#yandere vampire fem x fem reader
bunnis-monsters · 21 days
Yandere!Vampire that was once royalty, living in a dilapidated castle, alone and depressed. As a human, he was surrounded by people. Everyone adored him, his golden curls and warm brown eyes charming the hearts of every noble that set eyes on him.
That was until his family was slaughtered by a coven of vampires, leaving him the only survivor. Now with no family, he was turned away from the nobles that once gathered at his side, calling him beautiful and intelligent. Now he was a beast, and was only left alive because no one dared to touch him.
As the years passed by, all that knew of his existence died out, meaning no one remembered or cared for him. In the past, he had at least been grateful he had been in someone’s thoughts, even if it was in a negative light. Now, no one even hated him. He was just nonexistent to the world outside his castle.
Centuries passed by, every day slowly picking at the last bits of his sanity. Days of past grandeur and the current day mixed together, leaving him in a state where he couldn’t tell whether he was back in the living arms of his family, or wandering the dark, crumbling hallways of his childhood home.
It was only when a soft, warm light flooded one of the abandoned rooms he had been standing in that the fog in his brain began to fade, allowing him to see what was in front of him for the first time in decades.
It was you, a young woman in a hoodie and jeans, holding a flashlight. You lived only a mile away, and had been exploring when you came upon ruins of what seemed like an ancient castle.
You had heard rumors of a person that wandered the ruins from the townsfolk, and old tales of vampires that had been passed down by tongue for centuries. Not believing them, you decided to see for yourself…
Your light shone upon what you first thought was an ethereal ghost or some kind of beautiful spirit. A man with a mop of blonde curls, porcelain skin, and the most beautiful pair of ruby red eyes you’ve ever seen stared back at you.
The person attempted to speak, but clutched his throat, as if he hadn’t spoken in so long, his vocal cords had forgotten how.
The man perked up at the sound of your voice, his eyes clearing up. It seemed just hearing another human speak made his undead heart leap, and he couldn’t help but stumble towards you.
You yelped when he crossed the room within seconds and pulled you into his arms, burying his face in your neck and inhaling deeply.
The smell of another person, of sweat and perfume mixing together to make your own unique scent made him want to sob.
Of course you were freaked out, but the man holding onto you wasn’t hurting you, and you could feel warm tears soaking through your shirt. How could you turn away someone that was obviously in distress?
Unsurprisingly, the man followed you home. It didn’t take a genius to realize he wasn’t human. He was as pale as a sheet of paper, with no pulse or any color to his cheeks. His eyes were scarlet, a shade you had never seen a human have before.
Despite knowing this, you couldn’t help but care for him. He was thin, malnourished, with clothing that was so old and dirty that it nearly crumbled when he took them off.
“Are you hungry?”
You had taken to asking only yes or no questions, since he couldn’t speak. The man frowned, his eyes getting foggy for a second. You decided to ask again.
“Hello? Are you-“
He suddenly snapped back into reality, leaning forward to gently place his lips on your neck. You squeaked out in surprise when you felt his teeth sink into your neck… but it didn’t hurt. Instead, you only felt an uncomfortable pressure and draining sensation, and before long he was pulling back.
“Mmph…” he panted softly, blood running down his chin. “Was… so… thirsty…” he managed to say, his voice hoarse and small.
He cupped your cheek, holding your face in his hands and looking down at you with what could only be described as utter adoration.
“My love…”
From that point on, he was attached to your hip, following you everywhere you went like a lovesick puppy. Any time you were separated, he had severe anxiety, going back and forth from his dreamworld and reality. It was his coping mechanism, but it caused him to never understand what was real and what wasn’t.
You grounded him, made him feel safe and loved. Oh how he adored you. You had saved him from his lonely existence and taken him into your home as if he were a stray dog, and he was loyal like one. His loyalty came at a price, however, and that price was your freedom to do as you pleased.
Late nights out with friends became next to nonexistent, especially if he knew there would be any males there.
“I just want to protect you, my beloved. It’s a dangerous, cruel world. People will act as if they love you when they do not…”
And as you slowly became more and more isolated, his affections only grew. Kisses to your hand began to trail up your arm and to your neck. Snuggles turned into grinding and heavy petting, and even the most innocent of caresses became lewd in nature.
It didn’t take long for him to fuck you for the first time. After all, he had been pent up and alone for centuries, resisting taking you on the spot was excruciating.
The second he sunk into your pussy, he came. You were just so warm and your scent made his head fuzzy. He couldn’t help but fuck into you like a wild animal, feeding from your pretty neck as he filled you up over and over.
After the first time, a day didn’t pass by when he didn’t crave your intimate touch. Some days he was satisfied with heavy petting and kisses, others he couldn’t be satiated until his face was between your legs, lapping at your cunt for hours.
You were his, his mate, his lover. He couldn’t imagine a life without you anymore, so could you really blame him when he clung to you so tightly?
He just loved you, and he did such a good job at keeping you satisfied, just enough to where you didn’t look into the missing cases of your old lovers and male friends.
Why would you need to pay attention to any of that when your loving, attentive boyfriend was right there, ready to worship you from head to toe?
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yandere-writer-momo · 18 days
Yandere Head Canons:
Denial of Desire
Yandere Vampiress x Henchman Fem Reader
TW: comphet, internalized homophobia, denial of feelings, yearning, slowly slippping into madness, yandere behavior, unhealthy relationship, murder (threatened), etc.
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Ophelia often dismissed you despite your constant concern of her well being. You knew she was a vampire and a mistress of the night, but she consistently put herself in danger. You once loved Ophelia, yet you knew she was straight. It would be rude to impose your feelings on your mistress when she only held distaste for you. Especially since you were nothing more than a servant to Ophelia.
Whether it was to hunt for food or to bring some random man back to her manor, you always had to clean up the mess. It started to get on your nerves since you were still new to being a vampire yourself… yet you had no interest in drinking human blood. Not like Ophelia did.
“Your cleaning skills are subpar. Can’t you do it any better?” Ophelia nagged you as she kicked over your mop bucket with her black pinkie wickers. You sighed, hours of work now ruined in mere seconds.
“My lady, I was simply on the first round of mopping. This quite difficult to remove old blood from the walls and floor.”
“Then find a better way to do it. I need to fetch my next victim soon and I don’t want them to see this mess.” Ophelia gestured to you and the filthy floor. “If you have any complaints, you can simply leave.”
You bowed your head and frowned. No matter how kind you were to your mistress or how you did your best to meet her demands, it was never enough. You were never enough.
“Apologies, I’ll keep cleaning.” You went back to scrubbing the walls and floor. You couldn’t let her rudeness get to you… not until you found a new master at least. Ophelia would be hosting a vampire ball by the end of the week so you may have your chance to flee then?
Ophelia studied your form before she smiled. You never complained no matter how rude she was to you, it was a trait she adored about you. She wished every servant was like you. It would make her life less stressful then… except she knew you were her favorite. You always dutifully fulfilled your every command in a timely manner… Ophelia was positive you’d always stay by her side. Why would you ever leave your mistress? She made you.
Ophelia had brought yet another man home and quickly whisked him up to her room without sparing you a glance. You shook your head at her antics before you decided to explore the manor’s garden to tend to. Despite now being a creature of the night, you still retained your love for gardening. It was just a shame you could never see the flowers under the sunlight again…
Ophelia on the other hand, couldn’t even get past kissing with this man. He was just like all the others before him… no matter what she did, it felt wrong. Being with men made her feel sick to her stomach and the vampiress didn’t understand why.
All her life, her parents told her she’d find a man one day and she could turn him into a vampire to be with her… yet all of them were subpar. Their genitalia disgusted her and they were far too hairy for her. Everything about men was gross other than their blood. That’s all they seemed to be good for…
Ophelia wiped her mouth from yet another messy meal, the vampiress made her way to her balcony to study her night garden. And that’s when she spotted you. What were you doing down there?
Ophelia studied your form as you trimmed up some of the bushes and tended to the flowers. You were so soft looking compared to the men. Soft and delicate like the petals of the roses below… forever young and beautiful thanks to Ophelia. You’d never have to age or worry about sickness. In Ophelia’s mind, she saved you. Yet why did you always look so sad? Was her company not enough for you?
Ophelia rested her arms on her balcony, her red eyes scanned your sullen form in thought. She wondered if her night would be different if it was you beneath her and not the many men she’s brought to her room. If your skin was as soft as it looked… if you were sensitive and lovely- no!
Ophelia shook her head and pushed herself from the balcony in haste. The vampiress ran a pale hand through her Snow White locks in horror. Why would she think of you in such a way? You were another woman… you weren’t a man. You were soft and sweet like fruit but she couldn’t have you. She couldn’t sleep with you because you were a woman. And Ophelia wasn’t a lesbian… she couldn’t be. She had to produce a pure blood vampire, it was her destiny.
Yet her impure thoughts said otherwise. Ophelia knew the truth deep down… she loved you. It’s why she was so mean to you. It was to try to scare you away.
When the ball came around, Ophelia’s breath hitched when she spotted you in your dress. How could someone look so lovely? If she still had a beating heart, she was sure it would burst
Ophelia did her best to ignore you at the ball but her eyes often shifted to you as you danced with other vampires… how could you dance so carefree with other women? Didn’t you feel shame like she did?
It was when Ophelia hung out with a young couple of pure blood vampires that she questioned herself. This couple consisted of two women? Two female vampires could be together? It was okay to be… she had no idea she could make that choice.
Ophelia felt tears gather in her eyes as the two pure bloods reassure her that it was okay to like other women. That they were immortal creatures who could do whatever they pleased.
And that was all it took for Ophelia to go running after you. The vampiress had to confess, she had to tell you how she felt-
Ophelia nearly fell to the floor when she saw you kissing another vampiress. Her dead heart dropped to her feet in shock when you ran your fingers through the other woman’s black locks. You… you were hers. You were her servant and no one else’s!
Ophelia wanted to kill this vampire you touched! How dare she touch you when you were her property! You cannot be with anyone other than Ophelia, herself!
Ophelia rushed forward and separated you from the other vampire. Her breathing ragged and her white hair in disarray. “I am in need of your assistance this instant. You do not have time to fraternize with the other candies here.”
You can’t even protest as Ophelia dragged you away by your arm. You’re speechless when Ophelia dragged you up the stairs towards her room.
