#I can only draw hot anime boys
piedpiperart · 1 year
Part five of Ghost hero!
Part four
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Part six
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lion-buddy · 11 months
being the resident nezuko liker is such a challenge sometimes
#ooo these tags contain complaining if u dont like that then see ya around <3#i would love to scroll through the tag without being bombarded by. awfulness. both bot and fandom posted#yknow. yknow. that is a 12 yr old#it has become!!! genuinely frustrating! it always has been#and i dont mean to complain but. man. im just disappointed#and.while kinda begin the kny mascot she is barley present in fan made content. with meaning. and its all mostly reposted art ugh.#and even official stuff has her only as little child nezuko and!! i get it its cute whatever but it feel so pandery and wrong all the time#i just poitn. that is not her that is a facet u r choosign to hyperfocus on show me the real her#and lets be honest the og stroyline isnt kind to her etiher she is nonexistent after swordsmith#i remember for a time when idid post abt her i was one of the inly consistent nezuko artists who wanted to like. put her in scenarios#and i want reiterate again that drawing cute art and gifs of her is fine it doesnt hurt anyone. i love to see it actually#but like. in a fandom as big as this youd think. youd think they like her more!!!! but no#and. the last thing i want to insinuate is “if u dont like my fav character then u suck” cus thats is not how fandom content works. at all#fandom is a experience for u to cultivate for yourself. and sometimes it just comes up short!!! i guess#it jsut felt weird being lonely in your liking of an aspect of the series where there are so many ppl. yet they all only like the hot men.#which again. u do u. nothign wrong with it. its anime afterall. it can just be frustrating sometimes.#idk! im also not very social so maybe its just my fault but. man. id love to find some other resident nezuko likers that. isnt just shippin#i feel interacting would be so much easier if my fav was like. one of the main boys like everyone else. or i made ship content or somethin#but like i said fandom is for u and u only if that makes sense. the point is to create things u want to see. which is what i do and enjoy#just with nezuko specifcally. i dotn want to put my stuff of her in the tags anymore cuz i just. dont trust the fandom with her. its weird#but also. appreciate those who did interact. i hope ur all doing alright <3 ty for talkign with me :]#i just needed to get this out cuz its. kinda why i dotn post abt kny anymore. especially the s3 fandom im sorry i just dont vibe with it </
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blondwhowrites · 4 months
✨My Mattheo Riddle Headcanons✨
Absolutely a playboy and has a high body count manwhore
Despite that, he would never cheat because my boy is EXTREMELY loyal. Once he's locked in he's locked in for life especially since he knows he loves you
You're the one for him
Princess treatment to the max 💅
Would beat up anyone that tries to flirt with you or looks at you badly
He makes sure the boys treat you with absolute respect and though he would never admit it he would love seeing you grow close to his friends
Wouldn't give up smoking for you early in the relationship but after a year or two if you asked him to try quitting he would
Likes to show you off because GODDAMN ARE YOU HOT
He doesn't know how he managed to bag you 😩🙏
Leaves hickeys on your thighs and neck and pouts whenever you try to hide them in public
Doberman energy to the max
He is your guard dog and will follow you around glaring at everyone especially if he knows you're not in the mood to talk to people
Usually is the big spoon but after his father comes back he would want you to hold him since you're one of the few people he truly feels safe with (Draco and Theo are on that list of people he feels safe with along with Narcissa since I headcanon he grew up with the Malfoys)
Has a notebook that he draws in and half of it is just filled with pictures of you that he drew yes some of them are of you nude
Can be aggressive but never with you, and he really only gets aggressive when he's frustrated or mad
He's subtle in his softness towards you in public. He isn't an easy person to read and can come off cold to other people, but he's less rigid when he is with you.
Motherfucker looks at you as if you created this world. To him, you're a goddess
Would be uncomfortable with physical touch at first (he's not used to touch that isn't either platonic or sexual)
Once he does get used to it he will actively seek it out though he wouldn't outright ask for it more like tap your hand when he wants to hold it, or place his hand on your thigh just so he can feel you
Early in the relationship, the arguments would be bad because he doesn't really know how to channel his anger into something healthy
He ends up going to Draco and Theo asking for advice and they just immediately send him to Blaise
He ends up drawing to help cope whenever he is angry and he also grows close to Blaise who had been the one to give him the advice
After that, the arguments get increasingly better along with communication too
Steals your food that little shit
Loves when you wear his clothes
Would absolutely wear anything that you gift him
He doesn't cry a lot and he prefers to be alone when he does cry but he'll let you comfort him even if it is just sitting with him and holding his hand as he lets out his emotions
He enjoys partying but he's not a party animal like others. He just stays with you and the others, drinking and making sure nobody tries anything with you
Is extremely protective of you, especially around anyone that he doesn't know or trust
Despite what everyone thinks he doesn't hate Harry Potter, I mean he doesn't like him, but it's not a mortal enemy type situation
Kinda just stays away from him and his little quartet
Does has some prejudice against muggle-borns because that's just how he was raised but after the war his views would drastically change
Is a dom and that's all I'm gonna say on that 😏
Overall not the worst boyfriend but not the best either. Your relationship with him has its ups and downs, but he truly does love you and tries his best to be good for you.
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thewulf · 11 months
Frozen || Aaron Hotchner
Summary: Request - Aaron has a new neighbor, a sweet young woman. There's something between them. She new in the city and he invites her when he has the team over for a bbq... Read Rest Here
A/N: Ahh, just love him! Enjoy :)
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Y/N
Word Count: 5.2k+
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It was hot. Way too hot. You’d been out weeding the garden for far too long now. A sweaty mess with dirt coating far too many different parts of your body. Super cute look. You were on a mission to get the damn garden bed weeded out. You’d, very fortunately, inherited the house from your aging grandma who wanted to downsize. You’d visited throughout the years and fell in love with the home and the area. The best thing about having a small family is that nobody fought you for the home.
But boy, were you in over your head. It wasn’t a massive home you’d just never owned one before and things were a tad overwhelming. Everything suddenly becoming your responsibility when you were least expecting it. Not that you were complaining. You owned a paid off home. How much better could it get than that?
The only thing that seemed to rip you right from your focus of pulling weeds was the small voice of boy behind you wondering about you, “Daddy! Who’s that new lady?” Shit. You were in the middle of crawling around the damn garden bed. Cursing lightly, you stood and turned towards the sidewalk with a smile on your face while simultaneously attempting wipe the dirt off your face but only smudging it further.
When you turned your heart about sunk to the floor. Why you? Why of all people that had to walk on by was it him? You were looking into the eyes of perhaps one of the most handsome men you’d come across in all of your years. And you were covered in dirt? The universe was playing a cruel trick on you.
Looking down at yourself you cursed yourself again. Quickly you looked back to the boy responding to him, “Hello.” You waved to the small boy keeping your eyes off his extremely attractive father, “I just moved in here.”
His eyes lit up, “A new neighbor?” He looked up to what you assumed to be his dad with big bright eyes pulling on his pants, “What happened to Mrs. Fields?” He looked you over curiously.
An interested one, he took a few steps forward to converse with you. A fearless little guy, “Mrs. Fields is my grandma. She wanted to go live in a warmer place, so she let me have her home and she moved down south.”
He took another few steps, almost to you now. His father had a pleading look in his eyes as if to apologize for his chatty son, “Cool! Do you like dinosaur’s?” He asked you excitedly.
“I love dinosaurs.” You knelt down so you were chatting with him on his level, “They’re like the coolest animals.” You responding drawing both a soft smile out of his father and fist pump from the little one.
“I know right!” He stepped even closer now, “Which one is your favorite?”
“Jack.” His father put a gentle hand on his sons shoulder, “You can ask about dinosaur’s another time. She’s busy.”
You shook your head looking up to him from your crouched position, “It’s alright. Gives me an excuse to take a break.” You turned back to Jack giving him a sweet smile, “My favorite dinosaur has to be the Velociraptor.”
He nodded excitedly at you, “That’s a good pick, but not the best…. Wait, what’s your name?” He asked after realizing he hadn’t asked earlier.
“I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you Jack.” You held you hand out for the little boy to take or reject.
He happily took your hand in his, albeit being three times the size. With a cheeky grin coating his face he responded, “It’s nice to meet you Y/N. That’s my dad! Daddy”
You looked away from Jack at his dad smiling at him, dirty face, and all, “Hi dad.” You waved up to him.
You could’ve sworn a hint of a blush crossed his face, “Aaron.” He held out his hand for you to take. Offering help up from the squat you’d been stuck in for a little too long. You took it feeling all too comfortable doing so, “We live next door.” He pointed over to his house, “Let either of us know if you ever need anything. Jack here loves to help.” He patted his sons head. For some reason that didn’t surprise you, not a bit.
“Thank you.” Your raging anxiety of home ownership dwindling a bit as you got to know the seemingly handy man next door.
He nodded smiling down at you, “We mean it. Now, let’s go Jack. You have homework to finish before soccer tonight.”
He groaned, “Okay dad. Bye Y/N.” He hugged your leg quickly before waltzing off with a pep in his step.
“Bye Jack.” You laughed watching him run over to his home, sliding in through the back door they left open.
“He’s a cutie.” You turned back to the rather striking man who just happened to be your neighbor. You wondered who his wife was. What she looked like. He had to have one right?
He ran a hand through his hair letting out a soft sigh, “He’s a handful, that’s for sure.”
“Aren’t all young boys?” You grinned.
He nodded, “That might be the truth.” He let out a small laugh, “I’ll let you get back to it. Nice meeting you Y/N.” His smile made him even more handsome. Damn. Did you have a crush on the older neighbor or what?
You nodded, “Likewise, see you around Aaron.” He tried to slow his racing heart hearing his name off your lips. Oh, he was in trouble. He waved going to the front of the house before disappearing within it.
See him around you did, whenever he was home at least. You’d become fast friends with Jack often playing with his dinosaurs in your shared backyards. You couldn’t say no to the sweet face when he asked so kindly, not even if you tried. Aaron had told you plenty of times that it was okay to ignore him, but you couldn’t. Especially when Aaron was home, he’d always come outside and join the two of you when he had the time.
You’d gotten to know, and love, the far too kind man over the last few months. You’d learned of his devastating past. You’d felt awful for him and just as equally broken for Jack. He’d lost his mom before he even got to know her and cherish her.
He’d gotten to know you too. Falling just as much for you as you did him. You were something nobody, but he and Jack knew about. A simple pleasure to come home to. He’d learned how you were a nurse, but you were back in school going for a Nurse Practitioner position. Aaron admired your drive for what you did. He really just admired you. The far too cute for your own good neighbor he’d never admitted he had a crush on. 
You asked about work. He didn’t tell you much. But as the months progressed his lips became like putty around you. Anything you asked he answered. It felt to right to fight whatever this was. You were too young for him. Too you, he had to keep telling himself.
You’d learned about the team. How Derek was a player but a lover deep down. How Reid was the boy genius of the group. How JJ turned out to excel as a profiler. You’d learned about them all. It felt like you knew them. It felt odd to think you knew people who didn’t have a clue about you.
So, one summer evening a devious plan sparked in your mind as you were sitting in the sandbox across from Aaron. You smiled up at him giving him a look. A look he picked up on, “What?” He asked making sure not to draw Jack’s attention away from the castle he was building.
You shook your head, “Nothing, just thinking.”
“About?” He pressed leaning forward with his elbows on his knees looking right at you.
“We should have a cookout. A barbeque. When you guys are here for a weekend.” You said as nonchalantly as possible feeling the nerves bubble up when you spoke.
He raised an eyebrow processing it. He’d kept you as his own for so long. Would it ruin things if he mixed his personal life with his work life like it had so often before? He knew deep down that’s why he was hiding you away. Every time these paths crossed bad, bad things happened. He couldn’t be the reason why somebody else got hurt. He wouldn’t.
“If you want.” You added making sure there was no pressure. You understood his apprehension to letting you all the way in.
“Sure.” The words were out of his mouth before he really thought about it too much longer. The grin that crossed your face was all worth it though. He’d really do anything to see that smile.
He nodded, “Next weekend? If we don’t get called in? I can ask the team Monday.” He didn’t want to blow their phones up on a weekend off. Rare as they were. He knew the chances were slim that it’d happen that weekend, but he wanted to show you he was committed to it.  
You nodded gleefully, “That sounds great. I’ll iron out the details this weekend.” You were a little nervous at the thought. But you knew they had to be great if he talked so highly of them.
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He was wrong. They had an easy case that week that brought them home early on a Friday. They all said their goodbyes planning to meet at his place around 6:00 that night for the cookout. You’d gotten the final confirmation and started preparing everything the second he gave you the green light. It didn’t have to be perfect but you sure as hell wanted it to go smoothly.
There was nothing to stress about, just as Aaron had reassured you numerous times that evening leading up to everybody arriving. He could see the anxiety radiating off you
“Would you stop staring?” You asked pacing back and forth trying to think of any last-minute details.
He shook his head, “Not until you relax.”
You let out a huff. It was sweet but not the right time, “I just want it to go well, that’s all. I’ll relax once everybody is here.”
He was right, naturally. There was nothing to be stressed about. Each one more lovely than the next. Jack had gravitated towards you most of the night, even holding your hand and hiding behind you when Rossi was playing with him. Derek noticed Hotch watching you throughout the night. Smiling more than he’d ever seen the man before in his life. Derek clocked it quickly. Hotch probably didn’t even realize what he was doing. A man who was about to deny his feelings.
Derek had cornered his boss in the kitchen of his home not having a clue you were sitting in the room over responding to a few texts you ignored while getting the party ready.
“Hotch, what the hell?” You heard Derek’s booming voice from where you were sitting. You peaked up from your phone way too curious to hear the conversation that was so easily heard from the kitchen.
“What?” He sounded a bit taken aback by the confrontation, if only you could see their faces.
Derek laughed, “You know what.”
A brief pause, “I’m afraid I don’t Morgan.” He sounded a little agitated now. Nothing like he did when he was with you. It was interesting to watch him, listen to him, in such a different environment than the two of you had found so often.
You didn’t know Derek, but you had to assume he was rolling his eyes at that moment, “You like her. Your neighbor. Y/N.” This, you were not expecting.
“What are you talking about?” He answered. Ouch. Your heart was still racing though. What in the hell was he going to say next?
“Don’t play dumb. You’ve been smiling like a love drunk fool for the last two hours. You’ve been watching her like a hawk.” Profilers were scary. You hadn’t even noticed. Far too preoccupied with socializing and making sure everything was going okay.
He sighed, “She’s too young Derek.” You frowned. That was just untrue. You were in your late twenties. What’s twelve or so years?
“She’s not too young. Stop that. You’re talking yourself out of it.” Derek replied to his friend.
What came next hurt, hurt deeply, “She’s not my type though. She’s too young and not my type. It would never happen.” The sting that came from your heart radiated with each pulse.
Derek let out a howl, “That’s rich Hotchner. Whatever you want to tell yourself boss man.”
You didn’t let yourself hear the rest of the conversation. You shot right out of his house making a beeline towards the ladies with a fake ass smile adorning it. You’d successfully avoided him the rest of the night not able to bear the thought of looking at him. Who were you kidding? He was just being kind to you because you were kind to his son. Nothing more. Nothing less. No hard feelings. But you had the feelings. Real feelings that weren’t going to go away unless he went away. Operation avoid Aaron Hotchner was a go.
