#(long and short of my crazy day is that my dad started selling his house LOL so i’m half kicked out. just have to stay at my mom’s until i -
legobenkenobi · 1 year
if you enjoy codywan and Obi-Wan being a silly creature guy then you will 100% enjoy this and it was made for you. please give it a read!!!
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tiyanasfantasy · 8 days
Marry Her Anway ❦.
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wussup yall !
i just wanna say i haven’t wrote anything in over a year, mostly due to no motivation, but I’m back! i lost my other account so I’m starting fresh! ion want you to have no high expectations, lemme get used to it again ok? sorry if this is bad 😩..!
buttt i was just listening to this song called “Rude” and i wanted to write a lil story based off of it soo here i goo.
Warnings: Language, not proofread (i think that’s all)
Ony x BlackFem!Reader
Enjoy ❦.
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you and ony have been dating for 3 years now. the two of you met during your freshmen year of high school but started dating during yalls senior year, and have been together ever since.
ony had met your family a few times before, they think ony’s a nice guy, i mean he has money, and makes sure you’re always safe and taken care of, and cares about your health, feelings and wellbeing. anyone who’s ever been around the two of you always says you compliment each other very well, your mother and the rest of your family loves ony.
well, everyone except your dad.
your dad HATES ony. why? he says he has a bad feeling about him, that he had bad intentions and he doesn’t want that “Weed selling thug” around his daughter. when you first brought ony home your father said “You’re not gonna last, i’ll give it a week before you’re crying and telling us he’s either in prison or cheated on you with some chick” long story short he’s a D1 hater
but to his surprise, 3 years later you and ony are still together, now 22 and 23 years old and still deeply in love with each other.
ony was very aware of your fathers dislike of him, that didn’t stop him from driving to his house on a saturday morning in the finest clothes he could find, and knocking loud and proud on his door. KNOCK KNOCk KNOCK
when your father looked out the peep hole and seen it was on the let out a groan and opened the door. “what?” he said with and irritation in his voice .
“g’morning sir” ony said with a big grin on his face. “i would ask to come in but-“ before he could finish he was cut off by your fathers voice “no, what do you want ? i don’t have time for this, i have things to do, where’s my daughter ?”
ony cleared his throat. “yns at her hair appointment, i wanted to ask you something tho, this is very important and i know you love your daughter a lot, so your opinion on this matters a lot.”
your dad raised his eyebrow at ony, motioning that he was listening.
“uh ion really know how to ask this but i know that your an old fashion man so uh..” ony pulls a ring from behind his back and holds it up to show your dad “can i… can i marry your daughter?”
as he was asking this question, your mother was walking by and was shocked by what she just heard and quickly ran over to the door and seen ony holding up a beautiful diamond ring
“Yes! Yes you can!” your mother said admiring the pretty ring infront of her husbands face.
meanwhile your dad stood there with a look of shock and disgust on his face. “he was asking me. and no, no you can’t. you’ll never get my blessing till the day i die, tough luck my friend, but the answer is no!”
your mom looked at your dad with a shocked look on her face “why you gotta be so rude??”
connie got tired of waiting in the car and came out to see what was taking ony so long “what’d he say?”
ony looked at connie and shook his head “man,he said no.”
connie looked over at your dad “that’s crazy man, whatchu say no for? you know how bad that must’ve hurt my man ego?”
ony looked over at your dad too “right, don’t you know i’m human and got feelings too?”
your dad rolled his eyes “i’ve been saying this for years, you’re no good for my daughter, i’m not gonna let you marry her then cheat and force her to go through more pain and a divorce”
connie mean mugged your dad “no disrespect pops, but ony been in your daughter since we was freshies, this guy got nothing but good intentions, i swear to you”
your mom nodding her head in agreement, seeing this made your dad scoff and shake his head “like i said you don’t have my blessing, if i don’t want you even dating my daughter what makes you think i’d allow you to marry her, the answer is no?”
your mother was standing there with her arms crossed shaking her head “you think i’d tell him he could if i tht out he had bad intentions?” your dad still feelings to remorse said “i don’t care, my answers no.”
“that’s fucked man, for real.” connie said.
ony just let out a dry laugh “Don’t worry bout it yall, im gonna marry her anyway” he said shrugging.
Connie laughed “that’s what i’m talking about” while your mother said “yeah, marry that girl!”
your father looked stunned as he repeated her words “marry that girl ??”
ony nodded his head saying “yeah, no matter what you say” he stopped and looked down at the ring one more time before closing the box and looking back at your after and saying “I’m gonna marry that girl, and we’ll be a family.”
ouuu girl yo daddy was soo mad, and his own wife was going against his word?? that bald headed ahh man was pissed baby, nobody cared tho, he walked back into the house mumbling under his funky ahh breath.
but that’s alll i’m writing tdy if u read this thank youuu and i hope you liked it (ts was mad corny no cap 😂😂) oh well ty for reading i love youuu!! kisses 💋💋 ! ❦.
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dooksofearl · 2 months
Monthly newsletter for Dooks of Earl Ferret Sanctuary Inc
Happy April and Greetings to Everyone!
Much excitement at our little rescue this month and I can't wait to tell you.
Thanks to my income tax check coming in our fundraising goal for between now and May 1st is only $768.00
That will cover
The rescues regular bills like; utilities ($280 on average since our HVAC is still out, but we are hoping someone is coming to fix it soon), and pet foods ($488). I have managed to raise enough to cover the other bills and supplies from my income tax check. And of course, none of this is for me personally nor do I get paid for the work I do. It's not about me, it's about these animals and making their lives amazing for however long they have left.
Other needs that the rescue has not included in this list are:
As always, Pine pellets from Tractor Supply Company, we go through about 30 bags a month.
The blue dishes we got last time will be added back to our list because they are working so well for our sweet seniors and tiny ferrets in helping them eat in a more natural position.
We still have a short wishlist with links to these items on Amazon. The pine pellets I just listed tractor supply gift cards because they don't sell the pellets through Amazon for delivery.
I also want to remind everyone that you can pick us as your Walmart.com round up charity and that you can send gifts from our Walmart registry and Chewy Registry if you'd like.
We still need fence panels for an outdoor dog kennel yard if anyone has any locally they'd like to drop off. And if you are throwing out any 13 gallon kitchen trash cans or plastic bins of any size we would be thrilled to have them.
We currently have 11 ferrets in amazing foster homes so our population here is becoming very manageable for me AND we have 4 new volunteers!!!!! We are so happy to welcome Michael, his wife, and his mom to our team. They will be coming soon to help me get things back to tip top shape and I greatly appreciate it.
And an amazing girl named Michal who came yesterday and spent the day helping me. The ferrets were crazy about her and you know Keiko was too. The bunnies warmed right up to her but they are very friendly girls. Mr Maru gave her the tour till his house was finished then he had to go see what I had done and grab snacks. Cal the sugar glider, slept through it all. But what delighted me most was Mr. Spooky. Our shy, bite first ask questions later guy, went right to her and cuddled her. WOW He is still having a hard time with Justin not being here. Ferrets grieve just like us and he was really close to his dad the Ferret King. He gave me kisses and now this. It makes me so excited and emotional for him.
There was a minor set back for me medically as I have a new allergy, possibly to Stevia. Of course I try to do something good for my health and now I look like I have rolled in bees. If you don't know, this is not a surprise. Lol But I got some medicine for the hives and hopefully will be feeling much better very soon. Until then if you see me dancing against the doorway like a bear, just walk away. 😂
I'm through infusion 3 of 8. YAY! And I have a surgery consultation coming up finally so I am hopeful that it goes well and we can get a date for surgery. 🤞
I have a potential part time job as a virtual assistant and I am truly excited about that. And we are looking at setting up the trailer for a rental so that I can generate a little income and start paying off old debt and getting back on my feet again.
The three month anniversary of losing Justin was really hard on me but I want to thank everyone for their abounding kindness and support. Some days you and these rescue babies are all that gets me through to the next day. I am so grateful to have you in my life.
I also want to mention if you don't get a thank you note and receipt for your donation or some sort of confirmation, please check with me to make sure we received it. I always send a thank you note if it lets me and if you use cashapp I send a heart.
You are awesome and amazing and greatly appreciated. I could not do what I do if you weren't here supporting us and cheering me on. I hope the blessing that you are comes back to you ten fold. Have an amazing month!
Shelly Breeden-Conner
Executive director
Dooks of Earl Ferret Sanctuary Inc
Tax ID 88-0945277
Donations can be made in app at:
Zelle and PayPal
Venmo @DooksofEarl
Cashapp $dooksofearl
Checks or money orders can be mailed to:
Dooks of Earl Ferret Sanctuary Inc
4826 US HIGHWAY 70 E
BROWNSVILLE, TN 38012-8412
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let-it-raines · 3 years
I Hope We Never See October (4/?)
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When his personal life and football career go up in flames, Killian Jones escapes England for America, finding seclusion in Martha’s Vineyard in order to hide from his demons. It’s a fresh start, or at the very least a paused moment in his life, and all he needs is a few months alone to allow his heart to heal. He doesn’t count on meeting Emma Swan.
Emma’s life depends on tourists who come to the island every summer. It’s how she makes her money working in restaurants and clubs across the vineyard, but every year, she cannot wait until autumn comes and her life returns to normal. She especially cannot wait for Killian Jones to leave.
Rating: Mature
Found on Ao3: Beginning | Current
Found on Tumblr: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Emma has this thing about the summer tourists in Martha’s Vineyard. There are several types, but they can be categorized into two main groups: the annuals versus the one-timers.
It’s pretty self-explanatory. The annuals come back every year. They usually have a family home on the island or in Cape Cod or Falmouth, and they come back year after year to do the same things – from taking out the same boats to eating at the same restaurants. Then there are the one-timers. They get an opportunity to come and spend a week or two taking pictures, eating food, spending time by the ocean, going on hikes, and then they never, ever come back. They’ve seen enough.
The annuals pay for Emma’s life. The one-timers, though, keep her entertained.
If she never has to see them again, there are no consequences, no attached strings. It’s the perfect distraction, especially in the past few years, and she will not be ashamed of the choices she makes.
Not at all.
Except, right now, she’s seriously questioning her choices because sometimes Emma can be pretty damn stupid.
But then Killian’s hand slips down the back of her thigh, fingertips pressing into her skin, kneading it in the places that bring her pleasure, and she forgets how stupid this is and remembers how good it feels. His voice is deep with his teasing, his mouth soft, and when he uses his knee to nudge hers to the side, Emma complies and arches her back as he slowly guides himself into her. Her heartbeat speeds up, sweat already forming at the nape of her neck that not even the breeze from the open window can fix, and she continues to adjust her hips as Killian finds his rhythm.
It’s a damn good rhythm, one that only takes a little instruction on her part, before he’s leaning over her, sucking the skin at her neck, and building her toward a higher and higher pleasure as he whispers filth into her skin.
And for the minutes that it takes, ones that seem to fly and drag on all at once, Emma forgets how monumentally stupid she’s being by sleeping with him. It was a moment of weakness, one where she was lonely and he was there with his stupidly handsome features and charming stories, and it seemed like the obvious thing to do.
Even though she really did simply intend to invite him in for coffee, but how many people truly believe that offer to be taken at face value?
Emma thinks he’s an obnoxious flirt, but at least it’s nice to know he can back his words up with actions.
Emma scratches her fingers down his back until she’s tightening them around the muscles in his arms. He’s fitter than she imagined, which is always a bonus, and his muscles twitch as he continues to move in her, over her, until his hand reaches between them and Emma finds the subtle bliss she doesn’t often find from arrangements like this.
So, she’s stupid, but at least she’s satisfied.
Killian hovers over her as his thrusts become more erratic, as he finds his own release, his forehead pressed into hers, and then he’s rolling over, taking a breather next to her, before getting up to dispose of the condom and put his briefs back on. Emma does the same, using the bathroom to pee and wash her face, before putting on a t-shirt and pair of underwear.
“So, that was,” Killian begins when she comes back from the bathroom. He’s sitting on the end of the bed, body still on near full display as he presses his hands back.
“You’re only staying here this summer, right?” Emma interrupts.
He raises one brow, then the next. “Aye. I don’t imagine I’ll return next year. My life should be…less complicated then.”
Okay, good. Maybe she’s not so stupid after all.
Because he may be friends with Ariel and Eric, which isn’t the clean break she’s looking for, but it’s clean enough.
She wonders how his life could be complicated. She doesn’t know much about him, but she knows enough. He’s rich, can take months off from work to vacation, and there’s little chance he actually knows what complicated is.
“Why do you ask?” he continues, scratching his neck.
Emma shrugs. “Because this wasn’t…this was casual. I’m not into having a relationship, especially with someone who has an expiration date.”
“Trust me, love,” he laughs, “neither am I. I do fancy you from time to time when you’re not yelling at me, but I know what this was. I’m not under any impressions otherwise.”
Emma nods and grabs a pair of sleep shorts from one of her drawers. “Well, good. That’s good.”
This is always the awkward part. Do they stay or do they go? Emma votes go, but she’s unsure how to ask without coming off as a total bitch.
Especially since this is a man who already knows her more than he should.
“Yeah,” he smiles, “it is good.” He leans down and picks up his jeans, standing to slide them on. Why the hell are his pants that tight. “But I have the feeling you’re waiting on me to leave, so I can do that for you.”
“Oh, I - ”
“Perceptive, Swan.” He points to his head. “I told you I’m actually quite perceptive, and I meant it. Have a good night, love. I’m sure I’ll see you around the island.”
He finishes getting dressed as Emma stands in the corner and crosses her arms, watching him. Not five minutes ago she was watching him move in a completely different way, and the memories nearly tempt her to ask him to stay.
She’s stupid, but she’s not that stupid.
“Yeah,” Emma sighs, “I’ll see you around.”
“Can you work Saturday, Ashley?” Emma asks as she pulls up next week’s schedule. “Heather apparently can’t, and I have to have someone cover her shift. You’ll get good tips.”
“I can work then, but I need next Thursday morning off. I have an appointment.”
Emma adds Ashely’s name into the chart and looks up as Ashley rubs her hand over her stomach. “I’ll cover you. Are you finding out the gender?”
“I am. I’m excited.”
“Good.” Emma closes her laptop and stands from behind her desk. “I’m glad you’re excited. How are things out there?”
“Busy. I’d expect nothing less from the holiday week.”
Emma inhales before breathing out a slow exhale. “I wouldn’t either. I’ll come and help out. Make sure you’re taking enough breaks and drinking enough water. I don’t want you exhausting yourself.”
“I’m not,” Ashley promises, but Emma knows how tired the girl is, “but I really appreciate you.”
They walk out of Emma’s office, and while Ashley goes back to her section, Emma starts doing her rounds, checking in with her servers and cooks, making sure everything stays up to the standards she needs. This is one of their busiest weeks of the year, and she can’t afford for anything to go wrong. They had a hiccup last week with the bread order, and with how many burgers they’re selling, she really can’t afford for that to happen again.
Once she’s done checking inside, she walks to their outside area. It’s such a pleasant day out with the sun shining directly over them. The boardwalks are full of people, the beaches the same, and she sees more boats out on the water than usual.
She also sees a familiar mop of black hair sitting alone at the end of their outdoor patio. She hasn’t seen him since he left her house a few days ago, headlights of his Jeep fading in the distance.
Go figure that he’s here again. He seems to be fond of the place.
“You really like the food here, huh?”
“That and the manager.”
Emma laughs and leans against the railing as a family boards a boat a few feet away, their voices carrying over to Emma. It’s four of them, mom, dad, brother, and sister. It’s the picture-perfect New England family, and she imagines all the brochures in the tourism office look just like this.
And not at all like her.
“Laying on the charm a little too thick,” Emma sighs, shaking her head. “But I have a feeling that’s your thing.”
“I like to think it’s just the right amount.” He spears a bit of his omelet and pops a bite in his mouth. “What are you doing out here?”
“My job.”
His brow arches and he reaches out his arm, moving it around to the railing. His skin has tanned since she first met him, and she must admit, at least to herself, that he looks good. “You check in on all your customers like this?”
“Just the ones who keep coming back.” “To be fair, I figured I could avoid you seeing me if I sat out here.”
Emma rolls her eyes as the family’s boat starts and begins to stutter away. “Look, you can come here all you want. I know I - I didn’t make it seem that way, but I don’t care what you do or don’t do as long as you don’t expect anything from me.”
“Not a thing, love.”
“Good.” Emma stands, tightening the knot on her Blue Dog Tavern t-shirt. “But, you know, if you did happen to be up late at night, and I happened to be up, I wouldn’t oppose you stopping by for some coffee.”
“You wouldn’t?”
“Well, some nights, of course. When I feel like it.”
Killian chuckles and leans back in the chair, the front legs coming off the ground. “When you feel like it. And how would I know that?”
Emma pulls her phone out of her back pocket and holds it out to him. Without a word, he types his number in and hands it back to her. “That’s how you’ll know. I hope you enjoy your meal, Jones.”
Emma taps him on the shoulder and walks away, shaking her head. She’s stupid. So damn stupid, but as she walks back into the main dining hall and sees how crazy it is, she thinks she deserves a bit of a break, a bit of fun. She’s an adult. She can make stupid decisions sometimes.
Especially hot, British stupid decisions who are here on a time limit.
Her life is messy already. What’s one more thing?
Emma pops open a beer bottle, throwing the top away and settles on David and Mary Margaret’s pool lounge chair, pulling her legs up to keep them out of the sun. Ruby, meanwhile, is on full display on a pool float, as is David. Mary Margaret is joining Emma in the no sun club.
“So, how are you lately?” Mary Margaret asks, sipping on her lemonade. “I feel like I haven’t talked to you in a week.”
“That’s because you haven’t.”
Mary Margaret laughs and puts her drink on the table between them. “Well, you have to tell me what you’ve been up to. I don’t know how you deal with months without - ”
“Oh my God,” Ruby screeches, nearly flopping into the pool before she paddles her way toward the two of them, “I totally forgot.”
“What’d you forget, hon?”
“That I saw Emma’s hot British friend running yesterday, and I nearly passed out.”
“Why?” Emma asks, sipping on her beer again. “Were you running too? I told you to stop doing that when you haven’t had water in ages. You’ll legitimately pass out.”
Ruby kicks and some of the water splashes onto the side of the pool. “Hey, careful!” David yells. “I just cleaned this grout.”
“Yes, Dad,” Ruby mocks, kicking more water before paddling to the edge of the pool. “Anyway, I meant to say that I saw him, was reminded of just how attractive he is, and Emma, my darling, I must say that there is no harm in having a little summer fun. In fact, I encourage it. It’s good for the soul. And the vagina for that matter.”
Emma spits out her beer, the alcohol spilling onto the tile, and she swear David gives her murder eyes even though he’s gone back to lounging with his eyes closed. “You need a filter, Rubes.”
“Where’s the fun in that?”
Emma laughs and stretches her legs out, letting her toes peep out of the shade and into the brightness of the sun. “I will have you know, though, that he doesn’t plan on returning next summer. He has an expiration date.”
“So you fucked him?” Ruby asks, a little too gleeful.
“You can fill in the blanks.” Emma pulls her feet back under the shade and closes her eyes.
She’s not shy with her friends, especially Ruby. they know enough about each other’s lives to fill books about, but some things, Emma keeps under wraps unless she absolutely has to share them. Or unless she’s in the mood. Right now, with David nearby and with Mary Margaret totally judging her.
The woman is kind and fun and supportive, but she also met David a decade ago and knew he was the one on the first date. Personally, Emma thinks that is bullshit, but she’d never tell anyone that. You can know someone for years without truly knowing them, so how could anyone be so sure on a first date?
David Nolan and Mary Margaret Blanchard somehow were.
“You know, Emma,” Mary Margaret begins, “that wall you keep up may keep out pain, but it may also keep out love.”
Emma laughs and presses the cold bottle to her lips. “Marg, I’m sleeping with a guy for fun. It’s not a love match. Let me have this. In September, I’ll go back to being the Emma Swan who doesn’t do stupid things like this.”
“I didn’t - ”
“It’s fine.” Emma finishes her drink and pulls her hair into a high bun before standing and walking toward the pool, quickly submerging herself in the water to get used to the chill. She swims over to David and pulls on his float. “Hey.”
He lifts his sunglasses. “Hey.”
“How goes the job? Still seeing a bunch of cats and dogs be cute?”
“Cute and gross. What’d Mary Margaret say to make you leave your cocoon of shade?”
“Nothing. Just thought I’d come say hi to you. I do like you from time to time.”
David chuckles and slides his glasses back on. “I only believe half of that, but it’s alright. I won’t push.”
“And that’s why I love you.”
Emma stays with the Nolans and Ruby for the rest of the afternoon, and no one bugs her about her dating life, thank God. They all mean well, truly, but sometimes the last thing Emma wants to do is listen to them. On the spectrum of how they approach love, Emma is somewhere in the middle. She’s not David and Mary Margaret with their love conquers all attitude, and she’s not Ruby with her casual, carefree approach to simply seeing where the wind takes her. She’s...well, she doesn’t know what she is. All Emma knows is that while she’s experienced the highs of what love can bring, she has also experienced the lowest of the lows.
It’s safer in the middle. If you don’t fall in love, you can’t get your heart broken. But you can have some fun when you need it.
Hence, Killian, even if he is not the someone she expected to be having her summer fun with.
God, when she thinks like that, it sounds like she’s narrating a beach movie where all the colors are too bright and no one ever sweats despite spending their entire lives outside.
Speak of the devil, a group of young girls ride down the street on bikes, laughing, their hair falling behind them, and then two minutes later, they’re back again. What the hell?
That’s when she realizes they have a friend with a camera standing on the sidewalk, taking pictures of them, and Emma rolls her eyes before turning to grab her purse and her keys. “I’m going to head home,” she yells out. “I want to beat all the drunk drivers and the illegal fireworks home.”
“Wait, don’t go,” Mary Margaret insists from her spot on the couch. “Let me get you some leftovers.”
“Marg, you don’t have to feed me.”
“I know, I know.” She stands from the couch and heads toward the kitchen. “But you so rarely cook, and it’s good for you to have real meals. And since you’re alone without - ”
“Oh my God,” Ruby squeals, king her leg out. She nearly knocks over the vases and books Mary Margaret keeps on her coffee table. “Holy fuck. Like, fuck.”
Emma drops her purse. “What?”
Ruby raises her hand and folds her fingers, beckoning Emma to come closer to her. Emma rolls her eyes, but she does it anyway, plopping down next to Ruby.
“Okay, so, I couldn’t stop thinking about your new boy toy,” she starts.
“Not a toy,” Emma corrects. “He’s fine with the arrangement too.”
“Whatever. Anyway, I wanted to know more about your little sex buddy, not that I think he’s little in any way, so I went to Ariel’s Instagram, searched through her followers, and found him. And, well…”
Ruby shoves her phone into Emma’s hands, and Emma looks down, scanning through the photos. It’s a lot of group shots of men in soccer uniforms, and she thinks that’s weird but okay. He’s a member of a little soccer club back home. That seems like something rich people in England would do. It’s probably more interesting than her extracurricular hobbies which consist of eating, going to the gym, and sitting in David and Mary Margaret’s living room. It’s not like she has any room to judge someone over what they do in their free time.
Still, she continues scrolling, careful not to like anything, and it’s not until she comes across a picture of him with his shirt off that she stops to really think.
Not because he has his shirt off. She’s seen that in person. She doesn’t need to see that in pictures.
But because of the number of likes on the picture.
And the number of followers he has.
And then the little blue checkmark next to his name.
Holy fuck indeed.
“So, that’s how he has money to rent one of the big houses over in Edgartown.” Emma closes out the app and hands Ruby back her phone. “Well, that’s interesting.”
