#'re called and got it. and i can't remember what i named her but i do remember she was female
front-facing-pokemon · 9 months
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saint--claire · 3 months
When I was a little child, there was a particular library book I checked out week after week, endlessly renewing it as much as I was able. The book, How to Raise and Keep a Dragon by John Topsell was a quasi-nonfiction guide to, as you guessed, rearing different species of dragons. I loved it. Tiny-me had plans.
As an adult, I tried to buy it a few times. No dice. The book was so old that no mainstream bookseller stocked it. Even when I tried niche websites recommended by various booksellers and librarians, I still couldn't find it. It was sadly lost to time, apparently not popular enough to make it into the archives.
My best friend had a copy of that book. We're going to call her G, for several reasons not relevant at the moment. I was discussing my search with G one day, for some reason I can't remember now. She got a funny look on her face, asked me a few questions about the cover, listened to me do a very poor job of explaining with my hands how the hardcover copy had included a real gemstone in the dragon's forehead, and then went off to fish it out of her bookcase.
I was Gobsmacked.
I should not have been, given that the history of shared childhood books between us both would have made a circle with ragged edges, more so than a venn diagram, but I digress. The book came home to live in my house for a few months, and I was delighted by the chance to read it again.
Do people remember those type of books? Dragonology, Egyptology, The Stone Age - a way of introducing children to non fiction. They very earnestly spoke about the responsibilities needed to raise dragons, the practicalities involved. There was a record of registration you could fill out, if you had carefully considered the information to your self and felt you were responsible enough to to go through with adopting a dragon.
I vaguely remember filling out some of the riddle and puzzle questions in the Dragonology books. I would never have written in John Topsell's book, it was a library book.
When I re-read G's copy at home, smiling over the familiar artwork, I was surprised to turn the page and find the painstaking, somewhat-wonky handwriting staring back at at me. Baby G, with her name spelled out in freshly-joined but still-not-quite-got-the-hang-of-this-yet cursive lettering. Baby G had filled the registration out in her best handwriting, in glittery green gel pen to denote the importance of the document. This was compared to the earlier, less important checklists done in plain black ink.
I read the registration certificate. Smiled. Smiled some more at the names listed for G's dragon, her dam, and her sire - Eragon was also a great book. Go off, Christopher Paolini.
Breed; standard Western Dragon. The box 'miniture' was ticked, to show that G's dragon was of the minature specic variety, rather than a full size dragon. This was, as she would later explain to me, chosen on the basis that baby-G felt it was the more financially responsible choice. Also so she could keep her dragon in her house with her, but we're not there yet.
I looked at that certificate. Looked at it again. Looked at the calendar, and then looked at the sewing machine I had just been given for Christmas.
G celebrates her birthday in January.
The template came first. I studied the different images of the standard western dragon through the book, picked my favourite, and re-drew it to a significantly larger scale.
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Inking the design to the fabric, four times over probably took the longest.
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I very subtly asked G the next time she was over (after hurling all dragon-related materials in a panic into the depths of my wardrobe) what type of colour dragon she would have, should it come up. As G later said, that type of question from me truly did not register as anything other than a question asked from theoretical interest. I transitioned the topic as discreetly as I could after she answered, and delightfully, my sneakiness went in one ear, out the other, and she forgot I had ever asked until several weeks later.
I enjoyed painting them.
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Don't ask me how many mistakes I made through this process. So many. I do already know how to sew, but it's been a long time. I'd been meaning to get back into it for a while.
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Given that various aunts and grandmothers and my mother had a knack for calling when I was up to my elbows in either paint or pins, it became a family affair. Each of them peered at the project through face time and offered their advice.
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Some of the advice I took, some I didn't. No regrets about sewing it in pink thread. Considerable regrets about accidentally slicing one of the feet in half and having to fix that.
In the end though, she was finished.
I carefully pinned on her name tag, with the name baby-G had chosen with a little blue ribbon. A collar was unacceptable, this is a dragon, people, come on. Dragon's don't wear collars.
I put the book in the box, open to the registration certificate, and put the dragon on top. Wrapped the whole thing up with a bow and then refused to touch it before I sent myself mad trying to fix details that didn't really need to be fixed.
A bit late for her birthday, sure, but there we are. We'd gone for a trip off to nowhere for a weekend, to go try wine made out of blueberries and hike up a waterfall. (And climb on it. And swim in it. It was a very good waterfall).
I gave her the box, informed her she wasn't allowed to keep the box, just the contents (it was the only thing I had that was big enough for me to keep all of my A3 portfolios in, it had only been temporarily-repurposed as dragon housing), and then left the next bit up to the gods.
A surprise, sitting un-awaited for some 15 years in amber, to catch up to baby G and adult G together.
Happy Birthday, baby and adult G.
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ginnsbaker · 8 months
Bulletproof (7/10)
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Part Summary: “You sacrificed yourself for me,” she ends in a whisper. “I did what?” Knowing you don’t have any family, anyone you’re supposed to care about, the revelation stuns you. Who is Wanda to you?
Chapter word count: 3.1k+ | Tags: Light Angst, Still UST, Still gay, Still sharing a bed, Memory loss
Ship: Wanda Maximoff x Gender Neutral Reader
Next Part | Series Masterlist
You slide the change across the counter, offering a warm smile to the satisfied customer. “Have a nice day!” you call out with practiced cheerfulness.
You let out a sigh; only six more days until it’s Thursday again.
Without looking up, you mechanically go through the motions of preparing the register for the next customer in line.
“I’ll have the vanilla latte, please.”
The voice unmistakably belongs to the one you've been waiting to hear all week. Wanda stands on the other side of the counter, her bottom lip caught between her teeth, looking every bit as nervous as you feel the moment your eyes land on her. Your heart rate quickens, an involuntary response to the sudden nearness of her. 
Subconsciously, you open your mouth to greet her, the words, "Hi, Wanda," at the tip of your tongue. But you snap your mouth shut at the last moment, realizing the slip that almost occurred. You know her name, yes, but not because she's told you. Louisa had been the one to fill in that blank.
“Your... vanilla latte will be right up,” you manage to say, mentally kicking yourself for sounding so out of sorts. The news that she was searching for you last night still lingers in your mind. And though every part of you yearns to question Wanda about it, you're uncertain how to broach the topic with someone who's essentially a stranger.
“Thanks, Y/N,” Wanda says, her tongue fleetingly grazing her lip. The sound of her saying your name only intensifies the blush warming your cheeks.
Your hand, as it's done this countless times before, reaches for a cup. Without thinking, without asking, you write ‘Wanda’ on it, surprising even yourself. You pour the milk, steam rising as the frother does its job. A few times, you sneak glances at her, and each time, you find her already looking your way, her gaze unwavering. 
Finishing the final touches on her drink, you set it down at the pickup station where Wanda is waiting for it. She steps forward, her fingers brushing yours as she takes the cup. “Thank you, Y/N,” she responds, deliberately emphasizing your name.
As you move on to the next order, you catch Wanda out of the corner of your eye, making her way to her usual spot by the window. It's a table tucked away in a cozy nook that offers a clear view of the counter. You can't help but smile, feeling a warmth of contentment knowing she's there, within reach whenever you want to see her.
Lost in her thoughts, Wanda takes a sip of her latte. It's only when she sets the cup down does she notice the name written on it. 
In your handwriting.
How did you know her name? She never let on because she'd signed a legal document that forbade her from telling you anything, unless... unless you remembered something?
She feels her heart rate pick up, and without thinking, she stands up abruptly, nearly knocking the chair over. Taking quick strides, she's in front of the counter faster than she realizes.
“Y/N,” she starts, her voice catching a bit. You feel a blend of confusion and terror all at once. 
“Why...Why did you write my name on the cup? Do you re—”
“I’m sorry, it’s my fault,” Louisa interjects before you can dissolve into a heap of embarrassment on the floor.
Wanda pointedly turns to Louisa, arms crossed in front of her.
Louisa toys with the edge of her apron, her cheeks slightly pink. “Well, it's not like I straight-up told them, but Y/N might've heard your name from me... accidentally.” She gives a small, awkward shrug, trying to dodge Wanda's piercing look.
“Anyway, I've got orders to fulfill,” she adds quickly. Then with a hurried nod, she heads back to her station, leaving you face-to-face with Wanda.
You gulp, struggling to speak up. Your hands feel clammy, and you kind of wish the counter was tall enough to duck behind.
“Why would your colleague tell you my name?” Wanda asks, her tone more curious than accusatory.
Your eyes dart around, looking for an escape, but it's clear Wanda expects an answer. “Um... I might've asked about it,” you admit, trying to sound casual, but failing miserably.
“You wanted to know my name?” Wanda's voice reaches your ears while you keep your focus on the countertop.
You take a deep breath, mustering up some courage. “I hope this doesn't come off too weird, but ever since you first walked in, I've been curious about your name,” you admit, your gaze dropping even further to your shoes. “Okay, that sounded kind of creepy. Sorry about that.”
Wanda blinks in surprise, processing your words. “Oh,” is all she manages to say. Then, without another word, she returns to her seat by the window, leaving you flustered and second-guessing every word you'd just uttered. From behind the counter, you watch her, heart sinking. You watch as she sips her latte, lost in her thoughts, occasionally peering over the rim of her cup, casting glances your way.
Did you just ruin any chance of getting to know her better? It's probably not a great sign she walked out without reacting to you admitting your crush on her.
From her seat, Wanda’s mind races. A part of her is wracked with sadness. Sadness to see no recognition in your eyes still. How could someone forget something that meant so much? And more importantly, why did fate have to play such a cruel hand?
How could you forget her? Someone you risked your life for?
But then, another realization strikes her.
You wanted to know her name—for weeks now, since she started visiting you on Thursdays. Perhaps you don't remember her from your past, but your interest in getting to know her offers Wanda some reprieve. Maybe for now, she has to be content with that.
Maybe there’s no harm in what she wants to happen next. She recalls the countless secrets she’s already kept, the rules she’s broken, and the distances she's traveled just to see you. With Vision’s help, she’s been flying back and forth between states, all the while keeping it from the team. If she’s already breaking a non-disclosure agreement due to your reassignment, what's one more rule?
Taking a deep breath, she stands up, resolve steeling her nerves. She walks up to you with confident strides despite the fluttering anxiety in her chest. “Hey,” she starts, drawing your attention, “When does your shift end?”
You look up, slightly taken aback by her directness. “Um, 8 pm.”
“And after that...?”
Your heart thumps loudly in your chest. Why would she ask? Does she want to... spend more time with you? Before Wanda can make the situation even more awkward with her stammering, you attempt to flirt in the only way you know how, “Planning to kidnap me or something?”
Wanda's cheeks flush a deep shade of crimson, her eyes widening in surprise. “No! I just thought—”
“Oh, I didn't mean to—” you begin, regretting the choice of your playful words. 
Wanda, clearly flustered, tries to formulate a coherent response. “I was just—You know, trying to be forward for once and—” She pauses, taking a deep breath, and chuckles at her own awkwardness. “I'm not great at this, am I?”
You grin at her. “Clearly, I’m no better.”
“Do you want to, uh, grab ice cream after your shift?”
“I’d love to,” you reply, your smile growing to match Wanda's. “Meet you later outside?”
Wanda nods, anticipation gleaming in her eyes. “It's a date.”
You spend the last few hours of your shift in a state of giddy excitement, frequently glancing at the clock, eager for the end of your shift. Each time the bell above the door chimes, you hope it's Wanda entering. By 7:45, you're already tidying up and getting ready to leave.
8pm arrives and with a quick farewell to Louisa, you push open the door to the café, the cool evening air wrapping around you.
Just as you step onto the pavement, there's an unexpected, sharp tug on your arm, pulling you into a dark alley.
“Hey!” you shout. 
Fear courses through you, and you struggle, trying to break free. Just as one of the abductors attempts to cover your mouth with a cloth, a red blur races toward them. The abductors are thrown off their feet, their bodies slamming into the nearby wall. It happens so quickly that it's almost a blur. 
But when the dust settles, standing protectively in front of you is Wanda.
“You okay?” she asks, her tone devoid of the commanding presence she displayed earlier.
You nod, but the shock has rendered you speechless.
As you try to gather your bearings, Wanda wraps an arm around you, guiding you away from the scene. “It's not safe. We need to get out of here.”
You're both a few blocks away when you finally find your voice. “What was that? Why did they... and you? What did you do?”
She stops, turning to face you, her features softening. “I didn't want to get you involved. Not like this,” she says.
“Involved in what? What's happening?” you demand.
Wanda looks down, taking a step back. “Do you trust me?”
“I... I don't know,” you say, trying to reconcile the kind woman you've grown fond of with the apparent superhero who had just saved you.
Wanda sighs, taking your hand gently. “There's a lot you don't remember. About us, about you. It's safer for everyone if you don't, but now... it seems you're in danger regardless.”
“You're scaring me,” you whisper, holding her hand loosely.
She looks at you with pained eyes. “I promise I'll explain everything. But right now, we need to go somewhere safe.”
“My apartment. We can—”
“Absolutely not,” Wanda cuts you off sharply. “If they know where you work, they probably know where you live. They'll be waiting.”
The thought of strangers lurking in your home, waiting to ambush you, sends a shiver down your spine. "Then where?" you ask, feeling vulnerable and exposed out in the open.
“There's a place,” Wanda says. “Somewhere they won't think to look.”
She leads you through winding streets, and eventually, you find yourself at a seemingly abandoned building. Wanda carefully approaches a hidden entrance, pushing open a concealed door.
