#I also saw A Mighty Wind recently
wanderingmind867 · 9 months
I haven't seen Season 13 of Bob's Burgers, but I hear it has Jane Lynch in an episode. And that makes me realize something I'd enjoy: more overlap with the cast of Christopher Guest's old mockumentaries. They've already had John Michael Higgins a bunch of times, and now they've had Jane Lynch. If they could get any more of them, that'd be great. From Eugene Levy to Catherine O'Hara to Jennifer Coolidge to Michael McKean, it'd be fun to see them as guests. The only one I'm fine not appearing is Harry Shearer, as he's already got a bunch of parts on The Simpsons. But if he'd agree to guest I'd still be fine with it.
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mini-minish · 10 days
m9 pirate + essek joins earlier + speedrun any% au 🏝
disclaimer these are just sillies for fun bc i wanted more pirate times please don't think too much about plot divergences; feel free to add your own ideas in the mix!
spoilers for the mighty nein
• fjord becomes a captain earlier
• caleb escapes the prision earlier
• while on the run and covered in tears and mud, he meets beauregard in one of her many cobalt soul escapes
• a lone half-orc captain with a cursed sword but no ship or crew walks into a bar, sees two anxious looking humans in the corner: a scrawny woman with a grumpy face and a scrawnier ginger with a towel to his recently broken nose
• seems easy enough.
• girls night!!! they steal their first boat
• rule #1 of stealing methods of transportation is that you should watch out for blue tieflings stowaways trying to get as far away from a recent problem as possible
• back on land they loose beau (got got by the soul ☝️😔), caleb gets locked up in a shady storage while looking for her and there he meets nott the brave
• fjord's first response upon seeing a goblin following his navigator is to pull the sword on it
• nott's first response upon seeing some green dude shove a sword in her face is to pull her crossbow at him
• they look up and down for beau, but she finds her way back to them eventually
• still, they'll need more hands if they want to keep their totally legally owned ship afloat
• still on land, The Circus Plot happens and they acquire two more crew members 🎉
• molly loves the ocean, yasha likes the wind
• all of them like to go up to the crow's nest and bother caleb, nott more than the others; eventually he stops hiding up there so much
• yasha starts getting anxious about her unfinished business at the same time jester stars getting anxious about their clothes not being pirate-y enough
• they lose their first ship (of pristine papers as long as you don't look at them in the light) and have to travel on land until they manage to borrow a new one without asking it's owner and with promises of never returning it
• they also lose molly :(
• but they get caduceus :) who's not very keen on being in a boat for long periods of time but he'll adjust
• one thing he'll have in common with the cat
• fjord has a problem: The Voices in his head telling him to get back on the water
• jester has a conundrum: they got all of these nice, proper pirate outfits but now they have no ship
• love wins
• she did get frumpkin his very own little coat
• in the night, as the mighty nein crew wispers around two pushed together inn tables, a cloaked figure approaches upon hearing they are in need of help
• dezran, or dez, for short, for friends, an inconspicuous sun elf from, you know, around these parts, who is in dire need of work and oh would your captain be so kind to-
• insight checks fly around the pushed together inn tables
• but all of them know each of them is running from something or someone, and not all of them have a destination in mind, so really it's not like they're going to ask.
• plus nott thinks she saw a really nice boat on the dock with it's lights all out
• welcome aboard!
• cue the guy running from stealing things having to steal things
• cue a disguised drow's inventory slots full of the strongest sunscreen balm he could find this side of the continent
• maybe caduceus or jester finds out first, around when ess- dez, for friends, got a little too reckless and a little too hurt some time or other
• but the wildmother shows caduceus a lonely star when he asks, and artagan hasn't been paying attention, and anyways that's dez, that's right, their friend who has been nothing but helpful and fun, if a little skittish depending on the weather, and who always tries jester's pastries
• besides, far from him being the only person with a fake identity at the function. he's not that special.
• when fjord and beau find out, they're suspicious, but they won't make him walk the plank. there's protocol for that.
• yasha is not one to question someone running from their past
• when nott the brave finds out, she doesn't ask what he really looks like
• when caleb widogast finds out, during a siege on the ship, he grabs essek's arm and sees the drow underneath the disguise, and wants to know who are you, but circumstances are that later, they'll talk about this later.
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thormanick · 1 year
some thoughts on Hydro Archon
now that we have the first fontaine teaser and that the song évidemment (the song from France on eurovision this year) is stuck in my head on repeat
I come back to thinking about Focalors and what they're like. I have so many thoughts; I can't wait to see her.
Because she is the Hydro Archon, I think we might kinda-sorta predict her behaviour based on other Hydro wielders (can be both genuinely soft and stern when needed, might be a bit of a menace for the sake of fun).
I want her to be a reflection of a phrase "still waters run deep". On a surface, she might seem as a great&mighty archon. People love her, she is respected by her court, she knows the value of her own power and how to put it to use, she lives a life anyone could dream of [with the Archon loving the court drama this might as well be true]. On the other hand, I want her to... kinda hate it all. Quite possibly because she is overflowing with power compared to everyone else, because she has a responsibility of upholding Justice not only in the eyes of the people, but in the eyes of the Heavens. She probably has to fill quite big shoes after the loss of the previous Archon (bonus points if she knew the previous Archon personally and saw them as her mentor figure), but she kinda fails to do it (the Oceanids leave).
Is she scared of anymore failures? Is she afraid of judgement being bestowed upon her, even though she seems to be willing to accept it? ("[The laws and the Tribunal] can judge even me.") Is she scared of not being enough for her people, for the Heavens? Whose approval as a god would she want to receive more? Does she see any true value in the concept of Justice? How does she uphold it?
She is so interesting to me, I can't wait to see her~
P.S. AND ALSO YES why I bring up évidemment:
"Évidemment Toutes ces belles promesses que j'entends C'n'est que du vent Évidemment Car après l'beau temps vient la pluie C'est c'qu'on oublie C'est toujours trop beau pour être vrai Mais c'n'est jamais trop laid pour être faux
Evidently All these beautiful promises I'm hearing It's nothing but wind Evidently 'Cause after the sun comes the rain That's what we forget It's always too good to be true But it's never too bad to be false"
To me this is a very. Very Focalors speaking to the traveler (about the Heavens) vibe hehe
P.P.S. Also i think the recent artifact set was metaphorically about... the Hydro Archon and the First Hydro Archon??? I don't remember it clearly now but that's the source of my "Current Hydro Archon might miss the Previous Hydro Archon" vibes (I also might have completely misread the source lol)
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icharchivist · 2 years
following dracula daily is pretty funny because like you read up the chapters and then read up the tags, and today is all about how Dracula transformed as a dog to run off from the boat and the townspeople just saw the dogs and all want to befriend him
and i saw some posts with the idea of  “au where Dracula stays a dog and ends up lavishing in people adoring and petting him, no more killings” 
and it’s so great and so funny because of course. of course my gbf rotten brain was just “may i interest you in Ewiyar granblue fantasy you would love Ewiyar granblue fantasy”.
In case people reading this don’t know my usual granblue rambling and/or stumbled on this post by accident may i present you Ewiyar
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she’s a powerful dragon holding the power of the Wind, who’s helped shaping the creation of the world, who just woke up from a slumber, and has been devastating areas to test our protagonist, while also claiming how much she wants to be worshipped by the mortals
in a recent event, each of the six dragons Ewiyar is part of decided to take a “mortal” appearance in order to interreact with the protagonist and people living in this world without bringing forth the devastation and all. And while all Six Dragons picked a more or less humanoid form, Ewiyar just...
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Realized that her best bet to be worshipped and loved while doing the extra bare minimum is to turn into a cat. No one except her fellow dragons knows that this massive kitty lavishing and lazying on the deck of our ship is the mighty god of wind which has just decided that instead of destruction and testing humanity she was better of getting pet by doing the extra bare minimum.
And she is correct.
Note also that she’s a playable character but her full set is “doesn’t attack, give boosts to the other players by gracing them with the privilege of petting her, switch to the back to take a nap, other characters take damage for her as they are willing to sacrifice themselves for the great Ewiyar, and eVeNTuaLLy if you’re really in danger she’ll unleash an attack”
So reading those posts that boils down to “wouldn’t it be funny if this powerful and destructive character who momentarily turned into an animal and was being psspsp during that time decided that actually being loved as an animal is better than continuing their nefarious plan” just makes me go. you want to know Ewiyar granblue fantasy soooo hard-
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sinceileftyoublog · 1 year
Built to Spill, Prism Bitch, & Itchy Kitty Live Show Review: 5/4, Thalia Hall, Chicago
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Ask Built to Spill fans why they love the band, and you’ll likely get a wide variety of answers, ranging from their dreamy themes to their earnest moods and stories. Ask this Built to Spill fan why he loves to see the band live, and it’s because Doug Martsch is a bona fide guitar hero. Plus, this current incantation of the band--with bopping, limber bassist Melanie Radford and mighty drummer Teresa Esguerra--is arguably the tightest Built to Spill has ever been. Thursday night at Thalia Hall, it was Esguerra’s birthday, and she played double duty, also in openers Prism Bitch. But the celebration was about more than just the calendar year. It was a tribute to Built to Spill’s most recent album When The Wind Forgets Your Name (Sub Pop), their finest in years, and the endurance of their back catalog among followers new and old.
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Built to Spill always amazes me with how much sound they can get out of three people: with Martsch, Radford, and Esguerra, they delivered shredding intros, extended jams, and even some surf rock choogles. They entered the stage to Rush’s “Tom Sawyer”, and then proceeded to--wait for it--play a couple minutes of the song, instrumental, before traditionally opening with their own trademark epic, “Goin’ Against Your Mind”. I’d like to believe that in an alternate universe, Built to Spill is regarded as musically limber as the Canadian prog rockers, just as much as Martsch is regarded as a quintessential Pacific Northwest storyteller. When covering Heartless Bastards’ “The Mountain”, Radford took lead vocals, a dead ringer for Erika Wennerstrom, which answered the question you never knew you need the answer to, “What if Heartless Bastards had Doug Martsch on lead guitar?” Her sneaky lines on “Center of the Universe” and vocal harmonies on unreleased jangle pop ditty “Fire To Dust” made you wish Martsch would break his rotation and just keep her as a full-time member.
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Of course, Esguerra proved to be more than versatile, her time-keeping centering Built to Spill and her mammoth fills propelling Albuquerque's Prism Bitch. Dressed like pilots and flight attendants, the latter started out with vibrant, synth-heavy pop from their most recent record PERLA. The democratically laid out four-piece saw guitarist/keyboard player Lilah Rose taking lead vocals on most songs but with bassist Lauren Poole in harmony, guitarist Tris Walsh slowly adding burning, creepy, sludgy, and psychedelic riffs to the fold on their punkier, older songs like “You Got I Want”. Best, they blasted through the supremely catchy, weeks-old “Woman” with aplomb, their hooks increasingly demanding of larger crowds and stadiums.
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The most abrasive was Spokane’s Itchy Kitty, their unique combination of yelped punk and wiry goth-glam priming the audience for a night of genre-hopping rock and roll. The Osees-like squeal affects on guitarist Catman’s licks effectively matched the wails of guitarist/singer Ami Elston and bassist Naomi Eisenbrey on songs like “Coca-Cola Snakes”, “That Was My Dinner” and their irreverent “Psycho Killer” cover. Drummer Michael (Sug) Tschirgi chugged away as the rest, especially Elston, convulsed like feline versions of Ian Curtis. If Built to Spill and Prism Bitch were wound, Itchy Kitty was the ultimate expression of unbridled performance.
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dailytatsu · 3 years
Hello! I love your writing and I recently saw a post of yours about the reader being the God Of Chaos and I was wondering if you could make a part two with characters of your choice, if it’s not that much of a trouble! Remember to drink water and rest well <3
Tysm! I’m really happy to see that a lot of you enjoyed it, and being honest, chaos reader now have a special place in my heart lol
Then let’s write a second part! Hope everyone likes these as well! ( ✌︎'. ')✌︎
Thanks for the request!✨
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[II - HC] God of Chaos! Reader & Genshin Characters
Characters: Bennett, Tartaglia, Scaramouche, Ganyu, Chongyun
Gn! Reader
Sorry for any mistakes!
Request are open!
Genshin Masterlist
<- First part
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First of all, how dare u
This boy already has a chaotic life for you to arrive and making it worse.
But being honest, it wasn’t intentional, just like always.
Besides he’s a kid. The chaos of a kid + chaos of his bad luck, I mean- how were you not supposed to meet him?
That day was really strange, for the very first time the chaos wasn’t attracted by you, but you were attracted to chaos. Like a moth following a lantern on the street, something that you felt like you had to do, some kind of childish curiosity that guide your way to find Bennett in the middle of his adventure.
Poor boy was charging his pyro attack to max until a barrel exploded near him, he flew in the air waiting for a rough landing before his trajectory sent him where you were standing, still looking for the origin of that uneasy sensation of curiosity.
Luckily for him you could see his shadow just in time to react. You looked up because of the strange silhouette on the ground next to you and there he was, surrounded by a cloud of smoke and fire, with his screams getting louder and louder as he falls.
You trapped him in your arms, with the situation turning even more strange when the first thing he said was “nice catch!” with the bright smile of his.
Like if his hair on fire wasn’t a big deal.
It’s raining men ig
Before you could ask anything, a crowd of angry hilichurls appeared from the same direction where Bennett came at first.
The white haired boy jumped off from your arms and tried to grasp your hand to run away together, but instead you pulled him near and then behind you before rising your hand to the front, pointing the stampede of furious creatures about to reach you both.
Not even a leaf fell from a tree before the hilichurls stopped, all of them felt your presence immediately, the primitive sensation of danger that meant a silent threat. Following the message that another camp of them told long ago, ‘get away from that stranger’.
Bennett was surprised, kind of scared at least. He wasn’t sure about how to call that feeling.
Are you a beast tamer?! Maybe an adventurer that discovered a secret about hilichurl’s behavior! Wait- where are you going? Don’t leave him behind, the doubt won’t let him sleep tonight!
You explained to him that it was dangerous for both to be near each other (more dangerous for him than for you), still you needed to get away. To protect Bennett and the other adventurers that were exploring nearby.
But why? He was so excited about meeting someone who could react that fast and precise! Like the heroes in the legends!
Please show him your ways, he’s begging you, how can you be rude to Bennett? That literally illegal.
When he heard that there was a God of Chaos exploring all over Teyvat like an errant he connected two points (even if there wasn’t a single thing to connect in first place).
You’re like him!
Hello ?? You’re literally ?? the most qualified to be part of Benny’s Adventure Team ??
Negative plus negative is positive, isn’t it? Maybe if you roam near Bennett his bad luck can collide with your chaos to neutralize each other!
You told him that you were leaving after that short conversation, but in reality you just hide from his sights and followed him from behind.
That kid really put you on your nerves, running into danger without knowing. Was that what Zhongli have to deal with every time you visit Liyue?
The old man really deserves an apology.
You’re not doing this an habit, of course not! You’re the all mighty God of Chaos, the ultimate troublemaker! How was even possible to think about wanting to protect a human just because he has bad luck? That’s ridic-
“Watch out!” You had to abandoned your hiding spot to reach Bennett again, pulling him away from the place where a bunch of hunter’s traps were. “Barbatos, why all your children have to be like this?…” You whispered for yourself, actually waiting for a answer, maybe a little too much because you didn’t free Bennett. His feet were just barely touching the ground.
“Oh, it’s you! Hello again!”
Enough of babysitting, that’s it, both of you are heading back to Mondstadt. This boy is a danger for himself, who allowed him to be an adventurer in first place?
After abandoned him in front of the city’s bridge you turn back to the forest, believing that it was the end, even if in the process your chaos took the life of some pigeons nearby.
Next morning you were sleeping peacefully on the branches of a huge old tree, feeling the wind of your bard friend greeting you from the distance.
Then a storm started out of nowhere; your fault.
And almost immediately you heard a cheerful voice below you, calling your name like a lost child searching for their parents.
As Bennett climbs the tree to talk with you a lightning strikes near enough to make both of you jump because of the surprise, falling from the branch and meeting each other on the mud below.
“Sorry, my bad.” Bennett and you said at the same time, to later laugh because of that.
It seems that both are more alike than you would expect
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How do I explain that this guy already knew about you-
As you may suspect, yes, his only reason of wanting to meet you was to fight you.
The first step for taking the thrones of gods is beating one of the youngest, isn’t it? It would be a good start, and you’d be also one of the best opponents he ever fought! The only thing still needed was a way to make you accept his challenge.
Tartaglia’s first try was by attacking you without hesitation, not even a warning, just shooting an arrow for behind and waiting for you to counter. And yes, that didn’t go as planned, the rope of his bow snapped even before aiming.
It wouldn’t be that easy, the distance is always boring for a fight, why not just attacking directly?
Because you learned from Morax that you must not hurt mortals; the reason of your trip was for appreciate the human’s life, to understand why you exist, to have a reason to not end with everything that crosses your path.
To convince yourself that you’re not only destruction.
But it was hard to stay calm if he constantly provokes you to fight back. Always dodging, always running away, always breaking his weapons.
Barely holding yourself to not to break his Vision at this point.
Dodging one of his attacks again you ended up on top of a nearby structure by the side of the road, watching him from above and begging for him to stop for once.
Tartaglia clicked his tongue in annoyance, you would escape again. He was as sick as you of that senseless hunt. Maybe was the stress what impede him to think wisely, because his next strategy was like a death wish.
The water blades disappeared from his hands and, for the first time, he had a casual talk with you. Smiling and waving his hands to look relaxed.
Then he mentioned the incident with Osial, a event that almost became a tragedy. And the only reason you knew about that was because Morax told you about it, about his contract and the reason why he left his position as an Archon the next time you visited him.
It was your fault, isn’t it?
“… what?”
"As you heard! The conditions for summoning Osial was ideal, bringing back a sealed god filled with hatred and hungry for destruction couldn't have been possible if you hadn't been around Liyue that day.” His hand lifted to pointing at you, also smiling as your expression turned into a concerned one. “Oh, our God of Chaos, you were successfully satiated as the catastrophe filled the ocean! Bring us back the destruction, because it's the only thing you ever knew!”
He was obviously just mocking you, but still Tartaglia managed to actually make you think about it.
Your fault. Your chaos.
And even with that, Rex Lapis didn’t seal you or tried to eradicated you like the burden that you are for every nation.
It’s just a matter of time before you destroy all humane existence when you get bored of your fantasy of not being a spirit of chaos.
An infinity of negative and dark thoughts began to fill your mind.
It was sad, it was so sad that the erosion already began to have an effect on you being so young. You were afraid, you were concerned, the stress ate you inside while you tried to convince yourself that it wasn’t like he said.
Your mind collapsed, and you left the wrath take the control for the first time in centuries.
A fight? That’s all he wanted? Easy, that’s easy, just kill him and everything will end. His annoying voice won’t torment you ever again, his words won’t hurt ever again.
It’s easy, so easy. Mortal life is so easy to end.
He’ll defeat the gods, he’ll take their thrones and will witness the world’s end in the final battle he planned since his first encounter with the traveler.
But that day Tartaglia noticed the difference between your strength, it wasn’t huge, neither significant enough. But you were stronger, and it’s well known that wrath and despair can provide extra energy when it’s needed.
The perception of time disappeared, the world did too. Nature, men creation, everything will succumb against chaos, existence itself will be reduce to ashes.
That’s why you exist, to make sure there’s not too much heroes trying to make the nations a boring place. You just need to accept it!
‘There’s no other way?’
The question sparkle inside your mind, bringing you back out of nowhere. There’s a lot of irregularities in the ground nearby, the land was broke for something that impacted with an inhuman strength, even the structure where you step on top was gone, just the remain of a building was left.
And your hands were holding something bland and soft, the warm sensation on your palms and the strange movements caught your attention to look down. Your hands were strangling Tartaglia.
From the other side his hands were trying to remove yours, his strength was minimal, not even able of closing his fingers around your wrist.
A expression full of pain and regretting of his decisions, question by question filling his mind while the air became harder to get.
A broken bow, his Vision has been thrown away. Now it was a human versus a god.
You took a step back, afraid of what you were about to do. You have to stay calm and quiet forever? To prevent catastrophe, to bring peace to mortals? Who’s the one you have to blame for creating you? How you could think that coexisting with humans was possible? Even if you say that you don’t want to make any problems you would stay near them.
“Just… leave me alone.”
Was the last thing you said, a whisper that wanted to apologize for a whole eternity, a regret that couldn’t be forgot. And then you left that place, escaping one last time.
But wait for him, Tartaglia thought, he didn’t need your compassion.
Sooner or later he would have his revenge.
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Finally! With Shogun Raiden’s gnosis on his possession and the all mighty hero of Mondstadt weakened there’s no way things can go wrong for him!
A little delay in his plans, but still a smile remained on his face. Kunikuzushi couldn’t wish for anything else right now.
But you already know what is going to happen next.
In this world exist Murphy’s Law?, because anything that could go wrong went wrong after he claim for victory. Even being far away of the factory it seemed that the karma reached him immediately.
He just got his guard down for a couple seconds, and then, whoshh. Now you see it, now you don’t. The gnosis disappeared from his pocket, not here, not there. The annoyance filled his chest and then a irritated growl came from his throat.
What in the world happened?
Scaramouche looked to a huge tree in front of him, and there you were. On your favorite place to sit, above from everyone else in a branch. Holding the gnosis as the board piece it looks like, playing throwing it up a little and then catching it again and again.
Who you think you are to act that carefree on his presence? If you wanted to die so bad then you could just have asked for it.
Even if he called you and made a question first you counter it with another one, what was he doing with that thing?
You were sick of those who defy the gods thanks to his ‘workmate’.
Scaramouche ordered you to give him the gnosis back, threats and insults came out from his mouth as a distraction; in reality, he was just ready to set the first hit from behind.
But something made him stop just in time when you talked again.
“I don’t care what you are planning, but if it involves the ones who I’m in debt with, you will surely fail.”
“Another clairvoyant? Hah, your type are more words than an actual subject matter, but I have to admit it, they’re also very skill to escape.”
“It was a warning.” You said, throwing again the gnosis, this time to his direction.
Scaramouche reacted in time to rise his arms but in midair something caught the chess-like piece before his fingers. Surprising him again and making the irritation event more unbearable.
It was a tanuki. The same that looked behind a second before running even deeper in the forest.
The chaos isn’t necessary a huge disaster; a little accident, an inconvenient, a failure, it depends time and place to be considered like a catastrophe.
Scaramouche had a killer gaze just for you in his face, in respond you smiled at him, then covered your mouth with both hands to fake surprise.
“What a shame! Better luck next time, gods defier.” Your laugh could be heard all over the woods, like a spectral echo that chased him his way to get back the gnosis.
He got it back after a few minutes of a stressful walk through the forest, found the tanuki dancing on a stone before disappearing again. When he got closer he found that piece, making sure it was the real one and not just another trick.
The following days he received endless reports of Fatui soldiers and entire camps being reduced to rubble aside lost or destroyed materials; it was a higher level sabotage done by who they said was someone of relatively young appearance in strange clothes, the one that enjoyed staring at them until something goes wrong.
Nobody could defeat them, not even get closer. And with that, Scaramouche knew they were talking about you.