“Mistress-“ You’re suddenly thrown to her bed, unable to scramble away since Ophelia lunged at you.
“I hate you…” Ophelia cried. “I hate how you make me feel. How I can’t get you out of my mind.”
“Mistress-“ Ophelia pressed her lips against yours with fervency. Her hands hungrily grasped at your flesh. You’re absolutely gobsmacked at this transgression. What?
“I hate you so much because I love you. I love you so much, it makes me crazy.” Ophelia muttered into your lips. “And I don’t care who I have to kill or what I have to do, I won’t let anyone else have you.”
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bwabys-scenarios · 2 months
Vampire kurapika?? ITS BEEN ON MY MIND ALL DAY
Strange Girl(NSFW)
Vampire!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
A/N: This post has been in my drafts since October 😭
warnings: slight yandere behavior, Kurapika is possessive/protective over you, fingering, creampie, biting, Kurapika drinks your blood
NSFW: @lightshowerrr @jungtoast @nenggie @pannacottababy @aliceattheart @atransmuter
‼️If you want to be added to the taglist, please check out the taglist information then comment what you want to be added to! Make sure you have your age in your bio and that your blog can be tagged/mentioned!‼️
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In his few centuries of being a vampire, Kurapika had grown lonely. He hid himself away in the large manor that had been passed down in his family, only coming out to feed at night.
Although, on one of these nights, Kurapika’s life would change forever.
It was late October, perhaps even Halloween night. Kurapika had stopped keeping track of the exact date years ago. It didn’t really matter, he couldn’t feel the cold or the heat on his undead skin, so the changes in months and weather meant little to him.
He wasn’t really that hungry, but had decided to feed that night to get it over with. Honestly, the blonde tried not to feed all that often, preferring to stay in his manor and read to pass the time.
However, he heard the town nearby would be relatively quiet, considering there would be a huge party that all the humans would be attending. That meant he could easily pick off one of the stragglers in the dead of night, giving him an easy meal.
Kurapika roamed the streets, wearing a new coat from one of his latest victims and using the streetlights to read as he walked. It was a new book, some kind of romance novel. He wasn’t the biggest fan of the genre, honestly it just depressed him, but over his 300 years of life, the things he hadn’t read became smaller and smaller. He didn’t have the privilege of being picky anymore.
It was around midnight when he sensed someone else on the path ahead of him. He glanced up from his book for a split second, long enough to see who it was, but not long enough to cause suspicion.
Already, he was feeling bad. It was a girl, a pretty one at that. She was strolling down the street, humming along to something she was listening to in her headphones. The girl didn’t seem to notice him until she got closer, glancing up to give him a friendly smile, pulling off one of her headphones.
Kurapika gave a quick nod in response before looking away. He didn’t like talking too much with his victims before he drained them, it just left a bigger impact on him to talk to his food before he ate it. “Did you not get invited to the party either? I thought I was the only one!”
He attempted to ignore her, waiting for her to get close enough to strike. “Oh, is that a romance novel? I haven’t seen it before!”
‘This human sure likes to talk.’ Kurapika thought, his scarlet eyes peeking over his book to get a better glimpse at her.
She was closer now, only a few feet away. Now he could tell she was rather plump, and incredibly cute. The woman was wearing a thin silk nightgown with a cardigan thrown over it to keep somewhat warm.
“… why are you dressed like that? Its the end of October, it’s not exactly warm out.”
Although Kurapika couldn’t feel the cold, but he could tell she could. She hummed, stopping 2 feet in front of him. “Oh, sometimes I have trouble sleeping, so I walk around and listen outside and listen to music until I get tired.”
The vampire sighed, looking her over. “You shouldn’t do that. The people say there’s a serial killer on the loose.”
‘That serial killer being me,’ he thought, his eyes scanning her figure.
She tilted her head, seeming to take in his appearance before speaking again. “Hmm? I’m pretty tough I’ll have you know! Look!”
She pulls out a little pocket knife, and it was almost amusing how small and useless it looked. “I’m armed!”
Kurapika looked at this girl standing before him and smiling, and he knew he was going to be leaving hungry tonight. “I see… well, I’ll be off then.”
The woman blinked, quickly turning to grab his hand. “Hey wait!”
Kurapika froze, the soft, warm feeling of her touch sinking into his hand. He almost shuddered. The only ways for vampires to experience warmth was through human touch or blood, so it almost a euphoric feeling to be touched. “What?”
He glanced back at her, giving her a slightly surprised look when he saw she was pouting. “You didn’t tell me why you’re out here all by yourself. It’s not safe for you either!”
Was this little human… worried for him? He wanted to laugh, but instead, Kurapika decided to indulge her. “I guess I’m on a walk as well.”
She seemed unimpressed with his answer, but didn’t push further. “Ah…”
He looked down, noticing she still hadn’t let go of his hand. When she caught him looking, she blushed and pulled her hand away. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
She twiddled her thumbs, glancing up at him. Kurapika found this human somewhat… cute.
“One more thing!”
She smiled shyly at him. “What’s your name? I haven’t seen you around town!”
Kurapika thought for a moment. He could lie to her, but he considered lying a sin. It was a little hypocritical of him, considering he killed people to eat.
“It’s Kurapika.”
She smiled, offering her hand to him. “Well I’m (Name), nice to meet you Kurapika!”
And like that, they were exchanging phone numbers. It took him a moment once he was alone to process that she had snatched his phone, gotten his number, and given him hers. He was too distracted by the kissy mark now on his cheek… and the sweet smile she gave him when she left.
This human had caught his interest… and he wouldn’t be letting her slip through his fingers.
(Name) ended up being quite interesting, keeping him entertained. At first, that all she was, entertainment for him until he got bored of her presence.
But after spending yet another night as her personal body guard while she went out for drinks… he felt the creeping feeling of protectiveness beginning to evade his mind. He didn’t like the way the other humans spoke with her, how they touched her with little regards to who she may belong to.
Lately, when she requested he’d join her, Kurapika preferred spending nights in at her home. She enjoyed this as well, calling their meetings “sleepovers”. He hated how he found that cute…
“Kurapika, do you want to sleep on the couch or my bed? I promise I don’t mind sleeping on the couch-“
He stopped her by raising an eyebrow. “I would not kick you out of your bed, (Name).”
She pouted a little, something that always softened Kurapika’s cold exterior. “Do you have any other ideas, my dear?”
(Name) thought for a moment, furrowing her eyebrows. “Hmm… oh!”
Kurapika blinked when she grabbed him by the shoulder. “We can share my bed! Ah, that’s the best way to have a sleepover, isn’t it?”
Oh, his naive and innocent little friend. Kurapika sighed, rubbing his temple. “Dear, I am a grown man and you are a defenseless woman. Are you sure?”
(Name) tilted her head, looking up at him. “Yeah… because you would never hurt me, right?”
If his cold, undead heart could race, it would. He melted, cooing softly as he caressed her chubby cheek. “Of course not, my dear. I would never hurt you, never.”
She giggled, tugging him towards her bedroom. “Then let’s get ready for bed!”
It was hard for Kurapika to concentrate on sleeping when (Name) was curled up next to him, clinging to his side. Did this woman know what personal space was?
He sighed, reaching out to gently caress her cheek. She was so soft, so warm… and she smelled like home. Kurapika had never felt more at ease in his long, miserable life. He only was able to relax and truly be himself when he was with her.
She slept so soundly, even with him, a man eating monster in her bed. Kurapika had told her of his true nature a month into their friendship… yet she stayed with him.
“You’re beautiful, you know…”
Kurapika leaned forward, giving her forehead a kiss. “I love you…”
The words just came out… and he found himself blushing at the fact. He… loved her? Was that what these feelings were?
That explained how protective and possessive he was over her, how all he wanted to do was keep her tucked away in his embrace for all eternity. His lips found hers, and he gave her a gentle kiss as she slept.
When he pulled away, his eyes flashed scarlet. Kurapika wanted her more than anything, and for once his connection to this human had nothing to do with his need to feed.
Kurapika… he genuinely loved her. Her kindness, gentle nature, and understanding mind all made him fall head over heels. No human had ever accepted him for who he was, but she had with ease.
As he gently caressed her cheek, Kurapika vowed to love her for the rest of his life, to keep her safe and happy.
And as the sun rose, he made sure the blinds protected him from its harmful rays. Kurapika didn’t want to hide in his coffin, he wanted to spend more time with her. Now that he knew what he was feeling, all he wanted was to soak in her presence for as long as he could.
“Good morning, my darling.”
She rubbed her eyes, still waking up when she felt his hand on her cheek. “Mmph… Kurapika? Good morning…”
He was still in awe at the fact she didn’t flinch at his touch. “You don’t mind?”
“Mind what?”
Kurapika caressed her cheek with his thumb, his scarlet eyes soft with affection. “This. Me touching you…”
She blushed a bit, looking away. “I don’t mind at all… don’t you know how precious to me you are?”
“Precious? To you?”
Kurapika leaned in closer, his undead heart soaring. “You mean it, (Name)? Truly?”
Her cheeks continued to get warmer. “Of course… why would I let you stay with me if I didn’t care for you? I’m not stupid, I wouldn’t just share my bed with anyone.”
It was Kurapika’s turn to blush this time. A vampire as old as him getting flustered over one human? It was embarrassing.
But he couldn’t help but swoon when she touched her forehead to his. “I love you too, you know.”
His face flushed an even brighter red. “Y-you heard that?”
“Felt it too.”
She smiled, pointing to her lips. Kurapika whined in embarrassment, hiding his face. He felt like a teenage boy again, embarrassed by his first crush.
His blonde eyelashes fluttered when she captured his lips with hers. Kurapika raised his hands to cup her chubby cheeks, lightly squishing them as he melted into the kiss.
She tasted so sweet, her tongue more delectable than any blood he’d ever drank. He felt almost drunk off of her affection, his eyes half lidded as he pulled her into his lap.
It wasn’t until she whimpered into the kiss and shifted in his lap that he realized he was hard. He felt humiliated, popping a boner from a heated kiss.
“Want you…”
His teeth grazed against her neck as he whimpered out his needs. “Need you, (Name)… so warm, wanna…”
Kurapika slipped his fingers into your panties right as his fangs sunk into your neck. You hissed in pain at first, but the feeling of him stroking your needy cunt was enough to have you mewling out his name. “K-Kurapika!”