Inside, it doesn’t feel abandoned at all. The walls are lined with bookshelves, filled with titles from all genres. There's a quaint kitchenette in one corner, and a cozy living area with plush sofas and a fireplace in another. A few framed photos adorn the walls, though turned face-down so you can't quite see who's in them.
“This is...unexpected,” you comment, looking around the transformed space. “Is this where you live?”
Wanda chuckles softly, “No, I live at the Avengers compound. But Vision helped me set this place up... for emergencies.”
“For emergencies?” you echo, your eyebrows knitting together. “Like being attacked outside coffee shops?”
Wanda looks away. It doesn’t matter that you don’t remember anything. You’re still so naturally gifted at figuring her out.
“In a manner of speaking, yes. But also... I was thinking about making this place a sort of... second home,” Wanda says.
You tilt your head, puzzled. “Why would you need a second home in North Carolina when you live in New York?”
She looks around the place, seemingly avoiding your gaze. But then, she turns to face you, sincerity in her eyes, “To be close to you.”
It suddenly clicks—she's been planning, making moves, all for you. As much as you'd love to revel in the fact that Wanda feels the same way, knowing she's been watching and even got a place nearby just to be close... Well, it's a lot to wrap your head around.
To say it's overwhelming is putting it mildly.
You’re not sure what to feel about these myriad of revelations. What you do feel strongly is that Wanda doesn't come across as a stalker with harmful intentions (even though saying any stalker has good intentions is a stretch).
“Look,” you say, leaning against a wall as your legs feel like they might give out. “I need to understand. Why all this? Why not just approach me or talk to me instead of... this?” You gesture around the apartment.
Wanda runs a hand through her hair, looking genuinely troubled. “It's not as straightforward as you think. Given who I am, my past, my abilities... There are dangers, complexities. And I wanted to protect you.”
“From what?” you question, your frustration steadily growing. “From you?”
“From the likes of me,” she whispers.
You take a moment, letting her words sink in. “So, all those Thursdays, at the coffee shop... you weren’t just stopping by for coffee. You were... watching me?”
Wanda sighs heavily. There’s no point in lying to you now.
“I knew where they had relocated you after you lost your memories and your powers,” she says.
“Relocated? Powers?” The words swirl in your head, conflicting with everything you thought you knew about yourself. Part of you half-expects someone to jump out and reveal this is all an elaborate prank, because how can any of this be real?
She nods slowly. “You were an Avenger, Y/N. Just like me. We fought together. We... were close. And after the incident, they moved you to keep you safe. But I needed to be sure. I needed to see for myself.”
You attempt to sift through the influx of new information, attempting to grasp each piece individually. 
“How did I lose my powers?” you ask.
Wanda’s eyes meet yours, and you’re not ready for the vulnerability displayed in them. 
“You lost your powers because you saved me,” Wanda says. Before you can even question her, she delves into the account of the attack at the compound, of finding her beneath the rubble, on the brink of death. You'd pulled the steel impaling her, using every ounce of your strength to mend her wounds and keep her alive. Once impervious to bullets, your depleted energy left you exposed.
In Wanda's eyes, it was all her fault.
“You sacrificed yourself for me,” she ends in a whisper.
“I did what?” Knowing you don’t have any family, anyone you’re supposed to care about, the revelation stuns you.
Who is Wanda to you?
Wanda swallows hard. “Your powers, Y/N, are linked to your emotions, to your very soul. And when you saw me in that state, you poured every bit of your energy, your very essence, into saving me. You brought me back from the brink, but in doing so, you lost everything that makes you... you.”
Your pulse quickens, snatches of memories pushing to the forefront: the tang of smoke, chaos everywhere, the gut-wrenching sight of Wanda, still and lifeless, and that burning urge to rescue her. It's like a fog's lifting, but everything's still a bit blurry.
“Why don’t I remember any of this?” you say under your breath, your hands balling into fists.
“There were complications. They said the exertion, combined with the traumatic event, caused a severe memory block,” Wanda murmurs. “We—we tried everything to bring your memories back. But nothing worked. And then they decided... it was safer to relocate you. To give you a normal life away from all the dangers that come with being an Avenger.”
“Who's 'they'? I can't even—” You stop mid-sentence, feeling a sharp headache building as Wanda's words start to sink in.
Wanda quickly moves closer, her hands reaching out to steady you. “Easy,” she murmurs gently. She pulls you into a nearby chair and kneels before you. “I'm sorry, this is a lot to take in all at once.”
You take a few deep breaths, trying to stave off the dizziness. “I just... I don’t remember any of it. Any of this.”
Wanda’s gaze drops guiltily. “And for that, I’m so sorry. I wish you never had to go through any of it.”
After a brief pause, she adds, “You should get some rest. It's been one hell of a day.”
Guiding you gently by the arm, Wanda leads you to the adjoining room. As you step inside, you notice the room’s simplicity: a wardrobe, a bedside table, and a single bed positioned under a window. Your eyes dart between the bed and Wanda, and you mumble, “I can take the couch.”
Wanda shakes her head, dismissing the idea, “Nonsense. You'll take the bed.”
“That's not fair. I can't take your bed,” you argue, your eyes fixed on the plush pillows and blankets.
She smiles, feeling a sense of déjà vu from the first time she took you to her room. “I'll sleep on the floor.”
“No way,” you retort. “If anyone's sleeping on the floor, it's me.”
Wanda sighs and then says, “Look, the bed's big enough for both of us. It's not like we haven't shared a bed before…”
You blink, taken aback. Another missing memory? You ponder for a moment, then give a reluctant nod. “Alright, but only if you're sure.”
Wanda grins, the edges of her lips curling up sweetly. “I am.”
She then moves to a small closet and pulls out a shirt and some sleep shorts. “Here,” she hands them to you, “they should fit.”
You thank her, examining the clothes. They look comfortable enough. Both of you stand awkwardly for a moment before you break the silence. “Shall we...?”
Wanda nods, and with a quiet agreement, both of you turn around, ensuring your backs are to each other as you change. After that, you both move to opposite sides of the bed. Before lying down, you grab a pillow and place it squarely in the middle, creating a clear boundary.
Wanda glances at the pillow barrier, a smirk playing on her lips. “Seriously?” she says with a playful lilt.
“What?” you shoot back, a bit defensive.
Her fingers tracing the edge of one of the pillows. “We used to do this, you know,” she explains vaguely.
“We had a pillow barrier for a short time in the past. It didn't last long, but…” Wanda trails off, feeling a little silly for bringing up a memory that you clearly don’t recognize at all.
Sensing her despondency, you urge her to tell you more. “Why didn’t it last long?”
Wanda dares to meet your eyes in the darkness. “We became closer, in every way. The pillow just... became unnecessary.”
You nod slowly, processing her words. Even though you can't recall the memory, you can sense the significance of it to Wanda. 
“Well, for tonight, the pillow stays,” you murmur.
She nods, her eyes misty. “Of course. Tonight, it stays.”
Both of you turn away, but just being near each other brings a sense of peace. Given everything that's happened today, it's surprising how quickly the two of you are pulled into a deep slumber.
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odinsblog · 27 days
Since 2014, millions of Uyghurs, Kazakhs and other minorities have been locked up in China and subjected to torture and forced labour. Some of those freed talk about trying to rebuild their lives in neighbouring Kazakhstan.
Photography by Robin Tutenges
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A Chinese course book
Saliman Yesbolat used to live in Ghulja county, Xinjiang. After she refused to denounce her Uyghur neighbours to the police, she was forced to perform the raising of the Chinese flag every Monday at dawn, and to attend Chinese lessons twice a week in the basement of her building, where she would learn the Chinese language, patriotic songs and Xi Jinping's discourses by heart. This is her exercise book.
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Forced to leave China
At 65, Imam Madi Toleukhan is one of the oldest refugees in Bekbolat, Kazakhstan, where more than 100 families took shelter after fleeing the Chinese regime. 'We were richer back there. I owned a herd, but I was too afraid for my sons, my grandchildren and their future: I came to Kazakhstan to save them. I didn't want them to be the fourth generation to suffer at the hands of the Chinese government, he says.
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Remembering Uyghur culture in exile
Two members of the Dolan Ensemble, a Uyghur dance troupe based in Kazakhstan, get ready before performing a traditional dance to mark 40 days since the birth of a baby. Founded in 2016, the troupe performs at festivals or private events that bring together members of the Uyghur community, some of whom have had to leave Xinjiang.
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Torture, infertility and damaged genitalia
In Kazakhstan, medical care for camp survivors is poor. Most victims can barely afford to see a family doctor. Anara*, an endocrinologist in a Kazakh hospital who has examined about 50 camp survivors since 2020, noticed recurrent infertility problems among her patients. 'Men or women, many have damaged genitalia. Some told me they'd been given drugs, others said they'd been raped. As they didn't come to us right after being released from the camps, it's impossible to know what kind of drugs they were administered in Xinjiang, she says. *Not her real name
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The tiger chair
Ospan* spent a year in a re-education camp. He says his mind and body were crushed by the tortures he experienced in a tiger chair - a steel apparatus with handcuffs that restrains the body in painful positions. Aged about 50, this former shepherd, who took refuge with his family in eastern Kazakhstan, is no longer fit for work. Physically wrecked and prone to headaches, he mourns the loss of his memory above all. 'I used to know a lot of songs and I loved to sing; I also knew poems by heart ... Now, I can't sing any more, I can't remember the words,' he says. *Not his real name
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Broken families and imprisonment
Aikamal Rashibek saw the dreadful efficiency of the CCP's brainwashing on her husband, Kerimbek Bakytali, after he was released from a Chinese psychiatric hospital. 'He disappeared for a year. When he came back, he didn't tell me anything about what happened to him. He was highly unhinged, always nervous, and got angry whenever I asked questions. He couldn't stop repeating that he hated Kazakhstan now, and that he wanted to go back to China with the kids to give them a Chinese education, says Aikamal. They are now separated.
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Missing loved ones in China’s camps
In March 2017, Miyessar Muhedamu, left, a Uyghur woman, was arrested in Xinjiang under the pretext that she had studied Arabic in Egypt when she was young. Her husband, Sadirzhan Ayupov, right, and her three children have not seen her since. Now that Miyessar has left the camp, Sadirzhan receives a short call every few months. He suspects she might have suffered abuse, yet Miyessar can’t speak freely. ‘She told me she’d been in a re-education camp, and that she’d been released. When I ask her what she went through there, she doesn’t answer,’ says Sadirzhan.
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Life after fleeing China
Sent to a re-education camp in 2018 at the age of 64, Yerke* saw her health quickly deteriorate. Locked a tiny cell with dozens of other women, she almost lost the use of her legs due to the cold floor she had to lie on. She was in the camp when she learned of her son’s death: pressured by the Chinese authorities, he took his own life. After her release, Yerke fled to Kazakhstan with some family members, but two of her children remain in China. *Not her real name
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Forced labour and confessions
Dina Nurdybay, 32, was arrested in Nilka county, Xinjiang, because her traditional Kazakh clothing business made her a separatist, according to the Chinese authorities. She spent 11 months between two re-education camps, a CCP school and a forced-labour sewing factory. After proving she was capable of being ‘well behaved’ and having performed a self-criticism in front of the whole village, Dina was released and managed to escape when she obtained a week’s leave to visit her ailing father in Kazakhstan.
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Cultural genocide
China’s repression of ethnic minorities also involves cultural genocide. As Muslim rituals are forbidden in Xinjiang, people are trying to keep their traditions alive across borders. Here, a family is praying together in Kazakhstan after the death of one of their relatives in Xinjiang. They could not repatriate the body because the border between the two countries was closed at the time.
(continue reading)
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markantonys · 7 months
My Mom Reacts To: wheel of time season 2 episodes 1-4 (season 1)
episode 1
"if i had to carry water all that way for a bath, i'd get a smaller bathtub" you know what? that is a very fair point. just get a smaller tub, moiraine!
mom, #1 Lan Stan: so, he doesn't have any powers, right? except cunning and strength and loyalty of course me: of course
mom: so liandrin wants nynaeve to become red because she........doesn't want her to have a warder? me doing a great aes sedai truth-telling: nynaeve is really powerful so liandrin wants to recruit her for her own team
my dad predicted moiraine was scamming bayle domon and loved it when it was revealed that she was. as always, not too much commentary from him because he remains silent and seems to not be paying attention for most of the time, only to randomly come out with a completely correct prediction or read on a scene.
"i don't think it's true that neat and tidy things can't be worthwhile 🙄" clearly my mom subscribes more to the Egwene School Of Thought than to the Alanna School Of Thought
lan to moiraine after she is Mean to him: make dinner yourself mom: GOOD FOR YOU
when lan brings her the plate later and puts it on top of the maps: "what if he gets greasy food all over her maps?"