“Interesting?” Ruby scoffs, getting loud enough that David finally looks up with his own phone. Mary Margaret remains clueless in the kitchen. “You’re sleeping with a literal professional athlete, and that’s your reaction?”
Emma shrugs and stands from the couch as David asks Ruby to see what she was showing Emma. “David obviously finds it more interesting than me. I don’t care who he is or what he does or doesn’t do. That’s none of my business.”
Ruby gapes, David does too, and while Emma does have a bit of a weird feeling in her gut, she truly does not care what Killian Jones does. She’s got a few questions, sure, but much like the other men she’s been with lately, all she needs to know is if they’re clean and if they have condoms.
A little crude, but it’s the truth.
“Holy shit, Emma,” David whispers, but Emma is already ready to go, making her way into the kitchen to get the tupperware from Mary Margaret before this becomes a thing and she gets home too late.
It’s not a thing.
And she wants to go home.
It’s definitely not a thing, but she does think about it the next time he comes over. Not for long, though. Just when she notices a noticeably defined muscle she’s a little jealous of, but then he does this particularly delicious thing with his tongue or his hips that makes her completely forget about it.
And it’s not a thing when she thinks about it when she sees him running along the sidewalk outside the Blue Dog. She can run. She’s fit. She hates doing it, but she can. He just seems...graceful or something that she isn’t always. It’s difficult for her to articulate in her mind.
It continues to not be a thing each time she sees him, even when he invites her to his place for a change of scenery. The house, surprisingly, isn’t overly big compared to some of the other houses in the neighborhood, but it’s definitely not a place she could ever afford.
Not if she worked her literal ass off for five lifetimes and never spent any of her money.
All of the finishes are new, the design that modern coastal feel Emma sees on all the HGTV shows, and she can’t say she minds it. Her taste has always been a little more eclectic, but it’s nice, clean. And maybe one day when she’s not living in someone else’s house, she’ll actually decorate where she lives to her taste.
One day.
“Nice place,” Emma says, craning her neck so he can run his lips in just the right spot. He’s a quick study, which she appreciates, and he always remembers whatever she tells him.
“I like it,” he mumbles, his voice vibrating against her skin.
“Is this your style? Do you live in a big coastal home back in England?”
She doesn’t know why she asks, but she does.
He pulls back and raises his brow, which is this thing he’s always doing. At first it was annoying, like he was always questioning her, but now she realizes his brow likely has a mind of its own.
“Why do you ask, love?”
And much like the brow, that word seems to slip off his tongue without much thought. It has also become less annoying.
“No reason. Just curious.”
“I thought we didn’t ask personal questions.”
“You,” she corrects, tapping his chest, “don’t ask personal questions. I never said I couldn't ask.”
“I don’t think those are rules I agreed to.”
Emma ducks from underneath his arms, making her way into the open space of the living room. She unbuttons her shirt until her bra is exposed, and Killian’s eyes immediately glance down. Men are so easy.
“Okay, fair,” Emma sighs, running her hand over the back of a very well-made couch. “If I ask you a personal question, you can ask me one in return. But I have the right to veto. It’s a tit for tat situation.” He opens his mouth, and she already knows what he’s going to say. Again, men are so easy, and this is one that never passes up the opportunity for an innuendo. “Don’t say it, Jones.”
“Wasn’t going to.” He strides toward her, his movements fluid, and he puts his pointer finger in the empty belt loops of her jean shorts to pull her closer to him. He’s ridiculously warm. Then again, that could just be the flush in her cheeks. “And to answer your question, no, my flat in England doesn’t look like this. The colors are darker, but I do have a lot of blue and a few nautical pieces.”
“So you like the ocean then?”
“Ah, ah, ah,” he corrects, tugging on the loops again, “you’ve already asked your question.”
“Asking if you like the ocean is not a personal question.”
“Anything can be a personal question depending on the person.” There’s a flash of something in his eyes, but Emma can’t decipher it. She’s usually a little better at reading people than that. “That can be your question for tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow?” she asks as his hands sneak around to her ass.
“Yep. One personal question a day. Keeps things interesting while separate.”
“And we keep the veto rule?”
“Aye, we keep the veto rule, Swan,” he smiles, dipping his head down to kiss her. That’s the entire reason they’re here, after all.
Tomorrow, she’s totally going to ask a better question than if he likes the beach or not. He left England to hang out in Martha’s Vineyard for a few months. He obviously likes it.
“So,” Killian begins as he skillfully snaps the hook on her bra off. Emma lifts her back from the couch to give him easier access. “Tell me, darling, do you like seafood?”
His mouth grazes over her nipple, and Emma yanks on his hair, hard. “Is this your one personal question?”
Emma rolls her eyes at the same time that she rolls her hips, and she thinks there must be some kind of metaphor for her life choices there.
“Love it.”
“Good,” he whispers as his warm hands run down her bare stomach and underneath the waistline of her shorts. “Then I insist you stay for dinner.”
And because Emma has been all into making stupid decisions over the past month, she does.
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ohgodsalazarwhy · 3 years
So yesterday was... A Day.  I talked about it on twitter but not here.  I woke up at 5AM on Friday and as I was getting out of bed Natasha was there to greet me.  She rubbed up under my feet, being sweet.
Then we walked down the hallway together.  At 5am it’s still a bit dark in the house, and Natasha starts to hiss at me.  Not uncommon to be hissed at by her, so I ignore it.  Then at the end of the hallway, she’s a bit ahead of me, she turns and yowls.  I freeze.  That’s a danger sound.  I don’t know why she’s turning on me but I try to slowly back away towards the bedroom.  She’s had these weird moods in the past, but never attacked me... though I’ve been afraid of it.
This time I take one shuffle back and she lunges at me in a blind fury.  It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before, she’s screaming and attacking and I’m kicking out trying to get her off my bare legs.  I then dart down and manage to pin her to the floor with two hands but now we’re at a stand off.  If I attempt to relax my grip she screams louder and makes a move towards me.
So here I am, 5AM, bare legs bleeding and with a crazy cat under my hands in the middle of the hallway.  Absolutely nothing to grab like a big blanket or a stick or something to get distance between us until I can get to the bedroom.  I’m next to the craft room door and my legs are starting to shake and I realize I don’t have a choice, if I kneel down she’ll go for my face.  So I take one hand off her to open the door.
Natasha scratches my wrist and palm, then twists and sinks her teeth into my right pointer finger.  Deep.  It happens in second and then I’m shoving her into the craft room and shutting the door.  I’m breathing hard, shaking... I wander vaguely into the living room, try to turn on my floor lamp but I’m shaking too much.  I give up and walk into the kitchen to deposit the medications I’d taken out of my bedroom.
I can feel blood dripping from my finger as I walk back to the bathroom and finally look at my wounds in the light.  The scratches are up and down both legs, I’ve got massive scratches on my left wrist... and the bite on my finger is bleeding everywhere.  I run it under cold water but start to feel sick and am forced to go back to bed before I pass out or throw up.  I’m covered in cold sweat.
I breathe through it, getting blood on my sheets and pillow.  Natasha is meowing loudly in the room next door.  I breathe through the feeling of illness and shock and get back into the bedroom to clean the wounds and get antibiotic ointment on them.  I put bandaids on the bite wound, bottom teeth sank into the side of my finger under the second knuckle while the upper teeth had sunk into the top of the finger above the second knuckle.
I spend the next several hours in and out of bed as the sickness washes over me when I do too much.  But I clean the blood off the floor, and Natasha had emptied her bowels in the hallway so I clean that too.  When I go to the door and speak softly to her she hisses and yowls, so I leave her in there.  I don’t understand why this is happening, this is completely out of character for her.
My parents show up around 9am, and I’ve moved to the couch to lay there.  We’re supposed to go 8 hours south for a family camping trip.  And I’ve REALLY been looking forward to it.  I had all my stuff in the hallway ready to go.  But my parents are very concerned about the bite, and mom says I need to go to urgent care.  The more I talk and move around the sicker I feel.  I’ve bled through the bandaids.  Mom wraps my finger in gauze.  Before I leave the house I open the door to the craft room and quickly exit, I don’t want Natasha trapped in one room for hours.
Dad drives my car and he’s driving... aggressively.  That doesn’t help how I feel, which I think makes him even more nervous about me.  The first urgent care we visit is closed.  The second has a 4 hour wait for walk-ins.  So we finally just go to the ER.  I’m able to find a soft bench to lay down on while we wait... probably at least an hour.  While we’re waiting dad is informing family members what’s going on.  My Aunt, who is an RN, is glad we went to the ER.  My little sister tells her friend what happens to me, her friend loves cats and works with feral cats.
Dad comes over and tells me that Amber’s friend offered to take Natasha while I recover and I nearly tear up and say I’d love that.  I haven’t cried once, but my throat closes up when I think about what happens next with Natasha.  I love her so much, but the damage she did can’t be repeated. 
We get into the ER around 10am, but we don’t get out until 2:30pm.  We were supposed to be on the road by now.
I got a tetanus shot, xray, and my bite cleaned and bandaged as well as an antibiotic prescription.  Horse pills twice a day for 10 days.  Dad drives me to the pharmacy closest to my house.  Across the street is a booth selling Spooners blueberries (Spooners is a famous local farm, renowned for their berries).  Dad says he’s going to zip across the street for blueberries while I fill my prescription.
I come out after filling to see him across the street with the hood of my car up and he’s on the phone.  Goddammit.... I get my pills and text him, asking what’s going on.  The battery, the BRAND NEW BATTERY, has died unexpectedly.  I sigh and walk to the other side of the street to join him.  The sweet person at the stand has called their dad and told him what had happened, and Dad had called my little sister.  We wait around in the sun to see who will show up first.  Sure, this might as well happen today too.  I’m fucking exhausted.  I just want to lay down.  I sit in the backseat because blueberries are in the front seat that my dad is snacking on.  He says they’re the best, and Spooners doesn’t spray them.  I have no appetite or I might snack too.
The Spooners employee’s dad arrives first, and he jumps my car.  We thank him very much but he says it’s not a problem. I call my sister and tell her to meet us at my house, no problem she states.  Finally we’re home, and I cross the street where mom has been with the dogs this entire time, walking them around the neighborhood and staying in the trailer attached to the truck.  The dogs are very happy to see me and I’m happy to see them too.
My pointer finger is splinted and bandaged up and Leela sniffs at it and I have to be careful she doesn’t lick it.  We move across the street into my lawn as Amber and her partner show up.  They’ve brought gloves so they can help my Dad catch Natasha and put her in the carrier.  I sit outside with mom and the dogs while they go in.  Natasha pees on my couch during the ensuing chase because she’s afraid, but they catch her and bring her outside in the carrier.  I’m just glad she’s okay, I’ve felt very guilty about kicking out at her when she attacked me.
Natasha is scared as we set her in the grass in the shade of the fence.  I sit down next to her carrier and she curls up as close to me as she can get.  I want to unzip the top just a little to reach in and comfort her but I’m still a little scared she’ll turn on me.  So then we all wait together in the front lawn for Amber’s friend to arrive, Leela desperately trying to belly crawl her way towards the carrier.  When she finally does Natasha hisses and spooks her so bad she tries to hide under my sister’s legs.  Rotties can be such cowards sometimes.
Amber’s friend arrives with a van and I thank her profusely, but she doesn’t mind doing this at all.  She says Natasha is going to be well taken care of, she even has falconer gloves with which to handle aggressive cats.  I tell her Natasha is normally not aggressive, just very scared.  But to watch out for the yowling, that’s the danger sign.
Natasha is set gently in the backseat and the door is shut, the air conditioning turned on.  We exchange numbers, I thank her again, I can’t thank her enough.  With Natasha taken care of my family goes to a nearby burger joint for food while I stay behind to watch the dogs.  I just want to lay down.  Amber buys me a burger with a gluten free bun.  My appetite is non existent but I know I need to eat.
When they come back my mom and dad leave while Amber and her partner linger to talk.�� Her partner loves to talk, he talks all the time.  It used to drive me crazy but I don’t mind anymore, he’s a good person.  I’d had the urine cleaned up and before Amber leaves she puts my couch cushion back.  I give her a stack of books I think she’ll like about abandoned places and ossuaries.  I’m finally left alone. 
No camping trip this weekend, it’d simply be too much.  I don’t think anyone in my family is making it.  My brother and his wife had to back out, Amber and her partner had to back out because of his asthma and the air quality down south.  Mom and Dad would be driving a long way for a short stay, and I know I won’t feel up for such a taxing weekend after the Friday I’ve had.
Amazing how quickly everything can go horribly wrong.
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simplybakugou · 4 years
Dial Tone
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↝ Following the death of your sister you have a habit of texting her phone number in an attempt to ease the pain you’re feeling. After some time, someone finally responds to your texts.
BINGO SPACE: Wrong Number
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⋆ PAIRING: prohero!kirishima x fem!reader ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: slight angst; talks about the death of a loved one; fluff  ⋆ WORD COUNT: 2818
A/N: yes this is another @bnhabookclub​ bingo piece lmao. this was inspired by the time that i received a text from a dad who had told me his late daughter owned my phone number and it broke my heart. i’ve seen similar stories to this on twitter and i wanted to do my own spin on it but through a fic!
thank you to the anon who requested for kirishima for this prompt! and the transparent kirishima cap in the banner is from the bnha bookclub google drive.
✐posted 08.15.2020✐
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The air felt heavy as it usually did whenever you visited that dark and eerie place the same time every month. The sky was filled with dark grey clouds and soft rain droplets began pelting your body as you clapped your hands and bowed your head in front of the tombstone. You rose to your feet, placing the fresh bouquet of flowers you had purchased in front of the urn beside the tombstone and dusted off the dirt on your kneecaps.
Each raindrop harshly attacked you as they fell as soon enough you were drenched as you walked towards your car, your tears melding with the droplets streaking your cheeks. Finally you arrived by your car, sitting in the driver’s side as the leather seat became wet from your body.
This time of the month was always the hardest for you, the suffocating feeling that always remained in your chest never left since you had visited your sister’s grave.
Nonetheless you knew you had to keep moving on, knowing that if you sat around with your thoughts you would just make yourself more upset than you already were. You started your vehicle and pulled out of the cemetery and onto the main road, making your way home.
Although it didn’t seem like it, life wasn’t always so miserable for you. There was a time when you were happy, a time where you could look back at with adoration.
When you were starting high school, you were attending the esteemed U.A. High, pursuing your dream of becoming a hero just as every other kid your age attending a hero school was aspiring to do. Your parents had both passed away in a car accident when you were young and you were left in your older sister, (S/N)’s care. She supported you all the way, acting as the mother and father you had no memory of but desperately wanted as you could only feel envious of the other kids who had their parents attend all of their ceremonies and functions.
But it wasn’t so bad, having your sister supporting you as best as she could to make do with the unfortunate situation you were both put in.
Although things were bright for a short period of time, you were granted a heartbreaking and life changing call one day after school. You were just about to finish up your first year at U.A. and if constantly dealing with the League of Villains or schoolwork wasn’t enough, you found out about (S/N) having a terminal disease.
The doctors gave you and your sister their condolences, explaining that (S/N) was undergoing a disease as a result of her quirk not being able to maintain her body as it was slowly killing her from the inside out. Since you were informed of this unfortunate event, you dropped out of the hero course in U.A., having to pursue a part time job on top of taking online classes to balance paying for your sister’s medical bills as well as wanting to still be able to have a high school diploma (even if it wouldn’t be as a hero).
It broke your heart to have to leave your friends and not be able to chase after your biggest dream but nothing meant more to you than your sister’s health. She had taken care of you for so long; now it was your turn to return the favor.
Although you had left U.A. High, your friends that you had gotten quite close to made sure to visit the hospital in which you were temporarily staying at from time to time after school. Sero, Kirishima, Mina, and Kaminari were the ones who visited the most and they would even get Bakugou to come along on certain days as well. It made you feel reassured to have people being there for you during a difficult time in your life.
But as the years passed and your previous classmates graduated, their frequent visits turned to occasional texts here and there as their lives took a full 180 as they were thrusted into the craziness that comes with being a pro hero. You understood the position they were in and would often watch the news with your sister, feeling proud as you heard story after story of your friends saving people during their times of need.
Unfortunately with time, (S/N) lost her long battle with her terminal disease and even though you knew it was bound to happen, there was no way you would ever be able to subsidize the pain you were feeling following her passing. 
For the longest time you felt alone and there were times you still felt bedridden with sorrow and desolation, still feeling the pain of your sister’s passing as it had only been a year since her death. 
In order to feel somewhat at peace, you would still text your sister’s old phone number everyday. When you were still in school and she was looking after you, you had to let her know if you were eating, what time you got home, and things in this similar nature as (S/N) was often working and wanted to check up on you when you were home alone. This became a force of habit and you didn’t want to stop, using this new texting method as a way for you to settle your own mind and give yourself some peace by not breaking this procedure that your sister had you do.
You would even call her phone every now and then, wanting to hear her sweet voice through her voicemail. It was silly, you knew it was, but this was the only thing that was keeping you sane. When you lose someone you love in your life, someone who was by your side at all times, they don’t dissipate in thin air right when they die. You lose them slowly. From when you wake up and realize breakfast isn’t ready or when you realized you didn’t have anyone to talk to, that’s when it hits you. Your sister was gone and now you had to learn how to live without her.
You pulled into the parking lot of the bookstore, letting out a sigh as you exited the vehicle. The first day of every month for the past year since your sister died you would visit her grave for a little chat. It gave you a peace of mind to be able to speak with her in what seemed like the closest thing to “a talk in person” as you could. Sometimes texting her number or listening to her voicemail on repeat wasn’t enough.
“(L/N)! You’re here!” Aiko, one of your employees, exclaimed as you walked inside. “I thought you weren’t going to come in today.”
You shrugged, slipping off your soaked coat onto the hanger by the front desk. “I didn’t feel like staying home alone so I might as well sell some books instead.”
Aiko nodded, getting up to put back some misplaced books that customers had strewn around randomly. You sat down as she went to the back, leaning back in your chair as you stared up at the ceiling.
The emptiness inside you, a feeling that you had grown accustomed to by now no matter how much it hurt, felt stronger than usual that day. You pulled your phone out from your pocket, sending a quick message to your sister to let her know you had gotten to work safely. Within minutes, just as you were about to put your phone away and get to work, the usual “delivered” sign under your message changed into “read,” indicating that someone had seen your message. That’s weird… maybe a glitch?
Still it was unsettling so you decided to call (S/N)’s number, waiting patiently as the phone began to ring. With each ring your suspicions lessened as you assumed the read receipt was a mistake. Just as you were about to hang up, you could hear someone pick up their phone from the other line.
“Hello?” A man’s voice asked from the other side and you nearly slipped off your chair from shock, not expecting to hear a live voice. You immediately hung up, looking back at your sister’s number as you were completely discombobulated from what had happened. You assumed that one of these days (S/N)’s number would be given to another person but you still were taken aback to hear another person’s voice.
The events from the day before were quickly vanished from your mind as you had to tend to customers right after the mysterious man picked up your call. You returned home, already tired from visiting your sister and working the whole day didn’t help with that. You even sent the number a message about what you had eaten for dinner, the lack of a reply making you forget once again.
In fact, you couldn’t even remember what had happened yesterday as you absentmindedly texted (S/N) as you usually did.
Y/N: I’m heading out. Hopefully today will be better than yesterday. Love you and I miss you!
Just as you hit the “send” button for the message, realization sets in as you wanted to smack yourself for forgetting that another person had gotten the number. Right when you were about to send an apology message, the unknown man sent you a message back.
MAN: Um… Who is this?
You were quick to write up an explanation.
Y/N: Sorry, my older sister used to own this phone number. She used to make me text her whenever I ate or left the house so I got used to sending these messages. She passed away a year ago and I still send the texts. I’m sorry for bothering with these silly texts. You won’t have to deal with them from now on.
You sent your explanation, deciding to delete the messages and shoving your phone into your pocket. It was nice to maintain this habit of yours while it lasted but it was time to let bygones be bygones. You didn’t bother to read the man’s response as you left for another day of work.
The rest of the day passed like every other day did, slow and filled with your own loneliness. You bowed to and thanked your last customer of the day and let out a big sigh as you began closing up the shop, putting away any books dispersed around the shelves and taking the cash from the register.
You turned the small TV in the corner off as well, smiling at the sight of Bakugou and Kaminari finishing up a mission and successfully catching a villain as they were acknowledged for their bravery on the news. You couldn’t express how proud you felt when you saw your friends, or any of your classmates really, on the news for their achievements as they continued to save as many people as they possibly could. 
Just as you were grabbing your things to leave, your phone buzzed on the table. You glanced at it, furrowing your brows at the sign of your sister’s name, which you still hadn’t removed from your contacts, sending you a message.
MAN: Did you eat dinner?
You were beyond puzzled. Did he mean to send this to you? 
Y/N: I think you have the wrong number…
MAN: You’re the one who sent me a message about my number belonging to my sister, right?
How odd… It wasn’t a mistake then.
Y/N: Yes, that’s me. But why did you ask if I ate dinner?
MAN: Oh well I saw your text from two nights ago talking about what you ate for dinner. At first I didn’t think about it but then you explained why you texted this number and I just wanted to know if you ate dinner? Since you usually let your sister know if you did.
You smiled at the message. Whoever this man was, he seemed genuine and considerate. 
Y/N: You’re very sweet. You don’t have to worry about those texts I used to send. It was a force of habit and I won’t bother you with them again.
He almost immediately responded.
MAN: Don’t worry about that. I’m gonna take that as you didn’t eat dinner.
You didn’t reply initially as you were trying to figure this guy out and before you could muster up a response, he beat you to it.
MAN: From your area code you must be from Musutafu, too. This might be a lot but do you want to grab some dinner? There’s a great place on the intersection by U.A. High School. 
The request was definitely an odd one. You’d never been asked out in this manner, then again it was rare to be asked out like this, but you didn’t want to say no. The mystery man seemed nice and it would be good for you to actually make a friend instead of being alone all day long. If it weren’t for Aiko or your customers, you probably wouldn’t meet another human at all.
Y/N: That sounds nice. Can we meet in an hour if that works for you?
MAN: Sounds good! I get off work then so I’ll see you soon.
It got colder just an hour after you closed the bookstore. Miniscule snowflakes fell from the sky, littering the roads and the outside with a white blanket. You waited outside the restaurant that the mystery man told you about. As it was close by U.A. you and your close friends would stop by after school so you knew exactly where he was talking about. You smiled as the memories of the times you spent with your friends whom you missed dearly flooded your mind, reminding you about how lonely you truly were now.
A shiver went down your spine as you rubbed your arms in an attempt to warm yourself up. You checked your phone for the time, realizing that he was an hour late. Maybe he got busy at work, you told yourself as you let out a sigh, preparing to leave and go home.
“Hey!” A voice called out from down the road. You turned to the source of the sound, squinting through the snowflakes as you identified a man waving at you with his blinding red hair being the one thing that stuck out like a sore thumb.
As he got closer and closer and you got a better look at his face, your eyes widened as you realized who the man was. “Kirishima?”
Kirishima stood in front of you, giving you a perplexed expression. Usually when people recognized him, they addressed him as Red Riot due to his popularity as a pro hero. But there was something about you that seemed so familiar, something that he couldn’t quite figure out. “Do we know each--” He stopped mid sentence as his eyes grew into the shape of saucers. “Y/N?!”
Before you could say anything else, Kirishima’s face lit up as he was stoked to finally see his old friend again. “How have you been? You look great! Even better than how you did back in U.A.!”
“T-Thank you.” You grew flustered, not expecting to be praised in such a manner. “So you’re the one who got my sister’s number?”
“Yeah. I had to get it changed after a fan ended up leaking my number and I kept getting a ton of messages from random people,” Kirishima said with a laugh, rubbing the nape of his neck sheepishly. His expression faltered into a more serious one as he glanced down at you. “And I'm sorry to hear about your sister. I know she meant a lot to you and I should’ve visited you guys more after graduation.”
