#Deceit Sanders Mention TW
rauberrauber · 1 year
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line up baby
wanted to make a sort of ref for everyone so i can keep track of everyone's designs, heights, etc
side hcs below cuz i wanna ramble lol
fyi any links are just for pictures to help visualize what im trying to say
also add to these with ur own i love reading hcs :]
the sides work with a kind of cartoon logic (kinda like who framed Roger rabbit) which is what their shape shifting and such is, they can survive pretty much everything, dont bend to reality type thing
i also dig playing around with the idea that they just arent human, they dont need to eat, sleep, even breathe or blink if they dont wanna. They just play more human around thomas so they dont freak him out (everyone but remus at least, dude doesnt give a fuck lol) they all have their priorities regarding that kinda stuff. like logan doesnt eat or sleep almost at all (there r exceptions tho obvi (crofters))  while patton rly likes to cook and bake so why not eat the stuff you make? meanwhile remus eats literally anything he can find
they can also float if they wanna, same thing where they just dont around thomas. this came about me just imagining remus consistently floating around in the mindscape instead of walking for whatever reason? so yeah they can do that
theres a core mindscape and a ‘dark’ mindscape, that sorta works like the upside down from stranger things (as in the dark mindscape is like literally upside down and mirrors everything, like this)
everyones also got their own unique doors to their rooms. logans is very sleek and modern, pattons in more childlike and almost vintage, romans resemble castle doors while remus’ is more like a dungeons, virgils is typically angsty teenager with tons of posters and ‘keep out’ signs, and janus has tons of locks on his
design wise the core sides have straight teeth and fluffier hair while the dark sides have sharp teeth and rougher(?) hair (since changing, virgil has vampire-esque fangs)
square rimmed glasses
loves the rain
unintentionally fidgets with his clothes, always adjusting his glasses or rolling his sleeves up and down or messing with the buttons or his tie
playing more into the whole ‘sides dont have to eat thing’ he finds food kinda nasty lol, again only rly eats stuff thats very good to him (ultimate picky eater basically) patton has tried and failed many times to get logan to try and like new foods
roman was the one who got him to try crofters
watches those long ass video essays about random topics on youtube for background noise
round glasses and heart eyes
has roller blades/skates! specifically these ones that retract the wheels. good way of getting energy out (even if hes super clumsy with them)
tallest + dad bod
tons of bandages, kinda playing around with the phrase ‘broken heart’
him and janus play video games together (both of them are terrible lol)
definitely listens to dad rock/dad music
starry eyes!
crown can float on its own (same w/ remus’)
has one of these couches in his room to dramatically faint onto
him and remus dont share a room, but they have a sort of portal to each others rooms if that makes sense. a big mirror but instead of reflecting, its showing into the other room and only the twins can go thru
wants to be his own side after the split
roman and remus pierced each others ears when they were younger
decently tall but slouches a lot which hides it (slouching hes shorter than the twins but still taller than janus) also rarely stands or sits straight at all so it kinda shocked the core sides when he showed them how tall he rly was (queue roman being mad cuz hes actually the shortest of the main four lol)
has stereotypical emo hair and still has some purple dye in it
hot topic skeleton fingerless gloves and muddy sneakers (idk why it just feels right)
tons of random bruises
draws his nails black with sharpie
listens to metal music to calm down. remus got him into a lot of numetal, screamo kinda music when virgil was still one of the others, it was one of the few times theyd hang out and virgil wasnt 100% freaked out by remus
definitely experimented with scene fashion when thomas was a teenager
drinks tons of energy drinks
shortest ha
yellow eyes
bow wrapped on his hat
long flowy cape and heeled shoes with spats (thats what theyre called right?)
uses the staff from pof as a walking cane
speaks fluent pig latin, remus and logan are the only ones who can somewhat understand what he says (remus cuz hes been around janus so long, and logan wanting to research and understand whatever the hell janus is saying) it also has always drove virgil up the wall cuz hes never been able to get it, janus will start speaking it just to annoy him
only rly relaxes when by himself, always kinda putting on a mask with the others and thomas, regardless of how trustworthy he considers them
constantly coming up with proper plans and schemes, typically wouldnt let remus near them with a 10 foot pole (affectionately)
knows how to lockpick
scared of the ocean
broken crown
eyes can go all crazy, pupils can be different sizes and such (there was a cartoon that did this where the eyes would go red and have a ton of rings around the pupils like spirals kinda? i cant find a pic of what im rly visualizing rip i hope that makes sense)
ton of rings (one of em is an eyeball ring)
is like half an inch taller than roman and will never let him live it down
enjoys all the ‘bad’ disney/pixar movies. (cars, home on the range, etc) and like unironically enjoys them. prolly started ironically to mess with roman but he genuinely find those ones the best and cant fathom why theyre disliked (totally not self-indulgent cuz some of those movies are my favorites)
comes up with random weird plans and ropes janus into them whenever possible, janus plays along best he can
somewhat wants to fuse back with roman (even if hes unsure why)
remus and virge used to make fun of roman together all the time
remus is the one who gave virge his septum and gages
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Gentle Care
Summary: Virgil has been on edge for days now. Janus notices and resolves to fix it.
Warnings: some swearing, briefly mentioned disassociation, sleeplessness, blood, food mention
Ships: platonic Virgil and Janus
Word Count: 1, 898
AO3 Link
Virgil jerked awake for the final time that night, swearing loudly and waving towards his phone violently to get the music to stop. He sat up, scrubbing at his already red eyes in frustration.
Ever since the wedding he had been feeling tense, wrapped up in replaying conversations over and over in his mind and how they could have gone differently, better. Mulling over the fact that Patton had had a mental fucking breakdown and that Janus was coming around a lot more often, mostly for breakfast and dinner, in turn leading Remus to pop up around this side of the mind scape more often than he had previous and setting him even more on edge. 