"ugh i hate dark scenes where i can't see anything" [scary fade appears] "okay maybe it's good that i can't see"
episode 2
my mom got all confused about rand's dream of him killing his friends and wondered at first if it was real, please pray for her when tel'aran'rhiod is introduced later
"HE'S BALD??????" all of us when we first saw s2 rand's new look djkfgjh
"they must like him here if he gets free food" my boy, beloved wherever he goes :')
she wasn't particularly fond of mat last season, but he's gotten quite a few laughs so far this season! (notably the moment when we ALL fell in love with New Mat, when he was miming liandrin locking the door)
she gave an annoyed TUH! at elayne dissing egwene's room, but didn't comment further, possibly because i'd just told her 20 seconds earlier that elayne was my favorite character and she didn't want to offend me jdkfgh
she was like "wait, is she blue or green???" during a scene where alanna was wearing a slightly-darker-than-normal green outfit, so i think it was definitely a good call by the show to dress aes sedai in their ajah colors always. hard to keep track otherwise!
after moiraine had her hand on her knife when verin revealed she knew about the dragon: "what was she gonna do?? just stab her right in front of all the others??? that's ridiculous!" djkfjg points were made! poor moiraine just kinda panicked and lost all her braincells for a moment there.
my mom was a randgwene shipper last season so i thought she was gonna be pissed about rand hooking up with a strange new woman whilst egwene mourns his death, but she has not said a single word about that situation yet! i did once catch her reading lanfear's wiki article which she'd gotten onto after reading lan's because "i just want to know what happens to him and i'm not going to read all those books" so maybe she retained some info from lanfear's article that made her suspect something fishy with selene?
she recognized min from s1 right away and hastened to add her to her handwritten character list, when other characters needed a couple scenes to get that honor, and i remember she laughed a lot at min's lines last season and she did again today. guys, if my mom becomes a min stan, i may never recover lmao (i'm mostly kidding, show!min has done nothing wrong and is cool. MOSTLY kidding.)
re: the list, i told her she wasn't allowed to google and print out a list of characters because she would see spoilers, only to accidentally spoil her myself last season by instinctively writing liandrin's name down in the "bad guys" column and making her ask "wait, so she's ACTUALLY a villain, not just mean??", rip (but i played it off as "oh she's just unfriendly to moiraine so that's why i put her there" so we shall see whether or not she ends up being surprised by the black ajah reveal)
when min was saying how she sees glimpses of the pattern, my mom made a connection to perrin seeing the past earlier, which i thought was very interesting! (since we hadn't yet learned that what he saw was actually a sending from the wolves.) min's viewings and wolfbrothers are the two major magical powers that have nothing to do with the one power, and it always minorly bugged me that they don't Fit In to the rest of the magic system (despite my apparently-hypocritical mocking of people who get hung up on lore rules etc haha), so i just thought it was neat to think of them in conjunction with each other.
mom, shocked and dismayed: MAT'S GOING TO KILL RAND???????? me: [vibrating with glee over The Great Cauthor Stabbening]
when nynaeve is taken to the arches: "so is she getting a promotion?"
there was some line during the moiraine-lan divorce that got a big offended gasp from our #1 Lan Stan, but i forget which one it was (it wasn't "we were never equals" it was an earlier one)
my dad just laughed when they first showed suroth and her redonkulus getup jkjfg the correct reaction to the pomp and ceremony of seanchan high blood
episode 3
when the aes sedai were saying nynaeve was ready to take the test my mom was like "NO SHE ISN'T!!!!" and was pressed about them rushing her into it
during the bandit attack in the test: "boy, i wouldn't want to live in this world!"
when nynaeve left the tower my mom was like "is this what happens in the books?!" and i couldn't reveal yet that it was still part of the test so i just instinctively said "you'll see" which is my response to everything, and she was like "no i won't, i'm not reading all these books" lmao
my dad during the version of mashiara playing during the lanaeve reunion: why is "somewhere over the rainbow" playing
sheriam: she wasn't ready mom: THAT'S WHAT I SAID!!!!!!!!!!!
she was genuinely very upset for a moment because she thought nynaeve was dead, but i think she then guessed pretty quickly that It Ain't Over Yet
scene transition from nynaeve being left in the arches over to the seanchan: "we're going from bad to worse!"
i was dithering over uno's impending death because i didn't want to spoil them but i thought my mom might want a trigger warning, and thankfully my dad went "that horn looks like it's in a dangerous spot" when they first made uno kneel, so i was all clear to say "yeah this is about to get gory" lmao
my dad wondered if suroth was the dark one which fascinated me! i think everyday negroes had the same thought, iirc. i guess it IS the logical conclusion when you know that ishy is the dark one's right-hand man and in this scene we see him being suroth's right-hand man!
my mom thought elayne might be evil or a spy! how could she! i guess she isn't accustomed to wheel of time strangers just being friendly without an ulterior motive djkfg i didn't outright say her theory was wrong because i'm not about to be a booksplainer, but i'm sure i was so visibly baffled at the idea of elayne being evil that i shot down the theory nonetheless haha
when liandrin goes to visit mat again: "how does she have time for all this? she has her sick son, she has mat, and she has whatever else she does at the tower"
when liandrin blames mat for nynaeve's death: "this lady is CRAZY!!"
mat's "is that an 'i'm here to murder you' stare or a 'light i never realized how handsome you are' stare" line was a big hit! love to see my boy getting some appreciation in this house
...............which he promptly squandered when he a) initially left his cell without freeing min too, and b) did not go comfort egwene. but i pointed out that liandrin's been psychologically tormenting him for months into thinking his friends are better off without him, because i couldn't bear to see them judge my boy!
"it's like we're in 18th century france!" was the first thing out of my mom's mouth when they went to the cairhienin party, i'm sure the costume designers would be thrilled!
mom: how did this lady from the poor district get them into a fancy party? and how could she afford these clothes? 🤨 me: 🤷👀
when logain pours out the wine: "AFTER ALL RAND'S HARD WORK TO GET IT!!"
why did my dad laugh when the inn was on fire jdkfg maybe he just likes to see rand have a bad time
mom: jeez, maybe rand shouldn't stay in other people's houses anymore me: i'm sure rand's thinking the same thing
mom at the end of the test: it's so sad that they keep getting glimpses of the nice lives they could've had 😔
episode 4
mom 2 seconds before the camera reveals who the visitor is: is her little sister moiraine? [camera shows moiraine] mom: I GUESSED SOMETHING FOR ONCE
"it's pretty rude to show up to someone's house and then say 'i don't have time to hang out with you'!"
selene: the fire wasn't your fault rand mom: well it kinda was actually
there was some moment where my dad referred to "sneezing and burning down an inn, or whatever he did" and it killed me, i wish i could remember the context bc it was even funnier in context
"i speak with the amyrlin every time i open my mouth" was also a hit! as was perrin asking if he would turn into a wolf and elyas saying "don't be stupid"
mom when moiraine waltzes into the foregate dressed to the nines: i thought she wanted to keep a low profile
just earlier that day we'd been bemoaning the lack of pockets in women's clothing, as one does, so my mom was like "[delighted] now THAT'S a pocket!" when moiraine fit a whole-ass knife into the pocket of her fancy dress. WOT costumers understand the importance of giving girls pockets! lanfear's outfits have a lot too
my dad said "she seems like a bad guy" about selene during the mountaintop scene, he been knew! but he ended up falling asleep and missing the reveal that he was right
meanwhile, mom: "i'm just waiting for a monster to crawl up that cliff and get them"
when alanna & co go through lan's bags to get the poem: "aww, i thought they were his friends! 😔"
mom: too bad moiraine won't just ask her sister about rand, she talked to him at the party! anvaere: so if you want to know where that redheaded boy is, you'll have to ask me very nicely over tea mom: [just as smug as anvaere]
when ishy shows up at min's room: "how is he EVERYWHERE????"
she didn't seem TOO surprised when liandrin attacked the girls, and she clocked that liandrin was working for ishy after this scene with min (or rather, she asked me if that was the case and i said "you'll see")
she let out the fondest chuckle when rand was like "[choking back tears] i'm going to leave now, thank you" he is BABY YOUR HONOR!!!
as the Lanfear Reveal started my mom said "i just knew she was evil" so that must be why she was so silent on the relationship and so un-judgmental of rand, she must've clocked selene's Bad Vibes from the start! or else she retained something from reading lanfear's wiki article a while back lmao
even so, she went "OH MY GOSH!!!!" and clapped her hands over her mouth in shock when moiraine slit lanfear's throat, which i think is one of her biggest reactions to anything in either season so far! the initial stabbing, zero reaction, but the followup throat-slitting, freakout.
the "i'm a monster too" line + Undead Lanfear Moment has her CONVINCED that forsaken are some kind of creatures or zombies, i'm trying to explain they're just humans who are really powerful and evil haha
at the final shot of lanfear: "i'm going to have nightmares! i'll have to go read my murder mystery to calm down before bed." duality of woman
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bubblegumbarbie33 · 4 months
The way people will stand so proudly and defend Frank Gallagher with all their hearts, talking about how funny and #craaazy he is and then absolutely SHIT on Monica and act as if she was the downfall of Frank. Like. I'm sorry? That man can make his own decisions. At any point he could have been like- hey, I can't do this with you anymore Mon, I need to leave you. Or. OR! HEAR ME OUT! ENCOURAGED HER TO TAKE HER MEDS AND SEEK HELP INSTEAD OF FOCUSING ON HIS OWN SELFISH DESIRES.
Because of the two of them, Monica has a diagnosable mental illness which explains a lot of her "crazy" behavior. Does that excuse said behavior? Absolutely not- because even when she's in a 'good' place (still off of her meds, because I can't remember a time in the show where she consistently took them) she cracks under the pressure of taking care of the kids that she chose to have, tries to take a baby, enables one of her children that shares her mental illness, neglects them, and then leaves them a shit ton of cocaine to deal with when she dies.
Remember when he lost his son in a bet? Remember when he just generally treated his kids like shit for their entire lives? Remember when he actively tried to re-traumatize Sheila and reignite her mental health struggles?
Remember when he called CPS on his own kids???
Or how about using his SON'S SPERM TO IMPREGNATE A WOMAN????
Or when he uses his kids names on all of his cards and put them into debt for the rest of their lives! :D
Did Monica traumatize her kids? Absolutely. Did Monica neglect her kids? Completely. Did Monica also fuck off for a majority of the series, so we don't get a full picture of her life or the things that she's done? Yes! Was Monica also being enabled in this problematic behavior by the same narcissistic addict that every red-pilled ego-maniacal dude-bro on reddit worships? YES! :D
But, y'know, Monica's just a crazy bitch who ruined Frank's life, and Frank is a silly little boy just looking to get by :p
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tink27 · 1 year
I am dying for an Au where the party left Eddie's body in the upside down and he (for whatever reason) is not dead, and comes back but with significant memory loss.
He ends up in Steve's back yard, covered in his own blood and the muck of the upside down. He's faced with the absolute relief and sadness on Steve's face, as he tried to rush towards Eddie only to see him flinch away, eyes wide and confused.
It takes a while but Eddie begins to trust Steve, he gets re-introduced to the party and slowly but surely his memories are coming back, sometimes in flashes of memory but sometimes without Eddie even realising himself. Like when he calls Dustin "Henderson" without anyone ever reminding him of Dustin's last name, or when he started humming Dio in the kitchen while he drank his coffee (Eddie had no idea what he was even humming and it took Steve about an hour of sifting through Eddie's old tapes to figure out it was Dio's Rainbow in the Dark).
But the memories are also confusing sometimes, particularly when it comes to Steve Harrington. Eddie knows Steve, he's the person Eddie came to rely on the most since he came back. Steve lets him stay in his house, he makes sure Eddie eats enough proper meals and he can tell when things are getting too much and keeps the others out of the house for a while.
But Eddie has memories.
Steve looking a bit younger, but so much harsher. Indifferent and cool as a freckled boy spits mean words at his side. Steve with his arm around some pretty girls waist, smiling at her and sneering at Eddie.
None of it seems right. Because when Eddie looks at Steve, the Steve in front of him, he cannot accept these memories. Steve has only ever looked at him with the utmost gentleness, but still Eddie can't shake them.
So one day, in Steve's kitchen he tests it out with a phrase that's been rattling around in his head "King Steve" he says it softly, and he isn't sure what to expect. Confusion maybe, something to confirm that it was all some insecure figment of Eddie's overactive imagination.
But what he got was a look of pure hurt. Eddie had never seen Steve look so hurt. He immediately had the urge to take it back, to pull the words back into his mouth and take away whatever pain he had given Steve but he knew he couldn't, so he tried again "Steve?"
"you remember, huh?" His voice sounded defeated, like some awful thing he was waiting for had finally happened, like the other shoe had finally dropped.
"some things..." Eddie felt wrong footed but he knew he needed to consolidate these memories in his head with the broken boy in front of him "but they don't really make sense"
He waited to see if Steve would talk, fill in some gaps but he doesn't, so Eddie continues "it seems like" He was hesitant to even say it "you used to be mean... to me?"
Steve scoffed, seemingly more at himself than at Eddie "I used to be mean to a lot of people Eds. I've been trying to get better, to be better, for the past couple of years but, that sorta stuff follows you around"
He wasn't sure how to respond, even though he knew the memories were real, it still didn't feel right, those memories weren't his Steve. "But, you're not like that anymore." He left it like that, staying it like fact.
"no. I'm not like that anymore, I hope so at least" he seems sheepish, and still so uncomfortable
"you're not." Eddie took a step closer, and placed his hand on Steve's arm "you're good, Steve."
Eddie's language hadn't been what it used to be, and Dustin and the others were doing a Lord of the Rings book club to help Eddie regain some of his past vocabulary, but he hoped for now that even simple words could get across how he felt about Steve.
"you helped me, I was alone and scared and you did everything you could do" he tilted his head, trying to get Steve to meet his eyes "You saved me, Steve Harrington."
And that seemed to be more than enough, because in a sudden rush of movement Steve pulled Eddie into a tight hug, and as they stayed their, tangled up in Steve's kitchen, neither of them mentioned when Steve's shoulders began to shake and Eddie's shoulder dampened.
Instead Eddie just placed his hand in Steve's hair, and held him for as long as he needed. No matter what memories he regained of that young indifferent version of Steve, he knew all that matters was this boy in his arms right now. The kind and selfless Steve Harrington.
The Steve Harrington who saved him, in all the ways that mattered.