You shook your head, a small smile on your lips. “It’s okay. I know you’ve been busy being a hero and all.”
He looked down at you, taking his scarf from his neck and wrapping it around yours. You looked up at him, moving to remove the fabric from around your neck. “Oh no, it’s okay. You don’t have to—”
“You look cold. It’s the least I can do for making you wait so long.” Kirishima smiled, wrapping the end of the scarf over your shoulder once more. “Well I’m glad to see that you’re okay. To be honest I did miss you after all this time.” 
Kirishima opened the door to the restaurant, gesturing for you to go in. “Come on, we can catch up over dinner.” You grinned, entering the building as he followed suit. 
You couldn’t remember the last time you felt genuinely happy like this and you couldn’t ask for a better person to bring back the happiness that you had been lacking in your life for quite some time. 
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thepurplesquip · 3 years
Ben 10/Greatest Showman AU Chapter 1
Co-written by me and @minecraftninjerkid
Ben stared hungrily at a ring master outfit in a store window. Many times, he had passed this window, imagining himself in it, at the center of a ring, at the center of attention, everyone cheering for him and the wonders he displayed for all to see. 
His fantasy was cut short by his grandfather, Max Tennyson, who exited the store, rolls of fabric under his arm. “Come on Ben, we’re going to miss our train.”
Ben was pulled away from the shop window, though his imagination kept him locked in that image of himself in those ringmaster’s boots. Despite the strength of his dreamlike illusion, the harsh truth was that Ben Tennyson came from poor beginnings, living and working with his grandfather as tailors for the crazy rich Lawrence family. 
But Ben knew his fate extended far past stitching coats and shirts. One day, he promised, that he’d build a life for himself, far greater than anyone could ever imagine.
Though he hated working in such a high and mighty household, it wasn’t all bad. The source of Ben’s hopes for a better life stemmed from his affection for the Lawrence family’s daughter, Courtney. Although from different worlds, the children became very close with one another. However, despite that closeness, their social statuses stood in their way.
Soon after they had arrived, Max was creating a suit for Abraham Lawrence, Courtney’s father, as Ben was watching the young raven-haired girl participating one of her many etiquette lessons, this time was learning how to properly drink from a teacup. 
The girl kept glancing over at Ben as she was instructed how to drink from her cup by a maid. Ben watched carefully, noticing how bored she looked. Seeing a wooden item on a nearby coffee table, he got an idea. Fashioning himself a fake teacup, he began copying her actions while Courtney watched in mild interest from the corner of her eye. 
As soon as Courtney had taken a sip, Ben did the same with an overdramatic slurp, sucking up a small piece of fabric that was on the mouthpiece of his cup in the process. This caused Courtney to spit take as she doubled over in quiet laughter, causing Ben to laugh as well. He was always happy to bring a little sunshine in her hoity-toity, dreary life. He’d feel her smile like it was his own.
However, Courtney’s father did not find this as amusing, calling her over. Courtney reluctantly obeyed the call, exchanging a worried look with Ben as she stood in front of her father. 
“Your dress! Is this how we taught you to behave?”, Abraham asked her sternly as Courtney looked down at her now tea-stained dress. 
“It’s my fault sir,” Ben confessed, stepping forward. “I made her laugh.” 
Abe gave Ben a long, cold stare before responding calmly. “Well…thank you for your honesty.” 
For a moment, Ben thought they were both in the clear. A good clout to the ear proved him wrong. 
“Stay away from my daughter!” Abraham warned Ben as he rubbed his now-sore ear. He then grabbed Courtney by the arm before dragging her away as she glanced back at Ben, gratitude and remorse filling her eyes before they both disappeared behind the door frame and out of sight.
Later, Ben was sitting alone on a beach that was close to the Lawrence mansion, thinking about the incident from earlier that day. Abraham had usually ignored his interactions with his daughter without a word, but today he seemed extra irritable. He couldn’t help but wonder why.
He was so lost in this thought, he didn’t notice Courtney was there until she sat next to him, now wearing a new clean dress. “I thought I’d find you out here.”
“Courtney? How’d you get out?”, Ben asked her, knowing full-well that she was grounded because of his actions. 
“The window,” she replied simply before looking over at Ben. She was trying to sound lighthearted, but Ben could sense sorrow in her voice. After a few moments of silence, Courtney let out a long, sad sigh, unable to fool her friend. “My father is sending me to finishing school. Can you believe it?”
“Guess your dad’s not keen on training you to become a fine lady with a ruffian like me around,” Ben joked, trying to cheer her up.
“That’s not funny, Ben! After I’m a well-trained adult, then what?! I just become some subservient housewife to a wealthy lord? I don’t want that! I…I don’t know what my future will be…”
Ben looked at her and gave her a soft smile. “Well, you know what I see?”, Ben asked as he stood up and held out his hand to her. Courtney smiled as she took his hand before he pulled her onto her feet and led her away from the beach.
Soon they were in the forest as they came across vine covered gates. Ben started climbing them as Courtney did the same. They soon climbed up high enough to see that inside the gates was an old mansion.
“What is this place?” Courtney asked as she and Ben climbed over to the other side of the gate. 
“I found it a while after my grandpa started working for your dad. I thought that maybe we could live here when we’re older,” Ben said as they walked closer. 
“’We’?” Courtney said teasingly. “Is this a proposal, Tennyson?”
“Depends…does Tennyson sound like your kind of surname~?”
Courtney couldn’t help but giggle at Ben’s flirty remark. Though the place was old and creepy, there was something enchanting about it as well. 
“Come on, follow me!” Ben said as he ran past Courtney towards the building. The two ended up facing a giant white wall, and though worn, it still stood in their way.
“No way in…” Courtney mourned, looking all around for some sort of opening. “Maybe we should head back…”
But Ben knew this place like the back of his hand. “Life is always putting challenges as solid as this wall in front of us,” he assured his best friend. “If you see a wall in your way…you push through it.”
With a tilt of his head, Ben walked sideways into a wall of ivy vines and disappeared. Courtney gawked in slight shock. How did he do that?? “…Ben?”
Ben’s hand stuck out from the wall, forming a mouth. “Join me…” he whispered from the other side of the vines before extending his hand to her. 
Grinning, Courtney grabbed his hand as she was pulled inside. At first, all she could see was dark. But then, Ben lit a lantern, and the wonders of the house were illuminated. The two remained hand-in-hand as he showed her the different items that were inside.
“This is amazing…” Courtney said, truly enthralled by the treasures this house held. “You really think we can live here someday?”
“Together?” Ben said, stopping in front of a moonlit window and giving her his signature smile. “I don’t see why not.”
Ben wished that time could just stop, right there in that moment, where he shared his dreams with the girl he loved. But, soon enough, the dreadful day came when Courtney had to leave for finishing school. Her mother’s hugs and kisses and her father’s well-wishes weren’t enough to comfort her, nor did she hear a goodbye from the one she really wanted to see as she climbed into the carriage. 
Ben and his grandfather walked out of the house too late, he was carrying rolls of fabric. Ben saw Courtney in the carriage as he dropped the rolls of fabric, causing them to unroll as he tried to run after her. 
“Courtney!” Ben cried out as his grandfather grabbed him, only allowing him to watch his best friend and the girl he loved ride off.
Seeing Courtney leave was only the start of Ben’s troubles. Max suddenly fell ill as Ben did his best to care for him, but his grandfather ended up passing on. Ben was soon forced to live on the streets, hungry and alone. 
Though it felt like his dream world was already starting to crumble, Ben didn’t give up. Through the letters he continued writing to Courtney, he was given the strength to keep going. He’d see her again, and he’d be a new man when it happened.
That hope carried him through the years quickly. Soon, Ben returned to Courtney’s home, now grown up. Even after all this time, he was nervous as he approached the house while a grown-up Courtney watched him through her upstairs window. What if her feelings had changed while she was away? What if she was the stuck-up trophy wife her parents had trained her to be and wanted nothing to do with a street boy like him anymore?
Before Ben got to the door, it opened to reveal Courtney’s father standing in the doorway, heightening his nerves. Still, he’d come too far to turn back now. 
“Mr. Lawrence, I know I don’t come from much,” Ben said, clearing his throat to fix the waver in his voice. “But I will take care of your daughter and give her a life as grand as this one.” 
Ben looked past Abraham to see Courtney coming down the steps with a suitcase, looking more beautiful than he remembered. He may not have seen her since they were young, but he knew it was her from her jet-black hair to her soft, yet sweet smile. It was that smile that restored his confidence, the one that told him Courtney felt the same way.
It seemed to sell her mother too, as Genevieve Lawrence copied her daughter’s smile and nodded, signaling her blessing. Knowing better than to argue with his wife, Abraham reluctantly nodded as well. Courtney couldn’t contain her excitement and practically launched herself off the bottom steps and into Ben’s arms, where he lifted her in a high-spirited gusto, excited to take the first steps of their new life at last.
But Ben was not leaving without one last challenge declared on him. As Courtney said her goodbyes to her mother, Abraham turned back to Ben. “Say that you uphold your promises to our family,” he warned him. “Because if you don’t…the Lawrence’s don’t offer second chances.”
It almost sounded like he was hoping Ben would fail. Knowing the path he was leading Courtney down was risky, Ben partially understood that Abe would be more comfortable knowing Courtney was under a stable roof. But he wasn’t going to fail, not in the slightest. With a heart full of love and a head full of ambition, there was nothing that would stop him.
Courtney approached Ben and smiled as they ran off, hand in hand, glad to be reunited once again.
Soon night fell as they arrived at a busy train station. “I can’t believe you actually pulled it off!” Courtney cheered. “I thought my dad was going to shred you for sure!”
“Gee, thanks for the confidence in me,” Ben said meekly, only now feeling the wind of the bullet he just dodged. 
“Oh, Ben I’ve always had confidence in you,” Courtney smiled, glad to finally be free of her parent’s expectations, at least for a moment. Little did she know it would be for much longer than a moment. “So, what’s the occasion?”
Ben responded with a blush and a quick self-reminder to stick to his plan. “So…you remember that thing you said about a proposal when we were kids? I…might’ve taken it seriously.”
Courtney’s mouth was agape. “Y-You what…?”
“I know, I know, you probably weren’t being serious. I kept on telling myself ‘she totally means it!’ Just goes to show my brain doesn’t know what my mouth is saying.”
Courtney still had trouble processing what she was seeing as Ben got down on one knee. “Good thing my heart does.”
Ben pulled out a small box and opened it to reveal a ring that he had spent the last year saving up for. “Courtney Lawrence…will you marry me?”
There were no words to describe how happy, surprised, and emotional Courtney felt to hear that from him. “Ben…I…yes…yes, yes, yes, of COURSE I will!!”
And that was that: with a slip of the ring on her finger, a kiss, and a couple more years, Ben and Courtney soon found themselves in a small apartment where they spent their nights dancing on the rooftop. It may not have been much, but they were together and they were happy. 
Part of Ben thought it would be like that forever…just him and his newlywed wife. But, it wasn’t until Courtney fell pregnant that Ben realized that his promise now extended to his two baby boys…and that he would soon need to do more for their growing family.
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repmet · 4 years
Fic: Iris
For FowlFest2020: Obscure Character Appreciation Day. Iris is actually an OC, but her family is mentioned so... that counts right? Shoutout to @ms-nothingspecial for betaing  and listening to me stress about word choice for far too long.
The fairy shuttle port at Tara was an impressive operation. Ten thousand cubic metres of terminal concealed beneath an overgrown hillock in the middle of the McGraney farm. For centuries, the McGraneys had respected the fairy fort's boundaries and, for centuries, they had enjoyed exceptional good luck.
- Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident
Iris McGraney is born at midnight on a full moon, which for a McGraney is the very best of luck.
The birth goes smoothly and without complications, and Iris is born quietly, wailing briefly to let the world know she’s arrived, before settling on her mother’s chest, quietly basking in the comfort of her family around her.
Iris McGraney is born lucky. Then again, her family always has been.
When Iris is 7 she gets sick, as children do.
Plans are made to see the doctor in the morning, but McGraneys have a certain way of treating illnesses first that most others don’t.
Iris is well enough to listen to her Dad tell her to keep the bedroom window open all night, even as he bundles her up in blankets and turns the heater on.
He puts a note on the sill along with a single gold nugget, just in case.
“We’ve invited them in before, but it’s better safe than sorry, isn’t it? And you should never ask without offering something in return. It’s rare they take it but it’s only polite.”
The McGraney’s were always digging up gold, especially near the fairy fort. Iris knew it was a secret though, or else everyone would want to come dig on their farm which would make the cows sad.
“Now, go to sleep,” her Dad tells her, tucking her in tight. “You’ll feel better in the morning.”
Iris doesn’t wake all night, and in the morning, the note is gone, the small piece of gold now sitting on her night stand.
Iris picks it up and runs to the kitchen.
“It moved, Daddy!” she announces proudly, the picture of a healthy child. “They didn’t take it but it moved.”
Her father laughs and hugs her.
“That’s how they let us know they were here.”
When Iris is 14 a severe looking boy in a suit sits down across from her at a cafe she’s in, and puts a phone on the table.
Iris recognises the model, it’s seven months away from being released and the hype is already intense.
“For a moment of your time.”
Iris stares at him.
“My parents are gonna think I fucking stole this.”
The boy sets a letter down on the table as well. Iris has a brother so she ignores the letter at first and continues staring at the boy, hoping to unnerve him. He seems unbothered, maybe he has siblings too. She picks up the paper and reads a very official looking letter from the phone manufacturer congratulating her on being selected to test an early release prototype.
It’s fake of course. Iris isn’t an idiot, she is however a teenager in a tiny village with not much going for it. In short, she’s bored and whatever the hell this is, it’s interesting. Also her parents don’t know shit about technology or how major releases work.
She shoves the phone in her backpack.
“What do you want?”
“The fairy fort on your property, I want to know about it.”
Iris raises her eyebrows, that’s hardly top-secret information.
“I don’t know, man, it’s been there for ages. We take care of it, respect the boundaries, and we get lucky.”
“In just the past fifty years your family has uncovered a lost work of Holbein the Younger, a sword owned by Íriel Fáid and seven seperate stores of gold. You’ve also never lost an animal to bovine spongiform encephalopathy in all the history I could find of your farm.”
Well it was more gold than that at last count but they’d stopped being so vocal about it and also-
“Yeah... what’s that last one?”
The kid gives her a disdainful and patronising look. “Mad cow disease.”
“Right.” This dude is a dick. “Like I said. Lucky.”
“It seems a bit more than lucky.”
Iris shrugs. “Look man, you don’t need to believe in the People if you don’t want but you’re in the wrong town. We eat that shit up here, the Hill of Tara borders our farm, there’s three fairy-dedicated gift shops in this village alone.”
He looks interested now though, leaning forward in his seat.
“The People?”
His eyes are weirdly intense, Iris can’t wait to tell her friends about this. Orla is super into vampires right now, she’s going to love it.
“Fairies, the fae, the fair folk, aos sí, whatever you want to call them. Maybe it is just luck, I’ve never seen one-” She frowns, a memory bubbling up then she shakes her head, brushing off a dream of a small winged figure on her windowsill one night. “The People is what my grandparents called them though. Capital P.”
“What else did your grandparents tell you about them? Did they have any superstitions specific to your family?”
Iris doesn't even need to think on that one.
“Grandpa Rob had this thing where he would make everyone wash their hands after we came back from church. Said it was not to harm the People with the holy water, but no one else I know does that, even the Creideamh Sí families.That means -”
“The Fairy Faith,” he interrupts. “Yes, I’m aware. I’ll need to know anything else your family knows about them.”
He pulls a laptop out of his bag which looks like nothing Iris has ever seen and her family is pretty well-off (selling lost works or art tends to help).
“This is getting to be more than a moment, dude.”
“I can take the phone back.”
Iris laughs, he’s not wrong that the phone is worth more than a short conversation, but the threat is just plain funny coming from a pre-teen who looks like he’d never seen the sun in his life and a stiff breeze would knock him over.
The man standing behind him, who Iris initially assumed was his dad but now isn’t so sure, clears his throat and there’s something in the way he does it, or maybe the way he glances down at her, that makes it very clear this tiny undertaker looking child would be leaving with either his answers, or the phone.
If Iris were older or wiser, she would be suitably unsettled but today she just waves a hand at the mountain of a man.
“Chill, I don’t mind, just weird to be honest.”
“You’re welcome to whatever opinion you please so long as you answer all of my questions with as much detail as possible. Now, tell me more about the holy water.”
This phone better be worth it. (It is.)
When Iris is 19 the world ends.
Her PlayStation is ruined at least which is annoying as shit.
More importantly, the fairy fort is gone and there’s an actual fucking fort there.
“I always thought it would be a bit less… concrete.”
She’s not sure who she’s talking to, her brother’s moved to London and her parents are out at lunch with friends. But it’s rather the sort of day where Iris thinks she might not believe anything at all if she keeps it just in her head.
The door gives a loud bang and Iris yells and leaps backwards. The banging continues and she realises there’s someone on the other side.
“Are you okay?’ she calls, trying to keep the sudden nervousness in her chest from coming through the words.
“There’s a fire in here, and the suppression systems aren’t working.”
Iris takes several long breaths, processing several things. One, her family is not mad, fairies do exist. Two, they do in fact have a fort on their farm. Three, she might be about to meet them for real. Four, it’s kinda ugly and dull, she expected a bit more… magical?
She looks up to try and centre herself and catches sight of a plane, trailing smoke and flying disturbingly low before it disappears over a hill. In the distance there’s the sound of thunder.
Right, the world is possibly ending, perhaps that should be higher on the list. That part is plain not registering in her head.
She tells herself she imagined the plane, there’s no room in her head to process the alternative right now.
“Who are you anyway?”
Iris’ head snaps back up at the question. Right, fairies trapped in a burning building. Focus.
“Iris McGraney! Stand back, I’ll kick the door in.”
“This door is built to withstand more than you, human.”
Iris frowns, annoyed. “You prefer to suffocate?”
There’s a long pause then, from what sounds like a distance, the voice calls back, “Alright, give it a go.”
Iris is a farmgirl through and through. She’s been stacking hay and climbing fences and eating well her entire life, she wouldn’t be carrying the Dinnie Stones any time soon but she could best all the local boys in an arm wrestle and carry a small calf several fields if she had too.
Her first kick connects with a satisfying crack. The second gives more of a crunch and on the third the door snaps and slams inwards. It’s a pretty cool moment, Iris wishes the day wasn’t so surreal so she could bask in it more.
Smoke starts to billow out as soon as it meets the outside air and there’s a lot of yelling and organised panic as thirty-odd fairies of differing colours and various sizes of small come pouring out, most coughing.
One, in an official looking uniform, makes a line for Iris.
“You’re a fairy,” she tells him.
“Yes, a gnome if we’re getting technical.” He pulls out a handkerchief and starts dabbing at his forehead. “Thanks for that, by the way, Frond only knows what’s going on. One moment we’re getting the call that Haven’s locking down the next the electronics start sparking and melting off the walls.”
“The same thing happened in the house.” Iris tells him, rapidly compartmentalising, there was far too much to take in today. Fairies sure, but gnomes? She pushes it in a box for later. “My phone melted, and the TV almost started a fire.”
The gnome shakes his head worriedly. “This is not good, not good. No contact with Haven and all our tech going bust. I bet it’s that Koboi pixie somehow, right crazy one she is.”
Iris nods for a moment, then shakes her head. “No, I don’t know what that means.”
“Not good, is what it means.”
Iris looks across the fields to several columns of smoke rising in the distance, the further she looks in every direction the more there are.
Not good at all.
When Iris is 32 her parents die.
It’s sudden and so plain, after a life of quiet magic and unrelenting luck. Her mother took a turn too fast and hit a patch of ice.
They didn’t suffer at least.
She blames the People at first, but even as the anger bubbles inside her she knows it’s only grief behind it. She’s learnt over the years they’re just people themselves, no capital letter. They can do extraordinary things but miracles are miracles for a reason.
After the wake is passed and the friends gone home, her brother reluctantly back across the channel, promising to call that same night, Iris is at a loss.
She had expected to be but still.
The knocks at the door are so frequent she doesn’t even startle when another comes. She’s not sure she’s in a mood for more well-wishers but she’s not doing well alone either so- she sighs and goes to open the door.
On the other side is a black-haired man in a three-piece suit, still pale but Iris felt less concern now that he might combust if the sun ever does manage to find him.
“Artemis Fowl, I didn’t expect us to meet again.”
“You remember me.” He doesn’t seem surprised.
“Being interrogated by a ten year old tends to stick in a girl’s mind.”
He smiles. “I was 12.”
Iris invites him in and makes tea.
It’s a welcome distraction right now because you have to be living under rock in Ireland not to know how just very extraordinary Artemis Fowl the Second is. Three doctorates, Time Man of the Year at 22, already one Nobel Prize and smart money’s on a second soon.
If anyone could have done it at 12… well.
For a moment she almost hesitates, but Artemis gives her a real smile, as if he already knows what’s on her mind.
(In the years ahead she will come to know him well enough to realise that’s exactly the case.)
She hands him a cup and sits down.
“Tell me, Dr. Fowl, did you ever find the People?”
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finnyboywolfhard · 4 years
Song That The Morning Brings (Chapter Nineteen)
Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader 
catch up here 
summary: The group finds out new information about their problem and face a stepping stone in the right direction.
warnings: cursing, angst-ish, fluff, spoilers ig 
word count: 3.8k 
When she arrived home that night, all she wanted to do was put on some warmer, much drier clothes and to go right to bed. However, Dustin always found a way to change her plans.
“Y/N, we gotta talk.” He said coming into her room after they had both gotten changed. Sighing, she took a seat on her bed and placed herself underneath the covers. She patted a spot on the bed for Dustin and he took that as his cue to say what he wanted to say. “What the hell is happening between you and Steve?”
“What do you mean?!” She exasperatedly said.
“You guys have been different recently. It’s weird.”
“How are we different?” At this point, worry started to flood through her. What if Dustin somehow figured out how she was feeling or even what had happened between the two?
“I mean, you guys have always been close but it seems like you‘re closer. It’s almost like you’re taking your names of Mom and Dad literally. Plus, I saw you guys holding hands on the roof, even if it was for a second. Plus he gave you his sweatshirt after you guys stayed in the car together. So I want to know, what’s going on?”
“Dusty…” Y/N took a second to collect her thoughts. There was a few ways this could go: She could tell him everything; she could tell him some of the truth; or she could tell him nothing. “First off, I had this hoodie from October last year until like a month ago when I returned it to him, he just gave it back to me because I was cold. I hung back earlier in the car, because I’m scared Dustin, and I didn’t know who else to talk to but him, he is my best…he’s my best friend, remember?”
Dustin paused for a few seconds, obviously gathering his thoughts about what she had just said to him. It felt like there was a rubber band being pulled between the two of them threatening to snap.
“But you want to be more than best friends, don’t you?” Dustin said looking down at his hands. Y/N pulled her eyes away from her brother. She knew that he knew, but she couldn’t seem to let herself say yes to him.
“Would you be mad at me if I did?” She said, just barely above a whisper.
“I don’t know. Steve is my best friend and you’re my sister. I care about you both so much, but if something happened, I feel like I’d have to side with you.”  
“Dusty, seriously? You know that I would never make you chose between the two of us if something happened.”
“So there’s my answer. You do want to be more than best friends.” He said, voice edging towards anger. The girls hands started to shake a bit as she reached her hand out towards her brother.
“I don’t want you to be mad at me for that. There’s a lot that has happened between me and Steve that you don’t know about. It’s not like he wants to be more than that either, so it’s okay Dusty. Please don’t be upset.” Wariness laced her voice, as her concern grew stemming from her brother’s silence.
