#yet cuz of this i woke up late
ceyrann · 2 years
Countdown 15 mins I just wanna sleep
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neonghostlights · 5 months
hi, can you do an eddie x reader where they have a daughter, but they have been separated for a while. Eddie always calls to check on your daughter and stuff like that, but then you ask him to try to come and spend time with your daughter and he says yes. Then a few days pass after he is back in Hawkins to spend time with her, but when the day comes to leave and return home, the little baby starts crying wanting her father back and Eddie hasn't even entered the car yet. car, but come back to console his little girl(s) cuz reader is crying too😭
Sorry this took me so long! I changed it a bit but I hope you still like it! Thank you @hellfire--cult for helping me name the baby 🤰
Warning: angst with a happy ending, mention of divorce/separation, Eddie and R are parents, mention of a child being sick/injured
You never saw this happening for you and Eddie.
After nearly 5 years of marriage, one single fight caused the explosion that detonated your entire life.
You were both tired, and parenting was hard.
He came home late one night, later than expected. He worked hard, so so hard but you were tired of him never being home anymore.
You begged him to try to be home at a decent time for dinner and to help you put your daughter, Alma to bed. It was something the hadn’t been home to do in months but he called you and told you that he had a late night issue with the record company he worked for and wouldn’t be home.
You felt like you were roommates now instead of a married couple. He was hardly ever home, leaving work early in the morning and not coming home until late at night.
He wasn’t a bad dad. The times he was home, maybe once every few days he spent doting on Alma while you caught up with everything else in your hectic life.
It was like you barely saw him anymore.
What really threw you over the edge was when he let it slip he had been to the doctor for his headaches last month. You didn’t even know he was having headaches or that he was seeing a doctor for them.
When he finally walked through the front door you exploded.
Words were said. Some of it you meant and some you didn’t.
Eddie packed a bag and left.
It hurt like hell but you kept reminding yourself of all the bickering and arguing you had been doing lately. It felt like the two of you had finally hit a wall in your marriage.
You slept alone that night, stretched out across your king sized bed.
Eddie called you the next day, letting you know he was safe at Wayne’s. You both agreed he should stay there in the time being until you decided how to proceed with separation.
You both danced around the word divorce, neither of you wanting to be the one to say it.
The first day that Eddie was gone was fine. Your one year old daughter, Alma, was extra fussy, her tears matching the same that stained your face.
The second day was even harder. Eddie called again to talk to her on the phone. Only hearing the sound of his voice on the phone hurt, reminding you of how he walked out the other day. You could tell Eddie wanted to stay on the phone with you but you handed the phone over to your baby who giggled excitedly when she heard her dad’s voice.
You had a hard time falling asleep that night, having a hard time sleeping alone. You woke up a few times, the random creaks of your house making you think that Eddie was home.
The third day was rough. Alma was crying off and on ever since she opened her eyes in the morning, something that you had thought she had grown out of since she was well past her newborn stage.
You didn’t sleep that night. You kept your face in his pillow while you cried, the smell of him only making your heart ache worse.
Day four was the worst. Alma screamed all day, not even closing her eyes for a nap. She wouldn’t eat and threw her food on the floor when you tried to feed her.
It was a long, long day and no matter what you did she wouldn’t stop.
You were losing your patience, doing your best to make her happy but every time you tried she just screamed louder.
The dreadful feeling settled in your stomach that maybe something was seriously wrong. Had your baby been begging you to help her and you just couldn’t understand?
You rushed to the phone nearly ripping it off the hook in your panic.
He made it to the house in record time. He made the usual 25 minute drive from Wayne’s in nearly 10.
He flew through the front door, not even thinking about the fact that he didn’t live there any more and that you may have wanted him to knock.
He just knew that the sound of your voice on the phone was desperate and broken. The sounds of his baby screaming on the other end sent him into a major panic. It had been days since he had seen both of you and he had been living in hell.
He hadn’t been able to sleep but instead would stay up at night looking at the pictures Wayne had of the two of you, wondering where everything went wrong. There were so many times he wanted to call you or go home but he thought that maybe it would make things worst so he decided to give you space.
But now you and Alma needed him.
Alma spotted him first, looking over your shoulder where you were holding her. You were swaying your body back and forth to try to soothe her but it wasn’t working, Alma was screaming right in your ear.
Alma whimpered a second, her breathing still rapid as she realized who Eddie was.
But she stopped screaming and held her arms out to him.
You looked confused, moving Annie so you could look at her face to try to figure out why she suddenly stopped her crying.
“Dada!” Alma cheered, reaching her arms out to Eddie. Her poor voice was hoarse from her crying.
You spun around, facing Eddie for the first time in days. You let out a sigh of relief at the sight of him and it made Eddie feel good that you wanted to see him.
“Eddie,” you sighed, handing over Alma to Eddie’s waiting arms since she was practically climbing away from you to get to him.
“Dada’s here,” Eddie cooed, pressing a kiss to the top of Alma’s head as she played with his hair.
“She was screaming. I thought something was wrong…” You said as you watched Alma melt into your husband’s arms. “I guess she just missed you. We both missed you.” You admitted.
“I missed you too, both of you. More than you could imagine,” Eddie told you. “I know I messed up. I know I wasn’t around a lot but I swear I’ll do better. I talked to my job yesterday and told them I can’t stay late or work extra anymore. I don’t want to lose you.”
Eddie crossed the room towards you, Alma’s now sleeping body between you in his arms.
“Please come home,” you sniffled, starting to cry.
Eddie reached a hand out to caress your arm while still managing to support Alma.
You and Eddie laid Alma down in her crib together. Eddie held you for a moment as you both stared down at the baby that was a perfect mix of the both of you.
You and Eddie were going to argue, but things were going to get better. It felt like your family was complete again.
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lis-likes-fics · 9 months
A Night to Remember
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader Word Count: 5k words Warnings: NSFW, smut, oral sex (f!receiving, implied m!receiving), praise kink, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, language, slight dumbification (if you blink, you'll miss it), creampie, slight dirty talk/degradation (if you blink, you'll miss it), Elijah's species unspecified... A/N: This was originally called "Bad Habits Lead to You" bc I was writing it around the song by Ed Sheeran, but I changed my mind cuz I liked this more. ALso, I have not written for Elijah in forever, so this made me really happy to write. Nevermind that I started writing this in October 2022. Thanks and enjoy!
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Your plum dress was tight against your skin. It was something you knew he'd enjoy, a dress you'd chosen specifically to please the man you were practically praying would arrive as you fingered the jewels of the fancy necklace around your neck. It was heavy, thoroughly bedazzled and way too expensive for anything you could ever afford. A gift from the gentleman himself.
Many faces were shrouded from view by masks of simple and extravagant designs of all kinds. Yours, like your necklace, was worth its weight in gold and more; another gift. Flitting through the party, grins and smirks were sent your way from men and women alike. Some were admiring, some hungry, others were strewn onto faces out of envy.
That envy would grow when they find who was coupled with this goddess in purple and gold. You spotted him at the center of the mezzanine, looking down at all the guests like he was the king of his own personal kingdom through the eyes of his mask, one that paired with your own. The look in his eyes certainly conveyed that superiority, lighting a match that lived in the pit of your stomach and between your thighs as you stared up at him with an adoring gaze.
He had already been watching you, a dark hunger taking you in. You made your way toward him, stepping up each marble stair to reach this man who decked you out like a queen. He was reaching out for your hand before you reached the top step, taking it and bending down to place a kiss to the back of your palm. “My dear,” he greeted affectionately.
Goosebumps shivered up your arm and into your bloodstream. Your body threatened to follow suit as you watched him handle you with such…care. “Elijah,” you responded.
“Would you care to dance?” He straightened his back, even took a small step closer and eliminated the personal space that had already been demolished the first moment you saw this adonis of a man.
You breathed a quiet breath at his question, “A gentleman, as always.” As always. You said it as though you’d known him for more than simply a week. In truth, Elijah was a fling. You’d met him a week prior, caught up in all of his grace and eloquence as he swept you across the dance floor of the extended masquerade ball and then into his arms to take you to bed.
It wasn’t normally like you, to be so taken by some stranger enough to sleep with him that same night. And then to sleep with him the next night, and the night after that, and so on, and so forth. But there was something about Elijah, something so captivating that you could not quite place.
As he swept you to the dance floor for yet another seductive venture across the marble, you accepted with little more than a simple nod.
And then, when he pressed you against a wall in a darkened nook in the large mansion of a home, you gasped into the unusually warm air of the late autumn night as his hot lips pressed to the heated skin of your chest and he devoured you.
Last night was supposed to be the last time, and the night before that, and the night before that. He was like some drug that you had all too quickly become addicted to—and with a face like that, how could you not?
You knew you shouldn't. At the very least, you should try not to. It was not as though he was the perfect man. No, your perfect man would still be there when you woke in the morning with aching limbs, a souvenir, and cold sheets that barely held enough warmth to convince you his departure was recent.
Your perfect man would not grant you a collection of late nights full of pleasure and desire ending alone in the morning with a handwritten note and a new little gift.
Or, perhaps, he was doing you a service. Showing you how impermanent this arrangement was—how impermanent it should be. If only you would listen, take his flight for what it was: a warning.
But as his warm lips slotted perfectly against the column of your throat, leaving you gasping and clawing at his strong arms, you knew once again that your lesson was not learned. He dipped down and secured your leg in his steel grip, brushing it up his side to rest along his hip. He pressed himself closer to your body and returned his lips to your own. He pulled back for a moment, towering over you as he stared with those dark, predatory eyes: a lure, a trap. “Would you like to carry this somewhere more intimate?”
There were two responses waiting on your tongue. A less sensible one, “What's the need? Let them hear us.” And a more sensible one, “Yes, I want you all to myself.”
The only reason the latter was more sensible was because it gave you the option of containing your ardor so you could speak sensibly. Hardly any sober words were exchanged when you were in the throes of intoxicating passion with this man. And there was a reason you came here tonight…
Other than your endless desire to find your body melding with his own, an entanglement of limbs and complicated emotions.
“Yes,” you whispered. “Let’s go.”
He carefully released your leg with a wolfish grin, readjusting your appearances so you didn’t look as frazzled as you were. One quick kiss to your lips and he was walking with you back into the crowds of the masquerade ball.
Dancing through the crowd was easy, getting out of the door was easy, getting into his car was easy. The hard part came when you were driving away in the silence of his sleek Mercedes-Benz.
“Elijah,” you found your voice, fiddling with your fingers as you tried to organize your thoughts. He glanced at you before returning his gaze to the road. He hummed deeply in his throat, and you cleared yours, turning your gaze on him and smiling to shield the nerves. “Why did you choose me? Of all the women you could have taken home that first night, the second, the third, all of it, why did you choose me?”
It had confused you since you first met at the beginning of the ball. Was he bored? Were you convenient? Just the first person he laid eyes on? Why you?
His gaze flitted between you and the road as his lips twitched. He licked his bottom lip slowly, shifting his hand to rest atop your own. He squeezed it gently. "You intrigue me."
"I intrigue you?" you echoed, tilting your head.
He nodded. "You're beautiful, you're clever, and you're asking the right questions."
You blinked, glancing away for a moment before looking back again. "I'm asking the questions?" You hated that you couldn't find your own words right then, you couldn't come up with a response (which led you to debate the cleverness he claimed you had).
His gaze lingered a little longer on you than it probably should have. "If I'd picked the wrong woman, she would continue our exploits with no regard for her own self-worth. She'd be content with being just another woman in my sheets."
"A whore?" you quirked a brow and smirked playfully. His smile grew and he shrugged, but did not confirm the choice of words you so elegantly put forth.
You sat back and felt the smile on your face shift slightly into a look of contemplation. "So I wasn't just easy?"
He shook his head, this time with a little chuckle. "Of course not." He leaned into your ear, and a shiver rushed through your spine at the closeness. "I don't like easy."
The sensibility was gone, and the arousal had returned as he pulled into the lot of his home. He rounded the car and came to your side, opening your door and offering his hand. Stepping out, your eyes locked as you rose to your feet, entirely invading the personal space which had stopped existing.
Your lips were inches apart as you lingered there before brushing past him and walking ahead toward the house. He followed behind you, for once leaving him mystified instead of you. You walked on toward the house, dimly lit and awaiting your company, until he was coming up behind you with his arms around your waist. He wrapped you up and carried you inside like a bride—no, not a bride. You can't even consider it in that way, lest you make the biggest mistake of your life.
He opened the door and listened to your giddy excitement as he smiled at you all the way up the expanse of the stairs. The way he burst through his bedroom door and dropped you onto the bed rivaled his gentlemanly behavior over the course of the past few days.