Was that what you meant with “warning”? Who are you exactly? Not even holding a Vision, how could you… ?
A quick order was enough to deliver him a book full of ancient legends, part of the Fatui private collection. Texts that were lost and the world had forgotten, his only hope was that you weren't exactly mortal, and if that was the case they could take advantage of your nature.
Hah, he found you.
God of Chaos, a body sculptured by the blood and bodies of the ones who died in middle of the wars. At first they were just a being full of anger and affinity for taking the life of every living being on earth, until the same hand that created them gave them a human heart of their own. Made without any prior basis, without being the remains of the deceased. Something one of a kind, the mortal heart of a god.
When human emotions filled the vessel they were released into the world, to mourn over the spilled blood and to know how everything of their existence originates. Born from the red that stained the fields and being the bud that seemed withered, the same that now has the deepest roots ever found.
Hmm, that brings back some memories…
But hey, that vital energy could be useful.
Don’t be surprised if one day you wake up chained and feeling dizzy as Scaramouche drains your life. You know what? Just wait for it! Running away as you did with that idiot won’t work this time.
Every possibility can be foreseen, every inconvenience can be solved. And if you think that you’re an exception then you’re stupider than you look.
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Bold of you assume that Zhongli didn’t introduce you to everyone the first time you travel to Liyue.
The difference between your meeting was that it had to be really short. Ganyu is always busy so you couldn’t know her better before her duty called for her again.
Obviously you heard a lot of stories of her childhood thanks to Cloud Retainer. The day she knew about it Ganyu avoided you, next week she apologized with you about it. It was very rude, please pardon her.
Such a big sister vibes ngl
An Adeptus working that hard to human’s matters. It was so cool to follow her from a significant distance to see how was her routine.
If you could only live that peacefully near humans without causing any problem! What a dream! The envy was killing you.
Ganyu didn’t mind about you stalking her, the feeling of a companion was always present and she also knew that you had to keep some distance from everybody to not cause any accident. She appreciated your consideration.
Until a soldier from the millelith arrested you for harassment, wait- you’re innocent! Don’t get closer, hold on! Hold on!
The handcuffs broke almost immediately, though.
When Ganyu resolved the misunderstanding she hold your hands to apologize again, it had to be really stressful to be aware of any chaos you could create accidentally.
What if you… wait for her on the surroundings of the city?
Please, she have a lot of work, don’t interrupt her, she’s begging you.
Ganyu thought you heard her request, but she knew that you were just hiding when a window opened out of nowhere and a lot of documents flew away in the room.
You appeared hanging upside down from the other side of the window, jumped down and entered to pick up the documents. You hand her over all the pages and then you leave through the space on the wall.
“… I’ll be in Huaguang Stone Forest… ”
“Thank you.”
Even though you both agreed that you would return to the stone forest, she couldn't help but feel guilty as the hours passed, did you feel like a nuisance? Maybe she should apologize. Again.
When another successful day at work ended, she realized that repeating the same words over and over was not the best way to show her regret. That’s why a better idea formed in his head as she approached the abode of the rest of Adeptus.
Ganyu found you being scolded by Mountain Shaper for unintentionally releasing the trespassing intruders along with other creatures from their amber prisons.
After rescuing you again, she was able to propose her idea to you. With a calm and charming voice she asked you if you would like to learn about Liyue's traditions from the human perspective.
Sure, Zhongli could tell you about the beginning of traditions and festivities, but the way to celebrate them and pay tribute to the Adeptus was something that only a person who had lived among mortals for years could explain to you.
Your eyes shone in gratitude but no words really came out of your lips, kind of embarrassed you said some nonsensical things and then another amber cracked when you brushed its surface.
Mountain Shaper kicked you out without thinking twice.
But hey! The next day your classes on Culture from the Mortal Perspective began! A quick but calm walk through Liyue that got spread when a bunch of kids recognized you.
How could they not remember the person who plays with them every time they get a chance?
Ganyu sat by the side of the road on an empty bench, watching you scamper the children who seemed happy at your mere presence. Like the occasional accidents of a child, the curious and outlandish nature cannot be controlled, only accepted.
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Don’t move! The future best exorcist in the world, Chongyun, will put an end to your legacy of misdeeds and pranks! No evil specter that causes bad luck will survive to-!
Just by lightly tapping with your fingertips you were able to break the seal of the talismans that surrounded you out of nowhere. Pushing back the boy who was convinced that he had beaten his yang.
how dare u interrupt him.
Another of Xingqiu’s pranks? Isn’t this going a little to far? He hadn’t learn about not believing everything his friend says smh.
Let’s just mess with him a little.
‘Measure your words, human. In the presence of the God of Chaos, the first thought that should run through your mortal instinct is to beg for your life, since those who dare to defy them will be punished and displayed as a trophy in the infinity of the abyss from which the catastrophe came out.’
You took a few steps closer to him, while Chongyun kept backing away. The scene was so dramatic that you had to stop when the boy summoned his sword.
Haha jk, nice to meet u.
It's nice to know that there are still such dedicated exorcists out there.
But wait-, so you're not an evil spirit? A God? Why is there a god causing accidents all over Liyue!? That makes no sense! If you think you can deceive him by pretending to be a deity then he shall punish you severely for disrespecting them!
After a detailed explanation of your identity, Chongyun's mood plummeted again due to another failure as an exorcist.
He sat silently on a rock and remained silent, his expression showed so well his disappointed that it made you feel like it was your fault.
Ohno, a sad human child, your weakness-
At the end you sat next to him to listen to what he had to say.
Did he really want to see a spirit so badly? Those things are horrible, wearing strange clothes and yelling all the time, buagh! The thought of it gives you chills. But there's nothing you can do, after all they are drawn to your chaos.
When you finished talking so indifferently about what you lived through from day to day, you looked back at Chongyun, finding his expressive eyes filled with astonishment and disbelief.
Are you a magnet of evil? Chaos and destruction? Demons and spirits alike appear wherever you go?
Then you stopped him, it wasn't something to take so lightly; there’s also the chaos of the butterfly effect, natural disasters, unforeseen events, influencing the mood of evil people, losing your favorite pair of socks-
But you attract spirits, right!? You have to help him! How can you say ‘no’ to that face?
The next day he took you to one of his commissions as an exorcist, a house that had numerous reports from its previous tenants. He stayed outside and asked you to come in first, obviously you refused, if your chaos broke something inside you would have more problems besides the ghosts of the house.
He insisted a little more, it worked. Now you were waiting to feel the presence of some spirit trying to attack you. You could feel it, their energy was spread throughout the building, but still there was no movement. Neither hostility, neither terror, just the presence of a soul.
When it was Chongyun's turn to enter you explained this to him, his yang was also easy to perceive, you could describe it as a blizzard in the middle of the storm. But despite this, that presence didn’t react to his energy, nothing changed.
Then you understand it, your energies neutralized each other. Your chaos and his yang ended in a stalemate that went nowhere.
“I was really hoping to see an actual spirit and not only stay still in the middle of the entrance… “
“Well, I can still curse you. Want to try?” Chongyun crossed his arms, annoyed for your jokes.
“Maybe I should exorcize you instead… ”
“Ohh, so the little exorcist wants a deity to be his personal dummy? Let’s make a pact then. Promise me your soul.”
“I-I thought you said you weren’t actually a demon!”
When you stroked his hair he couldn't help but think about how much he still had to learn, so much so that even the gods were taking pity on him.
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uvjellyfish · 2 years
life is fleeting and i realize i may never be able to share the stories i want to as fully fleshed out fiction. but thats ok cause im fine with essay length rambling text posts. so how about some belala lore indulgence :-)
part 1 of ???
some background: belalas spent like, basically her whole life studying to be a chirurgeon. while she excelled in the medical side of the field, her ability to weave healing spells left something to be desired. after learning everything she possibly could at whatever far flung outpost she'd been at, its guildmaster realized the help she needed was simply beyond what he could offer. so he sends her off to where he originally learned his craft, gridania
upon arriving and meeting with e-sumi-yan she immediately gets tasked with the tall order of assisting with the cleansing of the recently-ish-unearthed ruins of amdapor. of course, she wasnt to do it alone, as the guild leader had the foresight to seek help from a band of "incredibly trustworthy adventurers". three guesses at their identities.
sasabe had been approached by the serpent commander i-forgot-his-name while doing business at the adders' nest, asking if she was interested in assisting a newly arrived conjurer with some great arduous task. she accepts, and invites bonana and oranje to help too
so a black mage, a dark knight and a samurai walk into the stillglade fane. this happens during late stormblood, by the way. bonana, upon realizing who theyre helping, is just 100% completely absolutely stunned. to make it worse, she doesnt seem to recognize him (remember, she hasnt seen him since he was still a kid), so he decides to play the cool and stoic act and leave the talking to the other two while he internally panics
its a long, awkward trip down to the south shroud. belala did happen to recognize sasabe as "the girl at the tea shop" that befriended her sister. it prompted her to share quite a few embarrassing stories about said sister, that perhaps he didnt want sas to know about. just as well, belala also spent some time poking and prodding at him a bit, wondering why he seemed to regard her so strangely. but before he caved in to her pouting, they arrived at the entrance to the lost city.
there, they meet a serpent officer casually leaned against the wall, a mighty weird lance upon his back, his collar so high you could fit a number of puppies in it. he proclaims he was sent by brother e-sumi-yan to oversee them to their task, and guide them if need be. a dungeon, basically, theyre doing a dungeon. not lost city though. lets call it ummmmm....the dreamer's assay. sure
the first part is underground where ancient aqueducts flow into a cistern. but after decades upon centuries of being clogged, the areas grown stagnant with mold and decay, the creatures that roam it just as rancid. immediately belala is overwhelmed by the assault on her senses, while the others dont seem nearly as bothered. after assuring shes ok bonana charges ahead, but not too fast cause hes not quite certain of her capabilities yet.
at the end of their path they find an enormous croc infected with all manner of fungi and parasites. not a regular crocodile mind, one of those fucked up hairy ones with the face that splits open
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after an intense boss fight the beast is laid to rest, and belala senses a change in the area. grabbing at that feeling, she channels aether through her staff and cleanses the stagnant waters of its taint. as it flowed freely again, she swears she saw someone standing at the other side, leading them onwards
the second part...i havent actually solidified. all ive got is its like a bunch of spiderwebs over a chasm, with a big ol' spider boss at the end. belala cleanses the wind, and she sees the ghost again, taking them even further downwards.
the THIRD area is some kind of sanctum, clearly somewhere important back in its glory days. however, it appeared to have a growing voidsent problem, the fiends forcing themselves to manifest within the power-laden statues adorning the place. after dealing with the infestation, the group comes across a very large, very important and imposing-looking statue, in similar appearance to kuribu. but instead of a faceted red jewel imbedded in its chest, this one was a smooth, pure white.
the serpent officer steps forward, shoving belala out of the way to reveal his ulterior motives. for he was never a real officer, but a black mage of ancient mhach...whose corpse had been roused into undeath by a rather ambitious voidsent. her plans laid bare, she makes her move to inhabit the statue just as it began to stir.
however, she couldnt possess it completely, becoming instead an abomination of marbled stone and twisted flesh, its wings breaking and giving way to a mass of writhing tendrils. the point is its very scary and gross and belala is 100% freaking out cause she has never seen anything like this before. queue final boss music
belala manages to gather herself as the other three make quick work of the fiend. everything goes fairly smooth, until the field is obscured in a cloud of darkness, the voidsent catching all of them unaware in the grasp of her tentacles. with quick thinking bonana shields his sister from the brunt of the attack as theyre grabbed together, afterwards wiggling one his arms loose to protect her with a powerful barrier (blackest night babyyy).
suddenly the conjurer finds herself all alone, that horrible creature gloating as it loomed over her. digging deep to find the courage within herself, she raises her staff and calls out to the stone still clinging on, and the white crystal resonated with her pleas. the statue collapses in on itself, crushing the voidsent within, as a wave of white, holy light bursts out, utterly destroying whatever remnants of it were left.
with victory secured, she rushes to aid the others recovery. none worse for the wear, sasabe starts looking through the rubble of the once-glorious statue. within it she finds the selfsame stone that had been embedded in its chest, completely smooth, save for a single symbol carved into its surface. the soul of a white mage.
she hands it off to belala and upon holding it, she sees the same small ghostly figure clad in white and crimson. this time, however, they take off the hood...revealing a face eerily similar to her own. holding up a finger in a hushing motion, the phantom dissipates, leaving the band to make their way back to gridania.
upon returning belala shows the soul crystal to the guildmaster, and he smiles and congratulates her, revealing the journey had been a deliberate test. it turns out the padjal had already known about its resting place as the ruins were explored, but was asked by the elementals not to disturb it. he was told to wait for the right moment in which a rightful successor would step forward and claim it. reluctantly she accepts, still feeling as if she hadnt quite earned it.
but before she can ruminate on it bonana asks to talk with her alone outside, except its not really a talk he just kind of awkwardly takes off his helmet to reveal his identity. belala is rightfully shocked, wondering why he didnt say so sooner. as it turns out, he didnt because he believed she'd been in cahoots with their mother, as he had seen letter written between them, and knew that she was the one who'd been pressing for him to leave home and study medicine just like she did (the thing that drove him to run away)
belala tries to assuage him and explains the reason she did that was because she knew how unhappy he was at home, and there wasnt much else she could do, being so far away, with no way to talk directly to him without their parents knowing (yet she admits there was an aspect of just wanting to see him again to it as well). but this only irritates him further as he sharply points out hes not a little kid that needed saving, and he definitely didnt need his goody-goody sister being around for others to compare and ask why he cant be more like her
ultimately their little "reunion" ends with him storming off, leaving belala alone to contemplate about just how much time has passed between them.
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Morinaga~Romantic END~
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Chapter 26
----------Part 1---------
Six months later-----
(Okay, with that, today's schedule for a house call is over.)
My full-time pharmacist work had recently been extended to the whole town.
While I was on my way to Morinaga-san's house----
Traveling merchant: "Come on! What's that guy's name again? The legendary guy, who carried a sacred sword to defeat Taira no Masakado.....Ah! Adachi Morinaga! Yeah, him."
Yoshino(blushing): "Ah....."
(The story about the mighty and the fearless warrior is still popular even now.)
Morinaga-san's exploits on the battlefield, censoring out the parts that no one should know, nowadays, is passed down throughout the town as a military memorial story.
(I'm sure that people will not believe what actually happened that night, even if it was real.)
Town girl 1: "Morinaga-sama is becoming more and more popular...how cool!!!"
Town girl 2: "But what's the use? He won't agree to go out with us, anyway."
Town girl 3: "I heard he's got a girlfriend. I've heard some of my friends talking about that 'secret girl."
(That secret girl is....me.)
Feeling a little happy, I started to walk in high spirits when-----
???: "Yoshino. Yoshino..."
(Hm? I recognize that voice...)
I stopped in my tracks when I heard a soft voice calling my name.
A tall figure, wearing a hat, was hiding in the shadows of a building. He slightly raised his hat to show his face.
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Morinaga: "What a coincidence."
Yoshino: "Morinaga-san!? Why are you here?"
I reply back in a hushed voice.
Morinaga: "I came to the town for some business, but it's slightly embarrassing to hear my heroic story everywhere I go. I was trying to sneak my way out and then I saw you."
(I see....)
As we finished talking, we both tried to leave quickly, but----
Town girl 1: "Huh!? Isn't that Morinaga-sama?"
Morinaga: "....!"
(We have been caught!)
The people started crowding around Morinaga-san in a matter of seconds.
Town girl 2: "Aww...I finally get to touch him!"
(Umm......excuse me?)
Town girl 1: "You're right They say that if you touch him, you will receive a gift of good fortune!"
Town girl 3: "I heard that too! His luck when gambling is on the upswing..."
(I don't mind about the 'good fortune' part...but not the 'touching' part.)
Kid 1: "Me, me. I wanna touch Morinaga-sama, so I can be strong like him."
Kid 2: "I want to be handsome as him!"
(Who are you going to hit on at this age? Kid.)
Morinaga: "Hmmm...."
Morinaga-san slowly nods his head while the people of the town gathered, throwing their requests one by one.
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Morinaga: "Sorry everyone. Today I'm busy spending a quiet day with my precious girl."
Townspeople: "......!"
(He....He just called me precious.)
Morinaga-san turns to me, leaving me with no time to bask in the afterglow of his sweet words,
Morinaga: "Sooooo, Yoshino."
(Hm? Now, why are you smiling like that? What are you up to now?)
Yoshino: "Eh? Ah...."
He quickly pulls my arms and picked me up easily.
Townspeople: "Kyaaaa!!!"
The town girls screamed at the sight.
(Woah! What's going on!?)
Yoshino(blushing): "Umm, Morinaga-san?"
I asked despite I was frozen by the fact that we're getting a lot of attention.
Morinaga: "Don't worry. We're just going to run away, okay?"
---------Part 2---------
Morinaga: "Don't worry. We're just going to run away, okay?"
1. Okay...
2. Am I not heavy?(+4/+4)
3. Maybe we shouldn't.
Yoshino: "I think you should put me down. Am I not heavy?"
Morinaga: "You're funny to care about even the smallest things..."
Morinaga: "You don't have to worry, you're light as a feather."
(This has gone off in a strange direction....)
Morinaga-san turns back to look at the people again.
Morinaga: "You all seem to think that, if you touch me, it will be good luck. In fact, there is one more thing I'm really good at."
Townspeople: "One more thing?"
Morinaga: "Yup."
Town girl 1: "What is that...?"
(I wanna know too....?)
Morinaga: "That is..."
Everyone gulped eagerly waiting for Morinaga-san's reply.
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Morinaga: "-----That I can run faster than anyone here."
As and when he completed his sentence, Morinaga-san started running quickly while holding me.
Townspeople: "Catch him!!"
Morinaga: "Thirty-six versus one, so what are the odds of winning?"
(My body is shaking!!)
I hurriedly clung to Morinaga-san's neck.
Morinaga: "Good girl, keep holding onto me like that."
Just then, the cart in front of us tripped over a ditch in the road...
The logs that had been piled up fell and rolled towards us.
Yoshino: "Oh God!"
Morinaga: "All is well."
Morinaga-san dodged the log like a beast predicting it beforehand.
(That was cool!)
The owner of the cart shouted in panic.
Merchant: "Sorry!!"
Morinaga: "I'm fine. Be careful."
Merchant: "Oh! It's you."
Morinaga: "I'm Adachi Morinaga. Please don't come after me."
We vanished like the wind before he could even pronounce his name.
The people who were supposed to be following us were blocked by logs and carts and thus could not follow us.
After that, we kept dodging the people we meet and finally----
Morinaga: "Phew, another lucky day."
Yoshino: "That was a mess."
Morinaga-san finally came to a halt when he reached a deserted area.
Morinaga: "Yeah? Wasn't that fun?"
Yoshino: ".....I admit that I enjoyed the log part."
Morinaga: "I know! That was crazy for me, too."
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It's strange how trivial things like that become so important when I look at your sparkling smile.
Yoshino(blushing): "But it was pretty embarrassing too."
Morinaga: "I felt the same too. But, also, I really wanted to run away with you."
Morinaga: "Forgive me."
As he held me, he stroked my head and my body flushed from just that touch.
Yoshino(blushing): ".....Umm...Morinaga-san...will you....put me down?"
Morinaga: "As you wish."
As and when I was relieved by that answer...
He hugged me tightly and instantly stole my lips.
Yoshino: ".......Mmm.."
A very sweet moan escaped from my lips as my feet were slowly lowered to the ground.
Morinaga: "Your hair is all messy from the wind."
He casually brushes my hair like he always does, but somehow I was the one being more restless of his touch.
Yoshino(blushing): "Enough..."
Morinaga: "Haha...you're so cute that I don't even wanna miss the slightest opportunity to spoil you."
--------Part 3--------
Morinaga: "Haha...you're so cute that I don't even wanna miss the slightest opportunity to spoil you."
Yoshino: ".....You're so evil."
Morinaga: "You're right. I'm glad you understand me."
I thought Morinaga-san's eyes were serious only at such times, and I thought he was sly to the core.
The evening that day----
Yoritomo: "I heard you eloped with Yoshino, today."
(The news is spreading so fast!)
Yoritomo-sama summoned Morinaga-san and me for official reasons.
Morinaga: "That's quite a story, right?"
Yoritomo: "I know you will still show off Yoshino and make flashy moves on her even if circumstances like that don't happen? I know what kind of a man you are."
Morinaga: "Thanks to that awful trick of Kagetoki, my popularity increased. Now it's hard to even walk around town."
Yoritomo: "Why are you blaming him? You were already very popular from the very beginning."
-----That's true. Kagetoki-san did play a part in creating excitement among the townspeople over Morinaga-san.
Yoshino: "Before the disturbing rumors about the Imperial Court spread, it was immediately canceled by Morinaga-san's heroic story. That's what Kagetoki-san said....so, did that work?"
Yoritomo: "Of course. Now Morinaga is the talk of the town."
(I see. But when I think about it, it's a pity that can't have a quiet time in the town with Morinaga-san.)
Yoritomo: "So, Morinaga."
Morinaga: "Yeah."
Yoritomo: "You also deliberately got Yoshino into your mess to show the people, didn't you?"
Morinaga: "First, what happened today was not something I planned. But, oh well....I can't deny that I made a conscious and flashy move after that."
I looked at Morinaga-san, who wore a confident smile.
Yoshino(blushing): "Come on...why did you do that?"
Morinaga: "Lately, I had a wish that I wanted to walk around the town with you, so I thought that was the right time to make it come true and also make our relationship public."
(Yeah, now it's really embarrassing...!)
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Yoritomo: "A matured lively personality on the outside and a possessive child-like on the inside. This is the guy you're dating Yoshino. Be careful."
Even Yoritomo-sama doesn't let go of the chance to tease me.
(So that's why you said that 'I wanted to run away with you', huh?)
After talking to Yoritomo-sama about my work, I came back straight to my room.
(Morinaga-san' said he still has some work left to do, so I'll just make some medicines to pass time...)
I was currently waiting for him in my old room at the Imperial Palace.
Even after I decided to stay at Morinaga-san's house, Yoritomo-sama was kind enough to let me continue to use this room.
Since I am allowed to come and go as I please and sleep whenever I want, I am able to use this room as my workplace.
(Morinaga-san also said that he would be staying here tonight because he has a training session in the morning.)
(I'll also be with him for my work, so let's just sleep early.)
Yasuchika: "Hm? Yoshino-san?"
I saw Yasuhcika-san outside my half-opened sliding door.
Yoshino: "You were here. Why don't you come in?"
Yasuchika: "Oh, thank you."
I opened the tatami mat to sit down and prepared some tea.
Ever since that night, Yasuchika-san has been under the Shogunate's custody.
(This way, it doesn't make me feel any sadness, but...)
Yasuchika: "How are you doing these days? Are you and Mori-san getting along?"
--------Part 4--------
Yasuchika: "How are you doing these days? Are you and Mori-san getting along?"
Yoshino: “Everything is going well....yes.”
Yasuchika: “..........................That’s great!”
(What was that long pause for?)
Feeling a little insecure, I remembered what happened today.
Yoshino: “------Yeah, something like that.”
Yasuchika: “Hmm....Though he’s got an innocent face, he’s surprisingly very possessive.”