“You have to be stupid to think he doesn’t feel the same way about you, and besides, I’m not upset, I’m just a little scared because I don’t want you guys to lose what makes your relationship so special. You both just care about each other so much, and you’re both so willing to dedicate your time to others. What if that changes if you guys get together?”
“I can pinky promise you it won’t.” She said, reaching her pinky out. Her brothers pinky wrapped around her own. She released her hand and pulled him into a hug. They stayed in that position so long that they eventually dozed off.
The alarm startled them both awake, way earlier than they would have liked to have been woken up. But they still scurried around their house preparing themselves for the day of planning and adventure ahead. The drive to the mall was filled with Dustin’s zany ideas for what they should try to do next, most of which she had shut down as soon as they left his mouth. The only one she agreed to was allowing him to stake out on the roof while they all continued to work back at Scoops, because even though the three ice cream shop employees wanted to focus on the Russians, they still had jobs to fulfill.
Steve was sitting in the back room on his ten minutes off scooping, watching Y/N organize some files and then start to organize some of the toppings so she could restock them in a bit.
“Hey Y/N/N?” He asked, only receiving a hum in response, “Are you feeling any better from last night?”
Memories of her and Dustin’s conversation from last night filled her brain. Although in the moment it stressed her out, she felt at least a bit more relieved to have at least one problem off her chest to her brother. However, the imminent doom of the Russians was still largely at play. She stopped shuffling around to look at Steve, and his eyes were already on her. For some reason, his gaze sent shivers down her spine. She snapped herself back into reality after realizing how silent she had become just staring back at him.
“Um, I guess a little bit. I’m obviously still scared but talking to you helped, and knowing that Dustin always has multiple ideas is also kind of relieving.”
“Your brother is crazy smart. I don’t understand how smart he is sometimes.”
“Hey give me some credit! I’m pretty smart too, I’m not Dustin smart, but the Henderson family isn’t a dumb one.”
“Of course you’re smart Y/N, but Dustin…Dustin’s a full on nerd. Some may even say Dork.”
“I appreciate a good nerd or dork in my life. Don’t say em like it’s a bad thing, and don’t sell yourself short there either Harrington. You’re a dork too.” She smiled at him, noticing his cheeks flush a dimmer hue of red. His breathing became erratic, and he suddenly seemed to have forgotten how to form sentences. “Are you embarrassed Stevie?”
“No…just confused…how am I a dork?”
“You’re pick up lines are so cheesy and dorky, and you also know a lot about the things you are passionate about. You are a dork for things that matter to you. It’s endearing.”  The two kept chatting for a bit until Dustin burst through the doors of Scoops, explaining what he had seen, pulling Robin into the back as well.
“That keycard opens the door, but unfortunately, the Russian with this keycard also has a massive gun. Whatever’s in this room, whatever’s in those boxes, they really don’t want anyone finding it.”
“There’s got to be a way in.” Robin said.
“Well, you know…I can just take him out.” Steve said, leaning cockily against the table.
“Take who out?” Robin and Y/N said in unison.
“The Russian guard.” All three of the other members of the group started to give him confused and concerned looks before he decided to continue explaining his plan. “What? I sneak up behind him, I knock him out, and I take his keycard. It’s easy.”
“Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?” Dustin says, defining the idiocy in his statement.
“Yes, Dustin, I did. And that’s why I would be sneaking.” Y/N was trying desperately to hold back laughter as he continued trying to defend his plan.
“Well, please, tell me this and be honest, have you ever actually…won a fight?”
“Okay, that was one time-“
“Twice, don’t forget Jonathan after the whole Nancy the Slut Wheeler thing.” Y/N interrupted, pulling some angered thoughts from the recesses of her “King Steve” memories.
“Listen, that doesn’t count.”
“And why is that? He beat the shit out of you. You fared far worse that he did.” Y/N said once again.
“It was…” Steve tried to defend and explain how Jonathan didn’t count before Dustin interrupted him this time.
“You got a fat lip, crooked nose, swollen eye, a lot of blood…” Dustin and Steve’s argument started to overlap before Y/N noticed Robin say,
“That just might work.” She stood up from the table and ran out to the front counter. Her hand went into the tip jar to grab the money from it hastily.
“Robin, hey, what’re you doing?” Y/N said, trying to break Robin from her zone however it didn’t work.
“Hey! Robin! Hey! What-What are you doing?”
“I need cash.” She said not fully answering the question asked of her.
“Well, some of that is mine.” Steve said, earning a slap to the arm from Y/N. “Where are you going?”
“To find a way into that room, a safe way. And, in the meantime, sling ice cream, behave and don’t get beat up. I’ll be back in a jiff.”
“God, I really hope she knows what she’s doing.” Y/N said before looking over to see her brother licking Steve’s engraved ice cream scoop.
“Oh, dude! Come on, man, not my scooper.” Steve spun the scooper around his hand a few times before tucking it securely into his side pocket. It was a sight to behold from Y/N’s up close perspective. Their dynamic was hysterical to her.
“Dusty, come back here with me. Stevie, could you please scoop for a bit? I’ll come help you after I finish refilling the toppings.”
“Of course, Y/N/N, I’ve got it.” He flashed a smile, leading her own lips to upturn into one as well.
For the entire time Robin was gone, the three went about their business quietly. Dustin had stolen paper to write out a set of different plans of how to get into the room. Steve stayed out in the store front and scooped ice cream to the oblivious citizens visiting the mall. All the while Y/N was trying to focus on her work, wanting to keep that and the Russians separate. The silence in the backroom was interrupted by Robin pulling Steve into the back room once again, cohesively bringing them together once more. They all shared glances before Robin interrupted the still air.
“It’s fascinating what twenty bucks will get you at the county recorder’s office. “ And with that, she pulled out a set of blue prints for what looked like the mall and set it down onto the table. “Starcourt Mall, the complete blueprints” She said as her hands went across the thin paper to smooth it out onto the surface.
“Not bad.” Dustin said, appreciating her accolades.
“So this is us, Scoops, and this is where we want to get.” Y/N couldn’t quite understand what she was seeing standing across from Robin, so she moved to stand behind Steve, eventually leaning over his chair and shoulder, bringing her face right next to his. She stayed still there for a bit, despite the battling feeling of tension by being in such a close proximity. However, she quickly snapped back up when he began talking.
“I mean, I don’t really see a way in.”
“There’s not if you’re talking exclusively about doors.” She lifted the first set of blueprints up to expose another set.
“The air ducts.” Y/N said, making eye contact with Robin for the first time since she came back. Robin’s smile gleamed when Y/N realized what she had meant.
“Turns out, this secret room needs air just like any old room.” She walked over to grab a marker from the board before continuing what she was saying. “And these air ducts lead all the way here.” As she was talking, she drew connecting circles from the air ducts at scoops to the vent in the room. All four members glanced up to the vent in the room, all knowing exactly what needed to happen now. Steve immediately found a screwdriver and flashlight so he could give access inside the vent, while Dustin explained that he could fit into it to follow them there. Steve climbed up a ladder and unscrewed the vent cover, passing it down to Y/N before asking for the flashlight. He looked in again, scanning the entire surface area in his vision.
“Yeah, I don’t know man. I don’t know if you can fit in here. It’s like…super tight.”
“I’ll fit. Trust me. No collarbones, remember?” Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at her little brothers off handed remark about his condition. Just as Dustin was about to climb up the ladder, Robin remarked at his comment.
“Excuse me?” Before Y/N could even answer Robin’s question, Steve answered first.
“Oh, uh, he’s, yeah, he’s got some disease. Chrydo- uh, It’s Chrydo-something. I dunno.”
“He has Cleidocranial Dysplacia, basically his bones and teeth had developmental problems. Good try though Stevie.”
“Yeah, I don’t really know. But he’s missing bones and stuff. He can bend like Gumbo.” He quipped up once again.
“You mean Gumby?” Robin asked, dumbfounded.
“I’m pretty sure it’s Gumbo.”
“Stevie-“Before Y/N could continue, Dustin’s voice echoed down from the vent.
“Steve, just shut up and push me!” Steve reluctantly agreed to help try to push Dustin further into the vent. Y/N went to stand next to Robin, hopelessly watching the two try and fail to push her brother into the vent.
“Not my feet dumbass, push my ass.” Dustin commanded Steve.
“Touch my butt! I don’t care! Come on Harder! Push harder!”
“I’m pushing.”
“Oh my god this is a shit show. Robin, I’m so sorry you have to see this.” The two boys continued to bicker while the girls just sat back and observed, slowly losing their patience for the plight playing out in front of them. The bell obnoxiously started ringing from the front of the store, grabbing both Y/N and Robin’s attention from the boys.
“Ahoy Sailors! All hands on deck!” Erica’s bratty voice resounded to the back room. Both of the workers let out a sigh at the thought of serving her especially as she was continuously ringing the bell. Robin leaned over to Y/N and said, “She is small enough.” Y/N’s eyes widened in shock, although the idea was quite literally the most insane thing she heard all day, she didn’t quite hate it either. It could very well work to her advantage. The girls went out into the store front and asked Erica to come to the back room. The explanation took a little less time than they thought, but they knew it was going to take way longer to convince her to go in for them.  They watched as she climbed up the ladder and peered into the duct. She came back down and turned to face the entire group.
“Yeah, I don’t know.”
“What don’t you know?” Y/N asked first, her brother following a second later.
“You don’t know if you can fit?”
“Oh, I can fit. I just don’t know if I want to.”
“Are you claustrophobic?” Robin inquired from the girl. Steve looked beside him towards Y/N, causing them to make a split second worth of eye contact, both clearly showing annoyance of this situation.
“I don’t have phobias.” Erica laughed off Robin’s question.
“Okay, well what’s the problem?”
“The problem is, I still haven’t heard what’s in this for Erica.” Condescension waded through her tone like ducks in a pond.
“Erica, really?” Y/N asked the brutal little girl.
“Yes really, you’re asking me to risk my life, and for what? You’re the only one getting advantages.”
“Erica, I will literally give you as much free ice cream as you want, Right Now, if you go out there and sit in the booth until we figure out what is in this for you.”
“Thank you, Y/N. You’re the only one who seems to care.” Y/N could hear Steve to start doing his breathy laugh, cluing her in to how angry he was becoming, so she reached her hand over and up, just slightly to place her hand on his arm, this got him to stop, just long enough for Erica to leave the room.  Once the door was completely shut again, Y/N dropped her posture to a slouch and mumbled the words, “Fuck me.” To herself before addressing the group once more.
“I vote we just butter her up until she says yes. The worst thing that can happen is she says no and we have to give up.”
“We can’t just give up Y/N! We are the ones who solved this code; don’t you at least want to find out what it is? We could be heroes!” Her brother quickly defended the plan and its honor.
“Yes Dusty, I know we could be heroes, but there’s only so much we can do safely. We need her help, regardless of how rude she can be, so I think we just try to convince her.” The room went silent for a beat before a voice interrupted the silence.
“Y/N’s right.” Steve agreed with his best friend.
“I’ll go start scooping.” Robin said, showing her agreement. The three workers immediately left to go make all of the treats they could use to bribe Erica. They sat down in the booth and slid each and everyone towards her. As Steve slid the final banana split to her, she looked up into his eyes and uttered the demand for more fudge. It took her demanding twice and for a small plea from Y/N for him to actually stand up to go get the small girl more fudge. Within seconds of Steve leaving the table, Robin immediately picks up and starts explaining the plan to Erica.
“Alright, you see this? This is the route you’re gonna take. Then we just wait until the last delivery goes out tonight. Then you knock out the grate, jump down, open the door.”
“Then you find out what’s in the boxes.”
“Exactly!” Y/N agrees optimistically.
“Mm-hmm. And you say this guard is armed.”
“Yes, but he won’t be there.” Dustin says way softer than he was speaking to Y/N a few minutes prior.
“And booby traps?” Erica asks, causing Robin to repeat it questioning what she meant. “Lasers? Spikes in the wall? You know what this half baked plan of yours sounds like to me? Child Endangerment.” She made sure to pronounce it slowly and articulately.
“We’ll be in radio contact the whole time-“Robin said, trying to make it sound safer and more hashed out.
“Ah, ah, ah! Child Endangerment!”
“Erica? Hi…uh…We think these Russians want to do harm to our country. Great harm, don’t you love your country?”
“You can’t spell America without Erica.” She quipped back in response.
“That’s…actually true.” Y/N said dumbfounded before allowing her brother to continue his attempt to convince her.
“SO, don’t do this for us. Do it for your country. Do it for your fellow man. Do this for America…Erica.” He said, completing in a poetic nature. Y/N couldn’t help but roll her eyes at her brother’s attempt to be noble. Clearly, this also hit Erica in the same nature.
“Ooh! I just got the chills! Oh yeah, from this float, not your speech. Know what I love most about this country? Capitalism. Do you know what capitalism is?”
“Obviously we know what that is.” Y/N responded.
“It means this is a free market system, which means people get paid for their services depending on how valuable their contributions are. And it seems to me, my ability to fit into that little vent is very, very valuable to you all. So, you want my help? This USS Butterscotch better be the first of many, and I’m talking free ice cream FOR LIFE.” Y/N sat back while Robin just looked the girl up and down. Y/N looked at her little brother who was just starting at all the ice cream laid out in front of him. Her gaze fell back to the counter where Steve was helping some customers. She admired how even though he should have been included in this deal, he would want them to do whatever they could to help out as many people as they could.
“I can’t guarantee for life necessarily, but I can guarantee free ice cream the entire time I work here.” Y/N finally broke the tension filled surface of the table.
“And I can add on for the entire time I work here, which will probably be longer anyways.” Robin backed Y/N’s end of the deal.
“I said FOR LIFE.” Erica leaned back and crossed her arms. Y/N once again rolled her eyes and let out a sigh.
“Fine, how about this, we each tell one new employee that you get free ice cream whenever we get replaced and that it must be honored by everyone but our boss. That way, as long as employees are here, they know that you get free ice cream. Deal?” Erica pondered it for a second before finally agreeing to it. Y/N excused herself from the table while Robin and Dustin stayed with Erica to go over the plan more in depth. Y/N walked up to the front counter just as Steve was wrapping up with the line of customers.
“Hey Stevie, could I talk to you for a sec?”
“Uh, yeah, of course. Did she agree to do it?” He asked as they passed through the doorway into the back room.
“What?” She asked before realizing that she heard what he asked. “Yeah, she agreed, speaking of we have to give her free ice cream when she comes, for life, apparently.  But that’s beside the point. I just…I really need to know if this is something you are truly okay with going through with. I know Dustin and Robin really want to do it, and I’ll do it if I have to, but I don’t want to drag you into Dustin’s mess,  because I really care about you and I don’t want you, or really any of us getting hurt. I care about you so much Stevie and I am so scared that something bad is gonna be in those boxes. So basically what I’m asking is if you are sure that you want to-“
“Come here.” He opened his arms, which she immediately was wrapped in once she laid her head upon his chest. “ Y/N Henderson, I am doing this if you are doing this. I will not let you go into something potentially dangerous alone. You’re the most important person in my life, okay? Don’t worry about me. I’m right here. I’m gonna be right here.” The girl stayed in his arms for a few seconds, taking in his warmth and his smell and his touch. She cherished moments like these, even though they made her feel so much more confused on where their relationship stood. But in those moments, they kinda felt okay. They felt natural, and peaceful. And that’s exactly what she needed.
@mochminnie  @voidnarnia @queen1054 
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whumphoarder · 5 years
Long Distance Dadding
Summary: Peter gets sick while babysitting Morgan at the lake house and Tony is a Worried Dad™ about it.
Word count: 5,172
Genre: Sickfic, whump, hurt/comfort, fluff & angst
A/N: Mega thanks to @xxx-cat-xxx and @sallyidss or beta reading and ideas <3
(This story is set about a year and a half after the snap's reversal. Peter is 18 and in college and Morgan is 6)
Link to read on Ao3
The trouble with saving the world from the largest global disaster to date, Tony finds, is that no one ever shuts up about it.
“Okay, not to sound like an ass or anything...” Tony begins, already eliciting an eye-roll from his wife, “but I’ve already been given a Nobel Peace Prize, the Congressional Medal of Honor, three Victoria Crosses—British, Australian, and Canadian—a Russian Gold Star, a Chinese Hero's Medal, the Gold Cross of Zimbabwe, and about twelve other various countries’ awards. Why do I need to go to Morocco of all places now?”
“Because they built you a monument, Tony,” Pepper explains for the third time, her tone a bit exasperated. “There’s a two-hundred foot tall statue of you in their capital city, waiting to be ceremoniously revealed.”
Raising his hands to chest height, Tony wiggles his fingers—both the flesh and prosthetic ones—in a jazz hand gesture. “Oooh...a statue,” he mocks. “I’m titillated.”
Pepper snorts. “You’d better have mustered up some titillation by the time you shake hands with the Moroccan Prime Minister this weekend.”
“This weekend?” Tony balks. “We can’t go this weekend. Morgan’s got her… uh…”—he flaps his hand, trying to recall just what tedious elementary school obligation the first-grader has coming up next—“her snowman... ball… thingy.”
Pepper raises an eyebrow in amusement. “You mean the ‘Seasonal Snowflake Sing-along’?”
His face lights up and he snaps his fingers in recognition. “That’s the one!”
“Well, you’re in luck,” she laughs sardonically. “Earlier today, Morgan’s teacher called to let me know that our daughter has flat-out refused to participate this year. Something about itchy costumes, boring songs, and ‘child talent exploitation’—did you teach her that term by the way? Because I certainly didn’t and Ms. Sanchez was pretty ruffled about it.”
Tony has to bite the inside of his mouth to keep the grin from spreading across his lips. He shrugs innocently. “You know, it’s important to start building a child’s vocabulary as early as possible. All the experts agree.”
Pepper heaves out a deep sigh, but Tony can see the smile in her eyes. She leans in and pecks his cheek with a kiss. “Go pack for Morocco, Tony. Peter already agreed to babysit. And besides”—she whispers the next part in his ear, her fingers trailing over the collar of his shirt—“I don’t know about you, but I think we could do with a weekend to ourselves…”
“Well…” Tony clears his throat, feeling himself melting under her touch. “You always did know how to make a compelling argument, Ms. Potts.”
“So, Morocco, huh?” Peter says with a grin as he loads his duffle bag into the backseat of the car. Tony’s parked in the loading zone just outside of Peter’s residence hall at MIT that Thursday evening. “What’s going on over there?”
“Just another stupid award ceremony,” Tony grumbles. He moves back around to the driver’s side. “Gonna cut a big red ribbon, shake metal hands with some dignitaries, attend a couple of fancy banquets, yada yada…”
Breathing out a short laugh, Peter plops down into the passenger seat. He looks a bit haggard, though Tony can’t blame him; the first semester of college is always rough. Hopefully the long-weekend away will help.
Throughout the four-hour drive to the lake house, they chat about Peter’s classes (“You know, they told us in high school that college was going to be so much stricter, Mr. Stark, but there was literally a kid in my English class who started making grilled cheese sandwiches on a hotplate and selling them during the lecture and the professor bought one”), the new people he’s been meeting (“Pretty sure my roommate is in a cult, actually...”), and extracurricular activities (“Did you know if you take fencing, archery, pistol shooting, and sailing, you can become a certified pirate?”). Eventually, they run out of things to catch up on and Peter starts looking drowsy, so Tony turns on the radio for some background music and they continue on like that for a while.
Three hours in, Tony’s forced to stop for gas. Peter is sleeping soundly, curled up in his hoodie for the whole time it takes to fill the car. For a moment, Tony’s tempted to just let him be, but given that this will likely be their last opportunity for a break until they’re home he ultimately decides against it.
“Hey Pete?” Tony says, shaking the kid’s shoulder a bit to rouse him. “Did you wanna stretch your legs or anything?”
Peter blinks awake and shifts to sit up straighter with a small groan. “How far are we?” he mutters.
“Another hour at least, but I thought we might get some late dinner too,” Tony replies. “There’s an Arby’s right across the street.”
Peter’s face screws up into a grimace. “Ugh, Arby’s is the worst. It’s like, a wad of salty meat on a bun.”
“But with sauce,” Tony points out. Seeing Peter’s expression doesn’t change, he amends, “Alright no Arby’s. McDonald’s? They’ve got a new McFlurry flavor for the holidays I think.”
Peter gives a tired shrug, then curls back up against the window. “You can just get something for yourself. I’m not very hungry.”
Tony eyes him suspiciously. “Who are you and what have you done to Peter?”
“Hilarious, Mr. Stark,” Peter deadpans. Then, after a moment, he admits, “My stomach’s kinda hurting.”
Tony’s brow furrows. “Yeah?”
Rubbing at his gut one-handedly, Peter nods. “Yeah, since lunch. Probably shouldn’t have tried convenience store sushi...”
Tony snorts a bit. “Well, they do say a key part of college is experimentation and learning from your mistakes.”
Peter huffs out a laugh. “Awesome. Maybe I’ll join Martin’s cult next.”
They make it the rest of the way to the lake house without incident. Morgan’s already asleep, so Peter hangs out in the kitchen chatting with Tony and Pepper for a bit before turning in to the guest bedroom for the night.
Peter seems fine the next morning, if a little groggy. Their flight to Morocco leaves at 6:30, but both kids are up at stupid o’clock in the morning to send them off.
“You’re sure you don’t wanna go to your concert thing tonight?” Tony tries one last time as he encircles Morgan in both his flesh and prosthetic arms for a goodbye hug.
She shakes her head firmly. “Every time we practice Jingle Bells, Keegan makes farting noises with his mouth and the vein in Ms. Sanchez’s neck gets really big and red,” she says. “Peter’s more fun.”
“Yeah, probably,” Tony agrees. He pecks her on the cheek before turning to Peter, who’s blinking tiredly and sipping at a mug of coffee as he leans against the kitchen island. “Now, are you sure you’re up for a whole weekend of this?” He gestures to the energetic six-year-old in front of him.
“I think we’ll manage,” Peter says with a small smile. “If she gets too crazy, I’ll just web her to the wall.”
“Hey!” Morgan complains, and Peter sticks his tongue out at her in return.
Tony chuckles. “Sure, do what you gotta do,” he allows. “Just don’t get it in her hair—hate to have to cut it off. The Valentine’s Day sing-along is up next.”
“Uuuuggghh,” Morgan groans dramatically.
Despite all of Tony’s protests, he has to admit that Morocco is pretty gorgeous. There are definitely worse places to be honored with a gigantic statue.
“I’m just saying, I think the chin was too big,” Tony complains as they make their way back to their hotel room following the ceremony that evening.
Huffing out a little laugh, Pepper shakes her head. “I’m sure they did their best, Tony.”
“But of all the things to get wrong, why’d it have to be the chin?” he goes on, though there’s no real heat there. “I mean, c’mon, this whole thing is about the defeat of Mr. Purple Ballsack Face—they could have a bit more sensitivity…”
While Pepper heads off to the shower, Tony glances at his watch. It’s just after one a.m. Moroccan time, meaning Peter and Morgan are probably finishing up dinner back at home. He figures that’s as good a time as any to check in, so he calls Peter’s phone.
Four rings later, a small voice that definitely doesn’t belong to the teenager answers the call. “Hello?”
Tony frowns. “Morgan?”
“Oh! Hi Daddy,” Morgan greets, her tone going much brighter. “How’s your trip going? Do you like maracas?”
Tony chuckles a bit. “Sweetheart, I keep telling you, Mommy and I are in Morocco. A maraca is a musical instrument that you shake to make noise.”
“Can you buy me one?”
“One of what?”
She giggles. “A maraca!”
“No, honey, listen to me.” Tony runs a hand over his face. Maybe Pepper was right about the whole needing a vacation thing after all. “Maracas are not Moroccan. They don’t make them here. It’s a totally different thing.”