You’d been successful the better part of a month. Lucky for you he had been pretty wrapped up in cases leaving you and Jack more time to connect while Jess watched him. When Aaron was there you’d strategically leave when he showed up bidding a goodnight with some lame ass excuse. Jack would wine and Aaron would give you a pained nod in response. You never gave them much time to question you before you dashed home.
Aaron wasn’t dumb. This was his job for God’s sake. He knew it had something to do with him, but he couldn’t pinpoint what he could’ve done, and it was slowly driving him mad. Jack was getting frustrated too. You’d be fine until dad came around. He needed to figure it out. He missed you. He missed laughing and smiling with you.
He’d thought about it for days while he was off on a case. He thought about it as the team landed at the airport late on a Saturday night merging into Sunday morning. You on the other hand were having the time of your life out with your friends drinking far too much. Tipsiness, soon to be drunkenness, consumed your body throughout the night. You pouted when your friends pulled you into the backseat of one of their boyfriends SUV’s, making sure to drop all the girls off safe and sound.
You’d waved them off before you had the chance to actually enter the house. You fumbled with your keys before finding the right one. A shiver ripped down your spine, it was chilly. Odd for a summer evening you thought to yourself.
You turned the key in the lock only to rip the key right in half as you turned it. One half in your hand and the other stuck in the lock, “Fuck.” You began to panic. Your spare key was with a friend so you couldn’t even get in through the back. You tried to pick the key out of the lock only to be met with resistance. You were far too drunk to be dealing with this right now. The lock kept going in and out of focus.
You looked down at your phone, no. No, there was no way in hell you were calling him. You were too young and not his type. You couldn’t be the burden. Think, you had to think. After standing there for far too long without a damn thought in your mind you sat down on the bench you had outside. No locksmith’s would be open at this hour. Your parents were out of state. You didn’t have any family around. You could try and call a friend, but they were all probably still too drunk and passed out by now.
You groaned laying back on the bench thankful you’d at least turned the house light on before you left. Deciding that sleep would be better than lying awake dizzy all night you tried your best to get some sleep. Teeth chattering you curled up in a ball trying to preserve some warmth it felt like sleep would never come.
You must’ve fallen asleep at some point because when you were woken up very abruptly it was still dark. You let out a small yelp before thrashing out at whomever grabbed your wrist.
“It’s me.” That familiar voice calmed you down instantly. Your thrashing stopped but your head still spun. Yup, you were definitely still drunk. Damn tequila sodas were lethal to you. But you’d never stop.
“What?” You asked far too confused. Shivering even more than you were earlier. What time was it anyway?
He pulled you up in a swift motion shrugging his jacket off placing it around your shivering frame softly, “What are you doing?” He asked urgently feeling how cold you really were as he held onto your frozen wrists.
You mumbled something incoherent feeling the ill effects of the cold. You wrapped his warm jacket around you further trying to find any ounce of warmth you could in it. It smelled too damn good on top of it. It made your already dizzy head even fuzzier.
He placed a gentle hand on your cheek trying to get you to look at him, “Can you hear me?” His heart was racing. One moment he was pulling into the driveway. He always looked over at your house just to check, he always did when he pulled in late. His heart about dropped out of his body when he saw you laying there. He hadn’t thought much of it before running over to you. You were okay. You were fine. When you didn’t respond to his calls he had to resort to shaking you gently.
You mumbled some more clear “Yes’s”, but he still didn’t buy it. Not a bit. He looked you over quickly making sure you weren’t hurt before turning your body to his.
“That’s it.” He didn’t waste a second more before scooping you up into his arms with ease. You leaned your head into his chest shamelessly absorbing the warmth within you. It just felt too good to pass up. You’d let yourself be embarrassed later.
Once he got you inside he set you down on the couch. He wrapped you from head to toe in a few different blankets. You nuzzled in suddenly very thankful your neighbor had not only found you put kind of saved your ass. You were cold. Freezing. Who knows what you would’ve been like in the morning. Frozen most likely.
“I put a few blankets in the dryer for ten minutes. That should help warm you up.” Aaron squatted down so he was level with your horizontal body. With the utmost caution he brushed some hair out of your eyesight. Your body shivered at his touch sending a grimace to his face.
“Thank you.” You were more coherent but totally tipsy. The effects of the alcohol had finally started dying down, but it was still there.
His eyes snapped to yours. He must’ve been thinking the same thing. Not expecting you to be coherent just yet, “What the hell were you doing? Thinking? You could’ve been attacked out there. You could’ve frozen to death out there Y/N.” He sighed knowing he needed to reel it back. You were probably just as freaked out as he was.
You turned away. His stare suddenly too much for you to handle, “I’m sorry.” You closed your eyes willing the alcohol to just go away.
He ran a hand through his dark hair. He needed to try again, “What happened?” There, that was a start.
You started on how you went out with your friends and ending with the “My key snapped in the lock.” Holding up the broken stub still attached to your keyring.
Aaron frowned taking it from you, “Why didn’t you call.”
You shrugged, “Didn’t want to bother you.”
A groan escaped his lips, “You are never a bother. You have to know that. Please, just call me next time, okay?” Again, he wracked his brain for anything that he could’ve done. Why you’d pulled back so suddenly on him. It just didn’t make sense. What happened at the cookout? What did he do?
“Okay.” You didn’t feel like arguing. Not anymore. You were tired and cold but thankfully warming up. You knew that’d appease the man.
He sat down from the kneeling position, “Thank you.”
You didn’t respond only nodding a little. You finally felt warm. Wiggling your toes, you sighed in relief. He just watched you. Watched as your eyes drooped, clearly tired. Before he could respond the dryer went off. He shot to his feet the moment he heard it go off, “Wait here.”
You didn’t listen. You shrugged off the blankets. Why oh why were you still so drunk? You tried shrugging it off. Pushing off the couch you stood to your feet wobbling in the slightest. You hadn’t made it a few steps before you heard his voice again.
“What are you doing?” His scolding voice asked you. Your eyes shot up from the floor looking right at him. Blood rushed right to your cheeks. Busted. What else would’ve happened? You weren’t thinking right.
“Walking.” You smiled hesitantly feeling the room begin to spin around you.
He didn’t return the smile. His lips drawn in a harsh line. Mean Aaron Hotchner was terrifying. You wobbled slightly before stepping to the side.
“What were you thinking? You could’ve died out there! You were half frozen when I found you. Somebody could have found you before I did! Did you even think? You’ll be lucky if you don’t catch pneumonia let alone a nasty cold.” He dropped the warm blankets on the ground ready for the inevitable. He was pissed but he was trying to reel it in for your sake. You looked like a scared deer caught in some headlights.
You shook your head quickly, “I’m sorry.” You mumbled for a second time wiping your eyes quickly, not daring to cry in front of him right now. It was too much though, he was too much, “I can’t… I can’t do this.” You let out trying to walk around him. But between the tears, alcohol, achy muscles, and him you nearly tripped right onto your face had he not been standing right there. With quick reflexes Aaron caught you before you toppled completely. He pulled you up into his arms.
“What is going on Y/N?” His eyes searched yours as he steadied you back on your feet, desperate for some kind of answer. You stepped back away from his burning grip you liked far too much. Far, far too much for somebody who didn’t like you. Staying away from Aaron Hotchner was just not working. The operation was suddenly amiss.
Fuck it. Who cares if he knew? You’d blame the alcohol for this confession anyway, “I heard you.” You let out.
He shook his head, unsure of what you were referring to, “Where? What’d you hear?” He was afraid you’d heard some gruesome detail of his job he’d never be able to recover from. He wasn’t expecting you to say the next words that came out of your mouth though.
“At the barbeque. You and Derek in the kitchen.” You looked down and away. Anywhere but his eyes, you just couldn’t. Not after admitting that.
He thought for a moment and cursed. How could he have been so stupid? You watched as he registered your words. His mouth opened to say something before it closed, taking it back. Never letting that thought come to life.
You couldn’t take the silence, not knowing what he was thinking, “I’m sorry, let me call a friend. I’ll get out of here.”
He shook his head quickly, “No, please don’t.” He picked up a blanket before wrapping it around you at a distance, “Stay. Sit. Please?” He spoke in broken sentences as he watched you. Watched as you went through the different options in your head.
Of course, you would. You’d do anything for him, that much was clear. A sucker for Aaron Hotchner. You walked over to the kitchen table with him close in tow just in case you were to stumble again. He only relaxed when you were seated and steady. You place your hands on the table waiting for him to say something. You were at a loss for words, it was his turn to speak.
He looked around before his eyes landed on your glassy ones, “You weren’t supposed to hear that.” It sounded awful as it came out of his mouth, and he knew it. He knew it from the way your eyebrow arched up as if to question him.
You couldn’t help the light chuckle that escaped your lips, “Clearly.”
“No.” He groaned palming his hands across his face, “That’s not what I meant. I just wanted him to back off is all. It was the easiest thing to do to get him to do so.” Aaron pleaded both with his hands and his eyes right next to you at the table.
You rolled your eyes. You wanted to believe him. You really did. But were you too young? Were you not his type? I mean you were you. Not unattractive but not the most beautiful creature to walk across the stage either.
“Y/N, Jesus, I…” He sighed taking one of your hands by surprise. Your eyes finally found his again. He’d finally gotten your attention again, “I feel things for you that I shouldn’t. You aren’t too young for me but I’m far too old for you. You’re incredible. Kind. Sweet. One of the funniest people I’ve ever met. The way you treat Jack is unlike anything I’d ever dreamed of. As hard as it is for me to say, you should find somebody that isn’t as old as me.” He smiled giving your hand a squeeze before hesitantly dropping it.
You let out a breath you’d been holding in. Well, he’d laid it all out on the line for you. It made sense. But it didn’t. He didn’t even give a chance to voice your opinion. You didn’t care. It didn’t bother you. You in fact had never met anybody like him before. No man had ever asked you the question he’d asked you before. Gotten to know you so deeply, right down to your core. It wasn’t even really your fault you fell in love with the man as quickly as you did. He did everything you wanted, you needed.
You took his hand back, relishing in the feeling, “What if I don’t want to?”
“You should.” He tried once more.
But you weren’t having it, “Not.”
He shook his head letting his fingers lace with yours, “Y/N.”
“Aaron.” You widened your eyes giving his hand a squeeze this time, “Can I have a word now?”
He nodded, “Yeah, sorry.” That was the second time you’d seen a blush on his cheeks. He must’ve been feeling awfully vulnerable or maybe he was finally letting you in.
“You’re unlike any man I’ve ever met Aaron Hotchner. You’ve made me feel things I’ve never ever felt or dreamed of feeling before and you’ve only been my friend. You too are so kind, incredibly sweet, the most thoughtful guy and the best dad I’ve seen. You balance everything so beautifully. You’re a light and I love being around you if you’d want me to that is.” You felt as his thumb brushed up and down your index finger. A chill shot right up your arm and down your back when you realized what he was doing.
“I know I shouldn’t, but I like you. A lot more than I should.” He pulled your hand up so he could kiss the back of it. You watched as his lips brushed across the back of your hand so gently it only made you ache for something more. That was just cruel.
You grinned squeezing his hand tight, “I like you too. A whole lot. Who cares what you should or shouldn’t feel. That’s stupid. I like you. You like me. It’s that simple.” It was a combination of everything that had your eyes watering. It felt so damn good to spit it out at him. To let him know how you felt. To ramble everything out. You didn’t just like him. You loved the damn man.
He laughed shaking his head. You admired him as you watched the smile grow on his face, “Is it that simple?”
You shrugged, “I don’t see why it couldn’t be.”
He stood from the seat pulling you up with him. He pulled you close seeing as you were still as unsure of your own steps as ever, “How much have you had to drink tonight?” Damn profilers know everything, not that it wasn’t terribly obvious.
Might as well play it off, right? You leaned forward whispering in his ear, “You sound like a scary officer when you ask that.” You noticed the small shiver that rocked his body as you did so. A small, satisfied smile graced your lips as you drew back.
He shook his head running his eyes up and down your frame wrapped in a blanket, “Are you warm enough?”
You saluted him, “Yes, sir. And for the record I only had eight drinks tonight.”
He laughed, “Stop that. This is serious.” He put his hands on your shoulders to steady you out, “You have no idea how bad I want to kiss you right now.” He pulled back, as much as he didn’t want to.
You whined looking up to him, “Then do it.”
“No can-do pretty lady. You’re intoxicated.” He answered far too quickly for your liking.
“So? I can still make decisions.” You challenged his ability to use reason. So persistent you were being.
“Afraid not, let’s get you to sleep.” He let his hands fall from your shoulders.
You frowned, “Oh, come on Aaron.” Maybe pouting would work. But no, he was too much of a gentleman for your own good.
He shook his head quickly, “Let’s make a deal. How about, if in the morning you still want to kiss me, I’ll let you do just that?”
You sighed, “Fine. Come find me first thing though. Promise me that?” You started walking towards the couch before a light tug at your wrist stopped you.
He nodded in response to you, “I promise. There’s a guest room sweetheart. Let me tuck you in.” He pointed up the steps.
You nodded sheepishly feeling his eyes on you the entire way up. Before he could protest you pulled off your top off leaving you in a tank top and jean shorts, comfortable enough. He gulped as he watched the entire ordeal play out before him, thankful you weren’t just in a bra.
“Sleep tight.” He brushed the stray hairs out of your face once you slid under the covers, fighting every urge in him to lean down and kiss you goodnight. Not yet.
“Night Aaron.” You yawned letting the warmth of the bed consume you, “Can’t wait to kiss the crap out of you in the morning.”
He laughed, that full hearty Aaron Hotchner laugh that warmed your soul, “Goodnight sweetheart. I’ll find you first thing.” A smile adorned your face as you fell asleep to those words.
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556
Request Taglist: @daily-evanstan @criminalized-mind @iluvvmeeee
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yandere-kokeshi · 5 months
Warnings: yandere behavior, naga AU, and slight NSFW.
A/N: tell me if you'd like more of this wild woman + other characters. Enjoy <3!
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I can't stop thinking of Naga! Valeria.
She's a highly venomous Timber Rattlesnake, extremely territorial of her forest. Hisses at anyone, especially at Alejandro, who gets even close to the perimeter. She hates sharing, food is for her and her only; feasts on any animal, and humans she can find, and doesn't care about the wet or dried blood on her face, neck, and naked breasts. Her sharpen eyes only show beast, and loves a game of cat-and-mouse.
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So, when she smelled you — a mere human — she smirked. It was yet another game again, which she greatly enjoyed. But when she slithered near you, finding a rather large branch, she watched you from afar for fun.
She admired you from above — looking at a map in your hands, clothes torn and covered in dirt, scrapes on your knees, she smelled different in the air. You weren't any intruder, simply lost. And whilst most were dumb, maybe you were too, but she almost felt… pity?
Her nose scrunched, it— you were different. And she hated it.
The aura of you was different. Her forked tongue came out, tasting the air. And when she did, it hit her like a truck.
You're hers. It was the taste, smell, and pheromone that you gave off. And you were in her pocket. You were Valeria's, her beloved mate, whom she was gonna wreck and keep. There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and absolutely no one else to rely on. She can already imagine it — you, on the floor with her made-pelts as a bed, keeping still with her tail slithering around you and keeping tugged to her naked chest. And that's what she did. She took you, despite your biting and fighting frame — she began to like your feistiness. And now, you live with her, in a large cave who she calls home; keeping you close to her at all times.
