#Haitian Poet
n0ri-b · 2 years
Of Wishes
I repeat the same dreams of grandeur and splendor
Creativity can represent the better circumstance of perception
My reality is survival and poor
But you wouldn't know because of my words.
I give up a piece of myself because I feel pity
And I have no peace now and I turn to the city
Its hot and heavy and I have no direction
Except when I’m trying to direct another's life lesson
There is no attitude that can match my own
But if you'd like to see it here’s the phone
I give up my bed to one who demands the comfort
I would not have to give having laid next to nothing
I sense and see the dynamic has shifted
That is what I get for showing you my kitchen
An intimate place where I create magic
Where you sit and devour gifts from bpa plastic
I laugh and complain thats all I have
Deep down inside the only thing that matches my craft
Monetarily I am crippled
But at least Midnight has her kibble
No shes a cat that lies in wait
For the blowup that is pattern in my fate
I wait for fate, a prediction of truth
The dreams of splendor and grandeur, too.
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robertcooper1127 · 2 months
Check out my wife’s latest vlog about her Solo art show in Schenectady
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a trinidadian woman
tells me a hot-blooded man
dances like slow winds
in haitian halls/
Ntozake Shange
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bones-ivy-breath · 9 months
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Pour rassembler les continents (To bring together the continents) de Rodney Saint-Éloi (tr. André Naffis-Sahely)
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haitilegends · 11 months
"Cri d'alarme et de désespoir de
'*Franck Etienne* 😭😭😭
Un témoignage qui décrit à la perfection le parcours de vie de nos Légendes.
La plupart d'entre eux choisissent de souffrir en silence, mais leur réalité n'est nullement différente.
Il faut que quelque chose change."
Robert Nuvice Charlot Raymonvil
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Personal Do Not Read Witchy Author List
There will be a google doc with updates as I find more authors to avoid. These are all my own personal opinion and I do take the author's actions into account when judging their ability to write legitimate information.
TW: Slavery, serial killers, racism, TERFs, creeps, neonazis, asylums, and a slew of other super unsavory things. I tried to make this list as PG as possible while highlighting the issues with these individual people. 
*Alestier Crowley. *
   He's a literal piece of garbage. Misogynistic, thief of a toooon of closed practices, has entire cults still dedicated to him, called himself a voice of God (both Abrahamic and apparently like 5 Egyptian deities??? I mean excuse me sir how about no??) He also declared himself ‘above’ Gods back in 1922 calling himself Ipssissimus. I hate Crowley so much I have literally stuck a picture of him to a dartboard before. He can suck an egg in the afterlife. He also put his own wife in an asylum for 'alcoholism’ because she wanted a divorce. The only thing he ever did right was get kicked down a flight of stairs at a temple once by a poet.
*Anastasia Greywolf*
   Appropriates at least Jewish practices if not every Indigenous practice there is. Wholeheartedly encourages people to use magic instead of going to a doctor for things like oh I dunno EPILEPSY And claims she has spells for like Marvel-level super powers which uh no Ana. You don't. Lots of Christianity for a supposedly FULL pagan and wiccan author. Her spells are all controlled like...so wrong. So, so wrong. Don't ask please. I can't begin to describe it. Advocates for smudging and uses phrases like "Cherokee Rituals", and the Romani G-slur. 
*Gerald Gardner*
   Made his own branch of wicca, the first technically, and his own coven had to make rules just so he wouldn't spill everything to any reporter that asked. Used Crowley as a main resource.
*Jason Miller*
   Claims to do Hoodoo. A horrible formatter, and generally super dismissive of being a rootworker and other potentially closed practices, has not been initiated. Has claimed that anyone can petition/pray to Papa Legba without initiation because "Vodou is a congregational religion/practice". From the Vodou and Haitian Vodou practitioners I have talked to that is VERY incorrect, it may be congregational but you still have to be involved in the community to be trusted with those practices because so much of it has been bastardized for media and racism purposes. He is also a student of Catherine Yronwode, who is another SUPER problematic figure in the Hoodoo/Rootwork community.  
 A link of his own words on culture appropriation which includes mild inaccuracy towards Indiginous Peoples and that they don’t ‘own’ certain practices when it’s very clear the wording of those practices DOES in fact come from those peoples. He’s fine with people being Yogis, or Shamans, or calling satchel spells mojo bags, and other such phrases and won’t correct people if they use such words out of context because “language changes”. Also says if someone within a practice says it’s closed to go to ANOTHER AND ANOTHER until you find someone willing to teach you??? That’s not how it works sir.
Source: https://www.strategicsorcery.net/on-cultural-misappropriation/
*Lisa Chamberlain*
   Not an actual person. This is a ghost writer name for a bunch of garbage literally copy and pasted from wikipedia into books. I wish I was kidding. 
*Lisa Leister/Lester/whatever other spelling she's used.*
   Such a major TERF. Like JK Rowling level TERF. Claims magic comes from a womb so anybody that doesn't have one isn't a real witch. Like WTF lady.
*Raymond Buckland*
  Where to start...uses the G-slur often. (His grandfather was romani so it blurs the line of blood quantum.)  Very sexist and obsessed with the idea of a woman getting uh...undressed for rituals while men stay dressed and more things I cannot say ina PG space??? As magic?? VERY anti-minor and LGBTQA+. Toxic, just plain toxic. Can't do it. I have read his Blue Book and it's the least problematic thing he wrote. I'm alright with it.
*Silver Ravenwolf*   WhOOO boy. So super anti-christian, which is fine and dandy...if you didn't claim to be in a lineage of braucherei/hexerei. Wiccan, like the type of wiccan that says no other witchcraft exists and yet has written folk magic books??? She really needs to make up her mind. Claims Satanists don't actually exist. Claims most Jewish powers worshiped "the Goddess" (whoever that is)??? Very cult-like language about "not telling friends and family about your new life/reality/experience/whatever". Also SO MUCH APPROPRIATION. SO SO MUCH. She also gets her history wrong, on a lot of basic information that most non-witches know about like say the Salem Witch Trials.
