at one of the crows.
"Plus, you know you can't say no to me."
You nervously shuffle your feet, you know you can't refuse, an although you're used to sex with Sukuna, you always get nervous.
"Alright then..."
Sukuna doesn't need anymore encouragement before he's spinning you around, pushing you down onto the ground in a downward dog position.
You yelp and quickly place your hands in front of you to support yourself as Sukuna presses down on your lower back, forcing you onto your knees.
He wants to do it Doggystyle I guess...
You let out a quiet whine and stay still waiting for Sukuna's next move.
He smacks your ass with his large hand, making you jump, it didn't hurt much since you were wearing jeans but it still gave you a slight shock.
Sukuna slowly drags your pants and underwear down, making them bunch up at your knees. He grabs the butt plug you have in an wiggles it around, making you whine.
"Mm, Kuna..."
"Yes, my little pet?"
You wiggle your ass impatiently, you hate being teased.
He drags the plug out, making you hiss and shiver.
"You're so loose, did you wear this all day?" He asks while shoving the plug into his pocket for later.
You whine and nod as he rubs his thumb over your whole, not pressing in, just teasingly rubbing it.
"That's what I like to see, what a good boy."
Sukuna smirks and pulls his cock out, slapping it against your ass.
Before you know it he's thrusting in and out of you at an inhumane pace, you scream and dig your nails into the ground.
"Good little cocksleeve, huh?" Sukuna asks as he smacks your ass, his other hand holding onto your waist to keep you still as he relentlessly fucks you.
"Bein' such a good boy for me, yeah? You gonna be a good cockwhore and take all my cock?"
"Mm! Y-Yes! I-I'll be good... m' promise-"
Your arms give out, forcing you to fall onto your chest with your ass in the air.
You look back over your shoulder at Sukuna but he's not paying attention to you, rather to the crows.
You find it odd how focused he is on them, but you pay no mind to it, you're too focused on how fucking fast Sukuna's fucking you.
"Kuna! Kuna!" You whine and moan, your hands digging into the ground as your legs shake.
"You gonna cum? Yeah? Cum for me, baby." Sukuna groans as he feels your hole tighten as you cum, squeezing around his cock making him fill you up.
The second Sukuna pulls out your entire body falls limp onto the cold ground, breathing heavily and sweating.
"Good boy." Sukuna chuckles and gives your ass a tight squeeze before pulling the plug out of his pocket, he shoves it back into your ass, making sure all his cum is kept in your hole.
The feeling makes you whine and squirm, but you have to admit, it's really hot.
"I hope they had a good show." Sukuna smirks, looking up at the crows.
"Huh? You hope who had a good show? The crows?" You ask in confusion.
"You could say that."
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akutasoda · 8 months
hi lovely<3
can i request a really oblivious, kinda sleepy and gentle reader with any char that you prefer (literally any!)? their personality is quite similar to chii from chobits and hachi from nana for reference!! tysm but you can ignore if you want TT
slumbering sincerity
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synopsis - they treasured you deeply, no matter how you acted
includes - march 7th, blade, seele, jing yuan
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, blade is kind of overprotective, slight teasing, wc - 833
a/n: hello!! <3 i really felt like writing hsr and on a completely unrelated note i love nana sm, seeing this request made me rewatch it lol
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march 7th ★↷
upon first meeting, march 7th had found you quite endearing. she absolutely adored the gentleness you showed towards others. and she never really realised how oblivious you were she just thought you were really kind! she did naturally find herself wanting to talk to you.
and as you two got closer that only increased and if you ever found yourself seeking her help she wouldn't hesitate to help out. and when you two became official that never really changed. the only thing that became different was how affectionate she was willing to be in public, within your boundaries of course.
she would always love the pure kindness and gentleness that you showed to everyone, especially her. she really did adore you. if you ever were the type to get sleepy really easily she wouldn't hesitate to let you use her as a pillow. just be prepared for her to try and tale photos of you - she would only do it if you were absolutely okay with it however. or she would love to fiddle with your hair, no matter what it was like.
blade ★↷
if blade had to be honest, he did despise you a bit at first. he hated how oblivious you acted and how you showed everyone kindness, even him. but with a small peak of curiosity and kafka's insistence of how he should give you a chance and maybe he would be pleasantly surprised, he gave you a chance. but he wanted to wipe that stupid smirk of her face.
but within a short span of time he found himself as equally attached to you as you seemed to be to him. and whenever you two became official he felt as if he ought to protect that innocence that you carried. sure associating yourself with him may ruin some, but he would protect you with his life.
he did have a guilty pleasure, and that was secretly indulging himself in the kindness and gentleness you constantly showed him. it was the first time anyone had treated him as such and he found out that he loved it. if you were sleepy and did have a small tendency to fall asleep anywhere he wouldn't hesitate to offer you his shoulder. he would glare at anyone that tried to disturb you, not that anyone would even mention it at all the death glares took care of that.
seele ★↷
seele was indifferent toward you at first. she did find your genuine gentleness and kindness interesting and quite rare but other than that she didn't bat an eye. but she increasingly found herself in your company and soon it becamea second nature for her to be found in your vicinity.
she noticed how you would always seek advice from her, she did like helping you but would encourage you to be a bit more independent. and as you became closer and eventually official she did find herself always trying to find your company. in a similar way, she wanted to protect your innocence and would always defend you.
having you treat her with such gentleness and kindness was different, it was a welcome surprise however. it did make her blush quite a few times but she quickly turned her head. and if you were naturally quite sleepy and wanted to have a quick sleep somewhere, she would offer you to lean on her. who's going to say anything? anyone is scared to even ask with how seele would glare at anyone daring to even disturb your sleep.
jing yuan ★↷
jing yuan was quite enamored by you upon first meeting, he could immediately tell that the kindness you were showing was something genuine. not that he would admit, but he did find your obliviousness quite entertaining - he also felt a bit cruel for it. he enjoyed his time around you.
he very quickly realised how you would always turn to him for any issues, he would drop anything to help you. he would also find himself to become very attached and often trying to find excuses to be around you. that only worsened when you two became official, he couldn't stand being away from you for so long.
he loved the kindness and pure gentleness you showed others and himself. and if you were the type to be constantly sleepy, he would always encourage you to sleep in his presence. not only because he could protect you and get rid of anyone that dared disturb it but it gave him an excuse to slumber himself. they didn't call him the dozing general for nothing.
maybe in the comfort of his office you had visited him and he convinced you to take a rest. but he kept getting distracted and decided maybe it wouldn't hurt to join you. whoever would reprehend him was worth it. that's what he thought as he pulled you closer into his embrace as he let his eyelids rest, before drifting off into sleep with you cuddled in his arms.
