designers-teaparty · 1 month
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robinsnest2111 · 2 years
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make up still on point at 3am ✨
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absolutelydedinside · 2 months
Dear Il Dottore,
I love you so much it cannot be contained into words. Even this letter is but a mere fraction of my affection. But I hope it gets the point across!
Every night when I cannot sleep and you're busy with work I imagine you laying next to me, your warm arms feel so real. I imagine you giving me snuggles and kisses. Even if in reality it is a mere delusion, it makes me happy. I care not if it is hurtful to me to love you so much, the happiness I feel with you by my side is something I will never forget nor change. Your existence brings me motivation and strength; something I find slipping from my grasp everyday without you.
In the early hours of the day I love it when I eat with you, even if it is a mere scrap or another tub of ice cream. Having you there with me is comforting. I know i'll never be alone because I have you with me! and i'm here for you as well! No matter what i'll always be here for you! 💕💕💕💕💕 I will be here to make you happy!! 💕
I love it when you tell me about how the serum you injected into patient 67 was a success or how you figured out what the missing component was to a machine. I love you so much Dottore!!!!!!! I feel like crying when you arent with me, even writing this im getting so emotional im.not evem joking.
AAhhhhh I just love you so much !!! I love you eyes, your face, your hair, your wardrobe, your ideals, your inspirations, your smile, and your EVERYTHING!!!! I just love you so much <3 WHENEVER I LOOK AT YOU I GET SO OVERWHELMED !!! I have to scratch and claw at my bed to calm myself down !!!
I love you so much I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU DOTTORE!!!!!!!!!!
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I remember you were so happy when I suprised you with that cheesecake for your birthday. You picked me up and gave me so many kisses!! I was so happy. And then for my birthday you made me a giant killing machine 😊 It was the best birthday present EVER!!!!!!!! I still love to snuggle with it!. I even got it a cute pink bow so it could match with you! It's so cute!! (but you're cuter~)
I love all the segments if it wasn't already obvious too!! Even if you cringe at things you did when you were younger, which is pretty funny :3 I love our son babyttore who gets rocks thrown at him!!! I love playing lps with him (he likes pulling them apart but its ok because he puts them back together afterwards) I love snuggling with you and all the segments!!!! 💖💖 YIPPE !!! *jumps around joyfully* I LOVE U DOTTORE!!!
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I love you dottore!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are so silly...... you are silly man :] 💕☺️ I love big spooning because it means I get to feel your soft hair!!!!!! YAY!! I LOVE YOU DOTTORE... You mean so much to me!! YOU ARE SUCH AN AMAZING MAN!!!! A BEAUTIFUL MAN!!! YOU ARE SO ADORABLE AND CUTE!!! I JUST WANT TO SMOTHER YOUR FACE WITH KISSES!!!!! AND I WANT TO HUG YOU FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!!! you hold such a special place in my heart, all my thoughts lead to you. I see you EVERYWHERE!!!! I hear you EVERYWHERE!!! I'm so in love with you Dottore!!!
My dreams, which used to be empty now have you in them, whenever I close my eyes I see you there smiling at me. I love you! you are my everything in life, my sweetie pookie bear kitten. I love being with you every day 💕 you make every day worth it!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE U DOTTORE!!!!!! i love you :3 you are so smart and pretty, you're the prettiest man EVER!!!!!!!!! and I love you!!!!!!!!!!! :]
When im sad I think of you and my day immediately gets better! You bring me so much joy ! you make every day my best day! I love listening to you ramble about your experiments and theories! and I love seeing you happy.
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I love kissing you!!! seeing you cute face blush whenever I kiss you makes it so worthwile! I know you think that you don't deserve it, but I will always be here to remind you otherwise! I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU DOTTORE!!!! 💖💖💖💖
I have some other things i'd love to say too but... *giggles* ehe! not here *blushes* thats for private ;) giggles :3 lets just say!! I wanna make whoopie with your cushions! 💖💖💖💖💖💖 *blushes madly* hehehe..... >//////< got a bit too carried away there sorry sweetcheeks <3 lets get back to the more sfw stuff~
You have such a beautiful smile that it rivals the world. Your eyes are like a sunset and your hair is the blue sky. Your smile shines like the clouds which litter the sky and the stars that scatter at night. You're my favorite view. You light up my world.
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Even if others throw rocks are you I wont!!!!!! I will shield you from those rocks and bear the pain. I will protect you my princess! I will save you from the evil tower!!! and then I will kiss you 💕 I will give your face kisses.... and then I will kiss your lips!!!! 😊😊😊😊
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A world without you feels so far away, the thought of you vanishing is one that brings me pain. I would rather bear the heat of a thousand suns than think of leaving you, my beloved sopping wet beast. I'll stand by your side no matter what!!!!!!!!!!! because I LOVE YOU!
You're so smart and determined that it inspires me to be my best self everyday!!! to not let others bring me down! You bring out the best in me and I bring out the best in you 💖 we bring out the best in each other!!!! We fit together like puzzle pieces 💕 Whenever i'm with you i feel like im drowning in a sea of love and affection, a blue abyss of serotonin 🥰
Your eyes are the same color as that which keeps my body alive, maybe this is why I always find myself getting lost in them. Whenever I think of you my chest feels like its going to explode! my love for you is so strong. Your happiness is my happiness, Dottore 💕 I love your eyes so much!!! they are so beautiful and I love how you get flustered when I compliment them ☺️ you're just so cute when you blush!!! It makes me want to kiss you all over! ♡
The warmth of your body when we snuggle is a comfort I love experiencing every day!! I used to have a hard time sleeping but with you I don't! The love of your embrace never fails to lull to me dreamland at night 🥰🥰 I LOVE YOU DOTTORE!!! I LOVE YOU!!!
You bring me so much happiness, I can't even imagine a world without you!! I would probably be withering in the corner of my room like a dead fly in a fridge (reference to the dead fly that was in my fridge). I would have been turned into tiny little mold particles!! but IM NOT BECAUSE YOU'RE IN MY LIFE!!! :DDD
Ill fight the heavens to save you. ILL PROTECT YOU MY SNUGGLE BEAR!!!!!!!!! I love you so much. Even writing this I feel my cheeks heating up! 😊 and when I hear your voice I feel butterflies in my tummy !!!!! i love you so much 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕😊☺️😊😊
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Ahhh! so joyous!!
Love, Absol ♡
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etheries1015 · 25 days
I had a cursed thought. What if you and Lilia are getting steamy, and you call him "Daddy". And it's an instant turn-off for him because it makes him remember little Silver calling him that (and that instantly killed his snake)
AAHHHHH THATS SO FUNNYYY AND HORRIBLE honestly I will never understand the daddy or mommy kink so I too would lose my sexual appetite, but I can imagine it far worse for Lilia, who is indeed a dad 😭🤣 granted, Silver calls him "father" ... HAHA
MC getting steamy, sitting on Lilias lap pressing against his erection and leaning over to whisper in his ear...
MC- Please...I want you inside me, daddy
Lilia, freezing all of his movements- What...did you just say, my dear?
MC- ...Daddy?
Lilia, who's now soft, and runs a stressed hand through his hair- Well. I was always interested in such play, but now that I experience it in action, I can say with full confidence I do not enjoy it!
MC- any specific reason why? You even got soft over it! I wasn't THAT horrible and un-sexy at saying it, was I?!
Lilia- No no, of course not dear. You will always be appealing to me no matter what you say. Its just that....
MC folding their arms and tilting their head- uh-huh...?
Lilia- It reminds me of Silver!
