#I May b a bit sleep deprived
carbonateds-oda · 16 days
“what even is the plot of bsd” dude. what is the entire story- oh my god. what. what is that word…story? what story? story? As in like a book? Like the one they keep mentioning throughout the entire fucking story- oh shit there it is again what! story!? what is this show even about!? books!? the book?? There’s a book?? and stories relating to different books??? that’s insane!! what!!
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ferris-the-wheel · 7 months
TWST relationship headcanons!!
Info: Six months after you start dating the respective character.
Author's note: The characters were chosen by a friend at random (with no context). I'm also still on Chapter 6 of the main storyline and don't know much about the main Diasomnia characters' pasts, so these hcs will take place before then, I guess?
TW: Maybe a tiny bit of angst(?)
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When you two first started dating, he was so happy that he couldn't sleep. He was actually surprised to find that he hadn't randomly fallen asleep during the day as he normally did.
After that, he'd spend a lot of time around you, concluding that it was because of you that he didn't fall asleep.
Since he's basically the adopted brother of Malleus, he undoubtedly has at least some money. He likes to buy you surprise gifts so that he can see you smile. which makes him happier as well.
He invites you over to Diasomnia a lot (encouraged by Lilia), which he's perfectly fine with as, as stated earlier, he likes spending time with you.
His favorite pastime is sitting somewhere where you two can see the stars at night like a balcony or somewhere where there are a lot of windows (though he prefers being outside).
He's such a good boyfriend, I mean, he was raised and trained as a knight. If someone is giving you trouble, expect Silver to give them a very stern talking to (with or without Malleus beside him as incentive).
He's a very calm and comforting presence, making you feel better if you're feeling down and cheering you up.
I don't think he'd mind PDA, but I feel like he'd be a bit more reserved with it, so he'd settle for holding hands while you're walking or stuff like that.
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He's very pleased that you agreed to date him, but also very sad. He feels like a bad person because he knows that by dating you, you'll eventually grow old and die while he'll live on. He thinks he's depriving you of a "normal life" with another human.
You've worked very hard to convince him that he's the one you want to be with and that you don't want anyone else.
He spoils you A LOT. He'll splurge a shit ton of money on fancy dates, gifts, and other things. He spoils you to the point where you have almost no empty floor space in your room, so you had to ask him to stop spending so much on you (though you felt bad about this because of the expression on his face).
Aside from that, he's extremely loyal to you. Despite your reassurances, he thinks that at least if he's going to deprive you of a mortal love, then he's going to pride himself in being the most loyal boyfriend (hopefully husband later) ever.
He's very happy that Lilia approves of you and that you two get along. He enjoys walking in on you two hanging out and genuinely appreciating each others' company. He's also very grateful that you help prevent kitchen disasters by monitoring babysitting Lilia while he's "cooking".
I don't really think he'd exactly know what PDA is or what qualifies as PDA, so he'd just walk up to you and either a) act as normal or b) be a bit affectionate such as a kiss (on the lips or cheek, he doesn't care) or he'd wrap his arm around you. If you aren't a fan though, he'd refrain from doing so.
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His personality made it very hard for you to trust him in the beginning, as he's very sly, but you eventually learned to trust him more. He'd be happy if you were rich but he'd empathize if you weren't. He doesn't care if you have a lot of money a lot, as he definitely isn't rich either.
If you give him something (especially food), he'll be extremely happy. He'll be even happier if you give him enough to feed his community back home. Give him some donuts and he'll be in heaven, literally wondering what a crook like him did to deserve someone like you (just for giving him donuts).
He may feel bad dating you since you can give him things like food and other presents while he can't really afford to buy things for you or take you anywhere. He does extra tasks for Leona in exchange for money, but you wouldn't let him spend it on you and told him to save it or give it to the people back home.
Therefore, he shows his love by hugs, stealing quick kisses on your cheek, goofing around, and snuggling (if one of you is in the mood). He'll randomly grab your hand while you're walking or carry things for you in the hallways, little things like that.
I think he'd be impartial toward PDA, he'd base it off of your preferences. If you aren't a fan of PDA, he'd dial it down to when it's just the two of you. If you like PDA or don't mind it, he'd be doing the things above (cheek kisses, hand grabbing, hugs, etc.).
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How you managed to even talk to this dude in person, that's a mystery. You probably met on the internet and wound up meeting that way. But now that you're in his life, good luck trying to get out. He isn't used to people showing any form of affection toward him (or human interaction in general), so once you become what he considers a friend, he's not letting you go easily.
Once you start dating? Oh yeah, you are never getting rid of him. Not to say he's clingy (that's a lie, he's a bit clingy), but he'd be texting you constantly wanting to know if you want to game or Netflix and chill.
He's not exactly a romantic but you don't mind (or hopefully you don't if you're dating Idia). He isn't a big fan of physical touch, so quality time is likely the way to go. I hc that he's a very snuggly person despite this, when he's in the mood. I think he's a little spoon (he's too awkward to be big spoon).
He's like, the most loyal guy ever (I mean, he never goes anywhere and doesn't talk to almost anyone). You would never have to worry about unfaithfulness with this guy, he's wayyyyy too attached to you now that you've infiltrated his little gamer den (and his heart).
PDA? Banish the thought from your mind. This is Idia, he doesn't leave his room unless absolutely necessary. If you wanted any PDA from him, you'd have to fight all the phantoms in Tartarus/the Underworld (and maybe not even then) for him to want to do anything like PDA. If PDA is a must on your list, Idia is not your guy.
Hiii! How you guys doing? I hope you enjoyed this post. I'll post part 2 innn..... three? four days? Hope you don't mind. You can send whatever requests you want (as long as they follow my rules)! Bye~~!!! 🧡
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The Outsiders and Attachment
Ohhhhhkay y'all I finished my human development final two hours ago (we love exams that end at 10pm) and I'm currently functioning on two hours of sleep and and a wee bit of hysteria but part of my cramming studying today was focused on attatchment styles and it was super easy for me to link these to the outsiders so here you go (Im sleep deprived and a psych nerd so this might get rambly and chaotic and hard to follow and LONG- you have been warned)
Ok SO first a shit ton of background info because I love psych. Basically there was this experiment conducted by this psychologist lady Mary Ainsworth and her goal was to measure and catalogue attatchment in infants so she set up this 'strange situation' experiment which (coles notes version) basically involved babies and their mothers being in a room and then leaving the kid alone with a stranger, mom returning, and then leaving the baby completely alone in the room, and they looked at all sorts of behaviour in these babies, things like levels of distress, whether they engaged with the stranger in the presence of their mom vs when they were alone, but the main thing they were interested in were the babies reactions upon being reunited with mom. Ainsworth observed 3 trends in babies and grouped them based on their behaviour.
Group A - babies who didn’t care if they were left with a stranger, and were uninterested in reunion with their mothers. A1 was babies with no interest with their mother, A2 was babies with slight interest in their mom and a desire to stay away from them
Group B—babies who may or may not have been distressed at separation, but were happy to be reunited with their mothers. B1 was babies not distressed at separation and slight interest at reunion, B2 was babies who were mildly distressed at separation, and approached caregiver at reunion, B3 was babies who were mildly distressed at separation and actively sought contact at reunion.
Group C – babies whose behaviour was not consistent at reunion (sometimes would engage with caregivers and then immediately run away). C1 was babies who were very distressed at separation, and C2 was babies who were very passive and did not respond at all to separation
*Note: mild distress would be whimpering and crying, very distressed would be like screaming and beating the ground with their fists kinda thing*
A N Y W A Y here's when things get interesting IMHO because these behavioural trends are the basis of our attachment styles
Group A babies have what's called an Anxious-Avoidant (also sometimes known as Dismissive) attachment style to their caregivers- these babies don't know if their caregiver will be retuning and they don't expect to be reunited. Parents of babies with this kind of attatchment style are visibly unhappy to be with their offspring and their resentment/displeasure is clear enough that babies as young as a few months old can pick up on it. Approximately 20% of babies fit this attatchment style
Group B babies have what's known as a secure attatchment style. They're your run of the mill happy babies, and their needs are met consistently enough by their caregiver that when their caregivers are out of sight, not only do they expect a reunion, they're happy to be reunited. This is most likely due to the aforementioned consistent care. A lucky 80% of babies fit this attatchment style.
Finally we have our Group C babies, who have an Anxious Ambivalent attachment style. Babies in this group have conflicting emotions to being left alone. (some babies might be screaming when the caregiver leaves, others are so apathetic as to have been considered unbothered by researchers). Babies with this attatchment style usually have caregivers who are unresponsive to their needs. These are babies who are abused or neglected, who have no sense of security or routine. apprximately 10% of babies fit this attatchment style.
*Also important to note that babies can have different attatchment styles with different people.*
ANYWAY so while I was studying earlier I sorted the outsiders characters based on what kind of attachment style I think they'd have as babies (fun fact- you often carry your initial attachment style with you throughout your life unless you consciously work to fix it)
Goup A (Anxious-Avoidant)- Steve & Tim Shepard
-Steve's mom split and we know his dad routinely kicks him out even though it isn't usually permanent. To me, it makes sense that his parents would do the bare minimum to make sure he was decently ok as a kid, but their resentment would be clear that even toddler steve could pick up on it. Thus we get sullen little Steve, who avoids or is indifferent to being left in a playpen by himself, and doesn't care when he is eventually picked up
-I like to think Tim Shepard's ma was a little different when he was a baby than when Curly and Angela were born, and while I don't think she was ever a great mom I think she might have given it a go, even though she wasn't the most attentive and was bitter about having him. Thus, Tim becomes another dismissive baby, who doesn't notice or care when he's left to his own devices
Group B (Secure) - The Curtis boys, Two-bit Matthews, Dallas Winston (to his mom)
-We know from the book the Curtis kids had a happy childhood, and that Two-bit's mom is lovely even though she works a lot. thus, we get healthy secure attatchments for these boys
-I like the headcannon Dally had a happy(ish) childhood and was a total mama's boy when his mom was still alive so I think he'd form a secure attachment to her at least.
Group C (Anxious-Ambivalent)- Curly & Angela Shepard, Johnny Cade, Dallas Winston (to his dad)
-This one involves little explanation. I think Curly and Angela (who I hc as twins) were definitely oops babies and by then the Shepards ma was too far into alcoholism and hatred to even attempt to parent, thus Angela and Curly never got used to her being around so the didn't notice when she wasn't. (The securest attatchment they formed was to Tim.)