“Oh.” There’s a beat. “Can you buy me one anyway?”
“I don’t know—we’ll see,” Tony says, shaking his head slowly. “Hey, can I talk to Peter for a sec?”
“Uh…” Morgan hesitates. “Peter can’t come to the phone right now.”
Tony frowns. “Why’s that?”
“He’s throwing up,” she says simply.
“Morgan!” he hears Peter groan irritably in the background.
“What?” she demands, speaking away from the phone now. “You told me to talk to him for you, so I am.”
“But you weren’t supposed to tell—” Peter’s voice is cut off by the sound of retching, followed by the faint sound of liquid splashing.
Tony pinches the bridge of his nose. “Why is Peter throwing up?”
“He’s sick,” Morgan reports. “We were playing before, but then he said he didn’t feel good and his stomach hurt so we were just watching Wreck-It Ralph for a while. Then I said I wanted taquitos for dinner and he threw up on my Elsa blanket. It was really gross. But he said he was sorry, so I told him it was okay.” She pauses her rambling for a second. “We can wash it, right Daddy? Like that time I spilled all the yogurt on it?”
“Yeah, I’m sure the blanket will be fine,” Tony says absently. He’s already scrolling through his calendar app to figure out just how many Moroccan obligations they have left to attend. “Can you give the phone to Peter now, please?” he requests. “And then go to the kitchen and see if you can find him a can of Sprite, okay? Maybe some crackers too.”
“Yeah, okay,” Morgan agrees.
He hears shuffling over the line, which he assumes is the phone being passed between them, immediately followed by the sound of Morgan’s footsteps hurrying out of the room. A second later, Peter’s voice croaks, “Sorry, ’m fine, Mr. Stark. And Morgan was watching another movie. Got everything…“—he swallows hard—“handled.”
Tony rolls his eyes. “Very convincing. I’m sure Elsa agrees.”
“Elsa had it coming, honestly,” Peter grouses. “Those songs always get stuck... stuck in my—” He burps sickly, and then Tony hears the phone clatter onto the tile followed by more muffled retching and splashing noises.
Tony sighs deeply, running a hand over his face. So much for vacation. He fires off a quick text to Happy: Hey, you busy tonight?
As Peter continues to retch, three dots appear on the screen indicating Happy is typing. Are you in a foreign prison again?
For the last time, Slovakia was not my fault, Tony retorts.
A second later Happy texts: Keep telling yourself that.
Tony hears the toilet flush and the sound of the phone being picked up again. Peter’s voice, shakier now, comes back over the line, “Uh… you still there?”
“Of course. Wouldn’t miss it,” Tony says briskly. “Bathrooms have the best acoustics, you know.”
“That’s really gross...” Peter mutters.
“I don’t think you’re in a position to talk about gross right now, puke-boy,” Tony retorts as he fires off another text to Happy: Got a situation. How soon can you get to the lake house?
Happy’s reply comes a few seconds later: I’m watching Iron Chef America and doing laundry, Tony. It’s my day off.
Tony counters with, The kids are home alone and Peter just decided to reenact The Exorcist
The three dots appear, then disappear. Then they appear again a moment later, followed by a message: I can be there in 2 hours
You’re the best, boo <3, Tony shoots back. To Peter he informs, “Happy’s on his way.”
“He doesn’t have to,” Peter protests. “It’s just food poisoning or something…”
Tony scoffs. “Well, either way, someone who isn’t busy puking should probably be keeping an eye on the little troublemaker.” He pauses for a beat. “And Morgan too.”
Peter just groans.
In the background, Tony hears the telltale pattering of small feet on the tile. “I couldn’t reach the crackers, so I got you Doritos!” she announces.
Peter’s voice is hesitant. “Oh. Uh… thanks.”
There’s the sound of a crinkling bag moving closer to the phone. “They’re Cool Ranch flavor!”
Immediately, Peter starts gagging again.
Tony heaves out a sigh. It’s gonna be a long night.
After filling his wife in on the developments back on the home front (and being assured by Happy that he was keeping tabs on the situation as he made his way to the lake house), both Tony and Pepper decide they should try to get some shut-eye before their packed day tomorrow.
Pepper falls asleep straight away, clearly exhausted from their full day of travel and social obligations, but Tony finds himself tossing and turning on the overly-soft hotel mattress. It’s not until Happy texts that he’s safely arrived at the lake house to assume his uncle duties that Tony finally manages to drift off.
It doesn’t last long.
It’s barely 4:30 in the morning when Tony’s roused from his sleep by his phone vibrating under the pillow. He pulls the device out to see a message from Happy:
Kid’s had his appendix out already, right?
Being mindful of his sleeping wife beside him, Tony holds the phone just inside the duvet to shield the glowing screen from waking her. Yeah, before the snap, when he was 16, he replies, his mind going back to Halloween night seven years ago. A frantic and babbling Ned somehow managed to hack into Karen’s communication systems to inform Tony that Peter was more or less dying on the bathroom floor. An emergency surgery later, Peter’s been one appendix lighter ever since.
Why? Tony adds. Is it that bad?
Nah, just checking, Happy says. He says he’s alright but he’s running a fever and his stomach’s hurting a lot
Tony frowns. How high’s the fever?
Not very high. 100.9. It’s probably just a bug then
Yeah, probably, Tony agrees, despite the nagging worry in his gut. How’s Morgan taking it?
Just put her to bed, Happy reports. She kept trying to bring Peter juice pops until he finally ate one. Puked it up again ten minutes later. Don’t think nursing is her calling in life
Tony huffs out a short laugh as he types: Nope
Happy follows up with: Alright, I think I’ll try to get Sir Barfs-a-lot to bed now
Godspeed, Hap, Tony replies.
Then he slides the phone back under his pillow, pulls the covers up around his chin, and doesn’t sleep a wink.
“Look, I don’t like this situation any more than you do, but we can’t just bail on six dignitaries, Tony,” Pepper says in exasperation. She’s standing in front of the bathroom vanity, door ajar as she finishes straightening her hair. “We have two meetings this morning and a luncheon scheduled with the royal family at two.”
Tony runs a hand through his hair. “I know, I know…” he sighs. “I’m probably overreacting, it’s just…” he trails off.
It’s eight o’clock now, meaning the time is currently two a.m. back in New York. According to Happy’s last text, Peter managed to make it to bed around midnight and though he was still in a fair amount of pain, he hadn’t vomited for a few hours. Objectively, Happy did seem to have everything pretty well handled, but Tony still can’t shake the feeling that this might be something more than a virus.
Returning the sigh, Pepper unplugs the flat iron and sets it on the counter before walking over. “It’s just that your kid is sick, so you’re gonna be a worried dad about it anyway,” she concludes for him. “Am I right?”
“Guilty.” Tony gives her a sheepish smile. “Guess I’m getting soft in my old age...”
Pepper wraps her arms around him, pulling him close, and plants a gentle kiss to his lips. “Yeah, you are,” she agrees. “But don’t change. It’s a good look on you.”
They kiss for another few seconds before Pepper pulls back. “Well, the good news is, I’ve gotten quite good over the years at attending social obligations in your stead.” She gives his shoulders a squeeze. “You go do what you gotta do.”
With Pepper’s blessing, Tony leaves the jet and most of his luggage at the hotel with her, opting to just fly home in the Iron Man suit instead. It’s partly to ensure Pepper has a ride home in place, and partly so that he can shave an hour or two off the flight time. Even then, it’ll be a good five hours before he’s back, which gives him more than enough time to stress.
Sometime around the half-way point, Tony is soaring over the Atlantic when FRIDAY interrupts his thoughts. “Boss, you have an incoming call from Happy Hogan.”
“Put him through,” Tony says immediately.
A second later, Happy’s gruff voice comes over the speakers. “Got any extra sheets somewhere?” he says by way of greeting.
Tony grimaces. “So it’s one of those nights, huh?”
“Oh yeah, we’re having a blast,” Happy grumbles tiredly. His voice has a slight echo to it, indicating he’s in the bathroom. “Kid’s also wearing a pair of your pajamas now—hope you’re not too attached because the way this night’s been going, I foresee more casualties.”
Worriedly, Tony diverts more power to his thrusters. “The linen closet is in the hall by the master bedroom—should be some extra sheets in there,” he informs. “How’s his fever?”
“Holding steady around 101. He looks pretty miserable though.”
“Can I talk to him?”
“Hang on.”
There’s some movement and a few muffled words from Happy’s end before Peter’s voice rasps out a very pathetic sounding, “Yeah?”
Tony winces in sympathy. “Yikes, kid...” he says as lightly as he can manage.
“I threw up in bed,” Peter admits, his voice thick. “’m really sorry. I was tryin’ to get up, but moving made my stomach hurt more and then I just…” He trials off, sniffling slightly. “And now Happy says you’re flying home early and, and... I’m just really, really sorry.”
“Hey, hey,” Tony interrupts over the kid’s emotional rambling. “It happens, no big deal, okay? And honestly, Pepper’s much better at the whole decorum thing than I am, so the Moroccan royal family is better off with her anyway.”
A small, dismayed noise issues from Peter’s throat. “The royal family?” he whines. “Mr. Stark…”
“It’s just fancy tea with old people,” Tony assures. “Boring as hell, I promise. You’re doing me a favor.”
“God. I’ve gotta be the worst babysitter ever,” Peter moans sadly. “Zero stars on Yelp. You should give Happy my fifteen bucks an hour...”
Tony huffs out a single laugh. “Don’t worry, we’ll get him a nice fruit basket when this is over. Chocolate covered strawberries and all that.”
Over the line, Tony can hear heavy footsteps on the tile. “Sheets are changed,” Happy says, his voice muffled.
“Thanks,” Peter croaks back. Into the phone, he says, “Um, I’m gonna go back to bed now.”
Tony hums in affirmation. “That’s good. Try and sleep, alright?”
“‘Kay,” Peter says. Then, in a very small voice, he adds, “Uh...I’m really glad you’re coming home, Mr. Stark.”
Tony’s heart aches. “Yeah. I am too, kid,” he says softly.
By the time Tony’s boots touch down in the yard, the sun has just come up over the lake house, clearing the early morning fog. He retracts his armor and heads into the house, legs wobbly from the lengthy flight.
He finds Morgan and Happy sitting at the kitchen table, eating breakfast. The six-year-old immediately jumps up to greet him.
“Daddy!” she exclaims, racing over. Tony stoops down and wraps his arms around her, pulling her into a hug.
“Hey pumpkin,” he greets, planting a kiss on her forehead. “You’re up early.”
She shrugs. “I didn’t wanna sleep anymore. I wanted to see if Peter was better.”
“Is he?” Tony asks.
Morgan shrugs again. “I dunno, he was sleeping and Uncle Happy said I couldn’t wake him up ‘cus he’s sick. So we were gonna make pancakes, but Uncle Happy couldn’t find the pancake flipper,” she says with a pout. “So he was gonna use a fork. But then he dropped the eggs on the floor and they got broken and he said a bad word and now we’re eating cereal instead.”
His eyes flick up to Happy, who’s finishing off a bowl of raisin bran and looking at least as exhausted as Tony feels.
Since Peter is still sleeping, Happy and Morgan head out to feed Gerald and run some errands while Tony heads to his own room for a quick shower and change of clothes. Once he’s done, he pours himself a cup of coffee and heads to the guest room where he finds Peter curled up in bed, a lined trash can beside him.
“Aw, kid…” Tony breathes out as he approaches the bed. Even in his sleep, Peter’s brow is beaded with sweat and his face is pinched in pain.
He straightens out the kid’s covers and watches him for a few moments, taking in the rise and fall of his chest and his fever-flushed cheeks before sinking down into an armchair beside the bed.
Only a few minutes into his silent vigil, the combination of jet lag and sleepless nights catches up with him and Tony finds himself nodding off.
It’s the sound of whimpering that pulls Tony from his sleep thirty minutes later. His eyelids flutter open to see Peter curled up on the bed, arms circled around his stomach and eyes red and wet with tears.
“Whoa, whoa, hey,” Tony says in alarm. He quickly moves over to sit on the edge of Peter’s mattress, a hand on the kid’s shoulder, but the movement of the bed only makes Peter moan. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“Stomach r-really hurts,” Peter manages to choke out. “‘S like, stabbing me.”
A fresh wave of worry washes over Tony. “Where does it hurt?” he asks. Cautiously, Peter hovers a hand over his lower right side, causing Tony’s eyes to widen. “Kid...” he begins.
“But-But it can’t be that!” Peter protests. “I already had it out. It’s gone, it’s—” He cuts himself off with a groan, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Does it feel like it though?” Tony presses. “Like your appendix did?”
Without opening his eyes, Peter nods hesitantly. “Yeah, exactly like that. But it can’t be,” he insists, sounding like he’s trying to convince himself as much as his mentor. “It’s gone.”
“True, but you’ve got plenty of other organs in there that could be going haywire,” Tony points out. He makes a beckoning gesture at Peter’s stomach. “Let me see.”
Reluctantly, Peter lifts the hem of his shirt up to expose his abdomen. His lower belly appears slightly swollen and the skin is flushed a light pink. As carefully as he can manage, Tony presses his fingertips to a spot about four inches down diagonally to the right of the kid’s navel.
Peter instantly gasps. He clamps a hand around Tony’s wrist, startling him. “Stop, stop, please,” he begs.
“Okay, okay,” Tony says, quickly releasing the pressure. But rather than relieving the pain, Peter cries out and curls even more into himself.
“That’s it—we’re going to the hospital,” Tony decides, already pulling out his phone to fire off a text to Happy. “Appendix or not, this is obviously something.”
Tellingly, Peter doesn’t argue. He just squeezes his eyes shut and gives a teary nod.
It takes a few minutes just to get the kid to uncurl enough to sit up, and then once he is up, he’s so nauseous that it’s another several minutes of hanging over the trash can and swallowing convulsively before he manages to get to his feet. The walk to the car is slow and shaky, with Tony bearing most of his weight. Thankfully, they’re less than half an hour from the lake house to the nearest SHIELD base, and they are equipped with a full Medical facility—something that definitely factored into Tony’s decision to purchase this particular property.
(Retired or not, he’s still a goddamn worrywart.)
Peter is lying curled up in the backseat, and Tony keeps stealing glances at him through the rearview mirror. The kid whimpers quietly with each bump in the road and every turn elicits a low moan.
“Almost there, kiddo,” Tony promises him. “Just fifteen more minutes.”
But only three minutes later, he hears Peter inhale a sharp breath, then suddenly go quiet.
“Pete? Still with me?” Tony asks worriedly, glancing up at the mirror. He’s half-expecting to see that the kid’s passed out, but instead finds Peter looking infinitely less tense than he did a moment ago.
“Yeah,” Peter breathes out. “It just hurt really bad for a second, but then it stopped hurting? Not all the way, but it’s a lot better now. Like, a lot better.”
Tony’s heart drops as one thought screams in his mind: something fucking ruptured.  
“That’s, uh… that’s good Peter,” he says shakily as he presses the gas pedal to the floor. “Just hang in there, okay?”
A gurney is waiting for Peter outside when they pull into the SHIELD base and he is immediately rushed to an examination room. But when the test results are inconclusive and his fever spikes to nearly 104, the doctors decide that exploratory surgery is their best bet to figure out what’s going on.
Tony spends most of the next three hours in the waiting room on his phone. First, he manages to get a hold of May in the middle of her shift. He gives her the lowdown while simultaneously sending a wildly expensive Uber to pick her up and drive her to the base.
Next, he calls Happy, who is currently at an indoor butterfly farm with his awe-struck niece. “Fucking knew something was wrong,” Happy sighs in response when Tony tells him.
Morgan talks to him for a few minutes, expressing both her heartfelt concern for Peter and the overwhelming joy she experienced when a very pretty purple butterfly landed on her arm a few minutes ago.
Tony can’t help but love her for it. Morgan might come across calloused or unfazed at times, but between the blip’s reversal, the defeat of Thanos, and seeing her dad’s long and arduous recovery process following the loss of his arm, she’s lived through more trauma in her six years than most people do in several decades. He’s glad that she’s usually able to find happiness regardless.
It’s around that time that Tony’s adrenaline fades enough for him to realize just how much his wrist is aching from where Peter grabbed it and rolls up his sleeve to reveal purple bruises. He’s pretty sure nothing is broken, but quietly gets an ice pack from the nurse anyway to press to the injury, sick at the thought of how much Peter had to be hurting to do that.
Tony calls Pepper—who has just finished up her royal luncheon—and finally lets himself fluster out properly.
She manages to talk him down from the panic attack that’s threatening to overtake him just in time for the doors leading back into the OR to swing open and Bruce to emerge.
“I’ll call you back, Pep,” Tony ends the call abruptly. Then hurries over to his friend, stomach in knots. “How’d it go? Is he alright?” he asks anxiously.
Holding up a hand, Bruce clears his throat, a little awkwardly. “Okay, first of all, I’d just like to say that the surgeons are just finishing up and Peter is, for the most part, fine.”
Tony instantly breathes out a huge sigh of relief. “Thank god…”
“But, uh, for the second thing...” Bruce goes on, gesturing to one of the waiting room chairs. “You might want to sit down.”
“It grew back?!” Peter balks at them.
It’s been about five hours since his surgery now and the kid is finally lucid enough to take part in the absurd medical conversation surrounding his unprecedented case. Bruce, Tony, and May attempted to explain the situation earlier, but Peter hadn’t been able to keep up and ended up nodding off straight into his jello cup, so they’re on round two now.
“Well… sort of,” Bruce explains, adjusting his glasses. “When you got un-blipped, your cells were reconstructed, same as everyone else who came back. But since your mutated DNA regenerates your cells at an expedited rate, they somehow took that process a step further and managed to restore your body to, uh…” He flaps a hand, searching for the correct term.
“...to factory settings,” Tony finishes for him. He huffs humorously. “Congrats, kid. You’ve gotta be the only person in history to have their appendix burst twice.”
Peter groans. “Awesome. Parker Luck strikes again...”
May tuts and hits his shoulder playfully.
“You’ll be on heavy antibiotics for a while,” Bruce continues. “Luckily, the rupture occurred very close to the time of your surgery, so peritonitis didn’t have time to set in yet. The surgeons flushed out your abdominal cavity as best they could and hopefully the combination of the medication and your enhanced healing will be enough to prevent another infection.”
“So don’t jinx it,” May concludes firmly. She ruffles her nephew’s curls.
Morgan and Happy appear in the doorway a few moments later. Tony gets up, ready to remind the little girl that she needs to be gentle with Peter since he’s still recovering, but it seems as though Happy’s already given her that talk because rather than bounding over, she tiptoes into the room, arms held behind her back.
“Hi Peter,” Morgan greets. “Does your tummy feel better now?”
“Yeah, a lot,” Peter assures her with a small smile. “Thanks.”
“Good.” From behind her back, she produces a colorful wooden instrument and shakes it. “Uncle Happy and I bought you a Morocco!”
Running a hand over his face, Tony lets out a long sigh.
God, he loves these kids.
Link to all my fics!
If you're interested in reading the full story of the first time Peter's appendix ruptured, check out my previous work: Ned the Dumbwaiter
Or, for more sick Peter at the lake house with Tony and Morgan, try: Dad Level: 3000
Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated <33
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Linneaus: Undertow Pt 1
Artwork by: @warrior-kitty
Special thanks to: @gemellath
This story is rated PG-13 for content. You have been warned.
It was a beautiful day for the citizens of Charluftton as the Wild Waves Festival was in full swing. The plaza was full of vendors selling t-shirts and frozen ice, the bar was full of all kinds of live music, including bands like Boil, The Lost Tapes and Art House, and even the beach was full of fun events such as volley ball, sailing, and even a beach 5k obstacle course. Boaters were out fishing and tubing and just all around having a good time. However, for the shapeshifting vixen, she was lying home in bed wearing her work cap, a buttoned jacket and khaki work pants. On her nametag was the name “Kit Rouge”. She was a shy fox who was diagnosed with a disorder that caused her to have trouble controlling her shapeshifting powers, and today, due to the events that occurred at work, was no exception.
“All I did was get grossed out…” she muttered. “Yet of course I turned into a fox bug like I always do when I’m disgusted. And of course, everyone thinks I’m too old for this to happen. I can’t control it…”
Kit had a busy day at work with lots of fishermen and families out buying things from pool toys to bait and couldn’t even stop the lines from the shoppers just itching to get their stuff and hit the water. She swore if she saw another sailor she would transform into her angry form and chuck them off their boat.
Her cellphone rang, and Kit answered.
“Hey Vixie!” Coin started, wearing sunglasses. “Work was rough today wasn’t it?!”
“Oh! Hello Coin! It was rough! Like the time that giraffe all jacked up on cocaine went up to you and-“
“Didn’t you remember our plans for today?!” he interrupted.
“What plans?” the khaki-clad kitsune asked.
“To go tubing with us!” Rio said.
“But I thought we were going to go to the beach!” Kit cried. “I want to lie down, get a sun tan and eat all the cannolis I can think off!”
“The beach is tomorrow and the next day!” Coin replied.
“Just get changed, pack some sandwiches and don’t forget the tube! See you in a half an hour.”
With that they hung up.
Kit thought about it for a second and decided to just go embark with her friends on the boat.
The young vixen put on a yellow one-piece swimsuit and covered it with a Zelda t-shirt and her khaki shorts from her work uniform. She then put on her special waterproof contacts, so she doesn’t turn her friends into her clones again. Finally, she made her friends sandwiches to eat on the boat while they hung out. Kit opened the garage to find Coin’s boat tube and sighed, knowing that none of their days out ever go well.
When she arrived, she saw her jackelope friend in his salmon trunks, purple t-shirt and sunglasses, with Rio harvest mouse perched on top of his antlers. She was in a little sailor’s outfit with a cap.
“First mate Rio! Ready to embark!” she said with glee.
“Hey Kitty!” Coin blurted. “Just put the tube in the back, were going to go fishing for a little while.”
“I thought you had a fear of fish.” Kit replied.
“My dad wants us to get fish for the Braun’s fish recipe!”
“You hate the taste of fish as well!”
“I’m getting paid if I do this.”
And with that, they entered the boat.
Kit untied the ropes from the hooks, while Rio and Coin brought the buoys into the boat.
“Hey um Kit…” Rio said. “I think you might want to put your sunhat in the cabinet, so you don’t lose it.
“Oh, I’m fine.” Kit said without concern. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
As Coin and First Mate Rio pushed it to thirty miles an hour, Kit began to scream as her body grew more multicolored fur, whiskers grew, and her body became feline. The scared cat held onto her hat as hard as she could while the boat tore through the river.
“I retract my previous statement!” screamed Kit. “This is way too fast! My hat’s gonna fly away if you’re not careful!”
“Too fast?” replied Coin, seemingly unaffected by the rip-roaring speeds they were currently travelling at.
“No way! Calm down, will you? If you didn’t want your hat to get blown off, you should’ve at least stored it in the compartment.”
Begrudgingly, he and Rio slowed to boat down so that Kit could hand the hat over to Rio.
“Honestly,” she said, “We should’ve insisted on it in the first place.”
As they continued to sail, the trio began to develop an appreciation for the architecture of the waterside houses. Rio would wonder aloud who lives there, or there, or there? Enough time had passed for Kit to have calmed down; one tug of her tail later, and she was back in her fox form.
“Right then,” she said, retrieving her hat at last, “What are we up to first?”
“Sandbar, of course!” replied Rio as the boat sailed towards the spot where the ocean embraced the shore.
The little stretch of sand was surprisingly full of people sunbathing, dipping their toes in the water; anything to make the most of the fresh heat.
“Oh, nice! We can all have a game of keepie-uppie!”
Kit casted her line out towards the water and waited. Soon enough she had something on her line, reeling it in as hard as she could to discover she had caught a gar.
