#AND then be like omg i don’t feel like a kardashian
chxrryrose · 1 year
i don’t like the term ‘pick me girl’ but if you looked it up you’d see kendall jenner
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ynbabe · 1 month
LOGAN FIC REQ!! (i love your messages au smmm btw THEYRE SO GOOD AHH) ok anywayssss
can you pls do logan x super super famous!reader.(preferably an actress but i don't mind any) so both of them are dating but are trying to keep it a secret since they've only been dating for a short amount of time. one night they decide to go on a date but paparazzi was there and it was going VIRAL. reader regrets not double checking if there would be any paps. sooo then everyone starts investigating on logan as the internet does and since everyone doesn't watch f1, they only see logan crashing and blah blah blah so they see him as a "bad driver" and he starts getting A LOT of hate because people think reader deserves better. they also start comparing him to reader's "more better and famous ex". reader and logan take time off social media and people think they broke up until reader releases an instagram post defending him and yeah a lot of fluff and hurt/comfort.
idk if this made sense but pls feel free to change anything!! again i love your work sm 💕‼️
Hiiii, omg thank you so much! Love love LOVE the fic idea and without any further ado- here's the fic, it isn't exactly as the prompt but I hope you love it-
Keep my wife's name OUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH ୨୧ Logan Sargeant x famous! reader
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As a celebrity, you don’t often have the privilege of privacy. The cameras seemed to follow you everywhere, from outside your house to the restaurants you ate at and even to private celebrations with your friends and family.
Your last relationship had gone south exactly because of the paparazzi, making assumptions about the seriousness of your relationship and even spreading pregnancy and marriage rumours, scaring the man away.
You had wanted to take it slow, heart broken from your previous relationship but then you met Logan and for the first time in a long time you felt like you could breath, like you could do what you wanted without being judged.
You knew who he was and he knew who you were and that was perfect.
The both of you had spent a perfect week in your villa in Bali, it had been risky but no one caught on, surprisingly.
You thought your luck would continue and you threw causation to the wind, not asking your assistant to check for paparazzi at the sushi restaurant you were going to in Shanghai.
Unfortunately, you were caught just as you were leaving the restaurants waking up to a host of notifications, some good and some gut-wrenching.
Logan on the other hand tried not to throw up, his eyes wide, you could tell he was scared. Would his team drop him? No, no. Why would they? Right? Oh God.
"Logan, Logs, baby are you okay?" You called out, dropping to your knees and cradling his face in your palms.
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f1waglife Y/n nation how are we feeling tonight? Logang? How are we? This was definitely not the couple we expected but is this the couple we deserve?
Username Y/n come home the kids miss you
Username Omg mans is in love
Username Get someone to look at you the way Logan looks at Y/n
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You saw some of the comments and while some made you smile, some made you want to slap a bitch, unfortunately, a scandal would not help, so you called up your PR manager, and the post was gone within a minute.
Logan's race had gone sour, with him getting an unfair penalty and points on his licence. The already poor start to your day had turned even worse when you saw Logan tiredly storm into the room collapsing on the bed, burying his face in his pillow.
"What... the..... fuck?" He screamed into the pillow making you smile a little. The small habit he'd picked up from you, screaming into the pillows as a way to think, one that you had picked up from one of the characters you played a long time ago.
"Why do people even care about who's dating who? That's so stupid." He rolled his eyes.
"Don't we binge Keeping Up with the Kardashians every Monday?" You asked.
"That's not the same though-" He paused and switched his phone off, he already didn't have access to his own Instagram, having given access to his manager a long time ago, he now didn't even want to talk to his friends or colleagues many of whom just wanted an autograph from you along with an explanation how he could be with you.
He turned around, pulling the blanket on him, tired from the day.
You pulled up Twitter as a habit but were greeted with a terrible chain of tweets judging every aspect of your relationship and even worse criticizing Logan without even knowing anything about the sport.
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"What the fuck-" You cursed out loud, you knew your fanbase was slightly (an underestimation) larger than your boyfriends but how could they call themselves your fans, when you have been a fan of Logan's since his first season in f1? All your co-stars American or not knew your borderline obsession for the man, every race week you'd be posting Williams on your story, how could they still hate on him?
You looked next to you, where your boyfriend was sleeping a small scowl on his pretty face.
PR be damned, he didn't deserve this.
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y/nl/nofficial To anyone who calls themselves my fans and talks shit about my lovely boyfriend, UNFOLLOW ME ASAP. Logan is the kindest, sweetest, most talented man I've had the pleasure to know and he deserves better than the bullshit he gets from some assholes who don't know anything about him. To quote my friend Will: KEEP MY WIFES NAME OUT YOUR DAMN MOUTHS-
username oop sis snapped
username you tell em girl
username LOVE a gf whos rabidly in love with her bf
username now why would y'all try and shame Mother's boyfriend when all she does is post about him for race weekends??
username fr shes been a logan fan before logan fans have been logan fans
Williams We stan a protective gf 😮‍💨
username admin you'll always be famous y/nl/nofficial Cant help it he looks really pretty in blue 🥰 username oh she in love love
username shall we start calling him Father?
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The way I was struggling to write this fic cause I had to write bad things about Pookie Bear Logie is insane. But- I hope yall like it, please do let me know in the comments or reblogs!!!
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youremyheaven · 3 months
Adding on to the humour thing:
Personally I’ve noticed that Jupiter in the chart/Jupiter naks/etc can actually be quite funny, but it can be quite an unintentional Philomena Cunk type of humour (bonus points if there’s water in the chart) as opposed to the more witty humour mercury or even venus has.
But also humour is very much about how you articulate it in the moment, so usually funny people have libra somewhere like you said.
I think the reason why people with a strong mars struggle is because they’re quite inwardly intense personalities and lighthearted things like humour don’t come as naturally to them.
Yeah idk, I guess this is somewhat subjective and largely dependant on the persons social skills. This is just my experience so idk if anyone else will agree
yet to look into Jupiter influence and humour but I just looked at Philomena Cunk vids AND OMG AHHH that's such a spot-on observation because I feel like Jupiter (and Rahu natives to some extent) have this ditzy kind of airheaded slow-wit humour where they're unintentionally funny, some have weird kooky girl humour (Vishaka Sun, Emma Stone and Punarvasu Moon Drew Barrymore come to mind)
Swati Moon Mila Kunis' character on The 70s show is like this
Phoebe Buffay from Friends is also like this and I just looked up Lisa Kudrow's chart and she has Rahu conjunct Ascendant in Punarvasu!!
Cat Valentine on Victorious is also like this. Ariana Grande who plays her has Ardra Sun & Mercury in Punarvasu (Rahu + Jupiter influence)
dear anon you have opened new pathways in my understanding of planetary influence and humour wow,,, tysm for sending this ask!!!
i agree with what u said about Mars, i think they're too inwardly drawn but I feel like Mrigashira is an exception because its in Gemini and they yap a lot, Jennifer Lawrence, Khloe Kardashian, Sandra Bullock, they have zero filter and just say the randomest, weirdest things but I know that its not for everyone and probably makes others cringe (esp their oversharing dear lord)
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raspberrybluejeans · 8 months
Steeplechase episode 41 comments/reactions
omg why is it so short? 😭
the fart reverb………….
“yum it’s so yellow.”
is this the second time that montrose has tried to convince someone he’s their dad? because this feels so familiar 💀
“what about ‘pretty daddy’” “that’s weird GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE BEEF”
what is emerich cooking with emeral….
clint talking to himself lmfaoooooooo
Emerich kisses Emeral on his ghostly forehead” “WEIRD”
Carmine prismless :0
Beef rly is Magnus 2.0. attacka
“You know we STAN right. We STAN the woodimals. We love it.”
“I’m soft and vicious” “Like a Kardashian”
who would guess that Montrose would try and adopt the human boy and Beef would try to adopt the animatronic boy lmfaoo
I don’t know what Justin is quoting or saying, I assume it’s that Cyrano thing, but the quack-like laugh that either Travis or Clint does is Killing me
When Travis said that Beef is traumatized and vicious and wanted to kill that guy it made me think of this specific ass image for some reason
“You fuckin three stooge’d him dude”
i’m just saying i have like 3-4 minutes left of the show and Montrose has just approached Kenchall’s car without his mask and if what I think is about to happen happens i will shit and piss
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mapetitetetefolle · 1 year
Rating Sarah J Maas Male characters just because from the most green flag to de most red flag…
This is just my opinion… don’t take it seriously 👀
1. Rowan Whitethorn: I mean… for me he is the definition of all green flags in a mate, supportive, true to his feelings, honest (if he doesn’t like something he would tell you), he would never gaslight you, he respects you and considers you as his equal, he would do anything for you, he takes care of you, he would go to the end of the world for you and do whatever it takes to find you, he would let you shine and with him never is a competition, he would be your most devoted fan,he tries to control his terriorial fae bullshit (sometimes 🤣) so many qualities that I couldn't mention them all.