*Catherine Yronwode* Ooh man. So Catherine Yronwode’s career started as a comic book artist. She’s worked on such things like the Elvira comic, DNAgents, and a gaggle of super controversial trading cards which included the Kennedy Assasination, a serial killer collection, and the AIDS epidemic. Of which she was sued for using one half of the Hillside Stranglers duo in said killer trading cards without his permission, the judge sadly threw the case out because and this is a quote, “ If Bianchi had been using his face as a trademark when he was killing women, he would not have tried to hide it from the police.” There were two more from her comic days, but those aren’t super relevant besides the one that pushed the envelope of what sort of trading cards should be sold to children. On the magical side of things, I will be blunt here: As one of the ‘big bads’ of the Rootwork/Folk/Hoodoo community? I really REALLY dislike her. She has made numerous false claims about New Orleans/Haitian Vodou and that it’s only a very recent practice, non-religious, and slaves never used it because it didn’t exist yet??? History books and entire generations will disagree. An example would be this link of an open letter to her written by a New Orleans Voodoo practitioner and someone she wrote a whole article about: https://conjureart.blogspot.com/2013/10/open-letter-to-cat-yronwode-and-lucky.html
She owns a few different websites namely https://www.luckymojo.com/, has written numerous Hoodoo based books, and actively has accused numerous people who have asked her for sources and or disagreed with her of plagiarism and has slung more mud that you can shake a stick at. 
She also praises a book on Marie Laveau and yet discredits herself by calling New Orleans Voodoo a new religion/neopractice??? She’s just confusing as all heck to me.
*Christian Day*   This guy’s just a creep. One stuck in the early 2000s mall goth phase even though he’s over 50. He also appropriates Hoodoo and owns two Hoodoo shops as well as multiple other witch shops in Salem and recently New Orleans on the French Quarter (Which is pure tourist fodder and not a reflection of true New Orleans Voodoo/Vodun/Rootwork). He has also harassed ex-employees so badly it’s landed him in court. His book The Witch’s Book of the Dead also reads very much like a list of accomplishments rather than anything useful. All about his television spots and experiences doing that. (Did I mention he was in an episode of Ghost Adventures? Yes, that one with Zac Bagans??? And it did not make us witches look too great, honestly speaking.)
Sources for Harassment Claims: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/salem-witch-gets-protective-order-against-warlock/
*Yvonne and Gavin Frost*   I dunno how else to say this, I really don’t. These two? Pedophiles. Multiple writings of theirs included not-safe-for-work-or-children rituals that must include minors. Avoid. AVOID AVOID. AVOID ANYONE WHO USES THEM AS A RESOURCE! This should NOT be okay in any circle. They are VERY used within the Wicca religion so please be careful!!
*Orion Foxwood* Some of his information is very sound! I can’t fault him there. He does have a tendency to blend different traditions without actively TELLING you he’s blending them though. He’s and this is a direct quote, “He is a witch and Elder in Romano Celtic-Traditional Craft, High Priest in Alexandrian Wicca and teacher of the Faery Seership tradition. He is also the founding Elder of Foxwood Temple and a primary founder of the Alliance of the Old Religion, a national network of covens in his line that have united to preserve the ways of his Elders. He was the co-director of Moonridge, a center for metaphysical, Craft and Faery studies in Maryland” That’s an awful lot of traditions to juggle and not only write on but actively teach. He also performs conjure, which in of itself might not be an issue but Conjure usually blends into Hoodoo really quickly if one isn’t careful! A lot of the traditions he talks about from his family sound quite familiar, he’s clearly from Appalachia but his books on the subject blend in his other practices instead of keeping them separate. 
*Starr Casas*   She’s in the same category as Orion, only she doesn’t necessarily give her credentials to be teaching Hoodoo, and even wrote a whole book filled with Hoodoo love spells. She also co-owns a French Quarter Conjure Shop, which if you ask any practitioners from New Orleans...is catered to pure tourists and not a true example of the crafts from the area. 
*Shawn Engel*   I’m gonna be blunt here. More appropriation of the Jewish practices, Hoodoo, and other information that is just plain UPG without saying it’s UPG and encourages throwing hexes at political party members solo. I read The Power of Hex and had to put it down numerous times just to gather myself and not throw it away, I don’t know if it was tone or sheer level of appropriation...likely both.
*Kate Freuler*   Of Blood and Bones is chock full of Hoodoo, full stop. Only acknowledges that something comes from Hoodoo once and also gets basic mythology information on the Deities she mentions wrong in some cases. Also a lot of the book seems to be UPG because the bibliography is super small for a 300 page book.
*Dorothy Morrison*   I picked up Utterly Wicked once. A very odd book full of Hoodoo and Vodun spellwork and misinformation, the author is also Garderian Wiccan so even the writing of a book full of hexes is slightly...concerning compared to the Wiccan traditions and redes. Odd is the best I have to describe how I personally feel. I will say this again: Voodoo Dolls are not used to cause pain, stop bastardizing that single aspect of the practice. Thank you.
*Helena Blavatsky*
 I dunno how else to say this either, her philosophy and occult knowledge, called Theosophy is a portion of what inspired Hitler. Pure unadulterated racism veiled in a ‘Atlantian Race Theory”. Horrible stuff, read for a class project once and felt disgusting.