Naga! Valeria, whose venom takes a turn on humans: becoming a highly addictive aphrodisiac. And she uses this to her advantage.
After keeping you in the luscious cave, trying to entertain you, you had run. And it angered her.
And now, it's left you being suffocated with her tongue and lips — her hands grasping at your neck to keep you in place. Her tongue goes deep, playing with yours, and purring when you gag. Right as she's done, rubbing her thick tail all around you, she licks her spit-covered lips with your sweet, sweet scent; she can't help but smirk and giggle at your obvious worried expression.
Of course, your lips sting — but not in a bad way. Your fingers graze at your almost-numb but puckered lips, before Valeria's fingers pull away your shaken fingers. When did you start shaking?
Oh boy, and when she touches you? Claws grazing right above your hips, bringing you closer to her warm embrace? You whimper. She purrs in your ear, rubbing her nose into the space between your neck and shoulder. "Someone excited?"
Even if you shake your head, denying it, the minute her claws go inside your pants and near your V-line, you collapse in her arms. Your arms tighten around her, head laying on her naked tits, breathing heavy now, and suddenly feel warm. Too warm for comfort.
She hisses a laugh — and before you know it, her pretty bottom-body is curled all around you like a log, looking down at you with pupils dilated; in a way of saying: "You're mine, whether you like it or not". She tightens her hold when you squirm, holding her claw underneath your chin to give you more kisses. Her tongue licking the salt on your mouth, and teeth gently nibbling your cheek when you heave in hot-breath.
It's only a matter of seconds when Valeria rips off your clothes, playfully biting your ears whilst grumbling on how, 'you don't need 'em clothes' and, 'I'm warm enough to keep you warm'.
By the end of the night — or dawn if you're good at staying up regardless of her relentless tongue, hands, and tail — you're sweaty, sticky, and heaving whilst Valeria snuggles herself into your hair. She draws shapes into your sides, easily threatening you with her silence.
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Three for One 11
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, cheating, customer service abuse, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: As a customer service associate, you’re used to work with a wide variety of characters. Your efforts to go above and beyond draw the attention of a certain set of customers who want more than what’s on the shelf.
Character: Andy Barber, Lloyd Hansen, Ransom Drysdale
Note: yall doubted me.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me 💞
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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A deep growl rolls around you. This one is beastly. Not lurid or lusty. Your head dangles over Andy’s arm as he carries you into the bedroom, stalling as Ernie snarls at his entrance. You whimper as your body thrums from head to toe.
“Shhh,” Andy hushes, both you and the dog. He lowers you onto the mattress as Ernie’s rumble deepens. “Honey,” he pets your forehead, “you did so good.”
You turn your head, staring at the wall. Disgusted with him but just as repulsed by yourself. The tenderness tingling between your legs stains you with shame. As much as you detested every violation, every intrusion, you enjoyed it all the same. Your body delighted in it and even then, you feel that empty longing clenching inside of you.
“You just need to get cleaned up,” he looms over you as Ernie growls.
“Puppy…” you murmur and wave your hands senselessly.
Ernie lets out a soft boof and the bed jolts as he jumps onto it. He sniffs you as he jostles you and lays against you, licking your arm with his warm, rough tongue. It’s soothing. You turn and embrace him, shuddering as the afterglow fades to humiliation.
“Let me take care of you,” Andy intones.
His shadow hovers around the room and his footsteps fade into the distortion of your new reality. That fog of disbelief returns, thicker than before. That first night when you couldn’t fathom the absurdity of it all can’t compare to the haze that consumes you then. After all they’ve done, your only shield is denial. 
It didn’t happen. You didn't just let them do all that. You didn’t crawl around and obey them like an animal. No. No. You’ve been in here this whole time, it’s only a bad nightmare.
You squeeze your eyes shut and whine. Ernie lays his head down next to yours. It’s just you and your puppy. You’re safe. He’s safe. That’s what matters. When you took him in, you took on the duty of protecting him. 
That’s how it should be when you take someone in. When you promise to take care of them. That’s not how it always goes, though. You know that better than anyone.
You quiver as you remember the nights in the group home. Scared and alone. Even with the other kids, you were never really wanted, never accepted. You had no one to talk to, no one to help you.
Those days are far behind you… but the feelings creep back in. You thought you were stronger now. You’re just as weak as you were then.
The noise of water pouring down splices through your daze. You shift onto your back as Ernie’s hot breaths puff over your shoulder. You move, just a little, and give up as the effort tinges in your muscles.
Andy returns, a fuzzy silhouette over you, as he takes you by the arm and sits you up. Ernie bristles and you flutter your hand behind you. That’s the one thing you couldn’t handle; him getting hurt. He licks your palm as you feel the tension of his body through the mattress. He knows it’s all wrong but he’s a good boy and he’ll listen to you.
Andy lifts you from the bed again, this time with his arm across your back as he makes you stand. He walks you around into the bathroom. He sits you on the open toilet and you hang your head.
“Honey, you should… go, it will help,” he girds, “you don’t want an infection, huh?”
“Leave me alone,” you babble and cover your face with your hand.
“I have the bath running for you, sweetie,” he coos and steps away, “I’ll add some bubbles.”
You shakily lift your head and watch his back as he goes to the tub. He uncaps a bottle with a click and you fold over your lap. The pressure in your core begins to burn. A ripple flows through you as your bladder releases. The trick of your urine on the porcelains adds to your shame.
You grab toilet paper to wipe yourself, hissing at the touch of the tissue. You drop it into the bowl and sit up. You shake as Andy returns to you and takes off the stockings. You’re completely naked. He scoops you up entirely and lowers you into the tub, the water lapping up higher and higher around you.
“Did you like your presents?” Andy asks as he turns. He takes a stool from beside the counter and unfolds it, sitting on the other side of the tub wall.
You stare at the tiled wall as the hot water sears your oversensitive skin. You can feel the pearls dangling from your ears, a reminder of their game. You reach to the jewelry and he catches your hand.
“Those are really pretty on you,” Andy hums, “not that you need help.”
You slip your hand free of his and drop it back into the water. Your eyes singe. His betrayal is worse than anything else. He said he would keep you safe. That he wouldn’t let them hurt you but all you can think of is how much he hurt you.
Andy stirs the water with his fingers as the bubbles foam over the top. The smell of fake vanilla wafts in the air. You lean your head back and look at the ceiling. You hate him more than the others. He’s a liar. For all their faults, the others don’t hide what they are.
“You can just relax until dinner,” he coaxes as he touches your chest, “recover…”
You hear claws tapping and look over as Ernie fills the open doorway. He sits, staring intently at you. Maybe you should have them take him to a shelter… you can’t take care of him here. Not like you should. Your eyes sting and you look away. No, he doesn’t deserve that either. You’ve failed him.
With no response, Andy doesn’t say another word. For a while, he touches you, soft, almost curious touches, then he stands. You peek up as he undresses and the world shifts as he moves you from against the porcelain. He steps in behind you and eases down into the tub, pulling you over him as he reclines.
The intimacy of that moment churns in your stomach. It’s how he acts like this is all normal, like there’s anything more than there is. This isn’t a relationship, this isn’t a utopia he’s built for you, he’s using you. Just like those other two.
“You’re so precious, sweetie,” he frames your face and kisses the crown of your head, “so… beautiful.” 
His hands trail down your neck and chest. He fondles your tits as your body locks up. Ernie snorts and treads closer. Your head drifts to the side and you stare at him. His jowls curl up with unease. You hush him. He huffs and circles around, once, twice, then lays on the bathmat.
“He loves you,” Andy comments as his hands continue to explore, “that’s sweet. You must be really good to him.”
You sniff and swallow down your horror. You don’t want to hear him. You want him to go away, to leave you to wallow in his desecration. You reach up and catch his hand, trying to pull it off your stomach. He resists, far too easily for your comfort.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?”
You shift, the water sifting around your bodies. You feel the twitch beneath your back. Despite everything, he’s getting hard again. You are sickened by his insatiable appetite.
“Just relax,” he coaxed as he tickles your sides, “soak up the heat and then we’ll lay down, huh? Get some snuggles in. I got a turkey in the oven–”
“Shut up,” you snip, surprising even yourself.
“Honey,” he rebukes, “don’t talk like that. It’s Christmas.”
Your lips trembles and you take a deep breath. You notice how his hand braces your hip firmly. You gulp and try to ease the knots in your muscles.
“Sorry,” you eke out and let his hand go.
“It’s okay, sweetie,” he releases your hip and instead tickles the bottom of your stomach, “I know you’re a good girl.”
You close your eyes and grit your teeth. You’re not good, you’re scared.
Andy puts you in a pair of fuzzy pajamas. A crop top and short shorts. Everything is designed to keep you a display. He lays you down in the bed and you lay there, paralysed. You’re trapped in this room, in your own body, with no way out.
Ernie lays at the foot of the bed as Andy leaves. You stare at the door and wonder. Is that it? For how long?
When the door opens again, you tear your eyes away. Andy carries in a basket and sets it on the side of the bed. He starts to unpack the contents; the gifts. You recoil in disgust and cross your arms.
He hangs the new sweaters and puts the new pieces of jewelry in the box on the vanity. He sorts out the perfumes and lotions and other toiletries and takes them into the bathroom. You curl your lip and fall onto your back.
You can’t just roll over and give up. You’ve been through stuff before. You can do more. This is only the first day and you saw the cracks. Right now, it’s three against one, but the three is very close to dissembling.
The plan. Whatever it is they keep going on about, it’s going to fall apart. It has to. All they do is bicker. You see their hate, you just need to needle away at it.
You sit up and take a deep breath. When Andy comes back in, he seems surprised. You look at him and smile. You worked in retail for years, you can play the role he wants.
“Honey,” you get to your knees, ignoring the sensitivity between your legs, “do I have to stay in here?”
He looks at the door then back to you, “well, I…”
“You said you had a turkey cooking. I could help with dinner,” you offer with a flutter of your lashes.
“Sweetie, are you okay?” He asks.
“Yes,” you say, “I… Ernie’s too big to be locked in here.”
He glances at the dog and frowns, “yeah, I guess.”
“And he’ll need to go pee soon,” you insist, “Andy, I know you have a son. Ernie’s like that to me. I just want to make sure he’s okay.”
Andy flinches, “...I know.”
“You’re a dad, you must be a really good one,” you come to the edge of the bed and sit on your knees, “you said you’d take care of me.”
“I will,” he crosses his arms. 
“So, you need to help me take care of my puppy,” you pout, “right?”
He lowers his chin and drops his hands to his hips. He exhales as he pokes his cheek with his tongue, “I guess.” He looks up slowly, “it’s sweet that you care so much about him,” he treads closer, “you’d be a good mom.”
You blink. You hope he isn’t implying anything, “I already am. Ernie’s just like a kid.”
“Well, yeah, I know that but…” he sits on the bed beside you, his eyes roving up and down, “once you’re all settled… we could… talk.”
Oh. Okay. He really is nuts. 
“Maybe then,” you reach to his hand. “I could really use a hot chocolate, I could make some for all of you. Or coffee?”
He smiles and the rigidness leaves his shoulders, “how did I find someone so sweet, huh?”
You squeeze his hand and cautiously stand, “how did I get so lucky?”
He rises with you and Ernie drags himself off the floor. You outstretch your other arm to the dog in an effort to keep him calm. He’s probably just as scared as you.
You walk with Andy to the door and he lets you go to unlock the door with the key. You wait patiently as you latch onto Ernie’s collar. You know he’ll try to bolt, he’s restless.
Andy steps back and lets you out first. You walk with the dog calmly down the hallway. You stop at the impasse of the two doorways.
“Can I put him in the front room? He’ll only mooch in the kitchen?” You ask.
“Should we grab his leash?” Andy asks.
“He’ll be good,” you promise.
“Alright, go then.”
You tug Ernie with you into the front room. You let go of his collar and scratch his head. As you enter, Ransom sprawls over the sectional, lazily thumbing at a tablet. He peers over and sits up as he sees the dog.
“Shit! How did you–”
“He won’t bug you,” you insist as you turn to Ernie, “Ern, be nice. Lay down.”
You point to the floor and the Saint Bernard dips his head. He circles and obeys. You give him a ‘good boy’ and turn to Ransom as he narrows his eyes at the dog.
“Mmm, damn, why don’t you call me a good boy, baby?” Lloyd startles you as he struts in from the other doorway.
“I… did you want hot chocolate? Or coffee?” You ask.
“Whatsa matter with you? Cock hungry again?” Lloyd snorts.
You wince, “it’s Christmas.”
“Oh, damn, she’s got stamina,” Lloyd snickers, “I didn’t think you’d be back on your feet again so fast. Maybe on your back…”
“I’ll have coffee,” Ransom slides up to lean against the armrest and rolls his shoulders with a groan, “I’m stiff as fuck.”
“Me too, but coffee won’t do much for it,” Lloyd sneers as he rubs the front of his pants.
“I’ll put a pot on,” you say and try to side step Lloyd.
“I’d love something warm,” he catches you by the throat, “I could just drink you up, sweet cheeks.”
He flicks his tongue at you and you struggle to hold your smile. You can do it. You’ve made it through how many Black Fridays?
“That will wake you up, Hugh–”
“Don’t call me fucking Hugh,” Ransom snaps back.
The tension is cut with a sharp ahem. You glance past Lloyd as Andy lurks in the doorway. Lloyd retracts his hand and wiggles his fingers. You let your breath out.
“Do you want coffee or not?” Andy grits out.
“Dark roast,” Lloyd gestures derisively as he spins on his heel, “maybe you numbnuts needa drop a blue pill into yours but I’ll take mine black.”
“Fuck off, Hansen,” Ransom mutters.
“What? I’m just saying, if you can’t keep up, I got enough to give her a merry christmas.”
“Talk, talk, talk,” Ransom rolls his eyes.
“Come on, sweetie,” Andy offers his hand,“let’s go get that hot chocolate.”
“Fucking cuck,” Lloyd sneers under his breath.
Andy sighs and you take his hand.
“Sounds yummy,” you chime as you lead him out.
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cycat4077 · 5 months
Gator's room: foreshadowing & clues
I went back to take a look at the scene of Gator in his room. While the "flag", girly posters, blaring heavy metal and handcuffs were an immediate stand out to all of us, I wanted to have a look to see if there were any other clues to who Gator is.
First up, here's his room:
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Let's look a little closer at the obvious foreshadowing.
Based on the previews and the Instagram post from the makeup artist (along with the subtle nods to Oedipus), it appears Ole Munch is going to torture Gator. We see him holding a knife to his eyes, and in the original trailer, Gator is bloody and blindfolded while being led by a noose.
Gator's own posters, decor, and drawings seem to depict this fate.
#1 The poster immediately behind his shoulder depicts a man with no eyes - potentially gouged out.
#2 The drawing below it has the eyes blocked out in colours that suggest necrotic (dead) tissue.
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#3 The animal skull on his wall obviously has no eyes.
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The Oedipus parallel and removal of his peepers were foreshadowed right in Gator's room from episode 3.
Linda's fate (mommy issues)
We learned in the last episode that Linda is dead. Roy tells Dot that he can burry Dot right next to Linda. When Dot confronts Gator and tries to win him over via his mother, Gator gets visibly emotional and shaken. We see hope and heartache run through him simultaneously. I think Gator knows instinctively that his mother is dead, but some small part of him hopes she is still out there.