MC, mortified- WHAT? me calling you 'daddy' reminded me of your SON? that's kind of fucked up (jokingly)
Lilia- oh hush now! I mean when Silver was a babe, he used to call me daddy. I suppose I can't hear that word the same! Whenever I hear the term "daddy" my mind wanders to his fat little hands grabbing at my hair whining; "Daddy! Daddy! Wets go pway!" Or something of the sort. Now that I think of it, I never liked the term "daddy," to begin with, so I had him call me "father" if he insisted as addressing me as his parent.
MC- ohh... Well. I'm not sure how to recover from this, the mood is broken. Do you want to be called something else...?
Lilia- hmm...
Lilia uses a swift hand to grasp your wrists and push your back against the soft bed, chuckling at your surprise and planting a kiss upon your forehead.
Lilia- Let's forget about silly little names for now. How about we just enjoy our time together per usual, hmm?
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fanfiction-blep · 1 year
babe ur work has me going feral I love it sm EEEK
is there a chance u could do neytiri (with a female na'vi reader) and they just have really sweet intimate sex
possibly with some overstimulation and marking ?
have a lovely day!
Thank you so much my love! I'm glad you're enjoying the filth ;) I have been dying to write for Neytiri, like please look at this women! AHHH. I cannot explain how down bad I am for this women, she's so beautiful and strong and AAHhhhh
I am on a train rn, so this may not be as edited as I would have liked. Hope it’s what you wanted honey!!
Neytiri X Na'vi Fem/Reader Smut
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Warnings: Oral f/reviving. Fingering. Marking/biting. Overstimulation.
Neytiri had been out on a hunt, collecting food for you both. Normally you would have gone with her but you wanted to surprise her with you're new found love of beading, creating wonderous gifts for your mate. Today you had collected several green and purple beads connected with a dark brown twine, a necklace. You heard a noise to your left and turned too see her standing in the entrance of your living space. Her eyes shining with the smile that had formed on her lips at the sight of you.
"I see you" She beamed placing the fresh kill on the floor, walking over to you. You pouted slightly, the necklace wasn't finished you still had a few knots to tie ensuring it would be durable for all her daily activities. "Aw what is the matter my sweet?" She cupped your face only slight concern showing on her features. She knew you by now she knew you liked to have your gifts for her prepared in silk cloth so she could open them, you enjoyed the anticipation on her face as she unwrapped the items.
"Wanted to surprise you" The words were mumbled but she understood.
"It's sweet that you wanted to surprise me, don't worry the meaning is still there. It's still special." She kissed your nose gently and watched intently as you finished you're work, once completed you lifted it up. Several strands of beads interconnecting with one another it was a beautiful design. A wide smile covered both you're faces as you shuffled into her lap to fasten the new accessory to her neck. Neytiri's fingers traced the beads a soft sigh falling from her lips, her hands making their way to your hip. "You are so good to me flower" She pushed her forehead against you own rubbing her cheeks and lips against your skin. Eventually you couldn't take it anymore and you began to feverishly kiss her, lips pressing against you're makes in a desperate plea for her attention. A soft giggle left her lips she her fingers traced circles on the flesh of your hips and thighs. "No rush my sweet we have all night" She kissed you hard this time, pushing her hands into your hair moving her hips to make you more comfortable on top of her. Your own hands danced across her shoulders, one hand landing on her breast slipping underneath she chest covering. You traced the hardening nipple with one finger while your other hand traced down her stomach, she got the idea and spread her thighs ever so slightly allowing the cold night air to hit both of your wet cores. While your hand fondled and played with her breast her lips traced down your neck sucking and nipping at the skin softly, drawing a moan out of you. Momentarily stopping the movement of your hands in their journey.
"Please" you whispered eyes connecting with hers. she nodded understanding your request, she reached one hand on your lower back massaging the area with her fingers her free hand reaching down to release your loin cloth, you mimicked her actions groaning as the smell of your joint arousal hit your nose. You pinched her nipple lightly causing her she suck in a breath and bite a little harder into your shoulder.
"Ma (Y/N)"
"Neytiri" You breathed heavily as you both began to trace soft circles on each others most sensitive areas' the scent of her hanging thick in the air. No matter how many times you got the smell her or taste her it never got old, you loved it. You traced your fingers against her entrance spreading her slick against your fingers, before slowly entering her, doing your best to watch her face. She was so beautiful the way her eyes fluttered closed, the way her fingers pushed harder against the skin of your back signalling you were making her feel good and the feeling of her teeth tracing your neck. The hand that had previously been pleasuring you braced itself on your shoulder. Her tongue tracing your skin in between the nips and love bites she left behind. "How do you feel" You whispered and you started a 'come hither' mother he back slouching slightly as she gave into the pleasure, Her tail coming to connect with your thigh, almost on instinct your own tail found hers the hairs on the tips brushing against each other.
"So good, you make me feel so good my love, ma (Y/N)" you smiled feeling accomplished, it was sweet moments that this that allowed you to live such a content life, being so intimate and close with the women you loved. You pressed you're fingers up hitting her G spot causing Neytiri to jump slight. You're free hand now switching between her breasts fondling the flesh.
“That’s it” you hummed as a whine left her throat, “your so beautiful my beautiful Neytiri.” You removed your hands from her chest and placed your fingers on her jaw pushing her chin up forcing her to kiss you deeply. You took the opportunity to move your fingers harder bringing her closer to the edge, enjoying her moaning into your mouth.
“Ohh ahh C-close” she began to shake, the final straw was when you traced your thumb on her clit pushing her closer and closer over the edge until finally she crumbled collapsing against you, thrusting her hips into your fingers and biting harshly into your neck canines piercing the skin. “Ahhha” the whines that left her mouth were like a prayer. A little hiss left your mouth when her own pulled off your skin. Instead of paying it any mind you pulled your fingers out of her and pushed them into your mouth sucking harshly in the digits humming contently.
“As sweet as honey” she blushed and looked away slightly embarrassed, moments like this were rare to see the strong worrier bashful in front of you. You felt honoured to see her in such a state. She leaned in a placed a soft kiss the the puncture marks on your next shaky hands lifting you off of here. Laying you down and spreading your knees. She left open mouthed kisses along both yours thighs leading down to where you needed her most. Your one hand tangling gently in her hair the other tracing the necklace that now adorned her neck.
“Let me take care of you my flower” she hummed as she licked up your wet folds hands lightly holding your thighs over her shoulders “stay still for me okay? Can you do that?” You nodded pulling your bottom lip between your teeth watching as the smile spread across her face and then all you could see was her eyes watching you like a cat from between your legs, the image burned into your brain. The pleasure was too much as your head lulled back against the soft surface beneath you she pulled your clit into her mouth sucking harshly. The anticipation having left you aching and sensitive, she pushed harder against your thighs as she let your clit go with a pop. Pushing her tongue into your welcoming core a moan crumbling in your throat as your back arched at the sensation. It was torture she would switch between sucking on your clit and then start tongue fucking you. Eve you she pulled away and pushed her digits into you pulling you closer to your orgasm. “Are you close my love” she hummed sucking hikers into your pelvis and hips mumbling under her breath “all mine, so pretty for me” you whines and pushed your his upwards desperate for your high.
“Please Neytiri” you begged
“Aw” she bummed again changing her body’s posting fingers still working inside you she sat at your side running her free hand through your hair leaving soft kisses on your cheeks. “You can do it, come one” you came with a high pitched whine body writhing around, but she didn’t stop riding you out of your orgasm and even after. She didn’t stop, when you began to whine again she moved her fingers faster watching your features, eyes squeezed shut mouth wide open hands gripping onto the floor and her forearm. “There you go” she cooed kissing you deeply as you came again. She still didn’t stop. A strangled moan got caught in your throat.