-Johnny very clearly wouldn't form an attachment to either parent though I could see him being the type who's confused, especially when he was young, because I don't think the Cades were 100% horrible from day one. I think as a baby he would have never known if he was gonna get a cuddle or a kick, so he'd be the baby screaming when left alone, then running up to his parents and away when they came back to whatever room they'd left him in. Lots of turmoil and confusion poor thing, leading to the anxious-ambivalent attatchment
-We know Dally didn't like his dad, so I think an anxious ambivalent attachment, one characterized with a baby dally not noticing or caring when his father is around or when he leaves or returns to be the most likely of the attachment styles for him (i hc he was indifferent to him until dally got a bit older and mouthier and thats when the physical abuse started).
ANYWAY sorry this was so long I'm just a psych nerd who psychoanalyzes fictional characters for fun. If you actually read to the end of this bullshit you're a real one fr.
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comicaurora · 1 year
Hey! So I have a trope question
Something I’ve noticed since I was little is a that a lot of media with a trio had the same make up of two boys and one girl, is this a trope or just some weird thing that just happens by random odds?
I think it's a little bit more broad and nebulous than a trope, although it does have a TVTropes page. It's not random odds, it's storytelling trends.
For a number of reasons, the majority of protagonist POV characters are guys. Starting from this premise, if you want to make sure your protagonist always has somebody to play off of so they aren't engaging with the story in complete isolation, you give them at least one character to hang out with. This minimum one character can have all kinds of traits (mentor, scoundrel, battle butler), but if you as a writer are taking the easy, normal approach, you will give this protagonist a friendly buddy/rival to team up and squabble with (and this buddy will also be a guy, because again, this theoretical writer is taking the easy approach to character dynamics), and as a second thought you will probably give our hero a theoretical love interest girl for him to pine after so you can (a) write/draw a Hot Lady as much as you want and (b) get Hero Boy to cover a broader range of emotional situations within the comfort of his friend group. Thus you have rederived the trope of Two Guys And A Girl, congratulations on your moderately successful mid-2000s gaming webcomic.
As the story continues you might realize Girl Who Exists So Protagonist Can Remember Girls Exist is not actually an appealing love interest for him, so you'll probably pair off Girl with Second Guy and leave Hero Boy to pursue other romantic avenues. Second Guy is liable to be rather more interesting anyway, since he's going to be a Lancer to the hero's Leader-ness and serve as his primary foil, meaning he has a little more personality and frankly a lot more romantic tension with the lead. In fact, if you want to be really lazy about it, you can take these three characters and snap them into a love triangle with absolutely no extra work on your part, and that's an infinite drama generator at no cost to you.
You might take a slightly different approach if you, the writer, are a lady writing a lady-centric romantic story, in which case Girl is liable to be the POV character while her buds Hero Boy and Rival Boy take turns having romantic subplot adventures with her. In these narrative structures you don't want to add another girl to the inner circle, because the presence of a Romantic Rival (which seems to be the only purpose Other Girls serve in these stories) would spoil the center-of-the-universe romantic fantasy, so your hands are tied and we're back to Two-Guys-And-A-Girl again. You might add a supportive girl best friend when it gets adapted for netflix though - she can pair off with whichever boy loses at no additional cost.
What we're seeing here is Easy Mode Storytelling. This is what happens when a writer takes the extremely well-traveled road and lets their wheels slide into the well-worn tracks and follow where they may. It's not good or bad, it's just easy. It's a story we can recite in our sleep. This particular character arrangement occurs with unusual frequency because there are a number of factors that make it easy, and when you take a broad approach, the easy approach will be statistically favored.
This triple arrangement can obviously be genderflipped - Hero Girl with her friends Rival Girl and Love Interest Boy - but this is less common just by the numbers, because in the space of fiction there are more Hero Boys than Hero Girls. All-boy and all-girl trios also happen, but because most people are straight, most writers will see this as depriving themselves of all the exciting romantic tension they could get from having One Token Character to be romantically viewed and pursued. Additional characters can be added to the group, leading to Four-Temperament Ensembles and Five-Man Bands, but broadly this three-person arrangement is the smallest possible Ensemble Cast unit a writer can easily construct.
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starhvney · 1 month
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: roomate!gene x fem!reader
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: not able to sleep, you run into your roommate in the kitchen. to try and get you to feel sleepy again, he shows you how he would take his mind off of things in high school.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: fluff, comfort, slice of life, insomnia
𝐂𝐖: gene smokes a cigarette
𝐀/𝐍: i love his character development. also, i’m not sure how i feel about this. it almost feels rushed? i hope you like it regardless!
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you stretch out uncomfortably under the sheets, your back popping as you try to release the aching tension in your shoulders. for three hours, you’ve been staring at the ceiling. you’ve flipped your pillows to the cool side until they were all warm, ripped your sheets off and buried yourself back in them again, but nothing has worked.
turning onto your side, you squint as your bright phone screen lights up, revealing the bright 2:47am on the screen. after groaning into the pillow, you frustratedly rip the bed cover off of your body for what felt like the fiftieth time tonight. after pacing your way to the kitchen with blurry vision, you fill up a cup with water and quickly start gulping it down.
“can’t sleep?” gene’s deep voice startles you, causing you to nearly choke and drop your glass.
you set down your drink, the cup making a small clink against the counter. gene is leaning on the doorway with his arms crossed, and his eyes hooded and sleep deprived. the dim kitchen night light and the moonlight shining through the window casted a soft glow against his skin, making him look paler and his eye bags darker. his black hair was even messier than usual, the wavy strands sticking out in all directions.
you sigh, leaning back against the counter. “nope.”
he rolls his neck, the action causing a faint popping sound to resonate from his spine. he glances at your now empty water glass before tipping his head back, motioning for you to follow him.
“huh?” you question, trailing behind him as he approaches the window of your small living room.
“just follow me.” he insists with a groan, too tired to explain himself as he swiftly unlocks the latch and lifts the creaky window like it was routine.
you freeze for a split second as the window makes a particularly loud squeak, not wanting to wake up and alert sasha or zenix of your little escapade. gene turns to stare at you with a look of mild amusement before he shimmies his way out of the window, using the sill to boost himself onto the low-hanging edge of the roof.
you lean out the window, peering up at the empty space where gene’s feet disappeared. a short moment later, his head leans over the edge of the roof as he looks at you expectantly.
“you coming up here?” he questions, his eyebrows furrowing as you glance between him and the ground.
“you’re taller than me, i can’t climb up there like that.” you explain, your hands getting clammy as you think of slipping from the edge.
gene’s hands reach down for yours, playfully grabbing onto your shoulder as you hesitate.
“c’mon, kitty. i won’t let you fall.”
you sigh, clasping your hand tightly with his and letting him carefully tug you to stand out of the window. after fumbling halfway onto the roof, gene helps pull you up the rest of the way. catching your breath, you glance at gene with a puzzled look. he only smirks in response, shimmying up the slope of the roof a bit and looking out at the night scenery.
you lean back next to him, glancing out in the same direction. the house your group rented out was in a neighborhood on the outskirts of phoenix drop. the distant twinkle of city lights glowed in the distance, far enough to admire while still being able to see a few stars in the sky. the cool breeze carries the scent of fresh night air and a hint of dampness like it may rain later. in the opposite direction, there was a lack of stars as distant dark clouds cover the sky.
gene reaches into his pocket and pulls out a beat-up pack of cigarettes, glancing back over at you.
“you okay if i smoke one?” he asks, pulling one out and lightly waving it between his fingers.
you nod, leaning forward and resting your head on your knees.
“i didn’t know you still smoked.”
“i’m trying to stop, but every once in a while i’ll have one,” he lazily holds up the worn pack before pocketing it again. “i’ve been stringing this one out for a couple of months.”
i nod, staring at his features as he pulls out his lighter. his long lashes brush against his high-set cheekbones and hide his dark blue irises as he situates the cigarette between his teeth. the lighter sparks before the flame takes shape, illuminating his sharp features with an orange glow. he takes the first drag with a deep inhale, before turning his face away to blow the smoke away from you.
he turns his head back towards you lazily, raising an eyebrow as he notices your stare.
“what’s going on in your pretty head, there?”
you clear your throat, cheeks reddening as you realize you’ve been caught. “just thinking.”
he quietly snorts out a laugh at you, eyes squinting mirthfully as he uses the palm of his free hand to lightly smack your forehead.
“well, obviously, silly girl.”
you press your lips together and roll your eyes.
“do you come up here when you can’t sleep?”
“yeah, i started doing it in high school. when i wanted to clear my head.” he takes another drag. “i couldn’t sleep pretty often and i was pretty… pent up, i guess.”
his eyes dart to mine as his face twists to an almost sheepish expression. “well, you remember how i was.”
you lightheartedly scoff as you remember the delinquent he used to be: skipping classes, vandalizing, drinking and smoking. you two definitely did not have the same relationship that you two have now.
“oh i remember,” you recall, your voice sarcastic in tone before shifting to something more genuine. “but… you turned out pretty cool. and, for what it’s worth, i think you’re a good person now. so there’s no use in rehashing the old stuff, right?”
gene’s eyes drift down, his eyes softening as he stares at the number of roof tiles between the two of you. the corner of his mouth turns up and his eyebrows raise as he looks back up at you. it’s only a second that he appears this soft, before his eyes squint again and he makes a face like he was cringing at his own thoughts.
“well, thanks. i think you’re giving me a little too much grace, but…” he stares down at the barely smoked cigarette in his hand, before putting it out on the cool roof tiles. “i appreciate it.”
he sighs, submitting to his previous thought as his eyes move back up to meet yours. his hand reaches up, fingers sweeping away stray strands of hair the light breeze had blown in your face.
“i appreciate you.”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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malfoyfarms · 10 months
JJ Maybank x Pogue!Fem Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Smut
A/N: Okay this may be self indulgent bc I just had my heart broken by a boy. Also i’ve never written smut before, rip. Not proofread bc i’m working
It was a warm summer evening in the Outer Banks, and Y/n walked back to the Chateau quietly. In the summer she never walked slowly, let alone quietly. She tried to pack her summers with as much adventure as she could, no matter how sleep deprived she was. Her grandfather always said that she could sleep in the winter. 
The hole in her chest was growing, she felt heavy. Her mouth was dry, nose was running, and she kept looking up at the sky trying to make the tears go away. Stopping for a moment against a tree, she took a deep breath, “You were just fine without him, you are just fine without him.” 
Her friends always used to tease her that she was too much of a “lover girl,” falling a little bit in love with anyone, everyone she met. She just felt so stupid. Kiara had warned her about the boy that had mysteriously shown up one day and gave her the world. Sure it could have been the start of something wonderful, he was the original one to show interest, so that had to have meant something. 