2. Hunt Athalar: first of all is a hot angel 😇. He could assume wrong things about you but when he gets to know you he will accept that he is wrong and once he does he will devote himself to admiring and adore you. he expresses his feelings directly and what he wants from you 😏, it can be a bit cringe but as kourtney kardashian says: omg is so cringe, guilty! he is vulnerable with you and he doesn't care that you see that side of him, he just makes him more attractive.
2. Cassian: For me, Cassian is in second place along with Athalar, I actually think that the three of them (Rowan, Hunt and Cassian) could be a first place, except that I am really in love with Rowan and for me he is always number 1. Anyway, Cassian It's too GreenFlag, besides knowing exactly what you want 😏 and when you want it and of course it will always wait for you to give it your consent. He cares about your safety even in those private moments 🤭. He does not hide the soft and vulnerable side of him. He has a sense of humor, with him you will always have a good time, He protects you from yourself, He will forgive you absolutely everything even if you are a damn bitch. He will be interested in your hobbies and will learn to do the things you like. He will always vote to tell you the truth.
3. Lorcan Salvaterre: He can be a total miserable and controlling bastard but once he realizes you're the most important thing to him he'll do everything for you, even cut his own clothes if it means you'll have period pads when you need them. He definitely has a soft side but he doesn't let others see it, sometimes neither do you, he can make hasty decisions that sometimes don't turn out very well.
4.Dorian Havillard: For many it may be questionable that I put him on this site but I consider that Dorian, despite the fact that I am sure he will make you have a great time, he is cute, he will give you a puppy, he will bring you your favorite sweets and he will snuggle with you when you have your Period, he's very fickle, I don't think he knows exactly what he wants, I think we've seen him in love so many times that I really don't think we (or even him) can trust his true feelings. I don't know, I think that as a friend and lover he is great but that's all.
5. Rhysand: I think it is not necessary to explain much, but definitely he makes quite questionable decisions regarding his love interest, I am sure that he will do whatever is necessary for your happiness and well-being, the problem is that perhaps his concept of well-being and happiness will not be the same than yours.he will totally gaslight you "for your own sake" (lie to you or hide some info if he considers it necessary for you to be okay). I think he is the one that definitely has the most control management problems. On the bright side he definitely knows how to make you have a good time and will encourage you in your hobbies. he definitely has a problem giving you your private space.
6. Azriel: I know half the internet is in love with him, but come on! we know almost nothing apart from a few actions that happen in the books, mentally he could be the most toxic and psychopathic of all... probably not but that only talks about how a pretty face and a few actions that could be interpreted as good (or questionable) are enough for us to fall madly in love with an individual.
7. Rhun: Let's face it, he's just a gorgeous and interesting fuckboi. definitely as an older brother I think he is the best! but as a love interest not so much, just like Dorian I think he's exceptionally attractive and he definitely knows how to do things, but other than the fact that you'll have an incredible time with him on a date, as a long-term relationship I don't think he knows what he wants either , he fell in love with someone he practically didn't even know and according to him he was so sure of that love that nothing mattered and suddenly he meets her and changes his mind 🙄.
Chaol: seriously this man is the definition of toxic masculinity. I really think that those who like him is because they haven't been to therapy...anyways he will only love the parts of you that are comfortable for him, despite the opportunities he has to change his toxic behaviors he won't. he will always blame someone else for what happens, when you have your period he will run away. his priority will always be his best friend. clinging to the ideas that he had even though time and circumstances prove otherwise. It seems that he likes strong women but he ends up complaining about them for whatever reason.
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tpwkwriter · 1 year
helloooo, you are like one of my fave writers!! I am requesting one with lhh where the reader feels very insecure and harry is comforting her and telling her she is absolutely beautiful and how in love he is with her and how he remembers the first time he saw her he knew she was the one and that he had never seen any one so breathtaking. And then they start kissing and it slowly escalates till harry tells he "let me show you how beautiful you are" or smth like that i dont really know and then the after careeee!!! OMG I WOULD DIEEE. Could you please write that?? THANK YOUUU!!!
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Baby your perfect.
Omg! Thank you for your lovely words it always means the world 🤭
And yessss! This concept!! 🫢 and lhh 😩
Im a tad sucky on writing smut/smutty-ish stuff so I hope this works for you and you enjoy! 🤎
Also this absolutely no hate to any of these women mentioned!!!! Especially Kendall Jenner/kardashians for story purposes only!! 👑
*Warnings*- struggling with body image, low self esteem, language, hint towards smut and adultish themes! ✌🏻
Y/n’s Life had felt like it’s been on the right track for a while now.
She’s finally enjoying her career, her friendships have never been better, her relationship with H is the her pride and joy, hence them nearing there 5 year anniversary.
The only downside to all of this is her social media.
Ever since a young age y/n struggled with social media and unrealistic beauty standards.
And when your boyfriends exes include the Looks of: Kendall Jenner, Taylor swift, Camille rowe, that feeling of ‘Not good enough’ Never really goes away.
Y/n found herself in there shared bathroom gazing at the mirror before her wondering why she looked the way she did.
She really wondered what H saw in her, all the models and actresses and he chose her.
She examined her body, suddenly getting this feeling that she felt when she was 15 wondering why she wasn’t as pretty as the other girls in school.
Apart from she was and she didn’t even know.
She spotted every insecurity, from the stretch marks around her hips, to the scars and marks she developed on her body.
Tears begun to form in the corner of her eyes, her reflection became unbearable.
She wanted to forget this night had even started like this.
She cosied in her shared bed awaiting Harry’s return from the studio, she pulled out her phone ready to text her love, when her twitter notifications distracted her.
Mistakenly she clicked on the app, and was left feeling lower then she already had.
“Former kardashian and Jenner star admitted to pleading for another chance with singer and songwriter Harry styles!”
She clicked on the thread to be greeted with many images and gifs of her.
Her perfect figure, eyes, face, everything, she had everything.
And that’s what Harry deserved, he deserves it all.
Without even thinking y/n finds herself angrily throwing her brush against the wall out of anger.
“Baby?” A familiar voice called.
‘Fuck’ she though to herself.
He’s home
“Y’alright darling” he said, voice getting louder and closer.
“M’Fine” she sighed, trying her best to hide her tears.
There shared room door gets pushed open.
“Baby” he gently Said.
“What’s going on?” He said placing his jacket on the back of the vanity chair and toeing his trainers off.
“Nothing” she said forcing a smile to persuade the man.
“Doesn’t seem like nothing” he said raising an eyebrow and joining her next to her on the bed.
She remained quiet, thinking of how to play this out.
“Baby, Jus’ me y’know its okay” he said running a hand through his long curly locks.
“I don’t understand why your with me” she breathes, avoiding eye contact.
“Y/n?” He asked confused as hell.
“Baby, where is this Coming from? What?” He asks placing his ringed hand on her exposed thigh.
“You don’t deserve me H” she said finally breathed making cold eye contact with him.
“You deserve someone prettier, skinner, and overall better, than..whatever i am” she Said tears threatening to leave her eyes.
“Baby Girl” he asks manoeuvring his palms up to girls cheeks and pulling her in closer.
“Where is this coming from?, y’my girl, my gorgeous girl” he said heart almost breaking at the sight and sound of his girl.
“Kendall” she mumbles, tears finally falling.
“Kendall?” He asks eyebrows knitted together.
“She wants You back H, and now the whole world knows it” she quietly cries leaning her forehead on his.
He finally gets it, it adds up all in his head.
“Baby” he speaks, pressing a kiss to her cold lips.
“Fuckin’ hell” he says kissing her cheek replacing the salty tears.
“Y’really think, I want her huh?” He smiles
“My silly girl” he sniffs, trying to make light of this situation.
He removes his hands and opened his arms signalling for her to get in.
She sits on his lap, almost koala style with both legs wrapped around his waist and both arms over his shoulders.
“Now that you’ve got me, y’won’t be getting rid of me” he said dancing his fingertips on her back.
“I just…I don’t get it” she sniffed
“Why me” she mumbled, snuggling her face into his neck.
