#Astrology Horoscope
truevedicastrology · 2 months
Uranus in the Houses
A Spark of Unpredictability
Uranus, the planet of revolution and innovation, adds a dash of unpredictability wherever it lands in your birth chart. Let's explore how it ignites change and disrupts the status quo in each house:
1st House: The Maverick
Forget fitting in! You're a natural-born trendsetter, drawn to the avant-garde and expressing yourself authentically. Embracing your quirks, even if they shock others, is key to unlocking your full potential.
2nd House: The Unconventional Earner
Get ready for surprises in your finances! Uranus might bring sudden windfalls or unexpected losses, prompting you to break free from traditional wealth accumulation methods. Embrace innovative ideas and unconventional ventures.
3rd House: The Quick-Witted Communicator
Communication sparks fly! You have a knack for expressing yourself in unexpected ways, sometimes shocking others with your wit and sharp insights. Embrace intellectual challenges and explore diverse perspectives.
4th House: The Unconventional Home
Your home life is anything but ordinary! Expect sudden changes in your living situation or unconventional family dynamics. Embrace the opportunity to build a unique and authentic haven.
5th House: The Rebellious Creator
Your creativity thrives on breaking the rules! You're drawn to avant-garde forms of expression and unexpected romantic encounters. Embrace your uniqueness and challenge conventional notions of love and pleasure.
6th House: The Unorthodox Work Ethic
You disrupt the traditional work environment! You might embrace unconventional methods, challenge authority, or switch careers unexpectedly. Embrace innovation and find a work space that allows you to be your authentic self.
7th House: The Unpredictable Partner
Relationships take an excitingly unpredictable turn with Uranus. You might attract unconventional partners or experience sudden changes in your partnerships. Embrace open communication and respect for individual freedom.
8th House: The Transformational Journey
Expect unexpected transformations in your personal power and finances. You might experience sudden inheritances or losses, prompting deep personal growth. Embrace the power of change and learn to let go.
9th House: The Globe-Trotting Explorer
Embrace adventure! Uranus fuels your wanderlust and desire for unconventional travel experiences. You might be drawn to exploring hidden knowledge or challenging traditional beliefs. Embrace open-mindedness and diverse perspectives.
10th House: The Unlikely Star
Your career path is anything but predictable! You might experience sudden success, unexpected career changes, or unconventional leadership styles. Embrace innovation and find a career that allows you to express your unique vision.
11th House: The Social Revolutionary
You attract like-minded rebels and dreamers! Your friendships challenge the status quo and inspire social change. Embrace collaboration and use your network to make a difference.
12th House: The Intuitive Visionary
Uranus awakens your hidden potential and psychic abilities. You might experience sudden flashes of insight or unconventional spiritual experiences. Embrace introspection and connect to your inner wisdom.
Remember, Uranus' influence is just one piece of your unique astrological puzzle. Embrace the spark of unpredictability it brings and use it to forge your own extraordinary path!
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🌟🩺 Chiron Observations #1 🩻🌟
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In our natal charts Chiron represents where we have healing powers due to deep spiritual wounds. We may over-compensate in these areas of life or unconsciously put ourselves in situations that wounds us further. We become our own wounded healer, and learn to face and overcome issues of low self-worth and feelings of inadequacy and learn to rise above these issues.
Chiron in our charts is a place of great knowledge, experience, talent, and wisdom. Even if our own experience with the issues are problematic, our experience informs us, and we can be excellent guides and counselors in these areas of life.
In aspects to angles and planets it tells us a story of how we can learn understand ourselves deeply. Strong aspects (conjunction, opposition, or square) can be felt in great amounts and in polarizing ways, but softer ones (trines or sextiles) are like natural talents or ways of being so it can easily go unnoticed.
⬆️ASC/1H ⬆️: these individuals are more prone to acquiring wounds in a physical and/or non-physical ways. Similarly to Pluto in this aspect or house, you can have scar/s around your face or head area. There is a tendency to have a wrong perception of one’s body, almost to a detrimental point which leads to experiencing low self esteem during early life. The lesson Chiron brings here is to learn how to love yourself deeply despite how painful it might be. This is not an easy journey considering how damaging our current body standards are for both men and women, although more painful for the latter. Once you see and learn to love your own beauty it will be easy for you to be a role model for others, since you will shine from the inside out. You naturally have a healers energy and others are drawn to it, specially those who need healing in a metaphysical way. It is truly beautiful to see a Chiron placement like this one grow and develop throughout time. You proudly show the scars and don’t feel afraid of others seeing it. You value your vulnerability and compassion, and so do others. You are not your wounds, but the beauty in the scars that showed you survived.