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sporesgalaxy · 10 months
good morning on this fine friday at 5am my time! circe clawthorne jumpscare.
I truly think this is very very close to final, moreso than usual lol. I'm quite happy with this
I really can't tell if it would be more difficult for me to try and convert this into proper paragraphs or make it a comic...
well here it is. but wait there will be more!
?: [distantly] Philip?
?: [closer] Philip!
?: Philip Wittebane!!!
P: [weirded out cuz hes in the middle of the woods] What in the–
C: [running up to him excitedly] Philip!!! It’s SO good to see you again!!!
P: [backing away] See me again? Do we know each other, Miss?
C: !
C: Come on, Philip!
C: Surely the King of the Witch Hunters can recognize the Dread Witch Beezelbella when he sees her!
P: …
C: [smile falters nervously] ...
[Philip bolts]
C: Wh- Philip!
[He sprints through the woods as fast as he can, but weaving between the trees slows him down.]
[Circe suddenly cuts Philip off, riding on her staff]
P: [flinches away from her so violently that he falls on his ass] GAH!!
C: What are you running away for?!
P: [shielding his face, peeking at her erratically, as if afraid to look directly at her for too long] You’re not real!! You’re some cruel illusion!!
P: Sent to– to torment me, or tempt me to forfeit my soul to the devil!
P: Well it WON’T WORK!! So– gh– [flails his hands in her general direction] BEGONE!
C: No no no no! No tricks, I promise!
[she jumps off the staff and holds it behind her conspicuously, too frantic to remember to store it as a palisman]
C: [smiling nervously] I meant to save that for later!
C: Here. :) [holds out her free hand to help him up]
P: [looks somewhere btwn angry and scandalized]
[Philip pushes himself further away from her before standing up on his own. He struggles a little because he now seems reluctant to take his eyes off her. Circe looks saddened but not entirely surprised.]
C: Really, I--
[tries to gesture, but is still holding the staff in one hand, and ends up accidentally swinging it towards Philip.]
[Philip flinches again, and stares at it like it might explode.]
[Circe quickly reduces the staff to just a bird and pockets the palisman in her cloak]
C: [smiling apologetically, holding up palms to show she’s unarmed] I’d never dream of hurting you!!
C: [looking at him and still smiling but with pleading, sad eyes] You know that, don't you Philip? No matter how we've changed, I...I'll always love you.
P: [mentally recalculating] …I...see.
C: [beams] Yes!! I pinky promise! [holds out pinky for a second, but quickly drops it]
P: [less defensive body language, but still clearly a little wary] Hm…
C: [a bit nervier] Ah-- before we go any further, I need to re-introduce myself!!
P: [skeptical] Re-introduce?
C: [trying to stay chipper but looking more stressed] I know I look different, but it’s…it’s still me!! [she pulls her hair back into a ponytail, looking a bit uncomfortable] See?
P: The…Dread Witch Beezelbella.
C: [frustrated] Your sis– your sibling!!! You know, the one who raised you?? Who spent all those years putting gruel on the table??
P: [frowning] The one who died seven years ago.
C: Er– well– I had to...go away for a while. But I’m here now!!
C: [trying to bulldoze through it] And really hardly anything has changed!
C: I've simply learned I’m much happier being your sister! That’s not too complicated, is it? You understand, don’t you??
P: I…suppose–
C: [bulldozing again] Spectacular!!!!
C: So, you’ll call me Ci– [seems to realize something] Er…just C.C. is fine for now! [nervy smile]
[Philip gives her a perplexed look]
C: Probably easier and, er…good for an Adjustment Period! [nods to herself]
P: [mostly just baffled] …C.C.
C: [nodding more] You've got it!! Same person, new gender! None of the old name and no man words, pretty please!
P: --
C: [before Philip can reply] Great!!!
C: Now, with all THAT out of the way: It’s YOUR turn! [stepping closer to him, as though she wants to hold his hands] Tell me everything! How are you?! What’s happened while I was gone? What have you been up to??
P: [leaning away] Oh. Er…
P: I’m…doing very well. I… [“thinks”, bringing a finger to his chin a little too theatrically]
P: …Goodness, so much has changed, I’m not even sure where to start!
P: Really, you ought to just visit the house with me and see what’s changed for yourself. [grabs her arm and gently tugs]
C: [Withdraws, very nervous] Oh, no no no, I can't go into town.
C: You and I of all people should know how–!
C: --!
C: [Squints]
P: …Is something the matter?
C: [Squints harder]
C: ...Do NOT Witch-hunt me, Philip!!!!
P: I have no idea what you’re talking about. I'm only trying to show you--
C: Oh for goodness' sake, NO!!!! I will NOT set foot in that town EVER again!!
P: ...Then you should wait here for just a moment, and I'll return shortly– [beginning to walk away]
C: [Grabs his arm to stop him leaving] [exasperated] I am not an idiot, Philip!!!
C: [sighs] Look, I know this is going to be difficult for you to accept, but magic didn't turn me evil! I'm still just ME!
[Circe continues holding Philip’s arm to keep him there, and for now, he lets her.]
C: As it turns out, you DON’T have to sell your soul for magic! We were completely wrong about it!
P: [EXTREMELY skeptical] Is that so?
C: [frustrated] It’s true! I could prove it to you!
C: ...Well, I guess I can’t PROVE that I still have a soul. Not that I know of. [to herself] I wonder if there’s a spell for that…
P: [extremely sarcastic] Perhaps we ought to enlighten the entire town to the existence of this fascinating *benign sorcery*.
C: [annoyed] Really, Philip?
P: Well, why not?? Since you can *prove* that it’s harmless, let's go prove it to everybody! It would make our lives *so* much easier…
C: Stop it.
P: Why, no one would have to do chores ever again!
C: Philip!
P: Maybe we could all be in one big witch’s coven together--
C: You've been clear enough already!!!! You still don't like magic, and you don't trust me!!!
C: [takes a deep breath] ...
[Gently, Circe lets go of Philip's arm, which she had been gripping rather tightly.]
[She watches as though expecting Philip to bolt again, but he doesn't.]
[She fidgets with her sleeve as she continues.]
C: Philip, please. Just...just listen to me for a moment.
P: [Opens mouth, looking indignant]
C: [cutting Philip off] You don't have to believe me! I know that you...probably won't. I had hoped--
C: [doesnt finish that thought, looking bitterly sad]
C: ...There's something I need to tell you, but I want to know you'll listen.
P: [scoffs] Why bother if you know I won't fall for it?
C: Because...! Because I have to do something!
C: ...Philip--
[She reaches toward him, and he shrinks back.]
P: You've been gone for nearly a decade.
C: ... [confirmingly guilty face]
P: It took you that long to-- to bother telling me anything?!
P: Why in the hell would I want to believe that?!
P: How could I?!
P: How could I possibly believe that you’d *vanish without a trace,*
P: and then– *reappear out of thin air,* just because-- what, the whim finally struck you???
C: No--! It-- it wasn't a whim, Philip, I would never--!
P: [pulling at his hair] AGH!! Then where have you *been??!!!* Why come back *now??!*
C: I-- it's difficult to explain--
P: I spent YEARS trying to hunt down that *witch*–!
[Circe grimacing/wincing rxn shot]
P: [gesticulating wildly] YEARS hopelessly wondering what might’ve become of you!!!!!
P: I WASTED my LIFE searching for answers!!!!
P: Of course I don't want to believe this!! That you could have come back this whole time, but-- [voice breaking]
P: ...But you chose not to.
C: 😟
P: [still angry, but quieter now] And what a cruel joke it would be, for you to finally be here.
P: [hand gravitating towards knife on belt] After I’d finally managed to give *up* on you.
[Circe wants to hug him. She wishes he were still small enough that she could pick him up and squeeze him with all her might. But she thinks better of it. No matter how much she loved Philip, she couldn't afford to trust him right now.]
[Philip's hand is hovering over the spot where Circe knows his knife sheath to be. She feels her heart break a little more.]
[She steadily meets his eyes and keeps her hands at her sides, ready to pull out her staff if necessary. She won't be able to hurt him the way he's apparently resolved to hurt her, but she could run away.]
[She had desperately hoped that Gravesfield's claws wouldn't be sunken so deeply into him, but she knew what it took to survive there. And he had been forced to survive it even longer than her.]
C: ...I’m sorry, Philip.
P: ...
C: I'm sorry for leaving you in Gravesfield alone.
C: I didn't think I had a choice.
[Circe shifts her weight uncomfortably. It feels wrong, measuring how she speaks to Philip, her brother, the person who knew her better than anyone not too long ago. But he isn't the only one she's protecting anymore.]
C: ...truthfully, I…
[It feels loathesome to admit after so many years of spending so much of her energy hiding it.]
C: …I thought you would be better off without me.
P: [genuine confusion] ...What?
C: You're a genius, Philip. I knew you could do anything you put your mind to. Make a real future for yourself.
C: But I-- I could barely even keep us fed until we--
C: [looking terribly guilty] ...started working together.
C: I thought that once you could take care of yourself...
C: You could have a normal, happy life. Without me.
P: [pissed] And how do you know that you couldn't be a part of it!? You ran away before you even tried!!
C: I tried for years!! All my trying ever did was put targets on our backs!!!
C: [bitterly] Because I couldn't hold down any job but the most dangerous in Gravesfield.
P: What targets?! We were heroes!
P: If you had just stayed, if you had never listened to that witch, we still would be!!
P: Did she say I'd be better off without you?! Is that how she convinced you to leave?!
C: [low, serious] No.
C: I... [ashamed] ...I made up my mind before I met Evelyn.
C: I had already decided you were better off without me.
C: [intense] She's the reason I'm still here to discuss it with you.
P: [shocked, unsettled, doesn't want to process that]
P: That...that can't be true! Everything was fine until she came along!! This was all her fault!!
P: You'd still be normal if it weren't for her!!!
C: [angry on Evelyn's behalf] No!!! I was never normal!!!!
C: And you were the only person who couldn't seem to tell!!!
C: [tearing up] It was going to get us both killed, sooner or later!!!
C: *I* was going to get us killed, because I'm like this!! Because *I* can't live a normal life!!
C: I wanted to protect you. To make your life easier than mine had been, but--
P: You were protecting me just fine before you ran away!!!
P: And what's this nonsense about us getting killed?! We were heroes! We saved the whole town from evil!
C: We were never heroes! We weren't saving anyone!
C: We punished people who didn't fit in!
P: Didn't "fit in??"
P: We punished monsters!! Demons who tortured our neighbors!!
P: Any one of those witches would have sacrificed all of Gravesfield to the Devil had we not stopped them!!
C: And what about us, Philip?!
C: Is there anyone in Gravesfield we wouldn't have sacrificed, had the court willed it?!!
C: [crying] We were such hypocrites!
C: The suspicion, the accusations-- it was exactly the way they used to treat us!! We were outsiders, too!!
P: [falters. that kinda gets to him but he wants to pretend it didnt]
C: [miserable] I justified so many awful things to myself. To you.
C: All because I was too scared to see the truth.
C: And once I finally did...I was too gutless to ask you to face it.
C: We were never any better than anyone else.
C: All of it...
C: It was just murder.
P: [not as much conviction] Don't be ridiculous--!
C: Don't be naive!!
P: ...
C: ...
C: ...I am truly sorry, Philip.
C: I'm sorry that I got us into this mess.
C: I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you like I was supposed to.
C: I was rash. And stupid. But I only ever wanted to keep you safe.
C: ...I still want you to be safe. I'd hoped you could understand, but...
C: [difficult for her to give up on him] ...if you refuse to listen...there's nothing that I can do.
P: [trying to not want it to be real] ...
[Philip looks conflicted, frustrated, trying to find his anger and righteousness again]
P: I-- rrgh!! You're impossible!!!
[He begins to walk in one direction, pulling at his hair, then suddenly turns on his heel and walks the other way again]
P: [exasperated, tring to convince himself] Literally! This is-- this is all impossible...!
[He buries his face in his hands and plops down on a log with an angry grunt]
[Circe watches him, wondering what he’s thinking now.]
[After he just sits there with his face in his hands for a moment, she slowly approaches and sits carefully next to him.]
P: [he is resting his elbows on his legs. He clasps his hands, uncovering his face, forehead against his intertwined fists.]
P: ...
[shot of Circe looking at him sadly]
C: …Are you happy in Gravesfield?
P: [Hands still clasped, his eyes open, looking into the woods] …
C: Philip?
P: [flatly] That doesn’t matter.
C: [Leaning forward, trying to look in his eyes] …It matters to *me*…
[Philip unclasps his hands but remains hunched over. He instead holds his elbows, which still rest on his legs. Does not look at Circe.]
P: [cold] So you say.
[Circe shrinks back]
[the two sit in silence for a moment. Birds chirp, and the bare tree branches sway in the breeze above them.]
C: [quietly] …are the trials as bad as they used to be?
P: …
P: [even tone] Less frequent.
C: [hopeful] That’s good.
P: … [furrows his eyebrows]
C: Do you still–
P: Yes.
C: [saddened] …
P: I am protecting people.
P: I’ve prevented what happened to you from happening again a dozen times over.
[Circe pales. Philip still is not looking at her.]
P: [clearly bitter about something] I’m *careful.* [seeming more vexed than proud] I’ve done more research than *anyone.*
C: [examining his face] …Research?
P: …
C: [dawning ] Do they *understand* that’s what your doing?
P: [intensely, looking only at the ground] It doesn’t matter. I can prove it.
C: [scared] Philip, are you in danger?
P: [breaks a twig off a branch on the fallen log with his left hand] [curtly] *No.*
P: [looks annoyed at the stick momentarily. passes it to his right hand] Because *I* am not a witch.