Yoshino: “Hm? What now?”
-----I heard him coughing out some words, but it wasn’t clear.
Yasuchika: “No, nothing. So how do you feel about the rumors about you and Mori-san?”
Yoshino: “It’s embarrassing, of course. I’m worried about the weird stares I’m going to be getting starting from tomorrow. But above all that, I’m very happy.”
Yasuchika: “Happy, huh?”
Unlike his usual cheerful tone, this time Yasuchika-san spoke in a more serious voice.
Somehow, it made me easier to speak my mind.
Yoshino: “Morinaga-san is beloved by many people and is also favored by many women. Sometimes, it feels like a dream, when I think a man like that is in love with me. I was a little sad to see him getting more and more popular these days...But, I feel all of that has been blown away today.”
Yasuchika: “.................I think Yoshino-san is the person that everyone likes.”
Yoshino(blushing): “No, no, no. I’m nothing compared to Morinaga-san’s charms.”
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Yasuchika: “------Then, if I say, I’m in love with you, will you believe me?”
Yoshino: “Ah....”
I hold my breath when I realized he closed up the distance between us.
Yoshino(blushing): “Yasuchika-san?”
When I looked at him in confusion, Yasuchika-san gently stroked my hair.
I found myself staring at the beautiful purple eyes that had a slightly different light to them.
Yasuchika: “Did you know? How all your emotions show up on your face. And yet you’re not only innocent but also cunning and strong. You’re really fascinating.”
(What are you trying to imply here?)
Yasuchika: “If you go around showing these fascinating qualities of you, I’m sure you’ll attract more men than Mori-san ever attract women. You must think I’m talking nonsense, but just remember what I said.”
I saw his neat face slowly approaching------
Yoshino: “Hm?”
Morinaga(smiling): “------Abe.no.Yasuchika!” 
Morinaga-san entered the room and grabbed Yasuchika-san’s shoulder with a refreshing smile.
Morinaga: “Are you done playing?”
Yasuchika: “Wow! You’re smiling but I can see a dark aura surrounding you.”
(I can see it too....)
Morinaga: “I’m troubled by the fact that you’ve been flirting with Yoshino, just when you knew I was on my way here. Yoshino, did he do anything weird?”
Yoshino: “No, not at all.”
Yasuchika: “I just felt sorry for Yoshino, who was worrying about something she didn’t need to worry about.”
Morinaga: “......!”
Yasuchika: “Since, you know, Mori-san was ‘busy’, I told her that lot of other guys will find Yoshino attractive, and Mori-san is the one going to be having a hard time.”
---------Part 5--------
Yasuchika: “Since, you know, Mori-san was ‘busy’, I told her that lot of other guys will find Yoshino attractive, and Mori-san is the one going to be having a hard time.”
Yoshino: “So that's what you meant.”
Yasuchika: “Yup!”
Morinaga(smiling): “Thanks for the advice, I’ll keep that in mind.”
Yasuchika: “Then I’ll take my leave. Goodnight, both of you.”
After closing the sliding doors, Yasuchika steps into the corridor.
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Yasuchika: “Make sure you take care of her, Mori-san. I couldn’t make her happy....so I’m asking you.”
There was no one to see the sorrowful look in Yasuchika’s eyes when he said those words....
After Yasuchika-san left------
We changed into our nightwear and decided to relax before sleeping....
Morinaga: “What did you guys talk about?”
Yoshino: “Well, he was just passing by, so I called him. It was strange, Yasuchika-san was acting a little weird.”
Morinaga: “Are you curious as to why?”
Suddenly Morinaga-san pulled me towards him.
Morinaga: “As far as I’m concerned, I’m the only one you need to worry about.”
Yoshino: “Huh?.....Mmm...”
He started to forcibly kiss me and his tongue quickly moves in.
Yoshino: ”Hmmm.....ahhh....”
It was much different than the one he gave me in the town, today. It’s more painful now.
I felt his tongue tracing the sensitive areas of my mouth, and I felt myself stop resisting.
(Ahh...no there...)
He quickly supports my hips with one hand and my head naturally looked upward.
Then, our bodies were on top of each other, and our heads kept changing the angle.....
Yoshino: “Ohh....Mori...naga....san....”
Morinaga: “......Mm.”
As he let goes of my lips, I was already out of breath.
Yoshino: “What’s this...so suddenly....?”
Morinaga: “It’s not so suddenly...”
Yoshino: “Eh?”
Morinaga: “I was impatient all this time because I wasn’t able to touch you all day. Still, I tried to be kind by acting all matured, but....thanks to Yasuchika-dono, my male instincts have been ignited.
(Are you maybe, jealous...?)
I was surprised by the sudden intimate gesture, but after finding out that he’s jealous, my heart was jumping with joy.
Yoshino: “But, I’m sure that’s not what Yasuchika-san meant.”
Morinaga: “Might be, but you don’t have to know.”
Morinaga-san softly whispered to me as if it was a secret.
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Morinaga: “I never knew love could be so painful. It’s hard to breathe, ....and yet I can’t help but keep kissing you. I can’t keep the act of a big brother anymore....even if I’m like this, will you still be with me?”
Yoshino: “....Of course. I thought I was the only one who was drowning in you for so long. But I’m so happy, you feel the same way.”
(I want to take away all of you and all you suffering.)
(If this is what love is, then I’ve never known love before.)
The mere act of looking at each other and intertwining our gazes makes my heart beat faster.
We kissed each other as a sign of promise.....
Main story masterlist
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that-sw-writer · 4 years
p l e a s e write a drunkkylo x reader id love u forever
I am SO GLAD you requested this, thank u for giving me an excuse to write it!
Also I was loving the concept of a Knight of Ren!reader and Kylo so seriously might explore this for a mini-fic in the future.
Summary: When a mission to Zeffo requires an overnight stay, the Knights of Ren can only find liquor for dinner.
With you and your leader making eyes at each other, chaos is bound to ensue.
Word count: 2664
Warnings: heavily implied sexual content, drunk sex, alcohol consumption, reader is a Knight of Ren
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It had been a long day.
The Knights of Ren had been on the trail of a Sith artefact, one which Kylo Ren was so desperate to get his hands on that he had actually joined the mission.  It had been a long time since Master Ren had even trained with you all, let alone come on a mission with you.
The mission had led you to a small settlement on the planet Zeffo, but with night falling and everyone losing energy, Kylo had eventually caved and told you all to find somewhere to stay for the night.  Since the Empire had raided the planet years ago, it was largely deserted which meant that there were plenty of abandoned homes.  Most them were small, which meant that you weren't all going to fit into one.  Sure, you had all crammed into tighter spaces, but there was no need to tonight considering just how many empty homes there were.
You all eventually found four homesteads in a row, each enough to house two people.  Between the seven knights and the Supreme Leader you had enough to pair off and stay in twos.  You gathered in the living area of one of the homes, everyone raiding the cupboards for something to eat, but all you could find that wasn't majorly outdated was a lot of unidentifiable liquor.
None of you had any quarrels about who would stay with who.  They were your brothers, and none of you were at all uncomfortable around each other - although all of you silently knew that Master Ren would be the least fun person to bunk with.  Since becoming Supreme Leader he had distanced himself from you all.  Whereas he had once laughed along with you, these days he was much more stoic.  But that wasn't to say that any of you felt awkward around him - you knew how much he cared for you all, even if he didn't outwardly show it.
"Looks like it's a liquid dinner."  Trudgen stated, passing bottles around to everyone.  Kylo momentarily attempted to refuse, but he quickly succumbed to peer pressure from all of you.
Everyone had removed their helmets and outer armour to get more comfortable.  The interior of the homesteads was slightly dusty, but it was far nicer than many of the places you had stayed over the years.
You sat down on the floor between Cardo and Ushar, taking the smallest swig to taste-test the liquor.  It was sweet, with only the slightest burning sensation as it slipped down your throat.  You could hold your drink just as well as your brothers, but you were definitely the worst when it came to suffering from a hangover.  You silently vowed not to get too wasted, otherwise you'd be in a whole lot of trouble in the morning.
As Zeffo's sun set, you all exchanged your usual small talk, exchanging memories of the past.  But eventually the topic turned to pointless drinking games, which you all indulged in.  Except Kylo, who had been all but silent up until now as he took intermittent  sips from his bottle.
It was a stupid game, but one which you always seemed to end up playing when you all drank together.  You went around the circle asking each other admittedly probing questions, and if you didn't want to answer, you would have to drink.  The idea was that the more you refused to answer, the more drunk you would get, which in turn meant that you would definitely become more willing to answer.
"Ap'lek, is it true that you've been eyeing up that medic who's been attending our training sessions?"  You asked, a smirk on your lips.  You were undeniably feeling a bit tipsy, but you were certainly holding it together.
"No."  He immediately scoffed.
"You're such a liar."  Trudgen snorted from beside him, and everyone else agreed.  It was so obvious when one of you wasn't telling the truth, you all simply knew each other too well.
"Fine, Y/N how about you and that Captain who seems to follow you around like a lost puppy?  Don't tell me you haven't got your eye on him."  Ap'lek threw your question back in your face, and you let out an obnoxious laugh, but before you could rightfully deny this, Kylo spoke for the first time.
"Which Captain?"  He snorted, and just judging by his tone you could tell he was starting to feel the effects of the liquor.  His sudden interjection took you all aback, and your brow furrowed momentarily in confusion.
"Captain Buckley," Vicrul jumped in, "everywhere Y/N goes, he also seems to go."
Kylo leaned forward at this, a challenging smirk crossing his lips, "and you like him?"
You knew that the answer was no, but part of you saw this as an opportunity for mischief.  If Master Ren suddenly decided to be invested because a random Captain had a crush on you, it wouldn't hurt to keep him involved in the game.
With a smirk matching his own, you brought your bottle to your lips and took a long drink, not breaking eye contact with Kylo as you did.  He simply slowly sat backwards, his eyes not leaving yours.
Everyone's gazes darted between the two of you, and the rising tension was catching everyone's attention.  Normal people would have avoided this elephant in the room, but not the knights, you all loved to wind each other up - and Master Ren was no exception to that.
"Master Ren..." Cardo was the first to boldly address a question to Kylo in this game.
"Go on."  He prompted, seemingly drunk enough to play along now.
"Given the choice, who would you stay with tonight?"  The answer seemed obvious to everyone in the room, even to you given the way Kylo kept staring at you.
He brought the bottle to his lips seemingly about to avoid the question, but he paused at the last moment and lowered it.  "Y/N.  She pisses me off the least."  There was a playful tone to his comment, but it didn't dampen the fact that he had chosen you.
"I'm honoured to be your choice by default."  You replied with a snarky remark.  
From there the questions only got more and more personal, the knights all questioning each other about people they may or may not have hooked up with recently, and even Kylo got involved in grilling his knights.
The knights were all flirts, you included.  Spending that much time around the boys made their energy rub off on you, although for some reason your beer goggles had decided that tonight that flirtatious energy was going to be directed at Kylo.
"Master Ren, do you ever hook up with people?"  You no-so-innocently asked, taking another sip of your own drink.  So much for not getting too drunk...
Even in their own drunken states, everyone looked a bit shocked at your bold question, but equally they were intrigued about the answer.
Kylo narrowed his eyes at you, he knew the angle you were playing so he indulged it.  Just not in the way anyone expected.  Rather than answering or drinking, he exhaled a long sigh.
"I think it's time we called it a night."  He said, "big day tomorrow."  Without another word he rose to his feet and walked into the bedroom, which was just behind a nearby blast door.
"Um okay, looks like you're staying here Y/N."  Trudgen concluded as they all rose to their feet and began to file out, Cardo clapping you on the shoulder as he walked past.
"What?"  You spluttered, "we never decided on who's bunking with who!"  You protested.
"I think Master Ren made it pretty clear that you're staying with him."  Ushar smirked at you, "the rest of us will work it out as we go along."
"We'll see you in the morning."  With another teasing grin, your fellow knights all left, and you inhaled a deep breath.
Draining the remaining contents of your liquor bottle for liquid courage, you walked through the blast door that Kylo had gone through moments ago.
The room was small, and there was only one large bed.  Usually this wouldn't be an issue, but tonight you could have cut the sexual tension between you and Kylo with a knife... something you had never really experienced.
When Kylo emerged from the refresher, he was shirtless.  Again, usually this wasn't an issue, but tonight you properly looked at him for the first time.  Maker he was built like a brick wall, dotted with cuts and scars, some fresh and some old - similarly to how you were scarred.
"Were you just planning on standing there and staring all night?"  He asked, nonchalantly.  He never normally spoke this openly, hell, any other day he would probably scold you for staring at him and flirting with him.  But alcohol does funny things to people.
Taking the hint you slowly nodded and began to strip yourself of your remaining layers of clothing.  Usually just your undershirt was good enough for sleeping in.
"Yes, by the way.  I used to."  He suddenly spoke, causing you to turn around and face him.
"Used to what?"  You asked, brow furrowed.
"Your question.  You asked if I ever hook up with people."  He reminded you, and you found your heart beginning to race.
"Right... but you don't anymore?"  You raised an eyebrow, slowly walking towards him.
"Being Supreme Leader doesn't leave me much time."  His eyes were clearly swimming a bit, "besides, I just couldn't seem to find the right person."
Through all the years you had known Kylo Ren, you had never heard him be so open.  Perhaps the phrase 'drunk words are sober thoughts' really did apply to him.
"And in the eyes of the mighty Kylo Ren, what makes for the right person?"  You quietly asked, now standing right before him - only the smallest gap between you both.
He didn't reply at first, he just smirked at you, his eyes occasionally flicking down to your lips.  "I'm not sure yet, but you could always try and show me."  He eventually said.
"What a line."  You snorted, teasing him, but rather than telling you to shut up he just closed the gap between you and finally released some of that drunken sexual tension that had been building all evening.
Neither of you did much talking from there, it was more a case of clothes being torn away, you being thrown onto the bed, and Kylo showing you possibly the best night of your life - but you would never tell him that.  It would make him far too smug.
When you eventually did both go to sleep, Kylo had his arm loosely slung over your waist but you barely had any time to rest.  The sun rose only a few mere hours after you had shut your eyes, and the light was only exasperating the headache you woke up with.
It took you a second to adjust to your surroundings, your brain slowly reminding you of what had happened.  You had stayed overnight on Zeffo with the knights, and there had been no food for dinner, so you all just aimlessly drank liquor to pass the hours.  Then Master Ren had started flirting with you, and then... oh.
You slowly turned around, but the other half of your bed was empty.  Perhaps it had all just been a crazy dream?  It would certainly make things less awkward this morning if it had been, although judging by the fact that you had no clothes on beneath the thin covers, that wasn't looking likely.
Slowly getting up, you ignored the dull ache in your head as you searched for some clothes to put on.  You eventually found your underwear and a top to pull over your head - it was large enough for you to wear as a dress, so you figured it must have belonged to Kylo.  But it would do temporarily until you could find him and then you could both locate the rest of your clothes,
When you stepped out of the bedroom, he was the first thing you saw.  Wearing only a pair of trousers - presumably the ones he usually wore with his tunic.  You cleared your throat awkwardly to get his attention, and he looked up at you.
"You're awake."  He pointed out.
"Just about."  You stifled a yawn as you spoke, "where did you get the food?"  You suddenly asked, spotting what was in Kylo's hand - it looked like fruit, and it looked delicious.  Although, considering you hadn't eaten in many hours, anything looked delicious right now.
"Where did you get my shirt?"  He mimicked your words and tone, a small smirk settling on his lips.  Despite now being sober, he was still acting a lot looser around you - and you liked that.
"It was all I could find on the floor."  You shrugged.  You were relieved that this exchange wasn't awkward, if anything you seemed to be talking more casually with him now than you ever had.
"I'll need to wear that later."  He was clearly flirting with you, so you decided to go along with it.
"Then I guess you'll have to take it off me."  You were on your way to boldly make a move on him.  The sex had been amazing, so if there was time you didn't see why you couldn't go for round two, but you stopped dead in your tracks when you heard a throat being cleared from the other side of the room.
Kylo just smirked down at you, "the boys found the food and were nice enough to bring us some."  He simply said, before leaning down to whisper in your ear, "but when this mission is done we can finish that discussion."
Turning around painstakingly slowly you had to awkwardly grin at all of your brothers, who all just stood with smug and mocking smirks plastered across their faces.  You had really hoped to keep this a secret, but secrets between the knights were non-existent for a reason.
"Sleep well?"  Ushar asked, clearly teasing you.
"Actually yes, I did thanks."  You shrugged, trying to act nonchalant.
"We have a lead on the artefact, so maybe you should go and get changed.  Like Master Ren said, he'll need his shirt back."  Trudgen then jumped in to ridicule you a bit, and you admittedly did suddenly feel embarrassed.
"This isn't going away anytime soon."  You grumbled under your breath as you walked back into the bedroom, Kylo just smirking as he watched.
"Nope."  The knights all said in unison, their smugness still evident.
And of course they were right.  After dressing and eating some of that mysterious looking fruit, you all set out, and throughout the day you were subjected to the smallest digs every now and then.  Kylo didn't seem to mind, in fact he seemed to find them so funny that he even made his own jokes at your expense.
"It's freezing in here."  You had grumbled as you all trekked through an icy cavern.
"I'm sure Master Ren wouldn't mind warming you up."  Cardo snorted, causing the others to also snicker.
"So help me Cardo, I will choke you to death."  You said through chattering teeth.
"Careful, she's into that."  Kylo breathed a laugh, everyone else letting out cackles.
"You are such a-" you were about to scold your own leader when he wrapped his cape around your shoulders for extra warmth and gave you a strong pat on the shoulder as he overtook you to lead the group.
Despite the relentless teasing you suffered, and would likely continue to suffer until the day you died, it was all worth it when you were back from your mission and into the warm.  You had 'innocently' gone to return Kylo's cloak to him, and spent the first of many nights there.
Sneaking out in the morning was going to have to become second nature...  Not that you could ever hope to keep it a secret from the rest of the knights.
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echo-three-one · 3 years
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Run run run....
Table of Contents
Previous Chapter : Going Dark - Part 1
Chapter 23 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
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Going Dark - Part 2
John "Soap" MacTavish
London, United Kingdom
Soap never knew that the bloody guy would pull that trick off his sleeve. He's been sick of the same ringing he first experienced when they went out with Francine.
So he did what he could and quickly got up to his feet as soon as he saw Alex attempt to halt the hostage on his tracks. That bastard's going to pay for stomping on Alex like that.
With comms down once again, he had to act fast, stomping down the stairs, never leaving sight of the runner. He could sense someone following him and assumed it's any of Roach, Price or Jack. And it looked like Ghost caught wind of what happened too.
"Oi! Let's flank him!" Soap roared across the empty streets as Ghost and Roach split ways and ran toward their target.
They're not kidding when they said the Shadow Company is at par with the 141, the guy ran like a horse which Soap never expected from his build. He could see Ghost and Roach sprinting from his sides, one wrong turn and he's done for, but he still had one last trick. 
He raced to the emergency stairs as his heavy feet clanged against the metal. Soap followed, optimizing the steps on edges to gain on him. Going up the rooftops was his biggest mistake.
"Bollocks, he's still running!" he announced as he felt his ears crackling. 
"Well…. st….by…. do….airs.." His earpiece crackled through the static. It's recovering but they're already far off MacMillan's truck where their line connected.
He leaped. Soap almost stopped in his tracks as the runner courageously leapt across the huge gap and rolled on to the next building. He braced himself and continued dashing across the roof and did a mighty leap, his arms circled like he was swimming and he carefully placed his feet to perform a proper land and rolled.
That's going to hurt as soon as the adrenaline fades, but he quickly got up and made use of his remaining burst of energy. 
The runner stopped in his tracks as soon as Roach emerged from the opposite fire escape, raising a pistol pointed straight at him as he raised his hand in surrender.
"Nowhere to run now." Roach said, cautiously walking near him. He's aware that his phone is still inside his pocket and that they had no idea when it'll go off again.
He didn't talk, but he looked panicked. He was sweating all over and his face was beyond recognizable. It looked like he's out of options.
"Tell us Where Shepherd is…" Gary pointed the loaded gun on his head, the desperation in Gary's eyes were obvious.
"There's an abandoned plane graveyard near Afghanistan…" he whimpered. His voice was shaky enough to warrant the truth.
"What's he doing there?" Soap added.
"He's trading the blueprints for the I.P. Address… Please that's all I know" he begged and they quickly left the place, walking back to MacMillan's car.
"You got something?" Ghost asked as soon as Roach's feet landed on the dark alley.
"A place. In Afghanistan." Roach answered.
"And he also had the I.P. Address.." Soap added.
"But that's impossible… didn't Samantha already forget about it?" Ghost asked but there was a quiet pause. Their brains almost looked like working together.
"Holy Crap." Roach finally broke the silence.
And from that moment they realized the other reason behind Samantha's memory returning. One way or another, her memories were once again toyed with.
"So how was it?" Price asked the team that ran off to chase the runner.
"We got an address. An abandoned plane yard in Afghanistan." Roach replied. Soap turned to Alex as he sat at the back of the jeep tending to his wound. 
"You okay mate?" he asked walking close to his ally, who was wincing in pain.
"The guy's boots are heavy." He chuckled and so did Soap.
"Listen, Alex. We heard that Shepherd has the I P. address, did Samantha tell you anything about remembering it?" Soap asked as the whole team fell silent and turned to the two.
"Not really. What's bothered me is that she remembers everything except after when Shepherd explained his plans to her… Could it be that…" Alex trailed.
"She remembered because they undid their operation on her…" Jack continued. The whole group stood in silence. 
Price's phone rang and delivered them with more bad news. It looked like while chasing the runner, Shepherd had caught wind of their activity and had some of London police scour the nearby streets for them.
"Da, It's time to go, my comrades." Nikolai announced as soon as Price relayed the message. Their ride home was compromised.
"Where to?" He asked.
"I know a place." Soap said.
It looked like Soap's hunch was right. None of the people onboard to Scotland mind about the faces of the fugitives flashed on the news recently. 
Their day packs had reserved clothes and they opted to change to something more civilian. Soap could smell the fabric conditioner France used to wash his newly bought clothes and couldn't help but miss her. If they weren't on a rush, Soap could've topped up for international calls.
"How long is this trip? 7 hours?" Price asked a civilian with surprised expressions.
"Wow. It's like a plane ride, but I'm still in the same country!" Jack cackled at the idea. He does have a different sense of humor. Just as Alex described him.
The rest of the team took this time to rest, they sat on the emptiest part of the train, away from the people that might recognize them and report their presence.
"I've contacted Samantha. It looks like they're having a small problem over there." Alex said.
"Someone saw one of us fugitives and tried to get inside the house to claim his bounty. At first they just talked him off but he's persistent now. So they decided to fly to our location and regroup there. And Soap, where exactly are we going?" Alex asked. Soap took a careful look around his team and felt nervous about his decision.
"Our old house. In Scotland. It's far off civilization. I think no one would look for us there." he muttered, gaining a nod from Price and Jack. Soap sighed in relief as soon as they thought of it as a good idea. Roach actually felt excited despite having to go there by train for seven hours. He immediately made that decision a few minutes ago without anyone's approval, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
"Hey, you three… Thanks for chasing that runner while we were out. Go catch some sleep. We'll watch over this train. It's going to be a long trip." Price nudged and Jack nodded. Soap gave a pair of earbuds to Price, the old man immediately looked at him with question.
