#zodiac change saturn
rudrjobdesk · 2 years
जुलाई में पांच बड़े ग्रहों की स्थिति में होगा बदलाव, जानें आपकी राशि पर क्या पड़ेगा प्रभाव
जुलाई में पांच बड़े ग्रहों की स्थिति में होगा बदलाव, जानें आपकी राशि पर क्या पड़ेगा प्रभाव
Grah Rashi Parivartan 2022 July: जुलाई में कई बड़े ग्रहों की स्थिति में परिवर्तन होगा। 2 जुलाई को ग्रहों के राजकुमार बुध मिथुन राशि में प्रवेश करेंगे। इसके बाद 12 जुलाई को शनि वक्री अवस्था में आएंगे। शनि ग्रह की चाल में परिवर्तन के ठीक अगले दिन 13 जुलाई को शुक्र मिथुन राशि में प्रवेश करेंगे। 16 जुलाई को सूर्य मिथुन राशि से निकलकर कर्क राशि में गोचर करेंगे। इसके बाद महीने के अंत में मीन राशि में…
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1introvertedsage · 5 months
Saturn destroys all forms that under its influence have 'hardened too much'.
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alientitty · 1 year
btw this is why I don't take issue with calling signs (and planets for the most part) masculine/feminine in astrology. because if you understand what a natal chart is then you know all the principles/archetypes/energies are inside everyone, and each shows up in particular situations. but also more conceptually I think it's fine to have a duality because as humans we do like dividing things into groups of 2, so as long as the concepts have meaning they are a useful way to describe concepts. there is also hot/cold and dry/wet but they are less commonly used that way today and thus are not as good starting points. plus there is also triplicities and quadruplicities (modality and element) which are used more anyway (especially elements (gender + dryness--each gender has both a uniting and separating manifestation)). but I will refer to signs as nocturnal/diurnal domicile (instead of maculine/feminine) just cuz I think it's a smoother metaphor.
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the-moon-devi · 5 months
Astro Indicators Of Being Curvy
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Reminder! This can change based off of genetics, and if you have any harsh aspects from saturn to any of these planets/placements.
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🍑 Jupiter Dominance~ Individuals with Jupiter as one of their dominant planets tend to have a curvaceous appearance or a particular body part that is noticeably larger. However, this trait usually manifests in conjunction with other factors. Jupiter governs the legs, which often leads to this body part being much more prominent than others.
🍑 Moon/Venus Dominance: Both of these are feminine planets. Having 1 or both of these as your top 3 dominant planets gives the native a natural, curvy shape and womanly appearance. Moon gives you softness and bust. Moon can also bring the weight, while venus brings in the shape and curves. Moon rules boobs and venus rules the butt.
🍑 Sag/Taurus/Cancer/Libra dominant
🍑 Ceres in 1h/ conjunct Asc~ This is the asteroid of motherhood. And from what I've notice this brings women specifically a plumpness and curviness to their appearance. Their womanly body parts are more accentuated. Usually the chest area is prominent too!
Ex: Marilyn Monroe
🍑 Saggittarius Ascendants- our centaurs bring the legs. Lol. Although it doesn't always have to be the legs but it's usually something nice about that area. Sag Ascendants are ruled by the planet of expansion (jupiter) so its never surprising when I see that they are thicker than most people in their family.
🍑 purva ashada Ascendants
🍑 Cancer Ascendants- cancer all around brings womanliness, and femininity. They can sometimes embody that motherly figure of having wider hips and being thicker especially once they get older. Most the times when we see Cancer Ascendants who are slim they usually have saturn or mercurial influence on the Ascendant. Cancer can also bring the tata's.
🍑 Libra/Taurus Ascendants
🍑 7th house lord (positively aspecting) jupiter/moon
🍑 Moon in 2nd,1st,7th,4th house
🍑 Venus - Jupiter
🍒 Venus - Moon
🍒 4th house ruler aspecting Jupiter
🍒 Jupiter in 1h, 2h, 4h
🍒 Punarvasu, Vishaka, Purvabhadrapada in big 3
🍒 Jupiter aspecting sun/moon, ascendant, ascendant ruler
🍒 Mars ruled nakshatras in big 3; dhanistha,Mrigashira, Chitra
🍒 Aqaurius Moon/ Uranus - Moon; The Curious Case of Aquarius and Curviness/
It's perplexing to think about how Aquarius or even Uranus could be related to body shape. However, these celestial bodies are known for ruling trends, and in recent years, it has become fashionable to embrace curves. Women who are curvier than the norm, especially those from diverse cultural backgrounds, have become the face of uniqueness. Aquarius, the outcast of the zodiac, can bring attention to unconventional body parts on women. This can be unexpected and may occur with age, causing body image issues in some women, especially those with an Aquarius moon. This sign also brings a taboo or otherworldly appearance, which is why I believe Sarah Baartman, who was treated like an animal for her appearance, was an Aquarius moon. Women with an Aquarius moon can stand out because of their unique nature, as this sign is associated with trends. Not all Aquarius moon women are going to be curvy, but it is understandable why some plus-size models with an Aquarius influence on their moon have been celebrated for breaking beauty standards.
Ex: Barbie Ferreira, Ashley Graham, Precious Lee, and Mia Amber Davis w/ Moon conjunct Uranus
🍒 Moon aspecting Ascendant
🍒 Moon- Jupiter
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The more you have the thicker you are. It usually takes a combination of these. If you have these and still aren't considered to be thick, check and see if you have saturn or mercury impacting your ascendant or ascendant ruler.
𝓓𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓓𝓮'𝓛𝓾𝔁𝔁𝓮
𝓒𝓱𝓮𝓬𝓴 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓞𝓾𝓽.....
𝓗𝓸𝓽 𝓐𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝔂
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©𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵
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aquariusmind0122 · 1 month
1Am Astrology Observations!!!
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These are my observations of some zodiac placements, some may apply and some wont. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't :)
I know Gemini and Aquarius are good matches, but when these two are on each other's bad side, it's like a battle of who can cut who the deepest with words. Things can go one or two ways. Both signs communicate it out or argue it out. The arguments can become heated really fast due to both air signs being so direct yet cut throat with their intelligent comebacks.
I've noticed a lot of Sagittarius suns/ moon/ risings in open or poly relationships.
8th house synastry is very interesting to me along with 12th house synastry. It's always a game of "will this be a lover or a enemy, or both?!"
I don't like how Taurus placements get called "lazy", they are not lazy they just choose to take their time. Change isn't easy for Taurus placements, it can even cause some to have anxiety. Taurus placements get things done on their own time.
The pisces and libra duo just makes so much sense, Libra being exalted in pisces. These two signs are always bumping into each other, platonic or romantic.
Virgos either love Aquarius or hate them, there's no in between.
Aquarius mercury people are genuinely so smart and funny, they are intellectual yet so unserious??
I don't know one pisces who hasn't been in some odd love triangle.
Capricorn and Aquarius risings can be just as intense as scorpio risings, Saturn ruled people have this bold/ mysterious look to them.
I've noticed many scorpios and sagittariuses are attracted to Aquarius or vice versa.
Libra placements can be such good siblings, they care so deeply for their families.
4th house synastry can be very beautiful, the person you share this synastry with could remind you of home in some way.
Aquarius/ sagittarius/ leo are trendsetters, I've seen these placements get their ideas stolen or copied first hand.
If a Gemini chooses not to speak to you it's probably because you bore them.
If someone's moon is in your 6th house it means that person will care so much about your well being. It may feel smothering at times but it's truly because they care.
I've seen leo and virgo in relationships a lot, it's not really healthy but both seem to gravitate towards each other.
Sagittarius suns need hugs. A sagittarius will light up a room and then go home to their darkness. They hide their vulnerability almost as well as an aquarius. Sagittarius are sidereal scorpios so it makes sense why they would be so secretive of their hard times.
Sagittarius and Aquarius are so similar, people don't talk about it enough!!