Since Thomas was still trying to process everything he kept everything as tightly bottled up as he could, letting almost none of it spill over to him and getting no release of his own. His shoulders and neck ached and no amount of rolling would release the tension. His stomach flipped with pent up nervous nausea mixing unpleasantly with the hunger pangs from not eating as much to try and combat said nausea. Groaning with more frustration he swung his legs painfully over the side of the bed and shakily reached for his usual hoodie, his whole body aching with the effort it took.
He quickly covered up his eye bags with his usual shadow and left the room for breakfast since he knew if he didn't Patton would be worried and he was already worried enough. He made it to the table just as Patton finished frying the eggs, thinning his lips into a tight line as the smells worked to confuse his stomach further. Barely holding back a groan he curled up slightly in his chair, cringing as it squeaked in protest in the silent kitchen. Things had been mostly resolved between Patton and Janus but it seemed Logan and Roman were still working through the upset, something they'd have to address soon but for now just made meals a silent and awkward affair. The fatherly side had long since stopped trying to break the tension at meals, resolving to simple questions mostly asking what everyone's plans were and if they were all feeling alright which mostly led to half hearted answers at best if he received any at all.
Thinking about all of this Virgil snuck a glance around the table, stomach tightening more as no one looked up from their plates. He struggled to keep his nerves in check, grimacing with the effort it took to keep the waves from rolling off of him and effecting anyone else. Hours seemed to pass as the minutes went by, Roman standing first and curtly thanking Patton before going off to wherever he hid these days. Logan was next, his thanks only slightly more polite as he made some excuse about wanting to get short term something or other into long term storage of buzzing silence and noise that was slowly overwhelming him and ringing of something as a door closed somewhere and-
A hand on his shoulder had him jumping from his seat and hissing, forgotten breakfast sitting stone cold at an otherwise empty table. Idly wondering how long he had been out of it his searching eyes locked onto the side responsible for his upset in the first place, expression darkening into a glare as he yanked his sleeves down past his hands.
"What?" He growled.
Yellow gloved hands stayed at submissive shoulder height, his expression pinched with concern. "You've been sitting here for an hour and you weren't responding to your name. I thought it best to bring you back from wherever you had gone."
Virgil snatched his plate up and with slight guilt dumped the ruined breakfast in the garbage. "I didn't ask you to."
"No." Janus acknowledged simply, lowering his arms back down and leaning against the table. "You haven't been eating."
"The fuck do you care?"
"It's my job. You also haven't been sleeping. You're eyeshadow doesn't hide it as well as you might hope."
Swearing quietly as he squirted too much soap on the rag he set about viciously scrubbing at his breakfast plate. "It's your job to care about Thomas."
"And as a part of Thomas I also care for you." Janus replied smoothly. "I know things have been more difficult lately and I can only imagine-"
"You don't know shit. You stopped knowing when I left." He felt almost bad for shooting the other down so harshly but he was so tired and now cranky that he hadn't gotten to eat breakfast and didn't know if his stomach was thanking or punishing him.
"Be that as it may I'm around more now which means I notice things more. We may still be on...uncertain terms but that does not mean I care any less."
The sudden pressure of tears shocked him momentarily, exhaustion making the welling emotions hard to crest as he barely registered the tone Janus was using. No judgement. No anger. No patronizing. He turned to look at the other, startling at openly honest expression etched across his face. The hand holding the rag slipped on the plate and slammed into the sink, withdrawing quickly as he hissed and dropped the plate. The sharp knife left in the sink from god knows what was splattered red as his fingers beat a painful rhythm. Janus was there suddenly, making him recoil even as soft words of reassurance were spoken. Drooping eyes met ones filled with concern and suddenly it was too much, nerves fraying painfully in his chest as he struggled to take in a breath around the sob that escaped him.
"Virgil." He looked back up as tears ran freely down his face, eyes flicking down again to watch the now bare hands being held open in front of him, unmoving and welcoming. "Let me take care of you."
Squeezing his eyes shut he simply nodded and felt a gentle hand on his arm accompanied by the familiar sensation of sinking down and rising up again. He felt himself being led forward and pushed down, landing a little roughly on a hard, cool surface. A towel was wrapped around his hand as he leaned against a wall, silent sobs continuing to rock through him as he adamantly refused to make a sound. Shuffling was heard and the room filled with the scent of peroxide, the dry towel replaced with a shockingly cool rag that stung the cut along his fingers. He didn't have the energy to react more than twitching his fingers absently, barely registering a near silent tune drifting around him. The rag was taken away and replaced with a kind of cream quickly covered by carefully placed Band-Aids before he realized what the sound was.
Janus was humming a nameless tune quietly, filling the buzzing silence that Virgil was grateful wasn't being filled with questions, his hand already feeling better. Another sob escaped him as he realized how much he missed this, how much he had missed Janus knowing when he needed to be taken aside and away, knowing when to push and when to silently support. He cracked an eye open as Janus put everything away quickly and turned back to him, eyes softening as they landed on the younger side. The deceitful side offered a hand to him that he took after a beat of hesitation, dragging himself upright and allowing himself to be led out of the bathroom.
Janus deposited him on the edge of the bed as he reached for the abandoned phone on the nightstand and typed in a password that was never changed. Virgil watched with little more than passive curiosity, eyes lighting up slightly as his playlist he had recently put together started to push back against the oppressive room and thin out the air that had become a struggle to breathe in.
Janus turned to him and motioned behind him. "May I sit?"
Offering a raised eyebrow but deciding it was entirely too much work to concern himself at this point Virgil merely shrugged. "Why the fuck not." He mumbled out.
He just barely caught the eyeroll aimed towards him before the bed dipped and Janus was behind him, crossed legs fitting close to the small of his back and hands resting tentatively on his shoulders. Virgil relaxed slightly as he realized the others intentions, Janus taking it as permission to continue.