“Nice!” she said, pleased with herself.
“Hey, look guys I caught this cool long-billed thing!”
The crowd looked over, but only saw the fish worth jack squat and laughed.
Kit became slimier and turned grey, with white hair growing until she was now her sad form, the fox slug Granny.
“Dang nabbit!” she muttered to herself before casting the line once again…only to this time catch a sea bass…
“Did you bring the football?” Rio asked.
“Sure did!” Coin said, holding the old pigskin.
“I said the football!” Rio growled.
“This is a football!” Coin responded, perplexed.
Soon an argument erupted between the two of them, until they decided to just toss the ball around. The jackelope through a spiral throw towards Rio, who then responded by nailing her personal perch in the chest. Coin got up, picked the football off of the bar and tossed it again. After a while, he was getting nailed in the face, chest, and even in the groin by the sailor mouse’s throws. He called for a time out to see Granny still trying to catch fish.
“Hey bud.” She said. “Could you give my tail a pull?”
Coin turned her back into Kit.
“So what’s going on here?” Coin asked.
“I”ve been catching nothing but sea bass and gar…”
Coin looked at her in disbelief.
“Kit there aren’t any sea bass in here…you mean sea trout.”
Kit blushed a little.
“It’s alright, you caught like five of them already!”
So, they waited and caught a decent amount of fish to put in the cooler.
After sunbathing for a bit, the Trio decided it was time to go tubing. They packed up their chairs, their belongings and the fish, which were placed in a water tank on the back of the boat.
“Alright guys!” Rio shouted with excitement. “Time for tubing!”
Coin took off his shirt and glasses, leaving him with only his trunks, while Kit dressed down to her swimsuit. Both of them then put on life jackets and hopped onto the tube.
“Um…” Kit said, somewhat nervous. “I’m not sure I want to do this…”
“Oh we’ll be fine. I’ve gone tubing dozens of times.”
“Get ready you guys!” First Mate Rio shouted as she pushed on the gas. She pulled it forward and the two cryptid creatures were yanked screaming. They narrowly missed other boats and shores, but soon the wild mouse got carried away. At a wedding reception between two mice on a dock, the two burst through and destroyed the dock the mice were on, leaving Coin with a face full of tiny wedding cake, and Kit with the groom in her mouth. Next, the two of them flew over another boat’s wake, which was sunk as soon as the tube landed on it. Finally, they neared an exclusive gated community residence, and ended up going through the yards of the tenants. Statues, trees, and rocks pelted them with pure bruises and scratches. At one point, they broke in through a beaver business man’s house and destroyed his kitchen, his teenage daughter’s bedroom, and his priceless wine cellar.
After breaking out of the last wall, a ramp was seen straight ahead for the duo, and with the ramp, Kit flew off of the tube and belly flopped into the water. Coin, luckily, stayed on, but ended up getting dragged through marsh grasses and oyster beds. He was all chopped up, so when Rio stopped, Coin fell into a million pieces. He healed himself, as always when he got this injured, and pulled into the boat.
“Hang on, where’s Kit?” the crazy driver asked.
From a groan they heard, the two saw her bobbing in the water. Coin spun it back around to collect Kit, who wasn’t very amused about the whole situation once she climbed back on board.
She was trying her best not to snap at Rio, as the jackelope got her a towel to wipe off the water.
Rio than then tried to fire up the engine but called Coin over. After a brief and worried discussion, the rabbit sheepishly confronted his fox friend.
“What is it?” she snapped with her eyes already glowing.
“The boat…it’s out of gas…”
Suddenly Kit screamed as she transformed into DemKit, with his voice deepening into a roar. He picked up the cowering and flailing jackelope and chucked him off the boat. Then moved on towards Rio and held her up, shaking her around.
“Calm Down!” Rio said. “Coin can just call the boat tow.”
DemKit dropped Rio and blushed a little embarrassed.
“Sorry Coin!” he yelled out.
“Try to grab the tube.”
Coin swam towards the tube, failing to notice the fin behind him. He climbed onto it, but as he was being pulled in by the fox monster, a shark leapt from behind him and bit down on his swim trunks, ripping them and pulling them into the water. His two friends screamed with DemKit frantically pulling on the rope harder, but it was fruitless as he pulled it in to find the shark had cut it in half. Coin, meanwhile, had a censor bar over his special area and watched as whale watchers and fishermen boated by laughing. The shark returned and pulled the censor off of him, causing DemKit and Rio to blush and look away.
“How can this get any worse?” the mouse said to herself.
“There they are!” an angry woman said, with a crowd of people on a police boat. The officer looked to see a sailor mouse next to a steering wheel, some fox monster, and a naked jackelope behind them.
“Oh crap.” DemKit said to himself, embarrassed.
Later on, Kit, now back as her normal self, and Coin were eating the fish they’d caught in the estuary with their families at Coin’s house.
“I’m glad they found out I was just transformed.” She said. “And they found the shark with Coin’s compressions lodged in its throat at the hospital. He said he needed clothes to deliver to someone.”
“Who?” Gunda asked
“We don’t know yet, but because he pulled my censored bar away he now has to register as a sex offender.”
“As for Rio?” Kit’s father asked.
“Well because she was recklessly driving to the point of bodily harm and property damage, and we didn’t do anything wrong, she has to spend the Festival in jail.” Kit replied.
“It’s a good thing you guys called to get the trout out.” Jonas said. “Proud of you son!”
“Thanks dad! How was the nautical golf tournament?”
“Well, we placed second.” He declared to Margaret. “We have to go to the plaza tomorrow. You are performing tomorrow night correct?”
“Yea, I’m meeting Harry and Roxie at work tomorrow, and D’Arcy is setting up her clothing tent at the beach market.”
“Apparently someone sent a threat to her earlier this afternoon.” Kit’s brother told them. “They’re investigating who sent it.”
“Well, it’s probably nothing we should worry about, but we should tell D’Arcy once we get to the beach.”
Meanwhile the salmon trunks sank into a cave where a sea serpent sat waiting and grabbed it.
“Nice…” she said. “A sample of clothing from one of that jersey devil’s friends.” She smiled with glee. “He could be useful to me… in finally bringing her down…” she laughed as her factory workers continued to work…
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limjaeseven · 5 years
You’re My Light
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Pairing: Hoseok X Reader
Word Count: 5,336
Genres: Smut, Fluff
Summary: A call from your best friend inviting you to the yearly Diwali celebration has you and your boyfriend really excited but what would happen when you stumble across your troublesome ex on such a good day?
Warnings: oral sex (m&f receiving) sub!reader, dom!Hoseok, Sir kink, ass spanking, sex toys, bondage, overstimulation, creampie, dirty talk
[A/n]: I’ve been working on this for so long and I’m so glad to finally post it. Thanks to @uwugalore for giving me the honour of starting this project off. Shout out to @jamaisjoons for writing that last part and all the other people in the collab who helped out every step of the way
25 Days of Christmas: A BTS Anthology Masterlist
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You had just finished an important business meeting when you got a call from your childhood best friend and partner in crime, Dhiraj. 
“Hey D, what’s up,” you asked as you jammed the phone between your ear and your shoulder as you pressed the button on the lift. 
“Nothing much, kiddo. Just called to invite you to the Diwali function next weekend. Knowing how busy you were, I knew it wasn’t likely you’d see my email. And when I didn’t get a response, I decided I had to call you. So, please check your emails more often,” he scolded. 
Working at KM Entertainment was hard work and it left you little time for yourself. You were pretty sure half your friends were going to leave you for not responding to their texts for weeks. The only person you had time for was your boyfriend, Jung Hoseok. 
“I’m sorry, D. You know how busy I am. I’ll check the mail and I’ll come for sure. See you there, bye,” You said before cutting the call. 
Now, to convince your boyfriend to come along with you.
It’s not that Hoseok didn’t like your family, he loved them. He just didn’t enjoy the questions of ‘when are you getting married’ that all the uncles and aunties asked. That’s why he didn’t like to come along with you when you went home. He loved meeting your parents as long as it was either at your guys’ place or a restaurant. 
You had grown up in a small Indian community in Seoul, full of people who mainly worked at the tech companies or hospitals in the city, i.e. it was a typical Indian society. Everyone was a doctor or engineer. That’s why when you sought out to become a music producer, the uncles and aunties weren’t happy. Your parents on the other hand were very supportive and encouraging.
That’s how you met Hoseok. He was a choreographer at KM Entertainment, the record label you worked for. One of your co-workers told you about him and basically got you to go on a blind date with him. You guys had instantly hit it off and became the most loved couple in the office. 
So, coming back to the Diwali celebration, you really wanted to go. Diwali was your absolute favourite festival of all time. Where as everyone was excited for Halloween and Christmas, you were the only person who cared about Diwali. You loved the festival because it was a night full of adrenaline, fire crackers, and sweets. It was six hours of good, pure, unadulterated fun. Especially, when it was with your friends.
You had four best friends growing up: Arshad, Rajveer, Dhiraj, Alex. The five of you were truly the best of friends. All of you lived in the same building and went to the same small public school together. You guys lived by the ‘one for all, all for one’ philosophy. If you got a new boyfriend, they would have to approve him first before he was allowed to date you. Being the only girl in the group, they were quite protective of you.
So, the fact that your friends hadn’t met your boyfriend i.e. Hoseok, was driving them crazy. That’s why they had Dhiraj personally call you, cause they knew you wouldn’t turn him down. You had always had a soft spot for him. You were just hoping Hoseok would say yes because you yourself hadn’t seen the boys in a while.
“Hey, babe,” you said as you entered the house, calling out to your boyfriend, who was sitting on the couch watching TV. 
“Hey love! How was your day,” Hoseok asked as you sat down on the couch next to him. 
“It was alright. I do have some news to share though." 
Seeing your nervous expression, Hoseok got a bit worried too and sat up straight, looking concerned.
"Don’t tell me you’re breaking up with me,” Hoseok said and you burst out laughing. 
“Of course not, babe. I’m not breaking up with you. I wanted to ask you if you’d accompany me to the Diwali celebration this weekend with my family and friends,” you said. Hoseok had known you enough to tell that you were hiding something, so he raised an eyebrow at you.
“The catch is it’s at my home,” you said and Hoseok immediately refused. 
“No way.”
“Please baby, I really want to go,” you pouted and managed the best puppy eyes you could.
“Alright fine!" 
Hoseok sighed and you hugged him, thanking him continuously. Smothering his face with kisses, you told him how much you loved him. 
"Babe, what is Diwali,” Hoseok asked out of nowhere and you facepalmed. You had completely forgotten that your boyfriend didn’t know about this famous festival.
“It’s a long story, so brace yourself,” you said. “There are two major epics in Hindu culture, the Ramayan and the Mahabharat. Diwali is based on the former. Dasharath is the King of Ayodha and has three wives, Kausalya, Kaikeyi, and Sumitra. They bear him four sons, Ram, Laxman, Bharath, and Shatrughan. Ram is the perfect son and the heir to the throne. Kaikeyi, Bharath’s mother loves Ram just like her own son. But she is manipulated and convinced that it is her son that should be the ruler of Ayodha and so, she approaches King Dasharath.
“She brings up an old debt he owes her and tells him to exile Ram to the forest for 14 years and to make Bharath the crown prince. The king is devastated but has no choice and so Ram, along with his wife, Sita and brother, Laxman, leave for the forest. While living there, Shurpanakha, a demoness becomes infatuated with Ram and tries to kill Sita. Laxman ends up wounding her and she runs to her brother, Ravan and asks him to avenge her. Ravan had heard of the beautiful Sita and decides to abduct her as revenge. 
“Ravan is able to trick both Ram and Laxman into leaving their house in the forest, leaving Sita behind. While they are away, he manages to abduct her and take her away to the island of Lanka. Ram and Laxman travel far and wide to find Sita, but to no avail. They finally come across a band of vanaras, or monkey-men, who pledge to help him. One of the warriors of the vanaras, Hanuman, becomes Ram’s devotee. The vanaras seek out traces of Sita and find she has been taken to Lanka. Hanuman flies to Lanka and contacts Sita and informs her of Ram’s whereabouts, promising that they will be back to rescue her. Before returning to the mainland, Hanuman sets fire to the whole city of Lanka.
“Ram, Lakshman, and the vanaras army build a causeway from the tip of India to Lanka. They travel to Lanka, where an epic battle follows between the armies. Ravana is finally killed by Ram, and Sita is freed. The day Ram returns to Ayodha with Sita and Lakhman after his 14 year exile, and after having slayed Ravan, is celebrated as Diwali.”
“Wow,” Hoseok said, overwhelmed. 
“I know it’s a lot, but I’m so happy that we’re going. Let me call Jiwoo, we need new clothes to wear,” you said before getting up to call your best friend. You met up and she helped you design the outfits. 
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“We’re here,” you said excitedly as you stepped out of the car. You picked up the box of sweets and headed towards your building. Hoseok knocked on the door and your dad opened it. “Y/n, Hoseok! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? Come inside,” he said. You both stepped inside and were greeted by your mom. The four of you had a chat over chai and sweets.
“You both look so good. Where did you get these clothes from?” Your mother asked and you told her how Hoseok’s sister was a designer and you both designed them together. It was your idea and her expertise made them perfect. 
A navy blue lehenga comprising of a short blouse and a full length skirt for you and a sherwani that fell till Hoseok’s knees for him. Detailed with gold embroidery, Jiwoo had gotten in touch with a woman who specialised in that type of work. Small mandalas that you designed decorated the dresses.
“It’s time for puja. The three of you, come with me." 
You and Hoseok followed your mom and headed to your prayer room. She taught Hoseok how to do the prayer and he happily helped. You father smiled at you as you both watched your mom bonding with your boyfriend. After you finished praying, you gave your boyfriend a kiss on the cheek and complimented him for doing the puja.
"It’s time to go,” your mom said. You nodded and the four of you got up to leave. 
“Where are we going,” Hoseok questioned. You just smiled at him as you guys walked towards the local school. As soon as you reached the school grounds, Hoseok’s eyes widened. 
“Welcome to our yearly Diwali Mela,” you exclaimed as you gave him a tour. There were multi coloured tents that sold everything from snacks to jewellery. The scent of cardamom and cinnamon flooded the air as you crossed the stall selling biryani. There were a good selection of rides as well, all of them bringing back memories from your childhood.
You were about to buy yourself and your boyfriend some Pani Puri when someone hugged you from behind. Just the scent of his perfume could tell you who it was. In the 15 years that you knew him, he never wore any other perfume. 
“D! It’s so nice to see you again,” you shouted, turning around to hug him properly. 
“Hey, y/n! Hey, Hoseok! I’m glad you guys could make it. The guys have been waiting for you,” Dhiraj said before dragging your away.
“Look who’s here,” Arshad said when he saw you. Individually hugging each one of your friends, you introduced them to Hoseok. 
“This is Arshad, Rajveer, and Alex. Don’t take anything they say seriously,” you warned Hoseok but your friends just laughed. 
“Y/n, Seema has some work for you, why don’t you let us have a friendly chat with your boyfriend over here,” Alex said.
“Okay, fine. Don’t you dare trouble him,” you warned before turning to leave. On your way, you gave Hoseok a chaste kiss on his cheek and whispered, “They’re harmless, don’t worry." 
You went to find Seema when you saw her standing by the stage in the middle of the ground. 
"You needed me?" 
She turned around and gave you a hug before asking you a couple of questions. You agreed to what she said and followed her backstage.
"So, Hoseok, how long have you two been dating,” Rajveer asked. They were sitting in the back row on some plastic chairs that were arranged in front of the stage. 
“Our second anniversary is next month,” Hoseok replied. The boys seemed pretty nice. They knew you inside out and really cared for you.
“Don’t worry, we aren’t going to ask you when you’re getting married,” Arshad laughed. Hoseok looked mortified. He thought you told them about him. 
“Did y/n tell you that,” Hoseok asked. All four of them burst out laughing. 
“No, she didn’t but we were sure you would have been asked that question a million times cause y/n is our community’s sweetheart. She has always been the perfect friend, daughter, niece, student, you name it. She was really popular in school for being the best dancer. All of the people here want her married off to a good guy,” Dhiraj explained.
Hoseok took a sip of the beer they gave him when he realised something. “Wait a minute, did you say dancer?" 
They nodded. Hoseok was confused. He never knew you danced. You had never mentioned it before. Just when he was about to ask the boys another question, the lights on the stage turned on and the music started playing. It was a peppy Bollywood song. The dancers danced gracefully on the stage. But what shocked Hoseok was the person standing center stage.
You, in all your glory, were standing in the middle of the stage, dancing to the beat. Your movements were fluid and flawless. Hoseok’s jaw dropped as he watched you go through the choreography. Being a dancer himself, he could see the technique as well as the grace in your dancing. Your skirt swirled beautifully, complementing your each movement.
Hoseok stood there, mesmerized as you finished performing and stepped off the stage. The crowd clapped loudly and you folded your hands together and bowed. When your eyes met Hoseok’s, you were quick to look away.
Dhiraj gave you a tight hug and complemented your dancing. Hoseok was still with the rest of the boys when someone called for you and you disappeared. 
"She’s a wonderful dancer, isn’t she,” Alex asked and Hoseok agreed. He told your friends that he needed a drink and went to look for you. 
You were speaking to one of your childhood friends when you noticed something. It was an old dirt path that went behind your school. The memories came back to you. You walked along the path and reached your hideout from when you were young. It was a small patch of grass atop a small hill. You sat down and looked up at the sky, reminiscing about the good times you had had in that very place.
Someone sat down behind you, but you were too lost in your own thoughts to notice them. They cleared their throat and you turned around and gasped. Your ex smiled at you and you quickly stood up. 
“I’m leaving,” you said as you walked away. He grabbed a hold of your wrist and pulled you to him. 
“Where are you going, love,” he cooed.
“Leave me alone, Jimin,” you said. 
Jimin was the only non-Indian kid in your school and you helped him around and ended up falling for him. It was you, who introduced him to your community. They absolutely loved him and he ended up moving in when he graduated. The both of you dated for about three years before you found out that he had cheated on you with your best friend. He begged you to forgive him and you eventually did.
But then, the day before your fourth anniversary, you walked in on him fucking the same best friend. It was only when he realised that you were absolutely ready to leave that he confessed that he had been with her off and on for almost a year. That day, you applied for a college far from your home and made sure not to come back often so that you didn’t have to meet him.
“Still feisty, huh? I missed you so much, love,” he said. His hand stayed firmly on the small of your back, exposed due to the short length of your top. You squirmed in his hold but he tightened his other hand around your wrist. Trying to push away from him, he pulled you closer to him and kissed you. You didn’t reciprocate the kiss but tried to get away from him.
“The boys said you’d be he—” Hoseok gasped as he saw you kissing some random guy. Jimin finally release you and you ran to Hoseok. 
“It’s not what it looks like, baby,” you said as you hugged you. 
“Who are you,” Hoseok asked Jimin. 
“Park Jimin,” he said and Hoseok immediately understood the whole situation. You had told him about your ex before.
“Get away from me, you cheater,” Hoseok said and pushed you away. 
“Please, Hoseok, listen to me,” you begged and Jimin smirked. He was really enjoying watching the scene unfold. The anger and resentment was evident on his face. Hoseok walked up to him and grabbed his collar. 
“Stay away from me unless you want your pretty face broken." 
Jimin looked genuinely scared. He quickly scurried away and Hoseok looked back at you.
You were sitting on the ground, crying. You had gone through a horrible break up with Jimin and all the memories flooded back to you. Hoseok was your everything, you wanted to marry the man someday. Your boyfriend sat down next to you and put his arm around you. 
"I know that you didn’t kiss him on purpose. I just wanted to make sure and seeing him smirk when I called you a cheater, I knew it was him who kissed you,” Hoseok said. You hugged him tight and explained exactly what happened.
“I know you wouldn’t do such a thing to me, y/n. I just hated the fact that he hurt you so badly and still had the audacity to touch you. I would have broken his nose if I could” Hoseok comforted you.
Caressing your face, he cooed and tried to calm you down. That’s when you heard a loud sound. The frown on your face disappeared and you pointed at the sky. Beautiful colours filled the sky and the sound of sizzling filled your ears as the crackers burst above you. You had once told Hoseok that your favourite memory was laying in your hideout and watching the crackers.
You both layed down and watched them, fingers interlocked. Hoseok struggled to keep his eyes on the sky as his gaze would always wander back to your face. He couldn’t help but admire your flawless features and pretty smile. You looked at him and saw him staring at you, specifically at your lips. Turning onto your side, you held the back of his head and pulled him in for a kiss.
You don’t remember most of it, but you somehow said your goodbyes to your family and friends and got to the car. You were wrapped in Hoseok’s spare jacket as Hoseok played his ‘songs for sex playlist’. You had always found the playlist ridiculous mainly for including songs like 'Give It To Me’, 'Singularity,’ and most importantly, 'Expensive Girl’. 
The moment Hoseok parked the car you rushed out to call the lift. Hoseok followed behind silently before he pinned you against the wall of the elevator when it arrived and kissed you roughly. He pulled  you out of the lift when you reached your floor and quickly unlocked the door. You haphazardly took your heels off while Hoseok closed the door. 
He throws you over his shoulder before you could utter a word, cause a yelp to escape you and took you to the bedroom before dropping you onto the bed. Your clothes, quickly discarded and you were pinned beneath your boyfriend. He devoured you with deep kisses as both your lungs strained for air, his soft lips coming down on yours aggressively. 
Hoseok makes his way down your body, littering kisses here and there. His fingers snake around you to take your bra off before it is thrown away into a corner. Mouth attaching to one nipple, he uses his hand to massage your other breast before switching. He nips at your skin till he finds your sweet spot and sucks hard, making you moan and squirm in his hold.
He placed a chaste kiss on your belly button before getting up to walk to the closet. Rummaging through the drawer, he picked out a few things before returning to you. He pried open your legs and settled between them before grabbing both your hands and bringing them to the front. He tied your wrists together with some red rope.
You knew he was pissed off about the whole Jimin thing and the only way he would calm down was by punishing you. Not that you minded, though. You were such a brat that you would go out of your way to ask him for punishments or act bratty just to get him to punish you. Once he finished tying you, he tapped his thigh and you got up off the bed. Over the years that you’d been together, you both had developed a sort of non-verbal communication system.
You bent over his lap, your ass in the air. Hoseok grabbed the leather paddle from the nightstand and ran it over your backside and thighs. Goosebumps rose on your skin as you awaited the first blow. It came down harshly and you hissed at the pain. 
“One, thank you, Sir,” you muttered. 
The rough edges of the paddle made dark blue and purple lines on your ass. Bruises formed all over you as Hoseok continued to deliver hits. The hits got harsher as they came down on your skin.
“Twenty, thank you, Sir,” you said as tears streamed down your face and your boyfriend finally dropped the paddle on the floor. He tapped his foot twice on the floor and you immediately got up.
Kneeling in front of him, you settled between his spread knees and looked down at the carpet. You winced as you sat down on your sensitive ass. 
“What an obedient slut you are, aren’t you? But you still had to make Sir mad and you’re going to pay for it. Open,” he commanded and you immediately dropped your jaw, opening your mouth as widely as possible. Digging his thumb into the hollow of your cheek, he made you open your mouth wider, making your jaw hurt.He pushed his boxers off letting his already hard cock out of the dark material.
“I’m going to fuck your throat and you’re just going to take it all, understood?” he warned and you nodded.
A sharp pain blossomed across your cheek as Hoseok slapped you. 
“Yes, Sir,” you corrected yourself. Without further delay, he stuffed his cock down your throat making you gag, but he didn’t relent and continued until your nose brushed up against his pelvis. You willed yourself to breathe through your nose as Hoseok thrusted in and out of your mouth. Tears and saliva dripped down your face, making you look like a mess. Hoseok smirked down at you and thrusted even harder.