By the time she had actually made it to the Chateau, she had swallowed her sadness. She put that award winning smile on, and was ready to be her normal self. Walking in, the girl threw her bag into her normal spot, and made her way toward the jetty. She passed out greetings and hugs and jokes as if she wasn’t just trying to get herself to breathe a few moments ago. 
The pogues could tell something was off. They could tell she had been upset by the way her eyes were glossed over. But Y/n was closed off, no amount of prying would get her to reveal what was going on inside. That’s just how she worked. John B tried to cheer her up by throwing her in the water, Sarah just offered her a small smile and a compliment on her swimsuit. One she was now going to donate because he had told her just how gorgeous she had looked in it. 
JJ offered her a Twisted Tea blueberry, her favorite, but she only took a few sips over the entire afternoon on the boat. She knew if she became intoxicated, there was no stopping the feelings, no covering up. 
“Lover girl, you headed out tonight?” John B asked as they started collecting money to buy pizza for dinner. 
“Uh, n-no actually. Here’s $10 for dinner,” she quietly pulled a ten out of her bag, and the others watched her silently. Y/n was always peeling out around this time, ready to experience some romantic rendez-vous with her beau. 
“I’m not letting you pay $10 when you’re gonna eat maybe a piece of pizza,” John B argued back.
“JB just take my money!” all eyes were on her, “It’s less y’all have to pay anyway.” 
To avoid any confrontation, she walked up to the house to get her sweatshirt. The air hadn’t changed, still as hot and sticky as before, but the girl knew without the protection from the hood of her sweatshirt everything would be too real. 
God, while the sweatshirt provided a small amount of comfort, it brought back more painful memories than it needed to. She could smell her perfume, one that he thought was just to die for, the chewed up aglet that he would constantly take out of her mouth and say “relax.” There were still no notifications on her lock screen. She kicked her backpack with all of her might. 
“Mama,” she slowly turned around. “Why are we kicking the living fuck out of our backpack.”
The smug look on her best friend’s face made her lip shake and tears come sprinting to the front of her eyes. JJ’s expression quickly changed when she started to come towards him with open arms. 
“I knew there was a reason you didn’t chug your Twea.” 
The girl quietly shook in his arms as he guided her to his room. “You’re allowed to cry, you know, I won’t tell anyone.” 
“No.” Her voice wavered. “I-I just want a distraction. Can you give me that?” From the way she was laying next to JJ, to the doe eyes, she was achieving exactly what she wanted. JJ pushed the hair out of her eyes, lingering his fingers just long enough on her jaw to indicate he was going to falter. And falter quickly. 
Y/n closed the distance between their faces. Her lips locked intently around his, becoming the dominant mouth. JJ pulled her back just long enough to wipe the tears from her eyes before kissing her back hungerly. 
Her hands wandered under his shirt and up his back, feeling every knot in his muscles, but settling on one right below his shoulder blade. Their lips stayed latched together as she began to massage the knot. JJ’s hands similarly mimicked her motions but he settled on her hips. His first two fingers found themselves tangled in the side strings of her bikini bottom, while his thumb and last two fingers found themselves squeezing her love handles. 
Small, breathy, almost inaudible moans escaped from her mouth as JJ guided her hips against his torso. His other hand buried itself in the nape of her neck, pulling her hair to force her chin up as he nipped and kissed at her neck. Her perfume made him absolutely and unequivocally feral. He hummed against her collar bone, feeling her body snap towards him. She was dying for friction. For contact. Anything to smother the weight in her chest. 
Never had he imagined when he volunteered to go talk to the pogue, he’d be up close and personal with her. 
His fingers untangled from the strings, and pulled leg up by the thigh. He gently ghosted his fingers over her most personal spot, feeling wetness and the small whimper against his neck. 
Y/n’s dainty hand guided his hand to touch her where she needed attention the most. He followed her advances and pushed the fabric to the sides. One quick swipe of his fingers to gauge her readiness and then he pushed two fingers in. She was rolling her hips and clenching around JJ’s fingers almost rhythmically, like he wasn’t going to give her what she wanted. He pressed on her clit, adding pressure to her.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong,” he questioned, pressing down heavily as he ended his question. A hiss slipped through her lips. “If you make me cum, I won’t have any.” 
Her hand stalked down JJ’s swim trunks, trying to determine how big he was. His penis became still and hard as her fingers circled the shaft. He bucked into her palm, looking for his own friction. After a few particularly hard presses on her clit, she began to let up on her hand job. Too immersed in chasing her own high.
JJ couldn’t remember the last time he had been this turned on, this quickly. He’d only been on solo missions recently, eyes always eyeing one specific prize. 
Finally finding the courage, JJ flipped her underneath him. While placing sloppy kisses on her collar bones, he ground his hips into her. Both letting out soft gasps from the pleasure of pseudo-sex. 
“JJ, please.” she mumbled. “Put him in. I need it.” She took it upon herself to untie the bikini bottoms, trying to quickly find the friction again. JJ nearly came at the girl’s begging. 
He then found himself ripping his trunks off at lightning speed. Y/n took his cock and lined it up with her entrance, teasing JJ with her slit. He waited for her nod, and then slid himself in. He let out a small breath at the feeling of her warm insides around him.
“J, move,” she begged. He began long, slow thrusts into the girl, trying to make every second count, trying to keep from finishing in her like it was his first time. JJ could immediately tell she needed more stimulation. He pulled out, and waited for her to open her eyes. 
“Turn around mama, lay on your stomach.” Doing as she was told, she opened her legs impatiently waiting for his re-entry. 
JJ did as he promised, sliding in with a faster pace. He slowly pulled her ass towards him, up in the air. He could feel her clenching. She was so close. JJ had her body mirroring his, her back flatly against his chest. His one hand played with her front as his other held her by the neck to his. 
“I’m s-so,” she squeaked. “So, close.” As she finished her sentence, her thighs shook, her walls clenched around his dick, and nails dug into his forearms. 
This lethal combination sent JJ spiraling, releasing his load into her before he could even think of pulling out. Her body went limp as JJ rode out the rest of his orgasm. 
As their bodies separated, he then spun her around to hold her close. Even with his cum dripping out of her, he wanted to make sure she was okay. 
“Are you okay?” He looked down at her, trying to avoid looking at the trail of each other down her legs. 
“No,” he panicked. Had he crossed a boundary? Broken something good in a weak moment? “You just started an addiction.” 
Relief flooded his body. “Good, because I’m not letting go anytime soon.”
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redrobin-detective · 1 year
I’ve been kind of brain dead for ideas lately but an old one that I was batting around the other day was, following Jack Drake’s death everyone was scrambling to figure out what to do with Tim. Bruce wanted to adopt him, Dana was going to take him when she was well enough, Dick probably threw his hat into the ring to give the kid options.
Now Tim has this grand scheme to circumvent all this by hiring an actor to portray a made-up uncle but he looks out at the city one night and is Tired. This city stole his peace, bits of his flesh, his friends and now his dad. Suddenly he doesn’t want to live there anymore. He makes a phone call and a few days later, he’s on a bus to Smallville to be fostered by Martha Kent.
Kon was a little surprised at the call but Martha didn’t hesitate to sign those papers. She’d seen the fallout of Tim when his mother died, if no one else would take care of Tim then she would. He arrives with a backpack full of clothes and a U-Haul of computer equipment which he sets up in the back guest room barely leaving room for a bed.
He goes to Smallville High with Conner, eats an early, homemade dinner by Ma who kisses his forehead before he Zetas back to Gotham for patrol. He’s still Robin, still fights and bleeds for Gotham. But he can’t live there, not right now. Bruce is doing his pouty hurt dad routine, Dick thinks he’s trying to make a move on Kon but really Tim is tired of the brutality of the city and wants some peace for once in his life. He Zetas back early in the morning, quietly knocks on Ma’s door so she knows he’s back and heads to bed.
His allergies give him hell in the country but he still insists on helping Kon with chores. Conner laughs at how badly he fumbles through livestock feeding and crop tending and starts working on ways to make it more efficient. He sleeps through class and spars out in the open fields and, when he’s feeling homesick, Kon will fly him real high and drop him and he can pretend like he’s just dived off a skyscraper. Martha reminds him to eat, to sleep, to wash behind his ears and stop looking at gruesome crime scene photos at the dinner table. Tim’s never had a happy, normal family situation. It unnerves him but it soothes him too as he works, really works, on some of his more self-destructive habits. For Ma’s sake. Martha knows this is only temporary, that Tim can’t, won’t, stay away from Gotham forever. But she drapes a blanket over his shoulder where he’s fallen asleep 5 minutes into a movie on the couch and brushes his hair out of his sleep deprived eyes. She loves Bruce like a second son but Tim is her baby now too and she’ll tear B to shreds if he doesn’t properly care for Tim when he returns.
Kon and Tim, who’d been kind of dancing around their feelings for years, are now in an equally strange dynamic of ‘are we brothers now? are you just a bud crashing indefinitely at my house? we come and go from Titans Tower together what does everyone THINK is happening???’ and settle for just doing nothing. They do stay up late on nights Tim isn’t in Gotham talking about bad tv shows and how lame school is and rocket ships and the latest supervillain scandal. As weird as the situation is, Tim looks happier and healthier than he has in ages. Plus it’s kinda rad to have a sleepover with your best friend every night. As far as he is concerned, Tim never has to step foot in Gotham again.
Clark comes back to the farm from a long space mission to find Batman’s latest sidekick typing up a storm typing on a computer with one hand and stirring soup with the other. “Sup,” Tim mumbles as he remains focused on both his tasks. “Sorry, guest room is mine now. I’d offer it up but it’s a pretty tight fit in there with all my gear.” And that’s how he found out his Mom may or may not have legally kidnapped Batman’s sorta maybe I guess not kid from under his nose and he’s Clark’s unofficial little brother. All he knows is Bruce is going to be a nightmare at the next League meeting.
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astorianyxkings · 5 months
You guys ever think about how Bruce feels when one of the batlings call him Dad? Or refer to him as their dad? Or how he feels when he steps into a fatherly role for a bat?
I mean yeah its mostly done in public, Dick has always called Bruce Dad or refer to him as his father since he was old enough to go to galas. And yeah at first the word felt like nails scraping down a chalk board because Bruce isn't worth being a dad, not in his head at least. He was still in his twenties, and Dick already had a dad. One who loved him. But he tolerates the word anyway, because its just to keep up appearing right?
Nowadays, having repaired their severed relationship, Bruce wants to hear the word. He misses it but he doesn't dare ask. But when he reveals that he officially adopted Dick and he hugs him and says "I love you Dad." Bruce can't help but cry, sob quietly as he clutches his son in his arms. "I don't want to replace your father." He says, begging his voice to not waver, it doesn't listen. "You're not," Dick responds, "You're just standing on the same level as him. My dads and my mom. My parents."
