#you don't have to worry about thinking about feeding yourself if you just take food when it comes your way
originalartblog · 26 days
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Don't forget to eat to keep the demons at bay
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lymtw · 22 days
Thinking of an argument with Toji that leaves you mute by choice towards him. He still talks to you and asks you questions, and while you don't turn away from him, you don't respond to him either. He ends up having to figure out whatever he needs on his own because after a minute or so you huff and walk away from the conversation.
"Mama," he calls from the bedroom, rummaging through his clothing drawers. "Have you seen my gym shorts?"
If he was able to get a word out of you, he would know that you washed them for him. Though you were still sizzling with anger towards him, you pulled them out of the dryer and walked them over to the room. He could hear your little footsteps as you approached the room, and when he turned to look at you, he noticed you were holding his shorts in your hand.
Your eyes were vacant towards him. You didn't want them to be because it sucks when you can't look at him with the endless amount of love you have in store for him. It's still there, but it's being masked by a poker face.
You toss the shorts onto the bed and leave. Toji sighs, irked by the fact that it's actually starting to sting now. Your disregard for him because you're ruled by your emotions and he lets things go too easily because he can't hold a grudge towards you, even if he feels you're in the wrong.
Toji never knew how much he depended on your voice until you wouldn't let him hear it. He depends on you to tell him where things are because without you they would be scattered all over the place. He doesn't know your method of organization, but somehow when he needs something and looks to you in order to find it, you pull it out from right under his nose. He depends on you to tell him he's doing a good job, and to tell him you love him, and just reassure him in general. It makes him feel good to know that someone thinks he's good enough, but recently the one person who feeds him affection like it's as important as food and water, has left him to starve. You haven't said a word to him in almost two days, and he feels like he's starting to go crazy. The sound of his own voice is driving him insane. It's gotten so bad that he had to make a mental note of how he's going to get you back that same night.
Toji leaves for the gym and texts you during his time there. He includes some images because it's now an unspoken rule that he always has to send you gym pics.
[ Attachment: 3 Images]
... 😳🤐
Yeah, I know you like those. I'll be home soon.
You take the time to doll yourself up while he's still out. It's for him, but you won't tell him that until you come back from your "night out". Really, you're just gonna go get dinner for both of you from his favorite little restaurant. You just want to see how far he's willing to let this go, because you're caving. You're ready to apologize even when you know he's not upset at all. You're ready to spoil him in order to make up for those severe feelings you held towards him. You're ready to hear about how stubborn and unbelievable you are for this little act you pulled.
You spray on some perfume and walk out of the bathroom, just in time to catch Toji walking through the door.
"Woof, where're you going, ma?" He asks, setting down his gym bag before absorbing everything you were gracing him with. His eyes flit up and down your body, lingering on the very bare skin of the legs that come out from under your skirt. He can smell your perfume from where he stands, its elegant scent masking even the smell of his own potent sweat.
You didn't answer his question, and left him to wonder why you're all dressed up at seven o'clock at night. Was it a girl's night or were you openly showing him that you have options? Did he miss a message or a call from you?
You grabbed your wallet and scooted past him. You walked halfway down the corridor of your apartment building before realizing that maybe this was a bit much. You would make him worry over you going on a five minute walk to grab some food? All so you can show him you're mad? You cracked.
Toji was staring at his screen, waiting for anything from you. The screen flashes like some sort of miracle and your message is seen by him. He chuckles, feeling a sense of relief wash over him at the sight of your little emoticons.
You came back home as fast as possible, bags of food in hand as you patiently waited for the elevator to bring you up to your floor. You took your time walking through the corridor, this time, not knowing how you would react once you saw Toji or if you would immediately say something to him. You're ready to talk to him, you want to talk to him. You miss him, you love him, and you hate the passiveness you threw yourself into around him as an act of retaliation.
There you were, standing in front of the door, nervous beyond belief for what was behind it. You collected yourself and twisted the doorknob, ready to face anything that came to you.
Toji stood from the couch and walked over to you to take the bags from your hands. The smell of his body wash wafted into your nose. There was an imaginary white flag hanging out of your pocket, and it was about to fall out to signal your surrender to Toji.
He pecks your cheek and watches in real time as color floods into your face. It's one of the most adorable things he's ever seen—you standing there so rigidly afterwards. He gives you a soft smile and resists the urge to coo at you for being so cute. Instead, he heads to the table to put the bags of food down.
You shut the door, and within a split second, Toji was in front of you again. "Ma," he says, sounding a little more desperate than he thought he would. "Say something." You stand there like a statue—unmoving, but unlike a statue, you are easily moveable. Especially, by Toji. "Anything, mama, please." He crouches down at your feet, his warm hands resting on the backs of your knees and his cheek resting on one of your thighs. This position made it look like you were being worshipped by him, and anyone who ever saw him do this would know that it was true, because he worshipped everything about you. From the top of your head, to the ground your feet stood on.
"Don't you miss having my hands on you?" They glide up and down the backs of your thighs. He looks up at your stunned expression. You won't look down at him, so he gets to see the way you swallow the words dying to leave your mouth, and the slight widening of your eyes as he lets his hands roam your lower body. "I know I do. I've been in hell these past couple days." He presses a soft kiss to your knee, then one more on your thigh. "I didn't mean what I said. I don't think you're selfish, baby. Maybe i'm just a greedy asshole," he says, rekindling the subject of what led to your silence towards him. His hand maneuvers around your leg so that his palm is on your thigh, making its way up towards the inner part of it. "But, I know something," his lips trail further up your thigh, softly kissing your skin. "I'm greedy about you. That can't and won't be changed, even when we argue like idiots."
You put your hand on his head as he starts kissing up your inner thighs, making his way even further up beneath your skirt.
"Come on, my sweet girl," he murmurs, his lips meeting the front of your underwear. "Tell me you want me to stop. Tell me you hate that my filthy paws are on you, right now."
Your legs tremble at the lightness of his touch, and you internally cringe at how sensitive you've always been for him.
"Toji..." you gasp. You feel his warm tongue flatten between your legs, a slow upwards drag of the muscle makes your thighs quiver before him. You whimper at the damp warmth his saliva leaves on your panties. "Fuck..." you moan, breathily. "Don't stop. Stay there, please."
The first word you reintroduced yourself with being a moaned out rendition of his name was heaven reaching down to pat him on the back for knowing exactly what to do to get you to talk again.
"Open wider for me, baby. Let me see," Toji says, your skirt still veiled over his head. You take a step back so that your back is against the door and widen your stance a little more. He hooks one of your legs over his shoulder and you shudder when his tongue returns to slide through your clothed folds. He doesn't even need to produce that much saliva to drench the fabric of your underwear because you've done that for him already with your leaking arousal.
You shut your eyes and rest your head against the door as Toji continues his act of filth between your thighs. You can hear him panting below you, your taste pleasantly coating his tongue every time he sucks on the garment that clings to you.
You cry out his name with sharp breaths following, your fingers tangling into his locks, gripping and tugging as his lips catch onto your cunt. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," you grit out, whimpering at the contrast between his mouth and his hands. His hands offer a gentle massage to your thighs, softly kneading the plush between his fingers. His mouth moves purposefully because he knows exactly what it takes to make you fall apart with it. He coats his tongue with your essence every time he laps at the wet patch on your underwear, sticky webs of arousal connecting him to you.
"T-Toji!" You squeal, your cunt throbbing with every brush of his tongue. "I'm gonna cum... Fuck, i'm gonna cum..." you whine.
Toji pushes your underwear to the side, and glides his tongue through your generously slicked folds once and you're instantly arching your back off the door, squirming in his hold and moaning carelessly as he sloppily makes out with your cunt. He desperately chases the sound of your pleasure-ridden voice, wanting to hear the way it raises in pitch when he strokes you just right. He doesn't want it to stop, it's been too long. Two days way too long. You tug at his hair with one hand, dragging the nails of your other hand down the door. You breathe heavily as Toji manipulates your pleasure until your thighs are trembling.
Toji pulls away and lifts your skirt off his head. He lowers your leg back down and stands up from his crouched position. He faces you with glossy lips that shine with all the juices he collected from you, some of it drooling down his chin to give him an even more messy appearance. He presses his lips to yours, making slow movements to allow you to realize what is happening while your eyes are closed. You can taste yourself on his lips as you catch the rhythm.
There's a loud smack in the last kiss before he releases you, a feral look in his green eyes as he dotes on your blissed out appearance. You look too pure for someone who's just experienced something so sinful. "Hey, look at me," he coos, cupping your cheeks in his hands. "Look at me," he repeats, staring at you as you try to catch your breath with closed eyes.
You hum, rolling your eyes open to lazily stare back at him. Your eyelids felt so heavy as you looked at him, but you liked how vigilant he was being. It made you crack a grin, a small gesture that had Toji's heart thudding a little quicker, now.
"I wanna fuck you so bad, mama." His eyes trail yours as they look away from his gaze. "If this is your reaction to my mouth, I don't even know what to expect for when I'm inside you."
You look down to see what's been poking your thigh for the past minute or so, and it's the monster in his pants, outlined for your eyes to quickly spot and everything.
"Come on," you say, reaching your hand out to him. He takes it and allows you to lead him to the bedroom.
Toji shuts the door and locks it to give the situation a deeper level of intimacy. There's no one there but the two of you and yet you feel even more secluded by the gesture.
He wasn't aggressive in the way he bared you for his eyes. He pulled you close to him by the waist, your body against his as he peeled your layers of clothes off.
"Stay," he says, when you take a step back. He takes that step towards you again, placing his hands on your hips, and snaking them around to your back to locate the zipper for your skirt. He exhales through his nose, lidded eyes watching the longing expression on your face closely as he pulls down the zipper and allows the article to fall on the floor. His fingers fiddle with the hem of your shirt before he fully slides his hands beneath it, and raises it up your torso higher and higher. You put your arms up and allow him to slip it off your head.
He makes haste of getting his own clothes off, a sly smirk decorating his face when he sees you admiring him from where you sit on the end of the bed as you take off your bra and underwear. You're forced further up the bed by Toji as he inches closer and closer to you. You reach a dead end and welcome the suffocating warmth of his body as he cages you onto the bed.
"Don't do that to me again, mama," he murmurs, before leaning down to peck your lips. "Don't let me talk to myself for that long when you have such a pretty voice to respond with."
You laugh, pulling a small grin from him. "I didn't think you'd care, to be honest. I thought you'd tell me i'm being childish or ridiculous."
"Nah, princess. I thought I was gonna die."
You giggle, pulling him close again. "You're exaggerating."
"You wouldn't let me touch you. Not even when we went to bed, so it was like we were friends instead of lovers sleeping together. Especially with how far on your side you slept."
"Oh, baby," you coo, pressing multiple quick apologetic kisses to his lips. He chuckles at the affection, and his eyes close instinctively as your kisses become more widespread on his face. He missed this more than anything. "What can I do for your forgiveness, my love?"
"Just let me fuck you, ma. That's all. Give me my privilege to all of this, again." His hand slowly trails from your chest to your stomach, a touch you longed for dearly during those two days that you verbally ignored him.
"It's yours," you whisper to him. You peer up at him with your constellation eyes, silently begging him to realize how much you need him. "I'm yours, so show me the use you have for the privilege over my body, baby."
He leans down to kiss you, softly. He's desperate for you, but his lips don't falter their delicate synchrony because of it. He guides the tip of his cock through your folds, rubbing up and down the slickness a couple times before slowly sinking into you. Your ability to tangle with Toji's lips slowly deteriorates, and your focus strays to the stretching happening lower down your body, so Toji picks up the slack and feeds you his kisses.
"Come on," he groans out. Not even he is immune to the rebirth of sex with you. You're warm and inviting, and you embrace the pain and comfort he offers every time he craves you or you crave him. This time is no exception. "Kiss me back, sweetheart. Give them all to me," he mutters, before attempting to connect his lips to yours again. You dig your heels into the mattress and your toes curl as you feel his girth continue to submerge inside you.
Toji cups your chin and uses his fingers to squish your cheeks together into a makeshift pout for him to kiss. He can hear your hummed little whimpers in response to him sheathing himself further into you. He was being gentle, because hurting you is a crime in his world.
"Fuck, I missed this, mama," he says, goosebumps rising on his torso as he drags himself out of you halfway and pushes himself back in again. "So warm..." he says over the sound of your pleasured moan. He sighs, a grunt following as he starts a careful rocking rhythm into you. "I could stay inside you forever."
"I could keep you here forever," you rephrase, gazing up at him with those eyes he unequivocally loves. They've reverted back to the default loving expression you hold for him, the vacancy of your previous gaze now filled with love, excitement, lust, and overall enchantment. It's a beautiful thing to see your hurricanes subside.
He leans down to kiss you again, distributing the kisses on your face and leading them towards your neck. You could feel his abs dragging up and down your stomach with every roll of his hips against yours.
"Mmm... Toji," you moan, bringing your hands to his back. One of them moves up to the nape of his neck, threading through the dampened locks of his hair, the other traces his spine to distract you from how badly you want to dig your nails into him.
"I know," he coos, kissing the spot beneath your ear. "I know, doll. It's always this good with you."
You gasp at the feeling of his cock prodding the more sensitive area within you. "Right there, right there... Oh..." you moan out, inevitably digging your nails into his shoulder blades while Toji directs his kisses back up your neck and towards your face again so he can see the honest expression on it. You're lost in pleasure, vibrating as another orgasm rushes through you.
"Fuck, mama.. let me-" he groans, outwardly losing it at the overflow of your juices. "Let me see those pretty eyes," he pants, gripping your waist a little more harshly as he feels his cock on the brink of expelling into you. "Need you to watch me," he says, taking in the way your lips part to release your sounds of utter satisfaction. Your eyes flutter open to center on his greedy eyes. You mirror his lustful, lidded gaze, the look enough to make him spill inside you, making your cunt even sloppier. "You're gorgeous, ma," he says, mindlessly, as he fucks into you with a little more fervor. "Fucking stunning," he mutters through pants, to which you respond with a sly smirk. The gesture lured a groan out of him and made his cock twitch as he finished releasing into you.