P: [slightly hesitant] …obviously.
[Philip starts doodling in the dirt with the twig]
C: [losing patience with his stubborness] Do you honestly still believe that only real witches get accused? Get *punished?*
P: [stops drawing. gives her an angry sideways glance. then glares at the dirt again] …
P: …*Yes.*
P: As long as you do it *correctly.*
C: [furrows eyebrows] ……
[Philip resumes, scratching the dirt more forcefully.]
C: But–
P: Witches die because they are born doomed.
[as he says “doomed,” Philip finishes drawing The Belos Mask with a final, forceful scratch]
C: That’s what we were *told*. That doesn’t mean it’s true.
[Circe looks at Philip, expression somewhere between grim and pleading, but he won’t look up from his sketch]
P: [darkly] What does that mean for you, then?
[Circe is taken off-guard]
P: Do your witch-friends know what you used to do?
P: Or are you lying to them, too?
C: I–!
C: …
C: [quieter] …Not all of them know.
P: [snidely] Hmph.
C: [with a bit more conviction] But the ones that *do* know…
C: They know that I was scared. And trying to keep us safe.
C: There are people who understand that I truly thought I was doing the right thing.
C: [guilt] That I would give anything to undo it now…
C: [focusing on Philip again] They trust me, and love me, even though I’ve made…terrible mistakes. Even though I’ll *always* make mistakes.
C: [trying REALLY hard to get through to Philip] *Gravesfield isn’t all there is.*
P: …
[Philip scratches out the doodle forcefully.]
P: [unhappily] Good for you.
[a prolonged beat of silence, save Philip’s stick scraping against the ground as he scribbles slowly, randomly on the spot where the doodle used to be]
C: ...If you want–
[suddenly, Philip throws his stick to the ground and turns to Circe]
P: [frustrated noise] Would you just get this over with already?!
C: [taken aback] What?
P: For Christ's sake, I don’t care what you want anymore!! Just take it!!!
P: You win! Enough with this awful vision!!
C: [baffled] Wha–! I-I’m not–! You still don’t believe that I’m real?!
P: You *can’t* be!
P: [breaking a little] I only *want* you to be real!
P: I *want* you to be *alive*!
P: I don’t *want* to be *alone* any longer!!
P: But you insist on dragging out this awful charade!!
P: [becoming more desperate than angry] Why can’t you just lie to me?!
P: Tell me that you never wanted to leave at all!! That you're back for good! That nothing’s changed!!
P: *Something*– *anything* that’s actually easy to go along with!!! Isn't that what you're supposed to do?!
[Circe looks hurt]
P: Don't I even get to die thinking that I could be reunited with– with you?!
P: [losing steam] …What could you possibly want that you haven’t had the chance to take from me already…?
[a beat. Circe’s expression has closed off considerably. Philip rubs his face for a moment, then looks up again.]
P: Please. Get it over with. Kill me, or whatever it is you came here to do.
P: Or for God’s sake leave me be.
[wide shot of them sitting in unhappy silence]
C: [very quietly] …Alright.
[Circe stands, brushes her skirt off. Philip remains sitting, not looking at her]
C: I suppose I’ve done all that I can, then.
P: …
C: I won’t disturb you again.
P: …….
C: I’m still thankful that I could see you one last time.
P: ………..
C: [trying to keep composed] Please…stay safe. Take care of yourself.
P: ……………..
C: I love you.
P: …………… … …
C: [offscreen] Goodbye, Philip.
[she walks away]
[a beat passes]
[Philips resolve breaks. As he looks up–]
P: Ca– C.C., I–
[–he realizes he is alone again.]
P: ….
P: [slowly, he stands. brushes his jacket off. walks away.]
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sugawarassoulmate · 1 year
i had a thought where mean!reader's sister suddenly cant find bokuto anywhere, who's usually following her wherever she goes. but then finds him hanging out with someone else and gets jealous!! yanks him away from whatever to shove him in a closet and gives him a bj just to show that shes capable of being nice too. then promptly throws him out when theyre done
for context, this is the younger sister of the mean!reader who bullies kuroo sksksk (keep up with the pcu)
also, this is like the third time we've written about blowing bokuto this week 👀
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words: 493 cw: fem!reader, oral (m receiving), college party, name-calling, dubcon, minors dni
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bokuto jumps when he feels an arm wrapped around his bicep. he's unceremoniously dragged away from the conversation he was having with the very nice girl at the party. it takes him a few seconds to get his bearings and realize that it's you dragging him into the hallway.
he slightly remembers your sister saying that you were coming to the party but bokuto lost her once she met up with kuroo. he isn't able to get a word in until he's suddenly pushed into a hall closet.
"h-hey, cutie, what's—"
"so you immediately go talk to someone else the second i'm not around?" you accuse, arms crossed.
bless his heart, bo is genuinely confused. "y-you said you didn't want me to bother y—"
"that doesn't mean you can talk to another bitch, are you serious?" you're much smaller than him but your intense, intimidating aura has bokuto pressed against the wall of the tiny closet. he doesn't know what to do so he apologizes—anything to stop you from being mad at him.
"i don't even know her, she was just nice..."
"i can be nice!" you snap, dropping to your knees and tugging at bo's pants. he doesn't have time to think before you've pulled his cock out and shoved it down your throat.
"haaa, fuck," he curses, feeling the warmth of your mouth on his length. anything else he wants to say dies on his tongue as you suck him, drooling all over the length of his cock and stroking the areas your lips can't reach.
bokuto whimpers when you give small kitten licks to the head, collecting the pre-cum in your mouth before taking him as far as you can once more. it's the best head he's ever had, it's not even close. he can feel his legs shaking, his fucking knees are about to give out. the only thing keeping bo standing is his hand on the wall next to him.
"shit, ahhh shit, y/n," he gasps, feeling his release come faster than he hoped. "you need to st—i'm gonna!" without another word, your mouth is full of bo's thick cum. he hears a noise of surprise under him and you pull off his cock with a cough, swallowing and licking as much as you can. "so—i'm sorry, fuck." he says, trying to reach for you but you slap his hands away.
bo watches in awe as you lick his cock clean, a few stray moans fall from his lips from the sensitivity. once every last drop of his seed is gone, you re-dress him.
"now get the fuck out and get me a drink," you order, opening the door and shoving him through it. bo's immediately overstimulated by the loud music of the party and is still in a haze from the head he just got.
but god damn it, the first thing he does is go to the kitchen to get your drink.
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©sugawarassoulmate 2022 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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scarletwinterxx · 2 years
a day with the Lee's - Mark Lee au
Hi! it's been a while 😅😊 i'm just having a hard time writing these days hence the lack of content, sorry :( you can send any request/recommendations for a scenario, I'll see what I can do😊 thank u for the love you've shown this blog even when I'm inactive, i do miss writing too.
part1: day with dad mark lee
part2: another day with dad mark lee
part3: a day with the lee's
part4: (prologue) i don't know how to make eggs
part5: glitter pens and goodnight kisses with the Lee's
part6: first love and kisses
part7: naps and baby kicks
part8: then there was three
part9: just like you
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2022 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(pic not mine. credit to original owner)
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It's a busy morning in the Lee household, not because you had work but because it's the first time your daughter would go to daycare. Even though you and Mark have already done this before with your oldest, Minjung, you can tell he's more wary and a bit on edge sending his youngest and only daughter to school
"Did you get Min-jee's backpack?" you ask Mark, seeing him come down the stairs.
"Huh oh yea wait a second" Mark jogs back the same way he came from, chuckling at your husband before turning your head back to little Minjee, helping her put her shoes on.
This is like a normal morning for you, Minjung leaves earlier for school then Minjee wakes up and you get her ready for the day. Now she's finally old enough to go to daycare, you were excited to watch your little girl meet kids her age and socialize but Mark on the other hand thought it's too early.
"Are we sure she's ready for this? We can still wait a year more" he says, walking down the stairs and taking the seat beside his daughter. Immediately she reaches out to hold her dad, you thought Minjung was a dada's boy oh you were wrong. Minjee is way more attached to Mark then her brother. Even as a baby, she only ever wants to be held by her dad and Mark loved every second of it.
Maybe it's the reason why he's more affected about sending Minjee to daycare.
"She'll be fine, she needs more friends her age. Plus I can tells she's getting bored being home all the time. Right, love?" you say lightly pinching her cheeks
"Mama, woo" she says referring to the snoopy plushie her uncle Jungwoo gave her when she was a baby, the name woo kinda stuck so now she calls it woo. Minjee takes that stuff toy with her everywhere she goes.
"It's here, Jee. Come on, we need to go" Mark says before scooping her up in his arms, you take the backpack and followed the two out the door.
Mark puts Minjee in her carseat while you settle in the passenger seat. Then the three of you were off.
The whole ride to the daycare you can tell Mark was growing more and more anxious, repeatedly tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, his legs shaking.
"Mark baby, she'll be fine" you smile at your husband.
"Yea I know, I just... How are you not as emotional right now?" he asks you
"I think I got most of it out with Minjung. I can still remember bawling my eyes out in the parking lot when we left him on his first day" you answer, reaching over to rest your hand on his knee.
"She'll do great, we know the teacher's here they'll take good care of her"
"I know I know"
Letting out a chuckle, you let him be.
When you finally got to the daycare, Mark parks the car but made no move to step out.
"I can't do this" he mumbles under his breath
"Huh? What did you say?"
"Baby, I don't think I can leave her here. Let's just wait one more year" he said turning to you, this time you see his eyes almost close to tears. Again this made you giggle, taking his face between your hands before giving him a sweet short kiss.
"She'll be fine, who knows maybe she'll love it. Right, Jee?" you say outloud to which you hear your daugther reply with a tiny "Yea!" making you and Mark smile.
The three of you walk hand in hand towards the entrace, you see other parents drop their kids off. Some kids were crying some were okay and walked inside with no problem. Minjee was looking around, the environment definitely new to her. When you got closer at the door, Mark stops walking. Crouching infront his daughter, you can see he's really trying to fight back the tears.
"Hey, me and mama will be right here when you finish later okay?" he asks the girl, "Remember what we talked about last night? You'll play with your classmates and teachers and you'll learn your ABC'S and colors"
"Color with dada?" she asks
"Uh well, dada has to go. But I'll be here when you finish"
"Dada not go with Jeejee?" she asks, a pout already forming on her tiny lips.
Uh oh.
You knew that look. That's the look that would make Mark run to the ends of the Earth just to get what his daughter wants.
"Well uh I uhm Dada can't come with Jeejee"
"Why no dada?" she asks
This time you decided to intervene before the two of them cries right here right now, "Dada and mama will be here okay? You'll go inside and do lot's of fun activities then when you're done we'll be here and Minjung too"
"Oppa?" Minjee smiles upon hearing her brother's name
"Mhm, we'll pick you up later then we'll get ice cream how does that sound?" you tell her, immediately the frown turns into a smile. Then a teacher approaches you, "Hi! Is she joining us for today?"
"Yes, this is Minjee" you say, standing up to greet the teacher
"Oh Mrs. Lee, nice to see you again! Mr. Lee" she greets the two of you, she was Minjung teacher before
"Then this must be Minjung's little sister, she looks just like him. Hello, Minjee I'm your teacher" she says crouching down to greet your daughter
"I know right, Mark's carboncopies" you laugh
"We better get inside, class will start soon. Like always, you can come around 11am to pick her up"
"Yes, we've been briefed during the orientation. Okay Minjee, you need to go inside now. Can mama have a hug?" you ask, crouching down again to hug her before she goes.
"Can't forget dada, come here princess. Dada will come later okay? then we'll cuddle after school" Mark says as he hugs her tightly like he doesn't want to let her go.
"Otay, babye dada babye mama" she tells the to of you. Waving her tiny hand before walking with her teacher. You and Mark watch until she gets inside.
You reach out and intertwine your hand with Mark's, feeling your husband squeeze your hand before walking back to where you parked.
When you get inside the car, you wait for him to say something.
"Love? You alright?"
"I think I'm gonna cry" you hear him mumble, how can this man have two kids and yet still be this adorable.
"Aw love, come here" you say opening your arms for him, Mark gladly hugging you. Holding you tightly against him.
"Our babies are growing up too fast" he says
You pat his back a few times, kissing his cheek before pulling away to look at him.
"I know, she's our second but it doesn't really get easier" you sigh
"How are you not as emotional?" Mark asks you
"Me? Oh I am emotional, you're just being too cute right now. Plus, Minjee might love going to school like Minjung" you tell him, kissing him on the lips before buckling in.
"Now, we have a few hours to ourselves Mr. Lee. What do you say we have some us time?" you smile at him, Mark blinks back at you then he's pulling out the driveway with the sound of your laughter resonating in the car.
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jungle-angel · 6 months
Seeing Spots: Part 1 (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You and Rhett are surprised beyond words when Royal brings home an early Christmas present for the two of you
Tagging: @desert-fern Fern my friend, I made good on my promise last night and here it is (lol).
You and Rhett were all too happy to be walking around the ranch on such a crisp day. The snow had begun to fall, almost completely blanketing the land in its frosty, wintery glory. You weren't too huge of a fan of having the cattle out in the field all day, but they desperately needed to graze before the hands took them all in for the night while the same went for the horses.
"Gonna be a Vikings' winter darlin," Rhett remarked feeding one of the mares a carrot from the kitchen fridge.
"Ugh," you groaned. "Don't remind me."
"Cows ain't gonna be the issue either it's the damn horses," Rhett added. "Can't get'em in the barn all at once, they spook during snowstorms..."
"You know what we need?" you asked.