"What's this? A hearing aid?" Price asked.
"Our runner wore that so it might be the reason he wasn't affected by his own blast." He muttered before crossing his arms.
"Thanks, mate. I'll let someone have a look at this." Price nodded and Jack immediately inserted with a suggestion.
"I know someone near Glasgow. A close friend of mine." 
"That's great. He's closer." Price agreed and Soap slowly drifted himself asleep, trying to rest his tired legs all while also trying not to worry about Francine.
The never shifting scenery of the road home sent John MacTavish into a little nostalgia trip. The sound of trains screeching across the station reminded him of so many things from the past.  The road they're walking along now was the same road he's walked on everyday of his life, and now after a lot of years, he can't believe he's back.
"I don't see anything nearby,  are you sure we're not lost Soap?" Roach asked.
"We aren't. The house is just obstructed by the trees. They've grown taller since I last left." he replied enthusiastically. He looked obviously excited to see his home.
As soon as they reached the short curve, a huge cream-painted house greeted them from the distance. He could hear Alex and Roach's collective oohs and aahs every step they took closer.
"When you said old, I was really expecting it to be abandoned." Roach mused.
"It is, actually. My parents are off… somewhere else." he replied leading the way inside the house. The pool was already dirty and most weeds already outgrew the fences.
Soap pushed the huge wooden double door open and was greeted by the same visage of their entrance way back when he was a kid. Same pictures hung on the walls of his adventures as a kid up to the recent photo of his graduation. His mom was always proud of him no matter what, but he couldn't forget the way she looked at him once he chose to enlist to the riskiest job ever.
The rest of the team helped themselves to discovering the inside of the house, looking at photos, sitting on the couches and grabbing a glass of water. Soap quickly gave them a tour of the house and that they're free to pick a guest room of their choice. It was appropriate that they'd feel comfortable after a tough day.
"Nice place you got here, comrade. Why'd you give this all up for a life that's always hanging on the ledge?" Nikolai asked, tapping his shoulder. 
"I don't even know." he muttered and Nikolai chuckled, making his way to the living room. The team was quick to adapt to the place. Roach and Ghost already chose their rooms and he assumed they already attempted to recover while the three older men gathered around the television and watched the news. Alex was by the telephone, probably contacting Samantha. He wanted to check on France himself, so he planned to go to his room and make a call.
"The New York attack stopped." Price discussed with Nikolai and Jack, the three began speculating about a lot of things. Soap would love to join in the conversation but he decided to update on Francine first.
His room looked the same as when he left, the same shade of blue wallpaper, the same color sheets that were changed weekly and the same things on top of his bedside drawer.
Dialing her number, which he subconsciously memorized, he immediately placed the receiver on his ear and anxiously waited for her to pick up the phone.
"Hello?" her voice sounded different over the phone, but it still sent shivers across his spine as soon as he heard it.
"Hey. It's me." he replied.
"Angelo?" she asked, her voice almost sounded like she's fighting herself not to laugh.
"It's John." 
"I know, silly. Who would mistake you for anyone else with that accent." she retorted.
"Do ya like it?" he teased, making sure he emphasized his Scottish accent well.
"Why'd you call?" She changed the topic. She wasn't budging on his teasing, but he knew she's already blushing on the other side of the line.
"Did Price give you the landing coordinates?" he asked.
"Yeah. Maxine looked it up on the map. It looks like a shady house in the middle of nowhere. Who are you?" she joked.
"Great. I'll see you here. I-" he hesitated. He wanted to tell her how much he misses her. But even with his oozing confidence, he felt like chickening out this time.
"Yeah. We're on our way. Take care out there John." She said and dropped the call. Soap sighed and plopped himself on his bed, deeply sighing at his actions. This girl was making him crazy… and the funny thing is he's all fine with it.
Next Chapter : Going Dark - Part 3
Notification Squad my Beloved
@smokeywhalee @samatedeansbroccoli @enderio @beemybee @whimsywispsblog @ricinbach
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crystalgirl259 · 3 years
How to Train Your Dragonblood 3: The Dragonblood Alpha Ch4
"Ground all dragonbloods!" Cliff shouted at the top of his lungs as he ran through the underground stone corridor to the hanger. Jay and Kai were trailing after the chief as he ran ahead, bellowing orders to anyone who would listen. Cole and Ed were also following them, also concerned about Cliff's fear. The others were following Cliff's orders and locking down the island, even though some of the dragonbloods weren't happy about it. They hated being controlled and ordered around, especially after all those years of being enslaved by that monster at the nest.
Unfortunately, as they were living on Cliff's island, they had to live by his rules.
As soon as Jay confirmed Iron Baron's name, it was like Cliff suddenly became a completely different person. One not seen by his family or anyone in Ninjago. As he was growing up, Jay had seen his father in chief mode, father mode, over-protective mode, and sometimes he could just be an insensitive and condescending jerk. This Cliff was very different, however. He looked downright terrified as he ran around the hanger, and it was very unnerving for Jay to see.
"What?! Why?" Jay cried in shock, but Cliff ignored his son.
"Seal the gates! Lower the storm doors!" He shouted as they entered a bigger cavern. Jay tried to keep up while Kai followed him, just as bewildered.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait, wait, what is happening?" The brunette asked as everyone rushed around.
"Come on, you heard the man, lock it down!" Ed echoed around the underground cave with dragonbloods and humans milling around as the group climbed down the stairs, one-half alert and the other half confused. People began to pull down levers and the gate that led outside slowly closed.
"No dragonblood or man sets foot off this island until I give the word!" Cliff bellowed and dragonbloods and humans start running around in near panic at their Chief's sudden alarm. Cliff ignored the stairs and jumped down the platform along with Kai and Ed.
"Wait, all this because some weird guy you knew is stirring up troubles on some faraway land?" Jay asked in shock. He had never seen his father run from anything in his life. Without warning, Cliff suddenly got into his son's face, a look of fear, anger, and determination plastered on his face.
"Because Iron Baron is a madman, without conscience or mercy, and if he's built a dragonblood army... Gods help us all!" He muttered in horror before he started to scream orders at his men again as he paced around. Jay wasn't discouraged by this and caught up to him, cutting off his path. Ed had to give the kid some points for audacity. He had always known the lad had it in him to stand up to his own father.
"Let's ride back out there," Jay suggested, trying to be positive. "We'll follow those trappers to Iron Baron and talk some sense into him."
"No! We fortify the island!" Cliff insisted.
"It's our duty to keep the peace!" Jay argued.
"Peace is over, Jay! I must prepare you for war."
"War!?" Kai exclaimed in shock. He could tell Cliff was scared of the Iron Baron, so was Kai, but the brunette didn't expect it to go so far.
"Dad, if this Iron Baron is coming for the dragonbloods, we can't wait around for him to get here! Let's go find him and change his mind!" Jay pushed, but the chief was too stubborn to listen.
"No, some minds won't be changed, Jay; Ninjago is what you need to worry about! A Chief protects his own!" He snapped at the young man before turning back to the panicking humans and dragonbloods running around the hanger. "Secure the stables! Latch every stall!" He ordered as he ran ahead, leaving Jay and Kai alone in the middle of the hanger. As he left, Jay looked at Kai and gave his hotheaded boyfriend a comforting look, sensing his unease.
The Fire Dragonblood then went and gently touched his arm, already knowing he was up to something from his determined look.
"Jay, don't!" He tried to reason with his boyfriend, but Jay was just as stubborn as his father.
"I have to baby, you know that." He replied as he leaned down for a quick peck on Kai's cheek and that was all it took to convince Kai into transforming into his dragon form. Cliff saw the flash of Kai's transformation, but before he could turn around completely, Jay was already on top of Kai's dragon form and then they were in the air and swooping underneath the closing hanger gate. The couple tried to find a way out as the windows and other openings of the cave were closing off.
Luckily, they managed to get into the open air before the last gate was closed.
As the Chief and Ed watch him go, another dragon swooped down behind them and takes after them. When they saw what was happening, Pixal also transformed and she and Zane chased after the pair. Zane frowned as the gate slowly rose and the light was blocked but in the last second, he and Zane were out right before the entrance was locked. Cliff sighed and shook his head as he watched his son and Zane fly off into the distance...
As the sun began to set, a ship was sailing in the icy sea near some huge cliffs. At the front of the ship stood Clutch Powers, watching the horizon before he walked back on the deck where his men were working and pulling ropes. They all had to keep their eyes peeled. With this wind, they would reach Iron Baron by daybreak so they had to fill up the ship with dragonbloods and quick. It was no time to be picky. Not with riders showing up to rescue their targets almost every night.
He just couldn't understand how anyone could like those flying, murderous, monsters.
As Clutch examined his maps, trying to pinpoint the most recent dragonblood sightings with their route, one of the sailors looked in the sky, and Clutch noticed that and followed his gaze. Everyone was watched the two dragonbloods appeared in the distance and flew towards them. Clutch brightened up at the sight of two healthy-looking targets.
"Get them, lads! Take them down! He ordered as he aimed the crossbow with a satisfied smirk. It was wiped off, however, when he realized who the dragonbloods were. The same riders and dragonbloods that they had met earlier that day. As the men around him yelled and prepared themselves for capture while Clutch frowned and pulled the machine.
"You're not getting away this time!" He shouted at the riders.
"Jaybird, please tell me you have a plan at least." Kai gulped mentally as they flew closer to the ship. The ginger-haired man didn't say anything to his boyfriend, however. He wasn't confident enough to even look at him. "YOU DON'T HAVE A PLAN!?" He roared, catching Zane and Pixal's attention.
"Is everything alright?" Zane asked in worry, but Jay gave him a comforting smile.
"Yeah, we're good, Kai's just being paranoid as per usual." He reassured as he petted the Fire Dragonblood's head. Kai only snorted in disbelief, but before he could respond, Clutch started firing net at them. The launched nets were gracefully avoided and Kai got closer to the ship until he could leap on the deck with Pixal following seconds after. Jay removed his helmet while Zane spun his large shurikens and Clutch takes out his blade.
"And here I was worried I may turn up empty-handed," Clutch smirked as he prepared for the riders to make the first strike.
"Nope! It's your lucky day, we're here to give up." Jay chirped as he held out a hand for Zane to put down his weapon and for Pixal and Kai to return to their human forms, which they all did. The hunters and Clutch were shocked to see the dragonbloods transform into humans. They knew dragonbloods could do this, but they rarely saw this. When they all finally registered Jay's words, everyone blinked in shock. Even Kai and Pixal were confused, and Kai practically shared a mind with him.
What was his human boyfriend up to?
Zane looked at him like he was crazy as Jay put his arms up in surrender. Everybody else was too busy gawking to even remember to pick up their fallen jaws. Clutch also almost dropped his knife as he raised a confused eyebrow. Jay and Zane walked away from their dragonbloods and Jay leaned down to take a net.
"That's one Fire Dragonblood, one Ice Dragonblood, and two of the finest riders from the sunny island of Ninjago; that ought to make the boss happy, right?" He smirked as he suddenly threw the net over his three friends all froze in shock. Kai really hoped Jay did have a plan or else the human would be sleeping outside for a week. Mutters of insane and worried rumbles flew in the air around them. Pixal mentally begging the crazy boy who apparently was willing to sell them to a bunch of hunters to explain himself faster or she would happily freeze him right where he stood.
Jay said nothing to his friends as he pushed Zane's shurikens into Clutch's hands, who was still rooted to the spot and watching Jay in disbelief. He backed off when Kai bared his fangs at him to follow.
Jay then shoved out of the way the weapons of the dumbstruck crew while Zane, Kai, and Pixal finally got the net off. They all climbed down in a cage built below the ship while the men are still watching.
"What are you doing Jaybird?" Kai hissed at his boyfriend as Jay followed after him, pulling down the barred opening. This only made Kai more worried as he was a bit lost by his boyfriend's actions. They were among enemies yet the boy and Zane were not aggressive. Granted he somehow doubted Jay would ever intentionally be aggressive. He just didn't seem to carry that type of intimidating aura like his fellow humans. He was also concerned that he willingly entered a cage.
He whined in his throat at Jay's confusing gestures that made a dragonblood as mighty as he behaves like a mother watching its hatchling from falling out of the sky.
For the life of him, Kai just couldn't understand his human, boyfriend, rider sometimes.
"Kai, just relax." Jay pleaded as he turned back to the hunters. "Dragonbloods don't really care for cramped spaces, but they won't be any trouble." He promised, but this had a very opposite effect to what he was hoping for. The people suddenly pointed all of their weapons at the Fire Dragonblood, making Kai jump in fright as he transformed, eyes like needles and back arched like a cat. Pixal quickly followed his lead, also feeling incredibly threatened.
She had spent many long and grueling months locked up in a cage in the arena back in Ninjago, so this was all brought back some very painful memories.
Zane seemed to sense this and gently rubbed her head to help her relax. It worked, but only a little bit. Kai lowered his body to the ground and growled. Jay resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he poked his head through the bars. Clutch stared at him with a flat look. Beside him, a hooded man fidgeted with his weapon. After a short staring contest, Clutch rolled his eyes to the sky when a sword sticks out of the cage. The crew jumps back when it lit up in flames.
Jay popped out again, hitting his head as if reprimanding himself for not remembering.
"Can't have armed prisoners." He smiled as he gave the sword to a man while down below Ka, Zane, and Pixal watched everything unfold with trepidation.
"How is this a plan?" Kai mentally glared at the back of his head. But Jay was more focused on the trappers and gaining their trust.
"Just what every dragonblood trapper needs." He smiled as the men inspected the device he made curiously. One end coated the blade in saliva from Kai's dragon form and the other sprayed gas from Tox. As the men looked at the weapon, they accidentally activated the gas. They desperately tried to shut it off, and Clutch stepped away while another man clicked the lighter by mistake. Jay ducked below as an explosion rocked the deck. The two men that caused the explosion were covered in soot and coughing.
A spark was floating around and glided into the cage.
Without thinking, Kai and Pixal leaped onto their back legs and played with it, trying to be the first to catch it with their paws. Jay almost squealed at the sight and Zane smiled. Despite being intelligent, powerful creatures, dragonbloods were still animals deep down. Jay would even use light reflecting off his knife to make a little dot for Kai to chase like a cat. When he finally regained his senses and the spark faded, Kai moaned and covered his face with a paw.
He hated it when he acted cute when he was supposed to be daunting and remarkable.
He always told Jay and anyone that he was a fearless creature, not some cuddly toy. Having enough of the show, Clutch stomped to the men and grabbed the sword before he turned to Jay.
"What game are you playing?" He demanded.
"Eh, no game, ee just want to meet the Iron Baron." He shrugged innocently.
"Because I'm going to change his mind about dragonbloods." He replied, looking more serious than Clutch had thought the small man was capable of and the crew started to laugh. Zane sighed in disagreement but said nothing.
"Some minds cannot be changed, Jaybird, you really have to understand that." Kai mentally mumbled with a tired thought when Jay caught his eye he shook his head and that visibly hit the ginger-haired man judging by his surprised look. The teen was silent as he stared back until he finally gathered his thoughts.
"Well, you changed yours, so did my Dad and all of Ninjago." He shot back just as determined but a tad more subdued, and Kai looked away. Zane and Pixal shared a look, knowing that the couple were having a private talk, and were feeling very uncomfortable at being in the middle. When he knew he had won their short argument, Jay slowly climbed out of the cage and was joined by Zane and the two dragonbloods. The trappers raised their weapons but waited for Clutch's command.
"He can be very persuasive," Zane added, trying to help his friend.
"Once you gain their loyalty there is nothing a dragonblood won't do for you." Jay smiled as he scratched the Fire Dragonblood's ear fondly, demonstrating their close bond and showing Kai he wasn't upset with him. But Clutch was still not convinced.
"You won't be changing any minds around here." He snorted.
"I can change yours right here, right now." He promised as he reached for Kai's flying gear, pulling a lever that spread the prosthetic tailfin.
"You sure about this Jaybird?" Kai asked nervously, but his boyfriend sent him as much love and reassurance as he could through their link. Once he was sure Kai would be alright, Jay turned back to Clutch.
"May I?" He asked as he extended his hand for Clutch to take. Only he didn't get the chance to do anything because all of a sudden, a dark green shape moved across the ship and snatched him away. Another dragonblood flew by and ripped the sails. Within seconds, the trapper's ship was surrounded by a few dragonbloods. The sailors tried to stay on their feet as Clutch glanced around at the sky for the assailants. Fearing for his boyfriend, Kai leaped onto the mast and sails growling loudly, until he stopped when he saw they were the other riders from Ninjago.
He was relieved to see Jay in Morro's claws.
"Put me down! Harumi, what are you doing?!" Jay screeched as he struggled in the Wind Dragonblood's claws, but Harumi and Morro had to suddenly duck with everyone else as the trappers started firing nets at them. As most of the riders managed to dodge the nets, Dareth and Tox weren't as fast and one of the nets wrapped around them. They would have fallen into the icy sea if Rocky hadn't caught them in the air. The Earth Dragonblood hovered in place as Cole climbed down and cut the net away with a knife, freeing the pair.
While they were all distracted, Jay finally managed to push his legs up and released himself from Morro's grip.
As he fell headfirst he looped his hands through the bands around his legs and unfolded his wings. On the deck, Zane rushed Clutch and pushed him away from the catapult, but the net was still fired. Luckily, Jay avoided it as he glided back down to the ship. He grabbed a rope from a sail and slid down on the deck. Kai jumped beside him as he took off the wings and nuzzled the human affectionately. He would have transformed and hugged Jay, but he still didn't feel safe enough to do that yet.
"What are you guys doing here?!"
"We're here to rescue you!
"We don't need to be rescued!
"Enough!" A voice suddenly boomed and a large dragonblood made of metal landed behind a sail, with Cliff Gordon as the rider and Ed as a back passenger. This was Karloff, a large Metal Dragonblood. A couple of years ago, Jay finally convinced his father to partner up with a dragonblood like almost everyone else in Ninjago. After many failed attempts to connect with a dragonblood, Cliff met Karloff in a local tavern and the two of them hit it off right away.
They were now regular drink buddies and partnered up whenever Cliff needed a dragonblood.
Karloff roared in agreement with his rider and Jay turned just as the Chief hopped down with a thud on the floor.
"Well, you just picked the wrong ship!" Clutch sneered as he gestured angrily at them. Cliff just heaved a sigh in frustration. Before the lead trapper could say another word, the chief grabbed his face without a word and pushed him away, being in no mood to deal with other people with attitude problems. He slid down and as he tried to stand, Zane hit him in the head, knocking him back down. Before he could get up again, Pixal suddenly pinned Clutch down, her icy breath leaving bits of frost in his face and hair.
Clutch was smart enough to stop struggling.
"Does anybody else want to try anything?" Cliff growled and the crew reluctantly lowered their weapons. They may be skilled in the art of Dragonblood hunting, but they weren't stupid enough to take on eight different Dragonbloods and nine humans. "That's what I figured." Cliff huffed and turned to glare at Jay. "You, saddle up; we're going home."
"No." Jay snapped. It was so blunt that Cliff almost fell over. That ungrateful, idiotic son of his! What had he done to deserve so much grief from his family? First Libber and now Jay? It must have come from her side of the family, no doubt about it.
"Of all the irresponsible–"
"I'm trying to protect our dragonbloods and stop a war! How is that irresponsible?!"
"BECAUSE WAR IS WHAT HE WANTS, SON!" Cliff shouted louder than he had in his life. The exasperation in his voice had Jay freeze and Cliff realized he had to explain. With a heavy sigh, he began to tell the story of Iron Baron. "Years ago there was a great gathering of chieftains to discuss the dragonblood scourge we all faced." He started and Ed gripped his friend's arm tightly. The Chief was rubbing his eyes and frowning. Ed had a feeling that by the end of this his friend would have aged decades.
Who could have thought that something so old and gone would surge from the folds of the past and haunt him so much?
As Cliff recounted his encounter with the Iron Baron, his mind flashed to the past. A younger Cliff looked around at the other chiefs sitting on high chairs as a pale, hunched figure was stepping in their middle.
"Into our midst came a stranger from a strange land, covered in scars and draped in a cloak of dragon skin; he carried no weapon and spoke softly, saying that he, Iron Baron was a man of the people devoted to free mankind from the tyranny of dragonbloods." He said as he remembered the man speaking to the chiefs and Cliff leaned down in his chair, scratching his chin as he listened with the others. "He claimed that he alone could control all the dragonbloods and that he alone can keep us safe if, we chose to bow down and follow him." He sighed sadly as the sound of the other chiefs laughing rowdily at the man's boldness still ringing in his ears.
In the present day, the teens all started laughing too, Dareth and Plundar the loudest.
Ronin was laughing so loud that he had to wipe a tear from his eye.
"Yeah, we all laughed too; until he wrapped himself in his cloak and cried out: Then see how well you do without me." Cliff shuddered at the memory. "Then the rooftops of the meeting hall suddenly burst into flames and from it armies of dragonbloods descended, burning everything to the ground!" He hissed angrily before it melted into a look of sorrow and regret. "I... was the only one to escape." He muttered and everyone on the deck fell silent at the confession.
Jay still wasn't convinced, however, and everyone could see it.
"Men who kill without reason cannot be reasoned with." Cliff tried to convince him, but as usual, his son was stubborn.
"Maybe, but I'm still going to try." Jay insisted as he walked away. Clutch followed Jay with his gaze as the younger man Jay hopped onto the Fire Dragonblood, just as surprised as the chief. "This is what I'm good at, and if I could change your mind, then I can change his too." He added, sounding sincere but determined at the same time. Ed smiled at his apprentice's courage while the Chief shook his head. With one thought from Jay, Kai took off and Cole runs over to Rocky to follow.
"Let's go!" He ordered to the other riders, but Cliff grabbed his arm.
"No, lead the others back to Ninjago; I've had enough mutiny for one day." He growled as he stepped away from the Earth Dragonblood and his rider. Down with Clutch, Pixal still had him pinned to the deck until Zane managed to pull her off. As quickly as they had appeared, the riders all flew from the trappers' boat, with Ed and Cliff chasing after Jay and Kai and the others heading back to Ninjago. Clutch couldn't move from the deck, too shocked and confused by what just happened...
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baseball takes your mind off things
Slexie, Merder and Cristowen one-shot | Rated T | Canon-compliant with 6x03
A/N: The baseball scene at the end of 6.03 after Lexie doesn’t get fired with the hospital cuts (and neither did Meredith or Cristina). Will go down as one of my favourite “couples” scenes on grey’s and I literally don’t know why. Maybe because everyone looks so happy, and both Derek and Meredith are cool with Mark and Lexie being together. All is well, aka the calm before the storm that is the Mercy West merger.
You can read this work on ao3 and fanfiction.net as well
Written and cover by @thedefinitionofendgame (aka me)
It was just six doctors off-duty-three medical students, three well-known surgeons-all just messing around with baseballs and beer bottles in their hands. For the surgeons, it was another night of fun with their girls and the boys. For the medical students, it was a way to take the edge off as they had all just survived the first round of merger cuts. Meredith wasn’t surprised all three of the women had made it; they were all more than capable. Cristina especially, although sometimes her actions were a little questionable. Lexie, as Meredith’s younger sister, had a legacy to live up to but she also was becoming a very talented surgeon. Mark never hesitated to tell her that.