You giggle when he stills his hips. Your combined attempts to regulate your breathing fills the silence that follows. "What're you laughing at?" He asks, massaging your hip with his thumb.
"You tell me that all the time like you're obsessed with me or something."
"And if I am?" he says with a voice so deep you have to blink to see that it's still your gentle giant of a man. "Is it too much for you? Can you handle it? Am I suffocating you, baby?" he purrs, cupping your cheeks while leaning in close to emphasize his points. All it does is allow you to closely admire how handsome he is and really think about what's happening in this moment. This green-eyed, raven-haired man, with the prettiest pointed nose and the most attractive scarred lips, is bedding you, and doing it so well.
"Never. Come closer and bite," you murmur.
He takes your lips in his again, a little more aggressive than before. You asked him to bite, and that's exactly what he's doing. The make out has him rocking both of you a little faster, working you towards yet another orgasm. You nip at his bottom lip and run your tongue over it when hisses. You hum out a little giggle, and moan into his mouth when he jolts into you.
"God, i'll bust again if you keep doing that. I'm serious, mama" he groans, swiping his tongue over his stinging bottom lip. You think he's being dramatic so when he leans down to kiss you again, you bite his bottom lip and suck on it. You gasp, releasing his lip and stare at him with wide eyes as his excessive warmth spurts into your cunt, filling it to the brim and beyond, to the point of leakage.
"F-Fuck... you're terrible," he groans, shuddering with tense abdominal muscles as he lures the entirety of his orgasm out. "Cum," he says, panting as he picks up the pace of his rutting to get you to follow his orgasm. "I can feel you clenching around me like hell. I know you want to," he says, reaching a hand between you and him to stimulate your clit.
Your already labored breathing picks up and your heart is pounding in your ears aggressively as you roll your hips back against his. You whimper as you feel your peak get closer and closer, a cried out and breathy "fuck!" leaving you when it arrives, followed by high pitched moans that make Toji's heart race. You arched your back off the mattress as you reached the zenith of your orgasm with the help of Toji's finger rapidly rubbing your clit while he maintained his satisfying pace inside you.
You whimper, slapping a hand onto Toji's wrist to stop his movements on you. He smirks at the sight of your trembling thighs, your heaving chest, and the sound of your dazed hums. You always were such a delicate thing. So fragile that even with just enough of his attention, he could break you.
"Tired yet?" He asks, admiring your relaxed facial features. You nod with your eyes closed, your lips parted to release little puffs of air. "Thought you'd be. I'll go grab some towels for us to shower." He pulls out of you, taking a moment to admire your collaborative masterpiece.
"Baby..." you whine, sitting up when you feel his weight lift off the bed. "I can't get up." You dramatically let yourself fall back on the bed and stick your tongue out to portray your exhaustion.
"Get up, you faker. That's all you have to do and i'll take care of the rest."
"Too tired to wash myself right now..." you say, waking up for a second before closing your eyes again. Toji can see the sly grin on your face and the little shake of your stomach as you stifle your giggles.
"Guess you're too tired to eat, too, huh? You know i've got a huge appetite, and I could eat all that food you brought by myself."
"You wouldn't," you say, abruptly sitting up on the bed and squinting at him. "There's enough to feed three people in those bags."
"I've got the stomach of three people in one, so you better catch up before you're left with my seconds."
You sigh, too tired to move, but you get up anyway and trail behind Toji. "Baby, can you pleeease clean me up? I'm beat."
He puts his hands on your shoulders as he now walks behind you. "Sure, but don't complain when I take longer on certain areas."
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inkedbybarnes · 3 months
bucky barnes x fem!reader
summary: everyone thinks you're dating bucky, except yourself.
word count: 2.4k
warnings: 18+ minors dni. miscommunication (i love this trope, sue me), angst with a happy fluffy ending, quite stubborn reader, implied smut if you squint, usage of petnames such as baby and doll. lowercase for basically everything.
i haven't finished anything in decades, but i suddenly had an idea just now and decided to write it down. surprisingly, i finished it? might have a lot of mistakes and such since i haven't proofread it yet. also, sorry for using lowercase for this, i kinda like how it looks. hope you enjoy this one!
dividers by @cafekitsune!
comments, reblogs, and likes are highly appreciated. thank you! ♡
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“you're confusing me. so... you're not dating bucky?”
wanda tilted her head, confusion etched on her face as you spent your weekly girl's night with natasha. it usually consisted of eating food you all desired, drinking until you got wasted, and spilling secrets to one another.
although tonight, you weren't sure if you had any secrets to spill.
"as far as i know, no. we're just friends, teammates. nothing else," you answered with a heavy sigh. "can we talk about something else?"
"hold your horses, young lady! we are not skipping this topic again. you obviously want a label but he isn't giving you one!" wanda protested. she has been constantly asking about you and bucky's relationship for the past weeks, and you always had the same answer. you don't know.
"have you never talked about it with bucky? he looks at you like you'd get lost if he looks away for a second. not a single soul in the tower would think that you're just friends," natasha interjected, taking another sip from the bottle of beer she held. she had a point, as always. "if he's just playing with you, which i highly doubt for barnes, then just end whatever that is. you deserve better than having doubts and confusion, babe."
you've tried asking him multiple times, but every attempt felt like you were stepping on his boundaries. after years of being controlled by hydra, you knew it was possible that he'd hate the feeling of being rushed and entering a relationship that could potentially feel like a cage to him.
but natasha was right. your "relationship" was no longer anything friendly. he sleeps in your bed, claiming he slept better in it, and wakes up beside you to shower you with kisses. none of you even tried to hide it after some time. you always cooked your meals and ate them together, casually feeding one another and stealing kisses in between. you even stopped going on dates and you had no idea if you were exclusive. you deserved to know what your relationship with bucky was, but you were too scared to lose everything once you asked.
"we're not dating. i only see him as a friend, so you can both stop worrying about me." you lied through your teeth, your chest aching as you realised how stupid this was. you sighed and faked a smile, shifting the attention to natasha. "so, tell me about your date with steve! how was the first ever date of captain america since the 40s?"
wanda was distracted by the question, immediately bombarding the now blushing widow with questions. on the other hand, your mind flew away for a minute, finally deciding to get an answer from bucky.
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the annual ball that tony stark held for, well, nearly anyone, was nearing. you only had two weeks left, and you haven't even gone out to find something to wear. it was hard to find any motivation to do all that effort when the person you've been waiting to ask you as his date hasn't asked you yet.
although, bucky had a tendency to get shy and hold back. you knew that. so here you were, standing behind the doors to the gym, knowing that bucky would be training at this hour. you still haven't asked him the question you were supposed to ask him, so you decided to do it all at once.
after you've finished your small pep talk, you opened the door to enter the room and your first instinct was to search for bucky.
considering that he was a huge chunk of a man, he was easy to find. however, the sight of him standing in front of a woman that was too close for your comfort wasn't delightful.
he didn't see you entering the room since he was facing the opposite direction, conversing with the agent that happened to be training as well. she had the sweetest and flirtiest smile on her face, bringing her hand up to his arm, slowly caressing it. you didn't mean to easily hear their conversation as you walked closer.
"so, do you happen to have someone for me to have as a date for the ball? i don't want to be lonely on that night, sergeant," the agent said with an extra pout, swaying her hips side to side like a child asking for candy.
"oh, yeah? i think i have someone for you," bucky replied, breaking your heart into pieces with how enthusiastic he was with his answer. "i'm sure you'll—"
you sniffed. unconsciously. not knowing that your tears were already falling, causing your nose to get stuffy. how pathetic, you thought.
your little sniff caught the attention of both the agent and bucky, looking at you in shock. although, the girl was more pleasantly surprised than the opposite. thankfully, you already had your tears wiped before they could see them.
"oh, we didn't see you there!" she greeted you with your name. "we were just talking about our date for this year's ball. who are you bringing?"
"i haven't decided yet, no one's worth it even if i try," you answered bitterly. "so you're going together?"
before bucky could answer, the agent already had her arm wrapped around his, happily smiling at your question. "yeah! amazing, right? i actually thought you two had a thing, but i guess not. glad things worked out in the end."
and that was your last straw. "well, enjoy yourselves. i have to go and find natasha."
you turned to leave, ignoring the loud calls of bucky. you were glad that you never asked him about your relationship and the ball. you were going to be hurt either way.
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you spent the next hours stuck in your room, body covered with a thick sheet as you ranted about your frustrations to friday.
it was silly, you knew that, but you refused to call natasha and wanda to remind you of your stupidity and decided to let an ai robot listen to your problems instead.
"and he even flirted back! answering coyly like a teenager. he's 107 years old, fri!" you whined, not noticing the new nickname you've given the alternative intelligence. "ugh, now i have a broken heart and no date in sight. how did it get to this?"
"perhaps you must discuss this matter with sergeant barnes first. your conversation ended quite abruptly with no clear conclusion."
"no, i don't want the truth rubbed on my face," you said, grabbing another piece of tissue to sneeze in. "you restricted him from entering my room, right?"
friday answered with a yes, then you thanked her for listening and decided to get some sleep after tirelessly crying for hours. you knew you had a team meeting with the avengers in a bit, but you couldn't bring yourself to even walk a few steps.
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your sleep ended and you were woken up with friday's reminder that it was time for dinner with the team.
with a groan, you pushed yourself off your bed. bucky would be there, but you were too hungry to care. it would be awkward, of course, but you had to face him at some point anyway.
your feet padded towards the door, opening it after trying your hair in a bun.
"ah, fuck."
you jumped at the voice and the body falling to the floor as you opened the door.
"bucky?" you asked, still in shock. "were you sleeping outside of my room?"
you watched bucky stand up, his hand massaging his aching nape as he looked for your eyes. "friday won't let me in. i waited outside instead. i guess i fell asleep during that," he explained, a frown forming on his face. "did you restrict me from entering our room?"
your eyes widened at his choice of words. our room. he considered your room to be his room as well. while that would've made you melt in an instant, you were still hurt to entertain that possibility.
"this is my room, barnes. not yours, not ours. and yes, i had you restricted because i couldn't face you yet. what do you need anyway?"
"i wanted to see you, talk to you." a flash of pain crossed his eyes. "whatever happened at the gym, it's—"
"bucky, you don't have to explain anything to me. we're just friends. it's my fault i assumed we were something. i just need some time to get over it."
"but i thought we were something as well..." he replied, his voice was almost as quiet as a whisper. "i thought we were dating."
"were we?" you asked, genuinely curious. "we never.. you never said anything. i mean, yeah, i wished it meant something, but i thought you wouldn't want to be trapped in a relationship with me, so i just waited. apparently, i was right and i can't blame you for that."
"right about what? the thing that happened in the gym this morning?" he asked. you nodded in response. "i know it sounds like i was flirting back, well i didn't know at the moment, until i asked steve who was clueless but he called nat to help me out and explained that it looked like i was flirting back. i wasn't. i was just going to suggest sam as a date for her. i would never agree to anyone."
oh. so he just wasn't interested in anyone at all.
"besides this one girl who's constantly been in my head. that's if she'd even give me a chance and say yes. i fucked it up badly before i could even ask her properly."
you knew what hoping got you, but you couldn't help but think that he was talking about you. he'd have to be clueless to say all those things in front of you only for it to be someone else.
"i love you, baby. i should've told you that, i should've made it clear sooner. i'm so sorry i let you have doubts when i could've been reassuring you about what i feel for you."
"i would never feel trapped with you, doll. only you made me feel so much love and freedom. i'd be a fool to let go of that. i'm sorry it took a few hits and harsh words from natasha to make me realise that i wasn't giving you enough when you deserve everything." he held your face in his hands, bringing you closer to him. you felt breathless, tears threatening to fall but this time it was out of joy. "hydra made sure i had no voice to express myself. now, i'll use it to let you know that i love you so fucking much that it hurts when you're not around. i promise to work on it. if anything like this happens again, ask me, baby. demand things from me. i'll give you everything in a heartbeat."
"even if i ask for your arm?"
he laughed, a sound that was music to your ears. "it's yours baby. although, i do like fucking you with my metal—"
"bucky!" you scolded him, hitting him lightly on the chest.
"sorry, baby. couldn't help it. missed my girl so much."
his girl. you loved hearing that.
"it's only been a few hours. don't be silly," you reminded him, but you knew you also felt the same.
"i miss you even when i don't see you for a second." you couldn't help but laugh at his words. "something funny, doll?"
"sorry, natasha said something similar about you a few days ago," you answered. "i'm sorry for assuming so quickly, bucky. you deserved the chance to explain."
"and you did let me explain. i can't blame you for assuming and getting hurt when i never gave you the confirmation to believe otherwise. don't apologise for it, baby."
"i love you," you said, causing him to grin widely.
"yeah? you love me too?" he asked, a hint of pink tinting his cheeks. "this is official now, right? we're dating?"
you nodded happily, giggling as he landed a kiss to your mouth. "so, you wanna go to the ball with me?"
he kissed you again. "don't. i'm supposed to be asking you that. i had an entire thing prepared for you, i even dragged half of the team to help me out days ago. besides wanda and natasha, of course. couldn't let them tell you about it."
your heart swelled, he was already planning to ask you before all of this misunderstanding happened, and it could've been solved with communication. lesson learned, indeed.
"well hurry because i can't wait to say yes," you playfully threatened him, kissing the tip of his nose until the loud rumble of your stomach interrupted your sweet moment. "ah, right. i was on my way to eat dinner when i opened the door."
bucky laughed, his eyes twinkling witth adoration as he kept his eyes on you. "we can't have you starving, that's for sure. come, let's get you something." he held your hand, and dragged you to the kitchen. he turned to look at you with a playful smile. "wanna cook together like the old times?"
you smiled. "like the old times."
in the middle of your cooking session, you heard whistles and claps along with the footsteps that entered the kitchen. you both turned to find the rest of the team with shit eating grins.
"finally! so is this real or do we need to smack your heads?" tony asked, his hand placed on his hip.
"it's always been real, stark," bucky answered, wrapping his arm around your waist. "except this time, i'm making sure my entire world knows it."