"A fuckin drink," Rhett chuckled.
"No," you laughed. "We need a horse dog."
"We've got Diesel though," Rhett said.
"Rottweilers are cattle dogs Rhett."
"And Ruby."
"Rhett," you said giving him the side eye look. "Ruby's practically a lapdog."
"Hey I once saw said lapdog come runnin back with a dead bird in her mouth and drop it at Dad's feet," Rhett pointed out. "Cockers are bird dogs, fight me on it."
You laughed and shook your head. You couldn't remember how many times Cecelia's little squish nosed cocker spaniel had come running back to the house with a bird to drop on the front porch, annoying the hell out of Royal who thought it was the cats.
You heard the crunch and snap of frozen gravel a minute later and saw Royal pulling the truck up the driveway and Ruby barking in the upstairs window. Rhett noticed the sneaky grin on his father's face and the laugh that followed, knowing instantly that Royal was up to something.
"Dad what'd you do?" Rhett questioned.
"Nothin son, nothin," Royal insisted.
"Don't gimme that look Dad," Rhett told him. "Either ya'll did something to piss Ma off or ya'll beat the shit outta Perry again."
"Nah Perry's still in jail, he ain't gettin out Amy's twenty one," Royal chuckled. "I was gonna save it for Christmas but I figured I'd better not."
You and Rhett looked at each other, scrunching your eyebrows with curiosity at what your father-in-law could have possibly gotten you.
Royal opened the back door to the truck and to your astonishment, out jumped two Dalmatians, a male and a female with the most gorgeous black and white coats you had ever seen. Your jaws dropped when they came running right to you, putting their paws up and licking your faces as you and Rhett scritched their ears.
"Dad where the hell did you find these two?" Rhett asked, giving the male his full share of ear scritches.
"Found'em downtown at the shelter," Royal answered. "Billy said he went up to the res to go see Shania's family and they were just wanderin around."
"Lemme guess," Rhett said. "Mrs. Burch made a big stink about'em?"
"Fuckin bitch threatened to have'em put down if she found'em in her yard," Royal spat. "She called and complained to Joy about it, but ya'll know her."
Rhett chuckled a little as the male let out a high pitched whine, giving Rhett his paw. "Well," he said. "They'll have a good home here."
"That's exactly why I got'em," Royal explained. "It's you and (y/n) in dog form."
Rhett laughed again and hugged his father. "Thanks Dad," he said.
"Not a worry son," Royal told him. "They're gonna need names, just so you know."
Rhett instantly began to remember the days when he was a small child, the tough days when Cecelia would have to go to Casper to take care of her mother, leaving Rhett to stay home with Royal. Royal had unfortunately not been the most attentive, having to deal with Perry's behavioral problems both at home and at school, leaving Rhett in the care of Grandpa River and Oma Heidi, his grandparents. Rhett remembered those cold winter days when Oma Heidi would make him a cozy spot in her basement and let him watch movies on the weekends, the woodstove going while he was snuggled amongst all the blankets and pillows she had made and some she had brought with her from Switzerland. Suddenly, the memory of one of his favorite films sprang into his mind and so too did the perfect names for your new companions.
"Remember when I was real little and Oma Heidi would let me watch all those Disney movies in her basement?" Rhett asked him.
"Yeah ya'll watched A Hundred And One Dalmatians until the damn tape broke," Royal laughed.
Rhett smiled and bit his lip.
"The hell's that look for?" Royal asked him.
"I've got the perfect names for'em," Rhett chuckled.
You cast that same look at your husband, knowing that Amy would love them too. And so it was, your newfound friends were named Pongo and Perdita by Rhett, their names springing from the childhood memories he held near and dear to him.
Very quickly the two had proved their worth on the ranch, guiding the horses back into the barn at night amidst the howling wind and snow, calming them too when they would get spooked by the loud winds or the snapping of the timbers in the cold. At night, you and Rhett were all too glad to have them with you, Royal, Cecelia, Amy, Hannah and your twin boys.
Those nights were spent by the fireplace in your living room, the fire crackling away while Rhett, Royal, Rip Wheeler, Kayce and John Dutton and two of your friends from the res, Wes Redwood and his father Russel and their families, gathered in your home to banish the winter blues. One night while you and Cecelia were clearing away the dishes, the boys had all begun to sing around the fire while Pongo and Perdy jumped in with them, their howls throwing everyone into a fit of laughter. Some mornings you would awake to find your two spotted friends either in Amy's room, Hannah's room or in the boys' nursery, safely protecting them while they slept.
And you couldn't have asked for a better pair than that.
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f0point5 · 8 months
Esteban seeing yn as a nepo baby but being besties with mick is a bit hypocritical don't you think?
I can see lance and her being friends because they're definitely faced similar things during their childhood i.e calling as nepo baby by others.
I also think lewis and her wouldn't get along and thats purely because of how fiercely she's defending max. Like I'm thinking their crashes and even if they were getting along, after that and her comments about them there would be a fallout.
I want mick and yn to make up in their own terms but i kinda agree with yn said. There's nepotism in f1 world and f1 isn't just talent. Connections are a big part of it and lance, mick even max and other drivers i cant remember right now HAS CONNECTIONS. But that doesnt also mean they're untalented but there was a huge advantage to them being son of something important or relatively known and we can't disregard this fact.
Mick is talented (along with lance but he's not the important character right now) and calling him surname merchant while isnt fair but its also right... His dad is mf michael schumacher... And also there's more expectations for him but even in real life i dont see anything much from him but then again he's young and haas definitely fucked him up.
It is definitely hypocritical, but I think her close connection to Max is probably the tipping point for him. Esteban is also very good friends with Lance. But I think there’s a bit of a one sided rivalry between Esteban and Max that Y/N falls foul of in Esteban’s head. Also, Esteban has watched Y/N go from being everywhere with Mick to being everywhere with Max and I think he has somewhat taken that personally on Mick’s behalf, thinks that Y/N swapped Mick for Max because of Max’s success. Which again is because of his own resentment of Max’s success. But I think Esteban sees her very much as “had it all handed to her” even more than any of the other drivers because she didn’t even have to drive for it, she just comments.
Her and Lance have known each other a long time, and she is friends with his sister, so they’re cool.
I think there’s nothing Mick could ever have done or achieved that wouldn’t have had him called a surname merchant. His dad was one of the greatest there ever was and that definitely largely worked to his disadvantage in F1. While Max got all the connections but 1% of the pressure because his dad was a nobody in F1, Mick had the weight of his last name on his shoulders the second he appeared on a go kart track. Max made Verstappen a brand, Mick came in already carrying a brand (those two are such good foils of each other). But the Schumacher name definitely had a part in getting him where he is, Guenther even said it in DTS, that German sponsors want to be in business with the Schumacher name. I don’t think he’d have had that Haas seat if it weren’t for his last name (he would have eventually got a seat somewhere else but Haas specifically picked him up for the sponsors imo).
I think in relation to Y/N specifically, he’s just hurt these comments are coming from someone he considers family. Someone who has supported him his whole career, who now seemingly turns around and thinks he’s rubbish. He’s like “you always told me I was going to be great, cheered me on, but now you’re just listing everything I do wrong to the world”. And I think he’s partly right. I think what Y/N said when she was trying to be Mick’s cheerleader was different to her real/professional opinion and she wasn’t fully honest and Mick wasn’t fully prepared to hear those things. Then on the other side Y/N is thinking “what I said isn’t nearly as harsh as what I’m thinking, I went out of my way to take it easy on him, and he’s still mad”, because she knows she has gone harder on Max and he’s just brushed it off. It’s very complicated. Also consider that a lot of those quotes would have been massively taken out of context.
Re her and Lewis, definitely were not in a good place in 2021 (we will see more of that eventually) but now I see him being a bit more like “okay she’s the Max Defence League let her do her”, and he doesn’t pay much attention to her, nor her to him.
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mais-nerdy-corner · 2 years
❝𝕬 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖆𝖘𝖙❞
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Synopsis: Your relationship wasn't working out and you both have decided it is best to separate from each other. On one fateful day, you encountered him just to found out he has taken on another lover.
Pairing: Various x Reader
Genre: Angst, hurt with no comfort, modern AU
Note: I don't have much to say so, hope you enjoy reading this~♡
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Unfortunately for you and Xiao, your relationship ended on bad terms. You were probably arguing over something really stupid and you might have said a word that sent him over the edge. Thus he lashed out on you, ending your relationship then and there.
It has been around three months since your break up, and you were sitting on a park bench, re-reading his old sweet messages he used to send in melancholy. Looking back at the few pictures you took on your dates with him, you realized how camera-shy he is. Well, you knew that Xiao doesn't really like being in the spotlight, he values the experience and time spent with you more than the pictures. That's true, but sometimes it makes you want to relive the memory. Now you can't, it was all but a distant memory.
You hung your head low as you leave the park, you could only look at the pavement and your feet. Maybe next time, you should probably do it when the streets are quiet, not when there are people walking from the opposite direction, otherwise you wouldn't have bump into a "stranger".
"Oww, oof, I'm sorry. I should've seen where I was going..."
You immediately looked up to face the person, but this person was no stranger. It was Xiao, your ex-boyfriend who broke up with you almost three months ago.
You both looked at each other in shock. You didn't know what to feel at that moment. Should you be happy to be able to see him again, or should you be disappointed at how he acted back then? The possibilities were endless.
"...Xiao, long time no see. How are you doing?"
Xiao hated the way you talk so formal and cold towards him. But didn't he act the same way to you towards the end of your relationship? Karma is a b*tch, isn't she? What goes around comes around.
"I'm doing fine. What about yo--"
Xiao was suddenly interrupted by a call of his name, you heard it too. An unfamiliar voice followed by an unfamiliar figure. A young girl with long dark brown hair came up to him, carrying a bag of food.
"I got us some food from the food truck. Sorry, they don't have the almond tofu you asked for so I got you some-- Wait, who's this?"
Your first impression of her was you think she was a nice girl, reminds you of how you first acted when dating Xiao.
"Chao-xing, this is Y/n. Y/n, this is Chao-xing," Xiao said awkwardly.
"Chao-xing was it? You have a pretty name. Nice to meet you," You said, extending your hand.
"Aww, thanks. Lovely meeting you too, Y/n!"
You chatted for a while, asking how Chao-xing met Xiao, how long they have been dating etc. One of you eventually has to explain to Chao-xing about how you used to date each other.
"Wait, you two would have been a really cute couple. Why did you break up with each other?"
You were stunned, Xiao was too. You both didn't know how to exactly explain the reason behind your break up. Until you spoke up.
"Chao-xing, it's hard to explain where our relationship went wrong. Perhaps we didn't have that much in common, our lack of communication, anything is possible. But one thing that I do know is, I don't want you to make the same mistake as I did. Xiao must have saw something in you, something that I don't have. Whatever this something is, whether you knew about it or not, must be the key to a long lasting relationship. You must know how hard it is just to get close to Xiao, let alone talk to him. You are special, Chao-xing."
They were amazed by what you just said, Xiao even noticed the sincerity in your words. This is what made him fall in love with you, your kindness and gentleness. He feels like he just fell in love with you for the first time, except he has to remember that he is dating Chao-xing, not you.
"Wow, that really means a lot to me. Thank you, Y/n. I actually would like to keep in touch with you. Can I have your phone number?"
Xiao watched as you two exchange numbers with each other. He noticed the sad look on your face when Chao-xing puts in your phone number. Screw that, he noticed that dejected look ever since you bumped into him.
You bid your farewells and turned back, leaving with a heavy heart.
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"Oh for the Tsaritsa's sake, Y/n! Can you not be clingy for just one day?! Look, I'm just trying to make us a living. I understand you just want me to rest but-- You know what? I've had enough of this. If you can't stay here my way, then you're more than welcome to leave. Actually, just get out of my house. It's over, Y/n."
Those were the last words Aj̴͚͚̘̟̳͔̯̙͗̐̀̓̔͛͋͊̓̓ͅa̷̢̯̗̥͕̺̤̦̽̽x̴̤͔̪͓̬͈̂̃̏͒͋̚͝---... Tartaglia said to you. A night that was supposed to be like any other night became the night of your break up. He kicked you out so you stayed at a friend's house who kindly took you in.
As you sat on your friend's couch pondering over what went wrong, you started to eliminate several reasons that caused your break up. Clearly, his parents weren't the problem. They didn't reject you for dating their son, in fact they love you to pieces. His younger siblings adored you too.
The problem lies within the very minimal time you spent with Ą̶̨̳̬̳̭̐̆̂͆j̷̗̭̫͂̋̈̈́̇͂̕͠͝ͅ-- Tartaglia. When you wished to spend more time with him, unfortunately he is often very busy with his work. He gave you many expensive gifts instead. As much as you are thankful to be able to receive these gifts from him, you never really wanted them (but you still keep them). All you ever wanted was spending quality time with him.
Days have passed, and you decided to go out for a walk at the park. With (your favorite song) that you listened through your headphones, you were all set and good to go. Until you heard a faint sound of someone warning you.
"Look out!"
If it were not for your fast reflexes, you would've been hit by a frisbee going 100 miles per hour. Soon after, three children came running towards you.
"Oh hey! It's Y/n!"
"Tonia, Anthon and Teucer? What are you guys doing here?"
The three children were Tonia, Anthon and Teucer, Ą̶̨̳̬̳̭̐̆̂͆-- Tartaglia's younger siblings. His parents and his siblings were the main reason why you stayed, they absolutely adored you and you loved them back. They treated like you are a part of their family, even if you're only dating their oldest son/brother. Since your break up, you rarely meet or speak with them.