He kicked the door closed with his foot and stalked toward you, depraved and bloodthirsty. You'd been in this position before, staring up at him with hooded eyes. He discarded his blazer, looming over your body and ravaging your lips. His hands held you close to him as he dragged the zipper of your dress down along your back.
You gasped into his kiss, sloppy and without care to the intricate details of intimacy. You pressed your palms against his sides and pulled him closer to you. As his large hand cupped your throat, your back arched into him and his kisses lapped along your jaw. Shallow breaths fanned along your skin, and you welcomed it with short sighs.
You raised a hand against his chest, your fingers danced along his collarbone. Pushing him back, he sat on his knees as you followed, chasing his lips. You flattened your hand along the side of his neck, guiding him onto his back so you could straddle him. Your movement was slow and measured, taking one thing at a time to prolong your evening together as long as possible.
Your lips molded together once more, your hips moving to a slow grind. His eyes never left yours, a guile intimacy that urged your fervor to moan-filled kisses that set your skin ablaze. His hands gripped your waist, guiding your hips onto his. Your eyes shut as a delicate sigh passed your lips, your hands grasping onto his shoulders for support as he rocked you back and forth atop him.
“Don’t stop,” you whispered, addicted to the feel of him touching your body. One of your hands moved to sit atop his own, holding him as you ground your hips. He watched you move with lidded eyes as your head fell back and your lips parted in a lustful ‘O’.
His hands trailed up your body and under the fabric half-forgotten on you until he was surrounding your chest, leaning forward just enough to allow you to sit in his lap as your dress rode up higher and higher along your thighs and hung around your shoulders. Despite his determination to undress you until you were bare before him, he wanted to take his time ravaging your body. Soon your dress was discarded and you were left in nothing but the lingerie that had been sitting idly by in your closet until this night.
He looked up at you with a smirk, teasing, “All for me?”
You scoffed, shaking your head at him with a playful laugh, “No, for the doorman at the party.”
He rolled his eyes a little. “Well, the doorman is fired.” You laughed and he silenced you with his lips upon your chest. You bared your neck for him, sighing gently as your hands played with the fabric of his expensive bowtie.
You attacked his lips as you did your best to fumble for the buttons of his shirt. They twisted and slipped from your fingers, and your patience had run out before long to send what felt like a million buttons shooting from his shirt and all around you. Your hands roamed the expanse of his broad chest, pressing your fingertips into his flesh. “Such an impatient creature,” he hummed.
“Shut up,” you sighed as you wrapped your arms around his neck and brought him to your lips again. Your fingers tangled in his hair as you pulled his body flush against yours, your tongue slipping into his mouth as his own joined in. Your hands shifted from his neck to his chest as you felt his warm skin beneath your palms. You huffed as you allowed your hips to grind down on him again, pulling a wavering moan from your throat and making you sound deliciously pathetic.
“I need you,” you whimpered against his lips, opening your eyes to grant him that needy look that you hoped would get you what you wanted.
He just smiled, as though he could read your mind. “Patience, my dear.” He shifted upon the bed so he was closer to the headboard as he began to lean forward, holding you to his body as he moved to lay you on the bed. You lay back with shallow breath, staring up at him as he gazed back, never breaking eye contact for a moment as he adjusted himself to tower over you.
He leaned in and you bared your neck to him again as he pressed a kiss to your throat, right on top where the muscles shifted as you moaned. He hummed deep in his own throat, his lips caressing your skin as he took his time with you. You held your breath when the tip of his tongue dragged along your skin from the bottom to the top as he traced a vein thumping there. You whispered his name and he rewarded you with the press of his knee into your needy core, just barely reaching your clit enough to make you sigh again.
His lips trailed along your body, spending too much time on every little patch of skin he could find as he traveled down, down, down. He pulled your legs over his shoulders, pressed his kisses into your thighs, and you whimpered when his teeth teased the flesh he grazed. He stared you in the eyes as he did it, moving closer to where you burned for him until his lips found your clit. You sighed gently at the feeling, but you were swiftly interrupted as it didn't last.
He dove into you, his lips and tongue and teeth attacking you. From here, with the way his hair fell over his forehead and his eyes grew dark and primal, he looked like a predator. His name stuttered from your lips, dropping the first letter as you gasp at the feeling of his tongue lapping at your pussy. His fingers dig into your thighs, his lips suck on your clit, his tongue licks into you. Your back arches off the bed and your fingers tangle in his hair. You can't help your whimper as he pleasures you, an expert, it seems, in everything he does.
He moaned into you, sending shivers up your spine as you tugged on his hair. His tongue flicked insistently at your clit, eager to taste you again as you whimpered deliciously.
The sound broke when his fingers prodded at your pussy, slipping the tips of them into your warmth and slowly working them deeper and deeper. Once buried inside of you, he thrusts them slowly at first, in and out and in and out, playing you like an instrument as he curls and pumps his fingers. His slow pace never lasted as he built you to the top, wanting so badly to watch you shatter with your release.
You cursed under your breath, feeling a knot in your belly as you clenched down around his fingers, your clit pulsing against his tongue. "I'm so close," you whimper, grinding urgently against his face.
He was so in tune with your body by now. It took past lovers so long to learn your stops and goes, what makes you tick, what makes you scream. You had known Elijah a week, and he had mastered it.
As the pleasure twisted in your gut and your chest filled with air, you could feel your release taunting you. You whispered his name just as you were about to come.
And Elijah pulled away.
The frustration built quickly in the pit of your stomach, and you clenched the bedsheets and your jaw flexed. You could feel your pleasure retreating like waves after they've licked the shore, spoiling inside of you. Elijah's lips found yours again, smirking against them as you reluctantly kissed him back, angry but still not immune to his charm.
"Fuck you," you breathed against his lips.
He shrugged a shoulder. "I'd rather fuck you."
You rolled your eyes, interrupted by his lips once more, his tongue licking into your mouth. He wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling them tight as he supported you to straddle his lap. His hands grabbed your ass, squeezing and smacking the flesh once. You yelped, your foreheads meeting as you breathed the other's air.
"Please, Elijah," you begged, too desperate to be shy, too enraptured in his skill to be ashamed.
His hand smoothed along your cheek, fingers tangling in your hair to move it back and away from your face. "What do you want, hm?" he hummed. "Tell me what you want, my dear."
You carded your fingers through his hair and sighed longingly. Between kisses, you whispered, "Fuck me. Like you did the first night." You braced your hands around the back of his neck, opening your eyes to look at the dark coffee brown of his own. "If this is my last night with you, I want to make it count."
His breath slowed for a moment as his eyes trailed over your face, like he only just now realized tonight would be the last night and he wanted to really look at you before he never saw you again. Yours did the same. This was the last night.
The moment, full of more intimacy than a couple of one week should be capable of, passed with only a few seconds more than there should have been. He took your hips in his palms, kneaded the flesh, and pulled you into a slow kiss just as desperate as the ones before.
A new passion took you as he rolled your hips in his lap, grinding your wet pussy along his dark slacks, ruining them for future wear as your arousal smeared all over the fabric. He didn't seem to care, especially not with the way he moved your hips to ruin them some more. You only paused his hands when you lifted one leg from their position on either side of him to begin undoing his slacks, slipping them down his legs until they were entirely discarded. Crawling back into his lap and taking his beautiful cock in your hand with an enthusiasm that made him chuckle, you stroked the thick length of him in your palm, up and down and up and down, as beads of precum slipped from the weeping tip and dribbled down the side of him.
"Fuck," he cursed with his forehead against yours, leaning his head to fall onto your shoulder as you moved your wet palm to a steady rhythm along his hard cock. "Look at what you do to me."
You moaned at his praise, working your fist faster until he suddenly grabbed your wrist to stop you. He gave you a hard, dark stare before lifting your waist. As you sat up on your knees, feeling the hard tip of him tapping against your slit, you bit your lip to contain your moan.
He lifted your chin to look at him, his eyes boring into your own as that silent question urged an answer. Do you want this? For the last time, do you want this?
No, you thought to yourself, flattening your palm against his chest. Not for the last time.
"Please, Lijah," you whispered. "Fuck, I need you. I want you."
Taking your hips, he lowered you into his lap, his eyes fluttering and his jaw clenching as he groaned deep on his throat, letting his head fall back to savor the moment. You moaned, feeling yourself flutter around his cock as you took him into your tight pussy. You whimpered his name through trembling lips, laying your head against his shoulder.
"Good girl," he breathed in a strained manner, his hands roaming your body as he felt you clench around him. Your lips pressed to his neck, your tongue tracing over a vein there, as you slowly rocked your hips on top of him. He groaned roughly as you did.
Slowly, your bodies built a rhythm, a steady pace setting as you moved in tandem, thriving off the other's lust as you grabbed and felt and moaned and kissed. The intimacy licked at your skin and sunk into your bones, coating you in lust thick and sweet like honey. It pulsed and pumped through your veins like blood, your very life force shifting to depend on his tenderness.
You bounced in his laps with a level of excitement that mirrored the pleasure on your face. His breath was heavy in your ear as he thrust his hips up to meet the roll of your hips to the best of his ability. As the desperation to feel you, to hear you, filled his blood, he wrapped his arms around you, engulfing you to pull your body flush against his own. He laid you once more on your back, reseating himself inside of you as one hand gripped your waist and the other propped himself up beside your head.
Easing some hair from your face, he pressed his lips to the underside of your jaw, right above a pressure point that made you choke, and began to move his hips in a steady rhythm. In and out and in and out and filling to the brim. Your breath was heavy in your lungs and your hands draped off his shoulders as he pumped his cock into you. He watched you whimper as your body bounced up and down in time with his thrusts, your breasts doing the same in their own dance as he brought a hand to grope them.
Again, his name slipped off your tongue as you gripped his waist, guiding his thrusts lazily. The soft sheets of the bed caressed your skin, his hands grabbed at you, his lips switched between licking, kissing, and speaking into your flesh.
Then, as he braced his arms at either side of your head, he steadied himself with the darkest look in his eyes. You choked on your own breath as his hips snapped into yours, a rough moan forcing from your throat as you grabbed at any skin you could find. His thrusts continued in the same manner, fast and rough as the tip of his cock knocked against the deepest part of you with every thrust.
You were needy, grinding your hips up to meet each powerful thrust as you moaned and whimpered and squeezed your eyes shut, intent on satisfying your desperation for relief.
"Look at you," he sighed. "Beautiful."
You whimpered, especially as his hands slid across your skin and hooked underneath your thighs. pulling them over his shoulders, he held them there as he leaned forward to fold you in half. The new angle sent a whole new array of emotions through you, your entire body tingling at the sensations he filled you with.
"Mmph, Lijah," you gasped.
His thrusts continued; hips snapping, fingers grasping, lips parting against a shuddering breath. "Say it again," he demanded, his voice thick as his words dripped like honey onto your skin.
You didn't respond, your trembling moan squealing in your throat and your eyes squeezing shut, too far away to properly heed his command. He pressed a hand to your cheek, lightly gripping your face and turning you to look at him, noticing the way your eyes droop.
"Come on," he urged darkly. "Say it again. My name. Come on, say it. You can do it." He spoke through heavy breaths and broken groans, bending down to even take your bottom lip between his teeth just to give his mouth something to do as he stared at your fucked out face.
You stuttered it out. "Lijah," you begged. "Elijah, please."
He was weak at your whimpers, his hips jerking slightly in the middle of a particularly rough thrust. "Please what? Tell me what you want, my dear."
Your answer was delayed—and for a moment, he thought he'd fucked you dumb (which was only partially true). "Please, harder. Lemme cum, I needa cum."
He held you tighter, his eagerness to feel you cum around him, your cunt already squeezing him so well, making him crazy. "You want to cum on my cock, dirty girl?"
"Yes!" you exclaimed. "Yes, please, Elijah."
He wanted to prolong this just a little while longer, loving the way you struggled to hold his gaze as the pleasure urged you to squeeze your eyes shut and grip him tighter. He loved the way your arms held his neck, he loved the way your legs twitched on his shoulders, he loved the sounds your cunt made on each impact of his hips, he loved the taste of your skin on his tongue, he loved the way your pussy fluttered around his cock, he loved the way your perfume wafted gently against his face, he loved the way you looked bouncing up and down with each rock of his hips.
His hand snaked between both of your bodies, the stickiness of your body, coming from both the arousal smearing all over your skin and his and the sweat building from the exertion of the pleasure. His thumb found your clit, rubbing circles into the bud with a dexterity that had you moaning loudly. The sensations sparked all along your body, filling you up bit by bit with the heat of his intimacy.