Cancer placements can be thee most caring people on earth; but as soon as they shut the world out to focus on their well being they get attacked.
12th house hidden enemies is so so true!! I have a 12th house scorpio and scorpio suns just hate me for some reason. Even when I'm kind to them they become bitter?!?. Nevertheless I'm obsessed with scorpios lmao.
Thank you for reading my zodiac yap session♡♡
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lup-ines · 11 months
LUST AND ASTROLOGY: Part One (Observations)
*Just observations, take what’s applies leave what doesn’t*
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1. Earth Mars natives are the secret freaks of the zodiac. In general, they are very seductive people, but they aren’t the types to outwardly speak about their sexual endeavours unless it has some anonymity to it or unless you are their close friends.
2. Venus Conjunct/Square Mars creates someone with an insatiable sex drive. They usually don’t have issues attracting sexual partners themselves.
3. Mars in the 1st house and/or Mars in Aries finish quick but can go for HOURS. They are the types to do multiple rounds. Also, they are not the types to have sex quietly, they do it loud and proud!
4. Those with Pluto in the 9th (especially if it’s in Sagittarius) may have a preference for doggy style.
5. Having sex with someone you have Mars in the 8th house synastry with is a life-changing experience. The type of sex that you still crosses your mind now and then even after they’ve left.
6. In my experience, Leo mars people and Libra mars people enjoy praise and admiration during sex (it makes them finish faster too!)
7. I’ve seen Saturn in the 8th manifest two ways in a chart in terms of sex; they either indulge in sex deeply or they are absolutely repulsed by it. This is not always the case, but this can mean losing your virginity a little later than most people.
8. My favourite synastry aspect for sexual attraction has be Mars in the 1st. In romantic synastry, the sexual tension is SO prevalent. The mars person physically can’t stop staring at the house person and the house person loves the attention. In my experience with this overlay (I was the house person) the mars person has always did something during our first meeting that made me dislike them LOL. Definitely a couple that has sex after fights or enjoys hate sex/agressive sex.
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venusiancharisma · 10 months
What Type of Lover Do You Attract Natal Chart Edition Con't...
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This is a fun way to reveal the type of lover or type of energy you naturally attract into your life based on specific placements in your chart. Since I am not including specific transits, just keep in mind that this is on a broad & more thematic scale that doesn't include what you, yourself may actually want and need from a lover. It is tapping into the type that YOU ATTRACT based on natal placements
I will be honing in on Venus sign & house, 7th house ruler & descendant, and Mars' sign & house placements, and lastly 5th house ruler
This is a continuation from the previous post
7th House Planets:
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The planets that fall into your 7th house in your natal chart can offer insights into the type of lovers and partners you may attract or the qualities you seek in a relationship. The 7th house represents partnerships, marriage, and significant others. Here's a description of each planet in the 7th house and its potential influence on the type of lover you may attract: if you do not have any planets in the 7th house, thats okay, there are other signs in both of these posts you can reference. We all have a 7th house ruler so that just be the dominant theme of partnerships etc in your life and you can refer to that signs planetary ruler for more insight.
Sun in the 7th House: You attract partners who are strong-willed, confident, and seek recognition. These individuals may play a central role in your life and encourage personal growth through their presence.
Moon in the 7th House: You attract partners who are emotionally supportive and nurturing. These individuals offer a deep emotional connection and seek harmony and understanding in relationships.
Mercury in the 7th House: You attract partners who are communicative and intellectual. Conversation and mental connection play a vital role in your relationships, and you value a partner's ability to engage in meaningful discussions.
Venus in the 7th House: You attract partners who embody Venusian qualities such as beauty, harmony, and love. These individuals bring a sense of grace and charm to your life, and you value relationships that are balanced and harmonious.
Mars in the 7th House: You attract partners who are assertive, dynamic, and passionate. These individuals ignite your own passion and drive, and you value a partner who can challenge and inspire you.
Jupiter in the 7th House: You attract partners who bring positivity, expansion, and growth into your life. These individuals may have a larger-than-life presence, and you value relationships that encourage exploration and learning.
Saturn in the 7th House: You attract partners who are responsible, stable, and may have a serious demeanor. These individuals value commitment and long-term goals, and you appreciate the sense of security they bring.
Uranus in the 7th House: You attract partners who are unique, unconventional, and independent. These individuals may bring excitement and change into your life, and you value relationships that allow for personal freedom.
Neptune in the 7th House: You attract partners who are sensitive, spiritual, and dreamy. These individuals may bring a sense of mystery and idealism to your relationships, and you value emotional depth and connection.
Pluto in the 7th House: You attract partners who bring intensity, transformation, and a deep emotional connection. These individuals may challenge you to confront your inner depths and seek profound changes in your life.
Mars Through the Houses:
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Mars plays a significant role in attraction and the type of lover someone might attract in a natal chart. Mars represents desires, passions, and how you assert yourself. Its placement by sign and house can offer insights into the qualities you seek in a partner and the type of energy you're drawn to. Here's an overview of how Mars in different houses and ruled by each of the 12 zodiac signs might influence the type of lover you attract:
Mars in the 1st House: You attract partners who admire your confidence and assertiveness. They're drawn to your dynamic energy and your willingness to take the lead.
Mars in the 2nd House: You attract partners who appreciate your determination and practicality. They're drawn to your focus on security and your ability to work hard for what you want.
Mars in the 3rd House: You attract partners who value your communication skills and intellectual stimulation. They're drawn to your curiosity and your ability to engage in lively conversations.
Mars in the 4th House: You attract partners who appreciate your protective and nurturing qualities. They're drawn to your dedication to family and your ability to create a comfortable home.
Mars in the 5th House: You attract partners who enjoy your creativity and playfulness. They're drawn to your passion and your ability to bring excitement to the relationship.
Mars in the 6th House: You attract partners who value your diligence and your willingness to be of service. They're drawn to your practicality and your ability to contribute positively to their lives.
Mars in the 7th House: You attract partners who appreciate your assertiveness and your ability to stand up for yourself. They're drawn to your energy and your willingness to engage in balanced and fair relationships.
Mars in the 8th House: You attract partners who are intrigued by your intensity and passion. They're drawn to your depth and your ability to explore the deeper aspects of life.
Mars in the 9th House: You attract partners who value your adventurous spirit and your willingness to explore new horizons. They're drawn to your enthusiasm for learning and experiencing different cultures.
Mars in the 10th House: You attract partners who admire your ambition and your determination to succeed. They're drawn to your leadership qualities and your drive to make a mark in the world.
Mars in the 11th House: You attract partners who appreciate your uniqueness and your ability to stand out. They're drawn to your progressive ideas and your willingness to contribute positively to your social circles.
Mars in the 12th House: You attract partners who are intrigued by your mystery and spirituality. They're drawn to your compassion and your ability to connect on a deeper, spiritual level.
Mars Through the Signs:
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Mars in Aries: You attract partners who are assertive, independent, and passionate. These individuals are drawn to your dynamic energy and enthusiasm. They appreciate your directness and willingness to take the lead.
Mars in Taurus: You attract partners who are stable, sensual, and practical. These individuals value loyalty and appreciate your grounded nature. They're drawn to your reliability and dedication.
Mars in Gemini: You attract partners who are communicative, intellectually stimulating, and curious. These individuals enjoy your lively conversations and appreciate your ability to engage them mentally.
Mars in Cancer: You attract partners who are nurturing, emotional, and sensitive. These individuals value your caring nature and are drawn to the emotional connections you provide.
Mars in Leo: You attract partners who are confident, expressive, and charismatic. These individuals enjoy your playfulness and the attention you bring to relationships. They're drawn to your passion and creativity.
Mars in Virgo: You attract partners who are practical, detail-oriented, and helpful. These individuals appreciate your organization and your willingness to contribute to their lives in meaningful ways.
Mars in Libra: You attract partners who are charming, harmonious, and value fairness. These individuals seek balance in relationships and are drawn to your diplomacy and willingness to compromise.