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615 notes · View notes
v5ttelfilms · 9 months
sweet dream was over ☽ mick schumacher
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gossf1poutlet news of mick schumacher and y/n leclerc previously being in a relationship trends as the number one topic across social media, following an unfortunate leak from their private accounts. both the schumacher and leclerc's have expressed their opinion on this matter, via a strongly worded 'love letter' from legal counsels that represented their respective families. on a statement that was recently released, both parties have similarly urged everyone to refrain from making unnecessary assumptions and encouraged the public to rally against the spread of misinformation and baseless accounts of the pair's alleged relationship. their representatives also promises to pursue legal actions against the culprit.
username the whiplash i got from seeing this all over my tl still makes my muscles spasm😩
username extremely amazed at how they managed to keep it a secret for so long
username yes!!! no one expected little leclerc to REALLY pick one off of her dizzying number of suitors /gen
username thanks for adding the geniune tag op
username anytime🫡 we ride at dawn for little leclerc in this house
username please present your simp card at the checkout
username sure, do you accept the laminated one or does it have to be the government mandated one?
username so... timeline recaping anyone? 🤔
username they probably got together during 2019 or 2020
username seems that way, funny if you account the arthur and mick prema timeline aswell
username got together late 2019 or early 2020 and probably broke up late 2021 or early 2022, but that's only my intelligent guess 🤷‍♀️
username around the same time mick was having haas problems too? fcking brutal
username did the article say to not make unnecessary assumptions or did it not??!🙄
username this news has devastated me more than my own breakup... and that mothertrucker cheated on me with my bff. brb hurling and crying into the void.
username they were so perfect 🥺
username forever enchanted, my treasure. FOREVER enchanted MY treasure. FOREVER ENCHANTED MY TREASURE!!
username are u okay, do u need intervention?
username send all the help you could give my way tysm🥰
username rocking back and forth while hugging my knees to my chest type of thing
username pretending they never broke up for my sanity
username probably the reason she never had the guts to attend a grand prix
username she was getting educated and winning pageants, but yeah?
username these dts fans
username 💀💀
username tell me who was the champion year by year?
username where'd you get that from, netflix?
username so mick HAS game, but i never thought i'd learn it this way😞
username throwing up and shaking trembling and hurling and screaming crying
username love is NOT real
username it's literally the way mick coined the jewel/gem nickname for y/n before the rest of the world started calling her monégasque's pearl 🥺😭
username he has bragging rights forever
username he subconsciously knew it!!!
username never letting any man call me homie from now on
username girl—
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2021, Switzerland
"y/n? what are you doing down here?" corinna asks you, mildly taken aback to see you down at the kitchen just around midnight.
you look up from blankly staring at the keys of your laptop, evidently surprised to see the older woman standing just a few steps away from you. you didn't hear her footsteps or anything.
"just..." you trail off, grappling for an appropriate response as to why you were sitting in the dark, barely awake, in the middle of the night. "files," you lie, unconvincingly.
corinna hums, and you knew she was barely convinced by your pathetic excuse, but she had too much tact to call you out on your lie. she wasn't blind, or oblivious as the kids these days would say; though she was considerably older, she still understood the worries and anxieties of the young heart.
"it's very late, schatz." she chides gently, touching your shoulder. "you shouldn't be working this late, it's bad for you." her tone was heavily laden with a motherly lilt.
"stunts my growth," you utter softly, smiling at her. corinna chuckles, pressing a chaste kiss to your cheeks. "and you can't be miss universe if you're short."
"you trust me too much." you remark teasingly.
"you ought to take over the world, darling." corinna laughs softly. "now, are you up for some warm milk and some- what do you children call it? tea sharing?"
"close, you're well versed with today's lingo. should i tell uncle michael that he should be worried?"
"he should always be worried." she says seriously, which made you tip your head back to laugh. she smiles at you, fondness clear as a day. "that's how you keep them on their toes. never make them feel comfortable."
spending the break with mick and his family in their summer home in switzerland has been a tradition of sorts. and alongside your fairy tale like romance with the youngest of the schumacher's, you had also become incredibly close with the rest of his family.
corinna grabs two glasses and neatly places them on the counter, she opens the fridge to get the carton of milk and pours a generous amount to each glass. she swiftly pops it in the microwave, before turning and giving her sole attention to you.
"i'm happy to see you laugh again, schatz. suits you better."
"that's very accusatory. i have been laughing, and smiling all week." you insist, light heartedly.
"maybe so, but not as pretty and geniune as now." she replies, "is there anything wrong? is it mick?" her tone was heavy with concern, looking both distressed and dreading your confirmation. it could have been her son that was the cause of the shift in your demeanor.
you look down at your lap, feeling the tears prick at your eyes upon her overwhelming bout of concern she plainly wears on her face. it reminds you so much of your own mother, and of which, corinna has easily become a substitute for when maman wasn't around.
"it's nothing." you clear your throat, "he's wonderful. he always is." you tried to smile in fake cheer.
"that's good." she smiles softly, "i was just about to say, that he loves you. he tells me everyday, he tells his father; he tells everyone willing to listen how much he could not fathom how you ever came to be in his life," she narrates earnestly, emotion heavy on her voice, "and he'll spend every waking moment of it to do right by you. to make you proud."
you closed your eyes, trying to will the tears at bay. "he tells me everyday too," your voice shook with emotion, throat welling up with tears. "and i know he means it. i do. but he— he never stops feeling like he constantly has to prove something, or be someone, or win everything." you weren't able to stop the tears, even as your eyes were closed. you finally open your eyes to see corinna's teary ones aswell, "and i— if i am the cause of it, i don't... i no longer feel worthy of his love."
you physically, felt all weight of pretense leave your body; finally being able to put to words the emotions, and complex thoughts you've bottled up, in fear of speaking it into existence. your shoulders sank, your defenses crumbling, as you broke down into inconsolable tears, weeping at your hands.
you felt arms wrap around you, weading through the shame and guilt you felt at your admission. you'd expected corinna's blame, but you never counted on her consolation. she held you. sympathetic and kind, and gracious; and understanding.
"it will be okay, schatzi." she says in the strands of your hair, "it will be. i promise you."
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b1rds3ye · 9 months
I love your writing style!
(also love how you always go for gn!reader!)
Silly request for another masked reader?
Masked reader who has those more solid material masks that can easily be cleaned has in the past painted their mask during one holiday just for the fun of it and they boys wanna do it too. Variation of it; masked reader got injured and has to stay bed bound for a while so their mask is being written and painted on like people do with casts :D
(there would be so many pictures)
PLEASE THIS IS SO CUTE (also tysm anon!! It means a lot that you like my writing and writing decisions AHHHHH). I'm thinking a white-hockey mask sorta vibe that can look intimidating for missions, but also far too tempting for the 141 to wreak havoc on. Of course, they'll ensure you always have at least one spare blank mask so you can keep being the ominous badass on missions, but when a mission goes south and you escape with barely your life, they do what they can to make your bed-bound recovery as entertaining as possible.