The rhythm of your bodies persisted, working together in perfect harmony, chasing both releases like your lives depended on it. "Elijah," his name fell off your lips like a prayer, praising him like a god meant to be worshiped.
"Again," he breathed, his tone growing darker and darker the closer each of you got to that point of pure ecstasy. "Say my name again."
"Say it again."
"Eli–!" You stuttered on the word, your breath catching in your throat as the pleasure suddenly hit you. It exploded in your belly and warmed your whole being as your muscles tightened around him. You moaned and gasped as your cunt clenched down around his pulsing cock, feeling your legs tremble and your breath shudder before kicking into a hyperventilation of a release. His cock twitched inside of you, the squeeze of your cunt too much as he continued to thrust into you, fucking you through your release as your vision went white and your ears rang.
"Fuck, I'm cumming," you announced when your lips could form the word, biting your lip so hard in reaction to your orgasm that you draw blood. A symphony of moaned "yes's" fell from your mouth as you felt the pleasure waning.
Elijah's hips jerked before you felt the hot release of him inside of you, a deep groan scratching in his throat as he buried himself deeply inside of you, as deep as he'd go. He rolled his hips as he came, his breath heavy and filled lust as he let himself succumb to your pleasure.
You whined as his cock pressed against the deepest part of you even after the oversensitivity has taken over and the feeling of him aches so well inside of you. "Elijah," you mewl.
It took a while before you both returned to the ground, easing out of your clouded pleasure. Your breaths mingled as you caught them.
As your hearts slowed and your muscles became so wonderfully loosened, he slipped out of you with a regretful sigh. You laid back against the bed, lazy and spent. His lips captured your own once more, molding in a lax embrace. His mouth slipped down your jaw and toward your neck, placing a kiss there and then easing farther down to your soft shoulder.
He eased off of you, rolling onto his side and pulling an arm over your midsection. He pulled you closer to him, sighing gently as his breath fanned over your skin.
You rolled your head over to him, smiling softly. He returned the smile. "You did wonderfully, my dear," he whispered.
Instead of responding, you leaned over and kissed his soft lips again. "So did you," you said.
You laid there and stared at one another, a longing gaze passing between the both of you as the reality of this being the last night sunk in. He would be gone tomorrow.
Your smile fell slowly and you sighed. "I don't want you to leave."
He smiled sadly. "Will you miss me?"
"I'll miss the mind-blowing sex," you smirked. He chuckled and rolled his eyes, finding it funnier than he probably should have. You laughed with him. As the giggles subsided, you frowned again, nodding. "Yes. I'm gonna miss you."
You stared again. His eyes were so beautiful. That tiny mole on the left side of his cheek was handsome. His chin dimple, alluring. You raised a hand to brush his stubbled face. He covered your hand with his. You kissed him again.
"I'm going to miss you, too."
You licked your bottom lip. You leaned forward. "So let's make this night one to remember."
"Again?" he laughed. "Are you not satisfied?"
You smiled, "Not enough to leave it at that." You kissed his lips once more before wandering down his chest, moving to straddle his body. You kissed down his body as he sighed deeply, a tiny groan leaving his chest. As your lips brushed the delectable space of his V-line, he groaned.
A night to remember.
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Always and Forever taglist: @avala-moon​ @xxwritemeastoryxx @melodiclovesong @katsukis1wife @thebrotherssalvatore321 @strangerliaa @njeancastro316 @thelastpyle @lovelyy-moonlight @hb8301 @athena-royal @alexxavicry @hellfire1986baby @dumb-fawkin-bitch @papichulo120627 @the-nerdy-goddess Suit and Staglist:​​ @deviously-innocent @wanniiieeee @brandyovereager @starkleila @amythedoctor @slytherinlyn16 @anastacia1705 @sugakookieswithacupoftae16 @anotherblackreader Tag yourself here...
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anotherofmanyflowers · 2 months
Another drabble cuz I have another english test tmrw. This time itssss...
IL DOTTORE X READER!!! (More specifically Zandik)
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It was another boring Tuesday night. The homework laid finished on his desk as Zandik stared boredly at his ceiling. The peaceful tranquility of his dorm room was all he craved in this moment, annoyed at the memory of the endless buzz and chatter of the Akademiya. His hands fidgeted against the armchair, spinning a pencil between his pointer, index and thumb. His red eyes barely even blinked, his eyebags somehow more prominent in the light of his dorm room. His Akademiya uniform was still on him, too tired to care to even change out of it. There were still old coffee stains visible near the neckline of the uniform. Many thoughts were running through his head as he closed his eyes. The silence and comfort of his old wooden chair were enough to send him into a state of falling asleep. But just as he felt sleep nipping at his conscious, the dorm rooms door swung open and came in another person.
"Oh Zandiiiik!~ oh, he's asleep-"
His roommate. You. The last person he wanted to see. No matter how many years you two were roommates, he always hated you. Your bright personality, that bright spirit he hated seeing always set him over the edge. He loathed being your roommate. He didn't wish to entertain your late night questions when you couldn't sleep, or the homework you couldn't finish.. He never understood why you were so adamant on being around him when no one else did. In his eyes, you werent anything special. You weren't an exceptionally popular student, you weren't interested in the same things as him, you were nothing. But that was his default thinking for everyone, so It never really fit for you too. You were nothing to him, yet something all the same. But he didn't wish to dwell any further on those thoughts, rather focusing on his studies and research.
"You woke me up"
He said calmly as he looked over to the door to see you standing there with wide eyes, fully expecting him to be asleep.
"Sorry Zandik! I didn't think you'd be asleep!"
You said, hoping he'd forgive you even if it was accidental and not that much of a problem. As you rambled on, not wanting ur roommate to get angry at you, you missed the slight smile Zandik had on his face as he listened to your rambling. He knew he hated almost everyone on the Akademiyas premises, but maybe for you he'll make an exception.
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haleyhunwritess · 1 year
hiiii if requests are open can u write one where she has bad period cramps and its seb or bucky taking care of her with like lots of fluff and maybe he teases her for crying at a commercial because shes feeling hormonal cuz of her period but it just ends with a lot of fluff💕
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pairing: bucky x reader
warning: period cramps, FLUFFFF
a/n: i woke up with the worst cramps possible and all i wanted was to cuddle with someone but i'm on campus now trying to get some work done :( i wanna post some more period comfort fics, maybe today or tomorrow! i have an old period comfort fic request from @chrisevansdaughter that i'm working on that i can hopefully post soon 💗
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"Do you think it's bleeding? It feels like it's bleeding." Bucky groaned, rubbing the back of his head.
"Oh please, you're fine." You mumbled from the couch, clutching your lower abdomen while holding your breath as your cramps started to get worse.
This morning you'd woken up to the most painful cramps you've ever experienced. You assumed that they were pre-period cramps, and tried to go back to sleep. However, a few minutes later, you felt Bucky's hand on your shoulder gently shaking you awake. You mumbled five more minutes, before trying to go back to sleep.
"Love, wake up," he whispered, glancing down at the dark stain on the bed, "You're bleeding, doll."
Suddenly awake, you quickly opened your eyes and turned to look down at the crimson stain on the bed. Groaning loudly, you put your head in your hands. You normally got your period on time, though sometimes it could be a day or two late. It was rarely ever early. You weren't supposed to get your period for another 4 days, and yet here it was. You felt embarrassed, but fortunately that feeling didn't last long as your body started to cramp up again. You whimpered loudly, while clutching your stomach and struggling to breathe.
You struggled to sit up, as the cramps were somehow starting to get even worse. Bucky quickly put one arm behind your back, and held your hand in his, to help you sit up. You quietly thanked him before turning your gaze back down to the stain, and cursing silently, "I'm so sorry, bubba, I wasn't supposed to get my period yet. I didn't mean to ruin your sheets."
"Love, I'm not mad at you. You have nothing to be sorry about, it's okay. I'm sorry I had to wake you up but we've gotta get you cleaned up." Bucky kissed your forehead, before getting up and leaving the room.
He came back a few minutes later with some towels, a water bottle, and some ibuprofen. He handed you the ibuprofen first, which you gladly took before washing it down with some water. Then he helped you get up carefully, holding you gently in his arms as he lead you over to the bathroom. He put the towels down on the counter, then walked over to the shower to turn on the hot water.
"Alright, doll. You take as long as you need in there, okay? If you need anything, just shout and I'll come running. I'm just gonna go clean up in the room, okay?" Before you could even protest, he left the bathroom to take the sheets to the laundry.
You stepped out of the shower after a while, already starting to feel a bit better. You noticed Bucky had left a pair of his sweatpants and his favourite hoodie on the counter next to the towels. There was also a bag of supplies on the ground, with different feminine hygiene products, a heating pad, some painkillers you were definitely going to need later, and some other essentials. After drying yourself off with the towel, you got dressed quickly and decided to go check on Bucky.
You found him downstairs in the kitchen, pouring hot water into a cup. Walking over to him, you noticed a familiar sweet smell coming from the kitchen. That's when you noticed a fresh batch of his painfully-delicious pancakes sitting on the counter. You put your arms around his waist, pulling him closer to you. He turned around, and pulled you into his arms gently, being careful not to hug you too tight in case you still have cramps.
You helped him carry the pancakes and the tea over to the living room. You sat down in front of the TV and started flipping through the channels. Bucky picked up your fork, and started feeding you small bites as you settled on what show to watch. Eventually, breakfast was over and you were cuddled up on the couch watching titanic. You've only seen the movie once and you found the ending sad, but you never cry at the ending. Until today. It seemed like your body was determined to make you miserable today as you wiped the tears that were streaming down your face at a fast pace. You hoped Bucky wouldn't notice that you were crying, especially just because of a movie. You glanced over at him and noticed he was straight at you, and trying to stifle a laugh. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't contain his laughter anymore. He got up from the couch, still laughing, as you glared him.
"Screw you, Barnes, it's not funny!" You picked up a pillow from the couch and threw it at him, but it only made him laugh harder.
"I'm sorry, love, I couldn't help it!" He chuckled as he picked up the pillow and threw it back on the couch next to you. "I didn't think you were one to cry at movies like that. It wasn't like one glistening tear either, doll, you were nearly sobbing. Don't get me wrong though, it was adorable!"
"You jerk!" You picked up the pillow again and threw it at him but it missed him once again. As he bent over to pick the pillow back up, you picked up the remote this time, and launched it at him. Unfortunately, this time it actually hit him.
"Ow, what the-" He got up, rubbing the back of his head, "That actually hurt, doll, what was that?"
"The remote" You mumbled, trying not to laugh.
He glared at you before bending down to pick up the pillow and throw it back at you. Although he didn't mean to, he threw it pretty hard and it hit your stomach, right as the cramps decided to make a comeback. He quickly apologized and walked over to you to make sure you weren't hurt too bad.
"Just go get me the pain-killers, doofus." You mumbled, laying down sideways, clutching your lower abdomen.
He got up and made his way to the kitchen, still rubbing the spot at the back of his head, the one where you threw the remote at.
"Do you think it's bleeding? It feels like it's bleeding." Bucky groaned, as he continued to rub the back of his head, checking for any blood.
"Oh please, you're fine." You mumbled from the couch, clutching your lower abdomen while holding your breath as your cramps started to get worse.
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taglist/moots: @chrisevansdaughter @cherryflavoredchapsticck @livvinitt @marvel1984 @mustacherrylover @babyhatesreality @timidpumpkin @matchat3a @pono-pura-vida @sonalokibarnes @alex-ackerman-11  @ailathealternate @lollabear @buckysugar
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sheena-yuet · 9 months
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okay so recently i saw this on twitter and i think it would be so funny to draw it in gt ahaha.
so you saw ur giant came back home late, you want to ask them why are they coming back home so late. And yet, they just grabbed u instantly, sending you lots of lots of kisses. You are so confused, cuz they don't acted like what they used to. They just keep complementing u and u dun know why and what is happening.
little guy woke up in the next morning is traumatised
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tartigglez · 11 months
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"mess with you?"
zhongli x f!reader (gn!reader until bonus section!)