He’d never pleasured a woman before, but she wouldn’t have guessed by the way he was touching her as if he had done it a hundred times already. His fingers sank into her just as he retracted his fangs, lapping at the small pinpricks in her neck.
“So pretty, like an angel…”
He pulled down his pajama pants just enough for his cock to spring forward, rubbing it against her needy pussy. “Warm… so warm, all wet for me…”
He pulled her down onto his cock, capturing your lips in a kiss. She could taste the metallic taste of her blood on his tongue, his hands moving her up and down on his cock.
“Squeezing me…” he said with a grunt, feeling her clench around him as she came.
“C-cumming, Pika!”
He kept moving her, his mouth moving to her pretty breast. His tongue flicked against her nipple, quickly taking the (color) bud into his mouth to suck on.
Kurapika left hickeys all over her, occasionally sinking his gangs into her skin. As he continued to fuck into her pretty cunt, his possessive feelings continued to grow until he was growling into her ear.
“Mine, all mine. No one touches you but me.”
He was almost feral, his teeth bared as he came inside of her. She was a panting mess, whimpering as his cum painted her walls.
After giving her a creampie, Kurapika calmed down a bit, feeling like he had claimed her in some way. He let out a soft purr, rubbing his face against her neck and licking the bite marks he had left there.
She clung to him, letting him clean her up and apply small bandages to the bite marks he left. He felt slightly guilty, but that guilt was outweighed by the immense satisfaction he felt so see his beloved covered in his love bites.
“Mine, all mine…” he purred, curling up with her in bed. The two spent the rest of the day snuggling, never leaving each other’s side.
Kurapika had found a reason to keep living his eternal life, and would never let her go. His (Name), his love.
His everything.
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hitomisuzuya · 11 months
Vampire Scara stalking you, you just think it’s a coincidence you keep bumping into him, at your favorite shop and cafe (scratch that all around town) one day you joke about him “stalking you” and he plays it off giving you his number, what you didn’t expect was for him to be in ur tree that night waiting for you to get home, ya he was stalking you and once you were pinned to your door he got a taste and he needed more of you
Vampire! Scaramouche x fem!reader. Some smut suggested at the end.
a/n: Ngl, when requests are worded like this, it makes me smile. I wasn't sure if you wanted smut or not, but just in case, I put some suggested smut at the end.
At first you thought maybe it was a coincidence. Once at the bookstore, and once at the cafe. That was when you first started seeing Scaramouche. He always watched you at a distance at first, the intensity of his gaze pulling your attention in his direction instantly.
However, he was gone before you could ever take a second look.
The sightings continued, going beyond the definition of what you would call chance encounters. You were positive now that you were seeing him everywhere you went.
Absolutely everywhere.
Not only at the bookstore, and the cafe but at restaurants you liked to eat at, places that you hung out with your best friend, you even saw him a concert you went to.
He seemed to be getting closer and closer to you each time. And to top it all off, you swore you thought you saw him watching you at home up in a tree. The feeling of his gaze was unmistakable.
Fast forward to the here and now.
The person behind the counter was giving you your usual hot chocolate order at the cafe. "Hold on, let me find some change for you," You said, giving him a polite smile.
A credit card was suddenly placed on the counter. "Let me pay for that for you."
There it was. That unmistakable gaze. Slowly, you looked up. There was Scaramouche, standing right there next to you, offering to pay for your drink. "It's you. You know, sometimes I think you are stalking me."
Scaramouche smirked at you, one that sent a tingle up your spine. His eyes suddenly flicked to your neck for a moment. "You think so? I just happen to frequent the same places as you. It's a small world," He replied, taking his eyes off of your neck. "Tell you what, if you think this guy you think is me is still stalking you, give me a call. I'll deal with him."
Taking his receipt from the barista, Scaramouche wrote his phone number on the back, and slid it across the counter to you.
"Thank you, uh, I'm afraid I don't know your name," You admitted sheepishly. You just accused this breathtaking, captivating boy of stalking you without even knowing his name.
"Scaramouche. My name is Scaramouche," He took your cup of hot chocolate and set it down in front of you. "Take care on your way home at night. It's dangerous for someone like yourself to be walking home alone."
You nodded. "I'll be careful. And thank you for the drink. I'll have to treat you to one sometime."
Putting the receipt with his name on in your back pocket, you left and started for home. Scaramouche watched you go, the smirk widening on his face.
Your choice of words were so amusing to him. What a naive, innocent little thing you were. You didn't know just how right you were, and you believed him so easily. You by far his very favorite by far.
And tonight, it was all over for you.
You. Your neck.
They were going to be his tonight. Your blood was no doubt going to taste the sweetest to him.
Scaramouche took the short cut back to your home, and went up into his usual tree, the same one he always watched you from. He could practically hear your blood pumping through your veins in his ears the closer you got.
You walked right passed the tree, missing him entirely. You were so careless to be looking down at your phone while you walked.
That left your back nice and open for him.
You saw Scaramouche's reflection on the screen of your phone behind you. You didn't have any time to react before he was turning you around, pining you against your front door.
"Surprise," He purred, grasping your chin and turning your head, "I can't believe how easily you believed me. Now, about that drink you said you were going to treat me to."
No sooner when your heart started to pound in your chest, he sank his fangs into your neck. You gasped in pain. The want to fight him was fading as quickly as it had come.
Scaramouche biting your neck felt..incredible. The feeling of him sucking, his tongue lapping greedily at your blood, the soft groan of bliss muffled into your neck. All of it felt so good.
He could feel you relaxing under his grip. It added such an intoxicating taste to your blood. They always fought, but not you.
Who knew submission could taste that fucking good?
Scaramouche sucked on your neck for a few moments more before he pulled away, licking his lips. He curled his fingers under your chin, making you look at him. Your eyes looked clouded over, and it made him laugh darkly with glee.
"How about we head inside, hm?" He purred, to which you wordlessly nodded. "There is a vein in the inner thigh that have been dying to try. I'll be sure to bite into it right when you are cumming hard on my fingers. That sounds appealing to you, no?"
Your screams of pleasure were going to sound so sweet while he devoured more than just your blood. It truly was over for you now.
You were all his now. Your blood. Your body.
In every way.
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targaryenluvs · 5 months
pairing: dark!stefan salvatore x fem!reader, rebekah mikaelson x fem!reader
warning: stalking, obsession, unrequited feelings
stefan was one of your closest friends, even if he was a vampire. he was always there for you, when you first found out about the supernatural, when your friend vicki passed away, through all of it he was there for you.
when elena became a vampire and begun dating damon you and caroline were there for him. but stefan began to see you in a new light, you always had a smile on your face, you always knew what to say to him.
and he found his feelings for you growing.
him and elena were civil, leaving him free to go after what he really craved. you.
he found himself trailing after you once you left his home, watching you get home safe of course. every time the two of you were together he payed attention to literally everything about you, noticing every slight change in demeanour.
stefan always walked you home when he could, making sure you were safe. you were a fragile human! you needed him. everyone around you could tell he was in love you with you, but you seemed to deny it every time anyone forgot.
through the race for the cure stefan had managed to convince you to side with himself and rebekah. but what he didn’t expect was for you to gain a crush on her, and her on you. the two of you became peas in a pod and stefan was left alone.
you couldn’t stop rambling about how gorgeous she was, how sweet she was to you. even caroline was able to relate to you in secrecy for her shared affection for a certain mikeaelson.
“it’s just, everytime im around her i have the best time possible. there’s always something going on or something she wants to show me or give me. i’ve never been spoiled like that by any boyfriend or girlfriend.”
“as much as i hate her, i will admit she’s much nicer around you.”
“and as much as i despise klaus, he’s tolerable around you. that drawing he made of you is absolutely gorgeous care.”
“i know, but tyler found it and had a freak out.”
“no way!”
and all stefan could do was listen, you were so happy and he wasn’t the reason.
it would all change soon enough.
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britany1997 · 3 months
hey bestie for requests i was thinking something with toxic/stalker/possessive paul with a reader he falls for love at first sight/pining for reader since he first saw them, whether that’s him getting jealous of someone at the boardwalk flirting with HIS partner (whether reader knows it or not yet) or reader hanging with friends and paul hates sharing the reader with anyone other than him or something like that. just super possessive paul sounds *chef’s kiss*. feel free to disregard if you don’t want to do this!
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Every Breath You Take
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Of course of course! Thought this would be a fitting first story for my return to writing:):) hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: stalker/yandere Paul, general yandere behavior, kidnapping, making out, light touching lol
Paul x fem! Reader
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“He’s staring at you again,” the semi concerned words of your boyfriend came with a sharp elbow to the side. You catch the eyes of the same wild-haired blond man who seemed to pop up wherever you were.
Like always, your shared gaze didn’t last long as his blue eyes quickly flitted away. Yours narrowed, curious as to how he always seemed to know where you’d be.
“I’m sick of this asshole,” your boyfriend decides, rolling up his sleeves, “him and I are gonna have a conversation.” As he moved forward to walk towards the blond man you placed your hand on his chest, blocking him.
“Let’s not resort to violence,” you firmly suggested, “he’s not doing anything really he’s just…” you sucked in a breath, watching as the man pulled out a joint, not so subtly avoiding your eyes from afar, “watching.”
Your boyfriend scoffed, “you placate the weird kid you end up at the bottom of a lake.” Your nose scrunched in disgust. “What you didn’t see that Netflix doc babe?” He continued, “you never heard of Dahmer?”
You rolled your eyes, rolling your shoulder so his arm slid off, “you’re such a prick sometimes,” you mumbled.
Your boyfriend glared, “whatever, if I’m such a prick, why don’t you go be with that dude.” He gestured at the blue eyed man, who seemed to be trying (and failing) to pretend he wasn’t listening to your conversation.
“In fact,” your boyfriend pulled his keys from his pocket, “maybe he can give you a ride home.”
“What the fuck? You’re really gonna be like this right now?” you shook your head at your boyfriend’s hysterics, “real nice babe.”
He shrugged, saluting you mockingly before turning and walking away, leaving you stranded on the boardwalk.
Your head fell into your hands, what an asshole.
You looked in the direction of that blond guy, maybe he could give you a ride home. All things considered, he did seem harmless…and he was even sorta handsome. But unfortunately for you, he was also gone.