Soap in particular truly treats your mask as a canvas. I already touched that Johnny has a journal of alternative designs for your mask and with a plain mask his mind is racing with so many ideas! He also has a general knack for drawing, in the quiet nights when he's done with training and can visit the med-bay he can spend hours just drawing on your mask with a thin sharpie (think like those highly intricate black-ink tattoos). His art is a little rough and scratchy but the artistry is there. He also provides his signature which lacks the tact of his art - if another member of the 141 hasn't he'll be the one stamping his name across your forehead with an obnoxious "SOAP WAS HERE!!".
Ghost is not an artist. There isn't a single artistic bone in this poor man, when he draws a circle it somehow looks like a square. Instead, Simon writes. A card is too sappy but your mask makes the perfect patch of parchment. His handwriting is legible but far from aesthetic, it's practical and hastily done with your head shaking slightly as he writes on it. Eventually he has to stabilise your head with his other hand, and his hold is surprisingly gentle. It's a general message wishing you get better soon, and a special military pun for everyone to read when they see your mask. He says that now your mask is a little more customised it almost looks half as good as his. While being unable to draw, he does accompany Johnny or Kyle if they pay a visit to vandalise your mask.
Price is straight forward. You want people to sign your mask? He'll sign your mask. John is surprisingly sentimental, he genuinely treats your mask as a get-well-soon card. He encourages you to rest - which is admittedly redundant since you can't get out of bed - but also to hurry up and get back on the field because he's losing his mind putting up with the rest of the 141. His handwriting is small because he has a lot to say, his message taking up the expanse of your cheek. He puts effort into his message and handwriting, it's going to be on your mask for everyone else to read and when he tries the captain has some exceptionally nice cursive. When he's done, he pulls away and lets out a satisfied huff at his message and how it looks on you... and then a consequential sigh when he looks at what of the rest of the task force has done to your poor mask.
Gaz does everything with your mask. He first covers the basics, signing his name and a quick, encouraging message for your health. Then Kyle goes ham on redesigning your mask and making it look as terrible as possible. Because it's a plain white mask, in particular he loves to use coloured sharpies on it. He'll shade panda-like eye bags where your eye sockets will be, or colour the area of your nose with a bright red circle like a clown. If you ever complain he'll just say this is the price you pay for getting injured and being sent to medbay. It's a joke but the underlying concern isn't missed from you. He's not the best artist but he'll leave a cute little doodle like a flower or that "S" sign that's used to graffiti everything known to man. He also enjoys giving you something to do (laying in med-bay all day must be terrible!), taking your hand in his to guide your hand across your face so you can draw a simple little star or love-heart on your own mask.
Surprisingly, it's Simon who initially asks for your permission to take photos of your mask. He says it's for the rest of the task force so they can have a reminder of what they're fighting for as they continue doing operations in your absence. John did add on that it was also simply for the memory as it's expected that you'll keep the mask once you've gotten better - unless you're willing to auction it off in which Kyle already called dibs.
It's only when you can freely move around do you take off your mask to realise that under your chin would be, generally obscured from view, one of them drew a shoddy little penis. You have half the mind of chasing up on who it was but it was simply too funny and you let it go. (Also because you already know deep down it was Soap)
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Masked Reader Masterlist Call of Duty Masterlist
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teagballs · 6 months
hi, lovely! i saw you’re taking requests and would love to request a nandor x reader from wwdits! 💞 maybe the house gets a new neighbor and she goes over there one night for cookies to introduce herself and it’s like a love at first sight for him? i would love to see what you come up with! :)
love at first sight - nandor the relentless
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authors note: HIIII loved this request so much oh my god it was so fun to write tysm. i love nandor sm. KEEP SENDING REQUESTS!! im free to write more over the christmas break. i hope u guys have an amazing christmas, love yall.
cw: none! sweetsweet fluff. gender neutral reader. -------------------------------------------------------
You had recently moved into your new home. A comfortable house in a quiet area of Staten Island. It was a lovely place to live. Not too lonely yet not too popular - just how you liked it. After a couple days of moving your belongings into your new home and shuffling them around, you decided it would be best to introduce yourself to the neighbours. Everyone seemed friendly, some smiled on the street as they watched you gracelessly drag your new furniture into the house. You wanted to be involved in the community, make a friend of your acquaintances. So far, you have been successful. Your method? Bringing freshly baked goods to your neighbours. The way into peoples hearts was their stomachs.
After next introducing yourself to the neighbours opposite you - inhabited by a quirky couple named Sean and Charmaine - you were encouraged to talk to the residence on their right.
"Yeah, they're a strange bunch, but some of my best pals! European or somethin'." Sean explained.
According to the pair, there was a group of 5 neighbouring them. They spoke highly of them.
Charmaine cut in, "Oh, but y'know what? I never see them out during the day. They must all work bad hours, I think. You'd be better going in the evening time." Strange, you thought, but only for a moment. This actually worked out better. It gave you more time to prepare some confectionery.
By the time you approached the house, the sky had already faded to an amber and rose colour. The house had an overbearing presence. It was like something out of a book. On the walk to the door, you were greeted with bushes; trimmed and perfected into intricate shapes. Some of animals, some of what looked to be... genitalia? Huh. European. You note the cobble stairs leading up the entry, supported by two pillars. A deep tangerine colour shot from the stained glass windows onto the grass, it didnt seem like it was providing much light in the house as it dimmed and died on the lawn. The whole building seemed to be almost secretive. It was dark, like it was trying to hide away. You took a deep breath, holding your tupperware of cookies close to your chest. You rapped on the door.
After striking the surface of the door, you were met with silence. Then what sounded like a groan? Then a word. Maybe someone's name? You awkwardly shuffle in place as you wait. Finally, you could make out a shape approaching the door. You straightened your posture. The door creaks open, quietly.
"Hi, um, who are you?" The stranger asks in the politest way possible. From what you can make out from the dim lights of the house, he appears to be a shorter, stout man. He's wearing circular glasses and a sweater that reminds you of something your grandfather would wear. It's an overall comforting appearance. Judging the exterior of the house, you were worried someone evil and dark lived there. But that was not the case, it seemed.
You give the man your name, "I just moved in a couple days ago, I'm trying to get to know all the neighbours, I brought these," You awkwardly gesture to the tub of cookies in your hands. The man smiles at you kindly.
"How sweet, I'm Guillermo." He tells you. But before the pleasantries can continue, you are interrupted. The sound of heavy, heavy boots fills your ears. Striding down the hallway.
"Guillermo! Who is it that is at the door! They have awoken me from my slumber far too early!" A gorgeous man with long dark hair stands behind Guillermo now. He looks sleepy, his hair disgruntled. He's wearing some strange attire, nothing like you had ever seen before.
Guillermo gestures towards you, "Our new neighbour came over to introduce themself."
Nandor snaps, "A new neighbour!? Who gives a fuck about..." Oh? Oh.
It was only now that Nandor took notice of who was standing at the door. And how beautiful they were. He tugs on his clothing, trying to make him look presentable.