🌞 Sun 🌞 : there is a wound that comes from not identifying yourself with your core energy, what makes you shine or your talents. It could also be a father wound, meaning your relationship with him might have no been great and needs/needed lots of healing. A sort of discomfort by not feeling entirely related to how others perceive you. Our sun sign is the aspect that shows up the most and easiest to pinpoint, so individuals with Chiron in close aspect to it feel pain from not feeling associated with those aspects of themselves. Ex: A Leo sun conj Chiron might not perceive themselves as someone who gets or feels comfortable with attention at all. They might not even notice their creative side. There is a need for integration within this person. The lesson is accepting all your parts, specially the ones that people point out the most and you just reject with little hesitation. Sit down and think of when and/or who taught you to reject these aspects of yourself. Someone with this conjunction will feel somewhat inferior or very uncomfortable next to those who share their same sun sign, since they feel pain when seeing the parts they deny themselves reflected in others with more ease. Once you radically accept your sun traits, there is high possibilities of becoming an unstoppable force full of confidence. People can feel like being around you helps them heal their father wounds in a way. These natives become the pillar and holding ground to those around them. Always wanting to protect and provide as well, if possible. Remember you are not your father, but the genetically better version instead.
🌚 Moon 🌝: the hurt comes with our emotional regulation here. You are naturally more sensitive than most to your environment and when interacting with others. There is also a common theme of mother wounds, and the rocky relationship being the main cause for developing unhealthy cope mechanisms. Ones that lead you to struggling with understanding your own emotions. It might be easy for you to be very emphatic with others wounds, and people would find being under your care as very healing. These individuals become the mother archetype for others, like the one they might have needed themselves growing up but didn’t get the chance to experience. Their relationships with women or their own soft/nurturing side might trigger these wounds for them. You must realize that the world will never stop throwing triggers your way, and the only way to cope in a healthy way is by learning how to regulate yourself. Breathing techniques, mindfulness, and yoga might be very useful for you. Teach your brain that there’s no fear in triggers, and that you’re stronger than any of them. You will not turn out to be your mothers negative traits. You will not hurt those around you and dismiss their feelings. You are destined to show others how resilient one can be, how emotions are here to just exist or experienced, and not to be rationalized or internalized. The beauty in living is feeling it all.
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lilastromama · 1 year
what i love about different zodiac signs/placements 🍷 [2]
aries lilith: their willpower. it might not always be for the positive, but theyre willing to do everything in order to get what they want, everything. Theyre ruthless. Im not saying thats GOOD, but its not always a bad trait either. go babes
saturn in the 8th house: how the universe doesnt play about them. this has less to do w their personality, and more to do with how inclined they are with spirit. fool them once, youre not gonna be able to fool them twice anyways. The universe always whips out the uno reverse card on you if u make the mistake to hurt them. Just something i have experienced a hell lot
capricorn sun: their balance (?) listen idk how to put this in words the right way, but so many caps ive met have this certain balance. being calm, kind, patient. And then theyre loud, chaotic, angry, funny, make the best jokes and are the most noticeable in the room. U never know what u get, and i like that
aquarius moon: aquas have never been an easy ride for me, gotta be honest. but the one thing i hold them high up for, is how they dont always "fit in" and yet are still chillin. I have always found strength in being (excuse my language) "outcast" like. Its good to have a mind of your own, and not always walk the way others take, or tell u to go. Please keep questioning things, keep doing you. (as long as it doesnt harm anyone) its a great thing to be unique, its a power move. Its actually something we could all have/do a little more of.
virgo sun: their confidence/support level. Ive noticed a lot of virgo suns to be hype-women/men/people. they support u the best they can, give compliments not even models have ever heard, and make u feel like ure on top of the world. and in women (as i am one, and have experienced this ESPECIALLY with virgo women) they give the best instagram comments. U know which ones im talking about. Those "Omg, i hear vogue calling youu already!!" 🎈comments. Theyre the best at it.
cancer mars: its funny bc cancer is in its fall when its in mars, its not specifically a sought out placement to have. But there is something about those individuals that remind me of female rage. LISTEN 👹 it takes a lot for cancer mars people to noticeably lose their shit, they almost never do it in front of others, they keep quiet mostly. But WHEN they show their pent up emotions, its time to call 911. go home and get the gun, NOW.
