DISCLAIMER! This was written by a human being (me) and no A.I. was used (or harmed) in writing it. 😂 However, the photo was. I can confirm I do not do photoshoots with cowboy hats on…anymore! 😉
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Best ways to overcome the inevitable “text based information saturation” that’s coming in 2023?
1) You can’t fake class. Know your stuff and show it. You must show it. Be confident. Use live video, share tutorials, real life stories and examples. Shopping channel style.
2) Show emotion. All business is H2H (human to human) manually intervene when it matters more than automation. Customer service, surprise and delight. Positive vibes.
3) Don’t jump all in on ChatGPT. Nobody knows what restrictions might come into place and the shame that will arise if there ends up being an exposing of “shortcut” copy. Especially when it comes to SEO.
4) It’s a chat bot. It’s not Ultron (yet) and let’s never let anyone do that. We need governance..
so yes it’s impressive but if you have access to it, so does everyone else. Including those competitors of yours that are just way uncool. Would you want a similar content approach as them? NO! You’d want to better it.
5) Google knows everything. It probably knows what colour pants you have on. So If it knows you’ve used ChatGPT, it knows if you’ve copied and pasted it, it knows if (and probably who) you’ve emailed it to, so it’s not hard to trace back and flag that it’s A.I. copy on that “SEO blog post.” This could be a cancer to a companies Google ranking and relationship.
6) I’ve been geeking out on it for 2 weeks and the best use so far has been to help me pack out sentences. I get impatient and make scrappy notes. ChatGPT makes my bad bullet points come out as a well writtten sentence to go in a report. Now THAT is a practical application. I have little patience for those that are “cashing in” on the views to videos with titles such as “best ways to make money with chat GPT.
7) Nobody wants Ultron. Please can we make sure that’s clear and under control? Cheers.
8) What’s impressive at first, becomes boring when everyone does it. Have your fun, but don’t rest on your laurels or you’ll get left behind.
9) Always remember, WE program these things. They are TOOLS. We use them how we are fit. So don’t be a d***. Use it for good. Don’t use it to cheat. (Or pretend you made something (especially get paid!) when really it was available for anyone to attain with the write question…
10) Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.
So there we go.
I’m all for technology and advances in A.I. to help us, but I don’t have much time for digital s***housery.
#artificialintelligence #humanity #2023trends #2023goals
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After 8 years here I am back on Tumblr.
Well to be honest, I want somewhere that I can openly express myself. I feel like my Facebook and instagram audience is made up of people that came along for the fitness and motivation. My previous career path.
LinkedIn is great for me right now but I want somewhere a little more laid back to express.
TikTok is junk food for the mind.
And my new career (almost 3 years in now) is the founder and CEO of Tide 55, a digital marketing company.
I need a platform that is detached from my daily thoughts and “work” so here I am.
I share this video to kick this new wave off.
It’s the last minute of a talk a gave at an event called “mindset maintenance”
My objective was to inspire a commonality amongst us all.
Inspiration/motivation/anything really shouldn’t be a pedestal exercise. We are all the same. You are unique. You are incredible. You are a warrior.
We all are.
We are warriors of the world and we each have the warriors word inside of us.
Lessons to share. Insights to exchange with others.
That’s what this is all about.
The modern day equivalent of the camp fire in between battles.
And we are all fighting. For something. For someone.
The world needs unity and expression of ideas.
We don’t need to attack each other for things we DID NOT SAY but instead we should be able to reflect on what we each DID SAY.
I hope this place is somewhere that can facilitate that.
Thanks for being here too. Even if 1 person is here. That’s enough for a team when we work together.
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tommygentleman-blog · 9 years
I recently sent out an email to my list asking for their new year goals!
Here are a few of the replies that I have picked out to be my faves.
My goals 2015:
My goals have focused on lowering my body fat percentage, improving upper body strength and increasing my...
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tommygentleman-blog · 9 years
GET INSPIRED! The pick of the bunch - New Year Goals!
I recently sent out an email to my list asking for their new year goals!
Here are a few of the replies that I have picked out to be my faves.
My goals 2015:
My goals have focused on lowering my body fat percentage, improving upper body strength and increasing my cardiovascular fitness. 