“It’s too much, please” she shook her head smiling at you softly
“You can do one more? Please? For me” you chocked out another moan throwing your head back pushing your hips upwards she crawled back to her spot between your tights placing her mouth around your clit kitten licking the bundle of nerves. You were downright screaming at this point the pleasure to much for your already overstimulated body. She pulled your clit into her lips sucking harshly pushing you over the edge to your third orgasm. Cumming over her face. Hands pushing her head away to try and stop the agonising pleasure she softly licked at your folds and clit bringing you down. She climbed up to cradle your head into her chest. “You did so well for me, always so good” she softly began to sing a lullaby lulling you into sleep. Running her fingers through your hair. With a final kiss to her lips and a long sigh you fell into the embrace of sleep. Peaceful and content.
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mattsturniololoverr · 1 month
~The after party~
A/n: guys this is my first fic please correct me on anything wrong and request ideas!Summary: y/n finally meets the triplets a week before her best friends birthday party , let's say alot happens.....
Warnings:  a series - definitely smut in the next-chapter -drinking - smoking - m/f receiving - Dom!Matt - p in V - unprotected sex - degradation - praising - use of y/n - getting caught
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pt2 pt3
I was getting ready for my best friend Laney's 21st birthday. I didn't really know anyone except Laney and a couple other people , but it was mainly an influencer get together cos nearly everyone going had at least 1 mill on YouTube or tiktok or something at this point.
All I knew was that the triplets would be there and what can I say , they're hot and they know it. I've only collabed with a few people once or twice and with the triplets once and let's say it went quite well. Well I would say so....
*- Last week -*-
I was sat at my desk putting on the last finishing touches of my make-up. Then suddenly my phone bussed and bussed and bussed until I answered.
"Hey! It's me nick I got your number of Laney! Hope you don't mind , I should have texted you first but just wanted to ask if you wanted to come round sometime you seem fun!!!!!"
"Omg nick you scared me I thought this was some random freak! but yeah of course I would love to come round some time!"
"Okay girly sorry for scaring you *he laughs* , is tomorrow okay I could get Matt to come get you?"
"Yeah! Okay that sounds good , should we say 2pm???"
"Yeah! That's perfe- CHRIS SHUT UP. I am so sorry Chris ran out of Pepsi I'll see you tomorrow bye girl!"
Once he hung up , I texted Laney straight away.
My wife🤍: maybe you'll actually get recognised on YouTube now 🙄🙄🙄 BUT YAY
I was so excited to meet them , especially Matt. Ever since I started watching their videos when they started all the way back in 2020 which is crazy , It feels like I've known them for years but realistically I know them they just don't know me.
It feels weird to say that but it's true and I feel so excited that I'm actually going to be meeting them! And of course I'm excited I'm meeting them all but I just have a thing for Matt , well I mean who wouldn't look at the man he's stunning.
-*- tomorrow -*-
I slowly opened my eyes to the blaring sound of my alarm , I had to set off extremely early because otherwise I would be waking up at 7pm. And of course I can't be late with meeting them that would be so embarrassing , so instead I woke up 7 hours earlier than I needed to so I have extra time to be prepared , who knows what's gonna happen. ( Little does she know a lot is gonna happen )
-*- 2 hours later -*-
Ive just finished in the shower I used my favourite shampoo to make my hair look shiny and blonde and my strawberry body wash. After I felt fresh and clean , I realised that I had taken 2 hours in the shower which was longer than I thought but that's okay because I have another 5 hours left. I sat down and tied my hair in a towel and started doing my skin care , I was just about to put on my toner until my phone bused.
Nick💜: is it okay if Matt picks you up in like an hour?? Chris decided we all need to go mini golfing. It was his idea not mine don't blame me 😭.
Me: that's okay haha and yeah that's fine I'll be ready in an hour!
I had an hour to get ready and I didn't know if I was gonna make it. I had to skip half of my skin care and get straight to my makeup with my primer and then foundation and then the rest. I had just about finished my makeup now just drying my hair but I looked at the clock behind me on my wall above my mirror to find that I only had 15 minutes left until Matt was here , and I didn't have time to dry and curl my hair , I haven't even picked out my outfit!?
I rushed with drying my hair so much that I forgot to buy anti frizz spray so I quickly sprayed it on hoping it would work.
.5 minutes left okay that's not too bad , I nearly tour my whole wardrobe apart trying to find the perfect outfit , I had found out a blue Bandana type tube top and some baggy black jeans and my converse and I had my silver Vivienne Westwood earrings in and my silver horse necklace what my dad gave me before he moved states.
Once I put on my outfit and the finishing touches my phone rang , it was Matt , well I presumed it was since it was bang on 11 o'clock and an unknown number.
"Hey it's Matt , nick gave me your number and I think I'm outside"
"If it has a white door then yes that's my house lol its in-between to house with black doors"
"Oh shi- wrong house hold on"
I could hear Matt drop the phone and the car reversing.
"Ok now I'm here"
"Okay I'm on my way"
Once I hung up I opened my door to Matt outside greeting me with a hug.
"Hi sorry about being really early It was Chris's fault".
He said with a small hue of pink in his cheeks.
"Haha don't worry about it , I love mini golf anyway" i smiled at him.
He started heading to the passenger door and opened with the kind words of
"lady's first".
I gave him a smile and couldn't help but blush that the boy I have been crushing over for 4 years is opening the door for me.
During the car ride Matt seemed stressed , I could see him fiddling with his rings every time we stopped at a red light. I didn't realise but I was also really nervous , so nervous I started playing with the horse on my necklace.
He seemed to pick up on it maybe 5-10 minutes into the drive to get nick and Chris.
"If you're nervous , me too I hate when nick just asks people to Collab without asking me and Chris , I think he knows I'll love it once I get to know the person but it would be nice to ask you know" he said with slight anger in his voice."I didn't mean that I don't want you here cos I do- but not in that wa- unless you want it to be- I'm gonna stop now" he said cutting himself off after a couple words.
"Matt it's okay I'm nervous too , I've been watching your guys videos since you started , it feels like I'm meeting someone like Justin Bieber right now like a full on celebrity" he chuckles at the end of my sentence.
"Hey we have the same necklace" I said trying to change the awkwardness as I turned my head towards him.He looked to the right to see what we did.
"Ha I didn't realise , I got this from my mom".
"Mines from my dad before he moved states".
The only difference with our necklaces was that the horses were facing opposite ways to each other.
-*-time skip-*-
It's been a couple hours since we all got home from mini golfing , let me just say Chris is a very sore loser , I think Matt won then nick , then me and lastly chris.
We were all sat together on the couch , watching ru Paul as me and nick loved it.
Only Chris and Matt were on the phone.I was starting to move around cos I was sitting in an uncomfortable position but Matt's phone flew out his hand when I accidentally knocked his arm.
"I'm so sorry!"
I whispered in embarrassment as I picked his phone up only to see him on my Instagram and all my pictures were liked. I turned my head towards him only to find him looking right back at me with the most red cheeks I've ever seen. Once we made contact he looked at the floor immediately.I slid his phone back to him on the couch , and sat back in my seat trying to forget what just happened.
-*- 1 hour later -*-
My mind was racing , what if Matt liked me or was he just being a nice friend? No? Yes? I don't even know anymore.
I tried everything I could to stop thinking about it but now could I until I got a message
Matt: come to my room after? We need to speak.
I just looked at him and turned back to my phone and nodded trying not to make it to obvious to his brother what was going on.I was just thinking about what's gonna happen before nick interrupted
"Chris I'm hungry let's go get food , Matt show y/n around the house properly shes only seen the living room for Christ sake"
Once nick and Chris left Matt stood up almost immediately. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room and slammed the door behind me.
"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to happen like this".
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buckyalpine · 1 year
What is it? It’s a duck
More bs incorrect quotes, more here, not related, just pure ridiculousness I like to pull out my ass every so often: 
If It walks like a duck
If it Talks like a duck
Also my inspo for one of the scenes below: 
You snorted watching the puppy mount its toy, his eyes locked on his target as he started wiggling his hips, clearly determined to hump it itll it could squeak no more. 