*Christopher Penczak*Whoo boy. On the surface he seems alright, one of the first ‘male’ witches I had ever heard of except for Scott Cunningham. But the more you dig into his work the more inaccuracies and Christian bashing you see. For example: Christianty was the first patriarchal society. Uhm...I believe you’re kinda forgetting the men who ran Rome and Greece there sir. He also fully proposes the ‘burning times’ were like a ‘witch holocaust’. NO! NO IT WAS NOT. You can’t compare the hundreds of years and MAYBE a thousand-ish people dying to the millions that died in the short timespan the Holocaust was a thing. Fuck Christopher for that comparison and also for claiming it was a ‘burning time’ to begin with. (History says that most were hung...or tortured. Burning is a very small number of that list in general. 
He makes a lot of sweeping statements and sees witchcraft as a religion and NOT a practice. He whitewashes, fully harps on the Wicca = witchcraft = religion thing and THEN hones in on the difference between “white and black” magic and how cursing is evil and yet highlights certain practices that actively practice...cursing...as they have for generations??? He (atleast) doesn’t demonize Satanism but does still backhand the idea anyway, that they CAN’T be witches because witches only ‘heal’. Cultural appropriation and fetishization of ‘Native’ practices while calling them primitive all in the same breath, I just can’t with this guy. I really can’t. 
*Amy Blackthorn* 
Owns a tea brand called ‘Blackthorn Hoodoo Blends’ she is white. When questioned by BIPOC individuals she complains and blocks them instead of explaining why she chose the name Hoodoo for just teas. TEA. She is also the author of Blackthorn’s Botanical Magic, Sacred Smoke (A book on smudging yikes on trikes), and Blackthorn’s Protection Magic. 
Proof of blocking: https://thisblackwitch.com/2016/04/01/blackthorn-teas-whose-culture-is-it-anyways/
*Tarl Warwick *
Is more commonly known as Styxhexenhammer666 on youtube and other social media sites. Has written a pile and I mean a PILE of occult based books including ones on Hermetic magic, ritualistic magic, demons, solomon, folk plants and healing, Kabbalah, and many MANY more. 
He makes no claim to being Jewish, and given his political wishy washiness, and multitude of controversies which includes claiming the Holocaust wasn’t ‘that many dead’, Charles Manson deserved release because he was ‘extremely innocent and didn’t kill anyone’, and fairly recently also wrote and published a book on Critical Race Theory and why it’s ‘garbage’. I can’t support him no matter how accurate some of his information may be (if any at all). 
*Temperance Alden* This really pains me to say, Temperance in her Wheel of the Year book made a claim that birth control “stunted her magical abilities” because it affected her hormones…in OTHER words unless you are a perfectly hormone producing WOMAN you don’t have great magical power. AVOID. AVOID. AVOID. That is a slippery slope to claiming medication will harm you, not to mention how TERF-y it is AND completely disregards that magic is for well…everyone. Such a stupid gatekeep-y concept. 
*Sarah Kate Istra/Dver*
Advocates for using ‘spirit animals’ regardless of Indigenous beliefs and concerns. Is also a known ally with the Piety Posse, a neo-nazi group of pagans who claim the term polytheist can only apply to them and if you aren’t a Hellenistic pagan…you aren’t pagan at all. They also advocate for animal sacrifices, blood tests to prove purity, and other horrible HORRIBLE stuff. 
*Sannion/H. Jeremiah Lewis*
Obvious Neo-nazi, keeps images of swastikas on his personal blog, and not the ones that the nazis stole from, the nazi one. And super SUPER transphobic.
*Edward P. Butler*
Major persecution complex, spends half his twitter complaining about how monotheists are destroying…I dunno…everything? Also defends Krasskova quite heavily. Antisemetic as well.
*Galina Krasskova*
Hellenic pagans watch out. Defends the AFA. A ringleader of the Piety Posse. There’s a lot more horrific stuff about her and I won’t go into extreme details. But TW: Romanticizes SA with deities, human sacrifice, animal sacrifice. Compares debating to the holocaust, lots of victim blaming, gatekeeping, and screams folkish. 
*Diana Cooper*
Racist. Hard stop. Also appropriates chakras. Has a weird belief that food controls skin color and that Africa will never be a good country because it’s the solar plexus of the universe…or something like that. I got 20 pages into the book and literally couldn’t go any farther. Did I mention this book was supposedly on dragons???
*Judika Iiles* So much appropriation, advocates for making altars and working with closed deities. Lots of incorrect information including dangerous spellwork like obsession spells. And one in particular that has roots in a racist stereotypes. Avoid please! 
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meerawrites · 9 months
Hello, I’m Ameera a 23 years old Muslim lesbian who is trying to come out, I’ve been in the closet with my girlfriend for way too long, because of how dangerous and hard it is to come out as a lesbian to a religious Muslim family, but me and my girlfriend have decided to do whatever it takes and risk it all to come out, do you mind supporting and encouraging us?, we have the plan to go away which is why I have my donation campaign pinned on my profile, if I raise at least that goal I can start the process with my savings, I can’t come out until I’d gotten my apartment and I’m away from family, so please support by donating if you can and help reblog though I know we all have what we dealing with, so I’m not imposing we just need all the support and encouragement we can get, check my pinned post for more information on how you can support, if you are a Muslim queer and you are out, please help with tips on how to make it less complicated, any word of advice is also really needed, we really wanna come out but we need y’all 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ pride please come through for us, I believe pride is for all
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Hi there! Ameera, @deepeagletimetravel lovely name by the way. Fun fact from an almost linguist (Hindi, Latin, French, Sanskrit, & working on music theory and Haitian Creole) and history nerd. Ameera/Amira means "Princess" in Arabic. (source), I wasn't initially sure how to reply to this besides signal boosting and donating what I can (as a broke brown & queer college student). But it's lovely to meet more brown people who also like girls. Since you introduced yourself I'll briefly introduce myself, I am Meera, after the Hindu Bhakti Poet and saint, I use they/them pronouns, I am culturally Hindu and follow some Hindu religious thinking and I am brown, bi, genderqueer, and mostly a writer. I am 20, and I say this most affectionately, I'd be cowardly facing this entire thing. You are incredibly brave for following your girlfriend and sticking to your intentions and love for one another. I know for many it isn't easy, coming was not easy for me and I've come out four times now. Of course, you should never coerce anyone out of the closet, but, we are incredibly brave for loving who we love and not letting our parents and grandparent's generation dictate how we should live. There is a long history of Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, and brown sapphicism in general. I don't mind helping or encouraging you at all.