Meredith was still trying to figure Mark Sloan out. Sure, he was a player and slept around a lot prior to getting together with Lexie Grey. It was one of the reasons why Meredith was very against Derek’s best friend and Lexie at first. She was the one who told Derek to tell Mark to keep “little Mark” in his pants when it came to Lexie. That was her first mistake, because all it seemed to do was make Mark want Lexie; a guy clearly likes the challenge of fooling around with someone he can’t have. Although they weren’t just fooling around; Lexie loved Mark and Mark loved Lexie. Lexie had assured Meredith he wasn’t taking advantage of her and that they were going to be together, blessing or not. Meredith didn’t want to lose her sister that she had only recently found out she had, so she caved. Now here she was, with her sister, her best friend, her husband, his best friend, and then Owen. Meredith supposed everyone had a connection to her somehow, except for Owen Hunt. Sure, he was her best friend’s boyfriend but they weren’t super close. Anyways, that wasn’t the point.
The point was that Meredith, Cristina and Lexie had all made the first round of cuts. Cristina had to go and put a damper on their good news by stating it was the first round of more to come. Nevertheless, Meredith was happy for all of them. The men had decided that a game of baseball was in order, not so much a game as a chance to blow off some steam. Originally, Cristina was going to stay at the hospital, and Meredith with her. Then Owen came along with beers and announced that baseball was necessary, rounding up Meredith and Derek. They found Mark comforting Lexie in the foyer; Meredith’s first thought was that she had been cut when she saw the tears on Lexie’s cheeks. But they were actually tears of joy, and Mark was doing his boyfriend-ly job by soothing her regardless of it being a victory or loss.
Okay, maybe former-womanizer Mark Sloan could be a good guy. Guess he just had to find the right girl.
Meredith snapped back to focus to cheer Cristina on, after she managed to hit the baseball flying at her face. Lexie wanted a turn next, so she handed her beer off to Mark, slapped one of the helmets on her head and headed to take a crack at it. Derek, who was playing back catcher, caught Meredith’s eye and winked; he really did love his complicated-but-loving wife.
Meredith and him, well they’re love story hadn’t been a smooth one. It started with a one-night stand that ended up being taken to work of all places. Turns out Seattle wasn’t as large as they thought. But Derek wouldn’t change all the bumps in the road, including his ex-wife coming back into his life and then leaving almost as fast, to go back and not meet Meredith. She was his endgame, his ride-or-die and his forever. Post-it or not, they would always be married and love each other until the ends of the Earth.
It was the love he felt for Meredith, that made him reconcile things with Mark. Mark Sloan had had the tendency to make jackass moves all his life; sleeping with Addison being one of many. But specifically going against Derek’s only ask that he didn’t date Lexie, well that had been a bit far. They had fought it out like teenage boys, despite the fact they were grown men, and with the girls’ help had then talked it out. Mark had assured him that Lexie wasn’t another fling that he’d get rid of in a couple weeks. She was the real-deal. And even though Derek doubted it at first, there was no denying that Mark Sloan loved Little Grey. It took Mark a lot to ever say the word “love” about a girl, for the long term. Confessing his relationship status to Derek had been tough, but it only made Derek realize how much Mark actually cared for Lexie; he was willing to lose his best friend over the girl he loved.
Derek liked Meredith’s “sisters” both the blood-related and the symbolic one. Cristina Yang was all shades of talented, and while she wasn’t all smiley like Lexie, she knew how to perform surgery like a boss. She and Meredith had been there for each other through a lot, and Meredith needed good friends like Cristina. She needed her “person”; someone who would be there through the thick and thin. Best friends don’t come along often, and Derek of all people knew that in regards to Mark. His and Mark’s friendship hadn’t been smooth-sailing, but deep down they cared for each other. He was the brother Derek never had, because God or someone else had cursed him with sisters.
Crouching behind the batter, who at the moment was Lexie Grey, Derek turned his attention to the baseball winding up inside the machine. Owen Hunt had been speaking all kinds of smartness when he told Cristina she needed to focus on what was in front of her, in that very moment. The ex-army trauma surgeon did know what he was talking about and while he didn’t always make the best choices, he sure knew how to give a short but sweet peptalk. Derek smacked his hand into the glove and waited, ready for whatever life threw at him.
They took shot after shot, of both alcohol (well more like sips) and baseball. It was a wild night, as the three couples laughed and had fun just being. No cares were in their minds anymore; even Cristina had stopped fretting about the next round of cuts. Meredith had Derek’s jackets wrapped around her shoulders, while Lexie snuck drinks of Mark’s beer, and Owen helped Cristina work on her swing stance. It was peaceful and though Cristina didn’t like to admit it, her boyfriend’s idea was a good one.
It felt good to clear her head, to take her mind off the rush at the hospital. Nothing could ever feel as good as the rush of surgery but hitting a baseball swung mighty close. At least in this moment right now. She might feel differently if she woke up the next morning with a sore arm from taking hits all evening. Although Owen had already whispered in her ear about promising to massage her back if her muscles were tight. It was an opportunity Cristina was prepared to take full advantage of.
She and Owen were something else. Not fierce, but good. Comfortable. They were good together and they knew what the other wanted, at least they both thought they did. Sure, they would never get married on a post-it note like Meredith and Derek had, although who could really match with Meredith and Derek? They were utterly perfect and utterly in love. It was a miracle they were here tonight, actually, and not Christening more surfaces in the house. “Newlyweds” had been their excuse, according to Lexie. Little Grey was here tonight having a blast and the beer in her system made her a little more rowdy than normal. Cristina couldn’t help but enjoy this new side of Lexie.
Mark was also enjoying it, watching his girl jump up and down when she hit the ball square on the bat, making a nice crack sound and sending the little white sphere tumbling through the air. He wouldn’t help but stare at her ass too, because damn did Little Grey have a nice ass. She had a nice everything, but of her physical features her ass was his favourite. Mark shook his head as Derek stepped up to plate next; he did not want to think of his best friend’s ass at all.
It was Owen who was the most observing throughout the night. He watched his girlfriend loosen up and start to feel more like her regular self. Cristina was normally uptight but she had been very uptight recently. A night of hitting a ball around was clearly doing some good, and it was good to see Mark and Derek getting along as though nothing had happened between them. Owen didn’t know much about the fistfight that went down, besides the fact that Derek had thrown the first punch, but whatever it was hadn’t managed to tear the two guys apart. If the cost was being the third wheel amongst the bros for them to get along, then Owen was happy to pay the price.
At last everyone started to lose energy, and the baseball night drew to a close. Lexie took off her sweaty helmet and threw it into the back of Mark’s vehicle. She said goodbye to her sister and her husband with hugs; Cristina and Owen got a wave as they headed for the opposite side of the parking lot. Mark drove away with a smile on his face and Lexie’s fingers interlaced with his.
They didn’t speak, but Lexie knew what he was feeling. They were happy, they had their jobs and they loved each other. That was all that mattered; it was all that ever mattered. Tonight had been a whirlwind, though Lexie loved it. She loved her life, she loved the man sitting beside her, and she loved her newfound sister. Life was good.
So good, in fact, that she didn’t even think about the Mercy West merger that was about to take place.
Not one thought.
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whereflowersbloom · 3 years
Father by accident
Richard Grayson had everything any man could want, a stable and well remunerated job at Wayne Enterprises, working with his adoptive father: Bruce Wayne, a deluxe and splendid apartment with a premier location at The Arch building, his black new flying spur Bentley, more money than he could spend. Yes, Dick Grayson had everything, except for a romantic relationship and happiness. Something was missing and he had no idea what it was. When Richard Grayson arrived in the Land of the Thunder Dragon just about four days before, it never crossed his mind, never in his wildest, irrational thoughts it occurred to him, his life would be completely turned around by adopting a baby. A baby, he found during his morning run, let alone while he was in a business trip in a foreign country.
Dick Grayson was in Thimphu, Bhutan for work, closing a deal with NGN Technologies, representing Wayne Enterprises, technically he was accompanying Tim, his adoptive youngest brother, a prodigy gifted with an inherent business sense and unbeatable instinct, who was in charge of handling the negotiations, reaching an agreement. He was only here to supervise the details and clear his mind, after his recent breakup with Barbara Gordon. Dick would always pretend that he’s fine, after his breakup with Barbara, and that he’s moved on already. But of course, Tim knew better than that, not mentioning anything about women or the name Barbara.
There were minor specifications to arrange before signing the contract, though it shouldn’t take more than a day or two, knowing Tim. He wasn’t too strict with the schedule and let Dick have free time to explore the foreign land. Bhutan. Thimphu, it was a rather small city for a capital. It had several great hikes and fertile valleys, with green and tall trees, blue rivers and mountains spread south-north along river Thimphu Chu, offering a breathtaking view.
Dick decided to start his day with his usual morning run, to stretch his aching muscles.
He quickly acclimated to the cold weather of the Bhutanese capital. January may be the coldest month of the year, but the stunning Himalayan scenery and the bright clear days made it worth it. He also learned rapidly the paths and ways of the city so he wouldn’t need to look at a map or his phone while on his run, thanks to Bruce who taught to be prepared for anything. Nonetheless, nothing could have Prepared him for the enormous surprise awaiting him that particular morning. On the fifth day of their stay in Bhutan, he could practically move around the city without looking at street signs or maps. Perks of being a fast learner. He easily acclimated to his route, and he figured it was easy enough to remember anyway.
Dzong Park’s entrance was beautifully decorated, soft-fallen snow graced the walls and the buthan cypress trees, hues of blue and purple which were gently brushing unto white reigned winter tim, atmosphere calm and peaceful, but it was practically empty especially at six in the morning. There was hardly any sound. He’d been running through the park for the past three days though, so it’s not like this surprised him anymore considering the icy winds.
When Richard goes on running, he usually wears earphones, however he has opted to not use them and enjoy the quietude of the park. And he supposed it was lucky he didn’t, because while he was on his run, he was interrupted when he heard a small cry.
The northern wind rustled his hair gently, whispering, trying to tell him something, and that was the moment his life completely.
He stopped, momentarily shocked by the noise, looking around for the source of the sound. The park was undeniably empty. No one was supposed to be there, but the small cries persisted. Then he decided to close his eye and concentrate on the direction of said sound, in order to follow it, because even anywhere, he could recognize that unmistakable sound, and when he finally found the source of the incessant cries, he was both grateful and regretful at the same time that he did. Grateful in a sense of ‘Thank god, this baby wouldn’t have survived another hour on this place’, it was cold and frosty, and regretful in a sense because then, Richard had the responsibility of having to take care of how to go about it.
Richard Grayson had no idea what to do, utterly dumbfounded. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed, when he looked at the source of the small cries that interrupted his morning run. A baby wrapped in a light green blanket was in a woven basket, and the baby was crying loudly. He knelt down and saw a piece of paper sticking out of its blanket, and when he took it to read it, it was in a language he assumed was similar to Chinese.
The air was so cold and damp that the chill reached deep into the young man and clung to his bones. What was he supposed to do? A baby. Oh mighty Lord.
Right then, he had a choice: he could leave, and proceed with his morning run and pretend he never noticed the baby at all. That was a complete lie. He could never leave an abandoned baby on his own. Bruce had taken him in after the unfortunate death of both his parents, how could he give his back to a baby who could possibly be in the same position. His other choice, a more sensible and reasonable option: he could call authorities and risk being late at meeting before signing the contract, because dealing with the officials who will be asking about how he found the baby, he figured would take more than a few hours, or who might have left the baby, and he doesn’t exactly speak Chinese or this strange language they spoke in the land of the Thunder dragon. What had Tim called it, Dzongka? He didn’t speak it. At all.
Not wasting any more time, he pulled his phone out and dialed a familiar number.
“I haven’t had my first cup of coffee yet. This better be important, Dick.” A sleepy voice responded on the line. His earlier anxiety did not fade, contrary, it increased.
Swallowing hard, Dick turned his attention back to the baby in the basket. “Hey Timbo, I need your help.” He began nervously as he ruffled dark locks, the baby’s cries seemed to have quietened down when it saw another human’s presence. He couldn’t decide if it was good or bad. Don’t get attached, Richard. He faltered, worry tightening his features. “Do you speak Chinese or Dzongka? Whatever language they speak in this country.”
“Bold of you to assume Bruce would send me on a business negotiation trip unready.” Tim answered and Dick rolled his eyes at his sarcastic comment. His younger brother took a deep breath before he continued speaking. “I had enough time to get familiar with the language, but I cannot say confidently I speak it fluidly. Why? Please don’t tell me you got into trouble and you need me to speak with Bhutanese officers.”
Silence. Dick remained quiet, obviously at a loss for words.
Weighting the words in his mind, Richard mustered courage to explain the rare situation. “No. I’m in Dzong park, out for a morning run, as usual.” He paused to lick his lips. “But I found an abandoned baby while I was running.”
“You what? ” Tim incredulously asked, not sure he had heard the right word, and Dick heard the sound of liquid spilling on the other end of the line, so he figured the shock must have made Tim spill his precious coffee. “I’m sorry, did you say you found a what?”
“A baby.” Dick repeated.
“That’s what I thought.” Tim said still stupefied and Dick let out a weary sigh, wondering what would get Tim to snap out of it. “Caffeine isn’t damaging my hearing. A baby?” He asked in absolute bewilderment.
Which part of baby was too complicated for Timothy Jackson Drake, the genius Wayne heir, to comprehend.
“Yes. A baby, Tim.” Dick said in as gentle a tone as he can muster, blue eyes glued to the small baby.
“You mean...as in a Homo Sapiens offspring?” Tim faltered on the words as he struggled to calculate the probability of an scenario where his adoptive older brother came across an abandoned baby while running.
Dick snapped, feeling a bit exasperated himself. “Tim, I seriously need your help with this problem. But, yes, a real, breathing tiny human.” He exclaimed impatiently, raising his voice, tone nearly dry as he answered Tim’s question.
“Where are you?” Regaining composure while processing the information, Tim asked for his brother’s whereabouts, feeling the very beginning of a headache brewing, pulsing sharply at his temples. Cursing quietly as he got dressed in a rush.
“Dzong park. Listen, use my tracker to find me. I’m about four miles from the hotel we are staying in.” Bouncing on the tips of his toes, Richard couldn’t seem to stay still, hot Adrenaline rushing through his veins.
A few breathy grunts were all that heralded Tim’s distress at the unexpected event. “I’ll call the authorities. Dick, stay exactly where you are. We are already tangled in this mess, and mess was not in the agenda.” His brother hung up before Dick could assure him he wouldn’t go anywhere without the baby not until the authorities arrived at least.
But Dick took a single look at the small baby, who had opened his almond-shaped eyes, the baby was a boy, with bright green eyes resembling emeralds, open wide and looking at him. Dick was immediately captivated. He adjusted the blanket and found that the baby’s hair was as dark as the night, naturally tanned skin that appeared to have been kissed by the sun itself. He was perfect. This child was the cutest little thing he had ever laid his eyes on.
And something, something he couldn’t put into words tugged in his heart. It would hurt like hell to let go of his child. Let go of something that was not his. It would tear out his heart, his bones if he let anything happen to this baby boy.
Looking at him closely, he would be about two months old, maybe, and he looked healthy and well-fed. Did his mother have a change of heart and left him here alone? He grabbed the note once again and started at it, inspected it, hoped that any English translation would be present below the Strange writing. There was only one word he could find to translate with the help of his smartphone. Damian.
A cold wind passed and the baby shivered slightly, in that moment Richard took the baby in his arms, wrapping the soft blanket around the baby’s body again, protecting his fragile body from the gelid breeze as his cheeks turned lightly pink.
Dick felt a connection, one he couldn’t quite explain, but it was there, and it’s connecting him to the baby. No. Damian. Damian was what was missing.
This is a WIP I comptely forgot about but here’s. Chapter kinda??
Single dad Dick Grayson, raising baby Damian 👀👀
@sofiii @wingedskyes @chromium7sky @deepbreadlover
55 notes · View notes
botwstoriesandsuch · 3 years
Melting Ice and Warmth and Words
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Teba x Saki, 8505 Words
I made this fic for @zzariyo for my server’s gift exchange event! Hope you enjoy, I had a lot of fun with it :3
In which Harth is the gay best friend(TM), Teba is a god damn fool, and I become a lesbian for Saki. Also this was slightly based on a post about how Saki threatens Teba with a sword.
This is the tumblr version but check it out on AO3 if you prefer
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"Historians probably hate you," Harth mumbled, as he tested the weight of his bow. "This is, what, the third time you've stolen priceless artifacts?"
Teba continued flipping through the pages. The sound of rustling parchment melded with the crackling fire behind him. A soothing mix of leather and pine aromas filled the Flight Range.
"It's not stealing if no one knows it exists," Teba countered, not bothering to look up.
He shrugged. "Yet."
Another sigh filled the air, and the two of them went back to their respective preparations. Harth set down his Swallow Bow and went to fill up two sets of quivers, while Teba continued poring through the personal history of a dead Champion.
It had been a day or two since he had found yet another artifact from a century ago. The depths of the Flight Range, and the expanse of the not-so-well-kept records in the library hid all too many secrets, to which Teba had taken full advantage.
This journal was worn, cracked smoky leather showing its fragile age. Although in comparison to its two predecessors—Revali's Diary and The Great Revali's Diary respectively—this journal was in much better condition. Other than by the contents of the pages itself, Teba had discovered you could decipher the chronological order of the diaries based on how sophisticated the titles were. The more extravagant ones being more recent, that is.
The warrior let out a huff after perusing through another paragraph of dark, cursive writing. He continued digging through the pages with an aura of frustration. Harth, ever one to press his buttons, glanced back.
"So if you don't plan to inform everyone else about your latest finding, yet, what exactly are you doing with it now?"
Another turn of the page. "The same thing I've done before. Searching for clues."
A smirk formed on Harth's face. "Hm. You know these days it's hard for you to read a cookbook properly without help."
"Shut up will you, I'm trying to focus."
A shrug, and then a beat of silence; the two of them basked for a moment in the piercing wind that cut through the Flight Range.  The flickering shadows cast by the fire only served to add to the almost haunting beauty that tonight brought. The chilling midnight moon was a barely distinguishable sliver, white against white in the brewing storm. Teba could only long for the soft hammock of his home. Although, it's not like he would be relaxing anyway.
Nearly all hours of the day, if he wasn't practicing with his bow, he was poring through a damn book. It definitely wasn't out of a passion for reading, but more of a desire to spite his superiors.
Elder Kaneli had yakked his beak off about how the "bow of Champion Revali is our last physical connection to our valuable history" and thus was not to be taken out of its chest, ever. So there went Teba's dreams of dissecting it and constructing a masterful bow of his own.
Kaneli had said that a "young Rito like yourself shouldn't spend so much time out in the cold." So there went Teba's desire to devote himself to archery, shackled by the Flight Range's new "curfew," which was essentially a bedtime.
And, years ago, after a teenage Teba had found the very first diary of the Rito Champion, showing it off to the respected elder as quick as he could, Kaneli had beamed in his rocking chair and said, "Oh hoo! We shall get to storing it immediately!" So there went Teba's achievement, gathering dust in a box for a good three weeks before he had just decided to start sneaking into the records at night to pore through it. "Preserve the paper's integrity" his ass, he knew the librarian just hated him for that time his makeshift bomb arrow had caused her tail feathers to smell burnt for a month.
At nearly every turn, there was always something that hindered Teba's progress towards getting clues about how to master Revali's Gale. If that wasn't enough, Kaneli had been nagging him more and more lately about settling down and relaxing. Just a few years ago, Kaneli had been all about training him to be a mighty warrior, but nowadays the elder just couldn't seem to shut up about "exploring new pastimes!"
So here he was, with his new pastime. Reading, like the thrilling warrior he was.
Teba rolled his eyes after skimming through another paragraph. He hurriedly turned through a few more pages, the rustling parchment catching Harth's eye once again.
"So how's the research going? Is it just brimming with inspiring details about how to command the wind?"
Teba chuckled, although there was clear bitterness in the tone. He held up and flipped the journal around, so that Harth could read the contents written within.
"You tell me..."
~The Eighth of Nayru's Moon~
Once again, that little knight has failed to so much as acknowledge my presence. He probably wouldn't know charisma and impeccable skill if it was shoved right into his perfect face— and goddess believe me, I have tried as such.
Just today, I was— formerly assumed alone— at the Flight Range, practicing my Gale, when from the corner of my eye I saw him watching me. His face, an unfortunate yet predictable bland block of carving wood. Even after witnessing my masterful abilities? HA! His dead gaze borders on blindness.
To think, the King is looking to appoint him as the princess' personal guard. I should think someone as unperceptive as he would do better as a cleaning maid. Forget the quick instincts of battle, I'm sure he'd be dead in an instant. He just blankly looks and looks, and stares and stares. All he ever does is stare at me, unassuming... with those striking blue eyes of his.
Too striking. Distracting even. If he dares show his stupid, atrociously awful face at my Flight Range again, I might just have to nip his poorly drawn bowstring myself. Followed by a legendary duel to the death, of course.
Then again, if he for some reason stops by tomorrow, I wouldn't mind that much.
Harth leaned back and gave Teba a smirk. "So, that's a no on the Gale research then?"
Teba let out another huff, snapping the book closed and getting on his feet. "Nothing but boy troubles in this one. He has to have kept more entries out there that could actually be useful to me."
Fiddling with an arrow shaft in one wing, Harth went back to filling the quivers. He let out a laugh. "Ah, I'm sure it's not all useless! At least now you know you're not the only Rito in history who's terrible at flirting."
A scoff. "The hell is that supposed to mean?"
"That was literally about as straightforward as I could have been with this topic."
"Well do me straighter."
Harth proceeded to have a coughing fit for five minutes.
The sounds of wheezing laughter and less than polite comments from Teba echoed through the Flight Range.
"Hylia, I may not be looking for a wife, but I hope one day I adopt or something just so I can tell my grandkids how much of an idiot you are," Harth finally said, at the end of their colorful banter. "But yes, thank you for proving my point. A Boko skull has a better grasp on charisma than you."
The warrior crossed his wings over his chest, looking away. "Well sorry that I've been focusing on my strengths rather than dabbling in immaturities."
"Remember when you were in the infirmary and you tried to tell that nurse, Saki," he snorted, "You tried to tell her she had nice posture–"
"Shut it. Shut it and quit your grinning before I shove you into the fire and use the arrows as kindling."
Another laugh echoes, and the most Teba can do is narrow his eyes. But after a beat, he perks up and looks back in his direction. "How do you know her name?"
Harth raised an eyebrow. "Saki? Well I don't know, she treated me during that Ice Talus accident a month back. I probably just asked for her name at some point, you know, like a normal person." He shook his head. "Spirits above, Teba, you've probably been in that infirmary more than I have. Have you really not gained the social skills to ask for someone's name?"
He stared at the very interesting and engaging wooden floor, shifting his weight between his legs. "I don't have to answer that."
"Oh, woe is you. Kaneli never gave you a pep talk about how to make friends?"
"HA! I think our conversational topics peaked in the days where he actually encouraged my archery training. Less 'pep talk,' more 'lecture,' nowadays."