“Butters!” You couldn’t help but whip your phone out, tears streaking down your face while Bucky rolled his eyes at the romping pooch. “Oh my gosh, Isn’t Butters so cute Bucky?” 
“No” Bucky crossed his arms across his chest, he wasn’t jealous of the 2 lb furball smaller than his hand that had all your attention as of late. Not at all. 
“C’mon, how can you not laugh” 
“Oh but when I do it, its stop Bucky, go to sleep Bucky, use your right hand Bucky, porn is free Bucky” 
You: I know you took it
Bucky: I didn’t do anything *innocently pouts*
You: I saw you eyeing it Barnes, where’d you put it
Bucky: I would never look at, so much as eat something as childish as dunkaroos y/n. In fact, I’m so insulted, I’m going to my room. 
*Leaves to go to his room, snickering to himself while he goes and pulls out the box, ripping open the packet, dunking his finger in the frosting* 
Bucky: No one ever has to know
Steve: How was your walk in the park
Bucky: Fine
Sam: How’s the weather out, was thinking about going for a run
Bucky: Fine *his eyes suspiciously glancing around the room* 
Steve:...Did something happen Buck?
Bucky: Nope.
Sam: Did you just meow?
Bucky:...yep. Can’t a grown man meow Sam. I spent years under ice, just got my life back, finally sort of free and you’re telling me I can’t meow? Meow, I’ll meow all I want. What does the doggy say? bow wow, what does the kitty say? Meow meow
*Bucky panics*
Bucky: What does the moo cow say? AAHHHHH!
Sam: Okay *throws his hands up, scrunching his face when he notices movement in Bucky’s leather jacket” Motherfucker what are you hiding
Steve: Okay, spill Buck
*Bucky reaches into his coat, pulling out a tiny white stray kitten*
Bucky: Her name is Alpine
You: That bitch has Dunkaroo frosting on his lips, I can see it 
*You narrow your eyes at Bucky as he walks in, cookie crumbs and a the tiniest smearing of frosting on his pouty bottom lip*
Sam: How you gonna prove it 
You: Watch
*You walk over, grab his face, squishing his cheeks together* 
You: Right. There! See?! I can see it right there! It’s my dunkaroos all over your face!
Bucky: Is not
You: Is too
Bucky: is not
You: Is too
Bucky: Go a head and taste it then, prove it
You: Fine!
*You grab his face, smash your lips onto his, letting your tongue slip past his parted lips. He growls against your lips, picking you up by the backs of your thigs and placing you onto the counter, the both of you saying fuck all to oxygen*
You: I can taste-the icing-on your tongue *You’re out of breath, his hands coming up to grab your waist*
Bucky: You sure about that?
You: No, let me check again *Grabs his shirt, your hair tangling into his locks, kissing him again*
Sam: Good grief, we get it, he stole them! 
You: I-I knew you took them *you pant, your forehead resting against his while he huffs out a laugh*
Bucky: Should’ve stolen this instead *Grabs you for another kiss*
Tags: @glxwingrxse​​  @hungryyeyess​​  @sebsgirl71479​​  @beabutterfly987​​  @teambarnes72​​  @witchywhore​​ @jamesbuckybarneswify​​ @slutforsexyseabass​​  @chrisdrysdale​​ @littlemarvelmenfan​​  @buggy14​​  @whimsyplaty92​​  @sergntbarnes​​ @inkedaztec​​   @pono-pura-vida​​   @moonlightreader649​​ @brooklynscherry-z​​  @elle14-blog1​​ @justsebstan​​ @littlelightnings​​ @psychomanniac-blog​​  @happyt0exist​​   @emmabarnes​​  @bethyruth​​ @matchat3a​​  @cjand10​​   @getwellsoontana​​  @cherryschaos​​   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen​​  @ashenc-blog​​  @buckybarnessimpp​​   @potatothots​​  @goldylions​​  @high-functioning-lokipath​​ @morganemorganite-blog​​  @kingfleury​​   @peaches1958​​   @spiderman-stilinski​​   @peaceinourtime82​​  @gublur​​   @wintersmelodie​​ @geeky-politics-46​​   @lolawassad​​  @almosttoopizza​​   @a-poor-gryffindork​​ @alternativeprincess​​   @buckycallsmeaslut​​    @kamaria-sweet-writes​​  @charmedbysarge​​    @xnorthstar3x​​  @kryoee7​​ @alina02​​  @gh0stgurl​​    @polishprincess999​​ @jessybarnes​​ @alltheficsiwant​​ @chemtrails-club​​  @eralen​​   @perdidosbucky-yyo​  
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gaygodlywriting · 1 year
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«endless weeks» h.jisung
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genre: fluff, angst
pairing: han jisung x trans m! reader (m; male, fem alligned readers DNI)
relationship status: boyfriends
warnings: swearing, reader is trans!! mentions of bottom & top surgery, menstraul cycle (period)
summary/prompt: request!! (ty ty ty i love you omg mwauh!!!)
word count: 2140
type: full fic
writer: maddox
a/n: uhm ignore the fact that the request is a ss, i fucking posted it before i meant to like an idiot, which i am but we make it work. (also the picture omg i love him sm sm sm sm) i was trying to get more out of this and i had a plan then i lost it, so it’s not exactly where i was going with this— but i hope it fills the request well, i apologize if it’s not what you were looking for aahHhHh
requests: open (pls request im begging)
it was that week. you couldn’t stand that week. living in your body was hard enough as is, but no you weren’t left with just being in the wrong body. you also dealt with a week of excruciating pain and excessive dysphoria every month.
this week was particularly difficult off the bat. it was monday morning when it had begun, it was a week late. probably due to stress of some sort, but when yours is late you deal still have all the pain the week before as well. you were pissed off as soon as you were awoken from your slumber.
you hadn’t gone to bed with any preparation for it to begin, so with your luck it started in the night. you woke up and you could immediately just tell. you pushed yourself off the bed in the dark and walked to the restroom where your suspicions were proven right. as it all set into your clouded mind, you felt your chest tighten with the tears wanting to flow. you're typically not an emotional person but you were starving and the hormonal changes didn’t help. you held it together but your eyes still felt like they were swelling with tears.
you checked your pants only to find obvious stains, which was basically a routine occurrence at this point. but, it's not the stain itself, it's the pants. these sweats were your all time favorite, it just had to be these. you felt a tear make it’s way down your cheek dropping onto your hand that was tightly gripping the fabric that laid on your mildly shaking thighs.
“fuck..” you mumbled to yourself as you wiped away the evidence of any tears and collected yourself once more. when you had left your shared room earlier you brought a pair of pants and sanitary items. you decided it was best to shower quickly, get comfy and clean again. so you did just that.
you threw on the sweats on, among other things, and then walked back to your room. upon arrival you were met with your sleeping boyfriend, curled up with his knees to his chest, back facing you. he slept so peacefully, the way his hair fell neatly over his closed eyes, his mouth slightly agape. you had planned to just climb back into bed as it was early in the morning but what caught your eye was the stain on the grey sheets. that’s when your emotions hit you like a semi.
you wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and wrap your arms around your lover's waist, snuggling as close with him as physically possible. but your luck was not on your side, instead you needed to wake the sleeping beauty. you silently walked over to the opposite side of the bed, sighing deeply taking in the idea of having to explain what was going on.
you remember the countless times throughout your childhood where you stained sheets and got scolded for it as if you had control. you were never trusted to sleep without extra blankets under you for years. you didn’t want to be burdening your partner, it was one of your biggest fears. he has always been understanding, he never once criticized you. but nonetheless you were terrified.
you figured maybe you could just move him without waking him and then you wouldn’t have to deal with the confrontation. you leaned down slithering your arms right under his knees and shoulders. you smoothly picked him up, and walked to the couch in the living room. though half way through your trip he started to stir.
he wrapped his arms around your neck, “jagiya, what are you doing?” he spoke softly with a rough morning voice, with an added whine as he used his nickname for you.