“Shit,” you muttered, pulling out your phone and clicking open the Uber app. You sighed. ‘This time I’m done with him,’ you thought to yourself, ‘no going back.’
“You sure?” A voice as smooth as silk purred over your shoulder, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin.
As you turned, your wide eyes bore into stunning blue ones. Your jaw went slack. You couldn’t deny that deep down you’d always thought he was an attractive guy…but up close? He might as well have been Adonis.
Maybe he liked seeing you squirm because the corner of his mouth pulled up into a smirk. “You done with him baby? Want a real man? Hmm?” His honeyed voice lulled you into a trance. You gasped like a fish as you stared at his perfect face. You let him slip an arm around your shoulder.
But then your brow furrowed, your shoulder tensing under his grip. “But…I never said I was done with him… not out loud,” you mused, shooting him a confused look.
He huffed a quick laugh. “You musta been thinkin out loud sugar,” he winked, “was half way to my bike when I heard you say that, thought I’d come back and getcha, give ya a ride maybe?”
That sounded nice. Much nicer than walking home. And hey, this guy seemed fine, the only thing he’d ever done to you was hang around while you were at the boardwalk, and damn, it was a public place anyway.
You shrugged and let him lead you towards his motorcycle as his arm slipped from your shoulder to your waist.
As you settled into the seat in front of him, he smiled brightly. “Lucky I was here huh sugar? The breakers is a good five miles from here.”
As one of his hands slid around a handlebar and the other wrapped itself around your hip, you froze. “How do you know which apartment complex I live in?” You whispered, fear coursing through you.
You felt Paul’s grip on your hip tighten as his body tensed behind you. Then he relaxed, fingers drawing light circles on your hip bone. “Fuck babydoll, knew I’d mess this up.” You felt him lean in closer, his head resting on your shoulder.
You willed your body to run, scream, do anything, but you were petrified, held captive by your fear and this man’s firm, veiny hands.
“This might hurt,” he whispered into your ear before his teeth sunk into your neck.
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You were awoken by the feeling of a hand running through your hair. You smiled softly, leaning into the touch as your eyes slowly opened.
The scene you’d expected to wake to, of your boyfriend lovingly stroking your locks, vanished as you were met with the same bright blue eyes of the man from the boardwalk.
“Oh good you’re awake,” he smiled his terribly beautiful smile, the sight of it now making you sick.
You tensed and tried to pull away before realizing the blond man had your left wrist handcuffed to the bed.
“Just a precaution for now,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss your forehead, “when you can show me you can be a good girl for me, I’ll take it off.” He promised, almost gently.
You whimpered as you began to feel tears threatening to spill.
Paul softened, “no baby don’t cry,” he managed to gather you up in his arms, your cuffed hand hanging awkwardly from the bed as he cradled you.
“I’ll take such good care of you,” he promised, “I’ll spoil you, hold you, love you, whatever you want.” He buried his face into the nape of your neck and inhaled deeply. “I wanted to do this right, honest!” He told you, “but you’re so damn smart babydoll, you figured it all out so I just had to take ya.”
You sucked in a breath, fighting to hold back your tears as the blond man rambled desperately.
“It’s Paul by the way,” he tells you, “but you can call me anything you want sugar, whatever makes you happy,” I seductive smirk played on his lips, “I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to call me daddy.”
You cringed.
“Not there yet? Ok baby” Paul’s grip on you tightened, you could feel his freezing skin pressed against every part of you.
Your heart rate raced at his touch and he sighed. “I promise I’m not gonna hurt you babydoll,” he whispered, nuzzling his face into the nape of your neck once more. “I’ll be so sweet to you.”
“You bit me,” your quiet voice whimpered, “that hurt.” You reminded him.
Paul sighed, “I know sugar, I won’t ever bite you again…unless you want me to of course,” he promised, purring the last part into your ear.
You squeaked.
His hand moved to caress your cheek as he titled your gaze up to his. “I’ll be so good to you baby I promise. I’ll treat you like a princess.” His thumb rubbed against your cheek as his eyes softened with a boyish sweetness and adoration. “You’re so cute, and soft, and human.” He spoke almost absentmindedly, smiling as he touched you.“I’ll give you anything you want sugar, anything.” He whispered, his voice laced with desperation.
“You always looked so tired when you came home from work,” Paul continued, stroking your hair while he spoke. “Used to get so worried about bills…about everything. I can take care of you baby don’t you see? You’ll never have to worry about anything here, all you gotta worry ‘bout is lookin pretty f’me.” He kissed your cheek.
“Fuck, that shouldn’t be too hard for ya huh baby? You’re always so damn pretty for me,” his eyes clouded with hunger as he looked at you. “I’m gonna be so good to you babydoll” he repeated, his voice dripped with honey as he nipped at your neck.
You gasped at the sensation of him licking and sucking on your sensitive skin. The same sensation that had terrified you moments ago, now had you squirming with pleasure in Paul’s lap.
While you sunk into the feeling of his mouth on your skin, his hand found it’s way to the hem of your shirt. It snaked under to rub gentle circles on your stomach, sneaking higher with every caress.
You mewled in delight. Paul’s touch blew your boyfriend’s out of the water. To him, pleasure had been a game, to Paul, pleasure was an art.
You snapped back to reality when you felt Paul hardening against you in his lap.
Your eyes flew open as you remembered where you were, as you remembered the cuff around your wrist. This wasn’t right.
“W-wait,” you managed to whimper out, pushing his chest back as you did. “This is all a little much right now,” you said hesitantly, bracing yourself for Paul’s reaction.
His gaze softened, “course sugar, don’t wanna push ya.” He planted a chaste kiss on your lips before detangling himself from the bed and kneeling in front of you. “Do you want something to eat baby?” He asked, his pretty blue eyes full of adoration.
You nodded, blushing under his loving gaze.
“What do ya want sugar? I can get you anything,” He offered.
Your brow furrowed as you struggled to decide what you wanted.
Paul stopped you, “I’m sorry baby, don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” He leaned forward to kiss your forehead. “I’ll pick for you, just relax ok? I can make all your choices for you sweetheart.”
With that, he flashed you a boyish grin and took off to get you something to eat.
Once he was gone, you leaned back against the bed frame and sighed. Your free hand moved to your neck, feeling around where Paul had bit and kissed you. Electricity coursed through you at the memory.
You looked around the little cave Paul had you in. The walls were plastered with posters of heavy metal bands and all around the room there were crates filled to the brim with records. A collection that must have taken decades to amass, you realized.
The room actually looked decently clean, you had thought. Until you’d looked a little harder and noticed clothes and leftover pizza boxes poking out from underneath the bed. You smiled to yourself, he’d tried.
The more you thought about it, the more you realized it might not be so bad to have such a devilishly handsome man so hopelessly devoted to you. Your job was exhausting, and you were always stressed. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to let someone take care of you, God knows your boyfriend…your ex boyfriend, never had.
And Paul had been so sweet, so gentle, so loving with you. You hated to admit it, but you’d loved the way he touched you. And you found yourself wondering how long it would be till he’d touch you again.
You bit your lip at the thought. How could something wrong, feel so right?
‘Maybe this isn’t so bad,’ you thought to yourself as Paul walked through the entrance to his room with an armful of Chinese takeout boxes.
So when he flashed you his signature bright smile, you allowed yourself to smile back.
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justlostinautumn · 2 months
Request: Love Fool!
@catmikaelson20 asked: hello could you make a yandere Klaus Mikaelson soft, quite romantic.
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Klaus Mikaelson. The Original Hybrid. The man who believes that love is nothing but their greatest weakness… who swore to himself he would never allow himself to have that weakness, is now realising that maybe it is not his choice. There was nothing that could prepare him for Y/N. His Y/N! The fact is there has never been anything or anyone he wants more than he wants Y/N… not even his Hybrids. It was her that made him see that maybe love could be as much of a strength as it could be a weakness. All he knows is that he needs her and wants her, even if she doesn’t know it at this moment she will be his and no one will ever stand in his way or stop him! To Y/N, Klaus is nothing but charming. It seems he always knows how to make her smile with little to no effort. It was the small things like giving her a flower, or the small drawings and sketches he would give her. Those were her favourite gifts from him, as much as she loves the fancy gifts that he seems to shower her with, those aren’t the ones she loves the most. But, she shows her appreciation by at least wearing them. Her favourite being a beautiful Diamond Bracelet that Klaus told her that he had stolen from a Princess. Klaus loves to spoil Y/N and it amuses his siblings greatly, the moment that his siblings realised he would do anything for Y/N and just how deep he was in love with her was when Klaus return home pouting and apologised to his siblings for his misgivings about love, but also his treatment towards them.
The Mystic Gang on the other hand thought that Klaus had an obsession with Caroline Forbes, but they have another thing coming with the level and the length he will go just to make Y/N smile. Let alone what he would do to sweep her off her feet. The funny thing is that Klaus didn’t even notice in the beginning, he just thought he fancied her and it was nothing more or less than lust. However, the more time went on the more he was willing to accept that it wasn’t just a passing crush but more… with this his obsession over Y/N begins to grow. However, the thing is it’s not just an obsession, it also his possessiveness over her. He becomes possessive over her time and attention.
Klaus despises Damon and Stefan, but what he loathes is when he sees them around his Y/N… his girl and what makes it worse is that he knows that the Salvatore’s and the Mystic Gang are trying to keep him away from her and that was something he will never allow. He would do anything and everything to those who try to keep him from what is his. His siblings had learnt that the hard way, they had been on the end of those silver daggers one too many times for trying to interfere with Klaus’ obsession to break the curse, but all of them could see this was a whole new level of obsession that even they had never seen. It scared them, because they knew if they tried to interfere it wouldn’t be a dagger to the heart Klaus might possibly look for something a little more permanent. But, also this level of obsession from him made them a little uncomfortable.
Klaus was sat thinking about when he first saw Y/N, it was at the Mystic Grill and it was the way she smiled at him that was the thing that drew him in. There was no hatred in her eyes or annoyance at him, a look that was always present in Carolines eyes. It didn’t matter how attracted to him Caroline was, it was clear she couldn’t look past his many indiscretions. Not that he could blame her, but this was something else. He knew that everyone had warned her about him and who he is and all the awful things he had done, but it was clear she didn’t listen to them… it would only be later when he asked her why she didn’t hate him at the beginning when her friends warned her about him, that she would tell him that she likes to form her own opinion on people.