“Why you huh?” He breathed
“Well, the first time saw you, the thing I saw was not only y’beauty, but m’future, m’life, Ive Never met someone as breathtaking as you m’love Call me a sap, but y’my muse now” he gently said.
“Not Kendall, Not no one else, jus’ you” he said kissing the side of Face.
“Can y’look at me darling?” He whispered.
She happily complied, lifting her face from his neck and revealing her beautiful glossy eyes but now with a small smile to her face.
“I love you” he says kissing her lips hard and straight forward.
“Y’never to forget that”
“Love you too H, I’m sorry for being silly” she smiles
“None of tha’ i get it”
Without being able to finish properly, the girl crashes her lips on his.
“I’m so in love with you” she mumbles against his lips.
“Y’make me crazy baby” he smirks
“Please Baby, let me Show you How much y’mean to me” he says going in again.
“Show How beautiful You Are angel”
“Mmhmm” she nods
— — — — —
The Girl lies hazily in there bathtub of there en-suite bathroom, reminiscing on tonight’s events.
God she was grateful to have H, no matter what rut she finds herself in, he manages to no matter what pull her out.
“Hey beautiful girl” he said coming in pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Fresh sheets and tea on the bedside” he said while placing the girls fresh Pyjamas ( his hoodie and Boxers) on the closed toilet lid.
“Thank you baby”
“I’ll join you in a sec” she added
“Take y’time love”
Once y/n’s bath was done, she slipped into her boyfriends clothes he prepared for her, and reunited with her lover in there shared bed.
“Y’feeling okay m’honey?” He asks putting his phone down and leaning into his girl.
“Mmhmm” she hummed slipping under the soft sheets.
“Y’the best” she sighed.
“Mm certainly am” he smirked.
“Ugh great I just fed your ego more” she joked playfully rolling her eyes.
“There’s my y/n back” he smiled pressing a kiss to her temple.
— — — — —
Again thank your for your request and please, please tell me of this is any good! 😩 again I’m sorry for skimming the smutty Part Bit im so awkward writing it 😭 love love loveeee you all ❤️
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haillordharry06 · 2 years
‘Trouble in Paradise’ Chapter 1: We are the Styles
Synopsis: A young 28 year old cold but very hot CEO, or rather the biggest CEO in the whole of Europe falls for a sweet and nice 23 year old globally known, highest paid model Y/N Jenner. Yes she is part of the Kardashian - Jenner clan. Being totally opposite & from 2 different worlds is hard, but you know what they say opposites attract. Their love is all the world is currently gossiping about but this private man is finally enjoying hearing these kinds of rumors about him. 
Now they have 2 kids and Harry just loves it all.  Lavender being just 1min 32 seconds older than Ash but pretending to be 1 whole year older. They both love each other to a crazy extent, but wait there is a twist…. Will they remain to love each other so much forever? Will sibling love fade away because of their parents?
But in all of this chaos will Harry and Y/N fall out of love? Will they not want each other?
Warning: Cheating, mild cursing, sex, pregnancy. 
A/N’s Note: I hope you like the first chapter. I do not own anything except the storyline. These series have nothing to do with reality, it's just a fanfic and does not intend to offend anyone. Y/N is cameoed by Gigi Hadid. This is my first time writing a fanfic so please stand by. Please share your suggestions because I have something crazy in my head, and your suggestion might just end up making it crazier. Please don’t shy away from sharing. I promise ya’ll for a happy ending!!!
Love you all!
 Celebrity inside news, CEO Harry Styles is no more single, he is taken indeed. Yes you hear it right. The young Billionaire was seen with Victoria's Secret angel Y/N at the Catalyst Restaurant holding hands as well as even kissing. Well they seem pretty serious because it's both of their 1st time making any of their relationships public. Before this the young Vogue model was linked with actor Tom Holland but they did not confirm anything, rumors also said that both of them had a nasty breakup, but god knows the truth. 
Did you like the Hollywood new power couple? Please let us know.
 Y/N: Haz I knew that there is gonna be news but these many, and even including our pasts, this is just not done!! We need to take action against it.
Y/N firmly said. 
Harry: Babe we don’t need to do anything, if you allow may I suggest something?
Harry, like a gentleman asked and Y/N blushed at his small act, the anger just blew away.
Y/N: Go ahead, I’m all ears.
Harry: Then let's make our relationship official, this way we will not have to hide anything. I know this will be tough but I think we both are strong enough to handle it all. 
After an hour, just try to convince Y/N to make things official, Harry wins. Which was new in their relationship because Y/N always won. 
Y/N posted this on her Instagram and from the moment it got posted, it blew up!!
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liked by harrystyles, kendalljenner and 13,740,122 other
yourinstagram: My man is my man none of your man!!
PS:  This was a win-win Mr. CEO not, your win.
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 Gemmastyles: Never knew Y/N you had such low standards.
yourinstagram @/gemmastyles: Can’t help who you fall for Gem’s
Harryishandsome: I knew there was something going on between them.
Y/Nfan4: Oh sure you did
harryfan3: excuse me? what about tom 😶
Y/Nfan12: harry and y/n getting together is world.
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A day later the Model posted a picture of her promoting her boo’s brand Pleasing.
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liked by harrystyles, taylorswift and 1,760,999 other
yourinstagram: Pleasing people!!!
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harryfan2: YOU'RE THE BEST.
yourinstagram: I LOVE YOU
harryfan3: @/yourinstagram: same girl 😭😭
harryfan4: I’m still lost, what about tom??!!!
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2 Years later-
Harry and Y/N tried multiple time but failed to make a baby, this is there last time other wise they will opt for adoption. 
Harry: Babe don’t worry, everything is gonna be fine
Y/N: How Haz I am not able to fulfill one simple wish of your, I ‘m just useless.
Harry: Babe just take a deep breath and lets check the test results.
Y/N nods.
The Pregnancy test was positive which meant they both were going to be parents. Both Y/N and Harry celebrated that moment. 
8 months into pregnancy after a dozen disagreements both Harry and Y/N decide to reveal there little secret.
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liked by harrystyles, beyoncé and 21,760,999 other
yourinstagram: I are really happy to announce that me and my boyfriend are soon going to become parents. I’m truly in love with our child (or children) already. 
Mama and Dada love you!!!
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And again they both blew the internet up. It was now a very casual thing for both of them to create online jam and blow up.
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liked by harryfan2, harryfan6 and 330,617 others
stylesnews Y/N styles in London today with her child. Coming out of the Style and Co. Tower. It is still unknow which gender there child is or what there name is. But we hope that the baby is happy and health and of course a upcoming style icon like there parents.
Harryfan1: Omg she looks so pretty & in shape even after pregnancy
Y/Nfan3: Yay she is a model, she knows the tips and tricks.
Y/Nfan8: I hope it’s a girl
 Harryishot: She is giving major milf vibezz.
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3 Years later-
A perfect family morning at the Styles mansion, the twins were running around while Y/N was preparing breakfast and Harry was still sleeping.
Y/N: Haz wake up!!! It's 10 am already, you're gonna be late for work.
Harry’s POV
I woke up to my beautiful girlfriend’s voice. I'm just not in the mood to go to work today, I just wanna be home with 3 of my babies…..
I went downstairs to see my sweet wifey preparing brekkie and my little munchkins running amok around the house.
End of POV
Both the 3 year old's, Lavender (nickname Lav) and Ash are really close to each other, something which their parents are really grateful of.
They ran outside to surprise their dad as they heard his footsteps coming downstairs. While running Ash accidentally fell and started to sob uncontrollably. Harry and Y/N ran towards him, Harry went and tried to calm his son down. While seeing her beloved brother cry Lav also started crying. And soon both of them were fine, not at all crying anymore.
Harry and Ash both had a very amazing relationship, unlike most baseball father and son duo they both were fairly open to each other but still Ash was a mom’s son after all. Even Lav was a total daddy’s girl.
Ash had a more reserved, observant and calm nature unlike his sister who was a totally hyperactive and enthusiastic creature.
End of the day they are the Styles, one of Hollywood's most popular and happy family.
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liked by gemmastyles, yourinstagram and 23,330,617 others
harrystyles: Love you my life. Happy birthday to Lavender Style and Ash Styles. Mama and Dada love you a lot!!! 
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The world is crazy again!!!
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This is chapter 1 I hope you all liked it I was a light chapter, the upcoming chapter are going to be very less visuals and more text, at least that’s in my head but if you like it this way we may continue too. Let me know if Gigi Hadid should give the cameo of Y/N throughout or should I change the celebrity with every chapter. 