9th house individuals: Their minds. Yes, yes, yes. If u like deeptalks, like to spiral down the rabbit hole and back up, talk to these people. they make amazing teachers, leaders, people which are there to guide and learn you. They have incredibly fast minds, they analyze and calculate QUICKLY. those are the people which u go to when ur ex posted a new pic and u wanna know whos in it. Give them about 3 seconds and they will find out, including where their great grandfather lives. A pleasure <3
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stellarsagittarius · 7 months
☀️🌛 Solar Eclipse in Libra, October 2023 Astrology horoscope for all Rising Signs 🌜☀️
[Ps. Personal reading are open. Here's the link to the how-to book one, and my Astrology Masterlist.]
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Wherever South Node is transiting in your natal chart, you will experience a dramatic decrease in that area of life. Our human nature of dwelling on the negative side makes us unable to see what the North Node is offering in the place of that House's reduced appearance.
The solar eclipse on the 14th of October might enhance this anxiety of feeling like you aren't fulfilling the expectations of your Libra house.
Currently, South Node is in Libra, so depending on what house Libra sits in your chart, you will feel like roadblocks just keep on happening and as if the Universe is guiding you towards something completely different. More than often this can manifest as anxiety and feeling like something is wrong, having constant doubts about your own abilities in that area of life, etc. Bonus w/ South Node in Libra: Feeling like you aren't friendly or social enough.
The thing is, you can relax and instead focus on the thing that is gaining a large amount of momentum in your life, aka the House, North Node is transiting. North Node is in Aries right now and it gives you independent control over your life. This is the time to be individualistic and put yourself first, fiercely and fearlessly. Bonus w/ North Node in Aires: You will excel when you lead yourself with full belief that you absolutely deserve what you want.
Sagittarius Risings have been thinking if they are social enough right now, because they been spending a lot of time with their passion projects, almost shutting out the world. Oh yes girl, the social world doesn't matter right now, do your thang right now.
Aries Risings wondering if they are being mean or selfish, because they just have been in that self love space right now. Yesss, girl, you don't have to care about anyone. YOU, are the moment.
Leo Risings are fiercely pursuing their greater meaning of life, but are left wondering if it's okay that they aren't catching up and being updated on the latest gossip. Damn, girl, it's all good. You don't have to catch up with anyone other than yourself right now.
Virgo Risings are courageously declaring their authority and position to everybody else. They aren't going to let anybody walk over themselves anymore. As long as you are bold and upfront with people using your giving nature, you are gold baby!
Capricorn Risings are taking time out and getting more private than ever. Don't be afraid of not letting other people know about your business, and if you see your career taking a bit of break now. It's time to relax babes.
Taurus Risings are having major psychic realisations. They are ending major karmic cycles, healing and putting their instincts first. It's no issue if you feel a bit unproductive or behind doing certain tasks. Take it easy.
Pisces Risings are putting their boundaries up, bichh. Girl, don't be afraid to cut people off that absolutely don't contribute anything to your life. This is the time to rely on no one, but yourself. Help yourself and don't you dare feel guilty about it.
Cancer Risings are getting that bag and reaching those milestones. This is your time to shine in the world out there. Family matters and the concern for privacy might have kept you from your full potential, but not anymore. This is one of the most prominent times to be achieving your goals.
Scorpio Risings are getting real grounded and productive. It's an amazing time for them to work on their health, take a new workout routine and get all active. Trust your primal instincts and make sure you ground your energy first and foremost.
Gemini Risings are making those connections, being more social than before and build their networks. Don't worry if you happen to ignore some creative projects and private fun time due to being the social butterfly. It's your time to hope and plan for the future now!
Libra Risings are learning to manage their relationships better. It's that time to actually be that good partner, that good friend, that good listener. More than this, focus on building healthy relationships with healthy minded people.
Aquarius Risings are becoming more intellectual than they usually are. With all the knowledge they have been accumulating they are finally having mental breakthroughs. It's your time to build your own opinions and define the world on your own terms. Don't worry if you feel less of a lawful person. We all are allowed to be chaotic sometimes.