“nothing sungie, just go back to sleep please.” you spoke trying not to let the slight shake in your voice show through to your boyfriend. he looked up at you through his heavy eyelids, but ultimately accepted being carried to wherever. you laid him softly on the couch and pulled a light blanket over him, hoping he didn’t decide to come check on you.
but he must’ve noticed the change in mood, because he was up and following you to see what’s going on. you started pulling off the sheets, so he put two and two together. he started pulling off the sheets with you.
“are you cleaned up already?” he spoke in the midst of helping out.
“yeah but, sung..” you trailed off watching as he mindlessly pulled off the sheets. he looked so tired, he was home late last night so you felt extremely guilty that he was helping. “jisung, please, go back to the couch and rest. i can handle it on my own, i’ll move you back to the bed in a bit.” you looked at him with a pleading look in your eyes. he met your gaze and shook his head, moving back to what he was doing.
he picked the sheets up and threw them in the wash, while you used a cleaning spray on the mattress and remade the bed.
once he returned he made his way over to hug you, “good morning y/n, did you need any medicine or food?” you wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your face in his shoulder, shaking your head.
you hated being taken care of, it wasn’t fit for you. you preferred the leading role in the relationship, but today just wasn’t a day where you could bring yourself to keep it together enough to stay in that leading role. jisung knew that well enough, so he did the bare minimum while still making sure everything was okay.
“you should lay back down hyung, you need to rest. but, are you sure you’re not hungry?” jisung asked again, he could tell you weren’t just cranky because of the most recent events. you were hangry, you don’t know where you got the trait. but, sometimes you don’t notice you're hungry until you start getting pissy and someone points it out.
you made a ‘err’ noise as you thought about it, ultimately you decided you were hungry. you wanted to cook for yourself but the pain that was clouded by your pissy mood started to set in. you didn’t necessarily have a verbal response, but jisung got the nonverbal cues. he could tell you just didn’t have the energy to respond, and he figured you were most likely nauseous making it extra hard to speak.
his arms, previously rubbing soothing circles on your back, moved to your shoulders to slightly move you off of him so he could get you both some food. he gently squeezed your shoulders, and walked to your shared kitchen.
you made your way back to the cleanly made bed, and sat with your back against the headboard. you pulled the comforter up to your waist and sat with your legs close to your chest. your phone sat upside down on the table side inches away from you, one of the easiest coping mechanisms. though, you couldn’t bring yourself to pick it up and distract yourself.
you used to not be as insecure with your body, as a teenager you thought you had accepted who you were. which you have, but you haven’t accepted the different parts of you in a physical manner. thoughts clouded your mind as you stared at the blank wall directly in front of you.
it got increasingly worse after top surgery, you genuinely thought it would help. it just made you realize how different you were, how you weren’t ‘truly’ a male based on society's standards. it makes you feel like an outcast. like, you’ll never be an actual boy. as if your entire identity is fake.
you were lost in thought as jisung came back into the room. hardly noticing the small creak of the door, or his soft gentle voice as he spoke to you. “i made you something easy on your stomach, i had a feeling you might be nauseous.” he smiled softly as he handed you the warm plate.
you glanced up at him with tired eyes and a half hearted smile, taking the plate out of his hand and laying it on your lap. he sat next to you with his own plate of food, rubbing your shoulder softly for a moment. eventually moving to eat his own food, in a peaceful silence next to you.
you both sat in silence for a while, just eating before jisung broke the silence, “what’s on your mind, hyung?” he was still focused on eating, he didn’t look at you as he spoke. your gaze trailed to him before it moved back to your plate.
you paused for a moment, your head felt like it could explode, it was running at the speed of light. every cell in your body ached, everything was too much. in almost a whisper you muttered, “a lot. i wish i was you.”
that caught your boyfriends attention, he glanced up at you, “you wish you were me..?” he repeated, with confusion on his face.
you looked up at him, meeting his gaze with a small nod, “i wish i was you.” you confirmed. “i wish i was born right. i wish, that’s all i ever do really. i wish it was different. why can’t i have what you have, what can’t i be a boy? why do i have to work for it?” you questioned, rambling on.
jisung let out a small sigh “you are a boy, nothing will change that.” he looked you directly in your eyes, a gentle soft look. his hand moved to your hand, that rested on your thigh. “it must feel like the entire world is against you, yeah?” you nodded slightly as he continued, “just pretend for a minute, pretend everything was okay, you were supposedly a normal male with all the male traits.” he paused letting you think for a minute. “you wouldn’t have the understanding of all the other boys, just like you, would you? no, you wouldn’t, you’re outlook on life would be drastically different. i know you hate the universe for putting you in this position, i know it hurts. i can’t understand what it’s like, i will never understand. but say, you make it through this, like i know you will, imagine all the other little boys struggling as you once did. imagine all the hope you’d provide for them.”
you nodded again, “i know, it’s hard though.” you muttered your gaze falling to his hand on yours.
“oh jagiya, i know it’s hard. i know you’re hurting, physically, mentally, all of it.” he let out a small sigh, pulling you into a hug, your chin rested on his shoulder. your body didn’t have the strength to return the hug as you sunk into his embrace. something about the familiar warmth from his touch made it go away just for a moment.
he continued, “just because you weren’t born in the right body, doesn’t make you any less of a boy than i am. you have many tough decisions to make, and i promise i’ll be right here with you for all of it, okay?” he smiled softly as he spoke against your ear.
you nodded against his shoulder as your eyes set gaze on his food, a small smirk came to your face as you quickly snatched a small piece of his food.
“hey!” he sat up as he stared at you with a playfully hurt expression, “that was a low blow, hyung!” the both of you burst out laughing, he made everything so much easier. he playfully shook his head as he watched you chew his food.
“can we go back to bed now? you looked so pretty asleep.” you playfully teased him with a small whine as you spoke. you watched as the blood rushed to his face, you loved teasing him. especially when you pull a reaction like that out of him.
he nodded and you quickly moved the plates to the table beside the bed, flicking the lights off. you pulled him to your chest as the both of you laid back down in the freshly made bed. his back was against your chest as you pressed small ‘good night’ kisses on his shoulder and nape. small giggles left his mouth as it tickled.
you smiled softly as you finally just laid down, whispering a small “i love you, sung.”
“i love you too, hyung.” he muttered in return, allowing himself to close his eyes again. he almost immediately fell asleep, you stayed up a little longer admiring his sleeping figure once more. then you allowed yourself to fall asleep as well, much more comfortable then when you woke up.
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yv17 · 2 years
yoon jeonghan bf hcs !
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a/n: this was requested by anon, and it's also my first request AAHHHHH i'm so excited istg ^-^ hope you enjoy it, and thank u for requesting !! also i'm really sorry if some things won't make sense, i tried my best ^^
warnings: none
genre: fluff
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% ah yoon jeonghan, the only man to ever exist, he's behavior screams boyfriend material, but a very specific boyfriend material which i absolutely and wholeheartedly adore.
% a relationship with jeonghan is one full of surprises; you never really know what to expect from him. he's able to make every day something new and exciting for you, and his playful and charming personality only adds to the pros of dating him. he's literally your perfect, high school heartthrob type of boyfriend.
% jeonghan trusts you, and he wants to make sure that you know you can trust him with everything, too. he always reminds you with little actions that in front of him you can be your true self, you can let let loose for a little, show your imperfections and stuff that you wouldn't want the average person to see. because he will never judge you, ever. he knows you have flaws, just as every other person in this world does, but he's doesn't care. he loves all of them, even the ones you hate the most.