A sob of relief left his mouth this time as careful fingers dug at the base of his neck, rolling into the muscles even as they protested. The fingers paused as Virgil shifted, shrugging off his hoodie and throwing it in a random direction. A soft laugh joined the music as the hands returned to their previous administrations. His thumbs dug in gently on either side of his spine and fingers gripped just above his collarbone. The muscle finally gave as Virgil sagged in relief, tension officially taking a well deserved vacation as his shoulders dropped for the first time in days. Janus' hands moved gradually outward, rolling fingers massaging his shoulders further down as he sighed into the feeling. He startled slightly as his chin met his chest, blinking his eyes open wondering when he had shut them. He smiled and reached up to wipe at his cheeks, Vindicated filling the room and his chest with a quiet calm despite the tune.
"I always liked this song." Janus' voice rumbled against his back and he jumped again, brain turned to near mush struggling to realize the fact that he had let himself lean back against the other as he continued to work the last of the tension from his neck and shoulders. He hummed in agreement as he relaxed back, figuring if Janus hadn't said anything it was probably okay to stay where he was, at least for now. Virgil's eyes slipped shut as he sighed again, face dry and hands lax just letting the sensations wash over him and help ease him even further. Subconsciously he began breathing deeply, matching the rise and fall of the chest pressed against him as the music grew quieter and the hands gentler, any stubborn resistance fully leaving as consciousness left him completely.
Janus continued massaging the younger sides shoulders for a couple minutes longer until he gradually stopped but continued his deep breathing for Virgil's benefit. He felt like putty against him, making him suspicious of just how long Virgil had gone without properly relaxing. He sighed and gently brought his hand up to the anxious sides hair, running his fingers through the tangles gently and smoothing out any unruly strands. Virgil sighed in his sleep and leaned even further into him making him smile sadly. He had missed this. Not Virgil being so wound up that he neglected his health but being able to help the other unwind in a way he rarely let himself do. Wrapping gentle arms around him Janus let his cheek rest an top of the soft fluff of hair, letting the emo's music wash over him with a familiarity he hadn't realized he missed as much as he did. He let his eyes close as he huffed quietly.
He knew this wouldn't fix everything, that hadn't even been the goal. But he held a faint hope that this may be a start.
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lily-janus · 2 years
More pinned post shit
Au: mindscape
Pairing (/p): creativitwins
"You've never hurt me. Never."
The Play
Summary: Roman asks for Remus' help... don't worry, it goes better than you think.
Pairing: platonic creativitwins
Warnings: Remus being Remus, sexual innuendos, lots of cursing, angst, yelling, blood mention, self degrading, weapon mention, very brief non-descriptive violence. Lemme know if I missed any.
Word count: 2,125
Thank you for the request! First time trying this kind of premise so hope it turned out okay! Enjoy!
(Likes<<<<reblogs, please reblog if you like, it really helps me out)
C'mon… it's no big deal! Just walk inside dammit! You do it all the time to all the sides' rooms! Just burst in without a care in the world like always!
…so what if you didn't didn't talk one on one since forever? It's no biggie, right? You don't care about anything, especially not others' opinions! And especially not his-
Remus jumped, startled out of his thoughts, and turned to look as his favorite snake.
Janus looked at the door Remus had been staring at for who-knows-how-long, then at Remus, and frowned.
"Something I should know?" He asked, probing, but gently probing, as always seeming to pick up on Remus' hesitation.
Remus forced a grin and shook his head. "Nope! All good here!" 
He wasn't buying it, he knew he wouldn't, but it's not like he's going to talk about it here and now either.
Janus sighed. "If you say so, you know where to find me if it's not." And with a gentle brush on Remus' shoulder, he continued on his way.
And dammit the stupid snake always knew what to say didn't he? Whatever happens in there… he's got good ol' Janny.
He took one deep breath and swung open the door with as much flourish as he could master!
"I'm hereee!" He sang as he entered the room, shutting the door loudly behind him.
"Geez u scared the living shakespeer out of me, Remus!" Roman startled, putting a hand on his heart.
Remus cackled. "Awesome!"
Roman breathed out a sigh. "I'm regretting this already…" he grumbled.
"Too late! You made the mistake of inviting me!" Remus grinned, pretending Roman's comment didn't sting… because it didn't of course.
"I did… to be honest I didn't think you'd come…" Roman confessed.
"Aww how can I refuse an invite from my dearest brother?" Remus teased.
Roman huffed. "An invite for 5 hours ago, and you don't have a great record of listening to… well, anything."
Remus shrugged. "Welp! I came whether you like it or not… Why did you invite me, by the way?" The question sounded way more hesitant than Remus intended.
Roman bit his lip. "Well I… I just wanted to ask you um…" he took a deep breath. "I need your help with a project okay?" He finally said.
Remus blinked. "My help? Like… me specifically?"
Roman nodded.
"What? You're writing smut or something? I can for sure help with that!" Remus offered with a mischievous grin.
Roman blushed furiously. "No!" He squeaked. "Not that geez um… how do I explain this…" he muttered to himself.
"You see, I wrote a play and it turned out… fine I guess, but it still felt like it's missing something, so naturally I asked the others for feedback… they tried their best, bless them, but they're not artists… they don't get it you know? What I'm saying is… you're kind of my only hope right now." He explained.
"Oh! You need my creative wisdom! Well why didn't you just say so? Let me see your sappy play then!" Remus reached out his hands to take it.
"I didn't say it was sappy!" Roman protested but handed over the play anyway.
"You didn't need to, Ro-Ro, you wrote it." Remus cackled at Roman's pout before turning his attention to the pages in his hands.
Silence followed as Remus read, Roman looking over his shoulder anxiously to see where he was, until he finally finished and looked up.
"You're right, bro, it is missing something…" he tapped his chin, thinking.
"Right? I tried telling them but all Patton did is tell me that it's great and I should give myself more credit, all Logan did was say the 'structure' or whatever was good and fixed some grammar mistakes and Virgil said, and I quote: 'not really an expert on plays but I think it's pretty good'. Which is sweet of them but again, not really helping." Roman sputtered in frustration, putting his face in his hands.