Klaus swirled his drink in his glass as he thought about another memory with his precious Y/N. She had always found him interesting and she loved to talk to him and learn more about him and the lives that he had lived. She wanted to know more about the time periods and if what was said in the history books true and who better to ask than someone who had lived it. Sometimes she would talk to Elijah about it too, she would be curled into Klaus’ side seeking warmth as she would talk with his siblings. Even if her attention wasn’t on him, it would always make him smile because she would be playing with his fingers, or tracing patterns on his arm unconsciously. “Nik tell me more about the 20s.” Y/N had a dreamy look in her eyes it was the look he knew well. He wished he could take her back in time and show her the world. “It was magical and you would’ve loved it. Everything was off limits and it just made it all the more fun.” Klaus grinned at her making Y/N giggle a little. “Girls in flappers dresses dancing until they couldn’t walk, the booze and singing. I only wish you were there in Chicago in the 20s.” “I wish so too. Though I don’t think I would be having much fun with the Ripper.” Y/N snorted softly, making Klaus chuckle at her words.
As the memory fades, so does his smile. He thought back to what had just happened early that day. Y/N was out and about running errands. She had been living with him, but she still had to move the last of her things in and she refused to let him help her much to his annoyance. Klaus had tried to call her, but she didn’t pick up and that was very unlike her and it raised some warning sirens in his head and it was when the message came through that he began to see red.
Hey, Elena, Damon and Stefan aren’t letting me go. They think that you are compelling me and that you are in love with Caroline and are just using me to get to her. I know that isn’t true, but they are refusing to let me leave. I’m so sorry. Xxx
Klaus was fuming and raced out of the Manor and speed straight to the Salvatore residence bursting through the door to see the woman he loves, his Y/N in the hands of the incompetent Bennet Witch with the gang all standing around a ferocious snarl leaves his lips. Speeding around the room at a speed that none of them had ever seen before Klaus snapped the vampires necks and knocked out the humans harshly, not truly caring about the damage that he had done to them. Klaus decided it was time to make a call and called for both Elijah and Rebekah. “I need you to bring back the Salvatore’s, the Gilbert’s and the Bennett Witch back to the Manor and hang them in the dungeons.” Klaus snarled, but quickly moved over to his love and his siblings watched him as he moved some hair out of her face and stroked her cheek. “I will fix whatever that witch bitch did to you my love.” Klaus had put her in his bed and got the remaining of his Hybrids to bring the rest of her things back to the Manor, he wasn’t going to risk anything else happening to her and then after this he was going to talk to her about her thoughts on immortality and spending the rest of eternity and beyond with him. When he got to the top of the stairs that led down to the basement, where his torture dungeon was he was met by his siblings. “What are you going to do?” Rebekah looked at her brother unsure. She may not like any of the Save Elena Squad, but she wasn’t sure they deserve the wrath of her brother. After all, they thought they were saving their friend from the wicked Hybrids control. “I am going to teach them what happens when they try and take what is mine from me.” Klaus’ eyes darken and Rebekah took a step back, it was the look he would get before he would dagger one of them. Klaus took pleasure in the screams he drew out from them. There screams and begging made him smile, this was there reminded to not touch his Y/N and it was a lesson for them to learn what happens when you try to hurt or take what is his.
“Nik?” Y/N’s voice pulls him out of his memories as his head snaps to where she had been sleeping curled on his bed. A sigh of relief leaves his lips and he speeds over to her holding her face in his hands. “I was so worried.” Klaus murmured softly. “I’m sorry. Elena asked to see me and I thought she wanted to catch up and then it became this massive thing and they were saying all these horrible things about you Nik.” Y/N said quickly tears filling her eyes. “But, before I could do anything Bonnie came in and it all went blank.” “Do worry my love, they will never hurt you again. You are safe with me.” Klaus said climbing into bed next to her and pulling her close feeling her relax against him. What she didn’t know won’t hurt her, they wouldn’t be able to tell her what he had done to them because of their actions and Klaus would never tell her the lengths he would go for her. “Let’s just stay here for today and watch some films and cuddle.” Klaus smiles as she nods and places a loving kiss on her forehead.
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frompearl · 4 months
Vampire Slayer: THREE
Warnings: Baby Reader almost kills someone
A/N: Enjoy!
“What is that smell?” 
Four vampire children huddle around each other as they look around for the delicious smell.
It was another one of those boring parties where vampires of higher status mingled. Or more so an excuse for vampires to gossip and discuss the latest musings of the vampire world. 
That deliciously sweet smell being one of them. 
Kaname looked around boredly as Hanabusa sniffed the abnociously. An annoyed Ruka smacks him in the head, “what are you a dog? Don’t you dare act a fool in front of Lord Kuran.” She turns to him with expectant eyes of praise for doing something in his honor. 
Her eager look deflates as she realizes he’s not even looking at her. 
Instead he’s looking at the crowd of adult vampires, surrounding something. 
“What are they looking at?” Akatsuki mumbles trying to look over the taller vampires, letting out a grunt when he can’t see anything.
“Ooooh! I wanna see! I wanna see!” Hanabusa exclaims, already trying to push his way into the crowd. Before his small figure can be swallowed up by the bigger bodies of the adult vampires, Akatsuki grabs him by the back of the suit. “Hold on you idiot, don’t go seeking out trouble like you usually do.” 
Offended the blonde child gasps as he points an accusing finger to the ginger haired boy, “you hypocrite didn’t you get in trouble for sneaking out the other day-“
Grabbing him in a chokehold, the once stoic boy is flustered, “quiet you! Nobody knows about that!” 
Feeling frustrated by their immature behavior, Ruka starts to yell at them. “Stop this childish behavior! Really do you have no shame acting like this infront of Lord Kuran?!”
The three of them start to bicker, Kaname starts to walk away from the annoying trio as he pushes through the adults crowding the delicious smell.
As he gets closer, the sweet smell of honey starts to seep into his nostrils, his mouth watering. Even for a pureblood vampire, he was just as weak to the smell as any other vampire. 
“Alucard, you have lost your mind.” He hears one of the elder vampires scowl. Burgundy eyes shift to said vampire in question, Alucard only gives off a shrug as he offers a lazy smile. 
“What can I say? Hellsing was my greatest enemy after all, I’ve grown to respect him. It’s only right that I take his daughter as my apprentice.”
His response only causes an uproar as many vampires all try to get a word in to argue with the uncaring pureblood. 
Kaname doesn’t even bother to listen to the back and forth of the furious vampires and the uncaring responses of Alucard. 
He only focuses on the small girl in his grasp. He noticed how she stood motionless as the pure blood held her shoulders. 
Soft looking h/c hair that messily framed her chubby cheeks. Big e/c eyes that had an innocent gleam to them. She barely reached Alucard’s stomach and she seemed to be fiddling with something in her tiny hands. She looked dirty and unbathed. And yet the soft smell of honey emitted from her in waves.
She was like a lamb surrounded by wolves, he didn’t miss the hungry gazes that the vampires all gave her. She was easy prey, someone could just rip her from Alucards. grasp and devour her. She was harmless.
Is what he originally thought. 
“That human is going to die Alucard, she will be eaten by the end of the night, you have made a grave mistake bringing her here. Much less spewing out such blasphemy.” 
At the vampire’s words, an amused smile grows on his face. “Go right ahead, you can eat her.”
He lets go of her shoulders and steps back. He lifts his hands in surrender, motioning to the defenseless girl. 
“Anyone can take a bite.” 
No one says anything, baffled at his words.
For a second no one stepped forward too shocked by his nonchalant behavior. 
It isn’t until one brave soul steps forward. A teenage vampire who is practically salivating at the mouth as he approaches the girl. 
The girl in question has no reaction, unflinching as the vampire gets on his knees in front of her. 
Kaname sees her perfectly calm in areas where anyone else would be trembling and fighting. She remains a statue, unmoving and unemotional.
When he exposes her neck and sinks his fangs, Kaname doesn’t even see her flinch. In fact, he sees how her eyes stare down at the vampire feeding from her. Looking at him as if he were as insignificant as a mosquito rather than the bloodthirsty beast he was. Her hands continue to fiddle with the object in her hand. 
Everyone watches with bated breath as the sounds of him drinking her blood sound out through the room. Some start to inch forward to get a chance to sink their teeth into the little girl. 
Only they never get to before the teenager is ripping away from her with a gasp. His lips are stained with a black inky color that he immediately tries to hack out of his mouth. 
“What the hell?!-” He’s interrupted by a harsh cough from his throat. His red eyes widened in horror at the sight of his own blood coating the floor.
“What’s wrong with that girl! Her blood’s so-! OH MY GOD IT HURTS! SOMEONE HELP ME!”
He’s wailing in pain as he screams for help, crawling away from the little girl. 
Only the little girl follows him. 
With her soft looking hair and innocent looking eyes, she reveals the small knife she was fiddling with in her hands.
She makes a small incision in her hand, as she approaches the crying vampire.  Mercilessly, she clamps her bleeding hand over the vampire's wailing mouth. 
His eyes widen in fear as her black blood trails into his mouth, he’s trying to force her hand away but she overpowers him. 
She stares down at him as life begins to flicker out of his eyes. Her gaze was neutral as if she had only killed an annoying mosquito. 
As this happens, the vampires watch with horror, all of them moving away from the child they once thought helpless. Thinking she would turn on them and force them to drink her black blood. 
The only ones near her are Alucard and Kaname. Alucard clapped excitedly from the brutal murder of one of his acquaintances.
“I’ll be the first to admit that Hellsing was a difficult bastard to kill. But he was oh so fascinating! He survived in areas where many humans would have perished, I had always seen him with many vampire bite wounds and yet the old dog was still human! You can imagine my surprise when I tore him to shreds and his blood almost killed me!” He says cheerfully, as if he were relaying fantastic news.
Once the vampire stops squirming and he lays limp on the floor, the little girl moves her hand. Placing pressure on the wound, her big eyes find Kaname, who stands there watching her stoically. He’s unafraid, challenging her to try to kill him. She takes small steps to himself. For a moment he can see a rage deeply hidden in her pretty e/c eyes, that is directed at him. 