・❥・slice of life/fluff
・❥・HAPPY FRICKIN BIRTHDAY CELESTE!!!!!! MY FAV ZHONGLI KISSER! i hope this is an adequate gift, and i intended to make this much longer however if i did it would be like 2 weeks more late LMAO. i hope u had the most fabtabulous day ever, now everyone go check out @thesparklingwriter because she can write this man 8000000x better than me lollllll
・❥・SUGGESTIVE. VERY. dragon!li (bc celeste loves dragonli and i will push the agenda bc yes), physical touch, zhongli is the little spoon somehow, kisses, zhongli is a france-boo, you guys eat together, zhong is lowkey just nakedly vibin for a bit of this lol sorry, also if it doesn't make sense: xiao can't see windows cuz he's in bird form (they do that i swear)
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waking up is never an easy feat, but being around him makes it a whole lot easier. on this particular morning however, you wake up rather annoyed, frustrated over the quality of the last portion of your slumber. yet opening your eyes would reveal that a small portion of golden-brown hair is rested upon the tip of your nose, lightly tickling it. so, this was the reason for your lack of quality sleep. 
even still, he is a sight to behold. such a graceful creature, large, scale-clad arms, shimmering horns and long, elegant tail meeting your eyes as he slumbered, quiet snores –which were closer to purrs– coming from somewhere in his chest, all whilst he’s curled up in a foetal position, your arm draped over his waist.
you assume he is soundly sleeping, moving slightly closer to him to nuzzle into his neck, this however would prove false, as his chest rises, a low pitched, loud yawn filling the room, practically bouncing off the walls.
“good morning, dear” he grumbles, voice lower than normal. you giggle as he turns to face you, stretching his limbs as he yawns once more. golden horns slowly begin to retract and he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him before beginning to press gentle kisses against the skin of your neck. the ticklish sensation makes you laugh again, throwing your head back slightly to allow room for his in the crook of your neck.
“already? we just woke up!” you wheeze, rolling away from him as you turn your back to him. this would prove pointless though, because he immediately scooches to your side of the bed, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his head comfortably into the back of your neck.
“what are you implying? i merely wished to kiss you!” he says, but the playful tone in his voice tells you this question is rhetorical, and he knows full well what you were insinuating.
“you’re squishing me silly,” you whine, grabbing on to his hands, which met fair in the middle of your stomach. “you’re like a koala, but even then they wouldn’t have the strength to squash me like this” 
“are you calling me a koala? should i be offended?” he grumbles against the back of your neck, nuzzling even further into it, somehow.
“no, i’m calling you a brute” you chuckle, wriggling a little, trying to loosen his grip.
“i will have you know, “brute” is a compliment in dragon culture” he scoffed, loosening his grip a little.
“maybe i meant it as a compliment then” you mumble, turning back to him to peck his lips, snuggling up to him once again. 
“hm, i’m sure you did” he chuckles, “anyway, what time is it?” 
“i have no clue, let me check my phone” you let out a content sigh, grabbing your phone from the bedside, “ten thirty-ish. what does it matter anyway, we can lay around for a bit, no?” you question, eyes closing as you lean in to him. 
“have you forgotten, dear?” he whispers, hand making its way to your hip, thumb and index finger fiddling with the hem of your pyjama top, “check the date again”
upon staring at the glorious digits on your phone screen, you abruptly pull away from him, raising yourself up on one arm and grinning excitedly. “date day?” you question, voice high and squeaky compared to your normal tone.
its a tradition between you and zhongli that once a month, you would make time for a day with each other, no matter the situation. simply a day to exist in one another's presence. together you came up with the philosophy that it doesn’t really matter what you do, as long as you’re with each other. 
“it is indeed “date day”, as you say” he laughs, “so, tell me. what would you like to do today, my lily?”, the question rolls off his lips like music as he too sits up, blanket moving to just cover his hips, barely. 
“anything,” you giggle, “as long as you’re there i don’t mind”. you step out of the bed, slipping on a pair of sweatpants and running to his side of the bed. “c’mon,” you laugh, grabbing his large hand by a couple of fingers, “lets get movin’ zhong!” 
“can you at least hand me some underwear, please?” he asks, laughing when your face morphs from pure joy to looking like you’ve seen a ghost. you oblige quietly though, moving to one of the dresser drawers, pulling out some boxers and giving them to him, albeit a little flustered. 
“what is it, my dear? you don’t remember last night?” he chuckles. its amusing how he is so nonchalant about such affairs with you, however if he were with anyone else, the topic would never even be thought about. 
“n-no, no i do, but how am i wearin-”
“i figured it would be only right of me to put them back on you. you were awake, but apparently so far gone don’t remember,” he laughs, acting calm about it when in reality his ears are turning a little red.
“rex lapis!” you exclaim, “don’t be so lewd!” you push his shoulder a little in a teasing manner, but he quite literally does not move a millimetre.  
“aha, i apologise my dear, your reactions are simply quite amusing, is all” he claims. putting the boxers on under the duvet before standing up in front of you, toned body catching your eye as one his gold-threaded arms makes its way towards yours, long fingers intertwining with yours. “shall we?”
“put a robe on at least! the neighbours might see you!” you giggle, dragging him in the direction of the closet, before throwing a silk robe his way. he looks so very eloquent as he puts it on, fine fabric smoothing over his skin, and his honey eyes look up at you when he’s done, walking towards your bedroom door, ready to go downstairs. 
zhongli is a surprisingly good cook, but that’s not relevant at all right now, because the first thing he does when he gets to the kitchen is boil the kettle and get out two plates, placing a large croissant on each one. 
you rub your eyes a little as you sit down at the table, staring at the all-butter pastries which seemed to make some sort of miraculous apparition in your home.
“where the heck did you get those croissants?” you ask, folding your arms at the table and plopping your chin on to them.
“i teleported to fontaine for them last night”
“last night?”
“yes, last night.”
“you were naked all of last night.”
“before that!” he laughs, “more like yesterday evening actually, i apologise for misspeaking” 
“you should be sorry! why did you go all the way to fontaine for croissants anyway? the ones in liyue are fine” you question, voice muffled by the sleeves of your pyjama top. 
“nothing beats authenticity, hm? what is it they say in fontaine, oui oui?”
“i’m not sure any person from fontaine has ever said that,” you cackle, as he sets down one of the plates in front of you, along with a cup of the tea he was just brewing. “thanks for the food anyway, can’t believe you went all the way to fontaine just for a couple of croissants”
“not a problem dear, if it’s for you i would do it every day” he speaks, tearing off a part of his croissant before -rather animatedly- swallowing it whole.
“dragons eat so weirdly” you laugh, chewing away at your own food.
“we don’t always eat like that, you realise?” 
“i know,” you giggle “i’m messing with you”
“you’re lucky, you’re the only person who has ever been allowed to mess with me”
“i’m grateful for that, y’know”
“i know, but now isn’t the time for philosophical conversations, let us just enjoy each others company today.”
“sounds good to me!”
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“i’m never letting you go shopping again! seriously, how do we have three new colours of  eyeliner, six new vases and an entire pet bird”
“adeptus xiao does not count as a pet bird”
“are you sure about her, rex lapis? she has no respect for the adepti”
“calm, alatus. this is her form of humour. i would appreciate if you do not criticise her.”
“my apologies, i did not intend to offend you, i will take my leave now”
“told you he was a pet bird”
“please just get me a blanket for this unconscious creature”
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sfw masterlist || nsfw masterlist || taglist: @lioria @celestetalkstoomuch
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© tartigglez, 2023. do not copy, translate or repost, reblogs appreciated
i can't write in the present tense, happy birthday celeste!
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liveforjeongin · 5 months
How To Cheer Your Jeongin Up (2/7)
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-tickle fic, if you don't like that you can keep scrolling
requested by: no one
warnings: a bit of angst (? at the beginning, soft tickling, raspberries
Read 'How To Cheer Your Chan Up (1/7)' (the previous part) here in case you haven't yet!
taglist: @itzsana-kiddingmenow @channieissocute125
It was late night, past midnight, everyone was already sleeping in maknaes+Lino dorm, except Felix, who hadn't been able to fall asleep.
He woke up to drink some water, thinking that might help him a bit. On his way back to his room, he heard some noises, as if someone was... Sobbing?
Turned out the noises came from Jeongin's room, something that concerned the sunshine boy, since it wasn't much common to see their maknae crying. Forgetting completely about sleeping, he entered the youngest's room in silence, not wanting to scare him.
"Innie... Are you alright?" asked once he approached enough for the younger to listen to his whispers, since he didn't want to wake up Seungmin and Minho too.
Jeongin quickly whiped his tears away, doing his best to pretend he wasn't crying "Oh, hi, hyung. What are you doing here so late?" tried to avoid the situation, even though he knew Lix already saw everything, which made the older's heart break.
"Innie... Come on now. It's me, you know you can trust me, don't you? I won't judge you for anything, I promise you" Lix sat on Innie's bed, next to him.
Jeongin knew that, that's why he let himself cry on his hyung's lap.
"Hey, hey, it's okay... What happened to our baby bread that has you like this?" Felix started to stroke his dongsaeng's hair, knowing he'd probably move away and complain he doesn't like skinship.
But instead, Innie just leaned into the touch, he felt so vulnerable already that he didn't even care, it felt really nice... How come he kept rejecting it?
"I'm sorry, hyung..." the maknae got to say through all his crying.
No need to say, Felix got heartbroken at the youngest's words "What do you mean, Innie? You're sorry for what?" asked, worrying even more.
"I... Know Channie hyung always tells us to... Not read those hate comments people do... Cuz he doesn't want us to get affected, cuz he says nothing of that is true... But I couldn't stop myself, hyung... I read them. I read a lot of them..." in that moment, Jeongin was feeling overwhelmed at his own mind reminding him of all those comments... All the horrible things netizens said about him...
Felix froze.
He knows how it is to read that stuff, cuz even when they all promised Chan not to, Felix keeps reading them almost every night. So he just hugged Jeongin, he hugged him and he told him things he would've like to hear every single night while reading those comments.
"What they say it's not true"
"They don't know you, they have no right to judge you"
"You're very talented, why do you doubt about that?"
"They're jealous of you, that's it"
"I'm here for you, I'll always be"
They continued hugging for what felt like eternity. Neither of them wanted to pull away. Until an idea came to Lix's mind.
"Innie, could I do something to make you feel better?"
The maknae, who had already stopped crying some minutes ago, tilted his head a little "What's that?"
Yongbok went back to stroke baby bread's hair "I know you hate being tickled... But I really think that'll cheer you up... Could I tickle you? I promise I'll be gentle, I'll be the gentlest in the whole world, I promise"
Jeongin was ready to say "no" since the first sentence, but thinking about it... That could actually help "Okay... Fine. I'll let you tickle me, BUT you have to promise 3 things before"
The freckled boy was visibly excited, so he just nodded with his head and waited for the youngest to give him the conditions.
"Number one, you have to promise you'll be EXTREMELY gentle. Number two, you'll stop immediately after I say so. And number three, you can't tell anyone I agreeded to this... And I'm serious with this one, hyung" Jeongin looked really serious as he gave the conditions. Felix knew he wasn't joking with them.
After agreeding to the conditions, Lix got ready to tickle his youngest.
He decided to start off a bad spot, the younger's belly. He gently caressed him there, provoking the cutest soft giggles he'd ever heard from Jeongin.
Soon enough, decided to start for real, scribbling all over Innie's belly and sides, now with both hands.
Jeongin's giggling grew louder, but hopefully, not enough to wake 2min up "Hyuhuhuhuhung, that's bahahad!"
Lix smirked "Oh, I know it is, but I bet is helping, isn't it?" teased, now placing one of his hands on one side of Jeongin's neck, not doing anything yet.
The simple fact of having his hyung's hand placed on his weakest spot was enough to make Jeongin beg "No! No no nohohoho, hyung! Please, plehehehehease! Not there, don't do anyhyhyhything on there!"
Lix felt like listening to the maknae this time, so instead, he went to caress his ears, not surprisingly making him ticklish.
At this point, the baby of the group was a blushy, giggly, squirmy mess on his sunshine hyung's arms. All the bad comments simply disappeared from his mind, he felt... Happy. That's why he didn't stop his hyung when, once again, placed his hand on his neck, just accepting his fate.
Seeing the youngest was kind of agreeing with the idea of having his neck tickled, Felix went on.
Jeongin was getting gentle tickles on his ribs and neck now, normally, he'd be giggling pretty loud, but this time, he couldn't allow himself to do that, so his best solution was covering his face with a pillow, that, surprisingly, did cushion the loud giggles from him.
They stayed like this for some minutes more, they were both enjoying it, even though Jeongin will never accept that.
Lix knew the youngest would say "stop" at any moment now, so he decided to do one more thing now that he had the opportunity, and blew a raspberry on the youngest's sensitive neck, causing Innie to let out a scream, since he didn't expect that and it tickled a lot, being honest.