"Alright, alright, save your daddy problems for breakfast, Teba."
Teba glowered much in the way a Lynel would to its soon-to-be-dead prey, feeding Harth's amusement.
"Anyhow, you needn't go so hard on the guy, he just doesn't want you to kill yourself, which is especially relevant tonight." He turned around and picked up the now fully stocked quivers. "Now that you've finally managed to tug your beak out of that book," he tossed one to the huffy bird, "Let's go slay some monsters."
Teba's earlier expression morphed into stern concentration, emotion dripping away in favour of a practiced warrior's focus. He grasped one of the arrows and inspected the tip. "Fire arrows? Wouldn't bomb arrows be more effective on monsters?" The night seemed to turn colder to match his more serious tone.
The charcoal feathered Rito slung his bow and quiver onto his back, speaking quickly as he worked. "Not necessarily. We want as much vision as we can, can't risk getting blind-sided by even one of its attacks. Explosions would give even more cover to an already invisible foe." He also mumbled something about how he barely had the income to afford them.
There was a moment of silence as Teba calculated and turned over Harth's words, before putting the pieces together. He gave a confident nod as confirmation.
"So… have you ever slain a Wizzrobe before?" Harth asked.
The warrior smirked to himself, turning towards the exit with bow and quiver. White against white as he stood on the snow covered landing.
"Not yet."
- - - - -
Thunderous sounds in a frozen tundra; it came after the ripple of footsteps.
Jaded peaks weathered grey, the sky couldn’t be distinguished from the land. The snow had pounded harder and harder as they flew, flurries coating the feathered fletchings on their arrows.
Harth landed first, walking around on the open, frigid expanse. Teba did a sweep of the surroundings from the air. Nothing.
The base of the Hebra Mountain Trail— just under the shadow of the South Summit— this was where the last attack was. Hopefully it was where the final one was too.
There had been three travelers total; two Rito, one Hylian merchant. Minor injuries. Most all ran away at the first sign of frostbite. It was normal for the occasional monster attack to come up every now and again, and it just wouldn’t be worth the resources to hunt down every Lizalfos and Bokoblin that happened upon some unfortunate soul. By the time anyone lives to tell the tale, the beast has probably already moved miles from where it was last seen. The Hebra wasn’t exactly the most accommodating of places to enjoy long term.
And so that was the excuse. Save the supplies for bigger threats. An Ice Talus, Hinox… Hylia forbid a Lynel. A Wizzrobe would probably be off dancing in the sunset by now, and thus, no warriors should waste supplies looking for an “unnecessary fight."
Teba remembered scoffing when he heard the news— a scoff apparently so spiteful, that it had earned him a rare glare from Kaneli.
“Don’t do anything stupid, Teba. You won’t be recklessly going off alone to find it, understand? I mean it!”
Teba perched on one of the cliffs, getting a clear view of Harth below, surrounded by white on white on white. Harth turned his head and gave a thumbs up in his direction.
Well, that was one half of the instructions followed. The “stupid” part is still up in the air, though.
Teba unslung his Falcon Bow from his back, resting a fire arrow on the bowstring’s serving. If someone were to look up at where he crouched, they would be greeted by a piercing golden gaze; a pair of cold suns that sent you shivering.
That was the intent, anyhow. A warrior with a gaze like fire. Like lightning, like metal, like suns, like steel. That’s what he’d been told in the past, so he might as well use it to his advantage.
Still… he remembered once how someone had compared them to honey.
“What?” He had been taken aback by the sudden observation.
“Or like butterscotch… I use it a lot when baking. Oh! I’ve seen gorgeous dandelions like it too.” The nurse—“Saki?” Did Harth say?—tended to the wound just below his eye. “You should be thankful the color is so pleasant, the sight is probably what caused that Moblin to miss its mark!” Saki smiled and for the first time, Teba understood what it meant to call something “the sun.”
“Make sure you don’t use those eyes of yours to go looking for more trouble. Or else…” She had narrowed her eyes playfully. Noticing him just staring at her in silence, she cocked her head to the side, curious.
“Sorry, was there something you wanted to say to me?”
Yeah, but I’m not sure what. All he could really notice at that moment was how relaxed her posture was around him. Usually, he was surrounded by his fellow rigid warriors, or the stance of someone that looked in his eyes and saw fire. So…she was a nice change of pace.
Too bad his communication skills could be trumped by a deflated octoballon. Teba's sigh manifested into a small white puff in the cold air. Nevermind that now.
He had to stay focused. Teba would cut no corners when it came to using Harth as bait. However, he couldn’t deny the somewhat pissy mood he was in. No Gale, no practice, no clues, no fights. Sooner or later the village might just strap him into a rocking chair and say it was for the best. What a joke… At least killing off a dangerous creature would help let off some steam— ice? Magic ice…water…arrows… fuck.
Teba rolled his eyes at his own incompetence. Can’t even be a decent wordsmith in my own head. Harth was right.
A sudden flash of movement and his mind immediately crashed back to reality. Eyes instantly trained back to the ash colored Rito on the ground, who had now turned and aimed his bow at the horizon. Not even a second after the movement was made, Teba had an arrow nocked and aimed in one practiced, fluid motion.
Harth had two arrows nocked, aiming towards an unseen target obscured in the haze of snow.
Black against the pale of midnight’s frigid sheet of snow. If Harth could see something, it would no doubt also see him. He stepped forward, Swallow Bow unwavering in the wind
Teba adjusted the draw of his bow, training its angle to match Harth’s movements and ready to release at a moments notice.
The crunch of talons on snow. A small patch of dead bushes just a few paces in front of Harth.
One step.
Suddenly, an arctic fox dashed to the right and disappeared into the snow.
A draining silence. Steady, freezing breaths condense into puffs of clouds out of Teba’s beak. There was still a knot of tension in his chest, but he could start to feel it ripple out, like a patter of footsteps as a mix of closed off fear and anxiety walked out the door. Still, he didn’t falter his draw. After a moment, he saw Harth put down his bow and sigh. The Rito turned towards Teba’s direction to give him a smile and a shrug.
Harth met his gaze.
Then, the expression on his face suddenly morphed into shock.
Teba didn’t think twice.
He snapped around and let gravity take him, loosing the already nocked flame. The hiss of fire flew and connected with its target with a satisfying crack! Midfall, he could hear Harth shout a much too late “Behind you!”
The fire arrow hit rock, crumbling stones clash against snow. The burst of flame roared like thunder on the cliffside. Although the creature wasn’t hit, the area of effect was still large enough to singe at the tips of cloth.
A pearly white robe that faded deathly blue. The glow of ice and dark silhouette. A shrill cry escaped from the Wizzrobe that had stood, wand in hand, behind Teba’s perch just seconds ago. Even in distress, it wore a chilling grin.
Bastard. You won’t get another chance.
Another flame nocked and loosed with lightning speed.
The creature laughed, as if in pity, and twirled in its step.
Teba gave a flap of his wings to stop his momentum. His talons safely connected with the ground, and Harth was at his side at once.
“Are you alright!? Are you hit?!” Harth started to inspect his wing, but Teba continued staring at the sky, “S-Say something, dammit! Teba we need to—”
He held up a wing, the gesture with an unspoken tone of “shut it.” Teba readied another fire arrow and pointed into the air. He whispered.
His eyes narrowed in concentration, trying to discern sounds from the muffle of wind. Harth pressed back and covered Teba’s blind spot, nocking an arrow of his own.
The wind was unaccompanied. The dead bushes shuddered a tempo.
And then the midnight sang.
Like the pleasant echo of a music box…a lullaby that seemed to twinkle against the brink of night and day. A ripple of footsteps. A sparkle to his left, skipping like stones, as if the wind was water. There was a faint laugh, but Teba was the one to smile.
The Wizzrobe had barely manifested before the fire arrow flew. A burst of orange connected with its frail arm, and the creature shrieked. Harth quickly turned and fired his own shot, the arrow nearly lodging into its face, but arching low and hitting its torso instead. The Wizzrobe panicked while the two Rito went to reload.
“Go for the face!” Harth shouted as he went to grab two arrows from his quiver. “It’s the only part that’s not protected by that stupid magic robe!”
As if on cue, the Wizzrobe had started laughing to itself, its arms flailing wildly as the flames that engulfed its person suddenly disappeared. It gripped its Blizzard Rod in both hands, starting to twirl with a sickening grin.
Teba aimed for the sky. “Move!”
Harth shuffled back in obedience as fire soared. The arrow crashed into a giant sphere of ice that hurtled from the heavens, shattering into pieces just a few feet above their head.
The impact caused them both to fly backwards, the bow knocked out of Teba’s grip.
Hmm… fuck.
Teba crashed hard, tasting dirt and snow. Luckily Harth was able to get in position to fire an arrow.
Its arc through the air was cut short by multiple more icy spheres hurtling down around the Wizzrobe.
Harth cursed under his breath. While they were far enough away to avoid the barrage of ice magic that would no doubt freeze them with a single touch, it would be nearly impossible to get close enough for a kill. Teba picked himself up and crouched beside Harth.
“How much fire total?”
Harth shook his head and stared at the ground. “I was so concerned with not arousing suspicion…sneaking out to fight was one thing, but—”
“This is no time for regrets. How many fire arrows, dammit?”
Harth let out a huff. “I bought a bundle of five and split them between us. The last fifteen in each quiver are regular ones. Although at this angle I doubt they would be of any use.”
Teba’s eyes sat calculating for a moment. “So I’ve used two. One hit, one miss. And you—”
“I landed the third just earlier on its torso. The forth…” He turned in the direction of the shower of ice. He could see it smash against the wooden remnants of an arrow. “I used just now.”
Hylia forgive the less than polite words towards the spirits that Teba spoke.
Harth gave a nod towards Teba’s quiver, while handing him his Swallow Bow. “Here. I gave the extra to the best shot around. I’ll distract it while you make the last shot count.”
Teba scoffed. “You and I both know you can’t just adjust to a new bow on the fly and expect to be accur—”
“Well if you’ve got a better plan, I’m more than happy to hear it!”
Teba grimaced. Always life and its impossible instructions.
The warrior slung his quiver in front of him, indeed confirming the last fire arrow nestled between the regular ones. He took the Swallow Bow in hand and gave another glance towards the Wizzrobe.
Its earlier spell had stopped now, and it was now skipping all too happily towards them. The ripples of its chiming steps seemed to glow brighter and brighter as it approached.
Tsk. What a gloat. It’s not even bothering to sneak up on us anymore.
Harth gave a flap of his wings and hovered. “I’ll lure it near the base of the mountain trail, and you flank. Do what you must, it’s all you.” He took to the air and began taunting the Wizzrobe, attracting its attention.
Teba cursed. He harshly slung the quiver back around him while taking up the bow. In the motion, a journal dropped into the snow.
“Crap, the…” He trailed off, observing it for a moment. The words on the page it had opened up on caught his eye.
~The Twentieth of Starset Moon~
I hope a Wizzrobe carries me off before I see him again. I envy their magical ability to disappear from sight at a moment’s notice. Maybe then I wouldn’t embarrass myself so in front of Link.
I've always  called my eyes a mere jade. A simple enough descriptive hue, and on occasion it would serve as a masterful segue into a pun about how the best warriors have a gaze that can pierce like stone. But no, he just had to call it, “grass.”
“Actually, I’m fairly certain that the hues of Hyrule’s earthly flora are much lighter than the color of my eyes.” I had said. “Like I previously stated. Jade, or emerald works. Jagged jade if you are akin to alliteration.”
Curse my arrogance as my response only caused him to elaborate. “It’s not just the color” he had said. “It’s like a sensation. I like just looking at fields. To lie in them, and smell, and be in comfort in the grass and outside.” He shrugged like nothing was wrong. “Your eyes give me that comfort.”
Hylia is a cruel goddess to curse us Rito to become round puffballs whenever emotions get the better of us. THANKFULLY, he didn’t notice as he then started to ramble on and on about his—slightly concerning—knowledge about the flammability of plants. How flaming weapons and flint produced different embers. How any fire arrow can become a bomb arrow with enough kindling. How you could tell the flammability of certain flora based on the shade of green. He noted how my own eyes were not the most flammable, so… there’s that compliment, I suppose.
There was a roar in the distance as ice crashed onto the earth. Teba snapped the journal shut again.
The Wizzrobe had cast another spell, a blur of charcoal feathers could be seen dodging the attacks.
Teba stood sifting through his thoughts as quickly as he could. Whatever power above had caused him to stumble upon this entry…he’d have to thank them later when he had the time and the faith.
The idea was obvious in hindsight. If he couldn’t guarantee a shot at a small target, then make the target bigger.
The warrior took the fire arrow in one wing, and the journal in the other. The diary was old and dry, and obviously it had a much bigger surface area than an arrow tip.
So he quickly took the very last fire arrow and pierced it through.
It burst into flames in an instant. It certainly wouldn’t pierce anything, but with the bigger area of impact…combined with a new reckless plan, there wouldn’t be any need to.
He smiled and took towards the air.
“Uhh, Teba???” Harth yelled as he saw his friend approach, flying closer with a flaming book arrow in his beak. “What are you— fuck! Ay! Over here, princess!” Harth tugged at the Wizzrobe’s robe, luring its face towards Teba.
He couldn’t talk with the arrow and piece of flaming historical documentation in his beak, but he cocked his head in such a way to signal to Harth to turn.
“But?! Its face!” A fierce shake of his head in response. “Dammit Teba!”
Harth soared around the creature in a semicircle, avoiding its bursts of ice that make the feathers on his neck puff. The Wizzrobe turned to wave its wand, it’s backside now exposed to Teba.
The warrior quickly unslung his quiver and threw the leather strap around its neck, the weight of the arrows falling on the other side towards its chin.
The Wizzrobe halted its midair dance, turning in the direction that the new weight had come from. The Blizzard Rod was already starting to glow.
“That’s right!” Teba shouted, as he took the flaming book arrow out of his beak. “Show me that ugly grin of yours!”
He gave one last flap of his wings before letting gravity take him, nocking the arrow on the Swallow Bow. As predicted, he couldn’t fully compensate for the difference in the bow.
Its weight was all different, the string strength was all wrong, the grip was much more loose than he’d have preferred—
Through the haze of snow, and paper, and his own pale feathers, the Wizzrobe’s shining grin greeted Teba in full.
White on white.
He narrowed his eyes.
The arrow loosed.
The flaming book seemed to soar in slow motion, or perhaps that was just on account of its weight. It arched high, nearly on path to connect with the creatures gleaming teeth, but the strength just wasn’t there and it bowed lower still to the Wizzrobe’s neck.
The journal was destroyed on impact, paper glowing and fluttering. The creatures’ attire was set alight, but all it did was laugh like it was an inconvenience. Like a party trick it had already gotten tired off. It started to try and pat itself down, but…
“Let’s see you laugh now, bastard.”
The quiver’s leather wouldn’t catch on its own given its natural resistance. But with the flutter of dried parchment…
All it took was one fiery page, and the arrows caught. The Wizzrobe suddenly suddenly shrieked, but the sound was muffled and cut off by sputtering and the sound of what Teba could only assume was suffocation. The bundle of arrows glowed like a campfire, the flames engulfing the creature's neck and already licking at its face. It attempted to remove the quiver wrapped around it with both arms, tossing the Blizzard Rod into the air in panic, but it was already too late.
The giant necklace of kindling roared in the Wizzrobe’s face, and in seconds, the icy beast was reduced to mist. The wind its grave, as the last of its magical robe rippled in the night.
Teba landed on the ground, eyes bright with unexpected happiness as he cheered.
“WOOOOO! Did you see that!?! I can’t believe that worked holy fucking shit, take THAT asshole.” He shouted into the air with a rare show of relief. THANK YOU Champion Revali and that Hylian knight arsonist! Gods, who knew reading would be so—”
“Wh—” Teba turned in time to see Harth flapping towards him. But closer still, Teba saw the blur of the Blizzard Rod falling through the air, just seconds away from impacting the ground.
Gravity surely wouldn’t simulate the effects of waving a magic ice wand around, right?
A burst of ice exploded from the rod’s impact, Harth slammed into Teba just as he could feel the cold travel to the tips of his wings.
The two Rito crashed into the snow, and Teba was able to taste the delicious flavours of snow, stone, and dirt for the second time. He propped himself up with a wing that was now faintly aching. He had a bit of a coughing fit, as Harth got up.
“Teba…” he trailed off, still in a bit of shock. “Wh…Where the hell’d you get a crazy idea like that from?”
The warrior had the strength to shrug with one shoulder. “New hobby?”
Harth playfully shoved Teba back into the snow as they both laughed.
Teba stared up at the frozen sky. It was already fading blue, the brink of night and day tipping towards a yet unseen sun.
That wasn’t so bad. Just a few arrows, a quiver, a book, and we’ve got justice for our village. If we hurry we can make it back before breakfast and Kaneli’s none the wiser.
Harth stood over him and offered a wing. “Alright, let’s go grab your bow and get out of here. I think I can feel my tail feathers freezing off.”
Teba shivered, reaching out to get up. “Yeah, no kidding. It’s almost like it—GUH!” He crumpled to his knees.
“Teba!” Harth propped up his back as he went to inspect him. He gasped when he saw his wing.
The black feather accents were laced with ice, the very tips of his wing were already starting to become glassy and stiff. Teba held back a yelp as he felt the ice grow further up his wing.
“Oh shitshitshit, that Blizzard Rod still got you.” Harth frantically went to remove a piece of cloth from his armour to wrap it around the ice. “Try to keep that warm. Uh. The mountain lodge is nearby, maybe we can get a blanket? Oh shitshitshit….”
Teba mumbled something incoherent as he felt the ice grow further.
“Guh… We can just keep this incident between us like planned, yeah? Kaneli is gonna be pissed that I blew up his quiver.’”
“Idiot! Get on my back, you could lose a wing!”
“It’s not as bad as it looks. I could probably still fly.”
“Your feathers are snapping off, fuckface!”
Harth tried to get Teba to stand, but stopped when he started to hiss in pain. The cold on his left wing was starting to course through his whole body, and he shivered.
“Ok, ok. Maybe it’ll warm up when I get in the air. I’ll just start flapping a lot to keep the blood flowing. That’s how that works, right?”
“At that rate, you’ll not only be brainless, but wingless too.” A sudden voice echoed.
The boys looked up to see a set of pink feathers descend from the air. Harth’s eyes glowed with both immense relief and confusion.
“Thank Hylia, Saki….wait, what are you doing here, I—”
“Shhhhh…” Saki took out a sword, causing further confusion and shock to come to the boys. “All you need to know for now is that I was by the Hebra Trailhead Lodge when I heard a commotion that I can only assume you two fools caused.” She tried to press the blade against the ice on Teba’s wing.
Teba’s eyes darted between Harth and Saki. The feathers nearly everywhere on him but his left wing started to puff up given how close she was. He could smell a mix of nutmeg and warm safflina from her.
“I…uh…” Teba was rapped in the head with the broad side of Saki’s sword. “Ah! Hey—”
“Don’t move, before I decide on amputation.” Both of the warrior’s eyes widened. “Just joking! Ahaha… for now anyway.” Her cute little chuckle echoed in the air.
Saki finally put down the blade. She shook her head, the curls of her hair bouncing above her shoulders. “It’s already too strong to scrape off.” Harth’s head was turning left and right above them, like a child trying to get a peak of the action. Digging through the satchel on her shoulder, Saki took out a few heads of sunshrooms.
“Hold these, we don’t want that ice magic seeping in any further. It can spread to the blood faster than you think.” Teba’s beak was still agape when he obliged.
The pink colored Rito gave him a soft smile as she tucked a wing under his neck. She expertly flipped the Feathered Edge in her wing, so that it’s blunt side was aimed at Teba,
“Now, if your muscles move and contract any more, it’s just gonna cause any of the ice inside there to snap, effectively paralyzing you. We need to make sure there's no chance of that happening.”
Saki leaned down and pressed her head against Teba’s for a moment, planting the Rito equivalent of a peck on the cheek. “Take that as my premature apology.” Saki said. And that was the last thing he heard before he saw the swing of the blade’s hilt and everything went black.
- - - - -
Teba awoke with the sun in his eyes. He blinked, adjusting his gaze before identifying a blur of pink feathers in front of him.
“—and no doubt they’ve discovered you’re missing by now if she hasn’t said anything already. I’d fly back myself to inform the elders, but…” She trailed off, fiddling with the bandage.
“I could do it. You’ve probably already got your plate full with—gah!” A broad side of a Feathered Edge whacked Harth’s head.
“No. You need to keep that cut warm and toasty and uninfected. This bind won’t hold in those strong winds, and we can’t have the Tabantha skies blowing dust and grime into it.” Saki used her blade to cut the excess bandage on Harth’s neck, to which he slightly gulped.
Teba tried to sit up from where he lay. The Hylian style bed creaked under his shifting, and he muttered something about missing hammocks.
Saki suddenly stood, eyes lighting up to see Teba. “Oh good! You’re awake, let’s see how you’re doing.” She rushed to hold his wing, to which his heart immediately jumped into his throat.
“Saki, I—” Teba attempted to be articulate, but was distracted by the tenderness of her touch, and the sudden sweet smell of nutmeg and vanilla in the air.
“Stop moving your wing, Teba.” Saki examined all sides of his wing with a practiced eye. “I made the elixir in time to counter any frostbite, but you should still rest for at least another hour to make sure all the ice inside is truly melted.”
He couldn’t hide the surprise on his face. “You…remember my name?” It had been a few weeks since he had last seen her in the village infirmary. Usually he only saw the older doctors tending to patients.
“Well of course.” Saki cocked her head and gave him a warm smile. “I remember all my stupid patients.”
“Am I included?”
“Yes, Harth.”
Teba’s eyes widened when she unsheathed her blade again. So much was happening so fast that surely if he wasn’t coddled in bed right now, he’d be snapping bones from the whiplash.
Saki held the metal near his wing. “The ice on your coat has softened by now, so I’ll just scrape it off,” Her blade gleamed with her bright smile. “Stay still!”
The warrior’s eyes continued to flicker between his wing, the blade, Saki, and Harth. Looking out the window, he saw the crisp blue sky glowing above a now serene and pleasant white snowfield.
“I don’t understand. Where…how long have….” He trailed off, but looked back at Saki. “What are you doing here?”
Saki stopped for a moment. “I…” Her shoulders sagged a bit as she paused. “Well…I know the elders said not to engage with the Wizzrobe incident. But…” She fixed her eyes on his wing.
“I’m a part of this village, and I care about its people. Those who are hurt, were hurt, or could be. I don’t like standing by when I could be helping.”
She looked back up and met his gaze. A pleasant blue that greeted the sun. “You understand, right? ‘We risk our lives everyday, might as well use it for something worthwhile.’ That’s the excuse you told me when I first met you.” She brushed a feather under one of his eyes. “Although, you were half unconscious, so I don’t blame you if you forgot. So anyhow! I stayed here in case any travelers came by with wounds or injuries. Keeps my heart at ease rather than just cooping up at home.”
Saki went back to removing the thin bits of ice on his wing, humming to herself. Teba savored the moment for what felt like a century, heart fluttering every time she glanced up to check on him.
Harth finally quipped in, tone playful. “Guess you’ve pretty much got the same mindset as us “fools,” eh, Ms. Saki?” He kicked back in his chair and crossed a leg over his knee. “Birds of a feather….heh.”