"This needs to be ready tomorrow and I just… I don't know what to do! I can't give it to Thomas when it's like this!" Roman threw his hands in the air theatricaly, looking at Remus pleadingly.
"Calm your tits bro, fuck, your play's fine, just needs some little twicks and it's perfect." Remus rolled his eyes, handing it back to Roman.
"You… you think so?" Roman took it hesitantly.
"Tell you what, let's just try and act it out and see if we get ideas on what to add." Remus suggested.
Roman gave him a funny look.
"What's with the face?" Remus questioned, refusing the urge to blush at the attention.
"That's… that's a great idea, Remus…" Roman said in disbelief.
Remus grinned, shimmying his shoulders. "All my ideas are, bro-Ro!"
Roman huffed a laugh. "We must have different memories then."
Remus waved his hand dismissively. "Eh, you're just boring as fuck sometimes…" he paused. "Though fucking is much more exciting." He cackled, volume increasing when Roman blushed a deep red.
"You're impossibl-"
"Impossibly sexy? I agree! Thanks for noticing!"
Roman shook his head with a tiny hint of a smile. "So are we doing this or what? Or are you stalling because you know I'm a better actor than you?" He teased with a proud smile that's just a shy away from Janus' signature smirk
Remus barked a laugh at that. "You wish." He snapped to conjure another copy of the play for him, looking at Roman, challenging.
Smiling, Roman cleared his throat, holding the script in front of him, and started.
Roman looked away with an expression of deep hurt. "I… I'm sorry brother, I failed you.." he said brokenly.
Remus tutted. "Oh no, not at all. You see, you were right, all I do is hurt people… there's no hope for me." He said darkly.
Roman shook his head. "No… no, it's not true! I… I shouldn't have said that, I didn't mean it… please, don't do this." He begged, reaching for him.
Remus chuckled. "You see? I even hurt you-"
"No!" Roman grabbed him by his shoulders, looking deeply into his eyes… Remus would have believed it if he didn't know they were acting…
"Listen to me, you've never hurt me. Never." 
Remus suddenly forgot his lines, choking a bit as he looked away.
Fuck why does he sounds like he actually cares?
Trying desperately not to shake, Remus glanced at the pages in his hands and delivered the next line.
But Roman shook his head, taking the play from him and setting it down on a chair gently.
"You can't lie to me, I can tell you're upset."
Remus huffed. "So what if I am? Since when do you care?"
Roman's face almost made him want to take it back… almost.
"All your stupid play's missing is a death scene, there, problem solved, happy ending, cheers and all that." He said emptily.
Roman looked confused for a moment before he saw Remus snap his fingers. His eyes widened. "Remus, wait-"
Was all he heard before he appeared back in his good ol' hell of a room.
He sighed, summoning his morning star and raising it for a strike, when he heard a pop behind him and swung there instinctively.
"Wha- hey! Watch out!"
He froze. "Ro? What the fuck are you doing here? Sneaking up on me like that?"
Roman huffed, dusting his perfectly clean and not-wrinkled clothes in indignation. "I was trying to check up on you, silly."
"Well you're about 7 years late, get the fuck out, unless you wanna find out what fun surprises I have here." He grinned maliciously.
Roman crossed his arm stubbornly. "No, I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong." 
"Fine! You wanna know what's wrong, Roman?" Remus snapped, waving his morning star carelessly.
"Yes, I do!" Roman shouted back.
"What's wrong is you suddenly pretending like you care how I feel when you made it very fucking clear in the past 7 years that you don't!" Remus spat.
"No… you don't understand I-"
"What's wrong, is you acting like everything's sunshine and rainbows when you know fucking well how it's not even close!" Remus cut him off.
"Remus I was try-"
"What's fucking wrong is that today is the first fucking time we hung out together in years! And it was just because you needed something from me! Did you even realize that? Or were you so caught up in your stupid fantasies and delusions that you didn't even notice?" Remus was shouting so loudly he could taste blood, but he didn't care.
"You're such a fucking pussy that you can't handle how fucking messed up the world is, you're even worse than your naive father figure! You disappear on me for years and suddenly act like you care? You're never there when I need you! Never! And you wonder what's wrong? What the fuck? You're so fucking blin-"
"I was trying to apologize!"
The room fell into a deafening silence, the only sound being the twin's heavy breathing.
Roman let out a big sigh dropping his gaze. "I… I didn't know how…" he swallowed. "I didn't know how to approach the subject… this was the best I could come up with…"
Remus blinked a few times, trying to process the words. "...what?"
"The play! Remus… the stupid play… I wrote it… about us… but with me trying to make things right… it was just a cover story so I can invite you and… apologize…" Roman explained weakly. "It was a dumb idea I know…" he added, clutching his arm tightly in shame.
The play…
"You've never hurt me. Never"...
Remus swallowed. "H-how accurate is the play?" He hated how shaky his voice was.
"As accurate as it can be." Roman shrugged, looking up to meet his eyes.
But Remus couldn't look back at him. "Why… why now?"
Roman bit his lip. "You were right… I was… I was too caught up in a fantasy to realize I abandoned you… but lately, things… happened. And they made me reflect on myself…" a sob escaped Roman's throat. "I'm such an ass Remus, I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He buried his face in his hands, shaking with sobs.
Remus pinched himself, Roman was still there, he did again, nothing changed… Roman was here, apologizing for him. He's not dreaming, he's not imagining… he's here!
And yet… Remus couldn't forgive him… not yet at least.
Roman was still sobbing in front of him. "Okay, okay, c'mere you big sap." He pulled him into a rib-crushing bear hug that made him gasp for breath.
"Does… that mean you forgive me?" Roman asked hesitantly into his shoulder.
Remus cackled evilly. "Oh you sweet, naive Ro-Ro…" he shook his head, releasing him so he could see his wild grin. "You have so much to do to make it up to me."