He moved away as fast as he could, getting to scape Lix's raspberry. Hopefully, the pillow cushioned the scream really well, so it was safe to say neither Seungmin nor Minho heard it.
"Okahahahay, hyung, that's enough! Stohohohohop now!" the maknae said. He did scape the raspberries, but Felix kept on gently tickling his ribs and sides.
Just like he promised, Lix stopped as soon as Innie said so, and gave him some rubs to ease the ghost tickles "How you feeling now? Better?" the sunshine boy asked, actually worried his plan might've failed.
But instead, he received an unexpected hug from the maknae "Thank you, hyung..." Innie whispered.
Bokkie's heart melted, automatically hugging him back "I'm happy I got to help you"
After some seconds hugging, they both pulled away, Felix was ready to go back to his room, but his arm got suddenly grabbed by the youngest.
"Hyung... Could you... Sleep with me tonight?" the maknae asked shyly, and Felix obviously couldn't resist so much cuteness.
They ended up cuddled in bed. Jeongin's head resting on his hyung's chest, they both felt so comfortable and happy, knowing they could always trust each other.
And with that warm thought in mind, and cuddled with his hyung in bed, Innie fell asleep, forgetting completely about those comments.
I think I'm not so good writing soft tickling😭
Which is pretty sad cuz that's actually like My favorite type of tickling💔
But I'll get better at it, I promise
I hope you guys liked this, soon I'll be back with requested fics, I promise
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sarahowritesostucky · 3 months
Ignore it if you're uncomfortable💕
Reader catching Steve eating um... "meat" or put suspicion on foods he cook cuz it's a little different from usual meat😔
Idk choose one or maybe both or maybe none
This will be a story told in infrequent, anachronistic snippets, as I love the story idea but don't really want to commit to another WIP. I hope you enjoy!
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📖"Amuse Bouche"
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Steve Kemp x Reader
Tags: cannibalism, held hostage, basement wife, captor/captive, dark Steve
Summary: Amuse-Bouche (/əˌmuːzˈbuːʃ/; French; N.) : to delight the mouth.
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You feel your ears buzzing as you sit across the island, frozen in place. The soft sounds of Steve's knife against the cutting board drumming in your ears inordinately loud, warring with the drum of your own thundering pulse. You lick your lips nervously, biting your tongue to keep from saying anything.
"Everything okay, Hon?"
You blink, startled out of your thoughts and surprised to find Steve staring at you from where he's working, his eyes boring into you, rather than the raw meat under his hand, the chef's knife in the other. Your heart pounds hard in your chest, and you're sure he can hear it, can tell exactly what you're thinking.
What are you thinking?
"Y-yeah," you stammer, forcing a smile. Oh god, he can tell. He knows what you're -
"Good." His smile is sweet and honest, unsuspecting, and he goes back to his work on the cutting board. You swallow, your mouth horribly dry. "Just hungry, huh?" Steve smirks down at his bloodied hands. "Really worked up an appetite this afternoon."
You chuckle nervously, shifting in place on the barstool. "Haha, yep. Yeah."
"Mm. Well I know how to fix that," he says. Eyes still on the meat.
You look down nervously to it again, and away again before he can catch you looking and see the thoughts going through your head. You avert your gaze around the kitchen. - the beautiful kitchen.
It'd seemed like such an easy mark. Middle of nowhere, no visible security. Single occupant who went away for hours at a time. It'd been easy to case. You'd thought you'd make out good on this one. Just one more job. A little more money to get you in a good spot. Then you'd go straight.
It hadn't worked out that way.
The links on your cuff make a quiet sound as you shift. You reach for your wine glass and take a big sip. It slides over your tongue in a burst of flavors: fruity and lush, decadent yet light. It's red wine, a Beaujolais, your favorite. Steve always pours it for you before dinner, and you always drink it as you watch him cook.
Lately you've been drinking it faster.
Your eyes are back on the bloody cutting board when Steve's amused voice jars you back to attention,
"Need another pour already?"
Your eyes jerk up to him in fright, and it must show on your face, because he sobers. "Hon? What is it?"
You fake another smile - something you've gotten quite good at, ever since you woke up one day in a carpeted cell. "Nothing," you assure him, batting your eyelashes and drinking the last few sips from your glass. You set it back down on the counter. "I think I would like some more, please."
Steve squints at you briefly, concerned, or maybe suspicious, but your smile seems to do the trick and he sighs good naturedly. "Okay, why not?" He sets the knife down on the cutting board and turns his back to you, going to the sink to rinse his hands. "I'm chilling a white for the main, and I thought we could have that honey wine with dessert."
"Oh." You can't keep your eyes off the cutting board - on the carefully trimmed hunks of meat that don't taste like anything you've ever had before ... and on the knife. "That sounds nice."
Steve chuckles. "My little woman loves her dessert wines."
You could reach it. It's within reach. If you just leant across the counter, you'd be able to -
Steve 's hand appears in your field of vision and you flinch. He's reaching to take your empty glass. He eyes you knowingly as he pours from the bottle of Beaujolais. You expect him to say something, but he just finishes pouring and slides the glass back across the countertop to you. "There you go," he says, staring at you.
You lick your lips and swallow heavily, feeling caught. He knows. "Thank you, Steve," you whisper.
The edge of his mouth twitches up. "You're welcome, Little thief."
Your guts churn at the words he's somehow turned into a term of endearment. Steve's no fool. He knew you'd look. He put the knife within reach to test you, and you've failed the test. Internally you sigh, and you meekly sip your wine. You've got a long time to go before you'll be able to get the better of him.
"What's for dinner?" you ask, resigned, eyes back on the mystery meat.
"What?" You look up at him, catching the tail end of something indecipherable in his eyes. "Rosemary?" you ask, heart beating faster.
"Mm." He nods and goes to pull something out of the fridge. He returns with a bundle of green herbs. Your shoulders slump. Oh. rosemary. Right. "I'm cooking it sous vide with herbs," he says, and starts plucking the needles off the stalk. "Rosemary, Thyme, bit of sage."
You nod vacantly, thinking of the Francisco Goya that Steve has hanging in the hallway: Saturn Devouring His Son. You used to appreciate his quirky taste in art, had planned to get rich off it. But now you're starting to suspect there's something else to it.
Still, you know it'll infuriate Steve if you refuse to eat the food he's prepared for you, so you focus on sipping your wine steadily, hoping to maybe get another pour in before the meal.
You don't ask what it is that he's cooking sous vide. But deep down, you think you know.
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This has been a fill for: @badthingshappenbingo
Card: sarah-writes-stucky / sarahyellow
Square O4: Kidnapping
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pixeldolly · 2 months
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H: "Good morning, Naru..."
N: "'Sup, Hinata?"
H: "You know...same old same old." *yawn*
N: "Are you sure? Cuz you look like you've been up all night, and I'm the senior who should be studying for her finals."
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H: "No, I wasn't, it's...I don't know. I had these really weird dreams and when I woke up the room was practically flooded so I had to mop that up, so now I'll have to skip breakfast or be late for school."
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N: "Hmm...weird dreams, water everywhere...did you also experience any other...unexplained phenomena? Cold air pockets, objects floating?"
H: "Wait, what are you trying to say? That a ghost did this?"
N: "I'm not saying anything, yet."
H: "Good, because my little brother seems to think he saw our dad's ghost and I had to convince him that's just not possible! Dad died at sea!"
N: "Hmmm..."
H: "What? Hmmm what?"
N: "Nothing. It was probably just a localized etheric storm; this island's prone to them. But do let me know if any more weird stuff happens, yeah?"
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minnesota-fats · 2 years
Continuation from my other TWIN AU
So I like to think Danny is SUPER good at acting and pretending that he doesn’t realize when he actually started to see Jazz as a sister when she would hold him close when he woke up from nightmares (like Damien would do) and call him a little astronaut, or when he would call him baby brother and make him feel special and loved—until it was too late!
Or when that nerdy kid obsessed with tech became his best friend by being a social outcast with him.
Or when that edgy goth girl who moved to Amity Park near the same time he did became his second best friend when she decked that stupid blonde kid for taking Tucker’s glasses before Danny could.
Danny at the age of 13 decided that these people mattered to him yet could never replace his baby brother of a twin Damien. It was a 13 when it look like his mission would be ending soon. And it was at 13 when he decided that when the portal would be working to blow it up (make it look like an accident) and grab Jazz and take her with him back to Nanda Parbat with him.
And if she refused….
Danny would deal with that when he gets there, for now he just sits and waits, training in secret everyday.
Today was his 14th birthday. “happy birthday Damien” he said out loud when he woke up that morning.
He goes downstairs and finds Jazz making him pancakes. This was nice. He hoped Damien was having a good birthday, maybe he got to train with grandfather that morning? Maybe their mother got him a gift? A new weapon perhaps, maybe a pet? Damien always wanted a pet—so did Danny but Damien was the more responsible of the two of them.
Jazz hugged him when she saw him, she smiled and ran to the other room to get him his gift. Danny sat and waited for her to come back before he started to eat.
Her parents barged up from the lab saying they finished the portal…. Jazz snapped at them saying that it can wait because it’s Danny’s birthday. Danny tells her it’s fine and that he is actually excited to see the portal. Danny’s mission will finally be over… he could go home and see his brother again, this would be an amazing birthday he thought. The Fenton parents excitedly pulled/carried Danny and Jazz to watch them turn on the thing.
Danny look on and watched as they made a show of connecting the extension cords but after a small spark and an excess amount of energy nothing happened….
Jack and Maddie both bowed their heads in defeat before saying they were going to take a break from the portal. Danny internally cursed the fates! He begrudgingly walked away with Jazz in tow, she asked what he planned for the day, it is the last week before school after all! Danny smiled and told her that Sam and Tucker were coming over to hang out.
Sam and Tucker hear about the portal and want to take a look, Danny uses this as an excuse to go down and try and grab the blueprints/look at where the Fenton parents went wrong.
He goes in and comes out dead….
As soon as he is out he is surprising calm/WAY more calm than Sam and Tucker who are crying because their best friend just DIED!!!
Danny manages to get them to calm down and tells them that he is ok.
They go home and Danny goes to take a nap cuz that was a lot! Sure Ra’s would get on Danny’s case for being so stupid and then resting, but Danny thinks he desirves a rest. He just got shocked and brought back to life, it’s not the first time but still! Lazarus Water really takes a lot out of you…. The more Danny thinks about it he gets more and more confused…. Why wasn’t he experiencing Pit Rage? Why hadn’t he gone an a killing spree like how he did when he was dipped in the pit when he was younger…? Danny held his hand out in front of him. There were scars running up his arm like lightning from where he turned on the portal, they glowed a faint green in the dark.
Death Scars. A voice in the back of his head told him….
Something about his experience with the portal was different than when he was dipped into the pit back in Nanda Parbat…. Danny stood on wobbly legs at the dead on night and using the shadows like how he was trained stalked down to the basement, it was almost like he was invisible…. Wait…. Was he invisible???? Another weird thing to look into….
There in the lab Jack and Maddie were excitedly taking notes and running tests on the portal. Danny—using both his skills as an assassin and his new found invisibility—snuck down and watched them work. They may be eccentric but that didn’t mean they weren’t smart, they talked about theory’s and ideas for hours until they decided to go to bed. Danny watched and waited the whole time like how he was trained to do. When they finally went upstairs for the night, Danny slinked out of the shadows and took a look around.
As he was looking a green blob flew out of the open portal and began to mess with Danny’s hair. Danny jumped away to look at it and turned invisible, the blob mimics him and trills in excitement when Danny turns back and continued to mess with his hair. Danny looked at his reflection and was shocked that he didn’t find the usual image of Damien’s face looking at him but rather a white haired boy with Lazarus water in his eyes….
What is he?
What happened that made him turn into this rather than go mad like before?
…grandfather probably wouldn’t mind if he did his own research before coming home…. Maybe he could use this to his advantage.