Saki snapped her head around to glare at Harth. “Actually,” the tone could cut steel, “The difference here, is that I had the common sense to not go out looking for a fight. I had the basic logic to understand that fighting a monster on its own turf would be reckless and idiotic. I had the brains to gather further supplies than a mere five fire arrows. And I actually had the decency to inform someone of my whereabouts should anything unexpected happen, rather than having the arrogance to think things would always go according to my own plans.”
She sighed again. “I hate to make Amali worry, but I’d rather stay here to look after you two while she informs someone to come pick you both up.”
Harth shut his trap real quick after that, to which Teba would have probably laughed if he wasn’t also scared of the possibility of getting the same treatment from her.
After a few more minutes, Saki finally finished up and patted his wing. Teba mustered enough courage to speak.
“Thank you…for everything.” He tried to prop himself up in the bed. “I can probably fly back in this condition. Kaneli’s probably gonna kill me twice over if I don’t get back soon.”
“Yeah, wouldn’t want to piss daddy off,” Harth snickered.
“Fuck off, Harth.” Teba and Saki quipped simultaneously. Teba however, was a bit taken aback by how calmly and sweetly she had spoken. The thoughts were knocked out of his brain when Saki rapped his skull with her blade again. “Ow! Would you—”
Saki pointed the blade at his throat. She was so close he was sure she could hear his heartbeat fast…and it wasn’t just from fear.
“Firstly, no. Neither of you boys will be leaving anytime soon so long as I’m here. You will be staying in bed,” she glared at Harth, but kept the blade on Teba, “And you will be keeping your tail feathers glued in that chair.” Saki turned back to Teba with a sweet smile.
“You will be staying here for the next eight hours, not so much as scratching the tiniest itch on that wing. Then, when someone comes here to pick you both up like I discussed, you will keep seeing me for at least another two weeks so I can monitor your injury. And perhaps when that’s all done, I will think about baking you a pie in celebration of your heroic feat tonight.”
She pressed the Feathered Edge a bit closer to his throat. “However, if this turn of events does not come into fruition…let’s say, if for some completely silly reason either of you decided to leave this cabin and fly home, well. I will just have to make sure to give you a reason to stay bedridden for another month. Do I make myself clear, warriors?”
The boys nodded as quickly as they could.
“Wonderful! I’m so glad we’re on the same page!” Saki's smile and tone was so quiet and sweet as she sheathed her blade once more.
Teba could still feel his heart thumping against his chest. There was a pleasant silence as the lodge was filled with the crackling of fire, and the occasional chirp of a morning bird. He stared at the way Saki’s eyes dazzled like a delicate sky.
Saki clicked her tongue. “Oh you poor thing. You’re still freezing aren’t you? Your feathers are all ruffled up.”
On instinct, the feathers on his neck—and pretty much everywhere else over—puffed up. “UH. Oh! Yeah. Cold. Very cold…yes.” He looked away and started coughing. Saki got up to get something by the fireplace, while Harth did his best to hide his snickering. Teba silently mouthed “help me” to Harth, which only further hindered his attempts to hide a laugh.
The pink Rito flashed one last pleasant smile at the two of them as she made her back towards the door. “Alright, I’m just gonna grab the firewood outside so I’ll be back in a moment. You’ll be alright, right? Nothing’s still aching or anything?”
Even muscle in Teba’s body seemed to melt at the way she curiously cocked her head to the side with a smile. The best he could do was mumbled out his thoughts before he had the chance to think them through.
“With you looking at—after me, I think I’ll be fine.”
Saki chuckled and Teba felt a combined feeling of pride and embarrassment. As she closed the door, Harth looked back at him.
“Very smooth. Quite the wordsmith.”
“Shut it, fuckface.”
- - - - -
“What do you want?”
The doctor grumbled rudely as Teba did his best to not seem like a complete idiot. “Uh…Saki?”
“You want Saki?”
His mind shifted to a daydream. “Yeah…” Whenever her name was mentioned he couldn’t help but smile, but that fell away when he snapped back to reality. “WAIT, I mean— no. I don’t want— I mean not no, I just didn’t mean it like— I just.” Teba grumbled some more. “Where she is. I want where she is, or… need. I don’t want. I’ve never wanted— I just need the location. Her location, currently. Which is not here. Where is she. Please…”
Teba put on his best smile despite the fact that he felt like his body was suddenly on fire. Perhaps that was a habit learned from the Wizzrobe incident.
The doctor shook her head. “Kids and their incoherent rambling— She's coming back from Slippery Falcon last I checked. Baking another Get-Well-Soon fish pie, I assume.”
“Ah, great! That’s fantastic. Yes. Yeah! Great. Thank you so much, Una—”
“Get out already, Teba. This place is for the sick and injured. Not the…” she glanced at him with a raised eyebrow, “awkward, and alive. Both of which are actually quite surprising to see from you…”
He managed to give a weak mix of a scoff and a nervous laugh before promptly leaving.
Descending the many steps of Rito village, Teba’s mind raced with thoughts.
Just gotta not fuck up one conversation. Just a simple question! Just...quick little hang out...thing. Yeah. Yep. I can do that. She’s seen me blabber worse when I’m unconscious, so what’s one sober conversation. I’ve killed things! Why am I even stumbling over a few words? Tsk. Yeah. I’ve seen monsters and beasts and blood and blades, I've got this. This is doable, I can do this.
He suddenly bumped into a pink colored Rito at one of the turns, and she laughed as she fumbled with the honeycomb and butter held in her arms.
“Oh my! Well, good morning, Teba.”
I can’t do this.
“And where are you off to this lovely morning?” Saki tilted her head curiously, to which Teba’s eyes immediately dilated.
“…uh…I…” Was it just him or were her feathers slightly fluffier than usual? “I just wanted to…say hi.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Well.” She gave him a cheerful wave with a free wing, clutching her ingredients close to her chest. “Hi!”
“Y-Yeah. Hi…” Teba just stood there as Saki continued walking up the stairs behind him.
Fuckfuckfuckfuck do something, idiot I don’t have—
“Actually Teba…” Saki suddenly turned back around to face him. He quickly leaned a wing against the railing to seem casual. “If you’re not doing anything right now…do you mind helping me with something?”
Teba felt like he responded just a bit too quick. “Yes! Definitely. I can do that.” He coughed, and held out a wing. “You want me to hold something for you?”
She beamed. “Yes! Come on.” She shifted her baking ingredients in one wing, and used her free wing to hold his. Saki dragged him along as their feathers intertwined. Teba’s soul immediately left the mortal realm and his physical body was left stumbling and sputtering.
“I have something heating up upstairs, so hurry along now.” She spoke quickly, not really having the extra confidence to look him in the eyes. But at this point they could both feel each other’s feathers poof as they held wings.
Carrying a mix of honey, Tabantha wheat, and butter, they both eventually made their way to the public kitchen where a fire was roaring.
Teba started grumbling apologies, but Saki cut him off by shoving a wood spoon and a bowl into his chest.
“Your rebellious nature won’t apply to cookbooks, yes?”
And with that, they got to it. Teba’s mind was still processing the events of fifteen minutes ago so while he stared blankly at Saki, he struggled to do the basic task of mixing.
“Here,” she held his wing and adjusted his grip on the spoon. If she wasn’t a pink Rito she might have blushed. “Try not to fling the batter out the window.”
They both started to gain just a bit more confidence as they continued working. Teba started to tease Saki a bit as he held the bowl with the salmon filling above her.
“What’s one little taste? It’s all gonna be eaten at the end, isn’t it?”
“Don’t you dare, it’s still raw!”
“Just one little dip.”
“If you stick one dirty little feather in that bowl I swear I’ll—”
Teba continued trying to dance around her, but she eventually got it back after a quick whack in the head with a spoon.
The morning flew above them, and the shades of a blue day were laced with clouds of white. The shadows of the hut spun across the floor like a spell. Eventually, the aroma of savoury fish with hints of butter filled the air. Teba grabbed a fork.
“This Get-Well pie was for me, yeah? So let me just—” Saki slapped his wing.
“Not yet, gosh.” She stole his utensil. “You forgot the most important part!”
Saki pressed the edge of the fork on the plain face of the fish pie, giving the little fishy a simple, honest grin.
“That’s a bit creepy.”
“What?! No…it’s cute! A joyful little fish!”
“You know that this is just gonna be decapitated by me, yeah?”
“It’s about the sentiment, Teba. Hush.”
True to his word, Teba used a knife to take the first bite, decapitating the little creature. Stuffing his beak, his eyes immediately lit up. The flaky crust paired perfectly with the soft meat, the taste and texture beyond amazing.
Saki tilted her head, curious. “Well? How is it?”
“Mmmbfhbgm. Myeah. Yum.”
She clapped. “Oh I’m glad! I actually ignored the ratio a bit and put a bit more butter, so it’s good that that worked out.”
“What happened to following the instructions and rules?”
She narrowed her eyes and crossed her wings over her chest, playfully. “I don’t know… What happened to that priceless journal from Master Revali that was found to be missing from records a few days ago?”
“Damn. Fair enough, then.”
Saki suddenly gasped. “Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry I completely forgot about the time. You usually sneak off to practice Master Revali’s techniques by now, don’t you?” She went to grab a napkin. “Here, you can wrap this up and take it to the Flight Range, I didn’t mean to keep you for so—”
Teba went to grab one of her wings. “Hey hey! It’s ok. I’m still supposed to keep off the wing anyway, right?”
Saki scoffed, but didn’t pull away. “Oh, like you’ve been following that…”
“Better late than never?”
Teba finally let go, and they stood in front of each other for a bit. Saki played with the curls of her hair, avoiding his gaze. Teba felt his feathers fluff up again, as he mumbled something.
“Hmm?” She looked up.
“Oh. I…didn’t say anything.”
“Ah, Right.” She looked away.
The warrior struggled to find the right words. In an effort to do anything but stay silent, he went to hold her wing again. Both of their feathers immediately floofed in response.
“S-Sorry. I should have—”
“No, it’s alright.” She kept his grip. “It’s alright.”
They both looked in opposite directions, Teba coughed again while Saki fiddled with her hair. The warrior continued screaming in his own mind, begging for some form of suitable and understandable words to come out of his beak. When he turned to speak, Saki cut him off with a soft smile.
“You know, Teba. You don’t have to say anything.”
His beak opened and closed for a few moments, confused. Finally he settled on his thoughts. “Can I try?”
She nodded. “If you really want to.”
Saki wrapped her wings around his shoulders, looking up at him expectantly. When he looked into her eyes, all he could feel was the embrace of a summer’s wind. It was blue. Cerulean. Perhaps teal, or a comparison of sapphire. There was a romantic simile in the world somewhere that he didn’t bother to find.
This close, he could see her eyes dilate, and count small imperfections on her beak. Teba stood as still as ice, before breathing out a bit in relief. He allowed himself to smile, and held her hips and swayed to some unknown rippling melody. Perhaps for just this moment, he accepted it. His words didn’t matter as his gaze lit up sweet and gold and honey. Finally, as they swayed and danced in warmth, the sun to the sky said,
“You look nice.”
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falling-fineline · 3 years
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Rest It On Your Fingertips
(Cake Hoodings one shot)
hi! you can call me elle!
this is my first cake ever one-shot!
ive never written anything like this before so please be kind and i did write this in 2 days while i was high and horny and thinking about calum and luke.
the following one shot does have references to self-harm so tread lightly.
other than that, this is just a angsty smutty fluffy mess! hope you like it! please reblog or like this post if you do or you can read it on ao3
come talk with me! im swear i dont bite! xx
“Heeeeey, you said I could have the last puff,” Luke whines, sticking out his bottom lip.
Even from right beside him as he pulls on the rooch, eyes hooded, Calum can see how chewed up his boyfriend’s bottom lip is. His teeth working relentlessly ever since the two of them started smoking after their show. For a brief moment, Calum wonders why the other was so nervous as he turns to face luke on the bed, slowly mo0ving his left hand to grasp Luke’s chin. Leaning in, the older bloke blew the last of their shared joint into the other's lips.
Calum’s lips lingered on luke’s for just a moment before he leant back on the headboard, admiring Luke’s side profile as he exhales out slowly, the smoke curling around in the air in front of them. Casted by the low lamp light, Luke’s nose looks more fairy-like against the stark shadows.
Luke hums contently, eyes closed, a huge grin on his lips. Luke tilts his head back as he too leaned back against the headboard, relaxing into the wooden board as the high seeps through him. He’s on the good side of buzzed, feeling warmth circling through his veins, slouching further into the mattress.
Calum glances and notices that Luke has his eyes closed. Feeling unusually brave, (probably from the weed), Calum leans in and licks a bold strip up the side of Luke’s left cheek. His tongue runs along Luke’s beard, getting a loud open-mouthed laugh bursting out of the blond.
“That tickles!” Luke’s shaking shoulders from his laughter bumps into calum’s black vest cladded chest.
Luke’s black leather jacket hung in the bathroom to air dry out the smells of a 2 hour show. The blond lad’s red silk button up looked blood red under the warm hotel room lights. Calum can’t help but run his hands slowly down from Luke’s chin, trailing down the button band, first through Luke’s chest hair, fingers moving on to clink his finger nails against the bottoms, small clacking sounds is barely heard over the sound of music that’s playing from calum’s Bluetooth speaker.
Luke’s eyes flutter open as he senses the warmth radiating off calum’s hands casting over his chest as it hovers there, actions paused for a moment.
Today was Calum and Luke’s one month anniversary of when Calum asked a shy looking luke out, a blush painted on the blond’s cheeks as the younger lad had nodded fervently with a huge his playing on his lips. His lips. Which were nervously being bitten. Why was he nervous? It could be because of the conversation they had this morning.
Luke had clung longer than usual when they had their morning cuddles. When Calum asked his boyfriend what was on his mind, the blond took a breathe and answered into calum’s stomach.
“I want us to finally have sex tonight..After the show. Like all the way. I want to celebrate tonight. I want you in me, Cal.” Luke’s voice had tapered off toward the end, getting more and more anxious the longer he went on. Calum had scooped Luke into his arms and hugged him tight, lifting the other off their feet. Luke had laughed open mouthed like he does when he’s happy.
Fast forward to now, where Calum can clearly see the blond’s growing bulge that’s hidden under cotton white Calvin klein briefs. Clearly ready for their first time together. Calum noticed that Luke always got horny when they got high. Whereas Calum got mellow, calmer, more observant of his surroundings. And it wasn’t until recently that Calum caught on that yes Luke was affectionate but he was also trying to flirt with Calum when he was high. Having the edge off from the weed had helped Luke’s courage and self-esteem a lot.
Calum had also noticed that Luke’s hands unconsciously played with the bottom hems of his briefs, pulling them down further his pale thighs whenever they rode up from movement.
“What’s got my pretty boy’s head all worked up?” Calum asked the blond lad across from him. Both hands coming down to hold and steady Luke’s nervous pair. Although every other part of look is hot to the touch, his hands remain cold. Poor circulation do to his nerves probably.
“I’m nervous of how you’ll… react.” Luke said into his chest, head bowed down to hide his face from Calum’s view. Hands squeezing shut under calum’s tattooed pair.
“React to what?”
In the dim bed side light that’s casting over Luke’s face, it looks as if Luke’s eyes are filled to the brim with tears, holding it back for the sake of show. The blond's cheeks grow hot in embarrassment even though he doesn’t know why because he’s cried in front of Calum before.
“You’re my best friend, bandmate and boyfriend, babe, you can tell me anything that’s on your mind and hopefully I’ll help you alleviate your troubles.” Calum strokes his thumb across the backs of Luke’s hands to try to ease him down, try not to get him too worked up. His other hand came up to stroke across the bottom of Luke’s left eye and swiped some tears away.
“I’d like to keep my shirt on if that’s alright with you.” Luke said firmly, looking up into calum’s eyes to communicate his conviction.
“Of course, whatever you’re comfortable with, pet.”
Luke blushes a light shade of pink at the pet name. And, with new found courage, the blond closes the distance between their lips. Mouths working together, the kiss begins at a slow tempo, hands roaming bodies as lightly as the afternoon wind sweeps over red dessert peaks and valleys. The kiss turns breathless when Calum’s hands wander past Luke’s perky nipples, erected due to the immense pleasure and connection he’s feeling between them. The brunette takes his time kissing down Luke’s torso, nuzzling his face into blond curly chest hair to get a breathless laugh from Luke.
Usually, when the two of them get intimate, it’s usually Calum receiving pleasure while luke eagerly gives it. They have had their fair share of dressing room quick blowjobs. And it’s not that Calum doesn’t have love to give back. He has so much actually, but luke always pushes his hands away or if the blond does get really eager for relief, he keeps his briefs on while Calum sucked him off.
Calum never questioned Luke on why he keeps certain clothes on during sex, but he chalks it up to Luke slowly opening up to him and being more and more comfortable when the two of them get intimate.
So when Calum goes to remove Luke’s briefs, he looks up to the blond and asks “Is it alright if I take this off for you?”
Calum can feel the blond’s muscles tighten then release for a moment before he answers with a quiet “yes”.
Agonizingly slow, Calum takes off Luke’s briefs, Luke lifting up his bum to help his boyfriend with the process. When they get settled again, Luke’s briefs thrown beside the bed, Calum finally understands why Luke had been nervous about. Or really, Calum sees them.
Thin messy white lines of healed scar tissue line Luke’s inner thighs, strokes beside one another in a somewhat orderly fashion. Not one of them are any longer than 5cm in length, but the sheer amount of them made beside one another is jarring. Calum feels Luke’s eyes on him as the brunet takes it all in.
“Y-you don’t have to… pay any mind to them.” Luke’s voice trembles a bit as his left hand goes to grab a hold of calum’s hand, grasping it tightly.
Calum’s eyes are filled with unshed tears as he softly uses his free hand to stroke over the fading scars. There’s roughly 30 odd lines riddled into Luke’s fleshy skin, on each thigh.
In a quiet whisper, Calum asks “Can I know when it started?”
Luke answers a while later. “The breakup with her was hard for me to… process. And then when we came off tour, I was all alone in my house and I-… it was like I was in my own personal purgatory. It was Ashton that actually found me in my bathroom,” The blond gulps, eyes casted downwards. “after I had cut myself particularly too hard, I had panicked and called Ash. He came into my house but for a while I didn’t open the bathroom door for him. I was so ashamed. I was scared too though. So the fear brought me to opening the door for Ash and when he saw how pale I was, how unwell I was, he asked me to move in with him for a while. Until I got back on my feet.”
The blond lulled his head until it landed in the crooks of calum’s shoulder. Calum leans his head into Luke’s for a moment then speaks.
“Luke Hemmings, I love you so damn much. You are the strongest person I know and you’ve come so far. So so far. You are a bright light in my life that I look forward to seeing and loving every single day. So Luke, will you let me take care of you tonight?” Calum’s hands start to sweat as he waits for the blond to answer.
“Yeah, alright.” Luke whispers, closing his eyes as he moves to get settled on the bed with a pillow put behind his head.
Calum’s about to stick his pointer finger into his mouth to lube it up with spit when Luke’s eyes snap open and he grabs a hold of calum’s hand mid air. Luke slowly recloses his eyes as he sticks calum’s pointer finger into his mouth, pink lips surrounding his knuckle. A low moan is hummed around calum’s finger as Luke lows down at Calum, where he’s lying his head on Luke’s hip, eyes hooded but Calum can see a glassy sheen to Luke’s eyes that tell him that he’s feeling mighty good right now.
That sparkle in his eyes, coupled with the low moans emitting from the blond’s mouth has got Calum frantically giving himself a quick squeeze to relieve some pressure.
Taking his finger out of Luke’s mouth, Luke eagerly watches his boyfriend strategically lube his other fingers with the slick split luke provided. Once Covered optimally, in one swift motion, Calum inserts a lubed up pointer finger into Luke’s hole as his mouth grabs a hold of Luke’s dick and swallows him down, sliding his finger in matching the slow pace.
Luke’s eyes are glued to the brunet, mesmerized, as his boyfriend enthusiastically bobs up and down his hardened cock, slick with spit. Calum pops off Luke’s cock and starts jerking him off in a more rapid pace, his fingers gaining speed. Somewhere between Calum playing with Luke’s balls and Luke, he swears to God, moaning out calum’s name when his fingers curve and hit his prostate, calum’s got 3 fingers in luke.
“so…fucking deep” A moan breaks out at the end of his sentence and Luke’s hips jerk up unconsciously, trying to shove his cock into the back of calum’s throat.
Calum’s gagging on it, sloppy sounds emit from the bed that would make anyone blush if heard. Calum loves how Luke’s fully letting himself feel the high and the pleasure of being pleased for once. A silent moan fits on the blond’s lips as he says “I need you, right now, please” It comes out like a breatheless whine towards the end but seeing luke ask for what he wants is turning calum on more than he thought was possible. Calum let’s Luke’s dick slip out of his pink overworked mouth to speak.
“you want my cock in you, pet?” calum’s voice is hoarse and so fucked out it’s the hottest thing Luke’s every heard. Calum takes out his 3 fingers, just to shove them back up to his knuckles as his tongue licks a strip up Luke’s being cock, pre cum spewing from the tip and onto his stomach. Luke’s hazy mind didn’t register the question that was directed towards him until a moment later. Luke’s gaze wanders from his dick up to calum’s moving mouth, and sees his own pre cum is gathered by the side of calum’s left side of his lips. Luke feels himself get impossibly harder at the raunchy sight.
“what?” Luke asks, speech delayed.
“I asked if you’re ready for me now, babe.” Calum sits up, adjusting his seating position so his own erection isn't squished. Luke was so caught up in his own pleasure that he forgot about his boyfriend.
A frown forms on the blond’s lips as he reaches for calum’s bulge. “Baby, I’m sorry I-“ Calum kindly swats Luke’s sloth like hands away before he cuts him off.
“I said that I’ll take care of you tonight, didn’t I? So that’s what I’m gonna do, will you let me?” Calum brings a hand to run through the blond locks in front of him.
Luke nods, so Calum takes his hand out of Luke’s hair, sets it beside his head on the pillow. The other hand jerks himself off a few strokes. Lining up his cock, Calum leans down to kiss Luke as he pushes in slowly, to the hilt.
A low groan escapes from Luke’s mouth as a moan comes out of calum’s as he resists the urge to pull out to pump back in again so early.
“You feeling alright, love?” Calum breathes the words onto Luke’s lips as the blond nods and says “Move.”
Calum wastes no time and pumps into Luke like all the times he’s fantasized about this moment in locker room showers.
Luke’s got his eyes scrunched shut, his legs bouncing around calum’s round hips. Soft “uh uh uh’s” stream out of luke’s pink lips. Luke tightens his legs around Calum, all while he sticks his tongue down calum’s throat, wrapping both hands around calum’s neck, holding him there for a moment.
They kiss fervently, Like tasting himself on calum’s lips. They kiss as if tomorrow will never come and tonight is the last chance to show their love for each other. Calum shifts his hips, circling them in a way that’s got them both moaning a string of curse words at the pleasure.
The sounds of skin slapping on slick skin echo around the walls as the sounds of harry styles’ tune Medicine starts to play.