Sorry I posted it but it got deleted immediately, sorry for making ya’ll wait. 
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Just found your blog! Love it btw. I’ve been inflicting this question on everyone: what are your favorite Star Wars Headcanons?
Omg thank you so much!!!
Ngl most of my favorite headcanons are of the extreme au “everyone is happy and nothing bad happens ever” type but for canon type headcanons I like to believe that after she leaves the order Ahsoka reads all of the news reports and such on Anakin and the 501st to feel close to them and gets sucked in to all of the trashy gossip speculation since the Jedi have essentially become the galaxy’s war heroes/Kardashians.
I also headcanon that in attack of the clones the clone that finds padme after she falls out of the gunship on Geonosis is Rex and that’s one of the reasons him and Anakin are besties and he gets to be in on the super secret marriage/ Skype calls during the war.
Finally I like to think that after ROTJ R2 pulls out a bunch of footage and stories of Padme for Luke and Leia because it kills me that they don’t know anything about their mom and how amazing and badass she was
Those are the main ones that come to mind but I’m sure there are more that I’m forgetting.
Thanks so much for your ask! 💜
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orionlakehastodie · 1 year
I watched Harry and Meghan So You Won’t Have To
As a prologue, I find Megan Markle pretentious and her husband Harry a dimwit lights are on but nobody is home.
I mean if Meghan only owned up to the fact that yes she knew Harry, yes he was a handsome prince who appealed to her instead of being a not like the other girls TM, I don’t know him TM, I am such a manic pixie dream girl I don’t really care about the British royal family when in fact she was texting all her friends about their first date - breathe - I would have liked her more. Anyway, this is me laughing at the worlds biggest spoiled brats since Angelica Pickles
Episode 1
-Check the privilege count off the bat, Harry goes on to say that his wife and him sacrificed everything to be in each other’s worlds HA. Since when was living in a 40 million dollar Los Angeles mcmansion a sacrifice? The tone deaf privilege begins and I’m not even 5 mins in. Can Kourtney Kardashian tell this asshole Harry, there are people who are dying?
-Remember you were late? Omg I can literally see his last 2 brain cells as he talks to Meghan
-Meghan texting all her friends about her date with Harry and yet says she never knew him. Like?!
-Oedipus Rex much Harry - first you said your wife was like your mom like omg he is so dim he probably doesn’t know what Oedipus Rex is
-Harry recounting how sad his youth was growing up in palaces, summering in Spain, because he was photographed. Starving children in developing countries you hear that? Let’s all feel sad for the prince who lived on your taxes!
-First accuses William of marrying whoever fits the mold THEN says he wonders if he can find someone who can be a royal?! I can’t even if I had a dollar everytime they went boohoo poor me I’d be rich
-Oedipus Rex 2: Meghan is exactly my mom I can’t…
-Also it just hit me that he’s talking about Princess Diana hating being the subject of media scrutiny and yet proceeds to use every paparazzi footage of her and I am once again floored at how much this dimwit contradicts himself
-It has literally been 20 mins of his complaining about the media hounding him like… this is how privileged his ass is. He can complain about 1 think ad nauseam and I am freaking nauseated at how boring this is
-The press was photographing me nightclubbing POOR ME IT IS SO INTENSE. Grow the fuck up you are a fuck boy who was always in bars. That’s on you?!
-Prince of Lesotho with the subtle jab “massive negative press” LOL
-Also token POC that Harry is friends with to show that unlike his racist family he is friends with those of us with melanin! Fucker
-Prince Harry loves Africa and its people unlike his colonial fam that raped this land like omg
-Meg is so busy she only has a week free AND WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT ITS THE SAME WEEK HARRY GOES TO BOTSWANA LOOK AT THAT! It’s as if it’s fate and not like she had no job and was free to go wherever whenever GASP ITS FATE!
-We’re so private but look at our curated feed
-Overwhelming count 1, and omg remember when that profile on Meghan said she wanted the author to write her as whispering ethereally - I think she did that here - will someone tell Meg that she sounds like Emily Rose?
-I’m not like other girls +2
-Meghan’s friend is names Silver *pause for laughter* and she says her name 5000 times which good for her cause she used that name recall so well
-Meghan and Harry invented the rules of long distance - as if they didn’t have private planes and all the money in the world to fly commercial unlike other people in actual long distance
-Author Robert Hazell telling me that the royals are not privilege like I - the taxpaying people accuse them of having when they have no freedom and live in gilded cages and he does not envy them - HAHAHAAHHAHHAHAHAAHHAAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
That’s episode 1 folks. Join me again maybe next week. I need to get my brain cells recharged cause this show killed it.
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moved-attre · 3 years
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Alrightttt, I’m on a roll so we’re going onto chappy five 🥳🥳🥳😎😎
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I know the movies made the Capitol — re: basically only Effie and maybe Caesar — have those ridiculous made up accents but .... I actually feel like the description of the Capitol accent in the book is supposed to be like the Kardashians or Paris Hilton’s voice. 🤷🏼‍♀️
“Why do these people speak in such a high pitch? Why do their jaws barely open when they talk? Why do the ends of their sentences go up as if they're asking a question? Odd vowels, clipped words, and always a hiss on the letter s. no wonder it's impossible not to mimic them.” Like this is a pretty good description of how Kim Kardashian and her sisters talk. And Suzzy C did say she was inspired by the juxtaposition between war news footage and ridiculous reality television shows so... I think my theory of the Capitol all talking like they’re on the Real Housewives of LA is pretty valid.
Just imagine Paris Hilton as Effie and Nicole Richie as one of her preps
Lolololol this whole section of waxing is reminding me to go get my legs waxed 😭😭😭 straight up calling me out here, Suzanne
I like how Katniss says her stylist “apparently has no interest in seeing her until the prep team has addressed obvious problems.” Like you can tell from her narration she was expecting to feel the same was about Cinna that she does about Effie and her prep team.
The “gritty loam that takes off dirt and three layers of skin” is probably just a strong exfoliator 😭😭😭 my girl knows nothing about quality skincare 🤧🤧 someone build a Panem Sephora
She mentioned them waxing her underarms.... girl, did you have hairy armpits before this? Idk why this revelation is new to me
“Grease her down!” Just sounds wrong 😅😅😅😅 I need to stop being annoying omg I’m like a twelve year old
Hmm it’s funny to me that Katniss refers to Octavia as plump. You’d think in a place like the Capitol body image and weight would be very important. Unless it’s like back in the old, old days when being overweight was a sign of wealth. Which would make more sense so this was an unnecessary thought process curtesy of Samantha
Katniss faking a smile and thanking her prep team shows she does know how to play the game and fake it better than she says.
So ... okay, hear me out, I’m not trying to get over the top or make this into something it’s not but ... the whole stylists / Cinna coming into the room and staring at her naked is a little weird. Especially considering Cinna isn’t Lenny Kravitz who’s like a bit older than her but actually like a twenty-something year old dude.
But okay, here’s the thing I was getting at ... Cinna’s one of the best people in this series and you can’t deny that. Even if you find him boring, he’s still one of Katniss’ closest people. Also he’s probably gay. But like ... what about the other stylists? I don’t wanna be that person who makes everything more than it is, but like, this scene just sounds like a perfect opportunity for some Capitol creep to assault a teenager idk I’m probably making a mountain out of a molehill just ignore Samantha okay.
That’s nice that he complimented her mama though 🥰🥰🥰
So Katniss calls District Twelve the least desirable district but ... doesn’t District Eleven suck too? Like she also later says District Twelve is the smallest and the poorest but doesn’t she also say Rue is worse off than her and Prim? Make up your mind, Suz.
Cinna claims he asked for District Twelve but did he really get an option? 😅 If it’s his first year and Katniss claims the newbies get them anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️ Samantha is once again, reading too much into this.
Awww, Katniss is thinking about how long it would take for her to assemble this fancy meal at home 🤧🤧🤧 it would take her days and the Capitol just has the necessary resources at their disposal and they just takes it for granted. And yes, I’m aware this is supposed to be calling all us readers out who take so much for granted I know. We’re the Capitol.