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hi cosmo!!! how's your shifting journey going on? i saw a post where you said that you'd get into the void state. i know about the void state and have also tried to get into it (because they say it's very peaceful, no thoughts, head empty state. also because well, instant manifestations happen in the void state). so i wanted to ask have you ever successfully entered the void state? and if yes, how was your experience?
hiiii!!! :]
thank you so much for the ask, i always love answering.
first of all, just to let y’all know, i’ve been trying the loa mindset, so i do say that “i will shift” or “i’m going to enter the void” instead of “i’m going to go try to shift” and etc.
for my shifting journey: i have not successfully shifted yet, i have not minishifted yet, but i’ve been having some VERY close attempts lately (actually just last night!! i’ll update y’all about that soon!! or maybe while answering this). i started shifting around 2020 or 2021. i’m not quite sure. i didn’t do it all that much, i had very poor mindset, and i didn’t know that much about it (i used a ton of shifttok stuff). and then in 2022 to 2023 i would only do it ever so occasionally, not much at all. and now, i’ve come back to shifting almost every single night (not literally, like i said, i have not shifted yet), mostly because of the tumblr shifting community and tumblr shifting friends!
now, for the void state question. i have not entered the void state yet, but i’ve only recently actually started attempting to!! i use the wim hof breathing method, and then another random method that a shifting friend of mine sent me that was found on here (tumblr). i’ve definitely been close to entering the void state with both those methods during the couple of times that i’ve attempted to.
last night’s attempt was pretty insane. it’s a bit fuzzy now since i just woke up and it’s not so fresh in my mind, but i’ll do my best in retelling it.
so, first of all, i set an intention really quickly and sloppily (cuz i have absolutely no patience whatsoever, i’m working on that though cuz i know i’ll need it if i actually want to shift eventually).
then, i got into a comfortable position, put on some music that i like, and then put my arms to either side of me.
i moved my eyes behind my eyelids back and forth and all sorts of directions while staying completely still and just keeping my right brain awake the best that i could.
during this, i felt my arms get number and number, same with my legs. and i can’t remember if i stopped moving my eyes for a bit once i felt my limbs not so much anymore, or if i was still moving them, but for a bit, i saw this light behind my eyelids that was going around my eyes slowly, and i had the strangest feeling then about how i maybe was shifting now.
so, i started affirming that i was in the void state and that i was gonna shift.
at some points, my vision went black and i stopped hearing the music and everything, just for split seconds, but i’m not too sure if that was the void state or if i was just losing consciousness for moments there.
anyways, yeah, that’s pretty much all!! it was definitely much more amazing than i explained it, and it was probably the closest i’ve ever felt to shifting or entering the void or anything before!
i hope this was somewhat useful or worth your time, even if it wasn’t what ya came for, and that i didn’t ramble too much.
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s4mu-k41d3n · 1 month
🎬〰️atsushi x gn!reader
—FW: pure fluff, happy birthday to my best boy<3!!!!!!!!! live laugh love m ATSUSHI ♡!!<2, short cuz i still have so many things to do AHHHH:((!!!, a bit long actually 😭 i was late to the other’s characters bday due to the ass system of our school and torturing us with assignments💔💔
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May 5, Atsushi’s birthday.
A special occasion of his, Of course you haven’t forgotten! How could you? It’s now officially your job to make your beloved feel loved, given worth after what he’s gotten through this dreadful years he’d tormented. Yet endured just for you, so return it back. The clock ran towards the next racing number at a quick pace. Time’s ticking, in a hurried act. It’s May 4, 8:00 PM strikes. You shuffle around your blankets, your hair all ruffled in a complete musing mess. You rub your eyes awake, your eyes barely devoid of any emotion as you aimlessly observe the surroundings displayed after you, your phone chimed in a ‘ding!’, despite it. You remained to stare pointlessly at the ceiling, you glance beside you, Atsushi hugged your waist, his warmth spilling to yours. His face buried in your shoulder, soft breathing escapes his parted lips. He looks so dreamy, his eyes peacefully closed from what beckons him. Scarring him cruelly, he seemed so safe in your presence. The urge of kissing his cheek was nearly palpable. A smile crept onto your face as you gently prodded his nose. He’s so adorable, he is adorable. You let out a satisfied sigh, a puff of air fleeing from your lungs. You have to slowly, and discreetly remove his arm wrapping around your waist. In a tinge, you were successful in your mission. A lingering affection still brewing in your stomach, you give his cheek a gentle peck before merely exiting the door.
Your eyes squinted, peeking through the gap. The room was dimly lit, you proper your posture as you step out of the line where the den is roamed by a tiger. You sneak carefully, having to be secure of him being woken up by your creaked sounds is embarrassing. It is, indeed. You wouldn’t want that outcome do you?, no… This is his chance of the chaste pass. You walk through the pavements, lampposts alighting you on your way. The bell churned, a slight echo of the last bit of noise. Entering your way in, you browse through the selections of bracelet. You needed those, you desperately needed those matching bracelets he had always adored to purchase only for you two, even during your time of friendship. The knob twisted into an escalate, you didn’t complain an inch. Your eyes sparkled in interest. One with a yin-yang like design, beaded with black and white. A gem bead lacing at the end of the ties. Who cares if you go money-broke after this? Your lover’s smile is worth more than it. Proceeding onto the counter, you gleefully bought the bracelets. Running back home, you hastily but gently slammed the door open. Avoiding noise, a single one perhaps.
Placing the bag on the table, the morning awaits. You crawl back in bed, embracing your lover in an adored manner. Burying your face into the crook of his neck, a gentle chuckle escapes Atsushi. 5:00 AM, you woke up. Quick, as dash. You again, lightly moving your lover’s arm from yours. You strode your way to the kitchen to prepare your lover’s favorite dish, obviously. Turning the stove on, you yawn. You had to assure yourself to keep silent. Moments pass by as you slid the chazuke on the table. The bag sat on the table, a gentle smile glued to your lips as you went back in. “Atsushi!” You say in a whisper-shout voice, but it was quiet enough to not startle him. “Love..” Atsushi sits up as he was fast to lay his head on your chest. “I have a surprise for you, darling..” You muster, almost excitedly. His eyes widened as he tilts his head up. “Really?!” He sat, a shine shone in twinkled in his eyes. He looked so handsome, you want to pinch his cheeks so badly. Though, refrained in doing so. “Follow me.” You take your hand in his as he happily accepted, you led him through the kitchen as he lets out a thanked gasp. “I love you so much!” He kisses you on the lips softly, you couldn’t help but smile. He sat on the cushioned chair as he ate his food. “I still have a gift for you.” You add as you open him the gift, ah yes. The matching bracelet. He paused in devouring the food in seconds as his eyes sparkled. “Mm! You bought them?” He wipes the tint on the corner of his lips. You pecked his cheek, lovingly. “Happy Birthday, love, Love you.” You meekly whisper.
“I love you too!”
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ursa-tan · 10 months
Hi! This might be a very niche but I was wondering if you could do a
Wally x reader, 🍑, consensual soul eating where he either fucks us during it, or it turns into a type of invisible/soul sex
(And if you didn't know: soul eating is where Wally eats with his eyes and feeds off of our emotions/energy, but it's like a kind of a weird sleep paralysis out of body experience for the person he's feeding off of, I've seen people also use the concept for kissing and more)
I'll show you
Wally Darling x Masc!Reader
Word count: 4,221 Reading time: ~16 mins
A/N: I hope this is what you wanted anon! I know it went a little off-request, but I hope you're still satisfied with it! Please let me know if you can!
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Upon joining the neighbourhood, you were under the impression that you were the only one that would eat. Being the only human in a village of sentient puppets, the assumption made sense. In fact, the first time you say a puppet eat you were convinced it was some sort of joke set up by Barnaby to get you to embarrass yourself by asking questions. It wasn’t until said humorous puppet ask why you were staring at Sally so weirdly while she was eating that you realised that these puppets actually do eat.
You spent the next few weeks tallying up the number of times you saw each puppet eat. Well, you tried to at least, before you gave up. It became apparent pretty quickly that all of them ate on pretty much the same schedule as you, even if you didn’t see it happen. Sally would often tell you about how strict her diet is as a performer, Poppy offering you things she had baked, and Eddie talking about being a fool for skipping breakfast because he woke up late. Sufficient to say, the puppets ate, just like you did.
What struck you as strange though was that you had never seen Wally eat. Not once. He held food, stared at it, carried it around, yet he never seemed to eat it. Not even when Julie and Frank took the time to put a picnic together. He just held an apple in his hands the entire time, staring at it occasionally, but never eating it.
“It’s strange,” You mumble to yourself, breaking apart a chocolate bar and placing a square in your mouth. Your eyes are fixed on Wally, who’s currently engaged in conversation with Eddie and – once again – holding an apple that you know he isn’t going to eat.
“What’s strange, Kiddo?” Barnaby, one of your closest friends since joining the neighbourhood, asks. He’s standing next to you, doing nothing in particular.
“Hm? Oh, just the fact that I’ve never seen Wally eat. I mean, I’ve seen him holding food plenty of times, but I’ve never seen him eat it.” You don’t take your eyes off the smaller puppet – almost like you’re afraid that if you blink, the apple might disappear and you’ll seem crazy. You nearly spit out your chocolate when Barnaby next speaks.
“Yeah, that’s cuz he doesn’t eat,” he chuckles, placing a massive paw on your head and ruffling your hair, making a mess of it.
You push Barnaby’s hand off your head but don’t let go of it, knowing that he’ll put it straight back if you do. Staring at him in confusion, you wait for him to continue. When, after a few seconds, he stays silent, you know that you’re going to have to ask questions to get answers.
“He doesn’t eat? Like, at all?” You keep Barnaby’s arm in your grasp, looking up at him with a curiosity that needs to be satisfied.
“No, he eats,” Barnaby looks down at you, chuckling at the way you’re looking at him, “Just not like the rest of us, that’s all.”
“Not like the rest of us? What does that mean? How does he eat? Does he need to eat then? What would-“You don’t get to finish your barrage of questions as Barnaby uses his other hand to silence you, placing his massive paw right in your face. In much the same way that a cat would if you got too close.
“Slow down with the questions there, Kiddo!” Barnaby chuckles, holding his paw against your face for a second before removing it.
“I just-“ You’re once again interrupted by a paw to the face.
“Just tell me you’re done.” He slowly removes the paw from your face, as if expecting to have to silence you a third time.
“Ok, ok, I’m done. I’ll stop with the questions.” To say you’re disappointed is an understatement, you’re brimming with questions that you’re absolutely desperate to ask. It seems like Barnaby can tell.
“Why don’t you ask the man himself?” He gestures towards Wally, who’s still obliviously chattering away with Eddie, “You know he likes you, he wouldn’t say no if you asked politely.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure. It’s Wally, he’s my best friend, I know him like the back of my paw,” Barnaby holds up his free paw, looking at the back of it proudly for a moment. That moment doesn’t last long, however, as he takes any opportunity he can to crack a joke, “Huh, never noticed that spot before.”
You can’t help but giggle at his antics, finally freeing his other hand as you do. He takes the opportunity to ruffle your hair again, just making more of a mess as you hadn’t had a chance to fix it last time.
“Off you go then.” Barnaby makes a shooing motion, pushing you lightly towards Wally. No plan, no time to come up with one, no help from the comedian, it’s all up to you. You aren’t even entirely sure what you’re supposed to do.
You find yourself stressing slightly as you approach Wally and Eddie. You hope that you can just slip into the conversation, and ask Eddie how his day has been. But you don’t get that chance, because just before you get there, Eddie says goodbye and walks away. Now it’s just you and Wally.
“Oh, hello neighbour,” Wally smiles up at you, his eyes droopy and half-lidded as always. He’s still holding that goddamn apple.
“Oh, uh, hi Wally, you, uh.” You find yourself attempting feebly to stumble your way through a complete sentence. Wally’s eyes don’t leave you for a second. He’s staring straight into your eyes, almost like he’s trying to stare straight into your soul.
“Are you ok neighbour?” He’s looking at you with that cat smile. It’s so relaxed and yet you feel so tense.
“Yeah, yeah, fine,” You mumble, reaching up to pick at your arms slightly, flaking off an old scab that you never gave time to heal, “Just wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight? Maybe I can come round yours and we can have dinner?” You can feel his eyes leave you as you ask this question, but the nerves keep a tight grip on your neck and you can’t find it in yourself to look at him to find out why.
“Sounds delightful, neighbour.” The apple is gone. You look down at him when he speaks and the apple is gone. He hasn’t dropped it or stuffed it in his pockets. It’s just gone.
“Right, right… I’ll come round at about… 7?”
“yes, 7,” Wally nods, smiling and waving at you, “I’ll see you later neighbour.”
You wave at him as he walks away, watching him walk over to Julie’s before knocking on the door and waiting for her to let him in. Once he disappears, you turn back to Barnaby, looking at him with a quizzical expression.
“What’s up, kid?” He chuckles, looking at you as you find your place back at his side.
“He… Did you see what he did what that apple?”
“No clue, I was more focused on how awkward you looked,” he chuckles, reaching out to ruffle your hair for a third time. You swat him away before you get a chance.
“Seriously, did you see anything? Anything at all? It can’t have just disappeared!” You sound exacerbated, desperate for answers.