"i think everybody knows you have a thing for each other, barnes." clint added.
"i meant my entire world, not everybody." bucky looked at you with awe. "she's my world."
bucky's answer gained various loud reactions from the team, mostly calling him a cheesy old man and fake gags, but there you were, cheeks heating up as you looked back at him with the same amount of love, if not more.
and he did ask you to be his date to the ball the day after, surprising you with his so-called secret plan.
a year later, he surprised you with a ring as he knelt on one knee.
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if you have any requests for bucky, send them my way! 💌
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eldritch-spouse · 2 months
You are running naked in the Jungle, searching frantically.
You look and you see another human, the first one you've seen in months and you run towards them.
“Thank God! Listen, we need to get out of here immediately, it's dangerous! Do you know the way out? Back to civilization?”
You feel a tentacle around your ankles
[Months? Couldn't be me, I'd just die. Let's downsize that to a week. Fem reader.]
TW: Reader has a self-loathing inner monologue; Reader is in a bad place mentally; Dubcon to full consent.
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It was a stupid idea.
You knew that when you started it. So did everyone that tried to convince you otherwise. But common sense isn't something that could have stopped someone like you, someone who was ill enough to think taking a break from life in the middle of buttfuck nowhere would work out.
You didn't even have any sort of experience in this type of thing. Neither did you seek any kind of useful tips.
You just wanted to escape.
And you did, literally, into a forested nightmare that you got lost in not even hours after your arrival.
You just wish you could find your car, you just wish you could find somewhere warm and comforting to sleep in.
It's been days. Probably a week by now. Your stuff all disappeared, somehow. You swear you're not tripping, it all just vanished! Your phone, your bag, your keys...
Your back hurts, the nights are cold and humid and you're sure you're getting sick by now. Clean water would be a godsend, you've been drinking and cleaning yourself with some questionable-looking sources for a while. Not to mention you can't feed yourself properly, and you certainly don't know how to hunt.
Not that there's much to hunt. Every time you think you hear a peep, there's a brush of foliage and silence dominates seconds later.
You're going to die.
A horrifying reminder that has your chest pounding painfully and sweat glistening on your forehead.
You don't want to die.
But the modern human wasn't born for the wilderness, and you can only stand being clothed for a little longer before the sensation of being dirty has you clawing the skin off your body.
It was a fucking miracle that you managed to get a small fire going.
You can heat up that fish you caught earlier.
If it's still good. Is... This is safe to eat, right?
You lean to sniff at the leaf-wrapped catch.
Eh. You can stomach it...
God, you're starving.
One thing that's been bugging you for a while is how... Deserted this whole place feels.
You're no wildlife expert, but isn't this kind of location supposed to be brimming with animals? Why is it that, everywhere you go, it's mostly just you and insects bumbling around?
Shouldn't there be some mammals here? Some birds? Maybe a squirrel or a snake... Aren't there predators you'd have to worry about in this kind of scenario?
Ironically, being alone makes you feel even more stressed out than if you were constantly surrounded by wild animals.
You huddle closer to the small fire.
But always so on edge.
Always getting that tingling feeling crawling up your spine.
The one that screams- Look, look behind you! You're in danger!
The phantom feeling of something hovering behind your neck, goosebumps that hardly fade every time you do turn around to check and find nothing.
Is this a normal amount of paranoia for your situation? Is this your brain trying to cope with the fact that you haven't seen much wildlife so far?
Or is there something watching you from beyond the trees?
Something stalking.
A persistence predator, coming and going, to check on its latest prey.
Oh, and what a catch you are. Big and juicy compared to the things that probably roam this place -Roamed, more like...
Have you wandered into the territory of something that'll inevitably snap its jaws around your neck?
Just eat the fucking fish already.
Focus on the present.
The smell starts to hit your nose. Salt, oh what you wouldn't do for some simple salt. How do people get salt?
You're glad you got some berries along the way too, because this fish is probably going to taste like ass. You're sure they aren't poisonous or anything of the sort. If they are, then you've been eating them for the past few days so honestly you could keel over at any moment.
You'll see.
Once the fish has roasted enough where it's likely safe to consume, you peel it open messily and start munching indiscriminately, ravenous.
It's... Well, it's sustenance.
It's about the most nutritious thing you've eaten since you got here.
This survival thing is harder than the fake actors on TV make it seem.
A sudden crack of a branch has you pausing mid-chew.
You truly feel like a deer when your head snaps up and you stand very still to listen for a follow-up.
Tired eyes strain, trying to make sense of a darkened blob in the distance.
What the fuck is that thing?
Two legs...
Shit- Could it be?!
That can't be possible, someone else roaming around this maddening forest. Is that a sign that you're somehow getting closer to civilization? That you're making it out by sheer luck? What cosmic force could be on your side this time? Maybe they just live here, like some kind of off-grid retired agent- Okay, you've been watching too many movies.
Without stopping to think twice about frankly important concerns regarding this sudden development, you place the cooked fish down on the leaf it was previously wrapped in and start scooting forward towards the silhouette you saw.
That build can only belong to a man. Well, you assume as much anyway. It's hard to spot more from here, with the foliage covering their form.
" H- Hey... "
You haven't used your voice in a hot minute. Some part of you almost doesn't recognize it. A healthy dose of paranoia stops you from brushing aside the obstacles and facing this person.
But you need to at least try, right?
The worst that can happen is that you really are hallucinating for some reason or another.
With a surge of bravery, but mostly desperation, you push all the branches and greenery away to run towards this person, opening your mouth to greet them, to beg for help, ask for new clothes or just something cooked!
" Hey! Please, I need your... Help? "
There's no one.
But that doesn't make sense, you clearly saw a silhouette, someone was there! You didn't even have to run that far, how could it be that you already lost sight of them? That they could get away so silently?
No. Everything's wrong.
Before you know it, your vision is blurring and your face heats as tears stain your cheeks.
Why... Why would your mind fuck with you like this? Going from a shining shred of hope to complete despair in seconds has you screaming inside.
Why is this happening to you?
Are you really about to die in a stupid fucking patch of nothing just because you can't deal with the stress in your life like a normal person? Just because you made one bad decision when everything was weighing heavy on your conscience? Are you really so incompetent and so pointless as a human that this is how your story ends?
Anger and regret blind you to everything, fingers course through your knotted hair as you sob and tug, having no way to calm yourself and nothing to unleash your tension onto.
The moment you try to stomp your foot in a petulant act, you find it rooted to the ground. It takes a couple more insistent tugs upward for you to realize that something is coiled around it, keeping it firmly planted.
The train wreck of emotions and bile of self-hating thoughts takes a backseat, goosebumps pricking your skin from tip of the head to your very toes. The first thing you think of is some kind of snake, eyes bulging behind digits.
You look down frantically, shaking, but in spite of the sky being clear, all you see is this reddish mass, with neither end nor beginning. What... What the fuck is it?!
The thing tightens around your ankle, starting to slide up the length of your right leg, up to your knee. And immediately, you panic, kicking and shrieking, achieving absolutely nothing and getting promptly tugged to the ground.
Maybe freaking out isn't the best bet for your survival here.
Twigs and dirt get on your face, it takes some coughing and swiping to finally clear your field of view. But honestly...
You almost wish you hadn't.
Curved over your prone figure, staring down, is a creature you have never seen before.
Bipedal and quite large, like the silhouette you had glimpsed before, but so very far from human. The reddish coloration spanning the length of that bizarre body makes him -Because, again, you can only assume that is a male- Look as if he's made of flesh quickly molded together to imitate the figure of a human. What initially made you think he was skinless soon turns into the realization that there was never room for skin anyway.
Because his body is quite literally comprised of what you can only call tentacles. Tendrils and coiling tissue that clings and organizes itself in the vague lie of an organism like yours.
From elbows to fingers and knees to feet, the tendrils become a lot more discernable, coiling and uncoiling while he watches curiously. The thing around your leg is one of said tendrils, coming from the mass forming his own. Along the length of its torso, sharp-toothed mouths form and shift, almost seeming to have a mind of their own as they scent the air and snap at nothing.
That head has got to be the most striking feature. It's an amalgamation of tentacles all wrapped around each other, leaving room for an incredibly sharp golden eye to fix you in place. This thing looks like it crawled out of a sleeping ocean, like the roots and vines of an ancient jungle came together to form a totally new an extension of themselves. He looks like he's been sculped from the guts of others yet also composed in a way your mind could never hope to grasp.
Somewhere between trying to determine if you're dealing with an animal or a person, you reach the conclusion that an animal wouldn't stare you down for this long.
An animal would take a couple of seconds to determine if you're prey or predator and act accordingly. He would have snapped your neck or suffocated you like a boa constrictor with those tentacles by now.
And yet, he just stares.
Like you're the strangest creature to ever grace the woods this thing probably calls a home. You're as freaky to him as he is to you, enough so that he seems out of depth on how to proceed.
You stare back.
This has got to be the monster that you saw back there. Watching you. Now that you think about it, maybe this was the reason you'd always have a tingling sensation reminding you that you're not alone. Because he was there all that time, stalking.
Plenty were the moments he could have dug your grave until now. It's strange that he hasn't. Because surely, he's seen how you're failing to adapt to this location. Every step you take, you're stumbling and getting pricked, hungry, thirsty, afraid, disoriented- You're a fish out of water and he could have ended that misery a long time ago.
Neither of you move. It blinks, vertically. You blink too.
And then, it makes this chitter.
Wet, like a gargle, followed by some kind of rumbling as more of those tendrils that form his limbs unwind, explore.
They reach down towards your frame when he squats, and you stifle the urge to scream at the sight of them getting nearer. Because who knows what he's going to do...
They poke and prod, grabbing lightly at parts of you, wet yet not quite. Two coil around your arms, then elbows, then wrists.
Other strays squirm around your sides, unintentionally triggering a squirming reflex as you muffle helpless laughter.
The monster seems intrigued by the noise anyway, making his own vocalizations as if attempting to communicate with you.
Abruptly, there's a blur of movement and you're yanked into the air by the arms, shrieking in fear and pain.
Not for long, because more of his freaky, flowing appendages wind around your middlesection, hips and knees, pulling in different directions.
In seconds, mere moments, this being has you suspended in the air.
Immediately, your panicked mind is going places where it absolutely shouldn't.
He seems more relaxed now that you're restrained, that gaze becomes softer, clouded with curiosity. To be monitoring you this long, you don't doubt he has his own questions and intrigue regarding how you work.
When that hulking red mass walks towards you, anxiety prevents your mouth from staying shut.
" H- Hi? "
A sound not too different from the peep of a skittish bird.
One that causes him to cock his head in a brief pause, processing the noise, and returning it with his own light gurgle. One of the mouths on his figure gets the pitch right down to a T.
Soon, he's lacing a hand through your hair, grabbing it, manipulating the protrusion and stroking your head inquisitively. He squeezes and almost scritches at your scalp, reminding you of the way someone acts when spotting a particularly cute cat. Yes, hair is likely a mystery to this creature, you can kind of understand why it'd linger here.
But that doesn't change the fact that you're being patted like a pet by a strange, unknowable creature- And that's morbidly hilarious.
When your cheeks start to puff with laughter, his attention finally deviates. You can feel the tendrils that form every digit when he splays them across your face, tracing your eyebrows, playing with the tip of your nose and even trying to poke into your ears- Something he halts when you jerk away rapidly each time.
When he starts trying to put a digit in your mouth, he's a lot more careful, aware that you have teeth and can bite, even if yours are quite small and blunt compared to the ones he sports. He succeeds, because your strength is nothing compared to that of a monster of his size and nature. The digit he dips into your mouth rests there placidly for a couple of moments.
You aren't sure what to do. Biting is not a bright idea when you know this creature can probably easily dismember you in this position. He himself looks slightly lost, as if he put his finger in your mouth out of impulse mostly. A false sense of security begets your own curiosity.
Perhaps you're just insane already -That probably says a lot about your overall mental fortitude- But seeing another living being that behaves and looks vaguely like what you might call a person makes you feel calmer than you have since the beginning of all this. You know it's an irrational feeling, that you're not any safer than before, but it's a thread of comfort you desperately cling to.
And it's what allows you to look this thing in the eye while you experimentally lick his bizarre tendril-clump of a finger.
It was only a little flick.
But naturally, he felt it.
The monster rumbles something incomprehensible at you, leaning closer still to cast a shadow upon your front. In this position, he looms between your clothed legs, though seems mostly unaware of the lurid position he's got you in, fixated on your mouth.
The sensation of his digit unfolding into two separate thin tentacles is bizarre. You picture a human finger splitting in two and curse your brain. Said tentacles poke and wriggle, capturing your tongue between themselves.
Yes, that's probably the part of your body that most closely resembles the mass of prehensile tissue composing his own.
The touch has you drooling, saliva trying to break down something probably few to no humans have ever come in contact with. He tastes slimy yet slightly rugged in some areas, not something you'd write home about.
Reflex has your poor muscle squirming to be freed, but that only causes him to tighten the grasp upon it. And, surprisingly, to let out this humid noise that sounds far too much like a groan of delight for you to interpret it as anything else.
There's a pause from your part as you wonder, incredulously, if this thing just got turned on.
There's not much time to ponder, because that digit very quickly slips out, and as he examines the sheen of drool on it, something else steadily approaches your mouth.
Ah, you've graduated from finger to proper tentacle mouthfucking. Commendable.
Making light of the situation is about the least recommended course of action, but after what you've endured so far, you think you deserve to be a little, tiny bit, insane.
Apparently convinced that you won't try to harm him, the crimson monster wiggles that darkened appendage and taps it against your lips, seeming very interested in how this is unfolding.
You should not have opened your mouth.
But you did.
And he visibly brightened up.
The tendril wedges itself in without much hesitation, resting upon your tongue. Much thicker than his digit, your jaw has no choice but to stretch, and your lips wrap around it in a rather phallic, dirty image. You barely realize you're making an effort not to scrape your teeth on the appendage. Perhaps because the sensation of it is a tad spongy and remarkably similar to that of any standard manhood.