“How would I spend the hours I now commit to combing the woods for sustenance if it were so easy to come by?” It’s honestly so sad but so vital to her character that Katniss has zero hobbies or real free time. Her life is about surviving. She doesn’t get to live or enjoy very much of her time. She dedicates everything to keeping Prim — and her mother — alive, sacrificing everything a teenage girl should be doing. Sacrificing even the things the other girls in her world get to do. She mentions the merchant girls and the Seam girls who are more experienced romantically and sexually and socially than her. Because she doesn’t get to be a kid or innocent or even happy, in order to focus on her and her family’s survival. And the things she does enjoy, like spending time with Gale or dancing with Prim (mentioned in Mockingjay) she downplays in case they’re taken away, because nothing good is secure in her eyes. 🥺🥺🥺
Okay but what did Katniss’ facial expression give away that Cinna knew exactly what she was thinking? Or is she just less emotionless than she and Haymitch both claim? Ironically I think they’re the only people who call her emotionless which can easily be chalked up to their self-hate and terrible self-esteems.
Katniss is so afraid they’re gonna make her be naked for the parade 😭. Honestly though they’re children that’s so creepy that they’re even allowed to make 15/16/17 year olds be naked in a parade. I mean I know they kill kids every year but isn’t there like child pornography laws in Panem? 😭
“You’re not afraid of fire, are you, Katniss?” Is so foreshadowing 😭😂😅😎 Caesar Flickerman’s voice “Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire!”
Honestly though Cinna is smart to make Katniss recognizable in the arena by leaving her with simple makeup. I know and the sky is blue we all know this already beating the dead horses until the farmer comes home.
“It crosses my mind that Cinna's calm and normal demeanor masks a complete madman.” It’s true though 😅😅😅😭😭 he was always a rebel. I actually think he may have asked for District Twelve after Katniss volunteered, because he saw the potential in her. Poor Peeta. Baby, I’m rooting you for even if no one else is.
Also I always found it a bit .... curious? That Peeta had a female stylist and Katniss had a male one? Not just because of the required nudity, you’d just think men would do better as a boy’s stylist and a woman would make a better girl’s stylist. So yes, my whole Cinna was interested in District Twelve because Katniss seemed like a good symbol for a rebellion idea seems very plausible.
I know I know I know I read wayyy too much into this stuff sometimes a cigarette 🚬 is just a cigarette 🚬
Katniss being relieved when Peeta shows up 😭😭😭 because even if she won’t admit it and even if she won’t let herself trust him, she still sees him unconsciously and completely against her will as a comfort because they’re in this thing together in a way, even if they’re supposed to try and kill each other
And honestly, it’s such a like... relatable feeling? To feel alone and nervous and uptight and then someone who you recognize — even if you maybe aren’t even friends with but you at least know — shows up and you just instantly feel less alone. I’m totally looking at this through shipper goggles and I’m not even ashamed you all knew who’s blogging you were reading ight? 😂🤣🤷🏼‍♀️
“He should know about fire, being a baker's son and all.” And he’s gonna learn a lot more about it when he falls in love — for real, falls in love, not a childhood infatuation — with the girl on fire. 🥰🥰🥰
But also, I love this particular line on a reread because it totally is an indicator towards their future. Like Peeta knows about fire, he’s experienced with how to handle it, and later on, he becomes the only person who truly comes to understand Katniss, who represents fire, in a way that no one else could ever imagine.
Hmmm, Katniss’ point of view here, talking about how Portia and Peeta’s team seem all giddy and air-headed and it’s only Cinna who seems reserved makes me rethink my previous imaginings of Peeta’s stylist. Maybe she’s just a Capitolite idiot and nothing like Cinna. And my baby got a raw deal here then too. Good thing Haymitch loves him more. Just kidding 😅😅😅
But also I wanna know why Cinna is hesitant to accept congratulations for his and Portia’s idea? Wasn’t he at least lowkey excited about it when he pitched it a page ago?
Their horses are coal black 🐴 😅. I like that they went the whole nine yards with the theme. Nothing but the best for the kids on Death Row.
Aww Katniss asking Peeta what he thinks about being set on fire is so sweet and pure for some reason. I just find their commodore here cute ok
“I'll rip off your cape if you'll rip off mine” this is literally their first friend type of interaction and it’s so pure y’all leave me be I’m emotional for them
🙃 Also lowkey reminds me of “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” Everyone look away ok I’m sorry
Peeta’s shady/annoyed Haymitch comment and Katniss’ joke at his expense 🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂🥲🥲☺️🥲🥲 they’re bonding it’s so presh
“And suddenly we're both laughing.” I hope they laugh a lot together post-canon 🥲🥲🥲. If they can make the other laugh during their terrible circumstances, then they can make the other laugh anywhere. 🤧 Except in Thirteen because he’s hijacked and she’s certifiable and they’re both so used and abused and 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Okay I have to say, Suzanne Collins really builds up a lot for certain events and then just like grazes over the actual action of said event? Like she builds towards the tribute parade but then kind of rushes through off the actual event itself? It’s a common theme in her writing. And I don’t like it at all ngl.
Oh wait she doesn’t actually rush the parade events the paragraph before just looked like she was about to I jumped the gun 🤣😂🤭 but what I said is still completely true for many events in these books sorry not sorry
I’m definitely reading too much into it but the fact that District One — the favorite of the Capitol — gets snow white horses and District Twelve gets coal black horsies kind of ... seems to imply something .... 🤭
Cinna just lets out a sigh of relief “it worked” like ... way to fill your tributes with hope, dude. “Yeah, you’re totally safe, don’t be scared-OH THANK GOD THAT WORKED I wasn’t actually sure you wouldn’t blow up.” But actually this answers my previous inquiry about why he seemed hesitant I guess he wasn’t even sure this wouldn’t burn them up that’s nice 🤭🙃
It’s a literal trial by fire *cue drum hit* 🥁 aww, I just cracked myself up 😭
“Then he gently tucks a hand under my chin. "Remember, heads high. Smiles. They're going to love you!" This is caught halfway between being very Capitol-y and very father-brotherly and idk which way to take it but it’s kind of cute 🤭
“For the first time, I look at him and realize that ablaze with the fake flames, he is dazzling.” This is such a significant line because Katniss isn’t saying Peeta is technically good looking (like when Haymitch said they were decently attractive) or someone else thinks he’s good looking (i.e Gale, her mother and lowkey Finnick) but she’s saying she herself thinks he’s attractive. Girl, your crush is showing.
"I think he said for us to hold hands," says Peeta.” I’m sure Cinna actually did say that but this just seems like a very good opportunity for Peeta to hold the hand of the girl he has a massive crush on. 😭😭😭
Okay Cinna gave a thumbs up so he actually was saying that but can you imagine Peeta’s excitement right now?
I mean, yeahhhh, there’s the certain death looming over him too but like live in the moment, babe. 🥰😘🤗👌🏻
I like that Katniss says the crowd is at first like 😳😳😳 before they start cheering like they’re thinking “what are these backwoods, hillbilly kids doing this year?”
“At first, I'm frozen, but then I catch sight of us on a large television screen and am floored by how breathtaking we look. In the deepening twilight, the firelight illuminates our faces” okay they both have to be pretty naturally attractive people objectively, because you illuminate my face without much makeup and no one is gonna be cheering.
“Remember, heads high. Smiles. They're going to love you! I hear Cinna's voice in my head. I lift my chin a bit higher, put on my most winning smile, and wave with my free hand.” I wonder what the true difference is for Katniss between Cinna and Effie saying this to her? Maybe it’s that Effie is just outright mean to her sometimes whereas Cinna shows her nothing but kindness from the start and expresses sympathy and understanding? It’s probably that he’s already earning her trust versus Effie who’s just cruel I’m not over her comments on the train ok
“I'm glad now I have Peeta to clutch for balance, he is so steady, solid as a rock.” Right from the start, Katniss refers to Peeta as solid and steady. Idk, I feel like this is something that the movies really misses along the way. Katniss wasn’t always strong or confident at all and Peeta, at least publicly, exuded those qualities pretty well. Samantha’s complaining again ™️ 💁🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
Also this is just outright foreshadowing how Peeta will eventually become her rock. Or that he will be soon painted a rock ... pick and choose which way you wanna go with this. 🤷🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️😅🤣
“As I gain confidence, I actually blow a few kisses to the crowd.” Okay, see I feel like Peeta really gives Katniss confidence in herself. If he’d been there in District Thirteen and they’d done propos together, she probably would have been a thousand times better.