Roman sighed but smiled anyway. "Guess I deserved that, I'll do my best, I love you, Re."
"Ew! Gross, gross gross! Get out of here before your sappy feelings stink up my room!" Remus covered his ears, shaking his head.
"But it's already stinky-"
"Out!" He snapped his fingers, banishing Roman outside.
"Rude!" He heard shouting on the other side of the door. And then he heard him walk away.
Remus shook his head, sighing in relief. "I love you too, Ro."
He jumped. "Fucking hell, Janny! How long have you been here?!" He shrieked.
"Not important." Jan waved his hand dismissively, smirking at him from where he sat on Remus' bed. "So, the big, scary Remus has feelings…" Janny teased, clearly delighted.
Remus huffed. "You're the one to talk, Sneky."
"I say this went better than expected." Janus, of course, ignored him, patting the space next to him.
Remus fell beside him, making the mattress bounce a little. "Were you worried about me, Jan-Jan?" He teased, poking him in the ribs.
Janus huffed a chuckle. "You wish, how long are you planning to keep him on the hook?" 
Remus grinned. "For as long as it's fun." He chuckled.
"Hmm now where did you get that from?" Jan smirked.
Remus cackled. "Gee I wonder."
Janus suddenly turned serious, looking Remus in the eye. "You have every right to stay mad, you know, I saw first hand how much he hurt you."
Remus looked away. "I know… but, I think I want to forgive him… eventually."
Janus nodded. "Alright, just don't feel obligated to. I'll let you sleep now, you know where I am if you need me." He squeezed his shoulder gently before disappearing.
Good ol' Janny, always there for him… and soon maybe Roman would too… who would have thought…
Certainly not Remus.
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jackalopes-pen · 1 year
Dumb Brain Child [ The Eighth ]
Greetings interwebs demons, I'm back with more ponderings. Before we start up, I just wanted to address why MasterPost the First was tragically killed. You see: my links didn't work anymore. It's really as simple as that. My links didn't work, disclaimer was out of date and not mine, just needed a redo. MasterPost II is still kinda under reno so.. bare with me until it's done. Some things may be missing because it's difficult to shift through 167 posts. But, do (seriously, please) let me know if I missed something. Okay, on to the 'theory'
Height in Sanders Sides is a funny thing, no? In theory they're all the same height as c!Thomas [5'10], but it's hard to differentiate sides in silhouettes if they're all the same height so, the fanon made the solution: sike they're all different heights. From this arose some level of discourse as to what their heights would be. I'm here to add to it.
My complaint is the height of Janus Sanders himself. Mainly: In what world is the man based on a Mangrove Snake [ A snake that grows from 6-7 feet/1.8-2.1 meters ] a short king?! When was that the agreement the we all made?! Because if I'm not mistaken, 5'3'' or whatever otherwise puny height is typical of him, is a very concerning height for a snake like that. It would be a distinct medical malady if a Mangrove was that small.
Let me educate you a little on the Mangrove Snake. Mangrove Snakes or Boiga Dendrophilia's are nocturnal and potentially aggressive. They are native to Southeast Asian regions. It is a venomous snake, though it's venom is avian specific and unlikely to kill. It is often confused for a Banded Krait which is extremely venomous and has known fatalities. This confusion is due the similarities in appearance. One of the first documented Mangroves was [ This the point of this ] 7ft 7in or 231cm.
So I restate my question: WHY DO YOU ALL MAKE JANUS SHORT?!
I understand it's a funny visual gag, but a commitment to the bit is not a standing evidence! I researched this snake for 3 hours, within the first 5 minutes I found my answer! Yet, I kept digging. Looking for the healthily length of Mangrove and what to be concerned about. According to the internet, if a mangrove ever was within the 5 ft range they were likely underfed, ill, or generally poorly cared for! So, if your goal to match their animal counter part... WHY IS HE SHORT?
I fully understand the take of "Wouldn't it be a cruel irony if self-preservation didn't take care of himself?" yet, the degree to which mistreatment is required is literally animal abuse. I realise I may fall on deaf ears.. but damn give the man a few inches at least.
If you want a short side... Patton is standing over there somewhere.
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thatonelesbianfander · 3 months
Been thinking about the first Sanders Sides AU I ever saw that got me into the fandom after hearing the song Evelyn Evelyn for the first time in a while
It was a Gacha Life AU by this one old Sasi Gacha creator that was a light side zombie AU. I’m pretty sure it was titled Zombie Sides if anyone remembers it. It’s no longer available because it got deleted with the channel of the person who made it. I don’t think there were any ships between the light sides but I do remember there being some Demus and maybe some Prinxiety.
Plot recap under cutoff (TW for death mention, murder mention, unsympathetic C!Thomas, zombies, violence, and argument mention)
The basic plot as far as I remember was that Roman and Remus got into an argument to the song Evelyn Evelyn (Roman as male voice, Remus as female voice), so the light sides go on a day out together to cheer Roman up. On that day out together, the lights are killed. They’re eventually brought back as zombies, which leads to the start of a zombie apocalypse. Remus and Janus (who was referred to as Deceit since it was made before his name reveal) end up getting attacked by the zombie lights and end up escaping and ganging up with a group of random people (that I’m pretty sure were the creator’s ocs) to try to find a cure.
I’m forget most of what happened after Remus and Janus teamed up with that group but pretty sure that Remus and Janus ended up figuring out that C!Thomas had started the apocalypse and Remus ends up killing C!Thomas when they confronted him and the sides are revived and turned back from zombies to humans, and Roman and Remus make up. This was literally my favorite AU, and I wish it wasn’t deleted.
The AU was actually pretty good and coherent and I miss it. I also think having C!Thomas as the twist villain was interesting because not a lot of Gacha AUs were using C!Thomas for anything and was more side focused so having the twist villain be C!Thomas instead of some random person was actually pretty cool.