Hope yall have a lovely October 🎃👻🍬🧣🍂
Stay tuned for more Astrology content 🏹✨️!!
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seraphic-saturn · 6 months
Full Hunter Moon
Lunar Eclipse In Taurus : Oct 28th 2023 @ 4:52 PM EDT During the lunar eclipse, the themes associated with Taurus, such as financial stability, emotional grounding, and a connection to the physical world, may be heightened or undergo transformations. This period often prompts individuals to reassess their relationship with material possessions, financial stability, and personal comfort, leading to potential realizations and shifts in priorities.
Emotionally, a lunar eclipse in Taurus may bring to the surface issues related to security, self-worth, and the need for stability. It could also highlight the importance of finding a balance between the desire for material comfort and the need for emotional fulfillment. Lunar Eclipse Moon in Taurus Semi-Square Virgo Venus: This alignment could bring some tension or challenges in relationships and matters of the heart. It might be necessary to find a compromise between personal desires and the needs of those close to you. When these two energies are in a semi-square aspect, there might be a subtle conflict between the need for emotional security and sensual pleasures (Taurus Moon) and the desire for refinement and practicality in relationships (Virgo Venus). This could manifest as a struggle between the desire for comfort and stability on one hand and a critical, analytical approach to relationships on the other. In practical terms, this aspect could lead to challenges in finding the balance between emotional satisfaction and practical considerations in relationships. There might be a need to reconcile the desire for comfort with the drive for perfection and improvement. This tension could call for patience, compromise, and a willingness to work through any conflicts or challenges that arise in relationships during this time.
Lunar Eclipse Moon in Taurus Opposite Mercury, Mars, Sun in Scorpio: This opposition could lead to heightened emotions, intense communication, and potential conflicts. It's crucial to maintain a level-headed approach to prevent any unnecessary misunderstandings or disputes during this time. When these energies are in direct opposition, there can be a heightened emotional tension and potential conflicts arising from differences in communication and approaches to taking action. It may also lead to power struggles and intensified emotions, making it crucial to maintain a balanced and composed demeanor during this time. In practical terms, this opposition could manifest as challenges in communication, power dynamics, and emotional expression. There might be a need to find a balance between the desire for stability and security (Taurus Moon) and the urge for transformation and intensity (Scorpio Mercury, Mars, and Sun). Managing conflicts with patience, empathy, and open communication can help navigate the potential challenges that may arise during this period.
Virgo Venus Opposite Pisces Neptune: This aspect might bring some confusion or idealism in matters of love and relationships. It could be a time when you need to be cautious about unrealistic expectations or deceptive influences in your interactions with others. When these two energies are in opposition, there can be a conflict between the need for practical, tangible expressions of love and the desire for a more idealistic, spiritual, or unconditional form of affection. This tension may bring about confusion, unrealistic expectations, or even deception in matters related to love and relationships. In practical terms, this opposition could lead to challenges in understanding each other's expressions of affection and emotional needs. There may be a need for clear communication, empathy, and a realistic approach to love and relationships during this time. It's essential to navigate the delicate balance between practicality and idealism, ensuring that expectations remain grounded while still allowing room for spiritual and emotional growth.
Lunar Eclipse Moon in Taurus Conjunct Jupiter & Sextile Pisces Saturn: This suggests a potential balancing act between emotional stability and practical responsibilities. It may indicate a time of steady progress and growth, especially in areas related to finances, career, and long-term goals.
Overall, this configuration suggests a harmonious blend of emotional stability, growth, and practicality. It may signify a period of emotional resilience and a sense of security, combined with the potential for personal and spiritual growth. This alignment encourages a balanced approach to managing emotions and responsibilities, fostering a sense of well-being and optimism even during challenging times. It emphasizes the importance of remaining grounded and practical while embracing opportunities for growth and expansion.
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saylessastrology · 25 days
💜💫Want More Saylessastrology Content? Pick a Tier💜💫
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The Solar Return Rising: Your Year Ahead
Aries Rising
With Aries Rising, your year is marked by an inclination to take the lead, especially in areas where Aries rules your natal chart. However, be mindful of impatience or impulsiveness. This year offers abundant opportunities for adventure and transformation, fueled by your newfound courage.
Taurus Rising
Taurus Rising brings your attention to domestic matters and financial stability. This year is marked by a sense of steadiness and reliability. Be cautious of becoming too materialistic or resistant to changes.