Mars in Scorpio: You attract partners who are intense, passionate, and transformative. These individuals value deep emotional connections and are drawn to your magnetic and mysterious nature.
Mars in Sagittarius: You attract partners who are adventurous, open-minded, and enthusiastic. These individuals enjoy your love for exploration and seek a partner who shares their sense of freedom.
Mars in Capricorn: You attract partners who are ambitious, responsible, and value stability. These individuals appreciate your dedication to your goals and are drawn to your strong work ethic.
Mars in Aquarius: You attract partners who are unconventional, intellectual, and value individuality. These individuals enjoy your unique perspective and seek a partner who can engage them intellectually.
Mars in Pisces: You attract partners who are compassionate, sensitive, and spiritually inclined. These individuals value your empathy and are drawn to your ability to connect on a deep emotional level.
5th House Ruler:
the ruler of the 5th house in a natal chart can provide insights into the type of romantic and creative relationships a person may encounter. The 5th house is associated with romance, self-expression, creativity, and fun. The planet that rules this house and its placement in the natal chart can offer valuable information about the nature of relationships and experiences you might have. Here's an overview of each planet ruling the 5th house and its potential influence:
Sun in the 5th House: You may encounter relationships that are centered around shared interests and creative self-expression. These relationships often emphasize fun, playfulness, and mutual admiration.
Moon in the 5th House: Your relationships might be emotionally fulfilling and nurturing. You seek partners who provide a sense of security and emotional connection. Creative pursuits are often shared with partners.
Mercury in the 5th House: Your relationships are likely to be intellectually stimulating and characterized by lively communication. You connect through conversations, shared ideas, and mutual interests.
Venus in the 5th House: Romance and artistic expression play a significant role in your relationships. You're drawn to partners who bring creativity, beauty, and a sense of enjoyment into your life.
Mars in the 5th House: Your relationships are often passionate and dynamic. You're attracted to partners who are energetic, assertive, and share your enthusiasm for life.
Jupiter in the 5th House: You seek expansive and joyful relationships that offer growth and adventure. Partners bring positivity, optimism, and a sense of adventure into your life.
Saturn in the 5th House: You approach relationships with seriousness and a desire for commitment. You may encounter partners who encourage responsibility, stability, and long-term planning.
Uranus in the 5th House: Your relationships are likely to be unconventional and dynamic. You're attracted to partners who embrace uniqueness, individuality, and who bring excitement to your life.
Neptune in the 5th House: You may experience romantic relationships that are dreamy, spiritual, and emotionally deep. Partners might share your artistic and creative sensibilities.
Pluto in the 5th House: Your relationships can be intense and transformative. You're drawn to partners who challenge you on a deep emotional level and bring profound changes to your life.
5th House Signs:
Aries in the 5th House: You attract lovers who are energetic, spontaneous, and adventurous. These individuals enjoy your boldness and share your enthusiasm for life. They value your ability to take initiative in the relationship.
Taurus in the 5th House: You attract lovers who are sensual, stable, and value comfort. These individuals appreciate your patience and reliability. They enjoy the cozy and nurturing atmosphere you bring to the relationship.
Gemini in the 5th House: You attract lovers who are communicative, intellectually stimulating, and playful. These individuals enjoy your wit and lively conversations. They seek a partner who shares their curiosity and versatility.
Cancer in the 5th House: You attract lovers who are nurturing, emotional, and seek emotional security. These individuals value your empathy and sensitivity. They appreciate the emotional depth you bring to the relationship.
Leo in the 5th House: You attract lovers who are confident, expressive, and enjoy the spotlight. These individuals appreciate your charisma and creative self-expression. They value the excitement and passion you bring to the relationship.
Virgo in the 5th House: You attract lovers who are practical, detail-oriented, and value stability. These individuals admire your attention to detail and your willingness to contribute to the relationship in practical ways.
Libra in the 5th House: You attract lovers who are harmonious, diplomatic, and value balance. These individuals appreciate your charm and your desire for fairness. They seek a partner who can create a harmonious and equal partnership.
Scorpio in the 5th House: You attract lovers who are intense, passionate, and seek deep emotional connections. These individuals value your intensity and are drawn to your ability to create profound emotional bonds.
Sagittarius in the 5th House: You attract lovers who are adventurous, open-minded, and enjoy exploring new horizons. These individuals share your enthusiasm for life and seek a partner who can embark on exciting journeys with them.
Capricorn in the 5th House: You attract lovers who are ambitious, responsible, and value stability. These individuals appreciate your determination and your dedication to long-term goals. They seek a partner who can provide security and support.
Aquarius in the 5th House: You attract lovers who are unconventional, intellectual, and value individuality. These individuals are drawn to your unique perspective and your ability to engage in intellectually stimulating conversations.
Pisces in the 5th House: You attract lovers who are compassionate, sensitive, and spiritually inclined. These individuals value your empathy and your ability to connect on a deep emotional and spiritual level.
Remember, there are other factors that play into this like skews in the personality type of you and the other person, such as disharmonious aspects or if the planets are in their fall in certain signs such as Mars in Cancer, which brings up themes of possessiveness and jealousy. If you want another post going further into detail - you know what to do, drop a comment or if you want one specific to yourself, message me for an astro reading. I also offer Astro Remediation which will help transmute any negative effects of planets & signs in malefics or in their detriment or fall in your chart. These remedies really help to stabilize your energy as well as the manifestations of what is meant to come toward you in a positive way!
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heartlilith · 7 months
Astrology Observations
Here are some of my observations and opinions on various placements - Part 2
🔮I'm not sure if it's my Neptune or Uranus in the 1st but over the years my physical features have changed on their own... when I was a toddler I was blonde, in middle school my hair started turning red, then high school it was auburn and now it's dark brown. Same with my eyes; when I was young they were dark blue and now they're green.