The four of you sat on a park bench just talking about stuff. You wondered why they were alone playing frisbee at the park and not with him, so you asked them about it.
"So how's your brother doing? And why did he think it's a good idea to leave you guys unsupervised?"
No one answered, they all stayed silent. Because of this, you knew there must be something wrong with him. But you waited until they were willing to give you an answer.
"He seems like a whole nother person ever since he broke up with you. I think he really regretted his decision, Y/n," Anthon spoke up.
"Oh, I see..." You paused for a moment before asking, "Well, where is he then?"
Tonia gently grabbed your hand before confessing, "There's something you need to know about my brother, Y/n. He has a new girlfriend and she's--"
"She's bad!"
Teucer's interruption shocked you, Tonia and Anthon. Not only was it sudden, but he was also holding back tears. Your immediate response was to pull the young boy into a hug. Once he felt safe in your arms, he did not hesitate to let it all out.
As you tried to calm Teucer down, Tonia pick up where she left off. "His new girlfriend's name is Anfisa and she's... she's taking advantage of him, Y/n. It was clear from the start that she's just dating my brother for his wealth. Mama and papa never approve their relationship, but he continued to date her anyways."
"A-and... Whenever I wanted to spend time with my brother, she would always shoo me away! Saying mean things like 'Stop disturbing me, you little' something like that..." Teucer said.
"She straight up stinks," Anthon retorted.
The one thing you wish if you were to break up is that his future significant other will love his siblings and family just as much as you did. Instead, your worst nightmare came true. Anfisa did not replace you in that role, she never did.
"How about we stop talking about unpleasant things and talk about something else? Does anyone have any plans for tomorrow?"
"No..." "Not really..." "What are you planning, Y/n?"
You giggled. "Well, it just so happens that I have a spare ticket fo--"
"For the new movie premiering tomorrow?!"
It seems like Tonia couldn't contain her excitement the moment you mentioned the spare ticket. They seem to have forgotten about the unpleasant things you talked about earlier, which is good.
"Correct! My friend and I were actually going to go see this movie, but they suddenly got wrapped up in a college assignment. So who is the lucky sibling who gets to see this movie with me?"
"How about Tonia? She seems pretty pumped up about it earlier," Anthon commented.
"Don't point this at me...! What about Teucer? Wasn't he upset earlier?" Tonia protested.
"Actually, I feel much better now that Y/n is here. And I'll feel even better if sister Tonia will join Y/n to watch the movie. I had a lot of fun when big brother was still dating Y/n, so now it's your turn to have fun," Teucer said.
Your heart melted witnessing this cute sibling interaction. This is what makes them so lovable.
"I'll make sure to ask your parents' permission. No need to worry about it."
So the following afternoon, Tonia, Anthon and Teucer picked you up in their family car with their parents. As well as taking you and Tonia to the movies, they'll dine out.
"Have fun, my dear Tonia. We're going to have dinner at a restaurant with your younger brothers, can I get you something?"
"You already know all of my favorite foods. So, surprise me!" Tonia said.
"Okay, and anything for you Y/n?"
"It's up to you, Auntie. Trust me, I'm not a picky eater."
"Here's some money for Tonia's needs. I'll pick you up when the movie is over. Please call me when it's time, Y/n."
After watching their car drive away, you and Tonia bought the snacks they were selling at the cinema and went into the designated room. And you had such a blast.
After the movie is over, you called Tonia's parents and waited outside. Tonia noticed a convenience store nearby and asked you if she can buy some snacks.
"Are you not satisfied with the snacks we ate earlier? You're going to spoil your dinner, young lady."
"The snacks are not for today, I just want to have some in the cupboard. I also want to share them with my brothers," Tonia made an excuse.
"Alright alright, here's the rest of the money your mother gave. Try not to go overbudget and be careful with strangers."
"I already know, thanks for reminding me."
You watched as Tonia happily skipped towards the store. You thought to yourself, "What an angel Tonia is." You were so busy with your thoughts that you didn't even notice the person beside you.
You quickly turned your head to look at the person next to you, and you shouldn't have done that because it was your ex-boyfriend, Tartaglia.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
"O-oh... uhm... Childe, hi. I was here... watching a movie."
Tartaglia was taken aback by how formal you addressed him. After all the things you've been through, you didn't know how to properly address him. Should you call him by his real name or...?
"Wait, so if you're watching a movie... who were you--"
He suddenly stopped talking when you both heard the sound of heels click-clacked on the sidewalk. A young woman wearing extravagant clothing carrying shopping bags from the nearby designer brand store, she must be Anfisa.
"Hey babe, I bought the pair of shoes I wanted. I also-- wait, who's this?"
"Well Anfisa, I would like you to meet--"
"Hold on, you look kind of familiar. Where have I seen you before? Oh wait, you must be his ex! I saw one of your pictures with him on his phone!"
"Wait, you did...?"
Gosh, your nightmares is become more real. Not only Anfisa didn't replace your role of loving his family, she is also a gold digger. Someone you hope is not his next lover.
"So, how did you guys meet?"
You asked the question in hopes of not making the situation more awkward. And surprisingly, Anfisa didn't hold back.
"I saw him when I was waiting for my friends at the mall, he was standing in front of a designer brand store. I thought he was pretty handsome so I asked him for his number. But instead he asked me to be his girlfriend right then and there. And of course I said yes! He then gave me the bag he was carrying, inside was a pair of custom shoes. They're not really my style and it strangely has the name 'Y/n' on it, huh must have belong to his family that I don't know of. I still keep it in my closet regardless."
Wait, a custom pair of shoes... with the name 'Y/n' on it? Did... did he really bought you some--
This voice...! Oh no, Tonia's back!
"Brother Ajax..."
"T-tonia... So you went to watch the movie with Y--"
"Ugh, you brat! Haven't I told you and your pesky brothers to stay the heck away from me?! Looks like I need to teach you a lesson so that silly little brain of yours will remember it, for sure!"
Anfisa raised her hand and was about to strike poor Tonia. Luckily you quickly grasped her wrist and threw her hand back.
"Keep your filthy hand away from her. You have no right to speak to her that way."
Not long after that, the sound of footsteps was heard and it turned out to be his mother. She had witnessed what just happened, putting on a disappointed look on her face.
His mother didn't say anything to her eldest son. She just led you and Tonia back to their family car and left him there, alone and full of guilt.
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The last time you talked to Kaeya was when you found out he was dating others behind your back. You thought once you start dating him, his playboy behavior would disappear. But you were dead wrong.
To forget about your bitter break up, you beat yourself up with college assignments. Sure it's tiring, but along with it you found a place where you can call it your safe place. "Angel's Share", a rustic style pub that is coincidentally owned by your ex's brother, Diluc Ragnvindr.
After another exhausting day of lectures from your professor, you decided to go to Angel's Share to relax and maybe review the material that was given. To your surprise, not only Charles was there, but Diluc was also there.
"Diluc, what are you doing here? I thought you only come when the pub is busy. From what I can see, there doesn't seem to be too many people here."
"Hah, I simply thought that I need to oversee today's work shift. I have no other particular reason," he said.
"Alright then, suit yourself. An order of Berry & Mint Burst please, Charles."
"You got it, Y/n!"
You took out your book and stationery after ordering your drink. Diluc suddenly approached Charles and whispered something to his ear. He then decided to strike up a conversation.
"I know I don't do idle chit-chat, but how was your day? I trust that your professor isn't giving you a hard time, is he?"
"No, not at all! Fortunately my professor is a good person, I just want to review the material he gave."
Meanwhile from one corner of the room, a man with navy-blue hair surrounded by girls payed close attention to your conversation. He hated how intimate sounding the way his brother talked to you.
"What's on your mind, handsome? Don't tell me that you're still thinking about your ex?"
"Aren't you glad we're here?"
"Of course not. I can assure you that I'm not thinking about my ex. I'm more than happy you ladies are here," he blatantly lied.
Your order of Berry & Mint Burst has been received along with a dish you didn't order.
"Moon Pie? Wait a second, I didn't order this."
"Of course you didn't order it, think of it as a gift from me for doing well in college. As for your drink, it's on the house," Diluc said.
"Aww, Diluc. You can't be doing this, it's too nice of you. Angel's Share just lost some money because of me."
"I don't care how much money Angel's Share loses because of you. What I care about is you and your well-being. After how badly Kaeya treated you towards the end of your relationship, I beat myself up for even letting you enter a relationship with him. What I want to give you now is the treatment you deserved."
(time skip brought to you by le author :P)
It's getting late and probably time for you to head home. Diluc insisted on walking you out and taking you home, so you didn't refuse his offer. Just when you were heading to the car, a familiar voice was heard from behind.
"Have you had fun talking to my partner, Diluc?"
It was Kaeya. His voice sends shiver down your spine, this voice belongs to the same man who has hurt your feelings. Why was he there, standing behind you? You're not even ready to face him.
"Huh, your partner? Last time I checked you left Y/n to have fun with someone else. Why bother coming back to them now?" Diluc retorted.
Kaeya knew what Diluc said was right, but his jealousy got the better of him. He cheated on you, yet he still wants you. Was he that afraid of commitment or...?
"I’ve grown and am willing to change, Y/n. I miss you, and I can’t stop thinking about you. I respect your feelings. If I were in your place, I would have done the same. But no one can replace you. I want to make things right for us. Can we start all over again?"
You turned around, eyes wide and mouth agape slightly. Is he for real? Or is this one of his lies again?
"Nonsense! How dare you ask them to come back even after you hurt them? Are you out of your damn mind, Kaeya?!"
Uh-oh, Diluc's getting angy
"Diluc, I'm asking this nicely. I just want to make things right for us."
"Why you--"
Diluc was about to punch Kaeya in face if it were not for Charles stopping the fight.
"Gentlemen, please stop this fight, yeah? We wouldn't want people to call the police on us," Charles said as he spread his arms separating the two.
Charles then offered to drive you and Diluc home, leaving Kaeya alone in front of Angel's Share.
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[Author's Note]: As someone who has never been into a relationship, Google has helped me a lot writing this. So thank you :3
Published on: August 31st 2022
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avatarrecom · 7 months
Day 12: Fingering
Pairing: Poly!recoms x Recom!reader (can be read as character x reader)
Word count: 1.9k
A/N: So I uhh 👉🏻👈🏻, got a little carried away writing this... At least for my doing lol. But just a 👌🏻 little bit I promise.
I'm curious, what do you guys think of my kinktober till now? I wanna know if my smut is good or not :)
Kinktober masterlist
🌍 Recom Miles Quaritch Miles is a total pro with his fingers, like seriously amazing. But the guy's always busy, so he can't always take you to the bedroom. No worries though, he'll make room for you on his desk and have you sit there with your legs spread, ready for him to touch you. And let me tell you, Miles is a multitasking king. While he's casually filling out his reports with one hand, he'll pleasure you with the other. It's like second nature to him, he knows exactly how to make you lose control. He starts by teasing your clit, driving you crazy with those small circles. Once you let out that first moan, he knows it's time to move on and slip a finger inside you. He's got a tight grip on his pen as he feels your walls tightening around him, but he stays cool and adds another finger because, let's be real, you're probably begging for it. And if Miles is feeling extra generous, he might even add a third finger. So let's just say you've been a good girl and he does. In just a few minutes, MAX, Miles has you a total mess on his desk, moaning like crazy with your head thrown back as he thrusts his fingers in and out of you.
😈 Recom Lyle Wainfleet His fingers are thin but long, and that is something he takes pride in. Especially when he gets you begging and crying with just his fingers. He has you sitting on his work desk, legs spread, his one hand holding the back of your thigh. Your head is thrown back as he pumps his fingers into your needy cunt. First one finger, then another, and then another until you are stuffed with them. Lyle leans down as he places feather kisses all over your inner thighs. The kisses soon turn into hard sucking. Your pussy throbs around his digits as he pulls them back before thrusting them back in. "You like this? You like this, baby? Your pussy is so tight. You are squeezing around my fingers so good." Lyle curls his digits, hitting you on the right spots. Your mouth falls open at his words. You were near, and all you can do is spout nonsense, "Yes, yes Lyle—oh fuck." Lyle looks up at you with his yellow eyes. The expression on your face as you cum all over his fingers. Lyle draws out his fingers, and cum oozes out of you. He brings them to his mouth, sucking his fingers clean as he moans, "Hmm just as sweet as I remember."
🍬 Recom Z-dog She thoroughly enjoys pleasuring you, particularly focusing on your intimate areas. Z-dog takes great pleasure in stimulating your wet folds and your sensitive nub, eagerly anticipating your reactions each time she engages with you. It drives her wild. When it comes to fingering your tight and moist pussy, she shows no mercy. With precision, she inserts one finger, thrusting it in and out before adding another finger, skillfully scissoring your sensitive entrance. Your cries and desperate grasp only fuel her satisfaction as she continues to torment you. Z-dog thrusts her two fingers in and out of you rapidly, determined to elicit a powerful release from you. Your squirming and loud moans, calling out her name, require her to hold you down with her other arm to maintain control. Pressing your back against her chest, she persists in her assault on your pleasure center. As your lover relentlessly drives his two large fingers into your depths, the intensity builds, and you feel on the verge of exploding. Z-dog senses your nearing climax and releases her grip, keeping you pressed against her back. With her fingers still pounding your tight pussy, her other hand descends to roughly stimulate your clit. A smirk plays on Z-dog's lips, as she is resolute in her mission to make you squirt onto her fingers.