“Maybe he ate it,” Barnaby chuckles, pulling his pipe out and placing it in his mouth.
“I thought you said-“
“You should ask him about it, you’ll have him all to yourself tonight.” He lets out a puff of swirling iridescent smoke. You know that you aren’t going to get any more answers out of him. He’s being belligerent on purpose, something you know that he’s grown to enjoy when talking to you. Said it’s something about how you look funny when you’re frustrated.
Instead of trying – and ultimately failing – to wrangle more information out of Barnaby, you decide to head home. It’s not a long walk, but it gives you time to think. The main question on your mind for the next few hours is how you’re going to bring up the topic of how he eats.
You’re so consumed by the question that you don’t even realise how quickly the time passes. Before you know it, it's 6:30 and getting kinda dark outside. You know if you don’t get ready now, you’ll be late and it’ll be dark by the time you get there.
You choose to put on a nice pair of black trousers and a colourful cardigan – something you think Wally might like. You also gather up some simple snacks, the kind of things you’d want someone to bring to yours if they were going to come over. Once you’re sure that you’ve gathered everything you think you’re going to need, you set out towards Home.
Wally is opening the door before you even knock on it, wearing something much more comfortable than his usual outfit. His hair is down and he’s wearing a light pink robe that he seems to have purposefully pulled off his shoulders.
“Neighbour, you’re early,” He smiles up at you, eyes half-lidded as he holds a hand out, “Come in, please.”
“O-Oh, ok!” You shift the bag you were holding so that you can take his hand, allowing him to pull you into the house. His hand is surprisingly warm in yours, soft against your palm and small enough that you could crush it with ease if you wanted to.
“What would you like to do, neighbour?” He stops and looks up at you once he’s brought you to his living room. The main light has been turned off and replaced by the presence of a lamp. There are already a few different snacks laid out on the coffee table – you notice that he’s got your favourite. You aren’t sure if he got it on purpose or if he just already had it, maybe you can be nosy and ask Howdy when he brought it later on.
“I don’t mind…” You mumble, realising you hadn’t prepared for anything other than asking Wally how he ate.
“Would you like to make something? Maybe we can paint together,” He’s still holding your hand while he speaks, “Or we could just talk?” He’s looking up at you with something in his eyes that you can’t quite put your finger on.
“Talking sounds nice.” You smile, sitting uncomfortably on his sofa. The sofa itself is quite comfortable, but you perch yourself on the edge.
Wally doesn’t say anything, instead just coming to sit next to you. He presses himself against you, his head resting on your shoulder to the best of his ability.
“Wally, can I ask you a question?” It feels far too serious to say that, but you also feel like you might implode if you just outright ask the question that’s been on your mind for so long.
“Of course, neighbour.” He slimes up at you, moving to intertwine his hand with yours.
“I’ve noticed that you uh… I don’t… I haven’t…” You look down at his hand, and the way it holds yours, fits so perfectly has you struggling to speak, “ You… How do you eat?” Eventually, you manage to just spit it out and ask him. He doesn’t react like you would expect him to. You expected him to look up at you with that lazy, half-lidded gaze that he always had. Instead, he jumps in his seat slightly and continues to stare straight forwards.
“Well, neighbour, it’s hard to explain,” He chuckles lightly, finally moving to look up at you. His pupils are restricted, small and not looking into your own but rather focusing on your lips, “ It would be easier to show you.”
“Show me then.” You know you sound way too excited, it's probably a little off-putting.
“You have to promise not to… React badly, neighbour,” He mumbles, letting go of your hand and shuffling away from you.
“I promise.” You have to force your voice out, feeling the excitement bubble up inside you.
“Stay still.” Wally stands up, moving until he’s in front of you and can rest his hands on your thighs, just above your knees.
“O… Ok?” The excitement subsides, confusion taking its place. His hands move slightly, shifting up to rest about midway up your thighs.
Before you get a chance to ask a question, Wally is climbing into your lap and situating himself until he’s pressed as close to you as he can get. You try and ignore the way that he’s sitting directly over your crotch, or how his hands are now resting on your chest.
“Open your eyes for me,” His hands come up to cup your face, holding your head still with a surprising amount of strength, “Don’t move.”
“Wally I don’t understand why this is necessary-“
“I’m going to show you how I eat, stay still and open your eyes.” His fingers dig into your cheeks, almost painfully holding you in place. You just close your mouth and nod as best you can, deciding that you don’t want to face whatever emotion Wally was just feeling.
His pupils blow wide, almost completely consuming his eyes. You can barely see the whites of his eyes in just the corners. It’s almost scary as he stares into your own.
Suddenly, something starts to envelop your mind. A fogginess that you can’t seem to shake off no matter how much you try. Wally continues to stare into your eyes, his own almost completely black and entirely unmoving. The fog begins to numb your limps, starting in your lower legs and tingling as it leaks into your thighs. Pins and needles seep into your fingertips, crawling up your arms in a warm sensation that leaves you unable to feel anything. You try to speak, but you can’t even open your mouth. Your lips are sealed shut, leaving you unable to do anything but let out a soft whimper.
“Don’t worry,” Wally speaks, hands moving to rest on your shoulders. You don’t move your head – you can’t move your head. “This is supposed to happen.”
You try and open your mouth again, attempting to ask him what this is. Yet, no matter how hard you try, you can’t get your jaw to move. The only thing you can do is whimper pathetically, unsure of what he wants from you.
Soon enough, you realise that you can’t move your eyes either. Unlike when you experience sleep paralysis, you can’t move your eyes at all. The only thing you can focus on is Wally’s charcoal eyes, blown so wide that you feel like you’re going to fall in.
“Just relax, you wanted to see how I eat, didn’t you?” Wally shifts forwards slightly, pressing himself further against you, managing to lightly grind himself on you, “ If you want me to stop, all you have to do is close your eyes.”
With those words, you realise you can move your eyelids. While your vision is focused on those deep pools of black in front of you, your eyelids begin to twitch and flicker. You don’t feel the need to blink, your eyes aren’t dry or irritated. And, despite the fear of being unable to move… You can feel something in your mind telling you to let this continue.
“Good… Please relax neighbour, I promise this won’t hurt.” You can barely see that he’s smiling as he speaks. His hands move to run over your chest, splaying his hands out over the top of your shirt, wrinkling the material slightly and causing it to lift slightly and show your lower stomach.
A sense of pleasure starts to take over, the pins and needles like tingling becoming a warm, dripping sensation. It starts in your fingertips, slowly trickling upwards, moving like honey in thick, sticky rivulets. The feeling leaks into your chest, pooling warmth right above your heart that’s spread further and further with every beat, being spread through your veins. Soon enough, your entire body is enveloped with the tingling euphoria.
“I’m sure you’ve figured it out by now, neighbour,” Wally mumbles, his usual, sleepy voice breaking you out of your focus, “You always were smart…”
You whimper in response to his statement. You hadn’t figured it out, you hadn’t figured anything out. All you know is that you feel amazing and that you can feel Wally’s ass pressing against your slowly hardening cock.
“You haven’t?” He seems surprised to ask this question, almost as if he really did think you understand what’s going on, “Should I explain then, neighbour?”
You let out another soft whimper, no longer caring about what’s happening. You’re losing yourself to the sensations, to the way his soft body feels pressed against yours.
“I eat with my eyes,” He starts, still staring deeply into your own, “But I can’t just eat food, it’s not enough… I need something more substantial, something bigger… Which is where you come in. I just need to take a little from you, some energy, I guess you could say.”
There’s nothing you can do as Wally continues to stare into your eyes, still smiling slightly, eyes still blown so incredibly wide. You wouldn’t stop him even if you could. You have plenty of energy to share if he was telling the truth about that. It doesn’t matter really, the feeling of warmth throughout your body and your slowly growing erection made you desperate for more.
“It seems you’re enjoying this neighbour… Maybe I should give you a little something in return.” Wally seems to be thinking out loud, wondering about what he should do for you.
It doesn’t take a second for him to begin slowly rocking his hips. His ass is pressed against your cock, slowly grinding into it, causing your erection to grow more and more with each passing second. The way he rocks his hips causes you to groan, eyelids flickering slightly but never once blocking Wally’s view of your eyes.
The puppet's hands trail downwards, eventually reaching your lower stomach. Slowly, he inches one hand under your shirt, touching your skin in soft, barely-there circles that cause your muscles to twitch involuntarily. He pauses his movements when he feels your muscles quiver under his fingers, seemingly cherishing the movements before continuing his ministrations. Wally manages to get your muscles to tremble again, many times.
The hand that isn’t under your shirt moves down to your belt buckle, undoing it with practised ease and quickly pulling it from your belt loops. Wally tosses it over his shoulder, letting it clatter to the floor somewhere behind him that you can’t see. His eyes never leave yours, not once.
Next thing you know, the puppet is popping your trouser button open with one hand, unzipping the zip as well. You groan again, only this time it’s out of disappointment, as Wally has shifted backwards and off you’re your painfully hard cock so he can shuffle your trousers down. The fabric bunches up around your mid-thighs, giving Wally space to sit on your crotch again, now only with your boxers in the way.
You want to buck your hips upwards, thrust yourself into his small body, and maybe even get the chance to hold him down and fuck him. But you still can’t move, so everything is left up to Wally. He knows this. You know he knows you know.
He removes his hand from underneath your shirt, shifting his small body backwards to leave your thinly veiled cock exposed to him again. He places one of his hands over you, palming you softly through your boxers, applying just enough pressure to make you feel something so delicious that you want more. It’s not long before he’s pulling your boxers down, freeing your cock and allowing it to spring up and hit the stomach of your shirt. It leaves a small, dark patch where you’re already leaking precum.
Wally begins to focus on undoing his trousers now, popping the button and somehow managing to pull them off within seconds – all without breaking eye contact. He gets his boxers off as well, throwing them somewhere behind him, probably letting them join your previously discarded belt.
Despite being unable to move your body yourself, your lips part seamlessly when two of Wally's fingers press against them. It allows him to slide the digits inside your mouth, pressing the pads of his fingers into your tongue. You can feel you're saliva coating his fingers, making them slick. You want to curl your tongue up and against him, wrap it around the fingers in your mouth, allowing you to suck on them lightly.
Slowly, Wally pulls his fingers from your mouth. Thin strands of your saliva connect your lips to his fingers, glistening in the light and drawing your attention for just a moment - even if you can only see them in your peripherals.
You aren't entirely sure what he's going to do with his now slick fingers until he reaches backwards. Wally's hands slip behind him, begging to slowly tease and dip into his tight hole. You can just about feel the way his hips shudder as he begins to finger himself, slipping both of his now-slicked fingers into his ass. 
Your cock twitches as he lets out a soft moan, hips bucking backwards a little. He's fucking himself on his fingers, thighs starting to tremble slightly as he continues. The way he moves makes you want nothing more than to have him, the feeling is a burning lust in your chest that drives you mad.
Eventually, Wally stops pleasuring himself and pulls his fingers out, moving his previously busy hand round to his front. You think he's going to touch you, until he begins to stroke his cock in long, languid movements. The fact that he isn't touching you is driving you crazy, your cock is aching and you're desperate for his touch, but he won't give it to you.
Until, that is, Wally shifts slightly forwards. He uses the hand that isn't stroking his cock to lightly grip yours, lining it up with his tight hole. You can feel your leaking cock press against him, meeting a small amount of resistance as he begins to lower himself down onto you. You can feel yourself sliding in slowly, your saliva making it easy for him to push himself down.
Wally bounces gently as he pushes himself down further, pulling up slightly to be able to slip more of you inside of him. After a few soft, subtle bounces, he reaches your base, leaving you fully hilted inside him.
The combination of the thick, honey-like pleasure and the tightness of Wally's tight hole around your cock has your mind beginning to fog. You know you aren't going to last long, not like this. Especially as the head of your cock presses into his soft, gummy walls. Wally's surprisingly warm body squeezes around you, tightening more than you thought it could. 
Slowly, he begins to rock his hips again. The soft rocking progresses into a bouncing motion, causing Wally's soft inner to glide along your cock, sending waves of pleasure through your body.
The pleasure starts to overwhelm you. Everything that's happening is getting too much, the thick, tingling pleasure, the rolling waves of euphoria, it's pushing you towards climax. You're desperate to orgasm, to finish and fill the small puppet sitting in front of you.
Soon, the growing, building pleasure becomes too much. Your orgasm comes crashing over you, muscles twitching, your mind flooding with pleasure. You can feel yourself cum, waves of complete euphoria rolling over you as you.