✨If your Moon/Venus/Ascendent opposes or squares Saturn/Neptune/Pluto or you have Neptune/Saturn/Lilith/in the 1st house (and probably more aspects) then it will never matter how beautiful or attractive you are because you'll never view yourself that way
🔮The sign on your 5th house cusp is usually the sun/dominant sign of your favorite artist; whether that's music, art, fashion, or literature (there's other aspects that can determine this but I relate to this the most)
✨I've met a lot of Aquarius, Pisces, and Virgo placements who are vegan/vegetarian (esp sun, moon, 2nd house, 6th house, and 12th house placements)
🔮Earth dominant people find animals very therapeutic
✨OPINION: I look at Mars signs as the type of vibe people give off, of course the rising sign plays a part in this as well but once you get to know someone I believe this becomes more and more apparent (unless Mars is in their 12th house ofc)
🔮OPINION: Sagittarius/Gemini/Capricorn placements are the funniest out of the zodiac - Sagittarius because they're outrageous and dramatic, Gemini because they're quick and witty, Capricorn because they're super sarcastic and have that dry humor
✨Aquarius placements have a lot of people who love them but they feel like no one truly *gets* them... they get a bad rep for always trying to be "different" and "unique" but they feel this in the worst way which leads to them becoming very lonely
🔮It takes a lot to get Leo/Taurus/Sagittarius/Aquarius/Capricorn placements mad but once you do you're f***ked
✨Cinderella definitely had Venus in the 1st house, Saturn in her 4th house, and Jupiter in the 7th house
🔮Lilith in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 10th house attracts a lot of gossip
✨Lilith in the 1st house means you're your own worst enemy
🔮Lilith in the 4th house can indicate being a single parent
✨Lilith in the 12th house can indicate being a mistress or the male equivalent
🔮Juno through the houses can give more insight on what partner is right for you;
Juno in the 1st house; independent partner who wants to show the world they love you
Juno in the 5th house; a fun, creative and optimistic partner
Juno in the 11th house; a best friend, popular and friendly partner
Part 1
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thecupidwitch · 3 months
Planetary Magick🌙
Zodiac: Leo
Metal: Gold
Day: Sunday
Colors: organge, yellow, amber
Stones: Amber, topaz, ruby, diamond
Tarot: The Sun
Herbs: Angelica, poppy, sunflower, marigold, hibiscus, mistletoe
Symbols: lion, hexagram, sparrow hawk, dragon, head, heart, swan
Influences: renown, potency, fortune, tyranny, pride, ambition, masculinity, arrogance, bigotry, vitality, health
Zodiac: cancer
Metal: sliver
Day: Monday
Colors: blue, sliver
Stones: moonstone, pearl
Tarot: The High Priestess, The Chariot
Herbs: eucalyptus, coconut, jasmine, lotus, myrrh, sandalwood
Symbols: bow and arrow, crab, cat, turtle, Sphinx, owl
Influences: gradtitufe, friendliness, safe, travel, physical health, wealth, protection for enemies, deception, illusion, women, emotions, healing, dreams
Zodiac: Virgo, Gemini
Metal: aluminum, Mercury
Day: Wednesday
Colors: violet, gray, purple, indigo, yellow
Stones: opal agate
Tarot: The Lovers
Herbs: hyssop, juniper, betony, carrot, chickweed
Symbols: wand, octagram, the mind
Influences: good fortune, gratitude, gain, memory, understanding, divination, dreams, forgetfulness, communication, business, cleverness, creativity, information, intellect, memory, perception, science, wisdom, gambling, writing, root of dishonesty, deception
Zodiac: taurus, libra
Metal: copper
Day: Friday
Colors: green, pink
Stones: turquoise, emerald, sapphire, jade
Tarot: The Empress
Herbs: jimsonweed, violet, rose, alder, apple, angelica, olive, sesame
Symbols: sparrow, dove, swan, pentagram
Influences: peace, agreements, cooperation, fertility, joy, love, good fortune, jealousy, strife, promiscuity
Zodiac: aries, scorpio
Metal: iron, red brass, steel
Day: Tuesday
Color: Red
Stones: ruby, garnet, bloodstone, diamond
Tarot: The Tower
Herbs: ginger, mustard
Symbols: sword, pentagram, horse, bear, wolf, vulture
Influences: war, victory, judgements, submission of enemies, bleeding, stripping one of rank, harness, discord, conflict, aggression, lust, power, courage, goals, protection, motivation, ambition, strength
Zodiac: pisces, sagittarius
Metal: tin
Day: Thursday 
Colors: blue
Stone: sapphire
Tarot: The Wheel of Fortune
Herbs: balm, hyssop, maple leaf and bark, oak, sage, dandelion root
Symbols: eagle, dolphin
Influences: gains, riches, favor, peace, cooperation, appeasing enemies, dissolving
Zodiac: capricorn
Metal: lead
Day: Saturday
Color: black
Stone: onyx
Taror: The World
Herbs: alder, apple, ash, asparagus, baneberry, belladonna, distort, hellebore, blackthorn, corm, cypress
Symbols: cuttlefish, mole
Influences: safety, power, success, positive response to requests, intellect, causes discord, strips honor, melancholy
Zodiac: aquarius
Day: Thursday
Colors: blue-green, electric blue
Stones: quartz, labradorite, blue topaz, amber, amethyst, garnet, diamond
Tarot: The Fool
Herbs: clover, pokeweed, snowdrop, foxglove, love, rosemary, trees of heaven, hellebore, morning glory, sage, wintergreen, orchids, sweet woodruff
Symbols: dragonfly, butterfly
Influences: breaking connection, sudden and unexpected change, freedom, originality, radical and revolutionary ideas, enlightenment, equality, individuality, rebellion, instability, loneliness, boredom, mistrust of self
Zodiac: pisces
Minerals: coral, aquamarine, platinum, neptunium
Colors: green, blue, lavender
Tarot: The Hanged Man
Herbs: morning glory, night-blooming jasmine, pine, water lily
Symbols: the sea, Trident, the spine
Influences: dissolving boundaries, expanding upon ideas, changing established rules, intuition, idealism, sacrifice, glamour, illusion, evolution, decay, visions, art, healing, inspiration, dreams, creativity, compassion, drifting from reality, carelessness, stubbornness, absent mind
Zodiac: scorpio
Metal: plutonium, tin chrome, steel
Day: Tuesday
Colors: maroon, dark red, purple, white, black
Stones: snowflake obsidian, clack tourmaline
Tarot: Judgement
Herbs: pomegranate, rosemary, vanilla, basil, poppies, belladonna, foxglove
Symbols: Phoenix, snake, scorpion, fox, eagle
Influences; destruction making way for renewal, rebirth, knowledge, spirituality, transformation, destiny, the subconscious, desire, arrogance, death, obsession, destruction
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millysastroblog · 1 year
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💄Hello, guys I’m back with a simple decent Astro observation. So yeah , noo dragging and arguments over here. If u want drama and tea you probably will have to wait for a while 😅!
Anyways enjoy yourself as always ;)
💋 Uranus in the 5th house is an underrated creative placement , they come up with the wildest creative ideas ever 💡
💋 Moon air sign in the 4th house ppl love to communicate with their family , these are people who constantly need to call and message their loved ones📞
💋7th house stelliums don’t feel comfortable being all on their own.
💋Moon conjunct Saturn , Saturn in the 4th house look like Stone cold , heartless bitches, but they are not. They hide any kind of vulnerable emotions to protect themselves from criticism, abandonment and being misunderstood . It’s an protective shield that they build from young adolescents . they close their hearts , so nobody can enter in it to use their vulnerability against them. # past childhood trauma # pls give them a hug 🤗
💋moon , Venus Aquarius ,11th house love to be around their friends ,they feel emotionally connected to them , sooooo better not fuck with their friends!!!! ( not in a sexual way, you get what I mean right?? Yeah!)
💋Jupiter in the 2nd and 6th tend to have a huge appetites.
💋Sun square moon can make for indecisive individuals.
💋Sun conjunct moon Moon on the other hand can be very decisive and strong headed . Not always in a negative way , but what they feel or say is something they’ll rarely change for anybody.
💋 Neptune is the 11th use technology , phone, social media as escapism.
💋Neptune in the 7th , Venus- Neptune , Venus in Pisces use relationships as escapism,focus is heavily directed to love life. Forgetting anything and everything when In love 😍!
💋Mercury in Sagittarius, Mercury- Jupiter aspects can cut your soul with their bluntness. #Gordon Ramsay
💋 Venus in 4th, Jupiter in the 4th house can come from a pretty, good, wealthy, stable family’s.
💋 Jupiter in the 12th house are spiritualy connected and protected by the divine ,since birth . They naturally love to practice spiritual stuff like meditation, yoga, tarot, etc.
💋Aries , Gemini, Capricorn ,Scorpio are the most disliked zodiac signs in astrology !
💋Moon in the 4th house if good aspected feel a close connection towards their mummy . 😚
💋Sun in the 4th house are very loyal to their mum.
💋Moon in Aquarius/ 11th house are somehow everybody’s bestie 🦋✌🏽.
💋Moon in the 12th house ppl need isolation and distance from ppl more than everything.
💋Aries , Taurus , Scorpios, Sagittarius ppl can not be controlled or told what to do !
💋 Mars in the 10th house if negatively aspected can argue and fight with their parents, bosses people who have power over them , they hate to be controlled and told what to do , troublemaker for rebelling structures and rules.
💋Mars/ Uranus in the 1st are generally chaotic troublemakers, rebelling against everything and anything that comes their way.
💋Pluto in the 3rd /11th , Lilith in the 3rd/11th house could have been, badly bullied when younger have ppl spitting on them ,cutting their hair, just awful things happening to them # protect these babies 😣😢!!
💋 Uranus in the 1st, 4th,7th, 10th,11th tend to feel weird , unique, different from others .