I also think Gator's drawings depict his mother.
#1 This drawing not only depicts a person with eyes blacked out, but the drawing is clearly of a woman - possibly a corpse. She has breasts and long hair but is drawn in purples, reds, and blues; colours that represent bruises, blood, and dying flesh.
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#2 The other drawing with missing eyes is also of a woman. This drawing once again has long hair, but she is smiling.
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Perhaps Gator accidentally saw his mother's dead body. He has a drawing that represents a scary corpse (reality) and one that represents an almost comical one. Maybe the smile is how he tries to remember Linda - dead but somehow still smiling for him.
Other little things
#1 Robbed of childhood innocence. Gator's room is filled with "tough boy" items: swimsuit model photos, car photos, alcohol, heavy metal posters, etc. But he also has children's toy cars. The hot rod photos are in direct contrast to the toy cars on his shelf. The boy trapped inside the man. A boy robbed of his childhood by abuse and traumatic events.
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#2 Jack Skellington. I'm probably one of the only people on the planet who have not yet watched The Nightmare Before Christmas, but the Jack Skellington parallels go beyond just the mask Gator wore. To me, it looks like he also drew Jack - and yet another reference to death. The skull's mouth is sewn shut too, just like Gator is sworn to obey his father and not speak the truths about what Roy has done.
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#3 Red or Blue Pill? Again, I have failed to watch yet another classic film: the Matrix. But this poster seems to be a clear reference to it, I think.
According to Google, "The red pill and blue pill represent a choice between the willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth by taking the red pill or remaining in the contented experience of ordinary reality with the blue pill."
And if there's anyone with the last name of Tillman who will be forced to see reality (and potentially change), it is Gator. Gator will likely be forced this "red pill" by Ole Munch, either finally seeing the reality of his father's ways, or by becoming the next sin eater.
Whatever the outcome, the poster must have some sort of meaning!
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That's all for now 😊 But I really love all the subtleties in this show! It's fantastically written and acted, and Joe is doing such an exceptional job playing this mutli-layered and morally ambiguous character of Gator!
A post by @familyfriendlyhoho got me thinking about the drawing on Gator's wall. I was thinking that his drawings represent his dead mother, Linda and that he may have accidentally seen her corpse. The post theorizes that:
"I feel like Gator knew Linda was dead. but worst, I feel like Roy showed it to him."
And I think that this is the most-likely scenario. Roy is sinister enough to do something like that to his own son. I can imaging Roy telling Gator to stop being a loser and become a winner and, to drive the point home, he could have led Gator to Linda's corpse warning "this is what happens to losers".
If so, Gator's drawings would depict the corpse he witnessed. Even here, before Gator gives himself the "I'm a winner" pep talk, we see him glance towards the drawing - a reminder of what happens to losers. He then feels the need to convince himself that he is not one, despite what his father says.
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bookofbonbon · 1 year
i know i am - rafe cameron.
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader.
Summary: For Rafe, it's always been you. He's just waiting for you to realise it too.
Word Count: 840.
A/N: It has been a hot minute since I've posted Rafe Cameron and this is OLD. So, so old and I just found it in the archives and thought I would post it because why not?
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You feel him before you see him, goosebumps covering the length of your arms and, not because it’s cold – more attuned to the pretty blue-eyed boy who fills the space behind you than you cared to admit but, he didn’t need to know that.  You try to be subtle in the deep breath you take, he always smells so good, you think he’s your favourite smell – yet another thing he didn’t need to know but, the small laugh he breathes tells you that he already does.
“You know you can do better than him,” Rafe chuckles quietly at the boy trying but failing to win you a stuffed animal - you’d been hoping he’d get you the brown teddy bear with the blue bow tie – the boy you’re actually here at the carnival with.
You roll your eyes playfully at his words even though he can’t see you, you’d heard them a thousand times before, “you can’t say that to me. I banned you from saying that to me, remember?”
Rafe laughs loudly, warmly, the sound reverberating through you and you’re unsure of when you had leant back into him but, you don’t mind. It feels nice.
“Okay, then…” Rafe acknowledges, making a noise in the back of his throat like he’s thinking. “How about… he’s not right for you.”
This time you roll your eyes in exasperation, turning to look at him – all playfulness and amusement gone. The tip of his nose and apples of cheeks are coloured pink from the cold and, if it weren’t for the mild irritation, you now felt with him, you would’ve thought it was cute.
You look to the side, mulling over your words as your gaze focuses on an unknown couple, wondering whether or not you should say what you have on your mind. It had always been a carefully crafted dance with Rafe, always teetering toward the edge but never going over it and, not because of him but because of you. You had known him too long, loved him too long, what if things didn’t work out between you two? But then he gives you that cheeky half grin that you love so much, and you think maybe you are ready to go over the edge if it's with him.
“You only ever say that because you think you’re right for me,” you shrug nonchalantly, gaze finding him again and steeling yourself to appear more confident than you felt.
Time seems to stand still at your words, never had you said anything like that before, always brushing him off with a roll of your eyes and a push at his arm but not this time. Something shifts between the two of you, a maddening tension that had always knocked at the door but had never been invited in until now and you wonder if Rafe feels it too.
If your words have any effect on him, he doesn’t show it, at least not in the way that you’d like. The seconds feel like hours, each one sending a knife to your heart as Rafe doesn’t say anything. Instead looking at you with a tilt of his head and a light draw of his brows, eyes shining with something you can’t quite place.
Your heart beats wildly in your chest – you’re sure if he comes any closer than he already is, he’ll hear it. But he doesn’t say anything and, instead of coming closer, he moves further away and around you before disappearing from your view entirely and leaving you feeling like a fool. Whatever confidence you may have held, leaving with him.
Tears fill your eyes, a lump in your throat as you swallow thickly, sniffling lightly and pressing a hand to your forehead. You stay there for a minute, probably less but it feels much longer; only prompted to move by the feeling of someone’s hand around your wrist and pulling you around to face them. You mentally shake the last few minutes with Rafe from your head, knowing that it’s likely your date returned with that stuffed animal he promised but, to your surprise – it’s Rafe.
“I don’t think I am; I know I am” he smiles at you.
It’s easy and light, always so effortless in his charm but, it's not playful like it usually is. There's a sincerity and comfort in the way he looks at you.
His confession catches you off guard even though it shouldn’t. He’s always been so openly and shamelessly in love with you and, yet butterflies erupt in your stomach all the same. Sliding his hand from around your wrist to cradle your hand, he squeezes it softly before guiding it towards something he holds in his other hand – you look down in surprise when you feel something soft beneath your fingers – it’s the brown teddy bear with the blue bow tie.
“Just waiting for you to realise that I am, too,” Rafe grins with a cheeky wink before he disappears into the crowd, knowing full well now, that you do.
All fics are my own work - I have not posted my work anywhere else.
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters/places mentioned above.
Do not copy. Do not translate. Do not repost.
© bookofbonbon 2023. All rights reserved.
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serxinns · 30 days
I was wondering if you could do Yandere MHA like how they would treat a chubby reader cause I’m pretty chubby and I’d love that :3
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They would treat you like a God/Goddess! The girls and boys would fight over who gets to hang out with you 1st
Mina would dress you up in cute outfits you are comfortable with (she loves pink and black on you! But she'll dress you up in any way you are comfortable It makes her feel like you're all hers! But you don't know that yet momo would buy the whole mall for you! (She did already) you want that adorable necklace sold! Present for you! Do you wanna go to a hot topic and get all your favorite anime merch? Here you go! You want that new console that just got out a week ago why not get a console that isn't even out yet!? She loves seeing you smile you thought she was a very kind friend when she's just showing you what's it like to be hers and hers only
Tsuyu you take you swimming at times if the pools close somewhere private like a secret majestic garden with just the two of you so nobody with bother you and while you're amazed by the beauty tsuyu admires your beautiful face and figures she just wants to cuddle up on you and pinch your cheeks she couldn't wait to have you all hers~ Jirou comes out aw a tough little tsundere at times but when it comes to you her heart Is melting and she barely, ale complete sentences and she's only soft but a bit of a tsu she would show off her earphone tricks would blush over any outfit you wear (she once saw a bit of your stomach showing and she and the class was flustered and simping)
Izuku is just drawing down everything about you even things you don't even know yourself he offers to walk with you to school (since you his neighbor) and glare at anyone who gives you a look whether be judging or drooling he makes sure that they dont mess whats his bakugo would force you to walk with him saying that damn Deku doesn't know where the bus stop is and would talk about the extras I'm his group
Denki would occasionally flirt with your ur main gamer buddy, but he's personally a geek for manga comics and would rant to you about the latest chapter or one of his favorite characters heck he even imagined you cosplaying one of his favorite characters!!! Oh God dude would be dying thanking the lord for this gift he secretly writes fanfics of his favorite character x and would make their personality similar to yours and make of bunch of fanart of you in a different bunch of outfits he can't wait until he shows it off to you they'll surely win your heart!
Kiri is your hype man and best friend when he saw you smash those villains with a single fist this dude was head over HEELS just overlooking completing how manly you are ugh this dude would be blushing HARD he would rant to his best friend Katsuki about how manly you are and wished he could have muscles like that as well!! If anyone says otherwise or shames you for your body this dude will go protective mode he will make a rant about how Amazing beautiful and manky you are and will start going a bit personal a bit saying how you'll date him and he'll pick you like a royal you are and you'll do the same and marriage and blah blah blah
the person who insulted you just gets scared and runs away which makes that a victory for him!
Iida would always be a guard dog like this dude will protect cute little marshmallow you! He makes sure you eat regularly he never lets you skip a meal if you try he's banging your door with a bento box in his hand with marshmallows he freaks pit over every small scratch bruise and lord don't tell him you broke some of your limbs one time you broke your arm during fighting and he went intonlockdown literally gets a wheelchair and stroll you around (even tho you can CLEARY walk) and make sure you stay in that bed untill your all better see how he's taking care of you he wanted to do this every day to you and only you
Koda is an absolute sweetheart if he sees an animal that looks like you he instantly points it out to you and tells you animal facts and while he is explaining the animals to you his heart can't stop fluttering with butterflies! he can barely stay on topic of the animal while just staring at your adorable puff up face!
The class would compete for anything whether be who gets to sit by you or who have fun with who it's always a competition, threats and a blood bath at training they'll even raised their hand like little hpkids Eagar for a treat and if you choose one of them they'll instantly run to you with a satisfy smirk on their face while the rest of them are pissed off
They loved their darling and they'll do anything to satisfy your needs! Whether it be committing some crimes for you~
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quinloki · 11 days
Birthday Request Event v2024
Alright let's start off with the primary points:
1 - You do NOT have to give to get.
2 - You do not have to get to give.
3 - Read everything, there's quite a few moving parts =D
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Things You Can Do During This Event:
1 - Request a story from me (see the end of the post for the format!)
2 - You can give me a gift! (see "Gifting Quin" below!)
3 - Reblog this post to be entered into a raffle!
Details below the cut!
Raffle Prizes!
-:- 1,000 words of anything you want (within reason) - can be a one-shot, can be a demand for a specific title (make me work on that title you've been dying to read more of). Just has to be One Piece related.
-:- OC Cameo - I'll plunk your OC/self-insert into a story (that is not the Host Club AU ^^; )
-:- I'll draw something for you \o/ I'm not great, but hey, free art xD
Gifting Quin!
❤️ - Pin 5$ to my shirt - it's a local-ish birthday tradition.
❤️ - Share one of my stories and leave a comment \o/ You can do this whenever, but it really makes my day, so have at!
❤️ - Gift me a story, or some art 😳🥰
Ideas (please do NOT send me saucy stuff on anon or if you're under 18):
1 - Draw a scene from any of the stories you've liked! 2 - Draw Quill - by themself, or with you and/or your OC, or a One Piece character \o/ Quill can be a boy, girl, or whatever mix tickles your fancy. Have fun =D 3 - Draw what you see when you think of "Reader" for any given story. 4 - Re-write a scene for a story =O How would you tell me that scene? 5 - Write me a one-shot using the prompts below 😇 6 - Free form a ficlet, drabble, head canon, series of bullet points with ANY anime character and either a "Reader" or Quill =3 Spread your wings beyond One Piece (Wind Breaker, YYH, FMA, MHA, Habin hotel, etc - go wild 🥰)
Feel free to ask me ANYTHING if you're unsure of something
Birthday Bash Requests \o/
Finally, the part you've all been waiting for XD
*** Anon Requests Will be SFW only ***
-:- Give me some reader vibes as applicable (gender/height vibes) -:- Give me a blorbo (or blorbos) - One Piece only please ❤️ -:- Pick something from each of the lists below and then submit your ask! (any items not specified in the ask will be my choice 😇 cause it's my birthday celebration XD )
Pick 1 Vibe: SFW SFW dark SFW Yandere Blorbo NSFW Consensual NSFW dubcon/dark NSFW Yandere Blorbo NSFW noncon Writer's Choice (please include squicks if you pick dark or dub/non con options)
Pick 1 AU: Canon Universe Mafia AU Fantasy AU Cowboy AU Government Mandated Marriage AU Soul Mates AU Modern AU Hallmark AU Mythical Creatures AU Vampire AU Coffee Shop AU A/B/O AU Monster AU (you can say what kind of monster you prefer) BDSM AU Host Club AU Grandline Metro AU (Quicksand, A Light Touch, Heart of Gold, Thrice Prophesized are set in this AU) Writer's Choice (spin that wheel!)
Pick 1 Prompt: Angst / Bad End Aphrodisiac - sex pollen, drugged food, struck by needle, devil fruit Bath/Shower/hotspring Body writing (icing, ink, blood, etc.) Caught in the Act Contractually Obligated Creature x Human Date / First date Dungeon Erotically charged fight Experienced w/virgin Forced Proximity - box, flight, cell, bondage, get-a-long shirt Friend’s hot older sibling Fuck or die Lazy morning sex Long-Term Established Relationship Only One Bed Outside Pliant When Horny Role-play Roughed Up Size Difference (I write this a lot, but I do love it.) Soft/Comfort Sugar daddy/mama The hat rule They were… coworkers/neighbors/etc. Trapped in a Room Trying Again (exes getting back together) Unresolved sexual tension Wounded Writer's Choice
***Requests will be accepted from 6/1 - 7/10 - and posted from 6/1 - 7/31***
Gifts are accepted from 6/1 until whenever \o/ Don't feel pressured to get them in by 7/20 🥰
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wintfleur · 8 days
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au masterlist - you can find everything under #👩🏻‍🎨 ͡ ꒱ Stella Hughes!
NAME Estella Hughes
NICKNAMES Stella, Stell, Stells, Stellur, Stink, tiny hughes.
BIRTHDAY May 5th 2004
SEXUALITY Bisexual (only a few people know)
BIRTHPLACE Manchester, New Hampshire
PIERCINGS 2 in each ear, bellybutton, nipples
FACE CLAIM Gracie Abrams
LANGUAGES english 100% Korean 100%
MAJOR An art major, she's on the woman's figure skating team.
PERSONALITY Stella can be very quiet , but she is very friendly and cheerful! She can be quite flirty to people , she's very sweet and always wants to help everyone , but she is a little bit of a people pleaser so she struggles with that! She can be very hard on herself.