But also this makes me think Katniss actually has it in her to be a charismatic, confident, alluring celebrity. She just chooses not to. 🤗🤗🤗
But this also reminds me of “She has no idea the effect she can have” okay imma move on and stop focusing on every little detail
I say that every chapter 🤧😅
“The pounding music, the cheers, the admiration work their way into my blood, and I can't suppress my excitement.” Say whatever you want, Katniss is still such a girl underneath it all. She gets excited over people liking her and cheering her on. And I know it’s because it increases her chances of getting sponsors but still
Honestly Peeta trying to showcase Katniss and let her take the spotlight is so selfless and indicative of his ultimate plan to help her win but also ... I can see how Katniss would believe it’s too good to be true and he’s messing with her. That he’s just playing the game to earn her trust, get her guard down and manipulate her later.
See, Peeta is actually framed at the start like the typical, standard YA love interest turned villain. In majority of YA books, at this point the boy is kind and sweet and helpful to the girl until she trusts him completely and then he turns on her and uses everything she gave him to destroy her. But the difference is, Katniss refuses to truly trust him and she is guessing his game incorrectly at every step. And then it’s revealed that it was never a game and he truly isn’t messing with her and everything he’s done that’s seem too good to be true and not even remotely plausible has actually been genuine and heartfelt and that, my friends, is why Peeta is above all other YA love interests. Because Everlark is actually the foil to many of the cliches. That was a long speech over some incoherent thoughts I’m so sorry if you suffered through that.
“It's not until we enter the City Circle that I realize I must have completely stopped the circulation in Peeta's hand. That's how tightly I've been holding it.” Awww he is her rock 😭🤧🥺
"No, don't let go of me," he says. The firelight flickers off his blue eyes. "Please. I might fall out of this thing." Okay this part is so cute and so blatantly setting Peeta up as her main love interest omg 😅 this isn’t the least bit subtle or disguised. But first off, the fact that Katniss is also Peeta’s stability here too 😭😭😭 and second of all, she takes time to notice his blue eyes against the firelight? She was attracted to him from the very start, y’all. That’s indisputable. 👌🏻😎🤧
“It's not really fair to present us as a team and then lock us into the arena to kill each other.” I agree with you, baby, it’s not fair at all. But you two take care of that situation nicely. Or not. Y’all do start a dang war. 🤭🤭🙃🙃
It’s rather ... ironic that it’s District Twelve’s chariot of them all that is pulled up and stopped directly in front of President Snow’s mansion. I know it’s a book, certain details like this are definitively contrived, I know get over it. 🤦🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️
So uh. Snow is a small thin man? Why do I suddenly imagine Danny Devito as Snow 😅😅😅😅🤣🤣🤣🤣 y’all know he’d kill the role
“The darker it becomes, the more difficult it is to take your eyes off our flickering.” Okay, this is such a great line and it’s so significant to the rest of the series? The fact that Katniss — and Peeta, let’s not forget our boy — became symbols of the revolution. Like this line is deep if you think about it. The worse things in Panem got, the more the civilians looked towards Katniss and Peeta for hope 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰
Omg now after Songbirds and Snakes, we know the national anthem. I’m sorry, babies, that you have to endure that I’ll get you out of there 🙉🙉🙉
I feel like in part, the Capitol camera crew — Cressida, Pollux .... Pollux’s brother... is that you here???? — put so much attention on District Twelve because it would create some resentment and competition between them and the careers 🤭🤗
“I notice a lot of the other tributes are shooting us dirty looks, which confirms what I've suspected, we've literally outshone them all.” Insert Gretchen Wieners “I can’t help that I’m popular!” 😅😅😅😅😅
“I realize I'm still glued to Peeta and force my stiff fingers to open. We both massage our hands.” — they were hanging on so tight 😭😭😭😭
“Thanks for keeping hold of me.” He’s so sweet ☺️☺️☺️ I love him even if he’s kind of an idiot sometimes but so is Katniss so let’s not point fingers
“I'm sure they didn't notice anything but you. [...] And then he gives me a smile that seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness” Omg I know Katniss views this as him trying to manipulate her but the fact that he’s actually just admitting the way he’s felt for years is so 😭😭😭😭 if only you’d spit it out sooner, Bready
“he gives me a smile that seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through me.” She literally has a crush on her fellow tribute and her first line of defense is to decide he out to get her for making her feel this way 🤣😭🙃
“The more likable he is, the more deadly he is.” The more my crush grows, the more deadly he becomes. I know I’m reading this with shipper goggles but guess what? I’m unashamed. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ who feels guilty for reading this book with an Everlark bias not this girl right here 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️
“I stand on tiptoe and kiss his cheek. Right on his bruise.” Okay first off, she says cheek here but according to a chapter ago, she claimed the mark was on his jaw... so in other words, she’s incredibly short. If a medium height guy has a bruise on his jaw and she has to stand on her tip toe to reach it... well... hashtag LittleKatniss
And second off.... can you even imagine how Peeta must feel. He genuinely complimented her here, the girl he has had a crush on forever, and she responds by kissing his cheek. He was probably really happy at this moment. And also this probably played further into his buying into her false display in the arena. That here we have her clutching his hand, smiling and laughing with him and kissing his cheek. Idk what I was trying to say necessarily but I made myself sad wow way to go me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🤧🤧🤧
Anyways! Those are my very over the top and too detailed thoughts! Hope you enjoyed if you read this! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳😎😎😎😎😎😎😎🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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Hi! A fan of your writing here. I just love the way you write Caroline. An Avoidable Heart is my comfort fic and I am constantly in awe with the way you write and craft the dynamics in that story. Caroline's inner monologue is just priceless and God! I just love that intro scene where Caroline is walking into the Mikaelson compound with vampires and hybrids in the surrounding ready to pounce on her.
I would love to hear how you would have visualized Caroline crossing over into TO or not? Like in what season and why? How it would have likely gone?
Thank you!
First of all lovely anon gimme a moment to breathe, asdfghjkl why are people so lovely 😭😭🥺✨ It means sooo much to me that you’d take the time to jump into my inbox and send these kind words, like please I’m not worthyyyyy, But you make me smile and feel really freaking warm so *handcuffs your hand to mine* you aint leaving 💖✨💞🙃
But OK ALSO oh my god dude THAT CAROLINE WALTZS INTO THE COMPOUND AND TAKES ON A COUPLE HUNDRED VAMPIRES BY HERSELF SCENE???? Ughhhhh I’m sorry but I have SUCH a boner for Caroline in that, like my badass -I admit kinda op- QUEEN IS HERE and she’s fucking shit up, I’m sorry but I love that scene so much it’s so dear to me I was killing myself over how self-indulgent and grossly Over powered Caroline is but like idgaf man it’s such a hot scene and Caroline is practically invincible and we just love to see that, so seriously lovely anon, you telling me you LOVE that scene??? Puts the biggest smile on my face and reassures me a LOT bc I was whining and cribbing over how absolutely unbalanced that scene is to literally everyone BUT LIKE YOU JUMPING OUT OF NOWHERE and pointing that exact scene UGHH…...meant to fucking be the both of us 💖💞✨
And ALSO Caroline’s monologue is quite honestly the easiest inner monologue out of the three voices I wrote for that work, Klaus’s is the real pain in the ass tbvh like it is NOT easy writing pretentious besotted losers with a Kardashian complex especially when you need to make them sound cool when they’re the lamest OP dude bros to ever exist - and no I don’t hate Klaus although I seem to try my darndest to convince ppl I do- I just personally believe that a feral fucker like that with a thousand years of existence under his belt can grow a pair and graduate from his kindergarten level of emotional maturity to adult sometime soon, But then on the flipside he’s so grossly adorkably smitten and feral for Caroline plus hella horny for her all the time that its usually easy to write the trashed and devoted idiot he is into something pretentious and powerful and potent when relating to his unflappable arrogance and his narcissism, but sometimes I also need him to be *deep* and ffs profound for the sake of the plot and jfc my muse just wont work with me on that, she’s like I’m sorry I’m not about to bust my ass to make this mongrel intelligible like no sir all I wanna do is make him uncomfortably horny for Caroline and leave him like that.
So smh yeah the struggle is real….but lmao Caroline is just so precious and fiercely protective and just so achingly lonely in that story, so desperate for connection and trust and intimacy yet so guarded and impervious to everyone like it hurts me to write her like that but it really challenges me as an author to balance out her inherent light with the “void” I create in her and through her, so yeah it’s a very fulfilling task and I wouldnt change it one bit, and also I had to balance out her physical op-ness w half a millennium of the ugliest emotional trauma lol so I guess that figures, but the point being….once again I am overjoyed knowing that you liked a facet of the story that I tried so hard to make as authentically Caroline and achingly real and moving as I can and I cannot possibly feel more accomplished than rn for it so ty ty ty ty for reaching out to me and telling me *tackle hugs* It makes me GIDDY knowing that you enjoyed that particular part of the story like ugh stab me please you're too sweet.