💋Pluto in the 11th have very profound intense close friendships, they love or hate their friends with all their heart, calling and checking up on them, telling dark hidden secrets to each other, being ride or die friends for one another. When I die I’ll take care of ur family type of friendships, strong, deep sexual friendships ( fwb) situations if connected to the 7th house ruler or Venus !!!
💋Pluto in the 6th house are either very organized, punctual, ocd , clean freak or the complet opposite having a chaotic room, chaotic schedule, doing everything or nothing at the moment , extreme daily living to the point of burn out, exhaustion or even sickness.
💋Venus -Jupiter = over shopping, spending, buying.
💋Venus-Saturn= hoarding money, stingy, observing Bank out daily, making plans on how to increase income.
💋Mercury in Capricorn have an interesting tone of voice, when they speak people tend to quietly listen to what they have to say. Good in arguments. They just can demanding respect because of how serious and engaged they are in a conversation. Business minded 🫰🏽💵
💋Pluto in the 3rd / Mercury - Pluto voices are deeeepp, intense,loud just so intriguing and addictive to listen to, especially the men omg they have the most seductive voices. 🥵
💋Chiron, Neptune in the 3rd might have siblings or classmates who make fun of how they speak, not listening to what they have to say, ignoring them or not believing what comes out their moth.
💋Moon in the 3rd house can be very emotionally attached to their siblings, always communicating and spending lots of time with them.
💋Sun conjunct Neptune are kind, empathetic , sensitive and intuitive souls just like Pisces Sun !
💋Chiron in the 1st/ 10th house don’t like pictures taken of them or being filmed, very self conscious about how they are perceive by others.
💋 Capricorn Rising / Saturn in the 1st are waaaayyy grown before their actual time. These ppl can fake their whole existence based on how old they look, entering in clubs at literally the age of 15 , Early bloomers ! #apperance
💋Taurus Rising/Sagittarius/ Libra is a placement that usually indicates having a big ass, wide hips, and strong big things 🍑👀!
Thx for reading 💕
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
एक बार फिर बदलेगी शनि की चाल, इन 5 राशियों पर पड़ेगा सबसे अधिक प्रभाव, रोजाना करें ये खास उपाय
एक बार फिर बदलेगी शनि की चाल, इन 5 राशियों पर पड़ेगा सबसे अधिक प्रभाव, रोजाना करें ये खास उपाय
12 जुलाई को शनिदेव मकर राशि में प्रवेश कर जाएंगे। शनि के मकर राशि में प्रवेश करते ही एक बार फिर धनु, मकर, कुंभ राशि पर शनि की साढ़ेसाती और मिथुन, तुला राशि पर शनि की ढैय्या शुरू हो जाएगी। शनि की साढ़ेसाती और ढैय्या की वजह से जीवन में कई तरह की परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ता है।   शनि की साढ़ेसाती और ढैय्या की वजह से व्यक्ति को कई तरह की समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ता है। शनि के अशुभ प्रभावों से…
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itsyaniwym · 1 year
Very Random Astrology Observations 1
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Can we talk about how the Planet in your 8th house represents how you react and recover from grief or painful life changes. i.e.- Saturn in 8th house individuals may take a very long time (even a lifetime) to recover from tragic events that have taken place in their life.
Jupiter in 8th house recover from life transforming, grief and unexpected changes faster than the average.
Dear Pisces Placements you don't have to turn to alcohol and drugs when you guys get sad 🥺
Gemini Placements especially moon, mars and mercury are PROFESSIONAL gaslighters!!
Also sidenote Gemini placements talk so damn much, like shut the fuck up sometimes😭 -sprinkle some Sag or Aries placements they will literally talk over you, not let you get a word out, and not give a fuck
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Capricorn and Taurus Mercuries HATE small talk. If you aren't talking about anything of substance they will tune you off so quick.
Capricorn + Aquarius dominant placements make for EXTREMELY strict parents.
Pisces Placements and the things happening in your dream actually happening in real life 😳
I have noticed gemini moons tend to disassociate or completely space out in the middle of a conversation
I notice Aquarius moons are the ones that go through the hardest things in life. I'm talking like tragic events happening in one's life.
I notice that sag suns care sm about their birthday. Like if you don't wish them a happy birthday they will literally cut you off. Or if you don't go to their birthday party that they invited you to, they will take it very personal.
I know there's the stigma of the capricorns being the workers of the zodiac, but really scorpios are the ones that will WORK their asses off. Like when they are fixed on a goal they go after it until and won't stop until their vision is complete.
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youremyheaven · 2 years
astro observations pt 14
water sign mercury/heavy water placements could signify having a lower pitched/deep voice, similarly lots of air placements signify having a high pitched/sweet sounding voice, earth placements have a very "full" but mid-range voice, fire placements give a shrill/squeaky or "loud" voice.
being a 12houser means random mysterious ailments come & go from time to time. you cant even explain whats wrong, just that you dont feel well at all.
saturnian women have dysfunctional relationships with their mothers
nothing helps a 12h native the way prayer does. its like you have a valve that connects you to god, so the minute you activate it, you begin to prosper.
people you hate for no reason could have the sign that falls into your 8h or 12h
the healthiest synastry for me will always be 4h synastry. that shit is just pure and sweet. (ofc there are exceptions to everything)
water signs also often have curly/wavy hair
if you feel at a loss in any way, shape or form, look at your saturn, its placement, house, aspects, everything and read all you can about it. once you learn to embody your saturn better, everything will change, i promise u. (saturn, i believe is key to transforming your destiny)
ive noticed that many pisces folks (esp sidereal pisces) are obsessed with antiques and anything retro. they're very sentimental and love nostalgia. be it fashion, music, movies or anything else tbh. this could be bc of the fact that pisces is the last zodiac sign and is hence a culmination of all the signs that came before it, so in a sense, pisces is always looking back, as it is the accumulation of everything (once the river reaches the ocean, there's nowhere to go from there for example).
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astrosouldivinity · 6 months
Karmic Lessons of The Zodiac Signs: 🪬
All signs Included. I posted this already but I made some changes like fixing grammatical errors to improve the flow 🤍
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Karma of Aries: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 1st House Placements)
Aries karma is rooted in self-love, individuality, assertiveness, and power. As the first sign of the zodiac, they are the trailblazers and innovators of the future. Their ambitious, fearless, and passionate nature draws both competitors and admirers. Aries can be impulsive, viewing the world as their battlefield. They overcome adversity and emerge stronger than before. Aries karma involves learning how to collaborate with others effectively, fighting for the benefit of others rather than against them.
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Karma of Taurus: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 2nd House Placements)
Taurus's karma revolves around finding balance between the material world and the spiritual realm, as well as seeking stability and growth. They often experience transformations related to their possessions, stability, and inner peace. In their pursuit of peace, Taurus individuals may become fixated on material wealth and power, which can disconnect them from the source of their spirituality (Mother Earth). Therefore, they must learn to balance their grounded, earthly, and soulful side with their inclination towards luxury, pleasure-seeking, and hedonism. Striking a harmonious balance between these aspects is key to their karmic evolution.
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Karma of Gemini: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 3rd House Placements)
Gemini's karma revolves around information and prophecy. Gifted with the power of communication, they have the ability to connect with a wide range of people. Open-minded and curious, these individuals have a natural inclination to expand not only their own perspectives but also those of others. They make excellent teachers and prophets. Gemini individuals are constantly on the move and rarely ever still. However, their impulsive and sporadic communication style can lead to misunderstandings if they are not mindful. Learning to harness their communication skills with care and consideration is an important aspect of their karmic growth.
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Karma of Cancer: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 4th House Placements)
Cancers carry generational karma, as their nurturing and empathetic nature drives them to serve their loved ones. They often struggle to break free from their family unit and grow independently. Feeling responsible for their family, they may find it challenging to detach even from toxic relationships. This can lead to codependency, where they attract relationships where they become the caregiver. The energy of Cancer tends to attract emotionally wounded individuals with unresolved familial trauma. These dynamics present opportunities for Cancers to learn boundaries, self-care, and the importance of healing their own emotional wounds in order to break free from generational patterns and evolve on their own path.