He clears his throat, "And your name is?" He asks. You note his accent, which makes every word spoken from his mouth seem more lavish and captivates you further. You meet his gaze and tell him your name. You have to pull away, however, fearing that you could get lost in his umber orbs forever and ever. He's fidgeting his hands, you notice. It's adorable. His fingers are looped with an assortment of rings.
"A beautiful name," he remarks, almost to himself. Flustered, it was your turn to fidget now, as you massaged the fabric of your jeans. Guillermo rolls his eyes. He knows.
"I'm Nandor the Relentless," The long haired man tells you. Strange title, but you are too wound up to notice. He could say the most absurd thing, and you will still be enamoured, it seemed.
"I, um, brought cookies!" You exclaimed, snapping out of your trance but a little too excited over some baked goods. Nandor the Relentless matches this excitement, however.
"How wonderful. I will enjoy these later, I imagine they are delicious!" He muses.
Gulliermo mutters to Nandor, "Nandor, you can't even eat human food." And Nandor quickly snaps back, "Shut up," all out of earshot to you, however.
You're dazed. So is Nandor. Even with his 36 wives, he had never felt such a connection. With this, you both found it hard to reach your next sentence. You stammered out, "Sorry if I uh, woke you up, your neighbour said you worked a late shift? So I thought coming in the evening would be better." You smiled.
"Late shift? No, I was slumbering-!" Gulliermo lightly shoves Nandor, to shut him up.
"That's right! Nandor was sleeping, just about to wake up for work." He smiled, covering for him.
Nandor catches on, "Oh! Yes! I have just awoken to start work at my normal human job. At the railroad."
You giggle at his manner of speaking. A railroad worker works late shifts? You had never figured.
"Oh! Cool! Well, yeah, I just wanted to introduce myself to all the neighbours and bring a little gift." You gesture to the cookies again, Nandor takes them finally. Maybe he was a little reluctant to take them from your hands as he worried you would disappear after. Your fingers lightly grazed his, a touch that lasted a little longer than average for such an exchange, but you still wish it continued.
Although you didn't want to leave and it felt like you were being pulled to stay, you decided it would be best not to intrude any longer. Especially if Nandor had to start work soon. "Yeah! So um, I hope to see you 'round. Have a good evening." You flashed another big smile and thumbs up.
"Yes! I do hope to see you around!" Nandor held an even bigger smile at you. It made your heart warm.
You turned on your heel and walked back to your house. It was only then when you were filled with dread. 'Why the fuck did I give him the thumbs up!?" You externally cursed. You were going to overthink this whole exchange all night. God you hoped to see Nandor again. In your heart you knew you would.
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cosmicflw3rr · 1 month
can you write something where r comforts dom when he loses a big title match? 💘
did your best.
dominik mysterio x fem! reader
summary: after dominik loses the north american championship you’re there to help pick up the pieces.
A/N: thank you too @rheas-ripley and some others my request are stacked!! tysm🫶🫶 so I am trying to get to all of them! but I’m in Columbia rn w no service, I only get service at the air bnb, and I’m here for a week so yea! but I am trying!
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you were on the edge of your seat, watching dominik's title match. anxiously biting at your nails, your foot jittering up and down anxiously.
your gaze was locked on the monitor as dragon lee executed his finisher, you flinched at the hard impact. your hands instinctively moved to cover your mouth.
and as the ref began to count, time felt like it was dragging, each second stretched out. it was like it was all in slow motion.
you were hoping for dom to escape the pim, understanding that holding the championship meant the world to him. that this was his chance to show he's not just some character they fans boo at.
he wanted to silence the everyone, to prove he's earned his spot, and to show just how far he's come since turning on his dad.
you clasped both your hands in front of your lips. muttering a quick prayer under your breath, "come on, dom, kick out," urging him on silently.
ding! ding! ding!
your jaw dropped, watching as dragon lee celebrated. rushing over to embrace dominik's dad, rey mysterio, who was seated at ringside.
you felt a bitter taste creeping up inside you.
your mind racing, you watched the crowd cheer for dragon lee. all praising him. the camera panned to dominik, rolling out disappointed but scowling at lee and the fans.
you stood backstage waiting for him in the gorilla. dominik pushed past the curtain moments later, looking exhausted. a few of the crew gave him words of encouragement, he acknowledged them before moving to you. he gave you a small kiss on the cheek
he wiped his face with a towel, breathing heavily. his body was drenched in sweat from the intense match.
when he saw you, his expression softened. but you could tell he was upset. "I'm gonna go shower." he muttered into your ear before giving you another quick kiss and walking away.
you knew that dominik was putting on a brave face, he wanted to show everyone that he wasn't going to let losing the championship affect him. but you could tell that he was frustrated and upset.
your eyes followed dominik as he went towards the showers, and you felt your heart break at just how upset he looked. he was putting on a brave face for everyone else.
even though dominik was young, he constantly strived to meet the expectations placed on him. the expectations that came with being a wwe legends son. he didn't want to look weak in front of everyone.
but at the end of the day when you’d both leave and go home, you knew the truth. you knew how much the loss affected him. how much it hurt to lose the championship that meant so much to him.
and you hated that he was acting like he wasn't affected by it. that he couldn't even let his feelings out to the one person he trusted the most.
you sighed running your hand through your hair frustrated.
you were talking with roxanne when your phone buzzed in your pocket. you excused yourself as you checked it seeing a message from dom.
you checked your phone, seeing you had a text from dom. "I'm ready to go back to the hotel, I have your stuff just meet me in the parking lot when your done."
you sent him a quick text back, letting him know that you'd be there soon.
and finally, you told roxanne that you had to head out. she didn't ask too many questions, just giving you a quick smile before nodding.
you began the walk to the parking lot. you checked your phone again as you walked, seeing that dom had replied, letting you know he'd be waiting at his car.
once you reached the parking lot, you began looking for where you two had parked the car earlier. as soon as you spotted it, you began to walk towards it.
you quickly approached dom's car, seeing him leaning against it. his arms folded, and his gaze directed at the floor. he looked pretty exhausted, and you felt a small pang of empathy for him.
you couldn't help but frown as you got closer, wanting to help him feel better in any way you could.
"hey..." you said softly.
dom's head snapped up, turning to look at you. he was silent for a moment, before finally speaking. "hey.”
he tried to put on a smile, but it was clear from the look in his eyes that he was still upset. "you ready to go?"