When Barbara becomes Batgirl Bruce is terrified. He knows the kind of sick freaks out there, who ogle her in her Batgirl suit. It makes his blood boil the way any father's would. Except he isn't her father. She has Jim for that. And even if she's dating Dick, Bruce can't seem to figure out why he's treating her like this, why he's keeping her patrol limited, why he's texting Commissioner Gordon in panic whenever she's late. Jim laughs and says its like they're co parents and something in Bruce's heart jabs.
When she's paralyzed by the Joker Bruce isn't sure what to do. He pays her medical bills and has a back and forth with Jim, "Its my fault he found out she was Batgirl!", "He didn't, he did it because she's a Gordon! It's my fault!". Bruce crues over her in the comatose state, apologizing over and over, its his fault, his minds been made up. When she becomes Oracle there's nothing he wouldn't do to accommodate her. Barbara may not legally be his daughter, but she kind of it his first daughter.
When Jason comes around and starts calling Bruce dad at galas, he's more comfortable around the word. He can be a dad to Jason, Jason didn't get to have a good dad but Bruce bought a parenting book (What to Expect when Moving from Raising One Kid to Two) and he's handling it. But then he dies and Bruce is met with the guilt of knowing that he failed his son. Because even though Dick was his ward and first born, Jason was the first one he was okay with referring to as a son.
And then he came back and Bruce is no longer dad. He's B or Old Man. Its better than "the asshole who let me die" so he'll take what he can get. Except once at a gala Jason has a bit of a Freudian slip and refers to Bruce as his dad and he leaves the room to burst into tears. Jason doesn't hate him and while he's grateful part of his mind knows he should. He deserves to be hated, Jason is just too much of a good person to do it. But it doesn't matter, Jason's still his son and his heart still stutters whenever he's reminded of that. Jason is his son, his boy.
When he meets Tim, Bruce is scared all over again. He doesn't want to be Tim's dad. Tim already has a dad—and in Bruce's self loathing mind, a neglectful father is still better than whatever impersonation of a dad he could be. But Tim is stubborn, he latches on and somewhere along the lines after his emancipation, Bruce realizes that he's Tim's dad. And he wants to be Tim's dad. And he won't fail Tim the way he did Dick or Jason, he made too many mistakes with them.
Tim sometimes feels out of place. Bruce doesn't know why, he belongs into their family (cult as Jason says affectionately) and Bruce will always remind him of that. Tim is his son and Bruce will never get over that, he gets to see this boy grow up to be great. And maybe when Tim's sleep deprived he calls Bruce dad, but thats between him, Tim and the tear stained pillow on Bruce's bed.
And then there's Steph. Stephanie Brown forced her way into the Batfamily by dating Tim and even after they broke up, she's not leaving. And Bruce doesn't want her to. She's made it clear she doesn't want to be a Wayne officially, she's fine just being Steph. Except, Bruce kind of thinks Steph is like his daughter too. She's not just some random girl he finds overly bubbly, her bubbliness reminds him if Dick, her street smarts remind him of Jason. But despite that Steph is so unique. And even if she has a dad, Bruce can't help it. He personally decorated a room at the manor for her, had it painted purple and everything. Steph might not be a Wayne by name, but she is in everything else. And Bruce is kind of okay with that.
And then there's the two kids who refer to him as their dad all the time.
Cassandra Cain becomes Cassandra Wayne and she never looks back. She rarely speaks, she's content with sign language and you best believe the rest of the family learns it to communicate with her comfortably. But something in Bruce's heart flutters when she refers to him as Dad. When she signs about one of her dance recitals, Don't forget dad! Or when she's bragging and boasting at a gala about him, My dad's not like that! He's really nice!
And then there's Damian. He couldn't run away from being his father if he wanted to. Which he doesn't. Damian called him Father, rather stiffly for the first two years together. But then one day he's talking to Jon and Bruce isn't trying to eavesdrop but he's not perfect do he does and he hears Damian refer to him as Baba and he almost trips over his own feet. Damian, ever the observer, notices him immediately and then he's suddenly calling him Baba more often, Baba I'm going to walk Titus or Baba, Grayson is trying to hug me again. Doesn't matter the context, hearing Damian utter the endearment makes his heart melt every damn time.
But when Duke rolls around, heartbroken and unfairly orphaned, Bruce is terrified all over again. He's not ready to force Duke into accepting him as a father, Duke has a dad. Bruce doesn't want to replace him. But Duke, much like Tim, latches on. He needs a father. He needs one to guide him, to help him forge his own path. And Bruce can't help himself. He's a father. He's Dukes father.
Bruce being a dad but hating himself for it while loving his kids but hating that he's forced to be their dad because the world was cruel to them.
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oneatlatime · 7 months
The Chase part 2
Apologies for the technical problems. Battery power must be conserved for necessities, which unfortunately does not include Avatar. But the power's back on now, so!
Picking up from Toph treating a senior citizen like a snooker ball...
I do like how Mai's not shy about participating in Ty Lee's nonsense.
The way Zuko Jr. says "I'll follow this trail" is very menacing.
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We're continuing last week's cowboy theme.
This village has the same menacing single windchime as the village in the Spirit World Part One did.
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This was may more satisfying than I was expecting! It was completely unfair how easily the Fire Nation ladies defeated Sokka & Katara so getting Appa'd was a nice payoff.
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No disability unmocked this episode. Also nice stance from the lizard.
This whole scene with Toph and Iroh has the most beautiful backgrounds. I sense phone wallpapers in my future.
Forget about the visuals, every line of this exchange was golden. Two towering pillars of wisdom and emotional maturity meet for tea and not a soul goes untouched. Also a nice moment of calm in an otherwise frantic episode.
Can this PLEASE be the rock bottom for Zuko. I can only take so much more second hand embarrassment.
Fully-provisioned princess of the fire nation v. sleep-deprived half trained avatar v. starving outlaw who seems to have forgotten to bring his swords, the only weapon he's good at. Place your bets, folks!
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Zuko in a nutshell.
Ok so we're getting the whole gang back together.
The whole whole gang.
The whole whole whole gang.
How the hell did they mess up six on one?!?!
A princess can't surrender with honour when she doesn't have any!
That was kind of Katara to offer to help. I didn't expect that.
Final Thoughts
This episode doesn't let up once. Even the break with Toph and Iroh having tea doesn't do much to dispell the rising tension from the chase. The musical stinger that plays over the title card was a surprise bit of foreshadowing in that way.
That tank thing was neat. Shame about what it contained, but that's a really cool design.
Poor Appa was once again the MVP this episode. It was uncomfortable watching him get so exhausted.
It seems like the thin veneer of level-headedness cultivated by Katara over the last season or so is indeed quite thin. It was interesting to see how the different characters reacted to being tired. Sokka was alternatively amped up and completely chilled out, Aang got quiet (until he felt Appa was being insulted), Katara reverted to her early season one characterisation. It's hard to say with Toph, because we've only known her one episode (it feels like more) but I think she just got more Toph-like.
Please let this be the end in Zuko's experiment with independence. He's not good at it. He needs uncle. Points for trying, but he failed, so please bring uncle back.
Sokka low key wins this episode. He's the one with sense, the only one who stays clear-headed when it counts, and it turns out that clear head of his can defeat the pokey thing Ty Lee does.
I don't know how much time is supposed to have passed between picking up Toph and the start of this episode, but I can't help but feel that Toph really got the short end of the stick here. She did give up everything, even if much of what she gave up was not that great for her personally. And in return she got to travel in a way that completely blinds her and get yelled at. Meeting Iroh was a nice consolation prize.
Now I kind of want a story where Toph doesn't come back to the Gaang and instead goes around unleashing bending hell on the earth kingdom.
Was there no b plot or c plot this episode? Everything kind of collided in the final couple of scenes, which I did not see coming.
Frantic is the word I keep coming back to for this episode. Everything fit together nicely. I'll definitely rewatch it when I have the chance to do so in one sitting, without unforseen technical problems.
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14carrotghoul · 4 months
2023 Writing Roundup
Thank you kindly @suseagull04 @xthelastknownsurvivorx @cha-melodius for the tags (and anyone else I missed bc I'm a bit scrambled right now)! I had hoped to have something for December but I am still cooking :3
El Chico Del Apartamento 512
Neighbors AU and Selena songfic! Alex's new neighbor is the bane of his sleep-deprived existence until he discovers how beautiful he is.
True Blue 
Post-canon boygenius songfic! Henry and Alex's first year in their home isn't strictly smooth sailing.
Nothing but getting a year older B)
The Winner Takes It All
Henry and Alex take a trip down memory lane on Henry's birthday and discuss old flings.
Impossible to Ignore, Impossible to Ignore
Medium!Alex with a hint of soulmates. Alex guides lost souls to the afterlife and happens across Henry at a party.
The Lometa Longshot
Drag queen!Alex AU. Henry and Pez go to a drag show in Austin.
Thank You, Shaan
Pre-canon drabble 5+1 exploring Shaan and Henry's relationship.
Busy writing for the brownstone fic exchange and traveling a bunch!
Tiempo de Vals 
High school AU for the brownstone fic exchange. Fourteen year old Alex has a grudge against Henry but has to play nice when June makes him a key player in her quinceañera court.
i hope you don't mind that i put down in words
Collection of weekly brownstone drabbles
Twenty drabbles exploring Oscar's character from meeting Ellen to the aftermath of the email leak.
Writing like crazy on ALTHTL
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October & November
A Love That Haunts the Land
Alex and Henry fall in love, but they're both hiding massive supernatural secrets.
Writing the sprawling and upcoming fake dating Christmas AU "face of a lover (with a fire in his heart)" which is now ~three chapters~ to split up the emotional beats
Open tag to anyone that wants to summarize their works!!
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K-pop Discography Deep Dives: Red Velvet (Part TWO)
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A Disclaimer: I was planning, when I first started Tumblr, to be a lurker, but then I began an office job and needed something to listen to to keep myself occupied. And then, I started going through entire K-pop groups’ repertoires, album by album, and jotting down my thoughts. And then, I stumbled into K-pop tumblr and decided, you know what, there’s at least four people on this hell site who would read in depth rants about these discographies and at least five who wouldn’t read it and then get mad because it’s kind of our job as K-pop fans. My lukewarm takes should be taken with an entire silo of salt and the knowledge that this is completely for fun and occupying my very bored, very neurodivergent brain. All this to say, for the love of god, I’m a sleep-deprived student and I don’t have time for internet hate, so don’t kill me. With that being said, enjoy!