Your muffled moans and his grunts filled the room. Your throat felt all rough from your boyfriend’s relentless pounding. His balls slapped against your chin, making your face hurt. You were just about to tap out when Hoseok gave out a broken moan and came down your throat. You swallowed it all and opened your mouth to show Hoseok. He patted your head before tucking his hands under your armpits and lifting you onto the bed. With your head down and your ass up in the air, he spread your knees apart after discarding your panties so that you couldn’t move.
You moaned as you felt his tongue flick your clit. He immediately stopped and lifted you up by the hair. Grabbing the ball gag, he fastened it around your head. 
“Shh, babygirl, you don’t want to make Sir angry, do you,” he cooed and you whined. 
Getting back to work on your core, he inserted two fingers inside you, curling them and finding your g-spot. Muffled cries escaped your lips as your orgasm drew near. Just when you were about to cum, Hoseok pulled away.
“My little slut knows better than to cum without Sir’s permission, right,” he asked before pressing his favourite vibrator against your lower lips. Tears streamed down your face as your orgasm started building up again. Your legs shook as you tried not to cum. Hoseok didn’t stop even though your moans were getting more and more desperate. Before you could tell him to stop, he threw the vibrator away and without warning, he sheathed himself inside you in one smooth stroke. You squealed through your gag as started thrusting.
Gripping your thighs harshly, he pounded in and out of you at a slow yet hard pace. You whimpered and tried to tell him to go faster but were muffled by the gag. 
“Want me to go faster, whore? Then beg for it,” Hoseok hissed and you continued trying to beg with the gag still in your mouth. He just chuckled. He slowed down further just to frustrate you.
“What a pathetic bitch, can’t even beg properly.” Hoseok pulled the gag out of your mouth and let it hang around your neck. 
“Pl-please, go faster, Sir,” you begged, which he rewarded with a slap to your already bruised ass causing you to whimper. He humoured you by going a tad bit faster but not fast enough to get you to cum.
“Faster, Sir, please. Please,” you begged further and Hoseok finally gave in, pounding into you at an inhuman pace. Broken moans escaped you as he abused your g-spot and grinded against it. 
“So tight,” Hoseok gritted.
“Are you close, babygirl,” Hoseok asked in a soft voice. You nodded which resulted in another slap to your ass. 
“Use your words, slut,” Hoseok said. 
His fingers tightened around your thighs, sure to leave bruises, not that you minded them. You loved to see marks that your boyfriend left on your body.
“Please Sir, I’m s-so close. Please, let me c-cum,” you muttered. The pleasure was getting too much to handle. You needed to cum but you knew very well that if you came without Hoseok’s permission, you wouldn’t be getting any sleep. 
“Go ahead, cum for Sir,” Hoseok cooed and you let your body fall over the edge. 
You chanted his name as you came. He helped you ride out your orgasm, but didn’t stop even after you came down from your high. Fucking you into overstimulation, you cried as he reached his own high. Cumming deep into your pussy, he pulled out and rolled over to lay down next to you. Both of you laid there in bed for a few minutes to catch your breath.
He untied you and ran a bath for the both of you before picking you up from the bed and carrying you into the bathroom, setting you on the counter. He sat in the tub and pulled you in to sit between his legs. After a long relaxing bath, both of you collapsed on the bed, limbs tangled. 
As you stared at your boyfriend’s beautiful face, you recalled the incidents that had taken place over the course of the previous hours and felt an indescribable feeling towards him. Your love for him was infinite but it somehow continued to grow.  
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Over the next couple of days, you didn’t leave your studio at all. You barely interacted with Hoseok during this period of time. You slept on the couch in your studio a few times and other times you would get home really late and leave really early. Your boyfriend was getting nervous and was confused as to why you were behaving in such a manner. He was worried that he went too overboard that night and that you were mad at him.
In reality, you had gotten this idea stuck in your head since the day of the Diwali celebration that you just needed to get out and the only way you knew how, was to make a song about it. So, that’s exactly what you did, spending those days composing and writing nonstop. When you were finally done, you recorded it to send it to the team for approval. Once you got the thumbs up from the higher ups, you send it to the group you were in charge of for final recording.
Hoseok was in his dance studio when one of his co-workers came in to give him a new song for him to choreograph. The track was titled, 'Lights,’ and he played it on the speaker to hear it and start working on it. He heard the signature synth sound that you added to every song that you produced, a sort of signature, if you will, to indicate that the song was made by you. As the song played, his eyes filled up with tears.
“When I close my eyes
In the darkness, your light
Lights the way for me
We can walk forward without fear, you & I woah
You’re my light you’re my light
Always shine into my heart
You’re my light you’re my light
No matter how far apart we are
Your light shines on me”
He realised why you hadn’t been interacting with him and he also felt guilty for doubting your love for him. He concocted a plan to surprise you. You had revealed to him quite a secret recently that helped his plan perfectly.
You got a call from Hoseok in the middle of a writing session, asking you to come down to his dance studio in half an hour. You finished your session just in time and headed towards your boyfriend’s practice room. When you knocked on the door, Hoseok asked you to come inside. The members of your group and your boyfriend were sitting on the floor, clearly exhausted after a long practice session.
“So, as you all know, our lovely producer, y/n, over here made you guys a new song. I got the track today and was asked to choreograph it. But after a long discussion with the CEO, Mr. Kim Seokjin, we’ve come to the conclusion that I won’t be choreographing the song." 
Loud gasps filled the room as the boys looked at their teacher with confused expressions on their faces. 
"Instead, your choreographer for the song will be y/n herself!" 
You were shocked at Hoseok’s sudden revelation. 
"What,” you asked, confused. The boys started asking Hoseok why you were going to be in charge of the song.
“Your noona here is a wonderful dancer. I didn’t know this fact until recently, either. But after having a conversation with Mr. Kim, we’ve decided that this song should be choreographed by noona." 
You told them that you’d come in tomorrow for working on the song and you and Hoseok left to go home. "What in the world just happened?” You asked your boyfriend and he just smirked. You felt confused and happy at the same time because this was a big opportunity that you weren’t expecting at all.
The articles said everything. 'Lights’ had set innumerable records on the music charts and was the group’s best selling single. When asked about the song, the boys all credited you for producing and writing it. The choreography was also applauded as one of the best ones that the group has ever had. Your fan following and popularity skyrocketed to the point where the CEO offered you to quit your job as a producer, and join as an artist and you immediately agreed.
You and your boyfriend curled up on the couch after coming back from a party that was held by KM Entertainment for the success of 'Lights.’ 
“I’m so proud of you, baby,” Hoseok cooed as he ran his hand through your hair. You snuggled into his chest as he praised you. 
“I should thank you for letting me choreograph the song,” you muttered.
“By the way, why didn’t you ever tell my you danced,” Hoseok asked. You had never actually had a conversation about this topic since that night. 
“I was too insecure. I always thought I was never as good as you, Hobi,” you confessed. Hoseok chuckled.
“Are you actually kidding me? You’re a way better dancer than I am. I almost lost my job because of you. If Seokjin hadn’t asked you to join as an artist, I was sure he was going to make you the new choreographer." 
You hit your arm playfully against his chest before you turned to look up at him. The pride and adoration on his face was so evident that it made your heart beat faster. 
You placed a chaste kiss on his lips, whispering, "I love you." 
Hoseok hummed in response, the sound echoing your own sentiments. Arms wrapping around you tighter, he pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
"I love you too.”
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25 Days Of Christmas: A BTS Anthology Masterlist
194 notes · View notes
calpalirwin · 4 years
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Summary: Every story’s gotta start somewhere
A/N: The (way more detailed) origin story nobody asked for because after reading @cxddlyash​‘s spin on the end of this story, I wanted to rework some of it on my end.
Content: Take a wild guess
Word Count: ~4k
And away, and away we go!
Caroline Bennett placed a sneakered foot on the rung on her dolly cart, shifting the weight so she could wheel it into the venue. “Merch booth, merch booth, merch booth,” she muttered under her breath as a way to keep her focus on the task at hand rather than how weird it felt to be walking through an arena meant to house far more people than it currently did. If she had to take a guess, there were maybe 50 people or so in the building, compared to the 5,000 that would be pouring through the doors in a matter of hours. But she didn’t care about the 5,000 people because she’d be long gone by then. Right now, her only focus was finding 1 out of 50, because god damn it, how hard could it be to find the fuckin merch table?!
“You’re not Nate,” an accented voice questioned, almost making her lose her grip on her cart with how close it was to her. 
“Jesus!” she exclaimed, hurrying to adjust so the boxes didn’t go flying everywhere. Because that would be what she needed, to spill merchandise all over the place on her first day.
“Somehow I doubt that,” the voice said again, and she could hear the smirk before she saw who it belonged to- a boy, well man, she supposed, of about her age and about a foot taller. Soft brown curls were tightly contained by a bright-red bandana he had plastered to his forehead. If that wasn’t a dead-giveaway as to who he was, the drumsticks in the back pocket of his black skinny jeans sure were. Know everybody’s name, from the top to the bottom, her dad had taught her. “Wanna try again? It’s simple really. I say ‘hey you’re not my regular delivery guy.’ And then you go, ‘No, I’m,’ and then, here’s the crazy part. You tell me your name. And then I tell you mine, and well… you do know how meeting people goes, I hope.”
“Just point me to your promo team,” she scowled.
“Ashton Irwin, at your service.” He did a mock bow, somehow smirking even wider. 
“You’re not the promo team.”
“And you’re not Nate, merch girl. But you clearly do your research.”
“I’m good at my job, you mean.”
“That’s still to be decided. Seeing how it’s your first day and all. C’mon, follow me.” He started to lead her towards what she assumed would be the merch table. “So, how old are you?”
“Oh, so you’re the same age as my bandmates. Well, almost. Two of ‘em are nineteen. Luke’s still eighteen.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Ashton laughed. “You’re smart. I like that. You single, merch girl?”
“How is that any of your business?”
He held up his hands defensively. “Just making conversation, shit. If you’re in charge of our LA deliveries, then you’re gonna be seeing an awful lot of me.”
“I was told I wouldn’t be dealing directly with bands.”
“Yeah, normally. But we like to make a lot of our merch so I try to know as much about it as I can.”
“Mmm, and the rest of your band?”
“They’re around. Why? You happen to fancy one of them more than your dear friend, Ash?” He pouted his lips at her. 
She rolled her eyes. “I don’t know which is the bolder assumption. That I fancy you, or that we’re friends when you don’t even know my name.”
“I would know it if you told me, merch girl.”
“It’s Caroline.”
He grinned, and if he wasn’t so infuriating, the dimples in his cheek and the lights bouncing off his hazel eyes would be downright swoon-worthy. But good God, he was annoying. “You can drop this stuff right here, Caroline.”
“Thanks,” she muttered, setting her cart upright and reaching for the top box.
“Not a problem,” he said, grabbing the box underneath hers to help her unload faster.
“Did I make you mad or something?” he asked after they unloaded in total silence.
“What?” she asked, as she double checked the order form against the boxes. “No, I’m not mad.”
“Okay. Cuz I wasn’t joking earlier. Like if you’re on our account now, you will be seeing a lot of me. And I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable or anything. But stiff professionalism never really spoke to me. So I’d much rather if we could try to be friends, you know?”
“I can be your friend, Ash. I just can’t be more than that.”
Ashton chuckled, “Damn, you sound a lot like Luke.”
She arched an eyebrow in a silent question. 
“Not that way!” he rushed, his cheeks flaming. “I meant that he’s also told me he doesn’t want to focus on a relationship right now. Which kinda sucks cuz thinking about it, you two would work really well together.”
“You hardly know me…”
“Call it instinct then, Miss Skeptic.”
“I think I liked ‘merch girl’ better. Here,” she thrust the order form in his chest. “Sign this.”
~Three Years Later~
“You seriously want more of the black hoodies than the white ones?” Caroline asked as she looked at the computer screen.
“Yes,” Ashton told her and she could hear the eye roll. “People like black.”
“People are also gonna like the white ones, especially when they see you modeling it,” she told him.
“Aw, you flatter me,” he deadpanned. “Who calls the shots here?”
“Fine, fine,” she said, punching in the right number for his order. “But don’t come crying to me when you get stuck with shit you can’t sell.”
“When have I ever?” he gloated. 
She sighed. He was right. The drummer knew his audience in terms of what they liked and which items were more popular. And all she had was a hunch.
“Hey, how’d that date with… uh… fuckin hell what was his name…” Ashton fought to remember the name.
“Brandon,” Caroline reminded him. “We broke up like three months ago. Guy was a dumbass. Where have you been?”
“Making an album and planning new merch for a tour. Why was he a dumbass? I thought you liked him.”
“I did, up until he turned into every other guy, Ash. He thought my job is so fuckin sick until he saw that I’m actually friends with you other dumbasses, and then I turned into a groupie all of sudden.”
“That’s fuckin disgusting.”
“Yeah, tell me about it…”
“So what you need is a guy who gets it.”
“Ash, for the last time, I’m not going out with you,” she joked. 
“Okay, 1.) Ouch. 2.) I’ve never asked you out so what the fuck do you mean ‘for the last time’? And 3.) I don’t mean me, although I’m flattered you think of me that way.”
“I don’t think of you that way. I don’t think of you at all actually.”
“Ha-ha, you’re hilarious. I see why all the guys are beating down your door.”
“Oh, fuck off!” she laughed. “But yeah, you’re right. I do need a guy that gets it. Problem is, I keep ending up with guys who are only pretending to get it.”
“Well… I might know a guy.”
“Oh, do you?”
“Yeah. Luke. About giraffe high. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Killer front man.”
“You mean the one who wasn’t looking for a relationship because he was working on himself?”
“The very one!” Ashton applauded her memory. “Look, I wouldn’t suggest it if I didn’t think it would work out. I wouldn’t fuck with you both like that.”
“Yeah, I know, Ash. And I appreciate you looking out for me, I do.”
“You know me, Ash. If he asks me out, I’ll give him a fair chance.”
“Cool. You’re still making deliveries right? Or did they finally get wise, and promote you?”
“They promoted me. I’m in charge of your account now, along with a few others.”
“Nice! Although, that kinda puts a damper on you and Luke meeting. I was counting on that delivery next week. Damn…”
“Oh, I’m still making deliveries. It’s weird though. See, I got the promotion, but then my boss said I was still requested to do deliveries for one of my accounts. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you?”
“Not a damn thing,” he lied through his teeth. “But, that’s good. Must mean the promo team likes you.”
“Yeah, ‘promo’ team.”
“So, see you next week?”
She laughed. “Yep. See ya Ash.”
“Luke, mate, you gotta sign those posters,” Ashton said, stirring Luke in the direction of the merch booth, knowing Caroline would be there any minute.
“Alright, I got it!” the blonde huffed at his friend, stepping to walk beside Ashton so he’d stopped getting shoved forward. “Geez, what’s the big deal?”
“The big deal is, there’s a girl coming later and if you don’t ask her on a date, I’ll never hear the end of it.”
Luke stalled, turning to face his friend, eyes wide. “You promised someone I’d ask them out?! Without checking with me first?! Ash…”
“Relax, mate. You’ll like her, I promise.”
“I’m gonna fuckin kill you, is what I’m gonna do,” Luke threatened.
“Kill me, and you’ll have to find another drummer. And that would suck on such short notice. Might have to cancel a show, maybe more, while you guys get a replacement. Really bad for business.”
Luke glowered.
“Just trust me, okay? Just ask her on one date. One single date. That’s it.”
“This better be one hell of a girl…”
“Oh, she is. Don’t worry.”
As Luke stomped off to sign posters and await this girl he was supposed to ask out, Caroline walked confidently through the near empty amphitheater, a feeling she had really come to enjoy. There was something calming about walking silently through a place meant to be packed tightly with bodies with music so loud you could feel it in your bones. The calm before the storm, as she’d come to view it.
“Merch order,” she said, walking right up to a booth with a single man behind it. His blonde curls covered his face, a stack of posters beside him and a Sharpie resting delicately between his fingers. She rolled her eyes immediately. Ashton was going to pay for this one way or another.
Luke didn’t look up as he scrawled a loopy autograph across the poster at the top of the pile, setting it aside before repeating the same practiced scribble. “Can leave it right there,” he said, curls shifting across his forehead as he nodded over his shoulder in indication of where she could put the boxes. “What’s the order?”
“You don’t know what you ordered?” Caroline asked, grabbing the top box from her dolly cart and dropping it in the ground with a thump! She knew he didn’t. In three years, she’d never once crossed his path. God, what had Ashton been thinking?
“Not part of the promo team. I just get told to sign the posters.”
“Careful not to get a hand cramp there, rockstar,” she teased, dropping another box. 
Her comment was enough for the blue eyes to snap over in her direction. He swore under his breath, pushing his chair back and standing up to his full height. “Shit, here. Let me give you a hand with those.”
“Oh, it’s fine,” Caroline tried to brush him off, but their hands were already knocking into each other as they both reached for the next box. Caroline’s cheeks flushed as she dropped her hands, letting Luke grab the boxes as she instead busied herself with the itemized order form on her clipboard. “So, it’s a box of extra large shirts. 1 box of large. And a half and half box of medium and small. All men standard sizes.” She could hear the slight shake in her voice and she was definitely going to murder a certain drummer for this occurrence. 
“A box of the black hoodies, in various sizes, and then a last box of random odds and ends. Keychains, pins, CDs, the sorts,” another voice finished as a man with brown curls cut closer to his head than the blonde’s spoke up behind them. Just the man she was looking for. “Thanks, merch girl.”
“It’s Caroline, Ash. How many times do we have to go over this?” Caroline said as she turned on her heel, arms opening to hug the man. “I’m gonna fuckin kill you,” she whispered low in his ear. 
“Good to see ya too, love,” Ashton chuckled, accepting the hug.
“You two know each other?” the blonde man asked, an eyebrow arched in confusion.
“Yeah, Care’s been handling our merch for years. Have you two not met? Luke, Caroline. Caroline, Luke.”
The pieces clicked in Luke’s head, and he would have loved nothing more than to wipe that all-knowing smirk off Ashton’s face. He noted the way Caroline’s own fingers curled, like she was itching to do the same. And damn it all to hell, wasn’t she cute with her polo work shirt tucked into her blue jeans, and her brown hair pulled up in a ponytail, with little escaped strands framing brown eyes that snapped like fire as she glared up at Ashton? If this was the girl he’d be promised a date with… well shit… to say the pressure was on was definitely an understatement. 
“Yeah, I know who he is, Ash. I’m not blind. But nice to officially meet you, Luke,” Caroline spoke first, opting to be polite. After all, Luke had helped her with the boxes. And he was pretty damn cute up close and in person. 
“Pleasure,” Luke smiled, extending out his hand.
“Alright, if I can just get one of you to sign off on this…” She switched back into work mode to distract herself from how pink her cheeks were under Luke’s gaze.
“I got it,” Luke said, holding up his Sharpie as evidence.
“And maybe you can convince this one to order more of the white hoodies because those are going to sell better than your black ones,” she joked to Luke.
Both of the men laughed while Ashton scoffed, “Is that so?”
“Yep. Matter of fact, grab me one in medium.”
“Small,” Ashton corrected as Luke started ruffling through the stack of white hoodies.
“Lady said medium, Ash,” Luke said, handing Caroline the hoodie.
“Ooo, I like this one. He listens,” she smirked at Ashton who rolled his eyes playfully in response. “How much are you charging for these things?”
“$55,” Ashton answered. 
“Highway robbery!” Caroline told them, digging into her back pocket anyway.
“Don’t worry about it,” Luke said, his fingers brushing against her arm as he tried to stop her. “It’s on us.”
“Yeah,” Ashton agreed. “No one’s gonna notice if those ones go missing anyway, cuz I’m telling you, nobody’s gonna want one.”
“Well I want one, and that should count for something. I’ll throw an extra hoodie in the next order, and we’ll call it even. How’s that?” Even though her words were directed at Ashton, she looked right up at Luke, almost daring him to ask the question all three of them were waiting on. 
“How about a date instead?” Luke blurted out the magical words, and Ashton had the nerve stifled a laugh at his friend’s outburst, like he hadn’t orchestrated the whole thing. 
Caroline kept Luke’s gaze, pushing a copy of the itemized order form into his chest. “You’re on, rockstar.”
“You know, I’m really glad you said yes. I didn’t think you would,” Luke confessed, fingers tugging nervously on the curls at the back of his neck. “I mean… I know Ash sort of forced both our hands. But you still could’ve said no, ya know?”
Caroline smiled over at him. “And miss out on all of this?” She gestured out to the city lights blinking in the distance. “A midnight picnic overlooking the city. Gotta say, this ranks pretty high on my list of first dates.”
“Oh, yeah,” she nodded, leaning back on the palms of her hands. “Plus my date’s pretty fuckin’ cute.”
“I’m glad you think so,” Luke chuckled. “You look stunning by the way. Don’t know if I told you that.”
Caroline blushed. “You did, when you picked me up. But, thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Shit, sorry I’m so nervous. I just… I’m having trouble getting out of my head I guess.”
“Because of Ash?”
“Yeah. I mean, I’m glad we’re here and all. Like you seem really nice. And you’re really cute. But…”
Caroline’s heart dropped. She had just been on the brink of forgiving Ashton for his meddling in the first place. But if his friend left her crying on the cliffside, she’d put that man six feet under if it was the last thing she did. “But what?” she forced herself to ask. 
“Was worried you’d say no. Ash meddling or not, you’re still a woman with free will. You didn’t have to say yes.”
“Just like you didn’t have to ask me.”
“Why wouldn’t I ask you out?”
“Why wouldn’t I say yes?” she countered.
“We talked for maybe like what? Two minutes? And… I dunno. I know Ash is the one who pushed us both into this, but… you guys seem close. Shouldn’t this be you guys?”
Caroline shook her head. “Nah, Ash and I get along, sure. But no. I, uh, have that problem a lot, actually. A lot of rock bands are made up of men, and I supply a lot of rock band merch. People, guys especially, seem to take that the wrong way a lot of time.”
“N-no, I- I didn’t mean it like that. I’m not… I don’t see a problem with…” Luke fumbled over his words.
She laughed softly, moving one of her hands to rest it over his. “No, I know what you mean. Ash is your boy. You didn’t want to feel like you were swooping in on his girl, even if this was his idea. And that’s sweet of you. But, I am a free agent who can go on as many cute dates with as many cute boys as she likes.”
“How about as many cute dates as you like with only one cute guy?”
“Ooo, I dunno. He’d have to be pretty fuckin’ cute,” she flirted.
His eyes were soft, his touch softer as he leaned in for a kiss that sent shivers down her spine. “I’ve been told I’m pretty fuckin’ cute,” he murmured against her lips, his own quirked up in a smile.
“Merch girl!” Ashton chirped over the line. “You coming to the party on Friday? Lover boy misses you something awful.”
“Of course I’m gonna be there, Ash,” she laughed. “Lu asked me last week.”
“Well damn. What do I bother calling you for anymore now that you have him?”
“To bother me because that seems to be your favorite pastime? And you can’t be mad that your meddling worked, Ash. Wasn’t that the point?”
“Yeah, I’m happy for you guys, truly. But also kinda scared because now there’s two of you to plot revenge.”
“Oh, no fair! I didn’t know plotting revenge was an option!”
“Ha-ha, hilarious. Seriously, how high should my guard be up for this party?”
“If you want me to return the favor of meddling in your love life, all you need is ask.”
“See, I’ve seen the people you pick out for yourself… so, lemme think… yeah, hard pass.”
“Suit yourself. I’m still bringing my friend along. If I can persuade her to come, that is.”
“Ooo, shy friends. Those are always fun.”
“Oh, so you do want to be set up!”