Here to take my medicine, take my medicine
Treat you like a gentleman
Give me that adrenaline, that adrenaline
I think I’m gonna stick with you
Here to take my medicine, take my medicine
Rest it on your fingertips
Up to your mouth, feeling it out
Feeling it out
Calum swirls his tongue around Luke’s mouth, playing tag with the blond’s active tongue.
I had a few, got drunk on you and now I’m wasted
And when I sleep I’m gonna dream of how you tasted
Calum’s steady rhythm rocks into Luke, a rhythmic thud can be heard as the headboard bangs against the wall.
If you go out tonight, I’m going out ‘cause I know you’re persuasive
You got that something, I got me an appetite, now I can taste it
We’re getting dizzy, oh, we’re getting dizzy, oh
La la la la la
You get me dizzy, oh, you get me dizzy, oh
Luke begins stroking his own cock, his mind muddle by the weed and absolute euphoria he felt running through his veins. Heat began to gather in his stomach as his orgasm began to build.
Tingle running through my bones, fingers to my toes
Tingle running through my bones
The boys and the girls are in
I mess around with him
And I’m okay with it
“Where to do want me to cum?” Calum pants into Luke’s right ear, hips never tiring their movements as they ram into the blond’s hole, skin slapping on skin.
I’m coming down, I figured out I kinda like it
And when I sleep I’m gonna dream of how you ride it
“cum inside me, please cal, I want you to cum inside, I want your load in me god I want it so bad please please please.” Luke sounds so gone, speaking mindlessly, words meshing into the next, slurring speech. Calum pulls back his head and sees that Luke’s already looking at him. His blue eyes are bleary, constantly glancing from side to side, trying to focus on calum’s warm brown ones. Pupils blown, can barely see where the baby blues have gone in the heat of ecstasy. Sweat seeps into the pillow under luke’s head, moisture on his forehead. Curls unruly and matted against his face. Mouth hanging open has he’s pounded by his boyfriend. Luke Hemmings looking like this, fucked out and on the edge of climax, was a sight for calum’s sore eyes only.
If you go out tonight, I’m going out ‘cause I know you’re persuasive
You got that something, I got me an appetite, now I can taste it
We’re getting dizzy, oh, we’re getting dizzy, oh
La la la la la
You get me dizzy, oh, you get me dizzy, oh
I had a few, got drunk on you and now I’m wasted
Luke cums with a shout of calum’s name, eyes scrunched shut as his body spasms with pleasure. He paints his stomach with his spunk, white goop sticky on his stomach and chest. Although he slumps back onto the bed a little bit, he pulls calum’s head down beside his and starts whispering into the brunet’s ear, under the sound of music playing.
If you go out tonight, I’m going out ‘cause I know you’re persuasive
You got that something, I got me an appetite, now I can taste it
We’re getting dizzy, oh, we’re getting dizzy, oh
La la la la la
You get me dizzy, oh, you get me dizzy, oh
“I want you to fill me up, Cal, release your load into me, let me milk you out cal, milk you out with my tight tight hole. I wanna feel you pulse in me cal, Calum, Mmm.” Calum pumps one final time before he buries his face into the crook of Luke’s neck, teeth grabbing onto flex as he cums inside Luke’s hole, teeth biting down momentarily. That’s going to leave a mark. Oops.
As they both come down from their highs, Calum pulls out of Luke slowly. White spunk drip out of Luke’s hole into a small puddle onto the bed sheets.
Luke cuddles into calum’s shoulder, chest rising evenly as it falls with each breath he takes. Minds coming down from their own orgasmic highs.
“Thanks for that. I felt so good. So..loved.” Luke blushes a bit at his remark, then a small grin settles on his lips. He turns around onto his stomach, still lying on Calum. Calum eyes crinkle before he speaks.
“I love you and I want you to know that your light shines brighter than the gold glitter you put on your eyelids before you go on stage. Your light is so unique and irreplaceable. I look forward to loving you more and more each day so please, stay.” Calum annunciates the last word with a soft peck of his lips against the blond’s.
Luke does continue on. Staying by calum’s side, in the band, in the world. He surrounds himself with the loved ones he had once convinced himself that they didn’t love him back. He is well loved by all, especially Calum.
Some days are harder than the others, with Luke bed ridden for days on end. Boxes upon boxes of tissues are used up to soak up at the tears he’s got to shed. Or he’d be numb out of his mind, staring out the bus window, trying to actually See what’s in front of himself and not just noticing it.
Other times, he takes petunia out for walks and works out with Calum and goes to the studio with Ash and plays Mario Kart with Michael.
Luke takes it one day at a time.
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fuckin-georg · 4 years
Kravitz Went Down to Fantasy Georgia
It was scorching hot in Fantasy Georgia when the stranger came. A quiet, sweltering August day. The kind that discourages any sort of movement whatsoever. Most of the residents of Fantasy Georgia had taken to sitting on their doorsteps, casting cold spells as much as their spell slots would allow. The non-magic users of the town quickly sidled up to the magic users, aiding with fans and anything cold they could find. Business owners had their doors opened, and a drow woman, the owner of the local bar, brought out fresh lemonade to anyone who wanted it. On the steps of a building on the right side of the street, a young elven woman played a fiddle, providing a welcome entertainment. A human man leaned against the stair railing, watching her play with a mix of admiration and love.
The stranger seemed to materialize out of the horizon line, melting into reality like a desert mirage. His dark suit, dark hat and dark horse certainly stood out in the hot Fantasy Georgia sun, but the stranger wasn’t even breaking a sweat. His handsome face was set in a stern expression, and he rode with a purpose. Little did the people of Fantasy Georgia know how much of an act he was putting on.
Kravitz was in trouble. The Raven Queen was kind and patient, much more patient than Kravitz ever was with himself, and she had been giving him dozens of second chances to catch the liches he’d been pursuing for months. These red robed specters have been giving him quite the chase: through the mines of Phandalin, winding through the Felicity Wilds, and even to the moon and back. But finally, he had them tracked down to this small desert town. Soon this wild goose chase will be all over.
As soon as he enters the small town, all eyes were on him. A burly, bearded man standing outside of a carpentry shop paused his work on a wheelchair to look at him. Kravitz tipped his hat towards him, and he nodded his head back at him. A dwarven man sat outside of the local church, as two young children played in front of him. From behind the building where the bar was, a young elven man carried a box of food, but stopped in his tracks as he saw Kravitz. When he noticed Kravitz looking at him, he smirked and winked, and continued walking. Kravitz blushed and coughed loudly. That was the last thing Kravitz needed right now. He was so close to the liches he could feel it. He couldn’t afford to be distracted by a very handsome elf. Not right now, at least.
Finally, Kravitz came upon the young fiddle player and her admirer. He couldn’t help but be impressed at her skill with a violin. He had always appreciated good music in life and in death, and she obviously had a gift. He dismounted his horse as casually as he could, which meant that he fumbled with his footing a little bit as he went to the ground. He heard a snicker behind him, and then a voice.
“First time riding a horse, city boy?”
Kravitz heard the music stop, and saw the woman looking at him. He chuckled.
“Was it that obvious?” He silently cursed himself for his ridiculous accent. It was an old habit he was trying to stop, but old habits die hard. Pun intended.
“Nah, just a feeling. Your giant black suit definitely doesn’t give anything away. Seriously I’m sweating my ass off just looking at you.” She turned to the man sitting next to her. “Babe, you wanna get us some lemonade from Ren?”
“Sure thing.” The man kissed her cheek and got up to go to the bar. The woman put her fiddle down and stood up, smoothing the wrinkles on her clothes. “So what brings you here?”
Kravitz paused for a moment, trying to find the right words.
“Ah I see. Trying to open a fantasy Hot Topic?”
Kravitz gave another chuckle as he looked down at the ground. “No, nothing like that. Doesn’t seem like that would be a big seller here.” She laughs at that. Another pause. “Actually Lup, my business here is more…personal.” And as he looked at her, his eyes glowed red, and for a moment, he let his human form flicker to his skeletal form, and then back again. Lup shivered in the sun.
Kravitz reached into the air and a book materialized into his hand. He opened it and flipped through it until he found the page he was looking for.
“Lup, you are under arrest for necromantic crimes against the Raven Queen and the natural world, including but not limited to: becoming a lich, evading capture, and for the use of arson against multiple reapers.”
Lup looked affronted. “Now, wait a sec there, ghost rider, y’all are already dead. I don’t think a little fire is gonna do any real damage.”
Kravitz snapped the book shut, pointedly ignoring her comment. He lifted the book back into the air, and it dematerialized. With his other hand, he summoned his scythe.
“You couldn’t run forever, Lup. Now you can come quietly with me and we’ll do this properly, or it can get very ugly very fast.”
It was at that opportune moment that Lup’s boyfriend decided to come back, precariously carrying three glasses of lemonade that he was intently focused on not dropping.
“Alright. I didn’t know if you wanted any lemonade, so I got us three just in ca-“
He looked up and saw Lup, the stranger, and a scythe. The stranger turned his head toward him and flashed his red eyes once more. He brought the book back and opened it to-
“Barry Bluejeans: multiple counts of necromantic crimes against the Raven Queen, including becoming a lich and evading capture multiple times. You are also under arrest.” And the book disappeared once more. Barry just stared dumbfounded at the stranger.
“…So no lemonade, then.”
Lup put her hands up, seemingly looking to negotiate a deal.
“Alright, listen, ghost rider. Can I call you ghost rider?”
“I would prefer if you called me Kravitz.” He growled a little. He definitely was not in the mood to negotiate with these undead abominations who refuse to go in quietly, if they ever go in at all.
“Alright, skeletor. You’ve been following us for a while now. Let me ask you something. … Have you ever actually seen us do any harm to anybody else?”
Kravitz gripped his scythe harder and brought it closer to the liches. Barry flinched a little bit, but Lup stood unwaveringly.
“Your presence is a danger to everyone on this planet. Now, my patience grows thin.” His eyes began to glow again.
Lup’s eyes darted around, seemingly looking for an out, when her eyes landed on something peeking out from behind Kravitz’s back. Hey eyes widened.
“Wait wait wait.” She pointed to his back. “You play, too?”
This was enough to halt Kravitz for just a second, and he glanced behind him at the violin case strapped to his back. “Yes. I’m rather fond of the violin as well. Small world. Now if you’ll excuse me.” He began to raise his scythe.
“Let me play you.”
And now, Kravitz was listening. “Beg your pardon?”
Lup looked relieved that Kravitz had finally paused in his mission. She continued.
“Let me play you. One fiddle vs another. Best player wins.”
And oh. Lup had hit Kravitz in his weak spot. He couldn’t resist a good gamble. Especially one that he had such an advantage on. Nothing against Lup’s rather good skills, but he doubted that she, at one point, was first violin in the most famous orchestra on the planet. Kravitz chuckled and dematerialized his scythe.
“Alright. Best player wins. If I win, you and Barry come with me. No resisting,” he gave Lup a stern look. “No fire.”
“No fire. And if I win?”
Kravitz thought about it for a minute, and then put his left palm out with his right hand covering it. He pulled his right hand straight up in the air, as if he were pulling a string, but instead of a string, he manifested a fiddle made entirely out of pure gold. It glimmered magnificently in the sun, and Lup’s eyes widened to the size of saucers.
“Holy shit. Deal.”
Kravitz looked around and saw an old hickory stump in the middle of the street. He walked towards it and laid the golden fiddle on it. By this point, most people had been watching this back and forth intently, and Kravitz wondered how many of them knew that their dear friends and neighbors were undead beings. No matter. He turned back around to Lup and Barry. Lup had went and gotten her violin and was walking towards Kravitz. She seemed pretty confident and Kravitz almost felt sorry for her.
They took their positions. Kravitz on one end of the street, Lup on the other, just like an old-fashioned shoot-out you would see in those old Fantasy westerns. Kravitz reached behind him and pulled his violin from behind him. It was completely black, and the base was shaped like a skull, to match the entire aesthetic he had going on. It was a gift from the Raven Queen when he first became a reaper. He took out his bow and looked at Lup, who bowed to him.
“Reapers first, m’dude.”
“With pleasure.” And Kravitz positioned his bow across the strings, paused for a moment, and began to play.
His first movement across the strings ignited a fire in him that he hadn’t felt in a long time, so much so that it spilled out of his fingertips and sent sparks into the air. His red eyes glowed with passion and power, and a mighty ripple went through the town and its residents. Music had been Kravitz’s passion in life, and it continued in death. He played a dark tune that made the ground rumble, as if the souls of the damned were threatening to break through. Kravitz finished on a truly impressive glissando and brought his bow down with a flourish. Not a soul stirred as all of the residents stared at Kravitz in awe. Then, the silence was broken.
“FUCK yeah, bone daddy!”
Kravitz whipped his head around and saw the handsome elf from earlier shouting at him from the porch of the bar. Kravitz blushed again, but his newfound confidence from his recent playing encouraged him enough to wink back at the elf. Lup, however, was not as pleased.
“Taako, what the FUCK! You used to be my brother!! Support me, please??”
The elf, whose name was Taako, at least had the decency to look guilty.
“Sorry lemme try again. … Go Lup! Woo!” Taako did not sound nearly as enthusiastic as he did for Kravitz. Lup rolled her eyes and turned back to Kravitz.
“Not bad. For a dead guy.” She smiled. “The sparks were real cute. Now, let me show you how it’s done.”
And she began to play.
Hundreds of years in service to the Raven Queen is proof that Kravitz physically does not have a heart anymore. That still didn’t stop it from warming as soon as Lup began to fiddle. Kravitz’s playing chilled the town. Lup’s warmed it back up. There was love in every note and it filled every person with a sense of hope. Her passion for something…or someone…was so obvious and evident, it seemed to be a magic all on its own. It didn’t even take the whole song for Kravitz to realize that he’d been out-fiddled. When Lup finished up, the entire town cheered, and Kravitz actually had to stop himself from cheering too. Barry ran over to Lup and embraced her, a huge smile on both of their faces. Kravitz bowed his head and began to walk back toward his horse, ready to leave town, when…
“Wait a minute, ghost rider. You’re forgetting the last part.”
Kravitz turned back around, and Lup had her fiddle back in hand, ready to play again.
“What next part? You won, fair and square.”
Lup laughed. “No no no. Now,” and she played a chord, “we play together.”
Kravitz cocked an eyebrow as Lup looked at him expectantly. “C’mon! Play with me!”
And Lup began to play again, a jovial dance tune. Kravitz looked at her. He wondered why he didn’t just strike her down when he had the chance. What in the world had compelled him to take this bet, and not just bring in the two liches who had been causing him so much trouble? He could do it now. He could just rear his scythe back and end them here and now. He could…
Maybe it was the long journey he had. Maybe it was the elf who had been flirting with him. Maybe it was the thrill and joy of the music that he hadn’t felt in a long time. For whatever reason…
Kravitz played with her.
Their two different music styles weaved so wonderfully together: Kravitz’s low, otherworldly sounds, Lup’s full of life and love. Before they knew it, they were playing like old friends and partners. The townsfolk had begun to clap in rhythm, some even dancing in the street. Barry had somehow (probably with magic) pulled a piano outside and began to play with them as well. It was the most fun Kravitz had had in the mortal world in a long time. He and Lup were laughing and so was Barry and for the first time, Kravitz was making mortals happy, and not bringing death and pain to them. It was thrilling and wonderful. One song turned into two, and then into five, and pretty soon, Kravitz, Lup and Barry had spent the better part of the afternoon giving an impromptu concert to the residents of Fantasy Georgia.
The concert had winded down to a halt right around sunset, when people were just too tired to dance, and, in Lup’s and Barry’s case, too tired to play. Kravitz sat with them, and finally got around to having that lemonade from earlier. They sat on the steps that Kravitz had found them on earlier.
“I haven’t had that much fun in a long time,” said Kravitz.
Lup looked at him with a smile. “Yeah. You’re not so bad once you finally let loose.” She took a swig of lemonade. “And you’re a pretty fucking good player.”
Kravitz smiled too. “I should hope so. I wasn’t first chair at the Neverwinter Orchestra for nothing.”
“No shit!” Lup looked impressed. There was silence as the three of them looked at the sky. Kravitz sighed and turned to Lup and Barry.
“Look. I’m gonna need to talk to you guys eventually. About you being liches and everything. You can’t stay like this forever. Liches are…incredibly dangerous beings.”
Barry spoke up. “We know. We…we knew the risks when we first became liches, but…you have to understand. We were coming from a place where we encountered…” he looked at Lup nervously. She shrugged as if to say “Might as well tell him.” “…we encountered death more times than we ever would like to admit.”
Lup popped in. “We stopped a major apocalypse happening here. Of course, nobody knows anything about it because…well, we stopped it.”
Kravitz blinks a couple of times. “Wait, you guys stopped…the end of the world?”
Barry grimaces. “It’s a long story. Us and a couple of other people here…we’re not really…from this world?”
Kravitz could feel a headache forming. This was a lot more complicated than he thought. “Hooo-kay. I’ll…I’ll take your word for it for now. We need to talk about everything, eventually. How you’re able to be so calm and collected for being liches to start. But I do have to get back soon. The bottom line is we really can’t have liches on this planet.” Lup and Barry look nervously at each other. Kravitz suddenly has an idea. “Look. What if I talked to my goddess about you two, and we set up a meeting where you explain everything to her. What I could do is…talk her into letting you become reapers. You’d do everything that I do and possibly could still have residency here with your family.”
Kravitz looked expectantly at Lup and Barry, who looked extremely surprised. Barry spoke up first. “Woah. That’s…that’s a better proposition than I thought you were gonna say.” Lup then said “Why are you being so nice to us?”
Kravitz fiddled with his glass of lemonade and avoided eye contact with them. “Well, to be honest, you reminded me of how much I enjoy making music with other people. It’s been a while since I’ve plated with other people.” He paused. “Plus, I would very much like to play with you guys again, and I can’t really do that if you’re in the Eternal Stockade.”
Lup smiled wide. “Fuck yeah, ghost rider! We’ll be a trio of reaper musicians! Fear the Reapers! That’s our name. Don’t argue with me on this one, my names are fucking perfect.”
Kravitz laughed. “I still have to talk with the Raven Queen tho. But I’ll be in contact with you.” He stands up and turns to them with his hand outstretched. Barry takes it.
“Will do, Kravitz. Thanks for…y’know, getting to know us and not taking us in right away.”
Kravitz smiles and then goes to shake Lup’s hand.
“Oh, NONE of that, bones.” And she forgoes the handshake and goes right in for a hug. Kravitz is taken aback for a few seconds before he reciprocates. Lup lets go and says “You’re pretty much our friend now, so there’s no getting rid of us. Plus I’ve already made an Fantasy Instagram for our band. You can’t back out now.”
Kravitz shakily laughs. “Oh, I’m gonna have so much explaining to do to the Raven Queen.” He walks over to his horse and mounts it, ready to head out. “Barry, Lup, it’s been an absolute pleasure, and I look forward to our meeting. I’ll um…actually hold on. Do you have Stones of Farspeech?”
“For sure.”
Barry and Lup pull out two stones hanging around their neck. Kravitz waves his hand and the stones glow for a couple of seconds before returning to their normal state.
“There,” Kravitz said. “I’ve attuned your stones to mine, so when I have the meeting set up, I’ll contact you.”
Lup looks at her stone. “Oh rad!” She looks back up at Kravitz and says “Take it easy, ghost rider! And thanks for the golden fiddle!”
Kravitz waves at Barry and Lup before riding down the street and out of town. Before Kravitz could get too far out of the town, he heard a voice shout from behind him.
“HEY! Hey woah woah woah! Bone daddy!”
Kravitz turned and saw the handsome elf from before (Taako?) riding toward him on his own horse. He slowed down right as he got to Kravitz and rode next to him.
“Think you were gonna leave without saying goodbye?”
Taako was even more handsome up close, and it threw Kravitz off so much that he forgot to keep up the accent that he’d been doing the whole time.
“Um…can’t say goodbye if we didn’t even say hello.”
Taako laughed a little hysterically. “Holy shit. That accent wasn’t even real?!” He tipped his head back and laughed for real. Kravitz secretly wanted him to keep laughing forever. “You’re a fucking dork!! Oh my god!”
Kravitz bristled a little at that. “I am not.”
“Um, yeah you are. You come in here all:” and at this, Taako, dropped his voice comically low and adopted a ridiculous accent. “Wotcher, I’m here to collect your bloody souls, mate. Wanna cuppa tea? Pip pip and all that!” Taako laughed again. “And then the accent isn’t even real!!”
Kravitz’s blush deepened and spread down his neck but couldn’t stop himself from laughing with Taako at how ridiculous it did sound. “Did I really sound like that?”
“Oh don’t worry, thug. It’s hella cute. I love a dorky man.” Taako looked at Kravitz and Kravitz looked back, both pretty enamored with the other. Taako held his hand out. “I’m Taako. Y’know from TV.”
Kravitz took his hand and shook it. “Kravitz. Not from…TV…what even is that?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Taako said as he let go of his hand. (Kravitz wished he didn’t.) “So, not gonna lie, your fiddle playing was pretty hot. You’re really good. I was almost scared for Lup for a split second.”
Kravitz puffed his chest out at the compliment. “Thank you.”
“Well,” Taako said, “even if you had tried to do anything to her or Barold, I would have stepped in and stopped you.”
Kravitz nodded. “Right, siblings, yeah?”
Taako leaned in with a smirk, “Twins.”
“Twins?” Kravitz sighed and put his hand on his forehead. “Oh my god, there’s two of you.”
“Yup.” Taako said with a pop on the “p.”
Kravitz shook his head. “No matter. If I had won and you had tried to do anything, I would’ve had to arrest you, too.”
“Ooo kinky. Buy me dinner first.”
Kravtiz choked on thin air, and Taako nervously laughed. “Woah take it easy.” Taako reached over and patted Kravitz on the back, and Kravitz died a second death. “You’re not on the receiving end of a lot of flirting, are you?”
Kravitz regained some composure and replied, “No, surprisingly enough. When people see me, their first reaction typically isn’t ‘Let me flirt with the man whose here to reap my soul.’”
Taako laughed, and Kravitz beamed. “I must be pretty special, then. One of a kind.”
Kravitz clicked his tongue and shrugged his shoulders, “Technically, you’re one of a pair, because of the whole twin thing.”
Taako gasped and clutched his chest dramatically. Kravitz laughed at his ridiculousness. “Krav, I’m WOUNDED. How could you say that? I’m clearly the better twin. Now you HAVE to buy me dinner to pay for that cruel insult.”
Kravitz laughed as he put his hands up in defeat. “Alright, alright! You drive a hard bargain.”
“Hell yes!” Taako pumped his fist into the air. “Wanna do 8 pm next Friday?”
“Sounds perfect,” said Kravitz, and in a stroke of confidence that surprised even himself, he reached over and touched the Stone of Farspeech still hanging around Taako’s neck. It glowed for a few seconds and became still once more. It was Taako’s turn to blush as Kravitz reluctantly pulled his hand away.
Kravitz said “Now, I can contact you anytime and vice versa.”
Taako took a deep breath. “Sounds like a plan, bone daddy.” He smiled. “See you then.”  And without another word, Taako turned back around and rode towards town, looking back to wave at Kravitz.
Kravitz waved a hand back as he watched Taako fade into the distance.
All in all, not a bad day.
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