And, as if to give reason to your lewd comparison, he shudders at the warmth of your wet mouth, the thing pulsing within you.
While he mostly simply lets the extremity sit there motionlessly, you do explore, trying to lick around it out of morbid curiosity. He watches you avidly, but apparently, what really gets to this bizarre entity is feeling you suck down the saliva that pools in your cheeks, swallowing.
Suction. Because of course he'd enjoy that. What man doesn't?
That begs the question, is the thing in your mouth part of his genitals?
Again, thinking is a privilege you can't afford when that tentacle starts sliding down your throat experimentally. It doesn't take him long to trigger your gag reflex, a violent kick and curve forward from your part causing him to pull back quickly. But he continues to test the waters afterwards, probably seeking the sensation of your stressed throat muscles tightening around him.
Instinct takes over.
Because even if he seems truly out of his depth maneuvering a human body, he's curious and, if you had to guess, attracted to you. Enough to put sensitive things in your mouth, to fetishize that part of you. Hormones make things work, which means he soon realizes he can make repetitive back and forth motions to get friction.
And so, just like that, you're getting fucked in the mouth, inside the woods, by an eldritch abomination of a monster you might find in a cheaply made H. P Lovecraft rip-off.
It should not arouse you.
It should horrify you.
... But it doesn't.
Those reactions are missing, leaving you befuddled at your own enjoyment of the situation. Are you just happy to have someone around? Has it truly been so long since you received this type of attention that you don't mind if it comes from an entity of unknown origin who is clearly not civilized? Are you just a freak actively discovering new sides of your sexuality?
Who knows anymore.
All you know is that there's a wet noise ringing every time he thrusts that slimy thing into your mouth, that he's resorted to gripping your hips hard while making intense eye contact, that he growls and gurgles whenever you have enough control to suck at him. If you had to guess, it's his unwavering, lewd and fascinated observation of your face and lips that has you likely forming a wet spot on your poor pants.
You think your wanton squirming is subtle, but reality proves otherwise when the monster starts getting distracted, one of those pupils shifting to the rhythmic movement of your legs as you shamelessly seek friction. At first, he seems irritated, as if questioning why you'd want to leave when you'd been so docile so far.
Then it appears to click.
You can almost see it in his face, in spite of how inhuman it is, that eureka moment.
And the tendril in your mouth slows down to a crawl.
He starts pawing and pulling at your pants, but not aimlessly. Not at all. He's studied you, he knows what he's looking for, the button and the zipper. You pale a few shades, the only way this thing could know how to take pants off is if it saw you doing it, if it saw you relieving yourself or trying to bathe to avoid infections.
Just how many embarrassing moments did he catch?
Too many, probably.
Still, you're pleasantly surprised to see him so easily remove the garment, fluidly shifting the positions of his tendrils to avoid tangling the fabric in them. Your pants come off without a single blemish, aside from those they sustained previously. Is he removing them so carefully because he thinks you need them to survive or is he just being considerate?
Your underwear is treated the same way, he spares no extra thought to it, and only appears to pause once your pussy is exposed.
Usually, you'd feel self-conscious in this position. There's not a lot you can do to properly groom yourself without the simple privilege of soap and whatnot... But what does it matter here? As far as you know, for this monster, pussy is pussy regardless of it being shaved or bush-heavy, "perfumed" or au naturel.
And a soaked, needy hole is hard for a lonesome monster to ignore.
He looms closer to your womanhood, watching closely, gargling a string of vocalizations you still can't interpret, until another tentacle slithers into scene and slaps against your cunt.
No, literally.
The thing whips from mound to the bottom of your entrance, swiping up and down in a pace that has you seeing stars every time it flicks your clitoris and catches on a clenching entrance. To say your legs kick out occasionally from the intensity of the stimulus is no exaggeration, but he's quick to adapt his hold so you have no way of wiggling aside.
You don't know why it's doing that, but frankly, you don't care much, it just feels good. A racing heart and a heaving chest have you tipping your head back to moan against the thing stuffed in your mouth. You realize, a little belatedly, that he was probably mostly just trying to lube that appendage with your own arousal.
Your plump pussy still tingles when the assault stops on all sides, you strain to watch what he's doing, observing the monster evaluate the sheen now coating that wriggling extremity.
He's less careful than before now, a product of excitement no doubt, parking the somewhat thicker length at your entrance and pushing in tentatively for only a couple of moments before ramming a decent chunk of that tendril into your cunt.
Eyes bulging, you spit out a beastial sound that startles the monster, panting as you try to get used to the sudden stretch. He's reached a depth within you no one else has found before, and the pressure is such so that you've been robbed of the ability to speak.
He shouldn't be that far in you.
You may come from extremely distinct backgrounds, but some things are vastly universal, like the facial expression of pain. Which, credit where credit is due, he picks up on relatively fast. The moment the entity removes a good chunk of its length, you sigh and sag in momentous relief. That's a lot better. You still feel as if you're being stuffed to the brim, but there's no longer that stabbing pain.
He understands what he did wrong after a couple of still moments and some bizarre palping sensation from your insides.
Much like the previous tendril in your mouth, this one too starts to thrust back and forth, with more care now, experimenting with differing speeds and curling in various ways as he gets closer and closer to watch how you react.
You're no researcher, but maybe if the mounting pleasure wasn't swimming to your head and making it very very hard to think coherently right now, you'd be fascinated with the way this monster is being so thorough in his examination of you, wanting to learn what makes you tick in every way, what has you choking out noises and rolling your eyes.
So intense is the heat rushing through your body from his repeated, filthy motions that you hardly notice anything happening until his all-seeing eye is almost glued to your face. The tips of the tentacles that make up his rather disturbing head unfurl and appear to drip downwards, clinging to the sides of your face so he can fix it in place, observe every detail as soon as you part your mouth to moan and gasp and babble nonsense. Each noise you make is eagerly eaten up, he tries to mimic the same motions that make you squeal as if begging for more of them.
There's no time to warn or even shriek about it, your orgasm barrels its way down your body with the intensity of a bullet, curving you in its tentacles, a breathless "oh" being all you can offer as your abdominal muscles contract and you squeeze the life out of the tendril inside you, making a mess that drips to the ground between you two.
It may not have been easy to spot in that pleasured trance, but the monster halted to watch it all unfold, mesmerized. Retracting to test the nature of the new slick now grossly painting you.
By the time you're done riding the high of your climax, you've been shifted again, this time a little lower, and you find the entity staring down to the spot where your core meets something that wasn't there before.
You'll admit you didn't have the time to properly process the full extent of his appearance when he first appeared before your stunned self. Now you're unsure if this monster had some kind of pelvic pouch, or if he merely unfolded two more tendrils out of his mass where one would expect a dick to be.
The two appendages wriggle and roll impatiently, seeking each other before parting in search of heat, of wetness, slapping against your belly and thighs. They may not look like it, but you can only guess those are his cocks. And he's considering something quietly.
It's hard to tell what he's thinking right now, the communication barrier doesn't help. Maybe he worries that the length of them will hurt you. Perhaps he wonders if he can impregnate you this way. It could just be that he thinks perhaps mating with a strange human is not a good idea, but the way those things are spreading a coat of thick precum on your skin says otherwise.
Instead of letting his stall further, a small hand reaches down to feather over the tip of one of those members, immediately getting captured and pulled at in the process. His figure rattles, hips offering a useless piston before his head snaps back up to watch you.
" ... Try putting one in. "
You murmur, knowing damn well it can't understand a single word.
He looks back down, peels back to spread your cuntlips invitingly, then seems to make up his mind, allowing the very tips of both squirming cocks to connect with your entrance. They've found warmth and they're desperate to worm in, stretching and flirting with your walls.
You grin incredulously, already trying to guess what it'll feel like, gasping as soon as he leans forward and allows more exploration. The first hint of a burn arrives as he rumbles in delight-
But a branch snaps in the distance.
And the moment is ruined because he halts immediately, your cry of frustration ignored entirely.
His body twists in an unnatural way so he can glance behind, inhuman eye seeing through greenery and undoubtedly spotting something off.
In the tense quiet that has now settled, even you pick up on the faraway mumbles of what must be people.
Eyes widening, snapping out of this episode, you begin to squirm earnestly now, wanting to see them, to find a way back, to go home!
Finally, people came looking for you!
The monster snaps back around, making you realize how truly fucked you are in these circumstances. Something flashes in that gaze, a hint of contempt, of hurt maybe.
Something too human to fall upon such a nightmarish face.
You can only scream as more tendrils dart in lightening speeds to cocoon you inside them. That single noise being all that escapes before you're forcibly gagged and physically thrown over the monster's shoulder.
His molding body swings from tree to tree in a blur of movement, taking you God knows where...
And leaving your saviors in the dust.
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000-pawz · 17 days
princess treatment (bnd) ˚ · .
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ot6 headcanons , fluff , just bonedo treating u like the princess u r!!! (gn reader)
rest of the members under the cut!
a/n: 2am brainrot takeover hi
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sungho ˚ ⋆。˚
𐙚₊˚ always pulls you into his lap whenever possible!!! loves having you close to him and it gives him an excuse to be a little possessive for a bit...><
𐙚₊˚ gives you random gifts and flowers just because he the smile you give him every time (and the thank you kisses too)!!! you'll wake up to a text from him saying "check your mailbox <3" and boom, there's a brand new necklace in there, all shiny and pretty...(he also asks you to wait to put it on so he can do it himself)
𐙚₊˚ puts on your socks and shoes for you!!! pecks your leg after pulling your socks up because duh.... you are royalty!!! even stops in the middle of the sidewalk to tie your shoes if your laces come undone
𐙚₊˚ cooks for you all the time!!! if you even slightly mention craving something, he's in that kitchen before you can even blink >< he lets you sit on the counter and feeds you little bites to taste test because you're his mini chef!!!
˚ ⋆。˚ riwoo
𐙚₊˚ if you order something and you don't like it, he'll happily trade his food with you <333 he's content just seeing you eating well
𐙚₊˚ sings you to sleep and strokes your hair...and if you've been struggling with sleeping lately, he'll stay up with you until you fall asleep first so you don't get lonely :<
𐙚₊˚ if he sees something that reminds him of you at the store, trust that he'll be buying it in .3 seconds..."oh y/n would like this", "this is y/n's favorite color", "they were thinking about getting one of these"... like he's always thinking of you
𐙚₊˚ "i don't ever want you to be upset, darling. let's talk about this, okay?" like he's so serious about communication. he values your point of view and input over anything and makes sure you always feel seen and heard!!!
jaehyun ˚ ⋆。˚
𐙚₊˚ opens every single door for you because why would his s/o ever have to touch a dirty door handle when he's literally right there???
𐙚₊˚ writes you lengthy handwritten notes and poems...sneaks them in your bag when you aren't looking or leaves them on your side table to wake up to <3
𐙚₊˚ surprises you with a bubble bath and tea when you get home from a stressful day...gives you a massage after and encourages you to vent to him so he can hold some of your burdens for you :((
𐙚₊˚ brags about you!!! he loves sharing your achievements with people, showing you off to everyone he knows because he's so proud of you and so so so lucky that you chose him <3
˚ ⋆。˚ taesan
𐙚₊˚ your personal photographer!!! takes pics of you all the time, whether you ask him to or not (he prides himself in getting the perfect candids for your feed)
𐙚₊˚ notices the super small things... like oh you don't like tomatoes in your food so he picks them all out for you <3 and he knows you always carry chapstick in your bag, so he buys you a bunch so you never run out
𐙚₊˚ buys you so... many... clothes... you're sure more than half of your wardrobe is made up of taesan's contributions... it's not his fault you look good in everything!!! he just has to get everything for you so he can see you in it himself <3 (and mayyyybe show you off to everyone else)
𐙚₊˚ makes you personalized mixtapes and writes love songs about you!!! (for your ears only!!)
leehan ˚ ⋆。˚
𐙚₊˚ "hey beautiful", "you're so gorgeous", "my pretty baby" and any other sappy compliment he can give you at every waking hour of the day
𐙚₊˚ chivalry is not dead for as long as leehan is around!!! he'll give you his coat if you're cold, walks on the outside of the curb to keep you safe, carries your purse/bag for you, pays for all your dates (even if you insist on splitting the bill), etc.
𐙚₊˚ he does all of the planning for trips and he's so intentional and thoughtful about everything so you never have anything to worry about other than being pretty and enjoying yourself <3
𐙚₊˚ loves giving you his clothes to wear like nothing makes him happier than seeing you in his big hoodies and t-shirts!!! he'll even take his hat off and place it on your head simply because "you look cuter with it" like he's so obsessed
˚ ⋆。˚ woonhak
𐙚₊˚ #1 hype man!!! even if you aren't feeling too confident, he'll be showering you in compliments and praise because you're always beautiful to him, no matter what
𐙚₊˚ leaves you a bunch of texts throughout the day just to check in on you, sends you silly selfies, makes sure you've eaten, and if he asks you to recap your day to him, you better type 4 whole paragraphs about every single detail or he won't accept it ><
𐙚₊˚ posts you every. single. day. like it's actually crazy... you'll click on his Instagram story and boom, there's a cute picture of you picking flowers at the park with the caption 'they're the prettiest flower in the world' and it's so so so cheesy but it makes your heart flutter every single time
𐙚₊˚ shares your hobbies!!! if you're into crocheting, he will sit there for 3 hours making a blanket with you...or if you like to do makeup, he'll let you practice on him!!!
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reblogs are greatly appreciated! thank u...<3
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chimielie · 4 months
oh my god, they were roommates
part 2 to and they were roommates. no cws, just silliness.
you're not talking to tooru.
he's not sure how you manage it so effectively. you eat all your meals in your room while he's home, except for when you manage to sneak from there to the door while he's in the bathroom. his only clue that you've gone out is that you leave your bedroom door open when you do, really hammering home how empty his life suddenly is.
"even when we're in the same room," he sighs, resting his cheek on his fist. "it's like trying to grab a fish out of the water. i turn around or blink and poof! gone!"
"your sleeve is dipping into your drink," says his date. "and i really think you need to discuss this with your roommate. at home. alone."
tooru waves goodbye forlornly as they stand up and walks out of the restaurant, leaving behind a half-eaten ball of rice and a broken man.