Below are some flags I think you'd appreciate. Best of luck to you and your girlfriend, have an excellent timezone.
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South Asia’s ancient queer history.
brown wlw playlist.
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punkeropercyjackson · 27 days
What if Miles G is a popular guy though and Margo is her school loser.What if Miles G is goth and masculinizes himself enough to pass for an untochable brooding boy but he's just masking and masking is the only game Margo don't got so she's always been bullied and laughed at nonstop and her interactions with Miles are in the same bracket as Gwen's in the sense that Miles is even more losercore than she is.What if they both experienced weird harrasment as black kids often unfortunately do with white girls throwing themselves at Miles G and him wanting a black girl to like him for once so fucking bad and Margo has to deal with Black Male GeeksTM being far too bold with her.What if Miles G offers to protect her because he knows what it's like being objectified by pretending to be her boyfriend both irl and in her gaming bizz thanks to how good at intimidation he is and he can back it up too because Prowler.What if Margo destroys snowbunnies egos just by existing near Miles G but it only gets worse with how close they are.What if Margo is haitian and they are carribean4carribean and also transmasc4transmasc because Margo's a genderfluid femme but Miles G is physically transitioning and Margo wants to never for extra gender fuckery.What if Miles G is poet who gave up on his dream when Jefferson died but he writes sonnets upon sonnets about Margo because she's his dream girl but she's REAL.What if Margo instantly gains Rio's approval and they spend so much time together she insists she live with them not as her daughter but as her son's steady girlfriend because of how toxic her home life is and she can't stand to even hear her parents' pickering they don't bother to hide from her.What if despite all of Prowlerbyte's differences,that only makes them two halves of a hole.What if Miles G is Margo's Player 2 and Margo is Miles G's esposita.What if the world was made of strawberry flan???That is Prowlerbyte world,i am the only flan Miles G and strawberrygirl Margo truther and i need ammo,
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gomaan · 3 months
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Chinese New Year Commemorative Greeting Video by Chinese Dubbing Voice Actors
Protagonist / Wonder:
Thank you for your help last year. Hello, everyone. I am Su Shanqing, the Chinese voice actor of Wonder, the main character of P5X. It's almost Chinese New Year. I would like to wish you a Happy New Year and all the best.
Ruferu / Cattle:
Ho-ho! I've been waiting for you. Good day to you all, leader of the Phantom Thieves. I am your guide to another world. ---- This is Hong Haitian, the Chinese voice actor of Rufel. It will soon be New Year's Day. I hope all the leaders can spend their days in good health and joy in the New Year. I look forward to seeing you again in the world of P5X. Then I will guide you then, ho-ho-ho!
Lee Yaoling / Rin:
"The sound of firecrackers heralds the end of the year, and the spring breeze brings warmth to the tussu wine." *This is a quote from the poem "New Year's Day" by Wang Anshi, a poet in the Song Dynasty. New Year's Day! New Year's Day!!! I can't wait to go home… Hmmm… I think Lee Yaoling actually thinks this too. Hello everyone, I am a fellow thief leader and a Chinese exchange student; Li Yaolin's Chinese voice actor, Xiao Lian Xiao! It's almost the New Year and I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you "teachers" a very Happy New Year! Let's go home soon and see each other again. Eh? As to why he (Wonder?) is a teacher… Now let's wait for P5X to release the rest!
Motoha Arai / Closer:
(Stretching…  ̄▽ ̄ What? "It's your turn"…? How are you doing lately? There may be some difficulties, but don't panic, let's stay positive! Hello, leaders of the Phantom Thieves! I am one of you leaders' fellow, I am Zhu Quecheng, the Chinese voice actress of Motoha Arai. A new year is about to begin. A red-hot, blazing, lively New Year is coming! I wish all the leaders happiness and laughter every day.
Shun Kanou / Soy:
Hey, is there anything you want to eat today? It's a special occasion, let me handle the cooking. Hello, thief leader. I am Liu Yuxuan, the Chinese voice actor of Shun Kanou. It's almost the Chinese New Year. I hope all of you leaders will eat well and sleep well to welcome the New Year. I am waiting to see you all in the world of P5X!
◆主人公(ワンダー) 【日本語訳】 昨年はお世話になりました。 こんにちは、みなさん。 私はP5Xの主人公ワンダーの中国語声優、スー・シャンチン(苏尚卿)です。 もうすぐ旧正月ですね。 新年あけましておめでとうございます、そしてご多幸をお祈り申し上げます。
【中国語の原文】 去年承蒙关照 Hello 各位好 我是P5X主人公Wonder的中文配音演员苏尚卿 临近农历新年 在此恭祝各位新年快乐,万事如意
◆ルフェル 【日本語訳】 ホホー!ずっと待っていたぞ。 皆の者御機嫌よう、怪盗団リーダー。(※プレ���ヤーの事) ワシはお前の異世界への案内人だ———— ルフェルの中国語声優の洪海天です。 もうすぐ元旦になりますね。 新年もリーダーの皆様が元気で楽しく毎日を過ごせることを願っています。 P5X の世界でまたお会いできることを楽しみにしています。 ではその時はワシが案内しよう、ホッホゥ!!