Gemini Rising
If Gemini is your Rising Sign, you're likely to be outgoing, sociable, and incredibly inquisitive. You might struggle to bring ongoing projects to completion before your attention shifts to another area. Embrace your versatility while maintaining focus.
Cancer Rising
With Cancer Rising, your emotions are readily apparent, and you find yourself yearning for security and emotional well-being. This period may prompt more introspection as you reflect on your roots and emotional foundations.
Leo Rising
If you have Leo Rising, a powerful drive to express your creativity comes to the forefront. You might find yourself embracing a more dramatic and expressive approach to life. It's a year to let your true self shine.
Virgo Rising
Virgo Rising shifts your primary focus towards your work, daily habits, overall well-being, and routines. It's a time when the spotlight is on these practical aspects of life.
Libra Rising
Libra Rising year centers on the need for compromise, careful consideration, and harmonious balance. You may find that relationships and partnerships take the forefront.
Scorpio Rising
With Scorpio Rising, intense and profound emotions rise to the surface. This year tends to be marked by deep introspection, leading you to reevaluate and potentially cut off aspects of your life that appear shallow or unfulfilling.
Sagittarius Rising
Sagittarius Rising brings a heightened sense of adventure and restlessness. This could be driven by a feeling of recent limitations or a sense of being trapped in a rut, motivating you to seek new experiences.
Capricorn Rising
With Capricorn Rising, your primary attention is directed towards your obligations, career-related matters, and the practical aspects of your life, including material concerns.
Aquarius Rising
Aquarius Rising brings a heightened need for independence and individuality. This could inspire you to break free from your usual patterns and reveal a fresh and different aspect of yourself.
Pisces Rising
With Pisces Rising, you may find yourself immersed in a profoundly dreamy and potentially aimless year. Your inclination leans towards dwelling in a world of dreams rather than attending to the meticulous details of daily life.
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angelbabyblog777 · 3 months
Being a Capricorn moon is like only letting yourself cry because you’re too depressed to wash your face and you know your salty tears might help your acne. 💀
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angelicsaggie · 10 months
Polar Opposites in July 2023
Have you recently had your rose colored glasses crushed into pieces? If so, Capricorn has a message for you, and it is to get over it point-blank, and simple. You live on Earth which means that you are to follow its rules. Just because your mind lives in Neptune does not mean that your reality is equivalent. If you pay attention to this planet then you will notice that it frequently changes, hence the number 5. 
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How do you feel about the first couple months of this year? How did it affect you? What did you learn? Lastly, what do you want to change? Hopefully you have noticed that your old patterns are no longer serving you a purpose. It is doing more harm than good.
Stand Firm
Everything that you do and say causes a ripple effect. What story do you want to live? What do you want to be known for? What type of karma do you want to have? The choice is yours.
Speak Up
You have to fight back if challenged, but with a strategy. A good warrior does not rush into battle until his confidence is balanced, his spirit is humble, and his discernment is available. This planet fights you all of the time, but it is not to be cruel, it is to evolve. 
Be Realistic About Your Emotions
Capricorn wants you to harden up your shell, and fight back without cruelty. If you have recently cried then you must accept your experiences, and move out of your emotions. Leo season is next and you do not want to be unprepared so it is time to get off your arse and carpe diem.
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You’re Not Crazy it’s just Cancer Season
Gemini Dreams
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notesbynataly · 1 month
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Just a friendly reminder to not forget this lunar eclipse, full moon in Libra ♎ while in the season of Aries ♈ ...
Do not forget to do away with what no longer serves you, relationships that no longer serve you, and beliefs or thoughts that are detrimental to your spiritual journey.
Don't forget to be grateful and appreciative of all the gifts the Universe, God, your creator has given you and will continue to give to you. Focus less on manifesting as we are approaching Mercury Retrograde, but rather take the time for self care and self love, reflection and introspection, appreciation, and being mindful of fairness, beauty, your outer and inner relationships, and love.
One tool I find essential in finding out what I need to be additionally focusing on while in a transit is the Astro Seek Transit Calculator.
For this transit, put in your birth chart information, then find in the outermost ring of the circle the moon and Libra ♎ symbols, where do they fall in the Houses? This should be the focus of your (casual, this time at least) efforts.