“This is what I have found out so far if you would all so kindly listen:
They have immunity from our kind.  They cannot turn into level E vampires. They are also quite resilient against pureblood powers, that’s why I’m careful with this little one.” He grunts as he bends down to pick up the little girl. Effectively stopping her from killing Kaname. If he weren’t a Kuran, he would gladly watch her smother him in her blood. He just didn’t want to deal with the wrath of the Kurans. 
He dodges her chubby hand trying to force her blood onto his mouth, “this one also has a natural inclination to kill us! Isn't the Hellsing bloodline so fascinating?” He jokes around, bouncing the girl in his arms as if she were a harmless little baby. 
He fakes a motion of throwing her at the vampire crowd, in which they all scream and try to back away. 
Alucard lets out a cackle at their fear, deeply amused. 
“What's the matter? Scared of a little brat?” He coos, rubbing his gaunt cheek against her chubby one. She makes a motion to bite him in which he moves his head away, not paying her mind.
“I just wanted to let you all know that Hellsing’s devil spawn will be my apprentice. Anyone who tries to interfere with my plans will be answering to me.” 
With that he swivels around with the little girl in his arms. Kaname watches as they leave, the little girl glaring at all the vampires with rage. 
He could feel the bloodlust rolling off of her in large waves as she gave them all hateful looks. Wiping her bloodied hand onto Alucard’s jacket, her doe eyes find him staring at her. She sneers at him, flipping him off. 
He can’t help but let a little chuckle, like Alucard he too was amused of the little girl. 
He was interested to see her again. 
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bunnis-monsters · 11 days
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dreamofjoys · 2 years
𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟐 ‒ 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 , 𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐭
scenario: after kidnapping you, you beg vil to let you go. he agrees, only if you ride on his thigh.
tw: vampire au, manipulation, kidnapping, thigh riding, he cups ur ass, biting, slight yandere
back to kinktober's 2022 masterlist
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"i'll let you go, only if you ride on my thigh first."
you blinked at vil, brain processing what he is saying. he will let you go, only if you perform a sexual act on him?! you bite down on your lips, glaring at vil who is smirking at you.
"fine, just make sure to honor your words." agreeing to the deal reluctantly, you walk towards the blonde vampire who was seated on his bed, head comfortably lying on the headboard as he eyes you.
you climbed onto the soft bed and vil part his thighs, letting you settle yourself on his left thigh. you were basically kneeling on vil's thigh, before slowly rubbing your cloth cunt on his thigh.
you weren't sure if it's a great idea to wear dress without any safety shorts. vil snaked his hands to cup both of your ass cheek, a smirk adorning his face once again when he realise that you are only wearing your panties underneath.
"you might wanna go faster, y/n." vil's manicured hand digs deeper into your flesh, prompting you to increase your pace. you gasp, feeling the rough material of vil's pants rubbing against your pussy. you complied to vil, wanting to get this over and done with.
bucking up your hips, your legs squeezed onto vil's thigh, getting more friction of his thigh to stimulate your pussy. vil grins, taking delight at the sight of you getting off on his thigh. when you finally came, your juices spilled all over his thigh and the bedsheet under him.
you pant, staring at the vampire who was smiling sickly at you. surely, he wouldn't back out on his words right? vil pulls you closer to him, hands still on your ass as he circles the flesh with his thumb.
"i am a man of my word, y/n. i will let you go, but i didn't exactly say where, did i?"
you frowned at vil's words. what is he talking about? feeling scared, you tried to remove yourself from vil's grip but he only laughs at your attempt.
"i will let you go.... back to your room, the one in my mansion."
you screamed when vil bares his fangs at you. in an instant, he held you by your waist and hugged you close to his chest. your head was titled to the side as he sinks his fangs into you.
"ple-please stop!" you bang your fist onto his chest, and even attempted to pull his hair but vil is deadset on drinking your blood. after minutes of struggling, you passed out from blood loss as you lay limp in his arms.
vil released himself from your neck, licking your punctured wounds and lips to get every drop of your blood into his system.
"god, y/n. your blood is addicting, so is the taste and smell of your arousal and cum."
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yoshhii · 8 months
some yandere vampire kira hcs
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vampire!kira who became completely and obsessively fascinated with you from the moment he laid his eyes on you (and your hands). your mere presence would consume his thoughts.
vampire!kira who would meticulously observe every detail of your life, learning your daily routine, favorite places, and even your friends and family, all from the shadows.
vampire!kira who would take his role as your “protector” to an extreme level, eliminating anyone he perceives as a threat to you, even if they're innocent.
vampire!kira who will leave anonymous love letters or cryptic messages, to let you know that you’re always on his mind.
vampire!kira who would go to great lengths to steal moments alone with you, often showing up unexpectedly or using his stand, killer queen, to create opportunities.
vampire!kira would maintain a calm, collected facade around you, but his inner yandere nature would emerge when he believes someone is trying to take you away.
vampire!kira would leave presents, sometimes with dangerous surprises, as symbols of his affection, hoping to see your reaction to his "thoughtfulness."
vampire!kira who would use his charisma and charm to manipulate those around the you, ensuring that you stay isolated and dependent on him.
vampire!kira who doesn’t like any attention you give to others, whether intentional or not, would trigger intense jealousy and potentially violent outbursts from him.
vampire!kira who doesn’t want to hurt you, so he goes and kills other women to drink their blood instead.
vampire!kira who might see you as the key to eternal life, aiming to turn you into a vampire so you can be together forever, in his twisted view of "forever love."
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busycucumbermelon · 5 months
Five vampire siblings, with one obsession
Summary : you never thought that your standoff-ish attitude and how you learned to behave at Sunshine Academy would backfire on you, especially in this way: having five people obsessed with you was far from easy.
Warning: blood,broken bones, very traumatized reader, vampires, threatening, sketchy jobs/illegal jobs, tell me if I missed any
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Description of a Demi humans just in case Demi-humans once looked like animals, but have morphed over generations into human-like beings with animalistic features. story starts below this.I hope you love it or at least like it.🥰😊
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author note
If you want a series or something with these characters, please give me ideas or requests as I'm not really sure what to do with them. Additionally, if you see that I have misspelled any names or the spelling isn't similar, please let me know as I'm unsure how to properly spell them and have been winging it myself.
Since you were six, you lived at Sunshine Academy, trained with Demi-human to serve owners. Occasionally, they allowed humans for tests, experiments, or their underground fighting ring, where many patrons enjoyed watching humans being pummeled to the ground. You survived it all, but the Academy decided to sell you off since you weren't making enough money for them. Everyone knew you'd survive, which ultimately led you to your current situation.
With your best friend becoming a  servant, to two of your five new owners - although you preferred to call them kidnappers - you struggled to adapt to this new life as one of their prized possessions.
Sadly, your indifference toward pain, your fighting skills, your ability to quickly solve problems, and your inability to be vulnerable with anyone besides your best friend - their servant - ultimately ended up pushing them all to the point of obsession. In their minds, you had no flaws except for that one: you didn't know how to be vulnerable with anyone other than your best friend. To them, you were the perfect plaything, and they used your skills and talents for their own benefit.
You also had a good mouth on you, and you weren't afraid to argue back with anyone, especially if you knew you were in the right. This often resulted in all of them being at each other's throats, which could be seen as both a win and a loss for them, and you.
This was a good opportunity to teach them how to share, which of course annoyed all of them. The only reason they were all together was because their mother had important news to share that she wanted to tell them at the right moment. In the meantime, the siblings tried to just sit it out so they could inherit the house. Well, it was not a house—it was a castle, and now, they had to deal with each other's constant presence on a daily basis, which was making them go stir-crazy.
Milmira and Marissa were the oldest siblings, and they were the new owners of your previous best friend, and still your best friend. This meant you spent a lot of time around the two of them, and luckily, they didn't feel like changing the name you had given him (Reiner) so that's the name he stuck with.
When you and Reiner first met, he was the same age as you—four years old. However, he had already been taken from his parents and sold into the Sunshine Academy.
Reiner was a ram Demi-human, and surprisingly enough, the two of you got along pretty well. Reiner was also the main reason you met some of your other friends back at Sunshine Academy.
Reiner, he became a servant to two people who would constantly interrupt your conversations and override the fact that the two of you were even talking. These two people would tell Reiner to either leave the room or to go do a menial task for them. Due to Sunshine Academy's intensive training, Reiner had a sense of loyalty and commitment, and he would do whatever he was told.
Marissa and Milmira were the only twins in the group, and they were used to sharing everything, including you. Without your knowledge, they had come to an agreement that they would also be sharing you. However, this arrangement felt like a complete surprise to you.
That's when you felt that you needed to take a break from them, or, well, try to do so to the best of your abilities. Even though you tried to find ways to distance yourself from them, the siblings had a discussion and decided to take away the room you had been designated. This meant you would have to hop rooms and sleep with one of the siblings or with a servant. However, luckily, you had made a bond with a few servants, which made your situation a little more bearable.
Occasionally, a sweet otter from the kitchen would allow you to share her bed or sleep on the floor in her room. You didn't mind sleeping on the ground, as it was something you had often done at Sunshine Academy. In addition, there was an overly clumsy deer who would let you sleep in his room at times, although it depended on whether he wanted you to or not. Of course, if neither of them wanted you to sleep with them, you would have to go to one of the siblings' rooms or Reiner's.
At times, when you would put up a fit, Reiner would get punished for it. This happened because the punishment would hit close to home for you. Additionally, since your training at the Sunshine Academy made you used to pain from them, they couldn't punish you by breaking bones or anything of that nature.
After a week of being standoffish and grumpy, while Reiner tried to calm you down and get used to his role as a servant, the twins instituted your first punishment: You don't remember much of the punishment itself, except Melmira giving you a soft apology before her fist met your ribs. Although you barely even said anything besides a small "Oh," you felt the crack and heard it, but you didn't move a muscle or indicate any signs of pain.
This unsettled all of them, as they were used to humans screaming in pain, while you just sat there. You didn't even move to stop her hand.
The twins each had very different reactions, as they were used to sharing everything, feelings included. Melissa, on one hand, was torn between feeling awfully proud and excited to see what else you could do, while simultaneously worrying what Sunshine Academy had taught you, as you were a human who shouldn't have been there in the first place. On the other hand, Milmira also felt worried and tried to bring up the topic, only for Melissa to brush it off.