【中国語の原文】 嚯嚯,吾已经等你好久了 各位队长大家好 我是各位的异世界向导——— 路菲尔的中文声优洪海天 马上就到新年啦 希望各位队长新的一年健康、幸福、天天开心 期待我们早日在P5X的世界中相见哦 届时吾会指引你的,嚯嚯
◆李瑶铃(リー・ヤオリン) 【日本語訳】 「爆竹の音が年末を告げ、春風がトゥス酒に暖かさをもたらします」 ※宋の時代の詩人、王安石の詩「元日」の引用。 お正月~お正月~早く帰りたいですね… ふふふ、李瑶铃(リー・ヤオリン)も実はこう思ってそうですね。 みなさんこんにちは、 私は怪盗団リーダー皆さんの仲間の中国人留学生、 李瑶铃(リー・ヤオリン)の中国語声優の小连杀で~す! もうすぐ新年ですね、この場を借りて「先生」の皆様のご多幸をお祈り申し上げます。 早く帰って、再会しましょう。 え? なぜ彼(ワンダーの事?)が教師なのかというと… あとはP5Xで公開されるのを待ちましょう!
【中国語の原文】 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏 新年新年,好想回家啊…… 哈哈哈,这应该是李瑶铃的心里话吧 各位好 我是P5X中的各位队长的中国留学生朋友 李瑶铃的中文声优小连杀~ 新春将至,我借此机会祝愿各位“老师”们 早早回家,团团圆圆 嗯?至于为什么是老师呀…… 那就等着在P5X里再揭晓咯
◆新井素羽 【日本語訳】 (ストレッチ中…  ̄▽ ̄ え?「あなたの番だよ」? 最近調子はどう? 大変なことがあるかもしれないけど慌てないで、前向きにいこう! 怪盗団のリーダーたちこんにちは!私はリーダーたちの仲間、 新井素羽の中国語声優の朱雀橙です。 新しい年がもうすぐ始まりますね。 赤々と燃えるような賑やかな新年がやってきます! 私は、すべてのリーダーが毎日幸せで、笑いが絶えないことを願っています。
【中国語の原文】 (伸懒腰中……  ̄▽ ̄ 嗯?是你啊……. 最近过得怎么样 遇到麻烦别苦恼,开心一点嘛 队长好!我是各位队长的队友、好兄弟 新井素羽的中文声优朱雀橙 新的一年马上就要到啦 在这红红火火的新春即将到来之际 我,在此祝愿各位队长天天开心,笑不离口
◆加納駿 【日本語訳】 なあ、今日何か食べたいもんはあるか? 特別な日だからな、料理なら俺に任せてくれ。 こんにちは、怪盗団のリーダー、私は加納駿の中国語声優の刘雨轩です。 もうすぐ春節ですね。 リーダーの皆さんには、よく食べてよく眠って新年を迎えていただきたいと思います。 P5Xの世界で皆さんにお会いできるのを待っています!
【中国語の原文】 哟,今天有没有什么想吃的 特别的日子嘛,反正没事,让我来下厨吧 Hello 队长好,我是加纳骏的中文声优刘雨轩 新春佳节即将到来 在此希望各位队长新年里吃的饱饱,睡的好好 我会在P5X的世界里等着和各位见面哦
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ourhistorytoo · 1 year
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Assotto Saint, born Yves Francois Lubin in Les Cayes, Haiti in 1957. Assotto was an author, editor, dancer and musician in the band Xotika with his partner Jan Holmes. Assotto was named after a ceremonial drum used in Haitian voodoo rituals -- tambou assoto. He took the name “Saint” after the Haitian revolutionary leader, Toussaint L’Ouverture.
Assotto edited The Road before us : 100 gay Black poets and encouraged Black gay men living with HIV to come out and disclose. Writing and publishing work became a means of living life and making sure the legacy of their artistic gay Black artistic community would not be forgotten. You can find his work and other gay Black anthologies like, In the Life, on Internet Archive.org. Sign up for an account and you can check the books out for an hour or 14 days.
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vanilla-cigarillos · 10 months
A History of Zombies
As requested by a lovely lovely friend of mine, here's an addition to my "history of" series! Today we're getting into the history of zombieeees!
If you haven't checked out my History of Vampires post, you can give it a read here <3
Art by ArtEmEvilMind on DeviantArt
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What Is A Zombie?
"...a mythological undead corporeal revenant created through the reanimation of a corpse." - Good ol' Wikipedia
Zombies are generally corpses that have come back to life through some means. In pop culture, most people will hear the word "zombie" and think of creatures that take over the world through virus-ridden bites and cannibalistic tendencies.
However, this completely erases the cultural origins of where the concept of zombies came from. For that, I think Tallahassee can sum up my feelings perfectly.
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A History of "Zombies"
The term "zombie" originates from Haitian folklore, with the Haitian Creole word being zonbi. A zombie in this sense is a reanimated dead body that has typically been brought back through (CLOSED) magical means, particularly in the religion of Vodou. These reanimated corpses would act as servants under the will of a bokor, who has the ability to use said zombie's soul to enhance their own spiritual power. It was believed that God would eventually claim the soul of the zombie, making it a very temporary entity.
The English word "zombie" was first noted as being recorded in 1819, in a history of Brazil by the poet Robert Southey. This came in the form of the word "zombi". The Oxford English Dictionary testifies that the origins of the word is Central African, while some authors compare it specifically to the Kongo word "vumbi", meaning ghost or a corpse that retains the soul.
The new version of the zombie that differed from Haitian religious and folk lore began circulating in pop culture around the latter half of the 20th century in the West. This notion of a reanimated corpse that attacks and eats the living mainly stems from George Romero's Night of the Living Dead (1968) film. While the movie itself didn't use the word zombies, later on in the timeline fans would subscribe this word to the monsters in the film.