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Karma of Leo: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 5th House Placements)
Leo's karma is centered around cultivating self-love within themselves and following their heart, while also guiding and inspiring others to find their own path. As natural-born leaders, Leo energy has the ability to ignite the best in others through their fierce self-love. However, their ego can become a challenge, potentially leading them to become consumed by their own power and inadvertently causing harm to others. At their worst, Leo may encounter enemies who try to diminish their light and undermine their influence. It is through navigating these challenges and finding a balance between self-love and humility that Leo individuals can fulfill their karmic purpose and shine as guiding beacons for others.
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Karma of Virgo: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 6th House Placements)
Virgo's karma revolves around being of service to others, maintaining routine, and fostering organization. Virgos have a reputation for being overly critical, but this stems from their genuine desire to help others. However, this inclination can turn toxic when their judgments come from a place of cruelty rather than genuine assistance for the collective. Virgos may struggle with low self-esteem and perfectionistic tendencies. It is essential for them to learn how to manage their need to critique others and to show themselves compassion when they find themselves looking down on their own perceived imperfections. Embracing the beauty in imperfection is a crucial lesson for Virgos on their karmic journey. By finding a balance between their desire to serve others and their need for self-acceptance, Virgos can fulfill their karmic purpose and contribute positively to the world.
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Karma of Libra: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 7th House Placements)
Libra's karma revolves around finding balance and healing karmic partnerships. As natural peacemakers, Libras tend to attract individuals who disrupt their harmony. These relationships often involve power struggles, with Libras typically finding themselves being controlled or manipulated. Additionally, Libras can be prone to escapism as they find it challenging to cope with the injustices of the world similarly to Pisces. But instead Pisces experiences this at an emotional or spiritual level, Libras struggle with comprehending the unfairness and imbalance that exists in this world. To fulfill their karmic purpose, Libras must learn to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in relationships. They need to develop the ability to assert themselves and stand up against manipulation or control. Finding inner balance and cultivating a strong sense of self-worth will help Libras navigate these karmic challenges and create harmonious partnerships based on equality and mutual respect.
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Karma of Scorpio: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 8th House Placements)
Scorpio's karma is centered around transformation, destruction, desire, power, and revealing the darkness within others. These individuals are secretive and obsessive, not to be taken lightly. They possess a deep understanding of the human psyche and emotions, which they can use to their advantage. However, they must be cautious not to get trapped in their ego and misuse their knowledge of human behavior to harm others for personal gain and control. Scorpio energy is constantly undergoing transformations, not only for themselves but also for those around them. The three stages of Scorpio's transformation are represented by the scorpion, the eagle, and the phoenix.
The Scorpion~ represents the lower nature of Scorpio, embodying negative qualities associated with unevolved Scorpio energy such as being evil, manipulative, vengeful, jealous, secretive, and controlling.
The Eagle~ symbolizes the beginning of Scorpio's evolution, signifying power, ambition, and courage. At this stage, Scorpios are less inclined to be vengeful as they focus on achieving their goals.
The Phoenix~ represents the final stage of Scorpio's evolutionary journey in this lifetime. It symbolizes rising from the ashes, where Scorpios bring their darkness into the light and prevent it from consuming them. They transform their darkness into light and inspire others to do the same. This stage represents a powerful transformation and rebirth for Scorpios.
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Karma of Sagittarius: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 9th House Placements)
Sagittarius's karma revolves around the themes of hedonism, commitment, freedom, and knowledge. Intelligent and free-spirited, they have a natural inclination towards learning and exploring every aspect of life. They often see life as an adventure and are driven to expand their minds and experiences. Their enthusiasm for growth is a key aspect of their karmic journey. However, Sagittarius individuals need to be mindful of their search for freedom and self-indulgence. It is crucial for them to find a balance between their pursuit of freedom and their commitment to growth and development. Part of Sagittarius karmic lesson is to understand their own value and the unique perspectives they bring to the world. Recognizing the importance of the knowledge they have accumulated is vital for their personal growth. By embracing their role as philosophers and sharing their wisdom with others, Sagittarius individuals can fulfill their karmic purpose and contribute to the expansion of consciousness.
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Karma of Capricorn: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 10th House Placements)
Capricorn's karma revolves around responsibility, discipline, labor, and pessimism. These individuals are known for their hard work and strong work ethic, leaving a lasting impact in whatever field they choose. They may have grown up being the "responsible one," often prioritizing the needs of others over their own. Their childhood may have lacked the typical carefree experiences as they had to mature quickly due to the weight of responsibilities placed upon them. Rebellion may have been against their nature, as it contradicted everything they knew. However, it is important to note that Capricorn's ruling planet, Saturn, governs karma. This means that anyone who harms Capricorn will face consequences from Saturn's karmic energy. Additionally, the energy that Capricorn puts out into the world will be reflected back to them almost immediately. This highlights the importance of being mindful of the energy they project, as it will have both immediate and long-term consequences.
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Karma of Aquarius: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 11th House Placements)
Aquarius’s karma is centered around innovation and acceptance. These individuals may have experienced a sense of being outsiders during their upbringing, feeling unseen or unheard. They may have felt as if people perceived them as a concept or even an alien. Despite their inclination to go against the grain, Aquarius individuals inspire others by unapologetically being themselves. Aquarius individuals are natural humanitarians, drawing people from all walks of life by helping them connect with their community. Their presence alone brings about change and they have a unique ability to implement change through their actions and ideas. Their innovative and accepting nature allows them to make a significant impact on society and inspire others to embrace their true selves.
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Karma of Pisces: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 12th House Placements)
Pisces karma revolves around escapism, the subconscious mind, and sacrifice. These individuals are otherworldly and esoteric, defying any attempts to box them in. They are prone to creating false realities as a means of escaping the harshness of the world. With their intuitive gifts, they can understand the intentions of others and empathize with their unhealed subconscious patterns. When Pisces energy enters your life, they are teaching you how to heal your soul and discover your soul's purpose. Pisces energy is transformative and has the ability to heal all.
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saturnsquest757 · 1 year
Astrology Observations 1.
This is my first time please don’t judge.
I’ve noticed Pisces usually are the self proclaimed, “different and special beings” instead of Aquarius. Pisces Sun and or Venus will openly state how different they are.
A Sagittarius is the easiest zodiac sign for me to spot. It’s just so… obvious??? Even when they’re not the usual extroverted type there’s always this energy of a free spirit.
Scorpio risings are secretive but only for a period of time. Once you get to know them they usually open up. Scorpio moons however… are usually always private/secretive no matter the time frame of knowing each other.
I’ve experienced Virgos being so hypercritical they become hypocritical. Virgos have high expectations of others and themselves, but usually others cannot reach them. They also cannot reach their own standards. Considering, their a mutable sign this is why they can be critical but not back it up with constant action. Their expectations and perception is consistently changing, but still manages to remain high.
Ok… Cancer rising/moon/mars usually moody asf. No chill vibes. Very strict on comfortability and not like fixed signs comfortable. More so a nostalgic feeling or certain things needed to fulfill an emotional need. If those things (people,places,objects) change drastically there is a difficulty to move forward. If anything goes outside of a routine they get very upset.
I wish I could say one sign seems more emotionally mature than the other. I’ve met so many people with all different types of placements and most were emotionally stunted in some form and there were no similarities. So I think being toxic and or unhealthy can happen no matter the natal chart.
I have Neptune 1° degree away from my ascendent🥲. Neptune in the first house/conjunct ascendent is not an easy placement. Very creative. Very unrealistic. A strong and growing imagination. Head in the clouds. Projections. Projections. Even the movements I make with my body or face usually get misinterpreted. Can have a distorted perception of physical form. When Saturn was transiting my 1st house I lost a lot of weight, but I didn’t seem to notice how skinny I looked. People would make commentary and I thought I looked fine. Looking back at photos I realize how malnourished and skinny I was. Neptune in the 1st can also cause a tendency to be addicted to anything. Most would say drugs, but for me it’s usually any hobby that can allow an obsessive escape from reality. Low self esteem can be present considering the elusive nature of the self.