These are goals I will continue to fight for as I have planned my first holiday with my partner at the end of February, where we will be traveling to the Maldives. I aim to get down to 28% which I feel is a realistic target but I will of course work hard to smash this target. Another important element which I am focusing a lot of my attention to is my diet as this is an area I know needed improving and to do this I am keeping a diary which logs my daily intake.
I will go into 2015 with a high work ethic, lots of determination and the strength to achieve my goals. I will smash my goals with the help of Angela who is guiding me during our personal training sessions. Alongside this I will also complete my specific programme created for me, attend the Les Mills classes and also do Yoga to aid recovery. 
Gemma, UK
Some of my 2015 goals:
10 unassisted pull ups
Squat 1.25x B/W Deads and Squats 
Run my first retreat
Run at least 15 workshops
Kat, Australia
My goals 2015:
Get fit (again), have fun, love, laugh and be kind to others. 
Wayne, UK
My goals 2015: I Commit  to MY OWN well being in body and mind and let others manage their own. I commit to respect my body  with a commitment to my healthy food choices and healthy food  behaviour. I commit to respect my body with a commitment to my healthy gym choice and healthy gym behaviour. I COMMIT TO OWN MYSELF,......MY DISCIPLINE..... MY BODY......MY GYM TIME....MY FOOD........ MY ME TIME..... MY SPACE......MY CHOICES........MY RESULTS.................other peoples distractions can be their own....THEY ARE NOT MINE.
Tina, UK
My goals 2015:
This year my target is to be earning $10k per month by December 2015.
 My motivation is that I can see what I can use that money for – take on someone full time to give them a job and free up a chunk of my time allowing me to do more with other charities and projects in town. It'll also allow me to help out other projects financially without worrying if I can pay my own bills each month.
Christopher, USA
My goals 2015:
Reduce bodyfat by 5%
Nightrider - 62 miles through London starting at 10:50pm on 6th June
Bench press 100kg on 19/12. Currently at 60kg for 3x10
Sam, UK
My goals 2015:
Goal for New Year - TO SMASH IT
Have been interested in keeping fit for years.  Have had success in the past but then get into a comfort zone and lose my momentum.  I would love to be able to master the discipline that is needed to achieve good health and the results I am hoping for which is losing several pounds and looking more toned :)
Gina, UK
My goals 2015:
2015 is my 50th year.  I intend to start it in a positive way putting all your teaching into practice.   I Will make time for me, telling my family I need to once and for all make time for me to be my fittest and leanest.  I will ensure that I attend our group sessions and put my all into my training like I always used to, which was a long time ago now.
My festival party is 11th July and I intend to be looking the way I want to look and see myself looking! I will BE 50, fit, lean and strong.
This is my life and this is up to me.  No one can wave a magic wand and turn me into the vision of what I want to be.  My past and the hurt and fear is my past, which you have shown me. 
Time now to be, live and act healthily. To draw positivity to me by being positive in all that I do and say.  But I think essentially the key thing is to believe in myself. I have done this before and CAN do this again. But this time make changes for life and stay lean and strong.  I deserve this and I intend to become what I deserve to be. Fit and fabulous!
Julie, UK
What about you? what are you going to set yourself for 2015?
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tommygentleman-blog · 10 years
Permanent Fat Loss Lesson 1/3
Here's the 1st video in my 3 part series that teaches you how to achieve permanent fat loss.
So many people struggle to lose weight and many will try diets or drastic exercise programs.
Truth is, the keys to physical change can be found in the mind.
In this video, I show you why you should approach things "mind-first" in order to be more successful at changing your body.
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tommygentleman-blog · 10 years
Learn how to achieve Permanent Fat Loss!
I've made a new video series and it's perfect for people who are ready to say goodbye to dieting and failed weight loss attempts.
It's time to evolve your mindset and achieve permanent fat loss!
Click here and you'll be taken to the right place to start learning by watching my complimentary Body & Mind Transformation PUSH! video series!