% with that being said, he's just so proud of you as a person, he can't shut up about you. he doesn't care how many times he'll be called a simp by his bandmates, he will constantly gush about how amazing you are until he's out of breath. he just thinks your so incredible and the whole world should know just how amazing you are!
% this man just LOVES teasing you, and i mean it. you're slightly shorter than him? he will get things from higher shelves for you just to put it on the higher ones, so you will have to ask him for help. you easily get flustered? he will shower you with compliments and sweet words just to see your face turn red. he finds your reactions really cute, especially when you get mad at him for doing those things; he just can't help but smile from ear to ear when you punch him in the arm after he did something that made you blush, trying your hardest to hide the redness on your face.
% even though teasing is basically his love language, he will always remember to shower you with love and praise simply because he thinks you deserve it. once he says the first i love you, he won't stop. but that doesn't mean the word will lose its meaning, oh no. with every i love you he means it more and more, and everyone around you can see it in the way his eyes sparkle while looking at you, and I the way his smile looks ten times more true and genuine when he's around you.
% he loves showering you with gifts, and expensive ones too. usually, he gives them for your anniversaries or any other special days, but sometimes he brings them totally out of the blue. and when you ask him what's the occasion, he just makes up some incredibly stupid one. "it's national i saw this on the way back home and it's your favorite color so I bought it day, sweetheart."
% sweetheart is hands down his favorite petname for you. he will use it almost all the time, because he just loves the sound of it. you might hear him using honey from time to time, but sweetheart is definitely the number one in his vocabulary.
% since jeonghan is comfortable around you, his not afraid to show his tears and cry in your presence or just show that he's extremely tired. if he had a bad day, he drops his happy mischievous persona the moment he steps into your apartment, and in moments like these, he loves to just lay down with you and listen to you talk about your day, while you slowly comb through his hair with your fingers.
% he wanted to introduce you to other seventeen members almost the moment you two got into a relationship, even before that. and even though they're sometimes a little annoyed that he talks about you so much, when they met you for the first time, they actually realized why he gushes about you so often. it's obvious for them that you were made for eachother; your differences filling each other perfectly, and your similarities making you the sweetest couple around.
% while we're on the topic of other seventeen members, jeonghan definitely took joshua with you at least once to thirdwheel on your date, just because he wanted him to take nice pics of you two. and turns out, the pics ended up being really pretty, especially the ones you had no idea were even being taken. both of you keep them close to you at all times, you having your favorite one under your phone case and jeonghan having a few of them in his wallet.
% definitely the type of boyfriend who will buy you enormous amounts of his albums just so he can make sure you'll get his photocard in at least one of them. and the fact that in most of them you've pulled mingyu makes you cackle every single time.
% arguments with jeonghan happen, but not out of anger, rather of frustration and worry. especially, when one of you starts overworking themselves and it becomes visible to the other one. but every single argument like this just proves to you two that you really care about each other, and just sometimes don't know how to voice it properly.
% if you wanna order take out with him, just know that you will probably have to order from two different places because as much as he loves you, he thinks some of your food choices are rather questionable and he's usually voicing it a lot. well, at least you don't have to worry about him stealing your food now!
% he doesn't even try to hide the fact that if he could, he would put one of his hoodies on you and make you wear it 24/7. and when he's going on tour or won't be able to see you for a long time? expect him coming up to your house with two bags full of his clothes, enough that you can have a runway show in them.
% jeonghan loves you so, so much and he won't hesitate to fight anyone who thinks about you in a bad way. after all you're his favorite person on earth, and he wants the whole world to know how much of an angel you are.
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taglist: @beomblvssom @moonarix @triuusi <3
>> main masterlist
>> svt masterlist
© yv17, all rights reserved.
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c0-p1um · 1 year
Brat Taming bottom-Kaveh🌿 NSFW🗝
Drunk Kaveh, Bottom Kaveh(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) , whining, Top Al-haitum, brat taming, "punishment", slight degrading, sesetive words? Slut,whore,brat etc.
It was a stormy night in Sumeru. The leafs were blowing off of the trees as the rain got even heavier.
Al-Haitum was reading a book, getting lost in his tray of thoughts.
It was peaceful.
Too peaceful.
Al-haitum didn't mind, he liked it this way. Until, a sudden thud was heard. Al-haitum jolted in shock, seeing Kaveh flat out drunk on the ground.
"Kaveh?.." Al-haitum walked up to Kaveh nudging him with the tip of his shoe. He sighed at his behavior and unwillingly picked him up placing him on his bed.
Al-haitum came back with some warm water and sat next to Kaveh, while he was still squirming around.
"Here, drink up" Al-haitum uttered in a deep voice. Kaveh slapped it out of his hand.
"No.." Kaveh mutterd squirming around in Al-haitums bed trying to find a comfortable position.
Al-haitum's eyes twitched at this, both in annoyance and anger. First Kaveh didn't pay his rent and now this?
Al-haitum face palmed and sighed.
"Well atleast get off my bed ?" Al-haitum mutters trying to push Kaveh off.
Suddenly Kaveh kicked Al-haitum down onto the ground and flipped over finally found his position hes most comfy with.
Al-haitum got up irritated at this. He got onto the bed and flipped Kaveh over.
Kaveh looked up at Al-haitum and without a second thought grabbed his breasts
Al-haitum blushed getting abut irritated at Kaveh.
"Really?.." Al-haitum forcully held Kaveh's hands together.
"Hands off..." Kaveh muttered.
"No, I will get my way with you" Al-haitum whispered into his ear. Sending shivers down Kaveh's spine.
Al-haitum forcefully grabbed Kaveh's chin and was about to roughly kiss him, but,
Al-haitum put his finger onto Kaveh's lips leaving him in confusion.
"Oh?~ did you think I was gonna actually kiss you? Pathetic"
Kaveh looked away still quite tipsy. Al-haitum smirked and went to start kissing his neck leaving red marks on his neck.
Kaveh couldn't do anything but accept his fate and squirm around when Al-haitum finds his sweet spots.
Eventually Al-Haitum found it. The sweet spot on Kaveh's neck, which surprisingly didn't take very long.
"Haitum.. Hurry dammit.."
"Patience brat."
Al- haitum traveled down to Kaveh's thighs and started to drag his finger around them.
"Haitum.." He whined
"Shut up slut.." He replied in a stern tone, making Kaveh shiver
Hours has passed by now and Al-Haitum still hasn't got to the good part, little did you you know, this was is plan all along.
Al-haitum finally decided it was time. He put one of Kaveh's legs onto his shoulder. He started to strip Kaveh, aswell as himself and untied Kaveh's hair.
Al-haitum left a few marks between his thighs. He started fingering Kaveh. Without proper lubrication it was painful for Kaveh but he got use to it and started to enjoy a experience.
"Your taking this well, brat. Im surprised, you whine a whole lot~.."
Kaveh couldn't care less, this was humiliating but fuck it. He was enjoying it and got even more excited for what's to come.
Al-haitum lined himself up infornt of Kaveh's hole.
"Fuck.. Haitum~.."
"Shut up. Whore..."
Al-haitum threw is head back, feeling something he never felt before. Al-haitum looked back and Kaveh who was covering his face, specially the mouth.
'How charming..' Al-haitum thought.
Al-haitum fully inserted himself into Kaveh, Kaveh shot up in the sudden shock of pleasure and slight pain due to the rough pace.
Al-haitum started to move in a steady yet fast pace.
"Haitum!~.. Too.. Rough.." Kaveh yelled as he kept moving.
"You do realize.. I can feel you moving, you clearly are enjoying this.. Don't lie, you bitchy brat.."
Kaveh couldn't deny though. He enjoyed this, but he felt humiliated.