Wally doesn't stop bouncing as you reach your peak, seeking his finish. The sensation of his soft walls becomes too much, overstimulating your now sensitive cock. You can feel your eyes tearing up, although you don't dare to blink. He clamps around you, body stilling and thighs trembling as he orgasms. Hot, sticky ropes of cum shoot out and ruin not only your shirt but also his cardigan.
A few seconds pass, Wally practically panting, before he finally breaks eye contact. Immediately you feel as if there is nothing left of you. Your eyes are sore and your body is tired from what just occurred - but your mind is also foggy.
Wally doesn't bother speaking or even getting up, instead just leaning forwards and cuddling into you. His head nuzzles into your neck, cock still hilted inside of him. You don't want to move either, still enjoying the feeling of him. So instead, you opt to wrap your arms around the puppet and hold him close, almost immediately falling asleep.
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gunilslaugh · 11 months
Omgg i love your writing more than anything it’s so comforting!! So exciting to see your new posts<3
Can I request when they hear you compliment them when they are “sleeping” (but ofc they aren’t actually asleep n they get all blushy cuz of it :b) take your time please I know how hard it can be to take requests— I hope you have a good day/night <333
Aw thank you! 💜 This was so fun and cute to write. I hope that you have a great day/night too :)
All members ;^• ~ •^;
Summary: You complimented them thinking that they were asleep, they weren’t.
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photo not mine credit to owner.
You came home and found Gunil napping on the couch. The sight made your heart melt. His arms were tucked into his chest and his legs were curled up as well. You walked over kneeling beside the couch. Gently stroking his hair away from his face. 
“You’re too cute,” you cooed, giving a small boop to his nose. Immediately Gunil’s face began to redden and a poorly suppressed bashful smile appeared. Altering that he was actually awake. “Now you’re even cuter,” you teased him.
“Stop!” He groaned, reaching his arms out and pulling you onto him. He trapped you on his chest with his arms securely around your waist. 
“What if I don’t want to?” You played. “But did I wake you? I’m sorry,” you told him. Gunil shook his head.
“I woke up a little bit before you came home. I just didn’t want to get up yet,” Gunil explained. 
“Did you rest well?” You asked, readjusting your head on his chest a bit.
“Yeah, but this is better,” he stated, holding you tighter. 
“I can’t see your cuteness from here though,” you said fake with disappointment.
“I told you to stop,” Gunil whined, again his face turning red.
The sunlight peaking past your curtains and hitting you in the face woke you up. Sitting up you looked over to where Jungsu was laying, his eyes still shut. You leaned over to better admire him in his restful state. You delicately traced the slope of his nose with your finger.
“Why are you so pretty?” Your voice was barely higher than a whisper. A slight shade of pink dusted its way onto Jungsu’s cheeks. One of his arms came up to hide his face. “You were awake?” You said surprised, sitting up straight. 
“Yeah, I didn’t quite feel like getting up yet,” he revealed, sitting up as well, letting his arm fall from his face. He scooted closer to you and wrapped himself around your frame, letting his head fall into the space between your neck and shoulder.
“Does sleeping beauty want to go back to sleep for a bit then?” You questioned with a playful tone. Another blush creeps its way up his neck  and Jungsu buries his head into you farther, hair ticking your cheek. You bring a hand up to stroke his hair. Jungsu doesn’t respond to your previous question. He just remains in his spot, so you two stay embraced.
It was late at night, you and Jiseok were having a marathon of a show the two of you enjoyed. You noticed that Jiseok had been awfully quiet for a while now. Turning your head to look at where he sat you met with the sight of him passed out. His head is resting against the back of the couch, arms folded over his chest, body angled slightly to the left. A chuckle leaves your lips. 
“Even when you’re sleeping like that you’re still stupidly good looking,” you say. 
“Is that supposed to be a compliment or an insult?” Jiseok opens his eyes, catching you off guard. 
“Both I guess,” you responded a bit awkwardly, causing Jiseok to laugh.
“Come on I’m tired, let's go to bed,” he tells you, standing up from the couch and stretching. You turned off the show and walked over to Jiseok, both of you now heading to your bedroom.
“So do you always compliment me when I’m sleeping?” Jiseok pokes at you. You're both laying on your sides facing one another.
“Yes, because your ego doesn’t need it when you're awake,” you poked back at him.
“Compliments mean more when they come from you,” Jiseok reveals honestly.
“I’ll tell you more then,” you replied, heart feeling warm.
“Goodnight,” Jiseok kissed your forehead,
“Goodnight,” you wished him back.
Seungmin arrived back from work completely exhausted. You told him that he should go take a nap for a bit and that you would wake him up once dinner was ready. Seungmin agreed, leaving you with a loving kiss on the cheek before going to the bedroom to nap. 
After dinner was ready you made your way to the bedroom in order to wake up Seungmin, so he could eat. Upon entering the room you saw Seungmin sungled under the blanket with just his head poking out. His lips were slightly pouted and you couldn’t help, but find him to be absolutely adorable. You approach the bed, sitting on the edge of it.
“How’d I get so lucky to have you?” You said, rubbing his back gently.
“I’m lucky to have you too,” Seungmin responded groggily, opening his eyes. A sleepy smile making its way onto his face and maybe a slight pink hue too, but the lack of lights on makes it hard to tell.
“It’s time to eat,” you tell him, standing up from the bed. Seungmin nods before he sits up. 
“Thank you,” he stated, latching himself onto your back.
“You’re welcome,” you replied, waddling out to the kitchen, since Seungmin was still latching onto you.
Hyeongjun had been working extra hard lately and it was taking a bit of a physical toll on him. Finally he was able to get some time off to rest. You had woken up a few hours ago, but let Hyeongjun be, knowing how tired he had been. You went on with your day trying to be as quiet as possible to not wake in. You needed your computer charger that was located in your room, so you silently crept into the room. Initially you were just going to grab your charger, but the sight of a peaceful Hyeongjun was apparently a decent distraction. You walked over to where he layed and brushed the stray strands of hair away from his face.
“My talented hardworking boyfriend is finally getting the rest he deserves,” you announced in a hushed voice. A flushed color quickly paints over Hyeongjun’s face. “Oh sorry, did I wake you?” You apologized. 
“Why’d you say that?” Hyeongjun partially whined, clearly feeling a bit embarrassed.
“Cause it’s true,” you simply told him. Hyeongjun knew you thought that way though. The fact that you said when you thought he was asleep proved it. He just didn’t know how to handle it.
You had a very long day and arrived home late at night. All you wanted to do was throw yourself into bed and get some much needed sleep. When you entered your bedroom you were greeted with the sight of Jooyeon. He was laying on top of the covers, phone laying on his chest. You assumed that it fell there after he lost the battle against sleep. You felt some tugs on your heartstrings. Even though you tell him not to, Jooyeon likes to wait for you on the days you come home late. You quietly walked over to the bed and picked up Jooyeon’s phone, placing it on the nightstand. 
“You’re too sweet sometimes,” you spoke.
“You’re finally back,” Jooyeon voiced, leaning up on his arms. 
“Did I wake you?” You asked him, joining him on the bed.
“Sorta, I wanted to be awake when you got home though,” he tells you. The two of you move, so that you’re both under the blanket. “You deserve me being too sweet sometimes you know,” he states timidly. His cheeks are probably pink, but it’s too dark to tell.
“Thank you,” you tell him, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “Let’s go to sleep now,” Jooyeon kisses your cheek back before snuggling up next to you.
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oneglass-zinfandel · 1 year
Comforting Nightmares
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Pairing: Leviathan x gn!Reader
Type: fluff, comfort, mention of angst??
Length: one shot
Summary: You and Levi hangout late in his room but when you eventually decide to go to sleep you are soon woke up by Levi having a bad dream
Note: This probably sucks ass, I'm supposed to be reading a book for school cuz I have it tomorrow but I wrote this instead. Enjoy this shit.
Warnings: slight angst I guess (verbal), Otaku (/jk)
You and Levi has decided to spend the night together unknown to the rest of the brothers. You two snuck in snacks into his room as well as drinks. You both "went to bed", you texting the family group chat good night per usual.
It has now been an hour since you were supposed to be asleep and yet you got up from your bed going to Levis room trying to be quiet. He opened the door for you as you quietly said a short password you planned beforehand. You went into his room with a smile " hey Levi,are you ready to have the best night ever?" He nodded excited to have you to himself for once.
You two have been playing games for three hours now trying to be as quiet as possible, somehow no one has caught you yet. You have ate a bunch of branded Ruri-chan snacks and Ruri-chan themed sodas. (Ofc Levi bought a whole pack of both since the second they came out on Akuzon)
You were supposed to stay up till 4AM but you had a long day and you might pass out tired if you go on like this.
"So should we go another round of Mario Kart or do you want to continue our Stardew Valley farm?" Levi said looking at the screen, you didn't respond so he looked at you seeing your tired expression. Were you bored of him?Did he annoy you because he didn't let you win? Did you just dislike being with him and that's why you never done this before?
So many thoughts going thru his head except the fact that maybe you had a hard day.
"I'm actually a bit tired, is it okay if we go to bed? It is pretty late already" You said rubbing your eyes. "Oh um yeah sure, let me turn this off and throw away the garbage and I will go to bed too" Levi said standing up slowly sad that your leaving.
He was done cleaning up but you have yet to go back to your room. "Levi,you have any spare blankets? I thought I could sleep on the been bag" You didn't want to leave? Did you feel bad for him? Why would you want to sleep over if he bothered you? "Oh yeah I do" He said handing you a light purple blanket with ":3" faces on it. "Cute blanket and thanks" you said getting comfy on the been bag,sure it wasent better then a bed but not worse then the floor.
"Good night Levi" "Good night"
You woke up to a loud sound. Levi woke up jumping to sit up in his bed knocking over a water bottle by his side.( idk don't ask) "Levi, are you okay?" Your sweet voice said to him concerned. Such a sweet voice. "Y-yeah I just um had a nightmare" he said whispering the last word. "I'm sorry I woke you up, and knocked over the bottle I didn't mean to."
He didn't turn to look at you, your eyes adjusted to the darkness quickly as you noticed him shaking a bit. Standing up from your been bag you walked over to him "Levi, please tell me about the nightmare, your obviously not okay, your shaking so much" He turned to look at you this time, making eye contact for a second. He wasn't answering you so you jumped into the tub, trying your best not to sit on him. ( you sat so you could face him)
"Levi" you said softly grabbing both of his hands into your own "Please talk to me about it, I won't laugh at you I promise, I don't want to see you like this"
He looked down the whole time, finally speaking. "I..I um, had a nightmare" You moved your thumbs over his hands as a sign to let him continue,trying to make him more comfortable. "Y-you were… In it" Your eyes grew a bit wider. "Me? Did I do something?"
Levi stopped talking for a second remembering the nightmare. "You were telling me how… I'm gross. And weird. How I'm a waist of a demon and-"
Hearing enough coming from purple haired demon you grabbed his face with your hand making him look at you. "Levi that's enough" you said looking at him for a second longer until you pulled him in for a hug.
It took him a few seconds till he lightly hugged back. "I don't think those things about you Levi, I never did. I find you interesting and I love how you're passionate about the things you love.Because of you i get to talk to someone about my favorite Anime and Games. Because of you I don't feel weird being myself. Your beautiful and such a sweetheart to me I can't bring myself to be mad at you. I love spending time with you. I wish we could have stayed up more but I had a hard day so I was tired. I'm sorry." 'You had a hard day…I suppose that explains your tiredness as well… ' "Just know I don't think your weird or gross, never did, never will, okay?" You said finally pulling away from hug.
You saw a single tear drip from his eye. He was so glad you didn't hate him.So so so glad.
"Thank you.. I don't deserve you Y/N" "Yes you do" you wiped away his tear with your finger A small laugh leaving his lips. You kissed his hand.
"Do you feel better now?You stopped shaking" He looked at your eyes, ones he loved so much.
"Yeah I'm feeling better,a lot better"
You pulled away from him sitting back. "Do you want to sleep together?"
"I Mean to sleep in the same bed together! We can cuddle"
"Oh yeah, sure I guess, but the tub is to small for us both to sleep in"
Sure the tub was small But you had a perfectly good bed in your room.
"We can go to my room, the bed should be big enough, plus we will cuddle so we will take up even less space" you said excited already getting out of the tub pulling Levi with you.
He looked at you with eyes full of love.
"Sure,let's go to your room"
You woke up to Mammon screaming at Levi cuz when he came to your room so early in the morning wanting to get your attention first he was greeted with you and Levi with your arms around one another.
Not the best way to wake up. Levi was soon up chasing Mammon for ruining a nice moment.
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