"yea i am." you said, he opened the passenger door for you before passing over to the drivers side
as you settled yourself in the passenger seat, he quickly got in the driver's side and started the car. for a few moments, neither of you spoke. he was clearly lost in his own thoughts.
you were also quiet, just watching him driving. finally, you decided to break the silence. "are you okay”
"yeah, I'm fine.” he muttered, his voice coming out quiet and hoarse. he didn't seem convinced when he said it. he kept his eyes on the road, his gaze straight ahead.
there was a heavy silence in the car, as if all air had been sucked out of the car. you tried to think of something to say, to break the heavy tension. but your mind was completely blank.
dom was still staring straight ahead, not seeming to want to look at you at all. it was clear that he was trying to hold back his feelings.
he pulled up outside of the hotel, turning off the engine and unbuckling his seatbelt. he looked over at you, finally looking at you once again. his expression was still stoic, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.
he climbed out of the car, walking over to your side and opening the door for you.
you got out the car, waiting for him as he grabbed both of your bags out the trunk. you both went over to the hotel entrance, and he opened the door for you once more before following after.
once inside, the lobby was mostly empty besides a few hotel workers busy behind the front desk. however, you could faintly hear music and laughter coming from one of the rooms.
dom led you over to the elevator, pressing the button before leaning against the wall. he looked he looked exhausted, keeping silent.
he let out a long breath, his eyes still directed at the floor. he seemed like he was completely lost in his own thoughts and didn't want to speak about it.
as the elevator doors doors opened to reveal the hallway of your floor, you both made your way down to your room. he fished out his keycard from his wallet to unlock the door. you both walked in grabbing your bag he'd left by the door.
the room was quiet and clean, much like a hotel room should be. dom closed the door behind him, and you could hear the lock clicking loudly before the room fell silent once again.
dom sat down on the edge of the mattress, seemingly exhausted as he begun to take his shoes off.
you laid your suitcase on the bed, going to your knees to look for pijamas. you looked behind you seeing dom, your heart tightened as you stood up. you walked over to him sitting down next to him, you rested your head on his shoulder taking his hand in yours.
"babe talk to me."
he turned to look at you, his gaze still downcast. he gave you a small, tired smile, seeming almost relieved that you were there.
"i'm fine. everythings alright.” he muttered, giving your hand a quick squeeze.
you looked up at him, "but you're not fine."
he stayed silent, not moving an inch. he was clearly still trying to hide his feelings, putting on a brave face.
"i'm fine.” he repeated again, sounding slightly more convincing this time. the tension was palpable.
"dom please." you pleaded softly, you just wanted to be there for him. you just wanted him to let you be there for him.
you could see the strain of trying to stay strong slowly starting to crack. he let out a heavy sigh, his gaze going back to the floor. he stayed quiet for a moment, before finally speaking again.
"it just sucks-" he muttered, his voice coming out hoarse. not being the champion anymore seemed to be weighing on him.
"it feels like i've failed. I failed you; I failed the fans; I failed everybody." he muttered, a mixture of exhaustion and sadness in his voice.
"oh, baby, you didn't fail me; you did the best you could."
"and the best i could do wasn't enough." he replied, still keeping his gaze cast to the ground. he was clearly frustrated and upset, disappointed with himself.
his free hand moved restlessly, and you saw that he was tightly kneading the fabric of his pants.
you begin to trace patterns on his hand, looking down at your intertwined hand. "dom listen to me, you gave it everything. I'm proud of how hard you fought. this isn't the end. you'll get through this-we'll get through this. together."
he stayed silent for a moment, his gaze going up to meet yours. his expression softened, and you could tell he was trying his best to believe your words.
he swallowed, and his hands relaxed a little bit, though you still saw some tension there. "I don't know, y/n/n, I just- I just feel so defeated right now.”
your eyebrows furrowed, your heart hurt seeing him hurt. you gently turned his head so he'd look at you. "dom." you said softly, searching in his eyes, you wanted to say something instead you just wrapped your arms around his neck. pulling him into a hug.
he leaned into the hug, finally burying his face in your shoulder and letting out a heavy breath. he held on to you tightly.
he was lost in his own thoughts, the weight of having failed again weighing him down. it was clear that, although he was trying to stay strong and move on, he needed some comfort right now.
"I don't know any way to convince you that you deserve everything you've gotten and so much more." you mumbled into his shoulder, "dom you're gonna get so much more title opportunities, I just know you will."
he stayed silent for a moment, his head staying buried into your shoulder as he took in your words. he was still trying to process the loss, trying to convince himself he would have other chances.
finally, he spoke. “I'm just scared. that this is the start of the end, y'know?"
"this isn't." you reassured, "you’re so young, and your career is just starting. you have so much more to do."
he stayed silent again, but you could see him slowly believing what you were saying. he was still disappointed with having failed to keep the championship, but he was coming around to the thought that he would have more opportunities.
he looked up at you, and his expression softened a bit. "I appreciate you being here for me, amor..." he said quietly.
"you dont have to thank me, ill always be there for you."
he smiled softly, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. "I know you will... and I love you." he said quietly, his hand moving to hold yours.
“I love you too," you told him. his fingers laced with yours, his gaze now fully on you.
he smiled softly, and for the first time since his match, he looked genuinely happy. as if all the worries had momentarily washed away, and he was now in the present with you.
your eyes moved to the stray hair that had fallen on his forehead, you moved it away gently. “you ready for bed?” you asked your gaze going back onto his eyes.
he gave a small chuckle, and looked back at the bed. he nodded, seeming relieved that the mood had shifted. "yeah.” he said, letting go of your hand. “I'm beat."
you stood up tying your hair up. “same, but I’m gonna go shower first.”
he gave you a small wink, moving over to you, letting his hand trail down your side. he leaned down, whispering into your ear. “I know a way to save water.”
you rolled your eyes, “no dom.” you said playfully.
he chuckled, a slight grin spread across his face. "pleaseeeee?" he whined, making it sound like a child asking for candy. he tried to give you his best puppy dog face, his eyes looking at you hopefully, the two of you making eye contact.
after a moment you caved, “fine.” you said, “hurry up.” you laughed out running away from him into the bathroom.
he let out a small laugh at your reluctant agreement, chasing you into the bathroom.
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yongislong · 2 years
clingy partner + dreamies.
genre: fluff, nonidol!dreamies with a clingy partner and vice versa... ish?
note: tysm anon! im sorry this took so long, i've been so busy TT not proofread pls... b kind </3 lol
mark... would actually melt. likes being adored in a way thats different from the usual praise and skinship he receives from the people around him. he gives you a certain ability to be able to be clingy in ways others can't if that makes sense? doesn't have a preference on when you're clingy with him, he just loves that you hang onto him constantly. always encourages you to love up on him, especially if people make backhanded comments and he sees you slowly pulling away?? he hates that sm! would honestly want his own space sometimes because he's always busy, but never ever makes you feel like you're a burden or a chore
renjun... i don't know if he would like it too much! everyone adores him all the time and yes having a partner is different than him hanging out with the neos but i honestly think he just likes everything to be private and pretty basic. that's not to say he doesn't like you being clingy or won't be clingy to you back, he just prefers to have you in private. likes it when he senses you need him and he feels very wanted in a sense that you always seem to want to touch him and follow him around. usually doesn't mind it because you're not invasive about it. sets healthy boundaries though!