In contrast, Milmira was worried about your closeness to Reiner from the beginning, as your attachment to him hinted at possible unresolved attachment issues. After she had broken your ribs, she became even more certain that something had happened at Sunshine Academy that the rest of the world was not aware of. Milmira was the more gentle and considerate twin.
Marissa and Melissa had vastly different reactions to seeing one of the siblings getting in trouble or drama occurring. While Melissa often wanted to stay out of it or watch from the sidelines, Marissa would cheer it on and add fuel to the fire. Meanwhile, whenever you tried to tell her that these situations aren't anything to be happy about, her excitement would often overpower any reasoning.
This was one of the reasons why the twins often got into long fights with their siblings, as well as one of the reasons they didn't like being in the castle—they were used to traveling and going wherever they liked. This would also be beneficial for their careers, although they had never told you about them, as none of them really informed you about their respective careers.
After a few days, you started to figure out more about them. You were used to studying people, especially since you held a high rank at the Sunshine Academy. On a few occasions, you slipped up and mentioned that you knew more than they had told you, and although no one said anything, your actions implied that you had been watching and studying them quietly.
Although Marissa never really noticed or paid attention to this, Melissa actually did take note. At first, Melissa thought you might just have a good memory or be observant, but now she had her suspicions. She knew that something was up, but she wasn't sure exactly what it was yet. She also didn't know if her siblings had discovered it either.
Krollien also discovered this, and he was the next to give you a punishment. However, before that happened, he decided to give you time for your ribs to heal and see if he could investigate your mysterious past and figure out what it was that you were hiding.
Krollien took this time to get to know you, much to the dismay of his head servant Jessie. You soon learned that Reiner was the twins' head servant, which meant he would have to be around them 24 seven, further limiting his interactions with those outside of this seemingly exclusive group.
This new information made you even more hyper aware of your surroundings, and how the rest of your stay would likely go, although none of them truly saw or noticed anything. You were, after all, quite good at bottling up your emotions, even with them all spending so much time with you.
Just one thing, to continue occupying your mind: why was everyone so upset about being in the castle, and why were they all supposed to be in the castle in the first place? Whatever it was, it seemed like it was taking forever...
While you wanted to figure out everyone and how you fit into their weird life, you knew you'd have to start with Krollien. Even though he was in a bad mood, his mood seemed to lighten when you were around. You soon realized that he hated being in the castle and seeing his siblings everywhere.
Whenever you tried asking him a direct question such as, 'How do you fit in to all of their weird lives? If they were all so obsessed with you and hated each other, how would they share?' He would simply laugh it off and tell you that you'd see in due time.
When he wasn’t trying to spend time with you, he was budgeting and doing other things you didn’t really understand. budgeting especially because at the time he was using terms, you didn’t get understand
In the middle of falling asleep,you would learn he ended up taking a vineyard to live in from one of his clients after not paying him back. this was when you started to have a grasp on what he actually did for work.
You thought you were pretty good at math so occasionally you’d offer to help him with something math involved. this was usually to Jesse’s dismay. as Krollien would always tell her to go away, so he could talk to you for a little bit free of interruptions
Even though this would often result in you teasing Krollien about his nickname for Jesse, which was "Bunny," something that he felt was supposed to demean her, you thought it was romantic and sweet, and you would occasionally bring it up when he annoyed you or if you wanted to annoy him in return. This would often make him frustrated and slightly embarrassed, and his response to this would always make you laugh.
Krollien’s frustration stemmed from the fact that his little sister, Lilybet, would often make the same joke before he left the castle. Although he might have found it amusing at first, it eventually began to grate on his nerves, especially as she continued to do it again and again.
The more she and lilybet got to know each other, the more she started to understand her circumstances. Lilybet didn't have a job outside of training servants - unlike her siblings who all had different illegal and legal jobs. When she wasn't training servants, she was mostly just trying to be the perfect daughter - something her mother did by having her wear very frilly dresses, which she constantly complained to you about.
Now she was starting to understand her siblings' worries, but she decided she would not worry about it too much and simply continue to get to know you. She was still competing with her siblings to see who’s official pet you would be - even though their mother told them to share, they all knew they weren't going to do that.
She especially hated the constant comments from her younger brother, Silus. Although they lived in the same house, there was still a sort of rivalry between them. All of the other siblings had already left and created their own estates, but the two of them remained there, waiting until their mother died to see who would get the estate. Still, this didn't mean there wasn't a lot of tension between them, with Silas always blackmailing her, and she doing the same in return.
Lily had a confusing behavior. After a hard, rough day, she wasn't usually very cuddly and often just wanted everyone to stay away from her. However, she let you stay. Occasionally, she wouldn't let you leave her arms after a really rough day. She would only get more and more annoyed if it wasn't her day with you.
Lilybet genuinely adored you, but when she had heard about her siblings hypotheses of your past could be she was less interested in how it affected you mentally and more about how it changed you physically. She knew you had a pain tolerance that was almost unbelievable. What else could you do? You didn't even flinch when your ribs were broken.
She brought you along on head servants' tests and training - occasionally giving references. One day, she decided that you would be the challenge - not as a real threat, but simply to teach the servants not to judge an opponent simply based on appearances. It happened only once, and something in you did change, although it was brief. For a second, Lilibet was genuinely scared for the servant's life.
Another person also saw you that day - albeit out of curiosity and a bit of fear. You're different than anything else that has ever been created or painted, making you much more intriguing. This made you even more special and the perfect subject to paint.
 Silas was an avid fan of art, specifically his interest in humans. He was very much into tattoos and the beauty of the human body. However, his tattoo-covered body always caused distress among his siblings and the mother. Still, he made it his goal in his business to show exactly that - the beauty of life in all its natural forms.
To you, his way of showing his affection to the world was definitely not beautiful. Silas would beg to differ, though, your days with him were mostly spent with him painting you. While he was kind of.... To put it simply, rude, his head servant told you that this is simply his way of showing he liked you. If he didn't, you would have been dead by now.
Silas didn’t praise often, and he was always filled with snarky responses; teasing manners; and occasional compliments on your features whenever he was painting you. In general, he was rude, and just a person you liked to stay away from. Unfortunately, you were now his household pet. While that word was very demeaning and beneath your status - no, you refuse to believe it - it seemed to be true.
You were not claiming yourself to be above any of the other servants in any way, shape or form. You didn't understand why this was happening to you. Why you had to be the chosen pet? Why not some other human? Why you?
Anyways, let's go back to Silus. We can talk more about the mental torment later.
Silas is very different compared to his siblings. He doesn't care what his mother thinks, and he barely cares about any of his siblings' opinions. His relationships with his siblings are relatively good besides Krollien - the two are completely different and hate each other, as they are complete opposites.
Just like the rest of his family members, he was not exactly a morning person. Silus was also different than his siblings when it came to restraining his strength with you, perhaps because of your past. Whatever the reason, he had a good excuse to not hold back when he was with you.
Whenever you tried to move out of his grasp, he would either pull you closer or tighten his grip on your waist. The twins would always comment on the purple hand marks on you, each sibling having their own way of putting their mark on you. However, these hand marks would last until you were with Silas again, right before he renewed them. These marks weren't even fully healed before they appeared again
Though the marks were not sexual in nature, you hated just lying there in bed. Silas, on the other hand, would happily stay in bed all day, unless it was for his work which he would brag about to you, or when he was painting. You were always his muse, but if you weren't there to model for him, his paintings would usually become inspired by nature instead. The only exceptions were when his siblings intervened because they were not letting him spend all of his time with you.
Silas wasn't always affectionate, but he would show a sudden softer side when it came to you. He would perform actions that were definitely out of character for him, and if anyone made a comment about how he did it for you, but not for someone else, they would not be around for very long afterwards.
Every one of Silas' siblings had their own 'special thing' they would do only for you. This moment only made their mother realize that she may have just made her own life a lot harder. She still saw you as a pet, but she feared that if she didn't have control over all her sons and daughters, they would continue to act as if you were on a pedestal, and she would lose any chance of gaining their true obedience.
Many of the family members, including Lilibet, had opinions on their mother that weren't very positive, many of them negative. Lilibet tried to gain her respect, but it was just for the money, and many of the servants had their own opinions on her - most of the opinions were not positive in the slightest. Their mother knew that you might just be the child who makes them realize that she doesn't offer them as much as they believe. In their minds, she is their mother, after all.
To the mothers, you weren't really much of a threat. You were a lowly human, and she could easily kill you if she wanted to. In the past, she had killed her children's previous human lovers after all. This time, however, something was different. Their infatuation with you quickly grew and turned into an obsession, and they could not seem to get you out of their minds - especially after you became aware of this obsession. It was hard to get five obsessed vampires away from a single human.
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Strange Roommate
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pairing: vampire!ethan landry x reader, slight chad x reader
summary: chad’s roomie is a little weird but vampires aren’t real, right?
warnings: yandere, possessiveness?, blood, biting, marking, yk the drill, vampire!ethan, dark!ethan, manipulation, reader is kind of oblivious.
You didn’t even know Chad got a roommate until a few days after you settled in New York. To be fair everyone was busy settling in. Until Now.
At the first frat party since moving, You met Ethan. "Hey Chad, Who's this? You ask. Shyly, The boy replied, "Ethan. Nice to meet you." "Y/N, You grin. "He's my roommate, makes living in New York Cheaper, Chad say.
"I know, doofus, You laugh. That had been months ago. And you felt deja vu, since you were at another frat party. Somehow, you got good grades and could party at the same time.
He kept looking down at your neck a few times but brushed it off considering the fact that well, you probably had some bruises on there or something. Obviously had to have something to keep looking at your neck.
“Chad talks a lot about you, Ethan said. "Don't you, Chad?” Chad laughs nervously. "Don't know what he’s talking about.”
“It’s probably because we’re friends and I’m his favorite one, You tease and more so joking. Chad was actually in love with you. And everyone would tease him for it when you weren’t around.
Ethan’s were more so insulting than anything. But you’d never know. And nobody else quite knew why the talk of Chad having a crush on you made him so annoyed.
He hid his jealousy well by laughing. Sure, you barely knew each other, but he knew more about you than he led on. Deceiving You was quite easy, you were believing his nerdy, geeky act so far.
During that party, You noticed weird behavior from him. But you brushed it off. But overall, you found him really nice. and weirdly enough, enchanting? you weren't sure on why you were feeling like that but you were.