Honestly, I should just remake the AU as a fanfic-
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ao3feed-loceit · 1 year
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davidthetraveler · 4 years
David’s Fic-Rec Friday:  2020/04/10
Hey guys.  Sorry about missing last week, and being so late this week.  Definitely going to try more at getting this done early and efficiently.
But I still managed to get six new entries for you all for this week.  So then, let’s get cracking.
Learned it from the pizza man by TalesoftheEnchantedForest (Tumblr Account Unknown)
Our first entry is a Human AU featuring Prinxiety.  Virgil is trying his best to get through his shift delivering pizzas.  But on the last delivery of the night, he ends up getting kissed without warning by the handsome man who placed the order.  Even if he feels like dying of embarrassment, he figures he can just move on with his life so long as he never sees him again.  Unfortunately, he ends up having to go back less than a week later.  But the man, Roman, explains that his brother dared him to do it, and apologizes profusely for violating the sanctity of consent.  Virgil accepts the apology, and when he points out that he actually rather enjoyed the kiss, other than it being completely unexpected, Roman offers him his phone number, and Virgil vows to always be the one delivering to Roman’s apartment.
This does feature nonconsensual kissing and both Remus and Deceit in roles that aren’t quite unsympathetic but would certainly qualify as chaotic or morally neutral.  But if you can get past those, it’s a wonderful story with a sweet conclusion.
Admiration and Calculation by Volumes_Too_Logan (aka @volumes2lo-gan)
Our second entry is a nice Logicality oneshot.  Logan has taken note of how Patton becomes flustered whenever he is complimented by the other sides.  And he’s a little startled to discover his own emotional reaction to seeing the father figure figment’s response.  As part of an experiment, he asks Patton to put together a puzzle with him one day, and the carefully worded responses he gives not only turn Patton into a frazzled blushing mess, but manage to fill his whole body with a warmth that, while strange and unusual to the logical side, is absolutely not unwelcome.  With only some minor angsty mentions, this is a wonderful story of a nerd falling in love with a dad, and using science to prove how adorable said father can be.
Smiling Up At Me by MagpieMorality (aka @magpiemorality)
Another Logicality story, this one set in a High School AU.  Patton and Logan have already been through the whole “I like you, you like me” conversation.  But Patton’s still unsure if that means they’re actually a couple.  That is, until he discovers that Logan has set a picture of Patton as his phone’s lockscreen.  Logan is embarrassed for Patton to see this, but Patton responds by showing him that he’s already made Logan his own lockscreen.  And maybe that’s really all the confirmation the two young men need.  A very sweet story with just the slightest hint of angst, so no worries there.
Breakfast by fandomsandanythingelse (aka @fandomsandanythingelse)
Breaking out of this week’s unintended pattern, here’s a Human AU featuring the Sunshine Gays.  Roman is always so grateful for his husband Patton.  And one morning he hopes to show his love with a surprise of french toast in bed.  Unfortunately for him, Patton wakes up and comes looking for him, only to spoil the surprise.  But not even that can spoil a wonderfully perfect breakfast with the man you love.  Nothing to worry about here, just pure unadulterated fluff.
Be There For You by MagpieMorality (again)
The darkest entry in this week’s list, this High School AU sees Roman attempting to ask his crush to the homecoming dance with a fresh bouquet of roses, only to be rejected in front of the entire school.  While the rest of his fellow students simply whisper at his distress, his best friends Patton, Logan, and Virgil all do what they can to hold him together as he deals with a broken heart.  And in the end, the three friends are a much better recipient of such a loving gift.
This story does feature rejection, unrequited love, and public humiliation.  But its message of the true love of friendship more than makes up for its darker tones.
Light to my Dark by bisexualpicklewierdo (aka @bisexualpicklewierdo)
Finally, to close out the list this week. we’ve got a very sweet Prinxiety story that hits rather close to home for me.  In this human AU, Virgil has finally worked up the courage to tell his crush Roman how he feels, and with some encouragement from Patton, he decides to do so through Patton’s coffee shop’s Open Mic Night.  But his hopes seem dashed when Roman starts spending a lot of time with Valerie to prepare his own entry for the event.  Anxious thoughts plague Virgil as he begins to fear that Roman might not only not return his feelings but might have also already be in a relationship.  But then, Logan will always remind us how dangerous it can be when you jump to conclusions without all the facts.
Other than some anxious thoughts and a mention of unrequited love, this story is truly heartfelt and wonderful and most definitely deserving of your time.
And this week, for our first reader suggested Featured Fic Writer, we have:
maxiswriting (aka @max-is-tired)
A long time supporter of the Fic-Rec Friday Project, Max is also an accomplished writer in their own right, with over forty Sanders Sides fics under their belt as of this posting.  They are definitely worth a look.
Well, that does it for this week.  Be sure to give these stories and their authors some love and attention with some kudos, some comments, and even a bookmark or two.  And remember, I’m still taking suggestions for Featured Fic Writers and for new stories to feature, so long as they fit the necessary requirements.
In any case, I hope you enjoy this week’s selections.  If you’d like to see previous weeks’ recommendations, or learn more about the Fic-Rec Friday Project, you can find all that on my Fic-Rec Friday Masterpost.  And if you’d like to be added to the Fic-Rec Friday Tag List, or are already on the list and would like to be removed, just let me know and I’ll take care of it for you.
See you all next week, and happy reading!
General Tag List:
@ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @panicattheeverywheremcr
Fic-Rec Friday Tag List:
@kunnuglegur-tortimandi @max-is-tired @creativity-killed-thekitten @the-fangirl-sunstorm
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aidensm8 · 3 years
36 with janus and remus pls 💞
36. I thought you were dead hug
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"Hey, I got your hat back-"
"The hat? I thought you were dead!" Janus cried as he pulled Remus into a tight embrace, relieved that he had returned safe.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Roman and Remus: *sparring*
Virgil and Janus: *stunned silence as they stare*
Logan: Could you two please pick up your jaws and stop drooling over them? Not everything has to make you two horny for a Creativity.