Al-haitum moved in a much rougher pace. Making Kaveh loud
"Fuck..! Kaveh.." He grunted and intertwined his fingers with Kaveh's
Kaveh moaned loudly as he shot his load into him. Kaveh came right after.
The two panted gaining their breath. Kaveh was so tipsy and he fell asleep right after. Al-haitum fell asleep cuddling into Kaveh.
It was early morning, the birds were chirping and the sun was shining, simple morning i know.
Al-haitum was casually reading a book. Again. It was way too peaceful.
Yep. Knew it , it was way too peaceful
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imaginecorporation · 1 year
Aahhhhh, the Limbus Company sprite character art looks really good, Mod Aleph! You have the heavy outer lineart and varying sizes of inner line art plus back the shading down pat.
You matched the sinners uniform colors quite well although I now wonder what your EGO stripe suit style and base EGO weapon would be. Got any hints to what they could be? Or what kinda backstory your self-insert would have to join Limbus Company B?
Oh and of course, we just HAVE to wonder what your designated hex color and name plus your sinner number wuld be. The eyes and hair colors are really good looking for both the sprite and possible color name, they're colorful enough to stand out from the crowd of sinners if you put them into a battle plus unique enough that the shade of the sea green hair and dark pink eyes makes it easy to differentiate from Faust's pink or Honglu's turquiose colors.
Does Mod Finn have their own Limbus Company OC too?
Also, regarding your question on if anyone wanted to see more Mod Aleph art together with Heathcliff....HAND SHOOTS UP TO THE SKY ME ME ME ME I WANT TO SEE PLEASE! YOUR ART IS ALREADY SO GOOD! I AM EXCITED TO SEE MORE
Sorry for the many questions and long ask and for any mistakes in spelling or grammar, currently on mobile.
Hi Faithanon!!! You do not want to know the amount of color picking and cross referencing went into that art. I ref'd pretty much every woman sinner lMAO (mostly don though. the eyes are big don inspired. and. i am one inch shorter than don irl so the proportions worked best. I Am Tiny.)
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I mean. look at me. Small. (you can notice the replication inconsistencies when put next to an actual sprite but shhhhhh)
BUT. I do have a small bit about her!
She's called Mimi and she's not. ACTUALLY a sinner. Hence why her uniform is similar but Not Exactly. She's missing the red stripes, some accents, and her name being anywhere on her coat
I usually refer to her as being some odd temp hire stand in from another branch of Limbus. Basically just "oh here have this random woman to fight alongside you. What Do You Mean That Ended Poorly The First Time" (though you mentioning the idea of base ego makes it SO tempting to work out a more sinner oriented angle for her ngl-- her color would PROBABLY be #249e9b 'turquoise' or #ff00f0 'fuchsia', but of course don't have a second word to go along with it since. yeah.)
She helps the fight from a distance, obviously not getting up close and personal because she does Not have the luxury of shoving her mortal peril on Dante.
AND YES! Mod Finn has his own limbus oc! though, for him it's a pm oc in general (i'm the one that designs a new insert each time i like a new man lMAO--) so he might post them soon!
And Interest In My Heathcliff Art You Say? I've Heard Enough
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HEEEYY HOW U DOINN??? can i please request a renjun imagine (fluff and crack) with this
[Top of the Class who hasn’t had a break in their life + Relaxed second in the class who procrastinates too much]
HEYYYY I'M DOING GOOD AND AHHH this is perfect for Renjun HAHAHAHA let's do it! Thank you too! You're so sweet <3
Non-Idol AU, University AU
TW: Language
Dynamic: Top of the Class who hasn’t had a break in their life + Relaxed second in the class who procrastinates too much
Pairing: Renjun x Reader
Y/N Pronouns: Not Specified
Genre: Fluff
[NCT Masterlist] | [Request Info] | [Request a Ship Dynamic]
Word Count: 0.9K
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"No," Renjun's words were blunt and you rolled your eyes.
"Seriously?" You groaned, standing up from your bed and stretching your arms above your head. "Come on, Jun, let's take a break!" You held his pair of rollerblades in front of him and Renjun sighed.
"The rink is going to close later!"
"(Y/N), we have a final tomorrow, and all you can think of is rollerblading?" He turns in his chair and stares at you. "And you're already wearing your rollerblades, of course you are," he sighs.
"Come on! Let's have some fun!" You insisted. Renjun looks at the rollerblades on his desk, then he looks at you. You waited in excited anticipation, surely, he wouldn't turn you down since you were already ready to go, right?
"Renjun!" You groaned and fell on his bed. Renjun tapped his head with the tip of his pencil and continued his studying, rollerblades now on the ground next to him.
"Tomorrow, after finals, we'll go then," he mutters. You slid your rollerblades off and rolled them against the wall while keeping your eyes trained on your boyfriend. His shoulders were tensed and his posture was slightly slouched over his desk. Sure, maybe you should be studying too, but hell, if Renjun was going to be on the verge of tearing his hair out, then maybe you should intervene.
You were no stranger to Renjun's study habits. After he scored higher than you on the first exam, it was only natural for the top of the class and the next person to gravitate towards each other, then, one thing led to another, and now both of you left each other's things at the other's house. So, you knew Renjun better than anybody.
You also knew that when he got too stressed out he tended to make mistakes.
"Renjun~" A plan formed in your head and you walked over to him, draping your arms around him and resting your head on top of his.
"No, (Y/N)." You let your head rest on his shoulder. Now this, this was a tried and true method to getting your boyfriend away from the desk.
"Let's watch that one TV show you'd been wanting to see! What was it called? Something on Netflix, right?"
"The Sandman?" He turns to look at you and you nod against his hoodie. "You don't even like shows like that."
"Hey! Maybe this one will be different," slowly, you started pulling his chair back. Renjun stares at you.
"I know what you're doing," he says.
"No you don't."
"You're trying to distract me from studying, aren't you?"
"That's not true."
"It's so you could finally do better than me on our final, huh?" You blinked.
"Okay, no, that definitely isn't it," you shook your head. "You need to relax, Renjun! Come on, one episode, I promise, I won't make you watch anymore," you plead. Renjun's eyes softened.
"Okay, one episode," he says, pulling your arms off of himself gently.
Needless to say, one episode turned into one season, both of you were so engrossed into the story that Netflix's 'Next Episode' option drew you in further, and before you knew it, it was past midnight, and Renjun was properly freaking out, once again pacing his bedroom while you sat and watched him unamused, blanket over your lap and his shirt slightly falling off your shoulder.
"I'm going to fail!" He laments.
"You'll be fine!" You reassured him.
"I thought I said only one episode!"
"Shoot, me too!"
"(Y/N)! Why didn't you stop me?!"
"Hey, I said that I wouldn't make you watch anymore, you're the one who sat through the rest of the season with me," you rose your hands up and shrugged.
"Oh my god, (Y/N), I didn't even revise chapter eight yet!" He musses through his hair and sighs.
"Jun, baby, you perfected that exam," you rested your cheek on your palm. "You set the curve and properly pissed off our whole class," you shook your head.
"Nope, I won't hear it, come here," you held your arms open and Renjun stares at you. "Come on, I know you want to," you gestured for him to come and Renjun rolls his eyes.
"I guess it's too late to study anyway," he climbs into bed with you and you wrap your arms around him.
"There we go, you know what I always say, the best thing to do before a big exam is to relax!" You lied down, bringing Renjun with you.
"If I fail, it's your fault."
"You're not going to fail, trust me," you nuzzled your head against his and he groans into your chest. But, despite it, he relaxed in your arms and you were able to hide your victory smile when you pressed a kiss to the crown of his head. "If it makes you feel any better... I didn't revise chapter eight either," you admitted.
"That was such a hard chapter..." he yawns.
"I know, that's why the professor removed it from the exam." Renjun lifted his head up to look at you.