Here are my credentials: Red Velvet was the first k-pop group I ever loved, even though Blackpink was really my introduction. I became a ReVeLuv in 2019, because of Russian Roulette, and I’ve been a fan since, including of the members’ solo careers (Wendy in particular). But as I’ve gotten more into k-pop and since they come back so infrequently, I haven’t really been keeping up with them and I feel like I’m less of a fan than I once was. So, I’m super excited for their comeback on the 13th (especially with a full album!) and I’m hoping that through this deep dive, I’ll fall back in love just in time for the new album.
This is Part Two of the review, and we left off just before another famous summer comeback in Power Up. Right away, Power Up feels like an interesting combination of Red Flavor’s warm excitement and Ice Cream Cake’s high bubbliness. It’s unusual for their music, because despite its bursts of aegyo in its choruses, it also has more subdued moments in the verses to breathe. I confess that for me, it doesn’t balance quite enough and I find that the song just feels immature and shrill, rather than Red Flavor’s good mix of youthfulness and wistfulness. It’s not for me, but it’s not a bad song.
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From the Summer Magic EP, it was hard to choose a hidden gem. Blue Lemonade has a delightfully fizzy feeling with its popping, while Hit That Drum has (unsurprisingly) a great driving beat and a smash of a bridge / last chorus, and Mr. E’s “abracadabra” refrain remains stuck in my head.
#Cookie Jar and SAPPY are both Japanese releases, so I won’t spend long on them, but suffice to say I do like them both. SAPPY is a touch too bubbly for me, but it mixes its R & B and pop better than Power Up, but #Cookie Jar (despite the silly title), is actually a pretty good balance and very catchy.
Really Bad Boy immediately introduces itself as a little bit strange with Joy’s 1,2,5! countoff. With all my ranting and raving in past reviews about how much I hate empty, chanty choruses, I’m sure everyone’s expecting me to rip this one to shreds. But I’m actually not going to. A little bit of excellent harmonizing and background vocalizing goes a long way, and there’s not much harmonizing better than that in RBB. Red Velvet’s voices really are doing the heavy lifting here, but that’s really what sets it apart from all those songs I’ve complained about. It may be a little hard to take seriously, but just like War Of Hormone of BTS, it’s a pretty good time if you suspend your disbelief, throw up your hands, and have as much fun as the people singing it.
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From the RBB mini-album, Butterflies was a standout for me. Like the best of RV’s b-sides, it zings along with a delightfully breezy feeling and some great slowly rising vocals to complete the sound. Shoutout also to the interesting vocal fry in Sassy Me and the playful back-and-forth vocals in Taste.
RV’s 2019 work is divided into three EPs, each with its own title track, that together form one mammoth album: the ReVe Festival. Zimzalabim is the first single, and is infamous both amongst ReVeLuvs and other k-pop stans alike. While other RV titles have been odd, this song takes it to a whole other level, like Rookie’s insanity on steroids. There are parts that work (like the na na na na na higher in the pre-chorus), but many more that don’t, and, just like with Rookie, we’re left with a song that has good ideas and good parts, but needed a few more drafts and way more editing. “Are you ready for this?” Wendy asks at the beginning. Well, apparently not.
From part one of the ReVe Festival, I liked both the calming, slightly reggae-inspired Sunny Side Up (because who doesn’t love terrible puns?) and the drum-line heavy, quick-footed Bing Bing, which, despite much of it being nonsense vocalizations, is very catchy and will have you dancing before the first chorus.
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Umpah Umpah is often overshadowed in the ReVe Festival, due to the craziness that comes before and the that comes after (we’ll get to that), but it’s actually my favorite of the three songs. On first listen, I didn’t appreciate its humor, odd lyrics, and 60’s-at-the-beach vibes, but after learning that it’s actually a special track marking their 5th anniversary, it grew on me. I especially like the background vocalizations that round it out beautifully and the way-too-short acapella section at the beginning of the last chorus because it was probably my favorite part of the song. It’s really a celebration of their friendship and how far they’ve come, and I’ve never been able to resist songs that wear their heart on their sleeve.
Just as Umpah Umpah is my favorite of the three titles, the ReVe Festival Part Two is my favorite of the three mini-albums (and one of my favorite RV albums in general). I found it quite difficult to choose between the carnival-meets-doo-wop of Love Is The Way, the brisk chantiness of Carpool, and the feel-good girl power disco of Ladies’ Night. But the other songs are great too.
Despite the popularity of the many titles mentioned before, none come close to the almost inescapable fame that Psycho reached internationally. From the first whispered accusation “psycho” and the swirling electronic background meeting the delicate strings, it has this creeping unsettling feeling that never quotes goes away—which makes sense, given that it’s a song about a toxic relationship. While I do like this song, I think it’s not surprising that it doesn’t live up to the insane amount of hype it recieves, because really, how could it? It is what it is, and it does what it sets out to do well, but in such a strong discography, it’s just a footnote.
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From the last part of the ReVe Festival, my favorite was definitely the jazzy, bluesy La Rouge, which I wish could’ve gotten a special music video like Be Natural or Automatic, because it’s definitely at that same level. I know I’ve mentioned the harmonizing in nearly every b-side but it’s just so good that, well, how could I not? The vocals are at some of their most refined here, oscillating between drawn-out and self-assured and gently emotional, giving the song much-needed layers.
Soon after Psycho’s release, Wendy suffered a terrible stage accident that injured her hip, jawbone, and wrist, and, needing time in order to recover, Red Velvet went on hiatus for almost two years, before returning with Queendom in late summer 2021. Because of when I became a fan, this was the first RV comeback I saw in real time, so I fully acknowledge the rose-colored glasses I’m looking at it through. It’s a basic pop song, and I’m not going to champion it like it’s the best thing since sliced bread, but it does get me bopping my head. It’s got the bones of another of their classics, but none of its strongest moments are pushed quite far enough.
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From the Queendom EP, I had two hidden gems. Pose, despite what in lesser hands would immediately make me classify it as an anti-drop, is actually my favorite, and the combination of self-assured sing talk and exuberant singing really works for me. Knock On Wood is a calmer R & B b-side, and like many of their Velvet tracks, it’s nothing incredible, but their voices elevate it to great. That post-chorus is a highlight too.
Feel My Rhythm is the 1st single from the ReVe Festival’s 2022 counterpart, and is honestly one of my favorites. The song is lovely, weaving in a classical background and samples of twittering birds and running water to truly establish a calm feeling. The song bursts with life, but a more refined, almost mature version of it compared to Red Flavor’s bombast. The title “Feel My Rhythm” may create the image of a very dancy, upbeat song, but in truth, it’s more like the quiet beauty of an Oh My Girl track than that. Also, the MV is just really pretty, with its moving impressionist paintings, while keeping some of that signature Red Velvet strangeness.
From the mini-album, though I did like both Bamboleo and Rainbow Halo, In My Dreams was my clear standout. That chorus is the stuff of legends: the way it rushes back and forth from quiet to loud, the way the voices blend in such a stunning way, and the way it combines its driving emotion and the beautiful elegance swirling around it. Perfection.
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Birthday is the single from the 2nd part of the ReVe Festival 2022. After how much I liked the 1st part, I wish I could say I liked this one too. Unfortunately, I think that despite a few standout moments (like the pre-chorus), I have no idea what on earth SM Entertainment was thinking. This song isn’t “bad”, in the way of Rookie or Zimzalabim, where, despite not being for me, I can at least respect what they were going for. Instead, it sounds nothing like an RV song, and just rumbles around in bizarre, uncharismatic sing-talk that does a disservice to such great vocals. The girls do their best but even they can’t save this one, because every time I hear this song I just wonder who mixed up the tracks for Red Velvet and NCT 127. I also think that the accompanying EP is one of their weakest, and I don’t have a hidden gem for it.
Red Velvet just came back today (the 13th, as I’m writing this) with their third full album (finally!!) and the title track Chill Kill begins with the kind of creeping yet lovely string-accompanied verse that I wish Psycho had. I was worried that we’d get a repeat of Birthday but thankfully I needn’t have worried. The chorus bounces with horrid delight in alt-pop perfection while the girls cover up a murder in the background (as one does). The bridge, meanwhile, culminates in a 3rd gen trademark high note as a house burns to the ground, the girls dance in front of the police pursuing them, and face their fate together in a surprisingly touching show of sisterhood. I couldn’t have asked for a better single; it’s that more vocal focused and emotionally driven Peek-A-Boo that I always wished for.
The album, Chill Kill, is just as strong, harkening back to the Red Velvet I loved back in The Perfect Velvet. It was difficult to pick a hidden gem, as I loved the cathartic high part and scratchy strings in Knock Knock (Who’s There?), the surprisingly video game like chorus in Will I Ever See You Again, the catchy yet gentle comfort in Nightmare, and the slowly rising a-capella in Wings that encourages the listener to be a brave butterfly no matter what the world says.
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My Top 5 songs by Red Velvet are One Of These Nights, Russian Roulette, Umpah Umpah, Dumb Dumb, and You Better Know, with In My Dreams and Peek-A-Boo as honorable mentions. Red Velvet gets a 9 out of 10 from me, and I think that both that and my distance from the band can mostly be put down to the fact that while the songs themselves are almost all technically excellent, very few of them have deeper meanings than a typical b-side.
The ones that do—like One Of These Nights or Umpah Umpah—are some of my favorites, but on the whole, I don’t have as deep an emotional connection to their music as I do to Dreamcatcher’s or to Seventeen’s. This is also down to the fact that Red Velvet doesn’t write any of their own songs, unlike the previous two (who write / compose some and all, respectively), and thus the members have less of an emotional connection to the music too. This isn’t a dig at Red Velvet, who are all incredibly talented, but I would love to hear more of what they have to say, like on their solos.
So, did I meet what I set out to do at the beginning and rediscover my love of Red Velvet? Well, I think I did! I’ve honestly yet to find another group like them, barring maybe SHINee, whose voices are all excellent separately but together become something far greater than the sum of their parts. I think it’s safe to say that Red Velvet will always have a special place in my heart, even if I don’t listen to them every day. No matter if they disband tomorrow or not for decades, I’m proud to call myself a ReVeLuv. I’ll be here on August 1st. 2024 for their tenth anniversary, blue lemonade in hand, and I hope you will be too.
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Next time, we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled programming with just one group a week. See you then, for a boy group. Tschüss!