Remus: *stops sparring to pin Logan to a tree* What now, pretty boy?
Logan, squeaking: No comment!
Remus: Alrighty then. *goes back to sparring*
Logan: Can I stare with you two?
Virgil: Welcome to the Creativity Pining Squad. We have chocolate cake and pretzels if you want. Janus, looks like you’re sharing.
Janus: Well howdy-doo new boyfriend.
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aimasup · 4 years
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No thoughts, only Janus hours (Click for better resolution)
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chibisidesm8 · 3 years
Remus I do believe they ment to make a sandwich out of, say, peanut butter and jelly not the knife itself. But you do you I guess. Just be careful. Wouldn't want to skewer Roman. ;)
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Roman: Why is your tea green?
Janus, sarcastically: Why, it's poison.
Roman: You can drink poison?
Janus: Obviously.
Roman: ...So that's why you didn't react to the cookies I gave you.
Janus, now very concerned: What?
Roman, leaning a hand on the table with a shrug: I poisoned you.
Janus: Now is not the time to be looking cute, this is serious.
Roman, ignoring the compliment: But you said you could consume poison just fine!
Janus, pushing himself up to stand and look down at Roman: I was being sarcastic!
Roman: There we go- *brushes Janus' hair out of his face with a smile* -thank you.
Janus: ...pardon?
Roman: Thank you! I was joking; I told you last time, I'd find a way to snoop out your lies since I can't understand sarcasm.
Janus: *sigh* You're going to kill me someday.
Roman, smirking: Well, a prince has got to slay.
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I listen to the Janus playlist religiously and I definitely know this song wasn’t there a day ago 🤔
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The song is mostly in Korean so I had to look up the lyrics in English and a couple lines stuck out to me
Some things are black, some things are white
You shouldn't look through colored lenses
You're the good guy, he's the bad guy
Your boring world is in black and white
This seems to be directed at Thomas (and maybe Patton too) about Thomas’s mental—and subconscious—separation of the “light” sides from the “dark” sides.
As stated by Logan in Can Lying Be Good?? the other sides where hidden from Thomas because Thomas did not want to accept those parts of himself, which meant that Janus was not allowed to show his true self, or any of the others sides, without permission. To follow that up, in Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts, Logan also stated that the original creativity was spit into light and dark because of Thomas’s view on the concept of creativity as being solely ‘good.’
So many shades of grey
Oh how can you still not know? oh
Good easily fades away
Think twice before you like me because
I'm a villain, what makes you think otherwise?
To me, these lyrics seemed to be directed at Patton. Most of the song is very repetitive and speaks about the immaturity of black and white thinking, which we all know Patton is very prone to.
The line ‘good fades away’ may be in reference to Patton, who sees himself as the embodiment of “goodness and virtue.” Yet, despite that view, Patton has been the biggest cause for misfortune and malcontent in Thomas’s life due to his strict black and white thinking in regards to Thomas’s desires and self-sacrifice over the last three episodes.
But what I take notice at the most is the line ‘Think twice before you like me because I'm a villain.’ This is most likely talking about the most recent episode where Janus and Patton seem to be getting along better, especially when Patton relinquishes his role in helping Thomas to Janus after his many attempts only made things worse. As we’ve seen with Janus’ “nudge them down the stairs” suggestion, he isn’t any more “good” now just because he’s been allowed more privileges, and I think he wants to make that clear. Does he want to be treated like the villain of the story? I don’t think so. But I don’t think he wants Patton to try and rewrite who he is either. Janus knows he’s not what would he considered morally good, and he fully owns and prides himself in that.
The next line that follows is Janus then trying to get Patton to admit to he truly is.
You're villain, what makes you think otherwise?
The villain you failed to notice breaths within you
The one thing this fandom has had to face this season is that our papa Patton is not all sunshine and rainbows. He’s morality. Morality is very grey and complex. It looks different for everyone and is completely based on your upbringing and life influences.
Since we know Thomas is catholic, we know Patton’s standards are based a lot in the same religious principles, which is one reason he is so insistent on self-sacrifice, as it’s seen as noble in Christianity.
However, just as character!Thomas and Logan said in Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts, religion isn’t perfect and there have been plenty of terrible religious figures in history.
So, naturally, just as Thomas’s influences aren’t perfect, neither is Patton’s version of morality. Sadly enough, over the past three episodes, Patton has become a sort of “villain” in the story—albeit accidentally—and yet he still parades around as he hero. To this, I think Janus is trying to ground him in reality by telling him that he is no better than Janus. They both want what’s best for Thomas, both have hurt Thomas to accomplish their goals, both have been selfish. Yet only one of them thinks he’s selfless.
Over all, I love this song addition as it further explores Janus thoughts and feelings towards both Thomas and Patton.
The person I love the most
Could be a dog to somebody else say
Might be in reference to Remus, who is often treated as unimportant and inconvenient and is seen as lesser than all the other sides.
The person you hate the most
Is somebody's beloved child
Possibly about Virgil, who we know Janus has a grudge against, and is treated dearly better than the others by Patton.
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cats-pyjamas · 3 years
different sides’ reactions to patton suddenly shouting “trust fall!!”
roman: makes a show out of catching him; sweeps him up dramatically; “a lesser side wouldn’t have had the reflexes to catch you, padre- you’re lucky that, as a prince, i am an expert in saving those in need! but, of course, you knew i would catch you.”
virgil: yells and grapples to catch him and just about manages to; extremely flustered; scolds patton for scaring him like that, and “what if i didn’t catch you and you had hit the floor, you could’ve really hurt yourself”; sulks for a while before his trust is earned back with some cookies and coffee
logan: is very quick to react and manages to catch him; ensures he’s standing upright and steady before starting to lecture him on the dangers of performing such experiments without warning; lots of angery tie adjusting™️
janus: “i’m not going to catch you” then catches him at the last minute; eye rolling; goes about his business as though it never happened even though patton keeps gushing over how he caught him; “it’s in thomas’ best interest that his morality doesn’t end up incapacitated”
remus: let the bodies hit the floor
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sketchydetails17 · 4 years
Sorry if this has been asked already but: GhostAU!Roman? Btw love all your atuff
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Y’all asked for him- here he comes
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Here’s Roman!