Saturn in the 2nd house folks struggle with making a higher income or a comfortable salary throughout their life. However, Saturn in the 2nd is good with being frugal and budgeting. Usually can save really easily with this placement unless Saturn is severely debilitated.
Venus/Mars in Pisces and being attracted to someone weird, eccentric. They don’t have a consistent type and can date all different types of people.
Mars conjunct Venus aspect I’m so jealous and I want. People with mars conjunct Venus can be very attractive and flirty. Usually a chick/guy magnet. People fall in love with them easily. Attract a lot of attention in some form.
Chiron is very important in the solar return chart. Whatever house it is in will be healed but also broken down and injured in some way. Or there could be a discovery of a wound depending on what house will change the description. Ex:Chiron in 7th, struggle in partnership, may break up with current partner, attract difficult/emotionally stunted individuals. Chiron in the 1st can struggle with intense amount of doubt and low self esteem concerning the body and how they show up in the world. I do believe in a solar return chart the house Chiron resides in either heals in some form or the individual learns a pivotal lesson by the end of the year.
8th house synastry is emotionally taxing. I have this with my mom and other friends and it’s a lot. 8th house synastry usually there’s a obvious power dynamic. Or one person is more obsessed/attached than the other. 12th house synastry can also have unequal dynamics however I do think both individuals will feel a pull towards each other(whether they admit it or not). 12th house synastry although elusive has the potential to make you feel great comfortability and unconditional love.
Venus conjunct mars in synastry wasn’t all that for me. It felt superficial and we mainly connected on a sexual level.
Why does NO one talk about moon conjunct moon in synastry. I love it and it’s nice!! Depending on the moon I guess opinions can differ. However both people’s emotional waves will be similar and easily understood by the other. Allowing an easy process of being seen and heard. I connected deeply with men and women that I had this aspect with. It is sad and painful when the relationship ends because there’s a mutual understanding of each other.
9th house synastry is dope and I wish I experienced it more. There’s an opportunity to learn something or you are more open to learning new things from the other person. Depending on what planet/zodiac sign/ degree it can show what topics tend to expand in the presence of a 9th house intruder. Also morals can be similar or the same on politics, social issues, etc.
Mars in the 4th house synastry is hell. I don’t like it usually the mars person brings disruption or change in the home in some way. They can without trying cause emotional distress or upheavals in the 4th house person. Obviously if mars is strongly and comfortably placed I think this can lessen the effects. Such as if it’s in its domicile or exaltation. However if mars is struggling on it’s own in the natal chart I do think it’s a red flag 🚩. Considering the 4th house is the most sensitive and hidden house.Technically your ancestral background and emotional well being resides in the 4th house which can trigger a whole lot of things.
Usually people see 4th house as good because it’s home and family. However if your family lineage has generational trauma this area can be a trigger landmark. This is the house of your deepest, habitual characteristics that only come out when comfortable. It’s also traditions your family upheld which can be any… kind not just the standard example. Such as tendencies of toxicity or unhealthy habits that linger from previous generations.
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venusiancharisma · 10 months
Neptune Con't -Neptune Aspecting Each Planet...
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With this post, you're going to refer to my previous and next posts with the signs (this post focuses on Neptune's relationship when Aspecting other planets, vs the posts that explain the zodiac signs. It will give further insight into the neptunian realm of your ethereal/spiritual side and how it can be used to captivate.
Neptune's aspects to other planets in a natal chart can provide insights into a person's spirituality, intuitive nature, and connection to the ethereal realms. These aspects influence how the qualities of Neptune interact with the characteristics of the other planets. Here's an overview of Neptune's aspects to each planet in a natal chart:
Neptune Conjunction Sun: This aspect suggests a deep and intuitive connection to one's sense of self. Your identity and spirituality are intertwined, and you may have a strong desire to explore spiritual and creative pursuits. There can be a dreamy quality to your personality.
Neptune Conjunction Moon: This aspect enhances emotional sensitivity and psychic receptivity. Your feelings and intuition are closely linked, leading to a deep understanding of your emotions and a rich inner world. However, you might need to guard against emotional escapism.
Neptune Conjunction Mercury: This aspect enhances intuition and imagination in your thinking process. You might have a natural talent for creative communication, but there's a potential for confusion or difficulty in focusing on concrete details.
Neptune Conjunction Venus: This aspect heightens your sensitivity to beauty and harmony. You might experience a romantic and artistic approach to life, but be careful of idealizing relationships or situations to an unrealistic degree.
Neptune Conjunction Mars: This aspect blends spirituality and action. You could be motivated by higher ideals and might find outlets for your energy in creative or humanitarian pursuits. However, there's a risk of feeling drained by unclear goals.
Neptune Conjunction Jupiter: This aspect indicates a strong spiritual quest and a desire for growth and expansion. You might have a natural sense of faith and a willingness to explore different belief systems. However, be cautious of over-optimism or impracticality.
Neptune Conjunction Saturn: This aspect can create a tension between spiritual longing and practical responsibilities. You might seek structure and stability in your spiritual pursuits, but there can be challenges in reconciling these opposing forces.
Neptune Conjunction Uranus: This aspect combines the ethereal with the innovative. You might have unconventional insights and a visionary approach to change and progress. Be mindful of sudden shifts that might disrupt your spiritual balance.
Neptune Conjunction Neptune: This aspect intensifies Neptune's influence in your life. You are highly attuned to the spiritual realm and may have extraordinary psychic abilities. However, there can also be challenges in distinguishing reality from illusion.
Neptune Conjunction Pluto: This aspect suggests a deep transformative process involving spiritual growth and regeneration. You might undergo profound spiritual awakenings, but there could also be intense internal struggles to overcome.
Neptune Conjunction Ascendant: This aspect enhances your ability to connect with others on an intuitive level. Your appearance might have an otherworldly quality, and you might attract people seeking your guidance or healing presence.
Neptune Conjunction Midheaven (MC): This aspect can influence your career path and public image. You might be drawn to artistic or spiritual vocations, but there's a need to balance your idealism with practical considerations.
Neptune Sextile Sun: This aspect enhances your sense of self and creativity. You may possess a natural ability to align your identity with your spiritual insights, leading to a compassionate and understanding nature.
Neptune Sextile Moon: This aspect enhances your emotional sensitivity and intuition. You have a strong connection to your inner world and may experience vivid dreams and psychic impressions.
Neptune Sextile Mercury: This aspect enhances your communication skills and imaginative thinking. You might be able to convey complex spiritual ideas in a relatable manner, making you a skilled communicator of intangible concepts.
Neptune Sextile Venus: This aspect enhances your appreciation of beauty and harmony. Your relationships and artistic endeavors are infused with a sense of spirituality and compassion.
Neptune Sextile Mars: This aspect enhances your energy and motivation. You might be drawn to creative or humanitarian pursuits, channeling your energy into activities that have a deeper meaning.
Neptune Sextile Jupiter: This aspect enhances your sense of faith and expansion. You possess an innate wisdom and may find joy in exploring different spiritual philosophies and belief systems.
Neptune Sextile Saturn: This aspect enhances your ability to combine spirituality with discipline. You have a practical approach to your spiritual pursuits, grounding your ideals in a way that can lead to long-term growth.
Neptune Sextile Uranus: This aspect enhances your innovation and spirituality. You might experience sudden insights and revelations that contribute to your personal growth and understanding of the world.
Neptune Sextile Neptune: This aspect intensifies Neptune's influence in your life. You possess a strong connection to the spiritual realm and may have profound insights into the mysteries of existence.
Neptune Sextile Pluto: This aspect enhances your transformative journey. You have a deep understanding of the cycles of growth and change, often experiencing profound spiritual shifts.