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cock-holliday · 1 year
3x4x5 Prompt List
Week 1 -- Fluff (March 5-11th)
One...Bed/tent/sleeping bag
Costume Party -- A and B dress as one another
Trapped! But Fun -- snowed in/lost in woods/stuck in elevator/etc
Falling Asleep On Each Other
Food As A Love Language
Week 2 -- Angst (March 12-18th)
Coming Out
Injury Pulls Character Out Of Numbness
Trapped! Not Fun -- tied up/captured/stuck/etc
Can't Breathe
Disaster -- fire/accident/destruction/etc
Week 3 -- Hurt/Comfort (March 19-25th)
Sick & Care
Tending Wounds
Washing Hair/Body For Other Person
Have To Move/Carry Injured Person
Trapped! Not Fun...2! -- out of time/can't help
Week 4 -- Smut OR Misc (March 25-April 1st)
Tied up
Gotta Keep Quiet
Talk Dirty To Me
Anger From Worry
Sleep Deprivation
Needing To Touch
Sudden Pain
Rules/Details under cut
4 themed weeks of March
5 prompts each week. You can do one per week or up to all 5. A bit less commitment than a daily prompt, and you can do the 5 in any order on any day within the 7 days of that week.
Any fandom
Any Characters/OCs
Any medium: fic, art, videos, etc!
If you suggested anything that didn't make the list, feel free to still do those. I still may do some that didn't make the list after this event!
No pressure to commit to anything more than you want to! Low stakes, low commitment. Jump in or jump out whenever.
Use tags 3x4x5 and/or tag me and I'll reblog your work!
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"This is going to be hell isn't it?"
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50214667 by GreyIsAWeirdo Peter Anthony Stark or Peter Benjamin Parker as he is more commonly known. See the thing is; he is Tony and Pepper's biological son but due to the fact that both of them are in the limelight, they gave him a fake identity until he is of legal age to decide what he wants to do. So Peter B Parker is an orphan who lives with his Aunt May. Peter A Stark however lives with his dysfunctional family of Avengers and Starks. Peter B Parker is a nerd who is shy and doesn't know how to stand up for himself. Peter A Stark is still a nerd but he's snarky and oh yeah he's Spiderman. His Academic Decathlon team are going on a field trip to Stark Industries aka Avengers Tower and considering that's where he lives Peter can't really keep up the shy, defenceless act, so the eldest Stark kid persona is coming out to play. Words: 2674, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of I like making Peter suffer :] Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Harley Keener, Peter Parker, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Shuri (Marvel), Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pietro Maximoff, Loki (Marvel), Avengers Team Members (Marvel), Guardians of the Galaxy Team Members (Marvel) Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Bruce Banner & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Everyone, Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton & Kate Bishop, Clint Barton & Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanov Additional Tags: Gay Harley Keener, Bisexual Peter Parker, Established Relationship, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, Peter Parker Calls Tony Stark "Dad", Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Sassy Peter Parker, Nicknames, BAMF Pepper Potts, BAMF Loki (Marvel), Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Peter Parker & Morgan Stark are Siblings (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Sarcastic Peter Parker, Loki & Peter Parker Friendship, Peter Parker & Shuri Friendship, gen z humor, Humor, Vines, Texting, BAMF Friday (Marvel), Cliche af, Harley is the Tour Guide, the avengers are embarrassing af, Author Is Sleep Deprived, peter parker is sleep deprived, Coffee Addict Tony Stark, coffee addict peter parker, endgame inifinty war and civil war can all fuck right off, Not Canon Compliant, Domestic Avengers, Swearing, Flash Thompson Being A Jerk, flash is a knob, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Peter Parker is Pepper Potts's Biological Child, Crack Treated Seriously, sorry - Freeform, im so fucking sorry for whatever poor soul has come across this., Neurodivergent Peter Parker, im fucking projecting bc ik im neurospicy but idk how so peter can fucking suffer, kidding i love him sm, there might be a bit of angst bc im an angst writer and i rlly cant help it, autocorrect is my bestie rn, any trope i can fit in, may isnt actually his aunt sorry, mr harrington is a legend, He/Him and They/Them Pronouns for Peter Parker, mr harrington doesnt get paid enough for this., mr morita and mr harrington placed bets read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50214667
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The thought of Ben coming home after a long time away on a press tour around the world for his latest project allllllllll riled up and deprived of touch was stuck in my mind for so long that I just had to write this 😶
I didn’t expect my other Ben drabble to get so much of a reaction, so I thought I might as well post the first one I ever wrote…
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Let’s just pretend Ben’s hair is the same colour in all these gifs… 😂
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18+ obvzzz…
You, My Darling…
B: Just in the taxi back home now, we got stuck circling the runway for a good 20 minutes while they cleared air space for us to land. I’m sorry that it’s later than planned, I understand the boys may have already gone to bed, I’ll be there as soon as I can. I love you, I can’t wait to see you x
J: I did wonder what had happened, but don’t worry about it as long as you’re okay. The boys were starting to fall asleep on the sofa so I’ve taken them up to bed, though no doubt they’ll want to come and see you when you get here. I can’t wait to see you either, I love you x
B: Clearly I’m not exciting enough to lose sleep over! Just turning into the estate now, I’ll see you soon x
Before Jenna even had a chance to respond, there was a knock at the front door. Her heart immediately fluttered in her chest and and she hurried herself through the kitchen and toward the door. Quickly unlocking the door, she was met with the view she had only dreamed of since he had left on the press tour around the world.
“You look more and more beautiful every time I see you.” Benedict was grinning from ear to ear “Hi, darling,” He stepped closer, “I’m sorry I’m late.”
“You’re home now, that’s all that matters.” Jenna blushed from his complement and reached her arms out, mirroring the grin.
“And what a view to be greeted with.” Benedict sighed softly, his eyes refusing to shift from hers.
“What’s the password?” Jenna bit her lip, her eyes now running up and down his body as she placed her hand against the doorframe.
“My favourite.” Benedict crinkled his nose, stepping onto the door step and reaching forward with his feee hand, cupping her cheek in it as he leaned down to press a gentle kiss upon her lips.
Jenna froze the moment their lips touched and placed her hand upon his cheek, too, kissing him back with both of their eyes closed.
“Come inside, it’s cold.” She spoke with a smile as she pulled back, gently stroking her thumb over his chin.
Benedict nodded and followed her inside, shutting the door behind him. She crinkled her nose when she sensed him not even straying from being an inch behind her, turning around once in the kitchen and sliding her hands up his chest, smiling softly as their eyes met.
“Did you miss me?” He asked, tilting his head as he settled his hands on the small of her back.
“Miss you?” Jenna scoffed playfully, “I didn't even notice you were gone.”
“Oh!” Benedict exclaimed, now moving his hands to her hips and squeezing them gently, “Was there another mysterious man who brings you breakfast in bed, then?”
“M’hm,” Jenna bit her lip, trying not to laugh, “He snores a lot less, too.”
“That’s a bold statement coming from the person who constantly steals my covers,” Benedict raised his eyebrows, “I’ve grown quite accustomed to falling asleep and waking up under bed sheets that haven't been removed from me throughout the night.”
“Oh, hush.” Jenna rolled her eyes playfully, squeezing his shoulders.
The two of them laughed, sighing softly as their eyes met again, clearly filled with pure joy that they were reunited. Benedict lifted one of his hands again and cupped her cheek in it once more, leaning down to press their smiles together. Jenna’s hands slid up either sides of his neck until they reached the hair at the nape of his neck, now locking her arms around him. Their lips brushed together several times, their eyes closing as their heads tilted either way. Benedict hugged his arms around her, the soft noise that escaped his lips causing her to shiver.
“Daddy…” A small voice spoke from the doorway.
Their kiss broke and Benedict turned around to find both of their boys stood timidly in the doorway — evidently afraid they would be told off for not being in bed. Benedict couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, grinning as he gazed down at them.
“Yes?” He raised his eyebrows, stepping toward them.
“Please don't be mad that we’re not in bed…” One of them pouted their lips, looking up at him with their arms behind their back.
“Don’t be daft, of course I'm not. Come here,” He walked closer to them and crouched down, opening up his arms and wrapping them around each child as they snuggled up to his sides, “It was daddy’s silly plane that’s to blame.”
“What did daddy’s plane do?” The other boy asked, looking up at him.
“Held him up from getting back home to his boys,” Benedict pouted his lips, “Daddy has missed you so much.” He turned his head either way, kissing their heads.
“But he’s here now!” One of the boys exclaimed, looking up with a grin.
“He is!” Benedict widened his eyes, “With his favourite people in the world.”
“What about mummy?” The younger boy asked.
“You two are my favourite,” He playfully hushed them, placing his index finger over his lips and sniggering as he looked back at Jenna, “Don’t tell mummy.”
Both boys burst into laughter along with Benedict, hiding their faces in his chest.
“Come on, let’s get you both to bed.” He stood up, impressively lifting both young children up with him and holding one at each hip.
“Goodnight.” Jenna crinkled her nose, walking over to them all and leaning down to kiss either of their heads.
“My little family is back together.” Benedict whispered, leaning into Jenna when she wrapped her arms around them all the best she could.
“We’ve missed you.” Jenna spoke softly, smiling as Benedict leaned down to kiss her forehead.
“Oh, so you have missed me.” Benedict teased, winking at her as he walked toward the stairs with their boys still securely in his grip.
Large hands found themselves upon Jenna’s hips from behind, soft lips upon her neck followed by a whisper into her ear while she put the plates and cutlery away from the meal she and the boys had, had earlier.
“Daddy missed you, too.” The husky voice spoke directly into her ear before pressing a light kiss to it.
“Oh, did he now?” Jenna smirked, pushing back against his body slightly and allowing a quiet moan to slip from her lips when he pressed a slightly harder kiss to the side of her neck.
“Absolutely, sweetheart.” He suckled on a certain patch of skin, feeling his cock stirring in his trousers as she pressed her bottom against his crotch with more pressure.
“Time hasn’t made you any less needy, then?” She turned around, placing her hands flat on his chest and gazing up at him.
“You could offer me all the money in the world, all the lead roles of my dreams, all the fancy dinners, private jets, limos, cars…” His voice was low, almost soothing as his hands remained against her hips, gazing into her eyes “But, you, my darling… You *are* my world.”
“I’ll forgive the cheesiness of that since you’ve been away for a month.” Jenna teased, giggling as she watched his playfully offended expression.
“Now, where were we?” He arched a brow, not wasting a moment before pressing their lips back together and lifting her up against the kitchen counter, sitting her down onto it carefully.
Jenna’s arms snaked around his neck and and she melted into the kiss, scratching her nails soothingly against the back of his head. Benedict groaned softly against her lips from the feeling and placed his hands on her thighs, pulling her further toward the edge of the counter so their bodies could be as close as possible. Benedict traced his tongue against her bottom lip before touching it to hers as their kisses grew deeper, almost finding himself thrusting against the kitchen counter in the process.