jeno... loves it. oh my god i feel like he would want a clingy parter. he's on the quieter side so someone to just sit with him and wrap themselves around him like a koala while he just goes on about his day just, sounds so nice and appealing?? loves it when you follow him around like a lost kitten... he pats you on the head as a reward each time, v wholesome overall! especially likes you being clingy in public because he lives and breathes to show you off like UGH and when you're not afraid to show the world how obsessed with him you are??? ugh! you sitting on his lap while he games?? feels as though he won at life
haechan... oh my god, its so hard to be clingy with him because he's already so clingy with you. he reminds me of those high school and university boys who like tease you sm but are always so sweet and look like a puppy and you can't help but... adore them?! and he thinks if you the same way. honestly if you're usually really clingy, he adores it regardless and you both are in your own lovey little world 90% of the time BUUT if you usually aren't and start being clingy with him out of the blue, oh he will never let you live it down
jaemin... takes it as an opportunity to baby you to the max!! if he had a partner i think, since his moods vary sm and he's more of an ambivert, he would want to gauge how clingy and lovey he would be to his partner whenever he would get into those moods, so when he sees you being clingy, he takes that as an open to be doting to you and he also finds himself getting into a cutesy mindset?? as well? really enjoys you in general and he's a pretty touchy person himself and i think he would especially be a fond of clinginess if he is in love with someone the way he loves you. a cuddler for sure
chenle... one of his favorite things about you hehe. likes to feel like a big man yknow, i've said this before LOL but its true!! i will say though he seems to me like the type of person who likes his alone time and personal space but does allow you to cling to him because... its YOU! and he has a very soft spot for you. but also, like renjun, makes it a point to communicate when he wants his own space. and he is very good at not making you feel bad about it, just offers different alternatives so he doesn't get like... overstimulated
jisung... is used to people being lovable and adoring but... this is so different like, you want to pepper his face with KISSES??? oh my gosh. doesn't mind you being clingy but never knows how to handle it especially in the beginning of you guys dating. learns your clingy habits and comes to adore the way you treat him when you lean towards a more doting mood like UGHHH and if you're shorter than him?? and he just looks down at you while you smile lovingly with your arms wrapped around him GAHHH. likes back hugs from you when you're extra clingy. he is obsessed with you and slowly becomes equally as clingy
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l0vem41l · 4 months
Forgive me if I disturb you, but if your requests are open can I have a romantic Glamrock Freddy x Animatronic Cat reader who's really shy and insecure about themselves?
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「 tws + notes: no tws, SUPER unedited, animatronic cat reader, i love making stuff up thatz Not In Canon, writer is bad at animatronic reader writing (my bad), cat animatronic reader has cat-like behaviour becuz i Said So 」
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「 gn!reader, romantic relationship <3 」
↳ ft. glamrock freddy (other glamrocks, the dca + vanessa mentioned)
author's note: no ur not disturbing me at all!!! ^_^ my fnaf reqs are were open!! :3 i don't typically write for animatronic reader so i hope i did this ok!! i'm so sorry if this was a little slow!! but tysm 4 ur patience! i hope u enjoy o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ <3
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▸ a new animatronic at the plex meant a new companion! a new opportunity for friendship! at least, that’s what freddy initially expected. every attempt to greet you was met with you fleeing, every friendly wave met with awkward silence as you quickly averted your eyes and pretended not to see— and conversations were nonstarters.
he started to get nervous that you didn’t like him. which was a very rare experience for freddy.
▸ he asks vanessa all abt you. what were you built for? were you a new glamrock? why did you not like him? :(
“officer vanessa! i was looking for you! if i may ask—” freddy’s sentence was cut off with an exasperated sigh from the overworked security officer, barely through her shift and already done with everything. she jus like me fr.
“if it’s about that cat you keep asking about, upper management barely gave me any information. i’ve told you what i know,” vanessa rubs the bridge of her nose, reciting the info she had already told freddy possibly a thousand times, “the new animatronic is under beta testing, currently coded to not be overly social in case people get attached, and probably not going to stay very long.”
his ear twitches at the last part.
“i… i see.” freddy nods thoughtfully, thanking vanessa politely, which she dismisses with a small shrug before walking off.
he doesn’t notice you around the corner, quick to leave the scene before your presence could be discovered.
▸ skittish. that is his first impression of you. your first interaction is nothing more than him grinning at you and greeting you with a “hello!”
this seems to startle you. he expects you to make your escape immediately, as per usual— but to his surprise, you manage to muster up the tiniest “hi” before leaving.
he’s giddy about the exchange all week. the others never hear him shut up about you, freddy always gushing about the progress he made with you.
monty considers decommissioning him over this /j
▸ while vanessa had informed him of the fact you were not particularly socially inclined for the sake of beta testing, freddy began to question if that was the truth. in a few weeks time, with plenty of attempts made to speak to you and the utmost amount of patient, you grow close to freddy.
one day, you express a distaste for the limelight. something about the amount of eyes being on you frightening you, he recalls. and he’s certainly never felt that way— made for the spotlight, made to perform— freddy has a hard time conceptualizing what that might be like. and while he may never understand, he’s determined to help 
▸ no, he won’t force you to be friends with everyone at the pizzaplex and frankly doesn’t think that’s a good idea— but he certainly tries to encourage you to talk to the others who are just as curious about you as he was
freddy can’t help but be worried though. what if chica overwhelms you with her chattiness? what if roxy intimidates you too much? what if monty scares you away? what if sun and moon— well… the daycare attendant is a whole other thing in itself.
so, yes, while wanting you to speak to others and interact, he can’t help but be just the tiniest bit protective. freddy really  doesn’t mean to hover. but yes, he looks out for you always. can’t have any of his hard work be undone! not after he spent so long trying to get you out of your shell.
▸ this ends up in you two developing a system when first meeting the others. freddy accompanies you, holding your paw in his. every so often in the conversation, he squeezes it gently to ask if you’re okay.
one squeeze back for yes, two for no.
this is especially helpful when you get overwhelmed or anxious midway through a conversation and have no idea how to end it. he’ll simply make an excuse and find a quiet place for the two of you to calm down. he’ll always tell you he’s proud of your progress at the end of meeting someone new. slowly but surely, freddy sees you grow into yourself more— and he’s just delighted :))
▸ he’s quick to reassure whenever you’re insecure, earnest as ever. when you grow comfortable enough around him, freddy likes to hold your hand when speaking to you. a very good listener, and an insanely good pep talker.
▸ freddy is busy almost constantly, but he chooses to spend his free time with you!!!!! you contemplate with him what you life will be like after your beta testing stage.
he tries not to think too hard about it. to him, you’re here to stay. you have to be! he’d miss the way you absentmindedly paw at things when your bored, the way your voice box emulates a purr when you’re content, the way your yawn was stupidly cute— annndd yes fine, whatever, he was getting attached.
your shyness may have been coded as a feature to keep people away, to deter any potential attachment before a finalization of your launch in the pizzaplex— but it never deterred freddy. It just drew him in closer. and how special he felt, getting to know you.