Neptune Sextile Ascendant: This aspect enhances your intuitive and compassionate presence. You have an ability to connect with others on a soul level, often providing comfort and guidance.
Neptune Sextile Midheaven (MC): This aspect can influence your career path and public image in a positive way. You might find opportunities to express your spirituality through your professional pursuits.
Neptune Trine Sun: This aspect enhances your sense of self and creativity. Your identity is aligned with your spiritual insights, leading to a compassionate and empathetic nature.
Neptune Trine Moon: This aspect enhances your emotional sensitivity and intuition. You have an easy flow of psychic impressions and may experience vivid dreams that provide guidance.
Neptune Trine Mercury: This aspect enhances your communication skills and imaginative thinking. You possess a natural ability to convey complex spiritual concepts in a relatable manner.
Neptune Trine Venus: This aspect enhances your appreciation of beauty and harmony. Your relationships and creative endeavors are infused with a sense of spirituality and compassion.
Neptune Trine Mars: This aspect enhances your energy and motivation. You are drawn to creative or humanitarian pursuits that align with your spiritual values.
Neptune Trine Jupiter: This aspect enhances your sense of faith and expansion. You have an optimistic outlook and may find joy in exploring different spiritual philosophies.
Neptune Trine Saturn: This aspect enhances your ability to integrate spirituality with discipline. You can ground your ideals and spiritual insights in a practical and sustainable manner.
Neptune Trine Uranus: This aspect enhances your innovation and spiritual insights. Sudden flashes of inspiration contribute to your personal growth and understanding of the world.
Neptune Trine Neptune: This aspect intensifies Neptune's influence in your life. You have a deep and innate connection to the spiritual realm, often experiencing profound insights and visions.
Neptune Trine Pluto: This aspect enhances your transformative journey. You possess a deep understanding of the cycles of growth and change, often facilitating powerful spiritual shifts.
Neptune Trine Ascendant: This aspect enhances your intuitive and compassionate presence. You naturally connect with others on a soul level and may offer guidance and comfort.
Neptune Trine Midheaven (MC): This aspect can influence your career path and public image positively. You have opportunities to express your spirituality through your professional pursuits.
Neptune Square Sun: This aspect can create internal conflicts between your sense of self and your spiritual inclinations. You may struggle to find a clear direction and might be prone to self-deception.
Neptune Square Moon: This aspect can lead to emotional confusion and a tendency to be overly influenced by others' feelings. You might struggle with boundary issues and difficulty separating your emotions from others'.
Neptune Square Mercury: This aspect can create challenges in clear communication and critical thinking. You may have difficulty discerning facts from illusions, leading to misunderstandings and confusion.
Neptune Square Venus: This aspect can lead to idealized romantic notions and unfulfilled desires. You may struggle with unrealistic expectations in relationships and may need to learn to see partners and situations clearly.
Neptune Square Mars: This aspect can create struggles in asserting yourself and taking decisive action. You might find it hard to set clear goals and boundaries, leading to potential confusion in your pursuits.
Neptune Square Jupiter: This aspect can lead to over-optimism and a tendency to bite off more than you can chew. You may need to be cautious of taking risks based on unrealistic beliefs or incomplete information.
Neptune Square Saturn: This aspect can lead to conflicts between your desire for spiritual growth and your need for structure and stability. You may feel torn between responsibilities and your inner yearnings.
Neptune Square Uranus: This aspect can create inner tension between your need for stability and your urge for change and liberation. You may struggle to find a balance between the old and the new.
Neptune Square Neptune: This aspect intensifies the challenge of distinguishing between reality and illusion. You may have a hard time grounding your spiritual insights and might experience confusion about your spiritual path.
Neptune Square Pluto: This aspect can lead to intense inner struggles and transformative experiences. You may undergo powerful spiritual shifts, but they may come with a significant amount of inner turmoil.
Neptune Square Ascendant: This aspect can create confusion in your relationships and how you present yourself to the world. You might have difficulty asserting your identity and dealing with others' perceptions.
Neptune Square Midheaven (MC): This aspect can create uncertainty in your career and public image. You might struggle to find a clear direction in your professional life and how you want to be perceived by others.
Neptune Opposition Sun: This aspect can create inner conflicts between your sense of self and your spiritual inclinations. You may grapple with a sense of identity and purpose, needing to find a way to align them.
Neptune Opposition Moon: This aspect can lead to emotional fluctuations and a struggle to discern your own feelings from others'. Finding emotional balance and boundaries might be a challenge.
Neptune Opposition Mercury: This aspect can create confusion in communication and decision-making. You may experience difficulty in distinguishing facts from illusions, leading to misunderstandings.
Neptune Opposition Venus: This aspect can lead to idealized romantic notions and challenges in forming balanced relationships. You might need to work on seeing partners and situations clearly.
Neptune Opposition Mars: This aspect can create struggles in asserting yourself and taking decisive action. You might find it challenging to set clear goals and boundaries.
Neptune Opposition Jupiter: This aspect can lead to over-optimism and a tendency to take on more than you can handle. Finding a balance between your desire for expansion and realistic expectations is important.
Neptune Opposition Saturn: This aspect can create conflicts between your need for spiritual growth and your need for structure and stability. You may feel torn between your inner yearnings and responsibilities.
Neptune Opposition Uranus: This aspect can create inner tension between your desire for stability and your urge for change and freedom. Finding a way to balance these conflicting energies is crucial.
Neptune Opposition Neptune: This aspect intensifies the challenge of distinguishing between reality and illusion. You may experience periods of confusion and uncertainty about your spiritual path.
Neptune Opposition Pluto: This aspect can lead to intense inner struggles and transformative experiences. Your spiritual journey may involve facing your deepest fears and undergoing significant shifts.
Neptune Opposition Ascendant: This aspect can create challenges in your relationships and how you present yourself to the world. Struggles with asserting your identity and dealing with others' perceptions may arise.
Neptune Opposition Midheaven (MC): This aspect can create uncertainty in your career and public image. Finding a clear direction in your professional life and how you want to be seen may be difficult.
Neptune Quincunx Sun: This aspect suggests a need to adjust your sense of self and your spiritual inclinations. Balancing your personal identity with your intuitive insights may require conscious effort.
Neptune Quincunx Moon: This aspect suggests a need for adjustment between your emotions and your spiritual awareness. You may need to find ways to integrate your psychic impressions with your feelings.
Neptune Quincunx Mercury: This aspect suggests a need to adjust your communication and thought processes with your intuitive insights. Finding a balance between logic and intuition is important.
Neptune Quincunx Venus: This aspect suggests a need to adjust your approach to relationships and aesthetics with your spiritual values. Striving for harmony between idealized notions and realistic expectations is crucial.
Neptune Quincunx Mars: This aspect suggests a need to adjust your assertive actions with your intuitive inclinations. Finding a way to balance your energy with your spiritual insights is necessary.
Neptune Quincunx Jupiter: This aspect suggests a need for adjustment between your beliefs and your spiritual path. Striving for a harmonious integration of expansion and inner growth is important.
Neptune Quincunx Saturn: This aspect suggests a need to adjust your responsibilities and your spiritual yearnings. Finding a balance between discipline and inner exploration is crucial.
Neptune Quincunx Uranus: This aspect suggests a need to adjust your desire for change and your spiritual insights. Finding a way to balance innovation and inner wisdom is necessary.
Neptune Quincunx Neptune: This aspect suggests a need for adjustment within your own spiritual journey. Striving for clarity and discernment between reality and illusion is crucial.
Neptune Quincunx Pluto: This aspect suggests a need to adjust your transformative experiences and your spiritual growth. Balancing profound shifts with inner harmony is important.
Neptune Quincunx Ascendant: This aspect suggests a need to adjust how you present yourself to the world with your spiritual inclinations. Striving for authenticity and intuitive presence is crucial.
Neptune Quincunx Midheaven (MC): This aspect suggests a need to adjust your career path and public image with your spiritual values. Finding a balance between your professional goals and inner growth is important.
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