And ok NOW, coming to The Originals part of the ask, (also please note that when I say TO headcanon; Hope does not exist, Hayley is a dead in a ditch and ofc Klaus will stop being that lil bitch they tried to pawn off as Klaus in TO) 
Honestly my biggest headcanon when it comes to TO crossovers somehow always include non-humanity!Caroline like it’s just so perfect to me?? The opportunity to make shit BLOW UP b/w them like imagine the DEBAUCHERY, the heat, the SEXUAL TENSION, the repression of one Klaus Mikaelson, the EXPLORATIONS, and omg the role reversal when Klaus has to be the voice of moral reason between them and not bc he believes Caroline would not be able to stand herself if she does something heinous and monstrous but bc he wants her to be completely and utterly herself, and yk *aware*, when she DECIMATES ppl to the ground and is in full-on predator mode, like he wants her monster to come out and play with him when no part of Caroline is locked away or suppressed, so obviously when she is w/o her humanity KLAUS exercises restraint on her behalf, like can you imagine that, Klaus restraining himself and being the vague, extremely broken and just largely inaccurate moral compass between the two of them for ALL the wrong reasons- and the entirety of NOLA just standing there watching him herd this baby vampire who seems to be intent on riling him up and angering him when all she is doing is giving him a massive hybrid hard on, like IMAGINE THE GOODNESS of non-humanity Caroline wrecking NOLA and Klaus letting her wreck it bc he is helpless in the face of Caroline Forbes and also bc he is quite honestly *enjoying* the debauchery himself so why put a damper on the festivities.
-I might wanna add that I favour this headcanon a lot bc I genuinely do not even remotely *like* the idea of NOLA as Klaus's chosen place to set his roots so like I would love Caroline going to NOLA and destroying everything there just bc I detest NOLA and the storyline behind it in TO. (yes is it petty? Obvi, but like I am a petty soul and I make no apologies ma’am)
So yeah that’s my main TO headcanon, but my other one being, one I talk about very frequently, scream about in tag rants to an obsessive level, and like this is a cracky one but still very valid, where Caroline rolls up to NOLA humanity intact and all, finds Hayley preggo and is just laughing her fucking ass off bc anybody ANYBODY, with half a brain and a two minute convo w klaus would know how UTTERLY stupid the entire baby shit is especially when it’s with an immemorable one night stand, and Caroline’s just losing her shit about how like an entire city is obssessed w this baby and she just straight up tells Klaus he’d SUCK as a dad (which he really does tho like he was a shitty fucking dad canonically too) and Klaus is just like *sigh* girl tell me about it. I mean basically he’s finally relieved that someone is on his side about the whole baby thing and how he definitely does not want his entire millennium of life to finally sum up to this one squalling leaking stinky infant/unicorn Hayley is apparently baking in her oven, and I say this headcanon is cracky bc klaus would never have put up w this mess long enough for Caroline to come in and sort it out, there’s this preferred method of disposal of his called heart ripping that would've been employed quite early on and honestly saved us all a lot of brain cells and minused years of life, bc let’s be real any Klaus who’s NOT a lil snivelling bitch wearing a Klaus skinsuit would’ve yeeted the baby and the mama first chance he got, and that’s just how I see it.
Lmao I really hope I didnt scare you away w my *strong* opinions Ik they can be a bit much but I enjoy having them so theyre not going anywhere, anyways this ask answer got WAYYYY too long but I’m hoping I answered your question well with this or atleast left you slightly confused and bemused over my feral screaming....either ways I’m really really really happy to have got your ask and the chance to rant so much bs, Twas cathartic and honestly I had nothing to do today so I was more than happy to dish this baby out for you. Thank you so much sweet anon for putting a smile on my face today I am absolutely HONOURED by your words you’sa cutie 💖💞✨🗣🗣
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calumance · 4 years
Omg so idk if you even follow the Kardashian’s on social media but Kim & kourtney posted a picture of a gift their kids made them for Mother’s Day & it has a bunch of funny sentences they answered based on their parent. Some of the things on the sheet say “my mom is __ years old” & the kids answered it with numbers like 6 & 10 & there was a bunch of cute &funny sentences they answered & I was wondering if you could write something with cal where aiden or Logan do that & the parents reading it 💕
I had to look this up, and oh my goodness, it was so cute. “My mom is 11″ 🥺🥺🥺 I feel like Aiden would be more closely aware on how to actually answer these, but still not dead on. Logan would be the one to throw out random answers 💕💕💕
        Calum had been gone for a little while picking up Aiden and Logan from school. You decided to stay home for the sole fact that it gave you another hour to do absolutely nothing before you had to get up and start getting dinner ready with Calum. When Calum came through the door, Aiden and Logan bounded towards you, two cards in each of their hands. “Mama, we made these cards in school for you and dad.” Aiden said as he held out the cards.
        You sat up and took the cards out of their hands and opened them, Aiden quickly shutting them, causing your eyes to go wide. “Aiden wants us to record us reading our cards.” Calum said, saving you from yelling at Aiden real quick.
        Calum set up his phone and pressed record before sitting next to Aiden making it so that you both sat with the two boys sandwiched between you. “Mama, read yours from me first.” Aiden said with a smile while swinging his legs back and forth.
        With a breath, you picked up Aiden’s card and started to read it. It was prewritten sentences where Aiden had to fill in the blanks. The first one being that he had to say how old you were, “My mom is 30 years old,” You raised your eyebrows, he was close, but not right either. A smile started to stretch across your lips. As you read the second one and third one, “She likes to watch movies with dad. The best thing she cooks is spaghetti.” You smiled, it was your signature dish. “Her favorite food is chicken,” It wasn’t your least favorite food, you shrugged and kept reading. “Her favorite drink is water. Her favorite thing she does to relax is read. We like to play in the pool together. She is really good at making me laugh. As you can see my mom is special because she is the best person in the whole world.” You closed the card and pouted at Aiden, “That was so cute, thank you, baby!” You leaned over Logan and pressed a kiss to the side of Aiden’s head.
        Logan tapped your side and you looked down at him, “Now read mine, mommy!” He folded his hands in his lap and kicked his feet back and forth.
        You nodded and picked up the second card and cleared your throat before reading, “My mom is seven years old,” Sounded better than thirty, “She likes to dance with me. The best thing she cooks is mac and cheese.” You laughed because both of your kids made it seem like the fancier things you cooked were horrible. You licked your lips and continued. “Her favorite food is milk. Her favorite drink is coffee.” You pulled your eyebrows together trying to figure out where he got milk as your favorite food. The smile stayed on your lips as you went on. “Her favorite thing she does to relax is sleep.  We like to watch movies together. She is really good at making me happy. As you can see my mom is special because she kisses me goodnight every night.” As you closed the card you looked over at Logan and pouted, “I’ll kiss you every night until you tell me to stop. Thank you, baby.” You kissed the top of his head and ruffled his hair.
        Aiden turned to Calum and excitedly told Calum to read his now. Calum opened the card from Aiden and cleared his throat before reading. “My dad is 35 years old. He likes to hang out with his brothers. The best thing he cooks is pizza. His favorite food is lettuce,” Calum pulled his lips into his mouth, stifling a laugh. “His favorite drink is tea. His favorite thing he does to relax is listen to music. We like to go to the park together. He is really good at playing music. As you can see my dad is special because he loves me and hugs me all the time.” Calum looked over at Aiden and pressed his hand to his back. “I do love you, buddy, thank you.” Calum leaned down and pressed a kiss to Aiden’s forehead.
        “Now mine, daddy!” Logan blurted out, gently slapping Calum’s wrist a few times. You laughed and raked your fingers through Logan’s hair, but still watching Calum as he opened Logan’s card.
        Calum furrowed his eyebrows and started reading the card as if it were fine literature. “My dad is six years old. He likes to be silly. The best thing he cooks is pancakes. His favorite food is pancakes,” Calum paused to shrug and nod at Logan who giggle and leaned into you. “His favorite drink is tea, man I drink a lot of tea if both of you know that.” Calum finally let out a serious chuckle and the boys both laughed at him. “His favorite thing he does to relax is play his guitar. We like to snuggle together. He is really good at making me laugh. As you can see my dad is special because he is always there for me and make me laugh when I’m sad.” Calum put the card in his lap and reached over Aiden to press a kiss to Logan’s forehead. “I love you, Logan, thank you for the card.” Logan giggled and Aiden stood up, asking Logan to go play a game with him and together they ran off.