“Let’s go to bed.” Benedict spoke against her lips, gently biting down on her bottom one.
“Why, are our days of doing it in the kitchen past us now?” Jenna teased against his lips, sliding her hands down the front of his body until they were met with his belt.
“I can’t have you in the way I want you if we stay here.” He spoke lowly against her lips, feeling his breath hitch in his throat when she unbuckled his belt.
“Take me to bed, then.” Jenna whispered against his lips, pressing her palm against his crotch before placing both hands on his shoulders as he lifted her off the counter.
Once he set her back down on the floor, he walked her backward until her back touched the fridge, pressing his entire body against hers as the frantic kissed continued. Jenna’s hands flew up and down his back for several moments before settling in his hair and letting out a shaky moan when she felt him lift her thigh to hook around his waist.
“Mm, I thought you were taking me to bed?” She asked with a smirk, lowering one of her hands to gently squeeze his crotch.
“All in good time, princess.” He purred against her lips, lightly digging his fingertips into her thigh as he rocked the growing bulge in the front of his pants against her hand.
“Did you not touch yourself at all while you were away?” She spoke as her fingertips ran back and forth over the outline of his cock through his trousers.
“I… not really.” Benedict swallowed hard, shaking his head.
“You can admit if you did, Ben…” Jenna smirked, teasing her tongue between his lips.
“You know what the thought of you does to me, baby… I can’t help it.” He spoke almost timidly, inhaling sharply when she found the zip of his crotch between her finger and thumb.
“You don’t have to justify wanting to feel good, Ben, we make each other feel the exact same — that’s why it’s so good when we come together as one.” She whispered against his lips.
“Mm, in more ways than one.” He smirked widely, lifting her up around his waist again and refusing to break the kiss as he carried her up the stairs and toward their room, kicking the door shut with his foot.
It was as if their clothes were painful to keep on once they found themselves in there, stripping one another completely bare in between clumsy kisses and leaving each item of clothing deposited around the room.
Once their clothes were redundant, their bodies pressed back together and the flame of kisses struck once more, guiding one another onto the the bed — landing with a chuckle.
“Mm, still got it.” Benedict laughed as he landed between her legs, placing his palms at either sides of her head.
He dipped his head and brushed his lips against her collarbones, moaning quietly against her as he rocked his hips against her. Jenna tilted her head back and arched her back at the tender touch of his lips savouring every inch of her skin and scratched her nails gently up and down his back.
“Ben, Ben…” She whimpered, parting her legs a little more when she felt the heat of his hardened length repeatedly rocking against her stomach, “Ugh, Ben…” She gasped when he moved his lips to her breasts, covering them with kisses.
“Yes, baby?” He whispered against her skin, lightly flicking his tongue against her sensitive skin.
Jenna was lost for words when Benedict spread his kisses even lower, now trailing them down the centre of her stomach as her legs came even more apart for him. He turned his head and pressed a singular sucking kiss just above her hip, then to the other, enjoying the feeling of her fingers trembling in his hair.
“B—Ben!” She gasped in pleasure as his head dipped to one of her inner thighs, lifting them both up and over either of his shoulders.
“I want to wear you like a necklace, darling.” He spoke against her skin, purposely vibrating his lips against her as his eyes fell shut again.
“F—Fuck, Ben…” Jenna moaned out her words when he pressed a singular kiss directly between her legs before quickly turning his head and attention to her other thigh, tracing the tip of his tongue against her skin.
The sounds that she was making, and knowing it was him that was causing it, especially after spending time apart, was almost enough to make Benedict reach his limit without even having to feel any attention directly upon himself. He let out a shaky breath when she pulled on his hair and absentmindedly bucked his hips against the bed, stiffening his jaw and praying that he hadn’t pushed himself too far already.
“C…Come up here, baby…” Jenna panted out her words when she sensed his head moving it’s way back between her legs, “Y—You’ll make me… ugh…” She arched her back again in pleasure when the tip of his tongue teased against her, and when he heard the sensual yelp that she let out, Benedict almost lost it himself, “I want to feel you…”
“I’m here, I’m here…” Benedict let out a shaky breath as he lifted his body up and hovered over her again, gazing down into her lustful eyes, “I’m here, baby…”
“Make love to me, Ben…” She slid her hands up his back and to the back of his neck, lightly scratching his skin.
“It’s what I’ve been thinking about the moment since you last allowed me the honour…” Benedict lifted one of his hands and carefully brushed her hair out of her face, keeping the eye contact, “But say something else like that to me again, and I might not even get that far…”
“Mm… So dramatic.” She teased, letting out a breathy giggle and leaning up to peck his lips.
“Hello and welcome to Ben’s One Minute Wonder…” Benedict chuckled through a heavy breath, gently kissing her back.
“Such a comedian.” She rolled her eyes playfully and laughed, tangling her hands in his hair and pressing their lips together harder.
Benedict positioned himself properly between her legs and deepened the kiss as he thrust his hips forward gently, whining against her lips as they melted into one another. Jenna’s grip on his hair tightened briefly as she got used to the feeling she’d been craving since he had left a month ago and kissed his lips shakily, letting out a soft moan. Benedict began by moving his hips at a gradual pace, letting out heavier breaths against her lips with each thrust as their tongues danced together.
“Bloody hell, Jenna,” He swallowed hard, breaking the kiss just briefly so they could both catch their breath, “I love you.”
“I love you, darling…” Jenna moaned out her words, sliding her hands down to his bottom and squeezing it gently as she followed the rhythm of his hips with her arms.
Their lips met again and the clumsy kisses continued as Jenna’s nails scratched their way up his back again. Benedict took her hands in his and pinned her arms above her head, speeding his hips up just slightly as he laced their fingers together. Their moans grew louder and louder from his gentle but dominant rhythm, squeezing each other’s hands for several moments until their grip broke — Benedict now lightly rubbing his fingertips down her forearms as his steady pace continued.
“A—Ah, fuck…” Benedict’s voice trailed off, feeling the flame in the pit of his stomach starting to grow and travel further up his body, “J—Jenna, baby…”
“D—Don’t hold back, Ben…” She panted out her words, her arms now finding their way back around him again as their climaxes simultaneously grew closer, “I’m right with you…”
“Y—Yes?” Benedict’s words were barely audible, feeling his heart rate practically beating out of his chest by this point, “O—Oh, god…”
“Ben, baby, ugh!” Jenna cried out in pleasure, gripping onto him as best she could as the waves of her orgasm swept over her body — completely sending Benedict over the edge.
“A—Ah, fuck!” Benedict grunted, throwing his head back and pumping his long awaited release into her with each – now shaky – thrust of his hips.
The ecstasy that came over them was so strong you could almost smell it in the room, completely lost in a lustful world of their own as they rode out their intense orgasms. Once his hips began to slow down, he leaned back down and shakily brushed their lips together, panting heavily against them.
“Oh, Ben…” Jenna whimpered, shakily running her fingers through his hair.
“I’m sorry…” He breathed out his words as his hips came to a stop, burying his face against the crook of her neck, “I— I couldn’t help… it.”
“Don’t apologise, baby…” Jenna shook her head, holding his face in her hands as she lifted it, “Neither of us could. I’m not complaining.” She crinkled her nose, pecking his lips.
Benedict kissed her back and sighed softly, rolling to the side of her while still trying to catch his breath. He leaned up on his elbow and gazed down at her, shaking his head with a wide grin.
“God, I’ve missed loving you,” He said, tracing one of his fingertips down the front of her body, “Not that I ever stopped loving you, I just mean physically loving you like that.”
“I’ve missed it too, baby…” Jenna bit her lip, watching his finger for a moment before lifting her gaze to meet his again, “Let’s get into bed.”
Benedict nodded and pulled back the sheets, climbing in and holding them up for Jenna to join him beneath them. Once under, she laid her head against his chest and hooked one of her arms around him, pressing a gentle kiss to his skin.
“You’re coming with me next time.” He spoke as he leaned down to kiss the top of her head, playing with her hair between his fingers.
“Is that an offer or a command?” Jenna teased, squeezing her arm around him.
“I guess you could say it’s… a request?” Benedict shrugged with a chuckle.
“It would be nice. The boys did miss their daddy.” Jenna nodded, laying her head back against his chest with both of his arms wrapped around her — still playing with the ends of her hair with his fingertips.
“And did you miss your daddy?” Benedict asked, trying not to laugh from his own question.
“Go to sleep.” Jenna shook her head, playfully swatting his side.
“‘Is that an offer or a command?’” Benedict imitated her previous question while chuckling to himself.
Jenna didn't even give him a worded response, only giggling into his chest as she snuggled into his embrace as close as possible. The coldness outside was now joined with rain pitter-pattering against the window, making being so close to each other even more cozy. Their legs tangled and fingers brushed over each other before lacing together, both of them knowing that this was a position they never wanted to leave.
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successeurdiamant · 1 year
Help! I was Reincarnated into the Crown Prince of a Nation of Warriors? / a fire emblem isekai scenario starring diamant
a little idea @kurakynr and i discussed, both of our thoughts below. overlaps with canon. (reasoning behind this choice is because i wanted to give people more angst on diamant)
Where a modern, overachieving Diamant with completely overbearing parents that only expect perfection from him (100% on everything, perfect SAT scores, class president, star athlete, every extracurricular in high school, and is now starting his first day of college at an Ivey League) gets hit by a truck because he's completely sleep deprived and doesn't see it coming (also because classic isekai plot device) and is transported into the body of OG Diamant.
OG Diamant suffered a fatal wound in the battle that he references in his B support conversation with Alear. This is the same battle in which he confesses he's not sure if the victory was earned, or if it was due to luck. But due to universes crossing and spacetime shenanigans, Modern Diamant and OG Diamant swap bodies instead of dying.
Modern Diamant, with no memories of the life of the Crown Prince that he's now occupying the body of, is pretty much only focused on Survival to begin with, and living the life of the Crown Prince as best he can so he's not discovered as an impostor. (He's afraid Brodia will have his head if they find out he's not the real crown prince.)
He felt impostor syndrome before. But now??? He is impostor syndrome reincarnate. (eh? ;) get it?)
Some details:
- He has the muscle memory of OG Diamant so getting used to battle is not an issue.
- He was not afraid of fire to begin with, but OG Diamant's body would instinctively react with a latent fear, so he eventually did become afraid of fire.
- OG Diamant suffered a blow to the head in the battle so memory loss was not out of the ordinary, however Modern Diamant now needs to study and work tirelessly (many sleepless nights) to make it seem like he does know everything and his memory is coming back.