HABITS going super quiet, getting lost in her own thoughts, biting her lips.
LIKES Her nintendo switch, bored games, video games, ear muffs, twilight, stuffed animals, the canucks, sleeping, mini skirts, lando norris.
DISLIKES hiccups, driving, messy places, being compared to her brothers, rude fans, feeling stuck, loud places, her anxiety.
HOBBIES reading, photography, hockey ,ballet, all types of dancing, baking, scrapbooking, singing.
FEARS drowning, deep water, being alone, being stuck in tight places.
FOOD cherries, french fries, blueberries ,
DRINKS water, coke, hot chocolate, redbull.
COLOR pink , green, brown, white.
ANIMALS bunnies, bears, dogs, cats.
SEASONS Winter, fall/autumn.
HOLIDAYS Christmas.
BANDS AND ARTISTS ABBA , Lana del ray, Tate mcrae, enhypen, wallows, 5 seconds of summer , honestly so many artists she listens to so many genres.
SHOWS pretty little liars, Criminal minds, too many kdramas to name.
MOVIES tangled, every batman movie, mamma mia, bride wars, mighty ducks 2.
PERSON quinn hughes and daisy ahn
She is the youngest of the Hughes clan, and as the only girl and youngest that means her older brothers are very protective. Mostly Jack and Luke, Quinn isn’t as intense as the other two.
Quinn is her favorite person in the whole world, she tells him everything. He likes to say that she’s his favorite, and it’s true.
She had the biggest crush on Trevor growing up, he likes to tease her about it. So does Luke.
Jack and Luke scared off all the boys growing up!
She’s not the biggest fan of swimming.
Her love language is physical touch, she’s a big cuddler and she loves holding hands.
Her two best friends are lily (lils) and Carmen (minnie) they have been friends since they were little, lily is on the women's volleyball team and Carmen does figure skating with her.
Her best best friend, who is like her sister is Daisy Ahn ( an oc made by @qoqurt ) they have been best friends since they were little
Her other bestie is dahlia !! (An oc made by @bbrissonn )
Her best guy friend is Park Sunghoon, yes the sunghoon from enhypen, they are childhood friends and met through figure skating.
Secretly made out with Luca fantilli in a closet at her first college party, obviously before she and Rut started dating.
She loves spending summers at the lake house.
She went viral at jacks draft, she goes viral a lot.
The nhl fans love her, the delulu fans hate her.
Is very close with her parents, she’s a family girl!
She’s a homebody, she likes going out but prefers to hang out at home/dorm or at her friends' homes/dorms.
She is a very talented artist and got a scholarship to umich for her art. She loves all types of art. She likes drawing and painting but has started loving ceramics.
Stella loves the library and I mean lovesss it! If you can’t find Stella, she’s either in her bed or at the library
She loves photography, ever since Quinn bought her a Polaroid camera when she was 13, she has quite the vault of embarrassing pictures of her brothers
Momma's girl? Daddy’s girl? No she’s a Quinn girl
She used to figure skate with a partner but things went wrong and she's very hesitant to have a new partner
She’s actually really good at hockey, and could join a women's team if she wanted to. But she could never, she hates getting hit.
She hates seeing her brothers and friends getting hit, makes her cringe and flinch.
Went viral after her reaction of Jack getting into a fight goes on the big screen.
The camera people are always putting her on the big screen whenever she goes to her brothers and friends game.
She did get exposed on the big screen taking a sip of Trevor’s beer…Trevor couldn’t stop laughing while her dad gave her a disapproving shake of his head.
Trevor and Jack accidentally got Stella really high for the first time, forgetting to tell her that gummies on Jack's desk are edibles. A freaking out Trevor and Jack trying their best to calm down a panicked Stella, let’s just say the two boys were anxious for Quinn to come back. (I really want to write a thing for this, it would be so funny)
Her and Lily secretly went and got their nipples pierced, Carmen being there to hold their hands.
Not really a coffee or tea person
She loves playing board games and video games with her brothers
She’s a sweet person, but isn’t afraid to speak her mind. She’s the youngest of three brothers, she knows how to stick up for herself!
She’s a passenger princess…with everyone!
She knows she’s in trouble if someone calls her Estella
Stella really wants to be a mother
Her trainer is pushing her (nicely) so she can be in the 2026 winter olympics!
Here is a link to more fun facts about her!
She has 3 instagram accounts. @/stellahughes is her main account that everyone follows, @/entersteller is her private account where only her friends and family follow, @/nicohischierluvergurl is her secret private account where only a few of her close friends and Quinn follow.
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˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( so this is the updated version of her profile !! I’ve been wanting to redo it for a while , I really hope you guys like it lovelys !! )
°. — taglist ( @cixrosie @toasttt11 @lovings4turn @bunbunbl0gs @petite-potato4 @winterbarnesblog @yoontwin )
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
part one
— — —
Reyna meets them right inside the borders, arms open wide the second she catches Nico’s eye. He leaves the rest of his friends to argue with Terminus – Nico stopped listening very quickly – and sprints right to her, nearly bowling her over with his enthusiasm. She laughs, holding her ground, but wraps her arms so tightly against him, squeezing, and she smells like wool and sunshine and her clementine shampoo, and just barely, chocolate. 
“I missed you,” he whispers into her shoulder, and instead of responding she just holds him tighter. 
Sometimes touch makes his skin crawl – hardly, anymore, with how touchy his friends are. Sometimes he has to remind himself that a hand on his shoulder is friendly, not trying to restrain him, that whatever annoying person who is ruffling his hair is fond of him, not mocking.
He doesn’t have to remind himself of anything with Reyna. Her touch is familiar. Her hold means safety, her hold means I watched out for you, kid, and never stopped. Her touch feels like Bianca’s, like someone who has seen him at his worst and angriest and not only loves him but respects him. 
“Hazel’s riding Arian,” she says, clearing her throat and reluctantly pulling away. 
Nico swipes quickly at his face and pretends he doesn’t want to tuck himself right back under her chin. (He is happy with his choice. Despite what he expected, he loves Camp Half-Blood. It’s home, now, in a way Camp Jupiter was never going to be. But his sisters – both of them – are his home, too, and it aches something horrid being away from them for so long.)
“Frank’s trying to chase after her, but he’s running out of fast animals, so it might be a minute.”
Nico cracks up at that image. It was clearly Reyna’s intention, because she grins, and continues, “He tried to dive after her as a falcon when they were running along the Bay, but he missed and nearly drowned himself. Or so claim the rumours, Kahale has been watching from the towers for the past hour at least.”
“Thank you for this. I’ve run out of things to give him shit for, lately, I needed that.”
“Anytime.” She flicks her gaze over at his crew of dumbasses, who have not, in fact, managed past the border in the ten or so minutes since Nico ditched. In fact, their whining and arguing is drawing a bit of a crowd. 
Or maybe that’s Leo and Lou Ellen, who have given up trying to get through and are amusing themselves by making a mini firework show. Will seems to be the only one still actually arguing with Terminus, long arms flailing as he tries to convince the god to let them in. (Well, one arm is flailing. The other is clenched in the back of Cecil’s shirt, preventing him from running off to do Zeus knows what). Piper is next to him, possibly by virtue of charming their way in, but she appears to be occupied with teaching Kayla and Austin some kind of clapping game. 
“We should probably go collect your circus.”
“I mean, we could also walk away,” Nico offers, even as he follows her towards them. “They’re capable people.” He pauses, thinking back to the sheer number of rest stops they were kicked out of on the way here. “Kind of.” And fast food restaurants. “Mostly.” And, notably, one public park. “Well, whatever. I’m sure they can figure themselves out. If we go to the cafe now, we’ll have hot chocolate to rub in Cecil’s face by the time they finally argue their way in.”
Reyna says nothing, although her mouth twitches. “Terminus,” she calls, when they’re close enough. All the squabbling and fireworks and general ruckus stops as everyone turns to look at her. “These are friends, who have come to visit. Why are they being detained?”
“Detained?!” Will squawks. “Try held hostage!”
“Back in my day you’d be whipped for your attitude, boy, why I should –”
“Oh, go ahead, Bucky Barnes, I’m real scared –”
“Your man is going to get himself smited,” Reyna comments.
Nico sighs. “He gets himself almost smited a lot, actually.” It takes him a moment to clock the entirety of Reyna’s sentence, in which time her smile becomes evil and Nico’s face matches the hue of Apollo’s sun cows. “And he’s not my man! Why would you say that! What does that even m –”
“Terminus,” Reyna says again, visibly snickering, “this group has my permission to enter the borders.”
Terminus grumbles, but he knows better to defy her. There’s a brief shimmer to the air, and then the seven of them scamper inside before Terminus changes his mind.
“What have we come to,” Terminus mutters. Will sticks his tongue out behind his head.
As the group follows Reyna and Nico towards the city, Nico squeezes her hand once and ducks back to join Will, who is still pouting. He couldn’t help his smile if he tried.
“What happened to civil relationships, Mr Diplomacy?”
“It’s not my fault!” Will cries. Nico ducks slightly to avoid his hand before he’s smacked in the face – he’s gotten smacked enough times by Will’s dramatic gesturing to become well-used to avoiding it. “I was polite, I requested entry, I had our papers, he was just a dick!”
“I think you maybe just don’t get out enough,” he says, biting the corner of his mouth to keep from laughing. It’s hard, because Will’s eye genuinely twitches. “I think Chiron was right, man. You need to be re-socialised.”
He can’t quite keep his shoulders from shaking as Will’s jaw clenches. It’s just – he is so so easy to wind up. He really is. The second you learn what buttons to push, they’re big and bright red and begging to be abused. Nico didn’t get it in the summer – but by November, he was exchanging looks with Cecil, of all people, and snickering every time they made Will stomp out of the pavilion. 
(It has, of course, nothing to do with the way his face scrunches when he glowers, or the way his blue eyes go dark and a little bit furious and a lot bit sexy. Nothing to do with the growl in his voice when he bites out “I swear to all that is holy, di Angelo,” and shudders zap up Nico’s spine. Obviously. It’s just funny.)
Will opens his mouth – no doubt to let loose a string of insults that would make Mr. D. blush – but before he can let Nico have it, a flash streaks in front of them, and a second later a gust of wind bowls them both over with a yelp.
Groaning, Nico tries to stand, but finds that he can’t. He glances up and meets Will’s eyes, milimeters from his own, and goes so brightly scarlet that he can hear Reyna’s sharp bark of “Ha!” before she clamps her hand over her mouth to keep her dignity. 
“Get off me, Solace,” he complains, but the effect is significantly lessened when his voice cracks – no lie – thirteen separate times.
Cupid, he thinks, as loudly and pointedly as he can, kill yourself.
“I’m not that heavy,” Will grumbles, getting petulantly to his feet and immediately tripping over the world’s smallest pebble. Nico covers his face and screams, very quietly, just a little. When he finally manages to drag his hands away from his eyes, the face of his sister hovers over him, grinning wickedly, dark eyes glinting.
“Wow,” she whistles, at least having the decency to keep her voice down, “Piper wasn’t kidding. You’re embarrassing.”
“Shut up,” he says halfheartedly. “Just – leave me to die.”
She laughs, and Nico smiles on reflex, because she sounds like twinkling gold bangles on a waving arm. He accepts her hand up and laces them together, squeezing gently. Her smile widens further when he leans over and presses a kiss to her cheek.
“It’s good to see you, bella. Even if you’re mean to me.”
She knocks their heads together gently. “You just make it so easy. You should try not swooning into his arms whenever he so much as smiles at you, it would help your image –”
“My image is fine –”
“ – and I heard something about a sleepover? Unsupervised? In cabin 13 –”
“That was greatly exaggerated! We passed out playing –”
“ – can’t forget the time he laughed so hard he snorted and you walked into a wall and broke your nose –”
“You weren’t even there for that! No one was! How do you –”
“Dear, dear brother,” she says, patting his head patronizingly. He's appalled with himself for leaning into the touch. “There is not a soul – living or dead – that doesn’t know about it. I was IMed by four separate people an hour after it happened.”
“I’m leaving,” Nico announces abruptly. He turns back towards the van. “I’m going back to Dad, I’m literally never leaving my bedroom again –”
“Oh, no you don’t.” She hauls him back after the rest of the group, a few yards ahead of them, still grinning. “Let’s go, Nick Gatsby. I want to watch Aeliana’s eye twitch as a vanful of noisy Greek teenagers cause a ruckus in her restaurant.”
— — —
part three
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In The Cold, Cold Night: Chapter One
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pairing: cowboy/frontier!joel miller x oc (Dorothea) / unrequited tommy miller
rating: M (talks of death, bordellos, gender constructs, other wild west things, tommy is a cocky flirt)
wc: 7.2k
series masterlist | playlist
It was a hot and dry spring in Texas, the corn fields out in front of the Mackey family farmhouse dying underneath the brutal and unforgiving sun. John Mackey, the patriarch of his small, humble family, tried his best to conceal his worry over the season’s meager harvest, but his wife, Jessa, and his eldest child, Dorothea, or Dottie as her family called her, had a unique ability to see right through his hardened exterior to the vulnerable, frightened man inside.
Although she was a grown woman, her twenty-fourth birthday passing just seven months prior, Dorothea chose not to venture out from her parent’s watch like all the other girls in their small town had done years before. She liked the predictability of home—the sound of her father’s work boots hitting the hardwood after a long day in the field, the smell of her mother’s cooking, the loud chatter of her five younger brothers as they ran around the house and farm like they were wild animals. Though a part of her did crave more, it was a small enough part that she could ignore, fixing her brown eyes instead on taking care of the things she already had.
“Daddy!” James, the youngest of the clan at only six years, came hurtling into the kitchen as his father sat at the dinner table sipping on a fresh cup of black coffee, Jessa Mackey and Dorothea standing at the sink scrubbing this morning’s dishes. “Look what the lady at the store gave me and Ed.”
“Let me see what’cha got,” the gruff man said, lowering his cup and newspaper to the tabletop as he fixed his attention on his son.
James wore a wide, boyish grin as he reached into the front pocket of his dirty, denim overalls and pulled out a burlap sack, his tiny fingers pulling the drawing string loose so that he could dump out the contents on top of his father’s morning news.
“Well, what’s all this, now?” John said, catching a few of the tiny glass spheres as they began to roll off the uneven table.
“Marbles,” he said, full of wonder and excitement. “She even taught me how to play with ‘em.”
“Can you teach me?” he asked, setting the handful of marbles into the little boy’s hand.
“I forgot,” he smiled bashfully. “But Eddie—“
“I didn’t ask Eddie, now did I?” John smiled back. “Come on, figure it out. You learned once, you can remember.”
“Oh, will you leave him be,” Jessa scolded lightly, chuckling at her husband’s insistence as she walked over, drying her hands on a cloth before throwing it over her shoulder. “Where’s your brother?”
“Outside playin’ with Sarah,” James said, looking up at his mother with round eyes as she carded her fingers through his dust-covered brown hair.
“Who’s Sarah?” Dorothea asked as she dried her hands off on her apron, her brows stitching together.
“She’s new ‘round here,” her youngest brother replied. “She ain’t got any friends—“
“Doesn’t have,” John corrected, lifting his newspaper back up.
“How old is she?” Jessa asked.
“My age,” the boy said, a big toothy smile on his face. “May I go play with ‘em, mama?”