🥽 Recom Walker There is something immensely satisfying to her ego about pleasuring you with her fingers. It's not a regular occurrence, as she prefers to eat you out, but the knowledge that she can make you go wild with just two digits is a rush. She knows that it could hurt if she were to just ram her fingers into you, but she's too impatient for that. She'll make sure you're wet enough to take it. Starting with two fingers right away, she wants to see you gasp and arch your back in pleasure. Her fingers will explore and search for your sweet spot, crooking and feeling your insides. She's not gentle, knowing that you're dripping wet and can handle it. Soon enough, she'll add a third finger and stretch you out good. Feeling you tighten around her fingers makes her grin devilishly. Watching you moan her name and squirm under her touch turns her on greatly. Most of the time, she won't let you come and will replace her fingers with her tongue.
😎 Recom Mansk He is an absolute powerhouse, yet surprisingly gentle with you, despite the significant size difference. This man exudes raw, animalistic strength, but his touch is tender and caring. You were comfortably seated on his lap, your legs straddling his robust frame, as he admired you in one of his favorite dresses that accentuated your curves flawlessly. His hand rested on your waist, moving in slow, soothing circles, while his other hand ventured beneath the dress, causing your panties to be forgotten on the arm of the couch. His large hands worked wonders on your body, and his thick fingers... oh my, they were a revelation. Two of them delved deep into your core, not thrusting forcefully, but rather massaging the inner walls with a tantalizing slowness, while his sizable thumb expertly stimulated your most sensitive spot. To put it simply, you were a trembling, moaning mess on his lap, completely at his mercy. His gaze never wavered from your exquisite form, so ready to unravel in his embrace, as your essence dripped down his hand and arm. "Oh, fuck... right there, Mansk," you cried out in ecstasy. He couldn't get enough of you and the way you praised him.
🧯 Recom Prager Prager's hands are so skilled, man. Every touch he makes is like, calculated and efficient, all with the goal of giving you the ultimate pleasure. He's so confident and knows exactly where to touch you, it's insane. You can't help but squirm and moan when his long fingers find all your sensitive spots effortlessly. Prager takes so much pride in making you moan with just a few fingers deep inside you. It's like, mind-blowing how you clench and tremble around him, it's like a drug. He loves seeing you turn into a hot mess with just a simple stroke of his fingers, it's like his favorite thing ever. Sometimes he'll just sit there and watch you react for hours, if he's not in a rush. And while he's fingering you, he'll whisper sweet nothings and have this lazy smile on his face, checking you out. Fingering you is his go-to on lazy days when you're both too tired for anything more intense.
⚕️ Recom Ja Ja possesses the ability to bring you to orgasm with his fingers alone. His touch is slow, patient, and filled with love. Each stroke of his fingers deep inside of you brings pleasure, yet leaves you simmering, craving more. However, rushing his ministrations is futile, as he will cease his actions. Ja takes pleasure in the way your breath catches as his fingers glide against your slick walls. With his forehead pressed against yours, he attentively observes your reactions, guiding you towards the brink of ecstasy at his own pace. Sex is not a race, but rather a sacred ritual, a prayer almost. Every movement is infused with love, and his adoration for you and your body is expressed through soft whispers. Even if the night consists solely of him fingering you to a slow orgasm or two, Ja is more than content. He does not seek reciprocation; his satisfaction lies in witnessing you unravel and reach a state of sensual bliss. The strength in his touch, honed through years of wielding a sword, provides the perfect calloused texture that elicits groans of ecstasy from you.
🧢 Recom Brown You confidently lean your head back on his shoulder, observing as his fingers disappear into your eager pussy. His eyes follow the same movements, and he remarks, "Look at your needy pussy eagerly taking my fingers in like a whore." He begins to thrust his fingers into you slowly at first, gradually increasing the speed. With each thrust, your back hits his chest. "Ah... ah-h Brown," you moan as his fingers gently and rapidly stroke your insides. Brown skillfully crisscrosses his digits, hitting your g-spot. His eyes lock onto yours with a smug smirk as your expression transforms into one of pure pleasure. "Fuck, you're taking it like such a good bitch," Brown murmurs in your ear, licking it before sucking it passionately, leaving it red. Your legs tremble as they attempt to close, but Brown firmly holds them open. The thrusts become harder and faster. "Brown, I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna c-cum... fuck!" Your hand digs into his thighs as you experience the intense release of your climax. Brown smears your hot and sticky cum over your pussy, proudly stating, "Only my fingers are enough to make you cum this much, huh?" He grins with pride at your disheveled appearance and glistening pussy.
📿 Recom Lopez Lopez lay beside you with his head resting on his palm, watching as you struggled to get off by his fingers. You lay flat on your back, quivering with pleasure. You guided his thick fingers in your throbbing hole, holding them tightly in your own. Two of his fingers, along with one of yours, fondled your insides. "Lopez, please," you begged, tears of frustration rolling down your temple. But Lopez just smirked down at you and cooed, "Please what, sweetheart? You gotta be more clear. All you're doing is crying like a bitch in heat." Without missing a beat, you demanded, "Make me cum... please." And Lopez gladly obliged, pulling your finger out and shoving his own back inside. Two digits were enough to fill you up, and you sighed with relief. As his fingers stroked your insides, his thumb started to dab the hood of your pussy. Your legs jerked closed as a shiver shot up your spine, but Lopez instantly pushed them back open and started to thrust even faster and sloppier. Your back arched, lifting off the bed, and your grip tightened on the sheets as you came all over his hand, "Fuck fuck fuck fu--" Lopez grinned and brought his hand to your mouth, pressing his fingers on your parted lips. "Suck," he commanded, and you eagerly complied, tasting your own pleasure on his fingers.
⛓️ Recom Fike Fike doesn't have much experience with women, which honestly makes him nervous when it comes to pleasing you. He's quick, messy, and a bit frantic. But what he lacks in practice and knowledge, he makes up for in enthusiasm. Even when he fingers you, he's eager to explore and try every angle and spot. He'll be watching your expressions closely, hoping for that moment when you completely lose yourself to his touch. And when he finally hits your most sensitive spot, it almost makes him lose control just by seeing your eyes widen with desire and hearing your long, drawn-out moan. Fike really enjoys fingering you as a way to get you turned on. Once you're wet and have had one orgasm, he easily slides inside you without any trouble. And you always moan even louder for your second orgasm. It's just beautiful...
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annabelle1901 · 3 months
Lost Frank Castle x Karen Page fic
Hi! So I don't really interact with anyone on Tumblr but I don't really know what else to do, so here we go. I'm back on my Kastle bullshit <3 and I've been trying to find this old fan fiction on AO3 that I started reading years ago. Stopped reading after a certain point but had the tab open on my phone and I thought I'd continue reading eventually.. And then my phone got stolen, and I forgot the title & author name. Not great. I've dedicated the past few days to looking for it and so far I got nothing.
So what I'm gonna do is write down everything I remember like a mad woman in the hope that this jogs someones memory. Please help me this fic haunts me. ANY sort of reference or whatever could potentially help (Tumblr posts, links, screenshots, Google history, etc)
Fandom: Daredevil/ the Punisher obv
Pairing: Frank Castle/ Karen Page
Rating: probably explicit (canon typical violence and eventual smut)
Published: 2016-2017 (started post s2 Daredevil but pre The Punisher s1 because I don't remember any of the plot or characters from that show showing up) might have been deleted in 2020ish
Length: has to be +10 chapters (long chapters as well, don't know if it was finished)
Characters: Matt Murdock/ Daredevil, Foggy Nelson, Claire Temple, Elektra Natchios (I vividly remember them making some sort of appearance)
now let's get really unhinged...
Pretty sure the story starts on Karen's birthday but her mood is meh.. She's on her way home or something, gets in her car and Shining Star starts playing which let's her know that Frank was recently there. Something else must have alarmed her because she goes looking for him and finds him in like an alley around her building. He's in really bad shape, bloody practically dying. She carries him to her apartment and either helps him herself or calls Claire Temple.*
*Don't think it was in this part of the story but she helps Frank and makes a joke about him not being healthy enough to be sleeping with Karen anytime soon which makes them blush. Don't think they were intimate yet but tensions were rising.
For the next couple of chapters I remember it was mainly beautifully written angst between them in this contained space while he's healing. Karen doesn't want Frank to get killed while being the Punisher, he resists her care and tries to hurt her by saying "You aren't Maria and could never be" or something.
I also vividly remember a scene where he's grieving and keeps like tugging on this necklace Karen has on while he cries in her arms. She leaves her necklace at his family's graves and the groundskeeper or something tells her not to do that because it'll get stolen but she knows that but does it anyway as a sign of respect.
They sort admit their feelings eventually but don't sleep together yet because they know they can't go back after that. For some reason Frank needs to leave the city for a little while to re-home a dog I believe he found while on a "mission" and the idea is that the time apart will help them decide whether or not they want to be together. They reunite on a sunny, lovely day in the city and go back to her apartment and lots of smut ensues. Daredevil shows up at midnight/ morning to get Frank. Something's going down he needs his help. It doesn't end well somehow Karen gets involved and they both go to the same hospital. Frank is in a coma and Karen visits him when she's allowed and urges him to live sort of mirroring when he first got shot in the head at the carousel. He wakes up but needs to go back to prison. Everything is really bad. The press somehow knows about their relationship as well. Last scene I remember is Karen and Foggy talking about all this and a newspaper printing a picture of Karen's legs with the caption Keys to the Castle? or something. Gross everything sucks and that's where I stopped reading.
So that's about all I can remember, feels like a fever dream. If anyone could help me out I'd really appreciate it. Thx!!
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mystargirl-interlude · 10 months
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Part two of mirrorball
Billy Hargrove x reader
Its not like me and him had anything, I mean we barely spoke and the times we did was when we were with our friends, but seeing him make out with her did catch me slightly off guard, but only because seeing people being so physically affectionate makes me uncomfortable.
Getting scared when I see them adjust themselves thinking they were gonna catch me creeping I quickly try to move away running into a wall
"Oh shit!" I mutter running into the bathroom rubbing the side of my face that got hit
"Hey you okay? You took a while" Eddie asks when I get back
"Yeah! My stomach was just hurting" I reply
"You ready for sound check?" He asks
"Definitely" I reply smiling
Grabbing my guitar and heading to the microphone.
The people that know me there which is most of the bar start clapping as they are happy by my presence
"Hey guys, we are back once again" I speak into the microphone smiling
"So this is sound check and it's going to be super quick but we should head into our set super soon"
Strumming my guitar which seems to not be working
"Is this going to workkkkk" I sing jokingly
"Let me" I hear Eddie say seeing him come over to me re plugging my it pack in
Strumming it once more it finally works
"Finally" I say hearing the bar cheer I laugh
"Okay I'm gonna do some microphone tests" I say
not knowing what to do I sing a line from a song I played the week before
"Bar-t-t-tender" I say slightly laughing as I hear some of the customers laugh as they are familiar with the song
"Okay I think we're ready eddie dont ya think?"
"I think we are"
"Okayy let's head into the set"
Billy Hargrove pov
I brought one of the girls whom I cant even remember the name of to go out with me to the only bar i know that doesn't ID .
Sitting at the bar making out with her to get down sooner.
As we were making out I heard a bang and looked up but didn't see anyone there assuming it was one of the other customers.
Time passes and she's talking my ear off about god knows what then I heard a familiar voice on the microphone and completely tuned out the girl in front of me trying to remember where I heard that voice from cause from where I sit I can't see the stage, then it clicked.
Wanting to move closer I tell whatever her name is that the bar stool was making me uncomfortable and I wanted to move to a booth and she obliged biting her lip trying to turn me on
I didn't want y/n to see me so I found a spot to where I can see her but she can't see me.
Taking a look around the stage I see the school freak Eddie Munson standing my a keyboard and then she starts talking. Hearing her voice talk through the microphone was like hearing a siren talk to me.
"Okay so this song is a song I wrote throughout these past few days, and through hard times but those times made this song and singing makes me money so."
I hear her say and I chuckle at her words
"But yeah so this song is called mirrorball" she says strumming the guitar
I w ant you to know, I'm a mirrorball, I'll show you
Every version of yourself tonight
Her voice, smooth as silk and sweet as honey had me entranced by her, but that didn't last long as I felt the girl next to me licking the back of my ear wanting my attention. Shrugging her off she pouts saying "billyyyyyy, what're doing staring at her ugh do you like her or something?"
"Oh my god no can I not just like music" I reply tuning her out to focus back on y/n
"What the fuck billy we are on a date, ME AND YOU not YOU AND HER ugh I'm leaving" she says grabbing her bag and speed walking out
"Okay yeah" I mumble not even paying attention to her
Hearing the song come to an end I begin clapping with the other customers
"Do we like it?" I hear her ask and then hear the bar cheer in response
As she puts her guitar down I can’t look away
"Yay okay so this next song is a cover of one of my favorite songs ever, so you guys know Joni Mitchell right" she says and I hear them cheer once again in response.
Joni Mitchell was my mother's favorite artist and we listened to her all the time before she left and never came back.
I haven't listened to her since but hearing her name again made my stomach drop
"It's called for free!"
This was the song we listened to.
I slept last night in a good hotel
I went shopping today for jewels
Hearing her voice with the song made me feel a certain emotion that I couldn’t name ‘cause I didn’t know what it was or how to describe it
I saw her go around and sit on the bench eddie was sitting on and put her head on his shoulder
Seeing her so comfortable with another man makes me angry for some reason but why? We never talk and are barley even friends.
I’ve decided to talk to her at school more come next week.
Continuing to listen to her throughout the song was the amazing, I never new she could sing, it was hypnotizing
Her and Eddie begin packing up and when their backs are turned I slip out of the bar quietly hoping to talk to her soon.
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