More on (Morion?) Modern Diamant's family background:
- He doesn't have the loving parents that OG Diamant had. His parents are very "tough love" with him and say they only want the best for him so he can have a better future than they did. They're the type to be very disappointed in him when he does less than perfect, and just accept him when he is perfect with no praise.
- Modern Diamant does have a support system LIKE Morion though, in his mentor. He does see his mentor as a caring figure who doesn't know what's going on underneath, but his mentor supports him and is unequivocally proud of him even when he feels extremely tired and burnt out.
- He also has a younger brother, but his parents' expectations on his brother are much less, so he actually feels a bit of resentment towards his brother for not having as much pressure on him. But he still loves his brother, he's just not very close to him. His younger brother looked up to him and wanted to spend more time with him but Modern Diamant never had the time nor energy to.
(I wanted to emulate the feeling of pressure on Modern Diamant that OG Diamant felt, but there is no layperson-modern-equivalent to having an entire kingdom's expectations on your shoulders, so Family was the best alternative.)
Some angst regarding Identity:
- The people around him really reinforce that his identity really is just "Crown Prince of Brodia" and he finds he isn't actually learning much about OG Diamant. This realization makes him pretty sad, but he also realizes that that's pretty much how his own life was back in his modern age.
- Adding to the last point, he thinks he might learn more about himself through his brother, the second prince, but Alcryst's idolatry towards him makes him feel even more strongly that he doesn't really have an identity beyond being the prince.
- OG Diamant may have aligned more with Brodia's values and had slightly more warmongering tendencies, though it's hard to say if these tendencies were a reflection of his true self or just because OG Diamant lived and died for his country. Modern Diamant was someone who wanted to make positive change on the world with the life he had, and despite him trying to occupy OG Diamant's body and mind the best he can, this is one difference he cannot really reconcile.
- He keeps the fact that he wishes for peace a secret until he comes to understand OG Diamant better, that no one really knew Diamant's true philosophy because he wasn't the type to express these things openly, so when he does eventually make closer friendships he is comfortable confiding this to them.
- Unlike in many Isekai stories, Modern Diamant kind of doesn't have trouble blending in as long as he keeps his history up to date.
Other "lore" tidbits and background details that mix with canon:
- Modern Diamant was a skeptic and atheist in his life before he was isekai'd. Yes, he'd heard the tales of the Fell Dragon war, but it was much as we might see Greek Mythology, as tales but not necessarily a modern belief system. Sure, there were some churches, but Modern Diamant saw the Fell Dragon war as a testament towards Elyos' cultural history rather than actually being a religion.
- The way he views the "Divine Dragon" when he's isekai'd is just as some figurehead or a way for royalty to exert more power over the people. Ok, he's pretty surprised when the Divine Dragon actually exists. But, still ever so skeptic, he thinks that they might just be human. After all, he's never seen them transform into a dragon. The shock he experiences seeing Lumera transform / Sombron existing shakes his belief system to its core.
- Also, magic. He can't really wrap his head around it, as a student who excelled in Chemistry and Physics (he excelled in everything, but that's beside the point). But the flow of energy in the past was different than that of the present (and it could have been due to the changes following the Fell Dragon war, but this is getting a bit too deep into the inconsequential now).
- To add to this, a lot of the Divine Dragon's army became important historical figures, including Alfred/Céline (who, due to the former's early death, ended up as a composite character, a magic knight), Diamant, Ivy, and Timerra. Notably regarding Ivy, Diamant finds it difficult to dislike Ivy as much as his brother Alcryst does because she's the Queen of Wisdom from the history books he's read.
- His defending Ivy following Chapter 11 was significant for 2 reasons. One, it would be the first time he openly stood up for his own ideals rather than Brodia's, and two, he saw this as necessary to help Ivy (a historical figure to him) feel more welcome in the army when he could tell the atmosphere was so tense and that she was already hesitant to betray her country, which was a commendable and noble action in his eyes.
(To be honest, even though I am personally not a fan of ivymant, I can see ivymant being more of a thing in this story just because of how Modern Diamant might see her.)
Some interactions / additions:
- When Alear confesses their fear of how the war will turn out, if they're strong enough to end the war, Diamant may at this point confess the truth. Or, if this is too early, he may confess this at the final confrontation to Sombron, when Alear is feeling despair. "Alear, you don't have to worry about the future. I know that you will lead us to a brighter future. I am living proof of that."
- Alear dying and reincarnating in Chapter 22 makes Diamant wonder if he's screwed the timeline or something, because this wasn't supposed to happen. He feels tremendous guilt even though he was just Trying All along.
- Little Dialear angle because it's my thing: Diamant's initial skepticism may actually help foster a much closer relationship with Alear, just because he may initially approach them as a person would another person, rather than a person to a deity. This helps them open up about their vulnerabilities a bit more.
- Modern Diamant didn't have particularly strong ties to his previous life. In a sense even though this life feels restrictive because he's living to be someone else, he also comes to understand himself better, that his life was pretty similar to OG Diamant's in terms of expectations, identity, and in some ways the fact he's able to detach from his previous life's expectations (despite being thrust into a new set of them entirely) is cathartic to him.
Poor OG Diamant, stuck in a fucking college class
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verymuchimmortalcat · 2 years
Nice To Meet You
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month Day 2: Meeting for the First Time (replacement prompt) Yet another work in my See You Again series ao3 @maribat-bdbwm
Tim’s in the cave when Bruce and Damian return. He frowns at the notification on the screen indicating the return of the Batplane, it’s only been a few hours since they left. He makes his way to the plane to see Bruce get out followed by Damian and some girl. If that on its own isn’t surprising enough, Damian is talking to her without any murderous intent. He’s even smiling.
Blinking a few times, he calls out, “I’m going back to the nest to sleep. I’m starting to hallucinate weird shit.”
Hallucination Bruce frowns, “If it’s been that long since you slept, you can just use your room here.” The other two have stopped speaking now and the girl is looking at him questioningly.
Dick shouts from one of the upper levels, “B has a point you know.”
Wait what.
He screeches and points at the girl. “You’re real?????”
There’s a yell of, “Are you okay?” from Dick which Tim ignores in his desperate attempt to figure out what on earth is even happening.
She tilts her head, her confusion obvious and says, “Uh hi? It’s nice to meet you. I’m Marinette.”
Tim waves numbly, “I’m Tim.”
Dick shows up at that moment, looking extremely worried. “What’s wrong?” and then he notices Marinette. “B…are you aware there’s a civilian-” the girl snorts, “-in here? You seem surprisingly calm for a civilian being here.”
“I wish I was a civilian. Pretty sure I was destined to be as not civilian the second I was born.”
Bruce sighs, “Tim, Dick, this is Marinette,” he pauses before he says, “Dupain- Cheng, my daughter.”
Marinette watches as Tim (possibly Drake?) doubles over in laughter, with every passing second, she grows more and more concerned about him. Dick stares at her father in shock for a second before he approaches her. “I’m Dick Grayson. It’s nice to meet you.”
Oh. He’s Grayson. From Dami’s explanation she had been under the impression he’d have a better name than that. Marinette offers him a smile and then asks, “Is he fine?”
Dick glances at Tim, concerned, “I think the shock and sleep deprivation are taking a toll on him.”
Turning to their father he says, “Why don’t you take Marinette upstairs to meet Alfred and I’ll get Tim to get some sleep.”
Her father grunts in what Marinette assumes is agreement and starts to move. Damian grabs her arm and follows him.
Damian has accepted the fact that he isn’t going to be able to spend time with his sister until she meets everyone. Not that’s he’s happy about it.
The two of them wait in the hallway while father explains the situation to Alfred. A minute later, Alfred comes out to meet them and Damian catches a glimpse of his father, who looks properly chastised.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Marinette.”
Ukhti smiles, “You as well.”
Her smile looks a bit strained. If Alfred notices, he doesn’t mention it. Continuing he asks, “Do you have any allergies I should be aware of?”
“Lovely. I will see you at dinner Miss Marinette. And please do let me know if your siblings are being far too overwhelming.”
Her smile comes a little more easily, “I will.”
Alfred returns to the kitchen soon after and Damian decides to take her to meet Ace, Titus and Alfred the cat.
They’re near the entrance to the manor when he hears Stephanie speaking to Richard. He can hear Richard say, “It’s probably extremely overwhelming-”
“Dick. I may not be perfect but I’m not an insensitive asshole. We just want to meet her and say hi. You know we’ll leave if she doesn’t want us here.”
Next to him, ukhti states, “I want to meet them,” before walking off in the direction of their voices leaving Damian to hurry behind her.
The black-haired girl is the first to spot Marinette. She breaks apart from their little group in the entryway and moves towards her.
Smiling she says, “I’m Cass.”
The blonde girl turns when she heats Cass introduces herself. Spotting Marinette she heads over.
“Hi! I’m Steph! That’s Babs!” Pointing at Babs and then Cass she continues, “Batgirl 1 and 2. I’m the third.”
Babs smiles at her, “Lovely to meet you Marinette.”
Marinette grins. She likes them already.
Cass suggests going to the grounds and the others agree. Steph chatters away to Dick and Damian while Marinette follows behind them with Babs and Cass.
The grounds are huge and beautiful. None of them speak much, occasionally they point out something interesting, leaving Marinette to process everything.
When Jason had decided on visiting the manor today, he had not been expecting to meet Talia’s daughter. He has very vague memories of his time in the League but he remembers meeting the two of them, the Demon’s heir and his older sister, even if he didn’t remember their names. He’d asked Damian about her later but he’d shut down and Jason had brushed it off. It’s not like he was extremely stable mentally at that point in time.
He runs into her and the others on his way out of the Manor. When he sees her, he blurts out, “Talia’s daughter?” in shock. Sure, Alfred had told him that B had a daughter and she was here to visit but he hadn’t really been expecting her.
She freezes. “I would appreciate if you do not refer to me as such. My name is Marinette.”
“Sorry,” he mutters.
She plasters a smile onto her face and says, “It’s fine.”
Cass drags him away further into the hallway at that moment and Steph follows, with Babs behind her. Dick joins them after a minute. Mentally making a note to apologise to Marinette once again, he joins the others in the living room.
Marinette lies awake in her new room for hours after she goes to bed, lost in thought. It’s been an… interesting day. She knew technically that her father had a large family but meeting all of them was slightly overwhelming all the same. And in the end, she only got to spend a few minutes with Damian’s pets before dinner, but he promised he’d show her lots of pictures tomorrow. She’s looking forward to tomorrow, she realises, not just the animal photos but also getting to know the others. She smiles to herself.
And for the first time in a long time, she sleeps well that night.
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