“Yeah, go on,” Jessa smiled and watched as her son ran out of the room with his bag of marbles in hand, the wicker screen door slamming against the wooden frame of the old home as he bolted through it. “I gotta talk to Maggie about givin’ him new toys every time I send ‘em over.”
“She likes it,” Dorothea interjected. “Can’t have babies of her own, it only makes sense she spoils everyone else’s.”
“Don’t matter,” Jessa took a seat at the table to rest her aching feet. “We don’t need another tab.”
John’s eyes lifted to meet his wife as if he were daring her to continue.
“If that girl’s new, maybe I should bake a pie and take it over to her mama and daddy,” Dorothea suggested, sensing the building tension. “We got some blueberries that’ll turn any day now.”
“Sure, honey, go on,” John said, looking back to his paper.
“Don’t use more than y’have to, Dot,” Jessa ordered. “I need flour to make biscuits for supper.”
“I’ll only use what I need, ma,” Dorothea promised with a saintly smile, flashing her emerald green eyes at her mother before heading into the pantry to start out on her baking.
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“Daddy!” Sarah’s squeal could be heard from a mile away, causing her father, Joel, to turn his head in the direction of the dirt road, spotting his daughter riding on the handlebars of of a brand new, candy red-painted bicycle, his younger brother pedaling towards the opened gate of their farm. “Look what Uncle Tommy got!”
Joel shook his head at the needless expense as he watched them ride up to where he stood near the porch, his white cotton shirt soaked down his spine from spending the better half of the afternoon fixing the old wooden steps.
“You ain’t got nothin’ better to spend your money on?” Joel asked as they came to a skid in front of him, Sarah hopping off the handlebars and skipping up to her father’s side to hug his hip, his hand smoothing her wild curls out of her face. “Where you been all day, missy? Out causin’ trouble?”
“I made friends with some boys down the road,” she replied, looking up at her father as he quirked an eyebrow.
“Boys, huh?” he asked, his tone playful. “You ain’t old enough to be hangin’ around any boys.”
“But daddy, they’re sweet,” she insisted, rounding her hazel eyes at him and poking out her bottom lip for good measure. Joel smiled and nodded, rubbing his hand across her shoulders.
“I’m just kiddin’, baby girl,” he assured. “What did y’all get up to?”
“We played cowboys on their farm,” she beamed. “I got to be the sheriff.”
“You know me and your daddy used to be cowboys?” Tommy said, leaning against the post of the porch.
“Well, I would’a caught you,” she said, tilting her chin up in confidence.
“Alright, sheriff, why don’t you go inside and wash off all this dirt before supper?” Joel ordered, patting her back as she begrudgingly obeyed her. “Cheer up, I’m makin’ your favorite.”
“Chicken soup?” she squealed again.
“You got it,” he nodded before waving at her to head into the house like he’d asked.
“If you’re gonna yell, yell,” Tommy sighed, taking a seat on the second step.
“I ain’t gonna yell,” Joel sat down with him. “But you can’t be goin’ around town showin’ off and spendin’ like that. We don’t need people pryin’ into our business and gettin’ the wrong idea.”
“It ain’t a crime to be a bounty hunter,” Tommy argued.
“Not when you’re workin’ for the law, but you and I both know we were about as far from the law as we could get,” Joel said. “Just don’t want people treatin’ Sarah bad because of what we did to make ends meet. That’s why we had to leave the last place, remember?”
“Yeah, I know,” Tommy nodded. “I just saw it and thought it would make droppin’ Sarah off at the schoolhouse easier on me, s’all.”
“Well, I ain’t gonna make you take it back,” Joel said, offering a soft smile, bumping his brother’s shoulder with his own. “Just…talk to me before you go out and buy somethin’ that pretty next time, alright? I might want one for myself.”
“Well, speaking’ of pretty,” Tommy nudged his chin forward in the direction of the gate, Joel’s eyes following his eyeline until he saw what he was so fixed on. Tan, freckled skin, a head of chocolate brown waves thrown up messily, a pair of bright green eyes and an equally bright smile heading up the dirt path to the porch.
“She here for you?” Joel whispered to his brother.
“I certainly hope so,” Tommy replied with a smile.
“Hi, y’all, sorry to interrupt,” the unfamiliar face greeted them as she reached the bottom of the steps, both men staring at her with a mixture of confusion and awe. “I’m Dorothea. My little brothers were playin’ with your sister earlier, and I thought I’d bring a pie over to welcome y’all to the town.”
“Sister?” Tommy asked, fixing a charming smile onto his face. “No sister here, but we’ll be glad to take that pie off your hands.”
“Oh,” she furrowed her brows in confusion. “I’m sorry, I guess I must’a—“
“You talkin’ about Sarah?” Joel spoke up, drawing her eyes to meet his.
“Yeah, I think that’s what her name was.”
“That’s my daughter,” he smiled.
“Oh!” Her eyes widened in shock. “I’m sorry, I thought—you look young, so I just thought—“
“No need to apologize,” he assured, standing up and unintentionally towering over her as he walked down the steps. “I had her young; I’m used to it by now.”
Dorothea smiled softly and nodded, her eyes lowering to the pie in her hands rather than at his dark, round eyes.
“Well, this is for y’all, then,” she said, holding the pie out for him to take.
“Thank you,” he accepted it and lifted the cloth covering the top, bringing the pie close to his nose. “Smells great.”
“It’s a family recipe,” she said. “I can give it to your wife if she’s around?”
“Oh—no,” Joel tensed, his smile faltering. “She, uh, she passed givin’ birth to Sarah.”
“Oh,” Dorothea’s eyes turned soft and sympathetic. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s alright,” he assured, flickering his eyes over to his brother who remained watching their new friend with eager eyes. “We’re about to have supper, you could join us? Let us repay you for the pie?”
“Oh, I wish I could, but my mama’s makin’ biscuits and gravy tonight and she’d throw a fit if I stayed out past dark,” Dorothea said, offering him an apologetic smile.
“Well, you’re always welcome,” Joel shrugged. “Your brothers, too. I’m sure Sarah would love it if her new friends stopped by.”
“I’ll let ‘em know,” she smiled. “Well, I should be goin’.”
“You need a ride?” Tommy asked, standing up.
“Oh, no,” she giggled. “I like the walk, gives me a little time away from all the noise.”
“Alright,” Tommy smiled. “You said your name was Dorothy?”
“Dorothea,” Joel corrected.
“That’s right,” she chuckled. “And y’all are?”
“I’m Tommy, he’s Joel,” Tommy said.
“Well, Tommy, Joel,” she smiled as she turned her eyes from Tommy to meet Joel’s again. “It was nice meetin’ y’all. Enjoy that pie.”
“I’m sure we will,” Joel smiled. “Get home safe, now.”
“Everybody knows not to mess with me,” she smirked as she began backing her way towards the gate.
“That so?” he smirked.
“Yep,” she giggled. “Bye now!”
“Bye,” Tommy called, waving at her as she turned around and started down the road in the direction she came. “What a looker.”
“She wasn’t lookin’ at you,” Joel teased.
“What, you think she was lookin’ at you?”
“No,” he replied defensively as he started up the steps. to head into the house, Tommy trailing closely behind.
“You got a crush, old man?”
“Twenty-eight ain’t old,” Joel argued, setting the pie down on the dinner table.
“Older than me,” Tommy quipped. “Older than her.”
“Alright, well since you’re so young and spry, why don’t you go out back and fetch us some milk for supper, charmer?” Joel teased, grabbing the cloth from the pie and swatting it at his younger brother.
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It was Sunday afternoon, Joel and Tommy finished with the week’s chores and labor, Sarah skipping down the road with them as they made their way to town to look around at the shops and stands.
Joel, as always, kept his pistol tucked into the holster on his belt, his eyes scanning his surroundings for any potential trouble while desperately hoping none found him.
Joel had lived a lot of life in his twenty-eight years. He started out as a ranch hand to his father, Tommy just old enough to form a sentence while his older brother was expected to go out and tend to the horse, sheep, and cows at five in the morning. School wasn’t a priority to his parents, but learning to take care of the ranch was, to them, as essential to living as breathing.
Joel was fifteen when his father passed from typhoid fever, his mother following shortly after getting caught in the middle of a shoot out in town, leaving him to not only take care of the ranch, but his eleven year old brother as well.
Two years later, Joel and Tommy got swept up in the bounty hunting lifestyle after seeing how much the sheriff was offering for an outlaw on a wanted poster. They bid their ranch goodbye, packed up what little they had, and rode off into the desert to start anew, not knowing a single thing about what was to come.
Though their endeavors started out lawful, a then-seventeen year old Tommy quickly grew bored of their meager earnings and convinced Joel to abandon the lawful bounty hunting in favor of working with outlaws, the two of them hunting out sheriffs and their own people instead.
This was how Joel met Sarah’s mother at the young age of twenty-one. She was ten years older than him, working in a bordello Tommy insisted on staying at for the night during one of their hunts. Joel was hesitant at first, but quickly found his footing once he spotted her across the room. She had dark skin, rich, brown eyes, and a figure like he’d never seen before. He was already hooked then, but once their visits grew more frequent, he realized it was more than just a drunken lust he felt for the woman. He loved her. And when she fell pregnant with his child, Joel took her down to the town church and married her before riding off again to go on his next hunt. He only saw her two more times before Sarah came, and then she was gone.
Joel tried to go back to his old life, but found it difficult to do what he needed to do with a baby in tow. The boys settled down in Utah for a while, but Tommy’s antics at the local saloon had them packing up and heading west to California. Tommy had some luck there panning for gold, but just as quickly as the last time, he got into a brawl and the three of them were forced back on the road. It went like this for a while, up until just a few months ago when they were talked out of moving out of their old family ranch by a wealthy man looking to buy it for a handsome sum, the money too appealing for Joel to decline.
That’s how they ended up here in the Middle of Nowhere, Texas.
Joel liked it here. It was quiet, there wasn’t any trouble, and everyone seemed to have an understanding that this place was for families, somewhere safe to keep your children in the midst of all this shooting and debauchery. Joel wanted to stay here, but there was a nagging voice every time he looked over at his reckless younger brother that told him it was only a matter of time before they’d have to pack it all up again and run off. He hoped this time, Tommy would learn his lesson.
“Daddy, can I go look at the flowers?” Sarah chimed as they reached the booming Main Street, her little finger pointing at a flower cart.
“Yeah, but don’t go runnin’ off too far,” he said, keeping a watchful eye on her as she skipped towards the daisies.
“I’m gonna go see about that wheelbarrow,” Tommy said, nudging his head in the direction of an old man’s roadside stand of junk.
“Anything that keeps you outta the saloon,” Joel said, his eyes still locked on his daughter as she chatted the ear off of the older woman selling flowers.
“Robert, you better stay out of there!”
Joel’s attention was turned in the direction of a faintly familiar voice calling down the street. There he spotted Dorothea, surrounded by five boys ranging from Sarah’s age to somewhere around her own. The eldest looking boy, Robert he assumed, waved her off as he continued ahead of them into the saloon and bordello, leaving her fuming as she tried to corral the three youngest to follow her while the second oldest followed in his brother’s footsteps.
“Dottie, look! It’s Sarah!” the youngest squealed, his finger pointing down the road at Sarah who was getting a flower pinned in her curls. “Can I go say hi?”
“Yeah, just stay where I can see ya,” she said, watching as all three boys ran off in Sarah’s direction.
Joel cleared his throat as he felt obligated to go over and say hello, but Dorothea spotted him first and gave him a polite nod from down the road before turning to head into the general store. A strange pang of disappointment hit him in the chest at her lack of interaction, but he quickly reminded himself that he didn’t want the responsibility of a friend. He had enough on his plate with his ranch, his daughter, and his brother.
“Daddy,” Sarah came strolling back over hand in hand with Dorothea’s youngest brother, both of them smiling cheekily. “This is my boyfriend, James.”
“Boyfriend, huh?” Joel gave the boy a playful once over and shook his head in feigned disapproval. “How about a boy friend?”
“Daddy,” she pouted and fixed a stern look on her face that looked every bit her mother.
“Alright, James, but I expect you to respect my daughter,” he said, playfully wagging his finger in the little boy’s face and poking his nose, earning a giggle.
“Yes, sir,” James smiled. “I think Sarah’s the love of my life.”
“Love of your life?” Joel asked, resting a hand on his hip. “You ain’t lived much life, son.”
“Six years of it,” he countered.
“Six years a long time to you?” Joel continued with a smile.
“Yeah. It’s my entire life,” the boy quipped, pulling a laugh out of Joel.
“I guess you’re right,” Joel chuckled. “Long as you treat her right, we ain’t gonna have a problem.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Those your brothers?” Joel nudged his chin in the direction of the two slightly older boys, one of them chasing the other with a flower he’d plucked from the lady’s cart.
“Yes, sir,” James nodded. “Ed and Bo.”
“And the other two?”
“Robert and Paul,” James said. “But they’re mean.”
“Yeah? They mean to you?” James nodded. Joel smiled and squatted down to be eye level with him. “Let me ask ya somethin’. One day, you’re gonna be big enough to be mean right back to ‘em,” James nodded. “That somethin’ you’re looking forward to?”
“No,” James shook his head.
“No? Why not?”
“I don’t like bein’ mean,” James said, shrugging his shoulders.
“Good answer,” Joel smiled. “I don’t want my daughter with somebody mean.”
“Boys! Come help me with these groceries!” Dorothea called from the shop, her eyes flickering to Joel as he stood up and turned to look at her. “They ain’t botherin’ y’all, are they?”
“No, ma’am,” he said, tipping the brim of his cowboy hat at her.
“Lord almighty, she’s a fine lookin’ woman,” Tommy appeared next to Joel, earning a stern glare from his older brother.
“She’s off limits,” James said, his own face scrunching up. “My daddy said so.”
“Well, your daddy hasn’t met me yet,” Tommy smiled. “She got a boyfriend?”
“No,” James replied defensively. “And she don’t want one neither.”
“What about a friend?” Tommy persisted.
“I’m her friend,” he said, crossing his little arms over his chest.
“Did you get the wheelbarrow?” Joel asked, desperate to stop his brother’s back and forth.
“Yep,” Tommy nodded.
“Good, now go on and use it. We need fire wood,” Joel said, tipping his chin towards the hardware store. Tommy sighed and did as his brother commanded while Joel urged both Sarah and James off towards the general store to pick up their weekly groceries.
“Daddy, can we get some blueberries to make another pie?” Sarah asked, pointing ahead at a pint of blueberries sitting on the table in the middle of the store along with the rest of this week’s harvest.
“I didn’t make the pie, baby,” he said. “Don’t know what else we’ll need.”
“Y’all talkin’ about my pie?” Dorothea asked, offering a smile to Sarah as she walked over holding a basket of fruit in her hand while her younger brothers carried the rest of the haul.
“You made it?” Sarah asked with delight.
“Yes, ma’am, I did,” Dorothea nodded. “You want the recipe?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Sarah smiled. “I’ll make my daddy teach me.”
“Is your daddy good at bakin’?” Dorothea chuckled, glancing over at Joel who watched her carefully.
“No,” Sarah frowned.
“No, he doesn’t look the part,” she smirked at him, watching as a subtle blush grew on his cheeks. “Well, maybe I could come and teach you since your daddy ain’t so good.”