Remember, it's important to use something like this on Astro Seek ^^ because the sources online tend to focus on a different House than the one that is personally affecting you. Also, on the subject of horoscopes ... your sun sign is your outward expression and personality and it changes on the month, your rising/ascendant is more accurate for a horoscope because it depends on the time of birth in just a few hours time -- the moon sign is also a better indicator of horoscope than the sun sign because it is the most accurate representation of your real, innermost, subconscious self.
⭐ do ritual baths
⭐ do divination
⭐ do self care and self love, be the love you wish to receive from others
⭐ do be introspective and reflective, especially regarding relationships
⭐ do use something like Astro Seek to see what House is influenced right now and needs your focus
⭐ do NOT do heavy manifesting
⭐ do NOT make any contracts literal or metaphoric without extreme clarity of mind and definite assurance of its success or positivity
⭐ do NOT be overly judgemental, negative, desperate, or any kind of emotion or energy you do not wish to bring with you in manifestation later
⭐ this is the time for karmic consequences and karmic reward, what will it be and what will you unintentionally manifest in the coming future? (Remember, do NOT deeply manifest. The goal is effortless actionable efforts, things we can DO toward our goals NOT what we can mentally manifest or will into existence. Doing so now may have dire consequences later.)
Much love from the Abyss !!! 🌝🌛
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ossonee777 · 2 years
Songs that remind me of astrology placements! Pt2
Fetish— Selena Gomez, Gucci Mane
This reminds me of scorpio placements and 8th house, because they are so addictive and they push and pull constantly. Also taurus and cancer, they just know how make you fall for them.
Stole the show— Kygo, Parson James
Leo risings for sure, also jupiter in the first house or fifth house. Strong fire or air in the chart, their uniqueness stands out prominently.
Don't blame me— Taylor Swift
I think this one is pretty specific, a combination of virgo placements with leo and cancer, and also a stellium in the 12th house. So selfless with the people they love. Also if you have a scorpio or aries venus, impulsive and obsessive. (No hate towards them I love those placements)
This is home— Cavetown
This song just screams pisces and cancer placements, maybe moon in first or forth house. Maybe pluto in fourth as they don't feel at home in their house but with their friends.
Let me know— Juice WRLD
Capricorn mars or venus, sagittarius mars or just scorpio mars. Strong pluto placements or jupiter aspects towards mars. The energy they give off, just so dominant and direct.
505— Artic Monkeys
I feel this song goes with pisces, virgo, cancer and libra. Just because they can ignore extreme red flags and go over them when they miss someone. Sadly this placements are so loving but they choose the wrong people
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truevedicastrology · 5 months
Venus in Signs Unveiled 🌌
Embarking upon the cosmic tapestry, we unravel the intricacies of Venusian manifestations. 🔥
In the fiery realm of Aries, ardor reigns supreme, igniting a fervent pursuit. The thrill of an elusive paramour captivates them, yet ennui looms post-honeymoon. Their ardency, however, knows no bounds. 💖
In the sensual abode of Taurus, desire craves opulence. Lavish dates and regal treatment define their romantic utopia. Physical intimacy and emotional proximity intertwine, creating an immersive experience with their beloved. 💑
Gemini's Venus, an aficionado of spontaneity, hungers for intellectual engagement. Monotony befalls them swiftly, and commitment becomes an elusive concept. Their affections gracefully dance among multiple partners. 🕺💃
Cancer's Venus seeks a haven in their partner, a refuge akin to home. Nestled in cuddles, cinematic escapades ensue. Evading ephemeral dalliances, they gravitate towards enduring commitments. 🏡❤️
The regal Venus in Leo yearns to be the coveted prize, basking in public displays of affection. Loyalty intertwines with a penchant for inciting jealousy, creating a theatrical romantic landscape. 🎭👑
Virgo's Venus communicates love through acts of service. Nurturing their partner brings fulfillment, tempered with constructive criticism from a place of genuine care. 🌱💕
Libra's Venus craves equilibrium, desiring a relationship as a tranquil sanctuary. Discomfort breeds passive-aggression, a covert expression of unspoken grievances. Their loyalty surfaces when the cosmic scales align. ⚖️💏
Scorpio's Venus hungers for an immersive, profound love, scorning superficial connections. The tempest of excitement and chaos fuels their ardor, warding off the specter of ennui. 🌪️❤️
Sagittarius' Venus, an ardent admirer of romance, weaves tales of unparalleled significance. Charismatic honesty coexists with a penchant for exploring diverse romantic vistas. 📖🌍
Capricorn's Venus values mature, responsible partners. Love unfolds methodically, grounded in trust and reliability, transcending mere emotional fervor. 🧘‍♂️💖
Aquarius' Venus craves a camaraderie-fueled romance, where jest and banter abound. The shackles of a stifling union suffocate their individualistic essence. 🤣🤔
Pisces' Venus yearns for a soulmate connection, transcending the mundane. Their love, profound and unconditional, becomes a beacon for those drawn to exploit their open-hearted benevolence. 🌌💗
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The “I work hard, enjoy some of it, but others enjoy the most” placement
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Jupiter-Saturn aspects in natal chart means you are the one who is creating generational wealth in your family, but not necessarily the one who will enjoy the most of it. Depending on the type of aspect it can either be something you are totally okay with (conjunction + trine/sextile) or have difficulties with accepting/managing (square and opposition).