        Calum reached forward and turned the recording off and then turned to you. He held out his hand asking for the cards and you handed them to him. He pushed himself off the couch and walked into the kitchen where he tacked the cards up to the fridge. You followed Calum into the kitchen and crossed your arms as you leaned back against the counter. “Man, we’ve got some amazing kids, don’t we?” A smile spread across your lips as you looked at the cards dangling on the fridge.
        Calum leaned against the counter next to you, pressing his arms against yours. He nodded and pursed his lips. “We sure do. Ready to get some pancakes, pizza, mac and cheese and spaghetti ready for dinner?” Calum looked down at you, a grin stretching across his lips. You nudged him and laughed as he turned to pull what you were actually making for dinner out of the fridge.
Tag list: @mantlereid @notinthesameguey @viiirg0 @wheniminouterspace @thinkofmehlgh @another-lonely-heart @limer-encia @itsmytimetoodream @babyoria @treatallwithkindness
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woodchoc-magnum · 3 years
Lone Star 2x13 Hate Watch
One episode to go until our Season 2 misery is over gang
And then this dumb af TV show isn’t back until JANUARY 🥳
Disclaimer: As always, if you love this show - I wish you all the best, please enjoy your show in peace and harmony, namaste 🙏
Sweetest softest boy to cleanse:
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I know nothing much about this episode other than the main plot point, so I'm excited to see how bad it is.
I've got my sweet chilli chips and some dip, LET'S DO THIS THING
God damn Gina Torres is going to break my fucking heart
And Charles is legit DEAD
I mean I know the actor got another show but wow this is gutting
God what is she going to DO
This is terrible
Oh no am I going to cry all the way through this fuck my life
It's amazing that Gina Torres has been on this show for only this season and I'm already more invested in her character's storyline than I am in Rob Lowe's
Omg Judd is the best husband ever, he is ADORABLE
He wants to buy the baby COWBOY BOOTS
The best thing this show did was hire Gina Torres
Okay he's gone for now
I was enjoying this so much without him
Judd and Grace are going to figure it out
This man is going to help Gina Torres through her grief isn't he
Uh oh
Okay wow plot twist
Has anyone called the cops on the guy with the gun?
It's a toy gun
Okay this plan doesn't seem well thought-out
But thank god because OWEN STRAND IS IN THE HOSPITAL
Hey also 10/10 no TK so far
Rob Lowe's nurp is just on DISPLAY the whore
"You clearly lead a very exciting life Owen" – she wants to bang him
Hence the nurp on display
Oh he's asking her out
She's going to fuck him senseless, good for you BARBARA GET IT GIRL
Do we think Owen is going to save the day
Owen's going to save the day isn't he
God her husband has just died and now she has to deal with all this shit
And Owen has her NUMBER
Like let's just take a moment to feel sorry for poor Tommy here
"I'm Captain Owen Strand and I'm going to be inserting myself into a situation where I don't belong right now"
Okay what the hell is she doing? She knows this kid is doomed right
But like… plot twist if he does wake up? And knowing Lone Star he will so I am suspicious
There's so little to hate on without TK in the mix
Thank god that they were able to insert Rob Lowe into this storyline
Judd and Grace are figuring it out
Nice to know if you work at 911 you can just ring them up and ask them to play calls for you
Thank GOD
Owen is here to SAVE THE DAY
I'm so glad he was able to make himself a part of this situation as well as every single other situation on this show
I wish he could've made Judd and Grace's car accident all about him as well, because you know that really affected him a lot
Oh Tommy
Okay so Lone Star isn't pulling a miracle and having the kid wake up
If this kid opens his eyes I swear to god
They've been in there way longer than two minutes, the SWAT team is gonna burst in and mow everyone down
This show
I swear to fucking god
Of course the kid lives
The dumbest fucking show
The literal dumbest fucking television show currently on television that I am watching (because there's probably worse stuff, I know the Kardashians are still on TV but I don't watch that)
But even then maybe the Kardashians have better plot lines than Lone Star? At least you wouldn't have to worry about Ronen
This is going to only feed into my fear about having an aneurysm
Oh god she's gotta tell the kids and I'm going to cry
Why are we making this about Rob Lowe's September 11 pain
Why are they having a party in the burnt out firehouse
TK never met a patterned shirt he didn't like and they all look terrible on him because he sucks
Just a little TK burn at the end here because I can
Oh there's a big ass dust storm
 All right so… I mean… this was easily like the third best episode of season 2? If we're doing the crossover as number 1, then Judd and Grace and then this one. Not a lot of hate here, other than the fucking brain dead kid waking up  ( @zeethebooknerd​ let me know what you think about that!)
I give it… like 5/10? Because it was mostly Gina Torres? And that's not a bad thing!
Eddie Diaz to ease our minds and our souls:
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katslitg · 4 years
Could you please do some headcanons for the LITG S2 girls? Thanks x
omg ofc ahhh ok so this might be a bit all over the place but here goes:
its not really a secret that lottie doesn’t really like hope so she actually made two groupchats, one with hope and one without her
personally i feel like hope and noah didn’t work out. they probably broke up after a round of endless fight about petty stuff, but i do think hope’s career has become even more successful than before
chelsea and mc hang out all the time!! i just know that chelsea moved closer to her
after working in the usa for a while, lottie definitely moves to another country. i’d like to think brazil or argentina
after graduating from law school, marisol becomes like a really famous lawyer like, i wanted to say like robert kardashian but no not like that a lil less famous lol
priya becomes a fashion designer, i mean she always looked good even if she wore the same three outfits every day
hannah becomes a full time writer but often struggles with the endings so she always asks for help from the rest of the girls
shannon actually takes the girls to vegas once, bc u know she loves poker
elisa reposts her love island picture constantly omg i just know shes one of those bloggers that’s like “i was on love island” every chance she gets
jo and ibrahim probably got married the second they left the villa
personally other than jo and ibrahim, i don’t see the girls still together with their li, maybe marisol and graham
i don’t know if anyone else thinks this but i think lucas and chelsea make a beautiful couple. they might not be very compatible but i do see them trying it for a while outside of the villa
i just know that the girls have some inside jokes at the reunion, which hope doesnt understand bc shes not in their main groupchat, and chelsea accidently tells her
they definitely have that one day in the month that is like a reserved girls’ day yk, like one day they go to a spa and the next month they’ll go to an arcade
i could definitely see chelsea making a youtube channel to be honest. like she’d give tips on how to decorate your house and probably even vlog
the only one of them i could see become a mother is hannah, maybe lottie and priya too, although i don’t think we know if priya wants kids or not
if anyone wants to add something feel free to do so!
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smalltownwriter · 3 years
Following the Stars // update!
Hey y’all! I haven’t worked on Following the Stars at all the past two weeks, and it’s honestly been so nice to take a step back and just write other stuff that feels like less pressure! But I thought I’d come on here and share a little more about the story because why not! So, here are FIVE random facts about Following the Stars!
1. Social media is a really important aspect of the story. I use tweets, instagram posts, blog posts, memes, etc. to help narrate the story in between chapters. I wanted this in the story because I think it really highlights how challenging it can be for anyone, but especially young queer women (especially especially a Black queer woman like Symphony), to come to terms with who they are when the whole world is “watching.” 
2. This story is actually inspired by Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift’s feud. Or, you could say it was inspired by the Capulet and Montague’s feud. Or, really any feud. Basically, I loved the idea that the whole world could think you should hate someone, but the reality is you’ve built yourselves a private world where you can love one another. I am a hopeless romantic :) 
3. This story takes place in 2019 because the Met Gala theme that year was Camp: Notes on Fashion. Basically, it was always going to take place in 2019 & there was always going to be several chapters taking place at the Met Gala, but when they announced the theme was basically “GAY” I was like yep! it was meant to be! 
4. In the first three drafts of this story, Penny is British. It took one (1) person to ask “okay, but why is she British?” for me to realize oh yeah! She’s not! She’s a Georgia girl!
5. The hardest part of this story is the plot. I understand vibes more than I do actual actions. As such, I’m on the third draft of this novel and only sort of have a working plot. I’d say the book can be divided into about 4-5 sections and about 3 have a super defined plot (omg you’re going to love it), but there’s one section of the story where stuff needs to happen but I don’t know how to make it happen. Does that make sense? In any case, that’s why I’ve been taking a break from Following the Stars to work on a secret wip. Sometimes time away is actually the best thing you can do for a story!
Okay y’all that’s enough vulnerability for one night! Thanks for reading! 
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