“Daddy, can she?” Sarah asked, tugging on her fathers arm.
Joel looked down at his wide eyed daughter and felt affection bloom in his chest for her, immediately caving in to her request. “Sure, baby girl.”
“Alright, you want me to show you what you need?” Dorothea spoke to Joel, bringing his eyes back to hers.
“Yes, ma’am,” Joel nodded, gesturing at her to lead the way.
“Gonna need flour, y’all got that at home?” Joel nodded. “Butter?” Another nod. “How ‘bout milk?”
“We got our own cows,” he said.
“Looks like y’all ain’t gonna need much, then,” she smiled. “All’s left is some blueberries, a lemon, some sugar, and…I think that’s it.”
“You think?” Joel teased, quirking an eyebrow at her.
“I know,” she corrected herself with a smirk. “I’ll come by tomorrow afternoon, if that’s alright by y’all.”
“Sounds alright with me,” Joel smiled. “I’ll make sure Tommy ain’t around to bother ya.”
“Oh, you ain’t gotta worry about him. I think he’s kinda sweet…in his own special way,” she shrugged. Joel lifted his eyebrows in surprise at the jealousy that sparked inside him at the thought of Tommy and her together.
As if on cue, Tommy walked in, his eyes scanning the room until he spotted the three of them.
“Well if it ain’t Miss Dorothy,” he grinned.
“Dorothea,” James corrected from the counter as he scooped up the final sack of groceries.
“My apologies,” Tommy smirked. “Guess I’ll have to spend more time around ya. Get the name to stick.”
“Alright,” Joel rolled his eyes and patted Sarah on the shoulder, guiding her towards the counter to pay for their hail. “We’ll see ya tomorrow, then, Dorothea. Bring that James with ya if ya want. Word is him and Sarah are in love. I’d hate to come between that.”
Dorothea giggled and nodded. “That’d be a crime, now, wouldn’t it?”
“You’re comin’ by tomorrow?” Tommy asked, leaning against the counter.
“Yes, sir,” Dorothea nodded. “Showin’ your niece how to make my famous blueberry pie.”
“Got room for one more student?” he asked. “I’ve been meanin’ to learn how t’ bake.”
“Oh, have you now?” she giggled. “I suppose you can join us, long as you pay attention.”
“I’m gonna be payin’ attention, alright,” he smiled. “Have a good day, now, Dorothy.”
“Dorothe—“ She stopped herself from correcting him again once she realized he was now doing it on purpose, her head shaking as she smiled at him. “How ‘bout you just call me “Miss” from now on? Can’t get that wrong, can ya?”
“Ain’t no fun in that,” he smiled. “I’ll get it one ‘a these days.”
“I’m sure you will,” she rolled her eyes before looking to Joel. “See ya, Joel.”
Joel tipped his hat at her and watched her walk off back down the long road headed towards her ranch, her horde of brothers following closely behind.
“You gotta mess with her?” Joel asked Tommy as he pulled out a few notes and handed it to the clerk.
“Least she’s a nice woman,” Tommy reasoned. “Could be goin’ after one of my women at the bordello like you—“
“Watch it,” Joel warned seriously, no trace of amusement in his eyes as they flickered to an oblivious Sarah. “That mouth’s gonna get you in trouble, Tommy. One ‘a these days someone’s gonna come along and do somethin’ about it.”
“They already tried,” Tommy chuckled. “I’ll take my chances.”
Joel only shook his head as he led the three of them out of the store, Tommy’s hands busied by the wheelbarrow hauling lumber while Joel carried their bag of groceries and Sarah worked on the lollipop the cashier handed over to her.
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“Dot, come down and help your mama with hangin’ clothes!” Dorothea’s mother, Jessa, called up the staircase of their quaint farmhouse, interrupting her journaling.
“Yes, mama!” she called back, closing her books before making her way downstairs to tug her boots on before entering the mid-morning heat. She joined her mother out in front of the lawn as she sat scrubbing the dirty laundry on her washing board, a few sheets already hung up on the line.
“Thank you, baby,” she said, wiping her brow. “It’s hot out today.”
“It’s been hot out every day,” Dorothea commented. “How’re the crops lookin’?”
“Your daddy don’t bother tellin’ me anymore,” she said. “Half of me wonders if we wouldn’t be better off packin’ up and movin’ west. I hear there’s still plenty gold.”
“Who ya gonna get to mine for it? Daddy’s back can’t take it, and your two eldest don’t seem to care ‘bout nothin’ except goin’ to the saloon.”
“Don’t you wish we had that luxury?” Jessa said with a smirk. “I know I’d like to be able to run off whenever I want and drink the night away.”
“I don’t care much for the drinkin’, but I would like to know what it feels like to do whatever I want whenever I wanna do it,” Dorothea replied. “Instead we gotta ask permission anytime we wanna leave the house. Makes ya sad if you think about it too much.”
“I’ll tell you somethin’,” Jessa locked eyes with her daughter. “You ever feel like sneakin’ off for a night—maybe go see a pretty boy—you can count on me t’keep your secret. Long as ya tell me, I’ll watch out for ya.”
“You gonna lie to daddy for me?” Dorothea giggled.
“Lord knows I’ve done worse things.”
Dorothea quirked an eyebrow at her mother, smirking in interest.
Jessa ignored her daughter’s curiosity. “So this mean there’s a boy?”
“No,” Dorothea shook her head. “Not yet, at least.”
“Come on, now,” Jessa smiled.
“James’ new friend, Sarah, has an uncle,” she shrugged. “He seems interested.”
“But you ain’t?”
“I don’t know, mama,” she blushed. “He’s fine and all, but…he ain’t really what I’m lookin’ for.”
“Why’s that?”
“He talks too much,” Dorothea replied, earning a hearty laugh from her mother.
“You’re just like me, ain’t ya?”
“Sarah’s dad, however—“
“Dad? How old is he?” Jessa furrowed his brows.
“He doesn’t look much older than me,” she replied. “But he’s quieter. Doesn’t talk unless he has to. And he was sweet with James,” she said. “Thought it was cute.”
“But he ain’t interested in you like the brother is?” Jessa asked.
“I don’t think so,” she said, grabbing the last piece of wet clothing from her mother’s hands and wringing it out before hanging it on the line. “Either way, I don’t foresee any sneakin’ out in my future.”
“A little sneakin’ out would do you some good,” Jessa argued. “You’re too well behaved for your own good.”
“Someone’s gotta be,” she smiled and nudged her head in the direction of the house. “Alright, I gotta go change.”
“Where you off to?”
“Helpin’ Sarah make a pie,” she said.
“Mmhm,” Jessa smirked. “Well tell the uncle and the daddy I said hello.”
“Sure, mama,” she smiled back knowingly before skipping off to the house.
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“There she is,” Tommy chimed as Dorothea walked up the steps of the porch, a sweet tea in his hand as he leaned against the doorframe.
“Where’s my student?” Dorothea smirked, tilting her head at him.
“Right here,” he said, gesturing at himself. “Ready to learn.”
“I meant my promisin’ student,” she countered, bringing a grin to his face.
“She’s out back with her daddy,” he said, tipping his head back towards the house. “But we could get started without her.”
“I’m sure you’d like that,” she chuckled. “I’m gonna go find her.”
“I’ll be right here,” he drawled, watching her as she walked down the steps and rounded the corner of the house.
Out back, she was met with the sight of Sarah filling the pigs trough full of scraps while her father brushed the mane of a chestnut horse, his white shirt pulling taut across the breadth of his shoulders.
“Hey, y’all,” she announced herself, drawing both pairs of eyes to hers.
“Dorothea!” Sarah chimed, abandoning her work at the pig pen to come skipping over. “Time for pie?”
“Yes, ma’am,” she smiled, her eyes trailing from the little girl in front of her to her much larger father as he walked over, his blue jeans clinging to his legs as if they were painted on.
“Miss Dorothea,” he tipped his hat at her. “You come to take this trouble maker off my hands?”
“You causin’ trouble?” Dorothea asked, looking back to the six year old.
“Daddy’s lyin,” she grinned.
“So I got a troublemaker and a liar on my hands,” Dorothea smiled, looking back to Joel. “Ya gonna stay out here, or ya gonna join us inside?”
“Ain’t gonna be much help, I’m afraid,” he smiled.
“You can be our taste-tester,” she shrugged. “And maybe you can keep that brother of yours on a leash. He seems particularly determined today.”
“I apologize for his forwardness,” Joel spoke sincerely. “He thinks he’s smooth ‘cause every woman he’s ever talked to has been eager. He don’t realize it’s ‘cause he paid ‘em to be.”
Dorothea laughed, her brows lifting in shock at the racy nature of his joke.
“I’m sorry,” he said, realizing himself. “Forget I’m talkin’ to a lady.”
“Am I that homely?” she teased. “Maybe I’ll wear my best dress next time. Get Tommy to remember my name and you to remember you’re talkin’ to a woman.”
“Yeah, daddy,” Sarah scolded. “Where’s your manners?”
“I must’a lost ‘em,” he joked.
“Well, me and Dottie’ll help you find ‘em,” she sassed, grabbing Dorothea’s hand and dragging her along back to the house, Joel smiling to himself as he followed them.
“So, cows, a horse, pigs…looks like you’ve got yourself a ranch,” she said, looking behind her as Sarah continued tugging her along.
“Yep,” he agreed.
“You don’t talk much, do ya?”
“Try not to,” he said.
“Any reason?”
“Find people like me a little better when I keep my mouth shut,” he replied, earning another laugh.
“Someone must’a trained you right,” she joked. “Tommy on the other hand—“
“Y’all talkin’ ‘bout me?” Tommy spoke from the porch as the three of them ascended the steps. “Good things, I hope.”
“Hope is a dangerous thing,” Dorothea quipped, earning a chuckle from Joel, the sound drawing her eyes away from Tommy and over to him.
“I don’t get it,” Tommy said, smiling even though his brows were drawn together.
“Nevermind, let’s just get workin’,” Dorothea said, gesturing for him to lead the way.
“He ain’t too clever,” Joel leaned over Dorothea’s shoulder as they filtered inside, whispering to her, and she would’ve laughed if she hadn’t been so caught off guard by his proximity.
“You know anythin’ ‘bout makin’ a carrot cake? My mama used to make the best, and I haven’t found anythin’ quite as good since,” Tommy called from the kitchen as Dorothea remained frozen in the entryway, her eyes watching Joel as he squeezed past her to join his brother and daughter inside the small kitchen. “You hear me?”
“Yeah, sorry,” Dorothea cleared her head and composed herself as she walked in to join them. “Carrot cake, ya said? I don’t think I’ve ever made one.”
“Well, you had to have a flaw,” Tommy drawled.
“I’ve got a few,” she countered.
“Like what?”
“I’m very particular,” she replied.
“‘Bout what?”
“I like the quiet,” she said, smirking at him. “And I get real bossy.”
“I can shut up,” he said. “And I can follow orders.”
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,” Joel groaned, sitting down at their round dinner table.
“Alright, then, if you’re so good at shuttin’ up and followin’ orders, how ‘bout you go sit down and stay quiet while me and Sarah get to work.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Tommy grinned, walking over to the table by the window to sit with his brother while Dorothea and Sarah got to work. “She likes me.”
“She hates you,” Joel corrected.
“What d’you know about women, huh? When’s the last time you talked to somethin’ as pretty as that?”
“Just a few minutes ago in the yard,” he said, lifting an eyebrow to signal his victory.
“You think she likes talkin’ to you anymore than me?” Tommy asked with a smug smile. “I can’t imagine how crazy someone’d have to be to find you interestin’. All you do is take care ‘a the ranch and complain.”
“I didn’t say she liked talkin’ t’me,” Joel shrugged. “Just that we talked.”
“Yeah, well, leave the talkin’ to me,” Tommy said. “I’ll have me a wife come winter, you’ll see.”
“She ain’t gonna marry you,” Joel chuckled.
“Why not?”
“You ain’t committed to nothin’ but causin’ trouble,” he said. “No amount ‘a pretty’s gonna change ya that quick.”
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“Well,” Dorothea smiled across the table at Joel as he hauled a bite of her and Sarah’s creation into his mouth, Tommy long gone and out at the saloon while Sarah laid in the living room fast asleep from two thick slices of pie. “Any good?”
“Ya know it’s good,” he said, flickering his eyes at her before dropping them back to his plate.
“Is it always like pullin’ teeth with you?” Joel furrowed his brows as he looked at her again. “Givin’ a sincere compliment?”
“It was sincere,” he said.
“Guess I’m expectin’ somethin’ more like Tommy’s reaction.”
“What, fallin’ to my knees?” he joked, cracking a half smirk. “My knees are busted. I’ll have to praise you from my seat.”
“You and him are so different,” she commented, watching him as he ate. “He’s…wild. Too wild. Reminds me of my two brothers.”
“The ones who went into that…establishment?” he asked, wiping his mouth on a scrap of cloth he’d fashioned into a napkin.
“Yeah, them two,” she nodded. “You ever…been to one ‘em?”
Joel froze a bit, his hand pausing as he lifted a glass of milk to his mouth for a sip. “You askin’ me—“
“I just wanna know what they’re like,” she shrugged. “What they do.”
“You’re better off not knowin’.”
“Well, the men always seem to leave happy,” she said.
“They sure do,” he blushed and brought his cup the rest of the way to his lips, taking a swig before setting it down. “But I ain’t completely sure if that’s somethin’ you need’a know about.”
“Why is it that you boys get’a have all this fun and us girls are supposed to stay home and bake pies, sit and wonder what y’all are doin? What if I wanted to go into a bordello?”
“I ain’t sure it’s they’d know what t’do with ya,” he chuckled.
“Is it—are they…makin’ love?” she whispered the last line, causing Joel to choke on his bite, his fist pounding against his chest to clear it.
“I—“ He shook his head, lost for what to say. “I don’t know that I’d call it that.”
“But they are…sleepin’ together?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “But they ain’t doin’ no sleepin’.”
“And that’s where Tommy ran off to?”
Joel hesitated for a moment but nodded.
“Well, then I know for certain I don’t want him,” she said, looking at her plate.
“You don’t like…those kinda men?” he asked, recalling his own past.
“I don’t like men who get around,” she clarified. “If a man wants me, I better be the only one. But so far, I haven’t met a man willin’ to hang up his hat.”
“They’ll grow outta it,” he said.
“Did you?” she asked, knocking his boot under the table with hers.
“I had my day,” he said, locking eyes with her. “Sarah’s mom—she, uh—I met her in one of those…places.”
“But you married her.”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “Never liked two-timin’.”
“Well, there’s still hope to be had, then,” she smiled. “Just hope I’m still young and pretty by the time these boys decide t’grow up.”
“How old are you?” he asked, leaning back in his chair.
“I’ll be twenty-five on Christmas,” she said.
“Christmas, huh?”
“Yeah, makes it easy on my mama and daddy,” she joked. “What about you?”
“Twenty-eight,” he replied. “Twenty-nine in September.”
“Birthday just passed, then,” she said. “I’ll have t’bake you a belated birthday cake.”
“You tryin’ to win me over with food?” he flirted, just to test the waters.
“I didn’t know I was tryin’ to win you over,” she smiled.
“I wouldn’t mind if you did.”
“Your brother would,” she countered.
“Yeah,” he shrugged.