Mayer Rothschild with Jupiter-Saturn in Leo is a good and big example of it. He had to work his ass off to leverage his whole family, enjoyed some of his wealth, but mostly created an empire for the next generations to enjoy the most. To the point where the public and the entire family are fully aware of who originated it.
Also good to mention that the following artists have this conjunction and are known for being the ones to have elevated their entire bloodline: Beyonce, Britney, and Christina.
This aspect was referred as a “karmic wealth” placement by a Jyotish astrologer (Luna Giselle) which is a very accurate way of summarizing it.
In Vedic, it is called a Mahayoga. It describes how these natives have done a lot of positive deeds in their past lives, and in this lifetime, they get to receive the positive effects of those actions, even though there might be some delays, they will enjoy all the good influences from it regardless.
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lilastromama · 1 year
What i love about different zodiac signs/placements 🍷
[updated version] 🪴
scorpio moon/8th house moon: i love the depth that comes with these individuals, especially the moon placement. conversations are always gonna turn into deeper topics. they dont need "🥦 💨" to turn up talking about aliens, and im here for it - much love to them <3
leo sun: being able to uplift peoples mood. I love, love, lovee people with bright and "loud" personalities. Of course this doesnt apply to everyone (and thats a good thing!) - but too many leos ive met have been a breath of fresh air, i give them that :*
taurus rising: their ability to understand. Idk about you, but taurus risings don't just have the coziest aura i've ever seen, but are also often the most understanding, compassionate beings. I feel safe around them, theyre a comfy placement of mine
gemini sun: their switchy personality 👀 i am a gemini myself so i might not be the most reliable source for this, but i see the good in always changing minds. Ofc it can get exhausting, but questioning things on a regular basis doesnt sound too bad to me. Always updatet and convinced !
pisces venus: the way they love. idk but i know my pisces venus people be so nurturing, its healing. They speak your love language effortlessly, and make sure you FEEL loved, not "know" youre loved. i'm a fan <3
12th house stellium: their scary intuition. no matter if it comes in dreams, through visions, through whatever one of their senses: they KNOW. i need more friends as connected/sensitive as you.
libra sun/moon/rising: their sense for aesthetic. i just have noticed that libras in general know how to present themselves/things in general. If they have a social media page, most likely their feed is well sorted out, their pictures have that special something to them, and their stories would be beautifully creative. They have that in them i tell u. And their STYLE. Even if they dont actually wear that style bc they're broke, best believe they still know how to dress
This is just a little something i did, will be doing more parts, including more placements 🌶
Stay safe and hydrated 🦯
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Mercury in Capricorn had the brainwaves focused on practicality, commitment, success and acclaim. It was a time for overcoming self criticism and fears of failure. As Mercury goes into Aquarius right after its conjunction with Pluto, there is opportunity for forming closer intellectual bonds with friends and developing more optimism around the concept of unpredictability and future changes. If Mercury Capricorn was deadset on being correct in its methods and had us focused on visualizing the accumulation of material reward and success, Aquarius Mercury brings an acceptance and humility attached to accomplishments. With Aquarius the individual is humbled and put to good use for the furtherance of community ideals. Aquarius represents the bigger picture of the world, human beings uniting in common and devotion to idealism in such a way that can permanently and effectively change and upgrade quality of life. 