"Are you serious?"
"Yes? Didn't you check the class announcements?" You asked. Renjun reached for his phone and opened Canvas and clicked on your class.
"Oh my god..." Renjun turned his phone off and hit his head against your chest lightly while you laughed.
"See, Junnie? Nothing to worry about! Let's just go to sleep and worry about it tomorrow!"
"How you're so relaxed, I'll never know."
"How you're so stressed, I'll never know."
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General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms
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tobyfobywoahby · 9 months
ummmm would you have happened to make that orion ref
no pressure i am just very excited to finish the sticker sheet!!! orion is the last one i need to draw /gen/nf
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zhongrin · 1 year
Happy birthday Rin aaaaaa <33 I don't know you for long but in this short time you've always been nice to me and so friendly!! Also so sweet 💞💞 I really enjoy talking about our selfships with you!! And I really ship Meitham and Zhongrin - cuz of that I gifted ya 2 drabbles hehe <33 hope ya like them! Have a great day ahead and I hope you get everything you wished for! Hoping the next year's of yours will go smoothly and healthy!! ❤️
Now;; cuz of ya response from mawh ask - frfr like;; you always seem so nice on them <33 and then you even were an anon of me like fodhsndkdhjeke that was so cute doshwjkk 💞💞
Yes totally Rin hehe, do you play Obey me! too by any chance?
Dw Rin I give him enough kisses~
Just kidding. My heart belongs to Baizhu only. ❤️
Heh a bit too smitten even maybe fkebsiebnw (help it is?? I thought it's kinda annoying 🥹) LMAO RIN, so what day is it today?
*Zhongli standing in the distance with a proud smile on his face.* I think I can already explain it by myself hehe
Tbh I hate alcohol LMAO and my tolerance is pretty shit, I get drunk easily hehe oopsie (so Zhonglis alcohol tolerance is high?)
So ya don't have any children planned in your selfships?🤸💞 You already call him daddy - make him a real one Rin smh
Awwww yes, do it again <33 and record it hehe
I once read that dogs can sense if someone is scared of them but idk if that's true but omfg;; your dog was so friendly then <333
I am sure the both of them will decide for you just right Rin, hehe <33 (help fkdhjsis but your selfships are so cute I can't dosbjsisns)
*dies* (it's great but kfmg omfg sidbsjjdbejs sometimes when Baizhu feels a bit chaotic he calls me "my future wife" and I and I and I lose it I really lose it I really lose it I really- *faints*)
Yes cuz of that I asked! Although you, ofc, can do your AU with your hubby's like they don't have a fanclub if ya want to 🥰
Alright alright no pressure <33 and omfg, my bestie would say 'Diluc' now, cuz she used to ship me with him and IDK WHY, but she enjoys it sm seeing Diluc as Baizhus competition
But if you would ask me, nawh. We don't have anyone who wants to destroy our relationship<33
aahhhhh thank you vi 💕 i enjoy talking about our selfships so much too!! you've been super friendly and welcoming and really indulging in my zhongrin and meitham selfship agenda, and i can't ever thank you enough!!!
truly a 'shared one braincell' moment 😭 i'm so amused bc it synced up so well like the same day i decided to haunt your inbox you decided to drop into mine THIS IS DESTINY I TELL YOU XD
i did actually! i used to! i love the lore and the characters but the game got too grindy for my taste and the lessons just got harder and harder and i got burnt out so i stopped playing oomph i think you probably can guess who i like lol-
yes yes (who said it's annoying??? i will kindly,.... persuade them to change their mind-) today is..... baivi day! i feel like terrorizing- i mean bullying- i mean lovingly indulge you with a very loving baizhu bot in the server <3
ok fine you win please carry me now-
SAME OMG VI WE CAN STICK TOGETHER AT PARTIES THEN literally i drank one small glass of apple cider one time and i got so sleepy i just crawled to bed and conked out. my family was so confused where i went (it was a new years party at home with the whole family kind of thing) (and yes, the dragon is a tank, the most he could get tipsy but never drunk drunk hlsdjfklsdf)
as of now not really! but perhaps one day with zhongli..... hehehe .......... yk what maybe i will. maybe i should start asking him to-
sitting on his lap, maybe with his hand on your thigh, or around your waist? either way you'll be pulled close onto his chest, his long hair slightly tickling your skin as baizhu's distinct scent along with some herbs surround you, making you feel right at home.... maybe even with his lips close to your ear, murmuring profound declarations of love? <3
i am so tempted to draw blushy!haitham now hsldkjflksdjf
she wassss i miss her ;w;
that they will hehe (I COULD SAY THE SAME ABOUT YOURS PLS)
*notes down in clipboard* uh huh uh huh continue ;)
that is true.... perhaps not on this teahouse!au but on a parallel universe mayhaps pantalone and zhongli are silently playing 4d chess trying to win my heart hsldkfjslkdf
omg you know what would be super funny. it's a third party scenario who wants to separate you but it's bc of wholesome reasons. imagine being kaveh's younger sister and wanting to romance al haitham. wheeze. kaveh would be like "WHY HIM PLEASE NO YOU CAN DO SO MUCH BETTER" lmao
love triangles are just a cute lil concept in fics bc omg??? two guys??? fighting over lil old me?? instant ego boost fr
diluc and baizhu huh... it's extra funny to me bc their elements don't match at all helphsldkfjsd
ah ok good good *quietly stashes vortex vanquisher back to its display*
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ookyspookysims · 2 years
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This girls story progression in my game that just happened NATURALLY is probably the most fun I've had.
She started in Moonwood as a werewolf. Joined the Wildfangs. Had a fling with Rory who would NOT stop flirting with us constantly??? That ended badly because everytime we hooked up Lou would lose his damn mind.
She ended up living a hoe life for a while, hooked up with Rory, Lou, Caleb fucking Vatore AND his sister a few days later, Marcus Flex, and some random guy at the beach.
A new lone wolf moved into an empty home and befriended my sim straight away, he would come over all the time and they were constantly getting flirted with so I thought FUCK IT and let them do what they wanted until he asked her out. She said yes. Then he dumped her like a week later (what an asshole)
My poor girl was super depressed so when a friend asked her to go to the Sunday markets I said yes because she needed to get out and have some fun.
She bought a cool ass lamp and chair, played some basketball and then I had her wander over to the karaoke bar to have a drink. The moment she sat down and ordered her drink she got FATED MATES with the bartender!!! They flirted and talked and it went really well, and so I made the moves from friends, to dating, and then he asked her to marry him!! Now they're engaged and living in Moonwood Mill together, she turned him into a werewolf so they share that life together, their wedding date is set, they won the lotto so they have BANK, and they're just thriving at this point.
Im kind of sad I didnt make a story with her because her life has been a rollercoaster. Also I didnt change the bartenders genetics at ALL. Just switched up his facial hair and clothes. He is a major hottie. Their babies are gunna be so cute aahhhhh
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
Oh my godddddd chapter 12 was everythinggggg! Every single part of finally getting the truth out, the dynamic between all the characters together, it was all so perfect. The amount of happiness it gave me when we finally got to tell Eddie we didn't mean what we said when we broke his heart and it was to protect him, gah I've been waiting so long for that moment and it was PERFECT. And the smut was *chefs kiss* it was so soft and loving and just everything I love for smut. You've done it again Kiki! This was absolutely my favorite chapter. I'm soooo excited for the next part! <333
This is making me so, so happy aahhhhh thank you so much, love!!! 😭😍🖤
All your support on this series has me blushing and twirling my hair and kicking my feet, really 🥺🖤 Oh and it hits different when you read Chapter 7 and THEN Chapter 12, I tried it when I couldn't sleep and I can only recommend it 😂
I'm so so happy you enjoyed this chapter and thank you so much for this kind message, love! 😍🖤
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