He tended to not be in the light and rather, the shadows. While everyone else seemed kind of exhausted, including yourself, he didn't seem tired. But that didn't seem so weird.
You have a few more drinks, before you were drunk. You could barely walk. "Whoa, Y/n, Chad said. "You're really drunk." "Noooo, You slurred, you struggled to walk. "You definitely are, let me help me help you, Chad said, wrapping his arms around your waist, helping you walk. You needed some water.
You slurred some words, probably made some weird comments which you might regret when you're sober. Somehow, You ended up home, passed out in your bed.
If you weren't drunk, Chad would've confessed his feelings for you. That was lucky for Ethan, who had grown obsessed with you. Chad murmurs, "I should you know, stay. Y/n shouldn't be here on her own." He decided on staying. You were drunk and leaving you by yourself wouldn't be the best idea.
You groan. Eventually, Chad falls asleep. But is woken up by some noise. Someone broke in your place. Chad could see someone standing in your bedroom door, coming closer to you. "Y/n! He exclaims, rushing over. He was so in love with you. But whoever it was, was so strong that Chad had been flung to the the other end of the hall.
Chad groans, knowing he was bleeding somewhere. But it was too late. You were sleeping peacefully from being drunk and simply tossed and turned under the covers.
A smile plastered across your face even in your sleep. But a hand was caressing your face as you slept and watched you sleep. For a moment he was considering turning you. But he decided on not to. Humans were more fun, and you certainly were.
And he could hear your heart race as he comes even closer to you. You groan, tossing and turning more. But he was here for a reason. He was thirsty to say the least. And wanted your blood.
Sure he could’ve easily manipulated you but that wasn’t as fun was it? Well, it kind of was, but at the moment he wasn’t thinking logically.
He bit down your neck as gentle as possible. Blood coming from your neck as he fed on you. Your blood tasted better than he imagined. But the bite mark may show people who you belong to. You suddenly begin waking up. Probably from the bite. And he quickly hid.
“My neck hurts, You whine, rubbing your neck to help the aching pain go away. “y/n! Chad says, coming in. “Chad? What are you doing here? You ask.
“You were drunk, I needed to make sure you were okay, so I stayed and then… something broke in, Chad said. Your eyes widen.”What? I mean, thank you for staying with my embarrassingly drunk self but someone’s here?”
You feel something wet on your hand and look down. Blood. You wanted to scream but you didn’t. You got up and went to your bathroom to see what it was that was making you bleed.
You mentally were panicking as you saw you had been bitten it looked like as there was a bite mark. But who or what bit you? Chad was right. Someone was definitely in your home.
“Okay, uh… don’t freak out… you begin.”someone’s definitely here.” “I know! Chad exclaimed but made sure to not sound annoyed because he wasn’t annoyed with you. He could never be annoyed with you.
“And the person had super strength too… Chad added. That’s when you put two and two together. “This might sound so dumb but what if it’s a vampire? You say.”I mean, super strength? This bite mark that oddly looks like a vampire bit me.”
“Vampires aren’t real, Chad pointed out. “They aren’t supposed to be, You murmured.”I feel kind of dizzy.” “Don’t die on me! Chad said.
“I’m not going to die, You say more so softly.”Just tired…” that’s when you passed out. Whether it was from the blood or your nerves you weren’t so sure.
When you woke up, Chad wasn’t anywhere in sight only Ethan. “Ethan? What are you doing here? You say.”And why is some blood on your mouth?”
“I just needed to feed, He whispers. You scoot back and you say,”did you… feed on me? Are you a vampire?”
Using his thumb, Ethan wiped your blood from his mouth while smiling and showed his fangs. That confirmed your fear. Ethan really was a vampire and you needed to run as soon as possible.
“Why did you bite me… you say, trying to stall him as much as possible. “To feed and mark you, because you’re mine, He says.
“Where’s Chad? You say.”I mean.. I swear he was here.” The smirk forming on Ethan’s face told you all you needed to know and you bolted out the door, you thought you had a chance.
Unfortunately he was a vampire and vampires were super fast, faster than any human. So he caught up to you really quick, grabbing you by the waist.
“You can’t run, I’ll always find you, Ethan said. “No, you won’t… you insist, escaping and running even further even though you knew he’d catch you. And you were right. He caught you.
“You’re lucky I’m going easy on you. I could’ve turned you by now, Ethan said. “I don’t want to be a vampire, you frown. “That’s why I said you’re lucky, Ethan said.
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elijahslittleprincess · 11 months
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writing-the-stars · 2 years
Hi! I love your stories can you do a Yandere Elijah Mikaelson fic?
Due to the lack of writing time I have, I turned this into a headcanon. I hope you don’t mind!
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A/N 1: Slightly off-topic, but I believe I have officially collected all of the Mikaelsons as yandere like Infinity Stones
Masterlist | TVDU Masterlist
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It was odd— how much of the refined gentleman you had seen since your first encounter
You could’ve sworn you had never seen the Mikaelson before your first meeting three weeks ago, and now, he seems to be everywhere you are
You wonder if it is because you had just been blind to his existence beforehand, but that is utterly impossible
Elijah Mikaelson is a remarkable man— one you don’t meet and just happen to forget. Once you are in his presence, he stays with you
You are aware of this fact better than anyone since the man has not left your mind since he invaded it
The warmth of his smile, the velvety smoothness of his voice, the various hues of chocolate melting in his brown eyes
You were still reeling from the high of the euphoric feeling being in his company left you with
Little did you know the elder Mikaelson has been experiencing this same ardor towards you— intensified by the blood magic running through his veins
Your original encounter had lasted no longer than ten minutes, but it was long enough for Elijah to know you were his endgame
In his millennium of living, he had never come across someone quite as beguiling as you and he knew he never would again
You were his special something, his reward for his diligence and commitment to living an honorable and moral existence
He knew how rare it was for him to have found you, and yet, against all the odds, he had managed to meet you at a lesser-known museum, admiring one of his favorite exhibits
And he knew that if he let you go, he would never forgive himself, so he didn’t
He followed you around, keeping his distance and maintaining your boundaries (at first), telling himself he was ensuring your safety and well being
However, Elijah wanted you. He craved you. And it was only a matter of time before he gave in to his desires
He revealed himself to you more often, allowing you to believe your small reunions were coincidental
He became more invested in your life, needing to know everything there is about you— all the while slowly luring you into his waiting arms
When he began to notice an uptake in the amount of attention you were receiving from a particular co-worker of yours, he knew it was officially time to make you his
For the first time in his whole life, Elijah was acting selfishly and it felt incredible
Being sure to squash whatever chances of a budding romance happening outside of him, Elijah pursued you, using his old-fashion charm and previously acquired intel to seduce you
Once you finally became his, you were his— mind, body, and soul
All of you belongs to him and he is more than happy to remind anyone who seems to forget that
Elijah has never been one to use unnecessary violence, but when it comes to you, all cards are on the table
He worships you, kisses the ground that you walk on and he expects the same from everyone else
Disrespect is simply not tolerated
He is at your beck and call for any and everything you may need
The elder Mikaelson ensures that you will never want for anything as long as he lives. It’s the least he can do for his gift from the universe— his cherished and most valued possession
He loves you wholeheartedly, willing to do anything for you. He would set the world on fire if it meant he got to see you smile
You are his everything. His entire reason for being. Always and Forever
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A/N 2: Thank you so much for this request, Anon! I hope you thoroughly enjoyed it despite the slight change. Thank you all so much for reading! I appreciate every single one of you and I hope you have a wonderful day.
Taglist: @catmikaelson20
405 notes · View notes
Meeting Lucien
Lucien Masterlist
Y/N stepped off of the train platform into the village streets. It was a moonless night, and Y/N looked around aimlessly for a sign that could give her directions to the nearest inn. Her gaze landed on a stranger that appeared to be around her age, and his eyes met hers.
“Miss,” the stranger said, approaching her, “you appear lost. Where are you trying to go?”
Y/N breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe this person could help her find the inn.
“I’m just looking for an inn,” Y/N explained, “I’m traveling and need somewhere to stay the night.”
The stranger smiled sadly.
“If memory serves me, the inn has not had any vacancies for a fortnight,” he said.
Y/N disappointment must have shown on her face, because the stranger quickly continued speaking.
“Please don’t look so downhearted,” he said, “perhaps, if you are comfortable, you would like to stay at my home for the night?”
“Really?” Y/N asked, her eyes bright, “…but you don’t even know me, I don’t want to trouble you-”
“It’s no trouble,” the stranger assured her, “I haven’t had guests in some time. What do you say?”
“I- yes, yes please! Thank you!”
The stranger smiled again.
‘Wonderful,” he said.
Y/N suddenly remembered her manners.
“Oh,” she said, “I’m Y/N.”
“Lovely to meet you, Y/N,” the stranger said, “I am Lucien. Lucien Renwick. My carriage is close by, it will take us to my manor.”
Lucien escorted Y/N to his carriage. He helped her inside, then slid in next to her. The man driving the carriage cracked his whip, and they were off.
Y/N looked out the carriage window. There wasn’t much to see, considering there was no moonlight that night. She could tell, however, that they were traveling up an incline.
When the carriage stopped, Lucien got out first, then offered a hand to Y/N. Y/N took it and stepped out of the carriage. Y/N’s eyes widened at the sight of the manor. It was at the top of the cliffs, the back of it overlooking the sea below. More impressive was the sheer size of it. It looked more like a small castle than a manor.
“Shall we?” Lucien asked warmly.
Y/N nodded, allowing herself to be escorted inside the enormous house. Two servants closed the great wooden doors behind her. Another servant came by to take her bags from her. Y/N stared up at Lucien, looking into his eyes.
“Thank you so much,” Y/N said.
“No, thank you,” Lucien replied.
Something glinted in Lucien’s eyes, and Y/N found herself unable to tear her gaze away from them. His left eye was an unnatural golden color, and his right eye was the shade of a ruby. The more Y/N stared into them, the more entranced she became. Her limbs felt heavy, and her head light. Before she knew it, Lucien held her in his arms. The last thing she made out was the glint of pearly, white fangs before falling asleep.
Lucien carried Y/N through the halls of his manor, eventually reaching a large bedroom. He deposited her on the great, soft, four-poster bed then called for his servants.
“Prepare her for feeding,” Lucien told them, “the scent of her blood is making me ravenous.”
Tags:  @mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm
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