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From there, the concept of zombies only took off and the rest is history! Zombies became a key feature in the genre of horror, an I expect it to be a cornerstone for generations to come. I'll always remember seeing Michael Jackson's Thriller music video for the first time, and I'm sure several people have similar experiences.
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n0ri-b · 2 years
Of Knowing
The day I knew
I was over it
Something broke
And quartered it
The day I experienced life unshaken
Was when you were away from
Me and my safe haven
My water could only stand
So much of your barren land
Fantasized about life absent of you
And hope melted life’s blues
Of solitaire, I finally cosigned
Of my destiny, I would design
And command Kings to fall in line
There is no confusion,
Of who I am
In clarities' name
You are seraphim
I appear only as Prophetess
One of a kind to exist
On that day I knew
For me, there is greater
I had been touched by our creator.
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robertcooper1127 · 3 months
My wife has her very own vlog about her journey as a poet and visual artist... Please make sure you watch, subscribe, like and share!!!
Learning from frustration, banned books & Life || Poet/Artist Vlog || A ...
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gender0bender · 11 months
On a personal note, as many know (and as I’ve often spoken and written of), I owe a great deal to Assotto. Maybe we all do. As I’ve stated, I was there in the church that day in 1992 at the funeral of Donald Woods. I was one of many attendees from Donald’s activist family. I was one of many who read the program and saw the glaring omission of Donald’s poetry and activist work. The program also stated Donald had died of heart failure. I was one of many who witnessed Assotto speed down the aisle and take over the pulpit mid-service, declaring, “Donald Woods did not die of heart failure; he died of AIDS and he was a proud Black gay man. If you agree with me, stand up.” Half the church stood. Half didn’t. I stood up, as did Donald’s sister, Yvonne. I count that moment as one of a few where my path as an artist was revealed to me.
The second most defining moment in my life happened in 1990, when I attended the “I Am Your Sister Conference” in Boston, a celebration of the work of Audre Lorde. In her first appearance on stage, the self-described warrior poet Audre emerged, spread open the arms of her dashiki, and told a crowded room of followers of her battle with cancer. She said, “I began on this journey as a coward.” Witnessing the courage of Assotto and Audre shaped me as a poet, a person, teacher, performer. I want everyone I encounter to experience that sense of exhilaration and freedom when the truth is told bare-naked, and to feel the power of standing up for their lives at whatever cost.
Recently, I helped lead a Last Address Tribute Walk in Harlem with several organizations and individuals (the walk was originally developed by Alex Fialho). We went to Harlem at my insistence. In tribute, we went to the addresses of Black gay men who died of AIDS. We went to the address of Bert Michael Hunter, who was part of the Black gay writers group Other Countries, of which Assotto was also a charter member. Donald Woods, Colin Robinson, and Essex Hemphill, among others, were members as well. At Hunter’s address, the filmmaker and writer Robert E. Penn and the writer, archivist, and activist Sur Rodney (Sur) spoke of Bert and belonging to Other Countries. Sur recalled a story of running into Assotto in the late eighties, when Assotto urged him to join Other Countries. They said, “Sur, don’t abandon your brothers.” I think that statement encapsulates Assotto and what their convictions were.
The title of this collection, Sacred Spells, very much refers to Assotto’s powerful Haitian ancestry. I was thrilled to learn here that the person born Yves Lubin renamed themself “Assotto,” after a drum used in voodoo, and “Saint” after the great Haitian revolutionary fighter Toussaint Louverture. “Saint” also embodies their queerness, claiming self-ownership as a poet and magician whose language conjures, casts spells, and offers protection and healing. No name could be more fitting.
I know in certain Latinx ceremonies they call the names of the dead and fallen warriors, and the crowd responds “presente,” to mean present.
Assotto’s work speaks to us throughout time.
I imagine in the Black Baptist tradition, where I’m from, Assotto’s name is called out and with all of my heart and conviction I yell back “PRESENT” to say, he is here, always among us.
Still An introduction to our Assotto Saint folio by Pamela Sneed                                                       
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bones-ivy-breath · 9 months
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Pour rassembler les continents (To bring together the continents) de Rodney Saint-Éloi (tr. André Naffis-Sahely)
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rockofeye · 1 year
On Haiti's day of ancestral remembrance, one of my siblings shared this letter with us. It is a monumental letter; it has not been often that Africa has collectively spoken to and about Haiti. It's a sad and beautiful love letter, and speaks some really deep truths. They are right; Haiti is dying right now and it is past time that the international community take responsibility for what hundreds of years of international interference has wrought. I hope this is the impetus for action because the reality of Haiti right now is worse than can accurately be described.
Below is an English translation of the above linked article.
EMBARGO: January 1 , 2023
And especially my body as well as my soul,
be careful not to cross your arms
in the sterile attitude of the spectator,
because life is not a spectacle,
because a sea of ​​​​pains is not a proscenium,
because a a screaming man is not a dancing bear.
Aimé Césaire, Excerpt from Notebook of a Return to the Native Land (1939).
Captured in the valleys once trodden by Afarensis, or from Zanzibar, Madagascar, Gorée, El Mina, Bimbia, Benguela, Luanda, Cabinda, savannahs and forests, Ségou, Benin, Sokoto, the banks of the Congo or Oubangui, or along other great rivers, Ogooué, Casamance, Niger, Sanaga, having left the cosmogony that still binds them today to the mother of all continents, enslaved Africans arrived centuries ago in the Americas . In the worst forced migration of all time, the transatlantic slave trade took some of these men, women and children to Kiskeya, also known as Hispaniola, the island now shared by Haiti and the Republic Dominican Republic in the Caribbean Sea.