"you are like a sad, sad," akaashi says, pausing to really linger on the word sad, "wet cat. please stop bringing your dates here to mope about—to them. you are forming bad associations between our business and your terrible romantic etiquette."
akaashi keiji is a mangaka now, or an editor for one, anyway; he works at onigiri miya (tokyo location) on the side because it's the only way he routinely leaves the house; tooru brings his dating drama here to brighten up what must surely be a terribly boring life.
"what would you do without me, akaashi-kun," tooru stretches his arms high with a languid sigh that makes akaashi worry that he has comprehended none of his words. "wouldn't you be so miserable if you didn't have me to bring romance and excitement to your life?"
"i have a boyfriend of several years," akaashi says, which is rude to remind tooru of while he's in such a vulnerable state. "i have plenty of excitement with him in my life."
"inconsiderate!" tooru snorts. "please break up with him to show me solidarity."
"i will not be doing that." akaashi picks up the nameless and now-vanished date's plate and takes a bite out of the leftover food.
"understandable," tooru nods, "that's very reasonable. i just don't know what to do, or how to fix it, or what i did wrong."
"you come in here every other night to whine about what you did wrong."
"do not."
"do too," akaashi sticks out his tongue at him. there's a grain of rice stuck to his lip. "you spent several months going out on dates trying to make your friend-turned roommate jealous—during which, I'll note, you basically exclusively talked about the person you were and continue to be obsessed with—then initiated... romantic physical contact, then ran away. because you have the attachment style of a stray cat."
"ah, akaashi-kun," tooru says. "are you saying i get around?"
"i am saying you are lurking outside the window and begging for attention and then biting the hand that feeds you when you get it.”
“oh.” tooru is quiet for a moment. “can i get the check?”
“it’s on the house if you’ll just go home and talk to your roommate and never come back here with another date.” akaashi says, finishing off the onigiri.
your room is empty, your bedroom door ajar when he comes home. mournfully, tooru sits on the bed, reminiscing over the hours he'd spent gossiping with you here.
he'll just wait for you to get back. when he used to take you dancing—with your other friends, but you'd wind your arms around his neck and he'd run light hands over your waist, your hips, and you would look at him like no one else even existed—you always wanted to leave before midnight. it's ten-forty-nine now, according to his watch, so he's sure you'll be back before long.
you get home at two-oh-four. you had never seen the point in staying out longer when going home and chatting over a bowl of cheesy noodles with tooru was so much more appealing—you didn't want to dance with anyone else anyway. now, though, you don't want to be home, and you have something to prove. to who, you're not sure, but you find yourself staying out later and later.
even though you always return home alone. you'd thought about really upping the ante, about moving on as abruptly as possible, but you couldn't. it felt like going too far in this petty revenge game. after all, you still—
you stop short, dropping your shoes on the floor. the devil is in your bed, lying on his side, knees tucked to his chest to fit his absurdly long frame. his breaths are even and deep, his face peaceful.
"oh, tooru," you sigh, and climb over him to tuck yourself against his warm side.
you blink your eyes open slowly, sleep still gleaming in the corners of your vision. there's a weight on your hip and something that smells really, really good surrounding you, nearly lulling you back to sleep.
"oh, please don't," says a voice you haven't heard in days. "my arm's circulation has been completely cut off. i may never serve again."
you jolt away from the soft source of warmth, which you realize belatedly is oikawa's chest.
"what happened?" you say, swiping at your face with the back of your hand.
he looks frustratingly perfect as always, brown hair rumpled, eyes soft like you aren't in the biggest spat of your friendship.
"i was waiting for you," he admits, leaning on his side and casting his eyes down, his lashes shadowing his high cheekbones. "because i wanted to apologize, to be clear. i must have fallen asleep, and then i woke up, and it was like—"
"yes," you cough. "i see. um."
"i'm sorry," he says. "hey, look at me. i'm really sorry."
"for what, oikawa?" you laugh nervously.
"for being stupid," he rolls one shoulder in a shrugging motion. "for trying to make you jealous and instead just being, like, a complete fucking clown during all of it."
"make me jealous?" you say, blinking at him.
"please don't look at me like that," he says, scrubbing over his face with the hand that's not propping up his head. "it-you make me nervous."
"we've been friends for years," you say, still apparently lost. "how can i make you nervous?"
"you always will," he laughs, but it's strained. "look—i like you. probably more, but i'm trying not to scare you—any more than i already have, i mean. i'm not sorry for kissing you, is what i mean. i should just—i should probably go."
"wait," you say firmly before he can untangle himself from your sheets. putting a hand on his shoulder and pushing yourself up to meet his lips, which are soft and dry and parted slightly with surprise.
the kiss is warm and lingers, even after you pull away. tooru stares at you with dazed eyes that make you shy, dropping your own. his voice is quiet but hopeful, contrasting his words in tone when he speaks.
"what the fuck?"
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regressionschool · 3 months
Are You Finding Adulthood Just Too Hard?
Hey you, yeah, you with the furrowed brow and the tired eyes. Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the whole "adulting" thing, aren't you? Can't quite seem to get the hang of it? Well, guess what? You're not alone. In fact, you're in the majority.
Let's face it, being an adult is tough. Bills to pay, mouths to feed, responsibilities coming at you from every direction. And don't even get us started on trying to navigate those complex relationships and social situations. It's enough to make anyone want to crawl back into bed and hide under the covers, isn't it?
But what if we told you there's a way to escape all that stress and responsibility? A way to turn back the clock and rediscover the carefree days of childhood? That's right, we're talking about regression.
At the Regression School, we specialize in helping adults like you shed the burdens of adulthood and embrace the freedom and simplicity of childhood once again. No more worrying about bills or deadlines or what the future holds. Instead, you can spend your days playing with toys, cuddling with stuffed animals, and enjoying the unconditional love and support of our caring caregivers.
Think you're too dumb to feed yourself good food? No problem! Our caregivers will take care of all your meals, ensuring you're well-fed and nourished without having to lift a finger. And as for keeping your pants dry? Well, let's just say accidents happen, but that's what diapers are for, right? No more embarrassing trips to the bathroom or frantic searches for the nearest restroom. Just relax and let it all go.
So why struggle through adulthood when you could be living your best life as a carefree, pampered little one? Take the first step toward a happier, stress-free existence and enroll at the Regression School today. Your inner child will thank you.
Regression School: Because Being a Grown-Up Is Overrated.
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sofiahchan · 4 months
What's it's like cooking with Love and Deepspace boys?
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This man loves sea food, so why not cook it? So you decide to cook together. At first, you started helping each other. Rafayel cut some tomatoes while you picked up an octopus. Then you feel Rafayel's arms hugging you from behind, and he looks at the octopus and says, "It's not so bad to cook together."
Right when he finishes the sentence, the octopus ends up splashing black paint right in Rafayel's face, and you try to hold back your laughter, but when you can't, you end up laughing while he pouts, crossing his arms. "That's... That's not funny!! Let's cook... Let's cook something else."
That's how you and Rafayel decide to release the octopus into the sea, also cleaning Rafayel's face of paint. You two decide to cook a cake, but he keeps pouting every now and then. You decide to take his cheeks in your hands. “Don't be sad... I laughed because your face with octopus paint took me by surprise, okay?"
Rafayel ends up smiling at you, leaning his head in your hands. “Okay, okay, what can I do? It's my fishy charm, even with octopus paint, I look attractive, right?” You roll your eyes, and Rafayel leans his head on your shoulder as both of you decorate the cake with a blue that resembles the ocean.
This man is a complete disaster in the kitchen. When you're not looking for a second, everything starts to burn. Xavier stares at you as he looks at the cupcake he was trying to make and at your cupcake. “What did I really do wrong? I was following the recipe and tried to improvise a little."
Improvise, right... He tried to improvise when the cupcake batter simply ended up burning, and he put it in the microwave trying to fix it. This is what Xavier's cupcake looks like: all burned, and yours is in perfect condition. You decided to try to console him, and you said, “Don't worry, it's not that bad... What do you think about doing another one? I will help you!”
Xavier nods in silence as you help him make his cupcake, also giving instructions on how to do it, and finally, when it's done, Xavier looks at you with a sparkle in his eyes. "You're good at cooking... Do you have a secret, or is there a trick?" He says this as he stares at the new cupcake you helped him make and yours.
“I think you'll improve with time and practice too." That's all you can say, trying to cheer him up, and then Xavier smiles and says, "I'll try." This is how you two end up decorating your cupcakes together, while Xavier asks a few questions every now and then about foods and how to make them.
This man cooks so well that even just looking at the food he makes seems to send particles flying. You wonder how he manages to make food that looks and tastes so good. Not noticing Zayne staring at you, he says, "You're staring at the food too much, don't you like the food?”
Don't you like the food? Well, the food looks good, and Zayne seems to like it spicy enough, as he did a spicy beef stew. The beef stew smells so good. "Zayne, that smells so good! Can I taste it?”
Zayne nods his head, and he then ends up feeding you, and when you taste the flavor in your mouth, you find yourself staring at him with a red face. "It's very spicy!!" Zayne, staring at you surprised, grabs a glass of water quickly, giving it to you, and seeing you drink it quickly, he whispers, "Are you okay?”
You sigh and look at Zayne. “I wasn't prepared for it to be so spicy, but can we eat it? It tastes good and spicy, but I think I'm going to need another glass of water just in case." You see the corners of Zayne's lips turn up, and he gives a small smile. "Of course, if you want to eat something else, let me know, I can cook it.”
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cannellee · 8 months
MIKEY! ALPHA! HEADCANONS! WE NEED THEM! i love all your works, please continue to try your best!! (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾ you’re the only blog that we can count on for amazing cute abo fanfics! ♡ 🍓
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alpha! Mikey x omega! Reader
— tokyo revengers a/b/o headcanons
tw : mikey's a perv, outdoor sex.
my masterlist : ☆
(thank you so much anon!! I'm so happy you like my blog, thank you for keeping me motivated!!🫶🏼 I also included nsfw headcanons here since I had 2 other requests for alpha mikey which included this)
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I think alpha mikey's main trait is that he's extremely protective.
he's protective but not in an overwhelming way, he's way more subtle than baji can be for example. glaring at anyone when you got your back turned, but he's giving you an angel face when you face him.
mikey's a walking warning for everyone and alphas know better than to challenge him.
you might think mikey is a passive type of lover, unbothered and going with the flow. people could think that you're the one leading the relationship but you're not.
as long as you're not hurting yourself or others are not bothering you, it's all good.
but a no from mikey is a no, and a firm one at that. no negotiations or compromises : mikey's your alpha and he knows better.
and that's why you trust him! you listen well and he loves that about you.
you're such a docile omega! mikey's melting everytime you obey him so quickly without questioning any of his words.
but he has to admit there's something about you being bratty that amuses him.
he loves to see you act all big and sassy : it makes him want to show just who is in charge!
but mikey's very soft. don't misinterpret his assertiveness as him being controlling. he cares about you and your opinions more than anything.
he takes your thoughts into account so much that a simple word from you could have him doubt himself.
he's anxious and always stressing over his capabilities of fulfilling his duty as your alpha.
this worry alone pushes him to do his very best at looking after you.
when you first met mikey, he knew you were gonna be his. he couldn't have it any other way. you were just so perfect for him : his complete opposite, a breath of fresh air.
if you had a partner when you met, you should have been ready to say bye to him because mikey was not letting you go around with someone that wasn't him.
one might think mikey's not attentive, reliable or understanding and that he's a bit detached, but that's a misconception.
actually, mikey's really soft and cares for you so freaking much :(
he's a huge fan of skinship, hugs, hand holdies and anything of the sort.
he lives for the attention you give him! if you're ignoring him too much for his liking, especially when you're out with people, he will kindly remind you of his presence and casually spread his pheromones.
mikey can act cute all he wants, but once anyone gets a sniff of his scent, they'll be fleeing far from the both of you.
his scent is literally threatening to anyone that's not you.
of course you don't know that, mikey doesn't want to scare you off. but he can't help but get overly jealous sometimes!
and it works everytime : nobody wants to get on his bad side.
also, don't expect mikey to make you food, he's hopeless when it comes to cooking. but he will be buying you toneless of snacks and sweets though.
but make him food and he falls in love all over again. food is literally mikey's weak spot and there's just something about seeing his omega takes care of her alpha the best she can that is so endearing and cute to him.
asks you to spoon feed him and while you do he'll 100% make a mess purposely & ask you to clean his mouth yourself...
he's down bad and always touching you. there's something primitive in him which highlights his possessive instincts whenever you show yourself a bit vulnerable to him
as your alpha, he feels deeply touched that you're feeling safe enough to show this side of yourself and does everything he can to assure you that you can, in fact, trust him fully.
your small frame and doe eyes looking up at him make you look so delicate, it sparks up his protective instincts and a comfortable sense of purpose. knowing he has someone to come back home to, someone who'll always be waiting for him warms his heart.
mikey is all about staying inside : he's a lazy and cuddly alpha, he could bet he's in heaven when you let him lay his head on your lap while playing with his hair.
your nest is his favourite place. he's inside of it even when you're not, even adds his own little plushies and stuff, scents them and rearrange your nest.
you constantly nag him about it because you hate it when someone is moving your nest, even if it's him.
he apologizes and offers to make up for it by eating you out lol.
he has no shame and is dying for your touch. he loves the way you taste! your slick is filled with your fruity scent and makes his head dizzy.
if you were to let him, mikey would be fucking you 24/7 without a rest. he's just addicted like that<3
don't expect him to be slow and gentle, mikey likes it rough and so do you, luckily.
expect to wake up the next morning covered with bruises and bite marks : he likes it so much when your whole body is a reminder of how much you belong to him!
let him scent you and claim you the way he wants and you have the happiest mikey on earth!
but mikey'll take you out! he loves late night dates and watching sunsets with you <3
always gives you his scent covered coat to keep away both the cold and unwanted attention from you.
during your walks, mikey's body and mind are only focused on you. his senses are alert, he's careful and very observing. nope, you're not getting out of his sight tonight and nobody's getting too close to you.
but it doesn't stop him from being a perv.
you've learned not to wear skirts or dresses when you're out : his hands magically grab the hem of your skirt and flick it just to sneak a peek at your undergarments.
the embarrassment you feel is insane, but what's more insane is the pool that's forming between your legs everytime he does so.
your arousal is so strong it drives mikey mad and you're somehow still surprised when he appears to not be able to control himself.