Roman is an acting student who visits the apartment complex for a while just to visit Remus’s old place, even though it’s been cleaned out for years. He makes friends with those two weirdos who work there though! So he keeps coming back and thinks they’re funny when they’re trying to convince him ghosts exist. Cmon, guys-
Of course, his belief could be swayed if only Remus allowed any of the three ghosts to even interact with Roman in any way. For some reason, Remus will not speak to, float by, or even spook Roman. And he’ll bite your nose off if you try.
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davidthetraveler · 4 years
David’s Fic-Rec Friday:  2020/04/17
Hey guys.  This posting really late on Friday thing is probably going to be the norm, at least until circumstances change.  I hope that’s not too inconvenient for everybody.
In any case, I’ve got six more recommendations for you this week, so let’s get cracking.
Fusing by MagicQuill42 (aka @quillfics42)
To start off, we have an interesting story featuring Romantic LAMP straight directly from the days of the Famders Fusion Craze.  This character study is written in the form of Thomas’ impressions of the six entities created by the fusion of two of his sides.  Each has their own quirks and traits, as well as strengths and weaknesses.  And while their fusion might leave Thomas feeling a little weird, it’s not necessarily a bad weird.  It’s just different, and that’s okay.  An intriguing work of fiction, and one that’s definitely worth some attention.
Sleepy Scratches by EJWalters (aka @kittykatwriteystuff )
Next up, we’ve got a short Moxiety ficlet that can be read either platonically or romantically.  Patton’s reading a book in the commons when Virgil unceremoniously enters and lays down with his head in Patton’s lap.  After sleepily confirming with the fatherly side that he’s fine but tired, Patton starts to scratch his hair and head, which the resident emo loves to the point of almost purring before falling into a restful sleep.  Adorable and cute in all the best ways, this fic is the definition of soft and sweet.
Prince’s Love by CombineTheKitchens (aka @combine-the-kitchens)
And here we’ve got a Logince slash Moxiety Royalty AU.  Virgil’s rather concerned when his prince, Logan, climbs a tree to try and find his friend and lover Roman.  And when he does, he and his moody advisor go to find him, only to learn that due to a decrease in the number of royal horses in the stables, Roman the stable boy will be let go.  But Logan assures his love that his family understands their relationship, and that they’ve already made arrangements for him to stay in the castle as Logan’s brother Patton’s personal assistant, assuring their relationship, and Virgil and Patton’s, will be able to continue and blossom.  Simple and sweet, you’ll love this lovely tale.
For Today Only by ArchiveResponcibly (aka @chaosresponcibly )
Now for a more interesting turn, we’ve got a Prinxiety Fae AU for you.  Virgil is nervous about his upcoming marriage to Roman, especially since tradition dictates that as a fae marrying a human prince he must give up his powers and his immortality to do so.  At least, that’s what his brother Deceit has always told him.  But a visit from his mind-reading fae friend Logan helps him understand that Roman’s been expecting to be giving up his humanity and mortality upon their marriage, and that he’s already renounced his claim to the throne, leaving it to his brother.  Needless to say, if these two had just bothered to actually talk to each other they wouldn’t have this problem.  But then, love’s not just blind, it can also be stupid.
There are obviously mentions of supernatural content, a morally ambiguous Deceit is mentioned, there is a brief allusion to Remus, and Virgil’s a bit of a potty mouth here.  But otherwise this is a wonderful story about how love may not always be the smartest emotion, but it’s certainly still one of the best.
Day on the Trains by anxiouslyfred (aka @anxiouslyfred )
For your consideration, a Royality first date fic to lighten your heart.  Roman has lived in the same town all his life, and the presence of a luxurious steam locomotive station has not gone unnoticed to him.  But he’s always wanted to wait and see it on a date with a special someone.  And one day, that someone appears in the form of new neighbor Patton, who is so excited to have a welcoming and generous new friend like Roman that he finds himself bold enough to suggest the very date idea Roman’s been sitting on for years.  Needless to say, this is fluff in its most succinctly sweet form.
Angel(s) by chemically_imbalanced_romance (aka @soft-stormcloud)
Finally, to end off this week’s selections, we’ve got a Moxiety Halloween fic to tickle your spooky bone.  Patton and Virgil are hosting a Halloween party at their place, but Virgil refuses to tell Patton what he’s dressing up as this year.  Patton himself is going as an angel, thanks to some artistic help from Roman.  But with some help from both Roman and Logan, Virgil’s got a divine surprise for his angelic boyfriend.  Fluffy and sweet in the most wonderfully spooky way, who says Valentine’s Day is when all the romance happens?
And for this week’s Featured Fic Writer, we have:
patchworkofstars (aka @patchworkofstars)
Here too is another excellent writer worthy of some more attention and praise.  Feel free to go send them some love and support.
Well, that about wraps it up for this week.  Please feel free to give each of these stories and writers some affection with some kudos, some comments, and mabye even a bookmark or two.
If you’d like to check out previous weeks’ recommendations, or find out more about the Fic-Rec Friday Project, you can find links to all of that on my Fic-Rec Friday Masterpost.
And if you’d like to be added to the Fic-Rec Friday Tag List, or be removed from said list, or make any suggestions for stories or authors to feature here, feel free to drop into my inbox and leave me a note.
In any case, I hope you all have an excellent weekend, and happy reading!
General Tag List:
@ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @panicattheeverywheremcr
Fic-Rec Friday Tag List:
@kunnuglegur-tortimandi @max-is-tired @creativity-killed-thekitten @the-fangirl-sunstorm @stoicpanther @averykedavra
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