A land immersed in African traditions, Haiti, the "Pearl of the Antilles" or "Mountain Country" in the Taino language, is the nation where black slaves have shown the greatest resilience.
On August 14, 1791 in the forest of Bois Caïman, the voodoo priest Dutty Boukman organized a ceremony with the support of the priestess Cécile Fatiman, a "mambo" who performed sacrifices. On that memorable stormy night, the enslaved participants solemnly swore that servitude would be doomed, taking an oath to fight or die. They will later obey the orders of Toussaint Louverture in the revolt orchestrated by the remarkable leader. His epic – rare, if not unique – victory over one of the worst crimes ever committed against humanity continues to be recounted by many. Toussaint, a Caribbean island strategist and visionary, defeated the stubborn Napoleon, an island native from Corsica. This historic victory has been sung by great poets like Aimé Césaire.
On January 1, 2023, the first black republic celebrates the 219th anniversary of its glorious independence. However, the Pearl of the Antilles is dying.
Haiti was forced to pay a ransom to France as compensation to French slave owners for lost property, or else slavery would be reimposed and Haiti invaded. In May 2022, The New York Times published a well-researched series of articles titled “The Ransom: Haiti Lost Billions” [ The Ransom: Haiti Lost Billions], which recounts this perfidy. Port-au-Prince has so far paid up to $115 billion to France, a staggering sum for Haiti, a ransom that has left the poor country heavily indebted. Poor governance, corruption and invasions add to an already unbearable burden for the Haitian people. In addition, the American military occupation, from 1915 to 1934, had a large New York bank as its main financial backer. Ultimately, all of these factors could only result in a failed state fueled for many decades by the adrenaline of violence and the jolts of anarchy and chaos. The ravages of earthquakes, massive deforestation and the exile of its citizens have worsened the plight of Haiti.
Tormented and neglected, installed in instability, Haiti seems close to shipwreck. The security situation is dire. Famine affects nearly five million people. Shortly after the 2010 earthquake, a cholera epidemic imported by UN peacekeepers broke out in Haiti after no case had been detected there for more than a century. In the face of these accusations, the then United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, had the courage and integrity to issue a formal apology. Today, the resurgence of cholera is causing more deaths. On December 21, 2022, addressing the Security Council, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed said that “Haiti finds itself in a deepening crisis of a magnitude and unprecedented complexity."
One of the biggest challenges is that much of Port-au-Prince – a capital of nearly 3 million people – is in the hands of gangs. Their names are taken from urban tragedies – 400 Mawazos , Chen mechan , Fire-eaters… . The list of gang leaders includes Barbecue, Gaspiyai… . Their only motivation seems to be financial and criminal. The gangs have taken the country hostage: they kill; they rape; they are flying. Sexual violence is the breeding ground for a future in which society may lack cohesion.
The police are either overwhelmed or complicit. The Haitian army, that not-so-distant Macoute memory, was dismantled by the international community in the 1990s. Demobilized soldiers were never properly reintegrated into society. The judicial system is moribund. To date, the international community has been able to fund less than 20% of Haiti's current humanitarian needs, while elsewhere in the world billions of dollars are generously flowing in to alleviate other humanitarian crises.
Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere is caught in a recurring nightmare, as if the country relives the adventures told in " The Comedians ", a masterpiece published by Graham Greene in 1966. The novel, located under the reign of François "Papa Doc" Duvalier and his Tontons Macoutes, explores the political repression and terrorism that are rampant in Haiti, and particularly in Port-au-Prince.
However, Haiti should not be viewed solely as a tragic and brutal story. The country of Makandal, Toussaint and Dessalines is endowed with magnificent creativity and sustained by remarkable hope. Haiti has always been culturally brilliant and intellectually stimulating.
The iconic Hotel Oloffson in Port-au-Prince once attracted bands such as the Rolling Stones. Afterwards, hellish processions of the Ra-Ra by the "root music" group RAM invaded the hotel. Haiti is also the country of the talented musician Wycleff Jean; the Tabou Combo group; or even the unforgettable Jean Gesner Henry, alias Coupé Cloué or “the African”, the king of kompa mamba, a catchy musical style widespread throughout the world. Writers, playwrights, filmmakers, poets, artists, educators, musicians and artisans abound. The stunning beauty of the countryside is praised in the books of Haitian neurologist, novelist and poet Jean Métellus (1937 – 2014), such as in Jacmel at Dusk. Christophe, tragic king, is immortalized in a masterpiece by Aimé Césaire, the literary giant of neighboring Martinique. For more than a century, Haiti has also given birth to magnificent authors and poets: Joseph Anténor Firmin, Louis Joseph Janvier, Justin Lhérisson, Jean-Price Mars, Félix Morisseau-Leroy, Charles Moravia, Frankétienne, Anthony Phelps, Dany Laferrière , Louis-Philippe Dalembert, Edwige Danticat, René Depestre… and many others.
The biggest tragedies, like the 2010 earthquake, certainly killed and maimed many people, destroying infrastructure. But these dramas have not shaken the soul of this astonishing and endearing country. Like the intrepid Haitian woman, Haiti remains surprisingly upright, and its culture vibrant.
The international community, sub-regional and regional organizations, academics, media, communicators, the private sector, the Haitian comprador bourgeoisie: all have a responsibility towards Haiti. It's not an easy conversation. Migration issues are a hot topic in most Western countries. In September 2021, images of American guards on horseback armed with whips pushing back Haitian migrants at the border with Mexico caused a stir around the world. But these whiplashes from the time of the slave trade cannot rewrite the heroic history that Haitians wrote with their blood, sweat, tears and courage. Haiti is the only slave-led military uprising that was able to overthrow a slave-holding colonial power.