Mercury in Aquarius attributes: 
♒️ Emotional detachment and objectivity  ♒️ The examination of ideals and vision  ♒️ The re-invention of intellectual processes/unconventional methods of learning ♒️ Originality of thought and conclusions ♒️ Futurism  ♒️ A focus on science and invention  ♒️ Social focus, community efforts to solve problems and the unification of ideals ♒️ Outlandish forms of speech and words coming out of left field  ♒️ Erratic changes of view 
Aspects for exact 0 - When Mercury goes into Aquarius (exact at 3:13 AM PST, on the 11th)
Mercury square moon 
The aspects that happen when a planet ingresses or enters new transits have the potential to set the tone for the entire transit thereafter. With Mercury there is already an aloofness and disinterest in the emotions, but with Mercury in Aquarius that quality is intensified. I always see Aquarius as one of the most emotionally detached signs, if not the most. It is ruled by Saturn traditionally, and Saturn doesn’t coddle or nurture much, unless the most productive thing is doing so. For Aquarius the focus is much more objective and scientific, especially as it is an air sign. Air is ruler of the intellect and the reasoning portion of the mind; it is thoughts and ideas versus sentimentality and watery imaginings. 
With the emotionally detached nature of Mercury/Aquarius being engaged with the Libra moon in a square there can be a tone set for this transit that is quite emotionally unaware. The moon in Libra represents civility, pleasures and pleasing others, and when that quality is squared by Mercury there can be a sense of dissatisfaction when it comes to placating. We may feel more inclined to go off the rails during Mercury/Aquarius, and a focus may be to find success outside of people pleasing, pleasantry and indulgence. Rebellion is a theme that comes up with Aquarius on any given day, and it seems intensified with this aspect happening at exact 0. There is the potential for having ideas that are too big in scope but also too devoid of sentimentality, or simply experiencing these themes in our lives. Mercury squaring the moon has a need for sensitivity and tact, so it may be a good time for practicing such things.
Mercury conjunct Pluto 
Mercury kicks off its Aqua transit via a dissociative conjunction with Pluto, the planet of strife and devastation. It’s not a surprise that this could entail paying extra (almost detrimentally so, and potentially through some paranoid tendencies) attention to social issues, crises in communities and politics as a whole. Mercury in Aquarius conjunct Pluto is huge for social transformation and understanding collective issues much more genuinely and intelligently. Whereas capitalistic political agendas greatly reduce the sincerity of concern and the solution of collective problems, during the Mercury in Aquarius transit we may actually get to the truth of how to solve big societal problems - the potential is there for it, anyway. In any cause our concerns may have a chance to unify during this transit, and transformation for the sake of coming together is another possibility. 
Mercury in wide sextile with Neptune
This is a separating aspect, in that it went exact quite a while ago. But this is a positive aspect for idealization and dreams. Aquarius is highly idealistic on its own, but adding Neptune’s true and empathetic care for the less fortunate presents opportunities for humanitarianism, charity and divine love for the nature of human beings. Even though I stated that Aquarius is naturally aloof emotionally, the Neptune/Mercury sextile can present small opportunity-windows into delving creatively into the emotional state of things. Neptune rules over creativity, and so there can be some beautiful creations made over this transit that consist of great originality and stunning innovation; it’s a good time to make art that’s centered on ideals and inspired by the world around us. Overall this aspect is helpful to get truly original ideas flowing from the heart.
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astrology-with-charu · 9 months
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𝗡𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗡𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝗜𝗻 𝗔𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 : 𝟭𝟳 𝗝𝘂𝗹’𝟮𝟯 𝘁𝗼 𝟭𝟭 𝗝𝗮𝗻’𝟮𝟱
This is first nodal return for those born between Dec 2004 to June 2006. First nodal return wakes us up to our destiny - why were in born in the first place … to learn what, to perform what, to initiate what. Then this is second nodal return for those born between Apr 1986 to Dec 1987. This provides a reset if we have been on an old path for far too long loosing its purpose for this life. A new life mission is given.
For all of us look back to these years as everything from that time shifts!
For those born between Aug 1967 to Apr 1969 this is third nodal return & like every nodal return we get extra impetus to explore our life’s purpose but in third nodal return both north node & south node of our natal chart have matured which reduces the frantic finding nature of these interpreted as “malefic” in Vedic & glorified as “ambitious” in western astrology. Truth is somewhere in middle. We are found & we know ourself. There are less mindless escapades yet it’s no less bold phase of life
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saylessastrology · 13 days
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