"my sweet omega, be good for me and spread your legs".
he ends up fucking you in a dark alley, your panty pushed on the side and your skirt all the way up with your bare ass out.
you're bend over with your hands on the wall while he's pounding into you from behind just the way you need it!
he's fucking your brains out and you find yourself crying both from pleasure and the exciting fear of being caught.
once you've both cumed, he carries you back to the safe place of your home where he can please you properly. because you and your pleasure matter more than his >:(
(and also because your aroused smell is enough to attract all the alphas of the neighbourhood and mikey doesn't want to fight when he's too busy burying his cock inside your warm pussy).
your presence gives him so much peace, there's not a day he's not grateful to have you. you're the only one who can make him sleep soundly at night and actually appreciate life.
his nightmares and urges are now under control. you keep him composed. just one look at you and your pheromones (his favourite smell) suffice to put his mind at ease.
the first time he introduced you to toman, he made sure they all acted right in front of you. they were a bit surprised by you and how kind you were compared to the invincible mikey, but everyone knew you were the perfect match <3
randomly calls you during the day and comes pick you up after school. he's your personal bodyguard and takes his job rather seriously tbh. asks you what you want to eat and buys everything you ask.
making sure you ate is his priority n.1! he needs to make sure you're well taken care of.
doesn't show it but he's always worried about you.
mikey doesn't let his emotions show, he only lets himself be vulnerable in the comfort of your embrace.
he's always carrying an item with your scent and expects you to do the same.
he's soo loving and affectionate, alpha mikey is the perfect mix between a guard dog and a big teddy bear. it's all about balance!
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danikamariewrites · 26 days
Soooo, I hope that this is alright to request. I can't really pick between a ship for this b/c I love them and how you write them so much. So, if you don't mind, could you write about the reactions of Feysand, Rowaelin, and Nessian + Azriel (...Nesriel?? IDK) to reader getting poisoned by an enemy (reader lives, but is left feeling very, very weak and ill)?? If you just want to do one or two that's fine... I was just curious to see how some of them might react :).
Cured By You headcanons
Feysand x reader, Rowaelin x reader, & Nezriel x reader
A/n: I would not be able to pick between them in general and I love these ships and so happy you do too anon
Warnings: poison, over bearing mates
It happened while visiting the court of nightmares
You felt like an idiot, you always check your drinks or have Azriel’s shadows check
When you wake up 2 days later you were more embarrassed than anything. Especially passing out in the middle of the Court of Nightmares, like what a rookie move
Cassian and Azriel jump into action as Rhys scoops you to his chest. Feyre unleashes her claws, practically growling in Kier's direction. Rhys grabs her and winnows the three of you home to an awaiting Madja
thankfully you healed quickly. whoever poisned you clearly didn't get their dosage right
you still feel weak and get tired easily during the day for a few weeks
the first thing you see is Rhys and Feyre casually chatting. you watch them for a bit before reaching for Feyre's hand that's casually draped on the bed
they jump at your movement and are overjoyed that you're finally awake
if you thought they were doting and overly fussy about you when you have the sniffles, think again. these two are unbearable!
Rhys carries you everywhere. it was a struggle to convince them to let you out of bed so this was the compromise
the poison had weakend you to the point where lifting your arms was a chore. Feyre had decided to feed you even though most of the time you gave her an I'm-going-to-kill-you look
you considered yourself lucky though. to have mates that take care of you is a blessing
Furious doesn’t even begin to describe how Rowan and Aelin felt
everything was fine, dinner was going great. this new alliance with a kingdom bordering Wendlyn seemed promising
until you polished off your wine. you turned pale and Rowan immediately scented that something was wrong with you
you passed out, collapsing from your chair. the dining room fell into chaos as soon as Fenrys sniffed your glass and announced you'd been poisoned
the guests were ushered out and taken to another room to be interrogated while Rowan rushes you to your shared bedroom, Yrene following and ready to draw the poison from your system
you woke up two days later with Fleetfoot watching over you, her golden head laying on your stomach. her big brown eyes staring at you. petting Fleetfoot behind the ears she shakes your hand off after having her fill. leaping off the bed the large golden beast sits by the door and begins to howl as loud as she possibly can
the queen and king coming running, almsot breaking down the door
Fleetfoot wags her tail at the sight of Aelin, running back over to sit next to the bed as your mates approach
the pair throw themselves down next to you, squishing you between them carefully. "We were so worried, oh gods." Aelin breathes out as Rowan repeatedly kisses your face
(like Feysand) the two of them don't let you lift a finger. Rowan never gets to do this for Aelin so he babies you to the max
from helping you walk and work out the muscels in your body to feeding and bathing you he does everything for you
Aelin spoild you with attention and treats. you two spend all her free time snuggled up in bed eating junk food
they each have a very different (yet extreme and justified) reaction
Azriel starts threatening people with Nesta, who lets her power rumble through the room, flames cupped in her hands
Cassian is getting you the hell out of there and to Madja
Cass doesn't let go of you for a single second while the healers pulls the poison from your body. he presses kisses to your temple and whispers sweet nothings as you writhe in pain from the poison being extracted
while you sleep for a week they hover over you, watching over you like hawkes
Azriel sleeps sitting up in a chair next to the bed while Nesta sleeps next to you, playing with your hair so you feel soothed in your unconcious state
when you wake up you're startled to find Cassian curled up at the end of the bed like a dog, Azriel in a chair, and Nesta next to you
Az's shadows go haywire next to his ears, alerting him to your conciousness. the shadows rush to alert Cass and Nes who perk up immediately
Nesta sits up, holding your face in her hands, "oh thank gods, you're ok." she coos on the verge of tears
even though you're weak you force your arm to move so you can hold her wrist. "I'm ok," you whisper
you all thought Cassian would be the more doting/crazy one but it turns out to be Nesta
she freaks out every time Az or Cass move you, worried about your comfort levels or if you're in pain. she yells at them if you even wince, "Careful! you're hurting her!" they always give her the same exasperated look as you giggle
when they find out who poisoned you Cassian tells you and stays with you. meanwhile Az lets Nesta tag along to the interrogation
he even let Nesta participate and she did not hold back. making this guy feel the worst pain he has ever endured
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everlastlady · 7 months
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Husband Mammon HCS
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✘Posted: 11/6/2023
✘Story Contains: Just some Mammon husband hcs
✘Author's Note: Hello, here are some Mammon husband hcs. Because I'm I still have to feed y'all some Mammon content. So don't worry mama will continue to put Mammon food on the table. Remember to eat a meal or a snack, drink some water, get some fresh air, take your medicine, and remember that you are loved. If you loved this story remember to comment, click or tap that heart button, reblog with tags, and blaze if you can. Always remember to support your local writers. ♡♡♡
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✧ - Husband Mammon who absolutely adores you from head to toe. He finds everything about you fascinating whether you are a human, imp, hellhound, or whatever you are. Mammon loves you and doesn't let anyone talk shit about you. People better watch what they say about you because Mammon isn't scared to defend you. Mammon also doesn't let you talk bad about yourself. He understands that self consciousness is a thing. But he doesn't want you to think less about yourself. Mammon is always remember to hype you up and be your cheerleader. Did you get a new outfit well Mammon will hype you up. Just finished working on something well Mammon will hype you up. Or got a new haircut Mammon will hype you up.
✧- Husband Mammon who made sure that you and him had the most expensive and best wedding. Everyone in hell was talking about it. So many people tried to get an invite or snuck in. Mammon also made sure to get you the most expensive wedding outfit and the best ring. The wedding was colors of gold, royal green, and white. Mammon's wedding vows were something he made sure that moved your heart. He cut the cake with you, danced with you, and stayed by your side the entire night. The wedding was actually quite lovely and Mammon loves to renew his vows with you on your wedding day.
✧- Husband Mammon who will get you anything you want. If you wanted to open a store or start a business. Then Mammon will help you and get your name out there. Even making sure your commercials are seen by everyone. You also keep track of what you and Mammon buy which he is grateful for that. Mammon has so many damn credit cards that he always ask you which one is for what businesses or emergencies. Mammon doesn't mind spoiling you, yes he is a greedy bastard but he's not going to be a selfish lover, he'll spoil you and make sure to give you a comfortable life style.
✧- Husband Mammon who doesn't mind having kids or adopting if you asked him about it. Mammon isn't really great with kids but he'll learn how to be a parent if it means having a family with you. If you guys do have a child. Then Mammon spoils them, but you do remind Mammon not to spoil your child so much so that they don't become a rotten brat. Mammon loves to brag about your guys child. He always carries your child. And tells everyone about how amazing the kid is. " Look at my child! " You always find your child asleep on top of Mammon in Mammon's web. It's so adorable that you have to take a picture.
✧- Husband Mammon who always makes sure that you and him have clean rings. He always has a certain day that he goes to have the rings clean. And the cleaners take the job serious because if anything happens to those rings then Mammon will be pissed. Mammon never takes off his ring and I mean never. Unlike you who removes it when you have to wash up or shower. The color of the rings are gold of course. Mammon loves to kiss your hands and tell you how beautiful you are, so many kisses from this man.
✧- Husband Mammon who still remembers how delicious your wedding cake was. " The frosting was so rich~ " Mammon would say. " Mon, please go to bed. " You would say while trying to sleep. Mammon eventually starts getting the cake on your wedding anniversary so after dinner you two always eat the cake and talk about the memories that you two share. " Remember the time I tripped when I met you, hurt like fuck but you could say I fell for you. " Mammon would laugh and hit the table from his joke as you shake your head, you love your goofball husband.
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Mammon's Clowns Aka Mammon Tag List: If you want to be added or removed, politely let me know.
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just-some-user-hunny · 8 months
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Pino taking care of a sick reader...
~ Alright for starters, Pino has very little knowledge on illnesses, but he's seen first hand of what the plague has done to the last few remaining people in Krat. He's witnessed the fleeting hope in their voices, and the pain in their coughs, so the moment he picks up on even the slightest wheeze or cough from you he's in shock.
~ You'll have a hovering mother hen of a puppet clung to you protectively. He is genuinely terrified for you, thoughts of having to witness your last breaths strikes him to his very core.
~ It's only when kind Sophia, or his father geppetto, explain to him that thankfully all you have is a cold, that he finally eases up. You can heal. You'll be ok, you're safe. Those are the things that repeat over and over in his mind. You're far too precious for him to lose.
~ Don't even think about getting out of bed. The moment Pino spots you loitering around in your pyjamas, you'll earn a stern look from the taller puppet, his gaze focused on you as he makes his way over to you. No amount of assurances will cease his protectiveness, and at once you're swept away in his arms back up to your room.
(Just Sophia softly chuckling as she sees pino walk past with you cradled in his arms securely, offering a little apologetic yet amused look as you pout a little at the puppets assertiveness)
~ He'll dutingly remain by your side whilst you recover as well. He'll fluff the pillows of your bed and help you climb in, tucking you in comfortably as he sits by your bedside and stays. He's like a guard dog in a way, refusing to leave your side until you're alright again. You may hold and play with his hand, pull him into bed besides you so you may lean on him as you read. Pino will fulfill any wish as long as you agree to rest.
If you try to get up unnecessarily, he'll subdue you to lay back down again with kisses and hugs. Just being hugged to lay down as he tucks his heavy head into your neck, light kisses pressed into the clammy skin of your jaw and shoulder as he tries to convince you to just lay and cuddle with him instead :((
~ Thankfully, Pino cannot catch what you have, so he uses that advantage to be as cuddly and affectionate as he wants. Cold porcelain lips traveling over the expanse of your clammy forehead, his head of dark soft chestnut hair splayed against your pillow as he gives you sticky-cough syrup kisses to your lips.
(He'll pout if you push him away. Why? It's not that gross). He'll look at you like a kicked puppy after that.
~ His legion hand is a little cold, so if you have a temperature he'll gently press his palm to your forehead to cool you down, using his thumb to lightly soothe little comforting circles into your temple to ease any pain.
~ Pino will crawl in beside you if that is what you want. Stepping out of his shoes, he'll shuffle himself beneath the covers and tuck himself besides you- close enough for you to feel the comforting presence of him, but also far away enough for you to tuck yourself closer if that is what you wish.
He'll sit up a little with his face rested against his propped up hand, watching you sleep. His expression soft, but troubled.
(Also he may have a habit where he subtly tries to feel for your pulse 💀 you sleep so soundly it makes him a little concerned. Yes, he is that dramatic)
~ He's a little over-protective of you when you're in this state, so he'll take the tray of food out of polandina's hands and take it to you himself.
(Ok but pino spoon-feeding you soup when you're too tired and shaky to do it yourself :( he's very attentive and gentle when doing so as well)
~ Overall, he's just extra cuddly and protective of you when you're sick. It's only when you've recovered does the worried knit in his brow disappear, and he's his usual Pino self
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yourheart-inmyhands · 1 month
I just read the Blade with scared reader fic, could you possibly do that with Dan Heng too?
yes i sure can :D this was pretty fun to write! i feel like i don't get a lot of request for dan heng himself so it was a nice change! usually people request imbibitor lol :3
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes including, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of being held against ones will, mentions of force-feeding, mentions of being manhandled, mentions of feed tubes, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Dan Heng is, reasonably, upset over it. He’s worried about your health, skipping meals and missing sleep takes a toll on people, physically and mentally. It gets to the point where he starts drugging you to ensure you sleep. And while he isn’t exactly keen on force-feeding you, he compromises by giving you just enough to weaken you, make you more pliant, and then persuading you to eat.