The international community was called upon to step in and fight the gangs. Just as the corrugated iron walls of Haiti's slums will not stop stray bullets, our physical estrangement from Haiti will not prevent tragedy from piercing our souls and our comfort zones. In light of past failures, one can honestly wonder if foreign military intervention in Haiti would provide a lasting solution. Either way, inertia is not an option. Any intervention must revisit history and learn from it, prioritize security, actively promote and support justice while helping to build trust and good governance. The situation must be addressed as a whole, without delay.
What the international community will or will not do is of crucial importance. Nevertheless, we support Haitian citizens who want an end to anarchy and violence, who want justice. To measure the strength and value of a family, one must observe the solidarity with which it protects the most vulnerable of its members. The first black republic, perhaps the most fragile of the family of Nations, lacks food, drinking water, fuel, peace, justice.
We issue this urgent call: let us act now, with a new and genuine benevolence, whatever the risks, and without individual geopolitical intentions. Haitian populations are in danger. History will not be kind to those who remain inactive or who choose to look elsewhere.
It would be non-assistance to a people in danger.
It is difficult to envisage the resolution of this Gordian knot without outside intervention. The Haitian people will only be able to vote and freely choose their leaders if there is security.
A member of the family of nations is held hostage by the contours of historic injustices, recurring bad governance and the brutality of armed gangs: the whole family must step in to free this member from the hostage takers as well as the contingencies of previous failures. Haitians would fly with with their wings towards the heights of human development, we sincerely hope so.
Sitting idly by is not an option.
So let's gather our forces for success in Haiti, and as Césaire predicted, there will be room for everyone at the rendezvous of victory .
Otherwise, we will all be guilty of not having helped this heroic people in danger.
Let us respond to the poetic exhortation of Jean Métellus. From his exile a few decades ago, his poem was a beautiful cry, “  Au pipirite chantant ”. His lament has not aged a bit. This is the plea of
“Haitian peasant who with singing pipirite,
despises memory and makes plans
He revokes the past braided by plagues and smoke
And from daybreak he tells his glory on the fresh galleries
of young shoots”
We stand with the Haitians. Let's act now. For Haiti, for humanity.
(*) Signatories:
Adama Dieng , the initiator of this forum, is a former United Nations Under-Secretary-General. He served in the UN as a former Special Adviser for the Prevention of Genocide and Registrar of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. He is also a former board member of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA).
Macky Sall , President of Senegal, President of the African Union.
José Ramos-Horta , President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste; co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1996.
Moussa Faki Mahamat , Chairperson of the African Union Commission; Former Prime Minister of Chad.
Alpha Oumar Konaré , former President of Mali; former Chairperson of the African Union Commission; former President of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan , former President of Nigeria; Mediator of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
Catherine Samba-Panza, former Head of State, Central African Republic.
The Right Honorable Michaëlle Jean , former Governor General of Canada; former UNESCO special envoy to support reconstruction efforts in Haiti; former Chancellor of the University of Ottawa; former Secretary General of the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF).
Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka , former Vice-President of South Africa; former Executive Director of UN Women; Former Co-Chair of the United Nations Descendant Senior Officials Group (UNSAG).
Epsy Alejandra Campbell Barr , former Vice President of Costa Rica; President of the Permanent Forum for People of African Descent.
Graça Machel , President of the Board of the Graça Machel Foundation ( Graça Machel Trust ).
Miguel Ángel Moratinos , former High Representative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations; former Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE; former Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.
Sir Dennis Byron , former President of the Caribbean Court of Justice; former President of the Commonwealth Judicial Education Institute ; former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR); Chairman of the United Nations Internal Justice Council.
Serge Letchimy, President of the Executive Council of Martinique and former member of the French National Assembly.
Mujahid Alam (Retired General), Principal of Lawrence College , Ghora Gali, Murree, Pakistan.
Sonia Maria Barbosa Dias , Education Specialist, São Paulo, Brazil.
Mbaranga Gasarabwe , former Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA); former United Nations Resident Coordinator in Mali; former United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Safety and Security.
Souleymane Bachir Diagne , Philosopher; Director of the Institute of African Studies and Professor of French and Philosophy at Columbia University.
Andrew Thompson , Professor of World Imperial History at Oxford University and Full Professor at Nuffield College , Oxford.
Othman Mohamed , former Chief Justice of Tanzania and Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry into the death of Dag Hammarskjöld.
Amadou Lamine Sall , Winner of the 2018 edition of the Tchicaya U Tam'si Prize for African Poetry; Winner in 1991 of the Prize for the influence of French language and literature, awarded by the French Academy.
Sheila Walker, Ph.D. , Author; Cultural anthropologist and documentary filmmaker; Executive Director of Afrodiaspora, Inc.
Jean-Victor Nkolo , former spokesperson for three Presidents of the United Nations General Assembly; Worked in ten UN peacekeeping operations, including in Haiti.
Euzhan Palcy , Director, screenwriter and film producer (Martinique, France).
Bacre Waly Ndiaye , Lawyer at the Bar of Senegal; Former member of the Truth and Justice Commission in Haiti.
Willem Alves Dias , Film Editor, Brazil.
René Lake, Journalist and Expert in international development.
Doudou Diène, Senegalese lawyer; former UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.
Ben Kioko , Judge, former Vice-President of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights.
Aver-Dieng Ndaté , Lawyer at the Geneva Bar, Vice-President of the African Peace Conference.
Akere Tabeng Muna , Lawyer and International Legal Consultant on Governance and Anti-Corruption; former President of the Pan-African Lawyers Union; former President of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (ECOSOCC); former Chair of the Panel of Eminent Persons of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM).
Carol Christine Hilaria Pounder-Kone , aka CCH Pounder , Actress and philanthropist; Art collector; HIV/AIDS activist; co-founder of the Boribana museum in Dakar.
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