“i don’t think i’m built to be a glamrock,” you say suddenly, breaking the silence as freddy organizes his room. the gifts from fans are arranged purposefully by him, each one placed with utmost care. you're sitting at the edge of his couch, kneading into a throw pillow absentmindedly as he decorates.
“and what makes you say that?” he questions, gaze focused on putting up a drawing done by a young child, depicting him in an array of messy lines of marker. he straightens it out and places it on the wall, taping it down before giving it a little satisfied pat.
“i’m just not as good as you guys. you’re all total rockstars and i’m just… useless.” you trail off awkwardly, averting your eyes from him. “my consciousness could be programmed into a staff bot and i’d still manage to be lousy.”
he looks at you. a beat of silence before he speaks again.
freddy’s voice is soft. “you’re perfect, superstar. you could be a glamrock. you could be anything.”
you glance up and him. he knows you don’t believe him.
“you have a place here.” he reassures.
“yeah? where?” you challenge.
“with me!” freddy’s response is quick, ears wiggling happily as he declares it— it takes him a moment to process what words just came out of his mouth.
“...and chica, and roxy, and monty— the rest. you’re one of us, now.” he tacks the last part on quickly, feeling bashful.
still, you smile, feeling slightly flustered yourself. “you think so?”
“i’m certain.”
▸ freddy loves you. in all your skittish, awkward, shy glory— he loves you.
naturally, he’s ecstatic to receive the announcement you’re there to stay! he can’t wait to see how you grow into yourself, and of course— he’ll always extend a helping paw when you need him.
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— reblogs always appreciated!
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whoreish-behaviour · 1 year
If your asks are still open, could you please do a Bakugou that came tired from work, but his darling wife/hubby got a bath and a whole meal ready for him and then maybe a little soft smutty?
Thank you~~
Tysm for your ask >:3
And I'm sorry - this came out wayyy longer than it was suppose to lmao
Warnings >~< = Soft!smut, F!Reader, use of 'good girl'.
Not proof read - ignore any typepo's
He had been tense recently. You could sense his overwhelming anxiety building up.
Ever since you had met Katsuki Bakugo you knew he was filled to the brim with pure raging emotions. He was just one of many who didn't know how or where to channel them.
However, that was what you signed up to deal with - at the ripe age of 12 when his former venomous words shifted to less harsh ones of encouragement and disguised care.
'Just don't get yourself killed I don't wanna hav' to carry ya to the damn hospital wing'
'You okay?! You hurt?!'
'Dumbass, your doing it wrong. Watch me'
Even back then you knew he cared. Something in your heart just told you that this ball of anger and pride cared about you.
You were the one to confess first on his 19th birthday. Everyone knew about the both of you, all except for him of course.
All it took was Izuku pulling you in the back garden and attempting to kiss you, all while Bakugo watched from his balcony.
Never before had he felt anger quite like that. Pure rage laced with fear that you didn't like him. He had been trying to find ways to tell you but always came short.
He was stomping down the stairs in no time, eyes set on the back door so much that he had missed how Izuku was already back in the living room - cheeks pink with embarrassment.
He practically barged his way through doors until his eyes landed on you, alone, sitting by the pool. You were tracing the waves with your finger tips, eyes set on the clear water.
He crossed the path and stood next to your sat body. However, you jerked back when his voice broke the silence.
'So, where'd little Deku disappear off to?'
You instantly turned to look up at him, his red ones already boring into yours. You swallowed your nervousness that always seemed to appear when he was in your presence.
'Oh, er, I'm not too sure-'
'Who would've thought that you liked him huh?' His words held a bite to them and you tilted you heard in confusion.
You stood up beside him, wondering if he was just pulling one of his many stupid jokes on you.
'And who said that you two of you were allowed back here?' He was growing more and more frustrated, arms now crossed over his chest as he stepped closer.
'Bakugo, I'm sorry but I swear-' You tried again but he cut you off.
'If you wanted to just be alone with Deku- then you shouldn't have come.' He looked away as the sentence left his scowling lips.
And that was when you realised why he was so fired up.
He was jealous.
And you couldn't help your smile as you eyed the angry look on his face - offended that you dare give Izuku a speck of your attention.
Your smile however set him off even more as he spat more words about how you should just run back to Deku.
Tired of his meaningless rant, you rudely cut off as your used all your strength to push him straight into the water below.
You couldn't stop your laughs as you heard the splash of water, his body completely submerged. You then once again took your place beside the pool, this time dipping your toes in.
You waited patiently, grinning ear to ear as your saw his head resurface.
And boy - if looks could kill.
'Im sorry suki, I thought you could use a cool down.' He seemed to be in shock from your actions, your audacity leaving him stunned.
Confidence high, you gripped the front of his shirt and gently pulled him towards you. You leaned down closer, both your heart and his beating wildly.
'And I like you too dumbass.' You repeated his nickname for you back at him and he almost laughed at your copy cat behaviour.
'Come here.' You didn't have a choice as he wrapped his arms around your thighs, pulling you towards his chest - bodies shivering from the cold of the water.
His lips immediately enveloped yours as you both smiled into your first of many kisses.
Finally, you were his and he was yours.
The memory played on repeat as you bent over the tub, warm water racing through your fingertips. Your cheeks were tinted, remembering how you felt in that moment.
Deeming the water hot enough, you leaned over and turned the tap off. The bathroom was dark, the candles littered on every shelf casting a warm glow.
You knew both you and Katsuki needed this.
You needed to be together, life and work had used everything in its power to hinter you seeing each other and you were tired. Today would be different no matter what.
Exiting the bathroom, you checked your phone. Katsuki had sent no messages but you knew he would be home soon.
It was 12pm at night- you knew Katsuki expected you to be asleep but like you said, not tonight.
The sound of the lock being turned alerted you and you moved quickly to the door - ready to greet your tired husband.
He never failed to make you nervous. Your heart jumped as he came into view, his eyes cast down at the wood floor.
After years of training, your husband had filled out his role at Number 2 hero, his shoulders wide and chest packed with muscle. Only one word could described your husband and it was big.
He only noticed you when he fully in the apartment, door closed and relocked.
Katsuki felt himself physically melt as he took you in. You were stood about a metre away, too far, with your arms clasped in front of you - eyes full of love ready to reel him in.
He was on you in a second, arms around your figure and nose shoved deep into your neck. You always smelled like lavender, the calm he needed.
You also wrapped him in your arms, breathing him in like oxygen. You felt so happy you could cry, tears welling up in your eyes as you finally felt wholly safe again.
You felt his hand gasp your jaw, angling your face so he could smash his lips to your - something he felt like he hadn't done in a lifetime.
You kissed back, fingers lacing into his hair and tugging his impossibly closer.
Pulling back, he pressed his forehead to yours, finally opening his eyes to stare into yours.
'Why you crying baby?' His heart sunk, both hands now cradling your head, thumbs swiping under your eyes.
'I just missed you.' You sniffed, hands moving to hold his wrists.