Tommy G
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tommygentleman-blog · 10 years
A couple of alternative head kick drills. One from #capoeira and one from #taekwondo give it a go. #mma #martialarts #fitness #fun #accuracy #headkick #drills #gym #kick #athlete #reasonsfitness
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tommygentleman-blog · 10 years
What every Woman over 40 must know about getting lean
Some of this may surprise you, but after reading it, you'll understand what to look out for in order to look and feel amazing over 40.
Before I begin, granted, I am not a Woman in her 40's, I know that, you know that, but what you do need to know is that I am well experienced at working with Women just like you, who are on the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle.
In this blog post I'll help you with 3 key points.
1. Your body NEEDS to do resistance exercise.
Your metabolism begins to slow down as you get more life experience (I prefer that expression to "get older.")
In order to improve your metabolism, you must do resistance exercise.
Yes that's right, WEIGHT TRAINING ladies!
And... before you object, it won't make you bigger! In fact, Women who weight train are far more likely to burn fat and get lean, because they have a healthy metabolism due to the fact they exercise their muscle fiber in this way.
So get on the weights!
My Fiance Kelly was asked if she "runs a lot" at a wedding the other day. She NEVER runs!
She is under 10% bodyfat because she eats well and trains weights!
No, she isn't quite 40 yet, but if she keeps at it, she'll be 1 hot Mumma!
PLEEEEEEEASE do this..... Seriously.
I've seen it work SOOOOOOOOOOO many times. You really must understand this point. I can't stress it enough. If you don't, I might just have to come around your house and hypnotize you into the weights area.
2. You just can't get away with it anymore...
Chocolate, cheese, crisps, cake...Oh and wine!
This is kinda due to your metabolism too.
The stuff that you used to eat earlier in life, you will now be every bit accountable for.
In order to lower your body fat percentage and feel amazing, you need to eat lean food that's cooked amazingly fresh!
The foods mentioned above, are luxury foods. Yes there is a time and a place for these in your life, but you gotta approach this as a treat. A luxury that is only digested once in a full moon or for optimal results, a blue moon!
If you write those foods out of your diet, you'll get leaner! they are little body-confidence snipers. They'll kill your progress before you even know what's hit you.
Eat fresh.
Vegetables, meat, fish, fruit, nuts, seeds, wholesome grains and drink plenty of water.
3. Keep your hormones to yourself!
Science has proven that your hormones to change as you become more experienced in life ;)
But Ladies, please, make sure that you do not let this rule over your healthy ambitions as an excuse to hide behind.
One of my most successful female clients expressed to me that she had a problem with her hormones and that was one of the reasons that her body had gotten out of the shape that she wanted.
After a few minutes, it became obvious to me that this was becoming a bit of an excuse, and even if they were having a negative effect, saying it again and again wasn't helping.
If you tell yourself that your hormones are stopping you from losing weight, then you won't lose any.
This is an example of what I call "victim mentality."
If we think of things in this way, we will often let "things" stop us from achieving our goals. If you blame our situation on other things, you will fail. Instead, the "choose" mentality is much more effective and you will have an abundance of success if you think in this way.
For example, you can CHOOSE to focus on something else instead of "your hormones being messed up." That's a negative, and that's victim mentality.
You could focus on having 7 healthy lunches this week instead. Or perhaps focus on an overall attendance goal for the gym...
It's the choose mentality that will bring you what you want in life and allow you to get your changes.
As it goes, the client in question changed her mentality and ended up losing 9 KGs of body fat. She's in her 50's and looks GREAT. I mean like head-turningly great. (is that a word? it is now.)
I hope the above helps you understand.
I obviously can't teach you absolutely EVERYTHING in one blog post, there's heaps of great stuff to learn, but if you want some more useful, valuable and straight up AWESOME advice, then I've got a complimentary video series waiting for you at www.getleanblueprint.com
Click here to get your videos, including:
Video 1 - In the kitchen - 3 Top tips and 5 Danger Zones to avoid putting on weight
Video 2 - In the gym - 5 exercises to burn fat that you can do ANYWHERE and the fundamentals of fat burning explained.
Video 3 - In the mind - A mind-trick taken from NLP that cures your cravings!
Go get yourself over to your new videos.
Thanks for reading, You are awesome.