Dorothea sat there watching him with a smile, searching his eyes for any sign of a cruel joke being played on her but found none. Even still, she wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do in this sort of situation. She’d been flirted with for half her life, but was never interested enough to flirt back. Until now.
“I guess I should be goin’ off,” she said, swallowing her feelings for the man in front of her out of sheer fear of falling flat on her face.
“You gonna get home alright?” he asked, standing up when she stood to carry her plate to the sink. “Could take the horse.”
“No, I’m alright,” she assured with a smile, turning around to find Joel right in front of her, his chin tipped downwards as she looked up into his molasses brown eyes. Though she remained breathless, she couldn’t help but let out an airy chuckle as she lifted her hand to press it against the firm wall of his chest. She didn’t push him away, she simply rested it over his heartbeat to feel for a similar rhythm to her own. “You’re awfully close.”
“Would’ya like me to step back?” he asked, his eyes darting across her features, admiring the curve of her button nose.
“No,” she replied, what was supposed to be playful turning into a whisper as she watched tongue peek out and swipe over his bottom lip. She couldn’t help herself but to want to trace the line, too, her hand raising to rest over his bearded jaw while her thumb ghosted across the bow of his lip. “Never kissed anybody before, y’ know that?”
“S’easier than you’d think,” he whispered back, leaning down to slowly fill the gap between their lips, Dorothea’s eyes fluttering shut as she splayed her hand over his cheek while the other lifted to bury her fingers in his curls.
Joel hummed into the kiss as his lips landed against the pillowy softness of her pout, his chest pressing to hers as he pressed her into the counter behind her, his hands gripping the edge of the rustic wood.
Dorothea’s brows laced together as she tried to keep her head above water in this sea of him. He tasted like the pie she spent all afternoon baking and a little bit of whiskey, the warmth of both heating her skin up as she melted into him.
“Daddy,” Sarah called from the other room, her tiny voice thick with sleep. Joel pulled back first, leaving Dorothea to chase his lips with her eyes still shut. He smiled at the sight and leaned forward to kiss her forehead, pulling her out of her haze.
“I gotta go take her t’bed,” he whispered, his voice raspy in her ear as his lips came to rest there. “Wait for me.”
Dorothea couldn’t speak, her olive colored cheeks turning a shade of red as she watched him walk back and out of the room, his voice soft as he spoke to his daughter, scooping her up in his arms and carrying her down the hall
She stood there resting against the counter, her hand resting on her heated cheeks, smiling at the wood beneath her feet.
Was this what it felt like to want somebody? Did it always feel this good? A blood rush to the head?
Joel found his way back into the living room a few minutes later, finding her in that same spot, still spinning over his touch.
“I…hope that was alright,” he said, seemingly catching her by surprise, her eyes jumping away from the floor to meet his. “I hope I didn’t…assume—“
“I think ya did, just a little bit, but that’s alright,” she smiled, walking over to meet him in the middle of the room, her hands sliding over his chest to loop around his neck. “You assumed right.”
“Tommy ain’t gonna like this,” Joel warned, resting his hands on the small of her back.
“He doesn’t got any claim over me,” she replied, her eyes flickering back to his mouth. “Y’know, your lips are softer than they look.”
“That supposed t’be a compliment?” he smiled and she nodded. “Well, thank ya, ma’am.”
“I like when you call me that,” she grinned. “When you use those southern manners.”
“Yeah?” he grinned back, leaning down to brush his lips over hers. “You like when I’m quiet and polite?”
She laughed softly and nodded, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “Like that you know when to talk and when to shut up.”
“Then I’ll shut up now,” he said, smiling into the kiss as he squeezed her closer, his tongue swiping across her bottom lip before grazing the tip of her tongue. Dorothea moaned into the kiss, the sound causing Joel to short circuit and pull away, his forehead resting against hers. “You gotta go home.”
“Yeah,” she nodded, still breathless.
“Come see me tomorrow, if you got the time,” he said, pulling back to comb his hand through her brown waves as they hung loosely down her shoulder and back.
“I’ll see if I can sneak off,” she grinned, stepping back from his embrace to walk out the front door to his porch.
“I’ll see ya,” she said, biting her lip as she turned on her heel to walk down the steps of his porch.
“Bye, Dorothea,” he smiled to himself, tucking his hands in his pockets and leaning against the doorframe as he watched her frame get tinier and tinier as she walked down the long, dirt road until she disappeared out of view, taking the sunshine with her.
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hahskeleton · 1 month
Can we have some facts about the harpy au?
ask and you shall receive :)
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Table of contents: Favorite things of the harpies - 1st indent Dislikes of the harpies - 2nd indent Eclipse facts - 3rd indent Moon facts - 4th indent Sun facts - 5th indent The Wisp Brothers Facts - 6th indent Y/N Facts - 7th indent AU facts - 8th indent
Eclipse: Fish, daisies, spooky stories, mangoes, woodpeckers, orange, purple, autumn, going for a fly at dusk, pumpkin seeds, y/n, throwing things into lakes (rocks, sticks etc), (more coming soon)
Moon: Bacon and eggs, reading, people watching, scarves, blue, clouds, grapes, plain (no sauce) cooked pasta noodles, stars/astronomy (more coming soon)
Sun: Marigolds, ferrets, pink roses, frogs, butterflies, waterfalls, jelly sandwiches, pumpkin pie, decorate random things, doing harmless pranks, playing his flute (more coming soon)
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Eclipse: Frogs, pineapple, scorching hot days, mustard, cruel parents, his Lichtenberg Figure (big scar on his back), lightning storms, (more coming soon)
Moon: Lemons, Eclipse, crying, cats, removing his hat, winter, molting, lightning storms, (more coming soon)
Sun: Flying in bad weather, mushrooms, ruffled feathers, mildly dirty things, Moon’s night terrors, falling, being treated like a kid, (more coming soon)
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Eclipse Facts:
Never liked Olympus
Absolutely HATES frogs for no apparent reason
Thinks his cave gets lonely sometimes
Has been struck by lightning (he’s got a scar now)
Loves storms but is terrified to fly in them
He’s got the groggiest voice in history (or so he claims)
Buries unloved and under-treated children in a field because their parents won’t do it themselves
Taught himself to draw (he’s not super good but… yk…)
He’s around 7.5-8 feet tall
Thinks he’s charming
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Moon Facts
Is fascinated by humans
Would kill/do anything for his brother, Sun
Has never had a love interest
Hates his brother Eclipse (now)
Used to tolerate Eclipse (back then)
Has frequent night terrors causing panic attacks
His freckles glow when flustered
Absolutely hates crying
His favorite food is bacon and eggs
Is allergic to marigolds (just gets the sniffles, nothing too bad)
Used to have has a problem with plucking feathers
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Sun Facts:
His favorite flowers are marigolds but Moon’s allergic to them :(
Loves to play with small animals (squirrels, frogs, butterflies, etc.)
Enjoys foraging
He’s the family cooker (until him and Moon left Eclipse)
Embodiment of anxiety
Good at hiding stress and feelings in general
Smells literally every flower he sees
Stargazing is fun for him
Never had a love interest
Always wanted a cat (Moon said no)
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Wisp Brothers Facts:
They are VERY short boys and they can shrink even smaller
Lunar and Jack’s fire that they have is actually cold, not hot
they get up to a lot of shenanigans together
Lunar can get serious sometimes; Jack has no thoughts behind his eyes
Killed by [ ]
They like to visit the cabin y/n lives in
Lunar hates harpies
Jack doesn’t remember a lot of things including how he died and why Lunar hates harpy!eclipse
Lunar takes good care of Jack
Jack was supposed to be created to protect Lunar and vice versa
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Y/N Facts:
They inherited their grandpa’s cabin in a village (the cabin is in the woods near the village)
uses magic
doesn’t know shit about magic (uses it anyway)
They own a Birman cat named Poncho
mythology nerd
only had one friend in the village and his name is Nathan (all the other folks hate them because they think y/n’s a witch/warlock (Nathan’s fake))
likes harpies
LOVES mangoes for no apparent reason
sort of a crazy introvert/ambivert
likes to get cozy by a fireplace with a book
they have glasses but they never wear them because they think they’re stupid looking
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AU Facts
The AU’s birthday is on April 3rd
Drabbles, AO3 works, art and comics will be posted
There’s a lot of lore
Perhaps I will open a “Talk to the Harpies” event later
there’s a blog: @dca-harpy-au-blog
the creator (me) allows and loves fanart and all other things like that
(more facts coming soon)
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horrorcore2002 · 1 year
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_*_ DISCLAIMER! The following content mentions: Fem reader, black/brown reader, chubby reader, cussing, and this shit is everywhere, mostly abt food and his taste for it Bakugou headcanons
★ First things first right off the bat I think Bakugou likes women of color
★ Like, black and brown women? that's all you needed to say
★ Especially thick or chubby girls (what can I say, he's got good taste)
★ Thinks stretchmarks are the cutest thing a woman could have
★ We all know he's a chef, but I think he sucks at baking 100%
★ Would do some fucked up shit like using olive oil in cake batter or burning betty crocker cake mix (if you can bake, he'll only eat your baking and that's it.)
★ Hates overly sweet frosting, like REFUSES to eat it will scrape off the chunk of cake that touched it and be done with it.
★ Hates cake even more if it's dry as shit, cause then he's to drink water or milk, and water with cake is disgusting, and milk just grosses him out.
★ Does like Red velvet cake with whipped cream instead of frosting
★ Listens to R&B when he's sad as shit. Like, I'm talking 3am, I don't wanna sleep cause I'll have to wake up for tomorrow, so instead I'll read a romance novel sad.
★ I also feel like he likes fried sushi or California roll sushi because they don't traditionally have that in Japan and he thinks the American twist to it is cool
★ Or he'd think it atrocious and not want it ever again. There is no in-between
★ When it comes to dating, he doesn't pay attention much, like if it's meant to really happen for him, it'll happen, but if not, then oh well.
★ However, don't expect him to make the first move. If he has to, he's gonna have to be drunk off his ass.
★ I feel like he really likes his mom, even if he yells at her (and she yells right back) because she actually gives him good advice and he respects the hell out of her and would do little things as a kid
★ like draw sumn making fun of her, or pick flowers and dandelions, or get her water when he knows she hasn't been drinking it, with a snippy insult on the side
★ He's a mama's boy, but will never ever admit it. Like ever. You mention it, and he'll gaslight you.
★ I personally think his favorite superhero movie (besides anything All-Might) is Guardians of the Galaxy and The Avengers
★ Likes Rocket the best, and then second is Gamora
★ Has a complex relationship with the Hulk movie, cause the movie plot was pretty good, but he fuckin hates the graphics (if u know u know)
★ Really likes The Hulk tho, cause he looks cool
★ But likes Red Hulk more, cause he looks cooler, and because he hates Bruce Banner cause he reminds him of Deku
★ I feel like he'd be a huge fan of other foods from different cultures, cause he likes trying new shit, because the same damn thing over and over pisses him off
★ It's one of his pet peeves
★ He also likes black Air Forces, because their black, and he just likes them better cause he's secretly still in his emo phase (and cause he's kinda crazy)
★ Back to food again (sry this entire thing is everywhere) but I think he would love chili fries, or animal style fries, with like, a shit ton of hot sauce
★ wants to travel the world with you (will never admit it though)
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munsonsgirl71 · 2 years
Everything To Me
Warnings: 18+ ONLY. Female reader. Rockstar!Eddie. Daddy Kink. Multiple orgasms mentioned. PIV unprotected (wrap it before you tap it kids). Fluff (cause it's me).
A/N: This is SUPER short and I don't know where it came from but it's the first thing I have finished in WEEKS and I needed to post it. Hope you enjoy! Comments and reblogs are much appreciated! As a reminder REQUESTS ARE OPEN (see pinned post for rules)
Your chest is heaving, fat tears are rolling down your cheeks, your face is burning hot and bright red as you look up into the big, brown bambi eyes of your lover. 
“Oh, baby, that was a big one, huh?” Eddie coos as he reaches up and moves the damp hair away from your sweat slicked forehead. All you can manage is a nod as your eyes close in a blink that seems to be in slow motion. “Think you can give Daddy another? You’re doing so good for me, sweetheart.” 
You’re so fucked out and cock drunk you’d give him just about anything he asked for so nod again. He pulls back slowly, making you whine at the loss of his hips pressed against yours. He chuckles under his breath as he pushes back in just as slow. You can feel every inch, every vein, every ridge as he sinks back into the hilt. 
“Feel good, baby?” His question is pointless. He can see the blissed out look all over your face as he pulls out and pushes back in same as before. He’s been fucking into you for over an hour, you’ve had five orgasms and were craving more even though your whole body ached. “Talk to me. I wanna hear you.” 
“Eddie. Please.” It’s barely above a whisper as it leaves your lips. “Please.” 
“I got you, sweet girl.” He leans down and presses a soft, warm kiss to your lips as his hips roll again and your breath catches. “Don’t worry. Daddy’s got you.” 
“I love you.” 
“I love you more.” He counters with another roll and you can feel the coil already tightening in your belly again. “I'm gonna cum this time but I need to move faster, you okay?” 
“M’okay.” You sigh as you lazily draw your fingers up and down his bicep that's resting against your ribs. “Fuck me. Please.”
“You’re so sweet with your manners.” He praises with another kiss before he pulls back and rams into you hard, your scream vibrates through the room. “There she is. There’s my good girl.” 
His pace picks up, he’s relentless with his thrusts, hitting you just where you need him and your screaming and crying and writhing underneath him as your sixth orgasm explodes through your body. He sits back on his heels and pulls your hips up with him, hands grabbing the fat of your ass as he pounds into you like a wild animal. He is grunting and groaning and throwing out the most filthy phrases as he chases his own release. With a chest tearing growl he stills and your body jerks as his sticky white cum coats your walls. He collapses on top of you with hot, heavy breaths fanning over your throat. 
“I think you should wear that dress more often.” He lets out a breathy laugh as he pulls his up and looks down at you with all the love in the world. 
“I can't just wear my wedding dress around town, silly boy.” You giggle as he kisses you quickly before jumping up off the bed and holding a hand out to you. 
“How about a hot bath in that big jacuzzi tub, Mrs. Munson?” 
“I would love to, Mr. Munson.” You take his hand and let him lead you into the en suite of your honeymoon suite, sickly sweet, blissed out grins on both your faces. "Hey!" You pull his hand just as he reaches the threshold of the bathroom and he turns to you with questioning eyes. “Thank you for today and for everything. It was perfect.” 
“You are perfect.” He beams his brightest smile as he pulls you into his chest and wraps his arms around your waist. “Thank you for allowing me to become your husband. It is the single greatest accomplishment of my life.” 
“Yeah, says three time Grammy winner, Eddie Munson.” you roll your eyes and his grip around your waist becomes tighter. 
“I mean it. None of this would mean shit without you. You are everything to me.” 
“And you are everything to me.” You push up on your tiptoes and press a quick kiss to his lips before you push him off of you with a smirk. “How about a round seven?” 
“I thought you’d never ask.” 
Needless to say Eddie beat his record that night… pulling twelve orgasms out of you before you finally passed out from the pleasure. He wrapped you in his arms and pressed sweet kisses to your temple before sleep finally started to creep in on him, his eyes never leaving your intertwined hands where your brand new rings sat nestled next to each other. 
Yeah, fuck the Grammy’s. This was so much better.
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