Guilt ate at him as he pressed his forehead back to you, wishing he could take the loneness from you.
He knew exactly how you felt, he hated only coming back to your sleeping figure - little hands gripping his pillow to your chest. Without you there, he felt empty as he saved life after life.
He was determined to change something, there was no way he could leave you to be so upset again.
'Im sorry my love, I'm so sorry.'
Neither of you knew how long you stood there, caressing and kissing - basking in each others love.
It was you that pulled away first, hands coming up to remove his hero costume. He watched as you did, eyes tracing over your face, already missing your lips.
Once he was only in his boxer, your gently took his hand and lead him into the bathroom, the whole room warm from the heat of the candles.
You turned to Katsuki, undoing your sheer robe as he watched silently, eyes bouncing as more and more of your skin was revealed.
Katsuki's mouth watered as your bare breast were revealed to him, nipples hard and standing at attention.
You looked away, kicked the robe away and climbing into the tub.
When you both had bought this house, you had made sure the tub was massive. It was big enough to fit 4 people at least and you loved that it gave more than enough room for you both.
The water came up to just above your breasts as you motioned for Katsuki to follow.
He instantly pulled down his underwear and climbed in behind you, shifting until his legs were around yours and his chest was to your back.
You felt him rest his head against your shoulder, chin tucked in close and he basked in your scent and love.
You lift your hand as placed it on his head, nails began to gently scratch at his scalp and he hummed in appreciation.
Not wanting the water to turn cold before you properly washed up, you turned in his embrace - now facing him, nose to nose and chest to chest.
You looked deep into his eyes as he did yours, a smirk tugging at his lips.
'Your so beautiful.'
You blushed and looked away, still no being able to take his compliments upfront even though you had been married for almost 3 years.
'Thank you.' Needing a distraction, you reached over his shoulder and grabbed the lo-fi and body wash. Pouring a decent amount onto the sponge, you began to run it over his neck and shoulders.
He instantly seemed to deflate, back pressed full against the tub and eyes closed.
You looked over his features, his perfect nose, mouth and eyes - stilling lathering his body in soap.
After he was completely covered, you headed lower - focusing on his abs. You frowned at the various bruises but it was nothing new.
The soap began to float to the surface of the water, hindering your view slightly as you continued to scrub.
You eventually landed on his toned thighs and only then did you look up.
Katsuki was already staring at you, eyes half lidded.
You swallowed, nervous from his stare and continued.
Once the soap had left the sponge, bubbles building up around the edge of the tub, your disregarded it - choosing to instead run your hands along his skin.
You yet again looked up, fluttering your lashes at your husband.
You saw him purse his lips and sit up, body sloshing the water around yours. Once you were nose to nose again, he ran his hands down from your waist to your thighs, gripping the skin and pinching as he went.
You whined, thighs shaking as he grasped them, yanking you forwards and directly on top of him.
'Whining already? I've barley touched you.' He smirked at you, dimple evident as you looked away.
He was, of course, right. This was nothing in comparison to the pleasure he's grazed upon your body before but nevertheless, it had your pussy clenching around nothing.
'Please..?' You nosed your face under his, kissing his neck gently. You could feel his pulse and you smiled at the fact it matched yours.
You continued to kiss around, sucking on the skin until light bruises formed. There was always such a massive difference about the marks you left on him and the ones he left on you.
You could feel his hands on you again, moving up from your thighs to your ass - gripping the flesh and squeezing.
You instantly rocked your hips against his hands and subconsciously against his cock.
You both shuddered as your loins grazed. It had been too long..
'You're so needy. Missed me that much?' he groaned as he pinched your ass, using that as leverage to rock your hips again and again against his own.
'Course, suki' You whined.
'Come on then, grind against me. Gotta get that pussy wet for me.' You moaned at his words, moving faster on top of him, feeling his thick girth slide between your fold and up against your clit.
Katsuki moved his right hand from your ass to the front of your body, left still rocking you against him, and pinched your nipple.
He rolled the it between his thumb and forefinger, the rest cupping your underboob.
'So fucking sensitive hah?' He panted in you neck and you whined in response.
'Please let me cum suki, it's been so long' You begged, breaths coming out laboured.
'Rub your clit for me baby, go on.' He encouraged, groping your breast more roughly and moving your hips quicker.
You instantly did as you were told, running your ring finger in tight, fast circles.
Your hips jolted as you hit your high, slowing down as you threw your head back, Bakugo taking the opportunity to suck his own hickeys into your neck.
Overwhelmed, you moaned out loud, desparate cries while it all went straight to Katsuki cock - that throbbed and twitched painfully against his stomach.
'You ready for me baby?' He asked after you had calmed down. You immediately nodded against him and he chuckled in response.
'Of course you fuckin' are. Lift your hips up.' He kissed your check as you elevated your hips, chest pressed flat to his and face in his neck.
He moved his hand from your ass to your tailbone and used the other aline his cock to your entrance. You cried out as you felt him push inside, stretching you to fit his size.
He whispered encouragement in your ear as he told you to lower your hips when you were ready to.
He'd gladly wait here all way for you and you knew that.
Not wanting to wait, you slowly but surely lowered until your hips were flush to his, cock buried to the hilt inside you.
You moaned as you allowed your pussy to get use to him again.
You pulled back slightly and looked down. The sight made you clench and Katsuki groaned as he felt it, walls warm and sung to him.
'You feel so fucking good.' He pulled you back to him, sitting up with you. You both moaned as he slid even deeper, tip pushed up and against your G spot.
You both moved at the same time, rocking with the water and he slid in and out of your hole. Your slick made it easier each time as your both groaned and whined into the quiet room.
You could hear the water escaping over the edge of the tub, slashing down onto the ground.
Neither of you cared as you both worked together, hips grinding.
You felt his hands grip your ass, spreading it from the force he was using to move you against him.
You loved it, moaning and telling how amazing he felt inside you. But he knew already, just from the way you were continuously clenching around his length.
'Keep clenching around me , fuck thats it - goood girl' You whined as you witness him go pussy drunk.
'I’m gonna come Katsuki'
His hands moved again, crawling around your waist and straight against your clit. It was sore and sensitive as he ran circles around it.
'So sensitive baby.' You felt his smirk against your neck as you moved faster.
You high hit you like a slap and your clenching finally pushed Katsuki to exactly where he needed to be.
After a few more thrusts, you felt him twitch and release inside you, it was hot and your squirmed at the sensation. He rocked your body against his still, both of you riding your highs together.
'You did such a good job baby.' He slid his arms around your waist and hugged you close.
'Deep breaths,' You did as he said and you were both soon cuddling in the tub, the water lukewarm but neither of you dare budged.
You did eventually lift your head to connect eyes with the love of your eyes,
And he was staring right back at you.
And just like that, you were back in that pool in his back garden, not even a centimetre between you as you bother utter the words,
I Love You.
Again, did not mean for this to be so long :p
Please do not steal, copy or translate my work
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