“I didn’t say that. All I’m saying is that I happen to be a very, terribly so, single man. And if I so happen to be introduced to a pretty girl, I’ll take it from there.”
“Well I’ll see what I can do about getting that pretty girl to the party, then.”
“Oh, will you come on?” Caroline asked, exasperated as her friend Britt sat on the edge of her bed, picking at the skin around her fingernails.
“I don’t want to be a third wheel, Care.”
“You’re not gonna be a third wheel.”
“Is Luke going to be there.”
“Then I’m a third wheel.”
“Oh, c’mon! There will be plenty of other people there, too. Maybe even the man of your dreams. But you won’t know that if you sit here, so c’mon!”
“I’m not like you, Care. I don’t go to work and come home with a husband.”
“Okay, 1.) Luke is not my husband. We’ve been on like maybe four dates. And 2.) it’s a good thing this is a party then, not a delivery.”
Britt let out a long sigh, weighing her options. “Better be some cute fuckin guys at this thing…” she muttered finally.
“Oh, there will be,” Caroline smirked. It wasn’t technically meddling if she just introduced Britt to Ashton. Wasn’t like she was promising Britt a date with the man or anything crazy like that.
“Merch girl!” Ashton greeted, spotting Caroline as her and Britt walked in.
“Hey, Ash,” Caroline said, giving the man a hug. “Missed ya guys.”
“Missed ya too, Care. But not as much as lover boy, over there.” He jerked a thumb over at Luke who was quickly pushing past people to get over to where they were. “Who’s this?” Ashton’s hazel eyes flickered over to Britt.
“This is my best friend, Britt. Britt, this is Ashton.” Caroline matched Ashton smirk for smirk. 
“And I’m Luke,” Luke said, wrapping his arms around Caroline and pressing a big kiss to her cheek. “Missed you, baby,” he whispered low so only she could hear.
“Let’s get you girls something to drink. C’mon.” Ashton led the way deeper into the party. “So, how’d you meet Care?” he asked Britt.
“Kids,” Britt squeaked.
Caroline laughed. “We’ve known each other since we were kids,” she elaborated.
“Mmm. Well, any friend of Care’s is a friend of ours.”
Caroline wasn’t sure her friend’s cheeks could get any darker under Ashton’s gaze. She had to hold back bewildered laughter of how well this was going already, while wondering if this was how Ashton had felt watching her and Luke interact for the first time. Like you had inside knowledge on a love story that hadn’t been written yet. 
“So, what’s the deal with your friend?” Ashton asked Caroline later on in the evening.
“Why? You interested?” Caroline teased.
He scoffed. “I don’t think I’ve heard her speak, she’s too busy blushing.”
“I told you she was shy. And she’s also out of her element here. But yes, she is single, if that’s what you’re asking. Which it is.”
“I said I didn’t need to be set up, Care.”
“I never said I was setting you up, Ash. I just happened to introduce a pretty girl to a very, terribly so, single man.”
Ashton chuckled. “You’re devious, you know that?”
“That may be so. But you’re both my friends. All I did was introduce you guys to each other. Something that was bound to happen sooner or later. What happens next is up to you and her. Although, for the record, I think you’d be pretty cute together.”
“So you admit you’re setting me up with your friend?”
“Just like you set me up with Luke?”
“Oh, I fully accept responsibility for that one. Worked out great, don’t ya think?”
She laughed. “So clearly you’re the one with the matchmaking abilities. So go on. Go make your match. Get out of here, and go talk to her!” she laughed more, pushing at his chest.
“Tell that to Britt,” he called out over his shoulder.
“What was that about?” Luke asked, coming up with new drinks and handing one to her.
“Oh, I was just telling Ash to go talk with Britt some more.”
“Mhm, cuz you're setting him up with her just in a less in-your-face way.”
“I am not! I brought Britt along because I thought it’d be fun for her.”
“Sure ya did.”
“Okay, maybe I did mention something about there being cute available guys to persuade Britt to come with me. And maybe I did mention to Ash I was bringing her. But, you gotta admit that they would make a cute ass couple.”
Luke nodded in agreement. “But not as cute as you and me.”
“Thank God for Ashton Irwin, huh?”
“That meddling bastard.”
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@frontmanash​​ @goeatsomelife​​ @flameraine​​ @creator-appreciator​​ @cxddlyash​​ @1-irwin-94​​ @sparkling-calm​​ @tea4sykes​​ @youngblood199456​​ @5-seconds-of-obsession​​ @gosh-im-short​​ @aquarius-hood1996​​ @talkfastromance4​​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​​ @philthepegacorn​​ @boomerash​​ @teenwolfss24​​
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moonraccoon-exe · 4 years
Disney’s Tangled but it’s a Corqi
This has been sitting in my drafts for literal MONTHS, being finished little by literal over M O N T H S, and just got to finish it now lmao
Sorry for the size, but Tangled gives me Feelings and Corqi even more, so this had to happen, inevitably ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m going to put the whole thing under cuts, UNDER reblogs, because even if you put a “Keep Reading” line on a post, it doesn’t work on mobile and honestly mobile users will MURDER ME for the size, so you’re welcome, making this comfortable for you.
Also making it like three parts so it’s easier for you to read, because you know me, I’m the 10k+ nerd, and this is 20k+ so yes. 
Do I regret spending literal months on this to post and find 10 notes, 5 of which are myself?
Does that mean I’m not going to post?
Fuck no, I spent a lot in this so if I get one note, fuck it, I’ll just love it myself lmao
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bwayboundbaby · 5 years
Beetlejuice x Reader
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Hi, I really wanted to write a BJ x reader fic to introduce my blog I guess? Anyways, this is the prologue, the concept is that the reader goes through the events of the musical with Lydia and Beetlejuice. 
The first time you had went over to the Deetz’ house, you could tell the strange trio was wildly eccentric, each in their own way. The father, Charles, was the first one you got to meet, he was a tall man with broad shoulders and gave off a no nonsense kind of vibe, but when he opened his mouth, it was clear to you that he was a very odd man, telling you about his strange daughter and how she needed all the help she could get. Your conversation was quickly interrupted by an even more crazy woman with bright red hair done up in a bun popping out from the top of her head, and wearing a very fancy wrapped dress that showed off her every curve. Assuming the two of them were married, you quickly realized was a mistake, the two of them laughing it off before Charles explained the situation to you. 
Thankfully, soon afterwards, Charles had introduced you to his daughter, who seemed to be the most sane out of the three of them, and it wasn’t long before you and Lydia were left alone, your only instruction was to try to get Lydia to open up to you… but you were pretty sure you were a tutor, not a psychiatrist! With a sigh, you came to the decision that you were getting paid well enough to try and get along with a sixteen year old, so who were you to complain?
“I like your dress,” You offered, genuinely wanting to compliment the younger girl. 
“I’m in mourning,” Was the reply that Lydia offered. 
Immediately, you were taken aback, but your mind was able to figure things out pretty quickly, filling in the blanks that Charles had so conveniently left out, and you quickly tried to relate to the girl, genuinely feeling bad for her, “I’m sorry for your loss…” When Lydia decided not to say anything, you felt the need to continue, “When I was 12 my dad died, so if you ever want to talk about it with someone…” You trailed off to see Lydia staring at you with an almost perplexed look on her face. 
You cleared your throat, clearly this wasn’t something that she wanted to talk about that much, but you thought you would just open it up to her, because from what you could tell, Lydia didn’t get to talk about her mom as much as she might’ve liked to, “Anyways, I’m sure your dad told you I’m going to be tutoring you?” And just like that, the conversation changed, and Lydia started to actually answer you! 
After that first meeting, you and Lydia really hit it off, your preparation sessions started off as the two of you just talking, and then the second half was where you started to do some actually work. You honestly wasn’t sure why Charles even wanted Lydia to have a tutor, she seemed like a very bright girl, right now her only problem, that you were quickly made privy to, was that her dad didn’t seem to want to talk to her about her mom, which had to be hard for her. 
You could tell Lydia was feeling depressed, which was expected after her mother’s untimely passing, but while you offered Lydia all the comfort she could, she really needed to hear that from her dad, and from what you could tell, she wasn’t going to get that anytime soon. 
Lydia definitely had an overactive imagination, which you also were quickly shown, the girl loved to talk about all things macabre, and even tried to convince you on several occasions that ghost haunted this house, the ghosts of the family that had previously lived in this house, which you laughed off, definitely not believing in ghosts. It was funny though, how much Lydia tried to make you believe in the two ghosts, she’d even come up with a whole backstory for them, but you were sure she could’ve found out about the house’s old owners by some old book or something up in the attic, she had to be just messing with you! 
One night when you went over to the Deetz household, you were surprised that your whole session with Lydia was cut off by the girl complaining about her dad’s relationship with Delia (not that it was surprising to you to learn that the two of them had been hooking up, it was pretty obvious), and how she wanted to get back at him for it. You tried to talk her down from whatever she was going through, but your session got cut short when Lydia accused you of already knowing about Charles and Delia, running off shortly afterwards. 
You decided to spend a couple of days away from the house after that, but it didn’t take long for you to get a call from the Deetz household, the caller ID flashing up on your phone before you answered it. 
“Hello?” You asked, brining the phone up to your ear to answer Charles’ call. 
Instead of Charles though, you were surprised to hear Lydia on the other end, “(Y/N)! It’s Lydia, you need to come over tonight,” The girl urged. 
You had nothing going on that night, so you didn’t see a problem with visiting, “Yeah, I can come over to study?” You clarified, knowing that’s probably not what Lydia wanted to do, but you at least deserved some heads up before going over to the crazy house! 
“No, Dad’s having a dinner party tonight with his rich friends, I need you to be there,” She urged again, and you felt your heart sink. 
You didn’t really want to go over to one of Charles’ fancy dinner parties, you could only imagine what went on at those, knowing him you didn’t really care to find out what kind of company he kept, but Lydia was asking you a favor, you couldn’t just say no to her, right? 
With a sign, you started to think about your wardrobe, hoping you could at least look like you fit into the Deetz life, “Alright, I’ll be over in about thirty minutes? Should I dress up?” You asked, hoping that Lydia would give you some sort of relief. 
“Yeah, I want Dad to be perfectly at ease,” She assured, before telling you excitedly that she’d see you soon. 
You groaned when you hung up the phone, making sure to immediately start getting ready. You were lucky that you already had some makeup on, having had a job interview earlier that morning for a teaching position at the local high school, but you made sure to make yourself look a little bit more glamorous before picking out a dress. Your wardrobe wasn’t that extensive, so it didn’t take you long to decide on a black and white grid dress that flared out just above the knees and hugged your neck, deciding that would have to be fancy enough for dinner because it was all that you had, and hopefully, Lydia wasn’t expecting you to sit through the whole meal. 
After getting dressed, you hopped in your car to head over to the Deetz’ house, happy to see that there were no other cars except for Charles’ when you got there. You were earlier than you expected, so you had time to talk to Lydia, you were quickly let in by the young girl and dragged up to her room almost immediately. 
“Lydia, what’s going on?” You asked once the two of you had scaled the stairs to lock yourselves in her room. 
She was practically vibrating with excitement as she paced around her room, “We’re going to scare dad out of this house!” She began, immediately explaining her plan to you, “So the Maitlands-” She began. 
“The ghosts?” You clarified, managing to stop yourself from rolling your eyes. 
Lydia was quick to nod in agreement, “Yes, they are going to possess dad and his guest, it’s going to freak them out so badly that dad’s never going to be able to sell his stupid gated community, and we’ll be able to move back home,” She explained. 
“And why did you want me here?” You continued, not seeing the point to you having to be here. 
“You’re going to get to meet them, Adam and Barbara,” She explained, talking about the supposed couple that used to live here and now haunted this place. 
You didn’t want to laugh at the poor girl, clearly she was having some delusions from dealing with her mother’s death, so the least you could do at the moment was play along, “Alright, when is this party going to start?” You asked. 
“Soon, I need to get dressed first, gotta make sure dad thinks I’m playing the part,” Lydia grinned, kicking you out of her room for a moment so she could get changed. 
Waiting outside, you were surprised to feel a stream of cool air rush over you, causing your skin to erupt in goosebumps. Instantly, you felt like you were being watched, and you spun around to see if Charles or Delia had wandered upstairs, but they were nowhere to be seen. Before you could think too deeply about what was going on, Lydia was opening the door behind her, capturing your attention again, especially because the young girl who normally dressed in all black was wearing a bright yellow dress now, the dress looking completely out of place. 
“Is that from Delia?” You asked, not being able to stop yourself from laughing now. 
A sharp look from Lydia quickly shut you up, but thankfully, the two of you could hear a lot of commotion downstairs, and Lydia was quick to start playing the role of doting daughter. 
“Father?” She called, “Oh father dear, did I hear the dinner bell?” 
You were quick to follow after the girl, making sure that Charles could see that you were there too, but Delia was quick to give a shout of her own, “Life coaching, yes!” She cried, pumping her fist in the air, “It’s not a fad, do the research!” 
“So, sorry I’m late everyone, and I hope no one minds I invited my tutor, Y/N,” Lydia paused to give you a chance to catch up to her. 
“Your dress!” Charles gasped, clearly struck with Lydia’s change in attire. 
You stood at the bottom of the stairs as Lydia pranced around the table, getting compliments from all of the guests, circling back around until she was able to pull a chair out for you as well. 
“Well, this is gonna be such an interesting night!” Lydia was quick to say, making sure that she was still in control of the conversation. 
You took your seat at the end of the table next to Delia, watching as Lydia continued to stand at the far end, a wicked gleam in her eyes, “Uh first, wouldn’t it be wonderful if our newest family member made a toast?” She asked, picking up a glass and raising it towards Delia. 
The red head looked taken aback, but then pleased with herself as she got back to her feet, clearing her throat once a pleased grin spread across her face, “Thank you, future step-daughter,” She began, “Business friends… I have only known this amazing, amazing man, and his unique daughter for a few months. I don’t even know how many I’d have to check my pay stubs. But as my guru, Otho, always says-” There was no hesitation in the next second, but you could see a complete change in Delia as she gripped her chair with one hand and held the other up to the sky “Daaaay-o!” At her sudden outburst, she looked shocked, and with a quick glance at Lydia, you realized that the youngest girl there looked nothing less than thrilled. 
“What is going on, Delia?” Lydia pressed, still playing her part, “Are you alright?” 
Delia wasted no time before she started to laugh a little uncontrollably, “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what just happened!” She exclaimed, getting herself back on track, “I meant to say-” It happened once again, she continued with her strange little chant, and you instantly got the feeling something was wrong. 
“Delia, do you need to lie down?” Charles asked, uncomfortably fussing with his jacket. 
“No!” She protested, “I just need to- Daylight come and we won’t go home,” She continued, letting out a large gasp when she finished, “What is happening to me!?” 
Instantly, the man who you assumed the couple was trying to impress turned as if he was going to address Delia, but Charles was faster, “Maxi!” he cried, laughing along with the man once he caught his attention, “On behalf of Delia and myself, I’d just like to say- work all night on a drink of-” At Charles’ declaration, you jumped to your feet, the feeling that something bad was going to happen, swiftly moving over to Lydia’s side, who looked very pleased with herself. 
You were very thankful you did too, because in the next second, everyone sitting at the table had picked up where Charles and Delia had left off, it looked like you and Lydia were the only ones not being possessed at the moment. 
It took you less than two seconds to come up with a conclusion after watching this happen, now safely at Lydia’s side, “Ghosts?” You asked in a whisper, not being able to tear your eyes away from the strange scene in front of you. 
Lydia shot you a grin and nodded in agreement, her words getting cut off when Charles called out to her. 
“Lydia call 911! Wait- why aren’t you singing?” He demanded, now using a bowl for a drum as he marched along to the music. 
She was quick to jump up on a chair, “It’s like I told you dad, the ghosts that live here want you out!” She called, quickly looking up at the stairs at something you couldn’t see, “Barbara, the pig!” 
Your eyes quickly found the large pig in the center of the room that had been intended for dinner, but now it was on its hind legs, throwing itself on Delia as she shrieked and flailed and shouted about how she was a vegan. 
You really didn’t know if she should be laughing or crying, this was just all too surreal for you, and you tried your best to just keep track of where Lydia was throughout all of this and stick close to her side, even when she seemed to be talking to the ghosts on the stairs that you still couldn’t see. 
“Maxi! I’m so sorry!” Charles called as soon as he wasn’t singing anymore. 
Maxi was quick to shake his head, stuck in a conga line at the moment, “Chuck, you moron! We’re gonna be rich!” He called, beaming excitedly. 
“What?” Charles demanded. 
“What?!” Lydia shouted, pushing past you to get closer to her dad. 
You tried to stay put where you were, but the thought that there were two ghosts possibly standing a foot away from you now was just a little strange and you found yourself wandering back over towards the table. 
“I was never going to invest in your stupid gated community! But a genuine haunted house? It’s a gold mine!” Maxi cried out. 
“No!” Lydia was climbing on the table in a second, frustration clearly written on her face. 
“Do you hear that Delia? These ghosts are gonna make us a fortune!” Charles was clearly very excited at the prospect of getting that much richer. 
“You’re supposed to be scared!” Lydia continued to argue, looking behind her at the stairs again for a moment. 
“Lydia, come on, let’s go back to your room,” You tried to bargain, wanting to try and help calm the girl down. 
She shook her head, shooting a dark look towards you for a second, “No, there’s one thing that can still stop them! I can’t keep living like this! Beetlejuice!” She cried. 
From where you were standing next to the table, the center of it split open, creating a large rift in the center, but somehow, Lydia was still standing, but now she was looking at something next to her… was she talking to another ghost? 
You took a step back, feeling the air getting thicker around yourself, really not liking what was going on now. 
“Beetlejuice!” The girl repeated. 
And finally, just when you had your back practically pressed up against the stairs, Lydia called the strange name one more time, “Beetlejuice!” She shouted, and you felt your heart drop.
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nocturnal-jeon · 5 years
𝚍𝚒𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚖𝚎? ➛ 𝚍𝚊𝚍!𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚓𝚘𝚘𝚗
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here is the first scenario for you darling! the second one will be coming this week!
these dad scenarios are making me soft as shit so if you guys have any requests for dad scenarios, do send them in!
Namjoon felt extremely guilty leaving you at home with Ha-joon alone. Your mom and Namjoon’s mom had stayed over for a week, helping you out since it was the first time Namjoon went back to work full-time, but since they left, it was your first day alone with the baby. 
While he was sleeping, he seemed like the sweetest little alien baby who you loved with all your heart. But whenever he was hungry or lonely, all hell seemed to break loose in the house. It was as if he knew every time that you got into bed, because as soon as you would pull the covers over your body, wanting to take a short nap, you would hear his screams and wails over the baby monitor.
Ha-joon just didn’t want you to have any time to yourself, apparently. 
You tried to do some homework as he slept in his comfortably in his room across the hall, but just as you were beginning to understand the make-up material that your professors had so kindly given you, Ha-joon would start moving around. And that’s when you knew that he would start crying if you didn’t go hold him, so you practically jogged out of your room, going to his room. 
He looked up at you adorably as his short arms and legs moved around. Gently, you picked him up and walked over to his rocking chair. You sat down and leaned back into the comfortable cushion, moving your bodies back and forth. You looked down at him and smiled, giggling a bit when you realized that he was staring at you. 
“Are you trying to get me to forgive you for disrupting my work with those adorable eyes?” you asked in a baby voice Namjoon always made fun of you for. Ha-joon simply watched you, his little feet kicking out a bit. “That’s okay. I forgive you. I would much rather cuddle with you than study chemical equations,” you mumbled, leaning down to kiss his forehead. 
Suddenly, with the continuous rocking motion, his eyes fell closed as his chest rose up and down slowly. You looked up at the ceiling, thanking some higher power for allowing your son to finally fall asleep. With careful movements, you got up and put him back in his crib. With a small side smile, you rubbed his tummy. 
You then turned off the lights and turned on his little Koya night lights. No, they didn’t sell them, but Namjoon moved around a bunch of strings, spent a lot of money, and dedicated a lot of time to designing the one thing he loved in his son’s nursery. The nightlights. You closed the door, careful of the door slamming against the frame, and walked with tiptoes to the bedroom. You kept your door open and neatly placed your studying materials on the floor beside your bed before crawling into bed. 
You held your breath as you pulled the covers over your body, but as you looked over at your nightstand at the baby cam, you saw that Ha-joon was fast asleep. You chuckled to yourself before getting comfortable and shutting your own eyes. 
Namjoon entered the house two hours later, exhausted from work. He figured you had a rough day with Ha-joon since the kitchen was a mess. There were empty and half-filled formula bottles scattered all over table and counters. You had decided not to breastfeed and Namjoon was fine with that. If anything, it was easier since he didn’t have to wait for you to open your shirt to feed a hungry baby; Namjoon could just make the bottles himself. 
After cleaning up a little bit, he silently walked up the stairs. First, he peeked into the bedroom. He thought you looked adorable, sprawled out on the bed, strands of hair sticking everywhere. He entered the room and knelt on the bed, leaning down to place a chaste loving kiss to your forehead. 
He then changed out of his clothes into sweatpants and a t-shirt before walking across the hall to the nursery. Slowly, he opened the door and gasped playfully when he saw his little baby. “What are you doing up?” Namjoon questioned softly, walking over and leaning over the side of the crib. Ha-joon looked up at his dad and kicked his feet. 
Namjoon picked up the small infant, cradling him gently, before walking back down the stairs. He didn’t want to run the risk of waking you up. 
Laying down on the couch, Namjoon gently placed Ha-joon on his chest. 
“You missed me, didn't you?” Namjoon asked, his large hand rubbing over his back. Ha-joon wore a simple black onesie. “Do you want to hear what daddy did today?” Namjoon asked. And as Ha-joon blinked slowly, looking up at his dad, Namjoon took that as a yes. 
“Well,” Namjoon began. “I went with your uncles to dance practice. Daddy worked so hard today that my whole body hurts, but all I thought of was coming home to see you and mommy,” Namjoon explained, looking down at his son who was barely paying attention, at this point. But Namjoon always felt that if his ears were working, which they were, that he was listening anyway. “And then I spent some time writing a new song. It’s called KHJ. Do you know what those letters are?” he asked. Of course, the little month old baby on his chest did not know, but Namjoon liked to think that he was contemplating about the answer. 
“Those are your initials. Kim Ha-joon. I hope you’ll like the song once daddy is done with it,” Namjoon chuckled. Just as Namjoon finished that sentence, Ha-joon began to drool on his chest as his eyes fluttered shut. All he really needed was his daddy and now that he had him, sleep came easily. Namjoon mentally cursed himself when he realized that he left his phone upstairs so he couldn’t get a picture, but he figured that it was time to put him back in his crib. 
Retracing his steps, Namjoon placed the sleeping infant in his crib, slightly elevating both of his tiny feet and placing soft kisses to the soles of each. “Goodnight, my special boy,” Namjoon whispered. He smiled when he saw that you remembered to turn on his Koya night lights, but he closed the door and returned back to his bedroom. 
Crawling into bed, he wrapped his arms around your body. You woke up slightly and moved to put your head on his chest. “Long day?” Namjoon asked, rubbing your arm as you intertwined your legs with his. You let out a tired chuckle. “You don’t even know,” you said in a quiet voice. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here today. But I have a day off tomorrow, so I’ll be here,” Namjoon explained. You nodded against his chest tiredly. 
He placed a kiss to the crown of your head, smoothing down the hair strands that got put out of place. But then again, your whole head was a mess of tangled, crazy hair. But he thought you were adorable.
“Go to bed now, baby. I got him if he wakes up,” Namjoon whispered. You gave no response because you fell right back asleep. He looked over your head at the baby monitor momentarily, grinning when he saw Ha-joon sprawled out, sleeping soundly. The idea of sleep became known to Namjoon, so he closed his own eyes and fell asleep. 
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