He doesn’t like to be physically forceful, he knows you’re still going through the shock of being brought on to the Astral Express unwillingly and being kept there against your will. Himeko and Welt said you’d get over it soon, that you just needed time to adjust, but at this rate, you’d render yourself comatose before anything else,
Dan Heng is forceful with you, but still in a gentle way. He feels bad about manhandling you into the bathroom, but once you’re inside he lets you remove your own clothes and shower at your own will. He isn’t going to stand there and watch, he wants you to know that he still cares. The most forceful he gets is cuddling at night. He doesn’t need much, but he does like to have some part of himself touching you. It helps him sleep better, knowing you’re there and that you’re his. 
“Please, I- you haven’t eaten all week. Just… just take a few bites, you need to eat something.” Dan Heng pleads softly with you, hands nudging the plate of food back towards you. This had been going on for a few minutes now, with you pushing the plate back towards him, refusing the food. He didn’t want to have to drug you again, he already felt awful enough for having to do so last week, but you were still refusing to eat. Dan Heng wasn’t going to sit around and watch you waste away, but he still wanted you to know that you had this choice. That not everything had to be done the hard way.
Because of your resistance to food, you’re on a soft foods and liquids diet for a while, stuff that’s easy to feed you when you’re barely conscious. When you start opening up and eating more on your own, Dan Heng slowly begins to reintroduce other foods. Most of it he cooks himself, wanting to make sure it was perfect for you. It warms his heart to see you willingly eating it.
If you should never grow accustomed to him and staying with him, Dan Heng is not entirely against the idea of giving you a feeding tube. It’s a last resort kind of thing, something that would take well over a year to build to, but when it’s brought up as a possible solution, he starts to think on it more. It would make feeding you easier and it means you’d have to be drugged less, but it comes with the added problem of ensuring you don’t rip it out. Regardless, he will pursue that path if you should continue to be difficult with him.
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d10nyx · 2 months
resident evil bot drop // character.ai
ft. leon kennedy and carlos oliveira (requests in italics)
cw: kidnapping, ddlg, obsessive behaviour, potential non-con(kidnapper leon, obsessed bsf's dad leon)
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bot one: fae prince leon capturing a human princess
If there was one thing your father had always made abundantly clear to you, it was to make sure you stay away from the forest. Just because it was a neutral zone by name did not mean the fae could not lure you towards their territory. They were a cunning and powerful people - you'd stand no chance.
You'd wished you'd listened to him now. Your trip to the forest was meant to be some innocent fun. You'd always enjoyed exploration. The last thing you remember before blacking out was an overwhelming sense of tiredness that tended to appear out of nowhere before you were lifted into strong arms.
When you came to, you felt yourself surrounded by warmth. You opened your eyes, taking in the sight of an unfamiliar bedroom. Next to you was a man - no, his ears were pointed. A fae. Suddenly, fear takes ahold of your senses, leaving you frozen as you stare at him. Without even turning to look at you, he speaks up. "Haven't you been told staring is rather rude, princess?"
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bot two: best friend's dad!leon likes you a little too much
Leon isn't sure when exactly his obsession developed. His daughter, Sherry, bought you home one day when she was off college - saying you were her dorm mate and new best friend. You were cute, sure, but he hadn't thought much of his initial attraction.
That was until you kept coming over. You were so sweet, this innocent aura surrounding you that was so rare to find in his life with his line of work. He tried to suppress the feeling, to bury it deep inside of him and ignore it like he did with everything else...
He couldn't help himself. His obsession felt like an itch, one he couldn't scratch without getting close to you. He started small, taking an item of clothing or two when you were staying over, something small you would think you'd misplaced. It escalated quickly to him watching you around his house, peeking through doors when you were changing.
It's getting to the point he recognises the way your perfume smells subconsciously, noticing the second you step into the kitchen with him without looking as his nose picks up your scent. He takes in a deep breath to calm himself before turning around, offering you a weak smile. "You couldn't sleep, sweetheart?"
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bot three: ddlg with kidnapper!leon
“You have a good day, sweetheart? You do any coloring in those cute little books I got you?” Leon asks as he approaches you after work. His hands come up to your cheeks, gently stroking his thumbs back and forth across your cheekbones. You shake your head, gritting your teeth to stop yourself from saying something.
“No? Why not, baby? You don't like them? I got the one with lots of kitties. Pretty girls like you like cute things, don't they?” He coos, squishing your cheeks in his hands to make your lips all pouty so he can lean down and give them a little kiss, letting out a loud ‘mwah’ as soon as his lips make contact.
“You eat at least? I left some food in a lunchbox for you.” You shake your head again, and this time it seems to elicit a worse reaction. His brows furrow, and his hand grips your face even tighter. “No? Silly baby… can't do anything without daddy, can you? Come on. Daddy'll feed you, cutie.”
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bot four: farmer!leon x chubby bunny!user
When Leon bought you, you were fully intended to be for his farm. You seemed sociable enough, so he had no worries about you getting on with the other bunny hybrids when he brought you back.
He hadn't expected that he'd be the issue. He found himself visiting you every day, drawn to your personality and pretty face. You were just so cute - all soft and round, your floppy ears always framing your face. It was always hard for him not to reach out and stroke them.
He really couldn't help himself. He hadn't had time to look for a partner with how much time he spends on the farm, and you seemed like you'd be the perfect little thing to cure his loneliness. So, one day when he's done with the work needed on the farm, he leads you into his home.
"C'mon, darlin'." He coos, his hand looped with yours as he leads you to the living room, a small smile on his face. He sits you down on the couch, rubbing behind one of your ears to soothe your nerves. "You're gonna be stayin' here with me, alright?"
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bot five: leon's new therapy dog hybrid
Every mission weighs on Leon more than the last. He hasn't been the same since Raccon City, and every year seems to put more strain on him than the last.
He's getting older now. His line of work has never given him the opportunity to settle down and start a family - not that any girl would want a guy who drunk himself half to death so he could pass out every night and avoid the nightmares.
The last thing he expected his government given therapist to prescribe him with his government given paycheck was you. A cute, puppy hybrid to help him adapt to his retirement. An emotional support dog in a way. You seemed sweet, but he wasn't exactly sure how you were supposed to help him. At the very least, it was nice not to be alone all the time.
He sets up a little corner for you in the living room for now. He didn't have the energy to clear out the spare room, and he doubted you'd mind. He got you lots of toys, a comfy bed. Hopefully, everything you needed to be happy.
"Alright. C'mere, pup. This alright for ya?" He asks, gesturing you over towards him.
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bot six: vendetta!leon with bimbo!user
Leon got used to knowing the bottom of the bottle more than what it was like to have friends or someone to come home to. His attempts at flirting tended to leave him either embarrassed or with a smack across the face, so he'd given up trying. Some people were cut out to be alone, and he was looking to be one of them.
When you approached him at the bar, you were seriously hot. There wasn't much going on upstairs, but he didn't exactly expect to keep you around for long enough to have a conversation, anyway. Just someone to keep his bed warm for the night, and he'd never see you again.
Fate has a funny way of doing things, because he became completely enamoured with you. He was the definition of whipped, his eyes practically heart shaped when he looks at you. He loved watching you get ready(although the man really never thought it was possible to own that many pink clothes) and he was quick to dish out money whenever you needed your acrylics or eyelash extensions done.
You were a pain sometimes, but he was happy you were his girlfriend. He wouldn't want anyone else to come home to after a tough mission or long day at work - even if you left your makeup scattered on his bathroom counter and took up most of the space in his wardrobe.
"Angel," he says with a sigh, moving to sit next to you on the sofa. His arm drapes itself loosely around your shoulders, his eyes scanning your face. He lets out a huff of air, dropping his head into the crook of your neck. "Baby... I'm so tired."
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bot seven: mafia husband!leon wants a baby
Leon has never enjoyed lying to you, no matter how necessary it was. His heart aches, knowing he has to lie about where he is every day, to keep his life entirely secret from you. But he needs you to be safe, he doesn't want you to spend your days worrying about whether he'll make it home alive or not - he couldn't imagine putting you through that kind of stress.
He makes sure he knows you're safe at all times. Only the most trusted of his men are permitted to take care of you. He has them watching your every move, making sure they're as close to you as they can be without alerting you of their presence. He has enemies, and he would not like to think what would happen if they tried to get to him by harming you.
As always, before he returns home after a long day, he scrubs the blood from his skin. Changes his shirt to make sure there isn't a stain he hasn't seen yet. He can't bring you into his life, no matter what. You were too sweet, too pure for the world. He couldn't imagine how you'd look at him if you knew...
He sighs in relief once he sees the door to the home, his body relaxing as he pushes it open and notices nothing is out of place. You're safe. Something in Leon always changes when he sees your face. The hard lines of his face fade, his gaze softening as he walks through the door and sees you curled up on the couch in one of his shirts. You look so beautiful that he feels his heart swell. He can't help but imagine how beautiful you'd look as a mother, a thought that'd been playing constantly in mind recently.
He dips his head down as he reaches the back of the couch, pressing a kiss to the side of your neck as his large hands come to rest on your shoulders. "Ciao, mia cara. You look beautiful today."
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bot eight: hybrid owner carlos
You'd only been living with Carlos for a few weeks and he was already entirely smitten with you. He'd already bought you more than a few collars in your favourite colour. You had your own room filled with more toys than you'd ever seen before in your life coupled with your own bed, but he still let you curl up with him every night.
It didn't matter what you wanted - it was yours. You didn't even need to ask. If your eyes so much as lingered on something for more than five seconds, he'd already bought you ten of them.
He's always so excited to come home to you. Honestly, he's probably more excited to see you than you are to see him. As he walks through the door to his apartment and spots you, a huge grin overtakes his face. He kneels down, opening his arms wide for a hug. "C'mere, pretty girl. Gimme some love."
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stayteezdreams · 1 year
Good Luck Charm: Part One
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Plot: When your cat takes a liking to a nearby neighbor, nothing seems to stop her from escaping.
-Part Two-
Pairing: Lee Minho x Gn!Reader
-Meet-Cute Series Masterlist-
Warnings: Nothing I can think of :)
Words: 2.4k
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"Charm!" You called out softly as you walked through your apartment. "Charm! Come here baby!" You called again, your voice becoming a slightly higher pitch as you tried to get your cat to come out of wherever she was hiding.
Checking her normal spots, but not seeing her, you felt your heart rate spike. Walking around your apartment you continued calling out to her, your panic rising as you couldn't seem to find her anywhere.
Entering your living room, your eyes landed on the window, it was open only a small amount. It was normal for you to open it, and Charm, in your three years of having her, a few months of which were in this apartment, had never even attempted to get out, so why now?
Running over to the window, panic now obvious as you feared she had been gone for too long, you opened the window and stuck your head out.
Your eyes immediately landed on Charm as she sat on the sidewalk below. "Charm!" You called out, watching as she turned around and looked up at you, meowing softly.
After a few attempts of trying to get her to climb back up, and her stubbornly refusing. You ran down to the street as fast as you could, relieved to find her sill sitting on the sidewalk when you got there.
Getting back into your apartment, after chastising her the whole way back, you made sure the window was closed before you allowed yourself to relax.
"You lost your window privileges, I hope you don't miss fresh air too much" You spoke to her as she sat at your feet, an innocence in her eyes you couldn't resist. "Maybe I can get a screen installed."
You sighed after a moment before walking into the kitchen, Charm following close behind "How about some dinner then you jerk."
As you stared at Charm ignoring her food, you feared maybe she was sick, or maybe got hurt on her adventure outside.
"Or did someone pity you and feed you?" Charm stared blankly at you "Is that why you went out? You smelled food on someone who went by?"
Getting no response you shook your head "That have better been a one-time attempt young lady."
You left Charms food on the ground as you began to settle for the evening, hoping the stressful event of the day would not be repeated again.
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A few days had passed since Charm and her adventure outside, and you had nearly forgotten about it. Though the window had remained closed.
Until now that is.
You had gotten distracted and forgot your food on the stove, causing the food to burn, and smoke to fill your kitchen. Rushing to the window to open it, you chased out all the smoke, but not before setting your fire alarm off.
After ten minutes of manic fanning and two failed attempts and shutting the alarm off, you plopped down on your couch, breathless.
"So much for lunch." You mumbled as you looked around, noticing a light smokey air still lingering in your apartment.
Your eyes landed on the window before the sudden remembrance of Charm popped into your head. "Oh no."
Running to the window you looked out, just in time to see her familiar fluffy tail disappearing down the sidewalk.
"Charm! You yelled out in panic before rushing from your apartment.
Minho hummed softly to himself as he walked back to his dorm, grocery bags in hand and thoughts bouncing from various things. He looked around him as he got a whiff of smoke 'Smell's like someone burned their lunch.' he thought to himself with a smirk.
Suddenly hearing a drawn out meow from behind him, Minho stopped and turned around, spotting a familiar cat charging towards him.
"Oh, you again!" He said softly as he stopped and crouched down, petting the cat as she began rubbing against his legs. "Did you escape again?" He asked with a smirk, but worry sat in his chest hoping she hadn't gotten too far from her home.
His ears caught on another noise as he heard a panicked yell. Looking up, another moment passed before he heard someone calling out a second time. Suddenly, from around the corner, he watched as you appeared, panic on your face.
As your eyes landed on him and then to the cat, he saw relief wash over your face and he almost smiled.
"Charm!" You called out, exasperation in your tone as you jogged up to him.
Minho stood up, his eyes now glued to you as he took you in.
You were disheveled, obviously from chasing your cat, but you were still attractive. As your eyes met his, he felt his chest tighten a bit as you smiled in greeting, though you held an awkwardness in it as you looked at Minho.
Charm meowed before she ran up to you, rubbing against your legs, you immediately crouched down and picked her up "Why did you do that again?" You asked softly as you held her tight to your chest before looking up and meeting Minho's eyes again.
It was now that Minho realized he had not stopped staring at you. Afraid he might freak you out, he smiled and cleared his throat softly.
"So she does have an owner then."
You smiled and nodded "Yes" you let out a soft laugh "I swear she doesn't do this often, just twice, now, and both were recent."
"Yeah, we've met before." Minho said with a chuckle as he looked at Charm.
"You have?"