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tommygentleman-blog · 10 years
Sticking with the theme, finishing off workouts with the assistance of the exercise ball can really help you strengthen your core without having to do extra tedious exercises. This time, it's kneeling lateral raises on the Swiss ball, followed by ball assisted handstand press. Repeat it 2 or 3 times to muscle exhaustion! #shoulders #workout #energy #exercise #exerciseball #gym #getfit #getlean #gymfun #gymball #workout #lean #strength #fitness #fit #motivation #intense
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tommygentleman-blog · 10 years
A great little triple set combo to finish off your chest workouts. Exercise ball and your DB fly weights + your own bodyweight. Hit the DB flies on the ball, hips up, then straight into press ups with feet on the ball. Then straight into narrow press with hands on the ball. Chest muscles smoked!! Stability of the shoulders and core involved too. Job done. #exercise #exerciseball #ball #dumbbells #gym #fit #fitness #conditioning #strength #core #workout #intense #abs #core #motivation #inspiration #goals #getlean #getfit #reasonsfitness
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tommygentleman-blog · 10 years
A good exercise for those wanting to tone arms and abs. This is the press up/gecko combo. It's great for working your obliques at the side of your body and of course your arms and chest. Great core exercise you can do anywhere. Give it a try, comment below and tell me how you get on. Can you do 10 in a row? #challenge #30dayslean #30daychallenge #workout #exercise #fit #fitness #motivation #getlean #getfit #inshape #inspiration #gym #goals #results #reasonsfitness #pressup #gecko #tryit #trainer #transformation #trythis #pt
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tommygentleman-blog · 10 years
I love setting myself little challenges in the gym. Today was getting back in touch with gym ball tricks! This is called "the around the world" :) #gymball #swissball #balance #fitness #gym #challenge #exercise #fit #reasonsfitness
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tommygentleman-blog · 10 years
The REAL key to physical change...
People are always asking me at social events and through social media -  "how do I lose weight?" or "what's the best exercise to do to get more toned and defined?" Well, I will tell you now, the answer that I give people is very different to what it used to be.
Before, I would have given them a good few tips on exercise and nutrition and then patiently advised them that if they were to make a start on those points, over time, they would notice results.
Now though, having been the fitness industry and the world of positive transformations since 2007, I have had this conversation too many times with people who I know just aren't gonna follow through.
So now, I tend to advise them that actually....Achieving physical change is a learning process. It requires dedication to the cause, an open mind and the willingness to succeed more than to fail.
Yes it's in your mind. It's how you think.
But most people don't want to hear this. They would rather be told that if they stand on their head and drink celery soup through a swirly straw, they will have found the secret to losing weight.
Trust me, it's not easy. But IT IS POSSIBLE. For each and every one of us. You included.
So that's why I wait until the 3rd video in my "Get Lean Blueprint" complimentary video series to teach people the REAL SECRET to physical change. IN THE MIND.
The 2 videos prior to this one share key information on nutrition and exercise, as there is vital information that you must know if you are to save your time and your energy by getting fast results.
So, go check it out www.getleanblueprint.com and enter your details. Watch the videos, comment on them, share them and apply the knowledge that I share with you.
Tommy G
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tommygentleman-blog · 10 years
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Today is an opportunity to kick your doubts into oblivion. You have a mission. Go get your goals and kick some ass today. #motivation #inspiration #goals #selfdevelopment #kickass #happy #nodoubt #today #winning #ninja #smile #results #yourtime #fitness #dreams
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tommygentleman-blog · 10 years
I can't be Spider-Man, but I can use a yo-yo! Who remembers these bad boys? #toys #oldschool #yoyo #tricks #skills #fun #gymfun #reasonsfitness #laugh #smile #childhood #memories
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tommygentleman-blog · 10 years
Flying kick in slow motion! #kicking #kick #ninja #attack #flying #gym #fitness #reasonsfitness #mma #tkd #power #velocity #airbourne #accuracy #skill
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tommygentleman-blog · 10 years
After the hat on the sparring dummy, my good friend Mike let me have a go with an apple on his head! More #kicking #fun and games. Here's the video of the apple kick. Screw an arrow, use your heel! #gym #mma #martialarts #tkd #accuracy #skill #tekkers #fitness #hookkick #fruit #ninja @daguiarskills
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