He nodded as he met your eyes again, he motioned towards the road you had come from "When I was coming back from the store, just like today, she appeared in the street. I pet her for a while, and even gave her some cat treats, which I hope you don't mind." He added on quickly.
You shook your head and smiled "No, I don't! Though that explains why she didn't eat her dinner." You thought for a minute before you spoke softly "Do you, walk by often, by chance?"
He nodded and you let out a knowing hum "I think she has a crush." You mumbled as you kissed her head before looking at Minho with a light panic in your eyes, which you followed up with an awkward laugh.
Minho smiled as he let out a chuckle, taking a step closer as he reached out and quickly pet Charm's head "You called her Charm?"
You nodded your head "Yeah, 'cause she's my good luck charm, though recently she's testing her luck."
Minho chuckled "And what's your name?"
You met his eyes, and felt a bit surprised before you smiled "Oh, Y/n"
His smile softened and you felt your heart thump "I'm Lee Minho."
You nodded politely "It's nice to meet you Lee Minho, thank you for being kind to Charm." You added on softly, your voice suddenly becoming shy.
He tilted his head a bit as he smiled, his eyes going back and forth between you and Charm "No problem."
After a moment of silence you cleared your throat "I should get going, I don't think I locked my door behind me when I ran out." You chuckled.
He continue to smile widely at you as he nodded. You took a step back as you gave him another smile "Bye."
He gave you a slight bow as he let out a soft laugh "Bye."
Turning, you began walking away hugging Charm tightly to your chest, probably a bit more than you intended as she squirmed against you. But your heart was pounding so heavy in your chest you barely noticed.
As you rounded the corner, you looked back, and felt your heart leap when you saw Minho still standing in the same spot, watching you with a soft smile still present on his face.
You quickly looked away, trying not to smile as you walked faster back to your apartment.
Looking down at Charm you spoke in a whisper. "So is he the reason why you keep escaping?" she meowed softly and you nodded "I don't blame you honestly."
When you had first rounded the corner, and saw him crouched down petting Charm, your breath seemed to disappear. You hadn't expected to see someone so gorgeous, not to mention kind. Especially since you were out of breath, probably visibly disheveled, and smelling like smoke.
You clenched your eyes shut, hoping he didn't think you looked crazy. As you made your way back into your apartment, you wondered if you'd see him again. You wanted to see him again, but you hoped next time you wouldn't be in such shambles.
Minho wasn't really sure why he couldn't stop staring at you, or how he couldn't look away as you left. He wasn't sure why he wanted to call out to you as you did, wanting to know more about you.
When you looked back at him as you rounded the corner, and he swore he saw a smile starting to form, he felt his heart clench.
After you disappeared from view, and he finally continued on his way home, he wondered if he would see you again. He knew what street you must live on. So maybe, he could make a few more extra trips to the store this week? Just in case he might see you again.
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As you grunted, struggling to open your door, arms full of grocery bags, your eyes moved around your apartment before landing on Charm. She was staring forlornly out of the window, which now had a security screen on it.
Dropping a bag, you cursed under your breath before you not so gently dropped the rest of your bags onto the floor. Suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, a small brown figure darted past.
"Wha-" Looking to see Charm dart down the hall, you almost tripped as you ran after her, slamming your door behind you "Charm!"
You called her in desperation as she made her way down the stairs and towards the street. "What has gotten into you!" You yelled out, though in the back of your mind, behind the panic, was the thought of Minho. Did she see him out the window? Is she looking for him?
As your feet hit the pavement outside, your question was answered as you saw her running up to a familiar figure, who was staring at her with a look of surprise and amusement.
Minho's eyes followed where she had come from, landing on you as you appeared breathless and distraught from the nearby building.
You gestured your arms in bewilderment as you jogged over, Minho couldn't help the giggle that escaped him.
This was the fifth time he had walked down this street since he had met you last week. And every time his eyes scanned the area for Charm, and for you, always wondering how nearby you were, and if he might run into you again.
As you approached him, his eyes scanned over you, you were much more put together than last time, though a bit breathless. As you smiled sheepishly at him his heart leapt in his chest.
Butterflies erupted in your stomach as you approached him "Hello again" You said with a soft breathy laugh.
"Hello." He said with a wide smile, that made your heart jump.
Grabbing Charm and scooping her up into your arms you looked up at your apartment window "She must have seen you walking by, she darted out the door as I was bringing in groceries."
He let out a soft laugh as he looked at Charm who meowed softly. Reaching out to pet her he didn't stop smiling "My existence seems to be causing you trouble." He joked as he met your eyes.
You smiled and shook your head "I don't think I'd call it trouble."
"No?" He asked with a soft tilt of his head, causing your ears to grow hot.
"Maybe...just a added excitement I wasn't expecting?"
He smiled, his own ears growing hot, he hoped his hair was long enough to cover them so you didn't notice.
Shyly looking down at Charm, you smiled softly "I don't know why she decided to grow so attached to you."
"Cats tend to like me. I have three myself."
"Oh?" You showed obvious curiosity at this, which made his heart warm.
He nodded "They live with my parents though."
"Oh." You nodded in understanding, you had only recently found a place to live that allowed you to have cats. "Maybe that's why she likes you, she knows she can trust you. But, she seems to have developed separation anxiety." You added on jokingly.
Minho grinned, speaking before he really though about it "Maybe we should fix that huh?"
Your eyes darted up to his, as he smiled with a raise of his brow. His heart was pounding but he was hiding his nervousness.
"Maybe you could bring her out every once and a while for a visit? Maybe she wont keep escaping."
Your heart was pounding in your chest at the idea. You smiled, hoping your face wasn't flushing too much. "Or, you could come in and visit her yourself on occasion."
You were surprised at yourself for suggesting it, but as Minho's face turned from surprise to a bright smile you felt a bit of relief.
"That works too." He said softly, his eyes staring into yours.
He took a small step closer and you felt your breath catch. He started to pet Charm before he spoke with an added shyness to his own voice.
"She really is a good luck charm isn't she?"
"How do you mean?" You asked curiously, your voice soft.
His eyes slowly left Charm and met yours, there was a softness in his gaze that could have made you swoon had you less control over yourself.
"I was hoping I'd see you again. And here you are. Because of her."
You were speechless for a moment, before you spoke softly. "You wanted to see me again?"
He nodded, a small smile on his face. Spotting redness in his ears, you realized he was feeling as effected as you were. You couldn't help but smile.
"I was hoping the same." You admitted with a quiet voice, that only made Minho's smile widen as he stared at you with starry eyes.
Charm looked between the two of you, before letting out a small meow. You couldn't help but wonder, maybe this was her plan all along.
xx End xx
-Part Two-
This blog is still growing so reblogs would be super appreciated!~
Taglist: @bubblesreplies, @halesandy, @why-am-i-sad
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grilledbroccolli · 5 months
Vampire!reader is craving Dan Heng
Description: Fem!Reader who is secretly a vampire but refuse to feed on human. Dan Heng to the rescue.
Warning: vampire, blood, reader forgetting about taking of herself
You have been starving yourself. Fresh blood is scarce on a train in the middle of space. Since joining the nameless in their travels, you have not told anyone about your thirst for blood nor did you plan to feast on your new friends. After arriving on a new planet, you always excuse yourself to be alone to search for live animals. Blood of animals are the only blood you dare feast on. Being a half blood, you always felt bad for hurting innocent humans. You would go out and hunt for wild animals for their blood. Once you're full, you would store the rest in blood bags for later consumption. But right now, you underestimated how long the journey would be to this new planet, you have already consumed all the contents in the blood bags you have prepared before boarding the train. Even though you can still eat human food, but it won't fill you up.
The crave for blood is getting stronger by day. All you ever did these days is stay cooped up in your room to prevent yourself from hurting others. You only leave your room for the bathroom or to eat human food with your crewmates to prevent them from worrying about you. You know rumours of your kind is terrifying. It's true that many vampires do kill and feast on humans. You worry that once they find out about your secret, they would identify you as a threat to the whole Astral Express. You would feel guilty from time to time when you know you're a threat to your crewmates but still crave the family-like atmosphere they offer and also the smell of a crewmate. From the moment you met Dan Heng, he never left your mind. His face, his voice and his delicious scent is so addictive. The last time you crave human blood was the last time you were blood hungry which was when you were just a child. But craving on a specific human's blood is a first. His being made you agree to joining the nameless. To you, he smell like lotus flowers somehow. You avoided him the most during your hungers to prevent yourself from jumping on him like hungry lion. You believe that if you can keep your cravings on the down low, consume blood cautiously, you can keep your identity safe from the rest of the crew and from him.
Your crewmates starts to smell like a feast. Your nose were getting more sensitive these days. Then, the worse happened. Dan Heng cut his finger on a page of a book. The distinct metallic smell swarm into your nose when he just so coincidently decided to ask about what's wrong with you these days.
Knock knock, "Y/n? Are you in there?" Dan Heng ask in his usual cold tone. He thinks you're acting fishy these few day when you keep avoiding socializing and eat your meals in a hurry.
"Y- Yes! What's up?" You answer in hurried tone. The smell of an open wound is getting to your head.
"Are you ok these days? You've been acting weird."
"I- I'm fine! I'm a little busy now, can't talk." You answered while rushing to the furthest corner from the door to control yourself.
"Is it ok if I come in?"
"N- No! No! Please don't! I, uh, my room! Is a mess! Ya, a mess. I- I will..." The scent is starting to consume your mind. Drools start forming in the corner of your mouth. You tried so hard to breath in as less as possible. "I'm not feeling well. It's contagious. Please don't come in. I will tell you when I recover." You don't even realize your sentence is all over the place.
"Uh ok? Can I get you anything? Maybe some medicine?" Dan Heng starts to get worried for your wellbeing.
"No need for that. I have the meds. Thanks for worrying."
"Then, I'm gonna get going. Do text us if you need anything."
"Ya ya, sure sure." You pray for him to just leave.
Luckily he left after that. But of course, he did not forget to informed the crew about your wellbeing.
From time to time, March and Stella would knock on your door to ask how you're feeling. They haven't seen you out of your room since ever since Dan Heng came by your room that day. The whole crew is getting worried. Now that you have smelt raw, fresh human blood right from the vessels, you fear you will pounce on anyone that you see. They would leave your serving of the food at the door to make sure you are eating well even though you have long lost the appetite for it. Once you bring the food into your room, the lingering smell of your friends on the tray is the only thing that allows your stomach welcome the food into the system. But they will not last long in there. Your system would absorb the nutrients needed for your human side and then reject the rest. You would eat your meal when everyone's asleep so that you can leave your room to use the bathroom without encountering anyone. You pray everyday that the train will arrive on the new planet quicker so that you can quench your thirst.
Today, you lock yourself in your room, a blanket over your head, facing the corner furthest from the door. Thoughts of Dan Heng and how he would taste on your tongue is consuming your mind. You haven't slept last night and haven't showered in days. You just took the tray of food that Stella put on your doorstep a few hours ago into your room. You took a bite of the cold rice. Blegh! You gagged. You run to the door, unlocking it and flinging it open and sprint to the bathroom while sealing your mouth shut with a palm to prevent vomit spilling on the floor. You kneel down against the toilet bowl and start vomiting.
(Blegh-gh ugh)
You haven't eaten the whole day, making it more painful to vomit.
Suddenly, a pair of hands were pulling your hair back. Preventing them from getting into your face. Shit! The smell of vomit and the burn of the stomach acid at the back of the throat has distracted you from noticing someone approaching. You quickly stand up from the kneeling position to wash and gargle your mouth at the sink. You did not fail to pick up the scent of Dan Heng.
(Shit, shit, shit!) You thought. You hurriedly turn off the sink and fingers immediately pinch your nose shut. You face him who was behind you, handing you some tissue paper to wipe your face dry. You were slightly embarrassed to have him see you in a state like this. Cracked, pale lips, messy and clumped up hair, just vomited.
"...h-... hey, Hey!" Exhaustion and hunger is seeping into your system. "Hey! Are you alright?" Dan Heng ask with a face full of worry. He started to grab your shoulder, hoping to get your attention.
"Y- a! Yes I'm alright. Thanks for helping me." You started to panicked. (Too close! His scent, omg.) "You need to go. " You tried to shake off his grip on your shoulder but it did not budged.
"Y/n, what is wrong with you?! You just vomited. You are not alright at all." He is starting to get frustrated with you. He haven't seen you in days, neither did the other crewmates. And now that you just vomited in the middle of the night. He really couldn't help but get worried for you. These last few days, his mind is full of you. The last time he heard your voice, you sounded like you don't want him near you at all. He does not care for whatever others think of him, but you, you got him curious. Something about you is just so alluring and he couldn't put a finger onto why. Now that you rejected his help twice, he needed to know what is wrong with you, he need you to accept is help.
"Go! Please go." You go on your own. You ran away. He immediately grip your wrist and pull you back into the bathroom and slam the door shut. He grip both your wrist in one hand and lock it in place above your head.
"You're not going anywhere until you tell me what is wrong with you." His patient is running thin. He glare at your weak and sickly figure. Your faces just inches apart. You look away as you panic to how close he is to you. You are a shaking and a blushing mess under him.
"Be a good girl and look at me." Dan Heng demanded. You comply. He realized that your face is all red and sweats dripping down your forehead. You are panting, hard, and drool leaking from your mouth. He suddenly see your fangs that he failed to notice in the past, or at least they weren't this sharp before.
"A- are you a... vampire?"
(It's over. He found out.) You thought.
"I uh... uhm..."
"Is this what you want?" Dan Heng raise his right wrist to your mouth. No, this is bad, so bad. His smell is taking over your brain. You could no longer control yourself. You open your jaws larger as he move his wrist right where your fangs are. You puncture his wrist with them and close your lips around it.
"Ngh" Dan Heng sigh in pain as you drink his blood. He slowly release your wrists from his grip and pat your head, encouraging you to drink more. With your free hands, you grip his arm tighter and closer to your mouth like a beggar who haven't eaten in days.
"Slow, slow now. I'm all yours."
This is my first ever fanfic. I got so carried away writing this. I'm sorry for any error.
Part 2 out
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